AUN-QA Network Team Evaluates BSA & BSF Programs FSTP Is Gawad Pangulo Awardee

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January 1-31, 2017 Official Publication of the UPLB College of Agriculture Volume 6 No . 1

AUN-QA Network team FSTP is Gawad Pangulo

evaluates BSA awardee
& BSF programs
C As primary extension program, the National
Corn-based Farmer-Scientists RDE Training
T he ASEAN University Network-Quality
Assurance (AUN-QA) Network team
visited the College of Agriculture (CA) and the
Program (FSTP) was awarded the Gawad Pangulo for
Excellence in Public Service last January 30 at the Ex-
College of Forestry last January 23-25 to evaluate ecutive House, UP Diliman, Quezon City.
the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSA) and The award, bestowed by the UP System under
the BS Forestry programs, respectively. the leadership of President Alfredo E. Pascual, recog-
The evaluation team was composed of Asso- nizes FSTPs exemplary contribution to the fulfilment
ciate Professor Le Quang Minh and Dr. Agus Se- of UPs mandate to lead as a public service university.
tiabudi (assessors: Agriculture Study Program);
Since its nationwide implementation in 2009 un-
Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti (AUN deputy director);
der Executive Order 710, the FSTP has already cov-
Wilasinee Sittisomboon (AUN programme of-
ered a total of 73 municipalities in 34 provinces from
ficer); and Prof. Wan Ahmad Kamil Mahmood
Regions 1 to 13. Approximately, there are already
and Dr. Ir. Johannes Pramana Gentur Sutapa
more than 12,000 farmer-scientists in the country
(assessors: Forestry Study Program).
who are equipped with scientific and entrepreneurial
Once accredited by the network, opportuni- mindsets; thus, uplifting their socio-economic status.
ties such as student mobility, research collabora-
It can be recalled that, in 2006, the FSTP bagged
tion and information sharing, faculty exchange,
the Outstanding Extension Team and Program
modern research facilities, and inter-cultural
awards from both the CA and the UPLB. The highest
sharing of experiences could be explored.
award conferred to FSTP is the Presidential Gawad
The AUN-QA Network was established to Lingkod Bayan given on September 21, 2006 by the
promote quality assurance in higher education Philippine Civil Service Commission.
institutions, raise the quality of higher education,
and collaborate with both regional and interna- The program is led by Dr. Romulo G. Davide, pro-
tional bodies for the benefit of the ASEAN com- fessor emeritus of CA and Ramon Magsaysay awardee.
munity. (Apolinario L. Lantican) (Augustus Franco B. Jamias)

Mais PAEP, a new corn variety

A new white glutinous corn variety was launched during the tribute to UP President Alfredo E.
Pascual at DL Umali Hall, UPLB last January 24 and was named in his honor. It was called Mais
PAEP (initials of President Pascual), short for Mais na Pinagbuti Alay sa Ekonomiyang Pangkanayunan.
A native cultivar from the province of Abra, Mais PAEP is early maturing and with excellent husk cov-
er, good ear fill characteristic and good eating quality. It is an open-pollinated variety with higher yield
than that of the check variety in Luzon and Visayas; thus, it is recommended for commercial cultivation in
these places.
This variety was developed by the maize breeding team of the Institute of Plant Breeding led by Dr.
Artemio M. Salazar. Other members of the team are Dr. Tonette P. Laude, Villamor A. Ladia, Jefferson F.
Paril, Ayn M. Beltran, Maria Alma B. Sanchez and Serafin B. Alcantara. (Laureano B. Lanosia, Jr.)
Page 2 CA Monthly Newsletter

