Ems Tool
Ems Tool
Ems Tool
System Tool
The EMS Tool consists of guidance notes, a manual and a set of registers. The registers
and manual have been designed as templates which may be used by organisations to set
up the documentation for their EMS. The guidance notes provide explanatory information
on each section of an EMS (following the ISO14001 framework) and may provide
assistance in understanding each of the steps involved in establishing and documenting
an EMS.
The manual and registers are suggested formats for documenting an organisations EMS.
Parts or all of the manual and registers may be modified, deleted or substituted as an
organisation sees fit. Organisations with an existing environmental management system
may be able to utilise parts of the EMS Tool as part of the continual improvement of their
management system.
This version of the EMS Tool is presented in a single document. The intention of this
version is to provide the reader with an easy way to view the entire EMS Tool in soft copy.
The Tool includes hyperlinks at each of the main sections of the guidance notes and the
manual to enable the reader to flick quickly between the relating sections of each module.
Hyperlinks are also included to the relevant register where they have been referred to in
both the guidance notes and the manual. How to use instructions are located at the
beginning of each module.
The EMS Tool was developed for the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and
the Arts by NCSI.
The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
those of the Australian Government or the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts or the Minister
for Climate Change and Water.
While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are factually correct,
the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall
not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of, or
reliance on, the contents of this publication.
EMS Manual
1 Scope of EMS...............................................................................................31
2 Environmental policy.....................................................................................33
3 Planning........................................................................................................33
3.1 Environmental aspects.......................................................................33
3.2 Legal and other requirements............................................................35
3.3 Objectives, targets and program(s)....................................................35
4 Implementation and operation......................................................................35
4.1 Resources, roles, responsibility and authority...................................35
4.2 Competence, training and awareness................................................36
4.3 Communication...................................................................................36
4.4 Documentation...................................................................................37
4.5 Control of documents.........................................................................37
4.6 Operational control.............................................................................38
4.7 Emergency preparedness and response...........................................38
These guidance notes have been developed to assist organisations to complete the manual
and registers to suit their specific operational requirements. The guidance notes are set out in
the same order as the EMS manual and the AS/NZS14001:2004. If downloaded as one
complete document, the EMS Tool includes hyperlinks at each section within the manual and
guidance notes to enable the reader to jump between the corresponding sections. Hyperlinks
have also been included where reference is made to a register.
The documentation provided within the EMS Tool is only the foundation documentation for an
environmental management system. In the development of an EMS, an organisation must, at
the very least adapt the documentation to suit its particular circumstances, then augment the
documentation with further documented operational controls considered necessary, and
faithfully implement the processes and controls described by the documentation.
Environmental Management Systems
An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a structured system or
management tool which, once implemented, helps an organisation to identify the
environmental impacts resulting from its business activities and to improve its
environmental performance. The system aims to provide a methodical approach to
planning, implementing and reviewing an organisations environmental management.
Most organisations will have systems for managing their human resources, business
objectives and finances as well as occupational health and safety, and security. An
Environmental Management System will work more effectively if it is designed to
operate in line with an organisations existing systems and processes, such as the
planning cycle, the setting of targets and improvement programs, corrective and
preventive action and management review.
The documentation provided within the EMS Tool is only the foundation
documentation for an Environmental Management System. In the development of an
environmental management system, an organisation must, at the very least adapt the
documentation to suit its particular circumstances, then augment the documentation
with further documented operational controls considered necessary, and faithfully
implement the processes and controls described by the documentation. The following
steps describe many essential processes involved in establishing and implementing
an Environmental Management System within an organisation.
Standards Australia & Standards New Zealand adopted both of these ISO standards
in 2004. Therefore, in Australia we refer to the standards as AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004
and AS/NZS ISO 14004:2004. AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 is the standard that sets out
the requirements for an environmental management system and is against this
standard that the EMS Tool has been based.
The requirements that are the subject of audit for certification of an environmental
management system are set out in clause 4 of the standard. AS/NZS ISO
14004:2004 is a more substantial guidance document on how to establish,
implement, maintain and improve an Environmental Management System. The
guidance document also provides practical help and identifies issues to be
considered when implementing a particular requirement of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004.
The standards mentioned in this model EMS can be purchased online from NCS
International at http://www.ncsi.com.au/standards.html (printed versions) and SAI
Global at http://www.saiglobal.com/shop (printed and online versions).
Reports are provided on all three audits by the assessment body. Nonconformities or
deficiencies raised in the documentation review and preliminary audit must be
resolved prior to the certification audit. The time between the documentation review
and preliminary audit on the one hand and the certification audit on the other usually
depends on the ability of the organisation to resolve such nonconformities.
All reports and other documents prepared by the certification body are reviewed by
an independent assessor, and if all requirements are met, certification to the
requirements of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 is granted.
Initial certification is for three years. Surveillance audits are conducted so that the
conformity assessment body can remain confident that the certified management
system continues to fulfil requirements. These are not necessarily full system audits,
and are conducted 6-monthly or annually depending on level of environmental risk
(generally considered low in an office based organisation) and the certified
organisations requirements.
Recertification audits are conducted every three years to evaluate the continued
fulfilment of all the requirements of the international standard for the environmental
management system.
The important part of this clause is the requirement to define and document the
scope of the EMS for which certification to the requirements of the standard is
sought. An organisation may choose to implement the standard across the entire
organisation, or in specific operating units, or at specific sites.
