02 Privacy Impact Assessment

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The Department of Information and Communications Technology

Privacy Impact Assessment

A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is a process undertaken and

used by a government agency to evaluate and manage the impact of
its program, process and/or measure on data privacy.

A government agency engaged in the processing of personal data

is required to conduct a PIA for each of its programs, processes or
measures that involve personal data.
The Contents of the PIA The Control Framework
A control framework is a comprehensive set of measures
1. Data inventory identifying: intended to address the risks identified in the privacy impact
the types of personal data held by the agency, including assessment. It includes organizational, physical and technical
records of its own employees; measures that maintain the availability, integrity and confidentiality
list of all information repositories holding personal data, of personal data and protect the latter against natural dangers
including their location; such as accidental loss or destruction, and human dangers such
types of media used for storing the personal data; and as unlawful access, fraudulent misuse, unlawful destruction,
risks associated with the processing of the personal data; alteration and contamination.

2. Systematic description of the anticipated processing operations It must consider the following:
and the purposes of the processing, including, where applicable, the
legitimate interest pursued by the agency;

3. Assessment of the necessity and proportionality of the

processing in relation to the purposes of the processing; and

4. Assessment of the risks to the rights and freedoms of data


Nature of the personal data Risks represented by the

Is there a recommended minimum standard for to be protected processing, the size of the
organization and complexity
assessing gaps in the control framework? of its operations

For agencies that process the personal data records of more than
one thousand (1,000) individuals, including agency personnel, the
Commission recommends the use of the ISO/IEC 27002 control
set as the minimum standard to assess any gaps in the agencys
control framework.

Current data privacy Cost of security

best practices implementation



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