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National PTA 2012 Public Policy Agenda: Executive Summary

In 2012, PTA will work with U.S. Congress and the Administration to advance the following policy recommendations to ensure that all children reach their highest potential. This document is a brief summary of the National PTAs 2012 Federal Public Policy Agenda: 112th Congress, Second Session that is available in its entirety at

overall improvements to general, special, and early childhood education. Additionally, PTA is a strong advocate for increased education funding.

A QUALITY EDUCATION FOR EVERY CHILD: PTA continues to advocate for family engagement and

General Education
Retain and strengthen parent involvement provisions of Section 1118 of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act (ESEA) by creating incentives on the state, district, and school levels to meaningfully engage families in their childrens education using research-based strategies practices. Codify PTAs National Standards for School-Family Partnerships and provide a statutory definition and framework on effective family engagement in education in Section 1118 of Title I. Increase the Local Educational Agency (LEA) reservation of funds for parent involvement activities under Section 1118 from one percent to two percent and amend the distribution of funds to allow for innovative and research-based districtwide activities to increase family engagement.

Special Education
Include and codify a statutory definition of family engagement in education in the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA) Part A Section 602. Codify PTAs research-based National Standards for Family-School Partnerships as a best practice model for family engagement in special education. Disseminate and publicize these standards to family and parent groups and other stakeholders.

Amend IDEA to require transition planning services for special education students to begin no later than the age of 14. Encourage school districts to employ transition planning coordinators to assist in the facilitation of transition planning
services for special education students and their families.

Early Childhood Education

Incentivize and encourage family engagement initiatives that begin at birth, in the home, and other early learning
environments, in order to ensure coordinated family engagement throughout a childs lifespan and in all learning settings. Encourage local school districts to use Title I ESEA funding to support high-quality early childhood education programs for eligible children aged 0 to 5.
(contd on reverse)

Early Childhood Education (contd)

Incentivize and encourage state and local educational agency partnerships with families and community-based
organizations to support the alignment, collaboration, and transitions between early learning programs and programs for school-age children in order to improve learning outcomes, including developmental milestones and early literacy.

Education Funding
Restore funding for the Parental Information and Resource Centers (Title V, Part D, Subpart 16 of ESEA). Increase funding for Titles I and III of ESEA. Increase funding for IDEA state grants so that the federal government provides for at least 20 percent of the excess cost
of educating children with disabilities (average per pupil expenditure or APPE). This must be the first step in reaching the 40 percent of APPE Congress promised to pay when the law was first enacted.

Maintain or increase investments in quality early learning programs, including Early Head Start, Head Start, the Child Care
and Development Block Grant, and the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program.

CHILDRENS HEALTH AND NUTRITION: PTA prioritizes the health and well-being of every child
through implementation of and improvements to nutrition laws.
Support the implementation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed update of nutrition standards for
the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs, as intended by the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

Support language in the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that requires the USDA to set nutrition
standards for competitive foods.

Encourage the USDA to implement regulations that protect school-based fundraisers that have historically played an
integral role in fundraising opportunities for student-based school organizations.

JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION: PTA fights to protect the rights of children
and youth involved in the justice system.
Eliminate the Valid Court Order exception to the Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders Core Requirement of the Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) to ensure that youth who are truant are kept out of secure juvenile corrections facilities.

Update JJDPA to decrease over-reliance on secure detention and to promote effective family-focused, school-based
interventions for youth who are truant.
*to review all National PTA 2012 Federal Policy Recommendations, please view National PTAs full 2012 Federal Public Policy Agenda: 112th Congress, Second Session, available at

For additional information, please contact National PTA Office of Government Affairs at (703) 518-1200
Elizabeth Rorick Director of Government Affairs Ext. 3326 Jacque Chevalier Senior Policy Strategist Ext. 3351 Mollie Van Lieu Advocacy Specialist Ext. 3349

Founded in 1897, the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is comprised of more than five million members, including parents, students, educators, school administrators, and community leaders. With more than 24,000 local units, PTA flourishes in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Department of Defense schools in Europe and the Pacific. Since its inception, PTA has championed every child, regardless of socioeconomic background to address societal ills such as child labor, childhood diseases, and the unfair and punitive treatment of children involved in the justice system. More than 115 years later, PTA continues to work with policymakers in an effort to ensure that all children reach their highest potential.

National Office: 1250 North Pitt Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (800) 307-4PTA (4782)
2012 PTA All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. (1/12) and everychild.onevoice are registered service marks of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers.

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