Example: The Department of XYZ provides information to the public on the Australian
Governments XYZ activities and policies. Its head office is in Parkes, ACT, and there
are branch offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. The Department also
has staff embedded in other government agencies in Adelaide, Darwin, Hobart and
Townsville, as well as in Australian consulates in the UK, USA, Hong Kong and
The standard requires the policy to be suitable for the nature, scale and
environmental impacts of the organisations activities, products and services. It is
therefore helpful if the policy outlines what the organisation does and produces, and
where it operates.
3. Planning
3.1 Environmental aspects AS/NZS ISO 14001 cl.4.3.1
Before an organisation can manage its environmental issues, it needs to identify how
it interacts with the environment. The standard uses some specific terms in this
Environmental aspects must include those that currently interact with the
environment, and those that have potential to interact with the environment. For
example, most office based organisations routinely use electricity for lighting, air
conditioning, computers and other equipment on a daily basis. These activities
continuously interact with the environment through the emission of greenhouse
gases from electricity generation (which is still mostly from coal fired power stations
in Australia). On the other hand, emergencies such as fire or chemical spills are
associated with potential interaction because their likelihood is rare.
The results of this process to identify, analyse and evaluate environmental aspects
are used to establish environmental objectives and targets. The rest of the
environmental management system is designed to control the significant
environmental aspects and achieve the objectives and targets.
A large, complex agency may find it useful to firstly establish the context for this
process in accordance with AS/NZS 4360:2004Risk management. In particular, it
may be useful to identify all external and internal stakeholders, as these stakeholders
will often perceive the agency to have certain environmental aspects with associated
risks. The following list of stakeholders is adapted from HB 436:2004Risk
management guidelines, a companion to AS/NZS 4360:2004 (pp. 31-32) and HB
203:2006Environmental Risk managementPrinciples and process (pp. 21-22):
The Register of Environmental Aspects provided within the EMS Tool is already
populated with some environmental aspects that are likely to be identified in an office
based organisation. A risk analysis is also completed for the environmental aspects.
An organisation can add or delete environmental aspects as appropriate, and change
any of the ratings for likelihood or consequences.
If the agency already has a well-established process for risk analysis, such as for
occupational health and safety or financial risk, this process could be used in place of
the risk analysis matrix in the EMS manual, with suitable adaptation to an
environmental management context.
The environmental policy must include a commitment to compliance with legal and
other requirements in order to meet the requirements of the standard.
The standard requires an organisation to identify and have access to the legal and
other requirements applicable to its environmental aspects, and to determine how
these requirements apply to the environmental aspects. In the EMS Tool, this is done
through maintenance of a Register of Legal and Other Requirements. This register
requires specific sections and clauses of legislation, regulations, permits,
agreements, etc. to be listed to facilitate the evaluation of compliance. The register in
the EMS Tool is filled out with several legal and other requirements which relate to
office-based organisations as suggested examples.
The standard also requires an organisation to ensure that its legal and other
requirements are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining its
environmental management system.
It must be emphasised that it is important that the register of legal and other
requirements is kept up-to-date. Several commercial services are available to assist
with identification of legislative requirements.
Environmental objectives are the overall goals that an organisation sets itself to
achieve. Environmental targets are detailed performance requirements that arise
from the environmental objectives. Environmental objectives and targets must be
consistent with the framework for setting and reviewing objectives and targets, and
commitments to the prevention of pollution, compliance with legal and other
requirements and continual improvement in the environmental policy.
When setting objectives and targets, an organisation must consider its legal and
other requirements, its significant environmental aspects, its technological options, its
financial, operational and business requirements and the views of interested parties.
The EMS Tool uses a Register of Environmental Objectives and Targets. This register
can include links to individual environmental actions plans or improvement programs,
or procedural controls. The register accompanying the EMS Tool is filled out with
many of the environmental aspects identified for office based organisations to
provide some examples.
The Responsibility Matrix is also used to document those positions or roles that have
potential to cause a significant environmental impact, that is, are working in areas or
jobs associated with the agencys significant environmental aspects.
The Responsibility Matrix also provides for recording the competence requirements
of all positions and roles relevant to an EMS, the title and position number of each
role and the name of the person in each position or role. Also recorded is the actual
competence determined as relevant for each position, training needs to fill any
competence gap, planned training or other development and actual training
undertaken. The Responsibility Matrix therefore needs to be kept up-to-date for
changes to organisational structure, staff changes and training planned and
Although the Responsibility Matrix partially fulfils the requirement of the standard to
maintain records of training, comprehensive training records for all staff and
contractors, including copies of training and educational qualifications, are usually
best kept by the Human Resources section of an organisation.
Organisations are expected to have sound procedures for outlining how comments or
complaints regarding environmental issues from external interested parties are
received, documented and followed up.
The EMS manual provides three options for proactively communicating externally
about significant environmental aspects:
Point (4) refers to documents and records specifically required by the standard, other
than those listed in points (1) to (3):
Documented roles, responsibilities and authorities
Records of competence assessment of persons or roles performing tasks that
have potential to cause a significant environmental impact
Records of training
Records of external communication
Documented decision about external communication about significant
environmental aspects
External documents
Records of monitoring and measurement
Records of calibration or verification of monitoring and measuring equipment
Records of evaluations of compliance with legal and other requirements
Records of results of corrective and preventive action
Records of management review.
Many other documents and records could also be appropriate to an organisation for
effective management of its environmental management system, and this is the
Document approval
Document review, update and re-approval
Identification of changes and current revision status
Availability at points of use
Legibility and identification
Identification and distribution of external documents
Management of obsolete documents.
Procedures are also required for significant environmental aspects of goods and
services used by the organisation. These do not strictly have to be documented, but
documentation facilitates communication of applicable procedures and requirements
to suppliers, including contractors. Again, this documentation of procedures is risk
The criteria that could be considered when adopting a risk based approach to
documenting procedures include:
Likelihood and consequences of environmental impact
Legal and other requirements
Size and complexity of the organisation and the need to ensure that a procedure
is undertaken consistently throughout the organisation
Benefits for training.
