Student Portal With Virtual Class

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Student Portal with Virtual Class

Aguirre, Ray Alexis
Arcino, Daisy
Barcelon, Dan Angelo
Camaong, Sandro
Cedra, Ana Mae
Gojar, Gener
Magana, Hero Jan
Ornido, Jam Princess
Pedimonte, Melvie
Victoria, Kristel Jane

Coper, Whilson

Advisor: Ms. Julie Anne Astor

Submitted in partial fulfillment

Of the requirements of a
Software Engineering course project

August 27, 2014

Table of Contents
i Title
ii Table of Contents
I Introduction
1 Background of Study........

2 Statement of the Problem.

3 Objective of the Study..
1.3.1 General
1.3.2 Specific Objective

4 Significance of the Study
5 Scope and Limitation

II Methodology of the Study (Software Engineer Paradigm)

1 Requirements Gathering.
2 Design Strategy.
3 Implementation Using 4GL
4 Testing

Nowadays, many schools have their online systems enabling their

processes to be automated. This has been proven to give more comfort for
both the schools and students than doing all the operations manually. In
addition to this, wherever people go. [The Student Portal Virtual Class
System will be a great help in adding comfort and portability to STI College-
Naga staffs and students. Just like in a real classroom, a student in a virtual
class participates in synchronize instruction, which means that the teacher
and students are logged in to the virtual learning environment at the same

From the past years, students and teachers do their jobs in a manual
form. Getting grades, schedules, quizzes, exams and activities for students
are few of the factors to be considered by their parents to enroll their
students in such school or university. Parents only want the best for their
children and they want fast and accurate response from their teachers. The
faculty members of STI College-Naga Campus do their jobs in a slow process
such as writing down the schedules and announcements of the school then
posting it in the bulletin board, students submitting their requirements in
hard copy, and the work of every faculty members and students is doubled.
Thats why the proponents presented the Student Portal with Virtual

The Student Portal Virtual Class System is a database-backed Web

service for the purposes of teaching and learning. It creates online
communities of people and provides the appropriate tools for them to
perform their roles, whether they are professors, students, teaching
assistants, course administrators, or class secretaries. As a result, the
Student Portal Virtual Class System's will be a customized adaptation for the
STI College-Naga that includes a personalized portal page, a searchable file
archive, and a system for managing and administrating classes. The system
creates online communities of faculty, students, and staffs at STI College-
Naga and it will provide mechanisms for interaction and collaboration among
members of these communities. The designed system is user-friendly,
interactive and has a feedback mechanism to ensure control and quality


Student Portal with Virtual Class is an effective way of sharing subject

related files, posting announcements or news to the students, testing the
progress of the student in the class such as quizzes, activity/exercises,
assignment, and examinations. It is important to always keep the
students updated to their subjects inside or outside of the school.

In some school, the process of giving a handout to the students is done

manually in such a way that the professor will print out the handout and
the students can only copy it by means of Xerox machine or writing of it
on a paper. Same with posting an announcement the professor will simply
write it down to the bulletin board of the school. And especially in giving
quizzes, activity/exercises, and examinations, the test questions are
written in a paper; on this cases some of the students are cheating and
the checking of the exams are taking a lot of time. The same case applies
in STI College-Naga. The checking and counting of the score of the
student becomes prone to human error and would be more time
consuming which will lead to an inaccurate record of the student.

In STI College-Naga, there is a corresponding web forms serve as the

basis of comparison when checking and recording the scores. All the files
(handouts and activity/exercises) will then be kept for future references.
The announcements will be stored even though it is deleted by the
professor. In addition to the difficulty of the process, the professor of each
subject is responsible on this task. Especially the records should be
checked accurately so that the administrator can save it accurately.


Based in our survey, majority of the students said that they

encountered difficulties in terms of checking the results after every exams,
not being informed in some announcements of the department, difficulty of
passing assignments, projects, and take home exam and quizzes, difficulty to
communicate the professor when he/she wasnt able to attend the subject
due to other concerns, and too much expenses on having a hardcopy
(photocopy) of the handouts.


1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this study is to have an effective way of

providing information to the students about their absences, result of their
exams, activities or other announcements, quizzes, assignments, and other
school works anytime inside or outside of the school through online
communication. And last but not the least, is to avoid cheating.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

Announcements/ News
- To make the students updated via online for the
announcements or news of the school, and be
informed for the events that will happen and for
the activities that will be conducted.

