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Asset Management
made simple

By Dave Bertolini
Maximo Asset Management Made Simple


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Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Asset Management......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Identifying Assets....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Asset Hierarchy.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Functional Locations................................................................................................................................................................. 3
ParentChild Relationships...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Parts versus Equipment............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Establishing Assets in Maximo............................................................................................................................................... 5
Equipment Numbering............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Equipment Description............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Asset Status................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Attachments................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Locations..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Location Types........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Asset Details............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Asset Priority.............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Meter Group............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Failure Class..............................................................................................................................................................................10
Equipment Analysis Using Problem, Cause and Remedies...............................................................................................10
Asset Purchase Information...................................................................................................................................................12
Asset Specifications..................................................................................................................................................................13
Asset Classifications.................................................................................................................................................................13
Equipment History..................................................................................................................................................................15
Meet the Author...........................................................................................................................................................................17
Additional Resources...................................................................................................................................................................18

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

This document provides insights from a maintenance perspective, the day-to-day user of the system and the information
contained within it. Identifying all maintainable assets and their physical locations are critical to the maintenance func-
tion. From this functionality, data to identify the required maintenance strategies, develop logical maintenance routes
and identify routine spare parts can be understood. All too often, this data is not fully populated and assets, systems, or
locations are omitted, leaving significant informational gaps that are ultimately never populated.

Identifying maintainable assets and establishing their parent-child relationships (i.e., the asset hierarchy) are two of the
most critical elements to ensure system success. The inclusion of maximum asset data not only assists maintenance, but
the entire organization, while providing a robust maintenance management tool for accurate data-driven decisions.

The information in this document is not a system configuration or training guide for Maximo. It is presented as examples
of data needs from a maintenance perspective.
Asset Management
Identifying Assets
The asset management module or area should contain all data for each maintainable asset located within the site. This
module or area is the most critical part of the system since it contains the equipment hierarchy, which is considered
the backbone of the system. The hierarchy requires significant thought and must include a top-down approach start-
ing with the site itself. It is helpful to follow the process flow of the site. Identify the site, the functional locations, the
systems and then the equipment.

One of the biggest contributors to data disappointment in Maximo is an incomplete or inaccurate asset hierarchy. The
hierarchy establishes the structure for numerous aspects of system functionality. A majority of these disappointments
can be corrected with a properly defined hierarchy utilizing an internationally recognized equipment taxonomy or
natural grouping of equipment.

Its all about parent-child relationships that are established that enable cost roll ups, asset identification, data analysis,
reporting for metrics, and failure threads (e.g., mean time between failures, failure rates, etc.). Typical hierarchies are
routinely void of all assets, lack defined parent-child relationships and, many times, lack logical flow. Organizations
must manage their assets and using an accurate equipment taxonomy is a requirement.

Once the functional location of the area and sub-

functions or subsystems are identified, the assets (1)
can be inserted and established with their respec- Industry
tive parents identified. All maintainable assets

Business Category
should be identified and/or those that have a de- (3)
fined maintenance strategy. For example, a func- Installation
tional location or a press in-feed system would Plant/Unit
have these child assets associated with it: a roller (5)
conveyor, an electric motor, a gearbox and a vari-
Equipment Subdivision

able frequency drive (VFD). Equipment Unit

Start at the highest level required for your organi- Subunit
zation and define the hierarchy down to the com- Component/Maintainable Item
ponent or maintainable asset item level. What are (9)
the functions? The lowest level could be utilized to Part

attach bill of material (BOM) information. The hi- Figure 1: Equipment taxonomy example
erarchy structure as shown in Figure 1 uses equip-
ment taxonomy or natural grouping of equipment.
Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Using the equipment taxonomy example in Figure 1, one can identify similar failure issues on all electric motors for
the assets at the plant or within specific areas. Mean time between failures (MTBF) for all electric motors in a plant
or motors on the hydraulic system now can be quickly obtained. Once the hierarchy is accurate and aligned utilizing
equipment taxonomy, then MTBF, failure rate, cost, effectiveness of the maintenance strategy, etc., can be identified
with a Maximo report or data query.

