Aos Warscroll Lord Aquilor en

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Commanders of the Vanguard Auxiliary Chambers, the Lord-Aquilors are masters of the hunt, tracking their foes across the Mortal
Realms as they ride the winds aetheric. When the foe is cornered, the Lord-Aquilor will strike with their starbound blade, channelling
their hatred of the enemies of Order into every blow as their Gryph-charger savages the opponent with beak and claws.

MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

12" Heavy Boltstorm Pistol 9" 4 3+ 3+ - 1


MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

7 3+

Starbound Blade 1" 3 3+ 3+ -1 2


Shock Handaxe 1" 2 3+ 3+ - 1
Gryph-chargers Razor Beak and Claws 1" 3 3+ 3+ -2 1


A Lord-Aquilor is a single model armed with Ride the Winds Aetheric: Gryph-chargers can Lord of the Azyrite Hurricane: If a Lord-Aquilor
a Starbound Blade, a Shock Handaxe and a move faster than the eye can follow along the uses this ability, they direct their warriors to
Heavy Boltstorm Pistol. They also bear an Astral winds aetheric, though the shifting of these winds fade and strike from an unexpected direction,
Compass, and ride a fearsome Gryph-charger that makes such movement perilous at times. In his whirling around the enemy like a cyclone. You
lashes out with its Razor Beak and Claws. movement phase, a Lord-Aquilor can choose can remove the Lord-Aquilor and/or a friendly
to Ride the Winds Aetheric instead of moving unit of Vanguard-Hunters, Vanguard-Palladors,
normally. If they do so, choose the direction in Vanguard-Raptors or Aetherwings within 24" of
ABILITIES which they will move, and then roll six dice. The them from the battlefield and set them up in your
Astral Compass: The Astral Compass shows the Lord-Aquilor can move up to a number of inches subsequent movement phase as if they had been set
Lord-Aquilor the best route to strike at their foe, equal to the result in the direction chosen, moving up in pursuit (see Astral Compass, left).
no matter the terrain or the distance they must over terrain and other models as if they could fly.
travel. Instead of setting up a Lord-Aquilor on the They must end their movement more than 3" from
battlefield, you can place the model to one side enemy models if this is impossible, they cannot
and say that it is set up in pursuit. In any of your move at all. The Lord-Aquilor cannot run or charge
movement phases, you can summon the Lord- in a turn in which they Ride the Winds Aetheric.
Aquilor to strike at the enemys flanks. When you
do so, set up the Lord-Aquilor wholly within 6" of Aethereal Strike: Any rolls to hit of 6 or more with
any edge of the battlefield, more than 7" from the the Gryph-chargers Razor Beak and Claws cause a
enemy. This is their move for that movement phase. mortal wound instead of their normal damage.


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