Why God Holds The Winds
Why God Holds The Winds
Why God Holds The Winds
Herbert Douglass
Were Adventists, awaiting the advent of our Lord and Saviour! We are
looking for the eastern sky to brighten as we have never seen it before. We are
listening for trumpets and violins like we have never heard them be-
forestirring music, with more fidelity than ten thousand Bose radios, the Hal-
lelujah Chorus as only angels can sing it as they truly lift us off our feet. And
before we know what is happening, we are at those special places where their
ashes now rest or those grassy plots where we buried Mother and Father, or
daughter or son, or sweetheart, or wife, or husband, or dear friend. And we see
loving eyes again, no longer tired or ill. And we hug again, and play again, and
then it begins to sink inwe are home, never again to say Good Bye.
Adventists, and many other Christian groups, have been looking toward
that eastern sky for a long, long time. Should we be given A for enthusiasm but
F for incorrect theology? Does the Bible give us any clue as to when Jesus will
In Revelation 7 John clearly focuses on the end-times. Naturally, however,
the Great Deceiver doesn't want us to focus on where the real action is. That's
how he started the Great Controversy in the first place. Satan is the master of
diversionary tactics as he tries to muddle the truth (1) about God, (2) about how
He plans to save men and women out of this rebel world, and (3) about how we
should think about Christs return..
The Great Deceiver, for example, doesnt care about how many people are
talking about the end of the world as long as they keep their eyes off the real
issues and away from where the real battles will be fought. He will help manu-
facture many decoys to keep our eyes turned aside from the main events of the
Satans plan, even as the Allies were decoding Germanys Enigma machine in
the early 1940s. So let's ask John to tell us where the real battle is to be fought
in these last daysand why the action has been delayed for at least a century.
Revelation 7 opens: I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the
earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on
earth or sea or against any tree. Then I saw another angel ascend from the rising
of the sun, with the seal of the living God, and he called with a loud voice to
the four angels who had been given power to harm earth and sea, saying, Do
not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our
God upon their foreheads (Rev. 7:1-3, RSV).
What on earth could John be describing? Why is God holding back these
last-day winds of terror and destruction? Why is He telling angels to: Hold,
holdhold back the north wind of nuclear war? Hold back the south wind of
those seven last plagues! Why? Gods people are not ready! Hold back the east
wind of human madness! Why? God's people haven't caught on yet as to
where the battle is really to be fought. Hold back the west wind of satanic fury
until Gods people are ready to carry out their last assignment. Hold the winds
until God's people are ready to be sealed, Hold the winds until His people are
ready for His stamp of approval, Hold the winds until His people are ready for
God to use them in His final message to earth's last generation.
And I heard the number of the sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand
sealed. The number, of course, is symbolic of people in the last days who are
totally committed to honoring God. This sealing work is the final work to be
accomplished by the gospel. God holds back the winds because His people are
not yet sealed. His people are not ready yet to be the creditable witnesses of the
everlasting gospel to a world on the edge of time. Can anything be any clearer?
One of these days God's people will have caught on as to where the battle is
really to be fought and what the final battle is really like!
In the 14th chapter of Revelation, John highlights that last generation he
depicted in chapter seventhat impressive group for whom God waits and
holds the winds: Then I looked and lo, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and
with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father's
name on their foreheads.
What will identify Gods people in these last days? Their Sabbath-keeping,
health-reforming, tithe-paying habits? Yes and No! After all, Sabbath-keeping,
health-reforming tithe-payers once crucified God!
What's the importance of a seal, or the value of a signature? Ask any world-
class violinist as he checks his Stradivarius. Ask your son or daughter when
they buy Arnold Palmer golf clubs or Chris Evert tennis rackets. Or those look-
ing for a reliable washing machine (perhaps a Maytag) or lawn mower (maybe a
Snapper or Toro). For most products, the name means everything. It means the
product carries the endorsement of someone who cares about quality, someone
who can be trustedtherefore you, in turn, can trust those Arnie Palmer golf
clubs or a Maytag washer. Those names mean quality, and you can trust any-
thing those names are on.
Remember those TV ads for Hanes underclothing! Cant you see that de-
termined female inspector with all of her formidable charm: The quality goes
in before the name goes on!
Down here in the days of the held winds, that is what God is telling the
universe when He writes His name in the foreheads of His faithful: Listen to
them, He is saying, Here are people who have let my Holy Spirit do His
work, people who indeed reflect my glory. I am not embarrassed by how they
represent Me. You can trust them. I have given them my seal of approval. The
quality goes in before the Name goes on.
The Bible calls this the sealing work. And this is what all heaven is fo-
cusing on today. This is where the real battle is being fought today. Satan
knows it. God knows it. Do we?
In the 12th chapter of Revelation, John gave us Satans game plan The
dragon [or Satan] was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with
the rest [remnant] of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and
have the testimony of Jesus Christ (Rev. 12:17, NKJV).
How does Satan make war with us? One way is so obviousthrough pain
and heartbreak, until one can barely take a deep breath. Satan has a way of beat-
ing us down until we feel like driftwood along an unwalked shore. And we
wonder if anyone cares, or if there will ever be any relief. The dark hours of the
night pass so slowly.
Satan is an expert at these things. But strange as it may seem to him, many
Christians have learned how to cope well against these satanic kamikaze raids.
They find their hiding place in Jesus. They beat Satan at his own game. I have
seen it happen over and over to young and old who discover the truth about God
as their Best Friend. They find their Best Friend very close, even during the
darkest hours of life.
