Onthly Newslette: CA Welcomes Freshies
Onthly Newslette: CA Welcomes Freshies
Onthly Newslette: CA Welcomes Freshies
activated. updated.
August 1-31, 2014 Official Publication of the UPLB College of Agriculture Volume 3 No. 8
from Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan; UP Diliman,
he College of Agriculture (CA) wel-
Quezon City
comed the freshmen through an ori-
entation held last August 11 at the Nemesio Aug. 6
B. Mendiola Hall (formerly Agronomy-Soils- Attended the Technical Working Group meeting for de-
Horticulture Building) Lobby. velopment of PNS Code of Good Agricultural Practices
for papaya at Bureau of Agricultural & Fisheries Product
Dean Domingo E. Angeles, in his wel- Standards (BAFPS), Department of Agriculture, Diliman,
come remarks, assured the students that CA Quezon City
will assist and prepare them in achieving
Aug. 7
their goals. He advised them to be diligent in
their studies and to graduate on time. Presided over the meeting of the Food Security Project;
CADO Conference Room
As per data from the CA Secretarys Of- Aug 11
fice (as of September 15, 2014), 126 new
Delivered the welcome remarks during the Orientation
freshmen are enrolled in the BS Agriculture
for New Freshmen; Agro-Soils-Horti Bldg. Lobby
curriculum; 98 in the BS Food Technology
Attended the Opening Convocation for New Freshmen;
(FT); and 92 in the BS Agricultural Biotech-
Copeland Gymnasium
nology (ABT). Meanwhile, 16 students from
other schools transferred to the BSA curricu- Aug 12
lum; 7 to BSFT; and 4 to BSABT. On the Attended the Orientation for Fulbright Scholarship Grant;
other hand, 16 students from other colleges Galvez Hall, Agricultural Sciences Cluster
of UPLB shifted to CA (13 to BSA and 3 to
BSABT). Aug 18
Presided over the round table discussion on Production
To give the students a taste of what it Issues on Food Security; Department of Science and
takes to be at CA, aside from the academic Technology (DOST), Taguig City
side of it, the Mr. and Ms. Freshmen were
Aug 19-21
chosen. Adjuged as winners were Joaquin
Alphonso Paguia and Jasmin Bathan, BSFT Attended the MOA signing between UPLB and Romblon
and BSA students, respectively. State University (RSU) to establish partnership in differ-
ent areas of research, extension, etc.; RSU, Romblon
Associate Dean Christian Joseph R. Aug 28
Cumagun, in his closing remarks, said that
education is the key in achieving ones
Attended the presentation of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis hy-
dream. He then urged them to take ad- brid for Senator Pia S. Cayetano and Committee on
vantage of every opportunity to become bet- Higher Education Chairman Patricia B. Licuanan; UP
ter persons. Diliman, Quezon City
Aug 29
The orientation was fun-filled as the Attended the National Seed Industry Council meeting;
freshmen had met their fellow students, fu- Diliman, Quezon City
ture professors/mentors in the next four or
five years, and brothers and sisters from Aug 30-31
the CA Student Council and different aca- Monitored the sweet sorghum project at Bacolod City as
demic organizations. (Imelda M. Gesmundo) consultant
Page 2 CA Monthly Newsletter
Interview with farmers and documentation of Monitoring of project set up at Mindanao State
calamansi postharvest handling; discussed pro- University; August 18-20, Mindanao State Uni-
ject activities with LGU; August 5-6, Palayan versity, Lanao del Norte; Maria Lourdes S.
