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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual: Volume 2
Structures, Storage, and Recreation

Updated January 2016

Originally Published September 1969

Urban Drainage and Flood Control District

2480 West 26th Avenue, Suite 156B
Denver, Colorado 80211
Copyright 2016 by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD). All rights
reserved. Printed and bound in the United States of America. Unless in conformance with the
Permission to Use Statement below, no part of this publication may be reproduced, copied,
transmitted, transcribed or stored in any form such as mechanical, electric, optical, chemical,
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Table of Contents

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual



Volume 1


1.0 Acknowledgements
2.0 Purpose
3.0 Overview
4.0 List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1 Drainage Policy

1.0 Policies and Principles

2.0 UDFCD Hydrologic Data Collection
3.0 Planning
4.0 Technical Criteria
5.0 Floodplain Management
6.0 Implementation of Urban Storm Drainage Criteria
7.0 References

Chapter 2 Drainage Law

1.0 Summary of Current General Principle of Drainage and Flood Control Law
2.0 General Principles of Drainage Law
3.0 Drainage Improvements by a Local Government
4.0 Financing Drainage Improvements
5.0 Floodplain Management
6.0 Special Matters
7.0 Conclusion

Chapter 3 Planning

1.0 Importance of Drainage Planning

2.0 Minor (Initial) Drainage System Planning
3.0 Drainage Master Planning Process
4.0 Floodplain Management
5.0 Multi-use Opportunities
6.0 References

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 1 and 2
Table of Contents

Chapter 4 Flood Risk Management

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Floodplain Management Fundamentals
3.0 Floodplain Mapping Changes and Administration
4.0 Flood Insurance
5.0 UDFCD, Local and State Floodplain Management Programs
6.0 Floodproofing
7.0 Assistance for Property Owners
8.0 References
9.0 Glossary

Chapter 5 Rainfall

1.0 Overview
2.0 Rainfall Depth-Duration-Frequency
3.0 Design Storm Distribution for CUHP
4.0 Intensity-Duration Curves for Rational Method
5.0 Spreadsheet Design Aids
6.0 Examples
7.0 References

Chapter 6 Runoff

1.0 Overview
2.0 Rational Method
3.0 Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure
4.0 EPA SWMM and Hydrograph Routing
5.0 Other Hydrologic Methods
6.0 Software
7.0 Examples
8.0 References

Chapter 7 Street, Inlets, and Storm Drains

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Street Drainage
3.0 Inlets
4.0 Storm Drain Systems
5.0 UD-Inlet Design Workbook
6.0 Examples
7.0 References

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 1 and 2
Table of Contents

Chapter 8 Open Channels

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Natural Stream Corridors
3.0 Preserving Natural Stream Corridors
4.0 Stream Restoration Principles
5.0 Naturalized Channels
6.0 Swales
7.0 Hydraulic Analysis
8.0 Rock and Boulders
9.0 References

Volume 2
Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

1.0 Structures in Streams

2.0 Grade Control Structures
3.0 Pipe Outfalls and Rundowns
4.0 References

Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

1.0 Introduction and Overview

2.0 Public Safety Project Review
3.0 Paths Adjacent to Streams
4.0 In-Channel Safety
5.0 References

Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

1.0 Introduction and Overview

2.0 Required Design Information
3.0 Culvert Hydraulics
4.0 Culvert Sizing and Designs
5.0 Culvert Inlets
6.0 Outlet Protection
7.0 Bridges
8.0 Design Examples
9.0 Checklist
10.0 References

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 1 and 2
Table of Contents

Chapter 12 Storage

1.0 Overview
2.0 Implementation of Regional, Sub-regional, and On-site Detention Facilities
3.0 Full Spectrum Detention as the Recommended Approach
4.0 Sizing of Full Spectrum Detention Storage Volumes
5.0 Design Considerations
6.0 Additional Configurations of Detention Facilities
7.0 Designing for Operations and Maintenance
8.0 Design Examples
9.0 References

Chapter 13 Revegetation

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Habitat Types
3.0 Site Preparation
4.0 Plant Material Selection
5.0 Plant Installation
6.0 Mulching
7.0 Maintenance
8.0 Post-construction Monitoring
9.0 Conclusion
10.0 References

TOC-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 1 and 2
Attention all persons using the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (USDCM), its
Design Form Spreadsheets, AutoCAD Details, and Related Software Products:
The products listed above have been developed using a high standard of care, including professional
review for identification of errors, bugs, and other problems related to the software. However, as with
any release of publications, details, and software, errors will be discovered. The developers of these
products welcome user feedback in helping to identify them so that improvements can be made to future
releases of this manual and all related products.

This manual and all related products are intended to assist and streamline the planning and design process
of drainage facilities. The AutoCAD details are intended to show design concepts. Preparation of final
design plans, addressing details of structural adequacy, public safety, hydraulic functionality,
maintainability, and aesthetics, remain the sole responsibility of the designer.

By the use of the USDCM and/or related design form worksheets, spreadsheets, AutoCAD
details, software and all other related products, the user agrees to the following:



January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Disclaimer-1

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 1 and 2
Chapter 9
Hydraulic Structures
1.0 Structures in Streams ...................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 Grade Control Structures................................................................................................................ 2

2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Simplified Design Procedures for Drop Structures ................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Geometry....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Unit Discharge .............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2.4 Longitudinal Slope of the Drop Structure Face............................................................................. 6
2.2.5 Stilling Basin ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2.6 Seepage Analysis and Cutoff Wall Design ................................................................................... 7
2.2.7 Low-flow Channel ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Detailed Drop Structure Hydraulic Analysis ............................................................................................. 8
2.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.2 Cross Section Placement ............................................................................................................... 9
2.3.3 Mannings Roughness Coefficient for Drop Structures .............................................................. 10
2.3.4 Hydraulic Jump Formation ......................................................................................................... 11
2.3.5 Hydraulic Jump Length ............................................................................................................... 13
2.3.6 Evaluation of Low-flow Channel versus Overbanks................................................................... 14
2.3.7 Evaluate Additional Return Period Flow Rates .......................................................................... 15
2.3.8 Rock Sizing for Drop Approach and Downstream of End Sill ................................................... 15
2.4 Seepage Control ...................................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 15
2.4.2 Weep Drains................................................................................................................................ 15
2.4.3 Lanes Weighted Creep Method ................................................................................................. 15
2.4.4 Foundation/Seepage Control Systems ......................................................................................... 17
2.5 Detailed Force Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 18
2.6 Grouted Stepped Boulder Drop Structures .............................................................................................. 23
2.6.1 Description .................................................................................................................................. 23
2.6.2 Structure Complexity .................................................................................................................. 23
2.6.3 Design Criteria ............................................................................................................................ 23
2.6.4 Construction Guidance ................................................................................................................ 25
2.7 Sculpted Concrete Drop structures .......................................................................................................... 32
2.7.1 Description .................................................................................................................................. 32
2.7.2 Structure Complexity .................................................................................................................. 32
2.7.3 Design Criteria ............................................................................................................................ 33
2.7.4 Decorative Elements (Finishing)................................................................................................. 36
2.7.5 Construction Guidance ................................................................................................................ 41
2.8 Vertical Drop Structure Selection ........................................................................................................... 50
2.8.1 Description .................................................................................................................................. 50
2.8.2 Design Criteria ............................................................................................................................ 50
2.8.3 Construction Guidance ................................................................................................................ 53
2.9 Low-flow Drop structures and Check Structures .................................................................................... 56

3.0 Pipe Outfalls and Rundowns ......................................................................................................... 60

3.1 Pipe End Treatment ................................................................................................................................. 60

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
3.1.1 Flared End Sections and Toe Walls ............................................................................................ 60
3.1.2 Concrete Headwall and Wingwalls ............................................................................................. 61
3.2 Energy Dissipation and Erosion Protection ............................................................................................ 67
3.2.1 Riprap Apron .............................................................................................................................. 68
3.2.2 Low Tailwater Basin ................................................................................................................... 73
3.2.3 Rock Sizing for Riprap Apron and Low Tailwater Basin ........................................................... 75
3.2.4 Outfalls and Rundowns ............................................................................................................... 77
3.2.5 Rundowns ................................................................................................................................... 87

4.0 References ........................................................................................................................................ 88

Appendix A. Force Analysis for Grade Control Structures ................................................................. 96

Table 9-1. Design criteria for drop structures using simplified design procedures ...................................... 5
Table 9-2. Approximate mannings roughness at design discharge for stepped drop structures ............... 10
Table 9-3. Lanes weighted creep: Recommended minimum ratios ......................................................... 17
Table 9-4. Boulder sizes for various rock sizing parameters ..................................................................... 25
Table 9-5. Comparison of concrete and shotcrete ...................................................................................... 35
Table 9-6. Nominal limit of maximum pressure fluctuations within the hydraulic jump (Toso 1986) ..... 98

Figure 9-1. Stilling basin length based on unit discharge (for simplified design procedure)....................... 7
Figure 9-2. Sample HEC-RAS profile with cross section locations for hydraulic analysis ......................... 9
Figure 9-3. Recommended mannings n for flow over B18 to B42 grouted boulders ............................... 11
Figure 9-4. Length in terms of sequent depth of jumps in horizontal channels ......................................... 13
Figure 9-5. Stilling basin profile ................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 9-6. Sample HEC-RAS output for cross section located at drop crest............................................ 14
Figure 9-7. Sheet pile cutoff wall upstream of drop................................................................................... 19
Figure 9-8. Sheet pile cutoff wall connections between boulders .............................................................. 20
Figure 9-9. Concrete or grout cutoff wall upstream of drop ...................................................................... 21
Figure 9-10. Weep drains ........................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 9-11. Example plan view of basic grouted stepped boulder drop structure .................................... 27
Figure 9-12. Cross sections of basic grouted stepped boulder drop structure ............................................ 28
Figure 9-13. Cross sections of basic grouted stepped boulder drop structure ............................................ 29
Figure 9-14. Example of complex grouted stepped boulder drop structure ............................................... 30
Figure 9-15. Grouted boulder placement detail.......................................................................................... 31
Figure 9-16. Example plan view of basic sculpted concrete drop structure ............................................... 43
Figure 9-17. Example profiles of basic sculpted concrete drop structure .................................................. 44
Figure 9-18. Example cross sections of basic sculpted concrete drop structure ........................................ 45
Figure 9-19. Example plan view of complex sculpted concrete drop structure ......................................... 46
Figure 9-20. Example detailed view of complex sculpted concrete drop structure.................................... 47
Figure 9-21. Rebar placement for sculpted concrete drop structures ......................................................... 48
Figure 9-22. Structure edge wall details..................................................................................................... 49
Figure 9-23. Vertical drop structure hydraulic system ............................................................................... 54
Figure 9-24. Example vertical drop structure plan ..................................................................................... 54

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Figure 9-25. Example vertical drop structure sections .............................................................................. 55
Figure 9-26. Check structure details (Part 1 of 3)...................................................................................... 57
Figure 9-27. Check structure details (Part 2 of 3)...................................................................................... 58
Figure 9-28. Check structure details (Part 3 of 3)...................................................................................... 59
Figure 9-29. Flared end section (FES) headwall concept .......................................................................... 62
Figure 9-30. Flared end section (FES) headwall with boulders concept ................................................... 63
Figure 9-31. Pipe headwall concept........................................................................................................... 64
Figure 9-32. Pipe headwall with boulders concept .................................................................................... 65
Figure 9-33. Pipe headwall/wingwall concept........................................................................................... 66
Figure 9-34. Riprap apron detail for culverts in-line with the channel ...................................................... 70
Figure 9-35. Expansion factor for circular conduits .................................................................................. 71
Figure 9-36. Expansion factor for rectangular conduits ............................................................................ 72
Figure 9-37. Low tailwater riprap basin .................................................................................................... 74
Figure 9-38. Riprap erosion protection at circular conduit outlet (valid for Q/D2.5 6.0)......................... 76
Figure 9-39. Riprap erosion protection at rectangular conduit outlet (valid for Q/WH1.5 8.0) ............... 77
Figure 9-40. Boulder outfall detail ............................................................................................................ 78
Figure 9-41. Boulder outfall detail (in-line with channel) ......................................................................... 79
Figure 9-42. Impact stilling basin for pipes smaller than 18 in diameter ................................................ 82
Figure 9-43. Modified impact stilling basin for conduits 18 to 48 in diameter (Part 1 of 2) ................. 83
Figure 9-44. Modified impact stilling basin for conduits 18 to 48 in diameter (Part 2 of 2) ................. 84
Figure 9-45. UDFCD modified USBR type VI impact stilling basin (general design dimensions) .......... 85
Figure 9-46. Basin width diagram for the USBR type VI impact stilling basin ........................................ 86

Appendix A

Figure A-1. Coefficient of pressure fluctuation, Cp, at a hydraulic jump ................................................. 99

Figure A-2. Coefficient of pressure fluctuation, Cp, normalized for consideration of slope and jump
beginning slope ......................................................................................................................................... 100

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

1.0 Structures in Streams

Hydraulic structures are used to guide and control
water flow in streams. Structures described in this
chapter consist of grade control structures and
outfall structures for various applications and

The discussion of grade control structures in this

chapter addresses the hydraulic design and
construction detailing of individual stepped
grouted boulder, sculpted concrete, and vertical
drop structures, whereas the Open Channels
Photograph 9-1. This grouted boulder drop structure
chapter discusses the placement of grade control exemplifies the opportunities available for creating an
structures in the stream and the Stream Access attractive urban hydraulic setting for a riparian corridor.
and Recreational Channels chapter covers safety
considerations relevant to all urban streams and
specialized design of boatable hydraulic structures.

The outfalls section provides design guidance for various types of pipe end treatment and rock protection
to dissipate hydraulic energy at outfalls of storm drains and culverts. Related design information is
covered in the Streets, Inlets, and Storm Drains and the Culverts and Bridges Chapters.

Consider environmental, ecological, and public safety objectives in the design of each structure. The
proper application of hydraulic structures can reduce initial and future maintenance costs by managing the
character of the flow to best meet all project needs.

The shape, size, and features of hydraulic structures vary widely for different projects, depending upon
the discharge and the function to be accomplished. Design of all structures must be governed by
hydraulic design procedures discussed herein. For the design of unique structures that may not fit the
guidance provided, hydraulic physical modeling or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling may
be beneficial.

Guidance for Using this Chapter

Determine if the project can be designed using the simplified method (Section 2.2) or if a detailed
design is required (Section 2.3).

Perform soils and seepage analyses as necessary for the design of the foundation and seepage
control system (Section 2.4). Additional analysis of forces acting on a structure may be necessary
and should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis (Section 2.5).

Use criteria specific to the type of drop structure to determine the final flow characteristics,
dimensions, material requirements, and construction methods. Refer to Section 2.6 for Grouted
Stepped Boulder (GSB) drop structures or to Section 2.7 for Sculpted Concrete (SC) drops.

Refer to the Trails and Recreations Channels chapter for design of boatable structures and other
criteria required for public safety.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

2.0 Grade Control Structures

2.1 Overview
As discussed in the Open Channels Chapter,
urbanization increases the rate, frequency and
volume of runoff in natural streams and, over
time, this change in hydrology may cause
streambed degradation, otherwise known as down
cutting or head cutting. Stabilization
improvements to the stream are necessary prior to
or concurrent with development in the watershed.
Stream stabilization is the third step of the Four
Step Process to Stormwater Management (see
Chapter 1 of Volume 3 of this manual).
Photograph 9-2. Grouted stepped boulder drop structures
Drop structures are broadly defined. Drop such as this one in Denvers Bible Park can be safe,
structures provide protection for high velocity aesthetically pleasing, and provide improved aquatic habitat
besides performing their primary hydraulic function of
hydraulic conditions that allow a drop in channel energy dissipation.
grade over a relatively short distance. They
provide controlled and stable locations for a
hydraulic jump to occur, allowing for a more stable channel downstream where flow returns to
subcritical. Specific design guidance is presented for the following basic categories of drop structures:

Grouted stepped boulder (GSB) drop structures

Sculpted concrete (SC) drop structures
Vertical drop structures

The design of the drop structure crest and the provision for the low-flow channel directly affect the
ultimate configuration of the upstream reach. A higher unit flow will pass through the low-flow area than
will pass through other portions of the stream cross section. This situation must be considered in design
to avoid destabilization of the drop structure and the stream. It is also important to consider the major
flood path which frequently extends around structure abutments.

All grade control structures should be designed for fully developed future basin conditions, in accordance
with zoning maps, master plans, and other relevant documents. The effects of future hydrology and
potential down cutting must be included so that the channel is properly stabilized.

9-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

There are two fundamental systems of a drop structure that require design consideration: the hydraulic
surface-drop system and the foundation and seepage control system. The surface drop system is based on
project objectives, stream stability, approach hydraulics, downstream tailwater conditions, height of the
drop, public safety, aesthetics, and maintenance considerations. The material components for the
foundation and seepage control system are a function of soil and groundwater conditions. One factor that
influences both systems is the extent of future downstream channel degradation that is anticipated. Such
degradation could cause the drop structure to fail.

Additionally, special design issues associated with drop structures in boatable channels are discussed in
the Stream Access and Recreational Channels chapter.

Drops in series require full energy disipation and return to normal depth between structures or require
specialized design which is beyond the scope of this manual.

All drop structures should be evaluated during and after construction. Bank and bottom protection may
be needed when secondary erosion tendencies are revealed. It is advisable to establish construction
contracts and budgets with this in mind. Design guidance is provided which is intended to reduce the
need for these secondary design refinements.

The sections that follow provide guidance on drop structure design using either a simplified design
method or a more detailed hydraulic design method. The designer must evaluate each method and
determine which is appropriate for the specific project.

Key Considerations during Planning and Early Design of a Drop Structure

Identify the appropriate range of drop height based on the stable channel slope (as provided in
the master plan or based on guidance provided in the Open Channels chapter). Limit the net
drop height to five feet or less to avoid excessive kinetic energy and avoid the appearance of a
massive structure. Vertical drops should not exceed 3 feet at any location to minimize the risk
of injury from falling. With a 12-inch stilling basin, this limits the net drop height to two feet.

Design with public safety in mind. Structures located in streams where boating, including
tubing, is anticipated require additional considerations. See the Stream Access and
Recreational Channels chapter.

Begin the process of obtaining necessary environmental permits, such as a Section 404
permit, early in the project.

Evaluate fish passage requirements when applicable. This may also be a requirement of
environmental permits.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

2.2 Simplified Design Procedures for

Drop Structures

2.2.1 Introduction

The simplified design procedures can be used for

grade control structures meeting design criteria
provided in Table 9-1 and where all of the
following criteria are met:

Maximum unit discharge for the design event

(typically the 100-year) over any portion of
the drop structure is 35 cfs/ft or less, Photograph 9-3. Unprotected urban channels can experience
bank erosion and degradation that can be addressed, in part,
with grade control structures.
Net drop height (upstream channel invert less
downstream channel invert exclusive of
stilling basin depth) is 5 feet or less,

Drop structure is constructed of GSB or SC,

Drop structure is located within a tangent section and at least twice the distance of the width of the
drop at the crest both upstream and downstream from a point of curvature,

Drop structure is located in a reach that has been evaluated per the design requirements of the Open
Channels chapter.

The simplified design procedures provided herein do not consider channel curvature, effects of other
hydraulic structures, or unstable beds. If any of these conditions exist or the criteria above are not met, a
detailed analysis is required per Section 2.3. Even if the criteria are met and the simplified design
procedures are applied, checking the actual hydraulics of the structure using the detailed comprehensive
hydraulic analysis may yield useful design insight.

There is a basic arrangement of upstream channel geometry, crest shape, basin length, and downstream
channel configuration that will result in optimal energy dissipation. The following sections present
simplified relationships that provide basic configuration and drop-sizing parameters that may be used
when the above criteria are met.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

2.2.2 Geometry

Table 9-1 below summarizes the specific design and geometric parameters applicable to drop structures
designed using the simplified design procedures. Additional discussion is provided in the sections
following for some of the specific parameters summarized in the table. Graphical depiction of the
geometric parameters listed in Table 9-1 can be found in Figures 9-11 through 9-14 for GSB drop
structures and Figures 9-16 through 9-21 for SC drop structures.

Table 9-1. Design criteria for drop structures using simplified design procedures

Requirement to Use Simplified Design Procedures

Design Parameter
GSB Drop Structure SC Drop Structure
Maximum Net Drop
5 feet1
Height (Hd)
Maximum Unit
Discharge over any 35 cfs per foot of drop width (see Section 2.2.3)
Portion of Drop Width
Maximum Longitudinal
Slope (Steepest Face 4(H):1(V) (see Section 2.2.4 for additional discussion)
1 foot (see Section 2.2.6 for 2 feet (see Section 2.2.6 for
Minimum Stilling Basin additional discussion and additional discussion and
Depression (Db) requirements for non-cohesive requirements for non-cohesive
soils) soils)
Minimum Length of
8 feet
Approach Riprap (La):
Minimum Stilling Basin
Determine using Figure 9-1 (see Section 2.2.4)
Length (Lb):
Minimum Stilling Basin
same as crest width
Width (B)
Minimum Cutoff Wall
6 feet (for cohesive soils only, see Section 2.2.6 for additional discussion)
Minimum Length of
Riprap Downstream of 10 feet
Stilling Basin
Minimum D50 for
Approach and 12 inches
Downstream Riprap
Minimum Boulder Size
Per Figure 9-1 N/A
for Drop Structure
This is considered a large drop structure and is only appropriate where site specifics do not accommodate installation of smaller
drop structures. Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) recommends the height of the drop structure not exceed 3

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

2.2.3 Unit Discharge

The unit discharge is an important design parameter for evaluating the hydraulic performance of a drop
structure. In order to use the simplified design procedures, the design event maximum unit discharge over
any portion of the drop structure width is 35 cfs/ft. This value is derived from recommended values for
velocity and depth listed in the Open Channels chapter. Typically, this maximum unit discharge will
occur in the low-flow channel, but in rare circumstances may be in the overbanks. Determine the design
unit discharge at the crest of the drop structure and at a channel cross section 20 to 50 feet upstream of the
crest. Depending on the depth of the low-flow channel at these two locations, the unit discharge could
differ at the sections. Normally, the maximum unit discharge of the two sections should be used for the
drop structure design; however, the engineer should evaluate both cross sections and exercise judgment
regarding the appropriate unit discharge used for the drop structure design. Further discussion on the
hydraulic evaluation of a channel cross section can be found in Section 2.3.6.

2.2.4 Longitudinal Slope of the Drop Structure Overly Retentive Hydraulics

Drop faces should have a longitudinal
The longitudinal slope of the structure face should be no slope no steeper than 4(H):1(V). The
steeper than 4(H):1(V), while even flatter slopes will formation of overly retentive hydraulics
improve safety. Flatter longitudinal face slopes (i.e., flatter is a major drowning safety concern
than 8(H):1(V)) help to mitigate overly retentive when constructing drop structures.
hydraulics at higher tailwater depths that can cause Longitudinal slope, roughness and drop
submerged hydraulic jump formation and create reverse structure shape all impact the potential
rollers with keeper waves which are a frequent cause of for dangerous conditions. See the
drowning deaths in rivers. Where possible roughen the Stream Access and Recreational
face of the drop by developing a series of slopes rather Channels chapter for additional criteria.
than a smooth surface. Individual steps and differences in
vertical elevation should be no greater than 3 feet in any
location to limit consequence associated with slip and fall during dry conditions. The Stream Access and
Recreational Channels chapter provides additional longitudinal slope considerations for water-based
recreation and in-channel safety as well as other avoidance techniques for overly-retentive drop

2.2.5 Stilling Basin

Typically, drop structures are designed with a hydraulic jump dissipater basin. The stilling basin should
be depressed in order to start the jump near the toe of the drop face, per the requirements in Table 9-1. A
sill should be located at the basin end to create a transition to the downstream invert elevation. The
profiles for GSB (Figure 9-12) and SC (Figure 9-17) drop structures include options for both non-draining
and draining stilling basins. Draining stilling basins are recommended for conditions where it is
undesirable to have standing water. For free draining basins the end sill should include an opening to
drain the stilling basin.

When using the simplified design, the length of the stilling basin (Lb) can be determined using Figure 9-1.
Figure 9-1 provides the required stilling basin length for both GSB and SC drop structures up to a unit
discharge of 35 cfs/ft. If the proposed drop structure does not fit within the requirements of the
simplified design, then a detailed hydraulic analysis must be completed as described in Section 2.3.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

In non-cohesive soil channels and channels where future degradation is expected, especially where there
is no drop structure immediately downstream, it is generally recommended that the stilling basin be
eliminated and the sloping face extended five feet below the downstream future channel invert elevation
(after accounting for future streambed degradation). A scour hole will form naturally downstream of a
structure in non-cohesive soils and construction of a hard basin is an unnecessary cost. Additionally, a
hard basin would be at risk for undermining. This configuration is shown in the profiles for GSB (Figure
9-12) and SC (Figure 9-17) drop structures. In some cases, the structure may have a net drop height of
zero immediately after construction, but is designed with a long term net height of 3 to 5-feet to
accommodate future lowering of the channel invert.

Figure 9-1. Stilling basin length based on unit discharge (for simplified design procedure)

2.2.6 Seepage Analysis and Cutoff Wall Design

The simplified drop structure design only applies to drops with cutoffs located in cohesive soils.
Therefore, it is necessary to determine surface and subsurface soil conditions in the vicinity of a proposed
drop structure prior to being able to use the simplified approach for cutoff design. For a drop structure
constructed in cohesive soils meeting all requirements of a simplified design, the cutoff wall must be a
minimum of six feet deep for concrete and ten feet deep for sheet pile.

If a proposed drop structure meets the requirements of the simplified approach, but is located in non-
cohesive soils, guidance on determining the required cutoff wall depth is described in Section 2.4.

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 9-7

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

The vertical seepage cutoff wall should be located

upstream of the crest and can be constructed of
either concrete or sheet pile. One of the most
important details for grade control structures
involves the interface between the seepage cutoff
wall and the remainder of the structure. Regardless
of the material used for the cutoff wall, the
interface between the wall and the remaining
structure should be buried by the structure. This
eliminates the unattractive view of the cutoff wall
Photograph 9-4. View of the sheet pile cutoff wall and
within the drop structure and also provides a steel reinforcement for a sculpted concrete drop structure
more effective seal at the interface. To ensure a prior to the concrete placement. Note the steel
good seal, specify that the contractor must fully reinforcement has been spot welded to the sheet pile.
clean the surface of the cutoff wall prior to the
construction of the interface. Figures 9-7 through
9-9 provide multiple options (for both GSB and SC drop structures) for connecting the vertical cutoff wall
to the drop structure. Additionally, the cutoff wall should extend beyond the low-flow channel and five to
ten feet into the bank on each side of the structure as shown in Figure 9-27.

Take special care when designing cutoff walls for drops in series. This typically requires a deeper wall or
a wall at each crest.

2.2.7 Low-flow Channel

The crest of the drop structure is frequently shaped similarly to, although sometimes slightly shallower
than, the upstream low-flow channel. It is also typical that the shape transition along the face of the
structure in an effort to disperse the flow and dissipate energy over the width of the drop structure. This
geometry is recommended unless the stream is boatable. The low-flow channel can then be re-established
beyond the end sill of the drop structure. In some circumstances protection in the low-flow channel may
need to extend further downstream than protection in the main channel. This should be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis. When the stream is boatable, it is typically preferred that flows remain concentrated
through the drop.

2.3 Detailed Drop Structure Hydraulic Analysis

2.3.1 Introduction

When the parameters of a proposed drop structure do not fit within the criteria of a simplified design (see
Section 2.2), or when a designer desires a more thorough analysis of drop structure hydraulics, a detailed
hydraulic analysis is conducted. The guidelines presented in this section assume that the designer is using
HEC-RAS to assist with the detailed computations necessary for drop structure analysis. It is important
to be familiar with the HEC-RAS variables selected for the computations and the effect these variables
have on the results of the analysis. The analysis guidelines discussed in this section are intended to assist
the engineer in addressing critical hydraulic design factors.

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2.3.2 Cross Section Placement

Appropriate placement of cross sections is important when completing a hydraulic analysis of a drop
structure using HEC-RAS. Cross sections should be placed at the following locations:

Upstream of Drop (50 feet +/-) where channel is at normal depth

Drop Approach (5 feet +/- upstream of drop crest)

Drop Crest

Toe of Drop

Upstream and at Drop End Sill

Downstream of Drop (50 feet +/-) where channel has recovered to normal depth

In addition to the locations above, it is recommended that the designer use the cross section
interpolation option in HEC-RAS. At a minimum, interpolated cross sections (denoted with * in Figure
9-2) should be added along the drop face, but may also be beneficial both upstream of the drop crest and
downstream of the end sill. Figure 9-2 provides a sample channel profile from HEC-RAS with cross
section locations for reference.

* Denotes Interpolated Cross Section

Figure 9-2. Sample HEC-RAS profile with cross section locations for hydraulic analysis

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2.3.3 Mannings Roughness Coefficient for Drop Structures

Depending on the type of materials and the relative depth, the appropriate roughness parameters should be
selected for the HEC-RAS modeling. Table 9-2 provides roughness parameter recommendations and
references for both sculpted concrete and grouted boulder drop structures.

Table 9-2. Approximate mannings roughness at design discharge for stepped drop structures
Stepped sculpted concrete where step heights equal 25% of drop 0.0251
Grouted Boulders See Figure 9-3
This assumes an approach channel depth of at least 5 feet. Values would be higher at lesser flow depths.

The equations typically used for riprap and provided in the Open Channels chapter do not apply to
boulders and grouted boulders because of their near-uniform size and because the voids may be
completely or partially filled with grout. Therefore the Mannings roughness values for grouted boulders
are based on (Chow 1959; Oliver 1967; Anderson et. al. 1973; Henderson 1966; Barnes 1967; Smith and
Murray 1975; Stevens et. al. 1976; Bathurst, Li and Simons 1979; and Stevens 1984). The roughness
coefficient varies with the depth of flow relative to the size of the boulders and the depth of grout used to
lock them in place.

The following equations may be used to find the recommended Mannings n as a function of flow depth
over height of the boulders, y/D, as represented by the curves in Figure 9-3:

When the upper one-half (plus or minus 1 inch) of the rock height is left ungrouted, the equation for n is:

0.097 ( y / D )
n18" 42"(1 / 2 ) =
ln (2.55 y / D ) Equation 9-1

When the upper one-third (plus or minus 1 inch) of the rock height is left ungrouted, the equation for n is:

0.086( y / D )
Equation 9-2
ln (2.55 y / D )
n18" 42"( 2 / 3)


y = depth of flow above top of rock (feet)

D = diameter of the boulder (feet)

The upper limit for Equation 9-1 is n < 0.104 and for Equation 9-2 is n < 0.092. The value for y should
be determined by reviewing the HEC-RAS cross sections and determining an appropriate representation
of the average flow depth over the structure. If the value for y/D is < 1, then use 1.

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Figure 9-3. Recommended mannings n for flow over B18 to B42 grouted boulders

Using a stepped grouted rock placement and grouting only the lower of the rock on the drop face
creates a significantly higher Mannings n roughness coefficient and, as a result, greater flow depth and
lower velocity, reducing the boulder size needed to have a stable structure. Refer to Section 2.6.3 for
discussion on boulder sizing for GSB drop structures.

2.3.4 Hydraulic Jump Formation

Once the location and geometry of the drop structure cross sections have been determined, the HEC-RAS
model should be evaluated for the design flow under both subcritical and supercritical flow conditions.
To minimize the stilling basin length, it is recommended that the modeled downstream tailwater depth be
great enough to force a hydraulic jump to start near the toe of the drop face. This requires that the
specific force of the downstream tailwater be greater than the specific force of the supercritical flow at the
toe of the drop. The tailwater is modeled by a subcritical water surface (M1 backwater or M2 drawdown
curve) profile analysis that starts from a downstream control point and works upstream to the drop
structure basin. The depth and specific force at the toe of the drop is modeled by a supercritical water
surface (S2 drawdown curve) profile analysis starting at the crest of the drop and running down the drop

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Using the output from the subcritical and supercritical HEC-RAS hydraulic models, calculations should
be completed to verify that the specific force associated with the downstream tailwater is greater than the
specific force of the supercritical flow at the toe of the drop, not only for the design discharge, but for
flows corresponding to more frequent events as well. Specific force can be calculated using equation 9-3
(Chow 1959):

F= + zA Equation 9-3


F = specific force

Q = flow at cross section

g = acceleration of gravity

= distance from the water surface elevation to the centroid of the flow area (A)

A = area of flow

The required tailwater depth is determined using Equation 9-4 (Chow 1959). This equation applies to
rectangular channel sections and should be applied to a rectangular portion of flow within a drop
structure. For irregular (non-rectangular) channel shapes, the designer should apply Equation 9-4 using
the unit discharge within a rectangular segment of the drop crest. Assuming the low-flow channel is
incorporated into the drop crest and this portion of the crest has the largest unit discharge, the rectangular
portion would extend over the bottom width of the low-flow channel. See Section 2.3.6 for additional
discussion on evaluating the conditions in both the low-flow channel and the overbanks.

y2 1
y1 2
1 + 8F12 1 ) Equation 9-4


y2 = required depth of tailwater (also called the sequent depth, in feet)

y1 = depth of water at drop toe, feet (taken from cross section at drop toe, supercritical HEC-RAS

F1 = Froude Number = V1/(gy1)1/2 (based on depth and velocity at drop toe)

The required tailwater depth (y2) is calculated using Equation 9-4. The results of this calculation should
then be compared to the modeled tailwater depth determined in the subcritical HEC-RAS model at the
upstream side of the end sill (channel depth plus Db). The modeled tailwater depth must be greater than
or equal to the calculated required headwater depth for a hydraulic jump to start near the toe of the drop.
If the modeled tailwater depth is less than required, the drop structure geometry must be re-evaluated.
One option is to increase the depth of the stilling basin, thereby increasing the effective tailwater depth
and specific force, and another is to widen the crest of the drop or reduce the depth of the low-flow
channel to produce a smaller unit discharge.

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Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

2.3.5 Hydraulic Jump Length

After the hydraulic jump has been analyzed using the guidelines provided in Section 2.3.4, the jump
length must be calculated. This will aid the designer in determining the appropriate stilling basin length
and the need for additional rock lining downstream of the end sill. The following values are required to
determine the hydraulic jump length:

y2 = required depth of tailwater (feet)

F1 = Froude Number = V1/(gy1)1/2 (based on depth and velocity at drop toe)

The above values are used to determine the length of the hydraulic jump (L) in Figure 9-4. It should be
noted that this figure is for horizontal channels, which is appropriate for most applications in the UDFCD
region. Curves for sloping channels (from 5 to 25%) can also be found in Chow, 1959.

Figure 9-4. Length in terms of sequent depth of jumps in horizontal channels

(Source: US Bureau of Reclamation, 1955)

UDFCD recommends a hard-lined stilling basin (sculpted concrete, grouted boulders, or concrete grout)
that is at least 60% of the hydraulic jump length (L). Extend riprap downstream of the sill and provide
protection for at least the balance of the full hydraulic jump length (see Figure 9-5). Determine riprap
size using the equations provided in the Open Channels chapter for channel lining.

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Figure 9-5. Stilling basin profile

2.3.6 Evaluation of Low-flow Channel versus Overbanks

Review the HEC-RAS model to evaluate the hydraulic conditions in both the low-flow channel and the
overbanks at the crest and 20 to 50 feet upstream of the crest and determine the maximum representative
unit discharge (See Section 2.2.3). Where low-flow drops are used also check the shear velocity in the
overbanks to determine if protection in this area is appropriate.

Use the worst case hydraulic scenario to design the entire drop structure. In most conditions, the low-
flow channel will see the greater unit discharge and velocity and therefore represent the worst case.
HEC-RAS provides output tables to assess the conditions in both the low-flow and overbanks (see Figure

Certain site conditions may warrant a separate evaluation for the low-flow channel and overbanks. In
some cases, the designer may elect to extend the stilling basin longer in the low-flow channel area than
the overbanks; however, in such cases the transition in basin length should be gradual rather than abrupt.

Figure 9-6. Sample HEC-RAS output for cross section located at drop crest

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2.3.7 Evaluate Additional Return Period Flow Rates

Once the design flow rate has been evaluated, assess additional return period flow rates, as appropriate.
For all flows, the actual downstream tailwater should be greater than the tailwater required to force a
hydraulic jump to start near the toe of the drop structure face. When this condition is met for a range of
events a stilling basin length of 60% of the hydraulic jump length should be adequate.

2.3.8 Rock Sizing for Drop Approach and Downstream of End Sill

Calculate the appropriate rock size for the drop approach and downstream of the end sill. The hydraulic
conditions at the approach include the acceleration effects of the upstream drawdown as the water
approaches the drop crest. The area downstream of the end sill is impacted by turbulence generated from
the hydraulic jump. Determine riprap size using the equations provided in the Open Channels chapter for
channel lining. Because normal depth conditions do not exist upstream and downstream of the drop
structure, refer to the HEC-RAS output and use the energy grade line slope (rather than channel slope) to
determine the appropriate riprap size.

Riprap at the approach and downstream of the end sill should be a minimum D50 of 12-inches, or larger as
determined using the channel lining equation in the Open Channels chapter. Use either void-filled or
soil-filled riprap in these areas.

2.4 Seepage Control

2.4.1 Introduction

Subgrade erosion caused by seepage and structure failures caused by high seepage pressures or
inadequate mass are two failure modes of critical concern.

Seepage analyses can range from hand-drawn flow nets to computerized groundwater flow modeling.
Advanced geotechnical field and laboratory testing techniques may be used to confirm permeability
values where complicated seepage problems are anticipated. Several flow net analysis programs are
currently available that are suitable for this purpose. Full description of flow net analysis is beyond the
scope of the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (USDCM) and the user is referred to Cedergren
1967; USBR 1987; and Taylor 1967 for more information and instruction in the use of flow net analysis
techniques. A simplified approach, Lanes Weighted Creep method, is described in Section 2.4.3.

2.4.2 Weep Drains

Install weep drains in all grade control structures greater than 5 feet in net height or as recommended by
the geotechnical engineer. Weep drains assist in reducing the uplift pressure on a structure by providing a
location for groundwater to escape safely through a filter. See Figure 9-10 for a weep drain construction
detail. Weep drains should be placed outside of the low-flow path of the structure and spaced to provide
adequate relief of subsurface pressures.

2.4.3 Lanes Weighted Creep Method

As a minimum level of analysis and as a first order of estimation, Lanes Weighted Creep (Lanes)
Method can be used to identify probable seepage problems, evaluate the need for control measures, and

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roughly estimate uplift forces. It is not as definitive as the flow net analyses mentioned above. Lanes
method was originally proposed by E.W. Lane in 1935. This method was deleted in the 1987 revision of
Design of Small Dams (USBR 1987), possibly indicating greater use of flow net and computer modeling
methods or perhaps for other reasons not documented. Although Lanes method is relatively well
founded, it should be used as a guideline, and when marginal conditions or complicated geological
conditions exist, the more sophisticated flow-net analysis should be used.
The essential elements of Lanes method are as follows:

1. The weighted-creep distance through a cross section of a structure is the sum of the vertical creep
distances, Lv (along contact surfaces steeper than 45 degrees), plus one-third of the horizontal creep
distances, LH (along contact surfaces less than 45 degrees).

2. The weighted-creep head ratio is defined as:

+ LV
CW =
Equation 9-5


CW = creep ratio
HS = differential head between analysis points (ft)

3. Reverse filter drains, weep holes, and pipe drains help to reduce seepage problems, and recommended
creep head ratios may be reduced as much as 10% if they are used.

4. In the case where two vertical cutoffs are used, then Equation 9-6 should be used along with Equation
9-2 to check the short path between the bottom of the vertical cutoffs.

CW 2 =
(LV US + 2 LH C + LV DS )
HS Equation 9-6


CW2 = creep ratio where two vertical cutoffs are used

LV-US = vertical distance on the upstream side of the upstream cutoff (ft)
LV-DS = vertical distance on the downstream side of the downstream cutoff (ft)
LH-C = horizontal distance between the two vertical cutoffs (ft)

5. If there are seepage lengths upstream or downstream of the cutoffs, they should be treated in the
numerator of Equation 9-6 similar to Equation 9-5. Seepage is controlled by increasing the total
seepage length such that CW or CW2 is raised to the value listed in Table 9-3. Soils tests must be
conducted during design and confirmed during construction.

6. The upward pressure to be used in design may be estimated by assuming that the drop in uplift
pressure from headwater to tailwater along the contact line of the drop structure is proportional to the
weighted-creep distance.

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Table 9-3. Lanes weighted creep: Recommended minimum ratios

Material Ratio
Very fine sand or silt 8.5
Fine sand 7.0
Medium sand 6.0
Coarse sand 5.0
Fine gravel 4.0
Medium gravel 3.0
Coarse gravel including cobbles 3.0
Boulders with some cobbles and gravel 3.0
Soft clay 3.0
Medium clay 2.0
Hard clay 1.8
Very hard clay or hardpan 1.6

2.4.4 Foundation/Seepage Control Systems

As a general rule, it is not recommended that groundwater flow cutoffs be installed at the downstream
ends of drop structures. Their presence can cause greater hydraulic uplift forces than would exist without
a downstream cutoff. The design goal is to relieve the hydrostatic pressures along the structure and not to
block the groundwater flow and cause higher pressures to build up.

The hydraulic engineer must calculate hydraulic loadings that can occur for a variety of conditions such
as dominant low flows, flood flows, design flows and other critical loading scenarios. It is recommended
that a geotechnical engineer combine this information with the on-site soils information to determine
foundation requirements. Both engineers should work with a structural engineer to establish final loading
diagrams and to determine and size structural components.

The designer needs to be cognizant of field conditions that may affect construction of a drop structure,
including site water control and foundation moisture and compaction. A common problem is
destabilization of the foundation soils by rapid local dewatering of fine-grained, erosive soils or soils with
limited hydraulic conductivity. Since subsurface water control during construction is so critical to the
successful installation of a drop structure, the designer needs to develop ways to ensure that the contractor
adequately manages subsurface water conditions.

During construction, check design assumptions in the field including the actual subgrade condition with
respect to seepage control assumptions be inspected and field verified. Ideally, the engineer who
established the design assumptions and calculated the required cutoffs should inspect the cutoff for each
drop structure and adjust the cutoff for the actual conditions encountered. For example, if the inspection
of a cutoff trench reveals a sandy substrate rather than clay, then the cutoff trench may need to be
deepened, or a different cutoff type may need to be implemented. Pre-construction soil testing is an
advisable precaution to minimize changes and avoid failures.

Proper dewatering in construction will also improve conditions for construction structures. See Fact
Sheet SM-08, Temporary Diversion Methods, located in Volume 3 of this manual.

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2.5 Detailed Force Analysis

Each component of a drop structure has forces acting upon it that the design engineer should consider.
While a brief summary of these forces is provided in this section, it is beyond the scope of this manual to
provide detailed guidance on the evaluation of these forces. It is the design engineers responsibility to
properly account for potential forces in the drop structure design.

While a detailed force analysis may not be necessary for drop structures developed using the guidelines
presented in the simplified design procedures, the designer may want to check forces acting on a drop
structure. The critical design factors are seepage cutoff and relief and pressure fluctuations associated
with the hydraulic jump that can create upward forces greater than the weight of water and structure over
the point of interest.

In addition to seepage uplift pressure, the designer should also evaluate the following forces on a drop

Shear Stress

Buoyant Weight of Structure

Impact, Drag and Hydrodynamic Lift Forces

Turning Force


Frost Heave

Dynamic Pressure Fluctuations

See Appendix A for additional discussion regarding drop structure force analysis.

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Figure 9-7. Sheet pile cutoff wall upstream of drop

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Figure 9-8. Sheet pile cutoff wall connections between boulders

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Figure 9-9. Concrete or grout cutoff wall upstream of drop

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Figure 9-10. Weep drains

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2.6 Grouted Stepped Boulder Drop Structures

2.6.1 Description

Grouted stepped boulder (GSB) drop structures have gained popularity in the UDFCD region due to close
proximity to high-quality rock sources, design aesthetics, and successful applications. The quality of rock
used and proper grouting procedure are very important to the structural integrity.

To improve appearance, it is recommended that the grouted boulders above the low-flow section and on
the overbanks be covered with local topsoil and revegetated. This material has potential to wash out but
when able to become vegetated, has a more attractive and natural appearance.

2.6.2 Structure Complexity

An enlarged plan view of the structure will be

necessary for all projects. The amount of
detail shown on that plan view will vary
depending on the structure complexity, which
should be determined early in the design

Sample plans for GSB drop structures are

provided in this chapter and are referred to as
either basic or complex. A basic
structure generally has more of a linear shape
with little variation in the step widths and
heights. A complex structure will be non-
linear with more variation, which may result in
Photograph 9-5. Example of stepped downstream face for a
a need for more details and cross sections. It is
grouted boulder drop structure. Note dissipation of energy at
imperative that adequate detail be provided for each step for low flows.
a complex structure to be constructed as

Refer to Figures 9-11 through 9-13 which illustrate the general configuration of a basic GSB drop
structure. These figures include plan view, profile, and cross sections at key locations along the drop
structure. Figure 9-14 provides an example configuration for a complex GSB drop structure, including a
plan view and profile.

2.6.3 Design Criteria

Hydraulic analysis and design of GSB drop structures should be according to Section 2.2 (simplified
design procedures) or Section 2.3 (detailed hydraulic analysis), as appropriate. In addition, the following
guidance also applies to structures constructed of grouted boulders.

Boulder Sizing
Boulder sizing for GSB drop structures constructed using the simplified method can be determined using
Figure 9-1. For drop structures that do not meet the criteria for the simplified design method, the
following procedure should be used to determine boulder size.

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1. If the vertical distance from the drop toe to the drop crest is less than or equal to six feet, determine
the critical velocity for the design flow in both the low-flow channel and the overbanks. This velocity
occurs just upstream of the drop crest. For drop structures up to six feet in height, gradually varied
flow acceleration is considered negligible. If the vertical distance from the drop toe to the drop crest
is greater than six feet, determine the actual velocity at the drop toe using S2 curve drawdown
calculations for the design flow in both the low-flow channel and the overbanks. This can be done
using either the standard step or the direct step method. If a detailed hydraulic analysis has been
completed using HEC-RAS (see Section 2.3), then the actual velocity is provided in the HEC-RAS
output and the critical velocity can be taken from the section just upstream of the drop structure.

2. Calculate rock-sizing parameter, Rp (dimensionless), for both segments of the cross section
(overbanks and in the low-flow channel):

VS 0.17
Rp = Equation 9-7
(S s 1)0.66

V = critical velocity, Vc (for drop structure heights up to six feet) or drawdown velocity at the
toe of the drop (for drop height exceeding six feet)

S = slope along the face of the drop (ft/ft)

Ss = specific gravity of the rock (Assume 2.55 unless the quarry certifies a higher value.)

Note that for drop heights exceeding six feet, Equation 9-7 becomes iterative, since Mannings roughness
coefficient is a function of the boulder size, from Equation 9-1 or 9-2.

3. Select minimum boulder sizes for the cross-section segments within and outside the low-flow channel
cross-section from Table 9-4. If the boulder sizes for the low-flow channel and the overbank
segments differ, UDFCD recommends using only the larger sized boulders throughout the entire
structure. When this is not done, mistakes during construction are more common.

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Table 9-4. Boulder sizes for various rock sizing parameters

Grouted Boulders 1
Rock Sizing
Parameter, Rp
Boulder Classification 2

Less than 4.50 B18

4.50 to 4.99 B18

5.00 to 5.59 B24

5.60 to 6.99 B36

7.00 to 8.00 B48

Grouted to no less than 1/3 the height (+1/- 0), no more than 1/2 (+0/- 1) of boulder height.
See Open Channels chapter.

Grout all boulders to a depth of one-half their height through the approach, sloping face, and basin areas.
Grout should extend near full depth of the rock at the upstream crest and around the perimeter of the
structure where it is adjoining the earth in order to provide stability of the approach channel. See Figure
9-16 for grout placement and material specifications.

Edge Wall
A wall should be constructed that extends roughly 3 feet below the top surface of the structure around the
entire perimeter of the GSB drop structure. See Figure 9-22 for an edge wall detail. An edge wall is
especially necessary for structures designed to convey less than the 100-year flow but is also beneficial
for structures that do span the 100-year flow. The transition between soil and the grouted boulders can
become a problem if not properly addressed during design and construction. Ensure compaction around
the perimeter of the structure and grade this area higher than the structure to promote sheet flow onto the
structure. In addition to the edge wall, in most cases it is recommended that buried riprap be installed
around the perimeter of the structure to reduce the potential for erosion.

Additional Design Guidance

Grouted boulders must cover the crest and cutoff and extend downstream through the stilling basin (when
applicable), or through the embedded toe of the drop structure when a stilling basin is not included. Place
boulders to create a stepped appearance, which helps to increase roughness. Requirements for the riprap
and boulders are specified in the Open Channels chapter.

2.6.4 Construction Guidance

Grouted boulder drop structures require significant construction oversight. During placement of the rock
and construction in general, disturb the subgrade as little as possible to reduce the potential for piping
under the structure. Good subgrade preparation, careful rock placement, and removal of loose materials
will reduce potential piping. Absolutely no granular bedding (or subgrade fill using granular materials)

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should be placed between subgrade and the boulders. This can cause piping. Place boulders directly on
undisturbed subgrade where possible. Where the design requires over excavation and/or fill or where wet
or poor subgrade exists onsite, ensure proper density and compaction. See Division 31 specifications
available at When fill is required it is best to fill and compact to a set elevation (or
sloped surface) and then carve the surface as necessary to place boulders. See figure 9-15 for a
placement detail.

Proper grout placement is needed to both provide overall mass sufficient to offset uplift and reduce piping
under the structure. The greatest risk lies with a sugar-coated grout job, where the grout does not
penetrate the voids fully between the rock and the subgrade and leaves voids below the grout that act as a
direct piping route for water, guaranteeing early failure. Ensure grout thickness set at one-half the
boulder height, but no more than two-thirds the boulder height (except at the crest and around the
perimeter of the structure where the grout should be near grade). Limiting grout thickness also improves
the overall appearance of the grouted boulder structure.

Problems with rock density, durability and hardness are of concern and can vary widely for different
locations. The rock should be inspected at regular intervals to meet minimum physical dimensions,
strengths, durability and weights as defined in the specifications.

As stated earlier, it is important to compact the soil around the perimeter of the structure and leave it
slightly higher than the structure to promote sheet flow onto the structure. If the soil settles, surface
erosion along the edge of the concrete and ultimately structure piping may occur.

Grout used for GSB drop structures shall receive cold or hot weather protection in accordance with the
UDFCD construction specifications (see

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Figure 9-11. Example plan view of basic grouted stepped boulder drop structure

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Figure 9-12. Cross sections of basic grouted stepped boulder drop structure

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Figure 9-13. Cross sections of basic grouted stepped boulder drop structure

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Figure 9-14. Example of complex grouted stepped boulder drop structure

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Figure 9-15. Grouted boulder placement detail

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2.7 Sculpted Concrete Drop structures

Due to increased construction complexity associated
with large vertical drops the scope of this section is
limited to sculpted concrete drops six feet or less.

2.7.1 Description

Concrete faux rock is simply concrete that is

sculpted, carved, textured, and colored to emulate
real rock. In the past, sculpted concrete has been
successfully used for retaining wall type structures Photograph 9-6. Exposed sedimentary rock.
and stream grade control structures. It can be an
aesthetic alternative to grouted boulders in locations
where natural sedimentary rock might be expected.

Geology in the UDFCD region east of the foothills

primarily consists of sedimentary rock, of which
there are five common types including sandstone,
shale, conglomerate, limestone, and claystone.
Claystone can be found in eroded streams where less
dense soils have been washed away. Claystone is
similar to sandstone; however, it is composed of
finer particles. These layers of sedimentary rock
become exposed due to uplift and erosion.

When considering the design for a new sculpted

concrete structure, existing exposed sedimentary
rock in the vicinity of the project should be used for
guidance. Section 2.7.4 provides additional
guidance for determining the appropriate finish for Photograph 9-7. An eroded channel with exposed
sculpted concrete. claystone layers.

2.7.2 Structure Complexity

Early in the design, determine what the expectations are regarding the appearance of the structure. An
enlarged plan view of the structure will be necessary for all projects. The amount of detail shown on that
plan view will vary depending on the complexity of the design.

Note that an overly complex design does not always result in a more aesthetically pleasing structure.
Many quality structures have been constructed using very basic design plans and details. Simplifying the
design can reduce confusion and misinterpretation during construction, and also matches the skill level of
a greater number of potential bidding contractors.

For the purpose of presenting criteria for sculpted concrete drop structures, this manual refers to sculpted
concrete structures as either basic or complex. Structure complexity is generally tied to the following
three items.

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Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

1. Overall structure footprint: Non-linear

shaped structures with varied edge
delineations can be more attractive but require
more detailing.

2. Structure step widths and height: Varied

step widths and heights can improve the
appearance of a structure but also adds
construction complexity. Step widths can
easily be delineated using boundary lines.
Varying step heights requires finish grade
point elevations to be added to the plan. The
quantity of point elevations largely depends
on the amount of desired elevation change.

3. Sloped steps/flat steps: Flat steps can be Photograph 9-8. The first sculpted concrete structure in the
constructed using a single contour or point UDFCD region was along Grange Hall Creek in Northglenn,
elevation. If surface slope is desired, it Colorado. The shape and color was chosen to blend into the
existing landscape which consisted of native grasslands.
becomes beneficial to include slope arrows
and a series of point elevations to identify
portions of the structure that would have a
sloped top surface.

If any of the three items discussed above (non-

linear shape, varied step widths, or sloped steps)
are desired, the proposed structure is considered a
complex structure and the design engineer will
need to prepare a more detailed plan view of the
proposed structure. Figures 9-19 and 9-20 present
an example of such a plan. Note the additional
finished grade point elevations and slope arrows
compared to Figures 9-16 through 9-18, which
provide details for a basic structure. Also
included with the complex structure plan is a
legend and notes with additional information
regarding vegetation beds within the structure and
surface treatment. Further discussion regarding Photograph 9-9. A sculpted concrete drop structure along
these items is provided later, but it is important to Marcy Gulch in Highlands Ranch, CO represents a basic
note that these elements can also be incorporated structure design.
into a simple structure without adding
complexity. None of the figures in this section are intended as typical details but are provided as an
example of the level of detail recommended for this type of design.

2.7.3 Design Criteria

Hydraulic analysis and design of SC drop structures should be according to Section 2.2 (simplified design
guidance) or Section 2.3 (detailed hydraulic analysis), as appropriate. The following also apply to
structures constructed of sculpted concrete.

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Reinforcing Steel
Steel reinforcement is recommended in order to
control temperature and shrinkage cracks. It is
the responsibility of the designer to verify all
structural components of SC drop structures
during the design phase. Figure 9-21 provides
guidance for rebar placement for SC structures
with a flat subgrade and on an undulated
subgrade. Larger walled sections within a
given structure may require additional
evaluation and design.

Edge Wall Photograph 9-10. This drop structure located along Oak Hills
A wall should be constructed that extends Tributary represents a complex design example.
roughly 3 feet below the top surface of the
structure around the entire perimeter of the SC drop structure. See Figure 9-22 for an edge wall detail.
An edge wall is especially important for structures designed to convey less than the 100-year flow but is
also beneficial for structures that do span the 100-year flow. The transition between soil and the sculpted
concrete can become a problem if not properly addressed during design and construction. During
construction ensure compaction of the soil around the perimeter of the structure and grade the area to
sheet flow onto the structure. If the soil settles, surface erosion along the edge of the concrete and
ultimately structure piping may occur. In addition to the edge wall, in most cases buried riprap should be
installed around the perimeter of the structure to reduce the potential for erosion.

Concrete Thickness
The concrete should be a minimum of 10 inches thick. As with the steel reinforcement, it is the design
engineers responsibility to complete a structural analysis to determine adequate concrete thickness for
structure stability. It is preferred that the subgrade be excavated to closely mirror the finished structure
surface, which will allow for the placement of concrete with a consistent thickness. In isolated locations
it may be necessary to thicken the concrete to meet design grades. Ideally the thickened areas should not
exceed 2 feet. Multiple pours of separate layers of concrete over the majority of the structure is not

Concrete versus Shotcrete

Sculpted concrete drop structures can be constructed using either a concrete mix or shotcrete mix. Both
materials are suitable, however designers should be aware that there are advantages and disadvantages for
each (See Table 9-5).

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Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

Table 9-5. Comparison of concrete and shotcrete

Concrete Shotcrete

Handling and placement can be Generally has greater

performed by a large number of general compressive strength and is more
contractors. impervious than concrete.
Can be rapidly placed with the use of a
Can be placed in a uniform and
concrete pump truck, roughly twice as
Advantages consistent manner. Vibrating the
fast as shotcrete. Very large structures
shotcrete is not required.
can be placed as a single pour in 1 day.

Can be placed to create vertical

faces and overhangs.

Care must be taken in the placement of Shotcrete placement is

concrete. Vibrating the concrete is considered specialty type work
recommended in most locations and is performed by a limited
especially on the horizontal sections number of contractors.
and cutoff wall locations. Vibrating Shotcrete placement is slow in
of the vertical steps often causes the comparison to concrete
concrete to slough. placement.
Disadvantages Carving of the vertical steps can only
be performed within a narrow range of Shotcrete structures may be more
water content and curing time. expensive than concrete.
Sometimes the concrete needs to be
excessively worked to build the
vertical faces which can cause
sloughing and cracking. True vertical
faces and overhangs are difficult to
achieve using concrete.

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2.7.4 Decorative Elements (Finishing)

Sculpted concrete finishing refers to modifications intended for visual enhancement. The contractor plays
an important role in the finishing process and making the structure look attractive. When contractor
selection is limited (e.g., the project is open bid), designers must provide adequate finishing guidance and
recommendations on the construction plans.

Finishing is an all-encompassing word that can


Troweling, sculpting, and carving


Top dressing with sand, gravel, cobbles, or other


Vegetation seams, pockets, or beds

Coloring/Staining Photo 9-11. Rock formation with horizontal weathering

and surface erosion. Random pockets of vegetation
Depending on the design objectives, a couple or all create significant interest. Overall color is gray-white
with lichen and other organic surface growth.
of these techniques could be performed on a project.
This section provides an overview and photograph
illustrations of the techniques listed above.

Examples in Nature
An abundance of natural formations exist throughout
the UDFCD region. With minimal observation it
will be noticed that rock formations can vary
significantly even if separated by only a short
distance. Differences in color, surface roughness,
bed angles or strata line angles, and vegetation are
apparent. A photographic log of different
formations can be a valuable resource when
designing, constructing, and finishing sculpted
concrete structures. Photographs 9-11, 9-12, and 9-
13 are of three different natural rock formations all Photo 9-12. Generally horizontal layered rock
found in the UDFCD region. formation. Surface texture varies with small pockets of
vegetation. Overall color is brown with dark staining in
Troweling, Sculpting, and Carving the cracks. Close up view reveals significant granular
Troweling, sculpting, and carving are all terms for the material bedded into the surface.
same general action. The contractor typically uses a
concrete trowel, float, or other tool to shape the concrete and then carve lines, crevices, or cracks that
emulate natural rock features. This requires a contractor with sculpted concrete experience and skill.

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Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

Some of the difficulties that may arise during this

process include the following;

Typically, several concrete finishers will work on

the same structure producing several different
styles of finish treatment within the same
structure. Finishers should work together using
the same general techniques and producing
similar and uniform results.

