Multiferroic Two-Dimensional Materials: Week Ending 20 MAY 2016

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PRL 116, 206803 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 20 MAY 2016

Multiferroic Two-Dimensional Materials

L. Seixas,1,2,* A. S. Rodin,1 A. Carvalho,1 and A. H. Castro Neto1
Centre for Advanced 2D Materials and Graphene Research Centre,
National University of Singapore, Singapore 117542, Singapore
MackGraphe—Graphene and Nanomaterials Research Center, Mackenzie Presbyterian University,
01302-907 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
(Received 30 October 2015; published 20 May 2016)
The relation between unusual Mexican-hat band dispersion, ferromagnetism, and ferroelasticity is
investigated using a combination of analytical, first-principles, and phenomenological methods. The class
of material with Mexican-hat band edge is studied using the α-SnO monolayer as a prototype. Such a band
edge causes a van Hove singularity diverging with 1= E, and a charge doping in these bands can lead to
time-reversal symmetry breaking. Herein, we show that a material with Mexican-hat band dispersion,
α-SnO, can be ferroelastic or paraelastic depending on the number of layers. Also, an unexpected
multiferroic phase is obtained in a range of hole density for which the material presents ferromagnetism and
ferroelasticity simultaneously.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.206803

Recently, a number of two-dimensional (2D) materials prototype of this phenomenon, we use p-doped α-SnO,
have been found to exhibit band dispersions unrelated to in which ferroelastic and ferromagnetic orders coexist.
their parent three-dimensional (3D) materials. Some curi- Mexican-hat bands are described by
ous example are the materials with a Mexican-hat band pffiffiffiffi EðkÞ ¼ Ak4 þ Bk2 þ E0 ; ð1Þ
which results in van Hove singularities (VHSs) with 1= E
divergence in the density of states (DOS). This novel where k ¼ jkj refers to a point of the reciprocal space. The
material class includes gallium or indium monochalcoge- A and B constants are: A < 0 and B > 0 for the valence
nides [1–3], and bilayer graphene under an electric field band edge, or A > 0 and B < 0 for the conduction band
[4–7]. This leads to an electronic instability, often resulting edge. The hat depth, E0 , is defined as the energy difference
in magnetism, distortion with spatial symmetry breaking, between the local band extrema. This kind of band edge is
or superconductivity. shown schematically in Fig. 1(a) for A > 0 and B < 0. The
First-principles calculations show that GaS [3] and GaSe MHBEs have global extrema in an annular region with
[2,3] monolayers become ferromagnetic when hole doped. radius k0 ¼ −B=ð2AÞ, and local extrema at the Γ point.
Here, we demonstrate that this finding is general for materials Setting the annular band extrema to zero, the hat depth
with Mexican-hat band edges (MHBEs). In addition, we becomes E0 ¼ B2 =4A. These bands possess two VHSs: pffiffiffiffi
show that ferromagnetism and ferroelasticity not only may (i) a divergence in the density of states (DOS) with 1= E
arise in 2D materials with MHBE, but that both ferroic orders behavior at E ¼ 0, (ii) a Heaviside step function
may even be stable simultaneously.
This multiferroicity offers a promising approach to
achieve controllable ferromagnetism in 2D materials, where
the doping density can be varied by external gating. In fact,
most attempts so far to achieve magnetism in 2D have made
use of magnetic atoms [8,9], edges [10,11], or other defects
[12,13]. However, these modified materials have been
difficult to synthesize and characterize experimentally, and
are far from controllable. In contrast, in materials with
Mexican-hat–like bands, magnetism is inherent. Thus, this
class of magnetic materials stands apart within 2D crystals,
and may well become the much sought-after monolayer
ferromagnetic element needed for designing fully 2D spin-
tronic devices, with the added advantage of allowing for FIG. 1. Mexican-hat band edge model. (a) Schematic repre-
electrical and mechanical tuning of the magnetic state. sentation of a MHBE with depth ffi 0 . (b) Density of states of two
Herein, we investigate the relation between Mexican-hat VHSs: One at E ¼ 0 with 1= E divergence, and another with
band edges, ferromagnetism, and ferroelasticity. As a Heaviside step function discontinuity at E ¼ E0 .

