Log X+log Y+log Z 2log Y+log Z+log X 2log Z+log X+log y 2: INMO 1987

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1. A person who left home between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. returned between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.

and found that the hands of his watch had exactly exchanged place, when did he go out ?

2. Solve


3. Two circles with radii a and b respectively touch each other externally. Let c be the radius of
a circle that touches these two circles as well as a common tangent to the two circles. Prove that


4. Find the least natural number whose last digit is 7 such that it becomes 5 times larger when
this last digit is carried to the beginning of the number.

5. If P(x)P(x) is a polynomial with integer coefficients and a, b, c , three distinct integers, then
show that it is impossible to have , , .

6. Construct a quadrilateral which is not a parallelogram, in which a pair of opposite angles and
a pair of opposite sides are equal.

7. If aa, bb, xx, yy are integers greater than 1 such that aa and bb have no common factor
except 1 and xa=ybxa=yb show that , for some integer greater than 1.

8. Suppose A1,dots,A6A1,dots,A6 are six sets each with four elements

and B1,dots,BnB1,dots,Bn are sets each with two elements,

Let S=A1A2A6=B1BnS=A1A2A6=B1Bn. Given that each elements

of belongs to exactly four of the AAs and to exactly three of the BBs, find nn.

9. Show that among all quadrilaterals of a given perimeter the square has the largest area

===INMO 1987===

1. Given and as relatively prime positive integers greater than one, show that [log10mlog10n]
[log10mlog10n] is not a rational number.
Determine the largest number in the infinite sequence [1,22,33,44,dots,n
2. Let TT be the set of all triplets (a,b,c)(a,b,c) of integers such

that 1a<b<c61a<b<c6 For each triplet (a,b,c)(a,b,c) in TT, take

number ac.bc.cac.bc.c. Add all these numbers corresponding to all the triplets in TT. Prove that
the answer is divisible by 7.

3. If xx, yy, zz, and nn are natural numbers, and nznz then prove that the

relation xn+yn=znxn+yn=zn does not hold.

4. Find a finite sequence of 16 numbers such that: (a) it reads same from left to right as from
right to left. (b) the sum of any 7 consecutive terms is 11, (c) the sum of any 11 consecutive
terms is +1+1.

5. Prove that if coefficients of the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0ax2+bx+c=0 are odd

integers, then the roots of the equation cannot be rational numbers.

6. Construct the ABCABC, given haha, hbhb (the altitudes from AA and BB) and mama,
the median from the vertex AA.

7. Three congruent circles have a common point OO and lie inside a given triangle. Each circle
touches a pair of sides of the triangle. Prove that the incentre and the circumcentre of the triangle
and the common point OO are collinear.

8. Prove that any triangle having two equal internal angle bisectors (each measured from a
vertex to the opposite side) is isosceles.

===INMO 1988===

1. Let m1,m2,m3,,mnm1,m2,m3,,mn be a rearrangement of the numbers 1,2,

,n1,2,,n. Suppose that nn is odd. Prove that the product


is an even integer.

2. Prove that the product of 4 consecutive natural numbers cannot be a perfect cube.

3. Five men AA, BB, CC, DD, EE are wearing caps of black or white colour without each
knowing the colour of his cap. It is known that a man wearing black cap always speaks the truth
while the ones wearing white always tell lies. If they make the following statements, find the colour
worn by each of them:
AA : I see three black caps and one white cap.
BB : I see four white caps
CC : I see one black cap and three white caps
DD : I see your four black caps.

4. If aa and bb are positive and a+b=1a+b=1, prove that


5. Show that there do not exist any distinct natural numbers aa, bb, cc, dd such
that a3+b3=c3+d3a3+b3=c3+d3 and a3+b3=c3+d3a3+b3=c3+d3.

6. If a0,a1,,a50a0,a1,,a50 are the coefficients of the polynomial

[(1+x+x2)25(1+x+x2)25] show that a0+a2+a4++a50a0+a2+a4++a50 is even.

7. Given an angle QBPQBP and a point LL outside the angle QBPQBP. Draw a
straight line through LL meeting BQBQ in AA and BPBP in CC such that the
triangle ABCABC has a given perimeter.

8. A river flows between two houses AA and BB, the houses standing some distances away
from the banks. Where should a bridge be built on the river so that a person going from AA to BB,
using the bridge to cross the river may do so by the shortest path? Assume that the banks of the
river are straight and parallel, and the bridge must be perpendicular to the banks.

9. Show that for a triangle with radii of circumcircle and incircle equal to RR, rr respectively, the
inequality R2rR2r holds.

