Bible Code

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The key takeaways are that the Bible may contain both literal and symbolic/coded meanings, with symbolic portions having both a straightforward symbolic meaning as well as a coded meaning, while literal portions only having a coded meaning.

Reasons given for why God may have caused the Bible to be written in a code include to conceal his plans from those who do not want to believe, and to allow symbolic teachings to be written off by unbelievers while still communicating to believers.

Principles that have been extracted from the Bible code so far according to the text include the consistency, power, symbolic structure, designations, successive designations, and descriptions principles.

The 9th Generation Bible Code

'It was revealed to Daniel that the prophecies concerning the last times should be closed up and
sealed until the time of the end: But then the wise should understand, and knowledge should be
increased (Daniel 12:4,9,10). And therefore the longer they have continued in obscurity, the
more hopes there are that the time is at hand in which they are to be made manifest.

If they are never to be understood, to what end did God reveal them?

Certainly he did it for the edification of the church. And if so then it is certain that the church
shall at length attain to the understandings thereof. I mean not all that call themselves Christians,
but a remnant, a few scattered persons which God hath chosen, such as without being led by
interest, education, or human authorities, can set themselves sincerely and earnestly to search
after truth. For Daniel hath said that the wise shall understand, so he said also that none of the
wicked shall understand' - Sir Isaac Newton

[C1] Why would God cause the bible to be written in a code?

[C2] What reason is there to suppose that the bible is in a code?

The Principles of the Code So Far Extracted - Principia Codicis

[C3] The Consistency Principle

[C4] The Power Principle
[C5] The Symbolic Structure Principle
[C6a] The Designations Principle
[C6b] The Successive Designations Principle
[C7a] The Descriptions Principle
[C7b] The Successive Descriptions Principle
[C7c] The Double Articulations Principle
[C7d] The Successive Alternatives Principle
[C7e] The Successive Subjects Principle
[C7f] The Articulations Principle
[C7g] , its a grammatical code
[C8] The Repetitions Principle
[C9] The No Coincidences Principle
[C10] The Times Principle
[C11] The Numerical Principle
[C12] The Jigsaw Principle

[C13] Binary Yes/No Question Principle
[C14] Reader Questions from the holy spirit
[C15] The Parallel Account and Subaccount Principle and Spot the Difference
[C16] The Omission Principle
[C16a] The Ambiguity Principle

Further Elements of the Code

[C17] Helpful tips

[C18] The Symbolic meaning of 7
[C19] Elementary counting and cryptic scriptures
[C20] Equidistant Hebrew Letter Sequences and The 'Bible Code' of Eli Rips and
Michael Drosnin
[C21] The History of Event and Word Symbolism

[C1] Why would God cause the bible to be written in a


Everything that Jesus said to the crowds was in an illustration. Indeed without an
illustration he would not speak to the crowds:

33 So with many illustrations of that sort he would speak the word to them, as far as
they were able to listen.
34 Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them, but privately to his
disciples he would explain all things (Mark 4).

So Jesus decoded his symbolic parables for his disciples only, not for the public at
large. By speaking symbolically, those who did not want to believe that he was Gods
son, could write off his speech as meaningless ramblings about farm animals and
horticulture. They would therefore never get to know Gods plans for men. They would
therefore never be in a position to frustrate them. For the ones who do not want to
believe in God, are Gods and mankinds and their own enemies. For we men and
women are designed in such a way that our beliefs betray our true motivations. After
911, 89% of Pakistani Muslims believed that Muslims were not responsible for the Twin
Towers Tragedy. This design feature of mankind is not unique to Pakistanis. Most of us
believe what we want to believe rather than the truth. For men, and even more so
women, much prefer a convenient lie to an inconvenient truth.

So those of us who do not believe in God, do not want to believe in him because they
do not want God to exist. They do not want him to exist, because if he does exist then
they fear that they will have to serve him and obey him, rather than serving and obeying
their own desires. They do not know that God is a kinder master to them than their own
desires are. Dear reader, do not make this mistake. God gave you your desires to enjoy
them whilst controlling them! He did not give you them to replace him!

Even if all of your experience of people who have ever had power over you is bad, even
if everyone of them has abused you, and even if everyone you have ever loved has
abused you, there is yet in existence a God who behaves just as his son did whilst he
was on earth. He does not abuse his power, and does not abuse your love. His name is

Jehovah, it is he who is the Father of Jesus. But he does allow Satan to abuse you,
your love, his power and anything else he gets his hands on. For Jesus was described
by Paul with reference to God as:

3He is the reflection of [his] glory and the exact representation of his very being
(Hebrews 1).

These people who do not believe are, in the great finesse of our God, unwittingly, their
own enemies. Because God is their friend and means of life and salvation. Without him
they have no future. They are choosing not to believe in their own future.

But they are free to choose such a course if they wish, and most people do so choose.
So it is because mankind has one main enemy, a lying murderer, Satan, and it is
because this fraud has many unwitting followers, that God's book, the bible is written in
a code. Satan has been trying to persuade God to wipe out the whole human race for
nearly 6,000 years in order to justify his murderous act on Eve. He is trying to cheat us
out of our inheritance, which is to be ageless humans on earth in the Kingdom of God
after Armageddon, and to be angels in heaven and eventually to be God's ourselves,
just like our Father. Beloved reader, do not be fooled by your physical weakness, the
family you come from is a family of Gods, and like begets like. But it is because we are
always at war in this system that coded messages are used. We are at war even when
the world is at peace:

23 But I behold in my members another law warring against the law of my mind and
leading me captive to sin's law that is in my members (Romans 7).

Our mind is at war with our body, as regards sin. God has created us this way to teach
us about sin.

In the Second World War, the Germans and the British both used codes. The British
cracked the German code using the enigma computer in Bletchley (according to the
movies this was as a result of an American submarine crew which stole a German code
machine from a U boat). There is a marvelous and tragic story of the great wisdom of
Winston Churchill in relation to this. The British decoded a German message that they
were going to completely carpet bomb the city of Coventry on a certain day and destroy
it. Winston then had to decide whether to save the people of Coventry, by evacuating
them or not. The problem with evacuating Coventry was that the Germans had spies,
and would have found out that Coventry was evacuated and then deduced that the
British had cracked their code.

Churchill therefore sacrificed the whole town of Coventry, in order to keep this secret
undiscovered. Such was the value that he attached to knowing the Enigma Code. He
knew that if he confined his actions resulting from the breaking of the Code to ones
which would not reveal to the Germans that the British had cracked it, then he could
continue to know their entire strategy possibly right to the end of the war! Such
knowledge was of greater value to Britain than Coventry. Greater value in terms of
saving lives (though not those of the citizens of Coventry) and in terms of shortening
and winning the war, which amounted to the same thing.

Likewise God has encoded information in the bible for the purpose of saving our lives, it
is for our protection. For God is not going to lose in this battle that he is having with his
rebellious son Satan. But we are all caught up in this war. For war is the inevitable
result of the tolerance of evil or of bad. History shows us this.

God would win this war whether the bible was in a code or not and whether Jesus just
blurted out the whole plan for salvation verbatim or not. But God wishes to teach us
good from bad with the minimum possible loss of life and damage to our souls. The
degree of damage and death that we do experience as a race is the measure of the
difficulty he has in teaching us and we have in learning this lesson. We would be the
losers if this book was not in a code.

This code needs to be appealing to Gods friends and revolting to his enemies. Then his
friends will be attracted to it and hopefully spend enough time looking at it to find out
that it is in a code and then will be sufficiently motivated to crack the code and then
pass on the information only to his friends. Whilst his enemies on the other hand will
find the whole thing so revolting and distasteful that they will not study the information
hard enough to even realise that it is in a code. Furthermore when they are told that it is
in a code, they still will not believe it!

Well, since the distinction between Gods friends and enemies is their love or hate for
him and his friends, it is obvious that the information that he sends out should be all
about him and his friends, because this is the only sort of information which will have a
different effect on the two groups. Also this information should look innocuous and
intensely boring to his enemies, and be full of praises upon praises of him to drive off
the enemies and pull in the friends.

God has done this with the bible. All of the praise in the bible is not because God has a
big ego and needs a whole lot of praise which he effectively wrote himself!!! It is to sort
the sheep from the goats. He has given to everybody a book about his past dealings
with his friends, who lived thousands of years ago, who had many camels and lived in
tents and had children and basically did the sort of things that everybody else did back
then. This is of no great consequence to the enemies of God. It just looks like an out of
date soap opera, written by someone who they do not like. Of what interest to a 20th or
21st century currency speculator is it that Esau lost his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of
soup, or that he crossed the Jabbok with 200 female sheep and 20 rams? This sort of
information is hardly the sort of thing that would come up on his Reuters screen.

But hidden in amongst all of the banal, mundane and everyday tribulations of these
friends of God, is the whole of his military plan for saving mankind from sin and death
and retaking the earth from Satan. The plan for men to regain the birthright that Adam
lost, namely everlasting human and angelic life.

22He is revealing the deep things and the concealed things, knowing what is in the
darkness; and with him the light does dwell (Daniel 2).

[C2] What reason is there to suppose that the bible is in

a code ?

Logically, if we examine God's Modus Operandi with men, we see that he hides from
us. We see that he hides what he is doing from us. Nobody has seen him, and who
really knows what he is up to? So given that he inspired the bible:

16 All Scripture is inspired of God (2 Timothy 3).

It should be no great surprise to anyone that the bible too contains hidden information,
since it was ghost written by a hidden God. In other words it is written in a code. This is
not a new idea. Sir Isaac Newton believed the same to be true, but was unable to
discover the code. He could see gravity with his mind, and he knew God well enough to
see that the bible was in a code, but he could not himself decode it. He died trying to
work out the date of Armageddon. He failed not because he lacked faith and not
because he lacked wisdom or intellectual capability, for he had them all in abundance.
He failed because it was not God's time in the late 17th and early 18th centuries for this
to take place. So instead the true God rewarded one of the most spiritual men of the
last millennium with the code of his physical universe. For a spiritual man sees things
with his mind, with his power of reason, things that he cannot detect with his senses. It
is this capability that separates us from the animals. It is this capability that the reader
will need to sharpen as he or she reads this website/book.

Here are two typical sections of the Old Testament:

11 Polish the arrows. Fill the circular shields, Oh men. Jehovah has aroused the spirit of
the kings of the Medes, because it is against Babylon that his idea is, in order to bring
her to ruin. For it is the vengeance of Jehovah, the vengeance for his temple.
12 Against the walls of Babylon lift up a signal. Make strong the watch. Post the
watchmen. Make ready those lying in Ambush. For Jehovah has both formed the idea
and will certainly do what he has spoken against the inhabitants of Babylon.
13 Oh woman residing on abounding waters, abundant in treasures, your end has
come, the measure of your profit making (Jeremiah 51).

13 For I will tread as my [bow] Judah. The bow I will fill with Ephraim, and I will awaken
your sons, Oh Zion, against your sons, Oh Greece, and I will make you as the sword of
a mighty man.
14 And over them Jehovah himself will be seen, and his arrow will certainly go forth just
like lightning. And on the horn the Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself will blow, and he will
certainly go with the windstorms of the south (Zechariah 9).

These passages are written in colourful, poetic, symbolic language. Here is a typical
section of the New Testament:

4 Therefore we were buried with him through our baptism into his death, in order that,
just as Christ was raised up from the dead through the glory of the father, we should
likewise walk in a newness of life.
5 For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall also be
[united with him in the likeness] of his resurrection (Romans 6).

This passage is written in symbolic, logically contorted language. Most people who read
the bible, believe that the reason it is hard to understand is that 2,000 years ago people
wrote and spoke in this complicated symbolic or logically contorted way. But the truth is

that they did not. Here is a typical passage from Josephus' book on the history of the
Jews. He was a Jewish general born ten or twenty years after Jesus:

But as for the richer sort, it proved all one to them whether they stayed in the city or attempted to
get out of it, for they were equally destroyed in both cases. For every such person was put to
death under this pretense, that they were going to desert - but in reality that the robbers might get
what they had. The madness of the seditious did also increase together with their famine, and
both those miseries were every day inflamed more and more. For there was no corn which
anywhere appeared publicly, but the robbers came running into, and searched mens private
houses. And then if they found any, they tormented them, because they had denied they had any.
And if they found none, they tormented them worse, because they supposed they had more
carefully concealed it. The indication they made use of whether they had any or not, was taken
from the bodies of these miserable wretches. Which, if they were in good case, they supposed
were in no want at all of food. But if they were wasted away, they walked off without searching
any farther.

As you can see, it reads just like a modern History book. Likewise if one reads Latin or
Greek historical works from the same period (which are mainly about wars) they read
just like a history book might read today. Another good example are the books of I and II
Maccabees. These describe the plight of the Jews starting from around 170 BC. They
just read like normal history books. But the bible is written in a different way to any other
book of its time or of any time. Even in the literal meaning of the book, it is hard to
deduce precisely what is being said. One needs to think hard, one needs to think
logically and think in abstract symbolic terms, just to understand the literal meaning. In
other words even the literal meaning is somewhat coded. But there is another reason
why this book is written so strangely, and it is that the bible is written in a symbolic,
numeric and cryptic code. It is in fact a 4 dimensional book including the literal meaning.
This is why sections of it are very strangely written. It is because there is more to this
book than the literal meaning. The accounts have to work in the symbolically coded and
numerically coded meanings too, which effects the way in which they are written
literally. Basically the literal accounts look a bit weird because the words also form
symbolic accounts.

Here are 5 further reasons that we can see to suppose that the bible is written in a

1. Why would such a clever God write such a stupid book?

2. Spirituality is defined as seeing with the mind things which are undetectable to
the senses. The bible is unarguably a spiritual book from God. It is therefore
written in a spiritual way. So it's written in such a way that its true meaning is not
visible with the eye but is detectable only with the power of reason, the eyes of
the mind. The literal meaning is clearly visible with the eye. It therefore has a
further meaning which is invisible and is not the literal meaning. So this further
meaning is a coded meaning. It is written in a spiritual code, which is a visible
vehicle for an invisible meaning.

3. Every word that Jesus spoke publicly was symbolic:

33So with many illustrations of that sort he would speak the word to them, as far
as they were able to listen.

34 Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them, but privately to his
disciples he would explain all things (Mark 4).

And Jesus was responsible not only for his own words but for all of the words of
every bible writer as we shall see.

4. The bible itself says that it is written in a code!

5. Paul describes one particular account in Genesis 16 as being a symbolic drama.

We now investigate each of these 5 in more detail.

C2.1 Why would such a clever God write such a stupid book?

'God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.' -Voltaire

We are looking at the whole book as being effectively written by one person, because
Paul tells us that it was:

16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting
things straight, for disciplining in righteousness (2 Timothy 3).

And Peter tells us:

21For prophecy was at no time brought by man's will, but men spoke from God as they
were borne along by holy spirit (2 Peter 1).

If you truly believe that God, whilst not being the physical author of the book, has
inspired every bible writer to express his story in the writers own literary style, and in
his own phraseology, even in the way he wanted to say it but in Gods words. Then
given this, there is a question that is begging to be asked, and it is this:

How could the creator of the perfect universe, which is a gigantic and inordinately
intricate example of hyper intelligence, perfection and complete understanding wisdom
and control, write or inspire to be written such a daft book?

Or: Why would such a clever guy write such a stupid book?

How can the true God, the grand creator of the great works that Newton and Einstein
could barely scratch into the surface of be an order of magnitude worse than Steven
Spielberg when it comes to telling a story?

The reader might think that asking this question is an insult to God, or even a
blasphemy. We would argue that not asking this question is the real insult, an insult that
all mankind has been repeating every day for the past 2000 years. Because by not
asking this question you are saying that you would expect God to inspire such a badly
written book (in the literal meaning). You are saying that you are not surprised that he
has written such a book. Which is saying that you do not think he is capable of telling a
story properly. Whereas the more logical and more respectful explanation for the

peculiar way in which the bible is written, is that just as Newton and Einstein knew that
they were only scratching at the surface of the beauty and perfection of Gods universe,
so the seeker of bible truth knows that he is only scratching at the surface of the beauty
and perfection of Gods holy book. And this surface is the literal meaning of the book.

For the bible in the literal meaning, the surface itself, is written in an ambiguous,
repetitive manner and is full of absolutely crucial omissions, and laden with really
unnecessary and trivial detail.

One has to ask rhetorically:

Is God unable to properly focus on the key points in bible stories?

Is he the first person to write a history book with none of the important dates in it?

Why does he keep repeating himself in almost every account?

Does a person who can create hundreds of languages from nothing in one instant of
time and simultaneously teach them to every living human in that very instant as
described in the account of Babel in Genesis11:

1 Now all the earth continued to be of one language and of one set of words.
5 And Jehovah proceeded to go down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men
had built.
6 After that Jehovah said: Look! They are one people and there is one language for
them all, and this is what they start to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have
in mind to do that will be unattainable for them.
7 Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen
to one another's language.
8 Accordingly Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth, and
they gradually left off building the city.
9 That is why its name was called Babel, because there Jehovah had confused the
language of all the earth, and Jehovah had scattered them from there over all the
surface of the earth (Genesis 11).

Does this person have a problem in telling a simple story in just one language when he
has all the time in the world to tell it?

Consider please the following masterpieces:

12 However, they found out of the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead four hundred girls,
virgins, that had not had intercourse with a man by lying with a male (Judges 21).

One wonders how else they could lose their virginity?

1Now Joshua was old, being advanced in years. So Jehovah said to him: You yourself
have grown old and have advanced in years (Joshua 13).

What an astute observation!

25 They stoned them with stones!! (Joshua 7)

8 Abraham's life that he lived!! (Genesis 25) Well what else could he have done with it?

8 Then Abraham expired and died! (Genesis 25)

49 The alien resident who is residing as an Alien?? (Exodus 12)

Why in Jeremiah chapter 41 is Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama,
described as: Ishmael the son of Nethaniah 11 times and as plain old Ishmael 6 times in
the same account, when there is no other Ishmael in the account? Why does the holy
spirit have to tell us the same thing 11 times in one chapter of the bible? Why did
mankind have to carry all this unnecessary repetitive information around for 2500
years? How could the God of recycling whose creation, nature, wastes absolutely
nothing on this planet, waste all those holy words? Something is not right here!

There are four accounts in Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9 & John 6 of the feeding of the
5,000. Why? Why was this particular account repeated 4 times, when the account of the
man who had been lame for 38 years at the pool in Bethzatha in John 5 to whom Jesus

8 Get up, pick up your bed and walk (John 5).

is only mentioned once in the holy book? How can a perfect God be so inconsistent?

4 The Rock, perfect is his activity, For all his ways are justice (Deuteronomy 32).

How about this one:

1 In the twenty-seventh year of Jeroboam the king of Israel, Azariah the son of Amaziah
the king of Judah became king.
2 Sixteen years old he happened to be when he began to reign, and for fifty-two years
he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Jecoliah of Jerusalem (2 Kings

Great, so we get to know his mothers name! But there was not a man alive for a long
time until 1999 who knew when the 27th year of Jeroboam II actually was. It is extremely
difficult to work this out from the bible. But we have done it (we think) and its 816 BC -
see [91], [101]. It would have been so much more useful if the holy spirit had said: This
was 181 years after Solomon died. Or better still: This was 697 years after the Jews left
Egypt. Or better still: This being 3177 years after Adam sinned! Instead we get to know
his mums name!

In this vein the bible tells us that a Philistine character called Ishbi-benob had a spear
that weighed 300 shekels of copper (2 Samuel 21:16). Well, How fascinating! But it fails
to tell us when Jesus was born! or what year he died in! Most people do not know this
even today. But all literate mankind knows that Ishbi-benob's spear weighed 300
shekels of copper. What kind of a God could get his priorities so wrong? Who cares
about the weight of this trogladite's spear? The dates of Jesus' birth and his death are

absolutely crucial to any understanding of God's plan for mankind. The weight of this
chaps spear clearly is not (not in the literal meaning at least!)

C2.2 The Bible is a spiritual book

In section [1] which reconciles the millions of years of human fossils with the creation
account in Genesis, see - Millions of years of human fossils reconciled with Genesis,
we discover that God introduced himself to mankind through Adam and Eve once Homo
sapiens had developed, or dare we say evolved? to the point where he had become
'spiritual'. By this we mean that he could deduce with his powers of reason the
existence of things which he could not detect with his physical sensory powers. By this
we mean that he became able to entertain a logical train of thought, a multi stage
thought process. A good example of this is gravity. Isaac Newton 'saw' gravity with his
mind, having first 'decoded' God's physical laws of motion. But the ability that modern
man has to do what Newton did, was the trigger for God to introduce himself to us.

The reason that God did not introduce himself to us before we had developed
spirituality, was that he did not want to introduce himself to us physically. He wanted to
introduce himself to us spiritually, because firstly he wanted us all to retain the option of
not seeing him if that was our desire, and secondly, he wished only to be seen by those
who had a sufficiently great desire to see him that they were prepared to make the
effort to use their powers of reason to deduce his existence with their mind from the
physical clues which he had prepared for them. Hence Jesus said:

8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God (Matthew 5).

Those who are pure in heart, want to know the truth about their origins, as a matter of
gratitude to a humble God. Those who pursue the truth regardless of any fears or
misconceptions they may hold that such knowledge might prove detrimental to their
relationship with their partner of their peers or their business colleagues. These ones,
since their heart will not, out of fear, prevent them from searching with their mind, will
find the truth. And the truth is that there is a God who created us, and created the
current playpen in which we reside.

In the physical universe one can quite clearly see the character of God, the creator. He
is perfect, he wastes nothing but recycles it all, he is incredibly hard working, he is very
generous, he is kind, he loves us. But one cannot see God himself physically, one can
only deduce what he might be like from what one can see of his works. The game
which God is asking us to play is rather like trying to deduce the Character of Mozart
from his sonata's or Van Gough from his paintings. Likewise we can deduce the
character of Satan from the activities of Hitler or from a Pornographic Magazine
proprietor who frustrates all of mankind with images of women which can be seen but
not touched whilst he himself has half a dozen of these very women which he both sees
and touches (we wish).

Now God's book, the bible, is his training manual, his instruction leaflet, his users guide,
his online help button for mankind. It was created by the same God who created the
universe and therefore is manufactured using the same Modus Operandi. It is therefore
a spiritual book. So one will likewise have to use one's powers of reason to see God
even through his book. If we really want to know him we will have to look beneath the

literal surface meaning of the book. It has a hidden meaning, discernable by the power
of reason, a meaning that is not literally stated. So it is written in a code.

C2.3 Every word that Jesus spoke publicly was symbolic

Make no mistake, Jesus only spoke publicly (or to the crowds) in illustrations. His
speaking like this was itself an illustration that the truth is not what you see on the

33 So with many illustrations of that sort he would speak the word to them, as far as
they were able to listen.
34 Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them, but privately to his
disciples he would explain all things (Mark 4).

But Jesus is called the word by John in the famous scripture:

1 In beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was [a] god
(John 1).

And John is told by the angel in Revelation that he has the name: The word of God.

3And he is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is
called is The Word of God (Revelation 19).

But the word of God is the bible:

6And so you have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition (Matthew

17Also, accept the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, that is, God's word
(Ephesians 6).

But the word of God is Jesus:

1On an occasion when the crowd was pressing close upon him and listening to the
word of God, he was standing beside the lake of Gennesaret (Luke 5).

Jesus wasnt quoting scriptures at them, he was speaking in illustrations as he always

did, so here the word of God meant Jesus. So Jesus is the word of God which is the
bible. So Jesus is the bible. This identification is meant in the sense that God was the
author, Jesus was the editor/publisher, and the writers were the journalists. As regards
Gods son:

3All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing
came into existence (John 1).

So in particular the bible came into existence through him. Actually no, everything
physical before Adam's sin came into existence through Satan, who was the firstborn
son of God. But Michael, who is Jesus, became God's firstborn earning this right from

his sacrifice as an angel - see [243]. But now the reader will see why Michael was
called the word. Because Satan lost his firstborn right (for God to act exclusively
through him as described in John 1:3), when he killed Adam. The right was then no
one's until Jesus died. But Jesus got the firstborn right (of God acting exclusively
through him) as regards the writing of the bible as a result of his promising to make the
sacrifice which he made on Friday April 1, 33 AD. So he became 'the word', due to his
having this right. So every chapter of the bible, every verse of the bible, every word of
the bible came into existence through him. And whether Jesus was speaking to the
crowds or writing for the crowds through the prophets, he used the same illustrative
modus operandi, he communicated symbolically.

The word of God is an example of a word or phrase in the bible which has two different
literal meanings. Another such word is presence, which in the bible can mean either the
presence of the Christ or the manifestation of the Christ during a presence. The concept
of one word or phrase having two literal meanings depending on the context is unusual
to English speaking people. We have a language which eliminates such ambiguities by
using a larger vocabulary. But the Hebrew language often has one root word with
several different meanings dependent on the context.

John calls Jesus the word of life, and the life and the everlasting life in the first verse of
his first letter:

That which was from [the] beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen
with our eyes, which we have viewed attentively and our hands felt, concerning
the word of life.

Yes, the life was made manifest, and we have seen and are bearing witness and
reporting to you the everlasting life which was with the Father and was made
manifest to us (1 John 1:1,2).

But what is the word of life if it is not the word of God, the bible? For Jesus said to
Satan quoting Moses:

But in reply he said: It is written: Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every
utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth (Matthew 4:4).

So he humbled you and let you go hungry and fed you with the manna, which
neither you had known nor your fathers had known; in order to make you know
that not by bread alone does man live but by every expression of Jehovah's
mouth does man live (Deuteronomy 8:3).

These utterances from Gods mouth are the words of life. And all of such are in the
bible. And yet Jesus is called by the same name! This is not a coincidence, it is
because he is the one mediator between God and men:

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ
Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5).

He was the angel that gave the law to Moses. He was the angel in the burning
thornbush as Stephen and Paul disclosed:

You who received the Law as transmitted by angels but have not kept it (Acts

Why, then, the Law? It was added to make transgressions manifest, until the seed
should arrive to whom the promise had been made; and it was transmitted
through angels by the hand of a mediator (Galatians 3:19).

So God inspired men to write the bible through Jesus. It was Jesus, who existed as the
angel Michael before he entered the son of Joseph & Mary at his baptism, who put the
words into the mouths of the prophets, all the bible writers for the scripture says:

All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one
thing came into existence (John 1:3).

So in particular the bible came into existence through him. Every chapter of the bible,
every verse of the bible every word of the bible came into existence through him. So
Jesus is the word of God, the word of life, and the bible is the word of God and the word
of life.

What all of this means is that since Jesus, when he was a human, spoke entirely in
illustrations, in parables. And since Jesus, in his pre - human existence, as the angel
Michael, who was called the word, himself transmitted the words of the bible to the bible
writers, then we have no reason to suppose that the words he transmitted as an angel
to the bible writers were any less symbolic, any less illustrative, any less coded, than
the words he directly transmitted with his mouth as a human. Because Jesus like God is
consistent in his approach to men. In other words, the whole book is a series of
illustrations or parables. For an illustration is a symbolic code. Even the account of
David & Goliath for example. The parables of Jesus are examples explaining the
structure of the whole book.

What is more, Jesus has shown us directly how to interpret his parables, namely by
constructing a symbolic look up table:

Then after dismissing the crowds he went into the house. And his disciples came
to him and said: Explain to us the illustration of the weeds in the field.

In response he said:

The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man;

The field is the world
as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the
sons of the wicked one,
and the enemy that sowed them is the Devil.
The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things
and the reapers are angels.

Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the
conclusion of the system of things (Matthew 13:36-40).

In the case of the bible book of Revelation, we are told directly how it was given to

A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things
that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in
signs through him to his slave John (Revelation 1:1).

So Jesus, the mediator, gave it to an angel who presented it symbolically to John. But
this is the same process that Stephen and Paul have disclosed was used to transmit
the law to us. The law really means the first five books. So the right question to ask now

Did Jesus have some different process that he used for all the other books of the bible?

The answer to this question is no. He is not inconsistent, he wasnt developing

processes as he went along like we humans do. He was acting on behalf of God who
knows everything before he starts:

Remember the first things of a long time ago, that I am the Divine One and there
is no other God, nor anyone like me; the One telling from the beginning the finale,
and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying: My own
counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do (Isaiah 46:9,10).

So not just Revelation but the whole book is presented in signs through Jesus the
mediator and through his angel, it is all symbolic, it is all in a symbolic code! To sum it
all up: God is the publisher of the bible, Jesus is the editor, and the bible writers are the
journalists. Although the editing that Jesus did was in real time.

C2.4 The bible itself says that it is written in a code!

Solomon said:

2The Glory of God is the keeping of a matter secret, and the glory of kings is the
searching through a matter (Proverbs 25).

4 If you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for
5 in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very
knowledge of God (Proverbs 2).

So this knowledge is hidden. And it is hidden in the bible, for Paul says of Jesus:

3Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge
(Colossians 2).

Well, these treasures are not stuffed up his shirt or down his trousers, although in a
sense, they are in his body, which is his church. Basically they are hidden in the
information we have on him. This information is the bible. For as we have seen above,

Jesus is the word of God, which is also 'the bible'. Paul describes how it is hidden and

7 But we speak God's wisdom in a sacred secret, the hidden wisdom, which God
foreordained before the systems of things for our glory (1 Corinthians 2).

10 For it is to us God has revealed them through his spirit, for the spirit searches into all
things, even the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2).

So again we see that wisdom is hidden in this book, concealed or coded. For a code is
hidden written information. This is why Jesus says:

2There is nothing carefully concealed that will not be revealed, and secret that will not
become known (Luke 12).

7Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on
knocking, and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7).

And really you do not have to look that far. But you do have to look, yourself! For God
said to Adam:

19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread (Genesis 3)

And Jesus said to Satan:

4But in reply he said: It is written, 'Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every
utterance coming forth through God's mouth' (Matthew 4)

From the two of which it is not hard to deduce that we will digest God's word in the
sweat of our faces as well as digesting bread in this way.

Gabriel said to Daniel:

4And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time
of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant
(Daniel 12).

We are now in this time, this book/website is the proof, see - Daniel 8, Daniel 12. Daniel
said to Nebuchadnezzar:

28However, there exists a God in the heavens who is a Revealer of secrets, and he has
made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what is to occur in the final part of the days
(Daniel 2).

And not only to him! But also to Jesus, who opened up the minds of his disciples:

45Then he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures (Luke

It is quite a task.

25 The woman said to him: I know that Messiah is coming, who is called Christ.
Whenever that one arrives, he will declare all things to us openly.
26 Jesus said to her: I who am speaking to you am he (John 4).

So the scriptures do not declare things openly, but the Christ opened them up. So the
scriptures are coded.

Jesus opened up the scriptures to their minds.

There is a holy code for the holy scriptures, and there is a bible within the bible!

C2.5 Paul describes one particular account in Genesis as a

symbolic drama

22 For example, it is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl
and one by the free woman;
23 but the one by the servant girl was actually born in the manner of flesh, the other by
the free woman through a promise.
24 These things stand as a symbolic drama; for these [women] mean two covenants,
the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar.
25 Now this Hagar means Sinai, a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the
Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children.
26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother (Galatians 4).

Hagar stood for the Law covenant mediated by Moses and Sarah for the new covenant
mediated by Jesus, described as Pauls mother. But what is so special about this
particular account in Genesis? Is it the only one to be a symbolic drama? And what is
so special about Genesis in the old testament. Might there not be some symbolic
dramas in Exodus? In fact, we know that the bible is a consistent book having but one
ghost writer - if the reader will pardon the metaphor! So any element of the bible code
that we find to be true for one account is therefore true in every account. We call this
the Consistency Principle of the code. So the whole book stands as one giant symbolic

[C3] The Consistency Principle

Any element of the code that is found to be true for one account, is true for every
account in the whole bible.

Or: Every account in the bible is written in precisely the same code

3All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing
came into existence (John 1).

16 All scripture is inspired of God (2 Timothy 3).

The Bible has one editor, Jesus Christ, and it has one ghost writer, inspirer - God. So it
is consistent as a book, it does not contradict itself. This principle follows either from
faith that God is the true author of the book, and that it is therefore consistent and
therefore all in the same language or code. Or, in the alternative it follows from the
academic axiom that 'the bible is perfect'. For if it is perfect then it is consistent,
therefore it effectively has only one author and so it is all in the same language or code.

[C4] The Power Principle

Every word in the bible has power in the greater meaning if not in the literal meaning.

18For truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one
smallest letter or one particle of a letter to pass away from the Law by any means and
not all things take place (Matthew 5).

17 Indeed, it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one particle of a letter
of the Law to go unfulfilled (Luke 16).

There are no wasted words in the bible. So repetitions have power, double descriptions
have power. Seemingly trivial details have power. Every tense of every verb, every case
of every word has power:

12For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged
sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their]
marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart (Hebrews 4).

37 But that the dead are raised up even Moses disclosed, in the account about the
thornbush, when he calls Jehovah 'the God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of
38 He is a God, not of the dead, but of the living, for they are all living to him (Luke

So we must look at tense, the angel did not say the he used to be the God of Abraham.

16Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. It says, not: And to
seeds; as in the case of many such, but as in the case of one: And to your seed; who is
Christ (Galatians 3).

So we must look at number, whether a word is singular or plural.

We will use the Power Principle to deduce other principles and symbolic

First example of the Power Principle

In the midst of years oh bring it to life, in the midst of years may you make it known
(Habakkuk 3:2).

This scripture applies to the resurrection of Jesus and to God's means of salvation from
death, Jesus' death, being made known in the midst of a period of years. Now in
Hebrew the word translated 'midst of' means either 'amongst' or 'middle of'.
Obviously if it means 'amongst' then the scripture is telling us very little if anything. But if
it means 'middle of' and we know the period of years concerned then we are being told
the dates of Jesus' death and his resurrection here. By the Power Principle if we do
know the period of years concerned and it is a large period, then the latter meaning of
the Hebrew must be correct.

Second example of the Power Principle

There are Irrelevant Details in the bible. The more irrelevant a detail appears to be in
the literal meaning, the more relevant it must be in symbolic meaning

This follows from the Power Principle. The bible is full of seemingly irrelevant detail and
crucial omissions. We saw in the case of King David's purchasing of the wood and
cattle for the first sacrifice on the site of Solomon's temple (that today houses a mosque
in Jerusalem) that he paid 50 shekels of silver for them - see [c11.1] or see [40]. Great,
who wants to know this? Are we going to put in a counter offer 3000 years later? The
temple mount in Jerusalem is not an easy place to purchase right now! But the account
does not tell us when Joab handed David the results of the registration. And neither are
we told how long after David received the registration he made this sacrifice. We want
to know this in order that we can verify whether our understanding of the 1,100,000
men of Israel drawing sword at one day per man is correct - see [c11.1] or see [40].

But actually, using the Numerical Principle of the code - [c11] the 50 shekels stand for
the precise time period that we are looking for between David receiving the results from
Joab, completing his registration sin, and him pacifying God with this sacrifice, 50 days,
at a day for a shekel. So the price that David paid in shekels, is the period of time for
which his sin remained unforgiven in days, a shekel for a day. So this seemingly
irrelevant information, actually provides the answer in the symbolic meaning. This is
how the bible is written. Here is another classic:

10 Jesus said: Have the men recline as at meal. Now there was a lot of grass in the
place. Therefore the men reclined, about 5,000 in number (John 6).

Really, a lot of grass! Were people going to get hay fever? Were there any daisies?
How about Dandelions? Was there any clover?

[C5] The Symbolic Structure Principle

Definition: A bible account is a self contained complete bible story. There may be
several of these in one chapter, or an account may span several chapters. These
accounts may refer to other bible accounts

Definition: The Event symbolic meaning of a symbolic account is the symbolic

interpretation of the events in an account.

Definition: The Word symbolic meaning of a literal or a symbolic account is the
symbolic interpretation of the words of the account.

Definition: A prophetic form is a repetitive phrase whose grammatical structure has

coded information about the word symbolic meanings of part or all of an account.

Definition: A subaccount of a bible account is a self contained symbolic or partially

symbolic (i.e. interpretational) section of that account. A prophetic form in a subaccount
only affects that subaccount.

Definition: The narrative of a bible account is all of the literal parts of the account which
are not interpretational. In other words it is all of the parts of the account which are not
in the sub accounts. Prophetic forms in narrative only affect the narrative. They have no
affect on any subaccounts.

Definition: A 'countable noun' is a noun acting as a noun (and not as a possessive

adjective) or a participle which declines like a noun acting as a noun (i.e. a gerund).

Every literal account in the bible has the normal literal meaning.

Every non literal account, such as a dream, a parable or a vision, has a straightforward
symbolic meaning, which is the symbolic meaning of the events described in the
account. We call this the Event Symbolic meaning, or the Event Symbolism.

Every interpretational sub account in the bible has its normal literal meaning which
describes the event symbolic meaning of one or more symbolic sub accounts. If the
interpretation has symbolic sections then these have event symbolic meanings.

Every account in the bible, which:

[1] contains a 'countable noun', which is a noun acting as a noun (or a participle which
declines as a noun which is used as a noun, such as a 'baker' - the one causing [things]
to be baked - a Hiphil participle in Hebrew) which is repeated an even number of times
(wherein all repeated words take the same meaning in the literal account or in the event
symbolism), and which does not contain a double designation - see [Code6b] or which

[2] has a parallel account elsewhere in the bible,

has a further set of one, two, three or four (so far as we have found) word symbolic

The number of Word Symbolic meanings in a sub account is determined by the

Successive Designations Principle below - see [Code6b]. These greater meanings are
in addition to the literal meaning, in the case of a literal account, and are in addition to
the straightforward symbolic meaning, the event symbolic meaning, in the case of a
symbolic account such as a dream, a vision or a parable. They are in addition to the
literal/event symbolic meaning of an interpretational sub account.

If a bible account contains an interpretational subaccount (typically an interpretation
from Jesus, Daniel or Joseph), then the literal meaning of the interpretation is the event
symbolic meaning of the symbolic subaccount which it is interpreting. Obviously since
the narrative is also literal, its literal meaning sets the scene for the event symbolic
meaning of all of its symbolic subaccounts.

The first word symbolic meaning of any interpretational subaccount is the first word
symbolic meaning of the symbolic subaccount which it interprets. Furthermore the
existence of a first word symbolic thread in an interpretational subaccount unites the
first word symbolic meaning of the narrative to the first word symbolic meaning of the
symbolic subaccount which the interpretation is explaining.

Likewise the second, third, fourth word symbolic meanings of any interpretational
subaccount (if they exist) are the second third fourth word symbolic meanings of the
symbolic subaccount which it interprets. Furthermore the existence of a second, third,
fourth word symbolic thread in an interpretational subaccount unites the second, third,
fourth word symbolic meaning of the narrative to the second, third, fourth word symbolic
meaning of the symbolic subaccount which the interpretation is explaining.

Likewise the non existence of a first second third fourth word symbolic thread in an
interpretational subaccount decouples the first second third fourth word symbolic
meaning of the symbolic account which it interprets from the first second third fourth
word symbolic meanings of the narrative respectively.

So the Word symbolic meaning is the symbolic interpretation of the words used to
describe the events in the account. Whereas the Event Symbolic meaning is the
symbolic interpretation of the events themselves. Perhaps this extra bible within the
bible is another reason why Jesus is called: The Word.

Here is an example of the symbolic structure of Genesis 41, the classic symbolic
structure puzzle from the Holy Spirit. This symbolic structure table does not go into the
number of fulfilments of each word thread of each subaccount.

The sub account (partial) symbolic structure of Genesis 41

Cow Dream Corn Dream Cow Recital Corn Recital Narrative
Literal of
Event Event Event Event Literal
Word1 of
Word1 Word1 Word1 Word1 Word1
Word2 of
Word2 Word2 Word2 Word2 Word2
Word3 Word3

Word1 means the first word symbolic thread of the subaccount. Each colour stands for
a different symbolic meaning set for the countable nouns. The Cow Recital and the Cow
dream take the same meaning in their event symbolism, since they both refer to the

same events. They take the same symbolic meanings in their word symbolisms by the
parallel sub account principle - see [Code15]. The same is true of the Corn dream and
the Corn recital. Joseph's Interpretation links the meaning of the narrative which is
literal to the event symbolic meanings of the recitals (which Joseph actually heard)
which are symbolic.

By the Symbolic Structure Principle above, since the interpretation has a first word
thread, the symbolic accounts that it interprets (the recitals) have the same symbolism
as the narrative in this word thread. The same is true for the second word thread. And in
all the word threads the recitals of the dreams have the same word symbolism as the
dreams themselves by the parallel subaccount principle. So the interpretation links the
word symbolisms of the symbolic accounts to the literal account the narrative. The
interpretation itself is both symbolic and literal. So the red and blue bands are universal
across all the 6 subaccounts due to the existence of a first and second word thread in
Joseph's interpretation. The third word thread of the recital of the cows does not share
the same symbolism as the third word thread of the narrative because Joseph's
interpretation does not have a third word thread. So we used two different shades of
Lilac for these symbolisms. For a full decoding of Genesis 40 and 41 - see [304]

Most accounts in the bible do have word symbolic meanings but some do not. Some
accounts only have their literal or event symbolic meanings. For example...

The two blind people cured in the house

27 As Jesus was passing along from there, two blind [ones] followed him, crying out and
saying: Have mercy upon us, Son of David.
28 After he had gone into the house, the blind [ones] came to him, and Jesus asked
them: Do you have faith that I can do this? They answered him: Yes, Lord.
29 Then he touched their eyes, saying: According to your faith let it happen to you.
30 And their eyes received sight. Moreover, Jesus sternly charged them, saying: See that
nobody gets to know it.
31 But the [ones], after getting outside, made it public about him in all that region.
(Matthew 9)

Jesus 3x
Son of David 1x
Lord 1x

This literal bible account has no 'bible noun' occurring an even number of times and no
double designations. It doesn't have a parallel account, so it has no word symbolic

The Dragnet

47 The kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet thrown into the sea, and gathering up
[fish] of every kind.
48 When it got full they hauled it up onto the beach, and sitting down, they collected the
fine ones into vessels, the unsuitable they threw outside.
49 This is how it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. The angels will go out
and separate the wicked ones out of the midst of the righteous ones, and will cast them

into the fiery furnace. There is where the weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be
(Matthew 13).

This symbolic bible account has no repeated 'bible noun' and has no parallel account
and no double designation. It therefore has no word symbolism.

If the reader is puzzling over what precise distinction we are making, between event
symbolism and word symbolism then please consider the following non scriptural

King Nebuchadnezzar went fishing. The king caught a fish. Nebuchadnezzar put the
fish back. His servants said: My Lord, why did you not eat the fish. Nebuchadnezzar the
King of Babylon said: Because I didn't have any chips to eat it with!

In the literal meaning of this little (made up) story the character referred to variously as:

King Nebuchadnezzar (adjective and noun)

The King
My Lord
Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon (double designation)

... is just one character. He is Nebuchadezzar, the King of Babylon, the Lord over his
servants. But in the Word symbolism, we are talking about 5 different but related
characters. 'My Lord', 'the King' and 'Nebuchadnezzar' may be totally unrelated, but
King Nebuchadnezzar will be related to 'The King' and to 'Nebuchadnezzar' and to
'Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon', since it shares common words with these other

Event symbolism is referred to variously in this book and in the website as the first symbolism, the straight symbolism, the
straightforward symbolism.

Word symbolism is referred to as the second symbolism, the coded symbolism, the
account symbolism.

Peter says:

19 Consequently we have the prophetic word [made] more sure and you are doing well
in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a
daystar rises, in your hearts.
20 For you know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private
21 For prophecy was at no time brought by man's will, but men spoke from God as they
were borne along by holy spirit (2 Peter 1).

So all of the word of God, the word of life, the bible, is prophetic. They are all prophetic

8 The sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has spoken who will not prophesy? (Amos 3).

The bible is the word of God, and is all delivered to us through Jesus, who is also called
the word of God - see [C2.3] so it is all prophetic. This is what Paul meant when he

12For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged
sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their]
marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart (Hebrews 4).

The word being alive, means that it has a further life over and above its literal meaning.
This is how it exerts power in the prophetic sense. The bible is not a dead history book
of past events. It is also a living history book of future events symbolically encoded in
the stories of the past events. This works because history is fractal. Was it Churchill
who said: The further back you look into history, the further forward you see? The same
is true of the bible, but actually because each account has more than one life. They all
have greater meanings. These meanings are normally prophetic and so are further
fulfillments of the scriptures.

One can use the Consistency Principle to deduce that the whole bible is prophetic just
from the fact that certain scriptures are prophetic. Likewise since certain scriptures are
laws, we can deduce that the whole bible is the 'Law of God', using the same principle.
And since certain scriptures are Psalms, we can deduce that the whole bible is a giant
praise to God, it is one huge Psalm, by the Consistency Principle.

Even when we are being told that Jacob crossed a river with 200 she goats, 20 he
goats, 200 female sheep, 20 rams, 30 camels giving suck and their young ones, 40
cows, 10 bulls, 20 she asses and 10 full grown asses (Genesis 32:14,15) this is
prophetic. It is symbolic, it stands for something greater. Who actually wants to know
the precise numbers of these animals that crossed a river 3800 years ago ? (except
perhaps a historical agricultural economist).

So either the word of God is alive and is exerting power today, through further
fulfillments of words written thousands of years ago or it is dead and powerless. Either
the flaming blade of the sword guarding the way back to the tree of life in the Garden of
Eden (Genesis 3:24), the two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12) that pierces even to the
dividing of soul and spirit, is continuously turning, or it has broken down and has come
to a standstill. Either the word of God has a height and a breadth and a length and a
depth, which we are able to grasp mentally (Ephesians 3:18), or it is flat. Either this
book has further meaning upon further meaning upon further meaning, or it has one
meaning and we should all become Hasidic Jews and start declaring Sabbath-free
zones everywhere.

Incidentally just because a bible account has no second meaning does not mean it is
not in a code. On the contrary it is in a code, a code which prohibits it from having a
further meaning. Here are some examples of word symbolic meanings...

Example 1

1When Israel was a boy, then I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. (Hosea

These words from the prophet Hosea are a historical statement about the calling of the
nation of Israel out of Egypt at the time of Moses. But Matthew knew that they had a
further fulfillment involving a further son:

15 and he stayed there until the decease of Herod, for that to be fulfilled which was
spoken by Jehovah through his prophet, saying: Out of Egypt I called my son (Matthew

This time the son was Jesus who was taken to Egypt by his parents to avoid
persecution by Herod. So there can be no argument that this particular scripture has a
further meaning. This second meaning cannot be literal since there can only be one
literal meaning which is the historical meaning. So the second fulfilment results from a
second meaning which is a symbolic meaning. In fact it is the word symbolic meaning of
this verse of Hosea.

Example 2

Consider now the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:

21 For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's
beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.
22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of
the chosen ones those days will be cut short (Matthew 24).

This looks like it applies to a great tribulation leading into Armageddon, since the 'world',
which is biblical terms is the system of things post Adam's fall and pre Armageddon, is
still ongoing, and we haven't all died yet (neither do we all die at the end). But in the
same chapter we read:

15 Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as
spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use
discernment,) 16 then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains (Matthew 24).

This looks like it applies to the end of the Jewish system of things, and the great
tribulation on the inhabitants of Jerusalem from 66Tishri when the Roman General
Cestius entered the temple in Jerusalem until to 70Ab when the Roman General Titus
burned the temple in Jerusalem. Obviously fleeing to the mountains of Judea is not a
viable option for people in Colorado at the end of the World.

For these reasons and other reasons, many Christian churches understand that
Matthew 24 applies both to the end of the Jewish system of things 66-70 AD and the
end of this system of things (The great tribulation and Armageddon). However what
they have hitherto failed to understand is that rather than some verses applying to one
end and other verses applying to the other end, the whole account has a literal
(although somewhat metaphorically stated) meaning applying to the end of the Jewish
system of things and a symbolic meaning applying to this whole system of things, 'the
world'. So actually every verse applies to the end of Jerusalem by the Romans in the

first meaning and to the end of the World by the final corruption of the UN in the second
meaning, which is the word symbolic meaning of Matthew 24. For the UN started as a
great humanitarian organisation but ends as a corrupt worldwide dictatorship. If you do
not believe that this sort of thing happens, then read animal farm by George Orwell, or
go see Star Wars, the attack of the clones. The bad guys always begin by posing as
saviours - the UK/US are also going rotten by the same route presently. The bible
describes them as follows:

11And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a
lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon (Revelation 13).

The two horns are the twin powers of the US and the UK. The horns of a lamb are
sacrificial and saving. Both powers made great sacrifices and saved the world in two
world wars. But the dragon is Satan's heavenly administration. And right now the US
and the UK have ceased acting as a lamb and have started speaking as a dragon. In
other words we lie. We lie about WMDs and procure war votes from congress and
parliament using deception. Let us be more specific. The US and the UK were genuine
true honest saviours in both World Wars. We used to be the good guys. We were also
genuine true and honest saviours in the first Gulf War under Bush senior and stormy

But in the second Gulf War war, under Bush junior and his generals, we are becoming
the bad guys. During the run up to this war we posed as saviours but were in fact acting
as aggressors on the basis of a deception. This is not to say that the removal of
Saddam was not a good idea. There are many dictators that the world would be better
off without and he was certainly one of them. But without getting involved in politics, it is
a bad idea to lie to congress or parliament about WMDs and a bad idea to trick them
both into declaring war on an unarmed man for the purpose of disarming him. For the
full symbolic meaning of Revelation 13 (as far as we understand it) - see [158].

Now the writer is fully aware that the majority of UK and US nationals will not want to
hear or believe or accept the above, because as a race, man believes what he is
comfortable with and refuses to believe what he is uncomfortable with. This is why God
chooses to save us on our faith, which is our belief. For if we love him, then we will be
comfortable with him and so we will believe, but if we do not, then we will not be
comfortable with him and so we will refuse to believe.

But refusing to believe a truth has no effect on any reality, it only buries your head in the
sand. So please, my brothers from every race, do not be like the Pakistani Muslims who
were surveyed about 911, and 89% of whom believed that Muslims were not
responsible for the Twin Towers Tragedy. And do not be like the sons of Jacob, most of
whom believe that Jesus (whom their forefather's murdered) is not God's son. For we
are all the same as them, and they are all the same as each other in genetic character
predisposition. Believe instead in the truth, however uncomfortable it appears to be and
however embarrassing it may be. Be like Daniel Barenboim the world class Jewish
pianist who plays his music to the Palestinians because he will not hide from the truth.
Now he truly is a son of Abraham, through the 1AC, and God himself will listen to his
music for a very very long time - see [9], because one does not show courage and love
like that without faith in God. And who cares about some minor embarrassment or about

the loss of a few cushions? Surely the truth is greater than these things? for the good
book says:

32 Know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8).

Here are another couple of famous examples from Matthew 24

2 Truly I say to you: By no means will a stone be left here upon a stone and not be
thrown down (Matthew 24).

In the literal meaning, the temple was destroyed by the Roman General Titus in 70 CE,
and the temple was knocked down, and no stone was left standing upon a stone. In the
greater meaning the temple stones are the living stones of the Christian temple of the
body of the Christ, which is all of the new covenant saints. And this is a prophecy that
this temple will be knocked down, whilst the stones are still around. In other words what
happened to the Jews, their rejection by God, will also happen to the first administration
of the Christian church, under the New covenant Saints, these stones.

Jesus when describing the signs of the times to his disciples said:

34 Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these
things occur (Matthew 24).

In other words one generation will see all of the signs of the time and the end. Now we
know that this was true in the case of the disciples and Jewish system of things. They
saw the signs of the times and they saw General Titus destroy Jerusalem and burn the
temple in 70CE. But there is a further meaning that applies to the generation that sees
the signs of the times today during Jesus' second presence. He is present right now,
see - The 2 Presences and 6 related comings of the Christ [33]. In the current meaning
the generation that saw the first world war will see Armageddon (through their

Example 3

The apostle Paul in Galatians 4 informs us that 3 chapters of Genesis are written in a
Symbolic Code. He says:

22 For example, it is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl
and one by the free woman;
23 but the one by the servant girl was actually born in the manner of flesh, the other by
the free woman through a promise.
24 These things stand as a symbolic drama; for these [women] mean two covenants,
the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar.
25 Now this Hagar means Sinai, a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the
Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children.
26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother (Galatians 4).

Now we read about Hagar giving birth to Ishmael in Genesis 16, and we read about
Sarah conceiving Isaac in Genesis 17 and her giving birth to Isaac in Genesis 21. So

Paul is saying to us that these three chapters at the least, are a 'Symbolic Drama'. They
have a greater meaning which is encoded symbolically. So these three chapters are not
just dead history they are also living prophecy written in terms of dead history. They
have a greater meaning relating to covenants. But for the full story of Genesis 16 - see

So come now dear reader, son or daughter of the greatest mind in the universe. Can
you think of a question that is being begged of you by the holy spirit at this time?

What is so special about Genesis 16, Genesis 17, Genesis 21, Matthew 24 and Hosea

Example 4

Here are the words of David before he became King of Israel. David was speaking
about his own persecution as he hid in the wilderness for 7 years from the jealousy of
King Saul.

1 My God, my God, why have you left me? (Psalm 22)

16 For dogs have surrounded me;

The assembly of evildoers themselves have enclosed me.
Like a lion [they are at] my hands and my feet.
17 I can count all my bones.
They themselves look, they gaze upon me.
18 They apportion my garments among themselves
And upon my clothing they cast lots (Psalm 22).

These words were uttered by David about his own personal situation. But they are
inspired prophetic words, and they have a second fulfillment in the
impalement/Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. For he said just before he died:

46Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
(Matthew 27).

Not only this but the soldiers guarding him cast lots over his garments, none of his
bones were broken on the stake (the legs of crucifixion victims were routinely broken by
the Romans to speed up their deaths if necessary). The robbers on either side of him
had their legs broken. Jesus was of course fastened by his hands and his feet to the
stake. So here again is history which is also living prophecy. The literal Psalm applies to
King David, the Word symbolic meaning applies to Jesus Christ. The application of this
psalm of David to Jesus has been known for many years. But no man before 1992
realised that all scripture has a greater application, a greater meaning, not just Psalm

So now we can ask the rhetorical question what is so special about Genesis 16,
Genesis 17, Genesis 21, Matthew 24, Hosea 11 and Psalm 22?

Example 5

17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in
the day you eat from it dying you will die (Genesis 2).

The literal meaning was that Adam died, not physically but judicially on the literal day
that he ate. By Judicial death we mean that Adam was under a death sentence, and 'as
good as dead' from then on. He was living merely by means of a stay of execution of
that sentence. Jesus meant the same thing when he said:

22 Let the dead bury their dead (Matthew 8).

He meant: Let those who are still under Adam's death sentence bury their physically
dead ones. The greater meaning of God's command in Genesis is that all of Adam's
sons die physically during the period or 'day', wherein they continue to eat from this tree
of knowledge of good and bad. So today, for example, even though we are no longer in
the garden of Eden, we are still eating and we are still dying. The 'Day' of Genesis 2:17,
is therefore the 'day' of this system of things, it is still ongoing! But not for much longer.
And when we stop eating, then we stop dying. Putting this another way, once we have
learned Good from Bad, then obviously God no longer needs to kill us Judicially. When
God threw Adam out of the garden he stopped him gaining access not to the tree of
knowledge of Good and Bad, but to the tree of life:

24And so he drove the man out and posted at the east of the garden of Eden the
cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning itself continually to guard the
way to the tree of life (Genesis 3).

Example 6

Jesus regarded the whole bible as the prophetic law of God, he said:

44 He now said to them: These are my words which I spoke to you while I was yet with
you, that all the things written in the law of Moses and in the Prophets and Psalms
about me must be fulfilled.
45 Then he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures (Luke

How can the law of Moses be fulfilled? A law is supposed to be obeyed not fulfilled! But
he says again:

17 Indeed, it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one particle of a letter
of the Law to go unfulfilled (Luke 16).

So the law is all prophetic having a fulfillment. For Paul says further:

1For since the Law has a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very
substance of the things... (Hebrews 10).

But both Jesus and Paul show us that the 'Law' does not merely refer to the Law of
Moses, in the Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. It is the whole bible. The whole book is
the law of God for mankind.

Paul says:

21Tell me, you who want to be under law [of Moses]: Do you not hear the Law [of God]?
22For example, it is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl
and one by the free woman (Galatians 4).

But the account of Abraham and his sons and wives is not in the Law of Moses, it is in
Genesis, which must therefore be a part of the 'law' of God. Jesus says:

34 Jesus answered them: Is it not written in your Law: I said: You are gods? (John 10).

But this wasn't written in the law of Moses, it was written in Psalm 82:6

6 I myself have said, You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High (Psalm 82).

And again Jesus says:

25But it is that the word written in their Law may be fulfilled, 'They hated me without
cause.' (John 15:25).

But this wasn't written in the law of Moses, no, it was written in Psalm 69:4

4They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head (Psalm 69 -
Septuagint bible LXX)

So Psalms must be a part of the 'law' of God.

But Isaiah said, over 700 years after Moses was given the law:

3 Out of Zion law will go forth and the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem (Isaiah 2).

In one meaning this law out of Zion is the word of God out of heavenly Jerusalem,
which is the whole bible. What we have just done is extend an element of the bible
code, namely, that every scripture has a further fulfillment, from the Law of Moses to the
whole bible, by considering other scriptures to define precisely what Jesus meant. But
we could equally well have done this using the Consistency Principle above.

Opening up your mind fully to grasp the meaning of the


Every verse of the Law of Moses, every verse of Genesis, every verse of the Psalms, is
to be fulfilled again. In fact the whole bible is the law of mankind and all of it, every letter
of it, has to be fulfilled a second time. And for the majority of scriptures, we are now
living in that time, which is why the same one, Jesus Christ, is opening up our minds yet
again. For if every scripture has a further fulfillment then so does Luke 24 when it says:

45Then he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures.
46and he said to them: In this way it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from
among the dead on the third day (Luke 24).

So how can our minds be opened up? In what way is the suffering and resurrection
timing of Jesus written in the scriptures? Well Jesus has already explained...

40For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish 3 days and 3 nights, so the Son of
man will be in the heart of the earth 3 days and 3 nights (Matthew 12).
30For just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, in the same way will the Son of
man be also to this generation.

It is encoded symbolically in a historical account about a prophet who was eaten by a

big fish! Yes, it is another symbolic drama. Jesus opened up the minds of his disciples
by making them aware that the book was written in this symbolic way and that every
account stood symbolically for something else. This indeed is one reason why Jesus
spoke to the crowds entirely in illustrations. He was teaching them and teaching us, that
the whole bible was written in this way. Even his famous parables have a greater
meaning in addition to the obvious moral message!

34 All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds by illustrations. Indeed, without an
illustration he would not speak to them (Matthew 13).

First Proof of the Symbolic Structure Principle

Jesus only explained the meaning of two of his parables to his disciples in the
scriptures. Of course he explained the meanings of many other parables to them
privately, but the holy word only records to of his explanations. These explanations are
therefore fundamental to all Christians especially to bible decoders. He explained the
meanings of the parable of the wheat and the weeds, and of the parable of the sower
who went to sow.

In his explanation of the parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus gives us the
meanings of the words: Sower, Field, Fine Seed, Weeds, Enemy, Harvest, all of which
are repeated NOUNS in the account - see [The Repetition Principle]. And he gives the
meaning of one further noun: Reapers, which is not repeated - see [70].

In his explanation of the sower who went to sow, in all three cases (Matthew13, Mark4
and Luke8), Jesus gives the meaning neither of words, nor of repeated words, but of
unrepeated phrases which describe events in the parable - see [63].

So in the case of the weeds Jesus explains the meaning of the words in the parable
(the repeated nouns except one) and in the case of the sower Jesus explains the
meaning of the events in the parable (which are not repeated). It is not hard to see,
therefore, that Jesus is explaining the word symbolic meaning of the weeds and the
event symbolic meaning of the sower. He is also, by only explaining these two parables
in this way, explaining that these two are the only two types of symbolism employed by
the bible code.

In other words these two are the beginning and end of the matter as regards bible
symbolism. Now in the case of the sower, the literal meaning of Jesus' explanation
explains the event symbolic meaning of the parable and the word symbolic meaning of

Jesus' explanation explains (to some extent) the word symbolic meaning of the parable.
But in the case of the weeds, the literal meaning of his explanation covers the word
symbolic meaning of the parable and the word symbolic meaning of his explanation
covers the event symbolic meaning of the parable. For even the explanations are holy
and therefore coded.

Second Proof of the Symbolic Structure Principle

The first 2 verses of the book of Revelation read:

1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that
must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in signs through
him to his slave John,
2 who bore witness to:

the word God gave

and to the witness Jesus Christ gave,
even to all the things he saw (Revelation 1).

Obviously 'all the things he saw' is the literal account of the vision. But John is also
bearing witness to 'The word God gave'. This therefore is a witness to God's words
themselves which is the word symbolic meaning. John is also bearing witness to the
(symbolically expressed) witness that Jesus gave him in the form of the vision, this then
is the event symbolic account, the symbolic meaning of the events of the vision.

All the things he saw Literal account of the vision

The Word God gave Coded word symbolic meaning of the vision
Straight event symbolic meaning of the
The Witness Jesus Christ gave

But then the reader must consider the following question. Did God, like we men do in
many of our great projects, only work out how to write the bible properly when he had
almost finished the job? Did he only work out how to inspire a symbolic bible account
when he reached Revelation, having not thought of it at the time Moses wrote

Obviously not for he is:

10The one telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have
not been done (Isaiah 46).

He is the one who knew that Man would walk on the moon before he said: Let there be
light. So we deduce that every symbolic account in the whole bible is written in this
same way as Revelation. So all symbolic accounts have an event symbolic meaning
and a word symbolic meaning.

It is not hard to see that literal accounts, such as the history of Abraham or David etc.
have the same set of meanings as symbolic accounts except that the literal account is

the event symbolic meaning. For a literal account is a symbolic account with no
symbolism if you see what we mean. In mathematical terms this would be the identity
symbolism. A symbolism in which an apple is always an apple and an orange is always
an orange etc.

Accounts which contain both literal and symbolic portions, such as dreams,
explanations and fulfillments, obey the two rules above for their respective portions.

Third Proof of the Symbolic Structure Principle

Do you remember the famous words of Jesus:

16 In this way the last ones will be first, and the first ones last (Matthew 20).

There are many meanings of this scripture and other scriptures which repeat this last
being first concept. But one interesting one is that the last words of the bible tell the
reader how to decode it. Hebrew books are read from the back to the front, they are
read backwards. And this is a living prophecy from God, the creator of both English and
Hebrew, that the decoding of the bible works backwards from the end. Much of our
Chronology works backwards from the date of Armageddon. And as regards the bible
code, well like any good text book, the answer can be looked up in the back of the

18 I am bearing witness to everyone ( masculine) that hears the words (

masculine) of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds/imposes upon them (
neuter - words or hearers), God will impose upon him the plagues that are written in this
19 And if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God
will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are
written about in this scroll (Revelation 22).

The literal meaning of these two verses is that if you add words to the scroll of
Revelation itself, you will get plagues, and if you take words from the scroll of
Revelation, corrupting the text, you will lose your everlasting life.

1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that
must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in signs through
him to his slave John (Revelation 1).

11saying: What you see write in a scroll and send it to the seven congregations, in
Ephesus and in Smyrna and in Pergamum and in Thyatira and in Sardis and in
Philadelphia and in Laodicea (Revelation 1).

6 And he said to me: These words are faithful and true, and the Lord, the God of the
inspired expressions of the prophets sent his angel forth to show his slaves the things
that must shortly take place.
7 And, look! I am coming quickly. Happy is anyone observing the words of the prophecy
of this scroll.
8 Well, I John was the one hearing and seeing these things. And when I had heard and

seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel that had been showing me
these things (Revelation 22).

This scroll is the scroll of Revelation in the literal meaning that contains all the visions
presented by the angel of Jesus (who must have been Gabriel) to John. More seriously,
it appears that some bible versions of Revelation have bits added and bits removed.
We shall have to investigate this further...

Since Revelation 22 is a literal account from verse 6 onwards, so the symbolic meaning
is an account symbolism, and is further the very definition of how all the symbolic
meanings of the bible work! For we have the words of the scroll of the prophecy and we
have the words of the prophecy of the scroll. These two define the event symbolic and
account symbolic meanings as follows:

Words Symbolic meaning

Scroll Account
Prophecy Events
Scroll of this prophecy Account of the events
Prophecy of this scroll Events of the account
Words of the scroll of this prophecy Symbolic meaning of the account of the events
Words of the prophecy of this scroll Symbolic meaning of the events of the account

So the bible has two symbolic grammars, if you like. There is a symbolic meaning of the
prophecy of the scroll, which is the straight forward symbolism of the events in the
account. Then there is the symbolic meaning of the scroll of the prophecy, which is the
symbolic meaning of the account of the events, the words that describe the events.
Hence the name 'Word Symbolism' for this symbolic meaning. This may be another
reason why Jesus is called the 'Word' of God.

So if anyone persecutes someone who understands the Event symbolism of Revelation

then they get plagues. And if any sanctified person will not accept Word Symbolism
then they get no more food from the tree of life, and they fail to join the holy city of
FDS2/4 so they break their baptism.

The corollary of this is that the Holy City and the life giving food are derived from the
Word Symbolic meanings of the bible.

Revelation makes the distinction between Event Symbolism and Account Symbolism
using Account symbolism. It is an implicit distinction. But nonetheless, the distinction is

For those who do not understand the meaning of explicit, consider the two equations

x=2+1 (explicit)
x+3=2x ( implicit)

Both equations have the same solution, namely x=3, the latter equation defines x in
terms of itself, this is the meaning of 'implicit'. Likewise Revelation 22:18,19 define
event and account symbolisms through account symbolism. But verse 10 reads:

10He also tells me: Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, for the
appointed time is near (Revelation 22).

Whereas Gabriel said to Daniel:

4 And as for you, Oh Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the scroll, until the time
of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant
(Daniel 12).

