A Spring in Imaginary Time: Math 241 Homework John Baez
A Spring in Imaginary Time: Math 241 Homework John Baez
A Spring in Imaginary Time: Math 241 Homework John Baez
One of the stranger aspects of Lagrangian dynamics is how it turns into statics when we replace the
time coordinate t by it or in the jargon of physicists, when we Wick rotate to imaginary time !
People usually take advantage of this to do interesting things in the context of quantum mechanics,
but the basic ideas are already visible in classical mechanics. So, lets look at them!
1. Suppose you have a spring in Rn whose ends are held fixed, tracing out a curve
q: [s0 , s1 ] Rn
with endpoints
q(s0 ) = a, q(s1 ) = b.
Suppose the spring is put into a potential
V : Rn R
(perhaps due to gravity, but not necessarily). What curve will the spring trace out when it is in
Hint: Hookes law says that a stretched spring has energy proportional to the square of how much it
is stretched. Here this is true of each little piece of the spring, so its total energy due to stretching
will be
k s1
q(s) ds
2 s0
for some spring constant k. But in addition, each little piece will acquire energy due to the potential
V at that point, so the spring will also have potential energy
Z s1
V (q(s)) ds.
3. The calculation in problem 1 should remind you strongly of the derivation of the Euler-Lagrange
equations for a particle in a potential. To heighten this analogy, take the energy
Z s1
E= q(s)
q(s) + V (q(s)) ds.
s0 2
and formally replace the parameter s by it, replacing the real interval [s0 , s1 ] R by the imaginary
interval [t0 , t1 ] iR, where iti = si . Show that up to some constant factor, the energy of the static
spring becomes the action for a particle moving in a potential.
Principle of Least Energy Principle of Least Action
spring particle
kinetic energy
potential energy
spring constant
5. What particular dynamics problem is the statics problem in 2 analogous to? How is the solution
to the statics problem related to the solution of this dynamics problem?
Hint: by formally, Im suggesting that you shouldnt think too much about what this actually means!
Its a good thing to think about, but dont let that stop you from solving whats meant to be a quick
and easy problem.