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Electronic structure of BaFeO3: an abinitio DFT study

Hong-Jian Feng, Fa-Min Liu

Department of Physics, School of Sciences, Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics,
Beijing 100083, P. R. China

Abstract: First principles calculations were performed to study the ground state electronic
properties of BaFeO3 (BFO) within the density functional theory (DFT). Adopting generalized
gradient approximation (GGA) exchange and correlation functional and Vosko-Wilk-Nusair
correlation energy functional interpolation, we have systematically conducted the band
structure, density of states and electronic distribution along different crystalline planes.
Calculating results show that band gap in the majority spin band structure and band gap in the
minority spin band structure were found to be 2.7012 eV and 0.6867 eV respectively. Up-spin
Fe t2g were fully occupied and down-spin Fe eg were empty. Moreover, the up-spin Fe eg and
down-spin Fe t2g were partially occupied near the Fermi energy, leading to a finite density of
states. The Fe4+-O-Fe4+ plane superexchange coupling should rearrange the magnetic order to
make the ferromagnetic characteristic being possible, moreover the tetragonal displacement
along the c axis could induce the perovskites materials to acquire ferroelectric property. These
reasons could lead to the fact that the tetragonal phase BFO could be a potential multiferroics
while it was produced under the very experimental conditions. The charge density along
different crystalline planes were illustrated to show that strong covalent bonding between O
and Fe can be used to investigate the exchange coupling, and this strong hybridization may
further increase the superexchange coupling to enhance the magnetic ordering.
PACS: 71.15.Mb, 71.20.-b
Keywords: BaFeO3; First-principles calculation; Density functional theory; Electronic
density distribution; Band structure; Density of states

Introduction this sort of fascinating materials. BaFeO3

Multiferroics materials have attracted more (BFO) has been expected to be a potential
interesting in recent years in terms of magnetoelectrics due to the ferromagnetic
possessing magnetic order and ordering of Fe4+ ions, and it was reported to
ferroelectricity in the same phase. Since be hexagonal structure in the bulk form.
1960s various review articles have Eiichi Taketani and his collaborators have
systematically classified their properties and predicted that the BFO thin films with a
behaviors [1-5]. Previous research show that tetragonal crystalline structure might be a
the magnetoelectric property may originate potential candidate for multiferroics [11].
from the coupling between ferroelectric and Therefore we might speculate the BFO with
ferromagnetic order parameters [6-10]. Even tetragonal crystalline structure in the bulk
now the driven mechanism of the form should be an ideal candidate for
magnetoelectric multiferroics has not been multiferroics as it was produced with this
discovered totally. More investigations on special tetragonal perovskites structure
the theoretical methods need to be under a certain experimental condition.
performed to push forward the progress on First principles calculations have been

recently used to describe the electronic diffraction pattern shown in Fig.1.
structure of materials, as far as perovskites
type materials are concerned. One of the Secondly, we conducted the self-consistent
first theoretical investigations in BTO calculation, and the cell was constructed in
ferroelectric transition has been done by Fig.2.
Cohen and Krakouer in the early 1990s
using the first principles calculations based
on density functional theory (DFT) with
local density approximation (LDA) method
[12-13]. In this paper, electronic properties
of BFO in bulk form with tetragonal
crystalline structure have been
systematically investigated by using first
principles calculation based on density
functional theory (DFT) within local density
approximation (LDA) method. And we
mainly focused on the calculations of the
band structure, density of states (DOS) and
the charge density along different crystalline
planes within the DFT exchange and
generalized gradient approximation (GGA)
correlation functional to provide Fig. 2 The diagram of tetragonal structural
comprehensive understanding on the BaFeO3
forthcoming experiments.
2. Computational details: The corresponding space group was p4 mm.
The calculation was separated into During relaxation the cell shape and volume
three steps. Firstly, the lattice constant was fixed. In the third step, we performed
optimization was performed with respect to the non-self-consistent calculation. In our
the lowest energy. The initial lattice constant DFT computations, we used Vosko - Wilk -
(a = 0.39904 nm, c = 0.40689 nm) was Nusair correlation energy functional and
provided, which has been derived from the generalized gradient approximation (GGA)
exchange and correlation functional as
suggested by Perdew and Wang (PWGGA).
The reciprocal space integration was
2000 performed by sampling of the Brillouin

Zone with the 111111 Monkorst-Pack net.

The high symmetry points in the reciprocal

space were selected to describe the band

structure of BFO. Plane-wave functions

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
were used as basis sets, and a plane-wave
2/() cutoff energy of 500 eV was employed
throughout. It has shown that the results are
Fig.1 X-ray diffraction patterns of different
well converged at this cutoff. Spin-orbit
Fe doping BaTiO3
interaction was excluded in our calculations
average value calculated from the X-ray

due to its weak influences in 3d elements. majority spin band structure was derived
Ba 5s, Ba 5p, Fe 3s, Fe 3p, Fe 3d, O 2s and from the Ba 6s states, and this point can also
O 2p electrons have been treated as valence be proved by the corresponding orbital
state. resolved DOS of Ba. The band gap
3Results and discussion calculated was 2.7012 eV. Moreover the
From the band structure for majority spin topmost point in the valence band (VB) is
in Fig. 3, one can see that the localized in the high symmetry point M
along the Brillouin zone, and the lowest
point in the conduction band (CB) is found
in the high symmetry point along the
Brillouin zone. The band structure of the

minority spin was depicted in Fig.4, in
-8 which no significant difference was
-12 observed. However, the band gap here is
-16 decreased to 0.6867 eV, and a relative small
value compared with the majority spin,
which was caused by the shift of down-spin
Fig. 3 The majority spin band structure Fe t2g. The corresponding highest point in
calculated for BaFeO3 VB and lowest point in CB have not been
changed accordingly.
From the spin-resolved total DOS it can
be seen that the spin up and spin down states
5 have not equaled in the upper and lower
0 panel shown in the Fig. 5, which was the

total DOS of BFO.
Total DOS(states/atom/eV)

