Peacock Dictionary Draft

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The key takeaways are that this is a draft dictionary of Burmese that aims to include many new words entering the language and help language learners. It contains features like synonyms, antonyms, examples and explanations to aid understanding.

This dictionary is intended to assist communication by including as many new words entering the Burmese language as possible from contemporary sources. It is made with language learners in mind.

This dictionary contains features to help language learners such as synonyms, antonyms, count words, groupings of related words, explanations of usage including common confusions, translated examples and definitions, and inclusion of proverbs and expressions.

P e a c o c k ®mn\ma _ E n g l i s h D i c t i o n a r y

a work in progress by Aung Soe Min and Nance Cunningham

Note o n t h is dr aft: This is still a very rough draft, with many entries only partially checked or examined, and
plenty of typing and spelling errors waiting to be corrected. In addition, there is a persistent feature of the
software used that misplaces the second pronunciation when there is one. This will be corrected only in the
final draft. Similarly, the = entry should come before Syn/Ant/cf, but we have not moved them for the draft.
We welcome all comment&particularly want to know two things:
Should we put pronunciation in Bse script as well?
Should we mark all split verbs, or only those which are not obviously noun-verb compounds?
Should we mark them in the entry word, or within the pronunciation?
Please let us know what you think at <>

Why this new dictionary?

Starting toward the end of the 20th century, the Burmese language has gained many new words,
reflecting a newly intensified exposure to international political, economic, and social concepts
(e.g., eZ;kXk\s^;pXa;er; market economy). Many writers and scholars are still defining these new
concepts, and searching for the words to convey them. Some of the new words have not firmly
entered the common vocabulary yet, and some will undoubtedly be superseded. However, the
intention of the compilers is to include as many new words that may be found in contemporary
books and magazines as possible. As an excellent scholarly dictionary is widely available, we have
excluded archaic and obsolete words which are not found in well-known sayings or proverbs, in satire, or
in popular historical writing.

This dictionary is made with the language learner in mind. For example:

Ø it contains many synonyms, antonyms, count words, and groupings of related words.
Ø there are explanations of usage, including notes about common confusions and pitfalls for both
native speakers of Burmese in English, and for Burmese language learners
Ø all examples are translated, as are many references and antonyms
Ø definitions are given under non-standard forms (along with a reference to the currently accepted
form), eliminating the need to look up a word in two places
Ø many proverbs, sayings, and expressions have been included, with similar English phrases where
found, or translation and indication of the usual meaning. They are listed under the first main
word, i.e., AKulk\Pmiu; AKulk\Pwå; would be found under lk\Pmiu;

Definitions are given in simple English wherever possible. Easily misunderstood terms are avoided in the
definitions as far as possible, or explained (e.g., 'lover' is not the first definition of K¥s\q¨' Riu; is usually
'honest, upright', not 'simple', rc\;Nx^; is usually 'close' rather than 'intimate'). Words that have become or
remained common among English language learners, but which are not currently used the same way
among native English speakers are pointed out (e.g., 'my native' for 'my hometown'; 'generation' for

Peacoc k Dicti onar y Intr o page 1

Examples are almost all in spoken style, and are mainly from everyday usage that is helpful to the
beginner. The exceptions are examples of words used mainly in a literary context. All examples are
translated. Where necessary, translations include more than is explicit in the example. For example,
ka;s^;my\" could mean I'll go by car. or I'm taking the bus. or I'm going to travel by coach. m”kiok\B¨;"
could mean I don't like you. or They don't like me. or She doesn't like it. and so on. Occasionally more
than one translation is given, mainly where there is an English idiom to point out.

The purpose of this bilingual dictionary is not to prescribe correct spelling or preserve original usage, but
to assist communication. If a word is used 'wrongly' (e.g., eBa\då from the English 'boarder', now more
often heard as 'friend, mate'), both original and current definitions will be given. However, when an
English word has been used differently than in English, the original word is shown only in brackets, e.g.,
piuka n variation of rummy [Engl poker]

Many words are duplicated under older spellings, to allow readers of pre-1986 materials ease of use, and
to allow forgetful Myanmar users to find words quickly. Such words contain a reference to the current
spelling (e.g., kutc\ªKutc\, Binp\ªPinp\).

Organisation of dictionary and definition:

Ø Currently, spelling book order, later will move _M out of the vowels
Ø Pali words, often hard to find, have a separate table in the back, with page numbers
Ø also in the back is a list of words which start with a syllable that is spelled differently than it is
pronounced, to help foreign users find words they hear but can't find, e.g., tMta;
Ø derived words are listed under the main syllable, e.g., tsXt\sXt\ is under sXt\ as well as under t
Ø parts of a headword in (round) brackets are parts that can be put in or left out with no change
of meaning, e.g., Tiunv\;(A)t¨(sXa) means Tiunv\; t¨ and Tiunv\; t¨sXa and Tiunv\; At¨ and Tiunv\;At¨sXa are
all the same
Ø words in a definition with (round) brackets are ones that show the context that a word is used
in, or can be put in or left out without changing the meaning. These are mainly in two cases:
o where one language is more specific, e.g., {na;kXc\; (hoop) earring}, where in English
only 'earring' would be enough, but 'hoop' could be added if the distinction was
o where a word is used in only one or very few contexts, e.g., {pn\;Siu; dye (cloth, clothing,
etc)} i.e., not dye hair
Ø Highly regular derivations are not given, unless there is a specific English word to add, i.e.,
qrk\ is defined as mango, and qrk\pc\ (mango tree), qrk\rXk\ (mango leaf), qrk\yiu
(candied mango) qrk\q^; (mango (fruit)) are not given, as these are the same for every
tree, leaf, etc.
o However, in cases such as nMnM where English has a different word for the plant or seed
(coriander) and the leaf (cilantro (Am)), an entry for the word is included
o qrk\q^;qnp\ (mango pickle) and qrk\rXk\ (spleen) will also be defined

Peacoc k Dicti onar y Intr o page 2

Ø symbols or remarks before the English word show an aspect of the Myanmar word that is not
reflected in the English, e.g., {dka ‹µ donor, sponsor} where the word is specific to
Buddhism and male in Myanmar, but is general in English.
Ø symbols or remarks after the word show a division of the meaning in English, e.g., {ska;pMu
proverb, saying; old saw (neg)} where the Myanmar word is neutral, but a negative attitude can
be expressed (by the last word) in English; {®mc\;kel; foal, colt µ, filly ƒ} where there are
general and specific words in common use in English, but not in Myanmar, {Rup\eK¥a pretty ƒ,
handsome µ} where the Myanmar word is general, but in English, one is typically used for girls
and women, another for men
Ø verbs which split when negated (mainly but not entirely actually noun-verb combinations… but
very few are marked yet in this draft!) are marked as follows: na;ºlv\

Many words, like ”k^;' n^' ekac\; can be used like English verbs, but can also combine with and modify
other words, as in qs\pc\”k^;' wn\”k^;' qa;”k^; Despite the various forms which can modify nouns,
fundamentally ”k^; is a verb in Burmese – but the functions of a verb are wider in Burmese than in
English, and overlap with English adjectives. Verbs will not be double-listed under both parts of speech.

[The Intro will also include some general explanations about a few common transformations in Bse:
Ø un/aspirated pairs, e.g., PXc\. and pXc\.
Ø creaky tone for possessive, and some other situations
Ø pairs with A - that can be substituted e.g., AsAn, ÚsÚn to lk\slk\n' As^;Anc\; bad
influence (in astrology), to “gioh\s^;“gioh\nc\; bad influence of a planet. Aer;Ara matters, affairs
ss\er;ss\ra military affairs ®pv\er;®pv\ra politics. Every possible combination cannot be
covered, but the more common ones are included in the entries, and the basic form is shown in
its entry
Ø all words beginning with A- alone as the first syllable will be included throughout the dictionary
as though they did not have an initial A- (as well as in the A - section)
Ø repetition Asit\ to Asit\sit\
Ø abbreviations such as e_aM for e_ak\' j for erX>

Regular future revised editions are planned, and the wishes, criticisms, corrections, additions, and suggestions
from users will be incorporated as far as is in our power to do so. Send all to <>

Symbo ls: †computer, ¬literature, literary term, ™colloquial term, ∞slang, ßastrology, ©astronomy, ¥eco–
nomics, µ male, ƒ female, ∂ art, ∑marine, ∏politics or geography, πprinting, ≈technical/scientific term,
Ãliterary form, Œbotany/plant names, œmusical term, ◊medical term, ‹ Buddhist term, Óhistorical or obsolete
term, Ímilitary term, Îvulgar or offensive, π proverb. Still need: royal, animal/zoology/animal names, law

Ab br evi atio ns
Ant antonym excl exclamation neg negative relig religion
abbr abbreviation fig figurative (connotation) Syn synonym
cf see also fml formal orth orthography = same as, variation of
cosm cosmology gram grammar palm palmistry
cw count word inf informal phil philosophy
derog derogatory int interjection pos psitive
drama drama, play law legal term (connotation)

Peacoc k Dicti onar y Intr o page 3


Tibeto-Burman Sinitic (Chinese)

Chinese: (Mandarin, Cantonese, etc)

Bodic (Tibetan, Baric (Naga, Karenic (Po Karen, Burmic

Rong, etc) Jinghpaw, Sgaw Karen, etc)
Kuki-Chin, etc)

Lolo – Burmese Naxi (Moso), Tosu, etc

Rung Ugong

Loloish (Lolo (Yi), Akha, Burmish

Lahu, Lisu, Nasu, etc)

Lashi Maru Atsi (Yaw, Rakhine, Dawei/
Tavoyan, Intha, etc)

Compiled from David Bradley. Essays in honour of Eugénie J. A. Henderson, South-east Asian Linguistics, School of Oriental and African Studies: 1989, and
other sources.

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 4

References in order of publication:

English – Burmese dictionary (Judson). 1866. A. Judson. (reprinted 1992 by Languages-of-the-World Publications, New Delhi.)
Pali – English dictionary.
The Judson Burmese – English dictionary, 2nd ed. 1921. A. Judson, R. C. Stevenson, F. H. Eveleth.
sM®p®mn\maABiDan\k¥m\;" 1309" Arxc\ÂqBaqaBiwMq, eTr\" bma®pv\lXt\lp\er;Amx^pMuNxip\' rn\ kun\"
The University English – Burmese Dictionary. 1951. Dr Ba Han.
quetqnqRup\®pABiDån\" 1955" U^;Piu;lt\" pvanN∂pMuNxip\tiuk\' rn\kun\"
Burmese Proverbs. 1962. Dr. Hla Pe. John Murry, London.
tk¶qiul\®mn\maABiDan\" 1962_4" U^;wn\" rn\kun\tk¶qiul\ Baqa®pn\Nxc\.saAup\Tut\ewer;@an"
BaqaNxc\.saep" 1966" U^;tc\lx" eAac\e®msaep' rn\kun\"
Hobson-Jobson: a glossary of colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, eytymological, historical, geographical
and discursive. 1968 (2nd ed.). Col. Henry Yule, A. C. Burnell. 2nd edition ed. William Crooke. Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi.
påLiqk\ ewåhar ABiDan\" 1968" Ë;TXn\;®mc\." tk˚qiul\m¥a; saAup\‘psuTut\ewer;eka\m^t^" rn\kun\"
®mn\masa!^ka" 1968" U^; qin\;Niuc\(wizΩa)" ®mkn\ qasaep' mN|el;"
®mn\mamOABiDan\" 1969" emac\ zniy" q^taT∑n\;pMuN˙ip\tiuk\"
ss\ewåharm¥a;" 1970" el.k¥c\.er;VWn\Âka;er;mØ;RuM;"
®mn\maNiuc\cMf AK¥io>Niuc\cMrc\;Nxc\.Niuc\cM®Ka; eS;wå;Nxc\.AqMu;wc\eqaApc\m¥a;" Some medicinal and useful plants, both indigenous and exotic, of Burma.
1970. U^;sMKc\' q^rip¥MK¥^U;qa®mt\" rn\ku n\"
påLiqk\ewåharABiDan\" 1978" tk¶qiul\m¥a;saAup\‘psuTut\ewer;eka\m^t^"
The Universal Burmese–English–Pali Dictionary Am¥a;qMu; ®mn\ma-_Agçli p\_-påLi ABiDan\" 1978" U^;hu t\sin\"
®mn\maABiDan\Ak¥U\;K¥op\" 1978 _ -80" ®mn\masaAP∑´>" pvaer;wn\”k^;@an" rn\kun\"
edqekalip\ qMu; ®mn\matiuc\;rc\;qa;ska;pMum¥a; dutiyNxs\" 1980" edÅlx®mt\' U^; eAac\qn\;' edÅpiu" pvaer;wn\”k^;@an' ATk\tn\;pvaU^;s^;@an"
pvarp\ewåharm¥a; Scientific and Technical Terms. 1980. Ministry of Education, Dept of Higher Education.
A Burmese – English Dictionary. 1940 – 81. J. A. Steward, C. W. Dunn, Khin Maung Lat, Hla Pe, H. F. Searle, A. J. Allot, J. W. A. Okell.
Rangoon and London Universities.
®bhµniRuti†nyqgçh eKÅ ®mn\maska;lMu;e®pac\;TMu;k¥m\;" 1985" Sraeta\ U^;ekaql¬"
®mn\masalMu;epåc\;qt\pMuk¥m\;" 1986" ®mn\masaAPX´>" pvaer;wn\”k^;@an" rn\kun\"
Synonym Finder. 1986. Warner Books.
Uncles and aunts: Burmese kinship and gender. 1989. David Bradley. Essays in honour of Eugénie J. A. Henderson, South-east Asian
Linguistics, School of Oriental and African Studies:147–162. (kinship terms and sino-tibetan chart)
®mn\maska;pMu" 1990" ®mn\masaAPX´>"
Mian Han Ci Dian [Myanmar – Chinese Dictionary]. 1990.
®mn\maABiDan\" 1991" ®mn\masaAP∑´>" pvaer;wn\”k^;@an" rn\ kun\"
®mn\ma–Agçlip\ ABiDan\" 1993" ®mn\masaAP∑´>"
ema\dn\ ®mn\ma–Agçlip\ ABiDan\" 1996" U^;siu;eqX;"
®mn\maSiuRiu;ska;" ®mn\masaAPX´>" 1996"
Upedewåharepåc\;K¥op\" 1996" U^;ek¥a\ezy¥" rn\kun\"
liK\baqXk\ekan\mU\" na´eGaqit" BalXiMman\qaqna' muduM"
®mn\ma Kr^;eSac\ABiDan\\" 1999" ®mn\masaAP∑´>" rn\kun\"
Tet Toe Dictionary English-Myanmar Mini-Dictionary. 1999. tk\tiu;saep" rn\kun\"
A Dictionary of Buddhist Terms. budÎedqnaeta\ewåharABiDan\" 2000" qaqnaer;wn\”k^;@an" rn\kun\"
®mn\ma.ANuquKumABiDan\ Dictionary of Myanma Performing and Plastic Arts. 2001" yU\ek¥;mOwn\”k^;@an"
Burmese/Myanmar Dictionary of Grammatical Forms. 2001. John Okell and Anna Allott. Curzon. Richmond, Surrey.
Burma's Armed Forces. 2002. Andrew Selth. EastBridge, Connecticut, USA.
Pali-Myanmar-English Dictionary of the noble Words of the Lord Buddha. 2002. eTrwåd budÎBaqa ®mt\budÎpåwsnABiDan\" ®mt\ek¥a\' sMlXc\"
quetqnqRup\®pABiDan\" 2002" Arxc\ÂqBaqaBiwMqmeTr\®mt\" qaqnaer;wn\”k^;@an"
lk\etX>AqMu;K¥e S;Pk\Apc\m¥a;epåc\;K¥op\ Collection of commonly used herbal plants. 2002. k¥n\;maer;wn\”k^;@an" rn\kun\"
®mn\maNiuc\cM cxk\m¥a; Birds of Myanmar. eek¥a\VXn\ÏlXc\' Kc\mmqXc\' (pn\;K¥^) eAac\qn\Ï" 2003" BirdLife International. K¥ioet;qMsaep" Rn\kun\"

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 5

k ª ksl

k1 [ka.] n the first consonant in the Myanmar script time sthg begins Ω (2)-nar^k (3)-nar^Ti-Aip\my\" I will sleep
kk [ka. ka.] n [inf] cab (inf), taxi from 2 till 3 o'clock. A NT Ti 3) from, particle suffixed to
k”k^; [ka. gyi:] n name of k L IT : ‘great k’ place Ω Niuc\cM®Ka;k lat´.-Ev\.qv\ guest from abroad
k”k^;KeKX;' k”k^;erk [ka. gyi: kha. gwe:, ka. gyi: ye ka.] n Ω ATk\ k- lat´.- Ami n\Ï-Arpå" According to orders from
[fig] ABCs (inf) Ω d^Alup\mxa kX¥n\eta\ha k”k^;erkp´´ above. A NT kiu
Rxipåeq;ty\" I am still just a beginner at this work. kt´k' kT´kªktv\;k [gådE; ga.] part ™(ever)
kp¥k\yp¥k\ [ka. bye' ya. bye'] adv in order to frustrate; since (-ing), (right) from, all the way from: suffix to
destructively, obstructively Ω By\ q¨e®pae®pa q¨k noun or verb Ω cy\c y\- ktv\;k ever since he was a child
kp¥k\yp¥k\- liuk\e®paty\" No matter what anyone says, he Ω A´´d^-ktv\;k since that time Ω ngi-u ktv\;k from the start,
has to disagree. Ω kp¥k\yp¥k\lup\ [? examples] already Ω esaesa-ktv\; k -qti-ep;ty\" I warned you from
k2 [ka.] v dance the beginning. CF (AK¥in\)mx-sj [ ph]
— n dance = Ak k6 [ka. (ga.)] part if [ ph]
k”kio;⁄ [ka. gyo:] n œ1) dance phrase, system of k7 [ka.] n [in comb] fish
movements for a type of dance S YN kkXk\ 2) music for kktiu; [ka. gådo:] n fork-tailed catfish, silvery catfish
a specific type of dance kkts\ [ka. gådi'] n giant sea perch
kkXk\ [ka. gwe'] n 1) dance phrase, system of kk¨rM [ka. ku yan] n tassel fish; threadfin (source of
movements for a type of dance S YN k”kio; isinglas) S YN [“mit\] kÁ´rc\' [rKiuc\] cå;lk\KXa
2) œchoreography, dance movements accompaning kB^l¨; [ka. bålu] n mullet
particular piece music kqepåc\; [ka. dhåbaun:] n giant sea perch
kkXk\Pn\t^;mOpva [ka. gwe' hpan di; hmu. pyin nya] n kqPiu; [ka. dhåbo:] n bar-eyed goby
œchoreography, art of planning dance movements to k8 [ka.] v be equal to (usu negative mk) Ω (2000)mk'
accompany music (2500)-ep;rty\" I paid 2500, not just 2000. Ω (5)rk\mk'
kKun\ [ka. khon] v œdance with leaps in time with music ts\pt\- enK´.ty\" Not only five days – I stayed a week. Ω Sn\-
eZ;klv\; ecX (10000) etac\k kmx-kpåÏ-mla; mqiB¨;"
keK¥qv\ [ka. gye dhE] n (professional) dancer The price of rice has gone up; I don't know if even 10,000
kKXc\ [ka. gwin] n 1) initial posture of a dancer,before kyats will be enough.
the dance begins 2) part of a stage seen by audience mk [måka.] adv more than, over Ω (1000) mk (1200)
kzat\ [ka. za'] n œ1) drama presented with music and ep;rty\" It was more than 1000; I had to pay 1200.
dance 2) drama with dancing, arranged to last all night k9 [kå] part ™title prefixed to a man's name to express
S YN enak\piuc\;zat\Tup\ close relationship CF kiu
kedåc\; [ka. daung:] n ∏dancing peacock, symbol of the kkuqn\ [ka. ku. (kau' kå) than] n ‹the first of five Buddhas
non-violent student movement protesting British to spread enlightenment in this world CF Bd»km±a [ bh
colonialism CF KXp\edåc\; fighting peacock [ bs pe] ph]
kp^ [kApi] n œThai-style music played for certain k”k^keÂkac\lup\ [gågyi gågyaung lo'] v be difficult,
Ramayana dances, in which the timing bells and disagree with sb for vague, unpredictable, or unstated
clappers are played together, but there is no short drum reasons, be slippery Upsa [ ph]
keva. [kånyaw.] v 1) slip up, do or say sthg without
k®p [ka. xpya.] v dance (for sb, in public, etc), perform (a meaning to, blunder 2) be playful S YN St\eSa.
dance) kK¥la [kåchåla] n (of person) good-for-nothing, trash
kpX´ [ka. bwE:] n variety show (Am); (of object) worthless thing, (piece of) junk,
kpX´RuM [ka. bwE: yon] n theatre; concert hall CF zat\RuM rubbish CF Aapla
Ak [åka.] n 1) dance Ω Ak-mekac\;' P¥akiu A®ps\tc\" keK¥a\kKÁt\ [kåchaw kåchu'] adv sloppily, unsytematically,
Blaming the mat when the dance is bad. 2) dancer carelessly
AkAKun\ [Aka. Akhon] n dance kK¥c\ [kåchin] n Kachin, Myanmar word for Wunpawng, a
k3 [ka.] v harness a draft animal group of seven ethnic groups living mainly in northern
— n saddle, howdah (illus) Myanmar g¥in\ePa. Jinghpaw, mR¨ Maru, Azi, Zi, Atsi,
k”kio;Ÿ [ka. gyo:] n harness; howdah straps lrx^, Lashi, l^S¨, Lisu, rwm\ Rawang, la;h¨ Lahu
k”kio;tn\Sa [ka. gyo: dåza] n ornamental harness, Aks [a. ka. sa.] abbr Prison Department (until 2004)
trappings (illus) = Ak¥U\U^;s^;@an
k4 [ka.] part ™1) particle suffixed to subject of sentence ksl [ka. sa. la.] abbr ¥∏abbreviation for A”k^;sa;-sk\mO-
Ω kÁn\ mk q¨ >kiu na;mlv\ B¨;" I don't understand him. S YN ¬ lup\cn\;, Heavy Industries Corporation, a state-owned
qv\ CF kiu object marker 2) from, particle suffixed to enterprise

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 6

ksa; ª kti
ksa; [gåza:] v 1) play (game, sport, etc); participate in kvass\ [kånya si'] v do things delicately, daintily
(games, sports, etc) Ω t^bX^gim\; ksa; play video game, play kvaSn\ [kånya hsan] v be ladylike, be graceful
computer game CF Aa;ksa;' erksa;' etaksa;; eSa. kvae®mH; [kånya hmye:] n hymen; maidenhead
2) gamble S YN elac\; 3) tease S YN k¥^sa; 4) (of price, kViuÏ [kånyo.] n Œplant with edible stems growing in
attitude, mood, etc) be unstable, (of mechanical shallow fresh water
devices) have some play, be loose Ω sit\ksa; kvc\ [kånyin] n Œlarge tree with oily sap, extracted by
5) ¥speculate Ω eZ;ksa; [ pe ph] making a hollow in the trunk and building a fire
ksa;kXk\ [gåza: gwe'] n game tactic; plan of action kvc\S^ [kånyin zi] n kvc\ wood oil
ksa;kXc\; [gåza: gwin:] n 1) (children's) playground kvc\S^tiuc\ [kånyin zi dain] n (unlit) torch fuelled by
2) (playing) field S YN Aa;ksa;kXc\; 3) amusement park kvc\S^
ksa;KMu [gåza: gon] n gameboard kvc\S^m^;TXn\; [kånyin zi mi: htun:] n (lit) torch fuelled by
ksa;sra [gåza: zåya] n toy; plaything kvc\S^
ksa;diuc\ [gåza: dain] n (in gambling) banker, bank, house kvs\ [kånyi']
n metal stylus used for writing on palm-leaf
= sa;pX´ manuscripts (illus) [ wr]
ksa;nv\; [gåza; ni;] n game Ω P´ksa;nv\; By\Nxs\-m¥io;-elak\ kVXt\ [kånyu'] n Œa kind of edible asparagus shoot grown
qiql´" How many card games do you know? in lower Myanmar (illus)
ksa;ePÅ [gåza: baw] n (of children) playmate; (in cards, k%n\; [gånan:] n crab [ ph]
games, single and double sports) partner; (in team
k%n\;®mc\; [gånan: myin:] n a kind of red saltwater crab
sports) teammate
k%n\;lk\m [gånan: le' ma.] n 1) crab‘s claw, crab‘s
ksa;Pk\ [gåza be'] n (of children) playmate; (in cards,
games, single and double sports) partner; (in team
sports) teammate
ksa;wiuc\; [gåza: wain:] n gambling party; gambling table
ksa;qma; [gåza: dhåma:] n gambler
Aksa; [AgAza;] n 1) play; games 2) gambling [ ph]
ks^ [gåzi] n 1) thin, sweet starchy soup, usu for children
2) starches, such as rice, potatoes, noodles [ ph]

ks^Nxs\ [gåzi hni'] rice chewed by mother and fed to baby

L IT : ‘raise a child with the rice one chewed to a paste’
Ω wå;Pt\e ta\ -ks^ Nxs\n´Ï l¨ ®Ps\eAac\emX; raise a child by the
sweat of one's brow
ks^Dat\ [gåzi da'] n carbohydrate, starch Ó
kesa\ [gåzaw] n alcoholic drink fermented from sticky rice,
yeast, and palm sugar or molasses CF eKåc\rv\' Tn\;rv\'
Dnirv\' Bin\;' Bc\;' elxa\sa' Ark\ [ fd ph]
kesa\ePak\ [gåzaw hpau'] v ferment kesa\, make kesa\ k%n\; crab
ksU.\kr´ [gåzin. gåyE:] adv in disorder, in chaos, helter-
skelter, topsy-turvy = ksU.\kl¥a; [ ph] pincers 2) spanner (Br), wrench (Am) CF KX
ksU.\kl¥a; [gåzin. gåya:] adv in disorder, in chaos, helter- ktVut' ktewd^ [kåtin nyu. ta., ka. ta. we di] n gratitude,
skelter = ksU.\kr´ [ ph] thankfulness [ ph pl]
ksXn\; [gåzun:] n Œedible water plant with dark green leaves kti [gådI] n 1) promise 2) agreement CF NOt\kti verbal
and thick stems = kn\sXn\; [ ph] agreement
ksXn\;U [gåzun: u.] n Œsweet potato = kn\sXn\;U [ ph] ktikwt\ [gådI kåwu'] n 1) promise 2) agreement
kSs\qKXa; [kåhsi' thåkhwa:] n Œkind of short cucumber ktiKMwn\K¥k\ [gådI khan wun gye'] n pledge; undertaking;
CF qKXa; agreement
kSun\ [kåhson] n Kahson, second month of the traditional ktiKMwn\K¥op\ [gådI khan wun gyo'] n promissory note;
Myanmar calendar, containing 30 days. Usu falls in May- bond; surety
June CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^ ktisaK¥op\ [gådI sa gyo'] n legal agreement
kSun\epåk\ [kåhson pau'] v gallop CF Ae®p; ktietac\; [gAdI taung;] v ask sb to promise (sb or sthg)
kvP [ka. kya. hpa.] abbr ∏acronym of Karen National Unity Ω kÁn\ mkiu k¨ v^PiuÏ q¨>kiu-ktie tac\; Ta;ty\" I asked him to

League krc\Am¥io;qa;v^VXt\er;APX´>K¥op\ promise he would help.

kva [kånya] n 1) girl between the ages of 10 and 12, ktitv\ [gådI ti] v keep a promise, keep one's word, do
preteen girl 2) young virgin woman S YN Ap¥iosc\ as promised
3) ßVirgo = kn\(raq^) CF Sy\Nxs\-raq^Rup\ ktiTa; [gådI hta:] v promise, pledge

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 7

kt¨¨; ª k®pa;
ktiep; [gådI pe:] v give a promise, give one's word kTik [kåhti> ka.] n lecturer (Br), professor (Am) in post-
ktip¥k\ [gådI pye'] v not be able to keep a promise, secondary education CF påemakƒ
have to break a promise kTin\ [kåhtein] n ‹Kahtain, offering of robes to the qMGa
kti®po [gådI pyu.] v make a formal promise, vow, take a (sangha) at the end of the wå rainy-season retreat CF wå'
vow q^tc\; kÁt\
kti®py\ [gådI pyE] v fail to keep a promise kdk\U [? new from nutrition department]
ktiP¥k\ [gådI hpe'] v break a promise, vow, or one's kd¨U [kådu u.] n Œyam, kind of edible tuber
word S YN ekak\rc\pn\;' em¥ak\U
ktirxi [gådI shI] v have a promise knKiu [kånåkho] n Œpurgative croton
ktiqsßa®po [gådI thi' sa pyu.] v take an oath, swear an knsui [kånåzo] n Œkind of tree found in coastal areas
oath knsiu; [kånåzo:] n Œkind of tree bearing bunches of edible
ktiqsßa®popX´ [gådI thi'sa pyu. bwE:] n swearing-in fruit
ceremony knU^; [kånåu:]
n the beginning, inception, first Ω knU^;-
kt¨¨; [gådu:] n Gadu, one of the Ur-Myanmar ethnic groups tun\; keta. rv\kun\mxa enPiuÏ-msU\;sa;mipåB¨;" Alv\larc\;n´Ï
in Kachin State, speaking a Tibeto-Burman language en®Ps\qXa;ty\" At first I didn’t think of living in Yangon,
CF knn\; [ lm ph] but I came to visit and stayed on. S YN As' Arc\' lk\U^;
ketakem¥a [gådaw: gåmyaw:] adv hastily, in haste; kna; [kåna:] n pavilion (illus)
hurriedly; with a sense of urgency = keqakem¥a [ ph] kna;s^; [kAna; zi;] n nat spirit medium S YN nt\keta\ [?
keta. [gådaw.] n 1) funnel (illus) 2) cone made of paper, check with nat fan]
leaf, etc [ ph] kna;ep; [kAna; pe;] v build a pavilion and have a nat
keta.pMu [gådaw. pon] n cone, conical shape celebration
keta\ [gådaw] n wife of an authority or a respected kna;P¥c\; [kåna:hpyin:] n flat-roofed temporary shed
person; lady, matron CF Sraketa\' nt\keta\ pX´keta\' kNukma [kånu. kåma] n 1) oytershell CF kma 2) mother-of-
biul\keta\' mc\; keta\ [ ph] pearl
ktiuÏ [gådo.] n ferry = k¨;tiuÏ [ ph] kNutM [kånu. dan] n stick used to clean teeth, part of the
ktiu; [gådo:] n 1) musk deer 2) musk 3) collective term for traditional toiletries of Buddhist monks (illus) [ bh]
the five aromatics used in traditional pharmacology: kendå [kåne da] n ∏Canada
ktiu;ss\ true musk, eÂkac\ktiu; civet musk, tXc\;nk\ktiu; — n&adj Canadian [ cr]
black vine, qk\rc\; ktiu; Croton joufra, and kXm\;ktiu;
kenÏ [gåne.] n ™today = yenÏ' d^enÏ CF enÏ
betel vine. [ ph]
kNut\ [kåno'] n traditional style of floral design in carving
ketak\kSt\®Ps\ [gådau' gåhsa' hpyi'] v bicker, quarrel, or painting CF kp^' gza' nar^ (illus) [ bs]
disagree [ ph]
kNut\pn\; [kåno' pan:] n scroll-work with floral motif;
ktiuk\kRiuk\ [gådai' gåyai'] adv hastily, hurriedly [ ph] abstract floral design S YN yiu;dya;pn\; (illus)
ktv\;k [gådE: ga.] conj since knn\; [gånan:] n Ganan, Tibeto-Burman speaking ethnic
— ppm postpositional marker suffixed to nouns to group in northern Myanmar [ lm ph]
indicate time since past occurrence, since, from the kNX´>kl¥e®pa [kånwE. kålya. (kåya.) pyaw:] v speak coaxingly,
time of CF full entry under k [ ph] coax; wheedle
ktut\ [gådo'] n Íbreastwork (illus) [ ph] kNX´>kl¥lup\ [kånwE. kålya. (kåya.) lo'] v (of men) be effeminate;
ktut\k¥c\; [gådo' kyin:] n Íbunker; trench (of women) be very feminine
ktun\kyc\ [gådon gåyin] adv in a doddering manner, kps [ka. pa. sa.] abbr ∏Íacronym kakXy\er; psßv\;sk\RMu
agitatedly [ ph] Directorate of Defence Industries, with 12 industries,
ktun\;ktiuk\lup\ [gådon: gådai' lo'] v tell tales Upsa, gossip including arms, ammunition, military uniforms, sporting
maliciously, make mischief (between two persons), equipment, and eating utensils kakXy\er;-psßv\;sk\RMu
create misunderstandings (between others) [ ph] [ pe]
kp^ [kåpi] n 1) traditional style of depicting monkeys and
ktm\;krm\; [gådan: gåyan:] adv rashly [ ph] apes CF kNut\' gza' nar^ (illus) 2) œtune introducing a
ktim\;kpå;®Ps\ [gådein: gåba: hpyi'] v die, pass away [ ph] monkey character 3) type of dancing in a Thai classical
ktim\;kyim\; [gådein: gåyein:] adv erratically [ ph] style [ bs]
ktMu; [gådon:] n (clean-)shaven head = eKåc\;tMu; CF Rit\ [ ph] kpiukRiu [gåbo gåyo] adv unkempt, slovenly, disheveled,
ktXt\1 [gådu'] n hole in a paddy dike kn\qc\; to control without care for one's appearance [ ph]
water level; sluice Ω πktXt\-epåk\k b¥ioc\;esac\.qliu like kepåk\K¥ikepåk\K¥a' kepåk\ti-kepåk\K ¥a [gåbau' chI
an egret waiting at the paddy sluice (where the fish must gåbau' cha, gåbau' tI gåbau' cha] adv erratically, carelessly, in a
come out; similar to ‘like fish in a barrel’) (illus) [ ph] slovenly manner, sloppily [ ph]
ktXt\2 [gådu'] n Œkind of fig [ ph] kp¥akya [gåbya gåya] adv hurriedly [ ph]
ktXt\mun\Ï [gådu' mon.] n kind of Indian dumpling k®pa; [ka. bya:] n person whose parents are of two different

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 8

k®pk\keK¥a\ ª keraeqapå;
nationalities Ω ®pc\qs\ spin\k®pa; half French, half Spanish quite differently, like with an l?]
Ω Agç lip\-k®pa; Anglo-Burman, person half English, half kya; [kåya:] n Kayah, Karenni Ó, Red Karen Ó, an ethnic
Burman CF bNÎt\ [ bs] group living mainly in the northeastern part of Myanmar
k®pk\keK¥a\ [gåbye' gåchaw] adv carelessly, lightly,
flippantly [ ph] ky^ [kåyi] v 1) (of floor) be clammy or slimy 2) (of
k®pc\ [kåbyin] n open extension of the floor of a house, vegetables) be rotten
verandah (illus) kyuky [kåyu. kåya.] adv with tender care, tenderly
ke®pac\;k®pn\ [gåbyaung: gåbyan] adv in the wrong order; in a kyukyc\\' tyuty
disorderly fashion; in confusion CF e®pac\;®pn\ [ ph] keya [kåyaw:] n Œsmall tree of tidal swamps, the sap of
ke®pac\;k®pn\®Ps\ [gåbyaung: gåbyan hpyi'] v be in which can blind
contradiction with keyak\kyk\ [gåyau' gåye'] adv in turmoil; in confusion
kP^; [kåhpi:] n café, teashop [Engl] = keP;' eka\P^' kaP^ [ ph]
kb¥a [gåbya] n poem; verse CF karn\m´.kb¥a free verse; kyukyc\ [kåyu. kåya.] adv with tender care, tenderly
tm\;K¥c\;' p¥io>' ema\kXn\;' r´tc\;' rtu' rkn\' l¨ta;' qMepåk\' kyuky' tyuty
qMpiuc\' qmiuc\;' lkça' A´' An\' EK¥c\; [ wr ph] keyac\ktm\; [gåyaung gådan:] adv ramblingly; incoherently
kb¥asp\ [gåbya sa'] v write poetry S YN sasp\ Ω ABeta. AP¥a;”k^;“p^; keyac\ ktm\;-e l¥ak\ e®pa-entap´"
kb¥aSra(m) [gåbya hsåya] n poet The old man has a high fever, and is rambling on. [ ph]
kb¥aSn\ [gåbya hsan] v be poetic; be lyrical
kb¥aRXt\ [gåbya yu'] v recite poetry keyac\eK¥ak\K¥a; [gåyaung chau' cha:] adv in a deranged or
kb¥alXt\ [gåbya lu'] n gabyalut, a traditional basic dance badly frightened manner [ ph]
accompanied by rhythmic beats L I T : ‘without verse’ krkt\ [kArAka'] n cotton pygmy goose = klkt\
krkXk\ [kårågwe'] n white-breasted water hen
kbX^; [gåbwi:] n Œwhistling pine, kind of casuarina, kind of krmk\ [kårå (kålå) me'] n Œbastard sandalwood
tall feathery evergreen conifer tree that grows by the krew; [kårå (kålå) we:] n Œname of some trees of the
waterside = pc\ly\Tc\; rxø; [ ph] Cinnamonum species, leaves of which are used in
kmkTlup\ [kåma. kåhta. lo'] v supervise; lead an cooking
undertaking krwik\ [kåråwei'] n mythical bird with a melodious cry
kmK¥ [ka. måcha.] n system of learning the script by (illus) [ bs]
combining each of the 33 consonants with the 12 krwik\ePåc\ [kåråwei' hpaung] n karaweik barge, royal
vowels [ wr] barge in the shape of the krwik\ bird (illus) [ bs]
kma [kåma] n oyster (illus) kra [gåya] part particle meaning 'anything, whatever' used
kmaÂkv\ [kåma kyi] n Œslow-ripening rice variety with the words etX> and ®mc\ = ra [ ph]
= ekak\”k^; kraet; [kåra te:] n the martial art of karate
km¨ [gåmu] n mound; rise, small hill = kun\;km¨ [ ph] kra; [khåya: (kåya:)] n beaker; vessel with handle and spout;
km¨;rxø;Tiu; [gåmu: shu: do:] adv rashly; in the heat of anger or kettle (illus) [ ph]
passion [ ph] kra;erpit\ska; [kåya: ye bei' zåga:] n the last word (in
kemak\km [kåmau' kåma.] adv out of control, in disorder, an argument or discussion)
haphazardly, chaotically, in chaos Ω s^;pXa;er; kemak\km kra;erlWt\e®pa [kåya: ye hlu' pyaw:] v talk without break
®Ps\t-.´ AKå eKÁtarmy\" When the economy is running out of Ω kra;erlWt\- ttXt\tXt\-e®pa
control, you should be thrifty. krikT [kåyi> kåhta.] n bother
kmn\;ktn\; [gåman: gådan:] adv hurriedly = kp¥akya' krikTKM [kåyi> kåhta. khan] v take trouble (for sb)
kp¥akq^ [ ph] krikTm¥a; [kåyi> kåhta. mya:] v be bothersome
kem¥aeqapå; [gåmyaw: thaw: ba:] adv hastily, hurriedly, with kRu%a [gåyu. (kåru.) na] n karuna, compassion, sympathy, love
a sense of pressure S YN keta-kem¥a' keqa-em¥apå;' for humanity [ pt ph]
dera-eqapå; [ ph] kRu%aeÂk; [gåyu. na gye:] n compassionate grant
k®mc\; [kåmyin:] v 1) be mischievous, unrestrained, unruly kRu%aedåeqa [gåyu. na daw: thaw:] n anger arising from
A NT li mµaer;®Ka;rxi 2) be promiscuous, play around (inf), sympathetic identification
sleep around (inf), mess around (inf) kRu%arq [gåyu. na ra. tha.]
n [rhet] pathos; quality
k®mc\;eÂkaSX´' k®mc\;eÂkaT [kåmyin: gyaw: hswE:,
arousing compassion or sympathy CF rqkiu; på;
kåmyin: gyaw: hta.] v 1) be mischievous, unrestrained, kRu%aqk\ [gåru. na the'] v have or feel pity or
unruly 2) be highly promiscuous, play around (inf), compassion for
sleep around (inf) kerkramun\> [kåye kåya mon.] n snack made with popcorn,
k®mc\;T^; [kåmyin: hti:] n stud, playboy jaggery, and coconut
k®mc\;m [kåmyin: ma.] n slut, loose woman keraeqapå; [gåyaw: thaw: ba:] adv hurriedly S YN deraeqapå;
km¥U\;n^ekac\ km¥U\;nMÏqa [? def -- isn't this also spelled [ ph]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 9

kera. ª kel;
kera. [kåyaw.] part ™suffix to verbs for emphasis Ω mxt\kera. frustrated, be to do sthg Ω q¨>rv\;sa;kiu
that's all Pun\; Sk\K¥c\liuÏ sit\T´mxa
klikli®Ps\-enty\" She was
kera\ [kåyaw] exp expression used, especially among itching to call her boyfriend. S YN ya;k¥iya;k¥i®Ps\
children, to tease or blame Ω kera\ kera\ Rxk\påty\ kliTiu; [gåli> hto;] v tickle [ ph]
kera\ kera\ nya nya nya nya nya kl^kmalup\ [kåli kåma lo'] v mislead, deceive; cheat
kera\kera\' kera\kmv\ [kåyaw kåyaw, kåyaw kåmE] adv S YN klim\kk¥s\' k¨ l^k¨malup\
(talk) flippantly, disrespectfully; (do sthg) in a careless kl^sa [kåli za] n 1) tripe (food), viscera 2) ™guts (inf),
manner; slovenly inner parts (of machine, watch, etc)
krk\ [kåre'] n carat [Engl] = kark\ kl^erx; [kåli she;] n cliché [Engl]
krc\ [kåyin] n Kayin, ÓKaren: Burmese name for kl¨kl¨ [kAlu kAlu] exp word used to call back the soul (of
Pwakanyaw, several ethnic groups living mainly in the someone who has been shocked, etc) Ω lip\®paer
eastern and delta regions of Myanmar CF sekakrc\ Sgaw kl¨kl¨ soul, come back CF eKÅ
Karen; piu;krc\ Pwo Karen; PlMu' erxac\; etac\epÅkrc\ highland kelkeK¥ [gåle gåche] n jobless homeless person;
Karen; etac\eAak\krc\ lowland Karen [? check vagabond; waif; person with no fixed home; bounder
transcriptions] [ ph]
krc\dMu;(yim\;) [kåyin don: (yein:)]
n Kayin harvest dance, kelklXc\. [kåle kålwin.] adv (go) in a shiftless, rootless
with many dancers in formation way
krc\wå; [kåyin wa:] n thin bamboo used in making kelkw [kåle kåwa.] n jobless homeless person; vagabond;
parasol handles waif; person with no fixed home S YN kelkeK¥
krc\ÂqqM [kåyin aw dhan] n œkind of classical song
based on a traditional krc\ (Pwakanyaw) tune kel; [kåle;] v 1) be small, be little, be tiny CF eq; 2) act
kerac\;1 [kåraung;] n œkind of Thai music played with the beneath one's dignity or age; behave childishly
short drum, and clapper and bells played together Ω kel;mhu t\ q¨cy\mhut\ BaelYak\lup\enql´" He's no
kerac\;sv\; [kåraung; si;] n [drama, œ] music played longer a kid – what is he up to now? BOX explaining this
for the ogre's part, with four short drum beats to a and cy\' nv\;' eq;
measure S YN kerac\;sv\; — [kåle; (khåle;)] n 1) infant, baby (until about 18
kerac\;2 [kAraung;] n crown (paper size) [Engl] CF P¨;skt\ months); child (until about 14 years); kid (inf) 2) boy µ
foolscap; RXioc\ry\ royal CF kel;m 3) the young, youth (until about 21); [law]
kRiu%\; [kårain;] n 1) [ling] means of articulation (e.g., tip juvenile [ ph]
of the tongue, flat of the tongue) kRiu%\;el;på; the four — part 1) suffix to noun, pronoun or adverb to indicate
means of articulation: mid- CF @an\ [? check for good affection, understatement, politeness or approval
translation of the four] 2) ßinauspcious time [ bs] 2) suffix to an animal's young Ω eKX;kel; puppy
Ω wk\ wMkel; cub
krin\; [kårein;] n crane [Engl] (illus file) kel;kla; [kåle; kåla;] adv in a manner beneath one's
krXt\ [kåyu'] n ring of woven rattan or bamboo placed dignity or age; improperly, unbecomingly, immaturely,
under pots with a rounded bottom for stability childishly
krXt\eKX [kåyu' khwe] n ring of woven rattan or bamboo kel;saep [kåle; sa pe] n children's literature
placed under pots with a rounded bottom for stability kel;Sn\ [kåle; hsan] v be childlike
kel;eTac\ [kåle; htaung] n reform school, prison for
klkt\ [kAlAka'] n cotton pygmy goose = krkt\ kel;m¥a;
kltk\ [kålåde'] n bell made from a hollowed log, used to
keep time, or to send signals S YN tMu;(emac\;)' Aun\;emac\; child, kid (inf) (l¨)kel; human
(illus) offspring, young tirsÍan\kel; animals

klna; [kålåna;] n 1) woven edging or trim on cloth pup, puppy eKX;kel; dog
sv\;km\;-klna; [ tx] 2) œend of a song or dance
CF kit, kitten eÂkac\kel; cat

klna;qt\ [kålåna; tha'] v œbring a song or dance to kid Sit\kel; goat

the end
foal, filly ƒ, colt µ ®mc\;kel; horse, zebra, etc
NXa;kel;' cattle, water
kllrv\Âkv\ [kålåla. ye gyi] n embryo at the moment of calf, heifer ƒ
buffalo, bison,
large herbivores
conception [ bs]
k¥a;' ®Keqç.' lion, tiger, bear,
kleAa\ [kålå aw] n crowbar, claw [Engl] S YN t¨¨rXc\; wk\wM large carnivores
= kela\ (illus) lamb qiu;kel; sheep
kli [kålI] v 1) annoy, irritate; exasperate 2) provoke, piglet wk\kel; pig, swine
duckling B´kel; duck
tease Ω klititi' rititie®pa tease sb (verbally), try to
gosling cn\ goose
provoke sb CF eT.' ri' elxac\ 3) fiddle with
cygnet cn\ swan
klikli®Ps\- [kAlI kAlI hpyi'] v be exasperated, be chick birds

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 10

kl´r^nk\ ª kq^
juvenile offenders, juvie (inf Am) klp\1 [kåla'] n 1) small circular tray on a pedestal or feet.
kel;Tin\; [kåle; dein;] n nanny, ayah, au pair, Gifts or offerings are placed on it in presentation,
babysitter CF NiuÏ Tin\; donation, or offering ceremonies CF etac\klp\
kel;p¥k\ [kåle; pye'] v have an miscarriage, have a 2) catafalque (illus both)
spontaneous abortion = kiuy\wn\p¥k\ klp\”k^;”kio; [kåla' kyi; kyo;] n classical song typically
kel;P¥k\K¥ [kåle; hpye' cha.] v abort (pregnancy), have taught to beginners learning to play or sing classical
an abortion = kiuy\wn\P¥k\ music CF ”kio;q^K¥c\; [ ms]
kel;m [kåle; ma.] n girl CF kel; klp\”kio; [kåla' kyo;] n basic song in classical music,
kel;rxi [khåle; shi>] v be pregnant = kiuy\wn\rxi' taught to beginners
kiuy\wn\eSac\' p!iqeNÎrxi klp\cy\\”kio; [kåla' nge kyo;] n classical song typically
kel;lk\tXn\;lxv\; [khåle; le' tun; hle;] n taught to beginners learning to play or sing classical
perambulator, pram (Br), baby carriage (Am) music CF ”kio;q^K¥c\;
kel;q¨¨cy\ [khåle; thångE] n infant; child (until about klp\2 [kåla'] n club, association [Engl]
the age of 14) klp\3 [kåla'] n clutch (for gears) [Engl]
kel;qt\mO [khåle; tha' hmu.] n [law] infanticide, murder klap\sv\; [kåla' si;] n 1) [bio] cell 2) ∏cell
of a child klim\ [kålein] n Œbonduc, nicker nut, fever nut tree
kel;AT¨;kuSrawn\ [khåle; Ahtu; ku. hsåya wun (win)] n klim\kk¥s\ [kålein ka. kyi'] adv dishonestly, deceitfully,
paediatrician, physician specialising in children's health crookedly Ω s^;pXa;er;-elakmxa klim\kk¥s\-lup\ta Am¥a;-
”k^;p´" There is a lot of crooked dealing in the business
Akel; [AkAle;] n infant, baby (until about 18 world. Ω s^; pXa;er;--lup\rc\ klim\kk¥s\ mlup\n´Ï" If you do
months); child (until about 14 years); kid (inf) business, don't be dishonest. CF kl^kmalup\
kl´r^nk\ [kålE; ri ne'] n clarinet [Engl] klim\k¥ [kålein kya.] v [fig] lie; cheat, scam, swindle,
kl.´ [gålE.] n (one's) turn = Alxv\. con; be untrustworthy S YN ts\pt\Riuk\ CF Nxp\K¥' Bt\
kl.´sa;eK¥ [gålE. za; che] v revenge; avenge; retaliate; klim\K¥oM [kålein gyon] n [fig] crook, swindler, cheat,
settle accounts (inf), pay sb back in kind (inf) CF tuMϮpn\' confidence man, scam artist
lk\\sa;eK¥ klim\es.®cm\;Sc\ [kålein zi> (ze.) nyan; hsin] v [fig] hoax L IT :
kela\ [kålaw] v 1) prise (Br), pry (Am) open 2) pick ‘build scaffolding with a tiny kalein tree seed’
— n crowbar S YN t¨¨rXc\; = kleAa\ klim\ˆa%\ [kålein nyan] n craftiness, cunning
kela\S´' kela\tut\ [kålaw hsE;, kålaw to'] v ™ swear kly\kly\®Ps\ [kålE kålE phyi'] v look lost; be bewildered;
at, cuss out, curse be unfocussed
klk\ [kåle'] v be frivolous; clash kl¥a(%) [kålya na.] n 1) five qualities of an excellent
klk\tk\tk\ [kåle' te' te'] adv frivolously woman, who should have dark flowing hair;
kelac\ [kålaung] n 1) pen, writing instrument [ wr] youthfulness; a firm body; white teeth and pink
2) sharp metal scoop used to sample rice through the fingernails; and clear golden skin 2) woman with all
bag [ wr] these qualities 3) ‹three excellence elements of the
kelac\tM [kålaung dan] n sharp metal scoop used to Buddha's teachings: the moral precepts of the initial
sample rice through the bag (illus) part, the equanimity of the middle part, the path
kelac\namv\ [kålaung na mE] n pen name, nom de leading to nirvana in the final part [ bh]
plume kl¥a%puTuzU\ [kAlya na. pu. du. zin] n an ordinary person
kelac\rxc\ [kålaung shin] n author, writer who is striving to be better CF ANÎpuTuzU\
kelac\qs\ [kAlaung thi'] n new writer; new poet; new klXn\etac\ [kålun daung] n giant clam = k¥a;lk\qv\;
face kwi [kåwI] n 1) man of letters; wise man S YN pvarxi
kelac\qXa; [kålaung dhwa;] n nib, pen point (illus) CF kew 2) poet [ pt wr bs]

kelac\eqX; [kålaung thwe;] v practice writing [ wr] kwiel;m¥io; [kAwI le myo;] n four kinds of the wise:
kliuc\ [gålain] n 1) hollow, cavity 2) hand bell 3) tool used siN|akwi_-”kMtt\qv\ by reasoning, qutkwi _- Âka;-
in gathering toddy sap [ ph] tt\qv\ by listening, AtÊkwi _- Ank\ADipJay\kiu mx^-
kliuc\eKåk\ [gålain khau'] v ring the school bell tt\qv\ by grasping meaning, p!iBankwi _ -T;TXc\;-
kls\ [kåli'] n clip; paper clip; binder clip; hair clip [Engl] tt\qv\ by intuition
(illus several) kew [kåwe] n 1) wise woman, same as kwi but more often
used for women 2) enchantress [ bs]
kln\kSn\ [gålan gåhsan] adv rebelliously [ ph]
kln\kSn\e®pa [gålan gåhsan pyaw;] v talk back; speak
kwin\ [kåwein] n 1) man of letters; wise man = kwi 2) poet
[ wr bs pt]
kln\kla; [gålan gåla;] adv with gangling, lanky, or rangy
kqikeAak\®Ps\ [kåthi kåau' hpyi'] v feel uneasy; feel
uncomfortable, feel awkward
(build) Ω Arp\k kln\kla;n´Ï miu; Tiu;entap´" With his
gangling height, he's touching the sky. CF ln\Ba; [ ph] kq^ [kåthi] v be hectic, be overtaxed and hurried

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 11

keqakem¥a' keqaem¥apå; ª kam
kq^kr^ [kåthi gåyi] adv 1) be overtaxed 2) be in lKk lm\; srit\etac\mkamiB¨;" The salary I get doesn't
straitened circumstances even cover the cost of getting to work. CF cMumi' eTmi
kq^lc\t [kåthi lin da] adv 1) be overtaxed 2) be in Aka [Aka] n 1) fence; partition RF AkaArM.
straitened circumstances 2) protection, shield RF AkaAkXy\' AkaArM. 3) outer,
keqakem¥a' keqaem¥apå; [kåthaw; kåmyaw;, gåthaw; yaw; lighter wood of a tree, sapwood, alburnum RF Akaqa;.
ba;] adv hastily, hurriedly, with a sense of pressure or 4) pericarp 5) (egg)white, white of an egg CF ANxs\
urgency S YN ketakem¥a' kem¥aeqapå;' deraeqapå; (egg)yolk 6) protective charm RF AkaAkXy.\
keqac\;knc\; [kåthaung; kånin;] adv in disarray, in a mess
kqs\1 [kåthi'] n Œseveral species of deciduous trees with Akaqa; [Aka; dha;] n outer, lighter wood of a tree,
spongy but tough wood sapwood, alburnum = pkaqa;
kqs\2 [kåthi'] n ßdomal planet in a horoscope [ bs] AkaAkXy\ [Aka AkwE] n 1) fence, partition
kqv\; [kåthE;] n 1) Khasi, a Mon-Khmer people living in 2) protective charm
the hills of Assam 2) Manipuris settled in and around AkaArM [Aka Ayan] n 1) fence, protection 2) protection
Mandalay CF m%ip¨r Manipur' pu•a; Brahman
kqiu%\; [kåthain;] n object of intense mental concentration ka2 [ka (ga)] part conjugation: while Ω sa;kaeqak\ka
in a type of meditation e®m' er' m^;' el' AViu' Awå' An^' while eating, while at the table Ω ep¥a\kapå;ka while having
A®Pø' Alc\;' hc\;lc\;®pc\" There are ten Kathain: earth, a good time
water, fire/sun, air, brown, yellow, red, white, light, ka3 [ka (ga)] part particle suffixed to verb to mean 'only',
space. [ bh] 'just'
kqiu%\;RO [kåthain; shu.] v 1) concentrate intensely on an kamt† [ka ma' ta.] part particle suffixed to verbs, to
object as meditation 2) [fig] look fixedly, stare show doubt or shallowness: so-called, sham = mv\kamt†
kqui%\;wn\; [kåthain; wun;] n circle representing each of
the Kathain meditation objects, to concentrate on while kakaSiuc\ [ka ka zain] n combined shop and tea shop,
meditating [ bh] owned by an Indian [ bs]
kqut\krk\ [kåtho' kåye'] adv hurriedly, hastily kak^ [ka ki] n khaki (colour)
ka1 [ka] v 1) block (opening); obstruct; bar (passage); kaK¥y\ [ka chE] n eye shadow
hide, screen; shield 2) hold; cover kazs\stn\; [ka si' såtan;] n ∏Kazakhstan
— n shield (illus) katXn\;1 [ka tun;] n cartoon, comic strip [Engl] Ω ' political
kak [ka ga.] n œshield dance, martial dance of the cartoon CF Rup\®p
pc\;y (Pinya) period CF kaK¥c\; katXn\;2 [ka tun;] n carton, case [Engl] Ω rm\ ts\katXn\;
kakXy\ [ka gwE] v 1) defend (sth or sb from); prevent ep;på" I'll have a case of rum.
(sth); protect (sth or sb from); immunise kany\ [ka nE] n Ícolonel [Engl]
Ω kakX y\Ta;eqa-ny\ Ídefended area 2) prevent (sth); kabXn\ [ka bun] n carbon [Engl]
immunise (against) kabXn\sk¶ø [ka bun se' ku] n carbon paper S YN mc\KMsk¶ø
kakXy\eS; [ka gwE ze;] n vaccine; preventive kaeBals\S^ [ka baw li' hsi] n carbolic acid [Engl carbolic +
medicine, prophylaxis Myan S^] S YN P^ena
kakXy\eS;Tiu; [ka gwE ze; hto;] v immunise, inoculate, kaba [ka ba (va)] n [sl] condom [Engl cover] S YN kXn\dMu;
vaccinate kaBiuc\ [ka bain] n carbine, light rifle with a short barrel
kakXy\er; [ka gwE ye;] n ∏Í1) defence Ω bma.- [Engl]
kakXy\er;-tp\meta\ Burma Defence Army 2) [inf] militia kam [ka ma.] n 1) ‹pleasure CF kamSy\.ts\BMu [ bh] 2) the
CF luM“KMoer; [ pe]
five senses which give pleasure CF AaRuMcå;på; 3) (sexual)
kakXy\er;@an [ka gwE ye; hta na.] n ÍDefence Services desire, lust; sensuous feeling 4) sexual intercourse
Ω kakX y\er;U^;s^;K¥op\ Chief of Staff (Defence Services) [ pe] S YN emTun\mO CF kamqYt†r [ pt]
kakXy\er;wn\”k^;K¥op\ [ka gwE ye; wun gyi; gyo'] n kamgu%\ [ka mågon] n ‹1) pleasurable senses
∏Ministry of Defence [? really cho'? not htana?] 2) desirable things that can be perceived with the five
kaK¥c\; [ka gyin;] n œsong for shield dance CF kak senses, e.g., sound, beauty, fragrance, flavour, feeling
kaS^; [ka hsi;] v 1) obstruct 2) shield (which produce attachment to life) 3) sexual intercourse
kaSX´epåk\ [ka hswE; bau'] n crenelation S YN emTun\mO
kaps\ [ka pyi'] n covering fire kamgu%\cå;på; [ka mAgon nga; ba;] n five physical senses
ka®pn\ [ka pyan] v be ungrateful, show ingratitude; act or which lead to lust AÂka;' A®mc\' AnMÏ' Arqa' AetX>
speak against a benefactor, bite the hand that feeds one CF AaRuM
Upsa Ω πSraka®pn\ AaeKåc\lxMs¨; come to harm by trying kamsit\ [ka ma. sei'] n lust, sexual desire
to set oneself up against one‘s teacher‘s skill [? box with a kamsp\yxk\®Kc\; [ka ma. sa' she' chin;] n [law] sexual
summary of relevant Jataka tale] intercourse
kami [ka mI] v (be sufficient to) cover (expenses) Ω rt´. kamSN» [ka ma. hsan da] n lust, sexual desire

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 12

kay ª ka;
kamSy\.ts\BMu [ka ma. hsE. ti' bon] n [cosm] eleven kars\BiyM [ka ri' bi> yan] n ∏Caribbean (Sea)
levels of existence in which sensual desire exists, karn\ [ka yan] n 1) rhyme CF rs\qm\ rhythm, ®pn\ghp\
including this world, four levels of hell, and six levels of
2) [orth] rhyme, the part of a syllable that follows the
higher spirits CF BMu consonant CF b¥v\; consonant, qr vowel, Aqt\ [ wr]
kampiuc\ [ka måbain] n husband; spouse karn\mi [ka yan mI] v [fig] be well-ma
kamqYt†r [ka ma. sha. ta. ra.] n Kama Sutra, treatise ontched, be in harmony with
sexual relations karn\m´.kb¥a [ka yan mE. gåbya] n free verse [ wr]
kay [ka ya.] n structure of the body; physique, build karn\qc\. [ka yan thin.] v be a good time (for sth), be
kaykM [ka yågan] n (physical) deed, act CF menakM opportune (moment); be convenient
thought; ws^kM speech kal [ka la.] n 1) time, period, age 2) the current time, the
kaykMe®mak\ [ka yågan myau'] adv (do sth) in person, present time
physically kalska; [ka la. zåga;] n current expression, fad word
kaykMRxc\ [ka yågan shin] n 1) person responsible, kaltn\Piu; [ka la. tan bo;] n current value, current price
responsible party 2) person or party most concerned S YN kalepåk\ eZ;
kaypva [ka ya. pyin nya] n physical education, PE kaldån [ka la. da na.] n ‹donation that can be made
kaybl [ka ya. båla.] n physical strength; physical only at a particular time [ bh]
culture CF blcå;tn\ kalna [ka la. na] n Ócholera (still used in the curse
kaylup\qa; [ka ya. lo' tha;] n manual labourer, blue- kalnatiuk\) CF kalwm\;
collar worker kalepÅ [ka la. baw] v be of the current time, be
kayie®N» [ka yein dårei] n grace, poise contemporary Ω kalepÅ-t^;wiuc\; contemporary band, troupe
kark [ka råka.] n [gram] case [ wr] playing contemporary music Ω kalepÅ-q^K¥c\; song not
kark\ [ka re'] n carat [Engl] = krk\ included in the Maha Gita collection S YN eKt\epÅ
kaRiuk\”kiya [ka rai' kåri> ja]
n [gram] causative verb BOX on CF eKt\“pioc\
passive and causative verbs CF qudΔkiya [ wr] kalepåk\eZ; [ka la. pau' ze;] n ¥current price,
karn\”k^; karn\cy\ karn\”k^; karn\cy\ prevailing price S YN kaltn\Piu;
1 A 1 A 10 v\ 32 Av\. kalp¥k\ [ka la. bye'] n state, time, or period of
2 Aa 33 Av\ lawlessness (due to disaster); anarchy, chaos
3 Aa; 34 Av\; kalwm\; [ka la. wan; (wun;)] n cholera S YN I forgot
2 A^ 4 Ai I 11 U\ 35 AU\. kalqa; [ka la. dha;] n young man, bachelor; young
5 A^ È 36 AU\ single person
6 A^; 37 AU\; kalqa;K¥k\ [ka la. dha; che'] n simple chicken curry
3 U 7 Au U 12 t\ 38 At\ that can be cooked quickly, sometimes made with hemp
8 A¨ U^ 39 Ait\
9 A¨; U^; 40 Aut\
4 eA 10 eA.
kalqa;eKåc\; [ka la. dha; gaung;] n youth leader, leader
13 n\ 41 An\>
of a group of young single men
11 eA 42 An\
12 eA; 43 An\;
kalqa;eragå [ka la. dha; yaw; ga] n sexually transmitted
5 eAa 13 eAa. 44 Ain\> disease, STD
14 eAa\ eÂqa\ 45 Ain\ kalngå; [ka la. någa;] n 1) ‹naga ngå; which awakens only
15 eAa eÂqa 46 Ain\; when a Buddha attains Buddhahood 2) [fig] heavy
6 Aiu 16 Aiu> 47 Aun\> sleeper [ bh]
17 Aiu 48 Aun\ kaqaep; [ka tha pe;] v favour, be partial CF m¥k\Nxaqaep;
18 Aiu; 49 Aun\; kaLqut\ [ka la. tho'] n [cosmol] second of the eight levels of
7 k\ 19 Ak\ 14 p\ 50 Ap\ prinicpal purgatories CF cr´”k^; [ bh]
20 eAak\ 51 Aip\
21 Aiuk\ ka;1 [ka;] v 1) spread out 2) exaggerate
52 Aup\
8 c\ 22 Ac\. — n 1) cloth stretched taut over a frame 2) (stage)
15 m\ 53 Am\.
23 Ac\ backdrop, backcloth, a large cloth hung at the back of
54 Am\ AM
24 Ac\; 55 Am\; the stage, painted with scenery = kn\Ï lnÏ\ka CF ka;lip\
25 eAac\. 56 Aim\. 3) picture, card, or film Ω gy\lar^mxa ereS;pn\;K¥^ka;etX
26 eAac\ 57 Aim\ K¥it\SX´Ta;ty\" Watercolour paintings hung in the gallery.
27 eAac\; 58 Aim\; [ga;] 4) plank which turns pestle of oil press 5) angled
28 Aiuc\. 59 Aum\. bamboo fish-trapping structure used on the coast of
29 Aiuc\ 60 Aum\' AuM Taninthayi
30 Aiuc\; 61 Aum\; AMu; ka;Âkk\ [ka; gye'] v 1) stretch taut (over frame)
9 s\ 31 As\ 16 y\ 62 A´.' Ay\. 2) crucify
63 Ay\ ka;K¥ [ka; cha.] v lower the backdrop or backcloth
64 A´

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 13

ka; ª kula;
CF ka;tc\ ushamelessness, Aenat†pJ lack of moral dread [ bh]
ka;K¥p\ [ka; gya'] n cardboard; chart, illustration, etc to kili™edåq [ki> lei' hta' daw; dha.] n [rhet] fault of using
be displayed difficult or ambiguous terms in writing [ wr]
ka;sc\ [ka; zin] n cross (for crucifixion) k^yags\stn\; [ki yågi' såtan;] n ∏Kyrgyzstan
ka;sc\tc\ [ka; zin tin] v ∞kill (sb) — adj Kyrgyz [ pe]
ka;SX´⁄ [ka; zwE;] n stagehand who raises and lowers k^liu [ki lo] n kilo(gram) [Engl]
the curtain and backdrops or backcloths (at beginning k^liugrm\ [ki lo gåran] n kilogram [Engl]
and end of drama, and at scene changes) CF kn\Ï ln\Ï ka k^lium^ta [ki lo mi ta] n kilometre [Engl]
stage curtain k^liuwp\ [ki lo wa'] n kilowatt [Engl]
ka;tc\ [ka; tin] v raise a backdrop or backcloth CF ka;K¥ k^liuht\ [ki lo ha'] n kilohertz [Engl]
k^w^ [ki wi] n kiwi [Engl]
ka;ra; [ka; ya;] adv spreadeagled CF kiu ka;ra;' k^; [ki;] n œ1) key of a scale [Engl] S YN m¨tv\qMt¥a CF sek;
e®Kka;ra;' lk\ka;ra;
2) key (of a piano, organ, flute, etc)
ka;lip\ [ka; lei'] n (drama) rolled backdrop fi;or k^;Nut\ [ki; no'] n œkeynote, tonic S YN m¨tv\qM
ku [ku.] v give medical treatment (to sb, for sthg), treat
ka;2 [ka;] n 1) car, auto, automobile (Am) [Engl] 2) bus, (disease, injury, condition, etc, or person), cure (sb or
coach; lorry (Br) truck (Am); motor vehicle = ka;”k^;
sthg), heal (sb of sthg) CF ep¥ak\eAac\ku RF kuq.
ka;giuedåc\ [ka; go daung] n garage kusa; [ku. za.] v 1) treat, cure, heal 2) atone for
ka;git\ [ka; gei'] n bus or coach terminal, bus station kuTMu;kunv\; [ku. hton; ku. ni;] n therapy; principles and
[Engl car gate]
practice of medicine
ka;Sip\ [ka; zei'] n bus terminal kuq [ku. tha.] v give medical treatment (to sb or for sthg),
ka;SX´Ÿ [ka; hswE;] v work as a long-distance driver treat (disease, injury, condition, etc, or person), cure
ka;(epÅ)tc\ [ka; (paw) tin] v [inf] µ elope (with) (sb or sthg), heal (sb or sthg, esp wound, injury)
ka;psßv\; [ka; pyi' si;] n spare parts and accessories (for
motor vehicles) ku!^ [ku. di] n ‹1) chamber used for Buddhist purposes
ka;mxt\tiuc\ [ka; hma' tain] n bus stop 2) toilet for Buddhist monks [ bh]
ka;rTa; [ka; yåhta;] n train with an engine converted kue! [gåde] n ten million Ω kue!ÂkXy\q¨e™; (ten) millionaire
from a lorry
[ ph]
ka;RuM [ka; yon] n garage, car repair shop, body shop kue!ku!a [gåde gåda] n millions and millions
kutiuÏ [gådo.] n ferry = k¨¨;tiuÏ [ ph]
ka;liuc\; [ka; lain;] n bus route, bus line kutc\ªKutc\ [gådin] n bed
ka;3 [ka; (ga;)] part 1) suffix to subject or topic of sentence kub [ku. ba.] n cube (i.e., to the third power; dimension)
for emphasis Ω meta\q¨eq eta\q¨en SiuRiu; ska;-rxity\"
meta\-q¨ka; eta\q¨Tk\ AerAtXk\-Aa;®Pc\. m¥a;q¨m¥a;-
— adj cubic Ω kubm^ta cubic metre S YN Tu
®Ps\rka; AKk\AK´- etX>-”kMomy\" They say that only the
fittest survive. But as the unfit are in the majority, there
kubtMu; [ku. ba.don;] n cube
will be difficulties. 2) suffix to verbs for emphatic kubpn\;K¥^ [ku. ba. bågyi] n cubist painting
contrast Ω qXa;ka;qXa;f" merak\" She went, but she did ku marªkumµar [kom ma ra.] n young unmarried man
not arrive. Ω ep;ka;ep;f" mr" They give, but I don't get. S YN l¨p¥iocy\ CF kumar^
Ω sa;ka;sa;f" mw" He eats, but he doesn't get full. [ ph] kumar^ªkumµar^ [kom ma ra.]
n young unmarried woman,
tka; [dAga;] part particle placed at the end of a phrase maiden S YN Ap¥iocy\ CF kumar
or sentence for emphasis (in classical literature and kumu®da [ku. mo' dåra] n mythical white water lily which blooms
satire) in the moonlight [ bs]
kimilebd [ki> mi> la. be da.] n entomology, study of insectskulqmg© [ku. la. tha. me' ga.] n ∏United Nations Organisation,
kimilebdpvarxc\ [ka. mi> la. be da. pyin nya shin] n UN Ω kulqmg© pFivaU\satm\; UN Charter [ pe]
entomologist, expert on insects
kiriya [kåri> ya] n tool, instrument, implement, equipment kula; [kåla;] n 1) sb from west of Myanmar, esp Indian but
kielqw!\ [ki> le tha. wu'] n impure, lustful desires which also Caucasian; sb with ancestors from the Indian
perpetuate cycle of existence [ bh] subcontinent CF AiN»iy 2) face card
kielqa [kI le tha] n ‹vice, sthg which corrupts or taints — adj of foreign origin CF qeBça
the mind, defilements, mind-defiling qualities, of which kula;ekak\ [kålågau'] n curlew, shore bird with a
there are ten: elaB greed, edåq anger, emah curved beak
delusion, ignorance, man conceit conceit, pride, di™ i kula;K¥k\ [kåla; gye'] n curried food, curry; dish cooked
wrong or speculative views, wisikisÍa sceptical doubt, in Indian style CF lula;hc\;
Tin mental torpor, UdÎsß restlessness, Ahirik kula;K¥U\epåc\ [kAla; chin baung] n Œkind of plant wtih

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 14

kuql' kuqiul\ ª k¨;
edible leaves a living also.
kula;spå; [kåla; zåba] n wheat = g¥oM kuqiul\rxc\ [ku. dho shin] v ‹donor CF AlØrxc\
kula;Sc\ [kålåhsin] n person with Indian features Akuqiul\ [a. ku. tho] n ‹immoral actions, actions which
kula;tv\ [kålådE] n pickled or preserved fruit or have bad results; actions rooted in greed elaBm¨sit\;
vegetables in Indian style Ω erxak\q^;-kula;tv\ pickled anger, malice, or hatred edåqm¨sit\; or delusion or
lemon ignorance emahm¨sit\ (which will make one's future
kula;tim\ [kAlAdein] n ÎIndian who has lost all worse)
tradition of caste, deracine Indian = kula;din\ k¨1 [ku] v help, aid, assist CF eTak\pM.' eP;m' Riuc\;pc\;
kula;Tiuc\ [kålåhtain] n (upright) chair CW lMu; (illus) k¨ecX [ku ngwe] n ‹donation toward the cost of
kula;Tiuc\lu [kålåhtain lu.] v [fig] scramble for position religious occasion such as funeral, wedding or
L IT : ‘steal the chair’ ordination, given in order to share in the merit gained
kula;din\ [kAlAdein] n ÎIndian who has lost all
tradition of caste = kula;tim\ k¨v^ [ku nyi] v help, aid, assist Ω k¨v^Riuc\;pc\; come to the
kula;p´ [kålåbE;] n Œyellow lentil aid of
kula;p´hc\; [kAlAbE; hin;] n dhal k¨ePa\elac\Pk\ [ku baw laung be'] n household help,
kula;Pn\Tui; [kålåhpan hto;] v 1) shuffle (deck of playing p¨ePÅelac\Pk\
personal staff CF

cards) CF K¥io; cut 2) [fig] manipulate conditions to one's k¨qy\eKåk\qy\ [ku dhE khau' the] adv to and fro, back
advantage; machinate; secretly create dissent, and forth
dissatisfaction for one's advantage Ak¨ [Aku] n 1) help, assistance, aid 2) helper, assistant,
kula;®Pø [kålåhpyu] n white man, white, Caucasian, aide
person of European ancestry Ak¨tp\ [Aku ta'] n Íreinforcements
kula;me®KeTak\ [kålåma. chi dau'] n stilts (for walking) Ak¨Av^ [Aku Anyi] n 1) help, assistance, aid 2) helper,
L IT : ‘foreign woman's feet’ assistant, aide
kula;eRW [kålåshwe] n tinsel Ak¨ApM. [Aku Apan.] n material help or support
kula;eqkula;ema [kålådhe kålåmaw;] adv [fig] (sleep) Ak¨Am [Aku Ama.] n support
like a log Upsa, k¨2 [ku] v coo = K¥io;k¨
(be) dead to the tk¨k¨;k¨ [tAku ku; ku] n coo coo, sound of doves, etc
world Upsa cooing
kula;hc\; [kåla; k¨Tiu;biu; [gu hto; bo;] n Kayah harvest festival
hin;] n (Indian k¨pXn\ [ku pun] n coupon [Engl] Ω wn\Tm\;m¥a;-k¨pXn\ep;s^;Niuc\qv\"
style) curry Government employees can pay (bus fare) with a coupon.
kula;eAa\ [kålåaw] k¨mc\tn\ [ku min tan] n ∏Kuo Min Tang, Nationalist
n kind of very hot Chinese Army
chilli pepper L IT : k¨rxc\ [ku shin] n cushion [Engl]
‘Indian shout’
k¨l^ [ku li] n Ócoolie Ó, porter, labourer
kula;Aut\ [kålåo'] kula;Aut\ camel k¨l^k¨malup\ [kåli kåma lo'] v mislead, deceive; cheat
n camel CF cxk\-
S YN kl^kmalup\' klim\kk¥s\
kula;Aut\ ostrich
k¨wit\ [ku wei'] n ∏Kuwait
kuql' kuqiul\ [ku. tha. la., ku. tho] n ‹action with
— adj Kuwaiti
beneficial results; good deed, virtuous action (which
will make one's future better) BOX!! [ bh]
k¨; [ku;] v 1) cross; cross over; cross from (side, building,
etc) one to another Ω hiuBk\km\; kiu elxn´Ï A“m´k¨;enrta"
kuqiul\kM [ku. dho kan] n 1) ‹good effect of past deeds
We are always taking a boat to the other bank. Ω Burc\
2) good luck, good fortune
eSac\eta\k¨; the king goes from the house of one
kuqiul\ekac\; [ku. tho kaung;] n good luck Ω kuqiul\
concubine to another [? trans ok?] 2) swim
ekac\; liuk\ta" What good luck!
Ω ¯erk¨; tt\ la;"˘ ¯mk¨; tt\ B¨;"˘ ’Can you swim?‘ ’No, I
kuqiul\T¨; [ku. dho htu;] v be born under a lucky star Upsa, can't.‘ 3) copy, recopy, transcribe; reproduce CF mit†ø
be lucky; be a better person because of good deeds in
4) develop (a photograph) CF Dat\pMuk¨; 5) spread,
past lives
transmit Ω eragåpiu; k¨; spread germs 6) spread; light a fire
kuqiul\nv\; [ku. dho nE;] v have bad fortune because of using a candle or other light Ω m^;k¨; 7) pollinate
having done very few good deeds
Ω wt\ mOn\k¨; CF cross pollinate 8) change (from one form or
kuqiul\®Ps\eS;RMu [ku. dho hpyi' hse; yon] n charity hospital, mode to another); be reincarnated, be reborn;
free hospital S YN estnaeS;RuM
metamorphose Ω Bwk¨; life, job, season 9) graft Ω kiuc\;k¨;
kuqiul\y¨ [ku. tho yu] v ‹earn merit k¨;Kp\ [ku; kha'] v swim
kuqiul\r [ku. tho ya] v ‹get merit (for) Ω kuqiul\lv\;r' k¨;K¥ [ku; cha.] v 1) copy 2) imitate
wm\; lv\;w" (Of a public service or humanitarian job, such as
k¨;K¥v\qn\;K¥v\ [ku; gyi than; gyi] adv back and forth, to
teacher, nurse, relief worker) You make merit, and can make

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 15

ekdå ª ekalahl
and fro Ak´mlx [AkE; mAhla.] v be unpromising
k¨;sk\ [ku; se'] v 1) spread 2) spread, transmit; infect Ak´erak\ [AkE; yau'] v be important, be of
k¨;sk\eragå [ku; se' yaw; ga] n infectious disease, consequence
contagious disease, communicable disease Ak´el; [AkE; Ale;] n mood, disposition
k¨;tiuÏ [gådo.] n ferry [ ph] k´2 [kE;] part ™particle used to gather attention, and
k¨;tiuÏk¨; [gådo. ku;] v cross (river, lake, etc on a ferry), divide one activity or subject from another (similar to
take (ferry) across (river, lake, etc) 'right' or 'well') = [lit] kiuc\;
k¨;tiuÏK [gådo. ga.] n 1) ferry fare 2) 0.25 kyat coin placed k´kul(p\s\) [kE; ku. la (-la')] n calculus [Engl]
in the mouth of a dead person to pay the ferry fare to k´la; [kE; la;] n door or window which is hinged at the top
the next life (illus door)
k¨;tiuÏSip\ [gådo. zei'] n ferry landing k´1. [kE.] v 1) remove gradually 2) stealthily take bit by
k¨;e®pac\; [ku; pyaung;] v move, shift; change, transform bit Ω k´.k.´“p^; qy\ty\ [? trans]
k´.wxk\ [kE. hwe'] v pilfer, filch, steal in small amounts,
k¨;e®pac\;S´´kal [ku; pyaung; zE ka la.] n transition period nick (sl)
k´2. [kE.] part 1) possessive particle sometimes used after
k¨;l¨¨;Sk\SMmO [ku; lu; hse' hsan hmu.] n 1) interrelations ; _k\ _t\ _p\ _s\ Ω Ë;hut\k´. ABiDan\ U Hok's dictionary
relationship 2) interrelationship Ω ÂkX k\k´.Aeyac\ eÂkac\ r´.-Ala; like a mouse, like a cat = r´.
k¨;qn\; [ku; than;] v 1) travel 2) go across 3) trade [? interp?] 2) suffix to verb ending in _k\ _t\ _p\ _s\,
k¨;qn\;erac\;wy\er; [ku; than; yaung; wE ye;] n commerce for emphasis Ω hut\k´.la;" Really?! = r´.
tk¨;tk' tk¨;tkn\Ï [dågu; dåga., dågu; dågan.] adv out k´.r´. [kE. yE.] v 1) disapprove (of); look down on 2) censure,
of one's way, particularly reprimand CF ROt\K¥
Ak¨; [Aku;] n 1) transition 2) crossing k´.r´.®ps\tc\ [kE. yE. pyi' tin] v blame
Ak¨;Ae®pac\; [Aku; Apyaung;] n change, transition k´.qiuÏ [kE. dho.] part particle following a noun or pronoun,
Ak¨;Al¨; [Aku; Alu;] n interrelations denoting similarity: like, as Ω È/Tiuk´.qiuÏ like that
Ak¨;Aqn\; [Aku; Athan;] n crossover, transit S YN nv\;t¨' qPX y\' (q)liu' Atiuc\; = qk´.qiuÏ
ekdå [ke da] n cadre [Engl] eka1 [kaw;] v 1) silt up 2) [fig] head toward extinction;
ekBy\”kio; [ke bE kyo;] n cable [Engl] become obsolescent; lie dormant A NT sv\pc\ = tim\eka
ekqraza [ke thåya za] n 1) king of beasts (i.e., lion) 3) go bad, become useless 4) be self-assertive; criticise
= q^ h' ®Keqç.' ®Kø; 2) Œmedicinal herb and challenge, criticise aggressively, bash ∞, blast ∞,
ekqa [ke tha] n [poetic] hair, tresses CF SMpc\' biul\ek slam ∞
k´1 [kE;] v 1) overdo, go beyond accepted limits eka 2 [kaw; (gaw;)] part = era 1) [in questions] what about,

Ω hc\; T´ mxa Acn\ k´Ta;ty\" There was far too much salt in also, as well (as), too Ω msn\;eka liuk\mla;" What about
the dish. 2) add more 3) oversee; direct; command Ma San? Is she coming too? 2) particle used to make a
= kX p\k´ list (when nouns end in _k\ _s\ _t\ _p\ Ω kb¥a-saAup\eka'
— n 1) ability, quality 2) chief CF A”k^;Ak´ 3) mood, wtÊ o -s aAu pe
\ ka' A”kiok\SMu;-saAup\ekX Aa;lMu-;-pålaty\" She
disposition came with poetry books, novels, all her favourite books.
k´´Âkv\. [kE; kyi>] v crane (one's neck) (to see sthg)
tk´k´ [dågE; gE;] adv impatiently; eagerly eka3 [kaw;] part particle placed at or near the end of a
Ak´ [AkE;] n 1) ability, quality 2) chief CF A”k^;Ak´ phrase or sentence for emphasis Ω kÁn\eta\ d^Alup\kiu
3) mood, disposition RF Ak´el;. lk\mKM-Niuc\B¨; liuÏ e®pa-“p^;“p^eka" But I already said I could not
Ak´kiuc\ [AkE; kain] v put on airs accept this work!
Ak´Kt\ [AkE; kha'] v observe, take a good look (around, ekaza [kaw; za] abbr short for ekazaqk¶raz\, present year
at sthg, etc), size up (sb, situation, etc), get a feel for (in Myanmar calendar)
[? last ok? if so, add to re] ekaza“gioh\ [kaw; za gyo] n ßpresent position of planets of
Ak´sm\; [AkE; san;] v test sb's ability; sound sb out the zodiac = egåza“gio h\
Ak´St\ [AkE; hsa'] v be oversensitive; be testy, be ekazaqk¶raz\ [kaw; za the' kåyi'] n the present year, esp
quick-tempered according to the calendar CF Krs\Nxs\'
Ak´på [AkE; pa] v 1) be grudging 2) be high and mighty, qaqnaqk¶raz\
put on airs, be highfaluting [? check] 3) be over- eka%agMu [kaw; na gon] n ‹name of the second of the five
sensitive Buddhas to spread enlightenment in this world
Ak´®Pt\ [AkE; hpya'] v assess, appraise, evaluate; CF Bd»km±a
estimate ekank\ [kaw; ne'] n cornet, small brass wind instrument
Ak´®Pt\l¨”k^; [AkE; hpya' lu gyi;] n (in contests) judge with keys [Engl]
Ak´mr [AkE; mAja.] v 1) be doubtful, be suspicious 2) be ekalahl [kaw; la håla.] n 1) proclamation of an coming
uneasy event 2) rumour [? what is this with la. gyi?]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 16

ekaliqin\ ª kM
ekaliqin\ [kaw; li> thein] n Œginseng rolls
ekal^eÂk [kaw; li kye] v (of ingredients for drugs) be finely eka\®pn\Ïsim\; [kaw pyan. sein;] n fresh spring rolls
ground eka\®pn\Ïlip\ [kaw pyan. lei'] n spring rolls
ekalip\ [kaw; lei'] n college [Engl] CF ek¥ac\; eka\P^ [kaw (ka) hpi] n coffee [Engl] = kaP^
AekaAwxm\; [Akaw; Ahwan;] n undulations, hills and valleys eka\mt^ [kaw måti] n committee [Engl]
[? ok?] eka\mRxc\ [kaw måshin] n commission [Engl]
eka. [kaw.] v 1) curled up at the ends 2) (of chest) pushed eka\mRxc\na [kaw måshin na] n commissioner
out, thrown out; (of waist) [? show me waist, or is it eka\era\ [kaw yaw] v respect, venerate, revere, hold in high
back?] 3) be smoothened; be well-ironed Ω eka.eneAac\ esteem CF p¨eza\' P¨;' P¨;e®ma\' rxiKiu;' el;sa;' el;®mt\ [? do
m^;p¨-tiuk\ty\" I used a hot iron to get it smooth. CF ekak\' these belong here?]
kup\' ekX>' ekX; eka\rc\g¥^ [kaw rin gyi] n native of Kalinga State in southern
eka.eka\kMka; [kaw. kaw kan ka;] adv 1) contrarily 2) in India = egÅrc\g¥^
an improper manner eka\la [kaw la] n collar [Engl] [? examples of different kind
eka.Ta; [kaw. hta;] v curl, e.g., paper, ribbon of collars, stiff, shirt, etc?]
eka.p¥M [kaw. pyan] v modern and well-dressed eka\la®pa [kaw la bya] adj (of job, worker, etc) blue
eka.ln\ [kaw. lan] v curl up, especially cloth collar, i.e., low-skilled, or involving manual labour^ka [kaw. såta ri ka] n ∏Costa Rica [ cr] eka\la®Pø [kaw la hpyu] adj (of job, worker, etc) white^kn\ [kaw. sAta ri kan] n&adj Costa Rican collar, i.e., office job or worker [? check pron and def in
eka\1 [kaw] v 1) lever up, prise (Br), pry (Am) up CF kela\ Burma]
crowbar [? ok?] 2) ∞make a lucky strike Ω eka\tap´" eka\lM [kaw lan] n column (of newspaper, etc) [Engl]
What luck! CF kMeka\ eka\lMsa; [kaw lan za;] n newspaper correspondent paid
eka\ekac\ [kaw gaung] n [sl] dark horse Upsa by the column inch; stringer; freelancer writer
eka\S´ [kaw hsE;] v swear at, curse, verbally abuse kM [kan] n 1) ‹kamma, karma, one's deed, word or thought
CF kela\tut\ which influences one's fate Ω kMSiutaAlup\p´" Your work is
eka\lMu;kt\lMu; [kaw lon; ka' lon;] n harsh or withering or your fate. S YN kmµ RF kMÂkmµa. 2) luck, fortune Ω kMSiu;-
caustic criticism ewPn\
CF kMekac\;-qireAac\ eKåc\; pn\;-lxn\-Âkv\.my\el" I’ll flip a coin
Aeka\”kM [Akaw kyan] v try to win, attempt to to test my luck. Ω πkMyMu“p^; S¨;pu-M mnc\;ra" Don't trust your
demonstrate one's skill or mastery [? ok?] luck and walk through a pile of thorns. [ pr] [? ok? iff not
Aeka\Siuk\ [Akaw hsai'] v get a windfall change in good+bad too. spelling of ya in next?]
eka\2 [kaw] n 1) glue, paste; gum; sizing (for cloth or 3) fortune, lot (in life), fate, destiny 4) [gram] object,
paper), starch (for cloth) CF Asa 2) synthetic material noun in accusative case
such as celluloid, plastic, etc Ω eka\Ait\ kMeka\ [kan kaw] v be lucky, have good fortune
eka\kp\ [kaw ka'] v stick with glue or paste kMekac\; [kan kaung;] v be lucky, be fortunate Ω kMSiu;-
eka\tra [kaw tåya] n [fig] miser S YN kp\es;Nx´ kMekac\;-qireAac\ eKåc\; pn\;-lxn\-Âkv\.my\el" I’ll flip a coin
eka\trakp\es;Nx´ [kaw tåya ka' se; hnE;] n [fig] miser, to test my luck. A NT kMeK' kMSiu;
tightwad (inf) kMekac\;eTak\mliuÏ [kan gaung; htau' ma. lo.] adv luckily,
eka\tc\ [kaw tin] v treat cloth with sizing fortunately
eka\®pa; [kaw bya;] n celluloid film kMkun\ [kan kon] v (of royalty) die, pass away, pass on,
eka\Pt\ [gaw ba'] n sandpaper CF tiuk\ expire
eka\Pt\sa;' eka\Pt\tuik\ [kaw ba' sa;, kaw ba' tai'] v kM”k^; [kan gyi;] v be lucky, be fortunate
sand, make smooth by sanding Ω kM” k^;epliuÏqaepåÏ" I have such good luck! CF kMnim\.
eka\Pt\pc\ [kaw pa' pin] n Œpararubber tree kM”k^;kMcy\ [kan gyi; kan ngE] n ‹greater rites such as
=Âkk\epåc\es;pc\ ordination into monkhood, and lesser rites such as
eka\rv\ [kaw ye] n 1) dish made of rice flour and absolution of sins against Vinayas
water 2) noodle dish [? or the dough from which kM”k^;Tiuk\ [kan gyi; htai'] v ‹be punished for
noodles are made?] committing cardinal sin (matricide, patricide, killing a
Aeka\Akp\ [Akaw Aka'] n hair-splitting argument monk, shedding blood of a Buddha, creating division in
Aeka\d^yM [Akaw di yan] n accordian CF Bag¥a concertina the sangha)
eka\eza [kaw zaw;] n carpet Ω eka\eza-Kc\; lay carpet kMÂkmµa [kan kyåma] n 1) ‹one's deed, word or thought
eka\p^ [kaw pi] n copy [Engl] Ω eka\p^lup\ (make a) copy which influences one's fate 2) luck, fortune, lot (in life),
Ω eka\ p^q^K¥c\; œcover, copy of another singer's song
eka\p^saAup\ [kaw pi sa o'] n copy book, exercise book kMekÁ; [kan (gå) gywe;] n 1) subsidy, support payment;
bounty 2) fief granted by king 3) payment in cash or
eka\piuer;rxc\; [kaw po re; shin;] n corporation [Engl] Ω Niuc\cM-tka-
kind 4) artisan; paid labourer [ ph]
eka\piuer;rxc\;”k^; multinational (corporation)
eka\®pn\ÏeÂka\ [kaw pyan. kyaw] n fried spring rolls, fried pan kMekÁ;K¥sns\ [kan gywe; cha. såni'] n ∏feudalism

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 17

kM.k¨ ª kiu;
= pedqraz\sns\ [ pe] — part polite title for a young man the same age or
kMeK [kan khe] v be unfortunate older than oneself CF emac\' m
kMs^mMra [kan si man ya] adv as determined by kM (fate) kiukiu [ko ko] pron term of endearment used to address
kMsp\ [kan sa'] v be partners in luck one's elder brother or boyfriend CF emac\(”k^;)
kMsm\; [kan san;] v try one's luck kiurc\ [ko yin] n novice in the sangha, novice monk
kMsm\;m´ [kan zan; mE;] n lucky draw, raffle CF emac\rc\' emac\rxc\' qMG a [ bh]

kMSiu; [kan hso;] v be unfortunate, be unlucky Ω kMSiu;m — pron 1) title used to address a novice in the sangha
qXa;ra miu;-liuk\liuÏrXa" The rain follows Miss Unlucky wherever CF emac\rc\' emac\ rxc\ 2) title used to address a male
she goes. younger than oneself
kMSiu;kMekac\; [kan hso; kan kaung;] n situation in which kiurc\wt\ [ko yin wu'] v be novitiated into the sangha
all depends on luck, uncertain or indeterminate CF Bun\;”k^; wt\' l¨TXk\
situation Ω lup\eta.lup\rmxap´ ROM; mla; ®mt\mla; Siutaeta. Akiu [Ako] n 1) older brother 2) older µ cousin = As\kiu
kMSiu; kMekac\;p´" We will go ahead and start, but whether CF emac\' v^' Am
we have a profit or loss just depends on luck. Ω kMSiu;- — pron you (familiar, to a man of a similar or older age
kMekac\;-qireAac\ eKåc\; pn\;-lxn\-Âkv\.my\el" I’ll flip a coin to the speaker)
to test my luck. Akiu”k^; [Ako gyi;] pron you (to a man somewhat older
kMSiu;miu;emxac\k¥ [kan zo; mo; hmaung kya.] v be extremely than the speaker)
unlucky, unfortunate ki2u [ko (go)] part 1) (optional) suffix to the object of a
kMSiu;q¨emac\rxc\ [kan hso; dhu maung shin] n [fig] person verb, marking objective case; induces creaky tone when
chosen for an unpleasant duty L IT : ‘unfortunate one: (in suffixed to a low-tone pronoun Ω cåÏkiu me 2) (compulsory)
traditional story) sailor chosen by lot for sacrifice to the suffix marking indirect object
sea nat’ ki3u [ko (go)] part emphatic particle = kiu;
kMzata [kan za ta (zåda)] n luck, fortune, lot, fate ki4u [ko (go)] ppm ™marker suffixed to nouns to indicate
kMt¨Ak¥io;ep; [kan du åkyo; be;] n persons, nations, etc destination = ¬ qiuÏ
with similar destinies kiukiu; [ko ko;] n cocoa [Engl]
kMtk\ [kan te'] v get lucky CF kM”k^;' kMnim\. kiukc\; [ko kin;] n cocaine [Engl]
kMT [kan hta] v (of luck) to turn kiuDUped [ko da. u. både] n [law] code, system of laws
kMnv\; [kan nE;] v have ill fortune becuase of kiur^;ya; [ko ri; ya;] n ∏Korea Ω etac\kiur^;ya; Republic of
insufficient deeds in previous life Korea, South Korea Ω e®mak\kiur^; ya; Democratic Republic of
kMnim\. [kan nein.] v 1) have back luck, be unlucky Korea, North Korea
2) ßhave a period of ill fortune CF kM”k^;' kMtk\
— adj Korean [ cr]
kMepÅ [kan paw] v 1) be lucky after failure 2) [fig] to kiurn\ [ko ran] n Qur'an, Koran, sacred text of Islam
have a pregnancy late in life
= kur\Aan\
kMep; [kan pe;] v [? def?] kiuliun^ [ko lo ni] n ∏colony [Engl] S YN ny\K¥´>
kMq^ [kan thi] v get good luck kiuliun^lk\qs\wåd [ko lo ni le' thi' wa da.] n ∏neo-
kMeqkMm [kan dhe kan ma.] adv surely, definitely colonialism
kMqMu;på; [kan thon; ba;] n the three entitlements: deeds, kiuliun^wåd [ko lo ni wa da.] n ∏colonialism
words, thoughts
kMAa;el¥a\sXa [kan a; lyaw zwa] adv as fate, luck would kiulMB^ya [ko lan bi ya] n 1) ∏Colombia 2) Colombian
— adj Colombian [ cr]
have it, according to destiny, according to one's fate
AkMc [Akan gna.] n Ómiscreant [? check] kiu;1 [ko;] v 1) refer to 2) rely on
CF Aa;kiu; depend on, rely
on 3) make an offering to a nat or spirit 4) dedicate
kM.k¨ [kan. gu] n steatite, soapstone, kind of soft stone
some money as a token offering to a nat nt\ or spirit
which is good for carving
[ bs]
kM.k¨SM [kan. gu zan] n small soapstone stick used for
writing on purpiuk\ (parabaik palm leaf) or wooden qc\pun\;
kiu;ka; [ko; ka;] v refer to an authoritative work; cite;
quote CF VWn\;
(chalkboard) [ wr]
kM.k¨tM [kan. gu dan] n soapstone stick in a wooden kiu;kXy\ [ko; gwE] v 1) believe in Ω BaBaqa kiu;kXy\l´"
What religion do you believe in? [? ask an
holder (illus)
uncontaminated English speaker] 2) worship, revere
kM.k¨lk\lxv\.Sra [kan. gu le' hle. hsåya] n childhood 3) admire
penmanship teacher, [fig] one's first teacher
kiu;kXy\mO [ko; gwE hmu.] n reverence, worship, practice
kM.eka\ [gan. gaw] n gangaw, leafy evergreen hardwood tree of one's religion
with sweet-scented yellow and white flowers. Symbol of
kiu;kXy\ra [ko; gwE ya] n holy person; revered person
kiu;sa; [ko; za;] v rely on
ki1u [ko] n 1) (older) brother 2) (older µ) cousin
Akiu;Aka;' Akiu;AeTak\ [Ako; Aka;, Ako; Ahtau'] n
= A(s\)kiu CF eSXmi¥o;suz ya;' emac\' v^' m
reference CF AVWn\;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 18

kiu; ª ekak\
kiu;1 [ko;] n nine, 9 crookedness, dishonesty
kiu;m^; [ko; mi;] n baccarat, a card game in which one Aekak\”kM [Akau' kyan] v scheme against, plot against
tries to get nine points in one's hand CF B¨
kiu;“mio>rxc\ [ko; myo. shin] n nat spirit [? complete def] Aekak\ˆa%\ [Akau' nyan] n cunning, craft, trickery,
kiu;3 [ko; (go;)] part 1) emphatic particle suffix guile, slyness; artifice
2) ™particle indicating disappointment Ω eÂqa\Úd^liukiu;" Aekak\AekX> [Akau' Akwe.] n twists, bends, turns;
Oh, is that the way it is? sthg winding, sthg twisting, sthg meandering, sthg
kiu;kn\Ï [ko; gan.] n ∏Kokaing, region in NE Shan State with tortuous Ω etac\-tk\-lm\; mxa Aekak\-AekX>m¥a;ty\" There
an ethnic Chinese population CF rxm\;tRut\ are many twists and turns in the road up the mountain.
kiu;Riu;ka;ra; [ko; yo; ka; ya;] adv 1) awkwardly, clumsily; in ekak\2 [kau'] v 1) pick up; bend down and pick up
disorder 2) obstructively; contrarily CF kiu; liu;kn\>ln\> 2) collect, gather 3) round up, herd 4) take; make out;
kiu;liu;kn\>ln\> [ko; lo; kan. lan.] adv obstructively; contrarily infer; get ∞ 5) (of royalty) to marry a commoner; raise
kk\ [ke'] n Ket, game played with domino-like blocks sb to a higher social status 6) harness cattle to a cart
kk\SX´ [ke' hswE;] v play Ket
kk\kk\ln\ [ke' ke' lan] adv loudly and rudely, harshly ekak\kacc\ka [kau' kha ngin ga] adv spontaneously;
(respond) quickly and easily
Ω kk\ kk\ ln\eAac\ rn\e tX>ty\" Have a noisy argument.
kk\kc\;Dat\ [ke' kin; da'] n ßstate of having ekak\ekak\på [kau' kau' pa] adv (accompany)
immediately, impulsively
diametrically opposed names, according to astrological
calculation [ bs]
ekak\KM [kau' kan] v (of taxes) collect; levy [ pe]
kk\kc\;Riuk\ [ke' kin; yai'] v perform rituals to ensure profit ekak\K¥k\K¥ [kau' che' cha.] v deduce; conclude, infer
CF mxt\K¥k\K¥
in business, to win sb's heart, etc CF yÂta
kk\Sk\ [ke' hse'] n cassette deck, tape deck, cassette ekak\K¥k\SX´ [kau' che' hswE;] v draw a conclusion
recorder or player [Engl] CF tip\eKX' r^eka\då
ekak\sa [kau' sa] n πpull quote, phrase from an
article excerpted and enlarged to catch the reader's
kk\telak\ [ke' tålau'] n catalogue [Engl] interest
kk\ptin\ [ke' påtein] n captain [Engl] ekak\Nut\ [kau' hno'] v excerpt; collect key parts of
kk\Bink\ [ke' bi> ne'] n cabinet, council of ministers in the written material
government [Engl]
ekak\Nut\K¥k\ [kau' hno'] n excerpt, extract (of written
kk\qls\ [ke' thåli'] n Catholic [Engl] material)
kuk¶lM [ko' kålan] n 1) streamer made of of layers of cut ekak\r [kau' ya.] v find or pick up something by
paper CF kuk¶a; 2) pennant fixed to a boat's mast to chance
show wind direction tekak\ekak\liuk\ [dågau' gau' lai'] v keep following
kuk¶a; [ko' ka;] n kokkar, bent bamboo piece fixed to a sb, tag along with sb
flagstaff, from which a kuk¶lM( 1) is hung CF tMKXn\ Aekak\⁄ [Akau'] n 1) tax, duty, toll, fee
kuk¶io [ko ko] n large shade tree with leaves that close at Ω lm\;eB;eZ;Siuc\ e tXmxa enÏsU\-Aekak\-e kak\ ty\" A fee is
night collected daily from the streetside sellers. CF AKXn\ RF
kuk¶osß [ko ko sa] n 1) repentance, remorse, state of mind Aekak\-Asa;. 2) house share collected from a gaming
that causes worry 2) ™miserliness = enac\ t' table RF Aekak\-Asa;. 3) interpretation
eÂkac\.Âksit\ Aekak\KXn\ [Akau' khun] n ∏Customs
ekak\1 [kau'] v 1) curl; be bent, be curved, be crooked, be Aekak\Sip\ [Akau' hsei'] n tolls, tollhouse, customs
angular A NT e®Pac\. CF kup\' ekX;' eka.' kun\;' kiuc\; 2) sulk gate or house
3) [fig] be cunning, be dishonest, be crooked Aekak\Asa; [Akau' Asa;] n 1) tax, duty, toll, fee
Ω πekak\e qa\ msa;elak\ e®Pac\.e qa\ sa;mku n\" The CF AKXn\ 2) house share collected from a gaming table
crooked go hungry; the honest have more than then can ekak\3 [kau'] n Œrice plant, paddy CF spå;
eat. [ pr] ekak\”k^; [kau' kyi] n Œkauk kyi, strains of rice which
— n 1) crank, starter handle 2) immersion heater (illus take a longer time to ripen
both) ekak\kXk\ [kau' kwe'] n space between transplanted
ekak\ksc\; [kau' gåzin;] n Ómeandering route, rice seedlings
winding road ekak\cn\; [kau' ngan;] n part of field where work is to
ekak\k¥s\ [kau' kyi'] v be crooked, be dishonest, be be done
deceitful; be cunning ekak\cy\ [kau' ngE] n Œkauk ngeh, strains of rice
ekak\eÂkac\; [kau' kyaung;] n 1) outline (of drawing), which take a shorter time to ripen
sketchpMuÂkm\; 2) line drawing
CF ekak\esa [kau' saw;] n Œstrains of rice which take a
ekak\ekX> [kau' kwe.] v wind, meander shorter time to ripen
Aekak\Ÿ [Akau'] n 1) sthg which is curled, bent, ekak\siuk\ [kau' sai'] v transplant rice plants
curved, crooked, or angular 2) crookedness 3) [fig]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 19

ekak\ln\;t^ ª kc\;
ekak\siuk\qM [kau' sai' than] n œfolk song sung to long- stuck [gai'] 6) have no energy, feel weak, be exhausted,
drum and cymbal music S YN bMu”k^; qM be lethargic (after hard work or watching a long
ekak\siuk\qm [kau' sai' thåma.] n ƒ rice transplanter performance) Ω pX´kiuk\ty\" I have no energy after watching
ekak\SX [kau' hswa.] n curved stick for rearranging rice that zat performance.
stalks while threshing — n 1) portable clamp or vise (illus) 2) cross-bar in
ekak\vHc\; [kau' hnyin;] n kauk nyin, sticky rice, boat 3) shears, snips, cutters 4) tin (Br) can (Am)
glutinous rice Ω πekak\vHc\;k ms^; Sn\Âkm\; ks^;" The opener 5) spokeshave 6) scraper
rough rice sticking instead of the sticky rice (i.e., an kiuk\K´ [kai' khE;] v 1) bite down on, grip firmly with
outsider is caring more than sb concerned in a matter). teeth 2) ache
ekak\vHc\;k¥v\etak\ [kau' hnyin; kyi dau'] n sticky rice kiuk\v^ [kai' nyi] v reach, come up to; agree; fit; equal;
cooked in green bamboo = K´´lMk¥v\etak\ correspond, reach a standard Ω k¥m\; gn\n´Ï kiuk\v^ty\"
ekak\vHc\;cK¥ip\ [kau' hnyin gnåchei'] n black sticky rice (This book) belongs to the classics. or (What he says)
= cK¥ip\ corresponds to the classic texts.
ekak\vHc\;epåc\; [kau' hnyin; baung;] n steamed sticky kiuk\Tiu; [gai' hto;] v make a groove, channel or furrow
rice Akiuk\⁄ [Akai'] n 1) timeliness, opportuneness
ekak\t^ [kau' ti] n Œkind of rice planted in irrigated 2) appropriateness, suitability 3) (perfect) fit
fields after the monsoon Akiuk\AK´ [Akai' AkhE;] n (esp of muscles, joints) ache
ekak\p´q^;NxM [kau' pe; thi; hnan] n corn and pulses (rice, Akiuk\AK´ep¥ak\eS; [Akai' AkhE pyau' hse;] n painkiller,
wheat, maize, peas, beans, etc) analgesic ◊, pain pill (inf)
ekak\pc\ [kau' pin] n rice plant; stalk of rice kiuk\2 [gai'] n yard, 0.92 metre CF etac\
ekak\pc\rit\l^x; [kau' pin yei' hli;] n style of argument kiuk\tM [gai' tan] n yardstick
using an opponents own words against him (as reaper kiuk\etac\ [gai' taung] n yardstick
holds the rice stalks before cutting) CF ska;”k^;Sy\m¥io; kiuk\Tiu; [gai' hto;] v measure with a yardstick
Akiuk\Ÿ [Akai'] n budding leaf or tendril
ekak\Riu; [kau' yo;] n rice straw kiuk\ln\ [kai' lan] n Chinese kale, dark green leafy
ekak\Riu;NXy\ [kau' yo; nwE] n Œbindweed, morning glory vegetable
kc\ [kin] v 1) cook on rack or spit over a fire, grill, roast,
ekak\Riu;pMu [kau' yo; bon] n haystack broil, barbecue; toast (esp bread) CF cå;kc\' m^;kc\'
ekak\Riu;m^; [kau' yo; mi;] n [fig] short-lived enthusiasm, Aqa;kc\ 2) ∞liquidate, sell to make quick money
straw fire Upsa Ω piu k\SMqµu;sra-mrxi liuÏ
lk\pt\nar^ qXa;kc\liuk\rty\" I ran
ekak\rc\pn\; [kau' yin ban;] n Œyam, kind of edible tuber out of money, so I had to go sell my watch for some cash.
= kd¨U' em¥ak\U
ekak\rit\ [kau' yei'] n (of rice) harvest, reap Akc\ [Akin] n 1) grill, barbecue Ω Akc\Am¥io;sMu mixed grill
ekak\l¥c\ [kau' yin] n Œstrain of rice ripening in Ω Akc\ Siuc\ kiu
qXa;ÂksiuÏ" Let's go to a grill. 2) roasted,
shorter time grilled or barbecued food CF AeÂka\' AK¥k\' A®pot\'
ekak\lOic\; [kau' hlaing;] n sheaf of rice APut\' Aelxa\' Aqup\
ekak\qa;Tv\. [kau' tha; hte.] v (of rice grains) develop kc\Sa [kin hsa] n cancer [Engl]
kc\va [kin nya] n ∏Kenya
ekak\qc\; [kau' thin;] n ears of rice left lying in field — n&adj Kenyan [ cr]
after harvest kc\eptiuc\ [kin pe tain] n Kempetai, World War II Japanese
ekak\qc\;ekak\ [kau' thin; kau'] v 1) glean, gather rice military police
from harvested field 2) [fig] glean, gather in small
kc\pXn\; [kin bun; (mun;)] n Œacacia tree
amounts from different sources; collect scattered
kc\pXn\;K¥U\rXk\ [kin bun; gyin ywe'] n acacia leaves used to
remnants, round up strays
make a sour soup [? check pron]
ekak\qc\;ekak\ska; [kau' thin; kau' zåga] n [fig] small kc\pXn\;tp\ [kin bun; (mun;) ta'] v give a child its name,
talk, (chit-)chat
ekak\ln\;t^ [kau' lan; ti] n Œplant with violet flowers kc\pXn\;tp\pX´ [kåmun; da' pwE] n naming ceremony
kiuk1\ [kai'] v 1) bite Ω eKX;-kiuk\tt\qv\" Beware of dog. kc\pXn\;q^; [kin bun; thi;] n Œacacia pods, used with tera\
2) cut (esp cloth, with scissors) S YN ®Pt\ 3) ache, hurt bark to make shampoo
Ω eKåc\;-kiuk\ty\" I have a headache. 4) reach, come up to;
kc\mra [kin måra] n camera [Engl]
equal (to); agree (with); fit (with); correspond (to)
kc\mrXn\; [kE mArun;] n = ky\mrXn\; 1) ∏Cameroon, Cameroun
Ω mx n\;e®K-kiuk\ty\" It came out as estimated. The estimate
2) Cameroonian, Camerounian [ cr]
was correct. Ω qeBaK¥c\;-kiuk\ty\" We agree. We are of the
— adj Cameroonian, Camerounian
same opinion. We see (this issue) the same way.
CF AK¥in\kiuk\sns\ just-in-time 5) be tight (with rust, dirt,
kc\;1 [kin;] v 1) be free from, be without CF rxc\;' -lMu' lXt\
etc), be stuck, need lubrication Ω qMeK¥;kiuk\ rusted shut, 2) keep away from, stay away from, avoid

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 20

kc\; ª ekac\
kc\;kc\;(rxc\;rxc\;) [kin; kin; (shin; shin;)] adv without kc\;“m^;ekak\eTac\ [kin; mi; gau' htaung] v do a
involvement (in) headstand or handstand
kc\;kXa [kin; kwa] v 1) lose touch with 2) be bereft of kc\;mXn\ [kin; mun] n cuttlefish CF ®pv\”k^;cå; squid
3) be free of 4) be estranged from kc\;5 [kin;] n king (in draughts or cards) [Engl]
kc\;“cim\; [kin; nyein;] v be completely free from kc\;wc\ [kin; win] v king (a draughts piece, when
kc\;sc\ [kin; sin] v be unmarked, unblemished, unsullied, entering the further end of the gameboard)
pristine, pure; be clear of Akc\;2 [Akin;] n 1) (in traditional medicine) tendency to
kc\;p [kin; pa.] v be unmarked, unblemished, unsullied, produce heat or inflammation 2) body temperature
pure; be clear of 3) fume 4) potency, strengt [? Aung Aung check all]
kc\;rxc\; [kin; shin;] v be unmarked, unblemished, Akc\;tk\ [Akin; te'] v 1) (of internal heat) cause
unsullied, pure; be clear of disease 2) (of body temperature) rise
kc\;lXt\ [kin; lu'] v 1) be detached from 2) be freed of; Akc\;eq [Akin; the] v (of inflammation, rash, or other
be exempt from CF lXt\ condition caused by excess heat) subside, disappear, be
kc\;ew; [kin; we;] v be free from, without cured
mkc\;tra; [måkin; tåya;] n law of cause and effect Akc\;qt\ [Akin; tha'] v cure (inflammation, rash, or
S YN AeÂkac\;Ak¥io;tra; other condition caused by excess heat)
mkc\;ramkc\;eÂkac\; [måkin; ya måkin; gyaung;] n kc\;bt\ [kin; ba'] n canvas [Engl]
1) matters of mutual interest; peciprocal considerations ekac\ [kaung] n 1) animal = Aekac\ 2) ∞thing, one CF Usßa
2) sb close enough to deserve favourable consideration
— pron 1) µ [inf] you; [derog] you 2) [inf] he; [derog]
kc\;2 [kin;] v (of fruit) set, begin to develop he
Akc\;⁄ [Akin;] n 1) fruit in its earliest stages of — part count word for animals, including insects, fish,
development q^;kc\; 2) [fig] beginner Ω Aim\eTac\mO-dukƒ-
CF etc [ nc]
KMrta mc\;k-Akc\;p´rxieq;ty\" You are just a beginner at ekac\kel; [kaung gåle;] n boy
the troubles of marriage. ekac\m [kaung ma.] pron 1) [derog] ƒ you 2) [derog] she
Akc\;T¨ [Akin; htu] v Óbe dull-witted, be thickheaded,
be a fool CF Akc\;på; ekac\mel; [kaung ma. le;] n girl
Akc\;på; [Akin; pa;] v be quick-witted, have one‘s wits ekac\el; [kaung le;] n boy
about one; be astute ts\ekac\ÂkXk\ [dågaung gywe'] n person with no
kc\;3 [kin;] n 1) patrol, scout 2) guard, sentry, sentinel relatives, sb who is all alone in the world
3) outpost CF Âkv\.kc\; obeservation post 4) customs ts\ekac\ts\“m^; [dågaung tåmyi;] n (not even) one
post Ω ts\e kac\ts\“m^; mx metX>B¨;" I didn't find even one!
kc\;sc\ [kin; zin] n guard tower, watchtower Aekac\ [Akaung] n 1) body, corporeal form 2) (dead)
kc\;esac\. [kin; zaung.] v do sentry duty body, corpse S YN l¨eqekac\' Aelac\; 3) (general or
— n sentry, sentinel, guard collective term for) animals CF Apc\ RF Aekac\pelac\.
kc\;t´ [kin; dE;] n sentry post, guardhouse 4) bloke (Br), guy (Am), informal term for a young man
kc\;eTak\ [kin; htau'] v scout, reconnoitre
kc\;eTak\®Kc\; [kin; htau' chin;] n reconnaissance Aekac\pelac\ [Akaung bAlaung] n (general or
kc\;pun\; [kin; bon;] n ambush patrol collective term for) animals
kc\;pun\;wp\ [kin; bon; wu'] v lie in ambush Aekac\em¥aelx; [Akaung hmyaw hle] n zooplankton
kc\;lxv\. [kin; hle.] v patrol, go on patrol CF Apc\em¥aelx;
kc\;lWt\sKn\; [kin; hlu' sAkhan;] n Ípatrol base Aekac\ATv\ [Akaung AhtE] n 1) body structure
kc\;wp\ [kin; wu'] v lie in ambush 2) visible form
kc\;qma; [kin; dhåma;] n sentry; patrol; watchman Aekac\ATv\®p [Akaung AhtE pya.] v show that one has
kc\;4 [kin;] n general term for scorpions, centipedes and sthg, have evidence ofhaving sthg Ω lk\etX>
millipedes (illus several) Aekac\ATv\-m®pNiuc\rc\eta. Bamx myMupåB¨;" If you can't
kc\;e®Km¥a; [kin; chi mya;] n centipede show me anything concrete, I won't believe anything.
kc\;e®KTiu;sk\ [kin; che hto; ze'] n sewing machine to Aekac\ATv\epÅ [Akaung AhtE paw] v 1) materialise,
bind seams become visible 2) [fig] realise (dreams, plans, etc),
kc\;e®Kliuk\ [kin; che lai'] v bind seams come to fruition Ω Alup\etXk lup\rc\;n´Ï p´ t®Pv\;®Pv\;
kc\;s^; [kin; si;] n [orth] letter _ç Aekac\-ATv\-epÅlaty\" As we worked, our plans
kc\;na;qn\ [kin; nåthan] n millipede = KeKX;ekac\' gradually came to fruition.
m^;rTa;-ekac\' piu;na;qn\ Aekac\ATv\ePa\ [Akaung AhtE hpaw] v implement, carry
kc\;mlk\mv\; [kin; ma. le' me;] n black-earth scorpion out Ω s^mMkin\;-ts\Ku Aekac\-ATv\;ePa\t-´.AKå l¨eta\etX-
kc\;“m^;ekak\ [kin; mi; gau'] n scorpion Am¥a;”k^;-liuty\" You need a lot of clever people when you

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 21

ekac\s^ ª kiuc\
want to carry out a project. Akuquil\Alup\ evil business, vice
ekac\s^ [kaung si] n council [Engl] mekac\;Siu;wå; [måkaung; hso; wa;] n evil spirits
ekac\s^wc\ [kaung si win] n council member S YN Asi m\;Awå; CF Âkt\' tesÍ' “pi t†a esÍ' Pu t\' e®mPu t\' mxc\ sa'
ekac\ss\wn\ [kaung si' wun (win)] n consul [Engl consul + Myan qr´' mÂta' mar\nt\' Asim\; [? check all and order]
] mekac\;terac\; [måkaung; dåyaung;] adv in an
ekac\ss\wn\RuM; [kaung si' wun (win) yon;] n consulate uncomplimentary way, in a bad way Ω ' I say he's stupid,
ekac\ta [kaung ta] n counter (in banks, shops, etc) [Engl] but I don't mean that in a bad way.
ekac\; [kaung;] v 1) be good, be nice; be fine, be pleasant; mekac\;t´.min\;m [måkaung; dè. mein; ma.] n [inf] prostitute,
be enjoyable Ω ska;ekac\; good conversation Ω d^kb¥a sex worker ®pv\.tn\Sa

Pt\liuÏ-ekac\;ty\" This is a good poem. 2) be abundant mekac\;tt\liuÏ [måkaung; da' lo.] adv ™unavoidably, as it
3) be right, be proper, be suitable 4) be clean couldn't be helped; reluctantly Ω mekac\;-tt\liuÏ
Ev\.qv\etXkiu ska;-e®pa-enrta eKåc\;-kiuk\enliuÏ sit\-mpåB¨;"
— part suffix to verb, indicating what should be done As it couldn't be helped, I stayed to talk with the guests,
Ω me®paekac\; mSiuekac\; PXh´.-lX´påes Py\påes rXaU^;- even though I didn't feel like it because I had a headache.
Bun\;”k^; qa p¥Meta\mOqXa;K´.rc\ kÁn\eta\tiuÏeta. dukƒp´" I mekac\;mkn\; [måkaung; måkan;] adv badly, wrong
shouldn't mention it, but, God forbid, if our village monk mekac\;mO [måkaung; hmu.] n bad deed; sin
dies, we will be in big trouble. Úekac\;Úmy\ […kaung; … mE] part particle pair
ekac\;ekac\; [kaung; gaung;] adv well; properly suffixed to a repeated verb to indicate probability or
ekac\;ekac\;kn\;kn\; [kaung; gaun; kan; gan;] adv as if it suitability Ω ®Ps\ekac\;-®Ps\my\ probably CF ÚK¥c\Úmy\
were good Ω lup\mx-lup\-rc\lv\; ekac\;ekac\;-kn\; kn\;-lup\på" Aekac\; [Akaung;] n 1) goodness 2) sthg pure, good,
If you do it, do it well. = Aekac\; Akn\; unspoiled, pristine 3) sthg enjoyable or pleasant, etc
ekac\;k¥io; [kaung; gyo;] n reward, merit; benefit, the 4) sthg said in all seriousness 5) sthg normal
good of Aekac\;pkti [Akaung; bAgAdI] n good condition,
ekac\;k¥io;K¥m\;qa [kaung; gyo; chan; tha] n good (perfect) working order; (of person) state of fitness and
consequences (e.g., be well off because of past good good health, fine fettle
deeds) — adv in good repair, in good condition
ekac\;k¥io;ºep; [kaung; gyo; pe;] v bring prosperity, make Aekac\;qa; [Akaung; dha;] n sthg one should have
sb prosperous Ω elac\;ksa;-Alup\k ekac\; k¥io;-mep;B¨;" done, sthg that would have better (to do) Ω AKueta.
Gambling doesn't bring prosperity. eKåc\;kiuk\“ p^' Ask miu;erT´-elYak\mqXa;mirc\ Aekac\; qa;" I
ekac\;K¥^; [kaung; gyi; (chi;)] n 1) praise; acclaim have a headache – I should never have gone out in the
2) blessing rain.
ekac\;K¥^;ep; [kaung; chi; pe;] v bless, give blessing Aekac\;Akn\; [Akaung; Akan;] adv as if it were good
Ω Bu ra;qKc\e kac\;K¥^;ep;påes God bless you = ekac\;ekac\;-kn\; kn\;
ekac\;K¥^;ÂqBaep; [kaung; gyi; (chi;) aw; ba pe;] v publicly ekac\;kc\ [kaung; kin] n sky = miu;
acclaim; cheer on ekac\;kc\BMu [kaung; kin bon] n ÈÇheaven, paradise
ekac\;sa; [kaung; sa;] v prosper, do well; be in material CF nib`an\' BMup¥M
comfort, be well off Ω d^eKt\”k^; T´mxa s^;pXa;er;-ekac\; ty\- kiuc\ [kain] v 1) hold in the hand, handle, grasp RF kiuc\s.X´
Siuta epåkƒrwœmiu; rXaqliupåp´" l¨tK¥io>p´ ekac\; sa;ta" In 2) use; dabble in Ω Riu;Riu;-kc\mrap´ kiuc\ty\" I just use an
these times, prosperity is like a magical rain falling on only ordinary camera. 3) keep (books, accounts, etc)
the few. Ω sarc\; kiuc\ keep the books, do accounting Ω eqa. kiuc\ have
ekac\;sa;er; [kaung; za; ye;] n welfare, prosperity the keys (to), keep the keys 4) set right, repair; prepare
CF ”k^;pXa;er; meat or fish for cooking Ω Aqa;kiuc\enliuÏ ty\l^Pun\; larc\
ekac\;Niu;rara [kaung; no; ya ya] n sthg suitable, nc\p´kiuc\Ta;" As I am preparing the meat, if the phone
appropriate, or preferable rings, you answer it. 5) handle, deal with Ω ek¥ac\; qa;-
ekac\;®mt\®Kc\; [kaung; mya' gyin;] n goodness er;rakiu kÁn\eta\p´-kiuk\ty\" I handle all student affairs.
A NT Siu;yut\®Kc\; 6) answer (telephone, call, etc) Ω Aqa;kiuc\enliuÏ
ekac\;emXSiu;emX [kaung; mwe hso; mwe] n legacy, ty\l^Pun\; larc\ nc\p´kiuc\Ta;" As I am preparing the meat,
inheritance (good or bad); inherited responsibility if the phone rings, you answer it. 7) keep a tight hold
ekac\;mXn\ [kaung; mun] v be good, virtuous over s.o. 8) be suddenly afflicted with 9) be possessed
ekac\;raekac\;eÂkac\; [kaung; ya kaung; gyaung;] n one's
own good kiuc\sX´ [kain swE;] v 1) believe strongly in, hold (a belief)
strongly 2) hold in the hand, handle, grasp
ekac\;raqugti [kaung; ya thu. gåti>] n better future
existence kiuc\eSac\ [kain hsaung] v hold; carry (in the hand)
ekac\;erac\;ekac\;wy\ [kaung; yaung; kaung; wE] n kiuc\SX´ [kain hswE;] v pick up, grab Ω rra-lk\nk\kiu kiuc\SX´j
honest or legitimate trade A NT misÍas^;pXa;' ss\T´liuk\qv\" He grabbed whatever weapons he found and
went to war.

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 22

kiuc\; ª kt†a;
kiuc\tXy\ [kain twE] v 1) handle 2) manage, tackle the source of the problem; ∞kill, knock off (inf), bump
kiuc\epåk\ [kain pau'] v 1) fling (sthg); throw s.o.
(e.g., off ∞
to the floor) 2) [fig] intimidate someone using status, kis߮pt\ [kei' sa. pya'] v be brought to a close; be rid of a
connections, or knowledge, throw one's weight around problem
Upsa kisßm¥a; [kei' sa. mya;] v [fig] get into difficulty, have
kiuc\lOp\ [kain hlo'] v shock, cause to be shaken Ω World some problems
Trade Center AÂkm\; Pk\KMtakiu km±akiu kiuc\lOp\qXa;ty\" kisßrxi [kei' sa. shi>] exp problem, matter, affair Ω kisßmrxiB¨;
The world was shocked by the terrorist attacks on the World never mind, it doesn't matter, no problem Ω kisßrxiliuÏ There is
Trade Center. [? OK?] something I have to do.
Akiuc\AtXy\ [Akain AtwE] n handling; [fig] management kisßwisß [kei' sa. wei' sa.] n various matters
k§ekas [kan dågaw; za] adv contrarily
kiuc\;1 [kain;] n 1) land formed by siltation CF nun\; silt k¤z [kan htåza] n [gram] glottals
2) cultivation of land formed by siltation CF ya' t^ k¤@an\ [kan hta. htan] n [gram] place glottals are
swidden farming; ly\ wet rice farming [? really the same?] articulated
3) Œspecies of reed with edible growths on the stalk k‹ [kan (gan) da.] n section
joints CF kiuc\;U k•quK [kan na. thu. kha.] n euphony
kiuc\;kun\ [kain; gon] n produce from cultivation of land kt\1 [ka'] v 1) make things difficult; complicate CF ROp\
formed by siltation
2) be difficult (to deal with), be problematic CF ®mc\;kt\
kiuc\;kÁn\; [kain; kyun;] n cultivated island which has been bronco 3) despise; regard with hate or distaste
formed by siltation
CF eka\lMu;kt\lMu; harsh criticism
kiuc\;kÁn\;mx^kÁn\;kiuc\;mx^ [kain; kyun; hmi kyun; kain; hmi] n [fig] kt\kt\kut\kut\' kt\kt\qt\qt\ [ka' ka' ko' ko',
symbiosis, mutual reliance, interdependent relationship
ka' ka' tha' tha'] adv with great difficulty
for mutual benefit
kt\t^;kt\P´. [ka' ti; ka' hpe.] adv perversely
kiuc\;®Pø“m^; [kain; byu mi;] n citronella grass kt\P´. [ka' hpe.] adv perversely
kiuc\;U [kain; u.] n edible growth on joints of the kiuc\; reed kt\q^;kt\qt\ [ka' thi; ka' tha'] adv 1) in a cramped or
restricted way 2) with great difficulty 3) perversely
kiuc\;2 [kain;] [gain;] v bend over, bend down, stoop; be bent Akt\ [Aka'] n problem, sb or sthg that gives
difficulties CF ArX´>' Akt\ difficult person
— n 1) handle; frame; rib 2) branch, limb (of tree) Akt\kiuc\ [Aka' kain] v be difficult, be obstructive, be
kiuc\;Sk\k¨; [gain; hse' ku;] v [ag] graft uncoöperative; be problematic
kiuc\;VXt\ [kain; nyu'] v 1) bend; droop; bow 2) have a kt\2 [ka'] n card, cardstock [Engl]
bent for, be inclined to kt\T¨PMu; [ga' htu bon;] n hard cover, cardboard cover
kiuc\;eTak\ [kain; htau'] v 1) prop (a branch) 2) set up a
kt\®pa; [ka' pya;] n card, cardstock
fishing rod to catch fish when left unattended
kt\eÂk; [ka' kyi;] n (pair of) scissors (pl), shears (pl)
kiuc\;Rixøc\; [kain; shain;] v be devout; have or show deep CF vHp\ cut
respect for
kt\eÂk;kiuk\ [ka' kyi; gai'] n 1) cutpurse, robber
kiuc\;lW [gain; hlwa.] n bow saw; frame saw 2) [“mit\] dish of fried thick rice noodles
Akiuc\; [Akain] n (tree) branch, limb kt†ra [ka' tåya] n 1) Œfragrant flowering vine, of the
Akiuc\;AKk\ [Akain; Akhe'] n branches and twigs species Crinum 2) asphalt
CF AKk\ twig
kt†raes; [ka' tåya zi;] n tar, coal tar
kiuc\;3 [kain;] part particle prefixed to a phrase to get kt†ralm\; [ka' tåya lan;] n paved road, asphalt road
attention, similar to 'well'
kt†raes; [ka' tåya zi;] n tar, coal tar
ks\ [ki'] v ™nick, pilfer, filch kt†ralm\; [ka' tåya lan;] n tarred road, paved road, asphalt
ksßv\; [ki' si;] n Œclimbing plant, with bark used as fever road
medicine = rxc\ksßv\;' l´l¨
kt†r^ [ka' tåyi] n fragrant flower of the species Crinum
kisß [kei' sa.] n business, work to be done, case kt†wå [ka' tåwa] n cockatoo
Ω Baki sßn´>laql´ What did you come here for?
kisß”k^;cy\ [kei' sa. kyi; ngE] n various matters, problems kt†a;1 [ka' ta;] n platform scale CF kp\py\' K¥in\KXc\
kisßeK¥a [kei' sa. chaw;] v ™die, croak, choke, drop dead, kt†a;2 [ka' ta;] n 1) [gram] subject CF kM' kmµ object,
”kiya verb 2) subject
pop off
kisß“cim\; [kei' sa. nyein;] v be brought to a close; be rid of a kt†a;®Ka; [ka' ta; cha;] v 1) distinguish between, draw
distinctions between activities, ideas, etc, keep (sthg)
straight (inf); make space; demarcate 2) be distinct
kisßtMu; [kei' sa. ton;] v 1) ™die, croak, choke, drop dead,
pop off 2) Ókill
kisß“p^;lup\ [kei' sa. pi lo'] v solve a problem by removing kt†a;piuc\; [ka' ta; bain;] n agent, one who has the power
to enact sthg CF kmµRup\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 23

kt†^på ª kn\Ï
kt†^på [gådi ba] n velvet [ ph] zodiac = kva CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^Rup\
kt†ø [ka' tu] n sea-going sailing ship kN|ar [kan ta ra. (gan da ya.)] n desert, barren dry region
kit\1 [kei'] n 1) the ninth of the nine planets 2) falling kN|arKr^;Âkm\; [kan ta ra. khåyi; chan;] n trial, difficult
star; ßthe moon's descending mode, taken as the ninth journey
planet in astrological calculations [? which are the best kN|arraq^Utu [gan da ya. ya dhi u. du.] n desert climate
defs? check otherdictionaries] kn\eta. [gådaw.] v 1) pay one's respects with the palms
kit\2 [kei'] n cake [Engl] Ω plin\;kit\ ’plain cake‘ i.e., pound pressed together and raised to the forehead 2) present a
cake Ω p´kit\ pound cake with a layer of sweetened bean gift to show respect or gratitude [ ph]
paste — exp pardon me, I beg your pardon, expression used
kit\e®Kak\ [kei' chau'] n dried cake before doing sthg that could be considered offensive
kit\mun\> [kei' mon.] n cake
kiti†mqa; [kei' ti> ma. tha;] n adopted child = emX;sa;qa; kn\eta.SXm\; [gådaw. zun;] n 1) apology to a monk for
kut\1 [ko'] v 1) scratch, claw Ω em;KXn\;kiu na;lv\-qXa;eta. not making any offering 2) [fig] sarcastic rejection of a
eKåc\;-kut\“p^; ry\ematy\" When he understood the question request
he scratched his head and laughed. 2) lever, prise (Br), kn\\; [gådaw. pan;] n 1) offering of flowers 2) [fig]
pry (Am) 3) strive, endeavour, put effort into sthg dedicated one's senior
— n lever CF lv\K¥k\' emac\;tM kn\eta.pX´ [gådaw. bwE;] n offering; esp consisting of an
kut\kt\ [ko' ka'] v 1) be stingy S YN kp\es;Nx´' NxemYa arrangement of coconut and bananas, usually for nats
2) be difficult Ω ensra-mrxieta. v^m-Aim\mxa kut\kt\“p^;-
enty\" As she had no place of her own, she tried to stay Akn\eta. [AgAdaw.] n 1) apology, act of asking pardon
on with her sister. 2) act of paying respects
— adv with difficulty Akn\eta.KM [AgAdaw. khan] v 1) receive apology
kut\kut\kt\kt\ [ko' ko' ka' ka'] adv with great 2) receive offerings or sign of respect, gratitude, etc
difficulty kn\TRuik\ [kan htårai'] n contract [Engl]
kut\kut\k¥s\k¥s\ [ko' ko' kyi' kyi'] adv 1) stingily, kn\TRuik\SX´ [kan htårai' hswE;] v bid for a contract
thriftily 2) with great difficulty kn\TRuik\ta [kan htårai' ta] n contractor [Engl]
kut\®Ks\ [ko' chi'] v scratch, claw kn\TRuik\ep; [kan htårai' pe;] v award a contract
kut\P´. [ko' hpE.] v tear with claws or nails kn\TRuik\r [kan htårai' ya.] v win a contract, get a
kut\lup\ [ko' lo'] v try hard contract
kut\(AkÇ¥)2 [ko' in; (ein;) gyi] n coat [Engl] CF elac\;kut\ kn\Ï1 [kan.] v 1) block; split, divide, separate CF tn\>
long coat, overcoat 2) divide, partition, cut up (room, space, etc), form into
kut\m^;eqX; [ko' mi; dhwe;] n coke, fuel made from soft coal compartments 3) bolt RF kn\Ï ln\Ï. 4) prise (Br), pry (Am),
kn\1 [kan] v designate; define lever
kn\2 [kan] v 1) kick; recoil 2) prop, buttress 3) shove off kn\ÏkXk\ [kan. gwe'] v object; protest
kn\ÏkXk\lWa [kan. gwe' hlwa] n written protest, protest
— adv ™extremely, excessively
kn\ek¥ak\ [kan kyau'] v kick kn\Ïln\Ï [kan. lan.] adv 1) contrarily [gålan.] 2) across,
crosswise, athwart
kn\”kio; [kan gyo;] n reins S YN SX´”kio;' zk\”kio;
kn\TXk\ [kan htwe'] v 1) erupt, expand violently — n bolt or bar (of door) CF mc\;tup\ [ ph]
2) [fig] suddenly break out with violence (against), kn\Ïln\Ïka [kålåga] n (stage) curtain
erupt Upsa kn\Ïln\ÏkaK¥ [kålåga cha.] v 1) let down the curtain
kn\3 [kan] n lake, pond; tank, pool Ω erk¨;kn\ swimming (after a performance) 2) [fig] bring to a close, ring
pool CF Ac\;' Aiuc\ down the curtain Upsa; come to a close
kn\sXn\; [gåzun;] n Œwater convolvulus, an edible plant kn\Ïln\Ïkn\Ïln\Ï [kan. lan. kan. lan.] adv in s.o.'s way;
growing in swampy conditions (illus) [ ph]
kn\sXn\;”k^; [gåzun; gyi;] n Œsweet potato (plant) kn\Ïln\Ïk¥c\ [gålan. gyin] n bolt or bar (of door, etc)
kn\sXn\;U [gåzun; u.] n sweet potato (tuber) kn\Ïln\ÏK¥ [gålan. cha.] v drop a bolt, bolt (a door, gate,
kn\epåc\ [kan baung] n river bank, embankment
kn\qc\; [gådhin; (zin;)] n banks of earth between rice kn\Ïln\Ïsc\; [kan. lan. sin;] n horizontal stripe
paddies [ ph]
kn\Ïln\Ïtiuk\ [kan. lan. (gålan.) tai'] v act defiantly, defy;
thumb one's nose (at) Upsa
kn\qc\;SX´ [gåzin; hswE;] v build up banks of earth
around rice paddy
kn\Ïln\ÏTiu; [gålan. hto;] v slide a bolt, bolt (door, gate,
kn\qc\;Riu; [gAdhin; (zin;) yo;] n banks of earth between
rice paddies
kn\Ïln\Ï‘Pt\ [kan. lan. hpyo'] v unbolt, draw a bolt
kn\(raq^)4 [kan (ya thi)] n ß Virgo, the sixth sign of the kn\Ïln\Ï®Pt\m¥U\; [kan. lan. bya' myin;] n diagonal (line)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 24

kn\Ï ª kun\
kn\Ïln\Ïqma; [gålan. dhåma;] n rebel; contrarian, person Nxs\Tp\kin\; square CF g%n\;' nMpåt\ 2) fated, predestined
who habitually contradicts others event; probability, likelihood
kn\Ïqt\ [kan. tha'] v restrict; limit kin\;”k^;Kn\;”k^; [kein; gyi; khan; gyi;] adv
pompously (neg);
— adj controlled ostentatiously (neg); self-importantly (neg), grandly
kn\Ïqt\kun\ [kan. tha' kon] n restricted or controlled
goods; [law] controlled substance kin\;Kn\; [kein; khan;] n fated, predestined event;
kn\Ïqt\ss\pX´ [kan. tha' si' pwe;] n limited war probability, likelihood
Akn\Ï [Akan.] n 1) partition, low or thin wall between kin\;sutn\; [kein; zu. dan;] n [math] polynomial
sections CF AkXk\ 2) compartment (between partitions); kin\;ss\ [kein; zi'] n [math] real number
partitioned space; section, segment CF AS^; Akn\Ï kin\;sU\tn\; [kein; zin dan;] n [math] series
partition; AKn\; Akn\Ï horoscope compartments kin\;Siuk\ [kein; hsai'] v (of dreams, wishes, etc) come
3) (cartwheel) spoke S YN edåk\ 4) cross-piece, transverse true; (of events) come to pass, happen as foretold or
piece 5) cross-measurement 6) [fig] standpoint predicted; (of situation) be meant to be Ω cåeta.
Ω q¨>Akn\Ïn´Ï-q¨sU\; sa;rmy\" She will think about it from her dukƒerak\my\. kin\;Siuk\en“p^" The time has come for me to
standpoint. [? ok?] 7) Ómeasure of land area (varying suffer, just as predicted.
in different districts) 8) Órestriction; definition kin\;tn\; [kein; dan;] n [maths] expression
kin\;eTX [kein; htwe] n [math] complex number
Akn\ÏAkXk\ [Akan. Akwe'] n obstacle, hindrance; kin\;eNxa [kein; hnaw;] n [math] mixed number
objection kin\;®pV\. [kein; byi> (bye.)] n [math] whole number
Akn\ÏAqt\ [Akan. Atha'] n 1) limit, bound Ω ny\e®m- kin\;eyac\ [kein yaung] n [math] imaginary number
Akn\ÏAqt\ bounds of the territory Ω quetqnAtXk\ kin\;er [kein; ye] n [math] notation
K¥ep;t´-. ecXk Akn\ÏAqt\-rxity\" There is a limit to the kin\;era [kein; yaw;] n [math] mixed number
amount of money dedicated to research. 2) restriction, kin\;rc\; [kein; yin;] n [math] root, radical
limitation Ω Niuc\cM®Ka;qa;etX qXa;KXc\.rxit´.-enrak Akn\ÏAqt\- kin\;rc\;lkƒ%a [kein; yin; le' khåna] n radical sign
rxity\" There is a restriction on the places foreigners are kin\;rxc\ [kein; shin] n [math] variable
allowed to go.
kin\;eq [kein; dhe] n [math] constant
kn\Ï2 [kan.] n sulphur, sulfur; brimstone Ó — adv definitely, certainly
kn\Ïkla' kn\Ïgla [gan. gåla] n Œshaggy buttonweed kin\;eqepåk\ [kein; dhe bau'] adv definitely, certainly
= gn\Ï gla [ ph]
= k¥in\;eqepåk\
kn\Ïpl¨' kn\ÏBl¨ [kan. bålu] n Œvalerian, allheal, a kin\;2 [kein;] v (of holy object) enshrine; (of holy person)
pungent herb with sedative effect live, dwell [ bh]
kn\ÏAit\ [kan. ei'] n Œaromatic herb related to ginger kin\;wp\ [kein; wu'] v be enshrined [ bh]
kn\; [kan;] v 1) go barren, cease to be productive, stop kin\;eAac\; [kein; aung;] v dwell in; exist within
functioning Ω ereÂka-e®pac\;-qXa;rc\ ertXc\;-kn\;Niuc\ty\" If kun\1 [kon] n goods, merchandise, commodity Ω kun\-ROM;-
the aquifer shifts, the wells can go dry. CF e®mkn\; barren ts\eKåk\' lc\kun\ROM; ts\qk\lMu;-emxak\" If you take a loss in
land 2) be blind = m¥k\sikn\; 3) be deaf = na;kn\; trading, it is only once; if you take the wrong husband, it is
Akn\; [Akan;] n 1) sthg that is barren, unproductive, etc for life. [ pr]
2) blindness 3) blind person Ω πAkn\; tesÍ-meÂkak\ the kun\ka; [kon ga;] n lorry (Br), truck (Am)
blind are not afraid of ghosts Ω πAkn\;K¥c\;tut\SX´ the
kun\Âkm\; [kon gyan;] n ¥raw material(s) CF kun\eK¥a
blind leading the blind 4) deafness [? ask Hpo Kala re
finished products
kun\Âkm\;ep;kun\eK¥ay¨sns\ [kon gyan; pe; kon gyaw; yu sAni']
kiN~ra [kein nåra (nAya)] n Kinnara, µ mythical creature with n ¥system of supplying raw materials and buying
human head, arms and torso, legs and wings of a bird, manufactured goods
symbol of constancy in love CF kiN~r^
kun\eK¥a [kon gyaw;]
n finished product(s), end product;
kiN~rana [kein nåra na] n boil or abcess in the armpit ¥manufactured goods CF kun\Âkm\; raw material
S YN yun\qma
kiN~raeK¥ac\;®Ka; [kein nåya chaung cha;] n œsong about a kun\e®Kak\ [kon gyau'] n dry goods, such as cloth, oil,
Kinnara and Kinnari couple separated for a night by high flour, grains, garlic, etc
water in a river
kun\sv\ [kon zi] n goods, merchandise, commodity
kiN~r^ [kein nåri (nAyi)] n Kinnari, ƒ mythical bird with human kun\sv\diuc\ [kon zi dain] n wholesale centre, brokers' sales
head, arms and torso, with legs and wings of a bird, centre S YN pX´RuM
symbol of constancy in love CF kiN~ra
kun\sv\®ppX´ [kon zi pya. bwe;] n trade fair
kiN~r^kiN~raAk [kein nAri (nAyi) kein nAra (nAya) Aka.] n
kun\sim\; [kon zein;] n greens, produce, perishable fruits
œdance of the Kinnari and Kinnara and vegetables
kin\;1 [kein;] n 1) [math] number Ω qudÎkin\; prime number, kun\sim\;qv\ [kon zein; dhE] n greengrocer

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 25

kun\ ª kun\;
kun\sMuSiuc\ [kon zon hsain] n general store, general Ω Dat\ S^ kun\en“p^" The fuel has run out. We ran out of fuel.
grocery, convenience store, mini-mart 3) run out; be out (of) Ω sv\B^ya kun\\" We are
kun\eZ;NOn\; [kon ze; hnon;] n commodity prices just about out of draught beer.
kun\tMSip\ [kon dåzei'] n trademark; brand — part suffix a verb to show plurality or totality
kun\tiuk\ [kon dai'] n department store Ω lk\ kun\-” kio;sa; try with all one's might Ω U^;eNxa k\ kun\-SMu;
S YN kun\pedqaSiuc\ think as hard as one can
kun\tc\ka; [kon din ka;] n lorry (Br), truck (Am) kun\kun\ [kon gon] adv 1) all, everything 2) once and for
kun\tc\kun\K¥Alup\qma; [kon din kon cha. ålo' thåma;] n all, for good Ω kun\kun\-e®parrc\ tell once and for all
stevedore, someone who loads and unloads goods Úkun\Úkun\ […kon…kon] part pair of particles used
kun\tX´ [kon dwE:] n [rail] goods wagon (Br), boxcar with various nouns to indicate that great efforts are
(Am); flatcar being made Ω m^;kun\ym\;kun\' tk\kun\lk\kun\ do one's
kun\Tut\kiriya [kon hto' kåri> ya] n ¥means of utmost
production kun\k¥ [kon kya.] v cost; incur expense
kun\Tut\sXm\;Aa;su [kon hto' swan: a: zu.] n ¥forces of kun\k¥srit\ [kon kya. zåyei'] n expenses
production [ pe] kun\Kn\; [kon khan:] v 1) be finished 2) be used up 3) run
kun\Tut\lup\mO [kon hto' lo' hmu] n ¥production (of out
manufactured goods), manufacture kun\sc\eAac\ [kon sin aung] adv completely, fully
kun\Tut\qmwåym [kon hto' thåma.wa yåma.] n kun\SMu; [kon hson;] v finish (up), (come to an) end
¥producers' coöperative [ pe] Ω saqc\ Nxs\-kun\SMu; the academic year is finishing up
kun\Tut\Arc\;AN^x; [kon hto' åyin: åhni:] n ¥capital Ω qk\ tm\;-kun\SMu; its life span is coming to an end
=ecXpc\ecXrc\;' ecXrc\;' ecXrc\;ecXNx^;' ecXlMu;ecXrc\; [ pe] Akun\ [Akon] n 1) (it) all, everything RF Akun\lMu;.
kun\Tm\;qma; [kon htan: dhåma:] n person who carries 2) end, termination 3) expenses RF Akun\Ak¥.
goods, stevedore Akun\KM [Akon khan] v 1) cover or bear expenses
kun\Nup\ [kon no'] n sundries, various goods = kun\eq; 2) waste, squander, blow (inf)
kun\pedqaSiuc\ [kon både dha hsain] n department store Akun\luM; [Akon lon;] n (it) all, everything
S YNkun\tiuk\ Akun\Ak¥ [Akon Akya.] n expenses
kun\piuÏlWa [kon po. hlwa] n invoice Akun\Asc\ [Akon Asin] adv all; entirely; completely [?
kun\psßv\; [kon pyi' si:] n goods, commodities, totally, whole, wholly, altogether?]
merchandise kun\; [kon:] v 1) bend [kon; (gon;)] 2) be bent, be curved, be
kun\pup\ [kon bo'] n surplus goods, overstock, merchandise arched; be hunched
left unsold — n 1) hill; high ground, i.e., ground that does not
kun\Plxy\sns\ [kon hpåhlE såni'] n ¥barter system flood 2) land, dry land, i.e., as opposed to sea CF e®m'
S YNBatasns\ [ pe] Âkv\;' er 3) back 4) saddle (for riding) RF kun\;Nx^;.
kun\ma [kon ma] n goods which retain value until sold, — adv ™(do sthg) full on, with all out (effort) [ ph]
such as tools, glassware, paper L IT : ‘firm goods’ kun\;km¨ [gon; gAmu] n mound, rise, small hill
kun\m¥io;sMuSuic\ [kon myo: zon hsain] n general store, general kun\;eÂkac\; [kon; gyaung;] n land route S YN kun\;lm\;'
grocery, convenience store, mini-mart Âkv\;eÂkac\; CF Âkv\;eÂkac\;' eleÂkac\; air route'
kun\rTa; [kon yåhta] n goods train (Br), freight train ereÂkac\; easter route
(Am) kun\;eÂkac\;ereÂkac\; [kon; gyaung; ye; gyaung;] n surface
kun\RuM [kon yon] n warehouse, goods shed, godown route, surface travel
(Asia) kun\;eÂkac\;elYak\ [kon; gyaung; shau'] v go by foot, on
kun\lup\Sk\SMer; [kon lo' hse' hsan ye:] n ¥relations of foot
production kun\;eKåc\eKåc\ [kon; khaung gaung] n place which is far
kun\eq; [kon dhe:] n sundries, various small goods inland, landlocked place
= kun\Nup\ kun\;eKåc\erew; [kon; khaung ye we;] adj [fig] desolate L IT :
kun\qeBça [kon thin: baw:] n cargo boat, freighter ‘landlocked, far from water’
kun\qv\ [kon dhE] n trader kun\;eK¥a [gon; chaw;] v make mischief or trouble (btw
kun\qv\”k^; [kon dhE gyi:] n merchant people, groups, etc) Ω U^; Br´. miqa;su-K¥m\; qalat´.-AKå' q¨>tiuÏ-
kun\qv\el [kon dhE] n [geog] trade wind Aim\n^;na;K¥c\;etXk mnaliu-®Ps\Âk“p^; q¨tiuÏ k U^;B--Bin\;-erac\;-
kun\qXy\ [kon thwE] v trade enty\liuÏ r´kiu-kun\;eK¥aÂkty\" When U Ba's family became
kun\qXy\Pk\ [kon thwE be'] n trading partner rich, their neighbours were jealous, and they made trouble
kun\qXy\er; [kon thwE ye:] n trade and commerce with the police by saying that U Ba was selling opium.
kun\Amxasa [kon åhma za] n order, indent Ó S YN kun\; tiu k\ [ ph]
kun2\ [kon] v 1) be finished, end Ω lkun\ end of the month kun\;ska; [gon; zåga;] n malicious gossip
2) be used up, be exhausted, be depleted, run out kun\;esac\; [gon; zaung;] n slope

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 26

kp\ ª kup\
kun\;tiuk\ [gon; tai'] v make mischief or cause trouble species of plants with burrs [? really with ha. hto:? si:
(btw two people) S YN kun\;eK¥a pronunciation for all meanings? ]
kun\;tc\ [kon; tin] v saddle (an animal) — v be stingy, be miserly, be reluctant to part with
kun\;tn\; [kon; dan;] n series of low ridges money S YN kut\kt\' NxemYa' eka\tra
CF erewkun\;tn\; divide kp\på; [ka' pa;] n 1) Ótransplant, person living in a
kun\;tp\ [kon; da'] n Íland forces, army S YN Âkv\tp\ place not his home 2) parasite
kun\;tXc\;piuc\;raq^Utu [kon; dwin; bain; ya dyi u. do.] n kp\på;rp\på; [ka' pa; ya' pa;] n parasite Upsa one who lives
continental climate on the efforts or resources of others
kun\;Tip\ [kon; htei'] n crown of a hill, top of a hill kp\e®mHac\ [ka' hmyaung] v live as a parasite
kun\;enqt†wå [kon; ne dhådåwa] n land animal(s) kp\rp\ [ka' ya'] v sponge, sponge off, sponge on, live at
CF kun\;ts\piuc\;erts\piuc\; amphibian' erenqt†wå aquatic another's expense
animal kp\lØ [ka' hlu] v offer reverently
kun\;nim\. [gon; nein.] n low hill Akp\ [Aka'] n 1) residue, leavings; remainder, rest RF
kun\;Nx^; [kon; hni;] n saddle Akp\Aqp\. 2) approach to sb to get favour, know sb
kun\;Nx^;tc\ [kon; hni; tin] v saddle (an animal) Upsa Ω Alup\liuK¥c\rc\ Akp\rximx ®Ps\my\" If you want a job,
kun\;piu; [gon; po;] v carry on the back; ride pick-a-back the only way to get it is to know someone. RF Akp\Arp\.
(piggy back) [? ok? also below] 3) sb in a position to do favours,
kun\;epåc\ [kon; baung] n 1) ridge (of land) 2) gangplank, connection Upsa 4) approach
gangway (of a ship etc) Akp\KM [Aka' khan] v 1) let sb or sthg approach
kun\;epåc\Tiu; [kon; baung hto;] v put out (a gangplank) 2) ‹accept offerings
kun\;pt\ [kon; ba'] n deck (of ship, etc) Akp\Arp\ [Aka' Aya'] n 1) approach to sb to get favour
kun\;®pc\®mc\. [kon; byin myin.] n highlands, plateau; RF Akp\A rp\. 2) sb in a position to do favours

tableland Akp\Aqp\ [Aka' Atha'] n residue, leavings; remainder,

kun\;eBac\ [kon; baung] n ÓKonbaung, last Burman rest
dynasty, 1752–1885, founded by Alaunghpaya and kp\2 [ka'] n 1) epoch 2) time of catastrophe, disaster
continuing through 11 monarchs to King Thibaw kp\ek¥a\ [ka' kyaw] v overcome the three disasters
kun\;eBac\”k^;eÂka\ [kon; baung; gyi; gyaw] n Chinese dish (famine, war, epidemic)
of small peices of meat fried with vegetables kp\”k^;qMu;på; [ka' gyi: thon: ba:] n the three disasters
kun\;m [gon; ma.] n 1) hunchback (woman) 2) woman who (famine, war, epidemic) = dubi±kN|rkp\' qt†N|rkp\'
spreads malicious gossip; harpy Ω ®mc\q¨-mun\;sra kun\;mAiu eragN|rkp\
erliuKn\;e®Kak\esqa; You harpy, hated by all who see you, kp\eS; [ka' hse:] v 1) cleanse the world with heavy rain
may you dry up and disappear like water! after epidemic 2) (of an epidemic) purge the world of
kun\;m¨ [kon; mu] n mound, rise, small hill = kun\;km¨ sinful elements
kun\;erNxs\qXy\ [kon; ye hnAdhwE] adj Íamphibious, kp\eS;miu; [ka' hse: mo:] n heavy rain that cleanses the
involving both land and water Ω ®ms\k¨;-ss\Sc\er; world
amphibious operation kp\Siuk\ [ka' hsai'] v be struck by the three disasters
kun\;erqXa;tc\.ka; [kon; ye; thwa; tin. ka;] n amphibious kp\tiuk\ [ka' tai'] v be struck by a great disaster,
vehicle catastrophe, epidemic
kun\;Rup\ [gon; yo'] n 1) tale in a Myanmar marionette kp\na [ka' na] n epidemic disease
show including a hunchbacked woman 2) figure of a kp\eragå [ka' yaw: ga] n epidemic
female villain in marionette show CF Rup\eq; [? put in kp\qc\. [ka' thin.] v go through a bad time, have some
spellings with ga. or not?] trouble
kun\;lm\; [kon; lan;] n land route; road S YN kun\;eÂkac\; kpJl^ [ka' påli] n black African, Ó Negro, kaffir, Black (in
kp\1 [ka'] v 1) come close, approach; be near Ω Ana;kiu-kp\ Africa)
come close CF K¥U\;kp\ 2) approach or ask sb for favour kpJi [ka' pi>] v ‹make ritual preparations following
Ω Srakiu-kp\ ask one's teacher for a favour 3) stick (to, on) ordinances on the needs of Bun\;”k^; (monk)
Ω eka\n´Ï-kp\ paste 4) offer reverently Ω SX m\; kp\ offer food to kpJiy [ka' pi> ya.] n ‹lay attendant
monks Ω wtÊo-kp\ dedicate a book [? ok?] kpJ^tn\ [ka' pi tan] n (ship's) captain = kk\ptin\
kp\KXå [ka' kwa] n sticker kp\py\ [ka' pE] n 1) scale, balance CF K¥in\KXc\' kt†a;' giuc\;
kp\KÁ´ [ka' chwE;] v wheedle, ask pleadingly 2) ◊testicle
kp\“ci [ka' nyi] v be afflicted (with); stick fast, be stuck kp\py\Ait\ [ka' pE ei'] n ◊scrotum
kp\es;kp\es; [ka' si; ka' si;] adv sticky or clammy kup\ [ko'] v 1) droop 2) (of hands) clench; grasp; curl
kp\es;es; [ka' si; si;] v to be sweaty, clammy inwards 3) be unassuming; cringe [go'] 4) ™nab, catch
kp\es;n´ [ka' si; (se;) nE;] n 1) miser, stingy person.
tightwad (inf) 2) sticky sweet, like toffee 3) Œseveral — n 1) place where the neck and shoulders meet

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 27

kmJelX ª km\;
2) bamboo grid for pressing cå;pi (fish paste) etc 3) snare km±a.eKåc\;eSac\ [gaba. gaung; zaung] n ∏world leader
[ ph] km±a.eZ;kXk\ [gåba. ze; gwe'] n ¥world market
kup\k®mc\; [ko' kåmyin:] n one who misbehaves secretly km±a.rk\qt\m¥U\; [gåba. ye' tha' myin;] n international
kup\kelac\ [ko' kAlaung] n blue-breasted barbet dateline
CF Piu;eKåc\ lineated barbet, cxk\pn\;Ti m\ coppersmith barbet kem±ad^;ya; [kan baw: di: ya:] n ∏Cambodia CF Kma Khmer
kup\kup\rup\rup\ [ko' ko' yo' yo'] adv in an unassuming, kmµ [kam ma.] n 1) ‹kamma, karma, one's deed, word or
unpretentious manner; neatly and modestly thought which influences one's fate 2) luck, fortune, lot
kup\eK¥ac\;eK¥ac\; [ko' chaung: gyaung:] adv shyly, timidly; (in life), fate, destiny 3) [gram] object, noun in
stealthily accusative case S YN kM [ bh]
kup\Sk\ [go' hse'] n nape (of the neck), part of the kmµzel [kåmåza. le] n ‹impelling force at the time of
neck where it joins the back = U^;Sk\' zk\ childbirth
kup\Nxip\ [go' hnei'] v press the contents of a container with kmµ™an\; [kåmåhtan;] n ‹meditation on meaning Ω emt†a-
a kup\ kmµ™an\; meditation on love Ω kmµ™an\;-s^;®Pn\; recite CF Bawna
— n (of a cart) piece of wood wedged into the thong
binding the yoke and shaft kmµBw [kåmåbåwa.] n ‹life of actions
kup\piu; [go' po:] n 1) trapezius, trapezoid muscle, upper kmµRup\ [kåma yo'] n current situation, with all its
back muscle 2) shoulder pad problems CF kt†a;piuc\; [? 'objective situation' check bain:
kup\lup\ [ko' lo'] v try hard [? really? fig? slang?] below]
tkup\kup\lup\ [tåko' ko' lo'] v try hard, work hard (at, kmµwåd [kAma wa da.] n ‹law of fate
for), be persistent kmµzRup\ [kåmåza. yo'] n ‹physical form of a being as a
kmJelX [gåbalwE (kåmålwE)] n cloth with bamboo ribs, for consequence of past deeds
rolling up purpiuk\ ( parabaik palm-leaf manuscripts) [ ph] kmµwå [kåmåwa] n 1) ‹selection from Pali canonical texts
kmJv\; [gåbyi;] n writing, inscription, carved words recited by monks according to ritual 2) decorated book
CF ema\kXn\; [ ph] (usu. of lacquered tablets) containing a collection of
kmJv\;tc\ [gåbyi; tin] v 1) inscribe 2) [fig] be on (the) scripts for recital, written in square script S YN kmµwåsa
record CF ema\kXn\;tc\ CF KraeTac\. [ bh]
kmJv\;Tiu; [gåbyi; hto;] v inscribe, carve, incise; record in kmµqka [kan ma. thåga] adv ‹fated, as determined by
writing, make written record CF ema\kXn\; Tiu; kamma = kMs^mMra
km`la1 [gåbåla] n Œorange S YN tun\K¥U\q^; CF liemµa\ tangerine kmµ™an\; [kåmåhtan;] n ‹Buddhist meditation
[ ph] kmµ™an\;Tiuc\ [kåmåhtan; htain] v ‹meditate, sit (for
km`la2 [gåbåla] CF eka\eza' AKc\; [? what?] Buddhist meditation)
km±a [gåba] n 1) world 2) ‹aeon [ ph] kmµ™an\;el;Sy\ [kåmåhtan; htain le; hsE] n ‹the 40
km±aek¥a\ [gåba gyaw] v be world famous kinds of Buddhist meditation kqiu%\;-(10)på;' AquB-
km±a®Ka; [gAba cha;] v be very far away, be at a great kmµµ™an\;-(10)på;' ANuœti-(10)på;' ®bhµwihar-(4)på;' AaRupJ-
distance (4)på;' Aahar p!ik¨lqva-(1)på;' stu-Dåtu-wt†an\-(1)på;
km±a“gioh\ [gåba gyo] n planet earth [ bh] [? check spelling of last]
km±ass\ [gåba si'] n Íworld war, global warfare Ω pTm- km\;1 [kan;] v 1) pass; give S YN ep; 2) distribute 3) offer RF
km±ass\ First World War, World War I km\;lxm\;. 4) suggest, propose
km±ana [gåba na] n pandemic◊, disease spread widely km\;lxm\; [kan; hlan;] v 1) negotiate; make overtures,
in the world; disease which have been plagues of make advances (showing willingness to negotiate or
humanity CF kp\eragå reconcile), propose 2) offer Ω Alup\”k^;Âkp\K cå;eqac\;n´Ï
km±arn\ [gåba yan] n mortal enemy, nemesis lup\ep;my\liuÏ km\; lxm\;Ta;ty\" He offered to supervise the
km±ael;rp\ [gåba le; ya'] n Ótrial by ordeal consisting work for a fee of 50,000 kyat. [? trans ok?]
of four types of torture: burning with candles, making Akm\; [Akan;] n small gift or souvenir given to guests at
chew grains of rice, submerging in water, and dipping weddings, funerals, charity functions, etc
the finger in molten lead Akm\;Alxm\; [Akan; Ahlan;] n 1) small gift or souvenir
km±aelak [gåba law; ka.] n world given to guests at weddings, funerals, charity functions,
km±alMu; [gåba lon;] n 1) globe, (terrestrial) planet etc 2) overtures, advances (in negotiations)
2) world
km±alMu;Siuc\ra [gåba lon; hsain ya] adj world, km\;2 [kan;] n 1) (river, stream) bank, (sea, ocean, lake)
international shore, (ravine, cliff) edge, (water) front 2) limit [ ph]
km±alxv\.Kr^;qv\ [gåba hle. khåyi; dhe] n world traveller km\;kun\ [kan; kon] v go beyond the limit
km±a. [kåba.] adj world, international km\;kun\eAac\ [kan; kon aung] adv to the limit, to the
km±a.kun\qXy\er;APX´> [gåba. kon thwE ye; åhpwe.] n extreme
∏¥World Trade Organisation, WTO km\;e®K [kan; gye] n shore (of sea, etc), coast (strip of

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 28

kumJ%^ ª kiuy\
land near the sea), beach, bank (of river, stream) (inf), angel 2) [relig] messiah, saviour, redeemer; [Musl]
Ω pc\ ly\ km\;e®K seashore; beach mahdi
km\;e®Kesac\.tp\ [kan; gye zaung. ta'] n coast guard; shore ky\på [kE ba] n beggar = q¨etac\;sa;
defence force ky\epåk\ [gE bau'] n 1) emergency exit, escape route
km\;sp\ [kan; za'] n shoreline 2) [fig] escape hatch, bolthole Upsa [ ph]
km\;tk\ [kan; te'] v [fig] be spoiled; become spoiled ky\m [kE ma.] v support, save, rescue (fig)
through excessive indulgence ky\2 [kE] v be distended, feel filled CF rc\ky\
km\;tk\tiuk\pX´ [kan; tai' pwE;] n Ílanding tky\ [dågE] adv really, actually; definitely, certainly,
km\;tk\eryaU\' km\;tk\qeBça [kan; te' ye yin, kan; surely, in fact = [¬] Aky\
de' thin; baw;] n Ílanding craft tky\tm\; [dågE dan:] adv really, actually; definitely,
km\;tc\ [kan; tin] v be washed up on shore certainly, surely
km\;Tiu;eryaU\ [kan; hto; ye yin] n Ílanding craft [? tky\liuÏ [dågE: lo.] adv in case, if = [¬] Aky\j
check -- mostly see the ones above] tky\liuÏm¥a; [dågE lo. mya:] adv in case, if
km\;nP¨; [kan; nåhpu;] n edge of a river bank tky\liuÏqa [dågE: lo. tha] adv in case, if
km\;na; [kan; na;] n waterfront, strand, bund tky\. [dågE.] v be real, be true, be genuine, be bona
km\;på; [kan; (gå) ba;] n (river, stream) bank; (hill, fide Ω tky\.tky\Siurc\ if really, if in fact
mountain) side Aky\ [AgE] adv ¬in fact, in reality; definitely = [™]
km\;på;“pio [gåba; pyo] v 1) (of land) break away, slide, tky\
slip CF avalanche, landslide 2) (of bank) collapse, slip Aky\tv\.' Aky\tN| o' Aky\j [AkE tI, AkE tan
km\;på;yM [gåbåyan] n (river, stream) bank; (hill, du., AkEywE.] part conjuction: if, when
mountain) side Aky\dm^ [AkE dAmi] n 1) academy 2) institution awarding
km\;“pio [kan; pyo] v (of river bank) collapse annual prize for best film [Engl] [? change ok?]
km\;e®mac\edq [kan; myaung de tha.] n coast, coastal strip, ky\mrXn\; [kE mArun;] n = kc\mrXn\; 1) ∏Cameroon,
[geog] littoral area Cameroun 2) Cameroonian, Camerounian [ cr]
km\;yM [kan; yan] n Kanyan, an ancient people which — adj Cameroonian, Camerounian
lived in what is now Rakhine State CF p¥o' qk\ kiuy\ [ko] n 1) torso, trunk, the body excepting limbs and
km\;Riu;tn\; [kan; yo; dan;] n coastline head 2) body
km\;lXn\ [kan; lun] v be offshore — pron ™I
km\;U^;ertim\piuc\; [kan; u; ye dein bain;] n continental — part self-, auto-
shelf, shallower sea near shore CF deep sea
kiuy\kiuy\tiuc\ [ko ko dain] adv by oneself
kumJ%^ [kon påni] n company [Engl] kiuy\kiuy\Òk [ko hnai' ka.] pron ¬on one's own, from
kumµar [kon ma yi] n young unmarried man S YN l¨p¥iocy\ oneself, without outside help or influence = kiuy\Òk' ™
CF kumµar^ kiuy\kiuy\tiuc\
kumµar^ [kon ma yi] n young unmarried woman, maiden kiuy\k¥io; [ko gyo;] n self-interest A NT Am¥a;Ak¥io;
S YN Ap¥iocy\ CF ku mµa r kiuy\k¥io;Âkv\. [ko gyo; kyI] v be selfish, be self-centred;
kuMlMu [kon lon] v Óbe sufficient S YN ®pv\.suMkuMluM seek one's own advantage, act in one's own interest, be
kuMkumM [kon gåman] n saffron opportunistic S YN kiuy\k¥io;rxa; A NT kiuy\k¥io;sXn\Ï
kuM; [kon;] v 1) string (flowers, beads, etc) 2) thread (needle) kiuy\k¥io;sXn\Ï [ko gyo; sun.] v act selflessly, act
CF Ap\ needle; K¥v\ thread 3) œcompose (song) = q^ kMu; altruistically; sacrifice self-interest A NT kiuy\k¥io;Âkv\.'
— part count word for garlands, necklaces, strings of kiuy\k¥oi;sXn\Ï®Kc\; [ko gyo; sun. chin;] n altruism; self-
beads, etc Ω pn\;kuM;-ts\kuM; one garland Ω put^; ts\kuM; a string sacrifice
of beads [ nc] kiuy\k¥io;nv\; [ko gyo; nE;] v be in a bad situation, (of a
kuM;sp\TB^ [gon; sa' htåmein]n woman's sarong made of person) be ruined
two narrow pieces of cloth sewn together [ ph] kiuy\k¥oi;rxa [ko gyo; sha] v be selfish, be self-centred;
ky\1 [kE] v save or rescue or deliver ¬(from), come to seek one's own advantage, act in one's own interest, be
the or sb's rescue opportunistic Ω kiuy\k¥oi;rxaqma; opportunist, selfish person
ky\Sy\ [kE zE] v save or rescue or deliver ¬(from), S YN kiuy\k¥io;Âkv\.; A NT kiuy\k¥io;sXn\Ï
come to the or sb's rescue kiuy\k¥c\.tra; [ko gyin. tåya;] n morals, morality, ideas
ky\Sy\er;rn\pMuecX [kE zE ye: yan bon ngwe] n disaster about proper behaviour
relief fund kiuy\KMpva [ko gan pyin nya] n the art of self-defence,
ky\tc\ [kE tin] v save or rescue or deliver ¬(from), martial arts such as judo, akido, karate, etc
come to the or sb's rescue S YN kiuy\lMupva
ky\tc\®Kc\;tp\ [kE tin chin: ta'] n Salvation Army kiuy\KNÎa [ko khan da] n body, one's physical self
ky\tc\rxc\ [kE tin shin] n 1) rescuer, saviour, lifesaver kiuy\K¥c\;sa [ko gyin; sa] v sympathise; be considerate

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 29

kiuy\ ª kiuy\
kiuy\K¥c\;satra; [ko gyin; sa tåya;] n sympathy; — adv alone, by one's self, without help, by one's own
consideration efforts
kiuy\KX´ [ko gwE;] n 1) sb to take over (when one is gone), kiuy\T¨kiuy\T [ko du ko hta.] adv by oneself, on a self-
person who acts in one's stead or on one's behalf, stand- help basis S YN kiuy\.Aa;kiuy\kiu;
in S YN l¨KX´ 2) (in performing arts) understudy 3) (in kiuy\Tc\®p [ko din pya.] v appear (ghost, etc), materialise
movie) actor playing two or more parts, actor with a kiuy\Tv\ [ko dE] n 1) torso, trunk, the body excepting
double rôle CF Nxs\kiuy\KX´ limbs and head 2) body CF kiuy\lMu;
kiuy\ecX> [ko ngwe.] n 1) body temperature (normally 37˚ kiuy\enkiuy\hn\ [ko ne ko han] n 1) attitude 2) build
C, 98.6˚F) CF kiuy\p¨' P¥a; have a fever 2) body warmth, kiuy\enkiuy\Ta; [ko ne ko hta;] n pose
body heat kiuy\Òk [ko hnai' ka.] pron ¬on one's own, from
kiuy\sa; [ko za;] adv on behalf of; instead of, in one's oneself, without outside help or influence
stead Ω kiuy\sa;-eSac\rXk\PiuÏ q¨kiulWt\ty\" I've sent him to =kiuy\kiuy\Òk' ™ kiuy\tiuc\
act on my behalf. Ω kÁn\ eta\ Kr^; TXk\t´.-AKåmxa kiuy\p¨ [ko pu] v have a fever, run a temperature S YN P¥a;
kÁn\eta\.kiuy\sa; Alup\lup\Niuc\t´.q¨ mrxiB¨;" There is no one kiuy\piuc\ [ko bain] n one's own
who can work in my stead if I travel. CF Asa; — adj private; personal
kiuy\sa;lxy\ [ko zålE] n representative, delegate; agent kiuy\piuc\psßv\; [ko bain pyi' si;] n personal belongings,
personal effects (esp of deceased); private property
kiuy\sa;lxy\lW´sa [ko zålE; hlwE; za] n 1) [law] power of kiuy\piuc\Aup\K¥op\er; [ko bain o' cho' ye;] n ∏autonomy,
attorney [ rc] 2) letter of authority [? you have 'notary' self rule, home rule
here, but does it mean sthg else in bse than engl?] kiuy\Pirc\Pi [ko bi> yin bi>] adv unstintingly, without sparing
any effort
kiuy\sa;lxy\APX´> [ko zålE; åhpwE.] n delegation; mission kiuy\mekac\; [ko måkaung;] v have leprosy
kiuy\s^kiuy\cx [ko zi ko hnga.] n every last one, each and kiuy\eyac\ [ko yaung] n body
every one
kiuy\eyac\®p [ko yaung pya.] v make oneself seen or
kiuy\sXm\;kiuy\s [ko zwan; ko za.] n ability; initiative noticed, draw notice, get attention
kiuy\Tilk\erak\ [? new from myan myan def of leq kiuy\eyac\eP¥ak\ [ko yaung hpyau'] v 1) go into hiding,
yauq] hide out, keep a low profile, lie low 2) make oneself
kiuy\eta\(”k^;) [ko daw (gyi;)] n term of respect used to invisible (supernaturally) [ bs]
address monks and royalty kiuy\eyac\lc\; [ko yaung lin;] v reappear (after being
kiuy\tiuc\ [ko dain] adv in person invisible)
— pron oneself = q¨kiuy\tiuc\ CF mimikiuy\tiuc\ kiuy\erss\ [ko ye si'] v become slim, slim down
kiuy\tiuc\kiuy\k¥ [ko dain ko gya.] adv personally Ω el.k¥c\.K n\; mxn\mxn\lup\rc\ kiuy\erss\-lamxaepåÏ" If you
kiuy\tiuc\kiuy\Âkp\ [ko dain ko gya'] adv with close exercise regularly, you will slim down.
supervision kiuy\er®pa;eragå [ko ye bya; yaw; ga] n skin disease
kiuy\tiuc\er;pMut¨ [ko dain ye; pon du] n self-portrait kiuy\er®pa;eragåqv\ [ko ye bya; yaw; ga thE] n leper,
kiuy\tiuc\er;ATÊopJti† [ko dain ye; a' hto' pa' ti>] n person with leprosy S YN AN¨
autobiography, memoir kiuy\er;kiuy\ta [ko ye; ko da] n personal matters,
kiuy\ts\®Km\;eqeragå [ko tåchan; dhe yaw; ga] n paralysis personal affairs
on one side, ◊hemiplagia CF eAak\piuc\;eq kiuy\er;mxt\tm\; [ko ye; hma' tan;] n CV (curriculum
kiuy\ts\piuc\; [ko dåbain;] n bust, portrait from the chest vitae) (Br), resume (Am); personal history
up Ω kiuy\ts\piuc\;-Dat\puM portrait photo (of head and kiuy\er;razwc\ [ko ye; ya zåwin] n CV (curriculum vitae)
shoulders) (Br), resume (Am); personal history
kiuy\ts\piuc\;eqeragå [ko dåbain; the yaw; ga] n partial kiuy\er;ATÊopJti† [ko ye; a' hto' pa' ti>] n autobiography,
paralysis (lower part of the body); paraplegia memoir(s)
kiuy\tMu;lMu; [ko ton; lon;] v be naked, be (in the) nude, kiuy\erasit\på [ko yaw; sei' pa] adv wholeheartedly, with
be unclothed be in the buff, be in one's birthday suit, heart and soul
be as God made one = kiuy\lMu; t^; kiuy\rMeta\ [ko yan daw] n bodyguard
kiuy\etX> [ko dwe.] n personal experience CF saetX>' kiuy\rv\eqX; [ko yi (ye) thwe;] v present oneself in a
lk\etX> favourable light, display one's qualities boastfully, blow
kiuy\etX>wtÊo [ko dwe. wu' htu.]
n story based on personal one's own trumpet, horn Upsa
experience, autobiographical story kiuy\RuM [ko yon] n ‹monk's robe CF qkçn\;
kiuy\Tilk\erak\ [ko di> le' yau'] adv [neg] (do, commit, kiuy\rxin\qt\ [ko shein tha'] v stop short; collect oneself;
attack, etc) physically pull up, balk
kiuy\T¨;kiuy\KÁn\ [ko du; ko chun] v be self-made (i.e., kiuy\el;lk\wn\ [ko le; le' wun (win)] n late pregnancy [?
accomplish without assistance) [? check part of speech] add to pregnant list]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 30

kur\Aan\ ª k¥
kiuy\lk\”kM.Kiuc\er;el.k¥c\.Kn\; [ko le' kyan. khain ye; le. kyin. kiuy\.kiuy\kiuqt\eq [ko. ko ko tha' the] v commit suicide
gan] n (physical) exercise, physical training kiuy\.kiuy\kiuqt\eq®Kc\; [ko. ko ko tha' the gyin;] n suicide,
kiuy\lk\Nx^;eNxa [ko le' hni; hnaw;] v [fml] have sexual death at one's own hand
relations, have sexual intercourse Literal translation kiuy\.kiuy\kiuqt\eqq¨ [ko. ko ko tha' the thu] n (sb who
from Pali kayqMqg© committed) suicide
kiuy\lk\qut\qc\ [ko le' tho' thin] v bathe, wash oneself kiuy\.Baqa [ko. hpa dha]adv by oneself, alone Ω kÁn\mkiu
lameKÅpån´Ï" kiuy\.Baqa laK´.my\" Don't come get me, I
kiuy\lMupva [ko gan pyin nya] n the art of self-defence, will come by myself. [ ph]
martial arts such as judo, akido, karate, etc kiuy\.rxø;kiuy\pt\ [ko. shu; ko pa'] v be ruined by one's
S YNkiuy\KMpva own devices, be hoisted with one's own petard Upsa, (of
kiuy\lMu; [ko lon;] n structure, build plan) boomerang; misfire, go wrong
kiuy\lMu;kiuy\Tv\' kiuy\lMu;kiuy\epåk\ [ko lon; ko dE, kiuy\.AeÂkac\;n´Ïkiuy\ [ko Agyaung; nE. ko] adv for one's
ko lon; ko bau'] n build, physique, shape and size of one's own reasons, for reasons of one's own, for reasons one
body S YN l¨lMu; l¨Tv\ alone knows Ω ¯Ba®Ps\ liuÏ Alup\-TXk\tal´˘
kiuy\lMu;t^; [ko lon; di;] v be naked, be nude, be bare, be ¯kiuy\.AeÂkac\;n´Ï kiuy\epåÏ˘ ‘Why did you leave your job?’ ‘I had
unclothed, be in the buff, be in one's birthday suit my reasons.’
S YN kiuy\tuM;lMu;' wt\ls\ls\ kiuy\.Aa;kiuy\kiu; [ko. a; ko ko;] v rely on oneself, be self-
kiuy\lMu;epÅmxn\ [ko lon; baw hman] n full-length mirror reliant, be independent Ω rXameZ;kiu kiuy\.Aa;kiuy\kiu;sns\®Pc\.
CF mxn\ eSak\lup\my\" We will build the village market ourselves.
kiuy\lXt\Run\; [ko lu' yon;] v leave others in the lurch, S YN kiu y\T¨kiuy\T CF Aa;kiu; rely f:on
leave when people are relying on you
kiuy\lXt\lk\lXt\ [ko lu' le' lu'] adv unencumbered, kur\Aan\ [kor an] n Qur'an, Koran, sacred text of Islam
unburdened kiurn\ =
kiuy\wt\kiuy\sa; [? new from distinction between leq kœp [ka' thåpa. (hpa)] n ‹name of the third of the five
wu' leq sa:] Buddhas to spread enlightenment in this world
kiuy\wn\ [ko wun (win)] n pregnancy = Bd»km±a
kiuy\wn\eSac\ [ko wun hsaung] [ko wun zaung] v be k¥ [kya.] v 1) fall; drop; descend; come down; settle Ω Nxc\;k¥
pregnant, be expecting S YN kel;rxi' kiuy\wn\rxi' biuk\”k^;' fog settles; snow falls Ω raT¨;k¥ be demoted A NT tk\
p!iqeNÎrxi CF lim\.k¥' eAak\k¥ 2) fall Ω ®pot\ k¥my\" You'll fall off.
— n pregnant woman, expectant mother 3) decline, drop, fall A NT tk\ RF k¥Sc\;. 4) fail
S YN kiu y\wn\ qv\ Ω Sy\ tn\; k¥ fail 10th standard A NT Niuc\ RF k¥ROM;. 5) fall for
kiuy\wn\eSac\KXc\. [ko wun zaung khwin.] n maternity leave sth or sb Ω m¥k\sik¥ like the look of sthg, be attracted
kiuy\wn\eSac\AkÇ¥ [ko wun zaung in; gyi] n maternity 6) skip 7) cost Ω By\elak\k¥l´" How much is it?
blouse CF kun\k¥ 8) come; arrive Ω sk\k¥ arrive often
kiuy\wn\p¥k\ [ko wun pye'] v have a miscarriage, have a Ω A®Ps\ Siu;”k^; T´ k¥erak\ty\" Have many problems.
(spontaneous) abortion S YN kel;p¥k\ Ω miu; k¥ty\" The rainy season has arrived. 9) (of work,
kiuy\wn\P¥k\ [ko wun hpye'] v have an abortion, abort (a duty, etc) be assigned; (of sb) send to do Ω d^v kc\;esac\.-
pregnancy) S YN kel;P¥k\K¥ tawn\k¥ty\" I am assigned to keep watch tonight. They
kiuy\wn\rxi [ko wun shi>] v be pregnant, be expecting sent me to stand guard. 10) have an influx of 11) be in a
kiuy\wn\qv\ [ko wun dhE] n pregnant woman, expectant certain state Ω qeBak¥ pleased; sit\kiuc\;k¥ satisfied
Ω emx ac\ k¥ be (in the) dark Ω Ae®Kk¥ be settled Ω Aqa;k¥ be
mother S YN kiuy\wn\eSac\
used to, be accustomed to Ω pMusMk¥ regular, consistent
kiuy\hn\®p [ko han pya.] v model (clothes, etc)
Ω Ai p\e mak¥ be fast asleep 12) produce, turn out, put out
kiuy\hn\®pmy\ [ko han pya. mE] n model (female)
(a certain amount) Ω d^sk\ ts\rk\mxa tn\ (100)
kiuy\hn\®pemac\ [ko han pya. maung] n model (male)
k¥tt\ty\" This machine can produce 100 tons per day.
kiuy\Aer®pa;eragå [ko åye bya; yaw; ga] n skin disease 13) be tantamount to; be just like Ω qBaw mk¥B¨;" It's
ts\kiuy\ekac\; [dågo gaung;] adv selfishly not very realistic. It's not very natural. 14) be strong, be
— adj selfish concentrated Ω Nxp\rv\k¥ty\" The black tea is strong.
ts\kiuy\eta\ [dågo daw] n loner, person who avoids Ω eka\P^- k¥k¥el; ”kio k\ ty\" I like coffee nice and strong.
company of others A NT epåÏ CF p¥c\; 15) (of order, permission, etc) be issued,
ts\kiuy\eta\®ppX´ [tåko daw pya. bwE;] n solo exhibition, (of sthg submitted for approval) pass; of Ω Sc\Sak¥ pass
one man show censorship Ω Amin\Ï sak¥ the order was issued Ω ¯Amin\Ï k¥“p^"˘
ts\kiuy\erts\kay [dågo ye dåga ya.] n solitude [ ph] ¯By\NxNxs\k¥ql´"˘ ¯eTac\d%\ (1)Nxs\-k¥ty\"˘ ‘He's been
kiuy\. [ko.] adj one's CF q¨> sentenced.’ ‘How many years did did he get?’ ‘One year in
kiuy\.kiuy\kiu [ko. ko ko] adv oneself CF mimikiuy\' mc\;kiuy\mc\;' prison.’ 16) take place in a place, at a time, etc Ω kÁn\m
q¨>kiuy\q¨ rxm\® pv\ny\mxa tawn\k¥ty\" I've been assigned to Shan

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 31

k¥bhuM; ª k¥a;
State. Ω mnk\® Pn\k¥mx laK´.my\" I'll come tomorrow. [? don't meaning, letter of the law Upsa CF Ak¥ekak\
people say this for places to ?? is this explanation ok?] 8) deliberate misinterpretation, misunderstanding, or
17) give birth (of animals) Ω ts\qa;k¥“p^; gave birth to misapprehension CF Ak¥ekak\ 9) misprint, typo (inf),
one offspring CF PXa;' emX; 18) Ω lk\Pk\e®Kak\-ts\erk¥“p^" typographical error RF Ak¥An' Ak¥Aepåk\.
erTp\Tv\.my\" The tea has been steeped once. I'll put in — adv = Ak¥An 1) properly; elegantly, in a fitting
some more hot water. style 2) definitely, exactly, precisely, well
— part suffix to noun or count word to show equal Ak¥ekak\ [Akya. kau'] v 1) take the strictly literal
distribution: to each Ω Tn\; l¥k\ ts\eyak\ ts\enkiu meaning, obey the letter of the law Upsa
Nxs\lMu; k¥ ep;rty\" He had to give each of them two pieces 2) misinterpret, misunderstand, or misconstrue
of palm sugar per day. [? ok?] deliberately
k¥k¥ [kya. gya.] adv 1) (brewed) strongly (usu of coffee Ak¥na [Akya. na] v be one's downfall, ruin, or ruination
or tea) Ω lk\Pk\rv\ k¥k¥ts\KXk\ a strong cup of tea Ak¥enÏ [Akya. ne.] n first day of Thingyan q”kçn\ Water
2) in conformity with, -ly Ω stiuc\k¥k¥wt\ dress stylishly Festival CF A”kio enÏ' AÂkt\enÏ' Atk\enÏ
k¥k¥nn [kya. gya. na. na.] adv systematically; properly, Ak¥rv\ [Akya. ye] n 1) toddy, palm sap 2) black tea
thoroughly, well = Ak¥An CF sns\tk¥ systematically before mixing with milk and sugar S YN Nxp\rv\
k¥KM [kya. khan] v 1) bear expenses 2) [law] be sentenced lk\Pk\rv\
to Ak¥ASMu; [Akya. Ahson;] n Ínumber killed or fallen in
k¥s^ [kya. si] part suffix to nounindicating equal action, battle, etc
distribution: to each [? new JO] Ak¥An [Akya. Ana.] n 1) cast-offs; remnants, left-overs
k¥sim\. [kya. sein.] n strong milky tea 2) misprint, typo (inf), typographical error 3) mistake,
k¥Sc\; [kya. hsin:] v decline; fall; drop A NT tiu;tk\ slip, omission Ω ska;-Ak¥Ankiu ekak\“p^; ewPn\ty\" He
k¥SMu; [kya. hson:] v 1) be killed in action 2) fall (of pounced on my mistakes and criticised me. CF ATAn
regimes, empires, political systems, etc) 4) set; posture (of body)
k¥eta. [kya. daw.] part suffix to noun: when you — adv = k¥k¥nn 1) properly; grandly, elegantly, in a
consider, as for, in the cases of Ω kiueAac\k¥eta. mnk\- fitting style 2) definitely, exactly, precisely
miu;lc\; etac\; q^K¥c\;Siutt\ty\" As for Ko Aung, he even Ak¥Aepåk\ [Akya. Apau'] n misprint, typo (inf),
sings first thing early in the morning. [? ok? new JO] typographical error
k¥n [kya. na.] v 1) to be exact 2) to be properly done k¥bhuM; [kya. båhon:] n 1) colic, gastric pain (esp in small
k¥en [kya. ne] n afternoon sun A NT tk\en children) CF wm\;kiuk\ 2) Œbush with roots used to treat
k¥pn\; [kya. ban;] adv spontaneously, without planning; epilepsy
without rehearsal, extempore, impromptu CF ”kMo qliu k¥apXt\ [kya bu'] n whip
k¥pn\;lup\ [kya. ban; lo'] v pick up work, take any job that k¥a;1 [kya;] n 1) tiger Ω k¥a;kiu;s^;sa;mkun\B¨;" (He's so big
comes along, job (inf) that) nine tigers couldn't eat him. Ω k¥a;R´ra ÂkmµamRiu; qa"
k¥pn\;Alup\ [kya. ban; ålo'] n casual work, informal work Don't look to fate (if you go) in a place full of tigers.
[ pe] 2) draughts (Br), checkers (Am), game played with 12
k¥ep¥ak\ [kya. pyau'] v lose (sth by having dropped it) counters on each side, on an 8-by-8 chequered board
Ω eqa. kiu enak\Tp\-k¥ep¥ak\K´. la;" Did you lose your keys with squares of alternating colours (illus)
again? 3) draughtsman, checker (piece); game piece, man,
k¥ra [kya. ya] adv whatever Ω k¥raAlup\ whatever work counter (in some board games) CF eÂkX' zy\' piu [ ph]
one finds Ω k¥ratawn\ whatever task is assigned Ω k¥raenra — v
wherever one has to stay 1) be
k¥erak\ [kya. yau'] v come, arrive Ω Alxv\.k¥erak\ have striped
one's turn 2) be
k¥ROM; [kya. shon;] v fail
k¥l¨ [kya. lu] n 1) aging or declining person CF tk\l¨
2) person who has fallen from power or prestige
k¥qM [kya. dhan] n high tone, e.g., _; e_a CF AqM
k¥qc\. [kya. thin.] v cost
k¥qc\.ecX [kya. thin. ngwe] n cost [? box tn\Piu;]
Ak¥ [Akya.] n 1) fall; drop; descent A NT Atk\
2) decline Ω Ai m\“KMe®m-lup\c n\;k eZ;kXk\-Ak¥piuc\;
erak\enty\" Aerac\;-Awy\ mekac\; B¨;" The market for
garden produce is in decline. Sales aren't very good. k¥^;kn\; crow
3) influx, inflow 4) failure (in examinations), fail
5) casualty (in military action), fallen CF Ak¥ASMu; chequered (Br), be checkered (Am) 3) be dappled; be
6) rejects, remainders, discarded items 7) strictly literal variegated 4) (of animal's colouring, esp horse) be pied

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 32

k¥a; ª k¥ø;Ba;
(illus pied horse) k¥^;kn\; [kyi: gan:] n crow
k¥a;kel; [kya; gAle;] n tiger cub k¥^;kn\;etac\;emxak\ [kyi: gan: taung: hmau'] adv [fig] in a
k¥a;kun\ [kyågon] n draughts (Br checkers (Am)) game frightened and bewildered manner L IT : ‘(like a) crow
played so that the one who loses all pieces first wins caught under a basket’
k¥a;kXk\ [kya; gwe'] n 1) chequers, chequered pattern k¥^;e®K [kyi: chi] n 1) iron staple 2) crow's feet (wrinkles
2) chequerboard (Br), checkerboard (Am) at corner of eyes), laugh lines S YN edåc\;e®K
k¥a;kXk\erW> [kya; gwe' shwe.] v 1) (make a) move, take k¥^;tara [kyi: ta ya] n ßthe constellation Perseus
one's turn (in draughts, checkers) 2) [fig] scheme, plot, k¥^;Tiu;Tiu;eKX;sa;sa; [kyi: hto; hto; khwe: sa: sa:] n [fig]
conspire rubbish (Br), trash (Am), good-for-nothing, worthless
k¥a;Tiu; [kya; hto;] v play a game of draughts (Br, person L IT : ‘(for) crows to peck, dogs to eat’
checkers Am) k¥^;“pio [kyi: pyo] v (of crows) caw loudly (usually taken as
k¥a;na [kyåna] n [fig] wronged or injured person out a bad omen)
for revenge L I T : ‘injured tiger’ k¥^;mNiu;pX´ [kyi: måno: bwE:] n festival on the full moon
k¥a;naK´K´ [kya; (kyA)na gE; khE;] v [fig] be caught by an night of tn\eSac\mun\; (Tazaungmon) when young people
injured tiger (which will not let go) play pranks late at night
k¥a;pin\tXy\ [kyåbein dwE] adv [fig] cling to something k¥^;ln\Ïsasa; [kyi: lan. sa za:] adv fearfully L IT : ‘Like a
tenaciously L I T : ‘like a starving tiger’ startled crow’
k¥a;biul\Bun\;”k^;eqnt\ [kya; bo hpon; gyi; thåna'] n k¥^;qa [kyi: tha] v (crows) caw softly (usually taken as a
children's game used to make decisions, similar to good omen indicating the arrival of guests)
paper–rock–scissors k¥^;A [kyi: a.] n raven, rook, large crow-like black bird
k¥a;m [kya; ma.] n tigress, ƒ tiger k¥^;Aaq^; [kyi: a dhi:] n 1) Œkind of vine with a
k¥a;“m^;SX´mi [kya; mi; hswE; mi>] v [fig] have a tiger by the poisonous fruit with orange flesh which has a drab, furry
tail Upsa, be in a fix, be committed without a chance of skin 2) [fig] person whose appearance conceals his true
retraction, be in the midst of a dangerous situation that character; hypocrite
is barely under control k¥^;epåc\; [kyi: paung:] n 1) gall, bulbous growth (on bone or
k¥a;lYa [kya; sha] n rasp, coarse file wood) 2) parasitic plant of the Loranthus family;
k¥a;qa;miu;”kio; [kya; dha; mo; gyo;] int expression of mistletoe
surprise, 'O my God!', 'Incredible!' k¥^;epåc\;tk\ [kui: baung: te'] v get a gall or growth (on
k¥a;qs\ [kyåthi'] n leopard bone or wood)
Ak¥a; [Akya;] n 1) chequers 2) stripes k¥ø1 [kyu] n Œspecies of reed often used for weaving mats
k¥a;2 [kya:] n buttress, a structure built to support a wall
k¥a;kn\ [kya: kan] v 1) support, buttress; prop, shore up k¥øTrM [kyu dåyan] n reed matting wall CF TrM
Ω Ai m\Aiuk¥a;kn\ min\; mAiupn\;pn\ Buttress an old house, adorn k¥øTrMkXk\ [kyu dåyan gwe'] n basketweave design (in
an old woman with flowers. Mutton dressed as lamb. cloth) [ tx]
2) [fig] prop up k¥ø2 [kyu] v 1) hold a melodious note on a flute or Nx´
k¥a;3 [kya:] abbr masculine, male, men's A N T m [? you don't 2) sweet talk, say sweet nothings 3) [sl] talk too long,
want to put in kya:le:? ] run on, go on (and on)
k¥i [kyi>] v 1) be sticky, be slimy (usually used in compound k¥øk¥øpåeAac\ [kyu kyu pa aung] adv wail, weep or cry
words) 2) Ó be many long and openly, cry one's heart out
k¥iKÁ´ [kyi> chwE:] v be slimy, be greasy k¥øtM [kyu dan] n cue (in billiard games) [Engl] CF Biliyk\
Ak¥i [AkyI] n 1) slime; mucous RF Ak¥iAKÁ´. 2) Ódense, k¥ø;1 [kyu:] v 1) go beyond Ω yun\k¥ø;K¥v\' eKX;k¥ø;K¥v\" First
solid 3) Ó myriad, innumerous the hare was ahead, then the hound. 2) transgress 3) be
Ak¥iAKÁ´ [AkyI AchwE;] n slime; mucous past
k¥^ [kyi] n granary, place for storing grain Ω πÂkXk\-mNiuc\ k¥^- k¥ø;ek¥a\ [kyu: kyaw] v 1) trespass; Íinvade; Ímake
m^;RiO> Burn down the granary to kill a rat. incursions 2) pass, outstrip
k¥^wn\ [kyi wun] n Ócounsellor in charge of royal k¥ø;ek¥a\ss\ [kyu: kyaw si'] n Íwar of aggression
granaries k¥ø;ek¥a\enTiuc\q¨ [kyu: kyaw ne htain dhu] n squatter,
k¥^sa; [kyi za;] v tease; joke, play around, play pranks illegal tenant, sb living informally on property owned or
k¥^sa;®pk\ry\ [kyi za; pye' yi] v mock, tease, deride, treat rented by another
with contempt k¥ø;lXn\ [kyu: lun] v 1) violate (law, principle, etc)
k¥^sa;qn\ [kyi; za; than] v have a habit of teasing [? 2) commit (crime, sin, etc)
mocking?] k¥ø;2 [kyu:] v produce a melodious sound = q^k¥ø;
k¥^sy\ [kyi zE] v tease affectionately S YN ®pv\ k¥ø;rc\. [kyu: yin.] v produce a melodious sound
k¥^; [kyi:] n 1) crow RF k¥^;kn\; 2) ßthe constellation k¥ø;Ba; [kyu; ba;] n 1) ∏Cuba 2) Cuban
Perseus RF k¥^;tara — adj Cuban

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 33

k¥ø;ls\ ª ek¥a
k¥ø;ls\ [kyu; li'] n Œtulip [Engl] ek¥;z¨; [kye; zu;] n 1) good deed for others 2) benefit
ek¥ [kye] v 1) be settled (satisfactorily) CF Aek¥Alv\ 3) gratitude
2) (of debt) be fully paid, be paid off, be repaid ek¥;z¨;kn\;' ek¥;z¨;sXp\ [kye; zu; kan;, kye; zu; su'] v be
Ω AeÂkX;ek¥ repay debt CF Aek¥Alv\ 3) be cancelled ungrateful
out [? of what?] 4) fulfil (Br), fulfill (Am) (obligations, ek¥;z¨;Sp\ [kye; zu; hsa'] v return a favour; owe sb a
duties, etc) CF tawn\ek¥ favour, have obligation to
ek¥ek¥lv\lv\ [kye gye lE lE] adv thoroughly; to ek¥;z¨;eta\enÏ [kye; zu; daw ne.] n Thanksgiving Day
one's satisfaction ek¥;z¨;tc\ [kye; zu; tin] v thank, express gratitude, show
ek¥K¥m\; [kye chan:] v be appeased, be conciliated appreciation (for) Ω ek¥;z¨;tc\ Amxaska; speech giving
(usually used negatively) Ω mek¥mK¥m\; thanks and acknowledgement or credit
ek¥vk\ [kye nye'] v 1) learn by heart 2) understand ek¥;z¨;®po“p^;eta. [kye; zu; pyu. pi; daw.] exp please excuse
completely; assimilate knowledge me
ek¥np\ [kye na'] v be satisfied ek¥;z¨;®poj [kye; zu; pyu. ywe.] exp be so kind as to
ek¥np\erac\.r´ [kye na' yaung. yE;] v be contented, be (expression used to make polite request)
satisfied ek¥;z¨;rxi [kye; zu; shi>] v 1) be indebted to sb Upsa 2) be
ek¥ep¥ak\ [kye pyau'] v 1) perish, die 2) have no more beneficial 3) be influential
feelings of hate, bitterness, etc ek¥;z¨;rxc\ [kye; zu; shin] n benefactor, sb one is grateful
ek¥pXn\' ek¥®pXn\ [kye pun (byun), kye pun (byun)] v fulfil to
(Br), fulfill (Am) (one's duties, obligations, etc) [? what ek¥;z¨;qi [kye; zu; thi>] v be grateful
did you want to ask?] k¥´ [kyE:] v 1) be sparse, have wide spaces between, have
ek¥mX [kye mwa.] v 1) be shattered, be broken into gaps between, be widely spaced Ω e®Klxm\; k¥´ long strides
pieces 2) be crumpled = eÂkmX Ω Sk\SMer;k¥´ty\" We don't have much contact.
ek¥lv\ [kye lE] v to clear up (doubts, Ω AqXa;Alak¥´ty\" There were long gaps bewteen his
misunderstandings, etc) visits. A NT sip\ 2) (of soup, etc) watery, thin A NT p¥s\
ek¥eA; [kye e:] v settle amicably, subside, come to Ak¥´qa; [AkyE; dha;] adv ™not likely
peace k¥´k¥´ [kyE: kyE:] v be bright and intense Ω ry\k¥´k¥´ smile
Aek¥Alv\ [Akye AlE] adv 1) (discuss) to the brightly Ω en-k¥´k¥´etak\ p¨ty\" The heat of the sun is
satisfaction of all, exhaustively 2) (pay) in full intense. [? ok?]
ek¥vaªeÂkva [kye nya] v ek¥a1 [kyaw:] v 1) excel, do better than others, surpass;
announce, proclaim, declare, have an edge on sb, be ahead of sb Ω s^;pXa;er;mxa Aek¥a-
notify mKMNiuc\B¨;" [? here or def2? trans?] 2) say, act, or do sthg
ek¥;1 [kye:] n 1) parrot to gain an unfair advantage
2) parakeet, budgerigar, Aek¥a”k^;Nxc\. [Akyaw; gyi; hnin.] adv condescendingly,
budgie (inf) 3) general term patronisingly
for birds Aek¥aep; [Akyaw; pe;] v give a handicap (to even up
ek¥;kula; [kye: kåla] n competition)
slaty-headed parakeet ek¥a2 [kyaw:] v be clean, be pure; be immaculate, be
ek¥;tma [kye: tåma] n inviolate; be smooth
blossom-headed parakeet ek¥; budgie ek¥a3 [kyaw;] n 1) back; behind; rear; dorsal ≈ 2) (of
ek¥;2 [kye:] n village S YN rXa pages, etc) reverse, flip side, back, verso = enak\ek¥a [?
CF eta country, rural area; znpu d\ hamlet front side?]
ek¥;kÁn\ [kye: kyun] n slave ek¥akun\; [kyaw; gon;] n upper back CF Kå; lower back
ek¥;rXa [kye: ywa] n village ek¥akp\ [kyaw; ka'] adv on both sides (of sheet of
ek¥;rXaAup\su [kye: ywa o' su.] n ∏village tract paper) Ω ek¥akp\k¨; make double-sided copies
(administrative unit between village and township) ek¥aKc\; [kyaw; khin;] v lie on one's back, lie supine, lie
ek¥;lk\ [kye; le'] n hamlet, small village in the down
countryside S YN znpud\ [? syn ok?] ek¥aKiuc\; [kyaw; khain;] v 1) turn one's back on 2) [fig]
ek¥;lk\pMu®pc\ [kye; le' pon byin] n folk tale, fairy tale ignore, disregard, neglect, not care about
ek¥;lk\q^K¥c\; [kye; le' thåchin;] n œ1) folk song 2) song ek¥aK¥c\;kp\ [kyaw; gyin; ka'] v [fig] rally, stand together
from the countryside
ek¥;lk\g^t [kye;le' gi ta.] n œmusic from the ek¥aK¥m\; [kyaw; chan;] v [fig] fear; get a cold feeling
countryside down one's spine, get shivers (down one's spine), get
ek¥;lk\Ak [kye; le' åka.] n œfolk dance accompanied the shivers (inf), get the creeps (inf), (of spine) tingle
by four kinds of drum
ek¥;sXp\ [kye: su'] v be ungrateful ek¥aK¥m\;PXy\ [kyaw; chan; bwE] v [fig] be spine-chilling,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 34

ek¥a. ª k¥oi;
be very frightening, give one (the) shivers (inf), be adv scandalously, shamefully
creepy (inf), give one the creeps (inf) ek¥a\lWa; [kyaw hlwa:] v 1) step over, jump over 2) [fig]
ek¥aeTak\enak\KM [kyaw; dau' nau' khan] n 1) support, overcome, surmount (difficulties, handicaps)
mainstay 2) infrastructure Ω ek¥aeTak\-e nak\KM- Aek¥a\Ÿ [Akyaw] n 1) celebrity, famous person,
AeSak\AAMu physical infrastructure [? ok?] personality 2) sb with the highest marks in the pTm”k^;
ek¥apiu;Ait\ [kyaw; bo; ei'] n backpack, knapsack, examination of Buddhist scriptural study S YN pTmek¥a\
rucksack 3) riser, vertical part of stair CF Anc\; tread
ek¥a®pc\ [kyaw; pyin] n back
ek¥aPMu; [kyaw hpon;] n back cover (of a book) CF m¥k\NxaPMu; Aek¥a\ezy¥ [Akyaw ze ya.] n fame, celebrity, renown
= Aek¥a\ed;y¥
ek¥aBk\ [kyaw; be'] n back side, reverse (as opposed to Aek¥a\tesa [Akyaw dAzaw;] adv widely (known,
obverse) CF obverse acclaimed, etc)
ek¥aRiu; [kyaw; yo;] n spine, backbone, vertebral column Aek¥a\ed;y¥ [Akyaw de; ya.] n fame, celebrity, renown
Aek¥a\Aema\ [Akyaw Amaw] n distinguished person,
ek¥aRiu;mrxiq¨ [kyaw; yo; måshi> dhu] n [fig] spineless personality, widely recogised person
person, jellyfish (sl) Aek¥a\ [Akyaw] n 1) Œeaglewood, tree with fragrant wood
ek¥aRiu;m´.qt†wå [kyaw; yo; mE. dhådåwa] n invertebrate 2) aloes wood, fragrant wood with a resin used in
ek¥aqa;rc\qa;KX´ [kyaw; tha; yin tha; khwE;] v be making perfumes
nepotistic, favour one's own friends, cronies, family, etc k¥M [kyan] v smear, plaster CF epk¥M' lim\;k¥M
(when in a position of power) k¥oi [kyo] v 1) boil Ω NXaNiuÏ- k¥iormy\" You have to boil milk.
ek¥aqp\ [kyaw; tha'] v 1) stroke (sb's back to praise or 2) condense (by boiling) Ω sXt\‘pt\k¥io condense soup
congratulate) 2) pet (an animal) 3) [fig] groom (sb for 3) melt
sthg) k¥oi> [kyo.] v be subservient, be submissive,
ek¥aqp\ep; [kyaw; tha' pe;] v [fig] encourage, be unquestioningly do what others ask CF eAak\k¥io>' Ky
encouraging (sb before a difficult task) k¥oi;1 [kyo:] v 1) break 2) be creased 3) violate, break
ek¥a. [kyaw.] v 1) snare, catch with a noose 2) repeat (rules, laws, etc) 4) fall or get into a rut, get into a
— n loop (crochet) habit
— part œcount word for times of a piece of music is k¥oi;NXM [kyo: nun] v be humble and obedient
sung or played Ω ts\ek¥a. Nxs\ek¥a. et;kiuq^ sing once or k¥oi;p´. [kyo: pE.] v break
twice [ nc] k¥oi;epåk\ [kyo: pau'] v 1) break 2) be breached
ek¥a.kXc\; [kyaw. gwin:] n 1) snare for trapping animals or Ak¥io;⁄ [Akyo;] n 1) sthg broken 2) cripple, sb lame, sb
birds 2) [fig] trap halt, sb severely handicapped
ek¥a.kXc\;eTac\ [kyaw. gwin: htaung] v set a snare Ak¥io;Akn\; [Akyo; Akan;] n the halt and the blind
ek¥a.kXc\;mi [kyaw. gwin: mi>] v [fig] be ensnared k¥oi;2 [kyo:] n 1) effect, consequence CF eÂkac\; cause
ts\ek¥a.(®pn\) [tAgyaw. (byan)] adv again, return to 2) benefit, advantage
Ω A“cim\.eP¥a\e®Per;ha AKueKt\mxa ts\ek¥a.-®pn\- k¥oi;eÂkac\; [kyo: kyaung:] n circumstances, particulars;
eKt\sa;laty\" Anyeint has become popular again now. causes CF Ak¥oi;AeÂkac\;
ek¥a\ [kyaw] v 1) go over, climb over, cross over, step over; k¥io;eÂkac\;Sk\NXy\mO [kyo: kyaung: hse' nwE hmu.] n the
overtake, pass 2) be past, be over; exceed Ω ts\ra logic of cause and effect
ek¥a\ek¥a\elak\ rxilim\.my\" There will be a little over 100. k¥io;ºnp\ [kyo: (gyo;) na'] v [after particle r] be
3) be famous 4) be rumoured (to) worthwhile, be worth (doing) Ω qXa;-rk¥io;np\ty\" It's
ek¥a\Âka; [kyaw kya:] v be famous; be notorious (neg) worthwhile going. Ω q¨tiuÏ-kiu na;eTac\r k¥io;mnp\B¨;" They
ek¥a\Âka;mO [kyaw kya; hmu.] n 1) fame; notoriety (neg) are not worth listening to.
2) [law] notoriousness, crime of being well-known, e.g., Ak¥io;Ÿ [Akyo;] n 1) effect, consequence
if one's arrest is reported widely in media CF AeÂkac\; Ak¥io;tra; law of cause and effect 2) benefit,
ek¥a\esa [kyaw zaw:] v be famous, prominent; (neg) be advantage
notorious, infamous Ω hiu Bk\ rXa k ebdc\Sraha Ak¥io;ek¥;z¨; [Akyo; kye; zu;] n benefit, gain, profit
kXk\timxn\ty\liu> ek¥a\esaqtc\;-®Ps\enty\" Everyone is Ak¥io;KMsa;KXc\. [Akyo; khan za; gwin.] n fringe benefit;
saying that that village‘s fortuneteller‘s predictions are perquisite
exactly right. Ak¥io;cxa [Akyo; hnga] part for the benefit or good of (sb,
ek¥a\esamO [kyaw zaw: hmu.] n being a ‘usual suspect’, sthg) Ω Niuc\cM-Ak¥io;cxa Alup\lup\ty\" Work for the good of
being one of the people usually accused when any crime the country.
or disturbance occurs Ak¥io;s^;pXa; [Akyo; si; bwa;] n benefit, good, welfare
ek¥a\tk\ [kyaw te'] v pass, overtake Ak¥io;Sk\ [Akyo; ze'] n consequence, result
ek¥a\mekac\;Âka;mekac\; [kyaw måkaung: kya: måkaung:] Ak¥io;eSac\ [Akyo; hsaung] v 1) serve, do service for

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 35

k¥k\ ª ek¥ak\
others [Akyo; zaung] 2) be honorary ek¥ak\epåk\ma [kyau' pau' ma] n pock marks
— n 1) secretary (of an organisation) 2) agent, broker ek¥ak\®Pø [kyau' hpyu] n chickenpox S YN erek¥ak\
S YN pX´sa; ek¥ak\®Pon\;⁄' ek¥ak\Aiu; [kyau' hpyon;, kyau' o:] n sb with
Ak¥io;eSac\lup\cn\; [Akyo; zaung lo' ngan;] n 1) service a pock-marked face
agency 2) real estate agency ek¥ak\Aiu;kX´erWSc\ [kyau' o: kwE: shwe hsin]
n [fig] pock-
Ak¥io;eta\eSac\ [Akyo; daw hsaung] n 1) broker, agent marked face gilded (is still not beautiful) CF nkiurximx
2) executive nkiuc\;TXk\
Ak¥io;T¨; [Akyo; htu;] [Akyo; du;] v do good, be of benefit ek¥ak\3 [kyau'] n 1) stone, rock 2) jewel, precious stone RF
ek¥ak\m¥k\. 3) gall stone, kidney stone 4) anchor RF
— n remarkable benefit ek¥ak\S¨;.
Ak¥io;nv\; [Akyo; nE;] v be ruined ek¥ak\ek¥a [kyau' kyaw:] n gel
Ak¥io;np\ [Akyo; na'] v be worthwhile, be worth one's ek¥ak\K´ [kyau' khE:] n stone, piece of rock
time, effort, etc Ω ek¥ak\K´e repÅ floating stone, i.e., impossible happening
Ak¥io;ep; [Akyo; pe;] v 1) be a good thing, have a good ek¥ak\Kk\ [kyau' khe'] n 1) coral 2) black stone used in
return [Akyo; be;] 2) bring prosperity making Buddhistm
— n result, consequence; lot, fortune
Ak¥io;®po [Akyo; pyu.] v contribute to (the good of) sthg
Ak¥io;qc\.AeÂkac\;qc\. [Akyo; dhin. Akyaung; dhin.] n
reasonably, within reason
Ak¥io;AeÂkac\; [Akyo; Akyaung;] n 1) circumstances
2) particulars
Ak¥io;A®mt\ [Akyo; Amya'] n profit, gain, benefit,
k¥k\1 [kye'] v 1) be done, be fully cooked CF Nxp\ 2) (of
wound) heal A NT sim\;
k¥k\2 [kye'] v 1) memorise, learn by heart, learn by rote
2) be familiar with
k¥k\sa [kye' sa] n lesson to be memorised
k¥k\sa; [kye' sa:] v 1) graze, eat growing grass, etc, in
various places 2) frequent, go often to a certain place
3) concentrate on
k¥k\mi [kye' mI] v recognise, remember (voice or person);
be used to, be accustomed to
k¥k\mxt\ [kye' hma'] v learn (by heart), memorise
tk¥k\k¥k\®Ps\ [dågye' gye' hpyi'] v bicker, quarrel most
of the time [? put here?]
k¥k\Tup\ [kye' hto'] n warm compress, cloth bag holding
heated salt, turmeric, etc, for home remedies
Ω k¥k\ Tup\Tiu; apply a warm compress
k¥k\qer [kye' thåye] n 1) grace, divine favour 2) glory;
nobility; honour
k¥k\qerKn\; [kye' thAye khan;] n ‹storeroom in a
k¥k\qereSac\ [kye' thåye hsaung] adj honorary
— n ‹storeroom in a monastery
k¥k\qermgçla [kye' thAye min gAla] n blessing, godsend

ek¥ak\1 [kyau'] v kick; strike S YN kn\

ek¥ak\lxv\. [kyau' hlE.] n screwdriver
Aek¥ak\Akn\ [Akyau' Akan] adv unyieldingly,
tenaciously, doggedly, persistently
ek¥ak\2 [kyau'] n pox; cowpox
ek¥ak\”k^; [kyau' gyi:] n smallpox
ek¥ak\eS;Tiu; [kyau' hse: hto:] v vaccinate; innoculate

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 36

k¥ioc\; ª k¥U\;
2) school; general term for educational institution ek¥ac\;Aip\ek¥ac\;sa; [kyaung: ei' kyaung: za:] n resident
= saqc\ek¥ac\; CF ekalip\ college; tk¶qiul\ university student or pupil (at a boarding school) CF enÏek¥ac\; qa;
3) temple CF Bura;ek¥ac\; church; BMuek¥ac\; Chinese temple; day student/pupil
bl^ Èmosque, (Jewish) synagogue ek¥ac\;Aup\ [kyaung: o'] n principal (of school),
ek¥ac\;kn\ [kyaung: kan] n ‹collective term for headmaster, headmistress
religious buildings ek¥ac\;Aup\(Sra(m))”k^; [kyaung: o' (hsåya (ma.)) gyi:] n
ek¥ac\;Âkioka; [kyaung: kyo ka:] n schoolbus headmaster, headmistress, principal
ek¥ac\;eKÅK¥in\ [kyaung: khaw gyein] n class attendance [? k¥ioc\;1 [kyain:] n sceptre used by royalty as a symbol of rank
really? not the time the class begins?]
ek¥ac\;Sra(m) [kyaung hsåya (ma.)] n (school)teacher k¥ioc\;2 [kyain:]
n locust, voracious plant-destroying form of
ek¥ac\;Sc\; [kyaung: hsin:] v 1) (of school, after classes certain grasshoppers
are finished) be over, be out 2) (of person) leave k¥s\ [kyi'] v 1) twist (material into rope), lay (rope)
school, graduate CF lXn\; strand; ”kio; rope 2) be compact; be hard; be wiry
— [kyaung: zin]n alumna ƒ, alumnus µ (pl: alumni) (Am), k¥s\k¥s\påeAac\ [kyi' kyi' pa aung] adv (clench fist)
graduate, one who has graduated from a certain tightly; (hold) closely
educational institution k¥s\SM“m^; [kyi' hsan mi:] n plait, braid (in hair) S YN PXt\“m^;
ek¥ac\;Sc\;pX´ [kyaung: hsin: bwE:] n graduation ceremony, [? French braid ---- there is a note here which I can't
convocation CF BX´>Nxc\; qBc\ read]
ek¥ac\;eSac\ [kyaung: zaung] n 1) ‹building in a k¥s\l¥s\ [kyi' li'] v 1) be compact 2) be neat and tidy
monastery 2) ‹shrine, reliquary, place where holy 3) be systematic 4) by pithy and precise
objects are kept 3) student hostel, residence hall, k¥U\1 [kyin] v tingle, feel pins and needles (fig)
dormitory (Am), dorm (Am inf) Ω Dat\ liuk\ta k¥U\Kn´®Ps\ qXa;ty\" I got an electric shock
ek¥ac\;eta\ [kyaung; daw] Ω ek¥ac\eta\krn\s [? ?] and now it tingles. CF TMu
ek¥ac\;eta\”k^;wåd [kyaung; daw gyi; wa da.] n orthodoxy k¥U\sk\ [kyin se'] n machine for electric shock torture [?
ek¥ac\;tk\ [kyaung: te'] v 1) go to school, attend here or under pain?]
school, study 2) attend classes 3) begin classes Ak¥U\AK´ [Akyin AkhE;] n lump, thickening, induration ◊
ek¥ac\;Ta; [kyaung: hta:] v enroll (at a school) S YN Ak¥i t\AK´ [? ok, or somewhere else, def ok?]
ek¥ac\;Tiuc\ [kyaung: htain] v ‹be head of a monastery k¥U\2 [kyin] v (esp of waist) be slim Ω eq;k¥U\eqaKå;
ek¥ac\;Tiuc\Sraeta\ [kyaung: dain hsåya daw] n ‹head k¥U\2 [kyin] n large biting ant CF purXk\Sit\
monk at a monastery, abbot k¥U\; [kyin:] v 1) (about width) be narrow; (of area) be
ek¥ac\;dka [kyaung: dåga] n ‹man who sponsors the cramped, be small Ω lm\; k¥U\ narrow road Ω AKn\;k¥v\ small
building of a monastery CF ek¥ac\;Am room A NT k¥y\ 2) [math] cancel
ek¥ac\;enPk\ [kyaung: ne be'] n classmate, schoolmate, k¥U\;k¥ot\ [kyin: gyo'] v be cramped, be narrow
benchmate CF ek¥ac\;qXa;ePÅ k¥U\;k¥p\ [kyin: gya'] v be cramped, be narrow
ek¥ac\;pit\rk\ [kyaung: pei' ye'] n school holiday k¥U\;e®mac\; [kyin: myaung:] v 1) be narrow 2) be narrow-
ek¥ac\;p¥k\ [kyaung pye'] v be absent from school, miss minded
class k¥U\;e®mac\;eq;qim\ [kyin: myaung: the; thein] v be narrow-
ek¥ac\;e®p; [kyaung: pye:] v play truant, skip school, skip minded and despicable [? despicable too strong?]
class, play hookey (inf) Ak¥U\; [Akyin:] n 1) summary, abstract; synopsis, precis
—[kyaung: bye:] n truant 2) prison, gaol (Br), jail (Am), slammer (inf)
ek¥ac\;wc\; [kyaung: win:] n schoolyard CF (Ak¥U\;)eTac\
ek¥ac\;qa; [kyaung: tha:] n 1) student 2) µ student, Ak¥U\;k¥ [Akyin: kya.] v be imprisoned, be gaoled (Br), be
pupil (through high school), schoolboy Ó CF ek¥ac\;q¨ jailed
Ak¥U\;K¥ [Akyin: cha.]v imprison, gaol (Br), jail (Am),
ek¥ac\;qa;qmg© [kyaung; tha; tha. mAga.] n student union incarcerate, put away (inf), put behind bars (inf), jug ∞
ek¥ac\;q¨ [kyaung: thu] n ƒ student, pupil (through high CF Ak¥y\K¥op\
school) schoolgirl CF ek¥ac\;qa; Ak¥U\;K¥op\ [Akyin: cho'] [Akyin; gyo']
v condense, shorten,
ek¥ac\;quM;saAup\ [kyaung: dhon: sa o'] n textbook, school– abridge, cut down (inf), trim (down) (inf), boil down
book (inf), reduce in length while retaining essential points
ek¥ac\;qXa;ePÅ [kyaung: ne be'] n schoolmate
CF ek¥ac\;enPk\ — n 1) abridged or condensed version Ω ABiDan\-
ek¥ac\;Am [kyaung: åma.] n ‹woman who sponsors the Ak¥U\;K¥op\ abridged dictionary Ω wtÊoAk¥U\;K¥op\ condensed
building of a monastery CF ek¥ac\;dka book 2) summary [? check -- esp written, more for def
ek¥ac\;Ap\ [kyaung: a'] v (of an educational institution) 2?]
enroll in; be accepted to Ak¥U\;K¥Mo; [Akyin: chon;] v 1) condense, shorten, abridge,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 38

k¥v\ ª k¥in\
reduce in length while retaining essential points, boil k¥v\Aim\ [kyi ein]
n magazine S YN k¥v\kp\' ym\;kp\'
down (inf) [? really the same?] 2) (of process, ym\;(etac\.)Aim\
ceremony, etc) reduce to a minimum, cut down to the Ak¥v\ [Akyi] n Ó1) bar; bolt; pin 2) plinth 3) dais
essentials, scale down S YN Ak¥U\;RuM k¥v\k¥v\elac\elac\ [kyi gyi laung laung] adv shrilly,
Ak¥U\;eTac\ [Akyin: daung] prison; gaol (Br), jail (Am), stridently, in a high and loud voice
penitentiary, penal institution, correctional institution, tk¥v\k¥v\ [dågyi gyi] adv constantly (asking, blaming,
jailhouse, brig (esp ∑Í), nick (inf), slammer (inf), stir annoying, etc)
(inf), clink (inf), big house (Am inf), college (Br inf), k¥v\;1 [kyi:] n bolt
keep Ó = eTac\ CF AK¥op\ lockup, detentio n, r´Bk\sKn\; k¥v\;epåc\ [kyi: baung] n casement, window frame
labour camp, Bwqs\sKn\; New Life Camp, kÁn\; penal k¥v\;wn\; [kyi: wun:] n the stepped part of a est^ stupa,
colony below the bell
Ak¥U\;RuM; [Akyin: yon;] v (of process, ceremony, etc)
k¥v\;2 [kyi:] n Œmedium-sized tree used for timber
reduce to a minimum, cut down to the essentials, scale
Ak¥v\; [Akyi;] n looks
Ak¥v\;tn\ [Akyi; tan] [Akyi; dan] v (of situation,
Ak¥U\;qa; [Akyin; dha;] n 1) µ prisoner, convict, con prospects, incident, etc) be ugly
(inf); inmate (of) or detainee (in) (a prison, gaol, etc),
— n ugly person
µ serving a prison sentence CF Ak¥U\; q¨ ƒ prisoner,
AK¥op\qa; detainee, r´Bk\ labour-camp detainee,
Ak¥v\;tn\lxK¥in\ [Akyi; dan hla. chein] n [fig] dusk L IT :
‘time when the ugly are beautiful’ CF v^AkiumqitqiAK¥in\
lup\Aa;rxc\ New Life camp detainee, ss\qMuÏ pn\; prisoner of
war 2) [fig] prisoner, slave, creature k¥t\ [kya'] n barren ground
Ak¥U\;q¨ [Akyin; dhu] n ƒ prisoner, convict, con (inf); k¥t\t^;kun\; [kya' ti: gon:] n barren high ground
inmate (of) or detainee (in) (a prison, gaol, etc), µ k¥it\ [kyei'] v (of cloth) be close-knit,be tightly woven [ tx]
serving a prison sentence CF Ak¥U\;qa; µ prisoner, [gyei']
AK¥op\q¨ µ detainee, r´Bk\ labour-camp detainee, — n Œ Job's tears
ss\qMuÏ pn\; prisoner of war — adv in secret, secretly, on the sly
Ak¥U\;Ak¥p\ [Akyin; Akya'] n difficulty, adversity; k¥it\na [kyei' na] n 1) tumour on the lower jaw 2) black-
difficult situation, tight corner (inf) Ω Ak¥U\;Ak¥p\kiu- quarter disease
etX>mx Ael.Ak¥c\.kiu qi-rty\" When you face adversity k¥it\piu; [kyei' po:] n secret admirer
you will find out what you have learned. k¥it\kiuc\; [kyei' wain:] n secret group; clandestine
k¥v\ [kyi] n 1) section of bamboo used as a container RF gambling or drinking party [ pe]
k¥v\etak\. 2) cartridge; shell; round (of ammunition); ts\k¥it\tv\;ts\ˆa%\tv\; [dågyei' htE: tånyan tE:] adv
projectile in conspiracy with, in cahoots with (inf)
k¥v\kaAkÇ¥ [kyi ka in gyi] n bullet-proof vest; armour Ak¥it\ [Akyei'] n 1) gland 2) tumour (Br), tumor (Am),
(for upper body) CF qMK¥p\kaAkÇ¥ lump, growth, neoplasm ◊
k¥v\kp\ [kyi ga'] n magazine S YN k¥v\Aim\' ym\;kp\' Ak¥it\Kiu [Akyei' kho] v (of a gland) be swollen, be
ym\;(etac\.)Aim\ enlarged
k¥v\es. [kyi ze.] n pellet; shot Ak¥it\AK´ [Akyei' AkhE;] n 1) resentment, grudge;
k¥v\SM [kyi zan] n cartridge, shell; bullet S YN ym\;etac\. rancour (Br), rancor (Am) 2) thickening, induration ◊
k¥v\SMKMX [kyi zan khun] n shell (of bullet) S YN Ak¥U\AK´
k¥v\vp\ [kyi nya'] v (of weapon) jam CF k¥v\mTXk\ k¥it\Da; [kyei' da:] n kris, dagger with a curvy blade = e®mXDa;
k¥v\etak\ [kyi dau'] n section of bamboo (with one k¥n\ [kyan] v remain; be left behind
open end) Ω πeKX;“m^;ekak\ k¥v\etak\sXp\" The leopard k¥n\rs\ [kyan yi'] v 1) remain; be left behind 2) be left
cannot change his spots. (i.e., people will go back to their out
old habits) Straighten a dog's curled tail by putting in in a — n [colloq] jilted lover
section of bamboo. k¥n\; [kyan:] v 1) be hardy and strong, robust 2) be healthy
k¥v\etac\. [kyi daun.] n cartridge; shell; round (of
ammunition) k¥n\;KM. [kyan: khan.]
v be fit and strong Ω k¥n\;KM.qaliuÏ-mapås
k¥v\Tiu; [kyi hto:] v load a gun (with) may you be healthy [old style of greeting]
k¥v\epX> [gyåbwe'] n pestle Ω k¥v\\epX> -Atk\epåk\" The k¥n\;ma [kyan: ma] v be healthy; be fit; be fine
pestle sprouts, i.e., sb achieves an unexpected success k¥n\;maer; [kyan: ma je:] n health, well-being
[ ph] k¥n\;maer;eS;lk\mxt\ [kyan: ma ye: hse: le' hma'] n
k¥v\P¨; [kyi (gyå) bu:] n bullet [ ph] health certificate; certificate of fitness
k¥v\mTXk\ [kyi mAhtwe'] v (of weapon) misfire k¥n\;maer;pva [kyan: ma ye: pyin nya] n hygiene; health
CF k¥v\vp\ education
k¥v\lXt\e®m [kyi lu' mye] n Ídead space k¥in\ [kyein] v 1) curse, wish harm on sb, perform rites to
k¥v\A [kyi a.] n dud cause harm 2) swear, formally declare one's loyalty, or

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 39

k¥in\;(sk\) ª k¥m\;
formally declare that one is speaking the truth k¥p\tv\; [kya' ti:] v 1) be tight 2) be broke, be hard up
k¥in\sa [kyein za] n curse, speech or incantation intended 3) be uncomfortable, feel constrained [? really with a
to cause harm (through supernatural means) ya. yiq spelling? I don't find it]
S YN k¥m\; k¥in\' k¥m\;kiuc\ k¥p\tn\; [kya' dan;] n kyat note Ω (10)k¥p\tn\; rxila;" Do
k¥in\sas¨; [kyein za su:] v fall under a curse, be cursed you have a 10 kyat note? [? new me]
k¥in\satiuk\ [kyein za tai'] v 1) curse, wish harm on sb, k¥p\®pv\.tc\;®pv\. [kya' pye. din: bye.] v [fig] be full; be
perform rites to cause harm 2) swear, formally declare mature
one's loyalty, or formally declare that one is speaking k¥p\m®pv\. [kya' måpye.] v [fig] be mentally handicapped,
the truth be one brick short of a load Upsa
k¥in\sami [kyein za mi>] v fall under a curse, be cursed k¥p\qa; [kya' tha:] part count word for tical, (hundredths
k¥in\saqc\. [kyein za thin.] v to be under a curse of a viss piœa) [ nc]
k¥in\S´ [kyein zE:] v 1) curse, wish harm on sb, perform Ak¥p\kiuc\ [Akya' kain] v coerce, force, put under pressure
rites to cause harm or duress
k¥in\Siu [kyein hso] v 1) vow, take an oath 2) curse, wish Ak¥p\etX> [Akya' twe.] v have difficulties, meet with
harm on sb, perform rites to cause harm adversity [? really ok? what situ?]
k¥in\tXy\ [kyein twE] v swear, promise under oath Ak¥p\Riuk\ [Akya' yai'] v be in trouble, be up the creek
k¥in\;(sk\)1 [kyein; (se')] v (of holy objects) lie, be kept; (of (inf), be in a fix (inf), be in a jam (inf), be in a pickle
holy persons) sleep (inf), be in a tight corner, be in a difficult situation [?
k¥in\;2 [kyein;] v 1) feel a sharp, superficial pain, smart, ok? more serious?]
sting RF k¥in\; sp\. 2) (of teeth) be set on edge Ω mrm\; q^;- Ak¥p\Atv\; [Akya' AtE;] n difficult situation; exigency;
AK¥U\-sa;eta. qXa;k¥in\; ty\" Those sour mayans set my teeth crisis [? really ok?]
on edge. 3) chafe, be sore from friction k¥ip\ [kyei'] part count word for counting tens Ω r´eBa\-(3)-
k¥in\;sp\ [kyein; sa'] v 1) smart, sting Ω enp¨-liuÏ m¥k\sietX k¥ip\ The Thirty Comrades, Nxs\k¥ip\rxs\S¨ 28 Buddhas [ nc]
k¥in\; sp\-entap´" My eyes sting from the glare of the sun. k¥op\ [kyo'] pron I
2) be chafed k¥m\; [kyan:] v level
k¥in\;3 [kyein:] n predestined event; probability, likelihood — n 1) treatise, authoritiative book CF k¥m\;”k^; k¥m\;Kiuc\
k¥in\;ek¥ [kyein: kye] v 1) avert coming evil or 2) ‹ÈÇsacred book, scripture CF k¥m\; kiuc\ 3) thesis,
misfortune CF yÂta 2) lose or fail to gain a great dissertation; monograph CF satm\;' k¥m\; tc\ 4) wooden
fortune by getting a smaller one strips to keep palm-leaf manuscripts in place
k¥in\;eq [kyein: the] v be definite, sure, certain
S YN kin\;eq k¥m\;kiu;k¥m\;ka; [kyan: go: kyan: ga:] n 1) authoritative
— adv definitely, surely, certainly reference 2) references, citations
k¥in\;eqepåk\ [kyein: dhe pau'] adv definitely, surely, k¥m\;kiu;sarc\; [kyan: go: såyin:] n bibliography, list of
certainly S YN kin\;eqepåk\ references cited
k¥p\ [kya'] v 1) be tight; be crowded (with people), be k¥m\;kiuc\ [kyan: kain] v swear an oath while holding a
packed; be jammed (esp with cars) A NT eK¥ac\ RF k¥p\qip\. sacred text, swear on (Koran, Bible, etc)
2) tighten RF k¥p\qip.\ 3) be broke, be hard up k¥m\;ek¥ [kyan: kye] v [fig] know very well, have
Ω ecX k¥p\e nty\ 4) be difficult CF Ak¥p\ e tX> 5) be extensive understanding (of), be knowledgeable
uncomfortable, feel constrained CF si t\- k¥U\; k¥p\ (about), be learned, be lettered, be erudite L IT : ‘wear
6) ™screw sb (sl), mess sb up (inf), take advantage of out one's reference works’
or victimise sb 7) clean one's ear (with a feather) k¥m\;k¥in\ [kyan: kyein] v take an oath, swear by one's
Ω na;k¥p\ 8) (of chest) to be tight Ω rc\ k¥p\ 9) be narrow faith
— n 1) tical, unit of weight, 0.016 kilogramme, one k¥m\;k¥in\SiuK¥k\ [kyan: kyein hso gye'] n affidavit, sworn
one-hundredth of a viss piœa CW k¥p\qa; 2) kyat, unit of statement
money in Myanmar, equal to 100 ®pa; CF piuk\SM 3) splint, k¥m\;”k^;k¥m\;Kiuc\ [kyan: gyi: kyan: gain] n authoritative works
stiff piece for temporary repair of a broken rod-like
object 4) pair of boards used to press packed textiles k¥m\;e®Kak\m¥io; [kyan: chau' myo:] n six branches of
5) fish-drying platform; rack for smoking fish learning in veda CF ebdc\
6) scrofula, tuberculosis of the lymph nodes 7) deep k¥m\;gn\ [kyan: gan] n classic, literary work of classical
basket (for collecting alms) standard CF gN Ê
k¥p\Kiu; [kya' kho:] n soot k¥m\;sa [kyan: za] n 1) scripture, sacred or holy text,
k¥p\Kiu;sc\ [kya' kho: zin] n rack for smoking fish in religious text; ÈKoran, Q'uran; ÇBible 2) treatise,
fireplace authoritative work
k¥p\KÁt\ [kya' chu'] v be brand-new Ω Aqs\k¥p\KX¥t\ k¥m\;s¨; [kyan: su:] v fall under a curse, be cursed
k¥p\sv\; [kya' si:] v splint (broken bones) = k¥in\sas¨;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 40

k¥Mo> ª Âkaqpet;
k¥m\;tc\ [kyan: tin] v submit (thesis, dissertation, etc) Âk1 [kya.] n large granary, having a capacity of 256 tc\;
k¥m\;tMu; [kyan: don:] n 1) log dragged over ploughed land (10,500 litres, 288 bushels) CF k¥^ granary
to level the soil 2) chock, wedge placed under wheel to Âk2 [kya. (gya.)] part particle suffixed to verb to show
prevent rolling plurality Ω qXa;ÂkreAac\ Let's go!
k¥m\;®po [kyan: pyu.] [kyan: byu.] v write a thesis, treatise, Âk3 [kyå] n Ómamboo; reed
dissertation, or book Âkeqac\; [kyåthaung:] n kind of bamboo used for
— n author of thesis, dissertation, etc [ wr] matting and building
k¥m\;Riu; [kyan; yo;] n traditional or orthodox teaching or Âkcxn\; [kyåhngan:] n 1) Ótiered parasol placed over royal
method CF lk\Riu; bed 2) Ópalace 3) eminent or revered person or thing
k¥m\;qsßak¥in\Siu [kyan; thi' sa kyein hso] v swear, take an
oath Âka1 [kya] v 1) take a long time, be a long time (since)
k¥m\;U^;ska; [kyan: u: zåga:] n (of book, etc) foreword, Ω eKåk\ SX´mxarc\ Âkamla;" Will it take a long time to get
introduction, preface noodles? Ω Bamx-mÂkaB¨;" Not long at all. A NT ®mn\ 2) (of
k¥Mo> [kyon.] v 1) shrink, contract, become smaller 2) feel occurance) take, last; (of time) elapse
restrained, feel restricted Ω Aim\k l¨”k^;etX-erx>mxa Aen- Âkaevac\; [kya nyaung:] v take a long time, be a long
k¥Mo>ty\' A®pc\TXk\mx lXt\lp\ty\" I feel restricted in time (since)
front of the older people at home; I feel free only when I Âka®mc\. [kya myin.] v take a long time, be a long time
go out. (since)
k¥Mo>k¥Mo>Tiuc\ [kyon. gyon. htain] v sit with feet tucked under Âkarxv\ [kya she] v take a long time, be a long time
the body (since)
k¥Mo>k¥Mo>yMuÏyMuÏ [kyon. gyon. yon. yon.] adv decorously, seemly mÂkaK%' mÂkamÂka [måkya khåna., måkya måkya] adv
k¥Mo; [kyon:] v 1) gather up, scoop 2) slug, hit hard; work often, frequently (fml), always (inf) = K%K%'
hard, toil, plug away at (sl) mÂkamÂka
— n 1) moat 2) corral for trapping wild elephants, mÂkamtc\ [måkya måtin] adv soon, in the near future
keddah CF mxn\;Sc\m Âka2 [kya] n 1) Œlotus; waterlily 2) (on cattle and horses)
k¥Mo;lup\ [kyon: lo'] v work very hard, knock oneself out; star, blaze 3) come-hither look, seductive look, enticing
do any and every kind of work glance
k¥Mo;qXc\; [kyon: thwin:] v 1) lure wild elephant into a Âkaklp\ [kya kåla'] n 1) pedestal dish decorated with
keddah or corral CF mxn\;Sc\m 2) [fig] entice; Í canalise lotus petals CF klp\ 2) ‹part of ®paqad\ below the
Ak¥oM;wc\ [Akyon; win] v be inclusive pinnacle 3) catafalque decorated with lotus petal motif
k¥y\ [kyE] v 1) be wide, be broad; be spacious Ω ˆa%\k¥y\ ([illus])
be broad-minded A NT k¥U\; 2) be loud 3) be insolent, be ÂkaKiu [cha kho] v commit adultery
disrespectful, be cheeky (inf) ÂkaSM [kya zan] n 1) Œstamen of lotus flower 2) thin
k¥y\e®pa [kyE byaw:] v be very wide, be vast, be huge, rice noodle CF p´ÂkaSM bean threads; eKåk\SX´ (wheat)
stretch out noodles, pasta
k¥y\®pn\Ï [kyE pyan.] v 1) be broad, be wide and flat 2) (of ÂkaSM”k^; [kya zan gyi:] n thick rice noodle
knowledge, experience etc) be wide, be broad; (of ÂkaViu [kya nyo] n Œblue lotus
attitude, views, etc) be liberal, be flexible Ω sit\- Âkan^ [kya ni] n Œred lotus
qeBaTa;-k¥y\®pn\Ï be liberal (in one's views, etc) ÂkaNu [kya (kyå) nu.] n ‹part of pagoda decorated with
k¥y\elac\ [kyE laung] v be very loud, boom, be small lotus petals
deafening, deafen sb Âkaep; [kya pe:] v cast a seductive look
k¥y\wn\; [kyE wun: (win:)] v be wide, be spacious Âkaps\ [kya pyi'] v cast a seductive look
Ak¥y\ [AkyE] n 1) extent, area, size 2) extended ÂkaPk\ [kya hpe'] n lotus leaf (used to wrap, line, etc)
version, unabridged version, expanded version Âka®Pø [kya byu] n Œwhite lotus
A NT Ak¥U\; ÂkamMu [kya mon] n [poet] lotus bud
Ak¥y\K¥´> [AkyE chE.] v expand, elaborate, extend Âkaemxak\ [kya (kyå) hmau'] n ‹border or architectural
Ak¥y\K¥op\ [AkyE gyo'] n house arrest; internment (otherdesign of downward pointing lotus petals
than in prison) CFAk¥U\; k¥ [ rc] Âkaln\ [kya (kyå) lan] n ‹part of est^ pagoda
Ak¥y\twc\. [AkyE dAwin.] adv at length, extensively, in resembling lotus bloom
detail Ω erx>Nxs\lup\my.\-As^ AsU\e tX kiu Âkaqkçn\; [kya thin gan:] n ‹1) sacred robe produced
Aeq;sit\-Ak¥y\-twc\. rxc\;®pty\" The manager explained by a lotus 2) sacred robe woven from lotus fibre
the companies plans for the next year in all detail. 3) ornamental robe offered to the Buddha [ bh]
Ak¥y\Ak¥y\ [AkyE AkyE] adv (blow up, magnify, etc) ÂkaViuÏ [kya nyo.] n thick soy sauce CF p´cM®parv\
out of all proportion Âkaqpet; [kya dhåbåde:] n Thursday
Ak¥y\Awn\; [AkyE Awun;] n area, expanse, extent Âkaqpet;“goih\ [kya dhåbåde: gyo] n ©ßplanet

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 41

Âka; ª ”k^;
Jupiter Âka;qa; [kya; dha;] n meat of animal slaughtered
Âkaqpet;Arp\ [kya dhåbåde: åya'] n west S YN Aenak\ within one's hearing Ω ®mc\qa;-Âka;qa;-msa;B¨;" Not eating
Âkaqpet;qa;qm^; [kya dhåbåde: dha: thåmi;] n sb born meat of animals slaughtered in front of one's eyes, or
on a Thursday within one's hearing. CF ®mc\qa;
Âka;1 [gya:] n interval, interim, time or space between Âka;qi [kya; thi>] v recieve information; be informed
things [ ph] mÂka;ekac\;mnaqa [måkya; gaung; måna dha] n dirty
Âka;kal [gya: ka la.] n interim period language, obscene language, swearing, cursing = mÂka;wM.-
Âka;KM [gya: gan] n buffer mnaqa
Âka;eK¥ac\ [gya: chaung] v be left out of the reckoning; to mÂka;k¥io;kÁn\ [måkya; kyo; gyun] adv as if one did not
be sloppy hear, pretending not to hear mqik¥io;kÁn\

Âka;vp\ [kya: nyi'] n be caught in the middle mÂka;wM.mnaqa [måkya; wun. måna dha] n dirty language,
Âka;vHp\ [gya: hnya'] v intersperse; interleave; sandwich obscene language, swearing, cursing = mÂka;ekac\;-
Âka;en [gya: ne] v stay neutral, remain neutral; not take mnaqa
AÂka;kt\ [Akya; ka'] n sthg that grates on the ear,
kaRiuk\”kiya cau sative verb qudΔkiya passive verb
®mHc\. raise ®mc\. be high AÂka;A®mc\ [Akya; Amyin] n 1) (general) knowledge
K¥ drop k¥ fall 2) clairvoyance; extrasensory perception; power to see
K¥k\ cook k¥k\ be cooked the future, power of divination
elYa.\ reduce el¥a.\ be less ”kiya [kårI ya] n [gram] verb CF wåsgç part of speech
sides, be neutral ∏ S YN Bk\mliuk\ ”kiyawieqqn [kårI ya wI the thåna] n [gram] adverb,
Âka;ener;wåd [gya: ne ye: wa da.] n ∏non-alignment; word that describes a verb CF wåsgç part of speech
policy of neutrality Ω Âka;enNiuc\cM non-aligned country ”k^; [kyi:] v 1) be large, be big; be grand; be high
Ω Âka;ener;-lOp\rxa;mO the Non-Aligned Movement A NT eq; 2) rise; increase A NT k¥ 3) to grow up, to be
CF Bk\ mliu k\wåd [ pe] raised Ω rn\kun\mxa-emX; ty\' ®ms\”k^;na;mxa-”k^; ty\" 4) be older,
Âka;epåk\ [gya: bau'] n sideline, source of extra income be elder; be old Ω ”k^; q¨kiuRiueq' rXy\t¨kiuel;sa;'
S YN eB;pn\;' eB;epåk\ cy\q¨kiuqna; Esteem your elders, respect your peers, be
Âka;epåk\wc\ecX [gya: bau' win ngwe] n income from kind to your juniors. A NT cy\ 5) be hallowed, be holy, be
sideline S YN eAak\Siud\mn\;n^; noble S YN ®mc\.®mt\ 6) be great; be powerful, be mighty
Âka;epåk\Alup\ [gya: bau' ålo'] n sideline (job) Ω sa”k^;ep”k^; classic literature, classics [kyi; (gyi;)]
Âka;ePak\ [gya: hpau'] v come between, interpose; — part 1) particle suffixed to words for emphasis, esp
interject neg Ω Atu”k^; fake Ω eKX;”k^; m”kio k\B¨;" I don't like the dog!
Âka;P¥U\ [gya: hpyin] v mediate, intercede A NT el; 2) suffixed to some replicated verbs to form
Âka;P¥n\ [gya: hpyan] v mediate, intercede adverbs
Âka;®Pt\ [gya: hpya'] [gya: bya'] v intercept [ ph] ”k^;k´ [kyi: kE:] v lead, control, govern CF kXp\k´' Aup\K¥op\'
— adj interim; provisional eKåc\;eSac\
Âka;®Pt\Asiu;r [gya; phya' åso; ya.] n ∏provisional ”k^;ekac\wc\ [kyi; kaung win] v reach puberty
government; interim government ”k^;k¥y\ [kyi: kyE] v 1) be great, be grand;be vast, be
Âka;l¨ [gya: lu] n broker, middleman; non-partisan; extensive 2) [neg] be arrogant, be haughty, be superior
mediator; diplomat; go-between, intermediary, CF Pc\eKåc\;k¥y\' AnM”k^;kXc\; k¥y\
interlocutor ”k^;Âkp\ [kyi: gya'] v supervise
Âka;lm\; [gya; lan;] n alley S YN d¨;lm\; ”k^;siu; [kyi: zo:] v 1) administer, take control (of), rule
Âka;wc\ [gya: win] v intervene, come between; interfere (over); dominate 2) predominate
AÂka; [Akya;] n break, gap, time or space between ”k^;sU\cy\liuk\ [kyi: zin ngE lai'] adv 1) in (ascending or
— part suffix to noun: between, among, amongst (Br), descending) order 2) [math] in descending order
amid, amidst (Br) A NT cy\sU\”k^;liuk\
Âka;2 [kya;] v 1) hear CF na; fi;ear 2) inform; communicate ”k^;eta\ [gyi: daw] n aunt, elder sister of one's mother
CF AeÂkac\;Âka; CF eSX;m¥io;suzya;
Âka;ska; [kya; zåga;] n outside comment, comment by a ”k^;TXa; [kyi: htwa:] v grow, develop
person not concerned S YN eB;ska; ”k^;Niuc\cy\vHU\; [kyi: nain ngE hnyin:] v bully
Âka;®pc\; [kya; byin;] v find offensive (to the ear), not be ”k^;®pc\; [kyi: byin:] v come of age; get older
able to stand (to hear) ”k^;pXa; [kyi: bwa:] v prosper, do well; thrive; flourish
Âka;®pc\;kt\ [kya; byin; ka'] v be offensive (to the ear) ”k^;pXa;er; [kyi: bwa: je:] n prosperity
S YN na;Kå;' na;kela ”k^;ma; [kyi: ma:] v be big, be large, be huge; be grand; be
Âka;P¨;na;w [kya; bu; na; wa.] n knowledge acquired strong CF Kn\;na;' ®mc\.ma;
through hearing ”k^;®mc\. [kyi myin.] v (of prices) be high

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 42

Âkø ª eÂka
”k^;®mt\ [kyi: mya'] v be noble usually struck after praying, when sharing merit [ bh]
”k^;mØ; [kyi: hmu:] v lead, direct eÂk;sv\tMpiu; [kye: (kyi:) zi dåbo;] n pole for carrying a
”k^;rc\. [kyi: yin.] v 1) be aged 2) be mature large triangular flat gong, carried on the shoulders of
”k^;el; [kyi: le:] v be heavy, be severe Ω ”k^;el;t´. ®ps\d%\ two men (illus)
severe penalty eÂk;tiuk\ [kye: dai'] n building for detaining royalty
A”k^; [Agyi;]n 1) the bigger or larger one 2) the older eÂk;tm\;tiuk\ [kye: dan: tai'] int [fig] interjection used to
or elder one 3) aunt, older sister of one's mother point out inequality, equivalent to 'That's not fair' L IT :
4) Ó chief CF A”k^; Ak´ 5) Ó royal tutor CF ATin\;eta\ ‘Even out the value’
RF A”k^;eta\. eÂk;Tp\ [kye: hta'] v place bets
AÚ”k^; [A…gyi;] v be a big …er Ω Asa;”k^; a big eater eÂk;n^ [kye: (kyi:) ni] n copper
Ω Ae®pa”k^; sb who is all talk eÂk;nc\; [kye; nin;] n œbrass instrument like a gong
A”k^;eta\ [Akyi; daw] n Ó royal tutor (illus)
A”k^;Ak´ [Akyi; AkE;] n sb in authority, leader (of group, eÂk;enac\ [kye: naung] n œsmall hanging brass gong
nation, etc); head (of department, operation, etc); boss CF eÂk;wiuc\;
(of staff, etc), chief (of tribe, workers, etc) Ω Niuc\cM- eÂk;nn\; [kye: (kyi:) nan:] n 1) copper wire 2) telegram,
A”k^;Ak´m¥a; national leaders S YN A”k^;AmØ; telegraph, cable, wire S YN qM”kio;
A”k^;Ak¥y\ [Akyi; AkyE] adv extensively, greatly, eÂk;nn\;Sk\qXy\er; [kye; (kyi;) nan; hse' thwE ye;] n
dramatically, extremely, seriously (neg), drastically telecommunications
(neg) eÂk;nn\;Riuk\ [kye: (kyi:) nan: yai'] v (send a) cable, wire,
A”k^;AmØ; [Akyi; Ahmu;] n sb in authority, leader (of telegraph S YN qM”kio;Riuk\
group, nation, etc); head (of department, operation, eÂk;nn\;RuM; [kye: (kyi:) nan: yon:] n telegraph office
etc); boss (of staff, etc), chief (of tribe, workers, etc) eÂk;®pa; [kye: pya:] n [sl] money (Lower Myanmar)
S YN A”k^;Ak´ eÂk;mMu [kye: mon] n 1) polished brass mirror 2) mirror
Âkø [kyu] v be fragrant CF emW;' qc\;' AnMÏ S YN mxn\ 3) one of the national daily newspapers
Âkø; [kyu:] v be excessive eÂk;mMuKMu; [kye; mon khon;] n convex mirror CF eÂk;mMuKXk\
eÂk1 [kye] v 1) be crumbled, be crushed 2) be crumpled eÂk;mMuKXk\ [kye; mon khwe'] n concave mirror, magnifying
3) be digested 4) be bruised mirror CF eÂk;mMuKMu;
eÂkkX´ [kye kwE:] v grieve eÂk;mMuKXk\tara [kye: mon gwe' ta ya] n ©Ursa Minor,
eÂkkX´mO [kye kwE: hmu.] n grief, sorrow Little Bear, Little Dipper
eÂkvk\ [kye nye'] v be crushed to powder, crushed to eÂk;rtt\ [kye: yåda'] n rich person, wealthy person
bits eÂk;wå [kye: (kyi:) wa] n brass
eÂk®mv\. [kye myi>] v deteriorate eÂk;wiuc\; [kye: wain:] n œbrass gong circle ([illus])
AeÂk⁄ [Akye] n fragments, bits and pieces, crumbs eÂk;2 [gyi: (gye:)] n dirt, grime = g¥^;' eK¥; [ ph]
eÂk2 [kye] n ∏Lower Myanmar CF Ava RF AeÂk. [ bs] eÂk;KÁt\ [gyi: chu'] v clean, cleanse; scour
eÂkva [kye nya] v announce, declare; proclaim; notify eÂk;KÁt\eS; [gye: chu' hse:] n detergent
eÂkvaK¥k\ [kye nya gye'] n announcement, declaration; eÂk;evHa\ [gyi: (gye:) hnyaw] n dirt, grime
proclamation; notification eÂk;tXn\; [gyi: tun:] v scrub dirt off (a body)
eÂkvaK¥k\Tut\®pn\ [kye nya gye' hto' pyan] v issue an eÂk;T¨ [gyi: htu] v 1) be grimy 2) [fig] be full of
announcement, make a declaration, proclaim, notify excuses
eÂkvasatm\; [kye nya zådan:] n 1) declaration eÂk;m¥a; [gyi: mya:]v 1) be grimy 2) [fig] be full of
2) manifesto [ pe] excuses, complain about many things
AeÂkŸ [Akye] n 1) downriver or downstream area AeÂk; [akye;] n scales (of fish, lizards, snakes, etc)
CF Ava 2) downwind side; leeward side AeÂk;KMX [akye; gun] n scales (of fish, lizards, snakes, etc)
AeÂkAva [Akye Anya] n the whole country
eÂk;1 [kye:] n 1) copper, brass, or bronze 2) money 3) price AeÂk;Tiu; [Akye; hto;] v scale (fish), remove scales
4) fees 5) œpercussion instruments of brass or bronze ”k´ [kyE:] v 1) scatter, cast 2) do, perform
CF t¨riya 6) wager, bet, stake ”k´eq; [kyE: dhe:] n chain-mail (armour) CF k¥v\kaAkÇ¥'
eÂk;kiuc\ [kye; kain] v S YN eZ;kiuc\ 1) hoard, hold back qMK¥p\AkÇ¥
goods until prices rise; profiteer 2) hold out for a higher eÂka1 [kyaw:] n 1) (in compounds) anything in the shape of
price 3) [fig] hold out to maintain prestige a line or streak, such as blood vessels eqX;eÂka, nerves
eÂk;”k^; [kye: kyi:] v be expensive, be costly nav\eÂka, wood grain qs\eÂka, etc 2) ways, habits,
eÂk;ecX [kye: ngwe] n money traits of a person Ω eleÂkarxv\ long-winded Ω l¨etXr´.
eÂk;sa; [kye: sa:] n 1) mercenary, professional soldier AeÂkaki-u qirc\-epåc\;PiuÏ lXy\påty\" If you understand the
2) professional way people are, you can be friends with anyone.
eÂk;sv\ [kye: (kyi:) zi] n ‹triangular flat brass gong,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 43

eÂka ª ”kM
ts\eÂka [dågyaw:] n (whole, entire, full) length teÂka\eÂka\ [tåkyaw kyaw] adv loudly
AeÂka [Akyaw;] n 1) anything long and very thin; teÂka\eÂka\eAa\ [tåkyaw kyaw aw] v bellow, shout
streak, line, thread, channel 2) ways, habits, traits Ω teÂka\eÂka\ eAa\eKÅty\" He called out loudly.
3) [fig] anatomy ”kM1 [kyan] v 1) think 2) scheme, plot
AeÂkakiuc\ [Akyaw; kain] n 1) have tense muscles ”kM”k^;sv\ra [kyan gyi: si ya] n improbable idea, far-
S YN AeÂka®pc\ 2) massage a tense muscle fetched idea, fantasy Also used as an exclamation
AeÂkacup\ [Akyaw; ngo'] v [? new from leq pyin kyaw equivalent to ‘Dream on!’ ‘Ridiculous!’
ngoq] ”kM”kMsv\sv\ [kyan gyan si zi] n improbable idea, far-
AeÂkaeS; [Akyaw; ze;] n injectible (medicine), fetched idea, fantasy
intravenous medicine CF Tiu;eS;' Aqa;eS; [? what's the ”kM”kMPn\Pn\ [kyan gyan hpan ban] adv 1) ingeniously,
other one? check with expert] resourcefully 2) unlikely, improbably BOX: on politely
AeÂkaSiuc\; [Akyaw; hsain;] v (of muscles) stiffen, become disagreeing with this word
stiff ”kMsv\ [kyan zi] v 1) think; plan, formulate 2) plot,
AeÂkaSX´ [Akyaw; hswE;] v 1) have muscle contractions scheme; conspire
2) [fig] be carried away by, be preoccupied by ”kMS [kyan hsa.] v ponder, consider, think carefully
AeÂkatk\ [Akyaw; te'] v have a stiff neck or back CF K¥in\'K¥c\.
CF zk\tk\ ”kMPn\ [kyan hpan] v 1) devise, improvise 2) contrive
AeÂkatc\;' AeeÂkaetac\. [Akyaw; tin;, Akyaw; taung.] v ”kMrapå [kyan ya ba] n accessory, accomplice, partner in
have stiff muscles crime
AeÂkaT [Akyaw; hta.] v 1) have sore muscles 2) [fig] be ”kMrv\Pn\rv\ [kyan ye hpan ye] n creativity,
salacious, be randy (inf), feel sexual desire resourcefulness, ability to find solutions and overcome
AeÂkaTMu [Akyaw; hton] v become numb, become obstacles CF lup\rv\kiuc\rv\ capacity for work
insensitive ”kMrXy\ [kyan ywE] v intend, mean to
AeÂkaTMu; [Akyaw; hton;] v (of veins) become varicose; m”kMAp\m”kMra' m”kMAp\msv\ra [måkyan a' måkyan ya,
(of muscles) swell måkyan a' måsi ya] n sthg sb should not think [?
AeÂka®pc\ [Akyaw; pyin] v massage CF ANxip\' AeÂkakiuc\ unthinkable? too awful to think? wrong view? or just a
AeÂkam¥k\ [Akyaw; mye'] v sprain, twist, wrench bad idea?]
AeÂkamYc\ [Akyaw; hmyin] n 1) capillary, smallest blood A”kM [Akyan] n 1) idea; advice 2) scheme, design;
vessel 2) (muscle or nerve) fibre (Br), fiber (Am) intention; project
AeÂkaliuk\ [Akyaw; lai'] n have a twitch A”kMˆa%\ [Akyan nyan] n advice
AeÂkalX´ [Akyaw; lwE;] v have displaced a tendon A”kMt¨ [Akyan tu] [Akyan du] v have the same idea, be of
AeÂka [Akyaw; the] v be paralysed the same opinion, intention, etc
AeÂkaA®Kc\ [Akyaw; Achin] n muscles — n like-minded people
eÂka2 [kyaw:] v wash, clean CF eS;eÂka A”kMtMu;ˆa%\tMu; [Akyan don; nyan don;] n idiot, stupid
eÂka. [kyaw.] v be smart(ly dressed),look smart, be well- person
dressed — adv (be) at a loss, at wit's end, out of ideas
eÂka.ema. [kyaw. maw.] v (of dress) smart, elegant, (of A”kMep; [Akyan pe;] [Akyan be;] v advise, give advice,
person) well turned out, well-groomed suggest, tell sb what one thinks (about sthg),
eÂka\1 [kyaw] v fry, deep fry recommend (change, course of action, etc)
eÂka\K¥k\ [kyaw gye'] n cooking style in which food is — n 1) consultant 2) advisor, counsellor
simmered in stock after frying A”kMep;K¥k\ [Akyan pe; gye'] n advice, suggestion,
AeÂka\ [Akyaw] n fritter, fried snack, fried dish recommendation; counsel
CF Akc\' AK¥k\' A®pot\' APut\' Aelxa\' Aqup\ A”kMep;ˆa%\ep; [Akyan pe; nyan be;; Akyan be;] n
AeÂka\Aelxa\ [Akyaw Ahlaw] n fried or roasted food 1) consultant 2) advisor, counsellor
eÂka\2 [kyaw] v shout CF eÂkX;eÂka\ A”kMepÅ [Akyan paw] v get an idea
eÂka\®ca [kyaw nya] v 1) advertise, publicise 2) shout A”kMepåk\ [Akyan pau'] v have a brainstorm (Br), have a
— n advertisement (advert, ad); (on radio, t.v.) brainwave, have a bright idea
commercial Ω eÂka\®caetXkiu yMurc\' eÂka\®cat´.q¨ A®ps\- A”kMpiuc\ [Akyan pain] v be clever, be smart; be ingenious
mhut\eta.B¨;" If you believe advertisements, it is not the A”kM®po [Akyan pyu.] v 1) advise, give advice, suggest,
advertiser's fault. recommend (change, course of action, etc), tell sb what
eÂka\®caK¥k\ [kyaw nya gye'] n notice S YN Aqiep;K¥k\ one thinks (about sthg) 2) Ó scheme, plan
eÂka\®casa [kyaw nya za] n (written) advertisement; A”kMe®mak\ [Akyan myau'] v realise one's aims, ideas,
pamphlet, brochure ; placard; handbill plans, etc S YN A”kMeAac\
eÂka\®caqc\pun\u; [kyaw nya thin bon:] n billboard, notice A”kMy¨ [Akyan yu] v think out; deliberate on
board A”kMr [Akyan ya.] v get an idea, have an idea

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 44

”kM ª ”kio;
A”kMelYa. [Akyan shaw.] v give up an idea, plan, project, ”kiotc\kakXy\eS; [kyo tin ka kwE hse:] n vaccine,
etc prophylactic ◊; prophylaxis ◊
A”kMqma; [Akyan dhAma;] n 1) a good thinker, planner, ”kioep; [kyo pe:] v advance (money to sb), give in
advisor, etc 2) [neg] plotter, schemer advance
A”kMqs\ˆa%\qs\ [Akyan dhi' nyan dhi'] n fresh idea, new ”koipiuÏka; [kyo po. ka:] n bus or van to bring workers or
angle students from home to work or school and back
A”kMAsv\ [Akyan Asi] n 1) idea; advice 2) scheme, S YN Py\r^ka;
design; intention; project ”kio®mc\ [kyo myin] v foresee, see Ω tiu k\pX´® Ps\ rc\
A”kMAPn\ [Akyan Ahpan] n scheme, idea; machination By\q¨etXKukƒ-erak\my\Siuta ”kio®mc\r´.la;"
fighting If
(neg) starts, who do you see suffering?
A”kMU^; [Akyan u;] v 1) take the initiative 2) forestall, A”kio [Akyo] v be preliminary, be introductory, come
anticipate, prevent CF lk\U^; before CF m¨”kio preschool
A”kMAiuk\ [Akyan ai'] v be in a jam, be in a fix, be in — n eve, time shortly before an event, holiday, etc
trouble, be in a hole A”kioenÏ [Akyo ne.] n 1) day before |fv_q”kçn\} Water
A”kMeAac\ [Akyan aung] v realise one's aims, ideas, Festival CF Ak¥enÏ' AÂkt\enÏ' Atk\enÏ 2) time just
plans, etc before an important event
”kM2 [kyan] n sugar cane CF qÂka; sugar ”kio”kioÂka;Âka;' A”kioAÂka; [gyo gyo gya: gya:, Akyo Akya;] n
”kMSs\ [kyan hsi'] n joint in sugar cane nook and cranny, small, narrow places, everywhere Upsa
”kMpc\ [kyan bin] n sugarcane Ω cåq¨>kiu ”kio”kio-Âka;Âka;etX-Â ka;T´ mxa liu k\-mrxa Niuc\ B¨;" We
”kMpn\;Kiuc\ [kyan pan: gain] n sugar-cane slices arranged on looked in every nook and cranny, but couldn't find him.
bamboo skewers to resemble a flower CF A”kioAÂka;
”kMrv\ [kyan ye] n sugar-cane juice ”kio> [kyo.] v belch, burp (inf)
”kMqka [kyan dhå (då) ga] n brown sugar ”kio>tk\' ”kio>Tiu; [gyo. te', kyo. hto:] v hiccough (Br),
”kM. [kyan.] v 1) be strong, be sturdy 2) be steadfast, be hiccup (Am) = el”kio>tk\ [ ph]
staunch, be resolute ”kio;1 [kyo:] v try, strive
— n 1) rhinoceros, rhino 2) one of the four rafters in ”kio;”kio;kut\kut\ [kyo: gyo: ko' ko'] adv diligently;
the roof of a pavilion conscientiously, carefully
”kM.”kM.KM [kyan. gyan. khan] adv steadfastly, resolutely, ”kio;sa; [kyo: za:] v try, strive, make an effort
unwaveringly ”kio;sa;mO [kyo: za: hmu.] n dilgent effort
”kM.Kiuc\ [kyan. khain] v 1) be strong, be sturdy 2) be ”kio;sa;pm\;sa; [kyo: za: pan: za:] adv with effort
steadfast, be staunch, be resolute ”kio;pm\; [kyo: pan:] v try, strive, make an effort
”kM.Sc\ [kyan. hsin] n Javan rhinoceros ts\”kio;tv\; [dågyo: dE:] adv in a stretch, at one time,
”kM.PXM> [kyan. hpun.] abbr abbreviation for the Union without stopping S YN ts\®Pt\tv\;
Solidarity and Development Association, USDA ”kio;2 [kyo:] v rumble, roar, (esp of thunder) roll
CF ®pv\eTac\ su-” kM.Kiuc\ PXM>“Pio;er;-A qc\;' ®pv\Kiuc\“Pio; ”kio;3 [kyo:] n 1) rope (if bigger than 3/16 inch, 4.8mm);
”kM.q¨eta\ [kyan. thu daw] n tapir S YN trrxø; twine; cord; yarn; string; thread; line, cable 2) (in gem)
”kio [kyo] v 1) meet sb on arrival Ω elSip\mxa Ev\.qv\- star 3) œstring instrument CF ”kio;tp\-t¨riya 4) œclass
qXa;”kioty\" She's gone to meet a guest at the airport. of songs in the Maha Gita used to teach classical music
2) welcome (sb or sthg) Ω erW”kio tout, promoter CF qMRiu; RF ”kio;K¥c\;. 5) system of movements (for dance)

— adv in advance ; ahead of ; in anticipation of CF k”kio;

”kiosU\;sa; [kyo sin; za;] v anticipate, predict, think ahead ”kio;k [kyo: ka.] n 1) dance of marionettes 2) dance in
Ω ek¥ac\;“p^;rc\ BaAlup\lup\my\ liuÏ ”kio sU\; sa;rc\ ekac\;my\" which performers imitate marionettes S YN ARup\(”kio;)k
It would be good to think ahead about what you will want ”kio;kiuc\ [kyo: kain] v [kyo: gain] 1) manipulate, control
to do when you leave school. — n 1) puppeteer 2) [fig] manipulator
”kioSiu [kyo zo] v welcome (sb or sthg) ”kio;k¥ [kyo: kya.] v be sentenced to be hanged, be
”kioSiupX´ [kyo zo bwE:] n reception, ceremony to welcome condemned (to death by hanging), get the rope (inf)
sb or sthg Ω emac\my\qs\lXc\”kioSiup´X welcoming ceremony for CF ”kio;SX´k¥' ”kio;ep;' ”kio;min\Ï k¥' eqd%\k¥
new students CF Ev\.KMpX´ ”kio;k¥s\ [kyo: kyi'] v lay rope, twist strands into rope,
”kiotc\ [kyo tin] adv in advance; ahead of; in twine, cord, etc
anticipation of, beforehand ”kio;”k^;K¥it\ [kyo: gyi: gyei']n silk thread woven into a
”kiotc\s^sU\ [kyo tin si sin] v (pre-)arrange wave pattern (on a silk puSiu; pasoe)
”kiotc\®pc\sc\ [kyo tin pyin sin] v prepare, plan ahead ”kio;kXc\; [kyo: gwin:] n noose, loop
Ω eAac\®mc\ mO-reAac\ ”kio tc\-® pc\Sc\ mO-rxirmv\" To be successful, ”kio;KMu [kyo: khon] v skip rope, jump rope
you have to plan ahead. ”kio;eKX⁄ [kyo: khwe] n coil (of rope, etc.)
”kiotc\lk\mxt\ [kyo tin le' hma'] n advance ticket ”kio;sc\ [kyo: zin] n gallows, scaffold, structure for

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 45

”kio;Âka ª Âkk\
hanging (as execution) CF ”kio;SX´k¥ astir 2) shimmer; be shimmering
”kio;SX´ [kyo: hswE:] v 1) manipulate the strings of a ”kio;eKX2 [kyo: khwe] n [onot] monkey's cry CF em¥ak\
marionette 2) tow a boat [kyo: zwE:] 3) [fig] pull the Âkk\1 [kye'] n chicken, poultry (raised for meat or eggs);
strings Upsa, manipulate (sb, situation, information, Âkk\kel; [kye' kåle:] n chicken
etc) Âkk\kn\;Sn\Aiu;tiu; [kye' kan; hsan o; to;] exp by blind
— n hangman, executioner chance L IT : ‘the blind chicken bumps into the pot of
”kio;SX´k¥ [kyo: zwE: kya.] v be hanged; be executed by rice’
hanging CF ”kio;k¥' ”kio;ep;' ”kio;min\Ï' eqd%\ [ rc] Âkk\e®K [kye' che (chi)] n cross(mark)
”kio;SX´K¥ [kyo: zwE: cha.] v hang oneself, commit suicide by Âkk\e®KKt\ [kye' che (chi) kha'] [kye' che (chi) ga'] v make a
hanging cross mark, make one's sign Ω samtt\q¨m¥a; lk\mxt\Tiu; rc\
”kioSX´rak [kyo; zwE; ya ka.] v [fig] be manipulated Âkk\e®KKt\n´> mxt\Ta;el.rxity\" People who can't write
”kio;viH [kyo; hnyI] v Œtune (a string instrument) make a cross mark when they have to sign. (Ie., instead of
”kio;tMta; [kyo: a signature.)
dåda] n suspension — n cross (mark)
bridge Âkk\e®Kn^Aqc\; [kye' che ni åthin:] n The Red Cross
”kio;Tiu; [kyo: hto:] v Society CF A®pv\®pv\Siuc\raÂkk\e®Kn^
finger weaving Âkk\®KM [kye' chan] n 1) chicken coop, chicken run
”kio;tiuk\ [kyo: dai'] 2) poultry farm
n death row Âkk\KXp\ [kye' khu'] v (of cock) fight
”kio;tn\; [kyo: dan:] n Âkk\S¨ [kye' hsu] n castor-oil plant Ω πANxs\mrxit´.eta'
”kio;tMta; suspension bridge tightrope, high wire Âkk\S¨pc\-mc\; m¨ in the country of the blind, the one-eyed
”kio;tn\;elYak\ man is king in the forest of worthless trees, the castor
[kyo: dan: shau'] v 1) walk a tightrope 2) [fig] walk a oil plant is king
tightrope Upsa, undertake a delicate task, work in Âkk\S¨S^ [kye' hsu zi] n castor oil
precarious situation Âkk\Sc\ [kye' hsin] n turkey
”kio;tp\t¨riya [kyo: ta' du ri> ya] n œstring instrument, Âkk\Sut\KXp\ps\ [kye' hso' khu' pyi'] n [rhet] style of
string [ ms] argumentation, first giving ground to opposing views,
”kio;TMu; [kyo: don:] n knot and later pouncing upon the words (Ie., in the style of a
”kio;d%\ [kyo: dan] n sentence of death by hanging fighting cock) CF ska;”k^;Sy\m¥io;
CF”kio;k¥' ”kio;SX´k¥' ”kio;ep;' ”kio;min\Ïk¥' eqd%\ [ rc] Âkk\vHaeK¥ac\;Siu; [kye' hnya chaung: zo:] n whooping
”kio;n^sns\ [kyo: ni såni'] n ∏bureaucracy, red tape cough, pertussis
(Direct translation from English.) Âkk\t¨erX; [kye' tu ywe:] n parrot
”kio;ep; [kyo: pe:] v hang, execute by hanging Âkk\eta [kye' taw:] n parakeet, budgerigar, budgie (inf)
CF”kio;SX´k¥' eqd%\ Âkk\tiuk\ [kye' tai'] v hold a cockfight
”kio;m´.eÂk;nn\; [kyo: me. kye: nan:] n radio wireless set [ md] Âkk\tc\; [kye' tin:] n nesting box for a hen
Âkk\etac\ [kye' daung] n shuttlecock, birdie (inf)
”kio;min\Ïk¥ [kyo: dan] v sentence to death by hanging CFÂkk\etac\Riuk\ (illus)
CF ”kio;k¥' ”kio;SX´k¥' ”kio;ep;' ”kio;d%\' eqd%\ [ rc] Âkk\etac\sv\; [kye' daung zi:] n hair fastened on top of
”kio;rTa; [kyo; yåhta; (yi' hta;)] n cable car the head
”kio;lXn\; [kyo: lun:] n strand of rope Âkk\etac\Riuk\ [kye' daung yai'] v play badminton
”kio;wiuc\; [kyo: wain:] v 1) (boxing, wrestling) ring Âkk\tin\vc\ [kye' tein nyin] n bantam, a type of small
2) forest reserve CF eB;m´.eta chicken
”kio;qma; [kyo: thåma:] n prisoner who has been Âkk\tXn\ [kye'
sentenced to death, condemned prisoner CF ”kio;SX´k¥' tun] n (of cock)
eqd%\' ”kio;tiuk\ [ rc] crow
”kio;q^K¥c\; [kyo: thåchin:] n œtype of song for the Âkk\epåk\s [kye'
Burmese harp (often used to teach Burmese classical pau' sa.] n chick
tunes) S YN TMt¥a [ ms] Âkk\epåc\ [kye'
”kio;Âka [gyo: gya] n saurus crane Ω ”kio;ÂkaSiu By\cxk\l´em; paung] n
Told it is a crane, he asks what kind of bird it is. 1) drumstick, Âkk\m' Âkk\epåk\s hen and chicks
”kio;Âkan^ [gyo: gya ni] n flamingo (illus) cooked chicken
”kio;Âka;”kio;Âka; [kyo: gya: kyo: gya:] adv off and on, leg 2) Œpararubber tree 3) Œvine which produces an
occasionally, sporadically, intermittently A NT K%K% edible drumstick-shaped fruit
CF ®pt\etac\;®pt\etac\; Âkk\epåc\es; [kye' paung ze: (zi:)] n rubber = raBa
”kio;ÂkX [kyo: kywa.] v 1) be prancing, cavorting, capering; be Âkk\ep¥ak\cxk\ep¥ak\ep¥ak\ [kye' pyau' hnge' pyau' pyau'] v

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 46

Âkk\ ª ”kiok\
(of a crowd) trickle out, disappear one by one CF tX n\Ï' rXM>' ln\Ï' qt†inv\;' Byankrq'
afraid of ghosts?
Âkk\pX´ [kye' pwE:] n cockfight q¨r´eBaeÂkac\' eqX; nv\;
Âkk\P [kye' hpa.] n rooster, cock CF Âkk\m eÂkak\kn\kn\ [kyau' kan kan] v strike out in desperation
Âkk\Pkel; [kye' hpa. gåle:] n cockerel S YN eÂkak\KMKM
Âkk\Pc\ [kye' hpin] n pale blotch appearing on the face eÂkak\eÂkak\rXM>rXM> [kyau' kyau' yun. yun.] adv in fear,
Âkk\Pc\S^B¨; [kye' hpin hsi bu;] n tail of a cooked chicken fearfully
eÂkak\Kmn\;lili [kyau' khåman: lI lI] adv horribly,
Âkk\m [kye' ma.] n hen CF Âkk\P terrifyingly; frighteningly; shockingly
Âkk\mtm\; [kye' mådan:] n pullet eÂkak\KMKM [kyau' khan khan] v strike out in fear
Âkk\emak\ [kye' mau'] n 1) cocks comb 2) coxcomb, S YN eÂkak\kn\kn\
love lies bleeding 3) rambutan (illus) eÂkak\eK¥;på [kyau' chi: pa] v be frightened out of one's
Âkk\m¥k\qc\. [kye' mye' thin.] n night blindness wits, shit one's pants (vulgar)
Âkk\emX;tM®mk\sv\; [kye' mwe: dåbye' si:] n feather duster eÂkak\Sut\eÂkak\Sut\ [kyau' hso' kyau' hso'] adv
(illus) haltingly (because of fear)
Âkk\emX;®møer; [kye' mwe: myu ye:] n poultry farming eÂkak\d¨;tun\ [kyau' du: ton] v [fig] tremble with fear
Âkk\Run\; [kye' yon:] n ŒArabian jasmine eÂkak\mk\ [kyau' me'] v be terrified; be frightened
Âkk\lYa [kye' sha] n 1) triangular shape L IT : ‘chicken eÂkak\rXM> [kyau' yun.] v fear; dread; be frightened, be
tongue’ 2) pennant, triangualar flag scared, be afraid; be intimidated
Âkk\lYasXn\; [kye' sha zun:] n triangular piece of land eÂkak\ln\Ï [kyau' lan.] v fear; dread; be frightened, be
= qn\l¥k\sXn\; scared, be afraid; be intimidated
Âkk\wiuc\; [kye' wain:] n cockfight eÂkak\eq;på [kyau' the: pa] v urinate because of fear,
Âkk\qma; [kye' thAma;] n 1) sb who raises fighting pee one's pants (inf)
cocks 2) sb who gambles at cockfights CF Âkk\tiuk\ eÂkak\Aa;ln\ÏAa; [kyau' a: lan. a:] adv in terror, in fear
Âkk\qa; [kye' tha:] n chicken (meat) AeÂkak\ [Akyau'] n 1) fear, fright 2) sense of fear RF
Âkk\q^;T [kye' thein: hta.] v get goose pimples (Br) AeÂkak\tra;.
goose bumps (Am), have hair stand on end (because of AeÂkak\”k^; [Akyau' kyi;] v timorous, timid; cowardly,
cold, fear, or excitement) = Âkk\q^;emX;vc\;T fearful
Âkk\q^;eNX; [kye' thein: nwe:] adj 1) (of water) lukewarm, AeÂkak\tra; [Akyau' tAya;] n sense of fear
tepid, room temperature 2) [fig] warm CF Arxk\tra;
Âkk\q^;emX;vc\;T [kye' thein: (thi:) mwe: nyin: hta.] v get Fear: the feeling you get when threatened with danger.
goose pimples (Br) goose bumps (Am), have hair stand The verb form is be afraid. Sandy is afraid of heights. Fear
of failure can stop people trying.
on end (because of cold, fear, or excitement) fright is a sudden fear. The verb form is frighten. The
barking dog frightened the child. The loud noise gave me
Âkk\eqeq [kye' the the] v be struck dumb, be a fright.
nonplussed, be thunderstruck; be in a daze (from fear or alarm is a realisation that you are in danger. It is most
common as a noun, and in the form alarming. There was
shock) an alarming rise in cholera after the flood.
Âkk\eqX;erac\ [kye' thwe: yaung] n deep red, crimson, dread is an intense fear of something that you expect to
happen. The student who hasn't studied dreads the exam.
dark red panic is a sudden fear that makes one act before
Âkk\hc\;Kå; [kye' hin: ga:] n bitter gourd (illus) thinking. It is also used to describe the fear and the
actions of a crowd. Panic made the driver step on the
Âkk\U [kye' u.] n egg clutch instead of the brake. When an actor was shot in
Âkk\U^;tXn\ [kye' u: dun] n time of the first cock crow, the play, it was so realistic that there was a panic and
people rushed to the stage and to the doors.
dawn terror is extreme and intense fear. The verb form is be
Âkk\Aip\Âkk\Niu; [kye' ei' kye' no:] v catnap; doze; drift in terrified.
horror is fear combined with shock or disgust. The verb
and out of sleep Ω vk q¨-ekac\;ekac\; Aip\mep¥a\B¨;" form is be horrified. Naw Thanda has a horror of snakes.
Âkk\Aip\-Âkk\Niu;p´" He hadn’t slept well at night, he drifted She was horrified when she saw one entering her room.
in and out of sleep.
Âkk\2 [kye'] v stretch taut Sorry, not finished yet. Also to be ocvered:
be afraid, startle sb, be alarmed, be frightened, panic,
Âkk\qXn\ [kye' thun] n shallot (small red onion) be terrified, be horrified
Note: I'm afraid I won't be ab le to come. Refusal with regrets.
Âkk\qXn\eKåc\; [kye' thun gaung:] n 1) onion, bulb of garlic
2) four-sided curved finial atop a roof, usu. of
monastery and palace buildings ”kiok\ [kyai'] v 1) like, be pleased with 2) Ócoincide,
Âkk\qXn\n^ [kye' thun ni] n shallot (small red onion) happen at the same time CF ”kMo”kio k\
Âkk\qXn\®Pø [kye' thun byu] n garlic — part conjunction indicating two things happening at
Âkk\qXn\“mit\ [kye' thun mei'] n onion tops the same time: while
eÂkak\ [kyau'] v fear; dread; be frightened, be scared, be ”kiok\v^ [kyai' nyi'] v agree, concur, have the same taste
afraid; be intimidated Ω qr´kiu meÂkak\B¨;la;" Aren't you (as sb), like the same thing (as sb)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 47

Âkc\ ª eÂkac\;
”kiok\Nxs\qk\ [kyai' hni' the'] v be fond of, like addled
A”kiok\ [Akyai'] n 1) ¬same time as some event, etc eÂkac\etac\NOik\ [kyaung taung hnai'] v [fig] (of a woman)
2) taste, liking 3) sthg that one likes, sthg to one's openly commit adultery L IT : ‘(snatch a man) even in
taste broad daylight, even in public’ CF lc\Kiu;m' mya;Ki;u
A”kiok\v^ [Akyai' nyi] v 1) be to sb's liking, be to sb's
taste 2) be in agreement eÂkac\T^; [kyaung di:] n male cat, tomcat, tom
A”kiok\etX> [Akyai' twe.] v enjoy eÂkac\pn\; [kyaung ban:] n Œchaste tree, a strong-
Âkc\ [kyin] v be kind, be compassionate, be tender smelling bush with edible round leaves
Âkc\sU^; [kin za. u:] n 1) [poet] first love 2) newlyweds eÂkac\Pa; [kyaung ba:] n 1) large tomcat 2) wildcat
Âkc\na [kyin na] v be kind, be compassionate, be tender = etaeÂkac\
Âkc\ePa\' Âkc\Pk\' Âkc\ra [kyin hpaw (baw), kyin hpe', kyin eÂkac\m [kyaung ma.] n (female) cat
ya] n spouse, husband or wife CF zn^;' Kc\pXn\; eÂkac\m¥k\rX´ [kyaung mye' ywE:] n cat's eye (kind of grey
Âkc\raeta\ [kyin ya daw] n consort of king's son or chalcedony with glowing internal reflections) CF nwrt\
daughter S YN em¥ak\qa; eÂkac\erK¥io;ep; [kyaung ye cho; pe;] v [fig] do sthg just to
AÂkc\na [Akyin na] n compassion keep busy, kill time
AÂkc\lc\mya; [Akyin lin mAya;] n married couple, eÂkac\lk\qv\;wxk\ [kyaung le' thE: hwe'] v [fig] keeping
husband and wife one's capabilities hidden until required L I T : ‘hiding cat's
AÂkc\ [Akyin] pron that claws’ CF K¥ioTa;
AÂkc\mY [Akyin hmya.] pron that much, that many eÂkac\lim\elxka; [kyaung lein hle ga:] n spiral stairs
Âkc\Âkc\ [kyin gyin] part tinged with (warm colour) (illus: file spiral stairs)

eÂkac\ [kyaung] v 1) be odd; be dissonant; be discordant; be eÂkac\lYa [kyaung sha] n ŒIndian trumpet, tree with
disconnected 2) be dazed; look puzzled, look lost; be long, edible pods
befuddled, be confused, be disconcerted 3) [inf] be out eÂkac\wMpiuc\. [kyaung win bain.] n palm civet
of touch, act strangely, have no idea (inf) 4) feel shy, eÂkac\q¨eta\ [kyaung thu daw] n [fig] hypocrite
odd, or awkward (in unfamiliar circumstances), feel out eÂkac\Aim\ [kyaung ein] n larder, meat safe (illus)
of place A NT r´ CF rxk\ 5) be cowardly CF q¨r´eBaeÂkac\' AeÂkac\tiuk\ [Akyaung tai'] v talk, act, etc offensively,
qti†eÂkac\' eqX; eÂkac\ 6) be tainted, be contaminated atrociously, outrageously, shamelessly Ω Aim\rxc\ k
7) have insomnia, not be able to sleep, be sleepless q¨>Aim\mxaenta m”kiok\mxn\; qiepm´. q¨keta. AeÂkac\tiuk\“p^;
CF enenta-ts\lek¥a\“p^" Even though he knew the owner
— n 1) cat Ω πeÂkac\mrxiliuÏ ÂkXk\®mø;" The mice play when didn’t like him staying there, he has been shamelessly
the cat is away. (Discipline must be constantly imposed.) staying on for over a month.
2) cat's eye (gemstone) RF eÂkac\m¥k\rX´. AeÂkac\Riuk\ [Akyaung yai'] v pretend, fool Ω “mio>”k^;etXmxa
eÂkac\ktiu; [kyaung gådo:] n civet ts\eyak\kiu-ts\eyak\ mqiÂketa. Bura;l¨”k^; påliuÏ
eÂkac\kel; [kyaung gåle:] n kitten; kitty, pussycat AeÂkac\Riuk\“p^; AlØKMt´.q¨etX Am¥a;”k^; p´" As people don't
eÂkac\k¥k¥ [kyaung gya. kya.] v 1) [fig] land on one's feet know who is who in the big cities, there are many people
2) [fig] fall gracefully from position of power or prestige pretending to be pagoda trustees, and collecting donations.
CF eKX;k¥k¥
AeÂkac\qa; [Akyaung dha;] adv in a daze; in shock; in a
eÂkac\eÂkac\k¥a;k¥a; [kyaung gyaung kya: gya:] v be haze, in a fog
multicoloured, be variegated, be motley AeÂkac\Ak¥a; [Akyaung Akya;] n loud design or pattern
eÂkac\Âkv\. [kyaung kyi>] v look blank eÂkac\ .(miuÏ(liuÏ)) [kyaung. (mo. (lo.))] part because of, due to,
eÂkac\s^s^ [kyaung si zi] adv 1) in a daze 2) in a confusion thanks to, on account of: suffix to noun or phrase,
3) (feel) out of place indicating reason or cause CF ABy\.eÂkac\.Siueqa\'
eÂkac\tMcå [kyaung tånga] n fishing cat TiuÏeÂkac\.' ®Ps\eqaeÂkac\.' qiuÏ®Ps\j' ™ (A´)dåeÂkac\.
eÂkac\tk\tk\ [kyaung te' te'] adv eÂkac\.Âk [kyaung. gya.] v worry, be anxious S YN siu;rim\
S YN eÂkac\etac\etac\ 1) in a daze 2) in confusion eÂkac.\Âksiuk\ [kyaung. gya. sai'] v do something out of
3) (feel) out of place concern for another
eÂkac\etac\ [kyaung daung] adv in public, in broad eÂkac\.ÂkmO [kyaung. gya. hmu.] n anxiety, worry
daylight AeÂkac\.Âk [Akyaung. gya.] n anxiety
eÂkac\etac\kn\; [kyaung daung gan:] n 1) gutta serena, a eÂkac\; [kyaung:] n 1) route (followed) Ω ereÂkac\; water
kind of blindness 2) person with gutta serena 3) [int] route, eleÂkac\; airway 2) cause, circumstance
interjection equivalent to ‘Idiot! Look what you're 3) reason, purpose 4) line Ω saeÂkac\; line of writing
doing!’ 5) tradition; way, means
eÂkac\etac\etac\ [kyaung taung taung] adv 1) in a daze — v lead, show the way
2) confusedly, disconcertedly 3) (feel) out of place — part 1) particle suffixed to verbs to form nouns
S YN eÂkac\ tk\ tk\ 4) be confused, be muddled, be 2) sentence ending marker used in reports, and reported