Identifying what is causing the majority of any type of component or maintainable asset failure begins with knowing
that you have a problem. Getting this correct enhances the capabilities and functionality of the Maximo and elimi-
nates data disappointment for the maintenance resources.
Asset Hierarchy
The asset hierarchy is also a critical element of the system. Because it is commonly referred to as the backbone of the
system, it must be properly identified and established. If established incorrectly, roll up (vertical) and comparison
(horizontal) searching, sorting and reporting are not possible. Spend the necessary time to get this part right, or every-
thing in the system will be dysfunctional. It is best to conduct this activity with the implementation team, a large dry-
erase board and multiple walks through the site to ensure everything is identified and, ultimately, correctly established.


Iowa California Kansas

Davenport Newton Topeka
Site Site Site
(ID) (CN) (KT)

Production Flow
(Departments) or In-Feed Out-Feed Support
Functional Raw Material Yard Processing Room Shipping Power Generation
Processing Processing Systems

Processes or
Functional Weight Scales Grinding Vacuum Drying Steam Generation
Locations Shipping Docks Electrical System

Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment

Equipment Equipment
Chewing Condensate
Receiving Fire Protection
Compressed Air System
Maintainnable Equipment
Assets Equipment Equipment
Equipment Collating
Mobile Equipment
Pressing Equipment
Equipment Chemical System

Equipment Winding Equipment

Water Treatment
Equipment Buildings & Grounds Equipment
Refining Equipment Cooling Water System


Packaging Equipment

Equipment Equipment

Figure 2: Multiple site hierarchy

Items that must be defined are: a unique equipment number, a well structured description, equipment classification,
location, cost center, department, BOM or parts information, etc. The assets module or area is one of the most infor-

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

mation intensive to populate, so a well-defined informational gathering process must be established to ensure only
necessary information is collected.

If the process flow in a manufacturing environment, for example, is followed, the end users can quickly relate to navi-
gating the hierarchy. It is imperative that everyone understands how to locate a specific asset, so historical information
is collected to that specific asset. It should be the exception that work orders are written to the department or process
level. Keep in mind there are always exceptions to exceptions. For example, a valid work order written to the process
level could be a visual inspection of an entire line, process, or system.
Functional Locations
A functional location may mirror what you call departments and systems, which may mirror what you call lines or
areas. If you think about utilities, you might consider that a system, however, if you consider utilities as a functional
location, then the logical systems would be water, heat and air, compressed air, etc. Figure 3 shows this example as:
ABC (site), UTILITIES (functional location), COMPRESSED AIR (system) and AIR COMPRESSOR #1 (asset).





Figure 3: Functional location example

ParentChild Relationships
A parent is an asset to which other assets are assigned or linked and these are considered children. For area type assets,
this could be considered a functional location. For equipment assets, this could be the area in which it is located or
a larger piece of equipment that it is a part of. Using the hierarchy example in Figure 2, the RAW MATERIAL YARD
(functional location) would be the parent of the WEIGHT SCALES (asset).

The assets assigned to a parent asset are known as child assets or children. Using the same hierarchy example, the
WEIGHT SCALES is a child of the RAW MATERIAL YARD. The parent-child relationship is a way of assigning com-
ponent assets (children) to larger, all-inclusive assets (parents). An unlimited number of parent-child relationships
between assets can be defined. Even though a child can have only one parent, a parent can have multiple children and
these children also can be parents of child assets.
Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Figure 4: Establishing systems and parent-children

Parts versus Equipment

One of the more difficult discussions for the implementation team is sorting out the difference between what should
be established as an asset and what should be considered a part. While both are valuable, they both are established in
different places. Assets are established in asset management and become part of the hierarchy, while parts are ultimate-
ly established within the BOM.

The quickest way to make the part versus asset decision is to identify what you want to accomplish, such as preventive
maintenance (PM) or predictive maintenance (PdM) activities. Those that have a defined maintenance strategy should
be considered assets. Utilizing Figure 5 as an example, the conveyor, gearbox and motor would be considered assets.
What is removed and replaced upon failure? Those are typically considered parts. Again utilizing Figure 5, the con-
veyor belt, drive belt, rollers and the head roller would be considered parts. But use some level of caution here since,
at times, there is some crossover.