0031-9007=16=116(20)=206803(6) 206803-1 © 2016 American Physical Society

week ending
PRL 116, 206803 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 20 MAY 2016

discontinuity at E ¼ E0 . Thus, the DOS for the MHBE is

given by
1 1 ΘðE − E0 Þ
DOSðEÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffi 1 − ð2Þ
4π A E 2

for the conduction band edge (A > 0). This DOS is shown
in Fig. 1(b). Details of the calculation of this DOS are found
in the Supplemental Material [14].
We use state-of-art first principles calculations based on
density functional theory (DFT) [20,21] as implemented
in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP)
[22,23]. The external potential is given by the projector
augmented-wave (PAW) approximation [24], and the
exchange-correlation functional is given by the general-
ized gradient approximation parameterized by Perdew,
Burke, and Ernzerhof (GGA-PBE) [15] or the hybrid
exchange-correlation functional parameterized by Heyd,
Scuseria, and Ernzerhof (HSE06) [25]. The plane-wave
basis with a kinetic energy cutoff of 800 eV is used
in all first-principles calculations. The k-point samples in
the Brillouin zone are calculated with the Γ-centered
Monkhorst-Pack algorithm [26] with 15 × 15 × 1 grid
for monolayers and bilayers, and 15 × 15 × 10 for bulk
geometries. All geometries are relaxed until residual
forces are smaller than 10−3 eV=Å, and using nonlocal FIG. 2. α-SnO monolayer with tetragonal symmetry. (a) Ball-
van der Waals forces in the optB86b-vdW approximation and-stick representation of the α-SnO monolayer from the top
[16,17]. We use a vacuum spacing of 20 Å along the z axis view (top panel) and side view (bottom panel). (b) First principles
to avoid spurious interactions. electronic band structure of the α-SnO monolayer at HSE06 level.
In order to study the consequences of the DOS diver- (c) Mexican-hat valence band surface at PBE level. Contour
gence for a particular case, we consider monolayer α-SnO lines at E − EVBM ¼ −0.030 eV in the valence band are labeled
[27]. The crystal structure of a α-SnO monolayer has by k< and k> .
tetragonal symmetry, see Fig. 2(a). The oxygen atoms
are arranged in a planar square sublattice, while the tin Fermi surface is formed by two circular regions with
atoms form alternating pyramids with square bases radii k< and k> , as shown in Fig. 2(c). For band struc-
bounded by the oxygen atoms [28–31]. Using first- tures calculated with HSE06, the Mexican-hat depth is
principles calculations with van der Waals (vdW) forces, EHSE06
0 ¼ −0.052 eV. With the PBE functional, the depth
we find a lattice constant of a1L ¼ 3.803 Å for α-SnO is E0 ¼ −0.037 eV. For Fermi levels lower than E0 ,
monolayers. This lattice constant is slightly smaller than the the Fermi surface is formed by only one ring with radius
one calculated for the bilayer and bulk, a2L ¼ 3.820 Å and k> . Note that with increasing radii k< and k> , there is a
abulk ¼ 3.838 Å, respectively. Comparisons of lattice con- tetragonal warping.
stants with different parameterization and experimental Thus, the most interesting situation to consider, aside
values are shown in the Supplemental Material [14]. from the intrinsic material, is the p-type material where the
The α-SnO monolayer is an insulator with a fundamental Fermi level lies close to the singularity. This is a realistic
indirect band gap of 3.93 eV at HSE06 level, as shown in scenario, since previous studies of α-SnO bulk show that
Fig. 2(b). The optical band gap is about 4.00 eV at the Γ Sn vacancies are the most stable native defects [33]. These
point, with the same exchange-correlation functional. defects are acceptors, doping the α-SnO with holes.
In contrast, the α-SnO bulk is a semiconductor with a Furthermore, adding the 2D material in a device with an
fundamental indirect band gap of 0.7 eV and optical band electrolyte gate, we can achieve carrier dopings up to
gap of 2.7 eV [30,32]. Since the valence band of the 1015 cm−2 [34,35].
monolayer is a shallow MHBE at the Γ point, we expect an Given the high density of states close to the band edge,
electronic instability via VHS. we first assess the structural stability of the p-type material.
As an approximation, we can consider the valence The elastic energy ΔEel is calculated as a function
band maxima as the annular region with radius k0 . For of the strain components εxx and εyy varying the lattice
Fermi levels between the local band extrema, the constants in x and y direction, and relaxing the internal

week ending
PRL 116, 206803 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 20 MAY 2016