===INMO 1989===
1. Prove that the
polynomial f(x)=x4+26x3+56x2+78x+1989f(x)=x4+26x3+56x2+78x+1989 cannot be

expressed as a product f(x)=p(x)q(x)f(x)=p(x)q(x),where p(x),q(x)p(x),q(x) are both

polynomials with integral coefficients and with degree less than 4.

2. Let a, b, c and d be any four real numbers, not all equal to zero. Prove that the roots of the
polynomial x6+ax3+bx2+cx+dx6+ax3+bx2+cx+d cannot all be real.

3. Let A denote a subset of the set {1, 11, 21, 31, . . . 541, 551} having the property that no two
elements of A add up to 552. Prove that A cannot have more than 28 elements.
4. Determine with proof, all the positive integers n for which: (a) n is not the square of any
integer; and (b) [n][n] divides n2n2. (Notation : [x] denotes the largest integer that is less
than or equal to x).

5. For positive integers n, define A(n) to be (2n)!(n!)2(2n)!(n!)2.Determine the sets of positive

integers n for which (a) A(n) is an even number, (b) A(n) is a multiple of 4.

6. Triangle ABC has incenter I and the incircle touches BC, CA at D, E respectively. Let BI meet
DE at G. Show that AG is perpendicular to BC.

7. Let A be one of the two points of intersection of two circles with centers X , Y respectively.
The tangents at A to the two circles meet the circles again at B.C . Let a point P belocated so that
PX AY is a parallelogram. Show that P is also the circum-center of triangle ABC .

===INMO 1990===

1. Given the equation x6+px3+qx2+rx+s=0x6+px3+qx2+rx+s=0 has four real, positive

roots, prove that (a) pr16s0pr16s0, (b) q216s0q216s0 with equality in each case
holding if and only if the four roots are equal.

2. Determine all non-negative integral pairs (x, y) for

which (xy7)2=x2+y2(xy7)2=x2+y2.Let f be a function defined on the set of non-negative

integers and taking values in the same set. Given that (a)xf(x)=19[x/19]90[f(x)/90]
(a)xf(x)=19[x/19]90[f(x)/90] for all non-negative integers x; (b) 1900 < f(1990) < 2000, find the
possible values that f(1990)f(1990) can take. (Notation : here [z] refers to largest integer that is
z, e.g. [3.1415] = 3).

3. Let f be a function defined on the set of non-negative integers and taking values in the same
set. Given that (a)xf(x)=19[x/19]90[f(x)/90](a)xf(x)=19[x/19]90[f(x)/90] for all non-

negative integers x; (b) 1900 < f(1990) < 2000, find the possible values that f(1990)f(1990)can
take. (Notation : here [z] refers to largest integer that is z, e.g. [3.1415] = 3).

4. Consider the collection of all three-element subsets drawn from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, . . . , 299,
300}. Determine the number of those subsets for which the sum of the elements is a multiple of 3.

5. Let a, b, c denote the sides of a triangle. Show that the

quantity ab+c+ba+c+ca+bab+c+ba+c+ca+b must lie between the limits 3/2 and 2. Can equality
hold at either limits?
6. Triangle ABC is scalene with angle A having a measure greater than 90 degrees. Determine
the set of points D that lie on the extended line BC, for which |AD|=|BD||CD|

|AD|=|BD||CD| where |BD| refers to the (positive) distance between B and D.

7. Let ABC be an arbitrary acute angled triangle. For any point P lying within the triangle, let D,
E, F denote the feet of the perpendiculars from P onto the sides AB, BC, CA respectively.
Determine the set of all possible positions of the point P for which the triangle DEF is
isosceles.For which position of P will the triangle DEF become equilateral?

===INMO 1991===

1. Find the number of positive integers n for which (a) n1991n1991 and (b) 6 is a factor
of n2+3n+2n2+3n+2.

2. Given any acute-angled triangle ABC, let points A^,B^,C^ \) be located as follows : A^A^is
the point where altitude from A on BC meets the outwards facing semi-circle drawn on BC as
diameter. Points B^,C^B^,C^ are located similarly. Prove that |BCA^|^2+|CAB^|^2+|ABC^|^2=|ABC|
^2|BCA^|^2+|CAB^|^2+|ABC^|^2=|ABC|^2, where [ABC] denotes the area of triangle ABC, etc.

