Annex A Project Summary
Annex A Project Summary
Annex A Project Summary
A. General Information
Name of the organization Wish International
Sayyed Jonaid Shah
Chief Executive
Tel: 0092 (0) 91-584 2178
Contact information
Fax: 0092 (0) 91-584 5101
Mob: 0092-321 900 1940
B. Project Information
Project title Basic Health Unit - Improvement Program (BHU-IP).
Project location Malakand district
Project duration 1 year
Number of direct Approx. 163,000 patients, majority of them being women and
beneficiaries children these BHUs cater for every year.
Department of Health, Govt. KP.
BHU medical and para-medical staff.
Number of indirect
beneficiaries Families of patients availing facilities at these BHUs.
Local community involved in the rehabilitation, renovation and
infrastructure improvement process.
Provision of quality health services and facilities through
Project results and
rehabilitation, renovation and infrastructure development of 12
The main project activities include;
- Renovation, improvement and rehabilitation of 12 BHUs;
- Construction of labor room/unit in each BHU as per
Summary of planned - Availability of medical equipment and supplies to each BHU to
activities ensure enhanced provision of health services at
BHU/community level;
- Provision of water and sanitation facilities;
- Increased cooperation and coordination with partners and
The BHUs supported under the project would be maintained and
supported by the Department of Health, Govt. of KP through
continued deputation of medical and para-medical staff, provision
Sustainability of the project
of medicines, vaccination facilities etc. Partial maintenance of
premises families and some upkeep of the premises will form part
of communitys contribution to the project in the future.
Project visibility Proper signboards, banners and plates depicting the support and
assistance of the partner/donor agency will be affixed at
prominent places to highlight their contribution. Progress of work
and nature of assistance would also be mentioned as news items
in daily newspapers. Extensive photography (both digital and
prints) would be conducted, maintained and shared with partner
and other stakeholders to appreciate the progress of work and
development. The project and the donors are also expected to
gain recognition in terms of availability and provision of quality
medical services at the community level in the most populace
district of KP. The intervention is also expected to be considered
as a model project to be replicated in other areas/districts of
RAHA. .All these would give credit to where the credit is due in
terms of recognition of services and assistance by the
international community.
C. Financial Information
Total cost of the project PKR 55,229,500
The following contributions will be made by the organization:
Chief Executive will contribute 10% his time to the project.
50% of the office rent.
Organization s contribution Sign boards depicting the assistance by the donor/partner and
affixed at the sites.
25% of the charges of the Development/Rehabilitation Expert.
Organizations contribution PKR 4,150,000
The following contributions will be made by the community:
Security of project personnel and construction material.
Fund raising to support poor families/patients requiring urgent
Community contribution medical assistance.
Upkeep of the BHUs and tree plantation.
Support in training of TBAs, LHWs and LHVs at the
community level.
Department of Health will ensure continuous deputation of
medical staff and technicians at the BHU.
Contribution from other
Provision of basic medical supplies as per the ADP budget.
Provide training opportunities to the medical staff as TBAs,
LHWs and LHVs.
Amount requested from PKR 51,079,500
1. Sub-Project Overview
RAHA/UNHCR is providing services to IDPs and refugees according to its mandate through
different partner organizations in selected districts of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and Baluchistan
provinces. These services include assistance in:
This assistance to refugees and local and hosting communities is provided in three dimensions
covering a five year program:
3) The HA sub-component also covers selected urban areas with targeted sectoral
approaches by analyzing the magnitude of impacts due to presence of Afghan refugees
In this regard, Wish International has taken lead at becoming an active partner of RAHA/UNHCR in
implementing its programs in Refugee Affected and Hosting areas of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa
province. Wish International with the support from RAHA/UNHCR is providing assistance in
restoration of social services and infrastructure to refugees and local host communities in Hazara
and Peshawar districts and its rural areas.
Wish International will assisting in providing quality health services at the village/community level
to local communities of Malakand district in general and its rural areas in particular. Under this
program Wish International will be aiming at provision of quality health care services and facilities
through infrastructure rehabilitation, renovation and development of 12 BHUs in district Malakand.
The beneficiaries of BHU-IP would be approx. 163,000 including IDPs of Bajaur agency, Swat
district and local hosting communities of Wartair, Wazir Abad, Haryan Kot, Kharki Dheri, Ashakai,
GU Khel, Kharki Dargai, Shingraui, Narai Obu and Brah areas. Majority of these beneficiaries
consist of women and children.
This intervention shall cover the basic component of the RAHAs outcomes and outputs i.e.