The approach used in the EMS Tool is to identify environmental emergency situations
and accidents as environmental aspects and in turn subject them to determination of
environmental significance. Most organisations already maintain an emergency
preparedness and response plan as a matter of course, so this plan is used in the
EMS Tool to satisfy the standards requirement for a procedure for responding to
emergencies and accidentsthere may be no need to create a new or separate
The standard also requires periodic review and appropriate revision of emergency
preparedness and response. The EMS Tool requires such review after each test and
the occurrence of emergencies or accidents and revision of the emergency
preparedness and response plan as appropriate.
For many agencies, many of the requirements in the international standard for
emergency preparedness and response will already be fulfilled and all that is
required is to formally integrate them into the environmental management system,
that is, ensure that they make appropriate reference to environmental impacts.
The EMS Tool uses an annual Schedule of Monitoring and Measurement in which
data relevant mostly to an office based organisation are collected on a monthly basis.
Other objectives, targets and key performance indicators relevant to an
organisations EMS can be added. The schedule is provided as a table in a Microsoft
Word document, but an organisation could convert the table to a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet that facilitates charting trends.
The manual within the EMS Tool provides for listing any monitoring or measuring
equipment that requires calibration or verification. This may not be relevant in a
wholly office-based organisation, in which case the section on monitoring and
measurement in the EMS manual should state this. Records of calibration or
verification are intended to be scanned and saved in a Calibration Records folder to
facilitate retrieval.
The evaluation can be conducted in a compliance audit. In the audit, questions can
be asked such as:
The evaluation of compliance is critically dependent on knowing the legal and other
requirements and how they apply to environmental impacts in some detail. This is
why the Register of Legal and Other Requirements is important. In the EMS Tool, this
register is used to facilitate the evaluation of compliance.
The process for identifying nonconformity and taking corrective and preventive action
leading to system improvement as intended by AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 is depicted
in a Corrective and Preventive Action Flowchart. The steps in the flowchart are
consistent with those required by AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 for dealing with
nonconforming products and services in a quality management system, and those
required by AS/NZS 4801:2001 for dealing with occupational health and safety
incidents. This facilitates integration with other management systems that provide for
corrective and preventive action.
Sometimes the distinction between a document in the strict sense and a record is
unclear in the context of an environmental management system. For example, a
register could be regarded as a document consisting of a snapshot of records. In the
end it does not matter muchthe important thing is that documents and records
required by an environmental management system are controlled by being available
or retrievable, legible and identifiable. All documents in the strict sense become
records when they are made obsolete.
Records for the environmental management system must be stored in a manner that
protects them but facilitates retrieval when records are required. It is expected that
organisations would apply this principle to records generally and already employ a
formal records management system that manages paper and/or electronic records.
The EMS Tool provides a Register of Documents and Records required by the
environmental management system.
An Archives Register is also provided for paper based records relevant to the EMS.
This is optional and is provided in case an agencys records management system
does not provide for archival storage.
AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 does not require a documented procedure for internal audit
of environmental management systems. However, to ensure consistency and rigour
in the conduct of internal audits, a documented procedure is a good idea in most
organisations. The EMS Tool includes a documented procedure in the section 5.5 of
the manual.
An important point to realise is that a single internal audit does not need to cover the
whole environmental management system. In particular, a single annual internal audit
the day before an external audit does not demonstrate a strong commitment to
continual improvement of the system. It is better to devise an audit program that
ensures that all organisational units and functions, environmental management
system elements, and the full geographical scope of the environmental management
system are audited over a period of time. The timeframe could range from a year for
an organisation with a relatively limited range of activities over a small number of
sites, to three years for a large, complex organisation with many sites around
Australia and perhaps even overseas. This approach facilitates following up findings
with effective corrective and preventive action across the whole organisation.
An Internal Audit Schedule is provided with the EMS Tool. This lists all the broad
elements of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004, and provides for the elements to be scheduled
for audit on a monthly basis in an agency with a single site. Audit scheduling could be
quarterly if that suits the organisation.
The complexity of the organisation may require a more complex approach to internal
auditing. Further thought may be required to devise an effective internal audit
program in such a case.
The standard requires that auditors are selected for internal audits with a view to
ensuring objectivity and impartiality of the audit process. That is, an auditor cannot
audit the section in which he or she normally works.
Ultimately, an effective internal audit program will find actual and potential
environmental nonconformities for follow-up with corrective and preventive action.
This process will in turn improve the environmental management system, reduce
environmental risks, and improve environmental performance.
The EMS Tool uses an internal audit to evaluate compliance with legal and other
requirements, which should be done at least annually. The Register of Legal and
Other Requirements may facilitate this. Other internal audits of the environmental
management system elements can use an Internal Audit Checklist, which has been
compiled to cover all the requirements in clause 4 of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004,
including the requirement for evaluation of compliance. Specific requirements from
the EMS manual may be added to this checklist to further facilitate internal audits.
Conducting a full internal audit using the generic checklist would be a good way to
evaluate readiness for certification of the environmental management system.
The EMS Tool provides an Internal Audit Report Template to record the findings of an
audit that uses the Internal Audit Checklist.
The standard does not stipulate the frequency of management reviews or their
format. They do not have to be in the form of a meeting. However, it is suggested in
AS/NZS ISO 14004:2004 that the information for management reviews is compiled
and presented by the environmental management representative or team.