Proper sense of scale. Finishers perform the work Photo 9-13. Severely uplifted rock formation with
layers standing nearly vertical. Surface texture varies
from an arms reach. At this close range, the within the layers but is mostly smooth. Vegetation
finisher may over-carve the material giving an appears to grow out of the seams, not necessarily from
appearance of a busy and unnatural looking pockets. Overall color is a light chalky tan.
structure when viewed from adistance.

Style selection. There are many different styles

of sculpting and carving that can be performed.
The owner, engineer, and finishers may all have
a different vision.

Photographs can be helpful in developing consensus

between owner, engineer and contractor. Be as
specific as possible with the contractor regarding all
of the structure attributes when reviewing
photographs. It may be preferred to replicate some
characteristics in the photographs and leave out some
of the others. Construction of a test panel of sculpted
concrete before performing the final structures can Photograph 9-14. Subtle carving and shaping can
also be beneficial. A test panel that is approximately often produce the desired results. Notice the single
10 feet by 10 feet is typically adequate in order to horizontal carving that runs through just one of the steps
and is extended into the crest of the structure.
practice overall form as well as some of the detailing. Horizontal carvings on all of the steps would be
If the first panel does not achieve the objectives, excessive and distract from the overall aesthetics.
another should be constructed. This is a better
alternative to practicing and developing techniques
on the structures.

Regarding proper sense of scale, this concern can be addressed by periodically taking time to step away
from the structure and look at it from a more typical viewing distance. This will allow the finishers to see
the structure as a whole.

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Stamping adds surface texture and requires less skill

compared to sculpting and carving. Stamping is most
often performed using texture mats or skins, which are
rubber molds made from real rock surfaces. When the
texture mats are pressed into wet concrete, the concrete
takes the textured surface of the mat. Texture mats are
available with a variety of texture styles and relief. A
liquid or powder release agent should be used to keep
the concrete from sticking to the mats. While texture
mats are created specifically for the purpose of
texturing concrete, an unlimited amount of other
Photograph 9-15. Rubber skin being used to
materials may be used to stamp concrete and create texture a sculpted concrete drop.

unique or desired finishes.

Top Dressing with Sand, Gravel, Cobbles or Other

Top dressing a structure with sand, gravel, or cobbles
adds texture to the surface of sculpted concrete. While
some natural rock formations have a very smooth
surface finish, many contain grains of sand and pebbles
which are cemented together. This is typical of the
sandstone and conglomerate types of sedimentary rock
which are common around the UDFCD region. A
range of materials can be used to produce the desired
effects. Smaller diameter gravels or squeegee work Photograph 9-16. Completed sculpted concrete
well for close viewing of a structure, but if the majority drop structure with loose sand, gravel and cobble
of viewing will be from a distance adding larger size embedded into the surface.
cobble will produce the desired effect. It is important
that the material be pressed into the sculpted concrete
shortly after carving and before the concrete sets.
Additionally, the material should be washed clean and
free of debris to promote bonding to the concrete. The
majority of the material will remain in place over time,
but with freeze-thaw some of it will dislodge. Wetting
the material immediately before placement can help
reduce the percentage of material that will become
dislodged over time.

Photograph 9-17. Small vegetation pockets can

be formed using PVC, lumber, or other items
which are removed shortly before or after the
concrete cures. If removal is planned after the
concrete cures, it is necessary to coat the items
with a lubricant to facilitate removal.

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Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

Vegetation Seams, Pockets or Beds

A characteristic of natural rock formations is that
grasses, shrubs, and trees can be found living in cracks
within the rock. Pairing rock and vegetation helps
make the structure appear natural. However, it can be
difficult to establish vegetation within a concrete
structure. Depending on the stream, dryland vegetation
beds and seams should stay above certain minimum
flood elevations as they wont tolerate frequent
flooding. If placed too low and vegetation does not
become established, this leaves a vulnerable area in the
Photograph 9-18. The surface of the sculpted
structure for piping. A slightly thickened edge of concrete can be depressed to capture and direct
sculpted concrete around the seam or bed is typically rainwater to the vegetation.
adequate. In some cases where flow overtopping is a
more significant concern, toewalls around the perimeter
of the bed or seam may be necessary along with filter
material in the bottom of the bed to guard against
piping. Filter material should not be installed along the
entire structure, but rather at the specific vegetation bed
or seam to reduce the likelihood of piping under the
structure, especially at the crest. Geotextile can be used
for this purpose or a graded filter system could be

Plants do not necessarily need a large bed to be

sustainable. Consultation with an ecologist or other
qualified specialist is recommended both for proper
plant selection and bed construction. For example, a
plant species that thrives on the north facing side of a Photograph 9-19. Grass growth in a vegetation
sculpted concrete structure may not be able to live on the pocket shortly after seeding.
south facing side of the same structure where sunlight
and heat are more intense. Consideration should be
given to the daily amount of sunlight that is anticipated,
reflective and absorptive heat of the sculpted concrete,
and water requirements.

The incorporation of wetland vegetation planting

pockets should also be considered and have a higher
success rate as conditions for wetland vegetation are
favorable within a depressed concrete lined portion of
the structure as long as the stream base flow is routed
through the basin. These planting pockets should be
located outside of the primary energy dissipation area
of the structure. This will allow the plants to develop a
healthy root structure which will hold the plants in
place during large flows.
Photograph 9-20. During the structure subgrade
preparation, vegetation beds and pockets were
delineated and soil was removed. After the sculpted
concrete placement was complete, topsoil was placed
in the beds and seeding and planting was performed.

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There are several construction techniques that can

improve the success of vegetative. These include:

For dryland vegetation, locate the vegetative seams

or beds as high on the structure to reduce the
frequency of inundation. Also, locate the seams or
beds in areas where less turbulent flow will occur.

For dryland vegetation, depress the vegetative beds

or seams slightly and also locally slope the sculpted
concrete surface to direct rainwater to the planting

For wetland vegetation create basin depths roughly

24 to 30 inches and filling the basins with a mixture Photograph 9-21. Incorporating vegetation beds,
of wetland topsoil and riprap to prevent washout pockets and seams into the design of sculpted concrete
structures can effectively enhance the appearance of a
during larger events.
structure. Plant species selection and placement is an
important consideration.
Soften the transition between concrete and the adjacent
native vegetation by implementing multiple techniques
and creating seams, pockets, and beds which move
toward the perimeter of the structure. This can greatly
enhance the overall project appearance. Plant and seed
materials should be evaluated for each location and vary
depending on site conditions. Utilize the services of an
ecologist or other qualified specialist to assist with a
planting scheme and to oversee installation.
Supplemental irrigation may not be necessary.

The simplest method to add color to a structure is to add Photograph 9-22 A sculpted concrete drop structure
color pigment to the concrete mix. A wide variety of with a single color pigment added to the concrete mix.
pigments are general available. The designer should Natural aging and weathering of the structure has
eliminated the monotone color appearance that existed
specify a color based on soil types at the project shortly after construction.
location as they may vary from site to site. For a short
period after concrete placement the structure may appear
to be monotone. This appearance will change over time
as water staining, general aging, and weathering occur.

Photograph 9-23. Large stained concrete rock with a

smaller natural rock on top. The larger rock was the test
panel that the contractor used to develop stain colors to
match the real rock.

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Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

Another method to add color to sculpted concrete is

to apply a stain to the finished and cured concrete
surface. There are several products available
specifically made for concrete. Another acceptable
method is to add water to exterior acrylic latex paint
until it has the consistency of a stain. This allows for
a wide range of available colors. Stains are typically
applied by hand-held bottle sprayers, mechanical
sprayers, and sponges.

If a test panel has already been constructed, use this

panel to practice to develop the desired color scheme.
The process of staining includes layering multiple Photograph 9-24. Stained concrete in foreground with
shades of color. Typically light colored stains are natural rock in the background.
applied first followed by darker accent shades.
Applying a light coat of watered down black stain as
the final coat will create a weathered or aged surface
appearance. As with any finishing technique, the
experience level of the finisher plays a key role in the

2.7.5 Construction Guidance

For sculpted concrete drop structures, concrete is
often placed in a few hours. It is therefore very
important to plan the overall appearance of the
structure well in advance of concrete placement.
Coordinating details with the contractor should occur Photograph 9-25. An example of a skim coat
during subgrade preparation and tying of steel applied to the prepared subgrade.
reinforcement. Construction guidance is provided

Subgrade Preparation. The structure subgrade

should be adequately dewatered prior to the
commencement of excavation or fill. All fill
material should be placed on a minimum 12-inch
depth of stripped, scarified, moisture
conditioned, and compacted subgrade. During
excavation, it is recommended that the contractor
cover the exposed subgrade with blanket to avoid
excessive drying or erosion. If excessive drying
does occur, surface wetting of the soil should be
Photograph 9-26. Spray paint is used on the skim
coat of a sculpted concrete structure prior to concrete
placement to identify the locations for fracture lines and
other features.

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Skim Coat. Keeping steel reinforcement clean can be a challenge. The use of blanketing can help.
Another option is to apply a skim coat (also sometimes referred to as a flash coat). Skim coating
consists of placing approximately 1 to 2 inches of shotcrete on the prepared subgrade. This
alternative can be used with either concrete or shotcrete structures. The use of aggregate to stabilize
or protect the subgrade is not recommended. Skim coating will also protect the subgrade from
weather and provide a clean and stable surface for placing and tying steel.

Concrete Placement. Concrete placement is a quick process. In order to be properly prepared for a
concrete pour, it is important to coordinate the desired finished structure appearance with the
contractor. Example photographs of similar sedimentary rock can be used to help communicate the
desired finish. A test panel or section is recommended when varied textures and finishing will be
incorporated. Another successful approach is to spray paint fracture lines or mark locations on the
subgrade where texturing or features are desired. It is imperative that the contractor have an adequate
number of workers present to place the concrete, survey design grades, trowel and carve the concrete,
as well as perform all other finishing details.

Cautions Associated with Sculpted Concrete Construction

1. Skill and experience on the part of the contractor is recommended to produce an attractive

2. Subgrade excavation/compaction and placement of reinforcing steel must conform to

complex, irregular shapes and slopes within design tolerances.

3. Placing, shaping, and carving of concrete/shotcrete must take place within a narrow range
of water content and a short window of time. This requires planning, favorable weather
conditions, an adequately-sized crew, appropriate pace, and a high degree of organization
on the contractors part.

4. Care needs to be taken to avoid overworking concrete/shotcrete as vertical faces are

shaped and trowelled; otherwise, cracking and sloughing can occur.

5. Inspection and adjustment of grades to meet the design intent must take place during
placement of concrete/shotcrete.

6. Skill is required to shape, carve and stain the exposed surfaces of the sculpted concrete in
an attractive manner that emulates natural rock formations.

7. Special consideration needs to be given to hot and cold weather conditions to ensure
satisfactory finishing and curing of the concrete/shotcrete.

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Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

Figure 9-16. Example plan view of basic sculpted concrete drop structure

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Figure 9-17. Example profiles of basic sculpted concrete drop structure

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Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

Figure 9-18. Example cross sections of basic sculpted concrete drop structure

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Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

Figure 9-19. Example plan view of complex sculpted concrete drop structure

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Figure 9-20. Example detailed view of complex sculpted concrete drop structure

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Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

Figure 9-21. Rebar placement for sculpted concrete drop structures

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Figure 9-22. Structure edge wall details

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Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

2.8 Vertical Drop Structure Selection

2.8.1 Description

Vertical drop structures are discouraged for a

number of safety reasons but can be an effective
tool for controlling grade especially in locations
where it is important to minimize the footprint of
the drop structure and where there is little-to-no
chance of recreation or access by minors. It is
important to note that vertical structures can cause
dangerous hydraulic conditions, including keeper
waves, during wet weather and should be used only
where appropriate. In addition, vertical drop
structures are to be avoided due to impingement Photograph 9-27. Keeping vertical drops small
energy, related maintenance and turbulent hydraulic improves safety during both wet and dry conditions.
potential (ASCE and WEF 1992). Vertical drop
structures should not be used on a channel where
fish passage is a concern. Whenever used, it is recommended that the net drop structure height (upstream
invert to downstream invert) be limited to 2 feet. This will allow for the addition of a 1 foot deep stilling
basin immediately downstream of the crest. Drop structures frequently attract children during dry and
wet conditions. Heights in excess of 3 feet are a falling hazard. In addition, a vertical drop structure
should never be constructed where the design flow exceeds 500 cfs or a unit discharge of 35 cfs/ft.

2.8.2 Design Criteria

The hydraulic phenomenon provided by a Vertical drops are not appropriate

vertical drop structure is a jet of water that where:
overflows the crest wall into a hard basin below.
The jet hits the basin and is redirected Fish passage is needed,
horizontally. With sufficient tailwater, a
hydraulic jump is initiated. Otherwise, the flow Design flow (over the length of the drop)
continues horizontally in a supercritical mode exceeds 500 cfs or a unit discharge of 35
until the specific force of the tailwater is cfs/ft,
sufficient to force the jump. Energy is dissipated
through turbulence in the hydraulic jump. The Net drop height is greater than 2 feet, or
basin immediately downstream of the vertical
wall needs to be sized to contain the supercritical The stream is used for boating or there are
flow and the erosive turbulent zone (see Figure other concerns related to in-channel safety.

1. The design approach uses the unit discharge in the main and low-flow channel to determine
separately the water surface profile and jump location in these zones.

(Chow 1959) presents the hydraulic analysis for the Straight Drop Spillway.

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The drop number, Dn, is defined as:

Dn =
( )
Equation 9-8
gY f3


q = unit discharge (cfs/ft)

Yf = height from the crest to the basin floor
(ft) Drop Number for a Vertical Drop:
g = acceleration of gravity = 32.2 ft/sec2 The drop number, Dn is a function of the
unit discharge and vertical distance
For hydraulic conditions at a point
between the crest of the drop and the basin
immediately downstream of where the nappe
floor. From this value the following can be
hits the basin floor, the following variables are
defined as illustrated in Figure 9-23:
Ld Location of the impingement,
= 4.3Dn0.27
Depth of the pool under the nappe,
Yp Flow depth just downstream of the
= 1.0 Dn0.22
Yf point of impingement,

Sequent depth required to force the

= 0.54 Dn0.425 hydraulic jump
These values are necessary to properly
place boulders (or baffles) for dissipation as
= 1.66 Dn0.27 well as determine the length of the basin.


Yf = height from the crest to the basin floor (ft)

Ld = length from the crest wall to the point of impingement of the jet on the floor or the nappe
length (ft)

Yp = pool depth under the nappe just downstream of the crest (ft)

Y1 = flow depth on the basin floor just below where the nappe contacts the basin (ft)

Y2 = tailwater depth (sequent depth) required to cause the jump to form at the point evaluated (ft)

In the case where the tailwater does not provide a depth equivalent to or greater than Y2, the jet will
wash downstream as supercritical flow until its specific force is sufficiently reduced to allow the
jump to occur. This requires the designer to also check normal depth just downstream of the drop to
ensure that it is equal or greater than Y2.

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Determination of the distance to the hydraulic jump, Dj, requires a separate water surface profile
analysis for the main and low-flow zones (See Section 2.3.6 for additional guidance). Any change in
tailwater affects the stability of the jump in both locations.

The hydraulic jump length, Lj, is approximated as 6 times the sequent depth, Y2. Where tailwater
provides a depth equivalent to or greater than Y2, the design basin length, Lb, includes nappe length,
Ld, and 60% of the jump length, Lj. (The subscripts "m" and "l" in Equations 9-8 and 9-9 refer to the
main and low-flow zones, respectively). Where the tailwater is not sufficient to force the jump at the
point of impingement, the distance from this point to the jump must be added to the basin length in
the below equations.

At the main channel zone:

Lbm = Ldm + 60% (6Y2 m ) Equation 9-9

At the low- flow zone, without boulders to break up the jet:

Lbl = Ldl + 60% (6Y2 l ) Equation 9-10

2. Caution is advised regarding the higher unit flow condition in the low-flow zone. Large boulders and
meanders in the low-flow zone of the basin may help dissipate the jet and may reduce the extent of
armoring downstream along the low-flow channel. When large boulders are used as baffles in the
impingement area of the low-flow zone, the low-flow basin length Lbl, may be reduced, but not less
than Lbm. Boulders should project into the flow 0.6 to 0.8 times the critical depth. They should be
located between the point where the nappe hits the basin and no closer than 10 feet from the basin

3. The basin floor elevation should be designed as depressed or free-draining similar to the stilling basin
for stepped grouted boulder drop structures. A depressed basin adds to the effective tailwater depth
for jump control. The basin is typically constructed of grouted boulders (18-inch minimum). The
stilling basin must be evaluated for seepage uplift (Section 2.4) and other hydraulic forces.

A sill shall be used at the end of the stilling basin to assist in causing the hydraulic jump to form in
the basin. Soil riprap or void filled riprap should be used downstream of the sill to minimize any
local scour caused by the lift over the sill.

4. Caution is advised to avoid boulder placement such that flow impinges the channel side slopes of the

5. Crest wall and footer dimensions should be determined by conventional structural methods.
Underdrain requirements should be determined from seepage analysis.

6. Seepage uplift conditions require evaluations for each use. Thus, seepage analysis should be
completed to provide for control and weight/size of components (see Section 2.4).

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2.8.3 Construction Guidance

Foundation and seepage concerns are critical with regard to the vertical wall. Poor construction and
seepage control can result in sudden failure. The use of caissons or piles can mitigate this effect.
Seepage problems can result in displacement of the vertical wall with no warning. The subsoil condition
beneath the basin is important to ensure that the stilling basin concrete or grouted rock bottom is stable
against uplift pressures.

Periodic inspection is required during the construction of the vertical wall, steel, formwork, concrete
placement and finish, and backfill. Potential problems include foundation integrity, riprap quality control,
water control, and the finish work with regard to architectural and landscape treatments. Formwork, form
ties, and seal coatings can leave a poor appearance if not done properly. Seal exposed to joints of sheet
pile. If the cap is difficult to install, fill under and behind it prior to forming.

The condition of the subgrade and adequate seepage control are both critical with regard to a grouted
boulder basin. There is a tendency to disturb the subgrade during rock placement, leaving a potential
piping route. This should be controlled by good subgrade preparation, careful rock placement, and
removal of loose materials. Absolutely no granular bedding or subgrade fill using granular materials
should be placed under boulders. This can cause piping under the structure. Problems with rock density,
durability and hardness are of concern and can vary widely for different locations. The rock should be
inspected at regular intervals to meet minimum physical dimensions, strengths, durability and weights as
defined in the specifications. Individual boulders should be larger in diameter than the grout layer so that
the contractor and the inspector can verify the grout depth and have grout placed directly to the subgrade.

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Figure 9-23. Vertical drop structure hydraulic system

Figure 9-24. Example vertical drop structure plan

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Figure 9-25. Example vertical drop structure sections

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2.9 Low-flow Drop structures and Check Structures

If a channel has not yet experienced significant erosion and degradation, but is anticipated to potentially
degrade in the future, several approaches have been used to provide a level of reinforcement against
future degradation. One approach is to install a standard drop structure and then backfill it to be mostly
buried in the near term, but ready to handle additional grade difference as the channel invert lowers over
time. Other approaches include:

Low-flow Drop Structures. Low-flow drop structures are small structures designed to provide
control points and establish stable bed slopes within the low-flow channel. Erosion of the low-flow
channel, if left uncontrolled, can cause degradation and destabilization of the entire channel. Low-
flow drop structures must be tied securely into the banks of the low-flow channel and take advantage
of backwater from downstream drop structures to reduce the likelihood of circumventing, also known
as flanking, or end-around erosion as flow converges back to the low-flow channel from the main
channel overbanks below the drop structure. Low-flow drop structures in themselves do not address
erosion potential in the overbank areas outside of the low-flow channel. See the criteria in the Open
Channel chapter when evaluating the stability of the existing channel. Note that the low-flow channel
is referred to as the bankfull channel in other parts of this manual.

Check Structures with follow-up field observation program. A check structure can be constructed
by driving sheet pile to a 10-foot depth and capping it with concrete or filling an excavated narrow
trench (12 minimum width) with concrete (if soil and groundwater conditions permit trenching to a
depth of six feet). Concrete check structures should only be constructed where soils permit
excavation of a narrow trench. Over excavation and formwork are not recommended. Extend the
walls laterally as necessary to contain the 5- to 10-year flow (depending on local criteria), but no less
than 2 feet above the top of the low-flow channel banks to reduce the risk of side cutting. Space
check structures so that there is no more than a 3 foot net drop from the crest of the check to the
projected downstream invert based on the estimated long-term equilibrium slope. Figure 9-26
illustrates sheet piling and concrete check structures and a typical concrete cap for sheet piling check
structures. Additional protection (e.g., soil riprap or void-filled riprap) downstream of the check
structure may be appropriate based scour potential. This can be related to soil type, longitudinal
slope, or other site-specific considerations.

If a local government allows check structures to be used, a follow-up field observation program is
required to identify checks where downstream channel erosion has exposed the face of the check
structure, creating a significant drop in elevation from crest of the check to the elevation immediately
downstream of the check. This vertical distance should not exceed 3 feet. Rehabilitative
maintenance improvements may be necessary to install stable downstream erosion protection and
convert the check to a drop structure (e.g., a grouted stepped boulder drop structure). Soil riprap
placed downstream of the check structure can be used for an interim condition to ensure that a vertical
distance of 3 feet is not exceeded, presenting a fall hazard during dry weather and potentially
increasing the chance of an overly retentive hydraulic during wet weather.

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Figure 9-26. Check structure details (Part 1 of 3)

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Figure 9-27. Check structure details (Part 2 of 3)

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Figure 9-28. Check structure details (Part 3 of 3)

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3.0 Pipe Outfalls and Rundowns

Pipe outlets represent a persistent problem because of concentrated discharges and turbulence that are not
fully controlled prior to the flow reaching this point of transition in an open channel. Too often efforts are
focused on a culvert inlet and its sizing with outlet hydraulics receiving only passing attention. Pipe
design is not complete until adequate attention is paid to the outlet hydraulics and proper stilling of the
discharge flows. Appropriate pipe end treatment and downstream erosion protection at pipe outfalls is
critical to protect the structural integrity of the pipe
and to maintain the stability of the adjacent slope.
Further discussion regarding appropriate treatment at
pipe outfalls is included in the following sections.

The use of rundowns to convey storm runoff down a

channel bank is discouraged due to their high rate of
failure and the resulting maintenance and repair
burden. Instead, a pipe should be used to convey
runoff to a point just above the channel invert
(normally 1 foot for small receiving streams or
ponds, and up to 2 feet for large receiving channels)
with adequate erosion protection at the downstream
end, as described in this section.
Photograph 9-28. Pipe outfalls are recommended over
rundowns due to the high failure rate of rundowns.
3.1 Pipe End Treatment
Pipe end treatment consists of a flared end section,
toe wall, headwall, wingwall or combination of
treatments to protect the outfall from failure and
provide a stable transition from hard to soft
conveyance elements. Further discussion
regarding these treatments follows.

3.1.1 Flared End Sections and Toe Walls

Flared end sections may be installed on both the inlet

and outlet ends of culverts or storm drain systems.
While it is more likely for erosion and scour to occur
on the downstream end, the potential at the upstream
end should not be neglected. Additionally, upstream
protection can help control seepage in the storm
drain trench. Inlet improvements are discussed in
the Culverts chapter and outlet protection is
discussed later in this chapter. Construction of a
concrete toe wall (cutoff) is necessary to protect the
culvert from damage if inlet or outlet protection

Photograph 9-29. Pipe end failure resulting in loss of

the flared end section

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Concrete toe walls may be constructed with a footing and stem wall as shown in Figure 9-29. The footing
is optional for pipes 48 inches or less. The depth of the wall shown in this detail is based on freezing
depth in the UDFCD region. Included is a design table for pipes 18 to 72 inches. The wall length is
specified to allow an approximate 3(H):1(V) final ground slope from the flared-end section invert to the
top outside edge of wall. It is worth noting that for large diameter flared-end sections, the wall lengths
are quite large. It may be advantageous to use a combination headwall/wingwall approach for pipes
larger than 36 inches in diameter or consider incorporating boulders as shown in Figure 9-30. Public
safety should also be evaluated. When designing systems with flared-end sections that are larger than 36
inches in diameter, pedestrian railing may be warranted if public access will occur. If this is the case,
railing can be more easily mounted to a combination headwall/wingwall. Along with the toe wall,
UDFCD encourages the use of two joint fasteners installed between the flared end section and the last
pipe section. The joint fasteners should be installed roughly at the ten oclock and two oclock positions.
Joint fasteners are not necessary for flared end sections on the entrance of culverts or storm drains.

Figures 9-29 and 9-30 may also be used on the inlet end of a culvert or storm drain system. It is the
design engineers responsibility to assess the need for a cutoff wall. Some factors which may encourage
the use of an upstream cutoff include:

The slope of the culvert or storm drain system is steep;

The surrounding subsoils are granular or otherwise susceptible to erosion and/or piping;

The culvert or storm drain system passes beneath a roadway which if washed out, increases the risk to
public safety.

3.1.2 Concrete Headwall and Wingwalls

Concrete headwalls are an acceptable alternative to flared-end sections at pipe inlets and outlets. Figure
9-31 provides design guidance and a headwall design table for the design of a concrete headwall at a pipe
inlet or outlet. When a 3(H):1(V) final ground slope from the pipe invert to the top outside edge of wall is
used, the wall length can become quite long. Headwalls can be paired with wingwalls or boulders in
order to reduce the overall headwall length. For 18 to 36 diameter pipes, headwalls can be paired with
loosely placed boulders as shown in Figure 9-32. The addition of boulders can enhance the appearance of
the end treatment and significantly reduce the wall length.

Storm drain outfalls into large river systems (e.g., the South Platte River) often require special
consideration with respect to the channel bank geometry and base flow water surface elevation. Figure 9-
33 provides general layout information for the construction of a headwall with wingwalls. It is the design
engineers responsibility to evaluate the site conditions and provide final design of headwall, wingwalls,
footings, and reinforcing steel.

On large receiving streams, UDFCD encourages the use of wingwalls that are constructed perpendicular
to the receiving channel centerline (or headwall), thereby reducing the impact to the channel overbanks.
Further discussion regarding structure requirements for outfalls into large river systems can be found in
Section 3.2.4.

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Figure 9-29. Flared end section (FES) headwall concept

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Figure 9-30. Flared end section (FES) headwall with boulders concept

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Figure 9-31. Pipe headwall concept

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Figure 9-32. Pipe headwall with boulders concept

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Figure 9-33. Pipe headwall/wingwall concept

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3.2 Energy Dissipation and Erosion Protection

Local scour is typified by a scour hole produced at a pipe or culvert outlet. This is the result of high exit
velocities, and the effects extend only a limited distance downstream. Coarse material scoured from the
circular or elongated hole is deposited immediately downstream, often forming a low bar. Finer material
is transported farther downstream. The dimensions of the scour hole change due to sedimentation during
low flows and the varying erosive effects of storm events. The scour hole is generally deepest during
passage of the peak flow. Methods for predicting scour hole dimensions are found in the Hydraulic
Design of Energy Dissipators for Culverts and Channels (FHWA 1983 and 2000).

Protection against scour at outlets ranges from limited riprap placement to complex and expensive energy
dissipation devices. Pre-formed scour holes (approximating the configuration of naturally formed holes)
dissipate energy while providing a protective lining to the streambed.

This section addresses energy dissipation and erosion control measures that can be used to minimize or
eliminate local scour at a pipe outlet. The following measures are discussed:

Riprap Apron

Low Tailwater Basin

Grouted Boulders

Impact Basin

In general, all of these measures pose risks to the public. Discourage public access and minimize the risk
of falls at these structures.

Scour and Stream Degradation

Scour is typically found at culvert outlets and other isolated transitional areas within a stream.
Frequently, scour holes fill in with sediment over time only to be reformed during infrequent high

Degradation is a phenomenon that is independent of culvert performance. Natural causes can

produce a lowering of the streambed over time. Contributing factors include the slope of the
stream and the size and availability of the sediment load. Degradation can also be a result of other
constructed features such as upstream detention or increased watershed imperviousness. The
identification of a degrading stream is an essential part of the original site investigation. This
subject is discussed in the Open Channels chapter.

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3.2.1 Riprap Apron

This section addresses the use of riprap for erosion protection downstream of conduit and culvert outlets.
Refer to the Open Channels chapter for additional information on applications for and placement of
riprap. Those criteria will be useful in design of erosion protection for conduit outlets. When
incorporating a drop into the outfall use Figure 9-40 or 9-41.

Rock Size
The procedure for determining the required riprap size downstream of a conduit outlet is outlined in
Section 3.2.3.

Configuration of Riprap Apron

Figure 9-34 illustrates typical riprap protection of culverts at conduit outlets.

Extent of Protection
The length of the riprap protection downstream from the outlet depends on the degree of protection
desired. If it is necessary to prevent all erosion, the riprap must be continued until the velocity has been
reduced to an acceptable value. The acceptable major event velocity is set at 5 ft/sec for non-cohesive
soils and at 7 ft/sec for erosion resistant soils. The rate at which the velocity of a jet from a conduit outlet
decreases is not well known. For the procedure recommended here, it is assumed to be related to the
angle of lateral expansion, , of the jet. The velocity is related to the expansion factor, (1/(2tan)), which
can be determined directly using Figure 9-35 or Figure 9-36, by assuming that the expanding jet has a
rectangular shape:

1 At
Lp = W Equation 9-11
2 tan Yt


Lp = length of protection (ft)

W = width of the conduit (ft, use diameter for circular conduits)
Yt = tailwater depth (ft)
= the expansion angle of the culvert flow


At = Equation 9-12


Q = design discharge (cfs)

V = the allowable non-eroding velocity in the downstream channel (ft/sec)
At = required area of flow at allowable velocity (ft)

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In certain circumstances, Equation 9-11 may yield unreasonable results. Therefore, in no case should Lp
be less than 3H or 3D, nor does Lp need to be greater than 10H or 10D whenever the Froude parameter,
Q/WH1.5 or Q/D2.5, is less than 8.0 or 6.0, respectively. Whenever the Froude parameter is greater than
these maximums, increase the maximum Lp required by Dc or H for circular or rectangular (box)
culverts, respectively, for each whole number by which the Froude parameter is greater than 8.0 or 6.0,

Once Lp has been determined, the width of the riprap protection at the furthest downstream point should
be verified. This dimension is labeled T on Figure 9-34. The first step is to solve for using the results
from Figure 9-35 or 9-36:

= tan 1 Equation 9-13
2(ExpansionFactor )


Expansion Factor = determined using Figure 9-35 or 9-36

T is then calculated using the following equation:

T = 2(Lp tan ) + W Equation 9-14

Multiple Conduit Installations

The procedures outlined in this section can be used to design outlet erosion protection for multi-barrel
culvert installations by replacing the multiple barrels with a single hydraulically equivalent hypothetical
rectangular conduit. The dimensions of the equivalent conduit may be established as follows:

1. Distribute the total discharge, Q, among the individual conduits. Where all the conduits are
hydraulically similar and identically situated, the flow can be assumed to be equally distributed;
otherwise, the flow through each barrel must be computed.

2. Compute the Froude parameter Qi/Dci2.5 (circular conduit) or Qi/WiHi1.5 (rectangular conduit), where
the subscript i indicates the discharge and dimensions associated with an individual conduit.

3. If the installation includes dissimilar conduits, select the conduit with the largest value of the Froude
parameter to determine the dimensions of the equivalent conduit.

4. Make the height of the equivalent conduit, Heq, equal to the height, or diameter, of the selected
individual conduit.

5. The width of the equivalent conduit, Weq, is determined by equating the Froude parameter from the
selected individual conduit with the Froude parameter associated with the equivalent conduit,

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Figure 9-34. Riprap apron detail for culverts in-line with the channel

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Figure 9-35. Expansion factor for circular conduits

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Figure 9-36. Expansion factor for rectangular conduits

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3.2.2 Low Tailwater Basin

The design of low tailwater riprap basins is necessary when the receiving channel may have little or no
flow or tailwater at time when the pipe or culvert is in operation. Figure 9-37 provides a plan and profile
view of a typical low tailwater riprap basin.

By providing a low tailwater basin at the end of a storm drain conduit or culvert, the kinetic energy of the
discharge is dissipated under controlled conditions without causing scour at the channel bottom.

Low tailwater is defined as being equal to or less than of the height of the storm drain, that is:

yt yt
3 or 3


yt = tailwater depth at design flow (feet)

D = diameter of circular pipe (feet)
H = height of rectangular pipe (feet)

Rock Size
The procedure for determining the required riprap size downstream of a conduit outlet is outlined in
Section 3.2.3.

After the riprap size has been selected, the minimum thickness of the riprap layer, T, in feet, in the basin
is defined as:

T = 2D50 Equation 9-15

Basin Geometry
Figure 9-37 includes a layout of a standard low tailwater riprap basin with the geometry parameters
provided. The minimum length of the basin (L) and the width of the bottom of the basin (W1) are
provided in a table at the bottom of Figure 9-37. All slopes in the low tailwater basin shall be 3(H):1(V),

Other Design Requirements

Riprap must be extended up the outlet embankment slope to the mid-pipe level, minimum. It is
recommended that riprap that extends more than 1 foot above the outlet pipe invert be installed 6 inches
below finished grade and buried with topsoil.

Pipe end treatment should be provided in the form of a pipe headwall or a flared-end section headwall.
See Section 3.1 for pipe end treatment options.

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Figure 9-37. Low tailwater riprap basin

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3.2.3 Rock Sizing for Riprap Apron and Low Tailwater Basin

Scour resulting from highly turbulent, rapidly decelerating flow is a common problem at conduit outlets.
The following section summarizes the method for sizing riprap protection for both riprap aprons (Section
3.2.1) and low tailwater basins (Section 3.2.2).

The required rock size may be selected from Figure 9-36 for circular conduits and from Figure 9-37 for
rectangular conduits. Figure 9-36 is valid for Q/Dc2.5 of 6.0 or less and Figure 9-37 is valid for Q/WH1.5 of
8.0 or less. The parameters in these two figures are:

1. Q/D1.5 or Q/WH0.5 in which Q is the design discharge in cfs, Dc is the diameter of a circular conduit in
feet, and W and H are the width and height of a rectangular conduit in feet.

2. Yt/Dc or Yt/H in which Yt is the tailwater depth in feet, Dc is the diameter of a circular conduit in feet,
and H is the height of a rectangular conduit in feet. In cases where Yt is unknown or a hydraulic jump
is suspected downstream of the outlet, use Yt/Dt = Yt/H = 0.40 when using Figures 9-38 and 9-39.

3. The riprap size requirements in Figures 9-38 and 9-39 are based on the non-dimensional parametric
Equations 9-16 and 9-17 (Steven, Simons, and Watts 1971 and Smith 1975).

Circular culvert:

d 50 = 1.2
Equation 9-16
Yt Dc0.3

Rectangular culvert:

0.014 H 0.5Q
d 50 = Equation 9-17

These rock size requirements assume that the flow in the culvert is subcritical. It is possible to use
Equations 9-16 and 9-17 when the flow in the culvert is supercritical (and less than full) if the value of Dc
or H is modified for use in Figures 9-38 and 9-39. Note that rock sizes referenced in these figures are
defined in the Open Channels chapter. Whenever the flow is supercritical in the culvert, substitute Da for
Dc and Ha for H, in which Da is defined as:

Da =
(Dc + Yn ) Equation 9-18

Where the maximum value of Da shall not exceed Dc, and

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(H + Yn )
Ha = Equation 9-19

Where the maximum value of Ha shall not exceed H, and:

Da = parameter to use in place of D in Figure 9-38 when flow is supercritical (ft)

Dc = diameter of circular culvert (ft)
Ha = parameter to use in place of H in Figure 9-39 when flow is supercritical (ft)
H = height of rectangular culvert (ft)
Yn = normal depth of supercritical flow in the culvert (ft)

Figure 9-38. Riprap erosion protection at circular conduit outlet (valid for Q/D2.5 6.0)

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Figure 9-39. Riprap erosion protection at rectangular conduit outlet (valid for Q/WH1.5 8.0)

3.2.4 Outfalls and Rundowns

A grouted boulder outfall or rundown can be used as a means to dissipate energy and provide erosion
control protection. Grouted boulder outfalls are most commonly used in large rivers like the South Platte.
Figure 9-40 provides a plan view and cross section for a standard grouted boulder rundown. See the
grouted boulder drop profiles (A1, A2, and A3) in Figure 9-12 for site specific profile options, (i.e.,
depressed or free-draining basin for use with a stable downstream channel or with no basin for use in
channels subject to degradation). Figure 9-41 provides a plan view of the same structure for use when the
structure is in-line with the channel. Evaluate the following when designing a grouted boulder outfall or

Minimize disturbance to channel bank

Determine water surface elevation in receiving channel for base flow and design storm(s)

Determine flow rate, velocity, depth, etc. of flow exiting the outfall pipe for the design storm(s)

Evaluate permitting procedures and requirements for construction adjacent to large river system.

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The criteria presented in Section 2.6 for grouted boulder drop structures should be used as a reference for
guidance in the design of a grouted boulder outfall. Those criteria for grout depth, side slopes, and
boulder placement also apply to grouted boulder outfalls and rundowns.

Figure 9-40. Boulder outfall detail

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Figure 9-41. Boulder outfall detail (in-line with channel)

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Energy dissipation or stilling basin structures are required to minimize scour damages caused by high exit
velocities and turbulence at conduit outlets. Outlet structures can provide a high degree of energy
dissipation and are generally effective even with relatively low tailwater control. Rock protection at
conduit outlets, as discussed in Section 3.2.1, is appropriate where moderate outlet conditions exist;
however, there are many situations where rock basins are impractical. Reinforced concrete outlet
structures are suitable for a wide variety of site conditions. In some cases, they are more economical than
larger rock basins, particularly when long-term costs are considered. The impact basin is an all-
emcompassing structure that does not require a separate design for the pipe end treatment.

Any outlet structure must be designed to match the receiving stream conditions. The following steps
include an analysis of the probable range of tailwater and bed conditions that can be anticipated including
degradation, aggradation, and local scour.

Use of concrete is often more economical due to structure size or local availability of materials. Initial
design selection should include consideration of a conduit outlet structure if any of the following
situations exist: (1) high-energy dissipation efficiency is required, where hydraulic conditions approach
or exceed the limits for alternate designs (see the Open Channels chapter); (2) low tailwater control is
anticipated; or (3) site conditions, such as public use areas, where plunge pools and standing water are
unacceptable because of safety and appearance, or at locations where space limitations direct the use of a
concrete structure.

Impact Basins for Small Outlets

Figures 9-43 and 9-44 provide design layout for circular outlets up to 48 inches in diameter. Unlike the
Type VI impact basin used for large outlets, the modified basin does not require sizing for flow under
velocities recommended in the Streets, Inlets, and Storm Drains chapter. However, use of this detail is
limited to exit velocities of 18 feet per second or less. For larger conduits and higher exit velocities, it is
recommended that the Type VI impact basin be used.

Impact Basins for Large Outlets

Conduits with large cross-sectional areas are designed for significant discharges and often with high
velocities requiring special hydraulic design at their outlets. Here, dam outlet and spillway terminal
structure technology is appropriate (USBR 1987). Type II, III or VI (USBR nomenclature) stilling
basins, submerged bucket with plunge basin energy dissipators and slotted-grating dissipators can be
considered when appropriate to the site conditions. For instance, a plunge basin may have applicability
where discharge is to a retention pond or a lake. Alternate designs of pipe exit energy dissipators
provided in this chapter can be matched to a variety of pipe sizes, pipe outlet physical configurations, and
hydraulic conditions.

Most design standards for an impact stilling basin are based on the USBR Type VI basin, often called
impact dissipator or conduit outlet stilling basin. This basin is a relatively small structure that is very
efficient in dissipating energy without the need of tailwater. The original hydraulic design reference
(Biechley 1971) is based on model studies. Additional structural design details are provided by
Aisenbrey, et al. 1974; and Peterka 1984.

The Type VI basin was originally designed to operate continuously at the design flow rate. However, it is
applicable for use under the varied flow conditions of stormwater runoff. The USBR Type VI Impact
Basin design configuration is shown in Figure 9-43, which consists of an open concrete box attached
directly to the conduit outlet. The width, W, is a function of the Froude number and can be determined
using Figure 9-46. The sidewalls are high enough to contain most of the splashing during high flows and
slope down to form a transition to the receiving channel. The inlet pipe is vertically aligned with an
overhanging L-shaped baffle such that the pipe invert is not lower than the bottom of the baffle. The end

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check height is equal to the height under the baffle to produce tailwater in the basin. UDFCD modified
this USBR structure to provide a means of draining the structure to improve maintenance conditions and
avoid development of mosquito habitat. Low-flow modifications have not been fully tested to date.
Caution is advised to avoid compromising the overall hydraulic performance of the structure.

Multiple Conduit Entry to an Impact Basin

Where two or more conduits of different sizes outlet in close proximity to each other, a composite
structure can be constructed to eliminate common walls. This can be somewhat awkward since each
basin cell must be designed as an individual basin with different height, width, etc. Where feasible, a
more economical approach is to combine storm drain pipes at a manhole or vault and bring a single,
combined pipe to the outlet structure.

When using the modified Type VI impact basin for two side-by-side pipes of the same size, the two pipes
may discharge into a single basin. In this scenario, increase the width of the basin by a factor of 1.5.
When the flow is different for the two conduits, the width of the basin should be based on the pipe
carrying the higher flow. For the modified impact basin shown in 9-43, add 1/2 D space between the
pipes and to each outside pipe edge when two pipes discharge into the basin to determine the width of the
headwall and extent the width of the impact wall to match the outside edges of the two pipes. The effect
of mixing and turbulence of the combined flows in the basin has not been modeled.

The remaining structure dimensions are based on the design width of a separate basin W. If the two pipes
have different flow, the combined structure is based on the higher Froude number. Install handrails,
access control grating, or a hinged rack around the open basin areas where safety is a concern.

General Design Procedure for Type VI Impact Basin

1. Calculate the Froude number. Determine the design hydraulic cross-sectional area inside the pipe at
the outlet. Determine the effective flow velocity, V, at the same location in the pipe. Assume the
depth of flow (D), is equal to the square root of the flow area inside the pipe at the outlet.

Froude number =
(gD )1/ 2
2. The entrance pipe should be placed horizontally at least one pipe diameter equivalent length upstream
from the outlet. For pipe slopes greater than 15 degrees, the horizontal length should be a minimum
of two pipe diameters.

3. Determine the basin width, W, by entering the Froude number and effective flow depth into Figure 9-
40. The remaining dimensions are proportional to the basin width according to Figure 9-39. The
basin width should not be oversized since the basin is inherently oversized for less than design flows.
Larger basins become less effective as the inflow can pass under the baffle.

4. Structure wall thickness, steel reinforcement, and anchor walls (underneath the floor) should be
designed using accepted structural engineering methods. Note that the baffle thickness, tb, is a
suggested minimum. It is not a hydraulic parameter and is not a substitute for structural analysis.
Hydraulic forces on the overhanging baffle may be approximated by determination of the hydraulic
jet force at the outlet:

Fj = 1.94 Vout Q (force in pounds) Equation 9-20

Q = maximum design discharge (cfs)
Vout = velocity of the outlet jet (ft/sec)

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

5. Type M soil riprap or void-filled riprap should be provided in the receiving channel from the end
check to a minimum distance equal to the basin width.

Figure 9-42. Impact stilling basin for pipes smaller than 18 in diameter

(Source: City and County of Denver 2006)

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

Figure 9-43. Modified impact stilling basin for conduits 18 to 48 in diameter (Part 1 of 2)

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

Figure 9-44. Modified impact stilling basin for conduits 18 to 48 in diameter (Part 2 of 2)

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

Figure 9-45. UDFCD modified USBR type VI impact stilling basin (general design dimensions)

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

Figure 9-46. Basin width diagram for the USBR type VI impact stilling basin

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

3.2.5 Rundowns

Rundowns are used to convey storm runoff from the bank of a channel to the invert of an open channel.
Rundowns can also convey runoff from streets and parking lots into channels or storage facilities. The
use of rundowns is discouraged due to their high rate of failure which results in unsightly structures that
become a maintenance burden. The preferred alternative is to spread flows over the embankment using a
level spreader. See the Grass Buffer Fact Sheet located in Chapter 4 of Volume 3 for guidance on level
spreaders. If the flow is too great to be distributed and conveyed down the slope of an open channel, a
pipe should be used in place of a rundown with adequate erosion protection at the downstream end.

In the case when a rundown is the only viable option, then the following design criteria should be used.

Design Flow
The rundown should be designed to carry the full design flow of the tributary area upstream (see Runoff
chapter), or 1 cfs (assuming critical depth) with freeboard, whichever is greater.

Cross Section
The rundown should be constructed with a concrete (grout) invert with grouted boulder edge treatment.
A minimum of 1 foot of freeboard should be provided from the calculated design flow depth to the top of
the grouted boulders. Riprap and soil riprap rundowns frequently fail and are highly discouraged.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

Appendix A. Force Analysis for Grade Control Structures

Each component of a drop structure has forces acting upon it that require evaluation. This section
describes the general forces, with the exception of forces on riprap for which the reader is referred to
Isbash 1936; Oliver 1967; Smith 1975; Smith and Strung 1967; Stevens 1976; Taggart 1984; Abt 1986
and 1987; WittIer and Abt 1988; Maynord and Ruff 1987; Richardson 1988; and LSA 1986 and 1989. It
is worth noting that the boulders are subject to all of the usual forces plus the hydrodynamic forces of
interflow through voids and related pressure fluctuations. A complete presentation of forces acting on
riprap and boulders is not presented herein. Forces are described here, as they would apply to sloping
grouted boulder and reinforced concrete drop structures.

The various criteria for structural slab thicknesses given for each type of drop structure have generally
taken these forces into consideration. It is the users responsibility to determine the forces involved.
Five location points are of concern. Point 1 is downstream of the toe, at a location far enough
downstream to be beyond the point where the deflection (turning) force of the surface flow occurs. Point
2 is at the toe where the turning force is encountered. Point 3 is variable in location to reflect alternative
drain locations. When a horizontal drain is used, Point 3 is at a location where the drain intercepts the
subgrade of the structure. Point 4 is approximately 50% of the distance along the drop face. Point 5 is at
a point underneath the grout layer at the crest and downstream of the cutoff wall.

Point 3 is usually the critical pressure location, regardless of the drain orientation. In some cases, Point 1
may also experience a low safety factor when shallow supercritical flow occurs, such as when the jump
washes downstream.

Seepage uplift is often an important force controlling structure stability. Weep drains, the weight of the
structure, and the water on top of the structure counteract uplift. The weight of water is a function of the
depth of flow. Thus, greater roughness will produce deeper flow resulting in greater weight.

Shear Stress
The normal shear stress equation is transformed for unit width and the actual water surface profile by
substituting Se, the energy grade line slope for So, the slope of the drop face.

= yS e Equation A-1


= shear stress (lbs/ft2)

= specific weight of water (lbs/ft3)
y = depth of water at analysis point (ft)

Buoyant Weight of Structure

Each design should take into consideration the volume of grout and rock or reinforced concrete and the
density of each. In the case of reinforced concrete, 150 pounds per cubic foot can be used as the specific
weight (or 88 pounds per cubic foot net buoyant weight). Specific weight of rock is variable depending
on the nature of the material.

9-96 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 9 Hydraulic Structures

Impact, Drag and Hydrodynamic Lift Forces

Water flowing over the drop will directly impact any abrupt rock faces or concrete structure projections
into the flow. Technically, this is considered as a type of drag force, which can be estimated by equations
found in various references. Impact force caused by debris or rock is more difficult to estimate because
of the unknown size, mass, and time elapsed while contact is made. Therefore, it is recommended that a
conservative approach be taken with regard to calculating water impact (drag force), which generally will
cover other types of impact force. Specialty situations, where impact force may be significant, must be
considered on an individual basis. In addition, boulders and riprap are subject to hydrodynamic lift forces
(Urbonas 1968) that are caused by high velocities over the top of the stones and the zones of separation
they create, resulting in significant reduction in pressure on the top while hydrostatic pressure remains
unchanged at the stones bottom.

Turning Force
A turning force impacts the basin as a function of slope change. Essentially, this is a positive force
countering uplift and causes no great stress in the grouted rock or reinforced concrete. This force can be
estimated as the momentum force of the projected jet area of water flowing down the slope onto the
horizontal base and calculating the force required to turn the jet.

With net vertical weight, it follows that there would be a horizontal force resisting motion. If a friction
coefficient of 0.5 is used and multiplied by the net weight, the friction force to resist sliding can be

Frost Heave
This value is not typically computed for the smaller drop structures anticipated herein. However, the
designer should not allow frost heave to damage the structure and, therefore, frost heave should be
avoided and/or mitigated. In reinforced concrete, frost blankets, structural reinforcing, and anchors are
sometimes utilized for cases where frost heave is a problem. If gravel blankets are used, then the seepage
and transmission of pressure fluctuations from the hydraulic jump are critical.

Seepage Uplift Pressure

As explained previously, uplift pressure and seepage relief considerations are critical to structural stability
and usually of greater concern than the forces described above. There can be troublesome pressure
differentials from either the upstream or downstream direction when there is shallow supercritical flow on
the drop face or in the basin. One may consider an upstream cutoff to mitigate this problem. Weep
locations with proper seepage control may be provided. For high drop structures (i.e., > 6 feet), more
than one row of weep holes may be necessary.

A prudent approach is to use a flow net or other type of computerized seepage analysis to estimate
seepage pressures and flows under a structure.

Dynamic Pressure Fluctuations

Laboratory testing (Toso 1986; Bowers and Toso 1988) has documented that the severe turbulence in a
hydraulic jump can pose special problems often ignored in hydraulic structures. This turbulence can
cause significant positive and negative pressure fluctuations along a structure.The key parameter is the
coefficient of maximum pressure fluctuation, Cp-max, which is in terms of the velocity head of the
supercritical flow just upstream of the jump:
C p max = Equation A-2

2 g
January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 9-97
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

P = pressure deviation (fluctuation) from mean (ft)
Vu = incident velocity (just upstream of jump) (ft/sec)
g = acceleration of gravity (ft/sec2)

Effectively, CP is a function of the Froude number of the supercritical flow. The parameter varies as a
function of X, which is the downstream distance from the beginning of the jump to the point of interest.
Table 9-6 presents recommended Cp-max positive pressure values for various configurations. When the
Froude number for the design case is lower than those indicated, the lowest value indicated should be
used (do not reduce on a linear relationship) for any quick calculations. The values can be tempered by
reviewing the Cp graphs, a few of which are given in Figures A-1 and A-2. Note that the graphs are not
maximum values but are the mean fluctuation of pressure. The standard deviation of the fluctuations is
also indicated, from which the
recommended Cp-max values were derived. Dynamic Pressure Fluctuation Example

Figure A-1 illustrates positive and A good example of this is when an entire sloping face of a
negative pressure fluctuations in the drop is underlain by a gravel seepage blanket. The gravel
coefficient, Cp, with respect to the could be drained to the bottom of the basin or other
location where the jump begins at the toe. locations where the jump will occur. In such a case, the
Figure A-2 presents the positive pressure positive pressure fluctuations could be transmitted directly
fluctuation coefficient where the jump to the area under the sloping face, which then could
begins on the face. destabilize the structure since there would not be sufficient
weight of water over the structure in the area of shallow
For the typical basin layouts given and supercritical flow.
where the drains are at the toe and
connect directly to the supercritical flow,
these pressure fluctuations should not be of great concern. However, when drains discharge to the jump
zone and could transfer pressure fluctuations to areas under supercritical flow, pressure fluctuations are of

Table 9-6. Nominal limit of maximum pressure fluctuations

within the hydraulic jump (Toso 1986)
Jump Condition Froude Suggested
Number Maximum Cp
0 slope, developed inflow (boundary layer has reached surface) 3.0 1.0
30 slope, toe of jump at base of chute1 3.8 0.7
30 slope, toe of jump on chute1 3.3 0.8
Velocity head increased by elevation difference between toe of jump and basin floor, namely, depth at the drop toe.

Overall Analysis
All of the above forces can be resolved into vertical and horizontal components. The horizontal
components are generally small (generally less than 1 psi) and capable of being resisted by the weight of
the grout, rock, and reinforced concrete. When problems occur, they are generally the result of a net
vertical instability.

9-98 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
The overall (detailed) analysis should include reviews of the specific points along the drop structure and
the overall drop structure geotechnical and structural stability. All steps of this detailed analysis are not
necessary for design of drop structures along modest capacity grass-lined channels, provided that the
design is developed using the guidelines and configurations presented in the following simplified analysis
approach section and that other USDCM criteria are met. The critical design factors are seepage cutoff
and relief and pressure fluctuations associated with the hydraulic jump that can create upward forces
greater than the weight of water and structure over the point of interest. Underflow can easily lift a major
slab of rock and grout and, depending upon the exposure, the surface flow could cause further weakening,
undermining, or displacement. Generally, a 30-pound net downward safety allowance should be
provided, and 60 pounds is preferred. An underdrain is generally needed to prevent hydrostatic uplift on
the stones.

Figure A-1. Coefficient of pressure fluctuation, Cp, at a hydraulic jump

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document.-A

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 9-99

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Hydraulic Structures Chapter 9

Figure A-2. Coefficient of pressure fluctuation, Cp, normalized for consideration of slope and jump
beginning slope

9-100 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10
Stream Access and Recreational Channels
1.0 Introduction and Overview ............................................................................................................. 1

2.0 Public Safety Project Review .......................................................................................................... 2

3.0 Shared-Use Paths Adjacent to Streams .......................................................................................... 4

3.1 Path Use .................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Frequency of Inundation ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Path Geometry........................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Typical Sections ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.3.2 Use of Rails, Curb Rails, and Rumble Strips ................................................................................ 8
3.3.3 Path Overtopping Protection ....................................................................................................... 12
3.3.4 Vertical Clearance in an Underpass ............................................................................................ 13
3.3.5 Sight Distance ............................................................................................................................. 14
3.4 Path Drainage .......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Cross Drainage ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.4.2 Pumped Systems ......................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.3 Paths Adjacent to Walls .............................................................................................................. 19
3.5 Path Underpasses .................................................................................................................................... 19
3.5.1 Path Underpass through a Bridge ................................................................................................ 20
3.5.2 Path Underpass in a Culvert ........................................................................................................ 20
3.5.3 Floodwalls ................................................................................................................................... 20
3.5.4 Culvert Geometry........................................................................................................................ 21
3.5.5 Lighting ....................................................................................................................................... 21
3.5.6 Underpass Drainage .................................................................................................................... 22
3.6 Stream Crossings ..................................................................................................................................... 23
3.6.1 Crossing Type and Materials ...................................................................................................... 24
3.6.2 Placement .................................................................................................................................... 24
3.6.3 Equestrian Crossings ................................................................................................................... 28
3.7 Material Selection ................................................................................................................................... 29
3.7.1 Stabilized Rock and Reinforced Grass Paths .............................................................................. 29
3.7.2 Crusher Fines .............................................................................................................................. 30
3.7.3 Asphalt ........................................................................................................................................ 30
3.7.4 Concrete ...................................................................................................................................... 31
3.7.5 Proprietary Surfaces .................................................................................................................... 31

4.0 In-Channel Safety........................................................................................................................... 32

4.1 Recreational and Boatable Channels ....................................................................................................... 33
4.1.1 Recreational Channels................................................................................................................. 33
4.1.2 Boatable Channels....................................................................................................................... 34
4.2 Glossary of Related Terms ...................................................................................................................... 36
4.3 Minimum Criteria.................................................................................................................................... 39
4.4 Design Considerations for Structures and Features ................................................................................. 40
4.4.1 Pinning and Overhead Obstructions ............................................................................................ 40
4.5 Drop Structures ....................................................................................................................................... 41
4.5.1 Overly-Retentive Hydraulic Jump .............................................................................................. 42
4.5.2 Design Approach ........................................................................................................................ 47

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 10-i

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
4.5.3 Retrofitting Existing Structures .................................................................................................. 49
4.5.4 Integral Roughened Channel Fish Passage ................................................................................. 49
4.5.5 Supplemental Guidance for Drop Structures .............................................................................. 51
4.6 Bridge Piers or other Steep-Sided Structures .......................................................................................... 51
4.7 Access and Portages ................................................................................................................................ 52
4.8 Safety Signage ........................................................................................................................................ 55
4.9 Maintenance Considerations ................................................................................................................... 56

5.0 References ........................................................................................................................................ 57

Table 10-1. Frequency of inundation criteria summary ............................................................................... 6
Table 10-2. Edge treatment criteria summary .............................................................................................. 9
Table 10-3. Path geometry criteria summary ............................................................................................. 13

Figure 10-1. Thickened edge detail ............................................................................................................ 12
Figure 10-2. Rumble strip detail ................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 10-3. Typical path sections 1, 2, and 3. .......................................................................................... 16
Figure 10-4. Path section with rumble strip ............................................................................................... 17
Figure 10-5. Path section with rail ............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 10-6. Path section with vertical barriers on both sides ................................................................... 18
Figure 10-7. Path underpass sections ......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 10-8. Typical low-flow crossing ..................................................................................................... 25
Figure 10-9. Crusher fines path section...................................................................................................... 30
Figure 10-10. Concrete path section........................................................................................................... 31
Figure 10-11. Zones of operation ............................................................................................................... 32
Figure 10-12. Overly-retentive currents at a hydraulic jump ..................................................................... 44
Figure 10-13. Forms of a hydraulic jump at an abrupt drop ...................................................................... 45
Figure 10-13. Forms of a hydraulic jump at an abrupt drop (continued) ................................................... 46

10-ii Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

1.0 Introduction and Overview

When channels are readily accessible to the public, public safety must be a primary design objective. The
term recreational channels refers to all open channels that are readily accessible to the public. The
planning, design, and construction of recreational channels should provide safe public access and use to
all accessible areas. Unintended entry into the water by the public should also be considered during the
planning and design phase. This chapter is relevant to virtually all open channels in urban areas and is
largely focused on safety.

This chapter provides criteria and guidance for design of special structures, such as drop structures and
pedestrian crossings, as well as larger scale considerations such as egress and signage for the length of a
reach. It covers design of shared use paths, equestrian trails, low-flow crossings, underpasses, cross
drainage and other considerations specific to paths adjacent to streams. This chapter also provides criteria
for recreation channels that are also considered to be boatable.

Boatable channels represent a subset of recreational channels. Channels should be planned and designed
to address public safety issues related to this use when they are considered to be boatable or this use is
planned for the future or when the channel is classified by the Colorado Water Quality Control
Commission as having existing or potential primary contact use.

Some boatable channel criteria may also be appropriate for recreational channels where boating does not
typically occur. The degree of this consideration will depend on issues such as:

Level of activity around the waters edge both for current conditions and anticipated future uses,

Frequency and range of flows within the recreational channel, and

Potential consequences of accidentally falling into the water (low water and high water conditions).

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 10-1

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

2.0 Public Safety Project Review

As an increasing number of design professionals and developers promote the natural and beneficial
functions of the floodplain, encouraging passive recreation in the floodplain and drawing people toward
the waters edge, public safety becomes even more critical. This chapter focuses largely on to public
safety issues, providing detailed criteria in Sections 3.0 and 4.0 for areas designed for some level of use
by the public. This section, including the inset on the next page, is intended to identify when a
comprehensive public safety review for a project is recommended and to guide the engineer and owner on
key public safety issues. The safety criteria provided in the inset are additional to criteria provided in
Sections 3.0 and 4.0 of this chapter. The Public Safety Guidance for Urban Stormwater Facilities (ASCE
2014) is also a good resource for public safety.