The words of the prophecy of the scroll are the event symbolic meaning. This meaning
is the straight symbolism, it is not sealed. In fact mankind saw that the wild beast of
Revelation 13 and 17 was the League of Nations in 1920. This is the event symbolic
meaning. But the account symbolic meaning, the word symbolism, was sealed up until
the time of the end, which began in 1992Shebat21 - see [157]. Now Revelation22
deliberately does not say: Do not seal up the words of the scroll of the prophecy,
because the Word symbolic meaning was sealed up.

So the same account that tells us not to mess around physically with the physical holy
words of Revelation (and it tells us that false churches will do this), also tells us how
precisely to mess around symbolically with these words in order to get their symbolic
meanings (and true churches will do this). And by the Consistency Principle, this
symbolic methodology applies, the two symbolisms apply, not just to the book of
Revelation, but to the whole bible.

Fourth Proof of the Symbolic Structure Principle

Finally we have the shortest parable in the bible which is:

33 Another illustration he spoke to them: The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven,
which a woman took and hid in three large measures of flour, until the whole mass was
fermented/leavened (Matthew 13).

Ok, you young paduan learners! If it is the most insignificant and smallest of the
parables in the whole bible, then what does this tell you about its spiritual meaning in
this upside down world in which we live?

Yes, it is the greatest of them all in meaning. Well, the event symbolic meaning is as

The woman is the holy spirit, the leaven is the bible code, and the three lumps of flour
are the literal, the event symbolic and the account symbolic meanings of the bible.
When the whole mass is fermented/leavened (decoded), then we can truly eat the
whole book and see both the code and the truth and God and the true religion and his
plan and his love and his humour and his righteousness, and our total and utter
pretentiousness and stupidity stretching over 3500 years. As regards the account

symbolic meaning of Matthew 13:33 and the parallel account in Luke 13:20 please see
section [69].

This leaven is not the wicked teachings of the Pharisees but is rather the good
teachings of the true priesthood of God. This website is the result of such leaven. We
are expanding the bread of heaven to make it fully digestible.

[C6a] The Designations Principle

If one character or item in a subaccount is referred to by two or more non successive
nouns (nouns used as nouns or nouns used as possessive adjectives or gerunds, but
not adjectives used as nouns), then these nouns refer to two or more characters or
items in the various word symbolic threads if such threads exist. These characters or
items may be the same as or different from the one character or item to which all the
nouns refer in the literal or event symbolic meaning.

Our first incorrect idea for this principle was:

[[If one character or item in an account is referred to by two or more (successive or non
successive) nouns used as nouns (multiple designations), then it has two or more word
symbolic meanings in the various word symbolic threads if they exist. These may be the
same as or different from the event symbolic meaning.]] - REJECTED

Example 1

See the accounts in section [49].

[C6b] The Successive Designations Principle

The double or triple or quadruple or quintuple or sextuple designation (which we use to
mean two, three, four, five or six successive designations), is the most important
prophetic form in the bible. Here is the definition and the effect of this form...

If a character or item designated by...

1. A noun acting as a noun

2. An adjective acting as a noun (which almost invariably means that it is preceded by
'the' i.e. is definite or is in the construct in Hebrew)
3. A participle, (a verb used as an adjective), which adjective is acting as a noun, (which
means that it must be preceded by 'the' i.e. is definite - such as 'the scorched [one]' or
is in the construct in Hebrew)
4. A gerund (a verb acting as a noun such as a 'smoker')
5. The phrase 'The [one]' where '[one]' is implied and is of course a noun.

is referred to by two or more successive such designations, and all the designations
when taken separately in the context of the verse act as nouns and the verse makes
sense with each designation standing alone (which means that the designations must
all be in the same case in Greek), then there are two or more Word Symbolic meanings

to that account. The account possesses two or more Word Symbolic

The first Word Symbolic thread has only the first designation of any successive
designations, and substitutes all second and third etc. successive designations to be
the first successive designation wherever these may occur in the account including and
after the successive designation (until any further successive designation redefines
these substitutions). The second Word Symbolic thread takes only the second
designation of any successive designations etc. and substitutes the first and third etc.
successive designations to be the second successive designation wherever these may
occur in the account including and after the successive designation (until any further
successive designation redefines these substitutions) etc.

The first designation occurs first in position. If several items or characters have
successive designations then all the first designations form the first word symbolic
thread, and all the second designations form the second word symbolic thread etc. If an
account has a quadruple designation and a double designation, the the double
designation shows the first designation in the first and third threads and the second
designation in the second and fourth threads of the account.

A designating phrase cannot be a part of a multiple designation if it contains a pronoun

since the pronoun will become disconnected from the noun it stands for in any

Past and Passive participles

These generally end in 'ed'. For example, 'Kicked' can be a past participle: We have
kicked. Or it can be a passive participle: We were kicked. In general the verb 'to have'
gives a past participle and the verb 'to be' gives a passive participle. A participle is a
verb acting as an adjective. A Gerund is a participle acting as a noun. In the English
language, only present participles can act as nouns (Driving is fun). Passive participles
act as adjectives only in English. But in Greek passive participles can act as nouns (The
Scorched [one] was sold last).

Example prophetic forms

The soil, the fine [soil] (a repeated designation)

Lord! Lord! (a repeated designation)
Nebuchadnezzar, the king
The King, Nebuchanezzar
King Nebuchadnezzar ('King' is a noun)
A man, a householder
A maidservant, an Egyptian
Joseph, Son of David
Sarah, Abraham's wife
The Faithful Steward, the discreet [one]
Jesus, Instructor!
Lord Jehovah, holy [one] of Israel (Hebrew)
The ram that you saw, [the] owner of the two horns??
The ram, one standing before the watercourse

The Island, the [one] called Patmos
The 7 congregations, the [ones] in Asia
The false prophet, the one having deceived
The bull, the one
The bull, the other
My lord, My Brother (might be OK since both designations are possessed)
Father Abraham ('Father' is a noun!)
A son, a male (translating this as 'A male son' would be an insult to the reader)
Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, the priest of On (Asenath was not herself the priest
of On, her father was - So the first second and third threads have, Asenath, the
daughter of Potiphera, the daughter of the priest of On)
The heads of grain, the withered [ones].
a ruler, a certain one []
The Dragon, the great [one], the serpent, the archaic [one], the [one] called [the] Devil and
the Satan, the [one] misleading the entire inhabited earth.

The last combination is the daddy of all successive designations. It is in fact the product
of Jesus' sense of humour! The joke is of course that the phrase: The one called the
Devil and Satan, which is actually declaring that it is giving us two successive
designations for Satan, is itself a successive designation for Satan! This sort of thing is
a cryptic confirmation of the existence of the successive designation principle. The
whole thing is rather like an Angus Deaton quiz show.

Consider the made up prophetic form:

The Dragon, the great [one], the hated [one], the lying [one], the [one] lying to everyone

This has a passive participle (Hated [one]) acting as a noun and a present participle
(Lying [one]) acting as a noun. Both of these participles are therefore Gerunds. Finally it
has 'the' acting as a noun through the implied '[one]'. The largest number of successive
designations in the correct form that we have seen in the bible is 6.

Example invalid prophetic forms

The famine, the that ('that' can be used as an adjective or a pronoun, but is not an
adjective, it is a determinant)
Some of the men, the Galileans (some, all etc. are not nouns).
Against-the prophet, against-Moses
My servant, Moses (Pronoun imbalance)
Abraham, her husband (Pronoun imbalance)
to-Nebuchadnezzar, the king
The dragon (accusative), the serpent (nominative)
Lord, the God of us, the almighty (Pronoun imbalance)
The cows, the [ones] ascending after them (Pronoun imbalance)
The enemy, the [one] having sown them (Pronoun imbalance)

When substituting single designations one must substitute the whole designation
including the definite article (the) and the possessive operator (of). The single
designation to be substituted must be in the same case as the substituting designation
in Greek (or possibly just precisely the same word), unless the Greek word for the

Designation is indeclinable. In Hebrew both the substituting word and the substituted
word must be absolute or both must be construct (this does not apply to the successive
designation itself). In Greek and in Hebrew both a definite designation cannot substitute
an indefinite designation but an indefinite designation can substitute a definite one.

Hebrew nouns with the inseparable prepositions (as, to, in) cannot make
successive designations because both designations would need to have the
prepositional prefix and then the nouns would not be successive having a preposition
between them. Hebrew nouns with pronominal suffixes (suffixes which are pronouns)
cannot make successive designations because they are not plain nouns (we realised
this when we saw that they do not work in Genesis 16 or Numbers 12). Or more likely
because one designation is possessed by a pronoun and the other isn't. In the Greek
too, if one designation has a pronoun and the other doesn't then the result is not a
successive designation because the pronoun imbalance would introduce a possibly
meaningless pronoun into sentences containing the designation without the pronoun,
on substitution.

[[If the result of the substitutions has a double 'the', such as 'the the Nazarene', then
one shortens this to 'the Nazarene'. One can justify this 'the the' fix on the basis that
these substitutions on the double designations themselves always result in a repeated
word or phrase which is similarly shortened to one recital. For example: Jesus, the
Nazarene, becomes: The Nazarene, The Nazarene, which becomes: The Nazarene, in
the second word thread, and becomes: Jesus, Jesus, which becomes: Jesus in the first
word thread. Or one can justify it on the basis that in Greek, the the Nazarene means,
the [one], the Nazarene, which means, the Nazarene.]]???

Invalid substitutions:
Mary (nominative) and Mary (vocative)
Jesus and 'of Jesus'
King (absolute) and King (construct)
King, the King

For example the successive designation: Nebuchadnezzar, the king, causes a

substitution to occur in the phrase: The King was very pleased, but not in the phrase:
Our king is wonderful (because 'the' is absent).

The Successive Possessive Designations Principle

Successive designations can be possessive of course. Take the first verse in Matthew
for example:

1 The book of the history of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham (Matthew 1).

Jesus, Christ, son of David, son of Abraham is a quadruple designation for our saviour.
But all of the multiple designations are used as adjectives possessively describing the
noun 'history'. So this is not a successive designation as we have defined that prophetic
form. But it is nonetheless a multiple designation, so what should we do with it? Well we
puzzled over this one for some time until the example in Matthew 1 above gave us the
answer. Possessive successive designations do not create word symbolic threads as
the non possessive ones do. But they do substitute as a successive designation does in

the word symbolic threads that are created by the non possessive successive
designations. In Matthew 1 there are two word symbolic threads which are created by
the successive designations...

David, the king

Joseph, the husband of Mary
Jesus, the [one] called Christ.

So in Word 1 verse 1 is: 1 The book of the history of Jesus son of David, son of
Abraham (Matthew 1).
Whereas in Word 2 it is: 1 The book of the history of Christ, son of David, son of
Abraham (Matthew 1).

The 3rd and 4th designations for Jesus (son of David and son of Abraham) do not
substitute since there is no 3rd of 4th word symbolic thread.

The Double Declaration Principle

There is a further prophetic form that works in the same way as a Successive
Designation, we call it a Double Declaration. The Double Declaration Principle states

If any non trivial word is recited twice successively then the pair acts as a Successive

This is true because plainly the account reads sensibly with either one of the
successive declarations missed out. Examples of this prophetic form are:

Truly, truly, I say to you

Impale [him], Impale [him]


So where is the scriptural justification for this outrageous scheme to pervert the
scriptures and twist them to our taste, substituting holy words here there and
everywhere in accordance with a scheme of men, the puritan asks, and rightly so. Do
we not fall foul of the very last words in the book?

Well the last few verses of Revelation 22 have 4 word symbolic threads to them, since
our sacrificee and saviour said:

16I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you people of these things for the
congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David, the star, the bright, the morning.

17And the spirit and the bride keep on saying: Come! And let anyone hearing say:
Come! And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life's water free.

18 I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll:
If anyone makes an addition to these [words], God will add to him the plagues that are
written in this scroll,

19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take
his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, of the things [good or
plagues?] which are written about in this scroll (Revelation 22)

We looked at these verses in the 3rd proof of the symbolic structure principle above.
Literally, for the literal meaning or the event symbolic meaning of an account, no words
can be altered. Furthermore some words have been added and removed so that some
people will get the plagues and lose their portion from the trees of life and the holy city.
But in one of the word symbolic threads, the ambiguous verse 19 should be read:

19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take
his portion away of the [bad] things [the plagues] which are written about in this scroll,
[which come] from the trees of life and out of the holy city (Revelation 22).

Now whereas 'the words of the prophecy of this scroll' stand for the literal and event
symbolic meanings of the bible, 'the words of the scroll of this prophecy' stand for the
word symbolic threads. So we can and do take away words from these threads and
thereby avoid the plagues on Babylon and on mankind in general! (But we cannot add
words to them). For the LWs are trees of life individually and a holy city collectively.

Example 1

Let us apply the Successive Designations Principle to the following made up and non
scriptural example:

Sarah, Abraham's wife went shopping with Hagar, the Egyptian..

Hagar picked up a nice cooking pot
Abraham's wife picked up a bag of rice
Sarah, Abraham's wife, paid for them
She then took her maidservant home
Hagar, the Egyptian boiled the rice in the pot
Her mistress gave the rice to Abraham
Abraham said: What a great meal my wife!
Sarah said: My maidservant cooked it.
Abraham said: My wife and Hagar work well together.

This splits into first and second Word Symbolic accounts as follows:

1st Word Symbolism (1st Word Symbolic thread):

Sarah, went shopping with Hagar

Hagar picked up a nice cooking pot
Sarah picked up a bag of rice
Sarah, paid for them
She then took Hagar home
Hagar, boiled the rice in the pot

Her mistress gave the rice to Abraham
Abraham said: What a great meal my wife!
Sarah said: My maidservant cooked it.
Abraham said: My wife and Hagar work well together.

2nd Word Symbolism (2nd word symbolic thread):

Abraham's wife went shopping with the Egyptian.

The Egyptian picked up a nice cooking pot
Abraham's wife picked up a bag of rice
Abraham's wife, paid for them
She then took the Egyptian home
The Egyptian boiled the rice in the pot
Her mistress gave the rice to Abraham
Abraham said: What a great meal!
Abraham's wife said: My maidservant cooked it.
Abraham said: My wife and the Egyptian work well together.

For the whole story on Genesis 16, the first part of the symbolic drama referred to by
Paul in Galatians 4, please read [210]. If you actually try and write one of these you will
see that the Successive Descriptions Principle is quite restrictive to what the account
can say. We had to rewrite the above a few times to get it to work! The account must
make sense with all of the substitutions. For example Abraham could not have said:
Thanks Hagar! Because then in the second word symbolism he would have said:
Thanks the Egyptian! which is nonsense! (Hebrew has no vocative, this problem would
not occur in Greek due to the vocative case). So here at last is a grammatical proof of
the bible code, and a test for canonicity. For more of this sort of thing - see [49].

Example 2

The two great interpreters of dreams in the holy book are Joseph and Daniel. They are
the two archetypical bible decoders. Get to know them and you get to know about this
amazing code.

12Forasmuch as an extraordinary spirit and knowledge and insight to interpret dreams

and the explanation of riddles and the untying of knots had been found in him, in Daniel,
whom the king himself named Belteshazzar. Now let Daniel himself be called, that he
may show the very interpretation (Daniel 5).

Daniel chapter 5 has two designations for Belshazzar, the king of Babylon. These are:
The King and Belshazzar. In each Word symbolic meaning, Belshazzar stands for
someone, the king stands for someone else, and Belshazzar, the king is a double
designation which stands for the symbolic meaning of 'Belshazzar' in the first word
symbolism and the symbolic meaning of 'The king' in the second. If you do not realise
this then the account is all tied up in a knot and you get nowhere. Once you do realise
this, then you can untangle the account into its two different Word Symbolic strands.
For our imperfect attempt at the untangling of Daniel 5, which you are unlikely to follow
as yet! - see [164].

The classic example of Successive Designation Symbolism is Revelation 12. Here we

9 So [down] was hurled the dragon, the great, the serpent, the archaic, the one called
Devil and the Satan, the one misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down
to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him (Revelations 12).

There are 6 designations for Satan in this one verse:

The Dragon
the great [one]
the serpent
the archaic [one]
the [one] called [the] Devil and the Satan (participle used as an adjective describing a
the [one] misleading the entire inhabited earth (participle used as an adjective
describing an action).

These are 6 valid designations for the same angel. The reader (and the writer) might at
first think that the above is only 4 total designations for Satan, because the sense is, the
great dragon, the original serpent, etc. But this is a Word symbolism, and the Greek

The dragon, the great

It does not read:

The great dragon

Both are acceptable forms in the Greek idiom. In the parable of the sower the Greek
has both forms (it has the soil, the fine, and it has the fine soil). And Satan was the
great one and the oldest angel, for he was the firstborn angel of God and he had the
firstborn covenant until Adam's sin. In the rest of the account we read of the exploits of:
The dragon, the devil and the serpent:

7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon [Satan's
heavenly organisation], and the dragon and its angels battled (Revelation 12).

12On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth
and for the sea, because the Devil [political corruptor] has come down to you, having
great anger, knowing he has a short period of time (Revelation 12).

We are not going into the symbolism of this chapter at this point, save but to point out
that the dragon represents Satan's secular kingdom over mankind, the serpent
represents his corrupt members of God's true people (as in the original case of Eden)
and the Devil is plain old Satan. Bearing this symbolism in mind please read this:

15 And the serpent [true religious corruptor] disgorged water like a river from its mouth
after the woman, to cause her to be drowned by the river.
16 But the earth came to the woman's help, and the earth opened its mouth and
swallowed up the river that the dragon disgorged from its mouth (Revelation 12).

Now you are beginning to pull this book apart, to untangle its knots, to decode it. There
is a reason that the designation 'serpent' in verse 15 is changed to the designation
'dragon' in verse 16. For a fuller explanation of Revelation 12 - see U151.

Example 3

1For the kingdom of the heavens is like a man, a householder, who went out early in the
morning to hire workers for his vineyard (Matthew 20).

So we have a man and a householder. Now the rest of the account refers variously to
'the man', 'the householder', and 'him'. So by the Successive Designations Principle we
have two word symbolic threads to Matthew 20 - see [192].

Example 4

1Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children; but she had an Egyptian
maidservant and her name was Hagar (Genesis 16).

The two successive designations for Sarah, means that there are two Word Symbolic
threads in this account - see [210]

Example 5

42 And the Lord said: Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his
master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of
food supplies at the proper time? (Luke 12).

(Luke 12)
The faithful steward, the discreet [one]

The two successive designations for this steward means that there are two Word
Symbolic threads in this account - see [34].

Example 6

11 Abraham, Abraham (Genesis 22)

2 Jacob, Jacob (Genesis 46)
13 Conspiracy, conspiracy! (2 Chronicles 23)
4 And he said: Moses, Moses (Exodus 3)
22 Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and
perform many powerful works in your name (Matthew 7)

These double declarations work the same as your regular successive designations.
They are merely a special case of Father, Abraham for example. So there are two
further Abrahams, two further Jacobs, fathers of 12 tribes, two further impalements, two
further conspiracies, two further Moses' etc. In the case of the impalement, the further
two are represented by the two robbers impaled one on each side of Jesus. In the case
of Moses, Jesus was one greater Moses, and there is another.

[C7a] The Descriptions Principle

If a character or item, represented by a noun, in an account makes two or more non
successive appearances with differing descriptors, one of which can be no descriptor,
(which descriptors can be adjectives or participles used as adjectives) then all the word
symbolic threads have two or more fulfilments of the word symbolic meaning of the

Jesus and Jesus the Galilean are two descriptions of Jesus. Jesus and Lord and the
righteous [one] are two designations and a description of both designations. Jesus and
Jesus of Nazareth are two descriptions of Jesus. The soil, the fine [soil] is a repeated
designation the second of which is a further description of soil.

[C7b] The Successive Descriptions Principle

Definition: A Symbolic Meaning of a word, is a further meaning to the literal meaning
which meaning is related to the literal meaning in a symbolic way

Definition: A Fulfilment of a symbolic meaning of a word, is a particular example of that

symbolic meaning.

Definition: A word symbolic thread of a subaccount is a word symbolic meaning of the

entire sub account.

Definition: A further fulfilment of a word symbolic subaccount is a second temporal

occurrence of the word symbolic meaning of that subaccount

The double or triple or quadruple or quintuple description (which we use to mean two,
three, four or five successive descriptions), is the second most important prophetic form
in the bible (in the sense that it defines the number of fulfilments of the word symbolic
threads defined by the successive designations principle). Here is the definition and the
effect of this form...

If a character or item, represented by a countable noun, in an account is characterized

to by two or more successive descriptors, one of which can be no descriptor and the
other of which can be a second and descriptive noun (such as Father or King or God
etc.) which descriptors are adjectives, participles used as adjectives describing a state,
or descriptive nouns, then all the word symbolic threads have two or more fulfilments to
the entire thread relating to the two or more descriptors of that character or item. The
first fulfilment temporally of the thread takes only the first description of the countable
noun (first in position in the account as written) and substitutes all incidences of the
second and the other successive descriptions in the prophetic form which occur in the

account including and after the successive description, to be the first description (until
any further successive description redefines these substitutions). The second fulfilment
temporally of the thread takes only the second description of the countable noun
(second in position in the account as written) and substitutes all incidences of the first
description and the other successive descriptions in the prophetic form which occur in
the account including and after the successive description to be the second description
(until any further successive description redefines these substitutions), etc.

There can be many fulfilments of a meaning. For example the meaning Christ, has
fulfilments of Jesus, John the baptist, Paul etc. Or if the expression ruler of the Jews
had the symbolic meaning head of a congregation, then it would have as many
fulfilments as there were congregations. A double description cannot have a pronoun
imbalance for the same reasons that a double desgination cannot have one, namely
one of the substitutions could introduce a meaningless pronoun into the account.

Example prophetic forms

The faithful and discreet slave (literally: the faithful slave and discreet)
Wicked and adulterous generation
A thief and a plunderer (literally: thief is and plunderer)
The brother of James and John
7 heads of grain, [ones] withered and thin [ones] and [ones] scorched
The God and father of him (The God of him and the father of him)
Lord of Lords and King of Kings
Fire-red and hyacinth-blue and sulphur-yellow breastplates
The law of sin and of death

Invalid prophetic forms

The ugly [ones] and the skinny [ones] (no noun)

Example 1

The famous example is 'The faithful and discreet slave' of Matthew 24:45. The one
word symbolic thread, has two fulfilments which relate to two slaves, a faithful slave and
a discreet slave. The two descriptors 'faithful' and 'discreet' define two separate slaves
in two separate fulfilments of the one word symbolic meaning - see [34].

45Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his
domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? (Matthew 24).

Matthew 24
The faithful slave and discreet

In Luke we have two successive designations for the appointed one: the faithful
steward and the discreet one, so we know from the Successive Designations Principle
that there are two greater symbolic meanings for the slave in two word symbolic

In Matthew we have one designation: the faithful and discreet slave. But this
designation describes the slave in two ways: faithful & discreet. So we have two
successive descriptions of one slave in Matthew and two successive designations for
one slave in Luke. Successive designations give further word symbolic meanings, and
successive descriptions gives further word symbolic fulfillments.

And look! Using this code here, we have already described the 4 true Christian
administrations of Abraham's seed from Jesus' death to Armageddon. The 4 true
Christian Religions. We call them FDS1, FDS2, FDS3, FDS4 in this website/book,
standing for the first to the fourth Faithful and Discreet Slave. There were two slaves,
two true religions in each of the two presences. Matthew refers to FDS1 and FDS3 and
Luke refers to FDS2 and FDS4. The apostle Peter was the first head of FDS1, the
apostle Paul was the first head of FDS2, these were both in the first presence. Charles
Russell, who founded the Watchtower, was the first head of FDS3 (although he was
never appointed over all of Jesus' belongings, but the second president of the
Watchtower Joseph Rutherford was), and Gordon is the first head of FDS4, the Lord's
Witnesses. For more on this - see [34]

Example 2

33So now let Pharaoh look for a man discreet and wise and set him over the land of
Egypt (Genesis 41).

This was Joseph in the literal meaning, who is described successively as being discreet
and wise. In the word symbolic meanings a greater land of Egypt has two further rulers,
a discreet one and a wise one - see [304].

Example 3

2 And here ascending out of the river Nile were 7 cows beautiful in appearance and fat-
fleshed, and they went feeding among the Nile grass.
3 And here there were seven other cows ascending after them out of the river Nile, ugly
in appearance and thin-fleshed, and they took their stand alongside the cows by the
bank of the river Nile (Genesis 41).

Joseph gave us the meaning of the literal dream in the same chapter, which meaning is
in fact the event symbolic meaning. He revealed that we should take a cow for a year in
that case. But both sets of 7 cows are described successively in two ways: beautiful
and fat, ugly and thin. So there are two fulfilments of the cows in this dream in the one
word symbolic thread. We have a reasonable but somewhat outdated understanding of
this account - see [304].

[C7c] The Double Articulations Principle

If a verbal phrase is doubly articulated (the two articulations being separated by either
nothing or by the word 'and'), then there is a word symbolic thread and the double
articulation takes a greater meaning in this and in all word symbolic threads.

Compare this with Joseph's explanation of the meaning of a dream repeated twice
(firmly established and speeding to do it). But possibly both verbs must be in the same
tense (Revelation 12:2).

Example 1

8Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book , that it may
serve for a future day, for a witness to time indefinite (Isaiah 30).

The action of reducing something to writing is successively repeated here. This is the
SRAP telling us that there are two prophetic fulfillments to the account, which 'serve for
a future day'.

Example 2

17 By the decree of watchers the thing is, and [by] the saying of holy ones the request is
(Daniel 4).

We are being told successively in two synonymous ways that the angels decreed this

Example 3

Phrases do not have to be repeated word for word to qualify, but must be conceptually
the same in the second recital. Because Amos has said:

3 Will two walk together unless they have met by appointment?

4 Will a lion roar in a forest when it has no prey?

Will a young maned lion give forth its voice from its hiding place if it has caught nothing
at all?

5Will a bird fall into a trap on the earth when there is no snare for it?
Does a trap go up from the ground when it has absolutely caught nothing?

6 If a horn is blown in a city, do not also the people themselves tremble?

If a calamity occurs in the city is it not also Jehovah who has acted/caused [it]?

7For the sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his
confidential matter/secret to his servants, the prophets

8There is a lion that has roared! Who will not be afraid?

The sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has spoken who will not prophesy? (Amos 3)

The forest is the hiding place of the lion, the roar is the giving forth of its voice, if it has
caught nothing then it has no prey. These repeated concepts in slightly different words
are how the sovereign Lord Jehovah reveals his confidential matters, his secrets to his
servants the prophets today. A repeated recital does not need to use exactly the same

words! Incidentally God causes every calamity and every good thing, being behind it all.
But he does not directly cause every calamity or every good thing.

Example 4

The last creative act of God, on the day that Adam sinned was:

21And Jehovah God proceeded to make long garments of skin for Adam and for his wife
and to clothe them (Genesis 3).

The literal meaning is that God was their tailor. One consequence of this is that it is not
a sin for women to wear fur coats. Beautiful women who wear fur coats are hated
because of Jealousy, not because an animal has been killed purely for its skin.
Remember that Adam and Eve were vegetarians when God killed the animal for it's skin
to clothe them. But the concept of clothing them is repeated, being recited first in terms
of making long garments. So there is a greater way in which God clothed them. This
greater way was that he created new bodies for them which instead of being indefinitely
long lasting bodies which did not age, as were their previous bodies in the garden, were
just long lasting, and were ageing. Adam lived for 930 years (Genesis 5:5). So these
new ageing bodies, shorter versions of which we all inhabit today, were their long
garments of skin as it were.

Example 5

8However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is
with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day (2 Peter 3).

In the literal meaning, God lives forever, and so to him one day is just like 1,000 years.
But this phrase is repeated, and so by the Successive Repeated Concept Principle,
there is a greater way in which one day is as 1,000 years to God. This greater way is
that one day represents 1,000 years in some scriptures.

6 And you must lie upon your right side in the second case, and you must carry the
error of the house of Judah forty days. A day for a year, a day for a year, is what I have
given you (Ezekiel 4).

In the literal meaning, the 40 days of Ezekiel's laying on his right side represents 40
years or error of the house of Judah. But in the greater meaning, we know that the
phrase: 'A day for a year' has a greater meaning. This meaning is that God has given 'a
day for a year' to all would be Ezekiel's, 'prophets' who want to interpret the bible. A day
for a year is an acceptable substitution and may give you the correct interpretation of
any scripture in the symbolic meaning. It is a symbolism that God uses, we are being

Example 6

6 Into their intimate group do not come, O my soul. With their congregation do not
become united, O my disposition, because in their anger they killed men, and in their
arbitrariness they hamstrung bulls.
7 Cursed be their anger, because it is cruel, and their fury, because it acts harshly. Let

me parcel them out in Jacob and let me scatter them in Israel (Genesis 49).
11 Tying his full-grown ass to a vine and the descendant of his own she-ass to a choice
vine, he will certainly wash his clothing in wine and his garment in the blood of grapes
(Genesis 49).

Example 7

12 The error of Ephraim is wrapped up, his sin is treasured up (Hosea 13).

[C7d] The Successive Alternatives Principle

If an account contains a series of successive alternatives, then each alternative must
occur at least once in at least one word symbolic thread. And if the number of word
symbolic threads matches the number of successive alternatives then each and every
alternative occurs only once in each and every thread (each threads gets its own

Example 1

See 'tribulation or persecution' in the accounts of the sower - [63].

Example 2

35Therefore keep on the watch for you do not know when the master of the house is
coming, whether late in the day (the first watch of the night) or at midnight (the second
watch) or at cockcrowing (the third watch) or early in the morning (the fourth
watch) (Mark 13).

See 'whether late in the day (the first watch of the night) or at midnight (the second
watch) or at cockcrowing (the third watch) or early in the morning (the fourth watch). ' in
the account of the slaves appointed by the master - [34].

[C7e] The Successive Subjects Principle

If a verb has two or more successive subjects, then the account has two or more
fulfilments in total in all the word symbolic threads.

Example 1

See 'the anxiety of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches choke the
word' in the accounts of the sower - [63].

Example 2

See 'the rain poured down and the rivers came and the winds blew and struck against
that house' in the account of the house built on sand - [49]. This principle appears to be
a special case of the Successive Articulations Principle.

[C7f] The Articulations Principle
If a verbal phrase is articulated twice non successively (separated by a word other than
'and') in one account, then it takes a greater meaning different from the literal meaning
in all the word symbolic threads of the account. This greater meaning is a key
symbolism in the word symbolic threads. (And there must be at least one word symbolic

Compare this with Joseph's explanation of the meaning of a dream repeated twice
(firmly established and speeding to do it).

Example 1

12And Arpachshad life [ a noun] 35 year. Then he became father to Shelah.

13And after his fathering Shelah, Arpachshad continued to live 3 years and 400 year.
Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.

See U102.

[C7g] , its a grammatical code

27 And the uncircumcised [person] that is such by nature will, by carrying out the Law,
judge you who with its written code [] and circumcision are a transgressor of
law (Romans 2).
29 But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and [his] circumcision is that of the heart by
spirit, and not by a written
code []. The praise of that one comes, not from men, but from God (Romans

6who has indeed adequately qualified us to be ministers of a new covenant, not of a

written code [], but of spirit; for the written code [] condemns to
death, but the spirit makes alive (2 Corinthians 3).

Paul is saying that literally the law was a 'grammar'. But then a grammar is the code of
a language. Now using the bible code itself we see that the greek word ''
appears only twice in each of the accounts at Romans 2 and at 2Corinthians 3, so by
the repetition principle below, there is a greater , than the law of Moses.
There is a greater grammar to the bible. This greater grammar is the grammatical bible
code, the grammar of the symbolism of the bible, a symbolic grammar if you like. The
point is that these two accounts are both saying that the bible code is a grammatical
code. And this indeed is what we have discovered. In a nutshell...

The designations principle and the successive designations principle are the symbolic
grammar of the nouns
The descriptions principle and the successive descriptions principle are the symbolic
grammar of the adjectives
The articulations principle and the successive articulations principle are the symbolic
grammar of the verbs

[C8] The Repetition Principle

Definition: The literal meaning of an account OR the event symbolic meaning of an

account AND every word symbolic meaning of an entire account or subaccount
combine to make the total number of threads or strands of that account or subaccount.

A literal account has a literal thread and may have one or more word symbolic threads.
A non literal account, such as a parable, a vision or a dream, has an event symbolic
thread and may also have one or more word symbolic threads. No section of any
account has both a literal thread and an event symbolic thread, although an
interpretation has one thread which is both literal in some places and event symbolic in
others (but not both at once).

All bible accounts obey the following noun count of the countable nouns as defined in
the symbolic structure principle section above. These nouns define the word symbolism
of the word symbolic threads. The total number of recitals of a countable noun in all of
the symbolic subaccounts tells us the number of different meanings that it takes in all of
the threads of the symbolic subaccounts (including the literal or event symbolic thread).
The total number of recitals of a countable noun in all of the literal subaccounts tells us
the number of different meanings that it takes in all of the threads of the literal
subaccounts (including the literal or event symbolic thread).

If the noun count of every countable noun in a subaccount is odd, and if that
subaccount has no successive designations then it has no word symbolic threads.

If the noun count of one countable noun in a subaccount is even, and if that subaccount
has no successive designations then it has one word symbolic thread.

If a subaccount has no successive designations but the account it is in has one or more
word threads, then the subaccount has one word thread only if it has a word (which will
be a countable noun in this or another subaccount) which takes a different meaning in
the first word thread (Word1) to its event symbolic meaning..

If a countable noun is recited a total of 2 times in all the symbolic subaccounts of an

account, and if the noun has only one event symbolic meaning, then this noun takes a
different word symbolic meaning (i.e. a different meaning in the word symbolic thread)
to its event symbolic meaning in all the symbolic subaccounts. It takes a total of two
symbolic meanings.

If a countable noun is recited a total of 2 times in all the literal subaccounts of an

account, and if the noun has only one literal or event symbolic symbolic meaning, then
this noun takes a different word symbolic meaning (i.e. a different meaning in the word
symbolic thread) to its literal meaning in all the literal subaccounts. It takes a total of two
meanings (one literal and one word symbolic).

If a countable noun is recited a total of three times in all the symbolic subaccounts of an
account, and if the noun has only one event symbolic meaning, and if at least one
symbolic subaccount has at least 3 threads, then it takes a different meaning in each of
these threads (one event symbolic and two word symbolic meanings).

If a countable noun is recited a total of three times in all the literal subaccounts of an
account, and if the noun has only one literal or event symbolic meaning, and if at least
one literal subaccount has at least 3 threads, then it takes a different meaning in each
of these threads (one literal and two word symbolic meaning).

In general, if a countable noun is recited a total of n times in all of the symbolic

subaccounts of an account and if the largest number of threads of any symbolic
subaccount in which it appears is m, and if said noun appears in all m threads of this
subaccount after any substitutions, and if it has only one event symbolic meaning, then
the largest factor of n that is less than or equal to m is the total number of distinct (event
symbolic or word symbolic) meanings that the noun takes globally in all of the strands.
Of course any word normally (but not always) only has one literal or symbolic meaning
throughout any strand!

In general, if a countable noun is recited a total of n times in all of the literal

subaccounts of an account and if the largest number of threads of any literal
subaccount in which it appears is m, and if said noun appears in all m threads of this
subaccount after any substitutions, and if it has only one literal or event symbolic
meaning, then the largest factor of n that is less than or equal to m is the total number
of distinct (literal or word symbolic) meanings that the noun takes globally in all of the

Putting this less mathematically: The number of repetitions of a countable noun needs
to be divisible by the total number of strands of an account in which the countable noun
appears after any substitutions, in order that the noun can take a different symbolic
meaning in each strand.

Plural and singulars and duals in Hebrew count separately, and take different word
symbolic meanings. If a countable noun has two literal meanings such as the word
'dead' in the scripture: let the dead bury the dead, or such as the Hebrew word for
woman (), which also means 'man' in Deuteronomy 25 etc., and if it is recited only
twice, then it has no extra word symbolic meanings. But if it is recited 4 times then it has
a further pair of word symbolic meanings etc.

Adjectives have symbolic meanings which are generally dominated by the nouns they
Verbs have symbolic meanings which are generally dominated by nouns.
Adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, etc. are invariant in all symbolisms.
They have symbolic meanings which are merely their literal meanings.

Nouns used possessively, such as the word 'Abraham', in the phrase Abraham's wife,
do not count as nouns since they are being used as possessive adjectives.

Specifically, since this is a grammatical code...

1. Any noun at all in the genitive in Greek which is being used as an adjective is not
counted. Eg: 'Hearing of my words', 'Having occurred of flood' uses 'words' and 'flood'
possessively. 'The [one] of Zebedee' uses 'Zebedee' possessively. 'He came into
contact with the coffin' has coffin in the genitive in Luke 7, but the genitive case can be

used for the ablative in Greek (wonderful isn't it?). So 'coffin' is not used possessively in
that case.

2. Nouns in the genitive due to prepositions such as are counted if they are
acting as nouns (which in general they are). But are not counted if they are acting as
adjectives. For example in the case where it is not used as a preposition, but is used
alone to mean 'those of' for example... uses 'nation' possessively. And Boaz
out of Rahab means Rahab's Boaz, so Rahab is possessive in that case.

3. Quantifiers such as: Half of (the earth), a 3rd of (the earth) a quarter of (the earth), all
of (the earth), every of (the people), one of (the prophets) etc do not turn nouns into
adjectives, so the nouns still count even if they are in the genitive (except 'all of' in
Hebrew - see 5.). Position descriptors such as 'Midst', start, middle, end etc are
adjectives. So 'the Midst of the earth' has 'earth' as countable noun.

4. Any noun which is in the absolute preceded by a construct state (and therefore is a
possessive adjective) in the Hebrew is not counted. The Hebrew 'construct' ''
meaning 'to', being the 'construct' of '', meaning 'towards', which is a preposition, does
not turn a noun into a possessive adjective (we think due to 'Joseph' in Genesis 40). In
fact as is the case in Greek, no Hebrew preposition in the construct makes its absolute
noun into a possessive adjective and therefore makes it uncountable.

5. The construct '', meaning all of, or the whole of, being the proper construct of '',
meaning 'to complete', which is not a preposition, does turn a noun into a possessive

6. As in the case of successive designations, Hebrew nouns with pronoun suffixes

(husband-of-her, maidservant-of-me etc.) are not countable 'because they are not plain
nouns'. In general Hebrew Prepositions which are in the construct state, do not cause
the succeeding absolute to be a genitive.

7. The words: Jehovah and God only ever mean Jehovah and God, for any further
meaning would be symbolic idolatry!

This rather mathematical definition can be summed up in the following look up table:

Number of
Number of
Number of literal or
recitals of
threads of symbolic
account meanings of
the countable
1 1 1
1 2 1
1 3 1
1 4 1
1 5 1
2 1 1

2 2 2
2 3 2
2 4 2
2 5 2
3 1 1
3 2 1
3 3 3
3 4 3
3 5 3
4 1 1
4 2 2
4 3 2
4 4 4
4 5 4
5 1 1
5 2 1
5 3 1
5 4 1
5 5 5

It is important to realise that the number of recitals of a noun used as a noun governs
the number of symbolic meanings that it takes in the different threads, but does not
govern the number of fulfilments of these symbolic meanings that it might take.

14 For God speaks once and twice - though one does not regard it (Job 33).

But one should regard it!!

Joseph says referring to the two similar dreams of Pharaoh:

32 And the fact that the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice means that the thing is
firmly established on the part of the [true] God, and the [true] God is speeding to do it
(Genesis 41).

32 And so to repeat the dream to Pharaoh two times, because being decided upon by
the God and being soon to do him (Genesis 41 - NIVHEOT Hebrew Interlinear Bible)

But the whole bible is a dream, in the sense that bible writers spoke under inspiration
not from their subconscious mind but from God. So what Joseph is saying is:

If any inspired scripture is repeated twice then, the thing is decided upon by God and
God will do it soon.

Our first interpretation of this verse, which is quite obviously explaining the meaning of a
repeated scripture in an account, was that a repetition meant a further meaning. This
was pretty much a correct interpretation.

Parallel subaccounts, Interpretations and other sub accounts

which share a noun count

If two symbolic subaccounts describe the same set of events then they share their noun
counts. One simply adds the noun counts for both subaccounts and this count
determines the number of symbolic meaning that each countable noun takes in all of
the threads of both subaccounts. Likewise if two literal subaccounts describe the same
set of events then they share their noun counts. This is covered in more detail in the
parallel account principle below. The situation is more interesting with an
interpretational subaccount.

Interpretations are literal explanations of event symbolisms in their literal meaning. So

their noun count is added to the narrative noun count only.

For a simple example of this have a look at the account of the dreams and
interpretations of the cupbearer and the baker in Genesis 40 - [304].

The Wheat and the Weeds

Jesus actually confirms our current understanding of the Repetition Principle and the
correct interpretation of Josephs explanation of a repetition in Matthew 13:24-30, in the
account of the wheat and the weeds. He gives the word symbolic interpretation of 6
repeated nouns and of the non repeated word 'reapers' - see [70].

General Examples of the Repetition Principle

Have a look a sections [32], [61], [62], [63], [66], [69], [70], [71], [72], [73], [74], [75],
[76]. We have applied the latest 8th generation code to most of these accounts.

Example 1

13 Consequently the Egyptians made the sons of Israel slave under tyranny.
14 And they kept making their life bitter with hard slavery at clay mortar and bricks and
with every form of slavery in the field. Yes, every form of slavery of theirs in which they
used them under tyranny (Exodus 1).

This is just included to show the reader how repetitive a bible account can be!

Example 2 - Deep !

2Now the earth proved to be formless and waste, and there was darkness on the
surface of the deep, and Gods spirit was moving to and fro over the surface of the
waters (Genesis 1).

The 'surface' of the deep is a repeated word. The literal meaning is the surface of the
seas on the earth, the symbolic meaning is the faces or the characters of the angels in
the heavens (the Hebrew word translated surface, means face). For Genesis 1 is not
just the story of the creation of the earth and of men, it is also the story of the creation
of the heavens and of the angels (in the word symbolic meaning), like it says in the first
line of the bible: even the first 7 Hebrew words:

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1).

Then we read:

2Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the
surface of [the] watery deep. And God's active force was moving to and fro over the
surface of the waters (Genesis 1).

Then God said:

3 Let there be light. Then there was light (Genesis 1).

This is a big scripture, and it is the second example of a repeated phrase in the bible,
the existence of light being repeated.

Firstly it was said after the earth had been created, since we have already read how
there was darkness on the surface of the oceans in verse 2. The literal meaning of this
statement is therefore a second physical creation of physical light. Because we know
that light was around before the earth was created.

But the symbolic meaning, the greater meaning, is actually the creation of a spiritual
form of illumination which is time. This creation of time, was the means by which God
could hold his angels to account. For without time, angels could misbehave and then
undo their works in some sense. But time is what condemns bad works and praises
good works. This big bang therefore illuminated the faces of the angels (not that they
have physical faces), but their characters were exposed. Hence we read:

5 After that God saw that the light was good, and God brought about a division between
the light and the darkness. And God began calling the light Day and the darkness he
called Night. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a first day
(Genesis 1).

The light shows up good and bad. Light representing good and darkness representing
bad. The symbolism of the account of the first day of creation of Genesis 1 is:

Waters Angels

Earth Gods heavenly administration

Surface of Waters Characters of angels

Formless Invariant adjective

Waste Invariant adjective

Light Time

So our two repeated phrases: the surface of the waters, and the existence of light, are
the two key symbolisms of the account. The former means the characters of the angels
and the latter means the creation of Time, which from our knowledge of Physics was
the creation of space time, i.e. it was the Big Bang.

God has reset the speed of light !

Now we are in a position to try and solve the problems of modern physics and the
dilemma of the Big Bang not producing enough background radiation and the universe
being unstable with only one constant speed of light from the Big Bang until today. And
we are in a position to discredit the erroneous belief that the universe has been around
for billions of years. There have been at least two forms of light in the history of the
universe. The universe was created with one form of light and then before man came
along another form of light was created. Putting this in simple terms, the universe was
created in warp drive and then light slowed down to 300 million metres per second just
before man appeared (actually to trap man in his playpen, the solar system, until he
grew up). Yes the speed of light is a constant. But it is a constant set by God. A constant
that was reset by the command:

Let there be light.

It might have been 300 billion or 300 trillion or 300 billion trillion metres per second
before this command. Amen. For a fuller account of this, and a brief history of light, see
section [234]. God will reset the speed of light again in the future to enable us to reach
every star in the universe, like Anakim Skywalker said. But he will not do this until we
have grown up. It is not man who will invent warp drive in order to beat God. It is God
who invented it in order to create the universe and in order to teach us. It is God who
took the universe out of warp drive, for us, and for the angels, since they learn through
us, and we through them, for they are our brothers. For we are moral minors and
technological teenagers. It is no coincidence that one cannot explain this fundamental
feature of the universe without admitting the existence of God.

This sort of realisation is the power of the Repetition Principle.

The Repetition Principle can be deduced to some extent from the Power Principle.
Because if a phrase is repeated in an account, then it has no power in the literal
meaning, because it is saying nothing new. The only way for it to have power is for it to
mean something different in the greater meaning. So by the Power Principle, this must
be the case. It must indeed have a greater meaning in the greater meaning.

Example 3

2In the midst of the years oh bring it to life, in the midst of the years may you make it
known (Habakkuk 3).

Now in the literal meaning we have his resurrection and his death in the midst of 'the
years'. In the Word symbolic meaning, since the phrase 'in the midst of the years' is
repeated, it has a different meaning to that which it has in the literal meaning.

Now the Hebrew word for 'midst' is which can mean either amongst or middle. So in
the literal meaning it must mean one and in the symbolic meaning the other. So
however you look at it, Jesus died and was resurrected in the middle of 'the years'. For
the full story see - The Midst Prophecy.

[C9] The No Coincidences Principle

There are no coincidences in the bible. Every apparent coincidence is appointed by


20As regards whatever our hearts may condemn us in, because God is greater than
our hearts and knows all things (1 John 3).

Since God knows all things he is aware in particular of all of the coincidences in the
bible. Since he is not given to deliberately misleading us (unless it is in our interest), we
must assume that such scriptural similarities are a matter of design, rather than
coincidence. The prophet Amos is saying:

3 Will two walk together unless they have met by appointment?

i.e. are there any coincidences in God's actions, and therefore in the bible?

4Will a lion roar in a forest when it has no prey?

Will a young maned lion give forth its voice from its hiding place if it has caught nothing
at all?

These two lines are saying the same thing, and it is not a coincidence

5Will a bird fall into a trap on the earth when there is no snare for it?
Does a trap go up from the ground when it has absolutely caught nothing?

These two lines are saying the same thing, and it is not a coincidence

6 If a horn is blown in a city, do not also the people themselves tremble?

If a calamity occurs in the city is it not also Jehovah who has acted/caused [it]?

The horn was blown when a calamity was about to occur as a warning. God is indirectly
behind everything.

7For the sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his
confidential matter/secret to his servants, the prophets (Amos 3:3-7).

This applies to calamities on cities of his people. So he warns us all through his
prophets, in a secret way, using apparent coincidences. But at the end of the day in the
bible if two walk together then it is not a coincidence it is by appointment.

[C9a] Example 1

18And Jehovah God went on to say: It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I
am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him (Genesis 2).

26 But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will
teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you (John 14).

We know that it is not a coincidence that God himself called Adams wife his helper, and
that John called the holy spirit a helper. It means that the holy spirit is someones wife.
Well if God is our father then we must also have a mother. Paul identifies his mother as
the Jerusalem above:

26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother (Galatians 4:26).

So the Jerusalem above is God's wife obviously, and so it is the Holy spirit. But the
Jerusalem above is just God's administration of all of his loyal heavenly people. Just as
the Jerusalem below was his administration of all of his loyal earthly people at one time.
So the Holy spirit is all of God's holy angels, it is all of the holy spirits. So there it is, the
precise identity of the Holy Spirit, from the No Coincidence Principle.

The Holy Spirit is a living group of beings, it is not a force as some religions (such as
the Jehovahs Witnesses) believe, because it pleads for us:

26 In like manner the spirit also joins in with help for our weakness; for the [problem of]
what we should pray for as we need to we do not know, but the spirit itself pleads for us
with groanings unuttered (Romans 8:26).

Who ever heard of a force that pleads? No, it is our mother who pleads with our father,
God, for her children! It is so beautiful. She is no part of a mysterious trinity as most of
Christendom would have us believe. She is all of the holy angels who are sealed. She
is none other than the first lady of the heavens. And the trinity doctrine was designed by
Satan and fed to unreasoning men and women to hide her beauty from us, due to his
jealousy. Because he was born without her help, he never had a mother.

But with clear thinking and with eyes of faith we can see our mother's face. For her's is
the face that launched a billion angelic ships for our spirits to sail in. And as regards
beauty, her face would bring tears to the cheeks of Helen of Troy herself if only she
could see it. So who can forgive us for the outrageous lies that we swallow?

Example 2

For example, the sect of Nicolaus is mentioned in the counsel to Ephesus and to
Pergamum in Revelation 3. The only other mention of his name is as one of the 7
ministerial servants in Acts 6:

5And the thing spoken was pleasing to the whole multitude, and they selected Stephen,
a man full of faith and holy spirit, and Philip and Prochorus and Nicanor and Timon and
Parmenas and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch (Acts 6).

6Still, you do have this, that you hate the deeds of the sect of Nicolaus, which I also
hate (Revelation 2).

This is not a coincidence. God is fully aware of this situation. It may not of necessity be
the case that the Nicolaus of Acts 6 develops for himself a sect, but it is the case that
we can learn about the sect by reading Acts 6, it is of help to us. If it is not literally of
help, then it is symbolically or cryptically of help.

[C10] The Times Principle, the Generalisation of

Daniel 4
The phrase 'n times' can mean 'n years' or 'n years of years' which is '360n years'

We read in Revelation 12:

14 But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into
the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and half a
time away from the face of the serpent (Revelation 12).

Where times is obviously in the plural (since Greek has no dual number as Hebrew
does). But earlier in the same chapter we read:

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that
they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12).

In the actual vision, (but not in its symbolic meaning) the two periods are the same
period and so we are being told by holy spirit that the phrase a time, times and half a
time is 1260 days of the BLC (Biblical Lunar Calendar), which is 3.5 lunar years of 360
days. But a year is a time, a cycle, of the earth around the sun. So 3.5 years is 3.5
times. So 3.5 times is 1260 days. So 7 times is 2520 days. So n times is 360n days.

The first example of the Times Principle - Daniel 4

In Daniel chapter 4, Nebuchadnezzar, who is the King of Babylon and the King of God's
people the Jews, who are prisoners in Babylon, is removed from his throne for a period
of 'seven times' and then he is re instated as King. The phrase seven times appears
several times in the account:

16 Let its heart be changed from that of mankind, and let the heart of a beast be given
to it, and let seven times pass over it (Daniel 4).

32And from mankind they are driving even you away, and with the beasts of the field
your dwelling will be. Vegetation they will give even to you to eat just like bulls, and

seven times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in
the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it (Daniel 4).

This period of 7 times is 2520 days in the literal meaning, 7 Biblical Lunar years. So
Nebuchadnezzar was a foreign king over God's exiled people who lost his kingship over
them and over his own people and then regained it after 2520 days.

Now God ceased having a vassal king that represented him over his people sometime
before Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem and burnt the temple in 586Ab10 BC
(13th August). In fact the first king over the Jews who did not represent God was
Jehoiakim who acceded sometime between 608 Tishri BC (September/October) and
607 Elul (August/September), in fact it was on 608Chislev10 (13th November) - see
[97]. So the last agricultural year of God's Kingship started in 608Tishri, and the first
agricultural year without God as king over the seed of Abraham started on 607Tishri1
(23rd September). Jehoiakim was appointed by Pharaoh Nechoh of Egypt and was a
vassal of his, see - The Chronology from Solomon to Zedekiah.

So the big question for God's people as prisoners in the foreign land of Babylon, having
been deported there by Nebuchadnezzar after he burnt Jerusalem and Solomon's
temple, is not how long will it be until we get Nebuchadnezzar back as our king? But, it
is rather, how long will it be after God ceased being our king, before he again becomes
our king through a vassal King who actually represents him?

It is this period that has been taken as the greater meaning of Daniel chapter 4 by many
Second Adventists, who realised of course that the vassal King that the Most High God
wants to give the kingdom of mankind to at the end of this period of Kingship
malediction is Jesus. This appointment is then possibly the 'second coming' or the
'second presence' of the Christ. The Watchtower originally thought that the end of this
period would be Armageddon (not unreasonably on the basis of Daniel 4 alone).

Historically, what 'second adventists' have done is to take Nebuchadnezzar to

represent: God's vassal king over his people. They then say that the 2520 day period,
which represents the time during which God does not have a vassal king over his
people, is obviously way too short and so should be taken at 'a day for a year', using
the acceptable symbolism we deduced in [c2.3]. Therefore, the period during which
God's people do not have a vassal king representing God over them is 2520 years long.

This would mean that Jesus becomes God's vassal king over his people in 1914Tishri,
2520 years after 607Tishri1 (there was no 0 BC, it went 1BC then 1AD). Incidentally, no
religion on this earth until the Lord's witnesses has had the correct Chronology for the
kings or the correct understanding of whom the last vassal king of Judah representing
God was. We must credit the Reverend John Brown and Ed Schnopp for their major
roles in this understanding. Please see [120]. Ed Schnopp's treatise on the Gentile
Times can be found on

In fact Jesus did become God's vassal king in heaven over God's true people, who
were no longer physical Jews, but by now had become Christians, but were all
Abraham's true seed, sons of the First and Second Abrahamic Covenants, baptised by
an Elijah into the 2AC, who came first, before Jesus came again, in 1914Tishri15 (7th

October), as we shall see. This Elijah was actually Charles Russell, the founder of the
Watchtower (see later).

11 And they began to question him, saying: Why do the scribes say that first Elijah must
12 He said to them: Elijah does come first and restore all things; but how is it that it is
written respecting the Son of man that he must undergo many sufferings and be treated
as of no account? (Mark 9).

The problem with the naive interpretation of the symbolic Nebuchadnezzar as being
God's vassal king over Abraham's true seed, who is Jesus at the end of the 2520 year
period, is that Daniel says to him:

27 Therefore, O king, may my counsel seem good to you, and remove your own sins by
righteousness, and your iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones. Maybe there will
occur a lengthening of your prosperity (Daniel 4).

Jesus had no sin, but was unblemished, and he had no iniquity, so this counsel cannot
apply to him.

The solution to this problem is to realise that the 7 Prophetic Times fulfillment is a Word
symbolism and so we have the latitude to assign a different symbolic meaning to each
designation for King Nebuchadnezzar.

'Lord of me', and 'My Lord the king' do not suffer any passages in the account which
cannot apply to Jesus. Daniel 4 is the account of the loss and regaining of several
kingships over God's people. We are not going into them here however. The purpose of
the above was to show how the Designations Principle is necessary to find the true
interpretation of Daniel 4. However there is a scripture in Ezekiel which shows us that
God's kingship over his people is ruined three times. It is:

25 And as for you, Oh profane, wicked chieftain/prince of Israel, whose day has come in
the time of the error of [the] end, 26 this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said:
Remove the turban, and lift off the crown. This will not be the same. Put on high even
what is low, and bring low even the high one.
27 A ruin, a ruin, a ruin I shall make it. As for this also, it will certainly become no [one's]
until he comes who has the legal right, and I must give [it] to him (Ezekiel 21 - NWT
adapted by NIVHEOT).

So the crown comes off, when the head one is not a king (from God's standpoint).
Three greater ruins, are made of the kingship: a ruin, a ruin, a ruin, using the
Successive Repeated Designation Principle. The one with the legal right is Jesus in the
literal meaning.

Verifying that the Kingship malediction period is 2520

years from Leviticus 26
There is an independent confirmation that 2520 years is the correct symbolic
interpretation of Daniel 4 to be found in Leviticus 26 - see [121]. This is a contract under

the law of Moses between God and the whole Nation of Israel collectively. One of the
penalties for breaking this contract was a 2520 year Kingship Malediction on God's
people, wherein God did not act as King over the sons of Abraham, who are enlarged to
mean under through either of his first two covenants - see [9]. The 2520 year penalty is
a sevenfold retribution for a 360 year combined idolatry error of both the houses of
Israel and Judah added together, which is deduced from Ezekiel 4. In this chapter the
Holy Spirit tells us to interpret the actions of the prophet taking a day for a year. So it is
not unreasonable to interpret the actions of King Nebuchadnezzar, which being in the
bible are prophetic, in the same way. So that his 2520 day loss of kingship stands for a
2520 year loss of kingship, as we have seen above.

The History of the First Bible Key

The phrase 'n times' can be 360n years in a bible account.

The phrase x times in the bible can mean 360x years. When it does, these 360 year
periods are called Prophetic Times. Amazingly this is where mankind in general and the
Jehovahs Witnesses in particular have been blind.

The JWs know that x times means 'x periods of 360 years' in Daniel chapter 4, and so
do many other Christian and Jewish religions and theologians. But no one ever thought
of applying this 'key' to any other incidence of the phrase x times in the bible. This is
because people who understood the symbolism of Daniel 4, did not believe that the
bible was in a code. Technically no one had grasped the Consistency Principle of the

This is of course the same mistake that bible scholars and the Watchtower have made
in the case of all greater meanings. They believe that Daniel 4 has a greater meaning,
they know from Paul's words in Galatians 4:24 that Genesis 16 has a greater meaning,
but they have failed to realise that perhaps Daniel 5 or perhaps Genesis 17 and just
maybe every other chapter in the bible has a greater meaning too! This is again
because these people did not see that the bible was written in a code, and technically
no one had grasped the Symbolic Structure Principle. Why did no one ask the question:

If Daniel 4 has a greater symbolic meaning, then does Daniel 5 have one too? Would
this have been a giant leap of inordinate intellectual perspicacity? Look what the good
book has to say on this matter:

10 For upon you men Jehovah has poured a spirit of deep sleep, and he closes your
eyes, the prophets, and he has covered even your heads, the visionaries.
11 And for you men the vision of everything becomes like the words of a book, that has
been sealed up, which they give to someone knowing writing saying: Read this out
loud, please. And he has to say: I am unable for it is sealed up.
12 And the book must be given to someone that does not know writing, saying: Read
this out loud please. And he has to say: I do not know writing at all (Isaiah 29).

Those who do know writing today are the modern day Pharisees, the elders of the third
true church (now a false church). They cannot see the meaning of the book, which is
the bible, because they are asleep with a bag over their heads. But the one who does
not know writing, who has not been taught in the pharisaical schools for leaders in the

Watchtower, this one does not say that he is unable. So we deduce that he is able. He
stands for the leader of the 4th true congregation. The first members of this
congregation were Gordon, Tony and later Massoud.

Gordon and Tony, two Lord's Witnesses, when there were only two of us (although
Gordon does not think that Tony and Massoud were baptised until 1994Elul), grasped
this bible key in February/March 1992, just after the Watchtower joined the United
Nations as an NGO, thereby committing the transgression that causes them desolation
of Daniel 8, and becoming part of the harlot riding the beast of Revelation 17. Gordon
and Tony then charged through the bible substituting '360 years' for 'times' everywhere,
and deduced the following:

The Great Prophetic Times Periods

Chapter Section
Name x times Start Finish

Exedenic Genesis 4:15 [133]

7 times 3993Nisan16 1473Nisan15

Alienation Leviticus 4:6,17 [129]

7 times 2488Sivan 33Sivan6

Daniel 4:25 [121], [123]

Gentile Times 7 times 607Tishri 1914Tishri15

Balfour's Leviticus 26 [121]

7 times 604Tishri 1917Tishri

John 5:2 (5
Intermission [191]
5 times 95Tishri 1895Tishri Collonades)
1 Chronicles 21:12
Temple Times 3 times 1048Nisan16 33Nisan16 (3 days, months,

Genesis 45:6,7
Joseph's Not proved
2 times 2488Sivan 1768Sivan Not proved

Pharaoh's Genesis 31:7 [31]

10 times 1593Nisan 2008Nisan14
Genesis 4:24,
Matthew 18:22 Vaguely
Lamech's (77 times covered in
11 times 3928Nisan 33Nisan14
Times compared to 7 [133]
Luke 12:54,55 Not
Separating time 1918Nisan16 2008Nisan16 covered in


The rest of our early understandings, many of which were wrong, are in 'Letter to the

The Blindness of the Watchtower

The reason that the Watchtower never worked this out in scriptural terms is that God
blinded them because they lost their love for him. For their founder Charles Russell was
not the Laodicean Messenger, as is inscribed on his gravestone, but was in fact the
Ephesian messenger (see [15,16]), the angel of the first congregation of the second
presence (which he believed would be the last). And the counsel to him from Jesus

4Nevertheless I hold this against you, that you lost the love you had at first (Revelation

Isaiah prophesies that the JWs will become blind and deaf:

10 You are my witnesses, is the utterance of Jehovah: Even my servant whom I have
chosen, in order that you may know and have faith in me, and that you may understand
that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there
continued to be none.
11 I--I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.
12 I myself have told forth and have saved and have caused [it] to be heard, when there
was among you no strange [god]. So you are my witnesses, is the utterance of
Jehovah, and I am God (Isaiah 43)

18 Hear, you deaf ones; and look forth to see, you blind ones.
19 Who is blind, if not my servant, and who is deaf as my messenger whom I send?
Who is blind as the one rewarded, or blind as the servant of Jehovah?
20 It was a case of seeing many things, but you did not keep watching. It was a case of
opening the ears, but you did not keep listening (Isaiah 42).

This is why Jesus said to Peter:

37 And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter: Simon, are you
sleeping? Did you not have strength to keep on the watch one hour? (Mark 14).

The reason that the Watchtower did not see these in psychological terms was because
Russell set the goals of the Society as follows:

The work in which the Lord has been pleased to use our humble talents has been less
a work of origination than of reconstruction, adjustment, harmonisation (Kingdom

An honest and humble appraisal (although saying that youre humble in circumstances
where humility is considered to be a virtue is more immodest than it is humble!!) But

why should the past restrict the future? Why should Charles Russell cut short the hand
of God in that way. Is there anything that is too extraordinary for him? Jesus thought

36 And he went on to say: Abba, Father, all things are possible to you; remove this cup
from me. Yet not what I want, but what you want (Mark 14).

This is rather like a motivational speech very well given by Will Carling about the British
Lions at an Amway conference that Gordon Attended. The Lions set as their goal, a
place in the Final of the World Cup in South Africa. And they got there. And then they
lost the final because they had not set the winning of that match as their goal.

Russell was not the first Adventist to realise that Daniel 4 related to a period of 2520
years. Neither was he the first to get the start date of 607 correct. But he was the first
and only Adventist to get the end date of this period absolutely correct to the Hebrew
month 1914Tishri and to set up a religion which had the guts to declare it, guts which
they have now lost, along with their faith and their love. The incredible thing is that he
did this believing that Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar in 606 BC, when it in fact fell in
586. He worked things backwards from 536Tishri, a false date for the end of either of
the two 70 year land Sabbath exiles. He did not even know there were two of them!
Basically he made a series of mistakes and yet got the right answer. Now there is the
activity of the holy spirit and the love of our God ! For the history of the main second
adventist prophecy - see [120].

But what Russell did absolutely marvelously was to adopt the following crucial
philosophy for bible research, although it is a matter of faith and logic as well. He
proposed that:

The way to test your interpretation, is not against doctrines of churches but against all other
scriptures relating to the subject matter of your interpretation. When you have harmonised them
all then you have Gods interpretation.

He was not the first to have this idea either (Isaac Newton had it for example). God very
rarely gives us the whole picture in one piece. He prefers to give us jigsaws. This we
have made a principle of the code called the Jigsaw Principle!

[C11] The Numerical Principle

A given number of living or inanimate items in a bible account can stand symbolically for
that number of 'Times'.
A 'Time' can stand literally or symbolically for a day, a month or a year.

14And God went on to say: Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to
make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for
seasons and for days and years (Genesis 1).

The planetary luminaries of the Sun and the moon define years and months. The earth
itself defines 'days', although it is the rotation with respect to the Sun that we actually
see. So a day is one time of the earth around itself. A month is one time of the moon

around the earth. A year is one time of the earth around the Sun. All three are times of
revolution, cycles. These are Gods celestial time pieces. In scientific terms a 'time' is a

So in the bible a time can mean a day a month or a year.

The penalty that God prescribed through Gad, to David, for his part in the registration
sin was:

11 Accordingly Gad went in to David and said to him: This is what Jehovah has said:
Take your pick,
12 whether for three years there is to be a famine, or for three months there is to be a
sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to
overtake [you], or for three days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in
the land, with Jehovah's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel. And now see
what I should reply to the One sending me (1 Chronicles 21).

All three penalties were '3 times' in duration, and they prefigure the three times of the
temple times - see [40]. These times were, days, months and years.

Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel, was sold into
slavery by his brothers and ended up in prison in Egypt with the chief of the bakers and
the chief of the cupbearers of Pharaoh. The chief of the cupbearers dreamed about
three twigs, and the chief of the bakers dreamed about three baskets. Joseph
interpreted these parts of their dreams as follows:

As regards the cupbearer:

Then Joseph said to him: This is its interpretation: The 3 twigs are 3 days (Genesis

As regards the baker:

18 Then Joseph answered and said: This is its interpretation: The 3 baskets are 3 days
(Genesis 40).

So Joseph, the first bible decoder recorded in the holy book, is telling us that a given
number of twigs or baskets can stand for a given number of days or times or cycles.
Then Pharaoh himself had one dream about 7 fat cows and 7 thin cows (this was not a
dream about women), and then a second dream about 7 fat ears of grain and 7 thin
ears of grain. Guess how Joseph interpreted these parts of these dreams:

26The 7 good cows are 7 years. Likewise the 7 good ears of grain are 7 years. The
dream is but one (Genesis 41).