FIG. 3. Ferroelasticity in a α-SnO monolayer. (a) Elastic energy as a function of biaxial strain (εxx and εyy ) in a α-SnO monolayer. The
antisymmetric diagonal strain (εyy ¼ −εxx ) is shown in dashed black line. (b) Elastic energies of a α-SnO monolayer, bilayer, and bulk as
a function of antisymmetric diagonal strain. Inset: α-SnO unit cells with schematic representation of the antisymmetric diagonal strains.
(c) Electronic band structure of distorted α-SnO with εxx ¼ −εyy ¼ 4.5 % at HSE06 level.

coordinates. The surface ΔEel ðεxx ; εyy Þ shown in Fig. 3(a) monolayer is a half-metal phase wherein the spin up peaks
has two degenerate minima in ðþ4.5%; −4.5%Þ and in the DOS are filled, while the spin down peaks are empty,
ð−4.5%; þ4.5%Þ, being characteristic of ferroelasticity. as shown in the Supplemental Material [14].
The two minima can be better seen in the transverse In order to show that FM order can be achieved in any
section εxx ¼ −εyy shown in Fig. 3(b). In contrast, the 2D material with MHBEs, we construct a general model
α-SnO bilayer and bulk only have a minimum at based on the Mexican-hat–like single band. This model
εxx ¼ εyy ¼ 0. Thus, only the α-SnO monolayer has FE can be applied to α-SnO monolayers, as well as to other
order with intrinsic strain εxx ¼ −εyy ¼ 4.5%. This FE materials with MHBEs, such as GaS [3] and GaSe [2]
order breaks the point symmetry from C4v to C2v . At the monolayers.
minimum energy, the band structure of the α-SnO mono- The model is based on the kinetic and exchange
layer changes to have two valleys (between Γ and Y, and energies for systems with ferromagnetic and paramagnetic
between Γ and −Y), see Fig. 3(c). The DOS of α-SnO with (PM) order. From these energies, we can obtain the energy
C4v symmetry, C2v symmetry, and α-SnO bilayer is given difference between fully spin-polarized and unpolarized
in the Supplemental Material [14]. systems (see the Supplemental Material [14] for details):
Other electronic instability driven by the exchange
interaction can be observed when we dope the α-SnO
with holes. Increasing the hole density in monolayers
leads to magnetization. This minimizes the magnetic
energy, ΔEmag , which we define as the difference between
the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic systems. Positive
values in Fig. 4(a) of ΔEmag indicate the preference for the
ferromagnetic order. Both square and distorted monolayers
demonstrate magnetization up to p ¼ 6 × 1014 cm−2 ,
the square monolayers being more stable at
p ¼ 3.46 × 1014 cm−2 . The α-SnO bilayer is only able
to stabilize FM at higher hole densities, when the Fermi
level reaches other peaks in the density of states. The
magnetic dipole moment that arises in a p-doped α-SnO
monolayer increases linearly with p, so that the ratio FIG. 4. Ferromagnetism in α-SnO. (a) Difference of energies
of the magnetic dipole and holes is close to 1 μB /holes between PM and FM orders as a function of hole density. First
up to 5 × 1014 cm−2 , as shown in Fig. 4(b). In the case principles calculations and MHBE model (red). (b) Magnetic
p ¼ 3.46 × 1014 cm−2 , we observe that the FM α-SnO dipoles per holes as a function of hole density.

week ending
PRL 116, 206803 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 20 MAY 2016
2 2 e −A −B
ΔEmag ¼ p π Ap − 3 þ 2 ln : ð3Þ
2 2B Apπ