City, Nueva Ecija; Dr. Josephine U. Agravante, Edao
Dr. Dormita R. Del Carmen, Ana Mitthuzela D. Consultation with farmers regarding on-farm
Espigol and Dr. Elda B. Esguerra conservation; August 19-22, Ifugao Province;
Teresita H. Borromeo and Nestor C. Altoveros
Field monitoring visit; August 6, Sariaya & Can-
delaria, Quezon; Bong M. Salazar and Dr. Leon Project Monitoring of Off-campus Experiment;
O. Namuco August 22, San Antonio, Quezon; Danilo J.
Lalican, Ann Mylalulex A. Magnaye and Katri-
Assessed sugarcane leaf scald disease inci- na B. Malabanan
dence; August 6-7, Bacolod; Dr. Fe M. Dela
Cueva Training on Citrus Production; August 22-24,
Nueva Vizcaya; Dr. Rene Rafael C. Espino as
Training on Organic Agriculture; August 6-9, Ag- resource person
ricultural Training Institute-Cordillera Autono-
mous Region, Benguet State University, Ben- Training on Mango Porduction; August 26-28,
guet; Maria Fatima O. Mercado, Dr. Lucille Elna Guimaras; Dr. Dormita R. Del Carmen as re-
P. De Guzman, Annalissa L. Aquino, Maria source person
Lourdes S. Edao, Angelica L. Pontesor and
Merly G. Carlos as facilitators/resource persons/
Presentation of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis to Sen-
ator Pia S. Cayetano and CHED Chairman
support staff
Patricia B. Licuanan; August 28, UP Diliman,
Farm visit for documentation and interview Quezon City, Dr. Lucille Elna P. De Guzman
(Cassava Project); August 7, Lemery, Batangas;
Dr. Josephine E. Agravante
DA-Biotech (Rice) Meeting; August 29, Dili-
man, Quezon City; Dr. Jose E. Hernandez and
Consultation for project site selection; August 8- Katrina B. Malabanan
11, Lake Sebu, South Cotabato; Teresita H.
Borromeo and Nestor C. Altoveros Food Science
Evaluation of project nominee for GAWAD SA- 27th Anniversary of Department of Agriculture-
KA Scientist Award; August 11-12, Region V; Bureau of Agricultural Research; August 8-10,
Dr. Edralina P. Serrano as evaluator Mega Trade Hall 2, SM Mega Mall; Rona Ca-
Media Seminar-Workshop on Reporting Cli- mille M. LIzardo and Reifrey A. Lascano as
mate Change, Agriculture and Food Security: exhibitors
Challenges & Opportunities for the Philippine Presentation of research paper during the 8th
Media; August 14-15, Splash Mountain Resort, Phil. National Health Research System Week
Los Baos, Laguna; Dr. Matilde V. Maunahan Celebration; August 12-14, Radisson Blu Ho-
as participant tel, Cebu City; Dr. Lotis E. Mopera
Capacity Building of Organic Agriculture Valida- Technical Panels evaluation of project pro-
tion Team; August 12-15, Baguio City; Dr. Lu- posals (local citrus, ginger, pili nuts); August
cille Elna P. De Guzman as participant 13, The Philippine Council for Industry, Energy
Field survey of organic banana and procure and Emerging Technology Research and De-
samples for experiment; discussed with Alter velopment Conference Room, DOST, Taguig
Trade; August 14-16, Negros Occidental; Dr. City; Dr. Floirendo P. Flores as evaluator
Elda B. Esguerra, Dr. Dormita R. Del Carmen, Training on Soybean Processing; August 13,
Ryan Anthony O. Lualhati and Roxanne Delos FSC Conference Room; Dr. Olivia M. Del Ro-
Reyes sario as resource person
Planning Meeting on On-Farm Conservation; Training on Sensory Evaluation of Food; Au-
August 14-18, Teresita H. Borromeo and Nestor gust 14-15, Lyceum of the Philippines Univer-
C. Altoveros sity, Manila; Prof. Rona Camille Lizardo and
Project monitoring of off-campus experiment; Dr. Wilson T. Tan as resource persons
August 11, San Antonio, Quezon; Danilo J. Lali- DOST Food Innovation Center training course
can, Ann Mylalulex A. Magnaye and Katrina B. entitled Overview of Food Development
Malabanan as project leader and project staff Practices; August 20-22, Food Development
Evaluation for GAWAD SAKA Outstanding Sci- Center, Taguig City; Dr. Lotis E, Mopera as
entist Award; August 18-19, Clark Field, Pam- participant
panga; Dr. Edralina P. Serrano
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