Management reviews can therefore be conducted without meetings, but the standard
requires records to be kept. Most organisations with effective management review
conduct them annually, half-yearly or quarterly. Management reviews conducted any
more frequently than quarterly tend to be more operational than holistic and strategic.
The EMS Tool provides a template for a management review briefing that facilitates
conformity with the requirements of the environmental management international
standard for input. It also provides for recording decisions on changes to the
environmental policy, environmental objectives, targets and programs/plans, risk
assessment, environmental aspects and other elements of the environmental
management system.
audit: systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and
evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled
audit evidence: records, statement of facts or other information, which are relevant to the
audit criteria and verifiable
carbon footprint: measure of the impact that human activity has on the environment in terms
of the amount of greenhouse gases produced
corrective action: action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity in order to avoid
recurrence of the nonconformity
effectiveness: extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved
efficiency: relationship between the result achieved and the resources used
greenhouse gases: gases in the atmosphere that absorb and emit radiation in the thermal
infrared range; give rise to the greenhouse effect; water vapour is the most abundant
greenhouse gas, followed by carbon dioxide, others are methane, nitrous oxide, various man-
made fluorine compounds and ozone; increasing concentration of carbon dioxide due to
human activity is believed to be the main contributor to global warming
internal audit: audit conducted by, or on behalf of, an organisation itself for management
review and other internal purposes
internal audit program: set of one or more internal audits planned for a specific timeframe
and directed towards a specific purpose
ISO: International Organization for Standardisation, but abbreviated to ISO (from the Greek
isos which means equal)
JAS-ANZ: Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand, accredits conformity
assessment bodies
preventive action: action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity in order to avoid
occurrence of the nonconformity
program: a planned set of tasks to achieve environmental objectives and targets, specifying
responsibility, means and timeframe; also spelt programme; also referred to as action plan or
environmental improvement program
process: set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs
risk: a measure of the likelihood and consequences of an event that will impact on
achievement of objectives; can be adverse or beneficial
risk analysis: systematic process to understand the nature of and to deduce the level of risk;
provides the basis for risk evaluation and the treatment of risk
risk assessment: overall process of identifying risks, risk analysis, and risk evaluation
risk evaluation: process of comparing the level of risk against risk criteria, e.g. the process
used in determining significant environmental aspects
risk management: the culture, processes and structures that are directed towards realising
potential opportunities whilst managing adverse effects
standard: a set of requirements for a management system, e.g. AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004
The following standards and handbooks are referenced in the EMS Tool:
AS 3745:2002, Emergency control organisation and procedures for buildings, structures and
workplaces, Standards Australia.
AS/NZS ISO 19011:2003, Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems
auditing, Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.
EMS Tool Guidance Notes 28
How to use this manual
This manual works through each of the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 in the same
order as the international standard. Sections of both the guidance notes and the manual are
referenced to relevant clauses of the standard. Examples are provided in some casesthese
refer to a fictitious Department of XYZ, which is largely an office based organisation. If
downloaded as one complete document, the EMS Tool includes hyperlinks at each section
within the manual and guidance notes to enable the reader to jump between the
corresponding sections. Hyperlinks have also been included where reference is made to a
template register.
This system manual provides a template for the agencies to create their own EMS manual.
The manual broadly covers:
a description of the scope of the organisations EMS,
a description of the interaction of the processes or elements of the EMS,
a reference to the organisations environmental policy,
detailed procedures for other elements of the EMS, and
a reference to other documents required by the EMS and the international standard for
environmental management systems, AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004.
The documentation provided within the EMS Tool is only the foundation documentation for an
environmental management system. In the development of an EMS, an organisation must, at
the very least adapt the documentation to suit its particular circumstances, then augment the
documentation with further documented operational controls considered necessary, and
faithfully implement the processes and controls described by the documentation.
1 Scope of EMS
Supporting Processes
Determination of Significant Environmental Aspects
Competence, Training
and Awareness
Environmental Policy
Legal and Othe
r Requirements Organisational Structur
Allocation of Resource
Objectives & Targets s
Document Control
Record Control
Operational Emergency
Programs & Plans Preparedness & Calibration
Corrective &
Monitoring and Measurement Preventive
Management Review
The policy is communicated to people working for or on behalf of the organisation through
staff and contractor inductions, and is displayed on all floors of the buildings that we
operate from. It is also available on the organisations intranet.
The policy is made available to the public on the organisations website instruction: insert
3 Planning
3.1 Environmental aspects
Organisations title has reviewed all of its activities, products and services that it can control
and influence, including planned and new developments and new and modified activities,
products and services and has identified all of its environmental aspects. These are listed
in a Register of Environmental Aspects.
LIKELIHOOD Catastrophic Major Moderate Minor Insignificant
1 2 3 4 5
A (almost certain/daily) Extreme Extreme Extreme High High
The following provides criteria for determining consequence to the environment or the
agency from an environment-related issue:
Major: Widespread, medium to long term impact; serious human health impacts; state-
wide or national attention; major breach of legal requirements; major disruption to
operations; agencys reputation badly tarnished; $100,000 to $1 million to manage
Minor: Localised short to medium term impact; minor contribution to climate change; minor
and reversible human health impacts treatable with first aid; negative publicity from local
media; minor breach of legal requirements; $1000 to $10,000 to manage consequences.
Insignificant: Limited impact to a local area but no long term effects; concern or complaints
from neighbours; no injury to people; minor technical nonconformity but no legal
nonconformity; less than $1000 cost to the agency to manage consequences.
Conducting a risk analysis results in the allocating of a risk level of extreme, high,
moderate or low for each environmental aspect. Environmental aspects with an extreme or
high risk are considered to be significant, that is, they have or can have a significant
environmental impact.
