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Electrical & Electronics Engineering
(Effective from the admitted batch 200809)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60
Instructions: Each Unit carries 12 marks.
Answer all units choosing one question from each unit.
All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
1. a) Derive the per unit circuit of a single phase transformer of
turns ratio 1:a 4
b) Draw the per unit impedance diagram for the power system
shown in Fig.1

Fig.1 Power system

Use base of 100MVA, 220kV in 50 line. Rating of the Generator,
Motor and Transformers are given below:
Generator : 40MVA, 25kV, X=20%
Motor : 50MVA, 11kV, X=30%
Y-Y Transformer : 40MVA, 33/220 kV, X=15%
Y- Transformer : 30MVA, 220/11 kV, X=15% 8
2. a) Explain the three phase short circuit of a turbo alternator on no
load with necessary diagrams and wave forms 4
b) Show the fault calculations for LLL fault on a 3 phase alternator 8
3. a) Explain the zero sequence network of a three phase Transformer
under YD1 and YY11 configurations 4
b) A 20 MVA, 13.8kV salient pole alternator has a direct axis sub-
transient reactance of 0.25 p.u. The negative and zero sequence
reactances are 0.35 and 0.1 p.u. respectively. The neutral is
grounded through 100 ohms resistance. Determine the current and
voltages under sub-transient conditions when a single line to
ground fault occurs at generator terminals, with the generator is
under no load at rated voltage 8
4. a) Derive the expression for fault current for an unloaded generator
due to LLG fault. Also draw the corresponding equivalent circuit 4
b) Determine the fault currents in each phase following a double line
to ground fault at the terminals of a star connected synchronous
generator operating initially on a open circuit voltage of 1.0pu.
The positive negative and zero sequence components reactance
are j0.35, j0.25 and j0.20 respectively. The neutral is isolated 8
5. a) Derive the relationship between the cost of conductors and
voltage for both ac and dc overhead distribution systems.
Comment on the economical option 4
b) A distributor with 800 m length, fed from both ends A & B, is
loaded uniformly at the rate of 1.2A/m. The resistance of the
conductor is 0.05 /km. Determine the minimum voltage and
the point where it occurs if feeding points A & B are maintained
at 255V & 250V respectively. Also find the current supplied from
A&B 8
6. a) Differentiate between feeder, distributor and service mains. What
are the voltage limits of distribution voltage in India? 4
b) Explain Kelvins Law for the economic size of line conductor.
What are the practical limitations to the application of Kelvins
Law. How it is to be applied for HVDC transmission? 8
7. a) Derive the expression for sag of an overhead conductor suspended
between two supports at different level of x meters 4
b) A 110kV transmission line has the following data:
Weight of Conductor = 680kg/km, Length of Span = 260 m,
Ultimate Strength = 3100kg, Safety factor = 2.
Calculate the height above ground at which the conductor should
be supported. Ground clearance required is 10m. Which type of
tower is normally preferred? 8
8. a) Explain the methods used for improving the voltage distribution
along the insulator string of overhead line. Deduce the relations 4
b) A string of 6 insulators (suspension type) is to be graded to
obtain uniform distribution of voltages across the string. If the
capacitance of the top unit is 10 times the capacitance to ground,
determine the capacitance of the remaining 5 units 8
9. a) Derive the expression for LG and LL capacitance of a 3 phase
3.5 core HT underground cable 8
b) Explain the procedure of locating faults in underground cable 4
10. a) Discuss the classification method of underground cables 4
b) A 66kV single core metal sheathed cable is to be graded by
means of a metallic inner sheath. Calculate the diameter of the
inner sheath and the voltage at which it shall be maintained for
the minimum overall cable diameter. The maximum voltage
gradient at which the insulating material can be worked is
60kv/cm 8

[05/VI S/111]

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