Although the engineer should consider public safety throughout the design process, the following siting
and design components should trigger a comprehensive project review for public safety:

Projects in densely populated areas and with populations that may require specific site requirements
(e.g., high populations of children or elderly);
Projects adjacent to schools, playgrounds, or within a public park;
Projects designed with the intent to draw the public toward water,
Drop structures taller than 3 feet from crest to stilling basin floor,
Vertical drop structures of any height,
Walls (including boulder walls and channel edging) exceeding 3 feet,
Channel side slopes steeper than 4:1,
Detention basins and outlet structures,
Retention ponds and outlet structures,
Inlets to storm drains and long culverts,
Below grade paths, and
Low-flow crossings.

The following considerations may be helpful when conducting this review:

At what locations and with what frequency might a person become trapped by flood water?
At what locations could signage be beneficial to public safety?
What dry weather and wet weather risks exist in the project area?
What locations present potential fall hazards during dry weather, wet weather, or when snow or ice is
Do maintenance personnel have safe access to all required areas?
How will channel degradation impact safety associated with various elements of the project?

10-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels
Public safety criteria found elsewhere in the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (USDCM):

From the Open Channels Chapter:

Channel side slopes steeper than 2.5H:1V are considered unacceptable under any circumstances
because of stability, safety, and maintenance considerations.

From the Hydraulic Structures Chapter:

Drop faces should have a longitudinal slope no steeper than 4(H):1(V). The formation of overly
retentive hydraulics is a major drowning safety concern when constructing drop structures.
Longitudinal slope, roughness and drop structure shape all impact the potential for dangerous

When designing [underground conveyance] systems with flared-end sections that are larger than 36
inches in diameter, pedestrian railing may be warranted if public access will occur. If this is the case,
railing can be more easily mounted to a combination headwall/wingwall.

It is important to note that vertical [drop] structures can cause dangerous hydraulic conditions,
including keeper waves, during wet weather and are generally discouraged. In addition, vertical drop
structures are to be avoided due to impingement energy, related maintenance and turbulent hydraulic
potential (ASCE and WEF 1992).

Vertical drops are not appropriate where fish passage is needed, design flow (over the length of the
drop) exceeds 500 cfs or a unit discharge of 35 cfs/ft, net drop height is greater than 2 feet, or the
stream is used for boating or there are other concerns related to in-channel safety.

From the Culverts and Bridges Chapter:

Based on UDFCD investigations of culvert and storm drain deaths, safety grating should be required
when any of the following conditions are or will be true:

It is not possible to see daylight from one end of the culvert to the other,
The culvert is less than 42 inches, or
Conditions within the culvert (bends, obstructions, vertical drops) or at the outlet are likely to trap
or injure a person.

From the Storage Chapter:

The use of retaining walls within detention basins is generally discouraged due to the potential
increase in long-term maintenance access and costs as well as concerns regarding the safety of the
general public and maintenance personnel. Where walls are used, limit the length of the retaining
walls to no more than 50 percent of the basin perimeter. Also, consider potential fall hazards
associated with pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles in determining the appropriate treatment between a
sidewalk, path, or roadway and the top of the wall. Considerations include distance from the public to
the wall, curvature of the path or roadway, single or terraced walls, and volume of traffic.

Potential solutions include dense vegetation, seat walls, perimeter fencing, safety railing and guardrail.
In some cases walls less than 2 feet will warrant a hard vertical barrier; in other cases a 3 foot wall
may be the point at which this barrier is appropriate. Check requirements of the local jurisdiction.
UDFCD recommends providing a hard vertical barrier in any location where walls exceed 3 feet.

It should also be noted that retention ponds pose a greater risk to the public compared to detention
basins and should be evaluated for unintentional entry by the public.

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 10-3

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

Additional Resources for Path Design

3.0 Shared-Use Paths Adjacent to
Streams AASHTO Guide for the
Development of Bicycle Facilities
This section provides guidance for shared use paths and
equestrian trails, low-flow crossings, underpasses, cross National Trails Training
drainage, and other considerations specific to paths adjacent Partnership website
to streams. Paths are an integral part of recreational
NACTO Urban Bicycle Design
channels, providing access for the public and channel
maintenance. Paths are typically also part of the active
conveyance area for the channel during a flood. When
available, adhere to local jurisdiction shared-use path design
criteria in addition to this section. The AASHTO Guide for Iowa Water Trails Toolkit, Iowa
Development of Bicycle Facilities is also an excellent Department of Natural Resources
reference and guidance and conformance to these criteria is FHWA Designing Sidewalks and
frequently required for federally funded projects. Where Trails for Access
criteria conflict, adhere first to local jurisdiction criteria,
then this manual, followed by the AASHTO guide (when FHWA Evaluation of Safety,
appropriate). Design, and Operation of Shared-
Use Paths
3.1 Path Use
Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)
Paths are often constructed along streams to provide access Accessibility Standards
for maintenance vehicles. However, if public access is
provided to the path, it should be assumed that the path will Americans with Disability Act
be used by the public. For this reason, it is important to (ADA) Standards for Accessible
design paths with the health, safety, and welfare of the Design
public as a primary design objective. It is also important to
evaluate when it is appropriate for a path to conform to
accessibility criteria. Accessibility is a requirement for all
paths described in this section with few exceptions (e.g., a gated section of path not intended for any
public use). Depending on the design, users may include bicyclists, pedestrians, runners, equestrians, dog
walkers, people with baby carriages, people in wheelchairs, skate boarders, and others. Not all paths will
be designed for all of these users, but the following can be considered when determining type of use of
the path:

Does this segment of path fit into an existing master plan where use has been determined?

What connections are made with the path? Who are the likely users?

How can the path best provide continuity between its connection points? Alternating segments (in
regard to intended use, material, or geometry) should be minimized.

Determining the expected types of path users expected will help in establishing geometry, selecting
construction materials and techniques, and understanding safety considerations.

10-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

3.2 Frequency of Inundation

The frequency of inundation is one of the most

important considerations for the design of a path
adjacent to a stream. This criterion directly
affects safety and maintenance and frequently
impacts cost, conveyance capacity, and the users
path experience. Less frequent inundation is
better from a safety and maintenance perspective.
The public safety threat is especially high in
channels susceptible to flash flooding and where
egress from the channel section is limited (e.g.,
walled channels). Frequently inundated paths also
require more frequent maintenance due to
Photograph 10-1. Frequently inundated channels pose a
sediment deposit on the path surface and erosion at high threat to public safety, especially in a walled channel
the path edges. where water can rise rapidly and egress is limited.

Removal of sediment after runoff events typically

involves collection and disposal of sediments.
Washing the sediment back into the channel
would violate typical MS4 permit requirements.
Additionally, sediment deposition between the
channel and the path can impede drainage away
from the path and result in water or ice on the
path. Paths constructed with new channel or
roadway improvements should be constructed
above the 5-year water surface elevation or
higher. For highly used paths an elevation above
the 10-year water surface elevation is preferred.

For a retrofit project, the same standards should

be met when practical; however, existing
conditions may not allow this for the entire length
of the path. In this case UDFCD strongly Photograph 10-2. Sediment frequently accumulates under
recommends that the design elevation remain crossings. Frequently inundated paths collect sediment and
above the 2-year water surface elevation at all are maintenance-intensive.
locations. Changes in channel section can occur
over time resulting in the increased frequency of overtopping in the future. For this reason, it is also good
practice to set the surface of the path a minimum of two feet above the estimated base flow elevation.
When existing conditions do not allow for a path elevation meeting either of these two criteria, consider
alternative alignments.

Exceptions to the above criteria may be appropriate in the area of a low-flow stream crossing where the
crossing could be designed to pass up to a 2-year event before overtopping. This should be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis taking into consideration frequency of use and the importance of the crossing as a path
connection component. Benefits of constructing a low-flow crossing include conserving flood capacity
for higher flows, improving user experience by bringing the user in closer contact with the stream, and
potentially eliminating railing that could otherwise catch debris, become a maintenance issue, and further
impact the floodplain. However, low-flow crossings have attendant safety risks of their own. See Section
3.6 for additional guidance on stream crossings.

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 10-5

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

Underpasses, where users frequently seek shelter in a storm event, present a more critical case for public
safety as it relates to frequency of inundation. If the geometry of the surrounding area and configuration
of the underpass combine to allow the user to see the water and seek higher ground, more frequent
inundation may be acceptable. See Section 3.4 for additional guidance on underpasses.

Frequency of inundation criteria for paths is summarized in Table 10-1. Further discussion specific to
path underpasses and stream crossings is provided in Sections 3.4 and 3.5.

Table 10-1. Frequency of inundation criteria summary

Elevation Minimum
(when Elevation
Path Type Other Considerations
practicable) (water surface
(water surface elevation)

Stream Crossings 2 to 5-year 2-year

Bridge Underpass 5-year 2-year

Culvert Underpasses less The user should be able to see when

5-year 2-year
than 100 feet in length water is rising and climb to safety.
Culvert Underpasses The culvert should be straight. The
greater than 100 feet in 10-year 5-year user should be able to see when water
length is rising and climb to safety.
Elevating the path to the 10-year
All Other Locations (New) 10-year 5-year
WSE is preferred.

All Other Locations Where practicable also elevate the

5-year 2-year
(Retrofit) path two feet above the baseflow.

10-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

Trail Conflict Points

3.3 Path Geometry
Trail conflict points include underpasses,
3.3.1 Typical Sections trail intersections, blind corners, areas with
steep grade and other locations where an
The minimum recommended width for a path that accident between users is more likely to
facilitates light maintenance vehicles is ten feet. A occur.
reduced width typically results in edge damage
from maintenance vehicles. This is also consistent These areas require special consideration.
with AASHTOs width recommendations for two- Depending on the scenario, the following
directional shared-use paths. In many cases it may could be added to reduce the probability of
be desirable to increase the width to 12 or even 14 or resulting damage from an incident:
feet to accommodate conflict points or when high
volumes of users are anticipated. In very high-use Railing
areas multiple treads allow separation of uses that
might conflict. An example of this is where the Yellow Striping (indicating separation
South Platte River path meets that of Cherry between two-directional users)
Creek. Within Confluence Park, users on foot and
those on wheels are split on either side of the Increased trail width
water. In the extremely high use area of
Confluence Park where different users are not
separated, the path is widened to 14 feet and all Wide-angle Mirrors
railing includes rub rails (see photo 10-22). Rub
rails on bridges are horizontal members that help Signals Lights
mitigate injury to cyclists crashing into them.

On each side of the path the adjacent grade

(shoulder) should be no steeper than 6(H):1(V)
for a minimum width of two feet. This is
regardless of the edge treatment and provides a
place for the user to safely move off the path
and also protects the path from potential
damage due to adjacent sloughing grade.
Sloughing grade adjacent to the path can
eventually undermine the path or cause a
rumble strip to become separated from the
path. It is best to provide a section in the
construction drawings that shows the shoulder
and specifically calls out for backfilling the
sides of the path. When the site does not allow
for a shoulder, a thickened edge (see Figure
10-1) can protect the path from being
undermined and allow maintenance personnel Photograph 10-3. Signing and striping help segregate
time to identify and repair the problem. bicyclists and pedestrians at Confluence Park where the two
treads are separated by the creek.
In some cases (see Table 10-2), a safety rail
parallel to the path is recommended. Rails are
appropriate where a dangerous condition would otherwise exist. Common locations include steep side
slopes, vertical walls, steep longitudinal slopes, bends, areas where cross drainages create isolated
hazards, and where combinations of the above circumstances exist.

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 10-7

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

3.3.2 Use of Rails, Curb Rails, and Rumble Strips

Rails, curb rails, rumble strips, increased path width,

changes in texture and/or color, signage and striping are
all tools that can be used to improve path safety and
heighten user awareness of a new or changing
condition. For the purpose of these criteria the term
edge treatment refers to rails, curb rails, and rumble
strips. All above-grade stream crossings should include
an edge treatment. For all edge treatments, increase the
width of the path (in addition to the width of the
approaching path) to allow for placement of the
treatment. See Figure 10-2 for rumble strip details.
When using rails (curb rails or full rails), provide a
minimum of one foot clear beyond the edge of the
approaching path to the rail. See Table 10-2 for a
summary of recommendations and Figures 10-2 through
10-8 for plan views and sections.

Use of full rails (typically 42 inches when bicyclists are

anticipated and 54 inches when the path provides
equestrian passage) can cause adverse flooding
conditions and should only be used when a curb rail or
rumble strip does not provide an acceptably safe
condition for the user. When rails are used, the
hydraulic model should consider the full area of the rail
to be clogged with debris. Based on the experience of Photograph 10-4: Rumble strips warn the user
UDFCD, break-away rails which are designed to of the path edge without reducing capacity for
collapse during high flow, are often ineffective over time flood flows. Photo Courtesy Architerra Group.
and should not be relied on for floodplain analysis (i.e.,
they too should be modeled as fully blocked).

Photograph 10-5. Most of the break-away rails on this crossing

failed to break despite the capacity lost to debris.

10-8 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

Photograph 10-6. Curb rails are typically no higher than 12 inches and can
be constructed from a variety of materials.

Table 10-2. Edge treatment criteria summary

Difference in elevation from

Path Type path surface to adjacent grade Edge Treatment

Up to 36 inches Rumble strip or curb rail

to the stream up to 54 inches Curb rail2
or in an
Full rail3 (typically 3'-6" inches for
Greater than 54 inches
shared use and 4'-6" for equestrian)

Paths parallel Up to 36 inches Rumble strip

to the stream
and not in an Greater than 36 inches or
underpass Full rail3 (typically 42 inches for shared
adjacent slope steeper than
use and 54 inches for equestrian)
Values provided assume that differences in elevation following construction may
potentially increase in some areas by up to 20% due to stream degradation.
Model flooding effects with rail fully clogged.
Span 100-year floodplain (preferred) or model flooding effects with rail fully clogged.
Adjacent slope refers to slope adjacent to the 2-foot shoulder.

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Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

Considerations for Designing Safety


Minimize the likelihood of the rail

catching debris. This is a
maintenance issue and, if not
maintained, can reduce capacity in
the stream and cause flooding or
damage to the safety rail

Place horizontal members on the

users side of the posts. This
provides a safer surface, less likely
Photograph 10-7. Horizontal members are placed on to catch clothing, a bike pedal, or a
the users side of the posts. This is an important
consideration for both shared- use paths and
equestrian trails in that it reduces the chance of
snagging clothing, a bike pedal or a stirrup. Provide a rail height of at least 42
inches when cyclists are anticipated
and 54 inches when the trail
provides equestrian passage.

Consider snow removal either by

designing the rail to allow
movement of snow through the
bottom of the rail (without creating
a safety hazard for small children)
or by planning for snow storage in
an alternate location.

Photograph 10-8. At Confluence Park a rub rail was

included as part of the rail design. This, in addition to
the 14-foot path width, improves safety in this high-use

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

Photograph 10-9. Striping used sparingly can be effective in

alerting the user of a safety concern. In this photo, it is used where
the path approaches a crossing.

Photograph 10-10. Along this section of the South Platte River, the
combination of a steep longitudinal slope, a cross drainage structure,
and a steep slope from the path to the water warranted both a safety
rail and striping.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

3.3.3 Path Overtopping Protection

Provide adequate protection to avoid damage caused

when flows overtop the path. As a path turns
perpendicular to the stream, or anywhere significant
overland flows are likely to cross the path (e.g.,
downstream of side-channel spillways or at
undersized culvert crossings), scour can occur along
the downstream edge. This causes the path to act like
a drop structure. Flows across the path accelerate,
potentially damaging the upstream edge of the path,
while scour downstream can eventually undermine
the path (see Photo 10-11). For these reasons, a
thickened edge on both the upstream and downstream
sides of a path approaching a low crossing is
Photograph 10-11. A soil cement path approaching a
recommended. The edge should extend a minimum
crossing on Sand Creek is undermined on the
of two feet below the surface of the path (see Figure downstream side due to overtopping. Overtopping
10-1). Soil riprap placed adjacent to the path can be protection was not adequate to stop scour damage before
used to provide additional protection. losing a section of the path.

The length of the overtopping protection is site specific. If the bank of the channel is well defined,
protection should extend from the crossing into the bank. If the bank is not well defined, extend the
protection to a point where the path is more parallel with the stream than it is perpendicular. In either
case, the length of overtopping protection typically does not need to extend higher than the 10-year
surface elevation.

Figure 10-1. Thickened edge detail

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

3.3.4 Vertical Clearance in an Underpass

Maximizing vertical clearance improves the users experience on the path. It increases light in
underpasses and helps open the area so users do not feel trapped by the walls of a structure. However,
increasing vertical clearance can also increase frequency of inundation because often the top elevation of
the structure is fixed by the profile of existing utilities or the roadway crossing the stream (i.e., the path
must be lowered to increase vertical clearance). In cases where the desired vertical clearance cannot be
met without lowering the path to an elevation below the 2-year water surface elevation (at a minimum),
the vertical clearance must either be reduced to the minimum allowable clearance in Table 10-3 or an
alternative crossing (e.g., at-grade) considered. Ramps up to an at-grade crossing provide a good
alternative for the path user (where feasible) and also serve as an escape route during a flash flood.

Table 10-3 provides minimum values for vertical clearance for various types of paths. Minimum values
may be lower than those published by local communities within the UDFCD boundary. They are based
on the minimum reasonable value for the respective use listed. Always check local criteria and conform
to their vertical clearance requirements.

Table 10-3. Path geometry criteria summary

Minimum Minimum Typical

Minimum Width for Vertical Minimum
Vertical Typical
Path Type Width High Use or Clearance for Vertical
Clearence Materials5
(feet) Conflict Consideration1 Clearance2,4 4
Areas3 (feet) (feet) (feet)

10 12 8 8 10 Reinforced
Hiking trail Crusher
n/a n/a 6.67 8 10
Only Fines3,
Shared-Use Concrete or
with 10 12 to 14 8 8 to 9 10 Proprietary
Bicyclists Material

Grass or
Equestrian 1.5 to 2.5 8 10 10 12 to 14 Compacted
1 Represents the minimum clearance that should be considered.
2 Represents typical minimum criteria common to reviewing agencies and owners.
3 Also recommended where a rail or wall is placed on both sides of the path.
4 Based on review of path criteria for several agencies nationwide. Values will vary based on
5 Not intended to be limiting.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

3.3.5 Sight Distance

In order to avoid a crash, a cyclist

must have time to identify potential
conflicts and react accordingly. For
all hard paths, or where bicyclists are
otherwise anticipated, refer to tables
and charts provided in AASHTO
Guide for the Development of Bicycle
Facilities to calculate the appropriate
sight distances.

Photograph 10-12. Despite striping and signage, bicyclists

frequently speed through the University Boulevard underpass along
the Cherry Creek path.

Photograph 10-13. Understanding the popularity of the Cherry Creek

path, designers worked to make the underpass at University safe for
bicyclists and pedestrians while working within the limitations of the
existing site. Land was purchased to create a suitable turning radius at
this 90 degree bend. This provides bicyclists with additional time to
react to the unexpected.

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Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

Figure 10-2. Rumble strip detail

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Figure 10-3. Typical path sections 1, 2, and 3.

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Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

Figure 10-4. Path section with rumble strip

Figure 10-5. Path section with rail

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Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

Figure 10-6. Path section with vertical barriers on both sides

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

3.4 Path Drainage

To avoid nuisance drainage problems, the path should have a cross slope toward the channel. The slope
should not exceed two percent to meet accessibility requirements. Typically a cross slope of at least one
percent coupled with a longitudinal slope provides adequate drainage. The bench on each side of the path
should also be sloped a minimum of 2% to provide adequate drainage and should not exceed a slope of

3.4.1 Cross Drainage

Where outfalls intersect the path, provide culverts below the path to provide conveyance for frequent
events. This will minimize disruption of path use and icing. For small outfalls located below the path, a
level spreader, in combination with a riparian buffer may also be used to spread low-flows, improve water
quality, and benefit vegetation. See the Grass Swales Fact Sheet in Chapter 4 of Volume 3 for more
information on level spreaders. Similarly, other linear BMPs could also be used to reduce stormwater on
the path. Where constraints exist, a chase may be used to keep frequent flows off the path. Be aware that
chases tend to clog with leaves, trash, and other debris and require frequent maintenance to function
properly. They can also become damaged during snow plow operations and can result in more frequent
icing than piped conveyance. Additionally, metal chases should not be used on equestrian paths.

3.4.2 Pumped Systems

In some locations, where an underpass is at a low point in the path, pump systems have been installed to
drain the sump when water overtops the path. Electromechanical systems can be unreliable however,
especially when needed most. Pumped systems can also require frequent and costly maintenance and
may trigger requirements for water quality monitoring under
an individual permit from the State. For all of these reasons Underpass Safety
UDFCD strongly discourages the use of pumped systems
except as a last resort. Underpasses are often used for
shelter during inclement weather.
3.4.3 Paths Adjacent to Walls The following should be included
where possible.
Consider discharge from weep holes. This can cause
unexpected icing on the path after a warm day followed by a Visibility of rising water from
cold night. Where possible, it may be appropriate to collect any location within the
this flow and convey it under the path. underpass

Ability to climb to a higher

3.5 Path Underpasses
At roadway crossings, there are generally three alternatives
Signage discouraging use of
for path connections: path underpasses, at-grade crossings,
the underpass as a shelter and
and pedestrian bridges. The type of crossing selected effects
warning of potential flash
user safety, user experience, animal passage, and cost. The
flood. This signage should be
scope of this manual focuses on underpasses. At-grade
placed inside the culvert or
crossings and pedestrian bridges are not specific to streams
under the bridge. UDFCD
and are covered in detail by other path design manuals.
encourages use of the sign
Underpasses are the preferred alternative when the structure shown in Photo 10-17 as a
and roadway profile allow for the design to meet both vertical regional standard.
clearance and frequency of inundation criteria. Underpasses
include (in order of preference) bridges, single span culverts,

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

and multiple cell culverts. When both vertical clearance

and frequency of inundation criteria cannot be met, other
alternatives (i.e., at-grade crossings and pedestrian
bridges) should be explored.

3.5.1 Path Underpass through a Bridge

Bridges with path crossings below are preferred over

culverts because they provide the user with a wider field
of vision and bring the user closer to the stream. This
improves the experience for the path user, and from a
safety perspective, is especially important along flashy
Photograph 10-14. This bridge offers safe
streams, where being able to see water rising and climb to passage, providing the user with a view of
higher ground during a flash flood could save a life. potentially rising water and the path beyond the
structure. Additionally, the slope from the path
Bridges tend to be favored over culverts by the US Army to the roadway offers the user a passable route to
Corps of Engineers (USACE) as they provide better higher ground in case of flash flooding.
wildlife passage and sometimes result in less impact to

3.5.2 Path Underpass in a Culvert

Underpasses in a culvert are less desirable than bridges

especially when the use of multi-cell culverts separates
the user from the water. This creates a scenario where
the user may not be aware that water is rising in other
culverts and a potential flashflood threat exists. When a
bridge cannot be provided, the design should include a
connection to street level on both sides. This will ensure
maintenance access and improve safety. A culvert
Photograph 10-15. This single-cell three sided box
underpass presents a location where users may seek culvert offers safe passage, providing the user with a
shelter during rain or hail, placing them in danger from view of potentially rising water and the path beyond
flooding. Provide signage inside each end of the culvert the structure.

to discourage users from seeking shelter within the

structure. UDFCD recommends the sign provided in
Photo 10-17 to promote consistency throughout the

The confined space within culvert underpasses can

frighten horses, making them problematic for equestrian

3.5.3 Floodwalls

A wall placed between the stream and the path to allow

use of the path while flows exceed that of the path
Photograph 10-16. Multi-cell culverts can be
surface is a type of floodwall. The use of floodwalls to uninviting, especially if the user is not able to see
meet frequency of inundation criteria is discouraged. the other end.
Floodwalls require a high level of maintenance with both
sediment removal and nuisance drainage issues.

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Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

3.5.4 Culvert Geometry

Within any underpass, the path section should allow for

pedestrians to safely move off the path if another user
speeds by. For this reason, a shoulder is recommended on
each side of the path (see Figure 10-3). This can be an
extension of the path section or can be surfaced
differently as long as it provides a stable surface (e.g., a
rumble strip).

The length and geometry of the culvert also affect safety.

The length should be minimized to enable the user to
evacuate quickly. Long culverts (over 100 feet) should be
elevated to the 5-year water surface elevation (at a
minimum) and should be straight to increase visibility and
natural light. Culverts in excess of 200 feet are strongly
discouraged. Reducing the length may require increasing
the size of the wing walls, raising the elevation of the
path, and/or acquiring land and placing the culvert at an
alternate location. When the culvert design length
exceeds 200 feet consider an alternative crossing for the
path, e.g. at-grade. Photograph 10-17. Place cautionary signage
inside the structure where it is most likely to be
See the Path Geometry section and Table 10-3 for seen by someone using the culvert for shelter.
vertical clearance recommendations. Also consider the
vertical alignment immediately upstream and
downstream of the culvert as it relates to maintenance
access and drainage. Ensure passage of maintenance
vehicles through the culvert. This may require a vertical
curve or shifting a grade break further away from
the culvert. Where practical, drain water away
from each end of the culvert in an effort to
minimize flow on the path inside the culvert.

3.5.5 Lighting

The AASHTO Guide for the Development of

Bicycle Facilities recommends average maintained
horizontal illumination levels of 5 lux to 22 lux.
Even relatively short culverts can require lights.
Look for opportunities to increase natural lighting.
This is especially important for long culverts (over
Photograph 10-18. A skylight between C-470 travel
100 feet). Divided roadways sometimes allow for
lanes brings natural light into the Willow Creek path
natural light to be brought in through a median. underpass. Note also sediment deposition on path,
Bends reduce visibility and natural light in long typical of a long culvert with a mild slope. Photo
culverts and should be avoided to the extent courtesy City of Lone Tree.

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Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

3.5.6 Underpass Drainage

Drainage within the culvert is often problematic as well as maintenance-intensive. As shown in Photo 10-
18, a long culvert constructed on a mild slope will deposit sediment on the path surface. The long flow
path can exacerbate nuisance drainage issues and cause icing. When the design relies on inlets within the
culvert, maintenance requirements should be specified to minimize problems due to clogging.

Figure 10-7. Path underpass sections

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

3.6 Stream Crossings

This section generally pertains to path

crossings within the floodplain and includes
structures that may be designed to overtop
as frequently as during a 2-year event.
These structures are sometimes referred to
as low-flow crossings, low water crossings,
or pedestrian crossings. These criteria are
also intended for golf cart bridges,
equestrian crossings, boardwalks, and any
other similar structures with the exception
of a temporary construction crossing.
Discussion on larger crossings can be found
in Chapter 8, Hydraulic Structures. Photograph 10-19. A cast-in-place concrete culvert crossing with
rumble strips. Photo Courtesy Architerra Group.
All stream path crossings need to be
evaluated as part of the proposed hydraulic
model and must be constructed to withstand forces associated with the 100-year flood event as well as
wear and tear from frequent inundation without structural damage. Crossings should not include
components that might break from the structure and cause debris blockage downstream. This can cause
flooding and/or damage to downstream structures. All crossings should have a maintenance plan to
address periodic and post-runoff debris and sediment removal. The designer should consider debris
collection and blockage at the crossing and minimize potential for this while providing adequate safety
components as described in this manual.

Photograph 10-20. This Cherry Creek crossing was split into three segments to
accommodate the long span. Curb rails were used and the path was kept low to
minimize impediment to flood flows. Photo Courtesy Muller Engineering.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

3.6.1 Crossing Type and Materials

The two most common types of path crossings in

the UDFCD region are bridges and cast-in-place
concrete culverts. Bridges can be constructed in-
place or prefabricated and can be concrete, wood,
steel, or a combination of materials. Bridges,
designed to span the main channel and sometimes
other environmentally sensitive areas within the
floodplain, can provide the benefit of reduced
disruption when the project does not otherwise
include disturbance of the channel. Concrete
culverts can often be constructed without rails or
with curb rails and provide a structure that has
little impact to the water surface elevation of
major events in the stream. Three-sided box
culverts offer the added environmental benefit of Photograph 10-21. A Bear Creek cast-in-place concrete
a continuous streambed. culvert crossing with rumble strips and a crossing with
rails in the distance.

3.6.2 Placement

When the placement of a crossing is flexible,

(i.e., not dictated by existing constraints), the
designer can add more thoughtfully considered
user experience and potential future geomorphic
changes to the requisite safety considerations.
As discussed in Section 3.2, elevation of the path
as it relates to frequency of inundation is an
important consideration as the invert of the
channel can change over time. Locating a
crossing just upstream of a grade stabilization
structure (check or drop structure) or
incorporating a crossing into a grade stabilization
structure, offers a stable channel invert at the
crossing. This means the channel invert should Photograph 10-22. A pedestrian bridge crossing with
not increase, causing more frequent inundation rails at Confluence Park.
and related maintenance and loss of use issues,
and that it also should not decrease, causing a
potentially dangerous condition for the user.
Depending on the design, locating a crossing
downstream of a drop structure may offer the
same benefit and also benefit user experience,
bringing the user in contact with the sight and
sound of the water flowing over the drop.

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Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

Figure 10-8. Typical low-flow crossing

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Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

3.6.3 Equestrian Crossings

Horses are not always compatible with other

types of path users and a separate tread for
equestrian use, where practicable, is a good
idea. This is especially true at crossings and
underpasses where an animal may experience
additional anxiety due to other users. When
this is the case, equestrian crossings consist of
a stabilized section of the stream marked for
equestrian use. Equestrian crossings should
consider safety for the horse. The smooth
face of a horseshoe can cause a slip on a
smooth hard surface such as concrete or metal
especially when placed on a slope. Placement Photograph 10-23. An equestrian crossing parallels a separate
multi-use crossing. Photo courtesy Arapahoe Park and
of an equestrian crossing is best where typical Recreation District.
flows will be two feet or less and the channel
is relatively straight. Equestrian crossings can
be constructed by filling cellular confinement
material with crushed rock. Use of
geosynthetic materials (e.g., cellular
confinement systems), in general, offers the
desired surface for the animal while also
providing the stability needed in areas of the
path that are frequently wet (including
crossings). Methods such as plating the
channel with riprap (pushing riprap onto the
channel bottom) and constructing a textured
concrete (e.g., tooled joints similar to a rumble
strip) crossing, such as the one shown in Photo
10-23, have also been used in the Denver
Metropolitan area.

Smooth and hard surfaces become more Photograph 10-24. Timber steps filled with roadbase are
dangerous on a slope. The Federal Highway constructed to provide traction approaching a water crossing.
Administration recommends that paths that have Photo courtesy Arapahoe Park and Recreation District.
hard surfaces and slopes steeper than five
percent need to be treated (e.g., terraced such as
the crossing shown in Photo 10-24) to increase

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

3.7 Material Selection

UDFCD has used several surfacing

techniques for paths, including stabilized
rock, reinforced grass, crusher fines, asphalt,
concrete, and other proprietary surfaces. The
following sections provide considerations for

3.7.1 Stabilized Rock and Reinforced

Grass Paths

Stabilized rock and reinforced grass paths are

generally used for maintenance only paths.
Photograph 10-25. This stabilized rock trail was constructed
To avoid rutting, compact both the subgrade for maintenance.
and rock and use a rock that is well graded.
Road base works well in this application. As
with all path materials, backfilling the edges
after construction is recommended to help
hold the material in place and reduce chance
of injury.

Photograph 10-26. Reinforced grass pavement shortly after


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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

3.7.2 Crusher Fines

Crusher fines are not recommended below the

10-year water surface elevation or where the
longitudinal slope exceeds 5%. Crusher fines
typically wash out when stream flow (or
concentrated cross drainage) flow over the
path. Provide a weed barrier over the
subgrade when using crusher fines.

Photograph 10-27. Geotextile is all that is left of this crusher

fines trail that washed out on Goldsmith Gulch.

Figure 10-9. Crusher fines path section

3.7.3 Asphalt

UDFCD no longer uses asphalt for path construction due to maintenance issues. Problems with this
material near the stream include vegetation, both with tree roots damaging the pavement and with weed
growth through the pavement. Cracking, especially near the edges of the pavement was also a significant
issue. If used for this purpose an herbicide should be applied on the subgrade prior to placement.

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Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

3.7.4 Concrete

Concrete is the most common path material for shared-use paths. A 6-inch depth section of fiber-
reinforced concrete on top of compacted subgrade is generally adequate depending on soil conditions and
the types of vehicles anticipated. The concrete should be finished to provide a safe surface for the user.
Broom finish is typical.

Control joints should be placed 10 to 12 feet on center. Hand-tooled joints are highly discouraged as they
often catch debris. Provide expansion joints at all cold joints and locations where the path abuts another
structure, (e.g., a low-flow culvert crossing or bridge abutment).

Figure 10-10. Concrete path section

3.7.5 Proprietary Surfaces

Proprietary surfaces expand the range of

alternatives available for the surface of the path
and sometimes offer qualities not found in
conventional surfacing. Use of proprietary
surfaces on UDFCD-maintained streams is
generally allowable when the surface provides a
structurally sound, maintainable surface that
allows for frequent inundation without requiring

Photograph 10-28. StaLok paving material, a

proprietary surface consisting of resin bound gravel, has
replaced failed portions of the crusher fines Goldsmith
Gulch path.

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Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

4.0 In-Channel Safety

This chapter focuses on the safety of public users in
or near the water in recreational channels. The term Planning, design and construction of channels
in-channel users refers to people that are in the and related structures such as low-head dams,
water. Swift Water Rescue manuals often refer to drop structures, bridges and armoring,
this as the Hot Zone. In-channel users include mandate a standard of care consistent with
recreational enthusiasts in river craft such as rafts and common-sense safety concerns for the public
kayaks, tubers, anglers, waders, and swimmers. In- that responsibly uses the rivers and
channel users also include personnel maintaining or waterways.
operating various structures and facilities in and
sometimes adjacent to channels. Observers or others
within a recreational channel that accidentally fall
into the water are also considered in-channel users. The area where such incidents can occur is referred to
as the Warm Zone in Swift Water Training and has been typically identified as within 10 to 15 feet of
the edge of the water.

While the identification and nomenclature of zones used in Swift Water Rescue are used in this chapter,
note that issues and criteria related to these zones in Swift Water Rescue manuals and training may be
different than used in this chapter. Discussions within this chapter refer to planning and design issues in
and around water in recreational channels and are not related solely to rescue or swift water
conditions, i.e. rapids.

Figure 10-11. Zones of operation

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Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

In general, personal safety risks related to in-channel users include drowning, injury, and infection. These
risks are primarily attributed to:

An overly-retentive hydraulic jump (sometimes referred to as submerged hydraulic, keeper, or

drowning machine);

Impacts, blunt trauma, cuts, and abrasion;

Ingestion of pathogens in water:


Infection from cuts and abrasions;

Foot or extremity entrapment;

Pinning or entrapment against or in an obstruction;

These risks are greatly increased if proper equipment is not correctly used by the in-channel user.

Channels and rapids, with or without man-made structures are inherently hazardous. There are inherent
and unavoidable risks related to recreating in and around channels. A primary objective in the planning,
design, and construction of structures is that:

Structures should be designed and constructed so that they are predictable and without hidden or
unobvious hazards to responsible users. (Charlie Walbridge, Safety Chairman, American Whitewater).

4.1 Recreational and Boatable Channels

4.1.1 Recreational Channels

The design, planning, and construction

of recreational channels should take into
consideration the potential for
unintended entry into the water.
Therefore, some planning and design
considerations outlined in the Boatable
Channels section (Section 4.1.2) may
need to be addressed in the planning and
design of all urban channels. The
degree of this consideration will depend
on issues such as the volume of traffic
around the waters edge, adherence to the Photograph 10-29. These rafters are running the largest and most
criteria presented in Section 3.0 of this turbulent hydraulic features ever constructed. However this feature
chapter, frequency and flow rate, the has been successfully run by tens of thousands of recreationalist and
presence of railings, and the resulting is hailed by safety expert Charlie Walbridge. Photo courtesy of
Thanis McLaughlin
consequences of accidentally falling into
the water. Safety considerations during
dry conditions related to public access to
the bottom of the channel should also be made.

Design and planning considerations for recreational channels should consider bank conditions and

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Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

conditions within the Warm Zone. Design channel banks to avoid hidden safety issues (e.g., tripping
hazards) that could cause unintended entry into the water and provide egress for those who may
accidentally fall into the water.

Safety considerations related to the presence of flowing water during flooding in the Cold Zone may also
need to be made. Some of these issues are discussed in Section 3.0, Paths Adjacent to Streams.

4.1.2 Boatable Channels

Boatable channels are considered a sub-set of recreational channels. Planning and design considerations
within boatable channels include but are not limited to: drop structures; whitewater recreational areas or
other recreational whitewater features; bridge piers; all types of bank armoring; woody vegetation; debris
and debris accumulation; jetties; bendway weirs; fish passages; intake structures; etc.

The design of these features and structures must avoid the development of overly-retentive hydraulic
jumps, sharp edges, foot entrapments, restricted egress, and address other dangers listed in Section 4.3.
Within this manual, the term drop structures includes grade control structures, low-head dams, boatable
passage structures or chutes, recreational features which form holes or waves, and others described
herein. Some of these considerations, albeit to a reduced level, may need to be addressed in recreational
channels that are not considered boatable.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

Photograph 10-30. Recreational users in personal water craft at Confluence Park and
most other constructed features are more common than experienced boaters. Photo
courtesy of Rick McLaughlin.

Photograph 10-31. Recreational whitewater features in rivers are used by both children
and adults. Appropriate use of a river and proper gear can be encouraged through
recreational and educational programs. Photo courtesy of Thanis McLaughlin.

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Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

4.2 Glossary of Related Terms

The following glossary is intended to improve consistency and accuracy in communications with the river
recreating community. The reader should note that the definitions of all terms are not universally
recognized within this specialized industry.

Term or
Abbreviation Meaning

Aggradation Aggradation involves the raising of the channel bed elevation through
sedimentation, an increase in width/depth ratio, and often a corresponding
decrease in channel capacity.

Bed Load Coarse sediment transported along the bottom of the river by saltation (hopping),
sliding, rolling,etc.

Benthic Macro- Benthic Macroinvertebrates are small animals living among the sediments and
invertebrates stones on the bottom of streams, rivers and lakes. Insects comprise the largest
diversity of these organisms and include mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, beetles,
midges, crane flies, dragonflies, and others. Other members of the benthic macro
invertebrate community are snails, clams, aquatic worms, and crayfish. They are
extremely important in the food chain of aquatic environments as they are
important players in the processing and cycling of nutrients and are major food
sources for fish and other aquatic animals

Counter Weir A counter weir is a secondary drop structure or armored channel section
downstream of a drop structure, pool, or hydraulic disturbance. It is usually
smaller than the upstream drop structure and maintains the elevation of the
tailwater experienced by the upstream drop structure or other hydraulic
disturbance. An end sill, as described in the Hydraulic Structures chapter, could
also be used for this purpose. They are often placed at the downstream limit of
the Recovery Pool.

Drop Structure A constructed feature or structure in a channel that creates a downward step in the
water surface and a resulting hydraulic jump downstream of the structure. These
can typically have a hydraulic drop of one-half to eight feet. These structures can
be used for a number of purposes including diversions, recreation, and stream
stability. They can also be called grade control structures, diversions, low-head
dams, weirs, or just drops. They are typically constructed of grouted boulders or
sculpted concrete with additional concrete or sheet pile cutoff walls. Regarding
recreational whitewater, a drop structure is a physical feature that forms a wave
or "hole", boat chute, whitewater park or whitewater feature.

Eddies Eddies are usually formed downstream of an obstruction or curvature in a river or

channel. Eddies swirl on the horizontal surface of the water. Typically, they are
areas where the downward movement of water is partially or fully arrested and
currents flow in an upstream direction if slow enough, a nice place to rest or to
make one's way upstream.

Freestyle Competitive event where boaters perform tricks on a breaking wave or hole.

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Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

Hole(s) A hole is formed when the supercritical jet on the downstream face of an
obstruction within the channel is directed toward the invert within the formation of
the hydraulic jump. This causes the surface water and the upper portion of the
water column to flow back upstream toward the obstruction. A strong breaking
wave (see below) is often confused with a hole. It differs from a hole in that the
supercritical jet is lifted and directed within the upper portion of the water column
within the initial formation of the hydraulic jump. The distinction between a hole
and a breaking wave however is not consistently made within the whitewater

In hydraulic design terms, it is a particular formation of a hydraulic jump (see

below). In the design of man-made whitewater or other structures within a river
or waterway, it is usually created by a drop structure or structure(s) that create a
significant constriction in the channel. Holes in recreational structures are
typically designed for entertainment and skill-building, places where paddlers use
the features to perform various moves.

Poorly designed holes can be dangerous. They can dramatically aerate the water,
possibly to the point where they lose the capacity to carry watercraft. In overly-
retentive holes or keepers (see below) a boater may become stuck in the
recirculating water. Some of the most dangerous types of holes are formed by
low-head dams (weirs), ledges, and similar types of obstruction. Low-head dams
or other structures that form a uniform hydraulic with no irregular or weak point
are particularly dangerous. Low-head dams are insidiously dangerous because
their danger cannot be easily recognized by people who have not studied

Hydraulic The term hydraulic refers to a hydraulic jump and is river recreationalist jargon
sometimes used when referring to a hole or wave. It could also be used to
describe a hydraulic formation known as a supercritical shock wave.

Hydraulic Drop Sometimes referred to as just drop. The vertical distance between the upstream
and downstream water surface elevation. This can be applied to a single feature
or to multiple features within a river reach or whitewater course.

Hydraulic Jump A hydraulic transitional formation that occurs between supercritical and
subcritical flow. This occurs downstream of a constriction or Drop Structure
when the fast flow collides with the slower moving flow in a downstream pool. It
is commonly referred to by river recreationalists as a hole, wave, or

Keeper See Overly-Retentive Hydraulic.

Overly-Retentive A hydraulic condition technically a specific form or a hydraulic jump that can
Hydraulic occur downstream of a natural or man-made feature (such as a low-head dam).
This condition tends to trap boaters, swimmers, or other floating objects for an
extended length of time. This condition can also be called a submerged
hydraulic, keeper, reverse roller, drowning machine or a variety of negative
descriptors followed by the term hole or hydraulic.

Play Boating Recreational boating primarily for surfing and performing tricks on breaking
waves or in holes. These are typically whitewater kayaks and canoes. This type
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of recreational use can also include surfing, standup paddle boarding, and body

Pillows Pillows are formed when a large flow of water runs into a large obstruction,
causing water to pile up or boil against the face of the obstruction. Pillows
are also known as Pressure Waves.

Portages or Portages or portage paths are land routes used by in-river users to bypass or avoid
Portage Paths dams, drop structures, or other in-channel obstructions. Portages can also serve
as detours around sections of water that in-river users choose not to run.

Put-in A put-in is a formalized area that facilitates access of in-river users and their craft
to enter the water. They are often located at the downstream end of a portage
path or upstream of a reach of river that is commonly used by recreationalists.

Recovery Pool or A recovery zone or pool is a slow moving reach of the river immediately
Zone downstream of a drop structure, series of drop structures, or other challenging
hydraulic feature that allows for recovery by recreational users.

Slalom Competitive event where boaters negotiate gates suspended over the river for the
fastest time.

Strainers Strainers can be deadly obstacles within a boatable channel. Water passes through
but solid objects like boats or people do not, similar to a kitchen strainer used to
drain spaghetti or clean vegetables. A fallen tree or branch is the most common

Structural Failure Movement of rock or structures that: 1) is unanticipated or 2) results in a

condition that negatively impacts safety. Also see Tuning or Adjustments.

Hydraulic Jump See Overly-Retentive Hydraulic

Take-out A take-out is a formalized area where in-river users can exit the river with their
craft. They are often located at the upstream end of a portage path or at the
downstream end of a reach of river that is commonly used by recreationalists.

Tailwater Tailwater is the downstream depth of the water in a channel relative to a

particular feature or structure. Tailwater has a significant impact on the
performance of a drop structure and the resulting hydraulic jump.

Tuning or Due to the complex nature of hydraulics and the use of irregular boulders, some
Adjustments adjustments to rock or structure is usually required after the initial construction
and the river is observed to flow through the features. This is usually conducted
at the direction of the designer shortly after the initial construction or after the
first year or two of operations. Also see Structural Failure.

Waves found in most man-made structures are formed similarly to holes and are
sometimes referred to as a hydraulic. In hydraulic design terms, it is a
formation of a hydraulic jump which is created downstream of supercritical flow.
In the design of man-made whitewater or other structures within a river or
channel, it is usually created by a drop structure or a structure which creates a
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significant constriction in the channel. Waves are noted by a smooth upward

sloping face as the flow enters the hydraulic jump. This green water at the
upstream portion of the formation is followed by a crest and downward sloping
face. A wave can have a significant amount of whitewater or haystack and
appear similar to a hole. These are called breaking waves. Sometimes a
particularly large wave will also be followed by a long series of waves or wave
train. Waves in channels can also be created without the formation of a
hydraulic jump.

4.3 Minimum Criteria

Within the UDFCD region, infrastructure typically meets or exceeds the criteria outlined in this section.
There are, however, numerous examples elsewhere in the country where these criteria are ignored, posing
danger to users. Here are some of the minimum design criteria for boatable and, in some instances
recreational channels:

1. All drop structures, including recreational "wave" or "hole" features as described later in this chapter,
are specialized drop structures and should be designed in accordance with appropriate
recommendations, considerations, guidance and procedures established in the Hydraulic Structures
chapter of this manual.

2. Drop structures or other recreational features in rivers or channels have been designed and
constructed since the 1970s. They are works of engineering as they safeguard life, health, and
property and promote the public welfare. They necessitate design work requiring intensive
preparation and experience in the use of mathematics and the engineering sciences. Therefore, their
construction must adhere to design drawings sealed by a registered professional engineer.

3. Drop structures made of natural materials such as boulders or riprap are still structures and are
works of engineering. They must be designed in accordance with appropriate criteria within this

4. Structures should withstand stream forces for all flows up to and including the 100-year flood. This is
critical because structures that experience movement or failure can create hazardous or changing
hydraulic conditions well after a flooding event. Typically, structural movement would occur during
high flow events that preclude maintenance or repair of the structure and coincides with in-river
recreation such as rafting and kayaking. Therefore, structures within boatable channels should be
designed and constructed to survive flooding without change in hydraulic performance. It is
sometimes advantageous, however, to plan and design adjacent landscaping and other features on the
banks or uplands (that do not impact safety or that can be replaced or repaired during normal flows)
for lesser flooding events.

5. When analyzing impacts on flood conveyance, caution should be taken to avoid accounting for flood
conveyance areas within the channel cross-section that will not be effective during flooding events.
These could include deep pools, eddies, or areas of the channel that will fill with sediment or cobble.
If the design relies upon the depth of pools or effectiveness of various portions (particularly areas
with slow moving water) of the channel cross-section for conveyance of flood flows, then multi-
dimension hydraulic analysis or physical modeling may be needed. Design of new drop structures or
modifications of existing drop structures for in-channel recreation should not negatively impact the
regulatory floodplain, cause increased bank erosion, or create localized channel instability from
deposition or scour.

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4.4 Design Considerations for Structures and Features

The following considerations should be reviewed for boatable and, in some instances, recreational

1. Egress. Provide multiple opportunities for egress from the channel particularly in critical locations
such as before and after rapids or drop structures.

2. Create Opportunities for Self Rescue. Avoid hydraulic and physical condtions that make it difficult
for in-channel users to access the banks. For structures that significantly impair self rescue, consider
sloped racks or sides and ladders or stairs.

3. Sharp Edges. Avoid sharp edges and protruding objects.

4. Strainers. Avoid the creation of strainers and the potential for debris to collect and act as such.
Accumulation of debris may occur at bridge piers, intakes, railing, or other infrastructure and on
woody vegetation, features used for fish habitat, or bank stabilization.

5. Intakes and Screens. Prevent accidental entry into gates or inlet works with bar racks or screens at
intakes (headgates) and design for approach velocities so as not to create pinning hazards.

6. Utilities and Apparatus. Provide physical separation or barriers if practical and (at a minimum)
warning buoys and signs when hydraulic grates or screens, sluice gates, etc. are accessible and
present a hazard to in-channel users.

7. Fish and habitat considerations. When it is appropriate to provide fish passage within the reach,
integral features that support both recreational use and fish passage or habitat are desirable.

8. Safety Signage. Include warning signs upstream of hazards (intakes, etc.) and at the start of a drop
structure or a series of drop structures. Signs to advise positive actions, such as encouraging the use
of proper equipment, are also prudent.

4.4.1 Pinning and Overhead Obstructions

To reduce the chance of an in-channel user being pinned or trapped on a grate, screen, rack, or other
feature that could become a strainer, reducing velocities going through the screen or object (approach
velocity) and increasing the velocities of the flow passing by the screen or object (sweeping velocity) can
be effective methods of reducing these potentially dangerous conditions. Well documented limits on
approach velocities for safety are not available. For relevance, maximum design values for approach
velocities for fish can vary from 0.2 to 0.8 ft/sec while maximum design values for approach velocities to
reduce accumulation of trash of 0.5 feet per second have been used by the USBR. Consider a maximum
design value for approach velocities into a screen or grate, of 0.5 or 1.0 ft/sec to reduce pinning of in-
channel users. Approach velocities used for a particular application can depend upon sweeping velocities,
the frequency of recreational users, the velocity and direction of the upstream currents, and other factors.
Means to evenly distribute the flow across the screen should be considered. Note that recommended
approach velocities to grates, screens, or bar racks in boatable channels are typically less than
recommended maximum design velocities through racks and grates used in the design of typical drainage

Overhead clearance at bridges, low water crossings, utility crossing, or other structures that span boatable
channels or portions of boatable channels should be sufficient to reduce hazards to in-channel users.
There are no widely accepted minimum design clearances for these types of boatable channels. Consider
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a minimum clearance (freeboard) in the range of six feet from the water surface of the recreational flow
range to the underside of an overhead structure. Lesser amounts of freeboard may be appropriate during
flood conditions.

4.5 Drop Structures

The following drop structure criteria are provided in addition to the criteria provided in the Hydraulic
Structures chapter of this manual.

For the purposes of this chapter, the term drop structure refers to a constructed feature (or structure) in a
channel that creates a downward step in the water surface and a resulting hydraulic jump downstream of
the structure. These can typically have a hydraulic drop of as little as six inches or up to eight feet or
more. These structures can be used for a number of purposes including diversions; various types of
recreation including kayaking, paddle boarding, and swimming; river stability; and enhancement of
habitat. Terminology for typical or specialized drop structures includes: grade control structures, control
structures, holes, whitewater parks, boat chutes, diversions, low-head dams, weirs, riffles, glides, and
sills. Regarding recreational whitewater, a feature or structure that creates a wave or "hole" is also
considered a specialized drop structure.

Structures should be designed with carefully planned components that are consistent with recreational
requirements for user safety. Drop structures in boatable channels should incorporate a boat chute,
bypass, or full river passage to allow passage for boats. Intakes have been designed and operated
successfully to create whitewater features and allow fish passage while keeping recreationalists out of the
intake works. Engineers have used a wide variety of approaches depending upon site-specific

Photograph 10-32. The intake at Confluence Park, Denver is located on

the side of the river opposite to where the whitewater bypass is located.
In addition to this physical separation, buoys, two debris booms and a bar
screen were included to help keep recreationalists away from the intake
works. Photo courtesy of McLaughlin Whitewater Design Group.

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Photograph 10-33. The intake works on the American River

near Auburn, California relies on a submerged self-cleaning fine
screen. The screen is located in the invert of a boatable
channel. This design eliminates intake apparatus that can be
hazardous to recreationists, screens for fish and solids, and has
proven to require relatively little maintenance. Photo courtesy
of Placer County Water Agency.

Warning signs and portage routes around such structures are appropriate in various situations. This
chapter outlines some specific approaches and guidelines that have been used in past design efforts to
reduce hazards of boatable drops. Boatable drop should be designed by professional engineers with
experience with previously constructed projects that incorporate boatable elements, hydraulic modeling,
scour analysis and floodplain regulations.

These are not the only approaches available to the engineer and do not address all issues. Design of drop
structures intended to provide specific recreational attributes required for freestyle kayaking, slalom
kayaking and canoeing may not follow all of the suggestions outlined in the Simplified Design Approach
of the Hydraulic Structures chapter.

4.5.1 Overly-Retentive Hydraulic Jump

In whitewater river recreation, the characteristic for a hydraulic jump , referred to as a hole or wave,
to keep a boat within a hydraulic jump is referred to as retentiveness. Retentiveness can be a desirable
quality of a recreational wave or hole, but if the hydraulic jump is too retentive, it can hold swimmers or
submerged craft. In this chapter, this dangerous hydraulic phenomenon is referred to as overly-retentive,

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Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

and the formation of overly-retentive hydraulics should be avoided. This hydraulic condition has a
number of names including submerged hydraulic jump, keeper, reverse roller, and drowning

Photograph 10-34. Currents downstream of dams or even drop structures can

create an overly-retentive hydraulic jump that can trap in-channel users. Sometimes
called keepers or drowning machines, these hydraulic conditions can be
deceivingly dangerous. The misleadingly dangerous structure shown here created
this condition with only 1.5 feet of hydraulic drop before UDFCD retrofitted it to be
safely boatable.

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Figure 10-12. Overly-retentive currents at a hydraulic jump

One design approach to avoid an overly-retentive

hydraulic jump is to direct the super-critical flow
at a relatively flat angle. A downstream face on a
drop structure having large grouted boulders and
high roughness that is sloped at 10(H):1(V) has
been used successfully on several projects in the
UDFCD region. This slope should extend such
that the jump occurs on the face of the drop

Other approaches have also been used to avoid the

formation of overly-retentive hydraulics. The
stepped dam at Confluence Park in Denver has
demonstrated that a stepped configuration can
also be an effective approach to avoiding an
overly-retentive hydraulic jump. The formation
of a hydraulic jump at an abrupt drop has also
been used to effectively avoid the formation of
overly-retentive hydraulic jumps over a wide range Photograph 10-35. A physical model aided in the 1996 design
of river flows. (Samad,, 1986) of Confluence Park. This was one of the first whitewater
venues to employ the hydraulic jump at an abrupt drop design.
As a result, the venue performed well over a very wide range of
flows for a diverse user group. Photo courtesy of McLaughlin
Whitewater Design Group.

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Figure 10-13. Forms of a hydraulic jump at an abrupt drop

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Figure 10-13. Forms of a hydraulic jump at an abrupt drop (continued)

Hydraulic Jump at an Abrupt Drop

Structures that employ a hydraulic jump at an abrupt drop have been effective in
eliminating overly-retentive hydraulics. However, like many dams and drop
structures, the elevation of the tailwater (Y2) is critical to the resulting hydraulic
formation. Figure 10-13 shows hydraulic jump forms and nomenclature as
outlined by Moore and Morgan (1959). The reader is referred to this paper and
papers by Hsu (1950), Rajaratnam (1977), Ohitsu, (1990), and Samad (1986).

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Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

Even in recreational channels that are not boatable (e.g., often have little or no flow), drop structures
should be designed so as to avoid the creation of dangerous hydraulic conditions. Smaller drop structures
with a 4(H):1(V) downstream sloped face have been used successfully throughout the UDFCD region.

4.5.2 Design Approach

The following considerations are oriented toward providing simple recreational passage around or
through a drop structure located within a boatable channel. Considerations and issues provided in this
chapter and drop structure criteria presented in the Hydraulic Structures chapter are still applicable.
Design of specialized recreational features, boatable features with integral fish passage, reaches where
deposition of sediments or cobbles are an issue, or other applications requires the expertise of an
experienced professional which is beyond the scope of this chapter.

1. Select the maximum hydraulic drop (different than drop height) generally one to four feet. If the
hydraulic drop is more than 4 feet, a physical hydraulic model may be necessary. Physical hydraulic
models may also be useful to optimize recreational hydraulics or when a complex structure is needed
in a highly used recreational area. Allow for longer recovery zones downstream of drops with larger
hydraulic drops. (See item 3.g below.).

2. Determine the type of structure and passage to be used. Be aware that boatable structures can
increase the cost of the project. Structure selection should always be based on safety first, but may
also be based upon costs, aesthetics, floodplain issues, sediment transport, and river morphology.
These types include:

a. Full River Passage. A structure or series of structures that span the entire channel width and
are boatable throughout a range of flows, typical of most drop structures in Colorado that
have been created primarily for recreational uses.

b. Bypass. A boatable path that flows to one side of a drop structure or low-head dam and is
typically constructed when a larger or existing drop structure is encountered. Design of a
bypass can be more complex and costly and may likely fall outside of what would be
considered to be appropriate for simplified design as described in the Hydraulic Structures

c. Boat Chute. A localized passage through a drop structure such as at Alameda Avenue in
Denver and at numerous locations along the South Platte River through the UDFCD region.
These are often added to existing drop structures with the remainder of the drop structure not
normally suitable for recreational passage.

When boat chutes or bypasses are employed, the drop structure or low-head dam is usually designed or
modified with steps or other measures to reduce hazards associated with incidental passage. The stepped
dam at Confluence Park is a successful example of this type of hazard reduction.

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3. Determine basic drop structure characteristics

to be compatible with public safety and
recreational boating. Suggestions are as

a. Employ detailed multi-dimensional

modeling or specialized design to
avoid creation of an overly-retentive
hydraulic condition:

i. Design for a Froude number of

less than 1.5 at the toe of the

ii. Use a downstream face slope

no steeper than 10(H):1(V).
This is particularly relevant
during higher flow conditions.

b. Extend the face of the drop 1 to 2 feet

below the predicted range of tailwater

c. Where tailwater elevations may

decrease over time, consider use of a
downstream grade control feature,
sometimes referred to as a counter
Photograph 10-36. The stepped dam at Confluence
weir. Park was physically modeled at multiple flows up to the
100-year event. It was shown to not produce overly-
d. Where the passage location will not be retentive hydraulics throughout this wide range of
clear to the user based on site, flows. Photo courtesy of McLaughlin Whitewater
inclusion of features to identify Design Group.
locations of passage often pilot
rocks, signs, or buoys may be appropriate. Pilot rocks should be spaced far enough apart and
in a fashion to avoid collection of debris and to not create a blockage or hazard.

e. Provide for energy dissipation downstream of the structure while maintaining structural
stability of the drop structure, adjacent banks and adjacent structures such as bridges. Note
that local scour depths downstream of various structures have been observed to be over ten

f. Provide a smooth invert particularly toward the center of a drop to reduce abrasions and
the potential for foot entrapment. Smooth inverts can be created by using rounded boulders,
sculpted concrete, concrete, or high levels of grout.

g. Provide a recovery pool of sufficient length downstream of each drop or a series of drops to
allow for recovery of boaters that have capsized or otherwise lost control. The recovery pool
should include eddies which can be formed by the drop, intermediate jetties, or other features.

h. Provide portage facilities including signs, paths, jetties, pier noses

i. and armoring to support ingress and egress over a wide range of flows.

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j. Consider the addition of anchor points to attach ropes strategically located near drop
structures. These can be used by emergency personnel so they have something to connect
onto during rescues or for removal of debris.

4. Obtain peer review of the preliminary and final designs.

5. Be onsite during placement of rock and features to reduce the occurrence of sharp edges and poor
local hydraulic conditions. Be attentive to specific or nuanced placement detailed in drawings.

6. Plan for post-construction adjustment (tuning), adding or removing of boulders or portions of the
structure after initial construction. Typically this would be conducted after a range of flows has been

4.5.3 Retrofitting Existing Structures

When an existing dam or drop structure

lacks features outlined in this chapter,
retrofitting with portages, boatable passages,
or other physical modifications may be
needed. Retrofitting these structures may
include installing a stepped or sloped surface
along the downstream face of the dam or
drop structure and providing appropriate
barriers, signing and accessible portages
with take-out and put-in landings. It may
also include the addition of a boat chute or Photograph 10-37. Pilot rocks can help recreationalists find a
bypass to allow for passage of appropriate boat chute or preferred path through a drop structure. This is
river craft. A structure that has too much particularly helpful in wide rivers with a prominent horizon line.
drop may be replaced with two or more Photo courtesy of McLaughlin Whitewater Design Group.
structures to reduce the drop at a single
location. For example, replacing a 4-foot
drop with two 2-foot drops could reduce a
hazardous hydraulic condition.

