Number Theory: Xyy 7 Xyy 7 X 2y Xyy 7 X 2y

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30) If the last two digit of a three digit number divisible by 7 are equal then the sum of the digits of that number is
divisible by 7.Prove it.
Let A= xyy we know 7 xyy we should prove 7 x 2y .
xyy =100x+10y+y=7(14x+y)+2(x+2y) so 7 x 2y

31) Prove that 2+3+4+22+32+42++21996+31996+41996 is divisible by 5.

Let S1=2+22+23++21996
=2(1+2+22+23)++ 21993.(1+2+22+23)
S=S1+S2+S3=15A+40B+85C=5d Which means that the number is divisible by 5.
32) Find the three digit number abc for which abc :c= bc holds.
Since abc :c= bc abc = bc .c So c 1,5,6
If c=1 then 100a+10b+1=10b+1, which means that a=0, and that is not possible.
If c=5 then 100a+10b+5=(10b+5).5
It implies that 5a=2b+1, so a=1, b=3 and a=3, b=7, and the numbers are 125 and 375
If c=6 then 100a+10b+6=(10b+6).6, then 10a =5b+3. The left side is divisible by 5 but the right hand side is not.
This case doesnt have a solution.
The only possible numbers are 125 and 375.

33) The phone number of Peter is composed of two 3-digit numbers. Each of them is divisible by 45, and the middle
digit is 8. Find the phone number if the first part of the number is less than the second one
Let the phone number be: a8bx8 y
If both of the numbers a8b and x8 y are divisible by 45, then they must be divisible by 5 and 9.
So the last digit is either 0 or 5. If the last digit is 0, then the first digit is 1.
Since the first number is less than the second one the phone number is 180585.

34) How many natural numbers, less than 1000, are not divisible by neither 5 nor 7?
There are 199 numbers which are divisible by 5 less than 1000.There are 142 numbers divisible by 7 less than
1000 ,and there are 28 numbers which are divisible by 5 and 7 less than 1000.The numbers which are divisible by 5
or 7 is 142+199-28=313 and we have totally 999 number less than 1000.So the numbers which are not divisible by
5 nor 7 is 999-313=686

35) Prove that the sum of the cubes of three consecutive natural numbers is divisible by 9.

Proof: Let n-1, n and n+1 be consecutive natural numbers. Then the sum of their cube is (n-
So it is sufficient to prove that n(n2+2) is divisible by 3. There are three possibilities.
A) if n=3k, then 3/n so 3/n(n2+2) as well,
B) if n=3k+1, then n2+2=(3k+1)2+2=3(k2+2k+1) so 3/n(n2+2).
C) If n=3k+2, then 3/(n2+2) 3/n(n2+2)
We can conclude that the sum of the cubes of the numbers is divisible by 3.

36) Prove that for every positive integer n the expression 7.52n+12.6n is divisible by 19.
The given expression can be transformed in the form: 7.52n+12.6n = 7(52)n+12.6n = 7.25n+12.6n
=19. [7. (25n-1+25n-2.6++6n-1)+6n] so it is obvious that 19/17.52n+12.6n

37) Prove that for every positive integer n the expression 62n+19n-2n+1 is divisible by 17.

62n+19n-2n+1 = 36n+19n-2.2n =36n-19n+2(19n-2n) =(36-19)(.)+2(19-2)(...)
17/36n-19n and 17/2(19n-2n) For this reason the left side is divisible by 17. Which means that

38) Prove that 10/(710000-1)

If 1 is the last digit of two numbers then 1 is the last digit of their product. The last digit of the number 710000 is 1,
because 710000=(74)2500=24012500 (always last digit is 1)
As a result, we get that the last digit of the number 710000-1 is 0. So the number is divisible by 10.

39) Prove that the number 11996+21996+31996+41998+51998+61998 is divisible by 5, but not divisible by 10.

The last digit of the number 11996 is 1 The last digit of the number41998 is 6
The last digit of the number 21996 is 6 The last digit of the number 51998 is 5.
The last digit of the number 31996 is 1 The last digit of the number61998 is 6
For this reason, the last digit of the given number coincides with the last digit of the number 1+6+1+6+5+6=25
and that is 5. So the given number is divisible by 5, but not 10.

40) Prove that the number

a) 19991999+1 is divisible by 10 b) 81/(101990-10) c) 5/(21998+1)

a) The last digit of the number 19991 is 9, and the last digit of the number 19992 is 1.
It means that the number 19991999=19991998.1999
The last digit is 9+1=10 so the number is divisible by 10.

b) 101990-10=100000=99..90 =9.(1110)

1989 digits
Since 1989 digit 9/(11.10) So =9.9A=81A So the number is divisible by 81.

c) 21 2 (mod 10) = 21996.22=(24)499.22. = 1.4=4 The last digit will be 4+1=5

22 4 (mod 10)
23 3 (mod 10) So 5/21998+1
24 1 (mod 10)

41) Prove that 10/(31996-1)

31 3 (mod 10)
32 9 (mod 10)
33 7 (mod 10)
34 1 (mod 10)

42)Prove that the number 22225555+55552222 is

divisible by 7.
2222 7.317+3 2222 3 (mod 7)
22225555=35555 (mod 7) by(if a=b(modm)then an=bn (modm))
31=3 (mod 7)
32=2 (mod 7)
35=5(mod 7)
36=1 (mod 7) (36)925.35=1.5= 5

5555 7.793+4 5555 4 (mod 7)

