X-X-X-X-X-X - X-X: Office of The Secretary
X-X-X-X-X-X - X-X: Office of The Secretary
X-X-X-X-X-X - X-X: Office of The Secretary
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Republic of the Philippines 0/- /~~ ~I't.
In line with the Department's objective to improve the current project monitoring and contract
management processes within the Department, the procedures manual and an enterprise-wide
Project and Contract Management Application (PCMA) are hereby adopted to effectively manage
and monitor all infrastructure (civil works) projects inclusive of contracts and projects by
administration, regardless of fund source. Contracts include Negotiated Contracts and
Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs) with Local Government Units (LGUs)/Other Agencies (OA).
The policies to be adopted in relation to the implementation of the project and contract
management procedures and application are as follows:
1. The PCMA will replace the Project Monitoring System (PMS) and Project Management
Office Monitoring System (PMOMS). The PCMA will be the official monitoring system for
2016 Projects and onwards, while the PMS/PMOMSwill still be used to monitor Projects
from 2015 and prior years.
2. The PCMA will utilize the new Project ID and Project Component ID structure in the
Multi-Year Programming and Scheduling (MYPS) application, while the PMS/PMOMSwill
still use the same Project ID structure under Department Order (DO) No. 56, Series of
2012 Procedures for Assignment of Project ID/No.
3. The PCMAwill adhere to the new way of project identification and definition as prescribed
by DO No. 11, Series of 2015, or latest issuance. Therefore, monitoring of physical
accomplishments for 2016 projects and onwards will be by Project, Project Component,
and Contract.
4. Only civil work projects with work locations will be passed from MYPSand monitored in
5. The PCMAwill use the Standard Pay Items (with standard subscripts) for objective status
reporti ng.
6. The PCMA can be updated any time, however, the data will be locked at the last calendar
day of the month for reporting to management.
D.O. No. Of, , s. 2016
Implementation of Project and Contract Procedures and Application
Page 2 of 2
7. The electronic Project Life Cycle (ePLC) will be used to merge PCMA and PMSjPMOMS
data and to generate the Merged Monitoring Reports for the management. For 2016
projects and onwards, the Project Component 10 will be used to link physical and financial
data as required in DO No. 36, Series of 2012 Use of PMS Project 10 in eNGAS and
eBUDGET Systems.
8. The Infrastructure Right-of-Way (I ROW) acquisition for Civil Works projects, as well as
Dredging, given its critical nature, will also be monitored in PCMA.
9. The standard format of Notice to Proceed (NTP) (refer to attached Annex A) shall be
adopted. The Standard NTP indicates the Contract Effectivity Date. For Locally-Funded
Projects (LFPs), the contract effectivity date shall be within seven (7) calendar days from
issuance of the NTP, while for Foreign-Assisted Projects (FAPs), the contract effectivity
shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the Lending Institution.
10. The Implementing Offices must comply with the procedures, specific data requirements
and business rules built into PCMA Project and Contract Management Procedures Manual
issued and updated by the Bureau of Construction. This shall supersede the Road Project
Management and Supervision Manual ?d Edition, Vol. I: Main Text and Vol. II: Sample
Forms and Document prescribed for implementation under DO No. 94, Series of 2014.
This Department Order shall take effect immediately and shall supersede DO 134, Series of 2004,
for the deadline of submission of Project Monitoring Reports, and DO 56, Series of 2012, for the
assignment of Project 10, for 2016 projects onwards only.
Annex A
Date: _
Contractor's Name:
Contractor's Address:
Contractor's Contact No.:
As the attached Contract Agreement with you for the above-stated Contract has been
approved, we hereby instruct you to execute the provisions in the said Contract effective on
___________ (seven (7) calendar days upon issuance of this notice).
Project Description:
Contract 10:
Contract Name:
Contract Cost:
Contract Duration:
You shall perform the Contract works in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract
Agreement, including the Conditions of Contract and Specifications.
Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this Notice by signing both copies thereof in the
space provide~ below. Keep one copy and return the others to us.
(10 Head)
(10 Head Designation)
Form B
Date: _
Contractor's Name:
Contractor's Address:
Contractor's Contact No.:
As the attached Contract Agreement with you for the above-stated Contract has been
approved, we hereby instruct you to execute the provisions in the said Contract effective on
___________ (30 calendar days upon issuance of this notice).
Project Description:
Contract 10:
Contract Name:
Contract Cost:
Contract Duration:
You shall perform the Contract works in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract
Agreement, including the Conditions of Contract and Specifications.
Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this Notice by signing both copies thereof in the
space provided below. Keep one copy and return the others to us.
(10 Head)
(10 Head Designation)