Basic Conversational Burmese With Script

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that it provides an overview of basic conversational Burmese words and phrases with their script. It mentions greetings like 'r*Fvmyg' and phrases to inquire about someone's well-being like 'aeaumif;vm;'. It also lists many common questions that start with words like 'bmvJ', 'b,f' and responses with words like 'ygw,f'.

Some common greetings mentioned are 'r*Fvmyg' (formal greeting) and phrases to inquire about someone's well-being include 'aeaumif;=u &J hvm;' and 'aeaumif;vm;'.

Some common questions mentioned start with words like 'bmvJ' (what), 'b,f' (where, when, how etc.) and include phrases like 'bmvkyfcsifvJ' (what do you want to do) and 'b,fvdkvkyf=urvJ' (what shall we do).

Basic Conversational Burmese with Script

Burmese 1,2,3 Tone System is Developed by Naing Tin-Nyunt-Pu.

copyright 2014 - 2015, Naing Tinnyuntpu & Asia Pearl Travels.

Summary of words and phrases in Lesson 2

Burmese Script used in The Free Online Colloquial Burmese Lessons is consistent with (and
checked against) the Spelling Reference Book and Burmese to Burmese Dictionary published
by the Ministry of Education in Naypyitaw, Myanmar.

yg ba2 (spelled as "pa2".) polite ending word with emphasis

bmjzpfvdk hvJ ? ba2 pfyit lo1 leare3 Why? What's the matter?

bma=umifhvJ ? ba2 joun1 leare3 Why? What's the reason behind this?

bmvJ ? ba2 leare3 What? What did you say?

bmvdkcsivf J? ba2 lo2 chin2 leare3 What do you want?

bmvkycf sifvJ ? ba2 loat chin2 leare3 What do you want to do?

bmvky=f urvJ ? ba2 loat ja1 ma1 leare3 What shall we do?

bmpg;=urvJ ? ba2 sa3 ja1 ma1 leare3 What shall we eat?

ygw,f ba2 deare2 (spelled as "pa2 teare2") affirmation in the answer.

b,fawmhvmrvJ beare2 dau1 la2 ma1 leare3 When will you come?

b,fujyefvmvJ ? beare2 gah1 pyan2 la2 leare3 Come back from where?

b,fvJ ? beare2 leare3 Go where?

b,fomG ;csifvJ ? beare2 thwa3 chin2 leare3 Where do you want to go?

b,fomG ;=urvJ ? beare2 thwa3 ja1 ma1 leare3 Where shall we go?

b,f[mvJ ? beare2 ha2 leare3 Which one?

b,frmS vJ ? beare2 hma2 leare3 Where is it? (where at ?)

b,feSa,mufvJ ? beare2 hna1 yout leare3 How many persons?

b,fvdkvJ ? beare2 lo2 leare3 How is it going?

b,fvdkvyk f=urvJ ? beare2 lo2 loat ja1 ma1 leare3 What shall we do? (How to proceed?)

b,fvdkomG ;=urvJ ? beare2 lo2 thwa3 ja1 ma1 leare3 How shall we go?

b,favmufvJ ? beare2 lout leare3 How much?

b,favmufvcdk sifvJ ? beare2 lout lo2 chin2 leare3 How much (do you) want ?

b,folvJ ? beare2 thu2 leare3 Who?

jyDvm; byi2 la3 (spelled as "pyi2") has reached certain stage?

'g bmvJ da2 ba2 leare3 What is this?

'gyJ ? da2 beare3 (spelled as "peare3") This is the one!

'gvcdk sifw,f ? da2 lo2 chin2 deare2 I want this one!

awmh dau1 (spelled as "tau1") no longer (want or do something.)

'DrmS ? de2 hma2 Here!

'Dvydk J ? de2 lo2 beare3 So, so... (Lit: "Just like this.")

'Davmuf ? de2 lout This much.

'Davmufvkw d ,f ? de2 lout lo2 deare2 I need this much.

'Davmuffvcdk sifw,f ? de2 lout lo2 chin2 deare2 I want this much.

[drk mS ? ho2 hma2 There!

[kwf ? hote Yes (short form) Lit: to be correct.

[kwfygw,f ? hote ba2 deare2 Yes, that's right! (correct!)