The Register of Environmental Aspects is reviewed each year to ensure that is kept up to
date. It is also reviewed if there is any change to activities, products or services of the
The Register of Legal and Other Requirements details the specific requirements applicable
to the agency, and shows how the requirements apply to the organisations environmental
aspects. It is maintained by the environmental co-ordinator. The environmental co-
ordinator is also responsible for reporting on changing legal and other requirements related
to the organisations environmental aspects in management reviews.
Our legal and other requirements are taken into account in establishing, implementing and
maintaining the environmental management system.
A special management role of environmental co-ordinator has responsibility for overall co-
ordination of the environmental management system in accordance with the requirements
of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 and reporting its performance, including recommendations for
improvement, to top management for review. The specific tasks associated with this role
For each person in each position and role, competence possessed, training needs, and
training or other personal development undertaken to acquire the required competence are
also recorded in the Responsibility Matrix. Copies of education and training qualifications
are maintained in personnel files in the Human Resources Branch.
The Responsibility Matrix is updated each month with changes to positions, roles and staff,
and training or other personal development undertaken.
4.3 Communication
Information about the organisations environmental aspects and environmental
management system is communicated among the levels and functions of the organisation
The organisation publishes its current list of significant environmental aspects at insert
URL or reference the annual report or other document.
The organisation does not publish information on its significant environmental aspects.
The organisation will decide on a case by case basis whether to communicate externally
about its significant aspects. Top management and the environmental co-ordinator will be
involved in making this decision. Records of all communication will be kept, including the
organisations responses, and the communication will be tracked in the agencys
environmental corrective and preventive action process.
4.4 Documentation
A Register of Documents and Records lists policies, manuals, procedures, plans, external
documents, registers, forms, templates and records relevant to the environmental
management system.
This EMS manual specifies the frequency for which certain documented information is
revised. For example, the environmental policy, environmental aspects, legal and other
requirements, and objectives and targets must be revised at least annually, while the
Responsibility Matrix requires monthly revision.
Instruction: The following is one simple, effective and common way of managing changes
to EMS documents:
Once changes are approved, the latest additions to a document are made in blue font in
italics, while deletions are in blue strike through text. The environmental co-ordinator posts
notices of significant changes to documents on the Intranet, and emails relevant
managers. Managers are expected to promote relevant and significant changes to
documents to their staff.
Instruction: Insert list of documented procedures and work instructions required for
operational control.
These procedures and work instructions are also listed in the Register of Documents and
The emergency response plan is tested in each building each month/quarter. Planned
tests are recorded in a Register of Emergency Response Tests. The organisations
emergency preparedness and response is reviewed after every test and after the
occurrence of each environmental emergency and accident using the Emergency Test and
Incident Review Form. The aspect identification and significant impact determination of an
environmental emergency or accident, and the organisations emergency response plan
are revised where appropriate after a review.
5 Checking
5.1 Monitoring and measurement
An annual Schedule of Monitoring and Measurement is used to record data on the
organisations environmental performance on a monthly basis.
Instruction: If the organisation operates any monitoring and measuring equipment that
requires calibration or verification, list it here:
All records of calibration and verification are kept in the Calibration Records folder.
The environmental co-ordinator is responsible for analysing the results of monitoring and
measurement and reporting on the environmental performance of the organisation, in
particular the extent to which environmental objectives and targets have been met, in
management reviews.
The register that is completed in this review or compliance audit becomes a record of the
evaluation of compliance. Where non-compliance is detected, this is followed up with
corrective action (see below).
The above flowchart illustrates the organisations process for identifying actual and
potential environmental nonconformity, recording suggestions for improvement to
environmental management, taking appropriate action to correct nonconformity and
mitigate environmental impact, taking corrective action to avoid recurrence of
nonconformity and taking preventive action to avoid occurrence of nonconformity or
implement a suggestion.
Actual and potential nonconformity is identified and suggestions for improvement are made
by the following means:
Internal audit
External audit
Site inspections
Feedback from external parties
Complaints from customers or other stakeholders
Suggestions for improvement from staff and contractors
Occurrence of environmental emergencies and accidents
Testing of emergency preparedness and response
Management review
The taking of immediate action to correct the nonconformity (i.e. correction) and
mitigate environmental impact
Root cause analysis of actual nonconformity
The taking of corrective action addressing the root cause to avoid recurrence of
nonconformity, or the taking of preventive action to avoid occurrence of nonconformity
or implement a suggestion for improvement
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the action taken
Close out.
The environmental co-ordinator is responsible for reporting on the status of corrective and
preventive action in management reviews.
Instruction: The following Archives Register is optional. The organisation may already have
an archives register as part of its records management system, in which case it should be
used in place of the register provided by the EMS Tool.
An Archives Register lists all paper records relevant to the environmental management
system held in archival storage, and their disposal date and means.
Of course, records could be also stored entirely in paper form, in which case the following
folder structure could be used in a filing cabinet.
The environmental co-ordinator manages the internal audit program and reports the results
of internal audits and the effectiveness of the program to top management.
The internal audit program covers all of the organisations operations units and functions,
environmental management system elements, and the full geographical scope of the
agencys environmental management system over the year. Some units, functions,
elements and sites may be audited more than once annually if justified on the basis of
environmental risk. The program also provides for additional audits that may be required to
follow up scheduled audits.
Instruction: The following is one way of scheduling internal audits: Internal audits are
scheduled each month except December and January, when many staff are on leave, and
June, which is the financial year end. Instruction: Insert hyperlink to the current internal
audit schedulean Internal Audit Schedule is provided as a guide for use by organisations
with a single site. Months could be replaced by quarters if simplification is an advantage.
