Fundamental Nature of Magnetism
Fundamental Nature of Magnetism
Fundamental Nature of Magnetism
At the end of the topic session the students are expected to:
1. Explain how moving charge generates magnetic f ield.
2. Solve f or the magnetic f ield of dif f erent possible conf igurations
of a conductor.
3. Solve f or the f orce between two parallel currents and
determine whether the f orce is attractive or repulsive.
4. Enumerate the three types of magnetic materials and explain
how they respond to external magnetic f ield.
1. Work as a team during laboratory exercise.
1. Visualize and sketch magnetic f ields.
2. Use right-hand rule in determining the direction of the magnetic
f ield produced by a current.
o topic slides
o paper and pen
o whiteboard and whiteboard marker
o scientif ic calculator
o student handout
o globe
o Examine this instructors guide, the topic slides and the student
handout prior to the lesson. This will give the instructor an idea
on how to deliver the lesson. Some parts might need alteration
depending on the needs of a particular group of students and
the teaching style of instructor.
o Anticipate the questions that the student might ask and be
prepared to answer them.
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Physics 2
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Phy s ic s 2
Cond uc t or s
In our previous discussion, we learned that magnetic f ield can exert
w i t h Cu r r en t
force on two things, magnets and moving charged particles (whether
Electric currents generate magnetic field.
isolated or traveling through a conductor). Moreover, a magnetic f ield
Hans Christian Oersted noticed that electric can exert only a f orce only when the charge is moving, or when the
currents can influence a compass needle.
Oersted and Andr-Marie Ampre shows that magnetic f ield is moving relative to the charge. Magnetic f ield cannot
current carrying wires exert force to one
another. exert f orce on a stationary charge.
Straight Conductor Gravitational f ield can exert f orce only on physical entities with mass
The direction of the magnetic field in a (and theref ore has its own gravitational f ield). Electric f ield can exert
straight conductor can be determined using
the right-hand rule. force only on objects or particles with charge (and theref ore has its own
gravitational f ield. Magnetic f ield, on the other hand, can exert f orce on
both magnets and moving charge. Comparing to gravitational and
electric f ields, we can say that magnetic f ield can exert f orce on
magnets because magnets also have their own magnetic f ield, but
what about moving charge?
Funda m e nta l Na ture of M a gne tism * Prope rty of STI
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Straight Conductor
In the f igure above, the convention that the current is the movement of
positive charge carriers (holes) still holds. The actual movement of
electrons is simply to the opposite direction along the conductor.
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Phy s ic s 2
Single-Loop Conductor
Cond uc t or s
w i t h Cu r r en t The right-hand rule in magnetic f ield generated by a current does not
only apply to straight conductor but also to conductors bend to different
Single-Loop Conductor
shapes. However, you might need to use the right-hand rule t wo or
The conductor may be in the shape of circle,
ellipse or polygon.
more times along the conductor to be able to visualize the magnetic
The magnetic field lines direction must be
according to the right-hand rule with respect to
f ield lines.
the current.
For a single-loop conductor, such as conductors in the shape of circle,
ellipse or polygon, the f ield vectors inside the loop are in the same
direction and the f ield vectors outside the loop are towards the opposite
In the f igure above, on the lef t, the right-hand rule was used in
approximating the direction of magnetic f ield lines. On the right, the
magnetic f ield lines at three points along the conductor were shown as
three pairs of concentric circle. Note that there are inf initely many f ield
lines along the conductor and it is best shown with as many concentric
circles evenly distributed along the conductor as possible. The arrows
that run along the conductor show the direction of the current. The big
arrow at the center of the conductor is the resultant of magnetic field
vectors inside the loop. To check if the magnetic f ield lines (concentric
circles) are pointing towards the right direction:
The magnetic f ield lines direction must be according to the right-
hand rule with respect to the current.
The magnetic f ield vectors at the center of the loop must add-up to
one big magnetic f ield vector and must not cancel one another.
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Phy s ic s 2
Cond uc t or s
w i t h Cu r r en t One of the earliest demonstrations taught in school regarding the ability
of electric currents to generate magnetic f ield is that of an
electromagnet made of a copper wire coiled around an iron nail and
Conducting wire coiled in the shape of helix.
Functions like several adjacent single-loop
connected to a dry cell.
Similar to the wire coiled around an iron core
(usually a nail) in an electromagnet.