So the 7 cows and the 7 ears of grain were 7 years or 7 times or 7 cycles. So a cow or
an ear of grain or a twig or a basket can be a time which can be a day or a year. Now
we apply the all powerful Consistency Principle, and it is not hard to generalise this to:

A given number of living or inanimate things in a bible account can stand for that
number of times, i.e. days or months or years

c11.1 First example of the Numerical Principle

This is the account of the registration sin of David, mainly taken from 1 Chronicles 21,
but also using the parallel account in 2 Samuel 24. Please do not be put off by the
apparent contradictions in these two accounts. Read them very carefully in an
accurately translated bible (we suggest the New World Translation of the Watchtower or
Green's Literal bible or our own translation when it comes out, or any Hebrew
Interlinear Translation), and you will see that these are not actually contradictions. For
example there were 800,000 valliant men drawing sword in Israel according to 2
Samuel 24, but there were 1,100,000 men drawing sword according to 1 Chronicles 21.
The distinction being made is that 300,000 of them were not 'valiant'.

Now Joab, the head of the army, who conducted the registration, would have made
such a distinction, knowing which ones would make good soldiers and which ones
would not. This was his business. Likewise the 7 year famine 'in your land' proposed by
Jehovah in 2 Samuel 24 is reckoned including the 3 year famine that had just ended in
2 Samuel 21, which is referred to in the first verse:

1 And again, the anger of Jehovah came to be hot against Israel (2 Samuel 24:1).

In the case of the previous famine, God was pacified and the famine therefore halted by
a sacrifice. The 3 year famine of 1 Chronicles 21, is reckoned excluding the earlier 3
year famine. One presumes that the period between these two famines was one year,
and food was not exactly plentiful during that year between two famines.

1 And Satan proceeded to stand up against Israel and to incite David to number Israel.
2 So David said to Joab and the chiefs of the people: Go, count Israel from Beer-sheba
to Dan and bring it to me that I may know their number.
3 But Joab said: May Jehovah add to his people a hundred times as many as they are.
Do they not, O my lord the king, all of them belong to my lord as servants? Why does
my lord seek this? Why should he become a cause of guilt to Israel?
4 The king's word, however, prevailed over Joab, so that Joab went out and walked
through all Israel, after which he came to Jerusalem.
5 Joab now gave the number of the registration of the people to David; and all Israel
amounted to a million one hundred thousand men drawing sword, and Judah four
hundred and seventy thousand men drawing sword (1 Chronicles 21).

There is a lot of drawing of swords that goes on in this account, so by the Repetition
Principle, this is the key symbolism in the greater meaning:

16When David raised his eyes, he got to see Jehovahs angel standing between the
earth and the heavens with his drawn sword in his hand extended toward Jerusalem (1
Chronicles 21).

27 Moreover, YHWH said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to
its sheath (1 Chronicles 21).

We now apply the Numerical Principle to these 1.1 million men of Israel drawing sword,
and deduce that they represent 1.1 million days or 3055 years 200 days in the greater
meaning of this account. They end when the passover angel himself, Michael, puts his

sword back in his sheath at the end of Armageddon, on 2008Elul16 - see [163]. They
start 1.1 million days earlier which is 1049Shebat26 BC. But this is 50 days before
1048Nisan16 when the 3 day plague ended and David purchased the threshing floor of
Ornan. David purchased the floor 22.5 years before Solomons temple was inaugurated
because all temples are commissioned 22.5 years before they are inaugurated. And
Solomons was inaugurated in 1026Tishri - see [The 3 Times of the Temple Times -
section 40]. So Solomon was commissioned to build his temple and the foundation was
purchased on 1048Nisan16.

50 days is a reasonable period within which David could start feeling bad, and
eventually pray to God for forgiveness, then Gad could come and tell him about his
penalty choices, then the 3 day plague could occur. But we can actually confirm this 50
day period using the Numerical Principle again in the parallel account of this
registration, plague and temple site purchase in 2 Samuel 24:

22 But Araunah said to David: Let my lord the king take it and offer up what is good in
his eyes. See the cattle for the burnt offering and the threshing sledge and the
implements of the cattle for the wood.
23 Everything Araunah, Oh king, does give to the king. And Araunah went on to say to
the king: May Jehovah your God show pleasure in you.
24 However, the king said to Araunah (Ornan): No, but without fail I shall buy it from you
for a price; and I shall not offer up to Jehovah my God burnt sacrifices without cost.
Accordingly David bought the threshing floor and the cattle for 50 silver shekels (2
Samuel 24).

Whereas in the 1 Chronicles 21 account we read:

24 However, King David said to Ornan: No, but without fail I shall make the purchase for
the money in full, because I shall not carry what is yours to Jehovah to offer up burnt
sacrifices without cost.
25 So David gave Ornan for the place gold shekels to the weight of 600 (1 Chronicles

These two accounts again look contradictory at first sight. But they arent. The 600 gold
shekels represents the price for the real estate, the place. The 50 silver shekels
represents the price for the threshing floor equipment (all wood) and the cattle, all of
which was used for the first sacrifice of cattle burnt over wood, by David which halted
the plague:

26 Then David built there an altar to Jehovah and offered up burnt sacrifices and
communion sacrifices, and he proceeded to call upon Jehovah, who now answered him
with fire from the heavens upon the altar of burnt offering.
27 Moreover, Jehovah said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to
its sheath (1 Chronicles 21).

If you go into a florists shop and say: How much for the whole shop? They will take it
that you wish to purchase all of their stock, not the lease of the shop. This is the
distinction being made between the 50 shekels of silver and the 600 shekels of Gold.

Now 50 shekels of silver was the cost of pacifying the true God by this sacrifice. But the
period during which God was upset, started the moment that Joab handed the result of
the registration to David (this being when he had actually completed the registration -
he could have stopped it before then) and ended with the fire from the heavens burning
up and accepting the offering. Now we apply the Numerical Principle to the 50 shekels,
and take them as a day for a shekel, i.e. God was upset for 50 days. So he started to
be upset on 1049Shebat26, 50 days before 1048Nisan16.

But this date 1049Shebat26 is precisely the day we got by subtracting 1,100,000 days
from 2008Elul16, the last day of Armageddon. So since we already know that the
Numerical principle is true, we have just confirmed the end date of Armageddon to the
very day by simply employing one rather huge calculation!!

That is what we call symbolism! The 470,000 men of Judah, are 470,000 days or 1305
years 200 days. They count backwards to 2354Ab6 BC when the first separation
between good and bad occurred, 16 years after the flood. It was incited of course by
Satan as was the registration. The bible describes how this first recorded sin after the
flood occurred in Genesis 9. Ham looked upon his father Noahs nakedness and told his
brothers about it, dishonouring his dad, who had just discovered alcohol. Whereas
Shem and Japheth covered their fathers nakedness by walking in backwards with a
mantle into the tent where the naked intoxicated Noah lay. They did this without looking.
So Ham did not honour his father, whereas the other two sons did. It is all a question of
gratitude to the ones to whom you owe your existence. These actions identify the good
sons and the bad son. Remember that honouring one's parents was one of the 10

The final separation between good and bad sons of Noah, (for that is what we all are) is
470,000 plus 1,1000,000 days later. So in the symbolic meaning, the greater
registration is of the time period of Gods people after the flood, from when the first
distinction is made in Noahs tent, and the fight begins between the good seed and the
evil seed, and the swords are unsheathed, until the last distinction at Armageddon in
the greater Noahs ark when the fight ends and the sword of the passover angel is

So here it is, the history book with no dates. There is of course no such thing, so the
dates must be coded. Many can be decoded using the Numerical Principle.

[C12] The Jigsaw Principle of the Code

A church doctrine is correct only if it satisfies every scripture in the bible relating to the
subject of the doctrine.

God very rarely gives us the whole picture in one account. Normally one has to piece
together information from different accounts to get the full picture. But when one has
logically harmonised ones interpretations of every scripture on a given subject then one
has the true interpretation and the true understanding of that subject. This is the best
way to work out congregational doctrine etc. This principle follows from the
Consistency Principle, because if the bible was inconsistent in the literal meaning, then
it would be of no use. But it is consistent as far as we are aware. There may be some

errors in the best manuscripts we have today, but God is aware of them and they will be
corrected if this is necessary, possibly by the bible code itself!

Many false religions have been founded on one or two scriptures and have ignored this
principle. By a false religion we mean one which claims that their baptised members
have their sins forgiven by God, but actually they do not. We mean a religion incapable
of baptising its members into the First or the Second Abrahamic Covenants.

Charles Russell's Extinguishing of the Fires of Hell using the

Jigsaw Principle

Charles Russell, who founded the Watchtower said:

A God that would use his power to create human beings whom he foreknew and pre-destinated
should be eternally tormented, could be neither wise, just nor loving. His standard would be
lower than that of many men (Kingdom Proclaimers).

He was credited by many as the man who put out the fire in hell! He did this by
comparing all of the scriptures relating to:

Gehenna (The Greek word properly translated as 'Hell')

Sheol (The Hebrew word properly translated as 'The Grave')
Hades (The Greek word properly translated as 'The Grave')

Hell, Gehenna:

The Greek word for Hell is Gehenna (). Gehenna is the Greek for the Hebrew:
Geh Hinnom, which means the valley of Hinnom, which was a valley directly over the
south wall of Jerusalem. This valley was the burial place for the dead of the city.

To avoid pestilenceconstant fires were kept burning there (William D Mounce,

Analytical Lexicon to Greek NT).

6And he himself made his own sons pass through the fire in the valley of the son of
Hinnom, and practiced magic and used divination and practiced sorcery and made
spiritistic mediums and professional foretellers of events. He did on a grand scale what
was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, to offend him (2 Chronicles 33).

31 And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of
Hinnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, a thing that I had not
commanded and that had not come up into my heart.
32 Therefore, look! days are coming, is the utterance of Jehovah, when it will no more
be said [to be] Topheth and the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of the killing;
and they will have to bury in Topheth without there being enough place (Jeremiah 7).

So it is a burning burial ground. This prophecy was fulfilled in destruction of Jerusalem

by Titus as described by Josephus. They ran out of space in Gehenna, and piled up the
corpses in large houses in the city, around 600,000 were thrown out of the gates of the

city by 70Tammuz1, during the last siege of Jerusalem according to the Jewish
Historian Josephus - who was at the siege (The complete works of Josephus can be
downloaded from this site ( or purchased from bookshops).

Scriptures which indicate that we do roast in Hell:

43And if ever your hand makes you stumble, cut it off; it is finer for you to enter into life
maimed than with two hands to go off into Gehenna, into the fire that cannot be put out
(Mark 9).

10 And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur,
where both the wild beast and the false prophet [already were]; and they will be
tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20).

Scriptures which indicate that we don't roast in Hell:

5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious
of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of
them has been forgotten (Ecclesiastes 9).

3 Do not put your trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation
4 His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish
(Psalm 146).

For the rest of this Jigsaw please see [13a].

[C12.1] Isaac Newton's exposure of the false doctrine of the

Trinity using the Jigsaw Principle

The History of the Trinity: (The Life of Isaac Newton - Westfall, Isaac
Newton - Michael White)

Newton returned to the works of the men who had formulated Trinitarianism: Athanasius
(Anaesthesius might have been a better name for him), Gregory Nazienzen, Jerome,
Augustine.... The conviction possessed him that a massive fraud, which began in the 4th and 5th
centuries, had perverted the legacy of the early church (Life of Isaac Newton).

The Trinity doctrine was debated and adopted by the early church at the church council
of Nicaea in 325 AD. The debate was between Arius who opposed it and Athanasius
who proposed it. Arius lost the debate and the corruption started. Newton discovered
that this fraud extended to deliberate corruptions of the bible itself. So that the King
James version of 1 John 5:7 even today is:

7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy
Ghost, and these three are one (1 John 5 - King James Version).

Newton observed that: It is not read thus in the Syrian bible. Not by Ignatius, Justin, Irenaeus,
Tertullian, Origen, Athanas, Nazanianzen...Augustine, Beda and others.

The Greek Interlinear version is:

7Because there are three giving testimony (1 John 5 - UBS 3rd edition, Nestle Aland
26th edition)

The underlined part in the King James Version of 1 John 5:7 above is therefore a
fraudulent addition to the Holy Scriptures by, well, Satan basically.

Newton found a second corrupted text at 1 Timothy 3:16. The KJV has:

16 And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the
flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in
the world, received up into glory (1 Timothy 3 - KJV).

The word 'God' is not in the original Greek, rather it is 'Who'. The Greek Interlinear
version is:

16 And confessedly great is the mystery of godliness: Who was manifested in the flesh,
vindicated in spirit, was seen by angels, was proclaimed among Gentiles, was believed
in [the] world, was taken up in glory (1 Timothy 3 UBS 3rd Edition, Nestle Aland 26th

The Definition of the Trinity:

The Catholic Encyclopedia, the trinity section of which can be found at: defines the trinity as follows:

The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion -- the
truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another. Thus, in the words of the
Athanasian Creed:

"The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods
but one God."

In this Trinity of Persons the Son is begotten of the Father by an eternal generation, and the Holy
Spirit proceeds by an eternal procession from the Father and the Son. Yet, notwithstanding this
difference as to origin, the Persons are co-eternal and co-equal: all alike are uncreated and
omnipotent. This, the Church teaches, is the revelation regarding God's nature which Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, came upon earth to deliver to the world: and which she proposes to man
as the foundation of her whole dogmatic system.

This is illogically defined and therefore not defined and therefore non existent. There
are 3 inconsistencies in the definition:

1. That God is three independent beings who are one being

2. Jesus is God and the father is God. So the Father is the Son
3. The Son is uncreated

1 It is not possible for three oranges to be one orange.
It is not possible for a Father to be a Son, this contradicts the definitions of both father
and son. The son is defined as an offspring of a father not an 'onspring' as it were.
3 Sons are by definition created by their fathers, a son cannot be uncreated.

Basically the Trinity is defined as a number that is both less than two and more than
two. Obviously there is no such number. The Trinity is like a hotel in North London
which is situated South of the Thames. Obviously there is no such hotel. But when the
poor uneducated, logically uninitiated, spiritually naive, churchgoer complains, saying:
How can this be? He is told by his priest: Aha! that is the mystery of God. God can put a
hotel which is in North London in a South London postcode. God can make a number
that is larger than 2 actually be less than 2. At which point the poor naive churchgoer
gives up and says to himself. Wow! I will never understand God, I had better leave the
understanding of him to my priest. This of course is the precise effect that the priest
wants. Now he can continue to play God to his congregation.

[C12.2] The History of the English Bible

The first man to translate the bible from Latin into English was John Wycliffe, whose
translation came out in 1382 ( John Wycliffe was
an Oxford Professor, he also invented bifocal eye glasses! He therefore improved not
only our spiritual vision but also our physical vision!!
( Wycliffe's belief was that:

[i] The sacred Scriptures be the property of the people, and one which no party should be
allowed to wrest from them.

[ii] The authority of the Scriptures is independent on any other authority, and is preferable to
every other writing, but especially to the books of the church of Rome.

[iii] It is impossible for any part of the Holy Scriptures to be wrong. In Holy Scripture is all the
truth, one part of Scripture explains another.

The subsequent persecution of him and of those who possessed his bible was
extraordinary. Many were burnt at the stake with copies of his translation around their
necks. During the reign of Henry V (1413-1422) an Act was confirmed by which:

English Sheriffs were forced to take an oath to persecute the Lollards, and the Justices must
deliver a relapsed heretic to be burned within 10 days of his accusation (Armitage a History of
the Baptists, 1890, I, p323).

The Lollards were those who valued the teachings of the bible over the doctrines of the
Church of Rome. They read and preached in English from Wycliffe's Bible. In 1414 a
law was passed as follows:

All who read the scriptures in their mother tongue should: Forfeit land, cattle, life and goods
from the heirs for ever !! (Eadie: History of the English Bible).

In 1416 Archbishop Chichele at Oxford declared that the clergy should make:

A thorough search in the parish twice a year, for all persons that: Hold any either heresies or
errors, or have any suspected books in the English tongue (Blackburn, History of the Christian
Church 1880 p346).

However Wycliffe himself had the support of Queen Joan (1328-1385), of Queen Ann
(the wife of Richard II), and ultimately of God himself:

In May 1382, Wycliffe was called before yet another synod of ecclesiastical authorities. This is
called the Blackfriars Synod, because it was held in the monastery of Blackfriars in London.
When the 47 Bishops and monks and religious doctors took their seats, a powerful earthquake
shook the city. Huge stones fell out of the castle walls and pinnacles toppled (John Wycliffe
and the Lollards - Fundamental Baptist Information Service).

Wycliffe's argument to the Catholic authorities for translating the bible into English was
as follows:

You say it is heresy to speak of the Holy Scriptures in English. You call me a heretic because I
have translated the Bible into the common tongue of the people. Do you know whom you
blaspheme? Did not the Holy Ghost give the Word of God at first in the mother tongue of the
nations to whom it was addressed ? (Fountain, John Wycliffe)

In 1506 William Tylsworth was burned for his faith in the Word of God and his own
daughter was forced to ignite the fire. In 1519 six men and a woman were burned for:

Teaching their children the Lord's Prayer and the ten commandments in English (Eadie: History
of the English Bible).

The Lollard's Tower, where people possessing an English bible were tortured and killed,
still exists today in Lambeth Palace, the London home of the Archbishop of Cantebury.
But despite all of this persecution, Wycliffe's bible was still being read at the time of the
next great bible translator William Tyndale (1484 - 1536), the Father of what eventually
became the King James Bible. Tyndale's first translation had to be finished abroad, but
3,000 copies reached England in December 1526.

The persecution then continued. John Tewkesbury had been reading Wycliffe's bible
since 1512, and had obtained a copy of the Tyndale New Testament in 1526. He was
first arrested in April 1529 and tortured and crippled. He was finally burned on
December 20th 1530 for: Distributing copies of the word of God and believing in
salvation by faith in Christ alone

Tyndale was imprisoned in May 1535. Whilst he was in prison, three editions of his new
testament were printed. He was strangled and the burnt at the stake on October 6th
1536. At his death he prayed out loud:

Lord open the King of England's Eyes !

On October 4, 1535 John Rogers and Miles Coverdale who were loyal disciples of
Tyndale, finished Tyndale's translation of the Old Testament into English and printed
abroad the first complete English Bible, known as the Coverdale Bible. John Rogers
then changed his name to Thomas Matthew (an interesting name for a bible translator!)
and printed the Coverdale Bible again, under this nom de plume, since Tyndale's work
was banned. This edition is called the Matthews Bible

In 1539, 3 years after Tyndale was executed, his spoken prayer was answered.
Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Cantebury, hired Miles Coverdale, at the bequest
of King Henry VIII to publish what was called the Great Bible.

These were Tyndale's words as a prologue for his translation of Jonah:

As the envious Philistines stopped the wells of Abraham, and filled them up with earth, to put
the memorial out of mind, to the intent that they might challenge the ground; even so the fleshly
minded hypocrites stop up the veins of life, which are the scripture, with the earth of their
traditions, false similitudes and lying allegories. And that, of like zeal, to make the scripture their
own possession and merchandise. And so shut up the kingdom which is in God's word, neither
entering in themselves, nor suffering them that would. (Willam Tyndale)

However bequest from King Henry did not end the persecution of bible translators!
Because the persecution originated not with the crown but with the Church. When
Bloody Mary (Queen Mary) came to the throne, being possessed to return England to
the Roman church, she burned both John Rogers (Thomas Matthew) and Thomas
Cranmer at the stake.

Meanwhile Miles Coverdale had taken refuge in Geneva in Switzerland. There, in exile,
he and John Foxe with the protection of John Calvin and John Knox produced the
Geneva Bible, which was first published in 1560. It was Queen Elizabeth I whose reign
brought this persecution to an end. The English Bible History site
( says this about the Geneva bible and William

The Geneva Bible was the first Bible to add verses to the chapters, so that referencing specific
passages would be easier. Every chapter was also accompanied by extensive marginal notes and
references so thorough and complete that the Geneva Bible is also considered the first English
"Study Bible". William Shakespeare quotes thousands of times in his plays from the Geneva
translation of the Bible. The Geneva Bible became the Bible of choice for over 100 years of
English speaking Christians. Between 1560 and 1644 at least 144 editions of this Bible were
published. Examination of the 1611 King James Bible shows clearly that its translators were
influenced much more by the Geneva Bible, than by any other source. The Geneva Bible itself
retains over 90% of William Tyndale's original English translation. The Geneva in fact, remained
more popular than the King James Version until decades after its original release in 1611! The
Geneva holds the honor of being the first Bible taken to America, and the Bible of the Puritans
and Pilgrims.

The King James Bible, although the work of 50 scholars, is very close to Tyndale's
original Translation:

In the Gospel of St. Mark and the Epistle to the Hebrew there are not more than 80 words (in
Tyndale's translation) ... which are not found in our Authorised Version of the Bible (Moulton -
History of the English Bible).

The Authorised version is the King James Version. The English Bible changed the
World in the early 17th century. Multitudes of commoners were driven to learn to read
by their desire to study the bible. The 16th century historian John Foxe, who had
supported Miles Coverdale whilst he was producing the Geneva Bible observed:

Everybody that could bought the book or busily read it or got others to read it to them if they
could not themselves, and divers more elderly people learned to read on purpose. And even little
boys flocked among the rest to hear portions of the holy Scripture read.

It is important that the story above is told and the antics of the church are exposed. We
are fortunate today that a greater freedom of religious belief and worship exists in many
countries than was enjoyed in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. The Church of that
time did not want the common man to be able to understand the bible, they wanted it to
remain a mystery to them written in a foreign language. In that way the church could
play God to its flock, which is what they wanted to do, what they did back then and what
they are doing today. The 'Trinity' turns a logical book into an incomprehensible marvel.
It renders it as meaningless as if it was written in Latin. Arius, Wycliffe, Tyndale,
Newton, are the enlighteners from God. The church has become a daughter of the

Both John Wycliffe and William Tyndale wanted the ploughboy to know as much about
the bible as the priest. So does God and so do we. Hence this book/website. For there
is a bible within the bible and there is a holy code within the holy scriptures. Therefore
we have written out this hidden bible today for the same ploughboy and for the same
stable girl whose heart and mind and soul John Wycliffe and William Tyndale valued
more highly than their own.

Newton's observations and conclusions:

Sir Isaac would have benefited from a modern Mathematics degree course at his
university. He of course is the father of half of it, the Calculus/Analysis half. Although
algebra and abstract symbolism (the other half of Pure Maths) are of more use in
interpreting the bible (as far as we are aware). He would then have known instantly that
the Trinity, being illogically defined, is simply not defined and therefore non existent.

Newton, being a fellow at Trinity College Cambridge, was required to attest to his
acceptance of the 39 articles of the Anglican Church, one of which was the doctrine of
the Trinity. He was bothered about signing something which contained the Trinity that
he had no evidence as to the truth of. So he applied his standard scientific and logical
method to the issue of whether the Trinity was a true or false doctrine. This method is to
read all of the available relevant literature on the subject, then assimilate it, think about
it, kick it about, digest it and see if it makes sense, or if there is an underlying pattern or
flaw in it. See if there is an underlying truth or an underlying lie. This method when
applied to the bible is what we call the Jigsaw Principle.

Newton produced two knock out blows to the Trinity:

[1] The Father is God of the son
[2] It is defined illogically

We have covered the latter on these two. As regards the former. Newton used:

4 The Christ, who is the image of God (2 Corinthians 4).

9You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God,
anointed you with [the] oil of exultation more than your partners (Hebrews 1).

From this he reasoned that the Father was God of the Son. He could just as well have
used Jesus' famous last words:

34Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani, which means when translated: My God, my God, why
have you forsaken me (Mark 15).

Newton's observations and deductions came from reading most of the works of the
early church fathers, (Irenaeus, Tertullan, Cyprian, Euasebius, Eutychius, Sulpitius
Severus, Clement, Origen, Basil, John Chrysostom, Alexander of Alexandria,
Epiphanius, Hilary, Theodoret, Gregory of Nyssa, Cyril of Alexandria, Leo I, Victorinus
Afer, Rufinus, Manentius, Prudentius, Ignatius, Justin, Augustine, Jerome etc), and from
reading many manuscripts of the bible, and applying the Jigsaw Principle to them
(finding an interpretation which logically harmonised them) were recorded in one of his
early theological manuscripts (1672-1675):

The [word] God, is no where in the scriptures used to signify more than one of the three
persons at once.
The word 'God', put absolutely without particular reference to the Son or Holy Ghost, does
always signify the Father from one end of the scriptures to the other.
3 When ever it is said in the scriptures that there is but one God, it is meant of the Father.
It is a proper epithet of the Father to be called almighty. For by God almighty we always
understand the Father.
The son in all things submits his will to the will of the Father, which would be unreasonable if
he were equal to the Father.
6 The son confesses the Father greater than him, calls him his God etc.
7 The son acknowledges the original pre-science of all future things to be in the Father alone.
The union between him and the Father he interprets to be like that of the saints one with
another. That is, in agreement of will and counsel.

Then Newton, who was by now the Lucasian professor of Mathematics at Trinity
College, decided to go to King Charles II to seek a dispensation allowing him to remain
as professor but withdraw his attestation. He prepared his arguments as above to
present to the King of England to save his career. The King agreed and stipulated that
all future holders of his chair were to be exempt from holy orders.

Newton believed that Gods works, his creation and Gods word, his book, the bible,
were twinned. And that both were a riddle, a code to be cracked. Newton believed that
cracking this code was a duty owed to God by man, in both cases (Isaac Newton, the
last sorcerer - Michael White - But Newton was not a sorcerer, he was a true

What Gordon finds so wonderful and yet so tragic, is that Newton succeeded in the
case of Gods Universe in cracking the code. But he failed (notwithstanding a very
valiant attempt) in the case of Gods word (he did believe that the bible was God's
word). He died trying to decode the bible and find out when Armageddon was. His
failure was not his fault. It was not Gods time from 1642-1727 to release that
information. So what the true God did, who must have dearly desired to show Sir Isaac
the whole of the holy code of the bible, was to let him see the entirety of the mechanical
code behind his physical creation of the universe instead. It was all that his own justice
would allow. And here God was, holding back his love for the sake of his justice.

The date upon which mankind was first allowed to see the date of Armageddon was
1992February1, 1991Shebat21, 4600 solar days before 1290 biblical lunar days before
it is to begin (Daniel 8 and Daniel 12 - see [157], [152]). This was the day upon which
Gordon worked out the Exedenic Times, and it began the Time of the end. Which is
the time of the knowledge of the true date of the end. And Gordon would like to say this:
It was his appreciation of the perfection of the physical works of God as exhibited by
Newton which convinced him that the bible, the spiritual work of God, since it shared
that perfection, must be in a code.

So we have the dynamic code of the universe, as discovered by Newton. We have the
genetic code of the human body, as discovered by Crick and Watson. And here at last is
the grammatical code of the bible, as discovered by Gordon Ritchie, Tony Moore and
Massoud Vakili as a result of the leadings of the true God, and on the realisation by
Gordon that this God whom Newton showed him was perfect must have written a book
every bit as perfect as his universe. A realisation which unknown to Gordon at the time
he had it, had hit Newton some 300 years earlier. So here we are, the 3 groups of
wonder decoders, Cambridge men in all 3 groups. Let us all therefore, with God's help
through Jesus, finish the work that Newton, the Father of all three Cambridge divine
code breaking groups began (Please do not ask if we are the real trinity!)

For the precise nature of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit - see [14]. Here is some of Sir
Isaac Newton's Chronology, deduced in the late 17th and early 18th century, mainly
from Daniel 9 and Daniel 12.

1948 Second Coming of Christ

1944 End of the great tribulation of the Jews
1899 Call to return to Jerusalem
1638-9 Church of Rome's spiritual domination ends
Period during which the Roman Catholic Church (Whore of Babylon) was at its
70 Transgression of desolation of Jerusalem

34 AD Death of Christ
2 BC Birth of Christ
456 BC The Jews return to Jerusalem

Although begun during the 1670's Newton continued his work of interpretation until the month
of his death in 1727 (Isaac Newton - Michael White, the table above is from his book).

The table above is a quite amazing prophetic achievement for a man living around 1700

[C13] Binary (Yes/No) Question Principle

Any unanswered question asked in the scriptures with two possible answers (normally
yes and no), has the answer in one word symbolic thread, being the opposite of the
answer in the literal or straight symbolic meaning, the event symbolism.

In other words both answers are true in either the literal or the symbolic meaning (or
both). Take for example the great words of Nicodemus, a man whose love exceeded his

4 Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter into
the womb of his mother a second time and be born, can he? (John 3)

Well literally, no, of course he cannot. But symbolically, yes, that is precisely how one is
born again. Born from the womb of his heavenly mother, Gods wife, the holy spirit.
Born as an angel.

6What has been born from the flesh is flesh, and what has been born from the spirit is
spirit (John 3).

What has been born from fleshly women is men and what has been born from the spirit
woman, the holy spirit, is angels. When you are born again, God creates an angel in
heaven through his wife, the holy spirit for you, Amen. See - How is one born again, and
see - The Trinity is just God's family.

That is the level of beauty that you will see if you are pure in heart and if your love
exceeds your pride. Look how Nicodemus was repaid for one act of faith. It was
enough. But his works did not stop there:

39 Nicodemus also, the man that came to him in the night the first time, came bringing a
roll of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds [of it].
40 So they took the body of Jesus and bound it up with bandages with the spices, just
the way the Jews have the custom of preparing for burial (John 19)

Why it was 100 (Roman) pounds we do not know, but we do know that this is a
numerical symbolism by the Numerical Principle. If the reader has any good ideas here
please contact us. We know that Nicodemus was born again, because we know

something about Gods love, we would be blind if we could not see the love of
Nicodemus. Which brings us nicely to another Binary (Yes/No) Question:

50 Nicodemus, who had come to him previously, and who was one of them, said to
51 Our law does not judge a man unless first it has heard from him and come to know
what he is doing, does it?
52 In answer they said to him: You are not also out of Galilee, are you? Search and see
that no prophet is to be raised up out of Galilee (John 7).

No Nicodemus was not out of Galilee (precious few Pharisees were). But the
antetypical Nicodemus is out of the antetypical Galilee.

2 But John, having heard in jail about the works of the Christ, sent by means of his own
3 and said to him: Are you the Coming one, or are we to expect a different one?
(Matthew 11)

19So John summoned a certain two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord to say:
Are you the Coming one or are we to expect a different one? (Luke 7).

In the literal meaning, yes Jesus was the coming one, in the sense that he was the one
prophesied as coming to restore Israel. But in the greater meaning, there will be several
different ones.

5For instance, which is easier, to say: Your sins are forgiven, or to say: Get up and
walk? (Matthew 9)

9 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic: Your sins are forgiven, or to say: Get up and
pick up your bed and walk? (Mark 2)

Obviously the former. But in the greater meaning they are both the same thing because:

Get up is the baptism into the name of the father Abraham, the bath of the flesh, the
water baptism, the forgiveness of sins in the past, giving one a clean standing before

Pick up your bed is: Have a resurrection into the kingdom of God. This is the finishing
of the water baptism, the righteous decree in the flesh, the free gift of citizenship of the
Kingdom of God, the forgiveness of all sins up to Armageddon, the granting of the
entrance Visa through the ambassador Abraham.

Walk is the baptism into the name of Jesus, or Paul or Gordon etc, the sanctification in
holy spirit, being born again, the forgiveness of all sins until time indefinite, the walking
before God with a clean conscience, the creation of an angelic son of God, the entrance
into the holy family of God, through a covenant mediated by a mediator.

33 Who will file accusation against God's chosen ones? God is the One who declares
[them] righteous (Romans 8).

In the literal meaning no one. In the greater meaning Gordon! See ['The Faithful and
Discreet Slave cut in two']

And Pilate enquired of Jesus: Are you the king of the Jews? (Mark 15:2).

Literally, no, he wasn't at that time. Symbolically, yes, in 1914Tishri, - see [121], [123],
he became the vassal king of God over the true human seed of Abraham, the Jews of
that time, who were all of those in the 3EC, the 3rd Elijah Covenant of Russell, which
was a subcovenant of the 2AC, the Second Abrahamic Covenant - see [9]. Most of
these were New Covenant Saints. He alluded to this in his answer:

36Jesus answered: My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this
world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews.
But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source (John 18).

38 So Pharaoh said to his servants: Can another man be found like this one in whom
the spirit of God is? (Genesis 41)

Literally no, Joseph was unique. But in the greater meaning, yes, it's there will be
another Joseph.

[C14] Reader Questions from the holy spirit

These are questions that are asked of various characters in the bible, but that are really
meant for the various readers of the bible. These are questions asked by the holy spirit
of the bible reader:

8 ...You with little faith.

9 Do you not yet see the point, or do you not remember the five loaves in the case of
the five thousand and how many baskets you took up?
10 Or the seven loaves in the case of the four thousand and how many provision
baskets you took up? (Matthew 16)

Yes, the bible reader says to himself, how stupid and blind the apostles were, doh! Did
they ever get the point at first? Fine, condemn them if you will. But was this account
recorded for the benefit of the characters in it or was it recorded for the Christians who
would follow them? Who is Jesus really speaking to here? Not just his disciples in the
boat who forgot to bring along the loaves, the bible wasn't written for them. So tell us
please oh ye reader with much faith, much more than the disciples: Do you know what
the significance of the 12 baskets in the case of the 5,000 and the 7 baskets in the case
of the 4,000 is? What do they stand for?

If you do not know, then Jesus is talking to you. He is saying look, these numbers are
important. He is saying, if you want to understand the greater meaning of these two
feeding miracles, which obviously relate to spiritual feeding miracles of true religions,
then think first about the numbers of the provision baskets. Think about how many there
were. This is the key.

To interpret this we apply the Numerical Principle to the baskets. Jesus is basically
asking the reader if he has grasped the Numerical Principle! The meaning of numbers
of things in the bible! So the 12 baskets are 12 days or 12 months or 12 years or
administrations of food which does not come directly from Jesus, but comes as
leftovers. Likewise the 7 baskets are 7 days or 7 months or 7 years or administrations
of food not directly from Jesus but from leftovers - see [67].

42And they began saying: Is this not Jesus the son of Joseph, whose father and mother
we know? How is it that now he says: I have come down from heaven ? (John 6).

Well, how is it?? The Holy Spirit wishes you to think about this, and to ask yourself the
very same question. Consider please the scripture below:

23 From the offspring of this [man] according to his promise God has brought to Israel a
savior, Jesus,
24 after John, in advance of the entry of that one, had preached publicly to all the
people of Israel baptism of repentance (Acts 13).

This means that John the baptist preached publicly in advance of the entry, the coming
down from heaven of an angel, God's firstborn and only begotten son, the angel
Michael, into the human Jesus. Angelically possessing him at his baptism.

22And the holy spirit in bodily shape like a dove came down upon him, and a voice
came out of heaven: You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you (Luke 3).

Q: What vehicle for a son of God has a bodily shape like a dove?
A: An angel.

32John also bore witness, saying: I viewed the spirit coming down as a dove out of
heaven, and it remained upon him (John 1).

Jesus was not called 'Gods son the beloved' until after the dove had descended from
heaven. This dove symbolised the entrance of the angel Michael into Jesus.

6 But the righteousness resulting from faith speaks in this manner: Do not say in your
heart: Who will ascend into heaven? that is, to bring Christ down.
7 Or: Who will descend into the abyss? that is, to bring Christ up from the dead
(Romans 10)

The answer to both is Gabriel who angelically possessed John the Baptist for the
purpose of presiding over the entrance of Michael into Jesus at his baptism. We are
getting a bit deep here. For the full story see - Jesus was Michael, and John was

A Rather More Simple Reader Question from the Holy Spirit

26For what benefit will it be to a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul? or
what will a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16)

Jesus asked this question of his disciples, but quite obviously he is asking it of every
man and woman who can read.

[C15] The Parallel Account and Subaccount Principle -

Spot the Difference

If there are 2 or 3 or 4 parallel accounts of an event in the bible, then the first word
symbolic thread has the same symbolism in all the accounts. This is true also for the
second and third etc. word symbolic threads for the accounts that have this number of
word symbolic threads. So if all the parallel accounts have the same number of threads
then the word symbolism for each thread is global across all the accounts. And each
account is a distinct separate non overlapping fulfillment of the word symbolism, for all
word symbolic threads. All of the fulfilments of one word symbolic thread relate to each
other to from one global word symbolic picture for that thread.

In fact so long as all the parallel accounts have the same number of threads we create
a new account which contains all of the parallel accounts. Then we interpret this
created account.

If any parallel account has a successive designation or a successive description, then

this only affects the particular parallel account that it is in. And in general for all parallel
accounts or for all parallel subaccounts (such as dreams and recitals of dreams), the
prophetic forms only affect the subaccount that they are in.

If the parallel accounts are symbolic, such as parallel parables, then the subaccounts all
share the same event symbolism since they describe the same events. If the parallel
accounts are literal, then of course in the literal meaning all the parallel accounts
describe the same thing.

The word count for the Repetition Principle is the global total for all the parallel
subaccounts. So if a countable noun is repeated a total of 3 times in all of the parallel
accounts in a created account wherein each parallel subaccount has 3 threads in total
(i.e. one literal/event thread and two word symbolic threads), then the noun takes 3
different symbolic meanings in these threads.

If one or more parallel accounts has a different number of threads to the others, then
we create an account containing all of the parallel accounts. Each thread in the created
account involves only the particular parallel accounts which have that thread.

For examples of sets of parallel accounts with differing number of threads - see the
parallel accounts of Bartimaeus, one of the two the blind persons cured on the road
to/from Jericho [49] - this set of accounts we do not understand! See also the signs of
the times in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 - this set of accounts we do understand
from a code standpoint.

Pre-packaged Parallel Subaccounts

Some accounts contain parallel subaccounts already, such as Daniel 4 and Genesis 41.
These two have dreams and recitals of dreams, which are both describing the same

thing. So the dream and the recital are two parallel subaccounts of these accounts. So
they share the same symbolism in all threads (literal/event and word) and their
countable noun counts add. These cases, since they are created by God himself tell us
what to do with parallel accounts in general and with parallel accounts which have
differing numbers of threads in particular. One simply uses the threads that are there.

In the 4 Gospels, in Kings & Chronicles, in Ezra and Nehemiah, there are parallel
accounts of the same events. For example the feeding of the 5,000 is mentioned 4
times, once in each Gospel! Each account has a greater symbolic meaning by the
Symbolic Structure Principle, so there are at least 4 greater meanings to the feeding of
the 5,000. These actually relate to the feeding campaigns of the 4 true Christian
religions - see [67]. The thing to do with these accounts, using the Power Principle, is to
play 'spot the difference'. Because any differences are not mistakes, or omissions
wherein God overlooked something, and thought he better put an account in Mark just
in case Matthew made a bit of a mess of it. They are deliberate.

For an example of how this works see - [63] or [34] 'The Faithful Slaves', or [32], [71],

[C16] The Omission Principle

If an account implies something but omits to state it (and any parallel account omits to
state it), then the implication is taken as being stated in the Word symbolic meaning.

28 Samson now called to Jehovah and said: Sovereign Lord Jehovah, remember me,
please, and strengthen me, please, just this once, Oh you the [true] God, and let me
avenge myself upon the Philistines with vengeance for one of my two eyes (Judges 16).

What about the other eye!

6So David said: Anyone striking the Jebusites first, he will become head and prince.
And Joab the son of Zeruiah got to go up first, and he came to be head (1 Chronicles

Why didnt he become the prince?

19 Next he commanded the crowd to recline on the grass and took the 5 loaves and 2
fishes, and, looking up to heaven, he said a blessing, and, after breaking the loaves, he
distributed them to the disciples, the disciples in turn to the crowds. 20 So all ate and
were satisfied, and they took up the surplus of fragments 12 baskets full (Matthew 14).

Great, wonderful, miraculous, but what did he do with the 2 fishes?? They are stated as
being eaten in the parallel account in Mark 6. So in this case we cannot deduce that the
2 fishes were eaten in the Word Symbolic meaning of Matthew 14.

[C16a] The Ambiguity Principle

If a phrase in the bible is ambiguous, having two obvious possible meanings, then both
meanings are true but in different threads.

For example the 2 river banks of Daniel 12 - U152 and the 7 lampstands being 7
congregations of Revelation 1 - U151.

[C17] Helpful Tips

a. Get an electronic bible, preferably the New World Translation on disk available
from the Watchtower - You'll have fun trying to get it without being cornered!
Alternatively we are going to put our own electronic bible on the site for
downloading soon. With this you can type in say: 'Holy spirit' and find every
scripture mentioning it. This sort of capability is invaluable in bible research. You
can download other electronic bibles from the web, but the translations may not
be accurate enough. If you do not like computers, then you will need a
comprehensive concordance and a New World Translation Bible, and a Greek
Interlinear bible and a Hebrew Interlinear bible - see [books] We hope to have
our paper bible available soon.
b. When decoding an account, do not try to squeeze a symbolic meaning into a
fulfillment which you already understand. Even if you succeed you will have
learned nothing new. We have made this mistake hundreds of times. Many
religions know of no other way. To the Watchtower almost every time period in
the second presence starts or ends in 1914, and whenever there are two groups
in the bible, then one is the anointed remnant and the other is the great crowd.
Do not be like this. Let the account lead you, this is letting the holy spirit lead
you! Set your mind free. Accept any crazy interpretation in the creative phase
and criticise it later - this is classic brainstorming technique.

c. Look! This is a word that occurs 958 times in the NWT of the bible. When it
occurs, treat it as a exhortation from the holy spirit itself to you. For that is what
it is!

d. A man, a householder. An enemy, a man. This is wonderful and cryptic and

disguised. It is a double designation and one of the two greater meanings refers
to an angel. It is saying look there are two guys and one is a man. Which is
really saying, the other is an angel.

e. Gather together. Assemble. These words when they occur are often a cryptic
request from the spirit to add up all of those who are gathered together or
assembled. The spirit is saying that their sum stands for something.

f. Distinguish between event symbolism and account symbolism. Event symbolism

is the symbolism that Charles Russell and the second Adventists used on Daniel
4. They use the elements of the events themselves as symbolising elements in
the greater meaning. But account symbolism, uses the elements of the account
of the events to symbolise elements in the greater meaning. So a king who is
referred to as Nebuchadnezzar, as King Nebuchadnezzar, and as the King, can
stand for two different people separately and together, i.e. three different
people/groups of people in the account symbolism but only for one person in the
event symbolism.

g. Distinguish between a further symbolic meaning and a further fulfilment. A further
symbolic meaning is effectively a whole new account, a further fulfilment is a
further instance of an existing account.

h. If something happens at a certain hour, then it, or events related to it, happen 12
times in all, the number of hours in a Hebrew day:

9 Jesus answered: There are twelve hours of daylight, are there not? If anyone walks in
daylight he does not bump against anything, because he sees the light of this world
(John 11).

[C18] The Symbolic meaning of 7

If there are ' 7 things' in a bible account, then these things are successive in time in all
the word symbolic meanings.

Counting time in sevens was God's idea, he invented the week as recorded in Genesis
1. The 7 creative days of the creative week are the first thing in the bible (these are not
literal 24 hour days because, for one thing, there was no earth on the first 'day'!) It is not
a natural thing for man, who counts in base ten, or in dozens, to count time in sevens.
God instigated this 'base' for counting time.

Time is what he counts in sevens, with a release after 7 times, counting to 7 exclusively
or after 6 times counting 7 inclusively this being the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a concept
which relates always to time. In the Hebrew language, the word for 'seven' and the word
for 'Sabbath' are from the same root. Therefore the very language of God's people was
and is declaring that 7 has to do with time. The concept that 7 relates to 7 things
occurring one after the other with a release after or during the 7th one (depending on
whether we count inclusively or exclusively), is enshrined in the language of the Old

But we fear that we have not laboured this seemingly trivial point enough. The
Watchtower Society has 7 standing for 'divine completeness', but they miss the sense
in which this completeness occurs, which is the temporal sense. It is a completeness in
time, with the 7 repetitions occurring one after the other, consecutively, successively.
For example, Daniel 9 literally says:

24Seventy sevens, he is decreed for people of you and for city of holiness of you
25From issuing of decree to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until anointed one, ruler,
sevens seven, and sevens sixty-two (Daniel 9 - NIVHEOT).

It is implicit, it is understood that these sevens refer to time, and are therefore
consecutive. It does not have to be spelt out. Similarly in the definition of the Jubilee,
we see:

8 And you must count for yourself seven Sabbaths of years, seven times seven years,
and the days of the seven Sabbaths of years must amount to forty-nine years for you
(Leviticus 25).

A 'Sabbath' of years is here defined as 7 years. The holy spirit is actually equating,
identifying 7 with the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a function of time, therefore the holy
spirit is declaring 7 to be also a function of time, as regards its scriptural symbolism or

So since Tuesday happens entirely after Monday, and since these two days have never
coincided or even overlapped a little, and likewise for the whole week, the whole 7, the
whole sabbath of days, we can deduce that 7 things means 7 successive things in
scripture. For an example of the symbolism of 7: see [37].

[C19] Elementary Counting and Cryptic Scriptures

We have so far discovered two dimensions of the holy book. The literal dimension and
the symbolic dimension. But there is a third and a fourth.

There is a numerical count defined on every word of the bible. This count only works in
the Hebrew and the Greek. It is not the count of Eli Rips or Michael Drosnin or other
equidistant Hebrew letter sequence researchers, which can be found at We call this count the third dimension of the bible.

The 4th dimension, is a cryptic dimension, it is not a second symbolic dimension. There
is no need for a 2nd symbolic dimension because the first symbolic dimension can have
several meanings for the various different designations for the same person or thing in
the account. The scriptures do have a cryptic side however, a newspaper crossword
type side. This dimension appears to take the form of a series of discrete cryptic
insights rather than a meaning or value for every word in every account as the other
three dimensions give.

Now if you can see all four of these dimensions of the holy book then you are seeing
the bible in colour rather than in black and white. For in our physical eyes, which God
himself designed as a prophetic declaration of our spiritual vision (for everything the
Jehovah does or declares is a prophetic declaration since as he is living all of his words
and works are likewise living) we have cones, which see sharply in black and white, and
we have rods, three types, which see slightly less sharply in colour. Is it red, green and
blue? All of this structure is prefiguring the structure of the way in which we will see the
bible, for the bible is a 4 dimensional book. The first dimension is the literal dimension
and this corresponds to our cones, the ones that see in black and white, very sharply,
unambiguously. The next three dimensions are the symbolic, the cryptic and the coded
numeric dimensions, the red, the green and the blue rods. It is a beautiful book in
glorious Technicolour. It is like Paul said:

18 In order that you may be thoroughly able to grasp mentally with all the holy ones
what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge (Ephesians 3).

4 dimensions. For Einstein discovered that the 3 dimensions of space are related to the
4th dimension of time via the Lorenz transformation. This results from the fact that the
speed of light is a constant to all observers whether the light source is driving forwards
in his Ford Escort with his halogens relative to the observer or orbiting backwards in his
space shuttle with his laser beam. But the constancy of the spiritual source of light, the

bible, which rather than emitting light at a constant speed independent of its relative
motion, is a constant source, independent of time, emitting light at different speeds, is
also manifested in 4 dimensions and these are:



Coded Numeric

For the same God made both types of light. The bible is a very fractal book, since it is
pattern upon pattern, and yet man only discovered fractals in the last 20 years. Now
Crick and Watson discovered slightly before the discovery of fractals, the molecular
structure of the code of life, our genetic code, a 4 base code, written in terms of:




So we have 4 dimensions of space-time, 4 dimensions of human vision, and 4 bases of

our genetic code & the 4 walls of the super temple of all Christianity with the 4
cornerstones but only one foundation stone, and we have the 4 living creatures in
heaven: Courage, Power, Love and Wisdom (Ezekiel 1, Revelation 4). Now perhaps the
reader will see what is the breadth, the length, the height and the depth, the 4
dimensions of the bible code. Perhaps he will realise that the works of Einstein and
Crick and Watson, prophetically establish that there will be a further spiritual equivalent
among God's covenanted people. For if Crick and Watson have been allowed to see
the physical code of life, then we have been allowed to see the spiritual code of life. And
it is the same God, Jehovah, who has made both of these codes, through his son. And
his prophet, the now angelic apostle Paul, the one who has declared the 4 bases of the
bible, has also declared this order of revealing, by saying:

46 The first is, not that which is spiritual, but that which is physical, afterward that which
is spiritual (1 Corinthians 15).

Why is the sun 400 times bigger than the moon when it is 400 times further away from
the earth than the moon. What a coincidence! How come these two completely
unrelated bodies exactly fit over each other in a solar eclipse?

You will not find the answer in the department of astrophysics. You will find it in the book
of Isaiah.

21 Do you people not know? Do you not hear? Has it not been told to you from the
outset? Have you not applied understanding from the foundations of the earth?
22 There is one who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are

as grasshoppers, the one who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who
spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell (Isaiah 40).

26 Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the one who is
bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name.
Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one [of
them] is missing (Isaiah 40).

But do not think that we wish to condemn astrophysics, on the contrary we wish to save
it. In order to understand the universe one needs first to understand that it was God
who set the speed of light at 3 x 108 metres/sec. He set it at this value before Adam was
born, 4027Tishri10 BC, to stop us screwing up the universe until we had learned how to

At some time before Adam was born, light traveled a lot faster as we have mentioned
above. The universe has not been around for billions of years at all. The speed of light
was reset by God as a cage for men. In fact it was reset by the command: Let there be
light! Because light must have existed before God made this statement.

On the first creative day of Genesis God said: Let there be light. And he said this after
observing that there was darkness on the surface of the watery deep. In other words
after he had created the planet earth in the literal meaning of the chapter:

1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the
surface of [the] watery deep; and God's spirit was moving to and fro over the surface of
the waters.
3 And God proceeded to say: "Let there be light." Then there came to be light (Genesis

But we know that light existed from the start of the Big Bang. Therefore light already
existed when he said: Let there be light. This is the key realisation in understanding the
meaning of Genesis 1. So God reset some feature of light or recreated it on day 1 in the
literal meaning.

So just because it takes one constant value today does not mean that it has always
taken this constant value, once you admit that there may be a God. But physics does
not admit this. Until it does, it will never discover the truth about the universe. However
if you can find it in your heart to believe that it was God who set the speed of light,
rather than random chance, then please go to section [234], the Munrose Hypothesis,
where we deduce the date of the Big Bang as being 11,513,689,593 BC, and find out
what the initial value of the speed of light was during the Big Bang itself (it was not
300,000 km/s !) from Genesis 1.

And another thing! What do you think God could be symbolising by having the whole
universe held together by gravity, a universal unquestioning attractive force? Where
would the universe be without gravity? The same place the world would be without love.
And that is where we are going right now!

And another thing, seeing as our scientific and technological advancement has been so
rapid in the last few thousand years, how come our art is now worse than that of the
cave man??

So returning to the count on the bible:

25 And they will be given into his hand for a time, times and half a time (Daniel 7).

7 It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half (Daniel 12).

14 There is where she is fed for a time, times and half a time (Revelation 12).

We can do no better here than to quote Gordon's first letter to the Watchtower Society,
that they actually received, to describe the meaning of this strange way of saying: 3. If
the man on the Clapham omnibus is asked: What is half of seven? he replies: It is three
and a half. He does not reply: It is one plus ones plus a half of one. It is therefore
manifestly apparent that the true God, who is most certainly able to do anything that the
man on the Clapham omnibus is able to do, having created that man, is saying a lot
more than Three and a half times, when he says: A time, times and half a time.
Hopefully the man on the Clapham omnibus will one day know what this greater
meaning of this central expression in the bible really is.

We read in Revelation 12:

14 But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into
the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and half a
time away from the face of the serpent (Revelation 12).

Times is obviously in the plural (since Greek has no dual number as Hebrew does).
But earlier in the same chapter we read:

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that
they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12).

In the actual vision, (but not in its symbolic meaning) the two periods are the same
period and so we are being told by holy spirit that the phrase a time, times and half a
time is 1260 days of the BLC (Biblical Lunar Calendar), which is 3.5 lunar years of 360
days. But a year is a time, a cycle, of the earth around the sun. So 3.5 years is 3.5

So 1 time + times + .5 time = 3.5 times

So times = 2 times

So this particular plural counts as a double, in this equation. Therefore, one of the
things that is certainly being said is that plurals count as two times, since the word
'times' is interpreted as 720 days in the above scriptures. In this context singulars count
as one time and halves count as half a time. If we now apply the Consistency Principle
to this, then what this crazy phraseology is saying is not that 3.5 times is being

expressed as a singular time, a plural time and a half time, but that everything in the
bible can be expressed as a singular time a plural time or a half time.

For Solomon has said:

1For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the
heavens (Ecclesiastes 3).

This is a repetition. So yes there is an appointed time for everything, but applying the
Repetition Principle there is also another meaning to this scripture, a further fulfillment.
This is that there is a time count on every sentence in the bible. David also spoke of this
count under inspiration saying:

12Show us just how to count our days in such a way as to bring a heart of wisdom in
(Psalm 90).

Because days or years or months are all times, see - The Times Principle of the code.
So the request is equivalent to: Show us how to count 'times'. So lets be like the tribe of
Issachar, and the wise men of Persia:

32And of the sons of Issachar having a knowledge of how to discern the times to know
what Israel ought to do, there were two hundred head ones of theirs, and all their
brothers were at their orders (1 Chronicles 12)

13 And the king proceeded to say to the wise men having knowledge of the times, for in
this way the king's matter [came] before all those versed in law and legal cases (Esther

Jesus said to his disciples:

7It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father
has placed in his own jurisdiction (Acts 1).

But to us, this knowledge does belong. So we can apply a count to every word in the
bible, assigning it one time if it is singular, two times if it is plural and half a time, if it is a
half of something.

The philosophy of the count on each sentence is that the count is: The number of times
represented by the sentence, which is the number of situations or actions in the
sentence. The count works like this:

Singular words count as one time

Plural words count as two times
Fractions or parts of anything count as half a time
Verbs multiply
and, or, but, upon, with, after, before add
into, out of, of, from, until, under multiply
all, every doubles

The count works on the Hebrew and Greek original text, not on any translation unless it
is a count transparent translation, and no-one has yet made such a translation. The
General basis of the count is that any sentence represents a number of times. For
example the sentence:

'The kings ate the potatoes'

counts as 4 times, because this action effectively occurs 4 times because two kings are
eating two potatoes and so a king is eating a potato 4 times. We say two kings because
plurals count as 2 'times'. This is actually an integral part of Hebrew Grammar, which is
the code of the language of the bible, from a linguistic point of view. Hebrew has
singular, plural and dual (or double) mode. We take all plurals as duals from a counting
point of view. The import of this is that in the greater meaning of the kings eating the
potatoes, this meal could have lasted 4 days, 4 months or 4 years, or there might have
been 4 greater meals.

We use the abbreviation 3x for 3 times and 2x for 2 times etc. 'All' or 'Every' counts as
2x and multiplies, it is understood as 'some plus the rest'. So that 'all of the horses'
counts as 4x, or 4 times.

In is right distributive and adds like this: x in 2x = x in x + x in x = 2x+2x=4x

x in x =2x
2x in x =3x
2x in 2x =6x
x in 2x =4x

Here are some examples:

all his belongings 4x

men in the house 3x
men in the houses 6x

You need a Greek Interlinear Bible and a Hebrew Interlinear Bible to work with this
dimension of the Code. We quote count preserving translations here (interlinear ones
normally are).

Some Simple Examples of the Count

This count takes some getting used to and it is most easily applied to single phrases
such as:

47 Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings (Matthew 24).
44 I tell you truthfully, He will appoint him over all his belongings (Luke 12).

All his belongings () counts as 4x

So there are 4 appointments of slaves and stewards that Jesus makes. These are the 4
true Christian religions.

5 Look! I am sending to you people Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great
and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.
6 And he must turn the heart of fathers back toward sons, and the heart of sons back
toward fathers; in order that I may not come and actually strike the earth with a devoting
[of it] to destruction (Malachi 4).

He must turn the heart of fathers back towards sons counts as 4x

So Elijah makes 4 reconciliations between actually previous and succeeding true

religions. In fact there are 4 Elijah's, who were John, Paul, Russell and Gordon see -
The 4 Elijah's.

Because Jesus said:

Indeed, which father is there among you who, if his son asks for a fish, will perhaps
hand him a serpent instead of a fish? (Luke 11:11).
And yes the third true religion has been in a position to offer its sons, the Great Crowd,
who will form the basis of the 4th true religion 'a fish', i.e. entrance into the feeding of
the two fishes - see [67]. But they haven't done that, they have offered them a serpent,
Satan's internal corruption mouthpiece, corrupting the congregation (Eve) to get at the
head one (Adam) - His Modus Operandi has not changed you blind ones!! One should
be your head on earth just as one is your head in the heavens. Why therefore do you
vote you hypocrites !!

For the serpent was found in the Tree of Knowledge of good and bad, representing
God's Rulership over his people. It stands for the corruption from within the true
religion. But Jesus also said:

11 In reply he said: Elijah, indeed, is coming and will restore all things (Matthew 17).

All things counts as 4x

So Elijah comes 4 times, to restore true worship and start 4 new religions.

Some More Complicated Examples of the Count

Nebuchadnezzar's recital of his dream (Daniel 4:10-12, NIVHEOT, New International

Version Hebrew English Old Testament)

Here are some counts of Daniel 4...

And visions of my head upon my bed, I was beholding 3x.

and look!
a tree in the middle of the land 1x
and height of him enormous 1x
he grew large the tree 1x
and he grew strong 1x
and height of him touched to the skies 2x

and visibility of him [touched] to end of all the earth 2x
leaf of him beautiful 1x
and fruit of him abundant 1x
and food of all in him 3x
under him she found shelter, beast of field 1x
and in branches of him they lived, birds of the airs 10x
and from him, he was fed, every creature 2x

Total of 26x = 26 times. But these are multiplied by the 3x of visions upon the bed:

3x.26x=79x, 79 times, we take as 79 years in the case of FDS3 and 79

months in the case of FDS4.

These run from 1914Tishri at the appointment of FDS3 to feed, until 1994Nisan at the
appointment of FDS4 to feed, whereupon FDS3 lost its exclusivity on food so 'every
creature' ceased begin fed by them. 'Birds of the airs' are the remnant of the
circumcision of the spirit, the first new covenant saints. They took centre position in the
earth when they were appointed over all belongings in Nisan 1918. Every creature is
being fed 'at the proper time'. The branches of this tree of Moses are the 5 watches of
the Watchtower.

in visions of my head upon my bed, I was beholding 6x.

and look!
watcher and [he was a] holy one, from the heavens coming
down. [Hebrew has a colon for the end of a sentence]
[He was] calling in loudness
and [he was] saying this: 3x.
Chop down the tree 1x
and trim off branches of him 2x
Strip off leaf of him 1x
and scatter fruit of him 1x
let her flee the animal from under him 1x
and the birds from branches of him 4x

6x.4x.3x(1x+2x+1x+1x+1x+4x)= 720 days from 2004Elul14 to 2006Elul14. The

Abomination causing desolation until the end of Babylon the Great.

19 At that time Daniel himself, whose name is Belteshazzar, was astonished for a
moment, and his very thoughts began to frighten him. The king was answering and
saying, 'Oh Belteshazzar, do not let the dream and the interpretation themselves
frighten you.' Belteshazzar was answering and saying, 'Oh my lord, may the dream
[apply] to those hating you, and its interpretation to your adversaries.

The tree that you saw that 1x.

He grew large 1x
And he grew strong 1x

And top of him he touched to the skies 2x
And visibility of him [was] to all of the earth 2x
And leaf of him beautiful 1x
And fruit of him abundant 1x
And food for all in him 3x
Under him she found shelter, beast of the field 1x
and in branches of him they had nests birds of the airs 18x

30x. The above is neither the dream nor the interpretation, it is a recital of the dream by
Daniel. This may be 30 months of the growth of the LWs, from 2005Elul, the restart of
the second presence to 2007Adar. 2008Nisan is a Sabbath.

An earlier idea we had which was not correct was... This is the presidency of Knorr,
from January 13th 1942 until June 8th 1977, or 1941Tebbeth22 to 1977Sivan21. He
was the first foolish virgin of Matthew 25 in the second presence. This is the bloom of
the Watchtower physically, but just as in the case of our own bodies, when they bloom
they are already becoming corrupt with age. The church of Knorr, Pergamum, was the
compromising church. The church of Franz, Thyatira, was the corrupt church, and the
church of Henschel, Sardis, became the dead church. So Knorr was the beginning of
the adversity of the Watchtower to Jesus. This is because the interpretation applies to
Jesus' adversaries. The dream also applies to those hating Jesus, because at the end
of the JWs the tree is cut down because they end up hating Jesus. Dear oh dear oh

The antetypical Pentecost (Joel 2:28 NIVHEOT)

And he will be, after this

I will pour out spirit of me upon all flesh
[I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, after this]
and they will prophesy, your sons and your daughters 4x
your old men, dreams they will dream 4x
your young men visions they will see 4x

16x, covenant of gifts, covenant of Keturah, new earthly covenant, covenant of

Rachael, covenant for half a kingdom. Made in 1992Elul and lasting until 2008Elul.

The Fear Inspiring day of Jehovah (Joel 2:30 NIVHEOT)

And I will show wonders in the heavens 6x 1993Elul - 1999Elul

and in the earth, blood, fire and billows of smoke 5x 1999Elul - 2004Elul
the sun, he will be turned to darkness 1x 2004Elul - 2005Elul
and the moon to blood 1x 2005Elul - 2006Elul
before/to presence to come day of Jehovah the
great and the one being dreadful
2x 2006Elul - 2008Elul

The day of Jehovah (Zephaniah 1:15,16 NIVHEOT)

The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near and there is a hurrying of it very
much. The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter. There is a mighty man letting
out a cry.

Day of wrath, the day the that 1x 2008Elul - 2007Elul

Day of distress and anguish 2x 2007Elul - 2005Elul
Day of trouble and ruin 2x 2005Elul - 2003Elul
Day of darkness and gloom 2x 2003Elul - 2001Elul
Day of cloud and blackness 2x 2001Elul - 1999Elul

Day of trumpet and battlecry

2x+2x+2x 1999Elul - 1993Elul
upon the cities, the ones being fortified
and upon the corners, the towers

'Day of Jehovah' is the last 15x, of illumination spiritually, matched by be-

darkening physically. The Lord's Witness trumpeted exclusively to the Jehovah's
witnesses from 1993Elul (actually from 1992Elul) to 1999Elul. In 1999Elul we
decided to go public.

Finally here is a list that obviously was intended to be counted:

Revelation 18:11-13 (Greek Interlinear)

For a full treatment of Revelation see U151

And the traveling merchants of the earth are weeping and mourning over her
because there is not one to buy their cargo anymore, a cargo [accusative]:

of gold 1x
and [a cargo] of silver 1x
and [a cargo] of precious stone 1x
and [a cargo] of pearls 1x/(2x)
and [a cargo] of fine linen 1x
and [a cargo] of purple 1x
and [a cargo] of silk 1x
and [a cargo] of scarlet 1x
and every scented wood 2x
and every sort of ivory object 2x
and every sort of object out of most precious wood and of copper
and of iron and of marble
and cinnamon 1x
and Indian spice 1x

and incenses 2x
and perfumed oil 1x
and frankincense 1x
and wine 1x
and olive oil 1x
and fine flour 1x
and wheat 1x
and cattle 2x
and sheep 2x
and of horses 1x/(2x)
and of coaches 1x/(2x)
and of bodies 1x/(2x)
and souls of men 2x
Total 39x

(Revelation 18:11-13 NWT adapted from Greek).


And it [the 2 horned beast] is making all [accusative] 2x.

the small [ones] [accusative] and the great [ones] 4x
and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones] 4x
and the free [ones] and the slaves 4x
in order that they [the [ones] dwelling upon the earth]
should give to them [a+b]:
6x or 2x = 4x ('them' splits in two above
engraving upon the hand of [each one of] them, the
and here together)
right or upon the forehead of [each one of] them
and in order that, no one may be able to buy or to sell not 1x or 1x = not 1x and not 1x = 2x.

if not the one having the engraving, [which is] the

1x or 1x = 1x
name of the wild beast [a covenant with it to get its
name], or the number of the name of it

2x.12x.(4x.4x/8x +2x.1x) = 432x/820x Running from 2007Tammuz3/2006Sivan5 to

2008Elul15. This is the entire length of the UN financial restriction on all mankind,
which ends with the destruction of the UN on the last day of Armageddon,

The Cryptic Dimension of the Code

We finish this section with two cryptic gems, which we have used to deduce the
method of baptism for the life - see [204]:

17 And as he was going out on his way, a certain man ran up and fell upon his
knees before him and put the question to him: Good Teacher, what must I do to
inherit everlasting life? (Mark 10).

Fine so one must fall upon one's knees for a start to get baptised.

21 A great number that became believers, turned upon the Lord (Acts 11 NWT/KI).

This means that there is a turning round in ones baptism.

[C20] The 'Bible Code' of Eli Rips and Michael Drosnin

Our initial problem with this work was the thought that Eli Rips (who founded
ELS or Equidistant Hebrew Letter Sequence research) was still a Jew by
Religious Persuasion. We thought that he cannot have this right because being a
Jew by religion, he has not accepted that Jesus was Gods son, the messiah, and
so he has failed to understand even the basic literal dimension of the holy book.
It is therefore not reasonable to suppose that he can shed any light on any coded
meanings correctly. It's rather like a man with no legs representing that he is a
star football player! Gordon's other problem was that Satan always produces
fakes to mask the original. There were many false Christ's at the time of the true
Christ, Jesus, in his first and his second presence:

5Many will come on the basis of my name saying: I am the Christ, and mislead
many (Matthew 24).

Our work showing that the bible is written in a symbolic code was published
exclusively to the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1992. But the
first that the world really heard of any bible code was in 1994 (Newton's decoding
activities were suppressed when he was alive and only published very narrowly
after he died), when the paper on ELS was submitted and published by the
Statistical Science Journal in the US, Volume 9, Number 3, August 1994. URL: Gordon was prohibited by his
understanding of the scriptures from going public until 1999Elul, 7 years after the
first book was delivered to the HQ of the JWs by Massoud.

