Basic Conversational Burmese With Script
Basic Conversational Burmese With Script
Basic Conversational Burmese With Script
Burmese Script used in The Free Online Colloquial Burmese Lessons is consistent with (and
checked against) the Spelling Reference Book and Burmese to Burmese Dictionary published
by the Ministry of Education in Naypyitaw, Myanmar.
bmjzpfvdk hvJ ? ba2 pfyit lo1 leare3 Why? What's the matter?
bma=umifhvJ ? ba2 joun1 leare3 Why? What's the reason behind this?
bmvkycf sifvJ ? ba2 loat chin2 leare3 What do you want to do?
bmvky=f urvJ ? ba2 loat ja1 ma1 leare3 What shall we do?
b,fawmhvmrvJ beare2 dau1 la2 ma1 leare3 When will you come?
b,fujyefvmvJ ? beare2 gah1 pyan2 la2 leare3 Come back from where?
b,fomG ;=urvJ ? beare2 thwa3 ja1 ma1 leare3 Where shall we go?
b,fvdkvyk f=urvJ ? beare2 lo2 loat ja1 ma1 leare3 What shall we do? (How to proceed?)
b,fvdkomG ;=urvJ ? beare2 lo2 thwa3 ja1 ma1 leare3 How shall we go?
b,favmufvcdk sifvJ ? beare2 lout lo2 chin2 leare3 How much (do you) want ?
'Dvydk J ? de2 lo2 beare3 So, so... (Lit: "Just like this.")
'Davmuffvcdk sifw,f ? de2 lout lo2 chin2 deare2 I want this much.
k fum;q&m hsite ka3 hsa1 ya2 trishaw / trickshaw driver
rvdck sifawmhb;l ? ma1 lo2 chin2 dau1 bu3 I no longer want it.
rjyD;ao;bl;vm; ? ma1 pyi3 thay3 bu3 la3 Haven't you done it yet?
rpg;csiaf wmhbl; ? ma1 sa3 chin2 dau1 bu3 I don't want to eat it anymore.
rpg;&ao;bl;vm; ? ma1 sa3 yah1 thay3 bu3 la3 Haven't you eaten yet?
r&ao;bl;vm; ? ma1 yah1 thay3 bu3 la3 Haven't got it yet? / Not ready yet?
r&ao;bl; ? ma1 yah1 thay3 bu3 Haven't got it yet. / Not ready yet.
ra&mufao;bl;vm; ? ma1 yout thay3 bu3 la3 Are we not there yet? (has reached?)
ra&mufao;bl; ? ma1 yout thay3 bu3 We are not there yet. (Not arrive yet.)
aeaumif;=uygw,f ? nay2 koun3 ja1 ba2 deare2 We are fine! ( refer to more than one )
aeaumif;=u &J hvm; ? nay2 koun3 ja1 yeare1 la3 How's everyone? (concern)
pm;aumif;&J v h m; ? sa3 koun3 yeare1 la3 How was the food? Delicious?
awG &h wm0rf;omygw,f ? tway1 yah1 ta2 wun3 tha2 ba2 deare2 nice (or glad) to meet you!
Burmese Script is the supplementary material added at a later time to the original free online lessons.
Revision History