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Partnering with States to Improve Early Learning

Efforts to improve early childhood learning will not work unless they involve States and school
districts, which shoulder the primary responsibility for providing public education. Since States
and districts are directly responsible for student learning and achievement in school, preparing
children to learn before they start school is in their best interest. This is particularly true now that
the No Child Left Behind law requires standards and accountability for every school in America.
Many States and districts have already taken concrete steps in recognition that, in order for
students to succeed once they reach school, they must come prepared to learn.

The Administration’s plan calls on all States to take steps that will help prepare children before
they enter school to be ready to learn. For example, States should help coordinate the public
schools with the early childhood programs that serve the children they later educate.
This can be accomplished in part by making available to early childhood programs information
on what will be expected of children once they reach school and what skills children will need to
learn before school in order to meet State standards in school.

The Administration’s plan also envisions a Federal partnership with States to strengthen early
learning by providing greater flexibility with Federal funds and by offering resources in the form
of teacher training and program guidance. The Federal government already partners with States
in many ways, including through early childhood funding. In order to access Federal CCDF and
TANF funds to provide early childhood programs, States must submit a biennial plan on how
they will use their funds. At least 4 percent of these funds must be spent on improving the quality
of child care. States must also provide maintenance of effort (MOE) expenditures and matching
funds based on their current Medicaid matching rate, which ranges from 50 to 76 percent. They
may use part of their State spending on pre-k programs to meet up to 20 percent of these
matching requirements. In 2000, States exceeded the amount required to draw down Federal
funds, spending at least $2.2 billion of State funds on early childhood programs.

Summary of Initiatives
Encourage States to Set Quality Criteria for Early Childhood Education. In exchange for
Federal CCDF funds, which include a set-aside to improve the quality of care, States would be
required to identify in their biennial State plan a set of quality-related criteria. Goals would

· Early Learning Guidelines. Voluntary State guidelines on literacy, language, and

pre-reading skills activities for children ages 3 to 5 that align with State K-12
standards. These guidelines should be able to be adapted to various child care

· Professional development. A State plan for offering education and training

activities to child care and pre-school teachers and administrators, which can also
include Federally funded training initiatives;

· Program Coordination. A State plan for coordinating at least four early childhood
programs, which may include CCDF, Head Start, programs in the public schools, and
TANF, among others.

Expand State Flexibility in Child Care Match. To give States more flexibility in funding their
quality criteria, they would be allowed to increase to 30 percent the amount of State pre-k funds
they can use to match Federal child care funds. Currently States may use their spending on pre-k
programs to meet up to 20 percent of the CCDF matching requirements.

Establish New State Program Integration Waivers. As part of the President’s Welfare Reform
proposal, States will be able to seek new waivers for integrating funding and program rules
across a broad range of public assistance programs, including those that benefit young children.
These waivers will enable States and school districts to better coordinate early childhood
programs. For example, States could integrate TANF, Child Care, Food Stamps, Workforce
Investment Act, and Employment Assistance programs into a comprehensive workforce
assistance system that includes early childhood care.

Establish Early Childhood Educator Academies. The Department of Education will host
regional Early Childhood Educator Academies to deliver scientifically-based research on
cognitive development and highlight practical ideas to pre-k teachers and child care providers.
The Academies will use model training methods and rely on nationally recognized early
childhood experts.

Provide Guidance to States on Coordination of Services. The Early Childhood-Head Start

Task Force (U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services) will provide
guidance to States on how to coordinate early childhood services and programs in order to avoid
duplication of services and improve children’s learning as they transition from pre-k to
elementary school.


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