SMO Open 2022

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Singapore Mathematical Society

Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) 2022

(Open Section, Round 1)

Thursday, 2 June 2022 0930-1200 hrs

Instruct ions to contestants

1. Answer ALL 25 questions.

2. Write your answers in the answer sheet provided and shade the appropriate bubbles
below your answers.

3. No steps are needed to j ustify your answers.

4. Each question carries 1 mark.

5. No calculators are allowed.


Co-organizer Sponsored by
Department of Mathematics, NUS Micron
In this paper, let 股 denote the set of all real numbers, and 杠」 denote the greatest integer
not exceeding x. For examples, LS」= s, L2.8」= 2, and L-2.3」 =-3.

1. If S =
•~~021 10•l+ l'find l 2S」
2. All the positive integers 1, 2, 3, 4, · · ·, are grouped in the following way: G1 = {1, 2},
G2 = {3, 4, 5, 6}, G3 = {7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}, that is, the set Gn contains the
next 2n positive integers listed in 郘cending order after the set G正 1, n > 1. If S is
the sum of all the positive integers from G1 to G8 , find l司·
3. A sequence of one hundred positive integers x1, x2, x3, • • •, x100 are such that
(x1)2 + (2x沪+ (3x扩+ (4x矿+· · ·+ (lOOx100)2 = 338350.
Find the largest possible value of X1 + x2 + X3 +· · ·+ X100-

4. Let a and b be two real numbers satisfying a < b, and such that for each real number
m satisfying a < m < b, the circle x 2 + (y - m)2 = 25 meets the parabola 4y = x2 at
four distinct points in the Cartesian plane. Let S be the maximum possible value
of b - a. Find l4S」.

5. Let P be a point within a rectangle ABCD such that PA = 10, PB = 14 and

PD = 5, 邸 shown below. Find lPCJ.


B c

6. In the diagram below, the rectangle ABCD has area 180 and both triangles ABE
and AD F have are邸 60. Find the area of triangle AEF.

、、 `

B c
7. A tetrah edron in IR3 has one vertex at the origin O
and the other vertices at the
points A(6, 0, 0) , B(4, 2, 4) and C(3, 2, 6). If xis the heigh
t of the tetrah edron from
0 to the plane ABC , find l5x勹

8. Let x and y be real numbers such that (x - 2)2 + (y

- 3)2 = 4. If S is the largest
possible value of x2 + y2 , find l(S - 17) 勹

9. Let S be the maximum value of w3 -3w subje ct to the

condition that w扛 9'.S 10w2.
Find LS」 .

10. In the quadrilateral ABC D below , it is given that

AB = BC= CD and 乙 ABC =
80°and 乙 B CD = 160°. Suppose 乙 ADC
= x0. Find the value of x.


11. Let a, b, c be integers with ab+ c = 49 and a +

be = 50. Find the largest possible
value of abc.

12. Find the larges t possible value of ial + lbl , where a

and bare coprime integers (i.e.,
a and b are integers which have no common factors large
r than 1) such that i is a
solution of the equat ion below :

J4x+ 5 — 4石言+ ✓x+ 2 - 2石言= 1.

13. Let S be t he set of real solut ions (x, y, z) of the follow

ing syste m of equations:
1 + 4x2
1 + 4y2
= z,
1 + 4z2
For each (x, y, z) E 5 , define m (x , y, z) = 2000 (lxl +
maximum value of m(x, y, z) over all (x, y, z) E 5
IYI + lzl). Determine the

14. Assume that tis a positive solution to the equation

t~ ✓l+ ✓l +~
Determine the value of t4 - t3 - t + 10.

15. In the triangle ABC shown in the diagram below, the external angle bisectors of
乙 Band 乙 C meet at the point D. The tangent from D to the incircle w of the
triangle ABC touches w at E, where E and Bare on the same side of the line AD.
Suppose 乙 BEG= 112°. Find the size of LA in degrees.


16. Find the largest integer n such u止LL n" + 5n - 9486 = 10s(n), where s(n) is the
product of all digits of n in the decimal representation of n.

(For example, s(481) = 4 x 8 x 1 = 32.)

17. Find the number of integer solutions to the equation 19x + 93y = 4xy.

18. Find the number of integer solutions to the equation x1 + x2 - x3 = 20 with x1~


19. In the diagram below, Eis a point outside a square ABCD such that CE is parallel
to BD, BE = BD, and BE intersects CD at H. Given BE= 看+迈, find the
length of DH.


20. The diagram below shows the region R = {(x, y) E 胶2 I Y~ ½沪} on the xy-plane
bounded by the parabola y =½x2. Let C1 be the largest circle lying inside R with
its lowest point at the origin. Let C2 be the largest circle lying inside R and resting
on top of C1. Find the sum of radii of C1 and C2.

01. Find the smallest positive integer x such that 3x2

integer y.
+x = 4沪+ y for some positive

22. A group of students part沁pate in some sports activities among 6 different types of
sports. It is known that for each sports activity there are exactly 100 students in
the group participating in it; and the union of all the sports activities participated
by any two students is NOT the entire set of 6 sports activities. Determine the
minimum number of students in the group.

23. Let p and q be positive prime integers such that p3 - 5忙- l8p = q9 - 7q. Determine
the smallest value of p.


24. Given that a, b, care positive real numbers such that a+b+c = 9, find the maximum
value of a2b3 伎

25. Let JR+ be the set of all positive real numbers. Let f : 胶十分 JR+ be a function
xyf(x) (f(y) - f(yf(x))) = 1
for all x, y E 厌七 Find f( —一 ) .

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