Calendar: Calendar: Calendar: Calendar:: 30 September 2011

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Term 3 Week 9

Kia Ora Koutou This is the final newsletter for term 3!

30 September 2011

Pita Pit Orders Every Monday Sushi Orders Every Tuesday Subway Orders Every Wednesday Sausage Sizzle Every Friday $1.50each 5 OctQuiz Evening 5 OctLiteracy Dayshared lunch 7 OctTerm 3 ends 24 OctTerm 4 begins 27 OctSchool Photos 7 NovBOT Meeting

Congratulations to Room 3 raising $349.00 on Wednesday with the Mufti day to provide a water tank for Vanuatu. This is a massive effort as a social action for the Inquiry! Well done! We have also sent more funds to our adopted earthquake school Lyttleton West School. $641.47 was sent from a Wheels Day, a Disco and also the Amazing Faherty girls! Samantha, Halle, Charly and Emma have shared the earthquake happenings with their friends back home in Oregon. We are very proud of them; their home school St Marys Academy has sent a cheque of $200 US! We have received thank you emails from the Principal and House Captains of Lyttleton West School. They have major sewerage issues and also a lack of classroom space, they are required to use Porta Loos and the old adage we dont know how lucky we are comes to mind! We are excited to have 26 Quiz teams entered and hope to get 30! This will be a very fun night. On Wednesday the 5 October our Literacy day will officially thank Mel Larsen for creating our stunning hall Mural! Remember your child is dressing up for this and all classes are organising a shared lunch. Watch the notice gobbling backpacks for information on this. We wish you a safe and happy term break, hope the weather is kind AND that we WIN the WORLD CUP! Go the ALL BLACKS! Marlene

The school is again experiencing many, many cases of headlice. This is a reminder that parents/ caregivers must check their childs head regularly. Also that one treatment is unlikely to be sufficient as the eggs continue to hatch. Some cases treated here at school have been well advanced and will take many weeks to clear. Your co-operation is essential to stamp this out.

SPORTS COORDINATOR Many thanks to Laura Faherty who is going to assist Mr Tucker with the overwhelming sports team organisation. Laura is our new volunteer. She will distribute information and post this on the sports noticeboard in the conservatory. All coaches are asked to send results to if they want the team acknowledged at assembly or in the newsletter.


Marie Watts leaves us at the end of term. Maries husband is the Principal of St Patricks and he has won a new Principal position in Auckland, hence the shift. We are sad to lose them both and wish them well in Jaffa land!!


With our roll constantly growing, we are looking at our predicted roll for 2012. If you have not yet enrolled your younger children, please do so, as this will assist us in planning classes. The Board of Trustees, have discussed having to enforce our zone, if we continue to see the roll growth. Please contact Judi at the office to get an enrolment pack.

Hi Marlene Thank you so much for your ongoing support! Things are going OK for us but there are still some major implications. We have just found out that our sewer and storm water has been badly damaged. We have gone onto porterloos. Although we have lost about 25 students we are still desperately short of space, we have a class approved and designed but everything is on hold in the wider Christchurch area. I have asked one of my house captains to email you with a thanks for your house captains about what the money is being used for. We have done loads of fun things for the kids and are funding art therapy for a number of students. We will see how the insurance thing goes but we could end up having to replace the court areas ourselves because the ministry has not insured them. Thanks once again. Andrew Principal, Lyttleton West Primary Hi Salford School, On behalf of all the students at Lyttelton West School I would like to thank you for continuing to raise money for us this long after the devastating earthquakes. With all the money you have raised for us the senior students put on a production with one of the local directors Mike Friend. It was called Tremor and performed at the old Volcano Cafe, Lava Bar and Fish and Chip site. It was a great learning opportunity for all of the seniors. We also have been using the money to buy some new things for the school. At the moment we are having to use port-a-loos as the plumbers are now fixing the broken pipes. One unknown plumber accidentally lost one of the water blasters 100 meters underground!!! We hope you enjoyed school Disco and Wheels Day. Thanks again for raising money for us, we really appreciate it. Alex Simmonds, Year 8, House Captain, Librarian Lyttleton West Primary
ILyttleton West Primary School Senior Production - Called Tremor - was performed on the site of a demolished

It remains a bit of a challenge to get into the Schools Main Entrance.

FOR SALE CCC Trackpants

We have one pair of NEW size 8 Canterbury Track pants for sale $47.00 We will have then here only for 1 week. if you would like to buy them see the Office NOW.

These are now due for Terms 1, 2 and 3. Many thanks to those Families that have paid these already. This is assisting the Board of Trustees to fund the extra laptops, specialist teachers, and small group teaching. We appreciate your support.
COOK WANTED - Weekends 82.00pm At Rest HomeSouth side of Winton Ph Vicky for more info 027 343 4049

Please make you last stop next Friday at the First Aide Room and check for lost property. HOLIDAY CARE upcoming School Holidaysplease book this NOW. Through the Office or with Gaye direct 021 022 02296 A reminder that After School Care accounts MUST be kept current

WE ARE BRINGING THEM BACK FOR YOU Top Jazz and Hip Hop dancer/teachers

OUT OF SCHOOL ART CLASSES Children 5 12 years of age Enrolments for term four 2011 are being accepted now

In Invercargill on 8th and 9th October Amber direct from Turkey Cat from Wellington Khan from Auckland

Please contact Liaison Assistant -Andrea For more information see the poster or Morrow Ph: 03 217 9923 pick up a brochure from School and/or Email: please contact Lou at Jazz Time or Enrolment forms available at the Office.

032158861 or 0272177985


Athletics is a fund, healthy sport for all children (5-14 years). Tuesday 4th October at 5:45pm , St Pauls Club RoomsSurrey Park. For more details, contact: Lilian Tudor-213 0104. Barbara Jenkins216 8574


from the PTA for the items donated so far for our ham-

pers, which are to be raffled on Quiz Night. They are looking good! We now require just a few specific items to finish these off, so if you havent already donated yet, here are some ideas; Garden Basketpacks of seeds / garden gloves/ trowel/fork Afternoon Tea Basketbiscuits / coffee / chocolates / serviettes See you at Quiz Night. Gillian Graham, Secretary, PTA


Room 3s organised mufti day was a success!! Thank you Salford school for raising enough money to go towards supplying a water tank for a village in Vanuatu. They will now be able to have fresh clean water! In Total we raised $348.80!!! In Vanuatu, the majority of water is unsafe to drink. Water systems in urban areas only serve 20% of Vanuatus population, while the remaining 80% of people living in rural areas rely upon much less safe drinking water. Unclean drinking water is a major contributing factor of diarrhea, which is a common cause of death in developing countries such as Vanuatu, and the second most common cause of infant deaths worldwide. You can therefore greatly improve the quality of life for whole communities by building concrete water tanks to store rainwater. Rainwater collection is an important part of the rural water supply of Vanuatu as this protects water from pollution, and enables a constant supply of water during drier seasons.

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