Nov 14-18 2016 Newsletter
Nov 14-18 2016 Newsletter
Nov 14-18 2016 Newsletter
experiment and his/her lesson taught to the class. These will
come home today!
You will need to keep your childs experiment in a safe
place. The date will be on the instruction page. He/she
will have a worksheet to record that will need to be
returned and explained to the class on the day of the
experiment. Please keep up with the paper, it takes a
lot of time for me to assign, put in my lesson plans,
and copy and then go find the lesson and pull that
particular information again if it is lost. If your child is
Class sick on his/her day, I will give them a makeup day in
January. You are welcome to come and watch your child
November 14th- teach the lesson. Please practice at home and pretend
to be the audience. We will have a Q and A session at
November 18th 2016 the end of each experiment. Our science time is at
11:05 and continue until lunch. So, if you are coming
Dear Parents, just sign in at the office and come to the classroom.
This week in Readers Workshop, we This is so much fun for everyone.
will read, Duck on a Bike To increase
reading comprehension, we willRecognize
Story Structure (Stories have structure, or a Ways you can support your childs learning
way in which the things in the story happen. at home:
For example, stories have a beginning, Have your child read to someone each
middle, and end.) Identify Plot and night for 10-15 min.
Character (Following what the characters, or Have your child practice writing simple
people, or animals, do can help readers sentences paying attention to using
understand the story better. What happens spacing between words
Play a word wall word game
to the characters is called the plot.)
These are the words that have been
Informational Text: Expository (text that
introduced: I, the, we, like, a, see, go, to,
explains or gives information; often contains
have, is, play, are, for, this, do, and, what,
photographs). you ,little, said, here, was, she, he, has
,look, with, my, me, where, when, who
This week in Writers Workshop we will
New words this week: at, how, up
continue writing how to books. We will be
focusing on using spacing between words, Help your child sound out words and
pointing to the words to reread our writing to see write about a topic of interest using
if it makes sense. We will work on correcting our details in a story and drawing
writing so it will make sense to others. In Math pictures to go with the words.
we will play many math games to reinforce Help your child start sentences with a
numbers and counting backwards, comparing capital letter and use punctuation, we
numbers, decomposing numbers, and counting will have a grade on this for this nine
on from a certain number. weeks!
For Social Studies we will be talking Count backwards from 20
about Thanksgiving. In Science, we will be Generate a number that is one more
continuing our study of objects in the sky. than or one less than another number
up to 20 ( also a new requirement
Your childs Turkey in Disguise is due today! from the state)
Practice counting by 5s to 100 orally
Have your child practice writing first
Holidays and Traditions and last name (I am sending home
Look for the form coming home to celebrate holidays and a model)
traditions with our class. We are looking for parents or
grandparents to come and do a lesson any day in December
about a special holiday or tradition! These lessons will be
during social studies right after lunch at 12:10. The forms will
come home today. ******
Scientist of the Day Book Baggies
Look for a note and science experiment that will come Read every night
home with your child. Your child will be assigned a day
and a project. Your child will do the experiment at
home and then bring in the materials and explain it Looking forward to a great week!
and do it with the class. Projects will begin Nov. 28th
and end Jan. 13th. Your child will be graded on the Sincerely, Sherry Glidewell
(512) 841-0326