Retrofitting dams or drop structures requires specific care to ensure that the retrofit meets the objective of
improving public safety. Due to specific site and structure conditions, physical hydraulic models are
sometimes appropriate in the design phase for retrofitting of dams and drop structures.

4.5.4 Integral Roughened Channel Fish Passage

Fish passage through drop structures can be critical in certain reaches of rivers and engineers should be
alert to where they are needed. Fish passage usually refers to the ability of fish to swim upstream through
the drop structure, but it can also include downstream passage of fish. The need and specific requirements
can be established by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and other local
governmental agencies. While identification of any regulatory requirements or project objectives should
be established early, they can also arise through the USACE 404 permitting process. Where both fish
passage and passage of in-channel users is desired, inclusion of integral fish passage features into
boatable drop structures is preferred. Integration of these objectives into one passage usually results in a
roughened channel type of fish passage, also referred to as rock ramps, natural fishways, riffle-pool
fishways, and many others. Roughened channel fish passages can be readily included into boatable drop
structures. In addition to fish passage at drop structures, recreational features and other infrastructure can

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be designed to improve aquatic habitat.

Integrated features and objectives to improve habitat and provide for fish passage can include:

Deep pools and thalwegs that are self-scouring,

Resting areas,

Creation of currents that encourage passage,

Avoidance of depositions of fine or organic sediments,

Avoidance of shallow zones to avoid bird predation,

Creation of conditions conducive to benthic macroinvertebrates such as small sheltered spaces,

Avoidance of fish stranding areas where rapid decreases in flows commonly occur, and

Attraction flows that lead to the zones intended for upstream fish passage.

Care should be taken when incorporating the objectives above so that safety in not inadvertently

Criteria and objectives when fish passage is integrated into drop structures include:

Selection of fish passage type and design to meet swimming capabilities and behaviors of target

Maximum darting and sustained velocities,

Maximum vertical drop heights, and

Minimum depths.

Specific criteria depend upon the target species identified for passage and other factors. There are
numerous agencies, publications, texts, and technical papers that can be used to establish criteria and
provide design guidelines. Some of these include the US Bureau of Reclamation, the National Oceanic
Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) in addition to the regulatory agencies listed earlier in this section.
References for more detailed design/discussions include Fisheries Handbook (Bell 1991). In cases where
fish passage or habitat is an important element or a permit requirement, it is best to include specialists in
fish passage on the design team. However it should be recognized that the steepness, width, and depth
criteria for whitewater boating can be compatible with those for fish passage.

Slopes of roughened channels or drop structures to meet fish passage objectives and criteria depend upon
the target species, other related factors, and the size and configuration of the boulders that comprise the
channel or slope of the drop structure. A typical range of slopes that have been used are 0.5 to 8 percent
(Wildman, Parasiewicz, Katopodis, Dumont).

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4.5.5 Supplemental Guidance for Drop Structures

In addition to the appropriate recommendations,

considerations, guidance, and procedures
established in the Hydraulic Structures chapter,
and those outlined in this chapter, the following
should be considered in the design and
construction of boatable drop structures.

1. Determine and evaluate hydraulic conditions

throughout the range of flows and tailwater
2. Allow for future downstream channel
degradation and inaccuracies in estimation
of tailwater elevations throughout the range
of flows or consider the need for a
Photograph 10-38. Multi-use design of the whitewater
downstream grade control structure (counter bypass at Confluence Park conveys flood flows, offers
weir or small drop structure). continual access, and avoids overly-retentive hydraulic
3. Include recovery zones or pools downstream jumps over a wide range of flows. Photo courtesy of
of the drop structure where appropriate. Thanis McLaughlin.
4. Avoid large recirculating eddies and enhance
favorable swimming conditions to the banks to promote self-rescue.
5. Provide downstream bank protection as higher velocities can be carried farther downstream
(compared to a conventional drop structure).
6. Include smooth inverts in the areas where velocities are high, depths are shallow, and there is a
concentration of boating traffic.
7. Incorporate features to address sediment and bed material transport and other dynamic river
8. Observe performance over a range of flows after initial construction. Adjustments after initial
construction (or tuning) are advantageous and often needed. This can include adding or removing
boulders and grouting. This does not include rebuilding portions of the structure that have failed or
replacing important boulders that have moved during high flows.

4.6 Bridge Piers or other Steep-Sided Structures

Clear span bridges are preferable but may be cost prohibitive. Where practicable, keep piers out of the
floodway and main channel corridor. Often two piers, one at each bank, are preferable to one pier in the
center of the channel. However, piers with debris accumulation located near the toe of a steep-sided bank
can be a hazard and may trap rafters between the bank and pier.

Efforts should be made to reduce the chance of pinning, broaching, or wrapping on bridge piers or other
vertical or near vertical midstream obstructions, especially where approach velocities are high. Piers can
be made less hazardous by extending them or their noses upstream of the bridge deck into less constricted
portions of the channel where velocities may be lower. Design of piers or features that reduce the
accumulation of debris without creating other hazards should be investigated.

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 10-51

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

Photograph 10-39. The pier nose extensions on this bridge reduce the accumulation of
debris and thereby improve safety for in-river users. Photo courtesy of McLaughlin
Whitewater Design Group.

4.7 Access and Portages

Egress from the water in a boatable channel

should be evaluated by the design professional
and impediments in critical areas avoided where

Provide pathways (portages) around all drop

structures, even if designed for boat passage, and
around potentially dangerous obstructions or
hydraulic conditions. Consider the use and
maintenance of a buoy system upstream of these
areas. Portages around boatable drop structures Photograph 10-40. Buoys upstream of Confluence Park
Dam guide recreationalists away from the downstream dam
provide alternative route for those who do not
and intake. Photo courtesy of McLaughlin Whitewater
wish to run whitewater due to hazardous flow Design Group.
conditions, presence of debris, or other reasons.

Portages should include an appropriately located

take-out with slow velocities throughout a range
of flows, such as an eddy. A jetty can be used to
create an eddy or provide slow currents for access
and portages as well as provide bank stabilization
benefits. Locate take-outs and associated signage
sufficiently upstream of a structure or obstruction.
Design take-outs to resist local scour. Locate the
downstream put-in far enough from the structure
to avoid potential hazards associated with a range
of flow conditions. For non-boatable structures
such as dams, state or federal regulations may
govern the boating exclusion zone upstream and
downstream. These exclusion zones set the Photograph 10-41. This sculpted concrete jetty forms a
small eddy downstream to enhance access to the river. The
minimum distance from the dam or non-boatable sculpted concrete surfacing also provides for direct access
structure to the beginning and endpoints of the into the waters edge. Photo courtesy of McLaughlin
portage path. Whitewater Design Group.

10-52 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

Improved access benefits all users. Accessibility

standards for the pathways and facilities adjacent
to the water are triggered by project funding
from or use of lands of Federal, State or local
governments. It should be noted that there are
no accessibility standards for hand carried boat
launches at the point at which the water is
accessed; however, there are accessibility
standards applicable to the pathways and
facilities leading up to the waters edge.

Guidance for universal design that works well

for most people, including individuals with
physical disabilities, should be reviewed. See the
user accessibility guidance provided in the River
Management Society and National Park Service Photograph 10-42. This access ramp was designed with
publication titled Prepare to Launch! Most universal access in mind. Photo courtesy John Anderson.
recent larger recreational venues with whitewater
features incorporate improvements that provide better access for all. Access improvements and
equipment to facilitate rescue personnel should be located in close proximity to drop structures and
recovery zones where practical.

Recommendations for accessible portage paths and ingress and egress points include:

Avoid longitudinal grades that exceed 1:12 for short rises and 1:20 for longer rises where practical.
This is typically most challenging at points of entry and exit to and from the water.

Provide durable, permanent, nonslip paving material capable of withstanding locally high water
velocities without damage or undercutting.

Provide a cross slope of no more than 2%.

Avoid use of guard railings where practical as they tend to be damaged by flood waters and
accumulate debris. Accordingly, avoid abrupt drop offs or excessively steep grades adjacent to paths.
Where local conditions require guards within the floodway, consider solid, durable walls instead of
open-work railings.

Site the portage path above the one-year flood level where practical.

Access for the disabled is governed by the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (ABA, triggered by Federal
funding of programs and facilities) the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA, applicable to
facilities for public accommodation) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (programs or
activities that receive Federal funds). The applicability of these standards and guidelines for access to the
disabled to a project should be researched by the design professional. The guidelines and
recommendations above are not substitutes for this research. See the inset on the following page for
resources pertaining to accessibility.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

Accessibility Resources and Guidelines

ABA Accessibility Standards (

ADA Accessibility Standards for Accessible Design (

American Canoe Association (ACA)

American Trails, Resources and Library

2010 ADA Standards Excerpts for Recreational Boating Facilities, California Department of
Boating and Waterways (2013)

Best Management Practices, Western Wood Preservers Institute

Designing Accessible Launches in Accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act

Accessibility Guidelines, National Park Service

Environmental and Aesthetic Impacts of Small Docks and Piers, NOAA Coastal Ocean Program

Floating Trail Bridges and Docks, US Forest Service

Guidance on the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design, Department of Justice

Guidelines for Developing Non-motorized Boat Launches in Florida, Florida Fish & Wildlife
Conservation Commission

Guidelines for Public Safety At Hydropower Projects, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Hydropower Relicensing, Recreational Liability, and Access, American Whitewater

Iowa Water Trails Toolkit, Iowa Department of Natural Resources

Layout, Design and Construction Handbook for Small Craft Boat Launching Facilities,
California Department of Boating and Waterways

Non-Motorized Boating in California (see Table 3.1: Overview of Key Facility Needs by Non-
Motorized Boat Types in California)

Prepare to Launch! Guidelines for Assessing, Designing and Building Access Sites for Carry-in
Watercraft, River Management Society and National Park Service

Streambank Revegetation and Protection: A Guide for Alaska, Alaska Department of Fish &

Wetland Trail Design and Construction, US Forest Service

10-54 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

4.8 Safety Signage

In addition to responsible design, signage should be provided at locations where public use is intended
near hydraulic structures and where hazards are not obvious to the responsible user. Warning signs for
dams or drop structures that are to be avoided (i.e., having no passage) are critical. There are a number of
signage examples and guidelines across the United States.

Photograph 10-43. Signage prior to a boatable Photograph 10-44. Additional signage placed
diversion in Florence Alabama. Courtesy of adjacent to the facility in Florence Alabama. Photo
McLaughlin Whitewater Design Group. courtesy of McLaughlin Whitewater Design Group.

There are currently no widely accepted standards for warning signage at river parks or boatable drop
structures. One of the primary safety concerns is the prevalence of users without approved lifejackets, or
Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs). Signage that emphasizes the need for PFDs is of utmost importance.

Signage wording should be reviewed by persons knowledgeable with both effective signage and river-
related activities. Some considerations for wording include:

Warning: Strong Currents and Undertows Life Jackets Required

Use Helmets and Cold Water Clothing

Emergencies Call 911 (and/or provide phone number of fire department)

Rapid Ahead - Scout Before Using (place upstream of portage)

Skill Required

Paddle Responsibly

Bank Drops Off Quickly

Dont Go in the Water Alone

Keep Children Under Direct Adult Supervision at All Times

Drownings Have Occurred at This Site Even at Low Flows

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 10-55
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

Use at Your Own Risk

Signage to warn in-channel users of poor water quality, especially during wet-weather flow in urban
areas, may also be appropriate.

Efforts to develop more universally accepted recommendations and suggested wording are being
considered by several entities but do not exist at the time of publishing this manual. Some examples of
signage are included in Chapter 7 of the Colorado Water Conservation Boards (CWCB) Floodplain and
Stormwater Criteria Manual.

4.9 Maintenance Considerations

Maintenance of boatable channels is important to avoid accumulation of debris that could create a strainer
and to identify any rock movement or structural issues that could create hazardous conditions.
Improvements should be planned, designed, and constructed to avoid excessive maintenance
requirements. Potential areas of sediment deposition resulting in aggradation or areas that accumulate
debris, particularly in pools or zones with low velocities, should be identified. Maintenance needs and
frequency of cleaning should be roughly approximated in the planning and design process. Paths,
grading, and other ancillary infrastructure or considerations should be included to facilitate identified
maintenance needs.

10-56 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 10 Stream Access and Recreational Channels

5.0 References
American Society of Civil Engineers and Water Environment Federation (ASCE and WEF). 1992.
Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems. American Society of Civil
Engineers Manuals and Reports of Engineering Practice No. 77 and Water Environment Federation
Manual of Practice FD-20. New York: ASCE.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 2014. Public Safety Guidance for Urban Stormwater
Facilities. New York: ASCE.

Bell, Milo. 1991. Fisheries Handbook United Stated Army Corps of Engineers North Pacific Division.

Hsu, E.Y. 1950. Discussion of Control of the Hydraulic Jump by Sills, by John W. Forster and Raymond
A. Skinde. Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 115, pp. 988-991.

McLaughlin, R; Grenier, R 1996 Low-Head Drop Structure Hazards; Modeling of an Abrupt Drop Chute.
Hydraulic Engineering Volume I, pp. 714-721; Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering
Hydraulics Division, National Conference, August 4-6, 1996, Long Beach, CA

Moore, Joe. Paddlesports Launch Site Accessibility Legal Compliance and Beyond. 2014 River
Management Society (RMS) Conference, Denver, Colorado. April 2014

Moore, Joe. Personal interview by Richard McLaughlin. April 2014. American Canoe Association.

Moore, W.L. and Morgan, C.W. 1959, Hydraulic Jump at an Abrupt Drop, Transactions, ASCE, Vol.
123, pp. 507-516.

Ohitsu, I,, Yasuda,Y , 1990, Transition from supercritical to subcritical flow at an abrupt drop. Journal
of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 29, No. 3.

Rajaratnam, N and Ortiz, N.V. 1977 Hydraulic Jumps and waves at Abrupt Drops, Journal of Hydraulic
Division, ASCE Vol. 103, No. HY4, pp. 380-393.

Samad, M.A. Pflaum, J.M., Taggart, W.C., Mclaughlin, R.E. 1986. Modeling of the Undular Jump for
Whitewater Bypass, Proceedings of the 1986 National Conference, ASCE, pp. 714-721.

Shimoda, Risa. River Management Society. Personal interview by Richard McLaughlin. 2014

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. 2006, Fish Protection at Water Diversions; A
Guide for Planning and Designing Fish Exclusion Facilities, Water Resources Technical Publication.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, July 1999. Designing Sidewalks
and Trails for Access.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, last modified April 23, 2011.
Equestrian Design Guidebook for Trails, Trailheads and Campgrounds.

Wildman, Laura, Parasiewicz, Piotr, Katopodis, Christos, Dumont, Ulrich An Illustrative Handbook to
Nature-Like Fishways Summarized Version

Wright, K. R., T. A. Earles and J.M. Kelly, 2003 Public Safety at Low-Head Dams, Proceedings, Dam
Safety, Annual Conference Proceedings, Minneapolis, MN, Sept. 7-10, 2003, Association of State Dam

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 10-57

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Stream Access and Recreational Channels Chapter 10

Safety, Officials (ASDSO), 14 pp.

Zeller, Janet. April 2014, Personal communications regarding universal accessibility. Janet Zeller, U.S.
Forest Service, National Accessibility Program Manager, Washington, U.S. Forest Service.

10-58 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 11
Culverts and Bridges
1.0 Introduction and Overview ............................................................................................................. 1

2.0 Required Design Information ......................................................................................................... 1

3.0 Culvert Hydraulics ........................................................................................................................... 5

3.1 Key Hydraulic Principles .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Energy and Hydraulic Grade Lines ............................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Inlet and Outlet Control ................................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Energy Losses ......................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 Inlet Losses ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2.2 Friction Losses ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.2.3 Outlet Losses ............................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.4 Total Losses ................................................................................................................................ 13

4.0 Culvert Sizing and Design ............................................................................................................. 13

4.1 Capacity Charts ....................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.1 Culverts Under Inlet Control ....................................................................................................... 14
4.1.2 Culverts Under Outlet Control .................................................................................................... 16
4.1.3 Capacity Chart Procedure ........................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Nomographs ............................................................................................................................................ 19
4.3 Computer Applications ........................................................................................................................... 23
4.4 Design Considerations ............................................................................................................................ 23
4.4.1 Design Computation Forms ........................................................................................................ 23
4.4.2 Invert Elevations ......................................................................................................................... 23
4.4.3 Minimum Culvert Diameter ........................................................................................................ 24
4.4.4 Limited Headwater ...................................................................................................................... 24
4.4.5 Culvert Outlet.............................................................................................................................. 24
4.4.6 Minimum Slope .......................................................................................................................... 24

5.0 Culvert Inlets .................................................................................................................................. 24

5.1 Types of Inlets ......................................................................................................................................... 25
5.1.1 Inlets with Headwalls .................................................................................................................. 25
5.1.2 Special Inlets ............................................................................................................................... 28
5.1.3 Projecting Inlets .......................................................................................................................... 31
5.1.4 Improved Inlets ........................................................................................................................... 31
5.2 Inlet Protection ........................................................................................................................................ 32
5.2.1 Debris Control ............................................................................................................................. 32
5.2.2 Buoyancy .................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3 Safety Grates ........................................................................................................................................... 33
5.3.1 Collapsible Grating ..................................................................................................................... 35
5.3.2 Upstream Trash Collectors .......................................................................................................... 35

6.0 Outlet Protection ............................................................................................................................ 36

7.0 Bridges............................................................................................................................................. 37
7.1 General .................................................................................................................................................... 37
7.2 Backwater and Hydraulic Analysis ......................................................................................................... 38
January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 11-i
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
7.3 Freeboard ................................................................................................................................................ 40
7.4 Bridge Scour Analysis............................................................................................................................. 40

8.0 Design Examples............................................................................................................................. 42

8.1 Example using UD-Culvert ..................................................................................................................... 42
8.2 Example Using HY-8 .............................................................................................................................. 46

9.0 Checklist .......................................................................................................................................... 49

10.0 References ....................................................................................................................................... 50

Figure 11-1. Illustration of terms for open channel flow ............................................................................. 7
Figure 11-2. Illustration of terms for closed conduit flow ........................................................................... 8
Figure 11-3. Inlet control unsubmerged inlet ........................................................................................... 9
Figure 11-4. Inlet control submerged inlet ............................................................................................... 9
Figure 11-5. Outlet control partially full conduit ................................................................................... 10
Figure 11-6. Outlet control full conduit .................................................................................................. 11
Figure 11-7. Culvert capacity chartexample .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 11-8. Design computation for culvertsblank form ..................................................................... 18
Figure 11-9. Inlet control nomographexample ...................................................................................... 21
Figure 11-10. Outlet control nomographexample.................................................................................. 22
Figure 11-11. Inlet with headwall and wingwalls...................................................................................... 26
Figure 11-12. Typical headwall-wingwall configurations ......................................................................... 27
Figure 11-13. Side-tapered and slope-tapered improved inlets ................................................................. 31
Figure 11-14. Hydraulic cross section locations........................................................................................ 39
Figure 11-15. Cross section locations and ineffective flow area definition .............................................. 39
Figure 11-16. Example of scour envelope, as calculated with HEC-RAS ................................................ 41
Figure 11-17. Example problem using UD-Culvert (5-year tailwater)...................................................... 44
Figure 11-18. Rating curve generated using UD-Culvert (5-year event) .................................................. 45
Figure 11-19. Adding a crossing in HY-8 ................................................................................................. 47
Figure 11-20. HY-8 output ........................................................................................................................ 48

Table 11-1. Mannings roughness coefficients ............................................................................................ 6
Table 11-2. Entrance loss coefficients ....................................................................................................... 25
Table 11-3. Pipe and culvert related fatalities ........................................................................................... 35
Table 11-4. HY-8 program inputs ............................................................................................................. 46

11-ii Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

1.0 Introduction and Overview

This chapter addresses the hydraulic function of
culverts and bridges, i.e., conveyance of surface
water through embankments such as roadways and
railroads. Structural considerations, such as the
design requirements to support loads, are not
addressed in this chapter. The chapter is primarily
focused on design of culverts with the exception of
Section 7.0 which provides a brief overview of
considerations with regard to bridges. When
designing a culvert or bridge that will include a
Photograph 11-1. Culverts frequently provide
path, also see the Stream Access and Recreational compatible conditions for upstream wetland growth.
Channels Chapter.

A careful approach to design is essential, for new and retrofit situations, because crossings often
significantly influence upstream and downstream flood risks, floodplain management, and public safety.
Multiple factors have a bearing on the hydraulic capacity and overall performance of a structure. These
include the size, shape, slope, material, inlet configuration, outlet protection, and other variables. Sizes
and shapes of culverts vary from small circular pipes to extremely large arch sections used in place of a

In addition to the primary function of conveying flow, culverts can create conditions upstream that are
suitable for wetland growth (Photograph 11-1). Aesthetic considerations should also be incorporated into
a design, such as visually integrating a crossing into the surrounding landscape. This can be achieved
through thoughtful grading, landscaping and wall design including finishing.

Much of the information and many of the references necessary to design culverts according to the
procedure given in this chapter can be found in Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts, Hydraulic Design
Series No. 5 (FHWA 2005a). Examples of charts and nomographs from that publication are given in this
chapter for some of the most common culvert scenarios; however, this chapter does not republish many of
the nomographs, equations and technical background provided by FHWAs Hydraulic Design of Highway
Culverts since it is readily available on the internet and provides a level of detail that goes beyond what
most typical users of the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (USDCM) will require. Refer to the
FHWA publication for special cases, larger culvert sizes, or specific technical topics not covered in this

2.0 Required Design Information

The hydraulic design of a culvert or bridge includes determining the types of information described in the
following sections:

General Planning Considerations

Drainage Master Plan

o How will the proposed structure fit into the relevant major drainageway master plan, and are there
multi-purpose objectives that could be satisfied? For example, box culverts can also serve as
below-grade crossings, with one cell elevated to convey flows only during larger storm events
(see the Open Channels chapter for criteria). Additionally, a culvert can be used to discharge at a

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 11-1

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Culverts and Bridges Chapter 11

controlled flow rate while the area upstream from the culvert is, for example, used for detention
storage to reduce a storm runoff peak (in such a case, the embankment that the culvert penetrates
should effectively be designed as a dam).
o Careful consideration should be taken to ensure that upstream and downstream property owners
are not adversely affected by new hydraulic conditions. When restricting flow to attenuate major
events, evaluate the area of potential flooding upstream of the new culvert. If a culvert is
replaced by one with more capacity, the downstream effects of the increased flow must be
evaluated. Assure consistency with existing master plans and/or outfall studies.

Safety Concerns

o Are there specific public safety issues related to the culvert location, such as proximity to parks or
other public areas that have a bearing on the culvert design? A key question is whether or not to
include a safety/debris grate at the culvert inlet (grates should be avoided at culvert outlets).

o Culverts are often located at the bottom of a steep slope. Large box culverts, in particular, can
create conditions where there is a significant falling hazard, which poses risk to the public. In
such cases, fencing (or guardrails for roadway applications) is recommended for public safety.

Specific Design Considerations


o Culvert location is an integral part of roadway design. The designer should identify all live
stream crossings, springs, low areas, gullies, and impoundment areas created by the new roadway
embankment for possible culvert locations.

o The culvert should be located as to not change the existing stream alignment and be aligned to
give the stream a direct entrance and exit. Abrupt changes in direction at either end may reduce
capacity making a larger structure necessary. Bends within a culvert should also be avoided
where possible. If necessary, a direct inlet and outlet may be obtained by channel realignment,
skewing the culvert, or a combination of these.

o Where water must be turned into a culvert, headwalls, wingwalls, and aprons with configurations
similar to those in Figure 11-13 should be used as protection against scour and to provide an
efficient inlet.

Design Flood Frequency and Discharge

o The design flood frequency for culverts is closely related to the pavement encroachment and road
overtopping criteria presented in Tables 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 in the Policy chapter. Most
municipalities within the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) region have
minimum design frequencies related to these tables that require culvert capacity for at least the
10-year event (and in some cases the 25-year event); however, for road and rail crossings of
channels that drain a watershed of 130 acres or more, especially for arterial streets, freeways and
critical crossings, a 100-year basis of design (plus freeboard above the allowable headwater) is
common. Please note that state and federal standards apply to relevant highway projects. The
design recurrence interval should be based on the criteria set forth in this manual in conjunction
with local requirements and criteria for culvert sizing and road overtopping. The more stringent
of the applicable criteria should be applied.

o The required hydraulic capacity (i.e., design discharge) is based on the design flood frequency
11-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

and the resulting design flow rate calculated for the watershed tributary to the proposed culvert
(see the Runoff chapter for information on hydrologic calculations). The structure should be
designed to operate within acceptable limits of uncertainty of the design discharge.

o Culverts are frequently designed to overtop in a 100-year event while bridges are typically
designed to pass this flow while allowing for freeboard.

Allowable Headwater Depth for Culverts

o Culverts frequently constrict the natural stream flow, which causes a rise in the upstream water
surface. The elevation of the upstream water surface is termed headwater elevation. The depth of
headwater is measured from the invert of the culvert inlet to the headwater elevation for a known
event. In selecting the design headwater elevation, the designer should consider the following:

1. The headwater depth /culvert diameter ratio (HW/D) should not exceed 1.5 for the 100-year
event peak flow unless there is justification and sufficient measures are taken to protect the
culvert inlet (for example, a concrete headwall). Piping failure can be of concern for deep
headwater depths, especially if there are animal burrows in the embankment.

2. Assess the impacts caused by exceeding the design headwater depth, including:

a. Hazard to human life and safety.

b. Potential damage to the culvert, embankment stability and roadway.

c. Traffic interruption in the event of roadway overtopping.

d. Anticipated upstream and downstream flood risks, for a range of return frequencies.

3. The elevation of the watershed divides should be higher than the design headwater elevations
in order to prevent the headwater from spilling into adjacent watersheds. In flat terrain,
watershed boundaries are often poorly defined, and culverts should be located and designed
to minimize disruption of the existing flow paths and avoid spillover into adjacent watersheds
due to culvert backwater effects.

Tailwater Depth for Culverts

o Tailwater is the flow depth in the downstream channel, measured from the invert of the culvert
outlet to the water surface (assuming normal (uniform) flow in the channel downstream of the
culvert). Knowledge of tailwater depth is critical for culvert design because a submerged outlet
may cause the culvert to flow full rather than partially full.

o Tailwater depth is typically calculated using a computer program, such as HEC-RAS or HY-8, as
the water surface profile in the downstream channel, or using an alternative method for
computing the normal depth. A field inspection of the downstream channel should be made to
determine whether there are obstructions that will influence the tailwater depth. Tailwater depth
may be controlled by several factors, including the stage in a contributing stream,
headwater/backwater from structures downstream of the culvert, reservoir water surface
elevations, or other downstream features.

Allowable Outlet Velocity for Culverts

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 11-3

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Culverts and Bridges Chapter 11

o The outlet velocity of a culvert, measured at the downstream end of the culvert, is usually higher
than the maximum velocity that a natural channel can withstand without experiencing significant
erosion of the bed and/or banks. Most culverts require adequate outlet protection (typically riprap
or a stilling basin), and this is a frequently overlooked issue during design. Use UD-Culvert,
available at to determine the length of recommended outlet protection.

o Permissible velocities at the outlet will depend upon streambed type, and the type of energy
dissipation (outlet protection) that is provided. As a general rule, the velocity at the downstream
edge of a project right-of -way or downstream constraint should not be greater than the pre-
construction velocity.

o If the outlet velocity of a culvert is too high, the velocity may be reduced by increasing the barrel
roughness, since slope and roughness are the principal factors affecting the outlet velocity.
Variations in shape and size of a culvert seldom have a significant effect on the outlet velocity. If
changing the barrel roughness does not provide a satisfactory reduction in outlet velocity, it may
be necessary to incorporate some type of outlet protection or energy dissipation device.

Environmental Permitting

o Environmental permitting constraints often are applicable for new culverts or retrofits as well as
for construction of bridges. For example, the Section 404 permit, administered by the United
States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), regulates construction activities in jurisdictional
wetlands and Waters of the United States. The local USACE representative should be
consulted when designing a crossing to assess the permitting requirements. Culverts also often
have regulatory floodplain implications and a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR)
and/or Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) is often required when a new culvert is installed.

Fish Passage and Culverts

o At some culvert locations, the ability of the structure to accommodate migrating fish is an
important design consideration. For such sites, federal and state fish and wildlife agencies (such
as the United States Fish and Wildlife Services and the Colorado Division of Wildlife) should be
consulted early in the planning process. Some situations may require the construction of a bridge
to span the natural stream. However, culvert modifications such as oversizing the diameter or
rise of the culvert, placing the culvert below the stream bed and filling the lower portion with
native streambed material can often be used to meet the design criteria established by the
regulatory agencies and the fish and wildlife agencies.

Culvert Details

o Culvert size and shape.

o Culvert material.

o Alignment, grade, and length of culvert.

o Need for protective measures against abrasion and corrosion and type of coating, if required.

o Culvert inlet design.

o Culvert end treatment and erosion protection.

11-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

o Amount and type of cover material required.

Other Design Considerations

Other design considerations include the following:

What are the impacts of various culvert sizes, dimensions, and materials on upstream and downstream
flood risks, including the implications of embankment overtopping?

What type of sediment load and bed load can be anticipated for the culvert? For streams with a heavy
bed load, abrasion and debris blockage can be of concern. For culverts with milder slopes or abrupt
changes to a flatter grade within the culvert, filling in of culverts with sediment can be problematic
and lead to increased maintenance frequency. If the culvert is in an area where there is potential for
significant debris (mountainous terrain, pine beetle kill areas, recently burned areas, etc.), appropriate
conservative assumptions for blockage and overflow paths should be applied.

Deposits in culverts may also occur due to the following conditions:

o At moderate flow rates, the culvert cross section may be larger than that of the stream, so the flow
depth and sediment transport capacity is reduced.

o Point bars form on the inside of stream bends. Culvert inlets placed at bends in the stream will be
subject to deposition in the same manner. This effect is most pronounced in multiple-barrel
culverts with the barrel on the inside of the curve often becoming almost totally plugged with
sediment deposits.

Structural and geotechnical considerations which are beyond the scope of this chapter.

3.0 Culvert Hydraulics

3.1 Key Hydraulic Principles

For the purposes of this review, it is assumed that the reader has a basic working knowledge of hydraulics
and is familiar with the Mannings Equation (Equation 11-1), Continuity Equation (Equation 11-2), and
Energy Equation (Equation 11-3):

Q= AR 2 / 3 S 1 / 2 Equation 11-1
Q = flow rate or discharge (cfs)
n = Manning roughness coefficient (see Table 11-1)
A = cross-sectional area of flow (ft2)
R = hydraulic radius (ft)
S = longitudinal slope (ft/ft)

Q = v1 A1 = v 2 A2 Equation 11-2

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Q = flow rate or discharge (cfs)

v = velocity (ft/s)
A = cross-sectional area of flow (ft2)

Subscripts refer to two different locations within a culvert or channel between which flow is

v2 p
+ + z + losses = constant Equation 11-3
2g g
v = velocity (ft/s)
g = gravitational acceleration (32.2 ft/s2)
p = pressure (lb/ft2)
= specific weight of water (62.4 lb/ft3)
(Note: p/ = pressure head or depth of flow [ft])
z = height above datum (ft)

Table 11-1. Mannings roughness coefficients

Reinforced Aluminized Polymer Corrugated Polyvinyl Polyethylene
Concrete Steel Pipe Coated Aluminum Chloride Pipe
Pipe (RCP) (ASP) Steel pipe Pipe Pipe (PVC) (HDPE)
Coefficient 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.011 0.012

3.1.1 Energy and Hydraulic Grade Lines

The concepts of energy grade line (EGL) and hydraulic grade line (HGL), and related terms, are
illustrated for open channel flow (Figure 11-1) and closed conduit flow (Figure 11-2).

Open Channel Flow

The EGL, also known as the line of total head, is the sum of velocity head (v2/2g), the depth of flow or
pressure head (p/g), and elevation above an arbitrary datum represented by the distance (z). The energy
grade line slopes downward in the direction of flow by an amount equal to the energy gradient (HL/L),
where HL equals the total energy loss over the distance L.
The HGL, also known as the line of piezometric head, is the sum of the depth of flow or pressure head
(p/g), and the elevation (z). The HGL does not include the velocity head.

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For open channel flow, the term p/g is equivalent to the depth of flow and the hydraulic grade line is the
same as the water surface (Point 5 on Figure 11-1).

Figure 11-1. Illustration of terms for open channel flow

Closed Conduit Flow

While it is preferable to design culverts for open channel flow conditions (i.e. non-pressurized flow),
when the culvert is designed with a headwater depth exceeding the top of the culvert (not uncommon)
pressurized flow may develop under some tailwater conditions and/or during events that exceed the
design capacity of the culvert. For pressure flow in closed conduits, p/g is the pressure head and the
hydraulic grade line is above the top of the conduit provided that the pressure relative to atmospheric
pressure is positive (see Figure 11-2).

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Figure 11-2. Illustration of terms for closed conduit flow

When ponding occurs at the entrance of a culvert (see Point 1 on Figure 11-2) the velocity is considered
minimal and the energy grade line and hydraulic grade line are nearly the same. As water enters the
culvert at the inlet, the flow is contracted by the inlet geometry causing a loss of energy (see Point 2). As
a turbulent velocity distribution is reestablished downstream of the entrance (see Point 3), a loss of energy
occurs due to friction and/or resistance from the culvert. In short culverts, the entrance losses are likely to
be high relative to the friction loss. At the culvert exit (Point 4), additional losses occur through
turbulence as the flow expands and is retarded by the tailwater in the downstream channel.

3.1.2 Inlet and Outlet Control

There are two basic types of flow conditions in culverts: (1) inlet control and (2) outlet control 1. For
each type of control, a different combination of factors is used to determine the hydraulic capacity of the
culvert. The determination of actual flow conditions can be difficult; therefore, the designer must check
for both types of control and design for the most adverse condition.

Inlet Control

A culvert operates under inlet control when the flow capacity of the culvert is controlled at the inlet by
these factors:

Depth of headwater.

Outlet control refers to all head loss mechanisms other than the culvert inlet. These outlet control
mechanisms include head loss attributed to pipe friction, bends, culvert outlet, and tailwater. Outlet
control is the common naming convention for these losses, including in FHWA 2005a.

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Inlet edge configuration.

Cross-sectional area.

Barrel shape (e.g., circular, elliptical, rectangular, etc.).

With inlet control, the culvert barrel usually flows only partially full. Inlet control for culverts can
occur under unsubmerged or submerged conditions.

Unsubmerged Inlet: The headwater depth is not sufficient to submerge the top of the culvert
and the culvert invert slope is supercritical (Figure 11-3).

Figure 11-3. Inlet control unsubmerged inlet

Submerged Inlet : The headwater submerges the top of the culvert and the pipe does not flow
full (Figure 11-4). This is the most common condition of inlet control.

Figure 11-4. Inlet control submerged inlet

A culvert flowing under inlet control is sometimes referred to as a hydraulically short culvert.

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Outlet Control
The hydraulic control of a culvert can switch from the inlet to the outlet under several conditions, such as
high headwater, relatively flat culvert slope, or sufficiently long culvert length. 2
With outlet control, culvert hydraulic performance is determined by the following factors:

Depth of headwater,

Inlet edge configuration,

Cross-sectional area,

Bends (if applicable),

Culvert shape,

Barrel slope,

Barrel length,

Barrel roughness, and

Depth of tailwater.

Outlet control for culverts can occur under partially full or full conduit conditions.

Partially Full Conduit: The headwater depth is insufficient to submerge the top of the culvert, and
the culvert slope is subcritical, resulting in the culvert flowing partially full (Figure 11-5). This is the
least common condition of outlet control.

Figure 11-5. Outlet control partially full conduit

Full Conduit: The culvert flows full along its length (Figure 11-6). This is the most common
condition of outlet control.

Over a range of event frequencies (and even within an event during dynamic conditions), most culverts
experience both inlet and outlet control conditions at times.

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Figure 11-6. Outlet control full conduit

A culvert flowing under outlet control is sometimes referred to as a hydraulically long culvert. With
outlet control, factors that may affect performance for a given culvert size and headwater depth are barrel
length, barrel roughness, and tailwater depth.

3.2 Energy Losses

The energy losses that must be evaluated to determine the carrying capacity of a culvert are:

Inlet (or entrance) losses (Section 3.2.1)

Friction losses (through the culvert) (Section 3.2.2)

Bend losses (if applicable) (Section 4 of the Streets, Inlets, and Storm Drains chapter)

Outlet (or exit) losses (Section 3.2.3)

It is noteworthy that the entrance losses in a culvert can be as important as the friction losses, particularly
in short culverts.

3.2.1 Inlet Losses

For inlet losses, the governing equations are:

Q = CA 2 gH Equation 11-4


H e = Ke Equation 11-5

Q = flow rate or discharge (cfs)
C = contraction coefficient (dimensionless)
A = cross-sectional area (ft2)
g = acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/s2)
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H = total head (ft)

He = head loss at entrance (ft)
Ke = entrance loss coefficient (dimensionless, see Section 5.0)
V = average velocity (ft/s)

Capacity based on headwater relevant to culvert rise.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has determined that the orifice equation is not valid
representation of actual capacity until the headwater (H) is at least 3 times the height (rise) of the culvert.
For H less than 0.5(rise), open channel minimum energy equations should be applied, and for 0.5(rise) <
H < 3(rise), empirical best-fit equations should be applied. This methodology is programmed into HY-8
and into the UD-Culvert workbook.

3.2.2 Friction Losses

Pipes Flowing Partially Full

Friction head loss for pipes flowing partially full can be determined from the Mannings equation

( )
reformulated to calculate head loss:
29 n2 L V 2
Hf = 4/3
Equation 11-6
R 2g
Hf = frictional head loss in culvert barrel (ft)
n = Manning roughness coefficient (dimensionless)
L = culvert length (ft)
R = hydraulic radius (ft, area/wetted perimeter)
A = cross-sectional area of culvert barrel (ft2)
V = average velocity (ft)
g = acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/s2)

Pipes Flowing Full

Friction head loss for turbulent flow in pipes flowing full can be determined from the Darcy-Weisbach
H f = f Equation 11-7
D 2 g
Hf = frictional head loss (ft)
f = friction factor (dimensionless)
L = culvert length (ft)
D = pipe diameter (ft)
V = average velocity (ft)
g = acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/s2)

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3.2.3 Outlet Losses

For outlet (or exit) losses, the governing equations are related to the difference in velocity head between:
a) the pipe flow, and b) the downstream channel at the end of the pipe. The downstream channel velocity
is usually neglected, resulting in the outlet losses being equal to the velocity head of full flow in the
culvert barrel, given by the following:

Ho = Equation 11-8
Ho = outlet head loss (ft)
V = average velocity in culvert barrel (ft)
g = acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/s2)

3.2.4 Total Losses

Combining the relationships for entrance loss, friction loss, and outlet (or exit) loss, the following
equation for total head loss is obtained (i.e., difference in the headwater and tailwater elevations):

29n 2 L V 2
H = 1 + K e + 1.33 Equation 11-9
R 2g
H = difference in the headwater and tailwater elevations (ft)
Ke = entrance loss coefficient (dimensionless)
n = Manning roughness coefficient (dimensionless)
L = culvert length (ft)
R = hydraulic radius (area/wetted perimeter)
V = average velocity (ft)
g = acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/s2)

4.0 Culvert Sizing and Design

The hydraulic design of culverts can be completed using several different methods, including the
following described in this chapter:

Capacity Charts (Section 4.1)

Nomographs (Section 4.2)

Computer Applications (Section 3.04.3)

The capacity charts and nomographs are methods that were frequently used before the widespread use of
computers; however, they are older methods that are now less commonly used in lieu of computer
applications. The capacity charts and nomographs still have utility for independently sizing culverts or
for checking results generated from software packages. Hence, all three of these methods for culvert
sizing are addressed in this manual.

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4.1 Capacity Charts

Capacity charts can provide a good understanding of how culvert size requirements vary depending on
multiple variables. Descriptions are provided below for the application of capacity charts for inlet control
(Section, outlet control (Section, as well as a procedure for their use (Section

It is important to recognize that there are numerous restrictions on the use of capacity charts in terms of
culvert entrance and exit conditions. Capacity charts for all of the types of entrance conditions that a
designer may encounter are not provided in this manual. For capacity charts for a range of entrance
conditions refer to FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 10 (FHWA 1972), available for download
at: Perhaps most important to
recognize is that capacity charts should only be used for free outfall conditions. This is important because
for some conditions, such as flood flows on relatively flat slopes, high tailwater conditions will inevitably
be encountered and capacity charts would not be suitable.

Examples of capacity charts used for culvert sizing are shown on Figure 11-7. The upper chart is for
circular culvert diameters from 18 to 36 inches and the lower chart is for circular culvert diameters from
36 to 66 inches. The discussion below refers to these charts.

Each chart contains a series of curves which show the discharge capacity per culvert barrel (in cfs) for
each of several sizes of similar culvert types, given various headwater depths (measured in feet above the
culvert invert at the inlet). The curved lines represent the ratio of the culvert length (L) in feet, to 100
times the slope (s) in units of ft/ft. Each culvert size on the chart is described by two lines: one solid and
one dashed. The solid line represents the division between outlet and inlet control. The dashed line
represents the maximum L/(100s) ratio for which the curve may be used without modification.

4.1.1 Culverts Under Inlet Control

When using the capacity charts, for values of L/(100s) less than that shown on the solid line, the culvert is
operating under inlet control. The headwater depth is determined from the L/(100s) value given on the
solid line. The inlet control curves (solid) are plotted from model test data. The outlet control curves
(dashed) were computed for culverts of various lengths with relatively flat slopes. Free outfall at the
outlet was assumed; therefore, tailwater depth is assumed not to influence the culvert performance.

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Figure 11-7. Culvert capacity chartexample

(Assumes free outfall conditions and includes elevation plus velocity head in headwater.)

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4.1.2 Culverts Under Outlet Control

When using the capacity charts for culverts flowing under outlet control, the head loss at the entrance is
not determined by the capacity charts, but is computed using entrance loss coefficients. In addition, the
hydraulic roughness of the culvert material is taken into account in computing resistance loss for full or
part-full flow, with Mannings n values ranging from 0.012 to 0.032, depending on the pipe material (see
Table 11-1).

Except for large pipe sizes, headwater depths on the charts extend to 3.0 times the culvert height. Pipe
arches and oval pipe show headwater up to 2.5 times their height since they are used in low fills. The
dotted line, stepped across the charts, shows headwater depths approximately twice the barrel height and
indicates the upper limit of unrestricted use of the charts. Above this line the headwater elevation should
be checked with the nomographs (see Section 4.2) or with computer programs (see Section 4.3). Also, as
stated in Section 2.2, UDFCDs policy is that the headwater depth/culvert diameter ratio (HW/D) should
not exceed 1.5 unless there is justification and sufficient measures are taken to protect the embankment
from piping.

The headwater depth given by the charts is actually the difference in elevation between the culvert invert
at the entrance and the total head (i.e., the elevation head plus velocity head for flow in the approach
channel). In most cases, the water surface upstream from the inlet is so close to the same level as the total
head that the chart determination may be used as headwater depth for practical design purposes (assuming
minimal velocity head). For practical purposes, approach velocities up to about 3 feet per second can be
neglected. However, for approach velocities greater than 3 feet per second, the velocity head should be
subtracted from the curve determination of headwater to obtain the actual headwater depth.

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4.1.3 Capacity Chart Procedure

The procedure for sizing a culvert using the capacity charts is summarized below. Data can be compiled
in the Design Computation Form shown on Figure 11-8.

1. Identify design data and list on the Design Computation Form:

Q = flow or discharge rate (cfs) for the design discharge (Q1) and a check discharge (Q2) for a
different storm event (e.g., 50-year or 100-year event).

Tailwater elevations for both Q1 and Q2 (calculated using HEC-RAS, HY-8 or other method)

L = length of culvert (ft).

s = slope of culvert (ft/ft).

Allowable Hw = headwater depth (ft).

Culvert type and entrance type for the first trial culvert design.

2. Compute L/(100s).

3. Find the design discharge (Q) in the appropriate capacity chart. Locate the appropriate chart (based
on culvert size, shape, and entrance condition) in FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 10
(HEC 10), Capacity Charts for the Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts (FHWA, 1972), available
for download at

4. Using the design discharge and capacity chart from Step 3, find the L/(100s) value for the smallest
pipe that will pass the design discharge. If this value is above the dotted line (the maximum L/(100s)
ratio for which the curves may be used without modification), use the nomographs (from FHWA
2005a) to check headwater conditions.

5. If L/(100s) is less than the value of L/(100s) given for the solid line, then the value of Hw is the value
obtained from the solid line curve. If L/(100s) is larger than the value for the dashed outlet control
curve, then special measures must be taken, and the reader is referred to Hydraulic Design of
Highway Culverts (FHWA 2005a).

6. Check the headwater depth (Hw) value obtained from the charts with the allowable Hw. If the
indicated Hw is greater than the allowable Hw, then check the next largest pipe size to see if the Hw
elevation is acceptable (i.e., is less than the allowable Hw).

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Figure 11-8. Design computation for culvertsblank form

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4.2 Nomographs

Examples of nomographs for designing culverts are presented on Figure 11-9 (Inlet Control Nomograph)
and Figure 11-10 (Outlet Control Nomograph). A disadvantage of the nomographs is that they require
trial and error, whereas the capacity charts described in Section 4.1 are direct.

As noted previously, the capacity charts can be used only when the flow passes through critical depth at
the outlet. If the critical depth at the outlet is less than the tailwater depth, then the nomographs or other
method must be used.

Nomograph Procedure
The nomograph procedure for culvert design requires the use of both the inlet control and outlet control
nomographs (for examples, refer to Figure 11-9 for an inlet control nomograph and Figure 11-10 for an
outlet control nomograph). Data can be compiled in the design computation form shown on Figure 11-8.
Steps in the nomograph procedure are listed below:

1. List design data on the design computation form:

Q (cfs).

L (ft).

Invert elevations for culvert inlet and outlet (ft).

Allowable Hw (ft).

Mean and maximum flood velocities and depths in stream (ft/s).

Culvert type, shape and entrance type for first selection.

2. Determine a trial size culvert. Assume a maximum average velocity based on channel considerations
and use this to compute the culverts cross-sectional area (A) using the Continuity Equation (A =
Q/V). Calculate the culvert diameter D that corresponds to A. Round D up to the nearest standard
culvert size.

3. Find the headwater depth Hw for a trial size culvert for inlet control and outlet control. Select the
appropriate inlet and outlet nomographs, based on the culvert diameter, entrance type, design
discharge and allowable headwater, from the Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts (FHWA 2005a).
For inlet control (see Figure 11-9 for example inlet control nomograph), connect a straight line
through D and Q to scale (1) of the Hw/D scales and project horizontally to the proper scale. (As noted
on the nomograph, the different scales correspond to different culvert entrance types). Compute Hw
and, if too large or too small, try another culvert size before computing Hw for outlet control.

4. Compute the Hw for outlet control (see Figure 11-10 for example outlet control nomograph). Connect
the culvert diameter scale and the culvert length scale with a straight line (select the proper culvert
length scale based on the type of culvert entrance). Draw a straight line from the design discharge on
the discharge scale through the intersection point of the first drawn line and the turning point line and
extend this to the head scale (head loss, H). Compute Hw from the equation:

H w = H + ho Ls Equation 11-10

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Hw= headwater depth (ft)
H = head loss (ft)
ho = tailwater depth or height of the hydraulic grade line measured from the outlet invert (ft)
L = length of culvert (ft)
s = slope of culvert (ft/ft)

For Tw greater than or equal to the top of the culvert:

ho = Tw Equation 11-11

For Tw less than the top of the culvert:

ho =
(d c + D )
or Tw (whichever is greater) Equation 11-12
h0 = approximate height of hydraulic grade line above outlet invert (ft)
dc = critical depth (ft)
D = culvert diameter (ft)
Tw= tailwater depth (ft)

Compare the headwater elevations calculated with the inlet and outlet control nomographs; the higher Hw
dictates whether the culvert is under inlet or outlet control. If outlet control governs and the Hw is
unacceptable, select a larger trial size culvert and find another Hw with the outlet control nomographs.
After a larger pipe size is selected by the outlet control nomograph, it does not need to be re-checked for
headwater with the inlet control nomograph, since the smaller size of culvert had previously been
evaluated for allowable headwater based on inlet control.

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Figure 11-9. Inlet control nomographexample

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Figure 11-10. Outlet control nomographexample

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4.3 Computer Applications Computer Applications for the Hydraulic

Design of Culverts
Although the nomographs continue to be
useful tools, especially for engineers who The following public domain computer applications
were trained in these methods, engineers are available for free download at the addresses
increasingly use computer applications shown and are acceptable for use in conjunction with
for culvert design. Examples of public this chapter:
domain computer applications that are
acceptable by UDFCD for the hydraulic UDFCD Excel workbook: UD-Culvert
design of culverts are listed in the text
box at right.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) HY-8
In addition to the public domain Culvert Analysis program (FHWA 2009).
computer applications listed in the text
box, numerous proprietary computer
applications are also available for the software/hy8/
hydraulic design of culverts. Proprietary
model applications are discouraged U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic
because of the costs to municipalities Engineering Center - River Analysis System
and/or UDFCD to obtain and operate the (HEC-RAS):
proprietary software. UDFCD and
municipalities may consider on a case-
by-case basis whether the use of specific
proprietary software may be used.

4.4 Design Considerations

The design of a culvert installation is more difficult than the process of sizing culverts, since other
considerations arise with site-specific factors. The procedure for design in this manual only represents
guidelines, since actual design considerations encountered are too varied and too numerous to be
generalized. However, the process presented should be followed to ensure that a special problem is not
overlooked. Evaluate several combinations of entrance types, invert elevations, and pipe diameters to
determine the most economic design that will meet the conditions imposed by topography and

Specific design considerations are identified and discussed in Sections through 4.6.

4.4.1 Design Computation Forms

The use of design computation forms is a convenient method to use to obtain consistent designs and
promote cost-effectiveness. An example form was shown previously on Figure 11-8.

4.4.2 Invert Elevations

After determining the allowable headwater elevation, the tailwater elevation, and the approximate culvert
length, culvert invert elevations must be assumed. Significant scour is not likely when the culvert has the
same slope as the channel. To reduce the chance of failure due to scour, invert elevations corresponding
to the natural grade should be used as a first trial. Investigate the flow conditions downstream from the
culvert to determine if scour is likely and evaluate the area upstream of the planned culvert for the
potential of debris and adverse consequences from increased sedimentation. Providing a drop at the outlet
of the culvert and including a depressed basin consistent with drop structure details provided in the
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Hydraulic Structures chapter provide a location for sedimentation without potential for clogging.

4.4.3 Minimum Culvert Diameter

Since small diameter pipes are often plugged by sediment and debris, UDFCD recommends a minimum
pipe diameter of 15 inches for storm drains and culverts.

4.4.4 Limited Headwater

If there is insufficient headwater elevation to obtain the required discharge, it is necessary to either
oversize the culvert barrel, lower the inlet invert, use an alternate cross section (arch or elliptical), or use a
combination of the preceding to increase the discharge rate.

If the inlet invert is lowered, special consideration must be given to headcutting and scour from the
acceleration of flow into the culvert. The use of a drop structure, riprap or other type of protection along
with headwalls, apron and toe walls should be evaluated to obtain a proper design.

4.4.5 Culvert Outlet

The outlet velocity must be checked to determine if significant scour will occur downstream during the
major storm. If scour is indicated, which is frequently the case, refer to the Outlet Protection section of
this chapter (Section 6.0). Inadequate culvert outlet protection is a common problem. When adequate
culvert outlet protection is not provided, the culvert outlet can be undermined and downstream channel
degradation can be significant.

4.4.6 Minimum Slope

To minimize sediment deposition in the culvert, the culvert slope must be sufficient to maintain a
minimum velocity of 3 feet per second during the average annual flow event. If the minimum velocity is
not obtained based on the design slope and average annual flow event, the pipe diameter may be
decreased, the slope steepened, a smoother pipe used, or a combination of these employed to increase

5.0 Culvert Inlets

A culvert cannot convey any more water than can enter the inlet. This is frequently overlooked by
engineers who give full consideration to slope, cross section, hydraulic roughness, and other parameters.
Culvert designs using uniform flow equations rarely carry their design capacity due to limitations
imposed by the inlet.

The longer a culvert is the more important is the design of the entrance. A large culvert unable to flow at
the design capacity represents wasted investment. Typically, air vents are necessary immediately
downstream of the entrance of a long culvertto allow entrained air to escape and to act as breathers should
less-than-atmospheric pressures develop in the pipe.

Where constraints exist such as limited headwater depth, erosion problems, or where sedimentation is
likely, a more efficient inlet may be required to obtain the necessary discharge for the culvert.
Conversely, if detention or other temporary water storage upstream from the culvert is desirable, an inlet
with more limited capacity may be the most desirable choice (in such a case, the embankment should
effectively be designed as a dam). The design of a culvert, including both the inlet and the outlet, requires
a balance between cost, hydraulic efficiency, purpose, and topography at the proposed culvert site.
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The inlet types described in this chapter may be selected to fulfill either of the above requirements. The
entrance coefficient, Ke, a variable in Equation 11-5, is a measure of the hydraulic efficiency at the inlet,
with lower values indicating greater efficiency. Entrance coefficients recommended for use are given in
Table 11-2. Different types of inlets and their suited uses are defined in Section 5.1.

Table 11-2. Entrance loss coefficients

Type of Entrance Entrance Coefficient, Ke
Pipe entrance with headwall
Grooved edge 0.20
Rounded edge (0.15D radius) 0.15
Rounded edge (0.25D radius) 0.10
Square edge (cut concrete and CMP) 0.40
Pipe entrance with headwall & 45 wingwall
Grooved edge 0.20
Square edge 0.35
Headwall with parallel wingwalls spaced 1.25D apart
Grooved edge 0.30
Square edge 0.40
Special inlets
Projecting Entrance
Grooved edge 0.20
Square edge 0.50
Sharp edge, thin wall 0.90

5.1 Types of Inlets

5.1.1 Inlets with Headwalls

Headwalls may be used for a variety of

reasons, including increasing the efficiency
of the inlet, providing embankment stability,
and providing embankment protection against
erosion. The relative efficiency of the inlet
varies with the pipe material used as well as
with the orientation of headwalls and
wingwalls relative to the direction of flow
entering the culvert. Figure 11-11 illustrates
an inlet configuration with a headwall and

Photograph 11-2. Culverts at a skew can be sediment traps.

Where they cannot be avoided consider how the design can best
facilitate maintenance including sediment removal.

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Figure 11-11. Inlet with headwall and wingwalls

Corrugated Metal Pipe

Corrugated metal pipe in a headwall is essentially a square-edged entrance with an entrance coefficient of
approximately 0.4. The entrance losses may be reduced by rounding the entrance. The entrance
coefficient may be reduced as follows:
Reduce to 0.15 for a rounded edge with a radius equal to 0.15 times the culvert diameter

Reduce to 0.10 for rounded edge with a radius equal to 0.25 times the diameter of the culvert

Concrete Pipe
For tongue-and-groove or bell-end concrete pipe, little increase in hydraulic efficiency is realized by
adding a headwall. The primary reason for using headwalls is for embankment protection and for ease of
maintenance. The entrance coefficients for concrete pipe are:
0.2 (approximate) for grooved and bell-end pipe

0.4 for cut concrete pipe

Wingwalls are used where the side slopes of the channel adjacent to the entrance are unstable and/or
where the culvert is skewed to the normal channel flow. Wingwalls are often needed to transition from
the channel bottom to the embankment slope without creating grades that are too steep. Little increase in
hydraulic efficiency is realized with the use of wingwalls, regardless of the pipe material used and,
therefore, the use should be justified for reasons other than an increase in hydraulic efficiency. Figure 11-
12 illustrates several cases where wingwalls are used. For parallel wingwalls, the minimum distance
between wingwalls should be at least 1.25 times the diameter of the culvert pipe.
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Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

Figure 11-12. Typical headwall-wingwall configurations

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If high headwater depths are to be encountered, or if the approach velocity of the channel will cause
scour, a short channel apron should be provided at the toe of the headwall. This apron should extend at
least one pipe diameter upstream from the entrance, and the top of the apron should not protrude above
the normal streambed elevation.
Culverts with wingwalls should be designed with a concrete apron extending between the walls. Aprons
must be reinforced to control cracking. As illustrated on Figure 11-12, the actual configuration of the
wingwalls varies according to the direction of flow and will also vary according to the topographical
requirement placed upon them.

For conditions where scour may be a problem due to high approach velocities and special soil conditions,
such as alluvial soils, a toe wall/cutoff is often desirable for apron construction.

5.1.2 Special Inlets

A large variety of inlets exist in addition to those described previously. Among these are special end-
sections (i.e., flared end sections), which are frequently used at both ends of the culvert. This section
discusses special inlets for concrete and corrugated metal pipes, two of the most common pipe materials;
although similar improved inlets are manufactured for other pipe types. Because of the difference in
requirements due to pipe materials, special end-sections for corrugated metal pipe and concrete pipe are
discussed separately. Separate discussions are also provided for mitered inlets and inlets for long

Corrugated Metal Pipe

Special end-sections for corrugated metal pipe add little to the overall cost of the culvert and have the
following advantages:
Less potential damage and maintenance compared to a projecting entrance.

Increased hydraulic efficiency. When using design charts, as discussed in Section 4.0, charts for a
square-edged opening for corrugated metal pipe with a headwall may be used.

Concrete Pipe
As is the case with corrugated metal pipe, concrete end-sections protect the end of the pipe during
maintenance activities, and may aid in increasing the embankment stability or in retarding erosion at the
inlet. When properly designed they can also provide an improved appearance compared to a projecting
The hydraulic efficiency of this type of concrete inlet is dependent on the geometry of the end-section to
be used. Where the full contraction to the culvert diameter takes place at the first pipe section, the
entrance coefficient, Ke, is equal to 0.5, and where the full contraction to the culvert diameter takes place
in the throat of the end-section, the entrance coefficient, Ke, is equal to 0.25.

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Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

Other Considerations for Long Culverts

Whenever it is suspected the conduit could operate at Froude Number higher than 0.7 for flows up
through the design flow, or when the headwater at the conduits entrance is above the top of the
conduit, the engineer must consider installation of adequate air vents along the conduit. These are
necessary to minimize major pressure fluctuations that can occur should the flow become unstable.
When instabilities occur, air is trapped and less-than-atmospheric pressures have been shown to occur
intermittently. Under this condition, air vents can mitigate and reduce structural loads and fluctuating
hydraulic capacity in the conduit. Access manholes and storm inlets are useful for permitting air to
flow in and out of a conduit as filling and emptying of the conduit occurs. They might also be helpful
in providing water ejection ports should the conduit ever inadvertently flow full and cause a pileup of
water upstream.

A large rectangular conduit with a special entrance and an energy dissipater at the exit may need an
access hole for vehicle use in case major repair work becomes necessary. A vehicle access point
might be a large, grated opening just downstream from the entrance. This grated opening can also
serve as an effective air vent for the conduit. Equipment may be lowered into the conduit by a crane
or A-frame. A long conduit should be easy to inspect, and, therefore, access manholes are desirable at
various locations. If a rectangular conduit is situated under a curb, the access manholes may be
combined with inlets. Manholes should be aligned with the vertical wall of the box to allow rungs in
the riser and box to be aligned.