This ELS research appears now to have become a very large commercial empire
for Amazon and Michael Drosnin and various publishers, more than it being a
religious research program. There have to our knowledge been no further
scientific papers in support of it since the first one in 1994, and one against it.
Jesus said that you should judge a tree by its fruit. We can see no Christian fruit
from this supposed decoding. We can see no academic fruit from this supposed
decoding. We can see a whole load of commercial fruit. Recently there has been
some good work which shows that ELS may well be just the result of random
chance: & & .

Apparently if you translate the book of Revelation into English, and if you
perform ELS on the English, ignoring all the vowels as Hebrew does, then you
can find out something about William Gates Junior (Bill Gates) and Windows. If
this is true then ELS is garbage, because the translation into English is a
representation of inspired words but is not itself inspired at all, because there are
many ways of translating Greek into English which use different words and yet
have the same meaning. It is the Greek and the Hebrew texts that are the literal

inspired words of God. So if an uninspired translation can tell you all about Bill
Gates (or perhaps Steve Jobs), then so can War and Peace or any other book. But
what the book of Revelation does say unequivocally is:

10 The bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying (Revelation 19).

Whereas there is no witness to Jesus in any of the ELS prophecies that we have
seen and none in the best selling ELS book 'The Bible Code'. Although there are
references to the Messiah (who is yet to put in an appearance!) So this work
cannot be a true decoding in our opinion. We do not believe that the true God
requires Christians to be able to speak Hebrew in order that they can understand
his purposes. We will say this though, the originator of ELS, Eli Rips was a
professor of Group theory, and Gordon started his PhD at Oxford in group theory,
and group theory is beautiful and exact, it doesn't involve any statistics as does
ELS. We cannot help thinking of the quote:

There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

What use is it telling Yitsac Rabin that he will be assasinated? As the ELS 'code'
predicted. This is the sort of thing that fortune tellers do, and if they are wrong
they are phoneys and if they are genuine they are getting their knowledge from
Satan and are condemned in the literal meaning of the bible, being spirit
mediums. 'Beware the Ides of March' was not from God. And it didn't help Julius
Caesar. You know it's the same old wolf but in more modern sheep's clothing.

[C21] The History of Event and Word Symbolism

Now here is the thing. Does a literal account have a straight symbolic meaning as
well as a coded symbolic meaning? Does a symbolic account such as a dream or
a parable or a vision have a straight symbolic meaning as well as a coded
symbolic meaning?

These two questions troubled Gordon for 9 years until the end of 2001. But as
usual once the question is asked in the correct way, the answer is not far off. As
regards Gordon, who is the antetypical Daniel, who was named Belteshazzar by
Nebuchadnezzar (he went in for slightly longer names than the Hebrews did), it is
true in his experience, when he makes the effort that he should, then as the King
himself said:

9 Oh Belteshazzar the chief of the magic-practicing priests, because I myself well

know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that there is no secret at all
that is troubling you, tell [me] the visions of my dream that I have beheld and its
interpretation (Daniel 4).

But this one thing about symbolic symbolism, straight symbolism and coded
symbolism had eluded him for 9 years. During this time, Gordon had prayed
many a time and had asked the true God and said to him: Oh Jehovah, who has
chosen me out of all of the wise men on this earth to reveal his secrets to. If it
pleases you, will you show this great bible code to others of your sons who can

help me in the great work that I am commissioned to do. For I am but one man
and your book was written by the Father of all minds for every human mind which
can read or which can listen to another one who is reading. And the true God
himself had for many years effectively been answering and saying: Oh Gordon,
my son, it is you whom I have chosen to talk to face to face, and you can carry
this burden, and I will help you to do so. For he has said in many places in the

4 Jehovah has sworn (and he will feel no regret): You are a priest to time
indefinite, according to the manner of Melchizedek! (Psalm 110).

And Gordon has known for a long time that these words apply to Jesus and
himself and others. But he is made very happy by the true God when one of his
brothers sorts out a biblical problem for him. Because then he knows that God
has blessed his brother as he has blessed Gordon, and so Gordon is not alone in
God's love in this respect. Of course it is wonderful to be a son, but it is better
when you have some brothers and sisters.

If the reader is a boss, he will know how easy it is to get employees to park their
backsides in his office, and yet how hard it is to get them to take their brains out
of their parking spaces and use them to solve business problems. How happy a
boss is when a member of staff expends brain power not on his own salary
calculations or on his social advancement, or on making sure that come what
may he is out of the office by 5:25 pm, but rather he expends it on the business
which employs him. How wonderful it is when the business falters and someone
else runs to pick it up before the boss gets there.

So this is what happened in the case of the number of types symbolic meanings
that an account might have. Gordon asked the question at a study group:

Does the book of Revelation have a literal meaning of the type that, yes, John did
actually see a harlot on a beast, and a straight symbolic meaning, the event
symbolism, a simple symbolism (of the type that Jesus explained in the case of
the parable of the Sower of Mark 4 - see [63]) and a coded symbolic meaning, the
account symbolism, the word symbolism (of the type that Jesus explained in the
case of the parable of the wheat and the weeds of Matthew 13). Or does it only
have a literal meaning and a coded symbolic meaning?

It was Lee, who straight away came up with the answer, in the form of the first
two verses of Revelation:

1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things
that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in
signs through him to his slave John,
2 who bore witness to:

the word God gave

and to the witness Jesus Christ gave,
even to all the things he saw (Revelation 1).

Obviously 'all the things he saw' is the literal account, 'the word God gave' is
another meaning and 'the witness Jesus Christ gave' is yet another meaning. So
there must be both an Event symbolism and a Word symbolism.

As mentioned above John is bearing witness to 'The word God gave'. This
therefore is a witness to God's words themselves which is the word symbolic
meaning. John is also bearing witness to the (symbolically expressed) witness
that Jesus gave him in the form of the vision, this then is the event symbolic
account, the symbolic meaning of the events of the vision.

All the things he saw Literal account of the vision

The Word God gave Coded word symbolic meaning of the vision
Straight event symbolic meaning of the
The Witness Jesus Christ gave

By the Consistency Principle, this structure must apply to all symbolic accounts
in the bible, such as parables, visions, dreams etc. Then Gordon was able to put
the whole jigsaw together. Now in Daniel 4, the straight event symbolism cannot
apply to the whole chapter as the Reverend John Aquila Brown, the second
adventists and Charles Russell thought or you end up with Jesus being
counselled as follows:

27 Therefore, Oh king, may my counsel seem good to you, and remove your own
sins by righteousness, and your iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones.
Maybe there will occur a lengthening of your prosperity (Daniel 4).

which counsel plainly does not apply to Jesus. From this we deduce that literal
accounts do not have straight symbolic meanings. So putting these together we

[1] Literal bible accounts only have a coded account symbolic meaning

[2] Symbolic bible accounts have a straight event symbolic meaning and a coded
account symbolic meaning.

[3] Accounts which contain both literal and symbolic portions, such as dreams
explanations and fulfillments, obey the two rules above for their respective

So in the case of Daniel 4, since the chapter is not an entirely symbolic account,
but contains various literal portions, it can not have one straight symbolic
meaning that applies throughout the account. Such a meaning could not apply to
the literal parts of the account, such as Daniel's explanation of the dream and the
fulfillment of the dream. However the dream itself has both a straight symbolic
explanation, which is the one that Daniel interpreted, and resulted in
Nebuchadnezzar spending 7 years living like a wild animal. The coded symbolic
interpretation of the dream gives the Gentile Times and actually the chronology
and activities of FDS3 and FDS4 - see [123].

This then is the true generalisation (as far as we can see it today) of the Reverend
John Aquila Brown's astonishing interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of
Daniel Chapter 4, as having in addition to the interpretation of the dream by
Daniel, a greater symbolic meaning relating to the Gentile Times. This
generalisation extends his revelation to cover every literal and every symbolic
portion of every chapter in the bible:

All symbolic portions of bible accounts have a straight

symbolic meaning, the Event symbolism and a coded
symbolic meaning, the Word Symbolism

All literal portions of bible accounts have, in addition to their

literal meaning, only a coded symbolic meaning, the Word

In fact a literal meaning is an event symbolic meaning with the identity (unity)
symbolism. For non mathematicians, the identity symbolism is where an orange
stands for an orange and a lemon stands for a lemon. It is the symbolism where
the symbolic meaning is the literal meaning.

It was of course God, who through Jesus, opened Lee's eyes to help Gordon out
here. We do not like to say this sort of thing very much, because these types of
statements have been abused to the point of total numbness by so many false
religions in the past. But when Gordon is too weak to carry on, or to tired to jump
a particularly high fence, then the holy spirit just lifts him right up and it carries
him right over. When the spirit helps, the answer appears almost effortless!

Most times one doesn't even realise that God has helped. Because
notwithstanding all of the praise scattered throughout the bible, God is not
interested in praise, he wants love and gratitude. The preponderance of praise
exists to prevent his enemies from reading the bible. He doesn't go in for fanfare,
trumpet blasts, drum rolls, medal pinning ceremonies, Oscar nominations, or
long acceptance speeches. When Jesus died for all mankind, where was the
applause? And who has done any better than him? When he cried out in his
agony with his dying breath to the creator of every atom in the universe saying:
Father receive my spirit, did God even make a response that he was aware of?

One day we, the grateful ones, will know how much God has done for us, and we
will be flabbergasted. Until then, on the odd occasion when one realises that he
has helped, one can feel his love in real time and that is something.

Yes, the true heroes and heroines of this system of things are unsung. They give
without recompense from the world, they succeed without recognition from the
world, they teach without qualifications from the world and they die with hardly a
friend in the World. They save whilst being condemned by the world, they spread
the truth whilst being lied to by the world, and lied about by the world. They keep
their reason in a world with so little of it and they keep their love, a silent victory,
whilst they drown in the deafening roar of self defeating self interest and hatred.


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See 'tribulation or persecution' in the accounts of the sower - [63].

Example 2

35Therefore keep on the watch for you do not know when the master of the house is
coming, whether late in the day (the first watch of the night) or at midnight (the second
watch) or at cockcrowing (the third watch) or early in the morning (the fourth
watch) (Mark 13).

See 'whether late in the day (the first watch of the night) or at midnight (the second
watch) or at cockcrowing (the third watch) or early in the morning (the fourth watch). ' in
the account of the slaves appointed by the master - [34].

[C7e] The Successive Subjects Principle

If a verb has two or more successive subjects, then the account has two or more
fulfilments in total in all the word symbolic threads.

Example 1

See 'the anxiety of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches choke the
word' in the accounts of the sower - [63].

Example 2

See 'the rain poured down and the rivers came and the winds blew and struck against
that house' in the account of the house built on sand - [49]. This principle appears to be
a special case of the Successive Articulations Principle.

[C7f] The Articulations Principle

If a verbal phrase is articulated twice non successively (separated by a word other than
'and') in one account, then it takes a greater meaning different from the literal meaning
in all the word symbolic threads of the account. This greater meaning is a key
symbolism in the word symbolic threads. (And there must be at least one word symbolic

Compare this with Joseph's explanation of the meaning of a dream repeated twice
(firmly established and speeding to do it).

Example 1

12 And Arpachshad life [ a noun] 35 year. Then he became father to Shelah.

13 And after his fathering Shelah, Arpachshad continued to live 3 years and 400 year.
Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.

See U102.

[C7g] , its a grammatical code

27 And the uncircumcised [person] that is such by nature will, by carrying out the Law,
judge you who with its written code [] and circumcision are a transgressor of
law (Romans 2).
29 But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and [his] circumcision is that of the heart by
spirit, and not by a written
code []. The praise of that one comes, not from men, but from God (Romans

6who has indeed adequately qualified us to be ministers of a new covenant, not of a

written code [], but of spirit; for the written code [] condemns to
death, but the spirit makes alive (2 Corinthians 3).

Paul is saying that literally the law was a 'grammar'. But then a grammar is the code of
a language. Now using the bible code itself we see that the greek word ''
appears only twice in each of the accounts at Romans 2 and at 2Corinthians 3, so by
the repetition principle below, there is a greater , than the law of Moses.
There is a greater grammar to the bible. This greater grammar is the grammatical bible
code, the grammar of the symbolism of the bible, a symbolic grammar if you like. The
point is that these two accounts are both saying that the bible code is a grammatical
code. And this indeed is what we have discovered. In a nutshell...

The designations principle and the successive designations principle are the symbolic
grammar of the nouns
The descriptions principle and the successive descriptions principle are the symbolic
grammar of the adjectives
The articulations principle and the successive articulations principle are the symbolic
grammar of the verbs

[C8] The Repetition Principle

Definition: The literal meaning of an account OR the event symbolic meaning of an
account AND every word symbolic meaning of an entire account or subaccount
combine to make the total number of threads or strands of that account or subaccount.

A literal account has a literal thread and may have one or more word symbolic threads.
A non literal account, such as a parable, a vision or a dream, has an event symbolic
thread and may also have one or more word symbolic threads. No section of any
account has both a literal thread and an event symbolic thread, although an
interpretation has one thread which is both literal in some places and event symbolic in
others (but not both at once).

All bible accounts obey the following noun count of the countable nouns as defined in
the symbolic structure principle section above. These nouns define the word symbolism
of the word symbolic threads. The total number of recitals of a countable noun in all of
the symbolic subaccounts tells us the number of different meanings that it takes in all of
the threads of the symbolic subaccounts (including the literal or event symbolic thread).
The total number of recitals of a countable noun in all of the literal subaccounts tells us
the number of different meanings that it takes in all of the threads of the literal
subaccounts (including the literal or event symbolic thread).

If the noun count of every countable noun in a subaccount is odd, and if that
subaccount has no successive designations then it has no word symbolic threads.

If the noun count of one countable noun in a subaccount is even, and if that subaccount
has no successive designations then it has one word symbolic thread.

If a subaccount has no successive designations but the account it is in has one or more
word threads, then the subaccount has one word thread only if it has a word (which will
be a countable noun in this or another subaccount) which takes a different meaning in
the first word thread (Word1) to its event symbolic meaning..

If a countable noun is recited a total of 2 times in all the symbolic subaccounts of an

account, and if the noun has only one event symbolic meaning, then this noun takes a
different word symbolic meaning (i.e. a different meaning in the word symbolic thread)
to its event symbolic meaning in all the symbolic subaccounts. It takes a total of two
symbolic meanings.

If a countable noun is recited a total of 2 times in all the literal subaccounts of an

account, and if the noun has only one literal or event symbolic symbolic meaning, then
this noun takes a different word symbolic meaning (i.e. a different meaning in the word
symbolic thread) to its literal meaning in all the literal subaccounts. It takes a total of two
meanings (one literal and one word symbolic).

If a countable noun is recited a total of three times in all the symbolic subaccounts of an
account, and if the noun has only one event symbolic meaning, and if at least one
symbolic subaccount has at least 3 threads, then it takes a different meaning in each of
these threads (one event symbolic and two word symbolic meanings).

If a countable noun is recited a total of three times in all the literal subaccounts of an
account, and if the noun has only one literal or event symbolic meaning, and if at least

one literal subaccount has at least 3 threads, then it takes a different meaning in each
of these threads (one literal and two word symbolic meaning).

In general, if a countable noun is recited a total of n times in all of the symbolic

subaccounts of an account and if the largest number of threads of any symbolic
subaccount in which it appears is m, and if said noun appears in all m threads of this
subaccount after any substitutions, and if it has only one event symbolic meaning, then
the largest factor of n that is less than or equal to m is the total number of distinct (event
symbolic or word symbolic) meanings that the noun takes globally in all of the strands.
Of course any word normally (but not always) only has one literal or symbolic meaning
throughout any strand!

In general, if a countable noun is recited a total of n times in all of the literal

subaccounts of an account and if the largest number of threads of any literal
subaccount in which it appears is m, and if said noun appears in all m threads of this
subaccount after any substitutions, and if it has only one literal or event symbolic
meaning, then the largest factor of n that is less than or equal to m is the total number
of distinct (literal or word symbolic) meanings that the noun takes globally in all of the

Putting this less mathematically: The number of repetitions of a countable noun needs
to be divisible by the total number of strands of an account in which the countable noun
appears after any substitutions, in order that the noun can take a different symbolic
meaning in each strand.

Plural and singulars and duals in Hebrew count separately, and take different word
symbolic meanings. If a countable noun has two literal meanings such as the word
'dead' in the scripture: let the dead bury the dead, or such as the Hebrew word for
woman (), which also means 'man' in Deuteronomy 25 etc., and if it is recited only
twice, then it has no extra word symbolic meanings. But if it is recited 4 times then it has
a further pair of word symbolic meanings etc.

Adjectives have symbolic meanings which are generally dominated by the nouns they
Verbs have symbolic meanings which are generally dominated by nouns.
Adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, etc. are invariant in all symbolisms.
They have symbolic meanings which are merely their literal meanings.

Nouns used possessively, such as the word 'Abraham', in the phrase Abraham's wife,
do not count as nouns since they are being used as possessive adjectives.

Specifically, since this is a grammatical code...

1. Any noun at all in the genitive in Greek which is being used as an adjective is not
counted. Eg: 'Hearing of my words', 'Having occurred of flood' uses 'words' and 'flood'
possessively. 'The [one] of Zebedee' uses 'Zebedee' possessively. 'He came into
contact with the coffin' has coffin in the genitive in Luke 7, but the genitive case can be
used for the ablative in Greek (wonderful isn't it?). So 'coffin' is not used possessively in
that case.

2. Nouns in the genitive due to prepositions such as are counted if they are
acting as nouns (which in general they are). But are not counted if they are acting as
adjectives. For example in the case where it is not used as a preposition, but is used
alone to mean 'those of' for example... uses 'nation' possessively. And Boaz
out of Rahab means Rahab's Boaz, so Rahab is possessive in that case.

3. Quantifiers such as: Half of (the earth), a 3rd of (the earth) a quarter of (the earth), all
of (the earth), every of (the people), one of (the prophets) etc do not turn nouns into
adjectives, so the nouns still count even if they are in the genitive (except 'all of' in
Hebrew - see 5.). Position descriptors such as 'Midst', start, middle, end etc are
adjectives. So 'the Midst of the earth' has 'earth' as countable noun.

4. Any noun which is in the absolute preceded by a construct state (and therefore is a
possessive adjective) in the Hebrew is not counted. The Hebrew 'construct' ''
meaning 'to', being the 'construct' of '', meaning 'towards', which is a preposition, does
not turn a noun into a possessive adjective (we think due to 'Joseph' in Genesis 40). In
fact as is the case in Greek, no Hebrew preposition in the construct makes its absolute
noun into a possessive adjective and therefore makes it uncountable.

5. The construct '', meaning all of, or the whole of, being the proper construct of '',
meaning 'to complete', which is not a preposition, does turn a noun into a possessive

6. As in the case of successive designations, Hebrew nouns with pronoun suffixes

(husband-of-her, maidservant-of-me etc.) are not countable 'because they are not plain
nouns'. In general Hebrew Prepositions which are in the construct state, do not cause
the succeeding absolute to be a genitive.

7. The words: Jehovah and God only ever mean Jehovah and God, for any further
meaning would be symbolic idolatry!

This rather mathematical definition can be summed up in the following look up table:

Number of
Number of
Number of literal or
recitals of
threads of symbolic
account meanings of
the countable
1 1 1
1 2 1
1 3 1
1 4 1
1 5 1
2 1 1
2 2 2
2 3 2
2 4 2

2 5 2
3 1 1
3 2 1
3 3 3
3 4 3
3 5 3
4 1 1
4 2 2
4 3 2
4 4 4
4 5 4
5 1 1
5 2 1
5 3 1
5 4 1
5 5 5

It is important to realise that the number of recitals of a noun used as a noun governs
the number of symbolic meanings that it takes in the different threads, but does not
govern the number of fulfilments of these symbolic meanings that it might take.

14 For God speaks once and twice - though one does not regard it (Job 33).

But one should regard it!!

Joseph says referring to the two similar dreams of Pharaoh:

32 And the fact that the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice means that the thing is
firmly established on the part of the [true] God, and the [true] God is speeding to do it
(Genesis 41).

32 And so to repeat the dream to Pharaoh two times, because being decided upon by
the God and being soon to do him (Genesis 41 - NIVHEOT Hebrew Interlinear Bible)

But the whole bible is a dream, in the sense that bible writers spoke under inspiration
not from their subconscious mind but from God. So what Joseph is saying is:

If any inspired scripture is repeated twice then, the thing is decided upon by God and
God will do it soon.

Our first interpretation of this verse, which is quite obviously explaining the meaning of a
repeated scripture in an account, was that a repetition meant a further meaning. This
was pretty much a correct interpretation.

Parallel subaccounts, Interpretations and other sub accounts

which share a noun count

If two symbolic subaccounts describe the same set of events then they share their noun
counts. One simply adds the noun counts for both subaccounts and this count
determines the number of symbolic meaning that each countable noun takes in all of
the threads of both subaccounts. Likewise if two literal subaccounts describe the same
set of events then they share their noun counts. This is covered in more detail in the
parallel account principle below. The situation is more interesting with an
interpretational subaccount.

Interpretations are literal explanations of event symbolisms in their literal meaning. So

their noun count is added to the narrative noun count only.

For a simple example of this have a look at the account of the dreams and
interpretations of the cupbearer and the baker in Genesis 40 - [304].

The Wheat and the Weeds

Jesus actually confirms our current understanding of the Repetition Principle and the
correct interpretation of Josephs explanation of a repetition in Matthew 13:24-30, in the
account of the wheat and the weeds. He gives the word symbolic interpretation of 6
repeated nouns and of the non repeated word 'reapers' - see [70].

General Examples of the Repetition Principle

Have a look a sections [32], [61], [62], [63], [66], [69], [70], [71], [72], [73], [74], [75],
[76]. We have applied the latest 8th generation code to most of these accounts.

Example 1

13 Consequently the Egyptians made the sons of Israel slave under tyranny.
14 And they kept making their life bitter with hard slavery at clay mortar and bricks and
with every form of slavery in the field. Yes, every form of slavery of theirs in which they
used them under tyranny (Exodus 1).

This is just included to show the reader how repetitive a bible account can be!

Example 2 - Deep !

2Now the earth proved to be formless and waste, and there was darkness on the
surface of the deep, and Gods spirit was moving to and fro over the surface of the
waters (Genesis 1).

The 'surface' of the deep is a repeated word. The literal meaning is the surface of the
seas on the earth, the symbolic meaning is the faces or the characters of the angels in
the heavens (the Hebrew word translated surface, means face). For Genesis 1 is not
just the story of the creation of the earth and of men, it is also the story of the creation
of the heavens and of the angels (in the word symbolic meaning), like it says in the first
line of the bible: even the first 7 Hebrew words:

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1).

Then we read:

2Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the
surface of [the] watery deep. And God's active force was moving to and fro over the
surface of the waters (Genesis 1).

Then God said:

3 Let there be light. Then there was light (Genesis 1).

This is a big scripture, and it is the second example of a repeated phrase in the bible,
the existence of light being repeated.

Firstly it was said after the earth had been created, since we have already read how
there was darkness on the surface of the oceans in verse 2. The literal meaning of this
statement is therefore a second physical creation of physical light. Because we know
that light was around before the earth was created.

But the symbolic meaning, the greater meaning, is actually the creation of a spiritual
form of illumination which is time. This creation of time, was the means by which God
could hold his angels to account. For without time, angels could misbehave and then
undo their works in some sense. But time is what condemns bad works and praises
good works. This big bang therefore illuminated the faces of the angels (not that they
have physical faces), but their characters were exposed. Hence we read:

5 After that God saw that the light was good, and God brought about a division between
the light and the darkness. And God began calling the light Day and the darkness he
called Night. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a first day
(Genesis 1).

The light shows up good and bad. Light representing good and darkness representing
bad. The symbolism of the account of the first day of creation of Genesis 1 is:

Waters Angels

Earth Gods heavenly administration

Surface of Waters Characters of angels

Formless Invariant adjective

Waste Invariant adjective

Light Time

So our two repeated phrases: the surface of the waters, and the existence of light, are
the two key symbolisms of the account. The former means the characters of the angels
and the latter means the creation of Time, which from our knowledge of Physics was
the creation of space time, i.e. it was the Big Bang.

God has reset the speed of light !

Now we are in a position to try and solve the problems of modern physics and the
dilemma of the Big Bang not producing enough background radiation and the universe
being unstable with only one constant speed of light from the Big Bang until today. And
we are in a position to discredit the erroneous belief that the universe has been around
for billions of years. There have been at least two forms of light in the history of the
universe. The universe was created with one form of light and then before man came
along another form of light was created. Putting this in simple terms, the universe was
created in warp drive and then light slowed down to 300 million metres per second just
before man appeared (actually to trap man in his playpen, the solar system, until he
grew up). Yes the speed of light is a constant. But it is a constant set by God. A constant
that was reset by the command:

Let there be light.

It might have been 300 billion or 300 trillion or 300 billion trillion metres per second
before this command. Amen. For a fuller account of this, and a brief history of light, see
section [234]. God will reset the speed of light again in the future to enable us to reach
every star in the universe, like Anakim Skywalker said. But he will not do this until we
have grown up. It is not man who will invent warp drive in order to beat God. It is God
who invented it in order to create the universe and in order to teach us. It is God who
took the universe out of warp drive, for us, and for the angels, since they learn through
us, and we through them, for they are our brothers. For we are moral minors and
technological teenagers. It is no coincidence that one cannot explain this fundamental
feature of the universe without admitting the existence of God.

This sort of realisation is the power of the Repetition Principle.

The Repetition Principle can be deduced to some extent from the Power Principle.
Because if a phrase is repeated in an account, then it has no power in the literal
meaning, because it is saying nothing new. The only way for it to have power is for it to
mean something different in the greater meaning. So by the Power Principle, this must
be the case. It must indeed have a greater meaning in the greater meaning.

Example 3

2In the midst of the years oh bring it to life, in the midst of the years may you make it
known (Habakkuk 3).

Now in the literal meaning we have his resurrection and his death in the midst of 'the
years'. In the Word symbolic meaning, since the phrase 'in the midst of the years' is
repeated, it has a different meaning to that which it has in the literal meaning.

Now the Hebrew word for 'midst' is which can mean either amongst or middle. So in
the literal meaning it must mean one and in the symbolic meaning the other. So
however you look at it, Jesus died and was resurrected in the middle of 'the years'. For
the full story see - The Midst Prophecy.

[C9] The No Coincidences Principle

There are no coincidences in the bible. Every apparent coincidence is appointed by


20As regards whatever our hearts may condemn us in, because God is greater than
our hearts and knows all things (1 John 3).

Since God knows all things he is aware in particular of all of the coincidences in the
bible. Since he is not given to deliberately misleading us (unless it is in our interest), we
must assume that such scriptural similarities are a matter of design, rather than
coincidence. The prophet Amos is saying:

3 Will two walk together unless they have met by appointment?

i.e. are there any coincidences in God's actions, and therefore in the bible?

4Will a lion roar in a forest when it has no prey?

Will a young maned lion give forth its voice from its hiding place if it has caught nothing
at all?

These two lines are saying the same thing, and it is not a coincidence

5Will a bird fall into a trap on the earth when there is no snare for it?
Does a trap go up from the ground when it has absolutely caught nothing?

These two lines are saying the same thing, and it is not a coincidence

6 If a horn is blown in a city, do not also the people themselves tremble?

If a calamity occurs in the city is it not also Jehovah who has acted/caused [it]?

The horn was blown when a calamity was about to occur as a warning. God is indirectly
behind everything.

7For the sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his
confidential matter/secret to his servants, the prophets (Amos 3:3-7).

This applies to calamities on cities of his people. So he warns us all through his
prophets, in a secret way, using apparent coincidences. But at the end of the day in the
bible if two walk together then it is not a coincidence it is by appointment.

[C9a] Example 1

18And Jehovah God went on to say: It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I
am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him (Genesis 2).

26 But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will
teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you (John 14).

We know that it is not a coincidence that God himself called Adams wife his helper, and
that John called the holy spirit a helper. It means that the holy spirit is someones wife.
Well if God is our father then we must also have a mother. Paul identifies his mother as
the Jerusalem above:

26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother (Galatians 4:26).

So the Jerusalem above is God's wife obviously, and so it is the Holy spirit. But the
Jerusalem above is just God's administration of all of his loyal heavenly people. Just as
the Jerusalem below was his administration of all of his loyal earthly people at one time.
So the Holy spirit is all of God's holy angels, it is all of the holy spirits. So there it is, the
precise identity of the Holy Spirit, from the No Coincidence Principle.

The Holy Spirit is a living group of beings, it is not a force as some religions (such as
the Jehovahs Witnesses) believe, because it pleads for us:

26 In like manner the spirit also joins in with help for our weakness; for the [problem of]
what we should pray for as we need to we do not know, but the spirit itself pleads for us
with groanings unuttered (Romans 8:26).

Who ever heard of a force that pleads? No, it is our mother who pleads with our father,
God, for her children! It is so beautiful. She is no part of a mysterious trinity as most of
Christendom would have us believe. She is all of the holy angels who are sealed. She
is none other than the first lady of the heavens. And the trinity doctrine was designed by
Satan and fed to unreasoning men and women to hide her beauty from us, due to his
jealousy. Because he was born without her help, he never had a mother.

But with clear thinking and with eyes of faith we can see our mother's face. For her's is
the face that launched a billion angelic ships for our spirits to sail in. And as regards
beauty, her face would bring tears to the cheeks of Helen of Troy herself if only she
could see it. So who can forgive us for the outrageous lies that we swallow?

Example 2

For example, the sect of Nicolaus is mentioned in the counsel to Ephesus and to
Pergamum in Revelation 3. The only other mention of his name is as one of the 7
ministerial servants in Acts 6:

5And the thing spoken was pleasing to the whole multitude, and they selected Stephen,
a man full of faith and holy spirit, and Philip and Prochorus and Nicanor and Timon and
Parmenas and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch (Acts 6).

6Still, you do have this, that you hate the deeds of the sect of Nicolaus, which I also
hate (Revelation 2).

This is not a coincidence. God is fully aware of this situation. It may not of necessity be
the case that the Nicolaus of Acts 6 develops for himself a sect, but it is the case that
we can learn about the sect by reading Acts 6, it is of help to us. If it is not literally of
help, then it is symbolically or cryptically of help.

[C10] The Times Principle, the Generalisation of

Daniel 4
The phrase 'n times' can mean 'n years' or 'n years of years' which is '360n years'

We read in Revelation 12:

14 But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into
the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and half a
time away from the face of the serpent (Revelation 12).

Where times is obviously in the plural (since Greek has no dual number as Hebrew
does). But earlier in the same chapter we read:

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that
they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12).

In the actual vision, (but not in its symbolic meaning) the two periods are the same
period and so we are being told by holy spirit that the phrase a time, times and half a
time is 1260 days of the BLC (Biblical Lunar Calendar), which is 3.5 lunar years of 360
days. But a year is a time, a cycle, of the earth around the sun. So 3.5 years is 3.5
times. So 3.5 times is 1260 days. So 7 times is 2520 days. So n times is 360n days.

The first example of the Times Principle - Daniel 4

In Daniel chapter 4, Nebuchadnezzar, who is the King of Babylon and the King of God's
people the Jews, who are prisoners in Babylon, is removed from his throne for a period
of 'seven times' and then he is re instated as King. The phrase seven times appears
several times in the account:

16 Let its heart be changed from that of mankind, and let the heart of a beast be given
to it, and let seven times pass over it (Daniel 4).

32 And from mankind they are driving even you away, and with the beasts of the field
your dwelling will be. Vegetation they will give even to you to eat just like bulls, and
seven times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in
the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it (Daniel 4).

This period of 7 times is 2520 days in the literal meaning, 7 Biblical Lunar years. So
Nebuchadnezzar was a foreign king over God's exiled people who lost his kingship over
them and over his own people and then regained it after 2520 days.

Now God ceased having a vassal king that represented him over his people sometime
before Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem and burnt the temple in 586Ab10 BC
(13th August). In fact the first king over the Jews who did not represent God was
Jehoiakim who acceded sometime between 608 Tishri BC (September/October) and
607 Elul (August/September), in fact it was on 608Chislev10 (13th November) - see
[97]. So the last agricultural year of God's Kingship started in 608Tishri, and the first
agricultural year without God as king over the seed of Abraham started on 607Tishri1
(23rd September). Jehoiakim was appointed by Pharaoh Nechoh of Egypt and was a
vassal of his, see - The Chronology from Solomon to Zedekiah.

So the big question for God's people as prisoners in the foreign land of Babylon, having
been deported there by Nebuchadnezzar after he burnt Jerusalem and Solomon's
temple, is not how long will it be until we get Nebuchadnezzar back as our king? But, it
is rather, how long will it be after God ceased being our king, before he again becomes
our king through a vassal King who actually represents him?

It is this period that has been taken as the greater meaning of Daniel chapter 4 by many
Second Adventists, who realised of course that the vassal King that the Most High God
wants to give the kingdom of mankind to at the end of this period of Kingship
malediction is Jesus. This appointment is then possibly the 'second coming' or the
'second presence' of the Christ. The Watchtower originally thought that the end of this
period would be Armageddon (not unreasonably on the basis of Daniel 4 alone).

Historically, what 'second adventists' have done is to take Nebuchadnezzar to

represent: God's vassal king over his people. They then say that the 2520 day period,
which represents the time during which God does not have a vassal king over his
people, is obviously way too short and so should be taken at 'a day for a year', using
the acceptable symbolism we deduced in [c2.3]. Therefore, the period during which
God's people do not have a vassal king representing God over them is 2520 years long.

This would mean that Jesus becomes God's vassal king over his people in 1914Tishri,
2520 years after 607Tishri1 (there was no 0 BC, it went 1BC then 1AD). Incidentally, no
religion on this earth until the Lord's witnesses has had the correct Chronology for the
kings or the correct understanding of whom the last vassal king of Judah representing
God was. We must credit the Reverend John Brown and Ed Schnopp for their major
roles in this understanding. Please see [120]. Ed Schnopp's treatise on the Gentile
Times can be found on

In fact Jesus did become God's vassal king in heaven over God's true people, who
were no longer physical Jews, but by now had become Christians, but were all
Abraham's true seed, sons of the First and Second Abrahamic Covenants, baptised by
an Elijah into the 2AC, who came first, before Jesus came again, in 1914Tishri15 (7th
October), as we shall see. This Elijah was actually Charles Russell, the founder of the
Watchtower (see later).

11 And they began to question him, saying: Why do the scribes say that first Elijah must
12 He said to them: Elijah does come first and restore all things; but how is it that it is
written respecting the Son of man that he must undergo many sufferings and be treated
as of no account? (Mark 9).

The problem with the naive interpretation of the symbolic Nebuchadnezzar as being
God's vassal king over Abraham's true seed, who is Jesus at the end of the 2520 year
period, is that Daniel says to him:

27 Therefore, O king, may my counsel seem good to you, and remove your own sins by
righteousness, and your iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones. Maybe there will
occur a lengthening of your prosperity (Daniel 4).

Jesus had no sin, but was unblemished, and he had no iniquity, so this counsel cannot
apply to him.

The solution to this problem is to realise that the 7 Prophetic Times fulfillment is a Word
symbolism and so we have the latitude to assign a different symbolic meaning to each
designation for King Nebuchadnezzar.

'Lord of me', and 'My Lord the king' do not suffer any passages in the account which
cannot apply to Jesus. Daniel 4 is the account of the loss and regaining of several
kingships over God's people. We are not going into them here however. The purpose of
the above was to show how the Designations Principle is necessary to find the true
interpretation of Daniel 4. However there is a scripture in Ezekiel which shows us that
God's kingship over his people is ruined three times. It is:

25 And as for you, Oh profane, wicked chieftain/prince of Israel, whose day has come in
the time of the error of [the] end, 26 this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said:
Remove the turban, and lift off the crown. This will not be the same. Put on high even
what is low, and bring low even the high one.
27 A ruin, a ruin, a ruin I shall make it. As for this also, it will certainly become no [one's]
until he comes who has the legal right, and I must give [it] to him (Ezekiel 21 - NWT
adapted by NIVHEOT).

So the crown comes off, when the head one is not a king (from God's standpoint).
Three greater ruins, are made of the kingship: a ruin, a ruin, a ruin, using the
Successive Repeated Designation Principle. The one with the legal right is Jesus in the
literal meaning.

Verifying that the Kingship malediction period is 2520

years from Leviticus 26
There is an independent confirmation that 2520 years is the correct symbolic
interpretation of Daniel 4 to be found in Leviticus 26 - see [121]. This is a contract under
the law of Moses between God and the whole Nation of Israel collectively. One of the
penalties for breaking this contract was a 2520 year Kingship Malediction on God's
people, wherein God did not act as King over the sons of Abraham, who are enlarged to

mean under through either of his first two covenants - see [9]. The 2520 year penalty is
a sevenfold retribution for a 360 year combined idolatry error of both the houses of
Israel and Judah added together, which is deduced from Ezekiel 4. In this chapter the
Holy Spirit tells us to interpret the actions of the prophet taking a day for a year. So it is
not unreasonable to interpret the actions of King Nebuchadnezzar, which being in the
bible are prophetic, in the same way. So that his 2520 day loss of kingship stands for a
2520 year loss of kingship, as we have seen above.

The History of the First Bible Key

The phrase 'n times' can be 360n years in a bible account.

The phrase x times in the bible can mean 360x years. When it does, these 360 year
periods are called Prophetic Times. Amazingly this is where mankind in general and the
Jehovahs Witnesses in particular have been blind.

The JWs know that x times means 'x periods of 360 years' in Daniel chapter 4, and so
do many other Christian and Jewish religions and theologians. But no one ever thought
of applying this 'key' to any other incidence of the phrase x times in the bible. This is
because people who understood the symbolism of Daniel 4, did not believe that the
bible was in a code. Technically no one had grasped the Consistency Principle of the

This is of course the same mistake that bible scholars and the Watchtower have made
in the case of all greater meanings. They believe that Daniel 4 has a greater meaning,
they know from Paul's words in Galatians 4:24 that Genesis 16 has a greater meaning,
but they have failed to realise that perhaps Daniel 5 or perhaps Genesis 17 and just
maybe every other chapter in the bible has a greater meaning too! This is again
because these people did not see that the bible was written in a code, and technically
no one had grasped the Symbolic Structure Principle. Why did no one ask the question:

If Daniel 4 has a greater symbolic meaning, then does Daniel 5 have one too? Would
this have been a giant leap of inordinate intellectual perspicacity? Look what the good
book has to say on this matter:

10 For upon you men Jehovah has poured a spirit of deep sleep, and he closes your
eyes, the prophets, and he has covered even your heads, the visionaries.
11 And for you men the vision of everything becomes like the words of a book, that has
been sealed up, which they give to someone knowing writing saying: Read this out
loud, please. And he has to say: I am unable for it is sealed up.
12 And the book must be given to someone that does not know writing, saying: Read
this out loud please. And he has to say: I do not know writing at all (Isaiah 29).

Those who do know writing today are the modern day Pharisees, the elders of the third
true church (now a false church). They cannot see the meaning of the book, which is
the bible, because they are asleep with a bag over their heads. But the one who does
not know writing, who has not been taught in the pharisaical schools for leaders in the
Watchtower, this one does not say that he is unable. So we deduce that he is able. He
stands for the leader of the 4th true congregation. The first members of this
congregation were Gordon, Tony and later Massoud.

Gordon and Tony, two Lord's Witnesses, when there were only two of us (although
Gordon does not think that Tony and Massoud were baptised until 1994Elul), grasped
this bible key in February/March 1992, just after the Watchtower joined the United
Nations as an NGO, thereby committing the transgression that causes them desolation
of Daniel 8, and becoming part of the harlot riding the beast of Revelation 17. Gordon
and Tony then charged through the bible substituting '360 years' for 'times' everywhere,
and deduced the following:

The Great Prophetic Times Periods

Chapter Section
Name x times Start Finish

Exedenic Genesis 4:15 [133]

7 times 3993Nisan16 1473Nisan15

Alienation Leviticus 4:6,17 [129]

7 times 2488Sivan 33Sivan6

Daniel 4:25 [121], [123]

Gentile Times 7 times 607Tishri 1914Tishri15

Balfour's Leviticus 26 [121]

7 times 604Tishri 1917Tishri

John 5:2 (5
Intermission [191]
5 times 95Tishri 1895Tishri Collonades)
1 Chronicles 21:12
Temple Times 3 times 1048Nisan16 33Nisan16 (3 days, months,

Genesis 45:6,7
Joseph's Not proved
2 times 2488Sivan 1768Sivan Not proved

Pharaoh's Genesis 31:7 [31]

10 times 1593Nisan 2008Nisan14
Genesis 4:24,
Matthew 18:22 Vaguely
Lamech's (77 times covered in
11 times 3928Nisan 33Nisan14
Times compared to 7 [133]
Separating Luke 12:54,55 covered in
time 1918Nisan16 2008Nisan16
Times website

The rest of our early understandings, many of which were wrong, are in 'Letter to the

The Blindness of the Watchtower

The reason that the Watchtower never worked this out in scriptural terms is that God
blinded them because they lost their love for him. For their founder Charles Russell was
not the Laodicean Messenger, as is inscribed on his gravestone, but was in fact the
Ephesian messenger (see [15,16]), the angel of the first congregation of the second
presence (which he believed would be the last). And the counsel to him from Jesus

4Nevertheless I hold this against you, that you lost the love you had at first (Revelation

Isaiah prophesies that the JWs will become blind and deaf:

10 You are my witnesses, is the utterance of Jehovah: Even my servant whom I have
chosen, in order that you may know and have faith in me, and that you may understand
that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there
continued to be none.
11 I--I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.
12 I myself have told forth and have saved and have caused [it] to be heard, when there
was among you no strange [god]. So you are my witnesses, is the utterance of
Jehovah, and I am God (Isaiah 43)

18 Hear, you deaf ones; and look forth to see, you blind ones.
19 Who is blind, if not my servant, and who is deaf as my messenger whom I send?
Who is blind as the one rewarded, or blind as the servant of Jehovah?
20 It was a case of seeing many things, but you did not keep watching. It was a case of
opening the ears, but you did not keep listening (Isaiah 42).

This is why Jesus said to Peter:

37 And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter: Simon, are you
sleeping? Did you not have strength to keep on the watch one hour? (Mark 14).

The reason that the Watchtower did not see these in psychological terms was because
Russell set the goals of the Society as follows:

The work in which the Lord has been pleased to use our humble talents has been less
a work of origination than of reconstruction, adjustment, harmonisation (Kingdom

An honest and humble appraisal (although saying that youre humble in circumstances
where humility is considered to be a virtue is more immodest than it is humble!!) But
why should the past restrict the future? Why should Charles Russell cut short the hand
of God in that way. Is there anything that is too extraordinary for him? Jesus thought

36 And he went on to say: Abba, Father, all things are possible to you; remove this cup
from me. Yet not what I want, but what you want (Mark 14).

This is rather like a motivational speech very well given by Will Carling about the British
Lions at an Amway conference that Gordon Attended. The Lions set as their goal, a
place in the Final of the World Cup in South Africa. And they got there. And then they
lost the final because they had not set the winning of that match as their goal.

Russell was not the first Adventist to realise that Daniel 4 related to a period of 2520
years. Neither was he the first to get the start date of 607 correct. But he was the first
and only Adventist to get the end date of this period absolutely correct to the Hebrew
month 1914Tishri and to set up a religion which had the guts to declare it, guts which
they have now lost, along with their faith and their love. The incredible thing is that he
did this believing that Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar in 606 BC, when it in fact fell in
586. He worked things backwards from 536Tishri, a false date for the end of either of
the two 70 year land Sabbath exiles. He did not even know there were two of them!
Basically he made a series of mistakes and yet got the right answer. Now there is the
activity of the holy spirit and the love of our God ! For the history of the main second
adventist prophecy - see [120].

But what Russell did absolutely marvelously was to adopt the following crucial
philosophy for bible research, although it is a matter of faith and logic as well. He
proposed that:

The way to test your interpretation, is not against doctrines of churches but against all other
scriptures relating to the subject matter of your interpretation. When you have harmonised them
all then you have Gods interpretation.

He was not the first to have this idea either (Isaac Newton had it for example). God very
rarely gives us the whole picture in one piece. He prefers to give us jigsaws. This we
have made a principle of the code called the Jigsaw Principle!

[C11] The Numerical Principle

A given number of living or inanimate items in a bible account can stand symbolically for
that number of 'Times'.
A 'Time' can stand literally or symbolically for a day, a month or a year.

14And God went on to say: Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to
make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for
seasons and for days and years (Genesis 1).

The planetary luminaries of the Sun and the moon define years and months. The earth
itself defines 'days', although it is the rotation with respect to the Sun that we actually
see. So a day is one time of the earth around itself. A month is one time of the moon
around the earth. A year is one time of the earth around the Sun. All three are times of
revolution, cycles. These are Gods celestial time pieces. In scientific terms a 'time' is a

So in the bible a time can mean a day a month or a year.

The penalty that God prescribed through Gad, to David, for his part in the registration
sin was:

11 Accordingly Gad went in to David and said to him: This is what Jehovah has said:
Take your pick,
12 whether for three years there is to be a famine, or for three months there is to be a
sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to
overtake [you], or for three days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in
the land, with Jehovah's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel. And now see
what I should reply to the One sending me (1 Chronicles 21).

All three penalties were '3 times' in duration, and they prefigure the three times of the
temple times - see [40]. These times were, days, months and years.

Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel, was sold into
slavery by his brothers and ended up in prison in Egypt with the chief of the bakers and
the chief of the cupbearers of Pharaoh. The chief of the cupbearers dreamed about
three twigs, and the chief of the bakers dreamed about three baskets. Joseph
interpreted these parts of their dreams as follows:

As regards the cupbearer:

Then Joseph said to him: This is its interpretation: The 3 twigs are 3 days (Genesis

As regards the baker:

18 Then Joseph answered and said: This is its interpretation: The 3 baskets are 3 days
(Genesis 40).

So Joseph, the first bible decoder recorded in the holy book, is telling us that a given
number of twigs or baskets can stand for a given number of days or times or cycles.
Then Pharaoh himself had one dream about 7 fat cows and 7 thin cows (this was not a
dream about women), and then a second dream about 7 fat ears of grain and 7 thin
ears of grain. Guess how Joseph interpreted these parts of these dreams:

26The 7 good cows are 7 years. Likewise the 7 good ears of grain are 7 years. The
dream is but one (Genesis 41).

So the 7 cows and the 7 ears of grain were 7 years or 7 times or 7 cycles. So a cow or
an ear of grain or a twig or a basket can be a time which can be a day or a year. Now
we apply the all powerful Consistency Principle, and it is not hard to generalise this to:

A given number of living or inanimate things in a bible account can stand for that
number of times, i.e. days or months or years

c11.1 First example of the Numerical Principle

This is the account of the registration sin of David, mainly taken from 1 Chronicles 21,
but also using the parallel account in 2 Samuel 24. Please do not be put off by the
apparent contradictions in these two accounts. Read them very carefully in an

accurately translated bible (we suggest the New World Translation of the Watchtower or
Green's Literal bible or our own translation when it comes out, or any Hebrew
Interlinear Translation), and you will see that these are not actually contradictions. For
example there were 800,000 valliant men drawing sword in Israel according to 2
Samuel 24, but there were 1,100,000 men drawing sword according to 1 Chronicles 21.
The distinction being made is that 300,000 of them were not 'valiant'.

Now Joab, the head of the army, who conducted the registration, would have made
such a distinction, knowing which ones would make good soldiers and which ones
would not. This was his business. Likewise the 7 year famine 'in your land' proposed by
Jehovah in 2 Samuel 24 is reckoned including the 3 year famine that had just ended in
2 Samuel 21, which is referred to in the first verse:

1 And again, the anger of Jehovah came to be hot against Israel (2 Samuel 24:1).

In the case of the previous famine, God was pacified and the famine therefore halted by
a sacrifice. The 3 year famine of 1 Chronicles 21, is reckoned excluding the earlier 3
year famine. One presumes that the period between these two famines was one year,
and food was not exactly plentiful during that year between two famines.

1 And Satan proceeded to stand up against Israel and to incite David to number Israel.
2 So David said to Joab and the chiefs of the people: Go, count Israel from Beer-sheba
to Dan and bring it to me that I may know their number.
3 But Joab said: May Jehovah add to his people a hundred times as many as they are.
Do they not, O my lord the king, all of them belong to my lord as servants? Why does
my lord seek this? Why should he become a cause of guilt to Israel?
4 The king's word, however, prevailed over Joab, so that Joab went out and walked
through all Israel, after which he came to Jerusalem.
5 Joab now gave the number of the registration of the people to David; and all Israel
amounted to a million one hundred thousand men drawing sword, and Judah four
hundred and seventy thousand men drawing sword (1 Chronicles 21).

There is a lot of drawing of swords that goes on in this account, so by the Repetition
Principle, this is the key symbolism in the greater meaning:

16When David raised his eyes, he got to see Jehovahs angel standing between the
earth and the heavens with his drawn sword in his hand extended toward Jerusalem (1
Chronicles 21).

27 Moreover, YHWH said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to
its sheath (1 Chronicles 21).

We now apply the Numerical Principle to these 1.1 million men of Israel drawing sword,
and deduce that they represent 1.1 million days or 3055 years 200 days in the greater
meaning of this account. They end when the passover angel himself, Michael, puts his
sword back in his sheath at the end of Armageddon, on 2008Elul16 - see [163]. They
start 1.1 million days earlier which is 1049Shebat26 BC. But this is 50 days before
1048Nisan16 when the 3 day plague ended and David purchased the threshing floor of
Ornan. David purchased the floor 22.5 years before Solomons temple was inaugurated
because all temples are commissioned 22.5 years before they are inaugurated. And

Solomons was inaugurated in 1026Tishri - see [The 3 Times of the Temple Times -
section 40]. So Solomon was commissioned to build his temple and the foundation was
purchased on 1048Nisan16.

50 days is a reasonable period within which David could start feeling bad, and
eventually pray to God for forgiveness, then Gad could come and tell him about his
penalty choices, then the 3 day plague could occur. But we can actually confirm this 50
day period using the Numerical Principle again in the parallel account of this
registration, plague and temple site purchase in 2 Samuel 24:

22 But Araunah said to David: Let my lord the king take it and offer up what is good in
his eyes. See the cattle for the burnt offering and the threshing sledge and the
implements of the cattle for the wood.
23 Everything Araunah, Oh king, does give to the king. And Araunah went on to say to
the king: May Jehovah your God show pleasure in you.
24 However, the king said to Araunah (Ornan): No, but without fail I shall buy it from you
for a price; and I shall not offer up to Jehovah my God burnt sacrifices without cost.
Accordingly David bought the threshing floor and the cattle for 50 silver shekels (2
Samuel 24).

Whereas in the 1 Chronicles 21 account we read:

24 However, King David said to Ornan: No, but without fail I shall make the purchase for
the money in full, because I shall not carry what is yours to Jehovah to offer up burnt
sacrifices without cost.
25 So David gave Ornan for the place gold shekels to the weight of 600 (1 Chronicles

These two accounts again look contradictory at first sight. But they arent. The 600 gold
shekels represents the price for the real estate, the place. The 50 silver shekels
represents the price for the threshing floor equipment (all wood) and the cattle, all of
which was used for the first sacrifice of cattle burnt over wood, by David which halted
the plague:

26 Then David built there an altar to Jehovah and offered up burnt sacrifices and
communion sacrifices, and he proceeded to call upon Jehovah, who now answered him
with fire from the heavens upon the altar of burnt offering.
27 Moreover, Jehovah said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to
its sheath (1 Chronicles 21).

If you go into a florists shop and say: How much for the whole shop? They will take it
that you wish to purchase all of their stock, not the lease of the shop. This is the
distinction being made between the 50 shekels of silver and the 600 shekels of Gold.

Now 50 shekels of silver was the cost of pacifying the true God by this sacrifice. But the
period during which God was upset, started the moment that Joab handed the result of
the registration to David (this being when he had actually completed the registration -
he could have stopped it before then) and ended with the fire from the heavens burning
up and accepting the offering. Now we apply the Numerical Principle to the 50 shekels,

and take them as a day for a shekel, i.e. God was upset for 50 days. So he started to
be upset on 1049Shebat26, 50 days before 1048Nisan16.

But this date 1049Shebat26 is precisely the day we got by subtracting 1,100,000 days
from 2008Elul16, the last day of Armageddon. So since we already know that the
Numerical principle is true, we have just confirmed the end date of Armageddon to the
very day by simply employing one rather huge calculation!!

That is what we call symbolism! The 470,000 men of Judah, are 470,000 days or 1305
years 200 days. They count backwards to 2354Ab6 BC when the first separation
between good and bad occurred, 16 years after the flood. It was incited of course by
Satan as was the registration. The bible describes how this first recorded sin after the
flood occurred in Genesis 9. Ham looked upon his father Noahs nakedness and told his
brothers about it, dishonouring his dad, who had just discovered alcohol. Whereas
Shem and Japheth covered their fathers nakedness by walking in backwards with a
mantle into the tent where the naked intoxicated Noah lay. They did this without looking.
So Ham did not honour his father, whereas the other two sons did. It is all a question of
gratitude to the ones to whom you owe your existence. These actions identify the good
sons and the bad son. Remember that honouring one's parents was one of the 10

The final separation between good and bad sons of Noah, (for that is what we all are) is
470,000 plus 1,1000,000 days later. So in the symbolic meaning, the greater
registration is of the time period of Gods people after the flood, from when the first
distinction is made in Noahs tent, and the fight begins between the good seed and the
evil seed, and the swords are unsheathed, until the last distinction at Armageddon in
the greater Noahs ark when the fight ends and the sword of the passover angel is

So here it is, the history book with no dates. There is of course no such thing, so the
dates must be coded. Many can be decoded using the Numerical Principle.

[C12] The Jigsaw Principle of the Code

A church doctrine is correct only if it satisfies every scripture in the bible relating to the
subject of the doctrine.

God very rarely gives us the whole picture in one account. Normally one has to piece
together information from different accounts to get the full picture. But when one has
logically harmonised ones interpretations of every scripture on a given subject then one
has the true interpretation and the true understanding of that subject. This is the best
way to work out congregational doctrine etc. This principle follows from the
Consistency Principle, because if the bible was inconsistent in the literal meaning, then
it would be of no use. But it is consistent as far as we are aware. There may be some
errors in the best manuscripts we have today, but God is aware of them and they will be
corrected if this is necessary, possibly by the bible code itself!

Many false religions have been founded on one or two scriptures and have ignored this
principle. By a false religion we mean one which claims that their baptised members

have their sins forgiven by God, but actually they do not. We mean a religion incapable
of baptising its members into the First or the Second Abrahamic Covenants.

Charles Russell's Extinguishing of the Fires of Hell using the

Jigsaw Principle

Charles Russell, who founded the Watchtower said:

A God that would use his power to create human beings whom he foreknew and pre-destinated
should be eternally tormented, could be neither wise, just nor loving. His standard would be
lower than that of many men (Kingdom Proclaimers).

He was credited by many as the man who put out the fire in hell! He did this by
comparing all of the scriptures relating to:

Gehenna (The Greek word properly translated as 'Hell')

Sheol (The Hebrew word properly translated as 'The Grave')
Hades (The Greek word properly translated as 'The Grave')

Hell, Gehenna:

The Greek word for Hell is Gehenna (). Gehenna is the Greek for the Hebrew:
Geh Hinnom, which means the valley of Hinnom, which was a valley directly over the
south wall of Jerusalem. This valley was the burial place for the dead of the city.

To avoid pestilenceconstant fires were kept burning there (William D Mounce,

Analytical Lexicon to Greek NT).

6And he himself made his own sons pass through the fire in the valley of the son of
Hinnom, and practiced magic and used divination and practiced sorcery and made
spiritistic mediums and professional foretellers of events. He did on a grand scale what
was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, to offend him (2 Chronicles 33).

31 And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of
Hinnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, a thing that I had not
commanded and that had not come up into my heart.
32 Therefore, look! days are coming, is the utterance of Jehovah, when it will no more
be said [to be] Topheth and the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of the killing;
and they will have to bury in Topheth without there being enough place (Jeremiah 7).

So it is a burning burial ground. This prophecy was fulfilled in destruction of Jerusalem

by Titus as described by Josephus. They ran out of space in Gehenna, and piled up the
corpses in large houses in the city, around 600,000 were thrown out of the gates of the
city by 70Tammuz1, during the last siege of Jerusalem according to the Jewish
Historian Josephus - who was at the siege (The complete works of Josephus can be
downloaded from this site ( or purchased from bookshops).

Scriptures which indicate that we do roast in Hell:

43And if ever your hand makes you stumble, cut it off; it is finer for you to enter into life
maimed than with two hands to go off into Gehenna, into the fire that cannot be put out
(Mark 9).

10 And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur,
where both the wild beast and the false prophet [already were]; and they will be
tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20).

Scriptures which indicate that we don't roast in Hell:

5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious
of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of
them has been forgotten (Ecclesiastes 9).

3 Do not put your trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation
4 His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish
(Psalm 146).

For the rest of this Jigsaw please see [13a].

[C12.1] Isaac Newton's exposure of the false doctrine of the

Trinity using the Jigsaw Principle

The History of the Trinity: (The Life of Isaac Newton - Westfall, Isaac
Newton - Michael White)

Newton returned to the works of the men who had formulated Trinitarianism: Athanasius
(Anaesthesius might have been a better name for him), Gregory Nazienzen, Jerome,
Augustine.... The conviction possessed him that a massive fraud, which began in the 4th and 5th
centuries, had perverted the legacy of the early church (Life of Isaac Newton).

The Trinity doctrine was debated and adopted by the early church at the church council
of Nicaea in 325 AD. The debate was between Arius who opposed it and Athanasius
who proposed it. Arius lost the debate and the corruption started. Newton discovered
that this fraud extended to deliberate corruptions of the bible itself. So that the King
James version of 1 John 5:7 even today is:

7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy
Ghost, and these three are one (1 John 5 - King James Version).

Newton observed that: It is not read thus in the Syrian bible. Not by Ignatius, Justin, Irenaeus,
Tertullian, Origen, Athanas, Nazanianzen...Augustine, Beda and others.

The Greek Interlinear version is:

7Because there are three giving testimony (1 John 5 - UBS 3rd edition, Nestle Aland
26th edition)

The underlined part in the King James Version of 1 John 5:7 above is therefore a
fraudulent addition to the Holy Scriptures by, well, Satan basically.

Newton found a second corrupted text at 1 Timothy 3:16. The KJV has:

16 And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the
flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in
the world, received up into glory (1 Timothy 3 - KJV).

The word 'God' is not in the original Greek, rather it is 'Who'. The Greek Interlinear
version is:

16 And confessedly great is the mystery of godliness: Who was manifested in the flesh,
vindicated in spirit, was seen by angels, was proclaimed among Gentiles, was believed
in [the] world, was taken up in glory (1 Timothy 3 UBS 3rd Edition, Nestle Aland 26th

The Definition of the Trinity:

The Catholic Encyclopedia, the trinity section of which can be found at: defines the trinity as follows:

The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion -- the
truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another. Thus, in the words of the
Athanasian Creed:

"The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods
but one God."

In this Trinity of Persons the Son is begotten of the Father by an eternal generation, and the Holy
Spirit proceeds by an eternal procession from the Father and the Son. Yet, notwithstanding this
difference as to origin, the Persons are co-eternal and co-equal: all alike are uncreated and
omnipotent. This, the Church teaches, is the revelation regarding God's nature which Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, came upon earth to deliver to the world: and which she proposes to man
as the foundation of her whole dogmatic system.

This is illogically defined and therefore not defined and therefore non existent. There
are 3 inconsistencies in the definition:

1. That God is three independent beings who are one being

2. Jesus is God and the father is God. So the Father is the Son
3. The Son is uncreated

1 It is not possible for three oranges to be one orange.

It is not possible for a Father to be a Son, this contradicts the definitions of both father
and son. The son is defined as an offspring of a father not an 'onspring' as it were.
3 Sons are by definition created by their fathers, a son cannot be uncreated.

Basically the Trinity is defined as a number that is both less than two and more than
two. Obviously there is no such number. The Trinity is like a hotel in North London
which is situated South of the Thames. Obviously there is no such hotel. But when the
poor uneducated, logically uninitiated, spiritually naive, churchgoer complains, saying:
How can this be? He is told by his priest: Aha! that is the mystery of God. God can put a
hotel which is in North London in a South London postcode. God can make a number
that is larger than 2 actually be less than 2. At which point the poor naive churchgoer
gives up and says to himself. Wow! I will never understand God, I had better leave the
understanding of him to my priest. This of course is the precise effect that the priest
wants. Now he can continue to play God to his congregation.

[C12.2] The History of the English Bible

The first man to translate the bible from Latin into English was John Wycliffe, whose
translation came out in 1382 ( John Wycliffe was
an Oxford Professor, he also invented bifocal eye glasses! He therefore improved not
only our spiritual vision but also our physical vision!!
( Wycliffe's belief was that:

[i] The sacred Scriptures be the property of the people, and one which no party should be
allowed to wrest from them.

[ii] The authority of the Scriptures is independent on any other authority, and is preferable to
every other writing, but especially to the books of the church of Rome.

[iii] It is impossible for any part of the Holy Scriptures to be wrong. In Holy Scripture is all the
truth, one part of Scripture explains another.

The subsequent persecution of him and of those who possessed his bible was
extraordinary. Many were burnt at the stake with copies of his translation around their
necks. During the reign of Henry V (1413-1422) an Act was confirmed by which:

English Sheriffs were forced to take an oath to persecute the Lollards, and the Justices must
deliver a relapsed heretic to be burned within 10 days of his accusation (Armitage a History of
the Baptists, 1890, I, p323).

The Lollards were those who valued the teachings of the bible over the doctrines of the
Church of Rome. They read and preached in English from Wycliffe's Bible. In 1414 a
law was passed as follows:

All who read the scriptures in their mother tongue should: Forfeit land, cattle, life and goods
from the heirs for ever !! (Eadie: History of the English Bible).

In 1416 Archbishop Chichele at Oxford declared that the clergy should make:

A thorough search in the parish twice a year, for all persons that: Hold any either heresies or
errors, or have any suspected books in the English tongue (Blackburn, History of the Christian
Church 1880 p346).

However Wycliffe himself had the support of Queen Joan (1328-1385), of Queen Ann
(the wife of Richard II), and ultimately of God himself:

In May 1382, Wycliffe was called before yet another synod of ecclesiastical authorities. This is
called the Blackfriars Synod, because it was held in the monastery of Blackfriars in London.
When the 47 Bishops and monks and religious doctors took their seats, a powerful earthquake
shook the city. Huge stones fell out of the castle walls and pinnacles toppled (John Wycliffe
and the Lollards - Fundamental Baptist Information Service).

Wycliffe's argument to the Catholic authorities for translating the bible into English was
as follows:

You say it is heresy to speak of the Holy Scriptures in English. You call me a heretic because I
have translated the Bible into the common tongue of the people. Do you know whom you
blaspheme? Did not the Holy Ghost give the Word of God at first in the mother tongue of the
nations to whom it was addressed ? (Fountain, John Wycliffe)

In 1506 William Tylsworth was burned for his faith in the Word of God and his own
daughter was forced to ignite the fire. In 1519 six men and a woman were burned for:

Teaching their children the Lord's Prayer and the ten commandments in English (Eadie: History
of the English Bible).

The Lollard's Tower, where people possessing an English bible were tortured and killed,
still exists today in Lambeth Palace, the London home of the Archbishop of Cantebury.
But despite all of this persecution, Wycliffe's bible was still being read at the time of the
next great bible translator William Tyndale (1484 - 1536), the Father of what eventually
became the King James Bible. Tyndale's first translation had to be finished abroad, but
3,000 copies reached England in December 1526.

The persecution then continued. John Tewkesbury had been reading Wycliffe's bible
since 1512, and had obtained a copy of the Tyndale New Testament in 1526. He was
first arrested in April 1529 and tortured and crippled. He was finally burned on
December 20th 1530 for: Distributing copies of the word of God and believing in
salvation by faith in Christ alone

Tyndale was imprisoned in May 1535. Whilst he was in prison, three editions of his new
testament were printed. He was strangled and the burnt at the stake on October 6th
1536. At his death he prayed out loud:

Lord open the King of England's Eyes !

On October 4, 1535 John Rogers and Miles Coverdale who were loyal disciples of
Tyndale, finished Tyndale's translation of the Old Testament into English and printed
abroad the first complete English Bible, known as the Coverdale Bible. John Rogers
then changed his name to Thomas Matthew (an interesting name for a bible translator!)
and printed the Coverdale Bible again, under this nom de plume, since Tyndale's work
was banned. This edition is called the Matthews Bible

In 1539, 3 years after Tyndale was executed, his spoken prayer was answered.
Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Cantebury, hired Miles Coverdale, at the bequest
of King Henry VIII to publish what was called the Great Bible.

These were Tyndale's words as a prologue for his translation of Jonah:

As the envious Philistines stopped the wells of Abraham, and filled them up with earth, to put
the memorial out of mind, to the intent that they might challenge the ground; even so the fleshly
minded hypocrites stop up the veins of life, which are the scripture, with the earth of their
traditions, false similitudes and lying allegories. And that, of like zeal, to make the scripture their
own possession and merchandise. And so shut up the kingdom which is in God's word, neither
entering in themselves, nor suffering them that would. (Willam Tyndale)

However bequest from King Henry did not end the persecution of bible translators!
Because the persecution originated not with the crown but with the Church. When
Bloody Mary (Queen Mary) came to the throne, being possessed to return England to
the Roman church, she burned both John Rogers (Thomas Matthew) and Thomas
Cranmer at the stake.

