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46910: PhD Course in advanced finite

element simulations using Abaqus

Topic 1a intro: Modelling and viewing in Abaqus/CAE

Lars P. Mikkelsen
Composite and Material Mechanics
DTU Wind Energy

Up running with Abaqus
Abaqus student version:
A full version but can only be used on small <1000 node model
Most exercises in the course can be solved using the student
Not possible to make user-defined material/element models and
extract scripting.
Use the link to achieve the student edition:

Access to full Abaqus version through an Abaqus terminal solultion

Update your mobile number in DTUBasen
Send me an email (lapm@dtu.dk) with your student number/user
name and ask for access before Monday next week.
For instruction in how to work see next slide

2 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Make sure that you have put in your mobil-number under mobil telefon.
Login to rsg-server
Open secureremote.dtu.dk in an internet bowser
Install Citrix Receiver (if you have not been on the citrix server before)
Login + passwd
on the next screen type your pin-code (received by email) followed by code
in sms.
Open Remote Desktop in on the citrix server
Use address: ait-pabaqusrds.win.dtu.dk
Login in with domain\username + passwd. E.g. win\xxxxx
Go to the folder where you want to start your Abaqus. Click on an empty
filename.cae file you had made or on a file you are working on.
Access to files from outside
Map the network drive \\ait-pabaqusrds.win.dtu.dk\share on the
secureremote-server in the Windows Explore application.
Make a folder with your username under that folder and put the files there.
Notes that other users can see and modify the contents under the share

3 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Learning objectives :
Build up a finite element model in Abaqus
Explain the background behind and the possibilities of the finite
element method
Include the effects of non-linear material models
Predict the influence of orthotropic materials
Work with layup of ply in a composite structure
Predict crack tip properties
Simulate crack growth using cohesive material laws in a finite
element model
Use extended finite element (XFEM) in order to make realistic crack
growth predictions
Use scripting, parametric studies and user-defined user subroutines

4 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Change in number of reports

Changed to 5 reports for both master and PhD students. The 4

last exercises for the master student have fewer questions.

Pass/non-pass but with possibility for correcting report

5 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Problems investigated
Topic 1: Abaqus intro
Workshop: Build up 3-D cantilever beam
Exercise: Building up a cantilever beam using 3D, 3D shell, 2D plane stress, 2D
beam elements.

Topic 2: Material models:

Exercise: Elastic, Non-linear elastic, Elastic-plastic, Visco-elastic, Anisotropic elastic

Topic 3: Build up a 2-D plane stress model

Exercise: Scripting, Plate with a hole

Topic 4: Composite layup, buckling of structures

Topic 5: Crack-tip simulations
Topic 6: Cohesive laws, extended finite elements (XFEM).

Show preliminary course schedule

6 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Finite element definitions
Pre-processing, solver, Post-processing

Implicit or Explicit finite element modeling

Total or Updated Lagrange formulations

Isoparametric elements
Full og reduced integrations
Locking and hour-glass deformation

Beam, shell and structural elements

Small or large strain analysis (nlgeom off/on)

7 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Pre-processing, solver, Post-processing

Pre-processing: Abaqus CAE (CAE license tokens)

Defining and build up the model (saved in .cae and .jnl file and abaqus.rpy)
Generate a job-name -> generate an .inp-file
Can be replayed/modified using a python script in the CAE or command:
abaqus cae noGUI=PYTHONSCRIPTpre.py

Solver: Abaqus analysis license tokens

Solve the problem defined in the .inp-file
Information about the solving process can be found in the .dat, .msg and .sta
The analysis can be performed using the submit in CAE or the command:
abaqus job=JOBNAME.inp cpus=12 interactive

Post-processing: Abaqus Viewer (CAE license tokens)

Open the output database .odb
Can be replayed/modified in a python script in the CAE, Viewer or command:
abaqus viewer noGUI=PYTHONSCRIPTpost.py

8 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Implicit or Explicit finite element modeling
Implicit Explicit
Static analysis: the solution is Dynamic analysis: solve stress
in equilibrium waves using F=ma
Implicit: Build up a stiffness Explicit: Solve the problem
matrix and solve the whole element-by-element using sum
system of forces -> acceleration of
The model breaks down when element/node
rigid body movements is Maximum stable time step
possible/the stiffness matrix is given by the time a stress
singular wave (speed of sound) is
Viscos damping, Riks methods traveling over the smallest
... for stabilization of the element
problem Viscos damping in order to
Quasistatic: include dAlembert dampened stress waves
forces in ordder to mimic Quasi-dynamic analysis: Using
dynamic effects. the mass as a stabilization
parameter in order to get a
static solution. Mass scaling
9 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Small or large strain analysis
In Abaqus given by the NLGEOM option in the step definition

A linear problem requires only one increment. The solution will scale with
the load level.

