Inhomogeneity-Induced High Temperature Ferromagnetism in N-Type Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (In, Fe) As Grown On Vicinal Gaas Substrates
Inhomogeneity-Induced High Temperature Ferromagnetism in N-Type Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (In, Fe) As Grown On Vicinal Gaas Substrates
Inhomogeneity-Induced High Temperature Ferromagnetism in N-Type Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (In, Fe) As Grown On Vicinal Gaas Substrates
We systematically investigate the electrical and magnetic properties of n-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)As thin films grown on vicinal
GaAs(001) substrates with different lattice-relaxation layers and Fe-doping techniques. We show that spinodal decomposition and ferromagnetism
can be enhanced in the (In,Fe)As thin films grown on InAs lattice-relaxation layers under the nucleation growth mode, while they are suppressed in
those grown on the GaSb/AlSb/AlAs (from top to bottom) lattice-relaxation layers under the step-flow growth mode. We demonstrate that room-
temperature ferromagnetism and good electrical properties can be obtained at the same time by using the Fe-delta-doping technique in
combination with the step-flow growth mode. © 2020 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Table I. For comparison, we also grew reference (In,Fe)As and can trigger the spinodal decomposition in the top
layers on a GaAs(001) just-cut substrate. To reduce the very (In,Fe)As thin films. In contrast, the AlSb layer (and the
large lattice mismatch between (In,Fe)As (lattice following GaSb layer, not shown here) can preserve the steps
constant ∼6.06 Å) and GaAs (lattice constant ∼ 5.65 Å), structures of the vicinal GaAs substrate even after lattice
lattice-relaxation layers are inserted between the GaAs relaxation between them has occurred, as clearly seen by their
substrates and the (In,Fe)As layers. We have grown four inclined streaky RHEED patterns in Fig. 1(d). Figures 1(e)
types of 20 nm thick (In,Fe)As thin films with various type of and 1(f) show the RHEED patterns of the (In,Fe)As layer of
lattice-relaxation layers and Fe doping techniques. Type A sample A2 and sample B3, respectively. The surface of the
are (In,Fe)As thin films grown on InAs lattice-relaxation (In,Fe)As layer of sample A2, which was grown on the InAs
layers, while type B are those grown on a stack of GaSb/ lattice-relaxation layer, is slightly rough [see Fig. 1(e)],
AlSb/AlAs (from top to bottom layers) lattice-relaxation which is due to the influence of defects or local strains
layers. As shown below, the InAs lattice-relaxation layers inherited from the steps on the GaAs substrate. In contrast,
promote nucleation growth mode, while the GaSb/AlSb/AlAs the surface of the (In,Fe)As layer of sample B3 is smooth
lattice-relaxation layers promote the step-flow mode. The Fe with clear inclined streaky RHEED patterns [see Fig. 1(f)],
concentration x in the (In1−x,Fex)As layers of type A and B indicating the step-flow mode of (In,Fe)As even at low
are 5.3%. Type C and type D are those grown by an Fe-delta- temperature in this sample.
doping technique on the GaSb/AlSb/AlAs lattice-relaxation From the RHEED observations mentioned above, we can
layers (More details of the growth procedure will be expect that samples A2–A5 have stronger spinodal decom-
described later). During the MBE growth, reflection high- position and more inhomogeneous distribution of Fe, while
energy electron diffraction (RHEED) was used to observe the samples B2–B5 have more homogenous distribution of Fe,
crystallinity and surface morphology of the samples. After compared with the reference sample A1 grown on a
the thin-film growth, electrical properties, magneto-transport GaAs(001) just-cut substrate under the usual condition. The
properties, and magneto-optical properties of those (In,Fe)As idealized schematic three-dimensional (3D) sample structure
thin films were investigated using various methods such as and the expected distribution of Fe are depicted in Figs. 1(g)
MCD spectroscopy and anomalous Hall effect (AHE). The and 1(h) for samples A2–A5 and B2–B5, respectively. [Note
crystal structure of one sample (A2) was investigated by that in Figs. 1(g) and 1(h), the height of the steps is one
scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). monolayer (ML), and is magnified for better illustration. The
InAs cap layer is omitted.] In samples A2–A5, one can
3. Results
expect areas with relatively high Fe concentration induced by
3.1. Samples A1–A5 and B1–B5 defects or local strains inherited from the steps on the GaAs
3.1.1. Crystal growth. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show the substrate, and terrace areas in between with relatively low Fe
schematic cross-sectional structure of samples A1–A5 (type A) concentration. In contrast, in samples B2–B5, we expect that
and samples B1–B5 (type B), respectively. The growth the Fe concentration is more homogenous thanks to the step-
procedure of these samples is as follows. First, we grew a flow mode.