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 48

Âkioc\ ª Âkv\
speech Ω Sraeta\”k^; erak\la-eÂkac\; qtc\;-ep;ty\" declining economy = AeÂkac\; mxaka; AeÂkac\;mxam¨
Someone came and told us the abbot was about to arrive. AeÂkac\;m´. [Akyaung; mE.] adv indiscriminately,
CF AeÂkac\; [? one more change here I can't read] arbitrarily, haphazardly, randomly, at random, for no
3) count word for lines of writing Ω d^(3)eÂkac\; P¥k\rmy\" (particular) reason, willy-nilly (inf) Ω kel;etX-AeÂkac\; m´.
We'll cut these three lines. [ nc] PaetX liuk\Pm\; ty\" The children went along, catching
eÂkac\;t¨qMkX´ [kyaung: du than gwE:] n synonym frogs for no particular reason.
CF qMt¨eÂkac\;kX´ homonym' Sn\>k¥c\Pk\ antonym AeÂkac\;mxaka;' AeÂkac\;mxam¨ [Akyaung; hma ka;,
eÂkac\;ep; [kyaung: pe:] v lead orally in lessons, Akyaung; hma mu] part suffix to phrase indicating cause:
recitations, etc because of, the reason being = AeÂkac\;m¨ka;
eÂkac\;lm\; [kyaung: lan:]
v request formally a marriage AeÂkac\;mY [Akyaung; hmya.] v be married CF AeÂkac\;på'
between one's son and the parents of the prospective AeÂkac\; qc\.
bride AeÂkac\;rc\; [Akyaung; yin;] n root, (fundamental) cause
AeÂkac\; [Akyaung;] n 1) information, facts, etc about S YN AeÂkac\;KM
sthg; reason, purpose RF AeÂkac\;K¥c\;t' AeÂkac\;®Kc\;ra. AeÂkac\;rxa [Akyaung; sha] v 1) look or search for the
3) cause; circumstance CF Ak¥io; effect RF AeÂkac\; tra;. causes, reasons, etc Ω ´®pœnaetX-®Ps\e nÂktakiu
4) line AeÂkac\;rxa-Âkv\.rc\ l¨ etXmxa qv\;KMsit\mrxita ADikp´"
AeÂkac\;ekac\; [Akyaung; kaung;] v be lucky, be When you look for the causes of problems, you find that the
fortunate main cause is people’s intolerance. 2) find excuses,
AeÂkac\;kun\ [Akyaung; kon] v (of marriage) end justification, rationalisation, reason, etc Ω Aim\mxa
AeÂkac\;Âka; [Akyaung; kya;] v report (sthg), inform (sb), menK¥c\luÏi A“m´tn\; AeÂkac\; rxa“p^ A®pc\TXk\ty\" She was
give an account (of) always finding a reason to go out, as she didn’t like staying
AeÂkac\;eÂkac\; [Akyaung; gyaung;] n certain reasons, at home.
various reasons AeÂkac\;qi [Akyaung; thI] [Akyaung; dhI] v know sthg or sb
AeÂkac\;KM [Akyaung; gan] n root, (fundamental) cause very well, know all about sthg or sb
S YN AeÂkac\;rc\; — n sb who knows thoroughly a certain person
AeÂkac\;K¥c\;t' AeÂkac\;®Kc\;ra [Akyaung; chin; ta., AeÂkac\;qc\. [Akyaung; thin.] v 1) be favourable (Br). be
Akyaung; chin; ya] n information, facts, etc about sthg favorable (Am) 2) be married S YN AeÂkac\;på' AeÂkac\; mY
AeÂkac\;sp\ [Akyaung; sa'] v 1) coincide 2) have reference AeÂkac\;Ak¥io;tra; [Akyaung; Akyo; tAya;] n law of cause
to and effect
AeÂkac\;Siu; [Akyaung; hso;] v be unfortunate AeÂkac\;AK¥k\ [Akyaung; Ache'] n fact
AeÂkac\;Sk\ [Akyaung; hse'] v marry (two people), AeÂkac\;Aepåc\;sMu [Akyaung; Apaung; son] v have many
perform a marriage ceremony S YN AeÂkac\;SMu causes, happen for many reasons, be the combined
AeÂkac\;Siuk\' AeÂkac\;Siuc\ [Akyaung; hsai', Akyaung; effect of many elements
hsain] v be opportune AeÂkac\;Aepåc\;qc\. [Akyaung; Apaung; thin.] v 1) (of
AeÂkac\;SMu [Akyaung; hson] v marry (two people), whole situation) be favourable 2) be on good terms
perform a marriage ceremony S YN AeÂkac\;Sk\ (with), be on friendly footing (with)
AeÂkac\;tra; [Akyaung; tAya;] n cuase, circumstance AeÂkac\;Ara [Akyaung; Aya] n subject (matter), topic,
AeÂkac\;T¨; [Akyaung; du;] n extraordinary issue
circumstances; exceptional or special reasons Âkioc\ [kyain] v be fragrant, be sweet-smelling S YN emW;p¥M>'
AeÂkac\;på [Akyaung; pa] v 1) be married S YN AeÂkac\;mY' qc\;
AeÂkac\; qc\. 2) be fated, be destined ”kioc\lOic\ [kyain hlain] v be aromatic, be very fragrant
AeÂkac\;®p [Akyaung; pya.] v 1) argue one’s case; show ÂkU\ [kyin] v 1) avoid, shun Ω kel;-ArXy\mxa Amxa;-lup\rc\
causes, justify one’s views, argument, etc 2) assert enac\-ÂkU\eAac\-SMu; mTa;rmy\" When children do something
oneself, show one’s knowledge or power 3) give reasons wrong, we teach them to avoid making the same mistake in
for one’s actions, justify oneself or one’s actions, give the future. S YN erx ac\Â kU\ 2) exclude; [relig]
an excuse, make rationalisations excommunicate Ω Aqiuc\; Awiuc\;k ÂkU\Ta;ty\" He was
AeÂkac\;®pK¥k\ [Akyaung; pya. gye'] n excuse, justification, excluded from the group. CF py\
rationalisation Âkv\ [kyi] v 1) be clear, be clean; be transparent
AeÂkac\;®po [Akyaung; pyu.] v base on (sthg), act, speak, 2) approve, give a positive response Ω emac\emac\
etc with reference to sthg or sb ekac\mel;kiu piu;enta Âkv\qXa;“p^la;" Has your girlfriend
AeÂkac\;mtn\ [Akyaung; mAtan] adv extremely, said yes yet, Maung Maung? [? no . under maung?] 3) be
exceedingly, excessively joyous
AeÂkac\;mlx [Akyaung; mAhla.] v be unlucky — n star S YN Âky\
AeÂkac\;m¨ka; [Akyaung; mu ka;] part ¬suffix to phrase Âkv\Âkv\rWc\rWc\ [kyi gyi shwin shwin] adv cheerfully
indicating cause: because of, the reason being Âkv\Viu [kyi nyo] v respect, revere S YN el;sa; [? add to
Ω s^; pXa;er;k¥Sc\; rqv\.-AeÂkac\;-m¨ka; because of the list of respects?]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 49

Âkv\. ª Âkn\ÏÂka
Âkv\N¨; [kyi nu:] v be delighted, be very pleased; Âkv\.mxn\ [kyi> hman] n mirror, looking glass
enraptured Âkv\.RO [kyi> shu.] v 1) look (at) 2) take care of, care for,
Âkv\®paerac\ [kyi bya yaung] n azure, sky blue, powder look after; help, support
blue Âkv\.ROesac\m [kyi> shu. saung ma.] v take care of, care for,
Âkv\®Pø [kyi byu] v 1) be polite, be cordial 2) approve; look after; help, support
be agreeable (to) 3) accept without complaint Âkv\.ROss\eS; [kyI shu. si' hse;] v Íinspect
Âkv\lc\ [kyi lin] v 1) be clear, be clean; be transparent AÂkv\. [AkyI] n 1) look, glance 2) peek, look, glimpse,
2) be in a good mood 3) have a clear mind Ω Aip\er;wliuÏ glance [? check division: he gave me a look that chilled
sit\Âkv\lc\enty\" Now that I got enough sleep, my mind my spine. Could you have a glance at this story?]
is clear.
Âkv\qa [kyi tha] v be in a pleasant mood; be willing AÂkv\.ARO [AkyI Ashu.] n help, support, protection [ rc]
(to), be agreeable (to) Âkv\; [kyi:] n land Ω Put\Âkv\;q÷h\ CF kun\; [? what is this?]
AÂkv\ [Akyi] v be clear, be transparent
— n organ of the five senses CF AaRuMcå;på; RF AÂkv\Dat\. Âkv\;eÂkac\; [kyi: gyaung:]n land route S YN kun\;eÂkac\;
[? check: i.e., brain?] eleÂkac\; air route, ereÂkac\; water route
— adv [poet] gently ; willingly CF AÂkv\Aqa Âkv\;tp\ [kyi: da'] n Íarmy, land forces
AÂkv\Siuk\ [Akyi sai'] v (esp of a couple) be very happy Âkt\1 [kya'] n ©eclipse Ω enÂkt\ solar eclipse, eclipse of the
(together) sun; lÂkt\ lunar eclipse = Âks\
AÂkv\viop¥k\ [Akyi nyo pye'] v lose respect for sb, Âkt\2 [kya'] n mirage, apparition, supernatural illusion
become lower sb in one’s view CF mekac\; Siu;wå;
AÂkv\eta\ [Akyi daw] pron Your Majesty, term used by AÂkt\enÏ [Akya' ne.] n second day of Thingyan q”kn\ Water
monarchs to address each other; term used by heads of Festival; days between the first and last days of the
state to address each other [? ??] festival CF A”kioenÏ' Ak¥enÏ' Atk\enÏ
AÂkv\Dat\ [Akyi da'] n organ of the five senses Âkti†ka [kya' ti> ka] n ©constellation of seven starts in the
AÂkv\ [Akyi Atha] adv gently ; willingly shape of a brood of chicks; the third lunar mansion;
Âkv\. [kyi>] v 1) look (at), watch; observe 2) take care of, Pleiades = eP¥ak\Sip\
care for, look after; help, support Ω By\q¨>-m¥k\Nxamx ”kit\ [kyei'] v 1) grind, mill; crush Ω eka\P^”kit\ grind coffee
mÂkv\.B¨;" q¨>Bw-ekac\;sa;er; ts\Kutv\; p´ Âkv\.ty\" He Ω spå;”ki t\ mill rice 2) be run over 3) work hard at sthg,
has no consideration for others, he only watches out for his give (it) one's all
own benefit. — n hand mill to husk grain
— adv with care ”kit\”kit\tiu; [kyei' kyei' to:] v jostle; be overcrowded
— part particle attached to verbs to give the sense of ”kit\eK¥ [kyei' che] v grind
trying to do sthg; try Ω ”kio;sa;Âkv\.påAMu;" Let's try (hard). ”kit\SuM [kyei' hson] n 1) hand mill used to husk grain
Ω lu p\Â kv\. sm\;på" Try it. Try to do it. Ω qXa;Âkv\. my\" Let's go 2) hand mill used to grind grain into paste
and see. Ω kiuc\kk\Âkv\. sa;sk\Âkv\. Âkv\Âkk\lup\ ”kit\NOn\; [kyei' hnon:] n average, average price Ω d^psßv\;-
em;mk\Âkv\. [? what are these?] Aa;lMu;kiu ”kit\NOn\;-By\elak\n´Ï ep;eK¥rml´" What price can
you give me for all these things together? S YN p¥m\;mY [?
try to V For English speakers:
V Âkv.\ /sm\ ; or sm\; V the Burmese has more the trans ok? no longer sure of def]
1' esaesak kÁn\eta\ Amkui- meaning of "try out, test" In ”kit\mNiuc\K´mr®Ps\ [kyei' månain khE: måya. hpyi'] v be
many cases the English use of
Pun\;Sk\ty\' dåepm´.- "try" cannot be translated frustrated; bear in frustration L IT : ‘can't grind, can't
By\mxmkuic\B ;" directly using V Âkv\. bite’ CF m¥iomreTX; mr®Ps\
2' q¨®pn\e®paK¥c\lv\; mrB¨;" 1) I tried to call you earlier but ”kit\mxit\ [kyei' hmei'] adv patiently, tolerantly, without
no one was home.
2) She tried to answer but complaint, uncomplainingly
couldn't. A”kit\Any\ [Akyei' AnE] adv wholeheartedly, zealously,
keenly [? def ok?]
Âkv\.kc\; [kyI kin;] n Íobservation post ”kit\mxn\ [kyei' hman] n Œcommon medicinal herb with small
Âkv\.k¥k\lup\ [kyI kye' lo'] v do carefully [? check triangular leaves, growing in damp areas
spelling] Âkot\ [kyo'] n (jewelry) box, casket; reliquary
Âkv\.K¥c\p´X [kyi> gyin bwE:] n complimentary dance or Ω rtnaerWÂ kot\' NO t\cMu eta\rxi [fig] be pregnant
dramatic performance open to all comers (For singing, Âkn\(Ag:) [kyan (in ga)] n distinctive sign or mark CF Amxt\
comedy, or poetry reading) open mike S YN blapX´' RuMpX´ [? Âkn\sMu [kyan son] n ideal specimen (of elephant, horse,
check: really open to all performers or only for cattle, etc), with all the typical features [ bs]
observers?] Âkn\Ac\lkƒ%a [kyan in le' khåna] n signs, features,
Âkv\.ep¥a\ROep¥a\ [kyi> byaw shu. byaw] v be passable, not be qualities
too bad, be okay Ω rXk\Âkm\;erkir [? check: what is this? ] Âkn\ÏÂka [kyan. gya] v be slow; be late, be tardy (esp to

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 50

Âkp\ ª ”kMo
school); be delayed AÂkm\;kiuc\ [Akyan; kain] v handle roughly, manhandle
Âkp\ [kya'] v supervise AÂkm\;KM [Akyan;khan] v (of things) sturdy, durable,
Âkp\Âkp\ [kya' kya'] adv always, persistently tough, long-wearing, tough-wearing, heavy-duty; (of
Âkp\Âkp\tc\;tc\; [kya' kya' tin: din:] adv strictly, rigidly people) tough, strong, sturdy
Ω Âkp\Â kp\ tc\;tc\; ta;®ms\ strictly prohibited AÂkm\;Tv\ [Akyan; dE] n 1) coarse or rough cloth
= tc\; tc\; k¥p\k¥p\ CF AeK¥aTv\ 2) unfinished goods, unfinished product,

Âkp\mt\ [kya' ma'] v supervise closely [? can't read the unprocessed materials CF AeK¥aTv\
note] AÂkm\;ptm\; [Akyan; bAdan;] adv roughly, violently
AÂkp\ [Akya'] n 1) supervisor 2) Ícollective term for AÂkm\;pk\si [Akyan; be' zI] n bad, dirty, or obscene
sergeants, corporals and lance-corporals 3) ÓÍsoldier language
in charge of a squad of 10 troops in the royal army AÂkm\;Pk\ [Akyan; hpe'] v use violence, use force, use
violent means; terrorise ∏
AÂkp\ASc\. [Akya' Ahsin.] n 1) forcibly 2) rigidly AÂkm\;Pk\qma; [Akyan; hpe' thAma;] n sb who used
Âkp\Tup\ [kya' hto'] n cloth bag filled with heated salt, violence; terrorist ∏
turmeric, etc, used in home remedies AÂkm\;P¥c\; [Akyan; byin;] n 1) outline (of a story, etc)
Âkp\Tup\Tiu; [kya' hto' hto:] v use Âkp\Tup\ 2) approximation, (rough) idea Ω AÂkm\;P¥c\;
AÂkop\ASc\. [Akyo' Ahsin.] n Ótier; sthg stacked, sthg in By\elak\k¥ml´" About how much will it cost?
tiers, sthg nested [? ok, or is it the stack?] — adv around, about, roughly, more or less,
Âkmµa [kyåma] n 1) karma, kamma = kMÂkmµa 2) fate (usually approximately; in general
negative) ”kim\1 [kyein] v Ómeet; coincide
Âkmµacc\ [kyåma ngin] v have an ill fate, suffer misfortune — part count word used to count frequency, number of
times Ω By\Nxs\-”kim\l´" How many times? Ω (3)-”kim\-e®mak\-
ÂkmµaRiuc\; [? need def] eta\lxn\er;en-Ï pX´ third Revolution Day Festival CF Kå' Pn\'
Âkm\;1 [kyan:] n 1) floor 2) weighted bamboo net used to e®mak\ [ nc]
push fish into a weir ”kim\NOn\; [kyein hnon:] n frequency
Âkm\;Âka;elÂka; [? def, pron, everything] ”kim\Pn\m¥a;sXa [kyein hpan mya: zwa] adv many times, over
Âkm\;Kc\;eZ; [kyan: khin: ze:] n ¥floor price and over
Âkm\;tiuk\ [kyan: tai'] v [gyan: tai'] 1) scrub, polish a floor A”kim\ [Akyein] n frequency, number of times, (where
2) trawl (for fish) time is specified) rate
Âkm\;piu; [gyåbo:] n 1) bedbug 2) vagrant, hobo (Am) ”kim\2 [kyein] n cane, rattan
[ ph] ”kim\tiuÏ [kyein to.] v goad, prod
Âkm\;piu;Tiu; [gyåbo: hto;] v 1) (of bedbug) bite ”kim\d%\ [kyein dan] n punishment by caning Ω ”kim\d%\-
2) S YN el¥ak\qa;el¥ak\lup\ [? need def: the syn is also AK¥k\tSy\ ten strokes of the cane CW K¥k\ stroke
not in the dictionary] ”kim\NXy\ [kyein nwE] n Œrattan (vine); liana
Âkm\;®pc\ [kyan: byin] [gyåbyin] n floor (of house, ocean, ”kim\lMu; [kyein lon:] n cane, length of cane (for striking)
etc.); open extension of the floor of a house, perron
= k®pc\ ”kim\; [kyein:] v 1) challenge, boast 2) scold CF S¨
Âkm\;®pc\tMKå; [kyan; byin dAga;] n trapdoor [? new ko ni 3) threaten 4) be afraid
ta] ”kim\;emac\; [kyein: maung:] v scold sharply, berate, tell sb
Âkm\;2 [kyan:] v 1) be rough, be harsh, be nasty (inf); be off, dress sb down
violent, be vicious; be severe, be tough (inf) 2) be ”kim\;wå; [kyein: wa:] v 1) threaten 2) challenge
coarse, be rough; be unprocessed A”kim\;Aemac\; [Akyein; Amaung;] n scolding, dressing
Âkm\;Âkot\ [kyan: gyo'] v 1) harsh, cruel (treatment, etc) down, telling off, wig (Br ∞)
2) ferocious (tiger, etc) ”kMo1 [kyon] v 1) meet or happen by chance or by accident
Âkm\;tm\; [kyan: dan:] v be violent, be harsh or unintentionally or coincidentally 2) be opportune, be
Âkm\;eTa\ [kyan: htaw] v (of texture) be coarse, be rough a good chance
”kMo”kiok\ [kyon gyai'] v meet or happen by chance or by
AÂkm\; [Akyan;] n 1) sthg rough, unrefined or accident or unintentionally or coincidentally CF tiuk\Siuc\
unprocessed; sthg coarse, sthg crude A NT AeK¥a
2) violent or rough person, character, treatment, ”kMo”kiok\liuÏ [kyon gyai' lo.]
adv by chance, by accident,
manners, act, etc CF AÂkm\; Pk\ 3) (of poem, report, unintentionally, coincidentally CF tiuk\Siuc\liuÏ
story, etc) (rough) draft, outline; (of estimates, ”kMora [kyon ya] adv whatever (one finds, sees, etc)
calculations, etc) (rough) estimate, (rough) guess; (of CF k¥ra
design, drawing, painting, etc) draft, sketch, rough ”kMoqliu [kyon dhAlo] adv without planning,
drawing A NT AeK¥a 4) oolong tea = ereNX;Âkm\; spontaneously, ad hoc CF k¥pn\;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 51

”kMo ª kX´
”kMo2 [kyon] v be thin, be skinny CF pin\ different, be a different story (inf)
”kMolx^ [kyon hli] v be thin and stunted kXXahK¥k\ [kwa ha. gye'] n gap; difference; discrepancy
”kMo; [kyon:] v proclaim (one's skill, capabilities) Ω mc\; Ae®pan´>Alup\k kXXa hK¥k\ m¥a;lX n\ty\" There is a
”kMo;wå; [kyon: wa:] v loudly proclaim one's aims or discrepancy between what you say and what you do. Ω ?
achievements, esp as a challenge or threat Clearly I should stop smoking, but there is still a gap
Âky\ [kyE] n star CF Âkv\ CW pXc\. between what I know and what I do. Ω A´d-^ kXahK¥k\etX-
Âky\eÂkX [kyE kywe] v (of a star) fall CF Âky\p¥M eÂkac\. q¨tiuÏha Aim\-ts\Aim\T´mxaetac\ At¨-enliuÏ-mrNiuc\K´.B¨;"
Âky\cå; [kyE nga:] n starfish Because of their differences, they could not even live in the
Âky\su [kyE zu.] n constellation same house.
Âky\sc\ [kyE zin] v star AkXa(Aew;) [Akwa (Awe;)] n distance
Âky\sU\ [kyE zin] n row of stars CF Kuns\sU\Âky\ Ursa kXXa2 [kwa] part ™particle at the end of a sentence to give
Major it a friendly tone; used between friends and from senior
Âky\tMKXn\ [kyE dågun] n comet to junior Ω cåÏ kiu k¨v^påkXa" Please help me out. CF kX' kXy\
Âky\edX;eBa\ [kyE dwe: baw] n binary star (Lit
translation from English.) kXa3 [kwa] n [prison] quarter (of the year); remission
Âky\n^ [kyE ni] n morning star = lc\;U^;tara' earned in a quarter [Engl]
mui;eqak\Âky\ kXXaes. [kwa si>] n kind of roasted seeds in a shell [? ok??]
Âky\p¥M [kyE byan] n shooting star, falling star kXXat [kwa ta.] n quarter (12.5 kg) [Engl]
Âky\®papn\; [kyE bya pan:] n blue leadwort kXata; [kwa ta;] n Ílockup (for minor offences), brig (inf,
Âky\pXc\. [kyE bwin.] n 1) star 2) star (shape) esp ∑) [Engl quarter] S YN ss\K¥op\
Âky\®mc\l®mc\ [kyE myin la. myin] n [fig] house with a roof kXata;k¥ [kwa ta; kya.] v Íbe punished by spending a
full of holes L IT : ‘with view of stars and moon’ period of time in a lockup CF eTac\k¥
Âky\q^; [kyE (kyi) dhi:] n button; stud = Nxip\q^;' Tup\q^; kXi [kwI] v 1) end quickly 2) [sl] get arrested Ω mc\;d^liu
Âky\q^;tp\ [kyE (kyi) dhi: ta'] v button (sthg) (up) eS;Sk\K¥enrc\ mÂkaKc\ kXiqXa;lim\.my\" If you keep doing
A NT Âky\q^;®Pot\ drugs like this, they'll catch you before long.
Âky\q^;epåk\ [kyE (kyi) dhi; pau'] n buttonhole kXikn´' kXiKn´ [kwI gånE] adv in one stroke, right away,
Âky\q^;®Pot\ [kyE (kyi) dhi: hpyo'] v unbutton without delay, at once Ω Aim\enak\eB;k Âkk\kiu Pm\; ta
A NT Âky\q^;tp\ kXikn´mity\" When I went to catch the chicken behind the
kX1 [gwa.] v be bow-legged, be bandy-legged = gX CF pukXkX house, I got it at once. S YN tn\;kn´
kX^Niuc\ [kwi nain] n quinine [Engl]
kXk¥ [gwa. kya.] v be difficult = kXt^;kXk¥ ekX [kwe] v be separated, parted, split
kXtkXt [gwa. ta. gwa. ta.] adv (walk) with legs apart ekXkXc\; [kwe kwin:] v be separated, parted, split
kXt^;kXk¥ [gwa. ti; gwa kya.] v be difficult = kXk¥ ekX> [kwe.] [gwe.] v turn, veer
kX2 [kwa.] part ™sentence ending particle, conveying a — n 1) curve, bend, turn Ω AN|ray\ekX> dangerous curve
feeling of friendship and camaraderie among men Ω Aim\kiu (e.g., road sign) 2) ∏gulf, bay Ω pc\ly\ekX>ss\pX´> Gulf War
Alv\lapåAMu; kX" Hey, why don't you come round to my Ω Bgç la;pc\ ly\e kX> CF K¥ioc\
place? CF kXa ekX>ekak\ [kwe. kau'] v be curved, be crooked, be
AkX [Akwa.] adv Ótogether with zigzag, not be straight
tkX [dågwa.] adv with, (Tmc\;K¥ioc\.n´>tkX with a tiffin box), ekX>lv\eÂkac\pt\ [kwe. lE gyaung pa'] adv circuitously,
by ( Pit\san´>tkXtkX with a shoe), in ( wt\sMun´>tkX in indirectly =\eÂkac\pt\
uniform) ekX>wiuk\ [kwe. wai'] v make a detour; move in a curving or
kXXa1 [kwa] v 1) come off, become detached, peel off twisting manner
2) differ, be different CF kX´ 3) separate, divorce CF kX´ AekX> [Akwe.] n curve, bend, twist
4) be far, distant; be apart S YN lxm\;' ew; CF AkXa AekX>Aekak\ [Akwe. Akau'] n 1) curve, bend, twist
distance = AekX> 2) cunning, trickery, guile, wile
kXXa®Ka; [kwa cha:] v 1) differ, vary 2) be distant, be ekX>rxm\; [gwe. shan:] n Gwe, an ethnic group once living in
remote, be far away Shan State, who came under Burman rule during the
kXXarxc\; [kwa shin:] v divorce, split up (inf) Konbaung period [ lm ph]
kXXalxm\; [kwa hlan:] v be distant, be remote, be far away; ekX; [gwe:] v 1) bend, be bent; curl, be curly; curve; be
(of explanation, reasoning, etc) be far-fetched, be curved CF ekak\' eka.' kiuc\;' ekX> 2) Ógather
unlikely (firewood) [ ph]
kXXaew; [kwa we:] v be distant, be remote, be far away; ekX;ekak\' ekX;vXt\ [kwe: kau', kwe: hnyu'] v bend;
(of explanation, reasoning, etc) be far-fetched, be curl; curve
unlikely CF ePa\kXaew; AekX; [Akwe;] n curve, bend
kXXah [kwa ha.] v be unconnected, be unrelated; be kX1´ [kwE:] v 1) be broken 2) be separated, be dispersed

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 52

kX´ ª kXc\;
3) explode, burst 4) split 5) differ; vary CF kXa AkXk\ [Akwe'] n 1) square, chequer (in design,
6) separate (husband and wife, in stage before divorce) pattern, etc); chequered pattern 2) facet (of cut gem)
CF kXa 3) spot, blot 4) space, pattern, gap, etc between
kX´kXa [kwE: kwa] v be separated partitions, lines, etc CF Akn\Ï 5) ward; plot (of land)
kX´kX´®pa;®pa; [kwE: gwE: pya: bya:] adv distincly, definitely CF rp\kXk\ 6) [fig] opportunity

kX´®pa; [kwE: bya:] v be distinct from, be different from, AkXk\ekac\; [Akwe' kaung;] n 1) right moment, perfect
vary moment (for sthg) 2) right situation, advantageous
kX´lX´ [kwE: lwE:] v differ, vary CF “cim\;K¥m\;sXaqeBakX´lX´KXc\. situation (for sthg)
pluralism AkXk\k¥ [Akwe' kya.] v 1) be exact, be accurate 2) be
kX´Ak\ [kwE: e'] v crack apt, be appropriate, be fitting 3) be advantageous, be
AkX´ [AkwE;] n 1) (broken) pieces 2) crack, cleft, fissure favourable
(esp in stone) 3) split, fissure 4) slit, long narrow AkXk\K¥ [Akwe' cha..] S YN AkXk\Riuk\ v 1) plan
opening, esp a cut systematically 2) divide (land) into plots, mark out
AkX´k´X [AkwE; gwE;] adv differently, in different ways, (plots) 3) apportion, allocate, assign
styles, etc AkXk\eK¥ac\; [Akwe' chaung;] v wait for the right
AkX´A“p´ [AkwE; ApyE;] n 1) cuts and bruises 2) [fig] moment, a chance, an opportunity, etc
rupture, break, rift, falling out; dissension, discord AkXk\es. [Akwe' sI (se.)] v (usu for planning) be
AkX´Arx [AkwE; Asha.] n 1) cuts and abrasions 2) breakage thorough, be careful, be meticulous S YN es.sp\
AkXk\Siuk\ [Akwe' hsai'] v be favourable, be oppurtune
kX2´ [gwE:] n mooring post for rafts [ ph] S YN AkXk\epÅ
kX´qt\ [gwE: tha'] v secure a raft to the mooring post AkXk\Sc\ [Akwe' hsin] v plot, scheme
kX´> [kwE.] part ™term of familiarity used as a final marker AkXk\epÅ [Akwe' paw] v be favourable, be opportune
kXk\ [kwe'] v 1) circle, mark a circular or square figure; AkXk\etX> [Akwe' twe.] v find an opportunity [ .]
tonsure (shave head so a circle of hair remains) 2) be AkXk\ePa\ [Akwe' hpaw] v 1) carve, embroider, draw,
marked with a circular or square pattern; be confined to etc pattern or design onto sthg 2) create an opening,
a certain area 3) be tainted 4) sympathise, be opportunity, chance, etc; pave the way (for)
considerate AkXk\mepÅ [Akwe' mApaw] v be dingy, be discoloured
— adv (do or say sthg) selectively, within limits; with (Br), discolored (Am), be stained, be grimy
partiality Ω Am¥a;T´k l¨ts\eyak\tv\; kiup´ kXk\“p^;- AkXk\Riuk\ [Akwe' yai'] S YN AkXk\K¥ v 1) plan
m¥k\Nxaqa mep;n´Ï" Don't favour one more than the others. systematically 2) divide (land) into plots, mark out
— n 1) square, chequered design, checks; facet (of (plots) 3) apportion, allocate, assign
gem) 2) blot 3) ward; plot (of land) 4) [fig] opportunity AkXk\rxa [Akwe' sha] v 1) look for opportunity, opening,
5) [in comb] area, field CF Niuc\cMtka-eZ;kXk\ international etc 2) look for an excuse
market; lup\kXk\ worksite; area of; kXc\; AkXk\lv\ [Akwe' lE] v 1) clear up, become clear,
kXk\k¥a; [kwe' kya:] adv irregularly, sporadically; in become understandable 2) (of problems) clear up, (of
patches situation) be all right
kXk\k¥a;miu; [kwe' kya; mo;] n scattered rainshowers AkXk\wc\ [Akwe' win] v happen as planned, go as
CF®pn\k¥miu;' epåkƒrwœmiu; expected, fit into one's plan, scheme, etc
kXk\ek¥a\ [kwe' kyaw] adv one step ahead, one move AkXk\AkXc\;k¥ [Akwe' Akwin; kya.] v be strategically
ahead placed, be well placed
kXk\ek¥a\®mc\ [kwe' kyaw myin] v to see one step or move kXc\;1 [kwin:] v 1) loop, ring, draw (metal) into a circle
ahead [gwin:] 2) circle (around); avoid
kXk\ek¥a\Riuk\ [kwe' kyaw yai'] v beat, do first (before — n 1) circle; ring, hoop; loop RF AkXc\;. 2) field, open
another) field, sports field RF kXc\;®pc\. 3) bracket (Br), parenthesis
kXk\kXk\kXc\;kXc\; [kwe' kwe' kwin: gwin:] adv distincly, (Am, pl. parentheses), ( or ) 4) ∞condom [ ph] 5) [in
clearly, vividly comb] field, area; site CF lup\kXc\; worksite; area of work;
kXk\sip\ [kwe' sei'] n 1) closed pattern (of textiles) Riuk\kXc\; setting (in a movie); kXk\
2) telling of religious or historical stories with one kXc\;s [gwin: za.] n open bracket, open parenthesis
person acting all the rôles CF saeha CF kXc\;pi t\

kXk\sip\Riuk\ [kwe' sei' yai'] v [fig] do things in detail, dot kXc\;Sk\ [gwin: ze'] n link
the i's and cross the t's Upsa kXc\;Sc\; [kwin: hsin:] v go on field study, do fieldwork
kXk\tik¥ [kwe' tI kya.] v be exact S YN eBac\kiuk\ kXc\;tiuk\ [gwin; tai'] v ε masturbate, wank (Br), jack
kXk\lp\ [kwe' la'] n 1) space, blank (space) 2) vacant or jerk off (inf)
area; gap kXc\;Tiu;Pinp\ [gwin: do: hpåna']
n a kind of sandal with a
kXk\lp\®Pv\. [kwe' la' hpye.] v fill in the blank loop over the foot (illus)
kXc\;pit\ [gwin: bei'] n close bracket, close parenthesis

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 53

kXc\; ª kXm\;
CF kXc\;s kXn\®møns\wåd [kun myu ni' wa da.] n ∏communism,
kXc\;pit\pX´ [kwin: pei' pwe:] n closing ceremony for an economic or political movement or system which favours
athletic competition common ownership of capital in a classless society
kXc\;®pc\ [kwin: byin] n field, open field CF lk\ w´wåd leftism [ pe]

kXc\;lMu;kÁt\lXt\ [gwin: lon: gyu' lu'] v be acquitted, get kXn\Ï [kun.] v 1) embellish, elaborate (on) 2) over do, do to
off scot-free (inf) excess 3) Ógo forth, set off (on a journey)
kXc\;lMu;kÁt\lWt\ [gwin lon: kyu' hlu'] v (of a court) acquit 4) Óradiate upward; shine; sparkle; be inspired
(sb), let sb off (inf) kXn\Ï®mø; [kun. myu:] v 1) (of sacred objects) radiate a
kXc\;elYa [kwin: shaw:] n noose (illus) brilliant light 2) sparkle 3) be inspired (with
AkXc\; [Akwin;] n circle, ring, hoop; loop imaginative ideas) Ω cy\sU\-kalha ANupvaˆa%\kXn\Ï®mø;-
AkXc\;qa; [Akwin; dha;] adv plainly, clearly, distinctly Niuc\t´. AK¥in\-®Ps\ty\" When you are young is the time to be
AkXc\;A®Kv\ [Akwin; Achi] n jewellery in the form of a inspired as an artist.
circle, e.g., ring, bracelet, etc AkXn\Ï [Akun.] n (rhetorical) flourish, embellishment (of
kXc\;2 [kwin:] n queen (in playing cards) [Engl] writing, speech, etc)
kXioc\1 [kwain] n coil [Engl] S YN rs\eKX AkXn\Ïtk\ [Akun. te'] v 1) comment (to a superior)
kXioc\2 [kwain] n 1) coin [Engl] 2) [sl] condom 2) do sthg in a new or different way
kXt\ [ku'] n quart [Engl] kXn\; [kun:] n 1) temporary rest house for royalty 2) shrine
(for nats)
kXit\ [kwei'] n sex worker, prostitute S YN ®pv\.tn\Sa
kXn\ [kun] v Ósoar kXn\;Kiu [kun: kho] v take shelter (while travelling)
— n net, casting net, cast net CF piuk\
kXp\ [ku'] v 1) supervise; control; hold together
2) discipline; suppress 3) admonish; warn 4) Óexecute
kXn\K¥a [kun cha] n 1) handle of cast net 2) netting or (a person by royal order) RF kXp\m¥k\. 5) (of human)
screen bell-shaped cover; cage Ω qMkXn\K¥a iron cage
castrate, (of animal) geld, neuter, fix (inf) 6) line,
3) [fig] holiness Ω gu%\eta\kXn\K¥a
border, bind edges
kXn\K¥k\ [kun gye'] n 1) place with many fish, fishing kXp\k´ [ku' kE:] v 1) administer, manage, supervise
ground Ω π hc\;sa;-qaep;my\' kXn\K¥k\eta. m®pNiuc\på" I
2) Ícommand
will serve you fish, but I can't show you the fishing ground.
2) [fig] trade secret
kXp\vHp\ [ku' hnya'] v 1) administer, manage, supervise
2) discipline
kXn\ps\ [kun pyi'] v cast net kXp\p¥s\ [ku' pyi'] n a low wooden or bamboo bed
kXn\rk\ [kun ye'] n 1) netting; network 2) [fig] network kXp\m¥k\ [ku' mye'] v Óexecute (a person by royal order)
CF på;kXk\- Aa%a- qa; Nxc\. lk\mrXM> qa; executioner
kXn\rXk\ [kun ywe'] n netting; network AkXp\ [Aku'] n 1) hem, edging 2) cap, boss 3) rim of
kXn\krs\ [kun gåri'] n concrete [Engl] Ω qM k¨kXn\krs\
cartwheel (to which iron is attached) 4) Ólower-level
reinforced concrete CF Bilp\e®m
official, supervisor
kXn\grk\ [kun gåre'] n 1) congress, discussion meeting
AkXp\AvHp\ [Aku' Ahnya'] n ÍÓcommand and control
Ω kX n\grk\ påt^ Congress Party, formed in India to gain
kXm\ [kun (kwan)] v open a spot in the crust of a jade-
independence from British 2) ∏Congress, US legislative
bearing stone, to reveal the jade inside
body, consisting of an upper house (Senate) and a lower
house (House of Representatives).) [Engl] [ pe]
kXm\; [kun: (kwan:)] n 1) Œbetel vine leaves of which are
daubed with slaked lime and used to wrap betel quids,
kXn\tium¥U\; [kun to myin:] n contour line [Engl] containing slices of areca palm nut, pieces of tobacco,
kXn\giu [kun go] n ∏Congo [ cr] and spices CF kXm\; q^; areca palm nut, betel nut 2) betel leaf
— adj Congolese = kX m\;rX k\ 3) betel quid = kX m\;ya CW ya
kXn\Saebts\ [kun hsa be ti'] adj conservative CF ls\Bry\ kXm\;“KM [kun; gyan] n betel nut orchard, areca palm
liberal orchard [? new me]
kXn\på [kun pa] n 1) compass (magnetic device to show kXm\;ska; [kun: zåga:] n polite small talk in advance of
direction) 2) compass (device for drawing curves) [Engl] negotiations
(illus both) kXm\;sa; [kun: sa:] v 1) chew a betel quid 2) ∞bleed
kXn\påB¨; [kun pa bu;] n pencil box Ω m%i kXm\;sa; one's head is bleeding
kXn\p¥øta [kun pyu ta] n computer [Engl] kXm\;vHp\ [kun: hnya'] n betel cutter, tool used to slice
kXn\p¥øtasas^ [kun pyu ta sa si] n computer typing service areca nuts
kXn\p¥øtaRiuk\ [kun pyu ta yai'] v type (inf, on a computer), kXm\;etac\ [kun daung] n 1) ‹betel-leaf spire, given as
input or enter (with computer keyboard), keyboard a religious offering 2) ornamental utensil for carrying a
betel box 3) pyramidal temple spire on a square base
kXn\Prc\. [kun hpårin.] n conference [Engl] (illus)
kXn\®møns\ [kun myu ni'] n ∏communist [Engl] Ω kXn\®møns\ kXm\;etac\kiuc\ [kun: daung gain] n 1) girl carrying the
eta\lxn\er;-qma; communist revolutionary betel offering in a novitiation ceremony 2) [fig] village

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 54

kXy\ ª kÁn\
beauty Pagan period 2) celluloid
kXm\;ts\ravk\ [kun: tåya nye'] n [fig] a short while L IT : kÁ´eka\kiuc\; [kywE: gaw gain:] n horn rims, horn rim
‘the time it takes to chew one betel quid’ glasses
kXm\;pc\ [kun; pin] n Œvine, leaves of which are used to kÁ´pKMu;T [kywE: påkhon: hta.] v form callus = ÂkXp\tk\
wrap betel quids [ check new] kÁ´“m^;tiu [kywE: mi: to] v [fig] be short-tempered, get
kXm\;Piu; [kun: bo:] n Ófee paid to the judge by the losing angry easily
party in a lawsuit (during feudal times). 2) tip (for kÁ´rc\ [ka. ku yan]
[Beik] tassel fish; threadfin (source of
services) isinglas) S YN kk¨¨rM' [Rakhine] cå;lk\KXa
kXm\;Piu;eS;Piu; [kun: bo: hse: bo:] n tip (for services), kÁ´Riuk\NXa;Riuk\Riuk\ [kywE: yai' nwa: yai' yai'] v [fig] beat sb
baksheesh (inf) S YN mun\ÏPiu;' lk\Pk\rv\Piu; up, thrash sb
kXm\;ya [kun: ya] n betel quid kÁ´eka [kywE: gaw:] n Œpomelo, (tree which yields) a large
kXm\;rXk\ [kun: ywe'] n betel leaf citrus fruit similar to a sweet grapefruit
kXm\;q^; [kun: dhi:] n betel nut, nut of the areca palm, kÁM [kyun] v 1) go beyond, go further than intended 2) sink
used in betel quids into (mire) 3) commit oneself, go beyond the point of
kXm\;q^;pc\ [kun: dhi: pin] n Œareca palm, which produces no return
betel nuts kÁk\kÁk\S¨ [kywe' kywe' hsu] v 1) (of group) speak
kXm\;eqX; [kun: dhwe:] n betel spit simultaneously, speak all at once; (of crowd) roar 2) be
kXm\;As\ [kun: i'] n betel box, often highly ornamental, bubbling hot
containing layers and compartments for the various kÁk\kÁk\vM [kywe' kywe' nyan] v (of group) speak
components of betel quids simultaneously, speak all at once; (of crowd) roar
kXy\1 [kwE] v 1) hide, conceal; be hidden 2) obstruct kÁt\1 [kyu'] v 1) be free (from restrictions), be
(view); withhold (facts) 3) deny (when guilty) unrestricted, be unfettered Ω AkÇ¥kÁt\n´Ï en be shirtless,
Ω e®pac\ kXy\ deny outright CF ®cc\;Siu' ®cc\;kX y\ 4) go blind have one's shirt off [? really kha. gwe?] 2) (of hair,
S YN kn\; feathers) fall out; (of bird) molt
kXy\ep¥ak\ [kwE pyau'] v disappear, vanish kÁt\kÁt\lXt\lXt\ [kyu' kyu' lu' lu'] adv without a
kXy\ra [kwE ya] n where one cannot be observed, hitch; without reservations, freely S YN AkÁt\AlXt\
behind sb's back, out of sight kÁt\tm\;wc\ [kyu' tan: win] v ‹1) be freed from
kXy\lXn\ [kwE lun] v die, pass away samsara, i.e., through enlightenment, attainment
kXy\wxk\ [kwE hwe'] v keep a secret, hide sthg 2) become an arhat CF rhN|a
AkXy\ [AkwE] n cover, hiding place, shelter, hideout, kÁt\lXt\ [kyu' lu'] v get away (with), be free of = lMu;
hideaway AkÁt\tra;r [Akyu' tAya; ya.] v 1) ‹comprehend the
AkXy\ [AkwE] n 1) cover, hidden place, place behind law of deliverance from samsara CF qMqra 2) [fig] repent
sthg Ω k¥v\kXy\ cover Ω Aem-m¥k\kXy\mxalv\; mekac\; ta
mlup\n´Ï" Don‘t do bad things behind your mother‘s back. RF AkÁt\AlXt\ [kyu' kyu' lu' lu'] adv without a hitch;
AkXy\Aka. 2) shelter, protected place Ω elAkXy\ place without reservations, freely S YN kÁt\kÁt\lXt\lXt\
sheltered from the wind kÁt\2 [kyu'] n small land leech CF emYa.
AkXy\Aka [AkwE Aka] n 1) cover, hidden place, place kÁt\3 [kyu'] n descendent six generations removed
behind sthg 2) amulet, talisman, charm CF eSXm¥io;su-z ya;
kXy\2 [kwE] part term of familiarity suffixed to verbs, used kÁt\4 [kyu'] n inner tube [Engl]
to persuade politely Ω mc\; lv\; liuk\K´.påkXy\" You come kÁn\ [kyun] n slave; serf
along, too! Ω sa;påkXy\" Please have some. kÁn\KM [kyun khan] v be a slave, be in slavery; be a serf,
ekÁ;(emX;)1 [kywe: (mwe;)] v 1) feed, serve (food to) be in serfdom
2) support (sb, one's family, etc) Ω Aemk kÁn\mtiuÏ kÁn\eta\ [kyun daw (kyånaw)] pron µ I
emac\Nxmkiu AeÂka\-erac\; ekÁ;ty\" My mother sold fried kÁNu\p\ [kyåno'] pron Óµ I S YN kÁop\
snacks to support my brother and me.
kÁn\pvaer; [kyun pyin nya ye:] n ∏colonial education
AekÁ;AmX; [Akywe; Amwe;] n (esp at ceremony) meals; kÁn\®po [gyun pyu.] v enslave
refreshments CF Asa;Aeqak\
kÁn\m [kyåma.] [kyun ma.] pron ƒ I
ekÁ;2 [kywe:] n Œwild yam, plant with edible tuber which is — n Óƒ slave
sometimes dried
kÁn\yuMeta\ [kyun yon daw] n Ótrusted slave of royalty
kÁ´ [kywE;] n water buffalo Ω πkÁ´Nxs\ekac\ Kt\t´.Âka; kÁn\q^;eta\ [kyun thi; daw] n Ópagoda slave, one who
e®msapc\mKMNiuc\" Where two water buffalo fight, the grass
has to take care of a pagoda, and lives on the offerings;
cannot survive. Ω πkÁ´på; esac\; t^; Play the harp for the
often captured in a foreign war CF KXa(qa;)' Bura;kÁn\'
buffalo, (similar to 'cast pearls before swine’).
Bura;Aqv\' ArMesac\
kÁ´eka\ [kywE: gaw] n 1) gum or glue made from AkÁn\' AkÁNu\p\ [Akyun, Akyun no', AkyAno'] pron [Ó, fml]
processed water buffalo hide used in architecture during

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 55

kÁn\; ª eÂkX
kÁn\;1 [kyun:] v 1) end, cease; expire 2) not exist, not be sculpture, etc) take shape CF Rup\lMu;ÂkX 5) [fig] come to
found life (through description, etc) 6) be bold, have high
kÁn\;2 [kyun:] n 1) Œteak 2) Ówood; forest contrast; be in the foreground 7) [fig] be well defined
kÁn\;ktiu; [kyun: gådo:] n Œtree with small yellow-greed 8) (of surface) be uneven, be bumpy; stick out (because
scented flowers, with light wood smelling of camphor of warping, e.g., floorboard); (of paint) bubble (up)
kÁn\;3 [kyun:] n 1) island 2) alluvial land 3) penal colony, 9) be restless, have unrest Ω ny\sp\mxa q¨pun\etX
penal settlement CF ts\qk\ts\kÁn\; transportation for life TÂkXenty\" The insurgents are causing unrest on the
[ rc] border. 10) be in ferment, be stirred up, be ready for
kÁn\;kel; [kyun gåle:] n islet, isle, small island (sthg) Ω ss\eqX;ÂkX be militant 11) ∞die, go 12) (of
kÁn\;su [kyun: zu.] n archipelago, island chain appearance) lively, cheerful
kÁn\;SXy\ [kyun; zwE] n peninsula Ω kÁn\;SXy\Aa;ksa;pX´ ÂkXÂkXrXrX [kywa. gywa. ywa. ywa.] adv 1) in finery, finely
South East Asian Penisular Games (dressed) 2) (of person) fastidiously
kÁn\;piuÏd%\ [kyun; po. dan] n Ótransportation (to a penal ÂkXK¥^ [kywa. chi] v (of holy or respected persons) come or
colony, as a sentence) CF ®ps\d%\' ts\qk\ts\kÁn\; [ rc] go; invite or bid farewell
kÁn\;®pn\ [kyun; byan] n sb returning from transportation ÂkXesac\;esac\; [kywa. saun: zaun:] adv arrogantly;
to a penal colony impudently, cheekily
kÁn\;em¥a [kyun: myaw:] n floating island ÂkX®mn\; [kywa. myan:] v (of holy or respected persons) come
ts\kÁn\;k¥ [dågyun: kya.] v be sentenced to a penal or go; invite or bid farewell
colony (on an island), be convicted to transportation to ÂkXerak\ [kywa. yau'] v (of holy, esteemed, respected
penal colony Ω ts\qk\ts\kÁn\; k¥ life sentence (lit persons) arrive, come Ω ÂkXerak\-laÂkeqa l¨”k^;mc\; m¥a;+-
'transportation for life') Kc\p¥a;/-rxc\ ladies and gentlemen
ts\kÁn\;sM [dAgyun; san] v ÂkXa; [kywa:] v 1) boast, brag; show off 2) be prominent
ts\kÁn\;®pn\ [dågyun: pyan] n person who has returned ÂkXa;ÂkXa;rXa;rXa; [kywa; gywa; ywa; ywa;] adv (boast,
from penal colony publicise, etc) grandly, proudly
kÁm\;1 [kywan: (kyun:)]v 1) be burnt up Ω elac\kÁm\; burnt up ÂkXa;ÂkXa;wc\.wc\. [kywa: gywa: win. win.] adv proudly, grandly,
2) be past cure; be incurable; be terminal Ω eragå-kÁm\; loftily CF cXa;cXa;sXc\.sXc\.
incurable disease; terminal illness ÂkXa;lMu; [kywa: lon:] n boast
kÁm\;2 [kywan:] v 1) be familiar with Ω rn\kun\kiu qip\mkÁm\;B¨;" ÂkXa;lMu;Tut\ [kywa: lon: hto'] v boast, brag; show off
I'm not very familiar with Yangon. I don't know Yangon very ÂkXa;wå [kywa: wa] v boast, brag; show off; show one's
well. I don't know my way around Yangon well. [gyun: pride
(gywan:)] 2) be skilled at, be good at or in, be proficient ÂkXa;wc\. [kywa: win.] v 1) boast, brag; show off 2) show
— n acrobatics, tumbling [ ph] AÂkXa;(Awå) [Akywa; (Awa)] n boast, bragging
kÁm\;k¥c\ [gyun: (gywan:) gyin] v 1) know (subject, place, eÂkX1 [kywe] v 1) (of dead leaves, ripe fruit, etc) fall, fall
etc) well, be expert (in or at), know one's way around off, drop, drop off 2) ∞fall for sb, have a crush on sb
Upsa 2) be skilled at, be good at or in, be proficient 3) [inf] be down, be blue, be depressed 4) ¬pass away,
kÁm\;k¥c\wn\Tm\; [gyun: (gywan:) gyin win (wun) dan:] n expire
technical staff, specialist staff, technical experts AeÂkX [Akywe] n 1) fallen fruit, leaves, flowers, etc
kÁm\;siuk\ [gyun: sai'] v do gymnastics 2) (small) change, small notes Ω eTac\tn\p´ påpåty\"
kÁm\;Tiu; [gyun: hto:] v somersault; do a flip ®pn\Am\; PiuÏ AeÂkXrxila;" I have only a thousand note. Do you
kÁm\;Tiu;emxak\KMu [gyun: hto: hmau' khon] adv upside-down, have change?
topsy-turvy AeÂkXes. [Akywe se. (sI)] n coins Ω ®pa;es.
kÁm\;ps\ [gyun: pyi'] v somersault AeÂkXl´ [Akywe lE;] v change (a large note), give sb
kÁm\;®pn\ [gyun: pyan] v 1) tumble; somersault 2) [fig] get change (for)
into trouble AeÂkXAm\; [Akywe an;] v give sb sb's change, give sb
kÁm\;Ba; [gyun: ba:] n gymnastics = Ba;kÁm\; back change Ω 500 ep;Ta;ty\' AeÂkX 50 ®pn\Am\;rmy\"
You gave me 500; I'll give you 50 back.
kÁm\;wc\ [gyun: win] v 1) become close (friends), become
familiar (with) 2) become lovers, become intimate eÂkX2 [kywe] n 1) cowrie shell RF eÂkXes. 2) enamel
= kiuK¥s\n´Ï msim\; K¥s\kÁm\;wc\ty\" 3) porcelain, fine china
kÁm\;qma; [gyun: thåma:] n acrobat; gymnast eÂkXkn\; [kywe kan;] v (of a cowrie shell thrown in a cup
AkÁm\;twc\ [Akywan; dAwin] adv familiarly, closely to determine number of squares moved in pSs\) fall
outside of cup (and therefore not be counted) [? Aung
AkÁm\;wc\ [Akyun; win] v be friends (with), be close (to)
Aung check with Hpo Kala]
ÂkX [kywa.]
v 1) lift (e.g., feet, etc) 2) (of holy or respected
persons) come or go; invite or bid farewell 3) (of art,
eÂkXes. [kywe sI (se.)] n cowrie shell (used like dice in
certain games) CF qSs\
etc) be lively, be spirited S YN Aqk\wc\ 4) (of carving,
eÂkXsk¶ø [kywe se' ku] n glazed paper, art paper

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 56

eÂkX; ª ÂkXy\(w)
eÂkXeS; [kywe ze:] n enamel (paint) eÂkX;eÂka\ [kywe: kyaw] v proclaim, shout
eÂkXzlMu [kywe zAlon] n enamel basin eÂkX;eÂka\qM [kywe: kyaw dhan] n slogan; sound of
eÂkXTv\ [kywe dE] n porcelain; china slogan shouting (at rallies, games, etc)
eÂkXps\ [kywe pyi'] v play parcheesi (Am), Ludo (Br) ÂkXk\1 [kywe'] n mouse, rat
eÂkXpn\;kn\ [kywe pAgan] n porcelain or china plate ÂkXk\k¥ [kywe' kya.] v (of rats) die en masse (of plague)
eÂkXRup\ [kywe yo'] n porcelain doll ÂkXk\sut\ [kywe' so'] n shrew, small, mouse-like mammal
eÂkXrv\qut\psßv\; [kywe ye dho' pyi' si:] n enamelware ÂkXk\tXc\; [kywe' dwin: (dun:)] n rat hole; [fig] insatiable
eÂkXAn\ [kywe an] n game played with cowrie-shells used drinker Ω d^ekac\k Ark\eqak\ta ÂkXk\tXc\; Atiuc\;p´" That
for dice guy drinks like a fish.
eÂkX;1 [kywe:] n debt CF AeÂkX; loan, credit ÂkXk\eTac\eK¥ak\ [kywe' htaung gyau'] n mouse or rat
eÂkX;k¥ [kywe: kya.] v (of sales) be mostly on credit; sell trap
on consignment ÂkXk\nPa; [kywe' nåhpa;] n 1) kind of mouse 2) kind of
eÂkX;K¥ [kywe: cha.] v 1) lend money (to); extend credit dried mushroom
2) [fig] give to charity; do work of merit ÂkXk\na;rXk\ [kywe' nAywe'] n kind of dried mushroom
eÂkX;Sp\ [kywe: hsa'] v repay a debt or loan ÂkXk\NiuÏ [kywe' no.] n wart
eÂkX;tc\ [kywe: tin] v be in debt, have debts ÂkXk\“mi^; [kywe' mi:] n rat tail; spike growing near the
eÂkX;T¨ [kywe: htu] v be deep in debt Ω πeÂkX;T¨-mp¨' stem of a coconut
qn\;T¨-mya;" When you are deep enough in debt, you stop ÂkXk\“m^i;tn\; [kywe' mi: tan:] v (of food) become sticky
worrying; when you have enough lice, it doesn't itch ÂkXk\elYak\ [kywe' shau'] n 1) rail inside a house wall
anymore. 2) rising (on a boat) (illus)
eÂkX;p¨ [kywe: pu] [kywe: bu] v be worried by debt; demand ÂkXk\qiuk\ [kywe' thai'] n [fig] (in) a mess
repayment of debt ÂkXk\2 [kywe'] n muscle (count noun)
— n short-term loan ÂkXk\tk\ [kywe' te'] v (of muscles) cramp, (esp of cramp
eÂkX;“m^ [kywe: myi] n debt in leg) have a charley horse (inf)
eÂkX;rxc\ [kywe: shin] n creditor CF “m^rxc\ ÂkXk\qa; [kywe' tha:] n muscle
eÂkX;eA; [kywe: e:] n loan on easy terms ÂkXc\; [kywin:] v 1) remain 2) [math] have a remainder
AeÂkX; [Akywe:] n 1) credit, deferred payment, sthg left CF AÂkXc\; remainder
oustanding, sthg to be paid back, sthg owed 2) selling ÂkXc\;k¥n\ [kywin: kyan] v remain, be left over
on credit, giving credit, deferring payment 3) buying on AÂkXc\; [Akywin;] n [math] remainder
credit, getting credit AÂkXc\;m´. [Akywin; mE.] adv completely, wholly, totally,
AeÂkX;k¥ [Akywe: kya.] v have sold too much on credit, entirely, fully, unconditionally; without reservations or
have too many payments uncollected qualification, or exception
AeÂkX;Sp\ [Akywe: hsa'] v 1) pay (sb) back, repay (sb), AÂkXc\;m´.ss\ [Akywin; mE. si'] n ∏total war
pay off (debt, what one owes, etc) 2) [fig] complete a AÂkXc\;Ak¥n\ [Akywin; Akyan] n (of food) leftovers,
task, the work, a job, etc (table) scraps; sthg left over; (of enemies, etc) remnant
AeÂkX;tc\ [Akywe: tin] v 1) be in debt 2) [fig] not be CF sa;ÂkXc\;sa;k¥n\ leftovers
able to complete a task, the work, a job, etc ÂkXp\1 [kyu'] v 1) (esp of food) be crisp(y), be crunchy
AeÂkX;etac\; [Akywe; taung;] v ask for a loan, credit, etc Ω mu n\ÏÂkX p\ rusk S YN rX' rXp\ 2) brittle, easily snapped
to be repaid ÂkXp\ÂkXp\Ait\ [kyu' kyu' ei'] n [ono] plastic bag
AeÂkX;Ta; [Akywe: hta] v 1) sell on credit, give credit, ÂkXp\St\St\ [kyu' hsa' hsa'] adv irritably; curtly,
allow deferred payment, defer payment 2) buy on credit, brusquely
arrange to defer payment 3) [fig] leave part of work, ÂkXp\2 [gyu'] n callus, hardened skin [ ph]
job, etc undone ÂkXp\tk\ [gyu' te'] v 1) form callus = kÁ´pKMu;T 2) form
AeÂkX;T¨ [Akywe; htu] v be deeply in debt crust (in pot, etc)
AeÂkX;p¨ [Akywe; pu] v be pursued or harrassed by ÂkXp\3 [kyu'] n bismuth, chemical element used in some
creditors medicines for gastric illnesses
AeÂkX;y¨ [Akywe; yu] v 1) borrow money S YN eK¥; 2) buy ÂkXy\(w) [kywE (wa.)] v 1) be rich, be wealthy Ω qn\;ÂkXy\q¨e@;
on credit, get credit, pay for by credit millionaire S YN K¥m\; qa' e@;' epå 2) be eloquent
AeÂkX;Acm\; [Akywe; Angan;] n Ócredit, sthg owed,
sthg to be paid back
eÂkX;2 [kywe:] v shout, cry

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 57

K ª Kra
K1 [kha.] n second consonant in the Myanmar script Kma [khåma] n 1) ∏Khmer, a Mon-Khmer people now
KeKX; [kha. gwe:] n name of K L IT : ‘curled K’ living mainly in Cambodia 2) the language of the Khmer
KeKX;ekac\ [kha. gwe: kaung] n millipede CF piu;na;qn\' people CF kem±ad^;ya;' mXn\
kc\;na;qn\' S^qv\m' e®Kqv\m' m^; rTa;ekac\ Km^ [khåmi] n ∏Kumi, Myanmar for “mio Kmi Mro Khami, one of
K2 [kha.] v 1) wait (up)on, attend (sb's needs) 2) be the Chin ethnic groups, living near the Rakhine and Chin
subservient to ; be obsequious 3) strike; fall (and reach State border [? check with Justin, check spelling]
the ground) Ω Nxc\;K snow 4) catch (fire) = m^;K 5) meet,
encounter Kemak\ [khåmau'] n hat made of bamboo, with a low crown
KKyy [kha. ga. ya. ya.] adv humbly; subserviently; and broad brim, typically worn in the countryside (illus)
obsequiously [ bs]
Ksa; [kha. za:] v wait (up)on, attend Kmv\; [khåmE:] n 1) protective amulet, talisman, charm, usu
Kevac\; [kha. nyaung:] v attend, pay respects a string necklace, bracelet, etc, given to a child to
Ky [kha. ya.] v 1) behave respectfully, modestly, humbly prevent harm; present given to a child on a special
2) [neg] be subservient, be obsequious S YN (eAak\)k¥io> occasion, such as naming 2) term of endearment for
close relative 3) father of royalty CF my\eta\ RF
AK [Akha.] n payment, fee, charge (for services) Ω lK Kmv\;eta\. 4) ‹father of a Bun\;”k^; (monk) CF my\eta\
salary, lk\K payment per piece, lup\K service charge [? RF Kmv\;eta\. [ ry bh bs]

really part of previous entry?] Kmv\;Kmk\ [khåmi: khåme'] n relationship between the
AKeÂk;ecX [Akha. kye; ngwe] n payment, remuneration respective parents of a married couple
AKsa; [Akha. za;] n paid worker Kmv\;eta\ [khåmE: daw] n 1) father of royalty
AKm´. [Akha. mE.] v be free (of charge), be gratis, be 2) ‹father of a monk CF my\eta\ [ bh ry]
complimentary Kmv\;etac\; [khåmE: taung:] v request a Kmv\; charm
— adv free, gratis from an older relative or friend for protection or cure
K% [khåna.] n 1) moment, short while Ω K%el;" Just a Kmv\;ep; [khåmE: pe:] v 1) give a Kmv\; charm to a child
as a charm for well-being 2) give a present to a young
minute. 2) the time it takes to snap fingers ten times, or
person to mark an occasion
blink ten times CF ®mn\manar^
K%K% [khåna. khåna.] adv often, frequently Kmv\;liu [khåmE: lo] v 1) (of a child) show sign of
needing a Kmv\; charm to cure some distress 2) (of a
K%K¥c\; [khåna. gyin:] adv 1) within a short time, shortly
person) show some sign of needing a Kmv\; charm to
A NT errx v\ long term 2) for a short time A NT Tawr'
bring fulfullment of a personal desire
A“m´tn\; eternal
K%ta [khåna ta] n (menstrual) period S YN raq^' Dmµta Kmn\; [khåman:] part particle suffixed to verbs to convey the
sense of 'very nearly', 'almost'
K%ts\®Pot\ [khåna. tåhpyo'] adv for a while, for a
moment Km¥a [khåmya] part suffix to name or pronoun, expressing
K%ta [khåna. ta] n period sympathy: poor thing, poor … Ω kiueAac\-K m¥a' menk
K%pn\; [khåna. ban:] n [fig] the transient moment ktv\; k K¥s\q¨kiu-esac\.enrta qna;påty\" I feel sorry for
poor Ko Aung, he has been waiting for his love since
Ω K%pn\;påkXa" It is just for a moment.
ts\K%K¥c\; [tåkhåna. gyin:] adv within a short time, at
once S YN K¥k\K¥c\;
Keyac\; [khAyaung;] n [in comb] very rough or difficult
Kn´ [khå (gå)nE:] part particle denoting an abrupt happening
Ω Ae®pac\; l´®mn\ liuk\ta ®Pt\Kn´ p´" Changes happened so
Keyac\;eta [khåyaung: daw:] n rough terrain, uneven
stretch of land; wasteland
suddenly. = KNiu;Kn´ CF St\K n´' Rup\Kn´
Kn´Ï [khånE.] v 1) mock 2) make pointed remarks, nettle, Keyac\;lm\; [khAyaung; lan;] n very difficult path
needle CF kli' ri
Kra1 [khåya] n 1) trumpet-shaped wind instrument
2) bugle 3) whistle 4) conical fish trap made from a
Kn´Ït.´t´. [khåne. tE. dE.] adv ironically
single length of bamboo [ ms]
Kena\Kn´Ï' Kena\n^Kena\n´Ï [khånaw khånE., khånaw ni khånaw nE.] v
be rickety, be wobbly, be unstable
Kratut\ [khåya to'] v 1) blow a bugle, whistle, etc.
2) [fig] be the right time
— adv (constructed) flimsily; cheaply
Kra2 [khåya] v behave endearingly, sweetly S YN ta'
Kenak\sim\; [khånau' sein:] n antimony, an easily broken t^t^tata
white metal = Ac\t^miun^
Kra3 [khåya] n Œprickly poppy
KNiu;Kn´ [khAno; khå nE:] part particle denoting an abrupt
happening Ω Ae®pac\; l´ ®mn\liuk\ta ®Pt\K Niu;Kn´p´" Changes
Kra4 [khåya] n measure of time equal to 10 ly or 100
K% CF ®mn\manar^
happened so suddenly. = Kn´ CF St\K n´' Rup\Kn´
KNW´ [khåhnwE:] n long-handled device for bailing water out of Kra5 [khåya] n abbreviation of the word Akƒra (alphabet,
script) [ wr]
a boat, or irrigating a paddy field (illus)
Kmr [kha. ma. ya.] abbr light infantry battalion = e®K®mn\tp\rc\; Kraesak\Ac\; [khåya zau' in:] n ßtabular form as used

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 58

Kr^; ª Kelak\
in drawing cabalistic squares or designs (illus) [ bs] Kr^;qXa; [khåyi: thwa:] [khåyi: dhwa:] v travel, go on a trip
KraeTac\. [khåya daung.] n rectangular script [ wr] — n tourist, traveller; passenger
Krawn\; [khåya wun:] n round script = Akƒrawn\; [ wr] Kr^;qXa;eSac\;på; [khAyi; thwa; hsaung; ba;] n travelogue
Kr^; [khåyi:] n trip, journey; travel Ω kiukiumrxiB¨;" Kr^;TXk\- Kr^;qXa;KXc\. [khåyi; thwa: kwin.] n travel permit
enty\" Ko Ko isn't here, he's on a trip. Ω By\K r^; qXa;ml´" Kr^;qXa;mxt\tm\; [khåyi: dhwa: hma' tan:] n travel diary or
Where are you going? Ω KR^; qXa;-wåqna påqla;" Do you like journal CF Kr^;qXa;eSac\;på;
travelling? Kr^;qXa;hn\lW´ [khåyi: dhwa: han hlwE:] adv taking advantage
Kr^;Âkm\; [khåyi: gyan:] n difficult journey; hard travel; of a journey (to do sthg else)
long, hard way KRu [khåyu.] n mollusc, univalvular shellfish, clam
Kr^;”kMo [khåyi: kyon] [khåyi: gyon] v (happen to) be passing KRuKXM [khåyu. gun] n mollusc shell
by; (happen to) be going to same way KRupk\k¥i [khåyu. pe' gyi>] n snail
— n person travelling to the same place KRupt\ [khåyu. ba'] n 1) spiral 2) Ócertain grade of silver
Kr^;kÁM [khåyi: kyun] v travel further than intended CF ecX' diuc\' eBa\' rXk\n^
Kr^;Ktc\; [khåyi: gådin:] n trip, journey; travel KRupt\lm\; [khåyu. ba' lan:] n winding road or path up a
Kr^;s [kyåyi: sa.] v set out (on a trip) mountainside
Kr^;srit\ [khåyi: zåyei'] n 1) travel(ling) expenses KRuqc\; [khåyu. dhin:]
n 1) conch shell 2) leucoderma,
2) travel(ling) allowance skin disorder in which the skin loses its colouring
Kr^;sU\ [khåyi: zin] n itinerary; tour; travel plan KRuAim\ [khAyu. ein] n 1) (sea)shell 2) [fig] complicated
Kr^;eSac\ [khåyi: zaung] part portable, pocket; travel situation, tangle, mess CF qpXt\Aim\ loofah
Ω Kr^;eSac\Ait\ suitcase Ω Kr^;eSac\ saAu p\ pocket book Ker [khåye] n starflower, Indian medlar, shade tree with
Ω Kr^;eSac\ lk\ Nxip\sk\ portable typewriter sweet-smelling flowers S YN K¥ra;' lc\;lXn\;
Kr^;Sn\Ï [khåyi: hsan.] v 1) go on a journey 2) continue a Keres.tXc\;k¥ [khåye ze. (zi>) twin: gya.] adv [fig] thoroughly,
journey after a short rest meticulously, in great detail
Kr^;tXc\ [khåyi: twin] v make good progress (on a KerpXc\. [khåye bwin.] n asterisk, * symbol
journey); [fig] make good progress, make headway KRiueA;rxa; [khåro e: sha:] n ∏Croatia [ pe]
Kr^;eTac\. [khåyi: htaung.] v 1) (of a journey) find it hard — adj Croatian
going 2) (of a place) be out of the way KRiu; [khåyo:] n thorn hedge
Kr^;TXk\ [khåyi: htwe'] v travel, go on a trip; be away (on Krc\; [khåyin:] n barnacle
a trip). Ω U^; lx KR^;TXk\enty\" mnk\®Pn\® pn\erak\my\" U Hla
KRiuc\ [khåyain] n 1) ∏district (administrative unit between
is away; he'll be back tomorrow.
township and state or division) [ pe] 2) central part of
Kr^;epåk\ [khåyi: pau'] v make good progress (on a an umbrella frame = T^;Riuc\ 3) nat nt\ shrine S YN nt\sc\'
journey); [fig] make good progress, make headway
nt\kXn\;' nt\kna; [ bs] [? check new syns -- add other
Kr^;pn\; [khåyi ban:] v exhausted (from travelling), travel- places if ok]
Krs\ [khåri'] n 1) Christ [Engl] 2) A.D. Ω Krs\1250 1250 A.D.
Kr^;®pc\ [khåyi: pyin] v prepare for a journey Ω Krs\-ts\ rasuNxs\Tk\ enak\ mk¥B¨;" It was not later than the
Kr^;®pc\;Nxc\ [khåyi: byin: hnin] v travel hard, without rest first century A.D.
Kr^;Pc\. [khåyi: hpin.] v 1) make slow progress (in travel) Krsßmt\ [khåri' såma'] n Christmas [Engl]
2) have a hard time
Krs\eta\ [khåri' taw] n Jesus Christ = eyRO
Kr^;erak\ [khåyi: yau'] v [fig] make good progress, be Krs\Nxs\ [khåri' hni'] n year by the Gregorian calendar,
successful in a venture
year A.D. or B.C. CF ekazaqk¶raz\' qaqnaqk¶raz\
Kr^;erak\mSiuk\ [khåyi: yau' måhsai'] adv immediately on Krs\yan\ [khåri' yan] n Christian [Engl] CF erNxs\ baptist,
erP¥n\; Anglican, kk\qls\ fi: Catholic, Aas^ Roman
Kr^;rxv\ [khAyi; she] n long or extended journey or trip Catholic
Kr^;lm\;VWn\ [khåyi: lan: hnyun] n directions Ω kÁn\mAim\kiurxaPiu
Krm\; [khåyan:] n aubergine (Br), eggplant (Am), brinjal
Kr^;lm\;VWn\ e®pa®pmy\" I'll give you the directions for Krm\;kesa. [khåyan: gåzaw.] n ŒIndian nightshade
finding my house.
Krm\;ÂkXp\ [khåyan: gyu'] n Œkind of small aubergine (Br)
Kr^;lm\;VWn\saAup\ [khåyi: lan: hnyun sa o'] n guide book eggplant (Am) eaten raw
= lm\;VWn\
Krm\;eKåc\; [khåyan: gaung:] n Œgeneral term for edible
Kr^;lXn\ [khåyi: lun] v 1) travel further than intended aubergines (Br) eggplants (Am)
2) be away on a journey 3) [fig] reach a stage beyond
Krm\;K¥U\ [khåyan: gyin] n Œtomato
Krm\;erac\ [khåyan: yaung] n purple, violet
Kr^;lxv.\ [khåyi: hle.] v go on tour Krm\;lXn\erac\®Kv\ [khåyan: lun yaung gyi] n ultraviolet
Kr^;qv\ [khåyi: dhE] n tourist, traveller; passenger rays, UV rays
Kr^;qv\tc\ [khåyi: dhE din] adj passenger (boat, car, etc.) Klr [kha. la. ya.] abbr infantry batallion = e®Kl¥c\tp\rc\;
Kelak\ [khålau'] n wooden or bamboo bell hung from an

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 59

Klut\ ª Ku
animal's neck Kå;Kå;q^;q^; [kha: ga: thi: dhi:] adv bitterly; rudely,
— v stir briskly, whip, beat; shake, rattle inconsiderately
Kelak\Sn\ [khålau' hsan] n clapper (of a bell) Kå;ta;ta; [kha; da; da;] adv (taste) slightly bitter
— v [fig] create trouble between persons, instigate K¥iotiutiu' K¥U\tc\tc\

Klut\ [khålo'] n 1) switch, button, key 2) trigger; catch Kå;q^; [kha: thi:] be very bitter
3) obstacle, [fig] stumbling block Kå;qk\ [kha: the'] v be pleasantly bitter
Klut\KMu [khålo' khon] n switchboard; keyboard Kå;2 [kha:] n 1) waist 2) lower back CF ek¥a
Klut\tiuk\ [khålo' tai'] v 1) stumble, trip 2) [fig] hit a Kå;kiuk\ [kha: kai'] v have a backache, have lumbago
snag Kå;kiuc\; [kha: kain:] v stoop (with old age)
Klut\Nxip\ [khålo' hnei'] v press a button Kå;kun\; [kha: kon:] [kha: gon:] v be bent (with old age)
Klut\pit\ [khålo' pei'] v switch off, turn off — n hunchback
Klut\®Pot\ [khålo' hpyo'] v pull a trigger, release a catch Kå;k¥io; [kha: kyo:] v [fig] break down suddenly; come to a
Klut\PXc\. [khålo' hpwin.] v switch on, turn on Kå;Âka;vHp\ [kha: gya: hnya'] v tuck sthg in at the waist
Kly\ [khålE] n middle, centre, midst Ω lk\Kly\ middle Kå;K¥v\. [kha: chi>] v 1) (of a person) be thin and feeble
finger = Aly\ looking 2) [fig] be exhausted
Kly\ekac\ [khålE gaung] n middle, centre, midst Kå;K¥v\.eAac\lup\ [kha: chi> aung lo'] v [fig] do back-
Kwå [khåwa] n laundry breaking work
KwåK¥ [khåwa cha.] v 1) launder, wash and hang out clothes Kå;K¥p\wt\ [kha; cha' wu'] v wear one's TB^ (htamein)
2) [fig] clease oneself of sins; change one's ways, turn around the waist, Ie., exposing the breasts CF rc\rxa;wt\
over a new leaf Upsa [? check]
Kwåqv\ [khåwa dhE] n launderer, laundress Kå;esac\;tc\ [khåzaung tin] v 1) carry sthg on the hip
Kw´ [khåwE:] n Œridged gourd 2) [fig] have sb under one's thumb; to have at one's
Kå1 [kha] v 1) shake, shake off CF eKåc\;Kå shake one's head (no) disposal
2) refuse 3) clean (out), empty Ω eTac\Kå release of Kå;sv\;KM [kha: si: khan] v [fig] withstand all troubles
prisoners Ω RuMKå empty a hall Kå;etac\;k¥iok\ [gådaung kyai'] v tuck up the longyi short
Kå2 [kha] n 1) time; duration, period; moment 2) frequency; S YN enak\piu;k¥iok\
time Kå;etac\;k¥iok\lup\ [gådaung kyai' lo'] v [fig] work very
— part count word for number of times Ω nxs\Kå
na;eTac\P¨;ty\" I listened to it twice. [ nc] Kå;tut\ [kha: do'] v have a large waist A NT Kå;qim\
Kåeta\m^ [kha daw hmi] adv in time (for an occasion); on Kå;eTak\ [kha: htau'] v place hands on hips
time Kå;Ts\KXc\K¥^ [gådi' khwin chi] v carry a child one one's hip
Kåtiuc\; [kha dain:] adv always, every time
Kåtiuc\;liu [kha dain: lo] adv as usual Kå;na [kha: na] v sprain one's back
Kån^; [kha ni:] part particle suffixed to a verb to indicate Kå;piuk\ [gåbai'] n pouch formed by fastening the upper
some activity is about to take place, about to part of a longyi in a certain way
ts\Kå [tåkha] adv once Kå;piuk\eSac\tp\ [gåbai' hsaung ta'] n pocket army [ pe]
ts\Kåk [tåkha ga.] adv at one time; once, on one Kå;piuk\T´Tv\. [gåbai' htE: htE.] v [fig] have sb in one's
occasion = ts\Kåtun\; k pocket Upsa, to have control over sb
ts\Kåts\Kå, ts\Kåts\el' ts\Kå-ts\rM' [tåkha tåkha, Kå;piuk\NOik\ [gåbai' hnai'] v pick (sb's) pocket
tåkha tåle, tåkha tåyan] adv sometimes, at times, Kå;pt\ [gåba'] n belt
occasionally, (every) once in a while, now and then, Kå;pt\eKåc\; [gåba' gaung:] n belt buckle
now and again, from time to time = ts\rM-ts\Kå' ts\rM- Kå;pn\;”kio; [gåban: gyo:] n belt used by Buddhist monks
ts\Ss\ Kå;pn\;kXc\; [gåban: gwin:] n loop of belt used by Buddhist
ts\Kåtv\; [tåkha dE:] adv 1) (only) once 2) ™right monks
now, immediatly, at once Kå;pn\;q^; [gåban: dhi:] n button used to fasten belt used
ts\Kåmx [tåkha hma.] adv never, not even once, not ever by Buddhist monks
ts\KåqMu; [tåkha thon:] v be disposable, be single-use, be Kå;pMus [gåbon za.] n flap formed by fastening men's longyi
Kå3 [kha] n 1) partridge 2) Chinese francolin Kå;®pt\ [kha: pya'] v [fig] have a break in continuity; be
Kåtin\vc\ [kha tånyin] n tame partridge decoy used to interrupted
snare partridges Kå;Pumun\la [no ko u.] n kohlrabi S YN NiukiuU
KåK¥U\ [kha gyin] n large red biting forest ant Ω KåK¥U\PXp\ smoke Kå;qim\ [kha: thein] v be wasp-waisted,
have a slender
out ants waist A NT Kå;tut\
Kå;1 [kha:] v be bitter Ku1 [khu.] v 1) prop up, place a support underneath

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 60

Ku ª K´.
2) substitute; be a help 3) be offended 2) dish out, serve (cooked rice) [? also for curries?]
KuKM [khu. gan] v resist; defend; oppose CF kakXy\' eK¥p [? eK [khe] v (of a person) be useless, be worthless; (of luck)
can we do something with examples to bring out the be bad Ω eKq¨
differences?] K´1 [khE:] v 1) solidify, freeze Ω erK´ ice 2) (of milk) curdle, go
KuKMAa; [khu. gan a:] n strength of resistance; immunity sour; gel, congeal, coagulate, clot Ω NXa;NiuÏ kiu erK´-eqt†a
KuKMAa;k¥eragå [khu. gan a: kya. yaw: ga] n AIDS, Acquired mTv\.eta. K´enty\" We didn't put the milk in the fridge
immuno-deficiency syndrome = eAAiuc\ d^Ak\ s\ and now it is sour. [khE: (gE:)] 3) be crowded (with); be
CF Ait\K¥\Aiuc\b^X swarming (with)
KutMu;lup\ [khu. don: lo'] v [fig] use as a means to an end; — n 1) stone, rock 2) solidified lump
make a stepping stone of sb Upsa — part hardly, rarely, seldom, barely, almost never, not
KuNxim\ [khu. hnein] v deduct; subtract = Nxim\ be in the habit of; slowly, take a very long time to:
KuluKulu®Ps\ [khu. lu. khu. lu. phyi'] v 1) feel uneasy, feel particle suffixed to a verb to show rarity, uncertainty, or
uncomfortable 2) be unsettled, be unresolved lateness L IT : ‘The wise rarely pay careful attention.’
= Kiu;luKulu®Ps\ Ω πpvarxi qti®Ps\K´" Even the wise can make mistakes.
Ku2 [khu.] n 1) unit 2) year which does not end in 0 Ω ¯Ark\ e qak\ tt\ qla;"˘ ¯eqak\K´ ty\"˘ ‘Do you drink?’
— part general count word, which can be used in ‘Hardly ever.‘ Ω ¯Niuc\cM®Ka;kiu qXa;P¨; la;"˘ ¯qXa;K´ty\"˘ ‘Have
counting most things [ nc] you been abroad?’ ‘Not yet.‘ Ω q¨laK´liuk\ta" She didn't
KuNxs\ [khu. hniq] n year which does not end in 0 CF ®pv\.Nxs\ come. She taking a long time.

ts\Kulp\ [tåkhu. la'] n divorcee, person who has been K´kt\ [khE: ka'] v be difficult, hard
divorced CF ts\lc\kXa K´ts\ps\ [gE: dåbyi'] n [fig] a short distance, a stone's
Ku3 [khu. (gu.)] n ™now; the present = yKu AKu [ ph] throw Upsa
Kutela [khu. (gu.) tålaw:] n nowadays, these days K´Piu; [gE: bo:]
n money demanded by young men for a
Kutc\k [gu. de' hti>] adv still, up till now, so far = Kunk' feast at the time of a wedding, as a 'bribe' not to throw
Kuntc\k stones at the house in the night CF mgçlaeÂk; [ bs]
Kun [gu. na.] n just now, a moment ago
Kuntc\k' Kuntc\k [gu. de' hti>] adv still, up till now, so K´yU\; [khE: yin:] v be difficult, be hard
far = Kutc\k K´raK´Ss\ [khE: ya khE: zi'] n difficult matter
Kuen [gu. ne] adv now, at present — adv with difficulty
KuNxs\Ÿ [gu. hni'] n ™this year = ¬ yKuNxs\' d^Nxs\ ts\K´nk\ [tåkhE: ne'] adv all together, at the same time,
Kuel;tc\ [gu. le: din] n a little while ago in unison
Kulup\Kusa; [gu. lo' gu. sa:] v live hand to mouth Upsa, earn K´2 [khE:] n 1) lead (soft grey metal) Metallic element Pb
only enough to live CF meqRMutmy\ 2) graphite, soft grey stone used in making pencil leads
Kutc\ [gådin] n bed, bedstead CF Aip\ra [ ph]
Kuns\ [khun hni'] n seven K´salMu; [khE: sålon:] n π(lead) type
Kuns\sU\Âky\ [khun hnåsin kyE] n © Ursa Major, The Great K´SM [khE: zan] n pencil lead
Bear, The Plough, The Big Dipper = Âky\ermOt\ K´SMeBapc\ [khE: zan baw: pin] n mechanical pencil
Kuns\eTXk [khun hnåhtwe ga.] n the seven kinds of K´tM [khE: dan] n pencil Ω erac\sMuK´tM coloured pencils
traditional Myanmar dances: yogi (eza\g¥^), ogre K´P¥k\ [khE: bye'] n rubber (Br), eraser (Am) S YN ePa.P¥k\
(B^l¨;), monkey (em¥ak\), minister (wn\), long one- CF p¥k\
headed drum (bse), short double-headed drum (), great K´m®Pø [khE ma. hpyu] n tin S YN Bc\' qM®Pø
drum () or two-headed drum () [? still need bse for K´ym\;m^;ek¥ak\ [khE: yan: mi: kyau'] n 1) ¬shot,powder,
most] and flint 2) ammunition
Kuns\rk\Kuns\l^ [khun hnåye' khun hnåli] adv [fig] for a long K´3 [khE:] v 1) bite, clamp sthg between the teeth; clench
time (jaw, teeth) 2) be determined (to do sthg), be bent on
Kuns\rk\qa;qm^; [khun hnåye' tha: dhåmi:] n everyone L IT : (doing sthg)
‘children of seven weekdays’ K´´PXy\ [khE: bwE] n ‹food other than rice, other grains,
Kuns\lWaAk [khun hnåhlwa åka.] n striptease L I T : ‘dance fish, and meat; special food. CF eBazU\ [ fd bs]
of seven veils’
Kuns\qMK¥^hs\ [khun hnåthan gyi hi'] v yell at the top of one's K´´PXy\eBazU\ [khE: bwE baw: zin] n food offered to monks
voice [ fd bs]
K¨ [khu] n 1) caterpillar 2) jellyfish, mimosa = cå;Pn\KXk\' erK¨ K´Aiu [khE: o] n brother-in-law husband of a woman's elder
sister, or elder brother of a woman's husband CF mt\2
K¨na [khu na] n abcess on the tip of a finger
K¨; [khu:] v 1) (of flowers, fruit, leaves, etc.) pluck, pick; cull K´. [khE.] part particle suffixed to verbs to emphasize

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 61

eKå ª KM
definitiveness of an action or condition Ω liuk\K´.på" Please (luxury) 5) resist, withstand; oppose CF KuKM resist 6) bear,
come with me. Ω A´d^ lXy\Ait\-vs\pt\ty\" my¨K´.pån´Ï" That endure, stand; tolerate, put up with Ω AeA; mKMNiuc\B¨;" I
shoulder bag is very dirty; don't take it with you. can't stand the cold. CF qv\;KM tolerate 7) cushion, place
K´.rc\' K´.lÏiurxirc\' K´.lYc\ [khE. yin, khE. lo. shI yin, khE. hlyin] part sthg under; support, hold up, prop Ω Awt\n´ÏKM cushion
if only Ω q¨qa kÁn\eta\.-qa;®Ps\K´.rc\ By\elak\-ekac\;ml´" with cloth CF Ae®KKM base on, take as a basis; eTak\K M
It would so wonderful if he were my son. Ω kun\eZ;NOn\; qa support; recommend [? ok?] 8) obstruct, be in the way,
k¥K´.liurxirc\ Aa;lMu;-ep¥a\mxap´" People will be happy only if the block 9) come before Ω lk\kiuc\Pun\;-kiu Sk\K¥c\rc\ 09 KM“p^-
prices go down. ;Sk\på" When you want to call a mobile, you have to dial
eKå1 [khaw:] v (of tooth, teeth) protrude, (of person) have 09 first. CF ska;KM 10) last Ω d^Peyac\tiuc\ ts\nar^-mKMB¨;"
buck teeth CF ecå This candle won't last an hour. 11) put or set sthg out;
eKå2 [khaw:] n Ósmall basket in which offerings are leave Ω ereNX;-AeA;KM leave tea to cool Ω p´-Apup\KM put beans
presented to evil spirits [ bs] out to ferment [? ok?]
eKåsa [khaw: za] n food offered to spirits [ fd bs] — adv (talk, fight) back
eKåsaekÁ; [khaw: za kywe:] v make offering of food to evil — part suffix esp to noun in A_ form: undergo
spirits (deliberately); seek, request Ω AerX;KM seek election, stand
eKåsaps\ [khaw: za pyi'] v make offering of food to evil for election Ω Asact\KM-SN»®p go on a hunger strike [? ok
spirits new from JO. need examples without a- as well]
eKåpn\;etac\; [khaw: bådaung:] n eKå basket with a square KMK¥i [khan chI] v (usually neg) stand, endure, bear
base Ω kÁn\ e ta.- AeP-AeÂkac\; mekac\;-e®paeta.
eKåput\ [khaw: bo'] n snack of pounded cooked sticky rice, mKMK¥imKMqa®Ps\ty\" I couldn't stand him insulting my father.
with roasted sesame seeds KMsa; [khan za:] v 1) experience; feel 2) suffer 3) feel
eKåp¥U\ [khaw: byin] n cake made of pounded cooked sticky Ω ema\dn\- kb¥akiu qi p\mKM sa;-tt\ B¨;" I don't enjoy modern
rice with roasted sesame seeds and sliced coconut poems much.
eKÅ [khaw] v 1) name; be called Ω A´d^eS; (nMmv\)- KMsa;KXc\. [khan za: gwin.] n (fringe) benefit Ω ekÁn\mmxa
meKÅtt\B¨;" I don't know what the medicine was called. ts\Nxs\kiu KXc\.rk\ (15)-rk\ KMsa;KXc\.rxity\" We get 15 days
2) call or beckon sb; call (an animal) Ω sa;pX´Tiu; eKÅAuM;" paid holiday per year. Ω d^lup\c n\;k-rt´. A®mt\kiu
Call the waiter. U SAGE : BOX on all the different ways to kÁn\eta\lv\; KMsa;KXc\.rxity\" We get a share of the
call animals etc pig, horse, |fv(yiuÏyiuÏ,}, pig el.el.' business’s profits
yiuÏyiuÏ, soul kl¨kl¨, cat mimimi. 3) call (out to) sb (by KMsa;mO [khan za: hmu.] n experience; feeling; suffering
name) Ω mmKiuc\kiu eKÅenta-Âka“p^" mÂka;B¨; la;" I've been KMes [khan se] v bestow
calling you for a long time, Ma Ma Khain. Couldn't you hear KMss\ [khan zi'] n defence, defensive (action) (in games,
me? 4) call (a meeting) 5) ™be on speaking terms etc) CF Tiu;ss\
6) mean by 7) call (on the telephone) 8) take, bring sb KMetac\; [khan daung:] n wide shallow basket
along Ω emac\el;era\ meKÅK´.-B¨; la;" Aren't you bringing CFelac\;etac\;' tc\etac\;
your little brother along? KMtp\ [khan da'] n fort, fortress; stockade; military
— adv also known as (a.k.a.), alias stronghold
eKÅeKÅe®pae®pa [khaw gaw pyaw: byaw:] adv on speaking KMtXc\; [gådwin:] n (inside of the) mouth CF på;sp\' NOt\
terms, in connection [ ph]
eKÅeSac\ [khaw hsaung] v take, bring sb along KMtXc\;ekac\; [gådwin: kaung:] v have an appetite
eKÅtXc\ [khaw twin] v be known (as) KMtXc\;K¥U\ [gådwin: chin] v feeling in the mouth after
eKÅTut\ [khaw hto'] v get out, get away from eating or drinking, making one want to drink tea,
Ω mi BetX S^k q¨>kiu mli m\.-ts\ pt\ n´Ï eKÅTu t\-qXa;ty\" He got smoke, or have something sweet
her away from her parents with a ruse. KMtXc\;etac\; [gådwin: taung:] v crave (a particular food)
eKÅem; [kyaw me;] v question (by a superior) Ω q¨>RuM;Kn\;T´ KMtXc\;etX> [gådwin twe.] v 1) relish, recover one's appetite
eKÅjem;qv\" He was questioned in his office. 2) [fig] appreciate
eKÅy¨ [khaw yu] v advertise, announce (a job opening) KMtXc\;epåk\ [gådwin pau'] v regain one's appetite
Ω mg©zc\;-Ay\ t^taraT¨;AtX k\ qtc\;samx tSc\. eKÅy¨qv\" KMtXc\;p¥k\ [gådwin pye'] v lose one's appetite
They advertised in the newspaper for a magazine editor. KMtXc\;rxc\; [gådwin shin:] v freshen the mouth
ts\eKÅ(sa) [tåkhaw (sa)] n shouting distance, earshot, KMtXc\;liuk\ [gådwin lai'] v regain one's appetite
the distance at which a shout can be heard KMNiuc\rv\ [khan nain yi] n power of resistance, tolerance,
KM1 [khan] v 1) catch, intercept (sthg falling); absorb endurance; fortitude
Ω eKÁ;KMAkÇ¥ vest (UK), undershirt (Am) [? absorb ok? see KMe®pa [khan pyaw:] v talk back Ω l¨cy\k l¨”k^;kiu KMm-
below] 2) accept; receive; collect CF lk\KM accept; e®pan´Ï" Young people should not talk back to their elders.
ekak\KM collect (taxes, duties, etc); levy (tax); AemXKM v S YN ®pn\e®pa
receive an inheritance; n heir 3) host; hold, celebrate Ω pX´>KM KM®pc\; [khan byin:] v resent, be embittered
hold a festival [? ok?] 4) enjoy, relish CF zim\KM enjoy KMy¨ [khan yu] v 1) catch, intercept (sthg falling)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 62

KM ª Kk\
2) believe, adopt, espouse; accept (degrees, beliefs, etc) Kiu;sa; [kho: sa:] v 1) make a living by stealing,
KMy¨K¥k\ [khan yu gye'] n belief, conviction; creed smuggling [ rc] 2) steal sthg (esp to eat) 3) eat (sthg)
KMr [khan ya.] part suffix esp to noun in A_ form, often without permission CF q¨Kiu;' emxac\Kiu
corresponding to passive in English: suffer, undergo Kiu;Tup\ [kho: hto'] v smuggle (out) CF Kiu;qXc\;' emxac\Kiu [ rc]
(involuntarily) Ω AS¨-KMrmy\" I will get a scolding. I will be Kiu;Tup\Kiu;Tv\ [kho: do' kho: dE] n stolen property, hot
scolded. goods (sl) [ rc]
KMwn\ [khan wun] v pledge; take responsibility; give Kiu;Tup\Kiu;Tv\Nxc\.mi [kho: do' kho: dE hnin. mi>] v be caught
confession red-handed, be caught with stolen goods
KMwn\K¥k\ [khan wun gye'] n pledge; promise; surety Kiu;e®p; [kho: pye:] v 1) steal (sb) to marry, abduct, kidnap
Ω KMwn\K¥k\ Tiu;“p^; lWt\ released after signing pledge 2) elope, run away to get married without permission of
KMwn\K¥op\ [khan wun gyo'] n (bail) bond parents
KMqa [khan dha] v tolerable, bearable Kiu;mO [kho: hmu.] n theft (case), [law] larceny
KM2 [khan] n Œkind of thorny bush or small tree with white Kiu;rapåpsßv\; [kho: ya ba pyi' si:] n stolen property
flowers and small sour fruit Kiu;raliuk\ [kho: ya lai'] v elope, run away to get married
KMsp\ [khan za'] n Œa kind of KM Kiu;wc\ [kho: win] v sneak in, enter (a place) illegally,
KMtk\ [khå (gå) da'] n Œtree with edible white leaves without permission, trespass
KM. [khan.] v be imposing; be dignified CF Km\;na;' Tv\wå Kiu;wxk\ [kho; hwe'] adv secretly, clandestinely Ω AeP-; [khan. nya:] v 1) be imposing, be grand, be stately; mqieAac\ Kiu;wxk\Pt\Âkty\" We used to read secretly,
be dignified 2) worthy of respect without Father knowing.
KM.Tv\ [khan. htE] v be imposing, be grand, be stately; be Kiu;qa; [kho: dha:] n thief = q¨Kiu;
dignified Kiu;qa;Da;®p [kho: dha: dåmya] n thugs, robbers, dacoits,
Kiu1 [kho] n pigeon, (if white or pale grey) dove bandits, thieves
Kiuvv\;qliu [kho] [? complete] Kiu;eq;m^;pXa; [kho: dhe: mi: bwa:] n larceny
Kiu®paerac\ [kho bya yaung] n dove grey Kiu;qXc\; [kho: thwin:] v smuggle (in) CF Kiu;Tup\' emxac\Kiu
KiuAim\ [kho ein] n dovecote, pigeon-house Kiu; [kho:] v 1) smoke 2) (of smoke) sting the eyes, make the
Kiu2 [kho] v 1) take shelter or refuge; seek protection or eyes smart S YN AecX>' Akc\;' Arxin\ CF m^;Kiu;' erKiu;
sanctuary 2) cling to 3) shirk (work), do less than AKiu; [Akho;] n smoke; vapour, gas, blast of hot air;
required 4) skimp, give less than the right amount exhalation Ω m^;rximrxi AKiu;eÂkac\.qi You will know there is a
Kiukiu; [kho ko:] v rely (up/on), depend (up/on); take fire because of the smoke. Where there's smoke, there's fire.
refuge (in) AKiu;Akc\; [Akho; Akin;] n tendency to generate heat or
Kiukiu;ram.´®Ps\ [kho go: ya me' hpyi'] v be destitute; be inflammation = Akc\; AKiu; [? new soas]
helpless; have no place to take refuge Kiu;liu;Kulu®Ps\ [kho: lo: khu. lu. hpyi'] v 1) be uneasy,
ºKiuºkt\ [kho ka'] v shirk uncomfortable (in body or mind); be perturbed,
Kiukp\en [kho ka' ne] v be dependent up/on sb; be a disturbed 2) be unsettled, unresolved = KuluKulu® Ps\
parasite [? not the same spelling as previous?] Kk\ [ke'] v 1) be hard, be difficult,be tough, not be easy
Kiumx^; [kho hmi:] v 1) take shelter or refuge; seek (of situations, decisions, people, etc) 2) make a
protection or sanctuary 2) live (in or at a place) network; weave; entwine
KiulMO [kho hlon] v take refuge, seek protection — n 1) twig; offshoot from branch; spray = AKk\
KiulMOKXc\. [kho hlon gwin.] n asylum, protection from 2) difficulty, trouble, problem RF AKk\AK´.
persecution [ pe] — part count word for branches, sprays of flowers, etc
KiueAac\; [kho aung:] v hide [ nc]
KiueAac\;ra [kho aung: ya] n hideout, hiding place Kk\K´ [khe' khE:] v be hard, be difficult, be tough, not
ts\Kiu [tåkho] n environs, surrounding region; be easy (of situations, decisions, etc)
surroundings Kk\Ss\ [khe' hsi'] n difficult word or phrase [ wr]
Kiudå [kho da] n [Islam] Khuda, God [ rel] Kk\Ss\Ae®P [khe' hsi' åhpye] n glossary, explanation of
Kiu;1 [kho:] v 1) steal (sthg); burgle (home) CF tiu;' e®Pac\' ls\ difficult or technical words or phrases [ wr]
nick, pinch, swipe 2) carry (sb) off (to marry); abduct, Kk\tc\emac\;nc\; [khe' tin maung: nin:] n non-commital
kidnap 3) imitate, copy; pirate; plagiarise way of speaking; fence-sitting L I T : ‘(like the up-and-
— part prefix to verb: secretly, stealthily, down motion of pounding rice)’
surreptitiously Ω Ark\-Kiu;eqak\ drink secretly Kk\Tn\ [khe' htan] v be harsh, stern
Kiu;eÂkac\Kiu;wxk\ [kho; gyaung kho hwe'] adv stealthily, Kk\m [khe' ma.] n main branch
surreptitiously Kk\ma [khe' ma] v be hard, be rough
Kiu;Âkv\. [kho: kyi>] v look slyly, look furtively Kk\rc\; [khåyin;] n fork CF KX pitchfork; AqXa; prong [ ph]
Kiu;K¥ [kho: cha.] v copy, cheat, crib (on examinations); Kk\rc\;KX [khåyin; gwa.] n 1) forked weapon such as
plagiarise (written works) trident 2) fork (for working earth); pitchfork (for moving

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 63

eKåk\ ª eKåc\
hay, straw, etc) = rn\Kiuk\edåq
Kk\lk\ [khe' le'] n branches Kc\1 [khin] v (of a person) be fond of, be friendly with,
AKk\ [Akhe'] n 1) twig; offshoot from branch; spray like, be attached to
=Kk\ 2) difficulty, trouble, problem RF AKk\AK´. — n 1) term of endearment for a woman 2) œreed (of
AKk\AK´ [Akhe' AkhE] n difficulty, trouble, problem a wind instrument) 4) skein (of yarn, etc) = AKc\'
AKk\Alk\ [Akhe' Ale'] n branches, tree limbs K¥v\Kc\ [ ms]
eKåk\1 [khau'] v 1) knock Ω tMKå;-eKåk\ knock on the door — part conjuction used with negative verb: before
2) whisk, beat, whip (egg, cream, etc) 3) strike, chime Ω mqXa;Kc\ before going
the hour 4) strum, play (stringed instrument) — part count word for skeins (of yarn, etc) CF AKc\ [ nc]
eKåk\rxacxk\ [khau' sha hnge'] n (streak-breasted)
woodpecker = qs\etak\cxk\ Kc\”k^;piu; [khin gyi; po;] n œspecial silk used to make harp
eKåk\2 [khau'] v 1) fold (paper, etc) CF eKX 2) be folded strings [ ms]
Ω m¥k\Nxa-rxs\eKåk\K¥io; have a forbidding expression, Lit: ‘face Kc\Kc\ [khin khin] n honorific title used in addressing
folded 8 times’ 3) be folding, be collapsible daughters of aristocracy, my lady
— part count word for trips Ω mel;rxa;kiu ts\eKåk\p´ Kc\m [khin ma.] [? can't read note at all p45]
erak\P¨;ty\" I've been to Malaysia only once. [ nc] Kc\tM [khin dan] n raised part of the esac\; (harp) where
eKåk\eÂk; [khau' kye:] n system of payment according to the holes for the strings are S YN mxc\Riu;
the number of trips completed, usually for drivers Kc\tXy\ [khin twE] v be attached to (a person)
eKåk\Kn´ [khau' khånE] adv suddenly, unexpectedly Kc\pXn\; [khin bun:] n 1) [formal] husband CF eyak\¥a;'
eKåk\Kutc\ [khau' gådin] n cot, camp-bed, folding bed Am¥io;qa;' lc\' zn^; wife 2) close friend
eKåk\K¥io; [khau' cho:] part count word for times sthg is Kc\pXn\;”k^;Sy\på; [khin bun: gyi: hsE ba;] n ten kinds of
done [? or folded?] people who should not be wronged: 1 the Buddha, 2 a
eKåk\K¥io;K¥io; [khau' cho: cho:] v fold in half lesser Buddha, 3 an Arhat, 4 the foremost disciple of the
eKåk\K¥io;v^ [khau' cho: nyi] v be symmetrical CF AK¥io;v^ Buddha, 5 one's mother, 6 one's father, 7 an honourable
eKåk\K¥io;®mt\ [khau' cho: mya'] v make 50 percent profit person, 8 one's mentor, 9 a preacher of Buddhism, 10
eKåk\tuM>kXc\; [khau' ton. gwin:] n slipknot one's benefactor [ bs]
eKåk\tuM>eKåk\®pn\ [khau' ton. khau' pyan] adv (pace, walk) Kc\mc\ [khin min] v feel friendly toward, like, be fond of
back and forth, up and down Kc\2 [khin] n ridge S YN kun\;tn\;' kun\;Riu;
eKåk\tMuÏK¥v\ [khau' ton. chi] v tie into a bow or a slipknot Kc\3 [khin] n œzither-like flat stringed instrument played
eKåk\®pn\ep; [khau' pyan be:] n system of buying on credit with bamboo mallets [ ms]
payable at next purchase Kc\4 [khin] n Ólord, master CF qKc\ pe)
eKåk\mun\Ï [khau' mon.] n pancake made of rice flour, palm Kc\”k^; [khin gyi:] n ‹ÓBuddhist monk CF Bun\;”k^; [ bs]
sugar, coconut, and folded to form a semi-circle Kc\b¥a [khåmya] n polite form used by men, yes (to show
eKåk\Riu; [khau' yo:] n crease that sb has one's attention); excuse me (to indicate one
eKåk\Riu;k¥io; [khau' yo: gyo:] v [fig] be mindless, be has not understood) CF b¥' b¥a' b¥io' b¥io>' rxc\
obedient; be in a rut; be unable to change one's ways
Kc\b¥a; [khåmya:] pron [formal] you (by µ)
eKåk\Riu;mk¥io; [khau' yo: mågyo:] v be careless, be sloppy; — part µ particle used in polite speaking to show
break discipline, be disobedient respect or seriousness
ts\eKåk\ts\k¥c\; [tåkhau' dågyin:] adv once Kc\pup\cxk\ [khin bo' hnge'] n brown hawk-owl
eKåk\SX´ [khau' hswE:] n noodles, pasta, usu made from wheat Kc\; [khin:] v spread (concrete, butter, etc); roll out
flour Ω eKåk\SX´eÂka\ fried noodles CF (p´)ÂkaSM' nn\;”k^;' (carpet, mat, etc); lay or set (table) Ω lm\;Kc\; ty\ build a
nn\;®pa;' mun\Ï t^' rxm\;ekåk\SX´ road Ω Aip\raKc\; bedsheet Ω sa;pX´Kc\; tablecloth
eKåk\SX´Da; [kau' hswE; da;] [? what is this] Kc\;k¥c\; [khin: kyin:] v display, exhibit (art); lay out
Kiuk\ [khai'] v 1) touch, come into contact with; reach (a (goods for sale, page for printing); deploy (ships,
certain level) 2) jinx (sl), bring misfortune 3) [sl] like, missiles, troops, etc) Ω qrk\ q^;-m¥io;sMu Kc\;k¥c\;-
go for ∞, be all over Ω Asim\;erac\U^; Tup\kiu Kiuk\ty\b¥" I am erac\;K¥enty\" Many kinds of mango were laid out for sale.
all over that green hat! Ω TiuAKiuk\tXc\ [? where does this Kc\;”k^;Kc\;cy\ [khin: gyi: khin: ngE] n 1) matters big and
belong and what does it mean?] small 2) call of nature Upsa, Ie., need to urinate or
— part ¬while Ω Kr^; qXa;(qv\.)Kiuk\ ”kMoP¨;påqv\" I defecate
encountered it once while travelling. CF ™ entMu;' t´.AKå eKåc\ [khaung] v 1) be desolate 2) be high; be topmost, be
Kiuk\Kiuk\ [khai' khai' ton] v shiver, shake with cold at the or on top [gaung] 3) be distant, be remote 4) be
Kiuk\mi [khai' mi>] v hurt oneself, strike against, stub (toe) the best 5) be scarce, be scanty
— n ridge of roof Ω πeKåc\k miu; yiu" The rooftop is
Kiuk\rn\edåq [khai' yan daw: dha.] n quarrel; fight leaking. (Those at the top are corrupt, setting a bad

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 64

eKåc\; ª eKåc\;
example, etc.) 2) settle down (for life) 3) [fig] die, breathe one's last
eKåc\eÂkac\; [? need def, etc] eKåc\;K¥c\;Siuc\ [gaung; gyin zain] v discuss confidentially,
eKåc\Kiuk\ [khaung khai'] v (of prices) reach the highest put heads together (Upsa) Ω eKåc\;K¥c\;Siuc\ sU\;sa;Âkty\"
point, go through the roof Upsa They put their heads together to think.
eKåc\eKåc\ [khaung gaung] v mid-, be deep; be desolate eKåc\;K¥c\;Siuc\tiuk\ [gaung; gyin zain tai'] v collide head-on
Ω ?k eKåc\eKåc\ [? can't read handwriting] eKåc\;K¥c\;Riuk\ [gaung; gyin; yai'] v go into a huddle, talk
eKåc\K¥op\ [khaung gyo'] n [gaung gyo'] 1) ridge (of roof) secretly, sub rosa
2) [fig] in one's prime, one who has reached the height eKåc\;e®Kak\ [gaung; chau'] v [fig] be at wit's end
of one's career, strength, etc 3) leader in one's field eKåc\;ciuk\siuk\ [gaung; ngai' hsai'] v ™ hang one's head, be
eKåc\tn\; [khaung dan:] n ridge pole eKåc\;cMuÏKM [gaung; ngon. khan] v take things without
eKåc\P¥a; [khaung bya:] n top (of any structure or tall objection, take things lying down [fig] L IT : ‘bear with
thing), peak, apex, pinnacle Upsa bowed head’
eKåc\miu; [khaung mo:] n roof eKåc\;sa; [gaung; sa;] v 1) be perplexed, be stumped (inf),
eKåc\er [gaung ye] n height of spring tide, high tide be unable to figure sthg out, not know where to begin
eKåc\rv\ [khaung ye] n alcoholic drink made of fermented 2) get annoyed, be bothered
rice eKåc\;s^; [gaung; zi;] n title or heading of article, script,
eKåc\rn\; [khaung yan:] n hibiscus S YN pn\;Sv\;lv\; computer file, web page, etc CF eKåc\;sU\
eKåc\lu [bwe lu.] v decide who should will go first (in a eKåc\;sU\ [gaung; zin] n headline (of newspaper article);
game) S YN ebXlu title (of book, poem, magazine article, paper); heading
eKåc\elYak\ [khaung yau'] n ridgepole [? sure about (of section of a work); name (of computer file) CF eKåc\;s^;
spelling change? what about pronunciation? ]
eKåc\wå; [khaung wa:] n bamboo ridgepole eKåc\;sXp\ [gaung; zu'] n ski mask, balaclava; beanie,
eKåc\q¨”k^; [gaung dhågyi:] n captain (in team games) stocking cap
eKåc\Aup\ [khaung o'] n ridge cap eKåc\;eSac\ [gaung; hsaung] [gaung; zaung] v lead
eKåc\;1 [gaung;] n 1) head Ω eKåc\;T´mxa Bamxmrxirc\-Bamx-etX;liuÏ- — n leader
mrB¨;" If there is nothing in your head, you can't think. eKåc\;eSac\mO [gaung; zaung hmu.] n leadership, the quality
2) stamp (government fee) 3) pimp µ, madame ƒ, of a leader; the actions and issues of leading
procurer, brothel keeper 4) responsibility 5) heads (of a eKåc\;eSac\; [gaung; zaung;] n hat S YN U^;Tup\ [? chck pron
coin) S YN em¥ak\ CF pn\; tails and whether khamauk is included]
eKåc\;kiuk\ [gaung; kai'] v have a headache eKåc\;vit\ [gaung; nyei'] v 1) nod (one's head, to show
eKåc\;ekac\; [gaung; kaung;] v be clever, have a good head agreement) CF eKåc\;Kå' eKåc\;ym\; shake (one's head) 2) [fig]
(for) agree, assent Ω AlXy\-tk¨p´ eKåc\;-vit\-liuk\ty\" He readily
eKåc\;k¥in\; [gaung; kyein;] v have stress, be burdened; give agreed.
one a headache, be a headache, smart from a scolding eKåc\;vHp\ [gaung; hnya'] v have one's hair cut = SMpc\vHp\'
eKåc\;”k^; [gaung; kyi;] [gaung; gyi;] v be badly frightened eKåc\;tiuk\ [gaung; tai'] v (of ball) head
=eKåc\;na;pn\”k^; eKåc\;tv\ [gaung; ti (tE)] v elect a leader S YN U^;tv\
— n editorial (column in newspaper, magazine, etc) — adv 1) in the direction of 2) targeted, dedicated (to)
[ wr]
eKåc\;”k^;piuc\; [gaung; gyi; bain;] n 1) editorial 2) [fig] head eKåc\;tp\ [gaung; ta'] v 1) name sb (as the responsible
(of a group), leader person) 2) address those concerned
eKåc\;kX´ [gaung; kwE;] v (of head) be split, be bleeding eKåc\;tim\; [gaung; tein;] v evade or avoid (responsibilities
from the head; have a head injury CF ecXeKåc\;kX´ break up a or duties); dodge, sidestep, get out of (inf), duck (inf)
lump sum; zat\eKåc\;kX´ disband [? ok?]
eKåc\;Kå [gaung; kha] v 1) shake one's head (to show eKåc\;tMu; [gådon;] n clean-shaven head [ ph]
disagreement) S YN eKåc\;ym\; CF eKåc\;vit\ nod (one's head) eKåc\;tMu;SMetak\ [gådon; zådau'] n close-cropped hair,
2) [fig] disagree, dissent crew cut
eKåc\;Ku [gaung; gu. (bu.)] n pad put onto head, to make eKåc\;tMu;tMu;' eKåc\;tuM;Tiu' eKåc\;tuM;rit\ [gådon; don;,
carrying things easier CF eKåc\;rXk\ carry on the head gAdon; hto, gAdon yei'] v shave sb's head S YN eKåc\;rit\
eKåc\;K´ [gaung; khE;] v have a headache (also Upsa) eKåc\;tMu;epÅTip\kXk\ [gådon; baw htei' kwe'] v cheat a
eKåc\;KM [gaung; khan] v take responsibility; take the blame; cheater, swindle a swindler L I T : ‘cut a tonsure on a bald
make a stand (for sthg) head’
eKåc\;eKåk\eRX; [gaung; khau' ywe;] v pick and choose eKåc\;eTac\ [gaung; htaung] v raise one's head again Upsa
eKåc\;K¥ [gaung; cha.] v 1) go to sleep, fall asleep

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 65

eKåc\; ª Kiuc\
eKåc\;na;pn\;”k^; [gaung; nåban; kyi;] v be badly frightened, eKåc\;wc\kiuy\SM.nv\;b¥øha [gaung; win ko hsan. ni; byu ha] v
be frightened out of one's wits Upsa, be scared [fig] get a foot in the door
eKåc\;eA; [gaung; e;] v be calm, be collected, be cool-
eKåc\;enak\ [gaung; nau'] v be confused, be muddled; be headed, be unruffled
perplexed; be worried = eKåc\;enak\ eKåc\;eA;eA;Ta; [gaung; e; e; hta;] v keep cool, stay calm
eKåc\;p¨ [gaung; pu] v be flustered; be under stress; be
worried eKåc\;AMu [gaung; on] v feel dull and heavy; feel giddy,
eKåc\;epåc\; [gaung; baung;] n gaung-baung, light turban feeldizzy
worn by Burman men on ceremonial occasions CF ebac\;Tup\ eKåc\;AMu; [gaung; on;] v rest head (on sthg)
eKåc\;pn\;lxv.\' eKåc\;pn\;lxn\ [gaung; pan; hle., gaung; pan; — n pillow Ω eKåc\;AMu;AMu; Aip\ sleep with one's head on a
hlan] v spin, toss, or flip a coin (to make a decision, or pillow
for gambling, to see if it comes up heads or tails) CF pn\;' eKåc\;AMu;sXp\ [gaung; on; zu'] n pillow case
em¥ak\' em¥ak\pn\; lxn\ eKåc\;2 [khaung:] part count word for skeins of yarn, etc [ nc]
eKåc\;puM®Pt\ [gaung; bon hpya'] v exploit; use (sb)
CF A®mt\” k^; sa; eKåc\;3 [khaung:] n 1) coffin 2) cavity, hollow = AeKåc\;
eKåc\;e®pac\ [gaung; byaung] n bald head, bald man CFeKåc\;pit\ be solid; eKåc\;pX be hollow; liu%\eKåc\; tunnel
eKåc\;“P^; [gaung; hpi;] v (of hair) comb, brush eKåc\;tiuc\ [khaung: dain] n chimney; funnel (of ship);
eKåc\;®PøsXy\k¥io; [gaung; byu swE gyo;] n [sometimes derog] smokestack (of factory, power plant)
old person, elderly (pl), old folks (pl), (of man) grey- eKåc\;på; [khaung: ba:] v 1) be scarce A NT epå' m¥a; 2) lack
beard (initiative, intelligence, etc), be short of Ω Aqiˆa%\
eKåc\;ma [gaung; ma] v be obstinate, be stubborn; be eKåc\;på;t´.-q¨n´Ï ska;-e®parta mlXy\B¨;" It isn‘t easy to talk
headstrong with someone who is lacking in intelligence.
eKåc\;m¨; [gaung; mu;] v be giddy (Br), be dizzy (Am) eKåc\;på;®Kc\; [khaung; ba; gyin;] n 1) scarcity, paucity
eKåc\;“m^;®KMo [gaung; mi; chon] v 1) wrap oneself in a 2) dearth, lack
blanket, etc from head to foot 2) cover head and eKåc\;pit\ [khaung: bei'] v be solid CF eKåc\;pX
shoulders with a scarf, shawl, etc eKåc\;pX [khaung: bwa.] v be hollow CF eKåc\;pit\
eKåc\;mx^ [gaung; hmi] n headrest eKåc\;elac\; [khaung: laung:] n bell (illus from file)
eKåc\;ym\; [gaung; yan;] v shake head (in denial, refusal, eKåc\;elac\;eKåk\ [khaung: laung: khau'] v ring school bell
etc) S YN eKåc\;Kå CF eKåc\;vit\ nod (one's head) eKåc\;elac\;t^; [khaung: laung: ti:] v ring (bell), strike
eKåc\;rc\; [gaung; yin;] n 1) place in the direction of one's (bell without clapper)
head when sleeping, usually east or south CF e®Krc\; eKåc\;elac\;Tiu; [khaung: laung: hto:] v (of bell) toll, ring,
2) (of a Buddhist home) part of the home where the strike (in a holy place)
altar is (usually east) [ bs] eKåc\;elac\;pMu [khaung: laung: pon] n ‹bell-like part of a
eKåc\;rit\ [gaung; yei'] v shave (one's head) pagoda est^ (illus) [ bh]
eKåc\;erxac\ [gaung; shaung] v [fig] try to wriggle out of eKåc\;elac\;eBac\;B^ [khaung: laung: baung: bi] n bell-
responsibility, etc A NT eKåc\;eSac\ bottoms, bell-bottom trousers
eKåc\;rXk\ [gaung; ywe'] v carry on the head Kiuc\ [khain] v 1) be steadfast, be constant, be firm 2) last, be
eKåc\;rXk\eZ;qv\ [gaung; ywe' ze dhE] n hawker, sb who durable 3) -fast Ω eS;Kiuc\ colourfast' 4) be stable 5) fasten
sells things from a tray, carried on the head while 6) [inf] be well backed up 7) [inf] make a lot of money
walking [? make a lot? get a lot? windfall??]
eKåc\;rXk\b¥p\Tiu; [gaung; ywe' bya' hto;] n hawker, sb who — n stalk = AKiuc\
sells things from a tray, while sitting
— part count word for sprays of flowers, bunches of
eKåc\;rit\ [gaung; yei'] v shave sb's head S YN eKåc\;tMu;-tMu;' fruit [ nc]
eKåc\;tuM;-Tiu' eKåc\;tuM;-rit\ Kiuc\k¥v\ [khain kyi] v be firm, be stable; be steadfast
eKåc\;rxc\; [gaung; shin;] v 1) be free from worry 2) clear Kiuc\eÂk; [khain gye:] v commission for collection of
one's mind of worries, relax
revenues, etc
eKåc\;erxac\ [gaung; shaung] v evade or avoid Kiuc\KM. [khain gan.] v 1) be strong, be firm 2) be durable
(responsibilities or duties); get out of (inf)
Kiuc\NOn\; [khain hnon:] n percentage = raKiuc\NOn\;
eKåc\;ROp\ [gaung; sho'] v be confused, be muddled; be Kiuc\“P^; [khain hpyi:] v Óabound in; be rich
perplexed; be worried
Kiuc\ma [khain ma] v firm, irrefutable
eKåc\el; [gaung; le;] v 1) feel dull, be drowsy 2) [fig] Kiuc\“m´ [khain myE:] v 1) be steadfast, be constant, be firm
be worried, be anxious
2) last, be durable 3) fast 4) be stable
eKåc\;lim\;S^ [gaung; lein; zi] n scented hair-oil, pomade Kiuc\lMu [khain lon] v 1) (of evidence, reasons) be
eKåc\;elYa\ [gaung; shaw] v wash hair, shampoo sufficient, be irrefutable 2) (of stronghold, fortification)
eKåc\;wc\kiuy\SM. [gaung; win ko hsan.] v be at ease in any secure, impregnable
society or circumstances

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Kiuc\; ª KNÎa
Kiuc\;1 [khain:] v ask, command, order (sb to do sthg); put to eKt\kal [khi' ka la.] v era, times
work eKt\ekac\; [khi' kaung:] n golden age, period of
Kiuc\;es [khain: se] v ask or order (sb to do sthg); put to prosperity
work eKt\kun\ [khi' kon] v 1) lose popularity 2) be outdated,
Kiuc\;NXa; [khain: nwa:] n draft cattle, cattle of an age to be out-of-date
work eKt\k¥p\ [khi' kya'] n hard times
Kiuc\;Pt\ [khain: ba'] n factotum, general help, gofer eKt\”kio [khi' kyo] n preliminary period of certain era
Kiuc\;2 [khain:] v 1) compare; cite as an example CF pMuKiuc\; eKt\sa; [khi' sa:] v be popular, be in vogue or fashion
2) be contiguous 3) paddle a boat away from land eKt\sm\;saep [khi' san: sa pe] n new school of writing,
Kiuc\;NOic\; [khain: hnain:] v compare; cite as an example which rejected the formal traditional written style of
Kt\ [kha'] v 1) beat, strike 2) kick 3) toss, gore, injure literature for a short and simple style accessible to all.
with horn or tusk Ω kÁ´Kt\KM gored by a buffalo CF K¥io [? Begun at Rangoon University by qipJMemac\w' eza\g¥^'
check example] 4) flutter; fan; flap Ω yp\etac\n´ÏKt\ fan mc\; quw%\ in gN|elak magazine in the 1930s, this style
Ω etac\ pMKt\ flap wings [? ok?] 5) fence in, hedge, wall in marked a renaissance of Burmese literature. [ wr]
6) ∑row, paddle CF Kt\tk\ paddle, oar; elxa row eKt\Siu; [khi' hso:] n bad times
7) shoot 8) ™make a dig or gibe at 9) put in Ω Sa;Kt\ eKt\Sn\ [khi' hsan] v be fashionable, be trendy
put in salt Ω ertXc\;kiu eS;Kt\ disinfect a well Ω ASip\K t\ eKt\eSX; [khi' hswe:] n decadent times; old times
poison 3) 10) mark (with a cross); stamp (with a seal) eKt†(K%) [khi' ta. (khAna.)] n a short time, a moment
11) secure, clap on (handcuffs, etc); shackle, restrain, — adj temporary
(for hands) cuff, (for legs) put in irons, chain eKt\tim\ [khi' tein] v 1) lose popularity 2) be outdated,
Ω lk\ Tit\K t\ handcuff, e®KK¥c\;Kt\ shackle 12) impose, be out-of-date
slap sb with (inf), give (fine, ticket, etc); fine; ticket eKt\T [khi' hta.] v become popular, rise to fame, power,
Ω d%\ecX-K t\ fine etc CF eKt\mxin\
Kt\kXc\; [kha' kwin:] n 1) ∑loop of cane or rope used to eKt\enak\k¥ [khi' nau' kya.] v be out of date, be behind
hold an oar; rowlock CF Kt\tk\ 2) [fig] weak point the times
Kt\kXc\;®pc\ [kha' kwin pyin] v prepare to attack eKt\enak\®pn\SX´ [khi' nau' pyan hswE:] v retrogress, go
Kt\KMu [kha' khon] n ∑thole, base for thole pin CF Kt\tiuc\ backward
eKt\enak\®pn\SX´qma; [khi' nau' pyan hswE: dhåma:] n
Kt\tk\ [kha' te'] n ∑oar CF Kt\kXc\; conservative CF erx;Riu;s´Xwåd^ [? more a traditionalist? or fix
Kt\tiuc\ [kha' tain] n ∑tholepin; thole CF Kt\KMu in she:]
Kt\tiuc\;cn\ [kha' tain: ngan] n busybody, one who eKt\eNxac\; [khi' hnaun:] n latter part of an age; decline
meddles in others' affairs; one who has a finger in every eKt\pva [khi' pyin nya] n 1) Ósecular education
pie 2) modern education Ω eKt\pvatt\ [? ??]
Kt\Nxip\ [kha' hnei'] v stamp (seal on an agreement, etc) eKt\epÅ [khi' paw] v be modern, be contemporary
= tMSip\K t\Nxip\ eKt\p¥k\ [khi' pye'] n anarachy, state of lawlessness
Kt\elx [kha' hle] v ∑rowing boat (Br), rowboat (Am) = kalp¥k\
Kt†a [kha' ta] n Œspecies of lily CF qud»' ®bm`%' ezœ [? eKt\e®pac\; [khi' pyaung:] n change (in society)
what are these cfs?] eKt\e®pac\;eta\lxn\er; [khi' pyaung: taw hlan ye] n social
KtiÊy(m¥io;NXy\)1 [kha' hti> ya. (myo: nwE)] n royal warrior caste; revolution
noble, aristocrat, in Hindu caste system Kshatriya eKt\m^ [khi' hmi] v be modern, be up-to-date
CF eKt\mxin\ [khi' hmein] v (of fame, etc) fade away; lose
Kti†y2 [kha' ti> ya.] n champagne diamond popularity, go out of fashion CF eKt\T
Kut\ [kho'] v 1) (with knife, machete, sword, Da:, etc) eKt\erx>e®p; [khi' she. pye:] [khi' she. bye:] v be ahead of the
slash, cut; chop, strike, hack, chop 2) be wrought times
3) drive; run, operate — n forerunner, pioneer; avante garde
Kut\Ts\ [kho' hti'] v hack, chop eKt\ly\ [khi' lE] n the middle of an age, period, etc
Kut\TXc\rxc\;lc\; [kho' htwin shin: lin:] v clear (land) eKt\lXn\ [khi' lun] n time after a certain age, period,
Kut\piuc\; [kho' pain:] v cut into portions etc
Kut\®Pt\ [kho' hpya'] v cut off eKt\qs\ [khi' thi'] n new era; modern times
Kut\emac\; [kho' maung:] v drive; run, operate eKt\quU\; [khi' thon:] v 1) lose popularity 2) be outdated
Kut\lx´ [kho' hlE:] v cut down, fell (tree)
Kut\qa; [kho' tha:] n chopped pieces of big fish eKt\ehac\; [khi' haung:] n the past
eKt\ [khi'] n 1) extent, domain 2) period, times; age, era, eKt\U^; [khi' u:] n the early period of an age
epoch Ω kiuliun^eKt\ colonial times, period of colonisation KN^| [khan ti] n patience, forbearance
[ pe] KNÎa [khan da] n 1) assemblage of the five aggregates of

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 67

Kn\Ï ª KMu
being 2) the body CF KNÎacå;på;' Rup\nam\Nxs\; på; — adv (of house, restaurant, etc) full to capacity (of
KNÎakiuy\ [khan da ko] n the body = kiuy\KNÎa hotels, uesthouse, etc) no vacancy
KNÎaeÂkX' KNÎaK¥op\ [khan da kywe, khan da cho'] v die, pass Kn\;wå [khan: wa] n Óabode, dwelling place Ω l¨>BMu-Kn\;wå
away abode of humans
KNÎacå;på; [khan da nga: ba:]
n five aggregates embodying a Kn\;wc\psßv\; [khan: win pyi' si:] n wedding presents given by
being including R¨pkƒNÎa' material form, ewdnkƒNÎa sensory parents of the couple [ bs] [? check by whom ]
perception, feeling, qvkƒNÎa will and stimulation and ts\Kn\;rp\®pzat\ [tåkhan: ya' pya. za'] n one-act play
change, qKçårkƒNÎa volition and the phenomona of Kn\;2 [khan:] v 1) dry up, evaporate; cease 2) [fig] be used
stimulation and change, wiva%kƒNÎa consciousness, up
awareness [ bh] Kn\;e®Kak\ [khan: chau'] v dry up, evaporate; cease
KNÎasXn\Ï [khan da sun.] [? ??] Kun\ [khon] v jump
KNÎaebd [khan da be da.] n anatomy Kun\k¨; [khon ku;] v 1) jump, spring (from branch to
KNÎaerX> [kan da ywe.] v die, pass away branch, tree to tree, etc) Ω ts\pc\mx-ts\pc\ Kun\k¨; ty\ Jump
KNÎawn\ [khan da wun] n burden of the body's existence from one tree to another. 2) [fig] ∏change parties
[ bh]
KNÎawn\K¥ [khan da wun cha.] v (of monks) pass into prinib`a n\ Kun\ek¥a\ [khon kyaw] v jump over, leap over
attain final dissolution of KNÎa; die Kun\K¥' Kun\Sc\; [khon cha., khon hsin;] v jump down
Kn\Ï [khan.] v 1) assign, charge (with duty, etc); appoint Kun\SXKun\SX [khon hswa. khon hswa.] adv with a hopping,
2) estimate roughly, guess CF mxn\; 3) be awed; show skipping gait
respect (usu negative) Kun\epåk\ [khon pau'] v jump about, gambol, caper
— part particle suffixed to noun to indicate Kun\p¥M [khon pyan] v jump (high), leap
approximation; about, roughly, circa, approximately Kp\1 [kha'] v 1) (when serving soup, etc) ladle, dish up
Ω el;cå;eqac\;Kn\Ï about forty or fifty thousand Ω Arv\ nv\;nv\; Kp\ep;på" Could I have a little more broth?
Kn\ÏKX´ [khan. khwE:] v manage and delegate duties CF K¨' Tv\. 2) draw (water) S YN SX´ [? ok?] 3) scoop
Kn\Ïsa [khan. za] n appointment order = Kn\ÏAp\lWa 4) reach (other side); attain (a skill, position, value)
Kn\Ïva; [khan.nya:] v be awed; be cowed Kp\K¥io [kha' cho] n ladle, dipper
Kn\ÏTa; [khan. hta:] v assign, charge (with duty, etc); Kp\qim\; [kha' thein:] n all, everything Ω AraKp\qim\; every
appoint matter, everything
Kn\Ïmxn\; [khan. hman:] v estimate, guess (quantity, time, Kp\2 [kha'] part ™ prefix to doubled descriptive,
etc) Ω eAac\®mc\-my\Siuta Kn\Ï mxn\;-Âkv\.liuÏ mrB¨;" I can't guess somewhat, rather, a little, -ish, slightly, fairly, pretty
whether we will be successful. (inf) Ω Kp\qut\qut\ briskly Ω Kp\tv\tv\ rather sternly
Kn\Ïmxn\;e®K [khan. hman:tye] n estimate Ω Kn\Ïmxn\;e®K Ω Kp\” k^;”k^; fairly large [? ok?]
By\elak\kun\ml´ e®pa®ppå" Please tell me approximately Kp\®pa [kha' pya] n alloy of copper and zinc, pinchbeck
how much it will cost. Km\;na; [khan: na:] v be grand, be splendid, be magnificent
Kn\ÏAp\ [khan. a'] v assign, charge (with duty, etc); AKm\;Ana; [åkhan; åna;] n ceremony
appoint KMu [khon] n 1) term for any raised construction, such as a
Kn\ÏAp\lWa [khan. a' hlwa] n appointment order Ω qMAmt\- stand, bar, dais; bank, bench, chair, stool Tiuc\KuM;
Kn\ÏAp\lWa ambassador's appointment order = Kn\>sa (game)board k¥a;Kum; table, hitching post, etc 2) judge,
Kn\;1 [khan:] n 1) room; flat (Br), apartment (Am); bench; panel of judges (esp established to try special
compartment (train, ship); room, suite (hotel) CF eSac\ cases) CF ss\KMuRuM; court martial 3) ridge between furrows
2) chapter; episode (in written works) 3) act; scene (in
play, film, etc) Ω lXm\;Kn\;-ekac\;eraa. ciurty\" We cried at KuMtiuc\ [khon dain] n hitching post Ω π®mc\;k mlOp\
the scene where he was missing her. [? your example was KuMtiuc\klOp\" Bystanders are more disturbed than the person
for def 3 not 4. Fix both.] 4) rôle, part (in play) most affected. ‘The pony didn't move, but the hitching post
Ω q¨ r´e kac\;Kn\; nM mv\” k^; t´. qRu p\eSac\" The part of the hero shook.’
was played by a famous actor. KuMtn\;l¥a; [khon tan: ya:] n bench, (church) pew
Kn\;S^; [khan: zi:] n 1) screen 2) curtain S YN tc\;tim\ KuMPinp\ [khon påna'] n wooden sandals
Kn\;eSac\ [khan: zaung] n room KuMPX´> [khon phwE.] v form a tribunal
Kn\;en [khan: ne] n ‹monk in a monastery, other than KuM®mc\.Pinp\ [khon myin. påna'] n high-heeled shoes, heels (inf)
the presiding monk
Kn\;PXc\. [khan: bwin.] n distance between two adjacent KuMRuM; [khon yon;] n tribunal, judicial body formed for some
house posts purpose 2) office of the tribunal
Kn\;m [khan: ma.] n hall; main hall KuMrxv\ [khon she] v bench, (church) pew
Kn\;lMu;®pv.\ [khan: lon: bye. (byI)] v be full length; (of KuMl¨”k^; [khon lu gyi:] n member of a tribunal
carpeting, etc) be wall-to-wall KuMqmaDi [khon thåma di>] n member of a tribunal

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 68

KMuvc\; ª eK¥
KMuvc\; [gon nyin:] n 1) vine with seeds used in playing K¥a; [cha:] n 1) Ferris wheel; carousel, merry-go-round
games, and edible leaves 2) seeds of the KMuvc\; vine, sea CF rht\ (illus) 2) (in weaving) swift rotating on a
bean 3) kneecap, patella ◊ CF d¨; knee [ ph] vertical axis [ tx]
KuMvc\;Tiu; [gon nyin: hto:] v play a game of pitch with K¥a;KuM [cha: gon] n base of a swift = K¥s\KuM
KMuvc\; K¥a;rht\ [cha: yåha'] n Ferris wheel (ride in amusement
KMumc\ [khon min] v be fond of sb or sthg S YN ”kiok\' Nxs\qk\ parks, at festivals) CF ride (illus)
KMu; [khon:] v bulge, be arched, be convex S YN emak\; A NT KXk\ K¥^ [chi] v 1) carry, hold; bring 2) (of animal) carry off, carry
concave away (prey) 3) begin 4) march 5) lift (esp a child)
KMu;ekac\ [khon gaung] n clam; scallop CF epX>(K¥^)
KMu;tMta; [khon dåda] n flyover (Br), overpass (Am); — part 1) particle suffixed to certain nouns to form
arched bridge adverbial phrases of time, number, or manner Ω eTac\n´Ï-K¥^
Ky\m [khE ma.] n sister-in-law, wife's younger sister, or in the thousands Ω mxa;K´.t´.rk\etX mnv\; B¨;' ln´Ï-K¥^en“p^" The
younger brother's wife number of days in which he had made mistakes must add
K¥ [cha.] v 1) put down; bring down, lower; drop 2) teach, up to months by now. [? ex ok? need for manner]
lead a recitation 3) strike, hit 4) ∞fight, clash 2) count word for shows, performances [ nc]
5) consume, take 6) traffic, (illegal) trade (sthg) K¥^ekak\ [chi gau'] n system of payment according to
7) place; arrange; apply; play (card) 8) put down, draw, number of performaces of zat\pX´ or A“cim\.
inscribe; lay down, prescribe 9) ∞go ahead; carry on K¥^tk\ [chi te'] v 1) march 2) march in column, move in
— part 1) suffix to certain verbs for emphasis 2) suffix K¥^tMuK¥tMu®Ps\ [chi don cha. don hpyi'] v hesitate, vacillate,
to certain verbs giving the sense of 'down' waver; be hesitant, be undecided; dither CF tMu
K¥nk\ [cha. ne'] n standard definitions used in explaining K¥^piu; [chi po:] v carry (a child) on the back
Pali texts S YN nMsM K¥^m [chi ma.] v lift, carry in arms
K¥mxt\ [cha. hma'] v make, set, establish, lay down (rules, ts\K¥^ts\emac\;sm\; [tåchi tåmaung: san:] v test one's
regulations, guidelines, etc), (inf) lay down (the law) strength, luck, skill etc (against sb) = ts\pX´ts\lm\;sm\; [?
ok here? ]
K¥påt^ [chåpa ti] n chapati, a kind of Indian flat wheat bread K¥^ k iur^ [chi ko ri] n chicory [Engl]
K¥^; [chi:] v praise; honour ; cheer
K¥ya; [chåya:] n starflower, Indian medlar = Ker (illus, with K¥^;k¥ø; [chi: kyu:] v praise, speak well of, commend
fruit) [? check spelling] S YN K¥^;mX m\;
K¥ya;q^; [chåya: dhi:] n 1) curved piece or figure, the K¥^;k¥ø;lWa [chi: kyu: hlwa] n citation, award,
shape of a starflower fruit 2) ‹part of a pagoda below commendation
the finial, when it is shaped like a starflower fruit K¥^;mXm\; [chi: mun:] v praise, speak well of, commend
CF cxk\ep¥aP¨;' Sp\qXa;P¨; S YN K¥^;k¥ø;
K¥ln\ [chålan] n chalan, receipt given for money paid into a K¥^;mXm\;e®Kek¥ak\ [chi mun: chi (che) gyau'] v back-handed
government account compliment Upsa; faint praise (Ie., disguised insult or
K¥a1 [cha] n [poet] centre CF eAac\K¥a' AK¥k\AK¥a' criticism; half insult, half praise)
AK¥aprw K¥^;pc\.' K¥^;e®mHak\ [chi: pin., chi; hmyau'] v honour; exalt
— v [rare] spin, turn around (with title, etc); confer (degree, title) on sb; Ídecorate
K¥aKn´lxv.\ [cha gånE: hlE.] v turn around suddenly
K¥ars\ [gya yi'] n part, line around the head between the K¥^;®mHc\. [chi: hmyin.] v award (sb sthg), give an award (to)
hair drawn into a topknot, and the hair of the fringe Ω SuecXK¥^;®mHc\. award sb money, give sb award money
K¥ø1 [chu] n (jingle) bell, small spherical metallic bell
K¥alpt\lv\ [cha låba' lE] v 1) go around in circles, get K¥øK¥a [chu gya]v be sickly, have poor health, be
nowhere (inf) 2) [fig] be overwhelmed (with work); get frequently ill, have a weak constitution
nowhere (inf) K¥ønaqv\ [chu na thE] n sickly person, person with weak
K¥awuic\; [gya wain:] n hair style in which the head is constitution, person in poor health
shaven except for a circular crown K¥ø2 [chu] v 1) pluck, pick (fruit or flowers, using a pole)
K¥a2 [cha] v be poor (in quality), be inferior
K¥at¨;lM [cha tu: lan] v be very poor (in quality), be lousy tMK¥ø 2) siphon,transfer a liquid or gas by gravity,
(inf) through a tube (such as a siphon Dat\S^K¥ø, catheter
K¥atit\ [cha tei'] n 1) [colloq] term of address used by an S^;K¥ø, enemawm\;K¥ø) CF elK¥o 3) con (sb out of sthg),
older person to a young boy 2) boy or girl, youngster, swindle, fleece sb for money or things CF Siu;NX´> [? which
child 3) affectionate term for boy- or girlfriend is a good meaning?]
eK¥1 [che] v 1) rebut, refute 2) pay (for goods received)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 69

eK¥(St\) ª eK¥a.
3) settle (debt, bill) 4) destroy, wipe out completely, against? oppose, brawl, etc]
annihilate; crush K¥´> [che.]v 1) enlarge, make larger 2) exaggerate; elaborate
eK¥KÁt\ [che chu'] v dispel misconceptions, try to (on an idea) 3) magnify (visual) Ω ARup\K¥´ 4) amplify
change sb's mind (sound) Ω AqMK¥´ 5) expand (in space) Ω ny\K¥´
ºeK¥ºcM [che ngan] v be polite, be sweet, be gracious (in K¥´>ka;e®pa [che. ka: pyaw:] v exaggerate, make a
speaking), be well-spoken; be civil, have a civil tongue mountain out of a molehill Upsa
K¥´>TXc\ [che. htwin] v expand, exaggerate, extend
eK¥p [che pa.] v defend, refute; argue CF kakXy\' KuKM [? K¥´>K¥´> [chE. gyE.] adv tremblingly
cfs ok?] eK¥a1 [chaw:] v 1) be smooth, be fine, be nice CF Âkm\;
eK¥P¥k\ [che hpye'] v 1) cancel; annul (agreement, rough 2) be good-looking, be pretty ƒ, be handsome µ
marriage) 2) dispute; prove sb wrong 3) attack sb Upsa 3) be slippery 4) finish, ™lose all
eK¥ak¥ik¥i [chaw: kyi> kyi>] v be slippery; be slimy, be greasy
eK¥mOn\; [che hmon:] v destroy, annihilate, wipe out
completely; crush eK¥aeK¥aemaema [chaw: gyaw: maw: maw:] adv smoothly,
eK¥(St\)2 [chi hsa'] v sneeze Ω ht\eK¥;liuÏ-eK¥qM-Âka;ty\" I without trouble, without a hitch, (of arrival) safe and
heard the 'achoo' of a sneeze. S YN NxaeK¥ [? check noise of sound
sneeze] eK¥asa; [chaw: sa:] n finished product = kun\eK¥a
eK¥3 [gyi] n barking deer, muntjac eK¥aS^ [chaw: zi] n lubricating oil, lubricant
eK¥4 [che] v Óuse toiletries eK¥avk\ [chaw: nye'] v have a fine or smooth texture,
eK¥5 [che] n Ómole, beauty mark, dark spot on skin be smooth, be fine
eK¥6 [che (chi)] part 1) particle placed at or near the end of eK¥atiuc\ [chaw: dain] n greased pole Ω eK¥atiuc\-tk\pX´
a clause for emphasis for euphony [? isn't this in greased pole climbing context
literary instead of bu:? ] 2) ™particle conveying the eK¥aps\ [chaw pyi'] n finished product = kun\eK¥a
sense of an impending event Ω AiureK¥eq;r´. get experience eK¥aema [chaw: maw:] v 1) be smooth, be fine; be nice
2) be handsome, be good-looking
eK¥K¥c\va [che: chin nya] n ∏Chechnya eK¥ae®m> [chaw: mye.] v be smooth, be fine
eK¥;1 [chi:] v 1) lend (sb sthg, or sthg to sb) 2) borrow eK¥aemX> [chaw: mwe.] v (of a process or surface) be
(sthg from sb) Ω pc\etac\eK¥; [? need examples,and what smooth Ω ka;git\qs\rxirc\ qXa;er;laer;piu“p^;eK¥aemX>lamy\"
is this?] If there were a new terminal, travel would go more
eK¥;ecX [che: (chi:) ngwe] n loan (of money) smoothly.
eK¥;cxa; [che: (chi:) hnga:] v 1) lend (sb sthg, or sthg to eK¥amXt\ [chaw: mu'] v (of surface, skin, etc) be smooth,
sb) 2) borrow (sthg from sb) be fine
eK¥;2 [chi:] n faeces (med) faecal matter, excrement eK¥a2 [chaw:] n 1) relay, conveyance by stages 2) dispatch
(formal), stool, (human) waste (polite), poo (child), CF A®mn\eK¥a express

crap (inf), shit (expl), dung (animal) eK¥asa [chaw: za] n dispatch
eK¥;på [chi: pa] v defecate, shit Î, take a dump (inf), eK¥aSX´ [chaw: hswE:] v 1) sieze by force, commandeer
crap (inf), poop or poo (child) (vehicle, etc); press sb into service, shanghai
eK¥;piu;Tiu; [che: bo: do:] n scarab, dung beetle 2) requisition, make a formal demand (for use of
eK¥;yiu [chi: yo] v defecate, shit Î, take a dump (inf), facilities, etc)
crap (inf), poop or poo (child) eK¥aeTak\ [chaw: htau'] v relay (supplies, messages,
eK¥;3 [gyi:] n grime, dirt, filth = eÂk; etc) successively from one place to another
eK¥;tXn\; [gyi: tun:] v scrub off eK¥aTup\ [chaw: do'] n parcel, (postal) package, packet
eK¥;T¨ [gyi: htu] v 1) be grimy, be filthy 2) [fig] be full of eK¥apiuÏ [chaw: po.] v (of requisitioned transport) deliver
excuses 3) [fig] be choosy, be picky official mail, supplies, etc CF A®mn\eK¥apiuÏ express
eK¥;m¥a; [gyi: mya:] v 1) be grimy, be filthy 2) [fig] be eK¥ami [chaw; mI] v [inf] 1) lit 2) [fig] be pressed into
full of excuses 3) [fig] be choosy, be picky; complain service Ω Sram eZ;kA®pn\ psßv\;etX-mNiuc\mnc\;n´ÏmiuÏ kÁn\eta\
excessively eK¥ami“p^; liuk\piuÏrty\" My teacher couldn't carry all the
eK¥;4 [che: (chi:)] n Œmarking nut tree things she had bought at the market, so I was pressed into
K¥´1 [chE:] v space (out), spread out, scatter, place farther service to take her home. [? really lit? hit? don't
apart (in space or time) CF ®Ka;' KXa understand connection]
K¥´2 [chE:] n Thai lottery (usu starting the 1st and 15th of the eK¥a klk\ [chaw: kåle'] n chocolate [Engl]
month) CF T^ eK¥a. [chaw.] v 1) persuade, entreat, coax 2) soothe, calm
K¥´Tiu; [chE: hto:] v play the (Thai) lottery (sb down), pacify, lull
K¥´diuc\ [chE; dain] n person running the K¥´ lottery eK¥a.ema. [chaw. maw.] v tenderly persuade or soothe sb
K¥´ [chE;] v ∞fight against [? in what sense? struggle
eK¥a.®mHø [chaw. hmyu] v 1) coddle, amuse, soothe 2) charm;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 70

eK¥a\ ª K¥io;
lure, attract K¥io®ps\ [cho pyi'] n very sweet milky black tea [? def ok?]
eK¥a.qip\ [chaw. thei'] v lull a child to sleep, e.g., by K¥ioPn\ [cho hpan] n black tea with milk and sugar, which is
singing or telling a story a little bitter
eK¥a\ [chaw] n 1) lava 2) scum on molten metal, dross K¥iomiuc\miuc\ [cho main main] n refrain of song sung to
— v 1) slip; be greasy 2) be off the mark, miss children
(chance, goal, point, etc) K¥iomiuc\miuc\Ak [cho main main Aka.] n œdance in which the
eK¥a\K´ [chaw khE] n (hardened) lava CF eK¥a\rv\ fists are opened and closed like a happy infant's
eK¥a\KÁt\ [chaw chu'] v 1) slip 2) make a mistake, slip up, K¥io®m®m [cho mya. mya.] v be somewhat sweet
err K¥ior´r´ [cho yE: yE:] v be cloying, be too sweet
eK¥a\etaecåÏ [chaw taw: ngaw.] v ∞be off the point, be off K¥ioqa [cho tha] v 1) be sweet sounding, be musical
on a tangent, (of comment) be off the wall, (of mind) 2) (of face) be sweet and approving
wander K¥ioeA; [cho e:] v be sweet-sounding, be mellifluous
eK¥a\rv\ [chaw ye (yi)] n hot lava, molten rock CF eK¥a\K´ K¥io3 [gyo] n horn (permanent growth, e.g., cattle); antlers
eK¥a\l´ [chaw lE:] v slip and fall (regrowing yearly, e.g., deer) Ω K¥ion´Ïpk\ slash (with horns)
eK¥a\l´eraTiuc\ [chaw lE: yaw: htain] v pass sthg off Ω K¥ion´ÏewxÏ clash horns or antlers Ω K¥ion´ÏKt\ toss (with or on an
lightly, act as though nothing happened L I T : ‘pass off a animal's horns) [ ph] [? examples ok? ]
fall as though one were sitting down’ K¥iok¥io;na;rXk\p´. [gyo gyo: nåywe' pE.] n [fig] person or
K¥io1 [cho] v 1) abate, decrease in intensity 2) be a bargain, thing of little use or worth L I T : ‘with broken horn and
be at a good price, be cheap, be inexpensive 3) ™hold split ear’
back (in work), not use all of one's capacities K¥ioÂkX [kyo kywa.] v [fig] be proud and belligerent L IT :
‘show off antlers’
K¥ioK¥ioeK¥ac\eK¥ac\ [cho cho chaung chaung]
adv cheaply, on K¥ioesac\; [kyo zaung:] n part of the head above the
the cheap (inf), at a good or bargain price, temples
inexpensively Ω la;ROi;mxa tRup\psßv\; K¥ioK¥ioeK¥ac\eK¥ac\- K¥ioeTac\ [kyo htaung] v [fig] be proud and belligerent
rNiuc\ty\" You can get Chinese goods very cheaply in K¥iopk\ka; [gyo pe' ka:] n cattle with spreading horns like
Lashio. handlebars
K¥ioTa; [cho hta:] v hold back one's abilities K¥ioeqX; [gyo thwe:] v prepare for fighting L I T : ‘sharpen
CF eÂkac\lk\q´wxk\ antlers’
K¥ioqa [cho tha] v be a bargain, be at a good price, be K¥^l^ [chi li] n 1) ∏Chile 2) Chilean
low-priced, be inexpensive — adj Chilean [ cr]
AK¥ioAeK¥ac\ [Acho Achaung] n 1) bargain, good deal K¥io> [cho.] v 1) be (physically or mentally) handicapped,
Ω AK¥ioAeK¥ac\-rxa tt\ know where to find bargains 2) cheap disadvantaged Ω Ag:K¥io>yXc\; missing a limb 2) be
goods, sthg cheap insufficient; ge inadequate; be lacking or wanting (in)
AK¥ioAeK¥ac\NOik\ [Acho Achaung hnai'] v pick up a bargain 3) (of wine) vintage, (of spirits) aged; for a long time
Ω Nx s\K¥io>wiuc\ vintage wine Ω Nx s\K¥io>Ark\ aged spirit
K¥io2 [cho] v 1) be sweet (taste) Ω liemµa\rv\ qip\mK¥ioesn´Ï" Don't K¥io>c´. [cho. ngE.] v be poor, needy, destituute,
make the orange juice too sweet. CF AK¥io 2) not be hot, impoverished
not be spicy Ω lk\Pk\ Asp\qut\mla;' AK¥io qut\mla;" K¥io>t´. [cho. tE.] v be poor, needy, destitute, impoverished
Should I make the tea-leaf salad hot or not? A NT sp\ 3) be CF AaharK¥io>t´.®Kc\; malnutrition
mellifluous, be sweet-sounding, be musical Ω Ae®paK¥io K¥io>yXc\; [cho. ywin: (yun:)] v have shortcomings, have
sweet words 4) (of looks) be sweet, be pleasant Ω A“pMo;K¥io drawbacks; be missing (sthg), be wanting (sthg); be
sweet smile Ω m¥k\NxaK¥io sweet face damaged, be broken Ω K¥io>yXc\;K¥k\ shortcoming; drawback
K¥ioKå; [cho kha;] n coffee with little milk and sugar [? ok?] tK¥io> [tåcho.] pron some = AK¥io>
— n some; certain
K¥ioK¥U\ [cho chin] n sweets (Br), candy (Am) S YN qÂka;lMu; tK¥io>tel [tåcho. tåle] pron some
K¥ioK¥U\(eÂka\) [cho chin (gyaw)] n sweet and sour (Chinese tK¥io>twk\ [tåcho. tåwe'] pron half, some of
style of preparing food) Ω p´® pa;-K¥ioK¥U\ sweet and sour tofu K¥io;1 [cho:] v 1) break, snap; pick 2) bend 3) turn, make a
K¥iosiuÏ [cho so.] v (of baby) nurse, breastfeed turn 4) fold 5) cut (deck of cards) CF kula;Pn\Tui;'
K¥ioSim\. [cho hsein.] n black tea with a lot of milk Nxt\eÂkac\;ep; 6) improvise a poem, compose impromptu
K¥iotiutiu [cho do do] adv (taste) slightly sweet verse [ wr] 7) affect, put on 8) count (on fingers), tick
CF Kå;ta;ta;' K¥U\tc\tc\ off 9) crack (joints)
K¥ioepåÏ [cho paw.] n weak black tea with milk and sugar — part count word for parts of a ratio Ω Sy\K¥io;-
K¥ioepåÏk¥ [cho paw. kya.] v be slightly sweet, be not too ts\K¥io;elak\ about one in ten [ nc]
sweet K¥io;K¥io;Nxim\Nxim\ [cho; gyo; hnein hnein] adv insultingly
K¥iop¥p¥ [cho pya. bya.] be slightly sweet K¥io;K¥io;P´.P´. [cho: gyo: hpE. bE.] adv

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 71

K¥io; ª K¥k\
K¥io;P´. [cho: hpE.] v break, break off (a smaller piece), tear one that represents a single instance or point
off Ω SMu;®Pt\K¥k\ decision Ω Aa;ekac\;K¥k\ good point 2) count
K¥io;ePak\ [cho: hpau'] v break (rule, law, tradition, etc), word used for points made, facts presented, articles
violate (agreement, understanding) enumerated, etc Ω enak\ts\K¥k\ e®paK¥c\påty\" I want to
K¥io;P¥k\ [cho: hpye'] v break; destroy say one more thing. 3) count word used for hits (of a
ts\K¥io;Tv\; [tåcho: dE:] v be of the same type, be cut target), blows, punches, strokes, lashes, etc (of a fight
from the same cloth or beating) Ω By\Nxs\K¥k\ Tiu;K´.ql´" How many times did he
K¥io;Nxim\ [cho; hnein] v restrain, control Ω psßv\;qs\-etX>tiuc\; punch you? [ nc rc] [? here or next che'? check all
wy\K¥c\t´.-sit\kiu K¥io;Nxim\Ta;rty\" Every time he saw examples]
something new he had to restrain the urge to buy it. K¥k\ekac\; [gye' kaung:] n 1) weak point, vulnerable
K¥io;2 [cho:] v wash or bathe oneself CF er(miu;)K¥io; spot, soft underbelly Upsa Ω K¥k\ekac\; Ti 2) good
K¥io;er [cho: ye] n water for bathing CF qMu;er' eqak\er; opportunity, right moment Ω K¥k\ekac\;Ti [? need 2
K¥io;3 [gyo:] n dove, pigeon [ ph] examples]
K¥io;k¨ [gyo: ku] v coo K¥k\k¥ [gye' kya.] v be effective; be apt, hit the nail on
K¥io;sim\; [gyo: zein:] n green-winged pigeon the head Upsa
K¥io;tv\ [gyo: tE] v use a decoy or call to catch pigeons K¥k\k¥lk\k¥ [gye' kya. le' kya.] adv effectively; aptly,
or doves suitably; precisely; appropriately
K¥io;eTac\ [gyo: htaung] v snare pigeons, doves K¥k\”kio; [che' cho:] n umbilical cord
K¥io;n^tiu [gyo: ni daw] n red turtledove = K¥io;n^pu K¥k\eÂkX [che' kywe] v (of umbilical cord) dry up and drop
off Ω zati-K¥k\eÂkX-emX;rp\-e®m place where one was born,
K¥io;n^pu [gyo: ni pu.] n red turtledove = K¥io;n^tiu
birthplace S YN K¥k\®mHo p\
K¥io;mOt\ [gyo hmo'] v 1) make a coo-like whistle by
blowing into cupped hands 2) call doves (from a blind)
K¥k\K¥a [che' cha] v (of a person) be smart, be
intelligent, be clever CF qXy\lk\-K¥k\K¥a [? in engl-myan
trans as 'vital', what a bout lively, full of life, dynamic,
K¥io;lc\;®pa [gyo: lin: bya] n ring dove, collared dove
= lc\;®pa
K¥io;lv\e®pak\ [gyo: lE byau'] n spotted dove K¥k\KX´ [gye' (che') kwE;] v (of time) be half past… (an
hour) Ω Nxs\K¥k\KX´ half past two, two thirty CF K¥k\Tiu; [? new
K¥io;qim\; [gyo: thein:] n shikra me]
K¥io;4 [gyo:] n 1) crust (of cooked rice, hardened sugar etc)
K¥k\\es. [gye' se. le' se.] adv comprehensively
2) scale, fur, lime deposit 3) addict Ω Ark\K¥io; alcoholic
[ ph]
K¥k\Tiu; [gye' (che') hto;] v (of time) be a certain time,
o'clock Ω ts\K¥k\Tiu; one o'clock Ω qMu;-K¥k\Tiu;mx qXa;Âkmy\"
K¥io;kp\ [gyo: ka'] v 2) (of utensils) be encrusted (with We won't go until three o'clock. [? new from me]
dregs, lime, etc) Ω cr´Aiu;K¥io;kp\ [? what is this ex?]
K¥k\piuc\ [gye' pain] v (say or do sthg) with telling effect,
K¥io;eÂka\ [gyo; gyaw] n snack make from the crust of rice do (sthg) well; have an excellent idea
stuck to the bottom of the pot [? ok?]
K¥k\m [che' ma.] n central position
K¥k\1 [che'] v 1) cook 2) distill, brew 3) process, refine, K¥k\®mHop\ [che' hmyo'] n birthplace, place where one was
born S YN K¥k\eÂkX
K¥k\ek¥ak\ [che' kyau'] n costume jewelry, paste jewel, K¥k\4 [che'] n click
bijou, artificial gemstone
— part count word used for beats of a drum, gong, etc
K¥k\ekÁ; [che' kywe;] v cook or make sthg for sb
[ nc]
Ω kiu ek¥a\ AtX k\ BaK¥k\e kÁ;rc\ ekac\ ml´" What should we
make for Ko Kyaw? [? new kyaw]
K¥k\Kn´ [che' khånE:] adv at once, immediately
K¥k\Sa; [che' hsa:] n sea salt, salt from evaporated brine K¥k\K¥c\;' K¥k\K¥c\;lk\cc\; [che' chin:, che' chin: le' ngin:]
adv right away, at once, immediately; quickly

K¥k\®pot\ [che' pyo'] v cook K¥k\ts\®Pot\ [che' tåhpyo'] adv instantly; abruptly
K¥k\Ark\ [che' åye'] n 1) spirits
(Br), (distilled) liquor
ts\K¥k\Tv\; [tåche' htE:] adv simultaneously, at the
same time; as soon as [? placement ok for this and
(Amer), hard liquor (Amer) 2) moonshine (Amer),
next? Should this and previous be combined anyway?]
homemade spirits
K¥k\2 [che'] v shine
K¥k\K¥k\ [che' che'] adv (shine) brilliantly, glitteringly ts\K¥k\lWt\ [tåche' hlu'] v be irrevocable, be impossible
to retract Ω ts\K¥k\lWt\Amin\Ï irrevocable order
K¥k\3 [che'] n 1) navel, belly button (inf) CF umbilical cord K¥k\5 [che'] n cheque (Br), check (Am) [Engl]
2) punt (of bottle) [gye'] 3) depression left in some fruits
CFlk\k¥n\sarc\;' sarc\; rxc\
and vegetables after the stem has fallen off 4) bolt (of
door) 5) centre, central point, key point [ ph]
K¥k\5 [che'] adj ∏Czech
K¥k\qmµtNiuc\cM [che' than mAda. naing gan] n ∏Czech
— part 1) particle suffixed to verb to form a noun, esp
K¥k\kiusliubk\k^;ya; [che' ko sålo ve' ki: ya:] n

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 72

eK¥ak\ ª eK¥ac\
Ó∏Czechoslovakia — part 1) suffix to noun to indicate one-by-one
eK¥ak\ [gyau'] n 1) ravine, gully; valley 2) chasm, abyss, sequence Ω q¨ka; lk\Bk\rv\kiu ts\KXk\K¥c\;s^ eqak\-
crack (esp in glacier) CF erK´®ms\ [ ph] tt\ty\" He drinks one cup of tea after the other. CF s^
eK¥ak\km\;på; [kyau' kan: ba:] n cliff, precipice 2) suffix to a doubled verb to show simultaneous action
eK¥ak\k¥ [gyau' kya.] v [fig] be in trouble, have difficulty Ω d^sa rrK¥c\; laK´.på" Please come as soon as you get this
note. Ω ®pœna--®Ps\®Ps\K¥c\; kÁn\eta\-erak\qXa;ty\" I arrived
eK¥ak\K¥ [gyau' cha.] v [fig] get sb into trouble just as the problems started. Ω Aip\rak Niu;Niu;K¥c\; ct\ty\" I
eK¥ak\tXn\; [gyau' tun:] v [fig] get sb into trouble get hungry when I wake up. [? trans ok? ex ok? ex for
eK¥ak\epåk\ [gyau' pau'] n [fig] matter which will cause next?] 3) suffix to noun to indicate reciprocity or
trouble or harm, hornet's nest Upsa equality Ω eyak\¥a;K¥c\; among or between men
eK¥ak\K¥a; [chau' cha:] v 1) be badly shaken, be scared, be
alarmed, be agitated 2) know very well, know all about, K¥c\;s^ [chin: zi] part 1) particle suffixed to nouns to
be well-versed in indicate one-by-one sequence 2) particle suffixed to
verbs to denote simultaneous action 3) particle suffixed
eK¥ak\K¥^;eK¥ak\K¥k\ [chau' chi: chau' che'] adv superficially,
to nouns to indicate reciprocity or equality
barely; slightly; not very valuable
eK¥ak\t^;eK¥ak\ky\ [? can't read note] AK¥c\;tiuÏ [Achin; do.] n my friends [? ok?]
K¥c\ [chin] part particle equivalent to Engl 'want', denoting K¥c\;3 [gyin:] n Œginger [ ph]
wish or desire Ω ¯By\kiu qXa;K¥c\l´"˘ ¯Aim\kiu ®pn\K¥c\ty\"˘
K¥c\;sim\; [gyin; zein;] n Œginger
“Where would you like to go?” “I want to go home.”
K¥c\;®pot\rv\ [gyin; byo' ye] n ginger tea
K¥c\®Kc\; [chin gyin:] n craving, intense desire for sthg K¥c\;4 n Chin, Myanmar name for Lai, a group of eight
specific major Tibeto-Burman-speaking ethnic groups living in
western Myanmar liuc\m^;' zium^;' m^ziu' AROi' k¨k^;' K¥c\;pMu' K¥io;'
K¥c\®Kc\;tt\ [chin gyin: ta'] v crave (sthg); have an intense
desire to do sthg (esp during pregnancy) CF yc\;T
K¥c\;5 [gyin;] n ŒÃ[in comb] song or traditional poetry
ÚK¥c\Úmv\(my\) […chin (gyin) … mE] part particle pair form ”kio;K¥c\; song used to teach classical music; ciuK¥c\;

suffixed to a repeated verb to indicate possibility or lament, sad song; lXm\;K¥c\; song about missing sb
uncertainty, indescision, ambiguity: maybe, probably, K¥c\;Nxs\Sy\.el;K¥c\; [? want them?]
possibly, potentially Ω ®Ps\K¥c\®Ps\mv\ possibly, maybe AK¥c\; [Achin;] n song or poem for reciting
Ω ASc\®pv\. rc\ qXa;K¥c\-qXa;my\" If everything is okay we will eK¥ac\1 [chaung] v 1) have plenty of room, be uncrowded
probably go. Ω eKt\epÅ--kb¥aketa. Pt\rc\”kio k\K¥c\-”koik\my\' Ω ka;eK¥ac\-enty\" There is a lot of room in the bus.
AlXt\-rta mrxiB¨;" I like reading some modern poetry well A NT k¥p\ 2) be slack, be loose; (of person, face, etc) be
enough, but I don‘t have any memorised. haggard Ω eBac\; B^eK¥ac\ loose trousers Ω m¥k\Nxa-eK¥ac\-
K¥c\mx [chin (gyin) hma.] part suffix to a repeated verb to haggard face 3) have an easy time, be comfortable 4) be
indicate doubt, uncertainty: probably will not Ω d^enÏ loose Ω Klut\eK¥ac\-enty\" The switch is loose. Ω wk\A¨-
liuk\K¥c\mx liuk\my\" I probably can't come with you today. eK¥ac\enty\" The screw is loose. 5) [fig] have a screw
K¥c\pc\z^em¥ak\ [chin pin zi myau'] n chimpanzee, chimp (inf), loose Upma, not be right in the head Ω U^;eNxak\eK¥ac\
African ape [Engl] CF em¥ak\wM
K¥c\. [chin.] v 1) measure (volume or weight) 2) calculate; eK¥ac\K¥i [chaung gyi>]
v 1) be spacious, be roomy 2) be
estimate; weigh (in mind) CF ®Kc\2 comfortable, live easily Ω rt´.ecXn´Ï miqa;su-Nxs\eyak\Tv\;-
K¥c\.K¥in\ [chin. gyein] v deliberate, consider rxitun\; k eK¥ac\K¥ipåty\" We could live easily on this income
when there were only two of us in the family.
K¥c\.etX; [chin. twe:] v deliberate, consider
CF qk\ qaeK¥ac\K¥ier; welfare 3) be loose
K¥c\.tXk\ [chin. twe'] v calculate, ponder, think about,
eK¥ac\Tiu; [chaung hto;] v put sthg aside (out of lack of
interest), procrastinate
K¥c\.e®mHa\ [chin. hmyaw] v deliberate; consider, ponder;
think about possible results or consequences
eK¥ac\lv\ [chaung lE] v be in comfortable circumstances
K¥c\.sPXy\ [chin. såhpwE] part ¬particle suffixed to a verb to AeK¥ac\ [Achaung] n 1) bargain, good deal 2) the easy
denote desireability or possibility (equivalent to -able)
Ω Tmc\; pX´-®pc\ Ta;ta sa;K¥c\.sPXy\p´" S YN ™ sraekac\;'
AeK¥ac\liuk\ [Achaung lai'] v 1) do sthg the easy way;
take it easy, make no effort CF erqaKiu 2) be an
sK¥c\.PXy\' sPXy\ [? trans? possibility? ]
K¥c\;1 [chin:] v penetrate, go through S YN KXc\;
K¥c\;nc\;wc\erak\ [chin: nin: win yau'] v invade; intrude; AeK¥ac\qma; [Achaung dhAma;] n opportunist
enter by force
eK¥a c\2 [gyaung] n corner, nook; secluded place; religious
retreat [ ph]
AK¥c\;⁄ [Achin;] n 1) placenta, afterbirth 2) mettle,
quality 3) [math] diameter
eK¥ac\kup\ [chaung ko'] v withdraw, seclude oneself
K¥c\;2 [chin:] pron he, she, third person pronoun. = qc\' q¨ eK¥ac\k¥ [gyaung kya.] v be out of the way, be remote; be

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 73

eK¥ac\; ª K¥s\
eK¥ac\Kiu [gyaung kho] v 1) stay out of sight, lie low (inf), [ nc]
keep one's head down (inf); keep a low profile 2) [fig] eK¥ac\;cc\ [chaung: ngin] n [orth] name of the _u
shirk (work, duty) ts\eK¥ac\;cc\' Nxs\eK¥ac\;cc\
eK¥ac\Tiu; [gyaung hto:] v 1) shove into a corner 2) [fig] ts\eK¥ac\;cc\ [tåchaung: ngin] n [orth] name of the u
neglect, ignore, not care about (sthg or sb) ts\eK¥ac\;pud\ [tåchaung: bo'] n name of the _'
eK¥ac\;1 [chaung:] v 1) peep; peek, look from a hidden place punctuation, similar to a comma = pud\kel;' pud\®Pt\'
2) [fig] watch for an opportune moment, wait for a pud\T^;
chance 3) lie in wait, lurk; prowl 4) sneak, do sthg Nxs\eK¥ac\;cc\ [hnAchuang; ngin] n [orth] name of the _¨
stealthily eK¥ac\;Âka; [chaung: gya:] n Œsmall tree with medicinal
eK¥ac\;Âkv\. [chaung: kyi>] v peep Ω eK¥ac\;Âkv\.-“pMo;®pn\ [? ?] properties = eKåc\;KX
eK¥ac\;ps\ [chaung: pyi'] v snipe (at) K¥ioc\1 [chain] v 1) hack, cut off (esp branches), lop off
eK¥ac\;e®mac\; [chaung: myaung:] v 1) lie in wait (for 2) [fig] obtain sthg by questionable means, try to get
enemy, etc) 2) peep at sthg curiously one's hands on Upsa Ω d^ekac\ piuk\SMkiu-mk\liuÏ Ap¥io”k^; kiu
eK¥ac\;Riuk\ [chaung yai'] v ambush K¥ioc\liuk\ta" [? need more explanation here, as example
eK¥ac\;2 [chaung:] n brook, stream, small river, beck (Br), doesn't match def. also def 3: use in what situ?] 3) eat
creek (Am), rivulet CF ®ms\ river, e®mac\; canal CW sc\' qXy\
[? cw ok?] K¥ioc\2 [gyain] n small cove sheltered by hills on one side
eK¥ac\;eka [chaung: gaw:] n 1) stream that has silted up [ ph]
2) dry stream bed K¥ioc\. [chain.] v 1) be concave, be dented CF KMu;' KXk\ convex
eK¥ac\;k¥ [chaung; kya.] v (of stream water) surge, rise 2) be prosperous, be in clover (inf); be propitious [gyain.]
(because of rainfall) 3) be time-worn
eK¥ac\;k¥er [chaung: gya. ye] n sudden flow of water in a — n 1) depression (in a surface) 2) food carrier, tiffin
stream; freshet box 3) carafe, jug, pitcher Ω Pn\K¥ioc\. glass jug, carafe (illus)
eK¥ac\;Âka; [chaung; kya;] adv between or among brooks [? check] 4) cage CF elx ac\K¥ioc\. cage, coop [ ph]
and streams
eK¥ac\;eKåc\; [chaung: gaung:] n person responsible for K¥ioc\.KXk\ [gyain. gwe'] n depression (in the ground),
moving timber along a certain creek pothole (in a road)
eK¥ac\;e®Kak\ [chaung: gyau'] n dry creek bed K¥ioc\.wxm\; [gyain. hwan:] n valley
eK¥ac\;slut\ [chaung: zålo'] n erosion of stream bank, K¥ioc\; [gyain:] n armpit S YN lk\kt^; [ ph]
undermining of stream bank K¥ioc\;Âka; [gyain: gya;] n armpit
eK¥ac\;s^; [chaung: si:] v flow freely K¥ioc\;eTak\ [gyain: dau'] n crutches (illus)
eK¥ac\;epåk\ [chaung pau'] v 1) turn into a creek 2) [fig] K¥ioc\;emW; [gyain; hmwe;] n armpit hair
frequent, haunt (a certain place) K¥s\1 [chi'] v love, adore; like, have affection for, care for
eK¥ac\;Riu; [chaung yo;] n stream Ω eK¥ac\;Riu;e®mac\;Riu;qa CF emt†arxi
tim\ekaty\ l¨m¥io;-mtim\eka" No matter what happens, a K¥s\eÂkak\Riueq [chi' kyau' yo the]
n love, fear, respect,
people will endure. A stream or a canal can run dry, a the feelings one should have for parents, teachers, etc
people cannot. [? check interpretation and add to lu Ω AeP-k Arm\;eA;eta. kel;etXk K¥s\lv\;-K¥s\ty\'
myo:] Riulv\;-Riueqty\' eÂkak\eta.meÂkak\B¨;" Their father is
eK¥ac\;Aup\ [chaung o'] n head of a group of eK¥ac\;eKåc\; very easy-going, so the children love and respect him, but
working in a reserved forest ”kio;wiuc\; are not afraid of him.
eK¥ac\;3 [chaung:] n cough K¥s\”kiok\ [chi' kyai'] v like; fall in love
eK¥ac\;e®Kak\ [chaung: gyau'] n dry cough K¥s\Âkv\er; [chi' kyi ye:] n goodwill CF påLi
eK¥ac\;Siu; [chaung: hso:] [chaung: zo:] v cough K¥s\kÁm\;wc\ [chi' kyun: win] v become friendly; become
— n cough Ω eK¥ac\;Siu; rc\k¥p\ cough with a tight chest lovers
eK¥ac\;Siu;ep¥ak\eS; [chaung; zo; pyau' hse;] n cough K¥s\Kc\ [chi' khin] v be affectionate, be fond of, feel
medicine friendly toward, care about
eK¥ac\;Siu;eqX;på [chaung zo: thwe: pa] n tuberculosis (of K¥s\sNiu; [chi' såno:] adv affectionately, lovingly
the lungs), phthisis ◊ CF t^B^ K¥s\q¨ [chi' thu] n 1) boyfriend µ; girlfriend ƒ, person sb
eK¥ac\;hn\Ï [chaung: han.] v clear one's throat; indicate has a romantic relationship with 2) lover, sb's sexual
one's presence with a simulated cough partner
eK¥ac\;hn\ÏqM [chaung: han. than] n 'ahem', the sound of K¥s\2 [chi'] v be burnt
clearing the throat K¥s\K¥s\etak\ [chi' chi' tau'] adv scorchingly, blisteringly
eK¥ac\;4 [chaung:] part count word used in counting long, (hot); feverishly Ω q¨>AP¥a;k 104˚ F etac\ rxiliuÏ
thin things such as sticks, fingers, toes, umbrellas, etc ts\kiuy\lMu; K¥s\K¥s\etak\p¨enty\" Because his fever
CF lk\eK¥ac\; finger, m^;eK¥ac\; fluorescent light or tube reached 104˚ F, his whole body was scorching hot.

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 74

K¥s\t^; ª K¥n\
K¥s\t^; [chi' ti:]
n 1) Chettyar Tamil money lender 2) [fig] macramé Ω qiuÏemX;K¥v\Tiu; knit wool CF erWK¥v\Tiu; embroider
miser; miserly, mean or stingy person, cheapskate with gold thread
K¥s\t^;k¥ [chi' ti; kya.] v be miserly, be stingy, be mean K¥v\Tv\ [chi dE] n cotton material, cotton cloth
S YN Nxema K¥v\Tin\; [chi]
K¥U\ [chin] v 1) be sour; be acid Ω din\K¥U\' NiuÏK¥U\ yoghurt K¥v\eTX; [chi htwe;] [? need defs for these 2]
Ω qM puyarv\K¥U\K¥U\el; sour lime juice 2) (of food) go off, K¥v\mYc\ [chi hmyin] n cotton fibre
spoil, go bad 3) sour Ω sit\K¥U\epåk\ (of mood) turn sour K¥v\mYc\Nxc\.ATv\sk\ [chi hmyin hnin. åhtE ze'] n textile mill
[ tx]
K¥U\K¥U\t¨;t¨; [chin gyin tu: du:] adv whatever it takes, K¥v\mYc\rxv\wå [chi hmyin she wa] n high-quality cotton
anything at all, no matter what CF K¥U\t¨; very sour with long fibres
K¥U\cMsp\ [chin ngan sa'] n hot sauce usu made with green K¥v\lMu; [chi lon:] n spindle [ tx]
chilli, lime juice and fish sauce K¥v\wc\ [chi win] n ball of yarn taken from a spindle [ tx]
K¥U\s¨; [chin su:] v be very sour
K¥U\esa\ka; [chin saw ka;] n 1) Œkind of tree which has K¥v\wc\A¨epåk\ [chi win u pau'] n tangled ball of thread,
very sour fruit 2) juice made with turmeric, pepper and etc [ tx]
fish sauce [? added: spelling ok? not clear on p53] K¥v\eq. [chi the.] v wind thread on a bobbin or spool
K¥v\qXt\ [chi thu'] v wind thread on a bobbin or spool
K¥U\sut\' K¥U\t¨; [chin so', chin tu;] v be very sour
K¥U\tc\tc\ [chin din din] adv (taste) slightly sour K¥v\2 [chi] v bind, tie, fasten [ ph]
CF Kå;ta;ta;' K¥iotiutiu K¥v\eK¥ac\; [chi gyaung;] n œ1) wind instrument similar to
K¥U\epåc\ [chin baung] n Œroselle, rose apple, tree with pan pipes, used in anyeint S YN t´XpelX 2) Pyu-period
sour edible leaves, bearing a light green fruit tinged musical instrument
with pink K¥v\tiuc\ [chi dain] n hitching post (for animals); mooring
K¥U\Pt\ [chin ba'] n 1) pickle, hot sour and salty mixed post (for boats) CF KMu' kX´
preserved vegetables (Shan condiment) = mun\laK¥U\Pt\ K¥v\eNxac\ [chi hnaung] v bind, tie, fasten
2) obnoxious person, generally hated person, fiend K¥v\3 [chi] part suffix to a pair of verbs showing
Upsa, monster Upsa complementary, reciprocating, or alternating action
K¥U\Pt\tv\ [chin ba' tE] v pickle, preserve Ω qX a;K¥v\laK¥v\ coming and going; Ω eqak\K¥v\epåk\K¥v\
K¥U\Pt\Tv\. [chin ba' htE.] v pickle, preserve eating and drinking; Ω epåc\;K¥v\kX´K¥v\ now together, now
K¥U\“PMo>“PMo>' K¥U\®PMo;®PMo; [chin hpyon. byon., chin hpyon: byon:] v splitting up again; Ω ROM>K¥v\Nxp\K¥v often changing one's mind
(taste) slightly sour CF tMu' liuk\' hy\; la; [ ph]
K¥U\rv\ [chin ye] n hot sauce CF AK¥U\ K¥v\. [chi>] v be feeble, be infirm; be paralysed Ω e®KeTak\
K¥U\rv\hc\; [chin ye hin:] n sour soup K¥v\.eneta. lm\;-melYak\Niuc\eta.B¨;" His leg are very weak,
K¥U\; [chin:] v 1) approach, come near 2) abridge, condense he can't walk anymore. [ ph]
(written works) 3) narrow K¥v\.n´Ï [chi> nE.] v be feeble, be infirm, be weak
K¥U\;kp\ [chin: ka'] v approach (for some purpose), K¥v\; [chi:] part only, just, alone, particle indicating
accost; try to contact exclusiveness [ ph]
AK¥U\;K¥op\ [Achin; gyo'] n abridged version K¥it\ [gyei'] n 1) hook 2) (clothes) hanger 3) safety pin
K¥v\1 [chi] n 1) cotton; thread, yarn CF Ap\K¥v\ needle and 4) clasp Ω lk\ekak\K¥it\ 5) ∞boyfriend µ, girlfriend ƒ
thread [ tx ph] 2) cotton (cloth, material, fabric) RF Ω q¨K¥i t\n´Ï q¨ just him and her [ ph]
K¥v\Tv\. [? don't you think this and next are really the — v 1) hang (on a hook) 2) fasten, hook, clasp, do up
same word?] 3) [fig] meet, hook up with (inf) 4) insinuate, imply
K¥v\ek¥a\ [chi gyaw] n missed warp or weft threads in (sthg negative) S YN esac\; CF K¥it\tit\tit\-e®pa [? aren't
woven cloth [ tx] these all pronounced chei'???]
K¥v\Kc\ [chi gin] n skein (of thread, yarn, etc) [ tx] K¥it\Sk\ [gyei' hse'] [chei' hse'] n link, connection
K¥v\Kc\sXp\(cxk\) [chi gin zu' (hnge')] n white-necked stork — v link up, connect, join CF AK¥it\ASk\ joint
K¥v\K¥ [chi cha.] v wind thread from a swift onto a bobbin K¥it\Sk\mi [gyei' hse' mi>] v make a harmonious match
or spool [ tx] K¥it\SX´ [chei' hswE:] v hang sthg, tow
K¥v\cc\ [chi ngin] v spin (thread, yarn, etc) [ tx] K¥it\tit\tit\e®pa [chei' tei' tei' pyaw:] v insinuate, imply
K¥v\saekÁ; [chi za kywe:] v starch a skein of thread, etc (sthg negative) S YN esac\;e®pa
[ tx] AK¥it\ASk\ [Achei' Ahse'] n [? ?]
K¥v\sa“p^; [chi] [? def] K¥d\ [cha'] n ∏Chad [ cr]
K¥v\Tiu; [chi hto;] v intertwine threads to make lacework, K¥n\ [chan] v 1) leave behind; omit, leave out 2) set aside,
(with knitting needles) knit, (with crochet hook) save
crochet, (with pins and shuttle) tat, (with cord)
K¥n\lxp\ [chan hla'] v except; omit, leave out

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 75

K¥n\p^yM ª K¥op\
K¥n\lxp\e®m [chan hla' mye] n fallow land CF e®mlXt\' e®mlt\ K¥in\;-Ta;“p^; qa; ®Ps\enty\" Ag:enÏ ASc\e®pNiuc\mla;" I'm
already busy on Saturday. Would Tuesday be alright? [?
K¥n\p^yM [chan pi yan] n champion [Engl] S YN biul\ check example]
K¥n\p^yMsX´ [chan pi yan swE;] v [? win or be? fix in bo too] K¥in\;wiuc\; [chein: wain:] n pre-arranged gambling party
K¥in\ [chein] v 1) weigh 2) aim (at) RF K¥in\rXy\. 3) aim (for), K¥in\;”koi; [chein: gyo:] n chain (of bicycle)
aspire (to) 4) consider CF ”kMS' K¥c\. K¥on\; [chon:] v give off a loud, explosive noise, thunder,
— n 1) plumb line S YN mxn\Tup\' K¥in\Tup\' eKX;lYa' p^la;”kio; crash, go boom (inf) CF Ts\K¥on\;' Riuk\K¥on\;
2) balance, scales CF kt†a;' kp\py\' giuc\; K¥on\;Ts\ [chon: hti'] v (of thunder) roll CF g¥in\;dlin\;din\; the
K¥in\kiuk\ [chein kai'] v 1) check alignment with plumb line sound fo: thunder [? ok?]
or spirit level 2) coördinate; time; synchronise; bring K¥p\ [cha'] v 1) be flat 2) subside 3) tuck sthg (in belt,
into harmony; match 3) check and verify stories, wasitband, etc)
evidence, data, etc [? check 'in time'] — n 1) plank; flat piece of wood or cardboard 2) chain
K¥in\kiuk\bMu; [chein kai' bon;] n time bomb (also fig) mail CF k¥v\kaAkÇ¥' qMK¥p\kaAkÇ¥' qMK¥p\ka armoured
K¥in\KXc\ [chein gwin] n scales, balance CF sU\; (illus) 3) œcastanets, small wooden percussion instrument,
K¥in\KXc\KXk\ [chein gwin khwe'] n pan (of scales, balance) used to mark time [ ms] 4) ravine 5) clapperboard
K¥in\KXc\epåc\ [chein gwin baung] n holder attached to fulcrum
of scales — part count word for flat objects [ nc]
K¥in\KXc\lk\ [chein gwin le'] n beam (of scales, balance) K¥p\K´ [cha' khE:] n flat congealed mass
K¥in\KXc\lYa [chein gwin sha] n pointer (showing when scale, K¥p\K¥p\rp\rp\ [cha' cha' ya' ya'] adv (of piece of clothing,
balance is even) fit) closely, snugly; (of a person, built) trimly; (be
K¥in\KXc\elYavHi [chein gwin sha hnyI] v 1) balance the scales dressed) neatly
(so both sides are equal weight) CF K¥in\KXc\elYaqa 2) [fig] K¥p\T¨ [gya' htu] n pasteboard, cardboard
balance Ω Ac\; Aa;-K¥in\KXc\elYa-vHi [? n? balance of power?] K¥p\®pa; [gya' pya:] n 1) cardboard 2) slab, large solid piece
of stone, wood, ice, etc
K¥in\sk\ [chein se'] v weigh, check that two things have K¥p\B^; [gya' bein:] n solid cartwheel made of slabs of
equal weight wood
K¥in\S [chein hsa.] v 1) estimate (weight) 2) consider K¥p\rp\ [cha' ya'] v be [? ??????????? flat? cannot read
K¥in\tara [chein ta ya] n ©constellation comprising note on p 55 at all]
stars which form the hind legs of Ursa Major K¥p\wt\tn\Sa [cha' wu' dåza] n 1) ornamental armour
K¥in\tXy\ [chein twE] v weigh 2) chain mail
K¥in\Tiu; [chein hto;] v compare with a standard or example K¥ip\ [chei'] n sealing wax, lac
K¥in\Tup\ [chein do'] n plumb line = mxn\Tup\' eKX;el¥a' K¥ip\tMSip\ [chei' dåzei'] n seal
p^la;”kio; K¥ip\pit\ [chei' pei'] v 1) seal (letter, etc with sealing
K¥in\rXy\ [chein ywE] v aim (at) wax) 2) seal (building, street, etc legally, to prevent
K¥in\wn\ [chein wun] n 1) measure of weight 2) unit of access or use), seal off
weight, approx 1.6 kg K¥ip\pit\tc\då [chei' pei' tin da] n sealed tender
K¥in\qa;kiuk\ [chein dha; kai'] v 1) (of a weapon) be sighted K¥ip\qp\pc\ [chei' tha' pin] n tree killed by lac insects
2) come up to expections 3) make a direct hit K¥op\ [cho'] v 1) bind, impede free movement 2) detain,
K¥in\q^; [chein dhi;] n 1) plummet, plumb bob 2) foresight confine Ω AK¥op\k¥ be detained 3) sew, stitch; bind
(of weapon) 3) pendulum (of clock, metronome) CF sk\K¥op\; lk\K¥op\ hand sew; eZ;K¥op\ ready-made clothing;
saAup\K¥op\ bind a book 4) control; withhold S YN Tin\;K¥op\
AK¥in\ [Achein] n time 5) lead, head S YN Aup\K¥op\ 6) summarise, abridge,
AK¥in\kiuk\sns\ [Achein kai' sAni'] n just-in-time condense CF Ak¥U\;K¥op\ 7) make colourfast, (of dye) make
(manufacturing and stock-control system) permanent Ω K¥op\eS; CF Siu;eS; dye 8) suffer from (bowel
K¥in\; [chein:] v make (an appointment, date), fix (time, constriction) Ω cxk\ep¥a\q^;etX-m¥a;m¥a;saliuÏ wm\;K¥op\enty\" I
date) CF rk\K¥in\;ep; 9) make (an obligation) binding, sign (a contract)
K¥in\;K¥k\ [chein: che'] v make (an appointment, date), fix Ω saK¥op\K¥op\ 10) come to an end; bring to a close, cease
(time, date) Ω AK¥op\ Aa;®Pc\. e®parrc\ in conclusion; to sum up; in brief
K¥in\;Siu [chein: hso] v make (an appointment, date), fix
(time, date) — n 1) [in comb] agreement, bond, contract, etc
K¥in\;SiuK¥k\ [chein: hso gye'] n appointment CF saK¥op\ contract; kti saK¥op\ legal agreement; KMwn\K¥op\ (bail)

K¥in\;SiumO [chein: hso hmu.] n appointment bond 2) [in comb] head, chief, prime, etc CF wn\” k^;K¥op\
K¥in\;etX> [chein twe.] v have a date with sb, rendezvous, prime minister; @anK¥op\ headquarters, central office;
meet sb (usu secretly) by arrangement VWn\Âka;er;mØ;K¥op\ director general; tra;q¨”k^;K¥op\ chief justice;
K¥in\;Ta; [chein; hta;] v have an appointment Ω senenÏmxa kakXy\er;U^;s^;K¥op\ (Defence Services) Chief of Staff 3) [in

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 76

K¥m\; ª e®K
comb] restriction, detention CF r´K¥op\ police detention; ®K [cha.] n termite, white ant CF pl¨
e®KK¥op\ restriction order [? noun all new -- ok?] ®Ksa; [cha. sa:] v 1) be eaten by termites, be riddled (with
K¥op\kiuc\ [cho' kain] v 1) bind, impede free movement holes) 2) [fig] be corrupt
2) lead, head ®Ktk\ [cha. te'] v be eaten by termites
K¥op\KMu [cho' khon] n sewing stand ®Ketac\piuÏ [cha. taung bo.] n anthill, termite mound
K¥op\K¥y\ [cho' chE] v restrict, be oppressive, be repressive ®Kpun\; [cha. bon:] n termite
®KqM [cha. than] n mythical nugget of metal found in
K¥op\“cim\; [cho' nyein:] v end, cease; die anthills
K¥op\sa [cho' sa] n food which causes constipation or ®Ka; [cha:] v 1) keep separate or apart; be separated by a
retention of urine certain thing Ω ts\rk\®Ka; every other day; Nxs\rk\®Ka; every
K¥op\eS; [cho' hse:] n mordant, used to make dye third day Ω eS;kiu ts\rk\®Ka; ts\Kå-eqak\på" Take the
colourfast [ tx] medicine once every other day. 2) differ, be different
K¥op\Siu [cho' hso] v sign an agreement ®Ka;na; [cha: na:] v differ
K¥op\tv\; [cho' ti:] v restrain, hold back, keep in check; ®Ka;na;K¥k\ [cha: na: gye'] n difference
control (oneself) ®Kø; [chu:] n 1) stylised lion figure with a flowing mane RF
K¥op\eNxac\ [cho' hnaung] v 1) tie sb up 2) imprison, ®Køq¨. (illus) 2) old coin with a ®Kø; figure RF ®Kø;piuk\SM'
detain, keep in custody [ rc] ®Kø;®pa;. 3) repeating abstract floral pattern (in carving,
K¥op\Riu; [cho' yo:] n 1) seam (in clothing) 2) suture (of painting, etc)
cut) ®Kø;piuk\SM [chu: pai' hsan] n old coin with a ®Kø; figure
K¥op\rk\ [cho' ye'] n period of detention, esp when under ®Kø;pn\;kNut\ [chu; ban; kAno'] n pattern with floral
trial [ rc] design
K¥m\; [chan:] v (of weather) be cold, be chilly; (of person) ®Kø;pn\;®Kø;NXy\ [chu: ban: chu: nwE] n abstract floral pattern
be cold, be freezing (inf) of entwined tendrils
K¥m\;K¥m\;s^;s^; [chan: gyan: si: zi:] adv in chilly weather ®Kø;®pa; [chu; pya:] n old coin with a ®Kø; figure
K¥m\;sim\.K¥m\;sim\.®Ps\ [chan: sein. zein. hpyi'] v get a chill, be ®Kø;q¨ [chu: dhu] n stylised lion figure with a flowing
very cold mane
K¥m\;®m [chan: mya.] adj cool; peaceful e®K1 [che (chi)] v 1) crumple 2) pulverize, crush into
K¥m\;e®m. [chan: mye.] v be serene, have peace of mind Ω . powder or small pieces CF nc\;e®K trample [ ph]
Stop playing! You know the hni is fatal to my peace of e®KmW [che hmwa.] v crush into bits
mind. e®K2 [chi (che)] n leg; foot; (of animals) paw
K¥m\;qa [chan: dha] v 1) be wealthy, be rich, be well off — part particle suffixed to nouns to denote a collection
2) have peace and quiet [ ph]
K¥m\;qaep; [chan: dha pe:] v pardon, spare, show mercy e®Kkn\ [chi (che) kan] v 1) plant one's feet to strengthen
Ω h¨ på Aqk\ kiu K¥m\; qaep;på [? can't read first half of SE a blow or pull 2) [fig] desert (one's benefactor) 3) [fig]
p55] abandon [? what do you want to ask?]
K¥m\;eA; [chan: e:] v 1) (of weather) be cool 2) be
peaceful CF eA;K¥m\; e®Kkun\ [chi (che) kon] [chi (che) gon] v be exhausted
K¥im\. [chein.] part particle suffixed to a verb to denote an — adv full out, to the limit
impending event CF ™ lim\. e®Kkun\lk\pn\;k¥ [chi (che) gon le' pan: kya.] v be
K¥Mo [chon] n Œshrub, bush, woody plant smaller than a tree exhausted, be tired out
e®Kkun\qut\ [chi (che) gon tho'] v run as fast as possible,
K¥MoKiutiuk\ [chon kho tai'] v ambush run at full speed
K¥Moput\ [chon po'] n clump of bushes, thicket e®Kkup\ [chi (che) go'] v foothold
K¥Mo> [chon.] v A NT K¥´> [? ant for both?] 1) reduce, shrink e®Kkup\sKn\; [chi (che) go' såkhan:] n base camp
2) summarise; abridge, condense e®Kkup\y¨ [chi (che) go' yu] v [fig] gain a foothold
K¥Mo; [chon:] v 1) reduce in size or length; summarise e®Kk¥ [chi (che) kya.] v decline, get worse (in sports using
Ω Ak¥U\;K¥Mo; 2) look run down, be worn (by care, illness, the legs), be worn out, be exhausted S YN e®Kl¥c\
sorrow, etc) e®Kk¥c\ [chi (che) gyin] adv on foot
K¥Mo;k¥ [chon: kya.] v look run down, look worn (by illness, e®KÂkX(K) [chi (che) gywa. (ga.)] n doctor's fee for a house
sorrow, etc), become thin call
K¥Mo;K¥Mo;k¥ [chon: gyon: kya.] v deteriorate, go to ruin, get e®KKly\ [chi (che) khålE] n middle toe, third toe
run down, become dilapidated e®KKc\;lk\Kc\; [chi (che) gin: le' khin:] n general condition
K¥Mo;pX´K¥ciu [chon: bwE: cha. ngo] v cry one's heart out (terrain, travel) Ω e®KKc\;-lk\Kc\;-qaty\" Conditions are
K¥y\går^ [chE ga ri] n pushcart good.
K¥y\r^ [chE ri] n cherry [Engl] e®KKt\ [chi ga'] n style of dance in which the dancer

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 77

e®K ª e®K
kicks aside the white hem of her costume in time with a e®KSup\lk\ny\®po [chi (che) zo' le' nE pyu.] v care for, take
drum CF TB^na;Kt\ care of a person affectionately
e®KKMu [chi (che) gon] n instep, arch (of foot) = e®KPmiu; e®KSMu;eKåc\;SMu; [chi (che) zon: gaung: zon:] adv from head to
e®KK¥ [chi (che) cha.] v step on; set foot (in) Ω By\ foot
e®KmK¥B¨;" I will never set foot here again. e®Kevac\;lk\Sn\Ï [chi (che) nyaung: le' hsan.] adv stretch
e®KeK¥a\lk\eK¥a\ [chi (che) gyaw le' chaw] adv accidentally, Ω Ai p\rak Teta.-e®Kevac\;-lk\Sn\Ï-lup\ty\" She got out of
inadvertently, by accident, not on purpose bed and streched.
e®KK¥c\; [chi (che) gyin:] n 1) anklet Ω e®KK¥c\;wt\ wear anklet e®KvHio; [chi (che) hnyo:] n second toe
2) leg irons, chains, shackles, fetters CF edåk\ e®Ktiu [chi (che) to] v [fig] be tired from making many
e®KK¥c\;Kt\ [chi (che) gyin; kha'] v chain, fetter, shackle trips on foot, be worn out Ω “mio>T´mxa psßv\;-wy\PiuÏ-liuk\rxata
[ rc] e®Ktiuen“p^" What with running here and there looking for
e®KK¥c\;wt\ [chi (che) gyin; wu'] v wear anklet the things to buy, I'm all worn out.
— n ankle e®Kts\epåc\k¥io; [chi (che) dåbaun gyo:] adv on one leg, on
e®KKi¥t\ [che chei'] v cross one's legs, sit Indian style one foot Ω e®K-ts\epåc\k¥io;-KMu hop on one leg
(Am) e®KTiu; [chi (che) hto:] v 1) thwart, foil 2) trip (sb), trip
e®KK¥c\; [chi (che) gyin;] n shackles, leg irons, chains (sb) up CF RuMtiuk\ [? ? can't read handwriting]
e®KK¥c\;Kt\ [chi (che) gyin: kha'] v (of legs) chain, shackle, e®KeTak\ [chi (che) dau'] n foot, leg
put in leg irons CF e®KTip\Kt\ e®KTit\ [chi (che) dei'] n stocks
e®KK¥c\;lim\ [chi (che) gyin: lein] v [fig] swarm (with), e®Knc\; [chi (che) nin:] n 1) (of royalty) footwear, shoes,
teeem Ω Aer;”k^; t´.-pug©io l\ lamy\SiuliuÏ lm\;SMumxa pulip\etX sandals 2) pedal, footrest (of bicycle, etc) 3) treadle (of
e®KK¥c\;lim-\entap´" When important people are coming, the sewing machine)
street corners are swarming with police. CF e®KROp\ e®Knc\;kXc\; [chi (che) nin: gwin:] n stirrups
e®KK¥c\;wt\ [chi (che) gyin: wu'] n ankle e®Knc\;KMu [chi (che) nin: gon] n running board
e®KeK¥ac\; [chi (che) gyaung;] n toe CF lk\eK¥ac\; finger e®Knc\;Pt\ [chi (che) nin: ba'] n 1) place trodden by many
e®KK¥op\ [chi (che) gyo'] n detention (order), restriction of feet (considered to be dirty) 2) [fig] the downtrodden
movement (to a particular area) [? need example]
e®KK¥op\ePåk\ [chi (che) gyo' hpau'] v violate restriction of e®KNiuc\lk\Niuc\ [chi (che) nain le' nain] adv within one's
movement order capability
e®KK¥op\mi [chi (che) gyo' mi>] v [fig] be not free to go out, be e®KepÅ [chi (che) paw] v be nimble, excel at games
restricted or confined to an area; (esp punishment of involving use of the feet
children by parents) be grounded e®Kps\lk\ps\ [chi (che) pyi' le' pyi'] adv exhausted,
e®Ke®K®ms\®ms\ [che gye myi' myi'] adv thoroughly overtired
e®KKXc\ [chi (che) khwin] [chi (che) gwin] v be bow-legged, be e®Kpun\;Kut\ [chi (che) bon: kho'] v [fig] intrigue, do things
bandy-legged = kX on the quiet L I T : ‘cover footsteps’
— n inside of foot e®KpXa; [chi (che) bwa:] n extra toe
e®KKXc\Riuk\ [chi (che) gwin yai'] v kick (caneball) with inside e®KpXt\tiuc\lv\ [chi (che) bu' tain lE] v sprain or twist one's
of foot ankle
e®Kslk\s [chi (che) za. le' sa.] n aptitude; qualification e®KPenac\. [chi (che) bånaung.] n heel
e®Kesac\.lk\esac\. [chi (che) zaung. le' saung.] n emergency e®KPenac\.eÂk [chi (che) bAnaung. kye] v bruise one's heel
kit Ω eK¥ak\K´ nc\; miliu e®KPenac\. eÂkta eta. eta.naty\" I
e®Kss\pX´ [chi (che) zi' pwE:] n match for selection of players bruised my heel on a stone, and it is rather painful.
or team (esp football), all-star game (Amer) e®KPmiu; [chi (che) båmo:] n instep, arch of foot
e®Ksm\;pX´ [chi (che) san: bwE:] n test match, match to test e®KPm¥k\ [chi (che) båme'] n ankle
the ability of players (esp football) e®KPwå; [chi (che) båwa:] n sole (of foot)
e®KsMups\wc\ [chi (che) zon pyi' win] v [fig] throw oneself into e®KP¥a;eTak\ [chi (che) bya: htau'] v 1) be on tiptoe
a task, field, etc 2) [fig] be proud, be conceited, be arrogant
e®KsXp\ [chi (che) zu'] n sock = e®KAit\ e®Km [chi (che) ma.] n big toe
e®\eSa.Niuc\ [chi (che) zaw. le' hsaw. nain] v be e®Kmkiuc\milk\mkiuc\mi®Ps\ [chi (che) måkain mi> le' måkain mi>
light-fingered, be inclined to steal hpyi'] v be agitated, be shaken
e®KSMlk\SM [chi (che) zan le' hsan] n limbs, arm or leg; e®Km¥a; [chi (che) mya:] v go out a lot; have many lovers;
arms and legs be a man-about-town
e®KSc\; [chi (che) hsin:] [chi (che) zin:] v sit with legs e®Km¥k\si [chi (che) mye' si>] v ankle bone
stretched out e®K®mn\ [chi (che) myan] n royal messenger (for urgent
— n [œ& fig] introduction to a piece of music, matters)
overture [ ms] e®K®mn\eta\ [chi (che) myan daw] n royal messenger (for

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 78

“KM ª e®Kak\
urgent matters) abnormal way, be out of step (with) Upsa 2) act
e®K®mn\tp\ [chi (che) myan ta'] n light infantry Ω e®K®mn\tp\rc\; suspiciously
light infantry battalion e®Klxm\;®pc\ [chi (che) hlan: pyin] v [fig] prepare, poise, get
e®KemX;m^;melac\lk\emX;m^;melac\ [chi (che) mwe: mi: ready
målaung le' mwe: mi: målaung] adv (boasting) lead an easy e®Klxm\;mxa; [chi (che) hlan: hma:] v [fig] go wrong
life L I T : ‘hair of arms and legs doesn't get scorched’ e®KqlMu; [chi (che) dhålon:] n calf (of leg) CF shin thigh
e®Kra [chi (che) ya] n footprint, track; spoor (of animal) e®KqlMu;Aim\tiuc\ [chi (che) dhålon: ein dain] n [fig] person
e®Kraekak\ [chi (che) ya kau'] v track, trace (person, with no fixed home; homeless person L I T : ‘legs as
animal, clue, etc), be on the trail of Ω qmiuc\;SraetXk houseposts’
Aelac\; sv\q¨AeÂkac\; kiu e®Kraekak\Âkty\" Historians e®Kqa [chi (che) tha] v [fig] be better (at sports involving
are on the trail of Alaungsithu. use of legs)
e®KraKM [chi (che) ya khan] v tail, shadow; stalk, trail; e®Kq¨ÂkXy\ [chi (che) dhågywE] n fourth toe
trace, track (down) e®Kqv\m [hsi thE ma.] n millipede S YN KeKX;ekac\'piu;na;qn\'
e®Kratiuc\; [chi (che) ya tain:] v [fig] compete with one's kc\;na;qn\' S^qv\m' m^;rTa;ekac\
superiors e®KqM [chi (che) than] n (sound of) step, footsteps,
e®Kranc\; [chi (che) ya nin:] v [fig] follow the example set footfall
by others, follow in sb's footsteps Upsa Ω AeP.-e®Kra- e®Kqv\; [chi (che) dhE:] n (human) toenail; (animal) claw,
nc\;my\qa;" I will follow in my father‘s footsteps. (bird of prey) talon
e®KraeP¥ak\ [chi (che) ya hpyau'] v [fig] cover one's tracks e®Kqv\;lk\qv\; [chi (che) dhE: le' thE:] n trusted person
Upsa; go into hiding who handles a social or household function [? def check
e®Kramp¥k\ [chi (che) ya måpye'] v preserve evidence; not in big dic]
disturb the scene, order, signs, traces, etc Ω ®pn\laeta. e®Kqut\PMu [chi (che) tho' hpon] n doormat
Aim\kiumxa q¨Kiu;-Kiu;KM-e®Kramp¥k\B¨;" When he came home he e®Kqn\; [chi (che) dhan:] n little toe
could see the signs of burglary. e®KqXk\ [chi (che) thwe'] v 1) be nimble; be quick and
e®Kralk\ra [chi (che) ya le' ya] n 1) clue 2) work, alert; be light-footed 2) [fig] be active
handiwork Ω enratiuc\;mxa q¨>e®Kralk\ra etX>rty\" You e®Khn\lk\hn\ [chi (che) han le' han] n gesture, hand
can see his handiwork everywhere. [? not a good example movement
yet--isn't htis the sort of thing you would say of god? ] e®KU^;tv\.ra [chi (che) u: tE. ya] adv aimlessly, without
e®Kralk\ramp¥k\ [chi (che) ya le' ya måpye'] v preserve e®KU^;lxv\. [chi (che) u: hlE.] v change direction
evidence; not disturb the scene, order, etc e®KAit\ [chi (che) ei'] n sock, stocking = e®KsXp\
e®Krc\; [chi (che) yin:] n 1) place near the feet 2) part of “KM [chan] v surround; escort
the house opposite the shrine (usually west) 3) foot,
— n 1) fence 2) garden, market-garden = Uy¥aU\
base (of inanimate objects) CF eKåc\;rc\;
3) home garden, farm compound (growing crops other
e®Krv\t¨ [chi (che) ye du] adv CF ˆa%\rv\t¨' lk\rv\t¨ [? than rice) 3) orchard Ω qrk\“KM mango orchard
new from your leq notes]
“KMKt\ [chan kha'] v fence in (an area), put up a fence
e®Krxv\ [chi (che) she] v [fig] have itchy feet Upsa, be “KMKun\ [chan khon] v 1) [fig] keep a lover, commit adultery,
peripatetic be unfaithful, be guilty of infidelity 2) switch loyalty
e®KROp\ [chi (che) sho'] v [fig] 1) be more than usual (in L IT : ‘jump the fence’
number, activity, etc) 2) be swarming with, teem “KMsiuk\ [chan sai'] v garden, grow (fruit, vegetables, or
S YN e®KK¥c\;li m\ 3) meddle in others' affairs; interfere
flowers) for sale; plant an orchard
Ω Aemri kn\e tX enak\ Tp\-e®KRO p\enty\" The Americans are
“KMsv\;Riu; [chan si; yo;] n (surrounding) fence, hedge
interfering again. 4) have many boyfriends/girlfriends;
“KMTXk\ [chan dwe'] n produce from one's own garden
be promiscuous
“KMepåk\ [chan bau'] n animal from one's own farm
e®Kl¥c\ [chi (che) lyin] [chi gyin] n royal courier = cy\emX;“KMepåk\
— adv on foot, by foot CF lm\;elYak\ [ ph]
“KMe®m [chan mye] n garden land
e®Kl¥c\tp\ [chi (che) lyin ta'] n infantry Ω e®Kl¥c\tp\rc\; “KMrM [chan yan] v escort; surround
infantry battalion
“KMwiuc\; [chan wain;] n home and garden, home compound
e®KlXn\lk\lXn\®Ps\ [chi (che) lun le' lun hpyi'] v become
“KMqma; [chan dhåma;] n market-gardener, small farmer
e®Klxm\; [chi (che) hlan:] v step, stride “Kio;“KM [cho: gyan] v 1) be thrifty, be frugal, be careful with
— n 1) footstep 2) stride, pace 3) [fig] moves, tactics
money, avoid wasting money, be sparing, save
2) Ópractice asceticism
e®Klxm\;k¥´ [chi (che) hlan: kyE:] v [fig] do many things, e®Kak\ [chau'] v 1) frighten, scare; intimidate 2) haunt
move quickly Upsa
e®Kak\sa;ehak\sa; [chau' sa; hau' sa;] v profit from
e®Klxm\;p¥k\ [chi (che) hlan: pye'] v 1) [fig] behave in an

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 79

e®Kak\ ª “KMo
intimidating sb has to be served in a golden cup.
e®Kak\lMu;lxn\ÏlMu; [chau' lon: hlan. lon:] n threatening ®Keqç.m [chin dhe. ma.] n lioness
words, intimidation CF “Kim\;e®Kak\ ®Keqç.lv\®pn\ [chin dhe. lE byan] n system of rhyming in
e®Kak\lxn\Ï [chau' hlan.] v frighten, scare which rhymes may be separated by several lines [ wr]
e®Kak\2 [chau'] v 1) be dry; be dried, be dessicated ≈ ®Kc\;1 [chin:] n basket S YN etac\;' plMu; CF tc\; CW lMu;
A NT siu RF e®Kak\ kp\. 2) [fig] be dreary; be dull, be dry, be ®Kc\;Âka; [chin gya:] n large basket woven with large gaps
boring RF e®Kak\kp\. 3) (of colours) be dull, be drab
A NT siu' etak\ ®Kc\;Kt\ [chin: kha'] v play caneball CF ®Kc\;lMu;' piuk\ek¥a\®Kc\;
e®Kak\kp\ [chau' ka'] v 1) be dry; be dried, be ®Kc\;etac\; [chin: daung:] n basket
dessicated ≈ 2) [fig] be dreary; be dull, be dry, be ®Kc\;mc\;qa; [chin; min; dha;] n player who stands in the
boring middle of the circle of ®Kc\;lMu; (caneball) players
e®Kak\Kn\; [chau' khan:] v dry up, evaporate ®Kc\;Riuc\Kt\ [chin: yain kha'] v play ®Kc\;lMu; (caneball) in a
e®Kak\qeyac\; [chau' thåyaung:] v be parched, be very group
dry ®Kc\;lMu; [chin: lon:] n chinloun, caneball (illus)
e®Kak\eqX> [chau' thwe.] v be very dry, be bone dry ®Kc\;luM;Kt\ [chin; lon; kha] v play caneball CF piuk\ek¥a\®Kc\;
e®Kak\3 [chau'] n six ®Kc\;wiuc\; [chin; wain;] n circle of ®Kc\;lMu; (caneball) players
e®Kak\seTac\lxv\; [chau' sa. daun hlE:] n passenger cart ®Kc\;2 [chin:] part particle suffixed to verbs to form nouns
with six ornamental posts ((illus)) ®Kc\;ra [chin: ya] n matter, incident
e®Kak\esac\; [chau' saung:] n [derog] squint-eyed, cross- ®Kc\;®Kc\;n^ [chin: gyin: ni] v become bloody
eyed person e®Kac\;e®Kac\;TXk\ [chaung: chaung: htwe'] v fume (with anger);
e®Kak\epåk\ [chau' pau'] n œsixth note on the Myanmar rise thickly, biol up (e.g., column of smoke, cloud of
musical scale of seven tones [ ms] dust) Ω Am¥k\ e®Kac\;e®Kac\; TXk\enty\" She is fuming with
e®Kak\epåk\qM [chau' pau' dhan] n œnote corresponding anger. = eTac\;eTac\;T
to E S YN ®mc\; qM [ ms] ®Ks\ [chi'] v 1) scrape; shred (firm fruit or vegetable),
e®Kak\®ps\kc\;q´l´sc\ [chau' pyi' kin: thE: lE: sin] n person shave (ice) 2) strike (match, light, etc);
without a fault, paragon ®Ks\®Ks\kut\kut\ [chi' chi' ko' ko'] adv frugally
e®Kak\lMu;pt\ [chau' lon: ba'] n graduated six-drum ®Ks\®Ks\®Kot\®Kot\ [chi' chi' cho' cho'] adv frugally
ensemble [ ms] ®Ks\qa; [chi' tha:] n marking gauge
e®Kak\lMu;®pø; [chau' lon: byu:] n revolver ®Kv\ [chi] n ray (of light) Ω lerac\®Kv\ moonbeam, en®Kv\
e®Kak\qXy\VXn\Ï [chau' thwE nyun.] n harpist's term for sun rays
sixth note on the musical scale [ ms]
— part count word used in counting rings, bangles,
“Kiok\1 [chai'] v be dented, be concave S YN K¥ioc\. CF KMu; convex bracelets, etc Ω pt†® ma;ts\®Kv\ a ruby ring [ nc ph]
“Kiok\2 [chai'] v like = Nxs\“Kiok\ ®Kot\®Ky\ [cho' chE] v bother, fuss; boss sb around
®Kc\1 [chin] v measure by volume CF K¥in\ ®Km\; [chan:] v halve; divide (into portions) CF KX´' Asit\KX´
®Kc\tXy\ [chin twE] v measure by volume — part 1) count word for halves Ω B´Uts\®Km\; half a duck
®Kc\2 [chin] n mosquito egg [ nc] 2) word used to label a half or side Ω l®Km\;
®Kc\k¥a; [chin gya:] n Aedes aegypti, large black mosquito crescent moon Ω vaBk\®Km\; kp\på" Please keep to the right.
with white stripes which bites during the day, and can Ω kiu y\ts\®Km\;eqty\" He’s paralysed on one side.
carry dengue ts\®Km\; [tåchan:] n half CF KX´' piuc\;' wk\
®Kc\eS; [chin ze:] n mosquito repellent Ω ®Kc\eS;eKX ts\®Km\;p´. [tåchan: bE.] n missing sthg, (state of) lacking
mosquito coil sthg, being in need of sthg
®Kc\zka [chin zåga] n screen (to keep out flying insects) A®Km\; [åchan:] n 1) half (of sthg) Ω pn\;q^;A®Km\; half an
apple Ω Ae®Kak\A®Km\; dried things and things split in
®Kc\eTac\ [chin daung] n mosquito net, bednet halves, usu dried fish, beans, dried tamarind, salt
®Kc\pun\; [chin bon:] n mosquito that usually hides in dark 2) segment
places during the day “Kim\.“Kim\. [chein. gyein.] adv thunderously; tumultuously
®Kc\yp\ [chin ya'] n fan; whisk “Kim\.“Kim\.qv\;qv\; [chein. gyein. thE: thE:] adv cacophonous,
®Kc\3 [chin] n bamboo rafter = A tumultuous
®Kc\S^ [chin zi] n marrow, spongy inner part of bone “Kim\; [chein:] v 1) threaten 2) thunder CF K¥on\;
®Keqç. [chin dhe.] n lion Ω π®Keqç.mxn\rc\ ®mk\-msa;" The real lion “Kim\;e®Kak\ [chein: chau' ( gyau')] v threaten; intimidate
doesn’t eat grass. Ω π®Keqç.mxn\-mmxn\ mxc\S-M qk\eq" The mane CF e®Kak\lMu; lxn\Ï lMu; threat
is the proof of the lion. CF q^h' ®Kø;' ekqraza “Kim\;emac\; [chein: maung:] v nag; rail at
®Keqç.kel; [chin dhe. gåle:] n (lion) cub “KMo [chon] v cover; wrap; drape
®Keqç.S^ [chin dhe. zi] n fat of the lion, the king of beasts — adv on the whole
Ω π®Keqç. S^ha qigÇerWKX k\n´Ï Tv\. rty\" The fat of the lion
“KMocMu [chon ngon] adv on the whole, generally, in general,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 80

®Ky\ ª eKX;
summing up Ω “KMocMu“p^;-e®parrc\ to sum up [? check sum] S YN e®Kratiuc\;
“KMocMuqp\ [chon ngon tha'] v conclude KXarxp\ [khwa sha'] v scrape the ground with hoof
“KMoesac\ [chon zaung] n blanket KXalip\ [khwa lei'] v 1) stumble 2) [fig] meet
“KMoTv\ [chon dE] n general term for scarf, shawl, wrap,
unforseen problem Ω π®mc\;ekac\;-KXalip\ Even a good horse
cape, etc. can stumble.
“KMoy¨Sc\®Kc\mO [chon yu hsin gyin hmu.] n inductive reasoning
KXa3 [khwa] n 1) launderer, laundress = Kwåqv\
CF Tut\y¨Sc\®Kc\ mO 2) Ó‹slave dedicated to a Buddhist temple for
“KMoRMu [chon yon] v cover; wrap; drape maintenance and laundry CF kÁn\q^;eta\' Bura;kÁn\' Bura;-
®Ky\ [chE] v 1) paint Ω eS;®Ky\ CF qut\ [? have both Aqv\' ArMesac\ [ bh]
housepainting and picture painting as examples] KXaqa; [kywa dha;] n Ó‹slave dedicated to a Buddhist
2) decorate, adorn temple for maintenance and laundry CF kÁn\q^;eta\'
®Ky\mOn\; [chE hmon:] v add decoration to, embellish Bura;kÁn\' Bura;-Aqv\' ArMesac\
®Ky\lxy\ [chE hlE] v 1) [fig] manipulate; hold the reins KXa [khwa] n [in comb] Œclematis
Upsa 2) adorn, decorate 3) interact Ω A®pn\Alxn\ mind and KXavio [khwa nyo] n Œclematis
body interact KXa®pa [khwa pya] n Œkind of blue clematis
®Ky\q [chE tha.] [? ?] KXa®Pø [khwa hpyu] n Œkind of white clematis
KX [khwa.] v sit astride, straddle eKX [khwe] v 1) coil, curl; curl up Ω q¨Aim\mxa eKXenty\" He is
— n 1) fork (of tree, path, river, etc) [? what about of just comfortably curled up at home. CF eKåk\ [? need
bicycle? also hpauk?] 2) spanner (Br), wrench (Am) better example: people usu use this when sb is sick!]
3) catapult, slingshot (Am) = el;KX 4) spot (inf), fix 2) sag, go limp, go slack, droop 3) make 4) mark
(inf), bind (inf), tight corner Upsa, difficult situation 5) [chess] check 6) [fig] restrain, hold back, check [gwe]
— adv ™heartily, unabashedly, roundly = gX 7) collect (firewood) Ω Tc\;eKX
— part prefix to verb, indicating duality or multiplicity — n coil; hoop, ring
Ω mg©zc\;-e påc\;sMu mxa KXer;enty\" She writes in many — part count word for counting coils, rings, etc Ω ”kio;eKX
magazines. coil of rope Ω wåyaeKX coil of wire Ω By\Nxs\eKX cxa;K¥c\l´" How
KXk¥ [gwa. kya.] v 1) not fit in a known category 2) have many (videos) would you like to rent? [ nc]
difficulties, get in a fix eKXyiuc\ [khwe yain] v totter (weakly), walk unsteadily
KXkXk\ [khwa. gwe] n [chess] fork position, where one eKXlxim\. [gwe hlein.] n children’s game of running after a
chessman threatens two or more others rolling hoop [? ask mom name of game]
KXsa [gwa. za] n oddball, odd person; difficult person eKX> [khwe.] v 1) to fight by butting heads, horns or
KXs^; [khwa. si:] v 1) ride (astride animal) 2) take antlers, as goats, bulls, etc CF KXp\' Bwc\eKX>' menaeKX>
advantage 2) be ecstatic CF qeBaeKX>' NxlMu;eKX>' menaeKX> 3) be
KXSMu [gwa. zon] n 1) crossroads, crossing, intersection affectionate Ω miKc\r´.-rc\KXc\kiu eKåc\;n´Ï eKX>enty\" [? are you
(Am) [? how many roads? ] 2) fork (of tree) sure this is a different def? really affectionate?]
KXtiu [gwa. do] n short and bow-legged person eKX>ewx> [khwe. hwe.] v (of animals with horns or tusks)
KXtiuk\ [gwa. tai'] v be contrary fight, butt, gore
KXrxc\ [gwa. shin] n monkey wrench (Am); spanner (Br) eKX; [khwe:] n dog, (esp for hunting) hound
KXa1 [khwa] v 1) leave, depart; pull away S YN KX´' TXk\ Ω πeKX;“m^;ekak\ k¥v\e tak\ sXp\" The leopard cannot
2) peel (outer layer, fruit or vegetable skin); skin, flay change his spots. (i.e., people will go back to their old
(animal) habits) Straighten a dog's curled tail by putting it in a
KXass\ [khwa zi'] n Íretreat; withdrawal section of bamboo. CF Ac\;eKX;' K¥c\;eKX;
KXaTa; [khwa hta:] v keep separate, keep apart, put space eKX;ktk\ [khwe: gåde'] n platform at the top of steps,
between outside a house door = Pinp\KÁt\
KXa“p´ [khwa pyE:] v ™fall out, have a falling out (friends); eKX;kel; [khwe: gåle:] n puppy, pup (illus)
become estranged (family); get divorced eKX;k¨; [khwe: gu:] n dog paddle (swimming stroke)
KXaliuk\ [khwa lai'] v follow at a distance A NT kp\liuk\ eKX;k¥k¥ [khwe: gya. kya.] v [fig] fall (from power or
follow closely prestige) shamefully, helplessly CF eÂkac\k¥k¥
KXa2 [khwa] n hoof (pl. hooves), elephant foot Ω ®mc\;KXa eKX;k¥c\.eKX;ÂkMÂkM [khwe: gyin. khwe: gyan kyan] v [fig] be a
horse hoof cad, behave dishonourably
KXatiuc\ [khwa dain] n two pillars forming base for mast in eKX;e®K [khwe: chi] n stool
sail boat (illus) eKX;sa;wk\sa; [khwe: za: we' sa:] adv [fig] wolf down
KXanalYana [khwa na sha na] n foot-and-mouth disease (food), (eat) ravenously
(of hoofed animals) eKX;zat\Kc\; [khwe: za' khin:] v [fig] misbehave, go the the
KXara [khwa ya] n hoofprint dogs Upsa, lead a low life
KXaratiuc\; [khwa ya tain:] v compete with one's superiors eKX;t¨wk\t¨ [khwe: du we' tu] n hog badger

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 81

KX´ ª KXk\
eKX;tiu;epåk\ [khwe: do: pau']
n [fig] back door Upsa L IT : (from), tell apart; discriminate (between); catogorise,
‘hole made for dog to come in’ classify; sort Ω πrn\q¨-mit\eSX-KX´®Ka;qi tell or know friends
eKX;tiu;wk\wc\ [khwe: do: we' win] adv [fig] ignominiously, from enemies [? check new def and eg]
disgracefully KX´®Km\; [khwE: gyan:] v split firewood, chop firewood
eKX;etak\ [gwe: dau'] n Œa vine with edible, bitter — n split firewood
leaves, also used to treat boils [ ph] KX´®Km\;KX´®Km\; [khwE: chan: khwE: chan:] adv (act) selfishly (i.e.,
eKX;e®p;wk\e®p;e®p; [khwe: bye: we' pye: pye:] n [fig] flee in to create status consciousness), with discrimination
disorder, run pell-mell Ω πcå;r.M reta. At¨ t¨' cå;K¨reta. KX´®Km\;KX´®Km\;" With tough
eKX;e®pawk\e®pae®pa [khwe; byaw; we' pyaw; pyaw;] v bark snakehead, it’s share and share alike; with tender catfish,
at Upsa, speak aggressively and insultingly it’s to each his own.
eKX;®Ps\ [khwe: hpyi'] v [fig] be degraded, become sordid, KX´®Km\;sit\®Pa [khwE: chan: sei' hpya:] v analyse
become disreputable L IT : ‘become a dog’ Ω q¨e@;®Ps\' ºKX´ºKXa [khwE: khwa] v 1) part company, go separate ways
eKX;®Ps\ [? what do people want to say with this? same 2) [fig] die
person, two choices? one person, one after another??] KX´sit\ [khwE: sei'] v cut (open), make a cut (in), incise;
dissect; operate (on), perform surgery; split (atom)
eKX;B^l¨; [khwe: bålu:] n bulldog; mastiff CF biuk\KX´
eKX;m [khwe: ma.] n 1) female dog, bitch 2) Îbitch Î KX´sit\kuSrawn\ [khwE sei' ku. såya win] n surgeon
eKX;mqa; [khwe: ma. tha:] n Îson of a bitch Î, SOB Î KX´sit\kupva [kwE: sei' ku. pyin nya] n (field of study or
research) surgery
eKX;m¥io; [khwe: myo:] n 1) breed (of dog) 2) Îdog Î KX´sit\kuq [khwE: sei' ku. tha.] n operate (med)
eKX;erpurpiuk\ [khwe: ye pArAbai'] n purpiuk\ (parabaik) of KX´sit\kuqeSac\ [khwE: sei' ku. tha. hsaung] n surgery ward
sins kept by the chief nat qiÂka;mc\; KX´sit\Kn\; [khwE: sei' khan:] n operating theatre
eKX;R¨; [khwe: yu:] n mad dog (also fig), rabid dog KX´tm\; [khwE: dan:] n 1) method of apportioning sthg
Ω πeKX;R¨;Pk\ kiuk\ eKX;ekac\; na;RX k\® pt\" When fighting with 2) [rhet] form of verse using homonyms to illustrate
a rabid dog, it is the healthy dog whose ear is bitten off. spelling differences 3) quota, share, allotment
eKX;R¨;®pn\ [khwe: yu: pyan] v have rabies, be rabid Ω @anSiuc\raKX´tm\; amount allotted to a department
eKX;R¨;®pn\eragå [khwe: yu: byan yaw: ga] n rabies, KX´Ta; [khwE: da:] n [rhet] form of verse using homonyms
hydrophobia to illustrate spelling differences [ wr]
eKX;eleKX;lXc\. [khwe: le khwe: lwin.] n stray dog KX´TXk\ [khwE: htwe'] v 1) secede, separate from Ω ' In
eKX;elx;Âkm\;piu; [khwe: hle: gyåbo:] n [fig] riffraff L I T : ‘dog 1996, Quebec voted not to secede from Canada. 2) branch
fleas and bedbugs’ out Ω ' I used to be a poet, but I branched out into
eKX;elx;ya; [khwe: låya:] n Œcowhage, bush with fruit neurosurgery.
that causes itchiness KX´ew [khwE: we] v distribute, pass out (pieces), share
eKX;lYa [khwe: sha] n plumb line = K¥in\' mxn\Tup\ ts\KX´ [tåkhwE:] n unit of dry measure for grain, equal to
eKX;qBc\ [khwe: dhåbin] n friendly puppy one half tc\;, about 20 litres
eKX;qmc\ [khwe: thåmin] n greyhound ts\KX´qa; [tåkhwE: dha:] n exaggerated show (of anger,
eKX;qXa;sip\ [khwe: thwa: zei'] n cog; cogwheel; pinion sorrow, arrogance, etc)
eKX;ehac\qM [khwe: haung dhan] n bark [? new from E-M: KXM [khun] n 1) skin, peel, bark, rind, pod, shell, husk, crust,
ok?] hull 2) empty, packaging, packing Ω B¨;KXM empty box
eKX;Aim\ [khwe: ein] n kennel; doghouse
KX´ [khwE:] v 1) divide (into two or several pieces), split, part KXMn^ [khun ni] n a variety of rice
(hair), break CF Tk\®Km\;KX´' el;sit\KX´' Asit\sit\K X´ KXMe®pac\; [khun byaung:] n variety of maize
2) separate; divide into (constituent) parts; KXMwå [khun wa] n variety of rice
differentiate; discriminate S YN piuc\; 3) (biology) dissect, AKXM [Akhun] n 1) skin, peel, bark, rind, pod, shell, husk,
(surgery) operate on; incise, cut open CF biuk\KX´ 4) be crust, hull 2) [fig] empty person, empty discussion,
apart 5) assess (tax) [? need example with depart] empty issue, etc
— n 1) (of AKXMKXa [Akhun khwa] v peel, shell, husk, skin Ω shelled
measure peanuts
KXM> [khun.] v 1) feed (a person), put food in sb's mouth
distance, time,
weight, 2) [fig] bribe S YN laB\ep;
half KXk\ [khwe'] v (of a surface) sag; be concave A NT KMu; CF K¥ioc\.
CF ®Km\;'
wk\' piuc\; [? really a syn?]
2) branch; — n 1) cup, glass, tumbler; small bowl 2) unit of
eKX;kel; puppies
department weight, equal to piœa (1.6 kilogramme); (of precious
CF @anKX´' lup\c n\;KX´' rc\; metal) ingot, bar Ω diuc\KXk\ silver ingot 3) dip, cavity,
KX´®Ka; [khwE: cha:] v 1) discriminate (against) 2) know

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 82

KXc\ ª eKÁ;
concave surface Ω edåc\;KXk\ 4) measure of dry volume KXc\.qXa; [khwin. thwa:] v go on leave (of absence)
(0.28 litre) KXc\; [khwin:] v 1) separate (esp two people) 2) pierce, go
KXk\kp\ [khwe' ka'] v 1) tap a glass or bottle to get the through (unbroken surface), thrust into; penetrate,
last drops Ω Ark\® pt\eta. KXk\kp\n´Ïm¨; ty\" [? trans?] enter into, spread through S YN K¥c\;1 3) shoot to kill or
2) [fig] be satisfied with what one has destroy
KXk\K¥c\ [hwe' chin] n measure (by cup volume) KXn\ [khun] n 1) ¥∏tax, duty, revenue, public moneys
KXk\KXk\ln\ [khwe' khwe' lan] adv 1) (lose) heavily Ω A®mt\KX n\ income tax, customs duty, public revenue
Ω s^; pXa;er; mlu p\P¨; p´ Tlup\ta KX k\KXk\ln\ RMO;ty\" I never did CF AKXn\' Aekak\1 [ pe] [? need examples like these]
business before, and when I did, I had heavy losses. 2) strength
2) (laugh) hard Ω A“cim\.kiu-Âkv\.“ p^; KXk\KXk\ln\-ry\ty\ We KXn\Aa; [khun a:] n strength
laughed so hard at the anyeint. KXn\; [khun:] n speech, spoken words
KXk\esac\;Kut\ [khwe' saung: kho'] v [fig, derog] be in a — part count word used in counting words
petty fight (usually political) [ pe] Ω ska;ts\KXn\; mx me®pa®Ps\ B¨;" I didn't get to say a word. [ nc]
KXk\Tiu;KXk\ln\ry\ [khwe' hto: khwe' lan yi] v guffaw, KXn\;”k^;KXn\;cy\e®pa [khun: gyi: chun: ngE pyaw:] v quarrel
laugh uproariously with, argue with
KXk\pun\;qma; [kwe' pon thåma:] n closet drinker L IT : ‘cup KXn\;tMuÏ®pn\ [khun: ton. pyan] v 1) retort, make a reply to an
hider’ accusation or argument 2) talk back insolently
KXc\ [khwin] [gwin] v (of things that are normally straight) be KXn\;etak\ [khun: dau'] n œsong describing the
bent, be bowed; be crooked CF ePac\. straight; bow-legged, auspicious occasion of the performance [ ms]
bandy legs [? cf bow-legged] ts\KXn\;Siuc\ [tåkhun: hsain] n fixed price shop
— n 1) field (of study), area (of interest, expertise, ts\KXn\;eZ; [tåkhun: ze:] n fixed price
etc), region, realm 2) tripod, stand 3) rhomboid shield KXn\;2 [khun:] n long-handled axe CF puSin\
([illus]) [ ph] KXp\ [khu'] v 1) (of µ birds) fight CF eKX> 2) [sl] squabble, have
KXc\k¥ [gwin kya.] v be snug, be tight; fit (with), be a petty fight
fitting, be appropriate KXp\edåc\; [khu' daung:] n fighting peacock Symbol of the
KXc\Riuk\ [gwin yai'] [? new: can't read handwriting p60] student strike in late colonial times [ bs pe]
KXc\lMu;kÁt\ [gwin lon: gyu'] adv completely, entirely, KXp\lk\ [khu' le'] n skill of a fighting cock
eKÁ [chwe] v scrimp, use sparingly
KXc\wc\ [gwin win] v [fig] be caught in a trap [? can't read eKÁta [chwe ta] v economise, be thifty, be frugal
eKÁtaer; [chwe da ye:] n economy, thrift
ts\KXc\ts\®pc\ [tåkhwin dåbyin] n everywhere, all over, in eKÁ; [chwe:] n sweat, perspiration
every part (of a defined space)
eKÁ;kn\ [chwe: kan] v sweat profusely
KXc\. [khwin.] n 1) permission; clearance Ω wc\KXc\. permission to
eKÁ;k¥eAac\ [chwe: kya. aung] adv [fig] by the sweat of
enter Ω kun\sv\-Tut\y¨KXc\. customs clearance Ω yaU\-TXk\KXaKXc \.
one's brow Upsa, through hard work
clearance for take-off 2) leave, KXc\.rk\rxv\ leave of
absence, including maternity leave, parental leave,
eKÁ;KMAkÇ¥ [chwe: gan in: gyi] n bodice
compassionate leave, medical leave eS;KXc\., etc]; (long
eKÁ;cup\ [chwe: ngo'] v cease sweating suddenly
leave for educators) sabbatical 3) rights, privileges,
eKÁ;es; [chwe: ze: (zi)] n clammy sweat (from fear or
illness), cooled sweat
freedoms (esp in combination)
KXc\.etac\; [khwin. taung:] v ask permission (to) eKÁ;siuÏ [chwe: so.] v begin to sweat
KXc\.tiuc\ [khwin. tain] v request leave (of absence) eKÁ;td^;d^; [chwe: dådi: di:] adv (sweat) profusely
KXc\.ep; [khwin. pe:] v allow, permit; excuse; give eKÁ;t“piok\“piok\ [cw\hwe: tåbyai' byai'] adv with sweat
pouring off
permission; grant leave
KXc\.pn\ [khwin. pan] v ask permission eKÁ;tlMu;lMu;Nxc\. [chwe: tålon: lon: hnin.] adv with sweat
pouring off
KXc\.®po [khwin. pyu.] v give permission, excuse
KXc\.®poK¥k\ [khwin. pyu. gye'] n (written) permission, excuse eKÁ;tp\ [chwe: da'] n forced labour gang, porters
CF epÅta [ rc]

KXc\.®pomin\Ï [khwin. pyu. mein.]n permit, official document

eKÁ;tp\SX´ [chwe: da' hswE:] v press into forced labour
allowing some specific activity CF licence
eKÁ;Tut\ [chwe: hto'] v induce sweating
KXc\.y¨ [khwin. yu] v take leave, go on leave (of absence) eKÁ;TXk\ [chwe: htwe'] v sweat, perspire
KXc\.rk\rxv\ [khwin. ye' she] n long leave (of absence) eKÁ;nMÏ [chwe; nan.] n body odour
KXc\.lWt\ [kwin. hlu'] v 1) excuse (mistake, disturbance, eKÁ;Nx´sa [chwe: hnE: (nE:) za] n hard-earned money [ pe]
etc); forgive (for doing harm, etc) 2) pardon (for
eKÁ;epåk\ [chwe: bau'] n 1) skin pore 2) beads of sweat
disturbance, etc), let off (the hook) (inf); absolve (of eKÁ;®pn\ [chwe: pyan] v 1) sweat 2) condense (vapour
guilt, responsibility, etc) into drops) 3) break into a cold sweat
eKÁ;ln\Ï [chwe: lan.] v stop sweating suddenly

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 83

eKÁ;m ª g%n\;
eKÁ;q^; [chwe; thi;] n bead of sweat lxv\.Âkv\ty\" I heard a crackling sound and turned to
eKÁ;q^;eKÁ;epåk\k¥ [chwe: dhi: chwe: bau' kya.] v sweat look.
profusely KÁt\nc\; [chu' nin:] v sneak, walk stealthily
eKÁ;qip\ [chwe: thei'] v 1) rest to stop sweating 2) [fig] KÁt\nc\;qM [chu' nin: than] n [œdrama] music played in
appease; console; soothe traditional dramas to denote movement of a thief [ ms]
eKÁ;eA; [chwe: e:] n cold, clammy sweat KÁt\4 [chu'] n [prison] shiv, sharpened metal weapon [?
eKÁ;eAac\; [chwe: aung:] v induce sweating check with ex-cons]
eKÁ;m [chwe: ma.] n daughter-in-law KÁn\ [chun] v 1) sharpen (to a point) Ω K´tMKÁn\ sharpen
KÁ´ [chwE:] v 1) be sticky; be greasy; be slimy; be slick RF pencil CF wå;KÁn\' Da;KÁn\' lut\KÁn\ 2) excel, be clever, be
KÁ´k¥i. 2) speak charmingly; wheedle S YN NX´> [? new syn sharp 3) ∞tell sb's secret to cause or enlarge problems.
kyaw] 3) œ(of violin, Nx´>, etc) produce a pleasant tone let the cat out of the bag (inf) Ω cåsaKiu;K¥t´.-AeÂkac\;
— n mucus, phlegm CF Nxarv\' Nxp\eK¥;' qlit\ d^ekac\ Srakiu qXa;KÁn\liuÏ cå A®ps\ep;KMrta" I was
KÁ´k¥i [chwE: kyi>] v be sticky; be greasy; be slimy; be slick punished because that guy went and told the teacher I was
cheating. S YN RuM;eK¥a
KÁ´k¥p\ [chwE: kya'] v have congestion in the lungs KÁn\sk\ [chun ze'] n pencil sharpener
KÁ´KÁ´p¥s\p¥s\e®pa [chwE: gywE: pyi' pyi' pyaw:] v œ[fig]
(of KÁn\Tk\' KÁn\®m [chun hte', chun mya.] be sharp and
violin, Nx´>, etc) produce a pleasing tone pointed, have a fine point
KÁ´NX´> [khwE; nwE.] v saccharine, very sweet [? check def -- KÁn\; [chun:] n 1) hooked goad used to drive an elephant
new from Engl-Myan] Ω Sc\ Piu;Tk\ KÁn\; Piu;”k^; The goad is worth more than the
KÁ´p¥s\ [chwE: pyi'] v be viscous, (of liquid) be thick; be elephant. The values are the wrong way round, e.g., if
greasy something costs more to repair than to replace.
KÁ´hk\ [khwE: he'] v hawk (onot), cough up mucus 2) diamonds (playing card suit) CF APXc\.
KÁt\1 [chu'] v 1) remove, take off (shoes, hat, etc); strip — adj pointed, tapering; peaked
(tease) Ω Awt\KÁt\ 2) clean; scrape; strip Ω eK¥;KÁt\ KÁn\;etac\; [chun: daung:] n 1) short-handled elephant
3) convert (to a religion, ethical, etc system of belief or goad 2) short pole with a hook, used to pick fruit
thought), deliver (sb) from ignorance Ω tra;reAac\KÁt\ 3) iron club
[? check] 4) ridicule Ω Arx k\reAac\KÁt\ KÁn\;PXc\. [chun: hpwin.] v let (an elephant) charge (by not
KÁt\®KMok¥ [chu' chon kya.] v become poor, be down and using a goad) CF KÁn\;qt\
out KÁn\;m [chun: ma.] n large elephant goad
KÁt\sXp\t¨ [chu' su' tu] v look alike, resemble, be the KÁn\;q^; [khun: dhi:] n hook of an elephant goad
spitting image of KÁn\;qt\ [chun: tha'] v stop (an elephant) from charging
KÁt\2 [chu'] v err, go wrong CF mxa;yXc\;' lX´ eK¥a\ by using a goad CF KÁn\;PXc\.
KÁt\eK¥a\ [chu' chaw] v err, go wrong; miss, forget KÁn\;Aup\ [chun: o'] v 1) control with a goad 2) [fig]
KÁt\yXc\; [chu' ywin:] v 1) be wrong 2) be in disrepair, be control oneself, restrain one's emotions
broken, not be working, be defective 3) miss out, forget e®KX [chwe] v 1) pluck; strip (of leaves, petals, etc);
thresh (rice, wheat, etc) 2) deliver (lecture, speech, etc)
KÁt\yXc\;K¥k\ [chu' ywin: gye'] n 1) error; defect;
weakness 2) fault, defect, sthg wrong CF ®ps\K¥k\ e®KXtlc\; [chwe tålin:] n threshing ground
KÁt\3 [chu'] n [œdrama] music played in traditional dramas e®KXrMqc\;pc\; [chwe yan thin: pin:] n followers; attendants
to denote stealthy movement of a character [ ms] ®KXc\; [chwin:] v omit, leave out
®KXc\;K¥k\ [chwin: gye'] n exception
KÁt\Kn´ [chu' khAnE;]adv with a crackling sound, i.e., of ®KXc\;K¥n\ [chwin: chan] v omit, leave out
dry leaves, twigs, etc when walking Ω KÁt\K n´-AqMÂka;liuÏ

g [ga.] n third consonant in the Myanmar script horses, etc. CF kNut\' kp^' nar^ (illus) [ bs]
gGn% [ga. ga. na. na.] adv definitely; precisely, exactly; g%n\;1 [gånan:] n 1) number; numeral (the symbol of a
explicitly Ω AeÂkac\;Ara-ts\Ku kiu gGn%-mqip´ ®cc\;KMurc\ number) Ω g%n\;-(6)-lMu;Kn\ÏeZ; price in six figures Ω mg%n\;
Ak¥io;-mrxiNiuc\B¨;" No good can come of arguing about odd number Ω sMug%n\; even number CF kin\;' nMpåt\
something that you don’t know much about. 2) arithmetic, maths (inf) Ω g%n\; tXk\tt\la;" Can you
gcy\ [ga. ngE] n name of g L IT : ‘small ga.’ do maths? [ ph]
gcy\ekX> [ga. ngE gwe.] n U-turn S YN pesak\ekX> g%n\;e®K [gånan: gye] n numeral, symbol used to
gza [gåza] n ∂traditional style of depicting elephants, represent a number
g%n\;tXk\ [gånan: twe'] v calculate, compute,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 84

g%n\;ªk%n\; ª g^t
determine through mathematical process 0.0028 ounce [Engl]
g%n\;tXk\sk\ [gånan: twe' se'] n calculator grp\ [gåra'] n graph, chart [Engl]
g%n\;qKç¥a [gånan: thin cha] n arithmetic CF qKç¥a grp\SX´ [gAra' hswE;] v graph, chart
mathematics, g^¥Âqem”t^ geometry, AkƒraqKç¥a algebra grp\m¥U\; [gAra' myin;] n line on a chart or graph
g%n\;ªk%n\;2 [gånan:] n crab grp\Piuk\ [gåra' hpai'] n graphite [Engl]
gti [gådI] n future life, next existence Ω qugti' dugti good grm\ [gåran] n gramme (Br), gram (Am) [Engl]
life, bad life CF Bw grXt\ [gåru'] n gross (12 dozen, 144) [Engl] CF dåzc\ dozen
gd¨; [gådu:] n long rainhood woven of palm fronds gliuc\ [gålain] n 1) hollow, cavity 2) hand bell = kliuc\
S YN p^ lm' p^la;' pk¶la (illus) gls\Src\ [gåli' hsårin] n glycerine [Engl]
gnam“cim\ [gåna månyein] v fidget Ω Bura;pX´k Siuc\;qMbMuqMÂkatan´Ï gwMek¥ak\ [gåwun kyau'] n laterite, firm reddish earth that
q¨>mxa gnam“cim\-®Ps\“p^; qXa;K¥c\-eneta.tap´" When he heard thecan be cut and dried for use in construction
music from the pagoda fair he started to fidget, and wanted gwMRup\ [gåwun yo']
n female figure carved from human bone
to go. or gallnut, used in magical practices [ bs]
gNiuc\ [gånain] n light forest, dappled with sunlight geh [gåhe] n solder
gNiuc.\k¥k\qer [gånain. kye' thåye] n Œpoinsettia gehsp\ [gAhe sa'] v solder, weld
gmun\; [gåmon:] n Œterm for some plants with aromatic geheSa\ [gåhe hsaw] v solder, weld
roots, such as lotus, ginger, orchid Ω Apc\mqieta. gehSk\ [gåhe hse'] v 1) solder, weld Ω pn\;Tim\tt\mtt\
gmun\;eKÅ calling any plant you don't know ‘gamon’ geh-Sk\-qk\eq" You can tell the goldsmith by his
gmun\;Âkk\qXn\®Pø [gåmon: kye' thun hpyu] n Œherb used as soldering. 2) [fig] be married
a tonic = mK¥s\U gLon\ [gålon] n garuda, king of birds, archenemy of the naga
gyk\ [gåye'] n 1) ripples, small waves 2) [fig] ngå;; symbol of Sunday L IT : ‘When Garuda ran out of
repercussions ideas, he made salt.’ Ω πA”kMkun\ gLon\-Sa;K¥k\"
gyk\T [gåye' hta.] v 1) (of water) be choppy 2) [fig] (Temporarily) take a poor course of action in difficult
have repercussions times. The Naga escaped into the ocean, leaving Garuda
gyk\Riuk\ [gåye' yai'] v 1) (of water) be choppy 2) [fig] on the shore. While Garuda waited for the Naga to
have repercussions emerge, he thought he might as well make salt from the
gri [gårI] n ∏Greece brine. [ bs]
— adj Greek gåTa [ga hta] n 1) Pali verse 2) ‹mantra, incantation;
gRu1 [gåru.] n œsound the length of two mÂta; heavy, psalm 3) charm, spell Ω m^;kXc\; t´.-gåTa charm chanted to
stressed sound, forte S YN gRuqM CF lhuqM [ ms] ward off fire [ bs wr pt]
gRusiuk\ [gåyu. sai'] v be careful, be attentive; be mindful; gåTasut\ [ga hta so'] v ‹chant incantation, Pali verse,
pay attention to mantra
gRutsiuk\ [gåyu. dåzai'] adv attentively, carefully gåTarXt\ [ga hta ju'] v ‹recite Pali verses [? really
gRuTa;' gRu®po' gRum¨ [gAgu. hta;, gåyu. pyu., gåyu. mu] v be different from above? ]
careful; keep in mind; be aware, observe; be mindful gåna [ga na] n ∏Ghana [ cr]
Ω gRu mm¨-g¨m®mc\ gRu m¨-®mø®mc\ If you don't observe, you won't see a
— n&adj Ghanaian
cave; if you do observe, you will see a speck. gåBXn\ [ga bun] n ∏Gabon [ cr]
gRuqM [gåru. than] n œsound the length of two mÂta; — n&adj Gabonese
heavy, stressed sound, forte CF lhuqM gårw®po [ga råwa. pyu.] v pay respects CF P¨;
gRu2 [gåru.] n ¥business group [Engl] gåln\ [ga lan] n (imperial) gallon (4.5 litres) [Engl]
gRukM [gåru. kan] n ‹sinful kmµ (karma) too great to be gåwut\ [ga wo'] n measure of distance, one-fourth of a y¨zna
averted by kuqiul\ (merit) [ bh] [? for specific sins? look
(yuzana), approx 5 km, 2 miles
up lahu. kan]
gåwn\ [ga wun] n gown, dress, frock [Engl] CF wt\
gRiu> [gåyo.] n tally; stick used to keep tally or count gimxan\ [gein hman] n summer CF eNXraq^ [ ph]
gRiu>K¥io; [gåyo. cho:] v keep tally; tally up Ω Aim\e®Klv\ gRiu>K¥io;
g^lan [gi la na.] n 1) patient, person who is ill 2) invalid,
come to tally the number of households [? trans ok?]
person who is chronically ill CF l¨na [? what about gi.
alone? Isn't there a word for monks?]
grc\g¥^na [gåyin gyi na] n fistula g^t [gi ta.] n œmusic [ ms]
grc\;ns\ [gArin; ni'] n Greenwich [Engl] g^tsaSiu [gi ta. sa zo] n œsongwriter–composer
grc\;ns\sMeta\K¥in\ [gårin: ni' san daw gyein] n Greenwich g^tnv\;®p [gi ta. ni: bya.] n œmusic teacher
mean time, world standard time, universal time
g^tpva [gi ta. puin nya] n œmusicology
grc\;ns\m¥U\; [gArin; ni' myin;] n Greenwich meridian g^tqma; [gi ta. dhåma:] n œmusician
grn\e®m [gåyan mye] n land given by government grant [from g^tqekçt [gi ta. thin ke ta.] n œ‘musical notation,
Engl] S YN pt†ae®m CF plp\e®m' Biu; BXa;piuc\e®m
music (on paper)
grin\ [gårein] n grain (unit of weight), 0.065 gramme,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 85

g^ta ª egåk\
g^ta [gi ta] n œguitar [Engl] egåpk [gaw påka] n ‹pagoda trustee S YN Bura;l¨”k^; [ bh]
egåya [gaw: ya] n [cosmol] great island which is home of the
Tim\ Nauclia parviflora tree, and which lies west of ®mc\;miur\
(Mount Meru) = Apregåyan ([illus]) [ bh]
egår^ [gaw: ri] n eight-year-old girl
egåÏpl¬c\ [gaw. pålin] n ‹throne on which the Buddha is
seated [ bh]
egÅ1 [gaw] n spade; shovel
egŮpa; [gaw bya:] n 1) spade; shovel 2) dustpan
egÅ2 [gaw] n flaw (in gemstone)
egŔkio; [gaw kyo:] n feather (in gemstone)
egÅ3 [gaw] v [sl] court (a girl) CF Piu;
egÅt^mala [gaw ti ma la] n 1) Guatemala 2) Guatemalan
— adj Guatemalan gXaty\mala Note that the English
g^ta guitar pronunciation is more like
egÅP^Tup\' egÅP^pn\; [gaw bi do', gaw bi pan:] n Œcabbage
g^n^ [gi ni] n ∏Guinea (formerly French Guinea) Equatorial egÅmit\ [gaw mei'] n zircon
Guinea (formerly Spanish Guinea) [ cr] egÅmut\ [gaw mo'] n variety of garnet tinged with yellow
CF nwrt\
— n&adj Guinean
g^n^B^esa\ [gi ni bi saw] n ∏Guinea-Bissau (formerly egÅrKå; [gaw råkha:] n 1) Gurkha, member of Nepali martial
Portuguese Guinea) [ cr] [? check spelling and put in clan 2) Œkind of vine bearing edible fruit, chayote
Equitorial Guinea] egÅra [gaw ya] n Ísoldier in the colonial army [? ok?]
— n&adj Guinean egÅraP¥ c \ [gaw ya hpyin] n imported coarse white cloth [ tx]
g^ya [gi ya] n 1) gear [Engl] 2) gear shift, stick (shift) egÅr^laem¥ak\wM [gaw ri la myau' wun] n gorilla [Engl]
(Am) CF em¥ak\wM
g^ya”k^; [gi ya gyi;] n low gear Ω g^ya”k^;®Pc\.Sc\; use low egÅrc\g¥^ [kaw rin gyi] n native of Kalinga State in southern
gear (to go downhill) India = eka\rc\g¥^
g^yaTiu; [gi ya hto:] v
shift gears, change gears [? is this egÅl^ [gaw li] n 1) marble (small ball of glass, clay, etc,
really to shift into a higher gear?] used in games) 2) [sl] social butterfly Upsa
g^yaTv\. [gi ya htE.] v put (car, etc) into gear egÅqzc\ [gaw thAzin] n Œ1) kind of orchid 2) kind of vine
g^yae®pac\; [gi ya pyaung;] v shift gears with sprays of flowers
g^yaAMu [gi ya on] n gearbox (Br); transmission (Am) giuedåc\ [go daung] n godown, warehouse
gu%wu¢i [gu. na. wo' dI] v respect due to qualification or giu; [go:] n 1) goal (in team sports) CF giu;qXc\; 2) goal [Engl]
position CF wywun\ Ω giu;erx>tXc\ RO p\yxk\e nty\" There is a knot of players in
gu%wn\ [gu. na. wun] n respected person CF gu%wu¢i front of the goal.
g¨ [gu] n 1) cave, grotto 2) shrine cave 3) tomb; crypt giu;esac\. [go: zaung.] n goalie, goalkeeper
g¨Bura; [gu hpåya:] n temple with a vaulted base [ bh] giu;sv\; [go: zi:] n goal line, goal zone
g¨qXc\; [gu thwin:] v entomb [? is this also used for giu;tiuc\ [go: dain] n goalposts
something other than the dead, eg for Buddha images giu;epåk\ [go: bau'] n goal, place through which the ball,
in shrine cave? Check pron of next -- is it a verb or n?] etc must pass to score a goal
giu;wc\ [go; win] v score, be a goal CF giu;qXc\;
g¨qXc\;q÷l\ [gu thwin: thAgyo] v entomb, put a body in giu;qma; [go: dhåma:] n goalie, goalkeeper
a crypt or grave CF m^;q÷l\ cremation giu;qXc\; [go: thwin:] v make a goal, score a goal
g¨ya;na; [gu ya; na;] n ∏Guyana [ cr] Ω pX´“p^;Kån^; ATi By\ Bk\ mx giu;-mqXc\;-Niuc\ e q;B¨;" Near the end of

egzk\ [ge ze'] n gazette, newspaper [Engl] the match, neither side yet had scored a goal. CF giu; wc\
egzk\t^;ya; [ge ze' ti: ya:] n gazetteer, geographical gk\s\ [ge'] n (natural US) gas [Engl] Ω gk\s\m^;Piu gas cooker
dictionary [Engl] egåk\1 [gau'] n golf [Engl]
egha [ge ha] n 1) house 2) home, place of refuge egåk\kXc\; [gau' kwin:] n golf course, golf links
egåza“gioh\ [gaw: za gyo] n ßpresent positon of planets in the egåk\q^; [gau' thi:] n golf ball
zodiac [ bs] egåk\q^;Riuk\ [gau' thi: yai'] v golf, play golf, go golfing
egåtm [gaw: dåma.] n ‹fourth of the five Buddhas of the egåk\qma; [gau' dhåma:] n golfer
current era, Gautama Buddha, the most recent Buddha egåk\Ait\Tm\; [gau' ei' htan;] n caddy
to achieve enlightenment CF Bd»km±a egåk\2 [gau'] v be eccentric, be quirky; be cracked, be a
egådn\ek¥ak\ [gaw: dan kyau'] n 1) Óquartz 2) gypsum little crazy, be a little strange

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 86

egåk\ ª gåt\
— n eccentric, strange character, oddball (inf); about one's looks
crackpot (neg), wierdo (inf, neg) gu%\y¨ [gon yu] v be proud of one's qualities, attributes,
egåk\3 [gau'] n gout accomplishments
giuk\1 [gai'] n (of person) style, manner [guise Engl] gu%\rv\ [gon yi] n status, rank
giuk\Tut\ [gai' hto'] v show off gu%\qer [gon thåye] n 1) qualities, characteristics,
giuk\ep; [gai' pe:] v imitate the style of another person attributes 2) prestige, honour 3) [rhet] aesthetic quality
giuk\Pm\; [gai' hpan] v imitate the style of another person
[? are these two exactly the same?] gu%\rxi [gon shI] v have prestige [? ok?]
giuk\ªkiuk\2 [gai'] n yard gu%\qerrxil¨”k^;mc\; [gon thåye shI lu gyi: min:] n Sir;
gg: [gin: ga] n 1) the Ganges (river), Ganga 2) [poet] river gentleman
gu%\qikƒa [gon thei' kha] n integrity; dignity
gc\tiu [gin do] n short person with a solid build gu%\qti† [gon tha' tI] n ≈property (i.e., of a material,
giuc\etac\. [gain taung.] v [sl] be loaded (sl), be rich chemical, etc)
giuc\; [gain:] n large pair of scales CF K¥in\' kt†a;' kp\py\ gu%\qin\ [gon thein] n 1) qualities, characteristics,
attributes 2) prestige, honour 3) [rhet] aesthetic quality
g¤i [gan dI (htI)] n glossary
gu%\ [gon] n 1) prestige; honour 2) qualities, gu%\qim\ [gon thein] n strength tempered with subtlety
characteristics, attributes 3) [rhet] aesthetic quality
[ bs]
[ wr]
gu%\KM [gon khan] v be arrogant, be haughty, be giu%\; [gain:] n 1) [relig] sect 2) group, circle, school
3) gang 4) ∏faction 5) [gram] class of Pali words
conceited, think highly of oneself
grouped according the grammatical category 6) set of
gu%\cy\ [gon nge] v be or feel inferior in status; be three Pali letters
looked down upon
gu%\tugu%\“pioc\lup\ [gon du. gon byain lo'] v compete with giu%\;K¥op\ [gain: gyo'] n ‹head of a monastic association
belonging to a religious sect [ bh]
one another, keep up with the Joneses (inf)
gu%\eta\ [gon daw] n ‹attributes of the Three Gems giu%\;KX´ [gain: khwE:] v 1) [relig] set up a separate sect
2) create schism, faction, dissent
(the Buddha, the Law or Dhamma, and the Sangha) [ bh]
giu%\;KX´er;qma; [gain: khwE: ye: dhåma:] n sectarian,
gu%\eta\kiu;på; [gon daw ko; ba;] n [? fill in]
gu%\tk\ [gon te'] v rise in dignity, prestige, and fame giu%\;eKåc\;eSac\ [gain; gaung; zaung] n leader of a gang
CF giu%\; wc\
gu%\tc\ [gon tin] v glorify; sing (sb's) praises, eulogise
giu%\;g% [gain: gåna.] n group; sect; gang
giu%\;g%sX´sit\ [gain; gAna. zwE; sei'] n loyalist mentality,
fanaticism edqsX´sit\
gu%\T¨; [gon du:] n 1) special qualification; distinct
quality 2) distinction, honours (academic)
giu%\;g%AsX´ [gain; gAna. AswE;] n 1) blind loyalty to a
sect, gang, faction, group, circle, etc 2) bias in favour
gu%\T¨;eSac\ [gon du: zaung] n honorary of or for a certain sect, gang, faction, circle, etc
gu%\T¨;eSac\lk\mxt\ [gon du: zaung le' hma'] n
CF edqsX´
certificate of honour
giu%\;eTak\ [gain: dau'] n assistant to giu%\;Aup\
gu%\T¨;tn\; [gon du; dan:] n honours class (university
giu%\;eTac\ [gain; htaung] v found a sect; form a faction
education) [? get explanation]
gu%\®dp\ [gon dåra' (dåya')] n 1) qualities, characteristics, giu%\;wc\ [gain; win] v belong to or be a member of a sect,
gang, faction, group, circle, etc Ω q¨ Bagiu%\;wc\l´" What
attributes 2) prestige, honour 3) [rhet] aesthetic quality
faction does he belong to?
— n member of a gang, group, faction, circle etc Ω q¨
gu%\pkaqn [gon påka thåna.] n (esp unseemly or proud)
kÁn\mtiuÏ giu%\;wc\p´" He's a member of my group.
show of status, prestige, rank
S YN giu%\;qa;
gu%\pud\ [gon bo'] n 1) qualities, characteristics,
attributes 2) prestige, honour 3) [rhet] aesthetic quality
giu%\;qa; [gain; dha;] n member of a gang, group,
faction, circle etc S YN giu%\; wc\
[? nature of quality? from music dic]
gu%\®po [gon pyu.] v honour giu%\;qc\. [gain; thin.] v be punished for disrespect or
misbehaviour, suffer consequences of breaking rules of a
ku%\®pop´ [gon pyu. bwE;] n ceremony held to honour sb sect, gang, etc
gu%\®polWa [gon pyu. hlwa] n certificate of honour giu%\;Aup\ [gain: o'] n ‹head of an association of a
gu%\“poic\ [gon pyain] v compete with each other in show religious sect, and assistant to giu%\;K¥op\ CF giu%\;eTak\
of status
gu%\ePa\ [gon hpaw] v show off one's qualities, status, gåt\ [ga'] n police station [guard Engl] = r´sKn\;
gåt\t´ [ga' tE:] n Ópolice station CF r´sKn\;' r´@an
gu%\emak\ [gon mau'] v be vain Ω Alxgu%\emak\ be vain gåt\biul\ [ga' bo] n Óguard of a railway train

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 87

git\ ª g¥k\
git\1 [gei'] n gate, entrance; terminus, terminal; stand, g¥piu;ªÂkm\;piu; [gyåbo:]n bedbug, biting insect living in
rank [Engl] floors, bed, chairs, etc
gi\t\esac\. [gei' saung.] n guard, watchman g¥pn\ [gya pan] n ∏Japan
git\eÂk; [gei' kye:] n toll — adj Japanese
git\Tiu; [gei' hto:] v (of buses, taxis, sidecars, etc) queue g¥mdå [gyåmåda] n ∏jamedar, guard officer in civil service
up at a terminus, stand, or rank
git\2 [gei'] n gauge, measure of thickness for wire, metal g¥elB^ [gyåle bi] n 1) jalebi, kind of Indian sweet
[Engl] 2) ∞layabout
gup\Sk\ªkut\Sk\ [go' hse'] n nape (of the neck), part of g¥akc\ [gya kin] n Ójerkin, short tight-fitting coat, usu made
the neck where it joins the back S YN U^;Sk\ of leather [Engl]
gn\g¥a [gan gya] n ganja, marijuana, cannabis, hemp, dope, g¥as^ [gya si] n jersey (shirt for a team sport) [Engl]
grass = eS;e®Kak\' Bc\; g¥any\ [gya nE] n journal, weekly (magazine, paper, etc)
gN-- -Ê [gan hta.] n serious literary work, tome [ wr] [Engl] [ wr]
gN-- -Êwc\ [gan dåwin] n classical literature, classics g¥any\ls\ [gya nE li'] n journalist [Engl]
gN-- -Êwc\et; [dan dAwin te;] n œclassical song g¥am%^ [gya måni] n ∏Germany CF g¥amn\ [ pe]
gN-- Êwc\e®mak\ [gan dåwin myau'] v be a classic g¥aemka [gya me ka] n 1) ∏Jamaica 2) Jamaican [ cr]
— v be classical — adj Jamaican
gn\d¨; [gan du:] n male transvestite; male homosexual, gay g¥amn\ [gya man] adj ∏German CF g¥am%^ [ pe]
(inf) CF min\; mlYa' Ae®Kak\' AK¥s\eta\ g¥ars\ [gya yi'] n part, line around the head between the hair
gNÎku!i [gan da. gu. dI] n ‹ 1) Óspecial chamber for the use drawn into a topknot, and the hair of the fringe
of monks 2) monastery toilet [ bh] [? check spelling -- g¥awiuc\; [gya wain:] n hair style in which the head is shaven
this is the way it is in the dictionary. Also check def] except for a circular crown
gNÎma [gan dåma] n ‹chrsyanthemum, mum (inf) g¥a; [ja] part count word for pitchers of beer [Engl jar]
gNÎar^ [gan da ri] n occult study of becoming invisible [ bs] [? Ω B^ ya-ts\ g¥a;-' KXk\qMu;lMu; ep;på" Please give us a pitcher of
and gaining other supernatural powers? check your beer and three glasses. [ nc]
note] g¥a;m [gya; ma.] n spot-billed duck S YN wm\;B´ [? put in w]
gNÎaRuM [gan. da yon] n sense of smell CF AaRuMcå;på; g¥^ªeK¥ [gyi] n barking deer, muntjac
gn\Pla; [gan hpåla] n chamber pot used by prisoners [ rc] g¥^k¥ [gyi kya] v (esp of child) be demanding; cause trouble
gn\Ïglaªkn\Ïkla [gan. gåla] n Œshaggy buttonweed CF g¥^k¥' rs\
gun\ [gon] n gunny, burlap, rough brown cloth often used in g¥^Bera\(l\)ta [gyi bAraw ta] n&adj ∏Gibralter
making grain sacks g¥^Âqem”t^ [gyi aw: me tri] n geometry [Engl] CF qKç¥a
gun\n^ [gon ni] n
gun\n^ gunny, burlap mathematics, AkƒraqKç¥a algebra
gunny, burlap
g¥^ht\ [gyi ha'] n ∏Íjihad, holy war
gun\n^”kio; [gon ni g¥^;ªeK¥;3 [gyi:] n grime, dirt, filth = eÂk;
gyo:] n gunny
g¥^;tXn\;ªeK¥;tXn\; [gyi: tun:] v scrub off
twine, jute
g¥^;T¨ªeK¥;T¨ [gyi: htu] v 1) be grimy, be filthy 2) [fig]
gun\n^Ait\ [gon ni be full of excuses 3) [fig] be choosy, be picky
ei'] n gunny sack
g¥^;m¥a;ªeK¥;m¥a; [gyi: mya:] v 1) be grimy, be filthy
gun\elYa\ [gon 2) [fig] be full of excuses 3) [fig] be choosy, be picky;
shaw] n jute, jute
complain excessively
gun\Ait\ [gon ei'] g¥ødiu [gyu do] n judo, Japanese martial art
n gunny sack
g¥ør^ [gyu ri] n [law] jury [Engl]
CF SalaAi t\
g¥ør^l¨”k^; [gyu ri lu gyi:] n [law] juror
gm\B^ya [gan bi ya] n ∏Gambia g¥ø; [gyu:] n Jew, Jewish person [Engl]
— n&adj Gambian [ cr] g¥ø;®ms\ [gyu: myi'] n edible root with a light garlic-like
flavour, used esp in Shan food
gMu1 [gon] n one of the Tai ethnic groups, living mainly in
eastern Shan State
eg¥ a \k^ [jaw ki] n jockey, sb who races horses [Engl]
gMu2 [gon] n Œ kind of edible vine eg¥ a \g¥k\ [gyaw gye'] n georgette [Engl]
gMusk¶ø [gon se' ku] n linen paper, paper made from flax [ wr] eg¥ a \dn\ [gyaw dan] n ∏Jordan
gMumc\; [gon min:] n Œkind of edible herb — adj Jordanian
gy\lar^ [gE la ri] n gallery [Engl] Ω gy\lar^mxa g¥i o [gyo] n horn (permanent growth); antlers (regrow yearly)
ereS;pn\;K¥^ka;-®ppX´ rxity\" There's a watercolour exhibition
in the gallery. g¥ioka [gyo ka] n joker (in playing cards) [Engl]
g¥k\1 [gye'] n jack (of playing cards) [Engl]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 88

g¥k\ ª “gioh\
Day of “gioh\ Anima l ARup\ Planet “gioh\qk\ dir. letter g%n\;
Sunday tngçeNX garuda gLon\ sun NE A 1
Monday tnlça tiger k¥a; moon E kKgGc 2
Tuesday Ag: lion ®Keqç. Mars SE sSzZv 3
Wednesday budÎh¨; elephant Sc\ Mercury S lwL(yr) 4
rahu tuskless Sc\hiuc\; yr(lw)
Wednesday 2 elephant Rahu NW 8
Thursday Âkaqpet; mouse/rat ÂkXk\ Jupiter W pPbBm 5
Friday eqaÂka guinea pig p¨; Venus N qh 6
Saturday sen naga ngå; Saturn SW tTdDn 7, 0
kit\ Ketu

g¥k\2 [gye'] n ™bolt S YN kn\Ïln\Ï g¥s\Kn´ [gyi' khAnE] adv Ω Úg¥s\Kn´ AsASMu; SX´Ks\pstt\ty\
g¥k\Tiu; [gye' hto;] v fasten a bolt [? what about open, [? ?? pettily? sulkily? impulsively?]
or is this both?] g¥s\ka; [gyi' ka:] n jeep [Engl]
g¥k\elyaU\ [gye' le yin] n jet plane [Engl] CF elyaU\p¥M g¥s\kn\kn\ [gyi' kan gan] adv offensively
eg¥ak\1 [gyau'] n jobbing (in printing) [Engl] g¥s\pSn\ [gyi' påhsan] n gypsum [Engl]
eg¥ak\2 [gyau'] n [comb] trouble = eK¥ak\ g¥t\' g¥t\ekac\' g¥t\e®mX [gya', gya' kaung, gya' mwe] n
eg¥ak\k¥ [gyau' kya.] v be in trouble poisonous sea-snake found in warm, shallow seas
eg¥ak\epåk\ [gyau' pau'] n [fig] matter which will cause g¥ot\ [gyo'] n 1) rake, tool for collecting loose debris, such
trouble or harm, hornet's nest Upsa as fallen leaves 2) spokeshave 3) razor, razorblade
eg¥ak\g¥k\ [gyau' gye'] n 1) gambling game played with holder 4) plough used in sugarcane cultivation
three dice, each with pictures of six animals [ bs] 2) toy
rattle g¥in\ePa. [gyein hpaw.] n Jinghpaw, the largest Wunpawng or
g¥iok\ [gyai'] n jack, device for lifting heavy objects such as Kachin ethnic group, living mainly in Kachin State,
cars, houses [Engl] CF duM;kla; Northern Shan State and the Katha area of Sagaing
g¥iok\qiu; [gyai' tho:] n rubella, German measles Division = qin\;epå' g¥c\;ePa [? check spelling in big dic]
g¥c\1 [gyin] n 1) top (spinning toy) Ω q¨g¥c\epåk\rc\
mWt\entap´" When he plays with a top, it spins very fast. g¥in\;Baqa [gyein: ba dha] n Jain religion, founded by
2) gambling game in which a top with four animal Mahavera, a contemporary of the Buddha
figures is spun on a board with the same figures g¥p\ [gya'] n backstrap loom [ tx]
= el;ekac\g¥c\ 3) [fig] expert, crackerjack, best in one's g¥p\ekac\ [gya' kaung] n crab louse, crab ∞
field g¥p\Kut\ [gya' kho'] v 1) (of person) weave on a backstrap
g¥c\ksa; [gyin gåza:] v play el;ekac\g¥c\, a gambling loom 2) (of cloth) be hand-woven [ tx]
game in which four animal figures on a top are matched g¥oM [gyon] n wheat = kula;spå;
to the figures on a game board [? check match] g¥oMsk\ [gyon ze'] n flour mill
g¥oMmOn\Ï [gyon hmon.] n wheat flour
g¥c\e®Klv\ [gyin gyi lE] v 1) [fig] be very busy 2) [fig]
top of one's class, best in one's field “gioh\ [gyo] n 1) ©9 known planets of the solar system,
g¥c\Tiu; [gyin hto:] v bet on a game of el;ekac\g¥c\ i.e. Mercury budÎh¨;, Venus eqaÂka, Earth km±ae®m”k^;, Mars
g¥c\epåk\ [gyin pau'] v spin a top, as a children's game Ag:, Jupiter Âkaqpet;, Saturn sen, Neptune nt\pkÁn\;,
g¥c\2 [gyin] n gin (spirit flavoured with juniper) [Engl] Uranus y¨er;nt\, Pluto pl¨tiu CF nkƒt\ 2) ß9 celestial
g¥c\kli' g¥c\gli [gyin gAlI] n slender, sharpened metal rod, bodies which determine the fate of humans and their
fixed with feathers and shot from a catapult (Br), world, i.e., Mercury budÎh¨;, Venus eqaÂka, Earth
slingshot (Am) as an improvised weapon [? def ok?] km±ae®m”k^;, Mars Ag:, Jupiter Âkaqpet;, Saturn sen,
g¥c\gly\ [gyin gålE] n 1) trifle, small and insignificant thing Rahu rahu, Ketu kit\, sun en, moon l CF ebdc\ [ bs]
2) hamlet, very small village 3) expert, skillful person
“gioh\ekac\ [gyo gaung] n 1) ßone of the animals
g¥c\nerta [gyin nåre ta] generator [Engl] associated with celestial bodies that have a bad
g¥c\;ePa [gyin: hpaw;] n ÓJinghpaw, the largest Wunpawng or influence on human affairs 2) [fig] jinx, someone who
Kachin ethnic group, living mainly in Kachin State, brings trouble
Northern Shan State and the Katha area of Sagaing “gioh\k¥ [gyo gya.] v [fig] 1) cause trouble 2) be in
Division = qin\;epå' g¥in\ePa. trouble
g¥s\ [gyi'] v (esp of child) be demanding, cause trouble, “gioh\KXc\ [gyo gwin] n place of a planet in the zodiac
be offensive CF g¥^k¥' rs\ CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^sk\wn\;
“gioh\KÁt\ [gyo chu'] v ßblock the bad influence of a

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 89

gX ª c
celestial body “gioh\emW [gyo hmwe] v 1) cause trouble 2) be in trouble
“gioh\cy\ [gyo ngE] n asteroid [? check if same as gyo “gioh\lW´ [gyo hlwE;] v ßdeflect the bad influence of a
thein] planet
“gioh\sa [gyo za] n ßofferings made to the planets [? “gioh\wc\ [gyo win] v have misfortune, be unfortunate
check whether to planet, or at place or what] “gioh\qk\ [gyo the'] n ßyears or age in which a certain
“gioh\sa; [gyo sa;] v ßdraw parallels between a person's planet has its influence [? put in column in table]
age and a celestial body S YN “gioh\Aip\ [? check this and
next. Add ei' if we keep it] “gioh\qim\ [gyo dhein] n ©asteroid
“gioh\sa;qk\erak\ [gyo za: the' yau'] n ßmethod of “gioh\eA; [gyo e;] n ßplanet with positive influence,
drawing parallels between a person's age and the e.g., sen' S YN eqam CF “gioh\p¨' påp' “gio h\s^;“gio h\nc\; [?
astrological age of a planet or star check: can't find in dics]
“gioh\s^;(“gioh\nc\;) [gyo zi: (gyo nin:)] n ßinfluence of sun, gX [gwa.] v be bow-legged, be bandy-legged = kX CF pugXgX
moon, and planets on one's situation gXk¥ [gwa. kya.] v be difficult = gXt^;gXk¥
Ω “gio h\s^;“gio h\ nc\;mekac\; B¨;" inauspicious CF As^; Anc\;' gXtgXt [gwa. ta. gwa. ta.] adv (walk) with legs apart
“gioh\p¨' “gioh\eA; gXt^;gXk¥ [gwa. ti; gwa kya.] v be difficult = gXk¥
“gioh\sc\ [gyo sin] precise calculation of the longitude of gXi [gwI] v squeak; (of stomach) rumble Ω sk¥c\ek¥ak\' suk'
planets’ positions slc\;ek¥ak\ [? check]
“gioh\Siu;wc\ [gyo zo: win] v have misfortune, have bad luck egX;1 [gwe:] n shrimp used in making shrimp paste
egX;2 [gwe:] n 1) Œhog plum, crisp green plum 2) testes,
“gioh\tu [gyo du.] n 1) satellite 2) satellite dish testicles S YN ewx;
“gioh\tiuc\ [gyo dain] n ß1) astrologer's column of egX;U [gwe: u.] n balls (inf), nuts (inf) S YN ewx;es.' ewx;U
numbers in a horoscope, showing the position of sun,
gXm\; [gun: (gwan:)] n cotton wool
moon, planets at a certain time 2) wax candles in the
gXm\;kp\' gXm\;esac\ [gun: ga'] n thick cotton blanket
shape of figures assigned to each of the celestial bodies
(i.e., sun, moon, planets), and used as offerings 3) one
gXm\;Tiu; [gun: do:] v (of cloth) be [? changed from quilted.
but really felt, or is it woven?? isn't this what is done
of eight posts with a figure representing a planet, sun,
with the bow le:?]
or moon, erected around a pagoda at their assigned
compass point
gÁt\ [gyu'] n jock itch, gym itch, tinea cruris ◊, fungal
infection of the skin near the crotch
“gioh\p¨ [gyo pu] n ßplanet with negative influence, e.g.,
rahu S YN påp CF “gioh\eA;' eqam' “gioh\s^;“gioh\nc\; [? check: gÁn\ªzXn\ [gyun] n June [Engl]
can't find in dics]
“gioh\e®pnMe®p [gyo bye nan bye] n ßsthg done to avoid the
bad influence of certain celestial bodies CF yÂta

G [ga.] n fourth consonant in the Myanmar script equivalent Grawåq [gårawa tha.] n matrimony, the state of being
to gh married
G”k^; [ga. gyi:] n name of G L I T : ‘great ga.’ eGaq [gaw: tha.] adj (of consonant) voiced, e.g., b, v, z, z,
GnaNiuÏSXm\; [gåna no. hsun:] n ‹milk rice soup offered to g, d A NT AeGaq
monks [ bs fd]

c1 [nga.] n 1) fifth consonant in the Myanmar script 2) name cKÁt\ [ngåchu'] n 1) kid, boy or girl [? ok?] 2) kid (fig),
of c sb who is young and inexperienced
c2 [nga.]part particle prefixed to a man's name, now mainly csU\;l´ [ngåsin: lE:] n sly, wily, crafty person or animal
country style, or derogatory Used in teasing to ascribe a cti [ngåtI] n [derog] fellow
quality to a person, e.g., cA fool, cTMu idiot cet [ngåte] n rascal, rogue, trouble-maker
ceÂkac\ [ngAkyaung] n sb who is out of touch; sb who ctMu; [ngAdon;] n imbecile, sb ignorant
doesn‘t know what to do (in a situation), sb who has no cTMu [ngåhtoun] n numskull, bonehead, blockhead,
idea Ω rv\; sa;etX>my\-AK¥in\mxa Ark\eqak\ty\ d^ l¨- dunderhead, idiot, cretin
ceÂkac\p´" That guy has no idea –– he gets drunk before he cepå [ngApaw] n simpleton, airhead, muttonhead, sb who
meets his girlfriend. does not think

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 90

ceÂkac\qKXa; ª cå;
cmiuk\qa; [ngåmai' tha:] n dunce, dummy, dolt powdered hot or chilli (Br) chili pepper, cayenne pepper
cA [ngåa.] n moron, dope cRut\q^; [ngåyo' thi:] n hot pepper, chilli pepper
ceÂkac\qKXa; [ngåkyaung thåkhwa:] n Œvariety of cucumber Ω πcRu t\q^;mx n\ (7)lM-e rcu p\ sa;sp\ ty\" A real chilli is still
CF qKXa;q^; hot 7 fathoms under water.
ckÁ´ [ngåkywE:] n Œvariety of rice cRut\q^;sim\; [ngAyo' thi; zein;] n green chilli (Br) chili
cK¥ip\ [ngåchei'] n Œdark purple sticky rice (Am)
csin\ [ngåsein] n Œvariety of rice CF rxc\“cim\; cRut\q^;n^ [ngAyo' thi; ni] n red chilli (Br) chili (Am)
cSs\qKXa; [ngåhsi' thåkhwa:] n Œvariety of cucumber cl¥c\ [ngålyin] n (earth)quake; tremblor
CF qKXa;q^; cl¥ c\®pc\;Aa; [ngAlyin pyin; a;] n severity of an earthquake
cpi [ngApI] n fish paste = cå;pi
c®pø;k®p´®p [ngåpyu: ka pyE: pya.] v try to escape responsibility cl¥c\bhiuK¥k\ [ngålyin båho gye'] n epicentre
by putting burden on another cl¥c\mxt\sk\ [ngålyin hma' se'] n seismograph
c®pop\ [ngåpyou'] n Œvariety of cucumber CF qKXa;q^; cl¥c\lOp\ [ngålyin hlou'] v (of earth) quake
c®pop\qKXa; [ngåpyou' thåkhwa:] n Œbitter apple cqlXn\ [ngåthålun] n Œkind of slow-ripening rice
CF ekak\”k^;
ce®mHac\etac\ [ngåhmyaung taung] n rice caterpillar
crmn\ [ngåråman] n Œkind of banana plant = mrmn\cxk\ep¥a chs\ [ngåhi'] n 1) eastern purple heron 2) eastern grey
cr´ [ngåyE:] n 1) [cosmol] place where sinners are punished
in afterlife There are three levels: principle hells cr´”k^;,
cå [nga] pron I (used when speaking to one's family, close
minor hells cr´el;, and the major hell, Lokandarika friends, or inferiors) CF kÁn\eta\' kÁn\m' kÁN\up\
elakN|rik\ = nrk\ 2) hell; Hades; purgatory cåsX´ [nga zwE:] n 1) obsession with one's own 2) egotism,
cr´k¥ [ngåyE: kya.] n main hell cr´”k^; excessive attention to oneself, exaggerated sense of
self-importance 3) egoism, belief in the importance of
cr´”k^; [ngåyE: kyi] [ngåyE: gyi:] v suffer in hell
the self
— n [cosmol] principle hells There are eight:qiUi»o;'
kaLqut\' qGçat' eraRuw' mhaeraRuw' tapn' ptapn'
cåtekaeka [nga dågaw: gaw:] v be self-centred, be
selfish, act without regard for others
Aw^si' = cr´”k^;rxs\Tp\
cr´KM [ngåyE: khan] v [fig] suffer extreme hardship, be in cåetX>(kiuy\etX>) [nga dwe. ko dwe.] n personal experience
and theoretical knowledge S YN kiuy\etX>
hell (fig)
cr´cAMu [ngåyE: ngåoun] n hell; Hades; purgatory cåetX>saetX> [nga dwe. tådwe.] n personal experience and
cr´®pv\ [ngAyE; pye (pyi)] n (the world of) hell, the
underworld CF nt\®pv\' l¨>®pv\
cåqicått\ [nga thI nga ta'] n know-it-all
cr´m^; [ngåyE: mi:] n 1) fires of hell 2) strong acid cåqicått\lup\ [nga thI nga ta' lou'] v act as though no-
one else knows the truth
cr´m^;sa; [ngåyE: mi: sa:] v test the purity of gold using
cåÏ [nga.] pron my
cr´mc\; [ngåyE: min:] n King of hell CF ymmc\; cåÏPiuÏ [nga. bo.] n 1) one's share; sthg intended for oneself
2) self-interest S YN ciuÏB
cr´el; [ngåyE: le:] n [fig] minor hell, place of great
cåÏmc\;cåÏK¥c\; [nga. min: nga. chin:] adv independently; my
ship, my order (fig) S YN kiuy\.mc\; kiuy\.K¥c\;
cr´qa; [ngåyE: tha:] n sinner in hell
cr´qs\cut\ [ngåyE: thi' ngo'] n 1) person destined for a
cåÏrxc\ [nga. shin] n respectful term of address used by a
senior to a junior, among peers, and among monks
long stay in hell 2) stumps left underwater after trees
have been cut down, snag 3) tangled roots and other
cåÏha [nga. ha] pron mine
obstacles in a swamp cå; [nga:] n fish
cr´Aiu; [ngåyE: o:] n cauldron of molten metal in which cå;kc\ [ngågin] n grilled fish
sinners are punished in certain hells cå;k¥p\tiuk\' cå;k¥p\tc\ [nga: kya' tai', nga: kya' tin] n
smoked fish
crM>pt¨ [ngåyan. bådu] n Œnodding clerodendron, plant with
edible leaves cå;”k^;S^ [nga: gyi: zi] n cod liver oil
cRut\ [ngåyo'] n Œhot pepper, chilli (Br) chili (Am) cå;”k^;An\Pt\ [nga: gyi: an ba'] n ambergris
cRut\ekac\; [ngåyo' kaung:] n Œ(black or white) pepper cå;Âkc\; [ngågyin:] n Hamilton's carp
cRut\k¥v\\epX> [ngåyo' gyåbwe.] n pestle CF cRut\SMu mortar cå;Âkc\;kXk\ [ngågyin: gwe'] n facet (flat surface on
cRut\S^ [ngåyo' hsi] n chilli (Br) chili sauce, hot sauce;
cå;Âkc\;pXt\ [ngågyin: bu'] n architectural decoration of
paired carp ([illus])
chilli oil
cRut\SMu [ngåyo' hson] n mortar CF cRut\k¥v\\epX> pestle cå;Âkc\;“m^; [ngågyin: mi:] n 1) [palmistry] lines on base of
palm resembling tail of fish 2) lever (of watch) [ bs]
cRut\pX [ngAyo' pwa.] n [? def] cå;kXm\;rxp\ [ngåkun: sha'] n Spanish mackerel
cRut\mOn\Ï [ngåyo' hmon.] n red pepper (flakes or powder), cå;K¨ [ngåkhu] n kind of freshwater catfish, with tender