-15 spin up

Fig. 4 The minority spin band structure

-4 spin down

calculated for BaFeO3 -6

-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10

E nergy(eV )
quasi-flat band positioned at -17 eV
originated from the O 2s states, and those
Fig. 5 The total DOS Vs energy
positioned at -11 eV originated from the Ba
5p states. These results can be approved
from the partial DOS of Ba and O atoms The asymmetry in the vicinity of the Fermi
respectively. The band in the vicinity of the level attributed to the spin ordering of the Fe
Fermi level was formed by the hybridization atom which might
of O 2p and Fe 3d states. Due to the p-d
overlap in this portion, the charge
redistribution was completed to form the
compound BFO. The topmost in the

Generally speaking, the magnetization
2.5 caused by the Fe4+(d4-d4) type exchange
coupling depend on the species and the

O 2s
arrangement of the magnetic ions, and the
O 2p

0.5 Fe4+-O-Fe4+ plane superexchange coupling

0.0 should rearrange the magnetic order to make
the ferromagnetic property become possible.
Moreover, the tetragonal displacement along


the c axis could induce the perovskites
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10

Energy(eV) materials to acquire ferroelectric property.

Hence these two reasons could provide the
Fig. 6 Spin-resolved DOS of O Vs energy fact that the tetragonal phase BFO might be
a potential multiferroics while it was
become the origin of the ferromagnetic produced under the very experimental
property in this special structure material. conditions.
Up-spin Fe t2g were fully occupied and
down-spin Fe t2g were partially filled, 6

leading to a finite density of states at the 4

Ba 4d

3 Ba 5p

Fermi energy. 2 Ba 6s


3.5 Fe 3p -3
3.0 Fe 4s

2.5 Fe 3d
2.0 -5
0.5 -7
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10
-1.0 Energy(eV)
Fig. 8 Spin-resolved DOS of Ba Vs energy
-20 -15 -10 -5

Energy (eV)
0 5 10
In Fig. 8 the spin-resolved DOS of Ba
assured that the band positioned at -11 eV
Fig. 7 Spin-resolved DOS of Fe Vs energy was derived from the Ba 5p states and the
highest region in the band structure could
However, up-spin Fe eg were partly filled, also found its counterpart directly.
and down-spin Fe eg were fully empty. The The charge density along different
spin-resolved DOS of O and Fe atom were crystalline planes has been shown in Fig. 9,
illustrated in Fig.6 and Fig. 7, and the O 2s Fig.10, Fig.11 and Fig. 12 respectively.
states at -17 eV was confirmed the lowest
lying band in the band structure again. The
asymmetry was also observed in the vicinity
of the Fermi energy, and it is assumed that
this might be caused by the interaction
between the octahedral oxygen and the Fe
atom. The up-spin Fe eg and down-spin Fe
t2g were partially occupied near the Fermi
energy in the Fig. 7 leading to a finite DOS. Fig. 9 The charge density distribution along

(001) plane. results further proved that the p-d overlap
between O 2p and Fe 3d orbitals. The charge
redistribution along (110) crystalline plane
and (111) crystalline plane has been
conducted in Fig.11 and Fig.12. The strong
covalent bonding between Fe and O atoms
have been affirmed again by the charge map
along the (110) crystalline plane. Even in the
(111) crystalline plane the hybridization
could be observed due to the strong p-d
Fig. 10 The charge density distribution along overlap. Therefore this strong hybridization
(100) plane. may further increase the superexchange
coupling to enhance the magnetic ordering.
Although most of papers published previous
have made great endeavour to discover the
charge distribution of perovskites
compounds, they had not projected the
charge density onto different crystalline
planes. Our investigation aims show a new
approach to study the electronic distribution
with respect to the space group symmetry.
Fig. 11 The charge density distribution along 4. Conclusions
(110) plane. We have systemically performed the band
structure, density of states and electronic
distribution along different crystalline planes
by using the first principles calculation
based on the density functional theory
within the local density approximation
scheme. The calculating results show that
the band gap in the majority spin band
structure was found to be 2.7012 eV,
whereas the one for the minority spin was
decreased to be only 0.6867 eV, causing by
Fig. 12 The charge density distribution along the shift of down-spin Fe t2g in the positive
(111) plane. direction of the x coordinate. From the
spin-resolved total DOS it can be seen that
The charge density distribution along the the spin up and spin down states have not
(001) crystalline plane and (100) crystalline equaled in the upper and lower panel, which
plane are shown in Fig.9 and Fig.10, agree well with the conclusion in the band
respectively. There was no sharp difference structure. The quasi-flat band positioned at
between these two charge density maps due -17 eV and -11 eV was attributed to the O 2s
to the p4mm group symmetry. The strong states and Ba 5p states, respectively. The
covalent bonding between O and Fe atom up-spin Fe eg and down-spin Fe t2g were
can be investigated from the maps, and this partially occupied near the Fermi energy

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This work was supported by the

Aeronautical Science foundation of China

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