Restoration of social services and infrastructures in refugee affected and hosting areas. The
project assesses the basic needs of BHUs and shall address its problems by providing assistance
in the following areas:-
The project shall adopt the community participation based approach in all the rehabilitation
activities and follow-up on the functioning of these BHUs as well; whereby the community will
participate in matters regarding infrastructure maintenance, fund raising - to support medical
issues/complications of poor community members. Community motivation is considered a constant
need of beneficiaries to make them aware about situations leading to overcoming various health,
social and psychological issues. Management of these problems will be done by social cohesion,
awareness and community empowerment. These techniques and tools will be used to resolve the
issues and problems with participation and increased community interest sorting out of acceptable
solutions for successful completion of the project interventions.
The program focuses on local hosting communities and IDPs living primarily in Malakand district
and its rural areas. In general, the persons of concern have no or limited access to basic health
facilities at community level and in many instances patients especially expectant mothers and
children have to be transported to private clinics and civil hospitals entailing huge financial burdens
on the family members/community not only for medical purposes but also on the transport costs.
Besides local communities, IDPs who came from Swat district and Bajaur agency due to lack of
basic social services and expanding military operations are also settled in the target area and are
faced with various health related problems.
The population planning groups represent all the age groups belonging to IDPs and local host
communities of Malakand district and its rural areas. About 41% of the population is under 18
years while about 59% of the population is over 18 years of age. Approx. 58 % are female and
42% are males in the population planning groups.
3. Implementation Arrangements
The organization will provide its services, to the extent possible, to local hosting communities and
IDPs irrespective of race, culture, religion, gender, area, and country of origin or other status. Wish
International in principle will also offer advice and assistance to the beneficiaries on issues
affecting the targeted group in health and health related services etc. At the same time efforts will
be made to develop support mechanisms so that protection and assistance is ensured to Afghan
refugee and other vulnerable groups.
In order to enhance heath care facilities at community level, Wish International will also arrange
through coordination with the health department refresher trainings/sessions for the TBAs, LHVs
and LHWs, at the respective BHU/community level.
Wish International will adhere to monitoring and statistical reporting requirements on regular basis
and/or as required. It will also provide updates on the systematic developments, progress and
report back with comments for any necessary additional intervention on a standardized common
reporting format.
Wish International with the support of RAHA/UNHCR will renovate, rehabilitate and expand the
existing infrastructures of 12 Basic Health Units (BHUs) of Malakand district. These BHUs have
been identified through field visits and also in close coordination with the staff of the Health
Department, Government of KP and representative of Primary Health.
The following BHUs have been identified and short-listed for the current intervention:
3.1.2 Staffing
Wish International has already short listed BHUs that are in desperate need of rehabilitation and
provision of additional facilities by conducting spot assessment surveys of the selected BHUs and
has shared the information with personnel of the Health department, and Project Director Health
(PDH) of the CAR. Wish International will ensure that the BHUs fulfil the following criteria before
any civil rehabilitation work can be initiated:
1. Enough space available for the construction of a labor room/unit in each of the BHUs.
2. Other facilities are in dire need of renovation and rehabilitation.
3. Cost benefit ratio with respect to number of patients that would be catered for by the
improved facilities.
4. Support, cooperation and participation of the community for the initiative
All rehabilitation, repair and renovation works of the existing BHU buildings and premises including
construction of labor rooms/units including a recovery room would commence immediately after
the signing of the project agreement and as soon as mobilization of resources and equipment to
the construction sites are completed. Site office would also be established to accommodate
construction personnel, management and supervisory staff as well as to store construction material
and equipment. Wish International would engage its own construction personnel and initiate civil
works directly. This would ensure reliable and consistent quality of construction in all the BHUs.
This would also entail accountability and transparency on the part of the organization in its
rehabilitation and development work and its sites would be open for inspection at all times to the
partner and donor agencies for spot checking and regular feedback.
The civil works would include plastering, painting, roof/leakage treatment, flooring, sanitary
fittings/washroom repair and electrification. Average sq.ft covered area of the BHU service area
has been calculated to be approx 1400 sq.ft.
This would include civil works on parapets, roofing, plastering, complete painting, kitchen repair, all
plumbing works in the washrooms/toilets including ensuring regular availability of water etc.
Average sq.ft covered area has been calculated to be appox. 2,200 sq.ft.
Complete new construction of a labor room measuring 20X20 ft along with a recovery room
measuring 14X12 ft and a reception area with a joint toilet measuring 8X6 and verandah
measuring 8X9 ft. Average sq.ft total covered area has been calculated to be 765 sq.ft.
Partial construction of boundary walls at eight locations and rehabilitation at almost all other
locations is required.
Basic water and sanitation facilities are planned to cover immediate requirements of the patients
and their attendants at each BHU.
3.1.5 Provision of Medical Equipment and Supplies
As a follow-up activity, the availability of required medical equipment to fully furnish the labor
rooms and supplies to all the seven BHUs would be ensured after renovation and rehabilitation
works are completed. Major items planned and proposed for distribution are delivery and
examination tables, lighting, ultra sound machines, incubators, oxygen cylinders, disposable
delivery kits etc. The provision of such supplies is considered to be an important and relevant step
towards a properly maintained, well stocked BHU catering to the health and medical needs of the
population at the community level.