Mitered Inlets
Mitered inlets are simply culvert pipes cut with the slope of the embankment. They are most commonly
used with corrugated metal pipe. The hydraulic efficiency of mitered inlets is dependent on the
construction procedure used. If the embankment is not paved, the entrance, in practice, usually does not
conform to the side slopes, giving essentially a projecting entrance with Ke = 0.9. If the embankment is
paved, a sloping headwall is obtained with Ke = 0.60 and, by beveling the edges, Ke = 0.50.
Uplift is an important factor for a mitered inlet. It is not good practice to use unpaved embankment slopes
where a mitered entrance may be submerged to a depth of more than 1.5 times the culvert rise.

Inlets to Long Conduits

While inlets are important in the design of short culverts, such as road crossing, they are even more
significant in the economical design of long culverts and pipes. Unused capacity in a long conduit is a
wasted investment. Long conduits are costly and require detailed engineering, planning, and design work.
The inlets to such conduits are extremely important to the functioning of the conduit and must receive
special attention.

Most long conduits require special inlet considerations to meet the particular hydraulic characteristics of
the conduit. Generally, on larger conduits, hydraulic model testing will result in better and less costly
inlet construction. For additional considerations for long conduits, see the inset.

Inlets to Rectangular Conduits

The entrances take on a special degree of importance for rectangular conduits because the flow must be
limited to an extent to ensure against overcharging the conduit. Special maximum-flow limiting
entrances are often used with rectangular conduits. These special entrances should reject flow over the
design discharge so that, if a runoff larger than the design flow occurs, the excess water will flow via
other routes, often overland. A combined weir-orifice design is useful for this purpose. Model tests are
needed for dependable design (Murphy 1971).
A second function of the entrance should be to accelerate the flow to the design velocity of the conduit,
usually to meet the velocity requirements for normal depth of flow in the upstream reach of the conduit.

For additional considerations for rectangular conduits, see the inset on the following page.

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Other Considerations for Rectangular Culverts

The use of rectangular conduits of large flow capacity can sometimes have cost advantages over
large-diameter pipe. They can also be poured in place, allowing incorporation of utilities into the
floor and roof of the structure.

Major disadvantages of rectangular conduits as storm sewers are:

1. The conduits capacity drops significantly when the water surface reaches its roof since the
wetted perimeter dramatically increases. The drop is 20% for a square cross section and more
for a rectangular cross section where the width is greater than the height.

2. The economics of typical structural design usually does not permit any significant interior
pressures, meaning that if the conduit reached a full condition and the capacity dropped, there
could be a failure due to interior pressures caused by a choking of the capacity (Murphy 1971).

Internal Pressure: An obstruction, or even a confluence with another conduit, may cause the flow
in a near-full rectangular conduit to strike the roof and choke the capacity. The capacity reduction
may then cause the entire upstream reach of the conduit to flow full, with a resulting surge and
pressure head increase of sufficient magnitude to cause a structural failure. When structural design
has not been based on internal pressure, internal pressures are typically limited to no more than 2 to
4 feet of head. Surges or conduit capacity choking cannot be tolerated if the structure is not
designed for the internal pressure resulting from these conditions. Thorough design is required to
overcome this inherent potential problem.

Air Entrainment: Entrained air causes a swell in the volume of water and an increase in depth than
can cause flow in the conduit to reach the height of the roof with resulting loss of capacity;
therefore, hydraulic design must account for entrained air. In rectangular conduits and circular
pipes, flowing water will entrain air at velocities of about 20 ft/sec and higher. Additionally, other
factors such as entrance condition, channel roughness, distance traveled, channel cross section, and
volume of discharge all have some bearing on air entrainment. Volume swell can be as high as
20% (Hipschman 1970).

Slope and Alignment: Structural requirements and efficiency for sustaining external loads, rather
than hydraulic efficiency, usually control the shape of the rectangular conduit. A rectangular
conduit should have a straight alignment and should not decrease in size or slope in a downstream
direction. It is desirable to have a slope that increases in a downstream direction as an added safety
factor against it flowing full. This is particularly important for supercritical velocities that often
exist in long conduits.

Curves and Bends: The analysis of curves in rectangular conduits is critical to ensure its hydraulic
capacity. When the water surface (normal, standing or reflecting waves) reaches the roof of the
conduit, hydraulic losses increase significantly and the capacity drops. Superelevation of the water
surface must also be investigated, and allowances must be made for a changing hydraulic radius,
particularly in high-velocity flow. Dynamic loads created by the curves must be analyzed to assure
structural integrity for the maximum flows. See the Hydraulic Structures chapter of the USDCM.

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Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

5.1.3 Projecting Inlets

Projecting inlets (protruding pipes at the inlet) should not be used. Headwalls, wingwalls, and flared end
sections should be used to maximize efficiency and minimize turbulence, head loss, and erosion. This is
especially important for flexible pipe materials (metal or plastic). This condition can cause severe suction
and displacement of the pipe.

5.1.4 Improved Inlets

Inlet edge configuration is one of the prime factors influencing the performance of a culvert operating
under inlet control. Inlet edges can cause a severe contraction of the flow, as in the case of a thin edge,
projecting inlet. In a flow contraction, the effective cross-sectional area of the barrel may be reduced to
about one-half of the actual barrel cross-sectional area. As the inlet configuration is improved, the flow
contraction is reduced, thus improving the performance of the culvert.

A tapered inlet is a flared culvert inlet with an enlarged face section and a hydraulically efficient throat
section. Tapered inlets improve culvert performance by providing a more efficient control section (the
throat). However, tapered inlets are not recommended for use on culverts flowing under outlet control
because the simple beveled edge is of equal benefit. The two most common improved inlets are the side-
tapered inlet and the slope-tapered inlet (Figure 11-13). FHWA (2005a) Hydraulic Design of Highway
Culverts provides guidance on the design of improved inlets.

Figure 11-13. Side-tapered and slope-tapered improved inlets

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5.2 Inlet Protection

Inlets on culverts, especially on culverts to be installed in live streams, should be evaluated relative to
debris control and buoyancy.

5.2.1 Debris Control

Accumulation of debris at a culvert inlet can result in the culvert not performing as designed. This may
result in damage due to inundation of the road and upstream property. The designer has three general
options for addressing the problem of debris plugging a culvert:

Retain the debris upstream of the culvert.

Attempt to pass the debris through the culvert.

Install a bridge to create more cross-sectional area for passage of debris past the embankment.

If the debris is to be retained by an upstream structure or at the culvert inlet, frequent maintenance may be
required. The design of a debris control structure should include a thorough study of the debris problem
and should consider the factors listed in the text box below.

Debris Study Considerations

Factors to be considered in a debris study include:

Type of debris
Quantity of debris
Alternate overland flow paths (under plugged conditions)
Expected changes in type and quantity of debris due to future land use
Stream flow velocity in the vicinity of culvert entrance
Maintenance access requirements
Availability of storage
Maintenance plan for debris removal
Assessment of damage due to debris clogging, if protection is not provided

Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 9, Debris Control Structures Evaluation and Countermeasures
(FHWA 2005b), should be used when designing debris control structures.

5.2.2 Buoyancy

The forces acting on a culvert inlet during flows are variable and indeterminate. When a culvert is
functioning under inlet control, an air pocket forms just inside the inlet, creating a buoyant effect when
the inlet is submerged. The buoyancy forces increase with an increase in headwater depth under inlet
control conditions. These forces, along with vortexes and eddy currents, can cause scour, undermine

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culvert inlets, and erode embankment slopes, thereby making the inlet vulnerable to failure, especially if
deep headwater conditions are present.

In general, installing a culvert in a natural stream channel constricts the normal flow. The constriction is
accentuated when the capacity of the culvert is impaired by debris or damage.

The large unequal pressures resulting from inlet constriction are, in effect, buoyant forces that can cause
entrance failures, particularly on corrugated metal pipe with mitered, skewed, or projecting ends. The
failure potential will increase with steepness of the culvert slope, depth of the potential headwater,
flatness of the fill slope over the upstream end of the culvert, and the depth of the fill over the pipe.

Anchorage at the culvert entrance helps to protect against these failures by increasing the deadload on the
end of the culvert, protecting against bending damage, and by protecting the fill slope from the scouring
action of the flow. Providing a standard concrete headwall or endwall helps to counteract the hydrostatic
uplift and to prevent failure due to buoyancy.

Because of a combination of high head on the outside of the inlet and the large region of low pressure on
the inside of the inlet, a large bending moment is exerted on the end of the culvert, which may result in
failure. This problem has been noted in the case of culverts under high fills, on steep slopes, and with
projecting inlets. In cases where upstream detention storage is necessary and headwater depth in excess
of 20 feet is required, to restrict discharge it is recommended to reduce the culvert size rather than use an
inefficient projecting inlet.

5.3 Safety Grates

Always consider the use of safety grates at inlets to culverts and underground pipes while also evaluating
hydraulic forces and clogging potential. Several fatalities can be attributed to the lack of a safety grate on
small (< 42-inch) pipes and long culverts (See Table 11-3). At the same time, field experience has shown
that undersized or poorly designed grates can become clogged during heavy runoff and the culvert may be
rendered ineffective.

Based on UDFCD investigations of culvert related fatalities, safety grating should be required when any
of the following conditions are or will be true:

It is not possible to see daylight from one end of the culvert to the other,

The culvert is less than 42 inches in diameter, or

Conditions within the culvert (bends, obstructions, vertical drops) or at the outlet are likely to trap or
injure a person.

Exceptions to the above criteria consist of street curb-opening inlets and driveway culverts that are
subject to a ponding depth of no more than 12 inches at the flow-line and culvert entrances that are made
inaccessible to the public by fencing.

The safety grate design process is a matter of identifying all safety hazard aspects and then taking
reasonable steps to minimize them while providing adequate inflow capacity to the culvert. Generally,
the most common aspect to consider in evaluating the safety hazard of a culvert (or underground pipe)
opening is the possibility of a person, especially children, being carried into the culvert or becoming
pinned at the culvert entrance by flowing water approaching the inlet. In reviewing hazards, it is
necessary to consider depth and velocity of flow, surrounding site features, the appearance of the site

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during high water (i.e, what will be visible to someone that may be unfamiliar with the site and what will
be hidden), the length and size of the culvert, and other similar factors. Furthermore, in the event that
someone is carried to the culvert with the storm runoff, the exposure hazard may in some cases be even
greater if the person is pinned to the grating by the hydrostatic pressure of the water rather than being
carried through the culvert. Large, sloped grates anchored well in front of the culvert entrance reduce the
risk of pinning.

Where public safety and/or debris potential indicate that a safety grate is required, Use Figure OS-1 in
Volume 3 of the USDCM to size the grate while separately ensuring that velocity does not exceed 2 feet
per second at every stage of flow entering the culvert. The grate should be inclined at a slope no steeper
than 3(H):1(V) (flatter is better) and have a clear opening at the bottom of no more than 9 inches to
permit passage of debris and bed load at lower flows. Large debris can still become trapped behind the
safety grate so it is also important to consider how maintenance personal will access this area when
necessary. Access could be via a manhole access behind the headwall, a hatch within the grate, or a
hinged grate. Based on site specifics, consider the option to lock access behind the safety grate. The bars
on the face of the grate should be parallel to
flow and spaced to provide no more than 5-
inch clear openings. Transverse support bars
located at the back of the grate need to be as
few as possible, but sufficient to keep the grate
from collapsing under full hydrostatic loads.

Grating should not be installed at the outlet of

a culvert or storm drain because a human
swept into the culvert will be trapped inside
the grate where they will face certain
death. Additionally, debris will impinge
against the grate and cause significant flow
capacity reductions and potential flood
upstream areas. Pressurization in the pipe can
also result in an unreasonable risk to the health
and safety of the public. Photograph 11-3. Grating at conduit outlets are prone to
clogging and will hamper rescue efforts, cause pressurization of
the pipe, and potentially flood upstream areas.

Safety Grate Design

Use Figure OS-1 in Volume 3 of the USDCM to size the grate. This requires an open area at least
four times the outlet pipe for outlets having a minimum dimension of 24 inches and greater.
Ensure velocity does not exceed 2 feet per second.
Incline the slope of the grate to 3(H):1(V) or flatter.
Design a clear opening at the bottom of no more than 9 inches.
Place bars on the face of the grate parallel to flow.
Limit the openings between bars to no more than 5-inchs clear.
Design access to the back side of the grate for maintenance and debris removal.

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Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

Table 11-3. Pipe and culvert related fatalities

5.3.1 Collapsible Grating

UDFCD does not generally recommend the use of collapsible grating. On larger culverts where grating is
found to be necessary, the use of collapsible grating may be desirable. Such grating must be carefully
designed from the structural standpoint so that collapse is achieved with a hydrostatic load of
approximately one-half of the maximum allowable headwater. Collapse of the grate should be such that it
clears the waterway opening adequately to permit the inlet to function properly.

5.3.2 Upstream Trash Collectors

In lieu of a collapsible grate and where a safety hazard exists, a grate situated a reasonable distance
upstream from the actual inlet is often satisfactory. This type of grating may be a series of vertical pipes
or posts embedded in the approach channel bottom. If blocking of this grating occurs, the backwater
effect causes water to flow over the top of the grating and into the culvert with only minimal upstream
backwater effect. The grating must not be so high as to cause the water to rise higher than the maximum
allowable elevation.

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6.0 Outlet Protection

Scour at culvert outlets is typical and
mitigation must be included in the design.
This section provides background
information and speaks to the complexity
of this transitional area. See the
Hydraulic Structures chapter for detailed
discussion and details of outlet protection

Compared to the stream, flow in a culvert

barrel is usually confined to a lesser width
and greater depth. This results in
increased velocity and potentially erosive
capabilities as flow exits the barrel.
Turbulence and erosive eddies form as the Photograph 11-4. Energy dissipation and outlet protection are
flow expands to conform to the natural essential to promote channel stability.
channel. However, the velocity and depth
of flow at the culvert outlet and the velocity distribution upon reentering the stream are not the only
factors that need consideration.

The characteristics of the stream bed and bank material, velocity, and depth of flow in the stream at the
culvert outlet, and the amount of sediment and other debris in the flow are all contributing factors to scour
potential. Due to the variation in expected flows and the difficulty in evaluating some of these factors,
scour prediction is not a exact science.

As discussed in the Hydraulic Structures chapter, riprap channel expansions and concrete aprons stabilize
the transition and redistribute or spread the flow. Barrel outlet expansions operate in a similar manner.
Headwalls and cutoff walls protect the integrity of the fill. At some locations, use of a rougher culvert
material may alleviate the need for a special outlet protection device. When outlet velocities are high
enough to create excessive downstream problems, consideration should be given to more complex energy
dissipation devices. These include hydraulic jump basins, impact basins, drop structures, and stilling
wells. Design information for the general types of energy dissipators is provided in the Hydraulic
Structures chapter of the USDCM and in Hydraulic Design of Energy Dissipators for Culverts and
Channels (FHWA 1983 and 2000).

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Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

7.0 Bridges
7.1 General

Bridges are used to carry roadways, railroads,

shared-use paths, and utilities over surface
waters. Generally a bridge is defined as
having a span of 20 feet or more, as opposed
to a culvert. If a bridge is not sized properly
with regard to the design flow, overtopping
and flooding will occur, leading to public
hazards, erosion damage, and possible
structural failure. However, bridge design also
includes assumption of a certain level of risk Photograph 11-5. Shared-use path over Grange Hall Creek.
that is usually determined by the owner or local
jurisdiction. This section provides a brief
overview of hydraulic design of bridges, and includes references for additional design guidance.
Structural design is not addressed here for that information, readers are directed to the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standard Specifications for
Highway Bridges.

There are many references for bridge hydraulics, some of which are available online. A key source of
information is the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). A listing of references available through
their website can be accessed using the following link:

Some of the key references for bridge hydraulics published by FHWA and others are provided below:

Federal Highway Administration, Hydraulics of Bridge Waterways, Hydraulic Design Series No. 1,

Federal Highway Administration, Hydraulic Design of Safe Bridges, Hydraulic Design Series No. 7,

Federal Highway Administration, River Engineering for Highway Encroachments Highways in the
River Environment, Hydraulic Design Series No. 6 (FHWA HDS-6), December 2010.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Highway Drainage
Guidelines, 2007. Chapter 7: Hydraulic Analysis for the Location and Design of Bridges.

Arizona Department of Water Resources. Design Manual for Engineering Analysis of Fluvial
Systems. March 1985.

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) also provides a good reference on bridge design and
hydraulics in Chapter 10 of the CDOT Drainage Design Manual. This is available on their website,

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Culverts and Bridges Chapter 11

Most roadway bridges are designed to pass the 100-year flood event. However, other types of bridges
(such as for shared-use paths) may allow a greater risk and lesser design capacity. Designers should
always verify the design event with the owner and local jurisdiction. If the bridge is located within a
regulatory floodplain, special consideration must be given to the impacts of the bridge on 100-year
floodplain water surface elevations. Contact the local government to determine requirements. At a
minimum a floodplain development permit will be required. Impacts to federally designated floodplains
may require a Letter of Map Change with FEMA.

7.2 Backwater and Hydraulic Analysis

Bridge openings should be designed to have minimal impact on the flow characteristics and floodplain.
However, most bridges and abutments create a constriction of the floodplain. This constriction and losses
through the structure create a backwater surface increase on the upstream side of a bridge. Ideally, the
backwater elevation remains below that of the bridge deck for critical design discharges. Backwater can
be determined with manual calculations or through use of a computer model. The computer program
most used is the model HEC-RAS, developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and
available online at Other 1- and 2-dimensional hydraulic models include both
public and proprietary software programs. FEMA maintains a list of software approved for the basis of
map changes on their website,

HEC-2 was a common computer model used by FEMA for establishing floodplain water surface profiles
until 1995, when it was replaced with HEC-RAS. The HEC-RAS Users Manual and Hydraulic
Reference Guides (also available through the USACE website) provide a thorough description of the
input parameters required for the model. In addition, some considerations to remember in a bridge
analysis include:

Proper location of cross sections at the bridge (see Figure 11-14 and Figure 11-15)

Increase in expansion and contraction coefficients upstream and downstream of the bridge.

Definition of ineffective flow areas at the approach to and exit from the bridge (Figure 11-15).
Additional cross sections located within the contraction and expansion reaches (as shown in Figure
11-14) should have ineffective flow areas defined based on the locations of the dashed lines within
the cross section.

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Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

Figure 11-14. Hydraulic cross section locations

(Source: HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual)

Figure 11-15. Cross section locations and ineffective flow area definition

(Source: HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual)

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Culvert and Bridges Chapter 11

7.3 Freeboard

Contrary to culverts which are typically designed with a backwater elevation, freeboard for bridges is
critical because the heavy debris flow that can occur during a major flood can permanently damage the
structure, potentially leaving an important roadway out of service. Bridge freeboard is the vertical
distance between a design water surface elevation and the low chord of the bridge superstructure. It is a
key component in bridge hydraulic design. Freeboard accommodates the inherent uncertainty of the
design flow rate and also accommodates the passage of ice, debris, and waves during a flood event.
Criteria for bridge freeboard vary from 1-foot to 4-feet in Colorado depending on the jurisdiction and risk
of debris specific to the channel. Additionally, some criteria define freeboard based on the geometry of
the bridge (e.g., Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) provides figures for measuring
freeboard for bridges with a vertical curve and continuous grade). When the local jurisdiction does not
have criteria regarding to bridge freeboard, refer to CDOT, Colorado Water Conservation Board
(CWCB), or AASHTO as appropriate.

7.4 Bridge Scour Analysis

The increased flow velocities at a bridge constriction often leads to scour, which is of particular concern
because it can undermine a bridges foundations and potentially cause collapse of the structure.
Established methodologies for estimating scour at bridges are contained in the FHWA guidelines below
(both available at

Federal Highway Administration, Evaluating Scour at Bridges, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No.
18 (HEC-18), Fifth Edition, 2012.

Federal Highway Administration, Stream Stability at Highway Structures, Hydraulic Engineering

Circular No. 20 (HEC-20), Fourth Edition, 2012.

The methods described in HEC-18 and HEC-20 are incorporated into the HEC-RAS computer program in
its Hydraulic Design/Scour module. The program will automatically calculate the needed input
parameters to the scour routines from the hydraulic output. However, it is critical to understand what the
parameters are, if the program is calculating them correctly, and whether or not the resulting values are
reasonable. This can depend on the way data are imported for bridge geometry, bank stations, and other
input variables. Localized bridge scour is comprised of:

Contraction scour

Local Scour (Piers)

Local Scour (Abutments)

These 3 components are all added together to arrive at a final scour envelope (Figure 11-17).

FHWA recommends calculation of scour with the absence of riprap at roadway bridges. This includes
both piers and abutments. Reliance upon riprap for overall bridge stability and foundation design is not
advised. However, riprap is often used as a scour countermeasure. FHWA provides guidance on
selecting and designing scour countermeasures, including riprap at bridge piers and abutments:

Federal Highway Administration, Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures, Experience,
Selection, and Design Guidance. Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 23, Third Edition, 2009.
Volumes 1 and 2.

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Figure 11-16. Example of scour envelope, as calculated with HEC-RAS

(Source: HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual)

It is important to note that the above methodology for calculating scour assumes that unconsolidated
alluvial material makes up the channel bottom within the scour envelope. If bedrock is located within the
scour envelope, or especially if bedrock is exposed at the surface of the channel bottom, other
methodology should be used to determine the bedrock erodibility. The Erodibility Index Method was
developed to evaluate scour in bedrock and is described in Scour Technology: Mechanics and
Engineering Practice, 420 pp. (Annandale 2006)

A scour analysis must address long-term patterns of channel change. An understanding of fluvial
geomorphology is important in determining this portion of the analysis. This includes evaluation of
sediment transport, patterns of channel invert or overbank lowering (degradation), patterns of deposition
(aggradation), and lateral migration. Aggradation can lead to a loss of capacity under a bridge, and
degradation can cause undermining of a bridge foundation. In the case of long term degradation of a
channel, grade control structures downstream of the bridge might be considered. However, it is important
to note that local scouring around a bridges structural elements can still occur even with grade control
structures. Long term aggradation indicates the possible need for upstream bed and bank stabilization
measures that would reduce sediment loading. These issues are described in the FHWA HDS-6 and in the
Arizona Department of Water Resources design manual (both referenced at beginning of this chapter). In
addition, many fluvial geomorphic textbooks are available.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Culvert and Bridges Chapter 11

FHWA is continually studying scour at bridges as part of its Scour Technology program. Updated
information can be found at:
Recently, advancements have been made in the methods for estimating scour at bridges under the
National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) of the Transportation Research Board of the
National Academies. A list of NCHRP projects can be found at Bridge scour studies are included in Research Field
24. Such advancements were incorporated into the 2012 version of HEC-18.

8.0 Design Examples

This section demonstrates culvert design using two different methods presented in this chapter. For the
purpose of comparison, the following problem is used for both examples:

Size a culvert given the following:

Q5-yr = 20 cfs, Q100-yr = 35 cfs, L = 95 feet

The maximum allowable headwater elevation is 5288.5 ft. Channel invert elevations are 5283.5 at the
inlet and 5281.5 at the outlet. The tailwater depth is computed as 2.5 feet for the 5-year storm, and 3.0
feet for the 100-year storm. Assume the channel is an excavated channel with gravel (uniform section,
clean) and the culvert is circular.

8.1 Example using UD-Culvert

The following example problem for a culvert under an embankment illustrates the culvert design
procedures using UD-Culvert workbook. Note that UD-Culvert is based on HY-6.


Step 1. Calculate tailwater elevations:

Tw 5-yr = 5,281.5 ft + 2.5 ft = 5,284.0 ft

Tw 100-yr = 5,281.5 ft + 3.0 ft = 5284.5 ft

Step 2. Set invert elevations at natural channel invert elevations to avoid scour. Compute
culvert slope and 100:

5283.5 5281.5
S = =0.021

L 95
= = 45.2
100s 2.1

Step 3. Start with an assumed culvert size for the 5-year storm by adopting a velocity of 6.5
ft/s and computing:

A= = 3.1 ft2

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

This corresponds to a culvert diameter of 2 feet (24 inches):

D=2 = 2 ft

Step 4. For this example, assume a square edge with headwall (Ke = 0.5) and concrete pipe
will with a Mannings n of 0.013.

Step 5. Note that for the 5-year flow rate of 20 cfs for the given input parameters, the
workbook indicates that the culvert will be able to pass the design flow rate at an elevation
slightly below 5,286.5. However, with the increased tailwater during the 100-year event, a larger
culvert will be needed to pass the 100-year design flow below the allowable headwater limit of
5,288.5. A larger culvert size should be selected and analyzed.

Step 6. Increase the culvert to 27 inches to pass the 100-year flow of 35 cfs. Using the same
procedure detailed above, output shows that the culvert continues to be outlet controlled.
However, the controlling culvert flow rate at the maximum headwater depth of 5288.5 is adequate
to pass the 100-year flow.

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Culvert and Bridges Chapter 11

Figure 11-17. Example problem using UD-Culvert (5-year tailwater)

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

Figure 11-18. Rating curve generated using UD-Culvert (5-year event)

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Culvert and Bridges Chapter 11

8.2 Example Using HY-8

The example culvert design presented in section 8.1 is repeated here using the computer program HY-8.
Note that UD-Culvert is based on HY-6, thus results will differ slightly from the example in section 8.1.

This section guides the user through the typical steps to set up and run a model in HY-8. To begin, start a
new project by adding a Crossing with the information in Table 11-4 and the values solved for in the
previous example.

Table 11-4. HY-8 program inputs

Parameter Value
Min Flow (cfs) 0
Design Flow (cfs) Q5-yr or Q100-yr
Max Flow (cfs) 35
Channel Type Trapezoidal Channel
Bottom Width (ft) 10
Side Slope (H:V) (_:1) 2
Channel Slope 0.03 ft/ft
Manning's n (channel) 0.025
Channel Invert Elevation (ft) 5283.5
Roadway Profile Shape Constant Roadway Elevation
First Roadway Station (ft) 0
Crest Length (ft) 100
Crest Elevation (ft) 5288.5
Roadway Surface Paved
Top Width (ft) 150
Shape Circular
Material Concrete
Diameter 2.0 feet
Embedment Depth 0
Manning's n 0.012
Inlet Type Conventional
Square edge with headwall and Groove end with
Inlet Edge Condition
Inlet Depression? No
Inlet Station 0
Inlet Elevation 5283.5
Outlet Station 95
Outlet Elevation 5281.5
Number of Barrels 1

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

Figure 11-19. Adding a crossing in HY-8

The culvert may now be analyzed using Analyze Crossing near the bottom right corner of the box. This
should generate an output screen that looks like Figure 11-20. If any critical input values are missing, the
program will not execute properly.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Culvert and Bridges Chapter 11

Figure 11-20. HY-8 output

HY-8 provides extensive output for modeled culverts and has options for exporting reports and generating
rudimentary figures. Please refer to the HY-8 Users Manual for further interpretation of model output
and options for presenting results.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

9.0 Checklist


Culvert diameter should be at least 18 inches.

HW/D ratio should not exceed 1.5 unless justified and adequate measures are implemented
to protect embankment.

Safety grating is provided when any of the following conditions are or will be true:
It is not possible to see daylight from one end of the culvert to the other,
The culvert is less than 42 inches, or
Conditions within the culvert (bends, obstructions, vertical drops) or at the outlet are
likely to trap or injure a person.

Review any proposed changes with local, state, and federal regulators.

When a culvert is sized such that the overlying roadway overtops during large storms,
check the depth of cross flow with the Streets, Inlets, and Storm Drains chapter.
Provide adequate outlet protection in accordance with Section 6.0 of this chapter and the
Hydraulic Structures chapter.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Culvert and Bridges Chapter 11

10.0 References
Aisenbrey, A.J., R.B. Hayes, J.H. Warren, D.L. Winsett and R.G. Young. 1978. Design of Small Canal
Structures. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2007. Highway
Drainage Guidelines. Chapter 7: Hydraulic Analysis for the Location and Design of Bridges.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 2014. Public Safety Guidance for Urban Stormwater
Facilities. New York: ASCE.

Annandale, G. W., 2006. Scour Technology: Mechanics and Engineering Practice. McGraw-Hill Civil
Engineering Series.

Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1985. Design Manual for Engineering Analysis of Fluvial
Systems. Prepared by Simons, Li and Associates. March.

Beichley, G.L. 1971. Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basin for Pipe or Channel Outlets. Research Report
No. 24. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA). 1978. Hydraulics of Bridge Waterways Hydraulic Design Series No. 1.
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.

Colorado Department of Natural Resources,/Colorado Water Conservation Board, 2008. Colorado

Floodplain and Stormwater Criteria Manual. Prepared by WRC Engineering Inc. September.

Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), 2004. Drainage Design Manual.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 1972. Capacity Charts for the Hydraulic Design of Highway
Culverts, Hydraulic Engineering Circular (HEC) No. 10. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 1978. Hydraulics of Bridge Waterways. Hydraulic Design
Series No. 1.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2009. Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures,
Experience, Selection, and Design Guidance. Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 23, Third Edition.
Volumes 1 and 2.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2010. River Engineering for Highway Encroachments
Highways in the River Environment, Hydraulic Design Series No. 6.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2012. Hydraulic Design of Safe Bridges, Hydraulic Design
Series No. 7.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2012. Evaluating Scour at Bridges, Hydraulic Engineering
Circular No. 18, Fifth Edition.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2012, Stream Stability at Highway Structures, Hydraulic
Engineering Circular No. 20, Fourth Edition.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 1988. Technical Advisory on Scour at Bridges. Washington,

11-50 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 11 Culverts and Bridges

DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 2005a. Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts, Hydraulic
Design Series No. 5. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 2005b. Debris Control Structures Evaluation and
Countermeasures. Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 9. Publication No. FHWA-IF-04-016. September.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 2011. HY 8 Culvert Hydraulic Analysis Program.

Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.

SLA 1985. Design Manual for Engineering Analysis of Fluvial Systems. Prepared for the Arizona
Department of Water Resources.

Peterka, A.J. 1984. Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins and Energy Dissipators. Engineering Monograph
No. 25. Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

Smith, C. D. 1975. Cobble Lined Structures. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 2.

Stevens, M.A., D.B. Simons, and F.J. Watts. 1971. Riprapped Basins for Culvert Outfalls. Highway
Research Record No. 373. Washington, D.C.: Highway Research Service.

Stevens, M.A. and B.R. Urbonas. 1996. Design of Low Tailwater Riprap Basins for Storm Sewer Pipe
Outlets. Flood Hazard News 26(1)11-14.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2010. Hydrologic Engineering Center, River Analysis System (HEC-
RAS) Computer Program Version 4.1.0.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2010. Hydrologic Engineering Center, River Analysis System (HEC-
RAS) Users Manual and Hydraulic Reference Manual

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 11-51

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 12
1.0 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 Implementation of Regional, Sub-regional, and On-site Detention Facilities ............................ 2

2.1 Regional Detention.................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Subregional Detention ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Onsite Detention........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Detention and UDFCD 100-Year Floodplain Management Policy ........................................................... 7

3.0 Full Spectrum Detention as the Recommended Approach .......................................................... 8

3.1 Background ............................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Excess Urban Runoff Volume................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Compatibility of Full Spectrum Detention with Minor and Major Event Detention ............................... 11
3.4 Water Quality Capture Volume and Full Spectrum Detention ................................................................ 12

4.0 Sizing of Full Spectrum Detention Storage Volumes .................................................................. 17

4.1 Simplified Equations ............................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1 Full Spectrum Detention Volume ............................................................................................... 17
4.1.2 100-year Release Rates ............................................................................................................... 19
4.1.3 Predevelopment Peak Discharges for Various Return Periods ................................................... 22
4.2 UD-FSD and UD-Detention Workbooks ................................................................................................ 22
4.2.1 Hydrograph Routing using CUHP and SWMM.......................................................................... 22

5.0 Design Considerations ................................................................................................................... 23

5.1 General Layout and Grading ................................................................................................................... 23
5.2 Storage Volume ....................................................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Embankments .......................................................................................................................................... 24
5.4 Emergency Spillways .............................................................................................................................. 24
5.4.1 Soil Riprap Spillway ................................................................................................................... 25
5.4.2 Baffle Chute Spillway ................................................................................................................. 25
5.5 Outlet Structure ....................................................................................................................................... 26
5.5.1 Flush Safety Grate ....................................................................................................................... 27
5.6 Trash Racks and Debris Blockage........................................................................................................... 29
5.7 Inlets ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
5.8 Vegetation ............................................................................................................................................... 30
5.9 Retaining Walls ....................................................................................................................................... 30
5.10 Access ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.11 Geotechnical Considerations ................................................................................................................... 31
5.12 Linings .................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.13 Environmental Permitting and Other Considerations .............................................................................. 31
5.14 Orifice and Weir Hydraulics ................................................................................................................... 32
5.14.1 Orifices ........................................................................................................................................ 32
5.14.2 Weirs ........................................................................................................................................... 32

6.0 Additional Configurations of Detention Facilities....................................................................... 35

6.1 Water Storage Reservoirs ........................................................................................................................ 35
6.2 Upstream of Railroad and Highway Embankments. ............................................................................... 35

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
6.3 Side-Channel Detention Basins............................................................................................................... 35
6.4 Parking Lot Detention ............................................................................................................................. 35
6.5 Underground Detention........................................................................................................................... 36
6.6 Blue Roofs .............................................................................................................................................. 36
6.7 Retention Facilities ................................................................................................................................. 36

7.0 Designing for Safety, Operation, and Maintenance ..................................................................... 36

8.0 Design Examples ............................................................................................................................. 38

8.1 ExampleSizing of a Detention Basin using UD-FSD.......................................................................... 38

9.0 References ........................................................................................................................................ 44

Table 12-1. Extended detention basin combined with full spectrum detention ......................................... 12
Table 12-2. Retention pond combined with full spectrum detention ......................................................... 13
Table 12-3. Constructed wetland pond combined with full spectrum detention ........................................ 13
Table 12-4. Sand filter or bioretention facility combined with full spectrum detention ............................ 16
Table 12-5. Applicability of full spectrum sizing methods based on watershed area ................................ 17
Table 12-6. Predevelopment peak unit discharge for NRCS hydrologic soil group A .............................. 19
Table 12-7. Predevelopment peak unit discharge for NRCS hydrologic soil group B .............................. 20
Table 12-8. Predevelopment peak unit discharge for NRCS hydrologic soil group C .............................. 21

Figure 12-1. Example configuration for regional detention (Source: Arapahoe County) ............................ 3
Figure 12-2. Example configuration for subregional detention (Source: Arapahoe County) ...................... 5
Figure 12-3. Example configuration for on-site detention (Source: Arapahoe County) .............................. 6
Figure 12-4. EURV is relatively constant for runoff producing storms ....................................................... 9
Figure 12-5. Comparison of full spectrum detention and conventional practices for a sample watershed
consisting of fifty 100-acre subwatersheds ................................................................................................. 11
Figure 12-6. Extended detention basin combined with full spectrum detention ........................................ 12
Figure 12-7. Retention pond combined with full spectrum detention ........................................................ 13
Figure 12-8. Constructed wetland pond combined with full Sspectrum detention .................................... 13
Figure 12-9. Sand filter combined with full spectrum detention................................................................ 14
Figure 12-10. Sand filter and zone 2 combined with downstream zone 3 basin ........................................ 14
Figure 12-11. Stand-alone sand filter with downstream zone 2/zone 3 basin ............................................ 15
Figure 12-12. Bioretention combined with full spectrum detention (not ideal for vegetation).................. 15
Figure 12-13. Bioretention and zone 2 combined with downstream zone 3 basin..................................... 16
Figure 12-14. Stand-alone bioretention with downstream zone 2/zone 3 basin......................................... 16
Figure 12-15. Flush grate (sloping drop box shown) ................................................................................. 27
Figure 12-16. Grate with vertical openings (horizontal drop box shown) ................................................. 27
Figure 12-17. Grate with vertical opening (sloping drop box shown) ....................................................... 28
Figure 12-18. Grate with offset vertical panels (horizontal drop box shown) ........................................... 28
Figure 12-19. Typical grate configurations for outlet structures ................................................................ 30
Figure 12-20. Sloping broad-crest weir...................................................................................................... 33
Figure 12-21. Embankment protection details and rock sizing chart (adapted from Arapahoe County) ... 34

12-ii Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Chapter 12 Storage

1.0 Overview
Detention storage facilities are used to manage
stormwater quantity by attenuating peak flows
during flood events. They can also be designed
to enhance stormwater quality by incorporating
design components to promote sedimentation,
infiltration, and biological uptake. This chapter
provides guidance for the analysis and design
of storage facilities that are implemented
independently or in combination with
stormwater quality facilities. Specific design
guidance for stormwater quality facilities (e.g.,
extended detention basins, wetland basins, sand
filters, etc.) are described in Volume 3 of the
USDCM. Photograph 12-1. Detention facilities can be designed to integrate
the management of both stormwater quality and quantity.
Other topics discussed in this chapter include:

Regional, sub-regional, and onsite

detention facilities,

Full spectrum detention,

Basin sizing methodology,

Outlet structures and safety grates,

Emergency spillways,

Landscape considerations,

Designing for maintenance; and

Parking lot detention.

Photograph 12-2. Detention facilities can become attractive
amenities and have potential to increase property values in
UDFCD strongly encourages the commercial and residential settings, especially with the assistance
development of multipurpose, attractive of experienced landscape architects.
detention facilities that are safe, maintainable
and viewed as community assets rather than liabilities.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Storage Chapter 12

2.0 Implementation of Regional, Sub-regional, and On-site

Detention Facilities
Colorado law requires detention be provided to control the 100-year peak flow for all new development in
the unincorporated portions of all counties, and most incorporated municipalities in Colorado require the
same. There are three basic approaches for locating storage facilities in relation to their upstream
watersheds. These are:

Regional Detention
Subregional Detention
Onsite Detention

These three approaches are described in the following sections.

2.1 Regional Detention

Regional detention basins serve multiple property owners in watershed areas ranging from about 130
acres to one square mile. Figure 12-1 provides an example configuration for an on-line regional detention

In some cases, regional detention has been shown to be effective for watershed areas larger than one
square mile and for multiple facilities arranged in series; however, due to the complexities associated with
how they function within a watershed, these configurations must be modeled and approved in the context
of a formal master planning process.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 12 Storage

Figure 12-1. Example configuration for regional detention (Source: Arapahoe County)

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Storage Chapter 12

Regional detention facilities may be constructed by a public entity such as a municipality, special district,
or property owner but should always be based on a master plan or a detailed hydrologic model approved
by the local jurisdiction that accounts for future development upstream and impacts downstream of the

Compared to on-site facilities, regional detention facilities typically require proportionally less total land
area and are more cost effective to construct and maintain. Well-designed regional facilities may also
provide more favorable riparian habitat and offer greater opportunities for achieving multi-use objectives,
such as combining with park and open space resources and connecting shared use paths.

There are limitations associated with the implementation of on-line regional detention facilities. To avoid
excessive accumulation of sediment, it is not recommended that regional detention facilities be
constructed on streams experiencing significant upstream bed or bank erosion unless stabilization
improvements are constructed ahead of the basin.

When an on-line regional facility is designed to provide water quality, storm water best management
practices (BMPs) are still required in the tributary watershed to address water quality and channel
stability for the reach upstream of the regional facility. In accordance with MS4 permits and regulations,
areas of "New Development and Significant Redevelopment" must be treated with BMPs prior to
discharging to a State Water. See Chapter 1 of Volume 3 of the USDCM for additional information when
incorporating water quality into a regional facility.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 12 Storage

2.2 Subregional Detention

Subregional detention generally refers to facilities that serve multiple landowners or lots and have a total
watershed of less than 130 acres. Figure 12-2 illustrates a typical sub-regional detention approach in a
commercial area. Most detention facilities located within residential communities are subregional in that
they serve multiple lots that are each individually owned. Subregional detention facilities are located off-
line from the receiving stream.

Like regional facilities, subregional detention facilities may be constructed by a public entity such as a
municipality or special district to serve several landowners in the upstream drainage area, but are more
typically designed and constructed by a single developer to serve an area being developed.

Subregional detention offers many of the same benefits as regional facilities in comparison to onsite
detention, and is also subject to the same limitations, described in Section 2.1.

Figure 12-2. Example configuration for subregional detention (Source: Arapahoe County)

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Storage Chapter 12

2.3 Onsite Detention

Onsite detention refers to facilities serving one lot, generally commercial or industrial sites draining areas
less than 20 to 30 acres. Figure 12-3 illustrates a typical on-site detention approach.

On-site facilities are usually designed to control runoff from a specific land development site and are not
typically located or designed to effectively reduce downstream flood peaks along the receiving stream.
The volume of runoff detained in the individual on-site facility is relatively small and, their effectiveness
in aggregate has been shown to diminish along the downstream reaches of streams. The application of
consistent design and implementation criteria and assurance of their continued maintenance and existence
is of paramount importance if large numbers of on-site detention facilities are to be effective in
controlling peak flow rates on a watershed scale (Glidden 1981; Urbonas and Glidden 1983).

Figure 12-3. Example configuration for on-site detention (Source: Arapahoe County)

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Chapter 12 Storage

The principal advantage of on-site facilities is that developers can be required to build them as a condition
of site approval. Major disadvantages include the need for a larger total land area for multiple smaller on-
site facilities as compared to a larger regional facility serving the same tributary catchment area. If the
individual on-site facilities are not properly maintained, they can become a nuisance to the community
and a basis for many complaints to municipal officials. It is also difficult to ensure adequate maintenance
and long-term performance. Approximately 100 on-site facilities built, or required by municipalities to be
built, as a part of land developments over about a 10-year period were inspected and it was concluded that
a lack of adequate maintenance and implementation contributed to a loss of continued function or even
presence of these facilities (Prommesberger 1984).

2.4 Detention and UDFCD 100-Year Floodplain Management Policy

In light of the difficulties involved in ensuring the long term effectiveness of on-site detention and
privately maintained subregional detention facilities, UDFCD adheres to the following policies when
developing hydrology for the delineation and regulation of the 100-year flood hazard zones:

1. Hydrology must be based on fully developed watershed conditions (e.g., imperviousness) as

estimated to occur, at a minimum, over the next 50 years.

2. No detention basin will be recognized in the development of hydrology unless:

a. It serves a watershed that is at least 130 acres or otherwise provides substantial flood reduction,

b. It is owned (or controlled by legal document) and maintenance is either performed or required by
a public agency, and

c. The public agency has committed to ensure that the detention facility continues to operate in
perpetuity as designed.

These policies are for the definition and administration of the 100-year floodplain and floodway zones
and the design of facilities along major drainageways. They are not intended to discourage communities
from using subregional or onsite detention discussed above. Subregional and onsite detention can be very
beneficial for stormwater quality and quantity management, reducing the sizes of local storm drains and
other conveyances, and providing a liability shield (defense) when needing to address the issue of keeping
stormwater-related damages to downstream properties from increasing as upstream lands are developed.

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Storage Chapter 12

3.0 Full Spectrum Detention as the Recommended Approach

The design guidance provided in this chapter is based on an approach termed full spectrum detention.
Full spectrum detention is intended to reduce the flooding and stream degradation impacts associated with
urban development by controlling peak flows in the stream for a range of events. Background and design
guidance for the use of full spectrum detention are provided in the following sections.

3.1 Background

Roofs, streets, parking lots, sidewalks, and other impervious surfaces increase peak flows, frequency of
runoff and total volume of stormwater surface runoff when compared to pre-development conditions.

This increase is most pronounced for the smaller, more frequent storms and can result in stream
degradation and water quality impacts as well as flooding during the large events.

Criteria for stormwater detention design have evolved from a focus on the minor and major events to an
approach shown to better control peak flows for a wide range of events. In the interest of stream stability,
specific focus should be placed on frequent events. Incorporating a slow release for the water quality
capture volume (WQCV) helps to address very frequent urban runoff events; however, it is also important
to extend the volume of water attenuated to capture the range of flows that transport the most bed load in
the receiving stream. This range of flows depends on reach-specific characteristics but is typically
between the annual event and the 5-year peak flow rate. Runoff events in this range can produce
profound geomorphic changes in ephemeral, intermittent and perennial streams resulting in severe
erosion, loss of riparian habitat, and water quality degradation.

Furthermore, outflow hydrographs from traditional detention facilities tend to be flat-topped and broad,
maintaining flows near the maximum release rates for relatively long periods of time. This allows
hydrographs released from multiple independent basins to overlap and add to each other to a greater
degree than they would have during pre-development conditions. Thus, traditional detention practices
can result in an increase in watershed-wide discharges even if individual detention facilities each would
control peak discharges to pre-developed conditions.

Full spectrum detention is designed to address these two limitations of traditional detention. First, it is
focused on controlling peak discharges over the full spectrum of runoff events from small, frequent
storms up to the 100-year flood. Second, full spectrum detention facilities produce outflow hydrographs
that, other than a small release rate of the excess urban runoff volume (EURV), replicates the shape of
pre-development hydrographs. Full spectrum detention modeling has been shown to reduce urban runoff
peaks to levels similar to pre-development conditions over an entire watershed, even with multiple
independent detention facilities.

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 12 Storage

3.2 Excess Urban Runoff Volume

The lower portion of volume in a full spectrum detention facility is designed to capture and slowly release
the excess urban runoff volume (EURV). The EURV is the difference between the developed condition
runoff volume and the pre-development volume. Based on the hydrologic methods used within the
UDFCD region, the EURV appears to be relatively consistent at any given level of imperviousness for the
range of storms (generally beyond the 2-year event) that produce runoff. This is illustrated in Figure 12-
4. The full spectrum detention concept is to reduce runoff for all the frequent storms (smaller than
approximately the 2-year event) to as close to zero as possible and less than the threshold value for
erosion in most streams. When this is done, the remaining runoff from a site approximates the runoff
volume for pre-development conditions.

The EURV is typically two to three times the water quality capture volume (WQCV) and the release rates
are generally comparable. Therefore, designing for EURV typically results in a design that also meets the
recommended drain time for treatment of the WQCV.

Figure 12-4. EURV is relatively constant for runoff producing storms

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Storage Chapter 12

The upper portion of volume in a full spectrum detention facility is designed to reduce the developed
condition 100-year peak discharge down to 90 percent of the pre-development 100-year peak flow rate
from the tributary sub-watershed. Through modeling, it has been found that releasing 90 percent of the
100-year event peak discharge at each full spectrum detention basin within a watershed results in flows in
the receiving stream that are near pre-development. Figure 12-5 illustrates the effectiveness of full
spectrum detention in comparison to traditional practices for a test watershed made up of fifty 100-acre
subwatersheds each modeled with a detention basin (Wulliman and Urbonas, 2005).

Benefits of Implementing Full Spectrum Detention on a Watershed Level

A properly designed full spectrum detention facility can reduce urban peak discharges to
levels similar to pre-development conditions for the full spectrum of runoff events from
small, frequent storms up to the 100-year event. This reduces the stresses imposed by urban
runoff on streams so degradation will occur at reduced rates compared to conventional
detention practices.

With the capture and slow release of the EURV mitigating to some degree the additional
runoff impacts associated with development, the remaining volume that is released from a
full spectrum facility approximates the runoff from the upstream area for pre-development
conditions. This allows regional full spectrum detention to effectively control peak
discharges within a watershed even when multiple independent facilities are used.

The design of full spectrum detention is relatively simple, and certainly no more complex
than traditional detention practices.

Required 100-year storage volumes for full spectrum detention facilities are generally similar
to traditional flood control and water quality detention practices.

Because of these benefits, UDFCD recommends the use of full spectrum detention over typical
detention criteria associated with stormwater quantity.

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3.3 Compatibility of Full Spectrum Detention with Minor and Major Event Detention

The EURV and 100-year detention volumes are similar in magnitude to 10-year/100-year detention
facilities volumes. The main difference is that the EURV described in Section 2.2 is drained at a much
slower rate than the 10-year detention volume would be based on past criteria provided in this manual.

Figure 12-5. Comparison of full spectrum detention and conventional practices for a sample
watershed consisting of fifty 100-acre subwatersheds

Where existing master plans recommend detention facilities designed to address minor and major events,
UDFCD generally intends that these will be implemented as full spectrum facilities; however, the final
determination of detention policy should be made by each jurisdiction.

There may be opportunities to convert existing 10-year/100-year detention facilities into full spectrum
facilities by reducing the capacity of the 10-year control orifice to a EURV release rate, and ensuring that
the debris grate for the EURV orifices and the 100-year outlet and emergency spillway for the facility are

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3.4 Water Quality Capture Volume and Full Spectrum Detention

Full spectrum detention is designed to be combined with one of the five types of WQCV treatment best
management practices (BMPs) described in Volume 3 of the USDCM. These are:

Extended detention basins,

Retention ponds,

Constructed wetland ponds,

Sand filters, and

Rain gardens (bioretention)

The 100-year full spectrum detention volume described in this chapter is consistently expressed as the
total detention volume including EURV; also, EURV consistently includes the water quality volume.
Therefore the WQCV and the EURV are both inclusive of the 100-year full spectrum detention volume
and UDFCD does not recommend adding any part of the WQCV to either the EURV or the 100-year
volumes calculated based on Section 3.0.

Figure 12-6 illustrates an extended detention basin combined with full spectrum detention. In the figure,
Zone 1 represents the water quality portion of the facility. Zone 2 represents the difference between the
EURV and Zone 1. Zone 3 represents the difference between the 100-year volume and the EURV. The
design volume, drain time, and release rate of each zone of an extended detention basin combined with
full spectrum detention is shown in Table 12-1.

Figure 12-6. Extended detention basin combined with full spectrum detention

Table 12-1. Extended detention basin combined with full spectrum detention
Drain Time
Zone Volume Maximum Release Rate
of Zone, hrs
1 40-hr WQCV 40 Based on drain time
2 EURV minus (40-hr WQCV)) 12 to 32 Based on drain time
3 100-yr minus EURV Based on release rate 0.9(predevelopment Q100)
Colorado law requires 97% of the 5-year event to drain within 72 hours.

Because each of the five WQCV treatment BMPs has slightly different sizing criteria and release rate
criteria, as described in Volume 3 of the USDCM, the design of full spectrum detention facilities also
varies based on type of WQCV BMP. The design of a retention pond combined with full spectrum
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detention is shown in Figure 12-7 and in Table 12-2.

Figure 12-7. Retention pond combined with full spectrum detention

Table 12-2. Retention pond combined with full spectrum detention

Drain Time
Zone Volume Maximum Release Rate
of Zone, hrs
1 12-hr WQCV 12 Based on drain time
2 EURV minus 12-hr WQCV 12 to 60 Based on drain time
3 100-yr minus EURV Based on release rate 0.9(predevelopment Q100)
Colorado law requires 97% of the 5-year event to drain within 72 hours.

The design of a constructed wetland pond combined with full spectrum detention is shown in Figure 12-8
and in Table 12-3.

Figure 12-8. Constructed wetland pond combined with full Sspectrum detention

Table 12-3. Constructed wetland pond combined with full spectrum detention
Drain Time
Zone Volume Maximum Release Rate
of Zone, hrs
1 24-hr WQCV 24 Based on drain time
2 EURV minus 24-hr WQCV 12 to 48 Based on drain time
3 100-yr minus EURV Based on release rate 0.9(predevelopment Q100)
Colorado law requires 97% of the 5-year event to drain within 72 hours.

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The design of a sand filter combined with full spectrum detention is shown in Figure 12-9 and in
Table 12-4. Although the water quality event is released through the filter media, it is recommended that
an orifice plate be provided to drain Zone 2 (the balance of the EURV) and a grated inlet or spillway be
used to control the release of Zone 3 (the balance of the 100-year volume). In this way the amount of
Zone 2 and 3 runoff flowing through the filter media will be reduced.

Figure 12-9. Sand filter combined with full spectrum detention

Figure 12-10. Sand filter and zone 2 combined with downstream zone 3 basin

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Figure 12-11. Stand-alone sand filter with downstream zone 2/zone 3 basin

The design of a bioretention facility combined with full spectrum detention is shown in Figure 12-12 and
in Table 12-4. As in a sand filter, it is recommended that an orifice plate be provided to drain Zone 2 (the
balance of the EURV) and a grated inlet or spillway be used to control the release of Zone 3 (the balance
of the 100-year volume). Because these facilities are often implemented in compact areas and in multiple
installations such as in parking medians and small landscaped areas, and because maintaining vegetation
is critical to the facility, it is recommended to separate these facilities from Zone 3 or from both Zone 2
and 3. Configurations of separate facilities are shown in Figures 12-13 and 12-14. In these cases, the
volume, drain time, and release rate of the zones are still determined based on Table 12-4.

Figure 12-12. Bioretention combined with full spectrum detention (not ideal for vegetation)

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Figure 12-13. Bioretention and zone 2 combined with downstream zone 3 basin

Figure 12-14. Stand-alone bioretention with downstream zone 2/zone 3 basin

Table 12-4. Sand filter or bioretention facility combined with full spectrum detention
Drain Time
Zone Volume Maximum Release Rate
of Zone, hrs
1 12-hr WQCV 12 Based on drain time
2 EURV minus 12-hr WQCV 12 to 32 Based on drain time
3 100-yr minus EURV Based on release rate 0.9(predevelopment Q100)
Colorado law requires 97% of the 5-year event to drain within 72 hours.

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4.0 Sizing of Full Spectrum Detention Storage Volumes

Three methods for sizing full spectrum detention storage volumes are described in the USDCM, as

1. Simplified Equation
2. UD-FSD or UD-Detention workbook
3. Hydrograph routing using CUHP and SWMM

The recommended range of application for the methods based on upstream watershed area is shown in
Table 12-5. Full spectrum detention facilities may be sized using any of the methods shown in the table
for the ranges of watershed area; however, the UD-FSD workbook more accurately represents input
variables than the simplified equation and the hydrograph approach provides the most accurate approach.
The hydrograph routing approach is recommended to evaluate the function of multiple full spectrum
detention facilities arranged in parallel or series in a watershed. The three sizing methods are described in
the following sections.

Table 12-5. Applicability of full spectrum sizing methods based on watershed area
Sizing Method

Watershed Properties CUHP/SWMM

Simplified UD-FSD/UD- Hydrograph
Equations Detention1
Less than 10 acre X X
10 to 50 acres X X
50 to 130 acres X X
130 acres to 1 mile 2 X X
Greater than 1 mile 2 X X
Multiple detention facilities
in parallel or series
See Section 4.2 for additional discussion on the use of UD-FSD and UD-Detention for the preliminary
design and final design of a full spectrum facility.

4.1 Simplified Equations

Simplified equations are provided in this section for determining full spectrum detention design volumes
and 100-year release rates. Once these values are determined, a full spectrum detention facility may be
designed according to the technical guidance described in Section 5.0.

4.1.1 Full Spectrum Detention Volume

Three different volumes are associated with the design of a full spectrum detention facility, as illustrated
in Section 3.4. These are:

1. WQCV (Zone 1)
2. EURV (Zone 1 plus Zone 2)
3. 100-year volume (sum of Zones 1, 2, and 3)

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Within the ranges identified in Table 12-5, these volumes may be determined using simplified equations,
as described below.

WQCV. The water quality capture volume for each of the five types of water quality facilities shown in
Section 3.4 can be calculated based on the procedures described in Volume 3 of the USDCM.

EURV. Equations 12-1, 2 and 3 may be used to find EURV in watershed inches for specific soil types.

EURVA = 1.68i 1.28 Equation 12-1

EURVB = 1.36i 1.08 Equation 12-2

EURVC/D = 1.20i 1.08 Equation 12-3


EURVK = Excess urban runoff volume in watershed inches (K indicates NRCS soils type),
i = Imperviousness ratio (a decimal less than or equal to 1)

The derivation of these equations is documented in a Technical Memorandum entitled Determination of

the EURV for Full Spectrum Detention Design, dated March 23, 2015. This is available at Apply the equations above for each of the soil types found in the watershed and then
calculate a weighted average value based on the relative area proportion of each soil type. Convert the
EURV in watershed inches to a volume multiplying it by the watershed area.

Whenever NRCS soil surveys are not available for a catchment area, soils investigations are
recommended to estimate equivalent soil type.

100-Year Volume. A simplified equation can be used to determine the required 100-year full spectrum
detention volume for tributary areas less than 10 acres. This volume includes the EURV (and the EURV
includes the WQCV). UDFCD does not recommend adding additional volume above that provided in
Equation 12-4. The derivation of this equation is documented in a Technical Memorandum entitled
Estimation of Runoff and Storage Volumes for Use with Full Spectrum Detention, dated March 26, 2015
(available at If a more detailed analysis is desired, see Table 12-5. The 100-year volume
in watershed inches is converted to cubic feet or acre-feet by multiplying by watershed area and
converting units.

0.728i 1.258 + 0.150i 0.258 ) A% + (0.364i 1.286 + 0.381i 0.286 ) B %

V 100 = P1
+ (0.306i + 0.402i 0.286 )CD %
Equation 12-4


V100 = detention volume in watershed inches

P1 = one-hour rainfall depth (inches)

i = imperviousness ratio (a decimal less than or equal to 1)

A%, B%, and CD% = indicates percentage of each NRCS soils type (expressed as a decimal)

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4.1.2 100-year Release Rates

The maximum allowable 100-year release rate for a full spectrum detention facility is equal to 90 percent
of the predevelopment discharge for the upstream watershed. This release rate for full spectrum detention
basins has been shown to be effective in controlling future development peak discharges in a watershed to
levels below predevelopment conditions in the 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year events downstream of
multiple detention basins.

The predevelopment 100-year unit discharge for specific soil types per acre of tributary catchment varies
based on the ratio of the flow length squared to the watershed area as well as the watershed slope and is
provided in Tables 12-6, 12-7, and 12-8. The values in these tables must be multiplied by 0.9 to
determine the allowable 100-year release from a watershed.

Development of these tables is documented in a Technical Memorandum entitled UDFCD Predeveloped

Peak Unit Flowrates, dated November 26, 2015. This is available at

Table 12-6. Predevelopment peak unit discharge for NRCS hydrologic soil group A

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Table 12-7. Predevelopment peak unit discharge for NRCS hydrologic soil group B

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Table 12-8. Predevelopment peak unit discharge for NRCS hydrologic soil group C

When multiple soil types exist in the watershed, use the table values for each soil type and calculate a
weighted average value relative to the area proportion of each soil type. Use Equation 12-1 to calculate
the allowable unit discharge from the basin.

Q = 0.9aq Equation 12-1

Q = Allowable 100-year release rate (cfs)
a = Area of watershed (acres)
q = weighted average unit release rate based on relative proportions of watershed soil types

Unless otherwise recommended in an approved master plan, the maximum releases rates described in this
section should be used for all full spectrum detention facilities.

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4.1.3 Predevelopment Peak Discharges for Various Return Periods

The intent of the UDFCD full spectrum detention policy is to manage developed condition peak flows to
levels similar to predevelopment conditions for a full range of return periods in areas serviced by full
spectrum detention facilities. To gain a sense for the magnitude of predevelopment peak flow rates for
various return rates, see the Technical Memorandum entitled UDFCD Predeveloped Peak Unit
Flowrates, (MacKenzie and Rapp, 2015). This is available at

4.2 UD-FSD and UD-Detention Workbooks

Beyond the simplified equations described in Section 4.1, two Excel-based workbooks are available to
size full spectrum detention basins for the range of watershed sizes identified in Table 12-5. UD-FSD and
UD-Detention are both available at UD-FSD is intended for full spectrum facilities only,
whereas UD-Detention has a broader use but may be overly complicated for some facilities. Both
workbooks use the Modified Puls reservoir routing method to evaluate performance of the facility based
on tributary watershed parameters and variables associated with the basin/pond geometry and outlet
configuration. Both workbooks compare calculated release rates to predevelopment discharges for the 2,
5, 10, 25, 50, and 100-year events.