- To provide shuffled exam questions and choices to
avoid cheating during exams/quizzes/assignment,
and provide an auto check of the exam to monitor
the score after taking the exam.

- To provide an uploaded/downloaded files like
handouts, to avoid too much expenses on having
photocopied handouts.

- To make a messenger with attachment of a file,
for submission of the assignment, exam, quiz and
project. To make the professors and students
communicate to each other even if they are inside
or outside of the school campus.


This system would effective benefits the following:
Administrator. The Student Portal Virtual Class System will help
the administrator to monitor the class activities of every
faculty and student.

Faculty. The system will help the faculty to have an easy way of
sharing data regarding to the students even though they are out
of the school.

Student. The system will help the students to be more

productive with their time. And the work can be submitted and
reviewed easily.

Future Researchers. It serves as a tool to enhance their

knowledge and ability in developing a Student Portal Virtual
Class System.

To update the students/user when they check about their score
after exams and any announcement or news.
Using this system, it will help the students/users to know
whether theres a quiz or assignment.
This system is only applicable to old students; freshmen will be
able to access this when he or she is enrolled.
This web base system is accessible anywhere as long as you
have Internet connection.
The system has a secured log-in for the user.
The system is real time, so if you worry about being outdated,
then you dont have to it is always up to date. It helps the people
with disabilities.
All records and files about the systems are properly stored in the

1 Scope of the User

The main users of this system are students, instructors, and the
administrator. The students are only accessible in the student
information section, but the only information the student can only
see is the information according to his/her account. Other accounts
are inaccessible unless the owner of the other accounts shares
his/her log in information. The instructor is also like the students, the
instructor will never be able to access the students or even other
instructor information, unless they were given the permission to
access other accounts on some other reasons like sick colleague and
fail to announce it to his/her students. The last one is administrator,
this user have all the access in all of the data inside the system, to
clear dump files, debug unnecessary errors, and to maintain the
system reusable. The policy for the administrator if data were
deleted it will cause suspension, if it happen twice then relieve of
duty. If data were stolen then it will be automatically fired, and if
possible we will file charges. The administrator has the full access of
the whole system, but the admin is not allowed to debug errors in
the system.

2 Scope of the System

The system is focusing in three main parts such as, the

registration part where all freshmen will create their own personal
accounts, and also the instructors. The next part is the log in part
where they will see all the information they need according to the
description of this system, and the last part is updating which
includes, updating of school events, school announcements or news,
department announcements, instructor announcements, posting of
grades, uploading useful data for the students. The maintenance
phase for the maintenance staff is included in the update part.


The paradigm used by the team is Fourth Generation Technique.

The 4GT is composed of different phases, those are Requirements
Gathering, Design Strategy, Implementation using Fourth Generation
Language (4GL), and Testing

1 Requirements Gathering

Data Gathering
The team conducts a survey to know the problems
encountered of the students during their schooling period. It falls
many concerns and also their suggestions and opinions.

The team conducted a survey to the students to know the
problems they encountered.


After the survey, the team conducted an observation to the

data gathered from the students using the survey questions. The
team observed that the students have a problem in terms of
checking the results after every exams, lack of awareness to the
number of absences in every subject, not being informed in some
announcement/s of the department, difficulty on finding the
rooms to go when attending to a subjects or different faculty
offices, difficulty of passing assignments, projects, and take
home exam and quizzes when the professor wasnt able to
attend the subject due to other concerns.


The project manager planned to divide the team into three

groups with different task to do and make a solution to resolve
the specific problem.

2.0.2 Design Strategy

The team analyzes the result of the specific problem base
on the survey to make a step by step conclusion, during this
phase the current system is investigated and improvement
opportunities are identified base on the information that
gathered from the planning phase. The user requirement are
gathered, analyze and reviewed. Then a requirement definition is
developed and serves as system specification. Deliverables for
this phase will be used for the design phase.

In this phase, the team starts to design the logical process
and physical design of the webpage. And construct the data flow
to define the process and functionality.

3 Implementation using Fourth Generation Language(4GL)


This will includes the coding of the functions of the GUI and
creating the database for the administration. The webpage will be
officially registered to the World Wide Web.

4 Testing

System Installation

In this phase, the system will be installed in the server or in

the World Wide Web. The tutorials for the users (Student, Faculty,
and Administrator) will be made on this phase.


In this phase, the debugging of the errors occurred in the

system. Adding/editing data will be made depends on the server
or administrator.