The main source of the magnetic f ield here is not the nail but the coil of
copper wire that carry electric currents (even though as we will see in
the last section of this topic, iron nail shall be able to produce its own
magnetic f ield by merely being exposed to outside magnetic f ield). A
solenoid is a coiled wire in the shape of a helix that produces (almost)
uniform magnetic field in its interior, just as capacitors produce unif orm
electric f ield. The wire that coils around the nail in the electromagnet
show above is a solenoid. It can still work as a magnet even if the nail
is absent, as long as the wire is coiled.
Conductors with Current,
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Phy s ic s 2
Cond uc t or s
w i t h Cu r r en t
Solenoid C
The magnetic field vectors adds-up at the
The f igure above shows the cross section of a solenoid. The straight
An ideal solenoid is a solenoid of infinite length
and curved solid arrows represent the magnetic f ield while symbols
and uniform magnetic field inside the coil.
A real solenoid is a solenoid of finite lengt h. Its
and represent the current that are going into and out of the page
magne tic field is unif orm n ear t he c ent er b ut
not uniform near the ends.
respectively (currents are not vectors, but f rom this perspective, they
Funda m e nta l Na ture of M a gne tism * Prope rty of STI
can be shown only as either into or out of the page).
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Phy s ic s 2
Magnetism Due to Moving Charged Particles
M o v ing C h a rg ed
P ar t i c l e s Ultimately, all magnetic f ields are generated by changing electric f ield.
As we will see later, the magnetic f ields carried by magnets can all be
All magnetic fields are generated by changing
explained in terms of moving charged particles. Electric currents carry
electric fields.
magnetic f ields because electrons are moving across the wire.
Positive-charge: use right-hand rule
B v Moving positive charged particles, such as protons, positrons (particle
identical to electron in every aspect except its positive charge) and
alpha particle (helium atom with all electrons removed) generate
Negative-charge: use left-hand rule
B v
electric f ields with direction based on right-hand rule.
B v
Moving charged particles generate electric field.
Currents generate electric field because it is +
made-up of moving charge.
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E1 E3
+ + +
t1 t2 t3
Since the requirement to generate magnetic f ield is the movement of
charged particle, and since the electric f ield at a point changes due to
movement of charge, we can conclude that:
Changing electric f ield generates magnetic f ield.
Calculating the Magnetic Field, [ See Calculating the Magnetic Field, Page 7 of 18 ]
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Phy s ic s 2
Calculating the Magnetic Field Due to a Current
Calc u l a t ing t he
M a g n e t ic F i e ld In solving f or magnetic f ield due to currents, physicists employ two
laws, the Biot-Savart Law and Amperes Law. In their most general
Biot-Savart Law form, these laws must use diff erentiation and integration techniques.
Since Calculus is not a prerequisite for this course, we shall simply
present these laws and the equations that can be derived f rom them for
diff erent possible conf igurations of conductor. Problem solving shall be
States that:
done using the equation specif ic f or each conf iguration of conductor.
i dl r
dB 0
4 r 3
Biot-Savart Law
i dl r
dB 0
4 r3
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The position of the current element, which acts as the source of the
magnetic f ield, is called the source point; and the point where the
magnetic f ield is to be evaluated is called the f ield point.
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Calculating the Magnetic Field, [ See Calculating the Magnetic Field, Page 8 of 18 ]
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Amperes Law
Calc u l a t ing t he
M a g n e t ic F i e ld Amperes Law states that:
Amperes Law r r
dl dl 0 i enc
where B is ithe
conductor. magnetic f ield set-up by the current passing through the
enc is the total current enclosed by an imaginary line, with
r r
States that: segment dl, around the conductor. Recall that B dl is an example of
r r
B dl 0 i enc dot product multiplication, the multiplication between two vectors
wherein the product is a scalar quantity.
Calculating the Magnetic Field, [ See Calculating the Magnetic Field, Pages 9 and 10 of 18 ]
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Magnetic field for different conductor configurations
Cal c u l a t i ng t he
M a g n e t ic F i e ld The list below includes equations for solving the magnetic f ield for
diff erent possible conf igurations of current-carrying conductor. These
Different Conductor Configurations equations were derived using Biot-Savart Law and Amperes Law.
