On Sunday, February 19th 2017, it was the first day at Wesgreen International School. I met my MST, and
I set with her talking about my TP staff. She introduced me to another teachers and she took me to take
around of the school. As the first day, I set at the class asking questions and observing my MST. I like that
my MST engaged children to discuss about their weekend and they called the first class as weekend and
news. I shocked that my MST all the day she was using the book to engage children to do the tasks about
number 16 and writing sentences about their news. She used many strategies to manage the class like sign
language and reward system. At the end of the day, I felt that I need to do a lot to learn and apply new
On Monday, February 20th, 2017, as usual my MST following the morning routine for the class. She did
great think which is turn on song and let students dance. She review about the number 16. She introduce
what is tint, before that she asked children to guess what is tint. I think that my MST took a long time
at the mat area. After that she directly divide the class into the activities after giving instructions. She apply
a differentiation activity. Where three groups with different abilities doing the task on the book and one
group doing art activity which is writing numbers from 1 to 16. Also, in this day my MST took students to
library to read story. In afternoon, she introduced new letter sound which is ng I help my MST be taking
two group and support them during doing the activities. At the end of the day, I felt that I start dealing with
On Tuesday, 21st of February 2017, my MST review the last lesson which about the "ng" sound. She used
to return the activity and the books tasks between the groups. In this day my MST used a great strategy for
classroom management. This strategy was about the complaining book where children can write their
complaining to discuss them at the circle time. That can help children talk about what they need to talk
about and feel that they have someone who care about them. I involve in this day doing the summative
assessment for one student. I felt that was a good as a first time for me. I set with my MST to ask her some
questions and to plan for next week. At the rest of the day, we spent our time at the school gym to practice
for the production. At the end of day, I felt satisfied about my efforts in the school.
On Wednesday, 22nd of February 2017, as usual I set with my MST waiting students. I discussed with her
about my planning for the next week. Because my MST has an observation in another class. She told me to
take break but I decided to observe other teacher in KG 1. It interesting to notice that I did a reading
assessment for 10 students with writing comments about their reading and asking them questions about the
story. That helps me to get an experience about the formative assessment. Also, I like that my MST used
to engage children to do yoga after having a long day in the school and they were starting to misbehave and
move a lot. Also, she engage children to have outdoor activity for the math lesson. I think that will help
children to have many experiences and investigate thins. In this day, I did a literacy activities for two group.
At the end of the day, I felt that happy and successful as I achieve my goals for the literacy activities.
Week Two Journal
On Sunday, 26th February, 2017, it was another week of TP in the school. In this day I taught my students
math lesson. It was about the number 17. My MST taught the class the literacy. I liked her strategies in
managing childrens behavior. She used to talk with the child after each class and she has a specific chart
that include a space where she can write what the child did and behave. I think that will help children to
think about their behaviors. Also, once they send this chart to the parents that can help them to see their
child behavior and how they make progress. I set with my MST and I showed her my lesson plan for
Monday lesson. At the end of the day, I felt that I need to improve my learning strategies like using effective
On Monday, 27th February, 2017, in this day we start our lesson with reading story for children. My MST
did not do any activity for the story, she just used to let few of children act out the story scenario. I think it
useful to engage children to do activities about the story to engage them to extend their understanding. I
liked that my MST has a strong relation with her students, she always hug, smile and talk with them and
tell jokes. It interesting to notice that I taught a math lesson and my MCT came to observe me. I participate
also with my MST to teach the class how to swap activities during the lesson. At the end of the day I felt
On Tuesday, 28th of February 2017, I start my day with setting with my MST to prepare for the lessons
activities. I prepare spelling book with writing the words that start with letter sound "ch".
I liked that my MST start the school day with sharing story or situation that he can talk with them about.
She was talking where children have to sit in the car. And there is something that I didn't like it, which is
she didn't listen to all students even when they want to talk and they raise their hands. My MST read story
for children yesterday and she did good thing which is prepare the class with the cave that in story. She let
students to read their stories in the cave. They also, act out the story. I did the spelling book activity for the
weak students. This activity to help them improve their learning in spelling. Also, I set with my MST to
plan for the next lesson. Then, in the rest of the day all students went to the gym to practice for the
production day.
On Wednesday, 1st March 2017, I set with my MST to plan for the next week. I went to library to pick one
story book for next week lesson. I taught my literacy lesson. Then, when it's the time for playground my
MST gave me her duet for this day, so I monitored students alone. Then students participated in production.
And in this day I did my lesson for the double lesson. The lesson was about the literacy. I think I did great
job as it the first time for me to manage two full lesson. Also, I participated in doing reading assessment
for the students. At the end of the day, I felt that I sacrificed about my efforts in the school.
Week Three Journal
On Sunday, 5th March 2017, it was a Normal day at the school. I spent my time at the morning with my
MST and I went with her to playground for the PE. In this day, I did not teach any lesson because it was
busy day. My students were practicing for the production. In math lesson, my MST teach as an usual. I
helped my MST doing the activities. At in the lit draw news, I set with children observe and support them
in their writing. Also, I sent my time doing my planning for the Monday lesson. I went to the library to read
the story for tomorrow and I spent my time preparing for the lesson. I did with students the art activity for
the tricky words. At the end of the day, I felt that this day was an easy day for me and the weather was nice
and rainy.