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 91

cå; ª cå;
flesh ?]
cå;KMu;m [ngåkhon: ma.] n name of many carp species, which cå;®pk\ [ngåbye'] n 1) kind of small fish with a cylindrical
have a strong smell Ω πcå;KMu;m ts\ekac\eÂkac\. ts\elx body 2) croaker 3) silver-hued barb
lMu;pup\ One carp makes the whole boatload stink. One bad cå;ePac\Riu; [ngåhpaung yo:] n garfish, a long, thin fish
apple spoils the barrel. cå;ePac\Riu;e®Kak\ [ngåhpaung yo: gyau'] n 1) dried garfish
cå;K¥U\ [ngåchin] n pickled fish 2) [fig] skinny person, beanpole (fig) S YN wå;lMu;
cå;e®Kak\ [ngåchau'] n dried fish cå;Pn\KXk\ [ngåhpan gwe'] n jellyfish CF K¨ [? check any
cå;e®Kak\cå;®Km\; [ngåchau' ngåchan:] n general term for kind of jellyfish?]
dried fish, dried shrimp, etc cå;Pn\;m [ngåhpan: ma.] n kind of bream
cå;eKX;lYa [ngåkhwe: sha] n flatfish cå;Pin\; [ngåhpein:] n kind of carp
cå;gLon\ [nga: gålon] n fishing frog cå;Py\ [ngåhpE] n featherback
cå;sv\ePac\; [nga: zi baung:] n airsac faound in certain cå;Py\etet [ngåhpE de te] v thrash sb, beat sb up
species of fish; isinglas cå;Py\®pn\ [ngåhpE pyan] v [fig] writhe
cå;sim\;qv\ [ngåzein: dhE] n fishmonger, someone who cå;P¥U\;qlk\ [ngAhpyin; thAle'] n kind of gourami, small
sells raw fish fresh-water fish Ω mrxi t´.Arp\ mxa cå;P¥U\;qlk\
cå;Sa;ny\ [ngåhsånE] n salted fish pieces cå;ekac\;®Ps\ty\" Where there is nothing, gourami is a good
cå;Sup\ [ngåhso'] n minced fish balls, fishcake fish. Dawei proverb
cå;tn\ [ngådan] n river catfish cå;Burc\; [? new from nutrition list]
cå;Tup\ [ngådo'] n airsac found in some fish species; cå;mn\; [ngåman;] n shark
isinglas cå;mn\;kÁ´ [ngåman; gywE;] n hammerhead (shark)
cå;Nuqn\ [ngånu. dhan:] n forktailed catfish; silvery catfish cå;mn\;sXy\ [ngåman; zwE] n 1) upper jaw of the sawfish
2) cross-cut saw (illus)
cå;eTX [ngåhtwe] n river catfish cå;mn\;sXy\qv\ [ngåman; swE dhE] n sawfish
cå;Nxp\ [ngåhna'] n bummalo, kind of small fish cå;mn\;etac\ [ngåman daung] n 1) shark fin 2) propellor
cå;Nxp\e®Kak\ [ngåhna' chau'] n dried bummalo fish, CF pn\ka
Bombay duck S YN Aa“p´e®Kak\ [? syn?] cå;mun\Ï(eÂka\) [ngåmon.(kyaw)] n fried fish-flavoured rice
cå;på;n^ [ngåba: ni] n snapper species crackers
cå;pi [ngåpI] n ngapi, fermented fish or shrimp paste cå;m¥k\si [ngåmye' sI] n 1) wart 2) (on foot) corn
cå;piekac\ [ngåpI gaung] n whole fish preserved in salt cå;mYa; [nga; hmya;] v fish (with rod, hook and line)
cå;pieÂka\ [ngåpI kyaw] n fried shrimp paste cå;mYa;K¥it\ [ngåhma; gyei'] n (fish)hook
cå;piK¥k\ [ngåpI gye'] n ngapi curry cå;mYa;tM [ngåhmya; dan] n (fishing) rod
cå;pieTac\; [ngåpI daung:] n ngapi baked and pounded cå;rM. [ngåyan.] n banded snakehead, kind of long, very
with dried fish and spices thin freshwater fish with tough flesh Ω πcå;rM.r At¨t¨'
cå;piPut\ [ngåpi> bo'] n baked ngapi cå;K¨r KX´®Km\;KX´®Km\;" With tough snakehead, it’s share and
cå;pirv\(k¥io) [ngåpi ye (gyo)] n ngapi sauce share alike; with tender catfish, it’s to each his own.
cå;pilimµaeÂka\ [ngåpi> lein ma gyaw] n ngapi fried with cå;rM.kiuy\ [ngåyan. ko] n (of ƒ) lithe body, willowy build
onions and chilli cå;rM.®pal¨; [ngåyan. pya lu;] adv [fig] restless, disturbed,
cå;piqip\cå;K¥U\qip\ [ngåpi> dhei' ngåchin dhei'] adv [fig] unable to concentrate
(packed in) like sardines (fig) cå;Riu;K¥op\ [ngåyo; gyo'] n herringbone stitch
cå;p¨tc\; [ngåbu din:] n puffer fish, sea porcupine cå;rs\ [ngåyi'] n fish migrating to spawn (at the
cå;pk\ [nga: pe'] v catch fish by bailing out water from beginning of the rainy season) Ω mit\liuk\
shallow pond cå;rs\tk\ [ngåyi' te'] v 1) go upstream to spawn 2) [fig]
cå;epåc\;eÂka\ [ngåbaung: gyaw] n fish fritters be improper, be undignified (in speech or actions)
cå;epåc\;Tup\ [ngåbaung: do'] n spiced fish steamed in
leaves cå;rX´ [ngåywE;] n fish wholesaler
cå;pu•a; [ngåpon na:] n mango fish cå;rxU\. [ngåshin.] n eel
cå;pt\ [ngåba'] n sheat, kind of freshwater catfish cå;rxU.\pXk\T [ngåshin.bwe' hta.] v develop pus-filled sores
cå;pt\emW [ngåba' hmwe] n shredded and cooked sheat [? check]
cå;pup\qc\ [ngåpo' thin] n croaker cå;rxU.\eqX; [ngåshin. dwe;] n dark red
cå;pup\e®Kak\ [ngåbo' chau'] n fish, usually kk¨rM and cå;lk\TMu [ngåle' hton] n stingray
kqepåc\;, that has been partially rotten, salted, and cå;lc\pn\; [? new from nuttrition list]
dried cå;lip\ek¥ak\ [ngålei' kyau'] n ray (illus)
cå;p¥M [ngåpyan] n flying fish cå;wn\ [ngåwun] n whale S YN ewlcå;
cå;®ptiuk\ [nga; pya. dai'] n aquarium cå;qelak\ [ngåthålau'] n hilsa
cå;e®pm [ngåbye ma.] n climbing perch Ω cå;e®pm-Sa;pk\ [? cå;qelak\U [ngåthålau' u.] n hilsa roe

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 92

cå; ª ciuk\
cå;eqt†a [ngåthi' ta] n sardines; tinned fish (Br), canned c´.2 [ngE.] part [poet] particle indicating possession = r´.
fish (Am) ecå [ngaw:] v 1) protrude, jut, stick out (inf) Ω AsXy\ tecåecån´Ï
cå;qn\ [ngåthan] n fry, very small fish with fangs showing (Ie., ready to catch prey) 2) [fig] be
cå;Aup\Pa [ngåo' hpa] n flat-headed catfish incompatible, be different, be conspicuous
cå;2 [nga:] n five Ω q¨ sit\k¨;etX k
q¨m¥a;n´>mt¨B¨;' ecåTXk\enty\" His ideas
cå;sp\esac\ [nga: za' saung] n old style of blanket sewn are not the same as others’.
from five strips of woven cloth ecåÏ [ngaw.] v 1) project; push out (one's chin) CF em;ecåÏ
cå;S¨pc\ [nga: zu bin] n Œtree bearing edible five-ridged 2) [fig] blame 3) be sarcastic; be ironic CF kli' eT.' ri
cå;Sy\qa; [nga: zE dha:] n fifty ticals, half a viss, 810 gr ecåÏlMu; [ngaw. lon:] n piece of irony; sarcastic remark
CF eT.lMu;
cå;på;emxak\ [nga: ba: hmau']
v [fig] be in desperation, be AecåÏ [Angaw.] n snide comment, sarcastic remark
in serious trouble, meet with disaster or catastrophe ecÅ [ngaw] v protrude, jut, stick out
AecÅt¨; [Angaw tu;] v mock, make acid remarks [?
cå;på;q^l [nga: ba: thi la.] n the five precepts of Buddhism criticise harshly? venomous?]
på%atipåta' AdiN~adåna' kaemqumisÍasara' muqawådå' cM [ngan] v Óbe complete; be replete with
quraemrymz«pmµad™ana CF pUßq^l cM®parv\ [ngan pya ye] n fish sauce
cå;epåk\ [nga: bau'] n œfifth note on the seven-tone cM. [ngan.] v 1) pause, stop for a time; keep sthg pending
scale [ ms] 2) await, wait for; look forward to
cå;m¨; [nga: mu:] n 1) half a kyat 2) half an inch, ~1 cm; [ngan. za:] v 1) pause, stop for a time; keep sthg
3) half an acre, 0.2 hectare 4) half a tical, 8 gr pending 2) await, wait for; look forward to
cu [ngu.] n ŒIndian laburnum, flowering tree blooming in\. [ngan. lin.] v wait for (with hope)
April–May; general term for Cassia spp CF PXa;Pk\ ciu [ngo] v 1) cry, weep 2) be moist, become moist
cu”k^; [ngu. gyi;] n ŒIndian laburnum, purging cassia ciu”k^;K¥k\m [ngo gyi: che' ma.] n sob
S YN PXa;Pk\ ciueÂkarxv\ [ngo gyaw: she] v cry unceasingly
cusp\ [ngu. za'] n Œpink cassia ciueÂkX; [ngo chwe:] v cry loudly, wail
cuerX [ngu. ywe] ŒIndian laburnum, purging cassia ciuK¥c\; [ngo gyin:] n œlament; poem or prose expressing
S YN PXa;Pk\ sorrow
cuqim\ [ngu. dhein] n Œpink cassia ciuK¥c\;K¥ [ngo gyin: cha.] v 1) œsing a lament 2) cry
cusMu [ngu. zon] n face of die bearing two spots, deuce (illus) crocodile tears (fig), make oneself cry
c¨1 [ngu] v be sullen, be sulky; be morose, be glum ciuK¥c\;qv\ [ngo gyin: dhE] n 1) œperson singing a lament
c¨t¨t¨ [ngu tu du] adv morosely, glumly, moodily 2) professional mourner
CF ciuc\tiuc\ tiuc\ [? really same as ngain?] ciuyiu [ngo yo] v cry, weep
c¨2 [ngu] n green pigeon ciuROik\ [ngo shai'] v sob
Ac¨ [Angu] n 1) cape, headland, promontory Ω gXt\hup\Ac¨ ciuqMpå [ngo dhan pa] v be choked with emotion
Cape of Good Hope 2) projection, protrusion [? check 1-2 — n voice choked with emotion
split, meanings] ciuÏB [ngo. ba.] n selfish person (play on cå.Piu>) CF cåÏPiuÏ'
ec; [nge:] v gaze, look at sthg vacantly, stare ska;lim\
ec;Âkv.\ [nge: kyI] v look at sthg for a long time, stare ecåk\ [ngau']
v = ecåk\c m\; 1) scold, berate, yell or shout at
vacantly (inf), bawl out (inf), chew out (inf), dress down 2) (of
ec;ciuc\ [nge; ngain] v look blankly; not know what to do peafowl) cry
ec;ema [nge: maw:] v look at sthg in surprise; be ecåk\\Kn´ [ngau' khånE:] adv suddenly
astonished by; gaze at Ω min\mK¥c\;etac\ec;emarty\" She is ecåk\\Kn´T [ngau' khånE: hta.] v stand up suddenly, shoot
so beautiful, even women can't keep their eyes off her. up
ec;mOic\ [nge: hmain] v mope; look dejectedly ecåk\kn´pn\; [ngau' khånE: pan:] v spurt, gush out
c´.1 [ngE.] v 1) tilt one's head, look sideways 2) sympathise; suddenly
be considerate RF c´.kXk\' c´.vHa. ecåk\cm\; [ngau' ngan:] v 1) scold, berate, yell or shout
c´.Âkv\. [ngE. kyI] v 1) look sideways, look over one's at (inf), bawl out (inf), chew out (inf), dress down
shoulder 2) [fig] take into consideration, think about 2) (of peafowl) cry
c´.kXk\ [ngE. kwe'] v sympathise; be considerate CF m¥k\Nxa- ecåk\St\St\ [ngau' hsa' hsa'] adv gruffly, impatiently
eTak\ ecåk\etak\ [ngau' tau'] adv conspicuously, noticeably,
c´.esac\; [ngE. saung;] v look sideways Ω ®mc\;epÅk obtrusively; jutting out
emac\rc\elac\; c´.esac\; j Âkv\. [? can't read writing p 68] ciuk\ [ngai'] v 1) nod (because of sleepiness), (of head)
droop, nod 2) drowse, be drowsy, be sleepy, be tired, be
c´.vHa [ngE. hnya] v sympathise; be considerate dozy (inf) CF Aip\ciuk\ 3) (of sthg heavy on a stalk) droop

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 93

cc\ ª cy\
4) be slanted forward cn\;®pa; [ngan: pya:] n spade, shovel = other
ciuk\siuk\ [ngai' sai'] adv hanging Ω sit\Dat\k¥j eKåc\;-ciuk\siuk\- cn\;m [ngan: ma.] n 1) pen, ƒ swan 2) goose, ƒ goose
K¥j enqv\" His spirits low, he went around with hanging cn\;3 [ngan:] n allotted duty, task; work allotment; allotted
head. work area [ ag]
ciuk\m¥U\; [ngai' myin: (myi:)] v drowse, doze, be half asleep cn\;tiuk\ [ngan: tai'] v (in rice growing) work hard to
complete a task
cc\ [ngin] v 1) pull, draw 2) inscribe Ω ts\eK¥ac\;cc\ –u' cup\ [ngo'] v 1) dive (into deep water); submerge
Nxs\eK¥ac\;cc\ –¨ 3) spin (thread) CF K¥v\cc\ 4) draw, take Ω πcu p\miq´tiuc\' tk\ Niuc\P¥a;erak\ hit bottom [? what is the
(breath) CF ROik\cc\ [ tx wr] meaning?] 2) remain under water Ω πcRut\q^;mxn\ (7)lM-
ciuc\ [ngain] v mope, act sad and listless, be morose ercup\sa;sp\ty\" A real chilli is still hot 7 fathoms under
ciuc\tiuc\tiuc\ [ngain tain dain] adv morosely, moodily CF c¨t¨t¨ water. 3) be latent, be unrealised 4) [fig] chafe (fig)
ciuc\etX [ngain twe] v brood, think over seriously and sadly cup\ekac\ [ngo' kaung] n [fig] sb whose talents are
unused, sthg/sb who does not appear as often as
ct\ [nga'] v 1) starve, be famished; be hungry or thirsty expected
Ω erct\ ty\" I'm thirsty. S YN
mXt\ 2) [fig] crave, hunger or cup\lYio; [ngo' sho:] v go under the surface of sthg
be hungry for Upsa, be dying for/to (inf) Ω Rup\rxc\c t\tt\" cm\; [ngan:] v desire strongly, long for, crave
I’m dying to go to the movies. Ω ekaP^eqak\rc\; eS;lip\ cm\;cm\;tk\ [ngan: ngan: te'] adv fervently, avidly,
ct\-tt\ty\" I crave cigarettes while I’m drinking coffee. fanatically, overenthusiastically, with excessive desire
Ω l¨ m¥io;ts\ m¥io;ha
piuk\SMenak\kiuqa cm\;cm\; tk\ liuk\enrc\
ct\”k^;k¥ [nga' kyi: kya.] v be unable to restrain one's A´d^l¨m¥io;ha errxv\KMNiuc\mxa mhut\B¨;" If a nation is only
hunger; be gluttonous, be greedy fanatically pursuing money, that nation will not endure.
ct\epåk\tiu; [nga' pau' to:] v be in a bad situation, be in cuM [ngon] v 1) keep in the mouth 2) (of flower) bud CF P¨;
great difficulty 3) build over; envelop; enclose
ct\®pt\ [nga' pya'] v 1) starve, suffer from lack of food cMumi [ngon mI] v 1) grasp, get (meaning or idea) CF “KMocMu
2) be destitute, be very poor 2) cover, deal with all aspects of 3) cover (expenses,
ct\mXt\ [nga' mu'] v 1) be famished, starve 2) [fig] be losses, outlays, etc) CF kami' eTmi
hungry (for) Upsa cMuÏ [ngon.] v bow head, hold one's head down, hang one's
ct\mXt\eKåc\;på; [nga' mu' khaung: ba:] v face starvation, head A NT ema. CF ciuk\ [? cf ok?]
suffer from famine cMuÏÂkv\. [ngon. kyI] v look downward, lower one's eyes, cast
ct\mXt\eKåc\;på;®Kc\;eB; [nga' mu' khaung: ba: gyin: be:] n one's eyes down
famine = kp\”k^;qMu; på; cMuÏKM [ngon. khan] v bear, endure; tolerate without
cut\ [ngo'] n 1) stump (of a tree which has been cut complaint; suffer Ó
down) 2) stake 3) [fig] remnant cMu; [ngon:] n quail
cut\tiu [ngou' to] n short stump cMu;titi [ngon: tI dI] adv listlessly, without energy or
cut\tiuc\ [ngou' tain] n short stake, driven into the ground attention; inertly, without moving; uncaringly
cy\1 [ngE] v 1) be young; be younger (than) Ω (5)Nxs\cy\ five
cut\tut\ [ngou' tou'] adv 1) in a sitting position years younger A NT ”k^; be old(er) CF lt\ [? why twe:?]
2) still, without moving, stationary 3) despite, in spite 2) be small, be little S YN eq; CF lip\®pacy\' Aa;cy\
of the fact that
cut\tut\KM [ngou' tou' khan] v [fig] take sthg lying down — n mouse deer, chevrotain
Upsa, be unable to retaliate or respond cy\k¥oi;cy\na [ngE gyo: ngE na] n sore point from one's
cn\ [ngan] v be salty Ω Aal¨;eÂka-cn\kÁt\el;mx ”kiok\ty\" I past, weakness that one has always had
like fried potatoes only when they are salty and crispy. cy\k¥oi;cy\naePÅ [ngE gyo: ngE na hpaw] v reopen old
A NT epåÏ bland Sa; salt
CF wounds (fig), rub salt in a wound (fig)
cn\k¥ik¥i' cn\p¥p¥ [ngan kyI kyI, ngan pya. pya.] v be slightly cy\eÂkak\ [ngE gyau'] n sb or sthg one has feared since
salty childhood A NT cy\Niuc\ [? ant doesn't seem to work....
cn\;1 [ngan:] n generic name of several kinds of venomous explain again]
snake cy\”kiok\ [ngE gyai'] n person one has loved since one's
cn\;esac\; [ngan: zaung:] n copperhead rat snake youth, childhood sweetheart S YN cy\kÁm\;' cy\K¥s\
cn\;eta\Âka; [ngan; daw kya;] n yellow and black striped CF cy\K¥s\Ë;
venomous snake [? pron] cy\kÁn\ [ngE gyun] n old and faithful servant (of royalty
cn\;pup\ [ngan: bou'] n king cobra = cn\;e®mX or nobility)
cn\;e®mX [ngan: mwe] n king cobra CF e®mXehak\ cy\kÁm\; [ngE gywan:] n 1) childhood friend 2) person one
cn\;2 [ngan:] n 1) swan 2) goose (pl. geese) = B´cn\; (illus) has loved since one's youth, childhood sweetheart
cn\;T^; [ngan: hti:] n 1) cob, µ swan 2) gander, µ goose S YN cy\K¥s\' cy\”kiok\ CF cy\K¥s\Ë;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 94

cy\ ª ®cøs¨
cy\K¥s\ [ngE gyi'] n 1) person one has loved since one's sweetheart
youth, childhood sweetheart S YN cy\kÁm\;' cy\”kio k\ cy\Rup\ [ngE you'] n one's appearance in one's youth
CF cy\K¥s\U^; 2) lasting interest, hobby, talent, etc cy\rXy\ [ngE ywE] v be young
Ω saPt\ taha kÁn\ m-c y\K¥s\ I have always loved reading. cy\lc\ [ngE lin] n 1) first husband 2) husband married
cy\K¥s\U^; [ngE gyi' u:] n first love (in childhood) in one's youth CF cy\mya;' cy\lc\cy\mya;
cy\sarc\; [ngE zayin:] n 1) destiny's list, in which one's cy\lc\cy\mya; [ngE lin ngE maya:] n couple in their first
actions have been recorded since childhood, and in marriage, who have been together since their youth
which one's fate is written [ bs] 2) rough count; original
list, original inventory cy\qa; [ngE dha:] n follower; subordinate
cy\sarc\;wc\ [ngE zayin: win] n love enak\liuc\cy\qa; CF tpv\.' lk\qa;
cy\sU\”k^;liuk\ [ngE zin kyi: lai'] adv [math] from small to cy\qMpå [ngE dhan pa] v shriek, as in fear
large, in ascending order cy\qXa; [ngE dhwa:] n baby or milk tooth, deciduous
cy\sU\etac\ek¥; [ngE zin taung gye:] n (time of) tooth◊ CF ”k^; qXa; permanent or adult tooth
childhood, the old days (inf) cy\qXa;l´ [ngE thwa: lE:] v lose one's baby teeth
cy\sit\ [ngE zei'] n view, attitude, or temperment of cy\2 [ngE] part Óœemphatic particle often used as a
one's youth euphonic device in classical songs = ry\ [ ms]
cy\sit\cy\man\ [ngE zei' ngE man] n strength and ®ca [nya] v shout [ ph]
eagerness of one's youth ®caqMep; [nya dhan pe:] v make a rallying cry, as at a
cy\Sra [ngE hsåya] n one's first teacher public event such as sports match [ pe]
cy\Tip\ [ngE dei'] n soft spot on an infant's skull, ®ca; [nya:] part particle suffixed to verb as emphasis
fontanelle ◊ Ω sa”kio;sa;Piu> mi Bk e®papc\-e®pa®ca; na;mwc\eK¥" No matter
cy\namv\ [ngE na myi (nan mE)] n nickname, childhood how often her parents told her to study hard, she wouldn’t
name listen. [ ph]
cy\Niuc\ [ngE nain] n sb who has had control over one since “ci [nyI] v 1) snag (on), be caught, be entrapped (in
one's youth Ω cy\Niuc\Bun\;”k^; the monk who was his mentor machinery, in historical events, on a branch, etc)
CF cy\eÂkak\ [? determine relationship with cf and Ω pc\. k¨Aim\mxa li p\®pakel; “cienty\" A little butterfly is
check trans] caught in the spider’s web. 2) [fig] get entangled (in a
cy\på [ngE ba] n male genitals, µ private parts (inf) love affair, crime, etc); be involved (in), be mired (in)
CF ewx;' egX;' l^; 3) [fig] be implicated (in), be partially responsible or
cy\epåc\; [ngE baung:] n 1) childhood friend 2) sb in a answerable (for) CF eTX; [ ph]
couple who married young “cisXn\; [nyI sun:] v 1) get involved, get entangled 2) [fig]
cy\epåc\;”k^;ePa\ [ngE baung: kyi: baw] n old friend, commit adultery, betray (lover, husband, wife), get
childhood friend, av who one grew up with (romatically, sexually) involved (with) 3) be liable (for),
cy\®Pø [ngE byu] n 1) ‹ monk who joined the sangha as be legally responsible (for)
a bachelor, before adulthood (i.e., by about 16) “citXy\ [nyI twE] v 1) snag (on), be caught, be entrapped
CF etaTX k\' Bu n\;”k^; [ bh] 2) confirmed bachelor, man (in machinery, in historical events, on a branch, etc)
who will not get married 2) [fig] get entangled (in a love affair, crime, etc); be
cy\mya; [ngE maya:] n 1) first wife 2) wife one has involved (in), be mired (in) Ω qMeyazU\ “citXy\ty\ get
been married to since one's youth CF cy\lc\' entangled in emotions [? trans ok?] 3) [fig] be
cy\lc\cy\mya; implicated (in), be partially responsible or answerable
cy\m¨(cy\ra) [ngE mu (ngE ya)] n behaviour of a person (for) CF eTX;
when young “c^; [nyi:] v be bored with, be tired of, be sick of, be fed up
cy\m¨cy\eqX; [ngE mu ngE dhwe:] n youthful behaviour or with (inf) [ ph]
appearance “c^;ecX> [nyi: ngwe.] v be bored with, be tired of, be sick of,
cy\m¨®pn\ [ngE mu pyan] v 1) (of an elderly person) behave be fed up with, have it up to here (with) (Usually
as one did in one's youth CF q¨c y\®pn\ second childhood accompanied by hand gesture to the neck)
2) return to one's style from when young (e.g., of an “c^;s^s^ [nyi: si zi] n nausea, sickness, sick feeling
artist) Ω TiuAK¥s\wtÊo qv\ saerSraf cy\m¨®pn\Ta;eqa “c^;esa\nM [nyi zaw nan] v be nauseating, make one sick to
lk\ra®Ps\qv\" In the writing of this love story we can see one's stomach
the writer returning to his old style. “c^;enak\enak\ [nyi nau' nau'] n nausea [? part of
cy\mv\ [ngE myi] n nickname, name one used in speech? ]
childhood ®cøs¨ [nyu zu] v 1) be annoyed, be irritated by the
cy\emX;®KMepåk\ [ngE mwe: chan pau'] n 1) animal or accomplishments or position of others 2) grudge (sb
person born and raised in one's household 2) person one sthg), be displeased [ ph]
has looked after all of that person's life ®cøs¨esac\;e®mac\; [nyu zu saung: myaung:] v act out one's
cy\rv\;sa; [ngE yi: za:] n first love; old flame; childhood

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 95

“cio®cc\ ª ecX
dislike or envy for sb; to slyly insult sb in that person's “cim\.evac\; [nyein. nyaung:] v be melodious, soft and slow
presence A“cim\.
“cio®cc\ [nyo nyin] v grudge (sb sthg), be displeased [ ph] [? “cim\; [nyein:] v 1) (of fire) die (out), die down, go out; be
check around here with usage] extinguished 2) (of flame, fire, etc) put out, snuff (out),
“cio; [nyo:] v bear a grudge; resent (sb); regard sb as one's extinguish, douse (esp with water) 3) (of problems,
enemy; desire revenge CF rn\“cio; [ ph] conflicts, etc) come to an end, be settled, be finished
“cio;q¨rn\Bk\ [nyo: dhu yan be'] n enemy, foeÓ, person Ω ki sß“cim\;“p^ the matter has come to an end 4) (of services,
one wishes to take revenge on goods, etc) be free, be complimentary Ω ' The drama critic
“cio;“cio;“cim\.“cim\. [nyo: nyo: nyein nyein] adv softly and pleasantly gets two complimentary tickets for opening night. When
CF vio;vio;vit\vit\ you buy a CD player, the shop gives you two free CDs. [ ph]
®cc\;1 [nyin:] v 1) disobey, refuse to obey 2) reject, refuse;
turn down, decline (an offer, etc) 3) argue; dispute; “cim\;K¥m\; [nyein: chan:] v be peaceful, be calm, be
debate, discuss critically Ω qeBamt¨liu> ®cc\;tak-eta. untroubled
ekac\;-påty\' S´ta-keta. ty\hn\- mk¥B¨;" If you don’t “cim\;K¥m\;sXaqeBakX´lX´KXc\. [nyein: chan: swa thåbaw: kwE: lwE
agree, it is good to debate, but not to just swear at each khwin.] n ∏pluralism, acceptance of differences, i.e.,
other. [ ph] agreement to not impose one system on others [ pe]
®cc\;kXy\ [nyin: kwE] v deny, not admit, refute; refuse to “cim\;K¥m\;sXaAt¨yxU\tX´enTiuc\er; [nyein: chan: swa åtu shin
confess, hide sthg [ rc] dwE: ne tain ye:] n ∏peaceful coexistence, agreement to
®cc\;KMu [nyin: khoun] v argue; dispute; debate Ω ema\dn\saep live with differences [ pe]
Ay¨AS®cc\;KMumOm¥a;AepÅ By\liu ®mc\ql´" What is your “cim\;K¥m\;er; [nyein: chan: ye:] n ∏peace CF ss\ [ pe]
opinion on the debate over modern literature? “cim\;K¥m\;er;p¥k\®pa; [nyein: chan: ye: pye' pya:] v ∏breach
CF AeK¥Atc\ peace, resume hostilities [ pe]
®cc\;K¥k\ [nyin: gye'] n (spoken or written) denial, “cim\;K¥m\;er;qeBat¨v^K¥k\ [nyein: chan: ye: thåbaw: tu nyi
refutation; refusal; rejection; contradiction A NT e®Pac\.K¥k\ gye'] n ∏peace treaty [ pe]
confession [ rc] “cim\;K¥m\;er;APX´> [nyein; chan; ye; AhpwE.] n ∏ceasefire
®cc\;Siu [nyin hso] v 1) refute, respond to an accusation or group, i.e., former insurgent group which has come to
point of argument 2) disobey, refuse to obey 3) reject, an understanding with the government
refuse; turn down, decline (an offer, etc) “cim\;eA; [nyein: e:] be peaceful, be tranquil
®cc\;py\ [nyin: pE] v reject; deny cXa;cXa;sXc\.sXc\. [ngwa: ngwa: swin. zwin.] adv prominently, grandly,
®cc\;2 [nyin:] n œwind instrument with a mouthpiece and loftily CF ÂkXa;ÂkXa;wc\.wc\.
pipes (illus) [ ms ph] ecX [ngwe] n 1) silver 2) money (in currency or notes)
e®cac\. [hnyaung.] n spike on the ground [ ph] [? check] Ω πecX kiu erli-u qMu;ty\" Use money like water. CF eÂk;®pa;'
®cop\q^;ªcRut\q^; [ngåyo' thi:] n chilli pepper piuk\SM' er' Aq®pa
®cm\; [nyan:] n 1) scaffolding, raised platform for working ecXksa; [ngwe kåza:] v ¥speculate, manipulate prices
on walls, ceilings, etc 2) scaffold, used to support ecXk¨ [ngwe ku] v (at wedding, funeral, social function)
another structure; platform Ω πBura;“p^; ®cm\; P¥k\ i.e., help with money, share in expenses, make donation
once the goal has been accomplished, the supporters are
forgotten [? need more info to trans] 3) [fig] refuge ecXekak\ [ngwe kau'] v 1) make a collection (for), solicit
4) tradition CF Riu; ra' yU\ek¥;mO [ ph] donations 2) ¥seek rent
®cm\;Sc\ [nyan: hsin] v 1) put up scaffolding 2) [fig] frame ecXkiuc\ [ngwe kain] n cashier
sb, create the appearance of guilt ecXkun\eÂk;k¥ [ngwe gon gye: gya.] n expense, expense
®cm\;Tiu; [nyan: hto:] v 1) put up scaffolding account
“cim\ [nyein] v 1) be still, be stationary; be static, not change ecXkun\l¨pn\; [ngwe gon lu ban:] n waste of time and
2) be quiet, be calm [ ph] effort L IT : ‘money gone, body tired’
“cim\K¥k\qa;ekac\; [nyein gye' tha: kaun:] v be unusually ecXkun\qM®pa [ngwe gon than bya] n vain attempt, fruitless
quiet [? disappear a while--of sb? see p71] effort
“cim\Sim\ [nyein zein] v (of a place) be tranquil, be ecXk¥Mo>wc\mO [ngwe kyon. win hmu.] v ¥deflation
peaceful A NTecXePac\;PXmO inflation
“cim\wp\ [nyein wu'] v 1) (of people) be quiet 2) be ecXeÂk; [ngwe kye:] n money, cash
suppressed ecX”koiqMu; [ngwe kyo thon:] v give an advance
“cim\wp\pi®pa;er; [nyein wu' pI bya; ye;] n ∏law and order [? ecXeKÅ [ngwe khaw] v make an amulet, talisman or charm
ok?] to get rich
“cim\qk\ [nyein the'] v 1) be still, be stationary; be static, ecXeKåc\;kX´ [ngwe gaun: kwE:]
v break up a lump sum into
not change 2) be quiet, be calm small loans, investments, etc.
“cim\. [nyein.] v feel elated, be high (inf) [ ph] ecXeK¥ [ngwe che] v make payment, settle, pay off, pay

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 96

ecX ª ecX
up (in cash) ecXTut\y¨ [ngwe hto' yu] v withdraw (money from an
ecXeK¥; [ngwe che; (chi:)] v 1) borrow money 2) lend money account) = ecXTut\
CF cxa; ecXTin\; [ngwe dein:] n treasurer
ecXeK¥;@an [ngwe che: hta na.] n money-lending centre, ecXTup\ [ngwe hto'] n money bag
pawnshop ecXTup\”k^;piuk\en [ngwe hto' gyi: pai'] v [fig] be miserly,
ecXKXk\ [ngwe gwe'] n 1) silver in bullion, from 50–100 hoard money L IT : ‘embracing money bag’
kyat weight 2) silver cup, silver chalice ecXTup\”k^;piuk\la [ngwe hto' gyi: pai' la] v [fig] splash out
ecXgu%\ [ngwe gon] n prestige from having money (fig), spend large amounts of money freely
ecXs(eÂk;s) [ngwe za. (kye: za. )] n 1) piece of silver ecXdg:; [ngwe din ga:] n silver coin
chipped off a silver ingot 2) money ecXd%\ [ngwe dan] n fine (imposed by court) CF eTac\d%\
ecXska;eÂk;ska; [ngwe så ga: kye: så ga:] n talk about prison sentence
money ecXpedqapc\siuk\T¨ [ngwe påde tha pin sai' htu] v found a
ecXsRWc\ [ngwe za. shwin] v be loaded, be flush, have trust fund
plenty of money ecXep;ecXy¨Rxc\;tm\; [ngwe be: ngwe yu shin: dan:] v settle
ecXsarc\; [ngwe zåyin:] n accounts account
ecXsarc\@an [ngwe zåyin: hta na.] n accounts department, ecXepÅ [ngwe paw] v recover money from investment,
accounting (department) (investment) pay off, pay
ecXsarc\;PXc\. [ngwe zåyin: hpwin.] v make an account for ecXepÅerac\; [ngwe paw yaung;] v sell cheaply to make
ecXsa; [ngwe sa:] v take bribes (in money) money quickly
ecXsu [ngwe zu.] v save (money) ecXpiuecXlYM [ngwe po ngwe shan] n money to spare
ecXsusaAup\ [ngwe zu. sa o'] n passbook, bank book, deposit ecXpiuÏlWa [ngwe po. hlwa] n postal money order
book ecXpc\ [ngwe pin] n [fig] something that produces a
ecXsuecXeK¥;Aqc\; [ngwe zu. ngwe che: åthin:] n credit union, steady income without effort L IT : ‘silver tree’
co-operative credit society ecXpc\ecXrc\; [ngwe bin ngwe yin:] n ¥capital investment
ecXs¨; [ngwe su;] v be more than is due [? new from su:] ecXpc\ecXrc\;siuk\' ecXpc\ecXrc\;®mHop\ [ngwe bin ngwe yin: sai',
ecXsk¶ø [ngwe se' ku] n paper money, (currency) notes ngwe bin ngwe yin: hmyo'] v ¥invest, make an investment
(Br), bills (Am) ecXpn\; [ngwe pan:] n Œplant of the ginger family, with
ecXsiuk\(ep;) [ngwe sai'( pe:)] v loan money on short term waxy white flowers
Ω (5000)-e lak\ siu k\liuÏ-rla;" mnk\®Pn\ ®pn\ Sp\ my\" Could ecXpn\;Tim\ [ngwe bådein] n 1) silversmith 2) art of
you loan me 5000? I'll pay you back tomorrow. CF l¨siuk\ working silver
ecXvHs\ [ngwe hnyi'] v (of money) extort, (of person) ecX®pt\ [ngwe py'] v be short of money
blackmail ecXPla; [ngwe hpåla:] n decorated silver bowl used for
ecXtu [ngwe tu.] n counterfeit money ceremonial purposes
ecXtiu;K¥ [ngwe to: cha.] v lend money on interest ecXePÅ [ngwe hpaw] v ¥liquidate
ecXtiu;K¥q¨ [ngwe to: cha. dhu] n money-lender ecXePåc\;pXmO [ngwe hpaung: bwa. hmu] n ¥inflation
ecXtiu;eK¥;sa; [ngwe to; che; sa;] v be in the money- A NT ecXk¥Mo>wc\mO deflation
lending business ecX®Pø [ngwe hpyu] n 1) laundered money, clean money,
ecXtiuk\ [ngwe dai'] n ∏government treasury i.e., money which can be shown to have been earned
ecXtn\Piu; [ngwe tan bo:] n ¥1) (of a currency) legally 2) a large amount of money paid in cash
purchasing power 2) exchange rate ecXma [ngwe ma] n hard currency
ecXtXc\; [ngwe dwin:] n [fig] gold mine (fig), easy money ecXmk\ [ngwe me'] v love money, think only about money
[? ok?]
ecXtXc\;”k^; [ngwe dwin: gyi:] n [fig] moneybags (fig), rich ecXmv\; [ngwe mE:] n 1) illegal earnings, illicit income,
person Ω cåÏkui ecX-tXc;\”k^; mxt\enqla;" Do I look like I'm ill-gotten gain 2) money on which taxes have not been
made of money? paid L I T : ‘black money’
ecXtXc\;nk\ [ngwe dwin: ne'] v [fig] find it hard to earn ecX®mop\ [ngwe myo'] v (of money) be tied up, be in a long-
money term investment
ecXTiu; [ngwe hto:] v bribe with money, grease the palm ecX‘mHp\ [ngwe hmyo'] v (of money) invest
(fig) ecXya; [ngwe ya:] n 1) silver ingots hidden by hermits,
ecXTv\ [ngwe ti] n silver objects, silverware, silver mystics, etc, which cause itching if used without
jewelery persmission 2) [fig] money which is burning a hole in
ecXTut\ [ngwe hto'] v withdraw (money from an account) one's pocket Upsa, money which one is itching to spend
= ecXTut\ep;
ecXTut\ep; [ngwe hto' pe:] v disburse (money from an ecXyuiepåk\ [ngwe yo pau'] n cause for unnecessary
account) expense, money pit (fig), waste of money

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 97

ecX> ª cxk\
ecXrtu [ngwe ya. tu.] n silver anniversary, 20th anniversary ecX>ecX> [ngwe. ngwe.] adv slightly
ecX>rv\ [ngwe. yi] n vapour (Br), vapor (Am)
ecXrepåk\ [ngwe ya. pau'] n opportunity to make money ecX>rv\PX´> [ngwe. yi hpwE.] v (of vapour) condense (into
ecXer;eÂk;er; [ngwe ye: kye: ye:] n financial affairs droplets or condensation)
ecXrc\; [ngwe yin:] n monetary investment, capital tecX>ecX> [tångwe. ngwe.] adv smoulder intensely (also
ecXrc\;ecXNx^; [ngwe yin: ngwe hni:] n monetary investment, fig), burn very slowly (usu without flame)
capital cx [hnga.] v distribute equally, share out CF elak\cx' ewcx
ecXrv\sim\ [ngwe ye sein] [ngwe ye zein] v do electro- cxa [hnga] n possession, belonging, thing
silverplating — part ¬suffix to noun: for (the sake of) …
— n silverplate Ak¥io;cxa [Akyo; hnga] part ¬suffix to noun: for the
ecXrxaekac\; [ngwe sha kaung:] v earn easy money, earn a benefit or sake of
lot of money ®Kc\;cxa [chin; (gyin;) hnga] part ¬suffix to verb of request
ecXrxc\ [ngwe shin] n 1) rich person; sb with a good or ability: (able) to … S YN AM.eqacxa
income S YN Dnrxc\ 2) creditor 3) ¥money in circulation es®Kc\;cxa' sim\.cxa' sim\.eqacxa [se (ze) gyin; hnga, sein. hnga,
sein. thaw hnga] part ¬suffix to verb: so that, so as to
ecXrxc\eÂk;rxc\ [ngwe shin kywe shin] n 1) rich person enable, to bring about, with the intention of …ing, to
2) creditor cause, with the purpose of making [? check pron -- in
ecXRWc\ [ngwe shwin] v be flush, be loaded fact, check all these parts!!]
ecXl´ [ngwe lE;] v change money AliuÏcxa [Alo. hnga] part ¬to gain …, to obtain …, for
ecXl´NOn\; [ngwe lE: hnon:] n exchange rate …
ecXlv\ [ngwe lE] v have sufficient funds, have money in AM.eqacxa [an. thaw hnga] part ¬suffix to verb of request
hand, be able to cover or ability: (able) to … S YN ®Kc\;cxa
ecXlv\pt\mO [ngwe lE pa' hmu.] n circulation of money cxa; [hnga:] v S YN eK¥; 1) borrow, hire, rent sthg, hire (sb)
ecXlm\;Kc\; [ngwe lan: khin:] v [fig] pave the way with Ω erx>enkiu -cxa;mla;" Are you going to hire a lawyer?
many tips, give many bribes; try to pay for sthg, e.g., Ω kiu tiu; ka;kiu cxa;“p^; qXa;ÂkreAac\" Let's borrow Ko To's car
bride and go! Ω Aim\cxa;enty\" I'm renting a house. CF l¨cxa;
ecXlMu;ecXrc\; [ngwe lon: ngwe yin:] n large monetary 2) lend, loan, let, rent (out) Ω kÁn\eta.\-ka; kiueAac\kiu-
investment, large amount of capital cxa;liuk\“p^" I lent my car to Ko Aung. CF l¨cxa;K¥ [? add one
ecXlxv.\ [ngwe hlE.] v borrow money about renting out a house]
ecXlW´ [ngwe hlwE:] v transfer money (e.g., as a cashless cxa;rm\; [hnga: yan:] v borrow, hire, rent
payment) [? ok?] cx´> [hngE.] v pour (out)
ecXqa; [ngwe tha:] n 1) silver for minting coin 2) cash cx´>eqak\ [hngE. thau'] n tea at the right temperature to
ecXeq [ngwe the] v (of money put in sthg which is not drink when poured
expected to turn a profit) be idle Ω kiuk\Kn\;-wy\Ta;ta ®pn\- cxk\ [hnge'] n 1) bird 2) ∑sampan, kind of small boat
merac\;rp´ ecX-eqenty\" As we aren’t selling the flat we 3) ◊malaria
bought, that money is just sitting there. S YN ecXAip\ cxk\kula; [hnge' kåla:] n black-necked stork = tMu;kula;
— n ¥uninvested funds, idle funds cxk\kula;Aut\ [hnge' kålåou:] n ostrich
ecXq^; [ngwe thi:] v [fig] be flush, be loaded cxk\k¥a; [hnge' kya:] n 1) painted stork
ecXqMu;Âkm\; [ngwe thon: kyan:] v spend (money) freely, 2) pied bushchat 3) Chinese magpie
lavish money (on) S YN lk\PXa cxk\”k^;etac\(Da;) [hnge' kyi:
ecXqMu;Âkm\;q¨ [ngwe thon: kyan: dhu] n spendthrift, sb who daung (da;)] n kind of sword
is careless with money = lk\PXa cxk\”k^;tMu;sp\ [hnge' kyi:
ecXqXc\; [ngwe thwin:] v 1) deposit (money into an don: za'] n adjutant
account) 2) pay back bird, marabou
ecXAa; [ngwe a;] n funding; financial resources, money = tMu; sp\
Ω l¨ Aa;rxi ty\' ecX Aa;mrxi B¨;" We've got the people (to do it), cxk\”k^;wn\piu [hnge'
but we don't have the funding. CF l¨Aa;' A”kMˆa%\Aa; kyi: wun bo] n pelican
ecXAit\ [ngwe ei'] n wallet, billfold; pocketbook; purse cxk\Kå; [hnge' kha:] n
S YN piuk\SMAip\ Indian roller, a blue-
ecXAip\ [ngwe ei'] v (of investment money) be idle green bird with a
CF ecXeq reddish breast
ecX> [ngwe.] n 1) vapour; fumes; smoke; exhalation [? cxk\Kå;etac\ [hnge' kha: daung] n strong,
check exhalation] 2) steam Ω erecX> water vapour, steam bluish toddy Tn\;rv\
3) warmth, heat Ω kiuy\ecX>n´Ï eNX; warm with body heat cxk\Kt\ [hnge' kha'] v catch (birds)
= AecX> cxk\Kt\qma; [hnge' kha' dha ma:] n bird catcher

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 98

cxk\ep¥a ª s
cxk\cNXa; [hnge' ngånwa:] n green imperial pigeon cxk\ep¥apX´ [hngåpyaw: bwE:] n offering of bunch of
= kup\kR¨; bananas, a coconut, and leaves arranged in an
cxk\sp\ [hnge' sa'] n red-billed blue magpie = cxk\eta\®pa' ornamental bowl [ bs]
cxk\eAac\m cxk\ep¥ap´XAun\;pX´ [hngåpyaw: bwE: ohn: bwE:] n offering of a
cxk\sim\; [hnge' sein:] n leafbird
cxk\Siu; [hnge' hso:] n screech owl; bird of ill-omen
cxk\Sc\ [hnge' hsin] n large mythical bird with a trunk
like an elephant = T^; liuc\kacxk\ (illus) [ bs]
cxk\eta\ [hnge' taw] n king crow, black drongo
CF lc\;“m^;SX´
cxk\eta\®pa [hnge' taw bya] n red-billed blue magpie
= cxk\sp\' cxk\e Aac\ m
cxk\eta\“m^;rxv\ [hnge' taw myi: she] n greater racket-tailed
cxk\put^; [hnge' bådi:] n munia, small, sparrow-like bird
= sawt^;
cxk\ps\ [hnge' pyi'] v shoot birds, hunt birds, go bird
cxk\pn\;Tim\ [hnge' bAdein] n coppersmith barbet
CF kup\kelac\ blue-throated barbet, Piu;eKåc\ lineated
cxk\®pae®Kak\ [hnge' pya gyau'] n chestnut-bellied
cxk\®pasit\ [hnge' bya sei'] n Asian fairy bluebird
cxk\®pc\; [hnge' pyin:] n nightjar; goatsucker CF e®mwp\cxk\
cxk\P¥a; [hnge' hpya:] n ◊malaria cxk\ep¥apc\ banana
cxk\P¥a;mi [hnge' hpya: mI] n have malaria, get malaria,
come down with malaria
bunch of bananas, a coconut, and leaves arranged in an
cxk\®mt\na; [hnge' måna:] n triangular metal vane at the
ornamental bowl (illus)
top of a pagoda or shrine (illus)
cxk\ep¥aP^; [hngåpyaw: hpi:] n bunch of bananas, hand of
cxk\wå [hnge' wa] n oriole; mango bird bananas (illus)
cxk\qiuk\ [hnge' thai'] n 1) (bird's) nest 2) edible bird
cxk\ep¥aP¨; [hngåpyaw: bu:] n 1) banana bud
nest of swiftlet Callocalia fuciphaga, C esculanta CF z^wziu;
2) ‹tapering part of the spire of a pagoda, just below
cxk\qc\. [hnge' thin.] v get malaria, come down with the finial, when shaped like a banana bud CF K¥ya;q^;'
malaria Ω πSXm\;KMrc\; cxk\qc\. get malaria while accepting Sp\qXa;P¨; (illus)
donations, i.e., suffer while doing what one must do [?
cxk\ep¥aPk\ [hngåpyaw: be'] n banana leaf wrapping or
interp ok? ]
cxk\ep¥a [hnåpyaw:] n Œbanana, plantain CW lMu;' bunch P^;' cxk\ep¥aA¨ [hngåpyaw: u] n pith of banana trunk
stem Kiuc\
“ciHm\; [hnyein:] v (of fire) put out, extinguish, quench [ ph]
cxk\ep¥aKiuc\ [hngåpyaw: khain] n stem of bananas (illus:)
cxk\ep¥atMu;Pk\Aip\ [hngåpyaw: doun: hpe' ei'] n person “ciHm\; [hnyein:]
v 1) (of fire) put out, extinguish, quench
with no spouse or lover L IT : ‘embracing the banana
2) [fig] overcome sthg in one's innate nature

s1 [sa.] n sixth consonant in the Myanmar script suffix to neg verb Ω mK¥s\sP¨; K¥s\mity\" I fell in love for the
slMu;⁄ [sa. lon:] n name of s Ω slMu;ers just the beginning first time. Ω Niuc\cM®Ka;- erak\eta. Alup\- m”kio;sa;-sP¨;-”kio;sa;“p^;
CF k”k^;erk lup\ty\" When I went abroad, I worked hard as never
s2 [sa] [sa.] v begin, start before.
— part particle suffixed to a noun or verb to indicate slMu;Ÿ [sålon] part particle indicating that all are
the smallness of the amount involved included: all, the whole, the entire Ω Nxs\Ku-slMu; both Ω cå;B¨;-
ssrara [sa. za. ya ya] n everything, all = Ass(Arara) slMu; eqak\K´.qla;" Did you drink all five bottles?
Ω qMu;eyak\- slMu; Pi t\my\" We will invite all three of them.
stc\ [sa. tin] v begin, start
sP¨; [sa. hpu;] part for the first time, as never before: CF luM;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 99

s ª ska;
sqv\ [sa. dhi]part et cetera (etc), and so on, and so edges CF Nx^;s
forth, among others S YN ™ sq®Pc\. s3 [sa.] v tease, kid; make fun of, mock CF enak\
ts\sts\s [dåza. dåza.] adv gradually, bit by bit Asqn\ [åsa. than] v go (i.e., carry teasing) too far
CF t®Pv\;®Pv\; sk [zåka.] n being in the middle; being central, being
As [åsa.] n 1) beginning, start; source, origin medium; middle, centre, central place Ω lk\skAkÇ¥ shirt
Ω πAsrxi Aenak\e nac\" Once there is a start, there will be with mid-length sleeves CF Aly\Alt\' sekask®Ps\
many repetitions. Ω πAsekac\; mx' AeNxac\;eqK¥aty\" With [ ph]
a good start, the rest will come. Ω Asktv\; k (right) from skTaªska;Ta [zågåhta] n riddle, word puzzle
the (very) beginning 2) loose end, free end Ω AkÇ¥s Ω erlv\ eKåc\ eqac\TXn\; - nt\qm^;ent´.kÁn\; (ek¥ak\p¥U\)
shirttail Akǥlk\k AsTXk\enty\" The threads are islet surrounded by water - the island where the goddess
coming out of the shirt sleeve. 3) bit, fragment, chip; lives (thanakha grinding stone) CF ska;lim\
remnant, part, small piece; (of bomb, grenade, etc) ska [zåga] n sieve, strainer, bowl-shaped utensil with
shrapnel 4) [in comb] indication, manifestation holes in it, used for draining out water, sifting out small
Ω AsX m\;As ability, capacities; Atiu As short pieces, chips; particles = Sn\Kå [? check if also a net, or if yeq thE. is
q´lXn\s clue; Apiuc\; As fragments, broken pieces also a sieve]
CF AsAn ska;1 [zåga:] n (spoken) language; dialect; speech; word
AsknU^; [åsa. kånåu:] n outset, inception, beginning, Ω Aem.e rx;ska; wise words Ω ®pc\ qs\-ska; e®patt\ la;" Can
genesis you speak French? CF sa' Baqa' BaqN|r CW KXn\;
AsKp\qim\; [åsa. kha' thein:] n all, everything ska;ka; [zåga: ka:] v exaggerate
S YNAss(Arara) ska;ekac\; [zåga: kaung:] [zåga: gaung:] v be deep in
AsK¥^ [åsa. chi] v begin conversation, be absorbed in conversation
Ass(Arara) [åsa. za. (åya ya)] n all, everything — n serious talk, talk about important things
Ω AqXa;Ala' Asa;Aeqak\' AssArara ASc\ e®ppåty\"
Ω ska;ekac\;-e®paent´-. AK¥in\mxa- meNx ac\. yxk\pån´>" Don't bother
Travel, food, everything is fine. S YN AsKp\qim\;
us while we are having a serious discussion.
ÚsÚs […sa.…sa.] part CF e®pasSius ability to speak well ska;kun\ [zåga: kon] [zåga: gon] v have nothing more to
AssXa [åsa. swa] n very beginning, commencement say
AstMu; [åsa. ton:] v be annihilated, be destroyed beyond — n all that is to be said S YN ska;SuM;
repair CF lk\stMu; [? not syns in current version --
ska;km\;lxm\; [zåga: kan: hlan:] v offer, propose, make
AsTXc\ [åsa. htwin] v 1) invent 2) initiate 3) make a
ska;”k^;(ska;k¥y\) [zågågyi: (zågågyE)] n grand style of
fresh start; strike out in a new direction S YN lm\; sTXc\
speech Ω e®paliu k\rc\ ska;”k^; ska;k¥y\n´Ï'
ÚsÚn […sa. …na.] n 1) small piece, bit, fragment; lup\liuk\eta.ts\m¥io;" When he talks, it all sounds very grand,
(sharp wood, glass, etc) splinter; (metal) filing;
but what he does is quite different. CF el”k^;elk¥y\
remnant, part Ω Pn\sPn\n splinters of glass Ω qs\sqs\n bits
ska;”k^;Sy\m¥io; [zåga: gyi: hsE myo:] n ten techniques of
of wood 2) trace, sign 3) glimpse, indication
debate or persuasion ekak\pc\-rit\lx^;' ers^;-ePåc\Sn\'
Ω lk\ slk\n handiwork Ω l¨ sl¨n sb's potential
Aiu;tn\-Sn\K t\' S^pXt\-k¥v\epX>' Sc\ewx>-rn\erxac\' etac\q¨-
Asp¥io; [åsa. pyo:] v make a beginning, prelude yaKut\' Âkk\Sut\-KXp\ps\' erss\-kra;' erqXa;-eqaqXc\'
Asep¥ak\ [åsa. pyau'] v disappear, vanish (without a Kk\tc\-emac\; nc\;
trace); lose all track (of), be unable to find a trace or
ska;eÂkarxv\ [zågågyaw: she] v (usu of person) be
hint (of)
long-winded, (usu of a speech, etc) be verbose
As®po [åsa. pyu.] v commence, start, begin S YN eleÂkarxv\' ska;rxv\' ska;tMrxv\
As®pt\ [åsa. pya'] v come to an end, terminate, be over ska;kÁM [zåga: gyun] v make a verbal commitment,
AsePa\ [åsa. hpaw] v give a hint (to help sb remember); commit oneself (in speech) S YN NOt\kÁM CF ska;lXn\
jog sb's memory; bring out sthg inherent [? check last] ska;ÂkX [zåga: kywa] v not keep a secret, let slip, blab
AseP¥ak\ [åsa. hpyau'] v erase all evidence, destroy all ska;ÂkXy\ [zåga: kywE] v speak well, be eloquent, be
clues fluent
AsAn [åsa. åna.] n 1) small piece, bit, fragment; (sharp ska;eKÅ [zåga: khaw] v fish for (Upsa), speak indirectly
wood, glass, etc) splinter; (metal) filing; remnant, part to get some information or accomplish some end, hint
Ω Pn\sPn\n splinters of glass Ω qs\ sqs\ n bits of wood
at what one wants to know
2) trace, sign 3) glimpse, indication Ω lk\slk\n
ska;KM [zåga: khan] v 1) tell what will happen, orient;
handiwork Ω l¨sl¨n sb's potential
forewarn, give warning, let sb know what to expect
AsArc\; [åsa. åyin:] n the very beginning 2) introduce one's subject with appropriate remarks
Asqt\, Asqim\; [åsa. tha', åsa. thein:] v 1) wind up, = ska;pl¬c\KM' pl¬c\KM
conclude, finish (up or off), take care of loose ends ska;K¥^' ska;K¥^; [zågåchi, zågåchi:] n introduction; (in
2) stop (at a certain point) 3) (of basketwork) trim the

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ska; ª ska;
writing) foreward, preface; (in speaking) introductory opinions, etc, bounce idea off a person (inf), pick sb's
remarks CF nidån\; brain (inf)
ska;eK¥a [zåga: chaw:] v S YN Ae®paeK¥a 1) (of a person) ska;tc\ [zåga: tin] v 1) say empty words (in place of
be a smooth talker, be well-spoken; have a fine style of action), say fine words (ironic) 2) impose one's words
speaking, be eloquent, be articulate Ω pX´sa;lup\ty\-Siuta on sb, say unwelcome things
hiuBk\d^Bk\ Nxs\Bk\slMu; n´Ï ska;eK¥aeAac\ e®patt\mx ska;tc\s^; [zåga: tin si:] v order sb around; talk
rty\" You will be a successful broker only if you can speak conceitedly S YN tc\s^;
smoothly to both sides. 2) (of a conversation, ska;tc\; [zåga: tin:] n gossip
negotiation, etc) go well, go smoothly ska;tc\;Siu [zågådin: so] v (maliciously) let secrets, etc
ska;e®Kak\ [zåga: chau'] v threaten sb (with words), slip, tell tales, tell on sb, blab (inf) A NT NOt\pit\ keep a
pressure sb (to), put pressure on sb, blackmail secret, keep mum CF Atc\;e®pa
ska;K¥it\ [zåga: chei'] v 1) (in conversation) make a link, ska;etac\sa; [zågådaung za:] n hair-splitter, quibbler,
link (with), make a transition 2) insult indirectly, make one who makes long objections to small ambiguities,
cutting remarks, insinuate points, etc
ska;K¥p\ [zågåcha'] n parenthesis, added non-essential ska;tt\ [zåga: ta'] v 1) (of a child) learn to speak 2) be
but useful or interesting information; postscript, PS; witty, be clever in conversation
notes S YN ska;vHp\ ska;Ta [zågåhta] n riddle, word puzzle Ω erlv\eKåc\
ska;K¥op\ [zåga: cho'] [zågåcho'] v conclude Ω kÁn\m-e®pat.´- eqac\TXn\; - nt\qm^;ent´.kÁn\; (ek¥ak\p¥U\) islet surrounded
ska;etX K¥op\rrc\Ú I will conclude by saying… by water - the island where the goddess lives (thanakha
— n concluding remarks, conclusion, summary grinding stone) CF ska;lim\' ska;wxk\
Ω ska;K¥op\ keta. in conclusion; a few final words ska;Tae®P [zågåhta hpye] v solve a riddle
ska;s [zåga: sa.] [zågåza.] v broach a subject, be the first ska;Tawxk\ [zågåhta hwe'] v tell a riddle
one to mention a certain topic of conversation ska;Ta;ska;en [zåga: hta: zåga: ne] n impression of
— n 1) word or expression used to broach a certain sb, formed by what is said S YN ska;AenATa;
subject, sthg used to start discussion on a certain ska;eTak\ [zåga: htau'] v prompt, help to express,
subject 2) unfinished conversation remember, etc CF tra;eTak\
ska;sm¥a; [zågåza. mya:] v 1) talk about many subjects ska;Ts\ [zåga: hti'] v stutter, stammer, speak haltingly
within a short time, talk nineteen to the dozen 2) start ska;Tv\. [zåga: htE.] v set sb up to speak or do sthg to
a fight or argument with sthg one says one's advantage
ska;s®mv\e®pa [zåga: såmyi pyaw:] v chat, make small ska;Tn\ [zåga: htan] v speak with strong emotion (esp
talk, make polite conversation anger), rage
ska;ss\Tiu; [zåga: si' hto:] v debate (a question, ska;eTX [zåga: htwe] v be confused (in talking)
assertion, etc); argue (a point, etc) ska;na [zågåna] n blame, accusation
ska;sp\ [zågåza'] v in that case, by the way Ω ska;sp\liuÏ ska;naTiu; [zågåna hto:] v blame, accuse, reproach or
e®parË;my\ now that you mention it Ω ska;sp\miliuÏ because complain harshly
it came up (in conversation) ska;nc\; [zåga: nin:] v imply
— n (reference to) context ska;Niuc\ [zågå nain] n the last word (in an argument)
ska;sp\j [zåga: sa' ywe.] adv incidentally; in connection Ω ska;Niuc\ mKM n´>" Don't let her have the last word.
with S YN ™ ska;sp\liuÏ' Al¥U\;qc\.liuÏ CF ska;msp\ ska;Niuc\piuc\; [zågånain bain:] v quit while ahead (in an
ska;sp\qc\ [zågåza' thin] v teaching of the source and argument)
relation of words, usu from poetry ska;Niuc\lu [zågånain lu.] v try to get the last word (in)
ska;Sk\ [zåga: hse'] n context Ω ska;Niuc\mlu pån´>" liurc\; kiue®papå" Quit arguing and get to
ska;Sn\; [zåga: hsan:] n strange talk the point.
ska;SuM; [zåga: son:] v finish speaking ska;NOik\ [zåga: hnai'] v draw out sb's views, opinions,
— n all that is to be said, all one wants or is willing to etc
say CF ska;kun\ ska;Nxs\KX [zåga: hnåkhwa.] n ambiguous or equivocal
ska;vHa [zåga: hnya] v (in an argument) weak point, statement
vulnerability ska;Nxs\KXe®pa [zåga: hnåkhwa. pyaw:] v make ambiguous or
ska;vHp\ [zåga: hnya'] n parenthesis, added non- equivocal statement, use deliberately unclear language,
essential but useful or interesting information fence-sit (Upsa)
S YN ska;K¥p\ ska;Nxip\ [zåga: hnei'] v attack sb (with words)
ska;tMrxv\ [zågåtan she] v (usu of person) be long- ska;eNxak\ [zåga: hnau'] v (deliberately) confuse sb
winded, be loquacious (fml); (usu of a speech, style, ska;på; [zåga; pa;] v send a message by
etc) be verbose, wordy S YN ska;eÂkarxv\' eleÂkarxv\' ska;p^ [zåga; pi] v speak clearly
ska;rxv\' ska;tMrxv\ ska;epåÏ [zågåbaw.] n small talk, (chit-)chat
ska;etak\ [zåga: tau'] v sound a person for ideas,

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ska; ª ska;
ska;pMu [zågåbon] n proverb, saying; adage old saw between two sides to show skill in argument
(neg) ska;rip\ [zågåyei'] n hint, implication
ska;piuc\ [zåga: pain] v have a way with words (Upsa) ska;rip\®p [zågåyei' pya.] v hint, drop a hint, imply
ska;pl¬c\KM [zåga: pålin khan] v introduce one's subject CF ska;U^; qn\;
with appropriate remarks = ska;KM' pl¬c\KM ska;rxc\' ska;Arxc\e®pa [zåga: shin] v remain
ska;p¥io; [zåga: pyo:] v make an introduction (to a speech, noncommittal, be vague, be diplomatic Ω ¯tk\Niuc\rc\
subject, etc) liuk\K´.my\˘ ska;-Arxc\-e®paty\" She just said ‘I'll come if I
ska;e®p [zågåbye] n 1) prose, writing that is not in can’. Ω ska;kiu Arxc\e®paTa;ty\' tra;eq mhut\B¨;" He
poetic form 2) [arch] parley, talk (with the enemy) [ wr] was vague, nothing is certain.
ska;rxv\ [zåga: she] v talk for long time, give a long
ska;e®paeÂk;nn\; [zåga: byaw: kyi: (kye:) nan:] n telephone speech, be longwinded, be verbose, use more words
ska;e®pahn\ [zåga: pyaw: han] n colloquial style, the than necessary S YN eleÂkarxv\' ska;eÂkarxv\'
style of spoken language (in writing) CF ska;e®phn\ ska;tMrxv\' elrxv\
ska;e®phn\ [zåga: pye han] n literary style, the style of ska;ela [zåga: law:] v 1) talk in a hurry 2) say
written language S YN saska; CF ska;e®pahn\ prematurely
ska;®pn\ [zågåbyan] n 1) interpreter CF Baqa®pn\ ska;el [zågåle] n useless words
2) response ska;lk\SMuk¥ [zåga: le' hson kya.] v be absorbed in
ska;Pa [zåga: hpa] v correct oneself (when speaking) conversation S YN ska;ekac\;
S YN Pa ska;lm\;eÂkac\;lW´ [zåga: lan: gyaung: lwE:] v change the
ska;Piu [zågåpo] n meaningless syllables attached to subject
word for euphonic effect CF ska;m ska;lim\ [zågålein] n language game in which parts of
ska;ePac\ [zåga: hpaung] v chatter, talk without syllables are exchanged, combined, and reversed to give
stopping hidden meaning Ω pc\ly\' Då;®p = (pc\ly\)k¥y\'
ska;Pn\Tiu; [zAga; hpan hto;] v distort sb's words, giving (Då;®p)tiuk\ = ”kiok\ty\" sea, bandit; (sea) wide, (bandit)
wrong impression, misrepresent what sb said [? attack; I like you. CF ska;Ta' e®pac\;®pn\
intentionally? if not, garble, if so, twist] ska;lMu; [zågålon] n word S YN pud\' pd CF ska;lMu;'
ska;m [zågåma.] n meaningful word to which ewåhar CW KXn\;
meaningless syllables are attached for effect CF ska;Piu ska;lx [zågåhla.] n clever words
ska;msp\ [zåga: måsa'] adv by the way, by the bye, ska;lxy\ [zåga: hlE] v repartee, quick comeback, retort
incidentally: phrase used to introduce a different ska;elYa. [zåga: shaw.] v retreat (from position)
subject Ω ska;msp\ em;U^; my\Ú By the way, I want to ask ska;elYak\ [zåga: shau'] v have an audience (with
you… CF Sk\sp\“p^; monks or royalty)
ska;em; [zåga: me:] n question ska;liOc\ [zåga: hlaing] v have a lot to talk about
ska;em;mr [zåga: me: måya.] v faint, lose consciousness, ska;lXn\ [zåga: lun] v 1) commit oneself (by careless
pass out speech) Ω ska;lXn\ kÁn\®Ps\" Commit yourself and you
ska;mit\ [zågåmei'] n [fig] compatible words, become a slave. CF ska;kÁM 2) speak rudely
agreement ska;lW´ [zåga: hlwE:] v change the subject (of
ska;m¥a; [zåga: mya:] v 1) argue, quarrel, have words conversation) S YN ska;eqX
with each other 2) be talkative ska;wiuc\; [zågåwain:] n discussion group
ska;mxt\ [zåga: hma'] v note ska;wiuc\;PX´> [zågåwain: hpwE.] v get together for a talk
ska;e®mak\ [zågåmyau'] n grand words ska;wxk\ [zågåhwe'] n 1) password 2) riddle CF ska;Ta'
ska;emW [zåga: hmwe] v (deliberately) confuse sb, ska;lim\
misinform, cause dissent, misunderstanding ska;qa [zåga: tha] v excel in talking
CFska;eNxak\ ska;qc\ [zåga: thin] v teach to talk or speak
ska;yxk\ [zågåshe'] n ambiguous words, double Ω bmaska;qc\e p; teach to speak Burmese
entendre ska;qip\ [zågåthei'] n soothing words, comforting
ska;eraePaera [zågåyaw: hpaw: yaw:] adv (talk) glibly of words, consoling words
nothing; (interfere) without knowing what is going on ska;qXa;ska;la [zågådhwa: zågåla] n meaning (of
Ω q¨-e®paenta qip\sit\mwc\sa;B¨;" dåepm.´ l¨mOer;-Ar remark); drift (of conversation); trend (of debate)
ska;era-ePaera lup\liuk\ty\" I wasn't really interested in ska;eqX [zåga: thwe] v change the subject Ω d^kisßken
what he was saying, but I just agreed with everything to be ska;eqXmqXa;n´>AMu; Don't try to change the subject.
friendly. S YN ska;lW´
ska;erac\;ska;wy\ [zågåyaung: zågåwE] v exchange ska;qXc\; [zåga: thwin:] v convince sb
information, gossip, news, etc (esp when one tries to ska;qXy\ [zåga: thwE] v guide the conversation to one's
extract information or pin down an opinion) subject
ska;rv\lup´X [zågåye lu. bwE:] n formal debate, contest

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ska; ª sKn\;
ska;hin\; [zåga: hein:]
v 1) speak loudly, speak up 2) try sacred symbols; sole of the foot of a distinguished
to impress others by grand talk person, which has an unusual sign (illus) [ bh] 5) ‹the
ska;ehac\; [zåga: haung:] n old saying, adage, old saw law; the Wheel of Law, Cakra 6) pinwheel, toy windmill
RF elsÂka. 7) swastika (illus) [ bh bs ph pl]

ska;hp\ [zåga: ha'] v to match one's words to another's sÂka®Pn\Ï [se' kya hpyan.] v ‹(of the Buddha or royalty)
start a journey [ ry bh]
ska;AeK¥Atc\ [zåga; Ache Atin] n (oral) debate CF ®cc\;KMu sÂkartna [se' kya ya dåna] n precious stones and
ska;APt\tc\ [zåga: åhpa' tin] v waste breath, waste weapons which seek out the sÂkarxc\
words sÂkarxc\ [se' kya shin] n king of the four islands of the
ska;A¨epåk\ [zåga: u pau'] n desultory small talk, talk universe, possessing a mythical chariot and weapons,
about nothing in particular cakravartin (Pali), cakkavattin (Skt) S YN sÂkwet;mc\;
ska;U^;qn\; [zågåu: than:] v 1) hint, give a hint sÂkaqiuk\ [se' kya thai'] n book of legends and predictions
Ω piu k\SMmrxi B¨;liuÏ ska;U^; qn\; Ta;eta. AeÂkX;y¨liuÏ (in verse)
mekac\; B¨;epåÏ" It's not good to hint that you don't have any sKn\; [såkhan:] n 1) camp 2) stage (in development)
money because you want to borrow some. S YN ska;rip\®p sKn\;kun\lm\;kun\ [såkhan: gon lan: gon] adv to the utmost,
2) suggest or reveal what will happen to the fullest extent
ska;Aiu; [zåga: o:] n chatterbox, talkative person, talker; sKn\;”k^; [såkhan: kyi:] v be proud, be arrogant, be
windbag (neg) haughty, be snobbish, be stuck up (inf)
ska;Aup\ [zåga: o'] v defeat with bigger words sKn\;K¥ [såkhan: cha.] v camp, bivouac, pitch or make camp
msp\ska; [måsa' zåga:] n irrelevant comment, remark,
contribution, etc sKn\;K¥(et;) [såkhan: gya. (de:)] n song by male character
ska;2 [zåga:] n Œfrangipani, tree with fragrant flowers before a sad part of a dance
=sMgaa; sKn\;K¥´> [såkhan; chE.] v overdo, exaggerate, make much
sek; [såke:] n scale, e.g., of map, music, salary, etc [Engl] of (sthg small), play up, be histrionic, make a
Ω lsasek; salary scale CF k^; œkey production of
sekakrc\ [zågaw: kåyin] n Sgaw Karen, one of the major sKn\;SMu; [såkhan; son;] v finish (job, affair, etc)
Pwakanyaw (Karen) ethnic groups CF krc\ S YN sKn\;®pt\
sekask®Ps\ [zågaw: zåga. hpyi'] v be in between, fall in sKn\;T [såkhan: hta.]v 1) bivouac, set up a camp (on a
between, not fit (a standard), be neither one thing nor journey) 2) [fig] be resurgent, become active again,
another Ω d^wt†o k saAup\Tut\PiuÏ qip\tiuty\' mg©zc\;T´Tv\.PiuÏ- regain popularity; come back into fashion Upsa 3) [fig]
k¥lv\; qip\rxv\enty\" sekask-®Ps\en-taepåÏ" This story become powerful; become popular CF ts\sKn\;T
is too short for a book. but too long to put in a magazine.
It falls in between. CF sk' eqac\mtc\ermk¥ [ ph] sKn\;eTak\ [såkhan: htau'] v break a journey, rest during
a journey
seka.tln\ [såkaw. tålan] n ∏Scotland sKn\;eTac\. [såkhan: htaung.]
v 1) (of a journey) find it
sk¥c\ek¥ak\ [zågyin kyau'] n alabaster, a white translucent hard going 2) (of a place) be out of the way
stone S YN Kr^;eTac\.
sÂkwet;mc\; [se' kyåwåde: min:] n ‹Cakkavattin (Pali), sKn\;epåk\ [såkhan pau'] v achieve success, develop, attain
Cakravartin (Skt) king of the four islands of the universe,
possessing a magical chariot and weapons S YN sÂkarxc \ sKn\;®pt\ [såkhan; son;] v finish (job, affair, etc)
CF mNÎa t\' sÂka [ bh pl] S YN sKn\;SMu;
sÂkwLa [se' kya wåla] n 1) [cosm] cosmological system of a sKn\;qim\; [såkhan: dhein:] [såkhan: thein:] n duet dance
spherical or circular barrier surrounding the world, which ending a traditional drama [ ms]
is centred on ®mc\;miur\ (Mount Meru). Four oceans surround — v 1) strike camp 2) [drama] close a scene; [fig]
Mount Meru, each with a great island continent and its come to an end
own sun and moon Ω pub`wiedh' Aerx>kÁn\; eastern island, sKn\;qXa; [såkhan: thwa:] v 1) perform a duet dance in a
home of ??, koko tree; Ω zbµød^på' zm`ødip\' lkç¥a' etac\kÁn\; traditional drama, symbolising faithfulness 2) [fig] work
southern island, home of humans, eugenia tree Ω egåya' (together) with, put up with (neg), deal with, go on
Apregåyan western island, ??, Nauclia parviflora tree Ω Alu p\k AROM;®pen“p^' By\ liuSk\“p^; sKn\; qXa;Âkml´" We are
Ω Ut† rku Ru' e®mak\ kÁn\; northern island, ??, ?? tree 2) such losing money; how will we deal with this? Ω l¨etX-Aa;lMu;
a cosmological system, an infinite number of which are Alup\TXk\-qXa;liuÏ cå--ts\eyak\Tv\; sKn\; qXa;rlv\; Bamx-
in the universe 3) the extent of such a cosmological m®Ps\B¨;" Everyone quit, but it is alright if I have to go on
system 4) universe alone.
sÂka [se' kya] n 1) circle 2) chariot of the sÂkwet;mc\; ts\sKn\;T [tåsåkhan: hta.] v [fig] contribute a competing
cakkavattin CF sÂkwet;mc\; 3) powerful weapon or objecting point of view; take a different course; come
4) ‹sole of the foot of the Buddha, which has 108 up with a new idea L I T : ‘put up another camp’

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 103

sK¥c\.PXy\ ª snv\;
sK¥c\.PXy\ [såchin. bwE]
part ¬particle suffixed to a verb to stun\ [såton] n stone, 14 pounds, 6.5 kg [Engl]
denote desireability (similar to -able) = ™ sraekac\;' stm\; [zådan:] part particle suffixed to a verb to indicate an
K¥c\.sPXy\' sPXy\ agreement to do (or not to do) sthg Ω ts\eyak\kiu
sKXn\> [såkhun.] n œtwo-headed drum on a stand = sv\diu;' ts\eyak\-eqt´.ATi qsßamP¥k\-stm\; Alup\-lup\my\" They
enak\(Tp\)diu; (illus) [ ms] pledged to work loyally with each other until death. = tm\;
sti [zådI] n token, symbolic or small representation of sNueSac\ [sånu. zaung] n covered passageway connecting
sthg Ω Ai m\rxc\ Tmc\;ekÁ;ta Aa;naliuÏ stielak\p´ buildings in a monastery or palace (illus) [ bh ry]
sa;K´.ty\" As he could not refuse the host's offer of a meal, sen [såne] n Saturday CF enÏ
he ate a token amount. sen“gioh\ [såne gyo] n ß©Saturn, the strongest (and
— v be solid S YN eKåc\;pit\; A NT eKåc\;epåk\ hollow most dangerous) planet
st^r^yiu [såti ri yo] adj 1) stereo, stereophonic CF miuNiu mono sen“gioh\wc\ [såne gyo win] n bad luck; jinx, person who
2) Óstereoscopic [Engl] brings bad luck CF “gio h\qk\ sidereal period
st^;(l\) [såti;] n steel [Engl] Ω st^;KXk\ steel cup sennM [såne nan] n ßconsonants associated with
stu [såtu.] n four (in compound words), quad(-ri, -ru), Saturday, t T d D n Ω sennM-wc\rc\ mekac\;B¨; liuÏ ebdc\k
quat(-ra, -ro) eha-liuk\ty\" dåÏeÂkac\. T^;wy\liu m®Ps\B¨;" Because
stugM [såtu. gan] n rectangle, quadrilateral ≈ Saturday is a negative influence, and T^; starts with the
CFeTac\.mxn\stugM' el;eTac\. rectangle; Ana;®pioc\stugM Saturday letter T, the astrologer says that you shouldn’t
parallelogram;bhugM polygon buy an umbrella.
studiqa [såtu. di tha] n 1) four cardinal directions: senNxs\Kiuc\ [såne hnåkhain] n [poet] breasts
north, south, east, west CF m¥k\Nxa 2) feast given in seneTac\. [såne daung.] n south-west
charity to all who wish to come senPXa; [såne hpwa:] n person born on Saturday (i.e.,
stuDåtuwt†an\ [såtu. dåtu. wu' tan] n meditation on the who is stubborn)
four qualities of the body: e®m hardness/softness; er sNiu;senac\. [zåno: zånaung.] adv 1) with a feeling of uneasiness
fluidity; m^; heat; el circulation or anxiety 2) with a feeling of suspicion, doubt, or
stumD¨ [såtu. mådu] n tonic made of sesame oil, molasses, uncertainty S YN neKÅnK¥v\
honey or palm sugar, butter, and medicinal herbs, which snk\ [såne'] n 1) (detonating) fuse 2) [fig] incitement,
may be taken by monks after noon CF K¥k\eS; instigation CF lk\K¥k\
snk\tM [såne' tan] n 1) detonator, blasting cap 2) [fig]
stumharaz\ [såtu. måha ri'] n [cosm] first of the six agent provacateur
levels of existence inhabited by spirits sNiuk\ [sånai'] v snipe, kind of small game bird [Engl]
= nt\®pv\ e®Kak\ Tp\ [ bh] CF biul\sa;cxk\
sturn\; [såtu. yan:] n square senac\.snc\; [zånaung. zånin:] adv 1) with a feeling of
stuelakpål [såtu. law: ka. pa la.] n [cosm] four guardian uneasiness or anxiety Ω kel;-AtXk\-sit\p¨enreta. Alup\-
nat devas looking after the world from the four cardinal lup\rta senac\.snc\; ®Ps\enty\" Because I was worried
points about my child, I was uneasy at work. 2) with a feeling of
stutÊ [zådo' hta.] n fourth suspicion, doubt, or uncertainty; doubtfully Ω Alup\rxc\k
st¨d^yiu [såtu di yo] n studio [Engl] kÁn\eta\kiu Alup\-‘Pt\my\liuÏ-Tc\eneta. sit\T´mx senac\.-
setd^yM [såte di yan] n stadium [Engl] snc\; n´Ï-mep¥a\B¨;" Because I thought my employer was going
set; [zåde:] v 1) sacrifice (human or animal) 2) [fig] to fire me, I felt uncertain and was unhappy. S YN sNiu; senac\.
sacrifice oneself, die for one's country, cause, ideals, etc
CF Ans\naKM' sXn\>lWt\ sns\1 [såni'] v measure S YN tiuc\;ta [?
ok? syn new U Wun]
seta. [såtaw.] n stock [Engl] [ pe] — n 1) system; plan 2) rule; custom; discipline
seta\By\r^ [såtaw bE ri] n strawberry [Engl] Ω ts\ lts\e yak\ sns\ 3) method 4) measurement
stiu;Siuc\ [såto; (hsain)] n shop, store (Am) [Engl] 5) incident, event = qns\
stiuc\ [såtain] n style [Engl] sns\k¥ [såni' kya.] v be systematic, be methodical; be
rational; be orderly
stv\;ºK¥ [zådE: cha.] v stay (temporarily)
stit\ROi; [såtei' sho;] n stageshow, live entertainment in sns\tk¥ [såni' dågya.] adv systematically, methodically,
rationally; properly
restaurants or nightclubs; concert
stut\ [zådo'] n strickle, levelling instrument sns\pMu [såni' pon] n 1) scale model 2) schematic plan
stut\tiuk\ [zådo' tai'] v 1) level a measure of grain with sns\qs\ [såni' thi'] n reform, new system
a strickle 2) cut off at a certain level or point
sns\2 [sAni'] v Ófold clothes, linens, etc S YN eKåk\
— n Ócrease S YN eKåk\Riu;
stn\> [såtan.] n stunt [Engl]
stn\ÏtXc\' stn\Ïliuk\ [sAtan. twin, sAtan. lai'] v do sthg as a snv\ ; [sånE:] n auspicious or ominous saying, omen
CF teBac\' Nimit\' Bewå' qiu k\sa' Ati t\
stunt (i.e., to get attention, without serious intention)
snv\;na [sånE: na] v 1) inquire; investigate Ω “mio>T´qXa;“p^;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 104

sprc\ ª srit\
denote desireability (equivalent to -able) S YN [colloq]
sraekac\;' sK¥c\.PXy\
sbh [sa. ba. ha.] abbr ÍTactical Operations Command [? what
is this in bse? add to si'?]
sm [såma.] n letter such as s d b w used in cabalistic square
[ bs]
sm¨Sa [såmu hsa] n 1) samosa, triangular fried pastry stuffed
\ with potato and onion 2) ∞Îwoman's pubic area,
pussy ∞
Alup\kisß snv\;naAMu; mxp´" I have to go into the city to sm¨Saqut\ [såmu hsa tho'] n soup made from cut up
inquire about some business matters. 2) dig for news, samosas, beans, potato, bean fritters and chilli CF p´lip\
gather information
sprc\ [såpårin] n spring, coil spring [Engl] sm´ [såmE:] n meat, meat dish
spå; [zåba:] n 1) Œrice (plant) 2) (unhusked) rice, paddy smut\ [såmo'] n gateway to a palace or a monastery (illus at
CF Sn\' Tmc\; ek¥ac\;)
spå;k¥^ [zåbågyi] n granary; barn smut\KM [såmo' khan] n [drama] 1) minister's request for
spå;Kc\; [zåba; gin;] n rice paddies, paddy fields, rice the orchestra to play the music for the king's entry
fields 2) music for the king's entry [ ms]
spå;tiu; [zåba; to:] n ¥credit system in which a loan is smun\spå; [såmon zåba:] n anise, aniseed, a spice with a
repaid in rice at harvest S YN spå;ep; liquorice-like taste
spå;diuc\ [zåbådain] n paddy buying unit or centre; paddy smun\nk\ [såmon ne'] n fennel, black cumin
depot, rice warehouse
smMuciu [såmon ngo] n lament (in prose)
spå;nk\ [zåbåne'] n Œstrain of rice s“m´ [såmyE:] part particle suffixed to a verb to show
spå;ny\ [zåba: nE] v thresh (rice, to remove grains from inevitability or habit, always, used to
s®mc\; [såmyin:] n scybalum, hardened faeces
spå;NxM [zåbåhnan] n ear of rice
spå;ep; [zåba; pe:] n ¥credit system in which a loan is s“mit\ [såmyei'] n dill, a mild spice
repaid in rice at harvest S YN spå;tiu;
srny\ [sårånE] v (of medicines) blend ingredients, mix
spå;emX; Ω m¥k\si spå;emX;s¨;qv\ [? ?] sra [såya] part particle suffixed to a verb to form a verbal
noun or adjective Ω em;sra questions, something to ask
spå;lc\ [zåbålin] n Œlemon grass
Ω cåÏAtX k\ m¥k\rv\k¥sramliu B¨;" There's no need to shed
spå;lMu; [zåbålon:] n grain of unhusked rice found among
tears for me. CF sPXy\' qPXy\' sK¥c\.PXy\' K¥c\.sPXy\
husked rice Sn\ or cooked rice Tmc\;
spå;elxÏ [zåba: hle.] v winnow, let husk blow away from sRiuk\ [zåyai'] n 1) nature (inherent or acquired), quality,
character trait, streak (inf), habit 2) way of life
spå;A¨elYak\piu; [zåba: u shau' po:] n rice stem borer, an srv\;2 [zåyi:] n large earthen pot (illus)
insect pest srit\1 [zåyei'] n cost (l¨enmOsrit\ cost of living); (ensU\srit\
per diem); adjustment, allowance, money given to cover
spå;”k^; [zåbågyi:] n python, large snake which crushes its
expected expenses ( rxa;på;srit\ cost of living allowance,
prey in its coils
weighting); fare qXa;srit\; expense, money given to
spå;AMu; [zåbåon:] n kind of smaller python CF spå;”k^;
cover specific charges kun\k¥srit\ (Kr^;srit\ travel
sepÅ [zåbaw] n deposit, earnest money, partial payment in expenses); charge, fee (AKn\;srit\ room charge)
advance for a large purchase or hire
Ω l¨ enmO sri t\
”k^;®mc\.liuÏ Asiu;rk wn\Tm\;etXkiu rxa;på;srit\
sput\tM [såpo' tan] n spoke (of bicycle wheel) [spoke Engl + Tut\ep;ty\" The government gave public servants a cost
tM Myan] of living adjustment because the cost of living went up.
spin\ [såpein] n 1) ∏Spain 2) Spaniard CF K' eZ; RF srit\sk.
— n&adj Spanish [ pe] srit\KM [zåyei' khan] v pay for (sthg); cover (expenses,
spy\' spåy\ªsMpy\ [zåbE] n Œjasmine cost, charges, etc)
spy\ra [såpE ya] n 1) driver's assistant (on long-distance srit\“cim\; [zåyei' nyein:]
adv inclusive Ω lK (40,000)
transport) S YN yaU\liuk\ 2) bus conductor rtak ensrit\' sa;srit\ melak\B¨;" srit\“cim\; (10 000)
spy\rxy\ [såpE shE] adj special [Engl] = rxy\ rtak ekac\; eq;ty\" If you get a salary of 40,000, it
sp¥s\ [zåbyi'] n grape [ ph] isn't enough for your living expenses. It would be better to
sp¥s\®KM [zåbyi' chan] n vineyard get 10 000 inclusive. (i.e., company provides housing and
sp¥s\®KMrxc\ [zåbyi' chan shin] n vintner [? ok?] meals.)
sp¥s\pc\ [zåbyi' pin] n grapevine srit\sk [zåyei' zåga.] n cost (l¨enmOsrit\ cost of living);
sp¥s\rv\ [zåbyi' ye] n wine S YN wiuc\ (ensU\srit\ per diem); adjustment, allowance, money
sPXy\ [såhpwE] part [lit] particle suffixed to a verb to given to cover expected expenses ( rxa;på;srit\ cost of

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 105

srit\ ª sa
living allowance, weighting); fare qXa;srit\; expense, sawå [sa wa] n golden weaverbird
money given to cover specific charges kun\k¥srit\ tsasa [dåza za] adv (of sound) persistently and
(Kr^;srit\ travel expenses); charge, fee (AKn\;srit\ room stridently
charge) sa1 [sa] n 1) writing; inscription 2) (written) language,
srit\2 [zåyei'] n grapeshot, small shot or pellets in a text CF ska; 3) letter Ω eTak\KMsa (letter of) reference
shotgun cartridge Ω ps\ sa poison-pen letter CW esac\ 4) literature, writing,
srn\ [såyan] n deposit, partial advance payment works; poetry, verse Ω ®mn\masa@an Myanmar Department (of
serX; [såywe:] n 1) tenon 2) mortise joint (illus) a university) 5) lessons (for study), text (to be learned)
serX;tM [såywe: dan] n tenon Ω Ai m\sa homework Ω sa-” kio;sa;ty\ work hard at school or
serX;epåk\ [såywe: pau'] n mortise one's studies 6) birthmark CF sank\ [ wr]
sliueb;n^;ya; [sålo ve: ni: ya:] n ∏Slovenia CF y¨giuSla;b^;ya; sak¨; [sa ku;] v copy; transcribe
[ cr] sak¨;sk\ [sa ku; se'] n copy machine, copier CF mit†øsk\
— adj Slovenian [ pe] sakiuy\ [sa go] n text, main subject matter of a book
sliubk\k^;ya; [sålo ve' ki: ya:] n ∏Slovakia saek¥vk\ [sa kye nye'] v 1) know (lesson, etc) by heart
2) understand (lesson, etc) completely
— adj Slovakian [ cr]
slc\;Bk\ [sAlin be'] n woman's shoulder bag [slim bag sak¥io;sap¥k\ [sa gyo; sa bye'] n poorly written work
sak¥k\ [sa kye'] v study one's lessons, memorise
slc\; [så (thå) lin:] n quartz [ ph] sak¥n\mxt\ [sa gyan hma'] n caret, symbol showing where
sthg is to be inserted, "^" sign
selac\; [sålaung:] n 1) lampshade 2) lid of a ceramic
cooking pot Ω πAiu;kmp¨ selac\; kp¨" The pot is not hot,
sa”k^;ep”k^; [sa gyi; pe gyi;] n serious literature, classic
literature; authoritative work, reference book
but the lid is. (i.e., the one who is most affected does not
mind, but another does) 3) sthg shaped like a lid, esp a
saeÂkac\; [sa kyaung;] [sa gyaung;] v lead the reading of a
piece of writing, read aloud
satellite dish Ω “gio h\tuselac\; tp\ link to a satellite dish
selac\;PuM; [sålaung: bon:] n lid of a ceramic cooking pot — n line of writing, line of print
slut\ [zålo'] n Adam's apple (of human); crop (of bird) saeÂkac\;er [sa gyaung; ye] n number of lines
Ω saeÂkac\;er (15) eÂkac\; 15 lines
slMu;2 [sålon] part particle indicating that all are included:
all, the whole, the entire Ω Nx s\Ku-slMu; both
saÂkv\. [sax kyI] v 1) read (silently) 2) study one's
lessons, memorise
Ω cå;B¨;slMu;eqak\K´. qla;" Did you drink all five bottles?
Ω qMu;eyak\-slMu; Pit\my\" We will invite all three of them.
saÂkv\.tiuk\ [sa kyI dai'] n library S YN pi!kt\tiuk\
CF saPt\qc\;
sly\ [zålE] n unit of grain equal to 0.0176 bushel, 0.064 saÂkv\.tiuk\mØ; [sa kyI dai' hmu;] n librarian
saÂkv.\m¥k\mxn\ [sa kyI mye' hman] n reading glasses
S YN An^;Âkv\.-m¥k\mxn\
slXy\ [sålwE] n 1) double sash worn as sign of honour,
rank, office (illus) 2) style of kicking ®Kc\; lMu;(caneball)
saÂkm\; [sa gyan;] n draft A NT AeK¥a' saeK¥a
slXy\qiuc\; [sålwE thain:] [sålwE dhain:] v wear across one saKiu; [sa kho;] v cheat, copy (sb's test, paper, work, etc);
plagiarise Ω cåsaKiu;K¥t´.-AeÂkac\; d^ekac\ Srakiu qXa;KÁn\liuÏ
cå A®ps\ep;KMrta" I was punished because that guy went
— adv (wearing) across the chest
and told the teacher I was cheating.
sewx> [såhwe.] n particular movement in game of caneball saeKåc\; [sa gaun;] n 1) opening lines of a letter 2) title
(of article), headline (of newspaper story)
sAiu [såo] n anus Ω saeKåc\;tp\ ty\ give a story a headline = eKåc\;sU\
sa1 [sa] v 1) sympathise with; be considerate to; have 3) address S YN lip\sa
consideration for RF sana. 2) compare to, compare with saKuM [sa gon] n πprinter’s drawer
saK¥^ [såchi] n Ó1) royal accountant 2) secretary, scribe
sana [sa na] v sympathise with; be considerate to; have CF saer;AK¥^ [? what is the difference?]
consideration for S YN kiuy\K¥c\;sa saeK¥a [sa chaw] v have a smooth writing style [? ok?]
sanasit\ [sa na zei'] n consideration, sympathy — n final draft, fair copy S YN AeK¥a; A NT saÂkm\;
sa2 [sa] v (of voice) be shrill, (of sound) be piercing saK¥io; [sax cho;] v 1) recite verse related to a ceremony
— n sparrow 2) satirise, lampoon, make fun of [ wr]
sakel; [sa gåle:] n sparrow saK¥n\mxt\ [sa chan hma'] n ellipsis, sign that sthg has
sae®Kak\Rup\ [sa gyau' jo'] n scarecrow been left out of a written piece, "..." S YN epy¥al
saB¨;etac\; [sa bu: daung:] n 1) nest of weaverbird saK¥p\ [sa kya'] n sheet of paper, palm leaf, etc with
2) weaverbird writing, leaf
saBun\;”k^; [sa hpon: gyi:] n golden weaverbird saK¥op\ [sa cho'] [sa gyo'] v sign contract, treaty, bond, etc;
sawt^; [sa wådi:] n munia, small, sparrow-like bird enter into an agreement S YN lk\mxt\Tiu; = saK¥op\K¥op\(Siu)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 106

sa ª sa
— n general term for a signed written agreement, satiueps [sa do pe za.] n miscellany, anthology, collected
agreement, contract, treaty, etc CF qeBat¨v^K¥k\ various short writings (of an author, or on a subject)
∏treaty; vHiNOic\;K¥k\ ∏pact; KMwn\K¥k\ surety; kti promise
saK¥op\K¥op\(Siu) [sa cho' cho' (hso)] v sign contract, treaty, satk\ [sa te'] v ‹learn Buddhist scriptures from a
bond, etc; enter into an agreement = saK¥op\ mentor = sawåtk\ [ bh]
saK¥op\satm\; [sa gyo' sa dan;] n the contract, agreement, satiuk\ [sa dai'] n 1) post office [zådai'] 2)
etc document — n storage place for palm-leaf manuscripts and purpiuk\
saKXk\ [såkhwe' (sa gwe')] n πpigeonhole for printing (parabaik)
type satiuk\pMu; [sa dai' pon;] n postbox, pillar-box (Br),
saKÁn\eta\ [sa gyun daw] n 1) ∏formal diplomatic note mailbox (Am)
2) Óroyal orders of appointment, etc, written on palm satiuk\eqt†a [sa dai' thi' ta] n post office box, PO box
leaf (illus) satiuc\ [sa dain] n column (of words or numbers)
saska; [sa zåga;] n 1) expression in literary style; satv\; [sa di;] n editor S YN Ay\d^ta
speaking in literary style 2) ¬literary style, written satv\\;mØ; [sa di; hmu;] n executive editor
style S YN ska;e®phn\ CF ska;e®pahn\ colloquial style [ wr] satv\;mØ;K¥op\ [sa di; hmu; gyo'] n editor-in-chief
[? you have question on paper] S YN Ay\d^taK¥op\
sas^ [sax si] v 1) write, compose (prose, poetry, lyrics, satt\eptt\ [sa da' pe da'] n 1) scholar 2) sb who is
etc) [sa zi] 2) πcompose, set (type); type Ω kXn\p¥øtasas^ well-read, sb who has read widely
computer typing service satn\; [sa dan;] n 1) line (of text) 2) essay, shorter
— n = sas^qma; 1) typesetter 2) typist, keyboarder literary non-fiction writing
sas^kMu; [sa xzi kon;] v write an essay or composition, satm\; [sa (zå) dan;] n 1) record of ancient traditions
compose and customs [ pe] 2) treatise, monograph, (scientific)
sas^qma; [sa zi dhAma;] n = sas^ 1) typesetter 2) typist, paper; thesis (Br), (doctoral) dissertation (Am)
keyboarder satm\;cy\ [sa (zå) dan; ngE] n essay, paper
sas^sakMu; [sa zi sa kon;] n composition, essay saetX> [sa dwe.] n theoretical knowledge Ω saetX>Arp´
saesac\ [sa zaung] n 1) journal, magazine, or other qity\" cåetX> mqiB¨;" He knows only in theory, he has no
periodical 2) work (of history, literature, etc) experience. CF kiuy\etX>' cåetX>' lk\etX>
sass\ [sa xsi'] v 1) give a (written) test, have a satX´ [sa dwE;] n file (of documents), dossier = Piuc\
(written) examination [sa zi'] 2) mark or correct a test, saeTak\sam [sa dau' sa ma.] n prompter for candidates
exam, paper, etc reciting Buddhist scriptures in an examination
— n examiner; examination saTv\. [sa xhtE.] v post a letter (Br), send mail (Am)
sasU\ [sa zin] n 1) series, book or other publication san^ [sa ni] n red birthmark
brought out regularly on a certain subject 2) assignment sank\ [sa ne'] n black birthmark
sany\zc\; [sa nE zin;] n periodicals, i.e., newspapers,
sasp\ [sax sa'] v write poetry or song; write script for a journals, magazines (derived from qtc\; sa g¥any\
drama CF kb¥asp\ [ wr] mg©zc\;)
saSiu [sa zo] n poet; composer (for drama) Ω Am¥io;qa;saSiu sany\zc\;kiuy\sa;lxy\ [sa nE zin; ko zålE] n distributor (of
national poet S YN kb¥aSra(m)' g^tSra(m)' saSiueta\ periodicals) S YN ®Pn\ÏK¥iq¨
2) saying Ω saSiuAr as the saying goes [ wr] sany\zc\;rxc\;lc\;pX´ [sa nE zin; shin; lin; bwE] n (non-
saSiueta\ [sa zo daw] n 1) poet, composer (of drama) governmental) press conference CF (qtc\; sa)rxc\;lc\; pX´
2) Óroyal poet or composer (press) conference, briefing
saSiueta\enÏ [sa zo daw ne.] n tradtional gatherings for sapedqa [sa både dha] n literary miscellany, book of
literary speeches, in the month of nt\eta\ (November– various short pieces
December) sapelX [sa pålwe] n bamboo-ribbed cloth for wrapping
saSiuRup\ [sa zo yo'] n [drama] marionette commenting on purpiuk\ ( parabaik palm-leaf manuscripts) S YN kmJelX (illus)
the show in progress
saVXn\Ï [sa nyun.] n poetic prose, ornate prose writing; saep [sa pe] n 1) literature 2) press 3) bookseller,
[derog] purple prose CF kb¥aska;e®p' bookshop, bookstore (Am) 4) book and magazine rental
eqatlkçarska;e®p shop
savHc\; [sa hnyin;] n plain round script, as distinguished saepVXn\Ïepåc\;k¥m\; [sa pe nyun. baung; kyan;] n
from rectangular script used in sacred kmµwå writing, and 1) anthology, collection of stories, poems, etc
ornamented formal script Ω ®mn\ masaepVXn\>epåc\; k¥m\; Anthology of Myanmar Literature
saeta\®pn\ [sa daw byan] n Ótitle of translator of 2) collected works (of one author)
English texts into Burmese saepelak [sa pe law; ka.] n literary world
saeta\Pt\ [sa daw ba'] n Óroyal attendant who read saeplup\qa; [sa pe lo' tha;] n writer, author, journalist,
religious texts to king CF mc\; mOTm\;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 107

sa ª sa
etc (term in socialist times) sarc\; [såyin;] n list; inventory; accounts; manifest
saep; [sa pe;] n deliver a letter (esp a love letter) sarc\;ekak\ [såyin; xkau'] v list, make a list, inventory,
saep;say¨qc\tn\; [sa be; sa yu thin dan;] n etc
correspondence course sarc\;kiuk\ [såyin; xkai'] v (of accounts, list, inventory,
sapiuÏ [sa po.] [sa bo.] v send letter; deliver letter budget, etc) agree, add up, tally S YN zya;kiuk\ [? what
— n mail train, mail boat about for daily use, eg la. ga. nè. tastes m-kaiq bu:]
sapiuÏlulc\ [sa bo. lu. lin] n mailman, mail carrier, letter sarc\;kiuc\ [såyin; gain] n accountant, bookkeeper
carrier, postman sarc\;kiuc\pva [såyin; gain pyin nya] n accountancy (Br),
saps\ [sa pyi'] v send a poison pen letter, send an accounting (Am), bookkeeping
anonymous letter of accusation CF ps\sa sarc\;K¥op\ [såyin; cho'] v combine accounts; balance
sapiud\ [sa bai'] n paragraph books
sapMuNxip\sk\ [sa pon hnei' se'] n (printing) press sarc\;cxa; [såyin; hnga;] n labourer hired for a season (usu
sapMuNixp\tiuk\ [sa pon hnei' dai'] n press; printer in agriculture) S YN q¨rc\;cxa; [ ag]
sapMu; [sa bon;] n letterbox (Br), mailbox (Am) sarc\;ss\ [såyin; xsi'] [såyin; zi'] v audit
sa®p [sa pya.] v teach (in classroom) — n auditor
sa®po [sa byu.] n editor of an anthology CF k¥m\;®po [? kyam; sarc\;ss\K¥op\ [såyin; si' cho'] n Auditor-General
pyu. is just author?] sarc\;pit\ [såyin; xpei'] v close accounts
sae®paSra [sa byaw; hsåya] n narrator; storyteller sarc\;ep¥ak\ [sAyin; pyau'] v have no record, disappear
sae®pac\ [sa byaung] n (written, usu in verse) caricature Ω ku mJ%^k ecXetXkiu q¨>sarc\;ep¥ak\lim\qXa;ty\" The
sae®pac\K¥io; [sa byaung cho;] v write a caricature in verse company’s records of its finances have disappeared. [? ok?]
sa®pn\ [sa pyan] v 1) recite (memorised scriptures, school
lessons, etc) 2) reply to a letter sarc\;eP¥ak\ [sAyin; hpyau'] v erase from account,
sa®pn\pX´ [sa pyan bwE;] n examination in reciting history, the record, etc; make disappear from history,
Buddhist scriptures the record, etc
saPt\ [sa xhpa'] v read sarc\;PXc\. [såyin;x hpwin.] v open accounts
saPt\na [sa hpa' na] v have read widely [? ok?] sarc\;rxc\ [såyin; xshin] n current account (Br), checking
saPt\priqt\ [sa hpa' påyei' tha'] n audience (for written account (Am) S YN lk\k¥n\sarc\;
work), reading public sarc\;rxc\; [såyin; shin;] v 1) audit and certify accounts as
saPt\qc\; [sa hpa' thin;] n [? def] correct 2) [fig] settle a problem, question, etc
saPX´> [sa hpwE.] v 1) compose (a piece of writing) 2) [fig] sarc\;ROp\ [såyin; xsho'] v 1) (of inventory, account, etc)
eulogise or praise in writing be muddled, be in chaos, be a mess 2) [fig] interfere,
samtt\q¨ [sa måta' thu] n illiterate (person) meddle 3) [fig] be confused, be muddled, be unclear
sam¨ [sa mu] n manuscript, (abbr MS) Ω Âkarc\; ROp\lamy\" q¨>kiu Alu p\-Tut\ps\ liuk\" The longer it

sam¨Âkm\; [sa mu gyan;] n draft goes on, the more problems there will be. Better to just fire
sam¨K [sa mu ga.] n payment to the writer of an article,
book, poem, etc; payment to illustrator, designer, etc
sarc\;qXc\; [såyin; xthwin;] v enter (item in a ledger, file,
saem;p´X [sa me; bwE;] n examination, test
saem;p´Xss\ [sa me; bwE; xsi'] v conduct, hold, have an sarc\;Ac\; [såyin; in;] n 1) (table of) data 2) statistic
examination, test, etc
sarc\;Ac\;pva [såyin; in; pyin nya] n statistics
saem;pX´e®P [sa me; bwE; xhpye] v sit or take an sarc\;Ac\;pvarxc\ [såyin; in; pyin nya shin] n statistician
examination, test, etc saRXk\ [sa ywe'] n piece of paper
sam¥k\Nxa [sa mye' hna] n page (of book, magazine, etc) sarXk\satm\; [sa ywe' sa dan;] n documents,
documentation, papers relating to a certain matter
saer; [sa xye;] [såye;] v write
— n clark (Br), clerk (Am)
saluM; [sa lon;] n letter (of alphabet, script)
saer;kiriya [sa ye; kårI ya] n stationery, writing saluM;esac\; [sålon; zaung;] n italics CF salMu;T¨ bold;
saluM;på; light (typeface)
saer;saK¥^ [såye; såchi] n secretarial staff, clerical staff, salMu;T¨ [sAlon; du] n boldface S YN piu; CF saluM;på; light
(typeface); saluM;esac\; italics [? really po:? if so add to p
secretary, clark (Br), clerk (US)
syn ok? pa: ok?]
saer;Sra(m) [sa ye; hsåya(ma.)] n writer, author
saer;tM [såye; dan] n ‹lots drawn to decide who will salMu;på; [sAlon; pa;] n light typeface CF saluM;esac\; italics;
salMu;T¨ bold
receive which gift in an offering to monks [ bh]
saer;tMm´ [såye; dan mE;] n ‹ [? same as above?] saluM;epåc\; [sa (så) lon; xpaung;] [sa (så) lon; baung;] v spell
— n spelling
saer;tMlØpX´ [såye; dan hlu; bwE;] n ‹donation of writing
materials to monks
saluM;epåc\;qt\puM [sa (så) lon; baung; tha' pon] n
orthography, correct spelling
saer;AK¥^ [sAye; Achi] n Óscribe

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 108

sa ª sa;
sawå [sa wa] n ‹course of study in Buddhist monastery — part 1) [derog] suffix to nouns to indicate that sb is
[ bh] a deserving victim; fodder Upsa Ω Pinp\sa 2) suffix to
sawåtk\ [sa wa te'] v ‹learn Buddhist scriptures from nouns to indicate that they are material for a certain
a mentor = satk\ function Ω ts\eKÅsa shouting distance 3) suffix to time,
saqa; [sa dha;] n 1) text (of book, article, etc) persons, etc to indicate that sthg is enough for the
2) diction, choice and use of words noun indicated Ω A´då (3) eyak\sa lMuelak\r´.la;" Is it
saqi [sa dhI] n book-learning CF cåqi' lk\etX>qi enough for three people? 4) suffix to nouns to indicate
learning by experience waste product of noun indicated Ω lWsa sawdust, wood
saeq [sa dhe] n dead letter, letter that cannot be shavings
delivered or returned Asa [åsa] n 1) food S YN Asa;Asa' Asa;Aeqak\
saqc\ [sa xthin] v teach or learn (lessons in school) 2) sizing, starch (to treat cloth) CF eka\ 3) stuffing,
CF qc\ep;' qc\y¨ filling Ω p´epåk\s^-Siuta epåk\s^T´mxa p´kiu AsaTv\.-Ta;takiu
saqc\ek¥ac\; [sa thin gyaung;] n school (pre-university) eKÅty\" 4) tuning dough, used to change the pitch of a
saqc\Kn\; [sa thin gan;] n classroom drum = pt\sa 5) [fig] victim (of a certain type of force,
saqc\tiuk\ [sa thin dai'] n ‹monastery where Buddhist incident, etc)
scriptures are taught [ bh] Asaekak\ [åsa gau'] v (of chickens, etc) peck (at food)
saqXa; [sa xthwa;] [sa dhwa;] v be good at reading aloud
— n style of writing S YN sahn\ — n children's game played with pebbles
saqXa;sala [sa dhwa; sa la] n style of writing S YN sahn\ AsaeÂk [åsa xkye] v 1) (of food) be (easily) digestible
3) correspondence, exchange of letters 2) have a good digestion
saeha [sa haw;] n narrate epics or classical stories, AsaeK¥ [åsa xche] v remove sizing or starch from cloth
assuming all the roles S YN kXk\sip\eha Asae®K [åsa xche] v (of food) digest
saehaSra [sa haw; hsAya] n narrator of epics or Asact\KM [åsa nga' xkhan] v 1) starve oneself, go without
classical stories who assumes all the roles food 2) make a hunger strike, go on a hunger strike
sahn\ [sa han] n form or style of writing S YN saqXa; Ω Asact\KM-SN»®pmO ha kiu liun^eKt\ mxa Tie rak\-K´. ty\" Hunger

saAM [sa an] v recite strikes were effective in colonial times.

saAit\ [sa ei'] n envelope Asatc\ [åsa xtin] v starch, size
saAit\eKåc\; [sa ei' gaung;] n (postage) stamp Asa®pXn\ [åsa byun] n esophagus, passage between the
S YN tMSip\eKåc\; mouth and stomach
saAup\ [sa o'] n book Asaersa [åsa ye za] n food, sustenance, means of
saAup\K¥op\ [sa o' xcho'] v bind (book)
saAup\sc\ [sa o' sin] n bookcase, bookshelf Asaqs\ [åsa dhi'] n undigested food (in the stomach)
saAup\Siuc\ [sa o' hsain] n 1) bookshop, bookstore(Am),
Asaehac\; [åsa haung:] n digested food; f(a)eces
Ω Asaehac\; sX n\> defecate
booksellers 2) book and magazine rental shop S YN saep
Asaehac\;Aim\ [åsa haung: ein] n colon, large intestine
saAup\tiuk\ [sa o' tai'] n publisher, publishing house S YN A¨m”k^;
saAup\Tut\ewer; [sa o' hto' we ye;] n publishing AsaAahar [åsa åha ra.] n nourishment CF Aahar
saAup\TXk\ [sa o' xhtwe'] v (of a book, edition, etc) be AsaAim\ [åsa ein] n stomach
published, come out sag [sa ga.] n ‹way that one practices CF Ak¥c\.' q^l [?
sa4 [sa] n 1) food, provisions; supply, something kept for buddhist term?]
consumption CF Asa;-Aeqak\' Asa;-Asa' sa;sra' sa;PXy\- satn\ [sa tan] n ÈÇ Satan, the Devil [Engl] = estn\
eqak\PXy\' rikƒa' Aahar 2) diet, what one customarily CF mar\nt\ (illus)
eats; cuisine, range of food and style of cooking samr^ [sa måri] n yak, large wild or domesticated Central
Ω Sn\® pot\Siuta l¨ mmasap´" Rice porridge is food for sick Asian cattle with long hair (illus)
people. 3) meal Ω enÏly\sa luncheon, lunch (inf); Ω vsa sarit† [za rei' ta.] n moral character
dinner, supper 4) feed, food for animals; prey, animal saqc\ [sa thin] n sergeant [Engl] = Sag¥c\ CF tp\Âkp\”k^;
eaten by another animal; bait, food set out to attract an sa;1 [sa:] v 1) eat; consume 2) do sthg for a living, do
animal Ω qmc\Siuta k¥a;sap´" Deer are the prey of tigers. sthg regularly, for income CF erac\; sa;' Kiu;sa; 3) eat away
5) subsistence, means (of living) 6) sizing, used to at, erode; corrode Ω ertiuk\sa; erode (by water action)
make textiles stiff 7) stuffing, material used to fill sthg 4) [inf] go well (with); be well suited to, match; look
8) fodder, fuel, sthg used to keep sthg going Ω m^; sa' good on 5) (gambling) collect the house's winnings
elac\sa fuel (for a fire) 9) tuning dough, a paste of rice Ω d^ ts\Kå sa;ty\" I beat the house this time. 6) file, sand,
and ash used to change the pitch of a drum smoothen, whet 7) [fig] screw sb (around), betray sb
Ω påt\saTv\.“p^; mx bMu t^; liuÏe kac\; ty\" The drum sounds good 8) be granted a fief [ pe] 9) ∞be corrupt CF laB\sa; [?
after you put in the tuning dough. 10) [fig] victim (of BOX: explanation of sa: as a pairing verb: kyo; sa; kho:
certain circumstances) CF Da;saKM hostage; scapegoat

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 109

sa; ª sa;
sa:, nain sa:, hpana' sa:, lo' sa: ye taik sa:] Ω Niuc\cMe r;mx a sa;epåk\-pit\qXa;liuÏ Baqaer;-lup\rc\ sa;epåk\-
sa;ekac\;RMulup\ [sa: kaung: yon xlo'] v shirk, perform eK¥ac\mla; Siu“p^; sa;epåk\-laTXc\tapåkXa" He lost his
perfunctory work, create an appearance of working opportunities in politics, so he shifted to the religion
sa;ekac\;eqak\PXy\ [sa: gaung: thau' hpwE] n delicacies, industry, where thought he could find a new field to
treats, choice food and drink exploit.
sa;k¥k\ [zågye'] n 1) pasture, field for grazing, range sa;epåk\eK¥ac\ [sa: bau' xchaung] v have a (dishonest,
2) [fig] favourite haunt, stomping ground [ ph] illicit) way of making money Ω Niuc\cMer;mxa sa;epåk\-
sa;k¥k\lu [zAgye' xlu.] v [fig] scramble (for power, pit\qXa;liuÏ Baqaer;-lup\rc\ sa;epåk\eK¥ac\mla; Siu“p^;
prestige, position, etc); be a dog in the manger, prevent sa;epåk\-laTXc\tapåkXa" He lost his opportunities in
others from getting benefit, even when it gives one no politics, so he shifted to the religion industry, where
advantage SYN : sa;KXk\lu thought he could find a new field to exploit.
sa;k¥k\k¥ [zågye' kya.] v (of a place) frequent, haunt sa;epåk\TXc\ [sa: bau' xhtwin] v find a way to exploit,
sa;ÂkXc\;sa;k¥n\ [sa; kywin; sa; kyan] n leftovers, table wheel and deal (sl) Ω Niuc\cMer;mxa sa;epåk\-pit\qXa;liuÏ
scraps Baqaer;-lup\rc\ sa;epåk\-eK¥ac\mla; Siu“p^; sa;epåk\-la-
sa;KXk\ [sa: gwe'] n 1) dish (for food) [såkhwe'] TXc\tapåkXa" He lost his opportunities in politics, so he
2) feedbox for animals to eat from, trough, manger (for shifted to the religion industry, where thought he could
hay, grass, etc) [ ph] find a new field to exploit.
sa;KXk\lu [såkhwe' lu.] v [fig] scramble (for power, sa;epåk\pit\ [sa: bau' xpei'] v lose opportunity for
prestige, position, etc); be a dog in the manger, prevent exploitation
others from getting benefit, even when it gives one no sa;pX´ [zåbwE:] n 1) table; desk Ω sa;pX´-m¥k\Nxa®pc\ table-top [sa:
advantage L IT : ‘steal the trough’ Ω Niuc\cMer;mxa sa;KXk\-lu- bwE:] 2) feast [ ph mult]
enÂkrc\ tiuc\;®pv\-ns\naty\" If the politicians are sa;pX´Kc\; [zåbwE: gin] n tablecloth
scrambling for power, the country suffers. S YN sa;k¥k\lu sa;pX´tc\ [zåbwE din] adj table-, table-top, desk-, desktop
Ω sa;pX´ tc\-kXn\p¥øta desktop computer Ω sa;pX´ tc\-nar^ mantel
sa;sra [sa: zåya] n food clock Ω sa;pX´tc\m^; (table) lamp
sa;srit\ [sa: zåyei'] n 1) household
expenses 2) [law] sa;pX´tc\-tc\;ns\ table tennis, ping-pong S YN pc\epåc\
alimony, maintenance, money paid to poorer partner sa;pX´Tiu; [zåbwE: do:] n waiter (male), waitress (female),
after a divorce waitstaff
sa;eS; [sa: ze:] n 1) oral medicine S YN eqak\eS; sa;Pa; [sa: ba:] n [fig] practiced opportunist, old hand at
CF Tiu;eS; injectible medicine; lim\;eS;' l¨;eS; cream, the game S YN sa;enk¥eÂkac\Pa;
ointment, etc 2) corrosive (material) sa;Piu [såhpo] n kitchen; stove (for cooking)
sa;eSa\då [sa: hsaw da] n bicarbonate of soda, baking sa;PiueSac\ [såhpo zaung] n kitchen
soda; baking powder sa;PiumØ; [såhpo hmu:] n chef, head cook
sa;eta\k´ [zådaw gE:] n chef of the royal household sa;PXy\eqak\PXy\ [sa: bwE thau' hpwE] n food
sa;eta\kXm\;erkiuc\ [sa: daw kun: ye gain] n royal attendant sa;man\Kut\ [såman x kho'] v 1) (of animals) warn others
for the king's food and drink away from one's food, furiously protect one's food
sa;eta\eKÅ [sa: (så) daw xkhaw] v (of royalty) eat, partake 2) [fig] display a threatening attitude to one's potential
of a meal competition
sa;eta\Sk\ [sa: daw xhse'] [sa: daw ze'] v serve meal (to sa;man\T [såman xhta.] v 1) (of animals) warn others
royalty) away from one's food, furiously protect one's food
— n restaurant 2) [fig] display a threatening attitude to one's potential
sa;eta\tiuk\ [zådawx dai'] v offer food and drink to nt\ competition
spirits sa;“min\sa [såmyein za] n refreshments, special snack
sa;eta\p´ [zådaw bE:] n (green) peas [? not beans?] prepared for a journey
sa;enk¥eÂkac\Pa; [sa: ne gya. kyaung ba:] n [fig] practiced sa;“mMo>®pn\ [såmyon. xpyan] v 1) (of cattle and other
opportunist, old hand at the game S YN sa;Pa; ruminants) chew cud, ruminate 2) [fig] reminisce, recall
past experiences, remember the past
sa;Niuc\eqak\Niuc\ [xsa: nain xthau' nain]
v have enough to sa;rm.´eqak\rm´.®Ps\ [sa: ya. mE. thau' ya. mE. x hpyi'] v be
eat (on) Ω q¨>Ae®KAenk sa;rm´.-eqak\rm´. mhut\påB¨;" without enough to eat, be impoverished
sa;Niuc\ eqak\Niuc\påp´" She's not going hungry. She has sa;errikƒa [sa: ye yei' kha] n food supplies, provisions,
enough to eat on. food stored for later use
sa;np\rikƒa [sa: na' yei' kha] n food supplies, provisions, sa;lm\; [sa: lan:] n [fig] opportunity for corruption
food stored for later use S YN sa;epåk\
sa;piu;nc\. [zåbo: nin.] v overeat [ ph] sa;wt\ener; [sa: wu' ne ye:] n food, clothing and shelter;
sa;epåk\ [sa: bau'] n [fig] corruption, exploitation, basic needs
opportunity for personal gain at the expense of another sa;eqak\ [xsa: xthau'] v have a meal, snack,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 110

sa; ª s^
refreshments, etc Asa;Tv\. [åsa: tE.] v replace [? check pron]
sa;eqak\kun\ [sa: thau' kon] n food, foodstuffs ¥, Asa;Tiu; [åsa: hto:] v substitute; replace Ω q¨ha Asa;mTiu;-
groceries (Am) [ pe] Niuc\t´. ANupvarxc\p´" She is an irreplaceable artist.
sa;qMu;kun\ [sa: thon: gon] n consumer goods ¥ [ pe] Asa;ep; [åsa: pe:] v compensate (in kind)
sa;qMu;q¨ [sa: thon: thu] n ¥consumer [ pe] sa;3 [sa:] v exceed, surpass, be too much for Ω U^;eNxak\sa;
sa;qMu;q¨qmwåym [sa: thon: dhu thåma. wa yåma.] n be perplexed, be at the end of one's wits
¥consumer cooperative — part particle suffixed to verbs to give emphasis Ω KMsa;'
sa;U^;sa;P¥a; [sa: u: sa: bya:]n best portion of food served, ”kio;sa;
to be used as a religious offering or served to elders at sisivk\vk\ [sI zI nye' nye'] adv (smash, crush) to
the beginning of the meal smithereens, atoms, bits and pieces Ω kÁn\mka;
sa;Aiu;”k^; [sa: o: gyi:] v [fig] have many mouths to feed ka;tiuk\mO® Ps\liuÏ sisivk\vk\ eÂkqXa;ty\" My car was
(Upsa) Ω kÁn\eta\.miqa;suk sa;Aiu;”k^; ty\ dåeÂkac\. kÁn\eta\. smashed up in an accident. S YN qiqiv k\v k\' sisimXmX'
lsan´> melak\B¨;" There are too many mouths to feed in mOn\Ï mOn\Ïvk\vk\
my family, so my salary is not enough. sisimXmX [sI zI mwa. mwa.] adv (reduce) to fine powder
sa;Aiu;sa;KXk\ [sa: o: sa: gwe'] n kitchen utensils, such as S YN sisiv k\v k\' qi qiv k\v k\
pots, lids, ladles, wooden spoons, mortar and pestle, etc siss\ [sI zi'] v 1) check carefully, examine, scrutinise; vet
Ω elSi p\k ATX k\mxa kiu y\.psßv\; kiu si ss\“ p^; y¨ på" Check your
sa;Aim\eqak\Aim\ [sa: ein thau' ein] n home of a close belongings carefully before you leave the airport.
friend, where one is always welcome 2) control; analyse Ω Arv\AeqX; siss\\ quality control
Asa; [åsa:] n food; eating 3) censor 4) identify Ω Niuc\cMqa;siss\er;kt\ national
Asa;Âkø; [åsa: xgyu:] v overeat identity card
Asa;KM [åsa: xkhan] v be filling, be substantial siss\mO [sI zi' hmu.] n analysis
Asa;nv\; [åsa: xnE:] v eat like a bird, be a light eater siss\er; [sI zi' ye:] n censorship
CF Asa;m¥a; be a big eater siÂt [sei' tra.] n ©pearl-like star in Virgo, the fourteenth
Asa;pup\ [åsa: xbou'] v be a glutton, be a pig, eat much lunar mansion
too much s^ [si] v 1) line up, queue Ω tn\; s^ 2) place sthg in a row, line
— n glutton (formal), pig (inf) sthg up 3) earn; get, take in (on average) Ω pMumxn\-
Asa;m¥a; [åsa: xmya:] v be a big eater CF Asa;nv\; be a Aa;®Pc\.eta. ts\-enÏkiu (500)-elak\ enÏ tXk\s^påty\" Usually
light eater I earn about 500 a day.
Asa;mxa; [åsa: xhma:] v eat sthg that will harm one's — part 1) suffix to count words to indicate equal
health; eat sthg that will disagree with one; eat foods distribution Ω ts\eyak\ ts\Aup\s^ one book for each
that do not go together, mix incompatible foods person 2) suffix to count word to indicate series: one
Ω biu k\e Aac\. enty\' Asa;mxa;liuÏ la; mqi B¨;" I have a after another, one by one [ nc] [? addition of 2 ok?
stomachache, maybe because of something I ate. need example]
Ω eqX;tiu; rxirk\ qa;n´Ï
etX>kraetX sa;eta. Asa;mxa;“p^; s^kapt\kMu; [si ga pa' kon:] adv (speak, narrate, write)
eS;RMuerak\rty\" Even though he has high blood pressure, dramatically, elaborately and fluently
he eats everything, and now he's ended up in hospital s^kuM; [si xkon;] v write aesthetically pleasingly, compose
because he ate the wrong thing. [? ok?] œ
Asa;Asa [åsa: åsa] n food S YN Asa' Asa;Aeqak\ s^®Ky\ [si xchE] v adorn, decorate (esp pagoda); inlay,
CF eBazU\K´PXy\ make mosaic
Asa;Aeqak\ [åsa: åthau'] n 1) food S YN Asa;(Asa) s^sU\ [xsi zin] v plan, arrange, (put into serial) order
CF eBazU\K´PXy\ 2) eating CF AsiAsU\
sa;2 [sa:] v [math] divide Ω (100)kiu (4)n´>sa;rc\ (25)-rty\" s^tn\; [si xdan:] v be in a line, row
100 divided by 4 is 25. A NT e®mHak\ — adv in a row, in line
sa;kin\;' sa;e®K [sa: gein:] n [math] divisor, denominator s^mM [xsi man] v manage; organise; plan
(of a fraction) S YN piuc\;e®K; A NT e®mHak\kin\;' e®mHak\e®K s^mMkin\; [si man gein:] n plan; project
CF Apiuc\;g%n\;' tv\ kin\;
s^mMkin\;pva [si man gein: pyin nya] n logistics, science of
sa;ld\ [sa: la'] n [math] quotient, solution of a division planning
equation A NT e®mHak\ld\ product s^mMKn\ÏKX´mO [si man khan. khwE: hmu.] n management
Asa; [åsa:] n 1) kind, type, class, category; quality, s^mMKn\ÏKX´er;SX´ [si man khanx kwE: ye: swE:] v make a plan,
rank CF Am¥io;Asa;' Asa;sa;' Atn\; Asa; 2) substitute, draw up a plan
surrogate, stand-in 3) [math] division
s^mMKn\ÏKX´er;SX´q¨ [si man khan swE: dhu] n manager [? you
Asa;sa; [åsa: sa:] n all categories, all classes have question mark]
S YN Am¥io;m¥io;(Asa;sa;) s^mMK¥k\ [si man gye']
n 1) (plan for) implementation
Asa;sa;Aww [åsa: sa: åwa. wa.] n different classes of 2) (crime) sweep, campaign of arrests for a certain
people [? check]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 111

s^s^vMvM ª s^;pXa;
crime [ rc] [? new] s^;K¥c\;tiuk\ [si: gyin: tai'] v joust, fight in single combat
s^rr^ [si yåyi] adv in a row, in a line, (stand, display, etc) on horse or elephant
uniformly CF As^Ar^ s^;K¥c\;tiuk\pX´ [si: gyin: tai' pwE:] n joust, fight in single
s^rc\ [si yin] v 1) [law] pass judgment; decide; condemn combat on horse or elephant
(to death) Ω s^rc\SMu;®Pt\ 2) Óexecute Ω pun\kn\q¨m¥a;kiu s^;K¥c\;Tiu; [si: gyin: hto:] v joust, fight in single combat on
Burc\mc\;®mt\ kiuy\tiuc\ s^rc\eta\m¨qv\" The rebels were horse or elephant
executed by the king's own hand. 3) prepare to make a s^;nc\; [si: nin:] v 1) ride 2) wear (shoes, slippers, etc)
charm or cast a spell; tattoo magical protective figures 3) attack; raid; occupy
[ bs] 4) arrange, organise 5) create, synthesise; s^;piu; [si: po:] v (esp of one's equals) take advantage of,
alchemise Ω Dåt\lMu; s^rc\ alchemise a substance giving one use, exploit
supernatural powers s^;®Pn\; [si: hpyan:] v meditate Ω Bawnas^;®Pn\;' kmµ@an\;s^;®Pn\;
s^rc\K¥k\ [si yin gye'] n [law] judgment s^;miu; [si: mo:] v look downward; overlook, overtower,
s^rc\TMu; [si yin hton:] n [law] ruling; precedent, influential overshadow [? Restart SOAS here]
or binding previous judgment As^;Anc\; [åsi: ånin:] n 1) vehicle or other means of
ts^ttn\; [dåzi dådan:] adv (standing, sitting, etc) in a transport 2) designated conveyance (bestowed by king)
long file or queue (Br) line (Am), in a long row 3) ÍÓcommand and control S YN kXp\k´mO 4) crew,
Ω laB\ sa;mO-ts\Kukiu ePa\Tut\-liuk\ta qk\Siuc\t-´. q¨etX captain, or person in control of some means of transport
ts^ttn\;”k^; eTac\T´ erak\qXa;-Âkty\" When one 5) [astrl] harmful influence of some planets
bribery case was revealed, there was a great parade of = “gioh\s^;“gioh\nc\;
people involved who ended up in prison. S YN tq^ttn\; [? As^;Apiu; [åsi: åpo:] n arrogant taking advantage of others,
trans ok? what is this sequel note?] superciliousness, cavalier attitude
As^(A)rc\ [åsi (å)yin] n 1) plan, preparation, arrangement s^;2 [si:] v flow, run in a stream
2) Ó∏local judicial or executive official s^;Sc\; [si: hsin:] v flow
As^; [åsi:] n [comb] destruction Ω Ap¥k\As^;
As^rc\KM [åsi yin khan] v [fml] submit a report; be s^;krk\ [si: kåre'] n cigarette [Engl] = eS;lip\
s^;krk\sXp\tM [si: kåre' su' tan] n cigarette holder
As^rc\KMsa [åsi yin khan za] n report s^;krk\B¨; [si: kåre' bu:] n cigarette case
As^AkMu; [åsi åkon:] n ¬(art of) literary composition
s^;pXa; [si: bwa:] n 1) business, commercial enterprise
(esp prose) CF Asp\
2) prosperity, welfare, advancement, increase [ pe]
As^AsU\ [åsi åsin] n 1) sequence, order 2) plans,
s^;pXa;k¥ [si: bwa: kya.] v (of trade, sales, etc) fall off; (of
programme, agenda; arrangement, measure
business) fail; (of economy) go into recession
Ω qX a;PiuÏAs^ AsU\ mrxi B¨;" I don't plan to go. I have no plans to
s^;pXa;tk\ [si: bwa: te'] v (of business, profits, etc)
go. Ω kakXy\er;As^AsU\m¥a; defencive measures
As^AmM [åsi åman] n 1) plan, scheme, arrangement, s^;pXa;p¥k\ [si: bwa: pye'] v be (financially) ruined
stratagem 2) machination
s^;pXa;p¥k\kp\ [si bwa: pye' ka'] n (economic) depression
As^Ar^ [åsi åyi] adv in rows, in order CF s^rr^ s^;pXa;“pioc\ [si: bwa: byain] n competition, competitor, rival
s^s^vMvM [si zi nyan nyan] adv twitteringly Ω mnk\miu;lc\;tan´>
Aim\erx>qs\pc\mxa cxk\qMetX s^s^vMvM Âka;ty\" At dawn I
s^;pXa;®Ps\ [si: bwa: hpyi'] v prosper, do very well
hear the twittering of the birds in front of the house.
CF ts^s^' siu;s^siu; s^
— adv for profit, to earn money
s^;1 [si:] v 1) ride; be mounted on (animal); take (transport),
s^;pXa;er; [si: bwa: ye:] n 1) economy; financial condition
travel by Ω ka;s^; mla;" Are you taking the bus?
2) business Ω Bas^; pXa;er; lup\enql´" What business are
Ω sk\ B^;s^; tt\ qla;" Can you ride a bicycle? 2) wear, have
you in?
on Ω Pinp\s^;liuÏrty\" You can keep your shoes on. You can
wear shoes. 3) attack; raid; occupy Ω nn\;eta\kius^; mi“p^ the
s^;pXa;er;sit\Dat\ [si: bwa: ye: sei' da'] n business mind,
business spirit
palace was raided 4) (of spirit, ghost, etc) possess
Ω nt\ s^;' qr´ s^; CF nt\ k 5) take unfair advantage of,
s^;pXa;er;U^;eNxak\ [si: bwa: ye: on: hnau'] n head for
exploit (esp of friends, colleagues, etc)
Ω d^e kac\ qip\s^;tap´" That fellow always takes advantage of
s^;pXa;er;tn\ÏqXa; [si: bwa: ye: tan. thwa:] v go into recession
[ pe]
us. RF s^;piu;. [? what is this red note? p83] 6) weigh
Ω pi œa (50) s^; ty\" It weighs 50 viss. 7) be heavy
s^;pXa;er;pva [si: bwa: ye: pyin nya] n economics
S YN eBagebd [ pe]
Ω Ael;K¥in\s^;
— part count word for vehicles and draft animals; head s^;pXa;er;qma; [si: bwa: ye: dhåma:] n business person
(of cattle) Ω T^epåk\rc\ ka;-ts\s;^ wy\my\" If I win the s^;pXa;er;qMqra [si: bwa: ye: than thåya] n business cycle
[ pe]
lottery I'll buy a car. [ nc]
s^;Âkv\. [si: kyI] v look from above s^;pXa;rxa [si: bwa: sha] v find ways to earn money

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 112

s¨r^nm\ ª s¨;
s^;pXa;lm\;e®Pac\. [si: bwa: lan: hpyaung.] v do well (in company [ pe]
business) Asurc\; [Asu. yin:] n ÍÓregiment of Burmans CF Asu®Ka;
As^;ApXa; [åsi: åbwa:] n prosperity, welfare; benefit, good AsuAkXk\ [åsu. åkwe'] n community
CF Ak¥io; AsuAK´ [åsu. åkhE:] n aggregate, masses
s¨r^nm\ [su ri nan] n ∏Suriname AsuAcn\; [åsu. ångan:] n ÓÍarmed corps formed by
su [su.] v 1) be in a mass; accumulate, mass 2) (of people or royal decree
things) gather, collect Ω l¨Am¥a;suew;enÂkty\" Many AsuAS [åsu. åhsa.] n Óproportional rent for farmland,
people gathered from far away. RF sueSac\;. 3) save charged in a portion of the crop Ω Asuspå; proportional
(money) Ω enac\er;AtXk\ecXsupå" Save money for the future. rent on rice Ω AsuNxm\; proportional rent on sesame
— n 1) group, set, gathering 2) Ósystem of AsuApMu [åsu. åpon] n mass; pile
classifying people by occupation 3) community, place AsuARuM; [åsu. åyon:] n gathering, concentration
where people with some similarity settle 4) share, Asurxc\ [åsu. shin] n shareholder
allotment; quota S YN Asu' APiuÏ 5) [math] set S YN Asu Asurxy\ya [åsu. shE ya] n share
— part prefixed to verb to indicate doing, happening, Asuliuk\A®pMoliuk\ [åsu. lai' åpyon lai'] adv en masse, all
etc all at once, at/in-one time Ω Alup\kiu su“ p^;lup\tapiu“p^; together, all at once, in large numbers
Ak¥io;rxity\" It will be better all around if we do the work AsuAew; [åsu. åwe:] n congregation, assembly,
all at once. gathering; collection
susuepåc\; [su. zu. baung:] n total, sum; aggregate AsuAqc\; [åsu. åthin:] n group, association
susv\; [su. zi:] v collect and organise (data, information, sutisit\k¥ [su. tI zei' kya] v [formal] die, pass away
etc) suet' suet. [su. te, su. te.] v move from one life to the next,
sueSac\; [su. zaung:] v 1) (of things) gather, collect i.e., die
2) save suls\ [su. li'] n pinnacle on roof, throne, arch, etc (illus)
suepåc\; [? do youwant to put this in? How to say suls\mXn\;KÁn\ [su. li' mun: gyun] n finial, ornament at the top
'military recruiting centre'? ] of a post, pagoda, etc
suepåc\;sp\epåc\; [su. paung: sa' paung:] n collection of sul¥a; [su. lya:] n length of cloth; shawl
different items, objects, terms, etc sul¥a;rs\pt\ [su. lya: yi' pa'] v binding the hands of bride
suepåc\;ly\ya [su. paung: lE ya] n collective farm [ ag] and groom as part of marriage rite CF lk\Tp\'
suepåc\;Aim\ras^mMkin\; [su. paung: ein ya si man gein:] n Aim\eTac\®po marry
community housing project s¨ [su] v 1) bulge (biuk\s¨), swell (Anas¨), protrude ((K¥k\s¨),
supMu [su. pon] v gather into a heap, pile (up) Ω AmOik\etX stick out 2) pout = NOt\K m\;s¨
supMuTa;på" mnk\-laqim\;my\" Pile the rubbish here; they'll s¨eSac\. [su hsaung.] v pout and stamp the foot, in a fit of
collect it in the morning. displeasure
su®pMo [su. pyon] adv en masse, all at one time, in one lot s¨ka [su ka] n passion flower
suB¨; [su. bu:] n 1) container for saving money in, piggy s¨kan^ [su ka ni] n steersman or purser of a ship, seacunny
bank 2) [sl] pregnancy
s¨lanPa [su la nåhpa] n kind of medicinal plant
surp\ [su. ya'] n assembly area, rallying place
suRMu; [su. yon:] v assemble, congregate, gather s¨l^nPa [su li nåhpa] n odds and ends, various unclassified
sulv\; [su. li:] n hairstyle with hair flowing from a
topknot (illus)
s¨Lam%i [su la månI] n ‹shrine built by Indra to hold a
boddhisattva's hair [ bh]
suew; [su. we:] v (of people) gather, collect, assemble for
some purpose
s¨; [su;] v 1) prickle, be pricked, be pierced, be stuck Ω S¨;s¨;
pierced by a thorn 2) be hard on (the eye, ear, etc), (of
suqim\; [su. thein:] v gather, collect to clean up, put away,
voice) be shrill, (of sound) blare; (of taste, smell) be
buy, or confiscate
sharp, pungent; (of light, colour, etc) be glaring
Asu [åsu.] n 1) group, set, collection Ω cå;Asu school of CF m¥k\sis¨; dazzled 3) fall under (curse, spell, etc)
fish, shoal of fish 2) community, area where people have
CF k¥in\sas¨; cursed 4) be more than is due CF ecX s¨;
the same ethnicity, trade, job, etc 3) share, quota
— n instrument for making holes (drill, awl, brace,
S YN rxy\ya 4) [math] set 5) Ósystem of categorising
holepunch, etc) (illus)
people by trade or regiment Ω eqnt\Asu musketeers
Ω Asu m´.kÁn\ unclassed slave or serf
s¨;ekak\ [su; gau'] n hand drill
Asu®Ka; [Asu. gya:] n ÍÓregiment of non-Burmans s¨;s¨; [su; zu;] adv (of directions) due, straight Ω Aerx>-
CF Asurc\; s¨;s¨; kiu qXa;på" Head straight east.
Asusu [åsu. zu.] n collection, accumulation; the whole lot; s¨;s¨;ra;ra; [su; zu; ya; ya;] adv stridently, piercingly
various ones Ω AsusuArp\rp\ in various places; in different s¨;s¨;wå;wå; [su; zu; wa; wa;] adv stridently, piercingly
Ω hiu kel; s¨; s¨;-wå;wå;-eAa\ enty\" Ba®Ps\ liuÏ l´" That child is
screaming piercingly. What happened?
Asusp\ [åsu. za'] n partnership Ω Asusp\kumJ%^ joint stock
s¨;siuk\ [su; sai'] v concentrate Ω Alup\kius¨;siuk\på"

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 113

s¨;Ak\t¨;e®mac\; ª es.
Concentrate on your work. hospital S YN kuqiul\®Ps\eS;RuM
s¨;sm\; [su zan;] v investigate (sthg); inquire (about estna.wn\Tm\; [sse dåna. wun dan;] n volunteer
sthg); be curious (about sthg) CF As¨;Asm\;' sp\su estna.wn\Tm\; [se dåna. wun dan:] n volunteer
s¨;tiuk\ [su; tai'] v sic (a dog on sb), make a dog attack estlMu; [se tålon:] n omnipotence, the power to do anything
sb = RO; tiuk\
s¨;rx [su; sha.] v 1) prickle, be pricked, be pierced 2) be estlMu;piuc\rxc\ [se tålon: pain shin] n possessor of
hard (on the eye, ear, etc), (of voice) be shrill, (of omnipotence, one who has the power to do anything
sound) blare; (of taste, smell) be sharp, pungent; (of estmn\ [se ta man] n messenger, emissary
light, colour, etc) be glaring; be piercing, be sharp estn\ [se tan] n ÈÇSatan, the Devil = satn\ CF mar\nt\
3) [fig] (of command, power, etc) be effective Ω ecXr´.- est^ [ze di] n ‹shrine for sacred objects; stupa, pagoda
Aa%a piu“p^eta. s¨;rxty\" The power of money is stronger. for enshrining sacred objects CF Bura;' T¨på' k¥iok\' puTiu;'
s¨;wc\ [su; win] v penetrate, pierce, go through sv\;KMu (illus all) [ bh ph]
s¨;qXa; [su; thwa;] n drill bit est^tv\ [ze di ti] v ‹build a pagoda
As¨;Asm\; [åsu; åsan;] n 1) inquiry, enquiry, request for est^rM [ze di yan] n ‹any of the small stupas around a
information 2) inquiry, enquiry, investigation into a main stupa at a pagoda
matter 3) curiosity
est^rc\®pc\ [ze di yin byin] n ‹platform or flat ground
s¨;Ak\t¨;e®mac\; [su; e' tu; myaung;] n ∏Suez Canal around a pagoda
es [se] v 1) ask, order, command (sb to do sthg) S YN Kiuc\; es.1 [se.] v 1) come up to a specified number or time; last
2) send sb on an errand, send sb out to do sthg Ω tmn\kiu a specific amount of time; full term Ω l¨tiuc\;es. everybody,
es send an envoy everyone Ω AK¥in\es.“p^" Time has run out. Time is up. Ω l¨es.“p^"
— part 1) particle at end of sentence indicating a wish There are enough people. Ω lX t\rk\mes. e q;B¨;"
Ω T^e påk\ påes" May you win the lottery. CF påes 2) suffix to elYa.rk\mreta. lXt\rk\es.mxlWt\my\" The sentence isn't up
a phrase, indicating a command or consent Ω enpåes" yet. He won't get any remission so he'll serve the full term.
Never mind, let it be. Ω ®Ps\eseta." So be it. 3) suffix to a Ω enÏ mes.p´emX; ty\" It was a premature birth. 2) come up to
verb, indicating causing: make, cause Ω na;lv\esK¥c\liuÏ or reach a certain standard Ω l¨tn\;es. be up to the normal
e®pa®pata-på" I'm telling you because I want to make you living standard 3) put or keep two things so close that
understand. S YN es. 4) Óparticle used by monarch to there is no gap; be shut, be closed; be close, be tight
end a command Ω qt\es Execute him! Ω ny\Nxc\es Banish Ω tMKå;es.Ta;på" Shut the door. Ω mc\;på;sp\ kiu es.e s.pit\Ta;"
him! 5) particle suffixed to verb indicating causation; ts\KXn\; mxmhn´>" Keep your mouth closed. Don't say a word.
make (sb, sthg), cause (sthg to), allow (sthg to) A NT h 4) be thorough, be meticulous, take pains
Ω HIVeragåpiu; AIDSeragå®Ps\e sty\" HIV causes AIDS. Ω kÁn\ m
lk\Pk\rv\kiu mK¥ioesn´Ï" Don't make my tea sweet. CF Kiuc\;;
es. — n 1) seed (watermelon, strawberry, cabbage, flower);
kernel (edible seed, such as nuts); corn, grain (cereal
eskam¨ [se ka mu] part ¬conjunction: nevertheless, seed, such as rice, wheat); pip (Br), seed (Am) (small
notwithstanding, even if, however, but S YN Siueskam¨' inedible seed, such as orange, lemon); stone (Br), pit
™ dåepm´.' eqa\lv\; (Am), (large inedible seed, such as mango, avocado
esKiuc\; [se khain:] v 1) ask, order, command (sb to do 2) bead, pellet, small hard object such as button
sthg) 2) send sb on an errand
essa; [se za:] v 1) use 2) apply es.ekak\lW [sI gau' hlwa.] n tenon saw, small saw with a
espå; [se pa:] v send (sb to do sthg) CF AesApå; spine S YN piu;lW
esrn\ [se yan] part ¬in order to, so as to S YN rn\' — part each Ω Aim\epåk\es. each doorway Ω l¨es. each
AM.eqacxa' ™ (r)eAac\ person [? ok?]
eslWt\ [se hlu'] v send (sb on an errand, task, etc) es.c [se. (sI) nga.] v be enough for everyone, be sufficient;
Aes [åse] n servant Ω Aeseta\ royal servant be distributed throughout CF Aes.Ac' elak\c [? cf
AesKM' AesApå; [åse gan, åse åpa:] n servant, ok?]
attendant; helper, assistant CF Aim\ePa\' Aim\es' RMu;es [se. ngu.] v Óto be deliberate or meticulous in one's
estna [se dåna] n goodwill, good intention, benevolence, action
kindness Ω BaAlup\kiup´ lup\lup\ estnaTa;“p^; lup\"Âkv\. [se. ze. (sI zI) kyI] v look sb (straight) in the
Whatever work you do, do it with goodwill. Ω πestnalXn\ eyes (in anger)
kÁn\®Ps\" The one who is too kind-hearted becomes a slave. [se. ze. ngu. ngu.] adv inquisitively; carefully
A NT b¥apåd\sp\ [se. ze. sa' sa'] adv in detail
estnarxc\ [se dåna shin] n benefactor; wellwisher [se. ze. son zon] adv completely, wholly
estna.Srawn\ [se dAna. hsaya wun] n physician who treatsåk\epåk\ [se. ze. pau'] adv painstakingly, very
patients for free carefully and precisely
estna.eS;RuM [se dAna. hse; yon] n charity hospital, free

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 114

es. ª esa
es.sp\ [se. za'] v 1) negotiate; reconcile 2) settle es; [se; (si;)] v be sticky; be clammy, be cold and wet
3) propose, make a formal proposal of marriage RF — n 1) thicket, brush, area overgrown with thick
es.sp\eÂkac\; lm\;. 4) be thorough, be meticulous, work bushes; [arch] forest RF es;p¥s\. 2) gum; latex; resin RF
carefully, pay attention to detail, take pains Aes;. 3) lubricant (in bone joints), synovial fluid RF
es.sp\eÂkac\;lm\; [se. za' kyaung; lan;] v propose, make a Aes;.
formal proposal of marriage es;kp\ [se; (si;) ka'] v be sticky; be clammy, be cold and
es.sp\eÂkac\;lm\;®Kc\; [se. za' kyaung; lan; gyin;] n wet
engagement, agreement to marry CF qtiuÏ qm^; fiancée; es;Tiuc\; [se; (si;) htain;] v be damp and sticky
qtiuÏqa; fiancé [? also/only bride adn groom] es;Tn\; [se; (si;) htan;] v be sticky; be greasy
es.sp\VxiNOic\; [se. za' hnyI hnain;] v 1) set a standard es;Nx´ [se; (si;) hnE;] v be stingy, be miserly, be unwilling to
2) negotiate (between two parties); arbitrate (by part with money S YN kp\es;Nx´
impartial arbitrator, given authority by all parties) es;piuc\ [se; (si;) pain] v be very sticky
es.sp\P¥n\e®Per; [se. za' hpyan hpye ye;] n negotiation es;p¥s\ [se; pyi'] [se; byi'] v be gummy, be thick and sticky
(between two parties); arbitration (through impartial — n 1) thicket, brush, area overgrown with thick
arbitrator, given authority by all parties) bushes; Óforest
es.sp\P¥n\e®Pqma; [se. za' hpyan hpye dhåma;] n negotiator Aes; [åsi; (åse;)] n 1) latex, gum, resin (of trees), sap
(representing one side); arbitrator (impartial authority); CF qs\rv\ 2) (joint) lubricant; synovial fluid
arbiter Aes;kp\ [åsi; (åse;) ka'] v [fig] be on friendly terms
es.sp\er; [se. za' ye;] n negotiation CF Aes;mkp\ fall out
es.sp\eqK¥a [se. za' the cha] v be very thorough and careful Aes;”kio; [åsi; (åse;) gyo;]
n twisted loop of string
permanently fastened to a marionette, through which
es.eSa\ [se. hsaw] v urge; impel, provoke, motivate, other strings are passed to allow movement CF Rup\eq;
stimulate, activate; inspire A NT tMuϮpn\ marionette
Aes. [åsI (åse.)] n 1) seed (watermelon, strawberry, Aes;®Ks\ [åsi; (åse;) chi'] n tap (rubber tree, etc for its
cabbage, flower); kernel (edible seed, such as maize and sap)
nuts); grain (cereal seed, such as rice, wheat); pip Aes;epåk\ [åsi; (åse;) pau'] v thicken, become viscous
(small inedible seed, such as orange, lemon); stone Aes;mkp\ [åsi; (åse;) måka'] v be incompatible; fall out,
(Br), pit (Am), (large inedible seed, such as mango, disagree Ω lc\ -mya;K¥c\; Aes;-mkp\p´-® Ps\eta. s^;pXa;er;
avocado) 2) bead, pellet, small hard object such as meAac\®mc\B¨;" After the husband and wife had a falling out,
button their business was no longer successful. [? trans ok?]
— adv 1) closely, tightly, without leaving space Aes;AevHa\ [åsi; (åse;) åhnyaw] n mucus, phlegm
between 2) in full, without leaving anything out; S YN AriAKÁ´
including everyone s´ [sE:]v stop, cease; subside Ω miu;s´qXa;“p^" It has stopped
Aes.KXM [åsI (åse.) gun] n seed coating raining. Ω m¥k\rv\s´qXa;“p^" His tears subsided. CF ®pt\s´
Aes.evHak\ [åsI (åse.) hnyau'] n sprout esa1 [saw;] v 1) be early Ω esalaliuÏ mrB¨;la;" Can't you\ [åsI (åse.) tE] v go to seed, start producing come earlier? 2) be too early, be ahead of time; be
seeds premature 3) be eager, be intent CF sit\esa
Aes.ePak\piu; [åsI (åse.) hpau' po;] n 1) weevil 2) rice esaesa [saw; zaw;] adv early
weevil esaesas^;s^; [saw; zaw; si; zi;] adv too early, very early;
Aes.e®mH; [åsI (åse.) hmye;] n pellicle, covering of the bud beforehand, in advance, in anticipation
Aesa”k^; [åsaw; gyi;] n very early (in the) morning
Aes.Ac [åsI (åse.) ånga.] adv in full, without leaving Ω Aesa”k^;-Aip\yaTty\" He got up very early in the
anything out; including everyone morning.
Aes.Asp\ [åsI (åse.) åsa'] adv comprehensively, leaving — adv too early, very early Ω Aesa”k^;- laty\" He came
nothing out very early.
— n 1) reconciliation, coming to agreement about esa2 [saw:] v 1) be honourable; be holy; be illustrious
standards, terms, conditions, etc Ω vHi NiOc\;®Kc\;
2) be famous and respected S YN ek¥a\
1) reconciliation, settlement of differences Ω e®plv\-
— n Ólord, title of nobility
esaT^; [saw: di:] n Óµ noble, lord, member of the
Aes.Aim\ [åsI (åse.) ein] n (flower) ovary nobility
es.2 [se.] 1) postpositional marker indicating a wish
— part polite particle used to address ƒ Shan royalty [?
Ω Siurxy\ls\eKt\ mxal¨tiuc\; l¨tn\;es.eAac\\liuÏ
ask nan thida]
e®paty\" During the socialist period they said they wanted
everyone to be at the same level. 2) postpositional marker
esa3 [saw:] v contemplate, consider
indicating a command or sanction S YN es part particle
esaeÂka [saw: kyaw:] v Óexamine sthg before taking
decisive action; scrutinise; consult others on a point
suffixed to verb indicating causation S YN es

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 115

esa ª siuÏ
esa [saw:] part polite particle used in addressing a Karen sMsa; [san za;] v 1) enjoy, delight in 2) ›stay, live
man older than oneelf CF kiu sMpy\⁄ [san bE] v ›‹stay
esadk [saw: dåka.] n 1) [Buddh] inquisitor, investigator of sMka; [zåga:] n Œfrangipani, tree with sweet-smelling
violations of Buddhist laws about the sangha; charge, flowers = sMka;wå
indictment 2) argument sMka;sim\; [zågaåzein:] n Œtree with sweet-smelling
esadktk\ [saw: dåka. te'] v argue, dispute, contend flowers which are green when immature, yellow when
esadna [saw: dåna] n blame, reproof mature
— v 1) blame, reprove 2) interrogate sMka;wå [zågåwa] n Œfrangipani, tree with sweet-
esa®pa [saw: bya] n tall tree, wood of which is used to make smelling flowers
matches sMns\ªsns\ [såni'] v 1) measure 2) Ófold clothes
esar [saw: ya.] n thief S YN q¨Kiu; — n 1) system; plan 2) rule; custom; discipline Ω ts\l-
esa\ [saw] n 1) girl, young woman 2) ∞girlfriend CF B´ ts\eyak\-sMns\ 3) incident, event = qns\ 4) measurement
boyfriend 5) method
(A)esa\ [åsaw] n [in comb] prominence, conspicuousness sMpy\2 [zåbE] [ ph] n Œjasmine
Ω Aesa\ Aka; arrogance; Arxi n\Aesa\ high status; nMe sa\ stink sMpy\tc\mx´> [zåbE din hmE.] n mole on the cheek, beauty
CF Arxin\Aesa\ mark
esa\ka; [saw ga:] v insult sMpy\Tp\ [zåbE da'] n stepped roof, providing light and
esa\ka;ema\ka; [saw ga: maw ga:] adv rudely, insolently ventilation (illus)
esa\k´ [saw kE:] n ∏Kayin prince sM . [san.] part Óparticle placed at end of a sentence to form
esa\BXa; [saw bwa:] n ∏Shan ruler, Shan prince, saohpa, a question
sawbwa siu [so] v 1) be wet; get wet Ω miu;mieta. lMu®Kv\-ersiu-enty\" I
esa\BXa;esa\kn\ [saw bwa: saw kan] n ∏Shan princes got caught in the rain and my longyi is wet. A NT e®Kak\ [?
sM1 [san] n 1) standard; criterion 2) model CW rp\ ok?] 2) (of colour) be bright S YN etak\; A NT e®Kak\
CF Aerac\ siu
sMkiuk\ [san kai'] v come up to standard (of quality and
quantity) siusisi [so sI zI] adv 1) clammy, wet and cold 2) (behave)
apathetically and reticently; with dampened enthusiasm
sMK¥in\ [san gyein] n record
sMK¥in\k¥io; [san gyein kyo:] v shatter a record; be record-
siusiu®pv\®pv\ [so zo pye bye] adv 1) in a lively way
2) (look) fresh; with a fresh complexion
sMKi¥n\K¥io; [san gyein cho:] v break a record
sMKi¥n\tc\ [san gyein tin] v set a record siusXt\ [so su'] v be wet
sMKi¥n\m^ [san gyein hmi] v come up to standard (of quality) siuTiuc\; [so htain:] v be humid; be damp
sMKi¥n\VWn\; [san hnyun:] n specification siuTiuc\;S [so htain: za.] n relative humidity
sMeta\K¥in\ [san daw gyein] n standard time siuTn\; [so htan:] v be damp
Ω grc\;ns\ sMe ta\K¥in\ Greenich mean time
siu®pv\ [so pye (pyi)] v (of hair, etc) be luxuriant; (of skin)
have a healthy glow
sMtc\ [san tin] v set as a standard, declare as best or
siurW´ [so shwE:] v be dripping wet, be soaked
sMTa; [san hta:] v 1) take sthg or sb as an example to Asiu [åso] n 1) sthg wet, sthg soaked 2) raw meat or
follow, as an ideal; take (sb) as a rôle model 2) idealize, fish
think of sthg as perfect or ideal, overlooking Asiu®pn\ [åso pyan] v 1) sweat 2) become moist, become
imperfections S YN sM®po damp Ω Sa;Asiu®pn\ty\" 3) have water on the surface,
sMTiu; [san hto:] v compare with standard have condensation
sMnm¨na [san nAmu na] n standard, ideal si Ï
u 1 [so.] v 1) become moist, become damp 2) ooze, leak out

sMNOn\; [san hnon:] n standard, norm slowly Ω eKÁ;siuÏty\ sweat 3) (of humans) nurse,
breastfeed; (of animals) suckle Ω kel;-NiuÏ-siuÏenty\" The
sM®p [san bya.] n model
baby is nursing.
sM®plup\qa; [san pya. lo' tha:] n model worker [ pe]
— n 1) sprout, shoot (of a young plant) S YN AsiuÏ
sM®po [san hta:] v 1) take sthg or sb as an example to
2) chisel 3) peg, wood or metal pin used to hold things
follow, as an ideal; take (sb) as a rôle model 2) idealize,
together; dowel, wooden rod = tMsiuÏ
think of sthg as perfect or ideal, overlooking
imperfections S YN sMTa;
siuÏsiuÏpiuÏpiuÏ [so. zo. po. bo.] adv plentifully, sufficiently
sMm^ [san hmi] v come up to standard (of quality) msiuÏmpiuÏ [måso. måpo.] adv scant(ily), hardly enough
sMerX; [zan ywe:] v be hard to please, be picky, be AsiuÏ [åso.] n sprout, shoot
particular, be finicky AsiuÏTiu;' AsiuÏepåk\ [åso. hto:] v germinate, begin to
sM2 [san] v 1) enjoy, delight in 2) ›stay, live Ω eTac\nn\;sM
serve a prison sentence Ω ts\kÁn\;sM serve a life sentence
AsiuÏAevHak\ [åso. åhnyau'] n sprout, shoot, radicle, very
beginning of growth on a seed S YN A®ms\elac\;
CF nn\;sM reign

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 116

siuÏ ª sk\
siuÏ2 [so.] [so. (zo.)] n exclamation in a game of spinning tops, sk\kt\eÂk; [se' ka' kyi:] n hair clippers
made when the top is caught after being flipped into sk\k¥ [se' kya.] v [fig] frequent, haunt
the air with a string sk\”k^; [se' kyi:] n Íheavy machine gun
— ppm postpositional marker used to propose doing sk\”kio; [se' kyo:] n 1) string attached to sk\tiuc\, (pin or
something together Ω qXa;ÂksiuÏ Let's go! = reAac\ pivot) used to mark a circle 2) rope used to rock a
siu;1 [so:] v fear, worry (about), be anxious (about); be afraid cradle or hammock 3) rope, string, belt, etc attached to
of a pulley or other mechanical device
siu;rim\ [so: yein] v worry, be anxious, be concerned about sk\kXc\; [se' kwin:] n 1) mythical flying rope with the
siu;rim\t”k^; [so: yein dågyi:] adv anxiously, with great ability to tie up its target 2) target (for shooting
anxiety practice) 3) area struck by lightning 4) [fig] spell
siu;rim\mkc\;®Ps\ [so: yein måkin: hpyi'] v be troubled, be sk\eKåc\; [se' gaung:] n 1) engine, motor 2) sewing
worried, be anxious machine
siu;rim\mO [so: yein hmu.] n anxiety, worry sk\Kut\ [se' kho'] v operate a machine, motor, engine
siu;rXM> [so: yun.] v be awed; dread, have a horror of, fear sk\K¥op\ [se' cho'] v sew (by machine) CF lk\n´>K¥op\ sew
Asiu;rim\ [åso: yein] n anxiety, worry Ω kel;etX lm\;epÅ- by hand
TXk\-ksa;ta q¨k Asiu; rim\-”k^;enty\" She was very sk\Sra [se' hsåya] n mechanic; machinist
worried, with the children out playing in the street. sk\S^ [se' hsi] n engine oil
siu;2 [so:] v dominate, rule, govern; manage; control [ pe] sk\Sn\ [se' hsan] n 1) milled rice 2) pulley S YN sk\q^;'
siu;sM [so: san] v reign and rule p¨l^ (illus)
siu;miu; [so: mo:] v dominate, have hegemony; rule [ pe] sk\eta\ra [se' taw ya] n Buddha's footprint Ω erXsk\eta\
Asiu;mr [åso: måya.] v be unpredictable, be difficult to
control, be uncontrollable Ω miu;n´ÏNXa;qiu; Asiu; mr rains and sk\tiuc\ [se' tain] n 1) pin used with string sk\” kio; to
bulls are uncontrollable draw a circle 2) gallows, scaffold, gibbet (illus) 3) target
Asiu;r [åso: ya.] v get or hold control; rule, reign, govern fixed to a pole, used for training cavalry
sk\nar^ [se' na yi] n 1) (mechanical) clock or watch (as
— n ∏government; administration; régime opposed to ennar^) 2) time calculated with a 60–minute
Asiu;rkisß [åso: ya. kei' sa.] n governmental affairs hour; one hour (in this system) CF ®mn\manar^ (box: 60
Asiu;rss\ [åso: ya. si'] n government exam seconds sk¶n\Ï = 1 minute mins\; 60 minutes = 1 hour, 24 hours
Asiu;rqk\eq [åso: ya. the' the] n [Ólaw] witness for = 1 day enÏ)
the prosecution, government witness = Niuc\cMeta\qk\eq sk\ps\kXc\; [se' pyi' kwin:] n target range, shooting range

Asiu;rAPX´> [åso: ya. åhpwE.] n ∏council of ministers sk\psßv\; [se' pyi' si:] n machine parts
siu;s^siu;s^ [so: si so: si] n twitter, tweet, sound of birds sk\pn\; [se' pan:] n machine embroidery
siu;sU\; [so: zin:] n a little CF (tsiu;)tsi sk\pun\;Kut\ [se' pon: kho'] v [fig] do things
surreptitiously; plot behind the scenes
sk\1 [se'] [ze'] v touch one after the other, in a chain;
spread CF k¨; sk\
sk\®pc\ [se' pyin] n repairman
— n drop; small amount, mite, trifle Ω miu; sk\ raindrop
sk\B^; [se' bein:] n bicycle, bike, cycle
sk\sk\ [se' se'] adv in drops sk\m´.elyaU\ [se' mE. le yin] n glider
sk\lk\ [se' le'] adv in drops Ω A´d^Rup\rxc\kiu sk\emac\; [se' maung:] n engine operator
m¥k\rv\sk\lk\n´> Âkv\.rty\" I watched that movie
sk\mO [se' hmu.] n industry [ pe]
through my tears.
sk\mOeta\lxn\er; [se' hmu. taw hlan ye:] n Industrial
Revolution [ pe]
Ask\ [åse'] n 1) drop, drip (of liquid) S YN Aepåk\
2) speck, small spot; dot S YN Aepåk\' Ae®pak\
sk\mOpva [se' hmu. pyin nya] n mechanical engineering
sk\2 [se'] v sleep Ω Aip\sk\®Kc\;ha Aekac\;SMu; Ana;y¨®Kc\; sk\mOlk\mO [se' hmu. le' hmu.] n industry [ pe]
®Ps\ty\" Sleep is the best kind of rest. sk\mOlk\mOeek¥ac\; [se' hmu. le' hmu. kyaung:] n technical
sk\eta\eKÅ [se' daw khaw] v (of royalty, monks) sleep
Ask\ [åse'] n [of royalty, monks] (period of) sleep, rest sk\mOly\ya [se' hmu. lE ya] n mechanised farming [ ag]
sk\yN|ra; [se' yan: dåya:] n machinery
sk\3 [se'] v weigh against, or compare with sthg sk\Rup\ [se' yo'] n robot
sk\4 [se'] n 1) circle; wheel; cycle 2) weapons sk\RuM [se' yon] n factory; workshop
3) machinery; mill 4) authority; controlling power,
sk\lt\ [se' la'] n [milit] medium machine gun
ruling power CF Aa%apiuc\ 5) distinguishing marks of the
sk\elx [se' hle] n powerboat
Buddha [ bh] 6) [cmb] mechanical sk\elxka; [se' hle ga:] n escalator, moving stairway
sk\kel; [se' kåle:] n Ílight machine gun sk\wiuc\; [se' wain:] n circle
sk\kiriya [se' kårI ya] n machinery, parts of machines sk\wn\; [se' wun:] n circumference, the measurement

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 117

sk¶r^etr^ ª sc\;
around a circle siuk\p¥io; [sai' pyo:] v plant; grow, cultivate (plants, trees,
sk\q^; [se' thi:] n pulley S YN sk\Sn\' p¨l^ etc)
sk\eqnt\cy\ [se' thåna' ngE] n Ísubmachine gun siuk\p¥io;er; [sai' pyo: ye:] n agriculture
sk¶r^etr^ [se' kåri te ri] n secretary (of municipality or other siuk\p¥io;er;quetqn@an [sai' pyo; ye; thu. de thAna. hta na.] n
local unit) [Engl] CF AtXc\;er;mØ; Agricultural Research Department [? new kyaw]
sk¶wk\ [se' kåwe'] n brahminy duck S YN hqça siuk\liuk\mt\tt\ [sai' lai' ma' ta'] adv steadfastly
sk¶ø [se' ku] n paper C W rXk\ siuk\prp\ [sai' påra'] n ∏Cyprus
sk¶ølip\ [se' ku lei'] n roll of tissue, toilet roll (Br), toilet — adj Cypriot [ pe]
paper (roll) CW lip\ sc\1 [sin] n 1) stage; platform, dais; podium, raised place
sk¶n\> [se' kan.] n second, sixtieth part of a minute CF nar^ to speak from 2) shelf, rack attached to a wall Ω saAup\sc\
skƒo [se' khu.] n eye S YN m¥k\si bookshelf 3) altar, shrine Ω nt\sc\ f:spirit shrine,
skƒopqad [se' khu. påtha da.] n 1) vision, ability of the Bura;sc\ altar for the Buddha 4) [in comb] tower
eye to perceive images CF m¥ksi 2) state of being Ω nar^sc\ clock tower Ω ersc\ water tower Ω emYa\ sc\ watchtower
pleasant to look at 5) arbour, trellis, structure for growing climbing plants
skƒoe®N» [se' khon dåre] n 1) casting down of eyes
2) [Buddh] limitation of one's field of vision to about sc\eta\ [sin daw] n royal marionette troupe
two metres by casting down eyes sc\“pioc\ [sin pyain] n rivals, opponents, competitors
sk\Sup\ [se' hso'] v detest, abhor, loathe; hate; be disgusted sc\®mc\. [sin myin.] n stage; platform, dais; podium, raised
by Ω Aim\eTac\er;aPak\®pn\t´.q¨kiu kÁn\eta\ sk\Sup\ty\" I place to speak from
am disgusted by people who are unfaithful in their ts\sc\eTac\ [dåzin htaung] v [fig] break away and set
marriage. up a rival organisation [ ph]
sk\tc\Ba [se' tin ba] n September [Engl] sc\2 [sin] v 1) be free from, be clear of, be clean, be pure
esak\ [sau'] [zau'] v be steep Ω ersc\ clean water, pure water CF lMu' ®Pøsc\ 2) be chaste,
— n [sau'] 1) depth (downward); height (upward) be a virgin Ω l¨p¥iosc\ µ virgin
2) vagina, part of woman's genitalia S YN eyani' min\;mAg:' sc\Âky\ [sin kyE] v 1) be free from, be clear of, be clean,
min\; mpsßv\; CF lic\' tn\Sa⁄ 3) Îcunt Î be pure 2) faultless, perfect 3) chaste; pure
esak\pt\ [sau' pa'] n Îcunt Î sc\sc\ [sin zin] adv entirely free from
esak\pt\“P´m [sau' pa' hpE; ma.] n Îslut Î, whore Î msc\ [måsin] n f(a)eces, excrement
esak\Put\ [sau' hpo'] n vagina msc\sXn\Ï [måsin sun.] v defecate, empty the bowels
Aesak\ [åsau'] n 1) steepness 2) depth (downward); msc\tXc\; [måsin dwin:] n pit latrine; cesspool
height (upward) Ω Aesak\nk\ be deep msc\Aiu; [måsin o:] n chamber pot
Aesak\Ae®pa [åsau' åpyaw:] n depth and width Asc\ [åsin] n (state of) cleanliness, purity; accuracy;
exhaustiveness Ω Akun\Asc\ without exception
siuk\ [sai'] v 1) plant Ω Aes.siuk\ plant seeds 2) put up, make
the foundation for RF siuk\T¨. 3) loan, make a temporary CF Ae®pac\Asc\
payment on behalf of [ ag] 4) (of aircraft) land Ω elyaU\ skçap¨' sc\kap¨ [sin ga pu] n ∏Singapore
msiuk\eq;B¨;" The plane hasn't landed yet. CF TXk\ take off — n&adj Singaporean [ pe]
[? new from me] sc\era\ [zin yaw] n seagull
siuk\kp\liuk\ [sai' ka' lai'] v (of young rice plants) be s”kC [zin: gyan] n 1) walk; path 2) corridor, passage,
stricken by drought hallway; terrace 3) platform, pavement, sidewalk
siuk\Âkv\. [sai' kyI] v stare, look fixedly s”kCel¥ak\ [zin: gyan shau'] v pace, walk to and from (in
siuk\kXk\siuk\Kc\; [sai' kwe' sai' khin;] n fields being farmed passages, on paths, etc)
S YN lu p\Kc\; [? new from def of loq khin] sc\ss\ [sin zi'] adv actually, in reality
siuk\Kc\; [sai' khin:] n field of crops; (betel, mango, plum, sc\t^grit\ [sin ti gårei'] n centigrade, Celsius, i.e., scale on
etc) orchard thermometre with 0 as temperature that water freezes,
siuk\KX [sai' khwa.] n forked stick used for transplanting and 100 as temperature that water boils. [Engl]
rice seedlings S YN Celcius ? CF Py\rc\hiuk\
siuk\siuk\siuk\siuk\ [sai' sai' sai' sai'] adv (walk) with hanging sc\®pXm\; [zin byun:] n tree with sour fruit
head sc\; [sin:] v 1) be straight, not curved 2) be true, be
siuk\siuk\mt\mt\ [sai' sai' ma' ma'] adv direct, straight; honest 3) be plain, be simple, have nothing extra
steadfastly — part count word used in counting some long, narrow
siuk\T¨ [sai' htu] v put up (flagpole, fencepost, etc); things Ω tMta;' ®ma;' ®ms\ts\sc\;' rTa; [ nc]
provide money to set up an organisation Ω Siuc\But\siuk\T¨ sc\;eK¥a [zin: gyaw:] v be plain and smooth
put up a sign sc\;sc\; [sin: sin:] adv 1) clearly Ω sc\;sc\;etX; think clearly
siuk\Tut\ [sai' hto'] v 1) loan, make temporary payment 2) honestly Ω sc\;sc\; lup\ work honestly 3) motionlessly,
on behalf of 2) make full use of (one's abilities) quietly Ω sc\;sc\;”k^;eq die quietly CF sn\>sn\>”k^;eq

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 118

esac\ ª ss\
sc\;lMu;eK¥a [zin: lon: gyaw:] n (state of) perfection which the player kicks the ball over the shoulder with
— v be flawless, be perfect the heel, while twisting the body
sc\;elYa [zin: shaw:] n slope, gradient, incline esac\;tn\; [saung: dan:] n covered passageway or stairway
Asc\; [åsin:] n stripe; scratch Ω eÂkac\kut\liuÏ at a pagoda
Asc\; Tty\" I got these scratches from the cat. esac\;på;rip\®Kv\ [saung: ba: yei' chi (che)] adv with a hint,
Asc\;qa; [åsin: dha:] adv stretched out flat indirectly, unobtrusively Ω e observe unobtrusively Ω e let
esac\ [saung] v 1) keep in reserve 2) watch warily, before sb know indirectly Ω e ay with a hint
fighting esac\;e®mac\; [saung: myaung:] v insinuate, gibe, make
— n blanket, rug, covers CW Tv\ cutting remark, make sly insult
— part count word used in counting documents, letters, esac\;emX; [zaung: mwe:] n ruff (of animals and birds),
literary works, etc Ω sacå;esac\ 5 letters [ nc] fringe of hair or feathers around the neck; hackles, hair
esac\K¥m\; [zaung gyan:] n bush, leaves of which are used that can rise (illus)
to induce vomiting = sc\Âkm\; esac\;rip\ [saung: yei'] v insinuate, imply (sthg negative),
esac\®Km\; [zaung gyan:] n potsherd, broken piece of hint at
pottery = Aiu;esac\®Km\; esac\;la;K¥it\la; [saung: la: chei' la:] v (in speech)
esac\m [saung ma.] v aid, assist, relieve insinuate, imply, give meaning indirectly
esac\rn\; [saung yan:] n fence S YN wc\TrM' “KMsv\;Riu;' tesac\; [tåzaung:] adv 1) askew, aslant 2) on one's side;
tMtiuc\; sideways
Aesac\ [åsaung] n 1) reserve, supply kept for esac\;l¥a; [zaung: ya:] n starfruit (illus)
emergencies, stand-by 2) document; book Aesac\;AK¥it\ [åsaung: åchei'] n innuendo, indirect
insult or implication of impropriety
esac\. [saung.] v 1) wait for 2) keep guard; watch over;
adhere to, observe 3) control; restrain esac\;2 [saung:] n œharp; collective term for esac\;ekak\'
esac\.Âkp\ [saung. kya'] v guard; oversee esac\;®pa;' b¥p\esac\; (illus, wih parts) [ ms]
esac\.sa; [saung. za:] v look forward to esac\;ekak\ [saung: gau'] n œBurmese harp
esac\.sv\;' esac\.Tin\; [saung. zi:, saung. htein;] v control; esac\Kt\ [saung: kha'] v œplay (harp) CF d¥n\Ï
restrain esac\;ViO> [saung: hnyo.] n œharp string = vHio>
esac\.emYa\ [saung. hmyaw] v look forward to; long for esac\;®pa; [saung bya:] n œstringed musical instrument
esac\.erxak\ [saung. shau'] v protect; look after, care for similar to a lyre (illus) [ ms]
esac\.lc\. [saung. lin.] v await, wait for esac\;qMKuns\på; [saung: dhan khun hnåpa:] n œseven scales
esac\.qi [saung. thI] v honour, understand and respect a of the Burmese harp [ ms]
principle, belief, etc; have faith Ω q¨tpå;r´>ek¥;z¨;kiu esac\;Aiu; [saung o:] n œbody of the Burmese harp
esac\.qirmy\" You have to honour your obligations. siuc\1 [sain] n wild ox, banteng (illus)
esac\.qMu; [saung. thon:] v observe (rite, tradition, etc); siuc\epåc\ [sain paung] n 1) part of ornamental accent on
adhere to (belief, doctrine, etc) arches, resembling the haunch of the siuc\ (wild ox)
Aesac\. [åsaung.] n 1) guard, watchman 2) guardian 2) hammer of a flintlock rifle, resembling a siuc\ (wild ox)
spirit, genius haunch (illus)
Aesac\.AÂkp\ [åsaung. åkya'] n escort; guard; guardian siuc\el¥a\ [sain yaw] n bay (horse), horse with brown and
Aesac\.Aen [åsaung. åne] n garrisons black colouring
Aesac\.erxak\ [åsaung. shau'] n (royal) escort, bodyguard; siuc\2 [sain] n (in comb) lump, chunk; heap, aggregation,
(palace) guard mass; accumulation RF Asiuc\' tim\siuc\ mass of clouds.
Aesac\.Aerxak\ [åsaung. åshau'] n 1) guard, watchman, siuc\rxø; [sain shu:] n ßVenus S YN b^;np\' eqaÂka
patrol 2) guardian spirit, genius Asiuc\ [åsain] n lump, chunk; heap, aggregation, mass;
esac\;1 [saung:] v slant, slope; lean; tilt; be askew, be at an accumulation
angle [zaung:] Asiuc\siuc\ [åsain zain] adv masses and masses
— adv (talk) in an insinuating way Asiuc\AK´ [åsain åkhE:] n 1) solid, mass 2) accumulation
(of emotion, wealth, etc)
— n 1) slope 2) edge; side
esac\;kn\;esac\;kn\; [saung: gan: saung: gan:] adv
siuc\; [sain:] v 1) ride or drive (horses or other draft
animals) at high speed 2) do as one likes, please oneself
1) askance, disapprovingly; belligerantly 2) (walk)
esac\;K¥it\ [saung: chei'] v (in speech) insinuate, imply
siuc\;Nxc\ [sain: hnin] v gallop
(sthg negative, unflattering) Ω ska;e®payc\
siuc\;®pc\; [sain: byin:] v 1) aspire fervently 2) scheme, plot,
conspire CF ”kMsv\ƒ
tv\.tv\.e®papå esac\;la;K¥it\la; me®papån´>" Say what you
mean when you talk, don't insinuate. S YN esac\; la;K¥it\la;' ss\1 [si'] n Íwar; battle Ω dutiykm±ass\ Second World War,
esac\;e®mac\; World War CF Tiu; ss\ attack, KMss\ defence, AÂkXc;\ m´.ss\
esac\;slXy\ [saung: sålwE] n move in ®Kc\;lMu; (caneball) in total war

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 119

ss\ ª ss\
ss\ksa; [si' gåza:] v Ícarry out war games, manoeuvres ss\nc\; [si' nin:] v Óraid; attack (usu at night)
ss\ka; [si' ka:] n war movie ss\nv\;b¥øha [si' ni: byu ha] n Ímilitary tactics
ss\k¨(ss\eTak\) [si' ku (si' htau')] n Íreinforcements S YN ss\priyay\
ss\k¨etac\; [si' ku taung:] v 1) Íask for reinforcements ss\pva [si' pyin nya] n Ímilitary training
2) [fig] ask for support ss\priyay\ [si' pårI yE] n Ímilitary tactics
ss\k´ [si' kE:] n 1) ÓÍsecond-in-command of a unit S YN ss\ nv\; b¥øha
2) Ócivil officer in city government 3) chess piece ss\p¥k\ [si' pye'] v Óbe routed
representing the second-in-command in ss\turc\ ss\“p^;eKt\ [si' pyi: khi'] n post-war period CF ss\”kioeKt\
(Burmese chess) (illus) [ pe]
ss\”kioeKt\ [si' kyo khi'] n pre-war period (usu referring ss\e®p“cim\; [si' pye nyein:] v Íbring an end to (war), make
to World War II) CF ss\“p^;eKt\ [ pe] peace
ss\eÂkac\; [si' kyaung:] n 1) Ícolumn deployed for battle ss\e®p; [si' pye:] v Ídesert (from armed forces), go AWOL
2) column (of marching people) (absent without leave) CF tp\e®p;
ss\kXc\; [si' kwin:] n Ífield of fire — n 1) ∏(war) refugee 2) Ídeserter 3) draft dodger
ss\Kc\; [si' khin:] v Í1) fight (a battle) 2) deploy in battle ss\e®p;dukƒqv\ [si' pye: do' kha. dhE] n ∏war refugee
order ss\®pc\ [si' pyin] v Íprepare for war, ready (one's troops,
ss\Kc\;®Kc\; [si' khin: chin:] n Íwarfare etc) for armed conflict
ss\KMuRuM; [si' khon yon:] n Ícourt martial, military tribunal ss\“pioc\ [si' pyain] v ÓÍbattle CF tiuk\pX´
S YN ss\tra;RuM; ss\®pn\ [si' pyan] n Í(war) veteran CF ss\mOTm\;ehac\;
ss\K¥^ [si' chi] v Ímarch (to battle) ss\p´X [si' pwE:] n Íwar
ss\K¥op\ [si' cho'] n Ímilitary lockup, brig (inf, esp ∑) ss\®Ps\ [si' hpyi'] v Íbe at war, (of war) break out
CFkXata; ss\biul\ [si' bo] n Íofficer, brass (inf) CF enlisted; tp\qa;
ss\KXa [si' khwa] v Íretreat, break contact with enemy ss\Burc\ [si' båyin] n Ógeneralissimo, chief commander
ss\cc\ [si' ngin] v Ídecoy, draw the enemy out to the a of forces in the field, warlord Ω g¥c\gs\K n\ ss\Burc\ts\på;
position ®Ps\ty\" Genghis Khan was a warlord. CF ss\q¨”k^;
ss\Sc\ [si' hsin] v Íplan a military operation, prepare for ss\Bk\Ay¨KMRuM; [si' be' Ayu khan yon;] n [law] Courts-
battle CF b¥øha Martial Appeal Court
ss\Sc\er; [si' hsin ye:] n Ímilitary operation, military ss\mhab¥øha [si' måha byu ha] n Ístrategy CF ss\nv\;b¥øha
campaign Ω ss\Sc\er;kXp\k´mO skK [? sa. ka. kha.] ss\mhab¥øhael.laer;@an [si' måha byu ha le. la ye; hta na.]
ss\Siuc\;AlM [si' hsain: ålan] n Íflag of truce, flag n Í∏ÓOffice of Strategic Studies
signalling proposal to stop fighting, white flag ss\mk\ [si' me'] n Íwar
ss\Sup\ [si' hso'] v Íretreat, withdraw ss\mk\Agçå [si' me' in ga] n Ímilitary forces
ss\evac\; [si' nyaung:] v Ó(of war, campaign, etc) drag ss\m¥k\Nxa [si' mye' hna] n Ífront
on, be protracted S YN ss\Aiu ss\e®m®pc\ [si' mye byin] n Íbattlefield, battleground
ss\@anK¥op\ [si' hta na. gyo'] n Ímilitary headquarters ss\mOTm\; [si' hmu. htan:] [si' hmu. dan:] v Íserve in armed
ss\tra;KM [si' tåya: khan] n Íwar criminal forces
ss\tra;RuM; [si' tåya: yon:] n Ícourt martial S YN ss\KMuRuM — n Ímilitary personnel
CF ss\Bk\Ay¨KMRuM; ss\mOTm\;ehac\; [si' hmu dan: haung:] n Íveteran, ex-
ss\tlc\; [si' tålin:] n 1) Íbattlefield; field of fire soldier, retired military Ω ss\mOTm\;ehac\;APX´> War Veteran's
2) parade ground; maidan Association
ss\turc\ [si' bå (tu) yin] n 1) Burmese chess 2) chess ss\®mHø [si' hmyu] v Ídecoy, lure, trick (the enemy)
ss\tk\ [si' te'] v advance ss\raT¨;Kn\ÏK¥op\ [si' ya du: gan. gyo'] n ÍMilitary
ss\tk¶qiul\ [si' te' kåtho] n ÍDefence Services Appointments General
Academy; military academy, war college ss\er;K¥op\ [si' ye: gyo'] n Adjutant General
ss\tiuk\ [si' tai'] v Íwage (war), fight (war, battle, etc); ss\er;cc\ [si' ye: ngin] v decoy, lure, trick S YN ss\®mHø
engage (in hostilities) ss\er;ss\ra [si' ye: si' ya] n Í∏matters relating to the
ss\tiuc\; [si' tain:] n Íregional command armed forces, army business
ss\tn\;l¥a; [si' tan: ya:] n Í(military) barracks, ss\er;nim\. [si' ye: nein.] v Íbe defeated or have a reverse
permanent housing for soldiers in an armed conflict
ss\tp\ [si' ta'] n Ímilitary, the combined military forces ss\er;®p [si' ye: pya.] [si' ye: bya.] v Íhave a military parade
as an organisation — n Í1) parade 2) drill
ss\Tiu; [si' hto:] v Ígo into battle, enter into combat ss\er;lx [si' ye: hla.] v ÓÍgain the upper hand (in war)
ss\eTak\K¥op\ [si' htau' cho'] n ÍQuartermaster General,
army supply officer ss\er;qa [si' ye: tha] v Ígain the upper hand (in war)
ss\TXk\ [si' htwe'] v Ígo to the front line ss\r´ [si' yE:] n Ímilitary police; armed constabulary

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 120

ss\ ª sU\
S YN tp\Tin\; (Tmc\;rv\ss\), strain; filter (eqak\erss\-, separate one
ss\rp\ss\KM [si' ya' ki' khan] n Ódefence part from another 3) inspect, examine; interrogate,
ss\rip\ss\ecX> [si' yei' si' ngwe.] n signsof impending war, question 4) recede, be farther away; dwindle, become
war clouds (Upsa) smaller; become leaner, become slimmer Ω el.k¥c\.
ss\ROM; [si' shon:] v Ílose, be defeated (in battle, war, etc) Kn\;mxn\mxn\lup\eta. kiuy\erss\lataepåÏ" If you exercise
ss\lk\nk\psßv\; [si' le' ne' pyi' si:] n Íordnance regularly, you will become slim.
ss\el¥a\eÂk; [si' yaw gye:] n ∏reparations, payments ss\eÂka [si' kyaw:] v inspect, examine; interrogate,
made by loser to compensate for war damages question
ss\l¥c\ [si' lyin] n Ívan, vanguard, advance guard ss\K¥k\ [si' che'] n statement obtained by interrogation;
ss\wåd^ [si' wa di] n ∏militarist, hawk (fig, US foreign result of inspection [ rc]
policy) A NT pacifist, dove pacifist, dove [ pe] ss\s^ [si' si] v 1) be thrifty, be frugal, be economical, get
ss\wt\ss\sa;' ss\wt\sMu [si' wu' si' sa:, si' wu' son] n by with little money Ω ecXkiuss\s^“p^; qMu;eta suNiuc\taepåÏ" If
Íuniform you are thrifty you can save money. 2) be stingy, be
ss\wn\Tm\;tp\ [si' wun dan; ta'] n Í∏Ó Territorial Units, miserly, be unwilling to part with money
government militia formed in the late 1940s Ω eta\e ta\ ss\s^t´. l¨b¥a" AkÇ¥ kiu ts\Nxs\ts\Kåp´ wy\ty\"
ss\qa; [si' tha:] n ͵ soldier CF r´eBa\ She is so stingy, she only buys one shirt a year.
ss\qa;l¨TXk\ [si' tha; lu dwe'] n former soldier, ex- ss\ss\epåk\epåk\ [si' si' pau' pau'] adv meticulously,
soldier, ex-military [? new from myan engl] thoroughly, in detail, fully S YN NOik\NOik\KÁt\KÁt\
ss\q¨”k^; [si' thu gyi:] n ÓÍcommander in chief, general ss\eS; [si' hse:] v inspect, examine, test; question,
CF ss\Burc\ interrogate; put on trial, cross-examine
ss\eqnapti [si' the na påti] n Ícommander in chief ss\tm\; [si' tan:] n analysis Ω saepss\tm\; literary analysis
ss\qMmØ; [si' than hmu:] n Ímilitary attaché ss\tm\;ekak\ [si' dan: kau'] v collect data, (conduct)
ss\qc\tn\; [si' thin dan:] n Ímilitary training survey; analyse
ss\qeBça [si' thin: baw:] n Íwarship ss\tm\;Tut\ [si' tan: hto'] v evaluate, make a critical
review (of), make an analysis of
ss\qv\ [si' thi] n Í1) soldier 2) ranks, rank and file
ss\qMuÏpn\; [si' thon. ban:] n Íprisoner of war, POW Ass\ [åsi'] n 1) the real thing (inf), sthg true, real,
pure, genuine, unadulterated 2) investigation
CF Ak¥U\;qa; [ rc]
ss\eqX;ÂkX [si' thwe: gywa.] v be militant, be ready to fight Ass\KM [åsi' khan] v 1) be questioned, be subject to
questioning, enquiry, investigation etc 2) [law] give a
deposition, make a sworn statement, give testimony
— n militant
under oath
ss\Uped [si' u. både] n Ímilitary code; martial law
ss\UpedK¥op\ [si' u. både gyo'] n Íjudge advocate general Ass\KMK¥k\ [åsi' khan gye'] n [law] deposition, sworn
statement, testimony given under oath
ss\U^; [si' u:] n Ívan, vanguard Ass\mOn\Ï [åsi' hmon.] n powdered thanakha CF qnp\Kå;
ss\U^;s^; [si' u: zi:] n Ígeneral staff Ass\AeÂka\ [åsi' åkyaw] n questioning, interrogation
ss\U^;s^;ArarxiK¥op\(Âkv\;) [si' u: zi: åya shI gyo' (kyi:)] n Ass\AeS; [åsi' åhse:] n inspection, testing, questioning
Íchief of staff (Army)
ss\U^;s^;ArarxiK¥op\(er) [si' u: zi: åya shI gyo' (ye)] n Íchief of
Ass\Amxn\ [åsi' åhman] n truth; reality, sthg genuine
staff (Navy)
ss\U^;s^;ArarxiK¥op\(el) [si' u: zi: åya shI gyo' (le)] n Íchief
ss\sl^ [si' såli] n 1) fulvous whistling duck 2) lesser whistling
duck S YN erwm\;B´ RF ss\sl^eKåc\; m´.
of staff (Air)
ss\U^;B^l¨;på [si' u: bålu: ba] adv Í(attack) all out, full on
ss\sl^eKåc\;m´ [si' sAli gaung; mE;] n lesser whistling duck
erwm\; B´
= tp\U^; B^l¨; på
ss\eA;(tiuk\pX´) [si' e: (dai' bwE:)] n ∏cold war [ pe] ss\turc\ [si' båyin (tu yin)] n 1) Burmese chess mc\;”k^;'
ss\k¨etac\;' ss\k´' ®mc\;' Sc\' ny\' rTa; commander,
ss\eA;lXn\eKt\ [si' e: lun khi'] n ∏post-cold war period
second-in-command, horse, elephant, foot-soldier,
[ pe]
chariot 2) chess ®mc\; BOX with names of chess figures:
ss\Aiu [si' o] v Ó(of a war) drag on, be protracted
king, queen, bishop, knight, castle/rook, pawn
S YN ss\evac\;
ss\Ag:(el;på;) [si' in ga (le: ba:)] n Ícombat forces, with
ss\pår^ [si' pa ri] n sepoy, Sikh soldier
four branches: Sc\s^;q¨r´ elephant corps; ®mc\; s^;q¨r´
sU\1 [sin] v 1) fly off; be flung out, be thrown out 2) be
spilled, be spattered; splash, spatter Ω APit\AsU\ ¬die
cavalry; rTa;s^;q¨r´ chariots; and e®Kqv\q¨r´ infantry
ss\Aup\K¥op\er; [si' o' cho' ye:] n Ímilitary administration sU\2 [sin] v line up, arrange (in order), put in order
Ω cy\ sU\” k^; liu k\ in (ascending) order; Ω ”k^;sU\c y\liuk\ in
ss\Aup\K¥op\er;Amin\Ï [si' o' cho' ye: åmein.] n Í∏martial
law descending order CF wåsU\ order of seniority in sangha;
AkƒrasU\ alphabetical order
ss\2 [si'] v 1) be real, be genuine, be true; be pure
Ω AK¥s\ ss\ true love A NT tu 2) drain (water off)
— part while

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 121

sU\. ª sv\;
sU\tiuk\ [zin dai'] adv continuously up in thought
sU\nkƒt\ [sin ne' kha'] n ßplanet seen near the moon at sU\;sU\;sa;sa; [sin: zin: sa: za:] adv after careful thought,
the time of one's birth with care
ÚsU\Útiuc\; […sin…dain;] part (with time periods) every sU\;t^tMu; [sin: ti (hni) don:] n chopping block, cutting
Ω enÏ sU\e nÏtiuc\; every day, daily Ω Nx s\sU\Nxs\tiuc\; yearly board [ ph]
AsU\ [åsin] n 1) order, sequence, series Ω Kr^;AsU\ sU\;l´ [sin: lE:] v be crooked, be unfair, be dishonest (in
itinerary 2) consistency; continuity; succession dealing)
3) tradition S YN TMu; sM' Del. AsU\; [åsin:] adv (know, be acquainted with, etc sthg or
— adv always, continuously, constantly; permanently sb) thoroughly, inside and out, through and through
Ω p¥k\rc\ AsU\' ®pc\ rc\K % If it's broken it will stay broken; if Ω AsU\; qi have complete knowledge
it's repaired, it takes only a moment. (Similar to ‘A stitch in AsU\;Asa; [åsin: åsa:] n prudence; power to reflect (usu
time saves nine.’) RF AsU\Atiuc\;. neg) Ω Bamxkiu AsU\; Asa;-mrxiB¨;" He doesn't think things
AsU\v^ [åsin nyi] v be according to custom over at all (e.g., before acting).
AsU\tasiuk\ [åsin dåzai'] adv 1) always S YN A“m´ sv\ [si] v 1) be swarming (with people), be well-
2) perpetually, continually, incessantly S YN mrp\mna; attended; (of a place, festival, etc) be popular 2) be
AsU\Twr [åsin hta wåya.] adv perpetually, eternally, prosperous
everlastingly — n 1) œbig drum CF t¨riya [ ms] 2) cask (wine cask),
AsU\Niuc\cM [åsin nain ngan] n Óterritory traditionally held barrel (of water), keg (of beer), drum (of oil) Ω sv\B^ya
by a monarch CF lk\nk\Niuc\cM draught beer, beer on tap S YN p^på
AsU\m®pt\ [åsin måpya'] adv continuously S YN AmYc\m®pt\ sv\ka; [si ga:] v 1) be swarming (with people), be well-
attended; (of a place, festival, etc) be popular 2) be
AsU\liuk\ [åsin lai'] v act according to tradition, observe prosperous
tradition sv\eta\ [si daw] n œroyal drum, big drum (illus) [ ms]
— adv in order sv\eta\qM [si daw than] n œsound or song of the royal
AsU\q®Pc\. [åsin thåhpyin.] adv in the usual way, in the drum [ ms]
ordinary course sv\tiu [si do] n œshort drum (illus)
AsU\ASk\ [åsin åhse'] n (order of) succession (to an sv\pc\ [si bin] v prosper, have plenty
office, position, etc); unbroken line (of descent, sv\pc\qayaer; [sin bin tha ya ye:] n development
practice, etc) Ω qa;eta\ AsU\-e®m;eta\ASk\ royal committee (of towns and cities)
succession of sons and grandsons CF m¥io;Riu;AsU\ sv\piuc\; [si bain:] n half-barrel, tub Ω sv\piuc\;T´er®Pv\.på" Fill
— adv 1) continuously 2) traditionally the tub with water.
AsU\Atiuc\; [åsin åtain:] adv always, continuously, sv\ePac\; [si baung:] n 1) isinglass; air bladder of fish
constantly 2) (urinary) bladder 3) (toy) balloon 4) necklace made
AsU\Ala [åsin åla] n 1) tradition, convention; of gold beads
precedent Ω AsU\;Alakiu-liuk\ follow convention; be in sv\B^ya [si bi ya] n beer on tap, draft beer
harmony with tradition [? check] 2) course of events sv\qXt\ [si thu'] v can (food, to preserve), tin
AsU\Ael¥ak\ [åsin ålyau'] adv in due course Ω sv\ qXt\sk\ RMu cannery
sU\. [sin.] n glaze sv\;1 [si:] n 1) fence; line; boundary Ω “KMsv\;Riu; fence (around
sU\.kXc\; [sin. gwin:] n ceramic plaque property) 2) discipline; ethics; code of conduct
sU\.Aiu; [sin. o:] n glazed ceramic jar 3) œtiming bells (illus) [ ms] 4) Œtiming, beat, tempo
sU\; [sin:] n 1) scales, balance in which the object to be Ω sv\; n´ÏAv^ kmy\" I'll dance in time to the music. [ ms]
weighed is hung on a hook and a weight is moved along 5) bundle, bunch, sheaf Ω pn\;sv\; bouquet, bunch of
an arm to find the weight RF sU\;Ki¥n\KXc\. 2) arrowhead flowers; tc\;sv\; bundle of firewood
S YN®ma;qXa; — v bundle, tie together, bind
— v mince, chop into small pieces — part count word for bundles Ω eS;epåÏlip\-ts\sv\; a
sU\;eka [sin: kaw:] n minced raw meat, fish, prawn, etc bundle of cheroots [ nc ]
sU\;K¥in\KXc\ [sin: gyein gwin] n scales, balance in which the sv\;km\; [si: kan:] n 1) rules, regulations 2) (self-
object to be weighed is hung on a hook and a weight is )discipline, (self-)control, restraint 3) order
moved along an arm to find the weight sv\;km\;-klna; [si; kan; kAl Ana;] n [fig] scruples,
sU\;cy\ [sin: ngE] adv slightly, little principles Ω sv\; km\;-klna; mrxiB¨;" He has no scruples.
sU\;sa; [sin: za:] v think, consider; figure out Ω l¨ She will stick at nothing.
(15) eyak\ ts\Kn\; T´mxa By\liu Aip\Âklim\.liuÏ sU\;sa;liuÏ sv\;km\;”k^; [si: kan: kyi:] v have strict discipline
mrB¨;" I can't figure how 15 people will sleep in one room. sv\;km\;K¥k\ [si: kan: gye'] n condition, term (of
Ω msU\;sa;-tt\ at a loss (to) agreement, etc)
sU\;sa;Kn\;wc\ [sin: sa: gan: win] v think deeply, be wrapped sv\;km\;Tin\; [si: kan: htein:] n monitor, person assigned

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 122

sv\; ª sit\
to keep discipline sv\;liuk\ [si: lai'] v keep time in music (with timing
sv\;km\;Tin\;qim\;er;APX´ [si: kan: htein: thein: ye: åhpwE:] n bells)
(group for) inspection, audit sv\;lMuK¥v\ [si: lon gyi] n kind of silk longyi made with
sv\;km\;p¥k\ [si: kan: pye'] v lose discipline, break tie-dyed weft thread
discipline sv\;lMu; [si: lon:] v unite
sv\;km\;ePak\ [si: kan: hpau'] v (esp milit) break rules of sv\;lMu;v^VXt\er; [si: lon: nyi: nyu' ye:] n unity (esp of
conduct purpose), harmony [ pe]
sv\;km\;m´. [si: kan: mE.] v have no discipline, be sv\;lXt\wå;lXt\ [si: lu' wa: lu'] adv [fig] without restraint
sv\;km\;rxi [si: kan: shI] v have discipline, be well- sv\;wå;kiuk\ [si: wa: kai']
v 1) be in correct time (in
disciplined singing or playing instrument) [ ms] 2) [fig] prearrange
sv\;k¥wå;k¥ [si: gya. wa: gya.] adv in time (to music)
sv\; kiuk\wå;kiuk\ [ ms]
S YN sv\;ew; [si: we:] v hold a meeting
sv\;ek¥a\ [si; kyaw] v [fig] 1) cross the line, do sthg one sv\;wiuc\; [si: wain:] n 1) marked off area 2) [fig] bounds,
shouldn't do 2) interfere (in sb else's work, etc), butt in agreed limits Ω q out of bounds
(on sb's business) (inf) sv\;qa; [si: tha:] [si: dha:] v rule, draw lines
sv\;”kio; [si: kyo:] n twine — n member of rice transplanting team
sv\;Âkp\ [si: kya'] v 1) supervise; arrange and prepare for sv\;qut\ [si: dho'] n œquick tempo S YN sv\;e®p;wå;e®p;
action 2) levy (tax); assess revenue [ ms]
sv\;Âkp\diuc\ [si: kya' dain] n linesman (in sports) Asv\; [åsi:] n bundle of thin things, such as sticks, hair,
sv\;eKåc\; [si: gaung:] n leader of a team of paddy stems, etc, bunch (of leaves, stems, etc), sheaf (of hay,
transplanters [ ag] rice, etc), bouqet (of flowers)
sv\;K¥ [si: cha.] v 1) cordon off an area, seal off an area, Asv\;e®p [åsi: pye] v 1) (of bundle, sheaf, bunch, etc)
mark off an area 2) create a magical line by reciting come undone, get loose, fall apart 2) [fig] fall apart,
mantras, to prevent evil spirits from entering an area break apart
[ bs] Asv\;AÂkp\ [åsi: åkya'] n discipline [? new from SOAS
sv\;K¥k\wå;K¥k\ [si: gye' wa: gye'] n œmusical timings Bse-Engl]
[ ms] Asv\;ARMu; [åsi: åyon:] n association, organisation,
sv\;®Ka; [si; cha;] v [fig] keep separate league, union Ω Alup\qma;Asv\;ARuM; trade unions;
sv\;esac\. [si: saung.] v follow rules (of conduct); act Ω diuÏbmaAsv\;ARMu; Dobama (i.e., ‘We Burmese’) Association
according to ethics; keep faith Ω tw\eyak\r.´Alup\kiu S YN APX´>Asv\;
meNxak\yxk\mieAac\ sv\;esac\.rmy\" We'll follow rules, so we Asv\;Aew; [åsi: åwe:] n meeting, conference
won't disturb other people's work. = esac\.sv\; Asv\;Aew;mxt\tm\; [åsi: åwe: hma' tan:] n minutes,
sv\;ta; [si; ta;] v 1) draw a line 2) [fig] draw a line, set record of what was discussed in a meeting
a rule Asv\;AlMu; [åsi: ålon:] n corps [? new from SOAS Bse-
sv\;tn\;⁄ [si: dan:] n hedgerow (illus) Engl]
sv\;Ta; [si; hta;] v keep one's self-discipline or self- sv\;2 [si:] n sandbank
control; give up (i.e., for ethical reasons), not do, avoid sv\;KMu [si: gon] n 1) sandbank 2) Ó‹stupa CF est^
(i.e., because of one's principles) sv\;tn\; [si: dan:] n sandbar
sv;\pMu [si: bon] n ceremonial headdress used to shape sv\;tim\ [si: dein] n sandbank under shallow water
women's hair sv\;sim\ [si: zein] n riches, wealth; luxury
sv\;p¥k\km\;p¥k\ [si: pye' kan: mye'] adv without discipline sv\;sim\K¥m\;qa [si: zein chan: tha] v be rich, live in luxury
sv\;sim\ys\ [si; zein yi'] v be in the lap of luxury, be
sv\;e®p;wå;e®p; [si: bye: wa: bye:] n œallegro, with a quick pampered CF zim\KM
tempo S YN sv\; qut\ [ ms] sv\;sim\rxi [si: zein shI] v live in luxury, be in comfort
sv\;ePak\ [si: hpau'] v break rules, misbehave, not have s‹al [san da la.] n [hist] caste of cemetery workers; beggar
discipline; not be unified, not hold together Ω bmaetX CF q¨etac\;sa;
sv\;ePak\liuÏ T^;nn\;ep¥ak\rty\" Burmans lost the throne
sit\1 [sei'] v slice, cut into pieces Ω Krn\;K¥U\;q^;kiu
because they didn't hold together.
Då;n´>el;sit\sit\ty\" Quarter tomatoes with a knife.
sv\;PX´> [si: bywE.] n strand for tying a sheaf of rice — n piece = Asit\ CF piuc\;
sv\;m´.km\;m´. [si: mE. kan: mE.] adv without discipline sit\®Pa [sei' hpya] v 1) cut into strips 2) analyse
sv\;m¥U\; [si: myin:] n rules, regulations ts\sit\ [dåzei'] n 1) unit of dry measure equal to one-
sv;\Riu; [si: yo:] n fence; hedge (illus) fourth of a tc\;, about 10 litres 2) one quarter
sv\;RMu; [si: yon:] v organise; persuade ts\sit\ts\edq [dåzei' dåde tha.] adv partly, to a certain
sv\;el; [si: le:] n œadagio, slow tempo extent

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 123

sit\ ª sit\
ts\sit\ts\piuc\; [dåzei' dåbain:] adv partly, to a certain sit\ÂkXeS; [sei' kywa. ze:] n stimulant, amphetamine
extent sit\ÂkXp\ [sei' kyu'] v be irritable, be sensitive; have a
ts\sit\ts\wm\;tv\; [dåzei' tåwan: dE:] adv unanimously, (short) temper, become angry easily S YN sit\Sp\
without dissent sit\Ku [sei' khu.] v resent, be annoyed at, nurse anger [?
Asit\ [åsei'] n 1) part, piece, portion, division; segment def check]
(of sthg long) 2) 25 (i.e., quarter of 100) sit\Kiuc\ [sei' khain] v be stoical, not be influenced
Asit\sit\ [åsei' sei'] adv in pieces emotion; have self-control, be strong Ω sit\kiu Kiuc\Kiuc\Ta;på"
Asit\sit\A®mWa®mWa [åsei' sei' åhmwa hmwa] adv in (tiny) Kc\b¥a;eyak¥\a; ka;emxak\mOmxa påqXa;ty\" Ae®KAen
pieces, in splinters, in fragments, in smithereens mqieq;B¨;" You must be strong – your husband had been in
Asit\qa; [åsei' tha:] n quarter of a viss, 0.41kg a car accident. We don't know his condition yet.
k¥p\qa;' piœa
Asit\AkXk\ [åsei' åkwe'] n parts (of the body) [? new sit\K¥ [sei' cha.] v have one's mind at ease, feel safe
from SOAS Bse-Engl] sit\K¥lk\K¥ [sei' cha. le' cha.] adv with peace of mind
Asit\Apiuc\; [åsei' åpain:] n portion, part, piece S YN sit\eA;lk\eA;
sit2\ [sei'] n 1) mind; consciousness; thought; heart sit\K¥U\epåk\ [sei' chin pau']v become annoyed; (of
Ω zati sit\ S YN mena 2) desire, will; interest mood, relationship, etc) sour
3) preoccupation sit\cy\ [sei' ngE] v be depressed, be dejected, be
sit\ksa; [sei' gåza:] v be unable to concentrate; (of despondent, be discouraged and sad
head) spin, (of mind) wander, be unstable, be volatile sit\esa [sei' saw:] v be anxious; be eager, be excited
Ω Sy\e k¥a\ qk\ARX y\mxa si t\ksa;tt\ Âkty\" Teenagers’ Ω saem;pX´e Aac\ sarc\;
mnk\®Pn\TXk\mxamiuÏ Aip\mep¥a\p´
minds often wander. sit\esaenty\" I am so anxious about the exam results
sit\k¨; [sei' ku:] v think; plan, intend; imagine, dream coming out tomorrow that I can't sleep at all.
— n 1) thought, idea; daydream, dream (Upsa) sit\sX´ [sei' swE:] v be preoccupied (by/with); be
CF AetX;AeKÅ 2) imagination, power to form thoughts obsessed (by)
sit\k¨;sit\qn\; [sei' ku: sei' than:] n thought, idea sit\Sa [sei' hsa] v be unbalanced by craving
sit\k¨;ˆa%\ [sei' ku: nyan] n idea, imagination sit\Siu; [sei' hso:] v be angry
sit\k¨;epåk\ [sei' ku: pau'] v (suddenly) have an idea sit\Siu;man\Siu; [sei' hso: man zo:] adv furiously, angrily, in
sit\k¨;yU\ [sei' ku: yin] v 1) daydream, fantasize 2) be the heat of anger
fictional; be fanciful, be fantastic [? check. Not n too?] sit\Sc\;r´ [sei' hsin: yE:] v be dispirited, be unhappy and
sit\ekak\ [sei' kau'] v sulk; be cross CF “mMo sit\eSac\ [sei' hsaung] v be sustained by will power
sit\ekac\; [sei' kaung:] v be good-natured, have a good sit\St\ [sei' hsa'] v be irritable, be sensitive; have a
heart CF qeBaekac\;' NxlMu;ekac\; (short) temper, be short-tempered Ω q¨k sit\St\eta.
sit\kun\ [sei' kon] v 1) be fed up, be annoyed, be K%K% rn\®Ps\ty\" He has a temper, and often gets into
exasperated; not (be able to) stand (sthg) anymore fights. S YN sit\ÂkXp\
2) lose interest (in), be tired (of) A NT sit\wc\sa; 3) fall sit\eza [sei' zaw:] n fervour, ardour, eagerness
out of love with; lose regard (for) sit\vs\ [sei' nyi'] v be depressed, be unhappy, be
sit\k¥ [sei' kya.] v be depressed; lose one's spirit troubled
= sit\Dat\k¥ sit\vHio> [sei' hnyo.] v hypnotise, mesmerise
sit\k¥eragå [sei' kya. yaw: ga] n old age depression sit\vHio>pva [sei' hnyo. pyin nya] n hypnotism
(because of loss of influence, possessions, etc) sit†z [sei' dåza.] n [in comb] abstract Ω sit†zpn\;K¥^ abstract
sit\ek¥ [sei' kye] v (of hate, anger, prejudice, etc) painting; sit†z nam\ abstract noun
subside sit†z(na) [sei' dåza. (na)] n insanity, mental illness
sit\ek¥eAac\lup\ [sei' kye aung lo'] v CF sit\eragå
sit\”k^; [sei' kyi:] v 1) be proud; be high-strung; be sit†zewdnaqv\ [sei' dåza. we dåna thE] n mental patient,
stubborn be easily disturbed 2 be inflexible; have a the mentally ill
temper, be violently angry) sit†z®Ps\ [sei' dåza. hpyi'] v be stricken with grief
sit\”k^;wc\ [sei' gyi: win] v be conceited, have an sit†ebd [sei' ta. bei da.] n psychology S YN sit\pva
excessively high opinion of oneself S YN sit\en®mc\. sit\tTc\.Tc\.®Ps\ [sei' tådin. din. hpyi'] adv be worried,
sit\”kiok\ [sei' kyai'] n preference, choice, option; anxious, have premonition, feel sthg bad is going to
elective happen
— adv as one likes, as one wishes, as desired; to one's sit\t¨ [sei' tu] v 1) have the same opinion, hold the
heart's content same view, be of the same mind 2) agree; approve
sit\kXk\ [sei' kwe'] v be offended sit\t¨kiuy\mY [sei' tu ko hmya.] adv of the same mind
sit\ÂkX [sei' kywa.] v become (sexually) aroused sit\t¨qeBat¨ [sei' tu dhåbaw: du] adv (views,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 124

sit\ ª sit\
attitudes, etc) in agreement sit\na [sei' na] v be offended, be hurt, feel a sense of
sit\tiu [sei' to] v be impatient, be short-tempered; lose injustice
patience, lose one's temper A NT sitr \ x v\ sit\Nu [sei' nu.] v 1) be immature 2) be small-minded
sit†kƒ% [sei' te' kha. na.] n CF Bgçkƒ% [? check ?] 3) be jealous of sb
sit\tc\; [sei' tin:] v 1) harden one's heart, resolve not to sit\ensit\Ta; [sei' ne sei' hta:] n attitude, temperment
be moved by emotion Ω ' One cold winter, the family sit\en®mc\. [sei' me myin.] v be conceited, be proud
hardened their hearts and ate their pet cat, Fred. 2) keep sit\enqeBaTa; [sei' ne dhåbaw: da:] n temperment,
one's spirit up Ω ' After the shipwreck, we sang and danced nature
in the lifeboat to keep our spirits up. 3) steel oneself Ω ' sit\enak\ [sei' nau'] v 1) become mentally ill, become
Before the wedding, the bride and groom steeled abnormal, be irrational 2) be upset; be worried
themselves for the ordeal ahead. sit\enak\kiuy\på [sei' nau' ko ba] adv recklessly, rashly;
sit\tiuc\;k¥ [sei' tain: kya.] [sei' tain: gya.] v be to one's liking, impulsively; thoughtlessly
be appealing; be satisfied sit\Niuc\ [sei' nain] n resist (temptation) Ω q^K¥c\qMÂka;rc\
— adv as desired, to one's heart's content, as much as sit\mNiuc\B¨;" TkK¥c\ty\" When I hear music, I can't resist
one wants to Ω ' First we need to finish this section, then – I want to get up and dance.
you can drink to your heart's content. sit\NxlMu; [sei' hnålon:] n heart, mind
sit\etX> [sei' twe.] v be to one's liking, agree with one; sit\Nxs\KX [sei' hnåkwa.] n doubt, confusion S YN sit\dXih
like Ω ' Working three hours a day agrees with me quite well. CF qMqy
S YNqeBaetX> sit\pva [sei' pyin nya] n psychology
sit\tXk\ [sei' twe'] n mental arithmetic, calculation sit\på [sei' pa] v be willing, be interested
done in one's head sit\pålk\på [sei' pa le' pa] adv willingly Ω By\pvamSiu
sit\T [sei' hta.] v 1) be angry, be mad, rage, become sit\pålk\påqc\rc\ tt\ty\" If you are willing, you can
enraged; be seized (with a fit of madness) 2) arouse learn any subject.
(sexual desire); be arousing, be sexually appealing sit\påwc\sa; [sei' pa win sa:] v be interested (in sthg), be
sit\Ta; [sei' hta:] n attitude; temperment, nature, engrossed (in sthg)
disposition sit\p¨ [sei' pu] v be worried, be concerned
sit\T´mxaklikli®Ps\ [sei' htE: hma kålI kålI hpyi'] v to itch sit\epåk\ [sei' pau'] v 1) become angry 2) lose one's
to do sthg, to have to restrain oneself CF Aqv\; ya; head
sit\Tk\ [sei' hte'] v be intolerant A NT sit\ep¥a. sit\put\ [sei' po'] v be nasty, be mean [? new kyaw]
sit\Tk\qn\ [sei' hte' than] v be eager, be keen sit\pin\ [sei' bein] v [colloq] become depressed
sit\Tc\. [sei' htin.] v have misgivings (about sthg), be sit\piuc\;®Pt\ [sei' pain: hpya'] v decide, make up one's mind
worried, be anxious Ω cåAlup\TXk\my\ liusit\kiu piuc\® Pt\liuk\“ p^" I've made up my
sit\Tc\.®Kc\; [sei' htin. chin:] n presentiment ; premonition mind to quit my job.
sit\eTac\; [sei' htaung:] v be under stress, have stress sit\ep¥a. [sei' pyaw.] v be gullible, be easily influenced; be
sit\eTac\;kiuy\eÂk®Ps\ [sei' htaung: ko kye hpyi'] v 1) be fragile
under severe stress and strain Ω kÁn\m-s^; pXa;-p¥k\“p^;-ktv\; k sit\p¥oikiuy\Nu [sei' pyo ko nu.] n youthful looks, because of
sit\eTac\;-kiuy\eÂk-®Ps\la“p^" I've been under a lot of stress pure heart
since I lost my money. 2) have a psychosomatic illness sit\p¥k\ [sei' pye'] v disappointed, disheartened; be
frustrated [? check what about meditational practice,
sit\TXk\ [sei' htwe'] v be angry cutting off thought?]
sit\dMu;dMu;K¥ [sei' don: don: cha] v have one's mind at ease, sit\p¥k\lk\p¥k\ [sei' pye' le' pye'] adv dejectedly, in
be very much at ease disappointment
sit\dukƒerak\ [sei' do' kha. yau'] v be in trouble sit\e®plk\ep¥ak\ [sei' pye le' pyau'] adv (to forget
A NTsit\K¥m\; qa unpleasant things) for a change, for a break (inf)
sit\dXih [sei' dwI ha.] n doubt, confusion S YN sit\Nxs\KX Ω Ai m\e Tac\ kX´qXa;liuÏ sit\e®plk\ep¥ak\Siu“p^
CF qMqy Apn\;e®PKr^;TXk\laty\" She went travelling to give herself
sit\dXih®Ps\ [sei' dwI ha. hpyi'] v be confused, be in doubt, a change after her marriage broke up.
be of two minds sit\Pis^; [sei' hpI si:] v be under pressure, be stressed
sit\Dat\ [sei' da'] n spirit(s), morale sit\ePak\®pn\ [sei' hpau' pyan] v become deranged, let
sit\Dåt\k¥ [sei' da' kya.] v be in low spirits, be dejected, oneself go, lose one's sense of propriety
be dispirited; be depressed; be demoralised, be sit\e®P [sei' hpye] v console oneself, calm down
downcast Ω sit\Dat\-k¥j eKåc\;-ciuk\siuk-\K¥j enqv\" His sit\e®Pac\. [sei' hpyaung.] v 1) concentrate on current
spirits low, he went around with hanging head. activity wit hout any worries 2) be honest
sit\Dåt\eq;qim\ [sei' da' the: thein] v be narrow-minded, sit\®Ps\ [sei' hpyi'] v CF sit\???? [? def, or with hmu.]
be immature (in character) (i.e., be easily offended, be sit\mekac\; [sei' måkaung:] v 1) be unhappy, be sad 2) be

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 125

sut\ ª sut\
insane (from sadness) laB\msa;K´.eta. kiuy\kiukiuy\ sit\lMuty\" I didn't take any
sit\mek¥pX´ [sei' måkye bwE:] n return match, rematch bribes, so my conscience is clear.
sit\mKiuc\ [sei' måkhain] v be oversensitive sit\el¥a. [sei' shaw.] v 1) give up (effort, struggle, etc)
sit\mNMxÏ [sei' måhnan.] v unbalanced, touched (in the head), 2) lose determination, relax will
mad, crazy sit\wc\sa; [sei' win za:] v be interested in, be absorbed in
sit\mpå [sei' måpa] adv unwillingly, reluctantly
sit\mrxipån´> [sei' måshI ba nE.] exp polite expression sit\wc\sa;®Kc\; [sei' win za: gyin:] n concentration [? new,
equivalent to 'I hope you don't mind, (but...)' check accuracy]
sit\mqn\Ï [sei' måthan.] v feel uneasy (about an action), sit\wc\sa;mO [sei' win za: hmu.] n interest [? new, check
have a guilty conscience A NT sit\lMu' sit\qn\Ï accuracy and place correctly]
sit\ma [sei' ma] v be strong-willed, be determined sit\wc\sa;sraekac\; [sei' win za: såya kaung:] v be
sit\ema [sei' maw:] v be exhausted by worry interesting
sit\m¥a; [sei' mya:] v be full of worries sit\wc\;tsa; [sei' win; tAza;] adv with interest
sit\®mn\ [sei' myan] v 1) be impulsive, make quick sit\wm\; [sei' wan: (win:, wun:)] n mind, sincere feeling,
decisions 2) be quick-tempered emotion
sit\®mn\lk\®mn\ [sei' myan le' myan] adv impulsively sit\wm\;kX´ [sei' wan: kwE:] v become estranged, become
sit\mxt\ [sei' hma'] n memory, what you can recall incompatible, clash, quarrel Ω v^AkiuAK¥c\;K¥c\; sit\wm\; kX´“p^;
sit\mxt\”k^; [sei' hma' gyi:] v have a grievance, have a ska;me®paeta.B¨;" The brothers quarrelled and are not on
long memory (Upsa) speaking terms.
sit\mxn\; [sei' hman:] n guess, estimate sit\qeBa [sei' dhåbaw:] n nature, character
sit\R¨;epåk\ [sei' yu: pau'] v do sthg in a fit of madness sit\qeBaTa;”k^; [sei' thåbaw: hta: gyi:] v (of character)
sit\erakiuy\på [sei' yaw: ko ba] adv with dedication, with mature (i.e., having the character of forgiving,
a will, with heart and soul sympathetic, generous, etc) A NT sit\Dåt\eq;qim\
sit\eragå [sei' yaw: ga] n mental illness sit\qk\qa [sei' the' tha] v feel relieved
sit\erak\ [sei' yau'] v (of mind) be on sit\qk\qarar [sei' the' tha ya ya.] v find solace, find
sit\rc\; [sei' yin:] n inborn nature, innate nature relief, regain peace of mind
sit\rc\;ekac\; [sei' yin: gaung:] n good nature sit\qn\ [sei' than] v 1) be eager, be interested, have a
sit\rxi [sei' shI] v have mind to (do sthg), feel like (doing will to (do sthg), be raring to (inf) Ω eAac\® mc\PiuÏ sit\qn\ a
sthg) will to succeed. 2) aim for, try for
sit\rxitiuc\; [sei' shI dain:] adv to the full extent, as much as sit\qN|an\ [sei' than tan] n thought process; stream of
one wants, to one's heart's content Ω sit\rxitiuc\; qa consciousness
lup\rrc\ if I could do as I wish(ed) sit\qn\Ï [sei' than.] v have a clear conscience
sit\rxilk\rxi [sei' shI le' shI] adv as much as one wants sit\qXa;tiuc\;kiuy\på [sei' thwa: tain: ko pa] v be willing and
sit\rxv\ [sei' she] v 1) be patient, be tolerant A NT sit\tiu ready Ω k¥n\; marc\ sit\qXa;tiuc\; kiuy\på“p^;
2) persevere, not give up lup\K¥c\talup\Niuc\ty\" If you are healthy, you can follow
sit\rxv\lk\rxv\ [sei' she le' she] adv 1) with patience, your interests and do what you like. [? not really satisfied
patiently, tolerantly 2) persistently, with perseverence with def. Not just 'do as one likes'?]
sit\ROp\ [sei' sho'] v be confused, be muddled, get (sthg) sit\Al¥U\ [sei' åhlyin] n [lit] stream-of-consciousness
mixed up sit\Aa;ViO;cy\ [sei' a: hnyo: ngE] v lose one's will, lose
confidence, be depressed
sit\el [sei' le] v (of mind) stray, drift, wander; be at
loose ends sit\eA; [sei' e:] v hve peace of mind, feel calm; (of
worry, anxiety) be relieved
sit\el; [sei' le:] v (of person) be unhappy; have a
premonition; (of matter) weigh on one's mind sit\eA;lk\eA; [sei' e: le' e:] adv without worry
Ω Alu p\T´mxa Alup\rxc\n´> ASc\me®peta. Alup\qXa;my\ sit\Aiuk\ [sei' ai'] v be nonplussed, be shocked and at a
lup\tiuc\; sit\el;enrty\" Since I had some trouble with loss for words, be taken aback, be at wit's end [? check]
my employer I feel unhappy every time I go to work.
S YN sit\tc\. Asit†k [åsei' tåka.]
adv unconsciously; unintentionally [?
sit\liulk\r [sei' lo le' ya.] adv voluntarily, willingly check, esp part of speech ]

sit\lk\ [sei' le'] n mind, heart sut\1 [so'] v 1) tear, rip 2) be torn, be ripped, be tattered,
sit\liuk\man\på [sei' lai' man ba] adv 1) recklessly, be in tatters, be ragged, be seedy, be shabby
impetuousy 2) in the heat of anger
sit\lv\ [sei' lE] v revert to (previous opinion, sut\p´. [so' pE.] v 1) be torn, be tattered, be ragged and
condition, etc) dirty; be chipped, be broken, be battered 2) be
sit\lup\ [sei' lo'] v pretend to be dissatisfied contemptible, be despicable, be shabby, be mean
sit\lMu [sei' lon] v have a clear conscience Ω kÁn\eta\k sut\“p´ [so' pyE:] v be torn, be ripped; be tattered, be

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 126

sut\ ª sun\;
sut\®pt\ [so' pya'] v be torn and tattered, be battered; be sn\;T [san: hta.] v 1) be on a roll, have a string of good
unpresentable luck 2) become popular A NT sn\; k¥
Asut\ [åso'] n 1) tear, rip 2) scraps, torn pieces (of sn\;pXc\. [san: pwin.] v be rather odd but hard-working
cloth, paper, etc) 3) junk, rubbish (Br), trash (Am), CF Sn\;pXc\.
useless thing 4) riffraff, undesirable elements, unwanted sn\;mxin\ [san: hmein] v lose popularity, fall in popularity
S YN Asu t\plu t\ [? sheryll, and check] S YN sn\; k¥
Asut\sut\A®pt\®pt\ [åso' so' åpya' pya'] adv raggedly, in sn\;rxc\nkƒt\ [san: shin ne' kha'] n ßplanet appearing
tatters with the full moon
Asut\plut\ [åso' pålo'] n 1) tear, rip 2) scraps, torn sin\1 [sein] n 1) diamond CF nwrt\ 2) (word spoken as) a
pieces (of cloth, paper, etc) 3) junk, rubbish (Br), trash challenge CF Asin\
(Am), useless thing 4) riffraff, undesirable elements — v tag (sb in some children's games)
S YN Asu t\ [? sheryll, and check] sin\kt^|på [sein gådi pa] n high-quality velvet
Asut\Ap´. [åso' åpE.] n sthg worn out, battered sin\eKÅ [sein khaw] v challenge
Asut\A®p´ [åso' åpyE:] n tear, rip sin\®Ky\ [sein chE] n Œblack-eyed Susan, yellow flower
Asut\A®pt\ [åso' åpya'] n rags, very old clothes [? only with a black centre
for clothes? ] sin\s^ [sein si] n diamond stud
Asut\Arx [åso' åsha.] n cuts and scrapes (on the skin) [? sin\tMK¥ø [sein dågyu] n 1) thin bamboo rod with a hook,
new UK] used by theives (illus) 2) Œyellow bells
sut\2 [so'] n 1) paintbrush 2) tattooing nib sin\eTac\ [sein daung] n decorations resembling a row of
sut\K¥k\ [so' che'] n (in painting) brushwork upright leaves, used to ornament the rim of helmets,
sut\KÁn\;KÁn\; [so' chun: gyun:] adv (of face) pinched, edges of roofs, etc (illus)
wizened, thin sin\na;pn\ [sein nåban] n Œprickly lantana
sut\sut\ln\ [so' so' lan] adv excessively (sour) sin\epåk\ [sein pau'] [sein bau'] v bleed (as treatment)
sut\tM [so' tan] n 1) paintbrush 2) tattooing nib — n hole for use with sin\s^ (diamond stud)
sut\Tiu; [so' hto:] v tattoo sin\pn\; [sein ban:] n Œgold mohur tree
sut\3 [so'] v chant, intone CF gåTa' mN|n\' mN|ra; sin\e®p;tm\; [sein pye: dan:] n tag, children's game in
sut\Tiu; [so' hto:] v (of house lizard) chirp which one player 'tags' another by touch, who then has
sut\qp\ [so' tha'] v 1) make a clicking sound with the to 'tag' another player
tongue to express sympathy, or to calm or slow an sin\“p^eh. [sein pi he.] exp 1) (in children's games) Ready?
animal CF kÁt\kÁt\ tsk tsk 2) [fig] be moved, be Go! 2) Tag, you're it!
touched sin\e®pac\; [sein pyaung:] n Ímortar (weapon)
sut\4 [so'] n 1) [astrl] period associated with good signs sin\P¨; [sein bu:] n ‹bud-like ornament above the vane of
2) marriage CF mgçla a pagoda T^ (parasol, hti)
sN»kumarzat\ [san da. ku. ma ra. sa'] n seventh of the ten great sin\rtu [sein yådu.] n diamond jubilee, 75th anniversary
Jatakas (544) CF zat\”k^;Sy\BX´> celebration
sN»k¨; [san dågu:] n 1) sandalwood tree 2) sandalwood sin\liuk\el [sein lai' le] v accept (challenge)
sN»ra; [san: dåya:] n piano — exp Let's do it.
sN»a [san da] n moon sin\2 [sein] n arsenic
sN»a; [san: da:] n kind of large bamboo fish trap used in sin\3 [sein] n saint [Engl]
shallow seas sin\Krs\tiuPå [sein khAri' to hpa] n ∏Saint Christopher [ cr]
s®N»maq [san dåra. ma tha.] n ßlunar month CF Sy\.Nxs\lraq^'
q¨riymaq solar month sin\bc\sc\. [sein bin sin.] n ∏Saint Vincent
sn\Ï [san.] v 1) straighten, stretch out; smooth out; lie flat sin\l¨s^ya [sein lusiya] n ∏Saint Lucia
2) [sl] die sin\>tiuc\; [sein. tain:] n [hist] China
sn\Ïsn\Ï”k^;eq [san. zan. kyi: the] v [sl] die CF sc\;sc\;”k^;eq sin\;sin\;Âkv\. [sein: zein: kyI] v glare at (sb)
sn\Ïsn\Ïrn\Ïrn\Ï [san. zan. yan. yan.] adv lying stretched out, sin\;sin\;wå;wå;Âkv\. [sein: zein: wa: wa: kyI] v 1) glare
as though
lying flat one wished to kill, look daggers at (Upsa) 2) stare as
Asn\Ïqa; [åsan. dha:] adv (lie) stretched out on one's though one wished to own, look covetously at
back sun\ [son] v go downward; go downstream S YN Sc\;
sn\; [san:] n 1) moon 2) ßmoon (represented by numeral sun\Sc\; [son hsin] v go downward; go downstream
2 on horoscope) 3) future; good luck 4) popularity Asun\ [åson] n 1) downstream 2) downwind
3) downward flow
sn\;k¥ [san: kya.] v lose popularity, fall in popularity sun\; [son:] n witch, woman with magical powers S YN rXaq¨
S YN sn\; mxin\; A NT sn\; T
sn\;tc\ [zan: tin] v praise — v be glowing, be radiant, be luminous; be bright

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 127

sp\ ª sup\
sun\;kiuk\ra [son: kai'] n brown mark on the thigh, said sp\Sra [sa' hsåya] n 1) pavilion builder 2) coffin maker,
to be the bite of a witch, as a mark of her affection undertaker
sun\;etak\ [son: tau'] v glow eerily at night (because of sp\Sui [sa' hso] v compose (songs, poems, etc) [ wr]
witches fighting) sp\Siuc\ [sa' hsain] v be connected with, be related to
sun\;kiuc\ [son: kain] v bewitch, cast a spell on; be sp\t¨ [sa' tu] v (business) partners [ pe]
possessed by S YN sun\;®posa; sp\t¨lup\ [sa' tu lo'] v work in partnership
sun\;®posa; [son: pyu. za:] v bewitch, cast a spell on; be sp\t¨lup\cn\; [sa' tu lo' ngan:] n joint venture
possessed by S YN sun\; kiuc\ CF Pk\sp\lup\cn\; [ pe]
sun\;®pø; [son: byu:] n 1) hard pea, which cannot be cooked sp\TB^ [sa' htåmein] n TB^ (htamein) sewn out of
2) [fig] black sheep different pieces of cloth, patchwork TB^ (htamein)
sun\;Att\ [son: åta'] n witchcraft sp\pva [sa' pyin nya] n art of decorating pavilions
sp\1 [sa'] v 1) (of food, spice, etc) be hot CF p¨ 2) (of eyes, sp\“P´“P´ [sa' hpyE: byE:] adv simperingly; with a silly grin [?
skin, wound, etc) smart, sting, burn [? can you also say check]
this of a medicine, or only of the skin, etc?] sp\misp\ra [sa' mI sa' ya] n chit-chat, small talk
sp\P¥U\;P¥U\;®Ps\ [sa' hpyin: byin: hpyi'] v smart, sting, have a sp\yxk\ [sa' she'] v 1) be connected with, be concerned
sharp pain with 2) have sexual relations
sp\rxa;rxa; [sa' sha: sha:] adv pungently sp\l¥U\;j [sa' hlyin: ywe.] adv in connection with, in
sp\rxim\;rxim\; [sa' shein: shein:] adv somewhat hot (spicy) regard to, relating to, as regards
S YN p¨rxim\;p¨rxim\; sp\lxv\; [sa' hlE:] n bullock cart with spokeless wheels
sp\q^; [sa' thi:] n hot pepper CF edåk\lxv\;
Asp\ [åsa'] n 1) sthg hot, sthg spicy; hot sauce; hot sp\qma; [sa' dhåma:] n pavilion builder S YN sp\Sra
peppers 2) spiciness, hotness CF rq [ 1] sp\hp\ [sa' ha'] v 1) relate, put things/people together,
Asp\qMu;på; [åsa' thon: ba:] n the three hot spices, ginger, harmonise, make things go together; match things up
chilli, long pepper CF K¥c\;' ewla' cRut\ Ω d^e kac\a l;n´> lk\Tp\PiuÏ sp\hp\sra min\;kel; rxametXB¨;"
sp\2 [sa'] v 1) adjoin, be adjacent, be next to, be in 2) compose poems, etc [ wr]
contact with 2) be connected with, be concerned with ts\sp\tv\; [dåza' htE:] adv together, all in one, as one
3) join (things together) 4) mix things, blend, Ω Yan Gon mer;pån´> Yangon ts\sp\tv\;er;my\" Don't write
compound; cross 5) be related to 6) compose poetry ‘Yan Gon’, write ‘Yangon’ as one word. [? check]
[ wr] 7) negotiate (for marriage, or for sale of goods, ts\sp\tv\;®Ps\ [dåza' htE: hpyi'] v be contiguous, be
etc) 8) [inf] have sex, screw [? check last for tone, and adjacent, be next to
meaning for Akyaung; sa'] msp\ska; [måsa' zåga:] n irrelevant comment, remark,
— n 1) edge 2) one of a pair of planks joined to form a contribution, etc
spokeless cart wheel (illus) Asp\ [åsa'] n 1) junction, edge, border, place where
sp\k¨;mk¨; [sa' ku: må (ma') ku:] n 1) join between centre two things come together 2) frontier, edge, border,
and outer segments of the spokeless cartwheel 2) [fig] place where sthg ends Ω Asp\tXc\ at the frontier 3) blend,
interim mixture; cross Ω d^NXa;Asp\n´>t¨ty\" This bull seems to be a
sp\k¨;mp\k¨; [sa' ku: ma' ku:] n [fig] interim, the time cross. (i.e., not purebred) 4) piece (of a larger whole)
between two events or times S YN As' Apiuc\; 5) composition, esp poem CF Asi AkMu;
sp\k¥ [sa' kya.] v (of animals) have mixed pedigree, be
crossed (with) Asp\tv\. [åsa' tE.] v (of food, spices, dishes, colour, etc)
sp\Âka; [sa' kya:] n gap, space or time between two be balanced, be a good combination, be harmonized, be
events, objects, people, etc L IT : ‘Bamboo growing well-matched
between two trees.’ Ω Alup\mrKc\ sp\Âka; pvarxaAM;epåÏ" Asp\APa [åsa' åhpa] n sthg patched or cobbled
You should learn sthg in this time before you find a job. together, sthg jury-rigged
Ω qs\ Nxs\pc\ sp\Â ka;kwå;" Stay neutral, like the bamboo sip\1 [sei'] v 1) be close, be near (in time or space) A NT k¥´
growing straight up between spreading trees. 2) occur at close intervals, be frequent; be set or placed
sp\su [sa' su.] v 1) be curious, be inquisitive, be nosey closely, be next to each other
2) be meddlesome, be intrusive sip\2 [sei'] v 1) chant, intone 2) tell (prayer) beads [ bh]
sp\esac\ [sa' saung] n blanket sewn out of two narrow sip\put^; [sei' bådi:] n prayer beads; rosary (Catholic)
pieces of cloth sup\ [so'] v 1) suck Ω ersup\sk\ water pump 2) soak up, absorb
sp\sp\ [sa' sa'] adj 1) symmetrical 2) tinged with, slightly 3) tighten
coloured with [? real adjective?? ] sup\s®mop\s [so' sa. myo' sa.] adv (disappear) without a trace
— adv 1) intrusively 2) somewhat (watery) sup\sup\ [so' so'] adv (sink) without a trace
sp\sp\yxk\yxk\ [sa' sa' sha' sha'] adv 1) sexually 2) in sup\sup\®mop\ [so' so' myo'] v disappear, vanish = sMusMu®mop\
relation to, having to do with, involved with sup\w´ [so' wE:] n powerful whirlpool S YN mOt\w´
S YN pt\qk\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 128

smµK%\ ª sim\;
smµK%\ [såmåkhan] n 1) leather floor mat 2) throne on alcohol
which a Buddha image is seated (illus) [ bh] sim\.1 [sein.] v 1) seep, ooze, flow out slowly 2) feel a chill;
sm\;1 [san:] n spring, fresh water flowing out of the ground get a creepy feeling
CF erTX k\' erp¨ sm\; hot spring — n very wet land, marsh, swamp, bog, mire, bog, fen,
sm\;eK¥ac\; [san: gyaung:] n spring-fed stream wetland; quicksand; slough
sm\;slut\ [san: zålo'] n erosion or undermining by flow of sim\.sm\; [sein. san:] n very wet land, marsh, swamp, bog,
spring water mire, bog, fen, wetland; quicksand; slough
sm\;2 [san:] v 1) feel, grope (for) 2) try, test, experiment sim\.wc\ [sein. win] v seep in; infiltrate; permeate; be
— part 1) particle suffixed to verb to indicate steeped in Ω Bun\;”k^;ek¥ac\;mxa ”k^;®pc\; laeta. budÎwåd
imperative mood, i.e., to tell sb to do sthg Ω Âkv\.sm\; sim\.wc\entaepåÏ" As he was raised in a monastery, he is
look here 2) particle prefixed to verb to indicate that the steeped in Buddhism.
act is experimental Ω sm\; PXc\. try opening tsim\.sim\. [dåzein. zein.] adv slowly and steadily; wistfully
sm\;Âkv\. [san: kyI] v try, try out; (experiment with) [? sim\.ªSim\.2 [sein.] v (of food, taste, etc) be rich, be creamy
how to say road test, i.e., test under real conditions] CF rq
sm\;twå;wå; [san: tåwa: wa:] adv vaguely, uncertainly, sim\.3 [sein. (zein.)] part particle suffixed to a verb to show
indistinctly fulfilment of some purpose
sm\;lk\(tM) [san: le' (dan)] n tentacle sim\.eqacxa [sein. dhaw: hnga] conj in order to, so as to, to
sm\;qp\ [san: tha'] v 1) feel, grope 2) try, test, CF esrn\
experiment, check Ω eragåsm\;qp\ (medical) check-up sim\; [sein:] v 1) be green (in colour) 2) (of fruit,
sm\;qp\KM [san: tha' khan] n subject (in an experiment), vegetables) be green, be unripe 3) be raw, be uncooked
guinea pig (Upsa) 4) not be friendly, be unfamiliar; be estranged A NT rc\;
sm\;qp\KMqt†wå [san: tha' khan tha' tåwa] n experimental 5) be unfamiliar, be new at 7) forsake, abandon [? verb
animal, animal used in scientific experiment shift]
sm\;qp\KMqt†wå®Ps\ [san: tha' khan tha' tåwa hpyi'] v be sb's sim\;ka; [sein: ka:] v be cold, be distant, lack friendliness,
guinea pig lack warmth, lack consideration
sm\;qp\Kn\; [san: tha' khan:] n room in which medical sim\;sa;cå;pi [sein: za: ngåpI] n shrimp paste
doctor examines patients, consulting room sim\;sa;U [sain: za: u.] n jicama, slightly sweet edible root
Asm\; [åsan:] n test, experiment; trial, probe; = p´sim\; sa;U
exploration, trial run [? check trial run] sim\;siu [sein: so] v be green and fertile, be lush, be verdant
Asm\;Kn\Ï [åsan: khan.] v hire, appoint, try out, etc sb on
probation, to test the situation, ability, behaviour, etc sim\;St\St\ [sein: za' za'] v 1) (of rice or vegetables) be
partially cooked, be half cooked, be half raw 2) be
Asm\;Kn\Ïkal [åsan: khan. ka la.] n probation, period irritable, be easily offended, have a brittle disposition
when one is watched to test the situation, performance,
behaviour, etc sim\;®pa [sein; bya] n blue-green, teal
Asm\;saem;pX´ [åsan: sa me bwE:] n test (at the end of a sim\;®paervHi [sein; bya ye hnyI] n spirulina, cyanobacteria
term) ≈, blue-green algae Ó
Asm\;el.k¥c\. [åsan: le. kyin.] v rehearse sim\;Pn\ÏPn\Ï [sein: hpan. ban.] v be pale green
Asm\;AsMu [åsan: åson] n investigation = AsMuAsm\; sim\;Pp\Pp\ [sein hpa' hpa'] v be greenish
Asm\;Aqt\ [åsan: åtha'] n 1) experiment sim\;erWerW [sein: shwe shwe] v (of smell, esp of raw opium)
2) experimentation 3) medical exam(ination), medical be rank, be fetid
check-up sim\;ln\; [sein: lan:] v be green and lush
sim\ [sein] v 1) soak, immerse in liquid Ω erK´sim\ iced Ω Awt\kiu sim\;qXa; [sein: thwa:] v be estranged, become distant
ersim\Ta;på" Soak these clothes. 2) take one's time tsim\; [dåzein:] n stranger = q¨sim\; [ ph]
— n [mus] improvisation [ ms] Asim\; [åsein:] n 1) green 2) raw food, uncooked food
sim\e®pne®p [sein bye nåbye] adv 1) leisurely, taking one's 3) unripe fruit, green fruit 4) green wood, uncured wood
time 2) taking the full time, in full time CF np\ 5) spirit of a person who died a violent death, evil spirit
sim\er [sein ye] n retribution for being disrespectful CF mekac\; Siu;wå;' Asim\; tiuk\' Asim\pk\' Asim\;ps\ [ bs]
toward those to whom respect is due [ bs] 6) [fig] newbie, sb who is just starting, inexperienced
sim\erqc\. [sein ye thin.] v receive deserved retribution for person 7) ∞US dollars, greenbacks ∞(usu as opposed
being disrespectful toward the Three Venerables, qMu;på; to FEC)
i.e., one's parents (miB), teachers (Sra), and Three Asim\;eÂka\ [åsein: gyaw] n fried green vegetables
Jewels ( rtnaqMu; på;) CF AneN|aAnN|cå;på; [? what are the Asim\;K¥op\ [åsein: cho'] v 1) suture, stitch up (cut, wound,
three venerables?] etc without anaesthetic) 2) sew without starching
sim\rv\ [sein ye] n fermented drink, drink containing

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 129

suM ª sX´
Asim\;sa; [åsein: sa:] n kind of mango eaten raw [? new everyone, but no one came. = ts\suMts\U^;
from SOAS Bse-Engl] ts\sMuts\ra [dåzon tåya] pron something, anything,
Asim\;sa;qr´ [åsein: sa: thåyE] n kind of evil spirit that nothing = ts\sMuts\Ku
eats living or raw food [? new from SOAS Bse-Engl] ts\suMts\U^; [dåzon tåu:] pron someone, somebody,
Asim\;tiuk\ [åsein: tai'] v order an evil spirit to attack sb; anyone, anybody, no one, nobody = ts\suMts\eyak\
set a ghost on sb AsMu [åson] n 1) full complement, complete number,
Asim\;p¨ [åsein: pu] v be possessed by an evil spirit completeness Ω Aim\mxa l¨AsMu rxity\" The whole family was
Asim\;pk\ [åsein: pe'] v (of person) be haunted by an evil at home. 2) wide variety, every kind, many kinds Ω Aim\mxa
spirit sa;sra AsMurxity\" We have all kinds of food at home.
Asim\;ps\ [åsein: pyi'] v feed an evil spirit (usu with raw 3) couple, pair
meat) [ bs] AsMusm\; [Ason zan;] v [inf] investigation, inquiry;
Asim\;put\ [åsein: po'] n dull dark green reconnaisance; research = AsMuAsm\;
Asim\;eq [åsein: dhe] n 1) violent death 2) (spirit of) sb AsMuAes. [åson åse.] adv fully, completely, including all
who had died a violent death [? check whether to put in AsMuAsm\; [åson åsan:] n investigation, inquiry;
recent, aslo above] reconnaisance; research Ω AsMuAsm\; Aem;A®mn\; mrxiB¨;"
Asim\;Awå; [åsein: åwa:] n evil spirits S YN mekac\;Siu;wå; [? There is no inquiry or investigation. = Asm\;AsMu
new from SOAS Bse-Engl] AsMuAsMu [åson åson] adv in pairs S YN dXiyMdXiyM
suM [son] v be sufficient; be complete (in number, AsMuAv^ [åson ånyi] adv with all included, not leaving
accomplishment, kind, etc) anyone out; in full session [ pe]
— n [son (zon)] 1) [arch] deep forest, jungle 2) even AsMuAlc\ [åson ålin] adv fully, completely, including
(number) A NT mkin\; odd number 3) couple, pair; brace everything necessary Ω AsMuAlc\kiusMusm\; inspect in great
(dogs, game birds) 4) set Ω pn\; kn\KXk\sMu set of dishes detail
5) both of a pair CF Pk\ suM;suM;®mop\ [son: zon: myo'] v disappear, vanish = sup\sup\®mop\
— part count word used in counting sets or pairs [ nc] sX [swa.] part Óparticle used as interjection, or as final
sentence marker for emphasis
suMkn\ [zon kan] v 1) kick, stamp, or tamp down with sXa1 [swa] v be impudent; be aggressive
both feet 2) [fig] leave showing crass ingratitude sXak¥y\sXak¥y\ [swa gyE swa gyE] adv noisily,
suMkin\;, suMg%n\; [son gein:, son gånan:] n even number vociferously, with many vocal objections; harshly
A NT mkin\;' mg%n\; odd number sXaelac\sXaelac\ [swa laung swa laung] adv noisily,
suMs^nPa [son zi nåhpa] n bric-a-brac, odds and ends, various vociferously, with many vocal objections; harshly
small things sXa2 [swa] part ¬particle forming an adverb from a verb
suMsm\; [son zan:] v investigate, enquire, make enquiries Ω el;sa;sXa respectfully [colloq el;el;sa;sa;]
Ω AT¨;sMu sm\;ss\e S;er;@an, sss, s-(3)-lMu; Bureau of Special esX1 [swe] v 1) be cross-eyed; have a squint 2) be cock-
Investigations, BSI eyed, be out of alignment 3) be crooked
sMuv^ [son nyi] v (of all belonging, etc) meet, be together; esXÂkv\. [swe kyI] v squint at, look out of the corner of
attend (a meeting, conference, lecture, etc) one's eye
Ω Asv\; Aew;kiu l¨ sMusMuv^v^ tk\e rak\ ty\" All participants esXesac\;esac\; [swe saung: saung:] adv (of eyes) slanted,
came to the meeting. crossed; wall-eyed
suMtX´ [son dwE:] n 1) (romantic) couple 2) œduet esX2 [swe] v drizzle, (of rain) fall in light, continuous
CF sMutX´q^K¥c\; shower
suMeTak\ [son dau'] n detective Ω AlXt\suMeTak\ private esX> [swe.] n [zwe.] 1) tree shrew, tupaia 2) white-throated
investigator, PI, private detective, private eye babbler [? put in adj, small and thin? and verb, same as
suMPk\ [son hpe'] v marry swint?]
suMmk\ [son me'] v like, be fond of, love, adore esX>Kn´ [swe. gånE:] adv effortlessly, lightly Ω q¨ka;epÅkiu
S YN Nxs\qk\ esX>Kn´ Kun\tk\qXa;ta kÁn\eta\etac\ liuk\liuÏmm^eta.B¨;"
suM“mioc\ [son myain] n jungle, deep forest She got into the bus so quickly, I couldn't keep up with
suMerm¥k\er [son ye me' ye] adv with zest, with relish, her.
with lively enjoyment esX>esX>Kun\ [swe. zwe. khon] v be hopping mad, stamp one's
ts\suM [dåzon] n pair foot with anger
ts\sMuts\Ku [dåzon tåkhu.]pron something, anything, AesX>qa; [åswe. dha:] adv in grand style [? check]
nothing Ω ' "He gave you something." "No, he didn't give esX;esX; [swe: zwe:] v be bright (red)
me anything. He gave me nothing." = ts\sMuts\ra sX´ [sw E:] v 1) attach firmly 2) be constantly on one's mind,
ts\suMts\eyak\ [dåzon tåyau'] pron someone, be an obsession 3) hold to sthg, stick to sthg (inf)
somebody, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody Ω ' Is 4) hold (in the hand), carry (in the hand) S YN kiuc \
someone coming? Did you invite anyone? I invited 5) catch, ignite Ω m^; sX´ catch (on) fire 6) be afflicted by

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 130

sXM ª sXn\;
Ω eragåsX´ be afflicted by disease 7) be addicted to Ω Bin\; sX´ sXt\2 [su'] v drag (a load on the ground)
addicted to opium 8) have (blind) faith in, believe in, — n sled, vehicle with runners (illus)
worship Ω SrasX´ S YN AsX´®po 9) accuse, take to court sXt\eÂkac\; [su' kyaung:] n track made by dragging sthg
Ω tra;sX´ = sX p\sX´ 10) rank, be placed (in a ranking) Ω ' Our along the ground, rut
team placed first in the finals. Ω ' Burma ranks high among sXt\Pa; [su' hpa:]
n sled; sledge, heavy sled; sleigh,
rice exporters. horse-drawn sled with seats
sX´kiuc\ [swE; kain] v hold firmly to (beliefs, opinions, etc) sXt\3 [su'] adv heedlessly, without proper attention, care
sXt\ky\sXt\ky\' sXt\sXt\rXt\rXt\' tsXt\sXt\
sX´kp\ [swE: ka'] v 1) attach 2) afflicted with Ω Ana”k^;- [su' kE su' kE, su' su' yu' yu', tåsu' su'] adv often, again and
eragå-sX´kp\ be afflicted with leprosy again, time and again
sX´”kio; [swE: gyo:] n reins S YN kn\”kio;' zk\”kio; sXn\1 [sun] n 1) kite, bird of prey 2) kite, flying toy
sX´K¥k\ [swE: gye'] n [leg] charge S YN eltMKXn\ (illus both)
sX´K¥k\tc\ [swE: gye' tin] v charge (with), accuse (of) sXn\kup\ [sun go'] n claw
Ω l¨ qt\ mO-sX´K¥k\ tc\ Although she acted in self-defence, she — v seize with claws
was charged with murder. [? finish or change] sXn\etac\SX´ [sun daung hswE:] v 1) pull up the hem of
sX´“ci [swE: nyI] v 1) adhere to 2) become attached to, one's TB^ (htamein) 2) (of TB^ (htamein)) hang
favour; be enamoured of; be infatuated with, have a unevenly 3) [fig] prepare to fight
crush on (inf) sXn\r´ [sun yE:] n kite, large bird of prey
sX´sX´“m´“m´ [swE: swE: myE: myE:] adv faithfully; constantly, sXn\lWt\ [sun hlu'] v fly a kite
sXn\qut\ [sun dho'] n style of ceremonial horse riding
sX´Siu [swE: hso] v prosecute, start legal proceedings resembling a kite in flight
against, take sb to court
sXn\2 [sun] v have a sty in one's eye
sX´Tc\ [swE: htin] v have faith Ω ; I have faith in the power sXn\3 [sun] v be over and above, be more than, be in
of prayer.
excess, be at the extreme = sXn\;
sX´mk\ [swE: me'] v obsess about sthg, have an obession AsXn\ [åsun] n 1) remote area, outskirts; edge,
about, be obsessed with; have an excessive love or
extremity 2) [esp in comb] extra, excess, surplus, profit;
liking for sb or sthg
[math] ?? Ω A®mt\AsXn\; 3) projection, place that
sX´“m´ [swE: myE:] v be consistent; be constant; be deep- protrudes [? check all -- quite different in mono and bi
sX´mxt\ [swE: hma'] v 1) memorise 2) accept some AsXn\SMu
doctrine, concept, etc [? fix] 3) keep firmly in mind
AsXn\AP¥a; [åsun åhpya:] n frontier area, remote area,
S YN sX´lm\;
outlying area; fringe
sX´elac\ [swE: laung] v catch fire S YN m^;sX´ AsXn\A“mit\ [åsun åmyei'] n distant relatives CF A“mit\AsXn\
sX´lm\; [swE: lan:] v be obsessed by/with S YN sX´mk\
AsX´ [åswE:] n 1) obsession 2) deep feeling or belief
sXn\tan^ [sun tan ni] n Œred bean
Ω Bamx BaqasX´ mrxi B¨;" I don't hold to any religion.
3) influence of evil spirits
sXn\ta®pa [sun tan bya] n Œblue bean
sXM [sun] v 1) be profitable, (of goods) be in demand Ω d^ts\Kå sXn\plXM [sun bålun] n date Ω sXn\plXMpc\ date palm Ω sXn\plXMq^; date
qrk\q^;etX eta\eta\Aerac\; sMXty\" The mangoes were
quite in demand this time. 2) do well, be a success; be
sXn\> [sun.] v 1) throw away, discard, dispose of, get rid of,
toss (inf), pitch (inf) RF sn\Ï ps\. 2) abandon; give up,
successful (esp in love) Ω min\; kel;etXÂka;T´mxa
relinquish, let go of, renounce RF sn\Ï py\. 3) disown,
d^ekac\eta\eta\sXMty\" This guy is quite successful with the
formally sever close relations RF sn\Ï lWt\. 4) dare, risk RF
sn\Ï sa;. 5) (of a monk) give
sXk\ [swe'] v 1) add (more) 2) meddle (in others' affairs)
Ω q¨ m¥a;kisß wc\ msX k\pån´>" Don't meddle in other's affairs.
sXn\Ï”k´ [sun. kyE:] v give away (as charity)
sXk\Pk\ [swe' hpe'] v meddle, interfere Ω Aemrikn\h sXn\ÏKXa [sun. khwa] v leave, abandon, forsake
t®Ka;Niuc\cMkisßmxa K%K% wc\erak\sXk\Pk\ty\" America sXn\Ïsa; [sun. za:] v venture, take risk
often meddles in other countries' affairs. sXn\Ïsa;Kn\; [sun. za: gan:] n adventure; struggle
sXc\. [swin.] v 1) be high, be lofty (usu ironic); soar 2) listen sXn\Ïps\ [sun. pyi'] v get rid of, throw away, discard
attentively, closely sXn\Ïpy\ [sun. pE] v abandon; give up, relinquish, renounce
sXc\.eTac\ [swin. htaung] n tall and straight, soaring,
towering [? ?] sXn\ÏlWt\ [sun. hlu'] v relinquish, give up; disown, formally
sever blood tie
sXt\1 [su'] v 1) soak; wet 2) be wet
sXt\siu [su' so] v be wet sXn\;1 [sun:] v 1) be stained, be smeared, be soiled 2) be
contaminated, be tainted; be blemished
sXt\sXt\na [su' su' na] n hoof and mouth disease
sXn\;Tc\; [sun: htin:] v 1) be stained, be smeared, be

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 131

sXn\; ª S
soiled 2) be contaminated, be tainted; be blemished sXm\;pka; [swan: båga:] n ability; strength, power, force
sXn\;ep [sun: pe] v stained; dirty, soiled; contaminated sXm\;rv\ [swan: yi] n 1) ability, skill; quality 2) talent
AsXn\;(ATc\;) [åsun: (åhtin:)] n stain, smear, soil; blemish; sXm\;Aa; [swan: a:] n ability; strength, power, force
taint, contamination sXm\;Ac\ [swan: in] n ability; power, force, energy
sXn\;2 [sun:] v be in excess, be more than AsXm\; [åswan:] n 1) ability 2) potency, mettle
ts\sXn\;ts\s [dåzun: dåza.] n a fraction, a little, a bit [? 3) strength; power CF sk\' sX m\; Aa;' tn\;Kiu;' pha;' qma;'
check place] Âqza' Arxin\' Akun\' Aa%a [? BOX about different kinds
piusXn\; [po zun:] n 1) pole, farthest points at the north and of power]
south of the earth 2) magnetic pole = qMliuk\wn\Riu;sXn\; [? AsXm\;kun\ [åswan: gon] adv utmost
check] 3) electric pole, e.g., of battery AsXm\;Tk\ [åswan: hte'] v be effective, be potent
AsXm\;®p [åswan: pya.] v 1) show power; show ability 2) (of
AsXn\; [åsun;] n 1) projection, place that protrudes medicine, etc) take effect, kick in (inf)
2) [esp in comb] extra, excess, surplus, profit; [math] ?? AsXm\;qt†i [åswan: tha' tI] n 1) ability 2) potency,
Ω A®mt\ AsXn\; 3) remote area, edge, extremity [? check all strength; power
-- quite different in mono and bi dicts] AsXm\;As [åswan: åsa.] n 1) aptitude, potential 2) ability
AsXn\;TXk\ [åsun; htwe'] v 1) protrude, project, stick out CF l¨sXm\;l¨s
(inf) 2) be immoderate, be extreme [åsun: dwe'] 3) come sXy\ [swE] n 1) fang, eyetooth, canine (tooth); tusk (of
out as a point elephant, walrus, etc) Ω e®mXsXy\ snake fang RF sXy\qXa;.
— n figure over a round number (illus) 2) sthg jutting out, fang-like projection, spur
AsXn\;(TXk\tn\Piu;) [åsun; dwe' dan bo:] n ¥surplus = AsXy\
value, difference between the price of product and the sXy\sMu [swE zon] n 1) full-grown elephant with both
amount it cost to produce [ pe] tusks 2) versatile talent; skill in various fields 3) sb
AsXn\;Amit\ [åsun; åmei'] n 1) fringe 2) border, edge knowledgable in both worldly and religious affairs
AsXn\;mlXt\ [åsun; målu'] v go beyond the bounds (Upsa) sXy\sMuk¥m\; [swE zon kyan:] n encyclopaedia,
(of decency, taste, etc) [? check] comprehensive reference work
AsXn\;m¥io; [åsun; myo:] n polarity [? new UK] sXy\sMur [swE son ya.] v be capable in many fields, be
AsXn\;erak\ [åsun: yau'] n be radical, be an extremist versatile, be multi-talented, be a talent
AsXn\;As [åsun; åsa.] n trace, sign Ω AsXn\;As sXy\eta\ [swE daw] n 1) ‹eyetooth of the Buddha
mk¥n\eta.B¨;" There was no trace left. 2) Œkind of flowering plant with double leaf
AsXn\;ATXk\ [åsun; åhtwe'] n topmost point sXy\eta\rxc\Bura; [swE daw shin hpaya:] n ‹pagoda
sXp\ [su'] v put on (stretchy clothing, such as socks, gloves) containing Buddha's eyetooth relic
sXy\epåc\tiuc\ [swE baung dain] n wood oil torch
sXp\k¥y\ [su' kyE] n 1) vest, tank top, sleeveless S YN kvc\S^tiuc\
undershirt 2) [sl] condom sXy\PMu; [swE bon:]n fold of skin covering the base of an
sXp\sX´ [su' swE:] v accuse, charge with elephant's tusk (illus at eleph)
sXp\sX´K¥k\ [su' swE: gye'] n accusation, charge, allegation sXy\rM [swE yan] n tooth between the canine tooth and
sXp\sXp\rXt\rXt\ [su' su' yu' yu'] adv by chance, the molar (illus)
coincidentally; accidentally sXy\erac\®p [swE yaung pya.] v 1) (of elephant) show tusks
sXp\tM [su' tan] n cigar or cigarette holder 2) [fig] feint, sham, bluff S YN bn\;®p [? check spelling
AsXp\ [åsu'] n 1) sheath, cover, case, cap 2) [sl] and defs]
condom sXy\rn\; [swE yan:] n 1) pair of upswept elephant tusks
sXp\®pot\ [su' pyo'] n soup [Engl] 2) pair of upswept railings lining the forward
sXm\; [swan: (sun:)] v 1) be able, have the capability 2) be compartment of a bullock cart (illus)
efficacious, have potency Ω d^eS;k hiueS;Tk\piusXm\;ty\" sXy\qXa; [swE dhwa:] n eyetooth, canine tooth
This medicine is more effective than that one. [ ph] AsXy\ [åswE] n 1) fang, eyetooth, canine tooth; tusk (of
sXm\;sXm\;tmM [sun: sun: tåman] adv to the best of one's elephant, walrus, etc) 2) sthg jutting out, fang-like
ability projection, spur
sXm\;eSac\ [swan: (sun:) hsaung] v do something AsXy\k¥io; [åswE kyo:] v 1) be defanged 2) [fig] be
successfully humbled
sXm\;eSac\rv\ [sun: hsaung yi] n efficiency

S1 [hsa.] n seventh consonant in the Myanmar script Slim\ [hsa. lein] n name of S

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 132

S ª Sa
S2 [hsa.] v 1) estimate weight by holding in the hand, guidance 2) female expert in an art or trade Ω saer;Sram
heft CF K¥in\S' mx n\;S 2) consider, ponder writer 3) employer, supervisor, manager
— n 1) multiple; fold 2) estimate; gauge 3) dexterity; — part respectful term for addressing a woman,
touch especially one's teacher, supervisor, or employer
Sk´ [hsa. kE:] adv many times over S YN STk\Tm\;piu; Sram”k^; [hsåyama gyi:] n 1) headmistress (Br), principal
SKX´kin\; [hsa. gwE: gein:] n [math] factor Ω qudÎSKX´kin\; (Am) 2) [sl] expert in a particular field
prime factor SraemX; [hsåya mwe:] v seek or receive patronage, get
St¨ [za. du] n equal size or weight support through the prestige of one's teacher
Stiu;kin\; [hsa. do: gein:] n [math] multiple number SraemX;sa; [hsåya mwe: sa:] v be a professional follower,
A NT qudÎkin\; Ie., move from teacher to teacher according to
Stk\Tm\;piu; [hsa. de' dåbo:] adv many times over opportunism
S YN SraemX;tpv.\emX;lup\ [hsåya mwe: tåpye. mwe: lo'] v
SpXa; [hsa. pwa:] v multiply, increase, proliferate mutual support and praise within the same school of
AS [Ahsa.] n 1) multiple; fold 2) estimate; gauge thought or endeavour
3) dexterity; touch Srael; [hsåya le:] pron 1) term of address to Buddhist
ASts\ra [Ahsa. tAya] adv infinitely nun [ bh] 2) term of address to a young male teacher
ASmtn\ [Ahsa. mAtan] adv excessively, inordinately
Sstk [hsa. sa. ta. ka.] abbr ∏acronym of Socialist Economy Sralk\Sup\ [hsåya le' hso'] n [fig] what a teacher knows
Formation Committee but does not teach L I T : ‘teacher's fist’ CF lk\kun\qc\
Siurxy\ls\s^; pXa;er;tv\eSak\mOeka\mt^ [? trans ok?]
SNXc\; [hsånwin:] n Œturmeric, yellow root used in cooking Sralup\ [hsåya lo'] v [fig] order people about, throw
= nNXc\; one's weight around (Upsa), boss people around
SNXc\;mkc\; [hsånwin: måkin:] n sweet made with wheat flour, Srawn\ [hsåya wun (win)] n physician, medical doctor
sugar, coconut milk, oil, and butter CF qma;eta\' AT¨; kuSrawn\
SNXc\mkc\;kXk\ [hsånwin; måkin; gwe'] n lozenge, diamond SraAtt\qc\ek¥ac\; [hsåya åta' thin kyaung:] n teachers
(shape); rhombus CF mxn\k¨kXk\' razmt\kXk\' rm±ø college, teachers training school, normal school Ó
SraAtt\qc\qipJMek¥ac\; [hsåya åta' thin thei' pan kyaung;]
Sra [hsåya] n 1) male teacher, esp in school; sb from n teachers training institute
whom one learns; mentor, teacher who gives guidance\Sup\ [hsAya. le' hso'] n knowledge that a teacher
Ω Sra-m®p nv\;mk¥ If you aren't shown by a teacher, you has excluded from lessons
won't be able to do it systematically. CF tpv\. student,\Sup\ [hsAya. le' hso'] n knowledge that a teacher has
protege [? example ok?] 2) male expert in an art or excluded from lessons
trade, master Ω saer;Sram writer CF tpv\.lk\qa; SlM [hsålan] n salaam, formal greeting
apprentice 3) employer, supervisor, manager SlMep; [hsålan pe:] v greet, make gesture of respect
— part respectful term for addressing a man, especially Sliuk\1 [hsålai'] n searchlight, spotlight, floodlight [Engl]
one's teacher, supervisor, or employer CF Aasriy S YN m^;emac\;
Sliuk\Tiu;⁄ [hsålai' hto:] v illuminate with Sliuk\
Srakiuc\ [hsåya gain] n teacher's handbook (searchlight)
Sra”k^; [hsåya gyi:] n headmaster (Br), principal (Amer) Sliuk\2 [hsålai'] n slide [Engl]
— pron 1) term of respect for a person of skill, Sliuk\Tiu;Ÿ [hsålai' hto:] v project a slide
integrity, age, etc 2) term of address for the head of a Sliuk\®psk\ [hsålai' pya. ze'] n slide projector, magic
Buddhist nunnery lantern
Sra”k^;lup\ [hsåya gyi: lo'] n (try to) throw one's weight Sliuk\Plc\ [hsålai' hplin] n slide film
around (Upsa) Sliuk\tMKå; [hsålai' tåga] n sliding door [Engl]
Srasa;K¥n\ [hsåya za: chan] v 1) withhold some Slc\ [hsalin] n serang, captain
knowledge (when teaching a skill) 2) let teacher show Slt\ [hsåla'] n salad, lettuce [Engl]
skill SlXn\;ka; [hsålun: ka:] n saloon car, (small, enclosed) car,
SrasX´ [hsåya zwE:] n blind devotion to a teacher or as opposed to lorry, bus, pick-up, etc [Engl]
leader Sa1 [hsa] v 1) be hungry, be thirsty Ω biuk\Sa' erSa
Sraeta\ [hsåya daw (zådaw)] n presiding monk at a 2) [fig] hunger for, crave, pine for Ω sit\Sa
Buddhist monastery Saelac\ [hsa laung] v be hungry, be starving, be
Sratc\ [hsåya tin] v acknowledge sb's suberiority in a famished
skill Saelac\mXt\qip\ [hsa laung mu' thei'] v be extremely
Sram [hsåya ma] n 1) female teacher, esp in school; sb hungry, be ravenous
from whom one learns; mentor, teacher who gives Sa2 [hsa] v (of limbs) be limp, be impaired, be weakened

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 133

Sa ª S^;
Sa3 [hsa] n Sir [Engl] (title of knighthood, of higher rank, sesame seeds in an oil mill
esp in military) S^TXk\q^;NMx [hsi htwe' thi: hnan] n oil seeds, oil-producing
Sak¥øla [hsa kyu la] n circular, internal letter (in an nuts and seeds
organisation), grey literature (acad) [Engl] S^p¨Tiu; [hsi bu hto:] v fry in very little oil
SaK¥´> [za chE.] v be ostentatious = zaK¥´> S^®pn\ [hsi byan] n dish of meat or fish and spices cooked
Sag¥c\ [hsa gyin] n sergeant [Engl] = saqc\ CF tp\Âkp\”k^; in oil and water until water boils off, leaving an oil
Sab^;ya; [hsa bi: ya:] n ∏Serbia CF y¨giuSla;b^;ya; [ pe cr] pooled on top
— adj Serbian S^pXt\ [hsi pu'] v mill oil seeds
Saya [hsa ya] n 1) shade, shadow S YN Arip\ 2) magical S^pXt\k¥v\epX> [hsi bu' gyåbwe.] n debate technique in
practice of making oneself invisible S YN rxin\;Saya which a point is made exhaustively, as seeds are ground
Sar^ [hsa ri] n sari, Indian women's clothing made of a long repeatedly to produce oil CF ska;”k^;Sy\m¥io;
piece of cloth S^B¨; [hsi bu:] n rump of cooked poultry
SalaAit\ [hsa la ei'] n 1) moneybag, sack for carrying S^m^; [hsi mi:] n oil flame, (burning) oil lamp
coins 2) gunny sack CF gun\Aim\ S^m^;KXk\ [hsi mi: gwe'] n oil lamp, cup of oil with a wick
SalMk¥m\; [hsa lan gyan;] n Psalms (in the Bible) S^m^;etak\ [hsi (hså) mi: dau'] n 1) kind of vine with
flamboyant flowers 2) kind of orchid 3) oil flame
Sa; [hsa:] n salt Ω l¥k\Sa; medicinal salt Ω p´K¨;Sa salt
made from brine; Ω Rukƒm¨Sa; salt made from wood ash CF cn\
S^m^;p¨eza\ [hsi mi: pu zaw] v light oil lamps as offering
salty' epåÏ; epåk\Sa; rock salt; S^mn\; [hsi man:] n oil over which mantras have been
recited, used as medicine CF ermn\;' TMu;mn\;' mN|ra;' mN|n\'
Sa;k¥c\; [hsa: gyin:] n saltern, evaporating pond
mn\; mOt\ [ bh]
Sa;Kå; [hsåkha:] n magnesium sulphate, colourless bitter
powder used to treat flatulence S YN BgçliSa;
S^mn\;mn\; [hsi man: man:] v 1) recite mantras to make
healing oil 2) [fig] mutter continuously, talk to oneself
Sa;K¥k\ [hsa: che'] v boil brine to get salt
Ω S^ mn\; mn\; qliue®pa
Sa;cn\q^; [hsa: ngan dhi:] n fruit preserved by soaking in
salt water and drying
S^lv\erlv\ [hsi lE he lE] n fish or meat cooked with
part of the stock remaining
Sa;sim\ [hsa: sein] v preserve by soaking in salt water
Sa;ny\ [hsånE] n salted fish or meat S^qt\ [hsi tha'] v add onions, garlic, or other
seasoning to hot oil
Sa;epåÏ [hsa: paw.] v be lightly salted CF cn\ S^U^; [hsi u:] n unprocessed butter
Sa;epåÏe®Kak\ [hsåbaw. gyau'] n lightly salted dried fish S^Aun\; [hsi on:] n oil palm
Sa;epåk\ [hsa: pau'] v be encrusted with salt AS^ANxs\ [Ahsi Ahni'] n 1) gravy 2) [fig] essence
Sa;pup\ [hsåbo'] n dark salt with an strong smell, used
in traditional medicine
S^2 [hsi] part to, from particle indicating direction (to or
from a person) Ω q¨S^e-m;liuk\ ask her Ω Srawn\S^-qXa;my\"
Sa;p¥a;qc\. [hsa: pya: (bya:) thin.] v (of food) have just the I’m going to see a doctor. Ω Aem.tiuÏS^ lat´.AKå when you
right amount of salt CF cn\' epåÏ
come from your mother’s
Sa;®mk\ [hsa: mye'] v be slightly salty S^k [hsi ga] part from
Sa;®mv\; [hsa: myi: (myE:)] v 1) taste food (for seasoning S^el¥a\ [hsi yaw (lyaw)] v be suitable, relevant,
and flavour) 2) [fig] try sthg out
Sa;rv\ [hsa: ye (yi)] n brine, salt water; saline solution S^el¥a\eTac\. [hsi lyaw daung.] n [math] corresponding
S^1 [hsi] n 1) edible fat, esp liquid animal or vegetable angle
oil 2) petroleum S YN ernM
AS^AecÅtv\. [Ahsi Angaw tE.] v be fit, be proper, be
S^k¥n\erk¥n\K¥k\ [hsi gyan ye gyan che'] v cook vegetables, suitable
meat, or fish, leaving a little water and oil
S^n^g´(l\)' S^n^egå [hsi ni gE;, hsi ni gaw:] n ∏Senegal [ cr]
S^Âkv\Ait\ [hsi gyi ei'] n oil gland (in skin), sebaceous
— adj Senegalese
S^eK¥; [hsi gyi:] n grease, slimy oil dregs S^nit\ [hsi nei'] n ∏senate, legislative body [Engl]
S^eK¥;esa\nM [hsi gyi: saw nan] v smell rancid S^l^ka [hsi li ka] n silica [Engl]
S^K¥k\ [hsi gye'] n 1) oil with crispy garlic or onion S^;1 [hsi:] v 1) bar, obstruct, block 2) wear (by wrapping
2) cooked oil around the body) Ω qkçn\S^; wear monk's robe
S^sk\ [hsi ze'] n oil mill — adv immediately on meeting
S^sim\sk¶ø [hsi zein se' ku] n 1) oil paper 2) waxed paper — n mist, fog RF S^;Nxc\;.
S^eS; [hsi ze:] n oil paint, oil colours, oils S^;”kio [hsi: kyo] v welcome sb, meet sb
S^SMu [hsi zon] n ox-driven oil press S^;Nxc\; [hsi: hnin:] n fog, mist
S^tiuÏh¨; [hsi do. hu;] [? new from nutr. list] S^;Nxc\;epåk\ [hsi: hnin: bau'] n dewdrop
S^Tmc\; [hsi dåmin:] n sticky rice cooked with oil, often S^;e®pa [hsi: pyaw:] v greet sb with news
eaten for breakfast AS^;Ata; [Ahsi; Ata;] n obstacle, impediment;
S^eTX; [hsi dwe:] n mass of partially milled peanut or obstruction, barrier

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 134

S^; ª S¨;
S^;2 [hsi:] n urine, pee (children), piss (inf) S YN eq;' S YN Suep;pX´
k¥c\cy\' rØRØ Suep; [hsu. pe:] v 1) bless, give blessing 2) award (a
S^;k¥ik\ [hsi; gyei'] n prostate prize)
S^;KuM [hsi: gon] n area above the pubic bone Suep;d%\ep;sns\ [hsu. pe: dan pe: såniq] n reward and
S^;K¥ø [hsi: chu] v draw off urine with a catheter punishment system
S^;K¥io [hsi: gyo] n diabetes Suep;pX´ [hsu. pe: bwE:] n award ceremony S YN SuNxc\;qBc\
S^;K¥k\ [hsi: che'] v test urine for sugar content Supn\ [hsu. pan] v wish; pray; ask for what one desires
S^;K¥op\ [hsi: cho'] v retain urine A NT S^;rWc\ SumXn\ [hsu. mun] n good wish
S^;K¥op\eragå [hsi: cho' yaw: ga] n oliguria SulaB\ [hsu. la'] n prize, award
S^;s [hsi: sa.] n upper part of hypogastric region S YN S^;sp\ S¨1 [hsu] v 1) boil, come to a boil 2) bubble, effervesce;
seethe, as water just before boiling 3) be noisy, clamour
S^;ss\ [hsi: si'] v test urine (for drugs, disease, etc) 4) scold, tell off CF pXn\' ®mv\' elac\ 5) seethe (Upsa), be
S^;sp\ [hsi: za'] n upper part of hypogastric region in a state of unrest
S YN S^;s S¨eS; [hsu ze:] n effervescent fruit salts, used to treat
S^;p¨evac\;k¥ [hsi: bu nyaung: gya.] n gonorrhoea, a stomach problems
sexually transmitted disease S YN evac\; k¥eragå S¨vM [hsu nyan] v be noisy, be loud
CF kalqa;eragå S¨p¨ [hsu pu] v 1) be noisy, clamour 2) scold, tell off
S^;rWc\ [hsi: shwin] v urinate freely A NT S^;K¥op\ 3) [fig] seethe (Upsa), be in a state of unrest
S^;qXa; [hsi:thwa:] v urinate, pee (inf), piss (vulg) S¨pXk\ [hsu pwe'] v 1) boil 2) scold, tell off
S YN rxø;rxø;epåk\ S¨lXy\np\lXy\ [hsu lwE na' lwE] adv superficially; for
S^;eAac\.eragå [hsi: aung. yaw: ga] n strangury short-term benefit
S^;Aim\ [hsi ein] n (urinary) bladder S¨2 [hsu] v be plump, be fat, be pudgy
S^;3 [zi:] n 1) Œjujube (illus (tree and fruit)) 2) general S¨ÂkMonim\.®mc\.merX; [hsu gyon nein. myin. måywe:] adv [fig]
term for succulent plum-like fruit Ω rxm\;S^;' S^;®Pøq^;' (for, about, concerning, etc) everybody
tRut\S^; S¨“Pio; [hsu hpyo:] v 1) be plump, be fat 2) [fig] prosper,
S^;KX´sk\ [zi: khwE: ze'] n plum mill be rich
S^;SM [zi: hsan] n meat of the plum stone S¨3 [hsu] part count word for sacred items, respected
S^;pn^ [zi: båni] n Œvariety of jujube persons, and purpiuk\ ( parabaik) Ω Sra-ts\S¨ one teacher
S^;®Pø [zi: byu] n Œemblic myrobalan, and edible, sharp- CF på; [ nc]
tasting fruit used in some condiments [? check] S¨lxy\ [hsu hlE] adv by turns; reciprocally
S¨dn\ [hsu dan] n ∏Sudan
S^;yui [zi: yo] n candied plums — n&adj Sudanese [ cr]
S^;q^;ekak\ [zi: dhi: gau'] n apprentice dancer, S¨; [hsu:] n thorn (of plant); spike, sharp point, barb, sharp
appearing early in a performance projection pointing back Ω Nxc\; S^S¨; rose thorn
S^;esac\; [zi: zaung:] n Œkind of cactus growing in the dry S¨;ekak\nk\ [hsu: gau' ne'] n Œkind of thorn bush
zone CF rxa;esac\; (illus) S¨;”kio; [hsu: gyo:] n barbed wire
S^;r^;ya; [hsi: ri: ya:] n ∏Syria [ pe] n&adj) Syrian S¨;e®cac\.Klut\ [hsu: nyaung. khålo'] n [fig] obstacle,
Su [hsu.] n 1) prize, award Ω ' Nobel Prize, Academy Award impediment, obstruction, stumbling block Ω ' I am
2) reward; (lottery) prize 3) wish; object of desire, planning to be rich; the only obstacle is that I don't have
prayer any money.
SueÂk; [hsu. gye:] n bonus S¨;S¨;ra;ra; [hsu: zu: ya: ya:] adv (esp of sound, violence)
SuK¥ [hsu. cha.] v award, give a prize piercingly
SuK¥^;®mHc\. [hsu. chi: hmyin.] v award, give a prize S¨;etac\ [hsu: daung] n (fish) fin S YN eryk\
SuecX [hsu. ngwe] n 1) prize or award money Ω SuecXK¥^;®mHc\. S¨;tp\ [hsu: da'] n thorn stockade, fence-like enclosure
award sb money 2) reward Ω ' The British put out a reward made of thorny branches
of 5 kyat for information on Bogyoke Aung San. [? check, S¨;eTak\KX [hsu: dau' khwa.] n bamboo pole with split
and trans example] end, used to move thorny growth
SutMSip\ [hsu. dåzei'] n (prize) medal Ω erWSutMSip\ gold S¨;pelX [hsu: pålwe] n Œkind of small thorny tree
medal growing in the dry zone = qs\pelX
Suetac\; [hsu. taung:] [hsu. daung:] v wish; pray; ask for S¨;pn\; [su: ban:] n Œsafflower
what one desires S¨;pup\ [hsu: bo'] n Œthorny bush with edible leaves that
— n wish; object of desire, prayer have a strong smell
Suetac\;®pv\. [hsu. taung: pye.] v have one's wishes S¨;rs\ [hsu: yi'] n Œkind of thorny vine
fulfilled S¨;el [hsu: le] n Œkind of low thorny bush
SuNxc\;qBc\ [hsu. hnin: dhåbin] n award ceremony S¨;lxv\;emac\;la [hsu: hlE: maung: la] v [fig] bring

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 135

eS; ª eS;
trouble eS;sX´ [hse: swE:] v be addicted to drugs
S¨;lxv\;emac\;q¨ [hsu: hlE: maung: dhu] n troublemaker, eS;Sra [hse: hsåya] n indigenous medicine practitioner
trouble CF Tiuc\;rc\;eS;
AS¨; [Ahsu;] n thorn (of plant); spike, sharp point, eS;Siu; [hse: hso:] v dye, colour cloth
barb, sharp projection pointing back eS;Siu;pn\;Riuk\ [hse: zo: pan: yai'] n dying and printing
eS;1 [hse:] v 1) wash, clean (with fluid); rinse works (for fabric)
Ω lk\e S;my\" I'm going to wash my hands. 2) temper, eS;Siuc\ [hse: zain] n pharmacy, chemist's (Br), drug store
anneal, treat metals, glass, etc to make less brittle by (Am)
heating and cooling eS;SMu; [hse: hson:] v (of disease) be multi-drug
eS;eÂka [hse: kyaw:] v 1) wash, clean (with fluid) resistant, not respond to treatment with many drugs
2) inspect, examine; interrogate, question S YN ss\eÂka' CF pi? tiu; ? [? cf]
ss\eS; eS;VWn\; [hse: hnyun:] n directions for usage, storage,
eS;ePa\eÂkaPk\mlup\ [hse: baw kyaw: be' målo'] v have etc of medicine
no dealings with eS;tBk\ [hse: tåbe'] n cured tobacco leaf used to roll
eS;2 [hse:] n 1) medicine, drug, pharmaceutical cigar
preparation used to treat disease or improve health eS;tM [hse: dan] n pipe
= eS;wå; 2) tobacco 3) potion, philtre, drink with eS;tiu>Pt\ [hse: to. ba'] n powdered medicine used for
magical powers Ω p^yeS; love potion 4) poison 5) paint; children's illnesses
(cloth) dye 6) (recreational) drug, plant or chemical eS;tiu; [hse: to:] v (of medicine) work, be effective,
with mood-altering properties = m¨; ys\eS;wå; have therapeutic effect
eS;ku [hse: ku.] v treat (disease, patient); get eS;tiuk\ [hse: dai'] [hse: tai'] n clinic, dispensary
(medical) treatment — v give medicine (to take)
eS;kula;m [hse: kålåma.] n gelling agent used in frozen eS;etac\. [hse: daun.] n 1) capsule (of medicine)
foods 2) short stick of indigenous medicine
eS;kt\eÂk; [hse: ka' kyi:] n Œkind of plant with leaves eS;ts\lMu; [hse: tålon:] n Œcanna-like plant with a
which split at the tip single tuber
eS;k¥ [hse: kya.] v 1) (of metal, metal instrument, etc) eS;tp\ [hse: da'] n Ímedical corps, military medical
become brittle through overheating during tempering unit
Ω Da;meS;k¥ 2) (of paint) fade eS;etX> [hse: twe.] v find the right medicine for a
eS;eÂkac\;el; [hse: kyaung: le:] v [fig] backfire; have disease
the opposite of the expected effect eS;T [hse: hta.] v 1) suffer effects of amulets, charms,
eS;Âkm\; [hse: gyan:] n drug with harsh side effects etc 2) experience withdrawal from drugs
eS;Kå;”k^; [hse: ga: gyi:] n 1) bitter tonic and medicine eS;Tmc\;K¥io; [hse: htåmin: gyo:] n Œplant with root used
against fever, made from Andrographis paniculata, Swertia in medicines
chirata, or other gentian-like plants [? get bse names of eS;Tiu; [hse: hto:] v 1) tattoo 2) inject medicine or
plants] 2) [Inlay] bitter soup cooked with the seeds of drugs
the Chiretta plant eS;Tiu;®pXt\' eS;Tiu;®pXn\ [hse: do: byu', hse: do: bun] n
eS;Kt\ [hse: kha'] v 1) add poison or love potion to syringe
food or drink 2) add disinfectant to drinking water, eS;Tiu;Ap\ [hse: do: a'] n (hypodermic) needle
well, etc eS;dn\; [hse: dan:] n Œyellow orpiment
eS;Kn\; [hse: gan:] n clinic, dispensary = eS;ep;Kn\; eS;dn\;n^ [hse: dan: ni] n Œrealgar, red orpiment
eS;eK¥; [hse: gyi:] n (tobacco) tar =®mc\;q^la
eS;K¥k\ [hse: gye'] n remedy eS;pul´ [hse: pålE:] n ŒHimalayan gentian
eS;e®Kak\ [hse: gyau'] n Œmarijuana, pot, grass, ganja; eS;ep;m^;y¨ [hse: be: mi: yu] n attendant who performs
hashish, hash; hemp S YN gn\g¥a' Bc\; various jobs
eS;KXc\. [hse: gwin.] n medical leave eS;epåÏlip\ [hse: baw. lei'] n cheroot made of tobacco and
eS;gLon\ [hse: gålon] n Œunicorn plant other herbs rolled in a qnp\ leaf CF eS;lip\'
eS;gNÎma [hse: gan dåma] n Œpyrethrum e®pac\;P¨; Pk\lip\
eS;sa [hse: za] n prescription, Rx, directions for mix, eS;®pa; [hse: bya:] n tablet (of medicine)
dosagec etc of prescribed drugs eS;®pc\;lip\ [hse: byin: lei'] n cigar
eS;ss\ [hse: si'] v have a (medical) checkup; carry out a eS;ePa\ [hse: hpaw] v compound medicine
(medical) checkup eS;ePa\wå;Pk\ [hse: baw wa: be'] n materials used in
eS;sp\ [hse: sa'] v 1) mix, compound medicine [hse: za'] making medicines
2) blend colours for painting eS;Piu;wå;K [hse: bo: wa: ga.] n medical fees
— n tobacco blend eS;Pk\wc\ [hse: be' win] v have medicinal properties