Current Point in Magnitude of
Distribution Magnetic Field Magnetic Field
Distance r from
Current Point in Magnetic Field Magnitude of
Long 0 i
straight the conductor 2r Distribution Magnetic Field
conductor of 2 R 2
radius R
Funda m e nta l Na ture of M a gne tis m * Prope rty of STI
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B 0
*at r away f rom the center
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Cal c u l a t i ng t he radians)
M a g n e t ic F i e ld 0i
Center of complete B
Different Conductor Configurations
circular loop 2r
Circular Center of a 0 i
loop of circular arc wit h B 4r
0 ir
radius r central angle 2
Distance z away
(in radians)
2(z 2 r 2 )
Center of B 0 directly above or below
circular loop the center of circular
Distance z away 0 ir 2 loop
directly above B
2(z 2 r )
or below the
B 0ni
center of
circular loop Long solenoid Inside the solenoid and
Long Inside the B 0 ni (amost ideal) near the center
solenoid solenoid and
(amost near the center with n turns per B 0
ideal) with
n turns per Outside the B 0 unit length Outside the solenoid
unit length solenoid
Calculating the Magnetic Field, [ See Calculating the Magnetic Field, Page 11 of 18 ]
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The f ollowing illustrations shall aid in explaining the meaning of each
Calc u l a t ing t he equation above.
M a g n e t ic F i e ld
Different Conductor Configurations
i i
The illustrations above show the diff erent possible scenarios involving
a circular conductor. In (a), the conductor is simply an incomplete arc
of an otherwise complete circle. In (b), the conductor is a complete
circle. In cases (a) and (b), we want to f ind the magnetic f ield at the
center of the circle. In (c ), the conductor is also a complete circle, but
we want to f ind the magnetic f ield at a point directly above or below the
center of the circle.
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Calculating the Magnetic Field, [ See Calculating the Magnetic Field, Page 12 of 18 ]
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Phy s ic s 2
Sample Problem 12.1: Field along a straight conductor
Calc u l a t ing t he
M a g n e t ic F i e ld What is the magnitude of the magnetic f ield 6.1 m below a power
Different Conductor Configurations
line in which there is a steady current of 100 A?
The known quantities are:
i = 5.0 A
r = 2.0 cm
n= 200
30.0 cm
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Phy s ic s 2
Forces on Two Parallel Currents
P ar a l l e l
Cu r r e n t s Last week, we learned that magnetic f ields can exert f orce on current
carrying conductors. In the previous section, we learned that electric
conclude that two current-carrying conductors can exert force to one
ib d
b another.
i i L
ib d
0 a b
L= length of the conductors b
The force is attractive if the currents are
toward the same direction and repulsive if
toward opposite directions. Suppose you have two parallel wires (called wire a and wire b) of equal
Funda m e nta l Na ture of M a gne tis m * Prope rty of STI
length L and with distance d away f rom each other as shown above.
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The f orce is attractive if the currents are toward the same direction and
repulsive if toward opposite directions.
Parallel Currents,
Page 14 of 18 Sample Problem 12.3: Parallel currents
Phy s ic s 2
Two long parallel wires are separated by distance of 8.0 cm. The
P ar a l l e l currents running along these wires are equal in magnitude but
Cu r r e n t s opposite in direction.
Sample Problem 12.3: Parallel currents
(a) What is the current along the wires if the magnitude of the
Two long parallel wire s ar e sepa ra te d by distanc e
of 8.0 cm. The curre nt s runni ng along the se wire s
magnetic f ield half way between them is 300.0 T?
are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
(a) Wha t is the cur ren t along th e wire s if the (b) What is the f orce between the wires if the length of both of
magnitu de of the magnetic field halfway
between them is 300.0 ? them is 4.0 m? Is this f orce attractive or repulsive?
(b) Wha t is the force bet ween th e wir es if th e
lengt h of both of them is 4.0 m? Is this force
attractive or repulsive?
(a) By sketching the wires f rom a cross-sectional perspective, we
can see that the magnetic f ields due to the current add-up at
the region midway between the wires.
8.0 cm
r r
300.0 T
Midway between the wires, the distance r is 8.0 cm/2 = 4.0 cm
or 4.0 102 m. Hence, the magnitude of the magnetic f ield to
one wire at this point is:
0 i
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(300.0 T 10 -6 T)()(4.0 10 2 m)
i = 30.0 A
= (1.26 10 6 T m / A)
(b) Now that we know the magnitude of the current, we can solve
f or the f orce between the wires.