55552222 42222 (mod 7)
43 =1(mod 7) (43)740.42=2

22225555+55552222=5+2(mod 7)=0(mod 7)
So remainder is 0 7 / 22225555+55552222

43) Prove that 222555+555222 is divisible by 7

222=5(mod 7) 222555=5555(mod 7)
5 =5(mod 7)
52=4(mod 7)
53=6= -1 (mod 7) 5555 (53)185=-1(mod 7)
555=2(mod 7) 555222=2222(mod 7)
23=1 (mod 7)
555222=(23)74 =1 (mod 7)
Finally 222555+555222= -1+1=0 so

44) Find the remainder of the division of the numbers 3333+1 by 5

32 4 mod 5)
33 2 (mod 5)
34 1 (mod 5)
3 = (34)83.3 1.3 3(mod 5)

3333+1 3+1 4(mod 5) we can conclude that remainder is 4

45) Find the remainder obtained from the division of the number
a) 14256 by 17
b) 7100+11100 by 13
c) 1316-225.515 by 3
d) (116+1717)21 by 8
e) 4343-1717 by 10
Similar solution answers are
a) 1 b) 12 c) 0 d) 5 e)0
46) Which is the last digit of the number
a) 6811
b) 21000
c) 39999
a) 62 6(mod 10)
63 6(mod 10).6811 6(mod 10)
The last digit of the number is 6
similar b) 6 c) 7

47) Prove that for every natural number n, the number

37n+2+16n+1+23n is divisible by 7.
37 2(mod 7) 37n+2 2n+2(mod 7)
16 2(mod 7) 16n+1 2n+1(mod 7)
23 2(mod 7) 23n 2n (mod 7)
37n+2+16n+1+23n 2n+2+2n+2n+1
2n(22+2+1) 2n.7 0(mod 7)
So 7/ 37 +16 +23n
n+2 n+1

48)Prove that for every natural number n the number

a) 722n+2-472n+282n-1 is divisible by 25
b) 7n+2+82n+1 is divisible by 57
c) 2n+2n+1+2n+2 is divisible by 14
d) 25n+3+5n.3n+2 is divisible by 17

49) Prove that the number1991-9119 is divisible by 18

19 1 (mod 18)
91 1(mod 18) So 1991-9119 (191-119) 0(mod 18)

50) Prove that 11999+21999++19991999 is divisible by 1999

1999 0(mod 1999)
1999-k -k(mod 1999)
(1999-k) 1999+k1999 0(mod 1999)
=(11999+19981999)+(21999+19971999)+. ..+(9991999+10001999)+ 19991999
=0+0+..+19991999 is divisible by1999

51) Prove that for every natural number n the expression

36n-26n is divisible by 665.

665=5.7.19 so we have to prove that the difference is
divisible by 5,7 and 19
36 26 4(mod 5)
(36)n (26)n 4n-4n 0(mod 5)

36 26 1(mod 7)
(36)n (26)n 1n-1n 0(mod 7)

36 26 7(mod 19)
(36)n (26)n 7n-7n 0(mod 19)
So 36n-26n is divisible by 665

2nd way. Using binomial


52) If the natural number n is divisible by 4 then 1n+2n+3n+4n is divisible by 5. Prove it.
3 -2(mod 5)
4 -1(mod 5)
If n is an odd number,(so n is not divisible by 4)
1n+2n+3n+4n (1n+2n+(-1)n+(-2)n 0(mod 5)
So 51n+2n+3n+4n
If n is an even number
1n+2n+3n+4n (12k+22k+(-1)2k+(-2)2k
12k+22k+12k+22k 2(12k+4k)
2(1+(-1)k) A(mod 5)
If k is an odd number A is 0
If k is an even number then A=4 In that case n does not satisfy the condition because it is not divisible by 4.
53) Prove that the number 1+3+32++32000 is divisible by 41.
1 1 (mod 41)
3 3 (mod 41)
32 9 (mod 41)
33 27 (mod 41)
34 40 (-1)(mod 1)
35 (-1).3 -3 (mod 41)
36 (-1).9 -9 (mod 41)
+ 37 (-1).27 -27 (mod 41)

30+31+32+33+34+34+35+36+37 0 (mod 41)

=0 (mod 41)

54)The trinomial f(n)=9n2+3n-2,n is given

a) Prove that there is no integer for which
the trinomial is divisible by 9
b) Prove that there are infinitely many
whole numbers for which the trinomial is
divisible by 4
a) f(n)=9n2+3n-2-1+1
Obviously f(n) is not divisible by 3 or 9.
b) we can classify the numbers as:
i. n=4k f(4k) 9.(4k)2+3.(4k)-2 9.16k2+12k - 2 -2 (mod 4)
ii. n=4k+1 f(4k+1) 2 (mod 4)
iii. n=4k+2 f(4k+2) 0 (mod 4)
iv. n=4k+3 f(4k+3) 0 (mod 4)
So the trinomial f(n) is divisible by 4 for the form of n=4k+2 or n=4k+3

55) Calculate the sum of all 4-digit numbers in

which the digit 0 is not appearing, and all the
digits are different.