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 136

eS;rx´(l\)(s\) ª SM
eS;mtiu; [hse: måto:] v develop resistance to a drug eS;el; [hse: le:] v 1) Óbe calm, be sedate, be staid
eS;mi [hse: mi>] v be under a spell; be enchanted, be 2) plod, walk slowly and heavily
bewitched S´1 [hsE:] v swear at, shout at, verbally abuse, cuss (inf)
eS;m^ [hse: hmi] v be treated in time
eS;mc\eÂkac\ [hse: hmin kyaung] n tattoo S YN Tiu;kXc\; S´Siu [hsE: hso] v swear at, shout at, verbally abuse
eS;mc\rv\ [hse: hmin yi] n pigment used in tattooing S´er;tiuc\;TXa [hsE: ye: tain: htwa] v use excessively
eS;mn\k¥v\; [hse: mågyi:] n Œsmall tree with bark used obscene language, have a dirty or foul mouth; call sb
to cure fever names
eS;“m^;tiu [hse: mi: (myi:) do] n home remedy, folk S´2 [hsE:] part while, still Ω pc\ sc\ y¨qXa;“p^;
medicine dåepm´.Alup\lup\enS´påp´" Although retired, he is still
eS;mØ; [hse: hmu:] n medical officer, person in charge of a working. S YN tuM; CF eq;
medical facility Ω ' Township Medical Officer S´S´ [hsE: hsE:] v going to Ω e®pam´.S´S´' lup\m´.S´S´
eS;mOn\Ï [hse: hmon.] n powdered medicine eSatl¥c\ [hsaw: tålin] adv immediately, at once, without
eS;e®mWpå [hse: mwe ba] n Œkind of medicinal plant delay; quickly, hurriedly
eS;yU\ [hse: yin] v develop tolerance to certain drugs eSal¥c\ [hsaw: lin] adv immediately, at once, without
eS;yU\på;mO [hse: yin pa: hmu.] n drug resistance, falling delay; quickly, hurriedly
effecicacy of drug drug sensitivity A NT eS;Tierak\mO eSal¥c\sXa [hsaw: lin zwa] adv promptly, immediately, at
eS;er;pn\;K¥^ [hse: ye: bågyi] n painting, esp in once
traditional style CF ekak\eÂkac\; sketch AeSatl¥c\ [Ahsaw: tAlin] adv urgently; promptly;
eS;Riu; [hse: yo:] n tobacco stalk, one of the ingredients hastily, hurriedly
in cheroots eSa. [hsaw.] v 1) play S YN ksa; 2) fiddle with sthg CF kli
eS;rc\; [hse: yin:] n active ingredient of a medicine 3) be up to no good
(excluding flavourings, sweetener, etc) eSa.P\w´ [hsaw. hpåwE:] n software [Engl]
eS;rv\ [hse: yi (ye)] n mixture (of liquid medicine) eSa\ [hsaw] v 1) beat sthg, strike sthg; œplay (drum)
eS;RMu [hse: yon] n hospital CF eS;Kn\; 2) [fig] attack; beat sb up S YN Nxk\ 3) [poet] (of breeze)
eS;RMuAup\ [hse: yon o'] n hospital director blow gently 4) solder, weld, join 5) urge; remind;
eS;rXk\”k^; [hse: ywe' kyi:] n tobacco leaf activate S YN NOi;eSa\
eS;lk\mxt\ [hse: le' hma'] n medical certificate, eSa\emac\; [hsaw maung:] n ÓÍgong beaten during
certificate of health army's advance
eS;liuk\ [hse: lai'] v (of physician treating a certain eSa\Âq [hsaw aw] v convene (meeting, etc); summon
patient) be able to prescribe the most effective drug (delegates, etc); urge
eS;lip\ [hse: lei'] n general term for cigarette, cheroot, eSa\Âqq¨ [hsaw aw dhu] n convener, organiser
cigar eSa\då [hsaw da] n soda [Engl] Ω sa;eSa\då = Siudå
eS;lip\KMu [hse: lei' khon] n stand for rolling eS;lip\ eSa\d^Aaerb¥ [hsaw di a re bya.] n ∏Saudi Arabia
(cheroots, etc) — adj Saudi
eS;lMu; [hse: lon:] n pill SM [hsan] n hair (of the head) CF emW; RF SMpc\. [ ph]
eS;wå; [hse: wa:] n 1) medicine 2) charm, amulet, etc SMk¥c\ [hsan (zå) (hså)gyin] n hairpin
believed to have magical powers
SMk¥c\tara [hsan kyin ta ya] n ©constellation Coma
eS;qÂka; [hse: dhågya:] n 1) Œstevia, plant with leaves Berenices
that are very sweet when dried 2) artificial sweetener,
SMk¥s\ [hsan gyi'] n plait (Br); braid (Am)
such as saccharine, aspertame, etc 3) glucose
SMK¥ [hsan cha.] v shave head, on entering monastery
SM®Kv\ [hsan gyi] n 1) hair, strand of hair [zågyi]
eS;qma; [hse; dhåma;] n traditional medical practitioner 2) hairspring (of watch) [ ph]
Ω meqeqa eS;qma; (mrxiB¨;) (There isn't) a doctor who
SM®Kv\tiuc\ [zågyi dain] n axle of watch, holding the watch
won't die, Ie., no one is perfect
eS;qa; [hse: dha:] n 1) texture or quality of paint, dye, SM®Kv\eTX; [zågyi dwe:] n 1) (of hair) tangle, rat's nest,
photographic film, prints, etc 2) texture and thickness
knot 2) pulpy edible substance found in some coconuts
of tobacco leaf
eS;Aiu; [hse: o:] n bowl of a pipe SMs [hsan za.] n hairline Ω ; receding hairline
eS;Aiu;put\ [hse: o: bo'] n Œbush with edible pot-shaped SMsu [hsan (då) zu.] n lock (of hair)
SMsp\ [hsan za'] n hairline
eS;Aip\ [hse: ei'] n (of paints, colours) set SMvHp\ [hsan (hså)hnya'] n hairpin, hair clip [ ph]
eS;AMu [hse: on] v put a poultice on a wound or sore, to SMtu [zådu.] n wig; toupee (for top of head) = SMpc\tu
prevent or treat infection
[ ph]
eS;rx´(l\)(s\) [hse; shE;] n ∏Seychelles [ cr] SMeta\ [hsan daw] n ‹hair of the Buddha

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 137

SM. ª Sk\
SMtMKXn\ [hsan dan khun] n one curled lock of hair in Siuliu [hso lo] v mean Ω ' When I say 'Let's go', I mean 'Let's
middle of forehead go now!'
SMetak\ [zådau'] n hairstyle with a short fringe, worn Siuliurc\; [hso lo yin:] n essence (of a statement), theme,
by girls [ ph] gist, meaning
SMetak\qim\; [zådau' thein:] v change from SMetak\ SiulYc\ [hso yin (hlyin)] conj if, in case Ω '
(hairstyle) of a girl to that of a woman, whose long hair Siueqa\ [hso dhaw] conj if, in case
is worn in a bun SiuPa [hso hpa] n sofa, couch, chesterfield (Ca) [Engl]
SMetak\qim\;sArXy\ [zådau' thein sa. åywE] n coming of SiuPaKutc\ [hso hpa gådin] n bed (with mattress)
age, transition to womanhood Siub^yk\ [hso bi ye'] adj ∏ÓSoviet CF Rurxa; Russia [ pe]
SMTiu; [zådo:] n hairpin [ ph] Siub^yk\®pv\eTac\su [hso bi ye' pyi daung zu.] n
SMTMu; [hsan hton:] [zådon:] v coil hair, roll hair, tie hair in Siumal^ln\; [hso ma lI lan;] n ∏ÓSomaliland CF Siumal^ya;
a knot, put hair in a bun Siumal^ya; [hso ma li ya;] n ∏Somalia
— n bun, hair knot, chignon [ ph] — n&adj Somali
SMNu [hsånu.] n baby hair, fine short hairs growing at the Siurxy\ls\ [hso shE li'] adj ∏socialist [Engl]
hairline [ ph]
Ω ®mn\ ma. Siurxy\ls\ lm\;sU\ påt^ BSPP, Burma Socialist
SMNXy\ [hsånwE] n soft hair [ ph] Programme Party [ pe]
SMMNxip\ [hsåhnei'] n hair clip [ ph] Siurxy\ls\sns\ [hso shE li' såni'] n ∏socialism, socialist
SMpc\ [zåbin] n hair (of the head) CF emX;vc\; body hair system [ pe]
[ ph]
SiuÏ [hso.] v 1) block, obstruct, stop (a bottle); be blocked;
SMpc\Siu;eS; [zåbin hso: ze:] n hair dye choke; be choked 2) [sl] eat, stuff oneself
SMpc\ekak\ [zåbin kau'] v 1) have curly hair 2) curl SiuÏnc\. [hso. nin.] v choke (on food, object); be choked
one's hair (with emotion)
SMpc\vHp\ [zåbin hnya'] v 1) cut hair 2) get a haircut, SiuÏpit\ [hso. pei'] v block, obstruct, stop (a bottle); be
have one's hair cut blocked; choke; be choked
SMpc\vHp\Siuc\ [zåbin hnya' hsain] n barber (shop) (esp for Siu;1 [hso:] v be bad, be wicked, be foul, be evil; (of
men), hairdresser, hairdressing salon CF St†a [? new cf behaviour) be mischeivous, be naughty; (of situation,
kyaw] illness, mistake, offence, etc) be serious, be critical
SM(pc\)tu [zå(bin) du.] n wig; toupee (for top of head)
SMMpc\“P^; [zåbin hpi: (hpyi:)] v comb one's hair Siu;vs\ [hso: nyi'] v be vile, be evil, be malicious
SMMpc\e®Pac\. [zåbin hpyaung.] v have straight hair Siu;t¨ekac\;Pk\ [hso: du kaung: be'] n partners through
SMMpc\lip\ [zåbin lei'] n have kinky hair thick and thin
SMMpc\lOic\;T [zåbin hlaing: hta.] v have wavy hair — adv for better or worse
SMpXc\. [hsan pwin.] v have a few white hairs Siu;et [hso: te] [hso: de] v be delinquent, not fulfil
SM“mit\ [hsåmei'] n loose hair left hanging after tying hair obligations, be careless
in a knot
— n delinquent
SMebX [hsan bwe] n cowlick, tuft of hair that stands up Siu;NX´> [hso: nwE.] v take advantage of another's affection;
or grows in opposite direction
act like a spoiled child; (of sb in close relationship) be
SMyU\s [hsan yin sa.] n one lock of hair in centre of demanding
Siu;emX [hso: mwe] n 1) inheritance which includes
SMrs\wiuc\; [hsåyi' wain:] n hairstyle with top knot and liabilities 2) [fig] bad inheritance, bad seed Ω ' She got
circular fringe her alcoholism from her father. A NT ekac\;emX
SMq [hsan tha.] v cut hair Siu;yut\ [hso: yo'] v be mean, be base, be vile
SM. [hsan.] v 1) hold, have room for, fit, be capable of holding Siu;rXa;' Siu;wå; [hso: ywa:, hso: wa:] v be very bad; be
2) be sociable wicked
Siu [hso] v 1) say (sthg to sb), tell (sb sthg), declare (sthg) Siu;qXm\; [hso: thwan:] v be bad, be unruly; be delinquent
S YN e®pa 2) berate, scold, tell off 2) sing 4) be called, be (esp of young people)
named S YN eKÅ Siu;qXm\;l¨cy\ [hso: thwan: lu ngE] n young troublemaker;
SiuSMu;m [hso hson: ma.] v admonish, reprove, express juvenile delinquent
disapproval; teach, correct Siu;2 [hso:] v dye, colour; stain
SiuTMu; [hso don: (hton:)] n saying, proverb Siu;eS; [hso: ze:] n dye; colour; stain
Siupåsiu> [hso ba zo.] exp let's say, supposing, for instance Ω ' Siu;Kn´St\Kn´ [hso: gånE: za khånE:] adv abruptly, suddenly
Let's say I was you and you were me, what would you do?
Siu;Siu;St\St\ [zo: zo: za' za'] adv abruptly, suddenly
Siu®mv\ [hso myi] v berate, scold, tell off Sk\ [hse'] v 1) join, connect 2) communicate (with),
SiuRiu; [hso yo:] n saying, proverb contact, get in touch with, make friendly gesture
SiuRiu;ska; [hso yo: zåga:] n saying, proverb 3) present, offer up (sacrifice), offer respectfully

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Sk\tc\ ª Sc\
4) continue eSak\tv\ramra [hsau' ti ya måya] adv without
— n descendent seven generations removed = kÁt\Sk\ restraint, without control
CF miqa;su' eSXm¨¥io;suzya; eSak\Nxc\; [hsau' hnin:] v 1) offer; bestow, give as gift
— adv 1) go on, carry on, keep on 2) continuously, at a 2) give in marriage
stretch, in a row Ω ' She was so thirsty she drank five eSak\lup\ [hsau' lo'] v build, construct
glasses of water in a row. eSak\2 [hsau'] n chisel, tool for shaping hard material
Sk\kp\ [hse' ka'] v offer respectfully (illus, all kinds)
Sk\eÂk; [hse' kye:] n tribute; protection money, money eSak\eÂkac\; [hsau' kyaung:] n chiselled trim lines on a
extorted, money paid in blackmail building
Sk\eÂkac\; [hse' kyaung:] n joint, line where two things eSak\eKåk\ [hsau' khau'] n tool for bruising the fruit
have been joined stalk of toddy palms, to make the sap flow
Sk\KM [hse' khan] v inherit; succeed (sb in position, eSak\KMu; [hsau' khon:] n gouge, tool for making grooves
office, etc) Ω ' U Thant succeeded Dag Hammerskjold as UN
Secretary General. eSak\put\ [hsau' po'] n 1) mallet, large, heavy hammer-
Sk\sp\ [hse' sa'] v be connected to, be related to, be like tool 2) club, cudgel
joined CF ASk\Asp\ eSak\®Pt\ [hsau' hpya'] n facets (on gold or silver
Sk\sp\“p^; [hse' sa' bi;] exp on a related note, apropos ornaments)
CF ska;msp\ eSak\lip\ [hsau' lei'] n marsh tortoise
Sk\SM [hse' hsan] v have relationship with, have eSak\3 [hsau'] n Œcoffee-wort, plant with leaves used for
dealings with dark brown dye
Sk\SMer;ekac\; [hse' hsan ye: kaung:] adj have a good eSak\K¥U\ [hsau' chin] n Œsmall tree with violet flowers
manner, be well-bred Siuk1\ [hsai'] v 1) meet, converge, come together; coincide,
Sk\SMer;k¥´ [hse' hsan ye: kyE:] v [sl] be very bad at happen at the same time 2) arrive, visit 3) come in
Sk\Sk\ [hse' hse'] adv without fail rTa;Siuk\, arrive ka;Siuk\, dock qeBçaSiuk\, land
Sk\tiuk\ [ze' tai'] adv 1) continuously, without elyaU\Siuk\ 4) set towards, point in the direction of
interruption or break 2) continually, steadily recurring 5) place; affix 6) indicate, lead one to infer; denote,
mean 7) feed (fire, flames) Ω ' When they ran out of
Sk\NWy\ [hse' hnwE] v be connected, be related [? be firewood, they fed chairs, tables, shelves, beds, books, and
embroiled?? new from speech] finally Aung Aung to the fire. But he didn't burn very well.
Sk\lk\ [hse' le'] adv continue to, keep on, go on Ω '
She went on talking after I fell asleep. Siuk\kp\ [hsai' ka'] v (of ship, boat) dock, berth, pull up
Sk\q [hse' tha.] v offer respectfully, present, offer up along shore
(esp sacrifice) Siuk\Siuk\“miok\“miok\ [hsai' hsai' myai' myai']
adv 1) (arrive)
Sk\qa; [hse' tha:] n messenger, courier on schedule; 2) directly, straight Ω rn\kun\ p´K¨;Bt\s\ka;
Sk\qXy\ [hse' thwE] v communicate, get in touch with, Siuk\Siuk\-“miok\“miok\ erak\ty\" The Yangon–Bago coach
establish connection goes straight there. [? ok?] 3) [fig] without a hitch
Sk\qXy\er; [hse' thwE ye:] n communications Upsa, smoothly
Sk\qXy\er;tp\PX´> [hse' thwE ye: ta' hpwE.] n Signal Corps Siuk\erak\ [hsai' yau'] v 1) arrive; visit 2) indicate, lead
Sk\qXy\er;lm\;eÂkac\; [hse' thwE ye: lan: kyaung:] n one to infer; denote, mean
means of communication Ω O' On the island, an old radio set Siuk\2 [hsai'] n pose, showy manner
with broken knobs was the only means of communication. Siuk\3 [hsai'] n size [Engl]
Siuk\ka; [hsai' ka:] n sidecar, cycle rickshaw [Engl] (illus)
Sk\tc\ [hse' tin] n setting, scene, place where sthg happens Siuk\SiuPun\ [hsai' hso hpon] n œsaxophone [Engl]
[Engl] Siuk\prp\ [hsai' pAra'] n ∏Cyprus
Sk\rk\ [zåye'] n myna bird; common myna — adj Cypriot
Sk\rk\k¥ [zåye' kya.] adj noisy and talkative Sc\1 [hsin] v 1) adorn, decorate 2) assemble, put together
eSak\1 [hsau'] v build, construct Ω ®mn\ma-pudÎBaqawc\etX 3) build up 4) fabricate; frame AmOSc\; scheme
Aqk\”k^; lat´.-AKå ek¥ac\;eSak\- Bura;tv\“p^; enÂkty\" 5) resemble, be alike, look like RF Sc\t¨.
When they get old, most Burmese Buddhists get involved in — n design, pattern
building monasteries and pagodas. CF tv\ Sc\kXn\; [hsin kun:] n witch, sorceress, practitioner of
eSak\tv\ [hsau' ti] v 1) concentrate Ω eSak\tv\rty\" magic ƒ CF sun\;' eza\gn^' pvaqv\' rXaq¨
I am concentrating. 2) observe religious duties Sc\e®K [hsin gye] n excuse, reason given for an action
= tv\eSak\ or inaction
eSak\tv\ra [hsau' ti ya] n place and reason for Sc\e®Kkn\ [hsin gye kan] v make arguments to support
observing religious duties one's position

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 139

Sc\ ª Sc\
Sc\e®KSc\lk\ [hsin gye hsin le'] n reason; justification Sc\etac\ [hsin daung] n measure of length equivalent to
Sc\e®Ktk\ [hsin gye te'] v justify, give excuses or about 50 cm (20 inches)
arguments to support one's position Sc\tMu;mNXy\ [hsin don: månwE] n Œmoonseed vine
Sc\e®Kep; [hsin gye pe;] v give lame excuses (inf), make = Sc\qmNXy\
excuses instead of admitting one's failing, etc Sc\T¨; [hsin htu:] n elephant fetter, elephant hobble
Sc\®Kc\ [hsin gyin] v 1) consider 2) restrain, control Sc\Tin\; [hsin dein:] n elephant groom, elephant keeper
3) think of, bear in mind Sc\na;rXk\ [hsin nåywe'] n swing door (illus)
Sc\®Kc\tMutra; [hsin gyin don tåya:] n reasoning; Sc\nc\; [hsin nin;] v 1) be trampled by elephants 2) [fig]
rationalism; consideration be overwhelmed by worries, lose sleep Ω cåqm^;-
Sc\t¨ [hsin tu] v be similar, be alike s^;pXa;p¥k\ty\liuÏ Âka;rta cåeKåc\;kiu Sc\nc\; qliup´" I've
— adj similar, alike; same, identical been losing sleep ever since I heard that my daughter's
Sc\t¨yiu;mxa; [hsin du yo: hma:] n similarity, likeness, business was failing.
close resemblance Sc\Nxaemac\; [hsin hnåmaung:] n elephant trunk
Sc\NW´ [hsin hnwE:] v participate, take part in a group's CF elSc\ Nxaemac\; cycline, tornado' erSc\Nxaemac\;
activities waterspout
Sc\®mn\; [hsin myan:] v wear (clothes, earrings, watch, Sc\piu; [hsin bo:] n rhinoceros beetle = NXaeK¥;piu;
etc); adorn Sc\epåk\ [hsin bau'] n bull elephant, full-grown male
Sc\yc\ [hsin yin] v 1) wear (clothes, earrings, watch, elephant
etc); adorn 2) decorate and celebrate CF k¥c\; p Sc\piuk\ [hsin bai'] n bull elephant, full-grown male
Sc\lMu; [hsin lon:] n fabrication, lie S YN TXc\lMu; elephant
Sc\2 [hsin] n 1) elephant Ω πSc\qXa;rc\ lm\;®Ps\ty\" Where Sc\ps\e®mX [hsin byi' mwe] n kind of highly venomous
the elephant walks, he makes a road. Ω πSc\eqkiu snake, blind snake, worm snake
Sit\ern´> mPuM;n´Ï" You can’t cover a dead elephant with a Sc\e®pac\ [hsin byaung] n husky elephant bull
goat skin (i.e., you can’t hide a mistake with a flimsy Sc\Pinp\na [hsin hpåna' na] n pitting and cracking of the
excuse). CF Âkk\Sc\ turkey; tv\' matc\ CW ekac\' s^; sole of the foot
2) piece in Burmese chess similar to a castle in chess Sc\ratim\miu; [hsin ya tein mo:] n light rain in October–
CF ss\ turc\ 3) [fig] giant, big name Ω saepelakmxa q¨ k- November L I T : ‘rain that wipes out elephant tracks’
Sc\”k^;p´" He’s a big name in the literary world. Sc\rM
Sc\kn\;etatiu; [hsin gan: taw do:] adv [fig] blindly; [hsin
rashly L IT : ‘like a blind elephant charging in the forest’ yan] v
Sc\kp\ [hsin ga'] n platform or balcony placed to enable wild
mounting and dismounting elephants
Sc\kp\lv\ [hsin ga' lE] n verandah running around a
building, from which an elephant can be mounted
Sc\k¥Mo; [hsin kyon:] n stockade, corral, keddah (for
catching elephants) CF k¥Mo;qXc\;' mxn\;Sc\m
Sc\ÂkMÂkM [hsin gyan kyan] v plot, scheme, conspire
Sc\eK¥;tMu;Sp\®pa [hsin chi: don: hsa' pya] n laundry soap
shaped like a lump of elephant dung
Sc\e®KeTak\eragå [hsin chi dau' yaw: ga] n
elephantiasis, a chronic condition of swelling, esp in
legs, usu caused by parasitic worms which block the
lymph vessels; filariasis ◊
Sc\e®KepÅ [hsin gye baw] n Œtoddy palm just beginning Sc\Nxc\.Sc\U^;s^; elephant and mahout
to show its trunk
Sc\e®KPMu; [hsin gye bon:] n 1) suburb, area of housing
surrounding a city proper 2) troops flanking a war elephant
elephant Sc\liuk\ [hsin lai'] v (of elephant) charge
Sc\e®KelYa [hsin gye shaw: (hlaw:)] n slope, gradient Sc\lm\; [hsin lan:] n ©apparent path of
the sun in the
Sc\cui®mk\ [hsin ngo mye'] n Œkind of grass which is two months following the March or September equinox
difficult to uproot L IT : ‘elephant weeps grass’ CF Sit\lm\;' NXa;lm\;
Sc\SXy\ [hsin zwE] n elephant tusk; ivory Ω Sc\SXy\mxn\ Sc\lim\ [hsin lein] n kind of wide-mesh fish trap (illus)
piu;msa;B¨;" Insects will not eat real ivory. Sc\wc\ [hsin win] n portico, high-roofed porch area at
entrance of building (illus)
Sc\tara [hsin ta ya] n ©the constellation Cygnus (illus
(all constellations)) Sc\ewxÏrn\erxac\ [hsin hwe. yan shaung] n 1) evasive action

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 140

Sc\Sa ª eSac\
2) [fig] speech or action done to avoid commitment or court = qmµan\sa
blame L IT : ‘Avoid fighting the elephant on the rampage’ Sc\.Siu [hsin hso] v order (sb to do sthg)
CFska;”k^;Sy\m¥io; Sc\;1 [hsin:] v 1) enter (lower area); descend, step down;
Sc\qcy\ [hsin thångE] n elephant calf (from transport) get off, disembark; come down; fall
Sc\qmNXy\ [hsin thåmånwe] Œmoonseed vine A NT tk\ 2) flow; menstruate, have one's period
= Sc\ tMu;mNX y\ eqX; Sc\;; float down 3) leave for, go to, leave; be let off
Sc\U^;s^; [hsin u: zi:] n mahout, elephant handler (illus) 4) (of school, classes, etc) be over, be out ek¥ac\; Sc\;“p^;
Sc\AM [hsin an] n Œkind of large banana, and the tree it graduate (from institution); (of office work) get out
grows on A NT tk\ 5) stretch out (legs) Ω e®KSc\;på" Stretch out your
Sc\Sa [hsin hsa] n censor [Engl] S YN s^ss\er; legs. 6) [fig] step down, leave (position of power)
Sc\Sak¥ [hsin hsa kya] v pass censorship
Sc\Sas^ss\er; [hsin hsa si zi' ye:] n censorship Sc\;qk\ [hsin: the'] v 1) land 2) descend from 3) derive
Sc\SaTi [hsin hsa hti>] v be censored from
Sc\SamlXt\ [hsin hsa målu'] v be censored Sc\;2 [hsin:] n 1) appearance; form 2) colour 3) beauty
Sc\SaAPX´> [hsin hsa åhpwE.] n board of censors ASc\;1
=s^ss\er;APX´ Sc\;tu [hsin: du.] n ‹Buddha image [ bh]
Sc\d^kit\ [hsin di gei'] n syndicate, business association ASc\; [Ahsin:] n 1) appearance; form 2) colour 3) beauty
Sc\Piun^ [hsin hpo ni] n symphony orchestra [Engl] ASc\;Ag: [Ahsin; in ga] n 1) appearance; form 2) beauty
Sc\.1 [hsin.] v put one on top of another, stack (up), pile
(up) Ω k”k^;Nxs\lMu;Sc\. 'k¶' Sc\;etac\.Sc\;r´ [hsin: daung. hsin: yE:] adv in extreme poverty
— n 1) status, position; grade, standard, level RF ASc\. Sc\;r´ [hsin: yE:] v 1) be poor, be in poverty; be indigent; be
2) phase, stage RF ASc\. 3) tier, graduated layer or row; needy, be in need S YN NXm\; på; 2) be miserable Ω sit\Sc\;r´
shelf RF ASc\. 4) ledge running along a wall 5) joist
Sc\;r´tXc\;nk\ [hsin: yE: dwin: ne']
v be extremely poor, be
— adv in a row, in succession, straight Ω ' He was so destitute L IT : ‘deep mine of poverty’
thirsty, he drank four glasses of water in a row. Sc\;r´qa; [hsin: yE: dha:] n the poor, the needy, the
Sc\.k´Sc\.k´ [hsin. gE: hsin. gE:] adv one after another, indigent [ pe]
successively; gradually eSac\1 [hsaung] v 1) carry, take along, take with, bring
Sc\.k´®Ps\sU\ [hsin. gE: hpyi' sin] n evolution along RF eSac\ÂkU\;. 2) carry with one, keep with one RF
Sc\.pXa; [hsin. pwa:] v make copies, duplicate, reproduce eSac\ÂkU\;' eSac\på;. 3) commit to memory, memorise
Sc\.pXa;qk\erak\mO [hsin. pwa: the' yau' hmu.] n multiplier 4) do, act, perform; pay (taxes, fine, etc) AKXn\eSac\'
effect d%\ecXeSac\; bear (child, offspring), bring forth,
Sc\.pXa;qc\tn\; [hsin. bwa: thin dan:] n training of trainers, generate 5) depict; take the form (of); play the rôle
(of); allude to, refer to indirectly Ω ' This painting depicts
TOT, replicating course
a landscape of great beauty and wildness. Her assistance
Sc\.pXa;Ank\ [hsin. bwa: åne'] n connotation, extended or
took the form of moral support. He played the rôle of
derived additional meaning Ω ' Scarlet is a shade of red,
mentor for many young people.
but has a connotation of sinfulness. S YN Ank\pXa;;
A NT Ank\rc\; denotation eSac\ÂkU\; [hsaung kyin: (gyin:)] 1) carry, take along, take
with, bring along 2) carry with one, keep with one
ASc\. [hsin.] n 1) tier, graduated layer or row; shelf
3) carry out (assignment, duty, etc)
2) status, position; grade, standard, level Ω ttiy-ASc\.
third level; tertiary 3) phase, stage
eSac\på; [hsaung pa:] v 1) send sthg by sb 2) carry with
ASc\.Sc\. [Ahsin. hsin.] adv 1) in stages, in phases; step by
step, in sequence, in order 2) tier upon tier, in many — n parcel or letter carried by courier or intermediary
levels = eSac\; på;
ASc\.®mc\. [Ahsin. myin.] v be advanced, be high level; be eSac\pud\ [hsaung bo'] n motto; slogan Ω ' The motto of
superior, be high quality Ω ASc\.®mc\.-nv\pva high the Boy Scouts is 'Be prepared'.
technology Ω ASc\.® mc\.-pva higher education, tertiary eSac\rXk\ [hsaung ywe'] v carry out (assignment, duty,
education, university-level education etc)
ASc\.Atn\; [Ahsin. Atan;] n class; standard; status eSac\2 [hsaung] n 1) room; chamber, hall; (hospital,
Sc\.2 [hsin.] v 1) summon, send for (sb), call together prison) ward 2) hostel; hall = AeSac\
S YN Sc\.eKÅ 2) order (sb to do sthg) S YN Sc\. Siu — part count word for monasteries, royal buildings [ nc
Sc\.eKÅ [hsin. khaw] v summon, send for (sb), call ry]
together eSac\eta\k¨; [hsaung daw gu:] n Œvervain
Sc\.sa [hsin. za] n [law] summons, order to appear in eSac\pn\; [hsaung ban:] n 1) driver's seat in lxv\; (oxcart)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 141

eSac\pMu ª Siuc\;
(illus at cart) 2) wooden swinging cradle (illus) goods
eSac\puM [hsaung bon] n roof Siuc\Kc\; [hsain khin:] v display good for sale in a shop
eSac\m [hsaung ma.] n main hall Siuc\KMu [hsain gon] n stall
eSac\pMu2 [hsaung bon] n fishing spear (illus) Siuc\K¥k\ [hsain gye'] n restaurant cuisine CF Aim\K¥k\
eSac\. [hsaung.] v 1) collide, bang (into), ram (into) 2) jolt; Siuc\tv\ [hsain tE] v set up shop
bump 3) stamp (with foot) Siuc\Tiuc\ [hsain dain] n sales manager; person in charge of
eSac\.”k^;eAac\.”k^; [hsaung. gyi: aung. gyi:] adv (esp when shop
banging sthg) irritably, in an annoyed or displeased Siuc\TXk\ [hsain htwe'] v keep shop; open shop
manner; peevishly, with resentment or dissatisfaction Siuc\pMuTiu; [hsain bon hto:] v stack (sheaves of rice)
eSac\.eÂkac\.Tiuc\ [hsaung. gyaung. htain] v squat, sit on Siuc\PXc\. [hsain hpwin.] v open shop, keep shop, set up shop;
haunches (illus) (of shop) be open
eSac\.ÂkXa;ÂkXa; [zaung. kywa: gywa:] adv arrogantly [ ph] Siuc\Pit\ [hsain hpei']
v close shop; close up shop (also
eSac\.eAac\. [hsaung. aung.] v show dissatisfaction, permanently), go out of business; (of shop) be closed
annoyance (by banging table, stamping foot, etc)
eSac\;1 [hsaung:] v 1) cover one's head 2) wear (hat, veil, Siuc\ra [hsain ya] v sb or sthg concerned; authority
etc); carry (umbrella, parasol) 3) give sthg extra, concerned; sthg relevant or pertinent
supplement; contribute 4) trap fish with a eSac\; Siuc\;1 [hsain:] v 1) hang, suspend (by rope, string, etc)
(bamboo basket) (illus of plunging hsaung; into water) 2) wait, pause; keep pending, suspend, defer, delay
— n conical fishing basket, sometimes used as chicken S YN SX´ RF Siuc\;cM.' Siuc\; Tm\;. 3) be temporarily paralysed,
coop e.g., by snakebite
eSac\;ecX [hsaung ngwe] n additional payment — n 1) cane or bamboo framework or rack (to used to
CF ecXeSac\; store pots, carry fruit, etc) 2) œtraditional orchestra,
eSac\;2 [hsaung:] n 1) cool season S YN ehmn\ CF miu; eNX' raq^ including drums, gongs, hnè, clappers, cymbals, timing
2) winter (outside of tropics) bells [ ms] 3) œtune or music in a play, scene, etc
eSac\;Kiu [hsaung: kho] v hibernate Ω nt\Siuc\; music in the nat scene 4) shift (of work) Ω vSiuc\;'
eSac\;Kiuc\; [hsaung: khain:] v have cough, asthma, enÏSiuc\;
pneumonia, etc through the cool season — part numerical classifier used to count work shifts,
eSac\;tXc\; [hsaung: dwin:] 1) cool season 2) winter work gangs, packets of gold foil [ nc]
(outside of tropics) Siuc\;K¥k\ [hsain gye'] n timing, for beat of music
eSac\;“P^;na [hsaung: hpyi' na] n cold; sinusitis Siuc\;cM. [hsain: ngan.] v 1) wait, pause; keep pending,
eSac\;em;Kå; [hsaung: me: ga:] n bitter root of Helleborus suspend, defer, delay 2) await (developments, news,
niger (black hellebore, Christmas rose), Picrorhiza kurroa, etc) 3) suspend (activity) S YN rp\na;
or Cycloa burmannii, used in traditional medicines Siuc\;eSa\ [hsain: hsaw] v (of drum ensemble) strike up,
indicating the drama performance will begin [ ms]
eSac\;em;Kå;na [hsaung: me: ga: na] n sinusitis, sinus Siuc\;Sc\. [hsain: hsin.] [hsain: zin.] v call on the drum
trouble S YN tip\kp\na' PXt\sAiuna ensemble to begin
eSac\;“m^;na [hsaung: myi: na] n cold; sinusitis — n lyrics used to call on the drum ensemble to begin
= eSac\;“P^; na CF pt\ tiuk\' Siuc\;mSc\. bMumSc\. [ ms]

eSac\;yU\sXn\;K¥in\ [hsaung: yin zun: gyein] n December Siuc\;tX [hsain twa.] v be delayed, wait due to a delay
solstice, shortest day of the year CF mSiuc\;mtX
eSac\;U^; [hsaung: u:] n 1) beginning of the cool season Siuc\;Tm\; v wait, pause; keep pending, suspend, defer
2) (outside of tropical regions) autumn, fall (Amer)
Siuc\;enak\T [hsain: nau' hta.] n vocalist–comedian of
eSac\;U^;epåk\ [hsaung: u: bau'] n beginning of the cool traditional orchestra
season, early in the cool season Siuc\;mSc\.bMumSc\. [hsain: måhsin. bon måhsin.] adv [fig]
eSac\;på; [hsaung: ba:] n 1) article (in newspaper, magazine, unannounced, unexpectedly, without prior notice,
etc), piece, story (inf) CW pud\ 2) Óletter, message, without fanfare (Upsa) L IT : ‘without calling on drums to
missive, etc sent by courier or intermediary CW esac\ strike up’
Siuc\;wiuc\; [hsain: wain:] n œdrum circle S YN pt\wiuc\;
eSac\;på;lk\eSac\ [hsaung; ba; le' hsaung] n present CF Nxs\Ss\lMu;' dMu;' d¨;lMu;
sent to sb far away (usu with a letter) Siuc\;qma; [hsain: dhåma:] n œmusician in traditional
Siuc\ [hsain] v 1) stack (rice sheaves) 2) meet, come face orchestra
to face with 3) concern 4) have the right to; belong to Siuc\;2 [hsain:] n sign, signature [Engl] S YN lk\mxt\
5) negotiate a sale Siuc\;Tiu; [hsain: hto:] v sign (one's name) S YN lk\mxt\Tiu;
— n shop (Br), store (Am); stall, stand for selling Siuc\;But\ [hsain: bo'] n sign, noticeboard, billboard

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 142

Siuc\; ª Sut\
[Engl] Ω sa-mPt\-Niuc\B¨; la;" ehad^-Siuc\;But\ eS;lip\- St\tXn\Ï [hsa' tun.] adj crêpe (material)
meqk\r" Can't you read? The sign says 'no smoking'! St\Tup\ [hsa' hto'] n small lobster
Siuc\;3 [hsain:] n sine [Engl] St\2 [hsa'] n sambur, kind of small deer (illus)
Ss\ [hsi'] v 1) chop bamboo or sugarcane 2) sculpt, shape St\kel; [hsa' kåle:] n fawn
stone 3) measure, fathom 4) be impeded St\Kelak\ [hsa' khålau'] n yellow-throated marten
— n joint, node S YN ASs\ St\K¥ioNu [hsa' gyo nu.] n sambur antler in its early soft and
Ss\piu; [hsi' bo:] n rice stem borer, kind of insect pest downy growth, used in traditional medicine
= A¨;elYak\piu; St\K¥iors\ [hsa' gyo yi'] n Œsome kinds of flowering vines
Ss\Pls\ [hsi' hpåli'] n syphilis, a sexually transmitted [? get more info]
infection [Engl] CF kalqa;eragå St\Piu [hsa' hpo] n stag, male sambur
Sv\ [hsE (hsi)] v 1) dam (waterway) 2) hold back (tears) St\m [hsa' ma.] n doe, female sambur
3) contain one's grief, check (emotion), control oneself St\qa; [hsa' tha:] n venison, meat of the sambur
(in tragedy) Ω e®PSv\ S YN sit\Tin\; St†aqv\ [hsa' ta dhE] n barber, one who shaves and cuts
— n dam, weir men's hair CF SMq' SMpc\Vxp\
Sv\e®mac\; [hsE myaung:] n irrigation canal Sit\1 [hsei'] n goat
Sv\ereqak\ [hsE ye dhau'] n irrigated cultivation Sit\kel; [hsei' kåle:] n kid, young goat
Sv\ereqak\ly\ [hsE ye dhau' lE] n irrigated rice Sit\kula; [hsei' kåla:] n sheep
field CF miu;ekac\;ly\ Sit\kula;kel; [hsei' kåla: kåle:] n lamb, young sheep
Sv\; [hsi:] v 1) Ósave 2) approach; wait upon Sit\eK¥; [hsei' chi:] n Œlarge tree valuable for timber
Sv\;kp\ [hsi: ka'] v take refuge in; serve; revere; adhere Sit\K¥io [hsei' gyo] n claw hammer (illus)
to Ω Bura;kuiSv\; kp\ty\ Sit\T^; [hsei' hti:] n µ goat, billy goat
Sv\;p¨; [hsi: bu:] v acquire, learn, gain Ω pvaSv\;p¨; Sit\nM [hse' nan] n Œ1) shrub with a goaty smell
Sv\;Sa [hsi: za] n 1) transition between the four divisions 2) medium-sized tree
of the day nMnk\' morning, mXn\;tv\.' noon midday ven' Sit\nM”k^; [hsei' nan gyi:] n Œlarge tree growing in high
evening, qn\;eKåc\ midnight 2) nightfall, twilight (after altitudes, with soft, grey wood
sunset) CF ARu%\ Sit\NuiÏmun\Ï [hsei' no. mon.] n kind of biscuit
Sv\;lv\; [hswE: lE:] n small bell with a clapper blown by Sit\m [hsei' ma.] n ƒ goat, nanny goat
the wind, often attached to pagoda T^; hti Sit\m¥k\lMu; [hsei' mye' lon:] n iron bushing at hub of
S™ [hsa' hta.] adj [in comb] sixth, hex(a)- cartwheel
S™gM [hsa' htågan] n hexagon Sit\lm\; [hsei' lan:] n ©apparent track of the sun in
S™m [hsåtåma] adj sixth the celestial sphere from 20 November to 19 March
S™mAaRuM [hsåtåma a jon] n sixth sense CF AaRuMcå;på; CF Sc\lm\;' NXa;lm\;
St\1 [hsa'] v 1) be brittle, be easy to break 2) be quick to Sit\qiu; [hsei' tho:] n uncastrated male goat
anger, be quick- or short-tempered 3) smack, slap, give Sit\2 [hsei'] v be quiet, be still, be silent
a quick blow to; knock (heads) 4) (stone) chip at; sculpt Sit\kXy\ra [hsei' kwE ya] n secluded place
5) be brisk, be lively, be invigorating 6) be curt, be Sit\“cim\ [hsei' nyein] v be quiet, (of atmosphere) be still
rudely abrupt in speech Sit\“cim\rp\kXk\ [hsei' nyein ya' kwe'] n quiet
St\\eka. [hsa' kaw. la' law.] v (of behaviour) be neighbourhood
irresponsible, be frivolous, be flighty; be unbecoming Sit\vM [hsei' nyan] v [arch] be still, be silent
Sit\quU\; [hsei' thon:] v cease to exist, be extinct; vanish
St\Kn´ [za' khånE:] adv abruptly, suddenly and quickly (Upsa)
St\eSa. [hsa' hsaw.] v say or do sthg without meaning Sit\3 [hsei'] v 1) pinch CF lim\ 2) (of bird) peck, strike or
to, slip (up) S YN keva. pick up with the beak
St\St\ [hsa' hsa'] adv really, actually; definitely Sit\sa [hsei' sa] n [arch] pinch, small quantity
St\St\”k´ [za' za' kyE:] n hothead, hot-tempered Sit\4 [hsei'] part particle suffixed to verb to indicate dare
person or allow sthg Ω ROSit\ allow to fail
— adv snappishly, tartly Sit\PXa; [hsei' hpwa:] exp expression in response to a sneeze,
St\St\Kåna [hsa' hsa' kha na] v shake (with anger), wishing long life, equivalent to 'Bless you'
tremble (with pain) Sut\1 [hso'] v 1) back up, move backward; retreat; withdraw
St\St\tun\ [hsa' hsa' ton] v tremble 2) recede, ebb 3) wane, become smaller Ω lSut\ waning
St\St\TimKM [hsa' hsa' hti> måkhan] v do or say sthg moon A NT Sn\ wax
intolerant Sut\kn\kn\ [hso' kan kan] v 1) resist attempt to drag
St\tcM.cM. [hsa' tångan. ngan.] adv in suspense, on edge; away 2) [fig] be recalcitrant; be unwilling, be reluctant,
with unfufilled expectations be dragged, kicking and screaming (Upsa)
St\etak\St\etak\ [za' tau' za' tau'] adv jerkily Sut\kn\Sut\kn\ [hso' kan hso' kan] adv unwillingly,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 143

Sut\ ª Sn\;
reluctantly Sn\e®pac\; [hsan byaung] n kind of sorghum grass
Sut\kp\ [hso' ka'] n period in which life expectancy Sn\®pot\ [hsan byo'] n thin rice soup, often eaten as
has shortened (from thousands of years to ten years) breakfast
CF tk\ kp\ [ bs] Sn\P¥a; [hsan bya:] n rice of the lowest quality, small
Sut\KMKM [hso' khan khan] v fight back while retreating; broken grains of rice S YN Sn\vHa CF Sn\; lt\' Sn\rc\;
fight a delaying action Sn\PXp\ [hsan hpu'] v polish rice by pounding
Sut\KXa [hso' khwa] v retreat; withdraw Sn\mxv\. [hsan hmE.] n shrivelled grains of rice
Sut\ss\ [hso' si'] n Íretreat, backward movement Sn\mOn\Ï [hsan hmon.] n rice flour
Sut\Siuc\; [hso' hsain:] v be hesitant Sn\erspå; [hsan je zåba:] n staple grains and crops
Sut\ns\ [hso' ni'] v 1) turn back 2) [usu with neg] be Sn\Riu;Sn\qa; [hsan yo: hsan dha:] n high quality rice
demoralised, be hopeless, be dejected Ω mSut\mns\ Sn\rc\; [hsan yin:] n highest grade of rice, containing no
(example here!) broken grains, i.e., rice which remains nearest the
Sut\yut\ [hso' yo'] v decrease; regress, retrogress; person tossing rice to separate chaff, stones, broken
degenerate grains from whole rice CF Sn\P¥a;' Sn\lt\
Sut\2 [hso'] v 1) tear, rip, rend 2) skin (dead animal) Sn\lt\ [hsan la'] n medium grade of rice, containing
Sut\kp\2 [hso' ka'] n cylindrical fish trap whole grains and large brokens CF Sn\P¥a;' Sn\rc\;
Sn\1 [hsan] n 1) husked rice, uncooked rice 2) seed, grain, Sn\lMu;eÂka\ [hsan lon; gyaw] n [Shan] puffed sticky rice
kernel Ω Sn\sU\ra-k¥v\epX>liuk\liuÏmrB¨;" The pestle can't run cakes, fried in hot oil = g¥io;eK¥ak\eÂka\
after the cast-out grains. 3) clapper of bell Sn\lMu;Viu' Sn\lMu;t^; [hsan lon: nyo, hsan lon: di:] n brown
Sn\eka [zågaw:] n round bamboo tray used to toss rice, unpolished rice, wholegrain rice
rice for winnowing and sorting [ ph] Sn\2 [hsan] v 1) go upstream 2) [fig] go against the
Sn\ekawiuc\; [zågaw: wain:] adv with a swinging motion, current (Upsa), go against the wind (Upsa) 3) (of gas in
as when turning a tray to separate broken and unbroken the abdomen) rise; (of gorge) rise, Ie., feel nauseous
rice grains
Sn\kun\e®mel; [hsan gon mye le:] n [fig] worthless person Sn\3 [hsan] v (usu of manners, ways, etc) resemble, be
like, be similar to
Sn\ek¥a [hsan gyaw] n ordinary rice grains found in SN» [hsan da.] n 1) desire, wish 2) opinion, view
sticky rice SN»KMy¨pX´ [hsan da. khan yu bwE:] n referendum; poll [ pe]
Sn\”kit\ [hsan kyei'] v mill rice SN»esa [hsan da. saw:] v be overeager, be impatient
Sn\Âkm\; [hsan gyan:] n brown rice SN»®p [hsan da. bya.] v ∏demonstrate (for or against),
Sn\k´X [zågwE:] n broken rice protest; strike [ pe]
Sn\Kå [zåga] n (for dry foods) sifter; (for wet or dry) SN»®pp´X [hsan da. pya. bwE:] n demonstration, protest
sieve; (for wet foods) strainer, colander (march); strike
Sn\KåK¥ [zåga cha.] v sift, separate larger pieces or lumps SN»®po [hsan da. pyu.] v express one's opinion, view, etc
from smaller using a sieve, etc SN»m´ [hsan da. mE:] n 1) vote 2) ballot S YN m´®pa;
Sn\Kåtc\ [zåga din] n [fig] the pick of the lot (Upsa), SN»liuk\el¥a [hsan da. lai' lyaw] v accede (to), comply
the choicest = dc\ (with), go along (with) [? new kyaw]
Sn\Kt\ [hsan kha'] n [orth] mark made inside the -i to Sn\> [hsan.] v 1) stretch out, straighten out, extend
form the -^ 2) distant, remote
Sn\Kut\ [hsan kho'] v make a sharp motion to toss away Sn\Ïk¥c\ [hsan. kyin] v oppose, be against; contradict
broken kernels, chaff, etc after sorting rice in a tray Sn\Ïk¥c\Bk\ [hsan. kyin be'] v be opposite; be
Sn\eK¥ac\ [hsan gyaung] n loose seed or stone of fruit; contradictory CF e®pac\;®pn\
loose and addled embryo in egg — n 1) opponent (of policies, doctrines, etc);
Sn\sk\ [hsan ze'] n rice mill opposition ∏ CF Atiuk\AKM [ pe] 2) opposition;
Sn\vHa [hsan hnya] n low quality rice, consisting of contradiction
smallest broken grains S YN Sn\P¥a; CF Sn\; lt\' Sn\rc\; Sn\Ïcc\Sn\Ïcc\ [hsan. ngin hsan. ngin] adv convulsively
Sn\Nup\ [hsan no'] n broken rice of the smallest size Sn\;1 [hsan:] v 1) be new, be novel, be ususual RF Sn\;qs\.
Sn\Nxs\ [hsan hni'] n rice flour batter 2) be strange 3) be extraordinary RF Sn;\®pa;. 4) be
Sn\piu; [hsan bo:] n rice weevil different RF Sn;\®pa;. 5) be devious, be sly RF Sn;\®pa;.
Sn\pn\; [hsan ban:] n dyed rice thrown on festive Sn\;Âky\ [hsan: kyE] v be wonderful, be strange
occasions Sn\;®pa; [hsan: pya:] v 1) be extraordinary; be different;
Sn\pn\;epåk\epåk\ [hsan ban: pau' pau'] n dyed rice and be unusual 2) be devious
popped rice thrown on Buddhist festive occasions Sn\;qs\ [hsan: thi'] v be new, be fresh, be novel, be
Sn\®pa [hsan pya] v toss rice in a tray to separate whole ususual
grains from broken grains, chaff, stones, etc Sn\;2 [hsan:] n art of composing Pali verse

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Sn\; ª Sy\
Sn\;giu%\; [hsan: gain:] n criticise according to the rules SMu [hson] v 1) meet, come together, converge S YN etX>
of Pali rhetoric 2) coincide RF SMusv\;. 3) pool money; share a purchase
Sn\;ss\ [hsan: si'] v vet, scrutinise; check carefully [? 4) be identical
review?] — n 1) crossing (esp UK), junction, intersection
Sn\;3 [hsan:] part particle suffixed to verb to give sense of (Amer); confluence Ω ' T-junction 2) mortar (SMuk¥v\);
'no more than' mill; press; (pipe) bowl (illus)
Sun\;1 [hson:] v 1) tear material to make a qkçn\; (monk's SMuk¥v\ [hson kyi] n mortar
robe) 2) cut, incise 3) ponder, think before deciding SMuK¥k\ [hson gye'] n focal point, focus
Sun\;S [hson: hsa.] v contemplate, estimate (a situation) SMusv\; [hson zi:] v coincide, be brought together
SMuSiu>na [hson zo. na] n diptheria
Sun\;2 [hson:] n minium, kind of metal SMuTMu;cå;pi [hson don: ngåpi>] n cå;pi (fish paste) made from
Sp\1 [hsa'] v 1) repay, pay back, return (a kindness) large fish
2) suffer from past misdeeds, suffer retribution SMurp\ [hson ya'] n meeting place agreed on, rendezvous
Sp\2 [hsa'] n millet
Sp\kMu; [hsa' kon:] n garland of ears of millet, worn SMulv\ [hson lE] n pivot, swivel, or other revolving
around the neck (illus) mechanism Ω SMulv\kula;Tiuc\ swivel chair
Sp\eka\mt^ [hsa' ko måti] n subcommittee [Engl] SMulv\N a; [hson lE nwa:] n ox turning an oil press
Sp\kp\ [hsa' ka' (ka.)] n circus [Engl] (illus)

Sp\®pa [hsa' pya] n soap SMu>Sv\; [hson. zi:] n [poet] sthg epitomising grace and
Sp\®pamOn\Ï [hsa' pya hmon.] n soap powder (usu detergent) beauty
SMu; [hson:] v 1) come to an end Ω lm\;SMu; dead end (of road)
2) lose RF SMu; ROM;. 3) die, pass away RF SMu;qX a;.
Sp\®pa®mHup\ [hsa' pya hmyo'] n suds, lather, bubbles
Sp\®paemW; [hsa' pya hmwe:] n scented soap — part suffix indicating superlative, -est, most Ω ptmSMu;
Sp\qXa; [hsa' thwa:] n 1) dried screw-pine fruit, used for first Ω enak\SMu; last
combing yarn 2) screw pine tree SMu;Kn\;tiuc\eAac\ [hson: gan: tain aung] adv till the end, to
Sp\qXa;P¨; [hsa' thåpu:] n 1) screw pine 2) part of pagoda the end, to the last
below the finial, resembling the fruit of the screw pine SMu;på; [hson: ba:] v 1) lose 2) die, pass away
SMu;®Pt\ [hson: hpya'] v decide
Sip\1 [hsei'] n 1) wharf, dock, pier, jetty 2) port, harbour, SuM;®Pt\K¥k\ [hson; hpya' che'] n decision
terminal, stand 3) pier on river or stream, used for SMu;ROM; [hson: shon:] v 1) lose (sthg) 2) ¥lose (money)
swimming, bathing, etc A NT ®mt\ 3) be unsuccessful, be fruitless, have no result;
Sip\km\; [hsei' kan:] n harbour, port; wharf, jetty be detrimental A NT eAac\® mc\
Sim\km\;KXn\ [hsei' kan: gun] n wharfage, port dues, SM ;
u m [hson: ma.] v 1) tell (child, etc) what to do or not to
harbour tax do, scold, tell off 2) punish, discipline
Sip\km\;“mio> [hsei' kan: myo.] n port, seaport SMu;mska; [hson ma. zåga:] n (spoken) homily, guiding
Sip\KM [hsei' khan] n pontoon; pier; jetty (illus) advice, teaching
Sip\2 [hsei'] n 1) poison, venom 2) [fig] power to do harm SMu;msa [hson: ma. za] n (written) homily, guiding advice

Sip\l¨;®ma; [hsei' lu: hmya:] n poison arrow Sy\1 [hsE] n ten

ASip\ [Ahsei'] n 1) poison, venom 2) [fig] power to do Sy\ek¥a\qk\ [hsE gyaw the'] n 1) the teens, one's
harm teens 2) teenager, person between the ages of 13–19.
ASip\ecX> [Ahsei' ngwe.] n poison(ous) gas or fumes
ASip\tk\ [Ahsei' te'] v (of poison) take effect Sy\”kio;Sy\l [hsE gyo: hsE la.] n pregnancy period, the
ASip\qc\. [Ahsei' thin.] v (of a person, animal, etc) be ten months before giving birth
poisoned, suffer from poisoning Sy\Kåts\Kå [hsE ga tåkha] adv seldom, once in a while
L IT : ‘one time out of ten’
Sip\ [hsei' hpålu:] n bush with sweet-smelling orange and
white flowers
Sy\Tp\kin\; [hsE hta' kein:] n power of ten
Sup\ [hso'] v 1) grip, grasp, hold 2) clench, hold tightly Sy\er;ts\er;kiu;er;ts\ra [hsE ye: tåye: ko: ye: tåya] adv
seldom, once in a while L IT : ‘one out of ten, nine out of
3) massage lightly CF lk\epåk\ RF Sup\ny\.
one hundred’
Sup\kiuc\ [hso' kain] v 1) grasp (with the hand) 2) [fig]
hold to a belief, doctrine, etc
Sy\l^ek¥ [hsE li kye] v 1) be good at calculating
2) [fig] be thorough, be systematic
Sup\ny\ [hso' nE] v massage lightly
Sm\; [hsan:] v pour, sprinkle (food) Sy\l^sns\ [hsE li såni'] n decimal system, 10-base
numerical system
Sim\. [hsein.] v (of food, taste, etc) be rich, be creamy
CF rq

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 145

Sy\ ª eSX
Sy\l^sit\ [hsE li sei'] v 1) do things piecemeal Sy\.e®Kak\l^sns\ [hsE. chau' li såni'] n hexadecimal system,
CF Al^l^KX´ 2) do things meticulously, pay attention to 16-base numerical system
detail Sy\.Nxs\ [hsE. hni'] n twelve CF dXådqm
Sy\.e®Kak\l^sns\ [hsE. chau' li såni'] n hexadecimal Sy\.Nxs\”kio; [hsE. hnåkyo:] n sorcery, magic, black art,
system, 16-base numerical system craft of witch or sorcerer
Sy\.Nxs\ [hsE. hni'] n twelve CF dXådqm Sy\.Nxs\”kio;kew [hsE. hnåkyo: kåwe] n highly skilled
Sy\.Nxs\”kio; [hsE. hnåkyo:] n sorcery, magic, black art, witch, sorcerer, etc
craft of witch or sorcerer Sy\.Nxs\pX´eZ;qv\ [hsE. hnåbwE: ze: thE] n itinerant
Sy\.Nxs\”kio;kew [hsE. hnåkyo: kåwe] n highly skilled merchant, moving from one seasonal festival to another,
witch, sorcerer, etc the year round
Sy\.Nxs\pX´eZ;qv\ [hsE. hnåbwE: ze: thE] n itinerant Sy\.Nxs\pX´qma; [hsE. hnåbwE: dhåma:] n itinerant gambler,
merchant, moving from one seasonal festival to another, moving from one seasonal festival to another, the year
the year round round
Sy\.Nxs\pX´qma; [hsE. hnåbwE: dhåma:] n itinerant gambler, Sy\.Nxs\mOmc\;tiuc\; [hsE. hnåhmu. min: dain:] n twelve items of
moving from one seasonal festival to another, the year in-kind tax during monarchical times, including neem
round resin, Sterculia fibre, Litsea bark, bael fruit, molasses,
Sy\.Nxs\mOmc\;tiuc\; [hsE. hnåhmu. min: dain:] n twelve items of Calitropis gigantea charcoal, young palmyra leaves, ripe
in-kind tax during monarchical times, including neem tamarind, petroleum, dammar resin, kapok fibre, and
resin, Sterculia fibre, Litsea bark, bael fruit, molasses, glue from knackered buffalo
Calitropis gigantea charcoal, young palmyra leaves, ripe Sy\.Nxs\raq^ [hsE. hnåya dhi] n the twelve lunar months
tamarind, petroleum, dammar resin, kapok fibre, and of the year
glue from knackered buffalo — adv all year round
Sy\.Nxs\raq^ [hsE. hnåya dhi] n the twelve lunar months Sy\.Nxs\raq^Rup\ [hsE. hnåya dhi yo'] n twelve signs of the
of the year tn\K¨;' kSun\' nyun\' wåSiu' wåeKåc\' q^tc\; kX¥t\' zodiac miœ Aries, kn\ Virgo, emTun\ Gemini, DNu
tn\eSac\mun\;' nt\eta\' eta\qlc\;' tpiu>tX´' tepåc\; Sagittarius, mkr Capricorn, min\ Pisces CF raq^sk\' Aqça'
— adv all year round lit†a
Sy\.Nxs\raq^Rup\ [hsE. hnåya dhi yo'] n twelve signs of the Sy\.Nxs\l^sns\ [hsE. hnåli såniq] n duodecimal system, 12-
zodiac miœ Aries, kn\ Virgo, emTun\ Gemini, DNu base maths
Sagittarius, mkr Capricorn, min\ Pisces CF raq^sk\' Aqça' SX [hswa.]
v 1) loosen, turn up (soil, straw, etc) 2) incite,
lit†a agitate, stir up; stimulate
Sy\.Nxs\l^sns\ [hsE. hnåli såniq] n duodecimal system, 12-
SX^dc\ [hswi din] n 1) ∏Sweden 2) Swede
base maths — n&adj Swedish [ pe]
Sy\2 [hsE] v save, rescue; salvage; fish sthg out of water, eSX [hswe] n short form of mit\eSX friend, relative eSXm¥io;
oil, etc eSX”k^;m¥io;”k^; [hswe gyi: myo: gyi:] n relative; wealthy or
Sy\tc\ [hsE tin] v underwater salvage otherwise prominent family
Sy\tc\yaU\ [hsE din yin] n salvage truck, salvage vessel eSXKuns\Sk\m¥io;Kuns\Sk\ [hswe khun hnåhse' myo: khun
Lunar month romanised Euro Bse raq^Rup\ Eur zodiac Lunar
month zodiac mansion*
tn\K¨; Dagu 3-4 miœ Sit\ Aries siÂt
kSun\ Kason 4-5 ®piœ NXa; Taurus wiqaKå
nyun\ Nayon 5-6 emTun\ Ap¥ioNxc\.l¨p¥ioyxU\TX´ Gemini ez™
wåSiu (NXy\ta) Wazo 6-7 krkL\ puzXn\lMu; g%n\; Cancer Aaqn\
dutiy wåSiu 2nd Wazo
wåeKåc\ (nMka) Wagaung 7-8 qih\ ®Keqç. Leo qrw%\
eta\qlc\ Tawthalin 8-9 kn\ kvap¥ioRup\ Virgo ®ppJB®kpiuk\
q^tc\; kÁt\ Thadingyut 9-10 t¨' K¥in\KXc\ kun\qv\K¥in\KXc\ Libra Aqw%^
tn\eSac\mun\; Tazaungmon 10-11 “bisÍa kc\;mlk\m´ Scorpio Âkt†ika
nt\eta\ Natdaw 11-12 DNu erx>piuc\;l¨' Sagittarius migq^
®paqiu Pyatho 12-1 mkar qmc\Nxc\.cå; Capricorn PuqY
tpiu>tX´ Dabodwe 1-2 kM erTm\; qma; Aquarius maG
tepåc\; Tabaung 2-3 min\ cå(2)ekac\ Pisces Ut†rPlgu%^

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 146

eSX>eSX>Kun\ ª SXm\;
hnåhse'] n 1) [Buddh] seven degrees of kinship, including food container, tiffin box (illus)
three of ancestors, one's own generation, and three of SX´K¥in\KXc\ [hswE: chein gwin] n 1) large pair of scales
descendents 2) seven degrees of ancestors and seven 2) spring balance (illus)
degrees of descendents SX´®Kc\; [hswE: gyin:] n shopping basket (illus)
eSXsU\m¥uio;Sk\ [hswe zin myo: ze'] n geneology; lineage SX´cc\ [hswE: ngin] v 1) drag, pull, draw; tow, tug
(illus of family tree) 2) persuade
eSXn^;m¥io;sp\ [hswe ni: myo: za'] n distant relative SX´cc\Aa; [hswE: ngin a:] n gravity; force or power of
eSX®pm¥io;®p [hswe bya. myo: bya.] n introduction of spouse or attraction
children to extended family SX´eSac\ [hswE: hsaung] v 1) entice, persuade, convince sb
eSXm¥io; [hswe myo:] n relatives, kin, family; relative 2) attract
eSXmi¥o;suzya [hswe myo: zu. zåya] n family tree (illus, with SX´SX´cc\cc\ [hswE: zwE: ngin ngin] adv (cry) plaintively, in a
all relations) long-drawn-out manner
eSXm¥io;sp\ [hswe myo: sa'] v claim kinship, claim to be SX´tMKå; [hswE: dåga:] n door that swings outward
related to SX´piuk\ [hswE: bai'] n dragnet (for fishing)
eSXm¥io;ˆati [hswe myo: nya ti>] n relatives, kin, family; SX´lin\ [hswE: lein] v tweak, pinch
relative SX´qeBça [hswE: thin: baw:] n tug, tugboat (illus)
eSXm¥io;eta\ [hswe myo: taw] v be related SX´Aa; [hswE: a:] n 1) entice, persuade, convince sb
eSXm¥io;epåk\ePa\ [hswe myo: pau' hpaw] n relatives, kin, 2) attract = SX´cc\Aa;
family; relative SX´AM [hswE: an] n drawer
eSXm¥io;rc\;K¥a [hswe myo: yin: gya]
n close relative, blood SXM> [hsun.] v 1) be crippled, (of person or body part) be
relation (Ie., siblings, children, cousins, but e.g., but unable to function sufficiently 2) stutter, stammer
not aunts and uncles by marriage) Ω ska;SXM>
eSXm¥io;qa;K¥c\; [hswe myo: tha gyin:] n relatives, kin, SXM>A [hsun. a.] v be mute, be dumb, be unable to speak
family; relative SXs\zaln\ [hswi' za lan] n Switzerland [ pe]
eSXrip\mkc\;m¥io;rip\mkc\; [hswe yei' måkin: myo: yei' måkin:] v SXt\1 [hsu'] v pick, pluck (flowers, fruit, leaves, etc)
claim kinship, claim to be related to SXt\K¨; [hsu' khu:] v 1) pick, pluck (flowers, fruit, leaves,
eSX>eSX>Kun\ [hswe. zwe. khon] v quiver with excitement, jump etc) 2) [fig] get; win (prize)
up and down in excitement or anger SXt\K¥ø [hsu' chu] v pick, pluck (flowers, fruit, leaves,
eSX;1 [hswe:] v (of wood) decay, (of paper, cloth, wood, etc)
etc) rot; be mildewed, be mouldy SXt\2 [hsu'] v wet
eSX;®mv\. [hswe: mye. (myi>)] v deteriorate, decay SXt\SXt\®Pø [hsu' hsu' hpyu] n pure white, brilliant white
eSX;2 [hswe:] v grieve SXt\p¥M> [hsu' pyan.] v be fascinated (esp by view)
eSX;eNX; [hswe: nwe:] v discuss, confer SXt\®Pn\; [hsu' hpyan:] v spray; sprinkle (liquid)
eSX;eNX;pX´ [hswe: nwe: bwE:] n discussion, conference; SXm\; [hsun: (hswan:)] n ‹food offered to monks or the
seminar Buddha Ω πSXm\;KMrc\; cxk\qc\." Being blamed while carrying
SX´ [hswE:] v 1) drag, pull, draw; tow, tug RF SX´cc\. 2) hang; out one's duties. Lit: 'Getting malaria while collecting alms.'
wear (jewellery) [? wear what?] 3) persuade RF SX´cc\. CF pi‹påt\ SX m\; [ fd bh] [? check trans]
4) snatch away, seize 5) delay; procrastinate, put off SXm\;kp\ [hsun: (hswan:) ka'] v ‹1) offer food at an altar
until later; prolong S YN Siuc\; 6) draw (picture, line, etc) to the Buddha 2) offer food to monks
7) carry off; take away; (of items) commandeer, seize by SXm\;”k^elac\; [hsun: (hswan:) gyi: laung:] v ‹(of a
force (for immediate use); (of people) impress, community) offer food and supplies to monks
(forcibly) conscript, shanghai, dragoon 8) ™borrow — n ‹communal offering of food and supplies to
9) hold one's attention, interest, etc monks
SXm\;pX´ [hsun: (hswan:) bwE:] n ‹ceremony at which a
— n 1) pair of scales with 26 viss (40 kg) capacity RF community offers food and supplies to monks
SX´K¥in\KXc\. 2) 26 viss (40 kg) unit of weight SXm\;ekÁ; [hsun: (hswan:) kywe:] [hsun: (hswan:) gywe:] v
SX´kiuc\ [hswE; kain] v grab, seize, take hold of ‹offer meals to one or more monks
SX´”kio; [hswE: gyo:] n necklace, chain worn around the — n ‹offering of meals (to one of more monks)
neck S YN Byk\' lv\SX´ CF lk\wt\rtna [? cf ok?] SXm\;KM [hsun: (hswan:) khan] v (‹of monks) receive food
SX´”kio;K¥ [zwE: gyo: cha.] v hang oneself, commit suicide by offerings
hanging SXm\;KMÂkX [hsun: (hswan:)khan kywa.] v ‹(of monks) go
SX´Kn\Ï [hswE: gan.] n person appointed directly to post, around village or town, to receive offerings of food,
without usual procedures make alms rounds
SX´K¥ [hswE: gya.] n [inf] public prosecutor CF Asiu;r-erx>en SXm\;KMK¥in\ [hsun: (hswan:) gan gyein] n time around 9:00 in
SX´K¥ioc\. [hswE: gyain.] n food carrier with handle, tiered the morning, i.e., when monk's receive food offerings

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 147

SXy\ ª zra
from community SXm\;emW; [hsun: (hswan:) hmwe:] n ‹bush with leaves
SXm\;KMpc\. [hsun: (hswan:) gan pin.] v ‹invite monks to visit cooked with rice to make it more fragrant = kXm\;emW;
daily, to receive food offering SXm\;rp\ [hsun: (hswan:) ya'] v ‹(of monks) pause in front
SXm\;KM®pn\K¥in\ [hsun: (hswan:) gan pyan gyein] n time around 11 of a house, to allow offering of food
in morning, i.e., when monks return from receiving food SXm\;lMu;K¥ [hsun: (hswan:) lon: cha.] n ‹annual offering of
offerings food to monks, at a pagoda one has built
SXm\;sa;ek¥ac\; [hsun: (hswan:) za: gyaung] n ‹dining hall SXm\;elac\; [hsun: (hswan:) laung:] v ‹put food into a
in monastery, refectory monk's bowl on his daily round
SXm\;sa;pc\. [hsun: (hswan:) za: pin.] v ‹invite monks to take SXm\;lup\ekÁ; [hsun: (hswan:) lo' kywe:] v ‹offer food to
a meal at a specific place = SXm\; pc\. monks
SXm\;sU\ [hsun: (hswan:) sin] [hsun: (hswan:) zin] v ‹make SXm\;qim\pX´ [hsun: (hswan:) thein bwE:] n ‹ceremony
arrangments for offering meals or supplies to monks marking the end of weekly offerings during Buddhist
— n ‹offer food to monks for seven days from the lent
death of a person SXm\;qXt\ [hsun: (hswan:) thu'] v ‹put an offering of food
SXm\;Sn\ [hsun: (hswan:) hsan] n ‹rice offered to monks into a monk's bowl, or offer a meal to monks within
CF SXm\;hc\; seven days of a person's death S YN qpit\qXt\SXm\;
SXm\;Sn\sim\; [hsun: (hswan:) hsan zein:] n ‹food offered to CFmtkBt\
monks SXm\;hc\; [hsun: (hswan:) hin:] n ‹dish of meat or
SXm\;eta\ [hsun: (hswan:) daw] n ‹food offered to the vegetables offered to monks CF SXm\; Sn\
Buddha or monks S YN SXm\;pn\; SXm\;Aup\ [hsun: (hswan:) o'] n ‹large bowl with stand and
SXm\;eta\sXn\Ï [hsun: (hswan:) daw sun.]
v ‹remove and cover used for offering food to monks CF qpit\ (illus)
throw away food offerings from Buddhist altar
SXm\;eta\tc\ [hsun: (hswan:) daw tin] [hsun: (hswan:) daw din] v SXy\ [hswE] v 1) persuade 2) add a lean-to to a house
offer food to the Buddha Ω ASXy\' AP^
— n ‹food offered to the Buddha SXy\tra;eha [hswE tåya: haw:] v 1) persuade, make a
SXm\;pc\. [hsun: (hswan:) pin.] v ‹invite monks to a meal at persuasive speech 2) canvass for support or votes [ pe]
a specific place = SXm\;sa;pc\.
SXm\;pn\; [hsun: (hswan:) ban:] n ‹food offered to the SXy\ta [hswE ta] n sweater (Am), jumper (Br), pullover,
Buddha or monks S YN SXm\;eta\ cardigan [Engl] (illus)
SXm\;Pit\ [hsun: (hswan:) hpei'] v ‹(of a person) request a
monk to receive food offered from one's home

z [za.] n eighth consonant in the Myanmar script zya;”k^; [zåya: kyi:] v be meticulous, be punctilious, be
zkX´ [za. gwE:] n name of z L I T : ‘split z’ a stickler for details (inf)
znkzat\ [zånåka. (zåne' ka.)] n second of the ten great jatakas zya;kXk\ [zåya: gwe'] n 1) column (in a tabular form)
(Jataka 539). CF zat\”k^; Sy\BX´> 2) table
znpud\ [zånåpou' (bou')] n hamlet, small village S YN ek¥;lk\ zya;K¥ [zåya: cha.] v 1) enter (data in a form), make an
CF ek¥;rXa village; eta country, rural area entry (in a form) 2) calculate 3) draw up a detailed and
zn^; [zåni:] n [formal] wife CF Kc\pXn\; husband' Am¥io;qm^;' definite plan
min\; m zya;tn\Ï [zåya: dan.] n set of mathematical formulas
zn^;emac\NxM [zåni: maung hnan] n husband and wife, married zya;ROp\ [zåya: shou'] v [fig] (of inventory, account, etc)
couple be muddled, be in chaos, be a mess [? def check: not to
zn^;qv\ [zåni; thE] n [formal] wife interfere?]
zytu [zåjåtu.] v win, be victorious, be successful [? be zeya\zy [zåyaw zåya.] adv any old way, carelessly, however
successful in general, or only in competition?] (one can)
zya; [zåja:] n 1) table (for presenting data, etc); schedule, zra [zåya] n old age
tabular form 2) system and order zraeTac\; [zåya htaung:] v have the problems of old
zya;kiuk\ [zåja: kai'] v 1) (of accounts, lists, age, become infirm
inventories, etc) agree, tally S YN sarc\; kiuk\ 2) be zralkƒ%a [zåya le' khåna] n signs of old age, such as
profitable; give a good profit white hair, missing teeth, unsteady walk
zya;k¥ [zåya: kya.] v be systematic, be methodical zradub`l [zåya dou' båla.] n senility, dotage, mental
zya;ek¥ [zåya: kye] v be thorough, be systematic weakness of old age
zraAiu [zåya o] n elderly person

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 148

zRiuk\ ª z^yXn\
zRiuk\ [zåyai'] n long cylindrical fish trap event) be revealed in one's horoscope
zrs\ [zåyi'] n edible plant zataPX´> [za ta hpwE.] v ßcast horoscope, make a precise
zrn\; [zåyan:] n kind of high-quality tea leaf record of relevant details of horoscope
zrp\ [zåya'] n 1) roadside public resthouse 2) resthouse zataAim\ [za ta ein] n 1) location of celestial bodies on
built on sacred premises a horoscope 2) wicker container for a horoscope
zlebd [zåla. be da.] n hydrology, science of properties, zati [za tI] n 1) conception, beginning of life 2) place one
movement and distribution of water was born and raised, home, birthplace Ω zatikiu-qiK¥c\rc\
zla; [zåla:] n 1) wooden box with slanted sides, used as a Am¨Ak¥c\.kiuÂkv\." If you want to know where he is from,
measure or container (illus) 2) oblong wooden tray used observe his conduct. S YN qa;1 part fe2
for stacking coins zatieKt\ [za tI khi'] n ‹10,000 cosmic systems affected
zl^ [zåli] n wood or bamboo stabilisnig bar nailed by upheavals at important points in the Buddha's life,
bamboo or wooden walls including conception, birth, stages of attainment of
zl^qt\ [zåli tha'] v trim with wood or bamboo; fasten Buddhahood, and parinirvana CF wiqyeKt\' Aa%aeKt\
down with wood or bamboo strip
zl^Pa;tMu; [zåli hpa: doun:] n (railway) sleeper (illus) zatiK¥k\eÂkX [za tI che' kywe] n place one was born and
raised, birthplace
zl´eTa\ [zålE: htaw] n kind of orchid with yellow flowers
zlt†a [zåla' ta] n ¬Œkind of flowering plant zatiK¥k\®mHop\ [za tI che' hmyou'] n place one was born and
raised, hometown; birthplace
zlp\ [zåla'] n Œkind of flowering shrub with white zatisit\ [za tI zei'] n inborn nature, innate nature,
zluM [zåloun] n basin, large bowl zatiˆa%\ [za tI nyan] n natural or native intelligence
zwnˆa%\ [zåwåna. nyan] n intelligence, cleverness, quick wit zatiman\ [za tI man] n 1) ∏national pride; patriotism,
nationalism S YN Am¥io;qa;sit\ [ pe] 2) pride in one's
zwå [zåwa] n 1) gold or silver inlay 2) scroll work in gold heritage
or silver CF erWzwå zatiRup\ [za tI you'] n [fig] one's true colours (fig),
zewzwå [zåwe zåwa] adv uneasily, doubtfully; vaguely, original form pc\kiuy\Rup\' pktiRup\' m¨lRup\
hazily; indeterminately [? check def] zatieqX; [za tI dhwe:] n courage to protect one's country
zewzwk\ [zåwe zåwe'] doubtfully; vaguely, hazily; or people [ pe]
indeterminately zatipi«ol\ [za dei' hpo] n nutmeg, kind of sweet spice (illus)
zwk\qa [zåwe' tha] n salammoniac; muriate of ammonia zanv\ [za ni] n 1) person with courage of convictions
za [za] n lace; netting (illus) 2) hero willing to sacrifice own life for a cause; martyr
za®Kc\eTac\ [za chin daung] n mosquito net = Aazanv\
zaK¥v\ [za gyi] n cotton thread for embroidery or tatting zamn^ [za måni] n kind of weed which spreads quickly
lace zar^ [za ri] n execution of civil court's decree
zaTiu; [za hto:] v crochet (lace), tat zaw^ [za we] n nut CF bolt (illus nut and bolt)
zaeBa\l^ [za baw li] n lace bodice zi [zI] n Adam's apple, lump in throat formed by voicebox
zaK¥´> [za chE.] v be fussy, be picky, be fastidious (illus)
zagna [za gåna] n tweezers, pincers CF vHp\ (illus) zikup\ [zI kou'] v 1) take sb by the throat 2) [fig] force
zata [za ta] n 1) ßhoroscope, record of the time and place sb to do sthg
of birth, with the relative positons of celestial bodies, ziAs\ [zI i'] v 1) choke sb, throttle sb, take sb by the
usually written on a palm leaf, but also on a gold or throat 2) feel choked, feel tightness in the throat
ivory plate CF astrology (illus) 2) [fig] fortune, destiny, zin [zI na.] n ‹the Buddha [? add?]
fate, lot (in life) [ bs]
z^zwå [zi zåwa] n gardenia, sweet-smelling flower (illus)
zata®Kc\; [za ta chin;] n small cylindrical basket for z^zak¥y\ [zi za kyE] v be picky, be choosy; be fussy, be
storing horoscope records [? new from bernot]
zataKXc\ [za ta gwin] n ßlocation of stars and planets z^zaeÂkac\ [zi za kyaung] v be picky, be choosy; be fussy, be
on a horoscope
zatasn\;lg\ [za ta san: le'] n ßposition of sun and z^NXn\ [zi nun] n xenon [Engl]
moon in one's horoscope
zataeS; [za ta hse:] v ßexamine a horoscope z^yXn\ [zi yun] n ∏Zion [ pe]
zatav.M [za ta nyan.] v 1) have bad luck 2) be in vain, be
useless, be fruitless, not produce any result [? new from
bernot -- check more in v5 p191ff]
zatapå [za ta pa] v ß(of person) be destined to; (of

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 149

zk\ ferry
z^ra ª zat\
z^yXn\wåd [zi yun wa da.] n ∏Zionism [ pe] zk\⁄ [ze'] n ferry
z^ra [zi ya] n Œ1) cumin, herb with seeds used as a spice zk\Ÿ [ze'] n nape, back of the neck
2) purple fleabane zk\kiuc\ [ze' kain] v [fig] hold the reins (fig), keep sb
z^w [zi wa.] n life; soul [? add soul?] under control
z^wsk\ [zi wa. se'] n ≈life cycle zk\kun\ [ze' koun] adv full speed (ahead), flat out
z^wziu; [zi wåzo:] n 1) ‹mythical peacock-like bird with zk\kun\lWt\ [ze' koun hlu'] v [fig] go flat out, go full
coloured wings 2) swiftlet, swallow with edible nest tilt, go at full speed, put the pedal to the metal
S YNpc\ly\p¥MlWa; (illus from file) zk\”kio; [ze' kyo:] n reins
z^wDatu [zi wa. da tu.] n biochemistry zk\K¥op\ [ze' chou'] v hold back, restrain, rein in, check
z^webd [zi wa. be da.] n biology zk\KXM> [ze' khun.] v bridle (a horse) [? def check]
z^witdån [zi wI ta. da na.] n act of sparing life, mercy; act of zk\SX´ [ze' hswE:] v 1) hold back, rein in, check, curb
saving life S YN zk\ qt\' zk\K¥op\; A NT zk\pMuep; 2) [fig] delay,
z^win\eÂkX [zi wein kywe] v die restrain, control, check
z^win\K¥op\ [zi wein chou'] v die zk\pMuep; [ze' poun pe:] v [fig] give free rein to (fig),
z^; [zi:] n foetus (of animal); gravidity, pregnancy (of give sb his head (fig), set sb loose (fig), give full
animals) control, give freedom of action A NT zk\SX´' zk\qt\
z^;kp\ [zi ka'] v (of animals) conceive, become pregnant zk\r´lk\r´ [ze' yE: le' yE:] adv daringly, recklessly; boldly
z^;elYa [zi shaw:] v (of animals) miscarry
z^;kXk\ [zi: gwe'] n spotted owl zk\qt\ [ze' tha'] v 1) pull up; hold back, rein in,
check, curb 2) [fig] delay, restrain, control, check
z¨liuc\ [zu lain] n July [Engl]
S YN zk\SX´
eztwn\ [ze tåwun] n 1) monastery built in the gardens of
prince ezt, where Gautama Buddha stayed 2) monastery
zk\qXa; [ze' thwa:] n bit CF bridle? (illus)

with a three-tiered roof (illus)

ezak\ [zau'] n depth
ezy¥ [ze ya.] n success; victory, win ezak\K¥ [zau' cha.] adv 1) straight down 2) [fig]
steadfastly, unswervingly, singlemindedly
eza [zaw:] n eagerness; surge of emotion; passion (for),
fervour Ω Alup\eza' qa;qm^;eza' AK¥s\eza [ bh]
ezak\tiezak\Tiu; [zau' tI zau' to:] adv upside down;
ezakp\ [zaw: ka'] v be intent on sthg or sb
ezaeKÁ;®pn\ [zaw: gywe: pyan] v break out in a cold sweat, ezak\Tiu; [zau' to:] adv head first; upside down
sweat in fear, agony, despair, etc
ezak\Tiu;miu;em¥a [zau' hto: mo: hmyaw] adv
ezaeKÁ;quM;tn\ [zaw: gywe: thoun: tan] n three sweats zc\1 [zin] n ‹Zen, a form of Mahayana Buddhism
developed in Japan CF mhayan
preceding death
ezaqn\ [zaw: than] v be ardent, be fervent zc\2 [zin] n jeans, denim[Engl]
eza\ [zaw] n 1) alchemist possessing supernatural powers zc\baebX [zin ba bwe] n ∏Zimbabwe
RF eza\g¥^. 2) [fig] the best; high ranking person
ezac\; [zaung:] n horse stable Ω ezac\;qXc\;
ezac\;ep; [zaung: pe:] v focus (on), concentrate efforts
eza\gn^ [zaw gåni] n witch kew' sun\;' Sc\kXn\;' eza\gn^m on [? favour?]
eza\g¥^ [zaw gyi] n yogi, alchemist who possesses — adv with a bias for
supernatural powers zs\ [zi'] n zip, zipper [Engl]
eza\g¥^etac\ewx; [zaw gyi taung mwe:] n long-stemmed zas\®ms\ [zi' myi'] n origin, root; source
plant ez™ [zi' hta.] n [astrn] constellation of five stars in Scorpio;
eza\g¥^mut\Sit\ [zaw gyi mou' hsei'] n 1) spikenard 2) kind the 18th lunar mansion; Antares
of black lily zat\1 [za'] n 1) ‹jataka stories of the lives of the Buddha
eza\g¥^erac\ [zaw gyi yaung] n dark red 2) zat drama, play; opera Ω kiuy\.zat\-kuy
i \-mNiuc\ (of sthg one
eza\SX´ [zaw hswE:] v [fig] excel in a field started) get out of hand, go out of control RF zat\p.X´
eza\mWa; [zaw hmwa:] n carnation; dianthus 3) (theatre) troupe
eza\rn\; [zaw yan:] n purple zat\k [za' ka.] v perform a zat
eza\t [zaw ta.] n Œ[lit] flowering plant resembling the royal zat\ka; [za' ka:] v movie, picture, film, video
barge zat\ekac\ [za' kaung] n character in a novel, story,
eza\tKiuc\lMu; [zaw ta. khain loun:] n [rhet] method of ending play, etc; part, role (in play, movie, etc)
rtu (verse with four-syllables per line) with a line of 19 zat\ekac\;Kn\; [za' kaung: khan:] n the thick of the
syllables action, the climax of a plot, [fig] interesting situation
ziu;Kn´zt\Kn´ [zo: gånE: za' khånE:] adv abruptly, suddenly
= Siu;Kn´St\K n´ zat\kun\PXc\. [za' koun hpwin.] v tell the whole story
ziu;ziu;zt\zt\ [zo: zo: za' za'] adv suddenly, abruptly zat\”k^;⁄(Sy\BX´>) [za' kyi: (hsE bwE.)] n ‹jataka
= Siu;Siu;St\ St\ telling ten of the previous lives of Gautama Buddha

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 150

zat\ ª zat\
etmizat\' CF pårm^Sy\på; zat\piuÏet;g^t [za' po. te gi ta.] n œmusic played to
zat\eÂkaRiu; [za' kyaw: yo:] n outline (of a story) support a zat performance
zat\eÂkarxv\ [za' kyaw: she] v take a a long time to tell a zat\epåc\; [za' paung:] v 1) wind up, end (a jataka story)
story 2) present the last act of a play 3) be reunited after a
zat\eÂkac\; [za' kyaung:] n story or plot of novel, play, long separation
etc. = zat\lm\; zat\epåc\;Kn\; [za' paung: gan:] n ending; denoument,
zat\eÂkac\;®pn\ [za' kyaung: pyan] v retell (story, etc); where all elements are brought together; concluding act
recount (one's experience); (literary) flashback of a drama S YN zat\qim\;Kn\;
zat\eÂkac\;lxn\ [za' kyaung hlan] v retell (story, etc); zat\pX´ [za' pwE:] n zat drama, play; opera
recount (incident, one's experience, etc) zat\mc\;qm^; [za' min: dhåmi:] n leading actress in a zat
= zat\eÂkac\;®pn\ zat\mc\;qa; [za' min: dha:] n leading male actor in a zat
zat\Âkm\; [za' kyan:] n action film, video, etc zat\em¥a [za' myaw:] v 1) (of play, film, etc) be drawn
zat\kXk\ [za' kwe'] n plot of play or film out, be unnecessarily prolonged 2) [fig] prolong
zat\kXk\es. [za' kwe' se. (sI)] v (of plot) be tight uselessly; fail to have any effect
zat\kXk\lv\ [ka' kwe' lE] v 1) reach the denoument of zat\®mø; [za' myu:] n œmusical comedy; comedy
a play, novel, etc where the plot is resolved 2) [fig] performance
come to understand S YN zat\rv\lv\ zat\®mHop\ [za' hmyou'] v live a quiet life, hide from one's
zat\Kc\; [za' khin:] v 1) (of a play) stage, put on 2) tell past
about (incident, happening, etc), narrate 3) [fig] live zat\rM [za' yan] n extra, minor actor without lines
like (paupers, dogs, kings, etc) zat\rv\lv\ [za' ye lE] v 1) reach the denoument of a
zat\eKåc\;kX´ [za' gaung: kwE:] v (of theatrical troupe) play, novel, etc where the plot is resolved 2) [fig] have
disband a complete picture (of situation, problem, etc)
zat\KuM [za' khon] n stage, the boards (inf) S YN zat\kXk\lv\
zat\KuMlup\qa; [za' khon lo' tha;] n stagehand zat\rv\w [za' ye wa.] v be an experienced actor, have
zat\K¥c\; [za' chin:] n lyrics written for a scene of a experience in a part
classical play [ ms] zat\RMu [za' youn] n theatre, playhouse; opera house
zat\ska; [za' zåga:] n dialogue in traditional plays zat\rxin\ [za' shein] n big scene, popular scene
zat\s^; [za' si:] v organise and manage a zat troupe zat\rxin\®mc\. [za' shein myin.] v come to a climax
— n organiser and director of a zat troupe CF zat\Sra zat\ROp\ [za' shou'] n complicated situation
zat\liuk\ [za' lai'] n leading male actor in the leading
zat\sc\ [za' sin] n stage = zat\KMu role in a film, drama, etc
zat\sMuKc\; [za' soun khin:] v tell the whole story, in all zat\liuk\mc\;qm^; [za' lai' min: dhåmi] n leading actress in
detail play, film, etc
zat\Sra [za' hsåya] n head of a theatrical troupe zat\liuk\mc\;qa; [za' lai' min: dha:] n leading male actor
zat\eSac\ [za' hsaung] n actor, actress in play, film, etc
zat\SX´ [za' hswE:] v 1) drag out (a performance); (of zat\lm\; [za' lan:] n 1) plot, story, story line (of play,
performance) drag on 2) [fig] prolong sthg film, etc) 2) [fig] matter, series of events, course of
zat\VWn\; [za' hnyun:] n scenario; script (of play, film, events
etc) zat\lxn\ [za' hlan] v tell (a story), give an account of
zat\VWn\;er;Sra [za' hnyun: ye: hsåya] n scriptwriter zat\wc\⁄ [za' win] v give the first performance of a
zat\eta\epåc\; [za' taw: baung:] n ‹jataka, Buddhist programme
drama zat\wc\Kn\; [za' win gan:] n key scene (in a play, film,
— v show the relation between etc)
zat\tiuk\ [za' tai'] v 1) rehearse 2) [fig] prearrange, zat\wc\q^K¥c\; [za' win thåchin:] n theme song; important
prepare 3) [fig] conspire song in a film, play, etc CF enak\KMet;g^t' pedqaq^K¥c\;
zat\Tup\ [za' htou'] n 1) (complete) story or plot (of [? theme song, or song which can be sung in any scene?
play, film, etc) 2) [fig] episode, story, anecdote cfs really syns? ]
zat\na [za' na] v play on one's heart strings (fig), build zat\qm [za' thåma.] n (female) member of a theatrical
up to a tragic climax; touch the audience through troupe
excellence of performance or writing zat\qma; [za' thåma:] n (male) member of a theatrical
zat\piuÏ [za' po.] v 1) play a supporting role (in play, etc) troupe
2) œaccompany, provide musical accompaniment zat\qim\; [za' thein:] v perform final scene
— n 1) supporting actor or actress, one who plays a — n end, conclusion; denouement (of film, play, etc)
supporting role (in play, film, etc) 2) œmusic (of a zat\qim\;(Kn\;) [za' thein: gan:] n ending; denoument,
certain scene, play, etc) where all elements are brought together; concluding act

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 151

zat\ ª Z
of a drama S YN zat\epåc\;Kn\; zim\nn\; [zein nan;] n brothel, bordello (Am) [? new from
zat\Aim\ [za' ein] n (dramatic) structure of a novel, Engl-Myan]
play, film, etc zim\p¥k\ [zein pye'] v lose luxury
zat\Aim\Kiuc\ [za' ein khain] v have a firm dramatic zim\my\ [zein mE] n [sl] prostitute
structure, be well plotted, have a tight plot [? check zim\ys\ [zein yi'] v luxuriate
plot additions] zy\ [zE] n 1) counter, man, (game) piece used in some
zat\2 [za'] n 1) life, existence 2) caste, social classification games, often tamarind seeds, pebbles, cowrie shells
in Hinduism; kind CF k¥a;' eÂkX 2) ∞young woman
zat\”k^;Ÿ [za' kyi:] v 1) be of high caste 2) [fig] be zy\Kup\ [zE khou'] v play a game with pebbles [? need
fussy, be finicky; be fastidious better explanation]
zat\t¨qa; [za' tu dha:] n one's own kind, member of zy\KMu [zE khoun] n carom board = zy\etak\KuM'
one's family, caste, country, etc lk\etak\KMu (illus)
zat\t¨qa;sa; [za' tu cha: sa:] v 1) exploit one's own zy\KXM [zE khun] v flick zy\ (counters) into the air in a
kind 2) [fig] be ruthless game
zat\p¥k\ [za' pye'] v lose caste, no longer be a member zy\sk\ [zE se'] v 1) flick zy\ one after the other
of a certain caste 2) [fig] rapidly talk about one subject after another;
— n 1) one who has lost caste 2) [fig] nonconformist; trigger a chain of events
iconoclast; black sheep zy\sk\qliu [zE se' thålo] adv continuously, in a stream
zat\wc\Ÿ [za' win] v be a member of a certain caste
zat\qXc\; [za' thwin:] v 1) initiate sb into a religion, zy\etak\ [zE tau'] v flick zy\; play caroms
cult, or sect 2) persuade sb to join a certain group zy\etak\KMu [zE tau' khoun] n carom board = zy\KuM'
zn\nwår^ [zan nåwa ri] n January [Engl] lk\etak\KMu
zun\ [zoun] n zone, land set aside for a specific purpose, area zX´ [zwE:] n persistance, tenacity, perseverance;
with a certain characteristic [Engl] Ω hXn\; t^;-kc\;m´.zun\ no determination; steadfastness RF zX´np´.
honking zone free enterprise zone, industrial zone, zX´ekac\; [zwE: kaung:] v be very persistant; be very
residential zone determined
zm\b^ya [zan bi ya] n ∏Zambia [ cr] zX´Su [zwE: hsu.] n reward for perseverance
— n&adj Zambian zX´np´ [zwE: nåbE:] n persistance, tenacity, perseverance;
zm`oqe®p [zåbu. dhåbye] n 1) Eugenia tree, symbol of the determination; steadfastness
southern island zm``ød^på in Myanmar cosmology [ bs] zX´rxirxi [zwE; shI shI] adv with perserverence, unflaggingly,
2) rose apple without giving up
zm`ø [zåbu] n 1) Eugenia tree, symbol of the southern zXt\ [zu'] adv forcibly; obstinately, stubbornly;
island in Myanmar cosmology 2) [cosml] great island persistently RF zXt\trXt\' zXt\tizXt\Tiu;.
continent south of Mount Meru RF zm``ød^på. — n [sl] police, cop
zm``ød^på [zåbu di pa] n [cosml] great island continent south zXt\trXt\ [zu' dåyu'] adv forcibly; obstinately,
of Mount Meru [ bs] stubbornly; persistently
zm`ødip\ [zåbu dei'] n [cosml] great island continent south zXt\tizXt\Tiu; [zu' tI zu' hto:] adv forcibly; obstinately,
of Mount Meru stubbornly; persistently
zm`øpn^ [zåbu påni] n portia tree, tulip tree zXt\tiu; [zu' to:] v go forward recklessly
zm`ørs\ [zåbu ri'] n mythical gold from the Eugenia tree [? zXt\Nxs\ [zu' hniq] v act against one's better judgment;
how do you get it?] persist in spite of consequences L IT : ‘forcibly submerge
zim\ [zein] n luxury, good things (in life), sthg enjoyable sthg’
zim\k¥ [zein kya.] v enjoy sthg; enjoy oneself zXt\mxit\ [zu' hmei'] v continue despite realising one's
zim\KM [zein khan] v live a life of luxury; enjoy (the good error; close one's eyes to a problem L I T : ‘force eyes
things in life, sthg, etc) closed’
zim\KMpsßv\; [zein gan pyi' si:] n luxury goods, luxuries zXn\1 [zun] n small fragrant white flower
zim\eKåc\; [zein gaung:] n procurer, pimp, person who zXn\2 [zun] n June [Engl]
manages prostitutes zXn\; [zun:] n spoon
zim\SX´ [zein hswE:] v 1) dawdle, take more time than zXn\;®Ks\Aun\; [zun: gyi' oun:] n coconut with soft meat
necessary 2) prolong the enjoyment of sthg

Z [za.] n ninth consonant of the Myanmar script Zm¥U\;sX´ [za. myin: zwE:] n name of Z

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 152

Zapn ª eZ;
Zapn [za påna.] n cremation; funeral, ceremony for a dead eZ;SX´ [ze: hswE:] v persuade sb to pay a high price, bilk
person sb
eZ; [ze:] n 1) market, bazaar RF eZ;na. 2) price (of items, eZ;“cim\; [ze: nyein:] v (of prices) become stable
goods, etc) CF box tn\Piu;' lk\ka;eZ; wholesale price eZ;cut\ [ze: ngou'] n old price, former price
eZ;tk\ [ze: te'] v (of price) rise
eZ;ksa; [ze: gåza:] v 1) manipulate market prices 2) (of eZ;tc\ [ze: tin] v 1) raise prices 2) gouge, overcharge
prices) be unstable eZ;etac\;eKåc\;rXk\ [ze: daung: gaung: ywe'] n 1) hawker,
eZ;ekak\ [ze: gau'] n 1) tax on a market stall person who sells by calling out in the street; peddler,
2) market stall tax collector one who sells 2) hawking, selling by calling out in street
eZ;kiuk\ [ze: kai'] v (of goods for sale) be profitable,
fetch a good price eZ;tv\. [ze: tE.] v make a deal, reach agreement (on
eZ;ekac\; [ze: kaung:] v (of prices) be high prices, conditions, concessions, etc)
eZ;kiuc\ [ze: kain] v S YN eÂk;kiuc\ 1) hoard, hold back eZ;tn\Ï [ze: tan.] v (of prices) stabilise
goods until prices rise; profiteer 2) hold out for a higher eZ;tn\; [ze: dan:] [ze: tan:] n row of shops at market, fair,
price 3) [fig] hold out to maintain prestige etc
eZ;kun\ [ze: goun] n last offer, highest or lowest price — v (of prices) level off, remain stable
one is willing to buy or sell at eZ;tXk\ [ze: twe'] [ze: dwe'] v (roughly) calculate
eZ;k¥ [ze: kya.] v (of prices) fall potential profit
eZ;”k^; [ze: kyi:] v be expensive, be high-priced — n shorthand calculation used in market
eZ;”kio [ze: kyo] [ze gyo] v meet goods transport to buy eZ;Tiuc\; [ze: htain:] v (of sales) slump, decline
wholesale, for retail resale eZ;TXk\ [ze: htwe'] v sell goods in a market
— n wholesale market, where transporters meet eZ;na [ze: na] v research current commodity prices [? for
retailers for wholesale sales personal interest? when buying one thing (eg shop
eZ;kXa [ze: kwa] n difference in price around) for businesses?]
eZ;kX´ [ze: kwE:] v (of market crowd) dwindle, peter out, — n market, marketplace
get smaller eZ;en> [ze: ne.] n market day
eZ;kXk\ [ze: gwe'] n market, marketplace eZ;NOn\; [ze: hnoun:] n price in terms of weight or number
eZ;eKÅ [ze: khaw] [ze: gaw] v call out the price of one's Ω ' Roses are 300 kyat per dozen.
goods for sale eZ;Nxim\ [ze: hnein] v give a good price, give a low price
— n 1) tout, person employed to bring in potential eZ;på;sp\ [ze: båza'] n 1) loose talk, irresponsible talk
customers 2) charm to promote sales Ω ' The teashop put 2) person who eats carelessly
a red rose in a green bottle on every table as a charm. eZ;epå [ze: paw:] v (of goods) be cheap, be a good value
eZ;Kc\; [ze: khin:] v prepare to sell one's goods; display
goods; prepare to open a shop; put out goods in eZ;epåc\k¥io; [ze: baung gyo:] n 1) end of the day, when
preparation for opening the market crowd thins 2) time at end of the day when
eZ;eKåc\; [ze: gaung:] n market superintendent goods are sold at reduced prices
eZ;K¥ [ze: cha.] n reduce the price eZ;pt\ [ze:ba'] n cycle of market in some towns and
eZ;K¥io [ze: cho] v (of goods) be inexpensive, be cheap villages
eZ;eK¥ac\ [ze: chaung] v get a bargain, get sthg for a eZ;®pt\ [ze: bya'] n going price, current price
very good price, get good value for money; (of goods, a — v deal
buy, etc) be a bargain, be good value for money eZ;®pn\ [ze: byan] n person who returns from selling
eZ;K¥op\ [ze: gyou'] n ready-made clothes, shoes, etc eZ;Piu; [ze: bo:] n shopping money, money for daily
— v (of price) set, fix, agree on expenses
eZ;®Kc\;etac\; [ze: gyin: daung:] n shopping basket eZ;Pit\en> [ze: bei' ne.] n day before market day
eZ;KXn\ [ze: khun] n sales tax eZ;P¥k\ [ze: hpye'] v 1) bring down prices by
eZ;ska; [ze: zåga:] n gossip; rumour underselling, dump goods 2) cheapen, degrade
eZ;ska;e®pa [ze: zåga: pyaw:] v haggle (over a price), Ω mi n\;meZ;P¥k\
bargain (for goods) eZ;®Pt\ [ze: hpya'] v (of goods) appraise; set prices
eZ;Siu [ze: hso] v 1) call out the price of what one is eZ;mxn\ [ze: hman] n fair price, going price, prevailing
selling 2) quote a high price price
eZ;Siuc\ [ze: hsain] v negotiate a deal eZ;r [ze: ya.] v get a good price
— n shop, store; stall eZ;rc\; [ze: yin:] n cost price
eZ;Ss\ [ze: hsi'] v haggle (over a price); bargain (for — v invest in trade
goods) eZ;erac\; [ze: yaung:] v sell sthg retail, in market, shop,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 153

Zan\ ª ˆa%\
stall, etc day [ze: u: bau'] 2) pay the first installment of a credit [?
eZ;liuk\ [ze: lai'] v (of goods) come into demand, sell def check]
well S YN Awy\liuk\ — n [fig] first instance
eZ;ln\ [ze: lan] v (of sale) fall through eZ;U^;ePåk\ [ze: u: hpau'] v 1) be the first buyer of the
eZln\Ï [ze: lan.] v (of people in a market) panic, be in day 2) [fig] be the first (person to do sthg)
uproar eZ;eA; [ze: e:] v (of market) be stagnant, (of sales,
eZ;el¥a. [ze: shaw.] v give discount prices) stall
eZ;lxn\Ï [ze: hlan.] v profiteer, take advantage of Zan\ [zan] n jhana, absorption, trance, meditation or
situation to profit; destabilise prices intense concentration of mind which can result in
eZ;wy\ [ze: wE] v shop, go shopping temporary suspension of the limitations of the sensuous
— n customer, buyer world kmµelak
eZ;q¨eZ;qa; [ze: thu ze: tha:] n people concerned with a Zan\ÂkX [zan kywa.] v travel by levitation through
market practicing jhana
eZ;qk\qa [ze: the' tha] v be cheap, be inexpensive, be Zan\p¥M [zan pyan] v travel by levitation through practicing
a good price for, be good value for money jhana
eZ;qv\ [ze: dhE] v shopkeeper; vendor in market Zan\r [zan ya.] v gain supernatural powers through jhana
CF p¥Mk¥eZ;qv\ hawker
eZ;qim\; [ze: thein:] v finish selling Zan\elYa [zan shaw:] v lose supernatural powers [ 1]
eZ;qim\;K¥in\ [ze: thein: gyein] n closing time 2) [fig] lose prestige, lose dignity
eZ;quM; [ze: dhoun:] n money for household expenses Zan\wc\sa; [zan win za:] v be in a state of deep
eZ;U^;eZ;P¥a; [ze: u: ze: bya:] n first sale of the day concentration
eZ;U^;epåk\ [ze: u: pau'] v 1) make the first sale of the

U ˆ
U' ˆ [nya.] n tenth consonant of Pali [ bh]
Ukel;' Ucy\ [nya. gåle:, nya. ngE] n name of -ˆ and U ˆa%\sm\; [nyan san:] [nyan zan:] v test (sb's) wisdom or
L IT : ‘little v’ knowledge
ˆa% [nya na.] n intellect, wisdom — n intelligence test, IQ test, brain teaser (inf); quiz;
ˆa%bl [nya na. båla.] n intellectual power, mental puzzle, riddle
capacity blcå;tn\
CF ˆa%\sm\;pusÍa [nyan san: pou' sa] n IQ test, intelligence
ˆa%lup\qa; [nya na. lou' tha:] n white-collar worker test
ˆatka [nya dåga] n relatives ˆa%\sXm\; [nyan zwan: (zun:)] n intellectual ability, mental
ˆati [nya ti>] n relatives acuity, acumen
ˆaU\ [nyin] n habit; nature, bent, tendency ˆa%\sXm\;ˆa%\s [nyan zwan: nyan za.] n intellectual ability,
ˆa%\ [nyan] n intellect, mind, power of thinking; wisdom, mental acuity, acumen, sapiency
comprehension, power of knowledge Ω mxt\ˆa%\ memory, ˆa%\Sc\ [nyan hsin] v plot, conspire, scheme, devise [?
ability to recall; Ω zwnˆa%\ cleverness, quickness, connive?]
intelligence; Ω ebaDiˆa%\ enlightenment of the Buddha [? ˆa%\eta\ [nyan daw] n ‹height of a Buddha image or
check] pagoda [ bh]
ˆa%\\ksa; [nyan gåza:] v 1) contemplate, consider the ˆa%\tim\ [nyan tein] v have a shallow intellect, be a
reasons for an against sthg, prospects for success, lowbrow, be an intellectual lightweight
potential alternatives, etc 2) use one's mind in various ˆa%\TuM; [nyan toun:] v be slow, be dull(-witted)
ways, play with ideas ˆa%\n^ˆa%\nk\ [nyan ni nyan ne'] n devious means,
ˆa%\k¨ [nyan ku] v be ingenious, be inventive, be cunning way, craft, guile
resourceful, be imaginitive ˆa%\nv\; [nyan nE:] v be witless, be half-witted
ˆa%\ekac\; [nyan kaung:] v be clever, be brainy, have a ˆa%\p¨eza\K [nyan pu zaw ga.] n honorarium, symbolic
keen mind payment for intellectual services (usually public
ˆa%\k¥y\ [nyan kyE] v be learned, be erudite, have a speaking)
broad range of knowledge, have a comprehensive ˆa%\\pXc\. [nyan pwint.] v (of mind) expand
intellect ˆa%\m^ [nyan hmi] v comprehend, grasp (argument,
ˆa%\\”k^;rxc\ [nyan gyi: shin] n (usually sarcastic) great concept, etc), get (inf)
mind, wise man, sage ˆa%\m¥a; [nyan mya:] v [fig] be tricky, be crafty, be
ˆa%\\sU\ [nyan zin] n level of attainment in meditation clever and untrustworthy
ˆa%\rv\ˆa%\qXa; [nyan yi nyan thwa:] n intellectual

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 154

ˆt\ ª v^
capacity poun] n renaissance, renascence, rebirth (e.g., of
ˆa%\rv\t¨ [nyan ye du] adv CF e®Krv\t¨' lk\rv\t¨ [? culture)
new from leq note] ˆa%\qXa; [nyan thwa:] v be sharp-witted
ˆa%\rXc\ [nyan shwin] v be bright, be quick-witted, be ˆt\ [nya'] n ritual announcement made at the opening of
savvy a Buddhist ritual such as orndination into monkhood
ˆa%\el; [nyan le:] v be stupid, be dull-witted [ bh]
ˆa%\qma; [nyan dhåma:] n 1) confidence man; shark, ˆt\kTin\ [nya' kåhtein] Kahtain, offering of robes to the
trickster 2) one who relies on own reasoning CF kMqma; sangha at the end of the rainy season retreat, between
the first waning day of q^tc\;kX¥ t\ and the full moon
ˆa%\qa [nyan tha] v be more clever, be wily day of tn\eSac\mun\; = kTin\
ˆa%\qs\elac\; [nyan dhi' laung:] v introduce new ideas, ˆt\qkçn\; [nya' thin gan:] n robes presented to monks
thoughts, knowledge, etc during kTin\, with ritual incantations
ˆa%\qs\elac\;qc\tn\; [nyan dhi' laung: thin dan:] n ˆaq\k¥m\; [nya' kyan:] n title of a text on Pali grammar
refresher course = N¥aqk¥m\;
ˆa%\qs\elac\;Aer;eta\pMu [nyan dhi' laung: åye: daw.

v1 [nya.] n tenth consonant in the Myanmar script examples]
v”k^; [nya. gyi:] n name of ‘v’ L IT :
‘big v’ vwå [nya. wa]n ‹lectures on Buddhist scriptures given
v2 [nya.] n night = vU\. to monks in the evenings CF enÏ wå [ bh]
vkal [nya. kala.] n nighttime vqn\;eKåc\ [nya. than; gaung] n midnight, 12:00 at night
vek¥ac\; [nya. gyaung;] n night school, evening classes
v”k^;mc\;”k^; [nya. gyi; min; gyi;] n dead of night, small vqip\er [nya dhei' ye] n water collected overnight
hours of the morning, untimely hour vU^;yM [nya. u; yan] n late evening, from about 9pm to
— adv in the dead of (the) night, at an untimely hour yM
midnight CF
vAip\ven [nya ei' nya ne] adv overnight = vU\.Aip\vU\.en
vK¥m\; [nya. gyan;] n evening, approximately 7:00– va1 [nya] n right (hand side) Ω vaBk\kiu-ekX>my\" We turn
10:00pm right here. S YN ya; A NT By\ CF w´
vcxk\ [nya. hnge'] n prostitute L IT : ‘night bird’ valk\RMu; [nya le' youn:] n [fig] right hand man (fig),
vsa [nya. za] n dinner, supper, evening meal trusted person who knows one's affairs; one's right hand
vsasa;pX´ [nya. za sa; bwE;] n (formal) dinner (fig), person one relies on = lk\yarM CF lk\w´rM
veZ; [nya. ze;] n night market vaqM [nya dhan] n treble, high note A NT By\qM [ ms]
vta [nya. ta (da)] n one night long, (duration of) a vaqn\ [nya than] v be right-handed
night va2 [nya] v lie, tell a lie; fib, tell a small lie for personal
vtXc\;”k^; [nya. dwin; gyi;] n dead of night, small hours of advantage; bluff, pretend to be in a better position (esp
the morning, untimely hour in gambling, negotiation)
vtXc\;K¥c\; [nya. dwin; gyin;] adv the same night vatapået; [nya ta pa te:] adv on the sly, slyly, secretly
ven [nya. ne] n afternoon, approximately 3:00–6:00pm valMu; [nya loun:] n deception, bluff, pretense, trick
va; [nya:] v 1) meet with, have happen to one [? check
venKc\; [nya ne gin;] n afternoon clarify] 2) marry, get married CF r' lk\Tt\'
venK¥m\; [nya. ne gyan;] n evening, near sunset Aim\eTac\k¥
venesac\; [nya. ne zaung;] n late afternoon va;Kåslc\mya; [nya ga za. lin måya:] n newlyweds, a
vemW;pn\; [nya. hmwe; pan;] n Œqueen of the night, recently married couple Ω va;enq¨ lover? [? how to deal
fragrant flower that blooms at night, fragrance of which with]
is thought to be mildly toxic vi [nyi>] v catch (fire), start to burn
ver;vta [nya. ye; nya. da] n items prepared for use at v^1 [nyi] n 1) younger brother (of a male) 2) younger
night, tasks done at night Ω ' She kept a torch and a stick male cousin (of a male) CF emac\' kiu' v^m eSXmi¥o;suz ya;
by the door in case she had to go out at night. v^enac\ [nyi naung] n brothers; male cousins
vl¨ [nya. lu] n prowler (at night); night owl Upsa CF eSXmi¥o;suz ya;
vlMu;epåk\ [nya. loun; bau'] n the whole night v^puel; [nyi pu. le:] n little finger, pinkie (inf) = lk\qn\;
— adv overnight, all night (long), through(out) the
night Ω vlMu;epåk\ -lk\ Pk\rv\Siuc\ all-night teashop v^m [nyi (nyå) ma.]
n 1) younger sister (of a woman)
Ω vluM;epåk\ lu p\tt\ ty\" She works all night. [? new 2) younger female cousin (of a woman) CF Nxs\m' m' kiu'
v^' eSXmi¥o;suz ya;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 155

v^ ª vs\
— part you, from an older to a younger woman polished
v^el; [nyi le:] pron you, from an older to a younger vk\vk\ek¥ [nye' nye' kye] v be crushed into (into
man CF emac\el; powder, bits)
v^Akiu [nyi åko] n brothers; male cousins vc\qa [nyin tha] v be smooth; be gentle; (of manner) be
v^AkiumqitqiAK¥in\ [nyi åko måthi> dådhi> åchein] n [fig] polite
dusk CF AK¥v\;lxAK¥in\ [? check] vc\; [nyin:] v be soft, be gentle
v^2 [nyi] v 1) be even, be level 2) be tidy, be orderly vc\;e®pac\; [nyin: pyaung:] v (of sound) be sweet and soft
3) be united, be in agreement, be in harmony 4) be in
accordance with, not conflict with 5) be equal evac\ [nyaung] n banyan; generic term for some species of
v^va [nyi nya] v 1) be even, be level 2) be united, be in Ficus (illus, with label for buttress roots, drop roots)
agreement 3) be tidy, be orderly evac\kuk¶a; [nyaung kou' ka:] n kind of banyan tree
v^va®P®P [nyi nya hpya. bya.] adv in unison, all at the same evac\Âkt\ [nyaung kya'] n kind of banyan with edible
moment fruit
v^VXt\ [nyi nyu'] v 1) be even, be level 2) be united, be evac\K¥U\ [nyaung gyin] n kind of banyan with edible leaf
in agreement, be in harmony 3) be in accordance with, buds
not conflict with evac\e®KeTak\ [nyaung chi (che) dau'] n banyan
v^VXt\er; [nyi nyu' ye:] n unity (of purpose), harmony, = pevac\
accord evac\es;k¥ [nyaung zi: kya.] v become sticky; (of liquid)
v^t¨vat¨ [nyi du nya du] adv 1) together, in unison be viscous, be thick
2) equally evac\esac\; [nyaung zaung:] n royal bed, royal couch
v^t¨v^mY [nyi du nyi hmya.] adv equally, fairly evac\pt\pc\ [nyaung ba' bin] n plant surrounded by the
v^mY [nyi hmya.] v to be equal buttress roots of a banyan tree
v^mY®Kc\; [nyi hmya. gyin:] n 1) equality 2) [math] equation evac\piN~´ [nyaung pein: nE:] n species of fig tree
v^laKM [nyi la gan] n 1) conference 2) royal audience; evac\budÎeh [nyaung bou' dåhe] n bo tree, bodhi tree,
daily conference of ministers with the king 3) [drama] species of tree under which the Buddha attained
royal audience scene S YN lWt\eta\K n\; enlightenment = ebaDievac\' evac\ebaDi
v^laKMwc\ [nyi la gan win] v attend a v^laKM evac\mut\Sit\ [nyaung mou' hsei'] n 1) drop roots
v^; [nyi:] v blaze, burn brightly 2) banyan = evac\e®KeTak\' pevac\
Vu [nyu.] v flirt, be playfully romantic evac\er [nyaung ye] n 1) water poured on sacred
Vututu [nyu. tu. du] adv flirtaciously banyan Ω evac\erelac\; pour water on a sacred banyan
vM1 [nyan] v be noisy 2) water poured as a blessing
vMsasa [nyan sa za] adv stridently, shrilly; noisily evac\erqXn\; [nyaung ye thun:] v pour water on the
vM2 [nyan] v Óbe silent sacred banyan
vM3 [nyan] n Œannual plant growing in marshy areas evac\erAiu; [nyaung ye o:] n vase, etc used for offering
vM4 [nyan] n large snake-like mythical creature (illus) [ bs] flowers
evac\rXk\ [nyaung ywe'] n 1) ornamental metallic banyan
leaves on the finial of a stupa or the canopy of a
vM. [nyan.] v 1) be inferior, be poor,be bad, be below standard
ceremonial umbrella 2) banyan leaf shape at the end of
RF vM.P¥c\;. 2) be soft 3) (of pain, fever, etc) subside,
the arms of a esac\; ekak\ (Burmese harp) (illus)
vM.P¥c\; [nyan. hpyin:] v be inferior, be poor, be bad, be
evac\ln\; [nyaung lan:] n dwarf banyan
below standard evac\Aup\ [nyaung ou'] n kind of large banyan
vM.qk\ [nyan. the'] v be soft and delicate evac\nana [nyaung na na] adv 1) ™falteringly 2) in a sickly
Viu [nyo] v 1) be brown 2) be grey (Br), gray (Am) manner
Viusim\.sim\. [nyo sein. zein.] v (of skin) be rich brown evac\; [nyaung:] v 1) (of time) be long 2) (of body, limbs,
muscles) be stiff, ache (from under-or over-use) RF
Viu> [nyo.] v (of sky) be overcast; (of face) be gloomy
evac\;va. 3) be tired
Viu>MmOic\; [nyo. hmain:] v be dark, be gloomy
Viu>qk¥v\; [nyo. dhågyi:] n shin evac\;k¥eragå [nyaung: kya. yaw: ga] n gonorrhea, a
sexually transmitted infection CF kalqa;eragå
Viu;Viu;vMvM [nyo: nyo: nyan nyan] adv noisily evac\;va [nyaung: nya] v (of body, limbs, muscles) be
Viu;Viu;vit\vit\ [nyo: nyo: nyei' nyei'] adv tremulously, stiff, ache (from under-or over-use)
quakingly CF “cio;“cio;“cim\.“cim\. [? check in bse dic]
vs\ [nyi'] v 1) be dirty, be filthy 2) play dirty, play
vk\ [nye'] v 1) pound, grind, etc to powder or paste
unfairly 3) (of skin) look unhealthy 4) [colloq] be
2) (of skin) be smooth and delicate 3) (of person's
depressed, be discouraged = sit\v s\
style) suave, smooth; slick, polished
vs\k¥i [nyi' kyi>] adj (of clear liquids) cloudy; muddled
vk\eva [nye' nyaw:] v 1) (of skin) be smooth and S YN vs\k¥o; A NT Âkv\lc\
delicate 2) (of person's style) suave, smooth; slick,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 156

vU\. ª evHa\
vs\k¥o [nyi' kyu.] adj (of clear liquids) cloudy; muddled VXt\ [nyu'] v 1) droop, hang down 2) fall for (sb), fall in
vs\k¥i; A NT Âkv\lc\
S YN love (with sb) S YN k¥
vs\k¥y\k¥y\ [nyi' kyE gyE] adv viciously, savagely, VXt\k¥io; [nyu' kyo:] v respect; revere
aggressively and maliciously VXt\tup\ [nyu' tou'] v make obeisance, bow in respect
vs\sut\ [nyi' sou'] v 1) be in rags, be tattered, torn and or submission
dirty 2) be vile; be vicious VXt\tXa; [nyu' twa:] v bow or stoop with respect (when
vs\sut\pt\\ [nyi' sou' pa'] v be vile; be vicious passing in front of respected persons)
vs\vø; [nyi' nyu:] v 1) be depressed; be despondent VXt\pk\VXt\pk\®Ps\ [nyu' pe' nyu' pe' hpyi'] v (of wood,
2) contemptible, repugnant, disgusting tools, etc) bend, flex under pressure
vs\vm\; [nyi' nyan:] v 1) be dirty 2) pollute, contaminate VXn\ [nyun] n marsh, swamp, mire, wetland; alluvium, silt
3) be obscene, be indecent deposited at edge of river
vs\vm\;mO [nyi' nyan: hmu.] n 1) pollution, contamination VXn\ep¥ac\; [nyun byaung:] n mudhole
2) obscenity, offensive words, dirty words (inf), foul VXn\Ï [nyun.] v 1) taper upward 2) be the best, finest,
language choicest, highest quality etc, be the pick of the lot
vs\t^;vs\pt\ [nyi' ti: nyi' pa'] adv filthily, dirtily, foully; 3) [fig] say, act, or do sthg to gain an unfair advantage
obscenely, indecently ek¥a
vs\Tv\; [nyi' hti: (hte:)] adj dirty, filthy — n 1) shoot, new plant growth; tendril, coiling
vs\Tt\Tt\ [nyi' hta' hta'] adj dingy, dull in colour growth of climbing plant (illus) 2) apex, peak;
A NT prominence; growth Ω rc\VXn\Ï solar plexus 3) potential
vs\NXm\; [nyi' nun:] v 1) faded, dingy 2) [fig] (of dignity, = AVXn\>
honour, image, etc) tarnished VXn\Ïepåc\; [nyun. baung:] n 1) coalition, temporary
vs\pt\ [nyi' pa'] v 1) be dirty, be filthy, be soiled alliance [ pe] 2) anthology, collection of literary pieces
2) cheat, be dishonest, deceive, be deceitful 3) select group of best athletes, artists, singers, etc;
vs\pup\pup\ [nyi' pou' pou'] adj (of colours) drab, severe (sports tournaments) all-star team
vU\. [nyi> (nyin.)] n night = v VXn\Ïepåc\;Asiu;r [nyun. baung: åso: ya.] n coalition
vU\.nk\ [nyi> ne'] v be late (at night) government [ pe]
vU\.\nk\qn\;eKåc\ [nyi> ne' dhågaung] n middle of the night VXn\Ïln\; [nyun. lan:] n form of rtu verse with a long third
vU\.\ly\yM [nyin. lE yan] n the middle of the night (from vHa [hnya] v 1) be considerate, give thoughtful attention
about 11–1) to; favour, give preference to 2) be lenient, be tolerant
vU\.qMu;yM [nyin. thoun: yan] n three periods of night: of an offence A NT rk\sk\
evening (vU\.\U^; yM from about 7–10), the middle of the — n base of stalk
night (vU\.\ly\yM from about 10–2), and morning vHata [hnya ta] v 1) be considerate, give thoughtful
(miu;eqak\yM from about 2–6) attention to; favour, give preference to 2) be lenient, be
vU\.\U^;yM [nyin. u: yan] n evening tolerant of an offence
vU\.Aip\vU\.en [nyin. ei' nyin. ne] adv overnight = vAip\ven vHatM [hnya dan] n stalk of leaf, flower, etc (illus)
vv\;1 [nyi:] pron you (used among women, esp in villages, viH [hnyi>] v 1) level (ground) 2) compare, cf; confer
when addressing a woman the same age or younger) 3) coordinate; come to terms RF vHiNOic\;. 4) line up
vv\;2 [nyi:] v 1) complain, grumble, moan (fig) 2) moan (in 5) œtune; tune up (musical instruments) Ω sN»ra;-AqM-v Hi
pain, grief, etc), groan 3) hum Ω q^K¥c\;vv\; 4) coo tune the piano CF ”kio;viH [ ms] 6) ignite; light (fire, lamp,
vv\;K¥c\; [nyi: gyin:] n traditional sad song etc)
vv\;K¥c\;K¥ [nyi: gyin: cha.] v tell one's troubles at great vHiNOic\; [hnyi> hnain:] v coordinate
length vHiNOic\;K¥k\ [hnyi> hnain: gye'] n pact
vv\;vø [nyi: nyu] v complain; grumble, mutter in vH^ [hnyi] v stink, smell (rank), have a strong unpleasant
discontent smell [? check again]
vv\;vv\;vøvø [nyi: nyi: nyu nyu] adv grumblingly; vH^esa\nM [hnyi zaw nan] v stink, smell (rank), have a
fretfully, complainingly, under protest strong unpleasant smell
vv\tXa; [nyi: twa:] v 1) complain, grumble, moan (fig) vH^siu>siu> [hnyi so. so.] adj nauseating (smell)
2) moan (in pain, grief, etc), groan vH^ehak\ [hnyi hau'] v be fetid, be rank, smell bad
vit\ [nyei'] v nod (one's head), incline the head forward evHa\ [hnyaw] v smell acrid, smell pungent, have a sharp,
and down Ω eKåc\;vit\ stinging smell
vp\ [nya'] v be hemmed in, surrounded and restricted in evHa\KM [hnyaw khan] v 1) breathe in cooking smells 2) get
movement; be wedged in, fit tightly into a narrow used to acrid smells from cooking, burning food, etc
space; be jammed
vp\qt\ [nya' tha'] v be crowded; be jammed in a crowd evHa\esa\nM [hnyaw zaw nan] v smell acrid, smell pungent,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 157

VOi ª vWn\;
have a sharp, stinging smell of trouble, worry, etc
evHa\tiuk\ [hnyaw tai'] v cause acrid smells vHU\;pn\;Nxip\sk\ [hnyin: ban: hnei' se'] v persecute; torment;
evHa\mi [hnyaw mi>] v suffer from breathing acrid fumes oppress
evHa\erxac\ [hnyaw shaung] v avoid acrid fumes vHU\;Siu;Siu; [hnyin: so: zo:] adv (look) sickly, haggard
evHa\lup\ [hnyaw lou'] v cook food which gives off strong = vHU\;qiu; qiu;
smells vHU\;qiu;qiu; [hnyin: tho: dho:] adv (look) sickly, haggard
evHa\wc\ [hnyaw win] v be affected by acrid fumes = vHU\;Siu;Siu;
VOi [hnyo] n measure of distance from extended thumb and vHp\ [hnya'] v 1) clamp, put firmly between two things;
forefinger sandwich; interleave; intersperse Ω ; So many Pali words
VOiSiuc\ [hnyo zain] n measure of the circumference of an were interspersed in his speech that few could understand
object, using the extended thumbs and forefingers him. 2) snip, cut (with scissors) CF kt\eÂk; 3) hold,
VOi>1 [hnyo.] v hypnotise, mesmerise; charm, captivate tuck (sthg under one's arm), pinch (between fingers);
VOi>Dat\ [nyo. da'] n charm, appeal, fascination, power of tuck sthg in at one's waist
attraction — n any gripping tool with two jaws, e.g., pincers,
VOi>m¥k\lMu; [hnyo. mye' loun:] n seductive eyes, sexy eyes, tweezers, forceps, tongs CF zagna (illus)
bedroom eyes vHp\p¨;vHp\pit\tiuk\ [hnya' pu: hnya' pei' tai'] v encircle,
VOi>Aa; [hnyo. a:] n 1) magnetism 2) sex appeal, power beseige, hem in; corner, trap; blockade
to attract, magnetism (fig) — adj trapped
VOi>2 [hnyo.] n 1) harp strings 2) bow string [ ms] vHp\p¨;vHp\pit\mi [hnya' pu: hnya' pei' mi>] v be cornered, be
VOi; [hnyo:] v fade; wither, wilt trapped, be surrounded; be beseiged; be blockaded
VOi;cy\ [hnyo: ngE] v be dejected, be sad, be vHp\pMu [hnya' poun] n die used to mint coins, strike
despondent, lose hope medals, etc (illus)
VOi;NXm\; [hnyo: nwan:] v be worn out, be languid, feel vHp\Pinp\ [hnya' hpåna'] n sandals, slippers, flip-flops (inf)
sluggish and weak; (of beauty) fade with a strap to be clamped between toes (illus)
VOi;mxin\ [hnyo: hmein] v be faded vHp\Riu; [hnya' yo:] n clavicle, collarbone
VOi;era\ [hnyo: yaw] v be worn out, be languid, feel vHp\rv\ [hnya' ye] n palm sap collected after snipping
sluggish and weak; (of beauty) fade the tip of the palmyra fruit stalk CF Tn\;rv\
vHk\ [hnye'] v be tiny, be very small, be diminutive vHp\Aut\ [hnya' ou'] n keystone [? check in bse dic]
vHc\;1 [hnyin:] n 1) kind of fungus that grows in patches on VWt\ [hnyu'] v (of sthg stiff) bend down, sag Ω evac\pc\kiuc\;
the skin 2) clubs (card suit) ts\kiuc\;ha ®ms\t´kiu VWt\K¥enty\" One branch of the
vHc\;lMu;e®pak\ [hnyin: loun: byau'] n polka dots, textile banyan tree is trailing in the river. Ω qrk\pc\ Aq^;etXn´>
design of large round spots VWt\enty\" The mango tree is loaded with fruit.
vHc\;2 [hnyin:] v slice meat or fish into long strips
vHc\;lMu; [hnyin: loun:] n œseventh note in the seven-tone — n noose; snare RF VWt\kXc\;.
scale CF AqM [ ms] VWt\kXc\; [hnyu' kwin:] n noose; snare
evHac\. [hnyaung.] v rock (oneself back and forward) VWn\ [hnyun] v 1) point out RF VWn\®p. 2) direct, supervise RF
vHs\ [hnyi'] v 1) squeeze 2) milk (cow, goat, etc) [? how VWn\Âka;.
to say udder, teat?] 3) blow (one's nose) 4) wring VWn\Âka; [hnyun kya:] v direct, supervise
(water out of clothes, etc) 5) throttle, choke, squeeze VWn\Âka;K¥k\ [hnyun kya: gye'] n directive, order;
sb's neck, wring sb's neck 6) [fig] extort (money) guidance, instructions
vHs\Tut\ [hnyi' htou'] v 1) squeeze or force out 2) draw VWn\Âka;er;mØ; [hnyun kya: ye: hmu:] n director
out (information, facts, etc) VWn\Âka;er;mØ;K¥op\ [hnyun kya: ye: hmu: gyou'] n director
vHs\qt\ [hnyi' tha'] v strangle (and kill) Ω q¨q¨mkiu general
”kio;n´>VWs\qt\ep;liuk\ty\" He strangled her with a rope. VWn\®p [hnyun pya.] v 1) point out; point at 2) direct
vHs\Aa; [hnyi' a:] n second wind, burst of energy after VWn\mØ; [hnyun hmu;] n (inf) director
exhaustion vWn\; [hnyun:] v indicate; refer to, make reference to
vHU\; [hnyin:] v 1) torture, ill-treat RF vHU\;S´. 2) sponge CF kiu;ka;
(off), take advantage of a relationship to get money, vWn\;Siu [hnyun: so] v speak about sthg excessively, go
favours, meals, etc on and on [? pron check]
vHU\;S´ [hnyin: zE:] v 1) torture, ill-treat, mistreat; oppress vWn\;PX´> [hnyun: hpwE.] v tell, write, sing, etc excessively
2) torment, be a source of trouble, worry, etc about sthg Ω AVWn\; kiu liuk\na;på" Follow the directions. [?
vHU\;pn\; [hnyin: ban:] v 1) torture, ill-treat 2) be a source pron check]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 158

! ª %

!^kaK¥´> [ti ga chE.] v go into details (in speech, writing),
! [ta.] n eleventh consonant in the Myanmar script expound (on), explicate, elucidate
!qn\l¥c\;K¥it\ [ta. tålin: gyei'] n name of ! !^kaPXc\. [ti ga hpwin.] v go into details (in speech,
!^ka [ti ga] n extensive and detailed explanatory work, writing), expound (on), explicate, elucidate
usually about religion CF g¤i' d^pn^' pkapni' mDu!^ka'
A™kTa ANu!^ka

@ [hta.] n twelfth consonant in the Myanmar script @apnatiuk\ [hta påna dai'] n ‹building where @apna
@wm\;B´ [hta. win bE:] n name of @ (relics of the Buddha and other holy objects) are kept
@an [hta na.] n 1) place 2) department Ω @anSiuc\raKX´tm\; @^ [hti] n ‹ 1) period between two states of existence,
amount allotted to a department moment of transition 2) period of existence CF tv\'
@anK¥op\ [hta na. gyo'] n headquarters, HQ, main office, Upåd\' Bc\ [ bh]
central office e@; [hte:] v be rich, be wealthy CF ÂkXy\' K¥m\;qa' epå
@ansu [hta na. zu.] n division [? of what?] @an\ [htan] n [ling] place of articulation CF kRiu%\
@ansit\ [hta na. zei'] n section @an\kRiu%\;k¥ [htan kårain kya.] v 1) be pronounced
@aen [hta ne] n 1) birthplace; home 2) one staying at a correctly 2) [drama] correctly pronouned dialogue
place for a long time 3) [fig] be systematic, do carefully, dot the 'i's and cross
— adj country, in country the 't's (Upsa)
@aenkiuy\sa;lxy\ [hta ne kozålE] n agent @an\cå;på; [htan nga; pa;] n five places of articulation:
@anN|r [hta nan dåra.] n official rank lv\eK¥ac\; throat, Aaesak\ hard palate (roof of the
@apna [hta påna] v 1) ‹enshrine (relics of the Buddha in a mouth), lYaTip\ tip of the tongue, qXa; teeth, NOt\Km\; lips
pagoda) 2) fill, stuff, put inside S YN qXt\
— n ‹relics of the Buddha, and other holy objects,
esp those which have been enshrined in a pagoda

# [da.] n thirteenth consonant in the Myanmar script
#rc\ekak\ [da. yin gau'] n 1) name of # L IT : ‘# with a
curved chest’ 2) Œkind of climbing fern

$ [da.] n fourteenth consonant of the Myanmar script
$ermOt\ [da. ye hmo'] n name of the $ L IT : ‘dipper cup $’

% [na.] n fifteenth consonant of the Myanmar script
%”k^; [na. gyi:] n name of %

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 159

t ª ttiy

t1 [ta.] n sixteenth consonant of the Myanmar script tKiKiry\' tKs\Ks\ry\ [tåkhi> khi> yi' tåkhi' khi' yi]
v giggle,
tqm\;p¨ [ta. win: bu] n name of t L IT : ‘bulging stomach
titter, laugh lightly and quietly
t’ tKn\;tna; [tAkhan; tAna;] adv on a grand scale
t2 [ta. (tå)] part affix or infix used to form adverbs tK¥io> [tåcho.] pron some = AK¥io>
t3 [tå] n short form of number ts\ — n some; certain
t4 [ta.] v 1) long for, yearn for, wish for (sb or sthg) tK¥io>tel [tåcho. tåle] pron some
2) recall, reminisce, remember 3) invoke tK¥io>twk\ [tåcho. tåwe'] pron half, some of
ttiuc\;emW; [ta. dain: hmwe:] n evergreen magnolia t®Ka; [tåcha:] adj different, other, another; separate;
= ktt\c n\; irrelevant, unconnected = A®Ka;
tq [ta. tha.] v long for, pine for t®Ka;s^ [tåcha: zi] adv separately; apart
tqq [ta. tha. tha.] adv longingly — n state of being different, unlike
tqqe®pa [ta. tha. tha. pyaw:] v be nostalgic (in speech) tecX>ecX> [tångwe. ngwe.] adv smoulder intensely (also fig),
tqq®Ps\ [ta. tha. tha. hpyi'] v become attached to burn very slowly (usu without flame)
tkt´ [dågådE:] int expression of exasperation or blame ts®pc\ [dåza. byin] n cemetery, graveyard, burial ground
tkt´mxp´ [dågådE: hma. bE:] int expression of exasperation S YN qu œan\' qKä¥oc\;
or blame tsasa [dåza za] adv (of sound) persistently and stridently
tkq [ta. ka. tha.] abbr ∏acronym of Yangon University tsi [dåzi>] n little, bit
Students' Union rn\kun\-tk¶qiul\-ek¥ac\; qa;-qmg© ts^s^ [dåzi zi] adv 1) (of sound) high-pitched and
tka [dåga] part particle suffixed to nouns to indicate annoyingly 2) continuously, constantly
'every' Ω Niuc\cMtgaa international l¨tgaa everyone ts^ttn\; [tåzi tådan:] adv (standing) in a long queue;
tka; [dåga:] part particle placed at the end of a phrase or (lined up) in a long row
sentence for emphasis (in classical literature and satire) ts^;tesac\; [dåzi: dåzaung:] adv (have) rough, uneven
tk¨k¨;k¨ [tAku ku; ku] n coo coo, sound of doves, etc cooing ts¨;sa; [dåzu: za:] adv stubbornly, persistently S YN ts\zXt\Tiu;

tk¨;tk' tk¨;tkn\Ï [dågu: dåga., dågu: dågan.] adv out of tes [tåze] adv Óalways = A“m´tes
one's way, particularly tes.tesac\; [dåze. dåzaung:] adv (study, think about, etc)
tk´k´ [dågE: gE:] adv impatiently; eagerly casually, in a general way; (look at, observe) furtively,
tekak\ekak\liuk\ [dågau' gau' lai'] v keep following sb, surreptitiously, secretly
tag along with sb tsiu;tsi [dåzo: dåzi>] n a little = tsi
tekac\; [dågaun:] n jug, pitcher = ertekac\; (illus) tesac\; [tåzaung:] adv 1) askew, aslant 2) on one's side;
tkup\kup\lup\ [tako' ko' lo'] adv try hard, work hard (at, for), sideways
be persistent tsv\; [dåzi:] n file, rasp = tMsv\;
tky\ [dågE] adv really, actually; definitely, certainly, tsim\.sim\. [dåzein. zein.] adv slowly and steadily; wistfully
surely, in fact = [¬] Aky\ tsim\; [dåzein:] n stranger = q¨sim\;
tky\tm\; [dågE dan:] adv really, actually; definitely, tsXt\sXt\ [dåzu' zu'] adv often, again and again, time and
certainly, surely
again S YN sXt\ky\sXt\ky\
tky\liuÏ [dågE: lo.] adv in case, if = [¬] Aky\j teS; [tåhse:] n yeast, small fungus used to make bread
tky\liuÏm¥a; [dågE lo. mya:] adv in case, if rise
tky\liuÏqa [dågE: lo. tha] adv in case, if tezak\kn\; [dåzau' kan:] n daredevil, reckless person
tky\. [dågE.] v be real, be true, be genuine, be bona fide — adv recklessly; thoughtlessly
Ω tky\. tky\Siurc\ if really, if in fact
tvc\; [dånyin:] n hardwood tree bearing a strong-smelling
tk¥k\k¥k\®Ps\ [dågye' gye' hpyi'] v bicker, quarrel most of starchy fruit, djenkol bean, favoured by starchy, strong-
the time
smelling people, with starchy, strong-smelling minds
teÂka\eÂka\ [tåkyaw kyaw] adv loudly
teÂka\eÂka\eAa\ [tåkyaw kyaw aw] v bellow, shout tvc\;luM; [dånyin: lon:] n spool (of thread), reel (of line,
Ω teÂka\eÂka\ eAa\eKÅty\" He called out loudly.
string) (illus)
tk¥v\k¥v\ [dågyi gyi] adv clamorously; constantly t%xa [tåhna] n lust, desire; excessive craving; hedonism
tkX [dågwa.] adv with, (Tmc\;K¥ioc\.n´>tkX with a tiffin box), ttiy [ta' ti> ya.] adj third
by ( Pit\san´>tkXtkX with a shoe), in ( wt\sMun´>tkX in
ttiykm±a [ta. ti> ya. gåba] n ∏Third World

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 160

ttXt\tXt\ ª tm^l\
year, with 30 days, usually falling in February – March
'The Third World' properly refers those countries not
CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^' min\
under close control of the USA nor the USSR during the
Cold War, but is often used loosely to refer to the less tpv\. [dåbE. (byI)]
n 1) student, pupil; person who was
industrialised countries of the world. However, even taught by a particular teacher or expert 2) follower, sb who
before the end of the Cold War, there was a search for ais led or guided by a particular leader, (sb's) (wo)man
more descriptive set of terms for group countries 3) protégé, sb who receives help and guidance from a
meaninfully. As of the beginning of the 21st Century, particular mentor CF Sra [? change ok?]
the most popular term for the former Third World is The tpv\.tpn\; [dåbE. dåban:] n 1) student, pupil; person who
South, as most of the highly industrialised, was taught by a particular teacher or expert 2) follower, sb
economically success ful countries are in the northern who is led or guided by a particular leader 3) protégé, sb
hemisphere, and can be collectively called The North who receives help and guidance from a particular mentor
(meant to include Australia and New Zealand despite tpv\.eta\ [dåbE. daw] pron ‹first-person pronoun used
their geographic position). Other terms are
when praying and when speaking with members of the
industrialised country (PXM>“Pio;“p^Niuc\cM), newly industrialised
sangha, I, me
country (tk\qs\sNiuc\cM) (abbr. NIC, such as South Korea,
Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore); developing country tpv\.lk\qa; [dåbE. le' tha:] n apprentice, person learning a
craft or trade by working with a master; servant; follower
(PXM>“Pio;S´Niuc\cM), or nonindustrialised country. Other terms
you may come across include undeveloped or tpv\.qa;e®m; [dåbE. tha: mye:] n student, pupil; disciple,
underdeveloped country. These terms are not much follower, person who was taught or mentored by a particular
teacher or expert; protege
liked in political circles, because there is much more to
development than economics and industry. Least tep¥a\tpå; [tåbyaw tåba:] adv happily, joyfully, with
Developed Country is a technical term in the UN system enjoyment
to refer to a country that because of its very difficultt®po [dåbyu.] n Œ1) tree growing in forested tidal areas
circimstances qualifies for certain special kinds of aid.
(illus) 2) water dillenia = q®po [ ph]

ttXt\tXt\ [dådu' du'] adv (speak) incessantly, without t®pk\ [dåbye'] n Œkind of vine with edible leaves
letting up; (say sthg) repeatedly [ ph] [? add to which t®pXt\ [dåbyu'] n kind of bush, the dried and stripped fruit
tu'?] of which is used to scrub the skin when bathing
teTratv\; [tåhte ya di: (de:)] adv (resemble) exactly,
(look) just like S YN KÁt\sXp\ t®pXt\tM [dåbyu' dan] n dasher (of churn) CF ®pXt\ (illus)
teTac\;eTac\; [tåhtaung: daung:] adv (of dust, steam, t®ps\etak\etak\e®pa [dåbyi' tau' tau' pyaw:] v harp
vapour, etc rise) thickly sthg, talk about a subject for too long
teTac\;eTac\;T [tåhtaung: daung: hta.] v (of smell) be tP¥U\;P¥U\; [tåhpyin; hpyin;] adv pricklingly [? check]
thick, (of dust, steam, vapour, etc) rise thickly tP¥t\P¥t\ [tåhpya' hpya'] adv flickeringly
tTs\K¥ [tåhti' cha.] adv definitely, surely, certainly t®Pø;®Pø; [tåhpyu: byu:] adv (of breeze, blow) gently, softly
tdgç [tådin ga.] n moment te®P;e®P;' t®Pv\;®Pv\; [tåbye: bye:] adv slowly,
— adj momentary, short-lived, ephemeral; evanescent unhurriedly; gradually; gently
tngçeNX(enÏ) [tånin: gånwe (ne.)] n Sunday CF chart at “gioh\ te®P;e®P;K¥c\;' t®Pv\;®Pv\;K¥c\; [tåbye: bye: gyin:] adv
tngçeNXeTac\. [tånin: gånwe daung.] n north-east step by step, gradually
tnlça [tånin: la] n Monday t®Pot\®Pot\ [tåhpyo' hpyo'] adv (drop, fall, etc) one by one
tnlçaArp\ [tånin: la åya'] n east tPXPXe®pa [tåhpwa. bwa. pyaw:] v repeatedly urge, admonish,
warn, remind, give advice
tNuMÏNMuÏ [tånon. non.] adv (suffer, grieve, etc) for a long time,
endlessly, interminably tbla [tåbåla] n tabla, pair of small kettledrums played
with the fingers (illus) [ ms]
tny\e®m [tånE mye] n rich dark soil, black earth
tNOn\; [tåhnon:] part particle attached to a noun to indicate tBk\ [dåbe'] n 1) towel CF m¥k\Nxaqut\pwå face towel'
comparison, like
erqut\pwå' emX;sup\tBk\ f terrycloth towel 2) shawl
S YN erxaesac\ 3) wrap S YN “KMopwå [ pr]
tpq^ [tåpåthi] n rishi, ascetic, hermit, person who lives
apart from society for spiritual reasons
teBac\ [dåbaung] n random words of children, lunatics,
performers, etc, taken as prophecies, omen CF snv\; [ bs]
tpå [tåba] n 1) kind of sailboat used on rivers [tåba]
2) vertical bamboo screen in a fishing weir (illus)
tpiutpå; [dåbo dåba:] n somewhere (else) tmln\; [tåmålan:] n tree with fine-grained dark red wood
— adv away
tmlXn\ [tåmålun] n next life, next existence, future state of
existence CF m¥k\emxak\Bw [ bs bh]
tpiutpå;qXa; [dåbo dåba: thwa:] v relieve oneself
tpiuÏtX´ [dåbo. dwE:] n Dabodwe, eleventh month of the lunar
tma [tåma] n Œneem tree, margosa tree, with glossy
paired leaves. The tree has medicinal properties;
year, with 29 days, February–March CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^
extracts are widely used as antiseptics
tepåc\; [dåbaung:] n Dabaung, twelfth month of the lunar
tm^l\ [tAmi] n ∏Tamil CF DmiL' DwiL [? check spelling of cfs

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 161

tem.tem¥a ª tra;
and then add with 'dravidian'. new kyaw] continuously
tem.tem¥a [tåme. tåmyaw:] adv for a long time trpt\ [tåråba'] n fan made of talipot palm fronds (illus)
tmM [tåman] n dike, small earthen dam trr [tåya. ya.] adv (ask, request, beg, implore, etc) over and
tmMtut\ [tåman to'] v build a dike over
tmc\ [tåmin] adv deliberately, on purpose, purposely, trrxø; [tåråshu:] n tapir S YN ÂkM.q¨eta\
intentionally; specially tra; [tåya:] v be just, be fair, be equitable
tmc\tka [tåmin dåga] adv deliberately, on purpose, — n 1) justice, fairness, equity 2) moral principles;
purposely, intentionally; specially teaching(s); sermon 3) nature, law, nature of things
tmc\p¥k\kXk\®Kc\; [tåmin pye' kwe' chin;] n [law] wilful 4) lawsuit, legal action, litigation 5) ‹the Law, the
default teachings of the Buddha [ bh]
tmc\qk\qk\ [tåmin the' the'] adv deliberately, on tra;kiuy\ [tåyågo] n basis (of teaching, doctrine,
purpose, purposely, intentionally; specially belief, etc)
tmn\ [tåman] n 1) courier, messenger, emissary tra;k¥ [tåya: kya.] v 1) repent, regret and turn away
2) diplomat, envoy CF qMtmn\ 3) ÈÇangel Ω Bura;qKc\f from doing wrong, be contrite 2) come to believe in (a
tmn\ angel of God [? relig ok? here and below] doctrine, principle, teaching, etc)
tra;KM [tåyåkhan] n person who is charged with an
tmn\eta\ [tåman daw] n 1) messenger offense, accused, defendant CF tra;liu
2) ÈÇprophet(ess), person who speaks revelations by tra;K¥ [tåya: cha.] v preach, deliver a sermon, give an
divine inspiration Ω tmn\eta\miuhamk\ the prophet interpretation of religious teachings; give (religious)
Mohammed/Muhammad Ω tmn\eta\miu;zk\ the Prophet Moses advice, moralise (usu neg), tell to conform to a standard
tmn\; [tåman:] n 1) soil of a rice field 2) soil prepared for of good behaviour
planting CF e®m [ ag] tra;KXc\ [tåyåkhwin] n court (of law)
tmn\;SX´ [tåman hswE:] v cultivated land ready for tra;sX´ [tåyåswE:] v file a (law)suit, sue, bring legal
transplantation action against, prosecute
tmn\;NOi; [tåman: hno:] v loosen the soil between rice tra;Siuc\ [tåya: hsain] v defend one's case (in court),
plants plead (a suit)
tmun\> [tåmon.] part particle suffixed to a postpositional tra;tepåc\ [tåya: dåbaung] n litigation, legal action
marker for emphasis tra;etX> [tåya: twe.] v 1) litigate, engage in a lawsuit
tm¥a;m¥a; [tåmya: mya:] adv dripping (with saliva, slobber) 2) discover a new truth, principle, precept, etc while
Ω d^e kac\ k min\;kel;®mc\rc\ qXa;rv\tm¥a;m¥a;n´Ï meditating [ bh]
liuk\Âkv\.ty\" tra;Tiuc\ [tåya: htain] n ‹meditate, practice religious
t®m®m [tåmya. mya.] adv (drink alcohol or sharpen blade) meditation
constantly, continually, slowly and with enjoyment tra;na [tåya: na] v listen to an lecture on religion
t®mn\enÏ [tåmyan ne.] n day before yesterday CF d^enÏ tra;naKM [tåya: nåkhan] n 1) reader of responses during a
t®mn\Nxs\ [tåmyan hniq] n year before last sermon 2) Ócourt clerk acting as executor of judge's
t®mn\menÏ [tåmyan måne.] n day before yesterday CF d^enÏ decrees
tmXt\ [tåmu'] n 1) [arch] acme, zenith, highest point tra;p¥k\ [tåya: pye'] v break rules
2) umbrella used by royalty when travelling tra;“pioc\ [tåya: pyain] v to be at court; (of the accused)
to be on trial; (of the accuser) take sb to court
— adj most noble
tmY [tåhmya.] part particle suffixed to object to indicate tra;meÂkac\; [tåyåma. gyaung:] n due process
(according to civil law)
that it is like subject, as ... as, like
teya1 [tåyaw:] n violin, fiddle (inf) (illus) tra;mmO [tåyåma. hmu.] n civil suit, civil case
teyaTiu; [tåyaw: hto:] v fiddle (inf), play the violin tra;m´. [tåya: mE.] v be unfair, be unjust, be morally or
legally wrong
teya2 [tåyaw:] n Œsmall tree of tidal swamps, the sap of tra;mYt [tåya: hmya. ta.] v be just, be fair, be equitable,
which can blind = keya
be right
teyac\teSac\ [tåyaung tåhsaung] adv grandly tra;r [tåya: ya.] v 1) repent, regret and turn away from
teyak\eyak\ [tåyau' yau'] pron someone, somebody Ω A´då doing wrong, be contrite 2) come to believe in (a
kÁn\mmqiB¨;" q¨tiuÏkiu em;på" teyak\eyak\ e®paNiuc\ty\" doctrine, principle, teaching, etc) S YN tra;k¥
I don't know that. Go ask them, somone will be able to tell
tra;RuM; [tåya: yon:] n court (of law, of justice) CF ss\KMuRuM;
tra;rxa [tåya: sha] v search for (religious) truth
tr [tå (då) rå (lå)] part prefix to some adjectives to form tra;rxc\lWt\ [tåyåshin hlu'] v release a defendent as
adverbs, or for emphasis
accused (with the possibility of the trial continuing with
trÂkm\; [dårå (lå) gyan:] adv forcibly, violently; more evidence)
turbulently; in a rush
tra;liu [tåyålo] n plaintiff, the accusing party in a
trsp\ [dårå (lå) za'] adv uninterruptedly, unceasingly,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 162

triri ª ta
lawsuit CF tra;KM tlc\;tk\k¥^wc\ [tålin: de' kyi win] n time when rice
tra;lk\lXt\ [tåya: le' lu'] adv arbitrarily, unfairly; harvest and production is over
without due consideration tlc\;ny\ [tålin: nE] v thresh (rice, to remove grains
tra;lXn\ [tåyålun] adv extremely, excessively from stalk) S YN spå;ny\' ebXsaPXp\
tra;wc\ [Mtåya: win] v 1) be legal; be official; be tlvs [ta. la. nya. sa.] abbr acronym of All Burma Farmers and
legitimate 2) be legal, be officially allowed, not conflict Peasant's Unity Association bma-Niuc\cMlMu;-Siuc\ra-etac\q¨-
with law, regulations, rules, moral principles, etc ly\qma;-v^VXt\er;-Asv\;ARMu; [? trans ok?]
tl´ [tålE:] n pomegranate (illus)
tra;q®Pc\. [tåya: thåhpyin.] adv fairly, justly tlin\; [tålein:] n putty for caulking boats, etc, to make
tra;q¨”k^; [tåya: dhu gyi:] n judge, justice (of the court), them watertight, made of loose hemp fibre and pitch
magistrate, public official authorised to decide cases CF eT;SM
brought before court tlin\;Tiu; [tålein: hto:] v caulk, make seams watertight by
tra;q¨”k^;K¥op\ [tåya: dhu gyi: gyo'] n Chief Justice sealing with caulk CF eT;
tra;eq [tåyådhe] v be dogmatic; be immutable, be tlim\.eKåk\ekX; [dålein. khau' kwe:] adv (fall) tumbling, head
unchangeable over heels, pitching Ω elx ka;epÅk
tra;eqlWt\ [tåyådhe hlu'] v dismiss (lawsuit) tlim\.eKåk\ekX;k¥ty\" He fell head over heels down the
unconditionally, acquit (defendant) stairs. He tumbled down the stairs.
tra;eqwåd [tåyåthe wa da.] n dogmatism tlim\.tMu; [dålein. don:] n roller (illus)
tra;eha [tåya: haw:] v 1) preach, give a sermon tlX´ [tålwE:] adv mistakenly, by mistake, accidentally;
2) moralise, sermonise, lecture sb about good behaviour erroneously, wrongly
telxac\;elxac\; [tåhlaung: hlaung:] adv swarming (with),
tra;Aa;Tut\ [tåya; A; hto'] v ‹meditate S YN tra;Tiuc\ seething (with), covered (with); reeking (of)
triri [tåyi> yi>] adv (grieve) lingeringly tlxp\lxp\ [tåhla' hla'] adv with beating heart
tera\ [tåyaw] n small tree with bark that is used with tlOp\lOp\ [tåhlo' hlo'] adv [? meaning?]
kc\pXn\; q^; (acacia pods) to make shampoo tw [tåwa.] adv (eat, drink, enjoy) to one's fill, to one's
trc\;tN^x; [tåyin: tåhni:] adv warmly; intimately = rc\;rc\;Nx^;Nx^; heart's content
tRut\ [tåyo'] n, adj ∏Chinese tw´lv\lv\ [tåwE: lE lE] adv repeatedly
tRut\kp\ [tåyo' ka'] n Venetian blinds, louvres (illus) tq^ttn\; [tåthi dådan;] adv in a long file or queue (Br) line
tRut\sMka; [tåyo' zåga:] n Œfrangipani, tree with (Am), in a long row S YN ts^ttn\
fragrant blossoms tqk\qk\ [tåthe' the'] adv (long for, be nostalgic for, miss)
tRut\S^;q^; [tåyo' zi: dhi:] n Œlychee S YN liuc\K¥^ constantly S YN tqq
tRut\Niuc\cM [tAyo' pyi] n ∏(People's Republic of} China, tquun\qun\ [tåthon dhon] adv breezily
PRC CF tiuc\wm\ Taiwan
tqXc\qXc\ [tåthwin dhwin] adv (flow, pour, etc) copiously,
tRup\Nxc\;q^; [tåyo' hnin: dhi:] n Œloquat continuously
tRut\e®mac\; [tåyo' myaung:] n shallow pleat between tqXt\qXt\ [tåthu' thu'] adv often, again and again, time and
the panels of a qgça (Buddhist monk's robe)
again S YN sXt\ky\sXt\ky\
tRut\Ap\siuk\pva [tåyo' a' sai' pyin nya] n acupuncture thun\;hun\; [tåhon: hon:] adv (burn) furiously
tRut\Aim\ [tåyo' ein] n panels out of which a qgça tAiAi [tåII] adv sluggishly, slowly; gradually
(Buddhist monk's robe) is made [ bh]
CF vc\vc\qaqa' ®Pv\®Pv\e Nx;eNx;
tRun\;Run\; [tåyon: yon:] adv in a hubbub, in uproar tAuMeNX;eNX; [tåon nwe: nwe;] adv smouldering |lv{Upsa)}
Ω Ev\. qv\.e tX-m¥a;eta. Aim\mxa tRu n\;Ru n\;p´" eA;eA;-K¥m\;K¥m\;
menrB¨;" The house was in an uproar with all the guests. It
tAMueNX;eNX;®Ps\ [tåon nwe: nwe: hpyi'] v smoulder (Br),
smolder (Am); seethe (when angry); worry, be anxious
was impossible to live quietly. Ω ekac\el;etXn´Ï
tRun\; Run\;enty\" She is always surrounded by a throng of
ta1 [ta] v measure S YN tiuc\;
young men. — n 1) Óunit of measure equal to four, seven, or ten
cubits (1 cubit = 45cm) [? where to put the
trip\rip\ [tåyei' yei'] adv (move) in a blur, very quickly
measurements box?] 2) embankment 3) Ócovered box
trXt\tiuk\ [dåyu' tai'] v drag, trail along the ground 4) responsibility, duty; assignment RF tawn\. 5) period
terxac\erxac\ [tåshaung shaung] adv (be ill) chronically of time
tlas^ [tåla si] v search prisoners for banned items — part ™particle suffixed to verb or adjective to form
tlc\; [tålin:] n 1) (area of) bare earth Ω ss\tlc\; parade noun Ω A´d^elak\mxn\ta”k^; me®pan´Ï" Don't speak such a
ground 2) rice threshing ground great truth. S YN ¬ ®Kc\;qv\qa [? new kyaw]
tlc\;eK¥;Kå [tålin: chi: kha] v glean, collect fallen grains taKiu; [ta kho:] v jump the gun, be premature, start
(after threshing) before the expected time
tlc\;tk\ [tålin: te'] v complete rice harvest and tas¨ [ta su] v get ready
production [ ag] tatiu [ta do] n short distance

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 163

ta ª tihit\
tatiue®p;pX´ [ta do pye: bwE:] n sprint, short distance race oil [Engl] S YN Tc\; R¨;S^
taya [ta ya] n tyre (Br), tire (US) [Engl]
taTiu; [ta hto:] v measure with a pole marked off in ta tara [ta ya] n constellation, grouping of stars
(cubits) talpt\ [ta låba'] n waterproof canvas
— int [fig] interjection used to point out inequality, tal^ [ta li] n tally, record an amount [Engl]
equivalent to 'That's not fair' L I T : ‘Even out the value’ tal^K¥io; [ta li cho:] v tally, tally up, take a tally, add or
S YN eÂk;tm\;tiuk\ count up
taTXk\ [ta htwe'] v 1) starting line (of a race) 2) [fig] taluz [ta lu. za.] n palatal (sound in speech)
beginning of a project tawt˜qa [ta wådein dha] n [cosm] second of the six levels
tapt\kXc\; [ta ba' kwin:] n race track where nt\ (nats) or heavenly lords live
taRui; [ta yo:] n embankment, protective barrier to keep nt\®pv\e®Kak\Tp\
water from field, city, etc, dike, bund tawt˜qap´X [ta wådein dha pwE:] n festival of lights on
taRiu;spå; [ta yo; zAba;] n rice grown in paddy field [? cf the full-moon day of Thadingyut, to celebrate the
mountain rice] Buddha's return from tawt˜qa = ®mc\; miur\p´X
tarxv\ [ta she] v be long, be prolonged Ω natarxv\ ta;1 [ta:] v forbid, prohibit; bar, stop, check; prevent
chronic illness
ta;S^; [ta: hsi:] v obstruct, block, prevent
— n long run ta;®ms\ [ta: myi'] v forbid, prohibit
tarxv\KM [ta she khan] v be durable, last (for a long ta;wrm\; [ta: wåyan:] n [law] injunction, legal order
time) requiring or forbidding a certain act
talm\; [ta lan:] n road built on an embankment, ta;2 [ta:] v rule, draw (a line); delineate = qa;2
permanent road
ti [ti>] v trim, pare, cut off unwanted portions; make fine
talWt\ [ta hlu'] v start a race alterations, adjust Ω ' trim fingernails, pare fruit
taew [ta we] v delegate, assign duties tik¥ [ti> kya.] v be exact, be precise
taew; [ta we:] n long distance tik¥®pt\qa; [ti> kya. pya' tha:] v be explicit, say exactly
taew;Ae®p“pioc\pX´ [ta we: åpye byain bwE:] n marathon what one means; be succinct, say what is necessary, and
tawn\ [ta wun (win)] n duty, responsibility no more
tawn\k¥ [ta wun (win) kya.] v 1) be assigned to (a certain titi [ti> di>] part particle affixed to a noun to show that
duty, responsibility, etc) 2) be assigned to (work in a sthg is exactly the amount mentioned, exactly, no more
certain place) no less, on the nose (inf)
tawn\KM [ta wun (win) khan] n responsible person; person titiKt\ [ti> di> kha'] v measure the (straight-line)
on duty, duty officer, officer-in-charge distance between two points, (of distance between two
tawn\p¥k\ [ta wun (win) pye'] v be absent from work; geographical points) measure as the crow flies
neglect one's duty titipp [ti> di> pa. ba.] adv specifically
tawn\p´. [ta wun (win) bE.] adv irresponsibly titiriri [ti> di> yi> yi>] adv evenly
taqXa; [ta thwa:] v [fig] be effective — adj clean-cut (features, hair, etc)
ta2 [ta] v 1) speak or act endearingly, sweetly S YN Kra titilc\;lc\; [ti> di> lin: lin:] adv openly, frankly, candidly
CF et 2) prattle, babble, talk indistinctly, as a small
S YN pXc\.pXc\.lc\;lc\;' tv\.tv\.lc\; lc\;
tipi!k [ti> pi> tåka.]n Tipitika, the Buddhist teachings qut\'
ta3 [ta] v period of qÂkçn\ (water festival at the Myanmar winv\;' AbiDmµa S YN Dmµest^ [ bh]
new year) = Ata tipi!kDr [ti> pi> tåka. dåra.] n one who has memorised the
tasa; [ta sa:] v 1) ß(of birth) be on the last day of Tipitika [ bh]
qÂkçn\, bringing bad luck 2) [fig] fashionable, popular tibk\ [ti> be'] adj ∏Tibetan
— n ∏Tibet
taq”kçn\ [ta dhågyan] n qÂkçn\ water festival, Myanmar
tibk\®mn\ma [ti> be' myan ma] n Tibeto-Burman, branch of
new year
Sino-Tibetan language group including many languages
taAiu; [ta o:] n pot of seven flowers representing the
in South and Southeast Asia
days of the week, set out during qÂkçn\ to welcome the
new year
ti rsÍan\ [tårei' hsan] n animal CF qt†wå
taet [ta te] n fiendish person, wanton person ti rsÍan\eS;kuSrawn\ [tårei' hsan hse: ku. hsåya wun] n vet,
taetlM [ta te lan] adv extremely (bad, evil, cruel, etc) tirsÍan\emX;®møer; [tårei' hsan mwe: myu ye:] n animal
tapn [ta påna.] n [cosm] sixth of eight levels of the husbandry
principal purgatories CF cr´”k^;
tirsÍan\RuM [tårei' hsan yon] n zoo
taepÅlc\ [ta paw lin] n tarpaulin, tarp, waterproof sheeting tirsÍan\Uy¥U\ [tårei' hsan u. yin] n zoo, zoological gardens
tihit\ [ti> hei'] n [Buddh] three sources of merit: absense of
tapc\tiuc\ [ta pin tain] n turpentine, solvent made from pine greed, absence of anger, absence of ignorance [ bh]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 164

t^ ª t¨;
t^1 [ti] v clear virgin land for farming CF ya swidden tu“pioc\ [tu. pyain] v contend (with), rival
farming; ly\ wet rice farming; kiuc\; silt island cultivation RF AtuKiu; [Atu. kho;] v pirate, copy (illegally)
t^k¥c\;. tu%ixeBa [ton ni> baw:] n self-imposed silence, (state of
— n 1) (earth)worm RF t^ekac\. 2) direct descendent being in) silence [ bh]
of the fourth generation, great great grandchild (illus at turc\ [du. yin] n ornament standing at the corners of a
mi tha: zu. or hswe zin myo: ze') ®paqad\ (tiered roof) (illus)
t^ekc\ [ti kaung] n (earth)worm tuRiu%\ [tu. rain] n 1) ornamental gateway (illus)
t^k¥c\; [ti kyin:] v clear virgin land for farming 2) commemorative pillars placed beside a gate in a
t^k¥s\sa [ti kyi' sa] n wormcast, cast, worm manure palace or town wall
valued as fertilizer tuqita [to' thi> ta] n [cosm] fourth of the six levels where
t^TXc\ [ti htwin] v invent nt\ (nats) or heavenly lords live CF nt\®pv\e®Kak\Tp\
t^TXc\q¨ [ti htwin dhu] n inventor t¨1 [tu] v be the same; be alike, resemble
t^2 [ti] v behave endearingly, sweetly, coax S YN Kra' ta t¨v^ [tu nyi] v 1) be the same, be equivalent, be equal
Ω d^ tMSip\n´Ï hiu tMSip\ Arv\ AeqX; t¨ v^påty\" The two
t^t^tatae®pa [ti di ta da pyaw:] v talk endearingly, brands are equal quality. 2) become equal
sweetly, coax; (of small children) prattle, babble t¨v^wt\sMu [tu nyi wu' son] n uniform
t^t^TXt\ [ti di tu'] n red-wattled lapwing = ts\t^t¨; t¨t¨tn\tn\ [tu du tan dan] adv of equal social status, at
t^3 [ti] pron Óinterrogative pronoun, equivalent to the same level CF mt¨mtn\
where, how, when, etc = By\ t¨R¨ [tu yu] adv straight ahead, facing
t^B^ [ti bi] n TB, tuberculosis [Engl] CF eK¥ac\;Siu;eqX;på mt¨mtn\ [tu du tan dan] adv of unequal social status, not
t^b^X [ti bi] n TV, television, telly (inf), tube (inf) [Engl] at the same level S YN mtn\mra CF t¨t¨tn\tn\
S YN ty\l^b^; rxc\;' Rup\® mc\qMÂka; t¨2 [tu] n nephew
t^;1 [ti:] v œ1) play (musical instrument) RF t^;Kt\. [ ms] t¨m⁄ [tu ma.] n niece
2) beat, strike (drum, gong, etc) 3) honk, sound (horn t¨wr^; [tu wåyi:] n 1) relationship between aunts/uncles
of a car, bus, etc) CF hXn\; horn and nieces/nephews 2) an aunt or uncle with a niece or
t^;kXk\ [ti: gwe'] n œmusical style (of a player) nephew
t^;eKåk\Âkv\. [ti: khau' kyi>] v [fig] sound sthg out, try out t¨Ar^; [tu åyi:] n 1) relationship between aunts/uncles
an idea and nieces/nephews 2) an aunt or uncle with a niece or
t^;Kt\ [ti: kha'] v œplay (string instrument) [ ms] nephew
t^;®pa [ti: pya] v winnow, remove chaff from rice, etc by t¨3 [tu] n hammer
tossing in a tray = ®pat^; t¨mŸ [tu ma.] n heavy hammerlike tool, mallet,
t^;mieKåk\mi [ti: mi> khau' mi>] v [fig] know a little about sledgehammer
sthg, be a dilettante t¨m^;eqnt\ [tu mi: thåna'] n percussion-lock firearm
t^;mOt\ [ti: hmo'] v œplay (wind instrument), blow (sl) t¨4 [tu] n chopsticks (illlus)
t^;lMu; [ti: lon:] n œtune or melody (without singing), t¨5 [tu] n ßLibra, seventh sign in the zodiac CF raq^Rup\
t^;wiuc\; [ti: wain:] n œensemble, musical troupe; band t¨t¨pun\; [tu du pon:] v play hide-and-seek CF t¨“p^' t¨t¨erwå;
Ω kalepÅ-t^;wiuc\; contemporary band t¨t¨pun\;tm\; [tu du pon: tan;] n hide-and-seek
At^;AmOt\ [Ati; Ahmo'] n œ(instrumental) music t¨“p^ [tu bi] exp word called out by hide-and-seek players
Ω At^;AmO t\Nxc\. tkX with musical accompaniment, with when they have hidden CF t¨¨t¨pun\;
music t¨rk^ [tu rAki] n 1) ∏Turkey 2) Turk [? check]
t^;2 [ti:] n tea [Engl] — adj Turkish
t^;tiu;e®pa [ti: do: pyaw:] v 1) whisper, talk in low tones, talk t¨riya [tu ri> ya] n œ(musical) instrument sv\m¥io; (13)på; 13
under one's breath 2) [fig] talk behind sb's back drums; eÂk;m¥io; (10)på; 10 brasses; tMpiu; (8)på; 8 hourns;
tu [tu.] v 1) imitate 2) be like, rival, contend with 3) be A“cim\.m¥io; (6)på; six anyeint inststruments Musical
artificial, be synthetic; be faux; be prosthetic; be ersatz, instruments are divided into four kinds: [ ms]
be imitation Ω e®Ktu artificial leg, prosthetic leg, t¨t¨erwå; [tu tu ye wa;] n peek-a-boo
prosthesis; Ω Dat\S^tu synthetic fuel; Ω Aqa;tu imitation
t¨n^;rxa; [tu ni; sha;] n ∏Tunisia [ cr]
meat CF Asa;Tiu; 4) be imitation, be false, be fake, be
— n&adj Tunisian
counterfeit (esp money) Ω ecXtu counterfeit money A NT ss\
tuNOic\; [tu. hnain:] v copy, try to be like, compete (with, t¨;1 [tu:] v dig
on the basis of)
t¨;ePa\ [tu: hpaw] v dig up, excavate
tuNOic\;mm^ [tu. hnain: måhmi] v be beyond compare, be t¨;e®mac\; [tu: myaung:] n 1) ditch 2) canal
Ω s¨; Ak\ t¨;e®mac\; Suez Canal
incomparable; be unreachable
tup [tu. pa.] v 1) imitate 2) be like, contend with t¨;rXc\; [tåywin:] n 1) hoe, grubbing hoe (illus) 2) a
crowbar-like digging tool

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 165

t¨; ª eta
t¨;2 [tu:] v be burned, be scorched, be marked by fire et;qMqXc\; [te: than dhwin:] n recording studio
t¨;K¥s\ [tu: chi'] v burnt black et;qXa; [te: dhwa:] n œtune, melody (of a song)
t¨;t¨;Kå;Kå; [tu: du: kha: ga:] adv [fig] extremely t´1 [tE:] n small contruction using bamboo or other
et1 [te] v 1) beat, pound regularly 2) pound or knead temporary building materials: hut, shack (for living in or
thoroughly temporary shelter); shed (for keeping tools, etc in);
eteS; [te ze:] n herbal tonic booth, stall (for selling things) CF rXk\P¥c\t´ tent' biul\t´
etqa;epqa;r [te dha: pe dha: ya.] v be seasoned, be
used to hard conditions t´kup\ [tE: go'] n hut, shack S YN t´put
et2 [te] v be unruly, be undisciplined, lack restraint t´Tiu; [tE: hto:] v build (hut, shed, booth, etc), pitch
etel [te le] n vagabond, sb who roves from place to (tent) A NT P¥k\ strike (tent)
place t´put\ [tE: bo'] n hut, shack S YN t´kup\
etz' etza [te za., te za] n 1) power, might; authority t´rxc\ [tE: shin] n covered litter or stretcher (illus)
(especially of royalty) CF Bun\;tn\Kiu;' Aa%a 2) potency t´AuM [tE: on] n temporary hut
S YN AsXm\; t´2 [tE:] v continue to exist = tv\;
etzl¨cy\ [te za. lu ng E] n ÓTeza Youth Group, t´t´ [tE: tE:] adv nearly, almost, on the verge (of), on the
children's group formed by the Burma Socialist brink (of) Ω ”kio;k ehac\;lXn\;“p^; ®pt\PiuÏ
Programme Party, named after General Aung San's nom t´t´el;p´liueta.ty\" This rope too old, and almost
di:de di:guerre broken.
eteza [te zaw:] n 1) heat, fire (as one of the four elements tv\;kªktv\;k [dE; ga.] part since Ω A´d^tv\;k since
CF Dat\” k^;el;på;' m^; 2) fire then
eteza\ [te zaw] zaw 1) fire 2) power, might; authority; t´1. [tE.] part adjective-forming particle, that = eqa' qv\.
potency; glory = etz
etmi [te mi>] n [fig] person of very few words, quiet person t´2. [tE.] part [colloq] particle suffixed to indicate
reported speech
etmizat\ [te mi> za']n first of the great jatakas (jataka t´3. [tE.] v 1) be straight S YN e®Pac\.; A NT ekak\ 2) (of
538), in which the future Buddha was silent for his people) be compatible, get on together; agree; be on
whole life = etmiyzat\ CF zat\”k^;Sy\BX´ good terms = tv\.
etlg¨ [te la. gu] n Telugu, Telegu, Telingana, people and t´.t´.tiu; [tE. tE. to:] v meet directly, experience, run into,
language of a Dravidian people from southeastern and bump into (inf) Ω ek¥ac\; ls\ påty\Siumx
central India ek¥ac\;Aup\”k^; n´Ït´.t´.tiu; ty\" I was skipping school, but I ran
etqM [te dhan] n one of the seven basic notes in traditional into the headmaster.
music, note between et¥aqM and ? CF AqM [ ms] t´.tiu; [tE. to:] adv (speak) frankly, directly, flat out;
(work) steadily Ω t´.tiu;e®pa
et. [te.] v to place two things edge-to-edge, so they just eta1 [taw:] n 1) forest, jungle, woods 2) country(side),
meet rural area 3) assembly, crowd (of people, ideas, objects,\Siuc\ [te. de. hsain zain] adv face-to-face; down etc) 4) evil spirit, evil influence
to business etaksa; [taw: gåza:] v Óto go on a royal hunt
et.®Pot\ [te. hpyo'] v 1) shoot point blank, shoot from a etaekac\ [taw: gaung] n 1) wild animal of the forest
very short distance 2) [fig] act at the last possible 2) [fig] tiger, evil spirit
moment etak¥ [taw: kya.] v 1) be far from the city, be deep in
et.lX´lX´ [te. lwE: lwE:] v have a near miss, miss narrowly the countryside, be in the sticks, be in the boondocks
(Am) 2) [derog] be a simpleton, be an oaf, be a lout, be
et;1 [te:]v 1) hold a grudge Ω et;Ta; 2) note, remember, a boor 3) [derog] be a rube, be a rustic, be a hillbilly
make a mental note 3) jot down, note (sthg) down (Am), be a country bumpkin (inf)
etak¥Sv\ [taw: gya. hsE] n large fishing screen set
et;2 [te:] n œsong CF q^K¥c\; [ ms] [? how different?] across creeks and runoff from lakes or fields at the end
et;Tp\ [te: da'] n form of lyrical poetry popular in the of the rainy season = miu;eNxac\;Sv\
late Konbaung era, with 18 lines and multiple rhymes etak¥^;kn\; [taw: kyi: gan:] n raven, rook = k¥^;A
[ wr] eta”k^;m¥k\mv\; [taw: kyi: mye' mE:] n dense forest, deep
et;PX´> [te: hpwE.] v œcompose a song jungle
et;er; [te: ye:] n songwriter, lyricist [ wr] eta”k^;e®mXehak\ [taw: gyi: mwe hau'] n king cobra,
et;q^K¥c\; [te: dhåchin:] n œsong hamadryad
et;qM [te: dhan] n œ(sound of) music etaÂkk\ [taw: gye'] n red junglefowl
et;qMrxc\ [te: than shin] n œsinger, vocalist S YN ASiueta\ etaeÂkac\ [taw: gyaung] n 1) wild cat 2) [fig] bandit,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 166

eta ª eta.
etaÂkm\; [taw: kyan:] v 1) have many wild animals 2) (of correct]
forest) be haunted by evil spirits etamxa; [taw: hma:] v be attacked by a tiger in the forest
etakÁM [taw: kyun] v be lost in the forest
etakÁm\; [taw: kyun:] v know the ways of the forest etaemxak\ [taw: hmau'] v (while hunting) shoot a
etaKiu [taw: kho] v 1) go underground, rebel [ pe] 2) go person by mistake
into the forest for refuge or seclusion etarek¥ac\; [taw: ya. gyaung:] n ‹monastery far from
etaeKåc\eKåc\ [taw; khaung gaung] n 1) middle of the the nearest town [ bh]
forest, jungle, etc 2) boondocks (Am), boonies (Am), etarm\;py\PX´> [taw: yan: pE hpwE.] adv conjecturally;
the sticks (Am) haphazardly
etaeKåc\; [taw: gaung:] n (forest) ranger, official etarm\;my\PX´> [taw: yan: mE hpwE.] adv conjecturally;
responsible for a large area of forest haphazardly
etaKut\ [taw: kho'] v clear underbrush, clear land (of etarXa [taw: ywa] n small village, hamlet
trees, etc) etala; [taw: la:] n 1) description of nature 2) form of
etaK¥k\K¥k\ [taw: kye' che'] v cook simple food lyric poetry describing a forest journey [ wr]
S YN rXaK¥k\K¥k\ etaliuk\ [taw: lai'] v go on a big game hunt
etae®Kak\ [taw: chau'] v 1) beat bushes (to drive out S YN etalv\
game for a hunt) 2) hallucinate (in a forest) etaliuk\eKX; [taw: lai' khwe:] n hunting dog, hound
etae®Kak\qma; [taw: chau' thåma:] n beater CF Am´liuk\eKX;
etaeKX; [taw: gwe:] n wild dog etaliuk\AMupå [taw: lai' on ba] adv according to rural
etasa [taw: za] n 1) parts of a tree not useful for custom, country style
lumber 2) flaw (in gem) 3) inferior variety of mango etalv\ [taw: lE] v go on a big game hunt
etasiu;qs\pc\ [taw: zo: thi' pin] n 1) spirit tree, tree S YNetaliuk\
inhabited by spirit 2) tree which bears fruit, but etawk\ [taw: we'] n wild boar (illus)
apparently has no flowers etawc\ [taw: win] v 1) go into the forest to become a
etasit\wc\ [taw: sei' win] v become feral, go back to the hermit CF req. 2) (of certain plants) revert to the wild
wild state CF domesticate 3) be possessed by a forest spirit
etatk\ [taw: te'] v go into the forest (to collect etaqa; [taw: dha:] n 1) rustic, country person; yokel
firewood, bamboo, rattan, etc) (derog), rube (derog) 2) wild animal, tiger
etatiuc\ [taw: tain] v inform the spirits of a graveyard etaq¨etac\qa; [taw: dhu taung dha:] n country folk,
before burying a body country people
etatn\; [daw; dan;] n woods [? put in?] etaArk\ [taw: åye'] n homemade spirits, moonshine
etaT [taw: hta.] v be overgrown with bushes and small (Am)
trees etaAup\ [taw: o'] n 1) forester, junior officer for forest
etaTiuc\ [taw: htain] v go into the forest to relieve conservation 2) dense forest
oneself eta2 [taw;] v œplay an interlude or an instrumental
etaTut\ [taw: hto'] v drive away evil spirits by making introduction before a song
noise Aeta [Ataw;] n œinterlude, piece of music between
etaTXk\ [taw: htwe'] [taw: dwe'] v go to live in the forest other songs or movements
as a recluse, hermit eta.1 [taw.] v toss sthg repeatedly into the air
— n person who has entered the Sanga late in life eta.t^;eta.t [taw. di: taw. da.] adv 1) (talk) with a lisp
CF cy\®Pø 2) toddle, walk with an uncertain step, like a young
etank\ [taw: ne'] n dense forest, deep jungle child
— v (of a forest, jungle, etc) be dense, be deep; (of a eta.2 [taw.] part verb suffix indicating finality; suffixed to
place) be deep inside a forest negated verbs to express finality; no more, no longer,
etanc\; [taw: nin:] v comb a forest to find people hiding not any more Ω ®Ps\eseta." So be it. Ω miu;K¥op\en“p^;"
there eZ;kiumqXa;eta.B¨;" It is late; I won't go to the market after
etaps\ [taw: byi'] n shoot, hunt all. 2) verb suffix similar to nearly, almost, about to
etapun\; [taw: bon:] n outlaws hiding in the forest Ω Ai p\e ta. my\" I'm going to bed. Ω e®Kak\ kiu erak\e ta. my\"
etaPit\enÏ [taw: bei' ne.] n day before APit\enÏ (sabbath We're about to arrive in Chauk.
eve) CF APit\enÏ' Upuq\ [ bh] eta.3 [taw.] part 1) when, at the time (in the future)
etaB´ [taw: bE:] n wild duck; white-winged duck Ω By\ eta.“p^ ml´" When will you finish? CF tuM; 2) because,
S YN since, as Ω Aekac\;sa mhut\eta. mwy\K´.B¨;" Because it
etam^; [taw: mi:] n forest fire Ω etam^;elac\ etaeÂkac\ wasn't good quality, I didn't buy it. CF Siueta. 3) infix
lk\pn\;epåk\K t\" When there is a forest fire, the jungle cat between repeated verbs to qualify an agreement.
.......... in anticipation. [? check -- add le' pan; if Ω lx eta.-lxty\" An^ erac\ha elak\e ta. mlx B¨;" It's
pretty, but not as pretty as the red one. [? def 3 new

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 167

eta. ª tM
kyaw] king ewœN|ra after he had to step down from the
eta.Kå [taw. kha] part because, since throne because of his extreme charity; qm±ø l, famed for
eta.4 [taw. (daw.)] part 1) but, however Ω {emac\siu;mc\;qila;"} loyalty to her husband the leper prince eqatÊiqn
{metX>P¨; B¨;' Âka;eta.Âka;P¨;ty\"} “Do you know Maung eta\lv\; [taw lE:] v (of earthquake) rumble
Soe Min?” “I haven't met him, but I've heard of him.” eta\lv\;qM [taw lE: dhan] n rumble of an earthquake
Ω d^edqmxa; cx k\P¥a;-rxie ta. rxity\" rxa;taepåÏ" There is malaria eta\lxn\ [taw hlan] v rebel, revolt, resist [? really
in this area, but it is rare. [? example ok?] 2) at least, as resist?]
for Ω kÁn\mketa. ts\KåetX>P¨;ty\" As for me, I met him eta\lxn\er; [taw hlan ye:] n 1) revolution Ω ' industrial
once before. revolution 2) resistance Ω ' resistance to colonialism
eta\ [taw] v 1) be enough, be sufficient, suffice; fit, be 3) insurgency [ pe]
proper, be suitable L I T : ‘The fit survive, the unfit die.’ eta\lxn\er;ekac\s^ [taw hlan ye; kaung si] n
Ω eta\ q¨e n meta\ q¨eq" survival of the fittest 2) be ∏ÓRevolutionary Council, ruling group from 1962–74
related Ω eta\qla;" Are you related? Ω {By\liueta\l´"}
“How are you related?” {kÁn\mtiuÏ v^Amliu eta\ty\"˘˘ ”We eta\lxn\er;enÏ [taw hlan ye: ne.] n Resistance Day, March
are sisters.” RF eta\sp\. 3) be clever, be good at, be 27 (now Armed Forces Day) tp\meta\enÏ
skillful 4) stop, halt eta\lxn\er;qma; [taw hlan ye: dhåma:] n revolutionary,
— part 1) affix used to show reverence, power, insurgent, rebel CF eqac\;k¥n\; q¨' q¨pun\ [? check
sacredness, royalty 2) ƒ yes S YN rxc\ CF b¥a; differences]
— n rumble, loud low noise (as of thunder, tanks, eta\wc\ [taw win] v royal; fit for royalty
earthquake, etc) 2) Ófirst of five blocks of seats which eta\wc\miqa;su [taw win mi> tha: zu.] n royal family CF mc\;
courtiers attending a royal audience are assigned to eta\qliuel¥a\qliu [taw thålo yaw thålo] adv casually;
hastily and carelessly
— pron ƒ you eta\qlc\; [taw dhålin:] n Tawthalin, sixth month of the
eta\kak¥ [taw ga kya.] v be just about right lunar year, having 30 days and falling in September–
S YN tn\ kak¥ October CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^
eta\kael¥a\ka [taw ga yaw ga] adv haphazardly, eta\eAac\el¥a\eAac\ [taw aung yaw aung] adv casually,
sloppily cavalierly, as though not serious; slapdash, without
eta\sp\ [taw sa'] v be related proper care
eta\sXera\sX [taw zwa. yaw zwa.] adv casually; average eta\p^diu [taw pi do] n torpedo [Engl]
eta\eta\ [taw daw] adv 1) moderately, pretty, fairly eta\P^ [taw hpi] n toffee, taffy (Am) [Engl]
2) quite, rather eta\m^gn\; [taw mi gan:] n tommy gun, Thompson submachine
eta\eta\tn\tn\ [taw daw tan dan] adv somewhat, to a gun [Engl]
certain extent or degree eta\renac\ [taw yånaung] n type of decorative carving used
eta\tv\. [taw tE.] adj upright, straightforward on thrones and in architecture (illus)
eta\tv\.mxn\kn\ [taw tE. hman kan] v be fair, be just tM1 [tan] n rod, stick (often used in combinations)
— adj fair, just Ω spu t\tM spoke [ ph]
eta\enra [daw ne ya] n first of five block of seats tMk¨ [dågu] n 1) rib (of a boat) 2) wooden rim of a
assigned to courtiers for royal audiences S YN d¨;enra cartwheel S YN AkXp\
eta\e®Pac\. [taw hpyaung.] adj honest, straightforward tMekak\ekX; [dågau' kwe:] n back of the knee
eta\riel¥a\ri [taw yi> yaw yi>] adv haphazardly, sloppily tMk¥c\ [dågyin] n 1) bolt (for door) 2) skewer, stake, etc
S YN eta\kael¥a\ka used for piercing 3) small instrument used to clean the
eta\RuMtn\RuM [taw yon tan yon] adv reasonably, moderately, reed of the Nx´ (traditional wind instrument)
within reason, in moderation Ω Tmc\; sa;ta eta\RuMtn\RuMp´ tMK¥ø [dågyu] n forked pole used to harvest fruit and
sa;på" Am¥a;”k^; sa;rc\ mekac\;B¨;" You should eat flowers from trees (illus)
moderately. It's not good to eat too much. tMs¨;wå; [dåzu: wa:] n sharpened bamboo pole used
— adj plain, ordinary, average Ω eta\RuMtn\RuMAwt\ during cremation = tMRØ;wå;
ordinary clothes, plain clothes tMsiuÏ [dåzo.] n spit, skewer, rod used to hold food over a
eta\el;w [taw le: wa.] n four feminine paragons, wives fire
of the Bodhisattva during previous lifes: Amra, queen tMsU\ [dåzin] n sickle
famous for her acute mind, courage, and integrity, who tMsU\; [dåzin:] n file (illus)
was married to the wise warrior king meha\qDa; sN»kiN~ri tMsv\; [dåzi:] n adze, tool used for shaping wood (illus)
(cf kiN~ra), known for her fidelity to her husband
sN»kiN~ra (cf kiN~ra), even after king ®bhµdt\ killed her tMvHp\ [dåhnya'] n split bamboo used to grill fish
husband to make her his queen; md^»edw^, known for tMetac\ [dådaung] n elbow
duteousness as she shared the sufferings of her husband tMetac\Ss\ [dådaung zi'] n elbow joint

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 168

tM ª tiukc\
tMetac\Ss\K¥io; [dådaung zi' cho:] n sharp turn, hairpin monasteries, pagoda compounds) (illus)
turn tMKXn\lMu; [dågun lon:] n tubular pennant used in Buddhist
tMp¨ [dåbu] n frayed twig, used to clean the teeth = dn\p¨ monasteries Ω tMKXn\lMu; qXc\ hoist a tMKXn\lMu; (illus)
(illus) tMKXn\lWa; [dågun hlwa:] v 1) raise pennant 2) write -\
tMp¨sa; [dåbu sa:] v clean one's teeth with a tMp¨ tMcå [tånga] n fisherman
tMpiu;⁄ [dåbo:] n horn (wind instrument) CF t¨riya [ ms] tMcåkXn\tiuc\ [tånga kun dain] n ©Southern Cross
tMpXt\ [dåbu'] n metal housing for the Nx´ (traditional constellation
wind instrument) tMcåtara [tånga ta ya] n ©Hercules constellation
tMP¥a [dåbya] n switch, long thin stick used to drive tMsiu; [dåzo:] n bribe CF lB\
draught animals tMsiu;ep;®Kc\; [dåzo: pe: gyin:] n bribery
tMm¥U\;”kio; [tåmyin: gyo:] n string used to mark a line tMsiu;lk\eSac\ [dåzo: le' hsaung] n present used to bribe
tM®mk\sv\; [dåbye' si:] n broom CF lxv\; sweep
tM®mk\lxv\; [dåbye' hlE:] n sweeper tMsk\“mit\ [dåze' mei'] n eaves, overhanging edge of roof
tM®mWa [tan hmwa] n trumpet used in ancient times, with (illus)
two tubes tMta; [dåda:] n bridge Ω ebatM ta; pontoon bridge
tMrxø;wå; [tan shu: (dåzu:) wa:] n sharpened bamboo pole Ω lW´ tMta; rope bridge Ω yay^ tMta;Tiu; Ta;ty\" They've
used in cremation = tMs¨; wå; built a temporary bridge. CW sc\; [ ph]
tMrxv\ [tan shi] n trumpet used in ancient times, with a tMta;rxc\ [dåda: shin] n drawbridge, collapsible bridge
long stem [ ph]
tM2 [tan] n 1) Óaccumulation, total 2) elephant with a tMetX; [dådwe: (zådwe:)] n saliva, spit [ ph]
single, short tusk tMetX;KXk\pk\lk\em¥a [dådwe: (zådwe:) gwe' pe' le'
tMk´ [dågE:] n throne's highly ornamented backrest (illus) myaw:] n [fig] become laughingstock, become object of
derision [ ph]
tMKå; [dåga:] n 1) gate; door; 2) window(pane) [ ph] tMpiu;Ÿ [dåbo:] n wave, swell [ ph]
tMKå;k¥c\ [dågågyin] n bar, bolt (of door) S YN kn\>ln\> tM®pk\ [tan pye'] n mountain stream
tMKå;KuM [dågåkhon] n threshold tMlxp\ [tan hla'] n mirage, an optical phenomenon that
tMKå;epåk\ [dågåpau'] n doorway, opening of a door; creates the illusion of water, often with inverted
gateway reflections of distant objects, resulting from distortion
tMKå;epåc\ [dågåbaung] n door frame, door jamb of light by alternate layers of hot and cool air = tMlYp\
tMKå;pit\eSX;eNX;pX´ [dåga; pei' hswe; nwe; bwE;] n
confidential talk, closed-door discussion tMel¥ak\ [dåyau'] n gutter = ertMelYak\ (illus)
tMKå;m [dågåma.] n front door, main door tMlYp\ n mirage, an optical phenomenon that creates
tMKå;mrxiDå;mrxi [dåga: måshi> da: måshi>] adv unrestricted the illusion of water, often with inverted reflections of
access; with standing invitation distant objects, resulting from distortion of light by
tMKå;rXk\ [dågåywe'] n door, leaf or fold of door alternate layers of hot and cool air
tMSip\ [dåzei'] n 1) brand, trademark 2) stamp, seal tiu [to] v 1) be short (in length, time, patience, etc), be
Ω tM Sip\Nxip\ stamp, put a seal on 3) medal, badge; emblem brief A NT rxv\ CF nim\. low; pu short 2) be curt, be terse, be
CF Amx t\tMSi p\' BX´> tM Si p\ medal of honour 4) label [ ph] abrupt in speech 3) be stingy, be mean RF tiuTXa.
tMSip\kp\ [dAzei' ka'] v 1) label; put a label on 2) [fig] tiusitiusi [to zi> to zi>] adv as notes; a little here, a little
label as Ω kXn\®møns\tMSip\kp\ label as a Communist there
CF BX´>tMSip\Sk\kp\ tiutiuetac\;etac\; [to do taung: daung:] adv briefly; curtly
tMSip\eKåc\; [dåzei' gaung:] n (postage) stamp; (tax)
stamp tiutiutut\tut\ [to do to' to'] adv concisely, briefly,
tMSip\tMu; [dåzei' ton:] n seal (illus) succintly
tMtc\; [tan din:] n [arch] box tiutiuTXaTXa [to to htwa dwa] n odds and ends,
tMtiuc\; [dådain:] n wall (around compound, etc) miscellaneous items
tM3 [tan] n liquid, water tiutiurxc\;rxc\; [to to shin; shin;] adv succinctly
tMKXn\ [dågun] n 1) pennant, tapering or triangular flag tiuetac\; [to daung:] v 1) be short (in time, patience,
especially used for identification, signal, during height, etc), be brief 2) be curt, be terse, be abrupt (in
Buddhist festivals, or to symbolise championship (illus) speech) 3) be stingy, be mean
2) [orth] _\ symbol S YN Aqt\ tiuTXa [to htwa] v be miserly, be stingy, be mean
tMKXn\siuk\ [dågun sai'] v 1) win a championship, become tiunMÏnMÏ [to nan. nan.] adv rather short (in length)
a champion 2) [fig] be superior to all others in a field tiuerrxa;er [to ye sha: ye] adv (buy sthg) with difficulty
and expense (because scarce)
tMKXn\tiuc\ [dågun dain] n flagpole, flagstaff (in tiukc\ [to kin] n token [Engl]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 169

tiugiu ª tk\
tiugiu [to go] n ∏Togo [ cr] tui;lYio; [do: yo] adv straight through
— n&adj Togoan [? check adj] tiu;lYioepåk\ [to: yo bau'] adv straight through
tiuerx [to she] n dosa, Indian rice pancake snack tiu;lYio; [to: sho: (hlåyo:)] v crawl
tiul^miul^ [to li mo li] n odds and ends, bits and pieces; this tiu;lYio;etac\;pn\ [to: sho: taung: ban] v humbly beg
and that, miscellaneous items, errands, etc Ω min\m forgiveness, apologise abjectly
eB;Kn\; T´mxa tiul^miul^ kel;etX lun\entak mqimqa tiu;ewx> [to: hwe.] v 1) jostle; push 2) butt, rub, nuzzle [?
lxm\;Âkv\.ty\" As my wife was doing this and that in the new 2 kyaw]
next room, she kept stealing glances (at what I was doing). tiu;2 [to:] v 1) (of sound volume) lower, decrease 2) (of
= tiu l^mut\s [? ok?] sound) be faint, be soft 3) ™steal, nick (Br), pinch,
tiul^mut\s [to li mo' sa.] n odds and ends, miscellaneous items filch, pilfer, swipe (Am) S YN Kiu;' e®Pac\' ls\
= tiul^miul^ tiu;tiu;ki¥t\k¥it\ [to: do: kyei' kyei'] adv quietly; secretly
tiuh¨; [to hu:] n Shan tofu, made of yellow beans tiu;tiu;tit\tit\ [to: to: tei' tei'] adv quietly; secretly;
tiuÏ1 [to.] v 1) touch lightly; dab (with brush, paint, etc); sneakily, on the sly
goad (draught animal) 2) jot down, note 3) dip (in tiu;tiu;ePa\ [to: do: baw] n person to whom one tells one's
sauce, etc) 4) (secretly) provoke, instigate, incite secrets or private matters, confidant (µ or ƒ), ƒ
tiuÏknn\;Sit\knn\; [to. gånan: hsei' gånan:] adv a little, confidante
moderately; sparingly tiu;tiu;qa; [to: do: dha:] n black market meat
tiuÏkapc\.ka [to. ga pin. ga] adv (eat) sparingly; moderately tiu;tiu;qk\qa [to: do: the' tha] adv quietly, softly, gently
tiuÏKt\ [to. kha'] v œpluck softly (string instrument) [ ms]
tiu;3 [to:] n mythical animal of the Himalayan region [?
tiuÏsra [to. zåya] n vegetables for dipping in cå;pirv\ (fish need more detail, look in music dic]
paste sauce) S YN AtiuÏA®mHop\ tiu;nra; [to: nåya:] n Chinese dragon (illus)
tiuÏtiuÏtiti [to. do. ti> do.] n 1) odds and ends 2) a little tiu;liu;tn\;ln\; [to: lo: tan: lan:] adv in an incompleted,
tiuÏPt\ [to ba'] n powder puff unfinished state
tiuÏm^;ROi>m^; [to. mi: sho. mi:] n [fig] provocation, instigation, tiu;liu;tX´elac\; [to: lo: twE: laung:] adv with (sthg) trailing,
incitement dangling, hanging; with (children, hangers on,
AtiuÏA®mHop\ [Ato. Ahmyo'] n vegetables for dipping in followers, etc) in tow, tagging along
cå;pirv\ (fish paste sauce) S YN tiuÏsra tk\1 [te'] v 1) climb (up), scale; rise, ascend; fly, soar
tiuÏ2 [do.] pron 1) first person pronoun, singular or plural, Ω etac\ tk\ A NT k¥ 2) advance; increase Ω tiu; tk\ 3) go
I, we 2) first person possessive, singular or plural, my, to (school, work, etc, attend (school, class, etc)
our = diuÏ Ω ek¥ac\;tk\ go to school A NT Sc\; 4) get into, get onto,
— part 1) particle suffixed to nouns to denote a group board, mount Ω ka;epÅtk\ get into the car A NT Sc\; 5) be
of persons or things 2) particle suffixed to some verbs covered with, become coated with, have on, be laden
for euphony with Ω mOitk\' Pun\tk\ 6) be infested with, have (pest) in
tiuÏts\etX [do. dådwe] pron we, us Ω pu rXk\Sit\tk\ 7) improve (skill), be better at 8) (of
— part particle suffixed to nouns or pronouns to denote appeal, claim, etc) make, put up 9) occupy, come in,
a group of people come up Ω “mio>tk\ occupy the city
tiuÏm¥a; [do. mya:] pron [colloq] I, we, first person tk\kp\ [te' ka'] n 1) era when the human life span
pronoun, singular or plural = diuÏ m¥a; increases from ten years to an infinite length of time
2) age of progress A NT Sut\kp\ = tk\eKt\
tiuÏ3 [to.] n 1) unit of dry measure equal to four tc\; (160
litres) 2) basket with a capacity of one tiuÏ tk\ÂkX [te' kywa.] v be enthusiastic; be active
tiu;1 [to:] v 1) push, shove, jostle 2) advance, move tk\eKt\ [te' khi'] n age of progress [ pe]
forward, move up, go further Ω erx>tiu; move up 3) run tk\eZ; [te' ze:] n rising prices
across (sb, sthg) 4) increase, grow, rise tk\en [te' ne] n rising sun, morning sun
tiu;”kit\ [to: kyei'] v jostle, bump against tk\P¥a;k¥P¥a; [te' hpya: kya. bya:] n intermittent fever,
tiu;K¥´> [to: chE.] v get larger, enlarge, expand cyclical fever
tiu;K¥´>AeSak\AAMu [to: chE. åhsau' åon] n [architecture] tk\erak\ [te' yau'] v attend, go to (meeting, etc)
annex, extension, wing tk\l¨ [te' lu] n youth, rising generation CF k¥l¨
tiu;sra [to; sAya] n fresh vegetables to be dipped in cå;pi tk\lm\; [te' lan:] n prospects, way to advancement
(fishpaste) and eaten with meals [? doesn't this belong tk\lxm\; [te' hlan:] v try to reach a higher level, try to
here?] improve oneself, strive
tiu;tk\ [to: te'] v improve; progress; develop; advance tk\qM [te' than] n low tone (i.e., -a, e-) S YN MqMlXc\
tiu;pXa; [to: bwa:] v prosper; thrive; proliferate, increase CF AqM
(in number or size), multiply tk\qs\s [te' thi' sa.] adj 1) emerging (market) 2) up-
tiu;®mHc\. [to: hmyin.] v promote; raise; escalate and-coming (person)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 170

tk\ ª tiuk\
tk\2 [te'] v 1) have fits RF tk\K¥k\. 2) (of muscles) feel etak\3 [tau']
v 1) flick, hit with a light, quick blow
tense, ache 2) sprinkle water (with fingers, leaves, etc dipped in
tk\K¥k\ [te' che'] v have fits water) 3) sound (out) (sb's view, etc) 4) be eaten (by
tk\sa [te' sa] n food which causes drowsiness moths) Ω pui;etak\
CF qk\ sa etak\mSit\ [tau' måhsei'] n mantis prawn
tk\3 [te'] n ∑oar, paddle (for propelling boat) (illus) etak\elYak\ [dau' shau'] adv 1) non-stop,
tk\kun\lk\kun\ [te' kon le' kon] adv [fig] with all one's continuously, in a row 2) straight, directly
strength, giving it one's all, sparing no effort, with all etak\4 [tau'] v 1) the sound of a tongue click (expressing
one's might S YN m^; kun\ym\; kun\ disapproval) CF tk\eKåk\' etak\eKåk\ 2) (of deer) cry
tk\\es. [te' se. le' se.] adv [fig] with everyone
doing his part; with all having their share etak\eKåk\ [tau' khau'] v click the tongue, cluck (to
tk\sX´ [te' swE:] n ∑oarsman in a racing boat show disapproval) = tk\eKåk\
tk\v^lk\v^ [te' nyi le' kyi] adv all together, in unison etak\tpiu [tau' dåbo] adv Óswiftly, promptly
tk\m [te' ma.] n ∑rudder; steering oar CF p´. [? what do etak\t^;etak\t´. [tau' ti: tau' tE.] n nonsense
you call the single oar that could be used at the stern etak\t´. [tau' tE.] n (forest) gecko (illus)
both to move the boat and to steer? Engl: scull] etak\t´.kp\kp\ [tau' te. ka' ka'] v [fig] stick to sb (like
tk\mkiuc\ [te' mågain] n ∑helmsman, steersman; glue), cling; be inseparable
coxswain etak\etak\eÂka\ [tau' tau' kyaw] n fried minced meat
tk\mk¥c\ [te' mågyin] n ∑tiller, handle of steering oar
or rudder etak\5 [tau'] n pole and halter device to restrain oxen
tk\qut\Nxc\' tk\qut\Riuk\ [te' tho' hnin, te' tho' yai'] v = edåk\
[fig] hurry, go as fast as possible, step on it (Am, inf) etak\6 [tau'] v be short
etak\tiumv\r [tau' to mE ya.] n odd jobs, errands
tk\®pa;P¨; [? find right place: new from nutrition list] tiuk\1 [tai'] v 1) hit, strike; bump (into, against); run over
tk¶s^ [te' kåsi] n taxi [Engl] (ka;tiuk\, crash (into), run into, collide (with) RF
tk¶tXn\; [te' kådun:] n ascetic who wears no clothing tiuk\Kiuk\. 2) blow eltiuk\ RF tiuk\K t\. 3) attack, fight
tk¶ebdå [te' ka. be da] n [obs] logic, science of reasoning (with); rob Ω Då;®ptiuk\KM robbed by bandits 4) sic on, haunt
tk¶qiul\ [te' kåtho] n university, college, tertiary education with Ω eKX;n´Ï-RØ; tiuk\ sic a dog on (sb) Ω nt\n´Ï tiuk\ haunt with
institution, institute of higher learning CF ek¥ac\; a spirit 5) (of sthg to drink or smoke) offer, serve, give,
pour Ω kel;kiu eS;lip\-mtiuk\n´Ï" Don't give children
tk\k¥m\; [te' kyan:] n 1) books on business success 2) [obs] cigarettes! 6) incite, provoke Ω rn\tiuk\ 7) polish
treatise on logic ecXTv\tiuk\, shine rxø;Pinp\tiuk\; scrub, scour; brush, clean
tk\eKåk\ [te' khau'] v click the tongue, cluck (to show
qXa;tiuk\; iron m^;p¨tiuk\ RF tiuk\KÁt\. 8) coincide, happen
at the same time Ω Alup\ (2)Ku-latiuk\enty\"
disapproval) = etak\eKåk\ CF etak\
By\liuerX;rmy\ mqiB¨;" I have two job offers at the same
tk\tk\sc\ [te' te' sin] adv entirely, completely, totally,
time. I don't know how to decide. 9) check Ω tiuk\Âkv\
utterly Ω tk\tk\sc\kun\ completely gone Ω tk\tk\sc\lX´
check against 10) synchronise Ω nar^tiuk\ synchronise a
utterly mistaken Ω menÏ k q¨Kiu;wc\Kiu; ta Aim\mxa-rxiqmY
clock 11) rehearse Ω q^K¥c\;tiuk\' zat\tiuk\ 12) be tempted
tk\tk\sc\e®pac\era" Yesterday burglars entirely cleaned
by (greed, temptation, etc) Ω elaBezatiuk\ be tempted
out the house.
by greed 13) saw Ω lWtiuk\ 14) (sail) catch the wind
tk\tk\e®pac\ [te' te' pyaung] v lose everything, be a total Ω elxkiu rX k\tiuk\“ p^;-qXa;ty\" The sail caught the wind and
the boat sailed off. 15) burn down Ω rXa kiu
etak\1 [tau'] v 1) blaze, flare; be bright, shine, glow, be m^;elac\tiuk\qXc\;ty\" The village was burned down.
glaring 2) glitter, glisten, sparkle; shine, glare
tiuk\kc\; [tai' kin:] n combat patrol
etak\p [tau' pa.] adj bright, brilliant, shining, tiuk\Âkk\ [tai' kye'] n fighting cock
luminous; lustrous; vivid
tiuk\ekÁ; [tai' kywe:] n nourish, feed
etac\e®pac\ [tau' pyaung] adj bright, brilliant, shining, tiuk\Kiuk\ [tai' khai'] v 1) hit, strike 2) attack, fight
luminous; lustrous; vivid
etak\rp\ [tau' ya'] n small tree from which dye is made tiuk\Kt\ [tai' kha'] v (of wind) blow
tiuk\KÁt\ [tai' chu'] v polish, clean
etak\elac\ [tau' laung] v be on fire, be afire, be tiuk\sa; [tai' sa:] v erode, wear away CF ersa;
tiuk\ss\ [tai' si'] n 1) Íattack, offensive 2) [fig]
etak\2 [tau'] v 1) be poisoned, be affected by toxic offensive move (in games) CF Tiu; ss\
substance; be poisonous, be toxic 2) be nauseated, be
tiuk\Siuc\ [tai' hsain] v coincide, happen at the same time
sick (to one's stomach) from motion, be carsick, seasick,
Ω tiu k\Siuc\ liuk\ta What a coincidence!
etc Ω elyaU\etak\ be airsick
tiuk\tXn\; [tai' tun:] v urge; exhort, push (sb to do sthg);

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 171

tiuk\ ª tc\
encourage Ω Atiuk\AtXn\; mep;eta.B¨;" I won't push him tiuk\Aup\ [tai' o'] n 1) Bun\;”k^; (monk) or q^larxc\ (nun) in
any longer. charge of a monastery or nunnery, head monk, head nun
tiuk\tXn\;Aa;ep; [tai' tun; a; pe;] v encourage CF Bun\;”k^;ek¥ac\;' Sraeta\ 2) business manager (of a

tiuk\pX´ [tai' pwE:] n 1) battle; combat, fighting press)

2) struggle, effort tiuk\Aim\ [tai' ein] n building made of brick, stone,
tiuk\P¥k\ [tai' hpye'] v eradicate, attack and destroy cement, etc
tiuk\rapåpsßv\; [tai' ya ba pyi' si:] n plunder, loot tiuk\PiXok\ [tai' hpai'] n typhoid [Engl]
tiuk\eryaU\ [tai' ye yin] n gunboat, naval vessel tc\1 [tin] v 1) put on, place on 2) put or place (sthg or
tiuk\elyaU\ [tai' le yin] n fighter (plane), military sb) before another 3) put sb in a higher position 4) set
aircraft a jewel (in a ring, necklace, etc) 5) set a record 6) load
tiuk\elx [tai' hle] n attack boat (ship, airplane with cargo, truck with goods, etc)
tiuk\qeBça [tai' thin: baw:] n battleship, warship 7) wear (on the shoulder) 8) run aground, be stranded,
tiuk\2 [tai'] v transport, carry, ship (in vehicle) wash up, wash ashore 9) raise (price) 10) survive,
tiuk\3 [tai'] n 1) building made of brick, cement, stone, etc remain; keep, retain; be left with, nett, get 11) record
RF tiuk\Aim\. 2) block of flats (Br), apartment 12) submit, turn in, hand in, put in Ω satm\; tc\ turn in a
house/building (Am); cell block Ω ”kio;tiuk\ death row [ 3 paper 13) offer at altar, shrine, etc 14) string (bow),
rc] 4) [in comb] specialised site, such as storehouse, cock (firearm) 15) anticipate, do sthg in preparation
library, etc Ω saÂkv\.tiuk\ library, lk\nk\tiuk\ armory,
rikƒatiuk\ provisions store 5) continent — n panniers (for pack animals, bicycle) (illus)
6) Ó∏administrative unit, (in feudal and colonial tc\k¨; [tin gu:] v anticipate, prepare sthg in advance
administration) circle [ pe] [? check what time and = tc\” kio
level?] 7) group of buildings belonging to a religious tc\k¥v\; [tin gyi:] n 1) cane 2) yoke holding a pair of
institution panniers on a pack animal (illus)
tiuk\kTMu; [tai' gådon:] n building made of brick, etc, with tc\”kio [tin gyo] v anticipate, prepare sthg in advance
a flat roof S YN tc\k¨;
tiuk\KMAi\m\ [tai' khan ein] n two-storey building with the tc\sa; [tin za:] v use a metaphor or simile, make an
lower floor of brick or stone and the upper floor of wood analogy
tc\s^; [tin zi:] v 1) boss sb around, be overbearing
tiuk\Kn\; [tai' khan:] n flat (Br), apartment (Am) 2) impose oneself (on sb) Ω tc\s^; t´.-ASc\. erak\en“p^ he’s
tiuk\K¥c\;ps\dMu;p¥M [tai' chin: byi' don: pyan] n intercontintental really imposing himself
ballistic missile, ICBM [ pe] tc\Sk\ [tin hse'] v present, perform (movie, play, dance,
tiuk\cy\ [tai' ngE] n subcontinent Ω AiN»iytiuk\cy\ Indian etc)
subcontinent tc\eSac\ [tin hsaung] v transport (on a vehicle)
tiuk\eSX; [tai' hswe:] n shop-soiled stock, display goods tc\etac\; [tin taung:] v pay dowry; give bride-price
tc\på [tin ba] n yes (when speaking with Bun\;”k^;
tui\k\ta [tai' ta]1) ‹group of buildings in a monastery (Buddhist monk)) = tc\påÏ
2) home built of brick, stone, etc 3) store (Br), tc\påÏ [tin ba.] n yes (when speaking with Bun\;”k^;
warehouse (Am) (Buddhist monk)) = tc\på
tiuk\ny\ [tai' nE] n Ó∏administrative unit used in tc\piuÏ [tin po.] v send (off) (by vehicle)
colonial administration, between town and tc\®p [tin pya.] v 1) submit a case to a superior 2) put in
state/division an explanatory note 3) present (case, argument, etc)
tiuk\pit\ [tai' pei'] v be sent (from prison ward) to cell
block (as punishment) [ rc] tc\®psa [tin pya. sa] n application (for leave, etc) [?
tiuk\pn\; [tai' pan:] n 1) paper flower, artificial flower pronunciation]
2) Œcoralvine tc\®pv\.k¥p\®pv\. [tin bye. kya' pye.] adv fully
tiuk\pn\;kn\ [tai' bågan] n china, porcelain, high-quality =tc\;®pv\.k¥p\®pv\.
dishes tc\e®mHak\ [tin hmyau'] v 1) appoint, elect (to high office)
tiuk\pMuAk¥Ç [tai' pon in: gyi] n traditional jacket worn by 2) put on, place on 3) put or place (sthg or sb) before
men on formal occasions (illus) another
tiuk\p¥k\ [tai' pye'] n ruin, ruins [? new kyaw] tc\elYak\ [tin shau'] v tell, submit to (an official or
tiuk\q¨”k^; [tai' dhågyi:] n Ó∏(in colonial monarch)
administration) circle headman tc\qXc\; [tin thwin:] v 1) submit, propose; introduce
tiuk\qXc\; [tai' thwin:] v 1) put (unfired pottery) into a 2) import
kiln Ω m^;elac\tiuk\qXc\; fire 2) put lacquerware into a pit tc\2 [tin] n hips; buttocks, backside (inf), rear (inf), bum
to dry the paint (inf), cheeks (inf), arse (ÎUK), ass (ÎAm), tail (inf)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 172

tc\k¥^; ª etac\
tc\SMu [tin hson] n (of person) buttocks; (of animal) etac\1 [taung] n mountain, hill
haunches [? check] etac\klp\ [taung kåla'] n tableland, flat topped
tc\på; [tin ba:] v hips mountain or hill, volcanic plug
tc\på;SMu [tin båhson] n buttocks etac\kutMu [taung gådon] n mountain with a barren top
tc\på;lW´Tiuc\ [tin båhlwE: htain] v sit sideways, half sit etac\kqs\ [taung kåthi'] n kind of tree cut for timber
(illus) etac\kun\; [taung gon:] n hill
tc\p¥U\K¥it\ [tin byin chei'] v cross one's legs = tc\p¥U\eKX etac\k¥eK¥ac\; [taung gya. chaung:] n mountain stream
tc\p¥U\eKX [tin byin khwe] v sit cross-legged, cross one's etac\ek¥a\ [taung kyaw] v recover after a near-death
legs = tc\p¥U\K¥it\ experience
tc\k¥^; [din gyi:] n cormorant etac\Âka; [taung gya:] n valley
tKç%upJti|ˆa%\ [tin khåno' pa' ti> nyan] n wit, quick insight etac\Âka;lm\; [taung gya: lan:] n (mountain) pass
tc\K¥a [tin cha] n tincture of iodine [Engl] etac\eÂka [taung gyaw:] n ridge, spine (of mountain
tc\zc\n^;ya; [tin zin ni; ya;] n ∏Tanzania range); divide
— n&adj Tanzanian [ cr] etac\Kå;pn\; [taung gåban:] n mountain slope
tc\då [tin da] n tender, bid (for a contract, sale, etc) [Engl] etac\e®K [taung gye] n foot of mountain, hill
etac\sKn\; [taung såkhan:] n hill station
tc\l´ [tin lE:] n molasses, thick brown syrup from raw sugar etac\esac\.nt\ [taung zaung. na'] n guardian spirit of a
mountain S YN etac\piuc\nt\ [ bs]
tc\. [tin.] v 1) be becoming, be flattering 2) be proper etac\esac\; [taung zaung:] n hillside, mountainside
(for), be suitable (for), be befitting (of) etac\sU\ [taung zin] n 1) mountain range 2) bush with
tc.\etac\.tc\.ty\ [tin. daung. tin. dE] adv properly, leaves used for packing food, etc
commensurate with etac\sU\Kuns\Tp\ [taung zin khun hnåhta'] n [cosml] seven
tc\.ty\ [tin. dE] v 1) be becoming, be flattering 2) be mountains around ®mc\;miur\ (Mount Meru) CF ®mc\;miur\ [ bs]
proper (for), be suitable (for), be befitting (of) 3) be etac\sU\ermr [taung zin ye måya.] adv incoherently
fine, be resplendent [? 3 new from JO notes] etac\Sit\ [taung sei'] n mountain goat
tc\.ka; [tin. ka:] n tank, armoured military assault vehicle on etac\zlp\ [taung zåla'] n Œrhododendron
caterpillar treads [Engl] Ω tc\.ka;ps\dMu;p¥M anti-tank rocket; etac\tlv\; [taung tålE:] n Œtall tree with a straight
Ω tc\. ka;ps\Ae®mak\ anti-tank gun trunk, used for timber
tc\;1 [tin:] v 1) be tight; make taut; harden A NT elYa. slack etac\tM®pk\ [taung dåbye'] n waterfall, falls, cascade
2) stand firm; brace oneself 3) balance (by adjusting etac\tk\ [taung te'] v climb (mountain), go mountain
weights) 4) be scant, be short (by) 5) be aggressive climbing, trek
tc\;k¥p\ [tin: kya'] v (of rules, discipline, etc) strict, rigid etac\tk\kiriya [taung te' ki ri ya] n climbing
tc\;k¥m\;®pv\. [din: gyan: pyi>] v be full, be at capacity etac\tk\qma; [taung te' thåma:] n mountaineer
tc\;tc\; [tin: din:] adv 1) tautly 2) firmly, tightly etac\tn\; [taung dan:] n range of hills, mountains
3) completely, fully etac\tn\;qa; [taung dan: dha:] n person from the hills
tc\;tc\;k¥p\k¥p\ [kya' kya' tin: din:] adv strictly, rigidly S YN etac\epÅqa;
Ω tc\; tc\; k¥p\ k¥p\ ta;®ms\ strictly prohibited etac\Tip\ [taung htei'] n hilltop, mountain top, mountain
= Âkp\Âkp\tc\;tc\; peak
tc\;tc\;rc\;rc\; [tin: din: yin: yin:]
adv 1) firmly, tightly etac\Tip\Âkaepåk\ [taung htei' kya pau'] exp impossible
2) (of person) trimly, neatly (built) S YN ts\ts\rs\rs\ L IT : ‘lotus bloom on mountain top’
tc\;tip\ [tin: dei'] n freckles (illus) etac\Tip\pn\; [taung htei' pan:] n kind of rice needing a
tc\;tim\ [tin: tein] v be satisfied, be contented long growing season
tc\;Tim\ [tin: dein] n screen, curtain S YN Kn\;S^; etac\Nxaemac\; [taung hnåmaung:] n spur, ridge
tc\;put\ [tin: bo'] n club, mace (illus) etac\p¨sa [taung bu za] n hillock, small hill
tc\;ma [tin: ma] adj hard; tense; stern etac\epÅqa; [taung baw tha:] n person from the hills
tc\;wå; [tin: wa:] n kind of bamboo used for baskets and S YN etac\tn\; qa;
steaming sticky rice etac\piuÏ [taung bo.] n mound, heap of earth, e.g., anthill
tc\;2 [tin:] n basket, unit of measure for grain, 16 ®pv\, Ω Bu ra;mxt\liuÏ kiu;kX y\' PX t\TXk\mx etac\piuÏ mxn\; qi" Because I
approximately one bushel or 40 litres thought it was a pagoda, I worshipped; only when the
tc\;etac\; [tin: daung:] n basket with capacity of one lizard ran out did I realize it was an antill.
tc\;, used to measure grain CW lMu; etac\piuÏmOi [taung bo. hmo] n kind of mushroom
tc\;®pv\.k¥p\®pv\. [tin: bye. kya' pye.] adv fully etac\piuc\nt\ [taung bain na'] n guardian spirit of a
= tc\®pv\.k¥p\®pv\. mountain S YN etac\esac\.nt\ [ bs]
tc\;kup\ [tin: go'] n shed etac\pMurapMu [taung bon ya bon] adv in abundance,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 173

etac\ ª tiuc\
plentifully inches, 0·35 metre
etac\®pn\el⁄ [taung pyan le] n evening wind from the etac\rxv\puSiu; [taung she påhso:] n double-length men's
mountains longyi, now worn only by comedians and on ceremonial
etac\®pon\;p´X [taung byon: pwE:]
n ceremony for the nt\ occasions
brothers Shwepyin, held at Taungbyon village annually etac\4 [taung] v 1) be hard, be stiff 2) become erect
[ bs] etac\pM [taung ban] n 1) wing 2) flank, side
etac\mv\;Aup\ [taung mE: o'] n Œtall softwood tree with etac\pM®Pn\Ï [taung pan hpyan.] v spread wings
pale wood, whose bark and sap are used in medicines etac\B^s¨; [daung bi zu;] n hoopoe, kind of forest bird
= etac\muRiu; with a crest and a loud cry S YN B^;etac\piu' B^; etaK¥p\
etac\ya [taung ya] n hill farming, hillside cultivation etac\ewx; [taung mwe:] n cane, walking stick, staff
etac\Riu; [taung yo:] n Taungyoe, a proto-Burmese etac\5 [taung] part even (though), particle suffixed to
speaking ethnic group living in Southern Shan State verbs or nouns for emphasis
etac\l´ [taung lE;] v (of hillside) collapse Ω etac\“piora etac\tn\ktiu; [daung dan gådo:] n fragrant wood
®mk\® pt\" The hillside's collapse uproots the grass. etac\tn\”k^; [taung dan gyi:] n fragrant wood of the Premna
etac\q¨ [taung dhu] n 1) farmer (of crops other than integrifolia tree
rice) [ ag] 2) an ethnic group, also known as Pa-O, living etac\.1 [taung.] v 1) be stiff, be difficult to bend
in Shan State = pAiuw.\ S YN evac\;va 2) be stout; be well endowed 3) be
etac\q¨yaKut\ [taung dhu ya kho'] n tactic in debate supported, be well supplied 4) be sturdy, be in good
making minor points early, and saving the major point shape
for the decisive moment (like a swidden farmer clearing etac\.KM [taung. khan] v stand firm, not give in, be
underbrush before cutting down trees) CF ska;”k^; Sy\m¥io; steadfast
etac\.tc\; [taung. din:] v 1) be stiff, be difficult to bend
etac\q¨ly\qma; [taung dhu lE dhåma] n small farmers, S YN evac\;va 2) be stout; be well endowed 3) be
peasants [ ag] supported, be well supplied
etac\2 [taung] n south S YN dkƒi% CF Arp\el;m¥k\Nxa etac\.2 [taung.] n cylinder, pod (p´etac\.' eÂkac\lYaetac\.,
etac\kÁn\; [taung gyun:] n [cosml] the great island quiver (of arrows) any long, rounded, hollow object
south of ®mc\; miur\ (Mount Meru), which forms this world CF ym\;etac\.
zbµød^på' lkç¥a CF ®mc\;miur\
etac\.t [taung. da.] v dwell on; wish for, hope for
etac\vasM [taung nya zan] n chief queen, who lives in a etac\.t´tXn\>rtu [taung. dE: dun. yådu.] n Ãkind of verse with
palace south of the king's
lines of four alternate with lines of five syllables [ wr]
etac\etac\ÈÈ [taung daung i i] adv ramblingly,
etac\;1 [taung:] v 1) ask for, request 2) collect
without focus or aim
etac\;KM [taung; khan] v ask for, request [? new JO, ok?
etac\etX;e®mak\etX; [taung twe: myau' twe:] n [fig]
how to add to khan?]
etac\;sa; [taung: sa:] v beg
etac\e®pae®mak\e®pa [taung pyaw: myau' pyaw:] v [fig]
etac\;Siu [taung: hso] v demand, ask for sthg as one's
speak incoherently
etac\®pn\ [taung pyan] n kind of rice needing a long
etac\;SiuK¥k\ [taung: hso gye'] n demand; request
growing season
etac\;pn\ [taung: ban] v 1) apologise, express one's
etac\®pn\el [taung pyan le] n southwest monsoon,
regret, say one is sorry 2) request (sthg); implore (sb),
marking the beginning of the rainy season
pray (sb)
etac\mk¥e®mak\mk¥ [taung måkya. myau' måkya.] adv [fig] etac\;pn\lWa [taung: ban hlwa] n formal letter of apology
neither fish nor fowl (Upsa), difficult to classify
etac\;rm\; [taung: yan:] v 1) beg 2) formally propose
etac\erak\e®mak\erak\e®pa [taung yau' myau' yau' pyaw:] (marriage, to a woman)
adv ramble, speak at length and to little purpose
etac\;rm\;sa;eqak\ [taung: yan: sa: thau'] v live off of
etac\lxv\. [taung hlE.] v face south handouts, live off charity
etac\lxv\.e®mak\lxv\. [taung hlE. myau' hlE.] adv [fig]
etac\;2 [taung:] n basket S YN ®Kc\;' plMu; CF tc\; CW lMu;
before you know it (Upsa)
etac\lup\e®mak\lup\ [taung lo' myau' lo'] v [fig] fritter
etac\;3 [taung:] part particle used for emphasis of the
preceding verb
away one's time; putter around
etac\AaPrikNiuc\cM [taung a fårI ka. nain ngan] n ∏South
etac\;4 [taung:] v be short CF tiu
Africa [ cr] tiuc\ [tain] v 1) request 2) complain (to) RF tiuc\Âka;'
etac\3 [taung] n cubit, measure of length based on the
tiuc\eta. 3) inform, report RF tiuc\tn\;. 4) invoke, call on
for help or support 5) lead chanting of slogans or cheers
forearm, about 0·45 metre CF Sc\etac\' qMetac\
6) lay the warp threads on the loom [ wv] 7) arrive,
— v measure in cubits
reach, attain
etac\Sup\ [taung zo'] n length of approximately 13
— n 1) post, pole; support; pillar, column; mast 2) unit

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tiuc\k^ ª ts\
of measure for distance, 1000 ta, approx 3 km the country
— conj until, till, up to the time that tiuc\;Kn\;m [tain: khan: ma.] n divisional hall
tiuc\kp\nar^ [tain ka' na yi] n wall clock tiuc\;Kn\;lxv\. [tain: gan: hlE.] v (of royalty, high officials)
tiuc\Âka; [tain kya:] v complain (to) tour the country, make a tour
tiuc\K¥k\PXc\. [tain gye' hpwin.] v formally recieve a tiuc\;sXn\®pv\na; [tain: zun pyi na:] n 1) remote area, far
complaint corners of the country 2) border region
tiuc\K¥v\ [tain gyi] n [weav] warp, threads running tiuc\;®pv\ [tain: pyi] n ∏country [ pe]
lengthwise in fabric S YN ypc\ CF ePak\K¥v\' Nxt\SM [ wv] tiuc\;“mio> [tain: myo.] n ∏divisional capital, capital of
tiuc\sa [tain za] n letter reporting misconduct division
tiuc\eta [tain taw:] v complain (to) tiuc\;mØ; [tain: hmu:] n Í(regional) commander
tiuc\tiuc\ [tain dain] ppm postpositional marker suffixed to tiuc\;er;®pv\er;' tiuc\;er;®pv\ra [tain: ye: pyi ye:, tain; ye;
frequency, time, distance Ω cå;”kim\tiuc\tiuc\”kio;sa;ty\" pyi ya] n ∏home affairs, domestic affairs CF ®pv\T´er;
meAac\®mc\eq;B¨;" I have tried five times, but with no [ pe]
success so far. tiuc\;rc\;eS; [tain: yin: ze:] n traditional medicine,
tiuc\tv\ [tain tE] v 1) call upon a deity or spirit to indigenous medicine CF bieNÎa' eS;Sra
witness; invoke 2) address an issue to sb, go to sb to tiuc\;rc\;eS;ep;Kn\; [tain: yin: ze: pe: khan:] n traditional
address an issue Ω Uk¶™”k^; kiup´ tuic\tv\“p^; laB\sa;mO medicine clinic
etX; AeÂkac\; e®papåres." I want to go to the chairman to tiuc\;rc\;qa; [tain: yin: dha:] n member of an ethnic group,
address the issue of corruption. ethnic; national Ω rxm\;tiuc\;rc\; qa; Shan
tiuc\tn\; [tain tan:] v 1) complain (to) 2) inform, report tiuc\;RuM; [tain: yon] n ∏divisional office
tiuc\pc\ [tain pin] v consult, call on sb for advice or tiuc\;qi®pv\qi [tain: thi> pyi thi>] v be famous, be well
opinion known, be widely known S YN tiuc\;ek¥a\®pv\ek¥a\
tiuc\P¨; [tain bu:] n bud-like decoration on top of a post, tiuc\;q¨®pv\qa; [tain: dhu pyi dha:] n ∏the people,
pillar, etc (illus) citizens of a country, the nation [ pe]
tiuc\qM [tain than] n glottal stop (i.e., -t\, -ip\) CF AqM ts\1 [ti'] v cut, chop (into pieces)
tiuc\eAac\ [tain aung] conj till, until — n piece, chunk, hunk (of preserved meat or fish)
— ppm postpositional marker indicating a certain = Ats\
length of time or distance, up to, as far as, to, till ts\ts\KXKX [ti' ti' khwa. gwa.] adv [fig] without mincing
S YN TieAac\ (one's) words (Upsa), frankly, vividly, crudely
tiuc\k^ [tain ki] n 1) tank, barrel, drum, large container for ts\ts\rs\rs\ [ti' ti' yi' yi'] adv (of person) trimly, neatly
storing liquids 2) mug, largest size for ordering tea in a (built) S YN tc\;tc\;rc\;rc\;
teashop ts\2 [ti] v be stuck or lodged in a passage, hole, etc
tiuc\PXn\; [tain hpun] n typhoon [Engl] ts\SiuÏ [ti' hso.] v (of flow) be choked up; (of passage) be
tiuc\wm\ [tain wun] n ∏Taiwan, Republic of China CF tRut\Niuc\cM blocked; (of object) be stuck
ts\ls\ [ti' li'] adv half in, half out
ticu \;1 [tain:] v 1) measure, gauge, compare RF tiiuc\;ta. ts\3 [ti'] n one CF pTm [ ph]
2) insult (by comparing to vulgar things) ts\ekac\ÂkXk\ [dågaung gywe'] n person with no
tiuc\;S [tain: hsa.] v gauge; estimate; consider relatives, sb who is all alone in the world
tiuc\;ta [tain: ta] v measure, gauge, compare ts\ekac\ts\“m^; [dågaung tåmyi:] n (not even) one
tiuc\;TXa [tain: htwa] v measure, gauge, compare 2) insult Ω ts\e kac\ts\“m^; mx metX>B¨;"
(by comparing to vulgar things) ts\kiuy\ekac\; [dågo gaung:] adv selfishly
tiuc\;2 [tain:] part particle suffixed to nouns to indicate — adj selfish
'every' Ω l¨tiuc\; everybody, everyone Ω tra;tiuc\; every rule ts\kiuy\eta\ [dågo daw] n loner, person who avoids
— conj 1) whenever, every time that 2) what; whatever company of others
S YN qv\. Av^\' Akiuc\; ts\kiuy\eta\®ppX´ [tåko daw pya. bwE:] n solo exhibition,
— ppm according to Ω K¥s\tiuc\; mva;' va;tiuc\; mK¥s\ one man show
e®paqv\.Atiuc\;lup\på" Act according to what they say: 'When ts\kiuy\erts\kay [dågo ye dåga ya.] n solitude [ ph]
you are married, don't be in love; when you are in love, ts\ek¥a.(®pn\) [tAgyaw. (byan)] adv again, return to
don't get married.' = Atiuc\; Ω A“cim\.eP¥a\e®Per;ha AKueKt\mxa ts\ek¥a.-®pn\-
tiuc\;3 [tain:] n 1) ∏division, political administrative unit eKt\sa;laty\" Anyeint has become popular again now.
between the country and the district CF ®pv\ny\ [ pe] ts\k¥it\tv\;ts\ˆa%\tv\; [dågyei' htE: tånyan tE:] adv
2) Íregional command in conspiracy with, in cahoots with (inf)
tiuc\;ek¥a\®pv\ek¥a\ [tain: kyaw pyi kyaw] v be famous, be ts\eÂka [dågyaw:] n (whole, entire, full) length
well known, be widely known S YN tiuc\;qi® pv\qi ts\”kio;tv\; [dågyo: dE:] adv in a stretch, at one time,
tiuc\;k¥io;®pv\k¥io; [tain: kyo: pyi kyo:] adv for the benefit of without stopping S YN ts\®Pt\tv\;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 175

ts\ ª ts\
ts\eÂkac\;sX´ [dågyaung: zwE:] n fanatic, dogmatist [ ph] ts\KXn\;Siuc\ [tåkhun: hsain] n fixed price shop
ts\eÂkac\;SX´ [dågyaung: zwE:] n line drawing [ ph] ts\KXn\;eZ; [tåkhun: ze:] n fixed price
ts\kÁn\;k¥ [dågyun: kya.] v be sentenced to a penal ts\sKn\;T [tåsåkhan: hta.] v [fig] contribute a competing
colony (on an island), be convicted to transportation to point of view L IT : ‘put up another camp’ CF sKn\;
penal colony Ω ts\qk\ts\kÁn\; k¥ life sentence (lit
'transportation for life') ts\sts\s [dåza. dåza.] adv gradually, bit by bit
ts\kÁn\;sM [dAgyun; san] v ts\suts\epåc\; [tAzu. tAbaung;] adv all together, as a group
ts\kÁn\;®pn\ [dågyun: pyan] n person who has returned Ω ts\ su-ts\e påc\;n´Ï
qXa;ÂkeAac\" Let's all go together.
from penal colony Ω AeÂkX;etX y¨Ta;ta m¥a;en“p^' dåepm´. erx>lmx
ts\K%K¥c\; [tåkhåna. gyin:] adv within a short time, at ts\suts\epåc\;Tv\; rxc\;ep;påmy\" I have a lot of debts, but
once S YN K¥k\K¥c\; next month I will pay them all back at once
ts\Kå [tåkha] adv once ts\suts\ew; [tAzu. tAwe;] adv all in one place; all
ts\Kåk [tåkha ga.] adv at one time; once, on one together, as a group Ω ts\suts\ew;lMu; Alup\qXa;Âkty\"
occasion = ts\Kåtun\; k We all set out to work together. Ω mgçlaeSac\mxa mit\eSXetX
ts\Kåts\Kå, ts\Kåts\el' ts\Kå-ts\rM' [tåkha tåkha, ts\su-ts\ew;etX>rta ep¥a\sra-ekac\; ty\" It is lovely to see
tåkha tåle, tåkha tåyan] adv sometimes, at times, so many friends all in one place at a wedding.
occasionally, (every) once in a while, now and then, ts\sc\eTac\ [dåzin htaung] v [fig] break away and set
now and again, from time to time = ts\rM-ts\Kå' ts\rM- up a rival organisation
ts\Ss\ ts\sit\ [dåzei'] n 1) unit of dry measure equal to one-
ts\Kåtv\; [tåkha dE:] adv 1) (only) once 2) ™right fourth of a tc\;, about 10 litres 2) one quarter
now, immediatly, at once ts\sit\ts\edq [dåzei' dåde tha.] adv partly, to a certain
ts\Kåmx [tåkha hma.] adv never, not even once, not ever extent
ts\KåqMu; [tåkha thon:] v be disposable, be single-use, be ts\sit\ts\piuc\; [dåzei' dåbain:] adv partly, to a certain
throw-away extent
ts\Kulp\ [tåkhu. la'] n divorcee, person who has been ts\sit\ts\wm\;tv\; [dåzei' tåwan: dE:] adv unanimously,
divorced CF ts\lc\kXa without dissent
ts\K´nk\ [tåkhE: ne'] adv all together, at the same time, ts\sp\tv\; [dåza' htE:] adv together, all in one, as one
in unison ts\sp\tv\;®Ps\ [dåza' htE: hpyi'] v be contiguous, be
ts\eKÅ(sa) [tåkhaw (sa)] n shouting distance, earshot, adjacent, be next to
the distance at which a shout can be heard ts\suM [dåzon] n pair
ts\Kiu [tåkho] n environs, surrounding region; ts\sMuts\Ku [dåzon tåkhu.] pron something, anything,
surroundings nothing Ω ' "He gave you something." "No, he didn't give
ts\eKåk\ts\k¥c\; [tåkhau' dågyin:] adv once me anything. He gave me nothing." = ts\sMuts\ra
ts\Kn\;rp\®pzat\ [tåkhan: ya' pya. za'] n one-act play ts\suMts\eyak\ [dåzon tåyau'] pron someone,
ts\K¥^ts\emac\;sm\; [tåchi tåmaung: san:] v test one's somebody, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody Ω ' Is
strength, luck, skill etc (against sb) = ts\pX´ts\lm\;sm\; someone coming? Did you invite anyone? I invited no one.
ts\K¥io;Tv\; [tåcho: dE:] v be of the same type, be cut = ts\suMts\U^;
from the same cloth ts\sMuts\ra [dåzon tåya] pron something, anything,
ts\K¥k\Tv\; [tåche' htE:] adv simultaneously, at the nothing = ts\sMuts\Ku
same time; as soon as ts\suMts\U^; [dåzon tåu:] pron someone, somebody,
ts\K¥k\lWt\ [tåche' hlu'] v be irrevocable, be impossible anyone, anybody, no one, nobody = ts\suMts\eyak\
to retract Ω ts\K¥k\lWt\Amin\Ï irrevocable order ts\sXn\;ts\s [dåzun: dåza.] n a fraction, a little, a bit
ts\eK¥ac\;cc\ [tåchaung: ngin] n [orth] name of the -u ts\Sk\tv\; [tåhse' htE:] adv nonstop, continuously;
ts\eK¥ac\;pud\ [tåchaung: bo'] n name of the -' punctuation without a break Ω Yan Gon mer;pån´Ï Yangon ts\Sk\tv\;-
symbol, similar to a comma = pud\kel;' pud\®Pt\' pud\T^; er;my\" Don't write ‘Yan Gon’, write ‘Yangon’ as one word.
ts\Sc\. [tåhsin.] adv via, (indirectly) through
ts\®Km\; [tåchan:] n half CF KX´' piuc\;' wk\' A¢ A NT tiuk\Riuk\
ts\®Km\;p´. [tåchan: bE.] n missing sthg, (state of) lacking ts\Sc\.Âka; [tåhsin. gya:] n hearsay, sthg heard
sthg, being in need of sthg secondhand
ts\KX´ [tåkhwE:] n unit of dry measure for grain, equal to ts\Sc\.KM [tåhsin. gan] n process of receiving
one half tc\;, about 20 litres (information, things, etc) through an agency or
ts\KX´qa; [tåkhwE: dha:] n exaggerated show (of anger, middleman
sorrow, arrogance, etc) ts\Sc\.K¥c\; [tåhsin. gyin:] adv step by step, gradually
ts\KXc\ts\®pc\ [tåkhwin dåbyin] n everywhere, all over, in ts\Sc\.ska; [tåhsin. zåga:] n news, information, etc from
every part (of a defined space) secondary sources
ts\Ss\K¥io; [tåhsi' cho:] n 1) hairpin turn 2) [fig] turning

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 176

ts\ ª ts\
point ts\på;qXa; [dåba: dhwa:] n solo anyeint performance
ts\Sit\ [tåhsei'] n a little (used in polite requests, to — v (jewelry) be set with a single row of gems
indicate how little is asked) ts\epåk\ts\lm\; [dåbau' tålan:] n ways and means
— part ™particle prefixed to a verb to make a polite different from usual; on the side, sideline
request Ω ÚAeÂkac\; ts\Sit\-qipåres please tell me sthg ts\pc\tiuc\ [dåbin dain] adj 1) solo 2) single, one only
about … 3) alone, solitary
ts\Sit\sa [tåhsei' sa] n only a little, just a bit — n 1) œsolo, one person's musical performance
ts\Sit\ts\Ait\lup\ [tåhsei' tåei' lo'] v [fig] make a 2) traditional dance showing a female dancer's skill
mountain out of a molehill, exaggerate ts\pc\tiuc\mc\;qm^; [dåbin dain min: dhåmi:] n chief queen
ts\Sit\elak\ [tåhsei' lau'] exp I beg your pardon, designate rôle in the ts\pc\tiuc\AkNxs\på;qXa;
excuse me Ω ts\Sit\elak\ lm\;Py\ep;på" Excuse me, ts\piuc\ts\Niuc\ [tåbain tånain] adv within one's capability,
could I get through? (of business, etc) micro- Ω ts\piuc\ts\Niuc\s^;pXa;er; small
ts\eSX>Kun\ [tåhswe. gon] n poison used in hunting, business, micro-enterprise S YN ts\Niuc\ CF ts\Aup\ts\m [ pe]
which kills game after one convulsion ts\piuc\;eÂkac\ [dåbain: gyaung] n tattoo left unfinished
ts\zXt\Tiu; [tåzu' hto:] adv persistently; obstinately, (implying inability to face pain)
stubbornly — adv [fig] half-baked, foolishly impractical; half-
ts\tits\ti [dådi> dådi>] adv (decline) little by little witted
ts\tp\ts\Aa; [dåda' tåa:] adv (contribute) substantially ts\piuc\;ts\s [dåbain: dåza.] v be incomplete, be
(to a communal effort); (of a group) en force; as an unfinished = ts\wk\ts\p¥k\
addition Ω ts\tp\-ts\Aa; påwc\ty\" [? trans check] — n part (of sthg) = ts\piuc\; ts\p¥k
ts\piuc\;ts\p¥k\ [dåbain: dåbye'] n part (of sthg)
ts\tMu;TXn\ [dådon: htun] n the amount of land that can = ts\piuc\;ts\s' ts\wk\ts\p¥k\
be tilled with a pair of oxen and a harrow ts\piuc\;eq [dåbain: the] v hanker after sthg, have a
ts\etX [dådwe] n persons seen as a group Ω q¨tiuÏts\etX strong wish for sthg
ts\pt\ [dåpa'] n 1) week S YN rk\qt†pt\' (7)-rk\ts\pt\
ts\tX´ [tådwE:] adv in pairs 2) time, round Ω enak\-ts\pt\k¥mx next time (around)
ts\eTak\na; [tåhtau' na:] n break one's journey ts\pt\ek¥a. [dåba' kyaw.] v repeat, come back to the
ts\Tiuc\tv\; [tåhtain dE:] adv at one sitting same point
ts\Tp\tv\; [tåhta' htE:] adv uniformly = ts\puMsMtv\; ts\pt\NXm\; [dåba' nun:] n sthg used, sthg second-hand
ts\enkun\ [tåne gon] adv all day (long), the whole day S YN ts\pt\rs\
(long) ts\pt\Riuk\ [dåba' yai']
v deceive; con, cheat, scam,
ts\enÏenÏ [tåne. ne.] adv someday, one day Ω ts\enÏenÏ swindle, pull a fast one (on sb) (inf) S YN ts\pt\lxim\.'
etX>lim\.my\" We will meet someday. klim\;k¥' Bt\
ts\enÏk [tåne. ga.] n the day before yesterday CF menÏk' ts\pt\rs\ [dåba' yi'] n sthg used, sthg second-hand
en> S YN ts\pt\ NXm\;
ts\enÏeta. [tåne. daw.] adv someday, one day ts\pt\lxim\. [dåba' hlein.] v deceive; con, cheat, scam,
ts\enÏts\®Ka; [tåne. tåcha:] adv day by day, with every swindle, pull a fast one (on sb) (inf) S YN ts\pt\Riuk\
(passing) day ts\pt\lYio [dåpa' sho] n hair tied in a single knot
ts\enÏeqaAKå [tåne. dhaw: åkha] n one day, someday ts\pn\;ROM; [dåban: shon:] v be at a disadvantage, have a
ts\Niuc\ [tånain] adv (work, do) within one's capacity, handicap
ability, skill, etc ts\pn\;qa [dåban: tha] v get an advantage, be in a
ts\nv\;ts\PMu [tåni: tåhpon] n some other way good position
— adv in another way ts\pMu”k^; [dåbon gyi:] n many, lots (inf)
ts\nv\;Aa;®Pc\. [tåni: a: hpyin.] conj in other words S YN ts\pMuts\eKåc\;' ts\pMuts\pc\' ts\elx”k^;
= ts\nv\;Siue qa\ ts\puMsMtv\; [dåbon zan di:] adv uniformly S YN ts\Tp\tv\;
ts\np\sa;ˆa%\ [tåna' sa: nyan] n 1) calculation for short- ts\pMuts\eKåc\; [dåbon tåkhaung:] n many, lots (inf)
term profit 2) inferior intellect S YN ts\pMu” k^;' ts\ pMuts\pc\' ts\e lx” k^;
ts\påtv\; [dåba dE:] adv along with, together with ts\pMuts\pc\ [dåbon dåbin] n many, lots (inf)
ts\på; [dåba:] adj except, other than; strange, outside S YN ts\pMuts\eKåc\;' ts\ pMu”k^;' ts\ e lx” k^;
— part one, a Ω rtnats\på; ts\®pa;qa; [dåbya: dha:] n a little, a bit
ts\på;q¨ [dåba: thu] n stranger; outsider; sb who is not ts\®pø; [dåbyu:] n pair (of small things)
related to one ts\e®p;v^ [dåbye: nyi] adv equally, at the same level
ts\på;kÁn\ [dåba: kyun] n 1) Ó∏slave from another = ts\e®p;tv\;
place 2) [fig] lackey, servile follower, sb's creature, sb ts\e®p;tv\; [dåbye: dE:] adv equally, at the same level
who is blindly loyal to one master = ts\e®p;v^

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ts\ ª ts\
ts\“pioc\nk\ [dåbyain ne'] adv simultaneously, as soon as, = ts\“mMots\m
at the same time ts\emx; [tåhme:] n catnap, short nap S YN ts\er;ts\ema
ts\®pn\s^; [dåbyan zi:] adv hypocritically, like the pot ts\emxac\. [tåhmaung.] n added annoyance, nuisance,
calling the kettle black (Upsa) trouble, etc (on top of other difficulty)
ts\®pMo”k^; [dåbyon gyi:] adv (of large numbers) at the ts\emYa\ts\eKÅ [tåhmyaw tåkhaw] adv far (away, off)
same time ts\y¨qn\ [tåyu than] n bigot, chauvinist; extremist
ts\pX´sa; [dåbwE: za:] n demon... [ bs] [? check in big dic ts\y¨qn\wåd [tåyu than wa da.] n
for good def] ts\eyak\ts\epåk\ [tåyau' dåbau'] adv discordantly,
ts\pX´tiu; [dåbwE: do:] n single-use item, something good disharmoniously
for one use only, disposable CF ts\KåqMu; ts\eyak\ts\®pn\ [tåyau' dåbyan] adv alternately, by
ts\pX´tiu;el.k¥c\. [dåbwE: do: le. kyin.] v cram, study turns Ω ts\eyak\ts\® pn\Tiu;”kit\Âkty\" They punched each
intensely for a test other by turns.
ts\pX´ts\lm\;sm\; [dåbwE: tålan: san:] v test one's strength, ts\eyak\ts\l´ [tåyau' tålE:] adv in turn, in rotation
luck, skill etc (against sb) S YN ts\K¥^ts\emac\;sm\; S YN ts\eyak\ts\lxv\.
ts\eyak\ts\lk\ [tåyau' tåle'] adv with each making
ts\P¨na [tåhpu na] v lose a right, lose a chance an equal contribution (usu voluntary)
ts\Pk\ [tAhpe'] adv on the other (side) [? new kyaw] ts\eyak\ts\lxv\. [tåyau' tåhlE.] adv in turn, in
ts\Pk\k [tåhpe' ka.] adv from a different perspective, rotation S YN eyak\ts\l´
from another's point of view, in another's shoes ts\eyak\tv\; [tåyau' tE:] adv alone, by oneself; asl
ts\Pk\km\;Kp\ [tåhpe' kan: kha'] v [fig] be an expert in a the only one Ω q¨ts\eyak\tv\;e®paenty\" kÁn\eta.tiuÏ
field, specialist; wonk (inf) [? are there really two Tiuc\na;eTac\ty\" She was the only one speaking, we were
meanings? ] all sitting and listening. Ω t\eyak\tv\; qXa;tt\la;" Can
ts\Pk\s^ [tåhpe' si] adv one to to each side; one on you go by yourself? Ω mc\;Aim\mxa ts\eyak\tv\; la;" Are
each side, flanking you alone at home? [? ok all?]
ts\Pk\s^;nc\; [tåhpe' si: nin:] adv in a one-sided, unjust, ts\yxU\; [tåshin:] n pair (of cattle)
biased, or prejudiced way ts\erKM [tåye gan] adj
ts\Pk\esac\;nc\; [tåhpe' saung: nin:] adv lopsidedly, — n 1) cloth whose colours fade after one washing
unevenly 2) [fig] sthg fleeting, temporary; disposable item,
ts\Pk\Sv\kn\ [tåhpe' hsE kan] n pond formed by single-use item
damming a stream in a ravine ts\er; [tåye:] n uninterrupted sleep
ts\Pk\ts\K¥k\ [tåhpe' tåche'] n both sides ts\er;ts\ema [tåye: tåmaw:] n nap, short sleep
ts\Pk\ts\lm\; [tåhpe' tålan:] adv 1) against, in ts\er;Niu; [tåye: no:] v wake up (esp if one goes back to
opposition (to) 2) as a sideline sleep)
ts\Pk\yp\t´ [tåhpe' ya' tE:] n open shelter (illus) ts\rMts\Kå [tåyan tåkha] adv sometimes, from time to
ts\Pk\lp\ [tåhpe' la'] n person who is blind in one eye time S YN ts\Kåts\ e l' ts\Kåts\rM' ts\rMts\Kå'
ts\rMts\Ss\' ts\Kåts\Kå
ts\Pk\lxv\. [tåhpe' hlE.] n trick, ruse; stratagem ts\rMSM [tåyan zan] v (virtual) stranger
ts\Pk\qa; [tåhpe' tha:] n the other side, the other party ts\rMts\Ss\ [tåyan tåhsi'] adv sometimes, from time to
time S YN ts\Kåts\el' ts\Kåts\rM' ts\rMts\Kå' ts\Kåts\Kå
ts\Pk\qt\ [tåhpe' tha'] adv one-sidedly, unrequitedly ts\rMeraAKå [tåyan yaw: åkha] n once upon a time
A NTA®pn\Alxn\ CF erx;erx;tu n\k
ts\®Ps\l´ [tåhpyi' lE:] v metamorphose, change form ts\rp\ts\ek¥; [tåya' dåkye:] n faraway places, distant
ts\®Pt\tv\; [tåhpya' htE:] adv at a stretch, all at one lands, region far from one's home
time S YN ts\K¥io;tv\; ts\rxø;Tiu; [tåshu: do:] adv rashly, unhesitatingly,
ts\PX´PX´ [tAhpwE; hpwE;] adv gradually [? new kyaw] impulsively, recklessly, without considering the
ts\B^;lxim\. [dåbein: hlein.] adv [fig] one-sidedly consequences
ts\muhut\K¥c\; [tåmåho' chin:] adv at once, right now, ts\rxin\Tiu; [tåshein do:] adv with a sudden burst of speed
ts\mv\ekac\; [tåmE gaung:] n best option, best choice ts\lkiu;q^tc\; [tåla. ko: dhådin:] n (period of) one or
(given the circumstances) two months
ts\mt\ [tåma'] n 1) one quarter, one fourth 2) 0·25 ts\elak [tålaw: ga.] adv recently, lately, some time
kyat ago
ts\“moMts\m [tåmyon tåma.] adv in a group, as a group ts\lk\kiuc\ [tAle' kain] adv used by one person only
= ts\“mMots\qiuk\ ts\lk\stv\; [tåle' sa. dE:] adv while one is at sthg
ts\“moMts\qiuk\ [tåmyon tåma.] adv in a group, as a group ts\lc\kXa [tålin gwa] n divorcee, a woman who has

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ts\RØ; ª tv\
been divorced once CF ts\Kulp\ 2) equally, impartially, without discrimination
ts\lm\;emac\; [tålan: maung:] n one-way traffic ts\e®p;tv\;' ts\qa;tv\;
ts\lm\;qXa; [tålan: dhwa:] n [fig] person on the road to ts\eqX;ts\emX; [tåthwe: tåmwe:] n (of personal
hell appearance) new look, fresh look
ts\lMu;ts\K´ [tålon: tåkhE:] adv in bulk, altogether; in a ts\hun\Tiu; [tåhon do:] adv with a sudden burst of speed
lump sum S YN ts\rxin\Tiu;
ts\lMu;ts\påd [tålon: dåba da.] n a (single) word (usu used ts\Aa; [tåa:] adv very; with all one's effort, with all
with negative verb) one's strength
ts\lMu;ts\wtv\; [tålon: tåwa. dE:] adv entirely, ts\A¨tMuSc\; [tåu don. zin:] n siblings, persons born of
completely, altogether the same parents
ts\elx”k^; [tåhle gyi:] n many, lots (inf) ts\U^;Siuc\nam\ [tåu: zain nan] n [gram] proper noun
ts\pMuts\eKåc\;' ts\pMuts\pc\' ts\pMu”k^;
S YN Am¥a;Siuc\nam\
ts\elYak\ [tåshau'] n state of being continuous (in ts\U^;tv\; [tåu: dE:] adv alone S YN ts\eyak\tv\;
usage, similar to ‘the whole ... long’, ‘throughout’) ts\eAac\. [tåaung.] n a moment, a while, a short time
ts\lWa; [tåhlwa:] n entire, the whole S YN ts\wn\; [ pe] ts\eAac\.ts\na; [tåaung. tåna:] adv for a while, for a
ts\w [tåwa.] n alternative, another way short time
— adv [Tanin] very ts\Aup\ts\m [tåo' tåma.] adv small cooperative
ts\wk\ [tåwe'] n half CF Tk\wk\ enterprise S YN ts\piuc\ts\Niuc\ [ pe]
ts\wk\ts\p¥k\ [tåwe' dåbye'] adv partly, partially, to a ts\RØ; [ti' shu;] n tissue [Engl]
point; midway, halfway; in an incomplete or unfinished tesÍ [tåhse] n ghost, spirit CF mekac\;Siu;wå;
state ts\t^t¨; [ti' ti du:] n red-wattled lapwing = t^t^tXT\
ts\wn\; [tåwun:] n (of geographic areas) entire, whole tv\1 [ti (tE)] v 1) be in a certain place 2) exist, continue
S YN ts\lWa; [ pe] 3) build, construct Ω eSak\tv\ 4) form, give shape to
ts\wm\;ts\Kå; [tåwin: tåkha:] n food and clothing (for one 5) establish, set up, found, grant (money, to start a
person) CF sa;wt\ener; project) 6) depend on Ω m¨tv\ 7) (of person) be stable,
ts\qmt\tv\; [tåthåma' htE:] adv undeviatingly, without be steady, be firm; be sedate; be grave, be serious
changing, steadfastly; consistently, steadily, regularly 8) set, put (pot, etc on stove to cook) 9) serve (food,
drink, etc) RF tv\Kc\;. 10) snare (birds, using decoy)
ts\qewmtim\; [tådhwe måtein:] adv exactly, precisely CF tin\vc\ 11) pickle (vegetables), ferment 12) be
ts\qa;tv\; [tåtha: dE:] adv 1) indivisibly, inseparably pregnant
Ω erliu ts\ qa;tv\;®Ps\ ty\" As indivisible as water. — n Óunit of volume CF SX´' ta
2) equally, impartially, without discrimination tv\kin\; [ti gein:] n [math] numerator
S YN ts\e®p;tv\;' ts\eqX; tv\; tv\Âkk\ [tE gye'] n 1) live decoy bird (used to lure
ts\q^”k^; [tåthi gyi:] adv in a long file, in a long queue, other birds to come close) S YN tin\vc\Âkk\ 2) [fig]
in a long row = tq^ttn\;”k^; decoy (Upsa), bait (Upsa)
ts\q^;pug©l [tåthi: po' gåla.] adj separate; independent; tv\Âkv\ [ti kyi] v have a steady mind and stable
individual character, be serious; be stoic
ts\q^;pug©lAmt\ [tåthi: po' gåla.] n independent tv\Kc\; [tE khin:] v 1) serve (food, drink, etc) 2) display
(representative, candidate, etc) [ pe] (goods for sale)
ts\q¨ [tåthu] n measure of depth, from a man's raised tv\“cim\ [ti nyein] v be serene, be tranquil, be still; be
hand to his feet (similar to ‘fathom’) CF lk\Kup\ts\ePåc\ steady
ts\qk\ [tåthe'] n lifetime Ω ts\qk\tasaepSu literary tv\“cim\®Kc\; [ti nyein gyin:] n equilibrium, balance,
prize for lifetime achievement = ts\qk\pn\ stability CF qmaDi
— adv for life tv\S´ [tE zE:] adj (still) existing
ts\qk\ts\kÁn\; [tåthe' dågyun:] n life sentence tv\eSak\ [ti hsau'] v 1) build, construct
CF kÁn\;piuÏd %\ [ rc] 2) concentrate 3) observe religious duties = eSak\tv\
ts\qk\n´Ïts\kiuy\ [tåthe' nE. dågo] adv in one's life (i.e.,
experience) tv\tM. [ti dan.] v be steady; be stable, endure, continue
ts\qk\pn\ [tåthe' pan] n lifetime to exist S YN tv\“m´
ts\qk\l¥a [tåthe' lya] n lifetime, whole life tv\tv\Âkv\Âkv\ [ti di kyi gyi] adv 1) (of mind,
ts\qiuk\ts\wn\; [tåthai' tåwun:] adv in a group, all character, etc act, appear, etc) steadily, levelly; with a
together straight face 2) seriously; stoically S YN tv\tv\pp
ts\qut\ [tåtho'] n (of people) group, (of things tv\tv\pp [ti di pa. ba.] adv seriously; stoically
processed) batch, (of rain) shower, (of time) spell tv\tv\Âkv\Âkv\
ts\eqX;tv\; [tåthwe: dE:] adv 1) indivisibly, inseparably tv\eTac\ [ti daung] v found, establish, set up; form,

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tv\ ª tn\
build to indicate knowledge, skill, qualification, capability
tv\enra [ti ne ya] n location, place CF Niuc\ 2) particle suffixed to a verb to indicate habit,

tv\pud\ [ti bo'] n headword, (dictionary) entry trait, tendency

tv\“m´ [ti myE:] v be steady; be stable, endure, continue tt\kÁm\; [ta' kyun: (kywan:)] v be proficient, be skilled
to exist S YN tv\tM. tt\sXm\; [ta' sun: (swan:)] v have the capability
tv\ra [ti ya] n place, repository, place where sthg is tt\Niuc\ [ta' hnain] v 1) be able to, can, be capable of;
kept manage Ω tt\Niuc\-qelak\ e®pa®pmy\" I'll explain as best I
tv\rxi [ti shi>] v be situated, be located can. Ω Batt\Niuc\mxal´" What could I do? 2) afford
tv\2 [tE] n kind of persimmon Ω ecXsuliuk\' eZ;tk\liuk\' tk\liuk\suliuk\tk\liuk\
tv\3 [ti] n elephant with a long single tusk CF Sc\ tt\pXn\ [ta' pun] v be skilled at, be expert at
tv\. [tE. (ti>)] v 1) (of line, street, way, direction) be tt\e®mak\ [ta' myau'] v complete (a course of study)
straight 2) (of people) be compatible, get on together, tt\eyac\ka; [ta' yaung ga:] n charlatan, fraud, person
be on good terms; (of food, medicine, etc) agree with who falsely claims to have a certain skill
Ω pu sXn\n´Ï mtv\. B¨;" I'm allergic to prawns. Ω Aqk\” k^; mx mOin´Ï- tt\qilimµa [ta' thi> lein ma] v 1) be familiar with a body of
mtv\.eta.B¨;" As I get older I find mushrooms don't agree knowledge; be adept at, be good at 2) be perceptive to
with me. the needs of the situation
— part 1) sentence final marker (literary) CF [collow] tt\Aa;qerX> [ta' a: dhåywe.] adv as much as one can,
ty\ 2) particle added to word or phrase for emphasis to the best of one's ability
tv\.mt\ [tE. ma'] v be fair, be straight; be tt\tiuc\; [ta' tain:] adv as is, without change from current
straightforward; (of character) be upright, be honest condition; by oneself = qv\.Atiuc\;
Ω Alu p\lup\t´. AKå A“m´ tn\ tv\. tv\.mt\ mt\ lup\ty\" He is tit\ [tei'] v 1) be silent, be quiet, make no noise 2) (of
always fair in his work. wind, storm, fire) die (down); (of rain) stop, cease; (of
tv\.tv\.e®Pac\.e®Pac\. [tE. tE. hpyaung. hpyaung.] adv luck) run out, end
forthrightly, in a forthright manner tit\tKiu; [tei' tåkho:] adv stealthily; furtively, in secret
tv\.tv\.lc\;lc\; [ti> di> lin: lin:]
adv openly, frankly, Ω ti t\tKiu;K¥s\ admire secretly
candidly, (talk, tell it) straight S YN pXc\.pXc\.lc\;lc\;' tit\tSit\ [tei' tåhsei'] adv secretly; silently, quietly
titilc\;lc\; tit\tit\ [tei' tei'] adv silently; quietly; secretly
tv\;1 [tE:] v 1) stay (in, at), lodge (in), put up (at) RF tit\tit\en [tei' tei' ne] v keep quiet
tv\;Kiu. 2) (of things) tack together, tie together 3) edit tit\tit\pun\; [tei' tei' pon:] adv secretly, clandestinely
(book, film, etc) RF tv\;®Pt\. [ wr] titiÊ [dei' hti>] n 1) heretic 2) person who does not believe
tv\;Kiu [tE: kho] v stay (in, at), lodge (in), put up (at) in Buddhism
tv\;KiuKn\; [tE: kho gan:] n small hotel, guesthouse, titMÊo [dei' hton] n treatise on the interpretation of dreams
pension tut\1 [to'] v (of a person) be stocky, be heavy CF wtut\
tv\;sp\ [tE: za'] n pin, peg, stick, etc for fastening tut\tut\K´K´ [to' to' khE: gE:] v be chubby, be plump
things tut\2 [to'] v 1) sound (bugle) 2) strike (big drum in
tv\;®Pt\ [ti: hpya'] v 1) edit 2) censor traditional orchestra) 3) curse, swear at, verbally abuse
tv\;®Pt\q¨ [ti: hpya' thu] n editor CF satv\;
tv\;Ap\ [tE: a'] n pin tut\tut\mYmlOp\ [to' to' hmya. måhlo'] v not make a move,
tv\;2 [tE: (di:)] part 1) suffix to a count word, meaning that stay completely still, not stir
number exactly, only that number, no more tut\3 [to'] v ∞eat
Ω ts\e yak\ tv\; alone Ω Nx s\e yak\ tv\; just the two of us tut\4 [to'] v build (a dike, bank around a rice paddy)
Ω ts\ Aut\tv\; in one volume tut\5 [to'] n threadworm
ts\Tiuc\tv\; [in one sitting] [? examples ok?] tut\6 [do'] n stick, rod, baton CF nMpåt\tut\ truncheon'
2) ¬sentence final marker CF [colloq] ty\ pMusMtut\ nightstick' raBatut\ [ ph]
tv\;h¨eqa [di: hu dhaw:] part particle infixed between tut\t®pk\Da;t®pk\ [do' dåbye' da: dåbye'] adv (attack)
nouns to make a metaphor = Siut´. furiously with sticks and swords
tv\;kªktv\;k3 [tE] (ever) since (-ing), (right) tut\Da; [do' da:] n sword-cane
from, all the way from: suffix to noun or verb tut\m^; [do' mi:] n torch (Br), flashlight (Am)
Ω cy\c y\ ktv\;k ever since he was a child Ω A´´dåktv\; k
S YN lk\Nixp\Dat\m^;
since that time Ω ngiuktv\; k from the start, already
tut\7 [to'] n disease of cattle, in which they drag their feet
Ω esaesaktv\; k -qti-ep;ty\" I warned you from the
tut\8 [to'] part count word for counting the carcasses of
tt\ [ta'] v know; be clever; be skilled; be qualified; be rabbits, hares [ nc]
capable, be able to
tn\1 [tan] v 1) be worth; deserve, be worthy of
— part 1) have the skill to, particle suffixed to a verb
Ω ®pv\ nt\pt†® ma; ruby worth a kingdom [? example ok?]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 180

tn\ ª tn\;
2) fit; befit, be appropriate for 3) stop, cease, desist tn\sm\; [tan zan:] n spring welling up among stones
— v be worthless, be good for nothing tn\Sa2 [tan za] n railway freight receipt
— part count word for counting legs of a journey, parts tn\SaK [tan za ga.] n railway shipping charge
of concepts Ω erts\tn\kun\; ts\tn\ one part by boat, tn\Sc\; [tan zin:] n Œtree with a durable, very dark wood
another on land Ω blcå;tn\ five strength rc\;tiuk\ =
tn\kak¥ [tan ga kya.] v be just about right tn\eSac\ [dåzaung] n 1) flame, light 2) [fig] leading light
S YN eta\ kak¥ (Upsa), prominent figure (in a region, field, etc)
tn\eÂk; [tan gye:] n cost, price S YN tn\Piu; tn\eSac\tiuc\pX´ [dåzaung dain pwE:] n ‹festival of lights,
tn\Sa⁄ [tan (då) za] n 1) ornament 2) implement, tool, held on the full-moon day of tn\eSac\mun\; to
instrument 3) male genitals [ ph] commemorate the Buddha's return to earth from heaven
tn\Sapla [dåza båla] n implement, tool, instrument S YN m^;TXn\;pX´
tn\eta. [tan daw.] part particle prefixed to a statement tn\eSac\mun\; [dåzaung mon:] n Dazaungmon, eight month
to indicate conjecture, probability, conditionality Ω mc\; of the lunar year, containing 30 days, falling in
d^ekac\mel;-AeÂkac\; K%K%-e®pata tn\eta. mc\; q¨kiu October–November CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^
tn\rxy\ [tan shE] n rawhide strip used to stretch a drumhead
emt†arxien“p^ Tc\ty\" You are always talking about that girl
-- I think you must be in love with her. and hold it in place
tn\®pn\ [tan pyan] v retaliate, counterattack; counteract, tn\lc\; [tan lin:] n [arch] open level ground = tlc\;
react against tn\Ï [tan.] v stop short, stop suddenly; stop for a while,
tn\®pn\er;qma; [tan pyan ye: dhåma:] n agent provacateur halt
tn\Piu; [tan bo:] n 1) cost, price 2) value, worth — part count word used in counting bars, stripes,
tn\Piu;®Pt\ [tan bo: hpya'] v appraise, asses value wrinkles, folds, etc [ nc]
tn\m´. [tan mE.] part despite, in spite of tn\; [tan:] v 1) stretch out, lay out (straight) 2) head
tn\ra [tan (dan) ya] part particle suffixed to verbs to straight for, make a beeline for 3) become cold, become
denote may, might, should be distant, become estranged Ω kÁn\;eta\.n´ÏkÁn\eta\.min\; m
tn\ratn\eÂk; [tan ya tan gye:] n fair price, right price rn\®Ps\“p^; ktv\; k Kp\tn\; tn\;®Ps\qXa;ty\" S YN si m\;
tn\ratn\Piu; [tan ya tan bo:] n fair price, right price 4) remain steady at a level or degree
tn\ratn\ra [tan ya tan ya] n (in criticism of excessive
ambition) sthg the appropriate size, level, value, etc — n 1) bar, rod, rope, wire, string, etc placed at a
Ω piu k\SMmrxi p´n´Ï
lup\cn\;-A”k^;”k^; msU\; sa;n´Ï" kiuy\n´Ï certain height; row, column, line 2) form (Br), class,
tn\ratn\ra lup\på" Don't think of a grand enterprise when standard, grade (Am), year in school 3) row of cells in a
you don't have any money. Do something reasonable. prison
mtn\mra [mådan måya] adv not of the same status, of tn\;ek¥a\e®p; [tan: gyaw bye:] n (in track sports) hurdles
unequal level S YN t¨t¨tn\tn\ tn\;Kun\ [tan: khon] n (in track and field) high jump
tn\2 [tan] n ton, 2000 pounds, 907 kg [Engl] A®mc\.Kun\
tn\k¥s\1 [tan gyi'] n kind of vine tn\;s^ [tan: si] v queue (up) (Br), line up (Am), stand in
tn\k¥s\2 [dågyi'] n Ó1) chequerboard S YN k¥a;kXk\ line (Am); [milit] fall in
2) board game similar to draughts 3) chequered pattern tn\;s^; [tan: zi:] n cell leader, trusty, prisoner in a
S YN k¥a;kXk\ position of authority over other prisoners
tn\K¨; [dågu:]n Dagu, first month of the lunar year, having tn\;vHi [tan: hnyi>] v 1) dress the ranks, arrange troops,
29 days, falling in April–May CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^' eNxac\; tn\K¨;' etc in precise formation 2) [fig] compete (usu by
U^;tn\K¨; cutting the other down or pointing out one's own
tn\Kiu; [dågo:] n power; potency, efficacy CF Bun\;' Arxin\Awå excellence)
[ ph] tn\;t¨ [tan: du] v be equal (to); be on par (with); be of
tn\Kiu;”k^; [dågo: gyi:] v 1) ‹have great mystical powers the same status (as), be at the same level (as)
2) be very powerful Ω ecXtn\Kiu; [? need to finish example CF mtn\mt¨
+ add symbol to 1] tn\;t¨rv\t¨ [tan: du yi du] adv equally
tn\;Kiu;TXa; [dAgo; htwa;] v become more powerful [? tn\;tn\; [tan: dan:] adv straight
new kyaw] tn\;tn\;mt\mt\ [tan: dan: ma' ma'] adv straight (toward
tn\Kiu;®pa!iha [dågo: bya dI ha] n miraculous power [ bs] sthg)
tn\Kiu;Aaniqc\ [dågo: a ni> thin] n potency; effect tn\;®Pot\ [tan: hpyo'] v Ídismiss ranks
tn\Kiu;AaNueBa\ [dågo: a nu. baw] n power tn\;ln\; [tan lan:] adv 1) with sb or sthg clinging,
tn\Kiu;IdiÎpåd\ [dågo: ei' di> ba'] n mystical power hanging on, trailing along S YN tiu; liu;tX´elac\; 2) without
tn\Kiu;®p [dågo: pya.] v 1) show mystical powers 2) have finishing; while; in the middle of
an effect, be efficacious tn\;l¥a; [tan: ya:] n long, low building; Íbarracks,
tn\s^; [tan (då) zi:] n [arch] bog soldiers' communal housing

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 181

tin\vc\ ª tp\
tin\vc\ [tein nyin] n bird used as decoy tp\Kc\; [ta' khin:] v Ídeploy battalion, forces, etc
tin\vc\Âkk\ [tein nyin (tånyin) kye'] n decoy (usu a small tp\K¥ [ta' cha.] v Í(of troops, , soldiers, etc) encamp,
white chicken) S YN Âkk\tin\vc\ bivouac, make camp
tin\vc\; [tein nyin:] n kingfisher, small blue and white fishing tp\K¥^ [ta' chi] v Ímarch on
bird = pin\vc\; tp\KX´ [ta' khwE:] n Ícompany, squadron, small unit of
tin\;vk\ [tein: nye'] n sappan wood CF Tn\;k¥c\. armed forces
tun\ [ton] v tremble, shake, quiver, quaver; shiver, tp\sKn\; [ta' såkhan:] n Ímilitary base, military camp
shudder tp\su [ta' su.] n Íplatoon, troop, smallest unit of army
tun\Kå [ton kha] v vibrate tp\sit\ [ta' sei'] n Ísection
tun\K¥U\q^; [ton chin dhi:] n orange S YN km`la tp\sX´ [ta' swE:] v Íposition, station (troops)
tun\K¥v\. [ton chi] v be weak and shaky, be infirm, be ill tp\Sut\ [ta' hso'] v Íretreat
tun\tun\yc\yc\ [ton don yin yin] adv falteringly, in a tp\SXy\ [ta' hswE] n Ídetachment, unit from larger
trembling manner body of troops sent on a special duty
tun\tun\r^r^ [ton don yi yi] adv falteringly, in a trembling tp\etac\tabiul\Tu [ta' taung da bo du.] n 1) Ílarge unit
manner of troops 2) [fig] mass, mob, horde Ω ' Mongol horde
tun\lOp\ [ton hlo'] v tremble, shake (with fear), be afraid tp\tXc\;pun\kn\mO [ta' twin: pon kan hmu.] n Ímutiny,
internal rebellion against military authority
tun\kc\; [ton kin:] n barge, a large flat-bottomed boat used tp\eTak\ [ta' htau'] n Íquartermaster
for transporting cargo tp\Tut\pX´ [ta' hto' pwE:] n Í(military) parade
tun\; [ton:] part 1) while 2) particle suffixed to verbs to tp\Tin\; [ta' htein:] n Ímilitary police, MP S YN ss\r´' tp\r´
show continuity, still Ω kÁn\eta\ sa;tun\;-eqak\tun\;
merWlaty\" Ma Shwe came while I was eating. CF S´' eq; tp\Tin\;K¥op\ [ta' htein: gyo'] n ÍProvost Marshal
[? example ok? ] tp\TXk\ [ta' htwe'] n Íveteran, ex-serviceman
tun\;k [don: ga.] adv ago Ω erx;erx;tun\;k long ago CF lXn\K´. — v Ímarch to battle
tp\1 [ta'] v 1) fix, attach, install 2) crave, hanker for tp\Nut\ [ta' hno'] v Ípartially withdraw, withdraw a
3) impose (sentence, punishment, etc) Ω By\ -pud\mtp\“p^; segment of troops
AmOsX´-rml´ mqiB¨;" I don't know what he will be accused tp\ny\ [ta' nE] n Ícantonment area S YN tp\e®m
and tried for. 4) affix, pin on; button (up) 5) (of cloth) tp\epåc\; [ta' paung:] n Íassembly of troops from
be dyed, be stained (with colour) RF tp\sXn\;. 5) thread (a different units
needle) Ω Ap\K¥v\tp\ 6) put on; wear (glasses, mask, etc) tp\p¥k\ [ta' pye'] v Íbe routed, flee in disorder,
disintegrate (Upsa)
tp\Âkp\⁄ [ta' kya'] adv definitely, certainly, positively tp\p¥k\biul\lup\ [ta' pye' bo lo'] v lead a rag-tag bunch
S YNtp\Ap\ tp\e®p; [ta' pye:] n Ídeserter CF ss\e®p;
tp\“ci [ta' nyi>] v be attached (to) tp\eP¥ak\ [ta' hpyau'] v Ídisperse troops (as military
tp\sXn\; [ta' sun:] v 1) (of cloth) be dyed, be stained tactic)
(with colour) 2) be infatuated with, desire (a person) tp\®Pn\Ï [ta' hpyan.] v Ídeploy troops, spread out troops
tp\Sc\ [ta' hsin] v 1) arm (a group, force, etc) 2) fix,
put on, pin on, affix tp\P´X> [ta' hpwE.]
n Ímilitary unit; ∏front Ω pålk\stiuc\;-
tp\tp\sX´ [ta' ta' swE:] v accuse (sb) with certainty lXt\e®mak\er;-tp\PX´> Palestinian Liberation Front
tp\tp\Ap\Ap\ [ta' ta' a' a'] adv positively, certainly, — v Íform a military unit
definitely tp\m [ta' ma.] n Í1) main body of troops 2) division,
tp\Nxs\qk\ [ta' hni' the'] v be fond of unit of armed forces
tp\mk\ [ta' me'] v be infatuated with; crave; desire tp\m”k^; [ta' ma. gyi:] n Í(army) corps
excessively tp\meta\ [ta' mådaw] n ÍMyanmar armed forces
tp\Ap\ [ta' a'] adv positively, certainly, definitely Ω bmaAm¥io;qa;tp\ meta\ Burma National Army, formed in
tp\Ap\eqK¥a [ta' a' the gya] adv positively, certainly, 1943 when Burma was granted independence by the
definitely Japanese Ω bma.-kakXy\er;-tp\meta\ Burma Defence Army,
tp\2 [ta'] n 1) Ístockade, fortification; enclosure formed July 1942 under Japanese occupation
2) Íarmed forces, military, troops 3) brigade, group of Ω bmalX t\lp\er;tp\ meta\ Burma Independence Army,
persons organised for collective action formed in 1941 by Aung Hsan and the 30 Comrades
tp\Âkp\Ÿ [ta' kya'] n Ícorporal CF raT¨; tp\meta\kakXy\er;U^;s^;K¥op\ [ta' mådaw ka gwE ye: u: zi:
tp\Âkp\”k^; [ta' kya' kyi:] n Ísergeant (sgt) CF saqc\' gyo'] n ÍDefence Services Commander-in-Chief
Sag¥c\; raT¨; tp\meta\ss\eS;er;ArarxiK¥op\ [ta' mådaw si' hse: ye: åya shi>
tp\eKåk\ [ta' khau'] v 1) Íwithdraw 2) [fig] give up gyo'] n ÍInspector-General of the Armed Forces
before a task is finished tp\meta\dutiykakXy\er;U^;s^;K¥op\ [ta' mådaw du. tåya. ka

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 182

tip\ ª tim\;
gwE ye: u: zi: go'] n ÍDefence Services Deputy Commander- tim\1 [tein] v 1) be shallow A NT nk\ 2) be superficial, be
in-Chief obvious, be cursory, be trivial 3) fade (away) Ω AqMtim\
tp\meta\enÏ [ta' mådaw ne.] n Armed Forces Day, 27 tim\eka [tein gaw:] v 1) silt up = eka 2) [fig] be on
March (formerly Resistance Day) CF eta\lxn\er;enÏ the way to extinction, be vanishing; be obsolescent,
tp\mha [ta' måha] n Íbrigade become obsolete, pass out of use or usefulness; lie
tp\mc\; [ta' min:] n Í1) Óofficer commanding 10,000 dormant, be unused
troops 2) Óesa\BXa; (Shan ruler) commanding units led tim\cup\ [tein ngo'] v disappear, vanish, fade away; become
by lesser chiefs and provincial commanders 3) [inf] obscure S YN tim\®mop\
brigade commander tim\Tiu; [tein do;] n œinterlude, music played in the
tp\e®m [ta' mye] n Ícantonment area, land belonging transition between scenes CF ele®pTiu; [? new from
to army base S YN tp\ny\ cross-ref]
tp\“mio> [ta' myo.] n Í1) Ófortress, fort 2) garrison town tim\®mop\ [tein myo'] v disappear, vanish, fade away;
become obscure S YN tim\cup\
tp\mØ; [ta' hmu:] n Í1) officer commanding a military tim\2 [tein] n 1) cloud 2) cataract, clouded lens of the eye
unit 2) Óofficer commanding 100 troops RFtim\qla.
tp\er; [ta' ye:] n Íadjutant, staff officer giving tim\k¥ [tein kya.] v have a cataract
administrative assistance to commanding officer tim\Kiu; [tein go:] n gathering mist, drifting fog
tp\r´ [ta' yE:] n Ímilitary police S YN tp\Tin\;' ss\r´ tim\Kiu;cå;pi [tein go: ngåpi>] n kind of soft, fine cå;pi (fish
tp\rc\; [ta' yin:] n Íbattalion Ω e®Kl¥c\tp\rc\; (Klr) paste)
infantry battalion; e®K®mn\tp\rc\; (Kmr) light infantry tim\KXp\ [tein khu'] v (of clouds) collide and produce
batallion lightning
tp\rc\;mØ; [ta' yin: hmu:] n Íbattalion commander tim\SX´ [tein hswE;] v have a cataract CF tim\qla
tp\ln\ [ta' lan] v 1) Íbe routed, retreat in defeat tim\VXn\Ïsa; [tein nyun. za:] n 1) kind of elephant which
2) [fig] fail (in a venture) puts its trunk into its mouth only after raising it high
tp\lxn\Ï [ta' hlan.] v 1) Íput troops on alert 2) [fig] 2) mythical horse which flies in the clouds
sound an alarm tim\etak\ [tein tau'] v (of clouds at sunset) glow
tp\qa; [ta' tha:] n Íprivate, lowest ranking soldier tim\tiuk\ [tein dai'] n bank of clouds
CF raT¨; tim\etac\ [tein daun] n cumulus, large cloud with a flat
tp\U^;B^l¨;på [ta' u: bålu: ba] adv intrepidly, fearlessly, base and a puffy top (illus)
full of energy, as for the first battle tim\pup\ [tein bo'] n rain cloud, nimbus, dense dark cloud
tip\ [tei'] n [in comb] tape [Engl]
tip\eKX [tei' khwe] n 1) cassette (tape) 2) video (tape) tim\mkn\; [tein mågan:] n mackerel sky, broad thin clouds
3) roll of (sticky) tape broken into scale-like pieces CF mkn\;
tip\r^eka\då [tei' ri kaw da] n tape recorder, cassette tim\mYc\ [tein hmyin] n cirrus, thin wispy clouds (illus)
recorder [Engl] tim\liuk\ [tein lai'] n instrument for cataract surgery
tup\ [to'] v 1) tie; bind, fasten; hitch, tether (tightly) RF tim\lWa [tein hlwa] n stratus, very high cloud
tup\eNxac\. 2) (of clothing) bind, be tight; feel restricted tim\qla [tein thåla] n cataract, clouding of the lens of
by clothes 3) (of wasp, scorpion, bee, etc) sting the eye CF tim\SX´
4) crush, squish (lice, etc) between fingernails tim\qlaPMu; [tein thåla hpon] v [fig] be blind to, be
tup\kX [to' kwa.] v 1) stay in a respectful posture (with blinded by
legs bent) 2) pay respect (to) S YN tup\wp\ tim\Aup\ [tein o'] n cloudbank
tup\eNxac\ [to' hnaung] v tie; bind, fasten; hitch, tether tim\3 [tein] v allow sediment to settle or precipitate
(tightly) CF Anv\-Tiuc\
tup\wp\ [to' wu'] v 1) stay in a respectful posture (with tim\; [tein:] v 1) tilt, incline, tip; bend; sway 2) veer,
legs bent) 2) pay respect (to) S YN tup\kX swerve, change direction; shift 3) evade, elude; avoid,
tm\; [tan:] v 1) [arch] put on record 2) voice; yearn for, stay clear of RF tim\;yim\;. 4) deviate, turn aside from a
long for, pine for norm, method, purpose, etc; err, go wrong
— n tradition; norm; standard tim\;esac\; [tein: saung:] v 1) tilt, incline, tip; bend; sway
— part 1) suffix indicating reciprocal agreement 2) veer, swerve, change direction; shift 3) deviate, turn
2) suffix indicating continuation aside from a norm, method, purpose, etc; err
tm\;es. [tan: se.] v come up to a norm, reach a standard,
be at a standard tim\;VXt\ [tein: nyu'] v be inclined to, tend to
tm\;t [tan: ta.] v speak with longing tim\;på; [tein: ba:] v 1) go astray, deviate, depart
tm\;tm\;sX´ [tan: dan: zwE:] adv obsessively norms, accepted values; err 2) (of wealth, fortune,
tm\;mxn\; [tan: hman:] v guess, conjecture; visualise savings) decline 3) die

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 183

tMu ª ”ti
tim\;mp\ [tein: ma'] v Ó1) bend; lean 2) be inclined to, tMu;tiuk\tiuk\km\;tiuk\tiuk\ [ton: tai' tai' kan: tai' tai'] adv
tend to recklessly, heedlessly, regardless of consequences
tim\;emxak\ [tein: hmau'] v (of car) roll (over), (of boat) tMu;tMu;K¥ [don: don: cha.] v 1) make a clear decision
capsize, (of train) derail 2) have one's mind relieved, be reassured
tim\;yim\; [tein: yein:] v evade, elude; avoid, stay clear of tMu;epkt\qt\ [don: be ka' tha'] adv 1) tirelessly;
doggedly; stubbornly; single-mindedly 2) with the
tim\;erxac\ [tein: shaung] v evade, avoid, stay clear of, stay capacity to endure, with stamina S YN tMu;epqa;erna;
away from; escape from tMu;epkt\qt\KM [ton: be ka' tha' khan] v be durable, wear
tM1u [ton] n heights well, stand abuse, resist wear and tear S YN AÂkm\;KM
tuMgiu%\; [ton gain:] n ‹first Buddhist reform sect, tMu;epqa;erna; [don: be thåye na:] adv 1) tirelessly,
members of which wear their robes over their left doggedly; stubbornly 2) with stamina, with the capacity
shoulder = Atc\giu%\; CF RMugiu%\; [ bh] to endure S YN tMu;epkt\qt\ [ ph]
tu2M [ton] v stop, halt tMu;lMu; [ton: lon:] adv 1) (lying) at full length, stretched
tM3u [ton (don)] part 1) suffix to a verb to indicate out Ω tMu; lMu;lx´ lie at full length, stretch out 2) naked, in
recurring action Ω d^l¨k dukƒep;tuMty\" This one always the nude (inf)
causes trouble. 2) particle suffixed to word for emphasis tMu;lMu;sa [ton: lon: za] n resources to fall back on (in old
[? need examples for all under ton -- difficult form. age), savings for retirement CF mt\tp\sa
check example] tMu;lMu;pk\lk\ [ton: lon: pe' le'] adv 1) sprawled out, (sit,
ÚtMuÚtMu […ton (don)…ton (don)] part particle suffixed to lie) lolling, with a slump, e.g., from exhaustion 2) in
contrasting verbs, to show alternating actions, cycles, disorder, in an improper, unseemly, disrespectful
etc Ω K¥^tMuK¥tMu®Ps\ CF K¥v\' liuk\' hy\; la; posture
tMukc\ [ton kin] n hand pump, water pump CF ersk\ (illus) tMu;2 [ton:] part [inf] particle used as a final marker for
tuMÏ [ton.] v 1) give sthg in return, give back 2) turn back, go open questions Ω BaÂkv\.entMu;" What are you looking at?
back in the direction one came from 3) falter, hesitate, Ω Ba®Ps\entMu;" What's happening? Ω By\AK¥in\tMu;" At what
lose momentum, be checked; waver time? S YN l´
tÏMuKn´ [ton. gAnE;] adv coming to a sudden stop tMu;kula;2 [ton: kåla:] n carpenter's jack, used to realign
tuMÏSiuc\; [ton. hsain:] v hesitate wooden buildings = dMu; kla;
tuMÏeNx;tuMÏeNx; [ton. hne: ton. hne:] adv haltingly, hesitantly ty\1 [tE] int expression of annoyance, outrage, anger,
tuMÏ®pn\ [ton. pyan] v 1) requite, give (the same) in return indignation, threat Ω ty\kun\påla;" = qy\ [? ok or
2) respond 3) retaliate, pay back (in kind) (Upsa), get belonging to next?]
sb (inf) — part ™final marker of declarative sentence S YN qv\'
tuMϮpn\mO [ton. hmu.] n response CF lOMeSa\mO stimulus f
tMu;1 [ton:] v 1) cut, chop 2) shave (head) 3) be out of ty\2 [tE] adv very, extremely Ω ty\mxn\" How true! [?
season A NT epÅ 4) be blunt, be dull Ω Då;tMu; dull knife example from ko kyaw thu]
5) [fig] be silly; be stupid; be dull RF tMu;et. ty\l^Pun\; [tE li hpon:] n telephone [Engl] = Pun\; (illus with
— n 1) log, piece of wood, stick Ω tuM;kiu miu;”kio;ps\ receiver, cord, jack, pushbuttons, etc)
put\qc\påmxn\" When lightning strikes the log, the chameleon ty\l^Pun\;lm\;VWn\ [tE li hpon: lan: hnyun] n telephone
is also killed. 2) hollow wooden log used as a bell (illus) directory
3) hyphen (-), dash (––) ty\l^b^;rxc\; [tE li bi: shin:]
n television, T.V. [Engl] S YN t^bX^'
tMu;kula; [don: kåla:] n black-necked stork = cxk\kula; Rup\® mc\qMÂka;
tMu;ek¥a\ [ton: kyaw] v gain a new lease on life because of t¥aK¥c\; [tåya gyin:] n kind of classical song with the same
false report of one's death [ bs] beginning and ending note [ ms]
tMu;eKåk\ [ton: khau'] v beat a tMu;emac\: (e.g., to sound an t¥at¥a [tåya tåya] adj scarlet, bright red
alarm, send a signal, etc) t¥aqM [tåya (tåra) dhan] n key (of a piece of music) [ ms]
tMu;sp\ [ton: za'] n adjutant bird = cxk\”k^;tMu;sp\ et¥aqM [tåyaw: dhan] n note four notes lower than t¥aqM
tMu;ta [ton: da] adj 1) blunt, dull, not sharp 2) [fig] silly; (key note) [ ms]
stupid; dull ”ti [tri>] n three; tri-
— n idiot, dullard ”tik!ok\ [tri> gådo'] n three hot spices, red pepper, hot
tMu;ti [don: di>] adv 1) (speak) plainly, frankly, bluntly peppers, ginger (illus)
2) with a rounded, blunt end ”tigM [tri> gan] n triangle Ω ”tigMAna; side of a triangle
tMu;titi [ton: ti> di>] adv 1) (speak) plainly, frankly, bluntly CF bhugM
2) with a rounded, blunt end ”tiedåq [tri> daw: dha.] n three harmful humours, gall, gas,
tMu;et [don: te] adj silly; stupid; dull phlegm = edåqqMu;på;
tMu;tiu [don: do] n hyphen, - sign, used between parts of ”tiPl [tri> hpåla.] n three myrobalan fruits used in
a word or name medicine

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 184

Âtc\; ª tXk\
Âtc\; [trin:] n ß1) one third of a sign in the zodiac (Am) Ω l¨s^;tX´ passenger carriage/car 2) barge, flat (pulled
2) prediction, foretelling of what will come by a tugboat, etc) 3) couple, pair, boyfriend and
Âtc\;ek¥ [trin: kye] v ß1) a third sign of the zodiac girlfriend 4) number of people, animals, things etc
2) be divisible by three together Ω (3)-eyak\ts\tX´ three-by-three, three people at
Âtc\;ek¥nwc\;ek¥ [trin: kye nåwin: kye] v ß1) a third sign a time 5) droop, hang
of the zodiac 2) be divisible by three or nine — part count word for things in pairs, bunches,
tX [twa.] v 1) (of limbs) feel stiff 2) be somewhat dried and clusters, sets, packs Ω Am´qa;-ts\tX´ By\elak\l´" How
contracted, wizened, wrinkled much for this pack of beef cuts? [ nc]
tXa; [twa:] v crawl; (of snake) slither t´XKut\ [twE: kho'] v ™go steady, be a couple, become
tXa;qXa;ekac\' tXa;qXa;qt†wå [twa: thwa: gaung, twa: boyfriend and girlfriend
thwa: tha' tåwa] n reptile, cold-blooded vertebrate usu with t´XK¥it\ [twE: chei'] v attach rolling stock to a train
scaly skin, such as snake, lizard, crocodile t´Xsp\ [twE: sa'] v link things together; combine
tX^ [twi] n twill [Engl] t´XTiu; [twE: hto:] v shunt rolling stock into line
etX [twe] v 1) waver, be unsure, be indecisive 2) be t´XPk\ [twE: hpe'] v become partners, make a partnership,
stunned, be dazed; be flummoxed 3) brood partner with (inf); do sthg jointly, do sthg together
— part ™particle suffixed to noun to indicate diversity,
plurality, every — n partner, associate
etXetX [twe dwe] adv (flow) continuously — adj joint; partner
etXew [twe we] v 1) be in a daze (e.g., from a shock); be t´Xl´ [twE: lE:] adv 1) with (sthg) hanging, trailing 2) in
in a stupor (e.g., from drinking too much alcohol) 2) be tow
indecisive, waver; vacillate, change opinion, decision, t´Xelac\; [twE: laung:] adv 1) with (sthg) hanging,
etc often trailing 2) in tow
etX> [twe.] v 1) see (a person), meet RF etX>®mc\. 2) meet; t´XlMu; [twE: lon:]
n 1) style of playing ®Kc\;lMu; (caneball)
come across, find 3) experience; feel 4) come to terms in which different styles are combined 2) improvisiation
with, reckon with, deal with of harmony in tune and rhythm [ ms]
etX>kra [twe. gåya] n all, anything and everything,
anybody and everybody, anywhere and everywhere; t´Xl¥a; [twE: lya:] adv 1) with (sthg) hanging, trailing
nonsense, rubbish 2) in tow
etX>krarxs\eqac\; [twe. gåya shi' thaung:] n all, anything t´Xqm``n\ [twE: than ban] n flat or barge attached to side of
and everything, anybody and everybody, anywhere and tugboat
everywhere; nonsense, rubbish ts\t´X [tådwE]
part particle used to show how many at
etX>”kMo [twe. kyon] v 1) come across, meet 2) experience the same time Ω (4)-Kuts\t´X four at a time
tX´> [twE.] n 1) œrecite poetry or sing slowly 2) cling
etX>SMu [twe. hson] v meet, get together (inf); come tXk\1 [twe'] v 1) calculate, compute, solve mathematical
together = SMuetX>' epåc\;SMu problems CF NOt\tXk\' ertXk\ 2) reckon, enumerate
etX>Ti [twe. hti>] v 1) touch, come into contact with CF ertX k\ 3) figure, reckon; consider RF tXk\K¥c\. 4) refuse
2) experience, feel to do sthg (because others also refused); be willing to
etX>®mc\ [twe. myin] v see (a person), meet do sthg only if others do RF tXk\kt\. 4) ßforetell, read
etX; [twe:] v think; reflect; consider CF sU\;sa;' ”kMS a horoscope Ω ebdc\tXk\
etX;”kM [twe: kyan] v make plans, think and plan out tXk\kt\ [twe' ka'] v refuse to do sthg (because others
etX;eKÅ [twe: khaw] v imagine; think CF AetX;AeKÅ also refused); be willing to do sthg only if others do
etX;S [twe: hsa.] v deliberate, think carefully, weigh
alternatives, ponder tXk\kin\; [twe' kein:] n 1) forecast, prediction;
etX;eta [twe: taw:] v consider; brood on, think moodily calculation 2) method of counting
about; study, contemplate tXk\kin\;kiuk\ [twe' kein: kai'] v turn out as expected to
etX;Tc\ [twe: htin] v guess, conjecture; speculate; one's advantage S YN tXk\e®Kkiuk\' tXk\qa;kiuk\
assume tXk\K¥c\. [twe' chin.] v figure, reckon; consider
etX;e®mHa\ [twe: hmyaw] v premeditate, plan carefully; tXk\e®Kkiuk\ [twe' che kai'] v
anticipate, think ahead — v turn out as expected to one's advantage
etX;RO [twe: shu.] v contemplate; reflect (upon); ponder, S YN tX k\kin\; kiu k\' tX k\qa;kiu k\
consider tXk\ss\ [twe' si'] v examine, check, verify
etX;lMu; [twe: lon:] n thought tXk\S [twe' hsa.] v examine, verify
t´X [twE:] v link (to); attach (to); pair (with); associate tXk\ta [twe' ta] n 1) responsibility 2) allotment, share,
(with) CF tXy\ [? new cf from kyaw -- in both] portion intended for sb
— n 1) rolling stock, (railway) carriage (Br), (train) car tXk\Riu; [twe' yo:] n ßconventional method of reading a

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 185

tXk\ ª tXy\
horoscope check]
tXk\qa;kiuk\ [twe' tha: kai'] v turn out as expected to tXt\tXt\ [tu' tu'] adj reddish
one's advantage S YN tXk\e®Kkiuk\' tXk\kin\; kiuk\ tXn\ [tun] v make a sound, e.g., cry, bellow, crow, hiss,
tXk\2 [twe'] v nudge; thrust sideways etc; break wind ssAuitXn\ Ω e®mXtXn\ (of snake) hiss Ω Âkk\m-
— part count word used in counting snaps of the tXn\liuÏ miu;mlc\;' Âkk\P-tXn\mx miu;lc\;
fingers [ nc] tXn\k¥ø; [tun kyu:] v (of birds) sing sweetly
tXc\1 [twin] v 1) be known as, be called, be named S YN eKÅ tXn\gå [tun ga] n 1) ∏Tonga 2) Tongan
2) be accepted, gain currency 3) make one's mark, go — adj Tongan [ cr]
down in history 4) do well, prosper; come off well, be a tXn\> [tun.] v 1) wrinkle qertXn\>; crease sk¶øtXn\> 2) warp;
success; make progress, make headway curl 3) recoil, shrink from something (in fear, disgust,
tXc\k¥y\ [twin gyE] v 1) be important, be influential, etc) RF tXn\>Sut\.
prosper 2) do well, prosper; come off well, be a success; tXn\ÏSut\ [tun. hso'] v recoil, shrink from something (in
make progress, make headway fear, disgust, etc)
tXc\tXc\ [twin dwin] adv continuously, repeatedly tXn\Ïtiu [tun. to] v stint, grudge, be stingy
tXc\2 [twin] n cupping device made of horn, used in tXn\ÏROM> [tun. shon.] v (of skin) be wrinkled
traditional healing tXn\Ïlip\ [tun. lei'] v be wrinkled and warped
tXc\Kut\⁄ [twin kho'] v cup, apply cup to draw off tXn\Ïlim\ [tun. lein] v be twisted
contaminated blood S YN tXc\sup\ tXn\; [tun:] v 1) push S YN Tiu; 2) urge; force; goad 3) scrub
tXc\sup\ [twin so'] v cup, apply cup to draw off 4) [sl] screw sb over, play a dirty trick on sb
contaminated blood S YN tXc\Kut\ — adv strenuously, with great effort
tXc\3 [twin] ppm at, in, within, among, postpositional tXn\;kn\ [tun: kan] v propel, move sthg forward
marker indicating place or time tXn\;KMu [tun: gon] n rake for piling up threshed rice (illus)
tXc\4 [twin] n lathe RF tXc\K.Mu (illus)
tXc\KM [twin khan] v cut or shape on a lathe tXn\;tMKå; [tun: dåga:] n door that swings inward
tXc\Kut\ [twin kho'] v cut or shape on a lathe S YN tXc\KM tXn\;tXn\;Tiu;Tiu; [tun: dun: hto: do:] adv strenuously, with
tXc\KMu [twin gon] n lathe great effort
tXc\; [twin:] n pit, hole (in the ground); well ertXc\;; mine tXn\;Tiu; [tun: to:] v 1) shove, push hard 2) push sb to
tXc\;, quarry tXc\;; burrow [? comlete eg] (do sthg)
— ppm within (locative, temporal case) = AtXc\; tXn\;lxv\; [tun: hlE:] v 1) wheelbarrow, pushcart (illus)
tXc\;eK¥; [twin: gyi:] n silt, debris in a well 2) wheelchair; gurney (illus)
tXc\;sa; [twin: za:] n person granted ownership of oil tXn\;lxn\ [tun: hlan] v repulse, fend off; repel, drive away
well, by royal decree tXn\;qeBça [tun: thin: baw:] n boat used to push a boat,
tXc\;sa;Riu; [twin: za: yo:] n head of a family with a barge, etc
hereditary right to work an oil well = tXc\;Riu; tXn\;Aa; [tun: a:] n force; thrust, propulsion
tXc\;sim\ [twin: sein] v play a game of marbles, in which a tXn\;Aa;ep; [tun: a: pe:] v encourage; prod; exhort
marble is aimed at a small hole in the ground PiAa;ep;
tXc\;TXk\psßv\; [twin: dwe' pyi' si:] n mineral resources tXp\ [tu'] v 1) cut (precious stone) 2) (of fish) nibble
tXc\;nk\ktiu; [twin: ne' gådo:] n black vine which tXp\kXk\ [tu' kwe'] n facet, one cut surface of a
produces a kind of musk CF ktiu; precious stone
tXc\;piu; [twin: po:] n eduble larva of the Eretes sticticus tXp\kXk\lk\ekak\ [tu' kwe' le' kau'] n bracelet with cut
beetle, found in the crater lakes of the tXc\;etac\ region facets
tXy\ [twE] v 1) stick to, cling to; be attached to CF tX´
tXc\;Riu; [twin: yo:]
n head of a family with a hereditary 2) [sl] attack, go at 3) [sl] eat
right to work an oil well = tXc\; sa;Riu; tXy\kp\ [twE ka'] v 1) cling, stick (fast), adhere
tXc\;eAac\; [twin: aung:] v 1) hibernate 2) [fig] be 2) hang on, sponge on S YN kp\rp\
rooted to one place (Upsa) tXy\”kio; [twE gyo:] n tag
tXc\;eAac\;qt†wå [twin: aung: tha' ta. wa] n hibernating tXy\K¥it\ [twE gyei'] n safety pin (illus)
animal tXy\ta [twE ta] v be strongly attached to
tXt\1 [tu'] v 1) talk incessantly; nag 2) sound tXy\Nx´ [twE hnE:] n second Nx´ (traditional wind
tXt\t^;tXt\tae®pa [tu' ti: tu' ta pyaw:] v prattle, talk as instrument) in a traditional orchestra
a small child tXy\Pk\ [twE hpe'] v 1) stick to, cling to, like a child
tXt\Tiu; [tu' hto:] n tag (children's game) to a parent 2) try to stick with a job, task, etc
— v chatter, talk a lot about little, gossip, talk idly tXy\Ap\ [twE a'] n pin
tXt\2 [tu']
n great-great-great-grandchild CF eSXmi¥o;suz ya [?