50 nm thick GaAs buffer layer at a substrate temperature (TS) Figure 2 shows a representative STEM lattice image of
of 580 °C. After that, we grew a 10 nm thick InAs lattice- sample A2 projected along the [1̄10] azimuth. The STEM
relaxation layer at TS = 500 °C for type A, or a stack of 10 nm image indicates that the crystal structure of the (In,Fe)As
thick AlAs (TS = 500 °C), 30 nm thick AlSb (TS = 470 °C), layer is zinc-blende with some dislocations, but there is no
and 70 nm thick GaSb (TS = 470 °C) lattice-relaxation layers precipitation of body-centered-cubic or face-centered-cubic
for type B, respectively. These lattice-relaxation layers reduce Fe nanoclusters or other types of crystal structure. This
the lattice mismatch between (In,Fe)As and GaAs. After
cooling the samples to 236 °C, we started growing a 20 nm
thick (In0.947,Fe0.053)As layer, doped with double-donor Be
atoms of 1 × 1019 cm−3. Finally, we grew a 3 nm InAs cap
Figures 1(c)–1(d) show the RHEED patterns taken along
the [1̄10] azimuth of the InAs lattice-relaxation layer of
sample A2 (2°-off substrate) and the AlSb lattice-relaxation
layer of sample B3 (6°-off substrate), respectively. We see
clear difference between these layers. The InAs layer was
grown at a high temperature of 500 °C, allowing fast surface
migration of In atoms and formation of lattice-relaxed InAs
layer with a relatively flat surface, as evidenced by the
streaky patterns in Fig. 1(c). In this case, however, the steps
on the surface of the vicinal GaAs substrate were buried, and
no step-flow growth of (In,Fe)As on the InAs lattice-
relaxation layer can be expected. Nevertheless, we expect
that the steps on the GaAs substrate can leave traces as defect Fig. 2. Cross-sectional scanning transmission electron microscopy
(STEM) lattice image of sample A2, consisting of 3 nm thick InAs cap/20
sites or local strains at the GaAs/InAs interface, which can nm thick (In0.947,Fe0.053)As/10 nm thick InAs lattice-relaxation buffer layer,
remain up to the InAs surface. In spinodal decomposition, grown on a 2°-off GaAs(001) substrate. Note that the 3 nm thick InAs cap
such local defects or strains are known to be nucleation sites and about 2 nm thick (In,Fe)As were oxidized.
Fig. 4. (Color online) (a) and (b) MCD spectra at 5 K of type-A and type-B (In,Fe)As samples, respectively, under an external magnetic field of 1 T applied
perpendicular to the film plane. Black arrows indicate the optical critical point energies of InAs. (c) and (d) Normalized MCD spectra at 0.2, 0.5, and 1 T of
samples A2 and B3, respectively. (e) and (f) MCD intensity-magnetic field hysteresis at various temperatures of sample A3 and B3, respectively, measured at
the photon energy of E1. The insets of (e) and (f) show the MCD hysteresis at 300 K.
photon energy, and DE is the spin-splitting energy (Zeeman sample A1 [grown on a GaAs(001) just-cut substrate], there is no
splitting energy) of a FMS. The MCD spectrum reflects dE , hysteresis. However, for samples A2–A5 [grown on vicinal
which is unique for the FMS in question. The MCD spectrum of GaAs(001) substrates], clear hysteresis was observed.
an intrinsic FMS would show strongly enhanced extrema at the Furthermore, the hysteresis becomes stronger with increasing
optical critical point energies of the host semiconductors. On the the off-angle and the step density. To further confirm the high-
other hand, if a semiconductor sample contains second-phase temperature ferromagnetic phase in type-A samples, we mea-
metallic magnetic precipitates, the MCD spectrum would show sured the AHE of samples A1–A5 at 300 K. Figures 5(f)–5(j)
a broad background and no particular features related to the host show the anomalous Hall resistance (AHR) of samples A1–A5,
semiconductor, because the host semiconductor would remain normalized by their value at 0.5 T. We observed the same
non-magnetic in this case. Therefore, MCD is a powerful tool to hysteresis curves of AHR as those of MCD as a function of the
distinguish whether the magnetization in the samples comes off-angle. For comparison, we show in Figs. 5(k)−5(o) the
from the intrinsic FMS phase or metallic second-phase pre- MCD − H characteristics of samples B1–B5 at 300 K, which
cipitations. At the same time, the MCD intensity is also show no hysteresis. These suggest that the different growth
proportional to DE, allowing us to obtain the magnetization mode between samples A2–A5 and B2–B5 results in the high-
hysteresis of the measured material as a function of the external temperature ferromagnetic phase in samples A2–A5, while such
magnetic field H. These are the great advantages of MCD over phase is absent in samples B2–B5.