3. Given a triangle ABC, define the quantities x, y, z as

follows: x=tan((BC)/2)tan(A/2),y=tan((CA)/2)tan(B/2),z=tan((AB)/2)ta

n(C/2)x=tan((BC)/2)tan(A/2),y=tan((CA)/2)tan(B/2),z=tan((AB)/2)tan(C/2). Prove that :


4. Let a, b, c be real numbers with 0 < a < 1, 0 < b < 1, 0 < c < 1 and a+b+c = 2. Prove that


5. Triangle ABC has incenter I. Let points X, Y be located on the line segment AB, AC
respectively so that : BX.AB=IB2BX.AB=IB2 and CY.AC=IC2CY.AC=IC2 Given that the
points X, I, Y lie on a straight line, find the possible values of the measure of angle A.

6. (a) Determine the set of all positive integers n for which 3n+13n+1 divides 2j+12j+1. (b)

Prove that 3n+23n+2 does not divide 23n+123n+1 for any positive integer n.

7. Solve the following system of equations for real x, y,

z: x+yz=4,x2y2+z2=4,xyz=6x+yz=4,x2y2+z2=4,xyz=6.
8. There are 10 objects with total weight 20, each of the weights being a positive integer. Given
that none of the weights exceeds 10, prove that the 10 objects can be divided into two groups that
balance each other when placed on the two pans of a balance.

===INMO 1992===

1. In a triangle ABC, angle A is twice angle B. Show that a2=b.(b+c)a2=b.(b+c).

2. If x, y and z are three real numbers such that x + y + z = 4 and x2+y2+z2=6x2+y2+z2=6,

then show that each of x, y and z lies in the closed interval [2/3, 2], that
is 23x223x2$, 23y223y2,and. Can x attain the extreme value 2/3 or 2 ?

3. Find the remainder when 19921992 is divided by 92.

4. Find the number of permutations (P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6) of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

6 such that for any k, 1k51k5. (P1,P2,...Pk)(P1,P2,...Pk)does not form a permutation of

{1, 2, . . . k}. That is P10P10; (P1,P2)(P1,P2) is not permutation of {1, 2}; (P1,P2,P3)
(P1,P2,P3) is not a permutation of {1, 2, 3}, etc.

5. Two circles C1 and C2 intersect at two distinct points P and Q in a plane. Let a line passing
through P meet the circles C1 and C2 in A and B respectively. Let Y be the mid-point of AB and
QY meet the circles C1 and C2 in X and Z respectively. Show that Y is also the mid-point of XZ.

6. Let f(x)f(x) be a polynomial in x with integer coefficients and suppose that for 5 distinct

integers a1,a2,a3,a4a1,a2,a3,a4 and a5a5 one

has f(a1)=f(a2)=f(a3)=f(a4)=f(a5)=2f(a1)=f(a2)=f(a3)=f(a4)=f(a5)=2. Show that there

does not exist an integer b such that f(b)=9f(b)=9.

7. Find the number of ways in which one can place the numbers 1,2,3,...,n21,2,3,...,n2 on
the n2n2 squares of n n chessboard, one on each, such that the numbers in each row and each
column are in arithmetic progression. (Assume n3)n3).

8. Determine all pairs (m, n) of positive integers for which 2n+3n2n+3n is a perfect square.

9. Let A1A2A3...AnA1A2A3...An be an n-sided regular polygon such

that 1A1A2=A1A3+A1A41A1A2=A1A3+A1A4. Determine n, the number of sides of the polynomial.

10. Determine all functions f:R0,1Rf:R0,1R satisfying the functional relation,where x is a
real number different from 0 and 1.

(Here RR denotes the set of all real numbers.)

===INMO 1993===
1. The diagonals AC and BD of a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD intersect at P. Let O be the
circumcenter of triangle APB and H be the orthocenter of triangle CPD. Show that the points H, P,
O are collinear.

2. If a, b, c, d are 4 non-negative real numbers and a + b + c + d = 1, show

that ab+bc+cd14ab+bc+cd14.

3. Let ABC be a triangle in a plane . Find the set of all points P (distinct from A, B, C) in the

plane such that the circumcircles of triangles ABP, BCP and CAP have the same radii.

4. Let P(x)=x2+ax+bP(x)=x2+ax+b= be a quadratic polynomial in which a and b are

integers. Given any integer n, show that there is an integer M such that P(n) P(n + 1) = P(M).

5. Show that there is a natural number n such that n! when written in decimal notation (that is,
in base 10) ends exactly in 1993 zeros.

6. Let ABC be triangle right-angled at A and S be its circumcircle. Let S1S1 be the circle
touching the lines AB and AC and the circle S internally. Further let S2S2 be the circle touching
the lines AB and AC, and the circle S externally. If r1r1 and r2r2 be the radii of the
circles S1S1 and S2S2 respectively, show that r1r2=4(areaABC)r1r2=4(areaABC).