Figure 5: Parts versus equipment example

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Establishing Assets in Maximo

Once you have defined the asset hierarchy structure on the dry-erase board and have ensured it accurately identifies
the site, functional locations, systems and assets, the hierarchy must be established in Maximo asset management. The
screen captures, as illustrated in Figure 6, are where these assets will be established. Note all fields are not specifically
addressed, but the fundamental fields to establish assets and define the hierarchy structure are presented.

Although screen captures are normally presented as a single screen or form, they are displayed as separate sections
for discussion points in the upcoming sections.

Figure 6: Establishing assets

Equipment Numbering
More heated discussions and debates have been started over defining an asset numbering scheme for inclusion into
systems. One viewpoint is to think of the asset number merely as a unique identifier, much like your taxpayer identifi-
cation number that only identifies you as an individual. The key is no two numbers are the same in either a system or
a taxpayer identification number. Maximo has the capabilities to automatically assign a sequenced number.

Many like to invent a smart numbering scheme (Figure 7) where a number or series of numbers represent aspects of
the asset, process, system, or even a location. This is unnecessary since these aspects are fields within Maximo that
would enhance search and sort capabilities if populated. This prevents the scenario of no one remembering the rational
of the smart numbering scheme after the smart ones are gone.
Smart Numbering

Alabama Site

Sizing Department

Sewing Line-1

Stitching Machine

Stitching Machine Motor

Figure 7: Smart numbering

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Regardless of what you ultimately define as a numbering scheme, if you do not tag the asset with the same number
established within the system, you can never be assured the correct asset was identified and, ultimately, worked on.
Asset tags are available in numerous types of material for virtually any asset operating environment to ensure better
accuracy in asset identification. Each tag should contain the asset number and its description as it is established within
the system.

If assets are not tagged, the supporting asset data that you populated in Maximo should enable the correct asset to
be identified. That supporting data should be: the assignment of the proper parent, an accurate asset description, a
detailed location and the establishment of both defined specifications with the manufacturer and detailed attributes.
Anything that makes it easier for those determining that an issue exists and those who are responding to the issue
quickly is key.
Equipment Description
Working hand-in-hand with the asset number is the asset description. Typically, site or facility personnel know the
assets by a number or name. To ensure accurate data collection occurs, consider tagging all assets identified within the
system with both the asset number and the asset description. Standardization is important, so a well-defined method
of establishing naming conventions must be put in place. Many utilize a noun, verb, adjective approach, which works
well. For example, a pump that provides service to fill a caustic tank would have a description of Pump, Caustic Tank,
Filling. The motor attached to the pump would have a description of Motor, Pump, Caustic Tank Filling. It may take a
little getting used to, but if you define standards and utilize them throughout the system, then searching, sorting and
grouping will be much easier.

Pump, Caustic Tank, Filling

Equipment Tagging

Figure 8: Equipment tagging

Asset Status
Maximo allows the user/implementer to define and select an asset status. If an asset is removed from service, any re-
petitive tasks associated with that asset will not generate until it is returned to in service status. Each asset established
must have a status assigned and a consistent set of statuses must be defined and utilized. By utilizing asset statuses, the
status of all assets can be quickly determined in a report or query. Proper utilization of these statuses is critical to the
organization to ensure unnecessary maintenance activities are not performed on out of service or seasonal assets out
of season.

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Figure 9: Asset status

Maximo has the capability to link or attach documents, drawings, web pages and even videos. This feature is extremely
powerful to arm the maintenance workforce with all the necessary information to safely, efficiently and effectively con-
duct activities without making multiple trips to review needed information. Items can be selected to print with specific
PM procedures or predefined tasks when the accompanying work order is printed or linked to equipment or materials
for viewing. Care should be taken when utilizing this functionality to ensure you are not printing an entire operations
and maintenance manual with the work order.

This is the ideal place to attach operations and maintenance manuals, pictures, drawings, specifications, values, etc. With
large numbers of maintenance talent retiring, many organizations are utilizing this functionality to video the execution of
activities for future technician use in training and performing the work activity.