The A and B constants can be extracted from DFT, or fitted

from experiments. The magnetic energy calculated with this
model is also shown in Fig. 4(a). While the first-principles
calculations show a maximal FM stability at p ≈ 3.5 ×
1014 cm−2 and FM-PM transition at p ≈ 6 × 1014 cm−2 , the
effective model shows the maximal FM stability at
p ≈ 2 × 1014 cm−2 and p ≈ 3.5 × 1014 cm−2 .
In addition to FE and FM orders in the α-SnO mono-
layers, we can also observe phases where both orders are
stabilized simultaneously. This regime, designated multi-
ferroic (MF), is usually found in three-dimensional materi-
als with perovskite structures, such as BiFeO3 or BaTiO3
[36,37] (with ferroelectricity, rather than ferroelasticity).
However, so far, MF order has been found for no
other 2D material. Varying the antisymmetric diagonal
strain (εxx ¼ −εyy ) for p-doped α-SnO monolayers,
we observe that some systems with low hole densities
(0.69 × 1014 cm−2 and 2.07 × 1014 cm−2 ) reveal FE with
FIG. 5. Multiferroic phases in a α-SnO monolayer and models.
intrinsic strains εxx ¼ 6.0% and εxx ¼ 5.5%. For the hole (a) Free energy density as a function of the strain εxx for intrinsic
density p ¼ 3.46 × 1014 cm−2, the system is paraelastic and p-doped α-SnO. (b) Magnetization as a function of the
(no nonzero intrinsic strain). The free energy densities for strain εxx . Each curve is labeled by the hole density in 1014 cm−2 .
these systems doped with holes are shown in Fig. 5(a). The black dashed line shows the minimum energy strain.
Meanwhile, calculating the remanent magnetization (Mr ) (c) Schematic phase diagram based on the generalized Landau
for these systems as function of strain, we observe that model for multiferroicity (ferroelasticity and ferromagnetism) in
systems doped with holes up to p ¼ 1.38 × 1014 cm−2 a α-SnO monolayer.
stabilize with FE order, but not with FM. For hole densities
from 2.07 × 1014 cm−2 to 2.76 × 1014 cm−2 , both FE pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
and FM are stable. Finally, for hole densities greater at εpt ¼ α0 ðp − pc1 Þ=γ . At higher strains and higher hole
than 3.46 × 1014 cm−2 , only FM orders are stable. The densities, the system is nonferroic (NF). Therefore, the
remanent magnetization as functions of strain is shown physical condition for the multiferroic order to take place
in Fig. 5(b) for several values of hole densities. The in a 2D material is pc1 < pc2 , as shown in Fig. 5(c). If
maximum remanent magnetization found was μ0 M r ¼ pc1 > pc2 , the FE and FM will not exist at the same time.
135 mT at p ¼ 5.54 × 1014 cm−2 . The configurations of For the record, first principles results for α-SnO monolayers
magnetization and strain that minimize the energies are provide pc1 ≈ 2.1 × 1014 cm−2 and pc2 ≈ 6.2 × 1014 cm−2 ,
shown in Fig. 5(b). agreeing with the generalized Landau theory.
The phase transitions in these MF 2D materials can be In conclusion, we show that the α-SnO monolayer
described by a generalized Landau theory in which the free can be ferromagnetic, ferroelastic, or even multiferroic,
energy density is written as dependingpon ffiffiffiffi the hole density. This ordering is driven
by the 1= E divergence in the density of states. From a
F ¼ αðpÞM 2 þ βM 4 þ γε2 M2 þ ηðpÞε2 þ λε4 ; ð4Þ single-band model with Mexican-hat dispersion, we dem-
onstrate that the ferromagnetism can be induced in a
where β, γ, and λ are positive constants. The functions αðpÞ range of hole densities. Furthermore, we present a
and ηðpÞ can change the sign within the hole density range, generalized Landau model where ferromagnetism, ferroe-
leading to phase transitions. Close to these phase transi- lasticity, and multiferroicity can be stabilized. Using
tions, the functions are given by αðpÞ ¼ α0 ðpc1 − pÞ and first-principles calculations on α-SnO as a prototype,
ηðpÞ ¼ η0 ðp − pc2 Þ, where α0 , η0 are positive constants, we calculate the hole density range of 2–3 × 1014 cm−2 .
and pc1 and pc2 are the critical hole densities for FM However, since the ferromagnetism is caused by the
and FE, respectively. Fixing the magnetization to zero, the Mexican-hat band dispersion, we can infer that other
phase transitions from ferroelastic to paraelastic (PE) 2D materials can also manifest this order. In other words, a
occurs at p ¼ pc2 . The remaining three terms in free novel class of multiferroic 2D systems can be stabilized,
energy involving magnetization, create a phase transition leading to spontaneous symmetry breaking and a

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