[kwfw,f ? hote deare2 Yes. (to confirm something.)

[kwfvm; ? hote la3 Yes? ( Is that so? / Is that correct?)

[kwfygh / [kwfygh ? hote pa1, hote pa1 Absolutely!

[kwf&J v h m; ? hote yeare1 la3 Are you sure? Correct or not?

[kwfuJh ? hote keare1 Yes. (especially to agree something.)

q&m hsa1 ya2 teacher; master of a trade

q&mawmf hsa1 ya2 dau2 (spelled as "tau2") Venerable Monk

q&mr hsa1 ya2 ma1 madam; female teacher

k fum;q&m hsite ka3 hsa1 ya2 trishaw / trickshaw driver

=u ja1 (spelled as "kja1") reference to more than one person.

cufvm; ? khet la3 Difficult?

ukejf yDvm; ? kone2 byi3 la3 Used/eaten up already?

ukejf yD ? kone2 byi2 Used/eaten up already.

aumif; koun3 good

aumif;ygw,f ? koun3 ba2 deare2 I am fine / pretty good! / It was OK.

aumif;ygw,fav ? koun3 ba2 deare2 lay2 Whatever.... is good that way.

aumif;jyDav ? koun3 byi2 lay2 Good! Well, I am glad...

aumif;w,f ? koun3 deare2 Good! (It was good!)

aumif;vm; ? koun3 la3 Good?

aumif;&J v h m; ? koun3 yeare1 la3 Good or not? (any problem?)

aus;Zl; kyay3 zu3 merit done on an another person.

aus;Zl;wifygw,f ? kyay3 zu3 tin2 ba2 deare2 Thank You!

vm; la3 " ? " at the end of the sentence.

vdkcsiwf ,f ? lo2 chin2 deare2 I want it.

vdkcsivf m; ? lo2 chin2 la3 Do you want it?

vdkw,f ? lo2 deare2 I need it.

vdkvm;? lo2 la3 Do you need it?

avmufjyD ? lout byi2 (to be) enough.

avmufjyDvm; ? lout byi2 la3 enough already?

avmufw,f ? lout deare2 yes, enough!

avmufvm; ? lout la3 Do you have enough?

vG,fvm; ? lweare2 la3 easy?

r[kwfb;l ? ma1 hote bu3 Wrong!

r[kwfao;bl; ? ma1 hote thay3 bu3 Still not right.

rukefao;bl;vm; ? ma1 kone2 thay3 bu3 la3 Haven't used/eaten up yet?

rukefao;bl; ? ma1 kone2 thay3 bu3 Haven't used/eaten up yet.

rvdkb;l ? ma1 lo2 bu3 No need.

rvdck sifawmhb;l ? ma1 lo2 chin2 dau1 bu3 I no longer want it.

rvdkawmhbl; ? ma1 lo2 dau1 bu3 I no longer need it.

rvdkao;bl; ? ma1 lo2 thay3 bu3 I don't need it yet.

rvkyfcsifawmhbl; ? ma1 loat chin2 dau1 bu3 I don't want to do it anymore.

rvkyfawmhb;l ? ma1 loat dau1 bu3 I am no longer doing it.

ravmufbl; ? ma1 lout bu3 Not enough.

ravmufao;bl;vm; ? ma1 lout thay3 bu3 la3 Still not enough?

ravmufao;bl; ? ma1 lout thay3 bu3 Still not enough.

rjyD;ao;bl;vm; ? ma1 pyi3 thay3 bu3 la3 Haven't you done it yet?

rjyD;ao;bl; ? ma1 pyi3 thay3 bu3 Haven't finished yet.

rpg;csiaf wmhbl; ? ma1 sa3 chin2 dau1 bu3 I don't want to eat it anymore.

rpg;awmhb;l ? ma1 sa3 dau1 bu3 I am not going to eat.

rpg;&ao;bl;vm; ? ma1 sa3 yah1 thay3 bu3 la3 Haven't you eaten yet?

rpg;&ao;bl; ? ma1 sa3 yah1 thay3 bu3 Haven't eaten yet.

roGm;bl; ? ma1 thwa3 bu3 I am not going.

roGm;csifb;l ? ma1 thwa3 chin2 bu3 I don't want to go.

roGm;csifawmhb;l ? ma1 thwa3 chin2 dau1 bu3 I no longer want to go.