7. Let A = {1, 2, 3, . . . , 100} and B be a subset of A having 53 elements. Show that B has two
distinct elements x and y whose sum is divisible by 11.

8. Let f be a bijective (1-1 and onto) function from A = {1, 2, 3 . . . , n} to itself. Show that there
is positive number such that, for each i in A. denotes the composite function ff m-times.

9. Show that there exists a convex hexagon in the plane such that (a) all its interior angles are
equal, (b) all its sides are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in some order.

===INMO 1994===
1. Let G be the centroid of a triangle ABC in which the angle C is obtuse and AD and CF be the
medians from A and C respectively onto the sides BC and AB. If the four points B, D, G and F are
concyclic, show that ACBC>2ACBC>2. If further P is a point on the line BG extended such that
AGCP is a parallelogram, show that the triangle ABC and GAP are similar.
2. If x5x3+x=ax5x3+x=a, prove that x62a1x62a1.

3. In any set of 181 square integers, prove that one can always find a subset of 19 numbers,
sum of whose elements is divisible by 19.

4. Find the number of nondegenerate triangles whose vertices lie in the set of points (s, t) in the
plane such that 0s40s4, 0t40t4 with s and t integers.

5. A circle passes through a vertex C of a triangle ABCD and touches its sides AB and AD at M
and N respectively. If the distance from C to the line segment MN is equal to 5 units, find the area
of the rectangle ABCD.

6. If f:RRf:RR is a function satisfying the properties (a) f(x) = f(x), (b) f(x + 1) = f(x) + 1,

(c) f(1x)=f(x)x2f(1x)=f(x)x2, for x0)x0), prove thatf(x)=xf(x)=x for all real values of x.
Here RR denotes the set of all real numbers.

===INMO 1995===

1. In an acute-angled triangle ABC,<A=300300, H is the orthocenter and M is the mid-point of

BC. On the line HM, take a point T such that HM = MT. Show that AT = 2BC.

2. Show that there are infinitely many pairs (a, b) of relatively prime integers (not necessarily
positive) such that both quadratic
functions x2+ax+b=0x2+ax+b=0 and x2+2ax+b=0x2+2ax+b=0 have integer roots.

3. Show that the number of 3element subset {a, b, c} of {1, 2, 3, . . . , 63} with a + b + c < 95 is
less than the number of those with a + b + c > 95.

4. Let ABC be triangle and a circle \Gamma^\Gamma^ be drawn inside the triangle, touching its
incircle externally and also touching the two sides AB and AC. Show the ratio of the radii of the

circles and \Gamma^\Gamma^ is equal to tan2A4tan2A4.

5. Let a1,a2,a3,...,ana1,a2,a3,...,an be n real numbers all greater than 1 and such

that 1kn11kn1 for. Show that a1a2+a2a3+.....+an1an+ana1<2n1a1a2+a2a3+.....


6. Find all primes p for which the quotient 2p112p11 is a square.

===INMO 1996===
1. (a) Given any positive integer n, show that there exist distinct positive integers x and y such
that x + j divides y + j for j = 1, 2, 3, , n. (b) If for some positive integers x and y, x + j divides y
+ j for all positive integers j, prove that x = y.

2. Let C1 and C2 be two concentric circles in the plane with radii R and 3R respectively. Show
that the orthocentre of any triangle inscribed in circle C1 lies in the interior of circle C2.
Conversely, show that also every point in the interior of C2 is the orthocentre of some triangle
inscribed in C1.

3. Solve the following system of equations for real numbers a, b, c, d,

e. 3a=(b+c+d)2,3b=(c+d+e)2,3c=(d+e+a)2,3d=(e+a+b)2,3e=(a+b+c)23a

4. Let X be a set containing n elements. Find the number of all ordered triples (A,B,C) of
subsets of X such that A is a subset of B and B is a proper subset of C.

5. Define a
sequence (an)n1(an)n1 by a1=1,a2=2a1=1,a2=2 and an+2=2an+1an+2an+2=2an+1a

n+2 for n1n1. Prove that for any m, amam+1amam+1 is also a term in the sequence.

6. There is a 2n 2n array (matrix) consisting of 0s and 1s and there are exactly 3n

zeros.Show that it is possible to remove all the zeros by deleting some n rows and some n
columns. [Note: A m n array is a rectangular arrangement of mn numbers in which there are m
horizontal rows and n vertical columns.]