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

The screen capture in Figure 10 displays attributes of the locations and location types.

Figure 10: Locations

The goal of the asset location is to enable individuals to physically locate the asset within the facility or site. Do not
mistake this as the way to build the asset hierarchy. There is functionality to display the assets located in specific lo-
cations in a row/column view. This functionality enhances the capabilities to define routes based on assets or types of
assets in specific locations.

Make use of the location as necessary to accurately identify the specific physical location of the asset. Establishing rails
and roads may require mile markers or even yards as specific locations. Defining and standardizing locations is critical
for future development of routes and reporting information from a location perspective. For large facilities, radio-fre-
quency identification (RFID) tags or a global positioning system (GPS) are viable options for capturing and reading
latitude/longitude and locating the asset. Locations may also contain functional locations, described as locations where
specific functions occur, such as in-feed processing.
Location Types
Specific types of locations can be defined to assist in establishing specific location information. This functionality is
critical for items that may be removed from service for repair and sent to an external repair facility, etc. These types are
typically defined during implementation.

Figure 11: Location types

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Asset Details
The screen capture in Figure 12 displays the details for each specific asset. Parent assignment, priority or asset critical-
ity assignment/identification, serial number and condition and failure information are established here.

Figure 12: Asset details

Asset Priority
The goal of assigning asset priority or asset criticality is to prioritize the importance of the assets to the facility and the
process. This, in conjunction with the work order priority, will assist maintenance planners in determining planning
and scheduling priorities. Think of priorities/criticalities as the ultimate behavior driver; you respond immediately
to the highest priority rankings first. It has also been found that identification and assignment of priorities takes the
passion out of the maintenance decision process so it becomes a data-driven process.

Each asset should have a priority assigned. These priorities are based on the needs and mission of the facility or process
where the asset resides.
Meter Group
Meter groups allow for the establishment of meters to maintain the asset based on usage. Meters are typically expressed
in hours, rotations, miles, etc. Basically, the configuration and initial setup of meters are the identification of hours,
rotations or miles and the meter range (e.g., 1-XXXX-hours, rotations, or miles). There are two important aspects for
making meter functionality work properly: establishing the range to determine the rollover point of the meter (e.g.,
9,999.99 or 99,999.99) and collecting and entering the readings.

Meters are normally attached or read from the asset that provides the reading. It is common to establish a repetitive
task (issued weekly) from the system to collect specific meter readings. Meter readings can be entered manually to each
specific meter or, in some interfaced circumstances, directly uploaded from field data recorders. Maximum utilization
of meters, where possible, should be considered to perform PM based on actual usage versus a repetitive calendar fre-
quency that may cause unnecessary or over performance of a PM activity.

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Failure Class
Failure class allows for the building of failure hierarchies. These failure hierarchies ultimately allow for establishing
problems, causes and remedies to assist in troubleshooting issues, identifying remedies and reporting on asset prob-
lems and causes. This failure class must be well defined so only specific problems, causes and remedies associated with
specific asset classifications will be displayed. For example, if a pump failure class is established, only problems, causes
and remedies specific to pumps would be displayed.
Equipment Analysis Using Problem, Cause and Remedies
Through the utilization of the defined failure class and associated problems, causes and remedies, asset analysis func-
tionality is available. However, most organizations do little or nothing with it.

A note of caution about these defined problem, cause and remedy codes: maintenance or reliability engineers feel the
failure code is actually the failure mode, so grouping them by asset classification eliminates the utilization of some
generic codes. They also feel to be successful, they must rely on the maintenance technician to identify the specific
failure or mode (e.g., cause: the bearing seized; remedy: replaced the bearing). But, the determination of the cause is
best left to a maintenance or reliability engineering function. Numerous factors must be investigated to determine
what caused the bearing to fail (e.g., improper installation, improper lubrication, misalignment, overloading, brinel-
ling, etc.). Without failure analysis, time and education, an average maintenance technician will not know the true root
cause of the failure.

Once established within the system, these codes collect what failed, what caused the failure and what action was re-
quired to fix the failure. Keep this in mind when establishing your asset classifications to ensure you can take advantage
of this functionality. This information is only available if all activities are captured on work order entries, completions
and the utilization of the appropriate codes by the organization.