Proof: 1234+1235+1236+1237+1238+1239+1243++1249++9876.
abcd all the digits are different
so a 9 numbers
b 8 numbers
c 7 numbers
d 6 numbers
the number of all such numbers is
the sum of these two numbers
1234+9876=11110 and generally
abcd 10 a 10 b 10 c 10 d 11110 The sum of these numbers equidistant to each other will be
.1234 9876

56) Let a1 , a 2 ,..., a 7 be integers, and b1,b2,,b7 be numbers equal to the given numbers, but written in different
order. Prove that the product of a1 b1
. a 2 b2 ...a7 b7 is an even number.
Proof: Lets say each product of
a1 b1 c1 , a 2 b2 c 2 ,..., a 7 b7 c7 Where c1,c2,,c7 are odd numbers:
If a1 b1 c1
a 2 b2 c 2
+ a 7 b7 c7

a1 a 2 ... a7 b1 b2 ... b7 c1 c2 ... c7 0=c1+c2++c7

Which is impossible.
Proof is complete.

57) Simplify the expression 88.(899+898++89+1)+1


58) Find three natural numbers such that any two of them are relatively prime, and the sum of any two of them is
divisible by the third one.

Solution: Let x,y,z are those numbers:

If x y z x=y=z=1
Let If x<y<z then
x+y<z+z=2z and x+y=kz so:
kz<2z k=1
Since x+z=x+x+y=2x+y should divisible by y, so 2x+ty t=1 and y=2x (because x and y are relatively prime
So y=2x, z=3x and since the numbers are relatively prime it follows
x=1, y=2, z=3.

59) If 4 is the last digit of the number, n2+2n, n N then what is the digit in tens digit.

Solution: n2+2n+1-1= (n+1)2-1

If n2+2ns last digit is 4 then last digit of n2 +2n+1s last digit will be 5 n2+2n+1=(n+1)2 then last digit of
n+1 will be 5 also
If n+1 is divisible by 5

So the tens digit will be 2. x...z 00 25 a...m 25
60) Order the following:
19991998 1 19991999 1
19991999 1 1999 2000 1
Solution: If x=19991998 then
x 1

1999x 1 x 1 1999 x 1 1999 x 1999 1 x 1 1
2 2 2 2

1999x 1 1999x 12 19992 x2 2.1999x 1

1999 x 1
19991998 1 19991999 1
So , .
19991999 1 1999 2000 1

61) Is it possible, in a quadratic table 1998x1998, to

write the numbers 1,2 or 3 in such a manner that
the sum of the numbers in every column, every
row and two main diagonals are different from
each other?
Total number of rows, columns and diagonals: 1998+1998+2=3998.
No sum can be less than 1998 which is the row (or column) contains all 1s.
No sum can be greater than 3.1998=5994. So total number of these sums will be
5994-1998+3=2.1998+2=3997 3996
With respect to Drichlet Principle at least two rows must be equal.

62) Let n be a product of two consecutive natural numbers. Is it possible n to be equal to a product of four
consecutive natural numbers?

Solution: n=m(m+1)=k.(k+1)(k+2)(k+3)
But, (m) <m +m+1<(m+1)2
2 2

So it is impossible for m2+m+1 be a perfect square.

63) Find the greatest common divisor of the numbers:

n2+1 and (n+1)2+1, n N.
Solution: Let m be the greatest common divisor of an=n2+1 or an+1=(n+1)2+1
so m|(2n+1)
There exist k N such that
mk 1
2n+1=km n=
Since m| an, there exist p N an=m.p
mk 1 2
n2+1=mp ( ) +1=mp
Hence m| -5 i.e G.C.D will be 1 or 5

64) Let n,n2,n1997,n1998 be natural numbers. Which satisfy the equality n12+n22++n21997=n21998. Prove that at least
two of these numbers are even.

Proof: It is not possible for n1998 be the only even number. In that case an odd number as a result of sum of odd
numbers will be equal to an even number which is a contradiction.
If we suppose that all the numbers are odd:
n1998=2k+1 n2=(2k+1)2=4k2+4k+1
For one of k or (k+1) are even for k N then: 8| 4k(k+1)
4k(k+1)+1 1 (mod8)
n12+n22++n21997=A+1997 5 (mod 8)
1 5 is a contradiction.
So at least two of the numbers are even

65) Is there any natural number n for which

n2+2n+1997 is a perfect square?
n +2n+1+1996=k2

1996 =k2-(n+1)2 (k-n-1)(k+n+1)
k-n-1 {1,2,4,499,998,1996}
k+n+1 {1,2,4,499,998,1996}
The question has solution for only (otherwise
2k=1997 or2k=503 impossible)
+ _________
2k=1000 k=500
n+1=498, n=497.
66) Is there any natural number n for which
n2+2n+1991 is a perfect square?

67) How many natural numbers less than 1 000 000

whose digits are different and are divisible by 5?
There exists only one-digit number (5) which does satisfy the condition, eight two-digit numbers which have the
last digit 5,nine two digit numbers whose last digit is 0.there are with k different digits
3 k 6 and the last digit 5,since we can choose the first digit in 8 ways(without 0 and 5) we can choose the
second digit in 8 ways (without 5 and the first digit)etc. so there are 8.8=64 three digit numbers whose last digit is
5,there are 8.8.7=448 such 4 digit numbers, five digit numbers, and six digit numbers.
There are 9.8.7.numbers whose last digit is zero and have k different digits 3 k 6 .There are 9.8=72 three-digit
numbers with the last digit 0.There are 9.8.7=504 four-digit numbers, five-digit
numbers, six digit numbers. The total of numbers is
1+(8+9)+(64+72)+(448+504)+(2688+3024)+(13440+15120) =35378

68) Is there any number in the form of 2n+4n, n N which is a perfect square?
Solution: 2n+4n=k2
2n+22n=k2 multiply both side by 4
Hence : 4.(22n+2n)+1=4k2+1
This equation is not possible, since the second multiple is always greater than 1, for any natural number n and k. So
there is no number in that property.