Meanwhile Miles Coverdale had taken refuge in Geneva in Switzerland. There, in exile,
he and John Foxe with the protection of John Calvin and John Knox produced the
Geneva Bible, which was first published in 1560. It was Queen Elizabeth I whose reign
brought this persecution to an end. The English Bible History site
( says this about the Geneva bible and William

The Geneva Bible was the first Bible to add verses to the chapters, so that referencing specific
passages would be easier. Every chapter was also accompanied by extensive marginal notes and
references so thorough and complete that the Geneva Bible is also considered the first English
"Study Bible". William Shakespeare quotes thousands of times in his plays from the Geneva
translation of the Bible. The Geneva Bible became the Bible of choice for over 100 years of
English speaking Christians. Between 1560 and 1644 at least 144 editions of this Bible were
published. Examination of the 1611 King James Bible shows clearly that its translators were
influenced much more by the Geneva Bible, than by any other source. The Geneva Bible itself
retains over 90% of William Tyndale's original English translation. The Geneva in fact, remained
more popular than the King James Version until decades after its original release in 1611! The
Geneva holds the honor of being the first Bible taken to America, and the Bible of the Puritans
and Pilgrims.

The King James Bible, although the work of 50 scholars, is very close to Tyndale's
original Translation:

In the Gospel of St. Mark and the Epistle to the Hebrew there are not more than 80 words (in
Tyndale's translation) ... which are not found in our Authorised Version of the Bible (Moulton -
History of the English Bible).

The Authorised version is the King James Version. The English Bible changed the
World in the early 17th century. Multitudes of commoners were driven to learn to read
by their desire to study the bible. The 16th century historian John Foxe, who had
supported Miles Coverdale whilst he was producing the Geneva Bible observed:

Everybody that could bought the book or busily read it or got others to read it to them if they
could not themselves, and divers more elderly people learned to read on purpose. And even little
boys flocked among the rest to hear portions of the holy Scripture read.

It is important that the story above is told and the antics of the church are exposed. We
are fortunate today that a greater freedom of religious belief and worship exists in many
countries than was enjoyed in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. The Church of that
time did not want the common man to be able to understand the bible, they wanted it to
remain a mystery to them written in a foreign language. In that way the church could
play God to its flock, which is what they wanted to do, what they did back then and what
they are doing today. The 'Trinity' turns a logical book into an incomprehensible marvel.
It renders it as meaningless as if it was written in Latin. Arius, Wycliffe, Tyndale,
Newton, are the enlighteners from God. The church has become a daughter of the

Both John Wycliffe and William Tyndale wanted the ploughboy to know as much about
the bible as the priest. So does God and so do we. Hence this book/website. For there
is a bible within the bible and there is a holy code within the holy scriptures. Therefore
we have written out this hidden bible today for the same ploughboy and for the same
stable girl whose heart and mind and soul John Wycliffe and William Tyndale valued
more highly than their own.

Newton's observations and conclusions:

Sir Isaac would have benefited from a modern Mathematics degree course at his
university. He of course is the father of half of it, the Calculus/Analysis half. Although
algebra and abstract symbolism (the other half of Pure Maths) are of more use in
interpreting the bible (as far as we are aware). He would then have known instantly that
the Trinity, being illogically defined, is simply not defined and therefore non existent.

Newton, being a fellow at Trinity College Cambridge, was required to attest to his
acceptance of the 39 articles of the Anglican Church, one of which was the doctrine of
the Trinity. He was bothered about signing something which contained the Trinity that
he had no evidence as to the truth of. So he applied his standard scientific and logical
method to the issue of whether the Trinity was a true or false doctrine. This method is to
read all of the available relevant literature on the subject, then assimilate it, think about
it, kick it about, digest it and see if it makes sense, or if there is an underlying pattern or
flaw in it. See if there is an underlying truth or an underlying lie. This method when
applied to the bible is what we call the Jigsaw Principle.

Newton produced two knock out blows to the Trinity:

[1] The Father is God of the son

[2] It is defined illogically

We have covered the latter on these two. As regards the former. Newton used:

4 The Christ, who is the image of God (2 Corinthians 4).

9You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God,
anointed you with [the] oil of exultation more than your partners (Hebrews 1).

From this he reasoned that the Father was God of the Son. He could just as well have
used Jesus' famous last words:

34Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani, which means when translated: My God, my God, why
have you forsaken me (Mark 15).

Newton's observations and deductions came from reading most of the works of the
early church fathers, (Irenaeus, Tertullan, Cyprian, Euasebius, Eutychius, Sulpitius
Severus, Clement, Origen, Basil, John Chrysostom, Alexander of Alexandria,
Epiphanius, Hilary, Theodoret, Gregory of Nyssa, Cyril of Alexandria, Leo I, Victorinus
Afer, Rufinus, Manentius, Prudentius, Ignatius, Justin, Augustine, Jerome etc), and from
reading many manuscripts of the bible, and applying the Jigsaw Principle to them
(finding an interpretation which logically harmonised them) were recorded in one of his
early theological manuscripts (1672-1675):

The [word] God, is no where in the scriptures used to signify more than one of the three
persons at once.
The word 'God', put absolutely without particular reference to the Son or Holy Ghost, does
always signify the Father from one end of the scriptures to the other.
3 When ever it is said in the scriptures that there is but one God, it is meant of the Father.
It is a proper epithet of the Father to be called almighty. For by God almighty we always
understand the Father.
The son in all things submits his will to the will of the Father, which would be unreasonable if
he were equal to the Father.
6 The son confesses the Father greater than him, calls him his God etc.
7 The son acknowledges the original pre-science of all future things to be in the Father alone.
The union between him and the Father he interprets to be like that of the saints one with
another. That is, in agreement of will and counsel.

Then Newton, who was by now the Lucasian professor of Mathematics at Trinity
College, decided to go to King Charles II to seek a dispensation allowing him to remain
as professor but withdraw his attestation. He prepared his arguments as above to
present to the King of England to save his career. The King agreed and stipulated that
all future holders of his chair were to be exempt from holy orders.

Newton believed that Gods works, his creation and Gods word, his book, the bible,
were twinned. And that both were a riddle, a code to be cracked. Newton believed that
cracking this code was a duty owed to God by man, in both cases (Isaac Newton, the
last sorcerer - Michael White - But Newton was not a sorcerer, he was a true

What Gordon finds so wonderful and yet so tragic, is that Newton succeeded in the
case of Gods Universe in cracking the code. But he failed (notwithstanding a very

valiant attempt) in the case of Gods word (he did believe that the bible was God's
word). He died trying to decode the bible and find out when Armageddon was. His
failure was not his fault. It was not Gods time from 1642-1727 to release that
information. So what the true God did, who must have dearly desired to show Sir Isaac
the whole of the holy code of the bible, was to let him see the entirety of the mechanical
code behind his physical creation of the universe instead. It was all that his own justice
would allow. And here God was, holding back his love for the sake of his justice.

The date upon which mankind was first allowed to see the date of Armageddon was
1992February1, 1991Shebat21, 4600 solar days before 1290 biblical lunar days before
it is to begin (Daniel 8 and Daniel 12 - see [157], [152]). This was the day upon which
Gordon worked out the Exedenic Times, and it began the Time of the end. Which is
the time of the knowledge of the true date of the end. And Gordon would like to say this:
It was his appreciation of the perfection of the physical works of God as exhibited by
Newton which convinced him that the bible, the spiritual work of God, since it shared
that perfection, must be in a code.

So we have the dynamic code of the universe, as discovered by Newton. We have the
genetic code of the human body, as discovered by Crick and Watson. And here at last is
the grammatical code of the bible, as discovered by Gordon Ritchie, Tony Moore and
Massoud Vakili as a result of the leadings of the true God, and on the realisation by
Gordon that this God whom Newton showed him was perfect must have written a book
every bit as perfect as his universe. A realisation which unknown to Gordon at the time
he had it, had hit Newton some 300 years earlier. So here we are, the 3 groups of
wonder decoders, Cambridge men in all 3 groups. Let us all therefore, with God's help
through Jesus, finish the work that Newton, the Father of all three Cambridge divine
code breaking groups began (Please do not ask if we are the real trinity!)

For the precise nature of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit - see [14]. Here is some of Sir
Isaac Newton's Chronology, deduced in the late 17th and early 18th century, mainly
from Daniel 9 and Daniel 12.

1948 Second Coming of Christ

1944 End of the great tribulation of the Jews
1899 Call to return to Jerusalem
1638-9 Church of Rome's spiritual domination ends
Period during which the Roman Catholic Church (Whore of Babylon) was at its
70 Transgression of desolation of Jerusalem
34 AD Death of Christ
2 BC Birth of Christ
456 BC The Jews return to Jerusalem

Although begun during the 1670's Newton continued his work of interpretation until the month
of his death in 1727 (Isaac Newton - Michael White, the table above is from his book).

The table above is a quite amazing prophetic achievement for a man living around 1700

[C13] Binary (Yes/No) Question Principle

Any unanswered question asked in the scriptures with two possible answers (normally
yes and no), has the answer in one word symbolic thread, being the opposite of the
answer in the literal or straight symbolic meaning, the event symbolism.

In other words both answers are true in either the literal or the symbolic meaning (or
both). Take for example the great words of Nicodemus, a man whose love exceeded his

4 Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter into
the womb of his mother a second time and be born, can he? (John 3)

Well literally, no, of course he cannot. But symbolically, yes, that is precisely how one is
born again. Born from the womb of his heavenly mother, Gods wife, the holy spirit.
Born as an angel.

6What has been born from the flesh is flesh, and what has been born from the spirit is
spirit (John 3).

What has been born from fleshly women is men and what has been born from the spirit
woman, the holy spirit, is angels. When you are born again, God creates an angel in
heaven through his wife, the holy spirit for you, Amen. See - How is one born again, and
see - The Trinity is just God's family.

That is the level of beauty that you will see if you are pure in heart and if your love
exceeds your pride. Look how Nicodemus was repaid for one act of faith. It was
enough. But his works did not stop there:

39 Nicodemus also, the man that came to him in the night the first time, came bringing a
roll of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds [of it].
40 So they took the body of Jesus and bound it up with bandages with the spices, just
the way the Jews have the custom of preparing for burial (John 19)

Why it was 100 (Roman) pounds we do not know, but we do know that this is a
numerical symbolism by the Numerical Principle. If the reader has any good ideas here
please contact us. We know that Nicodemus was born again, because we know
something about Gods love, we would be blind if we could not see the love of
Nicodemus. Which brings us nicely to another Binary (Yes/No) Question:

50 Nicodemus, who had come to him previously, and who was one of them, said to
51 Our law does not judge a man unless first it has heard from him and come to know
what he is doing, does it?
52 In answer they said to him: You are not also out of Galilee, are you? Search and see
that no prophet is to be raised up out of Galilee (John 7).

No Nicodemus was not out of Galilee (precious few Pharisees were). But the
antetypical Nicodemus is out of the antetypical Galilee.

2 But John, having heard in jail about the works of the Christ, sent by means of his own
3 and said to him: Are you the Coming one, or are we to expect a different one?
(Matthew 11)

19So John summoned a certain two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord to say:
Are you the Coming one or are we to expect a different one? (Luke 7).

In the literal meaning, yes Jesus was the coming one, in the sense that he was the one
prophesied as coming to restore Israel. But in the greater meaning, there will be several
different ones.

5For instance, which is easier, to say: Your sins are forgiven, or to say: Get up and
walk? (Matthew 9)

9 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic: Your sins are forgiven, or to say: Get up and
pick up your bed and walk? (Mark 2)

Obviously the former. But in the greater meaning they are both the same thing because:

Get up is the baptism into the name of the father Abraham, the bath of the flesh, the
water baptism, the forgiveness of sins in the past, giving one a clean standing before

Pick up your bed is: Have a resurrection into the kingdom of God. This is the finishing
of the water baptism, the righteous decree in the flesh, the free gift of citizenship of the
Kingdom of God, the forgiveness of all sins up to Armageddon, the granting of the
entrance Visa through the ambassador Abraham.

Walk is the baptism into the name of Jesus, or Paul or Gordon etc, the sanctification in
holy spirit, being born again, the forgiveness of all sins until time indefinite, the walking
before God with a clean conscience, the creation of an angelic son of God, the entrance
into the holy family of God, through a covenant mediated by a mediator.

33 Who will file accusation against God's chosen ones? God is the One who declares
[them] righteous (Romans 8).

In the literal meaning no one. In the greater meaning Gordon! See ['The Faithful and
Discreet Slave cut in two']

And Pilate enquired of Jesus: Are you the king of the Jews? (Mark 15:2).

Literally, no, he wasn't at that time. Symbolically, yes, in 1914Tishri, - see [121], [123],
he became the vassal king of God over the true human seed of Abraham, the Jews of
that time, who were all of those in the 3EC, the 3rd Elijah Covenant of Russell, which

was a subcovenant of the 2AC, the Second Abrahamic Covenant - see [9]. Most of
these were New Covenant Saints. He alluded to this in his answer:

36Jesus answered: My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this
world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews.
But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source (John 18).

38 So Pharaoh said to his servants: Can another man be found like this one in whom
the spirit of God is? (Genesis 41)

Literally no, Joseph was unique. But in the greater meaning, yes, it's there will be
another Joseph.

[C14] Reader Questions from the holy spirit

These are questions that are asked of various characters in the bible, but that are really
meant for the various readers of the bible. These are questions asked by the holy spirit
of the bible reader:

8 ...You with little faith.

9 Do you not yet see the point, or do you not remember the five loaves in the case of
the five thousand and how many baskets you took up?
10 Or the seven loaves in the case of the four thousand and how many provision
baskets you took up? (Matthew 16)

Yes, the bible reader says to himself, how stupid and blind the apostles were, doh! Did
they ever get the point at first? Fine, condemn them if you will. But was this account
recorded for the benefit of the characters in it or was it recorded for the Christians who
would follow them? Who is Jesus really speaking to here? Not just his disciples in the
boat who forgot to bring along the loaves, the bible wasn't written for them. So tell us
please oh ye reader with much faith, much more than the disciples: Do you know what
the significance of the 12 baskets in the case of the 5,000 and the 7 baskets in the case
of the 4,000 is? What do they stand for?

If you do not know, then Jesus is talking to you. He is saying look, these numbers are
important. He is saying, if you want to understand the greater meaning of these two
feeding miracles, which obviously relate to spiritual feeding miracles of true religions,
then think first about the numbers of the provision baskets. Think about how many there
were. This is the key.

To interpret this we apply the Numerical Principle to the baskets. Jesus is basically
asking the reader if he has grasped the Numerical Principle! The meaning of numbers
of things in the bible! So the 12 baskets are 12 days or 12 months or 12 years or
administrations of food which does not come directly from Jesus, but comes as
leftovers. Likewise the 7 baskets are 7 days or 7 months or 7 years or administrations
of food not directly from Jesus but from leftovers - see [67].

42And they began saying: Is this not Jesus the son of Joseph, whose father and mother
we know? How is it that now he says: I have come down from heaven ? (John 6).

Well, how is it?? The Holy Spirit wishes you to think about this, and to ask yourself the
very same question. Consider please the scripture below:

23 From the offspring of this [man] according to his promise God has brought to Israel a
savior, Jesus,
24 after John, in advance of the entry of that one, had preached publicly to all the
people of Israel baptism of repentance (Acts 13).

This means that John the baptist preached publicly in advance of the entry, the coming
down from heaven of an angel, God's firstborn and only begotten son, the angel
Michael, into the human Jesus. Angelically possessing him at his baptism.

22And the holy spirit in bodily shape like a dove came down upon him, and a voice
came out of heaven: You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you (Luke 3).

Q: What vehicle for a son of God has a bodily shape like a dove?
A: An angel.

32John also bore witness, saying: I viewed the spirit coming down as a dove out of
heaven, and it remained upon him (John 1).

Jesus was not called 'Gods son the beloved' until after the dove had descended from
heaven. This dove symbolised the entrance of the angel Michael into Jesus.

6 But the righteousness resulting from faith speaks in this manner: Do not say in your
heart: Who will ascend into heaven? that is, to bring Christ down.
7 Or: Who will descend into the abyss? that is, to bring Christ up from the dead
(Romans 10)

The answer to both is Gabriel who angelically possessed John the Baptist for the
purpose of presiding over the entrance of Michael into Jesus at his baptism. We are
getting a bit deep here. For the full story see - Jesus was Michael, and John was

A Rather More Simple Reader Question from the Holy Spirit

26For what benefit will it be to a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul? or
what will a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16)

Jesus asked this question of his disciples, but quite obviously he is asking it of every
man and woman who can read.

[C15] The Parallel Account and Subaccount Principle -

Spot the Difference

If there are 2 or 3 or 4 parallel accounts of an event in the bible, then the first word
symbolic thread has the same symbolism in all the accounts. This is true also for the
second and third etc. word symbolic threads for the accounts that have this number of
word symbolic threads. So if all the parallel accounts have the same number of threads

then the word symbolism for each thread is global across all the accounts. And each
account is a distinct separate non overlapping fulfillment of the word symbolism, for all
word symbolic threads. All of the fulfilments of one word symbolic thread relate to each
other to from one global word symbolic picture for that thread.

In fact so long as all the parallel accounts have the same number of threads we create
a new account which contains all of the parallel accounts. Then we interpret this
created account.

If any parallel account has a successive designation or a successive description, then

this only affects the particular parallel account that it is in. And in general for all parallel
accounts or for all parallel subaccounts (such as dreams and recitals of dreams), the
prophetic forms only affect the subaccount that they are in.

If the parallel accounts are symbolic, such as parallel parables, then the subaccounts all
share the same event symbolism since they describe the same events. If the parallel
accounts are literal, then of course in the literal meaning all the parallel accounts
describe the same thing.

The word count for the Repetition Principle is the global total for all the parallel
subaccounts. So if a countable noun is repeated a total of 3 times in all of the parallel
accounts in a created account wherein each parallel subaccount has 3 threads in total
(i.e. one literal/event thread and two word symbolic threads), then the noun takes 3
different symbolic meanings in these threads.

If one or more parallel accounts has a different number of threads to the others, then
we create an account containing all of the parallel accounts. Each thread in the created
account involves only the particular parallel accounts which have that thread.

For examples of sets of parallel accounts with differing number of threads - see the
parallel accounts of Bartimaeus, one of the two the blind persons cured on the road
to/from Jericho [49] - this set of accounts we do not understand! See also the signs of
the times in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 - this set of accounts we do understand
from a code standpoint.

Pre-packaged Parallel Subaccounts

Some accounts contain parallel subaccounts already, such as Daniel 4 and Genesis 41.
These two have dreams and recitals of dreams, which are both describing the same
thing. So the dream and the recital are two parallel subaccounts of these accounts. So
they share the same symbolism in all threads (literal/event and word) and their
countable noun counts add. These cases, since they are created by God himself tell us
what to do with parallel accounts in general and with parallel accounts which have
differing numbers of threads in particular. One simply uses the threads that are there.

In the 4 Gospels, in Kings & Chronicles, in Ezra and Nehemiah, there are parallel
accounts of the same events. For example the feeding of the 5,000 is mentioned 4
times, once in each Gospel! Each account has a greater symbolic meaning by the
Symbolic Structure Principle, so there are at least 4 greater meanings to the feeding of
the 5,000. These actually relate to the feeding campaigns of the 4 true Christian

religions - see [67]. The thing to do with these accounts, using the Power Principle, is to
play 'spot the difference'. Because any differences are not mistakes, or omissions
wherein God overlooked something, and thought he better put an account in Mark just
in case Matthew made a bit of a mess of it. They are deliberate.

For an example of how this works see - [63] or [34] 'The Faithful Slaves', or [32], [71],

[C16] The Omission Principle

If an account implies something but omits to state it (and any parallel account omits to
state it), then the implication is taken as being stated in the Word symbolic meaning.

28 Samson now called to Jehovah and said: Sovereign Lord Jehovah, remember me,
please, and strengthen me, please, just this once, Oh you the [true] God, and let me
avenge myself upon the Philistines with vengeance for one of my two eyes (Judges 16).

What about the other eye!

6So David said: Anyone striking the Jebusites first, he will become head and prince.
And Joab the son of Zeruiah got to go up first, and he came to be head (1 Chronicles

Why didnt he become the prince?

19 Next he commanded the crowd to recline on the grass and took the 5 loaves and 2
fishes, and, looking up to heaven, he said a blessing, and, after breaking the loaves, he
distributed them to the disciples, the disciples in turn to the crowds. 20 So all ate and
were satisfied, and they took up the surplus of fragments 12 baskets full (Matthew 14).

Great, wonderful, miraculous, but what did he do with the 2 fishes?? They are stated as
being eaten in the parallel account in Mark 6. So in this case we cannot deduce that the
2 fishes were eaten in the Word Symbolic meaning of Matthew 14.

[C16a] The Ambiguity Principle

If a phrase in the bible is ambiguous, having two obvious possible meanings, then both
meanings are true but in different threads.

For example the 2 river banks of Daniel 12 - U152 and the 7 lampstands being 7
congregations of Revelation 1 - U151.

[C17] Helpful Tips

a. Get an electronic bible, preferably the New World Translation on disk available
from the Watchtower - You'll have fun trying to get it without being cornered!
Alternatively we are going to put our own electronic bible on the site for
downloading soon. With this you can type in say: 'Holy spirit' and find every

scripture mentioning it. This sort of capability is invaluable in bible research. You
can download other electronic bibles from the web, but the translations may not
be accurate enough. If you do not like computers, then you will need a
comprehensive concordance and a New World Translation Bible, and a Greek
Interlinear bible and a Hebrew Interlinear bible - see [books] We hope to have
our paper bible available soon.
b. When decoding an account, do not try to squeeze a symbolic meaning into a
fulfillment which you already understand. Even if you succeed you will have
learned nothing new. We have made this mistake hundreds of times. Many
religions know of no other way. To the Watchtower almost every time period in
the second presence starts or ends in 1914, and whenever there are two groups
in the bible, then one is the anointed remnant and the other is the great crowd.
Do not be like this. Let the account lead you, this is letting the holy spirit lead
you! Set your mind free. Accept any crazy interpretation in the creative phase
and criticise it later - this is classic brainstorming technique.

c. Look! This is a word that occurs 958 times in the NWT of the bible. When it
occurs, treat it as a exhortation from the holy spirit itself to you. For that is what
it is!

d. A man, a householder. An enemy, a man. This is wonderful and cryptic and

disguised. It is a double designation and one of the two greater meanings refers
to an angel. It is saying look there are two guys and one is a man. Which is
really saying, the other is an angel.

e. Gather together. Assemble. These words when they occur are often a cryptic
request from the spirit to add up all of those who are gathered together or
assembled. The spirit is saying that their sum stands for something.

f. Distinguish between event symbolism and account symbolism. Event symbolism

is the symbolism that Charles Russell and the second Adventists used on Daniel
4. They use the elements of the events themselves as symbolising elements in
the greater meaning. But account symbolism, uses the elements of the account
of the events to symbolise elements in the greater meaning. So a king who is
referred to as Nebuchadnezzar, as King Nebuchadnezzar, and as the King, can
stand for two different people separately and together, i.e. three different
people/groups of people in the account symbolism but only for one person in the
event symbolism.

g. Distinguish between a further symbolic meaning and a further fulfilment. A further

symbolic meaning is effectively a whole new account, a further fulfilment is a
further instance of an existing account.

h. If something happens at a certain hour, then it, or events related to it, happen 12
times in all, the number of hours in a Hebrew day:

9 Jesus answered: There are twelve hours of daylight, are there not? If anyone walks in
daylight he does not bump against anything, because he sees the light of this world
(John 11).

[C18] The Symbolic meaning of 7

If there are ' 7 things' in a bible account, then these things are successive in time in all
the word symbolic meanings.

Counting time in sevens was God's idea, he invented the week as recorded in Genesis
1. The 7 creative days of the creative week are the first thing in the bible (these are not
literal 24 hour days because, for one thing, there was no earth on the first 'day'!) It is not
a natural thing for man, who counts in base ten, or in dozens, to count time in sevens.
God instigated this 'base' for counting time.

Time is what he counts in sevens, with a release after 7 times, counting to 7 exclusively
or after 6 times counting 7 inclusively this being the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a concept
which relates always to time. In the Hebrew language, the word for 'seven' and the word
for 'Sabbath' are from the same root. Therefore the very language of God's people was
and is declaring that 7 has to do with time. The concept that 7 relates to 7 things
occurring one after the other with a release after or during the 7th one (depending on
whether we count inclusively or exclusively), is enshrined in the language of the Old

But we fear that we have not laboured this seemingly trivial point enough. The
Watchtower Society has 7 standing for 'divine completeness', but they miss the sense
in which this completeness occurs, which is the temporal sense. It is a completeness in
time, with the 7 repetitions occurring one after the other, consecutively, successively.
For example, Daniel 9 literally says:

24Seventy sevens, he is decreed for people of you and for city of holiness of you
25From issuing of decree to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until anointed one, ruler,
sevens seven, and sevens sixty-two (Daniel 9 - NIVHEOT).

It is implicit, it is understood that these sevens refer to time, and are therefore
consecutive. It does not have to be spelt out. Similarly in the definition of the Jubilee,
we see:

8 And you must count for yourself seven Sabbaths of years, seven times seven years,
and the days of the seven Sabbaths of years must amount to forty-nine years for you
(Leviticus 25).

A 'Sabbath' of years is here defined as 7 years. The holy spirit is actually equating,
identifying 7 with the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a function of time, therefore the holy
spirit is declaring 7 to be also a function of time, as regards its scriptural symbolism or

So since Tuesday happens entirely after Monday, and since these two days have never
coincided or even overlapped a little, and likewise for the whole week, the whole 7, the
whole sabbath of days, we can deduce that 7 things means 7 successive things in
scripture. For an example of the symbolism of 7: see [37].

[C19] Elementary Counting and Cryptic Scriptures

We have so far discovered two dimensions of the holy book. The literal dimension and
the symbolic dimension. But there is a third and a fourth.

There is a numerical count defined on every word of the bible. This count only works in
the Hebrew and the Greek. It is not the count of Eli Rips or Michael Drosnin or other
equidistant Hebrew letter sequence researchers, which can be found at We call this count the third dimension of the bible.

The 4th dimension, is a cryptic dimension, it is not a second symbolic dimension. There
is no need for a 2nd symbolic dimension because the first symbolic dimension can have
several meanings for the various different designations for the same person or thing in
the account. The scriptures do have a cryptic side however, a newspaper crossword
type side. This dimension appears to take the form of a series of discrete cryptic
insights rather than a meaning or value for every word in every account as the other
three dimensions give.

Now if you can see all four of these dimensions of the holy book then you are seeing
the bible in colour rather than in black and white. For in our physical eyes, which God
himself designed as a prophetic declaration of our spiritual vision (for everything the
Jehovah does or declares is a prophetic declaration since as he is living all of his words
and works are likewise living) we have cones, which see sharply in black and white, and
we have rods, three types, which see slightly less sharply in colour. Is it red, green and
blue? All of this structure is prefiguring the structure of the way in which we will see the
bible, for the bible is a 4 dimensional book. The first dimension is the literal dimension
and this corresponds to our cones, the ones that see in black and white, very sharply,
unambiguously. The next three dimensions are the symbolic, the cryptic and the coded
numeric dimensions, the red, the green and the blue rods. It is a beautiful book in
glorious Technicolour. It is like Paul said:

18 In order that you may be thoroughly able to grasp mentally with all the holy ones
what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge (Ephesians 3).

4 dimensions. For Einstein discovered that the 3 dimensions of space are related to the
4th dimension of time via the Lorenz transformation. This results from the fact that the
speed of light is a constant to all observers whether the light source is driving forwards
in his Ford Escort with his halogens relative to the observer or orbiting backwards in his
space shuttle with his laser beam. But the constancy of the spiritual source of light, the
bible, which rather than emitting light at a constant speed independent of its relative
motion, is a constant source, independent of time, emitting light at different speeds, is
also manifested in 4 dimensions and these are:



Coded Numeric

For the same God made both types of light. The bible is a very fractal book, since it is
pattern upon pattern, and yet man only discovered fractals in the last 20 years. Now
Crick and Watson discovered slightly before the discovery of fractals, the molecular
structure of the code of life, our genetic code, a 4 base code, written in terms of:




So we have 4 dimensions of space-time, 4 dimensions of human vision, and 4 bases of

our genetic code & the 4 walls of the super temple of all Christianity with the 4
cornerstones but only one foundation stone, and we have the 4 living creatures in
heaven: Courage, Power, Love and Wisdom (Ezekiel 1, Revelation 4). Now perhaps the
reader will see what is the breadth, the length, the height and the depth, the 4
dimensions of the bible code. Perhaps he will realise that the works of Einstein and
Crick and Watson, prophetically establish that there will be a further spiritual equivalent
among God's covenanted people. For if Crick and Watson have been allowed to see
the physical code of life, then we have been allowed to see the spiritual code of life. And
it is the same God, Jehovah, who has made both of these codes, through his son. And
his prophet, the now angelic apostle Paul, the one who has declared the 4 bases of the
bible, has also declared this order of revealing, by saying:

46 The first is, not that which is spiritual, but that which is physical, afterward that which
is spiritual (1 Corinthians 15).

Why is the sun 400 times bigger than the moon when it is 400 times further away from
the earth than the moon. What a coincidence! How come these two completely
unrelated bodies exactly fit over each other in a solar eclipse?

You will not find the answer in the department of astrophysics. You will find it in the book
of Isaiah.

21 Do you people not know? Do you not hear? Has it not been told to you from the
outset? Have you not applied understanding from the foundations of the earth?
22 There is one who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are
as grasshoppers, the one who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who
spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell (Isaiah 40).

26 Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the one who is
bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name.
Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one [of
them] is missing (Isaiah 40).

But do not think that we wish to condemn astrophysics, on the contrary we wish to save
it. In order to understand the universe one needs first to understand that it was God
who set the speed of light at 3 x 108 metres/sec. He set it at this value before Adam was

born, 4027Tishri10 BC, to stop us screwing up the universe until we had learned how to

At some time before Adam was born, light traveled a lot faster as we have mentioned
above. The universe has not been around for billions of years at all. The speed of light
was reset by God as a cage for men. In fact it was reset by the command: Let there be
light! Because light must have existed before God made this statement.

On the first creative day of Genesis God said: Let there be light. And he said this after
observing that there was darkness on the surface of the watery deep. In other words
after he had created the planet earth in the literal meaning of the chapter:

1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the
surface of [the] watery deep; and God's spirit was moving to and fro over the surface of
the waters.
3 And God proceeded to say: "Let there be light." Then there came to be light (Genesis

But we know that light existed from the start of the Big Bang. Therefore light already
existed when he said: Let there be light. This is the key realisation in understanding the
meaning of Genesis 1. So God reset some feature of light or recreated it on day 1 in the
literal meaning.

So just because it takes one constant value today does not mean that it has always
taken this constant value, once you admit that there may be a God. But physics does
not admit this. Until it does, it will never discover the truth about the universe. However
if you can find it in your heart to believe that it was God who set the speed of light,
rather than random chance, then please go to section [234], the Munrose Hypothesis,
where we deduce the date of the Big Bang as being 11,513,689,593 BC, and find out
what the initial value of the speed of light was during the Big Bang itself (it was not
300,000 km/s !) from Genesis 1.

And another thing! What do you think God could be symbolising by having the whole
universe held together by gravity, a universal unquestioning attractive force? Where
would the universe be without gravity? The same place the world would be without love.
And that is where we are going right now!

And another thing, seeing as our scientific and technological advancement has been so
rapid in the last few thousand years, how come our art is now worse than that of the
cave man??

So returning to the count on the bible:

25 And they will be given into his hand for a time, times and half a time (Daniel 7).

7 It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half (Daniel 12).

14 There is where she is fed for a time, times and half a time (Revelation 12).

We can do no better here than to quote Gordon's first letter to the Watchtower Society,
that they actually received, to describe the meaning of this strange way of saying: 3. If
the man on the Clapham omnibus is asked: What is half of seven? he replies: It is three
and a half. He does not reply: It is one plus ones plus a half of one. It is therefore
manifestly apparent that the true God, who is most certainly able to do anything that the
man on the Clapham omnibus is able to do, having created that man, is saying a lot
more than Three and a half times, when he says: A time, times and half a time.
Hopefully the man on the Clapham omnibus will one day know what this greater
meaning of this central expression in the bible really is.

We read in Revelation 12:

14 But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into
the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and half a
time away from the face of the serpent (Revelation 12).

Times is obviously in the plural (since Greek has no dual number as Hebrew does).
But earlier in the same chapter we read:

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that
they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12).

In the actual vision, (but not in its symbolic meaning) the two periods are the same
period and so we are being told by holy spirit that the phrase a time, times and half a
time is 1260 days of the BLC (Biblical Lunar Calendar), which is 3.5 lunar years of 360
days. But a year is a time, a cycle, of the earth around the sun. So 3.5 years is 3.5

So 1 time + times + .5 time = 3.5 times

So times = 2 times

So this particular plural counts as a double, in this equation. Therefore, one of the
things that is certainly being said is that plurals count as two times, since the word
'times' is interpreted as 720 days in the above scriptures. In this context singulars count
as one time and halves count as half a time. If we now apply the Consistency Principle
to this, then what this crazy phraseology is saying is not that 3.5 times is being
expressed as a singular time, a plural time and a half time, but that everything in the
bible can be expressed as a singular time a plural time or a half time.

For Solomon has said:

1For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the
heavens (Ecclesiastes 3).

This is a repetition. So yes there is an appointed time for everything, but applying the
Repetition Principle there is also another meaning to this scripture, a further fulfillment.
This is that there is a time count on every sentence in the bible. David also spoke of this
count under inspiration saying:

12Show us just how to count our days in such a way as to bring a heart of wisdom in
(Psalm 90).

Because days or years or months are all times, see - The Times Principle of the code.
So the request is equivalent to: Show us how to count 'times'. So lets be like the tribe of
Issachar, and the wise men of Persia:

32And of the sons of Issachar having a knowledge of how to discern the times to know
what Israel ought to do, there were two hundred head ones of theirs, and all their
brothers were at their orders (1 Chronicles 12)

13 And the king proceeded to say to the wise men having knowledge of the times, for in
this way the king's matter [came] before all those versed in law and legal cases (Esther

Jesus said to his disciples:

7It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father
has placed in his own jurisdiction (Acts 1).

But to us, this knowledge does belong. So we can apply a count to every word in the
bible, assigning it one time if it is singular, two times if it is plural and half a time, if it is a
half of something.

The philosophy of the count on each sentence is that the count is: The number of times
represented by the sentence, which is the number of situations or actions in the
sentence. The count works like this:

Singular words count as one time

Plural words count as two times
Fractions or parts of anything count as half a time
Verbs multiply
and, or, but, upon, with, after, before add
into, out of, of, from, until, under multiply
all, every doubles

The count works on the Hebrew and Greek original text, not on any translation unless it
is a count transparent translation, and no-one has yet made such a translation. The
General basis of the count is that any sentence represents a number of times. For
example the sentence:

'The kings ate the potatoes'

counts as 4 times, because this action effectively occurs 4 times because two kings are
eating two potatoes and so a king is eating a potato 4 times. We say two kings because
plurals count as 2 'times'. This is actually an integral part of Hebrew Grammar, which is
the code of the language of the bible, from a linguistic point of view. Hebrew has
singular, plural and dual (or double) mode. We take all plurals as duals from a counting
point of view. The import of this is that in the greater meaning of the kings eating the

potatoes, this meal could have lasted 4 days, 4 months or 4 years, or there might have
been 4 greater meals.

We use the abbreviation 3x for 3 times and 2x for 2 times etc. 'All' or 'Every' counts as
2x and multiplies, it is understood as 'some plus the rest'. So that 'all of the horses'
counts as 4x, or 4 times.

In is right distributive and adds like this: x in 2x = x in x + x in x = 2x+2x=4x

x in x =2x
2x in x =3x
2x in 2x =6x
x in 2x =4x

Here are some examples:

all his belongings 4x

men in the house 3x
men in the houses 6x

You need a Greek Interlinear Bible and a Hebrew Interlinear Bible to work with this
dimension of the Code. We quote count preserving translations here (interlinear ones
normally are).

Some Simple Examples of the Count

This count takes some getting used to and it is most easily applied to single phrases
such as:

47 Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings (Matthew 24).
44 I tell you truthfully, He will appoint him over all his belongings (Luke 12).

All his belongings () counts as 4x

So there are 4 appointments of slaves and stewards that Jesus makes. These are the 4
true Christian religions.

5 Look! I am sending to you people Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great
and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.
6 And he must turn the heart of fathers back toward sons, and the heart of sons back
toward fathers; in order that I may not come and actually strike the earth with a devoting
[of it] to destruction (Malachi 4).

He must turn the heart of fathers back towards sons counts as 4x

So Elijah makes 4 reconciliations between actually previous and succeeding true

religions. In fact there are 4 Elijah's, who were John, Paul, Russell and Gordon see -
The 4 Elijah's.

Because Jesus said:

Indeed, which father is there among you who, if his son asks for a fish, will perhaps
hand him a serpent instead of a fish? (Luke 11:11).
And yes the third true religion has been in a position to offer its sons, the Great Crowd,
who will form the basis of the 4th true religion 'a fish', i.e. entrance into the feeding of
the two fishes - see [67]. But they haven't done that, they have offered them a serpent,
Satan's internal corruption mouthpiece, corrupting the congregation (Eve) to get at the
head one (Adam) - His Modus Operandi has not changed you blind ones!! One should
be your head on earth just as one is your head in the heavens. Why therefore do you
vote you hypocrites !!

For the serpent was found in the Tree of Knowledge of good and bad, representing
God's Rulership over his people. It stands for the corruption from within the true
religion. But Jesus also said:

11 In reply he said: Elijah, indeed, is coming and will restore all things (Matthew 17).

All things counts as 4x

So Elijah comes 4 times, to restore true worship and start 4 new religions.

Some More Complicated Examples of the Count

Nebuchadnezzar's recital of his dream (Daniel 4:10-12, NIVHEOT, New International

Version Hebrew English Old Testament)

Here are some counts of Daniel 4...

And visions of my head upon my bed, I was beholding 3x.

and look!
a tree in the middle of the land 1x
and height of him enormous 1x
he grew large the tree 1x
and he grew strong 1x
and height of him touched to the skies 2x
and visibility of him [touched] to end of all the earth 2x
leaf of him beautiful 1x
and fruit of him abundant 1x
and food of all in him 3x
under him she found shelter, beast of field 1x
and in branches of him they lived, birds of the airs 10x
and from him, he was fed, every creature 2x

Total of 26x = 26 times. But these are multiplied by the 3x of visions upon the bed:

3x.26x=79x, 79 times, we take as 79 years in the case of FDS3 and 79
months in the case of FDS4.

These run from 1914Tishri at the appointment of FDS3 to feed, until 1994Nisan at the
appointment of FDS4 to feed, whereupon FDS3 lost its exclusivity on food so 'every
creature' ceased begin fed by them. 'Birds of the airs' are the remnant of the
circumcision of the spirit, the first new covenant saints. They took centre position in the
earth when they were appointed over all belongings in Nisan 1918. Every creature is
being fed 'at the proper time'. The branches of this tree of Moses are the 5 watches of
the Watchtower.

in visions of my head upon my bed, I was beholding 6x.

and look!
watcher and [he was a] holy one, from the heavens coming
down. [Hebrew has a colon for the end of a sentence]
[He was] calling in loudness
and [he was] saying this: 3x.
Chop down the tree 1x
and trim off branches of him 2x
Strip off leaf of him 1x
and scatter fruit of him 1x
let her flee the animal from under him 1x
and the birds from branches of him 4x

6x.4x.3x(1x+2x+1x+1x+1x+4x)= 720 days from 2004Elul14 to 2006Elul14. The

Abomination causing desolation until the end of Babylon the Great.

19 At that time Daniel himself, whose name is Belteshazzar, was astonished for a
moment, and his very thoughts began to frighten him. The king was answering and
saying, 'Oh Belteshazzar, do not let the dream and the interpretation themselves
frighten you.' Belteshazzar was answering and saying, 'Oh my lord, may the dream
[apply] to those hating you, and its interpretation to your adversaries.

The tree that you saw that 1x.

He grew large 1x
And he grew strong 1x
And top of him he touched to the skies 2x
And visibility of him [was] to all of the earth 2x
And leaf of him beautiful 1x
And fruit of him abundant 1x
And food for all in him 3x
Under him she found shelter, beast of the field 1x
and in branches of him they had nests birds of the airs 18x

30x. The above is neither the dream nor the interpretation, it is a recital of the dream by
Daniel. This may be 30 months of the growth of the LWs, from 2005Elul, the restart of
the second presence to 2007Adar. 2008Nisan is a Sabbath.

An earlier idea we had which was not correct was... This is the presidency of Knorr,
from January 13th 1942 until June 8th 1977, or 1941Tebbeth22 to 1977Sivan21. He
was the first foolish virgin of Matthew 25 in the second presence. This is the bloom of
the Watchtower physically, but just as in the case of our own bodies, when they bloom
they are already becoming corrupt with age. The church of Knorr, Pergamum, was the
compromising church. The church of Franz, Thyatira, was the corrupt church, and the
church of Henschel, Sardis, became the dead church. So Knorr was the beginning of
the adversity of the Watchtower to Jesus. This is because the interpretation applies to
Jesus' adversaries. The dream also applies to those hating Jesus, because at the end
of the JWs the tree is cut down because they end up hating Jesus. Dear oh dear oh

The antetypical Pentecost (Joel 2:28 NIVHEOT)

And he will be, after this

I will pour out spirit of me upon all flesh
[I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, after this]
and they will prophesy, your sons and your daughters 4x
your old men, dreams they will dream 4x
your young men visions they will see 4x

16x, covenant of gifts, covenant of Keturah, new earthly covenant, covenant of

Rachael, covenant for half a kingdom. Made in 1992Elul and lasting until 2008Elul.

The Fear Inspiring day of Jehovah (Joel 2:30 NIVHEOT)

And I will show wonders in the heavens 6x 1993Elul - 1999Elul

and in the earth, blood, fire and billows of smoke 5x 1999Elul - 2004Elul
the sun, he will be turned to darkness 1x 2004Elul - 2005Elul
and the moon to blood 1x 2005Elul - 2006Elul
before/to presence to come day of Jehovah the
great and the one being dreadful
2x 2006Elul - 2008Elul

The day of Jehovah (Zephaniah 1:15,16 NIVHEOT)

The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near and there is a hurrying of it very
much. The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter. There is a mighty man letting
out a cry.

Day of wrath, the day the that 1x 2008Elul - 2007Elul
Day of distress and anguish 2x 2007Elul - 2005Elul
Day of trouble and ruin 2x 2005Elul - 2003Elul
Day of darkness and gloom 2x 2003Elul - 2001Elul
Day of cloud and blackness 2x 2001Elul - 1999Elul

Day of trumpet and battlecry

2x+2x+2x 1999Elul - 1993Elul
upon the cities, the ones being fortified
and upon the corners, the towers

'Day of Jehovah' is the last 15x, of illumination spiritually, matched by be-

darkening physically. The Lord's Witness trumpeted exclusively to the Jehovah's
witnesses from 1993Elul (actually from 1992Elul) to 1999Elul. In 1999Elul we
decided to go public.

Finally here is a list that obviously was intended to be counted:

Revelation 18:11-13 (Greek Interlinear)

For a full treatment of Revelation see U151

And the traveling merchants of the earth are weeping and mourning over her
because there is not one to buy their cargo anymore, a cargo [accusative]:

of gold 1x
and [a cargo] of silver 1x
and [a cargo] of precious stone 1x
and [a cargo] of pearls 1x/(2x)
and [a cargo] of fine linen 1x
and [a cargo] of purple 1x
and [a cargo] of silk 1x
and [a cargo] of scarlet 1x
and every scented wood 2x
and every sort of ivory object 2x
and every sort of object out of most precious wood and of copper
and of iron and of marble
and cinnamon 1x
and Indian spice 1x
and incenses 2x
and perfumed oil 1x
and frankincense 1x
and wine 1x
and olive oil 1x
and fine flour 1x
and wheat 1x
and cattle 2x

and sheep 2x
and of horses 1x/(2x)
and of coaches 1x/(2x)
and of bodies 1x/(2x)
and souls of men 2x
Total 39x

(Revelation 18:11-13 NWT adapted from Greek).


And it [the 2 horned beast] is making all [accusative] 2x.

the small [ones] [accusative] and the great [ones] 4x
and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones] 4x
and the free [ones] and the slaves 4x
in order that they [the [ones] dwelling upon the earth]
should give to them [a+b]:
6x or 2x = 4x ('them' splits in two above
engraving upon the hand of [each one of] them, the
and here together)
right or upon the forehead of [each one of] them
and in order that, no one may be able to buy or to sell not 1x or 1x = not 1x and not 1x = 2x.

if not the one having the engraving, [which is] the

1x or 1x = 1x
name of the wild beast [a covenant with it to get its
name], or the number of the name of it

2x.12x.(4x.4x/8x +2x.1x) = 432x/820x Running from 2007Tammuz3/2006Sivan5 to

2008Elul15. This is the entire length of the UN financial restriction on all mankind,
which ends with the destruction of the UN on the last day of Armageddon,

The Cryptic Dimension of the Code

We finish this section with two cryptic gems, which we have used to deduce the
method of baptism for the life - see [204]:

17 And as he was going out on his way, a certain man ran up and fell upon his
knees before him and put the question to him: Good Teacher, what must I do to
inherit everlasting life? (Mark 10).

Fine so one must fall upon one's knees for a start to get baptised.

21 A great number that became believers, turned upon the Lord (Acts 11 NWT/KI).

This means that there is a turning round in ones baptism.

[C20] The 'Bible Code' of Eli Rips and Michael Drosnin

Our initial problem with this work was the thought that Eli Rips (who founded
ELS or Equidistant Hebrew Letter Sequence research) was still a Jew by
Religious Persuasion. We thought that he cannot have this right because being a
Jew by religion, he has not accepted that Jesus was Gods son, the messiah, and
so he has failed to understand even the basic literal dimension of the holy book.
It is therefore not reasonable to suppose that he can shed any light on any coded
meanings correctly. It's rather like a man with no legs representing that he is a
star football player! Gordon's other problem was that Satan always produces
fakes to mask the original. There were many false Christ's at the time of the true
Christ, Jesus, in his first and his second presence:

5Many will come on the basis of my name saying: I am the Christ, and mislead
many (Matthew 24).

Our work showing that the bible is written in a symbolic code was published
exclusively to the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1992. But the
first that the world really heard of any bible code was in 1994 (Newton's decoding
activities were suppressed when he was alive and only published very narrowly
after he died), when the paper on ELS was submitted and published by the
Statistical Science Journal in the US, Volume 9, Number 3, August 1994. URL: Gordon was prohibited by his
understanding of the scriptures from going public until 1999Elul, 7 years after the
first book was delivered to the HQ of the JWs by Massoud.

This ELS research appears now to have become a very large commercial empire
for Amazon and Michael Drosnin and various publishers, more than it being a
religious research program. There have to our knowledge been no further
scientific papers in support of it since the first one in 1994, and one against it.
Jesus said that you should judge a tree by its fruit. We can see no Christian fruit
from this supposed decoding. We can see no academic fruit from this supposed
decoding. We can see a whole load of commercial fruit. Recently there has been
some good work which shows that ELS may well be just the result of random
chance: & & .

Apparently if you translate the book of Revelation into English, and if you
perform ELS on the English, ignoring all the vowels as Hebrew does, then you
can find out something about William Gates Junior (Bill Gates) and Windows. If
this is true then ELS is garbage, because the translation into English is a
representation of inspired words but is not itself inspired at all, because there are
many ways of translating Greek into English which use different words and yet
have the same meaning. It is the Greek and the Hebrew texts that are the literal
inspired words of God. So if an uninspired translation can tell you all about Bill
Gates (or perhaps Steve Jobs), then so can War and Peace or any other book. But
what the book of Revelation does say unequivocally is:

10 The bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying (Revelation 19).

Whereas there is no witness to Jesus in any of the ELS prophecies that we have
seen and none in the best selling ELS book 'The Bible Code'. Although there are

references to the Messiah (who is yet to put in an appearance!) So this work
cannot be a true decoding in our opinion. We do not believe that the true God
requires Christians to be able to speak Hebrew in order that they can understand
his purposes. We will say this though, the originator of ELS, Eli Rips was a
professor of Group theory, and Gordon started his PhD at Oxford in group theory,
and group theory is beautiful and exact, it doesn't involve any statistics as does
ELS. We cannot help thinking of the quote:

There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

What use is it telling Yitsac Rabin that he will be assasinated? As the ELS 'code'
predicted. This is the sort of thing that fortune tellers do, and if they are wrong
they are phoneys and if they are genuine they are getting their knowledge from
Satan and are condemned in the literal meaning of the bible, being spirit
mediums. 'Beware the Ides of March' was not from God. And it didn't help Julius
Caesar. You know it's the same old wolf but in more modern sheep's clothing.

[C21] The History of Event and Word Symbolism

Now here is the thing. Does a literal account have a straight symbolic meaning as
well as a coded symbolic meaning? Does a symbolic account such as a dream or
a parable or a vision have a straight symbolic meaning as well as a coded
symbolic meaning?

These two questions troubled Gordon for 9 years until the end of 2001. But as
usual once the question is asked in the correct way, the answer is not far off. As
regards Gordon, who is the antetypical Daniel, who was named Belteshazzar by
Nebuchadnezzar (he went in for slightly longer names than the Hebrews did), it is
true in his experience, when he makes the effort that he should, then as the King
himself said:

9 Oh Belteshazzar the chief of the magic-practicing priests, because I myself well

know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that there is no secret at all
that is troubling you, tell [me] the visions of my dream that I have beheld and its
interpretation (Daniel 4).

But this one thing about symbolic symbolism, straight symbolism and coded
symbolism had eluded him for 9 years. During this time, Gordon had prayed
many a time and had asked the true God and said to him: Oh Jehovah, who has
chosen me out of all of the wise men on this earth to reveal his secrets to. If it
pleases you, will you show this great bible code to others of your sons who can
help me in the great work that I am commissioned to do. For I am but one man
and your book was written by the Father of all minds for every human mind which
can read or which can listen to another one who is reading. And the true God
himself had for many years effectively been answering and saying: Oh Gordon,
my son, it is you whom I have chosen to talk to face to face, and you can carry
this burden, and I will help you to do so. For he has said in many places in the

4 Jehovah has sworn (and he will feel no regret): You are a priest to time
indefinite, according to the manner of Melchizedek! (Psalm 110).

And Gordon has known for a long time that these words apply to Jesus and
himself and others. But he is made very happy by the true God when one of his
brothers sorts out a biblical problem for him. Because then he knows that God
has blessed his brother as he has blessed Gordon, and so Gordon is not alone in
God's love in this respect. Of course it is wonderful to be a son, but it is better
when you have some brothers and sisters.

If the reader is a boss, he will know how easy it is to get employees to park their
backsides in his office, and yet how hard it is to get them to take their brains out
of their parking spaces and use them to solve business problems. How happy a
boss is when a member of staff expends brain power not on his own salary
calculations or on his social advancement, or on making sure that come what
may he is out of the office by 5:25 pm, but rather he expends it on the business
which employs him. How wonderful it is when the business falters and someone
else runs to pick it up before the boss gets there.

So this is what happened in the case of the number of types symbolic meanings
that an account might have. Gordon asked the question at a study group:

Does the book of Revelation have a literal meaning of the type that, yes, John did
actually see a harlot on a beast, and a straight symbolic meaning, the event
symbolism, a simple symbolism (of the type that Jesus explained in the case of
the parable of the Sower of Mark 4 - see [63]) and a coded symbolic meaning, the
account symbolism, the word symbolism (of the type that Jesus explained in the
case of the parable of the wheat and the weeds of Matthew 13). Or does it only
have a literal meaning and a coded symbolic meaning?

It was Lee, who straight away came up with the answer, in the form of the first
two verses of Revelation:

1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things
that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in
signs through him to his slave John,
2 who bore witness to:

the word God gave

and to the witness Jesus Christ gave,
even to all the things he saw (Revelation 1).

Obviously 'all the things he saw' is the literal account, 'the word God gave' is
another meaning and 'the witness Jesus Christ gave' is yet another meaning. So
there must be both an Event symbolism and a Word symbolism.

As mentioned above John is bearing witness to 'The word God gave'. This
therefore is a witness to God's words themselves which is the word symbolic
meaning. John is also bearing witness to the (symbolically expressed) witness

that Jesus gave him in the form of the vision, this then is the event symbolic
account, the symbolic meaning of the events of the vision.

All the things he saw Literal account of the vision

The Word God gave Coded word symbolic meaning of the vision
Straight event symbolic meaning of the
The Witness Jesus Christ gave

By the Consistency Principle, this structure must apply to all symbolic accounts
in the bible, such as parables, visions, dreams etc. Then Gordon was able to put
the whole jigsaw together. Now in Daniel 4, the straight event symbolism cannot
apply to the whole chapter as the Reverend John Aquila Brown, the second
adventists and Charles Russell thought or you end up with Jesus being
counselled as follows:

27 Therefore, Oh king, may my counsel seem good to you, and remove your own
sins by righteousness, and your iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones.
Maybe there will occur a lengthening of your prosperity (Daniel 4).

which counsel plainly does not apply to Jesus. From this we deduce that literal
accounts do not have straight symbolic meanings. So putting these together we

[1] Literal bible accounts only have a coded account symbolic meaning

[2] Symbolic bible accounts have a straight event symbolic meaning and a coded
account symbolic meaning.

[3] Accounts which contain both literal and symbolic portions, such as dreams
explanations and fulfillments, obey the two rules above for their respective

So in the case of Daniel 4, since the chapter is not an entirely symbolic account,
but contains various literal portions, it can not have one straight symbolic
meaning that applies throughout the account. Such a meaning could not apply to
the literal parts of the account, such as Daniel's explanation of the dream and the
fulfillment of the dream. However the dream itself has both a straight symbolic
explanation, which is the one that Daniel interpreted, and resulted in
Nebuchadnezzar spending 7 years living like a wild animal. The coded symbolic
interpretation of the dream gives the Gentile Times and actually the chronology
and activities of FDS3 and FDS4 - see [123].

This then is the true generalisation (as far as we can see it today) of the Reverend
John Aquila Brown's astonishing interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of
Daniel Chapter 4, as having in addition to the interpretation of the dream by
Daniel, a greater symbolic meaning relating to the Gentile Times. This
generalisation extends his revelation to cover every literal and every symbolic
portion of every chapter in the bible:

All symbolic portions of bible accounts have a straight
symbolic meaning, the Event symbolism and a coded
symbolic meaning, the Word Symbolism

All literal portions of bible accounts have, in addition to their

literal meaning, only a coded symbolic meaning, the Word

In fact a literal meaning is an event symbolic meaning with the identity (unity)
symbolism. For non mathematicians, the identity symbolism is where an orange
stands for an orange and a lemon stands for a lemon. It is the symbolism where
the symbolic meaning is the literal meaning.

It was of course God, who through Jesus, opened Lee's eyes to help Gordon out
here. We do not like to say this sort of thing very much, because these types of
statements have been abused to the point of total numbness by so many false
religions in the past. But when Gordon is too weak to carry on, or to tired to jump
a particularly high fence, then the holy spirit just lifts him right up and it carries
him right over. When the spirit helps, the answer appears almost effortless!

Most times one doesn't even realise that God has helped. Because
notwithstanding all of the praise scattered throughout the bible, God is not
interested in praise, he wants love and gratitude. The preponderance of praise
exists to prevent his enemies from reading the bible. He doesn't go in for fanfare,
trumpet blasts, drum rolls, medal pinning ceremonies, Oscar nominations, or
long acceptance speeches. When Jesus died for all mankind, where was the
applause? And who has done any better than him? When he cried out in his
agony with his dying breath to the creator of every atom in the universe saying:
Father receive my spirit, did God even make a response that he was aware of?

One day we, the grateful ones, will know how much God has done for us, and we
will be flabbergasted. Until then, on the odd occasion when one realises that he
has helped, one can feel his love in real time and that is something.

Yes, the true heroes and heroines of this system of things are unsung. They give
without recompense from the world, they succeed without recognition from the
world, they teach without qualifications from the world and they die with hardly a
friend in the World. They save whilst being condemned by the world, they spread
the truth whilst being lied to by the world, and lied about by the world. They keep
their reason in a world with so little of it and they keep their love, a silent victory,
whilst they drown in the deafening roar of self defeating self interest and hatred.


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The 9th Generation Bible Code

'It was revealed to Daniel that the prophecies concerning the last times should be closed up and
sealed until the time of the end: But then the wise should understand, and knowledge should be
increased (Daniel 12:4,9,10). And therefore the longer they have continued in obscurity, the
more hopes there are that the time is at hand in which they are to be made manifest.

If they are never to be understood, to what end did God reveal them?

Certainly he did it for the edification of the church. And if so then it is certain that the church
shall at length attain to the understandings thereof. I mean not all that call themselves Christians,
but a remnant, a few scattered persons which God hath chosen, such as without being led by
interest, education, or human authorities, can set themselves sincerely and earnestly to search
after truth. For Daniel hath said that the wise shall understand, so he said also that none of the
wicked shall understand' - Sir Isaac Newton

[C1] Why would God cause the bible to be written in a code?

[C2] What reason is there to suppose that the bible is in a code?

The Principles of the Code So Far Extracted - Principia Codicis

[C3] The Consistency Principle

[C4] The Power Principle
[C5] The Symbolic Structure Principle
[C6a] The Designations Principle
[C6b] The Successive Designations Principle
[C7a] The Descriptions Principle
[C7b] The Successive Descriptions Principle
[C7c] The Double Articulations Principle
[C7d] The Successive Alternatives Principle
[C7e] The Successive Subjects Principle
[C7f] The Articulations Principle

[C7g] , its a grammatical code
[C8] The Repetitions Principle
[C9] The No Coincidences Principle
[C10] The Times Principle
[C11] The Numerical Principle
[C12] The Jigsaw Principle
[C13] Binary Yes/No Question Principle
[C14] Reader Questions from the holy spirit
[C15] The Parallel Account and Subaccount Principle and Spot the Difference
[C16] The Omission Principle
[C16a] The Ambiguity Principle

Further Elements of the Code

[C17] Helpful tips

[C18] The Symbolic meaning of 7
[C19] Elementary counting and cryptic scriptures
[C20] Equidistant Hebrew Letter Sequences and The 'Bible Code' of Eli Rips and
Michael Drosnin
[C21] The History of Event and Word Symbolism

[C1] Why would God cause the bible to be written in a


Everything that Jesus said to the crowds was in an illustration. Indeed without an
illustration he would not speak to the crowds:

33 So with many illustrations of that sort he would speak the word to them, as far as
they were able to listen.
34 Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them, but privately to his
disciples he would explain all things (Mark 4).

So Jesus decoded his symbolic parables for his disciples only, not for the public at
large. By speaking symbolically, those who did not want to believe that he was Gods
son, could write off his speech as meaningless ramblings about farm animals and
horticulture. They would therefore never get to know Gods plans for men. They would
therefore never be in a position to frustrate them. For the ones who do not want to
believe in God, are Gods and mankinds and their own enemies. For we men and
women are designed in such a way that our beliefs betray our true motivations. After
911, 89% of Pakistani Muslims believed that Muslims were not responsible for the Twin
Towers Tragedy. This design feature of mankind is not unique to Pakistanis. Most of us
believe what we want to believe rather than the truth. For men, and even more so
women, much prefer a convenient lie to an inconvenient truth.

So those of us who do not believe in God, do not want to believe in him because they
do not want God to exist. They do not want him to exist, because if he does exist then
they fear that they will have to serve him and obey him, rather than serving and obeying
their own desires. They do not know that God is a kinder master to them than their own

desires are. Dear reader, do not make this mistake. God gave you your desires to enjoy
them whilst controlling them! He did not give you them to replace him!

Even if all of your experience of people who have ever had power over you is bad, even
if everyone of them has abused you, and even if everyone you have ever loved has
abused you, there is yet in existence a God who behaves just as his son did whilst he
was on earth. He does not abuse his power, and does not abuse your love. His name is
Jehovah, it is he who is the Father of Jesus. But he does allow Satan to abuse you,
your love, his power and anything else he gets his hands on. For Jesus was described
by Paul with reference to God as:

3He is the reflection of [his] glory and the exact representation of his very being
(Hebrews 1).

These people who do not believe are, in the great finesse of our God, unwittingly, their
own enemies. Because God is their friend and means of life and salvation. Without him
they have no future. They are choosing not to believe in their own future.

But they are free to choose such a course if they wish, and most people do so choose.
So it is because mankind has one main enemy, a lying murderer, Satan, and it is
because this fraud has many unwitting followers, that God's book, the bible is written in
a code. Satan has been trying to persuade God to wipe out the whole human race for
nearly 6,000 years in order to justify his murderous act on Eve. He is trying to cheat us
out of our inheritance, which is to be ageless humans on earth in the Kingdom of God
after Armageddon, and to be angels in heaven and eventually to be God's ourselves,
just like our Father. Beloved reader, do not be fooled by your physical weakness, the
family you come from is a family of Gods, and like begets like. But it is because we are
always at war in this system that coded messages are used. We are at war even when
the world is at peace:

23 But I behold in my members another law warring against the law of my mind and
leading me captive to sin's law that is in my members (Romans 7).

Our mind is at war with our body, as regards sin. God has created us this way to teach
us about sin.

In the Second World War, the Germans and the British both used codes. The British
cracked the German code using the enigma computer in Bletchley (according to the
movies this was as a result of an American submarine crew which stole a German code
machine from a U boat). There is a marvelous and tragic story of the great wisdom of
Winston Churchill in relation to this. The British decoded a German message that they
were going to completely carpet bomb the city of Coventry on a certain day and destroy
it. Winston then had to decide whether to save the people of Coventry, by evacuating
them or not. The problem with evacuating Coventry was that the Germans had spies,
and would have found out that Coventry was evacuated and then deduced that the
British had cracked their code.

Churchill therefore sacrificed the whole town of Coventry, in order to keep this secret
undiscovered. Such was the value that he attached to knowing the Enigma Code. He
knew that if he confined his actions resulting from the breaking of the Code to ones

which would not reveal to the Germans that the British had cracked it, then he could
continue to know their entire strategy possibly right to the end of the war! Such
knowledge was of greater value to Britain than Coventry. Greater value in terms of
saving lives (though not those of the citizens of Coventry) and in terms of shortening
and winning the war, which amounted to the same thing.

Likewise God has encoded information in the bible for the purpose of saving our lives, it
is for our protection. For God is not going to lose in this battle that he is having with his
rebellious son Satan. But we are all caught up in this war. For war is the inevitable
result of the tolerance of evil or of bad. History shows us this.

God would win this war whether the bible was in a code or not and whether Jesus just
blurted out the whole plan for salvation verbatim or not. But God wishes to teach us
good from bad with the minimum possible loss of life and damage to our souls. The
degree of damage and death that we do experience as a race is the measure of the
difficulty he has in teaching us and we have in learning this lesson. We would be the
losers if this book was not in a code.

This code needs to be appealing to Gods friends and revolting to his enemies. Then his
friends will be attracted to it and hopefully spend enough time looking at it to find out
that it is in a code and then will be sufficiently motivated to crack the code and then
pass on the information only to his friends. Whilst his enemies on the other hand will
find the whole thing so revolting and distasteful that they will not study the information
hard enough to even realise that it is in a code. Furthermore when they are told that it is
in a code, they still will not believe it!

Well, since the distinction between Gods friends and enemies is their love or hate for
him and his friends, it is obvious that the information that he sends out should be all
about him and his friends, because this is the only sort of information which will have a
different effect on the two groups. Also this information should look innocuous and
intensely boring to his enemies, and be full of praises upon praises of him to drive off
the enemies and pull in the friends.

God has done this with the bible. All of the praise in the bible is not because God has a
big ego and needs a whole lot of praise which he effectively wrote himself!!! It is to sort
the sheep from the goats. He has given to everybody a book about his past dealings
with his friends, who lived thousands of years ago, who had many camels and lived in
tents and had children and basically did the sort of things that everybody else did back
then. This is of no great consequence to the enemies of God. It just looks like an out of
date soap opera, written by someone who they do not like. Of what interest to a 20th or
21st century currency speculator is it that Esau lost his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of
soup, or that he crossed the Jabbok with 200 female sheep and 20 rams? This sort of
information is hardly the sort of thing that would come up on his Reuters screen.

But hidden in amongst all of the banal, mundane and everyday tribulations of these
friends of God, is the whole of his military plan for saving mankind from sin and death
and retaking the earth from Satan. The plan for men to regain the birthright that Adam
lost, namely everlasting human and angelic life.

22He is revealing the deep things and the concealed things, knowing what is in the
darkness; and with him the light does dwell (Daniel 2).

[C2] What reason is there to suppose that the bible is in

a code ?

Logically, if we examine God's Modus Operandi with men, we see that he hides from
us. We see that he hides what he is doing from us. Nobody has seen him, and who
really knows what he is up to? So given that he inspired the bible:

16 All Scripture is inspired of God (2 Timothy 3).

It should be no great surprise to anyone that the bible too contains hidden information,
since it was ghost written by a hidden God. In other words it is written in a code. This is
not a new idea. Sir Isaac Newton believed the same to be true, but was unable to
discover the code. He could see gravity with his mind, and he knew God well enough to
see that the bible was in a code, but he could not himself decode it. He died trying to
work out the date of Armageddon. He failed not because he lacked faith and not
because he lacked wisdom or intellectual capability, for he had them all in abundance.
He failed because it was not God's time in the late 17th and early 18th centuries for this
to take place. So instead the true God rewarded one of the most spiritual men of the
last millennium with the code of his physical universe. For a spiritual man sees things
with his mind, with his power of reason, things that he cannot detect with his senses. It
is this capability that separates us from the animals. It is this capability that the reader
will need to sharpen as he or she reads this website/book.