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 186

T ª Tmc\;

qip\mÂkaeq;B¨;" Tmc\;sa;-ereqak\-elak\p´ req;ty\" I
T1 [hta.] n seventeenth consonant in the Myanmar script haven't been learning Burmese for very long, I know just
enough to get by. 2) [fig] piece of cake (Upsa)
TSc\T¨; [hta. hsin du:] n name of the T L IT : ‘elephant — n piece of cake (Upsa), easy task Ω ska;®pn\Alup\k
fetter ‘ T’’ lup\taÂkaeta. Tmc\; sa;ereqak\ ®Ps\qXa;“p^;" I've been
T2 [hta.] v 1) get up; rise; stand Ω q¨Aip\raepÅmx-TTiuc\rc\; working as an interpreter for a long time, so it is easy for
m¥k\siew.Âkv\.qv\" CF mt\tt\rp\ be standing 2) rise, come me now.
up, arise Ω Pun\T 3) misbehave, act up; become angry Tmc\;Sit\tk\ [htAmin; hsei' te'] v [fig] be sleepy after a
Ω cåkiu edÅqTX k\e Aac\ mlup\n´Ï" cåsi t\Tlarc\ mlX y\B¨;" big meal
Don't make me angry, once I get started [? check trans] Tmc\;Sup\ [htåmin: zo'] n 1) ball of rice 2) flowering bush
4) break out, erupt, emerge (suddenly); appear (on with roots used in traditional medicine S YN pn\; Sv\; lv\;
surface); (of disease) act up Ω eragåT [? check trans] 3) a period of light rains in March–April S YN Pk\SXt\
5) sprout; thrive; (neg, of disease, crime, etc) be
rampant, be rife 6) become (sexually) aroused Tmc\;n´ [htåmånE:] n snack made of sticky rice, sesame,
— part particle prefixed to eqa for elegance in the and peanuts = Tmn´
forming of adjectives Tmc\;Nxp\ [htamin: hna'] v give soft heat, to get well-
Tka;ra;Tiuc\ka;ra;Nxc\. [hta. ka: ya: htain ka: ya: nE.] adv (of cooked rice
movement, position, etc) awkwardly, clumsily Tmc\;epåc\; [htåmin: baung:] n steamed rice served with
TÂkX [hta. kywa.] v 1) become active 2) rebel 3) become fried vegetables (and meat) on top
(sexually) excited, aroused Tmc\;pX´erx>erak\ [htåmin: bwE: she. yau'] adv [fig] living in
Tenac\; [htånaung:] n thorny tree with pale bark, comfort, with all needs provided for
growing in dry regions Tmc\;®Pø [htåmin: byu] n (white, cooked) rice
TB^ [htåmein] n 1) sarong, women's longyi CF puSiu;' lMuK¥v\ Tmc\;B¨; [htåmin: bu:] n lunch box, tiffin box, food
2) traditional dancer's htamein with a long white hem carrier
TB^na; (illus both) Tmc\;rv\ [htåmåye] n rice water, water drained off from
TB^na;Kiusa; [htåmein na: kho sa:] v [fig] (of a man) be cooked rice
dependent on a woman, live on a woman's income Tmc\;rv\eK¥ac\;s^; [htåmåye chaung: zi:] adv [fig] (serving
TB^na;Kt\ [htåmein na ga'] n style of dance in which the food) bountifully, plentifully L I T : ‘with a river of rice
dancer kicks aside the white hem of her costume water’
CF e®KKt\ Tmc\;rv\p¨sv\; [htåmåye bu si:] n line drawn in the game
Tmn´ [htåmånE:] n snack of sticky rice, oil, sesame, peanut Tup\S^; tiu; (do si do)
= Tmc\;rv\p¨lalYalW´ [htåmåye bu la sha hlE:] v [fig] avoid
Tmc\; [htåmin:] n (cooked) rice Ω Tmc\;ts\np\ one meal (with responsibility in a crisis L IT : ‘tongue turns to avoid the
rice) CF Sn\' spå; hot rice water’
Tmc\;eÂka\ [htåmin: kyaw] n fried rice Tmc\;lut\ [htåmin: lo'] n mouthful of rice
Tmc\;Âkm\; [htåmin: gyan:] n leftover rice Tmc\;lMu; [htåmin: lon:] n grain of (cooked) rice
Tmc\;K¨; [htåmin: khu:] v 1) serve rice 2) lay the table (for Tmc\;lMu;s^ [htåmin: lon: si] v [fig] rest after a meal
a meal) Tmc\;lMu;tesÍe®Kak\ [htåmin: lon: tåhse chau'] v [fig] 1) be
Tmc\;KM [htåmin: gan] n rice bowl in terror (of sthg) 2) have a nightmare L IT : ‘be afraid of
Tmc\;K¥io; [htåmin: kyo:] n crust of browned rice at the the rice ghost’
bottom of the pot Tmc\;U^;epåc\; [htåmin: u: baung:] n rice that has taken the
Tmc\;K¥k\ [htåmin: kye'] [htåmin: gye'] v cook rice shape of the lid of an earthenware pot it has been
— n cook cooked in
Tmc\;K¥ioc\. [htåmin: gyain.] n food carrier, tiffin box Tmc\;Aiu; [htåmin: o:] n 1) rice pot, pot for cooking rice
S YN SX´K¥ioc\. 2) [fig] bread and butter Upsa, regular source of income,
Tmc\;K¥U\ [htåmin: gyin] n Shan dish of rice, tomatoes,
and spices Tmc\;Aiu;kX´ [htåmin: o: kwE:] v [fig] be ruined, be
Tmc\;e®Kak\ [htåmin: (htåmå) gyau'] n dried cooked rice destitute L IT : ‘rice pot is broken’
Tmc\;sa;pX´ [htåmin: sa: bwE:] n 1) reception (with meal Tmc\;Aiu;KX´ [htåmin: o: khwE:] v [fig] ruin sb, destroy sb
L IT : ‘break (sb's) rice pot’
served) [htåmin: zåbwE:] 2) dining table
Tmc\;sa;ereqak\ [htåmin: za: ye dhau'] adv 1) [fig]
Tmc\;Aiu;ts\lMu;K¥k\ [htåmin: o: tålon: gye'] n [fig] a short
while L IT : ‘the time it takes to cook a pot of rice’
(know, speak) just enough to get by Ω bma;ska;-el.lata

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 187

Tmun\ ª T^;
Tmc\;Aiu;(ts\lMu;)tv\ [htåmin: o: (tålon:) te] v 1) put rice TiKiuk\rxn [htI gai' sha. na.] n casualty, sb who has been
pot on the fire 2) [fig] have a job with a regular injured CFeqek¥p¥k\s^;
income; earn one's income (from a certain job) TietX> [htI twe.] v be in touch with
Tmun\ [htåmon] n 1) ∏village head 2) Ócaptain (of boat) Tipå; [htI ba:] v 1) encroach; violate; attack; interfere
Tr^n^dk\Nxc\.tiuBkiu; [htAri ni de' hnin. to ba. ko;] n ∏Trinidad 2) attack sb (verbally, in writing, etc); speak ill of sb,
and Tobago [ cr] disparage Ω q¨haewPn\er;kiu er;t´.AKå sakiuqae®paRMumk
TrM [htåyan] n matting (usually reeds or split bamboo) for l¨kiupå Tipå;put\K t\“p^; er;ty\" When he writes criticism,
walls; walls made of matting L IT : ‘The chicken eats he doesn't stop at reviewing the wrting, he also attacks the
grain, and the matting (of the granary wall) suffers.’ writer personally.
Ω πÂkk\ spå;sa; TrM d%\ qc\. be in the wrong place at the — adv (speak) insultingly
wrong time. CF wå;TrM bamboo matting wall; k¥øTrM reed Timi [htI mI] v (of style, way, etc) be effective, be telling
matting wall [? check expl]
TrMkXk\ [htåyan kwe'] n pattern of matting wall Tierak\ [htI yau'] v 1) (of style, way, etc) be effective,
Trk\ta [htåre' ta] n tractor [Engl] be telling 2) (of action) work, be effective, give good
Trn\ssßta [htåran si' såta] n transistor [Engl] results
Trp\ka; [htåra' ka:] n truck, lorry [Engl] TieAac\ [htI aung] conj [colloq] until
Trm\;pk\ [htåran; pe'] n trumpet [Engl] — ppm [colloq] until, as far as CF [lit] tiuc\eAac\
TawsU\' Tawr [hta wåzin, htåwåra. (wåya.)] adv always, Tinmid» [htI na. mei' da.] n sleepiness, drowsiness; torpor
forever; permanently S YN A“m´tn\;; A NT tdgç T^1 [hti] v (usually used in the negative) care; heed
TawrUsßa [htåwåra. (wåya.) o' sa] n real estate CF zgçmUsßa (usually ironic)
Ta; [hta:] v 1) put, place, set (sthg on); keep Ω sapX´epÅTa; T^mTc\ [hti måhtin] v disdain, hold in contempt; take no
put on the table 2) set or put aside, keep, put by 3) [fig] consideration of
put aside, not discuss anymore; not consider any longer T^2 [hti] n lottery [Engl] CF K¥´
Ω A´då-Ta;-liuk\på-eta.b¥a" Never mind that for now. Let it be. T^Tiu; [hti hto:] v 1) play the lottery 2) [fig] try one's
4) consider Ω ANupva;kiu Ael;Ta; take the arts seriously luck
Ω k¥n\; maer; ADi k-Ta; consider health to be the main issue T^tiuk\ [hti tai'] v check the lottery results
Ω ecXe r;eÂk;er;kiu sit\T´mxa-mTa;n´Ï" Aim\eTac\®pomxqa T^epåk\ [hti pau'] v 1) win the lottery 2) [fig] get lucky
®poliuk\på" Don't think about money -- if you want to get (also ironic)
married, just do it. Ω Aim\eTac\®pomy\-Siurc\ kiuy\.r´.wc\ecXkiu T^epåk\sU\ [hti pau' sin] n lottery results
eKåc\;T´mxaTa;“p^; Arc\sU\;sa;U^;" If you want to get married, T^PXc\. [hti hpwin.] v draw the winning numbers (for the
first consider your income. [? example ok?] lottery)
T^;1 [hti:] n 1) umbrella (used to protect from rain);
— part 1) particle indicating present continuous tense parasol (used to protect from sun) L I T : ‘umbrella
for the preceding verb 2) particle indicating prior bleached out, shoes worn thin’ Ω enp¨liuÏ T^;eSac\;rty\"
action, with influence to present Ω mnk\piuc\; mxa Tmc\;eÂka\\ The sun is so hot I have to carry an umbrella. Ω T^;®Pø-Pinp\på;
sa;Ta;ty\" I had fried rice this morning (i.e., I'm not a waste of time, i.e., sthg done for a long time for no
hungry yet.) Ω A´d^kisßkiu kÁn\eta\-em.Ta;ta Âka“p^b¥" I've benefit CW eK¥ac\;' lk\ 2) umbrella or parasol used for
already long forgotten that matter. royalty, in processions, and for ceremonial purposes;
Ta;wy\eSac\ [dåwE zaung] n single-storey hall or wing (of symbol of royalty CF T^;®Pø' T^;eta\ CW sc\; 3) [fig]
palace, monastery) with a tiered, valuted roof royalty Ω erWT^;' e®m”k^; [? what is the saying for all or
Ta;wy\mOic\; [dåwE hmain:] n Œvine with flowers that turn nothing] 4) ‹tiered, worked metal ornament on top of
from white to pink and red, and edible leaves a pagoda (illus (all kinds of T^: in context, with parts
Ti [htI] v 1) touch 2) suffer 3) make a point; hit the nail on labelled))
the head (Upsa) 4) be hurt, be wounded 5) suffer a loss T^;eKåk\ [hti; khau'] v fold an or one's umbrella
T^;KRiuc\ [hti: khåyain] n central part of umbrella frame
— ppm to, till = ATi T^;eKåc\; [hti: gaung:] n top of an umbrella or parasol
Tikpå;rikpå; [htI gåba: yI gåba:] adv with hints, in an where the ribs come together
insinuating manner T^;K¥k\ [hti: gye'] n part of an umbrella where the
Tikepåk\ [htI gåbau'] n (belt) buckle supporting spokes meet the shaft
TikRuM; [htI gåyon:] n Œsensitive plant, touch-me-not, T^;eSac\; [hti; hsaung;] v carry an umbrella or parasol
plant which folds its leaves together when touched Ω ts\ T^;eSac\; ts\ nn\; Tiuc\ [? ?? from dr ba han]
TiKiuk\ [htI gai'] v 1) be hit or struck with force, be T^;tc\ [hti: tin] v ‹place the T^; on top of a pagoda
injured, be wounded 2) say bad things about sb, speak T^;Tm\;lm\;elYak\ [hti: dan: lan: shau'] n [fig] job seeker;
ill of sb 3) (of feelings) be hurt; be touched, be moved sb who is unemployed, jobless
4) suffer; lose T^;nn\; [hti: nan:] n ∏throne; kingship [ pe]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 188

T^; ª T¨;
T^;“pioc\nn\;“pioc\ [? new dr ba han] T¨ [htu] v 1) help a person (stand) up 2) put up (a post,
T^;®Pø [hti: byu] n white umbrella,
one of the symbols of pole, etc) S YN siuk\ 3) raise (flag, banner, etc)
royalty, also used by distinguished Bun\;”k^; (monks) T¨T¨eTac\eTac\®Ps\ [htu du htaung daung hpyi'] v recover
CF mc\;e®mak\tn\Sa (from illness), be up and about (after being weak); (of
T^;m¨nn\;ra [hti: mu nan: ya] n manners and customs of the an economy) thrive
royal court T¨eTac\ [htu daung] v set up (esp on an old
T^;m¨nn\;qMu; [hti; mu nan; thon;] n royal usage foundation), establish, build (up)
T^;rMnn\;rM [hti: yan nan: yan] n ∏Ótributary princes, T¨2 [htu] v 1) (of wood, clothing, book, etc) be thick
rulers of territories under control of the Burman 2) (of forest, crowd, etc) be dense 3) be slow, be dull,
monarchy [ pe] be stupid, be thick(-headed) Ω d^ kel; eta\eta\-ˆa%\-
T^;Riu; [hti: yo:] n 1) umbrella shaft 2) [palmistry] success T¨ty\" This child is rather slow. RF T¨Tiuc\;.
line T¨T´ [htu dE:] v 1) thick Ω qYm\;®pv\ mxa
T^;Riu;nn\;NXy\ [hti: yo: nan: nwE] n ∏prince in the throne AkÇ¥T¨T¨T´T´wt\rty\" You have to wear a thick shirt in
line [ pe] Shan State. 2) dense Ω l¨-enT¨T´t´. rp\kXk\etXmxa m^;eB;kiu
T^;Riu;nn\;Riu; [hti: yo: nan: yo:] n royal blood, royal lineage piu“p^gRusiuk\rty\" Fire hazard must receive more attention in
T^;rn\nn\;rn\ [hti: yan nan: yan] n ∏crown prince, µ heir densely populated neighbourhoods.
apparent to a throne CF nn\;VXn\>nn\; l¥a T¨Tiuc\; [htu htain:] v be dull, be stupid, be thick(-
T^;quU\;nn\;quU\; [hti: thon: nan: thon:] n ∏loss of a headed)
monarchy's king and sovereignty T¨Tp\ [htu da'] v 1) be dense Ω Pun\T¨Tp\ty\" There is a lot
T^;quM;nn\;qMu; [hti: thon: nan: thon:] n royal articles, court of dust. 2) be crowded Ω l¨en-T¨Tp\t´.-enra a crowded
language, items and language used only by members of place
the royal court T¨p¨ [htu pu] v 1) be stunned 2) [fig] be stunned, be
T^;AuM [hti: on] n ribs of an umbrella dumbfounded Ω Aky\dm^Surty\ liu eÂkvaliuk\eta.
T^;2 [hti:] v be isolated, be lonely, be the only one eKåc\;T´mxaT¨p-¨ qXa;tap´" I was stunned by the announcement
— part particle suffixed to some animals to denote the that I had won the Academy Award. 3) be embarrassed, be
male A NT m CF Piu' AT^; flustered; be frustrated Ω q¨ ts\Kåmx min\; kel;n´Ï
T^;tv\; [hti: di:] adv alone n^;n^; kp\kp\menP¨;eta. min\; kel;n´Ï ska;e®pat´.AKåmxa
T^;T^;”k^; [hti: di: gyi:] adv all alone, by itself, T¨p¨enty\" As he wasn't used to being near girls, whenever
he did speak to a girl he was flustered.
T^;T^;ma;ma; [ti: di: ma: ma:] adv conspicously, T¨pin\; [htu pein:] v be totally covered (in/with)
Ω qnp\Kå;li m\Ta;ta T¨ pin\;entap´" She was totally covered
with thanakha
AT^; [Ahti;] n 1) the male (one); males 2) ∞ tool (sl),
penis 3) ∞ guys [? def 3 new kyaw]
T¨p¥s\ [htu pyi'] v be thickly covered, be covered in a
thick layer
Tu1 [htu.] v 1) hammer t¨n´>Tu' eKåc\;Tu, strike; thump,
pound; beat 2) carve, sculpt, engrave, chisel 3) [fig]
T¨e®pa [htu byaw:] v be dense; be thick with, be swarming
with, be full of
attack (with words)
Tu”kit\ [htu. kyei'] v pound to pieces or powder T¨An\; [htu an:] v 1) be swollen 2) [fig] be embarrassed
TueK¥ [htu. che] v 1) disprove, refute, rebut, prove to be T¨på [htu pa] n ‹stupa, pagoda S YN est^' k¥iok\' puTiu;
CF Bura; [ bh]
false (by reasoning, argument, etc); give an explanation
T¨;1 [htu:] v 1) be extraordinary; be special 2) be different
TueK¥lWa [htu. gye hlwa] n 1) refutation, letter of (from others), be strange
explanation 2) [law] defence — part [poet] particle suffixed to a noun or pronoun to
Tue®K [htu. che] v crush, pulverise (by pounding) denote its singularity
TuKX´ [htu. khwE:] v 1) crush (stone, etc) 2) sell off (part T¨;k´ [htu: kE:] v be outstanding, be eminent; be
of one's property to raise money); liquidate ¥ extraordinary
Ω TuKX´e rac\;K¥ T¨;®Ka; [htu: gya:] v be different, be unusual, be out of the
Tuqa;epqa;k¥ [htu. dha: pe dha: kya.] v be hardened ordinary; be distinctive
through experience = Tuqa;etqa;r T¨;KÁn\ [htu: gyun] v be brilliant, be outstandingly
Tu2 [du.] n 1) thickness = du 2) mass = ®dp\Tu intelligent
TuTv\ [du. dE] n 1) thickness; size 2) [math] cubic T¨;Sn\; [htu: zan:] v be strange, be curious; be
measure 3) depth uncommon, be extraordinary
Tupit\ [du. bei'] n riser (of stairs) T¨;eTX [htu: dwe] adj diverse, varied
Tuti [htu. tI] n praise; acclaim T¨;®mt\ [htu: mya'] v be sacred, be holy, be worthy of
Tupika [htu. pI ka] n pinnacle; uppermost part of an
ornamental spired roof
T¨;2 [htu:] v reply, answer (a call)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 189

T¨; ª TiuÏ
T¨;3 [htu:] n (elephant) fetters, hobble, shackle and chain — n praise; (esp after a person's death) eulogy
to restrain an elephant eTamna®po [htaw: måna pyu.] v pay tribute (to)
T¨;kXc\; [htu: gwin:] n 1) (elephant) fetters, shackle to eTalpt\ [htaw: låba'] n Œsmall bush with leaves which
restrain an elephant 2) place for fetters on an elephant's are mixed with coconut oil to condition the hair
leg eTa.k¥io;eTa.k¥io; [htaw. gyo: htaw. gyo:] adv with a limp
T¨;Kt\ [htu: kha'] v fetter, put fetters on eTa.n´ÏeTa.n´Ï'\;\;
T¨;pXt\ [htu: bu'] n pair of fetters eTa.n´ÏeTa.n´Ï [htaw. gyo: htaw. gyo:] adv with a limp
T¨;4 [htu:] n sinkhole; deep hole formed by erosion S YN eTa. k¥io;eTa. k¥io;'\;eTa. nc\;
T¨;tXc\; [htu: dwin:] n sinkhole; deep hole formed by\;\; [htaw. gyo: htaw. gyo:] adv with a limp
erosion S YN eTa. n´Ïe Ta.n´Ï' eTa. k¥io;eTa. k¥io;
T¨;Aiuc\ [htu: ain] n deep pool at the base of a waterfall eTa\ [htaw] v protrude, stick out
eT [hte] v recover a loss, recoup (losses, expenses, etc) eTa\ela\kn\Ïln\Ïlup\ [htaw law kan. lan. lo'] v be contrary,
be recalcitrant, be wilful
eTmi [hte mI] v be able to recover one's loss, be able to TM [htan] n vicinity, place nearby
recoup one's loss, expense, etc, break even CF kami' cMumi — part ¬to S YN ™ S^
TMk [htan ka.] part from Ω Aem.TMksala letter from her
eTrwåd [hte (hti) ra. wa da.] n ‹Theravada Buddhism, the way mother arrived
of the rhN|a ( arhats). Form of Buddhism common to TMkiu [htan ko]part to Ω Aem.TMkiu sa-piuÏliuk\ty\" I sent a
much of Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka, which emphasises letter to my mother.
the completeness of the truth in the teachings of the TMpå; [htan ba:] part near, beside, at the side of
Buddha = h^nyan CF mhayan' Dmµ' zc\ [ bh] TMmx [htan hma.] part from S YN S^k
TMemxak\ [htan hmau'] part in the presence of, in front
eTRupJti| [hte ro' pa' tI] n 1) ‹biography of a Bn\;”k^; of, before Ω Bura;®mt\TMemxak\tXc\ raqk\pn\epåc\;rn\
(Buddhist monk) 2) hagiography, idealizing biography qsßaSiuty\" He swore before the Buddha image that he
[ bh] would stay with her until death.
eT. [hte.] v be sarcastic, be snide, use cutting, usu ironic TMrc\; [htan yin:] part near, beside, at the side of
humour CF kli' ecåÏ' ri [ wr] TMt¥a [htan tåya] n 1) music 2) type of classical song for the
eT.lMu;(ecåÏlMu;) [hte. lon: (ngaw. lon;)] n sarcasm; banter Burmese harp S YN ”kio;q^K¥c\; [ ms]
eT.qM [hte. than] n sly insult, cutting remark Tiu [hto] pron&adj ¬that, this (referring to sthg indicated
eT; [hte:] v make watertight by sealing with pitch or earlier) Ω Tiuk´.qiuÏ like this; thus; so S YN yc\;' &c\;' ™' A´d^'
other resin CF tlin\; Tiu; hiu
eT;SM [hte: zan] n fibre of jute, coir, etc mixed with TiuTiu [hto hto] pron all those, those various
pitch to pack into seams of boats to make them TiuTiuÈÈ [hto do i i] n here and there, this and that
watertight CF tlin\; Tiunv\;(A)t¨(sXa) [hto ni: (A)du (zwa)] adv ¬in the same
T´' AT´ [htE: ((A)dE:)] part 1) in, inside: noun suffix way, similarly, likewise S YN ™ A´d^Atiuc\;
indicating location within sthg Ω B¨; T´mxa Barxil´" What's Tiumxts\på; [hto hma. dåba:] adv ¬apart from that, besides,
in the jar? A NT A®pc\ CF AtXc\; 2) among, (in) between: moreover S YN dåklX´liuÏ
suffix to noun Ω Aekac\;SuM;etXT´m-xats\Ku one of the best, TiumYelak\ [hto hmya. lau'] adv ¬that much
among the best Ω d^Nxs\mxa ek¥ac\;q¨-ek¥ac\;qa;-AT´tXc \ S YN A´d^elak\
q¨Aeta\SMu;-på" She is the best among this year's students. TiuAKå [hto åkha] part 1) at that time, just then
3) while, during Ω tk¶qiul\tk\ent´. AT´mxa during his
S YN TiuAKiuk\ 2) ¬because of (this), as a result of (this),
time at university; while she was at university 4) on top
on account of (this)
of, as well as Ω miu; RXaenty\" A´d^AT´mxa Arm\;eA;ty\" It
TiuAKiuk\ [hto Akhai'] part at that time, just then CF TiuAKå
is raining. On top of that, it is very cold.
TiuÏeÂkac\. [hto. kyaung.] adv for that reason, therefore,
T´k' T´mx [htE: ga., htE: hma.] part ™out of, from: noun that is why = ™ dåÏeÂkac\.
suffix, indicating coming out from inside sthg
TiuÏTk\ [hto. de'] adv more than that
eTa [htaw:] v get very rich, come into money; be rich TiuÏTk\piuj [hto. de' po ywe.] adv more = ™ dåÏTk\piu“p^;
eTaep; [htaw: be:] n unprocessed butter = S^U^; TiuÏenak\ [hto. nau'] adv later,afterward, after that, after
eTapt\ [htaw: ba'] n butter Ω epåc\mun\Ï-eTapt\qut\ buttered this, (and) then
bread TiuÏ ®pc\ [hto. pyin] adv beside that
eTapt\p´ [htaw ba' bE:] n butter bean TiuÏAt¨ [hto. Atu] adv in the same way = Tiunv\;(A)t¨(sXa)
eTapt\q^; [htaw: ba' thi:] n avocado TiuÏ [hto.] part that (used in combination to form conjunction)
eTamna [htaw: måna] v praise, (often ironic) extol (the [? compare with previous and fix]
virtues of); (esp soon after a person's death) eulogise; TiuÏeÂkac\. [hto. gyaung.] part conjuction indicating reason:
laud, commend therefore, so, that is why S YN dåÏeÂkac\.

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 190

Tiu; ª Tk\
TiuÏTk\ [hto. de'] part more than that Tiu;ss\ [hto: zi'] n Íattack, offensive (action) CF KMss\
TiuÏenak\ [hto. nau'] part conjunction indicating order of Tiu;ss\Sc\ [hto: zi' hsin] v Íattack, launch an offensive,
events: afterwards, after that, (and) then go on the offense
TiuÏ®pc\ [hto. pyin] part besides (that) Tiu;sv\ [hto: zi] n œgong S YN ek¥ak\sv\
TiuÏAt¨ [hto åtu] part in the same way = Tiunv\;At¨' Tiu;eS; [hto: ze:] n injectable medicine, injection
Tiunv\;t¨ CF eqak\eS; oral medicine, pills, tablets, etc; lim\;eS;
Tiu; [hto:] v [? compare with Heinfried's list] 1) hit, punch, topical medicine, cream, oiintment, etc
strike (with a jabbing motion); poke, jab, ram; stab Tiu;Sc\; [hto; hsin;] v swoop [? new from Engl-Myan]
Ω lk\ q^;n´Ï Tiu; punch (with fist) Ω Da;n´Ï Tiu; stab with a knife Tiu;Sit\ [hto: hsei'] v (of bird) peck
CF Riuk\ 2) pierce, impale, skewer; drill; feel piercing Tiu;SX [hto: hswa.] v 1) pierce and cut 2) provoke, needle
pain; screech, make a piercing cry 3) play (board games
such as draughts, chess) CF ksa; 4) stick out, thrust Tiu;zat\ [hto: za'] n light fiction
out, stretch out, extend (tongue, hand, foot, etc) 5) be Tiu;Tiu;eTac\eTac\ [hto: do: htaung daung] adv raggedly,
bitten (by insects, etc); be eaten (by insects, etc) messily
CF kiuk\ 6) pin (between); pick (teeth); carry (usually a Tiu;Tv\. [hto; htE.] v insert, put in
weapon), pack (gun) (inf) da;Kå;Âka;Tiu;ty\"; dive, Tiu;TXc\; [hto: dwin:] adv lucidly, incisively, acutely,
plunge (head first), turn (somersault) 7) fill up with; trenchantly, with insight
inject, pump Ω eS;Tiu; give an injection 8) throw (beam of Tiu;NxM [hto: hnan] v tattoo, especially to protect against
light, searchlight, etc on sthg), project (film, slide, evil, to make invulnerable to gunshot, knife wounds, etc
etc); cast, throw (glance, look, etc); be lit (by a beam of [ bs]
light) Ω sliuk\Tiu; light up with a searchlight 9) thrust; cast Tiu;Nxk\ [hto: hne'] v 1) attack, assault, beat up 2) [fig]
(shadow); tower 10) iron (clothing); plane (wood); sand (verbally) attack, attack in writing, insult
(surface) 11) strike, ring; play (violin) 12) build, put up Tiu;ePak\ [hto: hpau'] v 1) pierce 2) break through
13) give (bribe); put out, extend; wait on, serve Ω liuc\;ecX- Tiu;mun\Ï [hto: mon.] n toffee-like pudding made of sticky
Tiu; bribe Ω sa;pX´Tiu; waiter, waitress 14) make by rice, sugar, coconut and oil
intertwining, crochet, knit, embroider, interweave,
Tiu;wå; [hto: wa:] n (punting, barge) pole
braid, plait; tat Ω pn\;Tiu; crochet Ω zaTiu;' tt\tc\; Tiu; tat
Tiu;qa; [hto: dha:] n boatman who poles a raft, barge,
Ω Âky\ q^; Tiu; knot cloth strip into buttons 15) sign; mark
etc S YN elxTiu;qa; 2) punter, gambler betting against
Ω lk\ mxt\Tiu;' Siuc\;Tiu; sign, give signature 16) till, plough
the bank (as in roulette)
(Br), plow (Am) 17) bet, wager, punt (Br). lay (a bet,
money, etc on) 18) [sl] have sex, screw (inf) 19) pole,
Tiu;qut\ [hto: tho'] v (of bird) swoop down and seize prey
punt, propel a boat in shallow water by pushing the
bottom with a pole 20) make food that requires stirring
Tiu;Ap\ [hto: a'] v surrender (property) to creditors
because of loan default
and smoothing yuiTiu;; 21) produce, put out Ω blMuTiu;
bubble 22) count by Ω rapMuTiu; count by hundreds 23) make
Tk\1 [hte'] v 1) be sharp, be keen 2) (of temper) be short,
be hot, be sharp 3) be effective, be powerful 4) (of
rope S YN k¥s\ = ”kio;Tiu; 24) have caption; have subtitles
mind, intellect, etc) be sharp
Ω satn\;Tiu; 25) inscribe, carve Ω km`` v\;Tiu; carve epitaph,
inscription, etc Ω ema\kXn\; Tiu; carve in stone as a historical Tk\®mk\ [hte' mye'] v 1) be sharp, be keen
Ω Tk\®mk\ t´.Da; sharp knife 2) be effective, be powerful
3) (of mind, intellect, etc) be sharp, be keen
Ω v%\ Tk\®mk\ keen intellect, sharp mind
Tiu;k¥ [hto: kya.] v 1) fall headfirst 2) (of prices) fall
steeply Tk\qn\ [hte' than] v be eager, be enthusiastic
Tiu;k¥c\. [hto: kyin.] v have colic, be flatulent, fart Î Tk\2 [hte'] n sb or sthg above, or in a higher position, or
Tiu;ekÁ; [hto: kywe:] v 1) forcefeed 2) [fig] sacrifice sthg superior to, or senior to S YN ™(A)epÅ = ATk\
or sb for profit [? connection not clear -- reluctant — part 1) above, over, upon; superior to A NT eAak\
sacrifice?] 2) (more) than, -er [particle suffixed to combined with
Tiu;”kit\ [hto: kyei'] v beat sb up, get in a fight piu in comparisons]; over and above, beyond Ω Rup\rxc\-
Tiu;”kit\Tv\. [hto: kyei' htE.] v cram, stuff (things into a Âkv\.taTk\ saAup\-Pt\ta piu”kiok\ty\" I like reading
suitcase, bag, basket, etc) better than watching movies. Ω d^eKåc\;rv\®pc\liuk\ta"
Tiu;kXc\; [hto: gwin:] n tattoo S YN ': eS;mc\eÂkac\ ts\KXk\Tk\ meqak\Niuc\B¨;" This rice wine is very strong, I
can't drink more than one. Ω dåTk\ Bae®paeq;l´" What
Tiu;kXc\;Tiu; [hto: gwin: hto:] v tattoo CF Tiu;NxM' eÂkac\Tiu;'
else did she say? Ω mrxitaTk\ mqitaKk\" It is harder to be
sut\Tiu;' eS;Tiu;
ignorant than to have nothing. CF q¨>Tk\cå competitively,
Tiu;kXc\;d¨;k¥ [hto: gwin: du: gya.] n tattoo covering the body
outdoing each other; q¨>Tk\k´ middle finger, which is
from the waist to knees
longer than the otthers
Tiu;kXc\;e®msiuk\ [hto: gwin: mye zai'] n tattoo covering the
entire legs
Tk\Âkp\mkXa [hte' kya' måkwa] adv (follow sb) closely, on

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 191

Tk\wy\PX´>eKXen ª Tc\
(sb's) heels; tenaciously information 2) intelligence (service), secret service
Tk\®Km\; [hte' chan:] adv in half, in halves (agency); espionage 3) intelligence service, secret
Tk\tiuc\' Tk\Ti [hte' tain, hte' htI] part up to, up until, service (agency) Ω ss\eTak\lxm\;er; Military Intelligence
(up) till Ω AKuTk\Ti still, up to the present, till now eTak\rxa [htau' sha] n Œ 1) chaste tree 2) a kind of tall
Tk\piuc\; [hte' pain:] adv in half, in halves hardwood tree
Tk\mnv\; [hte' månE;] part ¬not less than, at least: Tiuk\1 [htai'] v 1) be worth, have (a certain) value
suffix to number and noun Ω Asv\; Aew;kiu l¨ -(100) - 2) deserve
Tk\mnv\; tk\erak\ty\" At least 100 people attended — part particle suffixed to verbs to denote that sthg is
the meeting. proper, deserving, fitting, suitable, worthy, deserving
Tk\wk\ [hte' we'] n half
— adv in (equal) halves Tiuk\tn\ [htai' tan] v 1) be worth, have (a certain) value
Tk\wk\wk\ [hte' we' we'] v halve, divide into two 2) deserve
equal parts Tiuk\Tiuk\tn\tn\ [htai' htai' tan dan] adv deserving of
Tk\wn\;k¥c\ [hte' wun: kyin] n all directions Ω Tiu k\Tiuk\-tn\ tn\ Surty\" She is deserving of the prize.
Tk\eAak\RiueqmO [hte' au' yo the hmu.] n heirarchy, She deserved to get the prize.
respect for relations between seniors and juniors Tiuk\erak\ [htai' yau'] [? new from def of laq]
Tk\wy\PX´>eKXen [hte' wE hepwE. khwe ne] v sit cross-legged, Tiuk\qc\.' Tiuk\qv\.Aa;el¥a\sXa [htai' thin.' htai' thI a: lyaw
sit in the lotus position zwa] v 1) be suitable, be proper, be appropriate, be (the)
eTak\ [htau'] v 1) prop up, support; prop oneself up with right (approach, technique, etc) Ω Tiuk\qc\.qliu
(one's hands, elbows, etc), kneel 2) support, aid, Aer;y¨my\" We will take appropriate action (i.e.,
maintain S YN k¨v^ 3) point (with stick, wand, etc); press punishment). Ω {By\elak\l´"} {Tiuk\qc\.qliu ep;på"}
against 4) consider, take into account; refer to ”How much should I give?“ ”Give as much as you think is
5) gather information, investigate, reconnoitre; keep right.” CF eta\ 2) deserve, be deserving of Ω d^®ps\d%\n´Ï
watch CF sMueTak\ detective, qtc\;eTak\ reporter q¨n´ÏTiuk\qc\.ty\" He deserves this punishment.
6) prompt, assist by reminding 7) bivouac, halt and Ω d^e rx>ehac\;®psßv\ kiu
rxaep;t´-. AtXk\ Niuc\cMeta\k Kc\b¥akiu
make camp; be far; be old Tiuk\-qc\.qliu SuecX-ep;påmy\" The country will give you the
— part 1) count word for counting stages of journey reward you deserve for finding this antique.
2) a tip or a point (as measure of length) 3) count word Tiuk\2 [htai'] part [drama] word spoken when an actor
for measuring the length of a shot Ω ®ma;eTak\ bowshot playing a nt\ (nat spirit) enters
[ nc] [? check 2,3: true] Tc\ [htin] v 1) be visible, be seen 2) think (about), be of
eTak\kc\; [htau' kin:] n Íreconnaissance patrol the opinion, guess (inf); (of situation, question, etc)
eTak\ÂkM> [htau' kyan.] n Œkind of large timber tree seem to one
with soft wood Tc\eÂk; [htin gye:] n opinion; guess
eTak\kXk\ [htau' kwe'] n foible, weak point; point (for Tc\eÂk;ep; [htin gye: be:] v guess, give one's opinion
discussion, etc), cause (for objection, question, (on, about)
argument, etc) Tc\tiuc\; [htin dain;] adv without restraint, heedlessly,
eTak\KM [htau' khan] v support; second (proposal, recklessly, thoughtlessly
nomination, etc); agree; recommend Ts\ts\lMu; [htin tålon;] adv conceitedly, full of oneself
eTak\KMsa [htau' khan za] n letter of recommendation; Ω l¨ ts\ kiuy\ Tc\ts\ lMu; thinking more highly of oneself
(professional) credentials; testimonial than others do Ω d^l¨k q¨>kiuy\q¨Ts\ts\lMu;n´Ï enty\" That
eTak\K¥c\.' eTak\S [htau' chin., htau' hsa.] v consider, one is sure full of himself.
think carefully Tc\sa; [htin za:] v think (probable), expect; hope
eTak\KX [htau' khwa.] n prop used to hold up the yoke Tc\epÅ [htin paw] v be famous, be well-known; be
of a cart S YN lxv\;eTak\ outstanding
eTak\vHa' eTak\Ta; [htau' hnya, htau' hta:] v be Tc\®mc\ [htin myin] v 1) visualise, see in one's mind's
considerate; be sympathetic eye; discern (mentally) 2) think, believe S YN y¨S
eTak\p.M [htau' pan.] v support, subsidise (with Tc\®mc\K¥k\ [htin myin gye'] n opinion S YN y¨SK¥k\
payments); help, assist Tc\mxt\ [htin hma'] v regard as; believe; think
eTak\pM.eÂk; [htau' pan. gye:] n subsidy, stipend, grant Tc\eyac\Tc\mxa; [htin yaung htin hma:] n delusion;
(given monthly, yearly, etc) illusion, hallucination
eTak\®p [htau' pya.] v indicate, point out (a wrong, a Tc\eyac\Tc\mxa;®Ps\ [htin yaung htin hma: hpyi'] v be
good deed, etc) misled, be deceived, be deluded
eTak\lxm\; [htau' hlan:] v investigate, inquire, make a Tc\rasiuc\; [htin ya sain:] v do as one pleases, do whatever
systematic examination; gather intelligence, spy occurs to one
eTak\lxm\;er; [htau' hlan: ye:] n 1) intelligence, detailed Tc\ra®mc\ra [htin ya myin ya] n anything that comes to
mind, whatever occurs to one

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 192

Tc\. ª eTac\
Tc\rxa; [htin sha:]v 1) be visible distinctly, be well- trial, remand to prison
defined 2) be well-known 3) be conspicuous, be eTac\Âkp\ [htaung gya'] n Ówarder = wådå
evident, be easily seen eTac\Kå [htaung kha] v release (groups of prisoners)
— n [arch] pine tree CFlXt\“cim\;K¥m\; qaKXc\. amnesty
Tc\hp\ [htin ha'] v reflect, show the image (of place, eTac\K¥ [htaung cha.] v condemn to imprisonment, send
time, thoughts, etc) to prison, imprison; gaol (Br), jail (Am)
Tc\. [htin.] v have misgivings (about sthg), be uneasy; be Ω By\ Nxs\Nxs\K¥ql´" How many years did he get?
worried, be anxious; be suspicious S YN sit\Tc\. eTac\eK¥ak\ [htaung gyau'] v trap, snare; Íbooby-trap
— part particle places at the end of a sentence to Ω eTac\eK¥ak\miuc\;/bMu; booby trap
indicate that what has been said is based on an eTac\S¨ [htaung hsu] v (of prisoners) riot
assumption, similar to 'I presume' eTac\tiuk\ [htaung tai'] v 1) draw (bow) 2) saw
Tc\.Kn´ [htin. gånE:] adv uneasily Ω mxn\T´mx eK¥ac\k¥“p^; (vertically, with crosscut saw) (illus) 3) talk back,
på;Riu;m¥a;ka;eneqa q¨m¥k\NxakiuÂkv\.rc\; q¨>sit\T´ contradict, act up
Tc\.kn´® Ps\qXa;ty\" When he saw his thin face with its eTac\Ta; [htaung hta:] v rebel
prominent cheekbones in the mirror, he became uneasy. eTac\Ta;®Ka;na; [htaung hta: cha: na:] n rebel
Tc\; [htin:] v 1) be visible distinctly, be well-defined 2) be eTac\eTac\emac\;emac\; [htaung daung maung: maung:] v
conspicuous, be evident, be easily seen; be bold; be be strapping, be tall and strong
eminent 3) stain eTac\TXk\ [htaung dwe'] v ex-con, ex-convict, ex-
— n firewood prisoner
Tc\;kla; [htin: kåla:] n 1) partially burned log from a eTac\d%\ [htaung dan] n (prison, gaol (Br), jail (Am))
funeral pyre 2) partially burned wood from a forest fire sentence, imprisonment Ω Alup\Âkm\; Nxc\.-eTac\d%\ (2)
Nxs\k¥ty\" He was sentenced to two years with hard labour.
Tc\;Kn´ [htin gånE;] adv prominently, clearly, distinctly CF eqd%\' kÁn\; piuÏd %\ [ rc]

(visible, etc) Ω Tc\;Kn´® mc\' Tc\;Kn´epÅlXc\eAac\ eTac\d%\K¥ [htaung dan cha] v sentence (to prison), pass
Tc\;eKX [htin: khwe] v gather firewood a (prison) sentence S YN Amin\ÏK¥ [ rc]
Tc\;eKXerKp\ [htin: gwe ye ga'] n 1) [lit] gathering wood eTac\nn\;sM [htaung nan; san] v [inf]serve a prison
and carrying water 2) household chores, errands sentence
Tc\;Siuk\ [htin: hsai'] v use as firewood eTac\NOt\Km\;nc\; [htaung hnåkhan: nin:] v [fig] risk being
Tc\;epåk\ [htin: pau'] [htin: bau'] v split firewood sent to prison, flirt with a prison sentence L IT : ‘walk on
— n kindling, small pieces of wood used to start a fire the edge of the prison’
eTac\piuc\(”k^;) [htaung bain (gyi;)] n prison superintendent
Tc\;rxø; [htin: shu:] n Œpine, fir: trees bearing needles [ rc]
and cones, conifer eTac\piuc\el; [htaung bain le;] n deputy superintendent
Tc\;rxø;S^ [htin: shu: zi]n 1) turpentine S YN tapc\tiuc \ (of a prison) [ rc]
2) resin, pitch 3) resinous wood (which catches fire eTac\e®p; [htaung bye:] n escaped prisoner, escaped
easily) convict CF r´Bk\e®p; [ rc]
Tc\;pn\;2 [hnin: ban:] v [arch] look alike, be similar to eTac\ePak\ [htaung hpau'] v make a break, attempt
= Nxc\;pn\;Niu;' Nxc\; pn\;' Nxc\;Niu; escape
eTac\1 [htaung] v 1) stand, set upright; hold upright, raise eTac\Pm\; [htaung hpan:] v 1) set a trap 2) ensnare (by
up Ω lk\vHio;eTac\ raise one's hand 2) set up (business, trickery)
organisation, etc) 3) lay a trap, set a snare eTac\B¨; [htaung bu;] n main prison gate; space
CF eTac\eK¥ak\ 4) frame (sb for a crime, etc) 5) [fig] be between the double gates of a prison
arrogant, be proud 6) start a fight eTac\B¨;w [htaung bu: wa.] n small (wicket) gate built
— n prison; gaol (Br), jail (Am), penitentiary, penal into the main prison gate (illus)
institution, correctional institution, jailhouse, brig (esp eTac\mØ;⁄ [htaung hmu:] n gaoler (Br), jailer (Am)
∑Í), nick (inf), slammer (inf), stir (inf), clink (inf), big eTac\lxn\Ï [htaung hlan.] v alert; sound the alarm (in a
house (Am inf), college (Br inf), keep Ó = Ak¥U\;eTac\ prison) CF tl¥as^
CF AK¥oup\ detention, lockup, r´ Bk\ sKn\; labour camp, eTac\lWa; [htaung hlwa:] v be arrogant, be haughty
Bwqs\sKn\; New Life Camp, ts\kÁn\; penal colony eTac\wc\\sa [htaung win za] n prison visit
eTac\wc\saKM [htaung win za khan] v ask permission to
eTac\k¥ [htaung kya.] v be (convicted and) sent to visit a prisoner
prison; be gaoled (Br), be jailed (Am), be (convicted eTac\wc\sala [htaung win za la] v visit (a prisoner)
and) sent to gaol/jail, be imprisoned A NT lWt\ eTac\wc\saetX> [htaung win za twe.] v meet (during a
CF AK¥op\k¥' Alup\Âkm\; k¥' ts\kÁn\; k¥ prison visit)
eTac\”k^;K¥op\ [htaung gyi: gyo'] v detain in prison during eTac\qa; [htaung tha:] n µ prisoner, convict

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 193

eTac\ ª Tit\
S YN Ak¥U\; qa; CF eTac\q¨' AK¥op\qa; now worn by traditional performers
eTac\q¨ [htaung thu] n ƒ prisoner, convict S YN Ak¥U\;q¨ Tiuc\;1 [htain:]
v 1) be damp, be moist, be slightly wet 2) be
CF eTac\qa;' AK¥op\q¨ dull, be slow; be dull, be bored 3) be heavy or slow
eTac\2 [htaung (daung)] n thousand 4) (of business, sales, etc) be slack, be slow 5) (of
eTac\k´⁄ [htaung kE:] n Ócommander of 1000 troops in hearing) be damaged, be dulled S YN na;el;' na;pc\;
eTac\®pv\.Nxs\ [htaung byI hni'] n millenium CF ®pv\.Nxs\ [? Tiuc\;mOic\; [htain: hmain:] v 1) be gloomy, be dull and dark
check] 2) be listless, be lethargic, be dull CF el;lM
eTac\pMurapMu [htaung bon ya bon] adv in thousands; in great Tiuc\;2 [htain:] n Thai
numbers, by the thousand — adj Thai = yiu;dya;
eTac\mØ;Ÿ [htaung hmu:] n Ócommander of 1000 troops Tiuc\;Niuc\cM [htain: naing gan] n Thailand = yiu;dya;
garrisoned at each of the four cardinal points of the Tiuc\;Riuc\ [htain; yain] n Shan, Tai Yai peoples
royal palace Ts\1 [hti'] v 1) nick, notch, make a small, shallow cut
eTac\k´2 [htaung kE:] n honorific for a Chinese man 2) stammer, stutter Ω ska;Ts\ RF Ts\ecåÏ. 3) [fig] have a
eTac\. [htaung.] v 1) (of travel) be rough (going), be hitch, not go smoothly RF Ts\ecåÏ.
difficult, be hard [daung.] 2) be irksome, be irritating — n curve Kå;Ts\, notch, indentation, step elxka;Ts\
— n 1) corner 2) angle 3) diamond (playing card suit) = ATs\
CF ApXc\. Ts\ecåÏ [hti' ngaw.] v 1) stammer, stutter 2) [fig] have a
eTac\.k¥U\; [daung. kyin:] n acute angle, angle <90˚ hitch, not go smoothly, have difficulties
eTac\.k¥y\ [daung. kyE] n obtuse angle, angle >90˚ Ts\2 [hti'] v boom, sound, emit a loud noise
eTac\.K¥io; [daung. gyo:] n turn Ω ' left turn [? eg] Ts\Kn´ [hti' khånE:] adv on a hair trigger (Upsa), at the
eTac\.es. [daung. se.] v be thorough least provocation
eTac\.tn\; [daung. dan:] adv Ts\K¥on\; [hti' chon:] v boom, emit a loud, explosive noise
eTac\.tn\;SX´ [daung. dan: hswE:] v be partially paralysed
eTac\.mk¥io; [daung. måkyo:] v be insolent; be Tv\1 [htE] v 1) be grand 2) be pompous, be bombastic, be
insubordinate, be disobedient proud
eTac\.mxn\ [daung. hman] n right angle, 90˚ angle Tv\Tv\wåwå [htE dE wa wa] adv 1) magnificently,
eTac\.®Pt\m¥U\; [daung. bya' myin:] n diagonal (line) grandly 2) with prestige and dignity
eTac\.qn\;na [daung. dhan: na] n anthrax, infectious, Tv\wå [htE wa] v 1) be grand, be splendid, be
usually fatal disease of warm-blooded animals, magnificent 2) be haughty, be pompous
especially cattle and sheep = edåc\.qn\; na Tv\2 [htE] n 1) material, matter out of which sthg is
eTac\; [htaung:] v 1) pound, crush Ω cRut\q^;eTac\; crushed formed; form; ware, article, item [? check material,
chilli peppers 2) hit with the point of the elbow [? matter] 2) cloth, material, fabric, textile Ω K¥v\Tv\
example of hitting your own thigh] 3) be severely cotton, piu; Tv\ silk
distressed, be emotionally crushed 4) [fig] blame, — part count word for pieces of clothing and other
punish, take action against cloth items such as blankets, sheets, etc [ nc]
eTac\;eTac\;eÂk [htaung: daung: kye] v be crushed (to Tv\l´ [htE lE:] n 1) change of clothing CF erl´ 2) [fig]
powder), be pulverised; be ruined S YN eTac\; lemac\;eÂk frequent change (of partners, admirers, etc)
— adv 1) with frequent changes 2) for various purposes
eTac\;eTac\;T [htaung: daung: hta.] v 1) be fuming
(with anger, rage, etc) 2) be steaming Tv\l´wt\ [htE lE: wu'] v change clothes
S YN eTac\; lemac\; T Tv\l´tX´ [htE lE: twE:] v change partners
eTac\;lemac\;eÂk [htaung: låmaung: kye] v be crushed (to Tv\. [htE.] v 1) put in, insert, include BOX explaining use
powder), be pulverised; be ruined S YN eTac\; lemac\;eÂk as a double verb, eg with Tv\.e®pa' Tv\.ePÅ®p' Tv\.er;
2) save on (computer disk) 3) send sb along (with sb
eTac\;lemac\;T [htaung: låmaung: hta.] 1) be fuming else)
(with anger, rage, etc) 2) be steaming Tv\.qXc\; [htE. thwin:] v 1) put in, insert, include; save
S YN eTac\;eTac\; T on (computer disk) 2) send sb along (with sb else)
Tiuc\ [htain] v 1) sit 2) (of sediment in liquid) settle Tt\ [hta'] adj not hard, not soft, of medium texture,
CF Anv\ 3) set into place 4) meditate consistency, etc = Tn\>
Tiuc\KMu [htain gon] n piece of furniture to sit on, chair, Tit\1 [htei'] v be alarmed, get a fright; be scared, be
stool, seat, bench frightened; be terrified CF eÂkak\' ln\Ï' Byankrq RF
Tiuc\sa; [htain sa:] v be unemployed Tit\ln\Ï.
Tiuc\enk¥ [htain ne kya] n place one always sits Tit\Tit\p¥ap¥a [htei' htei' pya bya] adv agitatedly
Tiuc\mqim\;ekÇ¥ [htain måthein in: gyi] n hip-length jacket Tit\ln\Ï [htei' lan.] v be alarmed, get a fright; be

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Tit\ ª Tn\;
scared, be frightened; be terrified jaggery (palm sugar) and can be drunk fresh or
tTit\Tit\ [tåhtei' htei'] adv Ω miu;tXc\mxa lm\;mekac\;liuÏ fermented CF lk\e®ma\' Sc\e®K (illus)
rTa;s^;rata tTit\Tit\p´" I am afraid to ride the train in Tn\;k¥c\.elxka; [htågyin. hle ga:] n ladder used to climb
the rainy season, because the tracks are not very good. toddy palms CF rc\SX´;' rc\; pc\' rc\eTac\
Tit\2 [htei'] n shackles, fetters CF lk\Tit\ handcuffs, Tn\;eÂka [htan: (htå) gyaw:] n strip of the stem of a toddy
e®KTit\ shackles (illus all) [ rc] palm leaf, used as string
Tit\Kt\ [htei' kha'] v put in stocks Tn\;eKåk\Pa [htan: (då) gau' hpa] n rectangular covered
Tit\tuM; [htei' ton:] n stocks (illus) basket woven from toddy leaf strips
Tit\Tit\”k´ [dei' dei' kyE:] adj best, supreme, highest [ ph] Tn\;es.mOt\ [dåzI hmo'] n 1) ladle made from the shell of
Tut\ [hto'] v 1) take out 2) extract, excerpt RF Tut\Nut\. toddy fruit (illus) 2) little grebe, a kind of water bird
3) remove, dismiss, expel RF Tut\py\. 4) put out, stick
out, thrust out 5) publish, release, issue; announce, Tn\;ss\ [dåzi'] n matted fibre that remains where the
proclaim, make a public annoucement Ω rxc\; lc\;K¥k\Tut\ toddy leaf grows on the trunk [ ph]
issue a clarification 6) produce, put out 7) send (off) to, Tn\;eSa\el [htan: zaw le] n seasonal winds in January,
be shifted Ω RMu; Tut\ 8) promulgate at the beginning of the toddy harvest
Tut\kun\ [hto' kon] n 1) product, production 2) exports Tn\;vHp\ [htåhnya'] n wooden clamp used in collecting
S YN TX k\kun\ [ pe] toddy sap
Tut\eK¥ak\ [hto' chau'] adv directly, straight Tn\;tk\ [htan: te'] v climb a toddy palm (to tap it)
Tut\K¥c\;Kp\ [hto' chin: ga'] adv straight through; on the Tn\;tk\qma; [htån: te' dhåma:] n toddy palm climber
first try; in one stroke = Tut\K¥c\;epåk\ = Tn\;qma; (illus, with some of the tools)
Tut\K¥c\;epåk\ [hto' chin: bau'] adv straight through; on Tn\;ts\P¥a; [htan: tåhpya:] n height of a toddy palm (as a
the first try; in one stroke = Tut\K¥c\;Kp\ unit of measure) CF enTn\;ts\P¥a;
Tut\Sc\. [hto' hsin.] v proclaim, promulgate (law, Tn\;ts\rc\;tk\ [htan: tåyin: de'] n daily working unit for
constitution, etc); issue, release (order, instruction, toddy palm climbers, 50 trees
press release, etc) S YN Tut\® pn\ Tn\;Tu [htan: htu.] v bruise the toddy's flower stalk to
Tut\eSac\ [hto' hsaung] v 1) take out 2) extract, make the sap flow
excerpt Tn\;NiuÏ [htåno.] n flower spike of the male toddy palm,
Tut\Nut\ [hto' hno'] v extract,excerpt from which sap is tapped
Tut\ep; [hto' pe:] n issue, pay out, give out Tn\;eNW; [htåhnwe:] v peel and bind the sheath around
Tut\ps\ [hto' pyi'] v 1) eject, expel 2) remove or dismiss the Tn\;NiuÏ (male toddy flower spike)
(from responsibility, job, etc), fire (inf), Ídischarge Tn\;plp\ [htåbåla'] n base or stub of a toddy-palm leaf
3) reject [? clarify: make three meanings? add discharge Tn\;pc\®ms\ [htåbin myi'] n edible sprout of a toddy palm
to next?] (illus)
Tut\py\ [hto' pE] v exclude; remove, dismiss Tn\;pp\ [htan: ba'] n base of the toddy-palm leaf, where
Tut\®pn\ [hto' pyan] v proclaim, announce; promulgate the stalk meets the trunk
(law, constitution, etc); issue, release (order, Tn\;P¨; [htan: hpu: (bu:)] n bud of a toddy-palm leaf
instruction, press release, etc) S YN Tut\Sc\. Tn\;P¨;rs\ [htåbu: yi'] n rifling, spiral groove cut in a bore
Tut\e®pa [hto' hpaw:] v reveal, bring to light; display; or tube, such as a rifle barrel = nB¨; lim\' e®pac\;rs\
express; admit Tn\;rv\ [htåyi (ye), htan: ye] n 1) sap harvested from the
Tut\y¨ [hto' yu] v take out, extract; withdraw (money, Tn\; NiuÏ (flower spike of the male toddy palm) CF vHp\rv\
supplies, etc), draw on (account, store, etc 2) drink made from toddy sap CF Tn\;rv\Kå;' Tn\;rv\K¥io'
Tut\y¨Sc\®Kc\mO [hto' yu hsin gyin hmu.] n deductive cxk\Kå;etac\
reasoning CF “KMoy¨Sc\®Kc\mO Tn\;rv\Kå; [htåye (ye) ga:] n toddy, alcoholic drink
Tut\lut\ [hto' lo'] v make, manufacture, produce fermented from toddy-palm sap CF enek¥a\
Tut\ew [hto' we] v publish Tn\;rv\K¥io [htåyi (ye) cho] n unfermented drink made from
Tut\ewer; [hto' we ye:] n publishing CF saAup\tiuk\ toddy sap
Tut\ewq¨ [hto' we thu] n publisher Tn\;lk\ [htåle'] n 1) stalk of a toddy frond 2) frond or
TutRÊ ¨ [hto' htAyu] n red-headed trogon S YN Tp\ty¨ leaf of a toddy palm
Tn\ [htan] v 1) be stormy, (of weather) be violent Tn\;lk\t´ [htåle' tE:] n hut roofed with toddy-palm
(elTn\) 2) (of speech, expression, etc) be stern 3) (of leaves
poison, current, etc) be strong Tn\;lv\Ss\k¥io; [htan: lE zi' kyo:] n 1) toddy palm with
Tn\Ï [hta'] adj not hard, not soft, of medium texture, the crown broken off 2) [fig] utter ruin, total
consistency, etc = Tt\ destruction
Tn\; [htan:] n Œtoddy palm, palmyra, tall palm with fan- Tn\;lMu;ep¥ak\ [htan: lon: byau'] n distance from which
shaped leaves. The sap of the male is used to make individual palms cannot be seen distinctly (unit of

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 195

Tn\;k¥c\. ª Tip\
Tn\;l¥k\ [htånye', htan:låye'] [? ever really pronounced [ pe]
the second way?] n jaggery, palm sugar Tp\ty¨ [ta' tAyu] n red-headed trogon S YN TutÊR¨
Tn\;l¥k\Kiu;ekac\ [htånye' kho: gaung] n kind of large, Tp\tl´l´ [hta' tåle: le:] adv repeatedly, again and
black ant which does not bite again, over and over again Ω Aqk\”k^^; laeta. cy\c y\k
Tn\;l¥k\Aiu;etX> [htånye' o: twe.] v [fig] be lucky, find AeÂkac\; p´ Tp\tl´l´e®party\" He is old now,and always
sthg one likes by chance L IT : ‘find a pot of jaggery’ talking now about his youth. Ω Ark\-meqak\pån´ÏliuÏ
Tn\;elYa\ [htan: (htå) shaw] n twine made from Tn\;ss\ Tp\tl´l´-e®pataetac\ na;metac\B¨;" Even if you are
Tn\;qma; [htan: dhåma:] n toddy palm climber always telling me not to drink, I don't listen.
= Tn\;tk\qma; S YN Tp\ kaTp\ ka' Tp\ katl´ l´ [? check translation]
Tn\;k¥c\. [htågyin.]n Indian madder, a perennial plant with Tp\t¨ [hta' tu] adv of the same kind, like, identically
small yellow flowers, whorled leaves, and a red root used Tp\t¨Tp\mY [hta' tu hta' hmya.] adv exactly, equally, in the
to make red dye same way
Tin\ [htein] adj shining, beaming, glowing, luminescent [? Tp\tra [hta' tåya] n 1) parata, Indian fried wheat flour
check beam] snack with many layers CF plata 2) marigold 3) high
Tin\Tin\lc\; [htein dein lin:] v 1) be sunlit 2) be luminous, quality topaz mined in Mogok S YN UœPra;
be very bright Tp\tXn\Ï [hta' tun.] v talk back
Tin\; [htein:] v 1) babysit, mind (a child), look after (a Tp\mna; [hta' måna:] adv continuously, continually;
child), take care of (a child) 2) herd, tend to (cows, interminably
sheep, etc) RF Tin\;ek¥ac\;. 3) control; restrain, hold in Tp\mM [hta' man] part (over) again, once more, twice,
check S YN esac\.sv\;' esac\.Tin\; RF Tin\;K¥op\. 4) hold the repeat: verb prefix showing repetition
interest (of an audience) CF esac\.Tin\;' esac\.sv\; Tp\elac\; [hta' laung:] adv as well, in addition
Tin\;ek¥ac\; [htein: kyaung:] v herd (animals) Ω Tp\e lac\;“p^; e®paÂka;k¥c\ taketa.Ú what I would like
Tin\;ek¥ac\;p´.®pc\ [htein: kyaung: pE. pyin] n guardians and to add is…
teachers Tip\ [htei'] n 1) crown (of head) 2) summit, top, peak;
Tin\;K¥op\ [htein: cho'] v control; restrain, hold in check highest part; best, first RF Tip\P¥a;. 3) tip (of finger, toe,
Ω kel;kiu qi p\“ p^; Tin\;K¥iop\ Ta;rc\ mekac\; B¨;" You shouldn't etc) 4) edge, the first part reached (of village, sea, lake,
be too controlling with children. etc) 5) end (or road)
Tin\;qim\; [htein: thein:] v 1) control, restrain 2) preserve, Tip\kp\na [htei' ka' na] n sinusitis S YN eSac\;em;Kå;na'
conserve, protect from harm 3) detain, hold in custody; PXt\sAiuna
arrest; seize 4) observe q^l (precepts) 5) maintain Tip\kXk\ [htei' gwe'] n tonsure, round shaven spot on
(standards, dignity, etc) 6) keep (a place) in order top of the head
Tip\sv\; [htei' si:] n top line in the game of Tup\S^;tiu; (do-
Tp\ [hta'] v 1) stack, pile, arrange in layers 2) repeat; add si-do)
to [? check add] Tip\SM”kio; [htei' hsan gyo:] n mooring line
— adv Tip\SMu; [htei' hson:] adj top, peak
— part 1) count word for floors of a building, layers, Tip\tiuk\ [htei' tai'] adv 1) head on; face to face
etc CF lWa [ nc] 2) (over) again, once more, twice, 2) simultaneously
repeat: verb prefix showing repetition Ω Tp\e®pa repeat RF Tip\tiuk\etX> [htei' tai' twe.] v meet face-to-face, meet
Tp\mM. head on
Tp\katl´l´ [hta' kha tålE: lE:] adv repeatedly, again Tip\tiuk\rc\Siuc\mO [htei' tai' yin hsain hmu] n confrontation
and again, over and over again S YN Tp\tl´l´ Tip\tn\; [htei' tan:] n first place, first row; top (position)
Tp\kaTp\ka [hta' kha hta' kha] adv repeatedly, again
and again, over and over again S YN Tp\tl´l´ Tip\tn\;lYio>wxk\ [htei' tan: sho. hwe'] n top secret
Tp\kin\; [hta' kein:] n [math] power Tip\epåk\ [htei' pau'] v have a welt from being hit on the
Tp\kin\;VWn\; [hta' kein: hnyun:] n [math] index head, get a goose egg (inf)
Tp\kin\;rc\; [hta' kein: yin:] n [math] root Tip\epåk\eKåc\;kX´ [htei' pau' gaung: kwE:] adj with bruised
Tp\ek¥a. [hta' kyaw.] v repeat and split head
Tp\ek¥ak\ [hta' kyau'] n a pair of identical precious Tip\e®pac\ [htei' hpaung] n bald person
stones Tip\P¨; [htei' hpu:] n 1) (of ammunition shell) shot, bullet;
Tp\kXm\; [hta' kwan:] adv time winner (of prize, cup, (of missile) warhead; (of spacecraft) capsule 2) [sl]
honour, etc) condom
Tp\Kiu; [hta' kho:] n mezzanine, partial storey between Tip\P¥a; [htei' hpya:] n summit, top
two storeys (illus) Tip\w [htei' wa.] n 1) mouth, opening, aperature; crater
Tp\Sc\. [hta' hsin.] adv again m^;etac\Tip\w 2) diameter 3) end (of street, log, etc) [?
Tp\Sc\.tiu;tn\Piu; [hta' hsin. to: tan bo:] adv ¥value added okay?]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 196

Tup\ ª TuM;
Tip\q^; [htei' thi:] n [fig] ace, person who is top in a keep (sthg) back, withhold (information, etc)
field, pick of the crop (Upsa), talent Tim\2 [htein] n Œlarge hardwood tree with winged pods
Tip\q^;v^laKM [htei' thi: nyi la gan] n summit Tim\; [htein:] v 1) Óhew, chop 2) mark, designate
(conference), conference of leaders, esp a high-level Tim\;®ma; [htein: mya:] v marry, wed
inter-governmental conference [ pe] Tim\;®ma;mgçla [htein: mya: min gåla] n wedding
Tup\ [hto'] v 1) pack, wrap (in plastic, paper, leaf, etc); (ceremony)
bundle, bind RF Tup\piu;. 2) (of vegetables such as lettuce, Tim\;mxt\ [htein: hma'] v set up as a memorial
cabbage) develop a head Tu1M [hton] v 1) be dull, be stupid, be idiotic, be a
— n 1) package, packet, parcel; bundle = ATup\ numskull Ω cTMu 2) be numb, be numbed, lose feeling, be
2) cross beam, tie beam (illus) insensitive RF TuMk¥U\. 3) be jaded, be apathetic
— part count word used to count bundles, packets, etc TuMk¥U\ [hton kyin] v be numb, be numbed, be insensitive
[ nc]
Tup\S^;tiu; [hto' hsi: to:] n children's game in which one TuMeS; [hton ze:] n local anaesthetic CF em.eS;
team tries to prevent another from moving through a TuMetet [hton te de] adv unwillingly, reluctantly;
marked off area without being tagged (illus) recalcitrantly S YN TMuepep
Tup\piu; [hto' po:] v pack, pack up, wrap (in plastic, paper, TuMTiuc\; [hton htain:] v be lethargic; be inert; be torpid [?
leaf, etc); bundle, bind add more? are these exactly right?]
Tm\; [htan:] v 1) carry (on the shoulder or on the back); TMuTMuAA [hton hton a. a.] adv stupid, dull, dumb
carry with a shoulder pole RF Tm\; piu;. 2) serve (in TuMnak¥c\na [hton na kyin na] n early symptoms of leprosy
government) RF Tm\;rXk\. [ ph] [? check with dr]
— part count word used to count loads carried with a TuMnasiu [hton na so] n beri-beri, vitamin B⁄ deficiency,
shoulder pole [ nc] which causes numbness CF By\r^By\r^
Tm\;sc\ [htan: zin] n stretcher, litter (illus) TMuepep [hton pe be] adv unwillingly, reluctantly;
Tm\;eSac\ [htan: hsaung] v 1) serve (in government) recalcitrantly S YN TuMetet
2) pay (taxes) Tu2M [hton] v 1) infuse, instill, introduce gradually 2) (of a
Tm\;piu; [htan: po:] [dåbo:] v carry with a shoulder pole, trait, habit, etc) be ingrained; (of a person) be wont to,
carry on one's shoulder or back be in the habit of 3) perfume, scent, permeate (with a
— n 1) shoulder pole, (shoulder) yoke 2) yoke (for smell) 4) be scented, be infused (with a smell)
draught animals) RF Tm\; piu;tMu;. 3) double the original
amount TuMmXm\; [hton mun:] v perfume, scent
Tm\;piu;ekac\; [dåbo: kaung:] v (of a draught animal) haul TuMqc\; [hton thin:] v be fragrant
well [ ph this and following] TMuÏ [hton.] v tie (a knot); bind, tie (things together), attach
Tm\;piu;k¥c\ [dåbo: gyin] n one of a pair of pegs used to — n bond, attachment; knot; bulge
harness a draught animal to a yoke = Tm\;piu; k¥v\; TuMÏpiuc\;TuMÏpiuc\; [hton. pain: hton. pain:] adv off and on,
Tm\;piu;k¥c\. [dåbo: kyin.] v break (a draught animal), train intermittently
to obey TuM;1 [hton:] n tradition, custom, usage; precedent
Tm\;piu;k¥v\; [dåbo: gyi:] n one of a pair of pegs used to CF lup\TMu;lup\nv\; usual procedures
harness a draught animal to a yoke = Tm\;piu; k¥c\ TuM;sM [hton: zan] n tradition, custom, way, usage;
Tm\;piu;”kio; [dåbo: kyo:] n short line tying a draught precedent Ω TuM;sMAtiuc\;påp´b¥a Just like always.
animal's neck to the yoke S YN lv\KXMpt\”kio; TuM;t^; [hton: ti:] n Ócustom, ways
Tm\;piu;tMu; [dåbo: bo: don:] n yoke (illus) TuM;tm\;sU\la [hton: dan: sin la] n precedent; custom,
Tm\;piu;tm\; [dåbo: dan:] adv (two) side-by-side, in pairs tradition, ways
Tm\;piu;np\ [dåbo: na'] v (of a draught animal) be well TuM;m^sMmY [hton: hmi san hmya.] adv up to traditional values
broken TuM;ehac\; [hton: haung:] n old and established custom or
Tm\;rXk\ [htan: ywe'] v serve, complete a period of convention; law according to long precedent
service; take responsibility TuM;2 [hton;] n 1) lime, a white caustic powder, calcium
Tim\1 [htein] v 1) conceal, cover up, hide (sthg); keep oxide; slaked lime, whitewash Ω TuM;qut\ty\ whitewash
(sthg) back, withhold (information, etc) RF Tim\K¥n\. 2) large pool formed by river water Ω TMu;Aiuc\
2) skip one's period, be amenorrheic, have absence of TuM;ek¥ak\ [hton: gyau'] n limestone
menstruation, be late (inf) TuM;ek¥ak\g¨ [hton: gyau' gu] n limestone cave
Tim\K¥n\ [htein chan] v conceal, cover up, hide (sthg); TuM;Âkk\tk\rv\ [hton: kye' te' ye] n light solution of
keep (sthg) back, withhold (information, etc) lime in water, used in bathing
Tim\K¥n\mO [htein chan hmu.] n [legal] concealment of TuM;e®Kak\erac\ [hton: gyau' yaung] n buff, light tan colour
Tim\wxk\ [htein hwe'] v conceal, cover up, hide (sthg); TuM;Dat\ [hton: da'] n calcium

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TMu; ª TXk\
TuM;epåk\ [hton: pau'] n sores in the mouth from the lime eTX2 [htwe] n rounded piece of pottery, stone, etc used in
in a betel quid the pitching game eTXKc\;
TuM;mn\; [hton: man:] n healing lime solution, over which eTXKc\; [htwe khin:] v pitch a eTX to start a game of
mantras have been recited CF S^mn\;' ermn\; eTXKc\;
TuM;qkçn\; [hton: thin gan:] n whitewash on a pagoda — n game in which pieces of pottery, stones, etc are
TuM;Aiuc\ [hton: ain] n large hollow formed by the flow of thrown
river water eTXKc\;ep; [htwe khin: pe:] v pitch a eTX to start a game
TMu;3 [hton;] v knot one's hair; tie a knot (in rope, string, of eTXKc\;
etc) eTXps\ [htwe pyi'] v throw a eTX
— part count word used in counting knots, coils, etc eTX;1 [htwe:] v spit out Ω tMetX;eTX; spit
[ nc] eTX;KM [htwe: gan] n spittoon S YN eTX;Ac\
TuM;PX´> [hton: hpwE.] v 1) put hair in various styles eTX;Tut\ [htwe: hto'] v spit out
2) compose verse [ wr] 3) make a rule, set a rule eTX;Ac\ [htwe: in] n spittoon S YN eTX;KM
Ty\ [htE] n plough (Br), plow (Am) (illus) eTX;2 [htwe:] v 1) wrap, swaddle (in blanket, sheet, etc)
Ty\sa [htE sa] n earth turned up by a plough, tilled 2) hold in the arms, put arms around 3) be tangled, be
soil confused, be mixed (together) [? check]
Ty\tMu; [htE don:] n stock of a plough S YN Ty\d¨; — n tangled mass = AeTX;
Ty\Tiu; [htE hto:] v plough, turn over earth with a eTX;piuk\ [htwe: pai'] v embrace, hug, put arms around,
plough hold in arms = piuk\eTX; [? check]
Ty\d¨; [htE du:] n stock of a plough S YN Ty\tu;M eTX;epX> [htwe: pwe.] v hug, embrace, hold in arms
Ty\er; [htåye:] n furrow (made by a plough) eTX;Pk\ [htwe: hpe'] v [? embrace? wrap around?]
Ty\qn\ [htE dhan] n ploughbeam eTX;yxk\ [htwe: she'] v be tangled, be confused, be
Ty\qXa; [htE dhwa:] n ploughshare, cutting blade of mixed (together)
plough eTX;erayxk\tc\ [dwe: yaw: she' tin] adv 1) mingled,
eTr\ [hte (htI)] n revered Bun\;”k^; (monk) [ bh] tangled together S YN Aeraera-AeNxaeNxa [? syn ok?]
eTr\”k^;wå”k^; [hte gyi: wa gyi:] n Bun\;”k^; (Buddhist monk) 2) promiscuously, intimately
who has been part of the sanga for many years eTX;la;lMu;la;' eTX;lMu;rs\pt\ [htwe: la: lon: la:] adv
TXa [htwa] v measure by handspan 1) huddled together (in fight, game, etc) 2) overly
— n quarter of a yard, nine inches, 22 cm familiar CF lMu;
— part count word used to count handspans [ nc ] eTX;3 [htwe:] n the youngest in a family, the baby of the
TXaSiuc\ [htwa zain] n two handspans family (Upsa) = AeTX; CF eSXmi¥o;suz ya;
TXa; [htwa:] adj (of a person) large; stout; chubby eTX;eta\ [dwe: daw] n aunt = edX;eta\
TXa;k¥ioc\\; [htwa: kyain:] adj large, stout, chubby eTX;el; [dwe: le:] n aunt, younger sister of one's
— v 1) be large, be stout 2) be luxuriant, grow mother = edX;el; CF eSXmi¥o;suzya;
profusely TXk\ [htwe'] v 1) go out, come out A N T wc\ 2) produce,
eTX1 [htwe] v 1) be upset, feel unsettled, be perturbed, be yield 3) leave, go, depart; be away Ω Kr^;TXk\enty\" She's
worried, be confused Ω ek¥ac\;“p^; liuÏ Alup\mrxieta. away on a trip. A NT ®pn\ 4) resign, quit (inf); retire
sit\eTXentaepåÏ" He feels unsettled, as he is finished with Ω A´d^Alu p\k-iu TX k\enta- ka“p^;" I left that job a long time

school, but doesn't have a job. 2) be tipsy, be slightly ago. 5) speak; state, say 6) be published Ω dgun\;mg©zc\;
drunk Ω Ark\eTXenty\" He's tipsy. CF m¨; 3) complicated mTXk\eta.B¨;" Dagon Magazine isn't published anymore.
7) (of aircraft) take off Ω elyaU\ TXk\“p^;" The plane has
— part 1) count word used to count varied items [ nc]
already taken off. CF siuk\ land [? new from me]
2) count word used to count melds of playing cards [ nc]
TXk\kun\ [htwe' kon] n 1) product, produce (of a place)
2) export CF Tut\kun\ [ pe]
eTXeTXT¨;T¨; [htwe dwe htu: du:] v be important, be
relevant, be special TXk\Kt\Kt\ [htwe' kha' kha'] v 1) cause trouble as one
is leaving 2) [astrl] suffer last malign influence before
eTXeTXrara [htwe dwe ya ya] n variety, miscellany,
one's luck turns
various kinds of things
eTXeTXly\ly\ [htwe dwe lE lE] adv in various ways TXk\K¥k\ [htwe' che'] n [law] statement made in court
eTX®pa; [htwe pya:] v be complicated, be complex TXk\KXa [htwe' khwa] v leave, depart, go
eTXrael;på; [htwe ya le: ba:] n variety, miscellany, TXk\sa [htwe' sa] n 1) letter of resignation 2) out-going
various kinds of things
eTXla [htwe la] v be diverse TXk\satc\ [htwe' sa tin] v submit one's resignation,
submit a letter of resignation
eTXl^kal^ [htwe li ka li] adv ™ all kinds of things
AeTXeTX [Ahtwe dwe] n 1) variety, miscellany, TXk\epÅ [htwe' paw] v appear, come out
assortment CF Am¥io;m¥io;' pedqa 2) [in comb] general
TXk\epåk\ [htwe' pau'] n 1) exit, way out 2) escape,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 198

TXc\ ª dlha
escape hatch (Upsa) 3) outlet TXn\®Ks\ [htun gyi'] n rake (illus)
TXk\®pø [htwe' pyu] v peep out, begin to appear TXn\sa [htun za] n clod of earth turned up by a harrow
TXk\e®p; [htwe' pye:] v 1) flee, run away, escape; skip TXn\sk\ [htun ze'] n tractor
(inf) 2) abscond, escape and go into hiding TXn\vHc\;kXc\; [htåhnyin: gwin:] n loop of rawhide holding
TXk\e®p;mOwåd [htwe' pye: hmu. wa da.] n escapism yoke and beam of harrow together
TXk\rp\epåk\ [htwe' ye' pau'] v attain the power to live TXn\vHc\;cut\ [htåhnyin: ngo'] n pegs in the yoke to hold
untilAriemet†y¥ the fifth Buddha appears [ bs] the TXn\vHc\; kXc\;
TXk\rp\epåk\pug©iol\ [htwe' ye' pau' po' ko] n person who TXn\tMu; [htun don:] n log to which the teeth of a harrow
has the power to live until Ariemet†y¥ the fifth Buddha are attached
appears TXn\tMu;pit\ [htun don: pei'] v finish harrowing
TXk\rp\lm\; [htwe' ya' lan:] n 1) way of escape TXn\yk\ [htun ye'] v harrow
2) alchemy, mystical study of immortality TXn\er; [htåye:] n 1) marks in the soil, made by a
TXk\qk\ [htwe' the'] n exhalation, exhaled breath harrow 2) method of tilling with a harrow
A NT wc\ qk\ TXn\er;cc\ [htun ye ngin] v harrow, mark the soil by
TXc\ [htwin] v 1) clear (bush, undergrowth, trees, etc) harrowing
2) bone, remove the bones from; remove thorns TXn\qn\ [htun dhan] n shaft of a harrow
3) invent 4) fabricate, make up (sthg), lie (about) TXn\qXa; [htun dhwa:] n tooth of a harrow
5) start sthg new, set a fashion TXn\>TXn\>l¨; [htun. dun. lu:] v 1) be in severe pain, roll in pain
TXc\lMu; [htwin lon:] n fabrication, lie S YN Sc\lMu; 2) [fig] be on tenterhooks, be eager
TXc\; [htwin:] n 1) carve, sculpt RF TXc\;Tu. 2) drill, bore TXn\; [htun:] v 1) light (lamp, etc) Ω ®Kc\;eS;TXn\;ep;my\" I'll
TXc\;Tu [htwin: htu.] v carve, sculpt light a mosquito coil for you. RF TXn\;vH.i 2) shine, give off
TXc\;ePak\ [htwin: hpau'] v bore through light CF lc\; 3) (of sandbank) appear 4) be prominent
— adv thorougly, sharply
TXt\ [htut] adj topmost, crowning, supreme, great TXn\;ka; [htun: ga:] v 1) be blessed with (children)
— v 1) be covered with lumps, swellings, weals, boils, 2) be prominent
etc 2) pit, remove stone from fruit TXn\;vHi [htun: hnyI] v light
TXt\®mc\;na [htut myin: na] n running sore, open sore TXn\;TXn\;epåk\epåk\®Ps\ [htun: dun: pau' pau' hpyi'] v be
TXt\®mt\ [htut mya'] adj noble distinguished, be outstanding S YN TXn\;epåk\
TXt\Aiuc\;na [htu' ain: na] n pustulating sore TXn\;p [htun: pa.] v shine, be bright S YN Pit\
TXn\ [htun] v harrow, till CF e®mKX´ TXn\;epåk\ [htun: pau'] v be distinguished, be outstanding
— n harrow, device used to break up and even out S YN TXn\; TXn\;epåk\epåk\® Ps\
ploughed soil (illus, with all the parts) TXn\;e®pac\ [htun: pyaung] v be brilliant, be very bright; be
TXn\eÂkac\; [htun gyaung:] n furrow fluourescent
TXn\eK¥; [htun gyi:] n 1) clod of earth broken up by TXn\;lc\; [htun: lin:] v shine, radiate light, be radiant, be
harrowing 2) earth sticking to the teeth of a harrow luminscent
TXn\eK¥;Kå [htun gyi: kha] v 1) clean the teeth of a harrow
2) celebrate the end of tilling with a feast [ bs]

d [da.] n eighteenth consonant of the Myanmar script d®m [dåmya.] n bandit, robber, dacoit = Da;®p
deTX; [da. dwe:] n name of the d L IT : ‘wrapped d’ dy^;dyiuc\ [dåyi: dåyain] adv with a stagger S YN dyim\;dyiuc\
dka [dåga] n ‹µ donor, sponsor, who supports a Bun\;”k^; dyU.t \ iuk\' dyU\.q^ [dåyin. tai', dåyin. thi] adv (wear) with hem
(monk) = dåyka' rhn\;dka CF dkam' dåyikam [? add dragging CF yU\.' trXt\tiuk\
to monk entry?] dyim\;dyiuc\ [dåyein: dåyain] adv staggering S YN dy^;dyiuc\
dka”k^; [dåga gyi;] n you (from a Bun\;”k^; (monk) to a drwm\ [dåråwan] n durwan, guard, watchman
man) deraem¥apå; [dåyaw: myaw: ba:] adv helter-skelter, hurriedly,
dkaKM [dåga khan] v 1) donate, sponsor, underwrite (a hastily S YN deraeqapå;
charitable undertaking) 2) treat (sb to sthg), stand deraeqapå; [dåyaw: myaw: ba:] adv helter-skelter, hurriedly,
(round of drinks) hastily S YN deraem¥apå;
dkam [dågåma.] n ‹ƒ donor, sponsor who supports a dRiuc\Ba [dårain ba] n driver, chauffeur [Engl] S YN ka;Sra'
Bun\;”k^; (monk) = dåyikam CF dka' dåyka ka;qma;
dvc\; [dånyin:] n Œtree bearing strong-smelling starchy dry\ [dåyE] n deer
edible seeds = tvc\;
dlha [dålåha] adv in an opened, unpartitioned state

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dleha ª d^d^t^
dleha [dålåhaw:] adv (pour forth) unchecked (monk) to a lay Buddhist man S YN dka' rhn\;dka
dl^ [dåli] n coarse cloth sheet CF dkam' dåyikam
dlk\ [dåle'] n fan blade, propeller blade dåyikam [da yåka (yI ka) ma.] n donor, woman who supports a
dlk\lv\ [dåle' lE] v [fig] be very busy, be in a whirl Bun\;”k^; (Buddhist monk)
of work — pron 1) you, term of address used by a Bun\;”k^;
dln\ [dålan] n decoy; tout (Buddhist monk) to a lay Buddhist woman 2) S YN dkam
dlim\.tMu; [dålein. don] n rail = tlim\.tMu; CF dka' dåyka

dqk [da' thAka.] n [in comb] decade of life Ω mN»dqk dåRi k

u \ta [da rai' ta] n director [Engl]
childhood, bldqk thirties, pvadqk fifties, dål^ [da li] n necklace; pendant
pb±ardqk sixties, emam¨hdqk eighties dåhP¥a; [da ha. hpya:] n (high) fever
dqm [da. (da') thåma.] adj decimal; tenth dis”tit\ [dI såhtårei'] n ∏district [Engl] CF KRiuc\
— n [math] (decimal) point diqapåemakƒ [dI tha pa mau' kha.] n [hist] teacher of the
dhiuem [dAho me] n ∏ÓDahomey [? Benin] ancient Taxila (university)
dht\ [dåha'] n kind of hardwood tree d^1 [di] pron ™here, this place Ω d^lata Âka“p^la;" Have you
dht\qkiuc\; [dåha' thågain:] n Œkind of winter cherry been coming here long? Ω d^AT^p´ liuk\Niuc\påty\" I can only
då [da] pron ™this, that = ¬ I come with you until here. = ¬ qv\
dåeÂkac\.(miuÏ) [da kyaung. (mo.)] part that's why — part ™this Ω d^Âka;T´mxa meanwhile, in the meantime
dåSiurc\ [da hso yin] part in that case Ω miu;rXaeta.-mla;" = ¬ qv\
dåSiurc\ T^;y¨på" Is it going to rain? Take an umbrella. d^eta. [di daw.] part then, in that case
Ω dåSiurc\ mlu p\n´Ïe ta." Then don't do it. d^(k)enÏ [di (ka.) ne.] n to-day (Br), today (Am) = ke:¬
dåTk\ [da' de'] part 1) more than that = TiuTk\ 2) by the yenÏ CF enÏ
way d^mxa [di hma] adv here Ω d^mxaTiuc\på" Have a seat here. Please
dån´Ï [da nE.] part ™(and) so; by the way Ω dån´Ïetac\ even so sit here.
= ¬ qv\Nxc\.' qiuÏNxc\. d^liu [di lo] part like this Ω d^liupn\;K¥^ka; a painting like this
dåepm´.(liuÏ) [da be mE. (nE.) (lo.)] part but, however Ω d^ luilup\på" Do it like this. Ω {emac\e mac\ liuk\rc\
dåp´ [da bE:] int 1) that's all 2) (in radio communication) kÁn\mmliuk\eta.B¨;"} {eAa\' d^liula;"} {d^liuepåÏ"} “If Mg
over Ω {eAac\mxsn\;' eAac\mxsn\;' BaT¨; l´ dåp´} {sn\; mxeAac\' Mg is going, I'm not.” “O is that the way it's going to be?”
sn\; mxeAac\' BamxmT¨; B¨; dåp´} “Aung to San, Aung to San, “Uh-huh.”
what's new, over.” “San to Aung, San to Aung, nothing d^.A®pc\ [dI åpyin] part besides this
new, over.” 3) or else (implying a mild threat) d^2 [di] n tide, rise and fall in surface level of sea water due
dåp´la; [da bE: la:] exp polite phrase to end a to the gravitational pull of the moon S YN P¥a; RF d^er.
transaction, exchange, etc: what else? anything else? is
that all? d^eK¥ac\; [di chaung:] n tidal creek
dåepåÏ [da baw.] int of course, indeed d^piu; [di bo:] n shipworm, teredo
då®Pc\. [da hpyin.] conj if it were so; in that case; and so d^er [di ye] n tide
= då®Pc\.rc\' qiuÏ®Ps\lYc\ d^lMu;⁄ [di lon:] n round paving stone used for streets
då®Pc\.rc\ [da hpyin. yin] conj if it were so = då®Pc\.' ¬ d^lMu;Ÿ [di lon:] n Mongolian plover
qiuϮPs\lYc\ d^lOic\; [di hlaing:] n surf, breakers [? check in big dic]
dåmxm [da hma.] part Ω qXa;Âkmy\" dåmxmhut\-enÂkmy\" Let's go. d^3 [di] n D, d, the fourth letter of the English alphabet
Or let's stay. [? keep?? with what def?] d^kr^ [di kåri] n decree [Engl]
dåmxqa [da hma. dha] part only in this way, only thus [? d^gr^ [di gåri] n 1) (university, college) degree 2) degree (of
need example, check pron] an angle) 3) degree (of temperature) CF sc\t^grit\
dåelak\ [da lau'] part this much, to this extent; (neg) Celsius' Py\rc\hiuk\ Fahrenheit' ky\bc\ Kelvin
so much, very much, to much extent Ω dåelak\eta. d^GNxs\ [di ga hni'] n (this) year = qk¶raz\rxv\
-Aer;m”k^; B¨;" It's not very important. d^Gqr [di ga. thåra.] n long vowel CF rœqr
dåzc\ [da zin] n dozen, twelve [Engl] CF grXt\ gross d^zc\Ba [di zin ba] n December [Engl]
dån [da na.] n charity, benevolence; giving; donation, alms- d^ziuc\; [di zain:] n design [Engl]
giving CF Dmµdån d^ziuc\;na [di zain: na] n designer [Engl]
dåBa [da ba] n 1) durbar, celebration 2) meeting between d^zy\ [di zE] n diesel [Engl]
the head of an organisation and all its members [? d^zy\S^ [di zE hsi] n diesel oil
plenary session?] d^zy\Ac\g¥c\ [di zE in gyin] n diesel engine
dåyka [da yåka] n ‹donor, man who supports a d^Tiu; [di hto:] n game of tag where the person who is 'it'
monastery, Bun\;”k^; (monk), etc Ω Bura;dåyka' calls d^d^d^ until one of the others is caught
ek¥ac\;dåyka donor to a pagoda, donor to a monastery
d^d^t^ [di di ti] n DDT insecticide
— pron ‹you, term of address used by a Bun\;”k^;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 200

d^pn^ ª edqN|r
d^pn^ [di påni] n dissertation, treatise d¨;tiuc\siuk\ [du: dain sai'] v demarcate paddy fields with
d^pliuma [di påloma] n diploma [Engl] marker posts
d^på [di pa] n island S YN kÁn\; d¨;tun\ [du: ton] v tremble with fear, have one's knees
d^påwl^ [di pa wåli] n dipavali, diwali, Hindu festival of lights knock
d¨;tup\ [du: to'] v kneel sitting on heels S YN puSs\tup\
d^b^d^ [di bi di] n DVD, digital video disc [Engl] (illus)
d^miukers^ [di mo kåre si] n ∏democracy, government by the d¨;eTak\ [du: htau'] v 1) kneel 2) [fig] give up, admit
people, either directly or through elected defeat, surrender
representatives [Engl] d¨;eTac\epåc\ka; [du: daung paung ka:] adv (sit, lie, etc)
d^miukers^Niuc\cM [di mo kAre si naing gan] n ∏country that with spread knees, in a rude position
has such a government [ pe] d¨;nera [du: ne ya] n second of five blocks of seats
d^;d^; [di: di:] adv (perspire) profusely Ω eKÁ;d^;d^;k¥enty\" I'm assigned to courtiers for royal audience CF enracå;qXy\
pouring sweat. d¨;pit\ [du: bei'] n parapet (illus)
d^;d¨; [di: du:] n Œlarge tree with soft wood d¨;mun\Ï [du: mon.] n dried bread in the shape of a round bun
d^;dut\ [di: do'] n brown fish owl
du1 [du.] n thickness d¨;el; [du: le:] n crossbow CF lc\;el; longbow (illus)
dun´Ïed; [du. nE. de:] adv ™many many, a lot, lots, in heaps, d¨;lm\; [du: lan:] n alley S YN Âka;lm\;
in masses, in bunches
d¨;lMu; [du: lon:] n œsixth largest drum in the drum circle
CF Siuc\;wiuc\;
du2 [du.] part abbreviation for number two, second, deputy,
vice Ω dutawn\;KM second in command Ω dueTac\piuc\ deputy
d¨;rc\; [du: yin] n durian, large fruit with a strong smell (illus)
prison superintendent Ω dubuil\K¥op\”k^; vice senior general
duku!\ [du go'] n double-layered qgçan\; (monk's robe) d¨;rc\;Âqza [du: yin: aw: za] n sour sop (illus)
= Nxs\Tp\ qkçn\; (illus) [ bh]
eds^ [de si] n daisy [Engl]
dutiy [du. tI ya.] adj second d¨;wå; [du; wa;] n ∏duwa, Kachin hereditary leader = d¨wå
dutiytp\Âkp\ [du. tI ya. ta' kya'] n Ílance corporal CF raT¨; [ lm, pe]

dutiybuil\ [du. tI ya. bo] n Ísecond lieutenant CF raT¨; edl^ya [de li ya] n dahlia [Engl] (illus)
dutiybuil\K¥op\”k^; [du. tI ya. bo gyo' gyi;] n Í1) [army] edw [de wa.] n ‹celestial being, residentof one of the
lieutenant general 2) [air force] vice admiral CF raT¨; levels of heaven = edewå CF nt\
dutiybuil\mØ;”k^; [du. tI ya. bo hmu; gyi;] n Í1) [army] edwdt\ [de wåda'] n ‹Bun\;”k^; (monk) who defied
lieutenant colonel 2) [air force] commodore CF raT¨; Gotama Buddha [ bh]
dutiywåSiu [du. tI ya. wa zo] n second month of Wazo, edwDM [de wådan] n decorum, propriety
inserted in wåTp\ (leap year) CF wåTp\' wå”k^;Tp\' edwål^KM [de wa li khan] v ¥apply for legal bankruptcy
Sy\.Nxraq^ S YN l¨mX´saKM
dusRiuk\ [du. zåyai'] n vice, evil edw^ [de wi] n 1) ‹goddess 2) queen
duyc\ [dåyin] n 1) flame-like shoulder decoration on the edewå [de wa.] n ‹celestial being, resident of one of the
jackets of king and princes 2) jacket with duyc\ levels of heaven = edw CF nt\
decorations (illus) edwsÍra [de wi' hsåra] n lead dancer of the celestial dancers
duqneqa [du. tha. na. thaw:] n adultery (commited by [? edq [de tha.] n ∏region
husband or other man? Include in family tree? include edqKM [de tha. gan] n person native to or living in a
under ku.?] certain region CF ny\KM
d¨epnaepKM [du be na be khan] v withstand wear and tear, be edqsar^ [de dhåza yi] n ‹journey made by the Buddha
tough or rhN|a (arhats)
d¨la [du la] n rheumatic disorder (of a man) CF m^;yp\ [? edqsit\⁄ [de tha. zei'] n area of a region
really? seems awfully strange. Maybe gonorrhoea] edqsit\Ÿ [de tha. zei'] n ∏provinciality
d¨lapådrk\ [du la pa dåre'] n rheumatic disorder (of a edqsX´ [de tha. zwE:] n regional bias; localism
man) edqsX´sit\ [de tha. zwE; sei'] n chauvinism about one's own
d¨wå [du wa] n ∏duwa, Kachin hereditary leader = d¨;wå; region [? new from your notes]
d¨; [du:] n 1) knee 2) second of five blocks of seats assigned edqna [de thåna] n ‹teachings of the Buddha, sermons
to courtiers for royal audience CF enracå;qXy\ RF d¨;enra. given by the Buddha [ bh]
edqiyska; [de thI ya. zåga:] n dialect, regional variation of
d¨;eKåc\; [du: gaung:] n 1) knee 2) kneecap, patella ◊ a language [ wr]
d¨;eK¥ac\ [du: chaung] v be weak in the knees edqiyewåhar [de thI ya. waw: ha ra.] n dialect word
d¨;Ss\ [du: zi'] n knee (joint) edqN|r [de than dåra.] adj regional
d¨;tiuk\eSX;eNX; [du: tai' hswe: nwe:] v discuss freely and edqN|rbhuqut [de than dåra. båhu. thu. ta.] n knowledge
openly L IT : ‘with knees touching’ gained from one's travels

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 201

edå ª duk¶rsriya
edå [daw:] n ™anger = edåq diuB^Siuc\ [do bi zain] n launderers, laundry
edåkn\ [daw: kan] v ™be mad, be very angry S YN edåT' dium^n^ka [do mi ni ka] n ∏Dominica [ cr]
edåpX' edåePac\; dium^n^kn\qmtNiuc\cM [do mi ni kan thAmAda. nain ngan] n
edå”k^;ema”k^; [daw: gyi: maw: gyi:] adv angrily, furiously ∏Dominican Republic [ cr]
edåT [daw: hta] v ™be mad, be angry S YN edåkn\' edåpX' diuÏ [do.] pron ™1) first person pronoun, singular or plural, I,
edåePac\; we 2) first person possessive, singular or plural, my, our
edåpX [daw: pwa.] v ™be mad, be very angry S YN edåkn\' = tiuÏ
edåT' edåePac\; diuÏm¥a; [do. mya:] pron ™I, we, first person pronoun,
edåePac\; [daw: hpaung:] v ™ be mad, be very angry singular or plural = tiuÏm¥a;
S YN edåkn\' edåT' edåpX diu>bmaAsv\;ARuM; [do. bAma Asi Ayon] n ∏ÓWe Burmese
edåq [daw: dha.] n 1) anger CF m^;qMu;på;' emah' elaB Association
2) flaw (in precious stone), defect (in the humours of diu;1 [do:] n playing piece used in a pitching game, often a
the body) [? imbalance?] broken piece of pottery or a large seed
edåq”k^; [daw: dha. gyi:] v rage, be enraged, be furious, diu;2 [do:] n œdrum CF kriya
be wrathful, be seething with anger diu;K¥k\ [do; gye'] n œ1) sound of the Diu; drum CF diu;Ss\
edåqTXk\ [daw: dha. htwe'] v be angry [? also daw tha 2) beat of the Diu; drum 3) drum accompaniment for
hta.? daw tha kan?] dancers
edåq®Ps\ [daw: dha. hpyi'] v be angry diu;Ss\ [do; hsi'] n œ1) sound of the Diu; drum 2) Diu;
edåqqMu;på; [daw: dha. thon: ba:] n three harmful humours, drumbeat used to keep time for dancers
gall, gas, phlegm = ”tiedåq diu;pt\ [do: ba'] n œshort two-headed drum, played while
edåqAiu; [daw: dha. o:] n [fig] bundle of anger (Upsa) hung around the neck CF bMueTak\qM (illus (in use))
edåq¨pun\ºT [daw: dhåbon hta.] v rave, rage, be furious, be diu;pt\wiuc\; [do: ba' wain;] n œtroupe performing for
infurated dances based on the Diu; drum beat
edåedårqkin\; [daw: daw: ya. tha. kein:] n mnemonic for 662, diu;Kn´dk\Kn´ [do: gånE: de' khånE:] adv (respond, react) smartly,
the number of years struck off the Buddhist calendar by directly S YN diu;Kn´edåk\Kn´ [? def check]
king Thumondari of Sri Khittra in 624 (Buddhist Era) diu;Kn´edåk\Kn´ [do: gånE: dau' khånE:] adv (respond, react)
CF KSpUßkin\; [? get Burmese for king and place. Also, smartly, directly S YN diu;Kn´dk\Kn´
we struck out the kha. gwe: version. We need to either diu;e®Kak\ [do: gyau'] n dried small fish
put it back, or take this out]
diu;cå;pi [do: ngåpI] n whole preserved small- and medium-sized
edån [daw: na.] n ŒIndian wormwood, tree with a small, fish
green, fragrant flower Ω edånpn\;-ts\K k\eÂkac\. ts\rXalMu;
diu;t¨epåc\Pk\ [do: du baung be'] adv (working, living etc
mqc\;p¥M>" The whole village will not smell sweet from one
together) through thick and thin, through good times
spray of wormwood flowers (i.e., one good person will not
and bad
give a good reputation to all.)
diu;diu;edåk\edåk\ [do: do: dau' dau'] adv quickly, briskly; frankly,
edåmnœ [daw: måna' tha.] n distress; misery CF eqamnœ openly
edåÏrc\;ekac\ [daw. yin: gaung] n cicada, large flying insect, dk\2 [de'] n dandruff, white skin flakes from the scalp
male of which makes a loud high-pitched droning sound
S YNebak\
=pusU\;”k^;' pusU\; rc\kX´
dk\Kn´ [de' khånE:] adv quickly, immediately, now = edåk\Kn´
edÅ [daw] part title prefixed to an older woman's name dkƒi% [de' khI na.] n south S YN etac\
edÅ”k^; [daw gyi:] n aunt, older sister of one's father or dkƒi%yU\sXn\;tn\; [de' khI na. yin zun: dan:] n tropic of
mother CF eSXmi¥o;suz ya;
Capricorn, parallel of latitude 23°27' south of the
edÅedÅ [daw daw] n aung equator, the southernmost point the sun can shine
— pron polite term used to address an older woman straight down. Southern boundary of the tropics.
edÅel; [daw le:] n aunt, younger sister of one's father CF Ut†ryU\sXn\; tn\;
or mother CF eSXmi¥o;suz ya; dkƒi%qaKå [de' kyI na. tha kha]
n 1) Buddha image carved
edÅla [daw la] n dollar [Engl] from the southern branch of the sacred bodhi tree
edÅl^k¥io [daw li kyo] v boil ingredients to make an elixir 2) image carved in the style of the Buddha image carved
edÅl^emW [daw li hmwe] v stir ingredients for an elixir to blend from the southern branch of the sacred bodhi tree under
them which the Buddha reached enlightenment [ bh]
dMepåk\ [dan bau'] n biryani, pilaf, spiced rice = dn\epåk\
diut^ [do ti] n dhoti (illus) dk\Ti [de' htI] adv 1) face to face 2) exactly, precisely, right
diuB^ [do bi] n dhobi, launderer on S YN kXk\ti
diuB^k¥ [do bi kya.] n clean laundry, cleaned clothes, dukr¶ sriya [do' kåra. sårI ya] n ‹asceticism of future
sheets, etc Buddhas in their last life before attaining
diuB^K¥ [do bi cha.] v send clothes to be laundered enlightenment [ bh]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 202

dukƒ ª edåc\;
dukƒ [do' kha.] n dukkha, suffering, trouble, hardship, strife dug©ti [do' gåtI] n [fig] just deserts; bad end CF qugti [ ph]
(Aus, NZ) [? isn't this fig]
dukƒp´ [do' kha. pE.] exp oh no; that's too bad; what a pity dc\1 [din] n 1) butt (of a gun) 2) tamper, for compacting
earth (illus)
dukƒep; [do' kha. pe:] v cause trouble, give trouble, cause dc\2 [din] n choice, pick of the lot, top of the line
misery Ω Asa;Aim\ dukƒep;enty\" My stomach is giving me Ω dc\e tXK¥v\ p´ only the top of the line S YN Sn\Kåtc\
trouble. CF lk\e rX;dc\ hand picked
dukƒmrxapån´Ï [do' kha. måsha ba nE.] exp don't trouble dg:; [din: ga:] n coin Ω ecXdg:; silver coin, piece of silver
yourself; please don't bother dg:;tiuk\ [din: ga: dai'] n [obs] Royal Mint
dukƒm¥a; [do' kha. mya:] v be in (deep) trouble dg:;qXn\; [din: ga: thun:] mint (coin)
dukƒerak\ [do' kha. yau'] v have trouble dc\; [din:] pron you = qc\;
dukƒrxa [do' kha. sha] v 1) look for trouble 2) go to great edåc\ [daung] n height, stature; build = edåk\
lengths (to do sthg for sb), go to (the) trouble (for sb) edåc\k¥k¥®pa;k¥k¥ [daung kya. gya. pya: kya. gya.] adv (take)
it as it comes, the rough with the smooth, the bad with
dukƒrxaliuÏ [do' kha. sha lo.] exp why bother? the good
dukƒqukƒ [do' kha. tho' kha.] n all kinds of trouble edåc\K¥asiuc\; [daung gya sain:] v be hectic = edåc\siuc\;'
dukƒqsßa [do' kha. thi' sa] n ‹first of the qsßael;på; edåc\K¥alv\ [? said of the person, or the situ?]
(Four Noble Truths), that all existence is qsßa edåc\K¥alv\ [daung gya lE] v be hectic = edåc\siuc\;'
CF qsßael;på [? pron check: creaky kha?] edåc\K¥asiuc\;
dukƒqv\ [do' kha. dhE] n refugee, displaced person, edåc\siuc\; [daung sain:] v be hectic = edåc\K¥asiuc\;' edåc\siuc\;
disaster victim edåc\eSak\ [daung hsau'] n chisel for making serX;
dukƒqv\sKn\; [do' kha. dhE såkhan:] n refugee camp, (mortise and tenon joints)
displaced persons camp edåc\tc\; [daung tin:] v be arrogant, be stuck up (inf) [?
dukƒit [do' khI ta.] n 1) disabled person 2) refugee, displaced informal sense?]
person edåc\edåc\®mv\ [daung daung myi] v [fig] be up to the mark, be
edåk\ [dau'] n 1) prop, buttress, support RF edåk\tiuc\. 2) bar up to (a) standard Ω from edåc\edåc\®mv\mx Aiu;' qMu; lXn\; tc\mx
to hold things apart, spoke (of cartwheel), bar (in leg ”kio;" Pot which makes clear sound; rope with three strands.
irons) CF e®KK¥c\; (illus) 3) shoulder strap 4) pole and
halter used to restrain unruly draught animals (illus) edåc\.telac\ [daung. dålaung] n Œvine with glossy leaves
5) height, stature; build = edåc\ 6) [fig] support edåc\.tlip\ [daung. dålei'] n Œvine with green flowers
edåk\®Ka [dau' cha] n tall cap worn by hermit or req. edåc\.pSit\ [daung. påhsei'] n grub, larva of a kind of beetle
(rishi) (illus)
edåc\.qn\;na [daung. dhan: na] n anthrax, infectious, usually
edåk\KX [dau' khwa.] n 1) prop for holding up the harness fatal disease of warm-blooded animals, especially cattle
poles of a cart when the cattle have been unharnessed
and sheep = eTac\.qn\;na
= lxv\;edåk\ 2) spinach
edåk\tiu [dau' to] n [inf] thumb S YN lk\m edåc\; [daung:] n peacock µ edåc\;Piu, peahen ƒ edåc\;m, green
peafowl = Uedåc\; CF kedåc\;' KXp\edåc\; (illus male and female)
edåk\tiuc\ [dau' tain] n 1) prop, buttress, support RF edåc\;kula; [daung; kAla;] n grey peacock pheasant
edåk\tiuc\. 2) bar to hold things apart, spoke (of wheel)
S YN edåc\;mc\;
(illus) 3) [fig] support, pillar
edåk\Pinp\ [dau' hpåna'] n high heels, high heeled shoes edåc\;e®K [daung: che] n [fig] crow's feet, laugh lines
S YNk¥^;e®K (illus)
edåk\®Pot\ [dau' hpyo'] v 1) trip the trapdoor of a edåc\;“KM [daung: gyan] n latticework fencing (illus)
scaffold, thus hanging the person standing on it 2) [fig]
embarrass sb in public, disgrace sb, pull the rug out
edåc\;KXk\ [daung: gwe'] n peacock pendant CF Byk\KXk\
from under sb Upsa
edåc\;Sp\®pa [daung: hsa' pya] n Œbush with edible berries
growing in clusters
edåk\lxv\; [dau' hlE:] n cart with spoked wheels
edåk\Kn´ [dau' khånE:] adv quickly, immediately, now = dk\Kn´ edåc\;Sup\ [daung: zo'] n Œpeacock flower
edåc\;etak\ [daung: tau'] v [fig] be flustered or harried
edåk\srs\ [dau' såyi'] n vine with clusters of fragrant yellow from (from searching)
edåc\;etåc\yp\ [daung: taung ya'] n peacock tail-feather
edåk\ta [dau' ta] n 1) Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., fan (used by royalty)
doctorate degree; doctor 2) (medical) doctor, physician,
edåc\;epåc\ [daung: baung] n 1) ornamental tray on a
surgeon S YN Srawn\
stand, esp those used for offerings (illus) 2) Œsmall tree
diuk\ [dai'] n litter floating near water's edge RF diuk\qera. with wood used for cleaning teeth
diuk\spå; [dai' zåba] n Œkind of wild rice growing on the edåc\;Piu [daung: bo] n peacock CF edåc\;m
shores of lakes and ponds
edåc\;Pt\saAup\ [daung: hpa' sa o'] n textbooks used in
diuk\qera [dai' thåyaw:] n litter floating near water's edge public schools from colonial times until the 1960s

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 203

edåc\;tl¨emac\\;tl¨ ª din\;tlin\;nt\Pm\;
edåc\;m [daung: ma.] n peahen CF edåc\;Piu circumstances, etc Ω erd%\ water damage [? split ok?]
edåc\;mc\; [daung min;] n grey peacock pheasant d%\ek¥ [dan kye] v (of wounds) heal
S YN edåc\;kula; d%\ek¥eS; [dan kye ze:] n ointment
edåc\;mut\Sit\ [daung: mo' hsei'] n kind of bulrush d%\KM [dan khan] v 1) bear (punishment, pain, trouble,
S YN“pin\;®mk\ (illus) etc) 2) suffer for sthg sb else did
edåc\;ln\; [daung: lan:] n large round tray on a stand, — n buffer, to lessen the shock of an impact
usually used as a communal plate for family meals d%\KM”kio; [dan khan gyo;] n fuse S YN ®Pøs [? with all these
edåc\;tl¨emac\\;tl¨ [daung: dålu maung: dålu] adv extra dots, I can't tell if one belongs here]
conceitedly, in a high and mighty way d%\Kt\ [dan kha'] v inflict punishment S YN d%\ep;
= edåc\;tc\emac\\;tc\' edåc\; tv\emac\\; tv\ d%\ecX [dan ngwe] n fine, money paid as penalty for an
edåc\;tc\emac\\;tc\ [daung: din maung: din] adv conceitedly, in offence
a high and mighty way = edåc\;tl¨emac\\;tl¨' d%\tp\ [dan ta'] v fine (sb), impose a fine S YN d%\Riuk\
edåc\;tv\emac\\;tv\ d%\Ti [dan htI] v 1) suffer from the effect of past
edåc\;tv\emac\\;tv\ [daung: di maung: di] adv conceitedly, in misdeeds 2) be punished, get a punishment S YN d%\qc\.
a high and mighty way = edåc\;tv\emac\\; tv\'
edåc\;tc\emac\\; tc\ d%\pi [dan pI] v [fig] suffer from long and hard work
diuc\ [dain] n 1) Ó∏grouping of villages for tax purposes d%\ep; [dan pe:] v inflict punishment S YN d%\Kt\
2) trading centre, buying centre; wholesaler d%\ra [dan ya] n wound, injury
3) (gambling) banker, dealer 4) (sports) umpire, referee d%\rad%\K¥k\ [dan ya dan gye'] n wound, injury
S YN diuc\l¨” k^; 5) Ómedium grade silver CF ecX' KRupt\' d%\Riuk\ [dan yai'] v fine, impose a fine S YN d%\tp\
eBa\' rXk\n^ d%\eq [dan dhe] adv reliably, steadfastly, unalterably
diuc\KM [dain khan] v (gambling) be banker; (racing, betting) d%\qc\. [dan thin.] v 1) suffer from the effect of past
be a bookmaker or bookie (inf) Ω Alup\mrxieq;eqa misdeeds 2) be punished, get a punishment S YN d%\Ti
qa;qm^;m¥a;kiupå kiuc\KMekÁ;eneq;f" They still supported CF razwt\qc\.
their children who had not yet found jobs. [? another d‹ar^ [dan da yi] n myth; legend; fable CF pMu®pc\
meaning? see ex from tha du's story:]
dt\(K¥) [da' (ch)] adj ∏Dutch, relating to Holland or The
diuc\KMsa; [dain khan sa;] v eat everything Netherlands CF ehaln\?? [? new from me: cf holland]
diuc\KMlup\ [dain khan lo'] v do everthing dutÊa [do' hta] n blue vitriol, copper sulfate crystals
diuc\KXk\⁄ [dain gwe'] n silver ingot dut\dut\Ti [do' do' htI] adv fully, all the way, completely, to
diuc\ny\ [dain nE] n Ó∏grouping of villages for tax the hilt
dn\ [dan] n 1) [alch] copper 2) aluminium (Br), aluminum
diuc\l¨”k^; [dain lu gyi] n referee, umpire (Am) S YN Al¨m^n^ym\
diuc\KXk\2 [dain gwe'] n (watch, clock) face, (telephone, gauge, dn\Aiu; [dan o:] n aluminum pots, pans, etc
etc) dial [Engl] (illus)
dN|siu [dan dåzo] n gum disease [? def check]
diuc\nmiu [dain nåmo] n dynamo [Engl] dN|z [dan dåza.] n [gram] dentals, such as q, l
diuc\NiueSa [dain no hsaw:] n dinosaur [Engl] dN|@an\ [dan ta. htan] n [gram] place of articulation of the
diuc\bc\Tiu; [dain bin hto:] n dive dentals
diuc\yaetans\sek; [dain ya taw; ni' sAke;] n œdiatonic scale, dN|qKu [dan ta. thu. kha.] n parasitic herb used for treating
7-note scale [Engl] toothache
diuc\yar^ [dain ya ri] n diary, daybook, agenda [Engl] dn\p¨ [dåbu] n frayed twig used to clean the teeth S YN tMp¨
diuc\;1 [dain:] n main rafter holding the roof of a house dn\p¨sa; [dåbu sa:] v clean teeth (with dn\p)¨
CF A®Kc\' rny\
dn\epåk\ªdMepåk\ [dan bau'] n biryani, pilaf, spiced rice
diuc\;lW [dain: hlwa.] n bow saw (illus) dn\Ïk´Á [dan. gywE:] n Œwild coffee, plant with edible leaves
diuc\;2 [dain:] n 1) target; round shield 2) shield, awarded as dn\ÏqKXa; [dan. thåkhwa:] n Œkind of small cucumber
diuc\;su [dain: zu.] n corps of soldiers with shields dn\ÏqlXn\ [dan. dålun (dhålun)] n Œdrumstick tree, tree with
long, edible pods often used in soup (illus)
diuc\;wn\; [dain: wun:] n cylindrical fish trap attached to a
funnel-shaped net (illus)
dn\;1 [dan:] n swing
diuc\;nmiuk\ [dain: nåmai'] n dynamite [Engl] dn\;s^; [dan: si:] v swing (illus)
di™ [dei' hta.] adv 1) with one's own eyes 2) surely, certainly dn\ ; 2 [dan:] n Œhenna tree
di™Dmµ [dei' hta. dåma.] adv [? I don't understand the def] di n\ [dein] n yoghurt
di™qi [dei' hta. thI] v know definately; know personally din\K´ [dein gE:] n kind of fresh cheese
di™i [dei' htI] n 1) belief 2) false belief, heresy = misÍadi™i din\K¥U\ [dein gyin] n yoghurt
d%\ [dan] n 1) punishment, penalty 2) injury, wound RF di n ;
\ tli n\;nt\Pm\; [dein dålein: na' hpan:] n have a crush on sb,
be infatuated with sb; fall (head over heels) in love with
d%\ra. 3) damage due to rough handling, weather,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 204

din\;qM ª edX;lm\;
sb dy\piuc\; [dE bain:] n cooking pot, frying pan
din\;qM [dein: dhan] n œmusic from Ta;wy\ (Dawei, Tavoy) dy\®pa; [dE bya:] n griddle
[ ms] dy\Aiu; [dE o:] n pan, pot
dun\; [don:] n thud, thudding sound dy\Aiu;kc\ [dE o: gin:] n small frying pan
dun\;s^; [don: si:] v (ride a horse at a) gallop S YN dun\;siuc\; dul¬Btra; [don låba. tåya:] n ‹five ideals that [ ph] [?
dun\;siuc\; [don: sain:] v 1) (ride a horse at a) gallop S YN dun\;s^; check in buddh dic]
2) dash, hurry dul¬Brhn\; [don låba. yåhan:] n ‹become a rhn\; (monk)
dun\;e®p; [don: pye:] v pelt, run (at full speed), race [ ph]
dib`skƒo [dei' ba. se' khu.] n omniscience, clairvoyance, one of dœnpva' dœnikebd [da' thåna. pyin nya, da' thåna. pyin nya]
the powers of the Buddha; second sight [ bh ph] [? can n philosophy (illus, in colour) [ pl ph]
you say this of people as well?] duœ^l [do' thi la.] n reprobate, scoundrel, profligate [ ph] [?
dub±ikƒN|rkp\ [do' bei' khan dåra. ka'] n time of famine check angle]
CF qeraKiuc\;' ct\ mXt\ [ ph] d¥n\Ï [dåyan.] n œmethod of plucking two strings of the esac\;
dMu [don] n baseline, from which one throws game pieces in (Burmese harp) in combination [ ms]
pitching games such as eTX;, diu; backstop (in game of ®db¥gui%\; [dåråbya. gain:] n Sanskrit treatise on medicine
marbles) ®dp\ [dåra'] n matter, substance; mass [? examples using mass
dMurc\; [don yin:] n [fig] square one (Upsa), starting point; and count nouns]
same situation; previous position ®dp\sc\ [dåra' sin] n ≈element
duMna1 [don na] n caulk, material used to waterproof seams ®dp\Tu [dåra' htu.] n ≈mass, the quantity of matter of
S YN tlin\; sthg Abbr m
dMuna2 [don na] n [? lots of possibilities -- ass, idiot, fool, ®dp\eNxa [dåra' hnaw:] n ≈mixture, composition of two or
dunce, nincompoop, imbecile, blockhead -- whch is more substances that are not chemically combined, and
appropriate?] can be separated
duMmc\; [don min:] n œ1) Ókind of wind instrument ®dp\epåc\; [dåra' paung:] n ≈compound, homogeneous
2) zither-like stringed instrument (illus) substance with defined proportions of elements that are
duM;1 [don] n rocket RF dMu;p¥M. chemically combined, and cannot be separated by
duM;kla; [don: kåla:] n carpenter's jack, used to realign physical means
wooden buildings CF g¥iok\ (illus) dXyMdXyM [dwa. yan dwa. yan] adv in pairs
dMu;KM [don: khan] v 1) use daily, use constantly 2) treat dXådra [dwa dåra] n ornamental double sash, crossing on the
(sthg) roughly, wear (sthg) out [? def check] chest CF Byk\ (illus)
dMu;K¥wt\ [don; cha. wu'] v wear (fine clothes) roughly dXår [dwa ya.] n 1) opening, orifice; door CF epåk\' tMKå;
duM;K¥c\; [don: gyin:] n œsong sung when rockets are set 2) ‹the six sense receptors: eyes, ears, nose, tongue,
off at certain festivals skin, mind [ bh] 3) orifices in the body through which
duM;e®Kak\ [don: gyau'] n dried shrimp with tails waste is excreted: anus, urethra, etc
duM;KXc\;duM; [? new ko ni ta oo] dXåelac\; [dwa laung:] n catamaran, boat with twin hulls (illus)
duM;sp\elx [don: za' hle] n long rowboat with high sides
(illus) dXisMuqkçn\; [dwI zon thin gan:] n two-piece qkçn\; (monk's
duM;tiuk\ [don: tai'] v fire rocket to ignite the funeral pyre robe), consisting of qc\; piuc\ and Ekq^
of a Bun\;”k^; (Buddhist monk) diXyMdXiyM [dwI yan dwI yan] adv in pairs = dXyMdXyM
dMu;epkt\qt\ Ω epti epkt\ kt\t^;kt\p´ epepetet dXilic\ [dwI lein] n 1) hermaphrodite, sthg with both male
[? new ni ta] and female characteristics 2) [gram] neuter, common
duM;p¥M [don: byan] n rocket gender CF lic\' npul¬ic\' npun\; p‹ok\
duM;erac\; [don: yaung:] v sell things by the lot dXih®Ps\ [dwI ha. hpyi'] n be in doubt, be of two minds (about
duM;elx [don: hle] n long, narrow rowboat sthg)
duM;ew; [don: we:] v be stupid, be dense, be slow edX;K¥io; [dwe: gyo:] n kind of traditional poem with two verses
S YN na;ew; [ wr]
dMu;2 [don:] n œ1) two consecutive four-beat measures taken edX;eta\ [dwe: daw] n aunt = eTX;eta\
as one 2) eight drums on the farthest left in a drum edX;eBa\ [dwe: baw] n 1) couple, pair 2) pair of consonants
circle (illus at pt\wiuc\;) 3) instruments to the left of the with one subscripted, such as m±, l¬ CF Nxs\lMu;Sc\.
drum ensemble, which support the drums, such as edX;eraUpd\era [dwe: yaw: u. ba' yaw:] n [fig] a lot of trouble
clappers, cymbals, etc [ ms] [? lit?]
dMu;(yim\;)3 [don: (yein;)] n traditional Kayin dance edX;el;ªeTX;el; [dwe: le:] n aunt, younger sister of one's
=krc\dMu; yim\; mother
dy\ [dE] n cooking pan, frying pan, wok edX;lm\; [dwe: lan:] n dual carriageway (Br), divided highway
dy\esak\ [dE zau'] n deep frying pan, wok (Am); dual railway

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 205

dXn\tX´ ª Dat\
dXn\tX´ [dun twE:] v be in pairs, be together
dXn\;s‹a; [dun: san: da:] n gravedigger; beggar

D [da.] n nineteenth consonant in the Myanmar script Da;Tk\ [da: hte'] v be ruthless; be powerful, be
DeAak\“Kiok\ [da. au' chai'] n name of the D L IT : masterful
‘underneath concave D’ Da;eNxac\. [dåhnaung.]n back of the blade of a knife or
Dn [dåna.] n property; wealth sword, blunt edge of a blade
Dnrxc\ [dåna. shin] n person of great wealth [? and Da;®p [dåmya.] n bandit, robber, dacoit = d®m
influence? If so, personage, worthy] Da;®pa; [dåbya:] n 1) blade 2) flat of a blade
Dnqhay [dåna. thåha ya.] n Commonwealth of Nations Da;m [dåma.] n chopping knife, knife with a broad blade
[ pe]
DnqidÎ' DnqidÎi [dåna. thei' da.] n © a constellation of four Da;mK¥p\ [dåmåcha'] n 1) loop for holding a Da; (on a
stars; the 23rd lunar mansion; Delphinius [? just add cart, belt, etc) 2) small of the back, where the Da;
second version? other meaning?] holder is carried
Dni [dånI] n dhani, nipa palm, palm with vertical fronds, Da;meS;k¥ [dåma. hse: kya.] n knife which has become
growing in wetlands (illus) brittle after repeated exposure to high heat
DniTiu; [dånI hto:] v stick the nipa fronds into thatch Da;menak\pit\eKX; [dåma. nau' pei' khwe:] n 1) iron collar
Dnip¥s\ [dånI byi'] n segments of nipa frond thatch (illus) between a blade and handle 2) [fig] useless person,
Dnimiu; [dånI mo:] v thatch a building with nipa fronds chump, clod
Dnimiu;TrMka [dånI mo: htåyan ka] n hut with nipa frond Da;mU^;K¥e®m [dåmåu: gya. mye] n homestead, land legally
thatch and woven bamboo walls claimed by the first person to clear it for cultivation
Dnirv\ [dånI ye] n alcoholic drink made from nipa palm Da;emak\ [dåmau'] n knife with a broad blade and a
CF Tn\;rv\' eKåc\rv\ curved point
DnitAkƒra [dånI ta. e' khåya] n aspirated consonants such as Da;mc\; [dåmin:] n tang, part of a blade that extends into
K, S, P [? how to say unaspirated?] the handle = Da;eSac\;' Amc\;
DNu1 [dånu.] n Danu, an ethnic group livign mainly in Da;e®mHac\ [dåhmyaung] n dagger, small sharp knife
southern Shan State, near Inle Lake Da;er; [da: ye:] n swordplay, fencing
DNu2 [dånu.] n Sagittarius, ninth sign of the zodiac Da;Riu; [dåyo:] n hilt, handle of a knife, sword, etc
DNun\; [dånon:] n kind of thorny palm which grows in creeds Da;lXt\ [dålu'] n naked blade, bared sword, unsheathed
and streams in the delta area
DmkRiu%\ [dåmåkårain] n water filter One of the eight items
Da;lXy\ [dålwE] n sword in sheath, slung from shoulder
a Bun\”k^; (Buddhist monk) can own CF prikƒra
Dmc\; [dåmin:] n funnel-shaped trap for fish and prawns, Da;lXy\Kut\ [dålwE go'] adv diagonally
used in shallow coastal waters and river mouths
Da;lx^;K¥U\ [da: hli: gyin] n cakes of preserved shrimp
Dmc\;cå;pi [dåmin: ngåpI] n cå;pi (fish paste) made of small Da;q [dåtha.] v recondition a blade by reforging
fish and shrimp
Da;qa;m¥a; [da: tha: mya:] n Swiss (army) knife, pocket
knife with multiple blades and tools
Del. [dåle.] n custom, tradition S YN TMu;sM
Datu [da tu.] n ‹relic of a Buddha or rhn\; (arhat) Da;qXa; [da: thwa:] n (knife-, sword-) blade
CF Dat\Kn\;' Dat\nn\;' Dat\pMu
Da;eqX;eqX;ek¥ak\ [da: thwe: dwe: gyau'] n whetstone, for
sharpening blades
Datuest^ [da tu. ze di] n ‹pagoda in which a relic of a
Buddha or rhn\; (arhat) is enshrined [ bh]
Da;Aim\ [dåein] n sheath
Datupsßv\; [da du. pyi' si:] n chemical(s), (chemical) agent D¨tc\ [du din] n adherance to a regimen of asceticism, to
extinguish desire CF pi‹påt\D¨tc\ [ bh]
Ω rX k\e®KX-Datu psßv\; defoliating agent Í
Datuebd [da du. be da.] n chemistry D¨wM [du wun] n Polaris, North Star, polestar, lodestar
Da; [da:] n dah; knife; sword C W eK¥ac\; Di™an\ [dei' htan] v 1) resolve, swear, vow, pledge (to do a
certain thing, in order to attain a certain goal)
Da;Kut\ekac\ [da: go' kaung] n praying mantis
2) affirm, assert the truth of one's deeds for the
S YN rxiKiu;ekac\' piu;ARiu;ekac\ (illus)
fulfilment of one's goals
Da;saKM [dåza gan] n 1) hostage 2) scapegoat, one who
is made to bear the blame of others
Dat\ [da'] n 1) basic properties of matter, such as solidity,
heat, cohesion or fluidity, and volatility (embodied in
Da;eSak\ [dåzau'] n hilt, handle (of a knife or sword) elements of earth, fire, water, air) RF Dat\”k^;el;på;'
Da;eSac\; [dåzaung:] n tang, extension of the knife ?Sy\.rxs\på;. [? BOX: on the 18 da'] 2) essence, force, or
blade in the handle = Da;mc\;' Amc\;
quality of sthg, essential element Ω d^zc\Bar´.

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Dmµ ª Dmµ
AeA;Dat\kiu emq¨rin\ mKMNuic\B¨;" Ma Thurein can't bear the purgative or laxative
cold of December. [? example ok?] 3) mineral 4) stool, Dat\pMu [da' pon] n 1) ‹stupa holding relics of the
excrement, faecal matter [ bh] Buddha [ bh] 2) photograph
Dat\kc\ [da' kin] v undergo radiation therapy Dat\pMuRiuk\ [da' pon yai'] n 1) shoot, photograph, take
Dat\k¨; [da' ku:] v 1) be influenced by 2) [fig] transfer photo(graph) 2) be photographed, have one's
energy, spirit to photograph taken
Dat\”k^;el;på; [da' kyi: le: ba:] n ‹basic properties of Dat\p¥k\ [da' pye'] n 1) have stomach upset 2) be
matter, such as solidity, heat, cohesion or fluidity, and indisposed, be unwell
volatility (embodied in elements of earth, fire, water, Dat\®pa; [da' pya:] n (phonograph) record, vinyl (inf)
air) CF pTw^' eteza' Aaepå' wåeya' Dat\' mhaBut\ CF Dat\sk\
Dat\®pa;zat\Tup\ [da' pya; za' hto'] n recorded drama,
Dat\eÂka [da' kyaw:] n (sb's) taste, preferences, likes issued on records
and dislikes [? taste check] Dat\®po [da' pyu.] v ≈react
Dat\eÂkatv\. [da' kyaw tE.] n have the same taste, have Dat\Pk\ [da' hpe'] n ßcompatible or complementary
the same preferences persons or things, according to planetary influence [ bs]
Dat\”kio; [da' kyo:] n (electric) wire [? power cord?]
Dat\Âkm\; [da' kyan:] n 1) improvised therapy [? def Dat\B¨; [da' bu:] n thermos, vacuum flask (illus)
check] 2) special diet with side effects Dat\m^; [da' mi:] n 1) electricity, (electrical) power
Dat\Âkm\;tiuk\ [da' kyan: tai'] v have (serious) side S YN m^;' Dat\Aa;' lYp\s^;Dat\ 2) torch (Br), flashlight
effects (Am); electric light
Dat\K´ [da' khE] n (dry-cell) battery CF Dat\Aiu; Dat\m^;K¥s\ [da' mi: gyi'] n (cigarette) lighter [? never
Dat\KM [da' khan] n predisposition, susceptibility heard this with da']
Dat\Kn\; [da' khan:] n ‹room for worshipping Datu Dat\m^;p¨; [da' mi: bu:] n (electric) iron
CF Dat\nn\; Dat\e®mÂqsa [da' mye aw: za] n (chemical) fertilizer
Dat\K¥U\epåc\ [? new from nutritional dept] CF qBawe®mÂqza
Dat\K¥op\ [da' cho'] n be constipated Dat\mxn\ [da' hman] n x-ray
Dat\KX´ [da' khwE:] n separate into component parts; Dat\rTa; [da' jåhta:] n tram, streetcar
(chemically) analyse Dat\Riuk\ [da' yai'] v ßfollow a fortuneteller's advice to
Dat\KX´Kn\; [da' khwE: gan:] n laboratory achieve one's goals S YN Dat\Sc\ [ bs]
Dat\KXk\ [da' khwe'] n 1) microphone 2) mouthpiece of Dat\rxc\ [da' shin] n movie, motion picture, film; video
telephone receiver S YN Rup\rxc\' Biuc\ sku t\ CF b^ t^yiu
Dat\ecX> [da' ngwe.] n gas, vapour Dat\liuk\ [da' lai'] v 1) get a (an electric) shock 2) (of
Dat\sa [da' sa] n (therapeutic, high-iron, low-salt, etc) wire) be live, (of electrical current) be on
diet Dat\liuk\eq [da' lai' the] v be electrocuted
Dat\sak¥ [da' sa kya.] v 1) be put on a diet, be on a diet Dat\lMu; [da' lon:] n 1) alchemical mixture that gives one
2) [fig] be selected repeatedly for a task 3) [fig] have a supernatural powers [ bs] 2) cylindrical phonograph
liking for record
Dat\saekÁ; [da' sa kywe:] v prepare a special diet Dat\elxka; [da' hle ga:] n lift (Br), elevator (Am)
Dat\s^; [da' si:] v take on characteristics and power of a Dat\lYa [da' shaw:] v have diarrhoea, have loose stools
supernatural being [ bs] S YN Dat\qk\
Dat\s^;pt\lm\; [da' si: ba' lan:] n (electrical) circuit Dat\qi [da' thI] n person who knows one's
Dat\sk\ [da' se'] n record player, turntable, idiosyncracies, intimate, close friend
gramophone, phonograph CF Dat\® pa; Dat\qk\ [da' the'] v have diarrhoea, have loose stools
Dat\Sa; [da' hsa:] n 1) mineral salt 2) ammonium S YN Dat\elYa
sulphate fertilizer Dat\qt†o [da' tha' tu.] n minerals
Dat\S^ [da' hsi] n fuel; petrol (Br), gas(oline) (Am) Dat\qXa; [da' thwa:] n defecate, empty bowels
Dat\Sc\ [da' hsin] v ßfollow a fortuneteller's advice to Dat\Aa; [da' a:] n electricity, (electric(al)) power
achieve one's goals S YN Dat\Riuk\ [ bs] S YN m^;' lYp\ s^;Dat\
Dat\eta\ [da' taw] n ‹relics of the Buddha, or of a Dat\Aiu; [da' o:] n (wet-cell) battery, accumulator
rhn\; arhat CF Dat\K´ (dry cell) battery
Dat\tiuc\ [da' tain] n pylon, power pole, post supporting Dmµ [dåma.] n 1) ‹dhamma, dharma, the Law 2) ‹teachings
electrical wires of the Buddha 3) the truth [ bh]
Dat\nn\; [da' nan:] n ‹building for worshipping Datu DmµkTik [dåmåkåhtI ka.] n ‹one who teaches the the
CF Dat\Kn\; dhamma [? how is this def]
Dat\Nut\ [da' hno'] v take the priming dose; take a DmµeÂkac\; [dåma. gyaung:] n ‹1) example based on

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 207

Dmµasriy ª ngå;
dhamma; basis of the Buddha's teachings 2) matters Dmµmit\eSX [dåma. mei' hswe] n ‹fellow participant in
related to Buddhist teachings or the Buddhist Order Buddhist activities
CF razeÂkac\; [? change check] Dmµraza [dåma. ya za] n 1) ‹Lord of Righteousness, Lord
DmµsÂka [dåmåse' kya] n ‹1) wheel of dhamma 2) first Buddha 2) ∏just ruler, king who rules according to law
sermon given by the Buddha after enlightenment [? any [ pe]
Buddha?] Dmµer; [dåma. ye:] n ‹dhamma affairs, matters related to
DmµeÂkaenÏ [dåmåse' kya ne.] n ‹full moon day of wåSiu Buddhist philosophy, tenets, doctrine, etc CF razer;'
(Waso), on which Gotama Buddha gave the first sermon elaker;
after enlightenment Dmµwåd^ [dåma. wa di] n person of integrity, good person,
Dmµest^ [dåma. ze di] n ‹1) pagoda which is a mensch (inf)
depository for the tipi! k (Buddhist scriptures) Dmµqala [dåma. tha la] n ‹hall for holding lectures on
2) tipi! k, the Buddhist scriptures Buddhism
Dmµsk\ [dåmåse'] n ‹power of the Buddha's teachings Dmµeqnapti [dåma. the na p.atI] n ‹high authority on
Dmµta [dåmåda] n 1) law of nature 2) menstruation Buddhism
S YN raq^ Dmµqt\ [dåmåtha'] n Code of Laws
Dmµtawn\ [dåmåda wun] n pregnancy [? collect all the Dmµasriy [dåma sårI ya.] n ‹1) one who gives talks on the
pregnancies under one? there are so many!] teachings of the Buddha 2) teacher of Buddhist
Dmµedqna [dåma. de thåna] n ‹dhamma talk, sermon, scriptures [ bh]
moral instruction DmµaRMu1 [dåma yon] n ‹community hall, used for religious
Dmµdåndån [dåma. da na.] n ‹donation to support and ceremonial purposes [ bh]
propogation of the dhamma DmµaRMu2 [dåma yon] n ‹thought free of distractions of the
Dmµd¨t [dåma. du ta.] n ‹missionary, one who spreads the senses, thought in terms of the dhamma [ bh]
dhamma [? what for christian etc?] Dmµaeqak [dåma thaw: ka.] adv incompatible
DmµDi™an\ [dåma. dei' htan] n objectivity [? check def] DmµkßNÎa [dåme' khan da] n ‹the body of the Buddha's
DmµDi™an\k¥ [dåma. dei' htan kya.] v be unbiased, be teachings; one complete part (of the 84,000 parts) of
objective, be neutral, be free of prejudice [? def check the Buddha's teachings [ bh]
esp neutral, and what is this mess in the dic?] DmµN|ray\ [dåman dåyE (rE)] n 1) ‹threat to the teachings of
DmµDi™an\em;KXn\ [dåma. dei' htan me: gun] n (on exam) short- the Buddha [ bh] 2) enemy of the truth 3) evil
answer question
DmµB‹agårik [dåma. ban da ga ri ka.] n ‹custodian of
the dhamma [? really? or protector, defender?]

n1 [na.] n twentieth consonant in the Myanmar script uncertainty S YN sNiu; senac\.
nkn\;ts\lMu;mxmqi [na. gan: tålon: hma. måthi>] exp [fig] in ngTa [någåhta] n filigree work on cloth (illus)
the dark (fig), completely ignorant (of sthg), know ngBar^ [någåba yi (ri)] n small coconut with
thick meat,
nothing about sthg grown on the Nicobar Islands
ncy\ [na. ngE] n name of the n L IT : ‘young n’ ngå; [någa:] n 1) naga, mythical water serpent = nag (illus)
ncy\na;pc\;pit\ [na. ngE nåbin: bei'] n cabalistic signs of n2) dragon
drawn with its tail encircling it (illus) ngå;k¥s\ [någågyi'] n solidified mud from a mud volcano
ncy\A“m^;tiu [na. ngE åmi: to] n name of N L I T : ‘short-tailed
ngå;ecX>tn\; [någångwe. dan:] n the Milky Way
n’ ngå;sk\ [någa: se'] n naga's fiery breath
n2 [na.] v be stupid, be dumb, be dull(-witted) CF l¨n ngå;pt\ [någåba'] n coil, spiral, sthg wrapped several
nlpin\;tMu; [na. låbein: don:] n moron, cretin, idiot times
nkn\ [någan] n switch used to drive cattle, etc S YN lxc\kn\ ngå;pt\ek¥a.kXc\; [någåba' kyaw. kwin;] n snare
= NXa;kn\ ngå;p¥M [någåbyan] n flying naga
nkn\n´ÏtiuÏ [någan nE. to.] n goad, spur ngå;pXk\etac\ [någåbwe' taung] n mud ‘volcano’, formed
nkmJti [na. kan påti>] v be unmoved, remain cool, stay calm by natural gas escaping through a sandy or muddy area
and collected (illus)
nk¥y\ [någyE] n hardwood tree with a fluted trunk ngå;m¥k\esac\; [någåmye' saung:] n glance of the naga,
nk¥y\ekac\ [någyE (gyi) gaung] n wasp (illus) which can set fires
nk¥y\Aim\ [någyE (gyi) ein] n wasp's nest (illus) ngå;RMuBura; [någåyon hpaya:] n ‹Buddha image
neKÅnK¥v\ [nåkyaw nåchi] adv 1) with a feeling of uneasiness sheltered by a coiled, hooded naga [ bh]
or anxiety 2) with a feeling of suspicion, doubt, or ngå;lxv.\ [någåhlE.] n ßdirection the home guardian naga

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 208

ngiu ª nwrt\(kiu;qXy\)
is facing, which determines the favourable direction for in the cat, the forehead; in a person, the knees.’ Ω eKX; mxa-
a journey [ bs] Nxaerac\' eÂkac\mxa-nP¨;' l¨mxad¨;" Know a dog by the muzzle, a
ngå;qX´> [någåthwE.] n bloodstone, heliotrope, deep green cat by the forehead, a person by the knees.
quartz flecked with red jasper nP¨;qc\;k¥s\ [nåhpu: thin: gyi'] n 1) whorl on the forehead
ngiu[någo] n sthg inborn, intrinsic, original, inherent, innate of the Buddha [ bh] 2) jewel-studded frontlet (part of
regalia) (illus)
ngiurv\ [någo yi] n inherent trait nB¨; [nåbu:] n vine used in weaving baskets, etc
ngiurximxngiuc\TXk\ [någo shi> hma. någain htwe'] v [fig] a fine nB¨;lim\ [nåbu: lein] n rifling, spiral groove cut in a bore or
result working from a fine original tube, such as a rifle barrel S YN Tn\; P¨;rs\' e®pac\;rs\
ngiur\ [någo] n Ócity neB [nåbe] n rhyme, rhyming words [ wr]
ngiur\yay^ [någo ya yi] n ßstate of a planet being on a neBTp\ [nåbe da'] n 1) verse with rhyme in every line
steady ngiur\ or wavering yay^ path 2) joint made by cutting matching notches in the ends
nsK [na. sa. kha.] abbr Frontier Forces CF ny\ [? need long of two pieces and strapping or bolting them together
form] (illus)
nd^ [nådi] n [poet] river nm¨na [nåmu na] n specimen, sample; example
nNXc\; [hsånwin: (nånwin:)] n Œturmeric, plant with a bright nm¨;nT¨; [nåmu: nåhtu:] adv 1) distractedly, without paying
yellow fleshy root used in cooking and traditional attention 2) rashly, recklessly S YN nm¨;nTiuc\;
medicines = SNXc\; nm¨;nTiuc\; [nåmu: nåhtu:] adv 1) distractedly, without paying
nNXc\;Kå; [hsånwin: ga:] n Œspecies of bitter turmeric used attention 2) rashly, recklessly S YN nm¨;nT¨;
in traditional medicine nema\nm´. [nåmaw nåmE.] adv heedlessly; carelessly
nNXc\;tk\ [hsånwin: de'] n turmeric root ny¨z^ln\ [nåyu zi lan] adj&n New Zealand [ pe cr]
npn\; [nåban:] n wrestling S YN lk\pm\; (illus) nyun\ [nåyon] n fi: Nayon, third month of the lunar
npm\;lMu; [nåban: lon:] v 1) wrestle 2) [fig] struggle (with calendar, falling in June–July CF wå”k^;Tp\' (wåTp\)rk\cc\'
one's work, task, study, etc) Sy\.Nxs\raq^
npm\;qt\ [nåban: tha'] v wrestle nra; [nåya:] n beautiful mythical reptilian animal CF tiu;nra;
npun\;p‹ok\ [nåpon: pan: do'] n person neither male nor (illus)
female; person whose gender is not obvious S YN p‹ok\ nr^sv\; [nåyi si:] n four-beat timing, consisting of three
CF lic\' dXilic\ chimes of timing bells and a clap of the bamboo clapper
npm\;bMu; [nåpan: bon:] n napalm bomb, incendiary jellied [ ms]
petroleum bomb [Engl] nrk\ [nåye'] n hell, place where sinners are punished;
npul¬ic\ [nåpon: lein] n [gram] neuter CF lic\' pul¬ic\' ItiÊlic\ purgatory = cr´
nbh [na. ba. ha.] abbr Íbrigade headquarters CF nv\b¥øha [? nrv\; [nåyi:] n set of graduated gongs (illus) [ ms]
check new Selth] nrv\;qM [nåyi: dhan] n 1) chimes played when
nPa; [nåhpa:] n 1) hole in the nose of a draft animal to announcing the standard time (in monarchic time)
hold nPa;”kio; 2) eye (of needle) 3) drag hole (of log) 2) music played when the royal guards patrol the palace
(illus) moat
nPa;”kio; [nåhpa: gyo:] n cord passed through the nPa; nrn\; [nåyan:] n 1) handrail 2) discipline; protocol
CF NxaROp\”kio; (illus) = lk\rn\;
nPa;”kio;tp\ [nåhpa: gyo: ta'] v [fig] lead sb (around) by nrX´ [nåywE:] n medium sized tree bearing a plum-like fruit
the nose (fig) nlc\ek¥a\ [nålin gyaw] n medicinal herb = lulc\ek¥a\
nPa;epåk\ [nåhpa: pau'] n 1) hole in the nose of a draft nwkmµ [nåwa. kan ma.] n general needs of a Bun\;”k^; (Buddhist
animal to hold nPa;”kio; 2) eye (of needle) 3) drag hole monk)
(of log) nwkmµAlØ [nåwa. kan ma. åhlu] n donation without a
nP¨; [nåhpu:] n forehead, brow (poet) special purpose
nP¨;sa [nåhpu: za] n destiny (written on the brow) nwt [na. wa. ta.] abbr ∏abbreviation of
nP¨;s^; [nåhpu: zi:] n 1) headband; diadem, tiara 2) (of Niuc\cMeta\“cim\wp\pi®pa;mOtv\eSak\er;ekac\s^ (State Law and
building) cornice, (of pavilion) banner draped across top Order Restoration Council), in power from 1988-97
(illus) nwm [nåwåma.] n ninth
nP¨;SM [nåhpu: zan] n (of people) hair over the forehead; nwrt\(kiu;qXy\) [nåwåra' (ko thwE)] n the nine precious
(of animals) forelock stones: pt|® ma;, ek¥ak\n^ ruby, pul´ pearl, qN|a coral, ®m
nP¨;etX>d¨;etX>etX> [nåhpu: dwe. du: dwe. twe.] n face up to emerald, UœPra; topaz, sin\ diamond, n^la , egÅmut\
reality S YN B^l¨;etX>d¨;etX>etX> garnet, eÂkac\m¥k\rX´ cat's eye
nP¨;erd¨;er [nåhpu: ye du: ye] n [fig] general qualities and
capabilities (of a person) L IT : ‘In the dog, the muzzle;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 209

nwl^ ª namv\
nwl^ [nåwåli] n 1) milling of Wh at’ s i n a n am e? follow advice S YN liuk\na
rice for payment 2) transport Unless we are making a list, filling out forms, nay¨ [na yu] v 1) listen
of rice for payment [? really? etc, we do not usually ask ‘What’s your name?’ respectfully 2) listen to advice
in the big dic, transport of It is more friendly to ask ‘Who are you?’ naliu [na lo] v welcome
Most English speakers have three names: a
goods] another's good fortune, success,
first name, also often called given name or
nwl^”kit\ [nåwåli kyei'] n
Christian name; a middle name (some have
etc A NT mnaliu envy
milling of rice for payment
more than one); a last name, also called
naliuKMKk\ [na lo khan khe'] v be
nwl^liuk\ [nåwåli lai'] n hurt or offended (esp by
surname (pronounced ser·nAm) or family
transport of rice for payment criticism, comments, etc)
name, which is usually passed from generation
newtim\etac\ [nåwe tein daung] to generation.
naqa [na dha] v [usu neg]
adv confusedly Name can commonly mean first name, last acceptable speech Ω mÂkawM.-mnaqa
nwMp^yM [nåwun pi yan] n passion for name, or first, middle, and last names sthg that should not be said or
new things together. heard, esp swear words [?
nwc\; [nåwin:] n ßone ninth of The middle name is not used by most people include?]
a sign of the zodiac in everyday situations, but is used to help na3 [na] n [alch] lead
nwc\;eÂk [nåwin: kye] v be a distinguish people with the same first and last nag [na ga.] n Naga, Tibeto-
multiple of nine, be divisible names. Many families have a traditional name Myanmar speaking ethnic group
that is passed down as a middle name, or the living near the Myanmar-Indian
by nine
name is used given in memory of an older border
nAP [na. a. hpa.] abbr ∏abbrevi– relative or close friend.
ation of Niuc\cMeta\-eA;K¥m\;-qa- Many women change their last name to their
nag1 [någa.] n 1) elephant
ya-er;-Nxc\.-PXM>“Pio;er;-ekac\s^ 2) mythical water serpent = ngå;
husband’s name when they get married. In this
(State Peace and case, their original last name is called a nagr^ [na gåri] n Nagri script,
Development Council), maiden name. This may be indicated using the used to write Sanskrit CF qkçRiuk\
formed in 1997 word née, e.g., Ann Smith née Jones (for Ann [ wr]
na1 [na] v 1) hurt, ache; be Jones who married John Smith). In other natal¨;pX´ [na ta lu: bwE:] n
hurt, feel pain RF nak¥c\. families, the wife or the husband and wife use Christmas S YN Krsßmt\
2) be ill 3) suffer a loss, lose a hyphated last name, e.g., Ann Jones–Smith. nanaBaw [na na ba wa.] n
sb 4) feel (deeply) hurt, feel Other women simply keep their own name. 1) S YN rxc\kX´kX´®Kc\; [? check what
distressed RF naÂkv\;. 5) be A nickname is a short form of a name, (i.e., is this?] 2) ghost CF mekac\; Siu;wå;
Beth or Liz or Betsy for Elizabeth, Ted for
thorough, do (sthg) well, be
Edward), or a different name usually used by
nant\ [na na'] n pineapple
family and friends. Nicknames are often shown nant\K¥v\ [na na' chi] n sisal
nak¥c\ [na kyin] v hurt, ache; in quotation marks, e.g., James “Tiger” Krall. A (thread)
be hurt, feel pain pet name is a nickname used only by family nant\pXc\. [na na' pwin.] n star
nak¥v\; [na kyi:] v feel and special friends, esp boyfriend or girlfriend. anise
(deeply) hurt, feel distressed Sobriquet or soubriquet is a fancy word for a nant\elYa\ [na na' shaw] n
natarxv\ [na da she (shi)] n nickname. 1) sisal hemp 2) sisal plant,
chronic illness or disease [? An assumed name or alias usually means a agave (illus)
acute] false name used by someone doing something nam [na ma.] n name = namv\'
nana [na na] adv thoroughly, illegal. nMmv\ Amv\
painstakingly A code name or pseudonym is a name used by
people who wish to conceal their identities, to
namwieqqn [na ma. wi> the thåna.]
namk¥n\; [na måkyan:] n n adjective
protect their privacy, security, etc.
illness, sickness namv\ [na myi (nan mE)] n name
Three common kinds of pseudonym are nom
AP¥a;Ana; A NT k¥n\;maer;
S YN CFAm¥io;NXy\Amv\
de plume, or pen name, a pseudonym used by
naer; [na ye:] n sad an author; stage name, used by actors; and namv\ekac\; [nan mE kaung:] [nan
occasion, sorrowful occasion nom de guerre, pseudonym used to conceal mE gaung:] v have a good name,
(e.g., death, funeral, etc) one’s identity when fighting in a war. good reputation; get or earn a
naer;eÂka\va [na ye: kyaw good name, good reputation
nya] n obituary, published notice of death — n good name, good reputation A NT namv\Siu;
naln\T [nålan hta.] v recover (from illness) namv\”k^; [nan mE kyi:] [nan mE gyi:] v be noted (for sthg),
naln\T¨ [nålan htu] v 1) recover from illness 2) [fig] be famous (for sthg), be well-known
recover from misfortune, be on one's feet again (fig) — n famous person, famous thing
Anask\ [åna ze'] n impetigo, skin infection with blisters namv\KM [na mE khan] v 1) be in name only 2) earn a
na2 [na] v 1) listen; obey (instructions, order, etc); name (for oneself) [na mE gan] 3) assume a name [? def
follow advice 2) listen to a sermon 3) investigate check]
naKM [na khan] v listen; obey (instructions, order, etc); — n figurehead

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 210

nayk ª na;
namv\Siu; [nan mE hso:] [nan mE zo:]
v be notorious, be nar^miuc\NOn\; [na yi main hnon:] n miles per hour, rate of
infamous speed Ω nar^-miuc\-(30)--NOn\;- mpiur speed limit 30 MPH
— n notoreity, infamy, bad reputation A NT namv\ekac\; nar^®pn\ [na yi pyan] n time after midnight, i.e., one
o'clock, two o'clock (in the morning); (of night) wee
namv\tu [nan mE du.] n alias, false name, assumed name hours, small hours
[? how different from hwe'?] nar^emW [na yi hmwe] [? include?]
namv\tp\ [nan mE ta'] v name, christen (child) nar^wk\ [na yi we'] n half an hour, 30 minutes
S YN namv\e p;' namv\ mxv\. nar^Ait\ [na yi ei'] n fob, watch pocket
namv\TXk\ [nan mE htwe'] v 1) become famous 2) be nar^2 [na yi] n 1) woman 2) traditional technique of
rumoured S YN namv\e®p; drawing the female figure CF kNut\' gza' kp^ (illus) [ bs]
namv\ep; [nan mE pe:] v name, christen (child)
S YN namv\ tp\' namv\ mxv\. na;1 [na:] n ear CF Âka; hear
namv\p¥k\ [nan mE pye'] [nan mE bye'] v get a bad name, na;kela [na: kålaw:] v grate on the ear, be irritating
lose one's (good) reputation to hear; hate to hear S YN na;Kå;' na;Âka;®pc\; kt\;
— n blemished or tarnished name or reputation, bad A NT na;wc\K¥io CF AÂka;kt\
name A NT namv\r na;ekak\ [någau'] n kind of ear ornament (illus, all
namv\e®p; [nan mE pye:] v 1) become famous 2) be earrings together)
rumoured S YN namv\TXk\ na;kiuk\ [na: kai'] v have an earache
namv\mxv\. [nan mE hme.] v name, christen (child) na;kc\; [någin:] n 1) (outer) ear S YN na;KXk\' na;rXk\
S YN namv\ tp\' namv\e p; 2) ornamental flaps attached to a headdress (illus)
namv\y¨ [nan mE yu] v 1) take credit for sb else's work, na;kp\ [någa'] n (stud) earring (for pierced ears)
good deed, etc 2) get a good reputation S YN na;pn\
namv\r [nan mE ya.] v have a good name, be well known; na;k¥ [na: kya.] v come around to (point of view,
be famous for sthg; be reputed to have done sthg opinion, etc), accept
A NT namv\ p¥k\ na;k¥p\ [na: kya'] n clean the ear (with a feather, etc)
namv\rc\; [nan mE yin:] n real name; original name na;Âka;®pc\;kt\ [na: kya: byin ka'] v grate on the ear, be
namv\wxk\ [nan mE hwe'] v pseudonym irritating to hear; hate to hear S YN na;kela' na;Kå;;
namv\lW´ [nan mE hlwE:] v give a false name, use an A NT na;wc\K¥io CF AÂka;kp\
alias, use an assumed name na;Âka;lX´ [na: gya: lwE:] v 1) mishear 2) misunderstand
— n assumed name, alias, false name na;Âkp\ [nåkya'] n 1) stethoscope (illus) 2) earphone(s),
nayk [na yåka.] n leader, superior, person in authority headphone(s) 3) hearing aid
S YN eKåc\;eSac\' U^;s^;' A”k^;Ak´' A”k^;AmØ; na;kXc\; [någwin:] n (hoop) earring CF lk\wt\rtna [?
naykgu%\ [na yåka. gon] n six qualities a nark (leader) ok?]
should have: qv\;KM®Kc\; patience, Niu;Âka;®Kc\; alertness, na;Kå; [na: kha:] v grate on the ear, be irritating to hear,
TÂkXlMuÏlrxi®Kc\; hard work, KX´®Km\;ewPn\®Kc\; sound hurt one's ears S YN na;kela' na;Âka;®pc\; kt\;
judgment, qnaÂkc\na®Kc\; mercy, and e®ma\®mc\Sc\®Kc\®Kc\; A NT na;wc\K¥io CF AÂka;kt\
vision na;KMeta\ [nåkhan daw] n Ó officer who presents
nar%^ [na råni] n gold [? keep? not in big dic] applications, petitions, etc to a king, and returns the
nardzat\ [na råda. za'] n eighth of the ten great jatakas king's decision to the applicant
(jataka 545) CF zat\”k^;Sy\BX´> na;KMqa [na: khan tha] v be pleasant to the ear, be
nar^1 [na yi] n 1) clock; watch Ω nar^rp\enty\" The clock has bearable to hear
stopped. Ω nar^enak\k¥ty\" My watch is slow. Ω nar^-(10)- na;Kc\ [nåkhin] n eardrum, tympanum S YN na;sv\
mins\-®mn\ty\" The clock is 10 minutes fast. CF lk\pt\nar^ na;K¥ [na: cha.] v convince S YN na;qXc\;
watch, sk\nar^ electric or mechanical clock, q´nar^ na;K¥m\;qa [na: chan: tha] v feel relieved (by hearing good
hourglass; sk\nar^' lk\pt\nar^' tiuc\kp\nar^ 2) hour news)
Ω ts\ nar^KX´ elak\-Â kaAMu; my\" We will be here for about an na;KXk\ [nåkhwe'] n 1) (outer) ear S YN na;kc\;' na;rXk\
hour and a half. CF ®mn\manar^, sk¶n\Ï second, mins\ minute 2) powder pan (of flintlock rifle)
3) o'clock, used to tell the hour of the time na;“c^; [na: nyi:] v be bored (by), be sick (of), be tired
Ω ts\ nar^ Tiu;eta. my\ It is nearly one o'clock. CF nar^Tiu;' (of) (hearing sthg repeatedly) [? also hurt the ears?]
naR^KX´' K¥k\Tiu;' K¥k\KX´ na;siuk\ [na: sai'] n listen carefully, listen attentively,
nar^sc\ [na yi zin] n clock tower listen closely
nar^Tiu; [na yi hto:] v (of a clock) strike the hour, chime; na;esac\. [nåzaung.] n linchpin, locking pin at the end of a
(of time) (be a certain) o'clock, time Ω By\Nxs\nar^Tiu;“p^l´" shaft to prevent a wheel, etc from slipping off (illus)
What's the time? What time is it? CF K¥k\Tiu;
na;sv\ [na: zi] n eardrum, tympanum ◊

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 211

na; ª na;
na;sXc\. [na: swin.] v strain one's ears ok?] 2) head of a pin, nail, etc
na;sXn\na;P¥a;Âka; [nåzun nåhpya: kya:] v hear incompletely, na;Pakela\ [nåhpa gålaw] n instrument for removing
hear half of earwax (illus)
na;S´X [nåhswE:] n drop earrings S YN na;qn\ q^; na;PaeK¥; [nåhpa gyi: (gye:)] n earwax
CFlk\wt\rtna (illus) na;ePak\ [na: hpau'] v 1) pierce ears S YN na;TXc\;' na;q
na;evac\; [na: nyaung:] v [poet] hearken (to), heed CFna;epåk\ 2) [fig] soften sb up, prepare the ground
na;etac\; [nådaung:] n old style of pierced earring (illus) na;eyac\ [nåyaung] v be deceived, be taken in (by lie,
pretension, act, etc); be persuaded
na;etac\;”kio; [nådaung: gyo:] n braided rawhide loop na;eyac\på;eyac\ [nåyaung påyaung] adv in a bemused
keeping drumhead taut against the body manner = na;eyac\pk\ka;
na;etac\;wt\ [nådaung: wu'] n drooping earlobe na;eyac\pk\ka; [nåyaung påyaung] adv in a bemused
na;Tc\ [nåhtin] n flat part of the side of the head manner = na;eyac\på;eyac\
na;eTac\ [na: htaung] v 1) listen (to) 2) obey, listen (to) na;yU\ [na: yin] v be familiar with, be used to hearing
(kind of music, turn of phrase, etc) A NT na;Riuc\;
na;Tiuc\; [na: htain:] [nåhtain:] v be deaf, be hard of hearing na;rM [nåyan] n maids of honour at an ear-piercing
S YNna;pc\; ceremony
— n deaf person S YN na;pc\; na;rc\; [nåyin:] n part of head near the ear
na;TXc\; [na: htwin:] v 1) pierce (ear) S YN na;ePak\' na;q na;rc\;Aup\ [nåyin: o'] v box sb's ears S YN na;pn\k¥c\;
CF na;epåk\ 2) bore a hole in a dried gourd, to be used na;Riuc\; [na: yain:] v (of sthg heard) be rude A NT na;yU\
for a water bottle na;rv\w [na: ye (yi) wa.] v be thoroughly familiar with sthg
na;nc\. [na: nin.] v be unbearable to hear, be hard to take as a result of frequent hearing
Ω kel;emX; rc\;n´Ï emerakel;på SMu; qXa;ty\liuÏ Âka;rta na;RXk\ [nåywe'] n (outer) ear S YN na;KXk\' na;kc\;
na;T´mxa nc\.K n´®Ps\qXa;ty\" When I heard both mother and na;rxk\ [na: she'] v be embarrassed (by sthg heard)
child died during the birth, I found it very hard to take. na;rxk\sra [na: she' såya] n sthg scandalous
CF rc\nc\. CF m¥k\sirxk\sra [? check new]
na;på; [na: pa:] v have sharp ears, have good hearing na;rxc\; [na: shin:] v comprehend, understand clearly
na;p¨ [na: pu] v 1) be distressingly noisy 2) be irritated by na;ROp\ [na: sho'] v be confused (by sthg heard)
hearing sthg too often 3) scold, complain or find fault na;el; [na: le:] v be hard of hearing
constantly, nag; pester sb for a favour = na;p¨tiuk\ na;ºlv\ [na: lE] v understand; know; comprehend
Ω ®pc\ qs\ ska; na;mlv\B¨;" I don't know French.
na;p¨tiuk\' na;p¨na;Salup\ [na: bu tai', nåbu nåhsa lo'] v Ω na;mlv\ B¨;" ®Pv\;®Pv\;e®papå" I don't understand. Please
scold, complain or find fault constantly, nag; pester sb speak slowly. Ω Existentialism AeÂkac\; Bamx-na;mlv\B¨; I
for a favour don't comprehend existentialism at all.
na;epåk\ [na: pau'] v 1) realise [nåbau'] 2) understand na;lv\mO [na: lE hmu.] n 1) understanding,
S YNqeBaepåk\ comprehension (of a situation, matter, etc)
— n 1) piercing, hole in the ear for an earring 2) understanding, (informal, unofficial, tacit) agreement
CF na;TXc\; 2) touchhole in a rifle
na;pc\; [na: pin:] [nåbin:] v be deaf na;lxv\. [na: hle.] n mislead, deceive
— n deaf person na;lxv\.på;lxv\. [nåhle. påhle.] adv deceitfully
na;pc\;pit\ [nåbin: bei'] v (of bamboo, horn, etc) be solid, na;lYM [na: shan] v 1) hear sthg too often 2) be unable to
not hollow make sb understand, be unable to reach sb, be unable to
na;pn\ [nåban] n 1) (pierced) earring S YN na;kp\ get through to sb (inf)
CF lk\wt\rtna [? ok?] 2) earlobe na;ewtim\etac\ [nåwe tein daung] adv in a muddled way
na;pn\k¥c\; [nåban kyin:] v box sb's ears, cuff sb's ears na;ew; [na; we:] v be dense, be dull S YN dMu;ew;
S YN na;rc\;Au p\ na;wc\ [na: win] v 1) accept, be convinced 2) understand
na;pn\SM [nåban; zan] n loose locks of hair falling near the
ears na;wc\K¥io [nåwin cho]
v be music to the ears, be beautiful
na;pn\; [nåban:] n 1) part of the head near the ear to the ear, sound wonderful A NT na;Kå; [? change kyaw.
2) linchpin (illus) also na; sin cho, ant also na; win kha;?]
na;pn\;kXc\; [nåban: gwin:] n handles (on a basket rim)
na;pn\;sXn\; [nåban: zun:] n end of an cart axle na;wc\p^yM [nåwin pi yan] n pleasant sounds
na;pn\;SM [nåban: zan] n pony tails over the ears (illus) na;q [nåtha.] v pierce (ear)
na;p¥U\;k¥ [nåbyin: kya.] v (of the earlobe) droop na;qmgçla [na: dha. min gåla] n ear-piercing ceremony
na;®pv\yiu [na: pyi yo] v have pus drain from ear [ bh]
na;pXc\. [nåbwin.] n 1) (rosette) earring CF lk\wt\rtna [? na;qn\q^; [nåthan dhi:] n (drop) earrings S YN na;SX´

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 212

na; ª n^;
na;qy\ [nåthE] n part of the head behind the ear niytb¥adit\ [ni> yåta. pya dei'] n e‹xplicit prophesy of a
na;qXc\; [na: thwin:] v convince S YN na;K¥ Buddha [ bh]
na;A¨ [na: u] v be deafened; (of ears) ring niyTMu [ni> yåhton] n ßsteady state of a planet
na;eA; [na: e:] v have peace and quiet, be undisturbed niyam [ni> ya ma.] n 1) nature; law of nature 2) law; principle
CF m¥k\sieA;na;eA;
na;eA;på;eA; [na: e: pa: e:] adv in peace and quiet niyM [ni> yan] adv always
na;AuM [nåon] n area of the head near the ear — n grammar summary in mnemonic verses [? only
na;2 [na:] v rest, stop for a while CF Ana; grammar, only one book?]
na;na;enen [na: na: ne ne] adv leisurely, unhurriedly nieraDqsßa [ni> yaw: da. thi' sa] n ‹Noble Truth of the end of
Ana;⁄ [åna;] n rest Ω Ana;y¨på" qsßa (suffering) CF qsßael;på;
(A)na;3 [(A)na;] part near, by, nearby, at the edge of: suffix niRut†inv\; [ni> ro' ti> ni:] n grammatical techniques of elision,
to a noun or phrase Ω km\;na; strand Ω “mio>na;-erak\\" appending, or transposing letters CF w•elapnv\;
We're getting close to the city. Ω d^na;mxa menpån´Ï" Please go niwåt [ni> wa ta.] n relationship of humility and respect
away. Ω (10)-nar^na; lk\Pk\rv\-ts\KXk\-eqak\tt\ty\" She n^ [ni] n red CF r´
usually has a cup of tea at about 10:00. n^Âkc\Âkc\' n^Âkc\.Âkc\. [ni kyin gyin, ni kyin. gyin.] adj reddish
Ω q¨ wt\ Ta;t´.AkÇ¥etac\ Ana;etX Sut\PXa;en“p^" The hems of n^sp\sp\ [ni sa' za'] adj disagreeably reddish
his shirt are ragged. Ω Kc\; Ta;t´. P¥aklv\;
n^vio [ni nyo] adj burgundy, maroon; reddish brown; (esp
Ana;etXSut\en“p^" The edges of the mat were frayed. = ¬ of hair) auburn
An^; n^taeTX; [ni ta htwe:] n newborn (baby)
nikay\ [ni> kE] n 1) nikaya, the five parts of the sutta pitaka n^tar´ [ni ta yE:] adj loud red
d^G-nikay\' mzÙim-nikay\' qMyut†-nikay\' Agçut†r-nikay\' n^taln\ [ni ta lan] n offensive red [? what is this
Kud»k-nikay\ 2) Ω Rup\AqXc\A®pc\ AenATa; [? def 2 in objection to red about?]
n^Nxm\;Nxm\; [ni hnan: hnan:] adj dull red
niKåtkebd [ni> kha tåka. be da.] n paleontology, study of the
n^på; [ni pa;] n kind of red dye
forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times
n^på;eS; [ni påhse:] n Œbush used to make red dye
nigMu;1 [ni gon:] n conclusion, epilogue CF nidån\; n^®patM [ni pya dan] n red and blue pencil
nigMu;K¥op\ [ni> gon: cho'] [ni> gon: gyo'] v conclude,
wind up
n^QlM [ni hpålan] n lowest grade of gold CF eRW
(speech, article, etc), write an epilogue
n^®mn\; [ni myan:] n (of face) ruddy, scarlet, flushed
— n conclusion, epilogue
n^ti [ni ti>] n maxim; directive; (piece of) advice
nigMu;2 [ni> gon:] n hamlet, small village CF elakn^ti' [? what other cfs? ]
nitMu [ni> ton] n term for gold of a certain fineness CF narn^ n^gå [ni ga] n ∏Niger Note: English pronunciation follows
[? if we keep na ra ni]
the French: [ni zher]
nidån\; [ni> dan:] n introduction, preface, foreword CF nigMu; n^epå [ni paw] n ∏Nepal [ cr]
nidån\;p¥io; [ni> dan: pyo:] v introduce a subject; write a — adj Nepalese, Nepali
forward, preface, etc [? def check]
n^yXn\m^; [ni yun mi:] n neon light [Engl]
nipåt\ [ni> ba'] n ‹birth stories of the Buddha [ bh] n^la [ni la] n sapphire CF nwrt\
nipåt\Kc\; [ni ba' khin:] v ‹1) act out one of the birth n^; [ni:] v be near, be close (to); be imminent Ω lXt\kn^;“p^
stories of the Buddha on stage 2) show a scene from the
near release
Buddha's birth stories in a painting, tableau, etc
— part next to, adjacent to Ω e®mn^; Tp\
nimit\ [nåmei'] n (visual) omen, portent, sign of what is to
come CF Atit\ [ bs ph]
n^;kp\' n^;km\; [ni: ka', ni: kan:] v be very near; be next
to, be adjacent (to)
nimit\”k^;el;på; [nåmei' kyi: le: be] n ‹vision seen by the
bodhisattva Prince Siddartha, of four people: one aged,
n^;sp\ [ni: sa'] v 1) be near, be close (to); be imminent
2) be friendly with, be close to 3) be likely, be possible
one sick, one dead, and one recluse [ bh]
nimit\®p [nåmei' pya.] v 1) foretell, prefigure, presage,
augur, foreshadow, show signs of a coming event, bode
n^;S´S´ [ni; zE; zE;] part nearly, almost, just about to, on
the point of Ω eqkn^;S´S´ near death, at death's door
well or ill [? changes ok?] 2) hint
nimit\®pem;KXn\; [nåmei' pya. me: gun:] n leading question, n^;n^; [ni: ni:] part nearly, almost, just about
Ω lk\ Pk\rv\Siuc\ k n^;n^;el;" The teashop is very close.
question which contains, implies, or guides toward a
S YN n^;på;
certain answer
nimit\Pt\ [nåmei' hpya'] v 1) interpret omens, predict, n^;n^;na;na; [ni: ni: na: na:] n vicinity, neighbourhood,
nearby area
prophesy 2) foretell [? is it the omen or the person
— adv nearby, close [? adj?]
nimit\mrxinmamrxi [nåmei' måshi> nåma måshi>] exp knock on n^;på; [ni: ba:] part nearly, almost, just about (as much as,
wood (fig), expression used to dispell bad luck as good as, etc) Ω (20 000)-n^; på; ep;rty\" It cost almost

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 213

n^;gRiu; ª en
20,000. S YN n^; n^; afternoon)
An^; [Ani;] part near, close to: suffix to a noun enSa [ne za] n warm morning sun = enp¨Sa
Ω eRW tMgMuAn^; mxa enty\" She lives near the Shwe Dagon. enSalOM [ne za hlon] v warm oneself in the morning
n^;gRiu; [ni: gåro:] n negro Ó[Engl], cf (black) African, black sun, bask in the sun = enp¨SalOM
person, Black envaq^; [ne nya dhi:] n fruit that is exposed to the
Nu [nu.] v 1) be soft, be delicate 2) (of colour) be light, be rising sun CF eneAak\q^;
pale, be delicate 3) be youthful 4) be tender, be young envioK¥in\ [ne nyo gyein] n late afternoon, near sunset
Ω ArXk\Nu young leaves, new leaves 5) be immature, be = enk¥K¥in\
inexperienced; be childish 6) be accomodating, oblige, entk\ [ne de'] n morning
be obliging, yield (to) 7) (of texture) be soft, be enT^;eSac\; [ne hti: saung:] v (of sun) have a halo, have
smooth, be fine; (of person, character, disposition, etc) a ring around
be gentle S YN N¨;vM. enTn\;ts\P¥a; [ne htan: tåhpya:] n time in the morning
NuTXa; [nu. dwa:] adj big for one's age when the sun reaches the height of toddy palm
NuTXt\ [nu. htu'] adj tender, delicate enTXk\ [ne htwe'] [ne dwe'] v (of the sun) rise, come up
NuNuTXt\TXt\ [nu. nu. htu' htu'] adj very tender and delicate enwc\
— n sunrise
Nuny\ [nu. nE] adj 1) youthful 2) delicate enTXk\t®pø [ne htwe' tåbyu] n time when one part of
Nup¥io [nu. pyo] adj youthful the sun appears on the horizon
NuPp\ [nu. hpa'] adj (of skin, face, complexion, etc) fresh ennar^ [ne na yi] n sundial CF sk\nar^ (illus, including mxn\tiuc\,
and delicate etc)
Num¥s\ [nu. myi'] adj youthful ennv\; [ne nE:] n be near sunset
Numxv\. [nu. hmE.] n prematurely ripe fruit enp¨ [ne pu] [ne bu] v (of the sun) be hot
N¨ [nu] v 1) have leprosy 2) (of leaves) shrivel up, dry up — n heat of the sun
N¨na [nu na] n leprosy S YN Ana”k^;eragå enp¨KMqX; [ne pu gan dhi:] n fruit growing exposed to the
N¨; [nu:] v 1) be tender; soften 2) [fig] be clever, be sharp [? sun CF rXk\pun\; q^;
strange fig, pls check] enp¨sp\Kå; [ne bu sa' kha:] n where the sun is very hot
N¨;vM. [nu: nyan.] v (of texture) be soft, be smooth, be fine; enp¨Sa [ne bu za] n warm morning sun = enSa
(of person, character, disposition, etc) be gentle enp¨SalOM [ne bu za hlon] n warm oneself in the morning
sun, bask in the sun
N¨;VXt\ [nu: nyu'] v (of heart) soften, melt enp¨mi [ne bu mi>] v have sunstroke
N¨;np\ [nu: na'] v become tender enp¨lxn\; [ne bu hlan:] v dry or cure by setting out in sun
en1 [ne] n sun = enlxn\;
enka [ne ga] n (sun)shade, blind (illus) en®p [ne pya.] v expose to the sun for a short time
enkam¥k\mxn\ [ne ga mye' hman] n sunglasses, dark S YN enlxp\
glasses, shades (inf), sunnies (inf Aus, NZ) ene®pak\ [ne byau'] n sunbeam, ray of sun S YN en®Kv\'
enkun\ [ne kon] n get dark (out), (of sunlight) fade Ω ' We ensXy\
should go home before it gets dark. enpXc\. [ne pwin.] v (of sun) come out (after cloudy
enk¥K¥in\ [ne kya gyein] n late afternoon = envioK¥in\ period)
enek¥a\ [ne kyaw] [ne gyaw] v pass noon en®mc\l®mc\ [ne myin la. myin] n sage, wise man
— adj 1) fermented Tn\;rv\ (toddy) CF Tn\; rv\Kå; 2) (of en®mc\. [ne myin.] v be late in the morning
building) facing east or west CF enliuk\ enrc\. [ne yin.] v (of sun) be hot
enÂka [ne gya] n sunflower enerac\ [ne yaung] n sunlight, sunshine
enÂks\' enÂkt\ [ne kyi', ne kya'] v (of the sun) be enrip\ [ne yei'] n shade
eclipsed CF rahuPm\; enrxin\ [ne shein] v feel the heat despite the shade
enKiu [ne kho] v take shelter from the sun, get out of the enliuk\ [ne lai'] adj (of building) facing north or south
sun (inf) CF enek¥a\
enK¥io [ne cho] v be cooler in the afternoon enelac\ [ne laung] v 1) be burnt by the sun, wither in
en®Kv\ [ne gyi] n sunbeam, ray of sun S YN ensXy\' the heat 2) tan, be darkened by the sun 3) be sunburnt
ene®pak\ CF mv\; tanned
ensa [ne sa] n Bermuda grass = e®msa enelac\erac\ [ne laung yaung] n reddish brown skin,
ensa; [ne sa:] v fade (because of sunlight) S YN endl¥k\ complexion, etc
enesac\; [ne saung:] v (of sun) go down enlMu;ep¥ak\ [ne lon pyau'] v (of the sun) have set, go
ensXy\ [ne zwE] n sunbeam, rays of sun S YN en®Kv\' down (completely)
ene®pak\\ [? how different from ne gyi etc?] enl¥k\ [ne ye'] v fade (because of exposure to sun)
ensXy\k¥io; [ne zwE kyo:] v (of sun) be milder (in S YN ensa;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 214

en ª en
enlX´ [ne lwE:] v be after noon liking Ko Aung, when she met him she ran away. Ω q^K¥c\;SiuPiuÏ
— n afternoon, p.m. (post meridian) enen-qaqa ska;etac\-me®paNiuc\qelak\p´" She could
enlX´vsa [ne lwE: nya. za] n food eaten after noon barely talk, let alone sing. Ω At¨t¨lup\PiuÏ enen-qaqa
(avoided by Bun\;”k^; (Buddhist monks) [ fd bh] ts\“mio>mxa menNiuc\B¨;" Working together was out of the
enlxv\.pc\ [ne hlE. bin] n Œmedicinal plant growing in question – they couldn't even stand to live in the same
early rainy season city.
enlxn\; [ne hlan:] v dry or cure by setting out in the sun enNiuc\ [ne nain] v stand, bear S YN ensim\.' enSit\' enAa;
S YN enp¨lxn\; CF mÚenNiuc\
enlxp\ [ne hla'] v expose briefly to the sun S YN en®p enpåes [ne ba ze] exp let it be, don't bother; don't worry
enwc\ [ne win] v (of the sun) set, go down A NT enTXk\
— n sunset en“p^(eta.) [he pi daw.] part from = ken(“p^)
enwc\P¥io;P¥ [ne win hpyo: bya.] n dusk, twilight = enwc\Riu;r^ en®pv\eta\ [ne pyi daw] n Óroyal city; dominion of the
enwc\m^;“cim\; [ne win mi: nyein:] n 1) putting out cooking monarch of Burma [? here or in sun??]
fire after sunset 2) curfew enmTiTiuc\mTi [nemåhti> htain måhti>] adv agitatedly; on
enwc\m^;“cim\;Amin\Ï [ne win mi: nyein: åmein.] n curfew order tenterhooks (fig)
enwc\miu;K¥op\ [ne win mo: gyo'] n nightfall enmTiTiuc\mTi®Ps\ [nemåhti> htain måhti> pyi'] v feel ill at ease
enwc\Riu;r^ [ne win yo: yi] n dusk, twilight = enwc\P¥io;P¥ en“m´ [ne myE:] adj as it was, as you were (also milit
enwc\r^tera [ne win yi tåyaw;] n [? check get def] command)
enqa⁄ [ne tha] v be sunny, (of sunlight) be bright enra [ne ya] n 1) place, site, location 2) seat
CF lqa 3) official position [? ?] 4) the matter of Ω rc\kX´enramxa
enqp\ [ne tha'] v put sthg out to dry in sun kÁn\eta.kÁm\;k¥c\en“p^" I am very familiar with matters of
eneA; [ne e:] v (of sunlight) become cool
eneAak\q^; [ne au' thi:] n fruit growing exposed to the enrak¥ [ne ya kya.] v be appropriate; become settled, get
comfortable; be well-adjusted (to a situation); be
afternoon sun CF envaq^;
completed satisfactorily Ω sa;pX´KMutXc\ enratk¥-Tiuc\ka wtÊo-
enAim\PX´> [ne ein hpwE.] v (of the sun) have a halo
eKåc\;sU\kiu Arc\SMu;-K¥er;ty\" He got comfortable at the
S YNenT^;eSac\;
desk and started with the title of the story. [? ok?]
en2 [ne] v 1) live, reside Ω (52)lm\;mxa-enty\" I live in 52nd enraK¥ [ne ya cha.] v 1) put (sthg) in its proper place
Street. 2) stay, remain Ω K%enAMu;" Stay here a minute.
2) arrange marriage (for child, protégé, etc)
enracå;qXy\ [ne ya nga: dhwE] n five places of honour in
— part 1) -ing, remain or continue or stay or go on
the audience hall of the palace CF eta\' d¨;' sn\;'
-ing, for the time being: particle suffixed to a verb to
AtXc\;Bewå' A®pc\Bewå
denote continuous process Ω BaetX-lup\enl´" What are you
doing? Ω nn\; qita- Kr^;TXk\enty\" Nang Thida is travelling.
enratka [ne ya dåga] n 1) everywhere 2) everything
2) of: particle used to give place of residence Ω eK¥ak\“ mio>
enratk¥ [ne ya dågya.] adv rightly; fittingly; in its
proper place
en edÅ®Pø Daw Hpyu of Chauk
enekac\; [ne kaung:] v be well, be in good health enraTa; [ne ya hta:] v respect, honour, esteem
enekac\;Tiuc\qa [ne kaung: htain tha] adv healthy, in enraTiuc\ [ne yåhtain] n mat used by monk = niq^diuc\
good health
enraTiuc\Kc\; [ne ya htain gin:] n accommodation, place to
stay; place to sit
enk¥ [ne kya.] part usually, regularly, normally, always:
particle between a verb and a noun indicating usual
enrarxa [ne ya sha] v bother, fuss, take unnecessary
practice, habit, regular action Ω kÁn\eta\Riu;raq^K¥c\;etX
na;eTac\enk¥ty\" I usually listen to traditional songs. enrp\ [ne ya'] n 1) home 2) (home) address; residence
Ω lu p\e nk¥t´.-Alu p\kiu mlup\K¥c\e ta. B¨;" I don't want to do
enqaŸ [ne dha] v 1) (of pain) become bearable, be
the same old work anymore. fairly comfortable 2) be commodious, have plenty of
room 3) be cavalier, be nonchalant = enqaTiuc\qarxi [?
enKc\;Tiuc\Kc\; [ne gin: htain gin] n living conditions
lots of possibilities: suave, debonaire, dismissive,
ensim\.' enSit\ [ne sein, ne zei'] v be unaffected, be
carefree, jaunty...]
unconcerned, be unmoved S YN enNiuc\' enAa; [? check]
enTa;tk¥ [ne hta: dågya.] adv in its proper place enqaTiuc\qarxi [ne dha htain dha shi>] v 1) (of pain)
become bearable, be fairly comfortable 2) be
enTiuc\ [ne htain] v live; settle
commodious, have plenty of room 3) be cavalier, be
enTiuc\mekac\; [ne htain måkaung:] v be unhealthy, be nonchalant
enenqaqa [ne ne tha dha] part let alone, not to speak enqa;k¥ [ne dha: kya.] v get used to, be accustomed to;
be inured to, be habituated CF Aqa;k¥
of, far from, no question of (neg), out of the question:
particle suffixed to verb+PiuÏ to indicate improbability
enqa;tk¥ [ne dha: tåkya.] adv suitably; regularly,
routinely, usually
Ω ”kio k\ PiuÏ-enen-qaqa etX >eta. TXk\e®p;liu k\ty\" Far from
enAa; [ne a:] n be unaffected, be unconcerned, be

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 215

enmizat\ ª n´Ï
unmoved S YN ensim\.' enSit\' enNiuc\ enÏtiuc\;vtiuc\; [ne. tain; nya. tain;] adv day and night; day in,
enU^;qa; [ne u: dha:] n [law] son by first wife day out; every day, every night; always = enÏenÏvv
enAim\ [ne ein] n home, residence, house enÏtXk\ [ne. dwe'] n 1) day's earnings 2) day's wages
Aeneta\p´ [Ane daw bE;] exp (of conditions) just right enÏtXk\kiuk\ [ne. dwe' kai'] v 1) earn enough for the day
Aenn´Ï' AenNxc\Ï' Aen®Pc\. [åne nE., Anehnin., åne hpyin.] part 2) be enough for that day
according to, from the point of view of; as, in the rôle enÏtXk\s^ [ne. dwe' si] v earn on the average
of Ω kÁn\ m-Aenn´Ï Frankly, I think Ω q¨tiuÏ-Aenn´Ï enÏenÏvv [ne. ne. nya. nya.] adv day and night; day in, day
d^liuAmOik\ps\k¥ta mSiu; B¨;" e®mn^; Tp\mxa menliuÏepåÏ" For out; every day and every night; always = enÏ tiuc\;vtiuc\;
them, throwing the rubbish down is not such a bad thing – enÏnM [ne nan]
because they don't live on the ground floor. [? in my enÏnMtXk\K¥k\ [ne nan] n [? def]
opinion?] enÏpup\ [ne. bo'] n wasted day
mÚmenNiuc\ [mA…mAne nain] v can't help but, have to enÏ®pn\tiu; [ne. byan do;] n loan that must be repaid with
enmizat\ [ne mi> za'] n fourth of the great jatakas (jataka interest within one day CF l®pn\tiu;
541) CF zat\”k^;Sy\BX´> enÏ®pn\ep; [ne. pyan be;] n repayment of loan in daily
enÏ [ne.] n day BOX: showing days back and forward CF v instalments; sell on credit paid daily
enÏekak\ [ne. gau'] n daily wages enÏPiuÏvsa [ne. bo. nya. za] n food kept in reserve; savings
enÏekac\;rk\qa [ne. gaung; ye' tha] n ßauspcious day for a rainy day (fig)
(for ceremony, wedding, business opening, etc) enÏmAa;vmAa;lup\' enÏm^;vm^;lup\ [ne. måa; nya. måa; lo',
= rk\ekac\;rk\qa' rk\ekac\;rk\®mt\ ne. mi; nya. mi; lo'] n [fig] be very busy
enÏek¥a\qa; [ne. gyaw dha;] n person born on the same enÏ®mc\vep¥ak\ [ne. myin nya. pyau'] n [fig] here today,
day as the king [ bs ry] gone tomorrow (fig), sthg transient
enÏek¥ac\;qa; [ne. kyaung; dha;] n day student enÏrxv\rk\m¥a;' enÏrxv\lm¥a; [ne. she ye' mya;, ne. she ye'
CFek¥ac\;Aip\ek¥ac\;sa; mya;] adv for a long time
enÏ”k^;rk\”k^; [ne. gyi; ye' kyi;] n day of special enÏles. [ne. la. se.] v (in pregenancy) be due
significance, important day enÏla;vla; [ne. la; nya. la;] n [fig] any day, any time,
enÏKc\; [ne. gin;] n afternoon any moment
enÏKc\;eÂkac\etac\ [ne. gin; kyaung daung] n broad enÏly\ [ne. lE] n midday
daylight S YN enÏ ly\eÂkac\etac\ [? when used?] enÏly\eÂkac\etac\ [ne. gin; kyaung daung] n broad
enÏKc\;sa [ne. gin; za] n lunch, midday meal S YN enÏly\sa daylight S YN enÏKc\;eÂkac\etac\
enÏly\sa [ne. gin; za] n lunch, midday meal S YN enÏKc\;sa
enÏKc\;Aip\mk\ [ne. gin; ei' me'] n daydream enÏly\enÏKc\; [ne. lE ne. gin;] n midday, around noon
enÏK¥c\; [ne. gyin;] adv within the day, in one day enÏwå [ne. wa] n ‹lectures on Buddhist scriptures given
enÏK¥c\;vK¥c\; [ne. gyin; nya. gyin;] adv shortly, within a to Bun\”;k^; (monks) during the day CF vwå [ bh]
short time enÏwk\ [ne. we'] n half a day
enÏK¥c\;epåk\ [ne. gyin; pau'] v reach (a place) within a day enÏqc\.nMqc\. [ne. dhin. nan. dhin.] v (of a name) start with the
enÏK¥c\;“p^; [ne. gyin; bi;] v be finished within a day letter corresponding to the day of birth (according to
enÏK¥c\;®pn\ [ne. gyin; pyan] adv within the day Bama naming tradition)
enÏK¥c\;®pn\Kr^; [ne. gyin; pyan khåyi;] n day trip en;bs\Ac\gXioc\la [ne; bi' in gwain la] n ∏Nevis Anguilla
enÏsa; [ne. sa;] n 1) system of paying wages by the day n´ [nE:] n [poet] method, way; procedure; process = nv\;
2) day labourer, worker paid by the day n´Ï1 [nE.] v wobble, be loose, be unsteady, be shaky
enÏsa;lep; [ne. za; la. pe;] n system of calculating wages n´Ït´. [nE. tE.] v be loose, be wobbly
by the day, and paying monthly n´Ï2 [nE.] part and Ω AedÅn´Ï At¨t¨enty\" I live with my aunt.
enÏsa;liuk\ [ne. za; lai'] v work for daily wages = fe: Nxc\. 2) with, by Ω rTa;n´Ï qX a;my\" I'll go by train.
enÏes.les. [ne. ze. (zi>) la. ze. (zi>)] adj about to give birth Ω K´tMn´Ï mer;rB¨;" You're not supposed to use a pencil.
enÏsU\ [ne. zin] adv daily, every day S YN entiuc\ = fe: Nxc\.' ®Pc\. 3) particle paired with m and verb to
enÏsU\mxt\tm\; [ne. zin hma' tan;] n diary, journal, daily create negative imperative Ω eqX; meqak\n´Ï" Don't drink
record of events blood. Ω mnk\®Pn\mlan´Ï" Don't come tomorrow. = fe: Nxc\.'
enÏsU\rk\Sk\ [ne. zin ye' hse'] adv day after day [obs] lc\.
= enÏSk\rk\Sk\ n´Ïv^sXa' n´ÏAv^ [nE. nyi swa] adv in keeping with,
enÏsX´ [ne. zwE;] n 1) day (of the week) 2) date CF rk\sX´ matching, in accord(ance) with; in harmony with, in
enÏSk\rk\Sk\ [ne. ze' ye' hse'] adv day after day step with
= enÏsU\ rk\Sk\ n´ÏtkX [nE. tåkwa.] adv along with, including
enÏSXm\; [ne. zun;] n ‹meal offered to Bun\;”k^; (monks) n´Ït“pioc\nk\ [nE. tåbyain ne'] adv at the same time as,
before noon CF ARu%\SXm\; [ bh fd] simultaneously
enÏta [ne. da] n length of a day n´ÏtmY [nE. tåhmya.] adv equal to

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 216

ena ª nMpåt\
n´Ïts\“pioc\nk\ [nE. tåbyain ne'] adv at the same time as, nMrM [nan yan] n wall
simultaneously nMrMkp\saesac\ [nan yan ga' sa zaung]
n wall newspaper;
n´Ïpt\qk\“p^; [nE. pa' tha' pi;] adv concerning, regarding publication displayed on a board, and placed in public
n´ÏAmY [nE. åhmya.] adv equal to (illus)
ena1 [naw:] n nine [? in what context?] nMrMkp\piusta [nan yan ga' po såta] n poster, placard
— v [fig] know sthg well, be thoroughly familiar with, nMrMeS;er;pn\;K¥^; [nan yan hse: ye: bågyi:] n fresco,
know everything about wallpainting
enaek¥ [naw: kye] v [fig] know sthg well, be thoroughly nMRiu; [nan yo:] n rib
familiar with, know everything about nMRiu;Aim\ [nan yo; ein] n
enaEkena [naw: e: ka. naw:] exp nine into nine ribcage
ena2 [naw:] part particle following a verb to indicate polite AnM [Anan] n
request, assumption of approval, or emphasis 1) breadth, width
(equivalent to tag phrases such as 'isn't it') = ena\ 2) rib, ribs
ena3 [naw:] pron (older) sister (Karen); polite title for a AnM”k^;kXc\;k¥y\
young Karen woman, prefixed to her name CF m [Anan gyi: kwin; kyE] n
ena [naw:] part particle suffixed to a verb for emphasis, to 1) longyi which is
make a polite request, seek agreement, similar to tag extra long and wide,
phrases 'don't you?, 'isn't it?', 'could you?', etc. = ena\ large-size longyi
2) ∞sb arrogant, self-
important, or swollen-
ena. [naw.] v 1) flatter; humour 2) amuse; tease playfully
headed, egotist [? check def]
ena\1 [naw] part particle suffixed to a verb for emphasis, to
soften a request, or seek agreement, similar to tag
nM3 [nan] n ßplanet under which one is born
questions ‘don't you?’, ‘isn't it?’, ‘could you?’, ‘okay?’ etc. nMNxip\' nMNxim\ [nan hnei', nan hnein] v 1) ßput
a curse on sb,
= ena cause sb misfortune (through affecting their horoscope)
2) humiliate; oppress CF yÂta
ena\zapn\; [naw za pan:] n five petalled, bell-like flower of the
thorny lip\S¨;erW bush (illus)
nMPk\ [nan be'] n ßpeople born under compatible
ena\ew [naw we] n 1) ∏Norway 2) Norwegian [ cr]
— adj Norwegian
nMmv\ [nan mE (myi)] n name = namv\' Amv\
nMqc\.g%n\; [nan dhin. gånan:] n ßnumber given to a
nM1 [nan] v stink, smell (bad) planet, corresponding to its name
nMesa\ [nan saw] v stink, reek, give off a foul odour nM4 [nan] n [orth] abbreviation of Ank\, a superscripted dot
nMnMes. [nan nan si>] n coriander (spice) M in place of _k\ Ω l~M' eAak\ªeAaM
nMnMpc\ [nan nan pin] n Œcoriander (leaves), cilantro, nMk¥U\; [nan gyin:] n brief annotation (used when
Italian parsley
translating Pali texts)
nM2 [nan] n 1) flank, side 2) rib RF nMRiu;.
nMk¥y\ [nan gyE] n full annotation (used in translating
nMÂka; [nan gya:] n space between two ribs Pali texts)
nMÂka;eTak\ [nan gya: htau'] v [fig] guess; make a nMsM [nan zan] n standard definitions used in explaining
decision at random = nMepÅnMÂka;eTak\' nMPiunMmeTak\
Pali texts S YN K¥nk\ [? really defs or expls?]
nMesac\ [nan zaung] n side (of the body) [? hey, we need nMe®pak\ [nan byau'] n glosses explaining Pali texts
to check these on ourselves]
nMkTiuc\ [nan kåhtain] n kind of Indian cake
nMesac\; [nan zaung:] n 1) side (of the body) = nMesac\ nMka [nan ka] n ÓwåeKåc\, the fifth month of the lunar year,
2) slanted furrow in a ploughed field
usu falling in July–August CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^
nMsp\ [nan za'] n flank
nMVXn\Ï [nan nyun.] n lower part of the ribcage nMnk\ [nan ne'] n [lit] morning = ™ mnk\
nMetac\; [nan daung:] n side, part of the body below the nMnk\Kc\; [nan ne' khin:] n morning
nMnk\sa [nan ne' sa] n breakfast
nMpå; [nan ba:] n 1) part of the body below the armpit nMpåt\ [nan ba'] n 1) number; size [Engl] CF kin\;' g%n\;
2) [sl] mistress
= nMe tac\; 2) side (of hill, building, etc) 3) place near by
[? check with TM]
nMpåt\kun\ [nan ba' kon] v 1) be oversized, be too big for
the largest size 2) [fig] be extremely evil, depraved, etc
nMepÅnMÂka;eTak\ [nan baw nan gya: htau'] [fig] guess;
S YN km\;kun\
make a decision at random (by digging finger in the
ribs) = nMÂka;eTak\' nMPiunMmeTak\
nMpåt\kun\eAac\ [nan ba' kon aung] adv extremely
S YNkm\;kun\eAac\
nMPiunMmeTak\ [nan baw nan gya: htau'] [fig] guess; make a
decision at random (by digging finger in the ribs)
nMpåt\K¥it\ [nan ba' chei'] v 1) place (in a race) 2) be one
of those scheduled to be selected
= nMÂka;eTak\' nMepÅnMÂka;eTak\
nMeB; [nå (nan) be:] n side nMpåt\sU\ [nan ba' sin] adv serially, in order

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 217

nM®pa; ª Niu;(Niu;)
nMpåt\tut\ [nan ba' do'] n truncheon, police baton (illus) NiuÏpuM [no. bon] n nipple (of baby bottle) (illus)
nMpåt\®pa; [nan ba' pya:] n number plate (Br), licence NiuÏp¥U\; [no. byin:] n sagging breasts
plate (Am) NiuϮpt\ [no. pya'] v be weaned
nM®pa; [nan bya:] n nan, Indian flat bread NiuÏepX; [no. bwe:] n rash on face of nursing child
nMÏqa [nan. (nå) dha] n 1) scent, aroma, fragrance 2) aromatic NiuÏPiu;Sp\ [no. bo: hsa'] v [fig] show gratitude to one's
substance parents by taking care of them in their old age
nMÏqaS^ [nådhåhsi] n aromatic oil, scented oil NiuÏ®Pt\ [no. hpya'] v wean (a child) S YN NiuÏKX´
nMÏqan^ [nan. dha (nådhå) ni] n red sandalwood NiuÏB¨; [no. bu:] n baby bottle
XnMÏqapu [nådhåbu.] n kind of fragrant plantain NiuÏm¥k\ [no. mye'] v (of child) not get mother's milk
XnMÏqaep¥ac\; [nådha byaung:] n sandalwood paste NiuÏm¥k\kn\; [no. mye' kan:] n breast with inverted nipples
XnMÏqa®Pø [nådhåhpyu] n sandalwood NiuÏmOn\Ï [no. hmon.] n powdered milk
XnMÏqaerac\ [nådha yaung] n buff, pale yellow NiuÏnv\Âkv\ [no. ye gyi] n colostrum, first milk from a
NiukiuU [no ko u.] n kohlrabi S YN Kå;Pumun\la (illus) mother's breast S YN NiuÏU^;rv\
Niuwc\Ba [no win ba] n November [Engl] NiuÏliuk\ [no. lai'] v (of nursing mother, breast, etc) have
NiuÏ [no.] n 1) breast S YN rc\qa;' qa;®mt\ 2) milk Ω NXa;NiuÏ (cow's) plenty of milk
milk CF mliuc\ 3) spout (of kettle, teapot, etc) S YN NOt\q^; NiuÏlv\ [no. lE] v (of mother's milk) stop because of a
4) opaque white liquid, similar to milk in appearance shock
Ω Au n\;NiuÏ coconut milk, p´NiuÏ soy milk 5) stud anchoring the NiuÏlim\ [no. lein] n soother (Br), pacifier (Am) (illus)
guy ropes on a dragon boat CF elxwm\; NiuÏq^; [no. dhi:] n (of humans) nipple; (of animals) teat
NiuÏkn\; [no. kan:] v stop lactating, (of breast) stop NiuÏq^;eKåc\; [no. dhi: gaung:] n 1) (of humans) nipple; (of
producing milk animals) teat 2) nipple (of baby bottle)
NiuÏeÂkac\;pit\ [no. gyaung: pei'] v (of milk glands) be NiuÏqk\ [no. the'] v (of milk) ooze from breast
blocked NiuÏqk\KM [no. dhe' khan] v 1) (of a child) wait for milk to
NiuÏK´ [no. gE:] n type of fresh cheese come from breast, instead of nursing 2) [fig] shirk,
NiuÏK¥U\ [no. gyin] n yoghurt = din\;K¥U\ depend on others to do one's work
NiuÏK´X [no. khwE:] v wean (a child) S YN NiuÏ®Pt\ NiuÏqv\ [no. dhE] n (wet) nurse, woman who nurses
NiuÏsa;NXa;m [no. za: nåma.] n dairy cow another's child S YN NiuÏ Tin\; CF NiuÏsiuÏPk\' NiuÏpun\;sa;
NiuÏsiuÏ [no. so.] [no. zo.] v (of humans) nurse, breastfeed; (of NiuÏAk¥k\ [no. åkye'] n (pasteurised) milk CF NiuÏsim\;
animals) suckle, nurse NiuÏeA;eK¥ac\; [no. e: gyaung:] n ice lolly (Br), popsicle (Am)
— n (of human) infant (that is still nursing); (of NiuÏU^;rv\ [no. u: ye] n colostrum, first milk from a mother's
animals) nursling, suckling breast S YN NiuÏnv\Âkv\
NiuÏsiuÏPk\ [no. zo. be'] n relationship between children nursed NiuÏAs\ [no. i'] n smell of milk from an infant's mouth
by the same woman; foster brother, foster sister CF NiuÏ Tin\; = NiuÏAt\
NiuÏAt\ [no. a'] n smell of milk from an infant's mouth
NiuÏsim\; [no. zein:] n 1) raw milk, unpasteurised fresh milk = NiuÏAs\
CF NiuÏAk¥k\ 2) (tinned) evaporated milk NiuÏAMuqa; [no. on dha:] n cut of meat from the breast of
NiuÏS^ [no. zi] n (sweetened) condensed milk animal CF rc\pMuqa;
NiuÏSX´ [no. hswE:] v (of a child) nurse very often; be NiuÏ2 [no.]
conj ™that, thus Ω NiuÏepm´. however, in spite of that
difficult to wean NiuÏmhut\(rc\) otherwise, alternatively Ω NiuÏqXa;ÂkrsiuÏ" Well then,
NiuÏvHa [no. hnga] n child about to be weaned in favour of let's go. Right, let's get going. = då' ¬ qiuÏ(®Ps\lYc\)
a younger child; second youngest (in a family) [? pron Ni Ï
u ts\ [no. ti'] n notice [Engl] CF AeÂkac\;Âka;sa
check] Ni ;
u [no:] v wake up, awake
NiuÏvHs\ [no. hnyi'] v milk; express milk from breast Niu;Âka; [no: kya:] v become active; be alert, be vigilant,
NiuÏtiuk\ [no. tai'] v (of humans) nurse, breastfeed (a child); be watchful
bottle feed; (of animals) nurse, suckle Niu;T [no: hta.] v become active; be alert, be vigilant, be
NiuÏtiuk\qt†wå [no. dai' dhådåwa] n mammal, any warm- watchful [? really the same as all?]
blooded vertebrate species in which the female has Niu;(Niu;)2 [no: (no;)] part in hopes of, in fear of, suffix to verb to
mammary glands for producing milk indicate hope, expectation, or suspicion, fear Ω BX´rNiu;
NiuÏTmc\; [no. dåmin:] n rice pudding, rice porridge with emYa\kiu;sit\ expectation of a degree Ω eS;saPt\ra'
milk [? pron check; sweet? ] na;eTac\på eragåep¥ak\Niu;Niu; listening to someone reading
NiuÏTin\; [no. dein:] n (wet) nurse, woman who nurses about medical treatment, with the hope that your disease
another's child S YN NiuÏ qv\ CF NiuÏsiuÏPk\' NiuÏ pun\; sa; will be cured Ω qiuk\saPt\ra na;eTak\på' UsXarNiu;Niu;
NiuÏNxs\erac\ [no. hni' yaung] n cream (colour) listening to someone reading about hidden treasures in
NiuÏpun\;sa; [no. bon: za:] n motherless child (breastfed by a hopes of getting a share Ω saem;p´XeAac\liu qtc\;Âka;t´.AKå
wet nurse) CF NiuÏ siuÏPk\' NiuÏTin\; Tiuc\rekac\;Niu; Trekac\;Niu; mqielac\eAac\ ep¥a\rWc\enty\"

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 218

Niu; ª enak\
When they heard she passed the exam, they were so excited enak\eÂkatk\ [nau' kyaw: te'] v have a stiff back
they didn't know whether to sit down or stand up. enak\eÂkac\; [nau' kyaung:] n past; past event
Ω tiuc\® pv\” k^; lX t\lp\ er; rNiu;rNiu;n´Ï esac\.enrtaÂka“p^" We enak\eÂkac\;®pn\ [nau' kyaung: pyan] v 1) tell stories
have been waiting a long time in expectation of our about the past, talk about the past 2) retrace one's
country's independence. CF Tc\®mc\®Kc\; footsteps, go through a set of experiences again [? def
[no:] adv no [Engl] check] 3) do sthg with retrospective effect [? what???
Niu;Niu;nn\>nn\> [no: no: nan. nan.] adv restlessly, in a frightened retroactive?] 4) (of story, movie, etc) flash back
and agitated way
nk\1 [ne'] v be black S YN mv\ enak\kXy\ [nau' kwE] n back
nk\ek¥a' nk\Âkot\' nk\Ki¥p\ [ne' kyaw:, ne' kyo', ne' chei'] — adv behind, behind one's back; in the background;
v be jet black, be black as ink behind the scenes
nk\emxac\ [ne' hmaung] v be pitch dark; be pitch black enak\KM [nau' khan] n background
nk\2 [ne'] v (of hole, water, etc) be deep; (of forest, enak\KMka; [nau' khan ka:] n backdrop; background
thicket, etc) bedense enak\KMt^;lMu; [nau' khan ti: lon:] n œbackground music
nk\n´ [ne' nE:] v (of thought, meaning, feeling, etc) be (for movie, reciting, etc); song, music (for dance)
deep, be profound enak\KMqmiuc\; [nau' khan thåmain:] n history
nk\nk\n´n´ [ne' ne' nE: nE:] adv (think, theorise, criticise, enak\Kiuc\; [nau' khain:] v leave, turn one's back on
etc) thoroughly, deeply enak\K¥n\ [nau' chan] v remain behind, stay back
nk\ROic\; [ne' shain:] v be deep; (of slope) be steep enak\es. [nau' si>] n bony lump in the centre of the back
Ank\ [åne'] part among, out of: suffix to a noun or verb to of the head
indicate the one chosen from a group, set, etc enak\SMtc\; [nau' hsan tin:] v worry, be uneasy about
Ω Kc\b¥a;er;t´.-saAnk\ kb¥a;etX p´-” kiok\ ty\" Of all of your sthg S YN eÂkac\.k¥
writing, I like only the poetry. CF AT´ enak\Sk\ [nau' hse'] n 1) junction of the parietal and
nkƒt\ [ne' kha'] n 1) ©stars 2) asterism; lunar mansion occipital bones at the back of the skull 2) suffixed
= nk\qt\ CF sU\nkƒt\ ßplanet seen near moon at birth particle
nkƒt†ebd [ne' kha' ta. be da.] n ©astronomy enak\Sk\tX´ [nau' hse' twE:] n 1) (of books, etc)
nkƒt\tara®pKn\; [ne' kha' ta ya pya. gan:] n ©planetarium appendix, addendum, annex, supplement 2) [fig] (of
nkƒt\emYa\sc\ [ne' kha' hmyaw zin] n ©observatory events) sequel
nk\gts\ [ne' gåti'] n negative (film) [Engl] enak\Sut\ [nau' hso'] v 1) step back, back up, move
nk\®Pn\ [ne' hpyan] n tomorrow Ω A“cim\. nk\®Pn\mx Âkv\\" backward A NT erx>Tiu; [? ok ant?] 2) retreat
I will go see the show tomorrow. = mnk\®Pn\' mnk\Kå CF enÏ enak\SMu; [nau' hson:] n 1) last (one) 2) end
enak\SMu;epÅ [nau' hson: baw] n latest, most recent
nk\qt\ [ne' tha'] n Ó1) star 2) asterism; constellation; enak\SMu;pit\ [nau' hson: bei'] n (very) last
lunar mansion = nkƒt\ enak\SXy\ [nau' hswE] n 1) rear, back 2) wake,
nikƒm [ne' khåma.] n renunciation [ bh] aftermath
enak\(k¥i)1 [nau' (kyI)] v 1) (of water, etc) be clouded, be enak\ts\ [nau' ti'] adj another
muddy, be muddled, be turbid A NT Âkv\ 2) (of glass, enak\tn\; [nau' tan:] n rear, back; back row
etc) be translucent 3) (of mind) be troubled, be enak\tX´ [nau' twE:] n 1) hair in a loose knot at the
confused 4) be giddy (Br), be dizzy eKåc\;enak\ nape of the neck 2) trailer (illus)
enak\2 [nau'] v tease, joke, make fun of enak\T [nau' hta.] n vocalist–comedian of traditional
orchestra = Siuc\;enak\T [? def okay? in music dic, only
enak\t^;enak\etak\ [nau' ti: nau' tau'] n nonsense [? in
singing and playing bells and clapper]
what situ? as criticism of what sb says, as playing
around?] enak\Tiuc\ [nau' htain] n 1) one riding on an elephant's
hindquarters 2) clown/singer whose place is at the back
— adv playfully; teasingly; lightly
of the traditional orchestra
enak\e®pac\ [nau' pyaung] v tease, joke, make fun of
enak\3 [nau'] n 1) back Ω tMKå;enak\mxa tMKå;p´ behind the enak\Tp\ [nau' hta'] v add
— adv 1) additionally 2) again, once more, any more
door, just another door S YN ek¥aBk\(Arp\); A NT erx>
2) past (time), time gone by Ω enak\BwkkM karma from
enak\enÏ [nau' ne.] n next day
my previous life A NT Al¥c\ 3) future, time to come enak\enak\k [nau' nau' ka.] adv previously, formerly
Ω enak\ enac\ in the future; enak\mxa later, after; enak\ Bw enak\enac\ [nau' naung] adv in the future
next life; TiuÏenak\Asv\;AsU\ future plans, plans following enak\epÅ [nau' paw] adj new
this; enak\Nxs\ next year S YN enac\kla enak\piu; [nau' po:] n person seeking another's romatic
enak\ºk¥ [nau' kya.] v be late Ω rv\;sa;Ta;ta- affection
enak\k¥ty\" I was late in finding a girlfriend. S YN eNxac\; — v court, woo, pursue, rush
enak\ek¥a [nau' kyaw:] n back (of body) S YN ek¥akun\; enak\piu;k¥iok\ [nau' po: kyai'] v tuck up the longyi to leave

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 219

nig©hit\ ª nc\;
the legs free S YN Kå;etac\; k¥iok\ second, third, etc wife, wife of marriage after the first
enak\piu;tk\ [nau' po: te'] v [? what?] CFeSXmi¥o;suz ya;' enak\eyak\¥a;' enak\lc\'
enak\piu;®mk\ [nau' po: mye'] n kind of speargrass enak\Aim\eTac\
S YN cMu;®mk\' emac\rc\ciu' em¥ak\®ma; enak\“m^; [nau' mi: (myi:)] n (of car, truck, etc) tail end,
enak\epåk\ [nau' pau'] n newcomer, new generation rear
S YN enak\“m^;SX´ [nau' mi: zwE:] n hanger-on, groupie
enak\piuc\; [nau' pain:] n 1) rear, back 2) (of novel, movie, enak\mx [nau' hma.] adv later
etc) second part; end enak\mx^ [nau' hmi] n back(rest)
enak\piuc\;zat\Tup\ [nai' pain; za' hto'] n œdrama that last enak\eyak\¥a; [nau' yau' kya:] n second, third, etc
all night, until after the sun comes up miu; lc\;piuc\;-enak\piuc\; husband, husband of marriage after the first = enak\lc\
CF eSXmi¥o;suz ya;' enak\mya;' enak\min\; m' enak\Aim\eTac\
enak\piuc\;mc\;qm^; [nau' pain; min; dhAmi;] n actress who
skillfully perform the great dramas, esp skilled in enak\eyac\KM [nau' yaung khan] v 1) follow, tail, shadow
dialogue, singing and laments (a person) 2) [fig] imitate, copy
enak\piuc\;mc\;qa; [nau' pain; min; dha;] n µ actor who enak\liuk\ [nau' lai'] v elope CF lc\enak\liuk\ [? new me
skillfully perform the great dramas, esp skilled in -- from lin]
dialogue, singing and laments — n follower, subordinate S YN cy\qa;
enak\piuc\;meA; [nau' pain: måe:] v [fig] have trouble, enak\liuk\enak\på [nau' lai' nau' pa] n followers,
have worries (at home, work, etc) entourage
enak\ps\ [nau' pyi'] n [orth] vowel _´ enak\lc\ [nau' lin] n second, third, etc husband,
enak\ps\l´ [nau' pyi' lE:] v fall over backward, fall at full husband of marriage after the first = enak\eyak\¥a;
length CF eSXmi¥o;suz ya;' enak\mya;' enak\min\; m' enak\Aim\eTac\
enak\pit\ [nau' pei'] n 1) end, butt(-end) 2) back (of a enak\lXy\ [nau' lwE] n backpack, knapsack, rucksack;
pierced earring) basket or bag carried by a strap over shoulder or
enak\pit\eKX; [nau' pei' khwe:] n 1) iron collar between a forehead (illus)
blade and handle 2) [fig] useless person, chump, clod enak\qa;(enak\e®m;) [nau' tha: (nau' myi: (mye:))] n
= Da;menak\pit\eKX; descendants, progeny S YN enac\ laenak\ qa; [?
enak\pit\SMu; [nau' pei' hson:] adj last [? last as in final, opposite? forebears, ancestors?? and also, does this just
last as in most recent, or both? same as nau' hson; mean 'posterity, future generations' without meaning
pei'?] one's own family? ]
enak\pit\Pinp\ [nau' pei' hpåna'] n (closed) shoe(s) enak\Aim\eTac\ [nau' ein daung] n marriage after the
enak\“p^; [nau' pyi: (pi)] conj then; and; afterward first, later marriage CF enak\eyak\¥a;' enak\lc\'
enak\®pn\ [nau' pyan] adv backwards enak\mya;' enak\min\; m
enak\®pn\l´ [nau' lE:] v fall down, topple nig©hit\ [nei' gåhei'] n [orth] superscripted dot –M,
enak\pXa; [nau' pwa:] n newcomer; new generation representing the -m\ S YN eq;eq;tc\ [ wr]
S YN enak\e påk\ nc\1 [nin] pron [inf] you
enak\eP; [nau' hpe:] n 1) back, rear 2) stool, faeces, nc\p´cS [nin bE: gnåhsa.] adv rudely
excrement nc\la;cåla; [nin la: nga la:] adv belligerently,
enak\eP;eK¥ac\ [nau' hpe: gyaung] n back part of house combatively, in a hostile manner
(usually the kitchen) nc\2 [nin] v (of food, objects) be stuck in the throat
enak\eP;tv\ [nau' hpe: tE] v help a child defecate nc\.1 [nin.] v 1) be packed tightly 2) be overloaded (with)
enak\eP;enak\P^ [nau' hpe: nau' hpi] n toilet, latrine, 3) feel hurt, be offended
water closet, WC nc\.na [nin. na] v Óbe hurt
enak\eP;qXa; [nau' hpe: thwa:] v go to the toilet, relieve nc\.nc\.q^;q^;e®pa [nin. nin. thi: dhi: pyaw:] v curse, use dirty or
oneself crude language
enak\eP;Aiu; [nau' hpe: o:] n chamber pot nc\.q^; [nin. thi:] v be very rude, be highly offensive, be
enak\Py\ [nau' hpE] n 1) back of the head below edge of crude
skull [? where can we put a picture of the body, with all nc\.2 [nin.] pron 1) [inf] your 2) [inf] you
these little areas?] 2) [fig] rear, back nc\; [nin:] v 1) step on (to); tread on Ω eTac\NOt\K m\;nc\; ty\
enak\Py\tXc\; [nau' hpE dwin:] n hollow in the nape of flirting with a prison sentence 2) walk on body (as a form
the neck of massage) RF nc\; ny\' nc\;Nxip\. 3) trample (on), stomp
enak\®Ps\ [nau' hpyi'] n past (events) CF enac\er; (on) 4) pedal Ω Siuk¶a;nc\; drive a sidecar 5) run over
enak\Bw [nau' båwa.] n next life, future life, next 6) adopt, follow (the tracks, in the footsteps); follow
existence = enac\Bw (an argument, line of reasoning, etc) 7) scour 8) enter
enak\mya;' enak\min\;m [nau' måya:, nau' mein ma.] n 9) master

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 220

enac\ ª Niuc\cM
— adv extremely, excessively Niuc\K¥c\Âkk\ [nain gyin kye'] n game cock that wants to
nc\;kn\ [nin: kan] adv extremely, excessively fight
nc\;Âkm\; [nin: kyan:] n 1) deck of a bridge 2) drawbridge Niuc\e®K [nain gye] n chance to win, situation where one
(illus) will win
nc\;kXc\; [nin: gwin:] n stirrup (illus) Niuc\sa; [nain za;] v get the better of (in argument, esp
nc\;e®K [nin; che] v trample within a family), boss around
nc\;ny\ [nin: nE] v walk on the body, as a form of Niuc\sXm\; [nain zwan:] part particle suffixed to verbs to
massage S YN nc\;Nxip\ indicate ability to accomplish sthg
nc\;Nxip\ [nin: hnei'] v walk on the body, as a form of Niuc\Tk\s^;nc\; [nain de' si: nin:] adv domineeringly;
massage S YN nc\;ny\ arbitrarily S YN Niuc\liumc\;Tk\
nc\;®pa; [nin: pya:] n [fig] the downtrodden Niuc\nc\; [nain nin:] v 1) win, conquer, prevail, beat
enac\1 [naung] n future, later, afterward CF enak\enac\ 2) domineer; overpower; overcome 3) master, excel in
enac\ÂkU\ [naung gyin] v have learnt a lesson (through Niuc\nic\ [nain nain] adv with plenty of
experience) Ω enac\ÂkU\eAac\SuM; m teach (sb) a lesson Niuc\epåk\ [nain bau'] n trump card, way to win, knowledge
(through admonishing) Ω enac\ÂkU\eAac\lup\ teach (sb) a of others' weakness (which can be used to one's
lesson (through unpleasant experience) advantage) S YN Niuc\kXk\
enac\Kålaenac\KåeZ; [naung kha la naung kha ze:] exp let Niuc\Pt\ [nain ba'] n someone one can beat every time [?
the future decide; damn the torpedoes what is this extreme domineering in my dic?]
enac\Siurc\ [naung so yin] exp in the future, from now on Niuc\rasa; [nain ya za:] v exploit, system of the stronger
enac\t [naung da.] n repentance; remorse; regret gaining advantage by dominating the weaker
enac\tr [naung da. ya.] v regret, be remoreseful, be Niuc\rasa;eKt\ [nain ya za: khi'] n age of injustice
repentant Niuc\liumc\;Tk\ [nain lo min: de'] adv domineeringly;
enac\Bw [naung båwa.] n future life, next life; future arbitrarily S YN Niuc\Tk\s^;nc\;
existence = enak\Bw Niuc\2 [nain] part title prefixed to the name of an older Mon
enac\er; [naung ye:] n future (events) CF enak\®Ps\ man
enac\laenak\qa; [naung la nau' tha:] n descendants, Niuc\g¥^;r^;ya; [nain gyi; ri; ya;] n ∏Nigeria
progeny, future generations; posterity — n&adj Nigerian [ cr]
S YN enak\ qa;enak\e®m; [? opposite?] Niuc\cM [nain ngan (gan)] n 1) ∏country, land, area under the
enac\2 [naung] n [poet] elder brother (of a man) CF kiu control of one monarch or government CF tiuc\;®pv\
enac\”k^; [naung gyi:] n polite form of address by a man country; Burc\ monarch; Asiu;r government; l¨Tu people;
to another who is older = enac\eta\ AsU\Niuc\cM traditonal lands; lk\nk\Niuc\cM conquered lands
enac\eta\ [naung daw] n polite form of address by a man 2) domain Ω min\; mNiuc\cM [ pe] [? hey, what is this other
to another who is older = enac\”k^; thing in the little dic? just the area or also the people? ]
enac\gi¥n\ [naung gyein] n 1) œmusic played during an fight
scene in a show 2) fight scene (in a show) [ ms] Niuc\cMk¨;lk\mxt\ [nain gan gu: le' hma'] n passport
enac\gi¥n\K¥ [naung gyein cha.] v fight energetically Niuc\cMek¥a\ [nain gan gyaw] v be well-known
enac\diuc\;qM [naung dain: dhan] n sound of the drum and gong Niuc\cM®Ka; [nain gan gya:] n abroad, overseas, foreign
which strike the hour country, foreign parts, a place outside the country
Niuc\1 [nain] v 1) win (contest, tournament, etc); beat, — adv ™abroad, overseas, (in, from, to, etc) other
conquer (opponent), prevail (in struggle, war, argument, countries
etc) CF eAac\ 2) domineer; overpower (opposition, Niuc\cM®Ka;ecX [nain gan gya: ngwe] n ¥foreign currency,
enemy, etc); overcome (resistance, obstacle, etc) 3) be foreign exchange
endowed with, have abundance of 4) manage; carry Niuc\cM®Ka;er;' Niuc\cM®Ka;ra [nain gan gya: ye:, nain gan gya: ya] n
5) master sthg, excel in 6) be prone to BOX: difference ∏foreign affairs S YN Niuc\cM®Ka;ra [ pe]
between win and beat. You win something. You can win Niuc\cM®Ka;er;wn\”k^;@an [nain gan gya: ye: wun gyi: hta na.] n
a race, a trophy ∏Ministry of Foreign Affairs [ pe]
— part 1) can, be able to; be likely to; be possible to; Niuc\cMtka [nain gan dåga] n ∏international sphere [?
may, be permitted to: particle suffixed to verb to denote OK?]
capability, probability, possibility [? BOX: with examples — adj international CF A®pv\®pv\Siuc\ra [ pe]
showing difference between this and ta'] 2) [with neg Niuc\cMeta\ [nain gan daw] n 1) respectful term for a
verb] take too long Ω lk\Pk\ rv\ Siuc\ mxa country Ω Niuc\ceM ta\Asiu;r state, government; Niuc\cMeta\q^K¥c\;
q¨cy\K¥c\etXm¥a;m¥a;erak\eta. [? example for this] national anthem; Niuc\cMeta\ATim\;Amxt\tMSip\ state seal;
Niuc\kXk\ [nain gwe'] n trump card, way to win, knowledge Niuc\cMeta\AlM national flag; Niuc\cMeta\qk\eq state's witness
of others' weakness (which can be used to one's 2) [inf, prison] amnesty Ω Niuc\cMeta\-lXt\“cim\;-K¥m\; qaKXc \.
advantage) S YN Niuc\epåk\ general amnesty

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 221

Niuc\lXn\ ª nv\;
Niuc\cMeta\“cim\wp\pi®pa;mOtv\eSak\er;-ekac\s^ ns\®mop\ [ni' myo'] v 1) sink, be submerged, be sunken
[nain gan daw nyein: wu' pI pya: hmu. ti hsau' ye: kaung si] n 2) drown
∏State Law and Order Restoration Council, SLORC, ns\mXn\; [ni' mun:] v 1) drown, be drowned 2) [fig] go
provisional government of Myanmar, in power from 1988 under (fig), be ruined, succumb to problems 3) [fig] (of
– 97; abbr nwt [? sp and pron] woman) be raped CF P¥k\S^; 4) [fig] be engrossed, be
Niuc\cMeta\eA;K¥m\;qayaer;Nxc\.PXM>“Pio;er;-ekac\s^ absorbed 5) [law] reduce to poverty or bankruptcy
[nain gan daw e; chan; tha ya ye; hne. hpun. hpyo; ye kaun si] n ns\2 [ni'] n nib, penpoint [Engl] (illus)
State Peace and Development Committee (SPDC), ns\kragXa [ni' kAra gwa] n 1) ∏Nicaragua 2) Nicaraguan
provisional government of Myanmar from November — adj Nicaraguan [ cr]
1997, abbr nAP ns\ky\ [ni' kE] n nickel, a corrosion-resistant silvery metal
Niuc\cMeta\q^K¥c\; [nain gan daw thåchin:] n national anthem [Engl]
S YN Am¥io;qa;q^K¥c\; nsßqYt†r [ni' sa. sha' tåra.] n Sanskrit treatise on dance
Niuc\cMeta\ [nain gan daw Atopati] n ∏head of state [?get
nisß [nei' sa.] n permanence, constancy; perpetuity, eternity
pron and spelling -- only historical? Title of Dr Ba Maw
nisßD¨w [nei' zådu wa.] adv always; daily
under the Japanese]
nisßBt\SXm\; [nei' zåba' hsun:] n ‹daily food offerings to
Niuc\cMeta\ATim\;Amxt\tMSip\ [nain gan daw åhtein: åhma' monks [ bh]
dåzei'] n ∏state seal (illus)
nisßq^l [nei' a. thi la.] n ‹the Five Precepts (which
Niuc\cMeta\Asiu;r [nain gan daw åso: ya] n ∏state, Buddhists should alway observe) = q^lcå;på; [ bh]
government, highest level of civil authority in a country
nv\;1 [nE:] v (of number, degree, amount, etc) be small, be
little; be less, be few CF cy\' eq;
Niuc\cMeta\AlM [nain gan daw ålan] n ∏national flag
Niuc\cMer; [nain gan ye:] n ∏politics, matters relating to a nv\;nv\;k¥c\;k¥c\; [nE: nE: kyin: gyin:] adv some, a little, a
country, its governing, and its external relations
Niuc\cMer;KiulOMKXc\. [nain gan ye: kho hlon gwin.] n ∏political nv\;nv\;K¥c\; [nE: nE: gyin:] adv little by little; piecemeal
asylum [ pe]
nv\;nv\;s^ [nE: nE: zi] adv a little each
Niuc\cMer;qma; [nain gan ye: dhåma:] n ∏politician [ pe] nv\;nv\;enaena [nE: nE: naw: naw:] adv on a small scale
(usu used in negative) Ω nv\;nv\;enaenamhut\
Niuc\cMer;lm\;sU\ [nain gan ye: lan: zin] n ∏(political)
platform; goals [? sp?]
nv\;på; [nE: ba:] v be scant; (be just a, only a) little,
few Ω nv\; nv\; på;på;sa;på" Please eat a little.
Niuc\cMer;AqiNiu;Âka;mO [nain gan ye: åthi> no: kya; hmu.] n
∏political consciousness
nv\;m¥a;mSiu [nE: mya: måhso] adv any amount
Niuc\cMwc\KXc\.lk\mxt\ [nain gan win gwin. le' hma'] n (entry)
nv\;2 [ni:] n system; way, method, process, procedure;
ways, means; rule, custom, manner Ω ts\nv\;-mhut\
visa CF b^za [? sp?]
ts\nv\; one way or another Ω ksa;nv\; game CF n´' sns\'
Niuc\cMwn\Tm\; [nain gan wun dan:] n civil servant
lm\; CW qXy\
S YN Asiu; rwn\ Tm\; [ pe] [? check what are the more
common words?] — part 1) Óparticle suffixed to a noun to show
similarity, like, in the same way as [? example??]
Niuc\cMqa; [nain gan dha:] n ∏citizen [ pe]
2) Ó¬particle ending an open question = ™ l´' tMu;
Niuc\cMqa;siss\er;kt\®pa; [nain gan dha: si> si' ye: ka' bya:] n
national registration card, NRC, identity card [? frc?]
nv\;k¥ [ni: kya.] v be methodical, be systematic; be
according to the rules
Niuc\cMAa;APX´> [nain gan a; AhpwE.] n ∏'Strength of the
Nation' paramilitary organisation of the Union Solidarity
nv\;KM [ni: khan] v learn (from sb), be trained (by sb)
and Development Association [? check]
nv\;Kiu; [ni: kho:] v imitate, copy
Niuc\lXn\ [nain lun] n nylon [Engl] nv\;sns\ [ni: såni'] n technique, way, method, procedure
Niuc\;K¥c\; [nain: gyin:] adv 1) in equal proportions 2) liberally, nv\;t¨ [ni: (nE:) du] part Óparticle following a noun,
denoting similarity; like, as, in the same manner
freely, generously
Ω kÁn\ e ta\-Rup\rxc\-Â kv\. rtakiu
Nxs\Nxs\“Kiok\“Kiok\ ”kiok\t.´nv\; t¨
ns\1 [ni'] v 1) sink; be submerged, be sunken S YN ®mop\ saPt\rtakiu-lv\; ”kiok\ty\" I like watching movies very
2) drown 3) be mired in, be stuck in Ω bXk\ns\ stuck in the
much, and I like reading books just as much.
mud 4) Óembed 5) [usu neg] retreat; back out [?
Ω rxc\znkaBiwMqqv\ Alup\kiu ®pc\;®pc\;Tn\Tn\lup\qv\"
q¨>nv\; t¨-Alup\-lup\Niuc\q¨ rxa;lxqv\" Shin Zanakabiwuntha
ns\na [ni' na] v suffer, be distressed works very hard. There is no one who can work like him.
ns\naeÂk; [ni' na gye:] n compensation (for damage, = (q)liu' k´.qiuÏ' qPXy\
injury, etc); ∏reparations, payments by a defeated
nv\;na [ni: na] n system; way, method, process,
nation for war destruction [ pe]
procedure; ways, means CF n´' sns\' lm\;
ns\naK¥k\ [ni' na gye'] n grievance, complaint based on nv\;na [ni: na nei' thåya.] n system; way, method, process,
injustice suffered
procedure; ways, means CF n´' sns\' lm\;
ns\em¥a [ni' myaw:] v 1) be unconscious in a faint or nv\;pva [ni: pyin nya] n (technical, practical, etc) skill;
coma 2) [fig] be lost in thought, comtemplation, etc

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 222

ni™itM ª nt\
technology Ω ASc\.®mc\.nv\; pva high technology [? def nt\sa; [na' sa:] v (of a nat) eat the offerings at a nat
check, practical training, hands-on training, technical ceremony Ω krc\Riu; rant\sa;
training ; technology?] nt\sc\\ [na' sin] n nat shrine S YN nt\kXn\;' nt\KRiuc\' nt\nn\;
nv\;priyy\ [ni: påri> yE] n tactics; mode, method (of nt\sv\ [na' si] n œmythical drum made from a lobster's
operation, functioning), modus operandi (law); way (of claw
working, etc) [? def check] nt\sim\; [na' sein:] n nat of a person who died a violent
nv\;ep;lm\;®plup\ [ni: be: lan: bya. lo'] v set an example, be death
a rôle model; guide, direct nt\sim\;®Ps\ska; [na' sein; hpyi' zåga;] n [drama] dialogue in
nv\;®pSra [ni: bya. hsåya] n instructor; tutor; a scene where sb dies and becomes a nat
demonstrator nt\Siu; [na' hso:] n evil nat S YN nt\misÍa
nv\;b¥øha [ni: byu ha] n (in politics, battle, etc) tactics nt\Siuc\; [na' hsain;] n œ1) musical group which plays at
CF mhab¥øha strategy nat celebrations 2) music played for the dance of the
nv\;mxn\lm\;mxn\ [ni: hman lan: hman] n correct method, spirit medium CF nt\keta\' nt\diu;
right way nt\eta\ [nådaw] n Nadaw, ninth month of the lunar
— adv correctly year, usu falling in November CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^
nv\;y¨ [ni: yu] v take as an example, follow the nt\tc\ [na' tin] v make offerings to a nat
example (of) nt\Tin\; [na' htein:] n chief nt\keta\ (medium)
nv\;lm\; [ni: lan:] n system; way, method, process, nt\diu; [na' do:] n œspecial music played for nats at a
procedure; ways, means Ω nv\; lm\;rxa find a way; look for a celebration CF nt\q^K¥c\;' nt\Siuc\; [ ms]
way CF n´' sns\ nt\enkiuc\; [na' ne gain:] n highest branch of a tree
nv\;lm\;k¥ [ni: lan: kya.] v be just, be right; be according nt\Niu;l [na' no: la.] n month when Vishnu awakes,
to the rules Tazaungmon CF nt\el¥ac\;l
nv\;lm\;tk¥ [ni: lan: tåkya.] adv systematically nt\nn\; [na' nan:] n nat shrine S YN nt\kXn\;' nt\KRiuc\'
nv\;eq [ni: dhe] n set method, established procedure nt\sc\
nv\;Uped [ni: u. både] n bylaw, statute nt\p¨; [na' pu:] v be possessed by a nat S YN nt\k¥' nt\cc\
ni™itM [nei' hti> tan] v end, conclude
nt\ [na'] n 1) nat, spirit RF nt\sim\;. 2) guardian spirit, nt\epåk\ [na' pau'] n spots of a coconut, where the
genius CF kiuy\ eta “mio> etac\ qs\pc\ pc\ly\ leaves will emerge
eK¥ac\; ®ms\ Aim\esac\ elaknt\ 3) lord, higher being, nt\®p [na' pya.] v present to a nat at a shrine to be
god CF l¨' ®bhµa' qmµo tint\' Uppti|nt\' wiqudiÎnt\ [ bs] blessed
nt\®pv\ [na' pyi] n heavens, where nats live
nt\keta\ [na' gådaw] n 1) woman chosen by a nat as a nt\®pv\e®Kak\Tp\ [na' pyi chau' hta'] n six levels of
wife CF nt\ekak\ 2) (spirit) medium S YN nt\wc\qv\ heavens where nats live stumharaz\' tawt˜qa'
3) first female dancer at a zat\ performance Ap¥ioeta\? yama' tuqita' nimµanrti' prnimµitwœwt^†
[? what is] nt\pX´ [na' pwE:] n 1) food offerings to nats 2) nat
nt\kna;ep; [na' kåna: pe:] v build a pavilion and have a festival
nat celebration nt\BMu [na' bon] n nat world
nt\kiu; [na' ko:] v 1) make offerings to nat 2) believe in nt\em; [na' me:] v consult a medium to ask a nat for
nats, worship nats advice, foretelling, etc
nt\ekak\ [na' kau'] v be chosen by nat to be his nt\misÍa [na' mei' hsa] n evil nat S YN nt\Siu;
consort CF nt\keta\ nt\yU\ [na' yin] v be easily possessed by nats CF nt\ k¥'
— n wild rice = nt\spå; nt\p¨;' nt\wc\
nt\k¥ [na' kya.] v be possessed by a nat S YN nt\p¨;' nt\wc\ nt\rka [na' råka] n offering to nats
nt\Riuc\qM [ta' yain dhan] n œswaying-style music played
nt\”k^; [na' kyi:] v (of area with a guardian spirit) be for a nat
under strict discipline nt\rXasM [na' ywa san] n (of royalty) die
nt\Âkm\; [na' kyan:] v be punished by nat for nt\lm\; [na' lan:] n ramp leading to a pagoda,
misbehaviour or misspeaking monastery, or monk's catafalque (illus)
nt\kXn\; [na' kun:] n nat shrine S YN nt\KRiuc\' nt\sc\\' nt\lm\;VWn\ [na' lan: hnyun] n guidebook written as
nt\nn\; revelations of a nat [? guidebook? why? only in
nt\kXp\ [na' ku'] n man with one testicle dramas?]
nt\KRiuc\ [na' khåyain] n nat shrine S YN nt\kXn\;' nt\sc\\' — v guide sb well (to destination)
nt\nn\; nt\el¥ac\;l [na' lyaung: la.] n month when Vishnu
nt\K¥c\; [na' chin:] n œsong for or about nats [ ms] sleeps, Wazo
nt\spå; [na' zåba:] n wild rice = nt\ekak\ nt\wc\ [na' win] n be possessed by a nat S YN nt\k¥' nt\p¨;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 223

ntÊi ª nn\;
nt\wc\qv\ [na' win dhE] n (spirit) medium nn\;k¥ [nan; kya.] v ∏be dethroned, be deposed CF nn\;sXn\>
nt\wiz«a [na' wei' sa] n knowledge or skill acquired from nn\;K¥ [nan; cha.] v ∏dethrone, depose
nats, occult knowledge [? pron check, def check] nn\;sM [nan; san] v ∏reign, rule as monarch, take or have
nt\wxk\ [na' hwe'] v be made invisible (by nats) the throne Upsa
nt\qm^; [na' thåmi:] n 1) female nat CF nt\qa; 2) [sl] nn\;sMqk\ [nan; san the'] n ∏reign, period of rule, time
prostitute during which one monarch has the throne
nt\qm^;km\;på; [na' thåmi: kan: ba:] n (sheer) cliff nn\;siuk\ [nan; sai'] v ∏found a (royal) capital
nt\qm^;K¥v\Kc\ [na' thåmi: chi gin] n wispy mist nn\;sU\ [nan; zin] adj belonging to the royal family by
developing after dewfall tradition
nt\qm^;eTac\eK¥ak\ [na' thåmi; htaung chau'] n children's nn\;sU\sa [nan; zin sa] n palace chronicle, record of court
game [? check] happenings
nt\qm^;epåk\ [na' thåmi: bau'] n hole in the body of a nn\;sXn\Ï [nan; sun.] v ∏abdicate (the throne) CF nn\;k¥
esac\;ekak\ (traditional harp) and some other nn\;Sn\ [nan; hsan] v dress, behave, speak, etc in a
instruments [ ms] courtly style
nt\qa; [na' tha:] n male nat nn\;VXn\Ïnn\;l¥a [nan; nyun. nan; hlya] n ∏successor to the
nt\quDa [na' tho' da] n 1) food eaten by nats, ambrosia throne, heir apparent to the throne CF T^;rn\nn\; rn\'
2) [? parfait? ice cream dish] nn\;rn\
nt\qM [na' than] n sœong telling the story of the nn\;eta\ [nan; daw] n royal palace
previous life of a nat [ ms] nn\;tk\ [nan; te'] v ascend the throne
nt\qMeNxa [na' than hnaw:] v 1) be possessed by a nat who nn\;tc\ [nan; tin] v ∏coronate, crown sb king or queen,
tells of events in a pitiful way 2) [fig] tell a story in a enthrone
sorrowful way nn\;tv\ [nan; ti] v ∏found a royal capital [? same as
nt\qMps\ [na' than pyi'] v œ[in ceremony or drama] nan: sai'?]
chant or shout songs about nats as though possessed by nn\;tXc\;zat\ [nan; dwin; za'] n court drama, drama put
one [ ms] on for the court
nt\qk\eÂkX [na' the' kywe] v (of nat) die nn\;Tiuc\ [nan; htain] v ∏reign, rule as monarch
nt\qt\ [na' tha'] n snag, dead tree that is still nn\;m [nan; ma.] n main building of the palace
standing nn\;meta\ [nan; mådaw] n chief queen
nt\qt\eAa\l´ [na' tha' aw lE:] n dead trees nn\;“mio> [nan; myo.] n walled palace grounds
nt\eqX;ek¥ak\ [na' thwe: kyau'] n red semiprecious nn\;®mc\. [nan; myin.] n 1) watchtower in palace 2) lion
stone, in its natural state throne building, chief residence of the king
nt\Aun\;q^; [na' on: dhi:] n coconut hung in a home as an nn\;rM [nan; yan] n Ó∏governors, sawbwas, and other
offering to mc\; mhag^rint\ nobility or officials who have palaces CF eha\
ntÊi [na' hti>] v not exist, be non-existent; not have; be nn\;rc\;wn\ [nan; yin; wun] n Ó∏chief minister (of a
empty monarch)
Nut\ [hno' (no')] v 1) extract, pull out 2) subtract, take nn\;rn\ [nan; yan] n ∏successor to the throne, heir
back A NT epåc\; 3) remove apparent to the throne S YN T^; rn\nn\; rn\ CF nn\;VXn\>nn\; l¥a
Nut\TXk\ [hno' (no') htwe'] v 1) resign (from position, nn\;lMu;”kioc\ [nan; lon; gyain] n Œvachellia, kind of
organisation, etc) 2) back out, pull out (of treaty, fragrant flower
agreement, etc) nn\;qk\ [nan; dhe'] n ∏reign, monarch's years in power
Nut\py\ [hno' (no') pE] v expel, purge, remove (from
position, service, etc); expunge nn\;2 [nan:] n filigree, thin thread of metal
Nut\lkƒ%akin\; [hno' le' khåna gein:] n negative number nn\;”k^; [nan: gyi:] n thick noodle
A NT epåc\;lkƒ %aki n\; [? new UK] nn\;”kio; [nan: gyo:] n filigree, thin thread of metal
Nut\qim\; [hno' (no') thein:] v take back; strip (of rank, nn\;SX´ [nan: hswE:] v make filigree, work with filigree
honours, medals, etc) nn\;epåk\ [nan: bau'] n 1) hole in iron plate, for drawing
nN»m¨liu%\ [nan dåmu hlaing] n ‹cave in Mount fine wires 2) hub (of cart wheel)
Gandhamadana where lesser Buddhas stay [ bh] nn\;P¥a;eKX [nan: bya: gwe] n iron sleeve mounted at outer
nN»wn\ [nan dåwun] n ‹a garden in one of the heavens of end of cart wheel hub
the nats nn\;rc\;eKX [nan: yin: gwe] n iron sleeve mounted at base
nn\Ï [nan.] v 1) wag (tail), jiggle 2) flirt; be flighty of cart wheel hub
nn\ÏeÂkaSX´ [nan. gyaw: hswE:] v flirt; be flighty nn\;lim\ [nan: lein] adj braided filigree
nn\Ïnn\Ïtk\ [nan. nan. te'] v be shamelessly eager nn\;lx^; [nan: hli:] v cut metal or leather into thin strips
nn\;1 [nan;] n ›palace nn\;eq; [nan: dhe:] n 1) thin wire 2) thin noodle

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nn\;kTi ª ny\
nn\;kTi [nan: kåhti>] n snack made of sticky rice, sugar, and nimµit [nein mi> ta.] n ‹Buddha image CF Bura;
coconut milk nim\. [nein.] v A NT ®mc\. 1) be lower (in status, elevation, etc)
Nun\Ï [non.] v be weak, be feeble; be dull; be inferior CF nMnim\. [? really only comparative? ant ok?] 2) be
Nun\Ïn´Ï [non. nE.] v be infirm, be weak shorter (in height) CF pu short
Nun\; [non:] n silt nim\.k¥ [nein. kya.] v 1) decline, slope (down) 2) decline,
Nun\;ek¥ak\ [non: kyau'] n [obs] kind of sedimentary rock fall (in status, condition, etc) 3) be low, be mean; be
Nun\;tc\e®mNu [non: tin mye nu.] n alluvial soil nim\.Sc\; [nein. hsin:] v slope down gradually S YN nim\.elYa
np\ [na'] v 1) (of boiled food) fully cooked, done 2) be sharp, nim\.på; [nein. ba:] v fall (in status, position, etc); be the
be smart 3) be worth CF ”kio;np\ loser (in war)
— part count word used in counting meals nim\.ROic\; [nein. shain:] v be very steep
Ω Bu n\;”k^;m¥a;ha; ts\rk\ Tmc\; (2)-np\sa;rty\" Buddhist nim\.elYa [nein. shaw:] v slope down gradually S YN nim\.Sc\;
monks eat only two meals per day. [ nc ] nim\.qM [nein. than] n high tone, e.g., _a;' e_a S YN k¥qM
np\ek¥a\sa; [na' kyaw sa:] v not eating regular meals CF AqM
np\ena [na' naw:] v 1) be sharp, be smart 2) be (fully) NMu [non] v 1) be poor 2) be dull(-witted)
trained NMuK¥ [non cha] v be poor
nip\1 [nei'] adj [sl] good NMuÏ [non.] v be inadequate, not measure up (to)
nip\2 [nei'] v 1) decline, go down 2) be suppressed, be NMu; [non:] v be tired, be fatigued, be worn out
quelled; settle = nim\ NMu;K¥v\. [non: chi>] v be very tired, be exhausted
Nup\ [no'] adj 1) small, tiny 2) trivial, paltry Ω kun\Nup\ sundry NMu;eKX [non: khwe] v be very tired, be exhausted
goods ny\1 [nE] v 1) knead 2) mix (i.e., curry with rice) 3) tread
nib`an\ [nei' ban] n 1) ‹nirvana, nibbana, end of dukƒ on 4) cure (hide, leather, etc)
(suffering) [ bh] [? further def from you?] 2) heaven ny\sa;(hc\;) [nE za: (hin;)] n cooked food, to be eaten
CF ekac\;kc\BMu Arv\eqak\' AtiuÏA®mHop\
with rice CF
ny\S^ [nE zi] n ointment, liniment, medicinal oil
nib`an\k¨;tiuÏ [nei' ban gådo.] n ferry giving service free of
charge, provided by a donor to gain merit ny\Pt\ [nE hpa'] v mix well, blend
nib`an\kun\ [nei' ban kon] n ‹religious goods such as ny\2 [nE] n ∏1) territory, part of a country; country (as
robes, Buddha images, etc opposed to capital) 2) jurisdiction, territorial range of
nib`an\ek¥ac\; [nei' ban kyaung:] n ‹building in which a authority
priest's body is laid before cremation ny\k¥U\; [nE kyin:] v (of thought, ideas, knowledge) be
nib`an\eSa\ [nei' ban zaw] n person who goes around a narrow, be limited, be restricted A NT ny\k¥y\
community exhorting people to make merit [? pls ny\k¥y\ [nE kyE] v (of thought, ideas, knowledge) be
explain a bit more] broad, be comprehensive A NT ny\k¥U\;
nib`an\eZ; [nei' ban ze:] n free food stall set up at ny\kÁM [nE kyun] v go beyond set limits, boundaries, etc
celebration or festival S YN ny\lXn\
nib`an\ePac\ [nei' ban hpaung] n [? check] ny\KM [nE gan] n local, resident CF edqKM
nib`an\yaU\ [nei' ban yin] n 1) hearse, vehicle for ny\K¥´> [nE chE.] v ∏colonise; extend territory at the
transporting a dead body 2) ‹teaching which will lead expense of others [ pe]
one to nib`an\ 3) free public transport, provided by donor — n ∏expansionist; colonialist, imperialist
to earn merit ny\®Ka; [nE gya:] n ∏border area; frontier area; line
nib`iN» [nei' bein da.] n ‹weariness of dukƒ (suffering), disgust [ pe]
with the world ny\®Ka;mxt\tiuc\ [nE gya: hma' tain] n boundary marker
nm\; [nan:] v 1) smell Ω Aqa; nm\;Âkv\.sm\; put\enqla;" ny\sa;py\sa; [nE za: pE za:] n Ó∏feudal lord; lord of a
Smell the meat – is it spoiled? CF emW;' RØ 2) kiss; nuzzle territory
Ω nm\; passionate kiss ny\sv\; [nE zi:] n ∏border
nm\;Tup\ [nan: to'] n cloth bag with roasted fennel seeds, ny\sp\ [nE za'] n ∏border, boundary; border area [ pe]
used as an inhalant by pregnant women ny\sXn\ny\P¥a; [nE zun nE bya:] n remote area; outskirts [?
nm\;sup\ [nan: so'] n (French) kissing check sense]
nm\;ROp\ [nan: sho'] v 1) nuzzle, caress with nose 2) kiss ny\Sc\; [nE hsin:] v ∏(of officials) visit remote areas
nam\ [nan] n 1) [gram] noun CF wåsgç part of speech 2) soul; ny\nimit\ [nE nåmei'] n ∏boundary, border, outer limit
mind CF Rup\ of a territory
nam\sa; [nan za:] n [gram] pronoun CF wåsgç part of speech ny\nimit\qt\ [nE nåmei' tha'] v ∏demarcate a border
nim\ [nein] v fall; subside; settle CF nip\2 ny\Nxc\ [nE hnin] v ∏banish, exile; expel (from territory)
nimµanrti [nein ma nåråti>] n fifth level in the six levels of
heavens CF nt\® pv\e®Kak\Tp\ ny\py\ [nE pE] n 1) ∏administrative unit in a state

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 225

ny\ ª NXa;
S YN ny\e®m 2) field (of study, inquiry, etc) cowboy (Am)
ny\Bk\ [nE be'] v ∏civil department NXa;k¥s\ [någyi'] n red-brown cattle
ny\e®m [nE mye] n 1) ∏administrative unit in a state NXa;eÂka. [någyaw.] n racing ox
S YN ny\ py\ 2) (industrial) site, estate; (university, NXa;eÂkac\ [någyaung] n cattle with two-coloured coat [?
institute) campus 3) area Ω Ank\erac\ny\e®m black area, def check]
i.e., area out of government control [? ok? add to black?] NXa;ekÁ;etac\; [någywe: taung:] n feedbag for cattle [?
def check]
ny\rxc\py\rxc\ [nE shin pE shin] n ∏lord, ruler of a certain NXa;eK¥;piu; [nau' chi: bo:] n scarab beetle, dung beetle
territory NXa;ct\erk¥ [någna' ye gya.] adv uncontrollably,
ny\lu [nE lu.] v fight for control over a certain territory unrestrainably L IT : ‘like thirsty cattle at the water’
ny\lXn\ [nE lun] v go beyond set limits, boundaries, etc NXa;sa;k¥k\ [nwa: zågye'] n pasture, land for grazing
S YN ny\kÁM NXa;sa;k¥c\; [nwa: zågyin:] n manger, trough for cattle to
ny\lxv\. [nE hlE.] n 1) ∏tour a jurisdiction 2) go on eat from
(a) tour NXa;sa;cut\ [nwa: zångo'] n kind of plant used in
ny\qs\ [nE thi'] n ∏new territory traditional medicine
ny\qt\ [nE tha'] v 1) make a distinction (between, NXa;tc\;kup\ [nwa: tin: go'] n cattleshed, barn
among); delimit 2) delegate (responsibility, work, etc); NXa;T^; [nåhti:] n bull; (if castrated) bullock, ox, steer
partition [? is this the word that is used for dividing NXa;enak\ [nånau'] n mythun, gayal, domesticated wild
countries, e.g., India Pakistan? def check delimit] ox (illus)
3) ∏demarcate (border) NXa;nc\; [nånin:] n racing ox, harnessed on the right
ny\qt\ep; [nE tha' pe:] v divide (work, territory, etc) = NXa;liuk\ CF NXa;e®p;
[ pe] NXa;puKk\ [nwa: påkhe'] n cattle which rocks its belly
ny\qt\tiuc\ [nE tha' tain] n frontier areas; borderland NXa;epåÏ [nåbaw.] n rustled cattle, stolen cattle
[ pe] NXa;epåk\ [nåbau'] n young bull or bullock
ny\qt\m¥U\; [nE tha' myin:] n border NXa;piuk\ [nåbai'] n bull
ny\3 [nE] n temple, part of a loom used to keep the cloth NXa;p¥io [nåbyo] n young bull; young ox, young bullock
stretched to the correct width [ tx] Ω NXa;p¥ioqn\ lx NXa;Aiuepåc\k¥io;qelak\rxi" A strong young
ny\kn\ [nE kan] v stretch a web taught (using a temple) bullock is only as strong as an old bull with a broken leg.
(illus) NXa;“p^; [nåbyi:] n steer, ox, bullock
ny\s¨; [nE zu:] v [? def] NXa;e®p; [nåbye:] n racing ox, harnessed on the left
ny\4 [nE] n playing piece representing foot soldier in CF NXa;nc\;' NXa;liuk\
ss\turc\ (Burmese chess) NXa;pX´ [nwa: bwe:] n cattle market
ny\qalc\ [ne tha lic] n ∏the Netherlands CF eha\ln\; NXa;m [nåma.] n cow
Holland [? is this right? Also, do you use Dutch?] NXa;mtm\; [nåmådan:] n heifer, young cow
niœy [nei' thåya.] n 1) word-by-word translation of Pali NXa;m^;K¥ [nåmi: cha.] v build a fire to drive mosquitoes
texts 2) protocol, established procedure to follow or away from cattle
refer to = niœrv\; NXa;mun\®KMTut\ [nåmon: chan do'] n [fig] reject, person who
niœrv\; [nei' thåyi:] n 1) word-by-word translation of Pali has been sent away from a group
texts 2) protocol, established procedure to follow or NXa;m¥k\si [nwa: mye' si>] n 1) iron bushing at hub of
refer to = niœy 3) method cartwheel = Sit\m¥k\si 2) balloon vine = kula;m¥k\si
N¥aqk¥m\; [nya tha. kyan:] n title of a text on Pali grammar NXa;“m^;kXc\; [nåmyi: gwin:] n bird snare made from cattle
= ˆaq\k¥m\; tail hair
N¥økliy [nyu kåli> ya] n nucleus [Engl] NXa;e®mrc\; [nåmye yin:] n kind of grass used in traditional
N¥økl^;ya;Dat\epåc\;Piu [nyu kåli: ya: da' paung po] n nuclear medicine
reactor, nuclear pile NXa;R¨;rxø;Tiu; [nåyu: shu: do:] n [fig] heedlessly, like a bull
N¥øTrXn\ [nyu htårun] n neutron [Engl] in a china shop (fig)
NXa; [nwa: (nå)] n 1) (head of) cattle; bull µ NXa;piuk\; cow ƒ NXa;Riuc\;qXc\;K¥in\ [nåyain: thwin: gyein] n sundown L I T : ‘time
NXa;m; ox, steer, bullock NXa;“p^; 2) cleat supporting the wall to bring the cattle home’
of a frame house NXa;lpiuÏ [nwa: låbo.] n cattle's hump
NXa;kn\ [någan] n switch, long, flexible branch used to NXa;la;UqB [nwa: la: o' thåhpa.] n leading bull of a herd
drive cattle S YN lxc\kn\ NXa;liuk\ [nålai'] n racing ox, harnessed on the right
NXa;kn\”kio; [någan gyo:] n reins (for cattle) = NXa;nc\; CF NXa;e®p;
NXa;k¥ [nwa: kya.] v [fig] be an ass (fig), be stupid NXa;lm\; [nwa: lan:]n ©apparent position of the sun
NXa;ek¥ak\ [nwa: gyau'] n cowpox from 20 May to 19 Sept CF Sc\lm\;' Sit\lm\;
NXa;ek¥ac\;qa; [nwa: kyaung: dha:] n cattleherd, cowhand, NXa;lYa”k^; [nåsha gyi:] n vine used to make medicine to

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 226

eNX ª Nxa
prevent smallpox with one-to-one rhyme [ wr]
NXa;wn\tc\ [nwa: wun din] n pack-ox NXy\ta [nwE ta] n [arch] Wazo, first month of the rainy
NXa;qiu; [nåtho:] n bull = NXa;“p^; season CF wåSiu
NXa;qiu;”kio;®pt\ [nåtho: kyo: pya'] adv out of control, Nxm [hnåma.] n (younger) sister (of a man)
wildly NxmsMuemX; [hnåmåzon mwe:] n two children, one male and
NXa;qiu;eÂkac\ [nåtho: gyaung] n unsuccessfully castrated one female = Nxs\på;sMuemX;
bull Nxe®ma [hnåmyaw:] v 1) regret the loss of sthg, miss sthg
eNX [nwe] n hot season, dry season; (in temperate climate) 2) be stingy, be mean
summer Nxe®matq [hnåmyaw: tåtha.] v feel the loss of sb, sthg
eNXeKåc\eKåc\ [nwe khaung gaung] n height of hot season; NxlMu; [hnålon:] n heart
height of summer, dog days NxlMu;Kun\ [hnålon: khon] v (of heart) beat fast, throb,
eNXyU\sXn\;Ki¥n\ [nwe yin zun: gyein] n June solstice, 21 June palpitate CF rc\Kun\
NxlMu;Kun\NOn\; [hnålon: khon hnon:] n heart rate CF eqX;Kun\NOn\;
eNXU^; [nwe u:] n onset of hot season; (in temperate pulse; eqX;tiu;NOn\; blood pressure
climate) spring S YN wqN| NxlMu;®po [hnAlon; pyu.] v make up one's mind, decide [? new
eNXU^;epåk\ [nwe u: bau'] n beginning of the hot season; JO notes]
(in temperate climate) early summer NxlMu;qM [hnålon: than] n heartbeat
eNX; [nwe:] adj warm; tepid, lukewarm NxlMu;eKX> [hnålon: khwe.] v be delighted [? joyful?]
eNX;eTX; [nwe: htwe:] adj warm [? pron check] NxlMu;tun\ [hnålon: ton] v tremble, be agitated (with fear,
eNX;eNX;eTX;eTX; [nwe: nwe: htwe: dwe:] adv warmly, snugly, etc)
cozily NxlMu;na [hnålon: na] v be disgusted S YN NxlMu;eAa.
NX´> [nwE.] v 1) sway, move gracefully; be pliant, be flexible NxlMu;piuk\ [hnålon: paik] v accept and take into account,
2) (of behaviour) be charming, be dainty 3) (of voice) have at heart, bear in mind S YN NxlMu;qXc\;
be plaintive; be wheedling 4) be languid, be weak; be NxlMu;®po [hnålon: pyu.] v take to heart, take (sb's words,
wimpy (inf) advice, etc) very seriously [? def check]
NX´>Siu;Siu; [nwE. zo: hso:] v wheedle; take advantage of sb's NxlMu;eragå [hnålon: yaw: ga] n heart disease
goodness, affection, etc NxlMu;rv\ [hnålon: yi (ye)] n intelligence; wisdom
NX´>enac\; [nwE. naung:] adj graceful, willowy; soft and CF lk\ RuM;rv\ fighting skill
attractive NxlMu;lx [hnålon: hla.] v be good-hearted; be noble
NXM [nun] n swamp, mire, marsh, bog Ω pt†®ma;mxn\ NXMmns\" A real NxlMu;qa; [hnålon: tha:] n heart
ruby will not sink in the mire. Someone of real quality will NxlMu;qa;m´. [hnålon: mE.] adj be heartless, be hard-hearted
not sink into obscurity. NxlMu;eqX;p¥k\ [hnålon: thwe: pye'] v feel one's heart stop;
— v 1) sink; plunge 2) take a humble attitude, be have a bad shock
submissive 3) be subdued NxlMu;qXc\; [hnålon: thwin] v accept and take into account,
NXMna [nun na] v be obedient, be submissive have at heart, bear in mind S YN NxlMu;piuk\
NXMnaKM [nun na khan] v tolerate, bear, submit without Nxa [hna] n 1) nose 2) snuff; substance to be sniffed or
complaint snorted RF NxaeS;' rxøeS;. 3) lust, desire (pun on %xa)
NXm\; [nun: (nwan:)] v 1) wilt (pn\;~); wither; fade Nxaks\ [hna ki'] v [? check def]
(fv{Aerac\~) 2) be exhausted, be worn out RF NXm\; ny\. NxaeÂkac\; [hna gyaung:] n (line of) mortar (between
NXm\;ny\ [nwan: nE] v be exhausted, be worn out bricks, stones, etc)
NXm\;på; [nwan: pa:] v be poor S YN Sc\;r´ NxaeKåc\; [hnåkhaung:] n [hnågaung:] 1) nose; snuff,
NXm\;ri [nwan: yI] v 1) be tired out, be worn out, be substance to be sniffed or snorted
exhausted 2) be run down, be decrepit, be dilapidated NxaeKåc\;k¥v\epX>etX> [hnåkhaung: gyåbwe. twe.] v [fig] be
in a difficult situation, have difficulties [? use check]
NXm\;l¥ [nwan: hlya.] v be enervated, suffer from exhaustion
NxaeKåc\;epåk\ [hnåkhaung: bau'] n nostril
NXy\ [nwE] n 1) vine, climbing plant 2) relative = ANXy\ NxaeKåc\;pit\ [hnåkhaung: pei'] v have a stuffy nose, have a
NXy\K¥io [nwE gyo] n liquorice (Br), licorice (Am) blocked nose CF Nxaes;
NXy\cn\; [nwE ngan:] n kind of large vine NxaeKåc\;yU\ [hnåkhaung: yin] v be used to a smell
NXy\sp\ [nwE za'] n large vine with white flowers NxaeKåc\;ROM> [hnåkhaung: shon.] v 1) wrinkle (up) one's
NXy\eyac\pc\eyac\ [nwE yaung pin yaung] n a vine-like 2) [fig] be dissatisfied; be disgusted, be revolted; turn
bush one's nose up at sthg [? strength check]
NXy\qak^ [nwE tha gi] n tree with pretty, poisonous NxaeKåc\;eqX;lYM [hnåkhaung: dhwe: shan] v have a
flowers nosebleed, have a bloody nose
NXy\qak^qM®Pt\ [nwE tha gi than bya'] n type of verse NxaeK¥ [hna che] v sneeze S YN eK¥St\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 227

Nx^; ª NOik\
Nxaes; [hna si:] v 1) have a running nose; have a blocked past (Upsa) 5) warm up (food) S YN eNW [? check -- for
nose 2) [fig] pretend not to notice sthg, turn a blind rehash, check intensity and cram ]
eye to (fig) [? abt sb's faults or bad deeds? or silently eNx; [hne:] adj slow CF ®Pv\;®Pv\;
reject? Also, is this also a noun?] eNx;kn\ [hne: kan] adj sluggish
NxatM [hna dan] n ridge of nose eNx;ekX; [hne: kwe:] adj sluggish, very slow to move,
NxatMepÅ [hna dan paw] v have a straight nose react, respond, etc [? check]
NxaNu [hna nu] n septum, division between nostrils eNx;ekX;el;lM [hne: kwe: le: lan] adj sluggish, slow and
NxaNxp\ [hna hna'] v 1) revive sb with the smell of betel heavy
leaves, scented water, smelling salts, etc 2) give snuff Nx´1 [hnE:] n œtraditional wind instrument (illus)
[? take snuff?] Nx´Kc\ [? what is this? connect to khin3?]
Nxaemac\; [hnåmaung:] n 1) (elephant, etc) trunk 2) (vine, Nx´2 [hnE:] v 1) knead 2) be sticky
climbing plant) tendril Nx´eka [hnE: gaw:] n snare with birdlime CF em¥ak\Nx´eS;
NxamOt\ [hna hmo'] v 1) snort, loudly expel air from nose Nx´tM [hnE: dan] n stick prepared with birdlime, used to
2) snort, sniff, inhale substances catch birds
NxamWn\ [hna hmun] v have a bad cold, with running nose, Nx´> [hnE.] v 1) loosen, lever, prise (Br), pry (Am) 2) [fig]
itchy eyes, and sneezing disturb, agitate (sb) [? check]
Nxaerac\ [hnåyaung] n bridge of the nose eNxa [hnaw:] v mix, merge, add (to), mingle (with)
Nxarv\ [hna yi (ye)] n mucus (in the nose), snot (inf) NxM1 [hnan] v 1) entrust 2) [colloq] hit, pound, thrash, thump,
Ω Nxa rv\ yiue nty\" My nose is running.
lay into 3) [colloq, fig] lay into, say or do sthg to hurt
Nxarv\Sup\ [hna yi zo'] n balls of rice flour and palm sugar sthg
NxM2 [hnan] n 1) ear (of corn, grain, rice, etc) RF ANMx. (illus)
NxaRXp\ [hna yu'] n hollow above bull elephant's eye,
2) grasshopper RF NxMekac\.
which contains the must gland = mun\tXc\;
NxMekac\ [hnan kaung] n grasshopper
Nxarxø [hna shu] v take snuff [? really? or sniffle?] NxMsa;e®pac\; [hnan za: pyaung:] n millet [? isn't there
NxarxøeS; [hna shu hse:] n antihistamine, medicine which another word?]
dries mucus
NxM®Pt\piu; [hnan hpya' po:] n caterpillar which attacks rice
NxaROp\”kio; [hna sho' kyo:] n halter for an animal with a ears
nPa; (hole in its nose) CF nPa;”kio;
NxM(“p^)sut\ [hnan (pyi) zo'] n purple sunbird
NxaqM [hna dhan] n 1) nasal sound, such as [? examples in NxMÏ [hnan.] v 1) spread out, spread widely 2) be everywhere,
bse?] 2) nasal voice
be in many places, be all over Ω ®mn\ma®pv\eta.NxMen“p^"
Nx^; [hni:] v 1) spread under, place under 2) be close, be
You've been all over Myanmar. 3) be sufficient
connected, join
NxMÏsp\ [hnan. za'] v 1) be everywhere, be all over 2) be well-
— n split bamboo strips used to make mats, baskets, informed, be experienced
thatch roofs, etc
NxMÏqi®mc\ [hnan. thi> myin] v be wise [? check]
Nx^;eÂkaP¥a' Nx^;eKåk\P¥a [hni: gyaw: hpya, hni: gau' hpya] n
NOi; [hno:] v 1) wake (sb up), awaken (sb) 2) start (up);
mat woven with outer part of bamboo
Nx^;K¥v\ [hni; chi] n [? check] NOi;sk\(nar^) [hno: ze' (na yi)] n alarm (clock)
Nx^;KXk\ [hni: gwe'] n lacquered cup woven from bamboo NOi;eSa\ [hno: zaw] v 1) urge; remind 2) activate
S YN eSa\
Nx^;Tiu; [hni: hto:] v split bamboo into strips S YN Nx^;®Pa NOi;eSa\sa [hno: zaw za] n reminder, notice
Nx^;eNxa [hni: hnaw:] v discuss, consult NOi;SX [hno: hswa.] v stir up, activate, inspire; agitate
Nx^;eNxaPlxy\pX´ [hni: hnaw: hpåhlE bwE:] n seminar, Nxk\ [hne'] v 1) beat S YN ®pv\. [? ?] 2) beat, hammer
S YN TuRiuk\ 3) [fig] attack S YN eSa\ [? check]
Nx^;NWy\ [hni: hnwE] v be related; be connected
eNxak\ [hnau'] v 1) make water, etc cloudy (by disturbing
Nx^;®Pa [hni: hpya] v split bamboo into strips S YN Nx^;Tiu; sediments) 2) [fig] stir up (trouble, hatred, etc) (Upsa);
Nx^;wå; [hni: wa:] n kind of bamboo suitable for splitting disturb, perturb [? include annoy now hnaung. she']
and weaving
Nx^;wå;elac\; [hni: wålaung:] n length of bamboo ready to NOik\1 [hnai'] v 1) put hand all the way into bag, pocket, etc
be split
2) take sthg out (of bag, etc), pick (pocket) CF Kå;piuk\NOik\
Nx^;qc\ [hni; thin] [? check] 3) [fig] go (deeper) into, explore (problem, issue, etc)
Nx^;A¨ [hni: u] n bamboo strips from the pithy inner part of 4) draw out (views, opinions, facts, etc) CF ska;NOik\
the bamboo
5) tuck [? ???]
NØ; [hnu:] v 1) soak (in liquid to soften) 2) [fig] soften up, NOik\NOik\KÁt\KÁt\ [hnai' hnai' chu' chu'] adv in detail, fully,
persuade (Upsa) 3) [fig] review, revise, study (what was
thoroughly S YN ss\ss\epåk\epåk\
learned before), (inf) swot (Upsa) 4) [fig] revive the
NOik\NOik\Nx´Nx´ [hnai' hnai' hnE: hnE:] adv incisively,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 228