UD-FSD and can be used to 1) perform initial calculations for sizing and outlet configuration for a
planned facility, 2) perform final sizing of the outlet structure controls once a grading plan has been
developed for the facility , and 3) check the hydraulic routing of an existing facility. Although the
prompts and figures within this workbook suggest a dry detention basin design, it can be used to analyze
full spectrum retention or constructed wetland ponds by entering zero values for the initial surcharge,
trickle channel depth, and trickle channel slope.

UD-Detention allows analysis of any retention pond or detention basin including extended detention,
bioretention, sand filters, basins that may or may not be full spectrum, basins that only include one or two
controlled zones, or basins having unusual outlet structures.

Section 8.0 of this chapter includes an example problem using each of the workbooks.

4.2.1 Hydrograph Routing using CUHP and SWMM

Hydrograph routing using CUHP and SWMM is a third option for sizing and designing full spectrum
detention facilities, based on the watershed properties identified in Table 12-5. This is the only method
that is able to assess the performance of multiple detention facilities that are arranged in parallel or in
series in a watershed. Hydrograph routing using SWMM is similar to the evaluation mode of UD-FSD in
that the user needs to input stage-area and stage-discharge information based on a preliminary design and
iterations may be necessary to arrive at a final basin and outlet structure configuration that reduces
developed condition peak flows to levels equal to or below predevelopment conditions.

The reservoir routing capabilities in SWMM determine a detention basins outflow characteristics given
the stage-discharge relationship for a reservoir outlet link and the stage- area relationship for the reservoir
storage node of the model. The stage- area relationship is determined by finding the water surface areas
of the basin at different depths or elevations, which are then used by the model to calculate the
incremental volumes used as the stage rises and falls. The basin layout and outlet structure are modified
as needed after each model run to adjust the corresponding stage-area and stage-discharge data pairs, until
the outflow from the basin meets the specified flow limit. No description of the theory of reservoir
routing is provided in the USDCM, as the subject is well described in many hydrology reference books
(Viessman and Lewis 1996; Guo 1999b).

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For full spectrum basins evaluated using hydrograph routing, the EURV portion of the basin still needs to
be sized using Equations 12-1 through 12-3 in Section 4.1 and the outlet designed to empty this volume as
described in Section 3.4. The 100-year peak flow control volume above the EURV (Zone 3) must be
determined, and its outlet designed using full hydrograph routing protocols. The maximum allowable
100-year release rate should not exceed 90 percent of the approved predevelopment release rate
determined through CUHP/SWMM modeling of the upstream watershed (this may vary slightly from the
predevelopment discharge values presented in Section 4.1.2), or maximum flow rates recommended in an
accepted master plan.

5.0 Design Considerations

The design of a detention facility entails detailed hydraulic, structural, geotechnical, and civil design.
This includes a detailed site grading plan, embankment design, spillway design, hydraulic and structural
design of the outlet works, safety grate design, maintenance access, consideration of sedimentation and
erosion potential within and downstream of the facility, liner design (if needed), etc. Collaboration
between geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, hydrologic and hydraulic engineers, land planners,
landscape architects, biologists, and/or other disciplines is encouraged during the preliminary and final
design phases.

It is beyond the scope of the USDCM to provide detailed dam design guidance. There are many excellent
references in this regard, such as Design of Small Dams (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 1987). UDFCD
urges all designers to review and adhere to the guidance in such references as failure of even small
embankments can have serious consequences for the public and the municipalities downstream of the

As discussed in Section 3.4, full spectrum detention facilities are configured together with one of five
types of water quality basins described in Volume 3 of the USDCM. The design of the water quality
portion of the facility, illustrated as Zone 1 in Section 3.4, is described in detail in Volume 3. The
following guidelines for the design of full spectrum detention facilities apply to Zones 2 and 3 as shown
in Figures 12-6 through 12-14.

5.1 General Layout and Grading

Storage facility geometry and layout are often best developed in concert with land planners and landscape
architect. Whenever desirable and feasible, multiple uses of a basin should be considered, such as
creation of riparian and wetland vegetation, wildlife habitat, paths, and other passive or active recreation
opportunities. If multiple uses are being contemplated, it is recommended that the inundation of passive
recreational areas be limited to one or two occurrences a year and of active recreation areas to once every
two years. Generally, the area within Zone 1 and Zone 2 is not well suited for active recreation facilities
such as ballparks, playing fields, and picnic areas, but may be suitable for passive recreation such as
wildlife habitat and some hiking trails. It is desirable to shape the water quality portion of the facility
(Zones 1 and 2) with a gradual expansion from the inlet and a gradual contraction toward the outlet,
thereby minimizing short-circuiting.

Maintenance is also an important consideration with respect to layout and grading. Consider how lower
areas of the basin, such as the forebay and micropool will be accessed, and with what equipment.

5.2 Storage Volume

The total 100-year storage volume determined using one of the three methods described in Section 4 shall

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be provided, along with additional basin storage and depth necessary to contain emergency flows and
provide freeboard as described in Section 5.4.

5.3 Embankments

Embankment should be designed to not catastrophically fail during the 100-year and larger storms that the
facility may encounter. The following criteria apply in many situations (ASCE and WEF 1992):

Side Slopes: For ease of maintenance, the side slopes of the embankment should not be steeper than
3(H):1(V), with 4(H):1(V) preferred. The embankments side slopes should have full vegetated
coverage, with no trees or shrubs above the basin floor. Soil-riprap protection (or equivalent) may be
necessary to protect it from wave action on the upstream face, especially in retention ponds.

Settlement and Compaction: The design height of the embankment should be increased by roughly
5 percent to account for settlement. All earth fill should be free from unsuitable materials and all
organic materials such as grass, turf, brush, roots, and other organic material subject to
decomposition. The fill material in all earth dams and embankments should be compacted to at least
95 percent of the maximum density based on the Modified Proctor method of ASTM D698 testing.

Freeboard: The elevation of the top of the embankment should be a minimum of 1 foot above the
water surface elevation when the emergency spillway is conveying the maximum design or
emergency flow. When the embankment is designed to withstand overtopping of the undetained peak
flow without failure, freeboard requirements may be reduced or waived.

Anti-Seepage may also be required. This topic is covered in detail in FEMAs Technical Manual:
Conduits through Embankment Dams (2005) and NRCSs National Design Construction and Soil
Mechanics Center Technical Note Filter Diagrams for CO-1 Structures (2003). Construction of a filter
diaphragm will be adequate in most scenarios covered in this chapter.

If the storage facility is determined to be jurisdictional per the criteria of Colorado Division of Water
Resources (DWR), also known as the Office of the State Engineer, the embankment shall be designed,
constructed and maintained to meet DWRs most-current criteria for jurisdictional structures. The design
for an embankment of a stormwater detention or retention storage facility should be based upon a site-
specific engineering evaluation.

5.4 Emergency Spillways

An emergency spillway will generally be needed to convey flows that exceed the primary outlet capacity
or when the outlet structure becomes blocked with debris. When the storage facility falls under the
jurisdiction of the DWR, the spillways design storm is prescribed by the DWR (DWR 2007). If the
storage facility is not a jurisdictional structure, the size of the spillway design storm should be based upon
the risk and consequences of a facility failure (e.g., avoidance of a critical facility). Generally,
embankments should be fortified against and/or have spillways that, at a minimum, are capable of
conveying the 100-year peak runoff from the fully developed tributary area (prior to routing flows though
the detention basin). However, detailed analysis and determination of downstream hazards (such as
critical facilities) should be performed and may indicate that the embankment protection and/or spillway
design needs to be designed for events larger than the 100-year design storm.

An emergency spillway also controls the location and direction of the overflow. The emergency spillway
and the path of the emergency overflow downstream of the spillway and embankment should be clearly
depicted on the construction plans. Structures (such as utility boxes) should not be permitted in the path
of the emergency spillway or overflow. It is recommended that the limits of the flow path be shown on
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the construction drawings.

Soil riprap is the most common method for providing embankment protection on a spillway. Although
not preferred, baffle chute spillways may also be considered on a case by case basis. Further discussion
regarding these two types of embankment protection is provided below.

5.4.1 Soil Riprap Spillway

Soil riprap embankment protection should be sized based on methodologies developed specifically for
overtopping embankments. Two such methods have been documented by Colorado State University
(USNRC, 1988) and by the US Department of Agriculture (ASAE, 1998) and designers are referred to
these publications for a complete description of sizing methodology and application information. Figure
12-21 illustrates typical rock sizing for small (under 10-feet high) embankments based on these
procedures that may be used during preliminary design to get an approximate idea of rock size. Final
design should be based on the more complete procedures documented in the referenced publications. The
thickness should be based on the criteria identified in the Open Channels chapter for steep channels. For
spillway design, it is critical that the soil riprap has an adequate percentage of well-graded rock.

The invert of the emergency spillway is set at or above the 100-year water surface elevation (based on
local jurisdiction criteria). A concrete wall is recommended at the emergency spillway crest extending at
least to the bottom of the soil riprap located immediately downstream. The top of the crest wall at the
sides should extend to the top of the embankment, at least one foot above the spillway elevation.

5.4.2 Baffle Chute Spillway

The USBR has developed design standards for a reinforced concrete chute with baffle blocks on the
sloping face of a spillway, commonly referred to as baffled chute drop spillway. The primary reference
that is recommended for the design of these structures is Design of Small Dams (1987). In addition,
Design of Small Canal Structures (Aisenbrey, et al. 1978) and Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins and
Energy Dissipators (Peterka 1984)
may provide useful information for
the design of baffle chute spillways.

The hydraulic concept behind baffle

chute spillways involves flow
repeatedly encountering obstructions
(baffle blocks) that are of a nominal
height equivalent to critical depth.
The excess energy is dissipated
through the drop by the momentum
loss associated with reorientation of
the flow. Design of Small Dams
provides guidelines for sizing and
spacing the blocks. Designing for
proper approach velocities is critical
to structure performance. One Photograph 12-3. Baffle chute drop after several decades of service.
advantage of this type of spillway is
that it does not require any specific
tailwater depth. However, the designer does need to consider local flow and scour patterns in the
transition back to the channel.

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For safety reasons and considerations of appearance, a baffle chute spillway is not recommended for use
as a grade control structure in a stream. Caution is advised when using a baffle chute spillway in a high
debris area because the baffles can become clogged, resulting in overflow, low energy dissipation, and
direct impingement of the erosive stream jet downstream.

A step by step procedure for the design of a baffle chute drop spillway is provided in Design of Small
Dams. Typical design elements consist of upstream transition walls, a rectangular approach chute, a
sloping apron (generally equal to the downstream slope of the basin embankment) that has multiple rows
of baffle blocks and downstream transition walls. The toe of the chute extends below grade and is
backfilled with loose riprap to prevent undermining of the structure by eddy currents or minor
degradation downstream. The structure is effective even with low tailwater; however, greater tailwater
reduces scour at the toe. The structure lends itself to a variety of soils and foundation conditions.

The steps involved in the construction of a baffle chute spillway are typical of the construction of any
reinforced concrete structure, and include subgrade preparation, formwork, setting reinforcing steel,
placing, finishing and curing concrete, and structure backfilling. Baffle chutes generally provide
consistent, dependable hydraulic performance and are relatively straightforward to construct. Potential
construction challenges include foundation integrity, water control, and managing the multiple phases of
formwork, reinforcing, and concrete placement and finishing.

5.5 Outlet Structure

Outlet structures control release rates from storage Drop box Design Considerations
facilities and should be sized and structurally designed
to release flows at the specified rates without Considerations for the cost and appearance
structural or hydraulic failure. Sizing guidance is of the structure can limit the size of the
provided earlier in this chapter with additional drop box. However, it is important to
guidance in Volume 3 of the USDCM. consider both maintenance access and also
ensure that neither the crest of the box nor
The most common design consists of a configuration the safety grate (even when partially
that releases the WQCV (Zone 1) and the balance of clogged) is limiting flow to the 100-year
the EURV (Zone 2) through an orifice plate (typically orifice.
a steel plate containing a vertical column of small,
equally-spaced orifices. The 100-year volume above Safety considerations (pinning by
the EURV (Zone 3) is then controlled by an orifice at impingement velocity through the grate)
the bottom of the outlet vault structure, or drop box, may also dictate a larger structure. Use
after spilling over the crest of the drop box. The crest Figure OS-1 in Volume 3 of the USDCM
of the drop box acts as a weir and its length, as well as to size the grate while separately ensuring
the size of the drop box opening, needs to be that velocity does not exceed 2 feet per
oversized to account for flow area reduction by the second through the safety grate in its
safety grate bars and blockage by debris. Figure OS-1 unclogged condition.
in Volume 3 of the USDCM provides guidance for
determining initial minimum trash rack sizes for an Additionally, UDFCD recommends
outlet structure. Values from this figure account for providing a rail in any location where a
clogging and metalwork losses through the safety drop exceeds 3-feet.
grate. In addition to using Figure OS-1, also ensure
that the velocity through the grate unhindered by
debris blockage does not exceed 2 feet per second.

Design procedures for analyzing drop box hydraulics and accounting for debris blockage are described in
Sections 5.5.1 through 5.5.4. Additional discussion regarding safety grates and debris blockage can be
found in Section 5.6.
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Chapter 12 Storage

The hydraulic capacity of the various components of the outlet works (orifices, weirs, pipes) can be
determined using the UD-Detention UD-FSD Excel Workbooks, or other standard hydraulic equations. A
rating curve for the entire outlet can be developed by combining the rating curves developed for each of
the components of the outlet and then selecting the most restrictive element that controls a given stage for
determining the composite total outlet rating curve. The following sections describe procedures to
generate a rating curve for four example types of 100-year drop box outlet structures. See Volume 3 of
the USDCM for sizing the water quality orifices and incorporating water quality features into the outlet

5.5.1 Flush Safety Grate

A flush grate drop box is a grate, either bar

or close mesh, that is flush with the top of
the box opening. The box opening may be
horizontal or constructed with the slope of
the embankment (as shown in
Figure 12-15).

The top of the outlet box should be

evaluated for both weir (A) and orifice (B) Figure 12-15. Flush grate (sloping drop box shown)
flow at increasing water depths. The lesser
of the two calculated flow values will indicate which controls for a given depth. Detailed discussion
regarding weir and orifice hydraulics can be found in Section 5.14. The net weir length and orifice open
area, considering blockage by grating and potential debris, must be applied as discussed in Section 5.6.
UDFCD contracted with Bureau of Recreation (USBR) to construct a physical model to refine
weir/orifice calculations for a sloping drop box. Equations based on the USBR physical model are
performed within the UD-Detention and FSD workbooks and are documented at

5.5.2 Raised Grate with Multiple

Vertical Openings

A raised grate with multiple vertical

openings offers improved flow capacity
and resistance to debris blockage. It has
vertical openings (open bar or close mesh)
on two to four sides. See Figure 12-16 for
a graphical representation of this grate

This outlet must be evaluated for the two Figure 12-16. Grate with vertical openings
separate flow conditions (listed below and (horizontal drop box shown)
shown in Figure 12-16) to determine which
controls at each incremental depth:

A. Weir Flow: Calculate weir flow using the drop box interior perimeter reduced for the vertical
grate supports and a 10% perimeter reduction for clogging.

B. Orifice Flow: Calculate orifice flow using the smaller of the interior drop box area or the total
grate area reduced for metalwork and debris clogging.

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5.5.3 Raised Safety Grate with Vertical

A grate with one vertical opening may also offer
improved flow capacity and resistance to debris
blockage. Figure 12-17 provides a graphical
representation of this grate configuration.

This outlet must be evaluated for the two

separate flow conditions (listed below and
shown in Figure 12-17) to determine which
controls at each incremental depth: Figure 12-17. Grate with vertical opening
A. Weir Flow: Calculate weir flow using (sloping drop box shown)
the average of the net perimeter length (i.e.,
reduced for metalwork and clogging) calculated from the condition shown in Figure 12-15 and Figure

B. Orifice Flow: Calculate orifice flow using the smaller of the interior drop box area or the total
grate area reduced for metalwork and debris clogging. To account for clogging, the vertical grate net
opening area should be reduced by 10%, while the horizontal grate net opening should be reduced by
50%. To simplify orifice calculations at various stages for a vertical or sloping grate, use the UD-
Detention or UD-FSD workbooks.

5.5.4 Raised Grate with Offset

Vertical Openings

A grate with offset vertical openings is a bar

or close mesh grate that is elevated and
extends beyond the sidewalls of the
concrete outlet structure. This results in a
vertical and horizontal gap between the
grate and the walls of the drop box on all
four sides of the structure and provides
grate area below floating debris similar to a
micropool design (See Volume 3 of the Figure 12-18. Grate with offset vertical panels
USDCM). Figure 12-18 shows a horizontal (horizontal drop box shown)
grate configuration. The grate could also be

This outlet must be evaluated for three separate flow conditions (listed below and shown in Figure 12-18)
to determine which controls at each incremental depth:

A. Weir Flow: Calculate weir flow over the walls of the drop box using the smaller of the unclogged
drop box perimeter or the grate perimeter reduced for metalwork and 10% debris clogging.

B. Orifice Flow: Calculate orifice flow using the smaller of the interior drop box area or the total
grate area reduced for metalwork and debris clogging.

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5.5.5 Outlet Pipe Hydraulics

Once the hydraulics of the top of a drop box are evaluated using the procedures discussed in Sections
5.5.1 through 5.5.4, the capacity of the outlet pipe and its orifice plate flow restrictor must be determined
for increments of increasing water depth. The discharge pipe of the outlet works should be evaluated to
ensure it is not under outlet control as a culvert at the 100-year (or design) discharge, and the orifice plate
covering the opening of this pipe in the bottom of the drop box should be evaluated to ensure it limits
flow to the required release rate. See the Culverts chapter for guidance regarding the calculation of the
hydraulic capacity of outlet pipes. The UD-Culvert workbook can be used to determine the controlling
condition of the culvert downstream of the orifice flow restrictor plate, while the UD-Detention workbook
was designed to simplify these tasks.

The stage-discharge relationship of the outlet pipe and orifice is then compared to the controlling stage-
discharge relationship for the top of the drop box plus flow through the water quality/EURV orifices may
also be added. The ultimate control of the outlet is the smaller value of the flow through the top of the
drop box plus water quality/EURV orifices, and the flow through the outlet pipe orifice over the range of
stage. The design goal is that the outlet pipe orifice controls flow for the 100-year event, and the grate
controls for more frequent return periods.

Determining the final hydraulics of the outlet structure becomes an iterative process. A final stage
discharge curve is determined by completing the steps outlined above. This stage-discharge curve and the
basin geometry are then input into the UD-Detention workbook, the UD-FSD workbook, or a SWMM
model to evaluate hydrograph routing and the associated maximum stage, storage volume, and release
rate. Often times it will be necessary to adjust the dimensions of the outlet box or the restrictor plate and
orifice area of the outlet pipe to achieve the desired outflow from the basin. The goal is to have the 100-
year orifice at the bottom of the box in front of the outlet pipe control the 100-year release rate at the
maximum stage, not the hydraulic condition at the top of the outlet box. A final check on the overall
safety of the outlet should be made to ensure that the velocity of flow through the grate open area reduced
for metalwork but not for clogging does not exceed 2 ft/s.

5.6 Trash Racks and Debris Blockage

Trash racks should always be installed as part of an outlet structure to reduce safety concerns. Consider
maintenance of the structure and potential access by the public when selecting the type of trash rack. For
example, a close mesh grate will be more appropriate in high pedestrian traffic but will require more
frequent maintenance as it will catch smaller debris. Trash racks of sufficient size should always be
provided on an outlet structure so that they do not interfere with the hydraulic capacity of the outlet. See
figure OS-1 in Chapter 4 of Volume 3 of this manual for the minimum open area based on the outlet size.

Typically, outlet structure safety grates consist of either a bar grate, a close mesh grate or an open grate as
shown in Figure 12-19 below. Close mesh and bar grates can be used for horizontal, sloping or vertical
surfaces. Open grates are typically only used along vertical openings, as shown in Figures 12-16 through
12-18 of Section 5.5. Figure 12-19 provides typical dimensions for the three aforementioned grates as
well as appropriate open area values. The open area includes a reduction for both the grate metalwork as
well as an assumed 50% potential debris blockage. In some cases it may be appropriate to increase or
decrease this value based upon the potential for debris at a specific site.

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Figure 12-19. Typical grate configurations for outlet structures

5.7 Inlets

Inlets should provide energy dissipation to limit erosion. They should be designed in accordance with
drop structure or pipe outlet criteria in the Hydraulic Structures chapter of the USDCM, or using other
energy dissipation structures as appropriate. Additionally, forebays or sediment traps are recommended
to provide a location to remove coarse sediment from the system prior to it being deposited in the
vegetated area of the basin. Forebays need regular monitoring and maintenance.

5.8 Vegetation

The type of grass used in vegetating a newly constructed storage facility is a function of the frequency
and duration of inundation of the area, soil types, and the other potential uses (park, open space, etc.) of
the area. UDFCD recommends use of native grasses to reduce frequency and cost of maintenance and
help maintain infiltration rates. See the Revegtation chapter for detailed information on establishing
vegetation, including soil testing and amendments, seed mixes, and plantings. A planting plan should be
developed for new facilities to meet their intended use and setting in the urban landscape. Trees and
shrubs are not recommended on dams or fill embankments. However, use of trees immediately outside of
detention basins will not interfere with their flood control operation or increase maintenance needs
significantly. Also, sparse planting of trees basins may also be acceptable as long as they are not located
near inlets and outlet or on the emergency spillway(s) and will not interfere significantly with
maintenance or create clogging problems with the water quality screen. On the other hand, use of shrubs
on the banks and bottom, while not affecting the flood routing, can increase maintenance significantly by
providing traps for a source of debris and obstructing maintenance procedures. Because storage facilities
are frequently wet, they are ideal nurseries for invasive and undesirable plants such as Siberian Elms,
Russian Olives, Tamarisk, etc. This unplanned vegetation should be removed annually.

5.9 Retaining Walls

The use of retaining walls within detention basins is generally discouraged due to the potential increase in
long-term maintenance access and costs as well as concerns regarding the safety of the general public and
maintenance personnel. Where walls are used, limit the length of the retaining walls to no more than 50
percent of the basin perimeter. Also, consider potential fall hazards associated with pedestrians, cyclists,
and vehicles in determining the appropriate treatment between a sidewalk, path, or roadway and the top of
the wall. Considerations include distance from the public to the wall, curvature of the path or roadway,
single or terraced walls, and volume of traffic. Potential solutions include dense vegetation, seat walls,
perimeter fencing, safety railing and guardrail. In some cases walls less than 2 feet will warrant a hard
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vertical barrier; in other cases a 3-foot wall may be the point at which this barrier is appropriate. Check
requirements of the local jurisdiction. UDFCD recommends providing a hard vertical barrier in any
location where walls exceed 3-feet.

Adequate horizontal separation between terracing walls should be provided to ensure that each wall is
loaded by the adjacent soil, based on conservative assumptions regarding the angle of repose. When
determining the separation between walls, consider the proposed anchoring system and the required
equipment/space needed to repair the wall in the event of a failure. Ensure that failure and repair of any
wall does not impact loading on adjacent walls. Separation between adjacent walls should be at least
twice the adjacent wall height, such that a plane extended through the bottom of adjacent walls would not
be steeper than a 2(H):1(V) slope. Slope of finished grade between walls should not exceed 4 percent.
Wall designs exceeding these criteria or exceeding a height of 30 inches should only be performed by a
Professional Engineer and should include a structural analysis for the design, evaluating the various
loading conditions that the wall may encounter. Also consider a drain system behind the wall to ensure
that hydrostatic pressures are equalized as the water level changes in the basin.

5.10 Access

All weather stable maintenance access shall be provided to elements requiring periodic maintenance.
Guidance for equipment access to water quality components is discussed in Volume 3 of the USDCM.
This guidance may also be relevant for flood control (only) facilities.

5.11 Geotechnical Considerations

The designer must take into full account the geotechnical conditions of the site. These considerations
include issues related to ground water elevation, embankment stability, geologic hazards, seepage, and
other site-specific issues.

It may be necessary to confer with a qualified geotechnical engineer during both design and construction,
especially for the larger detention and retention storage facilities.

5.12 Linings

Sometimes an impermeable clay or synthetic liner is necessary. Stormwater detention and retention
facilities have the potential to raise the groundwater level in the vicinity of the basin. Where there is
concern for damage to adjacent structures due to rising ground water, consider lining the basin with an
impermeable liner. An impermeable liner may also be warranted for a retention pond where the designer
seeks to limit seepage from the permanent pool. Note that if left uncovered, synthetic lining on side
slopes creates a serious impediment to egress and a potential drowning hazard. See the Retention Pond
Fact Sheet in Volume 3 of the USDCM for guidance and benefits associated with the constructing a
safety wetland bench.

5.13 Environmental Permitting and Other Considerations

The designer must take into account environmental considerations surrounding the facility and the site
during its selection, design and construction. These can include regulatory issues such as:

If construction will create disturbance or otherwise modify a jurisdictional wetland,

If the facility is to be located on a waterway that is regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as

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a Water of the U.S., and

If there are threatened and endangered species or habitat in the area.

There are also non-regulatory environmental issues that should be considered. UDFCD recommends
early discussions with relevant federal, state and local regulators on these issues. Issues may include the

Potential for encountering contaminated soils during excavation,

Proper implementation of design elements to mitigate mosquito breeding (i.e., a micropool)

Concern from area residents regarding the disturbance of existing riparian habitat that may be
required for construction of the basin, and

Colorado water rights issues related to large permanent pools or retention ponds.

5.14 Orifice and Weir Hydraulics

The following discussion regarding weirs and orifices is adapted from Urban Drainage Design Manual,
Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 22, Third Edition (Brown et al., 2009).

5.14.1 Orifices

Multiple orifices may be used in a detention facility, and the hydraulics of each can be superimposed to
develop the outlet-rating curve. For a single orifice or a group of orifices, orifice flow can be determined
using Equation 12-19.

Q = C o Ao (2 gH o ) 0.5 Equation 12-19


Q = the orifice flow rate through a given orifice (cfs)

Co = discharge coefficient (0.60 recommended for square-edge orifices)

Ao = area of orifice (ft2)

Ho = effective head on each orifice opening (ft)

g = gravitational acceleration constant (32.2 ft/sec2)

If the orifice discharges as a free outfall, the effective head is measured from the centroid of the orifice to
the upstream water surface elevation. If the downstream jet of the orifice is submerged, then the effective
head is the difference in elevation between the upstream and downstream water surfaces.

5.14.2 Weirs

Flow over a horizontal spillway or drop box crest can be calculated using the following equation for a
horizontal broad-crested weir. See Figure 12-20 for a graphical representation of weir flow.

Horizontal Broad-Crested Weir: The equation typically used for a broad-crested weir is:

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Q = C BCW L H 1.5 Equation 12-20


Q = discharge (cfs)

CBCW = broad-crested weir coefficient (This ranges from 2.6 to 3.0. A value of 3.0 is often used in
practice.) See Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 22 for additional information.

L = broad-crested weir length (ft)

H = head above weir crest (ft)

Figure 12-20. Sloping broad-crest weir

Sloping Broad-Crested Weir: Figure 12-20 shows an example of a sloping broad-crested weir. The
equation to calculate the flow over the sloping portion of the weir is as follows:

Q = C BCW Z H 2.5 Equation 12-21

Q = discharge (cfs)

CBCW = broad-crested weir coefficient (This ranges from 2.6 to 3.0. A value of 3.0 is often used in
practice.) See Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 22 for additional information.

Z = side slope (horizontal: vertical)

H = head above weir crest (ft)

Note that in order to calculate the total flow over the weir depicted in Figure 12-21, the results from
Equation 12-20 must be added to two times the results from Equation 12-21.

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Figure 12-21. Embankment protection details and rock sizing chart (adapted from Arapahoe County)

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6.0 Additional Configurations of Detention Facilities

In addition to regional, sub-regional, and onsite full spectrum detention facilities described in Section 2,
there are a number of specialized types and configurations for storage that require special considerations.

6.1 Water Storage Reservoirs

Colorado State law specifically exempts the reliance of water storage reservoirs for flood control by
downstream properties. If a project developer or local jurisdiction wants to utilize them for detention
storage, some form of ownership of the flood storage pool and outlet function must be acquired from the
reservoir owner. An agreement with the reservoir owner that ensures the continued existence of the
facility or its detention function over time must be reached before relying on such reservoirs. It is also
necessary to demonstrate that the embankment and spillway are safe and stable to ensure public safety.

6.2 Upstream of Railroad and Highway Embankments.

Storage behind road, railroad, and other embankments can also be lost due to site grading and fill changes
and/or the installation of larger culverts or bridges. If the designer intends to utilize roadway, railroad, or
other embankments for detention storage, some form of ownership of the flood storage pool and control
of the outlet must be acquired. An agreement with the roadway, railroad, or other agency that ensures the
continued full flood protection benefit of the facility over time must be reached before relying on the
facility. In addition, it is necessary to demonstrate that 1) roadway, railroad or other embankment
stability will not be compromised, 2) embankment overtopping during larger storms will not impact
upstream or downstream properties, and 3) the storage facility will remain in place as a detention facility
in perpetuity.

6.3 Side-Channel Detention Basins

Also referred to as offline detention, this type of storage facility is located immediately adjacent to a
stream and depends on a diversion of some portion of flood flows out of the waterway into the detention
basin, typically over a side-channel spillway. These facilities can be used to shave the peak off of a
flood hydrograph and can potentially be smaller and store water less frequently than on-line facilities.
These facilities do not include WQCV or EURV and therefore address only flood peak reduction. They
generally have limited application, but may be one of the storage alternatives considered during
watershed master planning studies.

6.4 Parking Lot Detention

Parking lot islands or adjacent landscape areas can be desirable locations to provide WQCV or even
EURV; however, it is recommended that the maximum water surface for WQCV or EURV be kept below
the elevation of the pavement surface.

It is more problematic to provide100-year detention within parking lots given the inconvenience imposed
by ponding water in areas of vehicle and pedestrians use. If 100-year parking lot detention is allowed by
local jurisdictions, depth limitations and signage requirements should be considered carefully.

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6.5 Underground Detention

Because of the problems associated with placing detention out of sight, the difficulty and hazardous
nature of access for maintenance, seepage concerns, and uncertain design life for vessels subject to
corrosion, underground detention is not recommended by UDFCD. Some local jurisdictions may allow
underground 100-year detention in limited high-density urban developments; in those cases, careful
consideration must be given to requirements to ensure ongoing inspection, maintenance, and

6.6 Blue Roofs

A blue roof is a rooftop designed to provide

detention. Rooftop detention was removed
from this manual as part of a previous update
because conventional systems could be easily
manipulated by maintenance personal that
viewed standing water on a roof as
problematic and would make adjustments to
the outlet resulting in loss of detention.
Depending on the design, blue roofs can be
successful in providing storage and slow
release of the WQCV or larger events. Key
to ensuring long-term maintenance, the
design should both appear as an intentional
part of the roof design and should not be Photograph 12-4. This blue roof system utilizes trays. The
easily bypassed. design appears as an intentional feature to the lay person.
Additionally, the design is such that it cannot be easily manipulated.
6.7 Retention Facilities Photo courtesy of Geosyntec.

Retention facilities (basins with a zero release rate or a very slow release rate) have been used in some
instances as temporary measures when there is no formal downstream drainage system, or one that is
grossly inadequate, until an adequate system is developed. However, these facilities are problematic on a
number of levels. Sizing these facilities for a given set of assumptions does not ensure that another
scenario produced by nature (e.g., a series of small storms that add up to large volumes over a week or
two) will not overwhelm the intended design. In addition, water rights concerns and problems associated
with standing water make these facilities undesirable. For these reasons, retention basins are
recommended by UDFCD only as a choice of last resort.

After taking into consideration the concerns summarized above, if a retention facility is to be designed
and constructed then UDFCD recommends the following design parameters. The retention facility should
be sized to capture, as a minimum, 2.0 times the 24 hour, 100-year storm plus 1 foot of freeboard.

7.0 Designing for Safety, Operation, and Maintenance

Maintenance considerations during design include the following (adapted from ASCE and WEF 1992).

1. Use of mild side slopes (e.g., no steeper than 4(H):1(V)) along the banks and installation of
landscaping that will discourage entry along the periphery near the outlets and steeper embankment
sections are advisable. Also, use of safety railings at vertical or very steep structural faces. If the
impoundment is situated at a lower grade than and adjacent to a highway, installation of a guardrail is
in order. Providing features to discourage public access to the inlet and outlet areas of the facility
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should be considered.

2. The facility should be accessible to maintenance equipment for removal of silt and debris and for
repair of damages that may occur over time. Easements and/or rights-of-way are required to allow
access to the facility by the owner or agency responsible for maintenance.

3. Permanent ponds should have provisions for complete drainage for sediment removal (or other means
of sediment removal). The frequency of sediment removal will vary among facilities, depending on
the original volume set aside for sediment, the rate of accumulation, rate of growth of vegetation,
drainage area erosion control measures, and the desired aesthetic appearance of the pond.

4. For multiuse facilities, especially those intended for active recreation, the play area might need
special consideration during design to minimize the frequency and periods of inundation and wet
conditions. It may be advisable to provide an underground drainage system if active recreation is

5. Adequate dissolved oxygen supply in ponds (to minimize odors and other nuisances) may be able to
be maintained by artificial aeration.

6. Use of fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides adjacent to the permanent pool pond and within the
detention basin should be avoided (this includes EPA-approved pesticides and herbicides).

7. Secondary uses that would be incompatible with sediment deposits should not be planned unless a
high level of maintenance will be provided.

8. French drains or the equivalent are almost impossible to maintain, and should be used with discretion
where sediment loads are expected to be high.

9. Detention facilities should be designed with sufficient depth to allow accumulation of sediment based
on a sustainable frequency of maintenance.

10. Often designers use fences to minimize hazards. These may trap debris, impede flows, hinder
maintenance, and, ironically, fail to prevent access to the outlet. However, desirable conditions can
be achieved through careful design and positioning of the structure, as well as through landscaping
that will discourage access. Creative designs, integrated with innovative landscaping, can be safe and
can also enhance the appearance of the outlet and basin. When developing the landscape plan also
consider landscape maintenance requirements.

11. To reduce maintenance and avoid operational problems, outlet structures should be designed with no
unmonitored moving parts (i.e., use only pipes, orifices, and weirs). Manually and/or electrically
operated gates should be avoided unless equiped with remote monitoring and an emergency operation
plan. To reduce maintenance, outlets should be designed with openings as large as possible,
compatible with the depth-discharge relationships desired and with water quality, safety, and aesthetic
objectives in mind. For the 100-year discharge, use a larger outlet pipe and install a restrictor plate
(orifice) to reduce outflow rates. Outlets should be robustly designed to lessen the chances of damage
from debris or vandalism.

See Volume 3 of the USDCM for additional recommendations regarding operation and maintenance of
water quality related facilities.

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8.0 Design Examples

8.1 ExampleSizing of a Detention Basin using UD-FSD

Determine the required full spectrum detention volume and approximate area for a 20-acre site in Denver.
The site is 75% impervious and has NRCS hydrologic soil group C/D. The watershed slope is 0.5% and
the length of the watershed is 1300 feet.

Enter the watershed parameters and preliminary detention basin parameters into the blue (user input)
cells. Once all the blue cells are filled in, the program size the basin and orifices. While the program is
running, its progress is described at the bottom left side of the screen.

Additional Functions in UD-FSD

This example covers the conceptual design of a FSD model basin, including the design of the outlet
structure. To evaluate an existing basin to compare peak flows to pre-development flows, use the
Existing Basin Evaluation tab. For sizing the outlet structure after a basin has already been graded,
the Final Design tab will aid you in restricting the outflow to pre-development flows.

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Once complete, adjusted the top orifice size to decrease drain times if desired or required. Notice that
additional cells are now blue indicating the user may adjust them. Modifications may be necessary to
meet specific criteria or to account for site-specific limitations.

A tabulated result of the routed hydrographs for each return period is provided. It includes a summary of
inflows, outflows, volumes, as wells as drain times for each return period.

The maximum ponded area for this design example is 0.88 acres, while the maximum volume stored is
2.45 ac-ft.

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8.2 Example - Design of a Full Spectrum Detention Sand Filter Basin using UD-

Design a full spectrum detention sand filter basin using the same watershed information in example 8.1
(20-acre site in Denver, 75% impervious, NRCS hydrologic soil group C/D, watershed slope is 0.5%, and
watershed length is 1300 feet).

As with the previous example, enter the watershed parameters into the blue user input cells in the Basin
tab. A drop down box allows the user to indicate the location. Alternatively, the user may enter one hour
precipitation values. The worksheet calculates the runoff and detention volumes and populates the
remaining cells, as shown above.

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Once the user defines each zone, the available depth for detention, basin side slopes, and length to width
ratio, the workbook calculates the approximate basin geometry and volume (shown above).

Next, the Outlet Structure tab is used to design outlet control for each zone within the full spectrum
detention basin. The workbook allows for several different outlet configurations. Filtration BMPs (i.e.,
sand filters and rain gardens) release the WQCV (Zone 1 for this example) through an underdrain. Zone
2 (EURV-WQCV for this example), will be drained through a circular orifice located immediately above
the WQCV water surface elevation. Zone 3 (100-yr EURV) will be released when water overtops the
outlet structure (weir) and is restricted at the entrance to the outlet pipe. For this example, a restrictor
plate was selected. Selection of the outlet configuration is located at the top of the Outlet tab and is
shown in the following screenshot.

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To size the Zone 1 outlet, enter a value for underdrain orifice invert depth (depth from the top of the sand
bed to the invert of the underdrain at the outlet). Press the Calculate Underdrain Orifice Diameter to
match WQCV Drain Time button. The underdrain parameters are also calculated and shown below.

(Blue cells in the next section are marked N/A because the user did not selects this as an outlet type.
Skip this section.)

Zone 2 will outlet from the basin through a circular orifice (see screenshot below). This orifice should be
located immediately above the WQCV. This zone extends up to the EURV water surface elevation. The
workbook pulls both of these these values from the Basin tab. Note the stage\storage description in the
first column of the table in the Basin tab. Press the Size Vertical Orifice to drain (EURV WQCV)
only and enter a value for the time to drain this volume. For this example, we specify 24 hours. The
user can come back to this section any time and modify the drain time. This is typically done to meet
desired drain times for various return periods.

The next section of the Outlet Structure tab is used to size the overflow weir and restrictor plate. Again,
the appropriate overflow weir height is taken automatically from the basin tab. This is the elevation of
the EURV surface elevation in the basin. Fill in approximate values for the drop box. For this example,
typical values have been selected along with a square inside dimension of 4 feet for the drop box and a
flat top.

Enter the depth of the invert of the outlet pipe along with reasonable values for the diameter and restrictor
plate height. The workbook will resize these as needed to match a release of 90% of the predevelopment
100 year peak runoff rate per USDCM criteria. Press the Size Outlet Pipe to match 90% of the
Predevelopment 100-year Peak Runoff Rate button. The workbook will adjust the size of the outlet pipe
diameter, the height of the restrictor plate, and will also size an emergency spillway. A screenshot of this
is shown below.

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The workbook provides output related to the drain time for each storm frequency, the ratio of peak
outflow to predevelopment flow, and other pertinent information. The highlighted values are for
comparison to the example problem 8.1.

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9.0 References
American Society of Civil Engineers and the Water Environment Federation (ASCE and WEF). 1992.
Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems. New York: American Society of
Civil Engineers and the Water Environment Federation.

Brown, S.A., J.D. Schall, J.L. Morris, C.L. Doherty, S.M. Stein, and J.C. Warner. 2009. Urban
Drainage Design Manual. Hydraulic Engineering Circular 22, Third Edition, Publication No. FHWA-
NHI-10-009. Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.

Colorado Division of Water Resources, Office of the State Engineer (DWR). 2007. Rules and
Regulations for Dam Safety and Dam Construction. Denver, CO: Colorado Office of the State Engineer.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 1966. Airport Drainage. Washington, DC: Federal Aviation

Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA). 2005. Technical Manual: Conduits through
Embankment Dams.

Glidden, M.W. 1981. The Effects of Stormwater Detention Policies on Peak Flows in Major
Drainageways. Master of Science Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Colorado.

Guo, J.C.Y. 1999a. Detention Storage Volume for Small Urban Catchments. Journal of Water
Resources Planning and Management 125(6) 380-384.

Guo, J.C.Y. 1999b. Storm Water System Design. Denver, CO: University of Colorado at Denver.

King, H.W. and E.F. Brater. 1976. Handbook of Hydraulics for the Solution of Hydraulic Engineering
Problems. New York: McGraw-Hill.

MacKenzie, K. and D. Rapp. UDFCD Predeveloped Peak Unit Flowrates. 2015. Urban Drainage and
Flood Control District website

Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). August 2003. National Design Construction and Soil
Mechanics Center Technical Note Filter Diagrams for CO-1 Structures.

Prommesberger, B. 1984. Implementation of Stormwater Detention Policies in the Denver Metropolitan

Area. Flood Hazard News 14(1)1, 10-11.

Stahre, P. and B. Urbonas. 1990. Stormwater Detention: For Drainage, Water Quality, and CSO
Management. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Urbonas, B. and M.W. Glidden. 1983. Potential Effectiveness of Detention Policies. Flood Hazard
News 13(1) 1, 9-11.

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 1987. Design of Small Dams, 3rd Ed. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office.

Viessman, W. and G. Lewis. 1996. Introduction to Hydrology. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley


Wulliman, J. and B. Urbonas. 2005. Peak Flow control for Full Spectrum of Design Storms, Urban
Drainage and Flood Control District website
12-44 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016
Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 13
1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 Habitat Types ................................................................................................................................... 1

2.1 Upland ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Riparian ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Wetlands.................................................................................................................................................... 4

3.0 Site Preparation................................................................................................................................ 4

3.1 Initial Hydrologic Evaluation .................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Initial Weed Condition Evaluation and Control ........................................................................................ 6
3.2.1 Control of Annual Weeds ............................................................................................................. 8
3.2.2 Control of Biennial and Perennial Weeds ..................................................................................... 9
3.2.3 Additional Weed Control Guidance for Wetland Areas................................................................ 9
3.3 Topsoil Preservation.................................................................................................................................. 9
3.4 Soil Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 10
3.5 Soil Amendment...................................................................................................................................... 14
3.5.1 Soil Amendment for Upland and Riparian Areas ....................................................................... 14
3.5.2 Soil Amendment for Wetland Areas ........................................................................................... 15
3.6 Seedbed Preparation ................................................................................................................................ 16
3.6.1 Addressing Soil Compaction....................................................................................................... 16
3.6.2 Seedbed Firming ......................................................................................................................... 16
3.7 Tree Protection ........................................................................................................................................ 17

4.0 Plant Material Selection................................................................................................................. 17

4.1 Plant Selection Guidance for Habitat Types ........................................................................................... 17
4.1.1 Plant Selection for Upland Areas ................................................................................................ 18
4.1.2 Plant Selection for Riparian Areas .............................................................................................. 18
4.1.3 Plant Selection for Wetland Areas .............................................................................................. 19
4.2 Seeding .................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.1 Seeding Upland Areas ................................................................................................................. 20
4.2.2 Seeding Riparian Areas ............................................................................................................... 20
4.2.3 Seeding Wetland Areas ............................................................................................................... 20
4.2.4 Temporary Seeding ..................................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Trees and Shrubs ..................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3.1 Upland Trees and Shrubs ............................................................................................................ 21
4.3.2 Riparian Trees and Shrubs .......................................................................................................... 21
4.3.3 Wetland Tree and Shrub Plantings .............................................................................................. 23
4.4 Types of Tree and Shrub Plant Material ................................................................................................. 23
4.4.1 Plugs............................................................................................................................................ 24
4.4.2 Containerized Material ................................................................................................................ 24
4.4.3 Bare Root .................................................................................................................................... 24
4.4.4 Balled and Burlapped .................................................................................................................. 24
4.4.5 Cuttings ....................................................................................................................................... 25
4.5 Wetland Sod/Rhizomes/Tubers ............................................................................................................... 26

5.0 Plant Installation ............................................................................................................................ 27

5.1 Seeding Upland and Riparian Areas ....................................................................................................... 29

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 13-i

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
5.1.1 Drill Seeding ............................................................................................................................... 30
5.1.2 Broadcast Seeding ....................................................................................................................... 30
5.1.3 Hydroseeding .............................................................................................................................. 30
5.1.4 Interseeding ................................................................................................................................. 31
5.2 Seeding Wetland Areas ........................................................................................................................... 31
5.3 Plug, Containerized, B&B, and Bare Root Stock Installation ................................................................. 31
5.3.1 Wetland Plugs ............................................................................................................................. 31
5.3.2 Containerized, B&B, and Bare Root Stock ................................................................................. 32
5.4 Cutting Installation .................................................................................................................................. 32
5.4.1 Installing Cuttings in Riparian Areas .......................................................................................... 33
5.4.2 Installing Cuttings in Wetland Areas .......................................................................................... 33
5.5 Transplanting Wetland Plants ................................................................................................................. 34

6.0 Mulching ......................................................................................................................................... 34

6.1 Mulching Individually Planted Trees and Shrubs ................................................................................... 35
6.2 Mulching Seeded Areas .......................................................................................................................... 35
6.3 Types of Mulch ....................................................................................................................................... 36
6.3.1 Straw Mulch ................................................................................................................................ 36
6.3.2 Rolled Erosion Control Products ................................................................................................ 37
6.3.3 Hydromulch ................................................................................................................................ 37
6.3.4 Compost ...................................................................................................................................... 38

7.0 Maintenance.................................................................................................................................... 38
7.1 Irrigation.................................................................................................................................................. 38
7.1.1 Seeded Area Irrigation ................................................................................................................ 39
7.1.2 Tree and Shrub Irrigation ............................................................................................................ 40
7.2 Replacing Dead Trees and Shrubs/Spot Reseeding of Bare Areas.......................................................... 40
7.3 Vegetation Protection from Animal Predation ........................................................................................ 41
7.4 Weed Management.................................................................................................................................. 42
7.5 Managing Erosion in Riparian Areas ...................................................................................................... 43
7.6 Maintenance for Created, Restored and Enhanced Wetland Areas ......................................................... 43

8.0 Post-construction Monitoring ....................................................................................................... 44

9.0 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 46

10.0 References ....................................................................................................................................... 47

Appendix A. Seed Mix Tables................................................................................................................. 66

Table 13-1. Site preparation activities for revegetating upland, riparian and wetland habitats................... 5
Table 13-2. Proven treatment methods and timing of treatment for common front range weeds ................ 7
Table 13-3. Viable topsoil composition for Colorado native plant establishment in upland areas ............ 13
Table 13-4. Characteristics of mature compost suitable for soil amendment ............................................ 15
Table 13-5. Plant material for revegetating upland, riparian and wetland habitat types ............................ 17
Table 13-6. Upland trees and shrubs for revegetating sites on the Colorado front range .......................... 22
Table 13-7. Common Colorado front range native riparian trees and shrubs ............................................. 23
Table 13-8. Classifications and typical sizes of woody plant material cuttings ......................................... 25
Table 13-9. Installation methods for revegetating upland, riparian and wetland habitat types .................. 28
Table 13-10. Planting/seeding schedule .................................................................................................... 29

13-ii Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Table 13-11. Sample irrigation schedule for establishing native areas ...................................................... 40
Table A-1. Upland area seed mix loamy to clay soils ............................................................................ 66
Table A-2. Upland area seed mix sandy soil .......................................................................................... 66
Table A-3. Upland/transitional area seed mix alkali soil........................................................................ 67
Table A-4. Riparian seed mix loamy to clay soils .................................................................................. 67
Table A-5. Riparian area seed mix sandy soil ........................................................................................ 68
Table A-6. Riparian area seed mix alkali soil......................................................................................... 68
Table A-7. Riparian/creek edge seed mix moist to wet soils.................................................................. 69
Table A-8. Wetland seed mix loamy to sandy soils ............................................................................... 70
Table A-9. Wetland seed mix clay and alkali soils................................................................................. 70
Table A-10. Upland area temporary seed mix loamy to clay soils ......................................................... 71
Table A-11. Upland area temporary seed mix sandy soil ....................................................................... 71
Table A-12. Upland area temporary seed mix combination of soil types ............................................... 72
Table A-13. Moist to wet area temporary seed mix combination of soil types ...................................... 72

(Note: Figures 13-3 through 13-19 located at end of chapter.)

Figure 13-1. Wetland, riparian and upland habitats and planting zones...................................................... 2
Figure 13-2. Soil textural triangle.............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 13-3. Tree protection ...................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 13-4. Wetland sod installation with staking ................................................................................... 52
Figure 13-5. Stakes .................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 13-6. Wetland plug planting ........................................................................................................... 54
Figure 13-7. Deciduous tree planting ........................................................................................................ 55
Figure 13-8. Upland evergreen tree planting ............................................................................................. 56
Figure 13-9. Tree stake layout ................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 13-10. Deep tree planting for B&B cottonwood species................................................................ 58
Figure 13-11. Tree planting on slope ......................................................................................................... 59
Figure 13-12. Tree planting on riprap slope .............................................................................................. 60
Figure 13-13. Shrub planting container ..................................................................................................... 61
Figure 13-14. Willow live stakes planting................................................................................................. 62
Figure 13-15. Willow bundle installation .................................................................................................. 63
Figure 13-16. Waterfowl grazing control .................................................................................................. 63
Figure 13-17. Cottonwood poling.............................................................................................................. 64
Figure 13-18. Beaver protection ................................................................................................................ 64
Figure 13-19. Coir mat placement and trenching detail ............................................................................ 65

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 13-iii

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 13 Revegetation

1.0 Introduction
Revegetation is critical to the proper functioning of detention basins, retention ponds, wetland basins,
riparian areas. Revegetation is also necessary to stabilize adjacent areas disturbed during construction.
Successful revegetation is required to close-out common regulatory permits associated with working in
waterways, including stormwater discharge permits associated with construction activities and U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 permits. Because of Colorados semi-arid climate, prevalence of
introduced weeds, and difficult soil conditions encountered on many projects, revegetation can be
challenging and requires proper planning, installation, and maintenance to be successful.

Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) recommends that engineers include a revegetation
specialist (i.e., ecologist, landscape architect, and wetland scientist) who is experienced in restoration
ecology and local native plant communities as part of the overall project team to assist with project
planning, direction, construction observation, monitoring, and long-term maintenance supervision for
revegetation aspects of drainage projects. Early involvement of qualified professionals can help to
identify site constraints and site preparation requirements, identify sensitive areas that should be protected
during construction, select appropriate plants and installation procedures, and develop plans for continued
plant establishment once the construction phase is complete.

This chapter provides guidelines and recommendations for revegetation efforts associated with drainage
and water quality facilities. The guidance addresses three habitat types: uplands, riparian areas, and
wetlands. For each habitat type, guidance is provided with regard to site preparation, plant material
selection and installation, maintenance and post-construction monitoring.

Many municipalities have their own seed mixes and revegetation specifications that apply to development
projects. When local guidelines and criteria differ from the criteria in this chapter, the engineer and
revegetation specialist should work with the municipality to determine the appropriate revegetation
criteria. UDFCD may also specify additional or different site-specific requirements, depending on site-
specific considerations.
Cross-references to Related Urban
2.0 Habitat Types Storm Drainage Criteria Manual
(USDCM) Revegetation Criteria
There are three general habitat types or planting
zones encountered on drainage-related projects: Open Channels Chapter: Stream
upland, riparian and wetland areas. As shown in Figure Restoration, Naturalized Channels,
13-1, these habitat types are characterized primarily by and Swales
moisture and frequency of flooding, which affect the
types of vegetation appropriate for each zone. Some Water Quality BMPs: BMP Fact
streams may include all three habitat types, whereas on Sheets for swales, buffers,
other streams some of the habitat types may be narrow bioretention and others in Volume
or absent. 3, Treatment BMPs

Basic descriptions of each habitat type are provided in Construction Site Revegetation:
Sections 2.1 through 2.3. It is important to recognize BMP Fact Sheets for temporary and
that although the revegetation sequence for each habitat permanent seeding and mulching in
type is similar, each habitat type has unique Volume 3, Construction BMPs
characteristics requiring somewhat different approaches
and challenges to revegetation. For example, proper soil Extensive reference list at the end
preparation and weed control are particularly important of this chapter for additional
for upland revegetation projects. For riparian areas, information on revegetation

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 13-1

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Revegetation Chapter 13

addressing streambank erosion and properly assessing water levels for installation of cuttings and other
plant material are important. For wetlands, adequate assessment of site hydrology to determine whether a
site is capable of supporting wetlands is fundamental to success.

Figure 13-1. Wetland, riparian and upland habitats and planting zones

13-2 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 13 Revegetation

2.1 Upland

Native upland areas in the UDFCD area include plains grassland, shrubland, and/or woodland/forest.
Plains grassland is the dominant upland vegetation type and is characterized by low-growing grasses,
forbs, and scattered shrubs. Shrubland and woodland/forest are characterized by upland trees and shrubs.
Upland areas can contain a combination of all three habitat types. Native upland vegetation is generally
xeric, and these plants are well adapted to the UDFCD region with average rainfall of 15 inches per year.
If a site is properly prepared before revegetating and the desired plant palette is correctly selected and
planted in the appropriate season, average annual rainfall should be adequate for vegetation establishment
(Colorado Natural Areas Program 1998). 1

Common Front Range upland vegetation includes upland shrubs such as rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus
nauseousus), sage (Artemisia spp), and three-leaf sumac (Rhus trilobata) with an understory of upland
grasses and herbaceous species. Trees are less common in the upland zone although there are several
native species of both upland deciduous and coniferous trees located in this zone.

2.2 Riparian

Front Range riparian ecosystems are located directly

adjacent to rivers, streams, creeks, ponds and other
waterbodies. Riparian areas are shaped by the dynamic
forces of water and are regularly inundated by rivers
and streams. They provide flood control, streambank
stability, nutrient cycling, stream food web support,
pollutant filtering, sediment retention, and wildlife
movement and migration corridors. In addition to these
functions, they also provide passive recreational open
space areas that are amenities in urban areas.

The riparian zone is generally flat with layered soils Photograph 13-1. Revegetation in progress in a
that have been deposited by previous flood events. On riparian area along a recently constructed grade control
average, this zone floods every 2 to 5 years and is structure. (Photograph courtesy of WWE.)
generally flat with layered soils that have been deposited
by previous flood events. The riparian zone represents a transition from areas supporting water-adapted
plant species to those supporting upland plant species. Common Front Range vegetation found in this
zone includes an overstory of plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides), peachleaf willow (Salix
amygdaloides), and box-elder (Acer negundo) with an understory of sandbar willow (Salix exigua), other
native shrubs and transitional area grasses and herbaceous species. Large, inflexible trees and shrubs
should not be planted in this zone because they may exacerbate flooding during high flow events by
catching debris (or becoming debris).

Technically, riparian areas include several different plant communities and types of habitat, but for the
purpose of this chapter, discussion of riparian areas generally refers to areas within the floodplain that
are not wetlands.

Because an average rainfall year cannot be assured, supplemental irrigation may be required for
germination and establishment of vegetation in drier than average years.

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 13-3

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Revegetation Chapter 13

2.3 Wetlands

As defined by the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 230.3(t)), wetlands are areas that are inundated or saturated
by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal
circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas. In lay terms, wetlands can be
thought of as transitional areas between open water and dry land. Their unique character allows them to
provide an array of valuable functions including water quality improvement, floodwater attenuation and
storage, soil stabilization, fish and wildlife habitat, and food web support. In Colorado, creation of
wetlands in excess of the wetland area disturbed and creation of wetlands where wetlands did not exist
historically requires a water right.

The wetland zone along stream channels is located

between the average water elevation and the bankfull
discharge elevation (Figure 13-1). The lower section
(near the streambank) is exposed to the highest
velocity flows and typically has the highest potential
for erosion (NRCS 2001b). The higher section
(transitions into the lower riparian zone) is inundated
less frequently and is exposed to less erosive forces.
In high velocity streams, this zone may be naturally
unvegetated. In lower velocity streams, it is often
vegetated with water-tolerant herbaceous plant
species. Flexible-stemmed willows and low-growing Photograph 13-2. A recently revegetated wetland
shrubs capable of withstanding frequent inundation channel. (Photograph courtesy of Iris Mitigation
should be planted in the lower section of this zone. and Design.)
Common Front Range wetland species include sandbar willow (Salix exigua) and redosier dogwood
(Corns sericea) with an understory of wetland grasses, sedge and rush.

Prior to initiating a wetland revegetation plan, it is important to recognize that different types of wetland
projects will require different approaches. Three general types of wetland projects include:

Created wetlands that are constructed in upland areas that have not supported wetlands historically.

Restored wetlands that are reestablished where a wetland existed historically but is no longer present.

Enhanced wetlands that are existing wetlands improved to address degradation (usually human
caused). Enhancement may include removing or constructing berms, filling ditches, grading, and/or
modifying vegetation communities

3.0 Site Preparation

Initial evaluation of site conditions and appropriate site preparation are fundamental to successful
revegetation for upland, riparian and wetland habitat types. Table 13-1 provides a summary of site
preparation activities pertinent to each habitat type. Guidelines for each activity are provided in Sections
3.1 through 3.6.

13-4 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 13 Revegetation

Table 13-1. Site preparation activities for revegetating upland, riparian and wetland habitats
Revegetation Guidance Topic Applicability to Habitat Type
Activity Chapter Section Upland Riparian Wetland
Initial Hydrologic

Initial Weed Evaluation

and Control
Topsoil Preservation
(including Existing 3.3
Wetland Soil)

Soil Testing 3.4

Soil Amendment 3.5

Seed Bed Preparation 3.6

Tree Protection 3.7

3.1 Initial Hydrologic Evaluation

One of the most critical aspects for the successful revegetation of riparian and wetland areas is having
sufficient hydrology to support the plants. An initial hydrologic investigation should be performed for
both riparian and wetland revegetation efforts. According to Zedler and Weller (1989), understanding
hydrology is the most basic and important need for a successful wetland project. During the planning
process, the depth to groundwater and fluctuations in the groundwater depths should be monitored for at
least one year (preferably longer, if feasible) for both riparian and wetland areas. The installation of
monitoring wells and piezometers provides valuable information about groundwater levels. If limited
groundwater data are available (i.e., from geotechnical reports or only one year of monitoring), it is very
important to understand the data in the hydrologic context (e.g., wet year, dry year) and season in which it
was collected.

As part of the wetland planning process, rigorous investigation of potential water sources should take
place. Potential sources of water include groundwater, surface water, and precipitation. If the wetlands
hydrology is to originate primarily from surface water, such as from a river or stream, water elevations
near the proposed wetlands should be measured repeatedly during the active growing season
(approximately April through September). Typically, multiple years of data are needed to make reliable
determinations on water availability, since any given year may be wetter or drier than average.
Groundwater levels adjacent to the stream or river should also be assessed to determine whether the river
or stream is a gaining or losing system (i.e., either supplemented by the groundwater or losing water to
the groundwater, respectively). In conjunction with detailed land surveys (preferably 1-foot contours),
known groundwater levels and surface water levels can help to assess whether the final wetland grade will
provide the hydrology necessary for supporting wetland vegetation. It is also important to consider
temporary and/or periodic activities that may influence groundwater, including nearby wells, construction
dewatering and/or plans for future buildings nearby that may require subterranean dewatering. Long-term
monitoring wells, which may be used to collect groundwater data required for design, will require a
separate state well permit.

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 13-5

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Revegetation Chapter 13

For riparian area planning, it is important to recognize that plantings must have contact with groundwater
to survive. In the semi-arid West, groundwater often fluctuates throughout the year. If the depth to
groundwater precludes planting/seeding species that require more available moisture, upland (also known
as xeric) plant species may need to be seeded/planted instead of riparian plant species.