On Monday, 6th March 2017, I taught my class a topic lesson which was about reading story. The story
was about "Monday Puzzle". In this day, my MST taught the class many lessons. I engaged to help her to
do the activities. I like that my MST enforced behavior by choosing one student to observe him or her all
the day to check if he or she will be the best worker. When the teacher introduced the math lesson about
pyramid, I didn't like that she explain it just with showing video without show children the read or model
pyramid. In this day, I engaged with KG2 teacher to practice for the production that the school manage it.
It interesting to notice that in this day, I engaged to do the activity for the "sh" lesson, which was writing
words has the sound "sh" on the fish to make the fish pool. At the end of the day, I felt that I achieve a great
On Tuesday, 7th of March, 2017, at the morning I set with my MST taking and discussing about the
assessment in week 11. She suggested to start from tomorrow to support weak students and keep help them
during the morning and registration time. I will review with them the sounds of letters, numbers, tricky
words and digraph letters. Then when I will do the assessment I will comber their scores with the last
assessment score. It interesting to notice that in this day I did three lessons, one math lesson and two double
English lesson. I received a good feedback from my MST. She said that I did a great progress on my
teaching. Also, students feel comfortable to talk with me. Also, in this day I participated in practicing for
production with others teachers. At the end of the day, I felt that I sacrificed about my teaching in the
On Wednesday, 8th of March, 2017, I spent my time managing for production. The head of KG2 asked me
to be with other teacher to call the classes for the production. Then at the afternoon, I went to the class
helping my MST doing the activities for the lessons. At the end of the day, I felt that is great as a student
On Sunday 12 March 2017, in this day my teacher assistance was absent and she will be absent for the three
days. So, I was helping my MST at the morning to prepare the literacy and math books. I took the playtime
duties. I think it was a great experience but I feel tired and I didn't have a break just for 30 minutes in Arabic
class. In this day I didn't teach any lessons. I helped my MST doing the activities for the lessons. Also, I
took the class duties for students who are non-bus going. I think that help me to deal with parents. One
Mam came and she was talking about her son. At the end of the day, I felt that I did great job at the school
On Monday 13, March 2017, it was a normal day, I through a new lesson in this day. My monitoring teacher
was coming to observe me. In this day I carried many activities during the school day. I took the playtime
duties as my assistant teacher was absent. I liked that my MST make a change in the day routine because
of students were practice for production, she gave them extra time for playground and she let them do
activities instead of teaching them. About my lesson in this day, I think I did great because my MST and
MCT were giving me good feedbacks. At the end of the day, I felt that I happy about my efforts in the
On Tuesday, 14 March 2017, it was another day at school. In this day my students spent half of their time
practicing for production. I taught my class about number 19. Every things were done perfectly. In this day
participated to help my MST preparing the production costumes for students. When my MST was teaching,
I liked that she provide an apportinity engage them to talk about themselves and to share their ideas. I think
that will help children to learn more because they will be able to have a chance to feel that someone value
their learning and build confident on them. It interesting to notice that in this day I talked with one parent
about his son learning at the school. She was thankful to help his son and that made me feel happy and
satisfy. At the end of the day, I felt that I did great job at school.
On Wednesday, 15 March 2017, this day was an easy day. I didn't have any morning classes. Then, I spent
my time with children to practice for production. In this day I taught my class a math lesson. I think I make
a great lesson with integrate fun with learning. Students were participating and involving with me to learn
and explore. I liked that my MST was helping me during the double lesson. She was encouraging me to
improve my learning strategies by giving me advices. I liked when she read the story, she showed students
a short film about sharks and fishes. It interesting to notice that when I was at the class, one mom came,
and she was greeting me and she was thankful because I taught her daughter. At the end of the day, I felt
On Sunday, March 19, 2017, it was another day at school. In this day I did not do anything. Just being ready
for the production day. I helped my MST to manage children and help them wearing the customs. Therefore,
I spent my time at school with children and help them be ready for tomorrow party.
On Monday, March 20, 2017, I was a special day at school. It was a production day. I spent my time to help
students be ready for the stage. Then, when students leave I set with KG2 teachers with having a lunch with
them and cutting the cake. At the end of the day, I felt happy about the free day at school and how students
On Tuesday, March 21, 2017, it was the normal day at school. In this day, many children did not came to
school. I used to teach and review diagraph sounds. I took the play time duty to monitor students during the
playing. I helped my MST doing the math activity. Also, I read a story for students about the crafallo
cave. I set with my MST to talk about my building assessment and asking questions about parents
communications and applying assessment. At the end of the day, I felt happy about my work at school.
On Wednesday, March 22, 2017, in this day I set with children the whole day because it was the last day at
school. I took the playtime duty. Also, I reviewed numbers from 1 to 20 for my students. I carried out
literacy lesson activities with my MST. My lesson was done successfully and managed well. Also, my
students made a bye party for me. They made a big card wishing me good lack. At the end of the day, I felt
sad to leave the school and I really learn a lot from the school as it private school. I met new people and I