roGm;csiaf o;bl; ? ma1 thwa3 chin2 thay3 bu3 I don't want to go yet.

roGm;awmhb;l ? ma1 thwa3 dau1 bu3 I am not going anymore.

r&ao;bl;vm; ? ma1 yah1 thay3 bu3 la3 Haven't got it yet? / Not ready yet?

r&ao;bl; ? ma1 yah1 thay3 bu3 Haven't got it yet. / Not ready yet.

ra&mufao;bl;vm; ? ma1 yout thay3 bu3 la3 Are we not there yet? (has reached?)

ra&mufao;bl; ? ma1 yout thay3 bu3 We are not there yet. (Not arrive yet.)

r*Fvmyg ? min2 gla2 ba2 (spelled as "pa2") formal greeting

aexdik f nay2 htine2 life; living; to live

aeaumif; nay2 koun3 feeling well ( to live + good)

aeaumif;=uygw,f ? nay2 koun3 ja1 ba2 deare2 We are fine! ( refer to more than one )

aeaumif;=uvm; ? nay2 koun3 ja1 la3 How's everyone?

aeaumif;=u &J hvm; ? nay2 koun3 ja1 yeare1 la3 How's everyone? (concern)

aeaumif;vm; ? nay2 koun3 la3 How are you?

jyD;jyDvm; ? pyi3 byi2 la3 Finished already?

jyD;jyD ? pyi3 byi2 Done! It's over!

pma&;q&m sa2 yay3 hsa1 ya2 a writer

pm; sa3 to eat

pm;jyD;jyDvm; ? sa3 pyi3 byi2 la3 eaten already?

pm;jyD;jyD ? sa3 pyi3 byi2 eaten already. ( eat + done )

pm;aumif;&J v h m; ? sa3 koun3 yeare1 la3 How was the food? Delicious?

odyaf umif;wmyJ ? thate koun3 ta2 beare3 It was very good!

ao; thay3 still not

ao;bl; thay3 bu3 "not yet" ending words

olyJ ? thu2 beare3 (spelled as "peare3") That's him!

oGm;csiw f ,f ? thwa3 chin2 deare3 I want to go,

oGm;csifvm; ? thwa3 chin2 la3 Do you want to go?

oGm;rvm; ? thwa3 ma1 la3 Are you going?

oGm;r,f ? thwa3 meare2 Yes, I am going.

oGm;OD;r,faemf ? thwa3 ome3 meare2 nau2 (spelled U3) Got to go now!

awG h tway1 to meet

awG &h wm tway1 yah1 ta2 as for the opportunity to meet

awG &h wm0rf;omygw,f ? tway1 yah1 ta2 wun3 tha2 ba2 deare2 nice (or glad) to meet you!

0rf;om wun3 tha2 happy; glad

& yah1 to obtain; to be ready; to be available

&jyD ? yah1 byi2 Yes, got it! (or ready as in dinner.)

&jyDvm; ? yah1 byi2 la3 Have you got it? Is it ready?

&J h yeare1 the word to show concern

a&muf yout to reach the destination.

a&mufjyD ? yout byi2 We are there. (has reached.)

a&mufjyDvm; ? yout byi2 la3 Are we there yet?

Burmese Script is the supplementary material added at a later time to the original free online lessons.

Revision History

A 2013-11-30 Original Release

B 2013-12-04 Minor improvements and corrections made to the original list.
C 2014-03-28 "Ya1" and "ga1" are modified as "Yah1" and "gah1" to make less ambiguous.
Colloquial word "theight" is corrected as odyf . More words are highlighted.
D 2014-05-10 Added 2 more phrases to the list.
E 2014-05-26 Added a phrase using "how many" to the list.
F 2014-09-01 Modified the romanization of the seventh character q as 'hsa1', which is almost
the same as 'sa1' with more hissing sound.
G 2014-12-08 Romanization of "theight" changed to shorter "thate", "loud" to "lout", "load" to
"loat" with "t" ending for standardization. No change in pronunciation.
H 2014-12-31 Mobile Phone readable QR code with webswite URL added.
I 2015-04-02 Variation in spelling for colloquial word "how many" in "how many person"
is changed to to standardize with the usage by
the Myanmar language commission.

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