Further assistance on audit scheduling may be required for a complex agency with
multiple sites.
Audit criteria in the program include the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 for
environmental management systems, the requirements of this EMS manual, the
One audit each year is devoted to evaluating compliance with legal and other
requirements. The Register of Legal and Other Requirements is used to record the
evidence and findings of this audit.
An Internal Audit Checklist is used to record evidence for audits of the requirements of
AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 and this EMS manual. Findings of such audits are reported using
an Internal Audit Report Template.
Further to the above requirements, an organisation may also wish to include the following
requirements of internal auditors:
All auditors must participate in an audit team for at least three audits before being allowed
to conduct an audit alone.
Auditors are selected for audits with a view to ensuring objectivity and impartiality of the
audit process. That is, an auditor cannot audit the section in which he or she normally
Nonconformities raised in internal audits are entered into the Register of Environmental
Nonconformity and Suggestions for Improvement to Environmental Management, and
subject to appropriate corrective and preventive action.
6 Management review
Top management of the agency reviews the environmental management system for its
continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness annually/six-monthly/quarterly. Each
management review makes decisions on changes to environmental policy, the risk
assessment procedure and environmental aspects, objectives and targets, environmental
programs/plans, and other elements of the environmental management system.
The environmental co-ordinator compiles information for management review using the
Management Review Template. The template also provides for recording the decisions of
the management review, and the resulting document becomes the record of management
The following is an example environmental policy devised for the fictitious Australian
Department of XYZ.
& be
Able Goodman
Department of XYZ
20 January 2009
No. Environmental Associated Likelihood Consequence Risk rating Other criteria Significant
aspect environmental
A: Almost certain/daily 1: Catastrophic Extreme Legal requirement Yes
B: Likely/weekly 2: Major High Other requirement No
C: Possible/monthly 3: Moderate Medium
D: Unlikely/annually 4: Minor Low
E: Rare 5: Insignificant
1 Use of electricity for Generation of A 4 High Yes
office lighting greenhouse gases
2 Use of electricity for Generation of A 4 High Yes
office air-conditioning greenhouse gases
3 Use of electricity for Generation of A 4 High Yes
computers & other office greenhouse gases
4 Generation of waste Use of forest A 5 High Yes
paper & cardboard in resources
5 Generation of general Use of landfill A 4 High Yes
office waste
6 Consumption of paper Use of forest A 4 High Yes
resources &
generation of
greenhouse gas
7 Office fit-out Use of resources for D 3 Medium No
furniture & fitting
manufacture & landfill
for discarded
8 Storage & use of Pollution of C 5 Low No
chemicals for cleaning waterways
9 Purchase/lease of Use of natural D 3 Medium Yes
vehicles for staff & fleet resources for vehicle
Aspect Environmental aspect Legal or other requirement Source Evidence required for Evaluation of
No. description compliance compliance
1 Use of electricity for office Targets for energy use, and annual Energy Efficiency in Monitoring of energy use, No
lighting reporting of energy performance to Government Operations and current annual report
2 Use of electricity for office DEWHA (EEGO) Policy to DEWHA of energy
air-conditioning performance
3 Use of electricity for
computers & other office
13 Energy use in cafeteria
4 Generation of waste Monitoring of waste management, National Government Waste Current annual report on No
paper & cardboard in waste audits, waste management Reduction & Purchasing progress of waste
office plan, provision of infrastructure to Guidelines; ACT No Waste By management plan
5 Generation of general facilitate recycling 2010 Management Strategy
office waste
14 Generation of waste from
staff kitchens & cafeteria
15 Use of water in staff Targets for water use Permanent Water Conservation Complete records of No
kitchens, cafeteria & Measures under Utilities (Water monitoring water use;
toilets Conservation) Regulation 2006
16 Spill from storage & use of Secure storage of fuel, including AS 1940Storage and Inspection report on No
diesel fuel for emergency bunding; provision of spill kit & handling of Flammable & compliance with the
generator training Combustible Liquids Australian Standard
Include report on environmental Section 516A of Environment Comprehensive report on No
matters in annual report Protection & Biodiversity environmental
Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) management in latest
annual report
The following is a list of some Commonwealth and State legislation, policies and guidelines that
may apply to government agencies. It is provided as a starting point for the identification of legal
requirements that apply to an agencys environmental aspects, and other requirements that an
agency may subscribe to within the scope of the agencys environmental management system.
Note that the list is only accurate at the time of publishing. Further research may be required to
ensure that all legislation, policies and guidelines that apply to the agency are identified. The
agency will also have to ensure that its legal and other requirements are kept up-to-date.
Most Acts have subordinate legislation (Regulations) associated with them, but only the Acts are
mentioned here in most cases.
Commonwealth legislation
Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1988
This Act provides for a system of land use which encourages minimum environmental impact in the
Australian Capital Territory.
The Act requires the principles of ecologically sustainable development to be taken into account for
a new development proposal if that proposal is likely to a result in a significant impact on the
The Act clarifies that for s. 516A, activities include the development and implementation of policies,
plans, programs and legislation.
The Department ofr the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts has developed reporting
guidelines to assist Commonwealth agencies in implementing section 516A.
State and Territory laws implementing national environment protection measures do not apply to
the activities of the Commonwealth or Commonwealth authorities. However, under this Act, the
Environment Minister may (subject to considerations of national interest or administrative
efficiency) apply those State or Territory laws to the activities of the Commonwealth or
Commonwealth authorities in other places. If NEPMs are not implemented in relation to the
activities of the Commonwealth or Commonwealth authorities they can be implemented by
regulations; or if there are no regulations, through environmental audits and environment
management plans.
