AUN-QA Network Team Evaluates BSA & BSF Programs FSTP Is Gawad Pangulo Awardee
AUN-QA Network Team Evaluates BSA & BSF Programs FSTP Is Gawad Pangulo Awardee
AUN-QA Network Team Evaluates BSA & BSF Programs FSTP Is Gawad Pangulo Awardee
activated. updated.
January 1-31, 2017 Official Publication of the UPLB College of Agriculture Volume 6 No . 1
Magsino, weed scientist and extension coordina- Ana Mithuzela D. Espigol, university re-
tor of the former Crop Protection Cluster. search associate, CSC; presented a paper ti-
tled Postharvest Quality of Whole and Mini-
Dr. Magsino, whose appointment begins in mally Processed Fiddlehead Ferns (Diplizium
February and ends in May 2017, is expected to esculentum) or Pako during the Internation-
restructure the NCPC programs in research train- al Conference on Food and Agricultural
ing and extension in the next few months. (RG Technologies in Bali, Indonesia; January 16-
dela Cruz)
FOREIGN TRAVELS* Dr. Simplicio M. Medina, associate profes-
sor and director, ASC and Office of Interna-
Norma G. Medina, Ryan Rodrigo P. tional Linkages, respectively; attended the
Tayobong and Maria Charito E. Bal- Sophia University ASEAN International Mo-
ladares, assistant professors and university bility for Students (SAIMS) Partner University
researcher, respectively, Crop Science Cluster Conference at Chulalongkorn University in
(CSC); attended the Training on Edible Land- Bangkok, Thailand; January 25-27
scaping Creating Landscapes Edible Plant
Species in Singapore; January 9-17 Dr. Nestor C. Altoveros, associate profes-
sor, CSC; attended the physical meeting of
Dr. Jose Nestor M. Garcia, university re- the Ad Hoc Friends of the Co-chairs Group
searcher, Agricultural Systems Cluster (ASC); on Scope of the Multilateral System (MILS) of
attended the Researchers Meeting and Confer- the International Treaty on Plant Genetic
ence and presented the status of land degrada- Resources for Agriculture (ITPGRA) in
tion and implementation of sustainable land Rome, Italy; January 25-29
management in selected sites of the Philippines
in Bangkok, Thailand; January 9-13 *Prepared by:
Dr. Hayde F. Galvez, assistant professor,
CSC; presented poster papers titled Pre-
breeding in tomato for virus resistance Agriculture not only gives riches to a
through muta-genomics and associated Next
Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies,
nation, but the only riches she can call
Fine-mapping and functional annotation of a her own.
major Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) in corn
(Zea mays L.) for downy mildew resistance to- Samuel Johnson
wards precision-marker-assisted breeding,
Hybrid approach for improved genome as-
sembly of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) to aid The College of Agriculture Monthly Newsletter
breeding tools and Genome-guided Eco Till- is published through the Office of the Dean,
ing towards improved fatty acid biosynthesis in College of Agriculture, UPLB, College, Laguna
coconut during the Plant and Animal Ge- Advisers: Dean Enrico P. Supangco and
nomes XXV Conference at Town and Coun- Associate Dean Tonette P. Laude
try Hotel in San Diego, California; January 14- Editor/Layout Artist: Apolinario L. Lantican
18 Contributors: Karen Ardez, Erlinda A. Balot, Lorina M.
Castillo, Ruby G. dela Cruz, Imelda M. Gesmundo,
Alma O. Canama, university researcher, Augustus Franco B. Jamias, Laureano B. Lanosia, Jr.
CSC; attended the Plant Genomes XXV Con- and Apolinario L. Lantican
ference at Town and Country Hotel in San Circulation Officer: Venecia B. Batain
Diego, California; January 14-18