Centrifugal Pump Failure Class

Seal Failure
*Low Flow
*Line Restriction (Remove and Replace)

Figure 13: Problem, cause and remedy example

As you complete the current transition of retiring maintenance resources and establishing their replacements, this
information can be invaluable to an organization since it is based on historical events of the equipment at your site.
When developing these tables, think of the end user and do not overdevelop and make it difficult to provide the correct
information. The easier it is to get this data in the system, the more likely it will get entered. The intent of this informa-
tion is to understand problems and their causes, not finger-pointing, otherwise youll collect misinformation.

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

These are typical problems that exist throughout a site or facility. Figure 14 is an example only; you must define your
problems based on the assets at your site.

Problem Problem Description

Bad Connection Unable to make connection
Breaker Trips Circuit breaker trips when utilizing asset
Cant Start Equipment will not start
Jammed Product jammed, unable to operate
Product Leak Product leaks while operating
Out of Adjustment Unable to adjust to operate at rated flow, speed, etc.
Instrument Failure Instrument (speed, pressure, temperature, etc.) not functioning
Failure to Stop Equipment does not stop when shut down
Erratic Operation Equipment operates erratically when in use

Figure 14: Problem example

These are typical causes of failures throughout a site or facility. Figure 15 is an example only; you must define your causes.

Cause Cause Description

Improper Operation Induced by improper asset operation
Improper Maintenance Induced by improper maintenance activity
Design Defect Induced by an engineering design defect
Parts Defect (typically occurs shortly Induced by a parts defect or failure; ensure it is a parts defect and not an
after a new part is installed) improper maintenance defect
Lubrication Induced by lack of, improper, or over lubrication
Induced by excessive vibration due to equipment not being properly
Alignment Induced by severe misalignment
Induced by equipment, component, or part being worn beyond its
Worn (beyond life)
useful life
Induced by improper equipment or component usage that exceeds
Improper Usage operational parameters (i.e., ratings exceeded) or equipment utilized for
unintended purposes

Figure 15: Cause example

These are typical remedies throughout a site or facility to address work accomplished on a work order. Figure 16 is an
example only; you must define the remedies applicable to the equipment at your site.

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Remedy Remedy Description

Item, material, or part was replaced with like item from the materials management
function; these items could be certified rebuilt items issued from the storeroom
Repaired Item, material, or part was repaired but not replaced with a new or rebuilt item
A temporary repair was performed due to parts, materials, or labor availability;
the action taken informs the maintenance planner that a new work order must be
established, planned and scheduled for future permanent repair
The removal of debris and foreign matter (e.g., product, dust, dirt, grease, etc.)
Cleaned that has or may have an impact on the reliable operation of equipment or may be
environmental related
An adjustment was made to ensure the equipment was/is operating at normal op-
erating conditions; adjustments could be speed, pressure, flow, temperature, etc.
The visual inspection in the performance of a PM activity; the action taken is only
utilized and associated with the PM work order type
The deferment or non-performance of a PM activity that has been scheduled but
not performed due to equipment or labor availability
Lubricated The application of lubrication, typically performed by lubrication technicians
Figure 16: Remedy example

Asset Purchase Information

This is where information specific to the initial purchase of the asset is established. This information assists the orga-
nization with the repair versus replace decision. As activities to maintain the asset are accomplished through the work
order system, labor and material costs are captured.

Figure 17: Purchase information

This often overlooked table is of extreme value if you want to have the capabilities to determine by manufacturer
which assets costs more, require more maintenance, or fail quicker (MTBF). Unfortunately, most organizations do not
populate this field or when they do, standards are not defined and they are riddled with duplicate manufacturers. Take
full advantage of this capability, but structure it by establishing standards and controlling who can add or modify the
values. And remember, spaces should be avoided.

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Heres an example of why standardization is important using Allen-Bradley as the manufacturer. Imagine all the cre-
ative ways to establish it as a manufacturer:

Allen Bradley Allen-Bradley Al-Brad A/B AB A-B

Asset Specifications
This is where specific asset classifications and specifications (i.e., nameplate data) are established.