===INMO 1997===
1. Let ABCD be a parallelogram. Suppose a line passing through C and lying outside the
parallelogram meets AB and AD produced at E and F respectively. Show

2. Show that there do not exist positive integers m and n such that mn+m+1n=4mn+m+1n=4.

3. If a, b, c are three distinct real numbers and (a+1b)+(b+1c)+(c+1a)=t(a+1b)+(b+1c)+

(c+1a)=t for some real number t, prove that abc + t = 0.

4. In a unit square one hundred segments are drawn from the center to to the sides dividing the
square into one hundred parts (triangles and possibly quadrilaterals). If all the parts have equal
perimeter p show that 1 4 < p < 1 5.

5. Find the number of 4 4 arrays whose entries are from the set {0, 1, 2, 3} and which are
such that the sum of numbers in each of the four rows and each of the four columns is divisible by
4. (An m n array is an arrangement of mn numbers in m rows and n columns.)
6. Suppose a and b are two positive real numbers such that the roots of the cubic
equation x3ax+b=0x3ax+b=0 are all real. If is a root of this cubic with minimum absolute

value, prove that ba3b2aba3b2a

===INMO 1998===

1. In a circle C1C1 with centre O, let AB be a chord that is not a diameter. Let M be the
midpoint of AB. Take a point T on the circle C2C2with OM as diameter. Let the tangent to C2C2 at
T meet C1C1 in P. Show that PA2+PB2=4PT2PA2+PB2=4PT2

2. Let a and b be two positive a13+b13a13+b13 rational numbers such that a13+b13a13+b13 is
also a rational number. Prove that themselves are rational numbers.

3. Let p, q, r, s be four integers such that s is not divisible by 5. If there is an integer a such
that pa3+qa2+ra+spa3+qa2+ra+s is divisible by 5, prove that there is an integer b such

that sb3+rb2+qb+psb3+rb2+qb+p is also divisible by 5.

4. Suppose ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral inscribed in a circle of radius one unit.

If AB.BC.CD.DA4AB.BC.CD.DA4,prove that ABCD is a square.

5. Suppose a, b, c are three real numbers such that the quadratic equation x2(a+b+c)x+
(ab+bc+ca)=0x2(a+b+c)x+(ab+bc+ca)=0 has roots of the
form +i+i where >0>0and 00 are real numbers [here i=1i=1]. Show

that (i) the numbers a, b, c are all positive; (ii) the numbers a,b,ca,b,c form the sides
of a triangle.

6. It is desired to choose n integers from the collection of 2n integers, namely, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, . .

. , n1, n1 such that the average (that is, the arithmetic mean) of these n chosen integers is itself
an integer and as minimum as possible. Show that this can be done for each positive integer n
and find this minimum average for each n.

===INMO 1999===
1. Let ABC be an acute angled triangle in which D, E, F are points on BC, CA, AB respectively
such that AD is perpendicular to BC; AE = EC; and CF bisects <C internally. Suppose CF meets
AD and DE in M and N respectively. If FM = 2, MN = 1, NC = 3, find the perimeter of the triangle

2. In a village 1998 persons volunteered to clean up, for a fair, a rectangular field with integer
sides and perimeter equal to 3996 feet. For this purpose, the field was divided into 1998 equal
parts. If each part had an integer area ( measured in Sq. ft.), find the length and breadth of the

3. Show that there do not exist polynomials p(x) and q(x) each having integer coefficients and
of degree greater than or equal to 1 such that .

4. Let and \Gamma^\Gamma^ be two concentric circles. Let ABC and A^B^C^A^B^C^ be

any two equilateral triangles inscribed in and \Gamma^\Gamma^ respectively. If

and P^P^ are any two points on and \Gamma^\Gamma^ respectively, show that {P^A}^2+
{P^B}+{P^C}={A^P}^2+{B^P}^2+{C^P}^2 {P^A}^2+{P^B}+{P^C}={A^P}^2+{B^P}^2+{C^P}^2

5. Given any four distinct real numbers, show that one can choose three numbers, say, A, B, C
from among them such that all the three quadratic
equations Bx2+x+C=0,Cx2+x+A=0,Ax2+x+B=0Bx2+x+C=0,Cx2+x+A=0,Ax2+x+B=0
have only real roots or all the three equations have only imaginary roots.

6. For which positive integer values of n can the set {1, 2, 3, 4, . . . ,4n} be split into n disjoint 4-
element subsets {a, b, c, d} such that in each of these sets a=b+c+d3a=b+c+d3?

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