The main objective of the establishment of the Reserve is to conserve, repair and replenish
Australias natural capital infrastructure. Money in the Reserve will be spent on the environment,
sustainable agriculture and natural resources management.
This Act has been developed to redress the current decline, and to prevent further decline, in the
quality of Australias natural environment.
National policies
Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment (IGAE) 1992
The IGAE was developed between the Commonwealth, States and Territories, and attempts to
define environmental policy and management responsibilities of each level of government. In some
areas, particularly pollution control and waste management, the IGAE sets up procedures which
aim to produce common environmental standards and guidelines throughout Australia.
The NSESD addresses many key areas for action identified in Agenda 21. These include issues
across a number of sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture and mining; and also cover broader
inter-sectoral issues such as gender, native vegetation, pricing and taxation, coastal zone
management, education and training. To ensure the goals and values of all Australians were
included, the Strategy was developed in consultation with the community, industries, interested
groups, scientific organisations, governments and individuals. Although it primarily guides the
decisions of governments, the strategy is also useful for community, industry and business groups.
Chief Executive's Instructions and Operational Guidelines for Procurement is a part of the Good
Procurement Practice (GPP) series published by the Department of Finance and Administration.
The purpose of the GPP booklets is to explain procurement policy in practical terms and to provide
examples of good practice. The booklets support the CPGs and the relevant Financial
Management Guidance publications. The series is not intended to be binding on agencies but
rather to assist agencies.
ACT legislation
Building Act 1972
Imposes restrictions on the construction of buildings to ensure they are safe and do not emit
harmful substances.
ACTEW reviews applications, provides approvals and undertakes monitoring for water to be
discharged into the sewerage system.
The scope of this Act covers management plans, state of the environment reporting, and heritage,
including natural and manufactured objects and places of heritage significance. The Act provides
for a heritage places register, which is incorporated into the Territory Plan. There is a prohibition on
damaging or disturbing an unregistered Aboriginal place.
Improving current waste management practices will provide opportunities to develop new and
innovative businesses with significant employment potential as well as establishing Canberra as a
centre of excellence in sustainable resource management.
The Strategy aims to reach no waste to landfill by 2010 with the willingness, co-operation and
participation of all sectors of the Canberra community. The strategy establishes a framework for
sustainable resource management and lists broad actions which are needed to achieve the aim of
a waste-free society.
Victorian legislation
Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994
Conservation, Forests and Lands Act
Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2000
Environment Protection Act 1970
Environmental Protection (Resource Efficiency) Act 2002
Environmental Protection (Prescribed Wastes) Regulations 1998
Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988
Land Act 1958
National Parks Act 1975
Planning and Environment Act 1987
Pollution of Waters by Oils and Noxious Substances Act 1986
Road Safety Act 1986
Road Transport (Dangerous Goods) Act 1995
Water Act 1989
Queensland legislation
Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995
Dangerous Goods Safety Management Act 2001 and Regulation 2001
Environmental Protection Act 1994
Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 1997
Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000
Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 1997
Integrated Planning Act 1997
Land Act 1994
Marine Parks Act 2004 and Regulation 2006
Nature Conservation Act 1992
Radiation Safety Act 1999
Queensland Heritage Act 1992 and Regulation 2003
Transport Operations (Marine Pollution) Act 1995
Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995
Vegetation Management Act 1999
Water Act 2000
Tasmanian legislation
Dangerous Goods Act 1998
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994
Public Health Act 1997
Transport Act 1981
Water Management Act 1999
Role / Position Name Responsibilities Qualifications/ Training needs Planned Training Remarks
Title/Position no. competency dates details
Director Joe Taylor Participate in Management Senior Business EMS awareness 19.01.09 EMS
review Administrator (in house)
Setting Policy
reviewing Objective & Targets
Resource allocation
Environmental Jane Dawes Participate in Management Certificate of Refresher EMS March - TBD
Manager review Attainment in training April
(Management Implementing environmental Environmental (External)
representative) policy Management
Implementing programs for Systems (ISO
achieving set objectives & 14001)
Monitoring and measurement of
environmental performance
Over all responsibility for system
Internal Auditor John Smith Developing internal audit Certified EMS Awareness 19.01.09 EMS-5
program in liaison with Facility (RABQSA) lead (in house) March -
manager auditor April
Conducting internal audits as Auditing Course
per schedule
Training other internal auditors
Waste Mary Anne Developing waste management Factory Manager Waste March - TBD
Management strategy and implementation minimisation / April
Coordinator procedures management
Monitoring and measurement principles
EMS committee A. Sullivan Awareness on Policy & EMS EMS EMS Awareness 19.01.09 EMS
members Implementing program for administration (in house)
J. Wright achieving set Objective &
M. Brown Helping in Monitoring and
K. Wriggly Training respective staff in
implementing the waste
management strategy
Facility Manager L. Crosby Facilities management; training Factory EMS Awareness 19.01.09 EMS-5
of new staff; environmental Management (in house)
performance of the factory
Procurement G. Mason Purchasing raw materials that Procurement EMS Awareness 19.01.09 EMS-5
Manager comply with internal Management (in house)
environmental requirements
Operations R. Harley Participate in management Project & EMS Awareness 19.01.09 EMS-5
Director review, setting policy, reviewing operations (in house)
objectives & targets, approving management
allocation of resources for
Staff Awareness on Policy & EMS N/A EMS Awareness 19.01.09 EMS-5
(in house)
Assessment of EMS Awareness Form
<Modify, add or delete questions in this questionnaire once you have developed your
organisations specific EMS training >
Name: .Date:..