3.2 Initial Weed Condition Evaluation and Control

Weed infestations and, in some cases, non-native aggressive grasses that prevent the establishment of the
desired native vegetation should be controlled. Ideally, weed control should be considered a year or more
prior to soil disturbance. Weed control requirements should be evaluated for upland, riparian and wetland
areas. For proven treatment methods and recommended treatment timing of common Front Range annual
and perennial weeds, see Table 13-2. The listed weeds may be found in the habitat zone indicated and in
other zones as the micro-ecology permits.

If a site has annual or perennial weed growth, weed management before revegetation is crucial for
minimizing weeds and weed seed and to allow for desirable species establishment. Removing the weed
seed source will help to reduce competition for soil moisture during desirable plant species establishment.
Implementing weed control practices prior to and/or during construction can reduce the level of effort
required for weed control later as new vegetation is becoming established. While construction activities
are still on-going, maintaining weed control over the entire site, including on the topsoil stockpile, will
reduce weed density once the topsoil is replaced and revegetation commences. Weed control strategies
prior to construction for annual and perennial weeds are slightly different and are discussed separately in
Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. Weed control strategies during and following construction are included in the
maintenance discussion in Section 7.4.

13-6 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 13 Revegetation

Table 13-2. Proven treatment methods and timing of treatment for common front range weeds
(Source: Weed Research and Information Center, University of California-Davis 2013)

CO Weed Summer Fall

Common Name Scientific Name Spring Treatment
List Rating Treatment Treatment
Wetland Weeds
Canada thistle Cirsium arvense B H,MM MM H, MM
Common teasal Dipsacus fullonum B H H
Eurasian watermilfoil Myriophyllum spicatum B BI, H MP MP
Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria A MD, MP, H, BI
Tamarisk Tamarix ramosissima B BI, H1 H1 H1
Riparian Weeds
Leafy spurge Euphorbia esula B BI, H H
Poison hemlock Conium maculatum C HP, H HP H
Quackgrass Elymus repens B H
Russian olive Elaeagnus angustifolia B H1 H1 H1
Upland Weeds
Bindweed Calystegia sepium NL BI, MP 2 H H
Bouncingbet Saponaria vaccaria B H H
2 3 3
Bull thistle Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Tenore B MP , BI, H, BG MM, BG H, BG3
Chinese clematis Clematis orientalis B BG, MP H
Common burdock Arctium minus C MP , MM, H, BI MM MM, H
Common mullein Verbascum Thapsus C H H
Dalmation toadflax Linaria dalmatica B BI, MP , H H
2 MM, MC,
Diffuse Knapweed Centaurea diffusa B MP , BI, H H
Downy brome (Cheat grass) Bromus tectorum C H
Kochia Kochia scoparia NL MP MM, H
Myrtle spurge Euphorbia myrsinites A H H H
2 3 3
Musk thistle Carduus nutans B BI, MP , MC, H, BG MM, BG H, BG3
Perennial pepperweed Lepidium latifolium B MP 2, H, BG
Plumeless thistle Carduus acanthoides B BI, MP 2, H,MC, BG3 MM, BG3 H, BG3
Puncturevine (Goathead) Tribulus terrestris C MP , BI, H MD, H
Redstem filaree Erodium cicutarium B MP , H H
Russian knapweed Acroptilon repens B H H
Russian thistle Salsola tragus NL MP , BG, H H
2 3
Scotch thistle Onopordum acanthium B MD, MP , H, BG MM, BG3 BG3, H
Yellow starthistle Centaurea solstitialis A MP 2, MM, BI, BG, H
Yellow toadflax Linaria vulgaris Mill B MP 2, BI H
Whitetop ( Hoary cress) Cardaria draba B MM, H H
Table Notes: 1Grazing with sheep, goats and horses- no cattle. 2Pull young seedlings. 3Cut and treat stump if large
plant or spray foliage if small plant.
Seasons: Spring = Sp, Summer = Sm, Fall = Fa. Mechanical Methods: Mowing = MM, Pulling, = MP, Cutting =
MC, Digging = MD. Biological Methods: Insects = BI, Grazing animals = BG. Chemical Methods: Herbicides =

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 13-7

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Revegetation Chapter 13

If herbicides will be needed to control weeds at the site, Weed Control Considerations
a certified applicator should be used. A copy of the
applicators license should be obtained and records Consider weed control prior to
should be kept of all applications that occur on the site. construction to reduce competition
Only herbicides rated as aquatic safe should be used in with desirable vegetation during
riparian and wetland areas. A key consideration in establishment.
herbicide selection should be how long the herbicide
remains active in the soil (residual soil activity). No The label is the law! Follow herbicide
chemical residue should remain in the soil at seeding label directions provided by the
time, which could reduce desirable species manufacturer.
Controlling weeds by spot spraying
In 2013, the Colorado Water Quality Control Division and backpack applications is best for
issued a Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS) precise weed control treatments.
General Permit for Discharges from Application of
Pesticides, modeled after the U.S. Environmental Check to be sure that the county or
Protection Agencys general permit issued in 2011. A other agency jurisdiction does not have
Compliance Certification may be required for certain the area designated as part of their
types of herbicide applications in Colorado. weed control area boom spraying
may wipe out a revegetation effort.
3.2.1 Control of Annual Weeds
Cross-boundary weed control
Weed management is especially useful where annual agreements may be needed with
weeds are abundant. Some common annual weeds adjacent land management teams for
such as kochia (Bassia sieversiana) and cheatgrass more effective weed control in an area.
(Anisantha tectorum) have short-lived seed. If weed
seed production can be prevented during the year prior
to revegetation of a site, it will help reduce future weed
growth. Be aware that a late summer mowing of untreated annual weeds followed by plowing and
seeding generally results in a rebound of many of the weedy species, so proper weed management is
important prior to seeding.
For mild to moderate weed infestations, a broad-spectrum herbicide treatment may be sufficient to control
weeds before revegetating the site. Be sure to check herbicide labels regarding timing of treatments
because a month or more may be needed between herbicide treatments and revegetating the site (seeding)
to reduce residual impact of the chemicals.

If the site has heavy annual weed growth, the soil may be deeply plowed and turned over to bury weed
seed. The plowing can then be followed by disking to level the area. Once remaining weeds geminate, an
application of a broad-spectrum herbicide will kill establishing weedy species. Since some topsoil is lost
with this method, deep plowing to bury weed seed should only be used in an area with adequate topsoil or
on historic agricultural fields. Chiseling the deep plowed area should create a level seedbed. Seedbed
preparation can begin in August, prior to the fall when seeding is recommended.

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3.2.2 Control of Biennial and Perennial Weeds

Ideally, control of biennial and perennial weeds should also

Seeding Failures
begin a year or more prior to seeding a site to reduce
competition with the seeded species. If project timing does Inadequate weed suppression
not allow for weed control to precede construction, it may be causes more seeding failures than
implemented as the site is being prepared for revegetation, any other single factor.
and weed control may still be necessary even if it is initiated
prior to construction. Spring and fall are good times for spot --NRCS, 1997
herbicide treatment of developing rosettes (first year stage) of
many biennial species and some perennials weeds. Spring and fall are especially good for common
regional weeds including Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), musk thistle (Carduus nutans), scotch thistle
(Onopordum acanthium), common teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) and knapweed (Centaurea diffusa).
Always follow herbicide label recommendations for best treatment times and chemical mixtures for
specific weed species.

3.2.3 Additional Weed Control Guidance for Wetland Areas

Cattails are native wetland plants which can form dense stands. If required for maintenance, deeply
rooted cattails (Typha latifolia and T. angustifolia) may be controlled by fall application of aquatic
labeled glyphosate followed by cutting the plant after the plant has died.

If an existing wetland is to be enhanced, elimination of undesirable species, such as reed canarygrass

(Phalaris arundinacea) may be necessary. Herbicide application is generally the most effective means to
eliminate a weedy species prior to planting. In wetland areas supporting weedy species, an EPA-
approved aquatic use herbicide (such as glyphosate without polyethoxylated amine (POEA) surfactant)
may be spot applied by a licensed applier prior to planting and seeding. Repeat application of herbicide
every two weeks on remaining green growth. Allow two to three weeks after the last application prior to

3.3 Topsoil Preservation

In undisturbed upland areas along the Front Range of Colorado, native topsoil depths vary. During
construction activities, topsoil should be stripped and stockpiled separately from either sub-soil or
wetland soil. In order to preserve soil microbs, which are helpful with plant establishment, it is best to
limit topsoil stock piles to a height of 10 feet. Topsoil also supports mid and late seral species and can
therefore promote the transition from an early, weed-dominated stage to a later, native-dominated stage
(Goodwin et al. 2006). Once stockpiled, the topsoil may be seeded with a sterile non-native grass or a
native seed mix, depending on how long it will remain. Use native seed when the stockpile will remain
for over one year. Temporary vegetation will assist in stabilizing the topsoil to reduce erosion and weed
infestations. Exotic perennial grasses such as smooth brome (Bromus inermis), crested wheatgrass
(Agropyron cristata) and intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) should not be used for
temporary cover on topsoil stockpiles because they will be difficult to eradicate later. Other aggressive
non-native grass species to avoid include timothy (Phleum pratense), orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata),
tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinacae) and meadow fescue (Schedonorus pratense). These exotic species
are competitive and difficult to control when revegetating a project. Any soil containing weeds, such as
reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) and Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), will require great effort to
control, and if possible should not be used (NRCS 2001a).

Once construction is complete, the topsoil can be spread before re-seeding and/or planting. Protecting the
native topsoil is important because importing topsoil later is both labor intensive and expensive. If

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stockpiling of topsoil is not possible, subsoil can be amended and decompacted before the site is
revegetated (Colorado Natural Areas Program 1998). While this is an option, the seeding results will
likely be less successful as those where topsoil is available.

Topsoil may be salvaged from a wetland that will be destroyed (on-site or at another location). A study
by Brown and Bedford (1997) showed that wetlands with transplanted wetland soil exhibited higher plant
cover and greater diversity than areas that did not receive transplanted wetland soil. Wetland topsoil
contains seeds, roots, rhizomes, tubers and other fleshy propagules that can aid in revegetation. The top 8
to 10 inches should be scraped with a front-end loader and transported to the site where it will be applied.
Ideally, the topsoil should be spread out on the new wetland immediately, to a depth of no more than 6
inches. Although wetland topsoil can be stockpiled for short periods, it will lose viability. Stockpiles
should be kept for less than 4 weeks, should measure less than 3 x 3 feet (height/width) (NRCS 1997).
Wetland topsoil should not be stockpiled during the summer because it will compost, and the seeds and
propagules will be killed.

3.4 Soil Testing

Soil testing of both native and imported topsoil is recommended to select appropriate plant species for a
site and to determine what types of soil amendment are required, if any. Soil samples can be delivered to
a local soil testing laboratory, agricultural extension service, or university service for analysis. A standard
agronomic test (e.g., nutrients, organic matter, and salinity), as well as full textural analyses, should be
required for all topsoil fractions imported or salvaged from the site. Table 13-3 provides general
guidance for viable topsoil composition for the establishment of native plants in upland areas in Colorado.

For upland areas along the Colorado Front Range, soil textures vary greatly. Soil texture characterizes a
soil based on the size of particles found in a particular sample. Soil texture is described as sand, clay,
and/or silt based on particle sizes (Figure 13-2). A U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil texture
triangle diagram shows the types of soil texture combinations that are possible. Knowing the soil texture
on a site will help with appropriate plant selection (Colorado Natural Areas Program 1998) and evaluation
of potential for soil moisture retention. Plants are generally adapted to certain soil types although some
plants can establish in a combination of soil types.

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Chapter 13 Revegetation

Figure 13-2. Soil textural triangle

When collecting soil samples and reviewing analysis results, follow these guidelines:

Soils should be evaluated during design (visually and by lab analysis). Observation of soil prior to
salvage may help determine quality of the soil to support herbaceous growth and presence of noxious
weeds. Soils tests (both agronomic and full textural analyses) should be obtained during construction
because grading activities and the process of stripping and stockpiling can result in very different

The revegetation specialist and the contractor should work together to identify soil sampling locations
based on planned earthwork. It is advisable for the contractor to visit the site with the revegetation
specialist to understand the depth and character of the topsoil to be stockpiled. Observation of the
soil source areas in the field is necessary to assist with determination of quality of the soil as a topsoil

Salvage piles should be labeled and not mixed or moved until just before reapplying.

In some cases, the subsoil should also be tested for suitability as a plant growth medium. In general,
shale or weathered clay stone should be exported from the site and should not be within 18 inches of
the surface. At least 18 inches of suitable subsoil and topsoil should be provided in areas that will be

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If topsoil is to be imported from an off-site location, it is best to test it separately before it is brought
on-site to be sure that it is good quality topsoil for the project. Soil amendments may still be (and
often are) needed once a topsoil is brought on-site and reapplied to the existing subsoil.

Soil test recommendations are usually geared toward agricultural crops, which may require
substantially more soil amendments than what are necessary for native plant establishment. When
submitting the samples, be sure to inform the testing laboratory that the soil testing is related to native
plant establishment and that recommendations on soil amendments should be geared for this type of
plant establishment.

Soil test results should then be reviewed by a revegetation specialist who is familiar with the project
so that the proper soil amendments are applied for the type of vegetation that will be seeded/planted.

Saline soil conditions require special attention to plant species selection. When soil electrical
conductivity is greater than 3 to 6 mmhos/cm, then saline soil conditions may be problematic
(sensitivity also depends on plant species) (Swift and Koski 2007; Cardon et al. 2007). This
condition commonly occurs in clay soils where the natural leaching of salts is limited. Both the
surface and subsoils should be tested for salinity. If the soils are found to be highly saline, plant
species should be chosen that are adapted to these conditions. CSU Cooperative Extension has
developed lists of salt tolerant plants (Swift 1997; GreenCO 2008). Other research is ongoing to test
the salinity tolerance of a range of riparian plant species (Goodwin et al. 2006). Native grass seed
mixes of species that can tolerate more saline soil conditions are provided in Appendix A of this

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Table 13-3. Viable topsoil composition for Colorado native plant establishment in upland areas
Chemical Preferred Range Additional Description
pH 6.0-7.5 A pH < 6 indicates possible acid problems, and pH >
8.0 indicates an alkaline soil. A pH> 8.5 indicates
possible sodium problems. Most nutrients are most
available to plants around a pH of 6.5.
Organic Matter 1-3% Desirable range for good topsoil is a minimum of 1%.
Salinity EC < 3 - 6 mmhos/cm The desired EC varies depending on the plant selected,
but EC values >2 mmhos/cm could indicate a problem
for germination.
Sodium <6 SAR provides an indirect measure of percent
Absorption exchangeable sodium on the soil colloid.
Ratio (SAR)
Free Lime <10 Free lime represents the carbonates of calcium and
magnesium which are not combined in the soil. Values
> 10 may indicate a high amount of lime, poor soil
structure, and an increase in water and wind erosion
susceptibility. Plant-available phosphorus may be
reduced because of this condition.
Cation 12-25 Exchangeable cations include calcium (Ca2+),
Exchange magnesium (Mg2+), sodium (Na+), and potassium (K+).
Capacity (CEC)
Saturation > 25 and <80 Saturation percentage is the amount (percentage by
Percentage weight) of water needed to saturate a soil. Values >80
may indicate high montmorillonite clay content and/or
high quantities of exchangeable sodium, whereas
values < 25 may indicate coarse soil materials with a
low water-holding capacity. The full soil textural
analyses may also report the clay content directly.
Minimum ammonia DPTA (chelate) Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K): ratio
Extractable Nutrients of important elements in a fertilizer or soil amendment.
Nitrogen 5 ppm air dried basis Nitrogen is responsible for strong stem and foliage
Phosphorus 5-12 ppm growth. High nitrogen levels favor quick-growing
Potassium 20-50 ppm invasive weeds, while low nitrogen levels favor slow-
Iron 3-5 ppm growing, late-seral species (Goodwin et al. 2006).
Phosphorus aids in healthy root growth and flower and
seed production. Potassium improves overall health
and disease resistance.
Texture Class % of Average Soil Texture by Hydrometer Method provides the
Total % percentages of sand, silt, and clay in the soil. There are
Weight 12 textural designations (excluding modifiers such as
Sand (0.05-2.0 25 to 65 5 very fine, cobbley, etc.) which can appear on a soil
mm diameter) report. Each of these designations has a range of
Silt (0.002-0.05 20 to 50 30 percentages of sand, silt, and clay, which could apply.
mm diameter) Suitable soil textures for good topsoil material are silt
Clay (<0.002 20 to 30 25 loam, loam, silty clay loam, very fine sandy loam, and
mm diameter) fine sandy loam. Soil textures with greater amounts of
clay or sand can be problematic for achieving
revegetation success.

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3.5 Soil Amendment

Depending on the results of soil tests, soil amendments may be required, particularly when test results fall
outside of desired ranges in Table 13-2. Wetland areas typically do not require soil amendments. Soil
amendment for upland and riparian areas is discussed in Section 3.5.1 and conditions where wetland soils
may require amendment are discussed in Section 3.5.2.

3.5.1 Soil Amendment for Upland and Riparian Areas

Once the soils have been tested, amendments may be needed to improve soil conditions (e.g., nutrients,
soil chemistry) or texture prior to revegetating the site, particularly for upland and riparian sites. The
revegetation specialist should review the soil test results and identify soil amendments that may be
needed. As long as the proper soil-specific seed mixtures are used, most native topsoil can be revegetated
with little or no amendment beyond the addition of a slow-release organic fertilizer.

Fertilizers may have a positive, negative, or neutral effect on the survival and growth of planted species
(NRCS 2001a). Nitrogen fertilizers should be used only when soil tests show a gross nitrogen deficiency
because they can stimulate annual weeds and may pollute waterbodies if applied in lower riparian zones.
In some cases, nitrogen fertilizers can decrease valuable mycorrhizal activity (Goodwin et al. 2006).
Nitrogen is rarely needed for native species, which have evolved in low nutrient environments
characteristic of prairie grasslands. If fertilizer is expected to have a beneficial effect on seeded species, it
should be added shortly before or shortly after seeding (Goodwin et al. 2006) and in accordance with soil
test results.

If the original topsoil from a site is stockpiled and then replaced, soil amendments may not be required to
successfully revegetate the site. If amendments are needed based on the soil test, amendments may
include a slow-release organic fertilizer (such as 4-6-4 or 7-2-2 N:P:K), compost, peat, humates, sulfur,
gypsum, lime, wood chips and soil micro-organisms. Application of chemical fertilizers should be
avoided as this can stimulate annual weeds and may contaminate water bodies if applied in lower riparian

For upland sites, most sites with low organic matter (including overworked agricultural soils, steep
slopes, and sub-soils) will benefit from the addition of between 800 to 1200 pounds per acre of a slow-
release organic fertilizer. This organic fertilizer is often granular and low in phosphorus. Organic
fertilizers are useful for high-use areas such as park sites, along roads, and highly visible native turf areas.
Chemical fertilizers generally have higher phosphorus and nitrogen levels, which encourage weedy
growth that may compete with the desirable planted/seeded species. Chemical fertilizers or fertilizers
produced from poultry waste are often fast-release, which encourages weed establishment. The applicator
should understand the quantities/rates of fertilizer needed to avoid over fertilizing an area. Soil
amendments should be applied prior to the final tilling of the soil, and should be incorporated at least 6
inches into the soil.

Soils which are low in organic matter can be amended with an approved composted material to improve
soil texture. Manure is usually not recommended (NRCS 2001a). Usually, 2 cubic yards of quality
compost per 1000 square feet is adequate to improve the organic content of poor soils for native
revegetation. (If the revegetation effort will be in a manicured area where turf will be installed, 3-5 cubic
yards per 1000 square feet is recommended. See GreenCO [2008] for more information on turf areas.)
Organic matter should be incorporated at least 6 inches into the soil by tilling the soil 8 to 12 inches until
no clumps or areas of thick compost remain on the surface. Table 13-4 summarizes the characteristics of
mature compost that are suitable for organic matter soil amendments.

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Table 13-4. Characteristics of mature compost suitable for soil amendment

Maturity Indicator Desired Result
Ammonia N/Nitrate N Ratio <6
Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio <18
Percentage of Germination and Vigor 80% or more for both germination and vigor
pH 5.5-8.0
Soluble Salts Concentrations 2.5 dS (mmhos/cm) or less preferred
Particle Size Pass through 1-inch screen or smaller
Moisture Content 35% - 55%
Maturity/Growth Screening Demonstrate ability to enhance plant growth
Stability Stable to highly stable,
providing nutrients for plant growth
Organic Matter Content 30% - 70%

In upland and riparian areas, the addition of soil microorganisms can aid the establishment of native
vegetation. Soil microorganisms process mulch and dead plant material into nutrients that are available
for plant uptake. Common microorganisms present in soil include bacteria, protozoa, and mycorrhizal
fungi. Mycorrhizal fungi adhere to roots and develop a beneficial relationship with the plant by
improving nutrient uptake, drought tolerance, and pathogen resistance (Goodwin et al. 2006). They are
plentiful in the litter layer of established plant communities. For riparian areas, if an adjacent riparian
area has a rich layer of litter and a lack of weeds, some of the litter can be collected and mixed in with the
seed mix to be applied to the riparian area to be revegetated. Mycorrhizal fungi are also available

Other amendments, such as polymer and vermiculite root dips are generally not necessary and may be
detrimental (NRCS 2001a). Similarly, special treatments for willow and cottonwood cuttings (such as
rooting hormones and fungicides) are unnecessary (Hoag 1998). These cuttings root easily without
special treatments.

3.5.2 Soil Amendment for Wetland Areas

In general, wetland revegetation projects do not require soil amendments. Wetland plants can
successfully establish in a wide range of soil textures, from heavy clay with no organic matter to coarse
gravels (NRCS 2011). In particular, the use of mulch is not recommended (EPA 1994), and fertilizers are
rarely necessary or helpful (Colorado Natural Areas Program 1998, NRCS 2003). The addition of
fertilizers may be especially detrimental by favoring the growth of weed species in the wetland and
contributing to nutrient overloads already present in many waterways. However, each site is unique. To
determine whether specific fertilizers may be necessary for a given project, the soil should be tested and
compared with the optimum nutrient conditions for the species to be planted (Colorado Natural Areas
Program 1998).

A notable exception to this generalization includes wetland creation projects in which the topsoil is
removed (excavated) to reach the appropriate grade and the subsoil is exposed without replacing the
topsoil. In these situations, virtually all of the naturally-occurring nutrients have been removed. Unless
water entering the wetland has a high nutrient load, fertilization will probably be necessary (NRCS 2003).
Not surprisingly, studies have shown that without suitable soil conditions, wetland creation projects tend
to provide lower functions than natural wetlands (Bruland and Richardson 2005). In particular, soils in
created wetlands tend to have a lower organic content than natural wetlands (Fajardo 2006).

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3.6 Seedbed Preparation Cultipacker

When seeding is used to revegetate a site, then seedbed A cultipacker is an agricultural

preparation is required and generally consists of decompacting implement used to crush dirt
the soil, adding soil amendment (if needed), and then firming the clods, remove air pockets,
soil surface prior to seeding. eliminate cracks, and bury small
stones to form a smooth, firm
3.6.1 Addressing Soil Compaction seedbed. The cultipacker is used
after ripping or disking the soil as
Soil compaction in upland, riparian and wetland areas is a a secondary tillage. It can be used
common problem for revegetation. Seedbed preparation (tilling) either before or after seeding to
is crucial before revegetating a site. Compaction can be found firm the seedbed and to eliminate
in naturally occurring soils with high clay content or can result air pockets. After broadcast
from heavy equipment at construction sites, cattle grazing, seeding the cultipacker can be
working soils when wet, and other causes. When soil is used to gently firm the soil around
compacted, seeds and plant roots and rootlets cannot penetrate the seeds, ensuring shallow seed
through the hard surface and less oxygen is available for plant placement and excellent seed/soil
establishment and growth. Less water is available for plant contact.
establishment due to the hard compacted soil surface, and the
site may be vulnerable to excessive runoff due to less water penetration. Microorganisms may be
inhibited due to both a lack of oxygen and large pore space needed to survive. Loss of microorganisms
leads to a further degraded soil unsuitable for plant growth and affects the nutrient cycling in soils
(Natural Resources Conservation Service [NRCS] 1998).

Decompaction will allow water to more easily penetrate into the soil where it can be used by roots and
will enhance infiltration on the site, reducing the potential for runoff, especially during smaller, frequent
events. Special attention should be given to staging areas, roads, and other high traffic areas that are
severely compacted. Decompaction should occur in two steps:

Before the topsoil is replaced, the sub-soil should be ripped to a depth of 12 inches. This can be
accomplished by disking, ripping, plowing, and rototilling, made more effective by ripping in two
directions perpendicular to each other. An effective method to reduce soil compaction in created and
restored wetlands is to use a chisel plow to mechanically rip both the topsoil and subsoil layers prior
to planting (Bantilan-Smith et al. 2009). This process is more difficult to complete on slopes greater
than 3:1. On steeper slopes, a track hoe and with a ripper tooth can be used to decompact soil to the
proper depth.

Once the sub-soil is ripped and the topsoil is replaced, soil amendments should be added, if needed
per the soil test and habitat type, then the soil should be tilled to 6 inches, leaving no clod over 3
inches in diameter.

These two processes will allow for a total of 18 inches of decompaction, thus providing a better growing
medium for native vegetation.

3.6.2 Seedbed Firming

Once the final tilling is completed, fine grading will ensure a smooth seeding/planting surface. The soil
surface should be relatively firm as described for each habitat type:

For upland and riparian areas, the soil surface should then be prepared for seeding so that a footprint
will imprint between to inch only (NRCS 2011b).

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For wetland areas, the surface is considered firm enough when a persons footprint penetrates to
inch deep (NRCS 1997). Some newly created wetlands may be very difficult to firm. If necessary
and when possible, firming of wetlands may be achieved by disking followed by rolling or harrowing
just prior to seeding (NRCS 2008).

Firming of the seedbed soil should be performed prior to seeding, particularly if seeding in late spring or
summer. Natural precipitation can sometimes be heavy enough to settle the worked soil, but waiting for
such rainfall may not be realistic. If soils are sandy and contain a small amount of moisture already, a
cultipacker can be used to firm the seedbed soil. Soils that are wet or silt loam to clay loam should not be
cultipacked because they can become too firm, making drill seeding or crimping much less successful.
Chiseling after plowing may adequately firm finer textured soils. It is also possible to firm the soil with
irrigation following seeding and mulching.

3.7 Tree Protection

Protection of existing trees is an important aspect of site preparation, which should occur at the beginning
of the construction phase. Figure 13-3 provides a detail for installation of construction fencing to protect
existing trees.

4.0 Plant Material Selection

Appropriate plant selection is crucial in successful native revegetation of upland, riparian and wetland
sites. A site plan should be created by a revegetation specialist trained in native vegetation restoration. A
variety of plant materials can be used to revegetate a site. The materials used will depend greatly on
budget as well as the schedule and goals of the project. Generally, these materials include seed, plugs,
containerized plant material, balled and burlapped (B&B) trees and shrubs, cuttings, and transplanted
plants (particularly in the case of wetlands). Table 13-5 identifies plant materials typically used in each
habitat type, followed by guidance related to plant selection, seeding, and trees and shrubs.

Table 13-5. Plant material for revegetating upland, riparian and wetland habitat types
Revegetation Guidance Topic Applicability to Habitat Type
Plant Material Chapter Upland Riparian Wetland
Seed (permanent and temporary) 4.2
Plugs 4.4.1
Containers 4.4.2
Bare Root 4.4.3
Balled and Burlapped (B&B) 4.4.4
Cuttings 4.4.5
Wetland Sod, Rhizomes, Tubers 4.5

4.1 Plant Selection Guidance for Habitat Types

Plant selection guidelines for upland, riparian and wetland areas differ somewhat and are discussed
separately below. See Figure 13-1 for a summary of planting zones within each habitat type.

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4.1.1 Plant Selection for Upland Areas

When present, a nearby reference site with similar

conditions (soils, slope, and aspect) should be
examined to assist with plant selection for upland

Upland sites are generally revegetated by seeding with

a native seed mixture selected based on the soil
texture and to a lesser extent, chemistry. Seeds are
best obtained from a local nursery and regional seed
mixtures have been found to be successful in most of
the soil conditions which occur in the Colorado Front
Range. Sites with sandy soils or elevated salinities
(EC> 3) should use alternative seed mixtures for those
soil conditions.
Photograph 13-3. An upland area vegetated with
native grasses along a riparian corridor in open space
Plant materials used to revegetate upland areas may area. (Photograph courtesy of Iris Mitigation and
include also include grass and herbaceous species plugs, Design.)
containers, bare root, B&B plants, and cuttings.
Regardless of the plant material selected, several general principles should be considered. First, the
genetic source of the plant material may affect the long-term revegetation success. Plant material that
originates in proximity to the revegetation project will be better adapted to the local areas environmental
conditions, may be more resistant to pests, and may exhibit more robust growth over the long term.
Similarly, plant species should be chosen that closely match the environmental conditions at the project
site. Such plant species are typically adapted to water availability, salinity, elevations, and soil

Seeding is generally not feasible for establishing trees and shrubs. However, containers, and bare root
plant material can be good options for both herbaceous and woody plant species.

4.1.2 Plant Selection for Riparian Areas

Evaluating reference sites on the same watercourse at a similar elevation may be particularly useful when
revegetating riparian areas. However, many urban streams are degraded, and healthy native vegetation
useful for reference areas may not be present nearby. When good reference sites exist, these areas should
be assessed for the species present, the types of plant forms present (herbaceous, shrubs, or trees), and the
location of species and plant forms relative to the stream. In the absence of a nearby reference area, it is
possible in to rely on a proven regional riparian plant palette for most projects because riparian areas
along the Front Range are typically very similar in species composition.

Unlike riprap and other inert materials, riparian plants are able to bend during high flow events and/or
regenerate following flooding or other natural disturbances. This means plant selection is particularly
important when revegetating riparian areas. If the appropriate species are chosen and planted in the
proper locations, the entire project can be self-healing following disturbance (NRCS 2005b).

A primary limiting factor in semi-arid environments is water availability. This is particularly true in
riparian areas where the soil moisture varies dramatically with the distance from the watercourse.
Vegetation plans should reflect a gradient of vegetation from the streambank/wetland edge to the upper
stream terrace areas. Use at least two seed mixtures to cover this gradient and plant woody species where
they are best adapted to the hydrology.

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Although it is rare in riparian areas, when soil tests reveal that the area is excessively saline, choose
species that have adapted to these conditions. Similarly, if herbivore predation has been demonstrated to
be problematic, species can be chosen that are thorny or otherwise unpalatable. Grazing should also be
limited during establishment with the use of enclosures.

4.1.3 Plant Selection for Wetland Areas

A wide variety of plant material is available for

revegetating wetlands, as summarized in Table 13-5.
Wetland and stream edge areas are generally
revegetated with a combination of wetland seed
mixtures, herbaceous wetland plugs, dormant woody
cuttings and some potted woody plants. Ultimately,
plant selection should be based on:

Elevation of the planting area above normal water

elevation (hydrology).

Frequency of flooding.

Permit requirements. Photograph 13-4. A Front Range creek restored with

a gradient of vegetation types, including wetland
Soil type. plants. (Photograph courtesy of Iris Mitigation.)

Regardless of the plant material selected, several general principles should be considered to improve
chances for success:

The genetic source of the plant material may affect long-term revegetation success. Native woody
nursery stock produced from locally collected plant materials, local dormant cuttings, and regional
seed sources will be better adapted to local climatic conditions.

Plant species should be chosen that closely match the existing environmental conditions, especially
the hydrology.

Some plant species may also be adapted to particular soil types (EPA 1994, Colorado Natural Areas
Program 1998) and elevations.

Only native species should be used.

Common cattail (Typha latifolia) and reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) should not be seeded
or planted in wetlands because they tend to be invasive.

Good reference sites with conditions similar to the project area are also a valuable tool in determining
appropriate plant species, densities, distribution, abundance and diversity and should be considered when

4.2 Seeding

Guidance for permanent seed selection for each habitat type is provided below, followed by guidance for
temporary seeding. Seed mix tables are provided in Appendix A. Local jurisdictions may require
alternative seed mixes and/or require that the seed mix used for the project be approved prior to use.

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Revegetation Chapter 13

4.2.1 Seeding Upland Areas

Seeding is the most common and least costly method of revegetation for upland areas. Seed is usually
obtained from a commercial seed supplier. Grasses, forbs (wildflowers), and certain shrubs can all be
seeded. Basic upland seed mixes are provided in Appendix A to this chapter. Wildflower species can be
omitted if not available or another recommended wildflower seed can be increased. Seed mixtures
provided in Appendix A are appropriate for most of the typical site conditions and can be mixed upon
request by commercial seed companies. Pre-mixed native mixtures of grasses or wildflowers offered
by seed companies can contain non-native aggressive and even weedy species which are not well suited to
revegetation of regional upland areas. It is better to select a mixture provided in Appendix A which
contains native species well suited to the task of providing erosion protection in this high plains area.

Fall is the preferred time for non-irrigated seeding. Late summer seedbed preparation followed by
installation of the seed in the fall (October) allows winter months for additional firming of the seedbed
before spring and germination. Fall seeding benefits from winter and spring moisture and usually assures
maximum soil moisture availability for establishment.

Late winter to early spring (February to early April) is typically the next favorable time period for
seeding. Winter and early spring seeding should not be conducted if the soil is frozen, snow covered, or
wet (muddy). Although of greater risk, spring seeding (mid-April into early June) can be successful,
especially during moist spring years. Mid- to late-summer seeding can be successful, with adequate
precipitation and/or irrigation to wet and settle the seed bed. Firming of the seedbed following seeding
will improve results during dry or warm seeding times.

4.2.2 Seeding Riparian Areas

Seeding is a good option for revegetating the herbaceous understory of a riparian plant community.
Seeding timeframes for riparian areas are similar to those described for upland areas. Most native seed
mixes (see Appendix A) are commercially available.

4.2.3 Seeding Wetland Areas

The least expensive wetland plant material is wetland seed (NRCS 1997). Often revegetation of wetlands
is done through a combination of seeding and plugs which can add to the overall species diversity of a
wetland and provides additional root structure and above-ground biomass (NRCS 2003). With proper
seedbed preparation and use of blanket protection, UDFCD has observed a high rate of success.

4.2.4 Temporary Seeding

Temporary seeding is an erosion control best management practice (BMP) that prevents soil erosion on a
construction site, soil stockpile, or other disturbed site prior to final site stabilization and helps to control
weeds. Typically it is appropriate to utilize this practice when the disturbed area will not be finally
prepared and seeded for a month or more (depending on local requirements).

The soil may be temporarily stabilized with sterile non-native annual or perennial grasses or native
perennial grasses. The selected grass species for this temporary seeding, if non-native, should be either an
annual grain or a sterile wheat/wheatgrass hybrid. Sterile grass will not re-seed and compete with more
desirable native plantings. Annual grains should be selected depending on the time of year when they
will be seeded. Oats, spring wheat, and spring barley are seeded in the spring, followed by millet from
May through July. Winter wheat or winter barley may be seeded in the fall and winter months. These
annual crop grasses allow for approximately 12 months of coverage. For a slightly longer period of

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annual grass coverage, a sterile short-lived perennial wheat/wheatgrass hybrid may be seeded.

Perennial, faster-growing, native grasses can also be seeded as a cover crop. (See the Temporary Native
Seed Mixes in Appendix A). However, non-native perennial grasses should never be seeded for
temporary cover because they are difficult to eradicate later. Non-native perennial fast-growing grasses
to avoid include smooth brome, timothy, orchard grass, crested wheatgrass, tall and meadow fescue, and
intermediate wheatgrass.

See the Temporary Seeding Fact Sheet in Volume 3, Chapter 7, Construction BMPs for more

4.3 Trees and Shrubs

4.3.1 Upland Trees and Shrubs

Table 13-6 summarizes native upland trees and shrubs that are generally appropriate for planting at an
upland revegetation site. Containerized plants, bare root or B&B trees and shrubs can be used. A
revegetation specialist must determine which of these native trees and shrubs are appropriate for the
specific upland site. Each tree and shrub species listed requires different amounts of sunlight, soil
condition and moisture in order to establish and thrive. Temporary irrigation is recommended for tree and
shrub establishment.

4.3.2 Riparian Trees and Shrubs

The riparian ecosystem is a transition area between wetland and upland ecosystems and is dominated by
large cottonwood (Populus spp.) and peachleaf willow (Salix amygdaloides) trees with an understory of
willow (Salix spp.), other woody riparian shrubs, transitional area grasses and herbaceous species. The
riparian vegetation has varying widths from the edge of the waterbody depending on factors including:
geology, topography, elevation, soil type, hydrology, and upstream and upgradient build-out. Trees and
shrubs depend on access to water but can handle occasional dry periods once established.

The cottonwood tree is a relatively short-lived species (80-100 years), and fallen cottonwood make
excellent wildlife habitat. It is important to allow for cottonwood and willow regeneration in the riparian
zone for replacement species. Cottonwood and willow will regenerate naturally in the riparian zone. The
riparian vegetation provides flood control, nutrient cycling, stream food web support, pollutant filtering,
sediment retention, and wildlife movement and migration corridors. Healthy riparian vegetation provides
streambank stability and erosion control. However, vegetation in this zone can also reduce flood capacity
when its not managed. Non-native riparian species such as the crack willow (Salix fragilis) should be
avoided as this fast growing and aggressive species has fragile branches which break off along with root
mass and cause further erosion issues.

Table 13-7 provides a list of common Front Range native riparian trees and shrubs appropriate for the
revegetation of riparian areas.

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Table 13-6. Upland trees and shrubs for revegetating sites on the Colorado front range
Upland Trees
Common Name Scientific Name
Ponderosa pine Pinus ponderosa
Rocky Mountain juniper Juniperus scopulorum
Pinyon pine Pinus edulis
One-seeded juniper Juniperus monosperma
Hackberry Celtis laevigata
Upland Shrubs
Common Name Scientific Name
Big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata
Yucca Yucca glauca
Sand sagebrush Artemisia filifolia (sandy soils only)
Fringe sagebrush Artemisia frigida
Common juniper Juniperus communis
Winterfat Krascheninnikovia lantana
Western sandcherry Prunus pumila
Smooth sumac Rhus glabra
Mountain mahogany Cercocarpus montanus
American plum Prunus americana
Wax currant Ribes cereum
Woods rose Rosa woodsii
Rabbitbrush Chrysothamnus nauseosus
Threeleaf sumac Rhus trilobata
Snowberry Symphoricarpos occidentalis
Gambel oak Quercus gambelii
Fourwing saltbush Atriplex canescens
Temporary irrigation is recommended for establishment

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Table 13-7. Common Colorado front range native riparian trees and shrubs
Common Name Scientific Name Plains Foothills
Riparian Trees
Aspen Populus tremuloides X
Boxelder Acer negundo X X
Colorado blue spruce Picea coloradensis X
Narrowleaf cottonwood Populus angustifolia X X
Plains cottonwood Populus deltoides X X
Peachleaf willow Salix amygdaloides X X
River birch Betula X
Rocky Mountain maple Acer glabrum X
Thinleaf alder Alnus incana
Riparian Shrubs
American plum Prunus americana X X
Bebbs willow Salix bebbiana X
Bluestem willow Salix irrorata X
Chokecherry Prunus virginiana X X
Drummonds willow Salix drummondiana X
Geyers willow Salix geyeriana X
Golden currant Ribes aureum X X
Redosier dogwood Cornus sericea X X
River hawthorne Crataegus rivularis X
Rocky Mountain willow Salix monticola X
Sandbar willow Salix exigua X X
Skunkbush sumac Rhus triobata X X
Snowberry Symphoricarpos occidentalis X X
Wax currant Ribes cereum X X
Woods rose Rosa woodsii X X

4.3.3 Wetland Tree and Shrub Plantings

Riparian woody plant materials (trees and shrubs) are also appropriate for planting around the edge of
wetland areas. Seeding is generally not appropriate for revegetating trees and shrubs. If possible, woody
plants that are pre-inoculated with my corrhizal fungi, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and/or other beneficial
microbes should be requested (NRCS 2001). The following types of riparian woody plant material are
commercially available for wetlands: B&B, plugs, bare root, and containers. Cuttings are the least
expensive way to easily install riparian trees and shrubs and generally include cottonwoods (Populus
spp.) and willows such as the sandbar willow (Salix exigua). Willows can be planted around the
perimeter of wetland areas while riparian trees and most other riparian shrubs are planted adjacent to the
wetland area but away from standing water so that the plants roots are not in fully inundated water

4.4 Types of Tree and Shrub Plant Material

Types of tree and shrub material include plugs, containers, B&B material, and cuttings.

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4.4.1 Plugs

Plugs, typically used for wetland revegetation and enhancement, are long, cylindrical or square planting
tubes, measuring 22 in3 or less, that contain stems, roots, underground perennial parts, and soil (Colorado
Natural Areas Program 1998). Plugs are available for both herbaceous and woody plant species.

Wetland plugs may be obtained at a local wetland nursery. Determine availability early in the
planning/design phase. Wetland plugs are sometimes grown specifically for a project so ordering them 6
months to a year in advance may be required. Revegetating wetlands with nursery-grown plugs has
demonstrated a much higher establishment rate than with seeding or transplanted plants (NRCS 2003). In
general, a project should purchase the largest plugs afforded by the budget (NRCS 2003). The plants
should be free of injuries, wounds, or insect damage. The above-ground and underground material should
have approximately the same density. Additionally, the roots should extend to the bottom of the tube but
should not wind around the tube (i.e., not root bound). Figure 13-6 provides a detail for wetland plug

4.4.2 Containerized Material

Containerized plant material is typically grown from seed or cuttings at a nursery and is available in
various container sizes, such as 4-inch, 6-inch, 1-gallon, 2-gallon, and 5-gallon pots. An advantage of
using containerized stock is that it can be stored (under proper conditions) for a moderate period prior to

When inspecting containerized material, look for well-proportioned above-ground plant material that is
not excessively large or small for the container. Also, the roots should exhibit development throughout
the soil but should not be growing through the bottom of the container or around the periphery of the

4.4.3 Bare Root

Bare root plant material consists of the entire plant (upper plant parts and root systems) without a
container or soil. These plants are typically dug up and sold when they are dormant and are commonly
available for woody plant species. Because they are less hardy than containerized material, bare root
plants tend to have a lower survival rate than containerized stock (Colorado Natural Areas Program
1998). However, they are also less expensive. Because bare root plants lack a container and soil, care
should be taken to either install them immediately or carefully store them. In general, bare root seedlings
should have a top length of at least 18 inches, a collar of at least 3/8 inch, and well developed terminal
buds. The roots should also be well developed, should not be pruned, and should be highly fibrous
(NRCS 1997).

4.4.4 Balled and Burlapped

Balled and burlapped (B&B) trees and shrubs are grown in nurseries, dug out with the soil intact,
wrapped in burlap, and tied with twine. Most plants sold as B&B are relatively large plants and may be
cost prohibitive for some projects. When used, B&B trees may be planted in the upland transitional
planting zone to achieve a forested component relatively quickly. The most important aspect to evaluate
when inspecting a B&B plant is whether the root ball is moist and intact. If it is not intact or has dried
out, the plant may not survive.

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4.4.5 Cuttings

Live cuttings are a cost effective way to install woody riparian species such as cottonwood trees. When
properly installed, the cuttings can establish readily. The costs for obtaining cuttings will consist
primarily of labor costs associated with collecting, storing, and transporting the cuttings. Although
inexpensive on a unit basis, costs per square foot can be somewhat high because cuttings are typically
densely installed in large quantities. The overall success rates and low establishment costs lower the final
cost per plant.

Collecting cuttings from the vicinity of the revegetation project allows for securing locally-adapted,
native plant material. When possible, cuttings should be collected from areas that are similar to the area
to be revegetated and be collected from multiple locations to provide genetic diversity (NRCS 2005b). It
is important to make sure that the native stands used as donor sites are not destroyed by the collection.

Collect cuttings when dormant, preferable from late winter to early spring (prior to bud swell). In
Colorado, the most successful time to collect cuttings is in early spring before the buds leaf out (usually
between February 1st and April 15th). Cuttings may be classified as willow stakes, willow fascines,
willow bundles, and cottonwood poles. Cuttings have varying diameters and lengths and can be grouped
into bundles, fascines (wattles), brush layering, brush mattresses, etc. Cuttings are most often obtained
from nurseries or from donor sites and are collected during the dormant season. In general, the larger the
diameter of the cutting, the more successful it will be (Hoag 1995). Species most often used for cuttings
along the Colorado Front Range include coyote or sandbar willow (Salix exigua) and plains cottonwood
(Populus deltoides subsp. monlifera).

Table 13-8 presents a common classification system for cut woody plant material. Other classifications
may also be found.

Table 13-8. Classifications and typical sizes of woody plant material cuttings
Classification Size
24 to 30 inches long
Willow Stakes
0.5 to 1.0 inch diameter
3 to 5 feet long
Willow Fascines and Bundles
0.5 to 1.0 inch diameter
10 to 15 feet long
Cottonwood Poles
2 to 4 inch diameter

Although Table 13-8 specifies a range of lengths for willow cuttings and cottonwood poles, the final
length of all cuttings will be determined by the depth to groundwater. In lower to middle terraces of
riparian areas, the water table is expected to be relatively high. Consequently, cuttings do not need to be
installed as deeply as in drier habitats. Regardless, cuttings should be installed to extend approximately 6
inches into the water table and should be tall enough to avoid shading by herbaceous vegetation (Hoag
1995). In general, willow species tend to be adapted to wetter environments than cottonwoods.
Consequently, willows are commonly planted nearer to the streambanks and on the lower terraces,
whereas cottonwoods are planted in slightly drier areas (higher middle to upper terraces). Planting holes
for live stakes can be prepared using rebar and small sledge hammers, pry bars, or drills fitted with larger
drill bits. Larger cottonwood poles can be planted using 4 to 8 foot augers. Allow time for the
groundwater to fill the hole prior to installation, to ensure adequate depth for the cutting. The higher on
the bank, the longer the cuttings will need to be.

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All cuttings should be collected from insect-free and rot-free live woody vegetation. In general, collect
green wood rather than older more mature wood (Hoag 1998). Do not collect cuttings with thick, cracked
bark or suckers because they do not have the energy reserves necessary to consistently sprout. Collection
guidance includes:

Willow Cuttings: Live stakes should be cut with sharp pruning shears or a weed cutter with a saw
blade near the ground surface to 10 inches above. Cuts must be clean, without stripping the bark or
splitting the wood. The top should be cut straight across and the base cut should be cut at an angle.
This will allow the cutting to be more easily installed and also differentiates the tip from the base.
Another technique to help identify the correct ends of the cutting is to dip the upper part (angled end)
in paraffin wax or another sealing substance (such as a non-toxic latex paint). For willow stakes and
bundles, all side branches and leaves of a cutting should be trimmed. Branches should be left on
cuttings for willow fascines. Live cuttings can be bound together with twine at the collection site for
ease of handling and protection during transport.

Cottonwood Pole Cuttings: Live poles should be pruned from live cottonwood trees at an approved
harvest site. Cuts must be clean, without striping the bark or splitting the wood. The best
cottonwood pole cuttings are those from trees less than 18 inches in diameter. The base cut should be
at a 45-degree angle and all the side branches trimmed off. The terminal bud (end of branch) must
remain intact.

Immediately after cutting, all live stakes and poles should be carefully protected from desiccation by
keeping the ends in water (tanks, buckets, or streams) at all times. During transportation, the cuttings
should be placed in an orderly fashion in containers with water at least one foot deep and covered with
tarp or burlap to prevent damage from the wind and to facilitate handling. If cuttings are collected in the
late fall, they may be dry-stored in a cooler (kept at 29 to 34 degrees Fahrenheit) for up to 6 months
(Hoag 1998). This should only be when necessary to extend dormancy. One method that may help
initiate the growth process on the willow cuttings is to soak the bottom half of the cuttings in water for 2
to 7 days prior to installation (Hoag 1998).

4.5 Wetland Sod/Rhizomes/Tubers

The least costly means for using existing wetland

plant materials is to direct haul them in a wetland
topsoil salvage operation. It is also possible to cut
and transfer salvaged wetland plants. This plant
material includes partial or entire plants, rhizomes,
tubers, seeds, and sod mats. Salvaged plant material
has the advantage of having local genetics and
allowing the use of plant material that would
otherwise be destroyed. These activities should take
place only when the donor wetland (or portion
thereof) will be destroyed as part of an activity Photograph 13-5. Installation of wetland sod along a
permitted under a Section 404 permit. reconstructed channel.

Wetland sod refers to large pieces of wetland plants and substrate that can be rolled up or placed flat for
transport. Wetland sod should be collected from weed-free areas and ideally, should be collected when
the soils are moist but well drained. A wetland sod mat is cut from a wetland with shovels and a front-
end loader that is modified with a sharp-edged steel blade. The sections can then be placed on flat-bed
trucks and transported to the wetland to be revegetated.

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Commercially produced wetland sod grown in coir can be a cost effective means to reestablish protective
shoreline wetland vegetation very quickly. Sod should be placed on the day of delivery to the site into the
prepared planting locations with 1 to 2 inches of water to cover the roots of the vegetation in the coir.
Cost for wetland sod is comparable to installing wetland plugs 12 inches on center. Wetland sod provides
excellent erosion protection for the shoreline once staked in place. It requires anchoring except in
backwater areas (see Figures 13-4 and 13-5). Check with commercial nurseries early to determine
timeline of species and sod availability. Wetland sod is sometimes grown specifically for a project so
ordering it six months to a year in advance may be required. If a donor site can be utilized, wetland plants
can be harvested from an existing wetland at almost any time of the year (NRCS 2003). A rule of thumb
for collecting herbaceous transplants from donor sites is to remove no more than 1-square-foot of plant
material from a 4-square-foot area (NRCS 2003). This allows the remaining plants to rapidly fill in the
harvest hole while still providing adequate transplant material. A depth of 5 to 6 inches of root and soil
removal is adequate and will include beneficial organisms on the roots of the plants that will greatly aid
the new wetland. At the new wetland site, the 1-square-foot transplant may be separated into four to five
individual plants, depending on the species.

Rhizomes and tubers from existing remaining wetland areas may also be harvested. Rhizomes are
underground stems that are capable of re-sprouting into new plants. Many bulrush species have large
rhizomes containing a large amount of stored reserves. With significant stored reserves and local
genetics, these large rhizomes tend to be more vigorous than relatively small nursery plugs. Many sedge
species also have rhizomes. Rhizomes can be dug from donor sites and divided into sections that contain
at least one viable growth point or node (NRCS 2003). Rhizomes should be collected in the spring before
plants break dormancy and can be transplanted immediately or temporarily stored in sand or peat moss in
a shaded, cool area.

Tubers may also be obtained from donor sites and occasionally from nurseries. Tubers are underground
storage organs produced by some plants such as arrowhead (Sagittaria spp.), yellow pond lily (Nuphar
lutea), and flatsedge (Cyperus spp.). Like rhizomes, tubers contain significant stored reserves and can be
dug up from a donor site or purchased from a nursery and transplanted to a new wetland.

5.0 Plant Installation

Proper installation of plants is critical to successful revegetation. Installation methods depend on the type
of plant material selected, as well as the habitat type. Installation methods generally include various
seeding methods, installation of plug, containerized, B&B and bare root stock, and cuttings, as
summarized in Table 13-9.

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Table 13-9. Installation methods for revegetating upland, riparian and wetland habitat types

Revegetation Guidance Topic Applicability to Habitat Type

Installation Method Chapter Section Upland Riparian Wetland

Seeding (multiple methods) 5.1 & 5.2

Herbaceous Plug, Containerized, B&B, and
Bare Root Stock Installation

Cutting Installation 5.4

Transplanting Wetland Plants (Wetland
Sod, Rhizomes, Tubers)

The most important consideration is placement Install each individual plant in its favored microhabitat
areas as well as in the appropriate planting zone for the habitat type (Figure 13-1). A revegetation
specialist or wetland scientist should be present before and/or during planting to mark the installation
locations for each plant (for example, using colored pin flags to represent each species).

Along the Colorado Front Range, the generally accepted planting window in upland and riparian areas for
seeding, containerized tree and shrub stock, grass and herbaceous plug, and B&B plants is similar. The
planting window for wetland plants is generally longer, given available hydrology and precipitation
(NRCS 2003). Planting wetland plugs in the fall and winter can result in frost heave whereby the plug is
pushed out of the ground. Spring planting can have slower initial growth but allows the plant to have a
long establishment period before winter dormancy. Along the Colorado Front Range, the generally
accepted planting window for upland, riparian, and wetland areas is summarized in Table 13-10.
Irrigation will assist with plant establishment.

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Table 13-10. Planting/seeding schedule

Type of Plant Time to Plant/Seed
Wetland and Riparian Species
1 1
Riparian Containerized Trees and Shrubs Spring /Summer/Fall
Wetland and Riparian Grass and Herbaceous Plugs Spring1/Summer/Fall
Wetland and Riparian Bare-root Plants Spring1/Summer
Wetland Seeding Spring1/Summer/Fall
Riparian Area Seeding
Willow Stakes Late Fall/Winter/Early Spring1
Cottonwood Poles Late Fall/Winter/Early Spring1
Upland Species
Upland Containerized Trees and Shrubs Winter/Spring1/Fall
Upland Grass and Herbaceous Plugs Spring /Summer/Fall
Upland Bare-root Plants Spring1/Fall
1 1
Upland Seeding Spring /Summer/Fall
Preferred Season

5.1 Seeding Upland and Riparian Areas

Once the soil has been decompacted and amended based on the soil test and the seed bed has been
adequately prepared, the site is ready for seed application. Seeding can be completed with a drill,
broadcast spreader, or through hydroseeding (when allowed by the local jurisdiction). Interseeding may
also be used in upland areas. (Seeding methods are described in Sections 5.1.1 through 5.1.4.) Seeding is
best achieved on a roughened seed bed with soil clods no greater than 3 inches.

Seeding rates are determined by the method of seeding, selected grass species, and also the purity of the
seed. Seed mixes should only be developed based on pure live seed (PLS) to account for species that
have low germination rates or mixes that would otherwise have a high amount of inert material, including
dirt or other plant parts. The seed tag from the supplier should be inspected before planting to ensure the
seed mix is of high quality and contains the correct percentage of PLS.

To determine the pounds of seed per acre, determine the amount of seeds per square foot desired and the
amount of seeds per pound of each species selected. A revegetation specialist can assist in determining
the correct amount of seed per acre to be used on the site; however, local jurisdictions often specify
seeding rates. On average, seeding rates for upland areas are approximately 18-25 lbs of seed per acre (or
approximately 3,500,000 to 5,000,000 seeds per acre, depending on seed size).

Timing of seeding is an important aspect of the revegetation process. For upland and riparian areas on the
Colorado Front Range, the suitable timing for seeding is from October through May (NRCS 2011b). The
most favorable time to plant non-irrigated areas is during the fall, so that seed can take advantage of
winter and spring moisture. Seed should not be planted if the soil is frozen, snow covered, or wet. Proper
seeding time is dependent on adequate moisture for germination and seedling growth as well as adequate
soil temperatures (Colorado Natural Areas Program 1998).

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5.1.1 Drill Seeding

Drill seeding is the most commonly used mechanism for planting seed in the ground, if the site is large
enough, has 3:1 slopes or flatter, and is not rocky. The seeding depth will vary based on seed selected but,
on average, 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch seeding depth will suffice. Another method of determining seed depth is
2.5 times the width of the seed (NRCS 2011b). Seeding parallel to the contours of the site will reduce
erosion caused by water flowing down drill furrows (Colorado Natural Areas Program 1998). Since the
size and texture of seed for warm and cool season grasses differ, the drill seeder should have boxes for
both warm and cool season seed applications or agitators for mixing the fluffy and smaller seeds
(Colorado Natural Areas Program 1998). Warm season seed is usually fluffier than cool season seed and
tends to get stuck in the box without the right type of agitator and picker wheel.

Native grass drills should also be equipped with Coulter wheels, adjustable depth bands, and drill row
spacing of 7 inches or less. Drilling the seed in two directions perpendicular to one another will improve
coverage and establishment. If seeded in only one direction, drilling should follow the contour to reduce
a tendancy for rilling down furrows. Partial broadcasting with some of the seed prior to or during drilling
operations can also improve results, especially for finer seeded species.

5.1.2 Broadcast Seeding

Broadcast seeding consists of spreading the seed onto the surface of the soil by hand or with a hand
spreader (also known as a belly grinder) or a mechanized rotary or cyclone seeder. Broadcast seeding
may be cost effective in small areas and may be necessary in areas that are inaccessible to seeding
equipment, such as rocky slopes, slopes steeper than 3:1, and areas without roads or other vehicular

Broadcast seeding is best completed after the ground has been raked or harrowed. This preparation will
allow for better seed/soil contact than a hard-packed surface. Broadcast seeding is less reliable than drill
seeding, so the seeding rate will need to be doubled or even tripled to achieve the recommended amount
of seed at the desired depth. After seeding is complete, the seed should be raked or harrowed in to provide
better seed to soil contact. After the seed has germinated, it may be necessary to spot-seed areas that did
not establish. On-going spot seeding may be needed to revegetate bare areas.

Inaccessible small, steep, or soft seedbed areas may be broadcast seeded and harrowed or raked to cover
the seed. Broadcast seeding rates of 35 to 45 pounds PLS per acre are adequate for most dryland
broadcasting, depending on the plant species in the mix. To improve site diversity, hand-collected native
seed can be broadcast before, during or after the main seeding operation. Stream edge seeding rates can
be up to 50 to 60 pounds per acre to assure faster establishment or erosion protection.

5.1.3 Hydroseeding

Hydroseeding consists of a slurry of seed, fertilizer (if necessary), wood fiber mulch, water, and other
additives (such as mycorrhizal fungi) that is blown onto the surface of an area to be seeded. It is mixed in
a tank-mounted truck and is applied from the truck through long hoses. On steep slopes, a tackifier (a
chemical compound that helps the material adhere to the slope) is often added. The term hydroseeding is
sometimes mistakenly used interchangeably with the term hydromulching, which does not typically
include seed.

The wood fiber mulch portion of the slurry is usually dyed to show which areas have been seeded.
Hydroseeding provides for a single application of all additives, including seeds and mulch and can be
used on steep slopes where it can help prevent erosion.

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Hydroseeding is generally not recommended unless the slope is too steep to safety walk on (1.5:1)
because it provides less soil to seed contact compared to other methods. If desirable, it may be used in
flatter areas when the area is raked following hydroseeding. Some local jurisdictions do not allow
hydroseeding due to low success rates on previous projects.

Hydroseeding is best achieved in three steps:

1. Soil preparation.

2. Application of the seed and water slurry. (The hydoseeder is constantly agitated so that the seed and
water mixture is consistent.) Where site conditions permit, the seed should be raked into the soil.

3. Mulching.

5.1.4 Interseeding

Relatively weed-free sites with some residual native prairie species may be interseeded with a rangeland-
type drill to minimize disturbance to existing grass cover. Interseeding directly into these areas without
plowing or chiseling is preferable. A rangeland drill will cut furrows and place the seed at the proper
depth. Weed seeds present on the site will be stimulated by interseeding and will probably result in
additional annual weeds for a year or two after seeding. Mowing during establishment will help reduce
competition from these weeds. Interseeding is an excellent way to enhance an existing upland field that
has established vegetation but needs additional cover and possibly species diversity.

