UDBB2134 Practical Grading Info

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Practical 4 (Fish Dissection) Group/Individual Report
Practical 5 (Renal Physiology) Group Report
Practical 6 (Arginase Distribution) Group Report

Practical grade will be assessed as follow:

Hands-on Lab Skill Active Participation (Pre-lab, Q&A, Involvement) 25
Technical/lab skill and performance
Laboratory Report Follow the guidelines & components as listed below. 75


The laboratory report must be submitted within 2 WEEKS after the date of experiment unless otherwise
specified. For late submission, TEN (10) points will be deducted for every day it is late.
The laboratory report should include the standardized cover page that you can download from WBLE.
Report should be written in Times New Roman font, size 12 pt., with 1.5 spacing.
The laboratory report should be written in third person, paragraph style, and in clear concise English.
You can check out scientific journal papers as a reference. Marks will be deducted for reports containing
many grammatical and/or spelling errors.
The laboratory report should include at least TWO (2) citations from reliable scientific sources.


-. Pre-lab submit the individual initialled pre-lab with the lab report.
-. Introduction Explain the objective(s) of the experiment.
-. Materials and method Summarize the materials used and methodology performed in the lab session.
-. Results Report the recorded data, calculation, measurements, tables, labelled pictures, etc. Use the
proper format for tables and figures (i.e. titles, numbering, etc.).
-. Discussion Discuss the result of the experiment. Also include the answers to the questions posted in the
manual. Whenever applicable, discuss whether the result of the experiment is as expected and if not, explain
the possible reason(s).
-. Conclusion Summary of result & discussion in relation to the objective. Whenever applicable, also
include what can/should be done differently for better result in the future.
-. References Follow the Harvard Style Referencing (http://www.utar.edu.my/fict-
pk/file/FYP_Harvard_Style_Guide%20fixed.pdf ). Include at least TWO (2) citations from reliable scientific

Lab Report Assessment Rubric


Introduction Clear statement of the objective(s) of the experiment, written in complete
Full mark = 10 pts. sentences and paragraph format. Paragraph is written in pleasant and
Page limit = 1/2 reading-friendly format with good writing flow. No grammatical and
spelling error. Content does not exceed the page limit.

Material & The process of conducting the experiment is summarized in paragraph

Methods style. The model or specification of specific instrument(s) used is
Full mark = 10 pts. mentioned. The information contained should enable a reader to repeat
Page limit = 1 the experiment. Paragraph is written in pleasant and reading-friendly
format with good writing flow. No grammatical and spelling error.
Content does not exceed the page limit.

Results: Logical and detailed results within the constraint of the experiments.
Full mark = 15 pts. Data is presented in an orderly manner using scholarly format. Correct
formula is used and error-free calculations are presented complete with
units. Proper graph styles and presentation formats are used. Paragraph
(if applicable) is written in pleasant and reading-friendly format with
good writing flow. No grammatical and spelling error.
Discussion: Discussion of the result in relation to the objective(s) of the experiment.
Full mark = 25 pts. All questions posted on the lab manual are answered or discussed
Page limit = 3 accurately in paragraph style. Paragraph is written in pleasant and
reading-friendly format with good writing flow. No grammatical and
spelling error. Content does not exceed the page limit.

Conclusion: Summary of the results of the experiment in relation to the objective(s) of

Full mark = 10 pts. the experiment. Future research suggestions are given. Paragraph is
Page limit = 1/2 written in pleasant and reading-friendly format with good writing flow.
No grammatical and spelling error. Content does not exceed the page

Reference: More than 5 reliable scientific sources that include scientific journal
Full mark = 5 pts. papers are used. Harvard referencing style is followed thoroughly both in
the in-text citation and the reference list. All references listed also appear
and cited properly in the text.

* Definition of plagiarism as quoted from http://www.utar.edu.my/fes/file/Thesis%20Format.pdf:

(1) Plagiarism is an act whereby one knowingly or intentionally presents anothers work
as his own. It is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of
another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. Plagiarism
by students or researchers is considered academic dishonesty or fraud and a breach of
academic ethics.
(2) Plagiarism may also constitute an infringement of copyright under the Copyright Act
1987 [Act 332].
(3) Instances of plagiarism include [but not restricted to] the following:
Incorporating whether through copying, cutting and pasting sentences and
paragraphs [or close paraphrasing of the same] from one or more sources which are
the work or data belonging to other persons [including books, articles, theses,
unpublished works, working papers, seminar or conference papers, reports, lecture
notes, tapes or creative works] without due acknowledgement to the author or
Passing off anothers work as the students own, e.g. borrowing other students
final year project report/thesis and copying all or a substantive portion of that work
by putting ones name on the work;
Using another persons ideas, work or research data without due acknowledgement;
Copying or submitting computer files, whether in whole or in part, without
notation of the source;
Submitting work which has been produced by another on the students behalf as if
the same was done by the student;
Where collaborative work is concerned, falsely representing the respective
individual contributions of the collaborators where individual contributions are to
be identified;
(4) In order to avoid the commission of plagiarism, citation of the source of information
or due acknowledgement of authorship whenever information is taken is essential.

* More definition of plagiarism, review http://www.tulane.edu/~jruscher/dept/plagiarism.html .

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