69) How many elements in the set

A={1,11,111,, 111
11 } are divisible by


10 x 1
Solution: 111 1 =
... is divisible by 7
x 9
If and only if 10x-1 is divisible by 7
10x-1 0 (mod 7) 10x 1 (mod 7)
x =1,2,3..6 106 1 how many multiple of 6 are there in 2000
By checking x=6
So 333 of them are divisible by 7.
2 n n
70) Prove that 111..11 - 222...2 is a square of some natural numbers?


2 n n 2 n n n
111..11 - 222...2 = 111..11 - 111..11 - 111..11


= 111..11000....0 - 111..11 = 111..11 . 10 n - 111..11


= 111..11 10 n 1 = 111..11 . 999....99

2 2
n n
=9. 111..11 = 3. 111..11

71) Prove that the product of three consecutive natural numbers cannot respect the nth (n>1,n N) power of any
natural numbers?

Solution: Lets suppose it can

Since k+1 and k are relatively prime and k+1 and k+2 are relatively prime, then we have
k+1=bn; and k(k+2)=cn, b,c N
Hence 1=(k+1)2-k(k+2)=b2n-cn

Which is not possible because

b2n-cn=(b2)n-cn=(b2-c).((b2)n-1+(b2)n-2c++cn-1) 1

72) Find all ordered pairs (m,n), m n for which

the following statements are true:
a) The arithmetic mean of the numbers n and m
is a two digit number.
b) If the digits of the number which is the
arithmetic mean of n and m interchange their
places, we obtain the geometric mean of the
numbers n and m.
From the given conditions, it follows that:
10 p q and
mn 10q p p,q {1,29}
It can be transformed into:
m+n=20p+2q and and mn=100q2+20pq+p2
Since (m-n)2=(m+n)2-4mn
Is a perfect square, it follows that 11|(p-q) or 11|(p+q) but p-q>0, p,q {1,29}hence p-q<9,
p+q<20 p-q=4 impossible, so p-q=1
11|(p+q) p+q=11 then p=6, q=5 When
m+n=130 and m-n= 4.99.11 =66
Then the numbers are m=98 and n=32.
73).Let any two-digit number be given. Firstly it is
multiplied by 20,then to the obtained number,
the initial one is added. Then the result is
multiplied by 481.In that way a 6-digit number,
in which the initial number appears three times,
Let be given number ab=10a + b
=10101 (10a+b) =ababab
74).Determine a four digit number abcd for which
the following equations hold:
cda - abc =297 and a + b+ c=23,
a, b , c , d {0,1,2,3. . . 9} , a 0 and c 0
By using the condition cda - abc =297 we get
99(c-a)+10(d-b)=297 From Diophantine equation 99x+10y=297=99.3+0 has only the solution of
x=3, y=0 .So the general solutions of the equations are x=10k+3 , y=-99k k z
Since x=c-a and y=d-b are integers which satisfy |x| 9 and |y| 9,
The unique solution is obtained for k=0 , i.e.
c-a=3 and d-b=0 .
By the use of this and the condition a +b + c=23 ,we get 2a+b=20.
Since c = a + 3 9 we have a 6 ,
Since b=20-2a 9 we have 6 a 9 try value of a
So a=6 , b=d=8 and c=9
The number is 6898
75) Determine the relation between the numbers n
and k if the following equation holds:
1+a+a2+ . . +an=(1+a) (1+a2) . . .(1+ a 2 )
a {0,1,-1}
a 1 , hence the given equation is equivalent to
an+1-1 =(a-1).(an+an-1..+a+1)
=(a-1) ((a+1) (a2+1) . . . ( a 2 +1))
an+1-1 =(a2-1) (a2+1) . . . ( a 2 +1)
=(a4-1) (a4+1) . . . ( a 2 +1)
k 1
an+1-1 = a 2 -1
Hence n+1=2k+1 i e n=2k+1-1
n(n 1)
76) Find a natural number n so that is a
three-digit number whose digits are all the same.
n 2 n(n 1)
< 999
2 2
n < 2.999 47
n(n 1)
Every three digit number in the form of xxx = 111x = 3.37x=
Hence 37 | n or 37 | n+1
n 44 , hence n=37 or n=36
By checking only the number n=36

77) Let 1991-digit natural number is divisible

by 9. Let a be the sum of the digits, b the sum
of digits of a and,c is the sum of the digits of b.
What is c?
Let x be the given number.
The sum of it's digits is not greater than
9.1991=17919 a 17919
x and a are divisible by 9,so the sum of the digits of a is not greater than 1+9+9+9+9=37 i e b 37 The
sum of the digits of the number b is less than or equal to 2+9=11, so c 11. b is divisible by 9 , hence c is
divisible by 9 , so c=9

78) Prove that there are no two natural number

with the property: their sum is 1995,their
product is divisible by 1995.
Suppose that there are two such numbers x and y By the condition of the problem
x + y=1995 and x.y =1995k ,k N
x =1995-y So x.y=(1995-y).y=1995k
y =1995(y-k)
Hence y is divisible by any of the divisions of 1995.Hence y is divisible by 3,5,7 and 19 in addition y is
divisible by their least common multiple, and that is the number 1995.
It means that y 1995
x + y=1995 , x<0
It is a contradiction for natural number x.