2. Put the following stages in the environmental management system in the logical order
that will lead to continual improvement:
Implementation and operation
Management review
3. What are the main benefits to the agency of having an environmental management
a. .....................................................................................
b. .....................................................................................
c. .....................................................................................
1. Legal compliance
2. Pollution prevention
3. Continual improvement
a. .....................................................................................
b. .....................................................................................
c. .....................................................................................
a. .....................................................................................
b. .....................................................................................
c. .....................................................................................
8. List three objectives and targets that the agency has set for its significant
environmental aspects:
Objective Target
............................................ ...............................................
............................................ ...............................................
............................................ ...............................................
10. Where would you find documentation for the environmental management system?
11. Where do you throw your waste?
13. How can you make a suggestion for improvement of the environmental management
This procedure is to ensure that waste streams in offices are managed in a way that
facilitates recycling.
1. In the office, each waste stream is collected in a separate bin with clear signs and
colour coding, or in a worm farm, as appropriate.
2. Adequate bins shall be positioned around the office. Bins are located at:
[insert location of bins] or floor plan with bin location identified.
[insert location of bins] or floor plan with bin location identified
[insert location of bins] or floor plan with bin location identified
3. A worm farm is located in the kitchenette on each floor, and the cafe operates its
own worm farm.
4. Limited general waste bins shall be placed in the office, not at each employees
5. Each employee shall have a tray, box or bin for clean paper waste at their desk.
6. Cleaners shall empty all bins in the office daily, and place segregated waste into
specially marked bins in the loading dock for contractor collection.
7. Contractors shall remove waste and deal with it according to contract requirements.
Significant contamination of waste for recycling shall be reported to the EMS Co-
ordinator. Similarly, an occurrence of significant recyclable waste in the general
waste bin shall also be reported.
Associated documents
Standard Operating Procedure for Confidential Paper Separation
Standard Operating Procedure for the Worm Farm
Nonconformity or preventive action raised? (If so, put CPA number here):
Completed by: Date: Remarks:
Schedule of Monitoring and Measurement SAMPLE ONLY
Remarks (comment
on trends and
Unit of equipment
measurement Jan Feb March April May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec calibration status)
Electricity use kWh
Water use kL
Fuel use L
Air travel km
Waste to kg
Paper kg
Toner Cartridges kg
General waste kg
Chemical L
Hazardous kg
waste disposal)
Fluorescent light kg
No. of non-
No. of non-
Remarks (comment
on trends and
Unit of equipment
measurement Jan Feb March April May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec calibration status)
No. of internal
audits or site
No. of
No. of training
or awareness
<Insert any
other objectives,
targets, KPIs
Register of Nonconformity and Suggestions for Improvement SAMPLE ONLY
CPA No: Environmental incident Nonconformity from audits Suggestion for From complaints/notices/external Other
improvement parties
Category Document control System failure Wrong instructions Training Contractor fault Operator fault
Raised by: Assigned to: Date: Remarks:
Control of
Operational control
preparedness &
Monitoring &
Evaluation of
corrective &
preventive action
Control of records
Internal audit
Internal Audit Checklist
The following is a generic checklist that can be used in internal audits to evaluate conformity of an
environmental management system with the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004.
Procedure(s) regarding
environmental aspects & EMS for:
internal communication between
various levels &functions of
receiving, recording & responding
to external communication
Documented decision whether to
communicate externally about
significant environmental aspects
If the decision is YES, method(s)
The EMS documentation includes the
Environmental policy (cl. 4.2)
Environmental objectives & targets
(cl. 4.3.3)
Description of scope of EMS (cl. 4.1)
Description of main elements of EMS
& their interaction, & reference to
related documents (cl. 4.4.4)
Documents & records determined to
be necessary to ensure effective
planning, operation & control of
processes relating to significant
environmental aspects (cl. 4.4.6)
Other documents & records required
by AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004:
Environmental aspects (cl. 4.3.1)
Roles, responsibilities & authorities
for environmental management (cl.
Records of competence (cl. 4.4.2)
Training records (cl. 4.4.2)
Decision to communicate externally
(cl. 4.4.3)
Records of monitoring performance,
operational controls & conformity with
environmental objectives & targets
(cl. 4.5.1)
Records of calibration (cl. 4.5.1)
Records of evaluation of compliance
(cl. 4.5.2)
Records of results of corrective &
preventive action
Records of planning & conducting
internal audits (cl. 4.5.5)
Records of management reviews (cl.
Use of the certification mark of the
certification body?
Use of JAS-ANZ logo?
Procedure(s) on document control
established to:
Approve documents for adequacy
prior to issue
Review & update as necessary & re-
approve documents
Ensure changes & current revision
status of documents are identified
Ensure relevant versions of
applicable documents are available
at points of use
Ensure documents remain legible &
readily identifiable
Ensure external documents are
identified & their distribution
Prevent unintended use of obsolete
documents, and apply suitable
identification to them if they are
retained for any purpose.
Procedure maintenance
Documents required by EMS &
AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 & sighted in
the audit are effectively controlled
(record any nonconformities to this
Audit No.
Audit team:
Site/section/function audited:
Audit date:
Environmental policy
Environmental aspects
Element Code Findings CPA no.
Control of documents
Operational control
Emergency preparedness
& response
Monitoring &
Nonconformity, corrective
action & preventive action
Control of records
Internal audit
Management review
Part A: Policy, manual, procedures, plans and external documents
Part C: Records
Box No. Contents Location Disposal Disposal
Due Date Means & Date
2005-33 July 04 to Dec 04: Bay 2, Shelf D Dec 08 Shredded by
Air travel records Intershred
Fuel purchases 13/1/2009
Management Review of Environmental Management System
Date of review:
Review participants:
Other elements