April Newsletter 2017
April Newsletter 2017
April Newsletter 2017
Activities surrounding Lent and Easter will be our Our last unit of instruction will explore 'Growth and
main focus this month. Our Easter mass for the school Changes in Plants after their soil unit. They will be
will be celebrated on May 2nd during Education Week. planting their own seeds and conducting a variety of
We will continue with the Fully Alive and Religion experiments to investigate the different concepts
programs after Easter. in this unit. We will be observing the growth of our
Tomatosphere seeds, some that may have been on
LANGUAGE ARTS the international Space Station for 5 weeks others
During the month of April, we will begin a unit on that are a part of a control group!
fables and hope to further enhance the students'
understanding of the beginning, middle and end ARTS
segments of a story. They will learn about the In the Arts, we will continue to
different characteristics fables. We continue to focus explore concepts in music and movement. Students
on guided reading and comprehensive responses. The will be working on a Holy Thursday, Stations of the
children are learning how to find information in the Cross shadow presentation. We hope to be able to
text which helps to support the main idea or lesson. use different rhythm and sound instruments as well.
The children are strongly encouraged to be involved
with some aspect of reading on a daily basis both at
school and at home. They are also encouraged to
*Education Week will begin on May 1st. Look for
continue practising the reading, spelling and correct
upcoming information on special events that week.
application of their word wall words. We will continue
*As the temperature gets warmer the children get
to have opportunities to exercise the editing
the urge to take off their jackets. I will use my
components of the writing process for the remainder
discretion as to whether or not they need to
of the year.
continue wearing them as the days warm up unless
parents inform me otherwise. Please ensure they
have a change of socks for wet feet days, as Im
In the subject of mathematics we will continue to
sure there will be a few during the month.
work in numeration with addition, subtraction and
*Thank you for your on-going support. Please do not
multiplication. We will finish off measurement with
hesitate to contact me with any questions or
perimeter and area.
Yours in education,
Katherine Shaw