NOik\' Ò ª NiOc\;
penetratingly [? how used?] Nxc\;kX´ [hnin: kwE:] v (of fog, mist) lift, dissolve, rise
NOik\' Ò2 [ ; hnai'] ppm ¬marker used to show time or place Nxc\;Kå;Riuk\ [hnin: ga: yai'] v be blighted (by frost), be
= ™mxa frostbitten
Nxc\ [hnin] v 1) drive out, drive away (from home, etc); Nxc\;K¨ [hnin: gu] n eczema, itchy red skin condition
banish, expel, exile RF Nxc\K¥' Nxc\Tut\. [? check syn] Nxc\;K¨siu [hnin: gu so] n weeping eczema
2) drive (esp cart) S YN emac\; Nxc\;K´ [hnin: gE:] n (fallen) snow
Nxc\K¥ [hnin cha.] v drive out, drive away (from home, etc); Nxc\;S^ [hnin: zi] n rose
banish, expel, exile Nxc\;S^erac\ [hnin: zi yaung] n rose, pinkish red colour
Nxc\tM [hnin dan] n goad, stick, cane, etc used to drive Nxc\;tk\ [hnin: de'] n tea leaves that sprout when it is
animals; (riding) crop foggy
Nxc\Tut\ [hnin hto'] v drive out, drive away (from home, Nxc\;pit\ [hnin: pei'] v be foggy
etc); banish, expel, exile Nxc\;pn\;⁄ [hnin: ban:] n 1) tuberose, and some similar
Nxc\Nxc\ [hnin hnin] adv 1) actually, in truth, in reality, in fact flowers 2) lily
S YN qamv' nx y\Nxy\-rr 2) in the same way, similarly Nxc\;pXc\. [hnin: bwin.] n snowflake
S YN sc\ss\' Tp\t¨ Nxc\;PX´ [hnin: bwE:] n fog, mist CF mc\;lXc\' ®møKiu;
Nxc\.1 [hnin.] 1) and, together with Ω Aemn´Ï-AePn´Ïvmn´Ï Nxc\;rv\ [hnin: ye] n 1) rosewater 2) rose syrup
ka;emac\; qc\tn\; tk\enty\" My mother, father and sister 3) essence (of flower, fruit, etc), essential oil, attar
are taking a driving course. = ™ n´Ï 2) with, by; because Nxc\;q^; [hnin: dhi:] n lychee [? how to spell now?]
of Ω ka;Nxc\.qXa;my\" He will go by car. Ω tut\”k^;Nxc\.Riuk\my\" I Nxc\;qt\ [hnin: tha'] n impregnate with attar, scent with
will hit you with a big stick. Ω kc\;mr' g¥k\etXSX´taNxc \. attar, essential oil, etc
RuM;ty\" I couldn't get a king, I kept drawing jacks, so I Nxc\;qp\ [hnin: tha'] n annoint with attar, essential oil,
lost. = n´Ï' ®Pc\. 3) with, to Ω eAac\e Aac\ Nxc \. etc
ska;e®paK¥c\ty\" I want to speak to Aung Aung. Ω miBNxc\. Nxc\;Ÿ(Ap\) [hnin: (a')] v confer, grant, bestow = Ap\Nxc\;
ASk\AqXy\mrxieta.B¨;" She has no contact with her Nxc\;Niu;' Nxc\;pn\;Ÿ' Nxc\;pn\;Niu; [hnin: ban:] v Ólook alike, be
parents anymore. 4) ¬particle suffixed to a negative similar to = Tc\;pn\;
verb to form imperative Ω eqX; meqak\Nxc\." Do not drink
eNxac\ [hnaung] v tie (up), bind, truss CF qeyaÚÚÚ??? [?
blood. Ω mnk\® Pn\mlaNxc\." Do not come tomorrow. S YN r
= ™ n´Ï' Ó lc\. 5) (in relation) to Ω Ai m\Nxc\.n^; t.´ close to
eNxac\”kio; [hnaung gyo:] n 1) rope (used to tie sb, sthg
home Ω q¨TiuÏNxc\.Siuc\rc\ compared to them Ω d^haNxc\.-hiuhaNxc \.
up) 2) [fig] bond, ties
mt¨ÂkB¨;" This one is different from that one. Ω A´d^ AkÇ¥Nxc\.
d^luMK¥v\Nxc\. mliu\k\B¨;" That shirt doesn't go with this longyI
eNxac\”kio;tv\; [hnaung gyo: tE:] n tether, tie, bind
4) with, in a certain way; for a certain amount Ω “pMo;sisiNxc \.
eNxac\K¥ioc\. [hnaung gyain.] n cage CF elxac\K¥ioc\.
with a knowing smile Ω Amxt\-Am¥a;SMu; Nxc\. eAac\®mc\eqa\-
eNxac\Aim\ [hnaung ein] n Ókeep CF AK¥op\
eÂkac\;qa; the student with the highest score eNxac\.1 [hnaung.] v bother, disturb, annoy; hinder, impede
Ω (9000)Nxc\. erac\my\ I'll sell it for 9000 kyats. 5) and, right eNxac\.eNx; [hnaung. hne:] v be delayed, be hindered, be
after; because of, what with Ω AKn\; wc\taNxc\. eAa\ty\" He impeded
entered the room and shouted. Ω kb¥asp\taNxc \. eNxac\.yxk\ [hnaung. she'] v bother, disturb, interrupt,
enak\k¥eta. hiuk¶øNxc\. qip\enak\k¥ty\ mhut\B¨;" I'm late annoy
because I had to write a poem; but not much, what with it eNxac\.2 [hnaung.] n 1) back of a knife, sword, etc 2) spine of a
being haiku. 6) ahead, in advance: suffix to verb to show book
earlier happening [? Okay Aung Aung: one example for eNxac\; [hnaung:] v be late
this meaning, plus can you think of more meanings? eNxac\;siu [hnaung: so] n [arch] the far future
plus do the same for the n´Ï spelling] eNxac\;tn\K¨; [hnaung: dågu:] n part of the month of tn\K¨;
Nxc\.v^sXa [hnin. nyi zwa] part in keeping with, in before the new year CF U^;tn\K¨; [? what about the part
accord(ance) with, in harmony with, matching after? Also, I thought this was the first month -- please
Nxc\.tkX [hnin. dågwa.] adv (along) with, including explain]
Nxc\.ts\“pioc\nk\ [nE. tåbyain ne'] adv at the same time as, NiOc\ªNiuc\ [hnain] v can, be able to
simultaneously NiOc\; [hnain:] v compare
Nxc\.AkX [hnin. ågwa.] adv (along) with, including NiOc\;K¥c\.' Niuc\;K¥in\ [hnain: chin., hnain chein] v be sceptical,
Nxc\.At¨ [hnin. åtu] ppm with, including consider the pros and cons S YN K¥c\.K¥in\' NiOc\;S
Nxc\.AmY [hnin. åhmya.] ppm while, equal to NiOc\;sa [hnain: sa] v 1) compare with 2) be considerate
Nxc\;1 [hnin:] n 1) fog, mist RF Nxc\;PX´. 2) dew 3) snow 4) frost S YN Niuc\;eTak\
NiOc\;S [hnain: hsa.] v be sceptical, consider the pros and
Nxc\;kaAk¥Ç [hnin: ga in: gyi] n cape [? check] cons S YN K¥c\.K¥in\' NiOc\K¥c\.' NiOc\;K¥in\
Nxc\;k¥ [hnin: kya.] v (of snow, dew) fall; (of mist, fog) set NiOc\;eTak\ [hnain: htau'] v 1) compare with 2) be
in, form; (of weather) be foggy CF ®mø considerate S YN Niuc\;sa

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 229

Nxs\ ª Nxt\
NiOc\;yxU\ [hnain: shin] v compare Nxs\Tp\kXm\; [hnåhta' kwan:] n twice; second time
NiOc\;yxU\K¥k\ [hnain: shin gye'] n comparison Nxs\Tp\qkçn\; [hnåhta' thin gan;] n double-layered monk's
NiOc\;rtra; [hnain: ya. tåya:] n relativity [? check] robe S YN duku!\
NiOc\;eqX; [hnain: thwe:] v compare Nxs\på;sMu [hnåpa: zon] n married couple, husband and wife
Nxs\1 [hni'] n year CF qk¶raz\ — adj jointly acquired by husband and wife
Nxs\k¨; [hni' ku:] v (of new year) begin, come Nxs\på;sMu®mc\' Nxs\på;sMuemX; [hnåpa: zon myin, hnåpa: zon mwe:] n
Nxs\kXc\; [hni' kwin:] n growth ring (of a tree) S YN qk\rs\ children of the same parents
Nxs\K¥io> [hni' cho.] adj vintage, seasoned, old, weathered Nxs\på;qXa; [hnåpa: dhwa:] [hnåpa: thwa:] n romantic dance by
Nxs\K¥c\;epåk\ [hni' chin: bau'] adv within a year; for the year male and female dancers
— v be involved (with, in)
Nxs\K¥op\ [hni' cho'] adj annual, the year together — adj 1) (ring, bracelet) with a double row of gems
Ω Nx s\K¥op\rxc\; tm\; annual statement of accounts 2) (harrows) tandem, double, side-by-side or one after
Ω Nx s\K¥op\ As^ rc\KM sa annual report the other
— n yearbook, annual Nxs\epåk\(qM) [hnåpau' than] n œ 1) second highest note
Nxs\sU\eÂk; [hni' sin gye:] n subscription; annual fee in the traditional musical scale,equivalent to European B
Nxs\Sn\;ts\rk\ [hni' hsan: tåye'] n New Year's Day CF AqM 2) key based on this note

CF Nxs\qs\k¨;-A”kioenÏ Nxs\Pk\KÁn\ [hnåhpe' chun] n 1) throwing stick with

Nxs\tiu; [hni' to:] n 1) annual rise (Br) or raise (Am) sharpened ends 2) [fig] sb who creates rivalry between
2) annual interest groups 3) bisexual [? what are these other words here?]
Nxs\Tp\tiu; [hni' hta' to:] n compound annual interest
Nxs\priesÍd [hni' påre' hse da.] n many (long) years Nxs\eyak\ts\tX´ [hnåyau' tådwE] adv (of people) two-by-
Nxs\epåc\; [hni' paung:] adv years (ago, from now, etc) two
Ω Nx s\e påc\;-(20)-rxi“p^ it has been 20 years [? check: esp can it Nxs\lMu;®pø; [hnålon: byu:] n double-barrelled gun
be used for future?] Nxs\U^;Nxs\Pk\ [hnåu: hnåhpe'] n both sides, both parties
Nxs\pt\lv\ [hni' pa' lE] adj annual, yearly, time after one Nxs\U^;Nxs\w [hnåu: hnåwa.] n both people
year has elapsed [? not anniversary? need some Nxs\3 [hni'] v 1) immerse, put under water; dip 2) [fig]
examples] demean, lower, degrade (oneself, others), do harm (to)
Nxs\e®mak\ [hni' myau'] adj anniversary (of) Ω (14)-Nxs\e®mak\ Ω kel;-Aliu liuk\ta K¥s\ra merak\p´ Nxs\raerak\ty\"
14th anniversary Spoiling a child does not amount to love; it is doing him
Nxs\rxv\lm¥a; [hni' she la. mya:] adv for a long time harm. 3) [fig] sacrifice
Nxs\lv\ [hni' lE] v be a year, make a year Nxs\“Kiok\ [hni' chai'] v like, be pleased with, be happy with
Nxs\lv\Kk¥ø; [hni' lE kha kyu:] adv for many years S YN Nxs\“ mio>
Nxs\lMu;epåk\ [hni' lon: bau'] adv the whole year (round), all Nxs\®Kc\;mgçla [hni' chin: min gåla] n [Chr] baptism, blessing
year by immersion
Nxs\wk\ [hni' we'] n half a year Nxs\eTac\;Aa;rrxi [hni' htaung: a: ya. shi>] v be overjoyed
Nxs\qs\k¨; [hni' thi' ku:] n transition (from old to new Nxs\Nxs\kaka [hni' hni' ka ga] adv enthusiastically,
year) wholeheartedly
— v (of a new year) begin, come Nxs\Nxs\“Kiok\“Kiok\ [hni' hni' chai' chai']
adv eagerly, (trust,
Nxs\qs\k¨;A”kioenÏ [hni' thi' ku: åkyo ne.] n New Year's Eve believe, etc) unreservedly, (eat, etc) heartily, (enjoy
Nxs\2 [hni'] n two CF dutiy etc) keenly, (sleep) soundly, (work, read, etc) avidly
Nxs\kiuy\Âka; [hnåko gya:] n tête-à-tête, talk or meeting Nxs\“mio> [hni' myo.] v like, be pleased with, be happy with
between two persons only, confidential talk, private S YN Nxs\“Kiok\
meeting Nxs\liu [hni' lo] v be sweet and agreeable, be delightful [?
Nxs\kiuy\KX´ [hnåko gwE:] n dual rôle (in a movie), two check direction: need examples]
parts played by one actor Nxs\qk\(sMumk\) [hni' the' son me'] v love; be fond of, like
Nxs\kiuy\.ts\sit\ [hnåko. dåzei'] adv be of one mind, be in Nxs\qim\. [hni' thein.] v comfort, soothe, console
complete agreement Nxs\qim\.Su [hni' thein. hsu.] n consolation prize
Nxs\k¥ip\rxs\S¨pX´ [hnåkyei' shi' hsu bwE:] n ‹festival of the Nxt\1 [hna'] n heddles, loom harness
28 Buddhas, from tngçr Taningara to egåtm Gautama Nxt\ekak\ [hna' kau'] v 1) draw warp threads through
Nxs\eK¥ac\;cc\ [hnåchaung: ngin] n _¨ symbol the heddle 2) loom the web, mount warp threads
Nxs\Ss\lMu; [hni' hsi' lon;] n œsecond drum from the left in Nxt\ek¥a\ [hna' kyaw] v skip a thread, causing an
the drum circle CF Siuc\;wiuc\; imperfection in the weave
Nxs\tn\;Ba; [hnåtan: ba:] n parallel bars Nxt\”kio; [hna' kyo:] n heddle, harness of a loom
Nxs\Tp\kin\; [hnåhta' kein:] n [math] square (number) Nxt\eÂkac\;ep; [hna' kyaung: pe:] v 1) split a deck of
Nxs\Tp\kin\;rc\; [hnåhta' kein: yin:] n square root cards (so it will be cut to one's advantage) CF K¥io;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 230

Nxt\ ª NOt\
2) make a line (on paper, etc, to show where to cut) 2) say goodbye
3) hint at favours (to be given), make an indirect NOt\KXn\;Sk\ska; [hno' khun: hse' zåga:] n opening speech
appeal, argument, etc NOt\cMu [hno' ngon] adv (tell) from memory; learn by heart,
Nxt\eÂkac\;T´wc\ [hna' kyaung; dE; win] v unknowingly learn by rote
contribute to sb's plan — n [fig] pregnancy CF kiuy\wn\
Nxt\kXc\; [hna' kwin:] n heddle eye, eyelet in the heddle NOt\cMueSac\ [hno' ngon hsaung] v 1) commit to memory,
through which warp thread is passed; heald-eye memorise 2) have learned by heart, be able to tell,
Nxt\SM [hna' hsan] n warp thread which has been passed recite, etc from memory S YN NOt\tk\r' AaguMeSac\
through the heddle eye NOt\slYas [hno' sa. sha za.] n eloquence, ability to speak
Nxt\SX´B¨; [hna' hswE: bu:] n pulleys on the beam of the persuasively, effectively, or forcefully
loom NOt\esac\. [hno' saung.] v 1) speak guardedly, be cautious
Nxt\piu;tM [hna' po: dan] n bar reinforcing the heald rod of what one says 2) be able to keep a secret S YN NOt\lMu
Nxt\emac\; [hna' maung:] n lever operating the heddles
Nxt\lWa; [hna' hlwa:] n pair of heddles NOt\eSa. [hno' hsaw.] v tattle, let the cat out of the bag
Nxt\q^tM [hna' thi dan] n heald rod (Upsa), tell a secret, speak carelessly
Nxt\2 [hna'] v inhale (medicine) NOt\Sk\ [hno' hse'] v 1) greet, say hello 2) say
NOt\ [hno'] n 1) mouth S YN på;sp\ CF KMtXc\; 2) [fig] speech, goodbye
voice, spoken word See also Nut\ CF Aa NOt\PX´ [hno' pwE:] n 1) farewell party CF ”kioSiupX´ [? ?]
NOt\kti [hno' gådi>] n word (Upsa), (oral, verbal) 2) farewell performance, swan song (Upsa)
promise NOt\Sk\Ae®mak\ [hno' hse' åmyau'] n (...) gun salute
NOt\kpå@\ [hno' gåba'] n ‹sayings of the Buddha (or NOt\tk\r [hno' te' ya.] v have learned by heart, be able to
other holy figures) CF mukƒpå@\ tell, recite, etc from memory S YN NOt\cMueSac\' AaRuMeSac\
NOt\k¥io; [hno' kyo:] v be used to an expression, way of
speaking, certain name for sb, etc NOt\tiuk\K¥ [hno' tai' cha.] v teach by dictation
NOt\k¥c\; [hno' kyin:] v gargle S YN plup\k¥c\; = NOt\tiuk\qc\
NOt\Âkm\; [hno' kyan:] adj (of language, words, etc) dirty, NOt\tiuk\e®pa [hno' tai' pyaw:] v give dictation, dictate
abusive NOt\tiuk\qc\ [hno' tai' thin] v teach by dictation
NOt\kÁM [hno' kyun] v make a verbal commitment, commit = NOt\tiuk\K¥
oneself (in speech) S YN ska;kÁM NOt\nv\; [hno' nE:] v be reticent, be laconic, say little
NOt\eÂkX;tc\ [hno' kywe: tin] v be responsible for not NOt\p¨lk\Âkm\; [hno' pu le' kyan:] adv with a sharp
keeping a (verbal) promise tongue; offensively, harshly
NOt\Km\; [hnåkhan:] n 1) lip(s) Ω NOt\Km\;kX´enty\" My lips NOt\epåÏ [hno' paw.] v 1) be fluent 2) be flippant, be glib
are chapped. 2) rim, brim Ω KXk\NOt\Km\; p´.enty\" The cup's
rim is chipped. 3) edge, brink Ω eK¥ak\NOt\Km\; An^; kiu NOt\pit\ [hno' pei'] v 1) muzzle (Upsa), silence, keep (sb)
mqXa;n´Ï" Don't go near the edge of the cliff. quiet, hush (sb) up, shut (sb) up, prevent sb from
NOt\Km\;kX´ [hnåkhan: gwE:] n harelip, cleft lip S YN NOt\Km\;p´. saying sthg, gag (inf) 2) keep silent, keep quiet, keep
NOt\Km\;s¨ [hnåkhan: su] v pout [? also purse lips?] mum
NOt\Km\;tln\pn\tln\ [hnåkhan: tålan wun tålan] v swear a NOt\pit\ [hno' pei' kha.] n hush money, bribe to keep sb
blue streak Upsa quiet, price for keeping one's mouth shut Ω NOt\pit\Kep;
NOt\Km\;n^ [hnåkhan: ni] n lipstick buy sb's silence
NOt\Km\;nc\; [hnåkhan: nin:] v [fig] flirt with (Upsa), be on NOt\®ps\tc\ [hno' pyi' tin] v blame
the edge (of), be on the verge of [? check verge] NOt\e®Psaem;pX´ [hno' hpye sa me: bwE:] v oral exam, viva
NOt\Km\;på; [hnåkhan: ba:] adj 1) thin-lipped 2) [fig] sharp- voce; oral defence (of thesis, etc)
tongued NOt\PXa [hno' hpwa] v blabber, have a loose tongue,
NOt\Km\;p´. [hnåkhan: bE.] n harelip, cleft lip S YN NOt\Km\;kX´ gossip, tattle; chatter
NOt\Km\;emX; [hnåkhan: hmwe:] n 1) moustach(e) NOt\e®Pem;KXn\; [hno' hpye me: gun:] n (oral) question
2) whiskers CF mut\Sit\ [? where? does one include the NOt\min\Ï [hno' mein.] n verbal order
other?] NOt\“min\ [hno' mein] v [? check]
NOt\Km\;emX;rit\ [hnåkhan: hmwe: yei'] v shave NOt\mOpva [hno' hmu. pyin nya] n rhetoric, oratory,
NOt\Km\;ya; [hnåkhan: ya:] v [fig] be itching to say sthg techniques of effective speaking, reciting, etc
S YN på;sp\ya; NOt\er;(NOt\ra) [hno' ye: (hno' ya)] n 1) oratory [? which
NOt\Km\;qa; [hnåkhan: tha:] n edge, rim def? also rhet?] 2) diplomacy
NOt\K¥io [hno' cho] adj sweet-talking S YN Ae®paK¥io NOt\r´ [hno' yE:] v be daring (in what one says)
NOt\KXn\; [hno' khun:] n (spoken) word, speech NOt\el; [hno' le:] v 1) be slow to speak, be reticent
NOt\(KXn\;)Sk\ [hno' (khun:) hse'] v 1) greet, say hello 2) speak slowly, drawl

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 231

Nxn\> ª p
NOt\lMu [hno' lon] v be close-mouthed, be able to keep a (Br), snap (Am)
secret Nxm\;1 [hnan:] n sesame Ω Nxm\; ts\es.n´Ï S^m®Ps\Niuc\" You can't make
NOt\lXy\ [hno' lwE] v be agreeable, be quick to agree oil out of one sesame seed.
NOt\lxMTiu; [hno' hlan hto:] v 1) provoke, needle, taunt Nxm\;”k^; [hnan: gyi:] n kind of sesame that takes 4 months
2) talk back, come back with to ripen
NOt\q^; [hno' thi:] n 1) muzzle, snout (of animal) Nxm\;Âkt\ [hnan: gya'] n flax; linseed S YN b^qXa
2) beak, bill (of bird) 3) spout (of kettle, teapot, etc) Nxm\;Kå [hnan: kha] v thresh (sesame)
NOt\q^;ekac\; [hno' thi: kaung:] v have a sharp tongue, Nxm\;KÁt\ [hnan: chu'] v shell sesame seeds
have a quick tongue Nxm\;eTac\; [hnan: daung:] n tahini, ground sesame seeds
NOt\qXk\(lYaqXk\e®pa [hno' thwe' (sha thwe' pyaw)] v Nxm\;p¥s\ [hnan: byi'] n sesame brittle
1) be fluent 2) be quick [? explain again, please] Nxm\;Pt\ [hnan: ba'] n sesame mass remaining after
Nxn\> [hnan.] v wag (tail, finger, etc); jiggle, shake (knees, milling for oil
feet, etc) Nxm\;Pt\ek¥ak\ [hnan: ba' kyau'] n granite
NOn\; [hnon:] n rate Ω miuc\NOn\; miles per hour; Ω raKiuc\NOn\; percent Nxm\;Pt\K¥U\ [hnåba' chin] n fermented sesame mass
— v Ócompare Nxm\;®Pø; [hnan: hpyu:] v [fig] paint the lily white, add
NOn\;Ta; [hnon: da:] n fixed rate [? check] unnecessary touches to show off one's knowledge, skill,
NOn\;PX´> [hnon: hpwE.] v compose, write [? only poem, or etc
also music?] Nxm\;l¥c\ [hnan: yin] n kind of quick-ripening sesame
Nxp\(eK¥;)1 [hna' (chi:)] n mucus (from the nose), snot (inf), Nxm\;2 [hnan:] v 1) be tinged (with) 2) be touched (in the
booger (inf, ch) CF Nxarv\' KÁ´' qlit\ head), be slightly insane, be (mentally, emotionally)
Nxp\vHs\ [hna' hnyi'] n blow one's nose unbalanced
Nxp\2 [hna'] v 1) cook sthg well, bring sthg to the proper Nxim\ [hnein] v 1) humiliate, belittle; degrade, demean 2) press
consistency, strength, etc Ω lk\Pk\rv\Nxp\ brewed tea (down); suppress 3) deduct; subtract = KuNxim\ 4) settle
2) tenderize (meat) 3) go back to sleep (after waking accounts, square up accounts
up); nap 4) [fig] swindle, cheat, con RF Nxp\K¥. Nxim\nc\; [hnein nin:] v suppress, put down; subdue, beat
Nxp\K¥ [hna' cha.] v swindle, cheat, con [? sure this is the Nxim\. [hnein.] v lower
correct hna'?] Nxim\.K¥ [hnein. cha.] v 1) humble 2) belittle
Nxp\K¥io> [hna' cho.] v plant with seeds used as a laxative Nxy\ [hnE] part 1) as, like, particle suffixed to a noun to
Nxp\ps\KMr [hna' pyi' khan ya.] v 1) be disgraced 2) meet one's mark similarity S YN ¬ qliu 2) particle suffixed to
downfall [? are you sure this doesn't belong in other nouns to show disapproval, exasperation, etc
hna'??] Nxy\Nxy\rr [hnE hnE ya. ya.] adj [usu neg] insignificant,
Nxp\eP¥a [hna' hpyaw] v rewarm tea unimportant, little
Nxp\rv\ [hna' ye] n brewed black tea (ready for mixing NWa [hnwa] v 1) peel, skin S YN KXa 2) [sl] beat S YN NWc\ [? check
with milk, sugar, etc) 2]
Nxip\ [hnei'] v 1) press, push (button, switch, key, etc) eNW;1 [hnwe:] v 1) warm sthg up; reheat 2) review, revise
2) massage 3) stamp, seal 4) [sl] eat, stuff oneself; (lessons); rehash (experience, history, grievance, etc)
drink, knock back, pound 5) [sl] thrash, pound, beat eNW;2 [hnwe:] v [arch] peel, skin, flay
Nxip\Âky\q^; [hnei' kyE thi:] n press stud (Br), snap (Am) NWy\ [hnwE:] v 1) participate, take part = Sc\NW´
= Nxip\es. (illus) 2) intertwine
Nxip\ [hnei' ku'] v 1) oppress 2) suppress NWc\ [hnwin] v 1) peel, skin S YN KXa' NWa [? also for dead
Nxip\es. [hnei' si>] n press stud (Br), snap (Am) = Nxip\Âky\q^; animals, fish etc?] 2) extract, pull out
NWy\ [hnwE] v 1) be descended from 2) be akin to, be very
Nxip\sk\(kl¨®po) [hnei' se' (kålu pyu.)]v 1) torture, torment similar to 3) be connected (to), be related (to)
2) persecute; mistreat, ill-treat, be cruel to = Sk\NWy\
Nxip\ny\ [hnei' nE] v 1) massage 2) oppress 3) suppress
Nxip\q^; [hnei' thi:] n 1) switch, (push)button 2) press stud

p1 [pa.]n 1) twenty-first consonant of the Myanmar script the tongue
2) symbol for ellipsis, ... S YN y' l CF epy¥al p2 [pa.] v 1) not have, be devoid of; be bereft of 2) dispel,
pesak\ [pa. zau'] n name of p quash; banish, get rid of 3) ignore, leave (sb) out;
pesak\ekX> [pa. zau' kwe.] n u-turn S YN gcy\ekX> exclude, omit, avoid 4) dismiss 5) exempt
pesak\Riu; [pa. zau' yo:] n p-shaped bone at the base of — n outside; sthg or somewhere beyond; sthg other

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 232

p ª pva
than S YN Ap' ™ (A)®pc\; A NT tXc\; with solidarily Ω d^ pœnakiu cåtiuÏ pKMu;K¥c\;yxU\“p^
— part suffix to a noun: outside, other than, apart from rc\Siuc\;ÂktaepåÏ" We will work together to overcome this
A NT tXc\; = Ap crisis. 3) try to start a fight Ω mc\;k cåÏkiu-la“p^pKMu;K¥c\;-yxU\K¥c\-
pkap¥U\ [båga byin] n plank of sapwood liula;" Are you trying to start a fight with me?
pkaqa; [båga dha:] n outer, lighter wood of a tree, pKMu;K¥c\;tiuc\; [påkhon; gyin dain;] v vie with
sapwood, alburnum = Akaqa; Ω kÁn\ e ta. qa;kb¥a kÁn\e ta.kiu pKMu;K¥c\;tiuc\;-e nty\" My son,
pep¥ak\ [pa. byau'] v disappear, be eradicated he comes along and tries to vie with me. S YN e®Kratiuc\;
plp\⁄ [pa. la'] v 1) dismiss (legal case) 2) be exempt pKMu;eTak\ [påkhon: dau'] n epaulette
(from taxes, tolls, etc) pKMu;Tm\; [påkhon: htan:] v (carry on the) shoulder
plp\e®m [pa. la' mye] n fallow land CF grn\e®m?? [? check — n person carrying things on shoulder, esp porter,
meaning and cfs] pedlar
plWa; [pa. hlwa:] v brag, boast, blow one's own horn pKMu;epåk\ [påkhon: pau'] v bruise one's shoulder
(Upsa), be immodest pKMu;e®pac\; [påkhon: pyaung:] v shift or transfer
Ap [Apa.] n outside; sthg or somewhere beyond; sthg responsibility Ω pKMu;e®pac\;ep; pass on responsibility
other than S YN Ap' ™ (A)®pc\; A NT AtXc\; Ω pKMu;e®pac\;y¨ accept responsibility Ω pKMu;e®pac\; tawn\ task left
— part suffix to a noun: outside, other than, apart from by a previous generation
A NT AtXc\; = p pKMu;Aiu; [påkhon: o:] n 1) deltoid muscle 2) armhole (in
p3 [pa.] v offer (to God, nats, the Buddha, etc) shirt)
pq [pa. tha.] v offer (to spirit, god, etc); give to win p®Kop\ [påcho'] n 1) lightly-lacquered woven box with deep,
favour Ω nt\kiu pqty\ offer to a nat tight cover 2) snake charmer's basket 3) woman who
p4 [pa.] v 1) be bright, shine, radiate, usu combined with sells sex, sex worker, prostitute CF ®pv\.tn\Sa
another verb S YN wc\; lk\ CF TXn\;p' etak\p p®Kop\Siuc\ [påcho' hsain] n brothel, bordello
— part suffixed to verb for emphasis Ω hut\phut\p right, p®Kop\qy\ [påcho' thE] n woman who sells sex, sex
right worker, prostitute CF ®pv\.tn\Sa
p5 [pa.] part suffixed to verb to show emphatic agreement peg; [påge:] n someone great, paragon, nonpareil, person
S YN påÏ' epåÏ who is unrivalled in a field Ω Alxpeg; a great beauty, a
pkti [bågådi>] n original, unaltered, normal or true state belle (Am) Ω pvapeg; savant
— adj natural, unaltered; normal; true S YN ®pket. pciu [pångo] n chiton, sea cradle, kind of shellfish
CF m¨l' pc\ kiu [ ph] psa;ep; [pa. za: pe:] v favour = påsa;ep;' U^;sa;ep;'
pktikM [bågådi> kan] n [gram] direct object m¥k\Nxaqaep;' Ael;ep;
pktipma% [bågådi> påma na.] n original size, amount, psipsp\ [båzi> båza'] adv inconsistently; (of talk) gossipy [ ph]
pktim¥k\si [bågådi> mye' si>] n naked eye pSs\ [påhsi'] n Ludo (Br), Parcheesi (Am), board game
pktiAtiuc\; [bågådi> ådain:] adv originally; truly; played on a board the shape of a cross, using cowrie
normally shells to indicate how far gamepieces can move
CF eÂkXes.' piu' k¥a; (illus) [? Aung Aung ask details from
pktiAp¨K¥in\ [bågådi> åpu gyein]
n 1) body temperature,
37˚C, 98.6˚F 2) ≈absolute temperature, degrees Kelvin Hpo Kala]
pSs\kXk\ [påhsi' kwe'] n chequered pattern
pkt¨; [bågådu:] n earliest times; origin, beginning, pSs\ps\ [påhsi' pyi'] v play Ludo or Parcheesi CF piuqXa;
genesis [ ph] pSs\Aim\ [påhsi' ein] n 1) cloth Ludo or Parcheesi board
pkaqn [påka thåna.] n ostentation, showy display CF gu%\ 2) [fig] hash, havoc, jumble
pkaqnlup\ [påka thåna. lo'] v (of person) be pSup\pn^ [påhso' påni] n kind of wasp
ostentatious pza [bAza] pron who; where; which; what S YN mv\qv\'
pkaqniykM [påka thå nI ya kan] n ‹excommunication (of a ABy\ By\q¨' Ba' By\ [ ph]
Bun\;”k^; (monk)) [ ety] pˆHa [pyin hnya] n problem, question; quandary Ω miliN»pˆHa
peka!i [påkaw: di>] n million million, billion (Br), trillion book on Alexander the Great's encounter with Buddhism in
(Am), 1,000,000,000,000 India [ ph]
pki%\; [påkein:] n variety; diversity [ pl] pvwå [pyin nyåwa] n wise person, sage [ ph]
pKMu; [påkhon:] n shoulder pva [pyin nya] n 1) learning; education; knowledge
Ω pvaha AqMu;-qip\mwc\ B¨;" Education is not very useful.
pKMu;K¥c\;yxU\ [påkhon: gyin shin] v 1) be at the same level;
be comrades Ω kÁn\ e ta. tiuÏ ANupva-lk\raetXk 2) wisdom; insight 3) skill, craft [ ph]
Niuc\cMtkaNxc\. pKMu;K¥c\;yxU\påty\" Our artwork is at an pvaek¥a\ [pyin nya gyaw] n learned person
international level. Ω mi n\metX ha eyak\¥a;etXNxc\. pvaKM [pyin nya gan] n foundation (of knowledge in a
pKMu;K¥c\;yxU\“p^ Alup\-lup\Niuc\ty\" Women and men can work certain subject)
equally. 2) stand, walk, etc shoulder to shoulder, i.e., pvaKÁn\ [pyin nya chun] v excel (in a field of study)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 233

pevac\pc\ ª pTm
— n expert (in a field) wit
pvaskƒo [pyin nya ka' kyu.] n insight pFiBan\ [påti> ban] n perception, analytical insight
pvasm\; [pyin nya san:] v challenge or question sb's pFim¨l [påti> mu la.] n [phil] antithesis CF m¨l' qp¨h
knowledge, skill, etc; test; quiz pFielam' pFilMu [påti> law: ma., påti> lon] n reverse or
pvaeta\qc\ [pyin nya daw thin] n person who wins a descending order A NT ANulMup!ilMu
government scholarship pFiewD [påti> we da.] n 1) discerning knowledge, incisive
pvatt\ [pyin nya ta'] v be educated comprehension of concepts; mental activity
— n educated person 2) ‹realisation; attainment of insight, higher spiritual
pvadqk [pyin nya da. thåka.] n age when one's intellect level
is maturing, one's forties, age 41–50 CF dqk pFiqNÎarska; [påti> than da ra. zåga:] n friendly greeting;
pvaep; [pyin nya pe:] v teach, educate welcome
pva®p [pyin nya pya.] v 1) show off one's knowledge or pFiqeNÎ [påti> than de (bådei' dhåde)] n 1) coming to be in a
skill 2) use knowledge or skill cleverly, to sb's new existence 2) pregnancy
disadvantage pFiqm±idåˆa%\ [påti> than bi> da nyan] n analytical
pvaer; [pyin nya ye:] n education; matters relating to introspection; analytical mind
education pFisßqmupJad\ [pådei' sa. thåmo' pa'] n ‹law of cause and
pvarc\NiuÏ [pyin nya yin no.] n [fig] fount of knowledge effect of Awiz«a (ignorance) and t%xa (desire) resulting
pvarv\KÁn\Su [pyin nya yi gyun hsu.] n scholastic award in the cycle of life after life [ ph]
pvarp\ [pyin nya ya'] n branch of studies, discipline, pFisßqmupJad\sk\wn\; [pådei' sa. thåmo' pa' se' wun;] n
subject ‹figure showing the cycle of rebirth [ ph]
pva‰xi [pyin nya shi>] n learned person, wise man, wise p@m [påhtåma.] n first = pTm
woman, sage Ω pva‰xi-qti®Ps\K´ even the wise can be p%am [påna ma.] n 1) gesture of respect or religious homage
mistaken 2) beginning of the first part of a book, speech, etc
pva‰xc\ [pyin nya shin] n specialist, professional, scholar
(of a subject; in a field) p%itdån [påni> ta. da na.] n charity given with honest earnings
pvaqa;på [pyin nya dha: pa] v be clever, be ingenious, [ pl]
be skilful pts [pa. ta. sa.] n ∏Union Party, party of U Nu’s 1960
pvaqc\ [pyin nya thin] v learn (subject, trade, etc) [pyin government CF®pv\eTac\supåt^ [? new gustaaf]
nya dhin] ptapn [påta påna.] n [cosml] seventh of the eight major
—n hells CF cr´”k^;
— n pupil; student; trainee; apprentice; learner pt¨cxk\ [bådu hnge'] n blue-bearded bee eater = p¥a;t¨cxk\
pvaqc\Nxs\ [pyin nya dhin hni'] n school or academic year, [ ph]
usu from June to March for schools pt¨pyc\ [bådu båyin] adv Ó(speak) courteously and
pvaqv\ [pyin nya thE] n 1) artisan, craftsman 2) witch graciously [ ph]
pevac\pc\ [pyin nyaung pin] n banyan tree = (®pv\)evac\pc\ petpta [både båda] adv Órespectfully [ ph]
[ ph] pt´eka [bådE: gaw:] n Œaromatic herb related to ginger
pvt\ [pyin. nya'] n ‹1) name, epithet; designation 2) sthg [ ph]
which is in name only 3) manifestation CF prmt\ [ ph pl] ptiu; [pådo:] n horn made of conch shell, buffalo horn, etc
CF tMpiu;
— v 1) name; designate 2) prescribe; promulgate petak\ [pådau'] n kind of small upright basket
3) forbid, prohibit petak\prs\ [bådau' påyi'] adv (say sthg) over and over in
pvt\K¥k\ [pyin. nya' che'] n 1) designation anguish
2) commandment 3) prohibition ptt\rp\ [båda' ya'] v (of horse) rear [ ph]
pvt\eta\ [pyin. nya' daw] n [relig] commandment ptun\pl´. [bådon bålE.] adv Óentirely [ ph]
pFi [påti>] part anti- pTm [påhtåma.] n first = p@m
pFiGat\ [påti> ga'] n wrath, great anger pTmek¥a\ [påhtåmågyaw] n ‹person with the highest
pFiz^weS; [påti> zi wa hse:] n antibiotics score in the pTm®pn\-saem;pX´ examination of Buddhist
pFiivaU\ [pådein nyin] n 1) promise, pledge Ω > scriptural study S YN Aek¥a\
2) agreement Ω > business agreement 3) covenant, charter pTm”k^; [påhtåmågyi:] n ‹highest level of
Ω ku lqmg© pFiUaU\satm\; UN Charter [ ph] examination in Buddhist Pali scriptures
pFiipkƒ [påti> pe' kha.] n antagonism; dispute pTmcy\ [påhtåmångE] n ‹beginning level of
pFipt\' pFipt†i [påti> pa', påtI pa'] n 1) code of conduct examination in Buddhist Pali scriptures
2) ‹practice of following the code of the winy (Vinaya) pTm®pn\saem;pX´ [påhtåmåbyan sa me: bwE:] n
CFpriyt\' priyt†i ‹examination in Buddhist Pali scriptures. There are
pFiBankwi [påti> ba na. kåwi>] n wise person with a quick three levels, pTmcy\' pTmlt\' pTm”k^;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 234

pTw^ ª prieyqn
pTmlt\ [påhtåmåla'] n ‹intermediate level of pma [påma] n example Ω eKX;n´ÏeÂkac\pma like cats and dogs
examination in Buddhist Pali scriptures = Upma
pTmwåSiu [påhtåmå wa zo] n first Wazo month (in a year pmatN| o [påma tan du.] n analogy; parallel
with two wåSiu) CF wåTp\' dutiywåSiu pmamKn\Ï [påma måkhan.] adv disrespectfully, impertinently
pTw^ [påhtåwi] n 1) earth 2) geography RF pTw^wc\. 3) earth,
as the element representing solidity CF Dat\”k^;el;på; pma% [påma na.] n amount; magnitude, extent; measure,
size, dimension
pTw^eÂka [påhtåwi gyaw:] n main blood vessel, which pma%®po [påma na. pyu.] v respect; give due respect
reaches the sole of the feet pmad [påma da.] n carelessness
pTw^Dat\ [påhtåwi da'] n state of hardness or softness pmadelK [påma da. le kha.] n slip of the tongue, pen, etc;
CF eteza' Aaepå' wåeya nod (lit)
pTw^wc\ [påhtåwi win] n geography pmn\; [påmon:] n Œterm for some aromatic herbs and tubers
peTX; [påhtwe:] n stepfather CF mieTX;' myapåqa;/qm^; = gmun\;
pd [båda.] n word CF salMu;' saka;lMu; [ ph wr] peyag [påyaw: ga.] n 1) effort 2) instigation, handiwork,
pdumaÂka [bådon ma kya] n ‹sacred lotus = pdumµaÂka [ bh interference S YN sXt\Pk\mO 3) witchcraft, sorcery [ pl]
ph] peyagwc\ [påyaw: ga. win] v be possessed
pedqraz\ [både thåri'] n Ó∏feudal lord [ ph] peyak\prk\ [pAyau' pAye'] n upset [? new dr ba han]
pedqraz\sns\ [både thåri' såni'] n ∏feudalism pyc\; [påyin:] n amber
= Burc\sns\ pyt\ [påya'] n [gram] way of articulation
pedqa [både dha] n variety [ ph] prestna [påra. se dåna.] n feeling when remembering a
pedqakpX´ [både dha ka. bwE:] n variety show good deed = Aprestna CF pub`estna' muUßestna
pedqapc\ [både dhåbin] n 1) [cosmol] tree of plenty, preS; [(pårå, båya.) pålåhse:] n Œmedicinal herbs,
growing on the great island north of Mount Meru, from pharmaceutical herbs [ ph]
which anything needed can be plucked CF ®mc\;miur\ prdårkM [påra. da ra. kan] n adultery (by a married man) [?
2) ‹wooden stand symbolising the tree of plenty, used what about by a woman? take out??]
to hold donations made during festivals (illus) prnimµitwqwt^| [påra. nein mi> ta. wåtha. wådi] n [cosmol] highest
pedqaeKt\ [både dhåbin khi'] n golden age of the six heavens CF nt\®pv\e®Kak\Tp\
pedqaq^K¥c\; [både dha thåchin:] n œmedley, set of songs prp¥s\ [båråbyi'] adv 1) profuse 2) encumbered, burdened
of various types and styles 3) dishevelled, unkempt, messy = brp¥s\ [? check 3 and
pedåc\ [bådaung] n Padaung, an ethnic groups living mainly use]
in Shan State [ lm ph] pr®pXt\ [påråbyu'] adv swarming, teeming = br®pXt\
pdiuc\; [bådain:] n plant with bell-shaped flowers and thorny prma%u®mø [påråma nu. myu] n ‹particle that is one-thirty-
fruit = pn\;tiuc\; [ ph] sixth of an atom CF A%u®mø
pdiuc\;Kt|a [bådain: kha' ta] n thorn apple prem [påråme] n excellence; the best
pdiuc\;pXc\.m^;Aim\ [bådain: bwin. mi: ein] n chandelier, branched prmt\' prmtÊtra; [påråma', påråma' hta. tåya] n ultimate
hanging light fixture
reality; objective or absolute truth; unchangeable nature
pdumµa [bådon ma] n 1) ‹sacred lotus 2) kind of sheer CF prmtÊqsßa' qmuti' pvt\
cotton [ ph]
prelak [påra. law: ka.] n ‹next existence
pdumµaÂka [bådon ma kya] n ‹sacred lotus prw%\ [påråwun] n compound; campus; site = priwu%\
pDan [båda na.] n 1) essence; main element 2) decisive prhit [påra. hi> ta.] n good of others
factor; fundamental or vital element CF ADik' ANxs\ [ ph
pl] [? cfs ok? ]
prta [påra. ta] [? check]
pDank¥ [båda na. kya.] v be essential, be vital; be prata [påra ta] n flat fried bread = plata
fundamental; be basic to; be a decisive factor prikM [påri> gan] n preparation; pre-arrangements; prelude
pnMsa; [pånan sa:] v 1) suit; match; go well with 2) get along priedw [påri> de wa.] n grief, sorrow CF eqak
with sb, get on (well) with sb = pnMr' pnMqc\. prinib`an\ [pårei' nei' ban] n ‹release from cravings and
pnMr [pånan ya.] 1) suit; match; go well with 2) get along attachment to life
with sb, get on (well) with sb = pnMsa;' pnMqc\. prinib`an\sM [pårei' nei' ban san]
v ‹[of Buddha, arhats]
pnMqc\. [pånan thin.] 1) suit; match; go well with 2) get along attain nirvana; cessation of strife, die
with sb, get on (well) with sb = pnMsa;' pnMsa; pribiuz\ [påråbai'] n ‹(wandering) heretic
pna;ma; [påna; ma;] n ∏Panama prieBag [påri> baw: ga.] n 1) furniture 2) utensils
— adj Panamanian prieBagest^ [påri> baw: ga. se di] n ‹1) utensils used
by the Buddha, which are worshipped 2) pagoda which
pBardqk [pa' ba ya. da. thåka.] n decade in life when a
enshrines the Buddha's utensils
person begins to stoop, one's sixties, age 61–70
S YN pb±ardqk CF dqk prieyqn [påri> ye thåna.] n 1) struggle to survive

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 235

priyt\' priyt†i ª pelac\;pl´
2) livelihood, way of earning living 2) plaster of Paris, gypsum = plt\sta
priyt\' priyt†i [påri> ya', påri> ya' ti>] n ‹study of p!kt\ [ pl] plata [påla ta] n flat fried Indian bread
plat¨; [påla tu:] n kind of mackerel fish
priyay\ [påri> yE] n 1) stratagem, tactic; deception, ruse playa [påla ya] n 1) pliers [Engl] 2) [in playing cards]
S YNUpåy\tMm¥U\ 2) implication; indirect reference [? triplet, four-of-a-kind, etc CF P´eTX
check] 3) synonym S YN eÂkac\; t¨qMkX´ pliebaD [påli> baw: da.] n anxiety
priwu%\ [påråwon] n wall or fence around monastery or pl^1 [påli] v 1) lie, deceive 2) wheedle 3) [poet] awe
other large structure = prw%\ pl^sieK¥ak\K¥k\ [påli zi> chau' che'] n nonsense; lie
priqt\ [pårei' tha'] n audience, listeners; spectators, pl^pla [påli påla] adv 1) evasively Ω Amxn\Atiuc\-;me®paB¨;"
viewers; readers pl^pla-elYak\e®patt\ty\" He never tells the truth; he
prihar [påri> ha ra.] n explanation always avoids answering the question. [? check again
pr^m^yM [påri mi yan] n (insurance) premium [Engl] 1&2] 2) (speak or act) cutely, attentatively
pRu [påru.] n π proof [Engl] pl^Aiu; [påli o:] n wheedler; sb who deceives in a
prMpr [påran påra.] n previous existences [? check what is the charming way [? example? and what is chweh:?]
contrasting word] pl^ 2 [båli] n mosque = bl^
perag¥k\ [påraw je'] n project (esp Íusage) S YN s^mMkin\; pl¨ [pålu] n flying termite CF ®K (illus)
pRiukiu [påro ko] n ¥producer's co-operative society [Engl] pl¨p¥M [pålu pyan] v [fig] 1) be swarming like locusts
pRiugrm\ [påro gåran] n programme (Br), program (Am) [Engl] 2) be alive with, be thick with
pRiug¥k\ [påro gye'] n project [Engl]
pRitu c\; [påro tin:] n protein [Engl] S YN Aqa;Dat\
pRiutXn\ [påro tun] n proton [Engl]
prikƒra [pårei' khåya] n ‹articles which can be owned by
Bun\;”k^; (monk) qc\;piuc\' Ekq^' Nxs\Tp\qkçn\; or duku!\'
qpit\' p´KXp\' or qc\tun\;Da;' Ap\' Kå;pn\;”kio;' erss\
prs\zm\ [påri' zan] n prism [Engl]
prisßag [pårei' sa ga. (pårI sa ga.)] n charity [? def]
prit\ [pårei' (påyei')] n ‹sutta (text of a sermon of the
Buddha) recited to ward off harm or evil
prit\”k^; [pårei' (påyei') kyi:] n ‹eleven suttas which can
bless an area and protect from evil CF tra;eta\' qut\'
pl¨ flying termites
prit\K¥v\ [pårei' (påyei') chi] n ‹thread blessed by
recitation of qut|n\ suttas, to protect from ghosts, and to
pl¨tiu [pålu to] n Pluto [Engl]
give good luck
pl¨tiun^ym\ [pålu to ni yan] n plutonium [Engl]
prit\pn\; [pårei' (påyei') pan:] n ‹flowers blessed by
recitation of qut|n\ suttas
pl¨; [pålu:] v be overly familiar with sb
prit\mWn\; [pårei' (påyei') hmun:] n ‹description of the pl¨;pl´ [pålu: palE:] adv in an overly familiar way
origin and power of prit\
pel [påle] part particle suffixed to a verb or another
particle for emphasis Ω tt\pel' rk\pel
prit\er [pårei' ye] n ‹holy water, blessed by recitation
of qut|n\ suttas pelkt\ [påle ka'] n light cotton longyi (originally from
Pulicat, India)
prit\RXt\ [pårei' (påyei') yu'] v ‹(of Bun\;”k^; (monk))
recite prit\ to bless a place, exorcise bad spirits, etc pelpsa [påle båza] adv [arch] carelessly
pRut\ [påyo'] n camphor; naphthalene pl´nMpqc\. [pålE: nan pa. thin.] v be on good terms with (sb)
pRut\S^ [påyo' hsi] n balm, camphorated ointment or oil pl´´.ptc\ [pålE. bådin] adv reciprocally, by both sides [?
= Bm\;pRu t\S^ check use]
pRut\lMu; [påyo' lon:] n mothball, naphthalene ball pelae®Kak\ [pålaw: gyau'] n kind of dried prawn
prN~wå [påyan nåwa] n Œhogweed pliuÏk [pålo. ga.] n dance accompanied by a drum [? work in
prm\;pta [båyan: båda] adv disorderly; without discipline elbows]
S YN ksU.\ kr´' PRiu Pr´ = brm\;bta plk\ t^nm\ [påle' ti nan] n platinum S YN eRW®Pø' ‰xc\qM
plK¥a [bålåcha] v be useless; be tattered, be ragged = brK¥a plk\ e Pac\; [påle' hpaung:] n pavement (Br), sidewalk (Am),
[platform Engl]
plaªbla [båla] n blank; nothing, emptiness pelac\ [pålaung] n Palaung, a Mon-Khmer ethnic group
— adv at random, without cause or reason living mainly in Shan State
plasta [påla såta] n 1) plaster (Br), band-aid (Am) pelac\ ;pl´ [bålaung: bålE:] adv inconsistently; changing
about = belac\; bl´

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 236

pliuc\; ª på
pliuc\; [pålain:] n basket with strap used to put across the pqad [påtha da.] n 1) one of the five senses 2) pleasant
forehead sight; sthg picturesque
plt\ [påla'] n (electrical) plug [Engl] Ω (2)pc\plt\eKåc\; two- pqadgu%\ [påtha da. gon] n [lit st] clarity and proper
pin plug [? doesn't this mean sthg else too? Put example grammer in writing; richness; fine expression
like 'three pronged plug'] pqadRup\ [påtha da. ro'] n sense receptor
plt\eKåc\; [påla' gaung;] n plug (illus) pqi [påthi>] n tonsil
plt\Tiu; [påla' hto;] v plug in pqierac\na [påthi> yaung na] n tonsillitis
plt\epåk\ [påla' pau'] n (electrical) socket, plug-in pq^ [påthi] n ∏Parsee
plt\®Pot\ [påla' hpyo'] v unplug, pull the plug pqYø; [påshu:] n ÓMalay CF mel;‰xa;
plt\sta [påla' såta] n 1) plaster (Br), bandaid (Am) (illus) pqYø;eÂka\ [påshu: gyaw] n Malaysian-style fried noodles
2) plaster of Paris, gypsum [Engl] CF ek¥ak\pt\t^;
plt\sts\ [påla' såti'] n plastic, plastics [Engl] pqYø;K¥op\ [påshu: gyo'] n lapped seam
plut\ [pålo'] n 1) (inside of the) cheek 2) puffed-out cheek pqYø;Tmc\;eÂka\ [påshu: htåmin: gyaw] n Malaysian-style
fried rice, with cashews and raisins
plut\k¥c\; [pålo' kyin:] v gargle; rinse the mouth pqYø;piuk\ [påshu: pai'] n net used to catch cå;qelak\
plut\pelac\; [pålo' pålaung:] adv (eat too fast) with (hilsa)
one's mouth full pqYø;mun\Ï [påshu: mon.] n sweet made of of rice flour, sugar
plut\tut\ [pålo' to'] n rattle (illus) [? used for kids, in and coconut
music, what?] pqYø;qak¨ [påshu: tha gu] n sweet pudding of sago,
plin\; [pålain:] adj plain, with nothing added; blank [Engl] sweet potato and coconut
Ω qli n\;-ts\KX k\ one cup of coffeemix without added milk or pqYø;Ak¥Ç [påshu: in: gyi] n Malay-style blouse
sugar Ω kn\sXn\;-plin\; fried gazun leaves without meat pehLi [påhe li>] n puzzle; riddle; problem
plp\2 [påla'] n (electrical) plug [Engl] Ω (2)pc\plp\eKåc\; two- phiur\ [båho] n drum used to mark the time according to the
pin plug [? doesn't this mean sthg else too? Put example clepsydra RF phiur\sv\. [? what is a clepsydra?]
like 'three pronged plug'] phiur\sv\ [båho zi] n drum used to mark the time
plp\eKåc\; [påla' gaung;] n plug (illus) according to the clepsydra
plp\Tiu; [påla' hto;] v plug in pAMu;rv\ [påon: ye] n kind of vinegar made from nipa palm
plp\epåk\ [påla' pau'] n (electrical) socket, plug-in sap or water from rinsing rice = pMu;rv\
plp\®Pot\ [påla' hpyo'] v unplug, pull the plug pAiuÏw\ [påo.] n Pa-o, a Tibeto-Burman speaking ethnic group
plip\ [pålei'] n (bubonic) plague [Engl] living mainly in Shan State
plup\ [pålo'] n small woven box på1 [pa] v 1) be (together) with; have with one; be included
plup\k¥c\; [pAlo' kyin;] v rinse out the mouth [? new in Ω lk\mxt\mpåB¨; I don't have a ticket with me. 2) come
kyaw: also mouth?] (along) with 3) have, show (talent, interest, etc)
plim\pk¥M [bålein: bågyan] adv deceitfully Ω wåqnapå' si t\mpå have talent; not interested in 4) be
plMu [pålon] n bubble = blMu effective 5) be carried away (by); be caught up (in) RF
— v [sl] lose påqXa;. 6) lose 7) (of body's waste) excrete
plMu; [pålon:] n small basket S YN ®Kc\;' etac\; — part 1) suffix to a verb or sentence to show
politeness, respect, deference 2) particle showing
pelX [pålwe] n flute = e®pX CF ek¥a\pelX' Kc\pelX
inclusion: including, as well as, and … too Ω ASiupå
pelXmOt\ [pålwe hmo'] v 1) play the flute 2) [fig]
aforementioned, previously mentioned CF ÚeraÚpå
perform oral sex on a man; fellate, perform fellatio
3) infix between two nouns to show the second is in the
(fml); give head (inf), go down on (sb) (inf)
first: belonging to, included in, located in, of Ω lc\påqm^;
CF Bag¥amO t\
daughter of the husband (i.e., from a previous marriange)
pwå [påwa] n 1) scarf; stole; headcloth, kerchief CW piuc\'
Tv\ [? check also cw] 2) [in comb] cloth, towel,
kerchief, etc Ω lk\kiuc\pwå handkerchief Ω m¥k\Nxaqut\pwå
påk [pa (ba) ka.] conj if
face towel
på(k)la; [pa (ka.) la;] exp exclamation of surprise, at end
of sentence: wow, hey, so [? pron?]
pwår%a [påwa råna] n ‹ceremony held in , where Bun\;”k^; pås' påsM. [pa sa., pa san.] part ¬sentence ending marker for
(monks) ask each other to reprimand them for any sins
yes-or-no question = la;
committed [? get correct date and better def]
påes [pa (ba) ze] part suffix to verb in a blessing, hope,
pew%^ [påwe ni] n tradition; culture; usage S YN TMu;sM' suggestion Ω enpåes" Never mind. Just let it be. ry)
påm¨ [ba mu] part if
pewq%^ [påwe thåni] n ancient time påm¥a; [pa (ba) mya;] [? check how to deal with this? put
pwt [påwu' ti>] n 1) time from conception to death under particle as verb suffix?]
2) hometown, place where sb grew up CF zati
påmx [pa (ba) hma.] conj suffix to a verb to indentify

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 237

på ª påÏ
conditions: only when, not until, only if, not … unless påd [pa da.] n 1) line or section of a verse of Pali poetry
Ω AK¥iopåmx sa;Âkty\" They won't eat it unless it is sweet. 2) foot, unit of line of poetry [ wr]
They will eat it only if it is sweet. Ω mK¥ioK¥ioerak\påmx pådrk\ [pa dåre'] n ◊paraplegia, paralysis of the legs
TXk\my\" We won't leave until Ma Cho Cho arrives. pna;ma; [påna: ma:] n 1) ∏Panama 2) Panamanian
Ω miu;ekac\; påmx Apc\ qn\ my\" The plants will grow well only — adj Panamanian ; Panama [ pe cr]
when there is heavy rain. S YN mxqa' mxp´ påkF [pa kAhta.] n Pakrit, ancient language related to Pali
påres [pa (ba) ya. ze] part postpositional marker indicating and Sanskrit = ®pakt [? new kyaw]
a wish for sb Ω T^epåk\påres May you win the lottery.
påp [pa pa.] S YN “gioh\p¨ CF eqam' “gioh\s^;“gioh\nc\; [? planet
with bad influence... maybe also gyo zo;?]
pårn\ [pa (ba) yan] part (in order) to påpra [pa påra] n fried bean-flour snack
på(U^;' AMu;)la; [pa (ba) (on:) la;] part sentence ending
påemakƒ [pa mau' kha.] n 1) chief, head 2) (university, college,
with polite suggestion: why don't (you, we), how about,
etc) professor CF kTik
why not
påemakƒK¥op\ [pa mau' kha. gyo'] n university president,
påelka [pa le ga] n little bit rector
påelra [pa le ya] n busybody påms\ [pa mi'] n permit [Engl]
pålim\.(ml´) [pa (ba) lein. (målE;)] exp expression at end of
sentence, expessing curiousity, or disbelief: what can
påmn\gnit\ [pa man gånei'] n permanganate [Engl] [? what is
be, I wonder what; what a
pål¥k\ [? check what is this?] påmWa; [pa hmwa:] n small fry (Upsa); riff-raff, people of no
påwc\ [pa win] v 1) participate (in) 2) be included (in)
ApåAwc\ [åpa Awin] part particle between two nouns, pårg¨ [pa rågu] n 1) specialist 2) Doctor of Philosophy,
indicating the second is included in the first: including,
as well as, and … too pårm^ [pa råmi] n 1) ‹acquired virtue 2) aptitude 3) genius
[? person or idea or quality?]
på2 [pa] n score of two in Ludo (Br) or Parcheesi (Am)
på3 [pa] n domino with 8 white spots pårm^Sy\på; [pa råmi hsE ba:] n ‹ten principle virtues dån'
q^l' nikƒm' pva' w^riy' qsßa' KN^|' emt|a' Uepkƒa'
påsc\ [pa sin] n grand slam (in dominos)
påsc\eAac\ [pa sin aung] adv [fig] totally, completely pårm^®pv\. [pa råmi pye.] v excel (in some quality)
på4 [pa] pron what = Ba pårm^®Pv\. [pa råmi hpye.] v 1) strive to develop one's
pK¥v\påK¥´> [pa chi pa chE.] n 1) nonentity, nobody, person of virtues 2) help others develop their virtues
no significance 2) trifle, nothing, matter of no
pårm^‰xc\ [pa råmi shin] n genius; talent, person of great
intellectual or creative ability
påksßtn\ [pa ke' såtan] n ∏Pakistan pårra [pa råya] n pariah dog [? ? no non-dog?]
— n, adj Pakistani
påraegX; [pa ra gwe:] n ∏Paraguay
påsk [pa såka.] n digestion, ability of digestive system to — adj Paraguayan [ pe cr]
break down food
påldutÊa [pa la. do' hta] n green vitriol; copperas
påsa;ep; [pa za: pe:] v favour Ω psa;ep;' U^;sa;ep;' m¥k\Nxaqaep;'
pål^mn\ [pa li man] n ∏parliament [Engl]
påsU\k¥io [pa sin kyo] v (when boiling medicine) reduce to one pålk\stiuc\; [pa le' såtain:] n ∏Palestine
— adj Palestinian [ pe]
third of volume
påsU\eS; [pa sin hse:] n digestive (medicine) påls\ [pa li'] n polish, varnish [Engl]
påsXM [pa sun] n small fish pickled with broken rice and salt påwå [pa wa] n power [Engl]
pLi [pa li>] n Pali, the language of the Buddhist scriptures
brought to Southeast Asia
påSy\ [pa hsE] n parcel [Engl]
på%atipåt\ [pa na ti> pa'] n killing, destruction of life pLieta\ [pa li> daw] n ‹teachings of the Buddha
på%ueptM [pa nu. pe tan] adv for life, for a lifetime pLip¥k\ [pa li> pye'] n word derived from Pali Ω e.g., R¨p =
påtan^ [pa ta ni] n snack of roasted peas pLiqk\ [pa li> the'] n word derived from Pali Ω sit\ from
påt^ [pa ti] n 1) ∏(political) party Ω påt^sMud^miukers^ multi- sit†
party democracy 2) party, social gathering [Engl]
påÏ [pa.] part particle suffixed to verb for emphasis Ω mxn\påÏBura;
påt^klap\sv\; [pa ti kåla' si:] n ∏party cell, small group yes, your highness = p' epåÏ' påf
in a political party
påÏmla;' påÏml´ [pa. måla;, pa. målE;] part sentence ending
påt^ekdå [pa ti ke da] n ∏party cadre, active member of showing disbelief, uncertainty: will it really, are you
a party
sure it will Ω Ú®Ps\påÏmla; will…really happen? [? check
påt^ep; [pa ti pe:] v throw a party esp, and get leh example]
påt^wc\ [pa ti win] n ∏party member påÏmy\ [pa. mE] part sentence ending particle indicating
påtit\ [pa tei'] n batik (fabric) (illus)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 238

på; ª p^ª“p^
firm commitment: certainly will sideburns CF NOt\K m\;emX; moustache (illus)
på; [pa:] v 1) be thin, be light, be flimsy Ω pelkp\lMuK¥v\på; på;r´Tiu; [påyE: hto:] v tattoo the cheeks
light Pulikat longyi A NT T¨ 2) be sparse, be few; (of på;qiuc\;emX; [påthain: mwe:] n (side-)whiskers (illus)
business, sales, etc) be slow 3) sharp, astute, shrewd på;qXy\ [påthwE] n lower jaw
Ω ˆa%\ på; Ω na;på; sharp ears A NT el; RF på;np\. 4) send sthg på;hk\ [båhe'] n gills (illus)
through sb CF l¨”kMo på; på;AiuÏ [påo.] n round cheek
på;kn\Ï [pågan.] n thwart på;3 [pa:] part count word used to count sacred items and
på;;et. [pa: te. na: te] adv face to face; in the face respected persons, and concepts (good or bad) in sets
of reality Ω Bu ra;ts\ på;' mi BNx s\på;' pårm^ Sy\ på;' rn\ q¨m¥io;cå;på [ nc]
på;np\ [pa: na'] adj clever
på;put\ [pa: po'] v 1) rough-hew a log, to flatten sides Apå; [Aba;] part ¬suffix to personal noun: presence (of
2) narrow a ridge between paddy fields person), place, vicinity
på;rv\np\rv\ [pa: ye na' ye] n acumen, keen intelligence pi [pi>] v be flattened, be pressed down; be burdened with;
på;‰xa; [pa: sha:] adj scarce; rare be neat
på;l¥a; [pa: lya: (ya:)] adj 1) thin, slender 2) clever pisiekX; [pi> si> kwe:] n bit, sthg very small
på;lxp\ [pa hla'] adj very thin, diaphanous = på;lYp\ pi®pa; [pi> bya:] v be prim; be demure; have good discipline
på;lYp\ [pa: hla' (sha')] adj very thin, diaphanous = på;lxp\
på;lWa; [pa: hlwa] adj very thin, diaphanous [? check use piri [pi> yi>] adj neat, tidy [? check: this has 3 defs in grey]
again for 3]
på;2 [pa; (på, bå)] n cheek [ ph] pisp\ [pi> za'] n kind of shrub used for traditional medicine
på;k¥it\ [påkyei'] n gland located below the ear bisp\
på;kXk\ [bågwe'] n 1) thicker layer of thanaka on the pi!k [bi> dåga.] n ‹Buddhist scriptures [ bh ph pl]
cheek (illus) 2) Óexecutioner with tattooed cheeks pi!kt\ [bi> dåga'] n ‹pitikas, the three scriptures for
på;kXk\Aa%aqa; [bAgwe' a na dha] n Óexecutioner Buddhist study = tipi! k [ bh pl ph] [? check]
på;eK¥ac\k¥ [påchaung kya.] v have hollow cheeks pi!kt\tiuk\ [bi> dåga' tai'] n 1) place where the pitikas
på;K¥ioc\. [påchain.] n dimple are kept 2) library S YN saÂkv\.tiuk\
på;K¥it\ [påchei'] n end of lower jaw pi!kt\qKç¥nv\; [bi> dåga' thin cha. ni:] n [? what is this
på;K¥it\erac\na [påchei' yaung na] n mumps S YN ema\na and how to pronounce it?]
på;K¥p\ [påcha'] n cheek strap (of bridle) pi!kt\Aiu; [bi> dåga' o:] n [fig] sb well-read in Buddhist
på;K¥op\ [påcho'] n 1) bit, part of bridle that goes through and lay literature
the mouth 2) muzzle (illus) pi!kt\Aiu;kX´ [bi> dåta' o: gwE:] n charlatan, fake [? check
på;esac\ [båzaung] n (space inside the) cheek [? check in dic]
tech dic buccal cav] pietak\ [bådau'] n padauk tree, which has yellow flowers
på;sun\Ï [båzon.] n jowl blooming near the water festival in April, gum-kino [ ph]
på;sp\ [båza'] n mouth S YN NOt\ CF KMtXc\;
på;sp\Âkm\; [båza' kyan:] v [fig] have a dirty mouth, use pitan\ [bei' dan] n canopied ceiling = bitan\ (illus) [ ph]
offencive language pitun\; [bådon:] n bumble bee; carpenter bee [ ph]
på;sp\eSa. [båza' hsaw.] v [fig] have a loose tongue, say pitun\;erac\ [bådon: yaung] n jet black
too much pirms\ [pi> råmi'] n pyramid [Engl] S YN TuKÁn\
på;sp\pup\ [båza' po'] n sb who says sthg which is a bad p^1 [pi] v 1) be perfect (of its type); be up to the mark 2) (of
omen; sb who makes a predicts sthg bad speech, pronunciation, etc) be clear, be good; have a
på;sp\P¥a;kel;n´Ïe®pa [båza' hpya: kåle: nE. pyaw:] v [fig] pay
good accent Ω Agçlip\ska;eta.eta.p^tap´" Your English
lip service (to) S YN lYaP¥a;kel;n´Ïe®pa accent is very good. Ω AqMp^ty\ena\" His pronunciation is
på;sp\PXa [båza' hpwa] v talk loosely, speak without good, isn't it?
discretion p^p^⁄ [pi bi] adv 1) [? ? need example] 2) distinctly
på;sp\ya; [båza' ya:] v not be able to keep mouth shut p^p^®pc\®pc\ [pi bi pyin byin] adv distinctly, clearly
(Upsa), not be able to resist saying sthg S YN NOt\Km\; ya; p^p^qa; [pi bi dha:] adv [with neg verb] entirely,
completely S YN pit\pit\qa; [? also exactly? perfectly?
på;sp\razwc\ [båza' ya zåwin] n oral history purely?]
på;sp\qtc\; [båza' dhådin:] n rumour S YN ekalahla p^q [pi tha.] adj 1) real, true; pure; classic Ω eyak\¥a;p^q'
på;p¥U\; [båbyin:] n 1) wattle (illus) 2) (cobra) hood kb¥aSrap^q 2) distinct, clear
3) buttress root 4) buttress 5) buttress where neck and p^ª“p^ [pi] part 1) suffix to a verb, indicating that sthg is
body of esac\;ekak\ (harp) meet happening or has been done: -ing 2) marker following a
på;miuÏ [påmo.] n round cheek negative verb, indicating sthg will not happen [? check
på;mun\;emX;' på;“mioc\;emX; [påmon: mwe:, påmyain: mwe:] n with real spelling]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 239

p^Siu ª puv
p^Siu [pi hso] n ¥peso, currency in some Spanish- pusU\;”k^; [båzin: gyi:] n cicada, large flying insect, male of
speaking countries which makes a loud high-pitched droning sound
p^ti [pi ti>] n delight, gratification; fulfilment = edåÏrc\;ekac\' pusU\;rc\kX´ (illus)
Ω qc\ ep;liu k\t´. tpv\. saem;pX´-eAac\takiu qireta. pusU\;Tiu; [båzin: do:] n green bee eater
p^ti®Ps\mity\" She was delighted to learn that her student pusU\;rc\kX´ [båzin: gyi:] n cicada, large flying insect,
had passed his exam. of which makes a loud high-pitched droning sound
p^ti®Pa' p^ti®Ps\ [pi ti> hpyi']
v be delighted, be elated, be = edåÏrc\;ekac\' pusU\;”k^;
gratified; be fulfilled pusXn\ [båzun] n general term for shrimp, prawn, lobster, and
p^på [pi pa] n (large, metal) barrel CF sv\' tiuc\k^ similar animals CF ek¥ak\pusXn\ lobster [ ph]
p^p2^ [pi pi] n whistle; anything used to make a whistling pusXn\k¥a; [båzun gya:] n tiger prawn
noise pusXn\ek¥a. [båzun gyaw.] n medium-sized prawn
p^yeS; [pi ya. ze:] n love potion; charm, philtre pusXn\K¥U\ [båzun gyin] n pickled shrimp mixed with rice
S YN m¥k\NxapXc\.eS; flour and pressed
p^ywåsa [pi ya. wa sa] n polite talk, smooth talk pusXn\e®KeÂkX [båzun chi gywe] n Œkind of medicinal plant
p^yqid^Î [pi ya. thei' mi>] n power to win love [? use check, pron pusXn\KXM [båzun gwan] n [? what is this?]
check] pusXn\e®Kak\ [båzun gyau'] n dried shrimp
p^R¨; [pi ru;] n 1) ∏Peru 2) Peruvian pusXn\cå;pi [båzun ngåpi>] n shrimp paste
— adj Peruvian [ cr] pusXn\sa [båzun za] n Œknotgrass, kind of edible herb
p^lm [pi låma] n large woven rainhood S YN gd¨;' p^la;' S YN ®mk\ÂkXt\' mOiÂkXt\
pk¶la pusXn\S^ [båzun zi] n prawn oil
p^la; [bi la:] n 1) horseshoe crab, king crab (illus) 2) long pusXn\Sit\ [båzun zei'] n smallest kind of shrimp
rainhood woven of palm fronds S YN gd¨;' p^lm' pk¶la' pusXn\tara [båzun ta ya] n ©constellation including the
b^la; [ ph] head and forelegs of Ursa Major
p^la;”kio; [bi la: gyo:] n plumb line S YN K¥in\(Tup\)' eKX;lYa' pusXn\tup\ [båzun do'] n largest kind of prawns
mxn\Tup\ pusXn\tup\ekX; [båzun do' kwe:] n 1) foetal position (illus)
p^ela [pi law:] n kind of edible jute plant 2) curlicue; decorative swirl, e.g., on bell stalk
p^elap^nM [pålaw: pi nan] n cassava (root); tapioca (pearls) pusXn\ePac\ [båzun hpaung] n rafts anchored with a net
[ ph]
between them, for catching lobster, prawns, shrimp, etc
p^;ª“p^; [pi:] part suffix to a verb indicating completion,
similar to past tense in English
pusXn\PX´ [båzun hpwE:] n powdered shrimp shells, e.g., used
in poultry feed
— conj after(wards), and then; and, in addition, also
= “p^;eta.' “p^;mx' “p^;rc\' “p^; lYc\
pusXn\lk\m [båzun le' ma.] n claws of a lobster (illus)
Ap^;ªA“p^; [Api;] part on completion of, after CF Aliu pusXn\lk\msv\ [båzun le' ma. si] n œdrum of the nat king
qiÂka;mc\; S YN nt\sv\
pu [pu.] v 1) (of person, height, etc) short, (of building) low
CF nim\. low 2) duck one's head Ω (10)tn\;- saem;p´-X k¥ty\-
pusXn\lMu; [båzun lon:] n land crab
AÂkac\; ®pn\e®pak¥eta. A®ps\-rxiq¨ts\eyak\liu zk\pu- puSiu; [påhso:] n men's lMuK¥v\ (longyi), sarong CF TB^ CW
qXa;rty\" When she told about failing her 10th Standard Tv\ (illus) [ ph]
exams, she ducked her head as though she were guilty. puSiu;Âkm\; [påhso: gyan:] n 1) puSiu; (longyi) of coarse
material 2) tripe, edible beef, goat, etc stomach
pukX [pu. kwa.] v be short and stout
pusuKRu [bu. zu. khåyu.] n children of all ages; odds and ends puSiu;tn\;tc\ [påhso: tan: din] n 1) form of marriage
= busuKRu' BusuK Ru ceremony in which [? what is special about this?]
2) couple who have been married in this way
puvHk\ [pu. hnye'] v (esp of children) under-sized, small,
diminutive puSiu;tn\;tc\AÂkc\lc\mya; [påhso: tan: din åkyin lin måya:]
n couple who have been married in ceremony
putiu [pu. do] n 1) short person 2) dwarf; midget
pupurXrX [pu. pu. ywa. ywa.] n all people puSiu;Ait\eTac\. [påhso: di' daun.] n pocket sewn into
pup¥p\ [pu. pya'] v be short, be low
pulu(ekX;elX;) [pu. lu. (kwe: le:)] v be little, be tiny, be
pu Ss\ [påhsi'] n knee (joint) CF d¨; [ ph]
wee, be small
puSs\tup\ [påhsi' to'] v kneel sitting on heels S YN d¨;tup\
puAiuc\.Aiuc\. [pu. ain. ain.] v be roly-poly
puKk\ [påkhe'] n cradle; hammock (illus (baby in longyi
puSin\ [påhsein] n ax(e) CF KXn\;2 [ ph] [? pron also pauq
hsein? kyaw]
hammock)) [ ph]
puKk\tXc\;ArXy\ [påkhe' twin: åywE] n infancy puSin\Riu; [påhsein yo:] n 1) axe-handle 2) [fig] traitor
puKk\lW´ [påkhe' hlwE:] v rock a cradle or hammock pu z n
X \ªpusXn\ [bAzun] n general term for shrimp, prawn,
lobster, and similar animals
pugMqa; [bågan tha;] n [SE dialect] Burman CF bma [ lm bs ph]
pusU\; [båzin:] n dragonfly (illus) [ ph] puv [pon nya.] n good deed, sthg for which one gets merit

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 240

put^; ª p¨d^na
[ ph] [? more than this?] puqim\T^; [påthein di:] n decorative cloth umbrella or parasol
put^; [bådi:] n 1) (string of) beads, e.g., pearls, amber, etc with a bamboo frame, from Pathein [ ph]
Ω pu t^;na;kp\ 2) ‹rosary, beads used in meditation [ ph] p¨1 v 1) (of weather, food, etc) be hot; be heated; (of
put^;sip\ [bådi: sei'] [bådi: zei'] v ‹say prayers, counting person) feel hot Ω erp¨sk\ water heater, boiler
with a a string of beads Ω Tmc\; p¨e q;la;" Is the rice still hot? CF Aiuk\' kiu y\p¨ 2) (of
— n ‹rosary, Pali verses recited by novice monk said food) be hot, be spicy Ω qtiTa;" cRup\q^;-Am¥a;”k^; påeta.
with a string of beads hc\; qip\sp\ty\" Watch out–I put a lot of chillies in the
putt\ [båda'] n kind of spotted lizard [ ph] curry, it's very hot. CF sp\ 3) be worried about Ω kumJ%^
putt\sa [båda' sa] n Œgingerwort, edible plant with Ae®KAenqip\mekac\; liuÏ Alup\kisßeÂkac\;
white flowers elaelaeSeta.eta.p¨enty\" The company's situation is
putt\rp\ [påda' ya'] v rear = ptt\rp\ not very good, so I am rather worried about my work these
puTuzU\ [pu. htu. zin] n ordinary person, in contrast to a holy days. 4) Ω mp¨n´Ï don't worry 5) pester, be demanding; nag;
person CF Ariya (of work, matters, etc) be pressing 6) be plagued by, be
infested with; be disturbed by some danger 7) (of
puTiu; [påhto:] n ‹pagoda with a vaulted base CF est^
person) be disturbed; be restless 8) be possessed by
pudiAa [? what is this?] (spirit) Ω qr´p¨' Asim\;p¨ 9) drill, bore
purpiuk\ [påråbai'] n
p¨K¥s\ [pu chi'] adj scorching [? use check -- really hot
parabaik, accord–
enough to burn, or just very hot?]
ion-fold manu–
p¨sp\p¨elac\®Ps\ [pu sa' pu laung hpyi'] v swelter, feel very
script or book
CF epsa CW S¨
p¨Sa [pu za] v pester, demand, bother
[påråbai' kyau' shwe] n
p¨eSX; [pu hswe:] v grieve
flexible gold sheet
p¨vMp¨vM [pu nyan pu nyan] adv complainingly, obnoxiously
[? use check]
purimwå [pu. ri> ma. wa] n
p¨T¨ [pu htu] v be bewildered, be perplexed
‹Buddhist lent,
lasting three
p¨T¨qXa; [pu htu thwa:] v overheat [? use check]
months from the
p¨p¨eNX;eNX; [pu bu nwe: nwe:] adj hot
first waning day of purpiuk\ parabaik — adv 1) while hot Ω l¨naetX Asa;Asa;-p¨p¨eNX;eNX;
Wazo, until the full sa;rty\" People who are ill should eat their food while it
moon of Thadingyut CF DmµsÂkaenÏ' ABiDmµenÏ [ bh] is hot 2) [fig] freshly, newly, recently 3) promptly,
immediately [? warmly?]
puerahit\ [påraw: hei'] n Ócourt Brahmin, advisor to the
king [ ry ph]
p¨p¨elaela [pu pu law: law:] adv 1) promptly 2) quickly,
purs\ [påyi'] n 1) cricket 2) leaf bud 3) linchpin (of axle)
(illus) [ ph]
p¨pc\' p¨pn\ [pu bin, pu ban] v be worried, be vexed, be
tormented [? seriousness check]
purs\siuÏ [påyi' so.] n leafbud
purs\P¨; [påyi' hpu:] n leafbud p¨‰xim\; [pu shein:] adj tingling, as mint, menthol, camphor
— n mint or similar sweet
pura%\k¥m\; [pu. ran kyan:] n the puranas, sacred Hindu texts
about the creation, destruction, and recreation of the
p¨Aiuk\ [pu ai'] v swelter, stifle
universe p¨2 [pu] v bulge, swell in the middle Ω biuk\p¨ have a (pot)belly;
be pregnant Ω m¥k\sip¨ eyes bulge [? need full sentence]
purn\ [påyan] n masonry, wall construction = pn\;rn\ [ ph]
purXk\ [påywe'] n ant CF k¥U\ RF purXk\Sit\. [ ph] p¨s^ePac\; [bu si baung:] n 1) bubble 2) balloon
purXk\eÂkac\; [påywe' kyaung:] n basketweave with a p¨ePac\; [bu baung:] n 1) bubble Ω Sp\®pap¨ePac\; soap
bubble Ω miu;p¥Mp¨ePac\; weather balloon CF eBalMu; [ ph]
zigzag pattern
purXk\Sit\ [påywe' hsei'] n ant p¨(ta)3 [pu (ta)] n (plastic) bottle, jar, (cylindrical)
container with lid
purXk\p¥M [påywe' pyan] n flying ant
pul´ [pålE:] n 1) pearl CF mut\ekac\' nwrt\' ANxs\rtna p¨eza\ [pu zaw] v 1) worship, show respect for the divine
CF ‰xiKiu; 2) make religious offering
2) œmiddle key on the harp CF esac\;ekak\ [ ph]
pul´ts\m¨; [pålE: tåmu:] n valuable pearl p¨eza\qk' p¨eza\qk¶ar [pu zaw thåka., pu zaw the' ka ya.] n
offer as an act of devotion [? check]
— adv Ólovingly, adoringly
pul´epåk\ [pålE: pau'] n white polka-dot pattern p¨tek [pu tåke] n ÓPortugese CF epÅt¨g^
pul´mi [pålE: mi>] n oyster with pearl p¨t¨t¨; [pu tu tu:] n affectionate term for a small baby
pul´qXy\ [pålE: dhwE] n pearl necklace, string of pearls p¨tc\;1 [pu tin:] n pudding [Engl]
pulc\; [pålin:] n glass container, e.g., bottle, jar, vial, phial p¨tc\;2 [pu tin:] n putty, paste made of chalk and oil, used to
fill holes in woodwork [Engl]
[ ph]
pulip\ [pålei'] n Ópolice [Engl] S YN r´ [ ph] p¨d^na [pu si nan] n mint [ sp ph]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 241

p¨r^ ª ep;
p¨r^ [pu ri] n puri, Indian thin fried bread epm^ [pe mi] adj of standard height [? said of what?]
p¨l^ [pu li] n pulley [Engl] epm^edåk\m^ [pe mi dau' mi] adj [? ?]
p¨;1 [pu:] n guinea pig ep4 [pe] v be dirty, be soiled
p¨;2 [pu:] v 1) be close together; be stuck together = ®pø; RF epk¥M [pe kyan] v be dirty, be soiled
p¨;kp\. 2) ©ßbe in conjunction [? what about relating eper [pe ye] v be stained; be dirty
to a person?] 3) bring together, draw together, put ep5 [pe] v 1) move close to Ω m¥k\lMu;ep narrow one's eyes
together Ω lk\Nxs\Pk\p¨; put (one's) hands together 4) stay [? demonstrate, please] 2) flatten 3) (of flat surface)
together, stay close to each other 5) clasp, join, unite curl at edge 4) be dull, be blunt
[? use check] 6) be possessed by Ω nt\ p¨; — adj stubborn, obstinate S YN eKåc\;ma
epklt\epklt\lup\ [pe kåla' pe kåla' lo'] v flutter
p¨;kp\ [pu: ka'] v be close together; be stuck together [? one's eyelashes, bat one's eyelashes CF m¥k\etac\K t\
same as all of them?] epkt\ [pe ka'] v be stubborn, be obstinate
p¨;tX´ [pu: twE:] v attach, join, fasten epkt\kt\ [pe ka' ka'] adv obstinately ; stubbornly
— adj 1) joint Ω ? joint owners 2) attached Ω p¨; tX´sa epesac\;esac\; [pe saung: zaung:] adv stubbornly
p¨;tX´rp\tv\mO [pu: dwE: ya' ti hmu.] n co-existence Ω ? refuse....? [? def please]
peaceful co-existence eptMu;ta [pe don: ta] n idiot [? usage?]
p¨;tX´Ak¥io;‘p®Kc\; [pu; dwE; Akyo; pyu. gyin;] n synergism epe®mH; [pe hme:] adj 1) narrow-eyed, with narrow eyes
p¨;epåc\; [pu: baung:] v combine, join together, merge 2) with drooping eyelids, with eyes half-closed [? check
[ pe] esp 2]
p¨;epåc\;”kMsv\ [pu: baung: kyan si] v connive [? check] ep6 [pe] part 1) particle suffixed to verb for emphasis or
p¨;epåc\;mO [pu: baung: hmu.] n merger [ pe] harmony 2) particle suffixed to noun to show certainty,
p¨;qt\ [pu: tha'] v 1) fight at close quarters 2) betray, thought given to an opinion, judgment, etc [? check if
attack after gaining sb's trust [? use check] this is all. Check all following for many additions!]
ep1 [pe] n 1) Œtall palm with leaves used for writing,
which flowers just before dying, talipot palm Corypha epeta. [pe daw.] part forceful ending to an order or
umbraculifera 2) palm leaf prepared for writing; palm- strong suggestion: [? check pron and def]
leaf manuscript (illus both) epes [pe se] part suffix to verb to make a suggestion
epsa [pe za] n palm-leaf manuscript [ wr] Ω enepes" Leave it alone. Let it be.
epTk\Akƒratc\ [pe de' e' khåya tin] v record, e.g., new ept´.(liuÏ)' epm´.' epmv\.' epqv\. [pe t E.(lo.), pe mE., pe
law, proclamation, etc (on palm leaf) myI, pe thI] part 1) [following a clause] but, however,
CF ek¥ak\ Tk\A kƒ ratc\ although, in spite of 2) [following By\ or By\
epTup\ [pe do'] n 1) stack of palm-leaf manuscripts combination] however or whoever sthg may Ω By\elak\-
2) cherry bomb, large firecracker sa;epm´. mwB¨;" However much he eats, he doesn't get fat.
epP¨;lWa [pe bu: hlwa] n sthg written on young palm [? Box explaining that this is the same as repeating the
leaves verb?]
epm¨ [pe mu] n palm-leaf version (of announcement, law, epmc\. [pe min.] part Ónotwithstanding, nevertheless, in
scripture, etc) [? check] spite of
eplup\m¥U\;kiuc\ [pe lo' myin: gain] n 1) process of preparing epliuÏ [pe lo.] part suffix to sentence, indicating great
palm leaves for writing 2) person skilled in this process relief: but for
epqv\. [pe thI] part but, however, although, in spite of
epq^; [pe dhi:] n 1) nut of the talipot palm 2) marble
epq^;tXk\KMu [pe dhi: twe' khon] n abacus (illus) epAM. [pe an.] ppm post-positional article indicating
ep2 [pe] n anvil (illus) future
epKXk\ [pe gwe'] n mould (Br), mold (Am) S YN pMusMKXk\ [? epy¥al [pe ya la.] n ellipsis, sthg left out
look up in big dic + check second] epy¥alkn\ [ke ya la. kan] v 1) write p, y, l to indicate
epKXk\Aup\ [pe gwe' o'] n form hammered to produce a sthg has been omitted 2) leave out, omit, pass over
raised pattern on thin metal, repoussé form 3) [fig] pass over, disregard, ignore, exclude
ep3 [pe] n foot, twelve inches, one-third of a yard, 30.48 S YN l¥s\ l¥øRO [? check]
centimetres epm [pe ma.] n love
ep”kio; [pe gyo:] n tape measure, measuring tape ep. [pe.] part indeed: particle suffixed to a verb for emphasis
eptM [pe dan] n 1) ruler, measuring stick 2) [fig]
yardstick Upsa, standard to measure other things by ep; [pe:] v 1) give, turn over to; offer A NT y¨ 2) settle,
Ω eptM ASc\m^ be up to standard pay (bill, account, etc) 3) mean, have the meaning [?
epts\ralm\; [pe tåya lan:] n main road what about this other meaning?]
epp¨; [pe bu:] n measuring tape, tape measure — part 1) for; on behalf of: particle suffixed to a verb

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 242

p´ ª p´
to show that sthg is done for sb or to affect sthg p´sim\;sa;U [pE: sein za: u.]
n jicama, root of a pea plant,
Ω Balu p\e p;rml´" What can I do for for you? Ω K%el; which can be eaten raw = sim\;sa;U
esac\.ep;på" Please wait a moment for me. Ω Bam-x-lup\mep;B¨;" p´S^ [pE: zi] n 1) peanut oil = p´epåc\;S^ 2) thick soy sauce
She won't do anything for me. 2) particle suffixed to a = ÂkaViuÏ
verb to encourage, or to give order Ω eSac\; på;-ts\pud\ p´Sn\ [pE: zan] n Œchickpea [? check out the different
er;ep;på" Write me an article. 3) let: particle prefixed to a chickpeas]
verb to show that sthg is allowed Ω eka\P^kiu ep;m- p´Sup\ [pE: zo'] n snack of pea-flour balls
eqak\eta.B¨;" I don't let him drink coffee anymore. p´t^(sim\;) [pE: di (sein:)] n Œmung bean, small green
ep;km\; [pe: kan:] v give away bean [? same as ma' pe ne'?]
ep;eK¥ [pe: che] v pay off [? check] p´t^K¥U\ [pE: di gyin] n fermented bean sprouts
ep;ecX [pe: ngwe] n expenses, expenditures CF recX p´t^pc\epåk\ [pE: di bin bau'] n mung bean sprouts
receipts p´etac\.‰xv\ [pE: daung. she] n Œvery long green bean [?
ep;sa [pe: sa] n letter CF ®pn\sa really another butter bean?]
ep;sakm\;sa [pe: za kan: za] n support given as charity [? p´dlk\ [pE: dåle'] n Œsword bean
use] p´n®pa; [pE: nåbya:] n Œkind of lablab
ep;sa; [pe: za:] v 1) arrange sb's marriage; be a p´n^kel; [pE: ni gåle:] n red lentil = p´raza
matchmaker 2) gossip about sb's relationship [? use p´nM>qa [pE: nådha] n Œfenugreek, plant with aromatic
check] seeds used as a spice
ep;Sp\ [pe: hsa'] v repay (loan, favour, etc), pay back Ω ? p´enak\ [pE: nau'] n Œbean used for bean sprouts
I can never repay you for all you have done for me. p´pisp\ [pE: bi> za'] n Œred-brown bean used in pun\;rv\”k^;
ep;rn\tawn\ [pe: yan ta wun] n ¥liability [ pe] fermented bean paste
ep;el¥a [pe: yaw] v compensate [? more clear please] p´pusXn\ [pE: båzun] n Œkind of bean in a long curving pod
ep;lØ [pe: hlu] v donate; sacrifice = p´wl^
ep;ew [pe: we] v distribute p´piu;t^ [pE: po: di] n Chinese artichoke S YN wå”kit\
ep;Ap\ [pe: a'] v confer (title, honour, etc); entrust p´pc\epåk\ [pE: bin bau'] n bean sprouts
(responsibility) [? what else is this typically used for?] p´epåc\; [pE: baung:] n steamed beans
p´epåc\;S^ [pE: baung: zi] n peanut oil
p´1 [pE:]n pulses, legumes, collective term for beans, peas, p´pup\ [pE: bo'] n fermented beans
lentils, etc Ω e®mp´ CF kula;p´ lentil; eTapt\p´ butter bean; p´pup\®pa; [pE: bo' pya:] n flakes of dried pressed fermented
erWp´q^; mange tout, snow pea, sugar pea RF p´es. beans
p´kt†^på [pE: gådi ba] n Œkind of lablab, hyacinth bean p´®pa; [pE: bya:] n tofu
p´kp\eÂka\ [pE: ga' kyaw] n snack of fried sticky rice p´®pc\; [pE; pyin;] n [? new from nutrition]
dough with chick peas p´®pot\ [pE: byo'] n boiled chickpeas
p´kXn\ [? new nutrition list] p´Pt\ [pE: ba'] n peanut mass left over from oil pressing
p´k¥a; [pE: gya:] n Œlima bean [? really? isn't this the
little striped one?] p´®Pøel; [pE: pyu le:] n Œlima bean [? check: not black-
p´k¥p\p¥U\ [pE: kya' pyin] n soybean eyed peas? if not, add to beh kya? Hey, where is pè
p´ÂkaSM [pE: kya zan] n bean threads, thin transparent mya:?]
noodles made from beans CF ÂkaSM' eKåk\SX´' nn\;”k^; p´mun\Ïvk\ [pE: mon. nye'] n pea-flour paste
p´”k^; [pE: gyi:] n Œlablab, large yellow flat bean p´®ms\ [pE: myi'] n edible root of winged bean
p´”k^;KXMtXn\Ï [pE: gyi: khun tun.] v wrinkled fingertips (because p´emxa\ [pE: hmaw] n bean leaves, hustks, etc used for
of soaking in water) cattle fodder
p´®Km\; [pE: gyan:] n Œchickpea (Br), garbanzo bean (Am) p´mOn\Ï [pE: hmon.] n pea flour
p´yU\; [pE: yin:] n Œkind of small bean
p´cå;pi [pE: ngåpi>] n salted, fermented soybeans p´raza [pE: ya za] n red lentil
p´cM®parv\ [pE: ngan bya ye] n soy sauce p´el;vHc\; [pE: le: hnyin:] n Œkind of bean with fruit
p´es. [pE: ze.] n collective term for beans, peas, pulses, similar to cloves
legumes p´lc\;e®mX [pE: lin: mwe:] n Œsnake gourd
p´sc\;cuM [pE: zin: ngon] n Œpigeon pea p´lip\ [pE: lei'] n 1) dried tofu sheets 2) (lower region
p´esac\;l¥a; [pE: zaung: ya:] n Œwinged bean, goa bean dialect) soup with samosas, beans, potato, bean fritters,
(illus several) chilli S YN Sam¨saqut\
p´sun\;®pø; [pE: son: byu:] n tough bean which doesn't soften p´lip\e®Kak\ [pE: lei' chau'] n dried steamed pea flour in
when boiled [? is this a kind of bean, or one bean in a small sheets
pot?] p´lXm\; [pE: lun:] n Œcow pea
p´sim\;sa; [pE: sein: za:] n Œjicama plant p´elxa\ [pE: hlaw] n roasted flat beans

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p´ ª epåÏ
p´wl^ [pE: wa. li] n Íbean with long, curving pods p´.2 [pE.] v 1) (of a piece) be chipped off, be broken off; (of
p´wå [pE; wa] n yellow split pea plate, etc) be chipped; be torn off CF Ap´.' pXn\; p´. 2) (of
p´wiuc\; [pE: wain;] n (lower dialect) bean palata CF plata team, association, group, etc) split, splinter, break up
p´q^ta [pE: thi da] n kind of pox with small lumps on CF p´.(TX k\) qXa;' p´. TXk\la 3) (of a style) be unfashionable

the skin
p´2 [pE:] n 1) one-twentieth of the old kyat CF erX;' m¨;' mt\ p´.TXk\(la) [pE. htwe' (la)] v (of a smaller group within a
2) anna, one-sixteenth of a rupee, during British period group) break away, break off, split off
CF piuk\SM' piuc\' ®pa; 3) one-sixteenth of a tical [? p´.(TXk\)qXa; [pE. (htwe') thwa;] v splinter, break up
calculate] 4) one-sixteenth of an inch [? calc] p´.tc\ [pE. tin] n [in comb] echo CF eta\qM' “mioc\qM' qM®pn\
p´es. [pE: ze.] n one anna coin from British period p´.tc\Kt\' p´.tc\Tp\' p´.tc\®pn\' p´.tc\Riuk\ [pE. tin kha', pE.
p´tc\;p´eÂk [pE: tin: pE: gye] n [fig] quits, even Ω ? tin hta', pE. tin pyan, pE. tin yai'] v echo; reverberate; resound,
p´3 [pE: (bE:)] part 1) even, very; only, just: particle suffixed ring
to a word or phrase for emphasis Ω dåpåp´" That's all. That's p´.tc\qM [pE. tin dhan] n echo, repercussion, reverberation
it. Ω ®mc\p´®mc\P¨; ty\' mPt\req;B¨;" I've only seen it; I
haven't read it yet. 2) really: gives emphasis to the epå [paw:] v 1) be plentiful, be abundant Ω ema\l“mioc\mxa
important element of the sentence Ω erp´ AuM;pc\epåty\" There are many coconut palms in
eqak\K¥c\påty\" A drink of water is all I want. 3) at least, Mawlamyain. 2) be cheap, be inexpensive Ω ema\l“mioc\mxa
at any rate; indeed, after all: particle at the end of a Aun\; q^;-epåty\" Coconuts are cheap in Mawlamyain. 3) be
sentence for emphasis Ω q¨ha pårm^‰xc\p´" He is really a silly, be foolish [? check: also lead a life without value?
genius. BOX explaining when to use p´ vs B´ = pc\ [ ph] be worthless?]
mÚp´ªmÚB´ [må…pE: (bE:)] part without, in spite of, — part count word for bundles of seedlings [? put in
although, even though, before: marker at the end of word for seedling]
phrase Ω Bamx-me®pap´ qXa;liuk\ty\" He just left without epåry\ [paw: yE] v Óbe profuse, be copious, be
saying a thing. plentiful
p´K¨;Sa; [bågo: hsa:] n 1) salt (made from brine), considered epåela [baw: law:] adv buoyantly, afloat [ ph]
to be the highest quality CF epåk\Sa; 2) brine, salty epåelaepÅ [baw: law: paw] v come to light, come out;
water 3) [fig] person with connections to many projects surface [ ph] [? check def, use]
Ω Kp\ tiuc\;cn\ e qa p´K¨;Sa; brine salt, salty every time epåeqa [baw: thaw:] n dolt, idiot, lout [ ph]
Ω U^;®mheta. p´K¨;Sa;B´" We can't do without U Mya. [? epåzs\ts\ [paw: zi' ti'] n (of film, electric charge, test results,
check above and below: the essential element, the etc) positive [Engl]
critical ingredient? or someone dependable?] epåra% [paw: ra na.] n archaic word, archaism, obsolete word
p´KXp\ [pE: gu'] n adz(e), sharp tool used in rough shaping of CF ewåhar
wood epåÏ1 [paw.] v 1) be light, not heavy A NT el; 2) be mild,
p´n^ [pE: ni] n penny [Engl] not strong A NT k¥' ®pc\; 3) not be very sweet or salty; (of
p´.1 [pE.] v ∑steer (boat, plane, etc) flavour) be mild, be delicate CF K¥io' cn\ 4) careless,
— n ∑1) stern, back end of a boat, plane, etc A NT U^; inefficient, not serious [? ? + check def] 5) easy, loose
2) helm, used to steer a ship S YN tk\m [? only about sexual/flirting behaviour? and check 6]
p´.kiuc\ [pE. gain] n ∑helmsman, sb who steers a boat, etc 6) empty-headed, crazy [? ?] 7) light (on one's feet),
CF p´.s^; quick (-tongued, -witted) [? ?]
— v ∑steer [? fig?] epåÏk¥ [paw. kya.] n strong, bittersweet tea with milk
p´.K¥it\ [pE. gyei'] n ∑1) outboard motor 2) motorboat epåÏsim\. [paw. sein.] n light tea with extra milk
(with an outboard motor) epåÏS [paw. hsa.] v be careless, be negligent
p´.s^; [pE. zi:] n 1) ∑helmsman, sb who steers a boat, etc epåÏSmO [paw. hsa. hmu.] n carelessness, negligence
S YN p´. kiuc\ 2) rear rider on an elephant epåÏpå; [paw. ba:] v 1) be lightweight 2) be nimble, be
p´.sc\ [pE. zin] n ∑helmsman's seat; helm quick [? use check]
p´.tun\; [pE. don:] n ∑decorative stern-piece on a epåÏepåÏSS [paw. baw. hsa. za.] adv (treat matters, do sthg)
traditional ship lightly, superficially, carelessly, negligently
p´.nc\; [pE. nin:] n ∑1) helmsman, coxswain 2) master (of a epåÏepåÏtn\tn\ [paw. baw. tan dan] adv heedlessly; flippantly
boat) epåÏepåÏp¥k\p¥k\ [paw. paw. pye' pye'] adv worthlessly,
p´.piuc\; [pE. bain:] n ∑stern; helm inefficiently [? use check]
p´.®pc\ [pE. byin] v 1) ∑steer (boat, plane, etc) 2) [fig] give epåÏ [paw. shu' shu'] adv insipidly, vapidly, emptily [? what
guidance, give sb a lecture S YN SMu; m [? check tone] situ?]
epåÏel¥a. [paw. shaw.] adj remiss; slack, lax
p´.rv\ [pE. yi]
n fermented sticky-rice drink from the epåÏ2 [paw. (baw.)] part of course, obviously, naturally, by all
bottom of the vat CF U^;rv\' eKåc\rv\ means, presumbly, undoubtedly, no doubt, you know:

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 244

epÅ ª piuÏ
particle used for emphasis, implying that the listener offs
knows what is going to be said. Ω qXa;ÂkmxaepåÏ" By all pM.qk¨ps\ [pan. dhågu pyi'] v cast off (monks robes,
means, let's go. Ω Aemlv\; Agçlip\epåÏ" Your mother must clothing, etc) for others to pick up
be English too. Ω liurc\ e®pa®pmxaepåÏ" Of course I'll explain, if pM.qk¨qa; [pan. dhågu dha:] n ‹meat of an animal that
necessary. has not been slaughtered for the occasion, and thus is
epÅ [paw] v 1) float, be floating 2) surface, emerge, not tainted with the sin of killing [ bh]
appear, come out RF epÅtk\' epÅTXk\. 3) be prominent; piu1 [po] v 1) exceed, be extra, be more than (is) needed, be
be noticeable, be visible, show 4) be in season; come on in excess; be more than there should be, be redundant,
the market, become available 5) happen, occur; arise; be unnecessary, be superfluous Ω piuk\SM-piuenty\" There is
materialize 6) slaughter (livestock for meat) extra money. A N T liu 2) overdo
— part on (top of); over, above; around; in addition to; — part additionally, in addition, more: prefix to verb to
towards ; concerning; regarding A NT eAak\ indicate extra, excess, etc Ω laNiuc\rc\ piuekac\; ty\" It's
epÅeÂka. [paw gyaw.] v 1) be superficial 2) be easy [baw better if you can come. Ω Bamx-me®paeta.n´Ï" piu“p^;-ROp\my\" Don't
gyaw.] say anything, it will only complicate things further. [?
— adv superficially what is the difference between these two?]
— n dandy; sybarite, hedonist, sb who wants to live piupiuliuliu [po po lo lo] adv to cover any contingency, in
well without doing any serious work [? live high? in case one needs it, just in case Ω piupiuliuliu 500y¨" Take 500,
luxury?] just in case (you need it).
epÅSn\;emW; [paw hsan; hmwe:] n kind of fragrant rice piumiu [po mo] v be extra, be more than (is) needed; overdo
epÅeta\m¨ [paw daw mu] n 1) ‹Buddha image
discovered by chance, e.g., during excavation 2) [iron] — part additionally, in addition, more: prefix to verb to
sb who reappears after a long absence indicate extra, excess, etc
epÅtk\ [paw te'] v surface, emerge, appear, come out piulXn\ [po lun] v 1) exceed, go beyond 2) be ample, be
S YN epÅTXk\ plenty, be more than enough
epÅTXk\ [paw htwe'] v surface, emerge, appear, come out piulYM [po shan] v be in excess; be superfluous; be surplus
S YN epÅtk\
epÅTXn\; [paw htun:] v emerge and become prominent piu2 [po] n large, deep bamboo basket used to transport
epÅepåk\ [paw bau'] v (of things) come into being; crop goods
up, turn up, come to light; (of events, etc) develop, piu3 [po] n game piece used in Ludo (Br), Parcheesi (Am)
happen, break out, emerge S YN k¥a; CF pSs\' Ara
epÅpc\ [paw bin] n fad, fancy, fashion, rage, buzz, sthg piuqXa; [po thwa:] v move (in Ludo (Br), Parcheesi (Am))
that is very popular for a short time piu4 [po] n 1) pole, opposite end 2) pole, rod, measurement
epÅlXc\ [paw lwin] n 1) prominent, obvious S YN Tc\‰xa;' equal to 5.5 yards (16.5 feet, 5.03 metres) [Engl]
qiqa®mc\qa [? or perceptible?] 2) conspicuous piusXn\; [po zun:] n 1) pole, farthest points at the north and
S YN plWa;wc\.wå south of the earth 2) magnetic pole = qMliuk\wc\Ru;i sXn\; [?
epÅU^;epÅP¥a; [paw u: paw bya:] n new crop, first fruit of the check] 3) electric pole, e.g., of battery
epÅt¨g^' epÅt¨g´(l\) [paw tu gi, paw tu gE;] n ∏Portugal [ cr] piu5 [po] n 1) thwart, crosspiece in a boat, holding up the
— n&adj Portugese deck 2) wooden structure connecting two boats moored
epÅtk\2 [paw te'] n potash (used as fertilizer) [Engl] next to each other [? check in big dic, also po pyi'. Also
S YN piu tk\' ®paSa; check for 'post', and small boat]
epÅplc\ [paw pålin] n poplin, plain, strong, ribbed fabric piuka [po ka] n 1) variation of rummy, card game played
[Engl] with 2 decks of cards, and with a hand of 13, 16, or 20
epÅ®pøla [paw pju la] adv popular [Engl] cards 2) joker [Engl poker]
epÅls^ [paw låsi] n 1) policy, set of guiding principles and piusta [po såta] n poster [Engl]
actions based on them S YN m¨(wåd) 2) policy, insurance piutk\ [po te'] n potash, e.g., used for fertilizer [Engl]
contract [Engl] Ω AamKMepÅls^ insurance policy piulin^s^;ya; [po lI ni si; ya;] n ∏Polynesia
epÅls\b¥øRiu [paw li' byu ro] n politburo, executive committee — n&adj Polynesian
of the Communist Party, esp in the Soviet Union [? piul^yiu [po li yo] n polio [Engl] [? how else is it called?]
same usage?] piuln\ [po lan] n 1) ∏Poland 2) Pole
pM. [pan.] v help, aid; support, subsidize CF eTak\pM. — adj Polish
pM.piu; [pan. bo:] v help, aid; support, subsidize piuliu [po lo] n 1) polo 2) Ócigarette [Engl Polo brand]
pM.qk¨ [pan. dhågu] n discarded or cast off food, clothing, piuÏ [po.] v 1) send Ω satiuk\kenpÏiumy\" I will send it by post.
money, etc, for the taking; meat of dead animals [ bh] 2) send (off), see (off) 3) be piled up 4) support
pM.qk¨ekak\ [pan. dhågu kau'] v scavenge, pick up cast- S YN eTak\pM.' pM.piu;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 245

piu; ª pk\
piuÏk¥ [po. kya.] v 1) bring, carry 2) lecture, teach piu;mmv\ [po: måmE] n pupa S YN piu;tMu;lMu;
piuÏeSac\ [po. hsaung] v carry, transport piu;mv\;etac\sa [po: mE: taung za] n green and golden
piuÏeSac\Sk\qXy\er;wn\”k^;@an [po. hsaung se' thwe: ye: beetle = pun\;rv\etac\sa
wun gyi: hta na.] n Ministry of Transport [? check official piu;m¥io;‰xs\Sy\ [po: myo: shi' hsE]
n microbes in the human
terminology] body [? explain -- in what system?]
piuÏq [po. tha.] n send with love piu;®mv\®mø; [po: myi myu:] n firefly; glow-worm
piu;1 [po:] n 1) insect, beetle, bug (inf); pest Ω Âkm\;piu; bedbug S YN piu;sun\;Âkø;' piu;rv\®mø;
RF piu;ekac\. 2) germ, microbe, virus, bacterium, etc piu;emX;sut\ [po: mwe: zo'] n kind of hairy caterpillar
Ω eRagåpiu;' biuc\;rp\ piu; germ, virus 3) poisonous snake piu;mWa; [po: hmwa:] n general word for small insects [?
4) maggot, fly larva 5) silk (cloth, thread, etc) [ tx] correct?]
piu;ekac\ [po: kaung] n 1) insect, pest, bug (inf) piu;Riuc\; [po; yain;] n raw silk
2) silkworm 3) [iron] dangerous wild animal piu;Rup\PMu; [po: yo' hpon:] n 1) pupa, stage between larva
piu;ekac\eÂka\ [po: kaung gyaw] n fried silkworm larva and adult insect 2) chrysalis, insect changing from larva
piu;k¥ [po: kya.] v be infested by pests to adult
piu;K¥ [po: cha.] v wind silk thread onto a spindle [ tx] piu;elak\lm\; [po: lau' lan:] n mosquito larva
piu;K¥c\;m [po: chin: ma.] n green-gold irridescent beetle, piu;elac\m^; [po: laung mi:] n grub of the spiny beetle
Spanish fly, blister beetle, used in traditional medicines piu;elac\; [po: laung:] n larva CF piu;t^
S YN erWpiu;ekac\ piu;qt\eS; [po: tha' hse:] n insecticide
piu;sa [po: za] n mulberry tree piu;hp\ [po: ha'] n cockroach
piu;sa; [po: sa:] v 1) (of clothing) be moth-eaten piu;hp\®Pø [po: ha' hpyu] n 1) cockroach that has just shed
S YN piu;etak\ 2) (of books, papers, etc) be worm-eaten its old shell 2) [fig] pale and weak person
3) (of tooth) have a cavity, have caries piu;ARiu;ekac\ [po: åyo: gaung] n praying mantis
piu;es;NX´ [po: si: hnE:] n kind of pest which attacks trees S YN Da;Kut\ekac\' ‰xiKiu;ekac\
piu;sun\;Âkø; [po: son: kyu:] n firefly, glow-worm piu;Aim\ [po: ein] n 1) spiderweb 2) cocoon (illus both)
S YN piu;®mv\®mø;' piu;rv\®mø; piu;2 [po:] n Po, Pwo, one of the major Karen groups CF seka'
piu;sp\ekac\ [po: za' kaung] n gnat, a small, bad-smelling krc\
insect that flies around lights at night piu;3 [po:] v 1) carry (on the back) Ω ek¥apiu; Ait\ backpack
piu;sim\;ekac\ [po: zein: gaung] n kind of green caterpillar 2) add on; splice on; tack on to; reinforce 3) court, try
which attacks trees [? check what kind of po -- really to win the love or favour of RF piu; pn\;.
not a caterpillar???] piu;eÂk;pn\;eÂk; [po: gye: pan: gye:] n gifts to a woman, to
piu;t^ [po: ti] n 1) grub, larva (esp of beetles) CF piu;elac\; win her favour
2) style of cutting vegetables with ridges piu;pn\; [po: pan:] n court, try to win the love and favour
piu;etak\ [po: tauk] v 1) (of clothing) be moth-eaten of
S YN piu;sa; 2) (of animals) be poisoned by eating leaves piu;lW [po: hlwa.] n tenon saw, small saw with a spine
with pests on them S YNes.ekak\lW
piu;etac\ma [po: daung ma] n beetle piu;siu;pk\sk\ [po: so: pe' se'] adv violently, wildly, atrociously,
piu;etac\.t´ [po: daung. dE:] n rice-swarming caterpillar, heinously Ω piu;siu; pk\sk\e®pa [? need more about context]
kind of caterpillar which eats rice stalks = ce®mHac\etac\' piu;liu;pk\lk\ [po: lo: pe' le'] adv (lie) sprawled on one's back
piu;tMu;lMu; [po: ton: lon:]
n pupa, stage between larva and pk\1 [pe'] v 1) splash, splatter, sprinkle; toss with a
adult insect S YN piu;mmv\ [? also caterpillar] scooping motion 2) bail (water) Ω elxmxerpk\Tut\ty\"
piu;Ti [po: htI] v be bitten by a venomous snake Bail the water out of the boat. 3) (of animal with tusks or
piu;Tiu; [po: hto:] v worm-eaten, moth-eaten horns) gore, slash CF sXy\' K¥io 4) snap back (at one's
piu;Tiu;elak\kiuk\ [po: do: lau' kai'] n [fig] junk, rubbish, elders)
worthless thing pk¶la [pe' kåla] n long rain hood of woven palm fronds
piu;eTX; [po: htwe:] v (of grains, beans, peas) be bound S YN gd¨;' p^ lm' p^ la; [ pl]
into lumps (by a kind of caterpillar) pk\k¥i [pe' kyi>] n 1) snail 2) slug (illus file snail.tif)
piu;ngå; [po: någa:] n tobacco caterpillar pk\Kn´ [pe' khånE:] adv (reply, retort, etc) sharply
piu;na;qn\ [po: nåthan] n millipede S YN kc\;na;qn\' pk\KXn\Ï [pe' khun.] n bail, scoop for removing water from a
KeKX;ekac\' m^;rTa;ekac boat
piu;nMekac\ [po: nan gaung] n rice ear bug pk\sk\ [pe' se'] v 1) be slovenly, be messy and dirty
piu;prn\ [po: påyan] n red flying insect which gathers on 2) be ruthless
grass after rain pk\“p´ [pe' pyE:] adj 1) wide open, gaping 2) (of food)
piu;PlM [po: hpålan] n moth [? check] too soft, mushy
piu;P¥c\ [po: hpyin] n raw silk pk\lk\ [pe' le'] adv 1) on one's back, face up, supine

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 246

pk\ ª epåk\pk\Kt\
emxak\KuM 2) (left, standing, etc) uncovered, open
A NT epåk\s [pau' sa.] n baby
? [? ?] 3) helplessly
A NT epåk\Sa; [pau' hsa:] n rock salt CF p´K¨;Sa;
pk\lk\kula;Tiuc\ [pe' le' kålåhtain] n sling chair; deck epåk\St\St\ [bau' hsa' hsa'] adv disrespectfully,
chair (illus) impudently, insolently; roughly, rudely = eBak\St\St\
pk\lk\tX´ [pe' le' twE:] n open railway car [? really same?]
pk\lk\ln\ [pe' le' lan] v 1) fall on one's back 2) [fig] epåk\St\epåk\St\ [bau' hsa' bau' hsa'] adv [ ph] [?
be helpless, have one's hands tied (Upsa) check new from small dic, get def]
pk\lk\lxn\ [pe' le' hlan] v turn over (to be face up) epåk\Sp\®pa [pau' hsa' pya] n natron, sodium carbonate,
pk\lk\Aiu; [pe' le' o:] n bedpan used in enbalming [? check use]
pk\2 [pe'] part [poet] that very, even, precisely: particle epåk\eZ; [pau' ze:] n current price
suffixed to a verb or a noun for emphasis CF p´' pc\ epåk\t¨; [pau' tu:] n hoe; mattock (illus)
pk\på [pe' pa] adv Óface-to-face epåk\tt\kr [pau' ta' kåja.] n random, haphazard,
pk\pc\; [pe' pin:] adv (encounter, run into, meet, come, jumbled words or actions
etc) face-to-face; suddenly and unexpectedly [? use epåk\epåk\ [pau' pau'] n popcorn [? check puffed rice]
check] epåk\epåk\Sup\ [pau' pau' hso'] n popcorn ball with palm
epåk\1 [pau'] v 1) be broken, have a puncture, be pierced, be sugar
perforated; blister; be breached 2) burst, explode RF epåk\epåk\‰xa‰xa [pau' pau' sha sha] adv (think, behave,
eeåk\kX´. 3) win Ω T^epåk\ty\ 4) hatch; give birth to; etc) bizarrely, weirdly, strangely
appear suddenly; break (wind), fart 5) sprout; grow; epåk\pn\;eZ; [pau' pan: ze:] n sthg worthless Ω q¨m¥a;etXk
break out; erect 6) understand Ω qeBaepåk\ty\ Aer;”k^; t´.kisX-AeÂkac\; e®paent´.-AK¥in\mx epåkpn\;eZ;etX
7) remember Ω qtiepåk\ty\ 8) reach, make 9) come to, lame®pan´Ï" Don't come and talk nonsense while others are
sell for, fetch 10) (of season) break; set in [? check: discussing important matters.
also for storms? what about morning?] 11) ferment — adv indiscriminately
12) have connections, have access (to people in certain epåk\®pa; [pau' pya:] n hoe [? illus]
position) RF epåk\erak\. 13) get out, leak, reach (the epåk\pXa; [pau' pwa:] n spawn [? check with example]
ear) RF epåk\Âka;. 14) strike, chop, give a blow, stamp epåk\ePa\ [pau' hpaw] n 1) sibling, brothers and sisters
15) throw; bribe; lavish (money on sb to gain sthg) S YN qa;K¥c\; 2) [sl] (friendly term for) Chinese [? check
16) acheive, attain, reach 17) appear, look, seem to be if only males]
epåk\Pt\ [bau' hpa'] n caterpillar = ebak\Pt\ CF lip\®pa'
— n [in comb] adolescent, teenager, young, fledgling; piu;Aim\ [ ph]
sprout Ω NXa;epåk\ young bull Ω p´pc\epåk\ bean sprouts epåk\PXa; [pau' hpwa:] v 1) be born (of); hatch 2) [fig]
be born, start
— n 1) hole, puncture, perforation; opening Ω wc\epåk\ epåk\m´ [pau' mE:] n lucky number, winning number
entrance Ω tMKå;epåk\ doorway S YN Aepåk\ 2) drop; spot epåk\e®mak\ [pau' myau'] v achieve (sthg), succeed (at
dot; pip [? hnin bauk? check others too] 3) [mus] pitch sthg), be successful
(in traditional music) 4) opportunity S YN Aepåk\Alm\; epåk\erak\ [pau' yau'] v 1) reach, lead to a certain place
5) manner, style (of speech) 6) expression (on sb's face) 2) have access to (certain people), have connections, be
well connected 3) achieve; gain (insight) 4) grow
— part count word used to count dots, drops, holes,
openings, etc [ nc] epåk\lWt\p´sa; [pau' hlu' pE: za:] adv uninhibitedly, in an
epåk\kr [pau' kåya.] adv (talk) randomly, desultorily undisciplined way
— n nonsense, rubbish (Br), trash (Am), junk (Am) epåk\eqak\ [pau' thau'] adv in disorder, at random,
epåk\kRiu [pau' kåyo] n basket for carrying earth desultorily
epåk\ekac\ [pau' kaung] n winner, winning figure in epåk\2 [pau']
n Œflame of the forest, parrot tree, bastard
gambling games CF el;ekac\g¥c\' qMu; Sy\.e®Kak\ekac\ teak, tree with bright red flowers blooming in April
epåk\pXc\. [pau' pwin.] v reveal the winner epåk\3 [pau'] n = ebak\ [? which one?]
epåk\ek¥a\ [pau' kyaw] n jack of all trades; person seen epåkƒrwœmiu; [pau' khåra. wu' tha. mo:] n 1) ‹magical rain or
everywhere objects falling only on particular people [ bh] 2) [fig]
epåk\Âka; [pau' kya:] v 1) (of secrets, information, etc) rain of benefits, advantages, etc for particular people
leak, get out 2) reach (the ear) Ω d^eKt\” k^;T´ mxa s^; pXa;er;-ekac\; ty\Siuta epåkƒrwœmiu;
epåk\kX´ [pau' kwE:] v burst, explode rXaqliupåp´" l¨tK¥io>p´ ekac\; sa;ta" In these times,
epåk\K¥p\ [pau' cha'] n Ókind of ornamental headdress prosperity is like a magical rain falling on only the few.
epåk\®Km\; [pau' chan:] n (split) firewood epåk\s^ [pau' si] n steamed dumplings
epåk\KÁn\; [pau' chun:] n pickaxe epåk\pk\Kt\ [bau' be' kha'] v slosh, splash; convulse
epåk\g%n\; [pau' gånan:] n winning lottery number = eBak\ Bk\K t\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 247

epåk\pn\;®Pø ª pc\
p´ = 6 erX; or 4, for weight? areas
m¨; = 2 p´ piuk\mc\;qa; [pai' min: dha:] n sea-fishing net with fish
mt\ = 2 m¨; hooks
k¥p\ = 10 m¨; kyat(tha), tical, piuk\lc\;kXc\; [pai' lågwin:] n flat net with frame (illus)
or (weight) 8 m¨; ? piuk\wm\;p¨ [pai' wun: bu] n long dragnet with a fine-mesh
piœa = 100 k¥p\ viss bag net in the centre
piuk\qma; [pai' thåma:] n sb who fishes with nets
Colonial piuk\2 [pai'] n 1) pipe, tube, hose, duct; (drinking) straw
piuc\ 1/192 rupee pie S YN ®pXn\eK¥ac\; CF erpiuk\ 3) (tobacco) pipe [Engl]
®pa; = 3 piuc\ pice piuk\lMu; [pai' lon:] n pipe, tube, hose, duct
p´ = 4 ®pa; anna piuk\ka; [pai' ka:] n πpica, measurement equal to 12 points,
m¨; = 2 p´, 1/8 k¥p\ mu, really? 0.422 cm [Engl]
mt\ = 4 p´, 1/4 k¥p\ piuk\k¥ø; [pai' kyu:] n Chinese card game
5 m¨; = 8 p´, 1/2 k¥p\ really??? piuk\SM [pai' hsan] n 1) money S YN ecX 2) pice, former Indian
k¥p\ = 16 p´ rupee coin, one quarter of an anna, one-sixty-fourth of a
rupee CF picu \
Modern piuk\SMpXt\ [pai' hsan pu'] v gamble on the serial numbers
®pa; 1/100 k¥p\ pya of money
m¨; 5 ®pa; 5 pya pug©lDi™an\ [po' gåla. dei' htan] n subjectivity
mt\ 25 ®pa; 25 pya — adv subjectively CF DmµDi™an\ [ ph]
5 m¨; 50 ®pa; 50 pya pug©lnam\sa; [po' gåla. nan za:] n personal pronoun [ ph]
k¥p\ 100 ®pa; kyat pug©lik [po' gåli> ka.] adj personal; private [ ph]
Asit\ 25 k¥p\ 25 kyat pug©likpiuc\®polup\ [po' gåli> ka. pain pyu. lo'] v privatise
CF ®pv\q¨piuc\qim\;
epåk\pn\;®Pø [pau' pan: byu] n Œkind of flowering tree with pug©likpiuc\lup\cn\; [po' gåli> ka. pain lo' ngan;] n private
edible leaves business
epåk\elak\Viu [bau' lau' nyo] n Œblack nightshade pug©iol\ [po' go] n person, human being; personage [ ph]
= ebak\elak\Viu pug©iol\sX´ [po' go zwE:] n 1) personal attachment
piuk\1 [pai']v 1) carry close to the chest, cradle in arms; 2) subjectivity [? how different from one a few words
hold in the crook of one'e elbow Ω kel;kiu rc\kXc\; T´mxa back?]
piuk\ty\" He cradled the child in his arms. 2) [fig] accept, pug©iol\er; [po' go ye:] n personal matters
embrace, firmly believe (an idea, principle, etc) pug©iol\er;kiu;kXy\mO [po' go ye: ko: kwE hmu.] n personal
Ω ekac\; ta-lup\rc\ ekac\; ta-®Ps\mxap´ SiutaqeBakiu affairs
NxlMu; piuk\Ta;ty\" I firmly believe that if I do good, the pc\1 [pin] v 1) be laden (with), be weighed down (by); be
results can only be good. CF NxlMu;piuk\' qeBapiuk\ [? check heavy 2) be tired (usu in compound) Ω p¨pc\
firmly believe and trans] — part suffix to phrase or sentence, used for emphasis:
— n 1) net (used in fishing or hunting) 2) net (in even, precisely, indeed, actually, in fact CF ™ p´
sports like tennis, volleyball, chinlon) 3) hair net
piuk\kna; [pai' kåna:] n small seine net pc\pn\; [pin ban:]v 1) be exhausted, be tired (out), be
piuk\ek¥a\®Kc\; [pai' kyaw chin;] n caneball ®Kc\;lMu; played worn out, be weary 2) be exhausting, be tiring
over a net CF ®Kc\;luM;Kt\ pc\lYc\ [bin (pin) hlyin] part ¬suffix used for emphasis:
piuk\kXk\ [pai' kwe'] n network, grid, mesh even, indeed
piuk\kXn\ [pai' kun] n fishing net, cast net pc\2 [pin] n plant, tree, etc Ω epåc\;pc\ weed = Apc\ CF qs\pc\
piuk\K¥ [pai' cha.] v set a fishing net under water tree
piuk\e®Ktiu [pai' chi do] n kind of trawl net — part count word used to count trees, plants, posts,
piuk\sip\tiuk\ [pai' sei' tai'] v 1) use a dragnet 2) [fig] and other tall upright things, and hair, ribbon, string,
search very carefully, look with a fine-tooth comb cord, rope, and other long thin things [ nc] [? check]
(Upsa) [? check: in small dic, this is an adv]
piuk\Sn\ [pai' hsan] n sunn hemp pc\kiu(y\) [pin go] n origin; nature CF ngiu' m¨l
piuk\Tiu; [pai' hto:] n weave a net — v be original; be natural; be inborn, be innate
piuk\Tup\ [pai' hto'] v embrace, hug, take in one's arms Ω pc\ kiuˆa%\ innate intelligence
piuk\eTX; [pai' htwe;] v embrace, hug, put arms around; — adv originally; by nature CF m¨l
hold in arms = eTX; piuk\ CF yuypiuk\eTX; pc\kiuy\ [pin ko] n origin; nature
piuk\Dmc\; [pai' dåmin:] n fish trap with a bag net = Dmc\; pc\k¥enek¥a\ [pin gya. ne gyaw] n toddy (palm wine)
piuk\bwn\; [pai' båwun:] n large fish trap at shore of tidal collected in the morning and fermented until afternoon

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 248

pc\ ª pc\ly\
CF Tn\;rv\Kå; flowers) entirely
pc\k¥rv\ [pin gya. ye] n fresh toddy (palm juice) pc\l´xrit\ [pin hlE: yei'] v harvest rice after knocking
= Tn\;rv\K¥io plants down CF pc\etac\rit\
pc\k¥p\Nut\ [pin kya' hno'] v clear underbrush pc\qv\ [pin dhE] n well established dealer, trader, etc
pc\eÂkX [pin gywe] n fruit which dropped from the tree CF ePak\ qv\

pc\e®K [pin chi] n base of a tree pc\3 [pin] n (in compounds) pen [Engl] Ω eBapc\ biro, ball-
pc\esak\ [pin zau'] n tree with no low branches point pen Ω K´SMeBapc\ mechanical pencil Ω eSaP\pc\ felt-tip
pc\sv\ [pin zi] n trunk pen
pc\sim\; [pin zein:] n Œbasil pc\ gXc\ [pin gwin] n penguin [Engl]
pc\tera\ [pin tåyaw] n Œtree with bark used in making pc\sc\ [pin sin] n pension [Engl]
shampoo pc\sc\sa; [pin sin za:] n pensioner CF A“cim\;sa;
pc\tiuc\ [pin dain] n 1) regular Ω pc\tiuc\eSac\på;‰xc\ columnist; pc\sc\rikƒa [pin sin yei' kha] n pension [? no more pension
regular contributor 2) main (dish) Ω pc\tiuc\hc\; main dish words? and what is the other word?]
S YN keK¥qv\ [? check use really syn? not professional pc\mc\; [pin min;] n laundry CF diuB^' Awt\elYa\
dancer?] pc\nyn\ [pin nåyan] n small gear wheel, pinion [Engl]
pc\tiuc\sM [pin dain san] adj [? translation please] pc\n^slc\ [pånåsålin] n penicillin [Engl]
pc\eTac\ [pin daung] n 1) sapling, young tree pc\epåc\ [pin paung] n table tennis, ping-pong [Engl]
2) unharvested crops, crops in the field sa;pX´tc\tc\; ns\
pc\etac\eK¥; [pin daung che:] v ¥borrow money until pc\ly\ [pin lE] n 1) sea, ocean CF erK¥io [? what is the Pali
harvest, using crops as collateral word for sea? and check 2 with example] 2) [fig] sea
pc\eTac\srit\ [pin daung zåyei'] n government Upsa, ocean(s) Upsa, mountain(s) Upsa, plethora, sthg
agricultural loan, which comes due at harvest time vast, huge
pc\eTac\tiu; [pin daung do:] n interest to be paid at — adj marine, salt-water, ocean, sea Ω pc\ly\cå; salt-
harvest water fish; Ω pc\ly\k¨; qeBça ocean liner; Ω pc\ly\km\;e®K
pc\eTac\rit\ [pin daung yei'] v harvest standing rice seashore [? is this really adj in bse? put it marine
CF pc\lx´rit\ biology in bse]
pc\TXk\ [pin dwe'] v beoriginal, be natural; be inborn, be pc\ly\kbX^; [pin lE gåbwi:] n Œcasuarina, whistling pine
innate = pc\ly\Tc\;‰xø;' pl¬c\pc\
— n 1) plant product 2) sap which can be fermented pc\ly\kqs\ [pin lE kåthi'] n Œcoral tree, large tree with
and drunk 3) Œyoung toddy palm 4) origin; nature clusters of red flowers
— adv originally; by nature pc\ly\k¨; [pin lE gu:] n part of a rosary where the ends
pc\n^ [pin ni] n 1) Œcotton plant with reddish fibres of the string join 2) person very knowledgable in pi! k
2) cloth woven with cotton from this plant (Buddhist scriptures)
pc\p¥p\ [pin pya'] n small tree pc\ly\k¨;qeBça [pin lE gu: thin: baw:] n ocean liner
pc\pXa; [pin bwa:] n seed of holy basil pc\ly\km\;e®K [pin lE kan; gye] n seashore; beach
pc\®Pø [pin byu] n 1) Œcotton plant with white fibres pc\ly\ek¥ak\pXc\. [pin lE kyau' pwin.] n Œkind of edible
2) cloth woven with undyed white cotton white seaweed
pc\®Pt\piu; [pin bya' bo:] n caterpillar which eats rice pc\ly\Âkm\;®pc\ [pin lE kyan: byin] n sea floor, seabed
stalks = ce®mHac\etac\' piu;etac\.t´ pc\ly\ekX> [pin lE gwe.] n gulf
pc\m [pin ma.] n 1) trunk S YN pc\sv\ 2) main one, pc\ly\K¨ [pin lE khu] n jellyfish
principal one pc\ly\cå; [pin lE nga:] n salt-water fish
pc\mska;lMu;' pc\mAeKÅAewÅ [pin ma. zågålon;, pin ma. pc\ly\sun\; [pin lE zon:] n phosphorescence, glowing in
åkhaw åwaw] n general term Ω ¯saer;kiriya˘Siuta sea water
'Stationery' is a general term for pens, pencils, paper, ink, pc\ly\tim\ [pin lE dein] n shallow waters
etc. [? new from teacher, finish Bse example] pc\ly\Da;®p [pin lE dåmya.] n pirate
pc\mers^; [pin ma. ye si:] n mainstream pc\ly\p¥MlWa; [pin lE pyan hlwa:] n swiftlet, swallow with
pc\mxv\. [pin hmE.] n 1) Œpassion fruit 2) tree-ripened fruit edible nest = z^wziu;
pc\ly\P¥M [pin lE hpyan] n 1) seal 2) sea otter
pc\rc\; [pin yin:] n 1) foot of a tree 2) original, main, pc\ly\mOi [pin lE hmo] n sea anemone
basic thing, matter, etc S YN Ae®KKM' pc\m' m¨l [? check
pc\ly\er®mHop\ [pin lE ye hmo'] n sponge
syn] 3) (main) source, wholesale distributor
pc\ly\rp\®Ka; [pin lE ya' cha:] n overseas
pc\elac\; [pin laung:] n seedling, young plant S YN p¥io; [? pc\ly\lk\Âka; [pin lE le' kya:] n strait CF erlk\Âka;
check syn]
pc\ly\w [pin lE wa.] n river mouth, place where river
pc\lim\ [pin lein] n lianas, intertwining vines, ropes, etc meets the sea
pc\lMu;kÁt\ [pin lon: gyu'] adv (tree covered with fruit, pc\ly\ew [pin lE we] v be overwhelmed with (sadness,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 249

pc\Ap\ ª epåc\;
grief, trouble, etc) of currency in the UK and Ireland
pc\ly\hin\; [pin lE hein:] v (of sea, waves, etc) roar epåc\K¥in\ [paung gyein] n 1) weight (in pounds) 2) scales
pc\ly\A¨elYak\na [pin lE u shau' na] n severe diarrhoea (showing weight in pounds)
pc\ly\eAa\ [pin lE aw] n bay epåc\Pm\; [paung hpan:] v make a surprise check on
pc\Ap\ [pin a'] n (straight) pin (illus) accuracy of commercial scales
pc\. [pin.] v 1) raise 2) carry reverently 3) invite respectfully epåc\ 3 [paung] v pawn, mortgage CF erac\;epåc\
RFpc\.Pit\. 4) support, help 5) flatter — n deposit Ω pulc\;epåc\; k¥p\-100 100 kyat bottle deposit
pc\.kn\ [pin. gan] n thwart, seat or support that crosses a epåc\NxM [paung hnan] v pawn, mortgage
boat S YN på;kn\> epåc\4 [paung] part suffix to a negative verb, to end a
pc\.Pit\Pit\ [pin. hpei'] v invite respectfully sentence, esp in Ω rKiuc\-ska; lMu; w-na;mlv\epåc\" I don't
pc\.qMGa [pin. than ga] n ‹monks invited to receive understand Rakhine dialect at all. CF B¨;
offerings [ bh] epåc\tut\ [baung do'] n kora, watercock = pMutlut\ (illus)
pc\.qk\ [pin. the'] n breath epåc\då1 [paung da] n talcum powder, baby powder; face
pc\.qk\K¥ [pin. the' cha.] v sigh = qk\pc\.K¥ [? check isn't powder [Engl]
this also the' pin.?] epåc\då2 [paung da] n pounder, cannon [Engl] S YN Ae®mak\
pc\.qk\®Pa [pin. the' hpya] v sigh continuously [? check epåc\p´. [baung bE.] n vine used in traditional medicine
word: can't read] S YN qiÂka;ersc\
pc\.qk\Piu [pin. the' hpo] v gasp [? n or v?] epåc\mun\Ï [baung mon.] n bread
pc\.qk\RØ [pin. the' shu] v breathe in epåc\mun\Ïq^; [baung mon. thi:] n breadfruit
pc\.qk\R¨ik\ [pin. the' shai'] v take a breath epåc\; [paung:] v 1) add; mix, collect and unite 2) be friends
pc\.k¨ [pin. gu] n spider with; associate with Ω ' If you want to be a police officer,
pc\.k¨SX´K¥ [pin. gu hswE: gya.] n dead spider hanging from you have to be careful about the company you keep.
web 3) marry 4) fasten a turban CF eKåc\;epåc\; 5) steam
pc\.k¨n^ [pin. gu ni] n spider mite, red pest which attacks
roses — n 1) (arched) canopy (over boat, cart, etc) (illus)
pc\.k¨mYc\ [pin. gu hmyin] n silk, (spider)web, gossamer 2) elephant saddle [? check] 3) weed RF epåc\; pc\.
pc\.k¨Aim\ [pin. gu ein] n spiderweb — part in all, in total, combined, altogether: particle
pc\; [pin:] n 1) stop, block; (drive in a) wedge 2) be used in counting Ω Nxs\epåc\;-(50) 50 years Ω A”kim\epåc\;m¥a;“p^
biased, be partial 3) be deaf Ω na;pc\;ty\ CF Apc\; many times Ω susuepåc\; (15) eyak\-liuk\my\" Altogether 15
pc\;pit\ [pin: (bin:) bei'] adj solid A NT eKåc\;pX people will come along. Ω qin\;-epåc\;-ts\qin\; 10,000,000,000
pc\;qka; [pin: dhåga:] n pillory, cangue, wooden device ten milliard (Br), ten billion (Am)
with holes for neck and hands, formerly used for epåc\;k¨; [paung: gu:] v span, bridge, connect one side
punishment S YN lv\eTak\ CF Tit\tuM; [? check] with another
pc\;mc\; [pin: min:] n 1) launderer 2) laundry [? the clothes or — n arch; archway
the shop?] epåc\;k¨;ek¥ak\ [paung: gu: kyau'] n keystone, wedge-
epåc\1 [paung] v add (on); attach, append, affix, join to shaped stone at the highest point of an arch (illus) [?
(horizontally) [? check horiz] isn't htere another word for this in bse?]
— n 1) thigh [baung] 2) frame, framework; border, edge epåc\;k¨;tMta; [paung: gu: dåda:] n arched bridge,
CF eBac\ [ ph] humpback bridge
epåc\®KM [paung gyan] n groin epåc\;k¨;Aut\ [paung: gu: o'] n wedge-shaped brick or
epåc\KXc\ [paung gwin] n lap stone used in the curved part of an arch (illus)
epåc\tMTiu; [paung dan hto: te'] v shimmy, shin up, climb by epåc\;kup\ [paung: ko'] n low arched roof on cart, boat,
gripping with thighs etc S YN epåc\;miu;
epåc\tXc\;eÂka [paung dwin gyaw:] n muscle on the inside epåc\;kXt\ [paung: gu'] n heavy beam used to support
of the thigh, sartorius floor joists S YN rk\m
epåc\piu;Ku [paung bo: khu.] v have a swelling in a gland in epåc\;kXp\ [paung: ku'] v [? what kind?]
the groinswelling in a gland in the groin po: såma epåc\;KM [paung: khan] n distill
— n swelling in a gland in the groin epåc\;KMAiu; [paung: gan o:] n 1) boiler, lower part of
epåc\pup\lk\pup\na [paung bo' le po' na] n blackleg, steamer 2) still CF epåc\;eK¥ac\ (illus)
blackquarter, bacterial disease of animals, causing epåc\;eK¥ac\ [paung: gyaung] n 1) upper part of steamer
swellings in legs S YN k¥it\na = lk\pup\epåc\pup\ [? check] CF epåc\;KMAiu; (illus) 2) dome Ω Pn\e påc\; glass dome

epåc\e®mHac\ [paung hmyaung] v hang on, attach oneself to epåc\;eK¥ac\pt\ [paung: gyaung ba'] n cloth wrapped
gain sthg around join between parts of steamer
epåc\Aiu; [paung o:] n size of the top of the thigh epåc\;K¥op\ [paung: gyo'] n 1) sum; anthology, compilation,
epåc\2 [paung] n 1) pound, 0.45 kilogramme 2) pound; unit collection; consolidation 2) cart with an arched canopy

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 250

epåc\;p^ªeBac\;B^ ª ps\
epåc\;“KMo [paung: chon] v take things as a whole piuc\KXc\. [pain gwin.] n 1) right (to) Ω rpiuc\KXc\. [in comb] right
epåc\;eKÁ; [paung: gywe:] n distillate; condensation Ω e®papiuc\KXc\. right to free speech; right to speak (to sb, about
epåc\;K¥op\ [paung: gyo'] n anthology, compilation (in one sthg) CF AKXc\.Aer; 2) [in comb] authority (to)
volume) piuc\siu;piuc\nc\; [pain zo: pain nin:]adv in an overbearing and
epåc\;sp\”kiya [paung: sa' kåri> ya] n [gram] compound presumptuous way; assuming the right to use, control,
verb etc
epåc\;sMu [paung: son] adv of all sorts, of every description piuc\Siuc\ [pain hsain] v own, possess; have authority over
epåc\;sp\vHiNOic\; [paung: sa' hnyi> hnain:] v co-ordinate; piuc\Siuc\KXc\. [pain hsain gwin.] n title (e.g., to a piece of
discuss; solve property), copyright (to creative work); just claim [?
epåc\;sp\nam\ [paung: sa' nan] n [gram] compound noun also patent?]
epåc\;SMu [paung: hson] v come together [? pron] piuc\nk\ [pain ne'] n territory; jurisdiction; area in sb's
epåc\;tc\ [paung: tin] v 1) distil; sterilize (by steaming) possession [ ps]
2) steam piuc\Niuc\ [pain nain] v be very good (at), be accomplished
epåc\;tc\;k¥v\ [paung: tin: gyi] n sticky rice steamed in (in)
bamboo = ekak\vHc\;k¥v\etak\ piuc\‰xc\ [pain shin] n owner
epåc\;Tiu; [paung: hto:] v 1) be friends; associate (with) piuc\2 [pain] part ‹count word used to count monk's robes,
2) marry S YN epåc\;ePa\' epåc\;Pk\' epåc\; qc\; head cloths, etc Ω qkçn\;ts\piuc\ [ nc bh]
epåc\;pc\ [paung: pin] n weed piuc\3 [pain] n [math] pi, 3.14159...
epåc\;®pn\er [paung: byan ye] n distillate; distilled water piuc\4 [pain] n coin formerly used in India, worth one third
= er®pn\ of a pice, i.e., one twelfth of an anna, or one 192nd of
epåc\;ePa\ [paung: hpaw] v 1) be friends, associate (with) a rupee CF piuk\SM' p´' k¥p\
2) marry piuc\es. [pain se.] n pice (coin)
epåc\;Piu [paung: bo] n oven piuc\. [pain.] n pint, one-half quart, 0.57 litre (Br), 0.47 litre
epåc\;Pk\ [paung: hpe'] n sediment, residue, dregs (Am) [Engl]
epåc\;piu; [paung: mo:] n low arched canopy over cart, piuc\; [pain:] v 1) divide (up), split, cut (in two) 2) cut,
wagon, boat, etc S YN epåc\; kup\ split 3) cheat, swindle, fleece 4) seduce 5) quit (while
epåc\;yxk\ [paung: she'] v enmesh, intertwine ahead)
epåc\;er [paung; ye] n distilled water — part count word for part, portion, division
epåc\;RuM [paung; yon] n distillery Ω el;piuc\; ts\piuc\; one quarter CF si t\' pMu [ nc]
epåc\;RMu; [paung: yon:] n gather (together) — n 1) part, section, space, area Ω Tip\piuc\;eKåc\;eSac\etX
epåc\;lkƒ%akin\; [paung: le' khåna gein:] n positive top leaders Ω pn\;K¥^;AepÅpiuc\; the upper part of the painting
number A NT Nut\lkƒ%akin\; [? new UK] 2) period: often used to mark a period of time
epåc\;liuk\ [paung: lai'] v weed, remove weeds from Ω esaesapiuc\;k mSiu; B¨;" It wasn't bad earlier on. Ω (3)-nar^-
S YN epåc\;qc\ enak\piuc\;k¥mx ®pn\etX>my\" We'll meet again after 3 o'clock.
epåc\;ln\ [baung: lan] v be bursting with Ω venpiuc\; Siue ta. eA;ty\" It is cool in the evening.
epåc\;qc\ [paung: thin] v weed, remove weeds from Ω d^rk\ piuc\; mxa ®Ps\e ta. my\" It will happen in these days.
S YNepåc\;liuk\ 3) small bottle of alcohol, half-bottle Ω rm\ts\piuc\;
epåc\;qc\; [paung: thin:] v 1) be friends, associate (with) A®mn\SMu;ep;påU^;" A bottle of rum, quickly! CF ts\®pa;
2) marry piuc\;®Ka; [pain: cha:] v 1) divide, partition, separate
epåc\;Aiu; [paung: o:]
n 1) upper part of steamer 2) rice 2) demarcate 3) distinguish (between, among), tell
cooker 3) pressure cooker apart, tell from Ω Asim\;n´ÏAn^mpiuc\;®Ka;Niuc\B¨;" He can't tell
Aepåc\;Aqc\; [Apaung: Athin:] n group, companions, green from red. He can't tell green and red apart. He can't
friends Ω epåc\;ehac\; qc\;ehac\; people sb used to associate distinuish between green and red. S YN KX´
with, sb's friends from a previous time piuc\;e®K [pain: gye] n [math] denominator Ω piuc\;e®Kt¨eAac\vHi
epåc\;p^ªeBac\;B^ [paung: bi] n trousers (Br), pants (Am); least/lowest common denominator S YN sa;kin\;' sa;e®K
pants (Br), underwear (Am) CF Apiuc\;g%n\;' piuc\;ew
epåc\;lv\;eta\ [paung: lE: daw] n reclining Buddha piuc\;tn\; [pain: dan:] n railing, rails (at race track)
S YN ‰xc\pc\epåc\; lv\; piuc\;®Pt\ [pain: hpya'] v 1) cut 2) decide
piuc\1 [pain] v 1) own, possess Ω Asiu;rpiuc\ government-owned, piuc\;lMu; [pain: lon:] n sb who cheats or seduces sb, and
state-owned RF piuc\Siuc\. 2) be very good (at), be then leaves them [? clarify]
accomplished (in) RF piuc\Niuc\. 3) have a right to; be piuc\;ew [pain: we] n numerator CF piuc\;e®K
authorized to, be empowered to 4) be viscous; be soft ps\ [pyi'] v 1) throw, toss, fling Ω ek¥ak\K´n´Ï-ps\ throw stones at
and sticky 2) throw away, throw out, dispose of 3) shoot, fire
— n fish trap used with bamboo screen S YN yc\;piuc\' Ω eqnp\ n´Ïps\ shoot with a gun or rifle, etc, fire a gun at
tc\;piuc\ 4) leave, abandon 5) (of lightning) strike [ ph]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 251

psßya ª pêc\t¨riya
— part affixed to a verb to show sthg is done without psßv\;lk\m´. [myi' si; le' mE.] adv in destitution [? new from
effort, restraint, care, attention, etc Ω eÂkac\el;etX leq me. part of speech ok?]
qt\ps\liuk\Âkty\" They killed off the kittens. Ω AqMu; mk¥liuÏ psßv\;Usßa [pyi' si: o' sa] n things, property, possessions\ty\" I just forgot it, because it wasn't useful. psßoedÎr [pyi' so' de ya.] [pyi' so' dåya.] n act of discarding [ ph]
— adv [inf] untidily, in a mess
ps\Âkk\ [pyi' kye'] n fighting cock with throws itself at psßN|rs\ [pyi' dan dåri'] n outlying parts of a kingdom;
its opponent backwater, boondocks, sticks; place not suitable for
ps\kXc\; [pyi' kwin:] n 1) firing range; target zone; field living [ ph] [? check cf daw:]
of fire 2) [fig] butt of sb's jokes psßopJn\ [pyi' so' pan] n present S YN m¥k\emxak\ [ ph] [? aren't
ps\Kt\ [pyi' kha'] v 1) throw 2) shoot at, fire at there other words for this/ What about matching words
(intending to hit) for past and future?]
ps\KXc\; [pyi' khwin:] v shell, destroy (by firing at) psÍn\; [po' hsa] n 1) question; riddle 2) problem Ω qKç¥apusÍa
psßylk\Kt\ [pyi' såya. le' kha'] adv carelessly, maths problem [ ph]
haphazardly, sloppily S YN ps\slk\K t\ pzÍon\ [po' hsan:] v ‹consecrate (by pouring water) [ bh ph]
ps\slk\Kt\ [pyi' såya. le' kha'] adv carelessly, [? only for buddhists?]
haphazardly, sloppily S YN psßylk\K t\ — n (spirit) medium S YN nt\wc\qv\
ps\sa [pyi' sa] n poison-pen letter, anonymous letter (of pz«on\ [pyi' zon] n 1) god of rain 2) rain [ ph]
accusations or abuse)
pê [pyin sa.] adj five, penta- (in combination) [ ph]
psßc\ [pyi' sin] n raised step in a trench, behind defences, pêgM [pyin sågan] n pentagon, five-sided figure
etc, for a soldier to fire from
ps\tiuc\;eTac\ [pyi' tain: daung] n 1) toy which springs pêcå;på; [pyin sa. nga: ba:] n 1) five parts of a plant which
can be used to make medicine i.e., A®ms\ root; stem or
back up when knocked down (illus) 2) [fig] person who
trunk pc\sv\; ArXk\ leaf ApXc\. flower; fruit Aq^; 2) [fig]
has been toughened by many troubles
all components, everything
ps\Ta; [pyi' hta:] v leave, abandon; neglect, ignore, cast pêta;“gioh\ [pyin såta: gyo] n ßplanets from Tuesday to
Saturday, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn
ps\ps\KåKå [pyi' pyi' kha ga] adv (tell, treat, etc) = b¥êta;
heartlessly, harshly; inconsiderately
pêpXt\ [pyin såbu']
n ßsystem for choosing names
ps\py\ [pyi' pE] v 1) abandon, forsake 2) discard according to letters of day of birth and five days
3) disregard, ignore
following [? really? the name or the system?]
ps\mxt\ [pyi' hma'] n target pêm [pyin såma.] n fifth
ps\r [pyi' ya.] v become useless, become worthless, be pêmMtp\qa; [pyin såman ta' tha:] n fifth columnist, sb who
beyond hope
tries to disrupt the efforts of others for the benefit of
ps\lWt\ [pyi' hlu'] v throw out, throw away; cast off enemies [ pe]
psßya [pyi' såya] n ‹any of the (usu three) terraces of a pêR¨p [pyin såyu pa.] n mythical animal combining
pagoda [ bh ph]
elephant, cattle, to, horse, carp; or lion, elephant, water
psßø [pyi' zu] n Ó1) white garment 2) white umbrella [ bh buffalo, carp and brahminy duck (illus)
ph] pêelaha [pyin sa. law: ha] n alloy of gold, silver,
pesßkbudÎå [pyi' se ka. bo' da] n ‹Buddha who achieves copper, iron, and lead
enlightenment, but does not preach S YN Bura;cy\ [ bh ph pêlk\ [pyin såle'] n magic tricks, sleight of hand
pl] [? check def] pêlk\qRup\mxn\wåd [pyin sa. le' thåyo' hman wa da.] n magical
psßkƒ [pyi' se' kha.] n present [ ph] realism
psßv\; [pyi' si:] n 1) parts, accessories; products, materials, pêwg©^ [pyin såwe' gi] n ‹first five monks who received
instruments 2) things; one's things, property, the DmµsÂka dhammachakra from the Buddha [ bh]
possessions CF wtÊo psßv\; 3) [gram] particle, word [ ph] pêp^l [pyin sa. thi la.] n ‹the Five Precepts [? better
[? does it mean 'cause'?] trans]
psßv\;Tim\; [pyi' si: htein:] n [law] receiver [? pron check]
pêanN|riykM [pyin sa nan da ri> ya gan] n ‹the five acts for
psßv\;psßy [pyi' si: pyi' såya] n [? check range, defs for which one will be reborn in hell, as they cannot be
this and next!] compensated for by making merit: Amirc\; kiuqt\®Kc\;
psßv\;psßyM [pyi' si: pyi' såyan] matricide; APrc\;kiuqt\®Kc\; patricide; rhNÿakiuqt\®Kc\;
psßv\;m´.l¨tn\;sa; [pyi' si: mE. lu dan: sa:] n proletariat killing a monk; Bura;Aa;eqX; sim\; tv\eAac\‘p®Kc\; injuring a
CF B¨zXa [ pe] Buddha; qMGaeta\tiuÏ Aa; kiu%\;Aqc\;-KX´®Kc\; dividing the
psßv\;‰xi [pyi' si: shi>] v be wealthy, be rich sangha = AanN|riykMlv\; RO [ ph]
psßv\;el;på; [pyi' si: le: ba:] n ‹four offerings monks pêc\t¨riya [pyi' sin tu ri> ya] n œfive classes of musical
are allowed to accept: monastery, robes, food, medicine instruments, eÂk; brass, ”kio; string, qa;er leather, el
[ bh] wind, lk\Kup\ percussion [ ms ph]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 252

pêc\; ª pt\
pêc\; [båzin:] n fully ordained Buddhist monk CF rhn\;' pt\KÁ´np\KÁ´ [pa' chwE: na' chwE:] adv in a wheedling way [?
Bun\;”k^;' qMGa' Kc\”k^;' kiurc\ [ ph] more detail]
pêc\;KM [båzin: khan] v be ordained as a pêc\; pt\pt\np\np\ [pa' ba' na' na'] n skillfully; thoroughly
pêc\;tk\ [båzin: te'] v be ordained as a pêc\; pt\(pt\)lv\ [pa' (pa') lE] adv (all) around, surrounding,
pêc\;elac\; [båzin: laung:] n novice who intends to around the edge of
become a pêc\; pt\yt\ [pa' ya'] n the front and rear qualities of an
pv\; [pyi:] adj Ómany; plenty, abundant; full [ ph] elephant
p™an\; [påhtan:] n ‹treatise on the 24 causes of worldly pt\lv\ [pa' lE] adj square Ω (10)-ep-pt\lv\ 10 feet
phenomena CF AÂkac\; tra;--(24 )-på; [ bh pl ph] square. 10 feet by 10 feet (i.e., 100 square feet)
p™an\;rXt\pX´ [påhtan: yu' pwE:] n ‹ceremony to protect pt\lv\ [pa' lE] part suffix indicating frequency of a
against misfortune through the recitation of p™an\; regular happening Ω (3)lpt\lv\ Asv\; Aew; quarterly
på@\ [pa'] n Pali word or text [ ph] meeting Ω (5)Nxs\pt\lv\ 5th annual CF e®mak\ [? new me +
på@\Sc\. [pa' hsin.] n pair of stacked consonants in Pali, kyaw]
e.g., k¶' g© pt\lv\“pioc\pX´ [pa' lE pyain bwE:] n round robin
på@\p¥k\ [pa' bye'] n ungrammatical Pali tournament, in which each player or team plays all
på@\elYak\ [pa' shau'] n literal translation of a Pali text others in turn CF ROM;TXk\
p‹it [pan di> ta.] n learned man, wise man, scholar, pundit, pt\lm\; [pa' lan:] n orbit, circuit, path of one mass
pandit S YN pva‰xi' p‹it\ [ ph pl] around another
p‹okm`la [pan du. gåbåla] n throne of qiÂka;mc\; Sakka, king pt\lMu; [pa' lon:] part for the duration of, for as long as,
throughout: suffix to time to indicate continuous state
of the gods [ ph pl]
Ω ts\ qk\ pt\lMu; for one's whole life; throughout one's life
p‹ok\ [pan: do'] n person who is neither male nor female;
Ω (24)-nar^-pt\ lMu; lu p\e nty\" They are working around the
hermaphrodite S YN npun\;p‹ok\ [ ph]
p‹it\ [pan dei'] n learned man, wise man, scholar, pundit, pt\l¥ [pa' lya.] adj Óyouthful
pandit S YN pva‰xi' p‹it [ ph pl]
pt\wiuc\;lW [pa' wain hlwa.] n circular saw
pQa [påna] n gift, present [ ph] pt\wn\;k¥c\ [pa' wun: kyin] n environment; surroundings;
pi‹påt\SXm\; [pein dåba' hsun:] n ‹meals received by a background Ω q¨->pt\wn\; k¥c\k-l¨etX A´d^liu mlup\rB¨;"
monk on his daily rounds [ ph pl]
Someone from his background wouldn't do such a thing.
pi‹påt\D¨tc\ [pein dåba' du tin] v ‹vow to eat nothing more
than the food received on daily rounds [ ph pl]
— part around, approximately, in the neighbourhood
pi‹tÊ [pein da hta.] n paraphrase [ ph pl] of: suffix to noun, number, unit, etc Ω 50' 60
pu‹rik\1 [pon nåyei'] n Œwhite lotus [ ph] pt\wn\; k¥c\mxaepåÏ" Around 50, 60, something like that. 50,
pu‹rik\2 [pon nåyei'] n Œbush with small white flowers, 60, somewhere in that neighbourhood.
often used as a hedge [ ph] pt\wn\;k¥c\Tin\;qim\;er; [pa' wun: kyin htein: thein: ye:] n
puQktiuk\ [pon nåka. tai'] v send a poltergeist to haunt sb's (environmental, ecological) conservation, environmental
home; be haunted by a poltergeist [ ph] [? isn't there a protection
plain postergeist?] pt\qk\ [pa' the'] v have to do with, be connected
puQma [pon nåma] n [poet] full moon [ ph] with, be related to; be involved with, be concerned
puQa; [pon na:] n Brahmin man CF ®bahµ%' pueQ;m [ ph pl] with, be in connection with BOX with examples
puQa;kXy\ [pon någwE] n 1) side screen on a stage including: pt\qk\“ p^;' pt\qk\liuÏ' pt\qk\j
2) pilaster (illus) pt\2 [pa'] n œdrum [ ms] [? so many other drums in
puQa;tiuc\ [pon nådain] n [fig] sb who has to listen to English! which is the most basic term]
others' complaints pt\Âkm\;tiuk\ [pa' kyan: tai'] v 1) œpound the big drum
pueQ;m [pon ne: ma.] n Brahmin woman CF puQa; [ ph pl] to accompany an action scene 2) [fig] use vulgar
pt\1 [ba'] n wrap around, wind around, go around; circle, language
encircle, encompass Ω Kå;pt\ belt Ω “mio>pt\lm\; ring road pt\Âkm\;tut\ [pa' kyan: to'] v 1) œhammer the big drum
to silence a noisy audience 2) [fig] curse, swear at
— n 1) week = (7)-rk\ts\pt\ 2) cycle of events, process pt\e®Kak\ [pa' chau'] n 1) [? clear def please]
S YN Apt\ pt\sa [pa' sa] n œtuning dough, rice paste and ash
— part 1) count word used to count weeks, cycles, used to tune drums = Asa
regularly occuring events 2) suffix to period of time pt\saKXaP¥aqim\; [pa' sa khwa hpya thein:] adv [fig] until
Ω (3)lpt\-Asv\ Aew quarterly meeting [ nc] [? check new the very end
words] pt\sapiu; [pa' sa bo:] n œadd tuning dough to raise the
pt\kMu; [pa' kon:] n surroundings pitch of a drum [? check n or v]
pt\K¥alv\ [pa' cha lE] v whirl, spin, go round; (of pt†la; [pa' tåla:] n œxylphone-like instrument with
engine) tick over [? check last addition] wood or metal bars and a sound box (illus) [ ms]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 253

pt†®ma; ª piud\
pt†la;rXk\ [pa' tåla: ywe'] n œpt†la; bar school holidays
pt\t^; [pa' ti:] n œleader of a drum ensemble, who pit\wm\; [pei' wan:] n having mucus stool
plays the drum circle CF pt\mt^; pit\2 [pei'] n cotton; cloth
pt\tiuc\ [pa' tai'] n œsong calling the drum ensemble to pit\ka; [pei' ka:] n (movie, cinema, etc) screen
play for an action or fight scene CF Siuc\;Sc\. pit\s [pei' sa.] n cloth, fabric, material S YN ATv\
pt\tut\ [pa' to'] v œplay the big drum resoundingly pit\sim\;på; [pei' sein: ba:] n muslin; cheesecloth, very thin
pt\Tm\;etX> [pa' htan: twe.] v [fig] Ak¥io;liuliuÏ white cotton
evac\erelac\; pt\Tm\;etX> [? explain] pit\tXn\Ï [pei' tun.] n crêpe, kind of light crinkled fabric
pt\p¥io; [pa' pyo:] n œkind of traditional song timed to pit\K¥c\; [pei' chin:] n Œlong pepper CF cRup\q^; [? is it hot?]
the drum circle pit\sXy\ [pei' swE] n Œreed-mace, an edible plant
pt\m(”k^;) [pa' ma. (gyi:)] n œbig drum in the traditional S YN ‰xc\emX;lXn\;
orchestra CF Siuc\;wiuc\; pit\tk¥v\ [pei' dågyi] n Œflowering shrub used in dyeing
pt\mt^; [pa' mådi:] n œmember of the drum emsemble and medicine
who plays the bass drums and the big drum CF pt\t^; pit\qc\;Kt\ [pei' thin: ga'] n Œkind of bush used in medicine
pt\mlMu;sMu [pa' ma. lon: zon] adv [fig] all, everything and tanning
pt\\lMu; [pa' lon:] n œdrums of the drum circle CF Siuc\;wiuc\; put\1 [po'] n 1) pat, tap, slap 2) strike, hit, beat
put\Kt\ [po' kha'] v [fig] slander [? does it have to be
pt\wiuc\; [pa' wain:] n œdrum circle S YN Siuc\;wiuc\; false?]
pt†®ma; [bådåmya:] n (high quality) ruby Ω pt†®ma;ts\®Kv\ put\qc\vio [po' thin nyo] n 1) chameleon 2) [fig]
Sn\ts\®pv\" Valuing a ruby ring like a pyi of rice. sycophant, yes-man
(Regarding valuable and cheap things equally.) Ω pt†® ma;mxn\
put\2 [po'] n round bamboo storage basket, often used to
NXMmns\" A real ruby will not sink in the mire. (Someone of store rice or other grains or pulses L IT : ‘In this basket
real quality will not sink into obscurity.) CF ek¥ak\n^'
you will find only this kind of bean.’ Ω d^put\T´k
nwrt\ [ ph] d^p´TXk\mxaB´" This kind of place will produce the same kind
pt†erac\ [pa' tåyaung] n patrol [Engl] of person.
pt†a [pa' ta] n hinge put\epåc\; [po' paung:] n thicket, dense growth of bushes
pt†aKM [pa' ta khan] v rent land from the government and vines S YN pit\epåc\;
pt†aSk\ [pa' ta ze'] n box joint put\®pt\ [po' pya'] n piece-work
pt†ae®m [pa' ta mye] n land given by government grant put\tlut\ [po' tålo'] n kind of children's game in which
S YN grn\e®m one person is blindfolded and must find the others
pt\t^;2 [pa' ti:] n bandage = pun\; slut\
pt\t^;K¥ [pa' ti: cha.] v cheat, swindle, pull the wool over påd\ [pa'] n 1) ßunit of angular measurement, one quarter of
sb's eyes (Upsa) [? check] a nkƒt\ lunar mansion [? check measurement] 2) unit of
pt\t^;Riuc\ [pa' ti yai'] v fool time, one quarter of an hour on the [ ph] [? fix using
pt†ø [pa' tu] n canvas big dic]
ptÊna [påhtåna] n prayer pud\ [po'] n 1) word [ ph] [? need synonyms; is there def 2,
ptÊna®po [påhtåna pyu.] v pray [? how does this differ from e.g., punctuation mark?]
other, like shi' kho, etc?] — part count word for counting short pieces writing,
pit\1 [pei'] v 1) close, shut; cover (up) Ω tMKå;pit\på" Please e.g., paragraphs, songs, articles, stories, poems, etc
close the door. 2) block, obstruct; cut off, deny; stop, Ω d^mnk\ eSac\; på; ts\pud\-e r;Ta;K´.ty\" I wrote an article
discontinue, bring to an end Ω tMKå;kiu pit\mrp\Nxc\. Do not this morning. [ nc]
block gate. 3) shut down, close; be over, be out pud\kel; [po' khåle:] n ‘'’ mark, similar to a comma
Ω ek¥ac\;pi t\ty\" School is out. Ω ek¥ac\;- rk\ rxv\-pit\tiuc\; S YN ts\eK¥ac\;pud\' pud\®Pt\
rXa®pn\ty\" We used to go back to the village during the pud\”k^; [po' kyi:] n ‘"’ mark, similar to a full stop (Br),
long school holidays. [? ok?] 4) turn off, shut off, switch period (Am) S YN Nxs\eK¥ac\; pud\' pud\m
off Ω t^b^ pit\my\ena\" I'll turn off the t.v., okay? pud\®Pv\. [po' hpye.] n word inserted into a line to complete
pit\kXy\ [pei' kwE] v strongly deny the meter
pit\SiuÏ [pei' hso.] v barricade; block, plug pud\®Pt\ [po' hpa'] n ‘'’ mark, similar to a comma
pit\pc\ [pei' pin] v forbid, prohibit; prevent, bar S YN ts\eK¥ac\;pud\' pud\kel;
pit\epåc\; [pei' paun:] n thicket, dense growth of bushes pud\m [po' ma.] n 1) [law] section (of an act); ‘"’ mark,
and vines S YN put\epåc\; similar to a full stop (Br), period (Am) S YN Nxs\eK¥ac\;pud\'
pit\pit\qa; [bei' bei' tha:] adv [with neg verb] entirely, pud\”k^;
completely S YN p^p^qa; [ ph] [? also exactly? perfectly? pud\m”k^; [po' ma. gyi:] n ‘" "’ sign, similar to a colon
purely?] pud\mK´X [po' ma. gwE:] n [law] sub-section (of an act)
pit\rk\ [pei' ye'] n holiday, holidays Ω ek¥ac\;pit\rk\ piud\ [pai'] n paragraph; stanza; passage

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 254

pn\ ª pn\;
— part count word used in counting paragraphs [ nc ph pn\;”kio; [pan: gyo:] n cloth band with a floral design,
wr] used in clothing
piud\sMurtu [pai' son yådu.]
n [rhet] complete rtu (song) of pn\;ÂkX [pan: gywa.] n carved floral design [? check]
three verses CF rtu' A®Pv\.KMrtu' Ekrtu [ wr] pn\;Kuns\mv\ [pan: khun nåmyi] n ßseven flowers of the
pn\ [pan] v 1) wear (in one's hair or ear) Ω pn\;pn\ty\ have week q”kçn\
flowers in one's hair Ω na;kp\pn\ty\ wear earrings pn\;Kt\ [pan: kha'] v engrave floral design on metal
2) request, ask leave, ask permission, beg CF etac\;pn\ RF pn\;Kp\ [pan: kha'] v (of bees) drink nectar from flowers [?
pn\etac\;. 3) ask, wish for what about butterflies? is collect better?]
pn\Âka; [pan kya:] v appeal (for), entreat; request; pn\;KMu [pan: gon] n arbour in palace garden
solicit; ask permission pn\;K¥U\epåc\ [pan: chin baung] n Œhollyhock
pn\Âka;K¥k\ [pan kya: gye'] n appeal; request; entreaty; pn\;“KM [pan: gyan] n park; flower garden
solicitation pn\;e®Kak\ [pan: gyau'] n Œ1) rose of Jericho 2) kind of
pn\Sc\ [pan hsin] v decorate; adorn edible dried flower
pn\ºetac\; [pan daung:] v ask, request Ω AKXc\. pn\etac\; ask pn\;eKX [pan: gwe] n 1) funeral wreath 2) embroidery hoop
pn\TXa [han htwa] v plead, implore; entreat; petition pn\;egÅP^ [pan: gaw bi] n Œcauliflower S YN pn\;mun\la
pn\rXk\ [pan ywe'] v 1) carry (on one's head) 2) obey (an pn\;sk¶ø [pan: se' ku] n crêpe paper
order, command, etc) pn\;sv\; [pan: zi:] n bouquet, bunch of flowers
pn\kriy [pan kåri> ya.] n pancreas [Engl] pn\;sv\;”kio; [pan: si: gyo:] n hair ribbon
pn\ka [pan ka] n 1) (electric) fan 2) propellor CF cå;mn\;etac\ pn\;sMu [pan: zon] n cattle with a white blaze, tail, and
3) [fig] fox CF dlk\ [? pos or neg?] hooves
pn\K¥ap^ [pan cha pi] n Punjabi, Indo-European language of — v (of colours, patters, etc) be multicoloured, be
Punjab [? new kyaw. Spelling of Punjab in Bse?] variegated, be assorted, be mixed, be lively, be gaudy,
pn\t¨ [pan tu] n 1) water pipe 2) pipe [? only tobacco?] be loud; (of sthg) be colourful [? tone?]
pn\eta\®mk\ [bådaw mye'] n Œkind of tall grass [ ph] pn\;sMuB¨; [pan: zon bu:] n kaleidoscope S YN Rup\sMumxn\e®pac\;
pn\t¥a [pan tåya] n œ 1) kind of drum (illus) 2) music 3) art pn\;sMuqa; [pan: zon tha:] n lot of inferior timber
of music, singing, and dancing [ ms] pn\;sX´ [pan: swE:] v 1) come in first in a boat or cart race
pn\eTXeP¥a\ [pan htwe byaw] n hot tomato sauce with shrimp 2) [fig] reach one's goal
paste pn\;S^ [pan: zi] n deep pink dye
pN~k\ [påne'] n 1) stake used as a marker for construction pn\;Siu; [pan: hso:] v dye S YN eS;Siu;
of building [? def okay? no fig meaning in small dic] pn\;Siuc\; [pan: zain:] n garland [? what about florist?]
2) beginning, commencement pn\;Sv\;lv\; [pan: hsE: lE:] n Œ1) flowering bush with
— v establish (firmly); pledge roots used in traditional medicine S YN Tmc\;Sup\
pN~k\K¥ [påne' cha.] v drive in a stake (to mark.... [? 2) hibiscus S YN eKåc\rn\;
check are all these the same?] pn\;SX´ [pan: zwE:] n 1) ‹garlands on middle part of
pN~k\Riuk\ [påne' yai'] v drive in a stake pagoda 2) barge-board decorative eaves on roof (illus)
pN~k\q´ [påne' thE:] v drive in a stake [? check if this is pn\;SX´erk¥ [pan: zwE: ye gya.] n first to reach the finish
a noun (as in small dic)] line, but disqualified on a technicality [? check]
pn\;1 [pan:] n 1) Œflower, bloom, blossom RF pn\;pXc\. pn\;SXt\ [pan: hsu'] v 1) win a race; be first past the post,
2) pattern, design, esp embroidered, crocheted, (on be first across the finish line 2) [fig] succeed
cloth, lace etc) 3) floral or leaf design, in painting etc pn\;VOi; [pan: hnyo:] v 1) (of flowers) wilt 2) (of µ) become
4) tails, side of a coin with a floral design CF eKåc\;' impotent
em¥ak\' eKåc\;pn\;lxv\. 5) tread (of tyre) 6) pink RF pn\;ta [pan: ta] n winning post
pn\;erac\. 7) menstruation Ω DmµtaeqX; 8) penis CF erWpn\;' pn\;tc\ [pan: tin] v retread (tyres)
pn\;eq 9) winning post Ω tawc\Amxt\Aqa; [? add to ta?] pn\;tc\KMu [pan: tin gon] n ‹flat block of base of pagoda
= pn\; tv\KMu
pn\;kra; [pan: khåya] n watering can (illus) pn\;etac\;lv\ [pan: daung: lE (bådaung: lE)] n bunting,
pn\;klp\ [pan: kåla'] n 1) flower stand 2) ornamental ornamental cloth along edges of ceiling or canopy [ ph]
bowl with a flower design [? check]
pn\;kuM; [pan: gon:] n 1) wreath (of flowers), garland pn\;tiuc\ [pan: dain] n 1) winning post 2) [fig] goal,
2) white spots on fingernails 3) fluted rim of water pot destination
pn\;tiuc\; [bådain:] n ‹plant with bell-shaped flowers
pn\;kuM;sXp\ [pan: gon: su']
v 1) garland, put a garland on and thorny fruit, angel's trumpet = pdiuc\; [? check
2) picking out one's choice of a marriage partner by whether belladonna]
putting a garland around their neck pn\;tiuc\;pXc\.m^;Aim\ [bådain: pwin. mi: ein] n chandelier

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 255

pn\; ª pn\;
= pdiuc\; pXc\.m^;Aim\ pn\;qun\; [pan: dhon:] n anxiety; grief S YN eqak
pn\;tv\KMu [pan: ti gon] n ‹plinth of a padoda pn\;qun\;tiuc\ [pan: dhon: dain] n post, pole, pillar, etc put
pn\;tMu;tiuc\ [pan: don: tain] n ornamental post, pillar, or up for commemoration
pole, as a symbol of royal privilege, as sign to coming pn\;Ai [pan: i>] n ŒIndian lilac; crepe (crape) myrtle,
victory, or as a commemoration (illus) bush with white, pink, or purple flowers
pn\;Tiu; [pan: hto:] v embroider (on cloth); crochet (with pn\;U(®Pø) [pan: u. (hpyu)] n 1) (flower) bulb
thread and hook), make lace (with fingers) 2) Œgingerwort S YN putt\sa
pn\;Tiu;pn\;K¥op\ [pan: do: pan: gyo'] n embroidery [? check pn\;Aiu; [pan: o:] n 1) flower pot 2) vase
range] pn\;AMupn\;ÂkX [pan: on pan: gywa.] n ∂floral designs in relief
pn\;Tiu;yXn\; [pan: do: yun:] n lacquerware with relief
pattern pn\;2 [pan:] v be tired; be tiring CF pc\pn\;' Kr^;pn\;
pn\;Nu [pan: nu.] n Œkind of perennial plant with long, pn\;na [pan: na] n asthma, disease or allergy causing
serrated leaves, used in traditional medicine difficulty breathing
pn\;Nuerac\ [pan: nu. yaung] n pastel pink pn\;P¥a; [pan: bya:] n fever caused by exhaustion
pn\;ep; [pan: pe:] n give up, admit to not being able to pn\;3 [pan:] v gush (out), spurt (out)
solve a riddle CF AROM;ep;' ANiuc\ep; pn\;4 [pan:] v move in an arc to overtake, outflank, etc
pn\;epåc\; [pan: paung:] n fragrant powder made from dried pn\;kn\ [bågan] n dish; cup, saucer, plate, bowl, etc CW
flowers K¥p\' lMu;
pn\;®pa;pc\ [båbya: pin] n 1) Œkind of reed growing in — part count word for servings of rice [ nc ph]
shallow water 2) [fig] sb who often changes his mind pn\;kn\KXk\eyak\ [bågan khwe' yau'] n dishes, plates,
[ ph] bowls, saucers, etc
pn\;e®pak\ [pan: byau'] n carved floral design pn\;kn\;esak\ [bågan zau'] n bowl
pn\;pXc\. [pan: bwin.] v 1) flower, bloom, blossom, (of pn\;kn\®pa; [bågan bya:] n deep plate, shallow bowl;
flower) open 2) [fig] menstruate, have one's period saucer
— n flower, bloom, blossom pn\;lMu; [bågan lon:] n bowl; cup
pn\;PXa; [båbwa:] n tassel; tuft (illus) [ ph] [? check -- not pn\;kMu;”kio; [pan: gon: (gyo:)] n œleather straps tightening
floral design?] drum head S YN tn\‰xy\
pn\;PXa;Rup\lk\ [båbwa: yo' le'] n design of small human pn\;kMu;eSak\ [pan: gon: hsau'] n gouge, leatherworking
and animal figures on a background of stylized flowers tool for cutting a groove
and leaves pn\;Sc\ [pan: hsin] n wild elephant guarding the herd,
pn\;m [pan: ma.] n Œmedium-sized timber tree usu appearing alone at first
pn\;mn\ [pan: man] n flowers (of any kind) pn\;tk\ [pan: te'] v swerve around, overtake
pn\;mun\la [pan: mon la] n Œcauliflower = pn\;egÅP^ pn\;5 [pan:] n traditional arts, crafts, and skills
pn\;rTa; [pan; yAhta;] n ‹conveyance used to bring a pn\;K¥^ [bågyi] n 1) painting 2) painting, picture [ ph]
new hti T^; to the top of a pagoda (illus) pn\;K¥^Sra(m) [bågyi hsåya(ma.)] n painter, artist
pn\;rk\ [pan: ye'] n nectar = pn\;wt\rv\ pn\;Sy\m¥io; [pan: hsE myo:] n ten traditional arts, crafts,
pn\;Riuk\ [pan: yai'] n print design (on cloth) and skills pn\;Tim\' pn\; p´' pn\;tU\' pn\;pu' pn\; pXt\' pn\;K¥^'
pn\;erac\ [pan: yaung] n pink pn\; yXn\;' pn\;eta.' pn\; tema.' pn\;rn\' pn\;rX´
pn\;rv\sup\ [pan: yi zo'] n sunbird pn\;tema. [pan: tåmaw.] n stone sculpting
pn\;lv\ [pan: lE] [? what is this for?] pn\;eta. [pan: daw.] n making relief work in stucco
pn\;lv\tiuc\ [pan: lE dain] n post used as a pivot, when pn\;tU\; [bådin:] n bronze, copper, or brass casting or
marking a circle [? check] working
pn\;lx [pan: hla.] n ∂floral design (on wood or stone) pn\;Tim\ [bådein] n 1) goldsmithing; silversmithing
pn\;elx [pan: hle] n boat marking the finish line in boat 2) goldsmith; silversmith [ ph]
races pn\;Tim\Piu [bådein bo:] n goldsmith's workshop
pn\;wc\ [pan: win] v cross the finish line pn\;pu [båbu.] n 1) (art of) wood- or ivory-carving,
pn\;wiuc\;zat\ [pan: wain; za'] n œdrama, song and dance woodworking 2) woodcarving, woodwork; ivory carving
performed outdoors on an earthen stage around a CF pn\;Ai [ ph]
flowering plant S YN e®mwiuc\;zat\' Anim\.qBc\ [? check] pn\;puSra(m) [båbu. hsåya (ma.)] n wood carver, ivory
pn\;wt\rv\ [pan: wu' yi] n nectar S YN pn\;rk\ carver; sculptor who works in wood
pn\;wxk\ [pan: hwe'] v ask a riddle pn\;p´ [båbE:] n blacksmithing [ ph]
pn\;q^; [pan: dhi:] n Œapple pn\;p´Sra(m) [båbE: hsåya (ma)] n blacksmith
pn\;eq [pan: the] v become impotent, lose an erection pn\;Piu [båE: bo] n 1) (blacksmith's) forge 2) smithy
S YN pn\;VOi; pn\;pXt\ [pan: bu'] n turnery, working with a lathe
pn\;eqeragå [pan: the yaw ga] n impotence CF tXc\KMu' pXt\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 256

pn\;eq; ª pub`wiedh
pn\;pXt\qv\ [pan: bu' thE] n turner, sb who works with a authority)
lathe puN~PuqYo [pon na. hpo' shu.] n ©five-star constellation
pn\;yXn\; [pan: yun:] n making laquerware resembling a ship, in the seventh lunar mansion
pn\;rn\ [påyan:] n masonry [ ph] (Gemini)
pn\;rn\Sra(m) [påyan hsåya (ma.)] n mason pun\; [pon:] v hide [? need example]
pn\;RX´ [pan: ywE:] n lapidary, gem cutting pun\;kXy\ [pon: kwE] v hide, conceal
pn\;Ai [pan: i>] n delicate floral work in wood or ivory pun\;Kiu [pon: kho] v take refuge, shelter
sculpture CF pn\;pu pun\;Kiu;kXy\Kiu; [pon: kho: kwE kho:] adv secretly, stealthily,
pn\;eq; [pan: dhe:] n Chinese Muslim surreptitiously, unbeknownst to others
pn\;eq;eKåk\SX´ [pan: dhe: khau' hswE;] n noodles in S YN pun\; lYio;kX y\lYio;
Chinese Muslim style pun\;slut\ [pon: zålo'] n children's game in which one
pin\ [pein] adj 1) thin, skinny, slim, lean, spare A NT w person is blindfolded and tries to find the others, blind
2) dented 3) meagre; lean man’s buff = put\tlut\' But\tlut\etak\t´. [? check
pin\kp\ [pein ka'] adj skinny, bony wiht good speaker...]
pin\K¥v.\ [pein chi>] adj thin, gaunt and weak pun\;e‰xac\ [pon: shaung] v evade; hide from
pin\evHa\ [pein hnyaw] adj scrawny, thin and weak pun\;lYio; [pon: sho:] v hide [? check details]
pin\evHac\ [pein hnyaung] adj [colloq] scrawny pun\;lYio;kXy\lYio; [pon: kho: kwE kho:] adv secretly,
pin\mqalim\mqa [bein måtha lein måtha] adj more or less stealthily, surreptitiously, unbeknownst to others
equal S YN pun\;Kiu; kXy\Kiu; [? sneakily?]
pin\RMO> [bein shon.] adj shrivelled, wizened pun\;eAac\; [pon: aung:] v stay hidden
pin\qXa; [pein thwa:] v lose weight pu n;
\ vk\ [pon: nye'] n ŒAlexandrian laurel, plant with
pin\vc\; [bein nyin:] n kingfisher [ ph] fragrant white flowers
piN~´ [pein: nE:] n Œjackfruit pun\;mÂkv\ [pon: mågyi] n nat which ensures a good rice
piN~´kXc\; [pein: nE: gwin:] n slice of boiled jackfruit harvest = pub`Âky\' pMu; mk¥^
piN~´Siu; [pein: nE: zo:] n ‹qkçn\; (monk's robe) dyed with pun\;m´sa [pon: mE: za] n Œlarge tree with resin, used in
the bark of the jackfruit tree traditional medicine
piN~´tiuc\ [pein: nE: dain] n 1) ‹shaft holding the T^; pu n ;
\ rv\ etac\sa [pon: yi taung za] n green and golden beetle
(umbrella) of a pagoda 2) central supporting post of a = piu;mv\;etac\sa
house pp\ [pa'] n (of skin) be chapped
piN~´p¥U\ [pein: nE: byin] n jackfruit leather, dried jackfruit pp\Âka;Ak\ [pa' kya: e'] v crack from dryness
sheet pp\eq; [pa' the:] n crackle, fine cracks or lines on a
piN~´erac\ [pein: nE: yaung] n dark orange surface (illus)
pin\;1 [pein:] v 1) be solid, be compact in one mass 2) (of pp\eq;T [pa' the: hta.] v (of old china, dry skin, wood,
colour) be solid CF e®pac\ etc) show fine cracks or lines
pin\;eka [pein: gaw:] n dugout, boat made from a single pup\ [po'] v 1) rot, decay, decompose, putrefy; be rotten, be
log decayed, be decomposed, be putrid, be foul 2) be
pin\;ekam [pein: gaw: ma.] n large dugout wasted, be a complete waste 3) overeat; sleep too much
pin\;k¥a; [bein: gya:] adv in streaks and patches [ ph] [? check 3]
pin\;k¥a;Riuk\ [bein: (pE:) gya: yai'] v spread qnp\Kå; pup\esa\nM [po' saw nan] v smell, stink
(thanakha) unevenly pup\qiu; [po' tho:] v be rotten and stinking
pin\;pit\ [bein: pei'] v be completely overcast, be — v go off, go bad, turn
seamlessly covered [ ph] [? what besides the weather?] pup\A´.A´. [po' E. E.] adj stinking
pin\;“p´kiuy\erac\ [pein: byE: ko yaung] n oedema, swelling of pb`z« [pa' bi' za.] n 1) ordination (as a Bun\;”k^; (monk))
the whole body CF ePa 2) monkhood CF qMGa [ ph bh pl]
pin\;Riuk\ [bein: yai'] v (of make-up) cake, apply thickly pb±ardqk [pa' ba ya. da. thåka.] n decade in life when a person
[ ph] begins to stoop, 61–70 years S YN pBardqk CF dqk
pin\;2 [pein:] n Œtaro plant [ ph pl]
pin\;pn\; [pein: ban:] n Œanthurium, plant with glossy pub`Âky\ [po' ba. kyE (pon: mågyi)] n nat which ensures a good
heart-shaped flowers rice harvest = pun\;mÂkv\' pMu;mk¥^
pin\;U [pein: u.] n Œtaro (root) pun\;eKåc\;' pin\;”kMKXaU' pub`estna [po' ba. se dåna] n principle intent in one's mind,
pin\;cK¥it\U' pin\; ln\.Aiu;U' pin\;epåc\;eTac\U' pin\; lk\rxv\U [? main purpose CF muêestna' Aprestna [ bh ph pl]
put in varieties from Dr Ba Han?] pub`nimit\ [po' ba. nåmei'] n omen, sign of the future [ ph] [?
pin\;tn\;Pinp\ [pein: dan: hpåna'] n Amarapura velvet slippers good, bad, either?]
made of rawhide pub`wiedh [po' ba. wi> de ha.] n [cosml] great island where the
pun\kn\' pun\sa; [pon kan, pon za:] v rebel (against established kuk¶io tree grows S YN Ae‰x>kÁn\; CF etac\kÁn\;' ®mc\;miur\ [ bh

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 257

pueb`niwåqˆa%\ ª puM
ph] pMuMsMTut\ [pon zan hto'] v draft a design, blueprint, etc
pueb`niwåqˆa%\ [po' be ni> wa tha. nyan] n ability to remember pMueS; [pon hse:] n chemicals used to develop
past lives [ ph pl] photographs [? check]
pim\.1 [pein.] n rash (of small hard bumps) [? check whether pMueSac\ [pon hsaung] v refer to anecdotally [? use a
this can be jsut one, or a rash = papule] figure of speech?]
pim\.2 [pein.] [bein.] adj slightly dented pMueSac\K´ [pon zaung gE:] n crystal
— n hearts (playing card suit) S YN P¨; n^ CF ApXc\. [ ph] pMuSX´ [pon hswE:] v draw, sketch; design
pim\.3 [pein.] part will: sentence ending particle used in pMuSX´pva [pon hswE: pyin nya] n drawing [? check]
poetry to indicate the future. CF AM. pMuSX´p¥U\ [pon zwE: pyin] n drawing board
puM1 [pon] n 1) form, shape, figure Ω Âkk\UpMu oval 2) example, pMuSX´mOi [pon zwE: hmo] n drawing pin (Br), (thumb)tack
model, pattern; type, kind RF pMusM. [? check] 3) picture, (Am)
illustration; diagram, pMut¨ [pon du] n portrait, likeness; image; copy, replica,
figure Ω pMuSX´tt\la;" Can simulacrum (pl. -cra) [? check]
you draw? CF Dat\pMu (illus pMut¨ka; [pon du ka:] n (painted) portrait
from file) 4) tale, story, pMut¨k¨; [pon du ku:] v 1) copy (sthg), make a replica (of
fable, parable RF pMu®pc\. [ ? sthg) 2) imitate [? mimic?]
check, and add to re] pMueta\Pinp\ [pon daw hpåna'] n Yadanabon slippers (illus) [?
5) way, method; manner big dic]
Ω ska;e®papMu way of pMu(3) diagram pMutiupt\s [pon do pa' sa.] n anecdotes, stories; sketches
speaking Ω psßv\; Tu t\pMu [? also parable, fable? ]
method of production Ω cå;mYa;entapMukiu qXa;Âkv\.my\" We're pMutiuk\ [pon dai'] adv by the lot
going to see how they catch fish. 6) appearance; manner pMuTMu; [pon hton:] n tradition, custom
Ω pMue pÅty\" seem to Ω pMurty\" appear to expression (on pMuNxip\ [pon hnei'] v print
one's face) [? check] 7) indication of the authority pMuMNxip\sa [pon hnei' sa] n printed matter
issuing a document, and its authenticity, similar to pMuMNxip\sk\ [pon hnei' se'] n printing press
‘signed’ pMuMNxip\tiuk\ [pon hnei' tai'] n (printing) press CF saep
— part count word for pictures, photographs, etc [ nc] pMupma [pon påma] n example
— adj like, as [? big dic check]
pMuk¥ [pon kya.] adj proportionate; smart, neat pMupn\; [pon pan:] n appearance; attitude; demeanour
pMuk¥pn\;k¥ [pon gya. pan: gya.] adv (dress) neatly, smartly [? pMup¥k\ [pon pye'] v lose one's composure, reserve,
how to say natty?] temper, etc [? check temper]
pMu”k^;K¥´> [pon gyi: chE.] v 1) enlarge (picture, etc) 2) [fig] pMup¥k\pn\;p¥k\ [pon bye' pan: bye'] adv untidily; awkwardly;
exaggerate disproportionately
pMuÂkm\; [pon gyan:] n rough sketch; outline pMu®pc\ [pon byin] n fable, story, (folk)tale
CF ekak\eÂkac\; [? check cf] pMu®pc\pMuepåk\ [pon byin pon bau'] n [? def, part of speech,
pMuMÂkm\;elac\; [pon gyan: laung:] v rough sthg in, make a etc]
rough sketch, carving, cast, etc pMuePa\ [pon hpaw] v 1) make a rough model 2) develop
pMuÂkX [pon kywa.] n bas-relief (illus file) film S YN Dat\pMuk¨; [? check]
pMuKiuc\; [pon khain:] v speak metaphorically, make an pMuPm\; [pon hpan:] v act like, pose as; impersonate [? act
analogy, use a simile [? also noun, comparison? line ok? take out impersonate? take form, shape, etc
analogy?] from observation? imitate? how different from åtu.
pMusM [pon zan] n 1) (scale) model 2) model, standard, kho:? pretend to be?]
pattern; kind; style Ω d^pMusMn´Ï t¨t´. AkÇ¥kiu K¥op\tt\qla;" pMumk¥pn\;mk¥ [pon måkya. pan: måkya.] adv grotesquely,
Can you sew a shirt like this one? Ω ®pc\qs\-pMusMn´Ï French style misshapenly; awkwardly
3) appearance; impression Ω pMusM as if, sort of [? check pMumxa;Riuk\ [pon hma: yai'] v impersonate (with criminal
good example] 4) form; questionnaire; survey Ω pMusM(10) intent)
form (number) 10
pMumxn\ [pon hman] adj regular, usual, typical Ω pMumxn\påp´" as
pMusMKXk\ [pon zan gwe'] n 1) mould (Br), mold (Am) (for usual; like always Ω pMumxn\Asv\;Aew; regular meeting
casting) S YN epKXk\ 2) tray with compartments [? for
— n 1) regular pattern of activity, work, etc 2) usual,
food? anything? and check syn for 1] 3) standard
regular, sthg one usually has, orders, does, etc
measure of rice (in prison system) [ rc]
pMuelac\; [pon laung:] v sketch (out), make a rough model
pMusMcy\ [pon ngE] n scale model (illus file) of; cast
pMusMtut\ [pon zan do'] n truncheon, police baton pMuwtÊo [pon wu' htu.] n fable, story, (folk)tale [? same as
pMusMTiuc\ [pon zan htain] v (of prisoner) 1) squat with hands poun byin?]
clasped behind the neck 2) sit with legs folded, hands
pMueq [pon dhe] adj fixed, constant Ω pMueqlsa fixed
on knees, head down [ rc]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 258

pMu ª p¥a;
salary py\lm\; [pE lan:] v track (between fields)
— n fixed price, flat rate = pMueqNOn\; py\2 [pE] n Óland measurement, equal to 1.75 acre, 0.71
pMueqka;k¥ [pon dhe ka: gya.] adv (take sthg) as definite, hectare
as certain; (say, state, decide, etc) for certain [? check] py\py\ny\ny\ [pE bE nE nE] adv energetically, vigorously;
thoroughly [? check def: listed under pictureque]
pMueqtiu; [pon dhe do:] n ¥simple interest CF Nxs\Tp\tiu; [? py\r^skup\ [pE ri såko'] n periscope [Engl]
compound?] pl¬wAkƒra [pålawa. e' khåya] n Pallawa script [ ph] [? what
pMueqnv\; [pon dhe ni:] n formula [? new check] important things are written in this script?]
pMueqNOn\; [pon dhe hnon:] n fixed price, flat rate = pMueq pl¬c\ [pålin] n 1) throne, ornate chair for royalty [? can
pMuqk\eq [pon the' the] n 1) precedent 2) example this also be used for religious authorities?] 2) ‹throne
pMuq¤an\ [pon dhådan] n shape, form on which Buddha image is placed [ ph bh]
pMuqXc\; [pon thwin:] v 1) mould; shape, fashion 2) [fig]
mould; instil; drill (into) pl¬c\KM [pålin khan] v introduce one's subject with
pMuqXn\; [pon thun:] v cast (an object in a mould) appropriate remarks = ska;KM' ska;pl¬c\KM
pMu2 [pon] n 1) œdouble-headed leather-and-wood drum pl¬c\K¥p\ [pålin gya'] n end leaf of a epTup\ palm-leaf
2) cylindrical fish trap with tapered ends = bMu manuscript
pMuetac\; [pon (bå) daung:] n cart-wheel hub pl¬c\eS;miu; [pålin hse: mo:] n heavy rain during
pMulMu [pon lon] n Œ1) kind of vine with small, edible fruit q^tc\; kÁt\ Thadingyut
2) edible ridged luffa 3) small tree that grows near pl¬c\Sc\;ecXeK¥ [pålin zin: ngwe che] n 1) paying
creeks honorarium immediately after lecture, sermon, talk etc
pMulMutiuc\ [pon lon dain] n bollard, strong post for 2) [fig] cash on delivery
attaching a rope pl¬c\tiu [pålin do] n writing on the pl¬c\K¥p\ (end leaf)
pMu3 [pon] v 1) pile (up) Ω Alup\etX-pMuenty\" Work is piling up. I leaving wide margins
have a lot of work piled up. 2) be numerous, be many, be pl¬c\tiuc\ [pålin dain] n bamboo pins used to hold palm-
a lot leaf manuscript leaves of a epTut\ in place
— n 1) heap, pile 2) part, portion Ω el;pMuts\pMu one pl¬c\epåk\ [pålin bau'] n hole in a epTut\ for a pl¬c\tiuc\
quarter CF sit\' piuc\; pin
— part used to count heaps, piles, portions, sets, etc pul¬ic\ [pon: lein] n [gram] masculine gender CF ItiÊlic\
Ω rapMu Tiu; count by the hundred [ nc] feminine; npul¬ic\ neuter [ ph]
pMuK¥ [pon cha.] v heap (esp blame on sb) Ω A®ps\pMuK¥ heap piul\ [po] n unit of weight equal to five tical k¥p\, 0.08 kg
blame on sb [ ph]
pMuAp\ [pon a'] v entrust sthg completely to sb; submit to piœa [pei' tha] n viss, unit of weight equal to 100 k¥p\
Ω A‰xk\pMuAp\ [? ??] (ticals), 1.63 kg, 3.6 pounds [ ph]
pMutlut\ [bo' tålo'] n kora, watercock = epåc\tut\ [ ph] p¥1 [pya.] adj (of ) soft; (of smell) mild; (of light) dim
pMuÏpMuÏ [pon. pon.] adj 1) bulging; billowy; piled-up 2) round, p¥p¥ [pya. bya.] adv softly; mildly; slightly; hazily
plump, well filled-out p¥2 [pya.] n aphid, plant louse (illus)
pMuÏpMuÏTiuc\ [pon. pon. htain] v sit, be seated in a nice way [? p¥a [pya] v be flustered [? disconcerted? troubled? upset?
check] disturbed? nervous? ill at ease? tense uncomfortable]
pMu; [pon:] n bucket, tin, box, or other container larger than a p¥aklt\ [pya kåla'] adv flummoxed [? ?]
B¨; and smaller than a sv\ p¥akq^ [bya kåthi] adv hurriedly S YN kp¥akya
pMu;mk¥^ [pon: mågyi] n nat which ensures a good rice harvest p¥ap¥aql´ [pya bya thålE:] adv effusively, extravagent in
= pu b`Â ky\' pun\; mÂkv\ expression
pMu;rv\ [påon: ye] n kind of vinegar made from nipa palm sap p¥ayaKt\ [pya ya kha'] v be = p¥aelac\Kt\
or water from rinsing rice = pAMu;rv\ p¥ay^;p¥aya [pya yi: pya ya] adv hastily
puuM;rv\”k^; [pon: ye gyi:] n brown paste made from beans p¥aelac\Kt\ [pya laung kha'] v = p¥ayaKt\
py\1 [pE] v 1) reject, exclude, disqualify 2) reject, decline, p¥a; [pya:] n bee Ω p¥a;tsk\eÂkac\. ®pv\p¥k\" The kingdom
turn down A NT lk\KM RF py\K¥. was lost because of a drop of honey. (illus) [? what is the
py\K¥ [pE cha.] v reject, decline, turn down [? is this the story?]
right def? or 1] p¥a;”k^;sX´ [pya: gyi: zwE:] n carving of a swarm of bees on a
py\P¥k\ [pE hpye'] v cancel, annul, nullify (law) [? gateway
eliminate?] p¥a;”k^;rv\ [pya: gyi: ye] n honey of large species of bees
py\P¥k\®Kc\; [pE hpye' chin:] n elimination [? new] CF p¥a;rv\
py\m´ [pE mE:] n invalid vote [? check] p¥a;sa;lk\eS; [pya: za: le' hse:] adv [fig] without a trace;
py\‰xa; [pE sha:] v 1) avoid, refrain from; abstain from in vain; fruitlessly [? check]
2) remove, dispel 3) reject, disregard [? set aside?] p¥a;sX´ [pya: swE:] [pya: zwE:] v swarm, fly of move in a large

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 259

p¥ø ª p¥M
dense group ep¥a\ [pyaw] v 1) melt; dissolve 2) be happy, have fun,
— n decoration in the top of an arch [? big dic] have a good time, enjoy oneself; be amused, be
p¥a;t¨ [bådu] n hornet (illus) [ ph] entertained; feel good Ω d^mxa-ep¥a\la;" Are you happy here?
p¥a;t¨cxk\ [bådu hnge'] n blue bearded bee-eater 3) be overripe 4) sleep = Aip\ep¥a\
p¥a;t¨AMuliuk\ [bådu on lai'] v become honeycombed — part 1) suffix to a verb, indicating that sthg is worth
p¥a;T^; [pya: di:] n drone, male bee with no sting, and doing, satisfying, etc Ω . _____________________
which does not gather pollen 2) suffix to some nouns, describing sb who is attached
p¥a;pn\;Kp\ [pya: ban: kha'] v [fig] bustle about, rush to a place, situation, etc [? check check check!!]
around; swarm around
p¥a;Peyac\; [pya: hpåyaung:] n beeswax ep¥a\eta\Sk\ [pyaw daw hse'] v 1) entertain (royalty)
p¥a;PXp\ [pya: hpu'] v collect honey from beehives [pyaw daw ze'] 2) entertain
p¥a;Burc\m [pya: båyin ma.] n queen bee — n 1) jester, fool; comedian [? check - whay syn?]
p¥a;emX;®møer; [pya: mwe: myu ye:] n apiculture, raising 2) prostitute, sex worker, fille d'joie S YN ®pv\.tn\; Sa
bees ep¥a\på; [pyaw ba:] v 1) enjoy, have a good time, have fun
p¥a;rv\ [pya: ye] n honey 2) CF Aep¥a\Apå; [? more specific? does just eating good
p¥a;rv\Sm\; [pya: ye zan:] v be as sweet as honey food count?]
p¥a;rv\Sm\;KR^; [pya: ye zan: khåyi:] n honeymoon, trip ep¥a\piuk\ [pyaw pai'] v be happy
taken by newlyweds ep¥a\pX´sa; [pyaw bwE: za:] n picnic Ω ep¥a\pX´sa;TXk\ty\" Go
p¥a;rv\n´Ïwm\;K¥ [pya: ye nE. wun: cha.] v [fig] placate, soothe on a picnic.
L IT : ‘settle the stomach with honey’ ep¥a\pX´rWc\pX´ [pyaw bwE: shwin bwE:] n festivity, celebration;
p¥a;lpiuÏ [pya: fair; festival [? check]
låbo.] upper
n ep¥a\pX´qBc\ [pyaw bwE: dhåbin] n public entertainment
part of honey– ep¥a\emX> [pyaw mwe.] v be happy, be delighted, be glad,
comb) be pleased; be contented [? ?? appreciate? be keen on?
p¥a;liemµa\ [pya; go for? fancy?]
lein maw] n ep¥a\mxt\ [pyaw hma'] n melting point [? check]
Œhoney tan– ep¥a\rv\ [pyaw ye] n [chem] solution [? not win ye?]
gerine, small ep¥a\wc\Niuc\sXm\; [pyaw win nain zwan:] n [chem] solubility
sweet tangerine ep¥a\pc\psßv\; [pyaw win pyi' si:] n [chem] solute
with tight skin p¥M [pyan] v 1) fly, soar; rise Ω ®Kc\etXk eqX;etXw“p^;
p¥a;lpiuÏ p¥a;qlk\ ? honeycomb
p¥a;qlk\ mp¥MNiuc\ÂkB¨;" The mosquitoes were so full of blood they
[pya: thåle'] n could not fly. CF BMup¥M heaven;' miu;p¥Mtiuk\ skyscraper;
lower part of the honeycomb, occupied by pupa elyaU\p¥M aeroplane [? check rise] 2) ‹(of Bun\;”k^;
p¥a;AMu [pya: on] n beehive (monk)) die RF p¥Meta\m¨. 3) flirt; be a flirt, be a coquette
p¥ø [pyu] n ancient Pyu people, who had their capital at
Ω bi œNiu; p¥Mk¥ [byan gya.]
n 1) itenerant, sb who moves from place
p¥øcxa [pyu hnga] v be cordial, be warm and affectionate to place 2) nomad, sb with no permanent home, esp sb
p¥øp¥øcxacxa [pyu byu hnga hnga] adv cordially who moves from place to place seasonally in search of
ep¥a. [pyaw.] v 1) be soft, be easily shaped, be malleable, food or water 3) transient, sb who stays in a place for
be pliable, be pliant, be yielding 2) be soft, be feeble, only a short time [ ph]
be weak S YN ep¥ac\; p¥Mk¥eZ; [byan gya. ze:] n streetside market, informal
ep¥a.sisi [pyaw. si> zi>] v be pulpy; be flaccid; be like jelly; market [ ph]
be weak [? not adv? also inactively?] p¥Mk¥eZ;qv\ [byan gya. ze: thE] n vendor with no
ep¥a.v.M [pyaw. nyan.] v be suggestible, be weak-willed; be permanent selling place; hawker Ω ¯ekX;' ekX;'
malleable, be pliant [? check strength] A^ÂkaekX;˘liuÏ p¥Mk¥eZ;qv\k lm\;elYak\rc\;
ep¥a.ep¥a. [pyaw. byaw.] v 1) be soft, be easily shaped, be eAa\eKÅeKÅenty\" The hawker kept calling out "Kwe, kwe,
i-kya-kwe" while walking. [ ph] [? example ok?]
malleable, be pliable, be pliant 2) be soft, be feeble, be
weak p¥Meta\m¨ [pyan daw mu] v ‹(of Bun\;”k^; (monk)) die, pass
away S YN p¥MlXn\
— adv nearly, just under, just short of
ep¥a.ep¥ac\; [pyaw. byaung:] v 1) be soft, be flexible, be p¥MtMtMnn\Ïtn\Ïtn\Ï [pyan tan dan nan. tan. dan.] adv
flirtatiously, coquettishly
supple, be pliant A NT maek¥a 2) be gentle, be soft [?
p¥MlXn\ [pyan lun] v (of Bun\;”k^; (Buddhist monk)) die, pass
away S YN p¥Meta\m¨
ep¥a.Pt\ [pyaw. ba'] n pulp, soft mass
ep¥a.Ai [pyaw. i>] v 1) be soft, be flabby, be yielding 2) be p¥MlWa; [byan hlwa:] n swallow; swift (illus) [ ph]
doughy, be mushy, be spongy
p¥Mw´ [pyan wE:] v fly in circles, fly round and round
p¥Mqn\; [pyan than:] v fly over, fly across

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 260

p¥M> ª p¥s\
p¥M> [pyan.] v 1) spread, diffuse RF p¥Mp¥ø;. 2) wander, drift RF = ®pk\eK¥a\eK¥a\
p¥M>lXc\. p¥k\s^; [pye' si:] v 1) be ruined, be destroyed, be wrecked;
p¥M>NxM> [pyan. hnan.] v spread out; diffuse widely be lost 2) die, pass away
p¥M>p¥ø; [pyan. byu:] v spread, diffuse p¥k\t^;p¥k\eK¥a\ [pye' ti: pye' chaw] adv flippantly
p¥M>emW; [pyan. hmwe:] v be fragrant, (of fragrance) waft = ®pk\t^;®pk\eK¥a\
= emW; p¥M> p¥k\®pa; [pye' pya:] v be shattered, be dashed/smashed
p¥M>lXc\. [pyan. lwin.] v wander, drift to pieces; fall through [? check two defs or only one?]
p¥io [pyo] adj tender; young
— n young unmarried woman; virgin CF Ap¥io”k^;' l¨p¥io p¥k\®pon\; [pye' pyon:] v be annihilated, be completely
p¥iom¥s\ [pyo myi'] adj youthful and fresh destroyed
p¥iorXy\ [pyo ywE] adj youthful [? nascent? up-and- p¥k\®py\ [pye' pyE] v 1) (of medicine, etc) lose power,
coming? burgeoning? promising? what kind of become ineffective, not work any longer 2) (of colour)
budding?] fade 3) be invalidated, be nullified
p¥io> [pyo.] v 1) begin to appear 2) feel sick (to one's p¥k\yXc\; [pye' ywin:] v deteriorate, degenerate
stomach), be nauseated, be nauseous [? retch? heave?] p¥k\quU\; [pye' thon:] v be obliterated, be utterly
destroyed, be reduced to nothing
— n epic poem [? sacred verse?] ep¥ak\ [pyau'] v 1) disappear; cease to exist 2) lose (sthg);
p¥io; [pyo:] v 1) sow, plant (seeds) 2) start, begin CF siuk\ be gone, be missing 3) (of disease, etc) be cured, be
better; (of injury, etc) be healed, be better CF qk\qa
— n seedling, young plant
p¥io;”k´ [pyo: kyE:] v broadcast (seed), plant a field by ep¥ak\kc\; [pyau' kin:] v (of disease, etc) be completely
cured; (of injury, etc) be completely healed
casting seeds CF siuk\
p¥io;Kc\; [pyo: gin:] n nursery bed ep¥ak\kXy\ [pyau' kwE] v disappear, vanish
p¥io;Kc\;kÁt\ [pyo: kin: gyu'] n time when the rice seedlings ep¥ak\®Kc\;mlxep¥ak\ [pyau' chin: måhla. pyau'] v disappear
without a trace
have been pulled out of the nursery for transplanting
ep¥ak\esSra [pyau' se hsåya] n faith healer
p¥io;eK¥;Kå [pyo: gyi: kha] v shake mud off roots of rice ep¥ak\SMu; [pyau' hson:] v be lost (and gone), be lost
seedlings forever
p¥io;sv\; [pyo: zi:] n bundle of rice seedlings (for ep¥ak\p¥k\ [pyau' pye'] v disappear completely
transplanting) = p¥io;epå ep¥ak\qXa; [pyau' thwa:] v go missing, be lost
p¥io;eTac\ [pyo: htaung] v 1) sow seeds in nursery 2) [fig] p¥c\; [pyin:] v 1) be lazy, be idle; rest 2) be bored [? check
found and build up sthg, construct, nurture put in opposites, or give very clear examples BOX
p¥io;Nut\ [pyo: hno'] v pull out rice seedlings (for explaining bored and boring]
transplanting) p¥c\;sraekac\; [pyin: såya kaung:] v be boring
p¥io;epå [pyo: baw:] n bundle of rice seedlings = p¥io;sv\; p¥c\;ri [pyin: yi>] v be indolent, be lethargic; be languid [?
p¥io;Pt\ [pyo: ba'] n handful of rice seedlings (to be check tone: idle?]
transplanted) p¥c\;ri®Kc\; [pyin yi> gyin:] n indolence [? just laziness?
p¥io;ym\; [pyo: yan:] n primer (of an explosive) lethargy?]
p¥io;lk\ [pyo: le'] n bunch of rice seedlings (for p¥c\;rip¥c\;tX´ [pyin: yi> pyin: dwE:] adv sluggishly, very slowly
transplanting) [? dawdling? tone]

p¥io;qk\ [pyo: the'] n age of rice seedlings Ap¥c\;e®p [Apyin; bye] v kill time; relieve boredom
p¥k\ [pye'] v 1) be destroyed, be ruined, be wrecked RF ep¥ac\; [pyaung:] v 1) [poet] wane, fade, grow weaker 2) be
p¥k\s^;. 2) lose; be disturbed Ω Aip\er;p¥k\ty\" I'm losing supple, be lithe, be sinuous [? both poetic? how
sleep. 3) turn, go bad, go off Ω ' Yesterday's curry's gone important is soft? add to re?]
off. 4) break down; be broken, be out of order 5) fall — adj 1) soft, easily shaped, malleable, workable,
through, break down Ω ' negotiations broke down 6) (of pliable, pliant 2) soft, feeble, weak
feelings, etc) run out, disappear, cease to exist [? ep¥ac\;NX´> [pyaung: nwE.] adj 1) lissom, lithe, sinuous 2) (of
check] 7) fail to do sthg; break sthg off; be interrupted music) be soft and pleasant [? check - easy?]
RF p¥k\kXk\. ep¥ac\;Ai [pyaung: i>] adj 1) lissom, lithe, sinuous 2) (of
p¥k\kin\; [pye' kein:] n bad omen, sign that sthg will not music) be soft and pleasant
go well p¥s\ [pyi'] v 1) be close, be together 2) make roofing
p¥k\ky\p¥k\ky\ [pye' kE pye' kE] adv in jest, just thatch 3) be thick, be viscous
kidding = ®pk\ky\®pk\ky\ [? check] — n [? ?]
p¥k\kXk\ [pye' kwe'] v break off, be interrupted [? drop — part count word for counting mats of thatch
out?] p¥s\KÁ´ [pyi' chwE:] adj thick and sticky, gummy [? used for
p¥k\eK¥a\eK¥a\ [pye' chaw gyaw] adv frivolously what kinds of things? or slimy?]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 261

p¥U\ ª ®paqiu
p¥s\SX´ [byi' hswE:] adv sluggishly play
p¥s\etac\; [pyi' taung:] n deep bamboo basket ®ptiuk\ [pya. dai'] n museum Ω Am¥io;qa;®ptiuk\ national
p¥s\T¨ [byi' htu] adv thickly museum Ω cå;®ptiuk\ aquarium
p¥s\Tiuc\ [byi' htain] n bore [? check] ®pTa;®Kc\; [pya. hta: gyin:] n definition
p¥s\p¥s\vs\vs\ [pyi' pyi' nyi' nyi'] adv succinctly; [? check] ®ppX´ [pya. bwE:] n exhibition, show, fair Ω pn\;K¥^®ppX´ art
p¥s\p¥s\Nxs\Nxs\ [pyi' pyi' hni' hni'] adj thick exhibit
— adv [? check] ®pRup\ [pya. yo'] n 1) figurehead, front, sthg or sb which is
p¥U\ [pyin] n 1) plank; timber, lumber, wood prepared for only for show, but is not the real authority, business,
building 2) flat sheet [? only of fruit?] etc 2) showpiece, particularly fine example of sthg
p¥U\ka; [pyin ka:] n wooden wall
p¥U\ÂkXp\ [pyin gyu'] n shake, (wooden) shingle ®plm\; [pya. lan:] n street leading straight to a palace wall
p¥U\Kc\; [pyin gin:] n wood floor tower
p¥U\KMu [pyin gon] n bier, funeral platform ®pq [pya. tha.] v 1) show, display, exhibit 2) indicate;
p¥U\tla; [pyin tåla:] n coffin direct 3) teach, instruct; demonstrate
p¥U\eTac\(Aim\) [pyin daung (ein)] n wooden house ®pAiu; [pya. o:] n palace wall tower
Ω eneta.p¥U\e Tac\' sa;eta.K¥U\e påc\" Living in a fine wooden ®pket. [bya. gåde.] n original, natural, normal, true
house, but eating only sour leaves. S YN pkti [ ph]
p¥U\®pa; [pyin bya:] n plank ®ptk\P¥a; [pya. de' hpya:] n fever caused by [? what]
p¥U\“m^;Sk\ [pyin mi: ze'] n plank that has to be joined to ®ptc\; [bAdin;] n 1) window, opening in a wall, door, etc
another to reach a certain length 2) window, windowpane CF tMKå; CW K¥p\ [? change ok?
p¥U\; [pyin:] v be leathery, be hard what is cw for 1?]
— n 1) drooping part of sthg 2) term for some ®ptc\;epåk\ [bådin: bau'] n window, opening in a wall
hardwood trees = btc\;epåk\ CF elqaepåk\' tMKå; [ ph]
p¥U\;ktiu; [pyin: gådo:] n Œkind of ironwood ®pdå; [båda:] n mercury [ ph]
p¥U\;eta\qim\ [pyin: daw thein] n Œherb used in cooking ®pdå;K¥in\ [båda: gyein] n temperature S YN Ap¨K¥in\
p¥U\;m [pyin: ma.] n Œkind of timber tree ®pdå;tiuc\ [båda: tain] n (mercury) thermometer
p¥U\;®Pø [pyin: hpyu] n Œkind of timber tree ®pdå;‰xc\lMu; [bådåshin lon:] n alchemist's ball of mercury
p¥p\ [pya'] adj short, squat, stubby [? used for what?] compound, which gives supernatural powers
— n round laquered tray ®pyug\ [pya. yo'] n example [? ?]
p¥p\p¥p\ [pya' pya'] adj short ®pa [pya] adj 1) blue 2) (of vision, eyes, etc) dim; (of voice)
p¥p\wp\ [pya' wu'] v bow to show respect; prostrate [? hoarse, rough, husky [? no porno?]
check] — v winnow, toss rice to separate whole grains from
p¥m\; [pyan:] v distribute, spread; share chaff, broken grains, etc RF ®pat^;.
p¥m\;mY [pyan: hmya.] adv on average [? syn?] — n ash
p¥m\;mYeÂk; [pyan: hmya. gye:] n average price, average rate ®paK¥ [pya cha.] v incinerate, burn [? at high temp?]
p¥m\;mY®Kc\; [pyan: hmya. gyin:] n 1) (arithmetic) mean, ®paKXk\ [pya gwe'] n ashtray
average 2) average rate [? what about medians and ®pass\ [pya zi'] n Ówater bottle
modes?] ®paSa; [pya hsa:] n potash S YN piutk\
®p [pya.] v 1) show, display, exhibit 2) indicate; direct ®pat^; [pya ti:] v winnow, toss rice to separate whole
3) teach, instruct; demonstrate, show how (to) grains from chaff, broken grains, etc
4) expose sthg to Ω nt\® p ®paTup\ [pya do'] n sticky rice seasoned with bamboo ash
— n 1) tower in a palace wall RF ®pAiu;. 2) (Mandalay) and cooked in bamboo leaves
distance between two palace wall towers 3) (Mandalay) ®paNxm\; [pya hnan:] adj dark blue; colour of sb's face when
length of a city block shocked or chilled Ω ' The child was blue with cold.
— part verb suffix indicating that sthg is done in ®papMuSiuk\ [pya bon hsai'] v be impoverished S YN kq^
public, to demonstrate, show or explain, or to call ®paqip\miu; [pya dhei' mo:] n light hot-season rain, just
attention to Ω Pt\®p read aloud Ω k®p dance (for an enough to wet the ashes in the fields
audience) Ω VWn\®p point toward, point out Ω e®pa®p explain ®pakRiuk\ [påra kårai'] n Prakrit, ancient language related to
Ω lk\® p wave Pali and Sanskrit Ω påkF = ®pakt [ ph pl] [? how to
®pkXc\;®pkXk\ [pya. gwin: pya. gwe'] n display reconcile this with others?]
®pKn\; [pya. gan:] n showroom, display area, exhibition ®pa!iha [pya di> ha] n 1) act of supernatural power 2) miracle
®pK¥k\ [pya. gye'] n [geom] proof ®pata [pya ta] n Óoffice boy, messenger
®pSiuK¥k\ [pya. hso gye'] n reasoning, argument ®paqiu [pya dho] n Pyatho, tenth month of the year, falling in
®pzat\ [pya. za'] n play, drama Ω ts\Kn\;rp\®pzat\ one-act [? check]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 262

®paqad\ ª e®p
®paqiuAiu; [pya dho o:] n water pot made in Pyatho, thought weapons
to cool water well “p^;SMu; [pyi: (bi:) hson:] v conclude, end, finish
®paqad\ [pya' tha'] n steeply rising roof with many tiers and “p^;“p^;ep¥ak\ep¥ak\ [pyi: (bi:) byi: (bi:) pyau' pyau'] adv
spires, used in palaces and monasteries Ω AmOik\ks indifferently, unconcernedly; dismissively
®paqad\ m^;elac\" Starting in the rubbish, the fire burned “p^;“p^;era [pyi: (bi:) byi: (bi:) yaw;] adv so it will be finished
down the palace tower. (illus) [? check new def and add Ω Alu p\-lup\ta “p^;“p^;eralup\enrc\ By\q¨kmx kiuy\.kiu
to ahmaik] yuMÂkv\mxa mhut\B¨;" If you just work to be done with it, no
®pa;1 [pya:] adj flat one will trust you.
— v prostrate oneself “p^;e®p [pyi: (bi:) pye] v be resolved, be settled, come to an
— n 1) pya, smallest unit of currency, one-hundredth end
of a kyat 2) one quarter of an anna [? look up] 3) small “p^;®pv\.sMu [pyi: (bi:) pye. son] v be completely fulfilled [?
flat bottle used for alcohol use]
— part count word for pills, flat bottles, and other “p^;®pt\ [pyi: (bi:) pya'] v be completed; be terminated
thick flat objects [ nc] “p^;e®mak\ [pyi: (bi:) myau'] v come to a successful
®pa;Kelak\ [pya: khålau'] n flat wooden cattle bell conclusion, end in success
®pa;K¥p\ [pya: cha'] adj thin and flat “p^;rc\; [pi: yin:] part increasingly, more than before, more
®pa;®pa;wp\ [pya: bya: wu'] adv 1) (sumbit) cringingly, and more: particle between a repeated verb, indicating
abjectly, meekly 2) (revere) meekly, humbly increase
®pa;2 [pya:] v 1) vary, be diverse 2) scatter, spread out; “p^;qa; [? do you want to put this in too? kyaw]
wander Ω AaRMu®pa;ty\ My attention wandered. A“p^; [åpi:] part on completion of …, after … CF Aliu
— n 1) mangrove swamp 2) Óforest S YN eta ®po [pyu.] v 1) do, act, commit, make, undertake, set about
®pa;eta [pya: daw:] n 1) swamp 2) muddy area exposed CF lup\ 2) assume, become 3) establish; enact 4) look

by receding tide after, care for, take care of, give care to RF ®posu.
“p^ [pi] v Óvie with, rival [ ph] [? also tease?] — part and so on: suffix to a verb, for emphasis, or to
— part 1) -ing; already, yet: suffix to a verb, indicating broaden the meaning, including similar types of action
that sthg is happening or has been done Ω la“p^" I'm Ω Ai m\kiu Âkv\.®po-Ta;U^;" Keep an eye on the house.
coming. Ω Ark\m¨;en“p^-la;" Is he already drunk? BOX: ®pok¥c\. [pyu. kyin.] v 1) live by certain principles; conduct,
explaining use of present perfect tense similar to pI.. carry out 2) commit (crime, indiscretion, etc); do wrong
and that pi cannot be used in negative answers. Also
contrasting the uses of “p^ vs “p^;, e.g., that “p^; is often ®posa; [pyu. za:] v 1) curse, bewitch 2) charm, captivate,
followed by liu>, j... or different meaning wth eta., enthrall, bewitch, enchant
qa;, rc\, mx See Okell book for lots of useful distinction ®po®pc\ [pyu. byin] v 1) improve, reform; amend; set right,
-- maybe this would be a good things for U Mya Hla to rectify 2) repair
explain? [? isn't this the one used like 'if', 'then' 'when' ®pom¨ [pyu. mu] v act, behave, conduct
too? Hey, and check pronunciation!] 2) ¬no longer, ®polup\ [pyu. lo'] v 1) carry out, do 2) make
not … anymore: marker following a negative verb, ®pø1 [pyu] v come into view slowly, appear gradually, peep
indicating sthg will not happen Ω eKåc\;m®pør Keep head in. [? check bus sign]
®pøts\®pøts\ [pyu ti' pyu ti'] adv popping in and out
“p^t^t^ [byi ti ti] adv promiscuously CF ®pv\tv\tv\ [? not ®pø2 [pyu] v (of deer) bark CF ®pot\
the same ? Are you sure of this?] ®pø;1 [pyu:] adj 1) bulging, protruding, popping 2) bold [?
“p^; [pi: (pyi;)] v 1) finish, (come to an) end, be done; type?] 3) large
complete (sthg) RF “p^;s^;. 2) be immune to (disease); be ®pø;kl¨;®pakla [pyu: gålu: pya gåla] adv hectically [?
resistant to (medicine, disease); be invulnerable to frantically feverishly wildly ?]
(weapon) ®pø;Âkv\. [pyu: kyi>] v [? ?]
— part 1) suffix to a verb indicating completion, ®pø;t¨;eÂkac\etac\ [pyu: du: kyaung daun] adv with eyes
similar to past tense in English 2) conjuction indicating popping out (because of awe, amazement, etc)
timing: after(wards), and then; and, in addition, also ®pø;t¨;®p´t´ [pyu: du: pyE: dE:] adv wide-eyed (with fear,
= “p^;eta.' “p^;mx' “p^;rc\' “p^;lYc\' “p^;qa; [? check, and check shock, etc)
all pron following] ®pø;2 [pyu:] v be close together; be stuck together = p¨;
“p^;kps\ [pyi: (bi:) gåbyi'] adv sloppily, carelessly — part count word used to count pairs, twos, etc
“p^;“cim\; [pyi: (bi:) nyein:] v end well e®p [pye] v 1) be appeased, die down, fade edåqe®p; be
“p^;slXy\ [pyi: (bi:) zålwE] adv casually, unconcernedly, satisfied; be relieved Ω Ap¥c\;e®p relieve boredom, kill time
offhandedly; indifferently; perfunctorily Ω Aemae®p refresh 2) be loosened, be slackened 3) (of
“p^;s^; [pyi: (bi:) zi:] v finish, come to an end, be done poison, alcohol, etc) wear off 4) (of debt, bill, tax, etc)
“p^;eS; [pyi: (bi:) ze:] n medicine that protects one from be settled, be paid up

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 263

e®p; ª ®pk\
e®pkMu [pye kon] v Óaccomplish (sthg) successfully e®pa®p [pyaw; pya.] v explain (verbally) CF rxc\;®p
e®p“cim\; [pye nyein:] v come to a settlement; reach an e®pae®paSiuSiu [pyaw: byaw: hso zo] adv while talking or
understanding, put to rest S YN e®peA; speaking
e®psa [pye sa] n receipt; bill e®paer;SiuKXc\. [pyaw: ye: hso gwin.] n authority to represent
e®pep¥ak\ [pye byau'] v (of sickness, discomfort, etc) be sb (as diplomat, guardian, etc) [? check. And what
relieved, get better [? check] about in politics, as rep? what about power of
e®p®ps\ [pye pyi'] adj 1) elegant, smooth, urbane, attorney?]
debonair, suave 2) smooth; graceful; fine A NT me®pm®ps\ e®paer;SiuKXc\.‰xiq¨ [pyaw: ye hso gwin. shi dhu] n
e®p®pt\ [pye bya'] v be settled spokesperson [? really?]
e®prae®peÂkac\; [pye ya pye gyaung:] adv appeasingly, e®paRiu;e®pasU\ [pyaw: yo: pyaw: zin] n conventional
placatingly; calmingly, soothingly expression [? not cliche?]
e®plv\ [pye lE] [pye e:] v (of dispute, argument, debts, e®parc\;Siurc\; [pyaw: yin: hso yin:] adv just as sb is
problems, etc) be resolved, be reconciled; be fine [? mentioning it
check] e®paqMÂka; [pyaw: dhan gya:] n hearsay [? not rumours
— v come to a settlement; reach an understanding, put too?]
to rest e®paeha [pyaw: haw:] v lecture, give a talk, give a
e®p“cim\; lecture, give a speech = ehae®pa
e®p; [pye:] v 1) run; go fast, go quickly, speed (along), Ae®pa [Apyaw;] n L IT : ‘If he talks sweetly, he has a bad
dash, leap Upsa, fly Upsa Ω d^ka;-ehac\;”k^;-me®p;B¨;" This character.’ Ω Ae®pa-K¥iorc\ qeBa-Aiu" A smooth talker is sly.
old car can't go fast. 2) run, ply, go along 3) run away, [? look up last word]
escape; flee; (of soldiers) desert, (of leaders) abscond e®pa2 [pyaw:] v be full of, be plentiful; be huge
CF TXk\e®p; 4) be iridescent, show rainbow colours in e®pa.eÂkac\; [byaw. gyaung:] n fluting, parallel grooves
bright light; flicker, shimmer Ω Aerac\e®p; iridescent = emYa.eÂkac\;
colours 5) have foresight e®pa.eÂkac\;Tiu; [pyaw. gyaung: hto:] v cut grooves, rout
e®p;Kun\ps\ [pye: khon pyi'] n [sport] track and field “pio [pyo]v 1) (of building, etc) collapse, fall down (of land,
e®p;epåk\ [pye: bau'] n escape hatch, way to get out hill, stone, etc) slide, slip [? what about snow,
CF TXk\e påk\ [? only fig?] avalanche] 2) scatter
e®p;lWa; [pye: hlwa:] v scramble, scurry, rush [? ? run and “piokX´ [pyo kwE:] v fall to pieces, break up; split up,
leap/bound?] separate, fragment; disintegrate [? separate? ]
e®p;lXt\ [pye: lu'] v escape, get away A NT Pm\;mi\ “piol´ [pyo lE:] v topple, fall down
“p´ [pyE.] v be torn, be ripped, be cut “pio;“pio;®pk\®pk\ [pyo: byo: pye' pye'] adv (shine) with a glittering
— adj wide light [? dazzlingly?]
“p´“p´sc\ [pyE: byE: sin] adv all over, far and wide “pio;“pio;e®pak\e®pak\ [pyo: byo: pyau' pyau'] adv brilliantly,
“p´> [pyE.] v Óbe distinct dazzlingly; in bright colours, colourfully
e®pa1 [pyaw:] v 1) say (sthg) 2) tell (sb) 3) tell (story, joke, “pio;®pXm\; [pyo: pywan:] v be mixed, be diverse, be made up of
etc), relate; narrate (story, film, etc) 4) talk, speak [? many different things [? dic check]
thwe: ga.?] ®pk\1 [pye'] v 1) flash [? check] 2) be distinct
e®paÂka; [pyaw: kya:] v 1) say (sthg) 2) tell (sb) 3) tell ®pk\kXy\ [pye' kwE] v withhold evidence (in court)
(story, joke, etc), relate; narrate (story, film, etc) ®pk\®pk\ [pye' pye'] adv distinctly, clearly; vividly
4) talk, speak ®pk\®pk\Tc\Tc\ [pye' pye' htin din] adv distinctly, clearly;
e®pae®Ke®palk\ [pyaw: gye pyaw: le'] n poise (in vividly [? conspicuously?]
speaking) [? explain - isn't it something more like pose, ®pk\2 [pye'] v joke, tell jokes, kid Ω Bt\s\ka;k¥p\t´.AeÂkac\;
gestures, etc? add to che leq] l¨®pk\k ®pk\eta. priqt\etX twåwån´Ï ry\Âkaty\" When
e®paciu [pyaw: ngo] v lament; bemoan, bewail [? how the comedians told jokes about crowded busses the
formal?] audience roared with laughter. CF l¨®pk\ comedian
e®paska; [pyaw: zåga:] n 1) (verbal) report 2) advice ®pk\ky\®pk\ky\ [pye' kE pye' kE] adv jokingly, in jest,
3) (colloquial) expression [? for ex?] for fun, as a joke [? check use]
e®pasSius [pyaw: za. hso za.] n experience in public ®pk\eK¥a\eK¥a\ [pye' chaw gyaw] adv frivolously [? dic
speaking, ability to speak well [? check] check, e.g., same as above?? also check below]
e®pasmxt\®po [pyaw: zåhma' pyu.] v recognise sb's unusual ®pk\ti®pk\eK¥a\ [pye' tI pye' chaw] adv flippantly
accomplishment, remarkable or extraordinary event ®pk\ry\®po [pye' yi pyu.] v make fun of, tease
e®paSiu [pyaw: hso] v say (sthg); tell (sb sthg) ®pk\lMu; [pye' lon:] n joke, gag, comic sketch, comedy [?
e®papelak\ [pyaw: pa. lau'] v become important enough is htis really the whole sketch, or the joke?]
to mention (usu neg) Ω då-me®papelak\B¨;" That's not A®pk\A®pk\ [åpye' Apye'] adv in fun, in jest, not
worth mentioning. [? better example] seriously, just joking, just kidding Ω πA®pk\A®pk\n´Ï

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 264

®pk\ ª e®pac\
Nxa;eKåc\;-eqX;TXk\" Starting just in fun, in the end someone’s A®pc\ [åbyin] n 1) outside, exterior 2) surface
nose is bleeding. [? joke kid ok?] Ω Ai p\raA®pc\e pÅ on the bed
®pk\3 [pye'] v add a pinch (of sthg) — part besides, other than, more, in addition (to), else
®pk\qika [pye' thi> ka] n touch, trace, little, small amount Ω A´dåA®pc\ Bae®paK¥c\ ql´" What else would you like to say?
Ω A´dåA®pc\ e®pasra Am¥a;”k^;rxi ty\" I have much more to
®pkƒdin\ [pye' gådain] n calendar say.
e®pak\ [pyau'] n 1) drop, droplet 2) spot, speckle, speck, dot ®pc\ e tac\U^; [pyin daung u:] n Œkind of herb used in cooking
S YN Ask\' Ae®pak\ PlMetac\ewx;
— v be speckled, be spotted ®pc\ q s\ [pyin thi'] n ∏France
e®pak\k¥a; [pyau' kya:] v be speckled, be mottled, be — adj French
dappled ®pc\qs\eka\P^ [pyin thi' kaw hpi] n French coffee (mixed
— n guer(r)illa with roasted chicory)
e®pak\k¥a;ss\ [pyau' kya: si'] n guer(r)illa warfare ®pc\qs\ek¥ak\ [pyin thi' kyau'] n synthetic gemstone,
e®pak\k¥a;e®pak\k¥a; [pyau' kya: pyau' kya:] adv fake stone CF ek¥ak\m¥k\rtna
sporadically ®pc\qs\K¥op\Riu; [pyin thi' cho' yo:] n French seam, folded
e®pak\k¥ie®pak\k¥a; [pyau' kyi> pyau' kya:] adj over and stitched twice
multicoloured [? new] ®pc\qs\qmg©Niuc\cM [pyin thi' tha. måga. nain gan] n ∏Republic
e®pak\eqak\ [byau' thau'] adj miscellaneous; diverse of France [? check pron]
Ω e®pak\e qak\ p´ whatever [? check part of speech] ®pc\ ; [pyin:] v 1) be intense, be strong; (of weather) be
— adv indiscriminately, whatever comes along, rough; be violent Ω el®pc\;enty\" The wind is strong.
whatever comes by [? get part of speech right] Ω eS;®pc\ ; ty\" It's strong medicine. 2) be enthusiastic
“piok\ [pyai'] part count word used in counting frequency of 3) be acute
rainfall, fog, snowfall, etc Ω miu;ts\\“pio k\ [? check, esp fog] — part particle infixed to verbs to show that sthg is
“piok\Kn´ [pyai' khånE:] adv (use up, run out, etc) at once, ®pc\;Tn\ [pyin: htan] v be intense, be strong
immediately ®pc\;®p [pyin: pya.] adj (of will, suffering, etc) intense,
“piok\“piok\ [pyai' pyai'] adv (sweat, etc) profusely, heavily strong [? check]
®pc\1 [pyin] v 1) prepare, get ready Ω Alx®pc\Siuc\ beauty shop ®pc\;®pc\;Tn\Tn\ [pyin: byin: htan dan] adv severely;
2) correct, rectify, put right 3) repair, mend, fix (Am) violently; acutely, seriously
4) alter, change, amend [? only to correct? ] ®pc\;®pc\;®p®p [pyin: byin: pya. bya.] adv strongly, intensely;
®pc\K¥k\ [pyin gye'] n correction, alteration enthusiastically, willingly
®pc\Sc\ [pyin hsin] v 1) prepare 2) correct, rectify ®pc\;hup\ [pyin: ho'] n [arch] highwayman, bandit CF Da;®p
3) repair, mend 4) alter, change, amend e®pac\1 [pyaung] v 1) shine, be bright [? isn't this reflected
®pc\Sc\K¥k\ [pyin hsin gye'] n amendment; correction light only?] 2) excel (in, at), be good (at), shine 3) be
®pc\2 [pyin] n 1) outside, exterior A NT tXc\; 2) [in comb] famous, be prominent, stand out 4) be right on 5) [sl]
surface, open space, expanse Ω m¥k\Nxa®pc\ surface, be cleaned out 6) be bare, (of head) be bald 7) be
kun\;®pc\®mc\. plateau, ®mk\Kc\;®pc\ grasslands blank, be plain, (of colour) be solid 8) be huge, be great
— part 1) outside Ω Aim\®pc\mxa Tiuc\ÂkreAac\" Let's sit 9) at random, without apparent reason, out of the blue
Ω mc\; hak e®pac\” k^;påla;" What do you think you are
outside the house. 2) besides, as well, other than, in
addition Ω d.^®pc\ Ba-K¥k\U^; ml´" What will you cook besides doing? = e®bac\ CF pla' blaK¥^' Aqa;lXt\ [ ph]
this? 3) count word for counting opinions, concepts,
doctrines, orders, etc Ω Ay¨AS (4) ®pc\ four opinions e®pac\kXm\;q^; [byaung kun: dhi:] n peeled betel nut [ ph]
[ nc] [? is this used only for betel?]

®pc\k¥y\ [byin gyE] n expanse, wide-open space e®pac\eK¥a [byaung chaw:] v (of surfaces) be plain and
®pc\v^ [byin nyi] n 1) [geom] plane 2) (flat, level) smooth [ ph]
surface; face; plane Ω er®pc\v^ the surface of the water e®pac\tlc\;Kå [pyaung tålin: kha] v (of money, funding,
CF m¥k\Nxa®pc\ etc) be exhausted, run out
®pc\p [pyin pa.] n outside e®pac\tiuk\ [byaung tai'] v be blatant = e®bac\tiuk\
— adj external, outside; extra Ω ®pc\pAlup\ second job e®pac\e®pac\ [pyaung byaung] v (of surface) glisten, shine;
Ω ®pc\ psarc\; ss\ external auditor CF moonlight sparkle S YN e®pac\lk\ [? check not pyaung pyau']
®pc\®pc\ [pyin byin] adv completely, totally; absolutely
S YN p^p^qq — adv frankly, bluntly, without mincing one's words;
— adj complete, total; absolute brusquely; sharply; rudely
®pc\qalip\ [pyin dha lei'] n green sea turtle e®pac\e®pac\tc\;tc\; [pyaung byaung tin: din:] adv
shamelessly; unabashedly
®pc\qalip\”k^; [pyin dha lei' kyi:] n leatherback sea turtle

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 265

e®pac\ ª ®ps\
e®pac\e®pac\erac\erac\ [pyaung byaung yaung yaung] adv e®pac\;rs\ [pyaung: yi'] n rifling S YN Tn\;P¨;rs\' nB¨;rs\
[fig] (be dressed) smartly, well, flashily e®pac\;w [pyaung: wa.] n muzzle, open end of a gun barrel
e®pac\e®mak\ [pyaung myau'] v be accomplished; stand out,
be outstanding; be masterly [? is skillful too low? ] e®pac\;wå; [pyaung: wa:] n (bamboo) blowpipe
e®pac\;AK¥c\; [pyaung: åchin:] n calibre; inner diameter of a
e®pac\rxc\ [byaung shin] v pay off, pay the full amount, pay pipe [? check pipe]
in full, settle e®pac\;3 [pyaung:] n 1) millet = NxMsa;e®pac\; 2) maize (Br),
e®pac\lk\ [pyaung le'] v (of surface) glisten, shine; (sweet)corn (Am)
sparkle, be lustrous S YN e®pac\e®pac\ e®pac\;Sn\Ÿ [pyaung: zan] n millet (seed)
e®pac\2 [pyaung] v joke around, be silly; tease, mock, send e®pac\;P¨; [pyaung: bu:] n corn(cob) Ω e®pac\;P¨;k Aes.mrxiB¨;"
up, poke fun at, ridicule S YN enak\' qera\ There were no kernels on the corn cob.
e®pac\eK¥a\eK¥a\ [pyaung chaw gyaw] adv frivolously [? e®pac\;P¨;Pk\lip\ [pyaung: bu: hpe' lei'] n cheroot wrapped in
glibly?] corn husk CF qnp\Pk\lip\
e®pac\sp\sp\ [pyaung sa' sa'] adv impishly, archly “pioc\ [pyain] v 1) compete (with, against) Ω Ae®p;“pioc\pX´ race
S YN e®pac\®P´®P´ [? check tone] She is competing with some of the fastest people in the
e®pac\®P´®P´ [pyaung hpyE: byE:] adv impishly, archly world. S YN yxU\Pk\ [? check] 2) compete (for), contend
S YN e®pac\sp\sp\ CF sp\®P´®P´ Ω ' They are competing for the gold medal. S YN yxU\ l¥k\tv\
e®pac\rWt\rWt\ [pyaung shu' shu'] adv facetiously, playfully [? also contest/participate? if so, add things like
[? light-heartedly?] contender, participant below ???]
e®pac\elxac\ [pyaung hlaung] v mock, ridicule, jeer, make — adj parallel; contemporary; at the same time,
fun of, deride, laugh at contemporaneous Ω m¥U\;“pioc\ parallel lines Ω eKt\“pioc\
e®pac\3 [pyaung] n guar, kind of wild cattle similar to water contemporary
buffalo [? check, can't find in engl dic] “pioc\sM‰xa; [pyain san sha:] v search for a winner, search for
e®pac\kiuc\; [pyaung kain:] n kind of tall grass growing in sb who can beat the champion [? check]
shallow water “pioc\Siuc\ [pyain hsain] v compete S YN yxU\Pk\
e®pac\eKåc\;sim\; [pyaung khaung: zein:] n [Mogok region] “pioc\Siuc\®Kc\; [pyain hsain gyin:] n rivalry Ω ' There was friendly
peridot, yellow-green precious stone [? check pron] rivalry between the two, as each tried to win the
e®pac\sa [pyaung sa] n kind of rush used in making admiration of their friends.
brooms, broomstraw “pioc\Siuc\q¨ [pyain hsain thu] n rival; competitor [? check
e®pac\;1 [pyaun:] v 1) move (house); transfer (to a new 2nd. Same as byain be'? or is this more hostile?]
place, department, etc); shift (load, position, etc) RF “pioc\t¨ [byain du] adv together, at the same time; in
e®pac\;erW>. 2) exchange (one thing for another); shift parallel; in unison
(gears); change CF lxy\ [? ?] 3) change, alter Ω sit\e®pac\; “pioc\pX´ [pyain bwE:] n 1) competition; contest, meet
When he saw the woman he changed his mind. 4) (of voice S YN ANiuc\ lup´X [? also race, fig, e.g., race to find a cure
of boy at puberty) break for AIDS?] 2) match , game, fight S YN ksa;p´X
e®pac\;Sn\⁄ [byaung: hsan] v be in confusion, be in 3) tournament, tourney (Br) S YN ksa;Kun\sa;“pioc\p´X [? what
chaos, be in a mess; be in turmoil = e®bac\;Sn\ about playoff, challenge? event? check all anyway]
e®pac\;®pn\ [byaung: byan] adv 1) opposite; backward(s),
the other way around (inf); inverse (tech) “pioc\ePa\“pioc\Pk\ [pyain paw pyain be'] n opponent; rival,
Ω e®pac\;®pn\ AK¥io;t¨ inverse proportion CF Sn\>k¥c\Bk\ competitor
2) upside down; inside out, the wrong way around “pioc\Pk\ [pyain be'] n rival, adversary [? what about
3) word game in which consonants and vowels are adversary, challenger, how hostile? same as byain hsain
exchanged Ω nant\q^; = n^n^qa; CF ska;lim\' pig Latin thu?]
[ ph] “pioc\®mc\; [pyain myin:] n racehorse CF thoroughbred
e®pac\;®pn\lxn\ [byaung: byan hlan] v be upside-down, be “pioc\ [pyain hle] n racing boat [? what about racetrack,
inside out, be backward(s) [? how many are necessary? racecar, racer ??? more words!!!]
all?] “pioc\;“pioc\; [pyain: byain:] adv in clear rows [? ???]
e®pac\;l´ [byaung: lE:] v change, transform; vary; convert “pioc\;rRiuc\; [pyain: yåyain:] adv in rows, in a row; in unison [?
[ ph] check]
e®pac\;erW> [pyaung: shwe.] v move (house); transfer (to a ®ps\ [pyi'] n 1) wrong, misdeed; [relig] sin; [law] offence,
new place, department, etc) crime CF Amxa;' KÁk\yXc\;K¥k\ 2) punishment RF ®ps\d%\.
e®pac\;2 [pyaung:] n 1) tube 2) (gun)barrel 3) blowpipe 3) (in gem, etc) flaw, inperfection = A®ps\ [? only in
(used as weapon) gems? what about words like imperfection, failing,
e®pac\;ekak\ [pyaung: gau'] n blowpipe (used in shortcoming, deficiency??]
soldering) ®ps\K¥k\ [pyi' che'] n 1) crime; misdeed, wrong 2) fault,
e®pac\;rc\; [pyaung: yin:] n (gun) chamber CF SMulv\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 266

®ps\®ps\ ª ®pv\
defect, sthg wrong CF KÁt\yXc\;K¥k\ ®pv\eTac\su®mn\maNiuc\cMs^;pXa;er;eka\piuer;rxc\;
®ps\Sa [pyi' hsa] n defect, flaw S YN A®ps\AnaASa [? is [pyi daung zu. myan ma nain gan si; bwa; ye; kaw po re shin;] n
this also failing?] ∏¥(Union of) Myanmar Economic Corporation
®ps\tut\ [pyi' to'] n Óblemish, stain (Upsa), spot (Upsa) ®pv\eTac\su®mn\maNiuc\cMs^;pXa;er;U^;piuc\APX´> [pyi daung zu.
myan ma nain gan si; bwa; ye; u; pain AhpwE.] n ∏(Union of)
®ps\d%\ [pyi' dan] n punishment, penalty; sentence Myanmar Economic Holdings [? these 2 new from me]
CF eqd%\ death sentence, eTac\d%\ prison sentence, ®pv\eTac\suAsiu;r [pyi daung zu. Aso; ya.] n
Alup\Âkm\; hard labour' Nxs\AKn\Ï Aqt\mrxi unlimited ∏Ógovernment of U Nu between 1960–62 [? new
sentence, ts\qk\ts\kÁn\; transportation for life gustaaf]
®ps\d%\K¥ [pyi' dan cha.] v sentence, condemn ®pv\ny\ [pyi nE] n ∏state, province CF tiuc\;' ®pv\m
®ps\mxa; [pyi' hma:] v wrong, mistreat; [relig] sin against ®pv\Nxc\d%\ [pyi hnin dan] n 1) deportation 2 exile,
®ps\mO [pyi' hmu.] n [law] crime, offence, violation, charge banishment) [ rc]
CF razwt\® ps\mO' AmO ®pv\p [pyi pa.] n ∏foreign countries, abroad, overseas
®ps\®ps\ [pyi' pyi'] adv Ócompletely, entirely S YN Akun\Asc\
®pv\1 [pyi] n 1) ∏[inf] country CF Niuc\cM [ pe] 2) royal city — v ∏be foreign; be external CF ®pv\tXc\;
[ pe] 3) home, abode Ω nt\® pv\ heaven ®pv\pn\;vio' ®pv\pn\;erW [pyi ban: nyo, pyi ban: shwe] n
®pv\”k^; [pyi gyi:] n ÓChina, Cathay Ó Œsmall tree with edible leaves, and bark used in
®pv\”k^;cå; [pyi gyi: nga:] n squid, calamari (when cooked) traditional medicine
CF kc\;mXn\ cuttlefish ®pv\e®p; [pyi bye:] n exile; expatriate; sb who has left his
®pv\”k^;dål^ [pyi gyi: da li] n prostitute, sex worker own country
S YN ®pv\.tn\ Sa ®pv\PMu;ka; [pyi bon: ka:] n [drama] curtain (signalling the
®pv\”k^;pn\; [pyi gyi: ban:] n water hyacinth S YN ebdå end of the performance)
®pv\”k^;emYa. [pyi gyi: hmyaw.] n sea slug ®pv\PMu;ka;K¥ [pyi bon: ka: cha.] v [fig] bring sthg to a close,
®pv\Kiuc\“Pio; [pyi khain hpyo;] abbr ∏short form of Union wind sthg up
Solidarity and Development Association CF ®pv\eTac\su- ®pv\m [pyi ma.] n ∏a country proper, i.e., not including
”kM.Kiuc\PXM>“Pio;er;-Aqc\;' ”kM.PXM> some territories CF ®pv\ny\ [? needs clarifying example]
®pv\S¨;®pv\evHac\. [pyi zu: pyi hnyaung.] n ∏enemies of the
state [ pe] [? expl] ®pv\er;®pv\ra [pyi ye: pyi ya] n ∏politics S YN Niuc\cMer;
®pv\T´er; [pyi tE: ye:] n Ó∏matters of state [ pe] [? get all the words for this sorted out: BOX with
®pv\tv\ [pyi tE] v 1) ∏found a kingdom 2) [drama] explanations]
(king and ministers) gather in the opening scene ®pv\lMu;kÁt\ [pyi lon: gyu'] adv nation-wide
®pv\tXc\; [pyi dwin:] v ∏be local, be internal; ¥be ®pv\lMu;K¥m\;qa [pyi lon: chan: dha] n Œkind of herb used
domestic in medicine
®pv\tXc\;ss\ [pyi dwin: si'] n ∏civil war ®pv\elx;®pv\mWa; [pyi hle: pyi hmwa:] n thugs, scoundrels,
®pv\tXc\;®Ps\ [pyi dwin: byi'] adj ¥(of products, etc) local; rascals, crooks, ruffians, group of thieves, bandits, etc
®pv\tXc\;er; [pyi dwin: ye:] n ∏internal affairs (of a ®pv\wc\eÂk; [pyi win gye:] n visa fee
country) ®pv\q¨piuc\ [pyi dhu bain] adj ¥state-owned CF pug©likpiuc\
®pv\T´er; [pyi dE: ye:] n ∏home affairs, domestic affairs [ pe]
[ pe] ®pv\q¨piuc\qim\; [pyi dhu bain thein:] v ¥nationalise [ pe]
®pv\T´er;wn\”k^;@an [pyi dE: ye: wun gyi: hta na.] n ®pv\q¨®pv\qa; [pyi dhu pyi dha:] n ∏people; citizens
∏Ministry of Home Affairs CF Home Office (UK), Interior CF tiuc\;q¨®pv\qa; [ pe]
Department (US); wn\”k^;@an ®pv\q¨l¨Tu [pyi dhu lu du.] n public, populace; masses ∏
®pv\eTac\su [pyi daung zu.] n ∏union [ pe]
Ω Aemri kn\®pv\e Tac\ su United States of America [ pe] ®pv\q¨Aa;k¨tp\ [pyi dhu a; ku ta'] n ÍPeople's Auxiliary
®pv\eTac\su”kM.Kiuc\PXM>“Pio;er;Aqc\; [pyi daung zu. kyan. khain Forces [? check new Selth]
hpun. hpyo; ye; Athin;] n ∏Union Solidarity and ®pv\q¨Ïekac\s^ [pyi dhu. kaung si] n ∏People's Council,
Development Association (USDA) CF ”kM.PXM>' ®pv\Kiuc\“Pio; government from 1974 to 1988 [ pe]
®pv\eTac\suenÏ [pyi daung zu. ne.] n Union Day, ®pv\q¨>ss\ [pyi dhu. si'] n ∏Í1) people's war [? ?? like
commemorating the pc\lMu Panlong Agreement between what] 2) militia, local paramilitary with arms and
many of the ethnic groups, 12.2.1947 military training, People's Militia [ pe]
®pv\eTac\supåt^ [pyi daung zu. pa ti] n ∏Union Party, party ®pv\q¨>n^ti [pyi dhu. ni ti>] n ∏duties of a citizen, civic
of U Nu’s 1960 government [? new gustaaf] duties [ pe]
®pv\eTac\su®mn\maNiuc\cMeta\ [pyi daung zu. myan ma nain ngan ®pv\q¨>lWt\eta\ [pyi dhu. hlu' taw] n ∏Pyithu Hluttdaw,
daw] n ∏Union of Myanmar i.e., parliament, legislature
®pv\q¨>wn\Tm\; [pyi dhu. wun dan:] n ∏public servant,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 267

®pv\ ª ®pt\
government employee S YN (Asiu;r)wn\Tm\; (wish, etc) 2) finish, complete; reach a certain length of
®pv\. [pye. (pyi>)] adj ∏of a country; the country's; time
national ®pv\.lYM [pye. (pyi>) shan] v 1) (of river, cup, etc) overflow
®pv\.kMekÁ; [pyi> gågywe:] n Ólady of the night, i.e., 2) (of area, etc) be flooded [? check]
prostitute CF ®pv\.tn\Sa ®pv\.w [pye. (pyi>) wa.] v 1) be mature, be full of
®pv\.tn\Sa [pye. (pyi>) dåza] n sex worker, prostitute Ω si t\Ta;®pv\.wty\" 2) saturated, full [? ?]
CF®pv\mkMekÁ;' ®pv\”k^;dål^' ®pv\.m¥k\si' p®Kop\(qy\)' ®pv\.wep¥a\rv\ [pyi> wa. pyaw ye] n saturated solution
ep¥a\eta\Sk\' min\;mepåÏ' nt\qm^;' zim\my\' kXit\' ®pv\.qip\ [pye. (pyi>) thei'] v packed tightly; very crowded
mekac\; t´.min\; m' min\;mrWc\' min\; mp¥k\' Pa(qy\) Î A®pv\.
®pv\2 [pyi] n unit of measure used mainly for grain, about ®pv\2. [pye. (pyi>)] adj of a country; the country's; national
2.5 cubic litres. Equal to 8 lmy\ or B¨; (condensed ®pv\.kMekÁ; [pyi> gågywe:] n Ólady of the night, i.e.,
milk tins) four sly\; 16 ®pv\ make one tc\; (basket) prostitute CF ®pv\.tn\Sa
®pv\.tn\Sa [pye. (pyi>) dåza] n sex worker, prostitute
®pv\etac\; [pyi daung:] n basket used as ®pv\ measure ®pv\mkMekÁ;'
CF ®pv\”k^;dål^' ®pv\.m¥k\si' p®Kop\(qy\)'
®pv\wc\Aiu; [pyi win o:] n pot which can cook one ®pv\ of ep¥a\eta\Sk\' min\;mepåÏ' nt\qm^;' zim\my\' kXit\'
rice mekac\; t´.min\; m' min\;mrWc\' min\; mp¥k\' Pa(qy\) Î
®pv\3 [pyi] n pus, thick yellowish fluid developing in a ®p™an\; [pya' (pya.) htan: gye'] v 1) prescribe; enact
wound Ω si t\mxa®p™an\; Ta;ty\" fixed, determined, resolved
®pv\tv\ [pyi tE] v fester, be infected and produce pus 2) denote [ ph]
®p™an\;K¥k\ [pya' (pya.) htan; gye'] n 1) directive; provision;
®pv\tv\na [pyi tE na] n abscess, (if on the skin) boil resolution 2) text 3) course [? check again]
®pv\Pu [pyi bu.] n pustule, small raised area filled with ®p™an\;K¥k\saAup\ [pya' (pya.) htan; (gye') sa o'] n textbook
pus ®pt\ [pya'] v 1) snap, break, sever, amputate ◊; be cut
®pv\mxv\. [pyi hmE.] v (of boil, etc) be ready to burst off, be broken, be severed 2) (of relationship) break off,
®pv\4 [pyi] v tease affectionately S YN k¥^sy\ = “p^ end, sever; (of a couple) break up 3) run short of, be
®pv\tv\tv\ [pyi ti ti] adv flirtatiously, coquettishly short on 4) be over, end 5) lose touch (with); not be in
®pv\evac\pc\ [pyi nyaung bin] n Œbanyan tree = (p)evac\pc\ touch (with) 6) (of phone, etc) be disconnected, (of
®pv\.1 [pye. (pyi>)] v be whole; be full; be filled; be reached power, water, phone, etc) be cut off, be out 7) have
Ω Aqk\®pv\.- be of age, be an adult Ω Aqk\ m®pv\.e q;B¨; be given up, stop, quit (smoking, drinking, etc) 8) be
a minor, be underage Ω l®pv\.“p^" The moon is full. scarce, be few, be infrequent 9) (of visits, social calls,
Ω biu k\®pv\. ty\" I'm full. My stomach is full. Ω nar^ m®pv\. less traffic, attendance, etc) let up, subside, fall, (come to
than one hour [ ph] a) stop CF l¨® pt\ 10) be decisive 11) be sharp
®pv\.k¥p\ [pye. (pyi>) kya'] v be full of, be crowded with, be 12) appraise [? what is sei' pya'? And hey, what about
packed with 'go through'? What is that? Also, this must have a noun
®pv\.sMu [pye. (pyi>) zon] v 1) perfect, complete, optimal form, otherwise how to get the pya' 4 pya'?]
2) be fully endowed with, have the full complement of
3) be accomplished, be fulfilled 4) be sufficient ®pt\s´ [pya' sE:] v 1) cease, stop 2) divorce
®pv\.tc\; [pye. (pyi>) tin:] v 1) be full and firm, be plump ®pt\Siu [pya' hso] v assess, evaluate
Ω q¨ k¥n\; maer;-®pn\e kac\; laeta. Aqa;er-®pn\“p^ ®pt\etak\ [pya' tau'] v be severed, be cut off
®pv\.tc\;laty\" When she recovered, she filled out again. ®pt\etak\®pt\etak\ [pya' tau' pya' tau'] adv off and on,
2) have plenty 3) be overstuffed, be too full at irregular intervals; unexpectedly
®pv\.Nxk\ [pye. (pyi>) hne'] v be full, be crowded, be ®pt\etac\;®pt\etac\; [pya' taung: pya' taung:] adv
teeming, be chock-a-block (inf), be chock-full, be intermittently, by fits and starts
chockers (Aus, NZ) ®pt\®pt\ [pya' pya'] adv 1) decisively; bluntly; sharply,
®pv\.Nxs\ [byi> hni'] n year ending in 0 Ω 2000®pv\.Nxs\ year without mincing one's words 2) (have) nothing to do
2000 CF KuNxs\' eTac\®pv\.Nxs\' ra®pv\.Nxs\ [? or is this turn of with; (be, stay) aloof
the century/mil?] ®pt\®pt\qt\qt\ [pya' pya' tha' tha'] adv indisputably;
®pv\.®pv\.®pn\;®pn\; [pye. (pyi>) pye. (pyi>) pyan: pyan:] adj (of a all out
person) well-built [? check] ®pt\el;®pt\ [pya' le: pya'] n Í∏Four Cuts, a
®pv\.ePac\; [pye. (pyi>) hpaung:] v be distended; chubby, fat; counterinsurgency campaign begun in the mid-1960s
plump; (of tyre, balloon, etc) inflated Ω biuk\ distended [ pe]
stomach ®pt\lp\ [pya' la'] v 1) run out of 2) have a pause in work
®pv\.“Pio; [pye. (pyi>) hpyo:] v (of a person) plump, chubby; or activity; have an interregnum
stout, stocky ®pt\qa; [pya' tha:] v 1) be distinct; be clear, be lucid; be
®pv\.e®mak\ [pye. (pyi>) myau'] v 1) attain (goal, etc); fulfil succinct 2) be decisive
®pt\qt\ [pya' tha'] v be in tatters S YN sut\®pt\qt\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 268

“pit†a ª ®pn\
“pit†a [pei' ta] n ‹ghost, ghoul, etc in one of the fours 2) recapitulate, start again at the beginning 3) take
states of suffering, which is the reincarnation of a back, retrieve
human or celestial being CF Apåy\' mekac\;Siu;wå [ ph] ®pn\kun\ [pyan gon] n goods brought back when returning
“pit\®mk\ [pyei' mye'] n Œkind of grass with long blades, roots from a selling trip CF qXa;kun\
of which are used in traditional medicine ®pn\Âka; [pyan kya:] v 1) report, inform; reply, answer
®pot\1 [pyo'] v 1) take off, take down; (of joints, etc) 2) reveal
dislocate 2) detach; be detached; be dislocated, (of ®pn\Âka;er; [pyan kya: ye:] n 1) information
door, window, etc) be unhinged 3) be fired, be 2) propaganda ∏
dismissed (from job) [? also expelled from school?] ®pn\Âka;er;Nxc\.®pv\q¨>Sk\SMer;U^;s^;@an [pyan kya: ye:
4) (of job, money, etc) lose; (of investment, money, hnin. pyi thu. hse' hsan ye; u; si; hta na.] n ∏Department of
etc) be lost Information
®pot\®pot\®pon\; [pyo' pyo' pyon:] v lose all of (money, ®pn\eÂka\ [pyan gyaw] n dish in which vegetables are
property, capital, investment, etc) added to meat during the cooking [? check]
®pot\2 [pyo'] v 1) boil, simmer; stew 2) be boiled; be stewed ®pn\ekX> [pyan kwe.] v turn around, turn back, make u-
Ω Âkk\U®pot\ boiled eggs Ω Am´ qa;®pot\ stewed beef turn
®pot\eÂka\ [pyo' kyaw] n meat cooked by boiling and then ®pn\sa [pyan sa] n reply (to a letter)
frying ®pn\sc\er [pyan sin ye] n 1) distilled water S YN epåc\;er
®pot\eS; [pyo' hse:] n infusion, tisane, medicine 2) rainwater
prepared by boiling ®pn\sc\Ark\ [pyan zin åye'] n distilled alcohol
®pot\Sn\ [pyo' hsan] n cooked rice dried in the sun and ®pn\Siu [pyan hso] v 1) recite (from memory) 2) interpret
ground (literature) 3) interpret, translate CF ska;®pn\
®pot\e®Pa [pyo' hpyaw:] v blanch, put vegetables or fruit ®pn\VWn\; [pyan hnyun:] n cross-reference
briefly in hot water S YN e®Pa ®pn\tm\; [pyan dan:] n 1) Óking's decree, made into law
®pot\mN¨; [pyo' månu:] n 1) hardened dried pea which will by the lWt\eta\ hluttaw 2) notification; decree, law
not soften when boiled 2) [fig] stupid person, dimwit Ω Asiu;r-®pn\ tm\;Tu t\ government issues a decree
CF Akc\' AK¥k\' A®pot\' APut\' Aelxa\' Aqup\ CF Amin\Ï®pn\ tm\; 3) gazette, official collection of laws
®pot\3 [pyo'] v (of deer) cry CF ®pø published
®pot\tu [pyo' tu.] adv Ówithout fail, inevitably S YN Ekn\' ®pn\tm\;KM [pyan dan: khan] n [obs] royal appointee
mKÁt\mlX´ ®pn\tm\;wc\ [pyan dan: win] adj gazetted, official
®pot\t¨ [pyo' tu] n vice, vise (illus) — n gazetted officer
®pot\®pot\ [pyo' pyo'] n [ono] sound of a kind of drum ®pn\ep;SX´ [pyan be: hswE:] v kidnap, abduct (for ransom,
®pot\®pot\®pon\; [pyo' pyo' pyon:] n sound of the e®ba (long to blackmail, etc)
drum) and similar drums ®pn\epåc\; [pyan baung:] n sticky rice re-steamed with
®pn\1 [pyan] v 1) return, go back, go home, come back, coconut
come home A NT qXa; 2) translate Baqa®pn\; interpret ®pn\epåc\;Tup\ [pyan baung: hto'] v make up, reunite, get
ska;®pn\ 3) recount, relate (experience, story) ®pn\S;iu back together, be on good terms again
recite (from text) 4) reply (to letter, question, etc); do ®pn\e®pa [pyan pyaw] v 1) talk back S YN KMe®pa 2) repeat;
sthg in return, do sthg back 5) read out (order, tell to others Ω då®pn\me®pan´Ïena\" Don't tell anyone else,
command, etc) 6) reflect (light, rays, etc) 7) be distilled okay?
Ω Ark\® pn\ rubbing alcohol; Ω ®pn\ sc\ er distilled water ®pn\e®pac\; [pyan pyaung:] adv again; reciprocally, in
CF epåc\;KM 8) ooze out, come out Ω eKÁ;®pn\ sweat return, re-run, work through; again Ω ®pn\e®pac\; qtir recall
— part 1) over again, resume, return to, back, in Ω ®pn\ e®pac\;e®pa®p recount Ω ®pn\ e®pac\;e®paSiu relate [? really
return: prefix to verbs Ω ”kiok\liuÏ ®pn\mep;K¥c\eta.B¨;" I don't retro?]
want to return it, because I like it. Ω ®pn\erak\ta ®pn\Bk\ [pyan be'] n 1) mate, one of a pair Ω sa®pn\Bk\
Âka“p^la;" Have you been back long? Ω mxa;enty\kXa" pen pal 2) counterpart, complement, sthg that fits
®pn\lup\rmy\" It's all wrong, we'll have to do it over again. together with sthg else
Ω Kun rp\ t´.e nrak ®pn\smy\" We'll resume from where we left ®pn\lv\ [pyan lE] adv 1) again 2) in retaliation, in
off. 2) go back to, resume, in turn: suffix to verbs reaction 3) in return, reciprocally; in response
indicating repetition 3) suffix to place or situation, — part in return, back, re- Ω ®pn\lv\T¨eTac\er;
indicating that sb has returned Ω ss\® pn\ war veteran rehabilitation Ω ®pn\lv\tv\eSak\er; reconstruction
Ω ®pc\ qs\® pn\-kiulOic\ wc\; Ko ‘Back from France’ Hlaing Win ®pn\lm\; [pyan lan:] n 1) return (trip), way back
4) count word indicating number of times Ω Nxs\®pn\eÂka\ 2) possibility to return, recover, regain sthg
twice-fried CF Tp\' Sc\. [ nc] ®pn\lxn\ [pyan hlan] adv 1) again, once more 2) in return;
®pn\khp\ [pyan gåha'] n system of rhyming on alternate in defiance; in retribution
lines CF karn\ [ wr] ®pn\lxn\e®pa [pyan hlan pyaw:] v retort, answer
®pn\ekak\ [pyan kau'] v 1) repeat (refrain, chorus)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 269

®pn\ ª epX;
disrespectfully “pMo;2 [pyon:] v Óproliferate, increase CF pXa;m¥a;
®pn\2 [pyan] n Ómeasure of time equal to 4 seconds ®py\ [pyE] v wear off, lose strength, effectiveness, etc,
CF ®mn\manar^ dissolve; fade
®pn\Ï [pyan.] v 1) spread, become widespread, extend 2) be ®pœdå; [pya' dhåda:] n ßill-fated day [ ph]
broad, cover a wide area, be extensive 3) be smooth, be ®pœna [pya' thåna] n problem, trouble, sthg needing a
level, be flat and even pusÍa' AKk\AK´ [ ph]
solution CF
®pn\Ïk¥´ [pyan. kyE:] v be scattered, be spread out, ®pœnatk\ [pya' thåna te'] v get into trouble; cause
dispersed trouble; look for trouble
®pn\Ïk¥y\ [pyan. kyE] v be broad “piœ [pyei' tha.] n ßTaurus, second sign in the zodiac
®pn\Ï®pø; [pyan. byu:] v be wide and even CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^Rup\ [ ph]
®pn\Ïe®pa [pyan. byaw:] v 1) be plentiful, be abundant 2) be pX [pwa.] v 1) spread; swell; (of bread, dough) rise; be puffy
broad and even; be widely available [? what subjects? Ω ApXeÂka\ deep fried in batter, tempura 2) be littered
nuclear pro? weapons prol? disease? check last] with; be all over the place 3) have good fortune; hit the
jackpot 4) widen out, distend, flare 5) be bloated, be
®pn\Ï®pn\Ïrn\Ïrn\Ï [pyan. byan. yan. yan.]
v 1) be flat and even swollen 6) be pulpy; be baggy, be loose, be drooping,
2) be smooth, not crumpled or wrinkled be sagging; be limp 7) be loose, not compacted Ω e®mpX
®pn\ÏpXa; [pyan. pwa:] v spread, proliferate loose soil 8) be fluffy
“pin\P¥c\; [pyein hpyin:] adj trivial, useless (comment, remark, pXsatk\ [pwa. za te'] v be messy, be disorderly, be in
statement, etc); insignificant (person); mean [? empty chaos
words? check mean] pXsipXsie®pa [pwa. si> pwa. si> pyaw:] v grumble, complain, gripe,
“pin\; [pyein:] adj stupid, boorish, crass, ignorant crab
“pin\;qXm\; [pyein: thwan:] adj [ d] [? troublemaker? good- pXepåk\ [pwa. bau'] n one's chance, good chance [?
for-nothing, rascal? stupid and bad] windfall?]
“pin\;®mk\ [pyein: mye'] n kind of tall grass pXepåk\tiu; [pwa. bau' to:] v get a windfall
®pon\; [pyon:] v 1) be depleted, be exhausted, be ruined and pXerac\; [pwa. yaung:] adj (of clothing) loose (-fitting)
used up; be used up for nothing, (of passion, energy, pXerac\;erac\; [pwa. yaung: yaung:] v be tousled
resources, etc) be spent [? check last] 2) go extinct, die pXpXrXrX [pwa. pwa. ywa. ywa.] adv 1) crispy 2) wearing baggy,
out; be extinct 3) be worn away; be stripped loose (clothing)
pXa; [pwa:] v 1) increase (in number), proliferate, spawn;
®pon\;t^; [pyon: ti:] v 1) be depleted, be used up, be spent duplicate; replicate 2) ‹nurture, cultivate (through
2) go extinct, die out meditation) CF epåk\pXa;
®pop\ [byo'] n cluster of lumps, growths, etc [ ph] pXa;s^; [pwa: si:] v prosper, flourish, thrive, succeed
®pop\St\St\ [byo' hsa' hsa'] adj 1) parboiled, partially pXa;m¥a; [pwa: mya:] v 1) prosper, thrive, flourish
cooked by boiling 2) (emotionally) immature 2) increase; nurture, cultivate
®pop\T [byo' hta.] v be thickly covered with lumps, epX [pwe] v 1) be besieged with, be surrounded by, be beset
growths, etc by, be plagued with (problems, worries, work, etc)
®pop\‰xp\‰xp\ [byo' sha' sha'] adv coarsely textured 2) play around, make mischief, fool around; be
®pob`Plgun^ [pyo' ba. hpålagu. ni] n ©constellation of two stars unfaithful CF l¨epX 3) spin, whirl, be spinning around
in Leo resembling two legs of a couch CF Ut†rPlgun^ 4) be devious, be tricky [? does this have a meaning of
[ ph] just to play around, not sexually? cf ok?]
®pob`B®dpiud\ [pyo' ba. ba. dåråbai'] n ©two stars in the 25th lunar epXenak\ [pwe nau'] v be mixed up, be confused [?
mansion resembling two legs of a couch; the 25th lunar perplexed? bewildered? need better words...]
mansion CF Ut†rB®dpiud\ [ ph] epXl^ [pwe li] v 1) be devious, be tricky 2) be
®pob`aqaL\ [pyo' ba than] n ©two stars in Sagittarius complicated 3) be varied [? usage]
resembling th e forelegs of a female elephant; the 20th epX> [pwe.] v support, lift, hold, carry (in one's arms)
lunar mansion CF Ut†raqaL\ [ ph] epX>K¥^ [pwe. chi] v carry, cradle (in one's arms) [? check
“pMo [pyon] v throng, crowd, press; assemble, huddle, cluster position]
S YN su' AMu epX>piuk\ [pwe. pai'] v cuddle [? check.]
“pMo;1 [pyon:] [pyon: sa za] v smile CF ry\ “pMo;ss epX>Pk\ [pwe. hpe'] v hug, embrace, hold in one's arms
— adv with a little smile epX>AMu; [pwe. on:] n bolster, long cylindrical pillow
“pMo;sn´Ïn´Ï [pyon: sånE. nE.] n half-smile epX; [pwe:] n 1) mole 2) ringworm; tinea ◊; fungal
“pMo;sisi [pyon: si> zi>] adv with a little smile infection of the skin
“pMo;tMu;tMu; [pyon: ton. ton.] adv [? def] epX;sun\Ï [pwe: zon.] n 1) molehill 2) kind of ringworm
“pMo;“P´“P´ [pyon: hpyE: byE:] adv with a silly grin S YN sp\“P´“P´ epX;sX´ [bwe: swE:] v have ringworm; have a fungal
“pMo;ry\ [pyon: yi (yE)] v smile and laugh infection (on the skin)

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epX;kiuc\; ª pX´
epX;kiuc\; [pwe: gain] n senna, medicinal plant for digestive for royalty (illus)
problems pX´tiu; [pwE: to:] v 1) (of clothing) be appropriate for the
pX´1 [pwE:] n 1) festival, celebration, function, public event; occasion; (of person) be presentable, be properly
party, festivity, bash (inf); ceremony Ω Bura;pX´ pagoda dressed 2) be tested and proven
festival Ω Nxs\qs\k¨; pX´ New Years party Ω saem;pX´ exam pX´tk\ [pwE: te'] v go to (party, festival, ceremony, etc)
Ω erX;ekak\ pX´ election S YN qBc\ 2) public entertainment, — adj battle-proven, battle-tested S YN pX´r
show Ω zat\pX´ play, drama 3) (country) fair, market Ω NXa;pX´ pX´tk\mya; [pwE: te' måya:] n wife with whom one can go
4) contest, meet; action, fight Ω tiuk\pX´ battle 5) offering, out in public
ceremony, seance Ω kn\eta.pX´ offering Ω nt\pX´ nat seance pX´etac\; [pwE: taung:] v 1) call on sb to perform; call for
CF pX´Tiu; 6) dish, course, entree Ω AK¥iopX´ pudding (Br), an encore 2) challenge sb to a duel
dessert (Am) pX´tiuc\;ek¥a\ [pwE: dain: kyaw] n celebrity
— part count word used to count dishes, offerings, etc pX´etX> [pwE: dwe.] n sthg tested, sthg tried and proven
[ nc] pX´Tiu; [pwE: hto:] v make an offering of coconut or
pX´kiuk\ [pwE: kai'] v be worn out after nights of watching bananas to a nat
shows pX´Tiuc\ [pwE: dain] [pwE: htain] n lavish party
pX´k¥ [pwE: kya.] v appreciation of the audience — v attend a lavish party
pX´”k^;pX´ekac\; [pwE: gyi: pwE: gaung:] n well-matched pX´Tut\ [pwE: hto'] v debut, première, present sb or sthg
contest to the public for the first time
pX´”k^;pX´lm\; [pwE: gyi: pwE: lan:] n 1) big festival 2) great pX´Tim\; [pwE: htein:] v 1) provide security, maintain
success discipline during a performance, event, etc, provide
pX´”k^;lm\;”k^; [pwE: gyi: lan: gyi:] n grand festival, grand crowd control [pwE: dein:] 2) maintain the interest of the
occasion, great celebration audience
pX´Âkp\ [pwE: gya'] n preson in charge of maintaining — n person in charge of maintaining discipline during
discipline at a show, festival, etc S YN pX´Tim\; a performance, festival, etc S YN pX´Âkp\
pX´K [pwE: ga.] n 1) brokerage, broker's fee 2) entrance fee pX´enpX´Tiuc\ [pwE: ne pwE: dain] n ceremonial occasion
3) fee for putting on a festival, show, celebration, etc pX´ep; [pwE: pe:] v make an offering to a nat (esp to ensure
pX´KM [pwE: khan] v hire a troupe of performers for public pX´“p^;m^;eq®Ps\ [pwE: pyi: mi: the hpyi'] v [fig] be burned out,
entertainment lose interest or enthusiasm
pX´Kc\; [pwE: khin:] v put on a festival, show, etc pX´®pt\ [pwE: bya'] [pwE: pya'] n appraiser
pX´KXn\ [pwE: khun] n tax for putting on a show, festival, etc — v appraise, assess the value of
pX´r [pwE: ya.] n winner, victor
pX´K¥c\;“p^; [pwE: gyin: bi:] adv (be killed, die) instantly, on
— adj battle-tested S YN pX´tk\
the spot
pX´rM [pwE: yan] n side dish, condiment
pX´“cim\; [pwE: nyein:] adv without charging a broker's fee pX´RMu [pwE: yon] n brokers' sales centre, wholesale centre
pX´ska; [pwE: zåga:] n dialogue in traditional dramas S YN kun\sv\diuc\
S YN zat\ska; CF karn\
pX´ln\Ï [pwE: lan.] v (of festival, etc audience) be
pX´sa; [pwE: za:] n 1) broker; dealer (neg) S YN Ak¥io;eSac\ frightened by disturbances
2) (Rakh) matchmaker
pX´ln\ÏP¥aKc\; [pwE: lan. hpya khin:] v [fig] take advantage of
pX´sU\ [pwE: zin] n schedule of events (in sports, gaming, disorder, unrest, etc
cards, etc)
pX´lm\; [pwE: lan:] n 1) festivities, celebration 2) victory
pX´sU\zya; [pwE: zin: zåya:] n list, table, schedule (of S YN pX´qBc\
games to be played)
pX´lxn\Ï [pwE: hlan.] v provoke a disturbance at an event
pX´sm\; [pwE: san:] v 1) put sb to the test 2) rehearse pX´wc\ [pwE: win] v 1) give a première performance CF pX´qim\;
pX´Sk\m¥a; [pwE: ze' mya:] v 1) (of theatrical troupe) be 2) attend important ceremonies 3) participate in a
booked solid, be booked up 2) attend functions,
festival, performance, etc
meetings, etc one after another 3) be up all night, night
pX´wc\rk\ [pwE: win ye'] n first day of ceremony,
after night
performance, fair, etc CF pX´qim\;rk\
pX´eZ; [pwE: ze:] n 1) fair; festival 2) group of brokerage pX´wiuc\; [pwE: wain:] n seating
pX´qBc\ [pwE: dhåbin] n 1) festivities, celebration
pX´eZ;tn\; [pwE: ze: dan:] n row of stalls at a fair, festival, 2) victory S YN pX´lm\;
pX´qim\; [pwE: thein:] v 1) end the first day's performance,
pX´eta\ [pwE: daw] n 1) fair; festival 2) food served to festival, etc [pwE: thein: ye'] 2) finish
royalty; food offered to nat
— n final day of a performance, festival, etc
pX´eta\tv\ [pwE: daw tE] v (of royalty) eat
pX´eta\Aup\ [pwE: daw o'] n ornamented container for food pX´U^;TXk\ [pwE: u: htwe'] v 1) perform the first act of a

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pX´ ª ®pXn\
traditional show 2) (of performing troupe) give the first P¥k\ 6) gamble on the serial numbers of money
performance of the season [pwE: u: dwe'] 3) fight the first piuk\S-M pXt\ 7) turn (on a lathe) RF pXt\KM.
battle of a campaign — n 1) lathe RF pXt\KMu' pXt\sc\. 2) device for starting a
— n 1) first performer to appear in a show 2) [fig] first fire by rubbing wood (illus)
try 3) [fig] debut, première pXt\kaq^ka [pu' kha thi ga] adv narrowly, closely
pX´2 [pwE:] v (come to an) end, close, close Ω -lXt\qXa;ty\ That was a near miss. [? check if there is a
pX´l¥k\ [pwE: nye'] n resin of the Ac\ tree, used in caulking problem with this]
pXk\ [pwe'] v 1) make bubbles rise to the surface 2) boil, pXt\ek¥ [pu' kye] n stick spun in a pXt\ to start a fire
bubble Ω ngå;pXk\etac\ mud volcano 3) [fig] berate CF pXt\KMu' m^; pXt\ (illus)
pXt\KM [pu' khan] v turn on a lathe
pXk\pXk\S¨ [pwe' pwe' hsu] v 1) (of water) boil, be at a full pXt\KMu [pu' khon] n 1) lathe S YN tXc\KMu' pXt\KMu 2) base on
boil 2) [fig] be in an uproar, be noisy which a stick is turned to start a fire CF pXt\ek¥' m^; pXt\
pXk\pXk\vM [pwe' pwe' nyan] v be in an uproar, be noisy pXt\®Km\; [pu' chan:] n convex round moulding, astragal or
Ω AKn\;T´ kiu
Sra-m merak\Kc\k ek¥ac\;qa;etX pXk\pXk\vM- torus moulding (illus)
entap´" The students in the room were in an uproar before pXt\s¨; [pu' su:] n bradawl, tool used to make holes in
the teacher arrived. wood (illus)
pXk\pXk\Riuk\ [pwe' pwe' yai'] v (of noise) spread pXt\est^ [pu' ze di] n ‹1) pagoda turned on a lathe
pXk\elaRiuk\ [pwe' law: yai'] v be rowdy; raise hell Î 2) pagoda built in the style of a lathe-turned pagoda
pXk\eq;Âkm\; [pwe' the: kyan:] v [fig] be in chaos, be in [ bh]
disorder pXt\sc\ [pu' sin] n lathe S YN pXt\KMu' tXc\KMu
pXc\. [pwin.] v 1) bloom, blossom 2) open, be open 3) (of light, pXt\tiuk\ [pu' tai'] v rub; brush; scrub, scour; scrape
radio, fan, etc) come on, be on 4) (of gas, exhaust, etc) pXt\tiuk\Aa; [pu' tai' a:] n friction
escape; (of exclamation, comments, etc) burst out [? pXt\tiuc\ [pu' tain] n turned post
check] 5) expand; explode 6) come to perceive, pXt\lMu; [pu' lon:] n objects turned on a lathe
understand, become wise, be enlightened 7) ‹attain pXt\qBc\ [pu' dhåbin] n ‹slow dance, western styles of
Buddahood Ω Bura;pXc\. [ bh] dancing where dancers hold each other close [? ?]
— part count word for flowers, stars [ nc] pXt\q^;pXt\qp\ [pu' thi: pu' tha'] adv 1) caressingly [?
pXc\.K¥p\ [pwin. gya'] n petal S YN pXc\.Pt\ check changes] 2) [fig] intimately 3) grazing, touching
pXc\.SM [pwin. zan] n anther, pollen-bearing end of a lightly
stamen CF wt\SM' wt\mOn\ [? check in bio ref] pXt\Aiu; [pu' o:] n 1) gourd water pot 2) set of nested pots
pXc\.Siu [pwin. hso] v interpret (art, expression, etc) = ®pXt\Aiu;
pXc\.Siuc\ [pwin. zain] n cluster of flowers pXn\ [pun] v 1) accomplish 2) be accomplished, be proficient
— part suffix indicating how many parties are involved Ω ek¥pXn\ty\ complete a task
Ω el;pXc\. Siuc\ [? example with quadrilateral talks?] pXn\; [pun:] v 1) be rubbed off 2) [fig] lose a little (money,
pXc\.tM [pwin. dan] n (flower) stalk pXn\;t^; [pun: di:] v 1) Óbe skilled; be conversant with
pXc\.Pt\ [pwin. ba'] n sepal, outermost layer of a flower 2) be familiar with
pXc\.lc\; [pwin. lin:] v 1) be frank, be candid, be straight pXn\;p´. [pun: pE.] v wear away, chafe; be bruised; be chipped
with sb 2) be clear to understand off [? chafe]
— adj open pXn\;pXn\;t^;t^; [pun: bun: ti: di:] adv intiitely S YN rc\;rc\;Nx^;Nx^;
pXc\.lc\;raq^ [pwin. lin: ya thi] adv openly, frankly e®pX [pålwe] n flute = pelX
pXc\.ln\; [pwin. lan:] v 1) be fresh 2) be happy, be ®pXt\1 [pyu'] v be clustered; be crowded
cheerful; be lucky 3) be well-liked — part bunch, cluster Ω sps\q^; (3)-® pXt\ 3 bunches of
pXc\.l¥a [pwin. lya] n 1) (flower) bud 2) ‹bodhisattva, grapes CF tX´
Buddha-to-be S YN ebaDiqt\ [? check syn] ®pXt\K´ [pyu' khE:] v be clustered; be crowded
pXc\.qs\ [pwin. thi'] [? what is this?] ®pXt\qiuk\ [pyu' thai'] adv in a jumbled mass
pXc\.qs\s [pwin. thi' sa.] n 1) new flower 2) [fig] budding ®pXt\qip\ [pyu' thei'] v be teeming with
poet, budding writer ®pXt\Aiu; [pyu' o:] n 1) gourd water pot 2) set of nested
pXioc\. [pwain.] n 1) point Ω m^;pXioc\. traffic signal, traffic light pots = pXt\Aiu;
2) point, significant fact, opinion, idea, etc 3) πpoint, ®pXt\2 [pyu' (byu')] n syringe, any pump or piston in a tube,
0.035 cm 4) calibre of guns, in tenths of an inch [Engl] for squirting liquid S YN ®pXn\ [? hey, where does this pan:
htou' belong?]
pXt\ [pu'] v 1) rub; smear; smooth on CF lim\;' lYapXt\eS; ®pXt\tM [byu' tan] n syringe; piston [? check piston]
2) smooth; sand 3) scour, scrub; brush (teeth) CF tiuk\ ®pXt\3 [byu'] n name for several kinds of bulbul = bXt\
4) wash (clothes), do laundry 5) rub out, erase, delete ®pXn\ [pyun] n tube; syringe; duct; hose; (blood) vessel

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®pXm\; ª Pln\ny\
®pXn\TXk\ [pyu' htwe'] v be showing, be peeking out ®pXm\;®pXm\;T [pyun: byun: hta.] v be rife, be rampant, be
®pXm\; [pyun: (pywan:)] v (of different things) be together, prevalent
mingle, commingle CF era®pXm\;

