(IJCST-V5I2P15) :aggie Varghese, Smitha M. Jasmine
(IJCST-V5I2P15) :aggie Varghese, Smitha M. Jasmine
(IJCST-V5I2P15) :aggie Varghese, Smitha M. Jasmine
Due to the explosive growth of web videos, it becomes great challenge of how to efficiently browse lakhs or even millions of
videos at a glance. Given a user query, social media web sites usually return a large number of videos that are diverse and not
relevant. Exploring such results will be time-consuming and thus degrades user experience. Based on these observations, an
event mining solution should provide the users a quick overview for each topic with a reduced browsing time. There are
different methods for news web video event mining and are described in this paper.
Keywords :- Cooccurrence, multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), near-duplicate keyframes (NDK), news web video event
mining, visual feature trajectory.
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