5.2 Seeding Wetland Areas

Seeding wetlands can be successful in shoreline areas where the seed will be raked to cover and blanketed
immediately. Seed will germinate on muddy surfaces but tends to float in standing water. Once seeded,
germination should occur in a week or two.

Wetland plants establish best in fluctuating water conditions, such as those found in nature (NRCS 2003).
Where possible, it may be beneficial to manipulate the water levels during establishment. Water can be
lowered to expose at least some muddy surfaces so that floating seed will drift into muddy areas. The
water level can remain low until muddy areas begin to dry, and then water can be returned to re-wet these
surfaces, then drawn down again to allow further growth of the seedling plants. NRCS outlines a detailed
hydrologic regime to stimulate wetland plant establishment in Riparian/Wetland Project Information
Series Number 22 (NRCS 2007).

Along the Colorado Front Range, the window for seeding wetland species is in the spring, summer, or
fall, depending on hydrological conditions on the site.

5.3 Plug, Containerized, B&B, and Bare Root Stock Installation

The density of plantings, especially when installing nursery stock, will greatly influence the overall cost
of the project. In addition to the projects budget, careful consideration must be given to the character of
the area to be revegetated when determining planting density. For riparian areas, use of cuttings (Section
5.4) may substantially lower the cost, allowing for higher planting densities.

5.3.1 Wetland Plugs

Wetland plugs should be planted 18 to 24 inches on center (NRCS 2003). Plantings at a wider spacing

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exhibited less overall success, perhaps due to plant exposure. If the project budget does not allow 18- to
24-inch spacing, it is better to install plugs in patches at the proper spacing, separated by approximately
10 feet. Over time, plants will spread into the bare areas. As the hydrology within the cross-section
changes and distance from the stream increases, species composition should change and spacing can
widen to up to 2-3 feet depending upon erosion hazard and budget.

Each flat or rack of wetland plugs should come from the nursery clearly labeled by species. They should
be wet upon transfer to the contractor and maintained with consistently moist soil in a shaded area until
planted. This can sometimes be better accommodated at the contractor's yard than on site. Plugs
delivered to the site should be planted the same day. When planting each plug, dig a generously-sized
hole that allows the plug to be planted at the proper depth not too shallow and not too deep. Avoid J-
rooting the roots (bending into a J due to inadequate hole size). Also be sure to fill in air pockets near
the roots to prevent the roots from drying out. Topping the surface of the plug with 1/2 to 2 inches of
native soil can help to prevent desiccation. In areas where waterfowl grazing is possible, a 6- to 8-inch
steel landscape staple can be used to secure each plant. Staples rust quickly and prevent the plants from
being pulled up by the grazing birds.

5.3.2 Containerized, B&B, and Bare Root Stock

Guidelines for planting container stock, B&B plants, and bare roots are similar to the guidelines for
planting plugs, described above. As with plugs, be sure to keep the plants moist and cool in the shade at
the site. Keeping the plant containers buried in damp wood chip mulch or placing them under a reflective
blanket or shade cloth can also prevent desiccation (NRCS, 2001a). Check moisture frequently. If the
container and plant are not large and the substrate is easily worked with (such as deep friable soils), the
hole may be dug with a shovel. In contrast, if the plant is large and/or the substrate is rocky, planting
hoes (hoedads) or small backhoes may be advantageous. Because B&B plants tend to be larger, special
equipment may be necessary for their installation. A relatively large hole should be dug enabling the soils
around the newly installed plant to be effectively tilled and loosened, providing a medium for the new
roots to grow into. Each hole should be filled in soon after digging to prevent the soil from drying out,
and the soil should be firmly tamped down around the new plant after the hole is filled. For additional
details on tree and shrub planting, see Figures 13-7 through 13-13.

Do not pick up plants, especially trees, by the trunk or upper parts, but by the container. B&B plants
should be carried by the root ball.

Seedlings, and especially tree saplings, that have been grown in a greenhouse are highly susceptible to
both drought and freeze damage (NRCS 1997). These plants should be hardened for a few days prior to
planting by placing them in an enclosure that is several degrees above freezing, and they should be
watered only sparingly before planting. Because bare root nursery stock is dormant, no hardening is
necessary prior to planting.

Each plant should be mulched and deeply watered soon after installation. In relatively dry areas, watering
tubes or hydrogel packs can be installed with the plant to provide additional moisture after installation.
These allow a temporary source of moisture to the new planting. Although container stock will be more
resistant to desiccation during the planting process, bare root plants should be carefully protected from
desiccation during the planting process. These can be kept in 5-gallon buckets of water until ready for

5.4 Cutting Installation

Cuttings are commonly installed in riparian and wetland areas. Installation guidance for each habitat type

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is discussed separately below.

5.4.1 Installing Cuttings in Riparian Areas

Willows should be installed in the bank riparian planting zone where they can function to stabilize the
bank. Cottonwoods should be planted in either the higher reaches of the overbank zone or the transitional
zone (Figure 13-1). Regardless of the planting zone, cuttings need to be installed deep enough to contact
groundwater year round. In areas with significant fluctuations in seasonal groundwater levels, cuttings
will need to be installed deeper to ensure that they contact groundwater even during the driest season.
Ideally, cuttings will be installed at least 6 inches into the lowest water table of the year with three to four
buds above the ground surface (also includes the terminal bud on cottonwoods). Preferably, two-thirds
(or at least half) of the length of the cutting should be in the ground (Hoag 1998). In areas with high
erosion, cuttings should be installed 3 to 4 feet into the ground with the buds up.

Installing cuttings in riparian areas can be challenging depending on the substrate present. Cobbles can
be impossible to auger, while holes dug in dry sands and gravels often collapse in on themselves (Los
Lunas Plant Materials Center N.D.). Depending upon the substrate and the depth to groundwater, the
following tools and equipment may be necessary to install cuttings: planting bars, augers, backhoes,
rotary hammer drills, stingers, or post-hole diggers. The most important consideration when planting
willow cuttings and cottonwood poles is to use equipment that will allow the cuttings to be planted at the
depth that provides a constant water source (Hoag 1995). Additionally, the installation must result in
good contact between the soil and the cutting.

Installation guidelines for willow stakes and bundles as well as cottonwood poles are provided within the
details included in the chapter. Willow fascines can also be used, although UDFCD has observed this
technique to be less successful than the above listed technics. For this reason a detail is not provided. See
Hoag (2002) for installation guidance for willow fascines.

Recommended planting densities for cuttings include:

When planting shrubby-type willows, such as coyote (sandbar) willows, a recommended planting
density is 1 to 3 feet apart.

When planting tree-type growth forms, such as cottonwoods and larger willows, a recommended
planting density is 6 to 12 feet on center (Hoag 1998).

If erosion is a concern in a portion of the project, plant shrubby-type willows 1 foot apart (Hoag

5.4.2 Installing Cuttings in Wetland Areas

Installing wetland shrubs such as sandbar willow within or adjacent to wetlands will most likely include
the installation of willow cuttings, which may be installed individually or in bundles. If water erosion is
anticipated, willow fascines, stakes, or the somewhat sturdier willow logs or biologs, may be installed
along the waters edge. Regardless of the size or assemblage of the cuttings, they should be installed
while dormant (after leaf abscission and before bud break), which extends from winter through early

The equipment needed to install the cuttings will depend on the number of cuttings to be installed, size of
the cuttings, and on the substrate they are to be placed in. A relatively low number of small cuttings can
usually be installed with a planting bar. Larger cuttings, such as poles, may be installed with hand or

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power augers. Wheel mounted augers on all-terrain vehicles can be extremely useful when planting
thousands of cuttings. When planting in riprap or steep cut-banks, backhoes may be used. The most
important consideration when planting cuttings of any size is to use the equipment that will allow the
cuttings to be planted at the depth that provides a constant water source (Hoag 1995).

Cuttings should be installed to a depth that allows the end of the cutting to be in contact with groundwater
throughout the growing season, even if the water table drops. Assessing groundwater depths prior to
planting is highly recommended (Los Lunas N.D.). The basic technique to install a cutting, regardless of
its size, is to auger or punch a hole into the substrate (to the appropriate depth) and then place the cutting
in the hole. The soil should then be tamped down around the cutting to remove all air pockets. All
cuttings, whether stakes or poles, should be planted with the buds pointed up and at least one healthy bud
above the ground surface. Smaller cuttings should be installed to approximately three-quarters of their
total length (NRCS 1997). In areas where the groundwater is relatively low (such as in adjacent upland or
riparian areas), poles or posts may be installed 2 to 7 feet deep (Hoag 1995). For additional information
on willow and cottonwood pole cuttings, see Section 4.4.4.

5.5 Transplanting Wetland Plants

Plugs, whole plants, rhizomes, and tubers salvaged from a donor wetland site are most easily transplanted
when the site is slightly saturated. All plant material should be reinstalled in the same hydrologic zone
that it was removed from. If 1-square-foot plugs are to be transplanted, they may be separated into
smaller plantings. Use a small saw or shovel to chop them into smaller pieces (NRCS 2011). Both
rhizomes and tubers should be placed in holes dug in the mud. Rhizomes should be planted just below
the soil surface and tamped in to ensure good soil contact. Tubers should be placed in a hole that is
approximately twice the size of the tuber (NRCS 1997). When transplanting shrubs or trees, the plant
should be placed directly to the new location from the equipment used to dig it out. Ideally, a spade
machine would be used to remove larger plants and would be sized to match the plants being removed
(Colorado Natural Areas Program 1998). To avoid desiccation, trees and shrubs should be transplanted
when dormant.

When donor topsoil is obtained from a wetland for its seed bank, it should be spread carefully over the
new wetland at a thickness of 6 inches or less (NRCS 1997, Colorado Natural Areas Program 1998).
Care should be taken to avoid damaging the plants and propagules that are present within the topsoil. The
soils should be spread in the same hydrologic zone from which it was taken. Similarly, wetland sod that
is obtained from a donor site should to be placed in the hydrologic zone matching the one from which it
was taken. If several pieces of sod are available, they should be placed together in a bricklaying fashion
on the soil surface and secured with wooden stakes (NRCS 2011). Gaps between the mats should be
avoided to the extent practical.

6.0 Mulching
Mulching is the practice of applying a protective layer of material onto the soil surface of individually
planted trees and shrubs or a broadly seeded area. Mulching is important in both upland and riparian
areas but should not be conducted in wetland areas (EPA 1994). Mulching can be achieved through
straw, hydromulch, or rolled erosion control product (RECP) installation. Applying mulch provides
many benefits such as:

Decreases germination of many weed seeds.

Moderates soil temperatures.

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Retains soil moisture during dry weather (i.e., decrease evaporation).

Increases infiltration.

Decreases erosion.

Adds organic matter to soil.

Protects soil from crusting caused by raindrops on bare soil.

Reduces compaction caused by heavy rains.

Mulching practices differ for individually planted trees and shrubs and seeded areas, as described below.

6.1 Mulching Individually Planted Trees and Shrubs

Individually planted trees and shrubs should be mulched immediately after planting. Mulch should be
thickest at the edge of the planting saucer and taper to a zero depth at about one inch from the shrub/tree.
Too much mulch can be smothering or produce excess moisture that could cause disease. Appropriate
mulch includes straw, wood and bark chips, grass clippings, leaves, compost, wood and straw pellets, and
inorganic material such as rock.

Mulching with wood and bark chips is less effective per

unit weight than mulching with straw (NRCS 2005a).
Additionally, it may discourage plant growth if applied
at excessive rates. Wood and bark chips tend to have
high carbon to nitrogen ratios. Additionally, nitrogen
gets tied up during the breakdown of wood and bark
making it less available for plants. This may actually
provide a slight benefit for natives over weed species,
which have higher nitrogen needs. A different form of
wood and bark mulch is pellets. Wood and straw can be
partially chemically digested and the mash formed into
pellets. These pellets can be easily broadcast over a site Photograph 13-6. Crimped straw mulch.
(NRCS 2005a) but should not be used on slopes where (Photograph courtesy of David Chenowith.)
they could readily slide downhill.

Although often overlooked, rock is excellent inorganic mulch (NRCS 2005a). It holds up well and
doesnt float. The biggest constraints are its heavy weight and cost to transport. It may also require
greater attention to weed control.

6.2 Mulching Seeded Areas

In seeded upland and riparian areas, one of the most important functions of mulching is to reduce erosion.
Because riparian areas are often located on slopes draining into waterways, they are prone to erosion and
may increase sediment loading to streams. Because upland seeded areas are often located on open dry
areas, they establish better and more rapidly if mulched. Many materials are available for use as mulch
on seeded areas, including but not limited to straw, wood and bark chips, grass clippings, leaves,
compost, wood/straw pellets, blankets and netting, and inorganic materials such as rock. The more
common materials are discussed below.

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6.3 Types of Mulch

6.3.1 Straw Mulch

Straw mulch is the most widely used product for upland and riparian area seeding because it is cost-
effective, readily available and conveniently packaged in bales. Straw mulch can be spread and crimped
successfully on slopes of 4:1 or less. Steeper slopes may require a different type of mulch. Straw is fairly
durable, easily applied, and provides excellent erosion protection.

Although straw includes the stalks of plants without the seed heads, some seeds may be present. Straw
mulch containing weed seeds can drastically alter the success of revegetation on a site (Kruse et al. 2004).
Using non-certified mulch may introduce noxious weeds and undesirable plant species onto the site.
Additionally, many agencies require the use of certified weed-free mulch.

Long straw is appropriate for straw mulching but fragmented straw should be avoided. At least 50% of
the straw mulch should be a minimum of 10 inches long for stability once crimped. The straw mulch can
be applied by hand in small areas or by a chopper/spreader or blower in larger areas. The NRCS-
recommended application rate is between 1000 to 8000 pounds of straw mulch per acre (NRCS 2005a).
In general, the more straw used, the better the erosion protection. However, a high application rate may
interfere with seedling emergence. A good rule of thumb when mulching over a seeded area is to mulch
to a density where some soil is visible beneath the straw (between 2 to 2.5 tons of straw per acre is a
recommended rate in Colorado).

The disadvantage of straw mulch is that it is highly susceptible to blowing away, so it must be anchored
or crimped. The straw should be crimped into the soil to a depth of 2 to 3 inches with a crimping tool.
The straw can also be anchored with a roller or empty drill (with heavy press wheels) pulled behind a
tractor (NRCS 2005a). Disks and chisels should not be used to crimp because they will cut the straw,
allowing it to blow free. If the slope is too steep for equipment access, a tackifier may be blown on top of
the mulch by a hydromulching/hydroseeding truck. A tackifier should be applied at a rate of 150 pounds
per acre. In cases where extra care is needed to avoid straw mulch blowing away, crimping and tackifier
may both be utilized.

Because hay includes the entire plant including seed, mulching with hay will actually seed the site during
mulching activities with non-native grass species and should be avoided. Alternatively, native grass
species of hay may be purchased, but are difficult to find and expensive. Purchasing and utilizing a
certified weed-free straw is an easier and less costly mulching method.

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6.3.2 Rolled Erosion Control Products RECP Recommendations

Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECPs) include a UDFCD recommends only biodegradable
variety of temporary or permanently installed RECPs because plastic netting products
manufactured products designed to control erosion may trap snakes, deer and other wildlife.
and enhance vegetation establishment and
survivability, particularly on slopes and in channels. Heavy woven coconut fiber blankets (coir)
For applications where natural vegetation alone will are preferable on stream edges due to
provide sufficient permanent erosion protection, strength, flexibility and relative durability
temporary products such as netting, open weave of the blanket.
textiles and a variety of erosion control blankets
(ECBs) made of biodegradable natural materials Coir, non-woven coconut blankets or
(e.g., straw, jute, coconut) can be used. See the biodegradable coconut straw composite
RECP fact sheet in Chapter 7, Construction BMPs, blankets can be used in biologs and
of Volume 3 for more information on appropriate willow log construction.
uses and installation guidance for RECPs.
UDFCD uses coir mat placed over straw
to hold topsoil and seed in place. See
Although RECPs can be expensive, they are often
details located at the end of this chapter.
the best approach for facilitating revegetation on
steep slopes (such as 3:1 or steeper). For purposes Non-woven coconut blankets can be used
of revegetation, it is best to avoid thick straw or on streambanks where less intense flows
excelsior blankets because they can impede grass occur.
establishment. RECPs must be installed correctly to
be effective. Areas that are not as frequently inundated
can use biodegradable coconut straw
6.3.3 Hydromulch composite blankets. These blankets and
straw blankets tend be stiffer and not
Hydromulch is a slurry of water, wood fiber or drape as well. Jute netting is soft and
recycled paper mulch, and an organic tackifier that drapes very well, but is typically limited
is mixed in a large tank (mounted on a truck) and to a 4-foot width.
applied with a pump and hoses. It is a more
expensive but can be an effective erosion control
method that is used in areas where blowing loose straw may not be suitable (such as in established
neighborhoods and along roadsides). Because the hydromulch holds the seed in place (with the tackifier),
it is especially beneficial when applied to a slope that has been broadcast seeded (Goodwin et al. 2006).
It is also valuable for stabilizing soil on steep slopes that cannot readily hold straw mulch. Hydromulch is
a sterile product without weed seed concerns and should not be confused with hydroseeding, which
combines seed with hydromulch.

Hydromulch should be specified to be mechanically defibrated virgin wood fiber and should be applied
at a rate of 2000 to 3000 pounds per acre (NRCS 2005a). Approximately 2500 pounds of mulch and 150
pounds of organic psillium derived tackifier per acre is a recommended rate for Colorado. At the rate
specified, 95% of the soil surface should appear covered after it dries. For every 500 pounds of wood
fiber, 1000 gallons of water is needed. Accessibility to the site by the hydromulching truck and
availability of water at the site, via a waterway (with water rights for the activity) or water truck, are
essential. Because the hydromulch is applied through hoses, vehicular access throughout the entire site is
not necessary provided that the hoses can reach all of the areas to be mulched. Always check installation
rates, areas and quantities to be sure that the specified rate has been applied. Most failures result from
low application rates.

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6.3.4 Compost

Compost is a mulch option that may be considered for use in upland and riparian areas. Compost consists
of decomposed organic material and therefore has higher nutrient availability than other mulch materials
(NRCS 2005a). This is a potential disadvantage in riparian areas where it could wash into waterways and
impact downstream water quality. In contrast, in riparian areas where the topsoil has been completely
removed, compost may be appropriate. On seeded upland and riparian areas, compost may also be a more
costly mulching alternative because of the quantity required. However, in upland areas where the topsoil
has been completely removed, compost may be a beneficial mulching alternative.

7.0 Maintenance
To achieve successful revegetation, the projects resources and budget must extend beyond the active
construction phase to include maintenance for several years following construction. A maintenance and
management plan should be completed for the site to include the following activities:

Weed control and long-term management.

Replanting dead trees and shrubs.

Reseeding bare areas where grasses did not establish.

Repairing ECB or other erosion control fabrics, if applicable.

Stabilizing eroded areas, particularly following large storm events.

Installing protection from animal damage.

Temporary or permanent irrigation, as needed.

Debris removal.

Installing and/or repairing temporary fencing to control foot traffic, particularly in heavily used park

Wetland areas have some additional unique maintenance requirements, which are discussed separately in
Section 7.6.

7.1 Irrigation

When selection of plant species is based on the available moisture and soil conditions at a given site, the
plants should thrive once established without the need for long-term irrigation. Temporary irrigation can
be helpful for initial establishment, especially when seeding occurs in mid-summer or in a drought. In
warmer urban settings, periodic supplemental irrigation can be helpful because heat from roads and
buildings tends to warm and dry adjacent areas. Temporary irrigation of native species may not be
necessary after initial watering, depending on the site and the hydrologic conditions during establishment.

When provided, temporary irrigation should be applied only during the plant establishment period,
usually the first growing season. This is the period when seedling roots are near the surface and can
benefit from occasional irrigation. Because frequent supplemental irrigation can encourage shallow
rooting, irrigation should progress to less frequent and deeper (longer duration) irrigation (Table 13-11).

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If irrigating from the adjacent stream, be sure to obtain water rights or do this during free river
conditions. If water rights are not available, use a water truck.

Irrigation can occur through any of a combination of the following methods:

Hand watering.

Water truck.

Water tubes or hydrogel packs (needs to be closely monitored and eventually removed).

Drip system irrigation.

Spray head irrigation.

The type of revegetation project may guide the type of irrigation necessary for the site. If, for example,
the project is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit related project, longer-term permanent
irrigation is not favored and should be avoided. (Irrigation is not allowed during the three to five year
monitoring period for such projects.)

7.1.1 Seeded Area Irrigation

Properly designed and installed seeded areas can be expected to germinate and establish with natural
precipitation in average or wetter than average years. Even a single heavy precipitation event can be
adequate to stimulate germination. If seeding is done during a drought season, or during the summer,
some initial irrigation can assist with germination and establishment.

Monitoring of irrigation is a critical management activity that should occur if irrigation is to be used on a
site. Either too much water or too little water can be detrimental to the survival of newly planted
seedlings and plantings. Soil type will also influence the amount of irrigation needed since clay soils
require less water to remain moist than do sandy soils. Moist soils in April encourage cool season native
species to grow, whereas warm season grasses start to grow when soil is warmer with adequate moisture
in mid to late May.

In order for native seed to germinate, the top 1 to 2 inches of soil should be moist, but not saturated.
Initial irrigation should maintain moist soil in the seed bed, watering up to twice a day. Use of mulch or
landscape fabric will reduce the frequency of irrigation required to maintain surface moisture. Once the
grasses begin to establish, the roots will penetrate into the soil more deeply and irrigation should be
reduced to three or four times a week, but for a longer duration, to allow for up to 6 inches of moisture in
the soil. Irrigation should then be curtailed to one to two times per week later in the summer until the fall
months when irrigation would cease to allow the plants to harden for the winter months. Table 13-11
provides a sample irrigation schedule for establishing native areas. Mulching/crimping/hydromulching
seeded areas is also crucial to keep moisture in the soil.

Where an access road is available near the seeded area, a water truck can be used to spray-irrigate seeded
areas on the same time basis as described above. The labor costs for using a water truck may eventually
outweigh the costs of installing a more permanent irrigation system, depending on the site logistics.

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Table 13-11. Sample irrigation schedule for establishing native areas

Time Of
Frequency Time of Day Soil Moisture Depth
(Cool Season) 1-2 times per day until Once in early
Maintain soil moisture to
Mid-May temperatures reach 80 morning once in late
2-inch depth
(Warm degrees evening
Maintain soil moisture to
Every other day or more if 6-inch depth
Early June to Early morning or
temperatures are above 90 Cycle and soak technique
July late evening
degrees may be used to reach 4
July to Mid- Early morning or Maintain soil moisture to
One application per week
August late evening 6-inch depth
One application every other Early morning or Maintain soil moisture to
to Mid-
week late evening 6-inch depth
Withhold watering to allow
September NA NA
plants to harden for winter
and on
To maintain soil moisture in soils that are finer in texture, a cycle and soak technique of water application may
need to be used. A cycle and soak technique is performed by watering in short durations, with multiple applications.
This allows the water to infiltrate the soil rather than run off the site.

7.1.2 Tree and Shrub Irrigation

When properly located and planted, native trees and shrubs should be fairly self-sustaining with limited
initial watering. Deep planting of trees and shrubs (which places the base of the root ball at the top of the
ground water level, dormant season planting (before leaf out), and use of smaller nursery stock (which
requires less water to establish) all can help reduce watering requirements for woody vegetation. All
containerized plants should be well watered at installation time. When leafy plants are installed later in
the spring or summer, a more prolonged irrigation program may be necessary.

Trees and shrubs should be deeply watered when first planted so that the entire root ball and soil around
the root ball are inundated. Depending on the species selected, available soil moisture, and available
precipitation, the trees and shrubs should be watered at least once a week during the first growing season.
The need for a second growing season of irrigation can be monitored and assessed the following year.
Monitoring the trees and shrubs is essential in order to be proactive with temporary irrigation before
plants begin to stress and then die.

7.2 Replacing Dead Trees and Shrubs/Spot Reseeding of Bare Areas

Routine maintenance in establishing upland areas generally includes reseeding of bare areas and replacing
dead, diseased, or dying planted trees and shrubs. At least some replacement of dying plants is typically
required in riparian areas. If diversity is limited, additional species should be planted to add diversity to
the establishing upland plant community. If a significant number of plants are diseased or infested by
insects, a fungicide or insecticide application may be warranted.

In riparian areas, although newly establishing willows need relatively little maintenance, several
maintenance activities will improve the riparian plant communitys functions. As willows age, some may

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need to be trimmed or cut down to stimulate smaller, denser growth (Hoag 1998). This should be
completed in the dormant season. Similarly, on river floodplains no longer exposed to historic flooding
(due to irrigation withdraws, dams, etc.), cottonwood and willow trees will no longer naturally replace
themselves. These larger riparian species evolved to regenerate with natural cycles of intermittent
flooding. When these cycles are disturbed, the larger riparian species are eventually replaced by a xeric
plant community (Los Lunas Plant Materials Center 2005). Preserving these riparian plant communities
will require ongoing planting and management.

In both riparian and upland areas, bare areas that were seeded will need to be weeded and spot-
seeded/mulched annually until the bare areas fill in. In some cases, additional soil sampling and
application of soil amendments in perpetual bare areas may be warranted. Irrigation concerns may need
to be addressed in the bare areas until the grasses establish.

7.3 Vegetation Protection from Animal Predation

Additional maintenance often required for establishing upland and riparian plant communities includes
replacing or installing fencing and protection to minimize animal damage. General browse protection can
be provided by flexible tube tree protectors that trap moisture and protect the tree from browsing animals,
wind desiccation, small rodents, and insects. They can be obtained in various thicknesses and heights.
Rigid seedling protector tubes are plastic-like mesh tubes that protect young woody plants from browsing
by larger animals. Metal deer fencing can also be installed around larger plantings to protect them from
browse by deer. Deer may also be discouraged by bud caps (pieces of paper that hide buds from deer).
Where voles are a concern, wrap the base of the planted tree twice with 6- to 8-inch-wide strips of tinfoil.
This can be effective for up to two years (NRCS 2001a).

When in an area heavily populated by prairie dogs, it is

not always realistic to keep all prairie dogs out of the
newly planted area. Use a perimeter fence to deter
prairie dogs from entering the area of construction and
consider a more permanent fence during the time of
plant establishment. This can be constructed using a
wire mesh that is buried 3 feet into the ground and
extends above ground 3 feet. Alternatively, the buried
portion of the fence could be placed horizontally and just
buried a couple inches (in an L formation). Attach silt
fence onto the upper portion to limit visibility to the
protected area. This fence will require maintenance and
should remain in place for 1 to 2 years. Fumigation may Photograph 13-7. Prairie dogs will attempt to dig
also be beneficial during this time. under the fence. Bury the wire mesh portion
vertically (shown) or in the form of an L to deter
If beavers are a concern, new plantings can be protected prairie dogs from burrowing under the fence.
by 5-foot-high wire tree guards. This should be done
with the understanding that the beaver will look for other (mature) trees. Unlike prairie dogs, when the
project requires removal of beaver (although rare), there are typically landowners that will accept them.
An experienced trapper can live-trap and safely relocate beaver to a new location.

Geese can cause significant damage to a newly planted wetland. Waterfowl may mouth the plants
looking for seed and uproot the planted material. Wetlands often need waterfowl predator control through
the placement of a grid of T-posts installed 10 foot on center with wire strung between the posts (see
Figure 13-16). Brightly colored flagging is then tied onto the wire. This grid of predator control will

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reduce waterfowl landing in the newly planted area. Alternatively a 6- to 8-inch steel landscape staple
can be used to secure each seedling. Staples rust quickly and prevent the plants form being pulled up by
the grazing birds.
7.4 Weed Management

Control of weeds, especially noxious weeds, is a critical component of maintaining establishing upland
and riparian areas. Any weeds on the Colorado Noxious Weed A List should be promptly and
aggressively treated. Similarly, areas with infestations of Colorado Noxious Weed B or C List species
with more than 10% cover should be promptly addressed; however, a tolerable range of what species can
be present and/or the cover of an individual species can vary by state or local jurisdiction and by specific
permitting requirements for an individual project. Using GPS to mark the locations of noxious weeds
may be beneficial for both short and long-term management. Developing an integrated weed
management plan is highly recommended for most newly revegetated sites. Integrated weed management
is defined as using a variety of techniques to control weeds (Colorado Natural Areas Program 1998).
Techniques that may be used include mowing, herbicide application, rotational grazing, biocontrol, and
hand-removal or cutting. The integrated weed management plan should evaluate the weed species found
at the site and determine the best combination of control strategies for each species. Note that newly
seeded plants will be especially vulnerable to all herbicides; therefore, herbicides should not be applied to
newly-seeded areas until the plants are relatively hardy [when the plants have four to six blades (Goodwin
et al. 2006)]. Following the initial years of intensive management, a long-term commitment for spot-
spraying of re-sprouting weeds must be part of any control plan. The herbicide label should be read to
determine when to re-seed because the time an herbicide remains active in the ground differs for each

Newly seeded areas can be very weedy during the first year of growth. Annual weed seeds are abundant
in most topsoil and germinate readily. It is critical that annual weeds be mowed when they are in flower
and before they produce seeds. Two or three mowing operations in the first year of growth can generally
address most of the annual weeds on a site. UDFCD has also found that starting weed control one to two
years prior to construction can be beneficial in controlling new weeds following seeding. Biennial and
perennial weeds can be spot-treated by a certified weed control specialist with approved herbicides by
mid-summer or when the seeded grasses have three to four leaves. A boom sprayer should not be used
during the first summer after seeding.

Weed control of established seeded areas during the second growing season may involve a combination
of techniques including spot spraying weedy areas. However, herbicide applications should be closely
managed and herbicide selection, method of application, times and rates should be chosen carefully and
recorded based on the type and amount of weeds present. A certified applicator should be used for all
herbicide applications. A copy of their applicator license should be obtained and records should be kept
of all applications that occur on the site. A Compliance Certification for the CDPS General Permit for
Discharges from Application of Pesticides may be required for herbicide applications exceeding certain

A seeded area without shrubs may be mowed during the first year of establishment as a good early weed
control method. Weedy areas should be mowed 6 to 8 inches when they exceed 12 inches in height or
just begin to produce seed. A small or tandem wheeled tractor is appropriate for this type of mowing.
Mowing should not be used to limit plant height. A low-growing grass seed mix should be used if shorter
grasses are desired. The normal mowing height for established grasses should be no less than 6 inches
because mowing too low is detrimental to grass establishment.

Additional natural weed control methods have a variety of levels of success depending on the species of
weed. These include goat/sheep temporary grazing, insect releases, rotational grazing, hand

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Chapter 13 Revegetation

cutting/pulling, spot seeding, and other natural methods. These methods can be integrated with herbicide
treatments and mowing for best results. Spot seeding bare areas with desirable grass and/or planted
species once weeds are controlled is highly encouraged so that the bare areas do not become established
with additional weedy species.

7.5 Managing Erosion in Riparian Areas

Riparian areas commonly require maintenance to address erosion. The site should be inspected closely
for signs of erosion. If necessary, install additional erosion control measures such as erosion control
blankets or consider the need for other bioengineered solutions (see the Bioengineered Channels section
of the Major Drainage Chapter for further detail on bioengineered bank stabilization methods). Existing
erosion control matting, netting, or blankets should be repaired or replaced as required and in areas where
it is still needed. In locations where major erosion is occurring and cannot be controlled with
bioengineering techniques, other types of engineered structural measures may be necessary.

7.6 Maintenance for Created, Restored and Enhanced Wetland Areas

A maintenance plan should be part of the wetland creation, restoration and enhancement project. A
maintenance plan should include periodic observations of the wetland area during the growing season to
observe existing hydrological conditions, wetland establishment, weed control, spot revegetation and
other maintenance needs at the site.

During the maintenance visit, it is important to observe and document existing hydrologic conditions for
wetland establishment as designed. Hydrologic observations should include these conditions:

Standing water.

Subsurface water through digging of soil pits.

Observation of established wetland vegetation.

If wetland plants are not fully established, but adequate hydrologic conditions exist, one can assume that
the plants will eventually establish throughout the area. Additionally, in areas where water control is
possible, wetland plant growth can be stimulated by alternating flooding and drawdown in the wetland. If
wetland plants are not establishing and there is a lack of adequate hydrologic conditions, additional
excavations, water diversion, or grading may be warranted. If the water depths are too deep for wetland
plant establishment, additional fill, water diversion, water pumping, or outlet reconfiguration may be
warranted. Once appropriate hydrological conditions have been achieved, additional spot
seeding/planting of wetland plant material may be necessary.

A weed management plan is an important part of wetland area design before the seeding/planting occurs.
Observation and documentation of weedy species establishing in and around the wetland area is an
important first step in weed control. Weeds are controlled through the following actions:

Applying EPA-approved aquatic herbicides (application at the correct time of year for the targeted

Hand-pulling of weed species.

Hand mowing or weed cutter (avoid large vehicles that will damage vegetation).

Using biological controls (insects other natural control).

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Coordination of weed control planning with adjacent property managers.

Additional spot seeding/planting of wetland plants may be needed to fill in areas where volunteer
weed species may again become established.

Other maintenance activities should include:

Flood debris (natural and human origin) can create a smothering buildup in riparian wetland areas. If
left for long periods of time, it will encourage invasion by weeds from seeds carried by the high
water. Sediment deposits on newly seeded areas can sometimes be raked or shoveled off in the first
few days following a flood to allow recovery of the young vegetation. If the sediments are deep, they
may require additional seeding and possibly mulching. Seed mixtures can be selected based on the
texture of the flood-deposited sediment. Biweekly to monthly inspection and removal should
continue throughout establishment when regular flows are anticipated (April through September).

Planted woody trees and shrubs should be observed and documented for wildlife damage such as
browse, trunk damage and other physical damage. If wildlife damage is observed, protection should
be installed.

Beaver protection installed at the time of installation may require straightening and debris removal
after high water event. Over the long-term, beaver cages will require loosening or enlarging around
growing trees to prevent loss of the trees from strangulation by the fencing.

Irrigation of seeded/planted material during the early establishment period may be needed during
especially hot summer drought periods.

Social walking/biking trails through wetland areas should be discouraged through piling dead wood,
boulders, and/or appropriate signage.

Repair perimeter fencing, signage, and vandalism that may occur.

8.0 Post-construction Monitoring

Post-construction monitoring of revegetation progress is essential for determining the appropriate
maintenance and corrective measures that may be required during establishment of vegetation at a site.
The results of the monitoring provide the information necessary for adaptive management, which is key
for effective revegetation due to climatic variability and other uncontrollable factors. Research has shown
that if a revegetation project has problems, they typically show up in the first couple of years after plant
installation (NRCS 1997).

A trained professional should conduct and evaluate monitoring recognizing that the site will progress
through intermediate stages prior to full revegetation. A variety of techniques and methods for assessing
revegetation are available, ranging from simple photo documentation, to comparison to reference sites, to
more rigorous ecological evaluations, particularly for wetland sites. See BLM (1999) and Faber-
Langendoen et al. (2006) as two resources for monitoring approaches at revegetation sites.

For upland and riparian areas, post-construction monitoring may be required from a federal, state, or local
agency depending on project permits. If monitoring is required, the agency may have specific success
criteria to meet. For wetland areas, post-construction monitoring is usually required as a condition of the
Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting process. A permit granted by the USACE authorizing fill in
wetlands or other waters typically specifies a series of performance measures (also referred to as success
criteria or performance criteria) that the mitigation area must meet in order for the permit conditions to be

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Because of the importance of monitoring, adequate funding must be set aside during project development
to support this phase of the project. Otherwise, the project may fail to comply with permit conditions
(particularly 404 and stormwater construction permits, which require follow-up monitoring and reporting)
and/or failure on-the-ground through lack of appropriate adaptive management.

The following post-construction monitoring phases Should the contractor be responsible for
are typical: the success of the vegetation?
Warranty Period Monitoring: Warranty
Warranties are typically used to hold the
period monitoring of sites with substantial
completion by early spring should begin in late
original contractor responsible for the
May or early June to determine initial seedling ultimate success of the vegetation.
establishment and composition and density of However, this is not necessarily the best or
weed species. Monitoring in May can help even the most cost effective method to
determine a variety of conditions: whether ensure success. UDFCD will typically
seedling establishment is proceeding; whether have the contractor perform initial efforts
the specified seed mix was in fact installed to vegetate the disturbed area. If these
correctly at the proper rate; what the weed efforts turn out to be unsuccessful,
species are and when they are likely to require UDFCD will work directly with a
early summer mowing or later spot herbicide landscape specialist/contractor in an effort
treatment; whether the bank protection
to reach adequate coverage of vegetation
measures are holding and establishing woody
and herbaceous growth; whether the woody
as quickly as possible.
containerized vegetation appears to be healthy
or in need of watering; and whether the trees and shrubs which were planted still appear to be the
proper species as they leaf out. Evaluation of establishment at this time can sometimes lead to early
corrective measures, such as reseeding of bare areas or rilling, mending or correcting poorly installed
RECPs. Early growth of noxious biennial species which will flower in June or July should be noted
and weed control efforts planned at this time.

A second key warranty monitoring period typically occurs in August, when the area can again be
checked for continued successful herbaceous establishment, woody vegetation survival and growth,
and whether occasional watering and weed control efforts are being made. Plans can be made at this
time for late season mowing and spot herbicide treatments, fall re-seeding and other corrective

Final warranty period inspection should occur at the end of warranty (1 year after substantial
completion of construction and planting). At this time the site should be evaluated to determine if
establishment meets the contract specification and plans. All temporary erosion control fencing,
straw bales, tree protection or other temporary protective measures should be removed and disposed
of offsite. Bare areas should be seeded with the seed mixture specified for that area in the plans.

Long-term Monitoring: The next phase includes longer-term monitoring, typically by a

revegetation specialist or wetland scientist with reporting to regulatory authorities. Monitoring
methodologies may range from a quick visual inspection to an in-depth study of species composition,
distribution, and density based on quantitative sampling techniques (Colorado Natural Areas Program

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Representative issues that may need to be addressed during the course of post-construction monitoring

Noxious weedsweeds on the Colorado Noxious Weed A List should be noted and promptly and
aggressively treated. Similarly, areas with infestations of Colorado Noxious Weed B or C List
species with more than 10% cover should be promptly addressed; however, a tolerable range of what
species can be present and/or the cover of an individual species can vary by state or local jurisdiction
and by specific permitting requirements for an individual project. Using GPS to mark the locations of
noxious weeds may be beneficial for short- and long-term monitoring.

Browse damage (i.e., impacts from animals grazing on plants).

Streambank or shoreline erosion.

Irrigation needs or adjustments (irrigation is typically not needed for long-term maintenance of native

Replacement plantings.

Water management in wetlands (if feasible).

Removal of previously installed browse protection or temporary irrigation.

If animal damage or weed infestations appear to be significant issues, management plans can be prepared
to address the problems over the long term.

9.0 Conclusion
Successful revegetation requires a multi-phase effort targeted to the relevant habitat condition. Drainage
projects along the Front Range may encounter upland, riparian, and wetland habitat types, each having
unique revegetation considerations. Successful revegetation projects will address proper site preparation,
plant material selection and installation, mulching, maintenance and post-construction monitoring. Early
involvement of a revegetation specialist can help improve the likelihood of a successful revegetation
effort. Additionally, post-construction monitoring can help to identify problems that can be corrected
while they are at a more manageable stage.

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Chapter 13 Revegetation

10.0 References
Bantilan-Smith, M., Bruland, G., MacKenzie, R., Henry, A., and C. Ryder. 2009. A Comparison of the
Vegetation and Soils of Natural, Restored, and Created Coastal Lowland Wetlands in Hawaii
Wetlands, 29 (3): 1023-1035. DOI: 10.1672/08-127.1

Brown, S.C. and B.L. Bedford. 1997. Restoration of wetland vegetation with transplanted wetland soil:
An experimental study. Wetlands, 17 (3): 424-437.

Burton, T.A., Smith S.J., and E.R. Cowley. 2008. Monitoring Stream Channels and Riparian Vegetation
Multiple Indicators, Ver. 5.0. April. Interagency Technical Bulletin BLM/ID/GI-08/001+1150, ID.

Cardon, G.E., J.G. Davis, T.A. Bauder, and R.M. Waskom. 2007. Managing Saline Soils. Colorado State
University Extension Paper No. 0.503. ( Ft. Collins,
CO: Colorado State University Extension.

Colorado Natural Areas Program. 1998. Native Plant Revegetation Guide for Colorado. Caring for the
Land Series, Vol. 3. October. Colorado State Parks, Colorado Department of Natural Resources,
Denver, CO.

Colorado State University Extension. 2011. Estimating Soil Texture: Sand, Silt or Clayey. December.
Colorado State University Extension. Fort Collins, CO.

Dickinson, S.B. 2007. Influences of Soil Amendments and Microtopography on Vegetation at a Created
Tidal Freshwater Swamp in Southeastern Virginia. Thesis. August 31. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University, Blacksburg, VA.

Dorner, J. 2002. An Introduction to Using Native Plants in Restoration Projects. Center for Urban
Horticulture, University of Washington. Prepared for U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. November.

Elzinga, C.L., Salzer, D.W., and J.W. Willoughby. 1998. Measuring and Monitoring Plant Populations.
BLM Technical Reference 1730-1. Denver, CO.

Faber-Langendoen, D.J., Rocchio, M., Schafale, C., Nordman, M., Pyne, J., Teague, T., Foti, and P.
Comer. 2006. Ecological Integrity Assessment and Performance Measures for Wetland Mitigation.
NatureServe, Arlington, VA.

Farardo, G.I. 2006. Physical and Chemical Soil Properties of Ten Virginia Department of Transportation
Mitigation Wetlands. Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.

Goodwin, K., Marks, G., and R. Sheley. 2006. Revegetation Guidelines for Western Montana:
Considering Invasive Weeds. Prepared for the Missoula County Weed District with funding
assistance from the Center for Invasive Plant Management and the Montana Noxious Weed Trust
Fund. Missoula, MT.

GreenCO. 2008. Green Industry Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual for the Protection and
Conservation of Water Resources in Colorado. Prepared by Wright Water Engineers.

Harris, J.A. and P. Birch. 1989. Soil microbial activity in opencast coal mine restorations. Soil Use and
Management 5 (4): 155-160.

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Revegetation Chapter 13

Hoag, J.C. 1995. Using Dormant Pole Cuttings to Revegetate Riparian Areas. Interagency
Riparian/Wetland Plant Development Project, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service,
Aberdeen, ID. July.

Hoag, J.C. 1998. Establishment Techniques for Woody Vegetation in Riparian Zones of the Arid and
Semi-arid West. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Plant Materials Center, Aberdeen, ID.

Hoag, J.C. 2002. Streambank Soil Bioengineering Field Guide for Low Precipitation Areas. USDA-
Natural Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen, ID.

Hoag, J.C. 2007. How to Plant Willows and Cottonwoods for Riparian Restoration. USDA-Natural
Resources Conservation Service, Aberdeen, ID.

Kruse, R., Bend E., and Bierzychudek P. 2004. Native Plant Regeneration and Introduction of Non-
Natives Following Post-fire Rehabilitation with Straw Mulch and Barley Seeding. Elsevier Forest
Ecology and Management Journal, 196 (299-310). March.

Los Lunas Plant Materials Center. 2005. Plant Materials Technical Note No. 67: Riparian Restoration in
the Southwest: Focusing Your Planning on Crucial Factors Concerning Site Preparation, Landscape
Goals, and Revegetation. February. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Albuquerque, NM.

Los Lunas Plant Materials Center. No Date. Guidelines for Planting Dormant Pole Cuttings in Riparian
Areas of the Southwest.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1997. Wetland Restoration and Enhancement, Northwest
Freshwater Wetlands Student Workbook. National Employee Development Center, U.S. Department
of Agriculture. January.

Natural Resource Conservation Service. 1998. Soil Quality Resource Concerns: Soil Biodiversity. U.S.
Department of Agriculture. Washington, D.C. January.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2001a. Plant Materials Technical Note No. 3. Tips for Planting
Trees and Shrubs: Revegetation and Landscaping. February. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Portland, OR.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2001b. Riparian/Wetland Project Information Series No. 16:
Riparian Planting Zones in the Intermountain West. U.S. Department of Agriculture. (Revised,

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2002. Technical Note Plant Materials No. 59: Plant Suitability
and Seeding Rates for Conservation Plantings in Colorado. September. U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Denver, CO.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2003. Technical Note Plant Materials No. 13: Harvesting,
Propagating, and Planting Wetland Plants. December. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Boise, ID.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2005a. Mulches and Mulching for Erosion Control. February.
U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2005b. Riparian/Wetland Project Information Series No. 18:
Streambank Soil Bioengineering Considerations for Semi-Arid Climates. May. U.S. Department of

13-48 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 13 Revegetation

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Technical Note Plant Materials No. 38: Suggestions for
Installing Hardwood Cuttings (Slips, Whips, Live Stakes, Poles, Posts) and Live Fascines (Pacific
Northwest Region, West of Cascades). September. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Portland, OR.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2007. Riparian/Wetland Project Information Series No. 22: How
to Manipulate Water in a New, Restored, or Enhanced Wetland to Encourage Wetland Plant
Establishment. June. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Aberdeen, ID.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2008. Engineering Field Handbook, Chapter 13: Wetland
Restoration, Enhancement, or Creation. April. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2011a. Technical Note Plant Materials No. 38: Description,
Propagation, and Establishment of Wetland Riparian Grass and Grass-like Species in the
Intermountain West. October. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Boise, ID Salt Lake City, UT.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. September 2011b. Technical Note Plant Materials No. 74:
Seedbed Preparation for Conservation Plantings. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Denver, CO.

Natural Resources Conservation Service. No Date. Backyard Conservation Tip Sheet: Mulching.
Retrieved on April 27, 2012 from:

Natural Resources Conservation Service. No Date. Basic Guide for Seeding Native Grass in Arid and
Semi-Arid Ecoregions. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Los Lunas, NM.

Oregon Department of State Lands (ODSL). 2009. Routine Monitoring Guidance for Vegetation, Interim
Review Draft, Version 1.0. September 23. State of Oregon, Salem, OR.

Stankey, G.H., Clark, R.N., and B.T. Bormann. 2005. Adaptive Management of Natural Resources:
Theory, Concepts, and Management Institutions. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-654. August.
Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
73 p.

State of Colorado. Water Quality Certification Requirements - Fulfilling the Requirements of the Clean
Water Act Section 401. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Denver, CO.

Strohmayer, P. 1999. Soil Stockpiling for Reclamation and Restoration activities after Mining and
Construction, Restoration and Reclamation Review, University of Minnesota, Vol. 4, No. 7, Spring.

Swift, C. 1997. Salt Tolerances of Various Temperate Zone Ornamental Plants, Colorado State
University Tri-River Area.

Swift, C. and A. Koski. 2007. Growing Turf on Salt-Affected Sites. Gardening Fact Sheet 7.227
( Ft. Collins, CO: Colorado State University Extension.

U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM). 1999. Sampling Vegetation Attributes, Technical Reference
1734-4, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Denver, CO.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). January 1994. A Citizens Guide to Wetland Restoration.
Approaches to Restoring Vegetation Communities and Wildlife habitat Structure in Freshwater
Wetland Systems. Region 10, Seattle, WA.

January 2016 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District 13-49

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Revegetation Chapter 13

Vallentine, J.F. 1989. Range Development and Improvements, Third Edition. Academic Press, Inc. San
Diego, CA.

Weed Research and Information Center, University of California-Davis. 2013. Weed Control in Natural
Areas in the Western United States.

West, N.E. 1985. Shortcomings of plant frequency-based methods for range condition and trend. William
C. Krueger, Chairman. Proc., 38th Annual Meeting Society of Range Management. February 1985.
Salt Lake City Society for Range Management 87-90.

Zedler, J.B. and M.W. Weller. 1989. Overview and Future Directions. In: J.A. Kusler and M.E, Kentula,
eds. Wetland Creation and Restoration: the Status of the Science, Vol. 1. U.S. EPA/7600/389/038,
pp. 465-473. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, OR.

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Chapter 13 Revegetation

Figure 13-3. Tree protection

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Figure 13-4. Wetland sod installation with staking

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Figure 13-5. Stakes

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Figure 13-6. Wetland plug planting

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Figure 13-7. Deciduous tree planting

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Figure 13-8. Upland evergreen tree planting

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Figure 13-9. Tree stake layout

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Figure 13-10. Deep tree planting for B&B cottonwood species

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Figure 13-11. Tree planting on slope

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Figure 13-12. Tree planting on riprap slope

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Figure 13-13. Shrub planting container

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Figure 13-14. Willow live stakes planting

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Figure 13-15. Willow bundle installation

Figure 13-16. Waterfowl grazing control

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Figure 13-17. Cottonwood poling

Figure 13-18. Beaver protection

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Figure 13-19. Coir mat placement and trenching detail

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Appendix A. Seed Mix Tables

Upland Native Seed Mixes (drill seed rates)

Table A-1. Upland area seed mix loamy to clay soils

Growth Growth % Mix Lb/ac
Common Name Scientific Name Season Form (PLS1)
Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis Warm Sod 25 1.8
Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Warm Bunch 20 0.2
Sideoats grama Bouteloua curtipendula Warm Sod 20 6.3
Western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii Cool Sod 15 8.2
Buffalograss Bouteloua dactyloides Warm Sod 10 10.7
Inland saltgrass Distichlis spicata Warm Sod 5 0.6
Pasture sage Artemisia frigida 1 0.01
Blanket flower Gaillardia aristata 1 0.5
Prairie coneflower Ratibida columnifera 1 0.1
Dalea (Petalostemum)
Purple prairieclover purpurea 0.3
Blue flax Linum lewisii 1 0.4
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

Table A-2. Upland area seed mix sandy soil

Growth Growth % Mix Lb/ac
Common Name Scientific Name Season Form (PLS1)
Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Warm Sod/Bunch 15 2.3
Prairie sandreed Calamovilfa longifolia Warm Sod 10 2.2
Sideoats grama Bouteloua curtipendula Warm Sod 10 3.1
Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis Warm Sod 10 0.7
Indian ricegrass Oryzopsis hymenoides Cool Bunch 10 4.3
Western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii Cool Sod 10 5.5
Little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Warm Bunch 10 2.3
Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Warm Bunch 10 0.1
Green needlegrass Stipa viridula Cool Bunch 10 3.3
Pasture sage Artemisia frigida 1 0.1
Blanket flower Gaillardia aristata 2 0.9
Maceranthera 2 0.2
Tansy aster tanacetifolia
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

13-66 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 13 Revegetation

Table A-3. Upland/transitional area seed mix alkali soil

Growth Growth Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name % Mix
Season Form (PLS1)
Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis Warm Sod 20 1.5
Sideoats grama Bouteloua curtipendula Warm Sod 15 4.7
Slender wheatgrass Elymus trachycaulus Cool Bunch 15 5.7
Alkali sacaton Sporobolus airoides Warm Sod/Bunch 15 0.5
Inland saltgrass Distichlis spicata Warm Sod 15 1.7
Western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii Cool Sod 10 5.5
Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Warm Bunch 10 0.1
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

Riparian Native Seed Mixes

Table A-4. Riparian seed mix loamy to clay soils

(Recommended for middle to upper terraces and slopes above the 5-year flood elevations.)

Growth Growth Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name % Mix
Season Form (PLS1)
Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis Warm Sod 20 1.5
Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Warm Bunch 20 0.2
Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Warm Sod/Bunch 20 3.2
Sideoats grama Bouteloua curtipendula Warm Sod 15 4.7
Western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii Cool Sod 10 5.5
Green needlegrass Nasella viridula Cool Bunch 10 3.3
Smooth aster Aster laevis 1 0.1
Louisiana sage Artemisia ludovisciana 1 0.1
Heliomeris multiflora 1
Showy goldeneye (aka Viguiera) 0.1
Blanket flower Gaillardia aristata 1 0.5
Prairie coneflower Ratibida columnifera 1 0.1
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Revegetation Chapter 13

Table A-5. Riparian area seed mix sandy soil

(Recommended for middle to upper terraces and slopes above 5-year flood elevations.)

Growth Growth Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name % Mix
Season Form (PLS1)
Sand dropseed Sporobolus Warm Bunch 20 0.2
Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Warm Sod/Bunch 20 3.1
Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis Warm Sod 15 1.1
Canada wildrye Elymus canadensis Cool Bunch 10 5.2
Sand bluestem Andropogon hallii Warm Bunch 10 5.3
Western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii Cool Sod 10 5.5
Yellow Indiangrass Sorghastrum nutans Warm Sod 10 3.5
Blanket flower Gaillardia aristata 1 0.5
Rocky Mountain Penstemon strictus 1 0.1
Purple prairie clover Dalea purpurea 1 0.3
Mexican hat Ratibida columnifera 1 0.1
Western yarrow Achillea millefolium 1 0.02
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

Table A-6. Riparian area seed mix alkali soil

(Recommended for middle to upper terraces and slopes above the 5-year flood elevations.)

Growth Growth % Mix Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name
Season Form (PLS1)
Alkali sacaton Sporobolus airoides Warm Bunch 25 0.9
Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis Warm Sod 25 1.8
Inland saltgrass Distichlis spicata Warm Sod 25 2.9
Streambank wheatgrass Elymus lanceolatus Cool Sod 10 3.9
Western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii Cool Sod 10 5.5
Buffalograss Bouteloua dactyloides Warm Sod 5 5.4
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

13-68 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 13 Revegetation

Table A-7. Riparian/creek edge seed mix moist to wet soils

(Recommended for riparian streambank/low terraces below the 5-year flood elevation.)

Growth Growth Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name % Mix
Season Form (PLS1)
Inland saltgrass Distichlis stricta Cool Sod 15 1.7
Creeping spikerush Eleocharis palustris Cool Sod 15 1.5
Baltic rush Juncus balticus Cool Sod 15 0.1
Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Warm Sod 12 1.9
Western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii Cool Sod 8 4.4
Green needlegrass Nasella viridula Cool Bunch 10 3.3
Prairie cordgrass Spartina pectinata Warm Sod 10 3.1
Wooly sedge Carex lanuginosa Cool Sod 5 1.0
Nebraska sedge Carex nebrascensis Cool Sod 5 0.6
Wild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa 1 0.1
Yarrow Achillea millefolium 1 0.02
Blue vervain Verbena hastata 2 0.1
Nuttall's sunflower Helianthus nuttallii 1 0.2
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Revegetation Chapter 13

Wetland Native Seed Mixes

Table A-8. Wetland seed mix loamy to sandy soils

(Recommended for detention ponds and less eroding wetland areas.)

Growth Growth % Wetland Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name
Season Form Mix Indicator* (PLS1)
Grasses and Herbaceous Species
American SloughgrassBeckmannia syzigachne Cool Sod 15 OBL 0.8
Prairie cordgrass Spartina pectinata Warm Sod 15 FACW 4.6
Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Warm Sod/Bunch 15 FAC 2.3
Western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii Cool Sod 10 FACU 5.5
Fowl mannagrass Glyceria striata Cool Sod 10 OBL 3.3
Hardstem bulrush Scirpus acutus 10 OBL 1.6
Baltic rush Juncus balticus 10 OBL 0.1
Creeping spikerush Eleocharis palustris 10 OBL 1.0
Blue vervain Verbena hastata 2.5 FACW 0.1
Nuttalls sunflower Helianthus nuttallii 2.5 FAC 0.5
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate
Table A-9. Wetland seed mix clay and alkali soils
(Recommended for detention ponds and wetland areas.)

Growth Growth % Wetland Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name 1
Season Form Mix Indicator* (PLS
Grasses and Herbaceous Species )
Alkali sacaton Sporobolus airoides Warm Bunch 10 FAC 0.4
Inland saltgrass Distichlis spicata Warm Sod 10 FACW 1.2
Nuttalls alkaligrass Puccinellia nuttalliana Cool Bunch 10 OBL 0.2
Prairie cordgrass Spartina pectinata Warm Sod 10 FACW 3.0
Slender wheatgrass Elymus trachycaulus spp. Cool Bunch 10 FACU 3.8
Western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii Cool Sod 10 FACU 5.5
Fowl mannagrass Glyceria striata Cool Sod 10 OBL 3.3
Hardstem bulrush Scirpus acutus 10 OBL 1.6
Baltic rush Juncus balticus 10 OBL 0.1
Creeping spikerush Eleocharis palustris 10 OBL 1.0
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate
Note: Wildflowers species not recommended for clay or alkali soils.
Wetland Indicator Key for Tables A-8 and A-9:
FAC = Facultative Equally occurs in both wetlands and uplands.
FACU = Facultative Upland Occurs mostly in uplands, but can occur in wetlands about 1/3 of the time.
FACW = Facultative Wetlands Occurs mostly in wetlands, but can occur in uplands about 1/3 of the
OBL = Obligate Wetlands Almost always occurs in wetlands.
UPL = Uplands Almost always occurs in uplands.

13-70 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Chapter 13 Revegetation

Temporary Native Seed Mixes

Note: A sterile annual grass such as a wheat X wheatgrass hybrid may be used as temporary grass cover
in areas that are likely to be disturbed again. A sterile annual cover crop is generally less expensive and
quicker to establish than a temporary native grass seed mix. The native grass seed mixes as shown below
offer an alternative to seeding with annual sterile grasses and can be used in areas where there may be
limited future disturbance therefore warranting a temporary seed mix that can become permanent.

Table A-10. Upland area temporary seed mix loamy to clay soils

Growth Growth % of Seed Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name
Season Form Mix (PLS1)
Slender wheatgrass Elymus trachycaulus spp. Cool Bunch 20 5
Green needlegrass Nasella viridula Cool Bunch 20 4.4
Western wheatgrass Pascopyrum smithii Cool Sod 20 7.3
Arizona fescue Festuca arizonica Cool Bunch 20 1.5
Sideoats grama Bouteloua curtipendula Warm Bunch/Sod 20 4.2


PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

Table A-11. Upland area temporary seed mix sandy soil

Growth Growth % of Seed Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name
Season Form Mix (PLS1)
Sand lovegrass Eragrostis trichodes Warm Bunch 20 0.5
Sand bluestem Andropogon hallii Warm Sod 20 7.1
Prairie sandreed Calamovilfa longifolia Warm Sod 15 2.2
Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Warm Bunch 15 0.1
Hesperostipa comata spp.
Needle and Thread Cool Bunch 15 5.2
Aristida purpurea var.
Red three-awn Warm Bunch 15 2
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

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Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2
Revegetation Chapter 13

Table A-12. Upland area temporary seed mix combination of soil types

Growth Growth % of Seed Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name
Season Form Mix (PLS1)
Slender wheatgrass Elymus trachycaulus spp. Cool Bunch 25 6.3
Canada wildrye Elymus canadensis Cool Bunch 15 5.2
Little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Warm Bunch 15 2.3
Elymus lanceolatus ssp.
Thickspike wheatgrass Cool Sod 15 3.9
Sixweeks fescue Vulpia octoflora Cool Annual/ 15 0.6
Bottlebrush squirreltail Elymus elymoides Cool Bunch 15 3.1
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

Table A-13. Moist to wet area temporary seed mix combination of soil types

Growth Growth % of Seed Lb/ac

Common Name Scientific Name
Season Form Mix (PLS1)
Streambank Elymus lanceolatus ssp.
Cool Sod 20 5.1
wheatgrass psammophilus
Slender wheatgrass Elymus trachycaulus spp. Cool Bunch 15 3.8
Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Warm Sod/Bunch 15 1.5
American Beckmannia syzigachne Cool Sod 15 0.5
Bluejoint reedgrass Calamagrostis canadensis Cool Sod 15 0.3
Fowl mannagrass Glyceria striata Cool Sod 10 2.2
Inland saltgrass Distichlis spicata Warm Sod 10 0.8
PLS = Pure Live Seed If broadcast seeding, double the rate

13-72 Urban Drainage and Flood Control District January 2016

Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 2

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