Water Pollution Lesson

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Pollution Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Lauren Moulin Date: April 26-27, 2017

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time 90 mins Grade Level 3rd Grade

Subject or Topic: Water Pollution

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

4.5.3.C Identify different types of pollution and their sources.
Learning Targets/Objectives:
After learning about how water pollution can effect aquatic animals, students will determine
the cause and effect of water pollution on a fish by completing an inquiry lesson sheet.
Assessment Approaches: Evidence:
1. Inquiry Sheet 1. Inquiry Sheet
2. Observation 2. Anecdotal Records
3. Debriefing 3. Observation
Assessment Scale:
Inquiry worksheet will be graded using letter grades.

The goal is to have all kids be proficient or advanced by the end of the lesson.
Subject Matter/Content:
Students will have basic knowledge of water pollution. Students will have basic knowledge on
how fish breathe and some of their daily functions.
Key Vocabulary:
Pollution The contamination of the planet by substances that are harmful to living
Water Pollution The pollution of bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, the oceans, as well as
groundwater. It occurs when pollutants reach these bodies of water, without treatment.
Fertilizer - a substance (such as manure or a special chemical) that is added to soil to help the
growth of plants.
Wastewater - water that has been used in washing, flushing, manufacturing, etc.; sewage.
Water Pollution
Humans clearing riverbanks
From farms and developments
Car leaks
Oil rigs
Salt Melt
Used to deice streets
From dumps
People not disposing of it properly
Factory dumping
Not following the law
Warm water being disposed of
Wastewater treatment plants
Hazardous waste leak
Buried barrels
Incorrectly disposed of
Harms aquatic life (fish)
Makes it hard for fish to breath
Poisons the fish
Fish get caught in plastic and trash
Higher bacteria growth
Kills fish
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
The lesson will start by showing the water pollution picture that you ended class with the day
Development/Teaching Approaches:
Start class by showing the picture that we ended class the day before with.
Ask the students if they know what kind of pollution is depicted.
How do they know?
What living things are harmed from this pollution?
Aquatic life and plants
All kinds of fish are harmed from water pollution
Today we are going to learn about one fishes journey through water pollution.
Today we are going to learn about Freddy
You will be split into five groups of four.
Each group will get a fish bowl with Freddy inside and 8 different containers.
You will follow the notecards
Read the story and follow the directions on each one.
You will be dumping different things in the water essentially making your own
water pollution.
After each time you pollute the water, I want you to draw what Freddy looks like. I
also want you to think about what this is doing to Freddy.
Remember to think about what we know about how fish breathe and how they
are mobile.
You will have 30 minutes today and 30 minutes tomorrow to do this.
Break the children into groups and have them start the lesson
Make sure you are circulating answering any questions the children have and making
sure that they are following the steps.
Write down observations seen during this time.
After 30 minutes have the students cleanup for the day and discuss how everything is
The next day have the students start up where they left off in the same groups.
As the students finish, have them cleanup and then sign on the Kahoot! discussion board
They are to discuss whether they believe Freddy would have survived everything and
back up their claims
When all groups are done go over the Kahoot discussion board.
Finish the class by debriefing and talking about what they all believed.
As the students are walking out of the classroom have them hand in their inquire sheet.
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
Students will go through a debriefing. They will sign on to a Kahoot! discussion board and
talk about whether they believe that Freddy would have survived everything he had gone
through. They should back up their claim as to why they believe he did or did not survive.
The student with dyslexia will be put in a group with a higher-level reader.
6 fish bowls; 6 fish sponges weighted down; 6 small containers of: soil, brown sugar, pancake
syrup, salt, paper dots, soapy water, red colored water, and green colored water; 25 inquiry
sheets; 25 boxes of crayons; 25 pencils; roll of paper towels; Kahoot! website; 6 sets of Freddy
Fish notecards;

Freddy Fish Info:

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Did the students understand the content I was trying to get across to them?

How can I make this lesson better the next time I do it?

What more can I do to support their learning?

Additional reflection/thoughts

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