2 Methods used in Developing the Software

1 Interview/ Survey
The researcher used survey questionnaire for gathering
information to the system to be created by the team. On
conducting the research, the survey questionnaire was being
given to the third year and fourth year students of STI College
2 Observation
During observation, the researchers conducted an
observation on the answers and comments of the students to
the survey questionnaire. The researchers found out the
problems of the students, and majority of the students said that
they encountered difficulties in terms of checking the results
after every exams, not being informed in some announcements
of the department, difficulty of passing assignments, projects,
and take home exam and quizzes when the professor wasnt
able to attend the subject due to other concerns.

3 Analytical Tools

Data Flow Diagram(DFD)

- Proposed
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
- Proposed
- Proposed
Data Dictionary
Gantt Chart

2.2 Justification of Language Used


3 Presentation of Data, Software Product, Analysis, and


1 The Existing System

The existing system that was used by the students and

professors is manual system. The traditional way of giving and
taking exams, posting announcements on the bulletin board, and
checking the upcoming events has been applied.

2 Disadvantages of Existing System

There are disadvantages in using manual system. First are the
students, they encountered difficulties in terms of checking the
results after every exams, lack of awareness to the number of
absences in every subject, costly on having a photocopied
handouts, not being informed in some announcements of the
department, difficulty of passing assignments, projects, and take
home exam and quizzes when the professor wasnt able to attend
the subject due to other concerns. Some of the students are always
breaking the school policies due to lack of knowledge, and for the
reason that they lost their student handbook. The disabled people
dont know if the school can provide for their disabilities. Second are
the professors they find difficulties in communicating to their
students when they are not in school. They adjust their time for the
lessons to be discussed, and taking too much extension for the
submission of quizzes, exercises, exams, assignments and projects.

3 The Proposed System

The system was generated by the programmer is a Student

Portal Virtual Class System. This will help both the student and
professor to be easy to communicate to each other even though
they are out of the school campus. This system will help the
professor to easily organize his/her student by using the student

4 Advantages of Proposed System

There are advantages in using the new system (Student Portal

Virtual Class). Those Are:

1. The students will be updated to the posts/announcements of

their professors like; quizzes assignment, project, exams and
school activities.
2. The students can easily have their handouts from their professor
via download in Virtual Class System.
3. The professors can easily post quizzes, assignments, projects,
and take home exams. They can also easily update their
announcements and upcoming events of the school even though
they are out of the school campus.
4. The professors can assure the students to avoid cheating to their
seatmates or classmates during exams, because of the shuffled
questions and choices given by the system.
5. The students can send a private message to ask their concerns
via online through messenger.
5 Components / Features of the Proposed System

6 Software / Hardware / User Requirements

Programming Tool:
7 Testing Plan
This will be the stage where the proponents will test the Student
Portal with Virtual Classroom of STI College Naga. The system will
undergo an ALPHA and BETA Testing to ensure the functionality
of the whole system.
The proponents used ALPHA testing to identify all errors that
may occur before publishing the proposed system to the
World Wide Web.

This type of testing is done by the real users (faculty and
students) of the STI College Naga Student Portal with Virtual
Class on the real environment. The BETA testing is a final test
before shipping the system into the users of the system. The
proponents used BETA testing to evaluate feedbacks of the
user to ensure that the system is officially ready for the real
time users.
8 System Implementation Plan
Site Preparation
The proponents will ask an approval to the client or users
of the system on when and where should be the
implementation will be done. The plan for installation and
analyzation of other information can be used for the
preparation of the implementation of the system.

Training of Users
On this phase, the responsibility of the proponents is to
train users on how to access, register, and manipulate the
system. The users should be trained well to be more

System and Data Conversion

The previous system of taking and checking exams,
posting announcements, viewing upcoming events, and
having photocopied handouts will be converted into
computerized system. All information that covers the
manual system into will be transferred into a computerized
system (Student Portal with Virtual Class).

System Maintenance Plan

The Corrective Maintenance will be used by the proponents

in this kind of system. A Corrective Maintenance is
performed after an error or problem occurred in a system,
with the goal of restoring operability to the system. The
process of corrective maintenance begins with the failure
and a diagnosis of the failure to determine why it
appeared. The next step is replacement of damaged
components or software. In some cases, the damage may
be repairable, by removing the item in question and doing
repairs off site. After the maintenance is performed, a
technician verifies that the fix has worked by testing the

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