Here are two typical sections of the Old Testament:

11 Polish the arrows. Fill the circular shields, Oh men. Jehovah has aroused the spirit of
the kings of the Medes, because it is against Babylon that his idea is, in order to bring
her to ruin. For it is the vengeance of Jehovah, the vengeance for his temple.
12 Against the walls of Babylon lift up a signal. Make strong the watch. Post the
watchmen. Make ready those lying in Ambush. For Jehovah has both formed the idea
and will certainly do what he has spoken against the inhabitants of Babylon.
13 Oh woman residing on abounding waters, abundant in treasures, your end has
come, the measure of your profit making (Jeremiah 51).

13 For I will tread as my [bow] Judah. The bow I will fill with Ephraim, and I will awaken
your sons, Oh Zion, against your sons, Oh Greece, and I will make you as the sword of
a mighty man.
14 And over them Jehovah himself will be seen, and his arrow will certainly go forth just
like lightning. And on the horn the Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself will blow, and he will
certainly go with the windstorms of the south (Zechariah 9).

These passages are written in colourful, poetic, symbolic language. Here is a typical
section of the New Testament:

4 Therefore we were buried with him through our baptism into his death, in order that,
just as Christ was raised up from the dead through the glory of the father, we should

likewise walk in a newness of life.
5 For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall also be
[united with him in the likeness] of his resurrection (Romans 6).

This passage is written in symbolic, logically contorted language. Most people who read
the bible, believe that the reason it is hard to understand is that 2,000 years ago people
wrote and spoke in this complicated symbolic or logically contorted way. But the truth is
that they did not. Here is a typical passage from Josephus' book on the history of the
Jews. He was a Jewish general born ten or twenty years after Jesus:

But as for the richer sort, it proved all one to them whether they stayed in the city or attempted to
get out of it, for they were equally destroyed in both cases. For every such person was put to
death under this pretense, that they were going to desert - but in reality that the robbers might get
what they had. The madness of the seditious did also increase together with their famine, and
both those miseries were every day inflamed more and more. For there was no corn which
anywhere appeared publicly, but the robbers came running into, and searched mens private
houses. And then if they found any, they tormented them, because they had denied they had any.
And if they found none, they tormented them worse, because they supposed they had more
carefully concealed it. The indication they made use of whether they had any or not, was taken
from the bodies of these miserable wretches. Which, if they were in good case, they supposed
were in no want at all of food. But if they were wasted away, they walked off without searching
any farther.

As you can see, it reads just like a modern History book. Likewise if one reads Latin or
Greek historical works from the same period (which are mainly about wars) they read
just like a history book might read today. Another good example are the books of I and II
Maccabees. These describe the plight of the Jews starting from around 170 BC. They
just read like normal history books. But the bible is written in a different way to any other
book of its time or of any time. Even in the literal meaning of the book, it is hard to
deduce precisely what is being said. One needs to think hard, one needs to think
logically and think in abstract symbolic terms, just to understand the literal meaning. In
other words even the literal meaning is somewhat coded. But there is another reason
why this book is written so strangely, and it is that the bible is written in a symbolic,
numeric and cryptic code. It is in fact a 4 dimensional book including the literal meaning.
This is why sections of it are very strangely written. It is because there is more to this
book than the literal meaning. The accounts have to work in the symbolically coded and
numerically coded meanings too, which effects the way in which they are written
literally. Basically the literal accounts look a bit weird because the words also form
symbolic accounts.

Here are 5 further reasons that we can see to suppose that the bible is written in a

1. Why would such a clever God write such a stupid book?

2. Spirituality is defined as seeing with the mind things which are undetectable to
the senses. The bible is unarguably a spiritual book from God. It is therefore
written in a spiritual way. So it's written in such a way that its true meaning is not
visible with the eye but is detectable only with the power of reason, the eyes of
the mind. The literal meaning is clearly visible with the eye. It therefore has a
further meaning which is invisible and is not the literal meaning. So this further

meaning is a coded meaning. It is written in a spiritual code, which is a visible
vehicle for an invisible meaning.

3. Every word that Jesus spoke publicly was symbolic:

33 So with many illustrations of that sort he would speak the word to them, as far
as they were able to listen.
34 Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them, but privately to his
disciples he would explain all things (Mark 4).

And Jesus was responsible not only for his own words but for all of the words of
every bible writer as we shall see.

4. The bible itself says that it is written in a code!

5. Paul describes one particular account in Genesis 16 as being a symbolic drama.

We now investigate each of these 5 in more detail.

C2.1 Why would such a clever God write such a stupid book?

'God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.' -Voltaire

We are looking at the whole book as being effectively written by one person, because
Paul tells us that it was:

16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting
things straight, for disciplining in righteousness (2 Timothy 3).

And Peter tells us:

21For prophecy was at no time brought by man's will, but men spoke from God as they
were borne along by holy spirit (2 Peter 1).

If you truly believe that God, whilst not being the physical author of the book, has
inspired every bible writer to express his story in the writers own literary style, and in
his own phraseology, even in the way he wanted to say it but in Gods words. Then
given this, there is a question that is begging to be asked, and it is this:

How could the creator of the perfect universe, which is a gigantic and inordinately
intricate example of hyper intelligence, perfection and complete understanding wisdom
and control, write or inspire to be written such a daft book?

Or: Why would such a clever guy write such a stupid book?

How can the true God, the grand creator of the great works that Newton and Einstein
could barely scratch into the surface of be an order of magnitude worse than Steven
Spielberg when it comes to telling a story?

The reader might think that asking this question is an insult to God, or even a
blasphemy. We would argue that not asking this question is the real insult, an insult that
all mankind has been repeating every day for the past 2000 years. Because by not
asking this question you are saying that you would expect God to inspire such a badly
written book (in the literal meaning). You are saying that you are not surprised that he
has written such a book. Which is saying that you do not think he is capable of telling a
story properly. Whereas the more logical and more respectful explanation for the
peculiar way in which the bible is written, is that just as Newton and Einstein knew that
they were only scratching at the surface of the beauty and perfection of Gods universe,
so the seeker of bible truth knows that he is only scratching at the surface of the beauty
and perfection of Gods holy book. And this surface is the literal meaning of the book.

For the bible in the literal meaning, the surface itself, is written in an ambiguous,
repetitive manner and is full of absolutely crucial omissions, and laden with really
unnecessary and trivial detail.

One has to ask rhetorically:

Is God unable to properly focus on the key points in bible stories?

Is he the first person to write a history book with none of the important dates in it?

Why does he keep repeating himself in almost every account?

Does a person who can create hundreds of languages from nothing in one instant of
time and simultaneously teach them to every living human in that very instant as
described in the account of Babel in Genesis11:

1 Now all the earth continued to be of one language and of one set of words.
5 And Jehovah proceeded to go down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men
had built.
6 After that Jehovah said: Look! They are one people and there is one language for
them all, and this is what they start to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have
in mind to do that will be unattainable for them.
7 Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen
to one another's language.
8 Accordingly Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth, and
they gradually left off building the city.
9 That is why its name was called Babel, because there Jehovah had confused the
language of all the earth, and Jehovah had scattered them from there over all the
surface of the earth (Genesis 11).

Does this person have a problem in telling a simple story in just one language when he
has all the time in the world to tell it?

Consider please the following masterpieces:

12 However, they found out of the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead four hundred girls,
virgins, that had not had intercourse with a man by lying with a male (Judges 21).

One wonders how else they could lose their virginity?

1Now Joshua was old, being advanced in years. So Jehovah said to him: You yourself
have grown old and have advanced in years (Joshua 13).

What an astute observation!

25 They stoned them with stones!! (Joshua 7)

8 Abraham's life that he lived!! (Genesis 25) Well what else could he have done with it?

8 Then Abraham expired and died! (Genesis 25)

49 The alien resident who is residing as an Alien?? (Exodus 12)

Why in Jeremiah chapter 41 is Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama,
described as: Ishmael the son of Nethaniah 11 times and as plain old Ishmael 6 times in
the same account, when there is no other Ishmael in the account? Why does the holy
spirit have to tell us the same thing 11 times in one chapter of the bible? Why did
mankind have to carry all this unnecessary repetitive information around for 2500
years? How could the God of recycling whose creation, nature, wastes absolutely
nothing on this planet, waste all those holy words? Something is not right here!

There are four accounts in Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9 & John 6 of the feeding of the
5,000. Why? Why was this particular account repeated 4 times, when the account of the
man who had been lame for 38 years at the pool in Bethzatha in John 5 to whom Jesus

8 Get up, pick up your bed and walk (John 5).

is only mentioned once in the holy book? How can a perfect God be so inconsistent?

4 The Rock, perfect is his activity, For all his ways are justice (Deuteronomy 32).

How about this one:

1 In the twenty-seventh year of Jeroboam the king of Israel, Azariah the son of Amaziah
the king of Judah became king.
2 Sixteen years old he happened to be when he began to reign, and for fifty-two years
he reigned in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Jecoliah of Jerusalem (2 Kings

Great, so we get to know his mothers name! But there was not a man alive for a long
time until 1999 who knew when the 27th year of Jeroboam II actually was. It is extremely
difficult to work this out from the bible. But we have done it (we think) and its 816 BC -
see [91], [101]. It would have been so much more useful if the holy spirit had said: This
was 181 years after Solomon died. Or better still: This was 697 years after the Jews left
Egypt. Or better still: This being 3177 years after Adam sinned! Instead we get to know
his mums name!

In this vein the bible tells us that a Philistine character called Ishbi-benob had a spear
that weighed 300 shekels of copper (2 Samuel 21:16). Well, How fascinating! But it fails
to tell us when Jesus was born! or what year he died in! Most people do not know this
even today. But all literate mankind knows that Ishbi-benob's spear weighed 300
shekels of copper. What kind of a God could get his priorities so wrong? Who cares
about the weight of this trogladite's spear? The dates of Jesus' birth and his death are
absolutely crucial to any understanding of God's plan for mankind. The weight of this
chaps spear clearly is not (not in the literal meaning at least!)

C2.2 The Bible is a spiritual book

In section [1] which reconciles the millions of years of human fossils with the creation
account in Genesis, see - Millions of years of human fossils reconciled with Genesis,
we discover that God introduced himself to mankind through Adam and Eve once Homo
sapiens had developed, or dare we say evolved? to the point where he had become
'spiritual'. By this we mean that he could deduce with his powers of reason the
existence of things which he could not detect with his physical sensory powers. By this
we mean that he became able to entertain a logical train of thought, a multi stage
thought process. A good example of this is gravity. Isaac Newton 'saw' gravity with his
mind, having first 'decoded' God's physical laws of motion. But the ability that modern
man has to do what Newton did, was the trigger for God to introduce himself to us.

The reason that God did not introduce himself to us before we had developed
spirituality, was that he did not want to introduce himself to us physically. He wanted to
introduce himself to us spiritually, because firstly he wanted us all to retain the option of
not seeing him if that was our desire, and secondly, he wished only to be seen by those
who had a sufficiently great desire to see him that they were prepared to make the
effort to use their powers of reason to deduce his existence with their mind from the
physical clues which he had prepared for them. Hence Jesus said:

8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God (Matthew 5).

Those who are pure in heart, want to know the truth about their origins, as a matter of
gratitude to a humble God. Those who pursue the truth regardless of any fears or
misconceptions they may hold that such knowledge might prove detrimental to their
relationship with their partner of their peers or their business colleagues. These ones,
since their heart will not, out of fear, prevent them from searching with their mind, will
find the truth. And the truth is that there is a God who created us, and created the
current playpen in which we reside.

In the physical universe one can quite clearly see the character of God, the creator. He
is perfect, he wastes nothing but recycles it all, he is incredibly hard working, he is very
generous, he is kind, he loves us. But one cannot see God himself physically, one can
only deduce what he might be like from what one can see of his works. The game
which God is asking us to play is rather like trying to deduce the Character of Mozart
from his sonata's or Van Gough from his paintings. Likewise we can deduce the
character of Satan from the activities of Hitler or from a Pornographic Magazine
proprietor who frustrates all of mankind with images of women which can be seen but
not touched whilst he himself has half a dozen of these very women which he both sees
and touches (we wish).

Now God's book, the bible, is his training manual, his instruction leaflet, his users guide,
his online help button for mankind. It was created by the same God who created the
universe and therefore is manufactured using the same Modus Operandi. It is therefore
a spiritual book. So one will likewise have to use one's powers of reason to see God
even through his book. If we really want to know him we will have to look beneath the
literal surface meaning of the book. It has a hidden meaning, discernable by the power
of reason, a meaning that is not literally stated. So it is written in a code.

C2.3 Every word that Jesus spoke publicly was symbolic

Make no mistake, Jesus only spoke publicly (or to the crowds) in illustrations. His
speaking like this was itself an illustration that the truth is not what you see on the

33 So with many illustrations of that sort he would speak the word to them, as far as
they were able to listen.
34 Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them, but privately to his
disciples he would explain all things (Mark 4).

But Jesus is called the word by John in the famous scripture:

1 In beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was [a] god
(John 1).

And John is told by the angel in Revelation that he has the name: The word of God.

3And he is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is
called is The Word of God (Revelation 19).

But the word of God is the bible:

6And so you have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition (Matthew

17Also, accept the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, that is, God's word
(Ephesians 6).

But the word of God is Jesus:

1On an occasion when the crowd was pressing close upon him and listening to the
word of God, he was standing beside the lake of Gennesaret (Luke 5).

Jesus wasnt quoting scriptures at them, he was speaking in illustrations as he always

did, so here the word of God meant Jesus. So Jesus is the word of God which is the
bible. So Jesus is the bible. This identification is meant in the sense that God was the
author, Jesus was the editor/publisher, and the writers were the journalists. As regards
Gods son:

3All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing
came into existence (John 1).

So in particular the bible came into existence through him. Actually no, everything
physical before Adam's sin came into existence through Satan, who was the firstborn
son of God. But Michael, who is Jesus, became God's firstborn earning this right from
his sacrifice as an angel - see [243]. But now the reader will see why Michael was
called the word. Because Satan lost his firstborn right (for God to act exclusively
through him as described in John 1:3), when he killed Adam. The right was then no
one's until Jesus died. But Jesus got the firstborn right (of God acting exclusively
through him) as regards the writing of the bible as a result of his promising to make the
sacrifice which he made on Friday April 1, 33 AD. So he became 'the word', due to his
having this right. So every chapter of the bible, every verse of the bible, every word of
the bible came into existence through him. And whether Jesus was speaking to the
crowds or writing for the crowds through the prophets, he used the same illustrative
modus operandi, he communicated symbolically.

The word of God is an example of a word or phrase in the bible which has two different
literal meanings. Another such word is presence, which in the bible can mean either the
presence of the Christ or the manifestation of the Christ during a presence. The concept
of one word or phrase having two literal meanings depending on the context is unusual
to English speaking people. We have a language which eliminates such ambiguities by
using a larger vocabulary. But the Hebrew language often has one root word with
several different meanings dependent on the context.

John calls Jesus the word of life, and the life and the everlasting life in the first verse of
his first letter:

That which was from [the] beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen
with our eyes, which we have viewed attentively and our hands felt, concerning
the word of life.

Yes, the life was made manifest, and we have seen and are bearing witness and
reporting to you the everlasting life which was with the Father and was made
manifest to us (1 John 1:1,2).

But what is the word of life if it is not the word of God, the bible? For Jesus said to
Satan quoting Moses:

But in reply he said: It is written: Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every
utterance coming forth through Jehovah's mouth (Matthew 4:4).

So he humbled you and let you go hungry and fed you with the manna, which
neither you had known nor your fathers had known; in order to make you know
that not by bread alone does man live but by every expression of Jehovah's
mouth does man live (Deuteronomy 8:3).

These utterances from Gods mouth are the words of life. And all of such are in the
bible. And yet Jesus is called by the same name! This is not a coincidence, it is
because he is the one mediator between God and men:

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ
Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5).

He was the angel that gave the law to Moses. He was the angel in the burning
thornbush as Stephen and Paul disclosed:

You who received the Law as transmitted by angels but have not kept it (Acts

Why, then, the Law? It was added to make transgressions manifest, until the seed
should arrive to whom the promise had been made; and it was transmitted
through angels by the hand of a mediator (Galatians 3:19).

So God inspired men to write the bible through Jesus. It was Jesus, who existed as the
angel Michael before he entered the son of Joseph & Mary at his baptism, who put the
words into the mouths of the prophets, all the bible writers for the scripture says:

All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one
thing came into existence (John 1:3).

So in particular the bible came into existence through him. Every chapter of the bible,
every verse of the bible every word of the bible came into existence through him. So
Jesus is the word of God, the word of life, and the bible is the word of God and the word
of life.

What all of this means is that since Jesus, when he was a human, spoke entirely in
illustrations, in parables. And since Jesus, in his pre - human existence, as the angel
Michael, who was called the word, himself transmitted the words of the bible to the bible
writers, then we have no reason to suppose that the words he transmitted as an angel
to the bible writers were any less symbolic, any less illustrative, any less coded, than
the words he directly transmitted with his mouth as a human. Because Jesus like God is
consistent in his approach to men. In other words, the whole book is a series of
illustrations or parables. For an illustration is a symbolic code. Even the account of
David & Goliath for example. The parables of Jesus are examples explaining the
structure of the whole book.

What is more, Jesus has shown us directly how to interpret his parables, namely by
constructing a symbolic look up table:

Then after dismissing the crowds he went into the house. And his disciples came
to him and said: Explain to us the illustration of the weeds in the field.

In response he said:

The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man;

The field is the world
as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the
sons of the wicked one,
and the enemy that sowed them is the Devil.

The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things
and the reapers are angels.

Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the
conclusion of the system of things (Matthew 13:36-40).

In the case of the bible book of Revelation, we are told directly how it was given to

A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things
that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in
signs through him to his slave John (Revelation 1:1).

So Jesus, the mediator, gave it to an angel who presented it symbolically to John. But
this is the same process that Stephen and Paul have disclosed was used to transmit
the law to us. The law really means the first five books. So the right question to ask now

Did Jesus have some different process that he used for all the other books of the bible?

The answer to this question is no. He is not inconsistent, he wasnt developing

processes as he went along like we humans do. He was acting on behalf of God who
knows everything before he starts:

Remember the first things of a long time ago, that I am the Divine One and there
is no other God, nor anyone like me; the One telling from the beginning the finale,
and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying: My own
counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do (Isaiah 46:9,10).

So not just Revelation but the whole book is presented in signs through Jesus the
mediator and through his angel, it is all symbolic, it is all in a symbolic code! To sum it
all up: God is the publisher of the bible, Jesus is the editor, and the bible writers are the
journalists. Although the editing that Jesus did was in real time.

C2.4 The bible itself says that it is written in a code!

Solomon said:

2The Glory of God is the keeping of a matter secret, and the glory of kings is the
searching through a matter (Proverbs 25).

4 If you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for
5 in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very
knowledge of God (Proverbs 2).

So this knowledge is hidden. And it is hidden in the bible, for Paul says of Jesus:

3Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge
(Colossians 2).

Well, these treasures are not stuffed up his shirt or down his trousers, although in a
sense, they are in his body, which is his church. Basically they are hidden in the
information we have on him. This information is the bible. For as we have seen above,
Jesus is the word of God, which is also 'the bible'. Paul describes how it is hidden and

7 But we speak God's wisdom in a sacred secret, the hidden wisdom, which God
foreordained before the systems of things for our glory (1 Corinthians 2).

10 For it is to us God has revealed them through his spirit, for the spirit searches into all
things, even the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2).

So again we see that wisdom is hidden in this book, concealed or coded. For a code is
hidden written information. This is why Jesus says:

2There is nothing carefully concealed that will not be revealed, and secret that will not
become known (Luke 12).

7Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on
knocking, and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7).

And really you do not have to look that far. But you do have to look, yourself! For God
said to Adam:

19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread (Genesis 3)

And Jesus said to Satan:

4But in reply he said: It is written, 'Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every
utterance coming forth through God's mouth' (Matthew 4)

From the two of which it is not hard to deduce that we will digest God's word in the
sweat of our faces as well as digesting bread in this way.

Gabriel said to Daniel:

4And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time
of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant
(Daniel 12).

We are now in this time, this book/website is the proof, see - Daniel 8, Daniel 12. Daniel
said to Nebuchadnezzar:

28However, there exists a God in the heavens who is a Revealer of secrets, and he has
made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what is to occur in the final part of the days
(Daniel 2).

And not only to him! But also to Jesus, who opened up the minds of his disciples:

45Then he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures (Luke

It is quite a task.

25 The woman said to him: I know that Messiah is coming, who is called Christ.
Whenever that one arrives, he will declare all things to us openly.
26 Jesus said to her: I who am speaking to you am he (John 4).

So the scriptures do not declare things openly, but the Christ opened them up. So the
scriptures are coded.

Jesus opened up the scriptures to their minds.

There is a holy code for the holy scriptures, and there is a bible within the bible!

C2.5 Paul describes one particular account in Genesis as a

symbolic drama

22 For example, it is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl
and one by the free woman;
23 but the one by the servant girl was actually born in the manner of flesh, the other by
the free woman through a promise.
24 These things stand as a symbolic drama; for these [women] mean two covenants,
the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar.
25 Now this Hagar means Sinai, a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the
Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children.
26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother (Galatians 4).

Hagar stood for the Law covenant mediated by Moses and Sarah for the new covenant
mediated by Jesus, described as Pauls mother. But what is so special about this
particular account in Genesis? Is it the only one to be a symbolic drama? And what is
so special about Genesis in the old testament. Might there not be some symbolic
dramas in Exodus? In fact, we know that the bible is a consistent book having but one
ghost writer - if the reader will pardon the metaphor! So any element of the bible code
that we find to be true for one account is therefore true in every account. We call this
the Consistency Principle of the code. So the whole book stands as one giant symbolic

[C3] The Consistency Principle

Any element of the code that is found to be true for one account, is true for every
account in the whole bible.

Or: Every account in the bible is written in precisely the same code

3All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing
came into existence (John 1).

16 All scripture is inspired of God (2 Timothy 3).

The Bible has one editor, Jesus Christ, and it has one ghost writer, inspirer - God. So it
is consistent as a book, it does not contradict itself. This principle follows either from
faith that God is the true author of the book, and that it is therefore consistent and
therefore all in the same language or code. Or, in the alternative it follows from the
academic axiom that 'the bible is perfect'. For if it is perfect then it is consistent,
therefore it effectively has only one author and so it is all in the same language or code.

[C4] The Power Principle

Every word in the bible has power in the greater meaning if not in the literal meaning.

18For truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one
smallest letter or one particle of a letter to pass away from the Law by any means and
not all things take place (Matthew 5).

17 Indeed, it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one particle of a letter
of the Law to go unfulfilled (Luke 16).

There are no wasted words in the bible. So repetitions have power, double descriptions
have power. Seemingly trivial details have power. Every tense of every verb, every case
of every word has power:

12For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged
sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their]
marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart (Hebrews 4).

37 But that the dead are raised up even Moses disclosed, in the account about the
thornbush, when he calls Jehovah 'the God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of
38 He is a God, not of the dead, but of the living, for they are all living to him (Luke

So we must look at tense, the angel did not say the he used to be the God of Abraham.

16Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. It says, not: And to
seeds; as in the case of many such, but as in the case of one: And to your seed; who is
Christ (Galatians 3).

So we must look at number, whether a word is singular or plural.

We will use the Power Principle to deduce other principles and symbolic

First example of the Power Principle

In the midst of years oh bring it to life, in the midst of years may you make it known
(Habakkuk 3:2).

This scripture applies to the resurrection of Jesus and to God's means of salvation from
death, Jesus' death, being made known in the midst of a period of years. Now in
Hebrew the word translated 'midst of' means either 'amongst' or 'middle of'.
Obviously if it means 'amongst' then the scripture is telling us very little if anything. But if
it means 'middle of' and we know the period of years concerned then we are being told
the dates of Jesus' death and his resurrection here. By the Power Principle if we do
know the period of years concerned and it is a large period, then the latter meaning of
the Hebrew must be correct.

Second example of the Power Principle

There are Irrelevant Details in the bible. The more irrelevant a detail appears to be in
the literal meaning, the more relevant it must be in symbolic meaning

This follows from the Power Principle. The bible is full of seemingly irrelevant detail and
crucial omissions. We saw in the case of King David's purchasing of the wood and
cattle for the first sacrifice on the site of Solomon's temple (that today houses a mosque
in Jerusalem) that he paid 50 shekels of silver for them - see [c11.1] or see [40]. Great,
who wants to know this? Are we going to put in a counter offer 3000 years later? The
temple mount in Jerusalem is not an easy place to purchase right now! But the account
does not tell us when Joab handed David the results of the registration. And neither are
we told how long after David received the registration he made this sacrifice. We want
to know this in order that we can verify whether our understanding of the 1,100,000
men of Israel drawing sword at one day per man is correct - see [c11.1] or see [40].

But actually, using the Numerical Principle of the code - [c11] the 50 shekels stand for
the precise time period that we are looking for between David receiving the results from
Joab, completing his registration sin, and him pacifying God with this sacrifice, 50 days,
at a day for a shekel. So the price that David paid in shekels, is the period of time for
which his sin remained unforgiven in days, a shekel for a day. So this seemingly
irrelevant information, actually provides the answer in the symbolic meaning. This is
how the bible is written. Here is another classic:

10 Jesus said: Have the men recline as at meal. Now there was a lot of grass in the
place. Therefore the men reclined, about 5,000 in number (John 6).

Really, a lot of grass! Were people going to get hay fever? Were there any daisies?
How about Dandelions? Was there any clover?

[C5] The Symbolic Structure Principle

Definition: A bible account is a self contained complete bible story. There may be
several of these in one chapter, or an account may span several chapters. These
accounts may refer to other bible accounts

Definition: The Event symbolic meaning of a symbolic account is the symbolic
interpretation of the events in an account.

Definition: The Word symbolic meaning of a literal or a symbolic account is the

symbolic interpretation of the words of the account.

Definition: A prophetic form is a repetitive phrase whose grammatical structure has

coded information about the word symbolic meanings of part or all of an account.

Definition: A subaccount of a bible account is a self contained symbolic or partially

symbolic (i.e. interpretational) section of that account. A prophetic form in a subaccount
only affects that subaccount.

Definition: The narrative of a bible account is all of the literal parts of the account which
are not interpretational. In other words it is all of the parts of the account which are not
in the sub accounts. Prophetic forms in narrative only affect the narrative. They have no
affect on any subaccounts.

Definition: A 'countable noun' is a noun acting as a noun (and not as a possessive

adjective) or a participle which declines like a noun acting as a noun (i.e. a gerund).

Every literal account in the bible has the normal literal meaning.

Every non literal account, such as a dream, a parable or a vision, has a straightforward
symbolic meaning, which is the symbolic meaning of the events described in the
account. We call this the Event Symbolic meaning, or the Event Symbolism.

Every interpretational sub account in the bible has its normal literal meaning which
describes the event symbolic meaning of one or more symbolic sub accounts. If the
interpretation has symbolic sections then these have event symbolic meanings.

Every account in the bible, which:

[1] contains a 'countable noun', which is a noun acting as a noun (or a participle which
declines as a noun which is used as a noun, such as a 'baker' - the one causing [things]
to be baked - a Hiphil participle in Hebrew) which is repeated an even number of times
(wherein all repeated words take the same meaning in the literal account or in the event
symbolism), and which does not contain a double designation - see [Code6b] or which

[2] has a parallel account elsewhere in the bible,

has a further set of one, two, three or four (so far as we have found) word symbolic

The number of Word Symbolic meanings in a sub account is determined by the

Successive Designations Principle below - see [Code6b]. These greater meanings are
in addition to the literal meaning, in the case of a literal account, and are in addition to
the straightforward symbolic meaning, the event symbolic meaning, in the case of a

symbolic account such as a dream, a vision or a parable. They are in addition to the
literal/event symbolic meaning of an interpretational sub account.

If a bible account contains an interpretational subaccount (typically an interpretation

from Jesus, Daniel or Joseph), then the literal meaning of the interpretation is the event
symbolic meaning of the symbolic subaccount which it is interpreting. Obviously since
the narrative is also literal, its literal meaning sets the scene for the event symbolic
meaning of all of its symbolic subaccounts.

The first word symbolic meaning of any interpretational subaccount is the first word
symbolic meaning of the symbolic subaccount which it interprets. Furthermore the
existence of a first word symbolic thread in an interpretational subaccount unites the
first word symbolic meaning of the narrative to the first word symbolic meaning of the
symbolic subaccount which the interpretation is explaining.

Likewise the second, third, fourth word symbolic meanings of any interpretational
subaccount (if they exist) are the second third fourth word symbolic meanings of the
symbolic subaccount which it interprets. Furthermore the existence of a second, third,
fourth word symbolic thread in an interpretational subaccount unites the second, third,
fourth word symbolic meaning of the narrative to the second, third, fourth word symbolic
meaning of the symbolic subaccount which the interpretation is explaining.

Likewise the non existence of a first second third fourth word symbolic thread in an
interpretational subaccount decouples the first second third fourth word symbolic
meaning of the symbolic account which it interprets from the first second third fourth
word symbolic meanings of the narrative respectively.

So the Word symbolic meaning is the symbolic interpretation of the words used to
describe the events in the account. Whereas the Event Symbolic meaning is the
symbolic interpretation of the events themselves. Perhaps this extra bible within the
bible is another reason why Jesus is called: The Word.

Here is an example of the symbolic structure of Genesis 41, the classic symbolic
structure puzzle from the Holy Spirit. This symbolic structure table does not go into the
number of fulfilments of each word thread of each subaccount.

The sub account (partial) symbolic structure of Genesis 41

Cow Dream Corn Dream Cow Recital Corn Recital Narrative
Literal of
Event Event Event Event Literal
Word1 of
Word1 Word1 Word1 Word1 Word1
Word2 of
Word2 Word2 Word2 Word2 Word2
Word3 Word3

Word1 means the first word symbolic thread of the subaccount. Each colour stands for
a different symbolic meaning set for the countable nouns. The Cow Recital and the Cow
dream take the same meaning in their event symbolism, since they both refer to the
same events. They take the same symbolic meanings in their word symbolisms by the
parallel sub account principle - see [Code15]. The same is true of the Corn dream and
the Corn recital. Joseph's Interpretation links the meaning of the narrative which is
literal to the event symbolic meanings of the recitals (which Joseph actually heard)
which are symbolic.

By the Symbolic Structure Principle above, since the interpretation has a first word
thread, the symbolic accounts that it interprets (the recitals) have the same symbolism
as the narrative in this word thread. The same is true for the second word thread. And in
all the word threads the recitals of the dreams have the same word symbolism as the
dreams themselves by the parallel subaccount principle. So the interpretation links the
word symbolisms of the symbolic accounts to the literal account the narrative. The
interpretation itself is both symbolic and literal. So the red and blue bands are universal
across all the 6 subaccounts due to the existence of a first and second word thread in
Joseph's interpretation. The third word thread of the recital of the cows does not share
the same symbolism as the third word thread of the narrative because Joseph's
interpretation does not have a third word thread. So we used two different shades of
Lilac for these symbolisms. For a full decoding of Genesis 40 and 41 - see [304]

Most accounts in the bible do have word symbolic meanings but some do not. Some
accounts only have their literal or event symbolic meanings. For example...

The two blind people cured in the house

27 As Jesus was passing along from there, two blind [ones] followed him, crying out and
saying: Have mercy upon us, Son of David.
28 After he had gone into the house, the blind [ones] came to him, and Jesus asked
them: Do you have faith that I can do this? They answered him: Yes, Lord.
29 Then he touched their eyes, saying: According to your faith let it happen to you.
30 And their eyes received sight. Moreover, Jesus sternly charged them, saying: See that
nobody gets to know it.
31 But the [ones], after getting outside, made it public about him in all that region.
(Matthew 9)

Jesus 3x
Son of David 1x
Lord 1x

This literal bible account has no 'bible noun' occurring an even number of times and no
double designations. It doesn't have a parallel account, so it has no word symbolic

The Dragnet

47 The kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet thrown into the sea, and gathering up
[fish] of every kind.
48 When it got full they hauled it up onto the beach, and sitting down, they collected the

fine ones into vessels, the unsuitable they threw outside.
49 This is how it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. The angels will go out
and separate the wicked ones out of the midst of the righteous ones, and will cast them
into the fiery furnace. There is where the weeping and the gnashing of teeth will be
(Matthew 13).

This symbolic bible account has no repeated 'bible noun' and has no parallel account
and no double designation. It therefore has no word symbolism.

If the reader is puzzling over what precise distinction we are making, between event
symbolism and word symbolism then please consider the following non scriptural

King Nebuchadnezzar went fishing. The king caught a fish. Nebuchadnezzar put the
fish back. His servants said: My Lord, why did you not eat the fish. Nebuchadnezzar the
King of Babylon said: Because I didn't have any chips to eat it with!

In the literal meaning of this little (made up) story the character referred to variously as:

King Nebuchadnezzar (adjective and noun)

The King
My Lord
Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon (double designation)

... is just one character. He is Nebuchadezzar, the King of Babylon, the Lord over his
servants. But in the Word symbolism, we are talking about 5 different but related
characters. 'My Lord', 'the King' and 'Nebuchadnezzar' may be totally unrelated, but
King Nebuchadnezzar will be related to 'The King' and to 'Nebuchadnezzar' and to
'Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon', since it shares common words with these other

Event symbolism is referred to variously in this book and in the website as the first symbolism, the straight symbolism, the
straightforward symbolism.

Word symbolism is referred to as the second symbolism, the coded symbolism, the
account symbolism.

Peter says:

19 Consequently we have the prophetic word [made] more sure and you are doing well
in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a
daystar rises, in your hearts.
20 For you know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private
21 For prophecy was at no time brought by man's will, but men spoke from God as they
were borne along by holy spirit (2 Peter 1).

So all of the word of God, the word of life, the bible, is prophetic. They are all prophetic

8 The sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has spoken who will not prophesy? (Amos 3).

The bible is the word of God, and is all delivered to us through Jesus, who is also called
the word of God - see [C2.3] so it is all prophetic. This is what Paul meant when he

12For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged
sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their]
marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart (Hebrews 4).

The word being alive, means that it has a further life over and above its literal meaning.
This is how it exerts power in the prophetic sense. The bible is not a dead history book
of past events. It is also a living history book of future events symbolically encoded in
the stories of the past events. This works because history is fractal. Was it Churchill
who said: The further back you look into history, the further forward you see? The same
is true of the bible, but actually because each account has more than one life. They all
have greater meanings. These meanings are normally prophetic and so are further
fulfillments of the scriptures.

One can use the Consistency Principle to deduce that the whole bible is prophetic just
from the fact that certain scriptures are prophetic. Likewise since certain scriptures are
laws, we can deduce that the whole bible is the 'Law of God', using the same principle.
And since certain scriptures are Psalms, we can deduce that the whole bible is a giant
praise to God, it is one huge Psalm, by the Consistency Principle.

Even when we are being told that Jacob crossed a river with 200 she goats, 20 he
goats, 200 female sheep, 20 rams, 30 camels giving suck and their young ones, 40
cows, 10 bulls, 20 she asses and 10 full grown asses (Genesis 32:14,15) this is
prophetic. It is symbolic, it stands for something greater. Who actually wants to know
the precise numbers of these animals that crossed a river 3800 years ago ? (except
perhaps a historical agricultural economist).

So either the word of God is alive and is exerting power today, through further
fulfillments of words written thousands of years ago or it is dead and powerless. Either
the flaming blade of the sword guarding the way back to the tree of life in the Garden of
Eden (Genesis 3:24), the two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12) that pierces even to the
dividing of soul and spirit, is continuously turning, or it has broken down and has come
to a standstill. Either the word of God has a height and a breadth and a length and a
depth, which we are able to grasp mentally (Ephesians 3:18), or it is flat. Either this
book has further meaning upon further meaning upon further meaning, or it has one
meaning and we should all become Hasidic Jews and start declaring Sabbath-free
zones everywhere.

Incidentally just because a bible account has no second meaning does not mean it is
not in a code. On the contrary it is in a code, a code which prohibits it from having a
further meaning. Here are some examples of word symbolic meanings...

Example 1

1When Israel was a boy, then I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. (Hosea

These words from the prophet Hosea are a historical statement about the calling of the
nation of Israel out of Egypt at the time of Moses. But Matthew knew that they had a
further fulfillment involving a further son:

15 and he stayed there until the decease of Herod, for that to be fulfilled which was
spoken by Jehovah through his prophet, saying: Out of Egypt I called my son (Matthew

This time the son was Jesus who was taken to Egypt by his parents to avoid
persecution by Herod. So there can be no argument that this particular scripture has a
further meaning. This second meaning cannot be literal since there can only be one
literal meaning which is the historical meaning. So the second fulfilment results from a
second meaning which is a symbolic meaning. In fact it is the word symbolic meaning of
this verse of Hosea.

Example 2

Consider now the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:

21 For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's
beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.
22 In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of
the chosen ones those days will be cut short (Matthew 24).

This looks like it applies to a great tribulation leading into Armageddon, since the 'world',
which is biblical terms is the system of things post Adam's fall and pre Armageddon, is
still ongoing, and we haven't all died yet (neither do we all die at the end). But in the
same chapter we read:

15 Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as
spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use
discernment,) 16 then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains (Matthew 24).

This looks like it applies to the end of the Jewish system of things, and the great
tribulation on the inhabitants of Jerusalem from 66Tishri when the Roman General
Cestius entered the temple in Jerusalem until to 70Ab when the Roman General Titus
burned the temple in Jerusalem. Obviously fleeing to the mountains of Judea is not a
viable option for people in Colorado at the end of the World.

For these reasons and other reasons, many Christian churches understand that
Matthew 24 applies both to the end of the Jewish system of things 66-70 AD and the
end of this system of things (The great tribulation and Armageddon). However what
they have hitherto failed to understand is that rather than some verses applying to one
end and other verses applying to the other end, the whole account has a literal
(although somewhat metaphorically stated) meaning applying to the end of the Jewish

system of things and a symbolic meaning applying to this whole system of things, 'the
world'. So actually every verse applies to the end of Jerusalem by the Romans in the
first meaning and to the end of the World by the final corruption of the UN in the second
meaning, which is the word symbolic meaning of Matthew 24. For the UN started as a
great humanitarian organisation but ends as a corrupt worldwide dictatorship. If you do
not believe that this sort of thing happens, then read animal farm by George Orwell, or
go see Star Wars, the attack of the clones. The bad guys always begin by posing as
saviours - the UK/US are also going rotten by the same route presently. The bible
describes them as follows:

11And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a
lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon (Revelation 13).

The two horns are the twin powers of the US and the UK. The horns of a lamb are
sacrificial and saving. Both powers made great sacrifices and saved the world in two
world wars. But the dragon is Satan's heavenly administration. And right now the US
and the UK have ceased acting as a lamb and have started speaking as a dragon. In
other words we lie. We lie about WMDs and procure war votes from congress and
parliament using deception. Let us be more specific. The US and the UK were genuine
true honest saviours in both World Wars. We used to be the good guys. We were also
genuine true and honest saviours in the first Gulf War under Bush senior and stormy

But in the second Gulf War war, under Bush junior and his generals, we are becoming
the bad guys. During the run up to this war we posed as saviours but were in fact acting
as aggressors on the basis of a deception. This is not to say that the removal of
Saddam was not a good idea. There are many dictators that the world would be better
off without and he was certainly one of them. But without getting involved in politics, it is
a bad idea to lie to congress or parliament about WMDs and a bad idea to trick them
both into declaring war on an unarmed man for the purpose of disarming him. For the
full symbolic meaning of Revelation 13 (as far as we understand it) - see [158].

Now the writer is fully aware that the majority of UK and US nationals will not want to
hear or believe or accept the above, because as a race, man believes what he is
comfortable with and refuses to believe what he is uncomfortable with. This is why God
chooses to save us on our faith, which is our belief. For if we love him, then we will be
comfortable with him and so we will believe, but if we do not, then we will not be
comfortable with him and so we will refuse to believe.

But refusing to believe a truth has no effect on any reality, it only buries your head in the
sand. So please, my brothers from every race, do not be like the Pakistani Muslims who
were surveyed about 911, and 89% of whom believed that Muslims were not
responsible for the Twin Towers Tragedy. And do not be like the sons of Jacob, most of
whom believe that Jesus (whom their forefather's murdered) is not God's son. For we
are all the same as them, and they are all the same as each other in genetic character
predisposition. Believe instead in the truth, however uncomfortable it appears to be and
however embarrassing it may be. Be like Daniel Barenboim the world class Jewish
pianist who plays his music to the Palestinians because he will not hide from the truth.
Now he truly is a son of Abraham, through the 1AC, and God himself will listen to his
music for a very very long time - see [9], because one does not show courage and love

like that without faith in God. And who cares about some minor embarrassment or about
the loss of a few cushions? Surely the truth is greater than these things? for the good
book says:

32 Know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8).

Here are another couple of famous examples from Matthew 24

2 Truly I say to you: By no means will a stone be left here upon a stone and not be
thrown down (Matthew 24).

In the literal meaning, the temple was destroyed by the Roman General Titus in 70 CE,
and the temple was knocked down, and no stone was left standing upon a stone. In the
greater meaning the temple stones are the living stones of the Christian temple of the
body of the Christ, which is all of the new covenant saints. And this is a prophecy that
this temple will be knocked down, whilst the stones are still around. In other words what
happened to the Jews, their rejection by God, will also happen to the first administration
of the Christian church, under the New covenant Saints, these stones.

Jesus when describing the signs of the times to his disciples said:

34 Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these
things occur (Matthew 24).

In other words one generation will see all of the signs of the time and the end. Now we
know that this was true in the case of the disciples and Jewish system of things. They
saw the signs of the times and they saw General Titus destroy Jerusalem and burn the
temple in 70CE. But there is a further meaning that applies to the generation that sees
the signs of the times today during Jesus' second presence. He is present right now,
see - The 2 Presences and 6 related comings of the Christ [33]. In the current meaning
the generation that saw the first world war will see Armageddon (through their

Example 3

The apostle Paul in Galatians 4 informs us that 3 chapters of Genesis are written in a
Symbolic Code. He says:

22 For example, it is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl
and one by the free woman;
23 but the one by the servant girl was actually born in the manner of flesh, the other by
the free woman through a promise.
24 These things stand as a symbolic drama; for these [women] mean two covenants,
the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar.
25 Now this Hagar means Sinai, a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the
Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children.
26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother (Galatians 4).

Now we read about Hagar giving birth to Ishmael in Genesis 16, and we read about
Sarah conceiving Isaac in Genesis 17 and her giving birth to Isaac in Genesis 21. So
Paul is saying to us that these three chapters at the least, are a 'Symbolic Drama'. They
have a greater meaning which is encoded symbolically. So these three chapters are not
just dead history they are also living prophecy written in terms of dead history. They
have a greater meaning relating to covenants. But for the full story of Genesis 16 - see

So come now dear reader, son or daughter of the greatest mind in the universe. Can
you think of a question that is being begged of you by the holy spirit at this time?

What is so special about Genesis 16, Genesis 17, Genesis 21, Matthew 24 and Hosea

Example 4

Here are the words of David before he became King of Israel. David was speaking
about his own persecution as he hid in the wilderness for 7 years from the jealousy of
King Saul.

1 My God, my God, why have you left me? (Psalm 22)

16 For dogs have surrounded me;

The assembly of evildoers themselves have enclosed me.
Like a lion [they are at] my hands and my feet.
17 I can count all my bones.
They themselves look, they gaze upon me.
18 They apportion my garments among themselves
And upon my clothing they cast lots (Psalm 22).

These words were uttered by David about his own personal situation. But they are
inspired prophetic words, and they have a second fulfillment in the
impalement/Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. For he said just before he died:

46Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
(Matthew 27).

Not only this but the soldiers guarding him cast lots over his garments, none of his
bones were broken on the stake (the legs of crucifixion victims were routinely broken by
the Romans to speed up their deaths if necessary). The robbers on either side of him
had their legs broken. Jesus was of course fastened by his hands and his feet to the
stake. So here again is history which is also living prophecy. The literal Psalm applies to
King David, the Word symbolic meaning applies to Jesus Christ. The application of this
psalm of David to Jesus has been known for many years. But no man before 1992
realised that all scripture has a greater application, a greater meaning, not just Psalm

So now we can ask the rhetorical question what is so special about Genesis 16,
Genesis 17, Genesis 21, Matthew 24, Hosea 11 and Psalm 22?

Example 5

17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in
the day you eat from it dying you will die (Genesis 2).

The literal meaning was that Adam died, not physically but judicially on the literal day
that he ate. By Judicial death we mean that Adam was under a death sentence, and 'as
good as dead' from then on. He was living merely by means of a stay of execution of
that sentence. Jesus meant the same thing when he said:

22 Let the dead bury their dead (Matthew 8).

He meant: Let those who are still under Adam's death sentence bury their physically
dead ones. The greater meaning of God's command in Genesis is that all of Adam's
sons die physically during the period or 'day', wherein they continue to eat from this tree
of knowledge of good and bad. So today, for example, even though we are no longer in
the garden of Eden, we are still eating and we are still dying. The 'Day' of Genesis 2:17,
is therefore the 'day' of this system of things, it is still ongoing! But not for much longer.
And when we stop eating, then we stop dying. Putting this another way, once we have
learned Good from Bad, then obviously God no longer needs to kill us Judicially. When
God threw Adam out of the garden he stopped him gaining access not to the tree of
knowledge of Good and Bad, but to the tree of life:

24And so he drove the man out and posted at the east of the garden of Eden the
cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning itself continually to guard the
way to the tree of life (Genesis 3).

Example 6

Jesus regarded the whole bible as the prophetic law of God, he said:

44 He now said to them: These are my words which I spoke to you while I was yet with
you, that all the things written in the law of Moses and in the Prophets and Psalms
about me must be fulfilled.
45 Then he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures (Luke

How can the law of Moses be fulfilled? A law is supposed to be obeyed not fulfilled! But
he says again:

17 Indeed, it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one particle of a letter
of the Law to go unfulfilled (Luke 16).

So the law is all prophetic having a fulfillment. For Paul says further:

1For since the Law has a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very
substance of the things... (Hebrews 10).

But both Jesus and Paul show us that the 'Law' does not merely refer to the Law of
Moses, in the Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. It is the whole bible. The whole book is
the law of God for mankind.

Paul says:

21Tell me, you who want to be under law [of Moses]: Do you not hear the Law [of God]?
22For example, it is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl
and one by the free woman (Galatians 4).

But the account of Abraham and his sons and wives is not in the Law of Moses, it is in
Genesis, which must therefore be a part of the 'law' of God. Jesus says:

34 Jesus answered them: Is it not written in your Law: I said: You are gods? (John 10).

But this wasn't written in the law of Moses, it was written in Psalm 82:6

6 I myself have said, You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High (Psalm 82).

And again Jesus says:

25But it is that the word written in their Law may be fulfilled, 'They hated me without
cause.' (John 15:25).

But this wasn't written in the law of Moses, no, it was written in Psalm 69:4

4They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head (Psalm 69 -
Septuagint bible LXX)

So Psalms must be a part of the 'law' of God.

But Isaiah said, over 700 years after Moses was given the law:

3 Out of Zion law will go forth and the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem (Isaiah 2).

In one meaning this law out of Zion is the word of God out of heavenly Jerusalem,
which is the whole bible. What we have just done is extend an element of the bible
code, namely, that every scripture has a further fulfillment, from the Law of Moses to the
whole bible, by considering other scriptures to define precisely what Jesus meant. But
we could equally well have done this using the Consistency Principle above.

Opening up your mind fully to grasp the meaning of the


Every verse of the Law of Moses, every verse of Genesis, every verse of the Psalms, is
to be fulfilled again. In fact the whole bible is the law of mankind and all of it, every letter
of it, has to be fulfilled a second time. And for the majority of scriptures, we are now
living in that time, which is why the same one, Jesus Christ, is opening up our minds yet
again. For if every scripture has a further fulfillment then so does Luke 24 when it says:

45Then he opened up their minds fully to grasp the meaning of the Scriptures.
46and he said to them: In this way it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from
among the dead on the third day (Luke 24).

So how can our minds be opened up? In what way is the suffering and resurrection
timing of Jesus written in the scriptures? Well Jesus has already explained...

40For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish 3 days and 3 nights, so the Son of
man will be in the heart of the earth 3 days and 3 nights (Matthew 12).
30For just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, in the same way will the Son of
man be also to this generation.

It is encoded symbolically in a historical account about a prophet who was eaten by a

big fish! Yes, it is another symbolic drama. Jesus opened up the minds of his disciples
by making them aware that the book was written in this symbolic way and that every
account stood symbolically for something else. This indeed is one reason why Jesus
spoke to the crowds entirely in illustrations. He was teaching them and teaching us, that
the whole bible was written in this way. Even his famous parables have a greater
meaning in addition to the obvious moral message!

34 All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds by illustrations. Indeed, without an
illustration he would not speak to them (Matthew 13).

First Proof of the Symbolic Structure Principle

Jesus only explained the meaning of two of his parables to his disciples in the
scriptures. Of course he explained the meanings of many other parables to them
privately, but the holy word only records to of his explanations. These explanations are
therefore fundamental to all Christians especially to bible decoders. He explained the
meanings of the parable of the wheat and the weeds, and of the parable of the sower
who went to sow.

In his explanation of the parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus gives us the
meanings of the words: Sower, Field, Fine Seed, Weeds, Enemy, Harvest, all of which
are repeated NOUNS in the account - see [The Repetition Principle]. And he gives the
meaning of one further noun: Reapers, which is not repeated - see [70].

In his explanation of the sower who went to sow, in all three cases (Matthew13, Mark4
and Luke8), Jesus gives the meaning neither of words, nor of repeated words, but of
unrepeated phrases which describe events in the parable - see [63].

So in the case of the weeds Jesus explains the meaning of the words in the parable
(the repeated nouns except one) and in the case of the sower Jesus explains the
meaning of the events in the parable (which are not repeated). It is not hard to see,
therefore, that Jesus is explaining the word symbolic meaning of the weeds and the
event symbolic meaning of the sower. He is also, by only explaining these two parables
in this way, explaining that these two are the only two types of symbolism employed by
the bible code.

In other words these two are the beginning and end of the matter as regards bible
symbolism. Now in the case of the sower, the literal meaning of Jesus' explanation
explains the event symbolic meaning of the parable and the word symbolic meaning of
Jesus' explanation explains (to some extent) the word symbolic meaning of the parable.
But in the case of the weeds, the literal meaning of his explanation covers the word
symbolic meaning of the parable and the word symbolic meaning of his explanation
covers the event symbolic meaning of the parable. For even the explanations are holy
and therefore coded.

Second Proof of the Symbolic Structure Principle

The first 2 verses of the book of Revelation read:

1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that
must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in signs through
him to his slave John,
2 who bore witness to:

the word God gave

and to the witness Jesus Christ gave,
even to all the things he saw (Revelation 1).

Obviously 'all the things he saw' is the literal account of the vision. But John is also
bearing witness to 'The word God gave'. This therefore is a witness to God's words
themselves which is the word symbolic meaning. John is also bearing witness to the
(symbolically expressed) witness that Jesus gave him in the form of the vision, this then
is the event symbolic account, the symbolic meaning of the events of the vision.

All the things he saw Literal account of the vision

The Word God gave Coded word symbolic meaning of the vision
Straight event symbolic meaning of the
The Witness Jesus Christ gave

But then the reader must consider the following question. Did God, like we men do in
many of our great projects, only work out how to write the bible properly when he had
almost finished the job? Did he only work out how to inspire a symbolic bible account
when he reached Revelation, having not thought of it at the time Moses wrote

Obviously not for he is:

10The one telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have
not been done (Isaiah 46).

He is the one who knew that Man would walk on the moon before he said: Let there be
light. So we deduce that every symbolic account in the whole bible is written in this
same way as Revelation. So all symbolic accounts have an event symbolic meaning
and a word symbolic meaning.

It is not hard to see that literal accounts, such as the history of Abraham or David etc.
have the same set of meanings as symbolic accounts except that the literal account is
the event symbolic meaning. For a literal account is a symbolic account with no
symbolism if you see what we mean. In mathematical terms this would be the identity
symbolism. A symbolism in which an apple is always an apple and an orange is always
an orange etc.

Accounts which contain both literal and symbolic portions, such as dreams,
explanations and fulfillments, obey the two rules above for their respective portions.

Third Proof of the Symbolic Structure Principle

Do you remember the famous words of Jesus:

16 In this way the last ones will be first, and the first ones last (Matthew 20).

There are many meanings of this scripture and other scriptures which repeat this last
being first concept. But one interesting one is that the last words of the bible tell the
reader how to decode it. Hebrew books are read from the back to the front, they are
read backwards. And this is a living prophecy from God, the creator of both English and
Hebrew, that the decoding of the bible works backwards from the end. Much of our
Chronology works backwards from the date of Armageddon. And as regards the bible
code, well like any good text book, the answer can be looked up in the back of the

18 I am bearing witness to everyone ( masculine) that hears the words (

masculine) of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds/imposes upon them (
neuter - words or hearers), God will impose upon him the plagues that are written in this
19 And if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God
will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are
written about in this scroll (Revelation 22).

The literal meaning of these two verses is that if you add words to the scroll of
Revelation itself, you will get plagues, and if you take words from the scroll of
Revelation, corrupting the text, you will lose your everlasting life.

1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that
must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in signs through
him to his slave John (Revelation 1).

11saying: What you see write in a scroll and send it to the seven congregations, in
Ephesus and in Smyrna and in Pergamum and in Thyatira and in Sardis and in
Philadelphia and in Laodicea (Revelation 1).

6 And he said to me: These words are faithful and true, and the Lord, the God of the
inspired expressions of the prophets sent his angel forth to show his slaves the things
that must shortly take place.
7 And, look! I am coming quickly. Happy is anyone observing the words of the prophecy

of this scroll.
8 Well, I John was the one hearing and seeing these things. And when I had heard and
seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel that had been showing me
these things (Revelation 22).

This scroll is the scroll of Revelation in the literal meaning that contains all the visions
presented by the angel of Jesus (who must have been Gabriel) to John. More seriously,
it appears that some bible versions of Revelation have bits added and bits removed.
We shall have to investigate this further...

Since Revelation 22 is a literal account from verse 6 onwards, so the symbolic meaning
is an account symbolism, and is further the very definition of how all the symbolic
meanings of the bible work! For we have the words of the scroll of the prophecy and we
have the words of the prophecy of the scroll. These two define the event symbolic and
account symbolic meanings as follows:

Words Symbolic meaning

Scroll Account
Prophecy Events
Scroll of this prophecy Account of the events
Prophecy of this scroll Events of the account
Words of the scroll of this prophecy Symbolic meaning of the account of the events
Words of the prophecy of this scroll Symbolic meaning of the events of the account

So the bible has two symbolic grammars, if you like. There is a symbolic meaning of the
prophecy of the scroll, which is the straight forward symbolism of the events in the
account. Then there is the symbolic meaning of the scroll of the prophecy, which is the
symbolic meaning of the account of the events, the words that describe the events.
Hence the name 'Word Symbolism' for this symbolic meaning. This may be another
reason why Jesus is called the 'Word' of God.

So if anyone persecutes someone who understands the Event symbolism of Revelation

then they get plagues. And if any sanctified person will not accept Word Symbolism
then they get no more food from the tree of life, and they fail to join the holy city of
FDS2/4 so they break their baptism.

The corollary of this is that the Holy City and the life giving food are derived from the
Word Symbolic meanings of the bible.

Revelation makes the distinction between Event Symbolism and Account Symbolism
using Account symbolism. It is an implicit distinction. But nonetheless, the distinction is

For those who do not understand the meaning of explicit, consider the two equations

x=2+1 (explicit)
x+3=2x ( implicit)

Both equations have the same solution, namely x=3, the latter equation defines x in
terms of itself, this is the meaning of 'implicit'. Likewise Revelation 22:18,19 define
event and account symbolisms through account symbolism. But verse 10 reads:

10He also tells me: Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, for the
appointed time is near (Revelation 22).

Whereas Gabriel said to Daniel:

4 And as for you, Oh Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the scroll, until the time
of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant
(Daniel 12).

The words of the prophecy of the scroll are the event symbolic meaning. This meaning
is the straight symbolism, it is not sealed. In fact mankind saw that the wild beast of
Revelation 13 and 17 was the League of Nations in 1920. This is the event symbolic
meaning. But the account symbolic meaning, the word symbolism, was sealed up until
the time of the end, which began in 1992Shebat21 - see [157]. Now Revelation22
deliberately does not say: Do not seal up the words of the scroll of the prophecy,
because the Word symbolic meaning was sealed up.

So the same account that tells us not to mess around physically with the physical holy
words of Revelation (and it tells us that false churches will do this), also tells us how
precisely to mess around symbolically with these words in order to get their symbolic
meanings (and true churches will do this). And by the Consistency Principle, this
symbolic methodology applies, the two symbolisms apply, not just to the book of
Revelation, but to the whole bible.

Fourth Proof of the Symbolic Structure Principle

Finally we have the shortest parable in the bible which is:

33 Another illustration he spoke to them: The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven,
which a woman took and hid in three large measures of flour, until the whole mass was
fermented/leavened (Matthew 13).

Ok, you young paduan learners! If it is the most insignificant and smallest of the
parables in the whole bible, then what does this tell you about its spiritual meaning in
this upside down world in which we live?

Yes, it is the greatest of them all in meaning. Well, the event symbolic meaning is as

The woman is the holy spirit, the leaven is the bible code, and the three lumps of flour
are the literal, the event symbolic and the account symbolic meanings of the bible.
When the whole mass is fermented/leavened (decoded), then we can truly eat the

whole book and see both the code and the truth and God and the true religion and his
plan and his love and his humour and his righteousness, and our total and utter
pretentiousness and stupidity stretching over 3500 years. As regards the account
symbolic meaning of Matthew 13:33 and the parallel account in Luke 13:20 please see
section [69].

This leaven is not the wicked teachings of the Pharisees but is rather the good
teachings of the true priesthood of God. This website is the result of such leaven. We
are expanding the bread of heaven to make it fully digestible.

[C6a] The Designations Principle

If one character or item in a subaccount is referred to by two or more non successive
nouns (nouns used as nouns or nouns used as possessive adjectives or gerunds, but
not adjectives used as nouns), then these nouns refer to two or more characters or
items in the various word symbolic threads if such threads exist. These characters or
items may be the same as or different from the one character or item to which all the
nouns refer in the literal or event symbolic meaning.

Our first incorrect idea for this principle was:

[[If one character or item in an account is referred to by two or more (successive or non
successive) nouns used as nouns (multiple designations), then it has two or more word
symbolic meanings in the various word symbolic threads if they exist. These may be the
same as or different from the event symbolic meaning.]] - REJECTED

Example 1

See the accounts in section [49].

[C6b] The Successive Designations Principle

The double or triple or quadruple or quintuple or sextuple designation (which we use to
mean two, three, four, five or six successive designations), is the most important
prophetic form in the bible. Here is the definition and the effect of this form...

If a character or item designated by...

1. A noun acting as a noun

2. An adjective acting as a noun (which almost invariably means that it is preceded by
'the' i.e. is definite or is in the construct in Hebrew)
3. A participle, (a verb used as an adjective), which adjective is acting as a noun, (which
means that it must be preceded by 'the' i.e. is definite - such as 'the scorched [one]' or
is in the construct in Hebrew)
4. A gerund (a verb acting as a noun such as a 'smoker')
5. The phrase 'The [one]' where '[one]' is implied and is of course a noun.

is referred to by two or more successive such designations, and all the designations
when taken separately in the context of the verse act as nouns and the verse makes

sense with each designation standing alone (which means that the designations must
all be in the same case in Greek), then there are two or more Word Symbolic meanings
to that account. The account possesses two or more Word Symbolic

The first Word Symbolic thread has only the first designation of any successive
designations, and substitutes all second and third etc. successive designations to be
the first successive designation wherever these may occur in the account including and
after the successive designation (until any further successive designation redefines
these substitutions). The second Word Symbolic thread takes only the second
designation of any successive designations etc. and substitutes the first and third etc.
successive designations to be the second successive designation wherever these may
occur in the account including and after the successive designation (until any further
successive designation redefines these substitutions) etc.

The first designation occurs first in position. If several items or characters have
successive designations then all the first designations form the first word symbolic
thread, and all the second designations form the second word symbolic thread etc. If an
account has a quadruple designation and a double designation, the the double
designation shows the first designation in the first and third threads and the second
designation in the second and fourth threads of the account.

A designating phrase cannot be a part of a multiple designation if it contains a pronoun

since the pronoun will become disconnected from the noun it stands for in any

Past and Passive participles

These generally end in 'ed'. For example, 'Kicked' can be a past participle: We have
kicked. Or it can be a passive participle: We were kicked. In general the verb 'to have'
gives a past participle and the verb 'to be' gives a passive participle. A participle is a
verb acting as an adjective. A Gerund is a participle acting as a noun. In the English
language, only present participles can act as nouns (Driving is fun). Passive participles
act as adjectives only in English. But in Greek passive participles can act as nouns (The
Scorched [one] was sold last).

Example prophetic forms

The soil, the fine [soil] (a repeated designation)

Lord! Lord! (a repeated designation)
Nebuchadnezzar, the king
The King, Nebuchanezzar
King Nebuchadnezzar ('King' is a noun)
A man, a householder
A maidservant, an Egyptian
Joseph, Son of David
Sarah, Abraham's wife
The Faithful Steward, the discreet [one]
Jesus, Instructor!
Lord Jehovah, holy [one] of Israel (Hebrew)

The ram that you saw, [the] owner of the two horns??
The ram, one standing before the watercourse
The Island, the [one] called Patmos
The 7 congregations, the [ones] in Asia
The false prophet, the one having deceived
The bull, the one
The bull, the other
My lord, My Brother (might be OK since both designations are possessed)
Father Abraham ('Father' is a noun!)
A son, a male (translating this as 'A male son' would be an insult to the reader)
Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, the priest of On (Asenath was not herself the priest
of On, her father was - So the first second and third threads have, Asenath, the
daughter of Potiphera, the daughter of the priest of On)
The heads of grain, the withered [ones].
a ruler, a certain one []
The Dragon, the great [one], the serpent, the archaic [one], the [one] called [the] Devil and
the Satan, the [one] misleading the entire inhabited earth.

The last combination is the daddy of all successive designations. It is in fact the product
of Jesus' sense of humour! The joke is of course that the phrase: The one called the
Devil and Satan, which is actually declaring that it is giving us two successive
designations for Satan, is itself a successive designation for Satan! This sort of thing is
a cryptic confirmation of the existence of the successive designation principle. The
whole thing is rather like an Angus Deaton quiz show.

Consider the made up prophetic form:

The Dragon, the great [one], the hated [one], the lying [one], the [one] lying to everyone

This has a passive participle (Hated [one]) acting as a noun and a present participle
(Lying [one]) acting as a noun. Both of these participles are therefore Gerunds. Finally it
has 'the' acting as a noun through the implied '[one]'. The largest number of successive
designations in the correct form that we have seen in the bible is 6.

Example invalid prophetic forms

The famine, the that ('that' can be used as an adjective or a pronoun, but is not an
adjective, it is a determinant)
Some of the men, the Galileans (some, all etc. are not nouns).
Against-the prophet, against-Moses
My servant, Moses (Pronoun imbalance)
Abraham, her husband (Pronoun imbalance)
to-Nebuchadnezzar, the king
The dragon (accusative), the serpent (nominative)
Lord, the God of us, the almighty (Pronoun imbalance)
The cows, the [ones] ascending after them (Pronoun imbalance)
The enemy, the [one] having sown them (Pronoun imbalance)

When substituting single designations one must substitute the whole designation
including the definite article (the) and the possessive operator (of). The single

designation to be substituted must be in the same case as the substituting designation
in Greek (or possibly just precisely the same word), unless the Greek word for the
Designation is indeclinable. In Hebrew both the substituting word and the substituted
word must be absolute or both must be construct (this does not apply to the successive
designation itself). In Greek and in Hebrew both a definite designation cannot substitute
an indefinite designation but an indefinite designation can substitute a definite one.

Hebrew nouns with the inseparable prepositions (as, to, in) cannot make
successive designations because both designations would need to have the
prepositional prefix and then the nouns would not be successive having a preposition
between them. Hebrew nouns with pronominal suffixes (suffixes which are pronouns)
cannot make successive designations because they are not plain nouns (we realised
this when we saw that they do not work in Genesis 16 or Numbers 12). Or more likely
because one designation is possessed by a pronoun and the other isn't. In the Greek
too, if one designation has a pronoun and the other doesn't then the result is not a
successive designation because the pronoun imbalance would introduce a possibly
meaningless pronoun into sentences containing the designation without the pronoun,
on substitution.

[[If the result of the substitutions has a double 'the', such as 'the the Nazarene', then
one shortens this to 'the Nazarene'. One can justify this 'the the' fix on the basis that
these substitutions on the double designations themselves always result in a repeated
word or phrase which is similarly shortened to one recital. For example: Jesus, the
Nazarene, becomes: The Nazarene, The Nazarene, which becomes: The Nazarene, in
the second word thread, and becomes: Jesus, Jesus, which becomes: Jesus in the first
word thread. Or one can justify it on the basis that in Greek, the the Nazarene means,
the [one], the Nazarene, which means, the Nazarene.]]???

Invalid substitutions:
Mary (nominative) and Mary (vocative)
Jesus and 'of Jesus'
King (absolute) and King (construct)
King, the King

For example the successive designation: Nebuchadnezzar, the king, causes a

substitution to occur in the phrase: The King was very pleased, but not in the phrase:
Our king is wonderful (because 'the' is absent).

The Successive Possessive Designations Principle

Successive designations can be possessive of course. Take the first verse in Matthew
for example:

1 The book of the history of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham (Matthew 1).

Jesus, Christ, son of David, son of Abraham is a quadruple designation for our saviour.
But all of the multiple designations are used as adjectives possessively describing the
noun 'history'. So this is not a successive designation as we have defined that prophetic
form. But it is nonetheless a multiple designation, so what should we do with it? Well we
puzzled over this one for some time until the example in Matthew 1 above gave us the

answer. Possessive successive designations do not create word symbolic threads as
the non possessive ones do. But they do substitute as a successive designation does in
the word symbolic threads that are created by the non possessive successive
designations. In Matthew 1 there are two word symbolic threads which are created by
the successive designations...