79) Find 11 real numbers with the property: each

one of them is equal to the square of the sum
of the remaining 10 numbers.
Let the numbers be x1 , x2 , x3 . . . ,x11
We can suppose that x1 x2 x3 . . . x11
Lets denote their sum by S.
according to the condition we have
X i =(S-xj)2 , i,j =1, 2,3, . . . i j
Since x1 x2 x3 . . . x11 , we get
(s-x1)2 (s-x2)2 . . . (s-x11)2 . . . (1)
Since the sum is greater than any of the terms we get s-x1 s-x2 , . . . s-x11 , so
(s-x1)2 (s-x2)2 . . . (s-x11)2 . . . (2)
Using (1) and (2) inequalities we have
(s-x1)2=(s-x2)2 = . . . = (s-x11)2 i .e
s1-x = s-x2 =. . . =s-x11
sx i and x1=x2= . . .=x11
x=(10x) solution of the equation is x=0 or x=1/100 either all the numbers are equal to 0 or1/100
2nd way
x12=S- x12 +++ x112=S- x112
=S=11S-S=10S so S=0 so each one is 0

80) If the sum of 1998 numbers is divisible by 6

then also the sum of their cubes is divisible by 6.
For any natural number a: , a3-a=(a-1)a(a+1) a 1 is divisible by 6 because it is a product of three
consecutive numbers, one of them even divisible by 2,and one of them divisible by 3.Hence
(a13-a) +(a23-a2)++ ( a1998
3 3 3
= (a1 +a2 +.+ a1998 )-( a1 +a2 +.+ a1998 ) The left side of the equation is divisible by 6
one of the term is divisible by 6 so the other term must be divisible by 6 as well.we can conclude that the
sum of the cubes of 1998 numbers is divisible by 6.

81).Prove that the sum of the squares of 5 consecutive integers cannot be a square of an integer.
Lets suppose there exist 5 consecutive integers hold this condition such that:
(a-2)2+(a-1)2+a2+(a+1)2+(a+2)2=b2 a,b 5(a2+2)=b2 (or b2- 5a2=10 no solution in Z)
If b is divisible by 5 then b divisible by 5 for any integer .
Hence the left side is divisible by 5,
While the right side is divisible by 25.
It is a contradiction
So there is no such integers.

82).Are there any integers m and n such that

4n(n+1)=m.(m+1) ?
Let m and n are such integers.
4n2+4n+1=m2+m+1 is not a perfect square for any integer sice m2<m2+m+1<(m+1)2 .
This is a contradiction so there are no such numbers m and n.

83) How many divisors 180 has?

=18 divisors (positive divisors)

84) The difference of two odd numbers is divisible by

5.What is the last digit of the difference of the cubes
of those two numbers?
Let a and b are odd numbers.
i e a=2k-1 , b=2n-1 , k,n
a-b=2(k-n) is divisible by 2
According to the given condition k-n 5 so a-b 10
Such that a-b=10m
Therefore last digit will be 0.

85) Prove that the number n=4a2+3a+5 , a is

divisible by 6 if and only if the number a is not
divisible neither by 2 nor by 3.
Proof: The given number n can be transformed into:
If 6 | n 2 | a 3|a
6 | 3[a(a+1)+2] ; hence 6 | (a2-1) 2 | a 3 | a
If 6 | (a2-1) 6 | (a-1) (a+1) 2.3 | (a-1) (a+1)
2 | a-1 a is odd not divisible by 2
3 | a-1 a is not divisible by 3
That will lead us to the conclusion that a is not divisible neither by 2 nor by 3 ,since in that case (a-1) (a+1) is not
divisible by 2 and 3.

86) Prove that the number 11

...1 22
2 is a product of
100 100
two consecutive natural numbers.
1 222
..2 = 11
...1 . 10100 + 2 . 11
100 100 100 100

=111 . . . 1 (10100 +2) = 99
9 . . (10100 +2)
100 9
10 100
1 10 100
= .
3 3
The number 10 -1= 99
9 is divisible by9.
Hence it is divisible by 3.
The number 10100+2=(10100-1)+3 is also divisible by 3,so
10100 1 10100 2 10100 1 100100 1 3
. = .
3 3 3 3 3
10100 1 10100 1
= . 1 is a product of two consecutive natural numbers.
3 3
87) Find all 6-digit numbers abcdef for which
abcdef =a (103( cc )2-( cc )) , (a 0) and all the
digits are different from each other.

Given conditions can be written in the following form
abcdef =121000.ac2-11ac ,
since a 9 and c 9 , we get 11ac <1100
so the right side is a positive number.
The number 121000ac2-11ac has six digits only if 1 ac2 8 otherwise it will be 7-digit
By the use of the condition a c,
We obtain that either a=2,3,4,5,6,7 and c=1, or a=1, and c=2,
The number is written with different digits, if a=2,4,6 and 7,c=1 ,substitute the value of a and c in the
abcdef =a (103( cc )2-( cc ))
So the numbers are:241978 ; 483956 ; 725934 ; 846923

88) Find all 3-digit numbers whose digits are different

than 0 and the sum of all different 2-digit numbers
composed of the digits of this numbers are equal to
that number.

abc ab ac bc ba ca cb
For the greatest values of b and c we get: b 9,c 9
4.9 7.9
a i e a3
26 7c
If a=1, then b= (try c=1,2,3..9 and b is Z) c=2, b=3,
26.2 7c
If a=2 , then b= c=4 , b=6
26.3 7c
If a=3 , then b= c=6 , b=9
The numbers are 132,264,396

a-The natural number n has exactly 80 different
divisors which are natural numbers including 1 and
n itself. Prove that the product of all of the divisors
is equal to n40
b-The natural number n has exactly 1997 different
divisors which are natural numbers including 1 and
itself. Prove that n is a perfect square of some
natural number.
a- If p1=1,p2 p3,p80=n are all the divisors of the
number n,then. n =k1p1 , n =k2p2 ,. n =k80p80
If we multiply these equation, we have
The numbers in the first brackets are also divisors of
the number n, only written in a different order.For
that reason, n80=(p1.p2..p80)2 , so p1.p2..p80=n40
b- According to a) we have : p1.p2..p1997=n1997/2
n1997/2 is an integer,hence n has to be a perfect

90) The sum of five natural numbers is 1982.Find the

greatest common divisor.