more conventional techniques, such as superconducting The co-existence of the high-TC and low-TC phase in
quantum interference devices, which cannot distinguish the samples A2–A5 and the very low-TC phase in samples B2–
origin of the observed magnetization.28) Figures 4(a) and 4(b) B5 are consistent with spinodal decomposition tailored by the
show the MCD spectra of samples A1–A5 and B1–B5, lattice-relaxation layers and the growth mode of (In,Fe)As, as
respectively, at 5 K and under a magnetic field of 1 T applied illustrated in Figs. 1(g) and 1(h). In samples A2–A5, the
perpendicular to the film plane. The MCD spectra of both type- spinodal decomposition is likely enhanced by the existence
A and type-B samples show strong extrema at the optical critical of defects or local strains inherited from the atomic steps on
point energies E1 (2.61 eV), E1 + D1 (2.88 eV), and E0 the vicinal GaAs substrates, resulting in local ferromagnetic
(4.39 eV) of InAs.29) These results indicate that (In,Fe)As thin domains with high Fe concentrations and high TC. Since
films grown on vicinal substrates preserve the zinc-blende band these step-induced high-TC ferromagnetic domains are spa-
structures, consistent with the STEM observation in Fig. 2. tially connected along the steps, they manifest themselves as
There is, however, difference in the magnetic field response of the macroscopic high-TC phase. On the other hand, the
the MCD spectra between type-A and type-B samples. terrace areas between those domains have lower Fe concen-
Figures 4(c) and 4(d) show the normalized MCD spectra by tration, and appear as the low-TC phase. In samples B2–B5
their intensity at E1 of sample A2 and B3, measured with where the growth proceeds by the step-flow growth mode,
applied magnetic fields of 0.2, 0.5, and 1 T. The normalized the spinodal decomposition is suppressed because the step
MCD spectra of sample B3 shows nearly perfect overlapping on position is changing with time. Thus, the Fe atoms are
a single spectrum in the whole photon energy range, indicating distributed more randomly, and the TC becomes very low.
that the MCD spectra come from a single-phase ferromagnetism These magnetic responses are consistent with the normalized
of the entire (In,Fe)As film. In contrast, the normalized MCD MCD spectra shown in Figs. 4(c) and 4(d), and conclusions
spectra of sample A3 show clear difference in the photon energy from the previous XMCD study of (In, Fe)As.24)
range between 3.2 and 4.2 eV, indicating that there are different 3.2. Samples C and D
phases in this sample. These magnetic responses of the MCD 3.2.1. Crystal growth. In the previous section, we have
spectra are consistent with our expectation for the inhomoge- shown that room-temperature ferromagnetism can be obtained
neous (homogeneous) distribution of Fe in type-A (type-B) by utilizing step-induced spinodal decomposition for (In,Fe)As
samples, respectively, as shown in Figs. 1(g) and 1(h). grown on the InAs lattice-relaxation layers in type-A samples.
Next, we analyze the magnetic field dependence of the MCD However, those type-A samples have many crystal defects and
intensity (MCD − H characteristics). Figures 4(e) and 4(f) show relatively poor electrical properties. In this section, we
the representative MCD − H characteristics at different tem- demonstrate an Fe-delta-doping technique in combination
peratures of sample A3 and B3, respectively, measured at the with the step-flow growth mode on the GaSb/AlSb/AlAs
optical critical point energy E1. One can see that both samples buffers to achieve high-TC ferromagnetism as well as good
show weak hysteresis at low temperatures, indicating the electrical properties. The delta-doping technique enables
existence of a low TC ferromagnetic phase. Other samples doping locally high concentration of magnetic atoms in a
show similar MCD − H characteristics. TC of all the samples semiconductor while maintaining its crystal structure, and it
was estimated by the Arrott plots (MCD2 − H/MCD) and was was used to obtain high TC up to 250 K in
listed in the 4th column of Table I. One can see that samples (Ga,Mn)As.30) Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show the structure of
B1–B5 have very low TC (<10 K), while samples A1–A5 have two new samples C and D, respectively. First, we grew GaSb/
slightly higher TC that do not exceed 30 K. However, there is a AlSb/AlAs lattice-relaxation layers on 2°-off vicinal GaAs
high-TC phase up to room-temperature in sample A3, as shown substrates, in the same way as sample B2. After cooling the
by the magnified hysteresis loop at 300 K [see inset of samples to 236 °C, we first grew 4 MLs of Be-doped InAs
Fig. 4(e)]. In contrast, there is no such high-TC phase in sample (referred to as InAs:Be). For sample C, we used the Fe-delta-
B3 [see inset of Fig. 4(f)]. doping technique to grow 1 ML of Be-doped FeAs (referred to
In order to clarify the origin of the high-TC phase, we as FeAs:Be), i.e. 1 ML of tetrahedral Fe–As bonding, and
systematically investigate the MCD − H characteristics of sam- 2 MLs of InAs:Be, and repeated this growth process for 22
ples A1–A5 at 300 K, which are shown in Figs. 5(a)–5(e). For cycles. For sample D, we grew 0.5 ML of FeAs:Be followed
063002-5 © 2020 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59, 063002 (2020) P. N. Hai et al.