Note that d = 8.0 cm = 8.0 102 m
0ia ib L
F =
(1.26 10 6 T m / A)(30.0 A)(30.0 A)(4.0 m)
2(8.0 10 2 m)
Phy s ic s 2
Types of Magnetic Materials
M a g ne t ic
M a t e r ia l s All matter is made up of atoms. These atoms contain electrons in
motion. These electrons f orm microscopic current loop that produce
Atoms are like tiny magnets. The electrons form
magnetic f ields of their own.
a microscopic loop.
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Magnetic properties, which are present in all substances, arise f rom the
interactions of unpaired electrons.
Phy s ic s 2
M a g ne t ic
M a t e r ia l s A paramagnetic material, when placed in non unif orm magnetic f ield
always move f rom weaker to stronger parts of the magnetic f ield. The
Paramagnetic Materials
external magnetic f ield causes it to generate its own magnetic f ield to
Strong attraction to magnetic fields.
the same direction as the external magnetic f ield. However, when the
Does not retain their magnetic properties after
the field has been removed. external magnetic f ield is removed, its magnetic f ield dissipates.
Tend to be attracted towards magnets or
regions with stronger magnetic field (unless
already magnetized and facing the other Paramagnetic properties are due to the presence of some unpaired
magnet with the same pole).
electrons and f rom the realignment of the electrons orbits caused by
Made of atom with unpaired electrons. Each
atom generates its own magnetic field. the external magnetic f ield. When suspended in the region between
When exposed to outside magnetic field, the
atoms reorient themselves such that their
two pole pieces, the atoms of the material align themselves in the
magnetic fields are to the same direction as the
external magnetic field.
direction such that they generate magnetic f ield to the same direction
Examples: copper chloride, sodium.
as the applied magnetic f ield.
Phy s ic s 2
M a g ne t ic
M a t e r ia l s Ferromagnetic materials are those materials that exhibit a strong
attraction to magnetic f ields and are able to retain their magnetic
Ferromagnetic Materials
properties af ter the external f ield has been removed. When placed
Strong attraction to magnetic fields and can
retain their magnetic properties after the field
close to a magnet, f erromagnetic materials tend to be attracted towards
has been removed.
the magnet (unless it is already magnetized and is f acing the other
Tend to be attracted towards magnets or
regions with stronger magnetic field (unless magnet with the same pole). In a way, it is similar to paramagnetic
already magnetized and facing the other
magnet with the same pole). material except that it has the capability to retain its magnetic field af ter
Made-up of magnetic domains, regions wherein the external f ield was removed.
the atoms are oriented to the same direction
and therefore have net magnetic fields.
Permanent magnets are typically made of Ferromagnetic materials, similar to paramagnetic materials, have some
ferromagnetic materials.
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Phy s ic s 2
M a g ne t ic
M a t e r ia l s When diamagnetic materials are placed in non-uniform magnetic f ield,
it moves f rom stronger to the weaker parts of the f ield. Meaning, when
Diamagnetic Materials
placed near a magnet, they tend to be repelled away f rom the magnet.
Has repulsion to magnetic fields. Tend to move
from region of stronger magnetic field to region
of weaker magnetic field.
Diamagnetic materials are solids with all paired electrons. Each pair of
Does not retain their magnetic properties after
the field has been removed. electrons initially moves around the atom with the same speed but
All electrons in each atom are paired. Each atom opposite directions. Hence, the overall magnetic f ield of the atom is
has no net magnetic field because the electrons
in a pair cancel each others magnetic field. zero. However, upon exposure to external magnetic f ield, one electron
When exposed to outside magnetic field, the speeds up and the other slowing down due to the f orce exerted by the
atoms generate magnetic field to counter the
presence of outside magnetic field by having one
electron speeding-up and the atom slowing-
external magnetic f ield. This causes the atom to have net non-zero
down. magnetic f ield, which in turn causes the atom to move towards the
Examples: copper, gold, silver, most
superconducting materials like liquid nitrogen.
region of weaker f ield. The details of this process shall be explained
with more details upon discussion of Lenzs Law.
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Physics 2
Distribute the student handout Problem Set No. 9. Select some of the
problems as assignment.
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