Privacy Impact Assessment Template
Privacy Impact Assessment Template
Privacy Impact Assessment Template
Name of Project/System:
I. Project/System Description
a. Description
b. Scope of PIA
The Library Management System is an application for assisting a librarian in managing
a book library in a school. The system would provide basic set of features to add/update
members, add/update books, and manage check in specifications for the systems
based on the client’s statement of need. This system is exclusively used of Pandan Bay
Institute, Inc.
The main objective of the Library Management System is to manage the details of
Address, Member, Issues, Books, Student. It manages all the information about
Students, Faculty and Staff of the school. The project is totally built at administrative
end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access.
The following questions are intended to help you decide whether a PIA is necessary. Answering
‘yes’ to any of these questions is an indication that a PIA would be a useful exercise. You can
expand on your answers as the project develops if you need to.
a. Will the project or system involve the collection of new information about individuals?
[ ] No [/] Yes
b. Is the information about individuals sensitive in nature and likely to raise privacy concerns or
expectations e.g. health records, criminal records, or other information people would consider
particularly private?
[/] No [ ] Yes
c. Are you using information about individuals for a purpose it is not currently used for, or in a way
it is not currently used?
[ ] No [/] Yes
d. Will the initiative require you to contact individuals in ways which they may find intrusive?
[/] No [ ] Yes
e. Will information about individuals be disclosed to organizations or people who have not
previously had routine access to the information?
[ ] No [/] Yes
f. Does the initiative involve you using new technology which might be perceived as being
privacy-intrusive (e.g. biometrics or facial recognition)?
[] No [/] Yes
g. Will the initiative result in you making decisions or taking action against individuals in ways
which can have a significant impact on them?
[ ] No [/] Yes
h. Are the personal data collected prior to August 2016?
[ ] No [/] Yes
Collection: The data will be collected from the students through filling up the hard copy
Retention: The data will be save on the desktop computer and with back up data.
Disclosure/Sharing: The data are exclusively used by the library management system.
1. . Please identify all steps taken to ensure that all data that is /
1.1 *Please identify all steps taken to ensure that all data that /
is collected, used or disclosed will be accurate, complete
and up to date:
1.5 *Staff are trained in the use of the tools and receive /
periodic updates
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
*add additional rows if needed