Fig. 5. (Color online) (a)–(e) Magnetic field dependence of the MCD intensity at room temperature for type-A samples, measured at the photon energy of E1.
(f)–(j) Magnetic field dependence of AHR at room temperature for type-A samples. (k)–(o) Magnetic field dependence of the MCD intensity at room
temperature for type-B samples. The sign of MCD data are reversed (−MCD) for better comparison with AHR data.
Fig. 7. (Color online) (a) and (b) MCD spectrum at 5 K of samples C and D, respectively, under an external magnetic field of 1 T applied perpendicular to
the film plane. Black arrows indicate the optical critical point energies of InAs. (c) and (d) MCD intensity-magnetic field hysteresis at various temperatures of
samples C and D, respectively, measured at the photon energy of E1. (e) and (f) Arrott plots of the MCD intensity of samples C and D, respectively.
(g) Temperature dependence of the resistivity of sample D measured when the current was applied along the [110] and [1̄10 ] direction. (h) Normalized
temperature dependence of the resistivity of sample D by their values at room temperature.
The next question is whether the room-temperature ferro- we conclude that Fe-delta-doping induced inhomogeneity in
magnetism in sample D originates from the Fe-delta-doping sample D survives and is the origin of the observed room-
induced inhomogeneity, i.e. the planar FeAs/InAs super- temperature ferromagnetism. Finally, we note that high-TC
lattice, whose idealized schematic structure is shown in ferromagnetism is only observed in Fe-delta-doped
Fig. 6(d). During the crystal growth, such a superlattice (In,Fe)As thin films grown on vicinal GaAs substrates with
may collapse due to interdiffusion of Fe and In atoms the step-flow mode. In Fe-delta-doped (In,Fe)As reference
between the Fe-delta-doped FeAs domains and the InAs samples grown on GaAs(001) just-cut substrates, TC was
domains. In the ultimate case, the FeAs and InAs domains only several tens of K.
may fuse together to form an (In,Fe)As alloy with the
nominal Fe concentration of 50%. To find whether the planar 4. Discussion
FeAs/InAs superlattice in sample D survives such interdiffu- Under the assumption of the mean-field Zener model, electron-
sion, we measured the resistivity of sample D when the induced ferromagnetism at temperatures higher than 1 K in n-
current is applied along the [110] and [1̄10] direction. If type FMSs would not be possible.18) In previous works,
interdiffusion of Fe and In atoms was completed, there would however, we have already demonstrated electron-induced
be no difference between the resistivity r[110] and r[110
¯ ] for ferromagnetism up to several tens of K in bulk-like n-type
(In,Fe)As with Fe concentrations less than 10%.4) In this work,
the current flows along the [110] and [1̄10] direction. On the
we have further demonstrated ferromagnetism up to room-
hand, if interdiffusion of Fe and In is not completed, we can
temperature in (In,Fe)As thin films with ferromagnetic do-
expect some difference between them. Using the serial
mains having locally high Fe concentrations. Even higher TC
(parallel) resistor model for the FeAs/InAs superlattice
can be obtained by increasing the electron concentration n.
when the current follows along the [110] ([1̄10]) direction,
r FeAs + r InAs 2r FeAs Dr InAs
Note that the maximum n obtained so far in (In,Fe)As is
we obtain r[110] = 2
and r[110
¯ ]= r FeAs + r InAs
, where 1.8 × 1019 cm−3, which is much lower than the maximum hole
r FeAs and r InAs are the resistivity of the FeAs and InAs density (∼1021 cm−3) in (Ga,Mn)As. Thus, there is still more
domains. From these formulas, we expect r[110] > r[110 room for increasing n and TC. High n may be realized by
¯ ] for
doping group-VI elements, such as Te or Se, as donors in
r FeAs ≠ r InAs. Figures 7(g) shows the temperature depen-
(In,Fe)As. From the data of samples C and D, we predict that
dence of the resistivity of sample D measured when the the ultimate TC of such (In,Fe)As films would be given by
current was applied along the [110] and [1̄10] direction, while TC = 305 K × (n/1.2 × 1019 cm−3)1/3. That means, very high
Fig. 7(h) shows those normalized by the values at room TC of 618 K can be obtained at n = 1 × 1020 cm−3.
temperature. One can see that r[110] is not only larger than
¯ ] but also increases more rapidly than r[110 ¯ ] with
5. Conclusion
decreasing temperature, indicating the existence of FeAs/ In conclusion, we have shown that it is possible to realize
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