Solution: Let a1,a2 a3,a4 a5 be those numbers, and let d

be their greatest common divisor.Then ai=ki.d ,i=1,2,3,4,5 and dk1+ dk2+ dk3+ dk4+ dk5=1982
i.e. d.m=1982=2.992,m= k1+ k2+ k3+k4+ k5
since m 5, we have d=2, m=991 or d1=1, m=1982.
The greatest common divisor is d=2

91) Find the least value of the least common multiple of

4 natural numbers whose product is 1984.
Let a.b.c.d=1984=26.31 and
Let m=LCM (a,b,c,d)
31 is a prime number, hence one of the numbers is divisible by 31.So m is divisible by 31.
Since a.b.c.d is divisible by 26 , at least one of the multiple must be divisible by 22=4
So,m is divisible by 22 .31=124
For a=b=c=4 and d=31 ,we have m=124 , and that is the least possible value of the LCM (a,b,c,d)

92) With how many zeros the number 1996! Ends

Let 1996!=2m.5n.k k kX2 ,kX5
Among the numbers from 1 to 1996 , 2 is the last digit more of ten than 5 hence m>n.
10=2.5 , so 1996! Ends with n zeros.
So there are as many zeros as there are numbers divisible by
The greatest integer less than or equal to x is denoted by [x]
5 399
25 79
125 15
625 3

3125 0

The last digit of 1996 has 399+79+15+3=496 zeros

93) Find all four digit numbers m if we know that

m is a square of some natural numbers.-thefirst two
digits of m are equal.-the last two digits of m are
also equal.
Let x be the first,and y be the third digit of
m.Let m=k2 then k2=103x+102+10y+y=11(100x+y)
Hence 11 is a divisor of k, i.e. k=11n
11. 11
n 2 =11(99x+(x+y)) , hence 11 is also divisor
of x+y 1 x 9 and 0 y 9 , so
1 x y 18 x y 11
Then n2=9x+1 , and that is possible for only x=7.
94) Find the quotient and the remainder obtained from the division of the number 1.2.3..13+1998 by
The product of is divisible by 385=5.7.11 And the quotient will be remainder is 0
So if 1998 divided by 385 the quotent is 5 and the remainder is 73.Hence the quotient is 16174085
and the remainder is 73.

95) Find the least number n for which the sum

.... is divisible by 99.
1998=99.20+18 Hence S=1998+ . . . +1998
=(99.20+18).n =99.20.n+2.9.n
The sum S is divisible by 99 if 2.9.n is divisible by
99 , and that is possible for only n=11.
So the least number of n is 11.

96) What is the last digit of the sum 1+2+3. . . +n if the

last digit of the sum 13+23+ . . .+n3 is 1?

If we use the formula
nn 1
S1=1+2+ . . . +n= and
n(n 1)
3 3 3
S3=1 +2 + . . .n =
The last digit of the product n(n+1) is 0,2 or 6.(for 4 and 8 last digit will be even.)
So the last digit of S2, is 0,1 or 3
S12=S3 hence the last digit of the sum S1 is also 1.

(S12=S3 =1last digitsquare root of 1 is also 1 )

1998 98
97) Prove that the number 71980 380 is divisible by 5.

By checking we can see that
74 1 (mod 10)
74k 1 (mod 10)
and 1980 4 19801998 0 (mod 4)
hence 71980 1 (mod 10) lastd digit is 1
3 1 (mod 10)
34k 1 (mod 10)
8098 is divisible by 4 hence 380 1(mod 10)

1998 98
71980 380 =1-1=0 so it is divisible by 5
98) a1,a2, . . . , an are positive real numbers such that
a1 . a2 . . . an=1,then (1+a1).(1+a2)...(1+an) 2 n
prove it!

Proof: The relation between arithmetic mean and geometric mean:

1 a1
1.a1 a1
1 a2
1 a2 a2 .

1 an
1 an an
x .
1 a1 1 a 2 1 an
......... a1 a 2 ....a n
2 2 2

(1+a1) . (1+a2) . . . (1+an) 2n

99) Prove the equality!

( 333
33 )2 + ( 55
5 44

4 ) =( 55
.... ....
544 45 )


n n 1 n n 1 n 1

(333.3)2=( 55
45 )2-( 55
... ....
4 )

