2 5 10 Newsletter
2 5 10 Newsletter
2 5 10 Newsletter
The Brubaker Buzz
I S S U E 2 0 F E B R U A R Y 5 , 2 0 0 9
A Look Back
weather We have had a very helping your child review how to exactly make a graph
busy week in class! We be- these same concepts at home or explain how you would
friends gan a review unit in math that is a great way to help them find the main idea of a story.
will take us up to spring keep the information out of
break. I told the students we the trash bin of our brain.
mixes were pulling stuff from the
back of the our brain ( the This week we re- Don’t forget the dance to-
ladies trash area) and told our brain viewed graphing, testable/ night! I’ll be there for a short
it wasn’t ready to throw it out survey questions, and build- while at the beginning, as
marches ing graphs. We also used a Katie has basketball practice
yet! We’re going to reuse it
and bring it to the front where very important test at 6:30.
it can stay for a while. word...EXPLAIN. We use it
parties everyday on everything. The
As you know, we are saying in our classroom is “If
turkeys preparing for the MAP test. you can teach, you know it.”
Our scheduled dates of testing It’s true, the better a person
tries Classroom Rule:
will be April 5th—16th. This can relay or teach something
January is the reason for review. It’s the more concrete it becomes
very brain friendly to keep in their brains! This is a great Don’t interrupt when
February revisiting concepts already way to help students become
learned so that they become ever smarter! Try it at home.
someone is speaking.
permanent in our minds. By Have your child teach you
Always explain how you
Parent Teacher Con-
ferences 2/9 and 2/11
A Peek to Next Week got your answer.
No School 2/12 and
Next week will con- During reading we main characters, and infer-
tinue the same path. We’ll will begin reading a story ring.
2/15 will be used as a
stick to reviewing in math by called Mailing May. It’s a
looking at telling time and really neat story that has a We’ll also begin a
snow makeup day.
reading word problems. twist that isn’t really ex- writing prompt about mailing
We’ll also work on subtrac- pected. We’ll use this time to an object. This will be very
Character Council tion skills. revisit setting, plot, main idea, MAP friendly and help the
dance 2/5 6—8 students understand how
closely I grade with the MAP
Book Orders due 2-19. grading scale.
Don’t forget you can
order online. Let me
know if you need to
and password
Information to Know
Our class Valentine Our party will be on everyone decides to
Education is an party will be held in February 11th from make!
ornament in 1:45—2:35 in the gym.
the gym (as the fall
prosperity and a We’ll come back to the
refuge in party was). We will,
classroom that end of
adversity— however, have a short the day card party.
Aristotle time that we can pass Your child can make a
out Valentine cards and Valentine box! I can’t
enjoy some company wait to know what
with each other.
Valentine’s List
Caleb Haven Mark
Nick Haley
Hannah DeSean Madalynn
Anna H. Cory
Anna B. Erica
Kelsey Garrett