HI6025 Assignment T3, 2016

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HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current




Assessment Value: 20%

1. This assignment is to be submitted in accordance with assessment policy
stated in the Subject Outline and Student Handbook.
2. It is the responsibility of the student who is submitting the work, to ensure
that the work is in fact her/his own work. Incorporating anothers work or ideas
into ones own work without appropriate acknowledgement is an academic
offence. Students can submit all assignments for plagiarism checking (self-
check) on Blackboard before final submission in the subject. For further
details, please refer to the Subject Outline and Student Handbook.
3. Maximum marks available: 20 marks.
4. Due date of submission: Friday Week 6
5. Assignment should be of 2,000 words. Please use wordcount and include
in report.
Important Note: Please submit Assignment through SafeAssign

Guidelines for Literature Critiques

Students are require to read and understand assigned article. Students must
submit a critique of assigned academic article. Please follow the format to
complete your assignment. Details about the format, structure and
assessment criteria for the critique are presented below. Remember that the
critique is due in end of week 6.

FORMAT: 2000 words (maximum)

The critique submission should be typed. Work should be double-spaced with
a 2.4cm margin on all sides.

While there is room for being innovative, most critiques should include the

Cover Page

Introduction: Introducing the topic, stating the aims of the critique,

outlining the main argument to be presented and an overview of the
paper and the structure of the paper to follow.

Summary of the Article: Focusing on its main argument, including its

aims, its overall findings and its theoretical arguments and contribution.

Research Question: Identifying the articles research question(s) or

hypotheses and discussing its value, explaining whether and how it
flowed from the literature review.

Theoretical Framework: Identifying and discussing the theoretical

framework or theoretical substance of the paper leading to the research

The Significance and Limitations of the Article: Use the literature to

discuss the limitations of the theory and methodology used. Does the
author acknowledge these limitations? Does the author draw theoretical
conclusions from the research that are justified by the methodology?
How do these limitations affect the significance of the article and the
contribution it makes to the discipline, particularly the findings set against
the research method?

Conclusions: Summarising the main points and drawing implications of

your critique.

Marking Guidelines for the Literature Review Critique

Assessment Criteria Value

Identification and discussion of the theory and concepts relevant to 5
the selected article
Analysis and demonstrated level of understanding of key issues and 5
theory presented in the article
Identification and analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the 5
article leading to conclusive identification of the articles contribution
to research area
Logical sequence of the development and quality of the presentation 2+3 = 5
of the critique and Referencing
Note: For your own protection and peace of mind, ensure that you keep a
copy of any assessment items that you submit. Also be very mindful that
plagiarism is regarded very seriously and students who plagiarise risk
failure. Plagiarism is the act of taking and using another's work as one's
Safayet Hossen

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