n 1 n 1 n 1 n
n 1 n 1

11 10 n 1 8 11
1 9
n 1 n 1

9 11

11 10 n 1 80
n 1

10 n 1

1 10 n 1 80

10 2 n 2.10 n 1 10 n 1

9 3

100.Find 5 natural numbers a,b,c,d and e, whose sum is 100,and the least common multiple is
1992.Exclude the solutions which are obtained by a permutation of the numbers.
So at least one of the numbers is divisible by 83.
If not ,it would be impossible 83 to appear a.
a prime multiple in G.C.D.
If two numbers are divisible by 83, then their sum will be grater than 100, which is not possible.
We can conclude that exactly one of the numbers is divisible by 83.Let it be the number a , i.e. a=83k
,then k has to be 1,otherwise a>83.It means a=83 b+c+d+e=17 and LCM (83,b,c,d,e)=23.3.83,
Hence at least one of the numbers b,c,d,e is divisible by 23=8 ,because otherwise 2 in the LCM would
appear at all.If two of the numbers b,c,d and e are divisible by 8,then their sum with a is grater than or
equal to 99.In that case for the remaining two numbers we would have that their sum is 1.Which is not
We can conclude that exactly one of the numbers b,c,d,e is divisible by 8.Let it be the number b.
i.e. b=8m .m has to be 1,otherwise a+b 99,and b+c+d 1,which is not possible.Hence b=8.
c+d+e=9 and LCM (83,8,d,c,e)=23.3.83.
Hence at least one of the numbers d,c,e is divisible by 3.Let c=3.n.
The number n can be 1 or 2.
If n=1 i.e. c=3 then d+e=6 d and e can have the folloving possible divisors 1,2,3 and 4
We obtain two solutions: d=e=3 and d=4 , e=2 i.e the problem has two solutions: ?!?
a=83 , b=8 , c=3 , d=4 , e=2 or
a=83 , b=8 , c=3 , d=3 , e=3
If n=2 i.e c=6 ,then d+e=3
Hence the problem has another solution:
a=83 , b=8 , c=6 , d=2 , e=1

101.Find a three digit number with all different digits,

which is 5 times less than the sum of all the other 3-
digit numbers which can be written by the same digit.

Let xyz be that number. xzy yzx zxy yxz zyx
=> 7x=3y+4z
So 7|y-z , hence ;
(y,z) {(8,1),(1,8),(9,2),(2,9)}
and substituting these values in the equation we get x 4,5,6
So there are four three-digit numbers which satisfy the condition.

102) xyzu and uzyx are divisible by 78.

Find those numbers.
Solution: Let that four-digit number be xyzu and uzyx be the number written with the same digits, but
ordered in opposite direction.
Let x u .The sum of these numbers is
S= xyzu uzyx 1001( x u ) 110( y z ) ,
If it is divisible by 78=6.13 i.e.
Hence (y+z) is divisible by 13. 0 y 9 and
0 z9
So y+z=0 or y+z=13.
If y+z=0 then 7.11(x+u)=6k, x+u is divisible by 6
x u and 6/ xyzu hence the following cases are
possible 4002,8004,9006,6006 among them just 6006
is divisible by 78
If y+z=13 than we have
7.11.13.(x+u)+11.10.13=6.13.k (k=11m)
Than 7.(x+u)+10=6m=6(x+u)+6+(x+u+4)=6m
6\x+u+4 so x+u=2,8 or 14 since x u 2 is impossible
If x=6,u=2,then 6 yz 2 is divisible by 78 and y+z=13
6 yz 2 =6132+90y=78(78+y)+12(4+y)
Hence 13/(4+y),and this is possible only if y=9.In that case,z=13-9=4 so the number is 6942 or 2492.If
x=u=4,than according to the previous analysis it follows that 13/y,y=0 or y=13, which is impossible. In
this case the problem has no solution. if x=8,u=6,then
8yz6=6.13(104+y)+6.2(y+2) so 13/(y+2)
Since 0 y 9 in this case the problem has no solution. Check that it is not possible to be x=1 and u=1 we
can conclude that the numbers are 6006,6942,2496.

103) In the notation of the number

25!=15511 x 1004 3330y85984z00000
The digits x,y,z are missing. Find those digits.

So 25! end with 6 zeros so z=0.
The number 25! Is divisible by 9, hence 9!|(61+x+y) i.e.
x+y=2 or x+y=11 . . (I)
25! Is divisible by 11 so
(34+x)-(27+y)=7+x-y is divisible by 11.
That is possible if x-y=4 or x-y=7 . . . (II) x+y=2 x+y=2 x+y=11
x-y=4 , x-y=-7 , x-y=4 , x-y=-7
Since x and y are digits only then x=2 , y=9 , z=0

104) Find all 4-digit natural numbers divisible by

7,which can be written as the sum of a square and
cube of the same natural number.

Let x be that four digit number,then x=a2+a3.The number has four digits if a {10,11, . . . ,21}
(8,922,23..are not possible)
x=a2 (a+1)=a. a.(a+1) is divisible by 7,hence a is divisible by 7 or at 1 is divisible by 7.
So a {13,14,20,21} ,and the four-digit numbers are
7/a so a=14,21 7/a+1 so a=13,20

105) How many natural numbers less than or equal to

10 000 whose last digit is equal to 1,can be written
in the form of 5m + 8n

The last digit of 5m is 5 ; hence the last digit of 8m
has to be 6 because last digit is 1.We have
81=8 ; 82=64 , 83=512 , 84=4096 ,85 10 00 0
n=4 , so we have
5m+84 10,000
5m 5904
5 =5 , 52=25 , 53=125 , 54=625 , 55=3125

56=15625>5964 , hence m {1,2,3,4,5}

There are five numbers which satisfy the solution


106) Find the natural number n,if n2= 100

05 . 11
... ...1 +1
1994 1995
If m=1995 and 10m=x then:

99 ...9
n2 =( 100
0 +5) .
... +1
m 9

=(10 m
+5) .
10 m
x 1
=(x+5). 1
= (x2+4x+4)
=[ (x+2)]2

1 100....02
n= (10m+2)= = 333
3 3 1994

107) Can the sum of the digits of the number n2 (n )

be equal to 1994?

n 2 abc.....z 1994=a+b+c++z
If the sum of the digits of the number n2 is equal to
1994 then it is not divisible by 3,hence the number
n is not divisible by 3.
The remainder upon the division by 3 is either 1 or
2,hence we can write n=3k+1 or n=3k+2.
The remainder upon the division of the squares of these
numbers by 3 is always equal to 1.
The remainder upon the division of the number 1994 by 3 is equal to 2.
We can conclude that there is no such number n2 whose sum of digits is equal to 1994

108) Is there a natural number whose product of its

digits is equal to 1995.
If there exist such a natural number whose
product of the digits is 1995,then all of its prime
divisors are one digit numbers.
So such a number cannot be exist.

