6 Conical Spring Washers

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CB Conical Spring Washers

Technical Data
according to DIN 6796
.CB Conical Spring Washers (DIN 6796) for bolted connections.

Conical spring washers are spring elements whose

role is to counteract the loss of force in screwed or d1

2IT 12
bolted connections due to stress relaxation taking
h s
place in the components or to counteract heat ex-
pansion. These spring elements are compressed in
the assembly.

They are configured in accordance with bolts of the

property class 8.8 to 10.9. Particularly when used
in conjunction with short bolts, their function is to in-
crease the elasticity of the overall assembly. In the
case of relaxation of the connection, these elements
maintain a certain minimum clamping force. Howe-
ver, conical spring washers are not able to prevent
parts unscrewing as a result of alternating transver-
se loads.

It should be noted that conical spring washers are

extremely high-stressed components and are there- Fig. 1:
fore only recommended for static application. Dimensioning.

CB conical springs washers can be supplied in a va-

riety of surface finishes to suit the application.


Conical spring washers are available in materials

according to DIN EN 10 132-4 or in equivalent spring
steel qualities as selected by the manufacturer.

Quality and Testing Requirements for

Conical Spring Washers DIN 6796 /
DIN 267 part 26

Testing for dimensional stability and configuration

comply with DIN 267 part 26.

Both a minimum and a maximum value are speci-

fied (see adjacent table) for the overall height h in
unloaded condition. The maximum value may not be
exceeded in the as-delivered condition and the mi-
nimum value to be attained after testing permanent
set, (DIN 267 part 26) must be achieved or excee-
Nomi- Dimensions Packaging Weight Thread Surface
nal d1 d2 s3) hmax hmin
1) 2) unit (1000 pc.) 4) bright phos- mech. mech.
bolt phated zinc plated zinc plated
size Fe/Znphr Zn20M Zn 20 +
with passi- polyamide*)
M [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [pcs.] [kg] [mm] Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
2 5) 2,2 5 0,4 0,6 0,5 10 000 0,041 2 105 411 105 412
2,5 5) 2,7 6 0,5 0,72 0,61 10 000 0,072 2,5 105 413 105 414
3 5) 3,2 7 0,6 0,85 0,72 10 000 0,119 3 105 415 105 417 105 416
3,5 5) 3,7 8 0,8 1,06 0,92 10 000 0,25 3,5 105 419 105 421 105 420
4 4,3 9 1,0 1,3 1,12 5 000 0,38 4 105 422 105 424 105 423
5 5,3 11 1,2 1,55 1,35 2 500 0,61 5 105 425 105 427 105 426
6 6,4 14 1,5 2,0 1,7 2 500 1,29 6 105 428 105 432 105 429
7 7,4 17 1,75 2,3 2,0 1 000 2,36 7 105 433 105 437 105 434
8 8,4 18 2,0 2,6 2,24 1 000 2,76 8 105 438 105 442 105 439 105 444
10 10,5 23 2,5 3,2 2,8 500 5,85 10 105 449 105 454 105 450 105 456
12 13 29 3,0 3,95 3,43 250 11,7 12 105 460 105 464 105 461 105 466
14 15 35 3,5 4,65 4,04 100 20,1 14 105 472 105 474 105 473
16 17 39 4,0 5,25 4,58 100 28,1 16 105 479 105 483 105 480 105 484
18 19 42 4,5 5,8 5,08 100 35,4 18 105 487 105 489 105 488 105 490
20 21 45 5,0 6,4 5,6 100 44,5 20 105 491 105 493 105 492 105 494
22 23 49 5,5 7,05 6,15 100 58,9 22 105 496 105 498 105 497
24 25 56 6,0 7,75 6,77 50 86,8 24 105 499 105 501 105 500
27 28 60 6,5 8,35 7,3 50 105,2 27 105 503 105 505 105 504
30 31 70 7,0 9,2 8,0 50 158,9 30 105 506 105 508 105 507
1) Maximum size in as-delivered condition *) To allow for coating
2) Minimum size after test for permanent set as specified in DIN 267 part 26 change the DIN 6796
3) Tolerances according to DIN EN 10 140 sizes as follows:
4) For nominal thread diameter d1 by 0,4 mm;
5) Test values for the spring load test as described in DIN 267 part 26 d2 by + 0,4 mm;
have not as yet been specified for this nominal bolt size. s and h by + 0,4 mm.
The Christian Bauer
production program comprises:

CB Precision Disc Springs CB Disc Springs, slotted type CB Conical spring washers
for loads ranging from 1 to 4 million N, for large deflections and with particu- according to DIN 6796 and
with outside diameters up to 1000 mm, larly soft characteristic curves for auto- per customers requirements
with thicknesses from 0.1 to 60 mm, motive clutches, gearboxes and similar for bolted connections and in a large
made from spring steels and special applications. number of standard sizes for compen-
steels, spring bronze, Nimonic, copper be- sation of loss of force and thermal ex-
ryllium, Inconel, titanium and other non- CB Disc Springs pansion as well as material and produc-
ferrous metals, with degressive, progres- with trapezoidal cross section tion tolerances.
sive and negative characteristic curves,
for dynamic, sudden and static applica- CB Disc Springs with particular Thrust and adjusting washers,
tions, for temperature ranges from characteristics such as supporting rings, etc.
-260C to +800C. corrosion resistance, heat resistance, According to drawings, with high sur-
non-magnetic, surface treatment by face finishes, made of case-hardened, ni-
CB Precision Parts: chemical or electrolytic methods as well trided steels and tempering steels. Also
Vanes for vane cell pumps in power stee- as gun spraying and dipping methods. available in other special steels.
ring systems, fuel injection pumps, Com-
mon Rail, hydraulic pumps, rolls for rol- Custom made CB Disc Springs
ler cell pumps, rotors and stator rings for Made to your specification or design
vane cell pumps, discs hardened and


GMBH + CO. KG Bauer Springs Ltd. Bauer Springs Inc.
Postfach 11 20 Eagle Road 509 Parkway View Drive
D-73636 Welzheim North Moons Moat Ind. Estate Parkway West Ind. Park
GB-Redditch Worcs. B98 9HF USA-Pittsburgh, PA. 15205
Telefon: 0 71 82/ 12-0 Telefon: + 44/ 15 27-594 900 Telefon: +1/ 412-787-79 30
0802 markohaag.de

Telefax: 0 71 82/ 12-315 Telefax: + 44/ 15 27-594 909 Telefax: +1/ 412-787-38 82
E-Mail: info@christianbauer.com E-Mail: sales@bauersprings.co.uk E-Mail: info@bauersprings.com
Internet: www.christianbauer.com Internet: www.bauersprings.co.uk Internet: www.bauersprings.com

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