David, the king

Joseph, the husband of Mary
Jesus, the [one] called Christ.

So in Word 1 verse 1 is: 1 The book of the history of Jesus son of David, son of
Abraham (Matthew 1).
Whereas in Word 2 it is: 1 The book of the history of Christ, son of David, son of
Abraham (Matthew 1).

The 3rd and 4th designations for Jesus (son of David and son of Abraham) do not
substitute since there is no 3rd of 4th word symbolic thread.

The Double Declaration Principle

There is a further prophetic form that works in the same way as a Successive
Designation, we call it a Double Declaration. The Double Declaration Principle states

If any non trivial word is recited twice successively then the pair acts as a Successive

This is true because plainly the account reads sensibly with either one of the
successive declarations missed out. Examples of this prophetic form are:

Truly, truly, I say to you

Impale [him], Impale [him]


So where is the scriptural justification for this outrageous scheme to pervert the
scriptures and twist them to our taste, substituting holy words here there and
everywhere in accordance with a scheme of men, the puritan asks, and rightly so. Do
we not fall foul of the very last words in the book?

Well the last few verses of Revelation 22 have 4 word symbolic threads to them, since
our sacrificee and saviour said:

16I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you people of these things for the
congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David, the star, the bright, the morning.

17And the spirit and the bride keep on saying: Come! And let anyone hearing say:
Come! And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life's water free.

18 I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll:
If anyone makes an addition to these [words], God will add to him the plagues that are
written in this scroll,

19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take
his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, of the things [good or
plagues?] which are written about in this scroll (Revelation 22)

We looked at these verses in the 3rd proof of the symbolic structure principle above.
Literally, for the literal meaning or the event symbolic meaning of an account, no words
can be altered. Furthermore some words have been added and removed so that some
people will get the plagues and lose their portion from the trees of life and the holy city.
But in one of the word symbolic threads, the ambiguous verse 19 should be read:

19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take
his portion away of the [bad] things [the plagues] which are written about in this scroll,
[which come] from the trees of life and out of the holy city (Revelation 22).

Now whereas 'the words of the prophecy of this scroll' stand for the literal and event
symbolic meanings of the bible, 'the words of the scroll of this prophecy' stand for the
word symbolic threads. So we can and do take away words from these threads and
thereby avoid the plagues on Babylon and on mankind in general! (But we cannot add
words to them). For the LWs are trees of life individually and a holy city collectively.

Example 1

Let us apply the Successive Designations Principle to the following made up and non
scriptural example:

Sarah, Abraham's wife went shopping with Hagar, the Egyptian..

Hagar picked up a nice cooking pot
Abraham's wife picked up a bag of rice
Sarah, Abraham's wife, paid for them
She then took her maidservant home
Hagar, the Egyptian boiled the rice in the pot
Her mistress gave the rice to Abraham
Abraham said: What a great meal my wife!
Sarah said: My maidservant cooked it.
Abraham said: My wife and Hagar work well together.

This splits into first and second Word Symbolic accounts as follows:

1st Word Symbolism (1st Word Symbolic thread):

Sarah, went shopping with Hagar

Hagar picked up a nice cooking pot
Sarah picked up a bag of rice
Sarah, paid for them
She then took Hagar home
Hagar, boiled the rice in the pot

Her mistress gave the rice to Abraham
Abraham said: What a great meal my wife!
Sarah said: My maidservant cooked it.
Abraham said: My wife and Hagar work well together.

2nd Word Symbolism (2nd word symbolic thread):

Abraham's wife went shopping with the Egyptian.

The Egyptian picked up a nice cooking pot
Abraham's wife picked up a bag of rice
Abraham's wife, paid for them
She then took the Egyptian home
The Egyptian boiled the rice in the pot
Her mistress gave the rice to Abraham
Abraham said: What a great meal!
Abraham's wife said: My maidservant cooked it.
Abraham said: My wife and the Egyptian work well together.

For the whole story on Genesis 16, the first part of the symbolic drama referred to by
Paul in Galatians 4, please read [210]. If you actually try and write one of these you will
see that the Successive Descriptions Principle is quite restrictive to what the account
can say. We had to rewrite the above a few times to get it to work! The account must
make sense with all of the substitutions. For example Abraham could not have said:
Thanks Hagar! Because then in the second word symbolism he would have said:
Thanks the Egyptian! which is nonsense! (Hebrew has no vocative, this problem would
not occur in Greek due to the vocative case). So here at last is a grammatical proof of
the bible code, and a test for canonicity. For more of this sort of thing - see [49].

Example 2

The two great interpreters of dreams in the holy book are Joseph and Daniel. They are
the two archetypical bible decoders. Get to know them and you get to know about this
amazing code.

12Forasmuch as an extraordinary spirit and knowledge and insight to interpret dreams

and the explanation of riddles and the untying of knots had been found in him, in Daniel,
whom the king himself named Belteshazzar. Now let Daniel himself be called, that he
may show the very interpretation (Daniel 5).

Daniel chapter 5 has two designations for Belshazzar, the king of Babylon. These are:
The King and Belshazzar. In each Word symbolic meaning, Belshazzar stands for
someone, the king stands for someone else, and Belshazzar, the king is a double
designation which stands for the symbolic meaning of 'Belshazzar' in the first word
symbolism and the symbolic meaning of 'The king' in the second. If you do not realise
this then the account is all tied up in a knot and you get nowhere. Once you do realise
this, then you can untangle the account into its two different Word Symbolic strands.
For our imperfect attempt at the untangling of Daniel 5, which you are unlikely to follow
as yet! - see [164].

The classic example of Successive Designation Symbolism is Revelation 12. Here we

9 So [down] was hurled the dragon, the great, the serpent, the archaic, the one called
Devil and the Satan, the one misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down
to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him (Revelations 12).

There are 6 designations for Satan in this one verse:

The Dragon
the great [one]
the serpent
the archaic [one]
the [one] called [the] Devil and the Satan (participle used as an adjective describing a
the [one] misleading the entire inhabited earth (participle used as an adjective
describing an action).

These are 6 valid designations for the same angel. The reader (and the writer) might at
first think that the above is only 4 total designations for Satan, because the sense is, the
great dragon, the original serpent, etc. But this is a Word symbolism, and the Greek

The dragon, the great

It does not read:

The great dragon

Both are acceptable forms in the Greek idiom. In the parable of the sower the Greek
has both forms (it has the soil, the fine, and it has the fine soil). And Satan was the
great one and the oldest angel, for he was the firstborn angel of God and he had the
firstborn covenant until Adam's sin. In the rest of the account we read of the exploits of:
The dragon, the devil and the serpent:

7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon [Satan's
heavenly organisation], and the dragon and its angels battled (Revelation 12).

12On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth
and for the sea, because the Devil [political corruptor] has come down to you, having
great anger, knowing he has a short period of time (Revelation 12).

We are not going into the symbolism of this chapter at this point, save but to point out
that the dragon represents Satan's secular kingdom over mankind, the serpent
represents his corrupt members of God's true people (as in the original case of Eden)
and the Devil is plain old Satan. Bearing this symbolism in mind please read this:

15 And the serpent [true religious corruptor] disgorged water like a river from its mouth
after the woman, to cause her to be drowned by the river.
16 But the earth came to the woman's help, and the earth opened its mouth and
swallowed up the river that the dragon disgorged from its mouth (Revelation 12).

Now you are beginning to pull this book apart, to untangle its knots, to decode it. There
is a reason that the designation 'serpent' in verse 15 is changed to the designation
'dragon' in verse 16. For a fuller explanation of Revelation 12 - see U151.

Example 3

1For the kingdom of the heavens is like a man, a householder, who went out early in the
morning to hire workers for his vineyard (Matthew 20).

So we have a man and a householder. Now the rest of the account refers variously to
'the man', 'the householder', and 'him'. So by the Successive Designations Principle we
have two word symbolic threads to Matthew 20 - see [192].

Example 4

1Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children; but she had an Egyptian
maidservant and her name was Hagar (Genesis 16).

The two successive designations for Sarah, means that there are two Word Symbolic
threads in this account - see [210]

Example 5

42 And the Lord said: Who really is the faithful steward, the discreet one, whom his
master will appoint over his body of attendants to keep giving them their measure of
food supplies at the proper time? (Luke 12).

(Luke 12)
The faithful steward, the discreet [one]

The two successive designations for this steward means that there are two Word
Symbolic threads in this account - see [34].

Example 6

11 Abraham, Abraham (Genesis 22)

2 Jacob, Jacob (Genesis 46)
13 Conspiracy, conspiracy! (2 Chronicles 23)
4 And he said: Moses, Moses (Exodus 3)
22 Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and
perform many powerful works in your name (Matthew 7)

These double declarations work the same as your regular successive designations.
They are merely a special case of Father, Abraham for example. So there are two
further Abrahams, two further Jacobs, fathers of 12 tribes, two further impalements, two
further conspiracies, two further Moses' etc. In the case of the impalement, the further
two are represented by the two robbers impaled one on each side of Jesus. In the case
of Moses, Jesus was one greater Moses, and there is another.

[C7a] The Descriptions Principle

If a character or item, represented by a noun, in an account makes two or more non
successive appearances with differing descriptors, one of which can be no descriptor,
(which descriptors can be adjectives or participles used as adjectives) then all the word
symbolic threads have two or more fulfilments of the word symbolic meaning of the

Jesus and Jesus the Galilean are two descriptions of Jesus. Jesus and Lord and the
righteous [one] are two designations and a description of both designations. Jesus and
Jesus of Nazareth are two descriptions of Jesus. The soil, the fine [soil] is a repeated
designation the second of which is a further description of soil.

[C7b] The Successive Descriptions Principle

Definition: A Symbolic Meaning of a word, is a further meaning to the literal meaning
which meaning is related to the literal meaning in a symbolic way

Definition: A Fulfilment of a symbolic meaning of a word, is a particular example of that

symbolic meaning.

Definition: A word symbolic thread of a subaccount is a word symbolic meaning of the

entire sub account.

Definition: A further fulfilment of a word symbolic subaccount is a second temporal

occurrence of the word symbolic meaning of that subaccount

The double or triple or quadruple or quintuple description (which we use to mean two,
three, four or five successive descriptions), is the second most important prophetic form
in the bible (in the sense that it defines the number of fulfilments of the word symbolic
threads defined by the successive designations principle). Here is the definition and the
effect of this form...

If a character or item, represented by a countable noun, in an account is characterized

to by two or more successive descriptors, one of which can be no descriptor and the
other of which can be a second and descriptive noun (such as Father or King or God
etc.) which descriptors are adjectives, participles used as adjectives describing a state,
or descriptive nouns, then all the word symbolic threads have two or more fulfilments to
the entire thread relating to the two or more descriptors of that character or item. The
first fulfilment temporally of the thread takes only the first description of the countable
noun (first in position in the account as written) and substitutes all incidences of the
second and the other successive descriptions in the prophetic form which occur in the

account including and after the successive description, to be the first description (until
any further successive description redefines these substitutions). The second fulfilment
temporally of the thread takes only the second description of the countable noun
(second in position in the account as written) and substitutes all incidences of the first
description and the other successive descriptions in the prophetic form which occur in
the account including and after the successive description to be the second description
(until any further successive description redefines these substitutions), etc.

There can be many fulfilments of a meaning. For example the meaning Christ, has
fulfilments of Jesus, John the baptist, Paul etc. Or if the expression ruler of the Jews
had the symbolic meaning head of a congregation, then it would have as many
fulfilments as there were congregations. A double description cannot have a pronoun
imbalance for the same reasons that a double desgination cannot have one, namely
one of the substitutions could introduce a meaningless pronoun into the account.

Example prophetic forms

The faithful and discreet slave (literally: the faithful slave and discreet)
Wicked and adulterous generation
A thief and a plunderer (literally: thief is and plunderer)
The brother of James and John
7 heads of grain, [ones] withered and thin [ones] and [ones] scorched
The God and father of him (The God of him and the father of him)
Lord of Lords and King of Kings
Fire-red and hyacinth-blue and sulphur-yellow breastplates
The law of sin and of death

Invalid prophetic forms

The ugly [ones] and the skinny [ones] (no noun)

Example 1

The famous example is 'The faithful and discreet slave' of Matthew 24:45. The one
word symbolic thread, has two fulfilments which relate to two slaves, a faithful slave and
a discreet slave. The two descriptors 'faithful' and 'discreet' define two separate slaves
in two separate fulfilments of the one word symbolic meaning - see [34].

45Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his
domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? (Matthew 24).

Matthew 24
The faithful slave and discreet

In Luke we have two successive designations for the appointed one: the faithful
steward and the discreet one, so we know from the Successive Designations Principle
that there are two greater symbolic meanings for the slave in two word symbolic

In Matthew we have one designation: the faithful and discreet slave. But this
designation describes the slave in two ways: faithful & discreet. So we have two
successive descriptions of one slave in Matthew and two successive designations for
one slave in Luke. Successive designations give further word symbolic meanings, and
successive descriptions gives further word symbolic fulfillments.

And look! Using this code here, we have already described the 4 true Christian
administrations of Abraham's seed from Jesus' death to Armageddon. The 4 true
Christian Religions. We call them FDS1, FDS2, FDS3, FDS4 in this website/book,
standing for the first to the fourth Faithful and Discreet Slave. There were two slaves,
two true religions in each of the two presences. Matthew refers to FDS1 and FDS3 and
Luke refers to FDS2 and FDS4. The apostle Peter was the first head of FDS1, the
apostle Paul was the first head of FDS2, these were both in the first presence. Charles
Russell, who founded the Watchtower, was the first head of FDS3 (although he was
never appointed over all of Jesus' belongings, but the second president of the
Watchtower Joseph Rutherford was), and Gordon is the first head of FDS4, the Lord's
Witnesses. For more on this - see [34]

Example 2

33So now let Pharaoh look for a man discreet and wise and set him over the land of
Egypt (Genesis 41).

This was Joseph in the literal meaning, who is described successively as being discreet
and wise. In the word symbolic meanings a greater land of Egypt has two further rulers,
a discreet one and a wise one - see [304].

Example 3

2 And here ascending out of the river Nile were 7 cows beautiful in appearance and fat-
fleshed, and they went feeding among the Nile grass.
3 And here there were seven other cows ascending after them out of the river Nile, ugly
in appearance and thin-fleshed, and they took their stand alongside the cows by the
bank of the river Nile (Genesis 41).

Joseph gave us the meaning of the literal dream in the same chapter, which meaning is
in fact the event symbolic meaning. He revealed that we should take a cow for a year in
that case. But both sets of 7 cows are described successively in two ways: beautiful
and fat, ugly and thin. So there are two fulfilments of the cows in this dream in the one
word symbolic thread. We have a reasonable but somewhat outdated understanding of
this account - see [304].

[C7c] The Double Articulations Principle

If a verbal phrase is doubly articulated (the two articulations being separated by either
nothing or by the word 'and'), then there is a word symbolic thread and the double
articulation takes a greater meaning in this and in all word symbolic threads.

Compare this with Joseph's explanation of the meaning of a dream repeated twice
(firmly established and speeding to do it). But possibly both verbs must be in the same
tense (Revelation 12:2).

Example 1

8Now come, write it upon a tablet with them, and inscribe it even in a book , that it may
serve for a future day, for a witness to time indefinite (Isaiah 30).

The action of reducing something to writing is successively repeated here. This is the
SRAP telling us that there are two prophetic fulfillments to the account, which 'serve for
a future day'.

Example 2

17 By the decree of watchers the thing is, and [by] the saying of holy ones the request is
(Daniel 4).

We are being told successively in two synonymous ways that the angels decreed this

Example 3

Phrases do not have to be repeated word for word to qualify, but must be conceptually
the same in the second recital. Because Amos has said:

3 Will two walk together unless they have met by appointment?

4 Will a lion roar in a forest when it has no prey?

Will a young maned lion give forth its voice from its hiding place if it has caught nothing
at all?

5Will a bird fall into a trap on the earth when there is no snare for it?
Does a trap go up from the ground when it has absolutely caught nothing?

6 If a horn is blown in a city, do not also the people themselves tremble?

If a calamity occurs in the city is it not also Jehovah who has acted/caused [it]?

7For the sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his
confidential matter/secret to his servants, the prophets

8There is a lion that has roared! Who will not be afraid?

The sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has spoken who will not prophesy? (Amos 3)

The forest is the hiding place of the lion, the roar is the giving forth of its voice, if it has
caught nothing then it has no prey. These repeated concepts in slightly different words
are how the sovereign Lord Jehovah reveals his confidential matters, his secrets to his
servants the prophets today. A repeated recital does not need to use exactly the same

words! Incidentally God causes every calamity and every good thing, being behind it all.
But he does not directly cause every calamity or every good thing.

Example 4

The last creative act of God, on the day that Adam sinned was:

21And Jehovah God proceeded to make long garments of skin for Adam and for his wife
and to clothe them (Genesis 3).

The literal meaning is that God was their tailor. One consequence of this is that it is not
a sin for women to wear fur coats. Beautiful women who wear fur coats are hated
because of Jealousy, not because an animal has been killed purely for its skin.
Remember that Adam and Eve were vegetarians when God killed the animal for it's skin
to clothe them. But the concept of clothing them is repeated, being recited first in terms
of making long garments. So there is a greater way in which God clothed them. This
greater way was that he created new bodies for them which instead of being indefinitely
long lasting bodies which did not age, as were their previous bodies in the garden, were
just long lasting, and were ageing. Adam lived for 930 years (Genesis 5:5). So these
new ageing bodies, shorter versions of which we all inhabit today, were their long
garments of skin as it were.

Example 5

8However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is
with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day (2 Peter 3).

In the literal meaning, God lives forever, and so to him one day is just like 1,000 years.
But this phrase is repeated, and so by the Successive Repeated Concept Principle,
there is a greater way in which one day is as 1,000 years to God. This greater way is
that one day represents 1,000 years in some scriptures.

6 And you must lie upon your right side in the second case, and you must carry the
error of the house of Judah forty days. A day for a year, a day for a year, is what I have
given you (Ezekiel 4).

In the literal meaning, the 40 days of Ezekiel's laying on his right side represents 40
years or error of the house of Judah. But in the greater meaning, we know that the
phrase: 'A day for a year' has a greater meaning. This meaning is that God has given 'a
day for a year' to all would be Ezekiel's, 'prophets' who want to interpret the bible. A day
for a year is an acceptable substitution and may give you the correct interpretation of
any scripture in the symbolic meaning. It is a symbolism that God uses, we are being

Example 6

6 Into their intimate group do not come, O my soul. With their congregation do not
become united, O my disposition, because in their anger they killed men, and in their
arbitrariness they hamstrung bulls.
7 Cursed be their anger, because it is cruel, and their fury, because it acts harshly. Let

me parcel them out in Jacob and let me scatter them in Israel (Genesis 49).
11 Tying his full-grown ass to a vine and the descendant of his own she-ass to a choice
vine, he will certainly wash his clothing in wine and his garment in the blood of grapes
(Genesis 49).

Example 7

12 The error of Ephraim is wrapped up, his sin is treasured up (Hosea 13).

[C7d] The Successive Alternatives Principle

If an account contains a series of successive alternatives, then each alternative must
occur at least once in at least one word symbolic thread. And if the number of word
symbolic threads matches the number of successive alternatives then each and every
alternative occurs only once in each and every thread (each threads gets its own

Example 1

See 'tribulation or persecution' in the accounts of the sower - [63].

Example 2

35Therefore keep on the watch for you do not know when the master of the house is
coming, whether late in the day (the first watch of the night) or at midnight (the second
watch) or at cockcrowing (the third watch) or early in the morning (the fourth
watch) (Mark 13).

See 'whether late in the day (the first watch of the night) or at midnight (the second
watch) or at cockcrowing (the third watch) or early in the morning (the fourth watch). ' in
the account of the slaves appointed by the master - [34].

[C7e] The Successive Subjects Principle

If a verb has two or more successive subjects, then the account has two or more
fulfilments in total in all the word symbolic threads.

Example 1

See 'the anxiety of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches choke the
word' in the accounts of the sower - [63].

Example 2

See 'the rain poured down and the rivers came and the winds blew and struck against
that house' in the account of the house built on sand - [49]. This principle appears to be
a special case of the Successive Articulations Principle.

[C7f] The Articulations Principle
If a verbal phrase is articulated twice non successively (separated by a word other than
'and') in one account, then it takes a greater meaning different from the literal meaning
in all the word symbolic threads of the account. This greater meaning is a key
symbolism in the word symbolic threads. (And there must be at least one word symbolic

Compare this with Joseph's explanation of the meaning of a dream repeated twice
(firmly established and speeding to do it).

Example 1

12And Arpachshad life [ a noun] 35 year. Then he became father to Shelah.

13And after his fathering Shelah, Arpachshad continued to live 3 years and 400 year.
Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.

See U102.

[C7g] , its a grammatical code

27 And the uncircumcised [person] that is such by nature will, by carrying out the Law,
judge you who with its written code [] and circumcision are a transgressor of
law (Romans 2).
29 But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and [his] circumcision is that of the heart by
spirit, and not by a written
code []. The praise of that one comes, not from men, but from God (Romans

6who has indeed adequately qualified us to be ministers of a new covenant, not of a

written code [], but of spirit; for the written code [] condemns to
death, but the spirit makes alive (2 Corinthians 3).

Paul is saying that literally the law was a 'grammar'. But then a grammar is the code of
a language. Now using the bible code itself we see that the greek word ''
appears only twice in each of the accounts at Romans 2 and at 2Corinthians 3, so by
the repetition principle below, there is a greater , than the law of Moses.
There is a greater grammar to the bible. This greater grammar is the grammatical bible
code, the grammar of the symbolism of the bible, a symbolic grammar if you like. The
point is that these two accounts are both saying that the bible code is a grammatical
code. And this indeed is what we have discovered. In a nutshell...

The designations principle and the successive designations principle are the symbolic
grammar of the nouns
The descriptions principle and the successive descriptions principle are the symbolic
grammar of the adjectives
The articulations principle and the successive articulations principle are the symbolic
grammar of the verbs

[C8] The Repetition Principle

Definition: The literal meaning of an account OR the event symbolic meaning of an

account AND every word symbolic meaning of an entire account or subaccount
combine to make the total number of threads or strands of that account or subaccount.

A literal account has a literal thread and may have one or more word symbolic threads.
A non literal account, such as a parable, a vision or a dream, has an event symbolic
thread and may also have one or more word symbolic threads. No section of any
account has both a literal thread and an event symbolic thread, although an
interpretation has one thread which is both literal in some places and event symbolic in
others (but not both at once).

All bible accounts obey the following noun count of the countable nouns as defined in
the symbolic structure principle section above. These nouns define the word symbolism
of the word symbolic threads. The total number of recitals of a countable noun in all of
the symbolic subaccounts tells us the number of different meanings that it takes in all of
the threads of the symbolic subaccounts (including the literal or event symbolic thread).
The total number of recitals of a countable noun in all of the literal subaccounts tells us
the number of different meanings that it takes in all of the threads of the literal
subaccounts (including the literal or event symbolic thread).

If the noun count of every countable noun in a subaccount is odd, and if that
subaccount has no successive designations then it has no word symbolic threads.

If the noun count of one countable noun in a subaccount is even, and if that subaccount
has no successive designations then it has one word symbolic thread.

If a subaccount has no successive designations but the account it is in has one or more
word threads, then the subaccount has one word thread only if it has a word (which will
be a countable noun in this or another subaccount) which takes a different meaning in
the first word thread (Word1) to its event symbolic meaning..

If a countable noun is recited a total of 2 times in all the symbolic subaccounts of an

account, and if the noun has only one event symbolic meaning, then this noun takes a
different word symbolic meaning (i.e. a different meaning in the word symbolic thread)
to its event symbolic meaning in all the symbolic subaccounts. It takes a total of two
symbolic meanings.

If a countable noun is recited a total of 2 times in all the literal subaccounts of an

account, and if the noun has only one literal or event symbolic symbolic meaning, then
this noun takes a different word symbolic meaning (i.e. a different meaning in the word
symbolic thread) to its literal meaning in all the literal subaccounts. It takes a total of two
meanings (one literal and one word symbolic).

If a countable noun is recited a total of three times in all the symbolic subaccounts of an
account, and if the noun has only one event symbolic meaning, and if at least one
symbolic subaccount has at least 3 threads, then it takes a different meaning in each of
these threads (one event symbolic and two word symbolic meanings).

If a countable noun is recited a total of three times in all the literal subaccounts of an
account, and if the noun has only one literal or event symbolic meaning, and if at least
one literal subaccount has at least 3 threads, then it takes a different meaning in each
of these threads (one literal and two word symbolic meaning).

In general, if a countable noun is recited a total of n times in all of the symbolic

subaccounts of an account and if the largest number of threads of any symbolic
subaccount in which it appears is m, and if said noun appears in all m threads of this
subaccount after any substitutions, and if it has only one event symbolic meaning, then
the largest factor of n that is less than or equal to m is the total number of distinct (event
symbolic or word symbolic) meanings that the noun takes globally in all of the strands.
Of course any word normally (but not always) only has one literal or symbolic meaning
throughout any strand!

In general, if a countable noun is recited a total of n times in all of the literal

subaccounts of an account and if the largest number of threads of any literal
subaccount in which it appears is m, and if said noun appears in all m threads of this
subaccount after any substitutions, and if it has only one literal or event symbolic
meaning, then the largest factor of n that is less than or equal to m is the total number
of distinct (literal or word symbolic) meanings that the noun takes globally in all of the

Putting this less mathematically: The number of repetitions of a countable noun needs
to be divisible by the total number of strands of an account in which the countable noun
appears after any substitutions, in order that the noun can take a different symbolic
meaning in each strand.

Plural and singulars and duals in Hebrew count separately, and take different word
symbolic meanings. If a countable noun has two literal meanings such as the word
'dead' in the scripture: let the dead bury the dead, or such as the Hebrew word for
woman (), which also means 'man' in Deuteronomy 25 etc., and if it is recited only
twice, then it has no extra word symbolic meanings. But if it is recited 4 times then it has
a further pair of word symbolic meanings etc.

Adjectives have symbolic meanings which are generally dominated by the nouns they
Verbs have symbolic meanings which are generally dominated by nouns.
Adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, etc. are invariant in all symbolisms.
They have symbolic meanings which are merely their literal meanings.

Nouns used possessively, such as the word 'Abraham', in the phrase Abraham's wife,
do not count as nouns since they are being used as possessive adjectives.

Specifically, since this is a grammatical code...

1. Any noun at all in the genitive in Greek which is being used as an adjective is not
counted. Eg: 'Hearing of my words', 'Having occurred of flood' uses 'words' and 'flood'
possessively. 'The [one] of Zebedee' uses 'Zebedee' possessively. 'He came into
contact with the coffin' has coffin in the genitive in Luke 7, but the genitive case can be

used for the ablative in Greek (wonderful isn't it?). So 'coffin' is not used possessively in
that case.

2. Nouns in the genitive due to prepositions such as are counted if they are
acting as nouns (which in general they are). But are not counted if they are acting as
adjectives. For example in the case where it is not used as a preposition, but is used
alone to mean 'those of' for example... uses 'nation' possessively. And Boaz
out of Rahab means Rahab's Boaz, so Rahab is possessive in that case.

3. Quantifiers such as: Half of (the earth), a 3rd of (the earth) a quarter of (the earth), all
of (the earth), every of (the people), one of (the prophets) etc do not turn nouns into
adjectives, so the nouns still count even if they are in the genitive (except 'all of' in
Hebrew - see 5.). Position descriptors such as 'Midst', start, middle, end etc are
adjectives. So 'the Midst of the earth' has 'earth' as countable noun.

4. Any noun which is in the absolute preceded by a construct state (and therefore is a
possessive adjective) in the Hebrew is not counted. The Hebrew 'construct' ''
meaning 'to', being the 'construct' of '', meaning 'towards', which is a preposition, does
not turn a noun into a possessive adjective (we think due to 'Joseph' in Genesis 40). In
fact as is the case in Greek, no Hebrew preposition in the construct makes its absolute
noun into a possessive adjective and therefore makes it uncountable.

5. The construct '', meaning all of, or the whole of, being the proper construct of '',
meaning 'to complete', which is not a preposition, does turn a noun into a possessive

6. As in the case of successive designations, Hebrew nouns with pronoun suffixes

(husband-of-her, maidservant-of-me etc.) are not countable 'because they are not plain
nouns'. In general Hebrew Prepositions which are in the construct state, do not cause
the succeeding absolute to be a genitive.

7. The words: Jehovah and God only ever mean Jehovah and God, for any further
meaning would be symbolic idolatry!

This rather mathematical definition can be summed up in the following look up table:

Number of
Number of
Number of literal or
recitals of
threads of symbolic
account meanings of
the countable
1 1 1
1 2 1
1 3 1
1 4 1
1 5 1
2 1 1

2 2 2
2 3 2
2 4 2
2 5 2
3 1 1
3 2 1
3 3 3
3 4 3
3 5 3
4 1 1
4 2 2
4 3 2
4 4 4
4 5 4
5 1 1
5 2 1
5 3 1
5 4 1
5 5 5

It is important to realise that the number of recitals of a noun used as a noun governs
the number of symbolic meanings that it takes in the different threads, but does not
govern the number of fulfilments of these symbolic meanings that it might take.

14 For God speaks once and twice - though one does not regard it (Job 33).

But one should regard it!!

Joseph says referring to the two similar dreams of Pharaoh:

32 And the fact that the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice means that the thing is
firmly established on the part of the [true] God, and the [true] God is speeding to do it
(Genesis 41).

32 And so to repeat the dream to Pharaoh two times, because being decided upon by
the God and being soon to do him (Genesis 41 - NIVHEOT Hebrew Interlinear Bible)

But the whole bible is a dream, in the sense that bible writers spoke under inspiration
not from their subconscious mind but from God. So what Joseph is saying is:

If any inspired scripture is repeated twice then, the thing is decided upon by God and
God will do it soon.

Our first interpretation of this verse, which is quite obviously explaining the meaning of a
repeated scripture in an account, was that a repetition meant a further meaning. This
was pretty much a correct interpretation.

Parallel subaccounts, Interpretations and other sub accounts

which share a noun count

If two symbolic subaccounts describe the same set of events then they share their noun
counts. One simply adds the noun counts for both subaccounts and this count
determines the number of symbolic meaning that each countable noun takes in all of
the threads of both subaccounts. Likewise if two literal subaccounts describe the same
set of events then they share their noun counts. This is covered in more detail in the
parallel account principle below. The situation is more interesting with an
interpretational subaccount.

Interpretations are literal explanations of event symbolisms in their literal meaning. So

their noun count is added to the narrative noun count only.

For a simple example of this have a look at the account of the dreams and
interpretations of the cupbearer and the baker in Genesis 40 - [304].

The Wheat and the Weeds

Jesus actually confirms our current understanding of the Repetition Principle and the
correct interpretation of Josephs explanation of a repetition in Matthew 13:24-30, in the
account of the wheat and the weeds. He gives the word symbolic interpretation of 6
repeated nouns and of the non repeated word 'reapers' - see [70].

General Examples of the Repetition Principle

Have a look a sections [32], [61], [62], [63], [66], [69], [70], [71], [72], [73], [74], [75],
[76]. We have applied the latest 8th generation code to most of these accounts.

Example 1

13 Consequently the Egyptians made the sons of Israel slave under tyranny.
14 And they kept making their life bitter with hard slavery at clay mortar and bricks and
with every form of slavery in the field. Yes, every form of slavery of theirs in which they
used them under tyranny (Exodus 1).

This is just included to show the reader how repetitive a bible account can be!

Example 2 - Deep !

2Now the earth proved to be formless and waste, and there was darkness on the
surface of the deep, and Gods spirit was moving to and fro over the surface of the
waters (Genesis 1).

The 'surface' of the deep is a repeated word. The literal meaning is the surface of the
seas on the earth, the symbolic meaning is the faces or the characters of the angels in
the heavens (the Hebrew word translated surface, means face). For Genesis 1 is not
just the story of the creation of the earth and of men, it is also the story of the creation
of the heavens and of the angels (in the word symbolic meaning), like it says in the first
line of the bible: even the first 7 Hebrew words:

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1).

Then we read:

2Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the
surface of [the] watery deep. And God's active force was moving to and fro over the
surface of the waters (Genesis 1).

Then God said:

3 Let there be light. Then there was light (Genesis 1).

This is a big scripture, and it is the second example of a repeated phrase in the bible,
the existence of light being repeated.

Firstly it was said after the earth had been created, since we have already read how
there was darkness on the surface of the oceans in verse 2. The literal meaning of this
statement is therefore a second physical creation of physical light. Because we know
that light was around before the earth was created.

But the symbolic meaning, the greater meaning, is actually the creation of a spiritual
form of illumination which is time. This creation of time, was the means by which God
could hold his angels to account. For without time, angels could misbehave and then
undo their works in some sense. But time is what condemns bad works and praises
good works. This big bang therefore illuminated the faces of the angels (not that they
have physical faces), but their characters were exposed. Hence we read:

5 After that God saw that the light was good, and God brought about a division between
the light and the darkness. And God began calling the light Day and the darkness he
called Night. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a first day
(Genesis 1).

The light shows up good and bad. Light representing good and darkness representing
bad. The symbolism of the account of the first day of creation of Genesis 1 is:

Waters Angels

Earth Gods heavenly administration

Surface of Waters Characters of angels

Formless Invariant adjective

Waste Invariant adjective

Light Time

So our two repeated phrases: the surface of the waters, and the existence of light, are
the two key symbolisms of the account. The former means the characters of the angels
and the latter means the creation of Time, which from our knowledge of Physics was
the creation of space time, i.e. it was the Big Bang.

God has reset the speed of light !

Now we are in a position to try and solve the problems of modern physics and the
dilemma of the Big Bang not producing enough background radiation and the universe
being unstable with only one constant speed of light from the Big Bang until today. And
we are in a position to discredit the erroneous belief that the universe has been around
for billions of years. There have been at least two forms of light in the history of the
universe. The universe was created with one form of light and then before man came
along another form of light was created. Putting this in simple terms, the universe was
created in warp drive and then light slowed down to 300 million metres per second just
before man appeared (actually to trap man in his playpen, the solar system, until he
grew up). Yes the speed of light is a constant. But it is a constant set by God. A constant
that was reset by the command:

Let there be light.

It might have been 300 billion or 300 trillion or 300 billion trillion metres per second
before this command. Amen. For a fuller account of this, and a brief history of light, see
section [234]. God will reset the speed of light again in the future to enable us to reach
every star in the universe, like Anakim Skywalker said. But he will not do this until we
have grown up. It is not man who will invent warp drive in order to beat God. It is God
who invented it in order to create the universe and in order to teach us. It is God who
took the universe out of warp drive, for us, and for the angels, since they learn through
us, and we through them, for they are our brothers. For we are moral minors and
technological teenagers. It is no coincidence that one cannot explain this fundamental
feature of the universe without admitting the existence of God.

This sort of realisation is the power of the Repetition Principle.

The Repetition Principle can be deduced to some extent from the Power Principle.
Because if a phrase is repeated in an account, then it has no power in the literal
meaning, because it is saying nothing new. The only way for it to have power is for it to
mean something different in the greater meaning. So by the Power Principle, this must
be the case. It must indeed have a greater meaning in the greater meaning.

Example 3

2In the midst of the years oh bring it to life, in the midst of the years may you make it
known (Habakkuk 3).

Now in the literal meaning we have his resurrection and his death in the midst of 'the
years'. In the Word symbolic meaning, since the phrase 'in the midst of the years' is
repeated, it has a different meaning to that which it has in the literal meaning.

Now the Hebrew word for 'midst' is which can mean either amongst or middle. So in
the literal meaning it must mean one and in the symbolic meaning the other. So
however you look at it, Jesus died and was resurrected in the middle of 'the years'. For
the full story see - The Midst Prophecy.

[C9] The No Coincidences Principle

There are no coincidences in the bible. Every apparent coincidence is appointed by


20As regards whatever our hearts may condemn us in, because God is greater than
our hearts and knows all things (1 John 3).

Since God knows all things he is aware in particular of all of the coincidences in the
bible. Since he is not given to deliberately misleading us (unless it is in our interest), we
must assume that such scriptural similarities are a matter of design, rather than
coincidence. The prophet Amos is saying:

3 Will two walk together unless they have met by appointment?

i.e. are there any coincidences in God's actions, and therefore in the bible?

4Will a lion roar in a forest when it has no prey?

Will a young maned lion give forth its voice from its hiding place if it has caught nothing
at all?

These two lines are saying the same thing, and it is not a coincidence

5Will a bird fall into a trap on the earth when there is no snare for it?
Does a trap go up from the ground when it has absolutely caught nothing?

These two lines are saying the same thing, and it is not a coincidence

6 If a horn is blown in a city, do not also the people themselves tremble?

If a calamity occurs in the city is it not also Jehovah who has acted/caused [it]?

The horn was blown when a calamity was about to occur as a warning. God is indirectly
behind everything.

7For the sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his
confidential matter/secret to his servants, the prophets (Amos 3:3-7).

This applies to calamities on cities of his people. So he warns us all through his
prophets, in a secret way, using apparent coincidences. But at the end of the day in the
bible if two walk together then it is not a coincidence it is by appointment.

[C9a] Example 1

18And Jehovah God went on to say: It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I
am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him (Genesis 2).

26 But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will
teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you (John 14).

We know that it is not a coincidence that God himself called Adams wife his helper, and
that John called the holy spirit a helper. It means that the holy spirit is someones wife.
Well if God is our father then we must also have a mother. Paul identifies his mother as
the Jerusalem above:

26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother (Galatians 4:26).

So the Jerusalem above is God's wife obviously, and so it is the Holy spirit. But the
Jerusalem above is just God's administration of all of his loyal heavenly people. Just as
the Jerusalem below was his administration of all of his loyal earthly people at one time.
So the Holy spirit is all of God's holy angels, it is all of the holy spirits. So there it is, the
precise identity of the Holy Spirit, from the No Coincidence Principle.

The Holy Spirit is a living group of beings, it is not a force as some religions (such as
the Jehovahs Witnesses) believe, because it pleads for us:

26 In like manner the spirit also joins in with help for our weakness; for the [problem of]
what we should pray for as we need to we do not know, but the spirit itself pleads for us
with groanings unuttered (Romans 8:26).

Who ever heard of a force that pleads? No, it is our mother who pleads with our father,
God, for her children! It is so beautiful. She is no part of a mysterious trinity as most of
Christendom would have us believe. She is all of the holy angels who are sealed. She
is none other than the first lady of the heavens. And the trinity doctrine was designed by
Satan and fed to unreasoning men and women to hide her beauty from us, due to his
jealousy. Because he was born without her help, he never had a mother.

But with clear thinking and with eyes of faith we can see our mother's face. For her's is
the face that launched a billion angelic ships for our spirits to sail in. And as regards
beauty, her face would bring tears to the cheeks of Helen of Troy herself if only she
could see it. So who can forgive us for the outrageous lies that we swallow?

Example 2

For example, the sect of Nicolaus is mentioned in the counsel to Ephesus and to
Pergamum in Revelation 3. The only other mention of his name is as one of the 7
ministerial servants in Acts 6:

5And the thing spoken was pleasing to the whole multitude, and they selected Stephen,
a man full of faith and holy spirit, and Philip and Prochorus and Nicanor and Timon and
Parmenas and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch (Acts 6).

6Still, you do have this, that you hate the deeds of the sect of Nicolaus, which I also
hate (Revelation 2).

This is not a coincidence. God is fully aware of this situation. It may not of necessity be
the case that the Nicolaus of Acts 6 develops for himself a sect, but it is the case that
we can learn about the sect by reading Acts 6, it is of help to us. If it is not literally of
help, then it is symbolically or cryptically of help.

[C10] The Times Principle, the Generalisation of

Daniel 4
The phrase 'n times' can mean 'n years' or 'n years of years' which is '360n years'

We read in Revelation 12:

14 But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into
the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and half a
time away from the face of the serpent (Revelation 12).

Where times is obviously in the plural (since Greek has no dual number as Hebrew
does). But earlier in the same chapter we read:

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that
they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12).

In the actual vision, (but not in its symbolic meaning) the two periods are the same
period and so we are being told by holy spirit that the phrase a time, times and half a
time is 1260 days of the BLC (Biblical Lunar Calendar), which is 3.5 lunar years of 360
days. But a year is a time, a cycle, of the earth around the sun. So 3.5 years is 3.5
times. So 3.5 times is 1260 days. So 7 times is 2520 days. So n times is 360n days.

The first example of the Times Principle - Daniel 4

In Daniel chapter 4, Nebuchadnezzar, who is the King of Babylon and the King of God's
people the Jews, who are prisoners in Babylon, is removed from his throne for a period
of 'seven times' and then he is re instated as King. The phrase seven times appears
several times in the account:

16 Let its heart be changed from that of mankind, and let the heart of a beast be given
to it, and let seven times pass over it (Daniel 4).

32And from mankind they are driving even you away, and with the beasts of the field
your dwelling will be. Vegetation they will give even to you to eat just like bulls, and

seven times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in
the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it (Daniel 4).

This period of 7 times is 2520 days in the literal meaning, 7 Biblical Lunar years. So
Nebuchadnezzar was a foreign king over God's exiled people who lost his kingship over
them and over his own people and then regained it after 2520 days.

Now God ceased having a vassal king that represented him over his people sometime
before Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem and burnt the temple in 586Ab10 BC
(13th August). In fact the first king over the Jews who did not represent God was
Jehoiakim who acceded sometime between 608 Tishri BC (September/October) and
607 Elul (August/September), in fact it was on 608Chislev10 (13th November) - see
[97]. So the last agricultural year of God's Kingship started in 608Tishri, and the first
agricultural year without God as king over the seed of Abraham started on 607Tishri1
(23rd September). Jehoiakim was appointed by Pharaoh Nechoh of Egypt and was a
vassal of his, see - The Chronology from Solomon to Zedekiah.

So the big question for God's people as prisoners in the foreign land of Babylon, having
been deported there by Nebuchadnezzar after he burnt Jerusalem and Solomon's
temple, is not how long will it be until we get Nebuchadnezzar back as our king? But, it
is rather, how long will it be after God ceased being our king, before he again becomes
our king through a vassal King who actually represents him?

It is this period that has been taken as the greater meaning of Daniel chapter 4 by many
Second Adventists, who realised of course that the vassal King that the Most High God
wants to give the kingdom of mankind to at the end of this period of Kingship
malediction is Jesus. This appointment is then possibly the 'second coming' or the
'second presence' of the Christ. The Watchtower originally thought that the end of this
period would be Armageddon (not unreasonably on the basis of Daniel 4 alone).

Historically, what 'second adventists' have done is to take Nebuchadnezzar to

represent: God's vassal king over his people. They then say that the 2520 day period,
which represents the time during which God does not have a vassal king over his
people, is obviously way too short and so should be taken at 'a day for a year', using
the acceptable symbolism we deduced in [c2.3]. Therefore, the period during which
God's people do not have a vassal king representing God over them is 2520 years long.

This would mean that Jesus becomes God's vassal king over his people in 1914Tishri,
2520 years after 607Tishri1 (there was no 0 BC, it went 1BC then 1AD). Incidentally, no
religion on this earth until the Lord's witnesses has had the correct Chronology for the
kings or the correct understanding of whom the last vassal king of Judah representing
God was. We must credit the Reverend John Brown and Ed Schnopp for their major
roles in this understanding. Please see [120]. Ed Schnopp's treatise on the Gentile
Times can be found on

In fact Jesus did become God's vassal king in heaven over God's true people, who
were no longer physical Jews, but by now had become Christians, but were all
Abraham's true seed, sons of the First and Second Abrahamic Covenants, baptised by
an Elijah into the 2AC, who came first, before Jesus came again, in 1914Tishri15 (7th

October), as we shall see. This Elijah was actually Charles Russell, the founder of the
Watchtower (see later).

11 And they began to question him, saying: Why do the scribes say that first Elijah must
12 He said to them: Elijah does come first and restore all things; but how is it that it is
written respecting the Son of man that he must undergo many sufferings and be treated
as of no account? (Mark 9).

The problem with the naive interpretation of the symbolic Nebuchadnezzar as being
God's vassal king over Abraham's true seed, who is Jesus at the end of the 2520 year
period, is that Daniel says to him:

27 Therefore, O king, may my counsel seem good to you, and remove your own sins by
righteousness, and your iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones. Maybe there will
occur a lengthening of your prosperity (Daniel 4).

Jesus had no sin, but was unblemished, and he had no iniquity, so this counsel cannot
apply to him.

The solution to this problem is to realise that the 7 Prophetic Times fulfillment is a Word
symbolism and so we have the latitude to assign a different symbolic meaning to each
designation for King Nebuchadnezzar.

'Lord of me', and 'My Lord the king' do not suffer any passages in the account which
cannot apply to Jesus. Daniel 4 is the account of the loss and regaining of several
kingships over God's people. We are not going into them here however. The purpose of
the above was to show how the Designations Principle is necessary to find the true
interpretation of Daniel 4. However there is a scripture in Ezekiel which shows us that
God's kingship over his people is ruined three times. It is:

25 And as for you, Oh profane, wicked chieftain/prince of Israel, whose day has come in
the time of the error of [the] end, 26 this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said:
Remove the turban, and lift off the crown. This will not be the same. Put on high even
what is low, and bring low even the high one.
27 A ruin, a ruin, a ruin I shall make it. As for this also, it will certainly become no [one's]
until he comes who has the legal right, and I must give [it] to him (Ezekiel 21 - NWT
adapted by NIVHEOT).

So the crown comes off, when the head one is not a king (from God's standpoint).
Three greater ruins, are made of the kingship: a ruin, a ruin, a ruin, using the
Successive Repeated Designation Principle. The one with the legal right is Jesus in the
literal meaning.

Verifying that the Kingship malediction period is 2520

years from Leviticus 26
There is an independent confirmation that 2520 years is the correct symbolic
interpretation of Daniel 4 to be found in Leviticus 26 - see [121]. This is a contract under

the law of Moses between God and the whole Nation of Israel collectively. One of the
penalties for breaking this contract was a 2520 year Kingship Malediction on God's
people, wherein God did not act as King over the sons of Abraham, who are enlarged to
mean under through either of his first two covenants - see [9]. The 2520 year penalty is
a sevenfold retribution for a 360 year combined idolatry error of both the houses of
Israel and Judah added together, which is deduced from Ezekiel 4. In this chapter the
Holy Spirit tells us to interpret the actions of the prophet taking a day for a year. So it is
not unreasonable to interpret the actions of King Nebuchadnezzar, which being in the
bible are prophetic, in the same way. So that his 2520 day loss of kingship stands for a
2520 year loss of kingship, as we have seen above.

The History of the First Bible Key

The phrase 'n times' can be 360n years in a bible account.

The phrase x times in the bible can mean 360x years. When it does, these 360 year
periods are called Prophetic Times. Amazingly this is where mankind in general and the
Jehovahs Witnesses in particular have been blind.

The JWs know that x times means 'x periods of 360 years' in Daniel chapter 4, and so
do many other Christian and Jewish religions and theologians. But no one ever thought
of applying this 'key' to any other incidence of the phrase x times in the bible. This is
because people who understood the symbolism of Daniel 4, did not believe that the
bible was in a code. Technically no one had grasped the Consistency Principle of the

This is of course the same mistake that bible scholars and the Watchtower have made
in the case of all greater meanings. They believe that Daniel 4 has a greater meaning,
they know from Paul's words in Galatians 4:24 that Genesis 16 has a greater meaning,
but they have failed to realise that perhaps Daniel 5 or perhaps Genesis 17 and just
maybe every other chapter in the bible has a greater meaning too! This is again
because these people did not see that the bible was written in a code, and technically
no one had grasped the Symbolic Structure Principle. Why did no one ask the question:

If Daniel 4 has a greater symbolic meaning, then does Daniel 5 have one too? Would
this have been a giant leap of inordinate intellectual perspicacity? Look what the good
book has to say on this matter:

10 For upon you men Jehovah has poured a spirit of deep sleep, and he closes your
eyes, the prophets, and he has covered even your heads, the visionaries.
11 And for you men the vision of everything becomes like the words of a book, that has
been sealed up, which they give to someone knowing writing saying: Read this out
loud, please. And he has to say: I am unable for it is sealed up.
12 And the book must be given to someone that does not know writing, saying: Read
this out loud please. And he has to say: I do not know writing at all (Isaiah 29).

Those who do know writing today are the modern day Pharisees, the elders of the third
true church (now a false church). They cannot see the meaning of the book, which is
the bible, because they are asleep with a bag over their heads. But the one who does
not know writing, who has not been taught in the pharisaical schools for leaders in the

Watchtower, this one does not say that he is unable. So we deduce that he is able. He
stands for the leader of the 4th true congregation. The first members of this
congregation were Gordon, Tony and later Massoud.

Gordon and Tony, two Lord's Witnesses, when there were only two of us (although
Gordon does not think that Tony and Massoud were baptised until 1994Elul), grasped
this bible key in February/March 1992, just after the Watchtower joined the United
Nations as an NGO, thereby committing the transgression that causes them desolation
of Daniel 8, and becoming part of the harlot riding the beast of Revelation 17. Gordon
and Tony then charged through the bible substituting '360 years' for 'times' everywhere,
and deduced the following:

The Great Prophetic Times Periods

Chapter Section
Name x times Start Finish

Exedenic Genesis 4:15 [133]

7 times 3993Nisan16 1473Nisan15

Alienation Leviticus 4:6,17 [129]

7 times 2488Sivan 33Sivan6

Daniel 4:25 [121], [123]

Gentile Times 7 times 607Tishri 1914Tishri15

Balfour's Leviticus 26 [121]

7 times 604Tishri 1917Tishri

John 5:2 (5
Intermission [191]
5 times 95Tishri 1895Tishri Collonades)
1 Chronicles 21:12
Temple Times 3 times 1048Nisan16 33Nisan16 (3 days, months,

Genesis 45:6,7
Joseph's Not proved
2 times 2488Sivan 1768Sivan Not proved

Pharaoh's Genesis 31:7 [31]

10 times 1593Nisan 2008Nisan14
Genesis 4:24,
Matthew 18:22 Vaguely
Lamech's (77 times covered in
11 times 3928Nisan 33Nisan14
Times compared to 7 [133]
Luke 12:54,55 Not
Separating time 1918Nisan16 2008Nisan16 covered in


The rest of our early understandings, many of which were wrong, are in 'Letter to the

The Blindness of the Watchtower

The reason that the Watchtower never worked this out in scriptural terms is that God
blinded them because they lost their love for him. For their founder Charles Russell was
not the Laodicean Messenger, as is inscribed on his gravestone, but was in fact the
Ephesian messenger (see [15,16]), the angel of the first congregation of the second
presence (which he believed would be the last). And the counsel to him from Jesus

4Nevertheless I hold this against you, that you lost the love you had at first (Revelation

Isaiah prophesies that the JWs will become blind and deaf:

10 You are my witnesses, is the utterance of Jehovah: Even my servant whom I have
chosen, in order that you may know and have faith in me, and that you may understand
that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there
continued to be none.
11 I--I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.
12 I myself have told forth and have saved and have caused [it] to be heard, when there
was among you no strange [god]. So you are my witnesses, is the utterance of
Jehovah, and I am God (Isaiah 43)

18 Hear, you deaf ones; and look forth to see, you blind ones.
19 Who is blind, if not my servant, and who is deaf as my messenger whom I send?
Who is blind as the one rewarded, or blind as the servant of Jehovah?
20 It was a case of seeing many things, but you did not keep watching. It was a case of
opening the ears, but you did not keep listening (Isaiah 42).

This is why Jesus said to Peter:

37 And he came and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter: Simon, are you
sleeping? Did you not have strength to keep on the watch one hour? (Mark 14).

The reason that the Watchtower did not see these in psychological terms was because
Russell set the goals of the Society as follows:

The work in which the Lord has been pleased to use our humble talents has been less
a work of origination than of reconstruction, adjustment, harmonisation (Kingdom

An honest and humble appraisal (although saying that youre humble in circumstances
where humility is considered to be a virtue is more immodest than it is humble!!) But

why should the past restrict the future? Why should Charles Russell cut short the hand
of God in that way. Is there anything that is too extraordinary for him? Jesus thought

36 And he went on to say: Abba, Father, all things are possible to you; remove this cup
from me. Yet not what I want, but what you want (Mark 14).

This is rather like a motivational speech very well given by Will Carling about the British
Lions at an Amway conference that Gordon Attended. The Lions set as their goal, a
place in the Final of the World Cup in South Africa. And they got there. And then they
lost the final because they had not set the winning of that match as their goal.

Russell was not the first Adventist to realise that Daniel 4 related to a period of 2520
years. Neither was he the first to get the start date of 607 correct. But he was the first
and only Adventist to get the end date of this period absolutely correct to the Hebrew
month 1914Tishri and to set up a religion which had the guts to declare it, guts which
they have now lost, along with their faith and their love. The incredible thing is that he
did this believing that Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar in 606 BC, when it in fact fell in
586. He worked things backwards from 536Tishri, a false date for the end of either of
the two 70 year land Sabbath exiles. He did not even know there were two of them!
Basically he made a series of mistakes and yet got the right answer. Now there is the
activity of the holy spirit and the love of our God ! For the history of the main second
adventist prophecy - see [120].

But what Russell did absolutely marvelously was to adopt the following crucial
philosophy for bible research, although it is a matter of faith and logic as well. He
proposed that:

The way to test your interpretation, is not against doctrines of churches but against all other
scriptures relating to the subject matter of your interpretation. When you have harmonised them
all then you have Gods interpretation.

He was not the first to have this idea either (Isaac Newton had it for example). God very
rarely gives us the whole picture in one piece. He prefers to give us jigsaws. This we
have made a principle of the code called the Jigsaw Principle!

[C11] The Numerical Principle

A given number of living or inanimate items in a bible account can stand symbolically for
that number of 'Times'.
A 'Time' can stand literally or symbolically for a day, a month or a year.

14And God went on to say: Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to
make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for
seasons and for days and years (Genesis 1).

The planetary luminaries of the Sun and the moon define years and months. The earth
itself defines 'days', although it is the rotation with respect to the Sun that we actually
see. So a day is one time of the earth around itself. A month is one time of the moon

around the earth. A year is one time of the earth around the Sun. All three are times of
revolution, cycles. These are Gods celestial time pieces. In scientific terms a 'time' is a

So in the bible a time can mean a day a month or a year.

The penalty that God prescribed through Gad, to David, for his part in the registration
sin was:

11 Accordingly Gad went in to David and said to him: This is what Jehovah has said:
Take your pick,
12 whether for three years there is to be a famine, or for three months there is to be a
sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to
overtake [you], or for three days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in
the land, with Jehovah's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel. And now see
what I should reply to the One sending me (1 Chronicles 21).

All three penalties were '3 times' in duration, and they prefigure the three times of the
temple times - see [40]. These times were, days, months and years.

Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel, was sold into
slavery by his brothers and ended up in prison in Egypt with the chief of the bakers and
the chief of the cupbearers of Pharaoh. The chief of the cupbearers dreamed about
three twigs, and the chief of the bakers dreamed about three baskets. Joseph
interpreted these parts of their dreams as follows:

As regards the cupbearer:

Then Joseph said to him: This is its interpretation: The 3 twigs are 3 days (Genesis

As regards the baker:

18 Then Joseph answered and said: This is its interpretation: The 3 baskets are 3 days
(Genesis 40).

So Joseph, the first bible decoder recorded in the holy book, is telling us that a given
number of twigs or baskets can stand for a given number of days or times or cycles.
Then Pharaoh himself had one dream about 7 fat cows and 7 thin cows (this was not a
dream about women), and then a second dream about 7 fat ears of grain and 7 thin
ears of grain. Guess how Joseph interpreted these parts of these dreams:

26The 7 good cows are 7 years. Likewise the 7 good ears of grain are 7 years. The
dream is but one (Genesis 41).

So the 7 cows and the 7 ears of grain were 7 years or 7 times or 7 cycles. So a cow or
an ear of grain or a twig or a basket can be a time which can be a day or a year. Now
we apply the all powerful Consistency Principle, and it is not hard to generalise this to:

A given number of living or inanimate things in a bible account can stand for that
number of times, i.e. days or months or years

c11.1 First example of the Numerical Principle

This is the account of the registration sin of David, mainly taken from 1 Chronicles 21,
but also using the parallel account in 2 Samuel 24. Please do not be put off by the
apparent contradictions in these two accounts. Read them very carefully in an
accurately translated bible (we suggest the New World Translation of the Watchtower or
Green's Literal bible or our own translation when it comes out, or any Hebrew
Interlinear Translation), and you will see that these are not actually contradictions. For
example there were 800,000 valliant men drawing sword in Israel according to 2
Samuel 24, but there were 1,100,000 men drawing sword according to 1 Chronicles 21.
The distinction being made is that 300,000 of them were not 'valiant'.

Now Joab, the head of the army, who conducted the registration, would have made
such a distinction, knowing which ones would make good soldiers and which ones
would not. This was his business. Likewise the 7 year famine 'in your land' proposed by
Jehovah in 2 Samuel 24 is reckoned including the 3 year famine that had just ended in
2 Samuel 21, which is referred to in the first verse:

1 And again, the anger of Jehovah came to be hot against Israel (2 Samuel 24:1).

In the case of the previous famine, God was pacified and the famine therefore halted by
a sacrifice. The 3 year famine of 1 Chronicles 21, is reckoned excluding the earlier 3
year famine. One presumes that the period between these two famines was one year,
and food was not exactly plentiful during that year between two famines.

1 And Satan proceeded to stand up against Israel and to incite David to number Israel.
2 So David said to Joab and the chiefs of the people: Go, count Israel from Beer-sheba
to Dan and bring it to me that I may know their number.
3 But Joab said: May Jehovah add to his people a hundred times as many as they are.
Do they not, O my lord the king, all of them belong to my lord as servants? Why does
my lord seek this? Why should he become a cause of guilt to Israel?
4 The king's word, however, prevailed over Joab, so that Joab went out and walked
through all Israel, after which he came to Jerusalem.
5 Joab now gave the number of the registration of the people to David; and all Israel
amounted to a million one hundred thousand men drawing sword, and Judah four
hundred and seventy thousand men drawing sword (1 Chronicles 21).

There is a lot of drawing of swords that goes on in this account, so by the Repetition
Principle, this is the key symbolism in the greater meaning:

16When David raised his eyes, he got to see Jehovahs angel standing between the
earth and the heavens with his drawn sword in his hand extended toward Jerusalem (1
Chronicles 21).

27 Moreover, YHWH said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to
its sheath (1 Chronicles 21).

We now apply the Numerical Principle to these 1.1 million men of Israel drawing sword,
and deduce that they represent 1.1 million days or 3055 years 200 days in the greater
meaning of this account. They end when the passover angel himself, Michael, puts his

sword back in his sheath at the end of Armageddon, on 2008Elul16 - see [163]. They
start 1.1 million days earlier which is 1049Shebat26 BC. But this is 50 days before
1048Nisan16 when the 3 day plague ended and David purchased the threshing floor of
Ornan. David purchased the floor 22.5 years before Solomons temple was inaugurated
because all temples are commissioned 22.5 years before they are inaugurated. And
Solomons was inaugurated in 1026Tishri - see [The 3 Times of the Temple Times -
section 40]. So Solomon was commissioned to build his temple and the foundation was
purchased on 1048Nisan16.

50 days is a reasonable period within which David could start feeling bad, and
eventually pray to God for forgiveness, then Gad could come and tell him about his
penalty choices, then the 3 day plague could occur. But we can actually confirm this 50
day period using the Numerical Principle again in the parallel account of this
registration, plague and temple site purchase in 2 Samuel 24:

22 But Araunah said to David: Let my lord the king take it and offer up what is good in
his eyes. See the cattle for the burnt offering and the threshing sledge and the
implements of the cattle for the wood.
23 Everything Araunah, Oh king, does give to the king. And Araunah went on to say to
the king: May Jehovah your God show pleasure in you.
24 However, the king said to Araunah (Ornan): No, but without fail I shall buy it from you
for a price; and I shall not offer up to Jehovah my God burnt sacrifices without cost.
Accordingly David bought the threshing floor and the cattle for 50 silver shekels (2
Samuel 24).

Whereas in the 1 Chronicles 21 account we read:

24 However, King David said to Ornan: No, but without fail I shall make the purchase for
the money in full, because I shall not carry what is yours to Jehovah to offer up burnt
sacrifices without cost.
25 So David gave Ornan for the place gold shekels to the weight of 600 (1 Chronicles

These two accounts again look contradictory at first sight. But they arent. The 600 gold
shekels represents the price for the real estate, the place. The 50 silver shekels
represents the price for the threshing floor equipment (all wood) and the cattle, all of
which was used for the first sacrifice of cattle burnt over wood, by David which halted
the plague:

26 Then David built there an altar to Jehovah and offered up burnt sacrifices and
communion sacrifices, and he proceeded to call upon Jehovah, who now answered him
with fire from the heavens upon the altar of burnt offering.
27 Moreover, Jehovah said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to
its sheath (1 Chronicles 21).

If you go into a florists shop and say: How much for the whole shop? They will take it
that you wish to purchase all of their stock, not the lease of the shop. This is the
distinction being made between the 50 shekels of silver and the 600 shekels of Gold.

Now 50 shekels of silver was the cost of pacifying the true God by this sacrifice. But the
period during which God was upset, started the moment that Joab handed the result of
the registration to David (this being when he had actually completed the registration -
he could have stopped it before then) and ended with the fire from the heavens burning
up and accepting the offering. Now we apply the Numerical Principle to the 50 shekels,
and take them as a day for a shekel, i.e. God was upset for 50 days. So he started to
be upset on 1049Shebat26, 50 days before 1048Nisan16.

But this date 1049Shebat26 is precisely the day we got by subtracting 1,100,000 days
from 2008Elul16, the last day of Armageddon. So since we already know that the
Numerical principle is true, we have just confirmed the end date of Armageddon to the
very day by simply employing one rather huge calculation!!

That is what we call symbolism! The 470,000 men of Judah, are 470,000 days or 1305
years 200 days. They count backwards to 2354Ab6 BC when the first separation
between good and bad occurred, 16 years after the flood. It was incited of course by
Satan as was the registration. The bible describes how this first recorded sin after the
flood occurred in Genesis 9. Ham looked upon his father Noahs nakedness and told his
brothers about it, dishonouring his dad, who had just discovered alcohol. Whereas
Shem and Japheth covered their fathers nakedness by walking in backwards with a
mantle into the tent where the naked intoxicated Noah lay. They did this without looking.
So Ham did not honour his father, whereas the other two sons did. It is all a question of
gratitude to the ones to whom you owe your existence. These actions identify the good
sons and the bad son. Remember that honouring one's parents was one of the 10

The final separation between good and bad sons of Noah, (for that is what we all are) is
470,000 plus 1,1000,000 days later. So in the symbolic meaning, the greater
registration is of the time period of Gods people after the flood, from when the first
distinction is made in Noahs tent, and the fight begins between the good seed and the
evil seed, and the swords are unsheathed, until the last distinction at Armageddon in
the greater Noahs ark when the fight ends and the sword of the passover angel is

So here it is, the history book with no dates. There is of course no such thing, so the
dates must be coded. Many can be decoded using the Numerical Principle.

[C12] The Jigsaw Principle of the Code

A church doctrine is correct only if it satisfies every scripture in the bible relating to the
subject of the doctrine.

God very rarely gives us the whole picture in one account. Normally one has to piece
together information from different accounts to get the full picture. But when one has
logically harmonised ones interpretations of every scripture on a given subject then one
has the true interpretation and the true understanding of that subject. This is the best
way to work out congregational doctrine etc. This principle follows from the
Consistency Principle, because if the bible was inconsistent in the literal meaning, then
it would be of no use. But it is consistent as far as we are aware. There may be some

errors in the best manuscripts we have today, but God is aware of them and they will be
corrected if this is necessary, possibly by the bible code itself!

Many false religions have been founded on one or two scriptures and have ignored this
principle. By a false religion we mean one which claims that their baptised members
have their sins forgiven by God, but actually they do not. We mean a religion incapable
of baptising its members into the First or the Second Abrahamic Covenants.

Charles Russell's Extinguishing of the Fires of Hell using the

Jigsaw Principle

Charles Russell, who founded the Watchtower said:

A God that would use his power to create human beings whom he foreknew and pre-destinated
should be eternally tormented, could be neither wise, just nor loving. His standard would be
lower than that of many men (Kingdom Proclaimers).

He was credited by many as the man who put out the fire in hell! He did this by
comparing all of the scriptures relating to:

Gehenna (The Greek word properly translated as 'Hell')

Sheol (The Hebrew word properly translated as 'The Grave')
Hades (The Greek word properly translated as 'The Grave')

Hell, Gehenna:

The Greek word for Hell is Gehenna (). Gehenna is the Greek for the Hebrew:
Geh Hinnom, which means the valley of Hinnom, which was a valley directly over the
south wall of Jerusalem. This valley was the burial place for the dead of the city.

To avoid pestilenceconstant fires were kept burning there (William D Mounce,

Analytical Lexicon to Greek NT).

6And he himself made his own sons pass through the fire in the valley of the son of
Hinnom, and practiced magic and used divination and practiced sorcery and made
spiritistic mediums and professional foretellers of events. He did on a grand scale what
was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, to offend him (2 Chronicles 33).

31 And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of
Hinnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, a thing that I had not
commanded and that had not come up into my heart.
32 Therefore, look! days are coming, is the utterance of Jehovah, when it will no more
be said [to be] Topheth and the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of the killing;
and they will have to bury in Topheth without there being enough place (Jeremiah 7).

So it is a burning burial ground. This prophecy was fulfilled in destruction of Jerusalem

by Titus as described by Josephus. They ran out of space in Gehenna, and piled up the
corpses in large houses in the city, around 600,000 were thrown out of the gates of the

city by 70Tammuz1, during the last siege of Jerusalem according to the Jewish
Historian Josephus - who was at the siege (The complete works of Josephus can be
downloaded from this site ( or purchased from bookshops).