Wish International would organize and motivate the community to participate in primary health
related activities directly affecting their families. They would be made aware of proper hygiene
practices thus reducing many of the water borne complications etc. Wish International will also
adopt the community participation approach in all the rehabilitation activities and follow-up on the
functioning of these BHUs as well; whereby the community will be involved in matters regarding
infrastructure maintenance, fund raising to support medical issues/complications of poor
community members.
Wish International will also organize trainings/sessions for the TBAs, LHVs and LHWs would also
be coordinated and organized in cooperation with the Health department at the respective
BHU/community level.
Wish International has a vision that peace education will enable school teachers, students,
parents, local community, BHUs staff and patients to transform conflict in their own lives,
understand and respect other cultures and ways of living. Peace education will encourage
people to cooperate with each other, think critically, solve problems constructively, take
part in responsible decision-making, communicate clearly, and share their feelings and
commitments openly. These skills and values are essential for survival in a polarized
Wish International is a cost effective, transparent and result based non-governmental organization
(NGO) that specialises in management, consulting and implementation of specific projects and
Wish International has had an association with the non-profit and development sector ever since
its inception. The organization covers a wide spectrum of thematic areas in development covering
basic education, health, capacity building, community participation, environment, infrastructure
improvement, water and sanitation with extensive experience in monitoring and evaluation, need
assessment surveys, research and appraisal initiatives.
Wish International also encourages public-private-partnerships (P3) and supports joint initiatives of
the private and public sector wherever possible. Wish International plans, implements and
evaluates projects and programs by using donor-oriented and participatory methodology based on
a logical framework. It therefore allows full integration of all involved participants, organizations and
partners - right from the beginning. Complementary actions and synergistic efforts through
partnerships, collaborative alliances are therefore part of the organizations short and long term
At Wish International, each assignment is treated uniquely. We develop executable plans that can
be followed through and we do this through undertaking work in strategy formulation, execution as
well as evaluation. Our success becomes evident at times by the immediate outputs of our work,
more often by subsequent outcomes and usually through long-term impact. Wish International also
has several years of experience in project and program management. Over the years we have
developed and refined several useful tools and frameworks in this area. In addition, our extensive
experience in monitoring and evaluation enables us to help our partners in the complete range of
project management issues.
Time duration:-
The project is planned for a period of 12 months, starting from Nov 2010 and ending in Oct 2011.
5. Framework for Planned Results
Note: Where there are more than one specific objective to be achieved under one project,
then use the above matrix separately for each objective and its outputs.
Fields marked in Light Green should be completed using the same information provided in Part 5 of
the Sub-Project Description. Add/delete rows for Outputs as needed.
All projects submitted for funding under KfW require that an environmental
sensitivity screening (Part 1) , the selection of the environmental assessment
tool (Part 2) and the filling-in of the Environmental Project Summary sheet
(Part 3) is undertaken by the applicant. If a project is short-listed applicants
might be required to undertake the relevant environmental assessment.
A. Slopes
i. Steep slope (slope >30 %), OR 1
ii. Rolling or moderate slopes (slope 3-30 %), OR
iii. Flat or almost flat area, or valley bottom (slope less
than 3%).
PART 1 - continued
Characteristics Category
E. Forest Reserve and National Parks
i. Located in or adjacent to (less than 10 m from) a
gazetted Forest Reserve or National Park, OR
G. Population Density
i. Located in a densely populated urban area, OR
1 Area with low environmental sensitivity.
2 Area with moderate environmental sensitivity.
3 Area with high environmental sensitivity such as an area with high
biodiversity or important natural resources or cultural or historical
4 Area with high population sensitivity such as an area with high
population pressure.
BRIDGES 0,1,2,3
0,1,3 2
0,1,3 2
Upgrading, widening of small
Construction of new bridges (small,
Wastewater disposal
0,1,3 2
For less than 100 persons 0,1 2,3
For less than 1,000 persons
PART 2 - continued
Irrigation Channels
Rehabilitation of existing channel 0,1 2
Construction of new channel (small
1 Area with low environmental sensitivity.
2 Area with moderate environmental sensitivity.
3 Area with high environmental sensitivity such as an area with high
biodiversity or important natural resources or cultural or historical
4 Area with high population sensitivity such as an area with high
population pressure.
ER Environmental Report
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
1 Project
2 Applicant
3 Environmental Screening
Conducted by (Name) Sajad Sadeed
Address 84D, Gul Mohar Road, University
Town, Peshawar
Conducted on (Date) 26th Sep, 2010
Screening C B A
category (Part
Follow up ER IEE EIA
(Part 2)
5 Reporting Progress