CA staff attend CSC dominates

seminar on FOI CA sportsfest
T wo university researchers, one univer-
sity extension specialist and a university
extension associate from the College of Agricul-
T he Crop Science Cluster (CSC) won the
overall championship in the CA Inter-
cluster Sportsfest held last January 12-13 at the
ture Deans Office, Crop Protection Cluster and UPLB grounds, Copeland gymnasium and Student
Crop Science Cluster, respectively, attended a Union Building.
seminar titled, UPLB and the FOI: Freedom of The CSC Lemon Yellow team dominated in
Information in the Academe last January 12 at various events such as basketball, volleyball, table
the IPB Seminar Room, UPLB. tennis, chess, scrabble, dama, athletics and tug-of
The Freedom of Information (FOI), also war (women). Right behind CSC are the Crop
known as Executive Order No. 2 of President Protection Cluster (CPC)-Food Science Cluster
Rodrigo R. Duterte, provides for full public dis- (FSC) Magenta team, the Animal and Dairy Scienc-
closure of all government records involving pub- es Cluster (ADSC) Sky Blue team and the Agricul-
lic interest and upholds the constitutional right tural Systems Cluster-CA Deans Office Peach
of people to information on matters of public team.
concern. Other events included Philippine games, bowl-
In the message of Chancellor Fernando C. ing, badminton, ballroom dancing and Videoke King
Sanchez, which was read by Vice-Chancellor for and Queen contest.
Research and Extension (OVCRE) Rex B. With the theme, Teamwork makes the dream
Demafelis, the seminar in UPLB will enable its work, this years sportsfest also featured an Exec-
constituents to fully understand the scope of utive Run in the first day of the activity.
FOI in implementing the order in the academe.
The sportsfest was aimed at developing cama-
Atty. Kristian R. Ablan, assistant secretary raderie and physical fitness among CA constituents.
for policy and legislative affairs of the Presiden-
tial Communications Operations Office, served Dr. Elpidio M. Agbisit, Jr., ADSC director,
as the speaker; wherein he discussed the vari- served as the chair of the coordinating committee.
ous aspects of FOI, giving focus on its implica- (AL Lantican, with information from LM Castillo)
tions to academic institutions like UPLB. Moreo-
ver, he explained the principles behind the FOI, Year begins with student
who will benefit from the order, including list of
exceptions to the right to access to information. visitors at CPC
He also emphasized that, since the FOI is an ex-
ecutive order, only administrative sanction can
be imposed to those who will violate it.
However, once it becomes a law, he said,
A s year 2017 enters, the Crop Protection
Cluster (CPC) accommodated 120 BS Bi-
ology and BS Environmental Sciences students
offenders would face criminal liability. from Catanduanes State University, Virac,
Catanduanes last Jan 9.
The event was attended by UPLB faculty,
researchers and staff who actively raised ques- Coordinated by Karen Ardez, Ruby dela Cruz,
tions during the open forum. Dr. Pablito Gonzales and Romnick Latina, the stu-
dents were briefed at the Insect Pathology Labora-
The seminar was spearheaded by the Exten- tory, headed by Dr. Barbara Caoili (who is on leave
sion Section of OVCRE. (Imelda M. Gesmundo) for post doctoral studies); Insect Biological Con-
trol Laboratory, coordinated by Dr. Pio Javier and
Host Pathogen Interaction Laboratory headed by
For comments/suggestions, just e- mail: Prof. Johnny Balidion.
Editor, CA Monthly Newsletter The same laboratories were also visited by 40
AgriBookstore, IH Complex, BS Chemistry students from Bicol State University
UPLB Campus, College, Laguna
of Legazpi City, Albay last Feb. 3. (Ruby G. dela
We welcome articles from every CA constituent. Cruz, with report from Karen Ardez)
CA Monthly Newsletter Page 3

New OIC for NCPC Dr. Barbara L. Caoili, professor; Crop

Protection Cluster (CPC); currently a visiting
Fulbright scholar in USA; January 13 to July
T he newly restructured National Crop
Protection Center (NCPC) has a new
officer-in charge (OIC) in the name of Dr. Gil L.

Magsino, weed scientist and extension coordina- Ana Mithuzela D. Espigol, university re-
tor of the former Crop Protection Cluster. search associate, CSC; presented a paper ti-
tled Postharvest Quality of Whole and Mini-
Dr. Magsino, whose appointment begins in mally Processed Fiddlehead Ferns (Diplizium
February and ends in May 2017, is expected to esculentum) or Pako during the Internation-
restructure the NCPC programs in research train- al Conference on Food and Agricultural
ing and extension in the next few months. (RG Technologies in Bali, Indonesia; January 16-
dela Cruz)
FOREIGN TRAVELS* Dr. Simplicio M. Medina, associate profes-
sor and director, ASC and Office of Interna-
Norma G. Medina, Ryan Rodrigo P. tional Linkages, respectively; attended the
Tayobong and Maria Charito E. Bal- Sophia University ASEAN International Mo-
ladares, assistant professors and university bility for Students (SAIMS) Partner University
researcher, respectively, Crop Science Cluster Conference at Chulalongkorn University in
(CSC); attended the Training on Edible Land- Bangkok, Thailand; January 25-27
scaping Creating Landscapes Edible Plant
Species in Singapore; January 9-17 Dr. Nestor C. Altoveros, associate profes-
sor, CSC; attended the physical meeting of
Dr. Jose Nestor M. Garcia, university re- the Ad Hoc Friends of the Co-chairs Group
searcher, Agricultural Systems Cluster (ASC); on Scope of the Multilateral System (MILS) of
attended the Researchers Meeting and Confer- the International Treaty on Plant Genetic
ence and presented the status of land degrada- Resources for Agriculture (ITPGRA) in
tion and implementation of sustainable land Rome, Italy; January 25-29
management in selected sites of the Philippines
in Bangkok, Thailand; January 9-13 *Prepared by:
Dr. Hayde F. Galvez, assistant professor,
CSC; presented poster papers titled Pre-
breeding in tomato for virus resistance Agriculture not only gives riches to a
through muta-genomics and associated Next
Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies,
nation, but the only riches she can call
Fine-mapping and functional annotation of a her own.
major Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) in corn
(Zea mays L.) for downy mildew resistance to- Samuel Johnson
wards precision-marker-assisted breeding,
Hybrid approach for improved genome as-
sembly of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) to aid The College of Agriculture Monthly Newsletter
breeding tools and Genome-guided Eco Till- is published through the Office of the Dean,
ing towards improved fatty acid biosynthesis in College of Agriculture, UPLB, College, Laguna
coconut during the Plant and Animal Ge- Advisers: Dean Enrico P. Supangco and
nomes XXV Conference at Town and Coun- Associate Dean Tonette P. Laude
try Hotel in San Diego, California; January 14- Editor/Layout Artist: Apolinario L. Lantican
18 Contributors: Karen Ardez, Erlinda A. Balot, Lorina M.
Castillo, Ruby G. dela Cruz, Imelda M. Gesmundo,
Alma O. Canama, university researcher, Augustus Franco B. Jamias, Laureano B. Lanosia, Jr.
CSC; attended the Plant Genomes XXV Con- and Apolinario L. Lantican
ference at Town and Country Hotel in San Circulation Officer: Venecia B. Batain
Diego, California; January 14-18

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