Including non-linear effects more prone to stability problems

10 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Introduction to Abaqus/CAE
- Getting Started with Abaqus: Interactive Edition
Creating part (2D or 3D)
Sketch (or import) the geometry of a part
Material definition
Select e.g. a linear elastic material
Define a section with a material
Assign the section to a part
Assembling parts to a model
Configure the analysis
Initial and step-1 (analysis type)
Boundary condition and load (e.g. by using predefined sets)
Define output: history and field (size of output and output variable)
Mesh the model on part or assembly level (independent/dependent)
1) mesh-control, 2) seed, 3) element-type, 4) meshing part
Create and submit analysis job

11 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Make a sketch
Creating a parts

Import Part from CAD etc.

12 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
From CT- or surface scan

13 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
From CAD drawing

14 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Units in Abaqus

15 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Materiale definition

Topic 2:
Will focus on this

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Create section Assign section to part

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Assembly model

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Configure step

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Define sets Boundary Note the step
for the BC

20 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Note the step
for load or prescribed

21 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Set for extracting
reaction force

Define output

22 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Mesh the model (part or instance)

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Create job, submit and monitor

Use same name in

order to link the output
files with the model

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Modify the contour plot

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Tips and tricks
Copy model before add new features
Job-name = Model-name
Keep related files in one folder e.g. by use the start in setup or open
by click on cae-file in folder eventually by making an empty file with the
After running the job, check the .dat, .msg, and .sta file or use monitor
in job menu.
Use screen dump and saving e.g. in PowerPoint for later reference
Save x-y plot as rpt-files for later comparison plotting
Use macros or scripting for repeating sequences.

27 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Saving models for word and powerpoints
-> File->Eport->3DXML

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Additional softwares

Notepad++: Good freeware program for editing files under windows

Matlab, Gnuplot or Python: For plotning xy-plots

Python 2.7: Anaconda Python: spyder as GUI

Extra help

Simulia: https://swym.3ds.com/#community:73/home
Yahoo: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/ABAQUS_USERS/info
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2244871379/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=3164622

29 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Exercise: Creating a simple model in Abaqus/CAE
Getting Started with Abaqus: Interactive Edition in Appendix B:
Creating and Analyzing a Simple Model in Abaqus/CAE
PDF-version of documentation (Campusnet: AbqW1a-...)

Homework: Viewing results

Getting Started with Abaqus: Interactive Edition in Appendix D:
Viewing the Output from Your Analysis
PDF-version of documentation (Campusnet: AbqW1b-...)
Getting model files for the workshop
Command: abaqus fetch job=viewer_tutorial or
Extract viewer_tutorial.odb from the samples.zip file included in
the abaqus installation: C:\SIMULIA\Abaqus\6.13-3\samples\job_archive

Supplementary: Creating a more complex model in Abaqus/CAE

Appendix C: Using Additional Techniques to Create and Analyze a Model
in Abaqus/CAE
PDF-version of documentation (Campusnet: AbqW1c-...)
30 DTU Danchip, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Intro to Abaqus/CAE

1) Workshop: AbaW1a-CAEIntro
2) Exercise 1 -> Report e.g. word or powerpoint

Model using:
3-D model
2-D plane stress model
2-D shell model
1-D beam model

31 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Help to the exercise:

Model using:
3-D model
2-D plane stress model
3-D shell model
1-D beam model

32 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
More beam-theory like 3D model Boundary condition
Make partition

Loading surface
on center plane


33 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Define partition and use for boundary condition

Select edge and mid-point -> create partition

Redo on opposite edge and connect by

34 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Define output
Field output History output

Reaction force for check of correct loading

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Solution: Contour plot

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Path plots, define path-1

Query coordinates Create path

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38 DTU Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark Topic 1, Intro to Abaqus/CAE Spring 2015
Path plots (xy-plot)

Remember to set

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Displacement along path-2


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Data out to rpt-file

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Change to explicit model

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