109) Let 2n+n2 be a prime number, where n 2 is a

natural number. Prove that the number n-3 is
divisible by 6.
2n+n2 is a prime number and n 2.
If n is an even number, then 2n+n2 is divisible by 4
it is not a prime number (contradiction)
Hence , n is an odd number
=(2+1) (2n-1-2n-2 + . . . + 1)+(n-1) (n+1)
It follows (n+1) (n-1) is not divisible by 3,because 2n+n2 is a prime number.Of any three consecutive
numbers n-1 , n , n+1 exactly one is divisible by 3 and that is the number n.[from the previous conclusion ,
n-1 and n+1 are not divisible by 3]
n is an odd number,hence n-3 is an even number.So n-3 is divisible by 2 and by 3,n-3 is divisible by 6.

110) Let the number 22n+1 , n N/ be a prime

number.Prove that the number 22n+1 cannot be
represented as a difference of the 5th powers of two
natural numbers.

=(m-k) (m4+m3k+m2k2+mk3+k4)
If 22n +1 is a prime number than m-k=1
Hence m=k+1 , i . e
According to this 22n is divisible by 5 wich is a

111) Prove that for every natural n at least one of

the numbers 33n+23n and 33n-23n is divisible by 35.

If n=2k+1 , k {0,1,2,3 . . . }
2 k 1
=(27+8) ( 27

.8 2k
8 )
Hence 33n+23n is divisible by 35.
If n=2k , k {0,1,2,3...} then ,
k 1 k 2 k 1
(729-64) ( 729 .64 ...
so 33n-33n is divisible by 35 if n=2k

112) Let a1 , a2 , . . . an be integers, and n is a natural

number. Prove that:
a) The number a(a2n-1) is divisible by 6;
b)The sum S=a12n+1+a22n+1+ . . . +an2n+1 is divisible
by 6 if and only if the sum S1=a1+a2+ am is
divisible by 6.

a) a(a2n-1) = a(an-1) (an+1)
=a(a-1) (a+1) (an-1+an-2++1) (an -1-an-2++1)
So the result is divisible by the consecutive three
natural numbers which is divisible by 6.
b)The difference
is divisible by 6,because of a).

113) A typographer has mixed the digits

0,2,3,4,4,7,8,8,9 of some numbers which are the
6th power of some natural numbers. Find the
original number.
Let the number be n.
The sum of the digits n6 is 45 which is divisible by 9,
hence n is also divisible by 3.
216 has 8-digits
336 has 10-digits
hence n {24,27,30} , n 30 because there are 6 zeros in 306.
It is also true n 24 , since the last digit of 246 is 6,and the digit 6 doesnt appear so n=27.

114) Let a , b and c be the natural numbers, which

satisfy the equation a2+b2=c2
Prove that the product of a.b.c is divisible by 60.
(Note:a , b , c are called Pythagorean triple)

Solution: Since 60=22.3.5, we have to prove that at

least one of the numbers is divisible by 4,or at least two of them to be eleven and at least one of
them to be divisible by 3 and one divisible by 5.
i- The two numbers a and b can not be odd at the same
time,since in that case a2+b2=2 (mod 4) so a2+b2 can not be a square of a number c,whose remainder upon
the division by 4 can be 0 or 1.If both of the numbers a and b are even, then 4/abc.If one of the numbers a
or b is even,and the other one odd, then c is an odd number.Let it be,for example a=2k,b=2n+1,c=2m+1,
then from a2+b2=c2 we obtain that k2=m.(m+1)-n(n+1)
is divisible by 2,hence 2\k.since 2\a, we have that 4\a i.e.4\abc.

ii-The remainder upon the division of the square of an integer by 3 can be either 0 or 1.If both of the
numbers a and b are not divisible by 3,then a2+b2 2 mod 3,
c2 0 or 1 mod 3, which is a contradiction with a2+b2=c2.according to this at least one of the numbers a or
b is divisible by 3.

iii-If an integer is divisible by 5, then the square is also divisible by 5.If an integer is not divisible by
5,then the remainders upon the division of its square by 5 can be 1 or 4.If all of the numbers a,b and c are
not divisible by 5,then a2+b2 0 ,2 or 3 mod 5, c2 0 or 1 mod 5 which is not possible since a2+b2=c2
We can conclude that at least one of the numbers a ,b and c are divisible by 5.

115) The number a is obtained when we write the

numbers from 1 to 101 next to each other. Prove
that the number is composite number. Check that
a is a square of any natural number?
Solution: In the numbers 1,2,3. . . .,99 every digit
except zero, appears 20 times. Hence the sum of the
digits of the number a is:
20.(1+2+. . .+9)+1+1+1=903 .
The number a is divisible by 3,and it is not divisible
by 9, hence it is a composite number .
But it is not square of any integer because 3 cannot be square of any integer because 3 cannot be the last
digit in the square of a number.

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