Scriptures which indicate that we do roast in Hell:

43And if ever your hand makes you stumble, cut it off; it is finer for you to enter into life
maimed than with two hands to go off into Gehenna, into the fire that cannot be put out
(Mark 9).

10 And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur,
where both the wild beast and the false prophet [already were]; and they will be
tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20).

Scriptures which indicate that we don't roast in Hell:

5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious
of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of
them has been forgotten (Ecclesiastes 9).

3 Do not put your trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation
4 His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish
(Psalm 146).

For the rest of this Jigsaw please see [13a].

[C12.1] Isaac Newton's exposure of the false doctrine of the

Trinity using the Jigsaw Principle

The History of the Trinity: (The Life of Isaac Newton - Westfall, Isaac
Newton - Michael White)

Newton returned to the works of the men who had formulated Trinitarianism: Athanasius
(Anaesthesius might have been a better name for him), Gregory Nazienzen, Jerome,
Augustine.... The conviction possessed him that a massive fraud, which began in the 4th and 5th
centuries, had perverted the legacy of the early church (Life of Isaac Newton).

The Trinity doctrine was debated and adopted by the early church at the church council
of Nicaea in 325 AD. The debate was between Arius who opposed it and Athanasius
who proposed it. Arius lost the debate and the corruption started. Newton discovered
that this fraud extended to deliberate corruptions of the bible itself. So that the King
James version of 1 John 5:7 even today is:

7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy
Ghost, and these three are one (1 John 5 - King James Version).

Newton observed that: It is not read thus in the Syrian bible. Not by Ignatius, Justin, Irenaeus,
Tertullian, Origen, Athanas, Nazanianzen...Augustine, Beda and others.

The Greek Interlinear version is:

7Because there are three giving testimony (1 John 5 - UBS 3rd edition, Nestle Aland
26th edition)

The underlined part in the King James Version of 1 John 5:7 above is therefore a
fraudulent addition to the Holy Scriptures by, well, Satan basically.

Newton found a second corrupted text at 1 Timothy 3:16. The KJV has:

16 And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the
flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in
the world, received up into glory (1 Timothy 3 - KJV).

The word 'God' is not in the original Greek, rather it is 'Who'. The Greek Interlinear
version is:

16 And confessedly great is the mystery of godliness: Who was manifested in the flesh,
vindicated in spirit, was seen by angels, was proclaimed among Gentiles, was believed
in [the] world, was taken up in glory (1 Timothy 3 UBS 3rd Edition, Nestle Aland 26th

The Definition of the Trinity:

The Catholic Encyclopedia, the trinity section of which can be found at: defines the trinity as follows:

The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion -- the
truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another. Thus, in the words of the
Athanasian Creed:

"The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods
but one God."

In this Trinity of Persons the Son is begotten of the Father by an eternal generation, and the Holy
Spirit proceeds by an eternal procession from the Father and the Son. Yet, notwithstanding this
difference as to origin, the Persons are co-eternal and co-equal: all alike are uncreated and
omnipotent. This, the Church teaches, is the revelation regarding God's nature which Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, came upon earth to deliver to the world: and which she proposes to man
as the foundation of her whole dogmatic system.

This is illogically defined and therefore not defined and therefore non existent. There
are 3 inconsistencies in the definition:

1. That God is three independent beings who are one being

2. Jesus is God and the father is God. So the Father is the Son
3. The Son is uncreated

1 It is not possible for three oranges to be one orange.
It is not possible for a Father to be a Son, this contradicts the definitions of both father
and son. The son is defined as an offspring of a father not an 'onspring' as it were.
3 Sons are by definition created by their fathers, a son cannot be uncreated.

Basically the Trinity is defined as a number that is both less than two and more than
two. Obviously there is no such number. The Trinity is like a hotel in North London
which is situated South of the Thames. Obviously there is no such hotel. But when the
poor uneducated, logically uninitiated, spiritually naive, churchgoer complains, saying:
How can this be? He is told by his priest: Aha! that is the mystery of God. God can put a
hotel which is in North London in a South London postcode. God can make a number
that is larger than 2 actually be less than 2. At which point the poor naive churchgoer
gives up and says to himself. Wow! I will never understand God, I had better leave the
understanding of him to my priest. This of course is the precise effect that the priest
wants. Now he can continue to play God to his congregation.

[C12.2] The History of the English Bible

The first man to translate the bible from Latin into English was John Wycliffe, whose
translation came out in 1382 ( John Wycliffe was
an Oxford Professor, he also invented bifocal eye glasses! He therefore improved not
only our spiritual vision but also our physical vision!!
( Wycliffe's belief was that:

[i] The sacred Scriptures be the property of the people, and one which no party should be
allowed to wrest from them.

[ii] The authority of the Scriptures is independent on any other authority, and is preferable to
every other writing, but especially to the books of the church of Rome.

[iii] It is impossible for any part of the Holy Scriptures to be wrong. In Holy Scripture is all the
truth, one part of Scripture explains another.

The subsequent persecution of him and of those who possessed his bible was
extraordinary. Many were burnt at the stake with copies of his translation around their
necks. During the reign of Henry V (1413-1422) an Act was confirmed by which:

English Sheriffs were forced to take an oath to persecute the Lollards, and the Justices must
deliver a relapsed heretic to be burned within 10 days of his accusation (Armitage a History of
the Baptists, 1890, I, p323).

The Lollards were those who valued the teachings of the bible over the doctrines of the
Church of Rome. They read and preached in English from Wycliffe's Bible. In 1414 a
law was passed as follows:

All who read the scriptures in their mother tongue should: Forfeit land, cattle, life and goods
from the heirs for ever !! (Eadie: History of the English Bible).

In 1416 Archbishop Chichele at Oxford declared that the clergy should make:

A thorough search in the parish twice a year, for all persons that: Hold any either heresies or
errors, or have any suspected books in the English tongue (Blackburn, History of the Christian
Church 1880 p346).

However Wycliffe himself had the support of Queen Joan (1328-1385), of Queen Ann
(the wife of Richard II), and ultimately of God himself:

In May 1382, Wycliffe was called before yet another synod of ecclesiastical authorities. This is
called the Blackfriars Synod, because it was held in the monastery of Blackfriars in London.
When the 47 Bishops and monks and religious doctors took their seats, a powerful earthquake
shook the city. Huge stones fell out of the castle walls and pinnacles toppled (John Wycliffe
and the Lollards - Fundamental Baptist Information Service).

Wycliffe's argument to the Catholic authorities for translating the bible into English was
as follows:

You say it is heresy to speak of the Holy Scriptures in English. You call me a heretic because I
have translated the Bible into the common tongue of the people. Do you know whom you
blaspheme? Did not the Holy Ghost give the Word of God at first in the mother tongue of the
nations to whom it was addressed ? (Fountain, John Wycliffe)

In 1506 William Tylsworth was burned for his faith in the Word of God and his own
daughter was forced to ignite the fire. In 1519 six men and a woman were burned for:

Teaching their children the Lord's Prayer and the ten commandments in English (Eadie: History
of the English Bible).

The Lollard's Tower, where people possessing an English bible were tortured and killed,
still exists today in Lambeth Palace, the London home of the Archbishop of Cantebury.
But despite all of this persecution, Wycliffe's bible was still being read at the time of the
next great bible translator William Tyndale (1484 - 1536), the Father of what eventually
became the King James Bible. Tyndale's first translation had to be finished abroad, but
3,000 copies reached England in December 1526.

The persecution then continued. John Tewkesbury had been reading Wycliffe's bible
since 1512, and had obtained a copy of the Tyndale New Testament in 1526. He was
first arrested in April 1529 and tortured and crippled. He was finally burned on
December 20th 1530 for: Distributing copies of the word of God and believing in
salvation by faith in Christ alone

Tyndale was imprisoned in May 1535. Whilst he was in prison, three editions of his new
testament were printed. He was strangled and the burnt at the stake on October 6th
1536. At his death he prayed out loud:

Lord open the King of England's Eyes !

On October 4, 1535 John Rogers and Miles Coverdale who were loyal disciples of
Tyndale, finished Tyndale's translation of the Old Testament into English and printed
abroad the first complete English Bible, known as the Coverdale Bible. John Rogers
then changed his name to Thomas Matthew (an interesting name for a bible translator!)
and printed the Coverdale Bible again, under this nom de plume, since Tyndale's work
was banned. This edition is called the Matthews Bible

In 1539, 3 years after Tyndale was executed, his spoken prayer was answered.
Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Cantebury, hired Miles Coverdale, at the bequest
of King Henry VIII to publish what was called the Great Bible.

These were Tyndale's words as a prologue for his translation of Jonah:

As the envious Philistines stopped the wells of Abraham, and filled them up with earth, to put
the memorial out of mind, to the intent that they might challenge the ground; even so the fleshly
minded hypocrites stop up the veins of life, which are the scripture, with the earth of their
traditions, false similitudes and lying allegories. And that, of like zeal, to make the scripture their
own possession and merchandise. And so shut up the kingdom which is in God's word, neither
entering in themselves, nor suffering them that would. (Willam Tyndale)

However bequest from King Henry did not end the persecution of bible translators!
Because the persecution originated not with the crown but with the Church. When
Bloody Mary (Queen Mary) came to the throne, being possessed to return England to
the Roman church, she burned both John Rogers (Thomas Matthew) and Thomas
Cranmer at the stake.

Meanwhile Miles Coverdale had taken refuge in Geneva in Switzerland. There, in exile,
he and John Foxe with the protection of John Calvin and John Knox produced the
Geneva Bible, which was first published in 1560. It was Queen Elizabeth I whose reign
brought this persecution to an end. The English Bible History site
( says this about the Geneva bible and William

The Geneva Bible was the first Bible to add verses to the chapters, so that referencing specific
passages would be easier. Every chapter was also accompanied by extensive marginal notes and
references so thorough and complete that the Geneva Bible is also considered the first English
"Study Bible". William Shakespeare quotes thousands of times in his plays from the Geneva
translation of the Bible. The Geneva Bible became the Bible of choice for over 100 years of
English speaking Christians. Between 1560 and 1644 at least 144 editions of this Bible were
published. Examination of the 1611 King James Bible shows clearly that its translators were
influenced much more by the Geneva Bible, than by any other source. The Geneva Bible itself
retains over 90% of William Tyndale's original English translation. The Geneva in fact, remained
more popular than the King James Version until decades after its original release in 1611! The
Geneva holds the honor of being the first Bible taken to America, and the Bible of the Puritans
and Pilgrims.

The King James Bible, although the work of 50 scholars, is very close to Tyndale's
original Translation:

In the Gospel of St. Mark and the Epistle to the Hebrew there are not more than 80 words (in
Tyndale's translation) ... which are not found in our Authorised Version of the Bible (Moulton -
History of the English Bible).

The Authorised version is the King James Version. The English Bible changed the
World in the early 17th century. Multitudes of commoners were driven to learn to read
by their desire to study the bible. The 16th century historian John Foxe, who had
supported Miles Coverdale whilst he was producing the Geneva Bible observed:

Everybody that could bought the book or busily read it or got others to read it to them if they
could not themselves, and divers more elderly people learned to read on purpose. And even little
boys flocked among the rest to hear portions of the holy Scripture read.

It is important that the story above is told and the antics of the church are exposed. We
are fortunate today that a greater freedom of religious belief and worship exists in many
countries than was enjoyed in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. The Church of that
time did not want the common man to be able to understand the bible, they wanted it to
remain a mystery to them written in a foreign language. In that way the church could
play God to its flock, which is what they wanted to do, what they did back then and what
they are doing today. The 'Trinity' turns a logical book into an incomprehensible marvel.
It renders it as meaningless as if it was written in Latin. Arius, Wycliffe, Tyndale,
Newton, are the enlighteners from God. The church has become a daughter of the

Both John Wycliffe and William Tyndale wanted the ploughboy to know as much about
the bible as the priest. So does God and so do we. Hence this book/website. For there
is a bible within the bible and there is a holy code within the holy scriptures. Therefore
we have written out this hidden bible today for the same ploughboy and for the same
stable girl whose heart and mind and soul John Wycliffe and William Tyndale valued
more highly than their own.

Newton's observations and conclusions:

Sir Isaac would have benefited from a modern Mathematics degree course at his
university. He of course is the father of half of it, the Calculus/Analysis half. Although
algebra and abstract symbolism (the other half of Pure Maths) are of more use in
interpreting the bible (as far as we are aware). He would then have known instantly that
the Trinity, being illogically defined, is simply not defined and therefore non existent.

Newton, being a fellow at Trinity College Cambridge, was required to attest to his
acceptance of the 39 articles of the Anglican Church, one of which was the doctrine of
the Trinity. He was bothered about signing something which contained the Trinity that
he had no evidence as to the truth of. So he applied his standard scientific and logical
method to the issue of whether the Trinity was a true or false doctrine. This method is to
read all of the available relevant literature on the subject, then assimilate it, think about
it, kick it about, digest it and see if it makes sense, or if there is an underlying pattern or
flaw in it. See if there is an underlying truth or an underlying lie. This method when
applied to the bible is what we call the Jigsaw Principle.

Newton produced two knock out blows to the Trinity:

[1] The Father is God of the son
[2] It is defined illogically

We have covered the latter on these two. As regards the former. Newton used:

4 The Christ, who is the image of God (2 Corinthians 4).

9You loved righteousness, and you hated lawlessness. That is why God, your God,
anointed you with [the] oil of exultation more than your partners (Hebrews 1).

From this he reasoned that the Father was God of the Son. He could just as well have
used Jesus' famous last words:

34Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani, which means when translated: My God, my God, why
have you forsaken me (Mark 15).

Newton's observations and deductions came from reading most of the works of the
early church fathers, (Irenaeus, Tertullan, Cyprian, Euasebius, Eutychius, Sulpitius
Severus, Clement, Origen, Basil, John Chrysostom, Alexander of Alexandria,
Epiphanius, Hilary, Theodoret, Gregory of Nyssa, Cyril of Alexandria, Leo I, Victorinus
Afer, Rufinus, Manentius, Prudentius, Ignatius, Justin, Augustine, Jerome etc), and from
reading many manuscripts of the bible, and applying the Jigsaw Principle to them
(finding an interpretation which logically harmonised them) were recorded in one of his
early theological manuscripts (1672-1675):

The [word] God, is no where in the scriptures used to signify more than one of the three
persons at once.
The word 'God', put absolutely without particular reference to the Son or Holy Ghost, does
always signify the Father from one end of the scriptures to the other.
3 When ever it is said in the scriptures that there is but one God, it is meant of the Father.
It is a proper epithet of the Father to be called almighty. For by God almighty we always
understand the Father.
The son in all things submits his will to the will of the Father, which would be unreasonable if
he were equal to the Father.
6 The son confesses the Father greater than him, calls him his God etc.
7 The son acknowledges the original pre-science of all future things to be in the Father alone.
The union between him and the Father he interprets to be like that of the saints one with
another. That is, in agreement of will and counsel.

Then Newton, who was by now the Lucasian professor of Mathematics at Trinity
College, decided to go to King Charles II to seek a dispensation allowing him to remain
as professor but withdraw his attestation. He prepared his arguments as above to
present to the King of England to save his career. The King agreed and stipulated that
all future holders of his chair were to be exempt from holy orders.

Newton believed that Gods works, his creation and Gods word, his book, the bible,
were twinned. And that both were a riddle, a code to be cracked. Newton believed that
cracking this code was a duty owed to God by man, in both cases (Isaac Newton, the
last sorcerer - Michael White - But Newton was not a sorcerer, he was a true

What Gordon finds so wonderful and yet so tragic, is that Newton succeeded in the
case of Gods Universe in cracking the code. But he failed (notwithstanding a very
valiant attempt) in the case of Gods word (he did believe that the bible was God's
word). He died trying to decode the bible and find out when Armageddon was. His
failure was not his fault. It was not Gods time from 1642-1727 to release that
information. So what the true God did, who must have dearly desired to show Sir Isaac
the whole of the holy code of the bible, was to let him see the entirety of the mechanical
code behind his physical creation of the universe instead. It was all that his own justice
would allow. And here God was, holding back his love for the sake of his justice.

The date upon which mankind was first allowed to see the date of Armageddon was
1992February1, 1991Shebat21, 4600 solar days before 1290 biblical lunar days before
it is to begin (Daniel 8 and Daniel 12 - see [157], [152]). This was the day upon which
Gordon worked out the Exedenic Times, and it began the Time of the end. Which is
the time of the knowledge of the true date of the end. And Gordon would like to say this:
It was his appreciation of the perfection of the physical works of God as exhibited by
Newton which convinced him that the bible, the spiritual work of God, since it shared
that perfection, must be in a code.

So we have the dynamic code of the universe, as discovered by Newton. We have the
genetic code of the human body, as discovered by Crick and Watson. And here at last is
the grammatical code of the bible, as discovered by Gordon Ritchie, Tony Moore and
Massoud Vakili as a result of the leadings of the true God, and on the realisation by
Gordon that this God whom Newton showed him was perfect must have written a book
every bit as perfect as his universe. A realisation which unknown to Gordon at the time
he had it, had hit Newton some 300 years earlier. So here we are, the 3 groups of
wonder decoders, Cambridge men in all 3 groups. Let us all therefore, with God's help
through Jesus, finish the work that Newton, the Father of all three Cambridge divine
code breaking groups began (Please do not ask if we are the real trinity!)

For the precise nature of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit - see [14]. Here is some of Sir
Isaac Newton's Chronology, deduced in the late 17th and early 18th century, mainly
from Daniel 9 and Daniel 12.

1948 Second Coming of Christ

1944 End of the great tribulation of the Jews
1899 Call to return to Jerusalem
1638-9 Church of Rome's spiritual domination ends
Period during which the Roman Catholic Church (Whore of Babylon) was at its
70 Transgression of desolation of Jerusalem

34 AD Death of Christ
2 BC Birth of Christ
456 BC The Jews return to Jerusalem

Although begun during the 1670's Newton continued his work of interpretation until the month
of his death in 1727 (Isaac Newton - Michael White, the table above is from his book).

The table above is a quite amazing prophetic achievement for a man living around 1700

[C13] Binary (Yes/No) Question Principle

Any unanswered question asked in the scriptures with two possible answers (normally
yes and no), has the answer in one word symbolic thread, being the opposite of the
answer in the literal or straight symbolic meaning, the event symbolism.

In other words both answers are true in either the literal or the symbolic meaning (or
both). Take for example the great words of Nicodemus, a man whose love exceeded his

4 Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter into
the womb of his mother a second time and be born, can he? (John 3)

Well literally, no, of course he cannot. But symbolically, yes, that is precisely how one is
born again. Born from the womb of his heavenly mother, Gods wife, the holy spirit.
Born as an angel.

6What has been born from the flesh is flesh, and what has been born from the spirit is
spirit (John 3).

What has been born from fleshly women is men and what has been born from the spirit
woman, the holy spirit, is angels. When you are born again, God creates an angel in
heaven through his wife, the holy spirit for you, Amen. See - How is one born again, and
see - The Trinity is just God's family.

That is the level of beauty that you will see if you are pure in heart and if your love
exceeds your pride. Look how Nicodemus was repaid for one act of faith. It was
enough. But his works did not stop there:

39 Nicodemus also, the man that came to him in the night the first time, came bringing a
roll of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds [of it].
40 So they took the body of Jesus and bound it up with bandages with the spices, just
the way the Jews have the custom of preparing for burial (John 19)

Why it was 100 (Roman) pounds we do not know, but we do know that this is a
numerical symbolism by the Numerical Principle. If the reader has any good ideas here
please contact us. We know that Nicodemus was born again, because we know

something about Gods love, we would be blind if we could not see the love of
Nicodemus. Which brings us nicely to another Binary (Yes/No) Question:

50 Nicodemus, who had come to him previously, and who was one of them, said to
51 Our law does not judge a man unless first it has heard from him and come to know
what he is doing, does it?
52 In answer they said to him: You are not also out of Galilee, are you? Search and see
that no prophet is to be raised up out of Galilee (John 7).

No Nicodemus was not out of Galilee (precious few Pharisees were). But the
antetypical Nicodemus is out of the antetypical Galilee.

2 But John, having heard in jail about the works of the Christ, sent by means of his own
3 and said to him: Are you the Coming one, or are we to expect a different one?
(Matthew 11)

19So John summoned a certain two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord to say:
Are you the Coming one or are we to expect a different one? (Luke 7).

In the literal meaning, yes Jesus was the coming one, in the sense that he was the one
prophesied as coming to restore Israel. But in the greater meaning, there will be several
different ones.

5For instance, which is easier, to say: Your sins are forgiven, or to say: Get up and
walk? (Matthew 9)

9 Which is easier, to say to the paralytic: Your sins are forgiven, or to say: Get up and
pick up your bed and walk? (Mark 2)

Obviously the former. But in the greater meaning they are both the same thing because:

Get up is the baptism into the name of the father Abraham, the bath of the flesh, the
water baptism, the forgiveness of sins in the past, giving one a clean standing before

Pick up your bed is: Have a resurrection into the kingdom of God. This is the finishing
of the water baptism, the righteous decree in the flesh, the free gift of citizenship of the
Kingdom of God, the forgiveness of all sins up to Armageddon, the granting of the
entrance Visa through the ambassador Abraham.

Walk is the baptism into the name of Jesus, or Paul or Gordon etc, the sanctification in
holy spirit, being born again, the forgiveness of all sins until time indefinite, the walking
before God with a clean conscience, the creation of an angelic son of God, the entrance
into the holy family of God, through a covenant mediated by a mediator.

33 Who will file accusation against God's chosen ones? God is the One who declares
[them] righteous (Romans 8).

In the literal meaning no one. In the greater meaning Gordon! See ['The Faithful and
Discreet Slave cut in two']

And Pilate enquired of Jesus: Are you the king of the Jews? (Mark 15:2).

Literally, no, he wasn't at that time. Symbolically, yes, in 1914Tishri, - see [121], [123],
he became the vassal king of God over the true human seed of Abraham, the Jews of
that time, who were all of those in the 3EC, the 3rd Elijah Covenant of Russell, which
was a subcovenant of the 2AC, the Second Abrahamic Covenant - see [9]. Most of
these were New Covenant Saints. He alluded to this in his answer:

36Jesus answered: My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this
world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews.
But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source (John 18).

38 So Pharaoh said to his servants: Can another man be found like this one in whom
the spirit of God is? (Genesis 41)

Literally no, Joseph was unique. But in the greater meaning, yes, it's there will be
another Joseph.

[C14] Reader Questions from the holy spirit

These are questions that are asked of various characters in the bible, but that are really
meant for the various readers of the bible. These are questions asked by the holy spirit
of the bible reader:

8 ...You with little faith.

9 Do you not yet see the point, or do you not remember the five loaves in the case of
the five thousand and how many baskets you took up?
10 Or the seven loaves in the case of the four thousand and how many provision
baskets you took up? (Matthew 16)

Yes, the bible reader says to himself, how stupid and blind the apostles were, doh! Did
they ever get the point at first? Fine, condemn them if you will. But was this account
recorded for the benefit of the characters in it or was it recorded for the Christians who
would follow them? Who is Jesus really speaking to here? Not just his disciples in the
boat who forgot to bring along the loaves, the bible wasn't written for them. So tell us
please oh ye reader with much faith, much more than the disciples: Do you know what
the significance of the 12 baskets in the case of the 5,000 and the 7 baskets in the case
of the 4,000 is? What do they stand for?

If you do not know, then Jesus is talking to you. He is saying look, these numbers are
important. He is saying, if you want to understand the greater meaning of these two
feeding miracles, which obviously relate to spiritual feeding miracles of true religions,
then think first about the numbers of the provision baskets. Think about how many there
were. This is the key.

To interpret this we apply the Numerical Principle to the baskets. Jesus is basically
asking the reader if he has grasped the Numerical Principle! The meaning of numbers
of things in the bible! So the 12 baskets are 12 days or 12 months or 12 years or
administrations of food which does not come directly from Jesus, but comes as
leftovers. Likewise the 7 baskets are 7 days or 7 months or 7 years or administrations
of food not directly from Jesus but from leftovers - see [67].

42And they began saying: Is this not Jesus the son of Joseph, whose father and mother
we know? How is it that now he says: I have come down from heaven ? (John 6).

Well, how is it?? The Holy Spirit wishes you to think about this, and to ask yourself the
very same question. Consider please the scripture below:

23 From the offspring of this [man] according to his promise God has brought to Israel a
savior, Jesus,
24 after John, in advance of the entry of that one, had preached publicly to all the
people of Israel baptism of repentance (Acts 13).

This means that John the baptist preached publicly in advance of the entry, the coming
down from heaven of an angel, God's firstborn and only begotten son, the angel
Michael, into the human Jesus. Angelically possessing him at his baptism.

22And the holy spirit in bodily shape like a dove came down upon him, and a voice
came out of heaven: You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you (Luke 3).

Q: What vehicle for a son of God has a bodily shape like a dove?
A: An angel.

32John also bore witness, saying: I viewed the spirit coming down as a dove out of
heaven, and it remained upon him (John 1).

Jesus was not called 'Gods son the beloved' until after the dove had descended from
heaven. This dove symbolised the entrance of the angel Michael into Jesus.

6 But the righteousness resulting from faith speaks in this manner: Do not say in your
heart: Who will ascend into heaven? that is, to bring Christ down.
7 Or: Who will descend into the abyss? that is, to bring Christ up from the dead
(Romans 10)

The answer to both is Gabriel who angelically possessed John the Baptist for the
purpose of presiding over the entrance of Michael into Jesus at his baptism. We are
getting a bit deep here. For the full story see - Jesus was Michael, and John was

A Rather More Simple Reader Question from the Holy Spirit

26For what benefit will it be to a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul? or
what will a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16)

Jesus asked this question of his disciples, but quite obviously he is asking it of every
man and woman who can read.

[C15] The Parallel Account and Subaccount Principle -

Spot the Difference

If there are 2 or 3 or 4 parallel accounts of an event in the bible, then the first word
symbolic thread has the same symbolism in all the accounts. This is true also for the
second and third etc. word symbolic threads for the accounts that have this number of
word symbolic threads. So if all the parallel accounts have the same number of threads
then the word symbolism for each thread is global across all the accounts. And each
account is a distinct separate non overlapping fulfillment of the word symbolism, for all
word symbolic threads. All of the fulfilments of one word symbolic thread relate to each
other to from one global word symbolic picture for that thread.

In fact so long as all the parallel accounts have the same number of threads we create
a new account which contains all of the parallel accounts. Then we interpret this
created account.

If any parallel account has a successive designation or a successive description, then

this only affects the particular parallel account that it is in. And in general for all parallel
accounts or for all parallel subaccounts (such as dreams and recitals of dreams), the
prophetic forms only affect the subaccount that they are in.

If the parallel accounts are symbolic, such as parallel parables, then the subaccounts all
share the same event symbolism since they describe the same events. If the parallel
accounts are literal, then of course in the literal meaning all the parallel accounts
describe the same thing.

The word count for the Repetition Principle is the global total for all the parallel
subaccounts. So if a countable noun is repeated a total of 3 times in all of the parallel
accounts in a created account wherein each parallel subaccount has 3 threads in total
(i.e. one literal/event thread and two word symbolic threads), then the noun takes 3
different symbolic meanings in these threads.

If one or more parallel accounts has a different number of threads to the others, then
we create an account containing all of the parallel accounts. Each thread in the created
account involves only the particular parallel accounts which have that thread.

For examples of sets of parallel accounts with differing number of threads - see the
parallel accounts of Bartimaeus, one of the two the blind persons cured on the road
to/from Jericho [49] - this set of accounts we do not understand! See also the signs of
the times in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 - this set of accounts we do understand
from a code standpoint.

Pre-packaged Parallel Subaccounts

Some accounts contain parallel subaccounts already, such as Daniel 4 and Genesis 41.
These two have dreams and recitals of dreams, which are both describing the same

thing. So the dream and the recital are two parallel subaccounts of these accounts. So
they share the same symbolism in all threads (literal/event and word) and their
countable noun counts add. These cases, since they are created by God himself tell us
what to do with parallel accounts in general and with parallel accounts which have
differing numbers of threads in particular. One simply uses the threads that are there.

In the 4 Gospels, in Kings & Chronicles, in Ezra and Nehemiah, there are parallel
accounts of the same events. For example the feeding of the 5,000 is mentioned 4
times, once in each Gospel! Each account has a greater symbolic meaning by the
Symbolic Structure Principle, so there are at least 4 greater meanings to the feeding of
the 5,000. These actually relate to the feeding campaigns of the 4 true Christian
religions - see [67]. The thing to do with these accounts, using the Power Principle, is to
play 'spot the difference'. Because any differences are not mistakes, or omissions
wherein God overlooked something, and thought he better put an account in Mark just
in case Matthew made a bit of a mess of it. They are deliberate.

For an example of how this works see - [63] or [34] 'The Faithful Slaves', or [32], [71],

[C16] The Omission Principle

If an account implies something but omits to state it (and any parallel account omits to
state it), then the implication is taken as being stated in the Word symbolic meaning.

28 Samson now called to Jehovah and said: Sovereign Lord Jehovah, remember me,
please, and strengthen me, please, just this once, Oh you the [true] God, and let me
avenge myself upon the Philistines with vengeance for one of my two eyes (Judges 16).

What about the other eye!

6So David said: Anyone striking the Jebusites first, he will become head and prince.
And Joab the son of Zeruiah got to go up first, and he came to be head (1 Chronicles

Why didnt he become the prince?

19 Next he commanded the crowd to recline on the grass and took the 5 loaves and 2
fishes, and, looking up to heaven, he said a blessing, and, after breaking the loaves, he
distributed them to the disciples, the disciples in turn to the crowds. 20 So all ate and
were satisfied, and they took up the surplus of fragments 12 baskets full (Matthew 14).

Great, wonderful, miraculous, but what did he do with the 2 fishes?? They are stated as
being eaten in the parallel account in Mark 6. So in this case we cannot deduce that the
2 fishes were eaten in the Word Symbolic meaning of Matthew 14.

[C16a] The Ambiguity Principle

If a phrase in the bible is ambiguous, having two obvious possible meanings, then both
meanings are true but in different threads.

For example the 2 river banks of Daniel 12 - U152 and the 7 lampstands being 7
congregations of Revelation 1 - U151.

[C17] Helpful Tips

a. Get an electronic bible, preferably the New World Translation on disk available
from the Watchtower - You'll have fun trying to get it without being cornered!
Alternatively we are going to put our own electronic bible on the site for
downloading soon. With this you can type in say: 'Holy spirit' and find every
scripture mentioning it. This sort of capability is invaluable in bible research. You
can download other electronic bibles from the web, but the translations may not
be accurate enough. If you do not like computers, then you will need a
comprehensive concordance and a New World Translation Bible, and a Greek
Interlinear bible and a Hebrew Interlinear bible - see [books] We hope to have
our paper bible available soon.
b. When decoding an account, do not try to squeeze a symbolic meaning into a
fulfillment which you already understand. Even if you succeed you will have
learned nothing new. We have made this mistake hundreds of times. Many
religions know of no other way. To the Watchtower almost every time period in
the second presence starts or ends in 1914, and whenever there are two groups
in the bible, then one is the anointed remnant and the other is the great crowd.
Do not be like this. Let the account lead you, this is letting the holy spirit lead
you! Set your mind free. Accept any crazy interpretation in the creative phase
and criticise it later - this is classic brainstorming technique.

c. Look! This is a word that occurs 958 times in the NWT of the bible. When it
occurs, treat it as a exhortation from the holy spirit itself to you. For that is what
it is!

d. A man, a householder. An enemy, a man. This is wonderful and cryptic and

disguised. It is a double designation and one of the two greater meanings refers
to an angel. It is saying look there are two guys and one is a man. Which is
really saying, the other is an angel.

e. Gather together. Assemble. These words when they occur are often a cryptic
request from the spirit to add up all of those who are gathered together or
assembled. The spirit is saying that their sum stands for something.

f. Distinguish between event symbolism and account symbolism. Event symbolism

is the symbolism that Charles Russell and the second Adventists used on Daniel
4. They use the elements of the events themselves as symbolising elements in
the greater meaning. But account symbolism, uses the elements of the account
of the events to symbolise elements in the greater meaning. So a king who is
referred to as Nebuchadnezzar, as King Nebuchadnezzar, and as the King, can
stand for two different people separately and together, i.e. three different
people/groups of people in the account symbolism but only for one person in the
event symbolism.

g. Distinguish between a further symbolic meaning and a further fulfilment. A further
symbolic meaning is effectively a whole new account, a further fulfilment is a
further instance of an existing account.

h. If something happens at a certain hour, then it, or events related to it, happen 12
times in all, the number of hours in a Hebrew day:

9 Jesus answered: There are twelve hours of daylight, are there not? If anyone walks in
daylight he does not bump against anything, because he sees the light of this world
(John 11).

[C18] The Symbolic meaning of 7

If there are ' 7 things' in a bible account, then these things are successive in time in all
the word symbolic meanings.

Counting time in sevens was God's idea, he invented the week as recorded in Genesis
1. The 7 creative days of the creative week are the first thing in the bible (these are not
literal 24 hour days because, for one thing, there was no earth on the first 'day'!) It is not
a natural thing for man, who counts in base ten, or in dozens, to count time in sevens.
God instigated this 'base' for counting time.

Time is what he counts in sevens, with a release after 7 times, counting to 7 exclusively
or after 6 times counting 7 inclusively this being the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a concept
which relates always to time. In the Hebrew language, the word for 'seven' and the word
for 'Sabbath' are from the same root. Therefore the very language of God's people was
and is declaring that 7 has to do with time. The concept that 7 relates to 7 things
occurring one after the other with a release after or during the 7th one (depending on
whether we count inclusively or exclusively), is enshrined in the language of the Old

But we fear that we have not laboured this seemingly trivial point enough. The
Watchtower Society has 7 standing for 'divine completeness', but they miss the sense
in which this completeness occurs, which is the temporal sense. It is a completeness in
time, with the 7 repetitions occurring one after the other, consecutively, successively.
For example, Daniel 9 literally says:

24Seventy sevens, he is decreed for people of you and for city of holiness of you
25From issuing of decree to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until anointed one, ruler,
sevens seven, and sevens sixty-two (Daniel 9 - NIVHEOT).

It is implicit, it is understood that these sevens refer to time, and are therefore
consecutive. It does not have to be spelt out. Similarly in the definition of the Jubilee,
we see:

8 And you must count for yourself seven Sabbaths of years, seven times seven years,
and the days of the seven Sabbaths of years must amount to forty-nine years for you
(Leviticus 25).

A 'Sabbath' of years is here defined as 7 years. The holy spirit is actually equating,
identifying 7 with the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a function of time, therefore the holy
spirit is declaring 7 to be also a function of time, as regards its scriptural symbolism or

So since Tuesday happens entirely after Monday, and since these two days have never
coincided or even overlapped a little, and likewise for the whole week, the whole 7, the
whole sabbath of days, we can deduce that 7 things means 7 successive things in
scripture. For an example of the symbolism of 7: see [37].

[C19] Elementary Counting and Cryptic Scriptures

We have so far discovered two dimensions of the holy book. The literal dimension and
the symbolic dimension. But there is a third and a fourth.

There is a numerical count defined on every word of the bible. This count only works in
the Hebrew and the Greek. It is not the count of Eli Rips or Michael Drosnin or other
equidistant Hebrew letter sequence researchers, which can be found at We call this count the third dimension of the bible.

The 4th dimension, is a cryptic dimension, it is not a second symbolic dimension. There
is no need for a 2nd symbolic dimension because the first symbolic dimension can have
several meanings for the various different designations for the same person or thing in
the account. The scriptures do have a cryptic side however, a newspaper crossword
type side. This dimension appears to take the form of a series of discrete cryptic
insights rather than a meaning or value for every word in every account as the other
three dimensions give.

Now if you can see all four of these dimensions of the holy book then you are seeing
the bible in colour rather than in black and white. For in our physical eyes, which God
himself designed as a prophetic declaration of our spiritual vision (for everything the
Jehovah does or declares is a prophetic declaration since as he is living all of his words
and works are likewise living) we have cones, which see sharply in black and white, and
we have rods, three types, which see slightly less sharply in colour. Is it red, green and
blue? All of this structure is prefiguring the structure of the way in which we will see the
bible, for the bible is a 4 dimensional book. The first dimension is the literal dimension
and this corresponds to our cones, the ones that see in black and white, very sharply,
unambiguously. The next three dimensions are the symbolic, the cryptic and the coded
numeric dimensions, the red, the green and the blue rods. It is a beautiful book in
glorious Technicolour. It is like Paul said:

18 In order that you may be thoroughly able to grasp mentally with all the holy ones
what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge (Ephesians 3).

4 dimensions. For Einstein discovered that the 3 dimensions of space are related to the
4th dimension of time via the Lorenz transformation. This results from the fact that the
speed of light is a constant to all observers whether the light source is driving forwards
in his Ford Escort with his halogens relative to the observer or orbiting backwards in his
space shuttle with his laser beam. But the constancy of the spiritual source of light, the

bible, which rather than emitting light at a constant speed independent of its relative
motion, is a constant source, independent of time, emitting light at different speeds, is
also manifested in 4 dimensions and these are:



Coded Numeric

For the same God made both types of light. The bible is a very fractal book, since it is
pattern upon pattern, and yet man only discovered fractals in the last 20 years. Now
Crick and Watson discovered slightly before the discovery of fractals, the molecular
structure of the code of life, our genetic code, a 4 base code, written in terms of:




So we have 4 dimensions of space-time, 4 dimensions of human vision, and 4 bases of

our genetic code & the 4 walls of the super temple of all Christianity with the 4
cornerstones but only one foundation stone, and we have the 4 living creatures in
heaven: Courage, Power, Love and Wisdom (Ezekiel 1, Revelation 4). Now perhaps the
reader will see what is the breadth, the length, the height and the depth, the 4
dimensions of the bible code. Perhaps he will realise that the works of Einstein and
Crick and Watson, prophetically establish that there will be a further spiritual equivalent
among God's covenanted people. For if Crick and Watson have been allowed to see
the physical code of life, then we have been allowed to see the spiritual code of life. And
it is the same God, Jehovah, who has made both of these codes, through his son. And
his prophet, the now angelic apostle Paul, the one who has declared the 4 bases of the
bible, has also declared this order of revealing, by saying:

46 The first is, not that which is spiritual, but that which is physical, afterward that which
is spiritual (1 Corinthians 15).

Why is the sun 400 times bigger than the moon when it is 400 times further away from
the earth than the moon. What a coincidence! How come these two completely
unrelated bodies exactly fit over each other in a solar eclipse?

You will not find the answer in the department of astrophysics. You will find it in the book
of Isaiah.

21 Do you people not know? Do you not hear? Has it not been told to you from the
outset? Have you not applied understanding from the foundations of the earth?
22 There is one who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are

as grasshoppers, the one who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who
spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell (Isaiah 40).

26 Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the one who is
bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name.
Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one [of
them] is missing (Isaiah 40).

But do not think that we wish to condemn astrophysics, on the contrary we wish to save
it. In order to understand the universe one needs first to understand that it was God
who set the speed of light at 3 x 108 metres/sec. He set it at this value before Adam was
born, 4027Tishri10 BC, to stop us screwing up the universe until we had learned how to

At some time before Adam was born, light traveled a lot faster as we have mentioned
above. The universe has not been around for billions of years at all. The speed of light
was reset by God as a cage for men. In fact it was reset by the command: Let there be
light! Because light must have existed before God made this statement.

On the first creative day of Genesis God said: Let there be light. And he said this after
observing that there was darkness on the surface of the watery deep. In other words
after he had created the planet earth in the literal meaning of the chapter:

1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the
surface of [the] watery deep; and God's spirit was moving to and fro over the surface of
the waters.
3 And God proceeded to say: "Let there be light." Then there came to be light (Genesis

But we know that light existed from the start of the Big Bang. Therefore light already
existed when he said: Let there be light. This is the key realisation in understanding the
meaning of Genesis 1. So God reset some feature of light or recreated it on day 1 in the
literal meaning.

So just because it takes one constant value today does not mean that it has always
taken this constant value, once you admit that there may be a God. But physics does
not admit this. Until it does, it will never discover the truth about the universe. However
if you can find it in your heart to believe that it was God who set the speed of light,
rather than random chance, then please go to section [234], the Munrose Hypothesis,
where we deduce the date of the Big Bang as being 11,513,689,593 BC, and find out
what the initial value of the speed of light was during the Big Bang itself (it was not
300,000 km/s !) from Genesis 1.

And another thing! What do you think God could be symbolising by having the whole
universe held together by gravity, a universal unquestioning attractive force? Where
would the universe be without gravity? The same place the world would be without love.
And that is where we are going right now!

And another thing, seeing as our scientific and technological advancement has been so
rapid in the last few thousand years, how come our art is now worse than that of the
cave man??

So returning to the count on the bible:

25 And they will be given into his hand for a time, times and half a time (Daniel 7).

7 It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half (Daniel 12).

14 There is where she is fed for a time, times and half a time (Revelation 12).

We can do no better here than to quote Gordon's first letter to the Watchtower Society,
that they actually received, to describe the meaning of this strange way of saying: 3. If
the man on the Clapham omnibus is asked: What is half of seven? he replies: It is three
and a half. He does not reply: It is one plus ones plus a half of one. It is therefore
manifestly apparent that the true God, who is most certainly able to do anything that the
man on the Clapham omnibus is able to do, having created that man, is saying a lot
more than Three and a half times, when he says: A time, times and half a time.
Hopefully the man on the Clapham omnibus will one day know what this greater
meaning of this central expression in the bible really is.

We read in Revelation 12:

14 But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into
the wilderness to her place; there is where she is fed for a time and times and half a
time away from the face of the serpent (Revelation 12).

Times is obviously in the plural (since Greek has no dual number as Hebrew does).
But earlier in the same chapter we read:

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that
they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12).

In the actual vision, (but not in its symbolic meaning) the two periods are the same
period and so we are being told by holy spirit that the phrase a time, times and half a
time is 1260 days of the BLC (Biblical Lunar Calendar), which is 3.5 lunar years of 360
days. But a year is a time, a cycle, of the earth around the sun. So 3.5 years is 3.5

So 1 time + times + .5 time = 3.5 times

So times = 2 times

So this particular plural counts as a double, in this equation. Therefore, one of the
things that is certainly being said is that plurals count as two times, since the word
'times' is interpreted as 720 days in the above scriptures. In this context singulars count
as one time and halves count as half a time. If we now apply the Consistency Principle
to this, then what this crazy phraseology is saying is not that 3.5 times is being

expressed as a singular time, a plural time and a half time, but that everything in the
bible can be expressed as a singular time a plural time or a half time.

For Solomon has said:

1For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the
heavens (Ecclesiastes 3).

This is a repetition. So yes there is an appointed time for everything, but applying the
Repetition Principle there is also another meaning to this scripture, a further fulfillment.
This is that there is a time count on every sentence in the bible. David also spoke of this
count under inspiration saying:

12Show us just how to count our days in such a way as to bring a heart of wisdom in
(Psalm 90).

Because days or years or months are all times, see - The Times Principle of the code.
So the request is equivalent to: Show us how to count 'times'. So lets be like the tribe of
Issachar, and the wise men of Persia:

32And of the sons of Issachar having a knowledge of how to discern the times to know
what Israel ought to do, there were two hundred head ones of theirs, and all their
brothers were at their orders (1 Chronicles 12)

13 And the king proceeded to say to the wise men having knowledge of the times, for in
this way the king's matter [came] before all those versed in law and legal cases (Esther

Jesus said to his disciples:

7It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father
has placed in his own jurisdiction (Acts 1).

But to us, this knowledge does belong. So we can apply a count to every word in the
bible, assigning it one time if it is singular, two times if it is plural and half a time, if it is a
half of something.

The philosophy of the count on each sentence is that the count is: The number of times
represented by the sentence, which is the number of situations or actions in the
sentence. The count works like this:

Singular words count as one time

Plural words count as two times
Fractions or parts of anything count as half a time
Verbs multiply
and, or, but, upon, with, after, before add
into, out of, of, from, until, under multiply
all, every doubles

The count works on the Hebrew and Greek original text, not on any translation unless it
is a count transparent translation, and no-one has yet made such a translation. The
General basis of the count is that any sentence represents a number of times. For
example the sentence:

'The kings ate the potatoes'

counts as 4 times, because this action effectively occurs 4 times because two kings are
eating two potatoes and so a king is eating a potato 4 times. We say two kings because
plurals count as 2 'times'. This is actually an integral part of Hebrew Grammar, which is
the code of the language of the bible, from a linguistic point of view. Hebrew has
singular, plural and dual (or double) mode. We take all plurals as duals from a counting
point of view. The import of this is that in the greater meaning of the kings eating the
potatoes, this meal could have lasted 4 days, 4 months or 4 years, or there might have
been 4 greater meals.

We use the abbreviation 3x for 3 times and 2x for 2 times etc. 'All' or 'Every' counts as
2x and multiplies, it is understood as 'some plus the rest'. So that 'all of the horses'
counts as 4x, or 4 times.

In is right distributive and adds like this: x in 2x = x in x + x in x = 2x+2x=4x

x in x =2x
2x in x =3x
2x in 2x =6x
x in 2x =4x

Here are some examples:

all his belongings 4x

men in the house 3x
men in the houses 6x

You need a Greek Interlinear Bible and a Hebrew Interlinear Bible to work with this
dimension of the Code. We quote count preserving translations here (interlinear ones
normally are).

Some Simple Examples of the Count

This count takes some getting used to and it is most easily applied to single phrases
such as:

47 Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings (Matthew 24).
44 I tell you truthfully, He will appoint him over all his belongings (Luke 12).

All his belongings () counts as 4x

So there are 4 appointments of slaves and stewards that Jesus makes. These are the 4
true Christian religions.

5 Look! I am sending to you people Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great
and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.
6 And he must turn the heart of fathers back toward sons, and the heart of sons back
toward fathers; in order that I may not come and actually strike the earth with a devoting
[of it] to destruction (Malachi 4).

He must turn the heart of fathers back towards sons counts as 4x

So Elijah makes 4 reconciliations between actually previous and succeeding true

religions. In fact there are 4 Elijah's, who were John, Paul, Russell and Gordon see -
The 4 Elijah's.

Because Jesus said:

Indeed, which father is there among you who, if his son asks for a fish, will perhaps
hand him a serpent instead of a fish? (Luke 11:11).
And yes the third true religion has been in a position to offer its sons, the Great Crowd,
who will form the basis of the 4th true religion 'a fish', i.e. entrance into the feeding of
the two fishes - see [67]. But they haven't done that, they have offered them a serpent,
Satan's internal corruption mouthpiece, corrupting the congregation (Eve) to get at the
head one (Adam) - His Modus Operandi has not changed you blind ones!! One should
be your head on earth just as one is your head in the heavens. Why therefore do you
vote you hypocrites !!

For the serpent was found in the Tree of Knowledge of good and bad, representing
God's Rulership over his people. It stands for the corruption from within the true
religion. But Jesus also said:

11 In reply he said: Elijah, indeed, is coming and will restore all things (Matthew 17).

All things counts as 4x

So Elijah comes 4 times, to restore true worship and start 4 new religions.

Some More Complicated Examples of the Count

Nebuchadnezzar's recital of his dream (Daniel 4:10-12, NIVHEOT, New International

Version Hebrew English Old Testament)

Here are some counts of Daniel 4...

And visions of my head upon my bed, I was beholding 3x.

and look!
a tree in the middle of the land 1x
and height of him enormous 1x
he grew large the tree 1x
and he grew strong 1x
and height of him touched to the skies 2x

and visibility of him [touched] to end of all the earth 2x
leaf of him beautiful 1x
and fruit of him abundant 1x
and food of all in him 3x
under him she found shelter, beast of field 1x
and in branches of him they lived, birds of the airs 10x
and from him, he was fed, every creature 2x

Total of 26x = 26 times. But these are multiplied by the 3x of visions upon the bed:

3x.26x=79x, 79 times, we take as 79 years in the case of FDS3 and 79

months in the case of FDS4.

These run from 1914Tishri at the appointment of FDS3 to feed, until 1994Nisan at the
appointment of FDS4 to feed, whereupon FDS3 lost its exclusivity on food so 'every
creature' ceased begin fed by them. 'Birds of the airs' are the remnant of the
circumcision of the spirit, the first new covenant saints. They took centre position in the
earth when they were appointed over all belongings in Nisan 1918. Every creature is
being fed 'at the proper time'. The branches of this tree of Moses are the 5 watches of
the Watchtower.

in visions of my head upon my bed, I was beholding 6x.

and look!
watcher and [he was a] holy one, from the heavens coming
down. [Hebrew has a colon for the end of a sentence]
[He was] calling in loudness
and [he was] saying this: 3x.
Chop down the tree 1x
and trim off branches of him 2x
Strip off leaf of him 1x
and scatter fruit of him 1x
let her flee the animal from under him 1x
and the birds from branches of him 4x

6x.4x.3x(1x+2x+1x+1x+1x+4x)= 720 days from 2004Elul14 to 2006Elul14. The

Abomination causing desolation until the end of Babylon the Great.

19 At that time Daniel himself, whose name is Belteshazzar, was astonished for a
moment, and his very thoughts began to frighten him. The king was answering and
saying, 'Oh Belteshazzar, do not let the dream and the interpretation themselves
frighten you.' Belteshazzar was answering and saying, 'Oh my lord, may the dream
[apply] to those hating you, and its interpretation to your adversaries.

The tree that you saw that 1x.

He grew large 1x
And he grew strong 1x

And top of him he touched to the skies 2x
And visibility of him [was] to all of the earth 2x
And leaf of him beautiful 1x
And fruit of him abundant 1x
And food for all in him 3x
Under him she found shelter, beast of the field 1x
and in branches of him they had nests birds of the airs 18x

30x. The above is neither the dream nor the interpretation, it is a recital of the dream by
Daniel. This may be 30 months of the growth of the LWs, from 2005Elul, the restart of
the second presence to 2007Adar. 2008Nisan is a Sabbath.

An earlier idea we had which was not correct was... This is the presidency of Knorr,
from January 13th 1942 until June 8th 1977, or 1941Tebbeth22 to 1977Sivan21. He
was the first foolish virgin of Matthew 25 in the second presence. This is the bloom of
the Watchtower physically, but just as in the case of our own bodies, when they bloom
they are already becoming corrupt with age. The church of Knorr, Pergamum, was the
compromising church. The church of Franz, Thyatira, was the corrupt church, and the
church of Henschel, Sardis, became the dead church. So Knorr was the beginning of
the adversity of the Watchtower to Jesus. This is because the interpretation applies to
Jesus' adversaries. The dream also applies to those hating Jesus, because at the end
of the JWs the tree is cut down because they end up hating Jesus. Dear oh dear oh

The antetypical Pentecost (Joel 2:28 NIVHEOT)

And he will be, after this

I will pour out spirit of me upon all flesh
[I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, after this]
and they will prophesy, your sons and your daughters 4x
your old men, dreams they will dream 4x
your young men visions they will see 4x

16x, covenant of gifts, covenant of Keturah, new earthly covenant, covenant of

Rachael, covenant for half a kingdom. Made in 1992Elul and lasting until 2008Elul.

The Fear Inspiring day of Jehovah (Joel 2:30 NIVHEOT)

And I will show wonders in the heavens 6x 1993Elul - 1999Elul

and in the earth, blood, fire and billows of smoke 5x 1999Elul - 2004Elul
the sun, he will be turned to darkness 1x 2004Elul - 2005Elul
and the moon to blood 1x 2005Elul - 2006Elul
before/to presence to come day of Jehovah the
great and the one being dreadful
2x 2006Elul - 2008Elul

The day of Jehovah (Zephaniah 1:15,16 NIVHEOT)

The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near and there is a hurrying of it very
much. The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter. There is a mighty man letting
out a cry.

Day of wrath, the day the that 1x 2008Elul - 2007Elul

Day of distress and anguish 2x 2007Elul - 2005Elul
Day of trouble and ruin 2x 2005Elul - 2003Elul
Day of darkness and gloom 2x 2003Elul - 2001Elul
Day of cloud and blackness 2x 2001Elul - 1999Elul

Day of trumpet and battlecry

2x+2x+2x 1999Elul - 1993Elul
upon the cities, the ones being fortified
and upon the corners, the towers

'Day of Jehovah' is the last 15x, of illumination spiritually, matched by be-

darkening physically. The Lord's Witness trumpeted exclusively to the Jehovah's
witnesses from 1993Elul (actually from 1992Elul) to 1999Elul. In 1999Elul we
decided to go public.

Finally here is a list that obviously was intended to be counted:

Revelation 18:11-13 (Greek Interlinear)

For a full treatment of Revelation see U151

And the traveling merchants of the earth are weeping and mourning over her
because there is not one to buy their cargo anymore, a cargo [accusative]:

of gold 1x
and [a cargo] of silver 1x
and [a cargo] of precious stone 1x
and [a cargo] of pearls 1x/(2x)
and [a cargo] of fine linen 1x
and [a cargo] of purple 1x
and [a cargo] of silk 1x
and [a cargo] of scarlet 1x
and every scented wood 2x
and every sort of ivory object 2x
and every sort of object out of most precious wood and of copper
and of iron and of marble
and cinnamon 1x
and Indian spice 1x

and incenses 2x
and perfumed oil 1x
and frankincense 1x
and wine 1x
and olive oil 1x
and fine flour 1x
and wheat 1x
and cattle 2x
and sheep 2x
and of horses 1x/(2x)
and of coaches 1x/(2x)
and of bodies 1x/(2x)
and souls of men 2x
Total 39x

(Revelation 18:11-13 NWT adapted from Greek).


And it [the 2 horned beast] is making all [accusative] 2x.

the small [ones] [accusative] and the great [ones] 4x
and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones] 4x
and the free [ones] and the slaves 4x
in order that they [the [ones] dwelling upon the earth]
should give to them [a+b]:
6x or 2x = 4x ('them' splits in two above
engraving upon the hand of [each one of] them, the
and here together)
right or upon the forehead of [each one of] them
and in order that, no one may be able to buy or to sell not 1x or 1x = not 1x and not 1x = 2x.

if not the one having the engraving, [which is] the

1x or 1x = 1x
name of the wild beast [a covenant with it to get its
name], or the number of the name of it

2x.12x.(4x.4x/8x +2x.1x) = 432x/820x Running from 2007Tammuz3/2006Sivan5 to

2008Elul15. This is the entire length of the UN financial restriction on all mankind,
which ends with the destruction of the UN on the last day of Armageddon,

The Cryptic Dimension of the Code

We finish this section with two cryptic gems, which we have used to deduce the
method of baptism for the life - see [204]:

17 And as he was going out on his way, a certain man ran up and fell upon his
knees before him and put the question to him: Good Teacher, what must I do to
inherit everlasting life? (Mark 10).

Fine so one must fall upon one's knees for a start to get baptised.

21 A great number that became believers, turned upon the Lord (Acts 11 NWT/KI).

This means that there is a turning round in ones baptism.

[C20] The 'Bible Code' of Eli Rips and Michael Drosnin

Our initial problem with this work was the thought that Eli Rips (who founded
ELS or Equidistant Hebrew Letter Sequence research) was still a Jew by
Religious Persuasion. We thought that he cannot have this right because being a
Jew by religion, he has not accepted that Jesus was Gods son, the messiah, and
so he has failed to understand even the basic literal dimension of the holy book.
It is therefore not reasonable to suppose that he can shed any light on any coded
meanings correctly. It's rather like a man with no legs representing that he is a
star football player! Gordon's other problem was that Satan always produces
fakes to mask the original. There were many false Christ's at the time of the true
Christ, Jesus, in his first and his second presence:

5Many will come on the basis of my name saying: I am the Christ, and mislead
many (Matthew 24).

Our work showing that the bible is written in a symbolic code was published
exclusively to the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1992. But the
first that the world really heard of any bible code was in 1994 (Newton's decoding
activities were suppressed when he was alive and only published very narrowly
after he died), when the paper on ELS was submitted and published by the
Statistical Science Journal in the US, Volume 9, Number 3, August 1994. URL: Gordon was prohibited by his
understanding of the scriptures from going public until 1999Elul, 7 years after the
first book was delivered to the HQ of the JWs by Massoud.

This ELS research appears now to have become a very large commercial empire
for Amazon and Michael Drosnin and various publishers, more than it being a
religious research program. There have to our knowledge been no further
scientific papers in support of it since the first one in 1994, and one against it.
Jesus said that you should judge a tree by its fruit. We can see no Christian fruit
from this supposed decoding. We can see no academic fruit from this supposed
decoding. We can see a whole load of commercial fruit. Recently there has been
some good work which shows that ELS may well be just the result of random
chance: & & .

Apparently if you translate the book of Revelation into English, and if you
perform ELS on the English, ignoring all the vowels as Hebrew does, then you
can find out something about William Gates Junior (Bill Gates) and Windows. If
this is true then ELS is garbage, because the translation into English is a
representation of inspired words but is not itself inspired at all, because there are
many ways of translating Greek into English which use different words and yet
have the same meaning. It is the Greek and the Hebrew texts that are the literal

inspired words of God. So if an uninspired translation can tell you all about Bill
Gates (or perhaps Steve Jobs), then so can War and Peace or any other book. But
what the book of Revelation does say unequivocally is:

10 The bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying (Revelation 19).

Whereas there is no witness to Jesus in any of the ELS prophecies that we have
seen and none in the best selling ELS book 'The Bible Code'. Although there are
references to the Messiah (who is yet to put in an appearance!) So this work
cannot be a true decoding in our opinion. We do not believe that the true God
requires Christians to be able to speak Hebrew in order that they can understand
his purposes. We will say this though, the originator of ELS, Eli Rips was a
professor of Group theory, and Gordon started his PhD at Oxford in group theory,
and group theory is beautiful and exact, it doesn't involve any statistics as does
ELS. We cannot help thinking of the quote:

There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

What use is it telling Yitsac Rabin that he will be assasinated? As the ELS 'code'
predicted. This is the sort of thing that fortune tellers do, and if they are wrong
they are phoneys and if they are genuine they are getting their knowledge from
Satan and are condemned in the literal meaning of the bible, being spirit
mediums. 'Beware the Ides of March' was not from God. And it didn't help Julius
Caesar. You know it's the same old wolf but in more modern sheep's clothing.

[C21] The History of Event and Word Symbolism

Now here is the thing. Does a literal account have a straight symbolic meaning as
well as a coded symbolic meaning? Does a symbolic account such as a dream or
a parable or a vision have a straight symbolic meaning as well as a coded
symbolic meaning?

These two questions troubled Gordon for 9 years until the end of 2001. But as
usual once the question is asked in the correct way, the answer is not far off. As
regards Gordon, who is the antetypical Daniel, who was named Belteshazzar by
Nebuchadnezzar (he went in for slightly longer names than the Hebrews did), it is
true in his experience, when he makes the effort that he should, then as the King
himself said:

9 Oh Belteshazzar the chief of the magic-practicing priests, because I myself well

know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that there is no secret at all
that is troubling you, tell [me] the visions of my dream that I have beheld and its
interpretation (Daniel 4).

But this one thing about symbolic symbolism, straight symbolism and coded
symbolism had eluded him for 9 years. During this time, Gordon had prayed
many a time and had asked the true God and said to him: Oh Jehovah, who has
chosen me out of all of the wise men on this earth to reveal his secrets to. If it
pleases you, will you show this great bible code to others of your sons who can

help me in the great work that I am commissioned to do. For I am but one man
and your book was written by the Father of all minds for every human mind which
can read or which can listen to another one who is reading. And the true God
himself had for many years effectively been answering and saying: Oh Gordon,
my son, it is you whom I have chosen to talk to face to face, and you can carry
this burden, and I will help you to do so. For he has said in many places in the

4 Jehovah has sworn (and he will feel no regret): You are a priest to time
indefinite, according to the manner of Melchizedek! (Psalm 110).

And Gordon has known for a long time that these words apply to Jesus and
himself and others. But he is made very happy by the true God when one of his
brothers sorts out a biblical problem for him. Because then he knows that God
has blessed his brother as he has blessed Gordon, and so Gordon is not alone in
God's love in this respect. Of course it is wonderful to be a son, but it is better
when you have some brothers and sisters.

If the reader is a boss, he will know how easy it is to get employees to park their
backsides in his office, and yet how hard it is to get them to take their brains out
of their parking spaces and use them to solve business problems. How happy a
boss is when a member of staff expends brain power not on his own salary
calculations or on his social advancement, or on making sure that come what
may he is out of the office by 5:25 pm, but rather he expends it on the business
which employs him. How wonderful it is when the business falters and someone
else runs to pick it up before the boss gets there.

So this is what happened in the case of the number of types symbolic meanings
that an account might have. Gordon asked the question at a study group:

Does the book of Revelation have a literal meaning of the type that, yes, John did
actually see a harlot on a beast, and a straight symbolic meaning, the event
symbolism, a simple symbolism (of the type that Jesus explained in the case of
the parable of the Sower of Mark 4 - see [63]) and a coded symbolic meaning, the
account symbolism, the word symbolism (of the type that Jesus explained in the
case of the parable of the wheat and the weeds of Matthew 13). Or does it only
have a literal meaning and a coded symbolic meaning?

It was Lee, who straight away came up with the answer, in the form of the first
two verses of Revelation:

1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things
that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented [it] in
signs through him to his slave John,
2 who bore witness to:

the word God gave

and to the witness Jesus Christ gave,
even to all the things he saw (Revelation 1).

Obviously 'all the things he saw' is the literal account, 'the word God gave' is
another meaning and 'the witness Jesus Christ gave' is yet another meaning. So
there must be both an Event symbolism and a Word symbolism.

As mentioned above John is bearing witness to 'The word God gave'. This
therefore is a witness to God's words themselves which is the word symbolic
meaning. John is also bearing witness to the (symbolically expressed) witness
that Jesus gave him in the form of the vision, this then is the event symbolic
account, the symbolic meaning of the events of the vision.

All the things he saw Literal account of the vision

The Word God gave Coded word symbolic meaning of the vision
Straight event symbolic meaning of the
The Witness Jesus Christ gave

By the Consistency Principle, this structure must apply to all symbolic accounts
in the bible, such as parables, visions, dreams etc. Then Gordon was able to put
the whole jigsaw together. Now in Daniel 4, the straight event symbolism cannot
apply to the whole chapter as the Reverend John Aquila Brown, the second
adventists and Charles Russell thought or you end up with Jesus being
counselled as follows:

27 Therefore, Oh king, may my counsel seem good to you, and remove your own
sins by righteousness, and your iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones.
Maybe there will occur a lengthening of your prosperity (Daniel 4).

which counsel plainly does not apply to Jesus. From this we deduce that literal
accounts do not have straight symbolic meanings. So putting these together we

[1] Literal bible accounts only have a coded account symbolic meaning

[2] Symbolic bible accounts have a straight event symbolic meaning and a coded
account symbolic meaning.

[3] Accounts which contain both literal and symbolic portions, such as dreams
explanations and fulfillments, obey the two rules above for their respective

So in the case of Daniel 4, since the chapter is not an entirely symbolic account,
but contains various literal portions, it can not have one straight symbolic
meaning that applies throughout the account. Such a meaning could not apply to
the literal parts of the account, such as Daniel's explanation of the dream and the
fulfillment of the dream. However the dream itself has both a straight symbolic
explanation, which is the one that Daniel interpreted, and resulted in
Nebuchadnezzar spending 7 years living like a wild animal. The coded symbolic
interpretation of the dream gives the Gentile Times and actually the chronology
and activities of FDS3 and FDS4 - see [123].

This then is the true generalisation (as far as we can see it today) of the Reverend
John Aquila Brown's astonishing interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of
Daniel Chapter 4, as having in addition to the interpretation of the dream by
Daniel, a greater symbolic meaning relating to the Gentile Times. This
generalisation extends his revelation to cover every literal and every symbolic
portion of every chapter in the bible:

All symbolic portions of bible accounts have a straight

symbolic meaning, the Event symbolism and a coded
symbolic meaning, the Word Symbolism

All literal portions of bible accounts have, in addition to their

literal meaning, only a coded symbolic meaning, the Word

In fact a literal meaning is an event symbolic meaning with the identity (unity)
symbolism. For non mathematicians, the identity symbolism is where an orange
stands for an orange and a lemon stands for a lemon. It is the symbolism where
the symbolic meaning is the literal meaning.

It was of course God, who through Jesus, opened Lee's eyes to help Gordon out
here. We do not like to say this sort of thing very much, because these types of
statements have been abused to the point of total numbness by so many false
religions in the past. But when Gordon is too weak to carry on, or to tired to jump
a particularly high fence, then the holy spirit just lifts him right up and it carries
him right over. When the spirit helps, the answer appears almost effortless!

Most times one doesn't even realise that God has helped. Because
notwithstanding all of the praise scattered throughout the bible, God is not
interested in praise, he wants love and gratitude. The preponderance of praise
exists to prevent his enemies from reading the bible. He doesn't go in for fanfare,
trumpet blasts, drum rolls, medal pinning ceremonies, Oscar nominations, or
long acceptance speeches. When Jesus died for all mankind, where was the
applause? And who has done any better than him? When he cried out in his
agony with his dying breath to the creator of every atom in the universe saying:
Father receive my spirit, did God even make a response that he was aware of?

One day we, the grateful ones, will know how much God has done for us, and we
will be flabbergasted. Until then, on the odd occasion when one realises that he
has helped, one can feel his love in real time and that is something.

Yes, the true heroes and heroines of this system of things are unsung. They give
without recompense from the world, they succeed without recognition from the
world, they teach without qualifications from the world and they die with hardly a
friend in the World. They save whilst being condemned by the world, they spread
the truth whilst being lied to by the world, and lied about by the world. They keep
their reason in a world with so little of it and they keep their love, a silent victory,
whilst they drown in the deafening roar of self defeating self interest and hatred.


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