Figure 18: Asset specifications

Asset Classifications
Asset classifications can be the most powerful sort and search capabilities of a system. It allows for groupings of like
items for assignment of master tasks or procedures and searching and sorting items both vertically and horizontally
within the database for detailed analysis. These fields must be defined during implementation. This is also commonly
called asset type or equipment type. Additionally associated specifications are established for each classification. For
example, specifications identified for centrifugal pumps would display for each centrifugal pump.

If you think of a typical asset type, such as a pump, it describes what type of asset it is. However, there could be various
types of pumps within a facility. However, one of the capabilities of this field is the assignment of master tasks. An asset
type of pump does not clearly identify the type of pump (e.g., centrifugal, positive displacement, etc.) and a search of
pump would show all pumps. Instead, consider utilizing classification and class description, as shown in Figure 19.

Classification Class Description

PUMP-C Centrifugal Pump
PUMP-D Diaphragm Pump
PUMP-P Positive Displacement Pump
PUMP-V Vacuum Pump
PUMP-S Sump Pump

Figure 19: Classification example

These classifications and specifications are typically defined and established at implementation. The specifications
(e.g., nameplates or attributes data) are linked to the classification, so when you utilize a specific classification, the
accompanying data template becomes available. Some typical items that have associated classes are motors, conveyors,
instruments, etc. Its important to develop classifications and specifications, but do not overdevelop with unnecessary
data requirements.

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

One of the largest data collection efforts of an implementation is the collection of nameplate information, equipment
specifications, or attributes. A majority of this information is located on the equipment and must be collected in the
field. Most times, the information is never established or is over identified and contains unnecessary information. Pri-
or to conducting this data collection effort, a few things must be established.

Identification of what will be collected is the logical starting point, yet there must be some rationale applied to ensure
only the necessary data is collected. When trying to establish what must be collected, ask yourself these two questions:

1. What must be known to identify the appropriate maintenance strategy?

2. What must be known to order a replacement?

For example, if you ask the above questions about a motor to identify a maintenance strategy, the response to Question 1
would establish that horsepower, drive type (e.g., chain, direct drive, or belt) and lubrication requirements are necessary.
From this, it could be determined that the horsepower falls below the required level for resistance testing. It was belt driven,
so belt and motor inspections are required. Also, it is a lubricated motor that requires lubrication at some frequency.

In addressing Question 2, horsepower, RPM, frame size, enclosure, volts and amps would be required information to
order a replacement. From this information, materials management or buyers could quickly identify suitable vendors
for future purchasing requirements.

Templates or tables must be developed for each specification that will be established within the system. These templates
are linked to the asset by the associated classification. In the case of the motor example, it would appear in a template
as shown in Figure 20.

AC Motor Specification Attributes

Horsepower 25
RPM 1800
Drive Type BELT (B-52 X 3)
Lubrication SHC 100 LITHIUM GREASE
Frame Size 256T
Enclosure TEFC
Volts 230/460
AMPS 25.6/12.8

Figure 20: AC motor specification attributes example

Once all specifications are defined, a data collection sheet can be developed and utilized to conduct the activity in the
field. This is also the best way to validate that the asset is in service and the location is correct, as well as collect the
manufacturer, model and serial number information.

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Data Collection Sheet

EQUIPMENT NUMBER________________ EQUIPMENT LOCATION _____________________
PARENT EQUIPMENT ____________________________________________________________
MFR __________________________ MODEL____________________ SERIAL_______________


HORSEPOWER______FRAME SIZE_________VOLTS________AMPS_______RPM __________

DRIVE TYPE _______________ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS_____________________________

Figure 21: Data collection sheet example

Maximo has the capabilities to establish safety notes, hazards, or precautions linked to the assets you have identified.
Most times, this information is selected during implementation as view only, or each time a work order is issued it
prints with the work order. Keep in mind that once established with information, the data must be routinely audited
for accuracy. To ensure you have a better chance of remembering to audit if utilizing these informational fields, estab-
lish a repetitive task at some assigned frequency to conduct auditing and modify the notes, hazards and precautions
as necessary.