But when Satan sees that physical troubles and emotional disappointments
seem to strengthen God's people, he shifts his attack to something more subtle.
He sets up decoys that are very believable: He confuses Bible students about the
meaning and purpose of the gospel, especially in these last days during the seal-
ing work. He obscures the meaning of the sealing work whereby God and His
people hasten the end of Satans rule on Planet Earth.
What Is This Seal?
What is this seal of God that makes Satan angry? Just as soon as the peo-
ple of God are sealed in their foreheadsit is not any seal or mark that can be
seen, but a settling into the truth, both intellectually and spiritually, so they
cannot be movedjust as soon as Gods people are sealed and ready for the
shaking, it will come.1
Illuminating this Biblical theme, we read that the seal is the mark of
Gods sealing approval . . . the pure mark of truth, wrought in them by the
power of the Holy Ghost.2 Those sealed have on the wedding garment, and
are obedient and faithful to all Gods commands.3 God recognizes those sealed
as worthy representatives of the truth as it is in Jesus.4
God seals those who are to be distinguished from the world by . . . their
words and their works. . . . He does not ask, Do they possess learning and elo-
quence? Have they ability to command and control and manage? He asks, Will
they represent My character? . . . Through them He will represent to the world
the ineffaceable characteristics of the divine nature.5
God will not seal a person if the truth is not rooted in the heart, if the
natural traits of character are not transformed by the Holy Spirit.6
The gospel that seals, as described in Revelation 14, is the everlasting
gospel that prepares a cleansed people to represent their Lordthe time when
the angels and all the unfallen universe will judge whether God is fair in His
judgments about men and women.
Peter was given a glimpse of that sealed group, those cleansed people who
truly experienced the purpose of the gospel: Therefore, since all these things
will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and
godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God. . . . There-
fore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found in Him
in peace, without spot and blameless (2 Peter 3:11-14, NKJV).
Another messenger of the Lord focused on these end-time people and their
message when she wrote: It is the darkness of misapprehension of God that is
enshrouding the world. Men are losing their knowledge of His character. . . . At
this time a message from God is to be proclaimed, a message illuminating in its
influence and saving in its power. His character is to be made known. Into the
darkness of the world is to be shed the light of His glory, the light of His
1 Ellen G. White, Last Day Events, 219; Ms 173, 1902. Note the authors insightful ellipse of
truth: The truth that seals is grasped by both the intellect and the heart commitment. Too often
spiritual commitment lacks one or the other, settling for either cold reason or hot feeling. The truth
that seals is understood first by the mind, which then generates a heart appreciation of and com-
mitment to the Author of truth.
2 ____, Testimonies, 3:267.
3 ____, Letter 126; 1898, SDA Bible Commentary, EGW Comments on Revelation 7:2, 968.
4 ____, Letter 77, 1899; SDA Bible Commentary, EGW Comments on Revelation 7:2, 969.
5 ____, Letter 270, 1907; SDA Bible Commentary, EGW Comments on Revelation 7:2, 269.
6 ____, Letter 80, 1898; SDA Bible Commentary, EGW Comments, on Revelation 7:2, 269.
goodness, mercy, and truth. . . . The last rays of merciful light, the last message
of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love. The
children of God are to manifest His glory. In their own life, and character they
are to reveal what the grace of God has done for them. The light of the Sun of
Righteousness is to shine forth in good works,in words of truth and deeds of
7 ____, Christs Object Lessons, 415, 416. See also The Acts of the Apostles, 599-601: It is
the privilege of every Christian, not only to look for, but to hasten the coming of the Saviour.
all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to
do what is good (Titus 2:11-15, NIV).
And they remember the admonition: From the very beginning of the great
controversy in heaven it has been Satan's purpose to overthrow the law of God, .
. . That to deceive man, and thus lead them to transgress God's law, is the ob-
ject which he has steadfastly pursued, . . . and that the last great conflict be-
tween truth and error is but the final struggle of the long-standing controversy
concerning the law of God. Satan is constantly seeking to deceive the follow-
ers of Christ with his fatal sophistry that it is impossible for them to over-
NKJV); The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. . . . more to be
desired are they than gold . . . sweeter also than honey, and in keeping them
there is great reward (Ps 19:7-10, NKJV).
We are focusing on the gospel that the apostles preached. It either produced
a riot or a revivalnever boredom or a ho-hum. It met and solved the same
human problems that perplex psychiatrists and social scientists today. Look
what happened at Corinth: Do you not know that the unrighteous will not in-
herit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idola-
ters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous,
nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
And such were some of you. (l Cor. 6:9-11, NKJV).
Thats the good news that Jesus promised. From His birth to that awful fo-
cus of Calvary, the gospel of Jesus did something for people then and it will do
the same for people todaywhenever the real gospel is heard.
People who take His words seriously possess the faith of Jesus (Rev.
14:12). This is saving faith, the same kind of faith that saved Jesus from sin.
Such faith made Jesus into a powerful, lovable, gracious Person. That is what
the faith of Jesus is designed to do for you and for me.
Herbert E. Douglass, though officially retired, is currrently vice president of Ad-
ventist Heritage Ministry. He holds a Th.D. from Graduate Theological Union, Ber-
keley, California. He has served as dean and president of Atlantic Union College
and president, Weimar Institute; vice president, Pacific Press Publishing Associa-
tion; associate editor, Advrentist Review; head, Religion Department, Atlantic Un-
ion College, and associate professor of religion, Pacific Union College; and pastor
in Illinois. Douglass has authored a dozen books and many periodical articles.