P [hpa.] n twenty-second consonant of the Myanmar script, Peyac\;sk¶ø [hpåyaung: se' ku] n stencil paper,
also used to represent ’f‘. Many words previously spelled mimeograph paper Ω Peyac\;sk¶øePak\ make the original
with B are now spelled with P, e.g., Bt\ªPt\ and for the mimeograph
some words still spelled with B are pronounced as Peyac\;tiuc\ [hpåyaung: dain] n candle
though spelled with P, e.g., BXA; Peyac\;tiuc\Aa; [hpåyaung: dain a:] n candlepower,
PU^;Tup\ [hpa. o' hto'] n name of the P L IT : ‘hat P’ strength of light measured in candelas
P2 [hpa.] part male: particle suffixed to some nouns to show Peyac\;Rup\tu [hpåyaung: yo' du.] n wax figure
male sex Ω Âkk\P A NT m CF T^;' Piu' B Peyac\;puSiu; [hpåyaung: påhso:] n 1) linoleum
PKc\ [hpa. gin] n 1) father S YN AeP CF B' emX;P' PeTX;' 2) cerecloth, cerement, waxed cloth, oilcloth
miKc\' miB 2) founder, founding father ¬ Peyac\;pn\; [hpåyaung: ban:] n 1) yellow oleander 2) kind
PKc\Aa;qt\mO [hpa. gin a; tha' hmu.] n parricide, murder of of orchid with yellow waxy flowers 3) wax plant
one's father CF l¨qt\mO
PtSiu; [hpa. tåhso:] n child whose father died CF mitSiu;' Peyac\;wå; [hpåyaung: wa:] n kind of bamboo used for
miBm´.kel; splitting and weaving CF Nx^;
PeA [hpåe] n father S YN AeP' ePeP Pr%ap^ti [hpåråna pi tI] n euphoria, overwhelming delight
P3 [hpa.] v Óexchange, barter PRuœwåsa [hpåro' tha. wa sa] n rough or abusive language
Prv\ [hpåyi] n Ó [? what is the ye? and add to the] [ ph]
Plxy\ [hpålE] v exchange (things, ideas, thoughts, Pr´ [hpåyE:] n watermelon
opinions, experiences, etc); barter, trade (goods or Pr´A¨ [hpåyE: u] n deep red tourmaline
services for other goods or services, without involving PRiuPr´ [hpåyo hpåyE:] adv in disarray, in a mess [? can you
money) S YN nl´' (l´/ P)lxy\ [? really nalè? not in na.] say this about a person: upset?]
Prc\; [hpåyin:] n Óiron teeth of a harrow CF TXn\qXa;
P4 [hpa.] part particle prefixed to words for parts of hands Prc\;K¥a; [hpåyin: gya:] n œtype of song adapted from Thai
and esp feet CF e®K tradition = Pin\;K¥a
Pesac\ [hpåzaung] n outer edge of feet Prn\> [hpåran.] n ¥franc, unit of money used in some
Penac\. [hpånaung.] n heel, back part of foot French-speaking countries
Penac\.Pk¥v\; [hpånaung. hpågyi:] n heel PRuM [hpåyon] n Œpumpkin; term for several kinds of marrows
Pmiu; [hpåmo:] n 1) instep, top of the foot 2) back (of or squashes = erWPRuM
the hand) PRMuKå; [hpåyon ga:] n Œbitter white marrow
Pm¥k\ [hpåmye'] n ankle PRMusit\ [hpåyon zei'] n 1) claw setting for gemstone (illus)
Pwå; [hpåwa:] n 1) sole (of the foot) 2) palm (of the 2) split firewood
hand) 3) (measurement the length of a) foot CF ep PRMuyiu [hpåyon yo] n candied pumpkin
Pwå;kÁn\ [hpåwa: gyun] n faithful servant [? check all] Pla; [hpåla:] n 1) bowl; cup Ω erPla; 2) round end of the
Pwå;e®KTp\' Pwå;Tk\Âkp\ [hpåwa: che da', hpåwa: hte' cha'] esac\;ekak\ 3) trophy, cup
adv (follow sb) closely Pla;sMukXm\;As\ [hpålåzon kun: i'] n betel box with four
Pwå;®pv\. [hpåwa: bye.] n flat foot, fallen arch (of instep) shallow bowls (illus)
PTiuc\ [hpådain] n 1) couch with a headrest 2) seat with four PlM1 [hpålan] n moth = piu;PlM CF lip\®pa
legs for ceremonial occasions [? check] PlM®Pø [hpålan byu] n whitish blight affecting rice and
PSpl [hpa. hsa. pa. la.] abbr AFPFL, Anti-Fascist People’s peppers
Freedom League, founded in 1945, and the party of PlM2 [hpålan] n 1) Œkind of vine with long flat seed pods
government from 1948–58 Ω Pk\Ss\-tiuk\P¥k\er;-®pv\q¨>- which are used in traditional medicine 2) Œsmall tree
lXt\lp\er;APX´> [? ok?] with a bent trunk, drooping branches, and light-yellow
Ptpl [hpa. ta. pa. la.] abbr early abbreviation for AFPFL, Anti- flowers 3) [fig] small thin person, shrimp
Fascist People’s Freedom League Ω Pk\Ss\-tiuk\P¥k\er;-
®pv\q¨>-lXt\lp\er;APX´> [? new gustaaf] PlMetac\ewx; [hpålan taung mwe:]n Œkind of herb used in
Peyac\; [hpåyaung:] n wax Ω p¥a;Peyac\; beeswax cooking = ®pc\etac\U^;
Peyac\;K¥k\ [hpåyaung: gye'] n medicine placed over Plc\ [hpålin] n film [Engl]
injury Pln\ny\ [hpålan nE] n flannel, soft cotton cloth used for

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 273

Pwå; ª Pinp\
warm clothing [Engl] Pap¥M [hpåbyan] n kind of tree frog
Pwå; [hpAwa;] n 1) palm (of the hand) = lk\Pwå; 2) sole Pa;®pop\ [hpåbyo'] n toad
(of the foot) = e®KPwå; 3) [fig] step, stride [? new JO Pa;®pop\erna [hpåbyo' ye na] n rash caused by malnutrition
Pwå;e®KTp\ [hpaAwa; chi hta'] adv following in sb's Pa;Piu [hpa: bo] n bellows; forge, stove, etc with bellows
footsteps [? what was the other word for bellows]
PeAac\; [hpåaung:] n Œkind of fig tree with bark used for Pa;m¥k\sieragå [hpa: mye' si> yaw: ga] n blight affecting
dye tobacco leaves
Pa1 [hpa] v 1) mend, patch (up) Ω tayaPa patch a tyre, Pa;lk\tk\ [hpålåde'] n kind of frog with a quick,
mend a puncture 2) make up for (sthg missed); cover sharp croak = Pa;tlk\
(expenses) 3) correct oneself (when speaking) Ω q¨e®pat´.- Pa;elac\; [hpålaung:] n tadpole S YN Pa;ts\piuc\; cå;ts\piuc\;
ska;mxa;qXa;-mxn\;qiqi®Kc\; ®pn\“p^-ska;Pakiu ”kio;sa;ty\" As Pa;U [hpa: u.] n 1) frog spawn, frog's eggs 2) mildew
soon as he realised he had spoken wrongly, he tried to Pa;eAa\ [hpa: aw] v croak
correct himself. = ska;Pa Pa;2 [hpa:] v fawn (over sb), butter (sb) up, flatter (sb)
PaeT; [hpa hte:] v 1) mend, patch (up) 2) make up for S YN ePa\lMPa;
(sthg missed); cover (expenses) Pa;3 [hpa:] v be tired out, be worn out
Pa2 [hpa] n 1) four-cornered basket with a lid Pa;4 [hpa:] v be floppy
2) Îprostitute, sex worker, whore Î CF ®pv\.tn\Sa Pa;Pa; [hpa: ba:] adv 1) broad 2) flowing (hair, clothing,
PaeKåc\; [hpa gaung;] n madame, woman who manages a etc), full (esp beard) 3) full-grown
brothel S YN ®pv\.tn\Sa-eKåc\;' min\;mTin\; Pa;l¥a; [hpa: ya:] adv (of hair, whiskers, threads, etc)
Pars^ [hpa råsi] n Parsee, descendent of 7th century Persian hang loosely
Zoroastrian refugees Pi [hpi>] v 1) press, flatten 2) weigh (sthg) down (to prevent
Parc\hiuk\ [hpa rin hai'] n Fahrenheit (temperature) [Engl] it moving) 3) press hard 4) suppress; oppress
= Py\rc\hiuk\
Pala [hpa la] n cardamom — n weight, press, sthg used to hold sthg down or in
PalanPit\ [hpa la nåhpei'] n herb with a fruit similar to place Ω sk¶øPi paperweight = Bi
a cardamom pod — part verb prefix indicating very much, hard, a lot
Pal¨då [hpa lu da] n faluda, sweet milk drink with ice and sago Ω Pi lup\ slave away, work very hard; Ω Ark\-Pie qak\ drink
hard, drink heavily CF AlXn\' tAa;
PalMu [hpa lon] n furlong, one-eighth of a mile, about 200m Pis^; [hpi> zi:] v 1) be oppressed by, be afflicted by, be
[Engl] stressed by Ω sit\Pi be under pressure (Upsa) 2) strive, try
Paqa [hpa dha] adv alone, by itself/oneself = Baqa hard
Paqalwå [hpa dha låwa] adv 1) alone, by oneself Pisk\ [hpi> ze'] n pressing machine
2) indifferently = Baqalwå PiNxip\ [hpi> hnei'] v 1) press down, put pressure on
PaqiPaqa [hpa dhi> hpa dha] adv 1) alone, by oneself 2) oppress 3) attack someone at a weak point
2) indifferently S YNBaqalwå = BaqiBaqa Ω ts\ Pk\ qt\ Pi Nxip\e®paSiu one-sided attack
Pa;1 [hpa:] n 1) frog 2) (wooden) shim, wedge used to PiPis^;s^; [hpi> bi> si: zi:] adv carefully, thoroughly, hard;
adjust height, hold in place, etc effectively
— n breaststroke PiAa; [hpi> a:] n 1) pressure, downward, steady
Pa;Kun\e®p; [hpa: gon pye:] n leapfrog (illus) application of force 2) [fig] pressure, burden of stress,
Pa;Kun\Pa;Sc\; [hpågon phåzin:] adv Óin disorder demand, urgent business, etc (Upsa)
Pa;Kun\vc\; [hpågon nyin:] n frog with yellow stripes PiAa;ep; [hpi> a: pe:] v push, put under pressure (to)
Pa;s^;cå;s^; [hpa: zi: nga: zi:] adv avidly; greedily; working S YN tXn\; Aa;ep;
hard Pinp\ [hpåna'] n 1) footwear, shoe, sandal, slipper Ω RØ; Pinp\'
Pa;sv\ [hpa: zi] n bronze drum used in some Kayin, biul\Pinp\ (closed) shoes Ω KMuPinp\ (high) heels (illus) 2) plinth,
Kayah, and Mon ceremonies block beneath a pagoda
Pa;tlk\ [hpådåle'] n kind of frog with a quick, sharp Pinp\K¥v\”kio; [hpåna' chi kyo:] n shoelace, shoestring
croak = Pa;lk\tk\ Pinp\KXa [hpåna' khwa] n (shoe) sole
Pa;ts\piuc\;cå;ts\piuc\; [hpa: dåbain: nga: dåbain] n Pinp\K¥op\ [hpåna' cho'] n cobbler, shoemaker
1) tadpole S YN Pa;elac\; 2) [fig] neither fish nor fowl Pinp\KÁt\ [hpåna' chu'] n 1) Óthreshold, doorstop
(Upsa), neither one thing nor another 2) place to leave shoes (usu at top of steps, near door)
CFbMumhut\pt\mhut\ S YNeKX;ktk\
Pa;Tiuc\ [hpa: dain] n squat, sitting position like a frog — v take off shoes, slippers, etc
Pa;epåc\ [hpåbaung] n Œedible vine with a reddish stem Pinp\s^; [hpåna' si:] v wear shoes
Pa;epåc\sc\; [hpåbaung zin] n kind of frog with long legs Pinp\sc\ [hpåna' sin] n shoe shelf

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 274

Pils\piuc\ ª P´
Pinp\epåk\ [hpåna' pau'] v have blisters (from chafing P¨;®mc\ [hpu: myin] v pay respects to (pagoda, Bun\;”k^;
shoes) (monk), etc)
Pinp\qX´”kio; [hpåna' thwE: kyo:] n thong (holding slipper to P¨;qXa;ªBura;P¨;qXa; [hpu; thwa;] v make a pilgrimage
foot) Ω Bu ra;P¨; qXa; [? check whether this is really a word]
Pinp\U^; [hpåna' u:] n toe (of shoe) P¨;2 [hpu:] v 1) swell; be swollen 2) bud CF cMu
Pils\piuc\ [hpI li' pain] n ∏the Philippines — n 1) bud Ω e®pac\;P¨; corn cob S YN P¨; 2) spades (suit in
— n&adj Filipino µ, Filipina ƒ cards) CF ApXc\.
P^ [hpi] v thrust (usu in combination); prevent, hinder P¨;n^ [hpu: ni] n hearts (suit in cards) S YN pim\.
Ω man\ P^ P¨;P¨;T [hpu: bu: hta.] v form a lump, swell (e.g., after
P^Sn\ [hpi zan] v oppose; defy, contradict; be contrary being hit)
P^la [hpi la] adv 1) obstructively; cross-wise P¨;P¨;erac\ [hpu: bu: yaung] v be badly swollen
2) contrarily to, in opposition to P¨;erac\ [hpu: yaung] v swell Ω vkrn\®Ps\taq¨Nxs\eyak\slMu;
P^laSn\Ïk¥n\ [hpi la hsan kyan] v be totally against, be m¥k\Nxats\KulMu;P¨;erac\enty\"
opposed to P¨;3 [hpu: (bu:)] part have ever, have experience of: verb suffix
P^la®po [hpi la byu.] v 1) lie across; confront 2) defy; indicating that sb has done sthg before Ω wiuc\kiu- ts\Kå
oppose eqak\P¨; ty\" I drank wine once before. Ω Niuc\cM®Ka;
P^g¥^ [hpi gyi] n 1) ∏Fiji 2) Fijian adj) Fijian [ cr] erak\P¨;la; Have you ever been abroad? Ω ts\Kåmx merak\-
P^ena [hpi naw:] n phenol, carbolic acid [Engl] P¨;B¨;" I've never been there. Ω mc\;-e®paP¨; t´.-Atiuc\; as you told
S YNkaeBa\ls\S^ me CF sP¨;
P^Nciu \ [hpi nain] n phenyl [Engl] P¨;ªB¨;4 [bu:] n 1) Œkind of light-green gourd 2) calabash,
P^;1 [hpi:] v be plump, be fat, be fleshy, be in good health dried shell of a gourd (illus) 3) bucket, pail 4) container;
jar ekaP¨;; tin (Br), can (Am) NiuÏS^P¨;; (plastic) bottle
P^;2 [hpi] part numerical classifier used in counting bunches
of bananas
erqv\ÏP¨;; covered box
P^;Âkm\; [hpi: gyan:] n (plant producing) banana with a P¨;ªB¨;5 [hpu;] part sentence ending for negative sentences
coarse texture (after t\, p\, k\, s\) Ω mhut\P¨;"
P^;Siuc\ [hpi: zain] n two bunches of bananas placed facing P¨;skk\ [hpu: såke'] n foolscap, large size paper, 33 by 41 cm
each other, and given as an offering to nats [Engl]
Pu [hpu.] [bu.] v (of surface) be lumpy, be raised, be uneven P¨;P¨;mOt\ [hpu: bu: hmo'] adv (treat sb) indulgently, dotingly
— n lump, bump; knot; knob eP [hpe] pron ™ he; you (for a man); I (for a man)
S YN d^emac\' d^l¨ [? check]
PuTs\ [bu. di'] n lump, bump; knot; knob
PuTMu; [bu. don:] n knot ePeta.emac\eta. [hpe taw. maung taw.] n 1) dance, song,
story, etc with a theme or romance, desire, or lust
PuqY [hpo' sha.] n 1) [astrn] constellation of ten stars in
2) swearing of women at each other
Cancer, resembling the canopy of a bier; eighth lunar
mansion 2) [obs] name of the tenth year in the twelve-
ePeP [hpe hpe] n dad, daddy ; papa
year cycle ePliu;m [hpe lo; ma.] int Îdaddy's lover
P¨ [hpu] n number of tricks won in a round of three-deck ePePa\wår^ [hpe hpåwa ri] n February [Engl]
dominoes Ω ts\P¨na lose eP;1 [hpe:] v 1) help, assist, support 2) be partial, favour
P¨lMu [hpu lon] v [fig] be enough, be plenty
— adv enough, plenty — n scab, hardened surface over a sore; crust, dried
P¨lMuÂkXy\wsrit\ [hpu lon kywE wa. zAyei'] n ¥cost of living traces of liquid
allowance or adjustment S YN rxa;på;srit\ [? check] eP;m [hpe: ma.] v [? how diff from 1? ward off evil?]
P¨;1 [hpu:] v ‹1) worship (pagoda, Bun\;”k^; (monk), etc) eP;2 [hpe:] v weaken, sap sb's strength; be broken down,
Ω Bu ra;P¨;(qX a;) go on a pilgrimage 2) look respectfully at e.g., by hard work, punishment, etc [? is this to do it to
sb or sthg holy, etc Bun\;”k^; (monk), pagoda, Buddha sb, or to feel it yourslf?]
image, etc [? work this out -- different in dic. Also fix P´1 [hpE:] n 1) (playing) cards CW K¥p\ 2) (game of) cards, card
last entry acc] game CW pX´ 3) dominoes C W K¥p\
P¨;sa [hpu: za] n destiny (concerning marriage) = nP¨;sa P´ksa; [hpE: kåza:] n play cards S YN P´Riuk\
P¨;saSMu [hpu: za hson] v meet sb whom one is destined to P´Kiu; [hpE; kho;] v keep a card up one's sleeve Upsa
marry; marry P´K¥ [hpE: cha.] v play cards S YN P´ksa;' P´Riuk\
P¨;samxn\ [hpu: za hman] v marry one's love P´K¥io; [hpE: cho:] v cut (a deck of cards) CF Nxt\eÂkac\;ep;
P¨;saer;nt\ [hpu: za ye: na'] n Cupid, Eros, the god of love P´Sc\ [hpE: hsin] v stack the deck (so one will get a good
= ®ma;nt\emac\ hand)
P¨;salX´ [hpu: za lwE:] fail to marry one's love P´SX´ [hpE; hswE;] v draw a card
P¨;e®ma\ [hpu: hmyaw] v pay homage (to monk, at a P´tk\ [hpE: te'] v have one's card come up; have a
pagoda, etc) winning streak

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P´ ª Piu
P´T [hpE: hta.] n have a run of good luck (at cards) ePa\1 [hpaw] v 1) reveal, expose; state 2) dig up, dig out
CF P´eq 3) compound, blend, mix (ingredients for medicine)
P´eTX [hpE; htwe] v make a run, pair, triplet, etc group CF eS;ePa\- 4) solve (riddle) Ω ska;TaePa\- solve a riddle
of cards Ω P´K¥p\e tX kiu ”k^; sU\cy\liuk\ (3)K¥p\s^ 5) confess CF wn\KM [? check with Ko Aung Aung Shein]
AeTXetXreAac\ eTXrmy\" CF playa 6) liquidate (assets, property, stocks, etc)
P´Tup\ [hpe: do'] n deck of cards ePa\ekac\ [hpaw gaung] n 1) sb who informs against
P´diuc\ [hpE: dain] n dealer [? check] partners in crime, stool-pigeon, canary (Upsa)
P´ps\ [hpE; pyi'] v discard 2) informer, informant
P´pXc\. [hpE: bwin.] n 1) suit = ApXc\. 2) pips on cards ePa\k¥ø; [hpaw kyu:] v describe; praise (publicly),
P´Pn\ [hpE: hpan] v shuffle applaud; write an appreciation
P´emW [hpE; hmwe] v shuffle S YN kula;Pn\Tiu; ePa\sp\ [hpaw sa'] v compound, blend, mix (ingredients
P´Riuk\ [hpE: yai'] v play cards S YN P´ksa;' P´K¥ for medicine)
P´ew [hpE; we] v deal (the cards) ePa\eSac\ [hpaw hsaung] v 1) elucidate, interpret (deeper
P´eq [hpE: the] v have a losing streak, have a run of meaning); highlight, emphasize 2) realize
bad luck (at cards) CF P´T ePa\VWn\; [hpaw hnyun:] v show, direct, point out
P´qMu;K¥p\ [hpE: thon: gya'] n three card monte, a gambling ePa\Tut\ [hpaw hto'] v investigate; deduce; reveal
game publicly
P´2 [hpE:] n satin, kind of very smooth shiny material ePa\nv\; [hpaw ni:] n prescription; formula
P´”kio; [hpE: gyo:] n ribbon S YN P´®pa; ePa\nv\;ka; [hpaw ni: ga:] n untested prescription or
P´T^; [hpE: di:] n umbrella made of shiny black cloth formula
P´®pa; [hpE: bya:] n ribbon S YN P´”kio; ePa\®p [hpaw pya.] v show, reveal; express, state
Ω ki n\;g%n\; m¥a;-Ar ePa\®p express in numbers, express
P´3 [hpE:] v avoid; keep away from [? check from]
P´ÂkU\ [hpE: kyin] v avoid, shun
P´KXa [hpE: khwa] v go away from, leave ePa\®pK¥k\ [hpaw pya. gye'] n statement
P´. [hpE.] v break off (a piece of sthg) ePa\®prxc\;lc\; [hpaw pya. shin: lin:] v elucidate
— part numerical classifier for counting pieces
ePa\ºr [hpaw ya.] part take the trouble to, bother to,
make the effort to: follows a verb to indicate effort
P´.Tut\ [hpE. hto'] v detach; divide; carve away
P´.TXk\ [hpE. htwe'] v break away, go a different way; ePa\2 [hpaw] v [in comb] be company CF epåc\;ePa\
— part suffix to some verbs and nouns to show that
withdraw; forsake [? also used in pol?]
they go together: companion, -mate Ω Kr^; qXa;ePa\
P´.rX´> [hpE. ywE.] v break off (a piece of sthg)
travelling companion Ω Alup\ePa\ colleague, co-worker
ePa [hpaw:] v 1) be swollen; have oedema (Br), edema Ω AKn\;ePa\ roommate, housemate Ω Ai m\e Pa\ housekeeper,
(Am); be bloated 2) be plentiful, be abundant
maid, domestic CF AePa\' Pk\
ePa®Kc\;eqa®Kc\; [hpaw: gyin: thaw: gyin:] adv abundantly, ePa\kXaew; [hpaw kwa we;] v [poet] be distant
plentifully; carelessly S YN ePaePaq^q^
ePa\erX [hpaw ywe] v friendly, sociable, gregarious
ePaePaq^q^ [hpaw: baw: thi dhi] adv abundantly,
plentifully; carelessly S YN ePa®Kc\;eqa®Kc\;
ePa\®møla [hpaw myu la] n formula [Engl]
ePaerac\ [hpaw: yaung] v be swollen ePa\lMPa; [hpaw lan hpa:] v flatter; fawn (over); butter (sb)
up S YN Pa;
ePaerxa [hpaw; shaw;] adv [sl] loose talk, agreeing with
Piu1 [hpo] part 1) particle suffixed to denote the male Ω Tn\;Piu
male toddy palm Ω qmc\Piu buck (deer) A NT m CF T^;' P
— n [sl] cheap home-made alcohol, homebrew,
2) one of a pair of opposites Ω Dat\PiuDat\m positive and
moonshine S YN etark\
negative electrical charges
ePa. [hpaw.] v 1) lighten [? really? or only in water?] Pium [hpo ma.] adj (for, concerning, etc) both sexes,
2) lessen, reduce, mitigate, alleviate 3) tread water
between sexes; male and female
— n 1) float, buoy; sthg buoyant 2) cork, stopper (for
PiumSk\SMer; [hpo ma. hse' hsan ye:] n sexual relations,
sealing a bottle) RF ePa.Siu>.
ePa.K¥it\ [baw. gyei'] n kind of shrimp PiuqM [hpo dhan] n 1) bass tone 2) mating call (of a male)
ePa.Siu> [hpaw. zo.] n cork, stopper (for sealing a bottle) CF mqM
ePa.P¥k\ [hpaw. bye'] n rubber (Br), eraser (Am) S YN K´P¥k\ Piu2 [hpo] v 1) build (a fire) 2) (of heart) flutter
ePa.®Pølip\ [baw. byu lei'] n cheroot rolled with areca palm — n 1) kitchen ( m^;Piu(eK¥ac\)); bakery (epåc\mun\ÏPiu); smithy
[? really leaf?]
(pn\; p´Piu); kiln (Aut\Piu); oven (m^;Piu); furnace [? check oven]
ePa.lMu; [hpaw. lon:] n ornamental headdress (illus) 2) bellows S YN Pa;Piu
ePa.U^;Tut\ [hpaw. o' hto'] n pith helmet, sola topi, cork Piuk¥c\ [hpo gyin] n bellows, esp bamboo cylinders
PiuKenak\ [hpo gånau'] n trivet, cooking stand on legs
ePa.kln\;kÁn\; [hpaw. kAlan; gyun;] n ∏Falkland Islands (Br), = PiuKMue lak\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 276

Piutiu ª Pk\
PiuKuMelak\ [hpo gånau'] n 1) trivet 2) cooking stand on steamed in a banana leaf RF Pk\rXk\' ÂkaPk\. 2) side,
legs (illus) team CF Bk\
PiuKMuelak\Siuc\ [hpo gånau' hsain] adv (sit, place, etc) in a — part particle suffixed to a noun to show it is one of a
triangle pair
PiuTiu; [hpo hto:] v 1) work the bellows 2) practice alchemy Pk\KXk\sa; [hpe' khwe' sa:] n 1) [fig, neg] cheap
entertainer 2) [fig] performer
PiuTiu;qma; [hpo hto; dhAma;] n alchemist [? new kyaw] Pk\KXk\na [hpe' khwe' na] n kind of ulcer on the skin
Piuq^Pt\q^ [bo dhi ba' thi] adv untidily Pk\e®KXmiu; [hpe' chwe mo:] n S YN Pk\SXt\miu;
Piutiu [hpo to] n [in comb] photo- Pk\sp\ [hpe' sa'] v adjoin [? finish from kyaw thu list]
Piutiustk\ [hpo to såte'] n photostat, (photo)copy [Engl] — n joint venture
PiutiuBelak\ [hpo to bAlau'] n engraving made for Pk\sup\ [hpe' so'] v call (animals to hunt) with a leaf
printing from a photograph CF liuc\; Belak\ line block whistle
Piumc\ [hpo min] n foreman, worker in charge [Engl] Pk\sim\;lip\ [hpe' sein: lei']n cheroot rolled with a leaf
PiuÏ1 [hpo.] v 1) heap, pile on, pile up, build (dam, dyke, etc) which has not been cured Ω Bn\>epX; Pk\
2) fill in (hollow, hole, etc) 3) heap on, pile on (guilt, Pk\SXt\ [hpe' hsu'] n highland tree with clusters of
blame, etc) flowers S YN Tmc\;Sup\' pn\; Sv\; lv\;
PiuÏe®m [hpo mye] n landfill Pk\SXt\miu; [hpe' hsu' mo:] n early rain in March, which
PiuÏ2 [hpo.] part 1) conjuction used with verb to show intention makes trees drop their old leaves
or purpose: for -ing; (in order) to CF rn\' AtXk\ [? check Pk\SXt\mOi [hpe' hsu' hmo] n mushroom which grows in
cf] 2) verb suffix used to form nouns decaying leaves
APiuÏ [åhpo.] part for, (in order) to: suffix to verb to Pk\SXt\er [hpe' hsu' ye] n rainwater that has run
indicate intention or purpose through dead leaves
Piu>Riu>Pa;ra; [hpo. yo. hpa: ya:] adv with (hair, clothing, etc) Pk\v^ [be' nyi] adj 1) even 2) compatible = Bk\v^
flying, flapping = Piu; Riu;Pa;ra; Pk\tX´ [hpe' twE:] v combine = tX´Pk\
Piu;1 [hpo:] n grandfather = Biu; CF PXa; grandmother Pk\tXy\ [hpe' twE] n cling to, hug tightly, hold on
— part particle prefixed to a man's name to show tightly
affection CF my\ Pk\Tup\ [hpe' hto'] n won ton, potsticker, Chinese dish
Piu;eKåc\ [hpo: gaung] n lineated barbet, small bird with a of minced meat wrapped in dough and boiled or fried
green back and mottled brown head and stomach Pk\e®pa [hpe' pyaw:] v discuss with (as equals); argue
CF kup\kelac\ blue-throated barbet, cxk\pn\;Tim\ with (as equals)
coppersmith barbet Pk\“pioc\ [hpe' pyain] v 1) compete, as individual or team
Piu;Piu; [hpo: hpo:] n grandpa, granddad 2) [law] [? ??]
Piu;lmc\; [hpo: la. min:] n 1) friendly name for the moon Pk\P¨;erac\ [hpe' hpu: yaung] n chartreuse, light yellow-
2) cockchafer beetle = Piu;lmc\;ekac\ green
Piu;lmc\;ekac\ [hpo: la. min: gaung] n cockchafer beetle Pk\mOt\ [hpe' hmo'] n game involving blowing through a
Piu;wRup\ [hpo: wa. yo'] n doll of a plump boy (illus) folded leaf to imitate various calls [? check]
Piu;quv [hpo: thon nya.] n affectionate term for an Pk\ya; [hpe' ya:] n Œkind of nettle, with hairs on the
uneducated person, illiterate leaves which cause itching
Piu;q¨eta\ [hpo: thu daw] n assistant to a monastery who Pk\ym\; [hpe' yan:] n hug eagerly [? better def]
wears white-robes and who is not subject to all the rules Pk\rXk\ [hpe' ywe'] n leaf, esp used for wrapping things
of a Bun\;”k^; (monk) or kiurc\ (novice) S YN l¨q¨eta\
CF tra;rxa Pk\lk\ [hpe' le' dågin:] adv affectionately, fondly;
Piu;eA [bo: (hpo:) e] n grandfather = Biu;eA familiarly
Piu;2 [hpo:] n four [Engl] Ω nMpåt\Piu; number 4, i.e., the fourth Pk\lip\ [hpe' lei'] n 1) kind of wind instrument (illus)
stage of the refinement of opium, heroin 2) jewellry for the ear, shaped like a golden rolled leaf
Piu;sX´ [hpo: swE:] v be addicted to heroin (illus)
Piu;tXm\t^ [hpo; twan ti] n [fig] sb deceitful, [four twenty, Pk\lip\na;etac\; [hpe' lei' na: taung:] n jewellry for the
i.e., 420, the legal charge for fraud, Engl] ear, shaped like a golden rolled leaf
Piu;Riu;Pa;ra; [hpo. yo. hpa: ya:] adv with (hair, clothing, etc) Pk\lip\piu; [hpe' lei' po:] n insect pest that causes leaves
flying, flapping = Piu>Riu>Pa;ra; to curl = RXk\lip\piu;
Pk\ [hpe'] v 1) hug, embrace, put one's arm around Pk\sn\; [hpe' wun:] n tree with dark red leaves, wood of
CF epX>Pk\ 2) use together with 3) go together CF sMu [?
which is often used to make ploughs and oars
and what?] 4) match; choose two people to marry Pk\qkt\na [hpe' thåka' na] n disease which paralyses
part of the body
— n 1) leaf, esp used to wrap things, eat from, roof
sthg, etc Ω Pk\Tup\ snack made with sticky rice flour Pk\qK¥ana [hpe' thågya na] n Pk\qkt\na occuring all

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 277

Pk\Ss\ ª ePac\
over the body change one's ideas, opinions, loyalty, etc; betray
Pk\qn\; [hpe' than:] n resiliant timber tree with orange ePak\®pn\er;qma; [hpau' pyan ye: dhåma:] n traitor
wood ePak\P¥k\ [hpau' hpye'] v violate (agreement), break
Pk\Aup\ [hpe' o'] n kind of small tree (rule, promise, word, faith, etc); disobey (regulations)
Pk\Ss\ [hpe' hsi'] n ∏fascist [? check formality: contravene? not keep? breach?
Pk\Ss\Sn\Ïk¥c\er;APX´>K¥op\ [hpe' hsi' hsan. gyin ye; AhpwE. disregard ; infringe]
gyo'] n ∏ÓAnti-Fascist Organisation, AFO, founded in ePak\lup\ [hpau' lo'] v build (road)
1944 ePak\l´x [hpau' hlE:] v be fickle, change easily or often
Pk\Ss\-tiuk\P¥k\er;-®pv\q¨>-lXt\lp\er;APX´> ePak\lx´ePak\®pn\ [hpau' hlE: hpau' pyan] adv unreliably,
[hpe' hsi' tai' hpye' ye; pyi thu. lu' la' ye; AhpwE.] n ∏ÓAnti- undependably; inconsistently, erratically; unpredictably,
Fascist People’s Freedom League, AFPFL, founded in capriciously [? check]
1945 and the party of government from 1948–58 ePak\qv\ [hpau' thE] n regular customer
Pk\Ss\wåd [hpe' hsi' wa da.] n ∏fascism, movement or ePak\qv\KM [hpau' thE khan] v buy at wholesale price
dictatorship that favours powerful centralised for retail resale S YN ePak\qv\y¨
government with tight control over private enterprise, ePak\qv\K¥ [hpau' thE cha.] v 1) sell at wholesale price
extreme nationalism and suppression of all opposition S YN ePak\ qv\ ep; 2) [fig] repeat (news, etc) exactly as
[Engl] [ pe] one has heard or experienced
Pk\rxc\ [hpe' shin] n fashion, style, vogue [Engl] ePak\qv\eZ; [hpau' thE ze:] n wholesale price
ePak\ [hpau'] v 1) put a hole in sthg, drill, bore or punch (a ePak\qv\ep; [hpau' thE pe:] v sell at wholesale price
hole in sthg); bore or punch (through sthg); perforate S YN ePak\qv\K¥
(sthg) Ω Aepåk\ePak\ 2) open (bottle, jar, tin, etc) ePak\qv\pc\qv\ [hpau' thE pin dhE] n relationship
Ω pu lc\; kiue Pak\ 3) build, put in, make (a way, path, between a shopkeeper specialising in a line of goods,
canal, etc) Ω lm\;ePak\ 4) pass the weft thread through and regular customers
the warp threads CF kn\Ïln\Ï' rk\' y 5) behave ePak\qv\y¨ [hpau' thE yu] v buy at wholesale prices for
erratically, act strangely, deviate, go astray; go off on a retail resale S YN ePak\qv\KM
tangent (Upsa) 6) betray, be untrue, be unfaithful ePak\Ait\ [hpau' ei'] n placket pocket CF kp\Ait\ [?
Ω qsßa ePak\ be untrue 7) fire (weapon); explode (bomb); what?]
burst 8) breed (animals or plants); germinate, sprout ePak\ÂkM. [hpau' kyan.] n kind of large timber tree with soft
(seeds) 9) ferment Ω B^yaePak\ brew beer [? ?] 10) (in wood
chanting) respond 11) make (jokes), joke around (inf), Pc\ [hpin] n 1) [vulg] arsehole (Br), asshole (Am) 2) [vulg]
kid (inf); say (sthg funny) Ω haqePak\' Atiuc\ePak\ arse (Br), ass (Am), butt (all Riuc\;); bum (inf), bottom,
12) slake (lime) [? really?] buttocks (form) 3) bottom (of bottle, bowl, etc)
— adv [? def] — v be slow, be tardy [? late, dawdle?]
ePak\ka; [hpau' ka:] v buying and selling Pc\eKåc\;k¥y\ [hpin gaung: kyE] [? sthg with making
= erac\; wy\ePak\ka; oneself important?]
ePak\K¥v\ [hpau' chi] n weft, woof, threads running Pc\tÂkXÂkX®Ps\ [hpin dågywa. gywa. hpyi'] v 1) be raring to
crosswise in fabric CF tiuc\K¥v\' ypc\ [? cf check] go, be eager to start sthg 2) be antsy; be fidgety
ePak\s¨; [hpau' su:] n awl, tool for piercing Pc\trXt\SX´ [hpin dåyu' hswE:] v drag oneself along on
ePak\siu> [hpau' so.] n punch, tool for making holes one's bottom
ePak\sk\ [hpau' se'] n punch Pc\Tiuc\KMu [hpin dain gon] n low stool CF eKX;e®K
ePak\za [hpau' za] n lace Pc\epåÏ [hpin paw.] v [fig] be quick and alert, be on the
ePak\tM [hpau' tan] n can opener; bottle opener ball (Upsa)
ePak\TXc\; [hpau' htwin:] v 1) make a hole, perforate Pc\B¨;etac\;eTac\ [hpin bu: daung: htaung] v crouch with
2) pass through 3) break in one's bottom up
ePak\;TXc\;mO [hpau' htwin: hmu.] n housebreaking, illegal Pc\®m´ [hpin myE:] v [fig] be steady, stick to one's work
forced entry, burglary; break-in (inf) Pc\el; [hpin le:] v [fig] be sluggish, be slow-moving [?
ePak\pn\; [hpau' pan:] n 1) fretwork, ornamental listless? lethargic?]
woodwork with open spaces 2) openwork embroidery Pc\. [hpin.] v delay, take a long time, procrastinate Ω Alup\Pc\.
ePak\®pa; [hpau' pya:] v commit adultery (form), be the work is taking longer than expected CF eNxac\.eNx; [?
unfaithful, be untrue, cheat on (sb) (inf) dawdle?]
ePak\®pn\ [hpau' pyan] v 1) change, be erratic, become Pc\.eNx; [hpin. hne:] v delay, take a long time, procrastinate
different, strange, odd, or peculiar; deteriorate
Ω eqX;elePak\®pn\ (of bodily humours) be out of balance Pc\.NW´ [hpin. hnwE:] v delay, take a long time, procrastinate
Ω si t\e Pak\®pn\ go insane [? mentally/ emotionally
unstable?] 2) commit adultery (form), be unfaithful, be ePac\1 [hpaung] n raft; catamaran Ω ePac\s^;rk\-erct\ be thirsty
untrue, cheat on (sb) (inf) S YN ePak\®pa; 3) radically

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 278

ePac\ ª Pit\
while riding a raft, i.e., be unsuccessful in your own field new file
ePac\s^;k%n\; [hpaung zi: gånan:] n kind of small crab Puic\pit\ [hpain pei'] n close a file, close a case
often washed onto the shore Puic\Puic\ [hpain bain] adj wide, broad
ePac\Dmc\; [hpaung dåmin:] n fish trap placed between two Puic\. [hpain.] adj (of body, person, etc) fat, plump, stocky
rafts Pv\ [hpi (hpE)] v 1) deviate, veer off; move out of the way
ePac\pn\; [hpaung ban:] n raft with two hulls; catamaran 2) sway 3) be twisted; be crooked A NT e®Pac\. CF lim\Pv\
ePac\PXt\ [hpaung hpwe'] v build a raft 4) be splayed [? check splayed -- in dictionary, it is syn
ePac\2 [hpaung] part numerical classifier used to count with saung:, slant, lean, etc] 5) be untrue, be false [?
height or depth in terms of the height of a man with check - untrue = false? untr. also put aside?]
upraised arms CF lk\Kup\Nxs\ePac\' fathom
ePac\3 [hpaung] n [print] form(e) [? ??] Pv\ym\; [hpE yan:] v 1) be twisted, be contorted 2) sway;
ePac\sa; [hpaung za:] n waver
ePac\sim\; [hpaung zein:] n uncut and unbound formes ePa™b`aRuM [hpu' hta' ba yon] n sense of touch CF AaRuMcå;på;
ePac\qXc\; [hpaung thwin:] v put the typeset pages
into Pt\1 [hpa'] v 1) read RF Pt\RO. 2) interpret (dreams, signs,
frame for printing etc) 3) dress (cotton, etc for weaving)
ePac\4 [hpaung] v 1) talk a lot, be loquacious, be garrulous Pt\Âka; [hpa' kya:] v read aloud
2) talk loudly, be loud 3) be plentiful Pt\Âka;tc\qXc\;q¨ [hpa' kya: tin thwin: thu] n presenter,
ePac\ePac\ [hpaung baung] adv loudly announcer
ePac\\PXk\ [hpaung pwe'] v talk a lot Pt\sa [hpa' sa] n reader, textbook CF ®p™an\;sa
ePac\tin\ [hpaung tein] n fountain pen [Engl] Pt\tcM.cM. [hpa' tångnan. ngan.] adv dissatisfied,
ePac\;1 [hpaung:] v bulge, swell; be inflated; be plump; be discontented A NT erac\.r´
bloated Pt\t¨ [hpa' tu] n homonym, word that sounds the same
— n 1) ear stud's hollow shaft 2) circular raised as another
moulding, esp on a pagoda 3) raised band on an earstud Pt\Pt\ema [hpa' hpa' maw:] v be exhausted, be tired out
= ePac\; rs\
ePac\;ka; [hpaung: ka:] v bulge, be fat Pt\mOt\ [hpa' hma'] v read and take notes
ePac\;kn\ [hpaung: gan] n pot with a narrow neck and Pt\rXt\ [hpa' yu'] v recite, read aloud, deliver (speech,
round belly address, etc) = rXt\Pt\ [? check]
ePac\;ÂkX [hpaung: kywa.] v swell up Pt\RO [hpa' shu.] v read
ePac\;ÂkXsalMu; [hpaung: kywa. sålon:] n embossing, Pt\2 [hpa'] n solid (part of sthg, e.g., soup;); residue (left
embossed print after pressing, squeezing, grinding, etc) CF rv\
ePac\;ÂkXrup\lMu; [hpaung: kywa. yo' lon:] n figure in relief Pt\lt\k¥ [hpa' (ba') la' kya.] v flap, dangle, hang down
(illus) loosely
ePac\;pX [hpaung: pwa.] v 1) be swollen, be bloated 2) be Pt\lt\Pt\lt\ [ba' la' ba' la'] adv flapping
inflated (prices, money, etc) 3) be wordy, be verbose Pt\q^Pt\q^ [hpa' thi hpa' thi] adv [? usage, def]
ePac\;P¥U\; [hpaung: byin:] n fire pots placed on APt\Ÿ [Ahpa'] n solid part of something CF Arv\
battlements [? clarify] APt\Sy\ [Ahpa' hsE] v [fig] salvage, redeem, save
ePac\;miu> [hpaung: mo.] v 1) be swollen 2) (esp of cheeks) Ω nM mv\-APt\ Sy\ clear one's name Ω gu %\qikƒ-APt\ Sy\
be plump, be round redeem one's honour
ePac\;rs\ [hpaung yi'] n 1) Ócircular band of high relief APt\tc\ [Ahpa' tin] v 1) have sthg to show for one's
2) decorative moulding around the bell of a pagoda efforts 2) (of children in a family) survive
3) raised band at the end of an earring's shaft Ω kel;cå;eyak\e mW;eta. Nx s\e yak\ APt\ mtc\®Ps\ B¨;" They
had five children, but two did not survive.
ePac\;lMu; [hpaung lon:] n convex moulding Pit\1 [hpei'] v 1) invite CF pc\.Pit\ RF Pit\Âka;. 2) request a
ePac\;As\ [hpaung i'] v (of eyes) be swollen monk to recieve donations
ePac\; [hpaung:] n kind of reed with grey-white flowers Pit\Âka; [hpei' kya:] v invite
2) (in combination with animals) grey Ω ePac\;Âkk\ grey Pit\eKÅ [hpei' khaw] v invite
chicken Pit\sa [hpei' sa] n invitation (card)
ePac\;ka; [hpaung ga:] n kind of tall grass Pit\mN|k®po [hpei' man dåka. pyu.] v invite
ePac\;wt\ [hpaung: wu'] n (of animals) grey Ω ePac\;Âkk\ Pit\2 [hpei'] v 1) spill S YN sU\k¥ 2) shine, glow S YN TXn\;p
Puic\ [hpain] n 1) file, folder, binder 2) file, dossier, set of Pit\k¥ [hpei' kya.] v fall into
documents [Engl] S YN satX´ Pit\sU\ [hpei' sin] v 1) spill [? is this the action of the
Puic\tX´ [hpain dwE:] n 1) file, folder, binder 2) file, person or vessel, or of the liquid?] 2) [fig] die
dossier, set of documents Pit\ts\wk\sU\ts\wk\ [hpei' tåwe' sin tåwe'] adv [fig]
Puic\PXc\. [hpain hpwin.] v start a file, make a file, open a wastefully; sloppily

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Put\ ª Pin\;Kå
Pit\Pit\sU\sU\ [hpei' hpei' sin zin] adv (of water use) Pn\pdiuc\; [hpan bådain:] n glass bell (esp to protect a flame
wastefully from wind); (glass) lampshade (open at the top)
Pit\Pit\etak\ [hpei' hpei' tau'] v sparkle, glitter; shine Pn\epåc\;eK¥ac\ [hpan paung: gyaung] n glass case (illus)
brightly Pn\®pXn\ [hpan byun] n test tube
Put\1 [hpo'] v bake, roast Ω Krm\;q^;-m^;Put\qut\ roasted — adj in vitro Ω Pn\®pXn\qeNXqa; test-tube baby
aubergine salad CF m^;Piu [? how to say oven?] Pn\m^;Aim\ [hpan mi: ein] n lantern, lamp (with glass shade)
Put\Âkv\; [hpo' kyi:] v cremate (a body) CF Akc\' AK¥k\' Pn\e®mmxn\e®m [hpan mye hman mye] n floor of glazed tiles
A®pot\' APut\' Aelxa\' Aqup\ Pn\q^; [hpan dhi:] n light bulb S YN m^;q^;' m^;lMu;
Put\2 [hpou'] n 1) dust 2) ant-lion, insect that makes a Pn\3 [hpan] v 1) make, create 2) clean, pick out the seeds,
funnel in the sand to catch prey etc from cotton, wool, etc
Put\ekac\ [hpo' kaung] 1) n ant-lion, insect that makes a Pn\Kun\ [hpan khon] v 1) jump rope 2) play Pn\Kun\tm\; a
funnel in the sand to catch prey children's jumping game
Put\p¨m^;tiuk\ [hpo' pu mi: dai'] adv hastily, in a rush Pn\Kun\tm\; [hpan khon dan:] n 1) jumprope 2) children's
Put\3 [hpo'] n zombie, evil spirit animating a dead body game in which players jump over higher and higher
Put\ekac\ [hpo' kaung] n evil spirit Ω eqX;sup\Put\ekac\ targets
vampire Pn\Sc\; [hpan zin:] v create, bring into being with
Put\wc\ [hpo' win] v zombify, enter a body (which supernatural power
becomes a zombie) Pn\Sc\;®Kc\; [hpan zin: gyin:] n creation [? how diff from
Put\qXc\;rTa; [hpo' thwin: yåhta:] n ™chariot which hpan ti;?]
searches for and stops before the future king Pn\tl^Pn\tla [ban tåli ban tåla] adv (speak)
= PuœrTa; endearingly, adorably, cutely S YN t^ t^tata'
Put\4 [hpo'] n clump (of hair, grass, etc) Pn\t^Pn\tXk\ = pl^pla
Put\su [hpo' su.] n clump (of hair, grass, etc) Pn\t^Pn\tXk\ [ban tåli ban tåla] adv (speak) endearingly,
Put\qiuk\ [bo' thai'] v (of hair, clothing, etc) be messy, adorably, cutely S YN t^ t^tata' Pn\tl^Pn\tla
be disheveled = pl^ pla
— n tousled head of hair Pn\t^; [hpan di:] v 1) invent; bring about, formulate
Put\Put\k¥ fall to the ground [? new kyaw] (plan, policy, etc) create 2) create (work of art)
Put\liOk\Put\lOik\ [hpo' hlai' hpo' hlai'] adv (breathing) with 3) improvise, act without preparation, make with
difficulty [? noun] available materials [? check. 1 syn of ti htwin? Check
Pn\1 [hpan] v have a bitter, dry flavour, such as in dry 'formulate' in d1]
wine, myrobalan fruits, mango skin, bitter chocolate Pn\t^;®Kc\; [hpan di: gyin:] n invention [? ?]
etc, be tannic; (of eyes) sting, be dry (e.g., from lack of Pn\t^;mO [hpan di: hmu.] n creativity, quality of being
sleep) CF Pn\Ï [? check: and syn of hpan.?] creative [? ?]
Pn\Kå; [hpan ga:] n myrobalan Pn\t^;Niuc\sXm\; [hpan ti: nain swan:] n creativity, ability to use
Pn\K¥io [hpan cho] n bittersweet tea, strong tea with milk the imagination to develop new ideas or things [? diff?]
and sugar
Pn\tXt\tXt\ [hpan tu' tu'] adj (of taste) slightly bitter Pn\tiu>tm\; [hpan to. dan:] n girls' tag game, in which one
and drying tags sb from the other team without speaking or
laughing, and then gets back to one's own side with out
Pn\rv\ [hpan ye] n 1) astringent, styptic, disinfectant
being tagged
solution that tightens tissues (made from bark and
leaves) [? also not home-made? what about styptic Pn\ts\raet [hpan tåya te] adv [colloq] repeatedly, many
pencil?] 2) dye made from bark or leaves times, constantly
Pn\rv\sXn\; [hpan ye sun:] v dye (cloth) with Pn\rv\ natural — v be dry; be worn out, be clichéd
dye S YN Pn\rv\Siu; Pn\4 [hpan] part count word for frequency CF ”kim\' Kå [ nc]
Pn\rv\eS; [hpan ye hse:] v disinfect (a wound, cut, etc) Pn\Ï [hpan.] v 1) have a slightly bitter, dry flavour, as in dry
with Pn\rv\ astringent [? fix if necessary] wine, mango skin, bitter chocolate, etc; tannic CF Pn\
Pn\Siu; [hpan hso:] v dye (cloth) with Pn\rv\ natural dye 2) still moist, damp; nearly dry
Pn\2 [hpan] n (blown) glass CF mxn\ Pn\ÏPn\Ï [hpan. ban.] adj 1) having a slightly bitter, drying
Pn\K¥k\ek¥ak\ [hpan gye' kyau'] n manganese dioxide, flavour, such as in wine, mango skin, etc, somewhat
used to clarify glass tannic CF Pn\ 2) moist, damp; nearly dry 3) tinged with
Pn\K¥k\sk\ [hpan gye' se'] n glass factory (a colour)
Pn\K¥ioc\. [hpan gyain.] n carafe, glass jug Pin\;1 [hpein:] adj heavy and feverish
Pn\KXk\ [hpan gwe'] n (drinking) glass, cup Pin\;2 [hpein:] v (of pheasant) call, cry
Pn\tekac\; [hpan tåkaung:] n flask, bottle [? check] Pin\;2 [hpein:] v bluff, pretend to be in better position
Pn\Tv\ [hpan dE (hman dE)] n glassware Pin\;Kå [hpein: kha] n fourth day from the present CF d^en> [?

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 280

Pin\; ª eP¥a\
pron, and check] things, batch, heap, pile, pack, stack, etc [ nc] 2) [? ?]
Pin\; [hpein: gya:] n type of song adapted from Thai PMu; [hpon:] v 1) cover, put a lid on 2) conceal, hide (sthg),
tradition = Prc\;K¥a; cover (sthg) up
Pin\;NX´Kå [hpein: (hpå) nwE: ga] n [? explain which] PMu;kXy\ [hpon: kwE] v (of information, evidence, etc)
Pun\ [hpon] v 1) be thick 2) be distinct, be clear CF lm\;Pun\ withhold, conceal; (of event, problem, etc) cover up,
well-travelled road RF Pun\Pun.\ 3) be light [? put in hide Ω PMu; kXy\Ta;t´.lYio>wxk\K¥k\m¥a; hidden secrets [? check]
opposites] PMu;tun\;lMu;tun\; [hpon: don: lon: don:] n time when the ears
— n dust of rice begin to appear CF spå;NxM
Pun\pXpX [hpon pwa. bwa.] v (of hair, feathers, etc) be ruffled PMu;Pi [hpon: hpi>] v keep secret, keep confidential, hush
[? check feathers] up, suppress
Pun\Pun\ [hpon bon] v be distinct, be clear PMu;PXk\ [hpon: hpwe'] n Ólid of an earthenware pot
— adv thickly PMu;lWm\; [hpon: hlwan:] v 1) be covered with 2) be
Pun\Pun\vk\vk\ [hpon bon nye' nye'] adv powdered; dominated by
crushed to powder PMu;wxk\ [hpon: hwe'] v cover up, conceal, hide sthg
Pun\mOn\Ï [hpon hmon.] n speck of dust, mote CF lYio>wxk\ keep secret
Pun\; [hpon;] n phone [Engl] = ty\l^Pun\; PMu;Aup\ [hpon: ou'] v 1) cover 2) hide (sthg from view)
Pun\;kiuc\ [hpon; kain] v answer the phone, answer a call PuMu;mqin\ [hpon: måthein] n Œsmall tree with camphor-
Ω ^Pun\;larc\nc\p´kiuc\Ta;" If the phone rings, you answer it. containing leaves used in traditional medicine
Pun\;kiuc\Ta; [hpon; kain ta;] v hold (the line) Py\ [hpE] v 1) push aside, remove, put out of the way;
Pun\;eKÅ [hpon; khaw] v ring (when receiving a call) set aside; discard 2) move or: get out of the way, give
Pun\;K¥ [hpon; cha.] v hang up way Ω nv\; nv\;Py\liuk\på" Ait\mm^B¨;" Could you move over a
Pun\;Sk\ [hpon; hse'] v 1) ring (Br), call (Am) 2) talk (on little please? I can't get to my bag. 3) clear Ω lm\;Py\ clear
the phone) the way [? new kyaw]
Pun\;®mv\ [hpon; myi] v ring (when making a call) [? Py\KXa [hpE khwa] v leave, go away (from)
pron?] Py\Tut\ [hpE hto'] v remove
Pun\;la [hpon; la] v 1) (of phone) ring Ω ^Pun\; larc\ Py\TXk\ [hpE htwe'] v shun, avoid; distance oneself
nc\p´kiuc\Ta;" If the phone rings, you answer it. 2) (of a (from); leave, come away, detach oneself (from)
call) be for sb Ω kiuBun\; Pun\;laty\" Ko Hpon, phone for Py\rxa; [hpE sha:] v 1) remove (obstacle, hindrance, etc)
you! [? ok new word] 2) fire, dismiss (from job) 3) kick out (inf)
Pun\;liuc\; [hpon; lain;] n (phone) line [?
how to put in line Py\rc\hiuk\ [hpE rin hai'] n Fahrenheit temperature scale
engaged, busy? add all to telephone when corrections [Engl]
are made] Pl\ [hpan] n glass = Pn\
Pun\;Siu; [hpon: zo:] n abandoned farm, village, etc, ghost town Piul\ [hpo] n ‹ [ ph] [? check in Buddh dic]
(Upsa) PuœrTa; [hpo' tha. yåhta:] n chariot which searches for and
Pun\;Siu;eta [hpon: hso: daw:] n overgrown, abandoned stops before a future king = [™ Put\ qXc\;rTa; [ ph]
Pun\;erW [hpon: shwe] n feng shui, study of the harmony P¥ [hpya.] adj tiny, minute
between people and their living environment P¥a [hpya] n mat
Pun\etac\;yaska [hpon: daung: ya zåga] n beggar P¥a;1 [hpya:] v have a fever S YN kiuy\p¨
S YN q¨etac\; sa; P¥a;na [hpya: na] v be ill, be sick, be unwell
Pp\Pp\siu [hpa' hpa' so] adj soaking (wet) S YNenmekac\; B¨;
Pm\; [hpan:] v 1) catch, capture 2) arrest, apprehend, take P¥a;Aiu [hpyåo] n persistent fever
into custody 3) seize, confiscate [? check] 4) come P¥a;2 [hpya:] n tide S YN d^er
under the influence of a spirit, be possessed P¥a;3 [hpya:] n source; tip, end S YN AsXn\' AsXn\;
Pm\;K¥op\ [hpan: cho'] v 1) keep, hold (a person) 2) detain, eP¥a [hpyaw:] v blanch, put vegetables or fruit briefly in
keep in custody hot water = e®Pa' ®pot\e®Pa
Pm\;sa; [hpan: za:] v enchant, bewitch, cast a spell, bring eP¥a. [hpyaw.] adj pale; faded; light
sb under one's power — v relax
Pm\;S^; [hpan: hsi:] v detain; arrest, apprehend [? also eP¥a.eta. [hpyaw. taw.] adj 1) pale; faded; light 2) sickly,
confiscate, catch, etc?] unwell
Pm\;mi [hpan: mi>] v capture, recapture, apprehend eP¥a.eta.eta. [hpyaw. taw. taw.] adj sickly [? check]
Pim\.Pim\.tun\ [hpein. bein. toun] v tremble or shake with fear eP¥ [hpyaw. taw. na] n anaemia
— adv tremblingly S YN eqX; Aa;nv\;eragå
PMu [hpon] n 1) cushion, pillow 2) mat, doormat eP¥a\ [hpyaw] v 1) dissolve (in water); dilute, thin 2) make,
— part numerical classifier for counting collected brew (coffee, tea) 3) [poet] amuse, delight

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 281

P¥M ª ®Pø
eP¥a\e®P [hpyaw bye] v entertain, amuse, make happy, — adv 1) forcibly, by force 2) relentlessly, grimly,
cheer up = e®PeP¥a\ [? check] without letup, with determination
eP¥a\rv\ [hpyaw ye] n 1) (fruit) juice 2) solution P¥U\ [hpyin] v separate, intercede, mediate between (people
P¥M1 [hpyan] n otter CF pc\ly\P¥M seal fighting) S YN P¥n\ [? check mediate, etc]
P¥M2 [hpyan] n Œelephant's foot, edible plant with an edible P¥U\; [hpyin:] n 1) wide-mouth glazed pot 2) [hlth] oedema
root (Br), edema (Am); bloating (due to gas, excess fluid,
P¥io;P¥io;P¥t\P¥t\ [hpyo: byo: hpya' hpya'] adv briskly, quickly, etc)
smartly P¥U\;sX´ [hpyin: swE:] v have (o)edema
P¥k\ [hpye'] v 1) destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil RF P¥k\S^;. P¥U\;pk\lk\ [hpyin: pe' le'] n wide-mouth glazed pot
2) spoil (child) RF P¥k\S^;. 3) delete, erase CF P¥k\ra P¥U\;Aiu; [hpyin: o:] n 1) large earthenware jar
4) cancel; go back on (one's word), break (promise, 2) earthenware cooking pot
word, etc) 5) dismantle, take apart, take down RF P¥U\;P¥U\; [hpyin: byin:] adv smarting, prickling, or tingling
P¥k\S^;. 6) deter [? prevent? dissuade ; discourage? ; put continuously
off?] 7) butcher, carve up, cut up; dismember 8) (make) P¥t\Kn´ [hpya' khånE:] adv suddenly; unexpectedly; in a flash,
change 9) demolish; crush, destroy completely CF “Pio fleetingly S YN ®Pot\Kn´
P¥t\lt\ [hpya' la'] v be quick, be brisk, be nimble, be
P¥k\S^; [hpye' hsi:] v 1) destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil agile; be active; be alert [? check in my-my]
2) spoil (child) 3) dismantle, take apart, take down P¥n\ [hpyan] v separate, intercede, mediate between
4) oppose, counteract 5) seduce 6) rape (people fighting) S YN P¥U\ [? check mediate, etc]
P¥k\ra [hpye' ya] n delection, erasure P¥n\e®P [hpyan bye] v mediate, conciliate, reconcile
P¥k\liuP¥k\S^; [hpye' lo hpye' hsi:] adv destructively, S YN e®PP¥n\ [? check arbitrate, negotiate]
maliciously P¥n\; [hpyan:] v 1) (of water) sprinkle, splash 2) (of breeze)
P¥k\qeBça [hpye' thin: baw:] n destroyer blow, waft S YN ®Pø;
P¥k\qim\; [hpye' thein:] v abolish, annul, abrogate, repeal, P¥p\P¥p\l¨; [hpya' hpya' lu:] v 1) writhe, contort, toss and turn
dissolve (in pain) 2) [fig] be impatient, eager, or excited to do
eP¥ak\ [hpyau'] v 1) make disappear, get rid of, make to or sthg, be on tenterhooks (Upsa)
away; cure Ω eragåeP¥ak\ 2) lose sthg 3) execute, P¥m\;mY [hpyan hmya.] adv on average = p¥m\;mY
dispatch 4) falsify (account), manipulate (data) ®Pa [hpya] v 1) spread out (in all directions), radiate 2) cut
eP¥ak\P¥k\ [hpyau' hpye'] v 1) obliterate, remove (bamboo, etc) into strips
completely; efface, eradicate 2) execute (sb of royal — part numerical classifier denoting kinds, variety,
diversity, etc [? need example]
eP¥ak\Sip\1 [hpyau' hsei'] n ŒIndian elm ®Pa;eyac\; [hpya: yaung:] v mislead, deceive, seduce
eP¥ak\Sip\2 [hpyau' hsei'] n ©Pleiades, the Seven Sisters S YN lxv\.®Pa;' eqX;eSac\' ®mHøSXy\
eP¥ak\Sip\miu; [hpyau' hsei' mo:] n rain in April (during the “P^; [hpyi:] adj Óabundant [rain] [hpi:]
passage of Pleiades)
— v [hpyi:] 1) comb, brush (hair); card (cotton) 2) bluff,
P¥c\1 [hpyin] n 1) hand-woven cloth 2) sackcloth pretend S YN Pin\; RF “P^;®Pn\;.
3) Ócloth CF pit\s 4) Óshirt; robe; tunic [? this word
“P^;®Pn\; [hpyi; phyan;] v bluff, pretend
is also used for 'deconstruction' ... how exactly?]
“P^;lim\; [hpi lein:] v dress up
“P^;lMu; [hpyi: loun:] n bluff
P¥c\Âkm\; [hpyin gyan:] n coarse cotton cloth “P^;lMu;Tut\ [hpyi: loun: hto'] v bluff
P¥c\Tp\pX´ [hpyin da' pwE:] n Óceremony in which the king ®Pø [hpyu] v 1) be white; (of skin) be fair A NT mv\;' nk\ 2) be
gives clothing to the members of the court
pure S YN sc\Âky\ 3) be clean; be plain, be undyed; (of
P¥c\2 [hpyin] v 1) pare down 2) clear, cut twigs off
water) be clear
branches, bamboo, etc 3) cut up, butcher; shred
— n porcupine
4) disentangle, separate (strands)
P¥c\P¥c\ [hpyin byin] adv much, abundantly, copiously ®PøKå®paKå [hpyu ga pya ga] adv poor, without a penny to
one's name (Upsa) [? what is the metaphor?]
P¥c\;1 [hpyin:] adj 1) dull, stupid 2) inferior, bad 3) (of ®PøKå®paKåk¥ [hpyu ga pya ga kya.] v be destitute, have lost
grain) undeveloped
P¥c\;m”k^; [hpyin: ma. gyi:] n mix of various kinds of rice ®Pøsc\ [hpyu sin] v 1) be white 2) be clean 3) be pure, be
P¥c\;2 [hpyin:] v lop off (useless parts) innocent [? check]
eP¥ac\;P¥ [hpyaung: bya.] v 1) persuade, coax 2) placate, calm ®PøS¨; [hpyu zu:] n porcupine quill
(sb) down
®PøSX' ®PøSXt\ [hpyu hswa., hpyu hsu'] v be pure white
P¥s\ [hpyi'] v squeeze (between thumb and fingers) [? S YN ®PøePX;
throttle, strangle?] ®Pøn^eÂkac\k¥a; [hpyu ni kyaung kya:] v be multicoloured
P¥s\vHs\ [hpyi' hnyi'] v squeeze ®PøPp\®Pøera\®Ps\ [hpyu ba' hpyu yaw hpyi'] v be wan, pallid,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 282

®Pø; ª ®Ps\
pale, or drawn “Pio;emak\ [hpyo: mau'] v 1) be plump, be buxom; be full
®PøePX; [hpyu hpwe:] v be pure white S YN ®PøSX' ®PøSXt\' [? only of women?] 2) be abundant, be luxuriant, be
ePX; profuse
®Pøeraera®Ps\ [hpyu yaw yaw hpyi'] v turn pale, blanch; “Pio;ew [hpyo: we] v be abundant, be profuse; be
look faded overflowing
®Pølxp\ [hpyu hla'] v (of person) be pale [? check] “Pio;“Pio;e®Pak\e®Pak\ [hpyo: byo: hpyau' byau'] adv sparsely;
®Pø;1 [hpyu:] v 1) (of water) sprinkle, splash 2) (of breeze) intermittently; slightly
blow, waft S YN P¥n\; e®Pak\e®Pak\ [hpyau' hpyau'] n [ono] sound of rain
®Pø;2 [hpyu:] v 1) be unimpeded, be free 2) have no ®Pc\ [hpyin] adj Óbountiful, plentiful
difficulties, be smooth S YN e®Pac\. ®Pc\. [hpyin.] part with, by, postpositional marker indicating
®Pø;®Pø;e®Pac\.e®Pac\. [hpyu: byu: hpyaung. byaung.] adv how or what with Ω ka;®Pc\.-qXa;my\" We'll go by car. Ω tuM;®Pc\.-
smoothly, without problems Riuk\my\" I'll hit you with a stick. S YN ™ n´>
e®P [hpye] v 1) untie, undo, open, loosen 2) answer, respond e®Pac\ [hpyaung] v [sl] 1) kill, murder, do away with
to (test questions, etc), solve (problem) RF e®PÂka;' 2) ™steal, nick (Br), pinch, filch, pilfer, swipe (Am)
e®PSiu. 3) reply, answer (questions, etc) RF e®PÂka;' e®PSiu. S YN Kiu;' tiu;' ls\
4) ease, relax sit\e®P, slacken ”kio;e®P; reconcile; drive e®Pac\. [hpyaung.] v 1) straighten, be straight A NT ekak\
away; relieve ( Ap¥c\;e®P); counteract ASip\e®P; refresh 2) be straightforward; get on well (in business, with
Aemae®P 5) lessen, alleviate, diminish, ameliorate friends, etc); (of matters, affairs, etc0 go smoothly, be
smooth, have no difficulties S YN ®Pø; [? check] 3) (of
e®PÂka; [hpye kya:] v 1) answer, respond to (test mind) be at ease 4) (of belief, religion, etc) convert to
questions, etc), solve (problem) 2) reply, answer belief in the right one 5) be handsome
(questions, etc) e®Pac\.kXy\kXy\ [hpyaung. kwE gwE] v not tell (what one
e®PeS; [hpye ze:] n antidote [? antivenom] knows), withhold (evidence, etc)
e®PSiu [hpye hso] v 1) answer, respond to (test e®Pac\.K¥k\ [hpyaung. gye'] n confession Ω e®Pac\.K¥k\ep;my\" I
questions, etc), solve (problem) 2) reply, answer will confess. S YN wn\KMK¥k\
(questions, etc) e®Pac\.sc\; [hpyaung. sin:] be straight S YN e®Pac\.tn\;
e®PS^ [hpye hsi] v [usu neg] console, find solace e®Pac\.Siu [hpyaung. hso] v confess
e®PeP¥a\ [hpye byaw] v entertain, amuse, make happy, e®Pac\.tn\; [hpyaung. tan:] v be straight S YN e®Pac\.sc\;
cheer up = eP¥a\e®P [? check] e®Pac\.®Pø; [hpyaung. byu:] v 1) be straight and clear; be
e®PeP¥ak\ [hpye byau'] v forget forthright CF tv\.mt\ 2) be or have clear sailing (Upsa)
e®PP¥n\ [hpye byan] v mediate, conciliate, reconcile e®Pac\.mt\pXc\.lc\; [hpyaung. ma' pwin. lin;] adv honestly and
S YN P¥n\e®P [? check arbitrate, negotiate] directly, straight, without beating around the bush Upsa
e®Prxc\; [hpye shin:] v explain; solve (problems, etc) S YN BXc\; BXc\;rxc\;rxc\;
e®Prxc\;K¥k\ [hpye shin: gye'] n explanation (of); solution e®Pac\.mxn\ [hpyaung. hman] adj fair; honest, truthful
(to) “Pioc\“Pioc\ [hpyain byain] adv copiously; abundantly [? in what
e®PelYa. [hpye shaw.] v loosen (grip, etc); relax (hold, context?]
etc) ®Ps\ [hpyi'] v 1) be, exist Ω ®Ps\qc\. the way it should be
e®Pqa [hpye tha] v balance out, offset 2) become 3) happen, occur Ω Ba®Ps\esK¥c\ql´Siueta.Ú
e®Pqim\. [hpye dhein.] v console, soothe What I would like to see happen is... 4) thrive, run well,
e®P;e®P;ª®Pv\;®Pv\; [hpye; bye;] abbr warning on road signs: go well, develop well Ω Alup\® Ps\ty\" Work is going well.
slow RF ®Ps\ TXn\;. 5) make 6) be effective; take effect 7) be
“P´ [hpyE:] v 1) gape, open wide (of eyes, mouth, etc) 2) tear skilled (at) 8) manage to, be able to, handle; be
(paper, cloth, etc) practicable Ω m®Ps\eta.B¨;" We won't be able to do that.
“P´e®Kak\ [hpyE chau'] v Ω ®Ps\ mla if you can't [? finish] 9) get on with; be in love
e®Pa1 [hpyaw:] v blanch, dip vegetables in boiling water with; have an affair with
= ®pot\e®Pa — part suffix to a verb denoting ability Ω qXa;m®Ps\B¨;" We
e®Pa2 [hpyaw:] adj profuse, generous couldn't go after all. Ω mqXa;®Ps\B¨;" We didn't manage to go.
e®Pae®Pa [hpyaw: byaw:] adv profusely, copiously
e®Paer [hpyaw: ye] n tide S YN d^er — adj made in, made by Ω ' Made in Italy. Ω lk\® Ps\ty\"
“Pio [hpyo] v 1) demolish 2) scatter, destroy It was made by hand.
“PoiKX´ [hpyo khwE] v 1) demolish 2) scatter, destroy ®Ps\ktt\Sn\; [hpyi' gåda' hsan:] adv shoddily, carelessly,
“PioKXc\; [hpyo khwin:] v annhiliate (the enemy) not properly done, poorly done
“PioP¥k\ [hpyo hpye'] 1) demolish 2) scatter, destroy ®Ps\ekac\;®Ps\my\ [hpyi' kaung: hypi' mE] adv probably
“Pio; [hpyo:] adj be abundant, be plentiful; be full, be ®Ps\eÂkac\; [hpyi' gyaung:] n event; past, things that have
overflowing [? also fat?] happened

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ƒ®Pv\. ª ®Pot\
®Ps\K¥c\eta. [hpyi' chin daw.] adv [? ?] CF eNx;
®Ps\K¥c\®Ps\my\ [hpyi' chin hpyi' mE] adv maybe ®Pv\;®Pv\;eS;eS; [hpye: bye: hse: ze:] adv leisurely,
®Ps\esÚ®Ps\es [hpyi' se…hpyi' se] conj ¬whether…or; unhurriedly S YN eA;eA;eS;eS;
either…or = ™ ®Ps\® Ps\Ú®Ps\®Ps\ ®Pv\;®Pv\;qaqa [hpye: bye: tha dha] adv gently [?
®Ps\sU\ [hpyi' sin] n record, account tenderly? kindly? soothingly? lightly?]
®Ps\sU\®pernv\; [hpyi' sin pya ye ni:] n narrative writing ®Pt\ [hpya'] v 1) cut, sever; break off (communication,
®Ps\tv\mOpDanwåd [hpyi' ti hmu. pa. da na. wa da.] n relations, friendship, etc); dock (tail) 2) cross, go
existentialism across, cut across (inf) 3) go past, go through
®Ps\tiuk\ [hpyi' tai'] n the way it should be [? check part 4) undergo 5) stop, end, quit (habit, activity, etc); put
of speech] a stop to 6) deduct (from account, etc), garnish, dock
®Ps\TXn\ [hpyi' htun:] v 1) thrive, succeed, go well, run (wages, paycheque, etc)
well 2) emerge ®Pt\k¨;tiu> [hpya' gådo.] n ∑passenger ferry (crossing a
®Ps\Niuc\ [hpyi' nain] v maybe so, could be Ω ®Ps\Niuc\my\Siurc\ if river)
possible [? check] ®Pt\®Kc\; [hpya' chin:] n cane-ball game in which players
®Ps\epÅ [hpyi' paw] v emerge, appear, materialise, come intercept passes made to others
into existence, come up ®Pt\s [hpya' sa.] n scrap, shred, strip, wisp (left after
®Ps\pMu [hpyi' pon] n how sthg happened, the way sthg wood, paper, etc has been cut); piece cut off
happened; episode [? check] ®Pt\sa [hpya' sa] n 1) Ójudgment, decree 2) divorce
®Ps\p¥k\ [hpyi' pye'] v happen papers [? can't read this] 3) break-up letter, letter
®Ps\pXa; [hpyi' pwa:] v happen, occur, take place ending a relationship
®Ps\®Ps\Ú®Ps\®Ps\ [hpyi' hpyi'…hpyi' hpyi'] conj [colloq] ®Pt\sa;lYp\sa; [hpya' sa: ya' sa:] n kickback, cut;
whether…or; either…or = lit ®Pq\esÚ®Ps\es corruption, graft
®Ps\®m´ [hpyi' myE:] n matter of course; sthg inevitable, sthg ®Pt\sa;lYp\sa;lup\ [hpya' sa: ya' sa: lou'] v take a cut; take
unavoidable unfair advantage
®Ps\e®mak\ [hpyi' myau'] v succeed; accomplish; become; ®Pt\sk\ [hpya' se'] n cutter, guillotine; shredder
be accomplished, be attained [? check] ®Pt\etak\ [hpya' tau'] v 1) cut off; break with, sever
®Ps\mx®Ps\rpel [hpyi' hma. hpyi' ya. båle] exp what a shame, relations with 2) dock (wages) [? what is this retrench
what a pity, that's too bad stuff?]
®Ps\rxi®Ps\sU\ [hpyi' shi> hpyi' sin] n common occurrence, usual ®Pt\tm\;sa [hpya' tan: za] n Ójudgement
event ®Pt\Tiu;ˆa%\ [hpya' hto: nyan] n ready wit, quick wit
®Ps\rel [hpyi' ya. le] exp (usu followed by B¥a or rxc\) ®Pt\TMu; [hpya' hton:] n (judicial) ruling [? isn't this
what a shame, what a pity, that's too bad 'precedent'?]
®Ps\rp\ [hpyi' ya'] n event, happening, occurrence, episode ®Pt\NOn\; [hpya' hnon:] n (assessed) rate
®Pt\piuc\; [hpya' pain:] n 1) (newspaper, magazine) cutting
ĨPv\. [hpye.] v 1) fulfil, satisfy 2) add, supplement; fill in, 2) counterfoil, stump, part of ticket, voucher, receipt,
complete; complement etc which is kept 3) part of a ticket, voucher, receipt,
®Pv\.k¥c\. [hpye. kyin.] v practice (to be perfect); strive etc which is given
(toward a goal) ®Pt\piuc\;pMu [hpya' pain: pon] n cross-section (illus)
®Pv\.sa [hpye. za] n πfiller ®Pt\lm\; [hpya' lan:] n 1) shortcut, route shorter than the
®Pv\.sXk\ [hpye. swe'] v add (to make up for a shortfall), usual one CF long way 2) [fig] shortcut (Upsa), way of
refill, fill up, replenish saving time or money in doing sthg, quick and dirty way
®Pv\.sXk\K¥k\ [hpye. swe' che'] n addition (Upsa)
®Pv\.sXk\na;lv\ [hpye. swe' na: lE] v fill in (mentally) ®Pt\lm\;liuk\ [hpya' lan: lai'] v take a shortcut; [fig] cut
®Pv\.S^; [hpye. zi:] v satisfy (a need) red tape (Upsa), do (sthg) quick and dirty
®Pv\.tc\; [hpye. tin:] v 1) fulfil; provide; maintain supplies ®Pt\lW [hpya' hlwa.] n cross-cut saw
2) gather, collect [? check] ®Pt\qn\; [hpya' than:] v 1) go through, pass through, go
®Pv\.®Pø; [hpye. byu:] v 1) provide 2) appease; soothe by, go over 2) experience, go through
®Pv\.qXc\; [hpye. thwin:] v 1) add 2) fill in (form, ®Pot\1 [hpyo'] n sand fly, hairy, blood-sucking fly resembling
application, etc) a moth
®Pv\; [hpye:] v 1) soften, lighten 2) [? ?] 3) waft, blow ®Pot\sim\;piu; [hpyo' sein: bo:] n aphid, greenfly, common
gently insect pest
®Pv\;Sut\ [hpye: hso'] v blow gently ®Pot\P¥a; [hpyo' hpya:] n sandfly fever, phlebotomus fever,
®Pv\;vc\; [hpye: hnyin:] adv softly, gently; slowly; mild viral illness transmitted by sand fly
moderately ®Pot\2 [hpyo'] v 1) undo, take off, unfasten, unhitch,
®Pv\;®Pv\; [hpye: bye:] adv slowly, with delay A NT ®mn\®mn\ uncouple, unbutton (Âky\q^; 2) close down, shut down

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 284

®Pot\Kn´ ª PX´>
3) dismiss, fire, sack (inf), expel (from school) PXa2 [hpwa] v puff, smoke
®Pot\K¥ [hpyo' cha.] v 1) take down, dismantle 2) depose — part numerical classifier used to count number of
(high official, king, etc), remove (from office, position, puffs [ nc]
etc), force to resign PXal¨då [hpa lu da] n faluda, sweet milk drink with ice and sago
®Pot\Kn´ [hpyo' khånE:] adv suddenly; unexpectedly; in a flash, = Pal¨då
fleetingly S YN P¥t\Kn´ PXa;1 [hpwa:] v 1) give birth (to), bear 2) be born (at a
®Pot\®Kv\; [hpyo' chi:] adv [arch] in an instant; fleetingly certain time, place) S YN PXa;®mc\' emX;
®Pn\> [hpyan.] v 1) spread (out) 2) distribute; spread (out) PXa;sarc\; [hpwa: zåyin:] n birth register
CF NxM> 3) extend, reach to PXa;Pk\ [hpwa: be'] n 1) persons born at the same
®Pn\Ïk¥k\ [hpyan. kye'] v extend, stretch out, reach out moment 2) penis 3) Indian laburnum, tree with bright
®Pn\ÏK¥i [hpyan. chi>] v distribute (books, videos, etc) yellow flowers S YN cuerW
®Pn\ÏK¥ier; [hpyan. chi> ye:] n 1) distributor 2) distribution PXa;Pit\eta\ [hpwa: hpei' daw] v (of royalty, Buddhas, etc)
®Pn\Ï®Pø; [hpyan. byu:] v distribute (food, goods, etc) be born at the same time [ bh]
®Pn\Ïew [hpyan. we] v distribute PXa;®mc\ [hpwa: myin] 1) give birth 2) be born (at a certain
®Pn\Ïewsa [hpyan. we za] n circular time, place) S YN emX;
®Pn\; [hpyan:] v 1) puff up (because of illness) 2) flush, PXa;lk\mxt\ [hpwa: le' hma'] n birth certificate
blush, turn red with emotion CF “P^;®Pn\; bluff PXa;eqsarc\; [hpwa: dhe såyin:] n vital statistics; birth
®Pn\;Kn´T [hpyan: gånE: hta.] v blush, flush and death registers
®Pn\;®Pn\;k¥io; [hpyan: byan: kyo:] v break with a crash PXa;qn\Ïsc\ [hpwa: than. sin] v give birth
®Pn\;®Pn\;kX´ [byan: byan: kwe:] v [ono] crack [ ph] PXa; [hpwa:] v (of an animal's coat) be shaggy, be long
®Pn\;®Pn\;T [byan: byan: hta.] v feel a frisson, have a surge and uneven
of emotion [ ph] PXa;3 [hpwa:] n grandmother = BXa;
®Pn\;qn\; adv ignorantly, without knowing much or PXa;PXa; [hpwa: hpwa:] n grandma, granny
anything at all, blindly PXa;q^l [hpwa: thi la.] n Buddhist nun CF q^lrxc\
®Pon\; [hpyon:] [byon:] v waste, squander PXa;eA [hpwa: e] n grandmother CF ePeA
— n 1) stone not of gem quality, cast, chipping PXi [hpwi] int exclamation of disgust or distaste S YN TX^
S YN ek¥ak\®Pon\; 2) gem-bearing earth ePXNxv\ [hpwe hni] v 1) seek, look for, search 2) investigate
®Pon\;ek¥ak\ [byon: gyau'] n stone not of gem quality 3) consider
®Pon\;eÂka [byon: gyaw:] n gem-bearing vein ePX; [hpwe:] v 1) be white 2) [fig] be covered with 3) be
®Pon\;sp\k¥io [byon: za' gyo] v make a soup from coarse rice, broad and clear
vegetables, and meat ePX;ePX;lOp\ [hpwe: bwe: hlo'] v be swarming, be teeming
®Pon\;sp\Tmc\; [byon: za' htåmin:] n coarse rice cooked with (with people, animals, etc)
vegetables and meat PX´ [hpwE:] v be tiny, be minuscule; be fine
®Pon\;t^; [hpyon: di:] v waste, squander — n 1) bran; rice husk, chaff [? how to add that it is
®Pon\;Kn´ [byon: gånE:] adv suddenly, unexpectedly, instantly usu fed to pigs?] 2) ∞useless person
®PMo [hpyon] v be scared; be taken aback PX´Âkm\; [hpwE: gyan:] n rice husk
PX1 [hpwa.] v 1) ruffle (hair), fluff (up) 2) mess up PX´Nu [hpwE: nu.] n bran
— adv (step) lightly PX´NuS^ [hpwE: nu. zi] n
PX(h´.)2 [hpwa. (hE.)] int exclamation to dispel bad luck PX´®pa [hpwE: bya] n burnt rice husk
Ω me®paekac\; mSiuekac\; PXh´.-lX´påes Py\påes rXaU^;- PX´m^; [hpwE: mi:] n fire with rice husks as fuel
Bun\;”k^; qa eqqXa;K´.rc\ kÁn\eta\tiuÏeta. dukƒp´" I shouldn't PX´m^;pma [hpwE: mi: påma] adv like a smouldering fire,
mention it, but, God forbid, if our village monk dies, we inconsolably
will be in big trouble. PX´> [hpwE.] v 1) twist into string 2) make 3) form, found
PXa1 [hpwa] v 1) be split into many small parts, (of cloth) (organization, union, etc) RF PX´>sv\;. 4) compose (poem,
fray, (of wood, etc) splinter, (of liquids) spray; be verse, etc) RF PX´>Siu. 5) combine, group, change, convert
frayed, be splintered 2) be uninhibited, be undisciplined (smaller units to larger) A NT l´ CF AsuPX´>
3) be free with, be liberal PX´>”kio; [hpwE. gyo:] n 1) rope of twisted paddy stalks,
PXaSn\Âk´ [hpwa zan kyE:] v 1) be in a mess 2) break into used to tie sheafs of harvested rice 2) short string
pieces 3) (of hair) be tousled looped around an animal's neck and tied to the yoke
— adv (talk) at random S YN Tm\; piu;”kio; 3) loop of string used to tune the
PXaelac\PXaelac\ [hpwa laung hpwa laung] adv (speak) esac\;ekak\ (Myanmar harp)
loudly PX´>sv\; [hpwE. zi:] v form, found (organization, union, etc)
PXaln\Âk´ [hpwa lan kyE:] v 1) be in a mess 2) break into
pieces 3) (of hair) be tousled PX´>sv\;pMu [hpwE. zi: bon]
n 1) organization; establishment,
— adv (talk) at random setup 2) composition, constitution, different parts of

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 285

PXM> ª br
sthg, makeup PXt\eK¥;e®m [hpu' chi: mye] n poor soil, infertile land
PX´>Siu [hpwE. hso] v compose (poem, verse, etc) PXt\sAiuna [hpu' såo na] n sinusitis S YN Tip\kp\na'
PX´>NX´> [hpwE. nwE.] v 1) compose (poem, verse, etc) 2) use eSac\;em;Kå;na
ornate language PXt\tk\ [hpu' te'] v [fig] jinx, break, ruin, make poor;
PX´>PX´>NX´>NX´> [hpwE. bwE. nwE. nwE.] adv (write, speak, etc) in a cause bad luck
flowery style; ornately, elaborately PXt\PXt\eÂk [hpu' hpu' kye] v clichéd; ruined
PXM> [hpun.] v be plump, be voluptuous PXt\miek¥ac\; [hpu' mi> gyaung:] n kind of large monitor
PXM>TXa; [hpun. htwa:] v (of children) be big for one's age (lizard)
PXM>“Pio; [hpun. hpyo:] v be prosperous; be developed PXt\em.putt\em.em. [hpu' me. båda' me. me.] v forget
PXM>“Pio;“p^;Niuc\cM [hpun. hpyo: pi; nain gan] n ∏¥industrialised completely; forget the world, be completely absorbed in
country, developed country, North (Upsa)
PXt\m^; [hpu' mi:] n braid, plait, sthg made from three
PXc\. [hpwin.]
v 1) open (door, window, mouth, etc) 2) switch strands; chain stitch Ω PXt\“m^; Tiu; braid, plait
on, turn on, put on (light, radio, tap, etc) PXt\qiuna [hpu' tho na] n 1) sinusitis; cold 2) disease in
3) inaugurate, formally open Ω Siuc\PXc\. open a shop 4) clear which the sole of the foot peels
out (blockage, etc), unblock 5) explain (meaning) PXt\Uk¥v\ [hpu' u. gyi] n yellow and black monitor (lizard)
6) unfurl, open (out) Ω rXk\PXc\. unfurl a sail
PXc\.K¥ [hpwin. cha] v 1) open (tap, valve, drain, etc) PXn\; [hpun:] n Hpon, ethnic group living mainly in the
2) expose, reveal; disclose area north of Bhamo
PXc\.Siu [hpwin. hso] v explain, define; clear up PXp\ [hpu'] v 1) wash (clothing) S YN elYa\(PXp\) 2) pound (rice,
(misunderstanding); describe etc to remove bran) 3) smoke out (ants, bees, etc)
PXc\.Siurxc\;®per;nv\; [hpwin. hso shin: pya. ye: ni:] n descriptive
writing [ wr] PXp\nra; [hpu' nåya:]
PXc\.e®pa [hpwin. pyaw:] v 1) speak out 2) break the news PXy\1 [hpwE] adj 1) mes;mkp\eqa 2) insipid, vapid,
(to sb), break (sthg to sb), tell sb something that will tasteless [? !!]
affect them badly PXy\2 [hpwE] part for, too, suffix to verbal noun S YN sra'
PXc\.lxs\ [hpwin. hli'] v open (officially school, ceremony, PXy\ra
shop, etc), inaugurate PXy\PXy\rara [hpwE bwE ya ya] adv (esp of food) in wide
PXc\.h [hpwin. ha.] v speak out, speak frankly S YN PXc\.e®pa array, in wide assortment, in great variety
PXt\ [hpu'] n monitor (lizard), large meat-eating lizard, PXy\ra [hpwE ya] part for, too, suffix to verbal noun
omen of economic hardship (illus) S YN sra' PXy\
PXt\k¥a; [hpu' kya:] n 1) pied monitor (lizard) 2) [fig]
fool, ass, worthless person [? check tone]

b [ba.] n twenty-third consonant in the Myanmar script — adj Burmese, Burman ™; ∏Myanma, Myanmar ¬
bTk\“Kiok\ [ba. låchai'] n name of the b Ω diu>bmaAsv\; ARuM; We Burmese Association
bTk\“Kiok\liuk\ [ba. låchai' lai'] v be hollowed by long use; bmaska; [båma zåga:] n (spoken) Burmese, language of
be old and worn the largest ethnic group in Myanmar CF ®mn\masa
bTk\“Kiok\eqnt\ [ba. de' chai' thåna'] n Greener gun, byaeÂka\ [båya gyaw] n fried ball of ground yellow beans
often carried by police and spices, similar to falafel
bkr^As\ [bågåri: i'] n Id al-Bakri, Muslim holy day on the bya;Ait\ [båya: ei'] n Ólarge shoulder bag
70th day after Ramadan [? check in relig dic] beyak\byk\ [båyau' båye'] adv restlessly; in a confused
bzibzp\ [båzi> båza'] n (talk) inconsistently way
btc\;epåk\ [bådin: bau'] n window = ®ptc\;epåk\ br [bårå] part 1) prefix to some verbs and adjectives to form
CF elqaepåk\' tMKå; adverbs 2) prefix to verbs and adjectives for emphasis
bma [båma] n 1) Burman, Bama, Bamar, member of the
largest ethnic group in Myanmar, native to the central brK¥a [båråcha] adv poorly, shabbily, in tatters
lowlands Ω bmaAsa;Asa Burmese food; Ω bmal¨m¥io; Burman brK¥aliuk\ [båråcha lai'] v be poor, be scruffy, be
2) ÓBurma, Myanmar, the people, customs, kingdoms, tattered
colony, country, etc Ω bma-liuwt\ wear Burmese clothes brNxM> [båråhnan.] adv (scattered) all over
CF ®mn\ma 3) language of the bma ethnic group, especially brp¥s\ [båråbyi'] adv 1) with a profusion of 2) saddled
the spoken form Ω biul\l-iu me®pan´Ï' bmaliu-e®pa" Don’t speak a with, weighed down by, burdened by
foreign language, speak Burmese! CF bmaska;' ®mn\masa

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 286

brc\g¥^ ª bah^rs^Ti
brpX [båråbwa.] adv disorderly, messily, untidily distressed = belac\S¨
brepX [båråbwe] adv (of thoughts, feelings, etc) in a belac\;bl´ [bålaung: bålE:] adv inconsistently, erratically,
jumble, disordered [? check] unpredictably, disconnectedly
br®pXt\ [båråbyu'] adv swarming with, teeming with bls\bls\ [båli' båli'] adv (talk) incessantly, unendingly
brc\g¥^ [båyin gyi] n 1) Roman Catholic 2) Portugese; farang, bln\; [bålan:] n [colloq] [? ?]
European = Brc\g¥^ blMu [bålon] n bubble S YN p¨ePac\;
bRut\ [båyo'] n mischief-maker, rascal, rowdy blMuTiu; [bålon hto:] v bubble
bRut\k¥ [båyo' kya.] v be mischievous, be rowdy, be blMu;beTX; [bålon: båhtwe:] adv (talk, think, etc) ramblingly,
boisterous incoherently, disjointedly, incoherently
bRut\brk\ [båyo' båye'] adv in confusion, in bwn\; [båwun:] n bamboo shore-line fishtrap using the tide
pandemonium to catch fish (illus)
bRut\qut\K [båyo' tho' kha.] adv in chaos, in a muddle bhu [bAhu.] part poly-, multi-, plural
bRun\;brc\; [båyon: båyin:] adv in turmoil = bRun\;qun\;ka;' bhugM [båhu. gan] n polygon CF ”tigM triangle; stugM
wRun\; qun\; ka; rectangle, Ana;®pioc\stugM parallelogram
bRun\;qun\;ka; [båyon: thon: ga:] adv in turmoil = bRun\; brc\;' bhuwåd [båhu. wa da.] n pluralism
wRun\; qun\; ka; bhuqut [båhu. thu. da.] n (general) information;
brm\;bta [båyan: båda] adv disorderly; without discipline knowledge, wide experience Ω Kr^;TXk\ta ekac\;ty\"
= prm\; pta bhuqut-rtaepåÏ" it is good to travel, you learn so much!
brXt\rWt\t [båyu' shu' ta.] adv (talk) inanely; absurdly bhuqutr [båhu. thu. da. ya.] v learn from sthg [? new kyaw]
bl [båla.] n strength
blcå;tn\ [båla. nga: dan] n five strengths or powers bhuwus\kin\; [båhu. wo' kein:] n [gram] plural CF Ekwus\
Ω kaybl kayAa;' ˆa%bl ˆa%\Aa;' eBagbl singular
psßv\;Aa;' sarit†bl kiuy\k¥c\.Aa;' mit†bl mit\eSXAa; bhiu [båho] n centre (Br) -er (Am) Ω bhiu® po be the centre
bldqk [båla. da. thåda.] n decade of strength in a — adj central CF thiur\
person's life, one's thirties, age 31-40 CF dqk bhiuK¥k\ [båho gye'] n centre, -er (Am), epicentre, -er
blw [bålåwa.] adj strong; many; great; excessive (Am)
blwåmuK [bålåwa. mu. kha.] n ¬maelstrom, giant whirlpool bhiuKXaAa; [båho khwa a:] n ≈centrifugal force
bla [båla] n blank, nothing bhiusX´Aa; [båho swE: a:] n ≈centripetal force
blak¥c\; [båla kyin:] v 1) be naked 2) be empty bhiuAaPrikqmtNiuc\cM [ba ho a fArI ka. thAmAda. nain ngan] n
blaK¥i [båla chi>] adv 1) for nothing, for no reason 2) (of Central African Republic [ cr]
actors) for free CF complimentary bhidÎ [båhei' da.] n outside, exterior; (of person) physical
blasaAup\ [båla sa o'] n copybook, exercise book, blank appearance S YN A®pc\Ap CF AsÛt† [? interior?]
book bhn\; [båhan:] n pyrite, iron ore, stone containing sulfur
blaSiuc\; [båla hsain:]n œdrum ensemble performing and iron
alone (not accompanying a drama or marionette show) bag¥^;n^;ya;eS; [ba gyi: ni: ya: hse:] n virginia (tobacco) [Engl]
blaTB^ [båla htåmein] n 1) htamein (sarong) without badM [ban da] n Indian almond, badum [ ph]
the AK¥it\ pattern 2) Ó htamein (sarong) which is worn baya' bara [ba ya] n [prison] trusty, prisoner who has
as a strip (not sewn into a tube) duties, esp nightwatch
blany\ [båla nE] n vacuum S YN elhany\ bara%q^ [ba ya nåthi] n legendary kingdom in the far past
blapuSiu; [båla påhso;] n Ómen's long longyi (sarong) CF ®bhµdt\
worn wrapped around (not sewn into a tube), as worn at
bara%q^K¥´> [ba ya nåthi chE:] v exaggerate, embellish,
the Burman courts CF etac\rxv\puSiu;
make a mountain out of a molehill (Upsa)
blapX´ [båla bwE:] n free show, complimentary traditional bal [ba la.] n fool; bad person [? really fool? just ignorant
stage show S YN Âkv\.K¥c\pX´ CF RMupX´
or immature? how strong? monster? bad character?
blam´ [båla mE:] n (in drawing lots) blank good-for-nothing? wretch? scoundrel?]
bli [båli>] n gift, offering; traditional show given to balArXy\ [ba la. åywE] n immaturity, childhood, age
propitiate the nt\ spirits from 0 to about 16
bl^1 [båli] n 1) Èmosque 2) (Jewish) synagogue baleK¥ac\(eÂka\) [bålåchaung(kyaw)] n spicy fried condiment
(Bun\;”k^;)ek¥ac\ ‹monastery; Bura;ek¥ac\; Çchurch
made from dried shrimp, garlic, onions and chilli oil
bl^2 [bali] n polo S YN g¨l^ CF cpieÂka\
bl^kXk\ [bali gwe'] n putting green balv\ekX; [ba lE gwe:] n Óornamental breastplate
blk¶ar [båle' ka ya.] n sexual harrassment bah^rkisß [ba hi ya. kei' sa.] n odd jobs, errands, chores, things
belac\S¨ [bålaung hsu] v 1) be very noisy 2) be highly to do
distressed = belac\Sn\ bah^rs^Ti [ba bi ya. wi hti>] n ©outermost ecliptic, path of the
belac\Sn\ [bålaung hsan] v 1) be very noisy 2) be highly

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 287

ba; ª biuk\
sun's motion at the December solstice S YN A®pc\lm\; b¨;mOt\ [bu: hmo'] v babble [? would like to work in goo goo
CF mezÙw^Ti' AeN|aw^Ti ga ga]
ba; [ba:] n valve [Engl] eb(lMu;) [be (lon:)] n enlargement of the spleen, e.g., due to
bans\ [ba: ni'] n varnish [Engl] malaria, ◊splenomegaly
bisp\ [bi> za'] n Œkind of shrub used in traditional medicine ebd [be da.] n veda, knowledge, science, discipline, art,
= pi sp\ -ology, study of (a subject)
bitan\ [bei' dan] n canopied ceiling = pitan\ [ ph pl] ebdå [be da] n water hyacinth (illus)
biman\ [bei' hman] n 1) mansion, grand building Ω nt\biman\ ebdåepåk\ [be da bau'] n hatch of a sailing boat
palace of the spirits 2) monument 3) celestial abode, ebdc\ [be din] n 1) six branches of knowledge in veda: [?
heaven, paradise [ ph pl] namely?] 2) ßfortune telling, astrology
biliyk\ [bi> låye'] n billiards [Engl] = Biliyk\ ebdc\ [be din gyan:] n sacred books of the veda: qam
bilt\ [bi> la'] n England = Bilp\ CF “bitin\ Saman; yzu Rig; IqYo Yajur. There is also a lost book,
bilt\e®m [bi> la' mye] n cement Aatpπn\ [? check last]
bilt\rv\ [bi> la' ye] n soft drinks, fizzy drinks, pop, soda ebdc\ [be din kyi>] v ßconsult an astrologer or fortune
S YN AK¥iorv\' AeA; teller
biquka [bi> thu. ka (bei' dhåga)] n architect ebdc\ [be din twe'] v ßinterpret a horoscope, cast a
biqukapva [bi> thu. ka (bei' dhåga) pyin nya] n architecture horoscope
bz [bi za.] n 1) seed; sperm, semen 2) lineage, geneology, ebdc\ [be din hsåya] n ßastrologer, fortune teller
ancestry 3) inborn nature, inherent character, trait ebdc\ [be din haw:] v ßtell sb's fortune, foretell, predict
CF nimit\Pt\ [? check]
4) female genitals S YN Ag:
b^s^d^ [bi si di] n VCD, video compact disc [Engl] ebLowesac\;' ebLowp‹ow^%a [be lu. wa. saung;, be lu. wa. pan du.
b^zna [bi zåna] n Óone-sixtieth of an hour in traditional wi na] n œseven-stringed lute played by the pêqiKç spirit
[ bh]
timekeeping (24 seconds) CF ®mn\manar^
b^zwå [bi zåwa] n 1) linseed, used as a measure of weight eba [baw:] n buoy, float [Engl] = eba\ya' eBa.' eBa\ra
2) unit of weight, one-twentieth of a rt^ ebatMta; [baw: dåda:] n pontoon bridge
b^za [bi za] n visa [Engl] ebaDi [baw: di>] part ‹Buddha (in combinations)
b^tamc\ [bi ta min] n vitamin [Engl] ebaDiÃa%\ [baw: di> nyan] n omniscience;
‹enlightenment of Buddha
b^tiuAa%a [bi to a na] n veto power [Engl]
b^d^yiu [bi di yo] n video movie CF tip\eKX' eAak\sk\ ebaDievac\ [baw: di> nyaung]
n 1) ‹sacred bodhi tree,
under which the Gautama Buddha gained enlightenment
b^diuªB^Riu [bi do] n 1) bureau, chest of drawers; wardrobe, 2) Œbo tree, bodhi tree, pipal tree = evac\budÎeh'
armoire; cabinet, cupboard 2) two-wheeled box-like
bullock cart [Engl]
ebaDipc\ [baw: di> bin] n ‹various trees under which
b^p^p^ [bi pi pi] abbr VPP, value payable per post = b^Xp^p^ different Buddhas have attained enlightmentment
b^yk\nm\ [bi ye' nam] n ∏Vietnam ebaDim‹ioc\ [baw: di> man dain] n ‹area around the tree
— n&adj Vietnamese under which the Buddhas attained enlightment
b^RiuªB^Riu [bi do (bi ro)] [ ph] n 1) bureau, cabinet, cupboard ebaDirXt\qM”kio; [baw; dI ywe' than kyo;] n œclassical song,
2) [for clothing, sheets, etc] chest of drawers, chiffonier beginning eTXtlala
(Ca), dresser; wardrobe, armoire 3) two-wheeled box-like ebaDiqt\ [baw: di> tha'] n ‹bodhisattva, buddha-to-be
bullock cart [Engl] S YN pXc\.l¥a
b^la; [bi la:] n 1) horseshoe crab, king crab (illus) 2) long ebaKå; [baw. kha:] n kind of reed
rainhood woven of palm fronds S YN gd¨;' p^lm' pk¶la' eba\ya [baw ya] n buoy, float [Engl]
biuÏAa; [bo. a:] n voltage [Engl]
b^qXa [bi thwa] n flax, plant from which linen is made bk\slc\ [be' sålin] n vaseline, petroleum jelly [Engl]
S YN Nxm\;Âkt\ [? check how to say linen]
bk\t^;r^;ya; [be' ti: ri: ya:] n bacteria [Engl]
b^qXaS^ [bi thwa zi] n linseed oil
ebak\1 [bau'] n dandruff; itching disease of the scalp
b^;np\ [bi: na'] n ©Venus
ebak\2 [bau'] n gooseberry
busuKRu [bu. zu. khåyu.] n children of all ages; odds and ends
= pu suKRu
ebak\eKX; [bau' khwe:] n country mallow, used in traditional
b¨lint\s [bu lI na' sa.] n tidbits; odds and ends
ebak\t¨ [bau' tu] n 1) clinker-built cargo boat 2) kind of
b¨;1 [bu;] n main gate of a prison [ rc] rowboat = eBak\t¨
b¨;ªB¨;2 [bu:] n 1) Œkind of light-green gourd 2) calabash, ebak\Pt\ [bau' hpa'] n caterpillar = epåk\Pt\
dried shell of a gourd (illus) 3) bucket, pail 4) container;
jar ekab¨;; tin (Br), can (Am) NiuÏS^b¨;; (plastic) bottle
ebak\elak\Viu [bau' lau' nyo] n black nightshade, used in
traditional medicine
erqv\Ï b¨;; covered box
biuk\ [pai'] n 1) stomach, belly; abdomen Ω biuk\mekac\;B¨;"

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 288

bc\n^z¨;la; ª buM
1) I have a sensitive stomach. 2) I have diarrhoea. bn\ekak\ªBn\ekak\ [ban gau'] n iridescent silk cloth,
2) pregnancy i.e., woven in Bangkok style
piuk\k¥ [bai' kya.] v reduce a fat stomach bn\K¥v\”kio; [ban chi gyo:] n hemp (thread)
biuk\”k^; [bai' kyi:] v [inf] be pregnant bn\tiu [ban do] n a traditional martial art without weapons
biuk\”k^;qv\ [bai' kyi: thE] n pregnant woman CF bn\rxv\
biuk\eÂka®pt\ [bai' kyaw: bya'] n stretch marks bNÎt\ [ban da'] n 1) person with parents of different
biuk\eKåk\ [bai' khau'] n fold or roll of fat (on the nationalities CF k®pa; 2) hybrid, cross Ω ' A mule is a cross
stomach) between a horse and a donkey.
biuk\Sa [bai' hsa] v be hungry bn\rxv\ [ban she] n kind of traditional martial art which uses
biuk\®pv\. [bai' pye.] n be full, have a full stomach weapons CF bn\tiu
biuk\mekac\; [bai' måkaung;] v 1) have diarrhoea; have a bn\lt\ [ban la'] n twenty-one, vingt-(et)-un, card game for
stomachache 2) have a sensitive stomach gambling
biuk\r´W [bai' shwE:] adj paunchy, with a fat stomach bnÏ\ebX;ªBn\ÏepX; [ban. bwe:] n tree whose leaves are used to
biuk\q¨Kiu; [bai' thåkho:] n [fig] stomach that does not show roll cheroots CF eS;epåÏlip\
signs of overeating bn\; [ban:] n 1) tray used for winnowing S YN seka
bc\n^z¨;la; [bin ni zu; la;] n 1) ∏Venezuela 2) Venezuelan 2) slang RF bn\;ska;.
— adj Venezuelan [ cr] bn\;kut\' bn\;KMu; [ban: gou', ban: goun:] n bamboo tray with
ebac\bc\Kt\ªeBac\Bc\Kt\ [baung bin kha'] v 1) (of liquid) a curved bottom
slosh 2) [fig] be in turmoil bn\;ska; [ban: zåga:] n slang
ebac\; [baung:] n turban, headdress bn\;tc\ [ban: tin] v [fig] praise
ebac\;eta\ [baung: daw] n special headdress worn by bn\;®p [ban: pya.] v highlight, show off, exploit
royalty and nats biN»o [bein du.] n 1) dot, speck; drop 2) superscripted dot
ebac\;Tup\ [baung: dou'] n turban representing the -an sound, AM S YN eq;eq;tc\
ebac\;B^ªeBac\;B^ [baung; bi] n trousers bieNÎa [bein: daw:] n herbal medicine CF tiuc\;rc\;eS;
biuc\; [bain:] n 1) (uncarded) cotton S YN wågXm\; 2) cotton roll bieNÎaSra [bein: daw: hsåya] n herbal medicine
for spinning RF biuc\;etac\. practitioner
biuc\;ekac\;ek¥ak\Pi [bain: gaung: kyau' hpi>] adv [fig] bin\mqalim\mqaªpin\mqalim\mqa [bein måtha lein måtha]
(behave) properly, with decorum adv equal
biuc\;cc\ [bain: ngin] v spin bin\Ï [bein.] n hearts (playing card suit) S YN P¨;n^ = pim\.
biuc\;ta [bain: da] n 1) basket for holding cotton rolls bin\;pit\ [bein: pei'] v be completely overcast, be seamlessly
2) person who prepares wicks for palace lamps covered; be dark = pin\;pit\ [? what besides the weather?
biuc\;ta(m) [bain: da (ma.)] n [vulg] slut (Riuc\;) what's the deal: one's a noun, one a verb!]
biuc\;etac\. [bain: daung.] n roll of cotton for spinning bin\;ebac\; [bein: baung: (maung;)] n œmusic played at boxing
biuc\;lip\tM [bain: lei' dan] n spindle matches, and for rough scenes in drama, with long and
biuc\;Kn´l´ [bain: gånE: lE:] v fall with a thud short drums, and cymbals Ω bin\;ebac\;Riuk\ play this music
biuc\;biuc\;l´ [bain: bain: lE:] n collapse, fall down = bun\;bun\;l´
but\pXªBut\pX [bou' pwa.] n 1) untidily dressed person bun\; [boun:] v [inf] nick, pinch, filch, pocket
2) stodgy or stupid person bun\;bun\;k¥ [boun: boun: kya.] v [fig] be on one's last legs, be
budÎ [bou' da.] n ‹the Buddha [ bh] near the end (Upsa)
budÎenÏ [bou' da. ne.] n ‹anniversary of the Buddha's bun\;bun\;l´ [boun: boun lE:] v collapse, fall down = biuc\;biuc\;l´
attainment of enlightenment, full moon day of Kason bim`alW´K¥c\; [bein ba (ma) hlwE; gyin;] n œlullaby sung in the
CF kSun\ [ bh] palace
budÎBaqa [bou' da. ba dha] n ‹1) Buddhism 2) Buddhist buM [bon] n 1) œdouble-headed wood and rawhide drum
[ bh] 2) fishtrap the shape of a double-headed drum RF pMu® mHMo;'
budÎwåd^ [bou' da. wa di] n ‹Buddhist [ bh] bMu;.
budÎwc\ [bou' dåwin] n ‹life of Buddha CF razwc\ [ bh] bMu”k^; [bon gyi:] n œmedium-sized long drum often used
budÎqr%pc\ [bou' da. thåråna. bin] n Œcanna lily on folk music CF pt\m”k^;
budÎqaqna [bou' da. tha dhåna] n ‹the Buddha's bMu”k^;qM [bon gyi: than] n œfolk song sung to long-drum
teachings [ bh] and cymbal music CF ekak\siuk\qM
budÎh¨; [bou' dåhu:] n 1) Mercury CF “gioh\ 2) Wednesday buMsa [bon za]
budÎh¨;nM [bou' dåhu: nan] n anything or anyone with a bMutiu [bon to] n œ; short drum, smallest of the big drums
name beginning with y, r, l, or w
budÎh¨;Arp\ [bou' dåhu: åya'] n south S YN etac\ bMuetac\ [bon daung] n sœmall drum played with
CF Arp\e l;m¥k\ Nxa drumsticks = bMueTac\
bn\ka [ban ka] n bunker [Engl] bMuetak\(qM) [bon dau' (than)] n œsong sung to the

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 289

bMu; ª b¥qntra;cå;på;
diu;pt\ (short drum), representing a happy journey in 2) [navy] rear admiral CF raT¨;
drama biul\K¥op\”k^; [bo gyo' kyi:] n Í1) [army, air force] general
bMueTac\ [bon daung] n œsmall, untuned drum played 2) [navy] admiral CF raT¨;
with drumsticks = bMuetac\ biul\K¥op\mØ;”k^; [bo gyo' hmu: gyi:] n Ísenior general
bMumhut\pt\mhut\ [bon måho' pa' måho'] n [fig] neither CF raT¨;
fish nor fowl (Upsa), neither one thing nor another biul\e®K [bo gye] n ÓÍarmed forces CF ss\tp\
CF Pa;ts\piuc\;cå;ts\piuc\; biul\sa;cxk\ [bo za: hnge'] n snipe
pMu®mHMo; [bon hmyon:] n fish trap the shape of a double- biul\sa;p´ [bo za: bE:] n Œgreen bean, French bean
headed drum biul\sX´' biul\SX´ [bo swE:] v be a champion [? only
bMurxv\ [bon she] n œlong, Konbaung-period drum, compete for a championship?]
carried on a strap around the neck biul\t´ [bo dE:] n Ó1) company house, house provided
bMurxv\zat\ [bon she za'] n Ódrama performed outdoors at for foreigners by their company or by the colonial
ground level CF e®mwiuc\;zat\ government 2) boarding house (for foreigners, in
bMuMlMu [bon lon] n 1) bamboo fish trap with a lid 2) Œkind colonial times) 3) summer house (for foreigners, in
of vine with small, edible fruit 3) Œsmall tree that colonial times)
grows near creeks 4) edible ridged luffa = pMulMu biul\Tu [bo du.] n ÓÍarmed forces CF ss\tp\
biul\på [bo ba] n 1) Ítroops 2) populace, public; crowd
bMuMlMutiuc\ [bon lon dain] n bollard, strong post for
attaching a rope = pMulMutiuc\ biul\pMu [bo bon] n gathering; public
bMuqa [bon dha] n œsmall, melodious drum for royal biul\pMuAly\ [bo bon ålE] adv in public
ceremonies biul\mTa; [bo måhta:] v be second to none, unrivalled
bMu;1 [bon:] n fishtrap the shape of a double-headed drum = pMu' biul\mØ; [bo hmu:] n Í1) [army, air force] major 2) [navy]
pMu®mHMo; lieutenant commander CF rat¨;
bMu;2 [bon:] n Íbomb, mine, shell, or other exploding weapon biul\mØ;”k^; [bo hmu: gyi:] n Í1) [army, air force] colonel
[Engl] Ω e®m®mHop\bMu; landmine 2) [navy] captain 3) you (addressing an army lieutenant
bMu;”k´ [bon: kyE:] v Íbomb, drop bombs (on) S YN bMu;K¥ colonel) 4) he (referring to an army lieutenant colonel)
bMu;”k´elyaU\ [bon: kyE: le yin] n Íbomber CF raT¨;
bMu;Kiuk¥c\; [bon: kho gyin:] n Íbomb shelter; trench biul\mØ;K¥op\ [bo hmu: gyo'] n Í1) [army, air force]
bMu;K¥ [bon: cha.] n Ídrop bombs (on), bomb S YN bMu;Âk´ bridadier general 2) [navy] commodore CF raT¨;
bMu;SM(s) [bon: zan sa.] n Íshrapnel biul\mØ;wn\”k^; [bo hmu: wun gyi:] n Ó∏ÍMinister of War
bMu;ps\kXc\; [bon; pyi' kwin;] n Ípractice range biul\ROKM [bo shu. gan] n Í1) Óroyal audience given to
bMu;p¥M [bon: pyan] n Ímissile generals in the afternoon 2) grand military parade,
bMu;ePak\ [bon: hpau'] v Ídetonate, set off (bomb, mine, military review
etc) biul\lupX´ [bo lu. bwE:] n final match (in a tournament)
bMu;epåleAa [bon: baw: låaw] adv lavishly, extravagently biul\liu [bo lo] adv (speak) in English
by\ªBy\ [bE] n left biul\elac\; [bo laung:] n Í(officer) cadet
biul\ [bo] n 1) Í[army, air force] lieutenant; [navy] sub- biul\lup\ [bo lou'] v 1) take charge, lead 2) boss (sb)
lieutenant CF raT¨; 2) ∞white person 3) leader around; lord it over (sb)
4) champion S YN K¥n\p^yM 5) ÓÍcommander of 100 biul\wc\KM [bo win khan] v Írecruit troops (to a specific
soldiers; military force force)
biul\keta\ [bo gådaw] n 1) wife of a military officer biul\qc\tn\; [bo thin dan:] n Í(military) officer training
2) Ómistress of a colonist biul\qc\tn\;ek¥ac\; [bo thin dan: kyaung:] n Íofficer
biul\keta\k¥ [bo gådaw kya.] n Ómistress of a colonist, training school
who has been left biœNiu; [bei' thåno:] n 1) Vishnu, Hindu deity representing
biul\k®pa; [bo ka. bya;] n Eurasian, Anglo-Indian, person preservation [? brahma, shiva] 2) Óancient capital of
who is half white the Pyu, near Magwe CF p¥ø
biul\ek [bo ke] n crew cut; short hairstyle for men, as biuh\ [bo] n Óten ticals
opposed to traditional long hair b¥ [bya.] part polite form used by men, yes (to show that sb
biul\kit\p´ [bo kei' pE:] n Œcow pea; black-eyed pea has one's attention); excuse me (to indicate one has not
biul\k¥ [bo kya.] v bully, be bossy, domineer understood) CF Kc\b¥a [? check: not also abbr?]
biul\”k^; [bo gyi:] n Í1) [army, air force] captain
2) [navy] lieutenant 3) you (addressing an army Ap¥y [åbya. ya.]
n [gram] a word which cannot be declined
lieutenant) 4) he (referring to an army lieutenant) (according to gender, number, etc)
CF raT¨; b¥qntra;cå;på; [bya. thåna. tåya: nga: ba:] n five forms of loss:
biul\K¥op\ [bo gyo'] n Í1) [army, air force] major general Ω ˆati-b¥qn loss of all relatives; eBag-b¥qn loss of weatlth

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 290

b¥a ª b¥v\;
or capital; erag-b¥qn troubled by illness, loss of lealth; q^l- 2) start a war, go to war
b¥qn loss of moral compass; di™i-b¥qn loss of noble concepts b¥øhaKc\; [byu ha khin:] v Í1) deploy troops for battle
[? change this around a bit: is it really loss, or more like 2) start a war, go to war
ruin? decay? downfall? five ways a person can be b¥øhaSc\ [byu ha hsin] v Í1) deploy troops for battle
destroyed?] 2) start a war, go to war
b¥a [bya] part µ 1) abbreviation of Kc\b¥a, polite form used by b¥øhae®mak\ [byu ha myau'] v plan or arrange sthg
men, yes (to show that sb has one's attention) cleverly; (of tactics) be effective, be clever
2) excuse me (to indicate (a man) has not understood) b¥øhamØ; [byu ha hmu;] n Í [? get from somewhere]
b¥io' b¥io> [byo, byo.] part µ response used by men, to show
b¥akRu%\;k¥m\;' b¥akRiu%\;k¥m\; [bya kåron: kyan:, bya kårain: attention CF Kc\b¥a
kyan:] n 1) treatise on grammar 2) book on temporary — int word called out to get attention Ω p´®pot\qv\b¥io>
measures to avert misfortune CF yÂta Hallo bean seller!
b¥adit\ [bya dei'] n 1) ‹divine communication, esp the b¥io; [byo:] part call of the public crier
Buddha's prophecies and preordinations [ bh] 2) royal b¥io;Tiu; [byo: hto:] v (of public crier) announce = b¥io;hs\
pronouncement Ω b¥adit\eta\-® mt\-Atiuc\;-påBura;" As you b¥io;hs\ [byo: hi'] (of public crier) announce = b¥io;Tiu;
command, your majesty. b¥iok\ [byai'] n Œshrub growing in marshlands
b¥adit\KM [bya dei' khan] v ‹ask for divine communication b¥iok\eta [byai' taw:] n thickets of bushes in marshy
from the Buddha areas
b¥adit\Ta; [bya dei' hta:] v make a divine or royal b¥gÌsa [bye' båza] n ßapparent backward movement of a
planet along the ecliptic, retrograde path
b¥adit\ep; [bya dei' pe:] v [? defs checks also below] b¥ioc\; [byain:] n lesser egret Ω ktXt\-epåk\k p¥ioc\;esac\.qliu
b¥adit\®p [bya dei' pya.] v ‹display a divine or royal like an egret waiting at the paddy sluice (where the fish
must come out)
b¥adit\r [bya dei' ya.] v ‹receive divine communication, b¥ioc\;eK¥;' b¥ioc\;e®K; [byain: chi:] n Œkind of medicinal herb
esp when a boddhisattva receives an indication of when
with yellow flowers
he will become a Buddha
b¥ioc\;cn\; [byain: ngan:] n greater egret
b¥aDi [bya di>] n ill health, illness, sickness, infirmity b¥ioc\;tara [byain: ta ya] n ©constellation Cassiopeia, W-
b¥apå [bya ba] n [drama] motions of a drama show actress shaped constellation near Polaris
showing anxiety CF A“cim\. b¥ioc\;etac\ [byain: daung] n œ1) small, two-headed drum
b¥apåSM [bya ba zan] n girls' hair style, with longer locks played with drumsticks, and used only at funerals CF buM
of hair loose behind the ears 2) music played on this drum CF t^; lMu;
b¥apåd [bya ba da.] n ill will, malice, malevolence A NT estna b¥ioc\;Nxm\;' b¥ioc\;eAak\ [byain: hnan;, byain; au'] n Indian
b¥pår [bya ba ra.] n 1) exertion, endeavour S YN Aa;Tut\mO pond heron
2) anxiety, worry S YN eÂkac\.ÂkmO b¥s\ [byi'] n beer CF B^ya
b¥am¥a; [bya mya:] v 1) be anxious, be worried 2) be busy, b¥s\pXc\. [byi' pwin.] n hops
have a lot to do b¥s\rv\ [byi' ye] n beer
b¥aqc\. [bya thin.] v [lit] be disquieted, be beset by anxiety b¥s\ªp¥s\ [byi'] v [in comb] be thick, be viscous
b¥a. [bya.] part polite form used by men, yes (to show that sb b¥s\SX´ªp¥s\SX´ [byi' hswE:] adv sluggishly
has one's attention); excuse me (to indicate one has not b¥s\T¨ªp¥s\T¨ [byi' htu] adv 1) thickly 2) [fig] thick-
understood) = b¥ headedly, stupidly
b¥a; [bya:] part 1) polite particle used by males 2) polite b¥s\Tiuc\ªp¥s\Tiuc\ [byi' htain] n bore [? check]
response when called, or when one has not understood b¥s\etak\b¥s\etak\ [byi' tau' byi' tau'] adv querulously;
= Kc\b¥a; CF rxc\ (criticise) endlessly
b¥øRiu [byu ro] n bureau, office, government department b¥êta; [byin såta;] n ßgroup of five planets, from Tuesday
[Engl] to Saturday Ag: Mars, budÎh¨; Mercury, Âkaqpet;
b¥øRiukers^ [byu ro kåre si] n bureaucracy [Engl] CF yN|ra; Jupiter, eqaÂka venus, sen Saturn S YN pêta;“gio h\ [ pl
— adj bureaucratic ph]
b¥øRiukrk\ [byu ro kåre'] n bureaucrat [Engl] b¥v\; [byi;] n consonant, of which there are 33 in the
b¥øha [byu ha] n 1) Íunit [? look in the military dictionary Myanmar script Ω b¥v\;sU\ order of the consonants, i.e.,
--] 2) Ítactics concerning military operations planning alphabetical order CF Akƒra' karn\' qr vowel, Aqt\
CF ss\Sc\' mhab¥øha 3) systematic arrangment b¥v\;tX´ [byi; dwE;] n combination of consonants, e.g., Â_
S YN AKc\Ak¥c\; [? check Pali Thet -- planning?] _x _X _ Á
4) Ímassing of troops, host, legion, horde b¥v\;epåk\ [byi; bau'] n œseven stop holes in traditional
wood instruments CF Nx´' puelX [ ms]
b¥øhak¥c\; [byu ha kyin:] v Í1) deploy troops for battle b¥v\;Akƒra [byi; e' khåya] n 1) the 33 consonants of the

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 291

b¥t†i ª ebX
Pali-based Myanmar script from k to A [? check what e®bac\k¥ [byaung kya.] v be open, be candid, be frank
is def 2? from myanma hmu. ... and put in the next one e®bac\kXy\ [byaung kwE] v blatantly deny [? check usage]
too?] 2) e®bac\eK¥a [byaung gyaw;] v (of a surface) be plain and
b¥t†i [bya' ti>] n courage, bravery smooth
b¥p\ [bya'] n circular laquered wooden or split-bamboo e®bac\tiuk\ [byaung tai']v be blatant, be glaring [? need
tray various according to examples]
b¥p\esac\; [bya' saung;] n œkind of lute [ ms] e®bac\;Sn\ [byaung; hsan] v be in chaos, be in disorder, be in
b¥p\®pv\. [bya' pyi>] n kind of large banana (two bunches turmoil, be in confusion, be in a mess (inf)
of which can fill a tray) “bisÍa [byei' hsa] n ßScorpio, the 8th sign of the zodiac
b¥opJt\ [byo' pa'] n etymology, the origin or derivation of CF raq^Rup\
words [ pl] ®bt\ [bya'] n Œkind of high-quality rice, grown in the
®ba;s^; [bya; zi;] adv 1) (scatter) all over 2) (talk) ramblingly, central region CF ekak\”k^;
digressively ®bot\sb¥c\;etac\; [byo' sa. byin; daung;] n bits and pieces, odds
“bitiqY [brI tI sha.] adj ∏British Ω “bitiqYqMRuM; British Embassy and ends S YN tiul^miul^' suMs^nma
[? forgot to put in earlier...] — adv untidily
®bø; [byu;] n Œkind of mangrove ®bon\;ª®Pon\; [byon;] n 1) tailings, cast 2) stone not of gem
®bø;e®KeTak\ [byu; chi dau'] n kind of small mangrove quality
with fragrant yellow flowers, and medicinal properties ®bon\;sa;”k^; [byon; za; gyi;] adv ™unexpectedly, suddenly [?
®bø;biuc\;etac\. [byu; bain; daung.] n Œsmall tree with dark and unpleasantly???]
red flowers and medicinal properties ®bon\;sa;®bc\;sa; [byon; za; byin; za;] adv 1) immediately,
“bitin\(Niuc\cM) [brI tein (nain ngan)] n ∏Britain CF bilt\' urgently 2) suddenly, without warning
y¨Niuk\tk\kc\;dm\;' Agçlip\ [? check others, put in S YN ®bon\;®bc\;enac\®bc\;
British] ®bon\;®bc\;Sn\Kt\ [byon; byin; hsan kha'] adv in chaos, in turmoil
®bø;då; [byu; da;] n bitter luffa S YN pMulMuKå;
“b´ [byE;] n Ó young man ®bon\;®bc\;enac\®bc\; [byon; byin; naung byin;]
adv 1) immediately,
“b´tiuk\ [byE; dai'] n Ó1) quarters for unmarried men of urgently 2) suddenly, without warning S YN ®bon\; sa;®bc\; sa;
the king's retinue, esp the junior ministers and their
scribes 2) privy council of the four junior counsellors ®bon\;®bon\;diuc\;diuc\; [byon; byon; dain; dain;] adv 1) suddenly,
and others CF AtXc\;wn\ abruptly 2) noisily
e®ba [byaw;] n œ1) kind of long drum, played by two ®bon\;emX; [byon; mwe;] n Œplant eaten as a vegetable and
musicians CF ®pot\® pot\® pon\; used as a medicine
e®baVXn\Ï [byaw; nyun.] n œsong accompanied by e®ba ®bhµsiur\tra;' ®bhµwihartra;el;på; [byåmåzo tåya;, byåma.
e®baqM [byaw; dhan] n œ1) song based on a tune wI ha ra. tåya; le; ba;] n ‹four great virtues,love, mercy,
accompanied by e®ba 2) tune played to the beat of the ability to rejoice at others' good fortune, tolerance
e®ba emt†a' kRu%a' mudita' Uepkƒa [ bh] [? check]
“bio>ht\ [byo. ha'] n ßtitle of a treatise on astrology ®bhµa [byåma] n Brahma, beings superior to nt\ and
®bk\ [bye'] n width, breadth (of a surface) S YN AnM humans, and living in a higher heaven CF l¨' nt\ [ bs]
CF Al¥a ®bhµdt\ [by] n legendary king of the distant past
e®bak\1 [byau'] n 1) firecracker 2) [sl] ∞pistol, revolver CF bara%q^ [? check pronunciation]
3) œclapper (used to beat time) ®bhµ% [byåmåna.] n 1) pure, saintly person 2) Brahmin
e®bak\tMu; [byau' ton;] n œhollow wooden block beaten CF pu•a;
to keep time in a traditional orchestra CF Siuc\;wiuc\; ®bhµ%pc\sim\; [byAmAna. pin zein;] n Œholy basil, an herb
e®bak\Aiu; [byau' o;] n firecracker ®bhµput†®ms\ [byåm] n ∏Brahmaputra River
e®bak\2 [byau'] n any spotted bird ®bahµ^Akƒra [båran mi e' khåya] n Brahmi script, developed in
e®bak\eqak\ªe®pak\eqak\ [byau' dhau'] v be India in the 8th century BC Ω ®mn\matiuÏ ®bahµ^-Akƒram¥a;kiu
miscellaneous; be diverse mXn\l¨m¥io;tiuÏ-tSc\.ry¨K´.ty\" Myanmar took its script from
“biok\ªb¥iok\ [byai'] n kind of shrub growing in marshland Brahmi script, via the Mons.
e®bac\ªe®pac\ [byaung] adv 1) openly, frankly, candidly bX^p^p^ [bwi pi pi] abbr VPP, value payable by post [Engl]
Ω e®bac\ e®pa be (ruthlessly) frank [? check ; also add ebX1 [bwe] n 1) centre (of a place) S YN bhiu' Aly\
blatant??] 2) conspicuously, openly, in plain view, [neg] 2) whorl, spiraling or curling form 3) (in hair) cowlick
flagrantly; obviously Ω e®bac\lim\ obviously lying = SMe bX
— v 1) [in comb] be plain, have no pattern, lines, ebXK¥a [bwe cha] n [poet] centre
covering, etc; be blank, be unruled Ω e®bac\TB^ plain ebXK¥alv\ [bwe cha lE] v spin, revolve
sarong Ω e®bac\sarXk\ unruled paper; Ω e®bac\kXm\;q^; shelled ebXK¥in\KXc\ [bwe chein gwin] n double cowlicks
betel nut [? check also no writing?] ebXsaeTac\ [bwe za htaung] v lean sheaves of rice against

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 292

ebX ª Bw
each other (illus) ebXeSa\U^; [bwe zaw u;] adv firstly [? check usage]
ebXsaPXp\ [bwe za hpu'] v thresh rice (to remove grains ebXlu [bwe lu.] v decide who should will go first
(in a
from stalk) = spå;ny\' tlc\;ny\ game) S YN eKåc\lu
ebXSiuc\Tiu; [bwe zain hto;] v put sheaves of rice in a circle
bXk\ [bwe'] n (puddle of) mud; mire; bog Ω ROMbXk\ mud
(illus) puddle; Ω erbXk\ puddle (of water)
ebXePak\ [bwe hpau'] v be erratic, be aberrant, go mad bXk\epåk\ [bwe' pau'] v 1) be muddy, be boggy 2) [fig]
(also of animals) CF sit\ePak\®pn\ be riddled with, be full of Ω eKt\k-mekac\;eta. AKXc\.Aer;-
ebXy¨ [bwe yu] v take offence, be offended Ω ebXmy¨pån´Ï" qma;etX bXk\epåk\-en-tap´" Hard times are riddled with
Please don't be offended. opportunists.
ebX2 [bwe] n first turn, opening move (in a game) bXt\ [bu'] n (various kinds of) bulbul = ®pXt\
ebXeSa\ [bwe zaw] n first, foremost

B1 [ba.] n twenty-fourth consonant in the Myanmar Byankrq [båya nåka. ya. tha.] n ¬quality of arousing
script. Many words previously spelled with B are now fear, dread, fright, etc CF rqkiu;på;' eÂkak\rXM>' Tit\ln\Ï
spelled with P, e.g., Bt\ªPt\, Binp\ªPinp\ and some Bya;Ait\ªbya;Ait\ [båya; ei'] n Ólarge shoulder bag
words still spelled with B are pronounced as though CF lXy\Ait\
spelled with P, e.g., BXA; Byk\ [båye'] n kind of necklace CF SX´”kio;' dXådra
Bkun\; [ba. gon;] n name of the B Byk\KXk\ [båye' khwe'] n large flat pendant, medallion
B2 [ba.] n father L I T : ‘The father is like the grandfather.’ Br%^ [båråni] n 1) ©three-star constellation in Aries
Ω Bm¥io; Biu; t¨" Like father, like son. S YN AP' AeP' PKc\' 2) second lunar mansion [? check what is this lunar
BKc\ CF P' miB' B' Biu;' eB;' B^' Bc\' B´' eBa mansion!]
Bras^ya [båra si ya] n brassiere [Engl] CF eBa\l^' rxc\m^;
— part polite title sometimes used for an older man Niu”t^ [no tAri] n notary (public), sb authorised to certify the
CF U^; authenticity of documents, copies, signatures, etc
B”k^; [ba.. gyi;] n 1) uncle 2) uncle (father's older [Engl] [? ok? ]
brother) 3) uncle (mother's older sister's husband) Bra;qa; [bA ra; dha;] n (in company names) brothers
=BB CF eSXm¥io;suz ya;' U^;”k^;/el; BR¨en [bAru ne] n ∏Brunei
— pron you, used to address a man older than one's BRiukit\ [båro kei'] n brocade [Engl]
Brc\g¥^ [båyin gyi] n 1) Roman Catholic 2) white person, esp
BKc\ [hpa. gin] n father = PKc\' AeP' AP' B Portugese
Bts\®pn\k¥a;ts\®pn\ [ba. dåbyan kya; dåbyan] adv [fig]
Brc\;gn\; [bårin; gan;] n Bren gun, machine gun [Engl]
alternately, back and forth (as in an evenly matched
Brit\ [bårei'] n brake [Engl]
fight, where neither side can maintain an advantage)
BeTX; [ba. dwe;] n 1) uncle (father's younger brother) Brit\Aup\ [bårei' ok'] v 1) brake, step on the brake(s)
2) [fig] put on the brakes Upsa, restrain, control
2) uncle (mother's younger sister's husband) 3) uncle
eSXm¥io;suz ya;' U^;”k^;/el;
Brn\d^ [båran di] n brandy [Engl]
BB [ba. ba.] n 1) uncle 2) uncle (father's older brother) Belak\ [bålau'] n 1) block, distance between two streets
(in Yangon) Ω 52lm\; Aly\Belak\ 52nd Street, middle
3) uncle (mother's older sister's husband) = B”k^;
block 2) πblock 3) blouse, woman's shirt [Engl]
CF eSXm¥io;suz ya;' U^;”k^;/el;

— pron you, to a man older than one's father, or to Bw [båwa.] n 1) life Ω s^;pXa;er;Bw economic life Ω rv\;sa;-Bw-
one's B”k^;
tun\; k enÏ tuic\; q¨®ptc\;e®pak\ eAak\mxa q^K¥c\; laSuity\"
Before we were married I used to sing underneath her
Bqa;eK¥a [ba. dha; gyaw;] pron pronoun used to tease a
window every day. [? example ok?] 2) ‹state of
young man, or express mild disapproval S YN d^ekac\'
existence, being Ω Atit\-Bw' Arc\-Bw' erx;Bw past life,
past existence; Ω prMpr-Bw' psßo pJn\-Bw present life, present
BgN»iol\na [bågan do na] n haemorrhoids, bleeding piles existence; Ω psßkƒBw' enak\-Bw' gti next existence, next
CF lip\eKåc\;' ®mc\;qRiu k\
Bz¨ka [båzu ka] n bazooka, rocket launcher [Engl] Bwk¨; [båwa. ku;] v die, pass from one existence to
Bnn\; [bånan;] part nearly, almost S YN AM.lBnn\;' lun^;på; another
ByeS;ªpreS; [(pårå, båya.) pålåhse:] n medicinal herbs, BwÂkmµa [båwa. kyan ma] n destiny
pharmaceutical herbs Bw®Ka; [båwa. cha;] v 1) lead different lives 2) die, pass
Bya [båya] n 1) danger S YN AN|ray\' eB;rn\ 2) fear [? away
check good syn] BwSn\ [båwa. hsan] v ¬be realistic, esp of portrayal of

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 293

Bwå;ªPwå; ª Ba
common people's lives — adj Brazilian
BwSMu [båwa. hson] v 1) die 2) [fig] have not more Bwc\ [båwin] n 1) unconscious, subconscious, the mind
opportunities, be in a dead end Upsa, have no chance to below the level of thought, e.g., in a trance CF w^Tisit\
change or improve one's life S YN BwtMu;' Bweq [? [? check] 2) heart; mind S YN si t\NxlMu;
check] Bwc\kiuc\ [båwin kain] v be proud, be conceited CF man”k^;
Bwt%xa [båwa. tåhna] n ‹craving for existence
Bwt¨ [båwa. du] n sb in the same boat Upsa, sb with the Bwc\k¥ [båwin kya.] v 1) (of ecstatic consciousness)
same problems, sb in the same (difficult) situation subside into trance [? check] 2) be satisfied, be pleased
[? check this is a much stronger word in u ho' sein]
Bwts\på;e®pac\; [båwa. dåba; pyaung;] v die
BwtMu; [båwa. ton;] v 1) die 2) [fig] have no more Bwc\Kiuk\ [båwin khai'] v be delighted; be titillated [?
opportunities, be in a dead end Upsa, have no chance to check tit.]
change or improve one's life S YN BwSMu;' Bweq Bwc\Kun\ [båwin khon] v (of heart) palpitate
Bwc\eKX> [båwin khwe.] v feel satisfied, feel pleased
Bwna [båwa. na] v have had many bitter experiences, Bwc\esa\ [båwin saw] v be rapt, be spellbound [? check
have had a lot of trouble in life; have had a hard life; last]
have been to the school of hard knocks Upsa [? check Bwc\tun\ [båwin ton] v be excited, be agitated
about last] Bwc\®mc\. [båwin myin.] v be conceited, be self-admiring, be
Bwe®pac\; [båwa. pyaung;] v 1) change from one state to egotistical, be self-satisfied, think highly of oneself
another, change one's situation [? check] 2) die
CF Bha;ma;kÁn\; [bAha; ma; kyun;] n ∏Bahama (Island) [ cr]
Bwp¥k\ [båwa. pye'] v be ruined, have one's life ruined Bha;m^;ym\; [bAha; mi; yan;] n&adj Bahamian Beh;m^ym\
Bw®Ps\sU\ [båwa. hpyi' sin] n life story CF AtÊopJti† Note: English pronunciation is
Bwem. [båwa. me.] v forget where one came from Upsa, Ba [ba] pron&adj what, which Ω Ba-(saAup\)-Pt\enql´"
put one's past (i.e., one's humble beginnings) behind What (book) are you reading? Ω Ba-k¨v-^ r-ml´" How can I
one, and become proud [? check] help you? CF lit mv\qv\.
Bwersk\ [båwa. ye ze'] n predestination, destiny, esp BaÚvaÚ [ba…nya…] part affix indicating that there
destined friendship, love, etc of people connected by is more which is unsaid: and so on, and so forth, and
deeds in their past lives the like, and all that, this and that Ω Bae®paty\
Bweq [båwa. the] v (of person) be at a dead end Upsa; vae®paty\" She said this and that. CF Bava' BaetX'
(of life) stall, be over Upsa, stagnate Upsa hiuha
Bwqma; [båwa. thåma;] n sb used to difficult Bakliutiutiu [ba gålo to to] n something in the air
experiences = Baliuliu
Bwqs\ [båwa. thi'] n 1) new life, transformed BaeÂkac\. [ba kyaung.] adv why, for what reason
circumstances 2) new existence, next life S YN enak\-Bw CF Ba‘pliuÏ' Ba®Ps\liuÏ' BaliuÏ' Balup\(PiuÏ)
CF Bw-ehac\; Bava(Bava)' BaetX(vaetX) [ba nya (ba nya), ba dwe
Bwqs\sKn\; [båwa. thi' såkhan;] n CF r´Bk\sKn\;' (nya dwe)] part [affixed to a noun] and so on, and all
lup\Aa;rxc\ that, what have you, suchlike, stuff, things (that do not
BwqMu;på; [bAwa. thon: ba;] n ‹three states of existence need to be mentioned); blah blah blah, and so on, and
Ω kam-Bw state of existence in which there is material form so forth: substitute for speech that does not need to be
and sensual gratification; Ω R¨pBw state of existence in repeated Ω Ark\' eS;lip\etX BaetX y¨mlan´´Ï" Don't
which there is material form, but no sensual gratification; bring alcohol, cigarettes, and things like that. Ω saAup\n´Ï'
Ω AR¨p-Bw state of existence in which there is neither K´tMn´Ï' BaetXn´Ï laerak\Âkty\" They came with their
material form nor sensual gratification CF BMu books, pencils, and things. Ω {Bae®pal´"} {Ark\®Pt\-
Bwehac\; [båwa. haung;] n 1) previous existence, past Bava-Bava' elac\;-ksa;-Bava-Bava' ekac\mel;-
life S YN erx;-Bw' Arc\Bw CF Bw-qs\ 2) the past Bava-Bava"} “What did she say?” “Stop drinking blah
S YN Atit\ blah blah, gambling blah blah blah, girls blah blah blah.”
Bwrxc\ [båwa shin] n king, monarch, sovereign
Bwå;ªPwå; [hpåwa;] 1) palm of the hand 2) sole of the foot Bap´®Ps\®Ps\ [ba pE hpyi' hpyi'] pron whatever
Ba‘pliuÏ' Ba®Ps\liuÏ [ba pyu. lo., ba hpyi' lo.] adv why, how
Bw´ [båwE;] n octopus S YN erem¥ak\' erqr´ (illus) come S YN BaliuÏ BaeÂkac\.' Balup\(PiuÏ)

Bwg\ [båwe'] n 1) the highest of the 13 planes of existence BaBavava [ba ba nya nya] n anything
enwqvanaqvaytn-BMu CF BMu 2) [fig] apex, zenith,
S YN BamSiu [ba måhso] n anything (at all) CF mSiu
highest point, heights BamT^ [ba måhti] n daredevil
Braz^; [bAra zi;] n 1) ∏Brazil 2) Brazilian Bamx' BamY n [with neg verb] anything, nothing
Ω Bamx me®pan´Ï" Don't say anything. Ω Bamx mpåB¨;" There's

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 294

Bag^ ª Biqit\
nothing in it. Ω Bamx-mÂkaB¨;" Not long at all. CF ™ mx' ¬ Baqaskapva [ba dha zåga; pyin nya] n philology, study
mY of classic written works [? check]
Baliuliu [ba lo lo] n sthg (in the air) Baqatra; [ba dha tåya;] n religion
Baliuliun´Ï [ba lo lo nE.] adv without being aware of it, who BaqaDel. [ba dha dåle.] n custom, practice S YN TMu;sM
would have thought Baqa®pn\ [ba dha pyan] [ba dha byan] v translate (esp
BaliuÏ [ba lo.] adv why S YN Ba®Ps\liuÏ' Ba‘pliuÏ CF BaeÂkac\.' writing); interpret (speech)
Balup\(PiuÏ) — n 1) translation, translated work 2) translator;
Balup\(PiuÏ) [ba lo' (hpo.)]
adv why, what for CF Ba‘pliuÏ' interpreter CF ska;®pn\
Ba®Ps\liuÏ' BaliuÏ' BaeÂkac\. Baqaebd [ba dha be da.] n linguistics, study of nature
Baeqavaeqa [ba thaw; nya thaw;] n anything at all, and structure of speech
sthg no matter what BaqaBaw [ba dha ba wa.] adv 1) according to instinct
Bary\vary\ [ba yE nya yE] n stuff, things 2) according to environment 3) according to tradition
Bag^ [ba gi] n buggy, carriage, four-wheeled horse cart
CF®mc\;rTa; Baqam.´ [ba dha mE.] n atheist
Bag¥a [ba gya] n 1) harmonica, mouth organ Ω Bag¥a-mOt\ play Baqaer; [ba dha ye;] n religion; religious affairs
the harmonica 2) concertina CF Aeka\d^yM accordian (illus qaqnaer;
all three) [? check play] Baqarp\ [ba dha ya'] n subject (of study)
Bag¥atMKå; [ba gya dåga;] n security gate [? get real Baqalwå' BaqiBaqa [ba dha (hpa tha) låwa, hap dhI
word] hpa dha] adv 1) by oneself 2) indifferently
Bag¥^;n^;ya;eS; [ba gyi; ni; ya; hse;] n Virginia tobacco [Engl] Baqawåd [ba dha wa da.] n creed [? check]
Batasns\ [ba ta såni'] n ¥barter system [Engl] BaqaqXc\; [ba dha thwin;] v induct (into a religion)
S YN kun\Plx y\sns\ CF Al´ Alx y\ BaqN| r [ba than dåra.] n foreign language CF ska; Baqa
BaB¨ [ba bu] n babu, polite term of address for an Indian Ba; [ba;] n 1) bar, place where alcoholic drinks are served
man S YN Ark\ Siuc\ 2) gymnastics 3) [in comb] bar, rod
BaB¨esac\ [ba bu zaung] n kind of cotton blanket Ω qM Ba;tn\; rebar [Engl]
Ba®mødå [ba myu da] n ∏Bermuda [ cr] Ba;kÁm\; [ba; gyun;] n gymnastics = kÁm\;Ba;
Bal^ [ba li] n barley [Engl] S YN mueya(spå;) Ba;tn\; [ba: dan;] n bar, rod, long thin piece of sthg
Baw [ba wa.] n 1) nature 2) ¬emotion 3) genitals, private stiff
parts Upsa S YN (lic\)Ag: 4) [in comb] being, state Bi
1 [bI] n 1) weight, press, sthg used to hold sthg down
BaqaBaw' pun\; Baw' ItÊiBaw' Sc\;r´qa;Baw poverty, 2) deadfall = Pi
q¨cy\K¥c\;Baw friendship, Baw' wiBaw' ANuBaw last Bi
2 [bI] part suffix to verb, for emphasis, vividness,
three: three aesthetic qualities necessary in literature strong feeling
and song [? check this, get other defs, add last into def Bi3 [bI] n œbeat [Engl]
2] Bi [bI] n œbar used to play slide guitar
BawRup\ [ba wa. yo'] n physical features of the genders Bistit\ [bI såtei'] n 1) beefsteak, thick slice of fried or
BawRup\Nxs\på; [ba wa. yo' hnåba;] n male and female grilled beef 2) steak, a thick slice of meat or other food
marionettes [Engl] Ω Âkk\Bistit\
Bawna [ba wåna] n 1) bhawana, short phrases for repitition Binp\ªPinp\ [hpAna'] n 1) footwear, shoe, sandal, slipper
in meditation CF kmµ@ an\; 2) development, mental Ω RØ;Pi np\' biu l\Pinp\ (closed) shoes Ω KMuPinp\ (high) heels (illus)
culture, meditation CF wipqana 2) plinth, block beneath a pagoda
Bawˆa%\ [ba wåna nyan] n knowledge gained by Biliyk\' Bil¥k\ [bI lI ye', bi> lye'] n billiards; snooker [Engl]
meditation [? check didn't we already have this? check CF k¥øtM cue
both others] Biliyk\KMu' Bil¥k\KMu [bI lI ye' khon, bI lye' khon] n billiard
BawnapXa; [ba wåna pwa;] v practice abstract meditation table
Bils\ [bI li'] n bailiff [Engl]
Baqa [ba dha] n 1) language Ω Niuc\cM®Ka;-Baqam¥a; foreign Bilp\ [bI la'] n [in comb] Britain CF “bitiqY' Agçlip\
languages CF BaqN|r RF Baqaska;. 2) religion Bilp\e®m [bI la' mye] n cement
CF qaqna RF Baqatra;. 3) subject (of study) Bilp\rv\ [bI la' ye] n fizzy drink (Br), soft drink (Am),
S YNpvarp\ RF Baqarp\. [hpa tha] 4) custom, practice
pop (Am), soda (Am)
Ω BaqaAliu k\ according to (one's) usual practice or
Biqit\ [bei' thei'] [ ph] n consecration, esp by pouring water
custom S YN Del.TMu; sM RF BaqaDel.
= (A)Bie qK [ ph] [? check =]
— adv by oneself; [? check okell] Biqit\pn\; [bei' thei' pan;] n 1) flowers used to sprinkle
Baqa®Ka; [ba dha gya;] n 1) foreign language 2) person water in a consecration ceremony; flowers which have
with a different religion (from oneself) been blessed 2) sweet sultan, cornflower, (often used in
Baqaska; [ba dha zåga;] n language consecration ceremony)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 295

B^ ª Buzpt\
Biqit\e®mHak\' Biqit\qXc\; [bei' thei' hmyau', bei' thei' B^l¨;pn\;kiuk\ [bålu; pan; gai'] n relief showing an ogre's
thwin;] v consecrate, make sacred [? check def] head with flowers in its mouth CF B^l¨; pn\;SX´
B^1 [bi] n great great grandfather, grandfather of one's B^l¨;pn\;SX´ [bålu; pan; zwE;] n relief showing an ogre
grandfather CF B' eSXm¥io;suzya; with flowers in both hands CF B^l¨;pn\; kiuk\
B^m [bi ma.] n great great grandmother B^l¨;m [bålu; ma.] n ogress
B^2 [bi] n bill, list or statement of charges to be paid B^l¨;mtiuc\Kiu; [bålu; ma. tain go;] n general post, a
[Engl] children's game
B^ [bi] n B [Engl] B^l¨;mrk\kn\;’ki; [bålu; ye' kan; gyo;] n aerial roots
B^s^ [bi si] n BC, Before Christ (now often C.E., Common hanging from vines in trees
Era) CF Krs\Nxs\ B^l¨;m¥k\kXc\; [bålu; mye' gwin;] n whipping (on cord of
B^s^g¥^ [bi si gyi] n BCG, tuberculosis vaccine amulet)
B^eA [bi e] n BA, Bachelor of Arts [Engl] Ω B^eAgu%\T¨; B^lMu; [bi lon;] n oriental skylark
BA with honours B^qXaªb^qXa [bi thwa] n flax S YN Nxm\;Âkt\
B^eAepåc\; [bi e baung;] n style of tying a turban B^;1 [bi;] n comb CF P^;
popular among college students in the 1920s B^;kup\ [bi: go'] n comb worn in the hair
CF eKåc\;epåc\; B^;k¥´ [bi: kyE;] n wide-toothed comb CF B^;sip\
B^Ak\s\s^ [bi e' si] n B.Sc., Bachelor of Science B^;ek¥a\pt\ [bi: gyaw ba'] n hairstyle in which long hair is
B^k¥a; [bi kya;] n pheasant-tailed jacana, medium-sized wrapped around a comb
bird with a long tail S YN ÂkaPk\nc\; B^;sip\ [bi: zei'] n fine-toothed comb CF B^;k¥´
B^skXt\ [bi såku'] n biscuit [Engl] B^;SMTMu; [bi: zådon;] n kind of traditional women's formal
B^tc\ [bi tin] n beading [Engl] hairstyle, with hair wrapped around a cylindrical comb
B^d^ [bi di] n bidi, kind of small, thin cheroot CF eS;epåÏ lip\ on top of the head (illus)
B^;SMpt\ [bi: zåba'] n kind of traditional formal
B^diuªB^Riu hairstyle, in which hair is wrapped around a comb
B^ya [bi ya] n beer [Engl] Ω v^el;' B^ya-ts\-g¥a;--ep;på" Waiter, B^;etaK¥p\' B^;etac\piu [bi; daw; gya', bi: daung bo] n
one pitcher of beer, please. hoopoe, kind of forest bird with a crest and a loud cry
B^Riuªb^Riu [bi do] n 1) bureau, chest of drawers; wardrobe, S YN etac\B^s¨;
armoire; cabinet, cupboard 2) two-wheeled box-like B^;Piu [bi: bo] n ivory comb
bullock cart [Engl] B^;m [bi: ma.] n sandalwood comb
B^l¨; [bå (bi) lu;] n big, strong, wild mythical creature with a B^;2 [bein;] [ ph] n 1) wheel Ω sk\B^; bicycle; Ω qMu;B^; three-
human-like form, ogre, yakkha CF mxn\B^l¨; lens, ym\;B^l¨; wheeled Mazda car; Ω el;B^; four-wheeled Mazda mini-truck
dynamite, e®mPut\B^l¨; [ bs] (illus) 2) ∞cycle, bike (Am) CF sk\B^;
B^l¨;”kim\; [bålu; gyein;] n [drama] ogre's threatening B^;kn\Ï [bein: kan.] n spoke S YN sput\tn\; [? check]
boast of strength and skill B^;eÂkac\; [bein: gyaung;] n rut
B^l¨;”kim\;Siuc\;Sc\. [bålu; gyein hsain; zin.] n [drama, œ] B^;KXn\ [bein: gun] n toll (on a road)
ogre's call for the orchestra to play during his speech B^;sXn\; [bein: sun;] n flange
B^l¨;eKåc\; [bålu; gaung;] n [drama] ogre mask B^;Tin\;qp\ [bein: htein; tha'] n linchpin
B^l¨;gmun\; [bålu; gåmon;] n Œkind of orchid B^;pt\”kio; [bein: pa' kyo;] n transmission belt
B^l¨;s^; [bålu; si;] v 1) be possessed by a wild spirit B^;epåk\ [bein: pau'] v get a puncture (Br), have a flat tire
2) have a nightmare and be short of breath, as a spirit (Am); (of tyre) blow out
is sitting on one's chest [? check again] B^;ra [bein: ya] n track, rut
B^l¨;sv\; [bålu; si;] n [drama, œ] music played for the B^;lMu; [bein: lon;] n spool, bobbin (for thread)
ogre's part, with four short drum beats to a measure, Bu1 [bu.] n 1) knob, knot, lump, node 2) rude speech or
and clapper and bells played together S YN kerac\; sv\; manner [? check]
[ ms] Buk¥ [bu. kya.] n be brusque
B^l¨;sv\;l¨>sv\; [bålu; si; lu. si;] n reciprocal respect for BuÂkv\.Âkv\. [bu. gyi> kyI] v stare rudely or aggressively
each other's position, jurisdiction, area of influence, etc Bueta' Bue®pa' BumOt\ [bu. taw;, bu. pyaw;, bu. hmo'] v
speak unpleasantly
B^l¨;sXy\ [bålu; zwE] n technique of nailing floorboards BulMu; [bu. lon;] n knob, knot, lump, nub; protruberance,
to joists with nails at an angle protrusion, swelling
B^l¨;Siuc\;t^; [bålu; hsain; ti;] n 1) œmusic played when Bu2 [bu.] part œparticle marking the end of a negative
an ogre comes on stage 2) [fig] make threats, threaten sentence, sometimes used in songs = B¨;
to attack BusuKRu [bu. zu. khåyu.] n children of all ages; odds and ends
B^l¨;etX>d¨;etX>etX> [bålu; dwe. du; dwe. twe.] v face up to = pu suKRu' bu suK Ru
reality S YN nP¨;etX>d¨;etX>etX> Buzpt\ [bu. zåba'] n kind of birch tree

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 296

BumqiBmqi ª B¨eP;
BumqiBmqi [bu. måthI ba. mAthI] adv cluelessly, without Bura;pX´eta\ [hpåya; bwE; (daw)] n ‹pagoda festival
knowing anything, without an inkling, with no idea, Bura;P¨; [hpåya; hpu;] [hpåya bu;] v ‹worship at a pagoda;
having no idea make a pilgrimage, go to different pagodas to worship
Bura; [hpåya;] n 1) being which is the object of worship,
i.e., the Buddha, god, deity Ω Bura;Supn\ aspire to become — n ‹1) pilgrim 2) pilgrimage Ω Bura;P¨; qXa; go ona
a Buddha CF budÎ' Bura;qKc\' rhN|a CW på;' S¨ pilgrimage, make a pilgrimage
2) ‹Buddha image, statue, or figure S YN Sc\; tu CW på; Bura;m [hpåya; ma.] v ‹have good results from good
4) ‹pagoda, stupa, chedi Ω Bu ra;“p^; ®cm\;P¥k\ deeds
S YN est^(eta\ )' T¨ på' pu Tiu;' k¥io k\ CW S¨ [ ph] [? check — exp thank God
this is still incomplete-- and what about in 9 zu? Where Bura;rxiKiu; [hpåya; shI kho;] v ‹worship at a Buddha
to put the saying, and what does it mean?] image, pagoda, etc CF p¨eza\' kiu;kXy\
— exp (often doubled) exclamation of surprise or Bura;rxiKiu;ekac\ [hpåya; shI kho: gaung] n praying mantis
dismay, O my God! = rxiKiu;ekac\ (illus)
— part you, when speaking to Bun\;”k^; (monk) or Bura;l¨”k^; [hpåya; lu gyi:] n ‹pagoda trustee
royalty; sire, (for monarch) your majesty, (for monk) Bura;rxc\ [hpåya; shin] n ‹respectful way to refer to the
your reverence Buddha
Bura;ku [hpåya; gu.] n 1) ‹faith healing CF qma;ku Bura;elac\;' Bura;l¥a [hpåya; laung;, hpåya; lya] n
2) [fig] last resort (when other methods have failed) ‹boddhisattva, sb trying to become a Buddha
Bura;kiu;S¨ [hpåya; ko; zu] n ‹1) Gautama Buddha and Bura;qKc\ [hpåya; thåkhin] n 1) (Christian) God
the eight arhats rxc\rahula' rxc\eka‹v' rxc\erwt' CF Krs\yan\ 2) god
rxc\qariput†ra' rxc\Upåli' rxc\AanN»a' rxc\gwmJti' rxc\emag©lan\ Bura;qXa;ek¥ac\;tk\ [hpåya; thwa; kyaung de'] n
CF rhn\; ta' rhN|a 2) ceremony for the Bura;kiu;S¨ ‹religious duties
usually by offering food to the nine planets Bura;Aereta\ [hpåya; åye daw] n ‹ Bun\;”k^; (monk)
Bura;ek¥ac\; [hpåya; kyaung;] n 1) (Christian) church robes S YN qkçn\;
CF Krs\yan\ 2) temple Bura;Aqv\ [hpåya; åthE] n Ópagoda slave, one who
Bura;kÁn\ [hpåya; gyun] n Ópagoda slave, one who has has to take care of a pagoda, and lives on the offerings,
to take care of a pagoda, and lives on the offerings, often captives in a war CF kÁn\q^;eta\' KXa(qa;)'
often captives in a war CF kÁn\q^;eta\' KXa(qa;)' Bura;kÁn\' ArMesac\
Bura;Aqv\' ArMesac\ Burc\ [båyin] n ∏µ king, monarch, sovereign CF Burc\m'
Bura;cå;S¨ [hpåya; nga; zu] n ‹the five Buddhas who mc\;' raza
achieve enlightmentment in this world, and spreads Burc\KM [båyin gan] n Ó∏governor
their knowledge kkuqn\' eka%agMu' kœp' egåtm' Burc\KMK¥op\ [båyin gan gyo'] n Ó∏viceroy, governor-
Ariemt†y¥ CF Bd»km±a' Bura;cy\ general
Bura;cy\ [hpåyångE] ‹Buddha who achieves
n Burc\eKt\ [båyin khi'] n feudal times, feudal period
enlightmentment but does not preach, lesser Buddha CF Agçlip\eKt\
S YN pesßkbud»å Burc\sns\ [båyin såni'] n ∏feudalism S YN pedqraz\sns\
Bura;s¨; [hpåya; su;] v 1) ‹suffer for having wronged
Burc\m [båyin ma.] n ƒ queen (regent or regnant),
the Buddha 2) ‹suffer for not fulfilling one's promise
monarch, sovereign CF miPura;
to the Buddha 3) be in name only
Burc\elac\; [pAyin laung;] n future king [? new me]
— exp God damn me
B¨ [bu] n 1) hand worth ten points in baccarat CF kiu;m^;
Bura;sc\ [hpåya; zin] n ‹shrine to the Buddha 2) [fig] wretch; rascal RF B¨ekac\.
Bura;ˆa%\eta\ [hpåya; nyan daw] n ‹height of a B¨ekac\ [bu gaung] n wretch; rascal
pagoda or Buddha image
B¨”k^; [bu gyi;] n card game with five cards to a hand.
Bura;tpv\. [hpåya; tåbE.] n ‹disciple of the Buddha Three cards must add up to ten or a multiple of ten; the
Bura;tpv\.eta\ [hpåya; tåbE. daw] pron ‹I, when player with the highest remaining cards wins
speaking to a Bun\;”k^; (monk)
B¨”k^;tXy\ [bu gyi; twE] v play B¨”k^;
Bura;tc\ [hpåya; tin] v ‹make offerings to the Buddha B¨pit\ [bu pei'] v bring bad luck, jinx; have bad luck, be
Bura;ts\S¨g¨ts\lMu; [hpåya; tåhsu gu tålon;] exp ‹[fig]
B¨zXa [bu zwa] n ¥bourgeios, member of the wealthy
worshipfully, adoringly
middle class CF psßv\;m´.l¨tn\;sa; proletariat, Arc\; rxc \
Bura;tv\ [hpåya; ti] v build a pagoda capitalist
Bura;pXc\. [hpåya; pwin.] v ‹(of a Buddha) become B¨ta(RMu) [bu da] n railway station (Br); train station (Am)
manifest, appear; (of a future Buddha) become
enlightened Ω d^km±amxa Ariemt†y¥-Bura;-ts\S¨ pXc\.rn\-
B¨tn\ [bu tan] n ∏Bhutan
k¥n\eq;ty\" In this world, Arimettaya Buddha is the only
B¨diuza [bu do za] n bulldozer [Engl] S YN e®m“Piosk\' e®mTiu;sk\
Buddha left to appear. B¨eP; [bu hpe;] n buffet, meal at which guests or customers

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 297

B¨mi ª eB;
serve themselves from dishes that are set out [Engl] experience Ω {mN|el;kiu qXa;B¨; la;"} {mqXa;B¨;B¨;"} “Have
B¨mi [bu mI] n [in comb] earth, land Ω quw•B¨mi you gone to Mandalay before?” “No, never.” Ω {qrk\q^;-
Suvannabhumi, the golden land CF Bumµi sa;B¨;la;"} {msa;B¨; B¨;"} “Have you ever eaten a mango?”
B¨mink\qn\ [bu mI ne' than] n place where one finds ”No, I haven't.“
success, auspicious ground, vantage CF eAac\e®m [ bs] B¨;mOt\ªb¨;mOt\ [bu: hmo'] v babble
B¨miebd [bu mI be da.] n geology eB [be] v 1) (in gin rummy card game) meld one's cards
B¨ridt\zat\ [bu rI da' za'] n sixth of the 10 great jatakas to a set on the table 2) ∞beat, hit, swat, whack
CF zat\”k^;Sy\BX´>
B¨rn\d^ [bu ran di] n ∏Burundi eBTup\ [be do'] n bale [Engl]
— adj Burundian [? check] eB;1 [be:] n side Ω lm\;eB;lk\Pk\rv\Siuc\ roadside teashop
B¨rx^diu [bu shi do] n code of the samurai, code of the warrior Ω kÁn\ m-e B;mxa-Tiuc\ på" Sit beside me. CF nMeq;' Bk\
eB;kp\ [be; ka'] v keep to one side, keep close to the
B¨lint\sªb¨lint\s [bu lI na' sa.] n tidbits; odds and ends side
eB;k¥p\nMk¥p\ [be; gya' nan gya'] adv [fig] in a fix Upsa, in
B¨;1 [bu;] n 1) Œkind of light-green gourd 2) calabash, a tight corner Upsa, in a tight spot Upsa
dried shell of a gourd used as a container RF B¨;etac\;. eB;K¥c\;kp\ [be; gyin; ka'] adv side-by-side
(illus) 3) bucket, pail 4) container; jar (ekaB¨; plastic eB;K¥c\;tiuk\ [be; gyin; tai'] [be; gyin; dai']
v push sb with
container); tin (Br), can (Am) ( NiuÏS^B¨; condensed milk the shoulder, to provoke a fight
tin); (plastic) bottle (erqn\ÏB¨; water bottle); covered — adv side-by-side
box CW B¨;' lMu; 5) condensed milk tin, used unit of dry eB;K¥c\;yxU\ [be; gyin; shin] v 1) take a place next to sb
measure, especially for grain and other foods CF lmy\ 2) [fig] compare (to) S YN NiOc\; yxU\
[? new my brain] eB;K¥it\Ta; [be; chei' hta;] v put aside, put off,
— part count word for jars, containers, tins, etc procrastinate; shelve, ignore
Ω erqn\Ïts\ B¨; bottle of water [ nc] eB;ska; [be; zåga;] n outside comment, outside
B¨;Kå; [bu; ga;] n Œbottle gourd opinion S YN Âka;ska;
B¨;sc\ [bu; zin] n bamboo trellis for growing gourds, eB;sk\ [be; ze'] n Óengine to run the paddlewheels at
allowing the gourds to hang down the sides of a steamboat CF eryk\
B¨;SiuÏ [bu; zo.] n stopper; cork (illus) eB;esac\; [be; zaung;] adv sideways, on the side, on
B¨;deyac\; [bu; dåyaung;] n kind of gourd with a curved one's side
neck eB;t^; [be; ti;] v ∞egg sb on, urge sb on, push sb
B¨;NXy\ [bu; nwE] n 1) Œtendril of a gourd plant eB;tiuc\ [be; dai'] adv side-by-side; laterally, sideways, to
2) (coil) spring (illus) the side Ω k%n\;etX eB;tiuk\-qXa;tt\ty\" Crabs move
B¨;emYa [bu; hmyaw;] v 1) fish (with a float and hook) sideways.
2) put a bottle, jar, etc into water to test the current eB;tX´ [be; dwE;] n 1) sidecar (on a motorcycle)
CF®ms\®Kc\;lMu; 2) barge or flat attached to the side of a steamer
— n [? check and add to hmyaw bu: too] eB;Tiu;rc\k¥p\na [be; do; yin gya' na] n colic, gastritis,
B¨;lv\q^;Kt\ [bu; lE dhi; ga'] n clove hitch knot (illus) gastric pain with shortness of breath
B¨;lMu;na;mTXc\; [bu; lon; na; måhtwin;] adv vaguely, eB;Tiuc\ [be; htain] v stay out of, stay on the sidelines
incoherently, confusedly eB;TXk\ [be; dwe'] n side effect
B¨;qpit\ [bu; dhåbei'] n kind of gourd with round fruit eB;TXk\ [be; dwe' pyi' si;] n by-product
eB;epåk\ [be; bau'] n 1) side door, side gate 2) sideline,
B¨;q^;cå;epåc\;eÂka [bu; dhi; ngåbaung; gyaw] n snack made extra source of income S YN eB;pn\;' Âka;epåk\
of pieces of gourd fried together in batter
B¨;qXc\; [bu; thwin;] v 1) make sb a witch by putting a — adv (bet) from the sidelines
ball of hair or other object in their body CF sun\;' Apc\; lMu; eB;pn\; [be; ban;] n 1) sideline, extra source of income
2) [fig] brainwash S YN eB;epåk\ 2) (from the) side, flank; (help,
B¨;2 [bu;] part ™1) verb suffix for the end of a negative assistance, etc from) outside S YN eB;B^' Âka;epåk\
sentence Ω rv\;sa;-mrxieq;B¨;" I don't have a girlfriend yet. eB;Py\ [be; hpE] v 1) discard, ignore, cast aside, throw
2) infix used in a negative question Ω mliuk\-Niuc\B¨; la;" aside 2) keep out of the way
Can't you come with us? eB;B^ [be; bi] n surroundings, (from the) side, flank;
B¨;kXy\ [bu: kwE] v deny (help, assistance, etc from) outside CF eB;pn\;
B¨;KM [bu: khan] v deny strongly eB;l¨ [be; lu] n bystander, passer-by, non-participant,
B¨;qc\; [bu: dhin;] n ∏anti-colonialist association onlooker, outsider S YN A®pc\l¨ [? check]
which rejected taxes paid to the colonial government eB;erak\ [be; yau'] v go off on a tangent
B¨;ªP¨;3 [bu; (hpu;)] part suffix to a verb, to indicate previous — n sb on the sidelines; sb who has been pushed aside

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 298

eB; ª eBaly\
[? check placement] B´UpMu [bE; u. bon] n egg shape, oval; ellipse
eB;2 [be;] n danger, harm; menace; evil B´2 [bE;] part 1) without, in spite of, although, even
Ω ct\ mXt\eKåc\;på;®Kc\;eB; famine RF eB;Bya. though, before: subordinate clause marker, used with
eB;kc\;rn\kc\; [be; gin; yan gin;] adv safely, securely neg verb Ω mc\;mrxiB´ menNiuc\B¨;" I can't stand to be without
eB;S^;rn\ka [be; zi; yan ga] n protection, safeguard [? you. 2) used with mx and neg verb for emphasis, not
check i.e., what, amulet, talisman, lucky charm?] even, without even Ω ska;mx mqc\B´ By\liu-e®paml´" How
eB;Siu; [be; zo;] n disaster can he talk without even learning the language?
eB;etX> [be; twe.] v be in danger, be at risk 3) sentence final particle, very; at least, at any rate
eB;Ti [be; htI] n be harmed, come to harm Ω qi p\e kac\;taB´" Extremely good! S YN Ã pc\' tv\;'
eB;dukƒ [be; do' kha.] n suffering because of disaster ®Ps\qv\ = p´ [? check another example with bu: too]
eB;Bya [be; båya] n danger, harm 4) phrase marker for emphasis, only, just, even Ω sm¨SaB´
eB;m´.eta [be; mE. daw;] n animal sanctuary (in the sa;my\" I will just have a samosa. S YN Ã pc\ = p´
eB;m´.ep; [be; mE. pe;] v 1) give sanctuary, asylum, mÚB´ [må…bE;] part without, in spite of, although,
shelter, or refuge 2) [fig] indulge sb; condone, overlook even though, before: suffix to a phrase Ω mqXa;-K¥c\B´n´Ï-
(sb's whims, ideas, weaknesses, etc), forgive sb qXa;my\" I will go in spite of not wanting to. Ω mhut\B´n´Ï
everything [? check : and what about safe that can't be right
passage/conduct ??] (A)B´3 [(A)bE;] n µ ancestor six generations back, great
eB;m´.®Ps\ [be; mE. hpyi'] v have asylum, be under great great great grandfather CF B' eSXm¥uio;suz ya;
protection (A)B´m [(A)bE; ma.] n ƒ ancestor six generations back,
eB;rn\ [be; yan] n danger, hazard, menace, peril, great great great great grandmother CF B' eSXm¥uio;suzya;
threat; destruction B´el; [bE; le;] n ballet [Engl]
eB;qc\. [be; thin.] v be harmed (A)eBa1 [(A)baw;] n µ ancestor seven generations back
eB;Upd\' eB;AN|ray\ [be; u. ba', be: an dåyE] n danger, CF B' eSXm¥uio;suzaya
menace, peril, hazard; disaster, calamity, catastrophe [? (A)eBam [(A)baw; ma.] n ƒ ancestor seven generations
check difference among] B' eSXm¥uio;suzaya
back CF

(A)eB;3 [(a)be:] n great grandfather CF B' eSXm¥uio;suzya; eBa2 [baw;] n 1) ball Ω eBa\l^eBa volleyball RF eBalMu;.
(A)eB;m [(å)be; ma.] n great grandmother 2) ball bearing 3) ∞ball (inf), testicle S YN ewx;es.
CF eSXm¥uio;suz ya; eBak¥ [baw; kya.] n hernia CF A¨k¥
B´1 [bE;] n 1) duck 2) ∞young man, bloke (Br), guy eBaek¥a. [baw; kyaw.] v be arrogant [? new kyaw]
(Am); boyfriend 3) ploughshare shaped like a duck's bill eBakXc\; [baw; gwin;] n 1) football field, playing field;
RF B´ NOt\q^;. pitch 2) inflated inner tube (for floating in) Ω eK¥ac\; qamxa
B´k¥a; [bE; gya;] n (common) teal = B´etac\k¥a; eBakXc\;epÅ lOic\; s^;my\" At Chaungtha, I'll ride the waves
B´cn\; [bE; ngan;] n goose = cn\; on an inner tube.
B´cn\;T^; [bE; ngan: hti:] n gander, µ goose eBaSM [baw; zan] n steel ball, ball bearing
B´cn\;m [bE; ngan: ma.] n goose, ƒ goose eBam [baw; ma.] v ∞ brown nose, toady, suck up,
B´sa;B´eK¥ [bE; za; bE; gye] adv break even, come out bootlick, kiss ass Î [? new kyaw]
even eBalMu; [baw; lon;] n 1) inflated ball, esp football (Br),
B´etac\ [bE; daung] n 1) gunwale (of a boat) soccer ball (Am) 2) football (Br), soccer (Am) Ω eBalMu; pX´
2) battens (for the roof of a house) 3) part of a power football/soccer match 3) balloon
loom eBalMu;kn\ [baw; lon; kan] n play football (Br), play
B´etac\k¥a; [bE; daung gya;] n (common) teal = B´k¥a; soccer (Am)
B´T^; [bE; hti;] n drake, µ duck CF B´m eBaAim\ [baw; ein] n ball bearing, track containing hard
B´NOt\q^; [bE; hno' thi;] n 1) duck's bill 2) ploughshare metal balls S YN By\yarc\
shaped like a duck's bill 3) broad, curving teeth of a eBa”kio; [baw; gyo;] n rope attached to the sail, to adjust
harrow its angle according to the wind CF rXk\elx
B´epåk\ [bE; bau'] n duckling (illus from file) eBag [baw; ga.] n wealth, riches [ pl]
B´m [bE; ma.] n ƒ duck eBagbl [baw; ga. båla.] n power of wealth CF blcå;tn\
B´“m^; [bE; mi;] n crew cut hairstyle [? check again: there's eBaebd [baw; ga. be da.] n ¥economics
no tail in a crew cut, but there is in a ducktail!] eBaskiuc\; [baw; zågain;] n Œlead tree
eBazU\(K´PXy\) [baw; zin (kE; hpwE)] n ‹food, provisions
B´rs\ [bE; yi'] n northern pintail (for Buddhist religious community) [? check whether it
B´lip\ [bE; lei'] n manta ray includes nuns]
B´U [bE; u.] n 1) duck egg 2) ∞traffic police (whose eBaly\ [baw; lE] n œkind of sorrowful song popular in
uniform includes a white helmet) the Konbaung period [ ms]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 299

eBawå; ª Bc\
eBawå; [baw; wa;] n bamboo attached to the sides of a boat worker, colleague Ω Kr^; qXa;Bk\ travelling companion
to help it float Ω Âkc\ Bk\ girlfriend, boyfriend CF ePa\2
eBaeqaªepåeqa [baw: thaw:] n dolt, idiot, lout Bk\kn\ [be' kan] v turn against
eBa\ [baw] n pure silver of highest quality CF ecX' KRupt\' Bk\sMu [be' son] v be holistic, cover many angles; be
diuc\' rXk\n^ versatile, be skilled in many areas; comprehensive, large
eBa\Âky\ [baw kyE] n sequin, spangle in scope, including many different things, covering
eBa\eÂka.ªepÅeÂka. [baw gyaw.] v 1) be superficial 2) be many topics Ω Bk\sMupvaer; holistic education
easy Bk\v^ [be' nyi] v 1) be even, have the same number,
eBa\då [baw da] n 1) boarder 2) friend, mate (Br) [Engl] skill, etc on both or all sides [? check with leq cha/kya
eBa\dåeSac\ [baw da zaung] n hostel, student residence, nyi] 2) be compatible
boarding house Bk\t¨ [be' tu] v be evenly matched
eBa\dåen [baw da ne] n board, stay in a hostel, esp at Bk\eta\qa; [be' taw dha;] n confederate, ally;
school [? check] supporter, sympathizer
eBa\l^ [baw li] n woman's fitted garment worn under a Bk\p´. [be' pE.] v (of pair) be odd, (of set) be incomplete,
blouse [Engl bodice] (of paired object) have no mate
eBa\l^eBa [baw li baw;] n volleyball [Engl] Bk\e®pac\; [be' pyaung;] v change sides
eBa\l^eBaput\ [baw li baw; bo'] v 1) play volleyball Bk\®pn\ [be' pyan] v turn against sb, turn on
2) ∞pass the buck Upsa, avoid taking responsibility Bk\mliuk\ [be' målai'] v 1) be neutral, decline to take
sides; ∏be non-ali(g)ned Ω Bk\mliuk\wåd non-aligned
BiuªPiu [hpo (bo)] part 1) particle suffixed to denote the male
policy Ω Bk\mliuk\lOp\rxa;mOAPX´>Tip\q^;v^laKM Non-Aligned
Ω ®mc\;Piu stallion, Tn\; Piu male toddy palm A NT m CF T^;' P
Movement Summit Conference S YN Âka;en [? check] 2) be
2) one of a pair of opposites Ω Dat\PiuDat\m positive and
objective, be impartial [ pe]
negative electrical charges
ABiuªAPiu [åhpo (åbo)] n 1) the male A NT Am CF AT^; Bk\ºliuk\ [be' lai'] v be partial, favour, be biased, be
unfair CF m¥k\Nxaliuk\
2) sterile husband or wife S YN A“mMo 3) male plant, which
cannot bear fruit A NT Am = APiupc\ 4) œsmaller head of Bk\tM [be' dan] n 1) bat, i.e., for playing cricket 2) racket,
a two-headed drum A NT Am [? check] 5) positive pole raquet, i.e., for playing tennis
A NT Am Bk\Tr^Aiu; [be' htåri o;] n (lead-acid) battery, car battery
Biuls\b^;ya; [bo li' bi; ya;] n 1) ∏Bolivia 2) Bolivian [Engl]
— adj Bolivian [ cr] Bikƒo [bei' khu.] n bhikkhu, Buddhist monk CF Bun\;”k^;' qMGa
BiuÏ [bo.] n 1) (camel's or ox's) hump 2) thick part of a bow CW på;
CF el [? check]
Bikƒon^ [bei' khu. ni] n bhikkhuni, Buddhist nun CF q^lrxc\
Biu;1 [bo;] n grandfather CF Piu;' B' BXa;' eBac\' eSXm¥io;- eBak\ [bau'] n argumentative talk, provocation,
suz ya; contentious words Ω kiukiu-e®paliuk\mx® Pc\. eBak\K¥v\;p´"
Biu;sU\eBac\Sk\ [bo; zin baung ze'] adv [fig] traditionally eBak\ska;me®pan´Ï" You're just saying that to be
provocative. Don't be argumentative.
through ancestors
Biu;Bpiuc\(psßv\;) [bo; ba. bain pyi' si;] n heirloom; ancestral
eBak\k¥ [bau' kya.] be contrary, be wilfully rude
property B CF
eBak\St\St\ [bau' hsa' hsa'] adv disrespectfully,
impudently, insolently; roughly, rudely = epåk\St\St\
Biu;Bpiuc\e®m [bo; ba. bain mye] n land with an inherited
title, private land CF B
Biu;Biu; [hpo; hpo;] n grandfather [ ph] eBak\Kn´ [bau' khånE;] adv suddenly
— pron respectful form of address for an elderly man eBak\K¥a [bau' cha] n receipt, bill, check, voucher [Engl]
Biu;BXa;rip\qa [bo; bwa; yei' tha] n home for the elderly, eBak\t¨ [bau' tu] n 1) clinker-built cargo boat 2) kind of
nursing home, retirement home, old folks' home (Am) rowing boat with flat bottom, bateau [Engl]
Biu;eA [bo; (hpo;) aye] n grandfather [ ph] eBak\Bk\Kt\ [bau' be' kha'] n 1) slosh, splash
CF eBac\ Bc\K t\ 2) convulse
Biu;2 [bo;] n bore, size of a gun barrel [Engl]
Biu;tM [bo; dan] n œ(violin) bow [Engl] CF teya eBak\APX´> [bau' AhpwE.] n transplanting of rice seedlings by
an ad hoc group
Bk\ [be' (hpe')] n 1) direction; side; area Ω vaBk\mxa-rxity\"
It is on the right. Ω etac\Bk\ south Ω hiuBk\ the far side (A)Bc\1 [(å)bin] n µ ancestor five generations back, great
Ω A®pc\ Bk\ outside, exterior Ω vBk\ nighttime great great grandfather CF B' eSXm¥io;suz ya;
Ω ek¥ak\ pn\;etac\; Bk\ k from the Kyaukpadaung area Bc\2 [bin] n ‹(phase of) destruction CF p¥k\S´' Upåd\' @^ [?
CF Arp\ m¥k\ Nxa 2) side (in a game, contest, competition, check and below too]
etc) Ω q¨>Bk\kiuy\.Bk\ their side and mine CF Pk\ 3) area Bgçkƒ% [bin ge' kha. na.] n ‹termination of thought
of activity, field Ω pvaBk\ education field Ω Arp\Bk\ CF sit†kƒ%
civilian 4) [in comb] -mate, fellow(-), companion Bc\3 [bin] n [alch] pewter S YN K´m®Pø
Ω ek¥ac\;enBk\ classmate, schoolmate Ω lu p\ePa\ lup\Bk\ co- Bc\4 [bin] n œkind of Western drum [? check also band?]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 300

Bc\(pup\) ª But\tiuc\
Bc\Kra [bin khåya] n band, Western drum with bugle broke
and/or fife [Engl] Biuc\skut\ [bain såko'] n movie, film, picture, bioscope [Engl]
Bc\(pup\)5 [bin (bo')] n faeces, excrement S YN msc\' k¥c\”k^; S YN Rup\rxc\
Bc\6 [bin] n swollen gland in the groin, from a sexually Biuc\sky\ [bain såkE] n bicyle, bike, cycle [Engl] S YN sk\B^;
transmitted disease Biuc\;Biuc\;l´ªbiuc\;biuc\;l´ [bain: bain: lE:] n collapse, fall down
Bc\eÂka [bin kyaw;] n main tendon in the groin = bun\; bu n\;l´
Bc\TXk\' Bc\na' Bc\epåk\ [bin htwe', bin na, bin pau'] n BuU\;ep; [hpon; be;] n (of Bun\;”k^; (monk)) eat [ ph]
have swollen glands in the groin [? check med] B%\ [ban] n bank [Engl]
Bgçla;k´Á [bin gåla; kywE;] n water buffalo with horns curled B%\saAup\ [ban sa. o'] n passbook, bankbook, deposit
downward book
Bgçla; [bin gåla;] n ∏Bengal B%\tiu; [ban do;] n ¥interest
Bgçla;ed.rx\ [bin gåla; desh.] n ∏Bangladesh CF Bg:l^ B%\tiu;NOn\; [ban do; hnon;] n ¥interest rate
BgçliSa; [bin gålI hsa;] n magnesium sulphate, colourless B‹a [ban da] n 1) property 2) ¥finances
bitter powder used to treat flatulence S YN Sa;Kå; B‹asiu; [båda (ban da) zo;] n (palace) treasurer, financial
Bg:l^ [bin gåli] n 1) ∏Bengali, Bangladeshi 2) Bengali officer
(language) CF Bgçla;(ed.rx\) B‹atiuk\ [båda (ban da) dai'] n treasury
Bc\g¥io [bin gyo] n banjo [Engl] B‹aer; [båda (ban da) ye;] n ¥finance
Bc\; [bin;] n marijuana, cannabis, ganja, pot, grass; B‹aer;Nxs\ [båda (ban da) ye; hni'] n ¥fiscal year
hashish, hash; hemp CF gn\g¥a' eS;e®Kak\ [? made into a Bt\ [ba'] n baht, Thai unit of currency
drink? if so, bhang] Bt\g¥k\ [ba' gye'] n budget [Engl]
eBac\1 [baung] n 1) frame, framework; border, edge; limit, Bt\ska; [ba' såka;] n bus; coach [Engl]
division, dividing line, bound(s) Ω UpedeBac\AtXc\; Bt\skk\eBa [ba' såke' baw;] n basketball [Engl]
within the law, by the law CF Apiuc\; A®Ka;' Ana;KMu' Bt\q^; [ba' thi:] n light bulb [Engl] S YN m^;lMu;' m^; q^;' Pn\q^;
Ana;qt\ 2) compass, scope, extent, sphere [? check]
Bit\ [bei'] n (the) last S YN enak\SMu;
3) realm, domain, sphere, world Ω l¨>eBac\ the world of
human beings
But1\ [bo'] n greater coucal [? check in bird book]
eBac\kiuk\ [baung kai'] v 1) be exact CF kXk\tik¥ 2) (of But\emX;(erac\) [bo' mwe; (yaung)] n reddish brown,
scales) be perfectly balanced
eBac\ek¥a\ [baung kyaw] v break rules, violate a law,
But\ªPut\2 [bo'] n clump
But\ [bo' hson] n chubby girl, tubby girl
eBac\Kt\ [baung kha'] eBac\eKX 2) [fig]
v 1) frame S YN
But\ [bo' htain;] n 1) slow-moving, heavy person 2) sb
simple, slow, dull-witted
set limits 3) [fig] frame, examine Ω eBac\Kt\“ p^;Âkv\.
frame/examine in terms of [? check] But\ [bo' pwa.] n 1) sloppy dresser, poorly dressed person
2) simple person, slow person, dull-witted person
eBac\eKX [baung khwe] n frame, make a frame for
CF eBac\K t\
eBac\wc\ [baung win] v be within the scope; be
But\qiuk\ªPut\qiuk\ [bo' thai'] v (of hair, clothing, etc)
be messy, be disheveled
permissible, be acceptable, be suitable, be legitimate,
be within the understood limits — n tousled head of hair
eBac\wc\eAac\lup\ [baung win aung lo'] v regularise But\3 [bo'] n board, i.e., of administrators or advisors of a
eBac\qXc\; [baung thwin;] v frame (picture) company, organisation, etc RF But\APX´>.
eBac\2 [baung] n grandmother S YN BXa; But\APX´> [bo' AhpwE.] n board, i.e., of administrators or
advisors of a company, organisation, etc
eBac\Bc\Kt\ [baung bin kha'] v 1) slosh, splash Ω m®pv\.qv\.
Aiu;eBac\Bc\K t\ The half-filled jar splashes.
But\4 [bo'] n 1) [in comb] book [Engl] 2) group of
prisoners assigned to a certain kind of work (i.e., whose
CF eBak\ Bk\K t\ 2) [fig] (of person, mind, etc) be
names are kept in a register book) Ω A®pc\But\ group
disturbed, be agitated, be unsettled; (of situation, etc)
working outside; erKt\But\ group drawing water [ rc]
be unstable, be fluid
eBac\; [baung;] n arm of an oil press
eBac\;B^ [baung; bi] n 1) trousers (Br), pants (Am), slacks But\kiuc\ [bo' kain] n prisoner in charge of a group of
working prisoners
(Am) 2) underwear; ƒ knickers (Br), panties (Am); µ
pants (Br), shorts (Am), boxer shorts, boxers, stubbies
But\Aup\ [bo' o'] n book [Engl] = saAup\
(inf Aus, NZ) CF AtXc\;KM
But\tlut\etak\t´. [bo' tålo' tau' tE.] n children's game in
which one person is blindfolded and tries to find the
eBac\;B^tiu [baung; bi to] n shorts
others = put\tlut\' pun\;slut\
Biuc\ [bain] n Œkind of tree with large buttress roots
Biuc\ekac\ [bain gaung] n ∞sb who is always broke But\tiuc\ [bo' tain] n home, i.e., post, tree, spot, etc
marked as the safe spot in children's games such as tag,
Biuc\k¥ [bain kya.] v ∞be out of money, run out of money, be

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 301

But\rv\ ª BMu
hide-and-seek, etc CF put\tlut\' [? check] Bun\;”k^; (monk); cremation of the relics of a Bun\;”k^;
But\tiuc\erak\ [bo' tain yau'] n be home free (monk) [ bh]
But\rv\ [bo' ye] n adulterated toddy, made from toddy Bun\;”k^;wt\ [hpon; gyi; wu'] v ‹recieve the higher
mixed with palm sugar and water ordination, i.e., become a Bun\;”k^; (monk); be a Bun\;”k^;
Bd»km±a [ba' da. gåba] n ‹the present world, in which the (monk), enter into the dispensation S YN rhn\;KM'
five Buddhas kkuqn\' eka%agMu' kœp' egåtm' and qaqnaeBac\; wc\(qiu>) CF qMG' rxc\lic\® pn\' l¨tXk\' l¨®pn\®Ps\
Ariemt†y¥appear CF Bura;cå;S¨ [ bh] [ bh]
Bn\ka [ban ka] n 1) bunker S YN ktut\ 2) bunker, sand trap Bun\;eta\”k^; [hpon; daw gyi;] n ‹senior Bun\;”k^; (monk)
(in a golf course) [Engl] CF egåk\kXc\;
Bn\ekak\ [ban kau'] n ∏Bangkok, capital of Thailand Bun\;eta\”k^;Bura; [hpon; daw gyi; hpåya;] pron ‹you,
Bn\ekak\puSiu; [ban kau' påhso;] n men's longyi, respectful address for elderly Bun\;”k^; (monk) or for a
iridescent silk cloth, i.e., woven in Bangkok style, often king
worn by the wealthy, the powerful, and college students Bun\;eta\e®Kak\på; [hpon; daw chau' ba;] n six powers of a
Ω Bn\e kak\ puSiu; tRWm\; rWm\; shiny Bangkok longyi Buddha [? ?? and include these from myanma. hmu.?]
Bn\K¥v\”kio; [ban gyi gyo;] n hemp cord
Bn\gliu [ban gålo] n bungalow [Engl] Bun\;etak\ [hpon; tau'] v be very powerful S YN Bun\;”k^;
Bn\på [ban ba] n (car) bumper [Engl] Bun\;tn\Kiu; [hpon; dågo;] n power
Bn\ÏepX; [ban. bwe;] n kind of tree with leaves used to roll Bun\;pi [hpon; pI] v lose power or position because one is
not worthy of it; fail due to excessive ambition
cheroots CF eS;epåÏlip\
Bn\;ska;ªbn\;ska; [ban: zåga;] n slang Bun\;Bun\; [hpon; hpon;] n ‹familiar term of address for
a monk
Bn\;diu; [ban; do;] n barn door (lights used in photography and Bun\;m^;enl [hpon; mi; ne la.] n power as great as the sun
filming) [Engl]
and moon
Bn\;mun\Ï [ban; mon.] n bun, sweet roll [Engl] Bun\;lk\RMu; [hpon; le' yon;] n prowess, mettle; superior
Bin\; [bein;] n 1) poppy, flower that produces opium strength, skill, courage, and daring [? mostly in
2) opium RF Bin\;mv\;. fighting??]
Bin\;K¥ [bein; cha.] v smuggle opium Bun\;qm±a [hpon; dhåba] n power from accumulated merit
Bin\;eK¥; [bein; chi;] n residue left in pipe after smoking Bm\;ªPm\; [hpan;] v 1) catch, capture 2) arrest, apprehend,
opium take into custody 3) seize, confiscate 4) come under the
Bin\;sa; [bein; za;] n opium or heroin addict; opium or influence of a spirit, be possessed
heroin user
Bm\;pRut\S^ [ban; påyo' hsi] n balm, camphorated ointment
Bin\;es. [bein; zI] n poppy seed CF pRut\S^
Bin\;sim\; [bein; zein;] n raw opium Bumµsiu; [bon måzo;] n guardian nat of earth (from the surface
Bin\;®Pø [bein; byu] n heroin S YN (nMpåt\)Piu; to the core) CF e®mesac\.nt\ [ bs]
Bin\;mv\; [bein; mE;] n opium (for smoking) Bumµraza [bon måya za] n Œrauwolfia, used extensively in
Bin\;mun\Ï [bein; mon.] n rice flour pancake with peanuts traditional medicine
and coconut
Bumµi [bon mI] n [in comb] earth, land CF B¨mi
Bin\;RØ [bein; shu] n smoke opium BM1u [bon] n 1) ‹realm, plane of existence (of which
Bun\; [hpon;] n 1) ‹power or benefit from the there are 13) CF eBac\' bwg\ [? other cfs, and really 31?]
accumulated merit of past deeds RF Bun\; kM. 2) power,
2) level in a tiered roof CF ®paqad\
influence; glory; (high, superior) status S YN Arxin\Awå'
BMuDel.' BuMDmµta [bon dåle., bon damma. ta] n ways of the
tn\Kiu; [ ph bs]
world of human beings [? check pron]
Bun\;kM [hpon; kan] n ‹power (as a result of BMu®pt\ [bon bya'] n [Mawlamyain] pony cart CF ®mc\;lxv\;
accumulated merit of past deeds) CF kuqiul\
BM2u [bon] n public or community or communal property;
Bun\;”k^; [hpon; gyi;] n 1) ‹(Buddhist) monk commons Upsa
S YN rhn\;(eta\)' Bikƒo' Kc\”k^; CF qMGa' cy\®Pø'
qk¥put†iya' eTr\' meTr\' mhaeTr' Sraeta\' Bura;'
BMukTin\ [bon kåhtein] n kTin\ Kahtein festival held from
community donations
U^;zc\' kiurc\ CW på; [hpon; kyi;] 2) (Christian) preacher,
priest, minister, pastor, clergyman, (Roman Catholic)
BMuek¥ac\; [bon gyaung;] n 1) Chinese temple 2) fraternal
society involved in social affairs S YN BMuAim\ 3) secret
father [ bh]
— v be very powerful S YN Bun\;etak\
Bun\;”k^;ek¥ac\; [hpon; gyi gyaung;] n ‹monastery [ bhh] BMukÁn\ [bon gyun] n [fig] sb at the service of many
Bun\;”k^;tesÍ [hpon; gyi; tåhse] n [fig] sb who is very BMugui%\; [bon gain;] n guild
difficult to guide, advise, or convince, headstrong
BMuecX [bon ngwe] n ¥community fund
Bun\;”k^;p¥M [hpon; gyi; byan] n ‹ceremony for a dead BMusns\ [bon såni'] n 1) ¥commune, collective ownership

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 302

BMupiuc\ ª BX´>
2) ∏communism CF ®pv\q¨piuc\sns\ By\Nxy\. [bE hnE.] part how Ω AKueta. By\Nxy\.rxis Now
BMuSKX´kin\; [bon hsa. khwE; gein;] n [math] common factor you see? I told you so. S YN By\liu
BMuStiu;kin\; [bon hsa. to; gein] n [math] common By\mx' By\mY [bE hma., bE hmya.] part [with neg verb]
multiple not any
BMuSiuc\ [bon zain] n 1) Óstate-owned shop selling By\liu [bE lo] adv ™how, in what way; what kind = ¬
alcoholic drinks S YN Ark\Siuc\ 2) [in comb] collective By\(k´.)qiuÏ' ABy\(k´.)qiuÏ
BMueZ; [bon ze;] n ∏ÓCommon Market (now European By\liul´ [bE lo lE;] exp expression of surprise; What's
Union) that? What do you mean?
BMupiuc\⁄(psßv\;) [bon bain (pyi' si;)] n ¥public property By\liuBy\va [bE lo bE nya] adj ™what way = ¬
BMupsßv\; [bon pyi' si;] n ¥public property, communal mv\qiuÏmv\va [? check dn't understand]
property By\elak\ [bE lau'] adv how, how very, so much
BMurip\qa [bon yei' tha] n 1) quarter, neighbourhood Ω liu k\Niuc\rc\ By\e lak\-e p¥a\sra-e kac\; ty\" It will be so
2) ∏commune, group of households organised to work much fun if you can come along.
collectively in a certain industry [? check] — adj how much, how many Ω erqn\Ï-ts\B¨; -
BMuwåd [bon wa da.] n ¥communism By\elak\l´" How much is a bottle of water?
BMuquU\;kin\; [bon thon; gein;] n [math] [? check what??] Ω AK¥in\By\e lak\ rxi“p^ l´" What time is it? = ¬ (A)By\ mY
BMuAim\ [bon ein] n fraternal society involved in social By\q¨ [bE dhu] pron who Ω namv\-By\q¨l´" What's your
affairs CF BMuek¥ac\; [? check : also secret society??] name? = ¬ mv\q¨(mv\wå)
BMupiuc\2 [bon bain] n 1) hydrant; public water tap, public well By\qiuÏ [bE tho.] part what kind; how = ¬
CF ersk\' ertiuc\ 2) kind of pump operated with a piston (A)By\(k´.)qiuÏ = ™ By\liu
[? check] By\qiuÏqy\va [bE tho. bE nya] adv how CF ™
By\1 [bE] n left S YN w´; A NT va By\liuBy\va [? check really colloq, real meaning...]
By\ek¥a\ [bE gyaw] n left-handed person, lefty (inf) By\ATi [bE AhtI] adv to what extent, until what point,
CF By\qn\ until when
By\t¥a [bE tåya] n œtone one octave lower than the By.\Nxa' By\.Nxy\ha [bE. hna, bE. hnE ha] pron what kind
key CF m¨tv\qM of thing
By\®pn\va®pn\ [bE byan nya byan] adv thoroughly; on — exp expression of surprise or dismay
both sides By\.Nxy\ [bE. hnE] adv how
By\lk\RuM; [bE le' yon;] n trusted person, sb whose By\yarc\ [be ya rin] n bearing [Engl] S YN eBaAim\ [?
abilities one can rely on CF valk\RuM; check]
By\qM [bE dhan] œbass; lower tones on an
n BXaKt\ [bwa kha'] v 1) [sport] ask for time out 2) renege,
instrument; low singing voice CF vaqM go back on one's word
By\qn\ [bE than] [bE dhan] v be left-handed BXaet;BXaet; [bwa te; bwa te;] exp words said to release
— n left-handed person, lefty (inf) CF By\ek¥a\ one from a game
By\2 [bE] part 1) which Ω By\saAup\-y¨ml´" Which book will BXa; [bwa;] n grandmother RF BXa;eA.
you take? = ¬ ABy\' mv\qv\ 2) where Ω By\l´" Where BXa;BXa; [hpwa; hpwa;] n granny, grandma, affectionate
are you going? way to call one's grandmother
By\k [bE ga.] pron where (from) Ω By\k-rql´" Where BXa;el; [hpwa; le;] n friendly way to address an elderly
did you get this (from)? woman
By\kla(“p^) [bE ga. la (bi)] exp expression of disbelief BXa;eA [hpwa; (bwa;) e] n grandmother
[? check] BXa;Kn´ [bwa; gånE;] adv (appear) suddenly
By\k´.qiuÏ [bE kE. tho.] part what kind; how = ¬ BXa;BXa;epÅ [bwa; bwa; paw] v become obvious
(A)By\(k´.)qiuÏ = ™ By\liu BX´> [bwE.] n 1) (university) degree 2) title, award, or
By\kiu [bE go] adv where (to) distinction given as recognition of exceptional service,
By\eta. [bE daw.] adv when (in the future) Ω By\eta.- bravery, personal merit, etc 3) name given when a man
®pn\laml´" When will you come back? becomes a monk 4) œkind of classical song, usu
By\ [bE daw. hma.] adv [with neg verb] never relating to royalty RF BX´>q^K¥c\;.
Ω By\ mSMu e ta. B¨;" We will never meet again. BX´>”kioqc\tn\; [bwE. gyo thin dan;] n undergraduate class
By\tun\;k [bE don; ga.] pron when (in the past) CF BX´>lXn\qc\tn\;
Ω By\ tun\;k erak\K´. ql´" When did you arrive? BX´>KM [bwE. gan] n œmusical prelude to BX´>q^K¥c\; CF AKM
By\tun\;kmx [bE don; ga. hma.] pron never Ω By\tun\;kmx BX´>tMSip\Sk\kp\ [bwE. dAzei' hse' ka'] v offer a monk a
laB\msa;P¨; B¨;" I have never taken a bribe. title, distinction, award, etc
By\Nx' By\Nxs\' By\mY [bE hnå, bE hni', bE hmya.] part BX´>Nxc\;qBc\ [bwE. hnin; dhåbin]
n commencement,
how many; how much Ω By\Nxeyak\-laml´" How many convocation, degree awarding ceremony, graduation
people are coming? = ¬ mv\mY ceremony CF ek¥ac\;Sc\; pX´

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 303

BX´>K¥U\ ª m
BX´>ep; [bwE. pe;] v 1) [fig] give nickname, annoint 2) (of rough bark with medicinal properties
a university) graduate (students) BXc\;BXc\; [bwin; bwin;] adv frankly, openly S YN pXc\.pXc\.lc\;lc\;
BX´>y¨®Kc\; [bwE. yu gyin;] n graduation BXc\;BXc\;”k^; [bwin; bwin; gyi;] adv openly and clearly,
BX´>r [bwE. ya.] n university graduate candidly, outright
BX´>lXn\qc\tn\; [bwE. lun thin dan;] n (post-)graduate class BXc\;BXc\;rxc\;rxc\; [bwin; bwin; shin; shin;]
adv honestly and
CF BX´>”kioqc\tn\; directly, straight, without beating around the bush Upsa
BX´>wt\sMu [bwE. wu' son] n cap and gown, flat-topped hat S YN e®Pac\.mt\pXc\.lc\;
and flowing robe traditionally worn for graduation BXioc\ekak\ [bwain kau'] n boycott [Engl] S YN qpit\emxak\
ceremonies BXioc\la [bwain la] n boiler [Engl]
BX´>q^K¥c\; [bwE. thåchin;] n œkind of classical song, usu BXt\Pinp\ [bu' hpåna'] n boots, closed shoes [Engl]
relating to royalty
BX´>K¥U\ [bwE. gyin] n medium-sized tree with split leaves, and

m1 [ma.] n 1) twenty-fifth consonant in the Myanmar script infixed verb Ω qeBamepåk\ B¨;" I don't get it.
2) name of the m Ω na;mlv\ B¨;" I don't understand.
mkrelap' mts\lMu;ek¥ [måka ra. law: pa., ma. tålon: gye] n mÚB´((l¥k\)(Nxc\.)(n´Ï)) [må…bè: ((lye')(hnin.)(nE.))] conj
1) highly knowledgeable person 2) [neg] Mr Know-it-all, without Ω mK¥s\B´n´>menNiuc\B¨;" He can't live without love.
smarty-pants (Am) m Úm^ [må…mi] conj before [? what are all the words
mqMu;lMu; [ma. thon: lon:] exp satirical motto of government that må can be used with?]
workers: Ω mlup\-' mROp\-' m®pot\ Don't do anything, don't get mÚeq; [må…the:] part not yet Ω msa;eq;B¨;" I won't eat
involved in anything, and you won't get fired. yet. I won't eat now. Ω msa;r-eq;B¨;" I haven't eaten yet.
mk [måka.] adv more than, over Ω (1000) mk (1200)
m2 [ma.] adj 1) main; original 2) big; adult, mature 3) female ep;rty\" It was more than 1000; I had to pay 1200.
mekamk [måkaw: måka.] adv neither here nor there; not
— n 1) female 2) woman, female, women's, ladies' enough [? where to double-list? ]
(abbreviation of min\;m) A NT k¥a; [? do we want to put in mkc\;tra; [måkin: tåya:] n law of cause and effect
the wheel?] CF p@an\; [? isn't there another way to say this too?]

— part 1) polite title for a young (esp Burman) woman mkc\;ramkc\;eÂkac\; [måkin: ya måkin: gyaung:] n
near the same age as the speaker CF ena (krc\)' nn\; 1) matters of mutual interest; peciprocal considerations
(rxm\;)' miuc\ (K¥c\;) 2) particle suffixed to words to denote 2) sb close enough to deserve favourable consideration
the female Ω muSiu; m widow; Ω wk\m sow; Ω NXa;m cow; Ω Âkk\m
hen A NT T^;' Piu mekac\;Siu;wå; [måkaung: hso: wa:] n evil spirits
mk¥m\;ek¥ [? ?] S YNAsim\;Awå; CF Âkt\' tesÍ' “pit†esÍ' Put\' e®mPut\' mxc\sa'
mqM [ma. dhan] n mating call (of a female) CF PiuqM qr´' mÂta' mar\nt\' Asim\; [? check all and order]
m3 [ma.] n 1) lift Ω mmNiuc\B¨;" I can't lift it. 2) support, assist, mekac\;terac\; [måkaung: dåyaung:] adv in an
help 3) supervise, guide; gather, drive, herd Ω NXa;Aup\kium uncomplimentary way, in a bad way Ω ' I say he's stupid,
herd cattle 4) [fig] pamper, shower attention on but I don't mean that in a bad way.
mekac\;t´.min\;m [måkaung: dè. mein: ma.] n [inf] prostitute,
ms [ma. za.] v help, assist; support, aid (with) Ω AmAs sex worker®pv\.tn\Sa

patronage mekac\;tt\liuÏ [måkaung: da' lo.] adv ™unavoidably, as it

mtv\ [ma. ti] v 1) [econ] capitalise 2) invest, provide couldn't be helped; reluctantly
capital for a business venture mekac\;mkn\; [måkaung: måkan:] adv badly, wrong
mtv\ecX [ma. ti ngwe] n seed capital (Br), seed money mekac\;mO [måkaung: hmu.] n bad deed; sin
(Am), initial outlay [? check seed] mÂkaK% [måkya khåna.] adv often, frequently (fml),
m4 [ma.] n odd number A NT sMu always (inf) = K%K%' mÂkamÂka
mkin\; [ma. gein:] n even number A NT sMukin\; mÂka;ekac\;mnaqa [måkya: gaung: måna dha] n dirty
mg%n\; [ma. gånan:] n even number A NT sMug%n\; language, obscene language, swearing, cursing = mÂka;wM.-
m5 [må] part particle prefixed to a verb to form a negative mnaqa
Ω mPt\n´Ï" Don't read it. Ω mPt\tt\ B¨;" I can't read. mÂka;k¥io;kÁn\ [måkya kyo: gyun] adv as if one did not hear
mÚKc\ [må…gin] part before CF mqik¥io;kÁn\
mÚtÚ [må…tå(da)…] part infix similar to 'somewhat' mÂkamÂka [måkya måkya] adv often, frequently (fml),
Ω mp¥k\ tp¥k\ damaged
always (inf) = K%K%' mÂkaK%
mÚB¨; [må…bu:] part particles used to negate an mÂkamtc\ [måkya måtin] adv soon, in the near future

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 304

m ª m
mÂka;wM.mnaqa [måkya: wun. måna dha]
n dirty language, mS¨;mr´ [måhsu: måyè:] adv while beside oneself with
obscene language, swearing, cursing = mÂka;ekac\;- anger
mnaqa mSM.m“p´ [måhsan. måpyè:] adv excessively, beyond the
m”kMAp\m”kMra' m”kMAp\msv\ra [måkyan a' måkyan ya, capacity
måkyan a' måsi ya] n sthg sb should not think mSM.rc\kn\ [måhsan. yin gan] adv beyond the capacity,
mKMK¥imKMqa [måkhan chi> måkhan tha] adv unbearably beyond the limit
Ω kÁn\ e ta.-AePAeÂkac\; mekac\;e®paeta. mSM.Ac\tn\ [måhsan. in tan] adv beyond the capacity
mKMK¥imKMqa®Ps\ty\" I couldn't stand him insulting my father. mSiu [måhso] part any, whatever CF meRX;
mKMK¥c\sit\ [måkhan gyin zei'] n 1) competitive spirit; spirit mSiuselak\ [måhso zålau'] n trifle, trivia, small thing,
of resistance 2) sense of righteousness trivial thing, nothing, sthg not worth mentioning
mKMmrp\Niuc\ [måkhan måya' nain] v be unable to withstand S YN m®Ps\-selak\' me®papelak\
(sthg); (of sthg) be intolerable mSiuc\;mtX [måhsain: måtwa.] adv without hesitation,
mKiuÏtRiu> [måkho. måyo.] adv coyly, girlishly without delay, at once; unquestioningly
mKiu;mKn\Ï [måkho: måkhan.] adv disrespectfully; disdainfully mSs\S^ [måhsi' hsi] n oil (for spells, etc) bought without
meKåk\mrk\ [måkhau' måye'] adv 1) sympathetically mSt\mcM. [måhsa' mångan.] adv (be left) hungry,
2) considerately disappointedly, uncontentendly; (serve, provide, etc)
meKåk\mAa; [måkhau' måa:] adv unstintingly, insufficiently, meagrely S YN melak\mcx' mSXn\ÏmPXM>
generously, without holding back mSut\mSiuc\; [måhso' måhsain:] adv immediately, straight
mKut\tt\t´.eÂkac\kel;m¥a; [måkho' ta' tE. kyaung kåle; away, wihtout hesitation
mya;] exp well-behaved person L I T : ‘cats that never mSut\mns\ [måhso' måni'] adv persistently, constantly,
pounce’ [? check new from JO parts] unrelentlingly, without letup ; unceasingly
mKn\Ïtrn\Ï [måkhan.dåyan.] adv insolently; contemptuously mViO;pn\; [måhnyo: pan:] n 1) plastic flowers 2) [fig] sthg
mKn\Ïel;sa; [måkhan. le: za:] adv disrespectfully that remains fresh, sthg that one doesn't grow tired of
mK¥i [måchi>] v be intolerable, be unbearable L IT : ‘flower that does not wilt’ CF mRiu;Sn\;
mK¥itri [måchi dåyi>] adv unbearably, insufferably, mtra; [måtåya:] adv unfairly, unjustly
intolerably mtra;mO [måtåya: hmu.] n injustice
mK¥itc\k´ [måchi> tin gè:] adv inconsolably, disconsolately, mt¨tR¨ [måtu dåyu] adv 1) (act, behave) disrespectfully,
dejectedly, despondently [? check] unfairly 2) improperly, inappropriately, socially
mK¥imSM. [måchi> måhsan.] adv excruciatingly, agonizingly unacceptably 3) suspiciously, in suspicious
mK¥iqXa;“P´ [måchi> thwa: hpyè:] adv [? in what situ?] circumstances CF qMqy
mK¥iomK¥U\ [måcho måchin] adv naughtily; provocatively
mK¥c\.mr´ [måchin. måyè:] adv discontentedly, meta\tS [måtaw tåhsa.] adv accidentally,
exasperatedly, frustratedly [? check -- get from Saya unintentionally, without meaning to
Mya Than Tint] meta\tera\ [måtaw dåyaw] adv indecently, improperly;
mKÁt\ [måchu'] adv surely, certainly, assuredly; scandalously
positively, definitely meta\mtra; [måtaw måtåya:] adv excessively,
msa;rk\meqak\rk\en [måsa; ye' måthau' ye' ne] exp unacceptably, unjustly
scrimp, tighten one's belt Upsa meta\mtv\. [måtaw måtè.] adv inappropriately,
msa;rk\meqak\rk\suTa; [måsa; ye' måthau' ye' su. hta;] maladaptedly, bizarrely
exp scrimp and save meta\elaB [måtaw law: ba.] n greediness CF elaB”k^;
ms´ [måsè] adj unceasing, ceaseless [? check] meta\liuÏ [måtaw lo.] exp sorry, pardon me
msiuÏmpiu\Ï [måso. måpo.] adv scant(ily), hardly enough — adv accidentally, by mistake, by accident;
msc\ [måsin] n f(a)eces, excrement unintentionally Ω meta\liuÏ sa;mirc\ biuk\namy\" If you eat
msc\sXn\Ï [måsin sun.] v defecate, empty the bowels, go to some by mistake, you'll get a stomachache. Ω meta\liuÏ
the bathroom Upsa, use the toilet etX>mirc\ NOt\Sk\på" If you happen to run into her, say
msc\tXc\; [måsin dwin:] n pit latrine; cesspool hello.
msc\Aiu; [måsin o:] n chamber pot, pot used to collect metak\teKåk\ [måtau' tåkhau'] adv with a little, with a
excrement smattering of (knowledge, skills, etc)
msp\ska; [måsa' zåga:] n irrelevant comment, remark, mtc\mk¥ [måtin måkya.] adv [fig] indecisively;
contribution, etc noncommittally; in limbo
mS^mSiuc\ [måhsi måhsain] n sthg which is not one's mtt\qa [måta' tha] adv if it could not be helped; as it
business; sthg irrelevant [? check irrelevant] could not be helped
— adj 1) apropos of nothing, by the way 2) irrelevant, mtn\tS [måtan tåhsa.] adv exorbitantly, outrageously,
with no relation to the subject beyond reasonable limits
mtn\ersa [måtan ye za] n outrageously expensive food

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 305

m ª m
mtim\;myim\; [måtein: måyein:] adv about the same (as) m®mc\kXy\ra [måmyin kwè ya] n 1) hiding place, nook,
mtXn\ÏmSiu [måtun. måhso'] adv unquestioningly secret place = kXy\ra [? is this the syn for both
mTitTi [måhti> thti>] adv (tease, act, etc) provokingly, meanings? ] 2) when no one is looking, when one does
aggravatingly not see, behind one's back Ω limµaty\liuÏ-Tc\ta
mT^tr^ [måhti dåyi] adv disrespectfully S YN mT^el;sa; m®mc\kXy\ramxa mhut\ta Akun\-lut\tt\ty\" You think
mT^m´.®mc\ [måhti mè. myin] adv insolently, impudently he's a good kid, but he does all kinds of bad things behind
mT^el;sa; [måhti le: za:] adv disrespectfully S YN mT^tr^ our backs.
meTac\;ta [måhtaung: da] v be insignificant, be m®mc\mkn\;' m®mc\msm\; [måmyin måkan:, måmyin måsan:] adv
negligible, have little effect hazily, dimly; blindly; gropingly, in the dark
mTMutk\eq; [måhton te' the:] adv impassively, mmO [måhmu.] v not mind, not care, be indifferent (to)
unresponsively S YN TMuepnep mmOelak\ [måhmu. lau'] v be insignificant, be nothing, be
meTX;Niuc\mm¥ioNiuc\®Ps\ [måhtwe: nain måmyo nain hpyi']
v [fig] inconsequential
be stuck, be in a fix, be in a predicament L IT : ‘can't spit mmxit\mqun\ [måhmei' måthon] adv unchangingly,
it out, can't swallow it’ unwaveringly
mnaliu [måna lo] v be jealous; be envious S YN msÍriy' mmxn\qk\eq [måhman the' the] n perjerer, false witness
msÍrisit\ CF qwn\eÂkac\' qwn\tiu' wn\tiu' mROsim\.' mROSit\ meyac\mlv\ [måyaung målè] adv nonchalantly;
mnaliutiurxv\ [måna lo to she] adv with envy inconspicuously, secretly, covertly
mnaliuwn\tiu [måna lo wun to] adv jealously meyac\mlv\lup\ [måyaung målè lo'] v
mna;tm\; [måna: dan:] adv continuously, incessantly, CF eyac\lv\eyac\lv\lup\ [? definition]
non-stop myut\mlXn\ [måyo' målun] adv 1) noncommittally
mN¨;mnp\ [månu: måna'] n [fig] novice, beginner 2) moderately, modestly CF mxn\tm\; [? check modest, etc]
mNiuc\rc\kn\ [månain yin gan] n person whom one cannot
say 'no' to myMuqkça [måyon thin ga] n doubt, scepticism, suspicion
mnv\;(mena) [månè: (månaw:)] adv with effort CFqkça' qMqy; mqkçamO [? or cf?]
mp^klap^kla [måpi gåla pi gåla] adv (speak) with a mrmk [måya. måka.] adv by any means CF zXt\
lisp, in a childish way mrmen [måya. måne] adv perserveringly, persistently,
mepåÏmpå;®Ps\ [måpaw. måpa: hpyi'] v be pregnant, be tenaciously; ambitiously, doggedly, resolutely
expecting S YN mrmK¥c\;
mpiuc\wk\emX; [måpain we' mwe:] adv [? better to change mRiumeq [måyo måthe] adv disrespectfully, impolitely
these to verbs, expressions] — exp polite expression used with elders to show
mp¥k\mkXk\ [måpye' måkwe'] adv reliably, dependably, respect: pardon me, excuse me, if I may, I beg your
unfailingly, without fail pardon
m®pt\ [måpya'] adv continuously, always, mRiueq.ska; [måyo dhe. zåga:] exp pardon the expression,
uninterruptedly Ω Alup\n´> lk\n´>m®pt\B¨;" polite expression used to excuse a rude word or phrase
mpXc\.tpXc\. [måpwin. dåbwin.] adv (speak, say, etc) S YN na;n´ÏmnaPwå;n´Ïnapå CF kn\eta.
indistinctly, vaguely mRiu;Sn\; [måyo; hsan;] adv always freshly, never getting
mePak\TMu; [måhpau' hton:] n (quick)lime, calcium oxide dull S YN mViO; pn\;
m®Ps\selak\ [måhpyi' sålau'] n nothing, bit, trifle, mRiu;mrX®Ps\ [måyo: måywa. hpyi'] v restless, impatient, antsy
insignificant amount or happening, etc Ω meAa\nÏ´' mc\;rt´. (inf) [? check]
d%\ra m®Ps\selak\p´" Stop screaming, that cut is nothing. mRiu;mqa; [måyo: måtha:] v 1) be dishonest, be
S YNmSiuselak\' e®mapelak\ unscrupulous 2) take advantage of, take liberties with
m®Ps\vs\k¥y\ [måhpyi' nyi' kyè] adv flashily (but mrp\mna; [måya' måna:] adv unrelentingly, constantly
ineffectively) merX; [måywe:] adv at any, without distinction,
m®Ps\men [mAhpyi' mAne] adv without fail, absolutely Ω (3)- discrimination, etc Ω AK¥in\merX; at any time CF mSiu
nariTi m®Ps\men-ep;rmy\" I absolutely have to hand it over mrxiSc\;r´ [måshi> hsin: yè:] n the poor, the destitute, the
by three o'clock. S YN mrmk have-nots CF psßv\; rxi
mPXy\mra [måhpwè måya] n impropriety, indecency mrxiNXm\;på; [måshi> nun ba:] n poverty
mmamK¥a®Ps\ [måma måcha hpyi'] v 1) be sick, be unwell, be mrximrxa; [måshi> måsha:] n middle-class condition,
low, vw ill; be unhealthy Ω mmamK¥a-®Ps\enrc\ Alup\k Ana;- situation of being neither wealthy nor poor
y¨på" Take off work while you are ill. 2) [fig] pregnant, be mrxim´.rxim´. [måshi> mè. shi> mè.] n what there is, what (little)
expecting one has [? check use]
mm^mkm\; [måhmi måkan:] adv just beyond one's reach [ ph] mrxiqelak\ [mAshI thAlau'] n almost none, very few or
m®mc\k¥io;kÁn\ [måmyin kyo: kyun] adv (act) as if one didn't mROsim\.' mROSit\ [måshu. zein., måshu. zei'] v be jealous, be
notice CF mqik¥io;kÁn\ envious, envy, begrudge or resent sb's good fortune
Ω Ai m\e B;k-l¨ K¥m\; qa-laeta. mnaliu-mRO Sit\-®Ps\ ty\" When

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 306

mkr ª mkr
her neighbours became wealthy, she was jealous. 2) unobtrusively, inconspicuously Ω mqi mqa-lxm\;Âkv\.
S YN mnaliu steal a glance [? ok?]
mROmlx [måshu. måhla] adv utterly (neg), horribly mqiliuk\mqiBaqa [måthi> lai' måthi> hpa dha] adv
Ω mRO mlx ROM; ty\" It was an utter loss. indifferently, nonchalantly [? coldly?]
mRØNiuc\mky\Niuc\' mRØqamROik\qa [måshu nain måkè nain, mqiqa;Siu;rXa;' mqiqa;Siu;wå; [måthi> dha: hso: ywa:, måthi>
måshu tha måshai' tha] adv in a fix, in trouble dha: hso: wa:] v be highly insensitive, be very
merx;meNxac\; [måshe: måhnaung] adv almost at the same inconsiderate [? check]
time, nearly simultaneously mq¨eta\ [måthu daw] n the bad, the wicked A NT q¨eta\
mel;mKn\Ï [måle: måkhan.] adv impudently, disrespectfully
mel;msa; [måle: måsa:] adv disrespectfully meqekac\;mep¥ak\ekac\; [måthe gaung: måpyau' kaung:]
mliutma [målo tåma] n ill will, spite, malice, animosity adv narrowly (escape death), by the skin of one's teeth,
[? check situ: also envy, hatred?] in a close shave
mliumun\;Ta; [målo mon: da:] adv spitefully meqTmc\;meqhc\; [måthe dåmin: måthe hin:] n just
mliul´liul´ [målo lè: lo lè:] adv if necessary [? usage] enough food to stay alive
melak\el;melak\sa; [målau' le: målau' sa:] n (of meqmK¥a®Kc\;niyam [måthe gya gyin: ni ya ma.] n
person) nonentity, nothing; (of thing) nothing [? (Heisenberg's) uncertainty principle [? check]
check] meqmrxc\ [måthe måshin] adv half dead, more dead than
mlv\mwy\ [målè måwè] adv naïvely, innocently alive
— n naïveté, inexperience mqiu;Tmc\;mqiu;hc\; [måtho: dåmin: måtho: hin:] n
mlim\miu;mlimµa [målein mo: målein ma] n innocent, naïf, provisions, victuals (for storing)
unsophisticated [? check] mqiu;mqn\Ï [måtho: måthan.] adv uneasily, with a bad
mlim\.tpt\ [målein. dåba'] adv deceitfully, underhandedly feeling, with sthg nagging at one's mind
[? check] — adj unclean; tainted, foul
mlMuml´ [målon målè:] adv 1) (be dressed, clothed) mqiu;qkçn\; [måtho: thin gan:] n robe for a Bun\;”k^; (monk)
scantily 2) [fig] guiltily, with a bad conscience or Buddha woven and sewn in one night during kTin\
mlX´tm\; [målwè: dan:] adv surely, unerringly; positively, (Kahtain) [ bh]
unmistakenly [? check] mqkça [måthin ga] v suspect, have doubts about; be
mlX´meqX [målwè: måthwe] adv certainly, positively, for suspicious
sure mqkçamO [måthin ga hmu.] n [law] suspicion [? check]
mlXy\epåk\ [målwè bau'] n 1) wicket gate, small door or mqdÎåersa [måthåda ye za] n food not willingly given
gate in or near a large one (illus) 2) escape hatch = mqTaersa
S YN TXk\epåk\ mh¨ [måhu] part 1) ¬and, or, either: particle suffixed
mlxm\;mkm\; [måhlan: måkan:] n short distance, place to a pair of contradicting nouns S YN ™ mSiu 2) without
nearby, someplace not too close, not too far meaning to
mlW´mkc\;qa' mlW´merxac\qa' mlW´qa [måhlwè: mhut\khut\k' mhut\tRut\' mhut\tm\;trm\;
måkin; dha, måhlwè: måshaung dha, måhlwè dha] adv [måho' ka. ho' ka., måho' dåyo', måho' tan: dåyan:] n nonsense
unavoidably, inevitably [? investigate]
mwersa [måwa. ye za] n not enough food, lack of food mhut\B´n´Ï [måho' bè: nè.] exp impossible, that can't be,´ [måwun. måyè:] adv timidly, shyly, hesitantly; you're joking
diffidently mhut\mht\ [måho' måha'] n falsehood, fib, bollocks Î
mqka [mådhåga] adv if worst comes to worst, at worst, [? check]
at most mAa; [ma. a:] n testicles; male genitals [? really here?]
mqt^ [måthådi] v be revolted (by), be disgusted (by) mAa;tiu;eS; [ma. a: to: ze:] n aphrodisiac
mqTaersa [måthåda ye za] n food not willingly given mA^mlv\ [måi målè] adv uneasily, queasily
= mqdÎåersa mA^mqa [måi måtha] adv 1) unwell, out of sorts
mqma [måthåma] adj evil, wicked, bad; unjust, unfair 2) uneasy, unsatisfied
mqa [måtha] n 1) corpse, body, mortal remains mA¨mlv\ [måu målè] adv naïvely
S YNAelac\; 2) funeral S YN AquB mË;mKÁt\e®pa [måu: måchu' pyaw;] v jinx, say sthg which
mqaK¥ [måtha cha.] v take the body to the cemetery is taken as a bad sign
mqapi¨Ï [måtha po.] v attend a funeral mAp\mra [måa' måya] n the unthinkable, the
mqamya [måtha måya] adv gravely, sombrely inconcievable
mqik¥io;kÁn\ [måthi> kyo: kyun] adv (act, behave, etc)as if mAip\men [måei' måne] adv industriously, assiduously,
one didn't know CF m®mc\k¥io;kÁn\ without a moment's rest
mqisit\ [måthi> zei'] n unconscious; subconscious mkr [måkåra.] n ßCapricorn, tenth sign of the zodiac,
mqimqa [måthi> måtha] adv 1) imperceptibly, subtly represented by mkn\; CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^Rup\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 307

mkaAiu ª mnc\;g¥ie®mH;
mkaAiu [mAka o] n ∏Macao mdm [mådåma.] n Œsmall tree growing on seashores, with
— adj Macanese bark that is used in dying with indigo
mkiu!\ [mågai'] n crested crown, formerly part of coronation mdmtiuc\ [mådåma. dain] n post made of mangrove wood,
regalia, now worn by boys in rxc\®P novitiation ceremony often used in bamboo huts and as fencepost CF em¥atiuc\
CF mc\;e®mak\tn\ Sa [ ry ph]
mkn\;' mkr\; [mågan:] n 1) spiny sea creature with a mdmem¥a [mådåma. myaw:] n Œmangrove tree with a
segmented shell, six legs, and two large claws [? really straight round trunk CF em¥atiuc\
mythical?] 2) mythical sea creature with scales, four mdrt\ [mådåra'] n Madras, now Chennai, city in SE India
legs, and a tail (illus both) mdrt\eKåc\ [mådåra' khaung] n hip roof, with sloping
mkn\;kXk\ [mågan: gwe'] n pattern like scales ends
meKÅmun\ÏlMu; [måkhaw mon. lon:] n sticky-rice dumplings with mdrt\Aim\ [mådåra' ein] n house on stilts with a hip roof
palm sugar filling S YN mun\Ï lMu;-erepÅ
mK¥s\U [mågyi' u.] n ŒFritillaria herb used in tonics md^ [mådi] n young woman S YN min\;mp¥io
S YN gmu n\;Âkk\ qXn\®Pø [ ph] md^kiuc\ [mådi gain] n marionette artist who works the
mgD [mågåda.] n Magada, an ancient country and people princess S YN mc\; qm^; kiuc\ CF Rup\eq;
living south of the Ganges in what is now Bihar, India mD^rv\ [mådi yi] n buttermilk; whey [? pron]
mDu!^ka [mådu. ti ga] n commentary on the s chapters of
mgDBaqa [mågåda. ba dha] n 1) language of the Magada (Abhidhama) CF ANu!^ka [? abhi in bse]
people 2) Pali 3) language of the animals mDurtagu%\ [mådu. råta gon] n [rhet] quality of a poem's
mg´Âkk\' mgiuÂkk\ [ma. gè: kye', mågo kye'] n kind of small rhyme
chicken [? check] mnqikar [månåthi ka ra.] n will; attitude; sthg taken to heart
mSl [ma. hsa. la.]
abbr Burma Socialist Programme Party, in Ω eyani e qa mnqi kar moderate attitude S YN Nx lMu; qXc\; [? ?
power from 1974–88 CF ®mn\maSiurxy\ls\lm\; sU\påt^ [? and add n to heart]
check new me] mnq^ [månåthi] n mind, heart, attitude
mSla [måhsåla] n 1) masala, mixture of Indian spices mNuDmµqt\ [månu. dåmåtha'] n code of laws created by the
2) mortar, a mixture of sand, water, lime, and cement mNureq. (rishi Manu), during the reign of mhaqmµtmc\;
used in construction (King Maha Thamada), the first king
mSX [måhswa.] n ¬genesis, inception S YN erx;U^; menÏk [måne. ka.] n yesterday CF enÏ
m%i [månI] n 1) precious stone, gem, jewel, esp ruby men\Ïts\en\Ï [måne. tåne.] n the other day, not long ago, one
S YN ek¥ak\ k¥k\ 2) ‹head of a Buddha image RF day recently
m%ieta\. mena [månaw:] n mind; mentality, attitude, thought CF sit\'
m%ikXm\;sa; [månI kun: sa:] v [sl] bleed from a split head sit\ta
m%iSMk¥c\ [månI hsan gyin] n 1) ruby-tipped hairpin menakM [månaw: gan]
n thought, thinking CF kaykM
2) [rhet] style of ending a rtu three stanza verse with a ws^kM speech
nine letter line [ wr] menaBat [månaw: ba ta.] [? ?? here or not? what's the
m%ieta\ [månI daw] n ‹head of a Buddha image [ bh] def?]
mena [manaw:] n Manau, festival of the Wunbawng (Kachin)
m%iqYt†r [månI sha' tåra.] n book on gems people [? check all with sb]
m%iU^;®pv\; [månI u: byi:] n [rhet] style of ending a rtu menatiuc\; [månaw: tain:] n posts symbolising [? what
three stanza verse with a fifteen letter line [ wr] exactly]
m%ip¨r [mAnI pu ra.] n ∏Manipur [? okay?] menapX´ [månaw: pwe:] n Manau festival
m%ip¨r^ [ma ni pu ri] n Manipuri CF kqv\;' pu•a; [? okay?] mnk\ [måne'] n ™morning = ¬ nMnk\
m%iÂqG [måni> aw: ga.] n Œlarge timber tree [ ph] mnk\Kå [måne' kha] n tomorrow S YN mnk\®Pn\' nk\®Pn\
mtkBt\ [måtåga. ga'] n ‹offering of food made on CF enÏ
behalf of sb who died S YN qpit\qXt\SXm\; [ bh] [? is this mnk\Kc\; [måne' khin;] n morning
really syn?] mnk\®pn\v®pn\ [måne' pyan nya. byan] adv (eat the same
mÂta [ma' tåra] n 1) [fig] moment, instant, blink of an eye thing) morning, noon and night
(Upsa), snap of the fingers (Upsa) 2) exorcism, inducing mnk\®Pn\ [måne' hpyan] n tomorrow = nk\®Pn\' (m)nk\Pn\'
a possessing spirit to leave sb 3) full length vowel tone mnk\Kå CF enÏ
CF mÂtawk\' lhu 4) full pronunciation of written words mnk\lc\; [måne' lin:] n morning light
[ ph] mnk\qXa;v®pn\ [måne' thwa: nya. byan] adv returning in
mÂtawk\ [ma' tåra we'] n skipped tone, as in negative m one day
mnc\;g¥ie®mH; [månin: gyi> hmwe:] n membranes surrounding the
meTr\ [måhti' (måhte)] n ‹Buddhist monk = mhaeTr\ brain, meninges ◊
CF Bun\;”k^; [ ph] mnc\;g¥ie®mx;erac\rm\;na [månin: gyi> hmwe: yaung yan: na] n

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 308

mNuœ ª mha
meningitis ◊ S YN U^;eNxak\Ae®mx;erac\eragå tree
mNuœ [måno' tha.] n human Ω mNuœt†dul¬B S YN l¨qa; [? mrn\;es.erac\ [måyan; ze. yaung] n purple = mrn\;erac\
check, and how to translate this?] mrn\;®pa; [måyan; pya;] n candied halves of mrn\; fruit
mNuœebd [måno' tha. be da.] n anthropology mrn\;erac\ [måyan; yaung] n purple = mrn\;es.erac\
mNuœ^h [måno' thi ha.] n mythical creature with a human merX;mun\> [måywe: mon.] n popped rice and palm sugar snack
head and chest and double lion's legs (illus) [? can't I merxa. [måshaw.] n Œkind of plant used as an antidote for
put this under human?] poison
mNxs\ [måhni'] n ™last year S YN ¬ ymn\Nxs\ [? check syn, mel;rxa; [måle: sha:] adj&n ∏Malaysia(n) CF pqYø; Malay
and also, not with k?] [ pe cr]
mya; [måya:] n wife wDaesar' Ay¥kNxc\.' NxmAmi' dåqiAeSX' mliuc\ [målain] n cream Ω mliuc\®pa;' mliuc\luM; cream candy, fudge
®pa;eTXqt†' erx;qMu; wkiu-Ú-sXn\ÏTiuk\eK¥f" (seven kinds of (Br) [? okay to take out 2nd malain? what about malain
wives:) the murderer, the thief, the master, the younger beans?]
sister, the mother, the slave, and the friend--the first mlup\tan^ [målo' ta ni] n mulligatawny, spicy meat and
three should be discarded. S YN zn^;' min\; m' Am¥io;qm^; vegetable soup from eastern India
CF lc\' enak\mya;' eSXm¥io;suz ya; [? check] mlW [måhlwa.] n Œtimber tree with edible yellow flowers
mya;”k^; [måya: gyi:] n first wife CF mya;cy\ mha [måha] adj great, noble
mya;eÂkak\ [måya: gyau'] n man who is afraid of his mhakp\ [måha ka'] n ‹cycle of time from the
wife Ω Upma kiusiu; wc\;“cim\; beginning of the destruction of the cosmos to the
mya;cy\ [måya: ngè] n mistress; second wife completion of its restoration, consisting of four epochs
mya;v^As\kiu [måya: nyi åko] n brothers-in-law CF eSXm¥io;su- CF AqeKç¥ y¥kp\ [ bs] [? see what? can't read my notes]
zya; [? check]
mya;tR¨; [måyåda. yu:] n 1) person crazy about getting mhag^t [måha gi ta.] n œcollection of classical songs
married 2) person who cannot get over the loss of his [ ms]
wife mhag^ri [måha gi rI] n Mahagiri, Lord of the Great
mya;en [måya: ne] v (of a man) get married CF lc\en Mountain, one of the 37 nats, for whom decorated and
mya;påqm^; [måyåba dhåmi:] n stepdaughter, wife's perfumed coconuts are hung inside the house
daughter by another man CF lc\påqm^;' eSXm¥io;suz ya; [? S YN Aim\tXc\; nt\ [ bs]
kale: ?] mhaS^mhaeqX; [måha zi måha dhwe:] n royalty, person
mya;påqa; [måyåba dha:] n stepson, wife's son by of royal lineage
another man CF lc\påqa;' eSXm¥io;suz ya; mhaSn\ [måha hsan] v have a regal bearing
mya;®po [måya: pyu.] v 1) (of a man) marry (a woman) mhatapn [måha ta båna.] n hell CF ptapn' cr´”k^; [?
2) (of a man) live together (with a woman) same as ? what level?]
mya;“pioc\ [måyåbyain] n (one man's) wives (of equal mhaeTr [måha hte ra.] n ‹monk who has been
status) CF eSXm¥io;suzya; [? check] ordained for more than 20 years S YN meTr\ CF Bun\;”k^;'
mya;y¨ [? is this a word? what about maya: shi. lin?] rhn\;KM [? make sure lv is in here]
mhaedw^ [måha de wi] n chief queen, esp of a saohpa
mya;wt\cå;på; [måya: wu' nga: ba:]
n five duties of a wife Shan ruler
1. be a good housewife; 2. be thrifty; 3. be faithful; 4. mhaduk\SXm\; [måha do' hsun:] n ‹SXm\; (food offered to
be fair when distributing gifts; 5. be hard-working monks) donated by donors who are chosen by lot
CF lc\wt\cå;på; [? check] mhadån\ [måha dan] n ‹donation made by a king
myxcxk\ [måsha. hnge'] n ‹bird with a cry cå.ha' cåUsßa ('It's mhadån\wn\ [måha dan wun] n ‹minister who
mine, my things!') [ bh ph] administers a monarch's donations and oversees monks’
mrkn\ [måyågan] n Œkind of herb used in traditional adherence to the winv\; qikƒa (vinaya code of conduct for
medicine sanga)
mr% [måråna.] n death mhanP¨; [måha nåhpu:] n broad forehead, esp with square
mrmn\1 [måråman] n Œkind of fragrant, green banana hairline
S YN crmn\ CF cxk\ep¥aq^; mhapiN~´ [måha pein: nè:] n Ganesh, Ganesa Hindu god of
mrmn\2 [måråman] n muslin, very thin white cotton cloth wisdom and problem solving
mr^; [måyi:] n sister-in-law, older brother's wife, or older mhab¥øha [måha byu ha] n strategy CW rp\
sister of one's wife CF eSXm¥io;suz ya; [? what is the equiv mhaBut\ [måha bo'] n 1) four elements or basic
for a woman?] properties of matter, pTw^ solidity, earth; eteza heat,
mR¨ [måru] n Maru, one of the Wunpawng (kK¥c\) ethnic fire; Aaepå cohesion or fluidity, water; and wåeya
groups CF kK¥c\ volatility, air S YN Dat\”k^;el;på; 2) ßone of the basic
mrn\; [måyan;] n Œtree bearing clusters of yellow apricot- methods for casting a horoscope [? want to put in any
like fruit which may be sweet or sour; the fruit of this details>?]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 309

mh^ ª maya
mhaBut\tiuc\ [måha bo' tain] n ßmethod of predicting related to Buddhism?]
sb's future using a formula based on day and year of meA [måe] n mother = Aem CF e®pac\;®pn\
birth ma [ma] v 1) be hard, be firm, be stiff Ω πmalXn\;lYc\k¥io;'
mhamit\ [måha mei'] n ally; close friend [? also in ep¥a.lXn\; lYc\ekX; If it is too hard, break it; if it is too soft,
political sense? only in political sense?] bend it. Karen saying 2) healthy S YN k¥n\; ma CF l¨mma
mhayan [måha ya na.] n ‹Mahayana Buddhism (greater maek¥a [ma kyaw:] v 1) be rigid, be hard 2) be hard, be
vehicle), forms of Buddhism common to northern India, tough, be stern, be harsh
Nepal, Tibet, and East Asia, which emphasises maek¥aek¥a [ma kyaw: gyaw:] v be stubborn, be
compassion and the capability of all men to attain obstinate
Buddhahood CF eTrwåd' h^nyan' zc\ [? really only — adv (speak) arrogantly S YN maerek¥aer
men?] maeKåk\eKåk\ [ma khau' khau'] v (of texture) be hard and
mhaeraRuw [måha yaw ju. wa.] n [cosml] fifth of the eight tough; be stiff
levels of principle hells CF cr´”k^; maK¥a [ma cha] v be healthy
mharMtMtiuc\; [måha yan dådain:] n ‹wall built around maSt\St\ [ma hsa' hsa'] v be brusque, be curt
Buddhist monastery buildings maerek¥aer [ma ye kyaw: ye] adv (speak) arrogantly
mhalta [måha låta] n ceremonial gown worn by the S YN maek¥aek¥a
chief queen and chief consort of the Shan rulers mak¥^ [ma gyi] n caulk [? syn?]
CF mhaedw^
mak¥ør^m^; [ma kyu ri mi:] n mercury vapour lamp [Engl]
mhawc\ [måha win] n Mahavumsa, history of mhaqmµtmc\; maek¥ak\ [ma kyau'] n mahjongg, Chinese game for four,
(King Maha Thamada) of Sri Lanka, first king of the
played with 144 tiles
world, and his descendants, written in the 5th century
CF razawc\ [? check]
maG1 [ma ga.] n king of the nats = qiÂka;mc\;
mhawun\ [måha won] n forest near Kapilavastu, in India maG2 [ma ga.] n ©constellation of four stars in Leo,
resembling an iron hook; 10th lunar mansion; Regulus
[? why is this important?]
mhaqmyenÏ [måha thåmåya. ne.] n ‹day commemorating
the full moon day of Nayon, when the Buddha explained maSRiuk\K¥v\ [ma hsårai' chi] n mercerized thread [Engl]
the mhaqmyqut\ (Mahasamaya sutta) to assembled ma%w [ma nåwa.] n youth, boy CF ma%w^
nats, devas, and Brahmas ma%w^ [ma nåwi] n girl CF ma%w
mhaqmyqut\ [måha thåmåya. tho'] n ‹mhaqmyqut\ matli [ma tåli>] n 1) Sakka's (Indra's) charioteer 2) [fig]
(Mahasamaya sutta), Buddhist [? better explanation] messenger
mhaqawk [måha tha wåka.] n ‹one of the 80 mata [ma ta] n mother CF Aem
prominent disciples of the Buddha matika [ma ti> ka] n table of contents
mhaqk¶raz\ [måha the' gåyi'] n ‹era preceding the matugåm [ma tu. ga ma.] n ‹Bun\;”k^; (monk’s) term for women
qaqnaNxs\ (Buddhist Era), ending with the death of the [ bh]
Buddha in 544 BC matc\ [ma tin] n large bull elephant CF Sc\
mhaqmµtmc\; [måha thåmåda. min:] n first king of the matgç [ma din ga.] n 1) name of a beggar who fell in love
world, chosen by election, ancestor of all kings with a princess, in a tale 2) [fig] persistant suitor,
CF mhawc\ boyfriend, etc
mh^ [måhi] n earth [? ?] matgçemxa\ [ma din ga. myaw] n [fig] talent for cadging [?
mh¨ra [måhu ya] n name for some semi-precious stones, make easier]
including tourmaline and chalcedony Ω qeBçamh¨ra agate maÂta [ma tåra] n 1) name of an evil spirit believe to catch
children 2) kind of children's sickness [ ph]
mh¨raeÂkac\wc\ [måhu ya kyaung win] n onyx man [ma na.] n 1) vanity, conceit 2) arrogance; pride
mh¨rawå [måhu ya wa] n yellow chalcedony Ω psßv\ m´.man pride in having only few possessions CF man\ man
mehqr [måhe thåra.] n Shiva, Hindu god representing [? check]
destruction CF biœNiu;' ®bhµa man”k^; [ma na. kyi:] v be haughty, be arrogant; be
mehq^1 [måhe thi] n ‹the Buddha [? only gautama?] conceited, fancy oneself (inf); be difficult
mehq^2 [måhe thi] n chief queen [? how related to maha manK´ [ma na. gè:] n haughty young person
devi?] manmrxi [ma na. måshi>] v be easy(-going), be flexible
meha\gn^ [måhaw gåni] n Œmahogany, timber tree with hard manrxi [ma na. shi>] n have self-respect
reddish wood maPla [ma hpåla] n muffler, scarf [Engl]
meha\rt\ [måhaw ra'] n ‹kind of Asian tiger's-eye stone maya1 [ma ya] n 1) trickiness, craftiness, cunning, slyness
meha\qDazat\ [måhaw dhåda za'] n ‹fifth of the ten 2) pretence, show, illusion, deceit, manipulation
great jatakas, no. 542 CF zat\”k^;Sy\BX´>
mhidÎi [måhei' di>] n extraordinary power CF tn\Kiu; [? for ex? mayaqv\ [maya thè] n cheat, false lover; deceiver

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 310

maya ª m^
mayam¥a; [ma ya mya:] v 1) deceive, cheat on (lover, mitiuc\Pl´ [mi> tain hpa. lè:]
adv (be insulted) in a way
spouse, etc) 2) be tricky, be crafty; be manipulative insulting to one's parents
maya [ma ya] n ‹Maya, mother of Gautama Buddha mieTX; [mi> dwe:] n 1) aunt, younger sister of one's
Ω my\e ta\ maya mother [? what is older?] 2) stepmother CF peTX;
marqXn\ [ma råthun] n marathon [Engl] miPura; [mi> båya:] n queen, wife of a king CF Burc\m'
malka [ma låka] n Œguava kiuy\lup\eta\' emac\;m
malkaepåk\ [ma låka bau'] n hatchway, opening in the deck miB [mi> ba.] n parents Ω miB-ska;- na;meTac\'
of a ship qa;tekac\n´Ï tiu; liuÏt´Xl´ Ω mi Bska; na;etac\®ca;'
mala [ma la] n 1) flower; garland 2) Œedible flowering herb qM®pa;ek¥ak\esac\; k¥ioeqa\e®pac\;ty\" CF eSXm¥io;suz ya [?
RF malaP¨;. trans of both]
malak¥ik¥o [ma la kyi> kyu.] n Œsaffron S YN kMukumM miBm´.kel; [mi> ba. mè. kåle:] n orphan CF mitSiu;' PtSiu;
malaP¨; [ma la bu:] n Œedible flowering herb = mala miBm´.kel;ek¥ac\; [mi> ba. mè. kåle: gyaung:] n orphanage
malagås^ [ma la ga si] n 1) ∏ÓMalagasy Republic miBemac\Pa; [mi> ba. maung ba:] n parents, uncles, and elder
2) Malagasy, citizen of Madagascar 3) one of the brothers with the responsibility to be a guardian for a
languages of Madagascar [ cr] [? madagascar] young girl
malaw^ [ma la wi] n ∏Malawi [ cr] mimss\Pmss\ [mi> måsi' hpa. måsi'] n Îbastard Î
mal^1 [ma li] n mali, gardener miemXPemX [mi> mwe hpa. mwe] n inheritance (from parents)
mal^2 [ma li] n ∏Mali [ cr] miemX;tiuc\;PemX;tiuc\; [mi> mwe: dain: hpa. mwe: dain:] adv 1) as
one was born 2) nude, naked as the day one was born,
maelaNXy\ [ma law: nwè] n ‹strangling vines [ bh] in one's birthday suit
malin\(mØ;) [ma lein (hmu:)] n navigator, pilot miRiu;Pla [mi> yo: hpåla] n sthg that is accepted, observed,
maq [ma tha.] n month S YN l or practiced by tradition Ω miRiu;PlaAlup\ traditional work
ma; [ma:] part particle affixed to some verbs for emphasis, [? expand]
esp of greatness or largeness mirc\;Prc\; [mi> yin: hpa. yin:] n birth parents CF emX;sa; [? get
ma;ma; [ma: ma:] adv toweringly CF T^;T^;ma;ma; correct cf]
ma;ma;mt\mt\ [ma: ma: ma' ma'] adv 1) toweringly miliuk\Ppå [mi> lai' hpa. pa] adv by inheritance (e.g., traits);
2) resolutely, determinedly, staunchly, steadfastly genetically
ma;ma;rp\ [ma: ma: ya'] v staunchly defend or support sb, miqa;su [mi> dha: zu.] n family; household CF Aim\e®K CW su
sthg, or some cause, be steadfast — adj family Ω miqa;sus^;PXa;er; family business
mi1 [mi>] v 1) catch; get caught CF Pm\;mi 2) be effective, be miqa;Pqa; [mi> dha: hpa. dha:] n children of respectable
appropriate 3) [sl] be great S YN miuk\ parents
— part inadvertently, unintentionally, by chance, by miek¥ac\; [mi> gyaung:] n 1) crocodile; alligator 2) three-
mistake, by accident: particle suffixed to verbs to stringed musical instrument shaped like a crocodile
convey the sense that sthg was not done on purpose, or miek¥ac\;Âkv\;tc\ [mi> gyaung: kyi: din] adv [fig] in a tight
that one was not able to avoid sthg (esp a feeling) spot, in an awkward situation, like a fish out of water
Ω Úqtirmi ty\ When you said that it made me think of…
(Upsa) [? ?]
Ω biu k\naty\" Basa;mi l´mqi B¨;" I have a stomach ache. I
miek¥ac\;kXm\;Pt\ [mi> gyaung: kun: ba'] n Œherb with seeds
don't know what I ate. Ω rn\kun\mxa-erak\enliuÏ mqiB¨;"
used in poultices
lk\Pk\rv\Siuc\mxa etX>mity\" I didn't know she was in
miek¥ac\;tMu; [mi> gyaung: don:] n girder, supporting beam
Yangon -- I ran into her in a tea shop.
miek¥ac\;tXa; [mi> gyaung: dwa:] n crawl on one's belly
mimirr [mi> mi> ya. ya.] adv 1) effectively 2) tightly, firmly miek¥ac\;pn\; [mi> gyaung: ban:] n Œvine growing on stream
3) convincingly, cogently, compellingly
mi2 [mi>] n 1) mother 2) young woman, girl miek¥ac\;e®p; [mi> gyaung: bye:] n extra rafter
— part 1) particle prefixed to a young woman's name miek¥ac\;qXa; [mi> gyaung: dhwa:] n alligator clamp (illus)
S YN m 2) title prefixed to the name of a Mon woman
migdåwun\ [mi> gåda won] n ‹deer park near Benares, India,
miKc\ [mi> gin] n mother where the Buddha gave his first talk, to five disciples
miKc\sKn\; [mI gin såkhan;] n base camp migq^ [mi> gåthi] n ©constellation of four stars in Orion,
miKc\elac\; [mi> gin laung:] n expectant mother, pregnant resembling a deer's head; fifth lunar mansion
mins\ [mi> ni'] n minute [Engl] CF (sk\)nar^
misMuPsMu [mi> zon hpa. zon] n sb with two living parents
mits\kX´Pts\kX´ [mi> tågwè: hpa tåkwè:] adv with divorced mimi [mi> mi>] pron 1) I 2) one's (own) 3) oneself
mimikiuy\kiuy\ [mI mI ko ko] part to myself
mitSiu; [mi> tåhso: (thåhso:)] n motherless child CF PtSiu;' mimikiuy\tiuc\ [mI mI ko dain] adv by myself
miBm´.kel; m^ [hmi] v be within reach, within a time; reach a level,
limit, standard, etc Ω q¨>ASc\. mm^eta.B¨;" I will never
mitiuc\Perak\ [mi> tain hpa. yau'] adv (be insulted) in a way
reach his level. [ ph]
insulting to one's parents

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 311

m^ziurm\ ª m^;
mm^ [måhmi] part ¬before, prior to Ω mÂkam^ soon, before m^;K´ [mi: gè:] n 1) ember, live coal 2) [fig] troublemaker,
long Ω mÂkam^k not long ago S YN ™ Kc\ [ ph] live wire (Upsa), firebrand (Upsa)
Am^ [åhmi] part in time for, suffix to a noun Ω qÂkçn\;Am^- m^;K´®paPMu; [mi: gè: pya bon:] n 1) cinder, coal or ember
erak\my\liuÏ e®paty\" He said he'd come in time for covered with ash [mi: gè: pya bon:] 2) [fig] potential, latent
Thingyan. [ ph] [? chec pron of both] possibility [? check possibility, capacity, ability? hey
m^ziurm\ [mi zo ram] n ∏Mizoram, part of India bordering on this is a person!]
Chin State m^;KM [mi: gan] adj fireproof, non-flammable; fire resistant
m^ta1 [mi ta] n (esp electric) meter, device measuring the
amount used [Engl] Ω m^taBy\elak\tk\l´" How much is m^;KMtiuk\ [mi: gan tai'] n fireproof building
on the meter? m^;KM®pa; [mi: gan bya:] n asbestos sheet, fireproof sheet
m^tatk\ [mi ta te'] v [sl] be expensive CF ek¥ak\gXm\; [? ?]
m^ta2 [mi ta] n metre, 1000 millimetres, 1/1000 of a m^;KMeqt†a [mi: gan thi' ta] n fireproof safe
kilometre (39.4 inches) [Engl] m^;KMAut\ [mi: gan o'] n firebrick
m^l^ [mi li] pref milli-, one-thousandth; millimetre, 1/1000 m^;Kiu; [mi: go:; mi: kho:] v smoke
of a metre (0.04 inch) Ω m^l^grm\ milligram(me); m^l^m^ta — n smoke
m^;Kiu;ÂkXk\elYak\ [mi: go: kywe' shau'] adv 1) (of situation
m^; [mi:] n 1) fire Ω m^;elac\ burn 2) light Ω m^;PXc\. turn on light go) from bad to worse 2) (follow, happen, etc) in a
3) [fig] passion, strong feeling Ω edåqm^; fury chain, (follow) suit Ω Dat\S^eZ;-”k^;eta. m^;Kiu;ÂkXk\elYak\-
4) (electrical) power, electricity, current Ω m^; pMumxn\laty\" Siuqliu kun\eZ;NOn\;etX liuk\eZ;”k^;eta.mxap´" As the price of
The power supply is regular. S YN Dat\Aa;' lYs\ss\Dat\ fuel is rising, all the other prices will follow suit.
5) brilliance (of gems)
— adj electric(al) m^;Kiu;eKåc\;tiuc\ [mi; kho; gaung; dain] n smokestack
m^;ka [mi: ga] n 1) barrier built in front of a fortified m^;Kiu;tit\ [mi: go: dei'] adv (serve) enough to feed the
gate (illus) 2) (gun's) flash suppressor whole community
m^;kc\ [mi: kin] v roast, grill (over open flame) m^;Kiu;mSMu;miu;mSMu; [mi: go: måhson: mo: måhson] adv endlessly,
m^;kc\; [mi: gin:] n fire watch unceasingly = miu;mSMu;e®mmSMu; [? check]
m^;kun\ym\;kun\ [mi: gon yan: gon] adv [fig] giving one's all, m^;Kiu;erac\ [mi: go: yaung] n grey (Br), gray (Am) CF vio
sparing no effort, with full effort, giving it all one has m^;eKåc\; [mi: gaung:] n light socket CF m^;q^;eKåc\;
got (inf) CF tk\kun\lk\kun\ m^;Kt\ [mi: ga'] n 1) iron used for striking flint to
m^;kp\ [mi: ga'] n 1) small sheet of metal on a fire pole, produce sparks [mi: kha'] 2) iron and flint, ready for
used to smother a fire CF m^;K¥it\ (illus) 2) bamboo litter starting fire
for a woman to rest on after giving birth = m^;enkp\ — v strike steel against flint
m^;k¥^; [mi: kyi:] n ember, live coal m^;Kt\ek¥ak\ [mi: ga' kyau'] n flint, hard stone used for
m^;ek¥a\ [mi: kyaw] n 1) wood which has been used making sparks
during a woman's delivery, which was left unburned in a m^;K¥it\ [mi: gyei'] n firehook, hook on a long pole, used to
forest fire, or whose owner died before it could be used, fight fires CF m^; kp\
and which should not be used 2) remaining medicine of m^;®Ka;lm\; [mi: cha: lan:] n firebreak [? pron. same as mi
a patient who died during treatment, which should not gyo?]
be used m^;®Ks\ [mi: gyi'] n (book or box of) matches; (cigarette)
— v be made bulletproof CF m^;mk¨; lighter
m^;k¥io;emac\;p¥k\ [mi: gyo: maung: bye'] n unusable tools or m^;®Ks\SM [mi: gyi' hsan] n matchstick
guns m^;®Ks\B¨; [mi: gyi' bu:] n matchbox
m^;k¥v\ [mi: gyi] n 1) flare CF lc\;K¥v\' AK¥k\®pm^; m^;KXk\ [mi: gwe'] n oil lamp
2) rocket CF m^;etak\ m^;s [mi: za.] n firebrand (Br), torch (Am); burning log
m^;k¥v\eqnt\ [mi: gyi thåna'] n flare gun m^;sts\Pk\ermOt\ts\Pk\ [mi: za. tåhpe' ye hmo' tåhpe'] n
m^;”kio [mi: gyo] n firebreak [fig] provocateur pretending to be a peacemaker
m^;”kio; [mi: gyo:] n (electric or power) cord — adv (stir up trouble) while pretending to mediate
m^;kXk\na [mi: gwe' na] n blight on betel vine m^;selac\; [mi: sålaung:] n lampshade S YN m^;Aup\eSac\;
m^;kXc\; [mi: kwin:] [mi: gwin:] v escape damage in fire; (of m^;sa [mi: za] n 1) wick S YN m^;sa”kio; 2) flammable material
fire) not burn an area [? check] [? or fuel fo a fire?]
— n burning ring thrown to commit arson CF m^;ROi> m^;sakun\S^Kn\; [mi: za gon hsi khan:] adv [fig] 1) at a ripe
m^;eÂkXtiuk\ [mi: gywe tai'] v iron (laundry) S YN m^;p¨tiuk\ old age 2) at wit's end, perplexedly L IT : ‘with wick burnt
m^;K [mi: kha.] v (of palace, pagoda, monastery, sacred up and oil gone dry’
place, etc) burn m^;sa”kio; [mi: za gyo:] n wick S YN m^;sa
m^;Klut\ [mi: khålo'] n light switch m^;sa; [mi: sa:] v 1) (of impurities in gold) be burned

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 312

m^; ª m^;
away 2) (of sb) look good in stage lights [? ? firelight?] m^;na [mi: na] v [alchemy] get the right amount of heat
m^;sk\ [mi: se'] v (of fire) spread m^;n^®Pt\ [mi; ni hpya'] v run a red light
m^;sk\ [mi: ze'] n 1) generator 2) steam engine m^;en [mi: ne] v 1) have heat treatment after giving birth
m^;sU\Âkv\.k [mi: zin kyi> ka.] v [fig] act according to the 2) give birth
circumstances m^;enkp\ [mi: ne ka'] n bamboo litter for woman to rest on
m^;sun\; [mi: zon:] n 1) phosphorus, sthg which glows after giving birth = m^; kp\
without heat (after exposure to electromagnetic m^;enwc\ [mi: ne win] v 1) [? ?] 2) give a present to a new
radiation) 2) phosphorescence, glowing without heat mother
(after exposure to electromagnetic radiation) m^;nc\;pX´ [mi: nin: bwè:] n firewalking festival
m^;sun\;Dat\ [mi: zon: da'] n phosphorus m^;pedqa [mi: både dha] n chandelier
m^;sX´ [mi: swè:] v catch (on) fire, ignite m^;pelX [mi: pålwe] n blowpipe (for giving more air to
m^;sXy\ [mi: zwè] n flame fire) CF m^;e®pac\;
m^;eS; [mi: hse:] v heat temper m^;p¨ [mi: bu] n iron
m^;eSa [mi: hsaw] v give a fire alarm [? new] m^;p¨tiuk\ [mi: bu tai'] v iron (laundry, clothing, etc)
m^;Siuk\ [mi: hsai'] v use wood to feed a fire; burn sthg, S YN m^;eÂkXtiuk\
use sthg as firewood m^;p¨eza\ [mi: pu zaw] n make an offering of lights to the
m^;VXn\Ï [mi: nyun.] n tip of a flame Buddha [ bh]
m^;vHi [mi: hnyi>] v 1) light (cigarette, etc) 2) adjust (flame m^;epåk\ [mi: pau'] v have a hole burned in sthg
of lamp) S YN m^; tiu> — n 1) burn hole 2) flintlock, matchlock
m^;vHp\ [mi: hnya'] n coal tongs m^;epåc\ [mi: baung] n fire insurance
m^;ta; [mi: da:] n firewall; firebreak CF m^;”kio' m^;®Ka;lm\;' m^;epåc\ [mi: baung] n steam pressure (in boiler)
m^;ta;lm\; m^;epåc\k¥io; [mi: baung gyo:] n excess pressure
m^;ta;lm\; [mi: ta: lan:] n firebreak m^;pn\; [mi: ban:] n fireworks; sparkler CF m^;RØ;
m^;ti¨Ï [mi: to.] v 1) light (cigarette, etc) 2) adjust (wick of m^;pMu [mi: bon:] n bonfire; campfire
lamp) S YN m^;vHi m^;pMu; [mi: bon:] n 1) (paper) lantern 2) hot air balloon
m^;etak\ [mi: tau'] v 1) burst into flames [mi: dau'] m^;pMu;TXn\; [mi: bon: htun:] v send up a hot air balloon
2) [fig] be consumed with anxiety S YN m^;puM; p¥M
— n flame [? how related to zweh? and lyan] m^;pMu;p¥M [mi: bon byan] n hot air balloon S YN m^;pMu;
m^;etak\Ark\ [mi: dau' åye'] n high-proof alcoholic m^;p¥io; [mi: pyo:] v kindle (a fire), start a fire
drink m^;®p [mi: bya.] [mi: pya.] n beacon, signal fire
m^;tiuk\ [mi: tai'] v 1) set fire (to) [? check] 2) [fig] — v signal (turn, when driving)
incite m^;®ptiuk\ [mi: bya. dai'] n lighthouse
m^;tc\;kup\ [mi: tin: go'] n cookhouse m^;®pqeBça [mi: bya. dhin: baw] n lightship
m^;etac\ [mi: daung] n (active) volcano m^;®pc\;tiuk\ [mi: byin: tai'] v apply intense heat [? scorch?
m^;etac\®mMo [mi: daung myon] n dormant volcano more?]
m^;etac\eq [mi: daung dhe] n extinct volcano m^;®pc\;Tiu; [mi: byin: hto:] v 1) stoke a furnace to provide
m^;tiuc\ [mi: dain] n 1) torch (Br), flashlight (Am) intense heat 2) [fig] urge sb incessantly
S YN Dat\m^;' tu t\m^; 2) lamp post (Br), streetlight (Am) m^;®pc\;Piu [mi: byin: bo:] n furnace [? new]
3) candle [? check] m^;e®pac\; [mi: byaung:] n 1) blowpipe (for giving more air
m^;tut\ [mi: do'] n torch to fire) S YN m^; pelX 2) chimney, lamp glass S YN Pn\pdiuc\;
m^;tXc\; [mi: dwin:] n woman's one-week stay in a closed
room after giving birth m^;pXa; [mi: pwa:] n 1) spark 2) [fig] trigger, incident
— adj postnatal [? new] which seems small, but can be dangerous in a tense
m^;Tiu; [mi: hto:] v 1) stoke a fire, add fuel to fire situation
Ω m^; Tiu;qma; stoker 2) spotlight, shine a (spot)light on; m^;pXc\. [mi: bwin.] n (incandescant) lamp [? check]
arrange lighting 3) [fig] goad sb (into doing sthg) m^;pXc\.qXa; [mi: pwin. thwa:] v [fig] lead to a disastrous
4) highlight 5) [fig] exacerbate, make worse, exaggerate result
(problem, difficulty, etc) m^;pXioc\. [mi; pwain.] n traffic light, traffic signal
m^;Tc\;kisß [mi: htin: kei' sa.] n 1) fire hazard 2) fire safety m^;pXt\ [mi: bu'] n tinderbox [? not really: that spinning
m^;Tv\. [mi: htè.] v feed fire S YN m^;emW; thing]
m^;TXk\ [mi: htwe'] v (of a woman) come out of m^;Piu [mi: hpo] [mi: bo:] v lay a fire, build a fire
confinement (a week after giving birth) — n 1) kitchen 2) burner; cooker (Br), range, stove
m^;TXn\; [mi: htun:] v light a lamp (Am) 2) bellows
m^;TXn\;K¥in\ [mi: htun: gyein] n dusk, time to light lamps m^;Piu;eK¥ac\ [mi: bo: gyaung] n kitchen
m^;TXn\;pX´ [mi: htun: bwè:] n Thadingyut light festival m^;ePac\ [mi: hpaung] n 1) burning raft used to set enemy

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 313

muKpå@\ ª muSiu;
ships on fire 2) floating lantern m^;elac\tiuk\qXc\; [mi: laung dai' thwin:] v burn sb alive in a
m^;Pun\;pX´ [mi: hpon: pwè:] n ‹lighting bonfires near fire chamber
pagodas on the full moon day of tpiu>tX´ Dabodwe m^;elac\®pc\ [mi: laung byin] n scorched earth
m^;PXa; [mi: hpwa:] v give birth, deliver, have a baby m^;elac\Pu [mi: laung bu.] n (burn) blister
m^;PXa;KXc\. [mi: hpwa: gwin.] n maternity leave m^;elac\bMu; [mi: laung bon:] n incendiary bomb
m^;PXc\. [mi: hpwin.] v (of light) turn on, switch on, put on m^;elac\ma [mi: laung ma] n burn scar
m^;eB; [mi: be:] n fire hazard m^;elac\raelpc\. [mi: laung ya le pin.] v [fig] fan the flames
m^;mk¨; [mi: måku:] v (of weapon) be prevented from firing (Upsa)
(supernaturally) CF m^;ek¥a\ m^;lv\ [mi: lè] n zoetrope, revolving lantern with
m^;mkc\eS; [mi: måkin ze] n medicine given instead of figures
heat treatment after childbirth m^;ln\Ï [mi: lan.] v have a fire scare
m^;em; [mi: me:] v visit sb after a fire, to offer m^;lMu; [mi: lon:] n 1) fireball 2) lightbulb S YN m^;q^;' Pn\q^;
consolation and gifts
m^;emac\; [mi: maung:] n floodlight, bright light; m^;lXt\sa [mi: lu' sa] n raw vegetarian food
searchlight m^;lOM [mi: hlon] v warm oneself by a fire
m^;emac\;Tiu; [mi: maung: hto:] v 1) light up (with bright m^;lYM [mi: lyan] n (tongue of) flame, flames [? syns]
lights) Ω m^;emac\; Tiu; Ta; floodlit [? Sule pagoda is floodlit m^;wc\ [mi: win] v give birth (while [? ?]
at night?] 2) highlight m^;wc\m^;TXk\ [mi: win mi: dwe'] n (of two people's ages)
m^;®mMoetac\ [mi: myon taung] n dormant volcano about 7 days difference
= m^;etac\®mMo m^;q^; [mi: dhi:] n lightbulb S YN m^;lMu;' Pn\q^;
m^;“mHiok\ [mi: hmyai'] v scorch, singe, burn the surface m^;q^;eKåc\; [mi: dhi: gaung:] n base of a lightbulb CF m^;eKåc\;
m^;emW; [mi: hmwe:] n 1) kindle, light (a fire) 2) [fig]
incite trouble m^;eq [mi: the] v 1) (of fire) die down, die out, go out
m^;yp\ [mi: ya'] n menstruation, period S YN raq^' Dmµta 2) [fig] (of excitement, interest, etc) die down, cool
m^;yp\K¥m\; [mi: ya' chan:] n chills caused by menstruation (off, down) (Upsa) 3) [alch] be fully fired 4) [fig] be
m^;yp\pva [mi: ya' pyin nya] n gynaecology capable 5) [fig] one of mine
m^;yp\pin\m^;yp\e®Kak\ [mi: ya' pein mi: ya' chau'] n woman m^;q÷h\ [mi: dhågyo] v cremate
who has become thin and withered because of menstrual m^;qeBça [mi: thin: baw:] n steamer, steamship
problems m^;qc\. [mi: thin.] v catch fire
m^;yp\eragå [mi: ya' yaw: ga] n menstrual problem m^;qc\.ek¥ak\ [mi: dhin. gyau'] n ≈igneous rock, rock
m^;yp\wm\; [mi: ya' wan:] n post-natal diarrhoea formed with intense heat, e.g., solidified magma
m^;yp\qv\ [mi: ya' thè] n woman with menstrual m^;qc\; [mi: thin:] v smoke (esp food)
problems m^;qt\ [mi: tha'] v put out a fire, extinguish a fire
m^;rTa; [mi: jåhta: (ye' hta;)] n train; railway (Br), railroad m^;qt\sk\ [mi: dha' sa'] n fire engine
(Am) m^;qt\tp\PX´> [mi: dha' ta' bwè.] n fire brigade (Br), fire
m^;rTa;eKåc\;tX´ [mi: yåhta; (ye' hta;) gaung: dwè:] n department (Am) [? check ta']
locomotive, engine m^;qt\piuk\ [mi: dha' pai'] n firehose
m^;rTa;tX´ [mi: yåhta: (ye' hta;) dwè:] n railway coach (Br), m^;qt\B¨; [mi: dha' bu:] n fire extinguisher
train car (Am) m^;qt\qma; [mi: dha' thåma:] n firefighter
m^;rTa;lm\; [mi: yåhta: (ye' hta;) lan:] n railway line (Br); m^;qMu;på; [mi: thon: ba:] n ‹three consuming fires, elaB
train track, railroad track (Am) greed; edåq anger; emah ignorance
m^;rxø;tiuc\ [mi: shu: dain] n 1) torch 2) ¬(fig) spirit Ω diuÏbma- m^;eqX; [mi: dhwe:] n charcoal
Asv\;ARMu; k TXn\;vHiK´.eqa Am¥io;qa;er; m^; RØ;tiuc\qv\ m^;eA; [mi: e:] v 1) (of fire) die down 2) [fig] cool down,
yenÏTi-lc\; pS´" The torch of national affairs lit by the cool off (Upsa)
Dobama Association is still burning today. m^;Aiu; [mi: o:] n 1) firecracker S YN e®bak\(Aiu;) 2) iron
m^;rxø;m^;pn\; [mi: shu: mi: ban:] n fireworks, [tech] m^;Aup\eSac\; [mi: o' hsaung:] n lampshade S YN m^;selac\;
pyrotechnics m^;Aim\ [mi: ein] n lantern
m^;rxø;®mc\ [mi: shu: myin] v give birth S YN m^;PXa;' m^;rxø;qn\>sc\ m^;AuM; [mi: on:] v roast (in coals or hot ashes)
m^;rxø;qn\Ïsc\ [mi: shu: than. sin] v give birth muKpå@\ [mo' khåba'] n ‹the Buddha's original spoken
m^;RiO> [mi: sho.] v 1) burn, ignite, light on fire 2) commit sermons = mukƒpå@\ CF NOt\kpå@\
arson, set fire to muK¥ [mo' cha.] adv inevitably, certainly, surely, without
m^;lc\;Piu [mi: lin: bo] n fireplace CF mWa;epåk\ fail, ineluctably S YN mlX´' Ekn\
m^;elac\ [mi: laung] v catch fire; burn, be on fire; be muSiu; [mo' hso:] v (professional) hunter [ ph]
muSiu;ek¥a\eS; [mo' hso: gyaw hse:] n kind of traditional
m^;elac\cut\ [mi: laung ngo'] n charred stump fever-reducing medicine CF cn\;eS;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 314

mut ª m¨l
muSiu;siuc\qc\ [mo' hso: sain thin] v [fig] learn by experience 2) policy S YN epÅls^ RF m¨wåd. [? also position, attitude,
muSiu;Tiuc\Tiuc\ [mo' hso: dain htain] v kneel on one knee, eg lying buddha lyaung daw mu, standing ya' taw mu?]
sitting on the other heel (illus) [? other kneel] 3) principle
muSiu;Piu [mo' hso: bo] n widower, man whose wife has died — part 1) as for…, …however, but…, …on the other
hand: particle used to distinguish sthg or sb from others
muSiu;m [mo' hso: ma.] n widow, woman whose husband has 2) if Ω kiuhn\;kiu na;eTac\K´.m¨ saer;Sram®Ps\rB¨;" If I had
died listened to Ko Han's advice, I would not have become a
muSiu;lxMm [mo' hso; hlan ma.]
n Œannual plant with leaves writer. S YN påm¨' lYc\' rc\ CF eskam¨ however
made into a tea which is drunk to cure intestinal worm
infestation S YN elak\eq' lMxt' qiÂka;' qn\l¥k\ m¨ka; [mu ga:] part as for…, …however, but…, …on
mut [mu. ta.] n 1) three senses of smell, taste, and touch the other hand: used to make a strong contrast between
CF AaRuM 2) personal experience one thing and others
mudrk\pn\;NXy\ [mu. dåre' pan: nwè] n grapevine design (in m¨Âkm\; [mu gyan:] n draft
carving, etc) (illus) m¨kX´ [mu gwè:] n version
mudita [mu. di> ta] n happiness at sb else's success or m¨K¥ [mu cha.] v make policy, lay down principles,
prosperity [? ?] articulate principles S YN m¨Ta;
mudim\; [mådein:] n rape m¨tv\ [mu ti] v 1) depend (on) 2) be based (on)
mudim\;k¥c\. [mådein: kyin.] v rape Ω AK¥k\ Alk\ ApÅ m¨ tv\ based on the facts

muni [mu. ni>] n saint, holy man m¨tv\qM [mu ti dhan] n œkeynote (of a scale) CF k^;
munirxc\ [mu. ni> shin] n the Buddha m¨tv\qMt¥a [mu ti than tåya] n œkey (of a scale) [? new
from music dic]
muena [mu. naw:] n Ó mannerliness, grace, dignity
muenalc\pn\; [månaw: lin ban:] n decorated tray used by m¨Ta; [mu hta:] v make policy, lay down principles,
articulate principles S YN m¨K¥
mueya [måyaw:] n barley, kind of grain used in brewing beer m¨nv\ [mu ni] n Ó disposition, habit S YN Ak¥c\.
S YN Bal^ m¨piuc\ [mu pain] n 1) copyright, patent 2) copyright
holder, patent holder
mura;”k^; [måyågyi:] n Œherb, ingredient in pêcå;på; medicine
mura;qim\ [måyådhein] n Œherb, ingredient in pêcå;på; medicine m¨piuc\KXc\. [mu pain gwin.] n [law] copyright, patent
Ω m¨ piuc\KXc\.U ped copyright law
m¨p¥k\ [mu pye'] v 1) deviate, be different (from the
muRiu; [måyo:] n Œswallow-wort, plant with white sap used
original) 2) be deviant, act oddly
to harden milk S YN c®Pø”k^; [? can we leave this out]
m¨e®pac\; [mu pyaung:] v 1) change policy or principles
2) change appearance, behaviour, etc
muRiu;sv\ [måyo: si] n small drum with tapering ends m¨mmxn\ [mu måhman] v act oddly, be strange, be peculiar
murc\;spå; [måyin: zåba:] n kind of dry season rice which needs (esp becauseof bad conscience)
m¨mxn\ [mu hman] n standard, norm; original (version) [?
muel; [måle: (mya' lè:)] n Spanish jasmine = ®mt\el; no verb: conform to standard]
muel;pXa; [måle: bwa:] n paper streamer designed to look m¨mxn\e®mak\ [mu hman myau'] n true north CF qMliuk\e®mak\
like a flower
muqawåd [mu. dha wa da.] n misrepresentation, lying m¨ramaya [mu ya ma ya] n feminine wiles, tactics used to
lim\lv\e®paSiu®Kc\; CF muqa;
S YN catch a man
muqa; [mu. dha:] n falsehood, lie, misrepresentation m¨rc\; [mu yin:] n original A NT mit¶ø
S YN li m\lv\e®paSiu ska; CF mu qawåd [? check] m¨erX>' m¨j [mu ywe.] part ¬[with neg verb] without, not
muqa;qk\eq [mu. dha: the' the] n perjurer (law), person Ω ereNX; k¥m\;etac\ mtiuk\m¨j without even offering tea
who gives false evidence in court m¨wåd [mu wa da.] n policy S YN epÅls^
muqa;qk\eqKM [mu. dha: the' the khan] v perjure oneself m¨eq [mu dhe] n constant, sthg fixed, set Ω m¨eqmrxiB¨;"
muqa;qk\eqKMmO [mu. dha: the' the khan hmu.] n [law] It isn't fixed.
perjury m¨eqTa; [mu dhe hta:] v be a core part
muhut\ [mu. hou'] n [? ?] m¨”kio [mu gyo] abbr preschool, abbreviation of
m¨ [mu] v 1) act, make, pursue (course of action) Ω gRumm¨- m¨ltn\;”kioek¥ac\;
g¨m®mc\ gRum¨-® mø®mc\" If you don't observe, you won't see a mkiu [mågo] n ∏Mog(h)ul [? new from Judson]
cave; if you do observe, you will see a speck. CF qtim¨'
m¨l1 [mu la.] n 1) origin, first thing 2) principle thing,
gRum¨ 2) face (towards) 3) dissemble, feign, affect, sham, main thing 3) [phil] thesis CF m¨l^' p!i' qm¨h
fake [? check -- also used to describe royal actions?? ]
m¨ltn\; [mu la. dan:] n primary school, grade school, first
four standards in the education system [? check]
— n 1) behaviour, conduct, way(s)
m¨ltn\;”kioek¥ac\; [mu la. dan: gyo kyaung:] n
Ω q¨ m¨n´>kiu y\.m¨mt¨Â kB¨;" She has her ways and I have mine.

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 315

m¨l ª m´
kindergarten, preschool, nursery school = m¨”kio scatter-brained?]
m¨lB¨t [mu la. bu ta.] n genesis, root cause, origin em;1 [me:] v ask, enquire, inquire; question Ω em;sra-rxila;"
Ω m¨ lB¨ tAen®Pc\. originally Do you have any questions?
m¨l2 [mu la.] n ßconstellation of two stars in Scorpio em;KXn\; [me: gun:] n 1) question, query, sthg to ask
resembling a cat; nineteeth lunar mansion 2) examination paper, questions (on a test, exam, etc)
m¨l1^ [mu li] n bolt (illus) em;KXn\;lYa [me: gun: hlwa] n 1) examination (paper),
m¨l^k¥p\ [mu li kya'] n tighen a nut test (paper) 2) questionnaire, survey
m¨l^eKåc\; [mu li gaung:] n nut em;sm\; [me: san:] v sound out
m¨l2^ [mu li] n sthg secondary, subsidiary CF m¨l [? tertiary? em;ts\KXn\;e®Pts\KXn\; [me: tåkhun: hpye tåkhun:] n
Sure this and mu la don't belong under mu?] taciturnity [? really a noun? laconic... get examples
m¨;1 [mu:] v 1) (be, feel) giddy (Br), dizzy, lightheaded unresponsive]
Ω eKåc\;m¨;ty\" I feel dizzy. RF m¨;enak\. 2) be drunk, be em;T¨;eKÅe®pa [me: du: khaw pyaw:] adv formally, not well,
intoxicated, be high (inf) Ω Ark\m¨; ty\" He's drunk. superficially A NT rc\; rc\;Nx^;Nx^;
m¨;enak\ [mu: nau'] v (be, feel) giddy (Br), dizzy (Am), em;®mn\; [me: myan:] v 1) ask, enquire 2) sound out
light-headed 3) question
m¨;ema\ [mu: maw] v feel dizzy and sick em;2 [me:] n (lower) jaw
m¨;ys\ v be intoxicated (with) (also (Upsa)) em;Kiuc\eragå [me: khain yaw: ga] n tetanus, lockjaw (inf),
m¨;ys\eS;wå; [mu: yi' hse: wa:] n (recreational) drug, trismus ◊
illegal drug em;ecå. [me: ngaw.] n 1) tilt chin up to show distaste,
m¨;2 [mu:] n 1) one tenth of a Konbaung kyat 2) one eighth of disapproval, dissatisfaction, etc 2) condemnation,
a rupee, two annas CF R¨p^; 3) one eight of a tical censure
CF k¥p\qa; 4) one eighth of an inch CF lk\ m 5) one em;es. [me: zi>] n chin
eighth of an acre CF Ek em;Tiu; [me: hto:] v 1) jut out one's chin (in dance) 2) (of
m¨;sup´susu [mu: zu. bè: zu. su.] v [fig] pinch pennies (Upsa), chin) shake when dying
scrimp and save em;Tiu;®p [me: hto: pya.] v point at sthg with one's chin
m¨;tc\;p´tc\; [mu: din: pè: din:] adv [fig] miserly, close- em;Riu; [me: yo:] n jawbone, mandible
fisted (Upsa), stingy em;Riuk\em;w´ [me: yai' me: wè] n œvibrato; trill
m¨;3 [mu:] n stream em;Riuk\qM [me: yai' than] n 1) vibrato 2) quavering voice
em1 [me] pron dear, pronoun used by man to his wife or (from age, cold, etc)
girlfriend em;qiuc\;”kio; [me: dhain: gyo:] n chin strap
emem [me me] n&pron mum(my) (Br), mom(my) (Am) m´1 [mè:] v 1) concentrate fully on sthg 2) pick on sb; target
em2 [me] n May [Engl] sb 3) daunt [? check last!]
emed; [me de;] n May Day, the first of May [Engl] [? as m´2 [mè:] n indigo
intl worker's day?] m´ny\ [mè: nè] n indigo, deep blue dye
em“mio>pn\; [me myo. ban:] n aster m´ny\pc\ [mè: nè bin] n anil, source of indigo dye
emTun\1 [me hton] n [astrl] Gemini, the third sign in the m´ny\erac\ [mè: ne yaung] n indigo, very deep blue
zodiac CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^Rup\ m´®papuSiu; [mè: bya påhso:] n [fig] bore, sthg monotonous
emTun\2 [me hton] n sex, sexual relations, sexual intercourse [? check]
[? check exactly, and what cf] m´3 [mè:] adj black; dark = mv\;
em. [me.] v 1) forget, not recall Ω nMmv\em.enty\" I've forgotten m´4 [mè:] n vote, ballot; lot Ω blam´ [? empty ballot?]
your name. A NT mxt\mi 2) faint, lose consciousness m´ekak\ [mè: kau'] v elect (by ballot); choose by
Ω qti em. enty\" He's unconscious. S YN qti ls\ [? check] drawing lots
em.k¥n\ [me. gyan] n 1) forget, leave behind 2) forget, m´ekak\pX´ [mè: kau' bwè:] n election S YN erX;ekak\pX´
leave out, omit A N T på m´k¥ [mè: kya.] v be chosen by lot
em.eÂka [me. gyaw:] n carotid artery, large artery in the m´K¥ [mè: cha.] v decide by drawing lots S YN m´ePak\
neck m´KX´ [mè: khwè] v put to a vote Ω m´KX´SMu;®Pt\ decide by vote
em.eS; [me. ze:] n general anaesthetic CF TMueS; m´SN» [mè: hsan da.] n vote [? not also other way round?]
em.e®pak\ [me. pyau'] v fade from memory; think no more
of; allow oneself to forget m´SN»ny\ [mè: hsan da. nè] n constituency, area from
em.em.e®pak\e®pak\ [me. me. pyau' byau'] adv forgetting which a representative is elected
em.e®ma [me. myaw:] v be in a coma; be unconscious, be m´SN»ep;pX´ [mè: hsan da. pe: bwè:] n [? can't read these]
in a faint m´SN»rxc\ [mè: hsan da. shin] n voter (in a constituency)
em.mxa; [me. hma:] v make an absent-minded mistake, m´SXy\ [mè: hswè] v campaign; canvass for votes
forget m´tc\; [mè: tin:] v [fig] balance out
em.el¥a. [me. yaw.] v be forgetful [? absent-minded? m´NOik\ [mè: hnai'] v draw lots

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 316

m´zl^ ª miu;
m´ep; [mè: pe:] v (cast a) vote ema\kXn\;tiuc\ [maw gun: dain] n commemorative pillar
m´ep;KXc\. [mè: pe: gwin.] n suffrage recording date, name, etc S YN kmJv\; tiuc\
m´pMu; [mè: bon:] n ballot box ema\kXn\;Tiu; [maw gun: hto:] v carve (in stone) as a record
m´®pa; [mè: bya:] n ballot for history
m´epåk\ [mè: pau'] v win an election, vote, poll, etc ema\kXn\;Tin\; [maw gun: dein:] n 1) archivist, sb who
m´ePak\ [mè: hpau'] v decide by drawing lots S YN m´K¥ keeps important records 2) university registrar
m´PXc\. [mè: hpwin.] n announce winner ema\kXn\;wc\ [maw gun: win] n historical figure
m´RuM [mè: yon] n polling booth — v go down in history
m´lip\ [mè: lei'] n lot (as a rolled up piece of paper) ema\dy\ [maw dè] n model [Engl]
m´zl^ [mè: zåli] n Œtree with edible leaves and buds ema\za [maw za] n stockings, socks S YN e®KAit\ [? check]
= my\z l^ ema\ta1 [maw ta] n motor [Engl]
m´zapiu> [mè: za po.] v [fig] send into internal exile {m´zaerWl^ ema\ta2 [maw ta] n mortar, kind of short-barreled cannon
was a former penal colony in a malarious area) [Engl]
m´.1 [mè.] v be lacking in, be wanting; be free of, -free, -less ema\eta\ [maw taw] n motorboat [Engl] RF ema\eta\But\.
CF kc\; — part motor-
m´.2 [mè.] v (of face) be distorted; grimace; make a wry face; ema\eta\ka; [maw taw ka:] n motorcar, automobile
sneer [? forgot corrections] [Engl]
m´.KXk\KXk\ [mè. khwe' khwe'] n pained look ema\eta\Siuc\ky\ [maw taw hsain kè] n motorcycle [Engl]
m´.®pMo; [mè. byon:] n wry smile ema\eta\But\ [maw taw bo'] n motorboat [Engl]
m´.rX´> [mè. ywè.] v 1) (of face) be distorted,
be contorted ema\eta\yaU\ [maw taw yin] n (motor) vehicle
(through pain, crying, etc) 2) sneer (also fig) ema\P^;ya; [maw hpi: ya:] n morphia [Engl]
ema [maw:] v be tired, have no energy; be out of breath ema\lw^ [maw låwi] n mullah, Islamic wise man
— part suffix to some verbs and adjectives for emphasis ema\l^k¥ø; [maw li kyu:] n molecule [Engl]
ema\lip\ [maw lei'] n class of eunuchs assigned to guard the
emapn\; [maw: pan:] v be tired, be fatigued, be weary royal harem
emalY [maw: sha.] v mM [man] v plaster, cover sthg with a thick, moist layer
emahiuk\ [maw: hai'] v [? these two?] mMBura; [man hpåya:] n lacquer Buddha CF Nx^Bura;
emaeny¥Ak¥c\. [maw: ne ya. åkyin.] n [Buddh] ascetic practises mM [man tha.] n meat S YN Aqa;
commanded by the Buddha, which only one of his miu [mo] adj heaped, higher in the centre; overflowing
disciples could keep [? check]
miu2 [mo] n mould [Engl]
emam¨hdqk [maw mu ha. da' thåka.] n decade of fatigue, one's miuera.kiu [mo raw. ko] n ∏Morocco
eighties, age 81-90 CF dqk
— n&adj Moroccan [ cr]
emars\et;n^;ya; [maw; ri' te; ni; ya;] n ∏Mauritania
miuhamk\ [mo ha me'] n [relig] Mohammed, Muhammad
— n&adj Mauritanian [ cr]
CF tmn\eta\
emars\rxp\(s\) [maw; ri' sha'] n ∏Mauritius [ cr] miuÏ1 [mo.] adj 1) elevated 2) plump, puffy, raised, slightly
emah [maw: ha.] n ignorance, folly; delusion; infatuation swollen
CF m^;qMu;på;' edåq' elaB [ bh]
miuÏ(liuÏ)2 [mo.]
part suffix to noun phrase or verb phrase with
ema. [maw.] v 1) look up; tilt up; tip up, turn up (esp the noun suffix: because, as, on account of
face) Ω ema.mÂkv\.r´B¨;" I didn't dare look up. A NT cMuÏ 2) rise,
miuÏla; [mo. la;] int isn't that so? (contraction of
go up 3) [sl] guzzle, gulp, swig, toss off [? drink fast?
esp alcohol?]
miu; [mo:] n 1) sky S YN ekac\;kc\ 2) rain 3) rainy season,
ema\ [maw] v 1) tilt face up 2) [fig] be proud of, take monsoon S YN wœan CF raq^' eSac\;' eNX RF miu;raq^.
pride in 3) [fig] rise to prominence [? check - 1 also
4) roof S YN eKåc\miu;' Amiu;
— v 1) hold over the head, spread over the head Ω T^;miu;
— adj prominent, distinguished
2) roof, put a roof on 3) tower, be very tall
— n [? ?] miu;ka [mo: ga] n tarpaulin; rain cover CF miu;karXk\Tv\
ema\ÂkXa; [maw kywa:] v show off, brag, boast; act miu;kat´ [mo: ga tè:] n tent
superior, be overbearing (fml)
miu;karXk\Tv\ [mo: ga ywe' htè] n tarpaulin = miu;ka
ema\na [maw na] n mumps miu;kaAk¥Ç [mo: ga in: gyi] n raincoat, raingear,
ema\P¨; [maw hpu;] v worship mackintosh
ema\kXn\; [maw gun:] n permanent record CF Am¨kXn\; miu;ekac\; [mo: kaung:] v 1) pour (rain) 2) get enough
ema\kXn\;tiuk\ [maw gun: dai'] n archive rainfall 3) [fig] be in a position to use power
ema\kXn\;tc\ [maw gun: tin] v record, chronicle; Ω miu;ekac\; tu n\; rXa Ta;AuM;epå." ‘Act when you have the power’,
commemorate similar to ‘Strike while the iron is hot.’