Figure 22: Hazards and precautions

Equipment History
A final thought The rational for having Maximo is to have a historical reference associated with each asset estab-
lished within the hierarchy. That historical reference is from all completed work orders that were assigned to that asset.
For this reason alone, it is imperative that assets are tagged to ensure accurate and appropriate history is collected

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

and all work is captured to a work order. Routine reviews of the historical work orders should be conducted to identify
repetitive failures, MTBF and refinement of the PM program.

The collection of this history should be monitored to ensure an accumulation of work orders does not impact system
performance. It is recommended to keep the previous two years and the current year active and archive the remainder.
Archived history can quickly be retrieved when needed.

Obviously, there are other data fields or system features associated with the assets. This document addresses the min-
imum fields and areas that must be defined, populated and trained to the end users to ensure usable historical infor-
mation is collected and meaningful asset and maintenance decisions can be made. From these foundational elements,
valid asset data can be collected, reported and analyzed.

Maximo Asset Management Made Simple

Meet the Author

Dave Bertolini is a Managing Principal for People and Processes, Inc., a firm that
specializes in changing cultures from reactive to proactive through the optimization
of people and processes. He has more than thirty-five years of experience in improve-
ment initiatives.

As the author of CMMS Explained Made Simple (1st and 2nd edition), he is routine-
ly sought out by organizations for system advice and guidance.

His certification as a Reliability Leader (CRL), Master Instructor and Seminar Leader
has led to his involvement in over three hundred and seventy-five improvement initia-
tives and computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) implementations,
utilizing thirty-nine different software packages. He has conducted numerous CMMS needs analysis and CMMS
selections for facilities, municipalities and manufacturing environments. In addition, he routinely conducts educa-
tional seminars on CMMS selection, request for proposal (RFP) development and avoiding CMMS implementation
failures. He routinely is a speaker at the CMMS/EAM Conference and the International Maintenance Conference
and has numerous articles published in trade publications for facilities, municipalities and manufacturing plants.

His satisfied clients include Alcatel-Lucent, Procter & Gamble, Motorola, Uniroyal, DirecTV, Ainsworth Engi-
neered, Lockheed Martin, City of Akron, City of South Bend, Old World Industries, Ohio State University, J.M.
Huber Corporation, Rayonier, Cornell University, Georgia-Pacific, Northrop Grumman Corporation, PCS Phos-
phate White Springs, C.H. Guenther & Son Inc., Trinity Industries and Latrobe Specialty Metals.

Additional Resources

CMMS Explained Made Simple 2nd Edition

by Dave Bertolini
ISBN: 9781941872291

Maintenance Strategy Series Six-Book Bundle

by Terry Wireman
ISBN: 978194187227

Certified Reliability Leader Complete Body of Knowledge

ISBN: 9781941872604
$224.99 18
Uptime Elements

Uptime Elements

Technical Activities Leadership Business Processes

Reliability Engineering Asset Condition Work Execution Leadership

REM for Maintenance ACM Management WEM Management LER for Reliability AM Asset Management

Ca Rsd Aci Vib Fa Pm Ps Es Opx Sp Cr Samp

criticality reliability asset vibration fluid preventive planning and executive operational strategy and corporate strategic asset
analysis strategy condition analysis analysis maintenance scheduling sponsorship excellence plans responsibility management
development information plan

root cause
Odr Mro
operator driven mro-spares
Hcm Cbl Ri Ak Alm
human capital competency risk asset asset lifecycle
engineering analysis testing thermal testing reliability management management based management knowledge management
imaging learning

Cp Rcd Ab Ndt Lu De Cmms computerized

Int Rj Dm Pi Ci
capital reliability alignment and non machinery defect maintenance integrity reliability decision performance continuous
project centered balancing destructive lubrication elimination management journey making indicators improvement
management design testing system

A Reliability Framework and Asset Management System

Reliabilityweb.coms Asset Management Timeline
Business Residual
Needs Analysis Design Create/Acquire Maintain Dispose/Renew

Asset Lifecycle

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Our use of the Uptime Elements is designed to assist you in categorizing and organizing your own Body of Knowledge (BoK),
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