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 317

miu; ª miu;
miu;ekac\;cxk\ [mo: gaung: hnge'] n dollarbird be in a drought
miu;ekac\;e®m [mo: gaung: mye] n rain-fed land, arable land miu;K¥on\; [mo: chon:] v thunder, (of thunder) roll
that does not need irrigation miu;K¥on\;qM [mo: chein: dhan] n thunder = miu;“Kim\;qM
miu;ekac\;ly\ [mo: gaung: lè] n rain-fed rice field miu;K¥op\ [mo: cho'] v 1) get dark, (of evening) set in 2) be
CF Sv\ereqak\ly\ late Ω miu;K¥op\-®pn\ty\" Go home late.
miu;kin\; [mo: gein:] n sign of rain, forecast of rain miu;K¥op\enwc\ [mo: cho' ne win] n sundown, nightfall
S YN miu;k¥in\; CF miu;lc\;
miu;kup\sk\wiuc\; [mo: go' se' wain:] n horizon miu;K¥op\qM [mo: cho' than] n thunderclap S YN miu;“Kim\;qM
miu;k¥ [mo: kya.] v (of rainy season) begin miu;“Kim\; [mo: chein:] v thunder S YN miu;K¥on\;
miu;k¥na [mo: gya. na] n kind of cattle disease miu;“Kim\;qM [mo: chein: dhan] n thunder S YN miu;K¥on\;qM
miu;k¥erWkiuy\ [mo: gya. shwe go] n 1) angel 2) [fig] person miu;ecX> [mo: ngwe.] n humid air
appointed from out of the blue, previously unknown miu;s´ [mo: sè:] v stop raining S YN miu;sv\;' miu;tit\
appointee miu;sk\ [mo: se'] n raindrop S YN miu;epåk\' miu;mOn\
miu;k¥lk\Pk\ [mo: gya. låhpe'] n din\>kÁ´ (wild coffee) leaves miu;sc\sc\lc\; [mo: sin zin lin:] v be after dawn
prepared like pickled tea miu;sv\; [mo: si:] v stop raining S YN miu;s´' miu;tit\ [? check
miu;k¥in\; [mo: gyein] n sign of rain, forecast of rain new-- just different spelling?]
S YN miu;kin\; miu;sv\;Nx^; [mo: si: hni:] n thin bamboo strips (used in
miu;”k^; [mo: gyi:]v rain hard, rain cats and dogs (Upsa, roofing) = miu;Nx^;
inf), come down in buckets (Upsa inf) miu;esX [mo: swe] v rain non-stop, rain continuously
miu;”k^;epåk\Sin\ [mo: gyi: påhsein] n driving rain with miu;Sc\ [mo: hsin] v threaten to rain, look like rain (inf)
wind, downpour, torrential rain miu;eSXcxk\ [mo: zwe hnge'] n barn swallow (illus)
miu;”kio; [mo: gyo:] n thunderbolt CF lYp\s^; lightning miu;tiu;mt\tp\ [mo: do: ma' ta'] adv 1) (stand) bolt
2) electrum, alloy of silver and gold; alloy of gold and upright, up straight; out 2) (make a visit) without
copper taking a seat
miu;”kio;sk\kXc\; [mo: gyo: se' kwin:] n place struck by miu;ts\lMu;elts\lMu; [mo: ti' lon: le ti' lon:] adv (speak)
lightning, lightning strike pretentiously, self-importantly
miu;”kio;ps\ [mo: gyo: pyi'] exp I swear L I T : ‘May lightning miu;tit\ [mo: tei'] v stop raining S YN miu;s´' miu;sv\; [? check
strike me (if I’m not telling the truth)!’ Ω ¯AeP' k¥p\ new]
(500)elak\" Rup\rxc\Âkv\.K¥c\liuÏ"˘ ¯cåÏkiu mlim\n´Ï' mc\;- miu;tim\ [mo: tein] n cloud [? check new]
P´qXa;Riuk\mliuÏ hut\la;"˘ ¯mRiuk\påB¨;' miu;”kio;ps\' Rup\rxc\"˘ miu;tim\tiuk\ [mo: tein dai'] n raincloud
’Papa, can I have 500 kyat, I want to go to a movie.‘ ‘Don’t miu;tim\mv\ [mo: tein mè] n thundercloud
pull my leg, you’re going to going to play cards, aren’t you!’ miu;tXc\; [mo: dwin:] n rainy season
‘No, I swear, a movie.’
miu;Tiu; [mo: hto:] v [fig] be very tall, be up to the
miu;”kio;ps\KMr [mo: gyo: pyi' khan ya.] v be struck by lightning sky(Upsa); sky high, very high
miu;Tc\; [mo: htin:] v (of clothes) be mildewed
miu;”kio;ps\ra [mo: gyo: pyi' ya] n lightning strike miu;Nx^; [mo: hni:] n thin bamboo strips (used in roofing)
miu;”kio;lk\nk\ [mo: gyo: le' ne'] n thunderbolt (Upsa), = miu;sv\;Nx^;
weapon of qiÂka;mc\; (Sakka) = miu;”kio;-qXa;
miu;Nxc\; [mo: hnin:] n sleet, freezing rain
miu;”kio;lW´ [mo: gyo: hlwè:] n lightning conductor (Br) rod miu;eNxac\; [mo: hnaun:] n end of the rainy season, August,
miu;”kio;qXa; [mo: gyo: dhwa:] n 1) object with magical miu;eNxac\;qMTc\ [mo: hnaung: than htin] n Ó 1) hereafter,
powers, which forms where lightning strikes
future S YN enak\kal 2) sage, wise person S YN pvawå
2) thunderbolt (Upsa), weapon of qiÂka;mc\; (Sakka)
miu;på; [mo: pa:] v sprinkle, drizzle
= miu;”kio;-lk\ nk\ 3) tall cap worn by req. (rishi, hermit)
S YN edåk\®Ka
miu;puSin\ [mo: påhsein] n cloudburst [? check]
miu;kÁt\ [mo: gyu'] v (of rainy season) be over, end miu;epÅ [mo: paw] adv in the sky
miu;Kå;ereqak\ [mo: ga: ye thau'] v [fig] become one of
miu;epåk\ [mo: bau'] n raindrop S YN miu;sk\' miu;mOn\
the crowd
miu;p¥M [mo: pyan] adj [fig] flying, soaring, high, lofty
miu;eKÅ [mo: khaw] v make rain by beating drums, playing
tug-of-war, etc
miu;e®p; [mo: bye:] n (rain)shower
miu;Kiu [mo: kho] v 1) take shelter from the rain 2) (of
miu;“p´dy\ [mo: byè: dè] n large wok, large open pan
military, travelling drama troupes, etc) stop for the
miu;“pio [mo: pyo] v (of sky) fall [? ?]
rainy season 3) [fig] stay for a little while
miu;pXc\. [mo: bwin.] [mo: pwint.] n droplets of water on leaves,
etc after a rain [? also snow? what about this verb:]
miu;Kiuqa; [mo: go dha:] n tenderloin of beef or water
buffalo — v (of weather) clear up, be sunny
miu;eKåc\ [mo: khaung] v (of clouds) be dry; have a drought, miu;PXa; [mo: bwa:] n droplets of rain

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 318

mk\ ª emakƒieta
miu;PX´ [mo: bwè:] n 1) drizzle, fine rain 2) droplets of rain miu;eqak\ [mo: thau'] v day breaks, dawn breaks
S YN ARu%\tk\
miu;mK [mo: måkha.] n willow [? weeping??] — n dawn, daybreak
miu;mSMu;e®mmSMu; [mo: måhson: mye måhson:] adv [fig] miu;eqak\Âky\ [mo: dhau' kyè] n morning star, Venus
endlessly, ceaselessly, constantly; boundlessly miu;eqak\yM [mo: dhau' yan] n early hours of the day, just
S YN m^;Kiu;mSMu; miu;mSMu; [? check] before dawn CF yM
miu;m®mc\elm®mc\ [mo: måmyin le måmyin] adv oblivious (due miu;Utu [mo: u. du.] n rainy season, monsoon CF raq^Utu
to love, pride, etc) miu;U^; [mo: u:] n early rainy season, early monsoon, April,
miu;mi [mo: mi>] v get caught in the rain May
miu;m^;elac\ [mo: mi: laung] v [fig] widespread disturbances miu;U^;k¥ [mo: u: kya.] [mo: u: gya.] v rains set it, rains start
CF Aer;AKc\; [? check] — n beginning of rainy season, early monsoon
miu;emxac\k¥ [mo: hmaung kya.] v (of sky) darken (with miu;eA; [mo: e:] v be cold because of rain or cloudy sky,
clouds) [? check not at night?] (of weather) be cold and damp, be clammy
miu;mxn\ [mo: hman] v (of rain) be regular, be predictable miu;AMuÏ [mo: on.] v be overcast, be cloudy
Ω d^edqmxa miu; mmxn\B¨;" The weather in this region is mk\ [me'] v 1) be overly fond of, covet (fml), think only
unpredictable. about; dream of, dream about CF Aip\mk\ 2) steer a boat
miu;mOn\ [mo: hmon] v misty, dusky, as the air before rain along the shore CF Kiuc\; [? check] 3) make an elephant
— n droplet (of rain) kneel CF wp\
miu;emYa\ [mo: hmyaw] v 1) look at the sky, gaze at the sky, mk\ema [me' maw:] v love, have a passion for, covet
look skyward 2) long for rain (fml)
— n kind of very hot chilli pepper mk\mk\sk\sk\ [me' me' se' se'] adv passionately; with
miu;mWn\ [mo: hmun] v prodigious, magnificent, majestic, love
august, lofty, glorious [? choose] mk\lMu; [me' lon:] n incentive, enticement
miu;yM [mo: yan] n sky, heavens (poet) mk\kelac\ [me' kålaung] n infected sore in the anus
miu;raq^ [mo: ya thi] n rainy season, monsoon mk\kXn\ [me' kun] n wide-mesh fishing net
miu;er [mo: ye] n 1) rainwater 2) distilled water [? how to mk\KRu [me' khåyu.] n thrush, white fungal infection of the
say catch rainwater, e.g., for drinking?] mouth and throat = mxkƒRu
miu;erKMqkçn\; [mo: ye gan thin gan:] n robe worn by monks mk\s^kiu [me' si ko] n 1) ∏Mexico 2) Mexican
when bathing CF erqNut\ [ bh] — adj Mexican [ cr]
miu;erK¥in\ [mo: ye gyein] n rainfall mk\Siupiuet;m^;ya; [me' hso po te: mi: ya:] n ∏Mesopotamia
miu;erK¥in\tiuc\;kiriya [mo: ye gyein tain: kåri> ya] n rain mk\Trs\ [me' htåri'] n 1) matriculation exam, at the end of
high school [Engl] 2) metric system [Engl]
miu;rip\ [mo: yei'] n sign of rain [? same as other farther mk\mn\; [me' man:] n damson (plum)
above? gein, kyein?]
miu;rXa [mo: ywa] v be raining, (of rain) fall Ω miu;\" mk\mXn\ [me' mun] n peach
It's going to rain.
mk\lc\ [me' lin] n kind of tall straight tree
miu;rXatun\;erKM [mo: ywa don: ye khan] exp rain falling while mk\lc\K¥U\ [me' lin gyin] n tree with sour fruit
one is soaked, similar to ’When it rains, it pours.’ [? mukƒpå@\ [mo' khåba'] n the Buddha's original spoken sermons
check] = muK på@\ CF NOt\kpå@\ [ bh] [? not better to call these

miu;la;k´la; [mo: la: kè: la:] adv [fig] (talk) teachings?]

pretentiously, boastfully CF Úla;Úla; emak\ [mau'] v 1) be overflowing; be heaped up; rise; be
miu;elwq [mo: le wåtha.] n 1) weather conditions 2) [fig] elevated CF A®pv\.Aemak\ 2) be boastful; be haughty, be
atmosphere, mood, current situation arrogant; be proud, fancy oneself (inf) CF gu%\emak\
miu;elwqpva [mo: le wåtha. pyin nya] n meteorology, emak\K¥ [mau' cha.] n _å symbol CF wiuk\K¥' er;K¥
study of weather emak\esak\ v 1) be arrogant, be imperious, be
miu;lc\; [mo: lin:] n daybreak CF miu;K¥op\ dictatorial 2) tall, high [? check new jud]
miu;lMuellMu [mo: lon le lon] adj weatherproof, all-weather emak\tiu [mau' to] n ÓÍkind of helmet worn by
(clothing, house, etc) soldiers in monarchical times CF emak\R¨ (illus)
miu;ly\ [mo: lè] n mid-rainy season, mid-monsoon, emak\tc\ [mau' tin] n duck [? find out what kind,
June, July Sarkidiornis melanotos with comb on bill]
miu;qa; [mo: dha:] n rain cloud emak\ma [mau' ma] v be proud, be haughty [? speak
firmly? can one say this of language?]
miu;q^; [mo: dhi:] n 1) hail(stone) 2) kind of large sago
miu;eq;miu;PX´ [mo: dhe mo: bwè:] n drizzle, rain slightly emak\R¨' emak\l¨ [mau' ru, mau' lu] n kind of helmet
with a long spike worn by soldiers in monarchical times
miu;qk\mun\tiuc\; [mo: the' mon dain:] n windstorm
CF emak\tiu
miu;qk\el [mo: the' le] n wind before rain
emakƒieta [mau' khi> taw:] n Œboxwood, mock orange, honey

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 319

emak\tc\ ª mgçla
bush, small tree with sweet-smelling white flowers One-returner, No-returner, Arahant [? check actually
S YNyuzn there are lots of paths in the various dics -- which ones
emak\tc\ [mau' tin] n comb duck to include?? ]
miuk\1 [mai'] adj 1) dark 2) stupid, foolish, dumb mg©zc\; [me' gåzin:] n 1) magazine, periodical publication, esp
3) criminal; unruly, bad Ω l¨miuk\ monthly 2) magazine, container for cartridges that can
— v 1) be bad, misbehave, be heedless 2) [sl] be be inserted in firearm [Engl]
fashionable; be nice, be great, be cool, be amazing mc\1 [hmin] n ink; pigment Ω mc\mliuk\B¨;" [The pen] won't
miuk\kn\; [mai' kan:] v be very stupid write.
miuk\kn\;kn\; [mai' kan: gan:] adj reckless, heedless, mc\k¥mc\n [hmin gya. hmin na.] n quality of the impression
thoughtless, rash (in printing)
miuk\eÂk;KX´ [mai' kye: khwè:] v extort, demand excess mc\eÂkac\ [hmin gyaung] n tattoo = eS;mc\eÂkac\' mc\eq.
money mc\KM [hmin gan] n stamp pad, ink pad CF tMSip\
miuk\K´ [mai' khè:] n daredevil, fool mc\®Ks\ [hmin gyi'] n cross-hatching (in ink) CF K´®Ks\
miuk\stMu; [mai' sa. ton:] v (of evil) come to an end [? of mc\KMsk¶ø [hmin gan se' ku] n carbon paper S YN kabXn\sk¶ø
what?] mc\sa [hmin za] n ink inscription on stucco CF ek¥ak\sa
miuk\ti [mai' ti>] adj roguish
miuk\tXc\;nk\ [mai' twin: ne'] v be very bad, evil, wicked, mc\etac\. [hmin daung.] n tube of pigment
foul, vile, nasty, vicious mc\Nxip\sk¶ø [hmin hnei' se' ku] n blotting paper, blotter
miuk\m´ [mai' mè:] adj&v (be) very foolish, (be) very stupid mc\rv\ [hmin ye] n (liquid) ink Ω mc\rv\qut\ ink [?
miuk\mxa; [mai' hma:] v do wrong, sin (esp sexual) mc\lMu; [hmin lon:] n 1) ink roller (in printing press)
miuk\R¨;r´ [mai' yu: yè:] n daredevil 2) point (of pen)
— adj foolhardy mc\eq. [hmin dhe.] n tattoo S YN (eS;)mc\eÂkac\
miuk\Riuc\; [mai' yain:] adj rude; impudent; insulting mc\eq.Tiu; [hmin dhe. hto:] v tattoo
miuk\lMu;”k^; [mai' lon: kyi:] v be incredibly stupid mc\Aiu; [hmin o:] n ink bottle
miuk\2 [mai'] n unit of measurement from a fist with an mc\2 [min] v like, love (esp in combinations) Ω Kc\mc\' KMumc\
extended thumb, about 5 inches, 8 cm CF TXa' etac\' mgçlqut\ [min gåla. tho'] n mangala sutta, 38 rules for a good
kiuk\ (illus) life, according to a sermon by the Buddha
miuk\3 [mai'] n earth, litter, debris mixed with gold waste mgç l a [min gåla] n 1) (source of) good fortune, prosperity,
from a goldsmith's shop blessing, anything festive, joyous 2) way or teaching of
miuk\k¥c\ [mai' kyin] v pan gold from miuk\ (waste from avoiding evil and gaining good 3) ‹wedding
goldsmith's shop) 4) [Christ] sacrament RF mgç laAmO. [? check]

miuk\Tut\ [mai' hto'] v pan gold from miuk\ (waste from mgçlaeÂk; [min gåla gye:] n 1) wedding gift; donations
goldsmith's shop) made by the bachelors of the community on a wedding
miuk\4 [mai'] n crucible, container for melting metal or ore night S YN K´Piu; 2) dowry, payment by the bride's family
miuk\KXk\ [mai' khwe'] n crucible, container for melting when she marries; bride price, payment by the groom's
metal or ore family when he marries
miuk5\ [mai'] n mike, microphone [Engl] mgçlaska; [min gåla zåga:] n 1) words of blessing [?
muK\ [mo'] n 1) (pagoda) gateway 2) decorated archway check] 2) speech made at an engagement or wedding
muK\KMu; [mo' khon:] n arched gate mgçlaeSac\ [min gåla hsaung] [min gåla zaung] v marry
muK\epåk\' muK\w [mo' pau', mo' wa.] n archway [? check] (formally)
muK\U^; [mo' wa.] n facade of a pagoda entrace arch or — n wedding, marriage ceremony
decorated arch mgçlatra; [min gåla tåya:] n (source of) good fortune,
mg\ [me'] n 1) path, way; passage 2) ‹path leading to prosperity, blessing, anything festive, joyous 2) way or
teaching of avoiding evil and gaining good
renunciation of desire [ bh]
mg©c\ [me' gin] n ‹eight-fold path to nirvana; eight mgçlaenÏ [min gåla ne.] n auspicious day
constituents of the path: Ω mxn\kn\sXa-RO® mc\®Kc\; right views mgçlapå [min gåla ba] exp formal greeting, esp in schools
Ω mx n\kn\ sXa-” kM sv\®Kc\; right resolve Ω mxn\kn\ sXa-e®paSiu®Kc\; right
and to large groups, crowds, etc
speech Ω mxn\kn\sXa-‘ plup\®Kc\; right behaviour Ω mxn\kn\sXa-Aqk\- mgçlay¨ [min gåla yu] v get sthg good; grasp the chance
emX;®Kc\; right occupation Ω mxn\kn\sXa-lMu;l-Tut\®Kc\; right effort (to get a good thing)
Ω mx n\kn\ sXa-eAak\ em.®Kc\; right mindfulness Ω mx n\kn\ sXa-sit\- mgçlarxi [min gåla shi>] v 1) be auspicious, be promising,
tv\tn\Ï®Kc\; right concentration mg©c\rxs\på; have signs of success 2) feel wonderful, feel blessed
mg\tra; [me' tåya:] n renunciation of desire CF Arht†mg\' mgçlalk\PX´> [min gåla le' hpwè.] n wedding present
Piul\tra; mgçlaAKå' mgçlaAK¥in\ [min gåla åkha, min gåla åchein] n
mg\el;tn\ n ‹the Four Paths: Entering the Stream, moment of marriage, correct time for a marriage

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 320

mc\. ª mc\;
ceremony mc\;Tiuk\siu;tn\ [min: dai' so: dan] adj befitting royalty
mgçlaAmO [min gAla Ahmu.] n [relig, esp RC] sacrament mc\;d%\qc\. [min: dan thin.] v be punished by the state;
Ω erNx s\mgç la Aapt\e®P®Kc\; baptism, bring the anger of the monarch on oneself CF razwt\qc\.
confession/reconciliation, holy communion,
confirmation, marriage, holy orders, annointing of the mc\;na;epåk\ [min: na: pau'] v reach the ears of the monach
sick [? check]
mgçlaU^; [min gåla u:] n 1) honeymoon [? really period?] mc\;en®pv\ [min: ne pyi] n city where the monarch resides
2) first marriage CF en®pv\eta\ [? check , and are these the same? if so
mc\. [min.] part suffix to a verb to show certainty S YN mxeta.' but cross ref]
eK¥mx' epmx' “p^;“p^p´ mc\;priyay\ [min: påri> yè] n royal tactics [? expl and pron
— conj suffix to give emphasis to one verb in contrast check]
to another Ω AKXc\.Aer;m¥io;rmc\.ha BaeÂkac\.lk\lXt\KMml´" mc\;på;siu;KXc\ [min: ba: so: gwin] n royal circle; court; circles
You have this opportunity, don't let it get away. of power
mc\;ep;e®m [min: be: mye] n land aquired by royal grant
mc\;1 [min:] n 1) king, monarch, sovereign, ruler S YN Burc\ mc\;epåk\ [min: bau'] n 1) entry into the drum circle
2) royalty; nobility, aristocracy, highest social class, framework [ ms] 2) entryway in the centre of a
élite; peers, peerage (Br), lords and ladies 3) high marionette stage CF Rup\eq;
government official mc\;epåk\siu;epåk\ [min: bau' so: bau'] n well-connected
— part term suffixed to nouns to show honour person (in royal circles), influential person
CF l¨”k^; mc\;m¥a; [? ok?] mc\;piuc\;siu;piuc\; [min: bain: so: bain:] n government circles
— pron you (among close relatives and friends, or from mc\;p¥iomc\;lXc\ [min: byo min: lwin] n young prince
a superior to a junior) CF qc\ mc\;“pioc\ [min: byain] n contemporary kings
mc\;kiuK¥v\ [min: go chi] n ‹sacred thread used to mc\;®ps\mc\;d%\ [min: byi' min: dan] n punishment ordered by
protect a boy who is becoming a novice from evil the monarch S YN mc\;eB;
CF rxc\elac\; [ bh] mc\;pX´siu;pX´ [min: bwè: so: bwè:] n state occasion
mc\;kiuy\mc\; [min; go min;] adv by yourself CF kiuy\.kiuy\kiu' mc\;eB; [min: be:] n punishment ordered by monarch
q¨>kiuy\q¨ S YNmc\;®ps\mc\;d%\
mc\;k¥c\.tra;Sy\på; [min: gyin. tåya: hsè ba:]
n ten duties mc\;Bun\;epåk\ [min: hpon: bau'] n opening in the NW
of a just king, 1 Ω dån docation; q^l religious virtue; corner of the third tier of a seven-tiered roof, to allow
prisßag generosity; AzΩw fairness; md w ?? tp qiÂka;mc\; (Indra, Sakka) to enter S YN qiÂka;epåk\ [? or
keep sabbaths; Aek¶a D ?? Swihiqa ?? K ^ tolerance; pass through?]
AwieraDn avoid conflict with subjects mc\;m¨ [min: mu] v 1) ∏reign, rule as monarch 2) [fig]
mc\;”k^; [min: gyi:] n 1) king S YN Burc\' mc\; 2) minister of lord it over (Upsa), dominate (sb)
the king [? ask Cho Cho] 3) commissioner Ω r´mc\;”k^; mc\;m´.sRiuk\ [min: me. zåyai'] n 1) ∏anarchy 2) anarchy,
police commissioner 4) king, general, commander (in chaos, turbulence [ pe]
chess) CF ss\turc\ mc\;m´.tiuc\;®pv\ [min: mè. tain: pyi] n ∏1) country without a
mc\;”kiok\siu;”kiok\ [min: kyai' so: kyai'] n things favoured by monarch 2) country in anarchy
royalty CF mc\; qMu; siu;qMu; mc\;m´.wåd [min: mè. wa da.] n anarchism [ pe]
mc\;Ksa;' mc\;Keyak\¥a; [min: kha. za:, min: kha. yau' kya:] n mc\;m´.wåd^ [min: mè. wa di] n anarchist
civil servant (in a monarchy) S YN mc\;mOTm\; mc\;min\Ï [min: mein.] n royal edict, royal pronouncement,
mc\;Km\;eta\ [min: gan: daw] n Óroyal objects, displayed official decree
at royal ceremonies mc\;m¥io;mc\;NXy\ [min: myo: min: nwè] n royal, person with
mc\;Km\;mc\;na; [min: gan: min: na:] n royal ceremony royal blood, person of royal descent
mc\;K¥c\; [min: gyin:] n personal employee of the monarch mc\;e®mak\tn\Sa(cå;på;) [min: myau' dåza (nga; ba;)] n
[? explain again] coronation regalia: Ω mkiu!\ crown, T^;®Pø white umbrella,
mc\;es [min: se] n peon CF AesKM [? check new, and real qn\l¥k\ dagger, qa;“m^;yp\ fan, e®Knc\; shoes
def] mc\;mO [min: hmu.] n [hist] His Majesty's Service
mc\;siu;raza [min: zo: ya za] n high-ranking officials of the mc\;mOTm\; [min: hmu. dan:] n [hist] civil servant, person
state working for the state; person working for the king, royal
mc\;sU\mc\;Sk\ [min: zin min: ze'] n succession of attendant CF saeta\Pt\ [? change?]
monarchs mc\;e®mHac\(siu;kp\) [min: hmyaung (so: ka')] n sycophant,
mc\;Sk\ [min: ze'] n dynasty yes-man (inf) (to king)
mc\;tiuc\;ek¥ [min: dain: gye] adv [fig] perfunctorily, mc\;elac\; [min: laung:] n 1) future king, crown prince
without proper care CF Sy\.Nxs\mOmc\; tiuc\; 2) pretender, sb making a claim to the throne
mc\;T^; [min: di:] n monarch, king S YN Burc\ mc\;lm\; [min: lan:] n 1) pathway made for king or high

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 321

mc\; ª emac\;
official 2) central aisle 3) main road [? in a town? if so: emac\NxM [maung hnan] n couple, husband and wife
high road] 4) gunwale, raised side part of boat emac\Pa;' emac\PXa; [maung ba:, maung bwa:] n brother of a
mc\;l¥a [min: lya] n crown prince, future king [? how girl, who is old enough to be responsible for her
different from min: laung:?] Ω emX;K¥c\;®Ps\ e qaemac\ CF mi Bemac\ PXa; [? more explanation.
mc\;qm^; [min: dhåmi:] n 1) princess 2) (female) star (of In bse dic:]
movie or other performance) emac\BX´> [maung bwè.] n 1) love song or poem (from a
mc\;qm^;kiuc\ [min: dhåmi: gain] n marionette artist who woman to a man) 2) title awarded to winner of a body-
works the princess S YN md^kiuc\ building contest CF my\BX´>
mc\;qa; [min: dha:] n 1) prince 2) (male) star (of movie emac\meKÅp´ [maung måkhaw pè:] n kind of flat yellow
or performance) lablab bean
mc\;qa;”k^; [min: dha: (dhå) gyi:] n 1) senior prince, high- emac\mc\; [maung min:] pron [obs] thou, used by a man to
ranking prince 2) senior supporting actor playing a man younger or of lower rank CF mc\;' qc\
dignified roles [? check a little] emac\mc\;”k^;qa; [maung min: gyi: dha:] pron respectful,
mc\;qa;”k^;kiuc\ [min: dhågyi: kain] n marionette artist ironic or sarcastic term used to address or refer to a
working the senior prince man, he, you
mc\;qa;Âkm\; [min: dhågyan:] n bad guy, actor taking the emac\emac\BBlup\ [maung maung ba. ba. lo'] v flatter, coax,
role of the villain CF l¨Âkm\; wheedle a man or boy
mc\;qa;lt\ [min: dhåla'] n 1) versatile stand-in (for emac\my\ [maung mè] n couple, boyfriend and girlfriend;
performance) 2) apprentice performer, understudy husband and wife
mc\;qMsiu;qM [min: dhan so: dhan] n authoritative tone — pron you, used to address an audience of young men
mc\;qMu;siu;qMu; [min: dhon: so: dhon:] n things used by royalty and women [? check]
only, e.g., qzc\pn\; CF mc\;”kio k\siu;”kiok\ emac\rc\ [maung yin] n novice Bun\;”k^; (monk) CF emac\rxc\'
mc\;2 [min:] part title prefixed to the name of a young Mon kiurc\
man CF Niuc\ — pron you, to a male younger than the speaker
mc\;3 [min:] adj honorable, distinguished, word used to S YN kiurc\
convey formal respect for a highly placed person or a nat emac\rc\ciu [maung yin ngo] n kind of spear grass
S YN em¥ak\®ma;' cMu;®mk\' enak\ piu;®mk\
mc\;kiuka [min: ko ka] n vine with bell-shaped flowers, with emac\rc\®pn\K¥in\ [maung yin pyan gyein] n [fig] time when
roots used in traditional medicines young men go back home at night (near midnight) [?
mc\;kXt\ [min: gu'] n mangosteen (illus) what are the others?]
mc\;tup\ [min: do'] n bar, bolt (of door) CF kn\Ïln\Ï (illus) emac\rxc\ [maung shin] n novice Bun;\ ”k^; (monk)
mc\;epå' mc\;eBa [min; baw;] n Œkind of large palm used for emac\rc\' kiurc\' qame%
timber, which has an edible starchy root [? ok? new info — pron you, to a novice Bun\;”k^; (monk)
from san dictionary] emac\rxc\Siuc\;Tm\; [maung yin hsain: dan:] n [astrn] Orion's
mc\;lXc\ [min: lwin] n mist, fog CF ®møKiu;' Nxc\;PX´ [? how different belt, three stars in a row
?] emac\rxc\elac\; [maung yin laung:] n boy just before the
emac\ [maung] n 1) Óbrother of a woman 2) younger or Buddhist novitiation ceremony CF rxc\®Pø' rxc\elac\;' kiurc\
little brother (of a woman) CF v^' eSXm¥io;suz ya; 3) title
of winner of a body-building contest emac\el; [maung le:] pron you, from an older woman to
— pron 1) you, term of address for a man younger than a younger manv^el;

oneself (used by women) RF emac\el;. 2) dear, darling, emac\lv\Nxmlv\ [maung lè hnåmålè] n double marriage,
term of endearment for boyfriend or husband CF kiukiu between two pairs of sisters and brothers
emac\;1 [maung:]v 1) run, operate (a machine, engine, etc);
— part 1) polite title for a boy, or man younger than drive (car, motorcycle, etc), fly (aeroplane, helicopter,
oneself 2) title prefixed to one's name to express etc) RF emac\;Nxc\. 2) drive sb hard, work sb hard, goad [?
humbleness [? little bit hard here: like U Nu used to also of animals?] 3) drive out; drive away, shoo (away)
sign his letters to UN, leaders, etc Maung Nu] RFemac\;Tut\' emac\;Nxc\.
emac\”k^; [maung gyi:] pron you, term of address for an emac\;Tut\ [maung: htou'] v 1) drive out; drive away,
elder brother, or husband (used by women) S YN kiukiu [? push out 2) shoo (inf), scare off, drive off
syn check] emac\;Nxc\ [maung: hnin] v 1) run, operate (a machine,
emac\sMuNxmsMuemX; [maung zon hmåmåson mwe:] n sibling, engine, etc); drive (car, motorcycle, etc), fly (aeroplane,
brother or sister = emac\Nxm [? really siblings?] helicopter, etc) 2) drive out; drive away, shoo, scare off
emac\Nxm [maung hnåma.] n 1) brother and sister; brothers
and sisters Ω emac\Nxm By\Nxs\eyak\rxiql´" How many emac\;m´ [maung: mè:] v scold harshly, rebuke angrily,
brothers and sisters do you have? 2) cousin(s) reproach bitterly Ω ®ps\tc\emac\; m´ accuse and condemn [?
check tone, etc]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 322

emac\; ª misÍa
emac\;2 [maung:] v be dark red shoulder 2) size of the sleeve near the armpit
— part suffix indicating a colour is dark or deep CF rc\. emac\;4 [maung:] n 1) gong CF eSa\emac\; 2) traditional unit of
[? which colours?] time equal to one-sixtieth of a day CF nar^ [? what to
emac\;vio [maung: nyo] n ripened rice cf?]
emac\;3 [maung:] n 1) upper arm = lk\emac\; (illus parts of arm) emac\;Kt\ [maung: kha'] v 1) strike gong to get attention
2) lever, bar, stick, etc used as a lever; device used to for announcement CF eÂkva' emac\;lv\ 2) [fig] spread
lift heavy things using leverage CF kut\ (illus) [? check: news by word of mouth
e.g., in a device with a lever?] 3) pounding device for emac\;eKX;lk\sXp\ [maung: gwe: le' su'] n band, ring, with
polishing corn, rice, etc CF emac\;ek¥ak\' emac\;KXk\' no jewel or engraving [? does this belong here?]
emac\; tiuc\ emac\; tMu; 4) boom, pole used to ??????; sweep emac\;Siuc\; [maung: zain:] n graduated gongs CF Siuc\;wiuc\;
RF emac\; tk\' emac\; lk\. [? for wells?] 5) firing emac\;Tu [maung: htu.] v play gongs [? different from
mechanism (in firearm, bow, etc) kha'?]
— part particle suffixed to some nouns to indicate they emac\;lv\(Kt\) [maung: lè (kha')] v (of town crier) go
are long and thin [? check and what is this htaung from place to place, striking a gong and making
htaung maung:maung:? I can't find anything likely] announcements
emac\;5 [maung:] n maund, Indian unit of measure usually
emac\;ek¥ak\ [maung: gyau'] n pestle of the emac\;KXk\ equal to 22.5 viss, 37 kg, 81 pounds
emac\;K¥Da; [maung: gya. da:] n pocketknife, penknife, emac\;eTac\K¥ioc\.' emac\;eTac\;KXk\ [maung; daung: gyain.,
clasp knife, jackknife (illus) [? swiss army knife?] maung: daung: gwe'] n deep lacquer or aluminium bowl with
emac\;KXk\ [maung: gwe'] n mortar of the emac\;ek¥ak\ a lip and band, originally made in Maung Daung village
emac\;sv\;lk\PX´> [maung: zi: le' hpwè.] n amulet worn on S YN em¥aKXk\ (illus)
the arm emac\;m [maung: ma.] n 1) queen below the rank of
emac\;Sk\ [maung: ze'] n 1) shoulder joint 2) method kiuy\lup\eta\ CF miPura; 2) woman attendant of king and
of splicing rope queen CF rMerXeta\
emac\;tM [maung: dan] n 1) boom [? what is this, and emac\;mmiœM [maung: ma. mei' than] n female retinue of king
what else?] 2) 'driving lever' S YN emac\; tuM;' emac\; lk\ [? and queen [? check this and prev -- queen meaning not
but this doesn't exist in engl. drive shaft? also fix don:] in]
emac\;mlv\ [maung: målè] 1) place in the royal palace
emac\;tk\ [maung: de'] n [? but what is it?] 2) stumps where the emac\; mmiœM (female attendants) serve the king
[? do we really have to put htis in? used fig?] and queen 2) [? I don't really understand this def]

emac\;tc\ [maung: tin] v 1) cock (weapon, to be ready to miuc\ [main] n mile, 1.6 km [Engl]
fire) 2) prepare (oneself) for action, prime (oneself) miuc\tiuc\ [main dain] n milestone, milepost
miuc\NOn\; [main hnoun:] n speed in miles, miles per hour
emac\;tiuc\ [maung: dain] n posts holding up a boom, Ω kn\Ïqt\ miu\c\ NOn\; speed limit
sweep, etc miuc\; [main:] n 1) mine, quarry, pit 2) Ímine; bomb,
emac\;tuM; [maung: don:] n 1) S YN emac\; tM' emac\; lk\ explosive device Ω anti-tank mine CF l¨qt\miuc\; anti-
2) bolt (of a gun) personnel mine; er®mHop\miuc\; naval mine; e®m®mHop\miuc\; landmine RF
emac\;eTac\; [maung: htaung:] v pound rice, corn, etc miuc\;bMu;.
with a emac\; miuc\;kXc\; [main: gwin:] n Íminefield
emac\;eTac\;Sn\ [maung: daung: hsan] n unmilled rice miuc\;eTac\ [main: htaung] v Íay or set or plant a mine,
CF sk\Sn\ bomb, booby trap, etc
emac\;eTac\;qM [maung: daung: dhan] n œfolk song sung miuc\;bMu; [main: bon:] n Ímine; bomb, explosive device
while pounding rice in a emac\; miuc\;®mHop\ [main: hmyo'] n Íplant or lay a mine
emac\;Tin\; [maung: dein:] n safety, catch miuc\;rxc\; [main: shin:] v Íclear mines, detonate mines
emac\;nc\; [maung: nin:] n 1) treadmill (illus) 2) [? check Ω miuc\;rx c\;qeBç a minesweeper
??] 3) œalternate beat of bells and clapper [ ms] miuc\;kiuc\sk¶ø [main: gain se' ku] n mulberry paper (from Mong
emac\;®pn\eqnt\ [maung: byan thåna'] n automatic firearm Kain, Shan State) [? check spelling with Nan Thida]
miuc\;qa [main: tha] n Maingtha, ethnic group living mainly in
emac\;®Pot\ [maung: hpyo'] v 1) pull the trigger 2) [fig] put Kachin State
in a difficult situation msÍriy' msÍrisit\ [mi' hsåri> ya., mi' hsåri sei'] n envy S YN mnaliumO
emac\;lk\ [maung: le'] n S YN emac\; tM CF emac\;tMu; [? get = IœamsÍriy [ pl]
from others]
misÍa [mei' hsa] v (of religious belief) be heretical, be wrong
emac\;lk\tMKå; [maung: le' dåga:] n barrier, boom gate CF di™i [ pl] [? heretic?]
— n devil CW ekac\
emac\;Aiu; [maung: o:] n 1) part of the arm near the

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 323

mziÙm ª mt\
misÍas^;pXa; [mei' hsa si; bwa;] n [? wrong occupation?? mv\zv\ [mè zè] n Œhardwood tree with edible flowers and
opposite of kaung; yaung; kaun; we] oil-bearing seeds = my\z y\
misÍadi™i [mei' hsa dei' hti>] n heresy, false (religious) belief mv\. [myi>] part final particle of a clause in future tense
A NT qmµadi™i = ¤ my\. [? what is this in colloq?]
misÍamO [mei' hsa hmu.] n evil mv\; [mè:] v 1) be dark; be black A NT ®Pø CF nk\ 2) (of skin)
mziÙm [myi' zi> ma.] n middle; moderate CF Aly\Alt\' tan; dark, dusky Ω eK¥ac\; qamxa (3)-rk\p´en“p^ Aqa;-
Aqc\.Atc\. [ ph] eta.eta.-mv\;-qXa;ty\kXa" I stayed at Chaungtha beach for
mziÙmeTr\ [myi' zi> ma. hte (hti)] n Bun\;”k^; (monk) who has only three days, but I'm so dark! A NT ®Pø CF vio
been in the sangha for 10 to 20 years CF qMGa [ bh] mv\;ek¥a [mè: kyaw:] v be glossy or shiny black
mziÙmedq [myi' zi> ma. dei tha.] n central India CF AiNi»y mv\;”kio; [mè: gyo:] n 1) (black) string worn as an amulet
mziÙmpFpdå [myi' zi> ma. pådi> båda] n the middle way [ bh] 2) string used to tie the hair = m´”kio;
mziÙmyM [myi' zi> ma. yan] n middle of the night, dead of mv\;Âkot\, mv\;K¥ip\ [mè: kyo', mè: chei'] v be deep black
night, time between 10pm and 2am mv\;e®Kak\e®Kak\ [mè: chau' chau'] v (of skin, complexion,
mezÙw^Ti [myi' ze. wi hti>] n middle ecliptic, apparent path of the etc) be dark and leathery
at the equinox S YN Aly\lm\; CF AeN|aw^Ti'
sun mv\;vs\ [mè: nyi'] v be dingy, dirty
bah^rw^Ti mv\;nk\ [mè: ne'] v be deep black
mêr^ [min zåri] n 1) cluster of flowers on a stem 2) treatise, mv\;Nxm\; [mè: hnan:] v be sooty, be ashy, be greyish, be
exposition, learned work smoky
mêø [min (myin) zu] n 1) four-o'clock, marvel of Peru, kind mv\;qv\; [mè: thè:] v 1) be very dark 2) [? expl def 2.
of flower which opens in the afternoon 2) mythical And how to say a brownish black? ebony]
flower growing at the entrace of the Ruby Grotto in the Amv\;sk\ [åmè: ze'] n stigma
Himalayas RF mêøqk. [? check that ruby grotto is in] mue™a [mo' htaw:] n 1) Buddha image S YN Sc\;tueta\
2) stupa, pagoda S YN est^ [ ph]
mêøqk [min (myin) zu thåka.]
mythical flower growing at m‹oic\ [man dain] n 1) centre, core, focal point, pivot
the entrace of the Ruby Grotto in the Himalayas Ω stu tÊm‹oic\ fourth estate, i.e., the media, esp the press
muêestna [mon za. se dåna] n honesty of intent while giving 2) [fig] pillar of strength (Upsa)
m‹p\ [man: da'] n temporary stage, dais, pavilion, etc
mv\1 [myi] v 1) be named, be called 2) be said 3) mean Ω q”kç n\m‹p\ Thingyan pandal, AlØ m‹p\ donation stand,
— part 1) count word for counting ingredients in mgçlaeSac\m‹p\ wedding pavilion
medicines 2) count word for counting kinds of dishes m‹p\tiuc\tk\ [man: da' tain te'] v grandstand, show off, be
served in centre stage
mv\kamt† [myi ga ma' ta.] n sb or sthg which is in name m‹p\Tiu; [man: da' hto:] v build a temporary stage, dais,
only pavilion, etc
mv\mv\rr [mè mè ya. ya.] n sthg definite, specific, mt\1 [ma'] v 1) be upright, be vertical, be standing (up)
concrete 2) straighten Ω kiuemac\U^; epåk\t¨; kiuK¥“p^; Kå;kiumt\liuk\ty\"
— adv specifically, positively, concretely Ko Maung Oo dropped his hoe and straightened his back. [?
mv\mv\wå;wå; [myi myi wa: wa:] adv just, in name only ok?] 3) right
mv\2 [myi] ppm sentence final marker indicating future mt\esak\ [ma' sau'] v be steep, be sheer
= colloq my\ mt\tt\ [ma' ta'] adv upright, standing straight
mv\3 [myi] pron ¬who; which = ¤By\ — part conjuction indicating same time: while [? not
— adv ¬how; how much = ¤ By\liu' By\elak\' in JO. examples]
pza mt\tt\sa [ma' ta' sa] n just enough to get along on;
mv\mYpc\Úeskam¨ [myi hmya. pin…se ka mu] phr ¬no bare minimum (sustenance) Ω mt\ tt\lup\'
matter Ω mv\m¥pc\sa;eskam¨ mwpå" No matter how much I mt\tt\saenty\" CF tMu; lMu; sa [? finish example]
eat, I don't feel full. S YN By\elak\ÚÚ [? new kyaw] mt\tt\sc\; [ma' ta' sin:] n vertical stripe CF kn\Ïln\Ïsc\;
mv\erX>mv\mY [myi ywe. myi hmya.] adj ¬how many; how horizontal stripe
much = ¤ By\elak\l´ mt\tt\na [ma' ta' na] n mild illness, illness not
mv\q¨ [myi dhu] pron ¬who = ¤ By\q¨ requiring bed rest
mv\q¨mSiu [myi dhu måhso] pron ¬anyone, whoever mt\tt\e®p; [ma' ta' pye:] n toddler years [? really the
mv\q¨mv\wå [myi dhu myi wa] pron ¬who years or the kid? ]
mv\q¨mY [myi dhu hmya.] pron ¬[in neg and neg imp] no mt\tt\rp\ [ma' ta' ya'] v stand (up), be standing CF T
one, anyone rise, get up
mv\qiuÏmv\va, mv\qiuÏmv\pMu [myi dho. myi nya, myi dho. myi mt\mt\ [ma' ma'] adv upright, straight Ω mt\mt\T stand
bon] adv ¬how, in what manner up
mv\qv\ [myi dhi] pron ¬what; where mt\mt\rp\ [ma' ma' ya'] v [fig] stand on one's own two

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 324

mt\ ª mn\k¥v\;
feet add syns too]
mt\rp\eta\ [ma' ya' taw] n standing Buddha image mit†ø(k¨;)sk\ [mei' tu (ku:) ze'] n (photo)copier,
mt\2 [ma'] n husband's younger brother; wife's younger (photo)copy machine, ditto machine
sister CF eSXm¥io;suz ya; mit†øSX´ [mei' tu hswè:] v photocopy S YN mit†øk¨;
mt\3 [ma'] n quarter, fourth (of hour, inch, acre, kyat, etc) mut\' mut†1 [mo', mo' ta.] n 1) (animal) urine 2) hydrocele,
CF m¨ fifth; Asit\ quarter [? cf what else? where can we swelling of the scrotum
gather these?] mut†kt\ [mo' dåga'] n strangury (of the testicles) [? ?
mt\es. [ma' sI] n 25-pya coin or hernia?]
mt\tc\; [ma' tin:] n three-quarters, three-fourths (i.e., mut†k¥it\ [mo' dågyei'] n retention of urine
one quarter short of whole) Ω ts\Ekmt\tc\; three- mut\2 [mo'] n pearl S YN pul´
quarters of an acre Ω (9)nar^mt\tc\; 8:45, quarter to nine mut\ekac\ [mo' kaung] n pearl oyster
mt\p´ [ma' pè:] n Œmung bean [? hwat about bè di mut\KXM [mo' khun] n mother-of-pearl
sein? is this one really black?] mut\put^; [mo' bådi:] n string of mother-of-pearl beads
mt\4 [ma'] n March [Engl] mut\Kå; [mo' kha:] n medicine made from aloe vera pulp
mt\5 [ma'] n Ó¥(deutsch)mark, former German currency CF rxa;esac\;
mut\Sit\ [mo' hsei'] n 1) beard CF NOt\K m\;emW; moustache;
mt\KXk\ [ma' khwe'] n mug, large cup with a handle [Engl] på;mun\;emX; sideburns; rit\ shave 2) air roots, aerial roots
CF tiuc\k^ (e.g., of banyan tree)
mit\1 [mei'] n 1) friend, mate, pal (inf dated) 2) friendship mut\Sit\p¥a;sX´ [mo' hsei' pya: swè:] v [fig] get a windfall
[? check combo of first two, and next too!] 3) good Upsa L IT : ‘have honey caught in one's beard’
company mut\Sit\rit\ [mo' hsei' yei'] v shave
mit\Sk\ [mei' hse'] v introduce mut\Sit\rit\sk\ [mo' hsei' yei' se'] n (electric) shaver,
— n introduction electric razor
mit\Sk\ska; [mei' hse' zåga:] n 1) introduction (to the mut\Sit\rit\Da; [mo' hsei' yei' da;] n (cutthroat (Br),
public) 2) greeting straight (Am)) razor CF qc\tun\;Da; [? new engl-myan]
mit\Sk\sa [mei' hse' sa] n letter of introduction mut\tiuc\ [mo' tain] [? do we need this??? n] n
mit\Sk\pX´ [mei' hse' pwè:] n party to let people meet and mut\qMuel [mo' thon le] n monsoon, regular seasonal wind in
make new friends the south Asian region
mit\Sk\lWa [mei' hse' hlwa] n fan mail emt†a [myi' ta] n metta, love, affection; kindness,
mit\SMu [mei' hson] v meet (as friends) [? i.e., not as benevolence S YN K¥s\Kc\®Kc\; [? really kindness, benev?]
what?] emt†asa [myi' dåza] n 1) poem of friendly advice
mit\SMupX´ [mei' hson bwè:] n party (of old friends) 2) love letter S YN rv\; sa;sa
mit\eSX [mei' hswe] n friend CF q¨cy\K¥c\; emt†atMu; [myi' ta (tå) don:] n beloved
mit\t¨nMt¨ [mei' tu nan du] n 1) compatibility 2) common emt†aTMu; [myi' ta ton:] v lose one's love for sb, not love
aspects; two of a kind, people cut from the same cloth sb anymore, run out of love (inf) S YN emt†ap¥k\
[? doesn't really make sense yet] emt†aTa; [myi' ta hta:] v wish sb well
mit\Dat\ [mei' da'] n [astrl] matching or compatibility emt†apiuÏ [myi' ta po.] v pray for (sb's) well-being
based on days of birth [? really? or the force?] emt†ap¥k\ [myi' ta pye'] v lose one's love for sb, not love
mit\Pk\ [mei' hpe'] n 1) [astrl] match based on days of sb anymore, run out of love (inf) S YN emt†atMu;
birth 2) spouse, husband or wife emt†amY [myi' ta hmya.] v fall in love with each other
mit\®Ps\eSX®Ps\ [mei' hpyi' hswe byi'] adv sealing a friendship emt†arp\(KM) [myi' ta ya' (khan)] v request S YN etac\;KM' rp\KM
emt†arxi [myi' ta shi>] v love Ω kÁn\eta\ Kc\b¥a;kiuemt†arxity\"
mit\PX´> [mei' hpwè.] v befriend I love you.
mit\liuk\ [mei' lai'] v (of animals) mate; be sexually emt†aerx>Ta;på [myi' ta she. hta: ba] exp Have mercy! Take
excited; (of fish) go to spawn pity! L IT : ‘Think of love first’
mit\lc\sMu [mei' lin zon] n comprehensive work, complete emt†alk\eSac\ [myi' ta le' hsaung] n gift
mit\qha [mei' thåha] n friends [? use?? also with mudÎz [mo' dåza.] n alveolar, consonant that is made with the
supine y on the end?] tongue behind the upper teeth, i.e., sound of t T d
mit\qgçh [mei' thin gåha.] n circle of close friends [? n r l
really acqu? how big?] mudÎ@an\ [mo' da. htan] n ridge behind the upper front teeth,
mit\2 [mei'] n prickly heat, heat rash Ω mit\epåk\ÚÚ I broke where alveolars are formed
out in patches of prickly heat. [? complete] mn\k¥v\; [mågyi:] n Œtamarind, large tree with very small
mit\kp\ [mei' ka'] n make-up, cosmetics [Engl] leaves; edible pods of this tree, which can be eaten
mit†ø [mei' tu] n copy; (photo)copy, duplicate CF pMut¨ alone, or used in cooking [ ph]
mit†øk¨; [mei' tu ku:] v photocopy S YN mit†øSX´ [? check: mn\k¥v\;Âkk\S¨ [mågyi: kye' hsu] n slightly green

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 325

mN|ra;' mN|n\ ª min\;m
tamarind pod pride
mn\k¥v\;es.kmµwå [mågyi: ze. kåmåwa] n blessing written in man\m´ [man mè:] v scold, berate
a special square script man\ys\ [man yi'] v be drunk with pride
mn\k¥v\;es.kXk\ [mågyi: zi> gwe'] n pattern of small min\ [mein] n 1) Pisces, 12th sign of the zodiac
squares CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^Rup\ 2) time of Pisces, i.e., Dabaung lunar
mn\k¥v\;pn^ [mågyi: påni] n Œkind of reddish tamarind month, falling in February-March CF tepåc\;
tree min\ekac\ [mein gaung] n barn owl S YN lc\ekac\piu;
mN|ra;' mN|n\ [man: dåya:, man dan] n mantra, incantation to min\> [mein.] v (of royalty, monk) say [? or just say
ward off danger CF ermn\;' TMu;mn\;' S^mn\;' mn\; mOt\ [ bh] [? authoritatively, command?]
how do you want to explain this?] min\Ïk¥ [mein. kya:] v (of royalty, monk) speak [? or answr,
mN»dqk [man da ta' thåka.] n childhood, time from birth to explain?]
age 10 CF eqk min\ÏKXn\; [mein. gun:] n speech
mn\dål^ [man da li] n Muscovy duck, kind of duck with short min\Ï®mXk\' min\Ïh [mein. mywe', mein.ha.] v give a speak,
legs and a large body [Engl] speak in public
mNÎat\ [man da'] n [Buddh] name for the chakravartin min\; [mein:] adj main [Engl] Ω min\;eg¥ main jail (office)
CF sÂkwet;mc\; [ bh] min\;kel; [mein: khåle:] n girl; young woman CF min\;m
mn\eng¥a [man ne gya] n manager [Engl] CF s^mM min\;m [mein: ma.] n 1) woman S YN Am¥io;qm^; CF eyak¥\a;
mn\;(mOt\)1 [man: (hmo')] v recite mantra, chant an 2) [inf] wife S YN zn^;' mya;
incantation to ward off danger CF S^mn\;' ermn\;' TMu; mn\;' min\;mkiuy\ [mein: måko] n female genitals, female sexual
mN|ra;' mN|n\ organs S YN min\; mAg:zat\' eyani
mn\;2 [man:] n infection CF eqX;mn\;tk\®Kc\;' erac\rm\;®Kc\;' min\;m”k^; [mein: mågyi:] n 1) woman 2) first wife, married
Pk\KXk\na wife S YN mya;”k^;
mn\;tk\ [man: te'] adj infected, septic (tech) min\;mÂkm\; [mein: mågyan] n 1) female villain (in drama)
mn\;rv\cn\;rv\ [man: ye ngan: ye] n secretion from CF l¨Âkm\; 2) virago, spiteful woman [? ?]
infected sore min\;mK¥v\ [mein: måchi] n granny knot (illus)
mn\;3 [man:] n [in comb] Mandalay min\;mska; [mein; ma. zAga;] n unclear expression, talk that
mn\;Sn\ [man: hsan] v (of ladies) be refined, be is not to the point (usu used to criticise during
cultivated, in the style of the royal court at Mandalay argument) CF eyak\¥a;ska;
mn\;meRX; [man: måywe:] n snack of pressed toasted puffed min\;mSn\ [mein; ma. hsan] v (of µ) womanish, effeminate
rice with palm sugar syrup min\;mˆa%\ [mein: månyan] n 1) quick wit 2) cunning,
mn\;q¨mn\;qa; [man: thu man: tha:] n Mandalay residents, tricky, slippery trait S YN l^Sy\ˆa%\
people of Mandalay min\;mtXk\ [mein: mådwe'] n shorthand calculation used in
mn\;eqYac\ [man: yaung] n (of men's hair) topknot in the market = eZ;tXk\
centre (illus) min\;mTin\; [mein: mådein:] n 1) madame, woman who
mn\;4 [man:] part title prefixed to the name of a Po Karen manages a brothel S YN ®pv\.tn\Sa-eKåc\;' PaeKåc\; 2) harem
man CF piu; krc\ guard
man\ [man] n pride, arrogance; boldness [? check] min\;mp^qa [mein; ma. pi tha] v be an ideal woman, be a
— v scold, berate RF man\m´. gracious, lovely, cultured woman
man\k¥ [man kya.] v (of personality, character, person, etc) min\;mepå. [mein: måbaw.] n 1) woman who does not take
mellow, become gentle S YN man\sXy\k¥io; morality very seriously, i.e., slut, promiscuous woman
man\esac\ [man saung] v posture (out of pride), be 2) prostitute CF ®pv\.tn\Sa
belligerent, be bellicose min\;mp¥k\ [mein: måbye'] n 1) slut 2) prostitute
— n belligerence S YN ®pv\.tn\Sa
man\sXy\k¥io; [man kya.] v (of personality, character, min\;mePa\ [mein: måhpaw] n (woman's female)
person, etc) mellow, become gentle S YN man\k¥ companion; chaperon(e), woman who accompanies and
man\tk\ [man te'] v become arrogant, haughty, self- supervises young people [? check women or people]
important, or proud
man\tc\; [man tin:] v 1) be proud and stern, be arrogant, min\;mmO [mein: ma. hmu.] n 1) (of a man) (romantic) affair
act superior [? check] 2) strengthen oneself (before a 2) household chores
crisis, etc), steel oneself, harden oneself min\;mrWc\ [mein: måshwin] n prostitute S YN ®pv.\htn\Sa
man\på [man pa] v be spirited, be lively; be energetic; be min\;mliumin\;mr [mein: målo mein: måya.] adv 1) (of a man)
passionate; be forceful, be bold effeminately 2) small-mindedly, narrow-mindedly [? 2 is
man\P^ [man hpi] v show one is ready to fight, be defiant also only man?]
min\;mlk\qv\; [mein: ma. le' thè:] n Eurasian curlew, kind
man\man [man ma na.] n 1) vanity, conceit 2) arrogance; of small bird S YN kula;ekak\' KRusut\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 326

min\;m¨; ª mun\Ï
min\;ml¥a [mein: måsha] n man with the spirit and habits sticky-rice flour, twisted, fried and served with palm
of a woman, transsexual; gay, homosexual; effeminate sugar syrup S YN mun\ÏÂkk\A¨
man CF ekak¥\a;l¥a' kn\d¨; mun\Ïslc\;eTac\ [mon. sålin: daung] n rice flour and palm
min\;mwt\⁄ [mein: måwu'] n 1) five-foot size of women's sugar crepe with crispy edges S YN \mun\>ÂkaKXk\
longyi 2) women's clothing, women's wear mun\Ïsim\;epåc\; [mon. sein: baung:] n steamed rice cake
min\;mwt\ [mein: ma. wu'] n duties of a wife CF mya;wt\cå;på; mun\ÏS^eÂka\ [mon. hsi gyaw] n sweet sticky-rice crepes
mun\ÏSn\; [mon. zan:] n sticky rice flakes
min\;mqa; [mein: mådha:] n women [? explain context mun\ÏSn\;meRX; [mon. zan: måywe:] n snack of pressed toasted
again] sticky rice with palm sugar syrup CF mn\;meRX;
min\;mq¨ [mein: mådhu] n 1) mother-in-law mun\ÏSp\qXa;P¨; [mon. hsa' thåhpu:] n folded rice-flour crepe
= eyakƒmmin\;mq¨ 2) (all) women, womankind with coconut and palm sugar syrup
min\;m¨; [mein: mu:] v be reeling, be in a daze, swoon mun\Ïvk\ [mon. nye'] n (pastry) flour
min\;ema [mein: maw] v be unconscious, be in a faint mun\Ït^ [mon. di] n 1) thin rice noodles 2) fish soup with
min\;mOic\ [mein: hmain] v stare abstractedly into the distance rice noodles Ω rKiuc\mun\>t^ CF mun\>Pk\' mun\>hc\;Kå;
CF ec;ema mun\ÏtXn\sa [mon. tun za] n thin strands of rice flour, served
mun\ [mon] n liquid that comes out of a gland near a bull with coconut and sugar
elephant's eye and ear when in mating season mun\ÏTup\”k^; [mon. do' kyi:] n steamed dumpling of sugar and
mun\tXc\; [mon dwin:] n hollow above elephant's eye where coconut in sticky-rice dough S YN mun\>Pk\Tup\
mun\ gland is mun\Ïnp\ [mon. hna'] n boiled rice flour and palm sugar [ ph]
mun\yiu [mon yo] v 1) (of bull elephant) be in musth, be
in mating season, rut 2) [fig] in the grip of passion mun\ÏNxs\ [mon. hni'] n batter; dough
mun\ys\ [mon yi'] v (of bull elephant) be in musth, be in mun\Ïp´qersa [mon. pè: thåye za] n snacks
mating season, rut mun\Ïepåc\; [mon. baung:] n steamed sponge cake made with
mun\eqak\ [mon dhau'] n rutting adult male elephant rice flour
mun\Aiu; [mon o:] n (elephant's) musth gland mun\Ïp¥a;t¨AMu [mon. bådu on] n rice flour and palm sugar
mun\vc\; [mon nyin:] n mustard Ω mun\vc\;es.mYeqa even as small cake shaped like a wasp's nest
as a mustard seed [? complete example] mun\Ïp¥a;qlk\ [mon. pya: thåle'] n fried rice flour cake like
mun\tiuc\ [mon dain] n palm fern; sago palm; general term for a honeycomb
similar trees (illus) mun\ÏPiu;(p´Piu;) [mon. bo: (pè: bo:)]
n 1) pocket money (Br),
mun\tiuc\; [mon dain:] n storm, gale, tempest (lit) allowance (Am) 2) tip, gratuity S YN lk\Pk\rv\Piu;
mun\la [mon la] n 1) collective term for some plants with mun\ÏPk\Tup\ [mon. do' kyi:] n steamed dumpling of sugar and
edible roots 2) Œradish plant coconut in sticky-rice dough S YN mun\>Tup\”k^;
mun\laK¥U\Pt\ [mon la chin ba'] n pickle, hot sour and salty mun\ÏPt\ [mon. ba'] n rice (soup) noodles [? check can use
mixed preserved vegetables (Shan condiment) for athoq?]
mun\laTup\ [mon la do'] n Œcabbage S YN egÅP^Tup\ mun\Ïbiuc\;etac\. [mon. bain: daung.] n pieces of steamed rice-
mun\laU [mon la u.] n 1) general term for root vegetables flour mass sprinkled with roasted sesame salt
2) radish mun\Ïmun\Ïvk\vk\ [mon. mon. nye' nye'] adv (be crushed) into
mun\laUK¥io [mon la u. gyo] n sugar beet powder
mun\laUn^ [mon la u. ni] n beet mun\ÏmOn\Ï [mon. hmon.] n rice flour
mun\laUwå [mon la u. wa] n carrot mun\ÏelepX [mon. le bwe] n large thin crispy sticky-rice
mun\Ï [mon.] n snack
mun\ÏÂkaKXk\ [mon. kya gwe'] n rice flour and palm sugar mun\Ïlk\ekak\ [mon. le' kau'] n deep-fried sticky-rice
ring eaten with palm sugar syrup
crepe with crispy edges S YN mun\Ïslc\;eTac\
mun\ÏÂkaes. [mon. kya zi>] n small balls of sticky rice in palm mun\Ïlk\eSac\; [mon. le' hsaung:] n sweetened coconut
milk with lumps of rice jelly
sugar syrup
mun\Ï”kio;lim\ [mon. kyo: lein] n twisted rice- and bean-flour mun\Ïlc\mya; [mon. lin måya:] n round snack with two
halves of rice flour cooked in a mold, and put together
with beans or egg in between S YN mun\ÏAup\kel; (illus)
mun\ÏÂkk\A¨ [mon. kye' u] n fried snack of rice and sticky-
rice flour, twisted, fried and served with palm sugar
syrup S YN mun\>K¥io qXc\;
mun\ÏlMu;”k^; [mon. lon: gyi:] n coconut and palm sugar in a
large fried sticky-rice dumpling
mun\ÏkÁ´qv\; [mon. kywè: dhè:] n custard made of rice flour,
palm sugar and a small amount of lime boiled together
mun\ÏlMu;erepÅ [mon. lon ye baw] n palm sugar in small
sticky-rice dumplings
mun\ÏÂkXp\ [mon. gyu'] n rusk, zwieback, dried bread mun\Ïqiuc\;“KMo [mon. thain: gyon] n crepe with coconut and
palm sugar, folded into a square
mun\ÏK¥ioqXc\; [mon. gyo thwin:] n fried snack of rice and

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 327

mun\; ª em¥a
mun\Ïeqt†a [mon. thi' ta] n tinned biscuits my\P¥ø; [mè hpyu:] n Ó shallow pan S YN Aiu;kc\;
mun\Ïhc\;Kå; [mon. hin: ga:] n mohinga, spicy fish soup with mar\ [man] n 1) evil 2) Mara CF mar\nt\ [ ph]
rice noodles, often eaten for breakfast CF mun\Ït^ mar\cå;på; [man nga: ba:] n five kinds of evil: mar\nt\
mun\ÏU^;eNxak\ [mon. on: hnau'] n steamed rice flour bread [? devil, kielqaSy\på; , kmµw!\ passion, KNÎacå;på; ,
sweet?] eq®Kc\;tra;
mun\ÏAiu;kc\;kp\ [mon. o: gin: ga'] n rice-flour crepe mar\nt\ [man na'] n 1) Mara; powerful evil spirit ruling
mun\ÏAup\kel; [mon. lin måya:] n round snack with two over the lower parts of the universe [? check] 2) [relig]
halves of rice flour cooked in a mold, and put together devil, Satan
with beans or egg in between S YN mun\>lc\mya; ml¬ikatn\Sa [man li> ka tan za] n ‹jewel-encrusted gown
worn by Malika, the chief queen of Kosala CF mhalta'
mun\; [mon:] v dislike; be tired of, be sick of; detest; hate ekaql [ ph]
Ω t¨; t¨;Kå;Kå;mun\; hate bitterly mil¬a [mein la] n 1) dark colour 2) alloy of bronze and lead
mun\;t^; [mon: di:] v hate, loathe 3) filth; excrement [ ph]
mp\ [ma'] v [arch] 1) bend; lean 2) be inclined to, tend to mil¬akn\ [mein la kan] n cesspool, cesspit; septic tank
= mil¬aAiu; [mein la o:] n toilet pot, chamber pot; bedpan
mMu [mon] n bud S YN AcMu miœ [mei' tha.] n ßAries, first sign of the zodiac,
— v bud S YN cMu represented by a sheep CF Sy\.Nxs\raq^Rup\ [ ph]
my\1 [mè] n 1) girl 2) miss …, title for the winner of a miœk [mei' thåka.] n hybrid word [ ph] [? forgot
winner of a beauty contest explanation]
— pron affectionate term used to address young women miœlc\ [mei' thålin] n Œherb related to ginger, used in
CFmi' Piu; traditional medicines
— part title prefixed to the name of young women CF mi' box explaining m¥a;' etX' tiu> sqv\
m m¥a; [mya:] v 1) be many, be much 2) be plenty, be
my\esa [mè saw:] n kind of rice abundant RF m¥a;®pa;. 3) be excessive, be too much
my\Viu [mè nyo] n 1) bluebottle fly 2) Indian purple Ω Sram¥a; qa;eq" Too many doctors, and the son dies. [?
moorfowl check new] 4) be usual; be common, be likely, be
my\eta\ [mè daw]n 1) royal mother 2) mother of a probably Ω ka;qip\ms^; B¨;" Siuk¶a;s^;tam¥a;ty\" I don't take
monk; woman sponsoring a monk's ordination 3) nat the bus much; I usually take a sidecar. Ω liuk\K¥c\taepåÏ"
medium Alup\ROp\liuÏ mliuk\tam¥a;ty\" Of course he wants to come
my\eta\p¥M [mè daw pyan] n funeral ceremony of the along. But he has a lot of work, so he's not likely to make
mother of a monk, or a woman sponsoring a monk's it. Ω {Tmc\;eÂka\- Aqa;-påla;"} {påta-m¥a;ty\"} ‘Does the
ordination fried rice have meat in it?’ ‘It probably does.’
my\eta\A^ksa;nv\; [mè daw i gåza: ni:] n children's — part 1) ¬plural marker CF etX' tiu> 2) noun and verb
pitching game suffix for emphasis Ω eKåc\; m¥a;-kiuk\enty\" I have a terrible
my\BX´> [mè bwè.] n 1) love song or poem (from a headache.
woman to a man) 2) title awarded to winner of a beauty m¥a;®pa; [mya: pya:] v be abundant, be plenty
contest CF emac\BX´> m¥a;mÂkam^ [mya: måkya mi] adv before long, in a little
my\mc\; [mè min:] pron [obs] you (to a woman) while
my\mc\;”k^;m [mè min: gyi: ma.] pron highly respectful term m¥a;m¥a;sa;sa; [mya: mya: sa za:] adv many, much
used to address or refer to a woman (often sarcastic or m¥a;l¥a; [mya: lya:] adv (dangle, hang down, etc) in
ironic), her ladyship profusion
my\q^l [mè thi la.] n Buddhist nun CF q^lrxc\' PXa;q^l m¥a;eqaAa;®Pc\. [mya: dhaw: a hpyin.] adv generally; usually,
my\2 [mè] ppm sentence final marker indicating future normally
fe{[lit]} mv\
= em¥a1 [myaw:] v 1) float, drift (in water, tide, current, etc)
my\ky\ [mè kè] n kind of hardwood growing mainly in 2) digress, move away from the line of argument,
Taninthayi explanation, description, etc [? check] 3) faint; be
my\zl^ [mè: zåli] n Œtree with edible leaves and buds unconscious; be in a coma
m´z l^
= em¥aelx; [myaw: hle:] n plankton, mass of tiny animals
my\zk\ [mè ze'] n kind of bird that lives at the edge of and/or plants that drift near the surface of water
lakes CF Apc\em¥aelx; phytoplankton, Aekac\em¥aelx;
my\zy\ [mè zè] n hardwood tree with edible flowers and zooplankton
oil-bearing seeds = mv\z v\ em¥a2 [myaw:] n fel(d)spar, kind of common stone
my\dlc\ [mè dålin] n mandolin [Engl] em¥aek¥ak\ [myaw: gyau'] n 1) moonstone, transparent
blue-white fel(d)spar 2) fel(d)spar
my\n [mè na.] n 1) iron S YN qM 2) rivet; pushpin (Br),
thumbtack (Am) S YN qMmOi em¥a3 [myaw:] adj long, lengthy

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 328

m¥io ª m¥k\
— n [? check both] crop
em¥aKXk\ [myaw: gwe'] n deep lacquer or aluminium bowl m¥io;NXy\ [myo; nwE] n 1) family 2) caste
with a lip and band S YN emac\;eTac\K¥ioc\.' emac\;eTac\;KXk\ m¥io;NXy\su [myo; nwE zu.] n tribe; clan
em¥atiuc\ [myaw: dain] n pole from a kind of mangrove tree m¥io;NXy\Amv\ [myo: nwè åmyi] n family name, surname,
CF mdmem¥a last name CF namv\
m¥io [myo] v 1) swallow 2) envelop m¥io;epåc\; [myo: baung:] n [bio] class
m¥ioqip\ [myo thei'] v (of feelings) stifle, restrain, repress, m¥io;®pt\ [myo: pya'] v (of lineage) come to an end, die
curb out
m¥io; [myo:] n 1) kind, type, sort; Tax onom y in biol og y: m¥io;pXa; [myo: pwa:] v reproduce, multiply, proliferate; breed
category, class 2) relative m¥io;epåc\; class m¥io;ePak\ [myo: hpau'] v 1) hatch, incubate (eggs) 2) culture
CF eSXm¥io; 3) (of people) m¥io;sU\ order (bacteria, virus, etc) 3) germinate (seeds, tubers, etc)
ethnic group; people; m¥i o ;rc\ ; family 4) breed (animals) 5) cross-breed (different species, strains,
nation; race CF l¨m¥io; 4) (of m¥i o ;su genus etc)
plants, animals) variety, m¥i o ;si t \ species m¥io;P¥k\ [myo: hpye'] [myo: bye'] v bring shame on one's
strain, breed; pedigree; m¥i o ;si t \ k´ X subspecies
people, disgrace one's people
species Ω m¥io;kX´ different — n a disgrace to one's people, sb who betrays own people
breed, strain, etc 5) germ, gene, seed CF m¥io;spå; RF m¥io;es. m¥io;Riu; [myo: yo:] n 1) heredity, lineage; family Ω m¥io;Riu;qn\>
6) (of animals) gravidity, pregnancy be a good family, i.e., no madness, criminality, leprosy, etc
m¥io;ekac\;Riu;ekac\; [myo: gaung; yo: gaung:] n good family Ω m¥io;-Riu;-liuk\ be like the rest of the family [? have a family
CF m¥io;Riu; resemblance? and give examples for genetic] 2) [comb]
m¥io;kn\; [myo: kan:] v (of plants, animals) be barren, stop genetic
producing m¥io;Riu;b^zpva [myo: yo: bi za. pyin nya] n genetics
m¥io;kp\ [myo: ka'] v (of animals) be gravid, conceive, m¥io;Riu;liuk\ [myo: yo: lai'] v 1) be hereditary, be genetically
become pregnant S YN z^;kp\' m¥io;rxi determined 2) inherit (family characteristics)
m¥io;”k^;eSX”k^; [myo: gyi: hswe gyi:] n [? check what?]
m¥io;”k´ [myo: kyè:] v broadcast (seed) CF p¥io;”k´' m¥io;K¥ m¥io;rikƒa [myo: yei' kha] n provision, ration, food stored
m¥io;K¥ [myo: cha.] v sow (seeds) CF m¥io;es.K¥ for later consumption = rikƒa
m¥io;K¥s\ [myo: chi'] n patriot m¥io;rc\; [myo: yin:] n [bio] family
m¥io;K¥s\sit\ [myo: chi' sei'] n patriotism, pride in and m¥io;rxi [myo: shi>] v (of animals) be gravid, conceive,
devotion to one's country or ethnic group become pregnant S YN z^;kp\' m¥io;kp\
CF Am¥io;qa;K¥s\ sit\' Niuc\cMK¥s\ sit\ [? check.] m¥io;qn\Ïspå; [myo: than. zåba:] n high-quality seed rice
m¥io;K¥s\wåd [myo: chi' wa da.] n patriotism [? check how m¥io;Uy¥aU\ [myo: u. yin] n nursery, seed farm
different?] m¥io;eAac\ [myo: aung] v (of seeds) be fertile, be able to
m¥io;®Ka; [myo: gya:] n foreigner; non-native germinate
m¥io;KX´pva [myo: khwè: pyin nya] n taxonomy, science of tm¥io; [tåmyo;] adj peculiar (neg), unique (pos), original
classifying living organisms [? check for better trans]
m¥io;su [myo: zu.] n [bio] genus (pl genera) m¥io;tiu;m¥k\tk\ [myo: do: mye' te'] n twinge, pang, stab (of
m¥io;es. [myo: zi>] n seed (for planting) Ω m¥io;spå; seed rice pain)
m¥io;es.K¥ [myo: zi> cha] v plant seeds, sow seeds m¥k\ [mye'] v 1) sprain, twist (ankle, wrist, etc) CF elwc\
m¥io;sU\ [myo: zin] n 1) heredity, lineage CF m¥io;Sk\' m¥io;Riu; 2) (of bone) stick in one's throat CF ARiu;m¥k\ 3) be angry
2) [bio] order with sb
m¥io;sit\ [myo: zei'] n [bio] species — n 1) gem(stone), jewel, precious stone RF
m¥io;sp\ [myo: sa'] v cross(breed), interbreed Ω ' If you cross Am¥k\ek¥ak\. 2) knot (in wood); flaw (in gemstone)
a female horse and a male donkey, you get a mule. 3) burl, node (on tree) 4) fury, rage, anger = Am¥k\edåq
— n cross, hybrid Ω ' A mule is a cross between a horse 5) [in comb] eye, ocular, optical CF skƒo
and a donkey. — part count word for bundles of loops in a skein of
m¥io;sMu [myo: zon] part various kinds, particle suffixed to thread [ nc] [? check dic]
noun to show variety m¥k\kl¨;Sn\p¥a' m¥k\kl´Sn\p¥a [mye' kålu: hsan bya,
m¥io;Sk\ [myo: ze'] n 1) line of descendents, progeny, mye' kålè: hsan bya] adv frantically; in shock
later generations 2) next generation CF m¥io;sU\' m¥io;Riu; [? m¥k\k´Kt\ [mye' kè: kha'] v check (over), scan, look over
check] = Ak´K t\
m¥io;t¨ [myo; tu] adj [bio] homologous Ω m¥io;t¨Ag: m¥k\kn\; [mye' kan:] n 1) blind person S YN m¥k\m®mc\
homologous organ 2) [fig] bigot, person blinded by beliefs [? check]
m¥io;t¨su [myo: tu su] v classify m¥k\kp\mxn\ [mye' ka' hman] n contact lens
m¥io;Ta; [myo: hta:] v store (harvested) seed for the next m¥k\eÂkatc\; [mye' kyaw: tin:] v [fig] hate the sight of

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 329

m¥k\ ª m¥k\
sb; cannot stand the sight of sb [? check not sthg? e.g., wide experience CF A®mc\k¥y\
with can't stand] m¥k\si”k^;na;”k^; [mye' si> gyi: na: gyi:] adj [fig] well-informed
m¥k\eÂka®pt\ [mye' kyaw: pya'] v 1) lose sight of 2) be
dazzled (by glare, bright light, etc) m¥k\sieÂkac\ [mye' si> kyaung] v have insomnia, be sleepless
m¥k\eÂkamtv\. [mye' kyaw: måtè.] v [? not same as CF m¥k\sik¥y\ [? fill in]
above?] m¥k\sikXy\rana;kXy\ra [mye' si> kwè ya na: kwè ya] n place
m¥k\eÂkaeq [mye' kyaw: the] v (of eyelid) droop over out of sight or hearing, secluded place
eye [? check] m¥k\sispå;emX;s¨; [mye' si> zåbåmwe: su:] v [fig] cannot stand
m¥k\Âkv\(lWa) [mye' kyi (hlwa)] n cornea the sight of sb [? see others above: same?]
m¥k\Âkot\ [mye' kyo'] n Ó odium, animosity, rancor [? m¥k\sisa;pX´Tiuc\ [mye' sI sAbwE htain] v peoplewatch; watch
now?] the world go by, fantasize about passers-by
m¥k\kXk\ [mye' kwe'] n 1) (of cut gems) six-sided facet m¥k\sis¨; [mye' si> su:] v 1) have sharp eyes CF A®mc\s¨; 2) be
2) open wicker pattern (illus) dazzled, have the sun in one's eyes S YN m¥k\lMu; s¨;
m¥k\kXc\; [mye' kwin:] n 1) area around the eye Ω m¥k\kXc\;Viu m¥k\sisXn\ [mye' si> sun] v have a sty in one's eye
(dark) rings under the eyes 2) (of some fruits and m¥k\sisk¥v\;lX´ [mye' si> dågyi: lwè:] v [fig] mistake
vegetables, e.g., potato, pineapple) eye CF m¥k\si ugliness for beauty, be crazy, be absurd, be ridiculous,
3) eyelet, small hole, e.g., for laces on boots, shoes, etc be misconceived, be cockeyed, be haywire [? check all]

m¥k\kXy\ [mye' kwè] n someplace out of sight, behind m¥k\sits\SMu; [mye' si> tåhson:] adv in one's field of view;
one's back, hidden from view CF m¥k\emxak\ [? in a blind as far as the eye can see CF m¥k\emX; ts\SMu; [? check field
spot? and what about below?] of view]
m¥k\kXy\®po [mye' kwè pyu.] v [fig] 1) pretend not to see, m¥k\sits\mxit\ [mye' si> tåmei'] n moment, second, very
ignore, turn a blind eye to (Upsa) A NT m¥k\emxak\®po short time, in the blink of an eye
CF m¥k\simxit\ 2) die, close one's eyes (Upsa) m¥k\sieTac\. [mye' si> htaung.] v dislike [? check more]
m¥k\eKåk\ [mye' khau'] n (upper) eyelid CF m¥k\KXM m¥k\siedåk\eTak\Âkv\. [mye' si> dau' htau' kyi>] v prop
m¥k\eKåc\; [mye' khaung:] n eye socket CF m¥k\tXc\; one's eyes open (i.e., because bored, sleepy)
m¥k\Km\; [mye' khan:] n edge of the eyelid m¥k\sin^ [mye' si> ni] v have bloodshot eyes
m¥k\Km\;sp\ [mye' khan: za'] n trachoma m¥k\sienak\ [mye' si> nau'] v be annoying, be disturbing
m¥k\KuM; [mye' khon:] n eyebrow (to see) CF m¥k\siROp\
m¥k\KuM;emX; [mye' khon: mwe:] n (hair of the) eyebrow(s) m¥k\sip¥k\m¥k\Nxap¥k\ [mye' si> bye' mye' hna bye'] v show
m¥k\KMu;lOp\ [mye' khon: hlo'] n have a twitch in one's emotion (on one's face)
eyebrow (foretelling bad luck) m¥k\si®pa [mye' si> pya] v be blinded by flash, strong
m¥k\ sunlight, etc; (of vision, eyes, etc) go dark
m¥k\eK¥ac\k¥ [mye' chaung kya.] v have sunken eyes m¥k\sipXc\. [mye' si> pwin.] v be enlightened; be sophisticated
m¥k\K¥s\eS; [mye' chi' hse:] n magic charm to make sb fall
in love on sight [? something eaten/drunk?] m¥k\siPn\ [mye' si> hpan] v (of eyes) be tired
m¥k\®Kv\®pt\ [mye' chi pya'] v [fig] lose sight of sb/sthg m¥k\sim®mc\ [mye' si> måmyin] v be blind S YN m¥k\sikn\;
CF m¥k\m®mc\ the blind
m¥k\KXM [mye' khun] n eyelid m¥k\sim¥k\Nxamekac\; [mye' si> mye' hna måkaung:] v feel
m¥k\KXk\ [mye' khwe'] n face CF m¥k\Nxa sad, be dejected; be disturbed, be upset
m¥k\sps\ [mye' sa. pyi'] v raise one's eyebrow(s) [? to m¥k\sim¥k\Nxamlx [mye' si> mya' hna måhla.] v be embarrassed
indicate.... and look at def 2] 3) make eyes at (sb), flirt CF m¥k\Nxa(pn\;)lx
with sb with one's eyes 4) show an intention to get sthg m¥k\simX´ [mye' si> mwè:] v have bad eyesight CF m¥k\simOn\'
[? explain again] Aew;mOn\' +?? [? ?? plus bad eyesight above?? ]
m¥k\sm¥k\n [mye' sa. mye' na.] n any sign made with eyes m¥k\simxa; [mye' si> hma:] v mistake (sthg/sb for another)
and/or eyebrows S YN m¥k\ sie mxa k\' m¥k\ silX´
m¥k\si [mye' si>] n 1) eye CF skƒo' m¥k\lMu; 2) (eye)sight, m¥k\siemx;Âkv\. [mye' si> hme: kyi>] v narrow one's eyes
vision, ability to see Ω m¥k\s-i mekac\;B¨;" I have poor vision. m¥k\siemxak\ [mye' si> hmau'] v mistake (sthg/sb for
CF skƒo pqad 3) eye (of certain fruits and vegetables) another) S YN m¥k\simxa;' m¥k\silX´
CF m¥k\kXc\;' cå;m¥k\ si wart, corn m¥k\simxit\ [mye' si> hmei'] v 1) blink, close one's eyes
m¥k\siksa; [mye' si> gåza:] v make eyes (at), flirt (with) 2) [fig] die, close one's eyes forever 3) go against one's
m¥k\sikuSra [mye' si> ku. hsåya] n eye specialist, oculist, better judg(e)ment
optometrist, opthamologist [? check new] m¥k\simxit\®p [mye' si> hmei' bya.] v wink or blink as a signal
m¥k\sik¥ [mye' si> kya.] v admire or sign
m¥k\sik¥y\ [mye' si> kyè] v [fig] 1) be sleepless 2) have m¥k\simOn\ [mye' si> hmon] v have poor vision CF An^;mOn\'

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 330

m¥k\ ª m¥k\
Aew;mOn\ m¥k\Nxa [mye' hna] n 1) face; visage, countenance (fml)
m¥k\siyU\ [mye' si> yin] v get used to seeing sthg 2) direction, point of the compass Ω el;m¥k\Nxa four
m¥k\siRiuc\; [mye' si> yain:] v look bizarre, look weird, look (cardinal) points of the compass 3) surface Ω erm¥k\Nxa
strange, look outrageous surface of the water RF m¥k\Nxa®pc\. 4) [fig] face, esteem,
m¥k\sirv\na;rv\w [mye' si> ye na: ye wa.] v have wide prestige, regard, standing, honour [? position? status?]
m¥k\siRxk\ [mye' si> she'] v be scandalised, be outraged; be m¥k\Nxak´ [mye' hna gè:] n expression (on one's face)
embarrassed (be sthg seen) CF na;rxk\ [? check] = m¥k\(Nxa)rip\m¥k\(Nxa)k´
m¥k\sirxc\ [mye' si> shin] v have sharp eyes m¥k\Nxaekac\;r [mye' hnågaung: ya.] v gain prestige,
m¥k\siROp\ [mye' si> sho'] v be disturbing, be annoying (to regard, esteem, approbation, or recognition
see) CF m¥k\sienak\ m¥k\Nxak¥k\ [mye' hna gye'] n acquaintance A NT m¥k\Nxasim\;
m¥k\silv\ [mye' si> lè] v 1) get lost, lose one's way, lose m¥k\Nxa”k^; [mye' hnågyi:] n personage, sb with high
one's bearings 2) be confused, be disoriented position, prestige, standing, or influence A NT m¥k\Nxacy\
m¥k\silYm\; [mye' si> shan:] v overlook
m¥k\silX´ [mye' si> lwE] v mistake (sthg/sb for another) m¥k\Nxa”k^;cy\liuk\ [mye' hna kyi: ngè lai'] v be snobbish
S YN m¥k\siemxak\' m¥k\simxa;≈ m¥k\NxaeÂkatc\; [mye' hnågyaw: tin:] v look stern, look
m¥k\siqcy\(na;qcy\) [mye' si> thångè (na: thångè)] n grave
forlorn look, dejected look m¥k\NxaeÂkatv\. [mye' hnågyaw: tè.] v be compatible, see
m¥k\sieA;na;eA; [mye' si> e: na: e:] adv in peace and quiet, eye to eye (on an issue, etc) (Upsa)
undisturbed m¥k\NxaÂkk\ [mye' hnågye'] n ceiling
m¥k\sieAak\ [mye' si> au'] adv right in front of one, m¥k\NxaÂkv\. [mye' hna kyi>] v 1) assess a relationship [?
under one's very eyes need a good xv to get meaning!!] 2) have a high regard
m¥k\esac\;K´ [mye' saung: khE:] v look daggers at sb Upsa, for sb, have a good opinion of sb CF m¥k\Nxaetak\ [?
look at sb with hate, dislike, anger, malice, spite, etc in check : not negative? favour, etc?]
one's eyes m¥k\NxaK¥ [mye' hna cha.] v 1) drop one's eyes 2) feel
m¥k\esac\;Tiu; [mye' saung: hto:] v [fig] 1) look or have an humiliated; be shamefaced, be sheepish (in
expression of anger, hate, spite, contempt, etc 2) covet, embarrassing or humiliating situation) 3) dress (log,
want 3) be heading for 4) diagonally opposite; (at gem, etc to give a smooth surface) [ tech gem]
corner) catty-corner, cater-corner, kitty-corner m¥k\NxaeK¥ [mye' hnåchi (che)] n face powder
CF m¥k\NxaK¥c\;Siuc\ (illus) [? check how similar with prev] m¥k\NxaK¥ioeqX; [mye' hnåcho thwe:] v fawn, try to win sb's
m¥k\sU\; [mye' sin:] n eyedrops m¥k\NxaK¥c\;Siuc\ [mye' hna gyin: hsain] v 1) face [mye' hnågyin:
m¥k\sU\;ek¥ak\ [mye' sin: kyau'] n kind of brown stone zain] 2) confront
used to make eyedrops — adv facing each other, face to face, opposite, across
m¥k\S [mye' hsa.] v make a rough guess (at distance, from CF m¥k\esac\;Tiu;
etc); (match up, adjust, etc) roughly [? check] m¥k\Nxa®Ky\ [mye' hnåchè (chi)] n make-up, cosmetics
m¥k\Sn\ [mye' hsan] n iris and pupil S YN m¥k\nk\' m¥k\wn\; m¥k\Nxacy\ [mye' hnångè] [mye' hna ngè] n unimportant
CF q¨cy\Aim\ people; common people, rank and file (Upsa)
m¥k\Sn\k¥y\ [mye' hsan gyè] n kind of bamboo with long m¥k\Nxa”k^;
sections = wå;piu;m¥k\Sn\k¥y\ — v feel inferior, feel small, feel like a failure
m¥k\VXt\ [mye' nyu'] n 25-year-old woman m¥k\Nxasa [mye' hnåza] n façade, frontage
m¥k\etac\(emX;) [mye' taung (mwe:)] n eyelash m¥k\Nxasim\; [mye' hnåzein:] n [fig] stranger, new face, new
m¥k\etac\Kt\ [mye' taung kha'] v 1) blink 2) [fig] flicker person
m¥k\NxasMuv^ [mye' hna son nyi] adj (of meeting, session,
m¥k\tXc\; [mye' twin:] n eye socket CF m¥k\eKåc\; conference, etc) plenary, (to be) attended by all
m¥k\tXc\;k¥' m¥k\tXc\;eK¥ac\ [mye' twin: kya., mye' twin: delegates
chaung] v be hollow-eyed; have sunken eyes m¥k\NxaViu [mye' hna nyo] v 1) (of face, expression, etc)
m¥k\tXc\;ehak\pk\ [mye' twin: hau' be'] n hollow eyes, be tense; show dissatisfaction 2) cloud over with
sunken eyes, eyes with (dark) circles underneath sadness, worry, etc
m¥k\Ta; [mye' hta:] n 1) face 2) expression, look m¥k\NxaVOi; [mye' hna hnyo:] v 1) look dejected 2) feel
= m¥k\NxaTa; inferior
m¥k\eTac\. [mye' daung.] n corner of the eye m¥k\Nxaeta\PXc\. [mye' hnådaw hpwin.] n clean the face of a
Ω m¥k\e Tac\. n^n´>Âkv\. look with anger in the eyes Buddha image [ bh]
m¥k\nk\ [mye' ne'] n iris and pupil S YN m¥k\Sn\' m¥k\wn\; m¥k\Nxatn\;mi [mye' hnåtan: mi>] v know sb by sight, (of a
CF q¨cy\Aim\ face) become familiar
m¥k\NxaTa; [mye' hnåhta:] n 1) face 2) (facial)

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m¥k\ ª m¥k\
expression, look 3) stern face, grim face thanakha, etc 2) shamelessly, blatantly, impudently
S YN m¥k\NxaTim¥k\NxaTa; m¥k\Nxae®pac\tiuk\ [mye' hnåbyaung tai'] v have the nerve
m¥k\NxaTim¥k\NxaTa; [mye' hnåhti> mye'hnåhta:] n stern (to); be impudent, shamelessly do things one shouldn't
face, grim face
m¥k\NxaeTak\ [mye' hna htau'] v do something to save m¥k\Nxae®pac\tiuk\®Kc\; [mye' hnåbyaung tai' chin:] n
face (one's own or sb else's), act out of consideration effrontery, impudence, nerve
for sb, change sthg out of sympathy for sb CF c´.kXk\ m¥k\NxapXc\. [mye' hnåpwin.] v be popular
m¥k\NxapXc\.eS; [mye' hnåbwin. hse:] n love potion
m¥k\Nxana [mye' hna na] v be constrained by respect or S YN p^yaS;
consideration for sb CF Aa;na m¥k\NxaPMu; [mye' hnåhpon:] n 1) mask, veil, sthg to cover
m¥k\Nxaenm¥k\NxaTa; [mye' hna ne mye' hna hta:] n the face 2) (book, report, etc) cover, (book) jacket
m¥k\Nxap¨ [mye' hna pu] v [fig] be embarrassed, blush Ω erx>PMu; front cover; Ω ek¥aPMu; back cover 3) prominent
m¥k\Nxaep; [mye' hnåbe:] n expression, look (usu put on, person in a community, village, city, country, etc
feigned) Ω m¥k\ Nxaep; He put on an m¥k\NxaPMu;sXp\ [mye' hnåhpon: su'] v masquerade (as)
offended/injured/innocent look. m¥k\NxaPuM;zap0å [mye' hnåhpon: za båwa] n veil
m¥k\Nxapiu; [mye' hnåbo:] n expression, look m¥k\NxaPMu;zat\ [mye' hnåhpon: za'] n masked drama, such
m¥k\Nxapiu;eq [mye' hnåbo: the] v look serious, have as the Ramayana
dignified expression, have a grave expression CF Apiu;eq m¥k\NxaPMu;tp\ [mye' hnåhpon: ta'] v put on a mask, wear a
m¥k\Nxapiu;eq®Kc\; [mye' hnåbo: the gyin:] n gravity (of m¥k\NxaP¥k\ [mye' hna hpye'] v make sb lose face, ruin sb's
expression, face, etc) reputation
m¥k\Nxapiu;qt\ [mye' hnåbo: tha'] v put on a straight face m¥k\Nxa®Pø [mye' hnå hpyu] n 1) white person, Caucasian,
CF Apiu;qt\ person of European origin 2) π light typeface, light
m¥k\Nxapiu;qt\Ta; [mye' hnåbo: tha' hta:] v keep a straight font CF m¥k\Nxamv\;
face m¥k\NxaPXc\. [mye' hna hpwin.] v repaint the face (of a statue
m¥k\Nxaepåk\ [mye' hnåbau'] n (facial) features or painting)
m¥k\Nxapn\; [mye' hnåban:] n façade, front, semblance, m¥k\Nxamekac\; [mye' hna måkaung:] v look sad
guise, (outward, superficial) appearance CF AqXc\(A®pc\) m¥k\Nxam¨ [mye' hna mu] v face (a direction, thing, etc)
m¥k\Nxapn\; [mye' hnåban:] n Œ Tenasserim lancewood, a m¥k\Nxam´. [mye' hna mE.] v [fig] be without friends,
bush with clusters of white flowers connections, recognition, etc; be a nobody
m¥k\Nxapn\\;pXc\. [mye' hnåban: pwin.] v be popular m¥k\Nxamv\; [mye' hna mE:] v [fig] (of face) darken, cloud
m¥k\Nxapn\;lx, m¥k\Nxapn\;qa [mye' hnåban: hla, mye' over (with anger, dislike, disapproval, etc) [mye' hnåmE:]
hnåban: tha] v 1) be attractive 2) [fig] have a good image
— n π bold(face) CF m¥k\Nxa®Pø
m¥k\Nxapn\;pup\ [mye' hnåban: po'] n frown, scowl (Data m¥k\Nxam¥a; [mye' hna mya:] v flirt, date many people, have
HD\dictionary\illustrations\frown.jpg) many boyfriends or girlfriends
m¥k\Nxapn\;lx [mye' hna pan; hla.] v (come out, across, etc) m¥k\Nxa®mc\ [mye' hna myin] v give birth S YN emX;
looking good, have a good image, make a good or m¥k\NxamX´ [mye' hnåmwE:] n [fig] people without influence
favourable impression; be good for one's image
= m¥k\ Nxa lx [? ok? ] m¥k\Nxar [mye' hna ya.] v make one's name, get a good
m¥k\Nxap¥k\ [mye' hnåpye'] v 1) lose one's composure; (of reputation, earn recognition and praise, be favoured
face) be distorted (with anger, fear, etc), change [? m¥k\NxaR¨; [mye' hnåyu:] n sb with a silly, shameless look
check] 2) lose face, lose favour, standing, presige,
standing, etc (m¥k\Nxarip\)m¥k\Nxak´ [(mye' hnåyei') mye' hmågE:] n
m¥k\Nxa®p [mye' hna pya.] v show one's face (at a party, expression (on sb's face)
meeting, etc), show up briefly; put in an appearance m¥k\NxaeRX; [mye' hna ywe:] v choose one's friends (i.e., to
(with) [? see more deffs in grey--also to try hard, in gain advantage), cultivate friendships with people who
order to make a good impression?] could be useful
m¥k\Nxa®po [mye' hna pyu.] v face (a certain direction) m¥k\Nxarxi [mye' hnåshi>] v have respect, standing, prestige,
S YN m¥k\Nxam¨ esteem, social standing, etc
m¥k\Nxa®pc\ [mye' hnåbyin] n surface Ω sa;pX´-m¥k\Nxa®pc\ table- m¥k\Nxalium¥k\Nxar [mye' hnålo mye'hmåya.] adv fawningly,
top Ω m¥k\Nxa®pc\KMu curved surface; Ω m¥k\Nxa®pc\tc\;Aa; surface obsequiously, bowing and scraping
tension; Ω m¥k\Nxa®pc\®pe®mpMu relief map, orographical map; m¥k\Nxaliuk\ [mye' hna lai'] v show favouritism, be biased
Ω ®pc\v^ m¥k\ Nxa®pc\ toward sb or a group
m¥k\Nxae®pac\ [mye' hnåbyaung] adv 1) without make-up,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 332

m¥k\ ª m¥k\
m¥k\Nxalup\ [mye' hna lo'] v curry favour, brown-nose m¥k\emx; [mye' hme:] n sb with narrow eyes
m¥k\Nxalx [mye' hna hla.] [? keep in?] m¥k\emxak\ [mye' hmau'] n 1) under one's very eyes, right
m¥k\NxalW´ [mye' hna hlwE:] v 1) look the other way Upsa, under one's nose CF m¥k\kXy\ 2) the present (time)
ignore CF m¥k\simxit\ 2) hand over one's responsibilities S YN psßopJn\
(to) 3) die Upsa m¥k\emxak\eKt\ [mye' hmau' khi'] n the present time
m¥k\Nxal´WK´®Ps\ [mye' hnåhlwE; gE; hpyi'] v act irresponsibly m¥k\emxak\Bw [mye' hmau' båwa.] n one's lifetime
or work carelessly (esp in the absence of authority) CF tmlXn\
m¥k\Nxaqaep; [mye' hnådha pe:] v favour (sb) m¥k\emxak\®po [mye' hmau' pyu.] v perceive (abstract
m¥k\Nxaqi [mye' hnådhi>] n familiar face, acquaintance things, e.g., the way to nib`an)
m¥k\Nxaeq [mye' hnådhe] n 1) poker face, deadpan, m¥k\emxac\ [mye' hmaung] n the place between the
straight face CF m¥k\Nxapiu;eq 2) sad look, sad face eyebrows
m¥k\Nxaqiu; [mye' hnådho;] n sullen look m¥k\emxac\kut\' m¥k\emxac\Âkot\ [mye' hmaung ko', mye'
m¥k\Nxaqs\ [mye' hna thi'] v 1) wash one's face [mye' hnådhi'] hmaung kyo'] v frown, scowl (usu from anger or
2) dress wood (e.g., plank, log, etc) with an adze concentration); wrinkle forehead, knit one's brows (usu
from confusion or questioning) (illus frown.jpg) [? check
— n new person; stranger spelling somewhere else]
m¥k\Nxaqut\pwå [mye' hnåtho' påwa] n (face) towel m¥k\mxn\ [mye' hman] n 1) (eye)glasses, spectacles
S YN tBk\ CFenka-m¥k\mxn\ sunglasses; saÂkv\.-m¥k\mxn\ reading glasses;
m¥k\Nxaqn\Ïsc\ [mye' hna than. sin] v give birth S YN emX; Aew;Âkv\.-m¥k\mxn\ (prescription) glasses (for nearsightedness);
m¥k\Nxaqun\ [mye' hna thon] v look disgusted, show one's An^;Âkv\.-m¥k\mxn\ (prescription) glasses (for farsightedness)
disgust (on one's face) 2) [sl] bra
m¥k\NxaAiu [mye' hna o] v look unhappy, look displeased m¥k\mxn\KÁt\ [mye' hman chu'] v take off one's glasses
m¥k\Nxs\ [mye' hni'] n favourite, darling, treasure Upsa, m¥k\mxn\tp\ [mye' hman ta'] n 1) put on one's glasses
pet Upsa, apple of one's eye S YN m¥k\RO 2) wear glasses
m¥k\på; [mye' pa;] n gold or silver foil Ω m¥k\på;Kt\ beat m¥k\mxn\; [mye' hman:] v estimate by sight
gold/silver into foil CF erWSiuc\; m¥k\mxn\;tn\; [mye' hman: tan:] v be familiar (with a face),
m¥k\epåk\ [mye' pau'] n opening of the eye, area recognise sb through frequent meeting
between the eyelids m¥k\e®mH; [mye' hme:] n ◊ conjunctiva, mucous membrane
m¥k\p¥U\; [mye' pyin;] n area underneath the eye that covers the inside of eyelid and exposed eyeball
Ω m¥k\p¥U\;Viu dark circles under the eyes
m¥k\pXc\. [mye' pwin.] n 1) polished gem 2) [fig] treasure m¥k\rs\ [mye' yi'] n crease in the eyelid Ω m¥k\rs\ePa\
Upsa, pet name for a beloved child CF m¥k\RO have/perform plastic surgery to create a crease in the
m¥k\®Pø(lWa) [mye' hpyu (hlwa)] n the white of the eye, ˜ eyelid (illus parts of the eye)
sclera m¥k\rv\ [mye' ye] n tear note pronunciation tear and
m¥k\®PøSiuk\' m¥k\®Pøln\ [mye' hpyu hsai', mye' hpyu lan] v tear
show or flash the whites of one's eyes, as when terrified, m¥k\rv\k¥ [mye' ye kya.] v cry, weep; (of tear) fall, (of
or near death; be in serious trouble; be near death, be tears) flow; (of eye) tear
at death's door m¥k\rv\KMTiu; [mye' ye gan hto:] v beg tearfully
m¥k\m®mc\ [mye' måmyin] n the blind, blind people m¥k\rv\KMmxv\. [mye' ye gan hmE.] n mole under the eye
CF m¥k\kn\; m¥k\rv\sm\;sm\; [mye' ye (yi) san: zan:] adv tearfully
m¥k\man\(edåq) [mye' man (daw; tha.)] n anger and pride m¥k\rv\m¥k\KXk\ [mye' ye nE. mye' khwe'] adv continually in
m¥k\mv\; [mye' mE;] n young woman (of 15), 15-year-old tears
girl m¥k\rv\epåk\”k^;cy\k¥ [mye' ye bau' kyi: ngE kya.] v weep
m¥k\mun\;k¥io; [mye' mon: kyo:] v loathe, hate the sight of and wail
m¥k\®mc\ [mye' myin] exp 1) as is, i.e. without repairs, m¥k\rv\yiubuM; [mye' ye yo bon:] n tear gas (cannister)
alterations, etc 2) in one's own view, personally I m¥k\rv\lv\' m¥k\rv\w´' m¥k\rv\wiuc\; [mye' ye lE,
think..., what I think is Ω m¥k\® mc\kiuy\etX> personally mye' ye wE;, mye' ye wain:] v tears well up (in sb's eyes)
witnessed and experienced [? check and e.g.] m¥k\rv\lXy\ [mye' ye lwE] v cry easily
m¥k\®mc\di™ [mye' myin dei' hta.] adv as witnessed, as m¥k\rv\U [mye' ye u.] v tears well up (in sb's eyes)
personally seen, as seen for oneself — n tear(drop)
m¥k\®mc\qk\eq [mye' myin the' the] n eyewitness m¥k\rip\®p [mye' yei' pya.] v give a hint (with a facial
m¥k\emX;s¨; [mye' mwe: su:] v [fig] cannot stand the sight expression or movement, e.g., by winking)
of (sb, sthg) m¥k\rip\m¥k\k´ [mye' yei' mye' kE] n expression
m¥k\emX;ts\SMu; [mye' mwe: tåhson:] adv [fig] without m¥k\rip\m¥k\®Kv\ [mye' yei' mye' chi] n hint, sign (in a
vision; shortsighted Upsa CF m¥k\sits\SMu; facial expression or expression)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 333

em¥ak\ ª m¥U\;
m¥k\rm\;m¥k\S [mye' yan: mye' hsa.] v reckon, gauge husband]
m¥k\RO [mye' shu.] n [fig] treasure Upsa, pet name for a em¥ak\m^;K´kiuc\ [myau' mi: geh: kain]
adv [fig] frantically,
beloved child m¥k\pXc\.
CF pell-mell L IT : ‘(like a) monkey holding a live ember’
m¥k\lMu; [mye' lon:] n 1) eye All expressions with m¥k\si S YN em¥ak\m¥k\sU\;Kt\
can also be made with m¥k\lMu;. S YN m¥k\si 2) eyeball em¥ak\mc\;A¨qM [myau' min: u than] n œlament, song
m¥k\luM;s¨; [mye' lon; su;] v have sun in one's eyes evoking sorrow, pain, etc
CF m¥k\sis¨; em¥ak\emac\;m [myau' maung: ma.] n baboon (illus)
m¥k\lMu;m¥k\Pn\ [mye' lon: mye' hpan] n shape and set of em¥ak\m¥k\sU\;Kt\ [myau' mye' sin: kha'] adv [fig]
eyes frantically, pell-mell S YN em¥ak\m^;K´kiuc\
m¥k\lMu;Aim\ [mye' lon: ein] n eye socket em¥ak\m¥U\;m¥U\; [myau' myin: (myi:) myin:]
v drowse, doze, be
m¥k\lxv\. [mye' hlE.] n magic (trick), sleight of hand half-awake, half-asleep; sleep fitfully; catnap [? check
Ω m¥k\ lxv\.Sra magician, conjurer CF lk\lxv\. pronunciation and spelling]
m¥k\lWa [mye' hlwa] n film over the eye [? check grey] em¥ak\®ma; [myau' hmya:] n Œseveral kinds of speargrass,
m¥k\lWaK¥ [mye' hlwa cha.] v look down including CF cMu;®mk\' enak\piu;®mk\' emac\rc\ciu' em¥ak\“m^;'
m¥k\wå;Tc\Tc\ [mye' wa: htin din] adv clearly, vividly; with ®mk\lMx' emX;lim\®mk\ [? check pron, also below]
one's own eyes em¥ak\“m^; [myau' myi:] n 1) Œkind of speargrass
m¥k\wt\ [mye' wu'] n sleep, crust formed by an irritated CF em¥ak\®ma; 2) stalk of a gourd 3) hasp S YN em¥ak\ lk\

eye S YN m¥k\eK¥; em¥ak\“m^;K¥ [myau' myi; cha.] [? check whether to put this
m¥k\wn\; [mye' wun:] n iris and pupil S YN m¥k\Sn\' m¥k\nk\ in from travel]
CF q¨cy\Aim\ em¥ak\“m^;lW [myau' myi hlwa.] n keyhole saw [? check]
m¥k\qa; [mye' tha:] n white of the eye, ◊ sclera; em¥ak\emX; [myau' mwe:] v (of a woman) commit adultery
capillaries of the white of the eye CF m¥k\® Pø S YN em¥ak\mTa;
m¥k\qa;tk\ [mye' tha: te'] v inflammation of the sclera em¥ak\lk\ [myau' le'] n hasp (illus)
m¥k\Aiu; [mye' o:] n (jewellery) collet S YN ek¥ak\Aiu; em¥ak\elac\; [myau' laung:] n brat, child with bad
Am¥k\ [Amye'] n 1) gem(stone), jewel, precious stone RF behaviour
Am¥k\ek¥ak\. 2) knot (in wood); flaw (in gemstone) em¥ak\lut\ [myau' lo'] n Œmonkey jack, kind of timber
3) burl, node (on tree) 4) fury, rage, anger Ω AK¥s\”k^; rc\ tree with edible fruit
Am¥k\”k^; ty\" The greater the love, the greater the anger. em¥ak\elxka; [myau' hle ga:] n Œa flowering vine with
RF Am¥k\edåq. a twisted stem
em¥ak\ [myau'] n 1) monkey CF em¥ak\wM ape 2) heads (of em¥ak\lW´ek¥a\ [myau' hlwE; gyaw] n gibbon, a kind of
coin) S YN eKåc\;; A NT pn\; tails CF em¥ak\pn\;lxn\ 3) potato small ape
or sweet potato plant [? check] em¥ak\wM [myau' wun] n ape, large tailless primate, e.g.
em¥ak\eKåc\; [myau' gaung:] n œbulge between the egÅr^laem¥ak\wM gorilla, K¥c\pc\z^em¥ak\ chimpanzee
tailpiece and butt of the Burmese harp CF esac\; (illus em¥ak\qa; [myau' tha:] n 1) monkey meat Ω πem¥ak\qa;-
parts of harp) sa;K¥c\rc\ em¥ak\-m¥k\Nxa mÂkv\.n´Ï" If you want to eat monkey,
em¥ak\KMuvc\; [myau' gon nyin:] n vine with hairy pods don't look at a monkey's face. 2) consort of a prince or
containing a round seed princess CF Âkc\raeta\
em¥ak\K¥io;wå; [myau' cho: wa:] n [fig] good-for-nothing em¥ak\q¨eta\ [myau' thu daw] n capuchin monkey,
em¥ak\ciu [myau' ngo] n Œkind of tree with very smooth hooded monkey with a long tail, native to Central and
bark South America
em¥ak\sp\ [myau' sa'] n rhesus macaque (illus) em¥ak\qs\kiuc\;lXt\ [myau' thi' kain: lu'] adv [fig] fail
em¥ak\Sip\ [myau' hsei'] n Œtall timber tree with thick while trying to improve one's situation L IT : ‘monkey
bark, used to make boats misses the branch’ [? check]
em¥ak\tMcå [myau' tånga] n fisher monkey em¥ak\U [myau' u.] n yam, several kinds of edible tuber
em¥ak\Tiuc\ [myau' htain] n 1) kind of sickle 2) œlow stool CF kd¨U' ekak\rc\pn\;
with a backrest, used by Nx´Ï player in the Siuc\;wiuc\; em¥ak\Aun\;q^;rqliu [myau' on: dhi: ya. thålo]
exp puzzled,
(traditional orchestra) 3) œkind of esac\; (Burmese perplexed, flummoxed (because of having/working
harp) arm with/recieving sthg which one does not know how to
em¥ak\N´xes; [myau' hnE: ze;] n birdlime, very sticky sap use) L IT : ‘like a monkey with a coconut’
used to snare birds and other animals CF Nx´eka m¥U\; [myi; (myin:)] v doze, drowse, sleep Ω ciuk\m¥U\;
em¥ak\pn\;lxn\ [myau' pan: hlan] v flip/toss a coin (to see — n 1) line, long mark Ω sit\mxn\; m¥U\; imaginary line,
invisible line Ω l¨k¨m¥U\k¥a; pedestrian crossing, zebra
if it comes up heads or tails) CF eKåc\;' pn\;' eKåc\;pn\; lxn\'
eKåc\;pn\; lxv\. crossing (Br), crosswalk (Am) RF m¥U\;eÂkac\;. 2) Ómilitary
em¥ak\mTa; [myau' ma. hta:] v (of a married woman) have uniform CF m¥U\; tiu' m¥U\;rxv\
a lover S YN em¥ak\emX; [? check about this prominent m¥U\;ekak\ [myin: gau'] n curve CF m¥U\;e®Pac\.
m¥U\;k¥a; [myin: gya:] n pedestrian crossing (fml), zebra

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 334

m¥v\; ªm¥U\; ª “m^;
crossing (Br), crosswalk (Am) ®ma;eKåc\; [hmya: gaung:] n arrowhead S YN ®ma;qXa;
m¥U\;”kio [myin: gyo:] n ruling line; lime-covered cord ®ma;Sip\ [hmya: zei'] n Œupas tree, whose sap is used to
stretched between pegs in the ground, and plucked to poison arrows S YN ®ma;lW' Riu; k¥
make a straight line ®ma;tM [hmya: dan] n arrow; shaft (of arrow) Ω ®ma;tM-
m¥U\;eÂkac\; [myin: gyaung:] n line el;”kio;mx e®p;TXk\-qXa;“p^;-ps\mxt\kiu ®Pt\qn\;-qXa;ty\" The
Ω Atiu k\AKiuk\rp\s´er;m¥U\;eÂkac\; ceasefire line arrow leapt from the bowstring and missed the target.
m¥U\;K¥ [myin: cha.] v rule, draw lines with a ruler ®ma;etac\. [hmya taung.] n quiver (with arrows)
m¥U\;esac\; [myin: zaung:] n 1) diagonal line, slanting line, ®ma;eTak\ [hmya: dau'] n bowshot, the distance one
oblique line 2) ‘/’ stroke, slash 3) ‘\’ backslash can shoot an arrow [? check]
m¥U\;SX´ [myin: hswE;] v draw a line S YN m¥U\;qa; ®ma;ps\(Aa;ksa;) [hmya: pyi' (a: kåza:)] n archery
m¥U\;vHp\ [myin: hnya'] n parallel lines for practicing ®ma;tp\ [hmya: ta'] n ÓÍarchers
writing ®ma;nt\emac\ [hmya; na' maung] n cupid [? new kyaw]
m¥U\;tM [myin: dan] n straightedge; ruler CF m¥U\;tMu;' eptM ®ma;®p [hmya: pya.] v show direction, object, etc with an
m¥U\;tiu [myin: do] n [hist] sleeveless military jacket arrow
CF m¥U\;rxv\ ®ma;P¥a; [mya: bya:] n arrow point [? check pron]
m¥U\;n^ [myin: ni] n packet of inscribed palm leaves with ®ma;m¥k\ [hmya: mye'] n Œkind of reed used to weave
vermillion edges CF m¥U\;nk\' m¥U\;®Pø [ bh] mats
m¥U\;nk\ [myin: ne'] n packet of inscribed palm leaves ®ma;rXk\ [hmya: ywe'] n feather, vane (of an arrow)
with black lacquered edges CF m¥U\;n^' m¥U\;®Pø [ bh] S YN ®ma;lW (illus)
m¥U\;ps\ [myin: pyi'] v mark off with a line, draw a line ®ma;lW [hmya: hlwa.] n 1) feather, vane (of an arrow)
under [? check] ®ma;rXk\ 2) Œupas tree, whose sap is used to poison
m¥U\;“pioc\ [myin: byain] n parallels, parallel lines arrows S YN ®ma;Sip\' Riu; k¥
m¥U\;®Pø [myin: hpyu] n packet of palm leaves without any ®ma;qXa; [hmya: dhwa:] n arrowhead S YN ®ma;eKåc\;
dye or lacquer ®ma;U^;pMu [hmya: u: pon] n arrowhead design (illus)
m¥U\;e®Pac\. [myin: hpyaung.] n (straight) line ®ma;U^;lxv\. [hmya: u: hlE.] v [fig] head for, go for
m¥U\;mt\ [myin: ma'] n perpendicular (line); vertical line
®ma;e®mac\ [mya: myaung] adj Ó numberless, untold, myriad
CF m¥U\;l´ “m^ [myi] n debt Ω “m^kc\; free of debt; Ω e®mak\“m^ bad debt
m¥U\;rxv\ [myin: she] n Ólong military coat CF m¥U\;tiu S YN A“m^' AeÂkX;
m¥U\;qa;Ta; [myin; tha; hta;] v underline, highlight [? new “m^K¥ [myi cha.] v lend, loan (money)
from Saya Pe Myint] “m^eK¥; [myi chi:] v borrow money, take a loan
m¥v\; ªm¥U\; [myin:] v doze, drowse; sleep Ω ciuk\m¥v\; be “m^sa; [myi za:] n 1) debtor, one who owes money CF “m^rxc\
sleepy 2) debit (entry in accounts)
— n 1) line, long mark RF m¥v\;eÂkac\;. 2) Órule of “m^Sy\ [myi hsE] v recover money one had loaned, collect
action CF sv\; m¥U\; 3) ÓÍmilitary uniform CF m¥v\;tiu' (a debt)
m¥v\;rxv\ “m^Sp\ [myi hsa'] v repay loan, pay back loan, pay a debt
®m1 [mya.] n 1) emerald CF nwrt\ 2) emerald green
®mkXk\ [mya. gwe'] n emerald cut (illus) “m^tc\®Kc\; [myi tin gyin] n indebtedness
®msim\; [mya. zein:] n Œ1) kind of rice plant 2) Jerusalem “m^y¨ [myi yu] v take a loan, get into debt, borrow money
thorn S YN ®mc\; sgMun^ [? check with cha., and if this means you didn't pay it
®mmn\;qup\ [mya. man: dho'] n Mandalay-style green papaya back]
salad “m^rxc\ [myi shin] n 1) creditor, one who lends money
®mra [mya. ya] n Œsmall tree, fruit of which is used in CF “m^sa; 2) credit (entry in accounts)
popguns CF ebac\ebac\ A“m^ [åmyi (åmi)] n debt
®ml¨ [mya. lu] n Óstranger S YN ®mn\l¨ “m^; [mi: (myi:)] n 1) tail (of animal, comet, etc) Ω eKX;“m^;ekak\
®m2 [mya.] v be very sharp, be keen CF Tk\ k¥v\etak\sXp\ta Put the dog’s curly tail in a bamboo tube,
— part intensifying particle, esp for Ω eA;®m bitingly i.e., try to change sthg/sb that will return to its own ways,
cold; Ω Âkv\® m crystal clear; Ω K¥m\;®m freezing; Ω K¥io®m syrupy form, habit, etc. 2) back part of sthg, rear
sweet [? check, and what about: ®mnn\; moon] “m^;k¨; [mi; (myi:) gu:] n annex to the rear of a house
®ma [mya] n [sl] girl, chick (Am) [? check with Sarah for brit] “m^;ekac\epåk\ [mi; (myi:) gaung pau'] n 1) fledgling, bird
that is starting to grow feathers 2) [fig] adolescent
®matiuc\ [mya dain] n post supporting a roof, king post “m^;eKåc\ [mi; (myi:) gaung] n tail feather of a fledgling
S YN rooster
®ma; [hmya:] [ ph] n arrow Ω ®ma;K¥in\ aim an arrow Ω ®ma;s¨;“p^ “m^;sXp\ [mi; (myi:) zu'] n cattle with a white ring on the
shot with an arrow CF el; (illus) tail CF Âkn\sMuNXa;
®ma;k¥v\etak\ [hmya: kyi dau'] n quiver “m^;SM [mi; (myi:) zan] n 1) tail feather Ω edåc\;“m^;SM peacock

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 335

“m^;erx ª e®m
tail feather 2) bushy tail Ω rxc\. [? check complete] e®mhp\e®mkiuc\ [ bs]
“m^;Sk\ [mi; (myi:) ze'] n tail (of birds) CF “m^;SM' “m^;tM e®mk¥qa [mye kya tha] v œbe pleasant to hear
“m^;eSac\; [mi; (myi:) zaung:] n (of perishable goods being e®mk¥k\ [mye gye'] n land that has been cleared and
transported) extra added to make up for what is spoiled burned, and so is ready for cultivation
during transport e®mk¥U\' e®mk¥v\ [mye kyin, mye kyin] n mixture of earth,
“m^;SX´Pc\Tiu;lup\ [mi; (myi:) zwE; hpin do: lo'] v [fig] prod, clay, dung, etc and water, used as plaster
goad e®mk¥U\ps\ [mye kyin pyi'] v plaster (with e®mk¥U\
“m^;evac\;(Riu;) [mi; (myi:) nyaung: (yo;)] n tailbone, coccyx e®mekÁ; [mye kywe:] [? check put in?]
◊ e®m”k^; [mye gyi:] n 1) earth, land mass S YN e®mTu
“m^;vHp\ekac\ [mi; (myi:) hnya' kaung] n earwig (illus) 2) earth, soil, dirt L IT : ‘if dead, the earth; if living, the
“m^;tM [mi; (myi:) dan] n tail (except of birds) CF “m^;SM' golden parasol’ Ω eqrc\-e®m”k^;' rxc\rc\erWT^; If I die, I'll be
“m^;Sk\ buried; if I live, I'll rule (i.e., all or nothing). S YN e®mmOn\e®mK´
“m^;tMu; [mi; don:] n ŒMeedon variety of rice
“m^;T¨;Riu; [mi; (myi:) du; yo:] n bone at the base of the e®m”k^;lk\Kt\mlX´ [mye gyi; le' kha' målwE;] adv surely,
spine, ◊sacrum; (of horse) croup unfailingly, definitely [? check lit]
“m^;p¥m\; [mi; (myi:) byan:] n (of horse tail) dock e®meÂkarxp\' e®meÂkaROM> [mye gyaw: sho', mye gyaw shon.] v
“m^;p¥m\;”kio; [mi; (myi:) byan; gyo:] n crupper, strap that 1) take the long road (which is faster) CF ®Pt\lm\;
passes under a horse's tail 2) [fig] communicate more quickly, increase speed of
“m^;wn\ [mi; (myi:) wun] n collared scops owl = ®mc\;wM' ®mc\;wn\ communication
CF z^;kXk\ e®m”kit\sk\ [mye kyei' se'] n pug(mill), machine for
“m^;erx [myi: she] n kind of rice noodle snack with bean grinding and mixing clay and earth into material for
sprouts, meat, and pickled vegetables making bricks [? check what's the bse word for the brick
®mø1 [myu] n 1) tiny particle, minute speck CF mOn\ 2) iota, material]
bit, very small amount 3) haze; ground fog, morning e®mÂkm\; [mye kyan;] n rough terrain, dangerous terrain;
mist RF ®møKiu;. badlands (Am)
®møKiu; [myu go:] n haze; ground fog, morning mist e®mkXk\ [mye gwe'] n lot, (plot, parcel, piece of) land
®møe®K [myu gyi] n fog bank e®mkXk\Riuk\ [mye gwe' yai'] v subdivide a piece of land
®mømOic\; [myu hmain:] v be hazy (into parcels, lots)
®mø2 [myu] part count word for pots of toddy Ω (1) ®mømxa e®mkXk\lp\ [mye gwe' la'] n vacant lot, unused land
(4)pulc\;-rxity\" There are four bottles to/in a pot. [ nc] e®mkÁn\ [mye gyun] n Óserf, member of a class of
®møtaAiu; [myu ta o;] n urn, long-necked vessel for people bound to the land
religious use e®mÂkXk\ [mye gywe'] n field rat, bandicoot
®møAiu; [myu o:] n earthen pot used to collect toddy palm e®mK [mye ga.] n ground rent
sap e®mKŸ [mye kha] v fall (to the ground) Ω Nxc\;e®mKenty\"
®mø3 [myu] n Œgoosefoot, a plant with edible leaves Snow is falling.
®møsXm\ [myu swan] n thin wheat noodles e®mKM [mye gan] n ßcalculation of the proper time to
break ground (to build sthg) Ω e®mKMekac\; ty\" It is an
®møn^s^py\ [myu ni si pE] n municipal corporation [Engl]
auspicious time to break ground. Ω e®mKMeRX; choose the best
CF sv\pc\qaya
time to break ground
®mø; [myu;] v 1) play, frolic, caper 2) be in high spirits, be
exuberant 3) be lively 4) œallegro, fast-paced
e®mKMerKM [mye gan ye gan] n 1) viability of construction
on a parcel of land 2) arability (of farmland), suitability
®mø;ÂkX [myu: kywa.] v be excited; be happy; have a good of land for farming 3) [fig] backing for social
time; be spirited
®mø;T¨; [myu: du:] v [? check same as above?? part?] e®mK¥ [mye cha.] v 1) transplant 2) bury (the dead), inter
e®m [mye] n 1) earth, ground Ω e®mv^Tp\ ground floor 2) soil, S YN e®m®mHop\ 3) lease land (for farming)
earth, dirt CF plp\e®m cement RF e®mmOn\e®mK´. 3) (dry) land,
e®mKiu; [mye kho:] v encroach
ground CF kun\;' Âkv\;' er' B¨miebd [? check] 4) region,
area; terrain Ω e®mlt\ midlands; Ω e®mÂkm\; rough terrain,
e®mK¥s\sk\ [mye gyi' se'] n scraper
dangerous terrain; Ω siusXt\e®m wetland 5) place, ground
e®meKX; [mye gwe:] n 1) fox CF e®meKX;m 2) mole cricket
Ω eAac\e®m 6) earthenware, clay, pottery Ω e®mAiu;e®mKX k\
e®meKX;m [mye gwe: ma.] n vixen, female fox
e®meKX;“m^; [mye khwe: mi:] n Œgingko palm (illus)
e®mktut\ [mye gådo'] n (earth) bunker, rampart, bulwark e®mKX´ [mye khwE;] v plough (Br), plow (Am) CF Ty\' TXn\
e®mKXn\ [mye gun] n land tax
e®mkiuc\ [mye kain]v have aches, pains, numbness, e®mcn\ [mye ngan] n alkaline soil
tingling, be unable to move after falling down and e®mcMu; [mye ngon:] n various kind of pitta birds
being attacked by a kind of evil spirit CF e®mPut\B^l¨;' e®mecX> [mye ngwe.] n ground fog, vapour rising from the

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 336

e®m ª e®m
ground herd CF e®mnc\;KXaeTak\
e®mcxa; [mye hnga:] n 1) leased land, leasehold 2) tenant e®mnc\;KXaeTak\ [mye nin: khwa dau'] n 1) number of
e®msa [mye za] n 1) Bermuda grass Ω e®msapc\ S YN ensa [? cattle in a herd S YN e®mnc\;KXasiuk\ 2) [fig] number of
check the whole phrase] 2) loose soil people in a family
e®msarc\;@an [mye såyin; hta na.] n Land Records Office e®mnn\;eta\ [mye nan: daw] n Óroyal audience hall
e®msaU [mye za u.] n edible root of a kind of grass-like e®mnim\.ralMxsiuk\ [mye nein. ya hlan sai'] v [fig] kick sb when
plant = wk\e®msaU he is down Upsa, mistreat sb who is already in a bad
e®mes; [mye ze:] n clay CF RWM>es; situation [? check lit meaning]
e®mes;®Pø [mye ze: byu] n kaolin [? check pron] e®mp´ [mye bE;] n peanut Ω e®mp´yiu peanut brittle; Ω e®mp´elxa\
e®msiuk\ [mye zai'] n building with an earthen floor roasted peanuts
e®msiuk\”kio; [mye zai' gyo:] n earth (wire) (Br), ground e®mp´SM [mye bE; zan] n (shelled) peanut
(wire) (Am) e®mp´etac\. [mye bE; taung.] n peanut (in the shell)
e®mesac\.nt\ [mye saung. na'] n guardian spirit of the earth e®mp´lip\ [mye bE; lei'] n kind of flaky peanut sweet
(from the surface to the core) CF Bumµsiu; [ bs] e®mepÅ [mye paw] v 1) be above the ground 2) [fig] be
e®msiuc\K´ [mye zain gE;] n clod/clump/lump of earth, soil, above-ground, be (in the) open A N T e®meAak\
or dirt e®mepÅqyMzat [mye paw tha. yan za ta.] n forest products
e®msm\;Krm\;p¥io; [mye san: khåyan: hpo:] v try out (an CF e®meAak\qyMzat' e®mTXk\psXv\;
activity, undertaking, etc), venture L IT : ‘?? plant a test e®mepåk\Sa; [mye bau' hsa:] n salt crystals (formed on
aubergine??’ [? check , and is there a normal word for the ground)
this?] e®mepåc\KMB%\ [mye baung gan ban] n land-mortgage bank
e®msim\; [mye zein:] n virgin soil, soil that has never been e®mpiuc\ [mye bain] n [? check freehold land??]
farmed CF e®mRiuc\; e®mpiuc\rxc\ [mye bain shin] n landowner [? what about mye
e®mS^e®mNxs\ [mye zi mye hni'] n fertility or richness of the shin?]
soil e®mpn\ [mye pan] v Óappeal to monarch to give up
e®mS^lWa [mye zi hlwa] n fertile topsoil; soil ownership of a piece of land, to dedicate it to religious
Ω e®mS^lWaDatu ebd soil chemistry CF Nun\;e®mS^ lWa alluvial use [? check really religious, or only buddhist?]
e®meS; [mye ze:] n ochre, orange soil used for painting e®mpMu [mye bon] n 1) map Ω e®mpMuPt\ read a map; Ω e®mpMu km\;
sketch map 2) mound 3) burial mound 4) model made of
e®mSX [mye hswa] [? check ?] sand
e®meSX; [mye zwe:] n humus, rich topsoil e®mpMuKrm\; [mye bon khåyan:] n prickly eggplant
e®mv^^Tp\ [mye nyi da'] n ground floor, first floor (Am) e®mpMuSX´ [mye bon hswE;] v draw a map
e®mv^lm\;®Pt\ [mye nyi lan: pya'] n level crossing e®mpMuS´Xpva [mye bon hswE; pyin nya] n cartography
e®mvHisk\ [mye hnyi> ze'] n grader e®mpMuepåc\;K¥op\ [mye bon paung; gyo'] n atlas
e®mtiuk\Kn\; [mye dai' khan:] n cellar; vault e®mpMuq^; [mye bon dhi:] n (Aya. dialect) tomato
e®metac\e®mHak\ [mye daung hmyau'] v 1) tend to plants by e®m®pc\ [mye byin] n earth's surface; ground; terrain
fertilizing, aerating roots, et 2) [fig] help and support e®m®pc\AqXc\ [mye byin åthwin] n topography, surface
sb, so they will succeed features of a place
e®mtiuc\; [mye dain:] n ≈surveying e®m®pc\tiuk\p´X [mye byin dai' bwE;] n Íland war; land
e®mtiuc\;e®mpMu [mye dain: mye bon] n survey map battle
e®mTu [mye du.] n 1) land mass 2) ≈lithosphere e®m®pn\Ï [mye byan.] n plain, flat land CF lXc\®pc\' ®mk\Kc\;®pc\
CF B¨miebd e®mPut\B^l¨; [mye bo' bålu:] n evil spirit living in the
e®mT´pc\ly\ [mye dE pin lE] n Mediterranean Sea earth, which eats people who fall near it, starting with
e®mTiu;sk\ [mye do; ze'] n bulldozer S YN e®m“Piosk\' B¨diuza their feet CF e®mkiuc\' B^l¨;
e®mTv\ [mye dE] n earthenware, crockery, pottery e®m®PøK´ [mye byu gE;] n chalk CF qc\pun\;”k^;
e®mTv\eÂkXTv\ [mye dE kywe dE] n ceramics e®m“Piosk\ [mye hpyo ze'] n bulldozer S YN e®mTiu;sk\' B¨diuza
e®mTv\Piu [mye dE hpo] n kiln CF (Put\)Piu
e®mTup\sv\; [mye do' si:] v grant, splice (plants) e®mmnc\;qa; [mye månin: dha:] n (animal) f(o)etus
e®mTXk\psßv\; [mye dwe' pyi' si:] n mineral products e®mm¥io [mye myo] v be swallowed up by the earth
S YN e®meAak\qyMz at CF e®mepÅqyMzat e®mm¥k\Nxa®pc\ [mye mye' hnåbyin] n physical features of
e®mn^mOn\Ï [mye ni hmon.] n red ochre, haematite the land
e®mNu [mye nu.] n alluvium, land recently formed out of silt e®mmOn\ [mye hmon] n soil particles
Ω e®mNukÁn\;epÅsiu k\p¥io;er; alluvial agriculture CF Nun\; e®m [? e®mmOn\e®mK´ [mye hmon mye gE;] n soil, earth, dirt
check xv] CF AmOn\AK´
e®mnc\;KXasiuk\ [mye nin: khwa zai'] n number of cattle in a e®mmOn\Ï [mye hmon.] n dust

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 337

e®m> ª “mio>
e®m®mHop\ [mye hmyo'] v bury, inter (a body) S YN e®mK¥ [? e®meAac\;qa; [mye aung: dha:] n meat of animals that live
check not other things?] underground, e.g., snake, bandicoot, etc
e®m®mHop\miuc\; [mye hmyo' main;] n (land)mine, anti-personnel e®m> [mye.] part suffix to verbs to indicate continuing
mine CF er®mHo p\miuc\; naval mine condition Ω K¥m\;e®m>
e®mya [mye ya] n agricultural land, farmland CF ly\' ya e®m; [mye:] n grandchild, grandson or granddaughter
CF eSXm¥io;suzaya;' ABiu; ABXa;' emYa. [? check what are the
e®myasns\ [mye ya såni'] n system of land ownership others]
Ω e®myasns\‘ p®pc\e®pac\;l´ er; land reform e®m;ABiu;eta\ [mye; åhpo; daw] v be related as
e®mra [mye ya] n (piece of) land, site grandfather and grandchild
e®mRiuc\; [mye yain:] n virgin land, land that has never been e®m;ABXa;eta\ [mye; åhpwa; daw] v be related as
farmed, uncultivated land CF e®msi m\;' e®mlX t\' e®mlt\' grandmother and grandchild
K¥n\lxp\e®m “m´1 [myE:] v 1) be firm, be steadfast RF “m´“mM. 2) be resolute [?
e®mrxc\ [mye shin] n landowner [? check diff with pain check stable, constant? invariable?] 3) be permanent;
shin] be fixed, be secured; be long-term, be perpetual
e®ml¨;cxk\ [mye lu: hnge'] n thrush, a bird which searches Ω eS;erac\“m´ colourfast; Ω Alu p\“m´ long-term employment,
for its food mainly on the ground stable job [? check] 4) remain united [? check last --
e®mlt\ [mye la'] n 1) ∏midland, central region of a doesn't seem to be in other books--combine with 1 or 2,
country 2) Central Burma, Central Myanmar, e.g., the or expand, e.g., to friends]
region around Magwe, Taungdwingyi Ω e®mlt\qM kind of — part 1) verb suffix, sentence ending particle: always,
song originating in the Taungdwin area habitually, as usual Ω sit\v s\rc\ U^;el;-Ark\-eqak\“m´"
e®mlp\ [mye la'] n 1) uncultivated land 2) › ∏area in When he is depressed, uncle always drinks. = s“m´ 2) infix
the Shan region which were not under the control of any between repeated verbs: as before, continue(d) -ing
saohpa CF esa\BXa; Ω pu t^;-sip\“ m´sip\ (she) continued telling her beads
e®mlXt\ [mye lu'] n uncultivated land [? check difference
between prev 3] “m´“mM [myE: myan]
v hold firm, be steadfast [? check
e®mlxn\ [mye hlan] v 1) dig up the earth, turn over the stable, constant??]
soil 2) [fig] raze, completely destroy “m´ª®mv\;2 [myE;] n ass, donkey
e®mlxn\sns\ [mye hlan såni'] n Í∏scorched-earth policy e®ma [myaw:] v be comatose, be in a coma; be unconscious
e®mlYio;miu;p¥M [mye sho: mo: pyan] v go through the earth
and sky by supernatural means [ bs] e®ma. [myaw.] v be very weak, e.g., with extreme exhaustion
e®mlWa [mye hlwa] n stratum (of earth) or pain, be prostrate
e®mwc\ [mye win] n buried part of a post e®ma\ [myaw] v 1) consider, think over 2) see, look;
e®mwiuc\;zat\ [mye wain: za'] n œdrama, song and dance perceive
performed outdoors on an earthen stage around a e®ma\®mc\ [myaw myin] v 1) consider fully, think over, plan
flowering plant S YN pn\;wiuc\;zat\' Anim\.qBc\ [? check] ahead [? check] 2) [neg] to look after one's own
e®mwp\cxk\ [mye wu' hnge'] n Indian nightjar S YN cxk\®pc\; interest, to look out for oneself
e®mwy\mk¥ [mye wE måkya.] adv [fig] (obey) to the letter “mio(Km^) [måro] n Mro-Khami, an ethnic group mainly found in
Upsa, exactly, precisely [? check lit meaning] Chin and Rakhine States [? check with Justin]
e®mqrXt\ [mye thåyu'] n clay used as plaster “mio> [myo.] n 1) city; town CF (ek¥;)rXa' eta 2) Ófortified
e®mqa; [mye dha:] n soil, earth CF B¨miebd place
e®mqc\; [mye dhin:] n burnt earth “mio>”k^;®p”k^; [myo. gyi: pya. gyi:] n metropolis, big city
e®mqc\;K´ [mye dhin; gE;] n [? check def in travel] “mio>”k^;qa; [myo. gyi; dha;] n sb urbane, sophisticated,
e®mqc\;miu; [mye dhin: mo:] n first rain of the hot season, cultured, cultivated, refined; man or woman of the world
which brings out the scent of burnt earth Ω e®m;qc\;nMÏ [?
complete example] “mio>KM [myo. gan] n host (in a town)
e®mqs\ [mye dhi'] n 1) newly cleared land 2) freshly “mio>sa [myo. za] n Óperson entitled to collect town
turned soil 3) uncharted land revenues CF “mio>eta\wn\
e®mhp\e®mkiuc\ [mye ha' mye kain] v become ill after falling “mio>esac\.tp\ [myo. zaung. ta'] n Ígarrison
CF e®mkiuc\ [ bs] “mio>sXn\ [myo. sun] n satellite town, suburb; outskirts of a
e®mÂqza [mye aw: za] n fertilizer, esp cattle manure city S YN Sc\e®KPuM; CF “mio>m
e®meAak\ [mye au'] adj 1) underground, subterranean “mio>eta\ [myo. daw] n capital (city) “mio>eta\-f Ag: (7)-på;
2) underground, clandestine, secret A NT e®mepÅ (1) rn\q¨tiuÏ P¥k\Niuc\K k\qv\. Kiuc\KM.eqa tMtiuc\;“mio>Riu; tMKå;"
e®meAak\er [mye au' ye] n groundwater [? new kyaw] (2) nk\k¥y\qv\.k¥Mo;e®mac\;" (3) k¥y\eqaq¨r´e®p; ps\epåk\
e®meAak\qyMzat [mye au' tha. yan za ta.] n mineral kapå ktut\" (4) Tk\®mk\®pc\; Tn\ s¨; rxqv\.lk\nk\ K´ym\;-
products S YN e®mTXk\psßv\;' e®mepÅqyMzat m^;ek¥ak\-Am¥a;A®pa;" (5) r´mk\piul\påss\qv\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 338

“mio;“mio;®mk\®mk\ ª e®mak\
yaU\rTa;Am¥a;-A®pa;" (6) lim\mapå;np\eqa in the hot season
tMKå;esac\.kc\;tp\" (7) ®mc\.eqa “mio>tMtiuc\;" BOX on the 7 ®mk\e®Kak\ [mye' chau'] n hay
characteristics of a capital city or monarch's residential ®mk\tM®mk\sv\; [mye' dåbye' si:] n grass broom
city: 1. strong gate in the city wall; 2. deep moat; 3. ; ®mk\Tiu; [mye' hto:] v weed, pull grass [? check]
4. powerful weapons shot, powder and flint; 5. ; 6. ; 7. ®mk\TMu; [mye' hton;] n bundle of grass
high city wall CF en®pv\eta\ [? check finish trans] ®mk\nra [mye' nåya;] n Œcrabgrass
“mio>eta\wn\ [myo. daw wun] n mayor [? check hist?] ®mk\Put\ [mye' hpo'] n clump/tuft of grass
“mio>T´ [myo. dE;] n city centre (Br, A), downtown (Am, ®mk\P¥a [mye' hpya] n grass mat
NZ) [? check with Austr)] ®mk\®Pt\sk\ [mye' hpa' se'] n lawnmower, grass cutter
“mio>Tiu; [myo. do:] n Óattack from a fortified place ®mk\Kut\sk\
“mio>enl¨tn\;sa; [myo. ne lu dan: za;] n 1) city/urban ®mk\mun\vc\; [mye' mon nyin;] n Œkind of grass-like plant
dwellers 2) society of people who earn a salary, wages ®mk\emX; [mye' hmwe;] n Œcitronella
or live from trade [? check as opposed to whom?] ®mk\RXk\ [mye' ywe'] n blade of grass
“mio>ny\ [myo. nE] n ∏township, administrative division ®mk\lk\qv\; [mye' le' thE;] n grass from cool, damp
between quarters, village tracts or villages on one side, place, good for animal fodder
and state or division on the other [? check, and what ®mk\el¥a [mye' shaw;] n 1) grass snake, a non-venomous
cf??] snake 2) [fig] harmless person S YN ere®mX
“mio>piuc\ [myo. bain] n ∏mayor ®mk\q^; [mye' thi;] n 1) burr, grass seed 2) Œcockspur
“mio>pt\lm\; [myo. ba' lan:] n ring road; boundary road grass
“mio>®p [myo. bya.] adj civil, civilian S YN rp\Bk\ CF ss\Bk\ ®mk\q^;Sn\ [mye' thi; (zan)] n Œbarnyard grass S YN ®mk\K¥io
military [? ok?]
“mio>Pit\enÏ [myo. bei' ne.] n day before the sabbath ®mk\qc\tun\; [mye' thin don;] n Œname for several kinds
CF Upuq\enÏ of grasses
“mio>m [myo. ma.] n 1) city proper (in contrast to the ®mk\ [mye'] v 1) (of taste) strong, sharp, spicy; (of food)
villages and outlying districts) 2) city centre (Br), be tasty, be delicious 2) (of blade, knife, etc) sharp
downtown (Am) CF “mio>sXn\ 3) (of price) be high, (of goods) be pricy
“mio>mi“mio>P [myo. mi> myo. hpa.] n city elders ®mk\®mk\ [mye' mye'] adv 1) tastily, spicily, deliciously
“mio>ranc\; [myo. ya nin;] v clear a site for a new town = “mio>“mio>®mk\® mk\ 2) (sharpen) to a keen edge 3) Ó
“mio>rM [myo. yan] n Ótown near a city (speak, etc) loudly and clearly
“mio>Riu; [myo. yo:] n city wall ®mk\®mk\sk\sk\ [mye' mye' se' se'] adv sharply;
“mio>rXaNxc\.Aiu;Aim\PXM>“Pio;er;@an [myo. ywa hnE. o: ein hpun. hpyo; penetratingly [? check context]
ye; hta na.] n Department of Housing and Human e®mak\ [myau'] v 1) raise, elevate, lift 2) be raised (up), be
Settlement elevated, be high, be lifted 3) gain, accomplish, attain
“mio>wn\ [myo. wun] n Ómayor (honours, etc) 4) be expert (at), be accomplished; reach
“mio>qa; [myo. dha;] n city person, city boy/girl (inf), (a certain standard, etc), qualify as, amount to
urban dweller, people who live in cities CF etaqa; Ω Kiu;mOe®mak\ amount to theft; Ω lk\rae®mak\ ty\" It's fine
“mio>qs\ [myo. thi'] n satellite town work. 5) consummate (marriage)
“mio>qim\;tp\ [myo. thein; ta'] n Íseige troops Ω lc\; mya;Arae®mak\ ty\" Their marriage was
“mio>Aup\ [myo. o'] n Ótownship officer consummated. 6) [fig] go to one's head Upsa, be proud
“mio;“mio;®mk\®mk\ [myo; myo; mye' mye'] adv 1) spicily, deliciously
= ®mk\® mk\ 2) [fig] substantially — part 1) particle indicating an ordinal number Ω (3)-rk\-
®mk\1 [mye'] n Œgrass; monocot, including grass, sugar e®mak\t´.-enÏ the third day; Ω (10)-Nxs\-e®mak\ tenth anniversary;
cane, rice, maize, etc Ω <¯G˘ha b¥v\;tiuÏf (4)-lMu;e®mak\-Akƒ ra-®Ps\ qv\" G is the
®mk\klMu; [mye' kålon:] n Œkind of grass used in mat- fourth consonant. CF ”kim\ [? check] 2) verb suffix
weaving indicating success, completion, achievement, etc
®mk\Âka;miO [mye' kya; hmo] n Œkind of field mushroom Ω ®Ps\ e®mak\ take place; Ω tt\e®mak\ master (a skill,
®mk\ÂkXt\ [mye' kyu'] n Œknotgrass S YN pusXn\sa' mOiÂkXt\ procedure, etc)
®mk\K¥io [mye' cho] n Œbarnyard grass S YN ®mk\q^;Sn\ e®mak\m¥a; [myau' mya;] v be numerous, be many
®mk\Kc\; [mye' khin;] n lawn, turf, green, meadow e®mak\“m^ [myau' myi] n Ó bad debt, debt which could not
®mk\Kc\;®pc\ [mye' khin; byin] n grassland, prairie (N be collected
America), pampas (S America), savanna(h) (Africa), Ae®mak\A®ma; [Amyau' Amya;] n multitude
veldt (S Africa), steppe (Europe or Asia) e®mak\2 [myau'] n north Ω e®mak\tMKå; northern gate; Ω e®mak\m¨
®mk\Kut\ [mye' kho'] v mow/cut grass, lawn, etc facing north CF Arp\-el;m¥k\Nxa
®mk\Kut\sk\ [mye' kho' se'] n lawnmower S YN ®mk\®Pt\sk\ e®mak\kÁn\; [myau' kyun;] n [cosm] the Northern Island
®mk\K¥U\Pt\ [mye' chin ba'] n grass stored to feed animals S YN Ut†rku Ru CF sÂkwLa' ®mc\;miu r\ [ bs]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 339

“miok\ ª ®mc\;
e®mak\Bk\qM [myau' be' than] n œsong orginally from distinguished, eminent, exalted; (of intentions, actions,
the north part of Shwebo etc) be noble, be fine, be great; (of quality) be fine, be
e®mak\®mv\; [myau' myi;] n death [? check] excellent, be of high calibre; (of ???) be holy [? check
e®mak\el [myau' le] n north(erly) wind carefully!! where is is commonly used?]
e®mak\Aim\eta\ [myau' ein daw] n Óresidence of the A®mc\. [åmyint] n 1) height, elevation A NT Anim\. 2) length
crown prince, north of the palace of time S YN kalAta
“miok\1 [myai'] v be scorched, be seared, be burnt CF kÁm\;' A®mc\.Kun\ [åmyint khon] n high jump CF Al¥a;Kun\ long jump
“miok\Kn´ [myai' gånE;] adv (burn) instantly A®mc\.eSac\ [åmyint hsaung] v be of a certain height
“miok\2 [myai'] n ‹nirvana S YN nib`an\ A®mc\.tn\; [åmyint dan;] n ∏ruling class; superior(s) [?
A“miok\ [åmyai'] n ‹ 1) nirvana S YN nib`an\ 2) sthg holy; e.g., nobles, aristocrats, elite, etc?? put in peer,
sthg peaceful lord/lady, royal, peer(age) etc? just upper-class?]
A“miok\eS; [åmyai' hse;] n ‹1) holy water 2) [fig] holy ®mc\.miur\ª®mc\;miur\ [myin. mo] [ pr] n Mount Meru [? but this is
teachings = A“mio k\ersc\ the version I see most often...]
A“miok\tra; [åmyai' tåya;] n ‹holy teachings ®mc\.miur\ta [myin. mo ta] n measure of distance equal to 7
A“miok\ersc\ [åmyai' ye zin] n ‹1) holy water 2) [fig] ta, 3.2 metres, 10.5 feet
holy teachings = A“miok\eS; ®mc\;1 [myin;] n 1) horse; pony L IT : ‘The pony didn't move,
®mc\ [myin] v 1) see 2) perceive, understand 3) foresee, know but the hitching post shook.’ Ω ®mc\; k mlOp\ KuMtiuc\k-lOp\"
in advance 4) give birth Ω m¥k\Nxa®mc\ S YN PXa; The person most affected did not mind, but bystanders did.
®mc\kXc\; [myin gwin;] n scope, field of vision Ω ®mc\;s^; liuÏ AT^; mxn\; Ammxn\; mqi [? what does this mean,
®mc\kXc\;k¥y\ [myin gwin; gyE] n 1) panorama, wide field and show we put it under Ahti: ama. as well?]
of view 2) (in cinema, etc) cinemascope 2) (ss\turc\) horseman (playing piece); (chess) knight
CF AœTiur\® mc\; flying horse (jo's picture of a horse and
®mc\kXc\;tiuc\; [myin gwin; dain;] n perimeter, distance
around sthg parts. horse picture on file)

®mc\®pc\;kt\ [myin byin; ka'] v hate the sight of CF mun\;k¥io; ®mc\;k [myin; ka.] n tack, harness, bridle and saddle for a
®mc\®mc\kra [myin myin gåya] n everything in sight
®mc\®mc\Tc\Tc\ [myin myin htin din] adv 1) openly, in full ®mc\;kel; [myin; gåle;] n foal; µ colt, ƒ filly
view 2) in clear light A NT mOn\wå; ®mc\;ekac\erAa; [myin; kaung ye a;] n horsepower, a unit
of mechanical power measurement equal to 745.7 watts
®mc\lWa [myin hlwa] n ◊retina
per minute
®mc\qa; [myin dha;] n meat of animal slaughtered within
one's sight Ω ®mc\qa;-Âka;qa;-msa;B¨;" CF Âka;qa; [? check
®mc\;ekac\;KXalip\ [myin; gaung; khwa lei'] adv [fig] make a
mistake, slip up, err L IT : ‘even a good horse can
®mc\siuc\; [myin zain;] n œF scale on the esac\; (Burmese harp)
®mc\siuc\;duM; [myin zain; don;] n œsecond string from the top ®mc\;kt\ [myin; ka'] n bronco, horse which is difficult to
of the esac\; (Burmese harp)
®mc\SM' ®mc\®Pø [myin zan, myin byu] n kind of bamboo often ®mc\;kun\;(Nx^;) [myin; kon; (hni;)] n (horse) saddle
used to make rafts = wå;®Pø
®mc\;kun\;pt\”kio; [myin; kon; pa' gyo;] n cinch S YN ®mc\;wm\;pt\
®mc\wå; [myin wa;] n male bamboo; solid bamboo CF wå;na;pc\ ®mc\;k¥a; [myin; gya;] n zebra
®mc\. [myin.] v 1) be high Ω pupJa;etac\-eta\eta\-®mc\.ty\" Mount ®mc\;KM [myin; gan] n groom [?check royal?? or a horse-
Popa is quite high. A NT nim\. 2) be tall Ω Arp\®mc\.ty\" He is
breaker?? something in cavalry????]
tall. A NT pu 3) [fig] be deep; be fine, be grand
Ω AetX; AeKÅ®mc\. ty\" (Those are) deep thoughts. [? check
®mc\;Kc\;(eta\pX´' pX´eta\' qBc\) [myin; gin: (daw bwE;,
bwE; daw, dhåbin)] n Ócavalry exhibition, to display the
excellent?? imposing, even exalted??] 4) (of time) be
horsemanship of the troopers [? isn't this more?? check
long Ω Âka®mc\. A NT tiu RF ®mc\.“ m´.
®mc\.ma; [myin. ma;] v 1) be very high, be towering, be ®mc\;eKåc\; [myin; gaung;] n Óadministrator of the cavalry
soaring 2) be many; be strong [? check grey dictionary]
3) be high-minded, be principled Ω sit\Dat\®mc\.ma;ty\"
She is principled. CF ”k^;ma; [? what about principles,
®mc\;KuM [myin; gon] n 1) trestle table 2) carpenter's horse
3) vault, vaulting horse (illus all)
moral, honest, scrupulous, pure, ethical, upright,
®mc\;KXa [myin; khwa] n 1) (horse) hoof 2) horseshoe
= ®mc\;qMKXa 3) ◊pennywort, kind of edible plant
®mc\.emak\ [myint mau'] v 1) be heaped (up, high) 2) be
Ω ®mc\;KXarX k\qut\ pennywort salad (illus all)
elevated, be high
®mc\.“m´ [myint myE;] v be long CF Âka [? also neg, e.g., ®mc\;sa;g¥Mo [myin; za; gyon] n oats
protracted, lengthy]
®mc\;s^; [myin; zi;] n rider; jockey; equestrian [? check do
you have a word for a statue of sb on horseback?]
®mc\.®mt\ [myint mya'] v (of rank, honour, etc)
®mc\;s^;q¨r´ [myin; zi; thåyE;] n Ótrooper, member of a

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 340

®mc\; ª ®ms\
cavalry CF ®mc\;tp\ ®mc\;miur\ [myin; mo] n 1) Mount Meru, enormous mountain in
®mc\;sc\ [myin; zin] n gelding, a castrated horse CF ®mc\;T^;' the centre of the cosmological system 2) something
®mc\;Piu' ®mc\;qiu;' qc\;kXp\ with a crest shape, e.g., the roof of a house 3) the
®mc\;zk\KX [myin; ze' khwa.] n 1) sheetbend knot (illus) grinding surface of the thanakha grinding stone
2) kind of rhyme used in last line of rtu or p¥io> [ wr] CF ek¥ak\ p¥U\ 4) œbridge of a stringed instrument

®mc\;ezac\; [myin; zaung;] n stable, barn where horses are ®mc\;miur\ta [myin; mo ta] n Óunit of measure equal to 7
kept etac\, about 320 cm
®mc\;tara [myin; ta ya] n ©constellation Cepheus ®mc\;miur\etac\ [myin; mo taung] n Mount Meru
®mc\;ta; [myin; ta;] n 1) rail fence 2) Óthorny barrier ®mc\;miur\pit\ [myin; mo bei'] n gable end (of a roof)
put up to block a cavalry CF ®mc\;tp\ ®mc\;miur\p´X [myin; mo bwE;] n three-day festival from the
®mc\;tk\ [myin; te'] n œsong about horse riding full-moon night of Thadingyut, in which lights are
®mc\;tp\ [myin; ta'] n cavalry, section of the army arranged in the shape of Mount Meru CF m^;TXn\;pX´'
fighting on horseback CF ®mc\;s^;q¨r´ trooper q^tc\; kÁt\
®mc\;T^;' ®mc\;Piu [myin; di:, myin; bo] n stallion CF ®mc\;m' ®mc\;qRiuk\ [myin: dhåyai'] n haemorrhoids, piles S YN lip\eKåc\;
®mc\;la;' ®mc\; qiu;' ®mc\;sc\ [? check pron] CF BgN»iol\na
®mc\;pX´ [myin; bwE;] n horserace ®mc\;q^la [? really put this in? what is it?]
®mc\;m [myin; ma.] n mare CF ®mc\;sc\' ®mc\;T^;' ®mc\;Piu' ®mc\;qiu;' e®mac\ [myaung] n ravine, steep valley between two hills
®mc\;la; e®mac\; [myaung;] n 1) ditch, drain; gutter; trench 2) canal
®mc\;mkel; [myin; ma. gåle;] n filly CF ®mc\;kel; = t¨;e®mac\; CF Sv\e®mac\;' ®ms\' eK¥ac\; 3) groove, flute [?
®mc\;“m^; [myin; mi;] n 1) horsehair, hair from a horse's tail trench??]
2) horsehair whisk 3) catgut e®mac\;t¨; [myaung; tu;] n woman in her 30s
®mc\;rTa; [myin; yåhta;] n horse-drawn coach [? check e®mac\;Tiu; [myaung; hto;] v 1) clear a (blocked) drain,
when, for what] gutter, canal, etc 2) make grooves in wood, flute
®mc\;er; [myin; ye;] n horsemanship, equestrian skills e®mac\;ePak\ [myaung; hpau'] v dig a ditch, drain, etc
®mc\;la; [myin; la;] n stud, breeding stallion e®mac\;e®mac\; [myaung; myaung;] v be long and narrow,
®mc\;elac\; [myin; laung;] v bet on horses be elongated
CF Aelac\; Asa; “mioc\ [myain] v be lively, be diverse, have a variety
®mc\;lm\; [myin; lan;] n bridle path; pathway left unbuilt Ω q^K¥c\;“mioc\ Siuc\;“mioc\ Ak“mioc\ RF “mioc\ Siuc\. [? put in
and uncultivated, for the passage of cattle, buffaloes, sentences]
etc — n large, thick forest, old-growth forest CF eta' rgMu'
®mc\;lxv\; [myin; hlE;] n horse cart, pony cart ehwn\
®mc\;wM' ®mc\;wn\ [myin; wun] n 1) bear S YN wk\wM 2) collared “mioc\k¥ [myain kya.] v 1) (esp of elephant, deer µ) rut; (of
scops owl = “m^;wn\ CF z^;kXk\ ƒ animals) be in heat; be in mating season 2) (of large
®mc\;wm\;Sv\ [myin; wun; hsE] n kind of fishing weir which animals) mate
used a current to trap fish “mioc\sin\ [myain sein] n quartz
®mc\;qM [myin; dhan] n œnote corresponding to E “mioc\Siuc\ [myain zain] v be lively, be diverse, have a
S YN e®Kak\e påk\ qM [ ms] variety
®mc\;qiu; [myin; dho;] n stallion CF ®mc\;sc\' ®mc\;T^;' ®mc\;Piu' “mioc\T [myain da.] n œsong about the beauty of nature or
®mc\;qiu;' ®mc\;m of a woman, sung by a character on a forest journey
®mc\;qXa; [myin; dhwa;] n ßmethod of completing
cabbalistic squares by moving two up and one over, as “mioc\TAk [myain da. Aka.] n œduet and dance by male
the horseman moves in ss\turc\ and female characters on a forest journey
®mc\;Aa; [myin; a;] n horsepower, a unit of mechanical “mioc\epÅ [myain paw] v (of ƒ animal) be in heat
power measurement equal to 745.7 watts per minute “mioc\liuk\ [myain lai'] 1) (esp of elephant, deer µ) rut; (of ƒ
= ®mc\;ekac\e rAa; animals) be in heat; be in mating season 2) (of large
®mc\;2 [myin;] v [in compounds] be old Ω ehac\;®mc\; animals) mate
®mc\;sgMun^ [myin; zågon ni] n Œ 1) kind of vine with medicinal “mioc\qM [myain dhan] n echo, esp in forest; reverbration of
properties 2) Jerusalem thorn S YN ®mc\;sgMun^ sounds in a forest CF p´.qM
®mc\;Pu [myin bu.] n cyst ◊(on the skin or scalp), slowing ®ms\1 [myi'] n 1) river Ω qtiTa;' Be careful, this river has a
growing lump on skin or scalp, filled with fatty material strong current. CF eK¥ac\; stream, e®mac\; canal CW sc\' qXy\
2) Ónorth S YN e®mak\ RF ®ms\eAak\.
®mc\;miur\ Mount Meru geography ®ms\k¨;eK¥ac\;®Ka; [myi' ku; chaung; gya;] n [fig] distant place
Aerx>kÁn\;' pub`wiedh" ??" kuk¶io" ecXerac\"
eastern island, ??, koko tree; silver colour
®ms\km\; [myi' kan;] n riverbank, riverside
etac\kÁm\;' zbµø d^på' zm`ødip\' lkç¥a" l¨" pt††®ma;erac\" ®ms\k¥io; [myi' kyo;] n truncated branch of a river which
southern island, humans, eugenia tree, ruby-red

Aenak\kÁn\;' egåya' Apregåyan' Pl\ ??

western island, ??, fi:Nauclia fi:parviflora
4.12.04 tree ??
Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 341

e®mak\kÁm\;' Ut†rkuRu" ??" pedqapc\" erWe rac\"

northern island, ??, tree of plenty, gold colour
®ms\ ª ®mt\
has changed course cures a chronic disease
®ms\k¥io;Ac\; [myi' kyo; in;] n [geog] ox-bow lake ®ms\mŸ [myi' ma.] n main root, taproot S YN ereqak\®ms\
®ms\k¥U\; [myi' kyin;] n narrows, part of a river where the ®ms\pXa;na [myi' pwa; na] n cancer S YN kc\Sa
bed is narrower and the current is faster ®ms\liuk\U [myi' lai' u.] n Œelephant foot yam S YN wU
®ms\Âka;kun\;e®m [myi' kya; kon; mye] n land between two ®ms\elYak\na [myi' shau' na] n cancer S YN kc\Sa
rivers ®ms\3 [myi'] v forbid, prohibit, ban; obstruct, impede
®ms\eÂka [myi' kyaw;] n 1) course of a river S YN ®ms\eÂkac\; S YN ta;S^;' pi t\pc\' hn\Ï ta; RF ®ms\ Ta. [? check check
2) waterway, (main) channel, part of a river that is deep last two of def]
and wide enough for boats ®ms\Ta [myi' hta] v forbid, prohibit, ban; obstruct, impede
®ms\eÂkac\; [myi' kyaung;] 1) course of a river S YN ®ms\eÂka
2) water route (on a river) ®ms\K¥c\;“p^;ep¥ak\ [myi' chin; pi; pyau'] v (of medicine) cure
®ms\ekX; [myi' kwe;] n bend in a river with a single dose Ω e®mXkiuk\rc\' d^eS;n´Ï
®ms\KuM [myi' khon] n high riverbank ®ms\K¥c\;“p^;ep¥ak\ty\" If you get bitten by a snake, this
®ms\K¥c\; [myi' chin;] n ÓPo Karen CF piu;' krc\ medicine will cure you right away. [? check is this in the
®ms\®Kc\;lMu; [myi' chin; lon;] n sthg put in a current to test right place???? and def: really: single medicine which
the current CF B¨;emYa can cure a dz alone (i.e., without it being a mixture).
®ms\KX´ [myi' khwE;] n channels of a river in a delta Cure any kind of dz, i.e., panacea??]
®ms\sv\wn\ [myi' sin wun] n Ó∏governor of towns along ®ms\4 [myi'] n gizzard, digestive organ of birds, near the
a river stomach
®ms\Sip\ [myi' hsei'] n landing, wharf, pier ®mv\ [myi] v 1) make a sound, make a noise 2) call, cry
®ms\SMu⁄ [myi' hson] n confluence, place where two rivers 3) scold sb, tell sb off, find fault with sb, take sb to
flow together to form one; fork, place where a river task S YN S¨' elac\' pXn\
divides ®mv\eÂkX; [myi kywe;] v (of bird) call
®ms\va [myi' nya] n upper part of a river S YN AP¥a;piuc\; ®mv\tm\; [myi tan;] v speak sorrowfully, lament, bemoan
CF Ava ®mv\tXn\etak\t^; [myi dun tau' ti;] v reproach, rebuke,
®ms\etX; [myi' twe:] n river tern lecture, berate, scold, criticize
®ms\epåk\ [myi' pau'] n mouth of a tributary, where it joins ®mv\qMsX´Alkça [myi dhan zwE; ålin ga] n
the main river CF ®ms\w ¬onomatopoeia, use of words such as buzz, ®pot\®pot\'
®ms\®pc\ [myi' pyin] n expanse of river that imitate sounds [ wr] [? check add duct tape or
®ms\P¥a; [myi' hpya;] n source, head(waters) of a river plastic bag]
®ms\P¥a;KM [myi' hpya; khan] v 1) (of a river) rise, begin, ®mv\hv\; [myi hi;] v (of a sound) boom, ring, roar,
have its source in/at 2) [fig] originate (in); arise, blare, be very loud, be deafening [? check how loud or
spring, or stem (from) what type]
®ms\m⁄ [myi' ma.] n river which flows directly into the sea, ®mv\. [myI] v 1) (of meat) be tender A NT ma 2) (of paper)
main branch of a river be disintegrating, be crumbling, be falling apart 3) (of
®ms\erK¥in\ [myi' ye gyein] n river level knife, etc) be razor sharp
®ms\lk\tk\ [myi' le' te'] n tributary, smaller river or ®mv\;1 [myi;] v 1) sample, taste, try (food or drink) 2) snack,
creek flowing into a larger one eat sthg with drinks
®ms\w [myi' wa.] n mouth of a river A®mv\; [åmyi;] n snack, hors-d'oeuvre, esp sthg to be
®ms\wkÁn\;epÅ [myi' wa. kyun; baw] n delta, area of soft, eaten at a party or while drinking alcohol
rich soil, where a river splits into many channels before ®mv\;2 [myi;] n donkey, ass CF la; mule (illus from file)
flowing into the sea ®mt\ [mya'] v 1) be noble, be exalted 2) ¥make a profit,
®ms\wxm\; [myi' hwan;] n river valley turn a profit, get a return on investment 3) make
®ms\eAak\ [myi' au'] n Ónorth = e®mak\ (money in a business deal), take in, (of a business, trip,
®ms\2 [myi'] n 1) root Ω ereqak\®ms\ taproot 2) [fig] origin, deal , etc) be profitable Ω d^enÏ By\elak\-®mt\K´.ql´" How
foundation 3) great-grandchild CF qa;qm^;' much did you make today?
eSXm¥io;suzaya; 4) ßletters associated with the day ®mt\sXaBura; [mya' swa hpåya;] exp ‹the exalted Buddha
before one's birth day CF AVXn\Ï 5) [in comb] joints ®mt\sXn\; [mya' sun;] v 1) ¥make a profit, turn a profit,
Ω ASk\ A®ms\ get a return on investment 2) make (money in a
®ms\e®Kak\na [myi' chau' na] n ◊disease in which one business deal), take in, (of a business, trip, deal , etc)
coughs up blood [? check is this in the right place?] be profitable
®ms\SMuŸ [myi' hson] n root stock = A®ms\SMu ®mt\Niu; [mya' no;] v love, cherish, adore
®ms\p¥M [myi' pyan] n aerial roots, drop roots (illus) ®mt\Niu;tna [mya' no; tåna] n great love, adoration [?
®ms\p¥U\; [myi' pyin;] n buttress root (illus) check religious overtone? ]
®ms\®Pt\eS; [myi' hpya' hse;] n medicine which completely ®mt\el; [måle: (mya' lè:)] n Œ1) Spanish jasmine = muel;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 342

“mit\ ª emX;
2) star ipomea Ω “min\Ï“mi n\Ï”k^;“pMo; smile condescendingly
®mt\el;n^ [mya' le; ni] n Œred jasmine ®mon\Ï®mon\Ï [myon. myon.] adv stick out bushily, stiffly and thickly
®mt\qt\ [mya' tha'] n Óprofit Ω t®mon\Ï®mon\Ï [? check]
“mit\ [myei'] n fringe RF A“mit\. ®mop\ [myo'] n 1) sink, be submerged; be drowned 2) [fig]
“mit\siuÏ [myei' so.] n Ókind of tall, pointed ladies' disappear for a while CF ns\®mop\
headdress (illus) “mMo1 [myon] v 1) be sterile, be barren, not produce children,
“mit\Sa [myei' hsa] n fringe; tassel (illus both) fruit, seeds, etc Ω Apc\“ mMoenty\" The tree is barren.
“mit\SX´ [myei' hswE;] n kind of mango CF A“mMo(m) 2) keep silent, keep quiet, keep still; keep a

“mit\lXt\ [myei' lu'] n Ókind of ladies' headdress with a secret, keep mum; be closed, be reticent Ω k¥op\tiuÏ k
tassel (illus) e®pasrarxirc\ “mMomentt\B¨;" ehaehadiuc\;diuc\; p´" If we have
®mn\(Sn\' Tk\) [myan (zan, hte')] v 1) be fast, be quick, be something to say, we can't keep still, we have to say it at
rapid, be swift, be speedy (inf) Ω AK¥in\ qip\mep;-Niuc\B¨;" once. A NT PXc\.e®pa 3) (of disease, etc) be latent, be
®mn\eAac\-lup\ep;på" I haven't much time. Please be quick. asymptomatic; (of volcano) be dormant, be inactive
Please make it fast. 2) be prompt Ω ®mn\®mn\Sn\Sn\ A NT epÅ
Ω ®mn\ Tk\ Tk\ S YN l¥c\ [? check give examples] “mMosisi [myon sI si>] adv quietly, silently, secretively, without
®mn\ma [myåma (myan ma)] n ∏1) ¬Myanmar (people), speaking Ω “mMosisi-mlup\n´Ï e®pasrarxitae®pa" Don't just sit there
people who live in or are citizens of Myanmar, Burmese silently – say what you have to say!
(inf), Myanmarese (Ind, Bang) 2) ¬Myanmar, Burma “mMo2 [myon]
n 1) litter (of mice, rats, etc); brood (of birds)
(inf) RF ®mn\maNiuc\cM(eta\). 3) Burman, Bama, member of the 2) nest S YN qiuk\“ mMo
largest ethnic group in Myanmar = ™ bma CF pugMqa; “mMo3 [myon] n 1) pommel (of saddle) 2) withers (of horse)
4) language of the bma ethnic group, esp the written “mMo>ƒ [myon.] v chew and savour Ω kXm\;ya“mMo>enty\" He's
form CF ®mn\masa' bmaska; 5) Marama, Rakhine-speaking savouring a betel quid.
ethnic group in south-western Myanmar [ pe lm] mX [mwa.] v 1) be soft 2) be flaky, be easily crumbled; (of
®mn\masa [myan ma sa] n Myanmar literature Ω ®mn\masaAPX´> soil, etc) be loose Ω mXmXeÂk crushed to bits, pulverized
Myanmar Language Commission Ω ®mn\masa@an Myanmar 3) (of a place) be cluttered; (of things) be abundant, be
Literature Department/Faculty CF bmaska; Burmese plentiful
language [? Myanmar Agriculture Produce Trading emXeta\ [mwe daw] n ‹relics of the Buddha or of rhn\;
(agency which trades rice) Myanmar Petroleum Products arhats [ bh]
Enterprise Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise] emX> [mwe.] v enjoy S YN qeBaeKX> CF ep¥a\emX>' qim\emX>
®mn\maSiurxy\ls\lm\;sU\påt^ [myan ma hso shE li' lan; zin pa ti] emX>yaªemX>ra [mwe. ya] n mattress
n ∏ÓBurma Socialist Programme Party, BSPP, in emX>el¥a\ [mwe. lyaw] v enjoy
power from 1974–1988, abbreviated mSl [? new me] emX;1 [mwe;] v 1) (of mother) give birth, have a baby; (of
®mn\manar^ [myan ma na yi] n Ótraditional time system baby) be born Ω rn\kun\mxaemX;ty\' mN|el;mxa ”k^; ty\" I was
®mn\maNiuc\cM(eta\) [myan ma nain gan (daw)] n ∏Myanmar, born in Yangon, raised in Mandalay. CF epåk\ RF emX;PXa;.
ÓBurma CF bma®pv\
®mn\ m anar^
®mn\ma®pn\ [myan ma byan] n translation, book translated
Term Length Current Translation
into Myanmar CF Baqa®pn\ equivale nt
®mn\mamO [myan ma hmu.] n Myanmar tradition Nxs\ 12 _ 13 l year
®mn\ma AP´X> [myan ma wun tha nu AhpwE.] n Ó∏Myanmar l =2 pkƒ 28–30 days lunar month
pkƒ =14 _ 15 rk\ phase of the fortnight (waxing,
Nationalist Organisation, associated with Dr Ba Maw in (Sn\' Sut\) moon waning), phase of moon
the 1940s [? need bse -- explanation ok?] rk\ =60 nar^ 24 hours day (and night)
®mn\maAqc\K¥op\”k^; [myan ma Athin cho' kyi;] n nar^ =4 påd\ 24 minutes hour
Ó∏General Council of Burmese Associations, a påd\ =15 b^zna 6 minutes quarter
b^zna =6 ®pn\ 24 seconds
leading nationalist organisation in the 1920s ®pn\ =10 Kra 4 seconds breath
®mn\l¨ [myan lu] n Óstranger S YN l¨sim\; = ®ml¨ Kra =10 _ 12 ly' [term not fixed]
®mn\; [myan;] v 1) (of parents of a man) make marriage ly =4 _ 10 K% [term not fixed]
negotiations [? check] 2) go (and reach the K% [term not fixed] [term not fixed]
destination) 2) (of pets) keep, have; (of animals) raise Ω Aim\mxa
— part suffix to a verb, for emphasis eKX;Nxs\ekac\emX;ty\" We have two pet dogs at home.
“min\(rxk\) [myein (mein) (she')] v (of food) enjoy, appreciate, 3) bring up, raise; adopt; nurture 4) cultivate, foster,
take pleasure in Ω Tmc\; sa;liuÏ “min\r´.la;" Are you enjoying nurture 5) cultivate, form and refine, e.g., by education
your meal? Ω tpv\. emX; 6) culture Ω pu l´e mX; [? check also bacteria?]
“min\errxk\er [myein (mein) ye she' ye] adv (of food, emX;kc\;s [mwe; gin; za.] n newborn (baby), infant
conversation, etc); with relish, appreciatively S YN emX; qs\s
“min\Ï“min\Ï [myein. myein. (mein. mein.)] adv grandly; condescendingly emX;ek¥;z¨; [mwe; kye; zu;] n gratitude to one's parents

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 343

emX; ª mXn\;
[ bs] hair follicle on the skin, which causes the hair to fall
emX;K¥c\; [mwe; gyin;] n sibling, brothers and sisters, all out
the children in a family Ω emX;K¥c\;-(5)-eyak\rxita' emX;sut\tBk\ [mwe; zo' dåbe'] n (terry-cloth) towel
ts\eyak\-SMu;qXa;eta. emac\Nxm-(4)-eyak\p´ k¥n\eta.ty\" emX;vc\; [mwe; hnyin;] n (human) body hair CF SMpc\
They had five children, but one died, so there are four emX;vc\;epåk\ [mwe; hnyin; bau'] n (hair) follicle
brothers and sisters in the family. emX;vHp\ [mwe; hnya'] n tweezers
emX;sarc\; [mwe; zåyin;] n birth certificate S YN PXa;sarc\; emX;tXc\; [mwe; dwin;] n follicle S YN emX;vc\;epåk\
emX;sa [mwe; za;] v adopt, foster (a child); borrow (a emX;rxc\eta\ [mwe; shin daw] n ‹single hair growing
word from another language) between the Buddha's eyebrows S YN U•lMu [ bh]
emX;sa;kel; [mwe; za; kåle;] n adopted child; foster mX´ [mwE;] v 1) (eyes, vision) weak, poor, dull; (of colour)
child matte, dull; (of mind, wit, etc) dull, slow; (of skin,
emX;sa;miB [mwe; za; mI ba.] n adoptive parents; foster complexion, etc) dull, dry Ω m¥k\simX´ dull vision, ˆa%\mX´
parents dull mind Ω mX´e®Kak\e®Kak\ RF mX´et. [? check use for
emX;tiuc\;kiuy\ [mwe; dain; ko] n [fig] birthday suit Upsa, example] 2) poor S YN Sc\; r´ RF mX´et. 3) (of luck) be bad;
i.e., naked body [? check add other words for naked] (of person) be unlucky
emX;ts\enÏeqts\enÏ [? check isn't there some saying mX´eS;epÅ [mwE; ze; hpaw] v [fig] do sthg tha can never
like this? There is a day to be born, and a day to die.] make money, invite poverty Ω kb¥aSram¥a; mX´eS;-ePa\ty\"
kb¥ats\pud\er;mx lk\Pk\rv\- qMu;KXk\-Piu; p´rty\" Poets will
emX;enÏ [mwe; ne.]
n birthday, day of the week on which never make enough money. For one poem, they get the
one was born; anniversary of the day one was born price of a three cups of tea.
CF emX;nM' emX;rk\ mX´et [mwE; te] v 1) (of colour, mind, skin, vision, etc)
emX;nM [mwe; nan] n day of the week on which one was dull 2) poor S YN Sc\;r´
born CFemX;enÏ' emX;rk\ [ bs] mX´®pa [mwE; pya] n gunmetal blue, blue-grey
emX;nM“gioh\ [mwe; nan gyo] n ßplanet one was born mX´®pak¥ [mwE; pya kya.] v become impoverished, become
under, e.g., Ag:“gio h\ poor
emX;pul´ [mwe; pålE;] n cultured pearl CF qBawpul´ mXt\(qip\)1 [mu' (thei')] v 1) starve, be famished S YN ct\
emX;Pk\ [mwe; be'] n 1) people born at the same time CF Sa 2) [fig] be starved (for)
S YN PXa;Pk\ [ bs] 2) share of a litter of piglets of a pig mXt\2 [mu'] v 1) be smooth CF eK¥a 2) (of speaking) fluent
raised by two or more people [? addition of 2 ok?]
emX;Pk\ep; [mwe; be' pe;] v give an animal to sb to mXt\slc\ [mu' sålin] n Muslim CF Asßlam\ Islam
raise, with both parties sharing the offspring mXn\(®mt\)1 [mun (mya')] v be noble; be excellent, be very fine
emX;PXa; [mwe; hpwa;] v (of mother) give birth, have a = ekac\;mXn\®mc\.®mt\
baby; (of baby) be born CF epåk\ mXn\2 [mun] n 1) ∏ Mon, ethnic group living mainly in Mon
emX;®mø [mwe; myu] v (of animals) breed, raise; (of State and Taninthayi Division 2) language of the Mon
bacteria, virus, etc) culture people
emX;®møer; [mwe; myu ye;] n animal husbandry; [in comb] mXn\Kma [mun khåma] n ∏Mon–Khmer, group of peoples,
breeding, raising, farming Ω cå;emX;®møer; fish farming; languages and cultures of Southeast Asia, spread mainly
wk\emX;®møer; pig breeding; ®mc\;emX;®møer; horse raising between Cambodia and Myanmar
mXn\Sark\ [mun hsa ra'] n ∏Montserrat [ cr]
emX;rk\ [mwe; ye'] n 1) date of birth, birthday 2) day a
mXn\rv\ [mun yi] v be cultivated, be refined, be gracious [?
mother is due (to give birth)
check whether belongs under mun]
emX;rp\ [mwe; ya'] n birthplace mXn\;1 [mun;] v feel suffocated, feel one cannot get enough
emX;l [mwe; la.] n month in which one was born air Ω ermXn\; drown CF ns\mXn\;
emX;l¨na [mwe; lu na] n maternity patient [? check mXn\;Âkp\ [mun; kya'] v [fig] be lost in a crowd
maternity ward]
mXn\;t^; [mun; ti;] v [poet] drown
emX;lk\mxt\ [mwe; le' hma'] n birth certificate mXn\;2 [mun:] n [in comb] noon, midday
emX;qPKc\ [mwe; thåhpa. gin] n father mXn\;K¥k\en [mun; che' ne] n noonday sun, sun at its
emX;qmiKc\ [mwe; thåmI gin] n mother highest point
emX;qk¶raz\ [mwe; the' gåyi'] n birthdate, often including mXn\;esac\; [mun; saun;] n afternoon
date, day of week, time [ pl]
mXn\;tv\. [mun tE.] [mun; dE.] v strike noon, be noon
emX;qs\s [mwe; thi' sa.] n newborn (baby), infant Ω mX n\tv\. ttv\.-elak\-®Ps\ ty\" It was about noon. [?
S YN emX; kc\;s
example ok?]
emX;2 [mwe;] n (if long or thin) hair; (if short and thick)
— n noon, midday, 12pm
fur; (of bird) feathers RF AemX;.
mXn\;tv\.m¥U\; [mun; dE. myin;] n [geog] meridian [? check
emX;kÁt\na [mwe; gyu' na] n ◊furuncle, infection in a about latitude and longitude]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 344

mXn\; ª mxa
mXn\;tim\; [mun; tein;] [mun; dein;] v be past noon Ω kX n\p¥øta-tt\ mxp´ Alup\-rmy\" You won't find a job until
— n early afternoon, the time just after noon you can use a computer. You won't find a job unless you
mXn\;yim\; [mun; yein;] n early afternoon, the time just can use a computer. Ω Aim\eTac\-mrximx d^Alup\-rty\" You can
after noon get this job only if you aren't married. Ω rv\; sa;-Ta;mxp´
mXn\;lt\ [mun; la'] n late morning, i.e., around 9 or 10am qimy\" You'll only understand when you have a boyfriend.
mx®Pc\. [hma. hpyin.] conj if, when; (in complete sentence)
mXn\;lX´ [mun; lwE;] v be past noon what if, suppose, imagine
— n afternoon, time between noon and night mx(Ú)m [hma. mA] part 1) suffix to a phrase: not even
mXn\;3 [mun;] pron you, by and to familiar µ (one, a little, etc); (not) any Ω ts\Kåmx mÂka;P¨;B¨;" I never
mXm\; [mun;] v adorn, trim, decorate; embellish, elaborate; (once) heard that. Ω ska;-ts\KXn\; mx e®palÏiu-mrB¨;" I couldn't
gild (with metal leaf), overlay = mWn\;' mWm\; get a word in edgewise. I couldn't say one word. Ω g¥amn\-
mXm\;®Pc\ [mun; hpyin] v Óbe numberless; be profuse ts\eyak\n´Ïmx metX>P¨; B¨;" I never met a German before.
Ω diuc\NiueSa-ts\e kac\mx mrxie ta. B¨;" There aren't any dinosaurs
S YN m¥a;
left. = ¬ mYm 2) [in conditional phrases] or if not
mXm\;mM [mun; man] v make better, enhance, raise quality;
(suggesting dissatisfaction with the alternative)
Ω lk\ Pk\rv\e qak\ my\" dåmx mrrc\ t^; ms\ epåÏ" Let's have
mXm\;mMqc\tn\; [mun; man thin dan;]n refresher course,
some tea, or if not, I suppose some Tea Mix.
supplemental training or education
AmXm\; [åmun;] n overlay, decoration, ornamentation Úmx mÚB´ […hma. må…bE:] part particle phrase, for
emphasis: without (even), how could, after all Ω Bamx
= AmWm\;' AmWn\;
mqiB´ By\liuekac\;ml´" How could it turn out well when I
AmXm\; [åmun; tin] v 1) adorn, trim, decorate; embellish,
don't know anything at all? [? check plenty more
elaborate; gild (with metal leaf), overlay 2) praise, extol
mxqa [hma. tha] conj suffix to a verb to identify
mx [hma.] part 1) suffix to a noun: from (place, position,
conditions: only when, not until; only if, not … unless
time, etc) Ω (5)-nar^mx (6)nar^Ti from 5:00 to 6:00 Ω raT¨; mx
Ω vk¥mx qa lamy\" I'll arrive only at night. I won't get
K¥ty\" They demoted him. A NT Ti = ¬ mxqv\ 2) affix
there until night. S YN påmx' mxp´
between two nouns: by, near, of the, from etc (2nd
mxqv\ [hma. thi] part ¬from (place, position, time, etc)
noun) to (1st) Ω @anmx kel;etX qip\mkÁm\; k¥c\B¨;" The
young people from the department office don't know very
mxApk¥n\ [hma. åpa. (kyan)] part outside of
much. 3) suffix to phrase: only (when, if, etc), not until,
mxa1 [hma] v 1) let sb know (sthg), leave word, send word
Ω kiu kiumlan´ÏliuÏ-mxa my\" I'll tell Ko Ko not to come. I'll let Ko
not except Ω AKum-x qity\" I just heard now. I didn't know
Ko know he shouldn't come. 2) order, ask for; instruct
until now. Ω Niuc\cM®Ka;qa;etXmx lk\KMmy\" They won't accept
Ω kÁn\ m-ln\dn\ kiu qXa;my\" Sra-Bamxa ml´" I'm going to
anyone except foreigners. They will only accept foreigners.
London; what can I get for you?
RF mx p´' mx qa. 4) affix between two verbs, for strong
emphasis Ω ekac\; mxekac\; so good! great! Ω qtiTa;'
mxaÂka;K¥k\ [hma kya; gye'] n instruction
sp\mxsp\" Be careful, it's very spicy! CF K¥c\mx' Bamx nothing mxatm\;(sa) [hma dan; (sa)] n 1) appeal, request (in a
5) ¬suffix marking subject of a sentence, esp when a letter) 2) love letter
person or agent = ™ k 6) suffix to a counted noun, mxaTa; [hma hta;] v 1) leave word or instructions
(only) … per, for one, a Ω din\K¥U\-ts\KXk\mx 300 yoghurt for Ω mi n\Ïmxa Ta; S YN mxa rxi 2) (place an) order, e.g., in a shop,
300 a cup Ω (5)Nxs\mx ts\Kå only once every 5 years 7) affix restaurant, café, etc Ω {Bamxaml´"} {mxaTa;“p^;“p^"} ‘What
between repeated noun: only … is …, it must be (only) will you have?’ ’We've already ordered.’
mxarxi [hma shI] v leave word or instructions CF mxaTa;
mxt(s\)Sc\. [hma. tåhsin.] adv suffix to a noun, showing mxa2 [hma] part 1) particle used to mark place or time: at,
route: via, through, by way of Ω ek¥ak\pn\;etac\; mxts\Sc\. by, in, on, etc; (abstract) in, with, for Ω d^mxaTiuc\my\" I'll
pupJa;kiu qXa;tt\ty\" We can go to Popa via sit here. Ω venÏpiuc\; mxa nM®pa;rmy\" You can get nan (bread) in
Kyaukpadaung. the afternoon. Ω d^enramxa ts\Kue®pasra rxity\" I have
mxt(s\)på; [hma. dåba;] conj apart from, other than, something to say about this part. Ω Âkk\mxaARiu; l¨mxaAm¥io;"
except(ing) With chickens, the breed; with people, the breeding. = ¬ Ò'
mxenj [hma. ne ywe.] part suffix to a noun: from (esp tXc\' wy\ 2) per, in a Ω (1)lmxa (3)Kåelak\®Ps\tt\ty\" It
place) [? check usage] usually happens about three time in a month. 3) suffix to
ÚmxÚpåÏ(U^;)mla; […hma.…pa. (on:) måla;] exp expression noun or phrase, marking the topic of a sentence = ¬ ka;'
of of emphasis for doubt, uncertainty: would … really, qv\ 4) ™suffix to a future verb or verb clause, creating
could … possibly Ω Pun\;kiuc\mx kiuc\påÏU^;mla;" Will he really a noun phrase, that which will be, that which is to be = ¬
answer the phone? Ω Alup\mx rpåÏmla;l´ mqiB¨;" I wonder if mv\(mxa) CF ta 5) future sentence marker Ω qXa;mxaepåÏ" Of
I will ever find a job. course we will go. Ω lup\ep;mxala;" Are you going to do it for
mxp´ [hma. pE:] conj suffix to a verb to identify conditions: me? = my\' ¬ 6) suffix to a phrase
only (…) when, not until; only (…) if, not … unless

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 345

mxa; ª emxa\
mxa; [hma;] v 1) (of information, action, situation, etc) be act of Ω lOp\rxa;mO movement, mnaliumO jealousy CF K¥k\' ®Kc\;'
wrong, be incorrect, be mistaken, be false, be erroneous er;' qv\' ta 2) suffix to verb or noun, to indicate
Ω Pu n\;mxa;enpåty\" It's a wrong number. [? ok? ] 2) (of a legal case, crime, etc Ω Kiu; mO theft, ek¥a\Âka;mO
person) make a mistake, err, make an error, be wrong, notoriousness, l¨qt\mO homicide, ®ps\mO crime, offence,
go wrong, do sthg wrong 3) do sthg wrong, be bad, do charge
sthg immoral 4) have an affair; have sex before marriage mOKc\; [hmu. gin;] n (court, criminal, legal, etc) case; crime,
CF emxak\ mxa;' kamk¥ø; 5) (of royal elephant) die incident
mO®po [hmu. pyu.] v suffix forming a noun indicating
— part prefix to a verb, indicating error, in English, process: -ization, -ification [? check]
often mis-; mistakenly, by mistake Ω mxa;VWn\ misdirect; mØ; [hmu;] v lead, be head of S YN ”k^;mØ;
mxa;piuÏ missend — part suffix to noun, indicating authority,
mxa;mxa;mxn\mxn\ [hma; hma; hman hman] adv (do sthg) whether responsibility, position, etc Ω @anmØ; head of department,
it is right or wrong, i.e. mxa;K¥c\mxa; mxn\K¥c\mxn\ VWn\Âka;er;mØ; director, AtXc\;er;mØ; secretary
(lup\K¥c\talup\my\) mØ;mt\ [hmu; ma'] n Ó∏ministers, royal advisors
mxa;yXc\; [hma; ywin;] v 1) (of information, action, AmØ; [åhmu;] n 1) leader (e.g., of group, party, etc),
situation, etc) be wrong, be incorrect, be mistaken, be director (e.g., of company), head (@anmØ; head of
false, be erroneous Ω mxa;yXc\;mO-A®Ps\ pit\qv\ [law] Case department), commander (e.g., in armed forces),
closed as mistaken. 2) (of a person) make a mistake, err, superintendent (e.g., in hospital, prison, other
make an error, be wrong, go wrong, do sthg wrong 3) do institution), officer, authority, person responsible,
sthg wrong, be bad, do sthg immoral 4) have an affair; person in charge Ω eTac\mØ; gaoler (Br), jailor (Am); biul\mØ;
have sex before marriage CF emxak\mxa;' kamk¥ø; major; tp\mØ; sergeant; AtXc\;er;mØ; secretary CF eKåc\;eSac\'
A”k^;Ak´' Amt\' wn\' Aup\K¥op\q¨ 2) supreme (of its kind)
Amxa; [åhma;] n error, mistake, fault; wrong Ω ska;m¥a; Ω etac\ mYAmØ; ®mc\.miur\U^; Meru, supreme among all mountains
Amxa;på If you talk too much, you will say the wrong thing. AmØ;Ak´ [åhmu; AgE;] n Ó∏chief, leader
Amxa;(eta\)pMu [åhma; (daw) bon] n royal error, mistake by AmØ;A”k^; [åhmu; Agyi;] n Ó∏chief, hereditary leader
a monarch AmØ;Amt\ [åhmu; Ama'] n Ó∏ministers, advisors to the
Amxa;Pm\; [åhma; hpan;] v (try to) find fault with, try to monarch = mØ; mt\
catch sb out AmØ;Ta; [åhmu; hta;] v 1) be/place at the head; be/place
Amxa;mxa;AyXc\;yXc\; [åhma; hma; Aywin; ywin;] adv in leading position 2) (of event, happening, etc) be
continuously make mistakes under the auspices of
Amxa;AyXc\; [åhma; Aywin;] n error, mistake, fault; wrong AmØ;®po [åhmu; pyu.] v sponsor
mx^ [hmi] v 1) lean against, be supported by 2) depend on RF emx; [hme;] v 1) (of eyes) half close 2) (of person) have
mx^Kiu. 3) depend on Ω Uturaq^etakiumx^ty\" The climate narrow eyes 3) catnap, sleep lightly for a little while
depends on the forests. 4) base on 5) (of spirit) possess 4) lean lightly on/against sthg, touch sthg 5) be
sb patient, go the same speed as the one in front 6) trudge
mx^kin\;rxc\ [hmi gein; shin] n [math] dependent variable Upsa, wade through, continue (reluctantly), endure
mx^Kiu [hmi kho] v 1) depend on (sb) [hmi go] 2) take refuge
in (sthg) [? how do these relate to a: ta:, a: ko:] — part ¬count word used to count stretches of sleep
— n dependent = ™ er; [ nc]
mx^Kiura [hmi go ya] n person or thing that supports one; emx;mxin\ [hme; hmein] v fade; lose shine, dull CF mOn\wå;
sthg one takes refuge in [? check asylum? ] mx´Ï [hmE.] n mole, dark spot on the skin; (on face) beauty
mx^®cm\;(®po) [hmi nyan; (pyu.)] v 1) ¬be based on, be mark, beauty spot Ω mx´Ïts\epåk\-msXn\; spotless, perfect,
adapted from Ω mx^®cm\;®powtÊo adaptation CF mx^; 2) base on without a single mark CW epåk\
mx^tc\; [hmi tin;] v reside (as a dependent) [? check mx´Ïe®Kak\ [hmE. gyau'] n ™freckle
clarify] mx´Ïrxc\ [hmE. shin] n mole which moves or disappears and
mx^w´ [hmi wE;] v 1) eat (for subsistence, nourishment) reappears
2) associate with 3) have sex 4) use (drugs, alcohol, emxa\1 [hmaw] n 1) algae, layer or cloud of tiny plants in
etc) water or damp place 2) [art] kind of floral relief
mx^AMu; [hmi on;] n bolster, pillow to lean on 3) husks and spoiled grains, seeds, beans, etc
mx^; [hmi;] v 1) base on, adapt 2) be based on, be adapted CF AP¥c\;Aemxa\
from 3) take refuge in [? check not really happy with emxa\R⁄Mu [hmaw yon] n jungle S YN eta“mioc\
this and some of hmi too] emxa2\ [hmaw] n 1) magic, sorcery, witchcraft 2) [fig] spell,
mO [hmu.] v [usu neg] treat sb/sthg with care, consideration, hold 3) [fig] inspiration
respect, etc, pay attention to Ω A´d^kisß mmOelak\B¨;" That emxa\Sra [hmaw hsåya] n magician, sorcerer
matter is not worth mentioning. emxa\epåk\ [hmaw pau'] v go insane while practicing
— part 1) suffix to verb or noun, to form abstract noun:

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 346

emxa\ ª miOc\
sorcery emxak\l¥k\ [hmau' ye'] n position with front or top
emxa\R¨; [hmaw yu:]n 1) person who goes insane during down, prone position, prostrate position Ω emxak\l¥k\ps\'
initiation into magic 2) [fig] maniac [? check tone] emxak\l¥k\Aip\
emxa\qXc\; [hmaw thwin;] v 1) give magical powers 2) [fig] mxc\1 [hmin] n 1) composure, poise, demeanour, bearing
initiate sb into new activity, habit, etc CF hn\e nhn\ Ta; 2) œthe posture of a musician when
emxa\eAac\⁄ [hmaw aung] v attain magical powers playing
emxa\3 [hmaw] n jade mine mxc\tk\mi [hmin te' mI] v be stunned, be dumbfounded,
emxa\eAac\Ÿ [hmaw aung] v strike a vein of high-quality be nonplussed, be flabbergasted
jade mxc\emac\; [hmin maung;] n dignified bearing, poise
emxa\K¥U\ [hmaw gyin] n ŒIndian sorrel, kind of sour mxc\eq [hmin the] v 1) be calm, be composed CF Apiu;eq
medicinal herb S YN mOita;tiu' mOiK¥U\ 2) give a calm impression, have poise
emxa\R2Mu [hmaw yon] n kind of tree used for timber mxc\(sa)2 [hmin (sa)] n kind of demon CF mekac\;Siu;wå; [? check
mOi1 [hmo] n 1) mushroom (usu edible), toadstool (if isn't this the one wiht the tiny mouth adn big
poisonous) 2) mould (Br), mold (Am) (esp on food), stomach?]
fungus, mildew (esp on cloth and surfaces) CF På;U mxc\3 [hmin] n bristle, stiff hair
3) (push)pin (Br), (thumb)tack (Am) mxc\SM [hmin zan] n mane, long hair on the neck of lion,
mOik¥c\; [hmo gyin;] n bed of mushrooms; fairy ring horse, etc Ω ®Keqç.mxn\-mmxn\ mxc\SM-qk\eq" You can tell the
mOiK¥io;mYs\K¥io; [hmo gyo; hmyi' cho;] adv (speak) insultingly, lion by his mane. The mane is the proof of the real lion.
cuttingly mxc\Riu; [hmin yo;] n 1) back of a horse's neck CF ®mc\;
mOiK¥U\⁄ [hmo gyin] n pickled mushrooms, marinated 2) œraised part of the esac\; (harp), where the holes for
mushrooms the strings are 3) edges of gem facets CF AkXk\
mOie®Kak\pn\;e®Kak\ [hmo gyau' pan: gyau'] n dried emxac\ [hmaung] v be dark, be gloomy, be murky
mushrooms and flower stems, used in soup — n dark, [poet] gloom RF Aemxac\.
mOirt´.m¥k\Nxa [hmo ya. tE. mye' hna] n [fig] delighted emxac\”k^;mv\;”k^; [hmaung gyi; mE; gyi;] n blackness, total
expression darkness
mOiK¥U\ [hmo gyin] n Œkind of sour medicinal herb S YN emxa\K¥U\' emxac\kXy\ [hmaung gwE] n shade, area in shadow
mOina;tiu S YN Arip\
mOina;tiu [hmo nådo] n Œ1) kind of sour medicinal herb emxac\Kiu [hmaung kho]
v 1) be hidden in the dark [hmaung
S YN emxa\K¥U\' mOiK¥U\ 2) water clover, kind of edible fern go] 2) smuggle, trade illegally
miO>1 [hmo.] n silk cotton, fibre from the pods of the silk — n 1) illegal trade, smuggling, black market trade
cotton tree, often used as stuffing or padding CF lk\pM' 2) smuggler; black-marketeer
l´ emxac\KiueZ; [hmaung kho ze;] n 1) black merket 2) black-
miO>(liuÏ)ªmiuÏ [hmo. lo.] part because market price
mxk\ [hme'] n kind of large biting fly, horsefly, gadfly emxac\K¥ [hmaung cha.] v 1) blackout (i.e., to avoid air
mxkƒRu [hme' khåyu.] n thrush, kind of fungal infection in attack) 2) (of news) embargo or blackout
mouth and throat emxac\miuk\ [hmaung mai'] v be dark, be lightless
emxak\ [hmau'] v 1) lie face down or on one's front or on emxac\mv\; [hmaung mE;] v be pitch black, be completely
one's stomach, be prostrate, be prone A NT pk\lk\ black
2) turn sthg over, turn sthg face down, place sthg face emxac\rip\ [hmaung yei'] n shadow, dark (place)
down, upside down, or with the open part down emxac\rip\Kiu [hmaung yei' kho] v lurk (in the dark)
CF e®pac\;®pn\ 3) overturn, flip, upset; turn over, roll (car), emxac\rip\KiumO [hmaung yei' kho hmu.] v [law] [? ??]
capsize (boat) 4) be (badly, completely) mistaken, be in emxac\. [hmaung.] v disturb, annoy, bother, trouble (sb)
error Ω A”kMemxak\' pvaemxak\' Niuc\cMemxak\ S YN lX´mxa; [? Ω Alu p\m¥a;rt´. AT´ mxa kel;ktemxa c\. [? check end of
check what is this disaster stuff? what is the opposite of sentence and trans]
tv\tM> ti dan.] emxac\.erac\. [hmaung. yaung.] v Óvex, annoy S YN eNxak\yxk\
emxak\KMu [hmau' khon] adv (be) face down, (lie) on one's miOc\ [hmain] v mope, brood, be depressed, be despondent
stomach or face down or on one's front, prostrate, prone Ω mOic\ Rup\KM
A NT pk\lk\ — n œsad song, lament
emxak\eta\ [hmau' taw] n Ólord miOc\Kn\; [hmain gan;] n [drama] sad scene
emxak\mxa; [hmau' hma;] v 1) make a mistake, do sthg miOc\ciuK¥c\; [hmain ngo chin;] n œmusic played in marionette
wrong; do sthg bad Ω AetX;AeKÅemxak\mxa; have illusions [? show when the B^l¨; (ogre) cries
check last] 2) fail to mantain one's honour, by having miOc\etXK¥ [hmain twe cha.] v be discouraged, be
sex with someone one should not 3) hallucinate demoralized, be dejected, be hopeless [? check broken??
Ω AaRMue mxa k\ mxa; [? check whole and complete example] how bad?]
miOc\piuÏ [hmain po.] v œplay background music in a sad

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 347

mOic\; ª mxn\
scene CF mxt\ek¥ak\
mOic\; [hmain;] n 1) smoke, fumes; soot 2) [fig] bad mxt\tiuc\ [hma' tain] n 1) busstop 2) signpost 3) boundary
influence, sway post 4) [fig] landmark Upsa CF qmiuc\;mxt\tiuc\ [? new kyaw:
— v (of colour) be smoky, be dusky S YN mOn\wå; also any sign on a post?]
mOic\;KM [hmain; khan] v 1) smoke (fish, meat, etc) CF k¥p\tc\ mxt\tiuc\siuk\ [hma' tain sai'] v [fig] make history
2) ◊inhale smoke from medicinal herbs 3) fill hot-air mxt\tm\; [hma' tan;] n record, register, log Ω enÏsU\mxt\tm\;
balloon S YN mOic\;tiuk\' mOic\; w [? check word for balloon] diary, journal
mOic\;Kiu; [hmain; kho;] n smoke mxt\tm\;tc\ [hma' tan; tin] v record, docoment
mOic\;sX´ [hmain; swE;] v be sooty mxt\tm\;wc\ [hma' tan; win] v be on a list (of heroes,
mOic\;tiuk\ [hmain; tai'] v 1) smoke (rubber, fish, etc) 2) fill historical figures, etc)
hot-air balloon S YN mOic\;KM' mOic\;w 3) [fig] indoctrinate, mxt\Ta; [hma' hta;] v remember, make a mental note,
influence sb so they can no longer think clearly note
mxt\pMutc\ [hma' pon tin] v 1) register Ω mxt\pMutc\sa
mOic\;m [hmain; ma.] v aid, assist (sb in trouble), give relief registered letter 2) patent
— n 1) registration card, ID card, identification card
mOic\;mi [hmain; mI] v be captivated, be under a spell Upsa, 2) patent
be (completely) under sb's/sthg's influence mxt\®pc\ [hma' pyin] n lap, wheel for polishing gems
mOic\;w [hmain; wa.] v fill a hot-air balloon S YN mOic\;KM' mOic\;tiuk\ mxt\mi [hma' mI] v recall, remember, recollect
mxt\m^; [hma' mi;] n black tourmaline S YN mh¨ra
mOic\;lMu;eka\eza [main; (hmain;) lon; kaw zaw;] n kind of woven mxt\mxt\Úmxt\mxt\ [hma' hma' … hma' hma'] part [? what is
carpet with a dense pattern [ ph] this?]
mxv\.1 [hmE.] v 1) (of fruit, etc) be ripe 2) [fig] reach a ripe mxt\mxt\rr [hma' hma' ya. ya.] adv (remember, recall,
old age 3) [of boil, abcess, etc] be ripened, be ready to recollect) vividly; exactly, distinctly
drain 4) ∞(of ƒ) be beautiful mxt\mxt\qa;qa; [hma' hma' tha; tha;] adv 1) so it will be
mxv\.eÂkXeÂkX [hmE. gwe kywe] v [fig] die at a ripe old age remembered 2) conscientiously
mxv\.ep¥a\' mxv\.lXn\; [hmE. pyaw, hmE. lun;] v be overripe mxt\y¨ [hma' yu] v believe
mxv\.2 [hmE.] v name mxt\elak\qa;elak\ [hma' lau' tha; lau'] adv worthily of
mxt\ [hma'] v 1) notice, take note of 2) note (down), write being recorded
down 3) mark, grade, evaluate (schoolwork, etc) 4) keep mxt\qa; [hma' tha;] v note down (for future reference),
in mind, remember; memorize 5) think (of), regard make a mental note, bear in mind
(sthg/sb as) 6) fix, set (time, alarm, etc) [? check] mxit\ [hmei'] v 1) (of eyes) shut, close 2) (of light) put
7) Ó[of monarch] order, decree, ordain out, turn off, shut off S YN Pit\ 3) [fig] deliberately
mxt\kera. [hma' kåyaw.] exp 1) expression of surprise ignore = zXt\mxit\
when sthg goes wrong because of a mistake: let this be — adv patiently, tolerantly, without complaint,
a lesson to you 2) expression used to bring attention to uncomplainingly
an important point [? check] mxit\tut\mxit\tut\ [hmei' to' hmei' to'] adv (of eyes)
mxt\ek¥ak\ [hma' kyau'] n touchstone, kind of black blinking; (of light, star, etc) flickering, sparkling,
stone used to test the quality of gold and other metals twinkling
mOt\1 [hmo'] v 1) blow 2) (of wind instrument) play
mxt\ek¥ak\tc\ [hma' kyau' tin] v 1) test on a touchstone Ω pelX mOt\ play the flute 3) spray 4) [fig] speak, chant,
CF mxt\tiuk\ 2) [fig] test sthg/sb out, put sthg/sb to the recite Ω mn\; mOt\ chant mantras
test mOt\eS; [hmo' hse;] n 1) spray paint 2) inhalant which is
mxt\k¥Mo [hma' kyon] v Óheed blown into patient's nose
mxt\K¥k\ [hma' che'] n 1) note, observations, remark, mOt\w´ [hmo' wE;] n whirlpool which pushes things out
comment 2) (written) notes, record, minutes RF mxt\sa⁄. CF sup\w´
3) important point, item mOt\2 [hmo'] v purify (silver)
mxt\K¥k\K¥ [hma' che' cha.] v CF ekak\K¥k\K¥ [? new from — n serving spoon, ladle Ω Aun\; mOt\' Tn\; es.mOt\
you] — part count word for servings from a ladle: scoop,
mxt\sa⁄ [hma' sa] n 1) notes 2) Órules of behaviour for spoonful, ladle Ω erts\mOt\ a drink of water [ nc]
officials of the royal court mOt\la; [hmo' la;] int isn't that so? contraction of
mxt\saŸ [hma' sa] n various abrasives used to polish mhut\(B¨;)la;
gems mxn\ [hman] v 1) be right, be correct, be true; (of sthg) be
mxt\ [hma' su.] n notes certain S YN hut;\ A NT mxa;(yXc\;)' lX´ 2) be regular 3) be
mxt\ˆa%\ [hma' nyan] n memory, ability to recall punctual, be on time 4) hit (a mark) RF mxn\T.i 5) sight,
mxt\tiuk\ [hma' tai'] v rub on a touchstone to test aim

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 348

mxn\ ª mxn\;
mxn\ [hman kan] v be right, be true, be correct mxn\b^Riu [hman bi do] n wardrobe, cabinet, cupboard,
mxn\ [hman dain] n 1) central post holding thread in a swift armoire, etc with a mirror or glass front
CF rs\eKåc\; 2) pointer of a sundial CF ennar^ 3) place in mxn\B^l¨; [hman bålu;] n 1) lens 2) magnifying glass
front of the forehead of the qiÂka; (king of the nats) Ω A%u kv\. mxn\B^l¨; microscope
figure on the top of the lion throne CF q^haqnpl¬c \ mxn\m^;Aim\ [hman mi; ein] n lantern S YN m^;Aim\' mxn\Aim\
[ bs] [? check def 3 and what about!] mxn\erac\qÂka; [hman yaung thågya;] n rock sugar,
mxn\ [hman dan;] adv (behave) properly, correctly; (work) crystallized sugar
according to the criteria mxn\erac\hc\;K¥io [hman yaung hin; gyo] n clear soup,
mxn\ [hman do'] n plumb line S YN K¥in\(Tup\)' eKX;lYa' consomme
p^la;”kio; mxn\lMu(ka;) [hman lon (ka;)] n coach, high-quality bus
mxn\ [hman ba. hpåya;] n [fig] yesmanism, sycophancy with glass windows and air conditioning
mxn\®p⁄ [hman bya.] n handbook, concise reference manual mxn\ly\epåk\ [hman lE bau'] n glass fanlight with a
swivel frame (illus)
mxn\qmY' mxn\qerX>' mxn\qj [hman thåmya., hman thåywe., mxn\Aim\ [hman ein] n lantern S YN m^;Aim\
hman thåywe.] part noun suffix: all that are really (noun) mxn\k¨2 [mågu (hman gu)] n 1) Brahmin caste-mark
mxn\ [hman] n 1) (rolled) glass, glass (panes) CF Pn\ (blown) 2) Œoleaster plum, wild olive, large vine with a bright
glass' Pl\ 2) mirror Ω kiuy\lMu; epÅmxn\ full-length mirror red, sour, oblong edible fruit 3) lozenge, diamond
S YN Âkv\. mxn\ CF eÂk;mMu (shape); rhombus CF razmt\kXk\' SNXc\;mkc\; kXk\' rm±ø RF
mxn\k®mc\; [hman kåmyin;] n magic mirror which shows a mxn\k¨kXk\. (illus) [ ph]
person without clothes mxn\k¨kp\ [mågu ka'] v make the Brahmin caste-mark on
mxn\ka; [hman ga;] n car, sedan [? new check which the forehead
kinds] mxn\k¨kXk\ [mågu gwe'] lozenge, diamond (shape);
mxn\k¨ [hman ku] v be reflected [? new] rhombus CF SNXc\;mkc\; kXk\' razmt\kXk\' rm±ø
mxn\KMu; [hman gon;] n convex lens CF mxn\KXk\ mxn\kc\; [hman gin;] n 1) pinnacle of the ®paqad\ roof CF turc\
mxn\KXk\ [hman gwe'] n concave lens CF mxn\KMu; 2) [fig] person or thing in the highest position, ne plus
mxn\sa⁄ [hman za] n mirror writing, i.e., words written ultra
right-to-left and backwards mxn\eta. [hman daw.] n Œtree with edible yellow fruit, bark of
mxn\saŸ [hman za] n ground glass for the strings of which can be used to make yellow dye
fighting kites mxn\®Pø [hman byu] n Œkind of tree with hard, pale wood
mxn\s^ [hman zi] n glass or mirror mosaic [? check also mxn\la [hman la] n Œkind of gardenia vine with small,
stained glass window?] thorned fruit
mxn\s^erWK¥ [hman zi shwe cha.] n 1) stained glass mosaic in mxn\lYc\; [hman hlyin;] n Œkind of tree with edible fruit
gilding 2) art of creating stained glass mosaics in mxn\; [hman;] v 1) estimate, project, gauge, guess, call
gilding 2) aim; intend; expect, surmise; reckon
mxn\tMKå; [hman dåga;] n (glass of a) window; (window) Ω By\ Nxs\e yak\ lamy\ liuÏ mmx n\;tt\ B¨;" I don't know how
pane [? new] many people to expect.
mxn\tc\KMu [hman tin gon] n 1) dressing table, vanity (illus) — part 1) suffix to noun phrase, verb, or future
2) mirror stand sentence, to indicate certainty, awareness, often used
mxn\enak\ [hman nau'] n frosted glass; ground glass with verbsqi and Tc\, and often neg; (the fact) that…
mxn\nn\;eta\ [hman nan; daw] n Óthe glass palace, the Ω AKu-K¥k\®Kc\; TX k\-qXa;Âkmy\ mxn\; mqi B¨;" I didn't realise we
crystal palace, a large apartment in the Mandalay palace were leaving right now! Ω q¨tiuÏ mxn\; mTc\B¨;" I don't think
with walls of mirror mosaic and zinc gilding [ bs] they are the ones. Ω By\liu rxc\;my\mxn\; mqiB¨;" I don't
know how we will solve this. Ω kel;etX Bwn´Ïpt\qk\t´.
mxn\nn\;Ap¥ioeta\ [hman nan; Apyo daw] n Ómaids of ek¥ac\; mxn\; kn\mxn\; mqiB¨;" When it comes to life, children
honour who lived in the mxn\nn\;eta\ S YN mxn\nn\;eSac\ [ bs] don't know a monastery from a pond (i.e., don't know
[? check syn] anything). 2) prefix to a phrase indicating testing or
mxn\epåc\ [hman baung] n glass (picture) frame evaluating situation, circumstance, etc, for emphasis
mxn\®pŸ [hman bya.] n œtip of the shaft of the esac\;, Ω mx n\;Âkv\.reAac\" Let's see. [? how to deal with their
which has a small mirror on it second part? only used with kyI and pya.? need much
mxn\®ptc\; [hman bådin; (byådin;)] n (glass) window better examples... Also need positive example for def 1]
mxn\e®pac\; [hman byaung;] n 1) telescope; spyglass
2) binoculars, field glasses, opera glasses 3) periscope mxn\;K¥k\ [hman; gye'] n estimate, guess, approximation
(illus all) mxn\;e®K [hman; gye] n estimation, projection, calculation,
mxn\®Pt\sin\ [hman bya' sein] n glazier's diamond, diamond reckoning Ω mxn\;e®K kiuk\ty\" The projection was correct. It
used to cut glass came out as estimated.

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 349

mxin\ ª e®mX
mxn\;S [hman; hsa.] v guess, speculate, conjecture mOn\ÏmOn\Ïvk\vk\ [hmon. hmon. nye' nye'] adv (smash, crush)
mxn\;Sc\m [hman; hsin ma.] n tame female elephant used to into smithereens, atoms, bits and pieces
lure wild elephants into a trap CF k¥Mo; S YN qiqivk\vk\' sisimXmX' sisivk\vk\
mxn\;Ta; [hman; hta;] v earmark, keep for a certain mOn\; [hmon;] v 1) pulverize, crush to powder 2) destroy,
purpose crush 3) touch up, retouch 4) dress up
mxin\ [hmein] v 1) fade, dim; become dull, lose shine 2) [fig] mOn\;ta [hmon: ta] n winning post in boat race
decline, wane; fade Upsa CF mOn\' wå; S YN pn\; tiuc\
mxin\ep¥ak\ [hmein pyau'] n fade in CF mxin\lc\; mOMªmOn\ [hmon] n&v 1) be dim A NT lc\; 2) (go, become) dim
mxin\eP¥a. [hmein hpyaw.] v (of light) be pale, be dim, be 3) [fig] (of day, sky, expression, face, etc) be gloomy,
soft [? check tone: feeble, faint, low, weak?] be dark(ened); be angry, be sullen, be glum S YN Viu;
mxin\lc\; [hmein lin;] n fade in CF mxin\ep¥ak\ [? check new A NT rWc\ 4) be indistinct, be unclear A NT rxc\; lc\; 5) (of
from arts dic + above] vision, eyes, eyesight, etc) be poor, be dim, be bad
mxin\;1 [hmein;] v 1) doze, drowse, be half asleep, with eyes CF An^;mO n\' Aew;mO n\ 5) be fine

closed 2) nap 3) [fig] keep one's thoughts to oneself, AmOMªAmOn\ [Ahmon] n 1) dimness; obscurity 2) anger;
not say what one is thinking sullenness 3) fine particles, motes, dust, powder; spray,
mxin\;Sc\ [hmein; hsin] n untrained young elephant mist, haze
mxin\;2 [hmein;] n two-pronged spear, harpoon, etc (illus) ®mXaª®mWa [hmwa] n 1) segment (of sthg round, e.g., lemon)
mOn\ [hmon] v 1) be dim Ω m^;erac\mOn\ty\" The firelight was dim. 2) twins 3) multiple births, i.e., triplets, quadruplets,
A NT lc\; 2) (go, become) dim 3) [fig] (of day, sky, quintuplets, sextuplets, etc
expression, face, etc) be gloomy, be dark(ened); be e®mX [mwe] n 1) snake 2) [sl] trouble
angry, be sullen, be glum Ω m¥k\Nxa”k^;k mOn\entap´" e®mXk¥c\ekac\ [mwe kyin gaung] n kind of small snake
rn\®Ps\laqla;" S YN Viu; A NT rWc\ 4) be indistinct, be e®mX”k^;lc\;e®mX [mwe gyi; lin; mwe] n children's game in
unclear A NT rxc\; lc\; 5) (of vision, eyes, eyesight, etc) be which the players hold hands in a line, and the first
poor, be dim, be bad CF An^;mOn\' Aew;mOn\ 5) be fine tries to catch the last
Ω qnp\Kå; mO n\e n-e Aac\ li m\;-Ta;ty\" She has put on e®mXsim\; [mwe zein;] n green viper, a venomous snake
thanakha and she looks so fine. Ω e®p;qXa;tamOn\liuÏ" e®mXsim\;“m^;e®Kak\ [mwe zein; mi; gyau'] n bamboo pit-viper,
Ω mO n\e neAac\eK¥aty\" [? better trans, and where does the venomous snake with a brown tail
running one go?] e®mXsXy\k¥io; [mwe zwE gyo;] n [fig] sb harmless (like a
— n 1) dimness; obscurity 2) anger; sullenness snake with broken fangs), pussycat
mOn\kup\kup\ [hmon ko' ko'] adv glumly, sullenly e®mXSiu; [mwe zo;] n venomous snake
mOn\timOn\mWa;' mOn\mOn\mWa;mWa; [hmon tI hmon hmwa;, hmon hmon e®mXtXn\ [mwe tun] v (of snake) hiss
hmwa; hmwa;] adv hazily, blurrily; dimly, indistinctly e®mXna;pc\;pit\ [mwe nåbin; bei'] n kind of viper
Ω m¥k\simekac\;eta. Aa;luM; kiu mOn\mOn\mWa;mWa;p´" My eyes are e®mXptMuÏ [mwe bådon.] n kind of non-venomous snake;
bad, so everything is all blurry. when threatened, it keeps its head down and raises its
mOn\mWa; [hmon hmwa;] v 1) be blurry, be hazy, be tail to fool the attacker
indistinct 2) be very small, be tiny e®mXpå [mwe ba] n mongoose
mOn\wå; [hmon wa;] v 1) be blurry, be hazy 2) be doubtful, e®mXpå;kc\;på; [mwe ba; kin; ba;] n place likely to have
be uncertain; be indecisive snakes and scorpions
mOn\wå;wå; [hmon wa; wa;] v 1) be blurry, be hazy, be e®mXp¨rakc\;emxac\. [mwe pu ya kin; hmaun.] v [fig] one
indistinct 2) [fig] be directionless trouble on top of another L I T : ‘when you are worried
mOn\qiu;qiu; [hmon tho; dho:] adv sullenly, glumly about the snake, the scorpion comes too’
AmOn\ [Ahmon] n 1) dimness; obscurity 2) anger; e®mXepåk\ [mwe pau'] v (of snake) bite
sullenness 3) fine particles, motes, dust, powder; spray, e®mXpup\m [mwe bo' ma.] n kind of non-venomous water
mist, haze CF ®mø' mX' mOn\Ï' wt\mOn\' ermOn\' ®mømOn\' AKiu; AmOn\ snake
e®mX®pdå; [mwe båda;] n sunbeam snake, non-venomous
AmOn\AmWa; [åhmon Ahmwa:] n 1) particle, mote snake with a silvery skin
Ω Aew;”k^;mxa rxi t´. Âky\ekX AmOn\AmWa;etXliup´" The far away e®mXepX; [mwe bwe;] n viper, esp Russell's viper
stars are like motes. 2) [fig] sthg or sb obscure, e®mXepX;Kå;piuk\piuk\ [mwe bwe; gåbai'pai'] v [fig]
undistinguished, inconsequential unknowingly shelter a dangerous person
AmOn\ASn\' AmOn\Any\ [åhmon Ahsan, åhmon AnE] n e®mXepX;piu;Ti [mwe bwe; po; htI] exp [fig] the swindler is
sediment swindled L IT : ‘the snake is bitten by insects’ [? check
AmOn\AmOik\ [åhmon Ahmai'] n dust and dirt double-crossed?]
mOn\Ï [hmon.] n flour (p´mOn\Ï bean flour; g¥MomOn\Ï wheat flour), powder e®mXPm\; [mwe hpan;] v [sl] look for trouble
(cRup\q^; mOn\Ï chilli powder), dust CF ®mø' mX' mOn\' mOn\; e®mXmeqtut\mk¥io; [mwe måthe do' måkyo;] adv [fig]
(compromise) so neither side will be hurt

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 350

®mXk\ ª mYc\
e®mXerl´ [mwe ye lE:] v (of snake) cast off skin check better def]
e®mXRiu; [mwe yo;] n 1) ridges in ornamental floral AmYAtn\; [åhmya. åtan;] n [? check def]
carvings 2) ridge between faces of a spearhead 3) ridge mYa; [hmya;] v 1) lure, bait (an animal) 2) fish (with bait)
of undisturbed soil between furrows of a ploughed field 3) lure, tempt; give incentive
emYa [hmyaw;] v 1) set adrift, set afloat, let drift
e®mXlk\pp\ [mwe le' pa'] n whip snake, kind of long, thin 2) venture; let sb explore (possibilities, prospects, etc),
snake give leeway to
e®mXlmJay\ [mwe lan mE] n 1) snake charmer 2) snake- emYaK¥ [hmyaw; cha.] v wash sthg down, drink (while
charming exhibition swallowing sthg); chase
e®mXlim\e®mXekak\ [mwe lein mwe gau'] v zigzag, twist and emYasa [hmyaw; za] n 1) permit to transport timber,
turn bamboo, and certain other goods 2) memo, circular,
— adv tortuously, twisting and turning, zigzag notice (to be circulated in an office, department, etc)
e®mXq¨eta\ [mwe thu daw] n kind of non-venomous snake = emYasatX´' RuM; sa [? check last]
which eats no meat emYasatX´ [hmyaw; za dwE;] n memo, circular, notice (to
e®mXqM®Pt\ [mwe than bya'] n [fig] injured snake, i.e., now be circulated in an office, department, etc)
more dangerous because angry emYaTa; [hmyaw; hta;] v make a long-term investment,
e®mXqMerac\ [mwe than yaung] n kind of grey snake sink money into sthg
e®mXehak\ [mwe hau'] n cobra CF cn\;e®mX emYapiuk\ [hmyaw; pai'] n drift net
e®mXAn\ [mwe an] n vine with roots used in anti-venom emYab¨;ªemYaB¨; [hmyaw; bu:] n
®mXk\ [mwe' (mywe')] v ¬ 1) speak 2) give speech CF eha' emYaliuk\ [hmyaw; lai'] v [fig] go with the flow (inf)
mit\ RF ®mXt\Âka;. 3) speak out RF ®mXt\h. emYaelx;ªem¥aelx; [hmyaw; hle;] n
®mXk\Âka; [mwe' (mywe') kya;] v address an audience, give — n plankton, mass of tiny animals and plants that
a speech drift near the surface of water
®mXk\Siu [mwe' (mywe') hso] v 1) address an audience, give emYa. [hmyaw.] n 1) leech, blood-sucking worm usually
a speech 2) say living in water 2) metal clamp RF emYa.kup\. (illus)
®mXk\ePa\' ®mXk\h [mwe' (mywe') hpaw, mwe' (mywe') ha.] v 3) great, great, great grandchild CF eSXm¥io;suz ya;' e®m [?
speak out are these REALLY from the same root???]
mY [hmya.] v 1) share, distribute equally 2) be even, be emYa.kXc\;' emYa.”kio; [hmyaw. gwin, hmyaw. gyo;] n rubber
equal; be proportionate CF v^mY' p¥m\;mY band S YN qa;erkXc\;
— part ¬1) suffix to verb or verb+q to show emYa.eÂkac\; [hmyaw. gyaung;] n 1) fluting on a knife blade
equivalent quantity: as much as, as many as, all that is 2) fluting
Ω rxi qmYep;på" Give as much as you have. = ™ elak\ emYa.eqX;sm\; [hmyaw. dhwe; san;] v [fig] put out feelers
2) suffix to a phrase: in extent, in quantity, (usu Upsa, quietly explore possibilities S YN eqX; tiu;sm\;
suggesting it is more or less than expected) Ω (8000)mY emYa.tXy\ [hmyaw. dwE] [? check new from proofing;
mk (9000) ek¥aep;rqv\" It was even more than 8000 check pron too]
kyat; they had to pay over 9000. = ™ etac\ (for more)' emYa\ [hmyaw] v 1) look into the distance 2) expect; look
p´' qa (for less) 3) suffixed to count word to indicate forward to Ω menÏ k emYa\ty\" We were expecting you
approximation: about, approximately, roughly 4) even, yesterday. 3) hope for, long for; look at with longing
as much as (before neg verb) Ω n´n´mYmep; They didn't even — n skill of a performer in expressing longing for her
give a little. Ω ska;ts\KXn\; mY me®pa" He did not speak a husband, lover, or son
word. = ™ mx 5) particle placed before the verb in a emYa\kiu; [hmyaw go;] v rely on, look forward to and count
negative imperative or order Ω m¨; ys\eS;wå;mY erxac\;på on, anticipate, expect
Avoid drugs. = ™ mx emYa\eKÅ [hmyaw khaw] v contemplate or think about the
tmY' AmY [tåhmya., åhmya.] part suffix to noun+n´Ï or Nxc\. as future
much as, the same as, equivalent to; equally, in the emYa\sc\ [hmyaw zin] n watchtower, guard tower
same way Ω eA;At¨ p¨AmY Share good times and bad. emYa\tlc\.lc\. [hmyaw tålin. lin.] adv hopefully
CF Av^AmY emYa\mxn\; [hmyaw hman;] v hope for, expect
mYe®K [hmya. che] v [? what?] emYa\lc\. [hmyaw lin.] v hope
mYt [hmya. ta.] v 1) be fair, be just; be equitable 2) be
emYa\lc\.K¥k\ [hmyaw lin. gye'] n hope
enough, be sufficient Ω lMuelak\mYt need full sentence!
mYio> [hmyo.] n splendour, glory
3) (of weather, climate, etc) be pleasant, be nice
mYio>k¥k\qer [hmyo. kye' thåye] n ¬splendour, glory
AmY [åhmya.] n 1) equal amount or quantity 2) share;
sharing with others, e.g., of merit
mYc\ [hmyin] v 1) cut into strands 2) be threadlike, be long-
AmYtXk\ [åhmya. twe'] v (take an) average CF p¥m\;mY®Kc\;
— n shrimp, very small sea creature CF puzXn\ [? check if
AmYmY [åhmya. hmya.] adv in equal amounts
really shrimp]
AmYep;(ew) [åhmya. pe; (we)] v offer one's merit [ bh] [?

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 351

mYs\ ª emW;
mYc\cå;pi [hmyin ngåpI] n shrimp paste full sentence, e.g., triangle has three sides] 3) point;
AmYc\m®pt\ [Amyin mApya'] adv continuously corner; angle Ω (5)e®mHac\.-Âky\ five-pointed star
S YN — part count word used for faces, sides, and round
mYs\ [hmyi'] n bamboo shoot things divided in wedges or slices Ω Âkk\qXn\;®Pø (8)-e®mHac\.
mYs\K¥U\ [hmyi' chin] n pickled bamboo shoots 8 cloves of garlic CF ®mWa [ nc]
mYs\siuÏepåk\ [hmyi' so. bau'] n [fig] strong young man, young Ae®mHac\. [åhmyaung.] n 1) wedge, slice, section (of sthg
bull Upsa round) CF ®mWc\; 2) face, side, edge (of triangle, pentagon,
mYs\St\ [hmyi' hsa'] n thinly sliced wå;piu; bamboo shoots etc); angle (formed by the sides)
mYU\; [hmyin;] v take one's time, do sthg gradually Ae®mHac\.ePa\' Ae®mHac\.lup\ [åhmyaung. hpaw, åhmyaung. lo']
®mHø [hmyu] v 1) lure, entice, tempt, tantalize; persuade RF v make sthg rounded many-sided, e.g., brick, column,
®mHøSXy\. 2) amuse, play with 3) try to seduce ornament
CF SX´eSac\®mHø ®mHop\ [hmyo'] v 1) submerge, put under water or other
®mHøSXy\ [myu hswE] v lure, entice, tempt, tantalize; liquid, make sthg sink CF ns\ 2) bury (in earth, sand, etc)
persuade 3) embed (in wood, metal, wall, floor, etc) 4) invest
e®mH; [hmye;] v enmesh, entangle, wrap up (in fine skin, S YN rc\;Nx^;Ta; 5) conceal, cover up, hide sthg S YN PMu; kX y\
membrane, i.e., sthg difficult to remove)
— n film, skin (on heated liquid); membrane, pleura ◊ ®mHop\kXk\ [hmyo' kwe'] n hidden or undisclosed fact,
information, etc
e®mH;yxk\ [hme; (hmye;) she'] v be mingled, be entangled, ®mHop\NxM [hmyo' hnan] v 1) submerge (in liquid) 2) bury (in
be inextricable Ω eraeTX;e®mH; yxk\ confused tangle earth, sand, etc) 3) embed (in another material)
4) invest 5) dedicate oneself (to a calling, vocation,
Ae®mH; [åhme; (Ahmye;)] n film, skin (on heated liquid);
cause, etc)
membrane, pleura ◊ CF Aemx;
Ae®mH;Ayxk\ [åhme; (Ahmye;) åshe'] n tangle, knot, “mMHo; [hmyon;] n kind of bamboo fish trap
interweaving, confusion; obscurities [? check: “mMHo;ktuM; [hmyon; gådon;] n kind of bamboo fish trap with
bewilderment? wilderness? labyrinth? ] a wide mouth
e®mHak\ [hmau'] v 1) elevate, raise, put up S YN pc\. 2) toss, “mMHo;k¥s\ [hmyon; kyi'] v make a bamboo fish trap
fling S YN ps\e®mHak\ 3) flatter S YN pc\.' eqX; Tiu; RF e®mHak\pc\. ®mMHo;eTac\ [hmyon; htaung] v set a fishtrap [? check new
4) [math] multiply Ω 2 n´Ï 2 e®mHak\rc\ 4 rty\" 2 times 2 proofing]
is 4. A NT sa 5) elect; appoint (to high office) “mMHo;epåc\;l´ [hmyon; paung; lE;] n bamboo fish trap set lying
S YN tc\e®mHak\ down
e®mHak\kin\;' e®mHak\e®K [hmau' kein;, hmau' che] n “mMHo;mi [hmyon; mI] v [fig] be trapped
multiplier A NT sa;kin\;' sa;e®K “mMHo;qa;lxv\. [hmyon; tha; hlE.] n door in the wall of a
e®mHak\sa; [hmau' sa;] v favour specially, give opportunity bamboo fish trap
to (sb particular) AmWaªA®mWa [Ahmwa] n
e®mHak\sv\ [hmau' si] n œroyal ceremonial drum, played mWa; [hmwa;] n 1) tick, kind of biting parasite 2) trifle,
at the entrance of the king and queen small matter, insignificant person CF påmWa;' AmOn\AmWa;'
e®mHak\Tiu;pc\.eka\lup\ [hmau' hto; pin. gaw lo'] v incite, egg Aeq;AmWa;
on, push (sb to do sthg harmful to self) mWa;epåk\ [hmwa; bau'] n smokehole, small hole for
e®mHak\ep; [hmau' pe;] v 1) flatter 2) encourage fireplace smoke to escape CF m^; lc\;Piu
e®mHak\pc\. [hmau' pin.] v flatter emW [hmwe] v 1) stir Ω lk\Pk\rv\-meqak\m^ emWrmy\" Stir your
e®mHak\ePa\kin\; [hmau' hpaw kein;] n [math] coefficient; tea before you drink it. RF emWeNxak\. 2) ransack, rummage
cofactor or rifle (through), search thoroughly RF emWeNxak\.
e®mHak\rkin\;' e®mHak\ld\ [hmau' ya. kein;, hmau' la'] n 3) perturb, disrupt, cause trouble 4) Í(of gunfire) spray
[math] product, result of multiplication
e®mHak\liuk\e®Kak\liuk\ [hmau' lai' chau' lai'] adv (force sb emWeNxak\ [hmwe hnau']
v 1) stir 2) ransack, rummage or
to do sthg) by flattery and threats rifle (through), search thoroughly
e®mHak\lMu;pc\.lMu; [hmau' lon; pin. lon;] n flattery, false emW> [hmwe.] v (of main body) spin, twirl; (of arms, ribbon,
compliment long pieces etc) flail
“miHok\ [hmyai'] v 1) singe, scorch; burn 2) [fig] burn Upsa, emW>yM [hmwe. yan;] v 1) twirl; whip around; throw (sb)
cheat, swindle about 2) (of wind) play, blow in different directions
®mHc\.(tc\) [hmyin. (tin)] v raise, elevate, put up high emW>el¥a [hmwe. lyaw] v Ódisport, enjoy oneself [? new
e®mHac\ [hmyaung] v 1) be or stay or move alongside; lie JO notes]
beside 2) depend on S YN m^xKiu emW; [hmwe;] v 1) be fragrant, smell sweet, have a scent
e®mHac\mya; [hmyaung måya;] n [? check new proofing] Ω KerpXc\. emW; ty\' sk¶øpn\;-k memW; B¨;" Starflowers smell

e®mHac\. [hmyaung.] n 1) sharp edge 2) side Ω (3)e®mHac\. [? check sweet; bougainvillea has no scent. S YN Âkø' qc\; CF AnMÏ

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 352

mWt\ ª ynªqkçayn
2) smell (a flower or other fragrant thing) Ω Nxc\;S^pn\; kiu anger. Ω msn\; sn\;m¥k\NxaÂkv\.eta. AK¥s\n´Ï mWn\T¨qXa;ty\"
emW;Âkv\.på" Smell the rose. CF nm\;' RØ 3) [child] kiss When he looked into Ma San San's eyes, he fell asleep.
Ω emW;emW;ep;" Give me a kiss. CF nm\; Ω d^e kac\ k min\; msi t\ mW n\e nty\" He is overwhelmed with
emW;Âkø [hmwe; kyu] v be fragrant, have a sweet scent love for a woman.
emW;”kioc\ [hmwe; kyain] v be aromatic, be savoury [? check mWn\;' mWm\; [hmun;] v 1) ‹recite (Buddhist teachings)
if only of food] 2) cover in (cuts, flowers, etc); smother in (gifts, praise,
emW;TMu [hmwe; hton] v have a long-lasting fragrance etc) [? check] 3) decorate, adorn, ornament 4) praise
emW;p¥M>' emW;lOic\ [hmwe; pyan., hmwe; hlain] v be fragrant, CF mX
scent (an area); smell (of), be redolent (of some scent) AmWn\;' AmWm\; [åhmun;] n spreading, diffusion
mWt\ [hmu'] v 1) whirl, spin rapidly and smoothly ®mWa [hmwa] v cut up in a pattern; cut into segments; score,
CF lv\pt\ 2) be very skilled, esp in language; (of cut without severing [? check: any kind of pattern?]
speaking) fluent Ω bmaska; mWt\en“p^;ena" Your Burmese is
fluent, isn't it! 3) smooth, delicate, fine 4) (of fruits and — n 1) segment (of sthg round, e.g., orange) 2) twins
vegetables) have flesh 3) multiple births, i.e., triplets, quadruplets,
mWn\ [hmun] v 1) (of smoke, fumes, dust, etc) be pervasive, be quintuplets, sextuplets, etc CF er®mWa amniotic sac
widespread 2) be choked (by smoke, dust, etc); sting — part 1) count word used for things in segments, e.g.,
(nose, throat, etc) Ω mWn\T¨liuÏ Aqk\RØmwqliu ®Ps\ty\" The lime, pomelo Ω kÁ´ekaq^; (3) ®mWa CF e®mHac\. 2) count word
smoke is choking me, I can hardly breathe. 3) be for babies in a multiple birth Ω (4) ®mWap¨; emX;K´.ty\" She
confused, be distracted, be irritated, be sick of had quadruplets.
Ω d^Rup\rxc\e kac\;eÂkac\; mWn\e neAac\Â ka;ty\" I've heard how A®mWa [åhmwa]
good that movie is until I'm sick of it. 4) be poisoned ®mWc\; [hmwin;] v slice, fillet (fish or meat) CF lx^; CW e®mHac\. [?
Ω ASip\mWn\ty\ [? check trans] 5) be overwhelmed, be check without bones?]
overcome (by sudden feeling) Ω q¨>kiu-ewPn\t´.AKå-edåqsit\n´Ï
mWn\T¨qXa;ty\" When I criticized him he was overcome by

y [ya.] n 1) 26th consonant in the Myanmar script S YN erx;erx; kal
2) symbol for ellipsis CF epy¥al ygc\ [yågin] n kind of ancient hairstyle
ypk\lk\ [ya. pe' le'] n 1) name of the y 2) [sl] yti [yådI] n (in Pali, ¬) place to pause when reading
Thailand (from yiu;dya;) aloud
ypc\. [ya. pin.] n name of the ¥ CF rrs\ yti®pt\ [yådI bya'] adv definitely, for sure
ykXc\; [yågwin;] n square fishing net rigged on a bamboo A“p^;A®pt\
pole, which is mounted on a boat yti®Pt\ [yadI hpya'] adv [? check meaning, part of
ykXc\;eTac\ [yågwin; htaung] v set a ykXc\; for fishing speech, etc]
yKu [yåkhu.] n present, current time; often used as a ytimxt\ [yådI hma'] n (in Pali, ¬) mark showing where
modifier noun Ω yKueKt\ the present time, our times to pause
Ω yKu AK¥in\ just now = AKu yÂta [yådåya] n ßritual, donation, or other action done to
— adv now, currently, at present, at this time avert misfortune or fulfil wish, often involving
yKuK¥k\K¥c\; [yåkhu. che' chin;] adv immediately, at once, symbolizing the event feared or wished for CF k¥in\;ek¥
now = ™ AKuK¥k\K¥c\; [ ph pl]
yKutiuc\ [yåkhu. tain] adv until now, up to now yÂtaek¥ [yådåya kye] v be an effective ritual
yKutXc\(k) [yåkhu. din (ga.)] adv just now yÂtaeK¥' yÂtaSc\ [yådåya che, yådåya hsin] v
yKuTi [yAkhu. htI] adv up till now, until now ßperform yÂta, perform a ritual, donation, etc to
yKuTk\Ti [yAkhu. hte' htI] adv even now, up till now prevent misfortune or fulfil wish
yKun [gu. na. (yåkhu. na.)] adv just now Ω yKun-e®pat´.-Atiuc\; as yÂtaAs^^Arc\ [yådåya Asi Ayin] n preparations for yÂta
you just said S YN Kunk' AKun [ ph] yTaB¨t [ya. hta bu ta.] n objectivity [? check in Pali Thet
y(Ku)enÏ [yå(khu.)ne.] n ¬today = ™ d^enÏ' kenÏ again]
yKuAKå [yåkhu. åkha] n just now yTaB¨tk¥ [ya. hta bu ta. kya.] v be objective; be right, be
yKc\ [yåkhin] adv before, in the past, previously = Arc\ just S YN qBawk¥ CF DmµDi™an\k¥
— n past, previous times yTaB¨tk¥k¥ [ya. hta bu ta. kya. gya.] adv objectively
Ω yTaB¨ tk¥k¥ sU\;sa;rc\ if you think it over objectively
yKc\.yKc\(k) [yåkhin. yåkhin (ga.)] adv at some time in
the past ynªqkçayn [yAna.] n doubt, suspicion
yeKåc\ [yåkhaung] n Óantiquity, far past, ancient times ynkc\; [yAna. kin;] v be beyond doubt, (of a person) be
above suspicion [? check]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 353

yenÏ ª y¨
ynmkc\; [yåna. måkin;] v (have a) doubt, be suspicious permanent
qkçayn' mqkça' qMqy
CF — adv temporarily, for a short time, for a while
ynrxc\; [yAna. shin;] v be beyond doubt, (of a person) be — n sthg temporary, temporary change, temporary
above suspicion move
yenÏ [yåne.] n today = yKuenÏ' d^enÏ CF enÏ yay^qMliuk\ [ya yi than lai'] n [? ask Gunnar?]
ypc\ [yåbin] n warp, threads running lengthwise through ya; [ya;] n 1) itch, tickle; be ticklish 2) [fig] itch to do,
fabric S YN tiuc\K¥v\ CF ePak\K¥v\ weft say, etc sthg Upsa, be spoiling to do sthg CF Aqv\;ya;
ymka [yåmåka] n (alcoholic) beverage, drink CF Ark\'
eqrv\' ys\rv\ ya;k¥ik¥i®Ps\' ya;k¥iya;k¥i®Ps\ [ya; kyI gyI hpyi', ya; kyI ya;
ymen [yAmåne] n Œtree with fine-grained wood kyI hpyi'] n 1) tickle, prickle 2) [fig] feel an urge (which
ymmc\; [yåma. min;] n 1) king of hell CF cr´mc\; 2) death must be suppressed)
yma; [yåma;] n creek which fills when it rains; mountain ya;na [ya; na] n skin disease, itchiness, pruritus ◊
stream CF etac\k¥eK¥ac\; ya;yM [ya; yan] v itch
ymMSM [yåman zan] n Ókind of hairstyle with hair loose at y^;t^;ya;ta; [yi; di; ya; da;] adv 1) evasively, indecisively
the back 2) cavalierly, triflingly 3) without any real purpose
ymiuk\®paFiha [yåmai' pya di ha]n ‹miracle of the Buddha y^;t^;ya;ta;lup\ [yi; di; ya; da; lo'] 1) vacillate,
emanating fire and water from eyes, ears, nose oscillate, shilly-shally 2) dawdle, delay, fool around,
ymc\; [yåmin;] n beautiful young woman mess around, fiddle around with
ymc\;Rup\ [yåmin; yo'] n 1) sculpture of beautiful young y^;t^;eyac\etac\ [yi; di; yaung daung] adv (be) at a loss, not
woman carved out of ymen wood 2) doll (of a girl or know what to do CF nm¨;nTiuc\;' newtin\etac\
woman) 3) papier-mâché doll of a beautiful young y^;t^;yiuc\tiuc\ [yi; di; yain dain] adv (walk, etc) drunkenly
woman S YN yiuc\tiyiuc\Tiu;
ymn\ [yAman] pref last (in combinations) y^;tiuk\ [yi; tai'] v call out the rowing rhythm for crew of a
ymn\enÏ [yåman ne.] n yesterday S YN menÏ CF enÏ [? but racing boat CF elxelxa\' y^;elel.' yiuy^;
tåmyan means one farther back?] y^;elel. [yi; le le.] int call of the coxswain, to the crew of
ymn\Nxs\ [yåman hni'] n ¬last year S YN ™ mNxs\ a racing boat CF elxelxa\' y^; tiuk\' yiuy^;
ymun\(na) [yAmon (na)] n 1) Jumna, tributary of the Ganges y^;el;Kiu [yi; le; kho] v hang from, dangle from = h^;el;Kiu
2) ¬(waters of a) river yugn\' yugNÎior\ [yu. gan, yu. gan do] n [cosm] Yugandhara, one
y®ma; [yåmya;] n Ólong piece of cloth used to pull a hearse of seven mountains in Hindu cosmology, around which
the sun and moon move [? check with book]
yrv\; [yåyi;] n Ómahout, elephant keeper CF Sc\Tin\;' yuzn [yu. zåna.] n Œsmall tree with small sweet-smelling
Sc\k´ white flowers, mock orange, boxwood, honey bush
yeq; [yAdhe;] n Œkind of rice S YN emakiƒe ta
yh¨d^ [yAhu di] adj&n Jew(ish) S YN eywt^ [? also noun?] yu y [yu. ya.] v take (good) care of, care for, treat well, be
ya1 [ya] n 1) field used to grow sthg other than rice tender with, look after (sb)
CF ly\ 2) hillside field CF etac\ ya yu y pi u k \eTX; [yu. ya. pai' htwe;] v take good care (of sb)
yakXk\' yaKc\; [ya gwe', ya gin;] n field, plot of yuw [yu. wa.] n young man
farmland yuwt^ [yu. wådi] n young woman
yaKut\ [ya kho'] v clear land (for farming) y¨ [yu] v 1) take; pick (sthg) up S YN ekak\ 2) take (with,
yaspå; [ya zåba;] n Œdry rice, kind of rice grown on from, to) RF y¨qXa;. 3) bring (with, from, to) BOX
hillside field or dry soil CF ly\ explaining take and bring RF y¨la. 4) accept, get

yaesac\.t´ [ya saung. dE;] n hut for sb who watches over Ω ADipJå y\ kiu
ÈqiuÏy¨l¥c\rs\ S YN lk\KM [? I have no idea
a field what this means] 5) have (child) Ω kel;my¨B¨; la;"
yaeta [ya daw;] n farmland on the edge of a forest Don't you want to have children? 6) marry Ω eyak\¥a;-y¨ta--
yaTXk\ [ya dwe'] n (farm) produce Âka“p^" She got married a long time ago. S YN lk\Tp\'
yae®m [ya mye] n farmland (for crops other than rice) Aim\eTac\®po 7) accept (religion or other belief system) [?
how is this different from no 8] 8) accept, believe (in)
ya2 [ya] v make betel quids CF kXm\; ya
S YN yuMÂ kv\ CF Ay¨ religion
— part count word for betel quids [ nc]
y¨k¥Mo;mr [yu gyon; måya.] adv inconsolably
ya3 [ya] n right, right-hand side A NT w´ = lk\ya y¨cc\ [yu ngin] v ¬1) take S YN y¨qXa; 2) bring
yagu [ya gu.] n rice porridge S YN Sn\®pot\ S YN y¨la
yaska [ya zåka] n beggar, mendicant S YN q¨etac\;sa; y¨S [yu hsa.] v think, have the opinion; deduce; assume,
yama [ya ma] n third of the six levels of heavens inhabited presume S YN Tc\®mc\' qeBar
by nats CF nt\®pv\-e®Kak\Tp\ y¨SK¥k\' y¨SmO [yu hsa. gye', hu hsa. hmu.] n judg(e)ment,
yay^ [ya yi] adj temporary, provisional A NT tawr' A“m´ opinion; assumption CF Tc\®mc\K¥k\' Ay¨AS

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 354

y¨kls\ ª yiu;
y¨eSac\ [yu hsaung] v take with, bring eyanktiuc\; [yaw; nAga. dain;] [? add definition]
y¨mxt\ [yu hma'] v understand, believe, presume eyani [yaw; nI] n 1) vagina S YN min\;mkiuy\ 2) pregnancy
y¨la [yu la] v bring (to) CF kiuy\wn\eSac\
y¨qXa; [yu thwa;] v take (away) eyanieqamnq^kar [yaw; nI thaw; mAnAthi ka ra.] n
y¨r [yu ya.] part suffix to a verb to emphasise the ‹adoption of a right attitude towards realities, wise
difficulty of the activity mentioned consideration, philosophical attitude S YN Aqc\.-Atc\.-
y¨kls\1 [yu kåli'] n Œgum tree (Br), eucalyptus (Am) [Engl] NxlMu; qXc\;®Kc\;
y¨kls\2 [yu kåli'] n Euclid, ancient Greek mathematician eya\ ym\;ªera\rm\; [yaw yan;] v yearn for
y¨giuSla;b^;ya; [yu go sAla; bi; ya;] n ∏ÓYugoslavia yM [yan] n 1) period of the night Ω vU.\U^;yM early part of the
Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, night, vU\.lv\yM middle of the night, also qn\;eKåc\yM time
Bosnia&Herzogovina, Croatia CF sliueb;n^;ya;' Sab^; ya; around midnight, miu;eqak\yM early morning before dawn
[ cr] [? complete] 2) place of or on or around; part of the world or cosmos
y¨gn\då [yu gan da] n ∏Uganda Ω ekac\; kc\yM, miu;yM in the sky, tim\yM where the clouds are,
— n&adj Ugandan [ cr] AepÅyM the outside, the surface Ω ®ms\yMmxa elxkel;rxity\"
y¨zna [ju zåna] n Ó20.5 kilometres, 12.7 miles There is a little boat on the river. Ω eqac\yMmxa emac\NxMcxk\tiuÏ
ep¥a\®mø;Âkty\" Pairs of birds are playing on the beach.
y¨n^ePåc\; [u ni hpaung;] n uniform [Engl] S YN (t¨v^/pMusM)-wt\sMu
y¨n^bast^ [yu ni ba såti] n university [Engl] S YN tk¶qiul\
y¨n^baSy\ [yu ni ba hsE] adj universal [Engl] yi1u[yo] v 1) leak through, leak out of, leak into; drip,
(esp of blood) shed Ω m¥k\rv\yiu weep, cry Ω qXa;rv\yiu (of
y¨n^yn\ [yu ni yan] n union [Engl] S YN qmg© mouth) water Ω miu;yiuenty\" The roof is leaking. Rain is
y¨Niuk\tk\kc\;dm\; [yu nai' te' kin; dan;] n ∏United Kingdom leaking through the roof. 2) [fig] overflow RF yiuPit\.
[Engl] CF “bitin\(Niuc\cM) yius^; [yo si;] v flow, trickle, run
y¨ns\ [yu ni'] n unit [Engl] yiuepåk\ [yo bau'] n 1) hole, crack (where sthg leaks in or
y¨But\ [yu bo'] n German submarine [GermanªEngl U-Boot] out) 2) [fig] sthg that causes waste
S YN ercu p\qeBça yiuPit\ [yo hpei'] v 1) spill, overflow 2) [fig] waste
y¨r^;ya; [yu ri; ya;] n urea fertilizer [Engl] 3) [fig] overflow Ω estna-yiuPit\j with overflowing
y¨ern^yM [yu re ni yan] n uranium [Engl] kindness
y¨ernt\“gioh\ [yu re na' gyo] n Uranus [Engl] CF “gioh\ yiuyXc\; [yo ywin;] v be in poor condition, be
eyBuy¥ [ye bon ya.] adv generally, in general; all in all; on dilapidated; be made worse; decay, deteriorate
average [ ph] yiuAim\ [yo ein] n toilet, WC S YN Aim\qa
eyrO [ye shu.] n [relig] Jesus [Engl] yi2u [yo] n jam (made from whole fruit), jelly (made from
eywt^ [ye wa di] adj&n Jew(ish) S YN yh¨d^ fruit juice); candied fruit
y´. [yE.] v be very weak, be feeble, be frail S YN K¥v\.n´Ï yiuTiu; [yo hto;] v make jam, jelly, or candied fruit
y´.y´. [yE. yE.] adv weakly Ω Kup\y´.y´.“pMo; smile weakly yiu(la)y^; [yo (la) yi;] n call of the coxswain of a racing
eya [yaw;] n Yaw, ethnic group speaking a Burmese boat, to guide the rowers' strokes CF y^; tiuk\' y^;elel.
dialect, living mainly between the Chin Hills and the
Ayeyarwaddy River yiuÏ [yo.] v 1) cringe, shrink (from fear or disgust), cower
eyaPk\ [yaw; be'] n corn husk used to wrap cheroots (from fear) 2) bow the head and hunch the shoulders to
in the Yaw style CF eS;epåÏlip\ show respect
eyalMuK¥v\ [yaw; lon gyi] n longyi with a dark yiuÏyiuÏ [yo. yo.] exp call used for horses, cattle, pigs, etc
background, and usu embroidered with a double vertical CF eKÅ
stripe and general small white pattern, often of harps, yiu; [yo;] v accuse (sb of sthg) S YN sXp\sX´ RF yiu;sXp\.
swastikas, or diamonds yiu;sX´(liuk\) [yo; zwE; (lai')] adv nearly, almost (the same,
eyag [yaw; ga.] n yoga, system of religious meditation identical), similarly Ω yiu; s´Xelak\påp´" They're about the
philosophy and techniques developed in India, to same.
condition the body, and attain supernatural powers yiu;sXp\ [yo; su'] v accuse (sb of sthg) S YN sXp\sX´
eyag^ [yaw; gi] n ‹yogi, sb who practices Buddhist yiu;my\PX´> [yo; mE pwE.] v give a pretext (for doing sthg),
religious meditation assume a particular reason is most important,
eyag^erac\ [yaw; gi yaung] n dark brown, colour of a overemphasise Ω kMkiu yiu; my\P´X>menn´Ï" Don't say it is just
yogi's robes because of fate. = rmy\PX´>
eyag^wt\ [yaw; gi wu'] v become a yogi yiu;mxa; [yo; hma;] v mistake (sthg for sthg else)
eyazna [yaw; zåna] v interpret,explain or analyse meaning Ω nt\ qm^;la; yiu;mx a;elak\ ty\" She could be mistaken for
of a text, esp a Pali text an angel.
— n book of interpretation, explanation, or analysis, yiu;mxa;eÂka\ [yo; hma; gyaw] n batter-fried vegetables
esp of a Pali text which look like fried gourd, but are made with whatever

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 355

yiu;tiu;yiuc\tiuc\ ª yc\;nk\
is available CF B¨; q^; speech CF min\; mska; 2) men's talk, i.e., talk about
yiu;tiu;yiuc\tiuc\ [yo; do; yain dain] adv in poor condition, in a women, sex, etc
dilapidated or ruined state eyak\¥a;p^q [yau' kya; pi tha] v be an ideal man, i.e.,
yiu;dya; [yo; dåya;] n 1) [inf] Thailand, Siam Ó CF Tiuc\;Niuc\cM' strong, upright, straight-speaking
rxm\;' ypk\lk\ 2) œSiamese-influenced music, popular eyak\¥a;Bqa; [yau' kya; ba. dha;] n cheer used to
at the beginning of the Konbaung period encourage players in competitions
yiu;dya;pn\; [yo; dåya; pan;] n scroll-work with floral eyak\¥a;r [yau' kya; ya.] v ƒ get married
motif; abstract floral design S YN kNut\pn\; eyak\¥a;l¥a [yau' kyåsha] n 1) tomboy ƒ 2) mannish
yiu;dya;eÂk;qXa; [yo; dåya; kye; dhwa;] n œyiu;dya; song woman 3) lesbian CF min\;ml¥a
with a strong percussion element eyak\¥a;q¨ [yau' kyådhu] n husband
yiu;dya;Sy\.Nxs\Kn\; [yo; dåya; hsE. hnåkhan;] n œthe 12 eyakƒm [yau' khåma.] n parents-in-law
kinds of yiu;dya; music eyakƒmmin\;mq¨ [yau' khåma. mein; mådhu] n mother-in-law
yiu;dya;et;qXa; [yo; dåya; te; dhwa;] n œsong adapted eyakƒmeyak\¥a;q¨ [yau' khåma. yau' kyådhu] n father-in-
fromor similar to Siamese musical style law
yiu;dya; [yo; dåya; hnE; dhwa;] n œyiu;dya; song with a eyak\P [yau' hpa.] n brother-in-law
strong Nx´ element eyak\PeKX;eKÅ [yau' hpa. khwe; khaw] n Indian cuckoo
yiu;dya; [yo; dåya; thåchin;] n œSiamese-influenced music, eyak\m2 [yau' ma.] n 1) sister-in-law 2) ƒ you, affectionate
popular at the beginning of the Konbaung period term of address between women
eyak\y^;eyak\yk\ [yau' yi; yau' ye'] adv restlessly
yiu;dya; [yo; dåya; åka.] n Siamese-style dance eyak\yk\Kt\ [yau' ye' kha'] v be restless
yk\ [ye'] v 1) push aside (with the hands or feet), push yug\ [yo'] n 1) ‹age, aeon 2) [geol] period
out of the way 2) paddle, row 3) paddle, stroke (with
yc\ [yin] n fly Ω yc\lMuAim\qa fly-proof toilet Ω yc\AMu covered
arms while swimming) CF luyk\ 4) (of animal) scratch
with flies RF yc\ekac\.
or paw the ground 5) [fig] struggle to get along
yc\ekac\ [yin gaung] n (house)fly
Ω wm\;sakiu Âkk\ yk\ qliu yk\ rxa rty\ look for the next
yc\eK¥;U [yin gye; u.] n freckles S YN mx´Ïe®Kak\' tc\;tip\ [?
meal like a chicken scratching for food
what do you call the real fly shit? flyspeck]
yk\kn\yk\kn\ [ye' kan ye' kan] adv 1) walk with short — v become flyblown
steps, with feet placed widely Ω yk\kn\yk\kn\- 2) under
protest, protestingly, with a fight 3) [fig] in straitened
yc\ºna;sa [yin na; za] n food
which has been exposed to
circumstances [? clarify]
yk\eÂkac\; [ye' kyaung;] n wake
yk\pn\; [ye' pan;] n bow wave yc\p¥a; [yin bya;] n kind of
yk\pn\;sa; [ye' pan; sa;] v (of boat) cut through the yc\mm´Riuc\; [yin ma. mE; yain;] n
water yc\(ekac\) (house)fly
bluebottle fly
yk\®pa; [ye' pya;] n brocade yc\r´ [yin yE;] n annoying fly
yk\q´. [ye' thE.] n scoop net
yc\epåc\ [yin baung] n pelican S YN cxk\”k^;wMpiu
yk\mn\;rv\ [ye' man; ye] n rice porridge yc\epåc\sacå; [yin baung za nga;] n kind of small
eyak\1 [yau'] v 1) wind thread (around a spool, bobbin, freshwater fish
etc) CF rs\pt\' rk\ePak\ 2) wind a scarf, stole, etc
around neck or shoulders
yc\;1 [yin;] n 1) bamboo sun-blind 2) bamboo screen used
in fish traps and fishing weirs
eyak\B^; [yau' bein;] n spinning wheel yc\;kp\ [yin; ga'] n bamboo screen or chick spread out in
eyak\Riu;tM [yau' yo; dan] n handle of a reel used for a boat, to sit on
laying warp threads
yc\;eTac\ [yin; daung] n fish trap made up of narrow
eyak\lv\tM [yau' lE dan] n shaft of a reel bamboo strips
eyak\lMu; [yau' lon;] n spool, bobbin CF rs\lMu; yc\;lip\ [yin; lei'] n chick, roll of narrow bamboo strips
eyak\2 [yau'] n (for food) serving spoon, ladle; (for water) yc\;qXc\; [yin; thwin;] v seduce; entice; lead astray
yc\;2 [yin;] pron that; it
eyak\eka.' eyak\K¥io [yau' kaw, yau' cho] n ladle
eyak\m⁄ [yau' ma.] n wooden spatula yc\;k¥a; [yin; gya;] n Yingya, a Mon-Khmer ethnic group
living mainly in the Namhsan area of southern Shan
eyak\qXa; [yau' thwa;] n mussel State
eyak\3 [yau'] part count word for people CF U^;' på; yc\;tl´ [yin; tålE;] n Yintale, an ethnic group speaking a
eyak\¥a; [yau' kya;] n 1) man, male 2) husband RF Tibeto-Burman language, living mainly in Kayah State
yc\;nk\ [yin; ne'] n Yinnet, a Mon-Khmer ethnic group living
eyak\¥a;kiuy\ [yau' kyåko] n male genitals, male organ mainly in the Namhsan area of southern Shan State
eyak\¥a;ska; [yau' kya; zAga;] n 1) clear, direct, honest

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 356

yc\;eBa\ ª yz\
yc\;eBa\ [yin; baw]n Yinbaw, an ethnic group speaking a tiger or a cat Ω cåÏAeyac\qiuÏ like me, as I have done, in the
Tibeto-Burman language, living mainly in Kayah State same way as I S YN q¤an\' Ala;' AqXc\
eyac\1 [yaung] v 1) speak, act, etc absent-mindedly, Aeyac\eSac\ [Ayaung hsaung] v assume the appearance
without knowing what one is doing 2) talk in one's of, take the form of, be in the guise of; pretend
sleep; do sthg in one's sleep 3) copy sthg without
understanding it — n imposter, impersonator; stand-in; double
eyac\K¥aK¥a [yaung cha gya] adv uncertainly, confusedly, Aeyac\®p [åyaung pya] v 1) hint, indicate S YN Arip\®p
dazedly, in a bewildered way; at loose ends 2) show a sign (of being sthg) 3) trick or decieve
eyac\e®Kak\Sy\ [yaung chau' hsE] n sb who has no (through diverting attention), feint
serious purpose; sb who cannot make up his mind L IT : eyac\ªerac\ [yaung] v swell
‘60 guises’ eyac\ym\;ªerac\rm\; [yaung yan;] v be swollen
eyac\tieyac\kn\; [yaung tI yaung kan;] adv in the dark eyac\; [yaung;] v be dry S YN e®Kak\q
Upsa eyac\;yc\ [yaung; yin] n great hornbill S YN eAac\elac\
eyac\tieyac\etac\' eyac\etac\etac\ yiuc\ [yain] v 1) lean, incline A NT mt\ 2) sway, totter
[yaung tI yaung taung, yaung taung daung] adv absent- CF yim\; yiuc\ 3) [fig] be inclined, lean toward, be disposed
mindedly to CF VXt\' tim\;' yim\; 4) [fig] decline, deteriorate, be
eyac\nn [yaung na. na.] adv without knowing or being bad, be down A N T mt\
able to do anything yiuc\t^;yiuc\tiuc\ [yain ti; yain tain] adv unsteadily, swaying
eyac\epeplup\ [yaung pe pe lo'] n 1) loiter 2) dawdle yiuc\n´Ïn´Ï [yain nE. nE.] adv unsteadily, while leaning
eyac\mxa; [yaung hma;] v make a mistake, err, make a yiuc\;pc\;ªRiuc\;pc\; [yain pin;] v help each other, lean on each
bad move without realising what one is doing other; come to (sb's) aid CF k¨v^
eyac\eyac\ [yaung yaung] adv just, slightly ys\ [yi'] v 1) (of sb who has been drinking) be drunk, be
— part suffix to a noun to show that sthg is very intoxicated; be (a little) tipsy, (of wine, beer, etc) go to
similar to sthg else, brings sthg else to mind, seems one's head; (of sb who has been taking drugs) be high
like, seems to be etc [? check in jo particles] 2) (of power, recognition, etc) go to one's head; be
eyac\ym\; [yaung yan;] v 1) be absent-minded 2) talk in intoxicated or drunk (with pride, power, etc) 3) be in
one's sleep the lap of luxury, be pampered CF sv\; sim\ys\' zim\KM 4) be
eyac\lv\eyac\lv\®Ps\ [yaung le yaung le hpyi'] v be lost, full (esp from oily foods)
go around in circles, be disoriented ys\Tut\ [yi' hto'] n drunk(ard), alcoholic; wino (Am)
eyac\lv\eyac\lv\lup\ [yaung le yaung le lo'] v loiter, S YN Ark\qma;
hang around (inf) CF meyac\mlv\lup\ ys\m¨; [yi' mu;] v 1) (of sb drinking alcohol) be drunk, be
eyac\lv\lv\ [yaung le le] adv 1) uncertainly, feeling intoxicated; be (a little) tipsy; (of wine, beer, drugs,
like a stranger 2) indecisively, hesitantly, irresolutely, etc) go to one's head; (of sb using drugs) be high 2) (of
unable to make a decision or take action power, recognition, etc) go to one's head; be
Aeyac\eyac\ [åyaung yaung] adv confusedly intoxicated or drunk (with pride, power, etc) CF qaya
Aeyac\eyac\Amxa;mxa; [Ayaung yaung Ahma; hma;] adv 3) be in the lap of luxury, be pampered CF zim\KM
(make a mistake, do sthg illogically) because of
excitement ys\m¥io; [yi' myo;] v [law] types of (recreational) drugs,
eyac\2 [yaung] v be fake, be false e.g., opium, marijuana, alcohol, etc Ω ys\m¥io;Uped ??
— n appearance, semblance, likeness Ω ys\ m¥io;Armrxi CF m¨;ys\e S;wå; [? trans x 2]
eyac\eSac\ [yaung hsaung] v assume the appearance ys\(erW)rv\ [yi' (shwe) ye] n (alcoholic) drink S YN ymka'
of, take the form of, be in the guise of; pretend Ark\' eqrv\
Ω nt\e tX k l¨e yac\eSac\“p^; lae®paty\" The nat took on yz\ [yi'] n sacrifice, sacrificial offering CF yz\p¨eza\
human form and came to talk. yz\ekac\ [yi' kaung] n 1) sacrificial animal 3) [fig]
eyac\epåc\lup\ [yaung paung lo'] v act as others (without victim, sacrificial lamb bfiUpsa
knowing why) yz\Sra(m) [yi' hsåya(ma.)] n priest µ, priestess ƒ, person
eyac\wå;wå; [yaung wa; wa;] adv 1) vaguely, dimly, hazily, conducting sacrificial rites
fuzzily (inf) 2) indecicively, uncertainly Ω lup\sra- yz\tlc\; [yi' tålin;] n sacrificial ground, place where
rxitakiulup\" eyac\wå;wå;- lup\menn´Ï" Do what you have to do. sacrifice is made
Don't be indecicive. Ω q¨m¥a;etX Alup\lup\ent´.-AK¥in\mxa yz\tiuc\ [yi' tain] n sacrificial post
eyac\wå;wå;-mlup\n´Ï" Don't just hang around while others are yz\nt\ [yi' na'] n nat (spirit) to whom sacrifices are
working. offered
eyac\wå;wå;lup\ [yaung wa; wa; lo'] v pretend or affect yz\p¨eza\ [yi' pu zaw] v sacrifice, make or offer a
(not to know) sacrifice
Aeyac\ [åyaung] n appearance, semblance, likeness yz\pl¬c\ [yi' pålin] n (sacrificial) altar
Ω k¥a;r´. Aeyac\' eÂkac\ r´.Ala; (quick, nimble etc) like a

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 357

yU\ ª yun\
yU\1 [yin] v 1) be nice, be charming, be gracious, be conductor S YN spy\ra
ladylike ƒ, be gentlemanly µ A NT Âkm\;' Riuc\; 2) be tame yut\1 [yo'] v be less or fewer (than sthg, than there should
A NT Riuc\; wild 3) look pleasant, be lovely 4) get used to, be), fall short (of), be deficient, be wanting A NT lXn\
become accustomed to Ω etX>påm¥a;eta.yU\ become used to CF nv\;' eq; [? This still isn't correct -- can't figure out
by exposure CF Aqa;k¥' lk\yU\ 5) (of a disease) be all of your marks]
resistant to drugs, develop resistance Ω eragåk yut\sXASuM; [yo' swa. Ahson;] adv at least
eS;yU\qXa;“p^" The disease is drug resistant. Ayut\ [Ayo'] n deficiency, shortfall Ω Ayut\AlXn\mrxi not
yU\ek¥; [yin kye;] v be polite, be courteous, be nice falling short or exceeding A NT AlXn\
A NT Riuc\; Ayut\m [Ayo' ma.] n wretched woman CF Ayut\qa;
yU\ek¥;PXy\ramO [yin kye; hpwE ya hmu.] n 1) etiquette, Ayut\qa; [Ayo' tha;] n wretched man CF Ayut\m
manners 2) familiarity, closeness yut\2 [yo'] v decrease S YN el¥a.' Sut\; A NT tk\
yU\ek¥;mO [yin kye; hmu.] n 1) politeness A NT Riuc\;siuc\;mO yut\nim\. [yo' nein.] v be of lower status
2) culture Ω yV\ekj;m:eta\lHn\er; Cultural Revolution yut\el¥a. [yo' yaw. (lyaw.)] v lessen, decrease, diminish,
3) civilization drop, fall, subside
yU\ek¥;qim\emX> [yin kye; thein mwe.] v be gracious, have yut\3 [yo'] v be mean, be nasty (inf), be base ¬
excellent manners Ω Ak¥c\.myu t\n´Ï" Don't be mean. S YN eAak\ tn\;k¥; A NT ®mt\
yU\ss [yin sa. za.] v be charming, be gracious yut\kn\; [yo' kan] v be contemptible, be despicable
yU\på; [yin ba;] v 1) be tame 2) be used to, be yut\v.M [yo' nyan.] v (of status, class, behaviour, etc) be
accustomed to 3) have sexual relations low, be inferior, be mean
yU\2 [yin] n [poet] current CF Al¥U\ yut\pt\ [yo' pa'] v 1) be despicable, be awful
yU\etX [yin twe] n constant current 2) slander, say bad things about sb 3) accuse sb of
AyU\' AyaU\ [Ayin, Ayin] n 1) current, flow, flood, adultery or promiscuity
torrent 2) [fig] stream, torrent 3) ‹the eight-fold path yut\ma [yo' ma] v be despicable, be contemptible, be
(to nibbana) 4) ‹yield, result (of good deeds, base ¬ S YN eAak\tn\; k¥ CF l¨yut\ma
meritorious actions) Ayut\tra; [Ayo' tåya;] n low, despicable practices
yU\3 [yin] n loom S YN rk\kn\; Ayut\ [Ayo'] n sthg low, inferior, mean, base, nasty
yU\KMu [yin khon] n loom frame Ω Ayu t\' Alt\' A®mt\ inferior, middling, and noble
yU\qXa; [yin (yå) dhwa;] n (loom) reed S YN vM.®Kc\;' nim\.k¥®Kc\;' vs\vm\;mO; A N T A®mt\
yU\sXn\;tn\; [yin zun; dan;] n tropic, latitude 23' 27" from the Ayut†Ant† [Ayo' ta. åna' ta.] n sthg improper and worthless,
equator, the latitude farthest north or south at which esp of obscene language
the sun can shine directly overhead CF etac\yU\sXn\; tn\; yut†i(yut†a) [yo' tI (yo' ta)]
n 1) credibility, believability (of
Tropic of Capricorn, e®mak\yU\sXn\;tn\; Tropic of Cancer a story, explanation, etc) 2) logic 3) reason
yut†iºtn\, yut†iºrxi [yo' tI tan, yo' tI shI] v 1) (of fiction,
yU\. [yin.] v (of edges) touch etc) be realistic, be believable 2) (of explanation,
yU\.q^ [yin. thi] adv close to excuse, etc) be logical, be reasonable, be credible,
dyU.\tiuk\' dyU\.q^ [dåyin. tai', dåyin. thi] adv (wear) with rational 3) (of work) be acceptable
hem dragging yut†im´. [yo' tI mE.] v be illogical, be irrational; be
yU\;na [yin; na] n kind of infectious disease with high fever unreasoned
= yN|ra; [yan; dåya;] n machine S YN sk\
yaU\ [yin] n 1) general word for a means of transportation, yn\; [yan;] n ¥yen, Japanese currency unit
vehicle, craft (for water or air), conveyance Ω elyaU\ yun\ [yon] n rabbit; hare
airplane, aircraft 2) animal (usu elephant or horse) kun\kel;Nxaes; [yon gAle; hna si;] exp hold one's tongue
ridden for rituals or ceremonies Ω Sc\yaU\s^; ride an when it is to one's advantage In a folk tale, when a lion
elephant 3) animals ridden by gods or characters in asks a rabbit whether he has bad breath, the rabbit
myths Ω hqçayaU\s^; ride the hintha replies that his nose is stuffy rather than giving the lion
yaU\eÂka [yin gyaw;] n lane (of a road) an answer [? tell a white lie? evade a question?]
yaU\eÂkapit\SiuÏmO [yin kyaw pei' hso. hmu.] n traffic jam
yaU\KXn\ [yin gun] n motor vehicle tax CF B^;KXn\ yun\tut\ [yon to'] n hare
yaU\Tin\;(r´) [yin dein; (yE)] n traffic police yun\Tc\eÂkac\Tc\®Ps\ [yon htin kyaung htin hpyi']
v 1) be
yaU\(enak\)liuk\ [yin (nau') lai'] n 1) driver's assistant unclear 2) give the wrong impression or idea;
2) (bus) conductor S YN spy\ra misrepresent 3) get the wrong impression or idea;
yaU\emac\; [yin maung;] n driver S YN ka;emac\;qma;' misunderstand
dRiuc\Ba yun\qma [yon thåma] n boil or abscess in the armpit
yaU\rp\ [yin ya'] n car park (Br), parking lot (Am) S YN kiN~rana
yaU\liuk\ [yin lai'] n 1) driver's assistant 2) (bus)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 358

yp\ ª yXn\;
yp\ [ya'] n fan CF pn\ka (illus) dance Ω “p^;K´.t´. q”kçn\tun\;k kÁn\mtiuÏ-APX´>
yp\Kt\ [ya' kha'] v fan [? new me] yim\;TXk\K´.ty\" Last Water Festival, my
yp\esac\;tra; [ya' saung; tåya] n group performed a yim\; dance.
innuendo, insinuation, esp among yim\;NX´> [yein; nwE.] v droop, sway, bend
monks yim\;NX´>på;Da; [yein; nwE. pa; da;] n flexible
yp\etac\ [ya' taung] n fan, sword (illus)
(folding) fan yim\;mc\;qm^; [yein; dhåma.] n ƒ dancer in
yp\eTac\tra; [ya' htaung tåya;] n a yim\; dance group S YN yim\;qm
‹monk's sermon in formal voice yim\;mc\;qa; [yein; min tha;] n µ dancer in
and manner, i.e., with his face a yim\; dance group
behind a fan CF yp\lx´tra; yim\;yiuc\ [yein; yain] v 1) lean
yp\ma; [ya' ma;] n fan with a long 2) deteriorate
handle, used at the royal court yim\;qm [yein; dhåma.] n ƒ dancer in a
yp\lx´tra; [ya' hlE; tåya;] n yp\ e tac\ fan yim\; dance group S YN yim\; mc\;qm^;
‹monk's sermon given in a yim\;APX´> [yein; AhpwE.] n yim\; dancing
pleasant voice, and without screening his face with a troupe; group of yim\; dancers
fan CF yp\eTac\tra; yMu [yon] v believe, trust, have faith (in)
ym\;1 [yan;] v wave (hand, arm, flag, etc) Ω eKåc\;ym\; shake yMuÂkv\ [yon kyi] v believe, trust, have faith (in)
head (to indicate refusal, denial, etc) yMuÂkv\Aa;Ta; [yon kyi a; hta;] v rely (on)
ym\;2 [yan;] n gunpowder CF K´ym\;m^;ek¥ak\ yMusa; [yon za;] v hope, believe hopefully
ym\;kp\ [yan; ga'] n magazine (of firearm) S YN k¥v\kp\' yMutm\;(ska;) [yon dan; (zåga;)] n 1) old wives' tale 2) tall
k¥v\Aim\' ym\;(etac\.)Aim\ tale, yarn
ym\;eK¥; [yan; chi;] n spent gunpowder yMumxa; [yon hma;] v 1) doubt, be unsure, be uncertain
ym\;eK¥;pn\; [yan; chi; pan;] v 1) (of gunpowder charge) 2) be misled, be deceived, be duped, be fooled
explode and scatter 2) [fig] explode with rage (affecting AyuM [Ayon] n belief, trust, credence
all around) AyuMAÂkv\ [Ayon Akyi] n belief, trust
ym\;sim\; [yan; zein;] n potassium nitrate, saltpetre, AyuMAÂkv\mrxiASiu [Ayon Akyi måshI Ahso] n ∏motion of
ingredient in explosives, fireworks, fertilizers, etc no-confidence Ω AyuMAÂkv\-mrxiASiu-tc\qXc\; call for a vote
ym\;tiuk\ [yan; dai'] n munitions dump, place where on a motion of no-confidence
ammunition is stored AyuMtra; [Ayon tåya;] n belief, faith (in nats)
ym\;etac\. [yan; daung.] n bullet, shell, cartridge AyuMºqXc\; [Ayon thwin;] v make sb believe, win (sb's)
S YN k¥v\Sn\ confidence
ym\;etac\.Aim\ [yan; daung. ein] n magazine S YN k¥v\kp\' yMuÏ [yon.] v 1) shrink, contract, become smaller 2) show fear
k¥v\Aim\' ym\; kp\' ym\;Aim\ or respect S YN k¥Mo>
ym\;pMum^;k¥ [yan; bon mi; gya.] v [fig] explode (with rage, yMuÏrX´> [yon. ywE.] v be distorted, be twisted; (of wood) be
anger, etc), storm, rage warped
ym\;B^l¨; [yan; bålu;] n dynamite Ay¥' Ay¥a' Ay¥k [Aya. (Anya.), Aya (Anya), AyAka. (AnyAka.)] n
ym\;mOn\Ï [yan; hmon.] n gunpowder lord, master S YN Arxc\
ym\;Aa; [yan; a:] n charge, (certain) amount of explosive yX´>ªrX´> [ywE.] v 1) be distorted, be out of shape, be awry,
ym\;Aim\ [yan; ein] n magazine S YN k¥v\kp\' k¥v\Aim\' be askew 2) be sarcastic 3) be contrary, be perverse
ym\;kp\' ym\;etac\.Aim\
yam\ªyM [yan] n period of the night Ω vU.\U^;yM early part of yXc\; [ywin;] v 1) be disturbed, be displaced, be moved
the night, vU\.lv\yM middle of the night, also qn\;eKåc\yM from (its) place 2) be wrong, err; deviate S YN mxa;yXc\;
time around midnight, miu;eqak\yM early morning before dawn 3) degenerate, deteriorate S YN K¥io>yXc\;' p¥k\yXc\;
yim\; [yein;] v 1) sway (back and forth, or side to side) AyXc\; [Aywin;] n 1) sthg that is out of its place
CF yiuc\ 2) lean (towards) 3) [fig] lean towards, tend to 2) deviation
S YN esac\;' VX t\' ti m\; yXn\;1 [yun;] v 1) go S YN qXa; 2) shift or change (time)
— n a kind of dance in unison by a group of dancers in 3) change course or direction, take a different way
rows yXn\;yXn\; [yun; yun;] adv a little to one direction
yim\;tiuk\ [yein; tai'] v 1) choreograph a yim\; dance Ω Aenak\ yXn\;yX n\; a little to the west CF s¨; s¨;
2) [fig] choreograph, orchestrate (public opinion, etc) AyXn\; [åyun;] n irregularity
Ω yi m\;-tiuk\Ta;Âkqliu ts\qMtv\;-TXk\ty\" All spoke with AyXn\;Aeyac\ [åyun; Ayaung] n irregular shape
one voice, as though choreographed. AyXn\;AeTac\. [Ayun; Ahtaung.] n curve, bend, corner
yim\;Tiu; [yein; hto;] v stagger yXn\;2 [yun;] n lacquer, lacquerware
yim\;TXk\ [yein; htwe'] v dance yim\;, perform a yim\; yXn\;ek¥ac\; [yun; kyaung;] n school for lacquerware

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yXn\; ª r
techniques yxk\1 [she'] v 1) entwine; join or clasp hands 2) intertwine
yXn\;Tiu; [yun; hto;] v etch designs ln lacquerware S YN NXy\
CF yXn\;er; yxk\qn\; [she' than;]v 1) (of colours) be suffused
yXn\;Tv\ [yun; tE] n lacquerware 2) [fig] be affected (by nearby events)
yXn\;epåc\purpiuk\ [yun; baung påråbai'] n purpiuk\ (parabaik) yxk\®Pa [she' hpya] v interlace, entangle
with a laquered cover yxk\2 [she'] part count word for flat slices or pieces of food
yXn\;pn\;K¥^ [yun; bågyi] n art of painting on lacquer Ω ki t\mun\Ï-(2)-yxk\
yXn\;er; [yun; ye;] v draw designs ln lacquerware yxU\ [shin] v 1) be side by side Ω sk\B^;-(3)-s^ yxU\s^; ride
CF yXn\;Tiu; three bicycles side by side [? ex ok? ] 2) compete S YN “pioc\
yXn\;As\ [yun; i'] n lacquerware box 3) compare S YN NOic\;
yXn\;3 [yun;] n Yun, an ethnic group speaking a Tai yxU\tX´ [shin twE;] v be together, be hand in hand
language, living mainly in eastern Shan State yxU\“pioc\ [shin pyain] v compete [? also to fight against?]
yXm\ [ywan] n yuan, unit of Chinese currency
yxiªrxi [shI] v 1) to be 2) to have yxU\Pk\' yxU\Bk\ [shin hpe'] v compete
eyxlek¥ak\ [she la. kyau'] n shale, kind of layered stone — n rival, competitor

r1 [ya.]
n twenty-seventh consonant in the Myanmar script, education!Ω kÁn\e ta\.-k¨v^ ta lk\ eSac\ psßv\; rekac\;es
sometimes pronounced as ‘r’ qeBa-mhut\B¨;" It's not because I wanted a present that I
rekak\ [ya. gau'] n name of the r L I T : ‘bent r’ helped out. 2) suffix to a verb (when denying): because
rrs\ [ya. yi'] n ®_ CF ypc\. rk¥io;ºnp\ [ya. gyo; na'] part suffix to a verb, indicating sthg
r2 [ya.] v 1) get, receive, acquire; earn, gain; reach is worth doing, worthwhile Ω qXa;-rk¥io;np\ty\" It's
Ω sarqla;" Did you get a letter? Ω rt´. Alup\lup\my\" I'll worthwhile going. Ω q¨tiuÏ- na;eTac\rk¥io;-mnp\B¨;" They are
do whatever job I get. 2) marry Ω By\q¨n´Ï rql´" Who did not worth listening to.
she marry? S YN va; 3) have (a child) Ω By\q¨n´Ï kel;- recX [ya. ngwe] n receipts CF ep;ecX expenditures
rtal´" Who did she have a child with? 4) capture, rsramrxi [ya. såya mAshI] adv 1) with no possible benefit
occupy Ω “mio>kiu rty\" The city is occupied. Ω rn\q¨- 2) totally (destroyed) Ω Aim\kiu m^;elac\ta Bamx rsra-mrxi-
eKåc\;eSac\kiu rty\" We have captured the enemy leaders. eta.B¨;" The house was totally destroyed in the fire.
definitely need BOX explaining the uses of ya. rsramrxieAac\ [ya. såya mAshI aung] adv (destroy)
— part 1) suffix to verb, indicating obligation: have to, completely, totally
must, be obliged to Ω kiuKiuc\zc\ mgçlaeSac\pX´kiu rNiu; [ya. no;] adv hopefully, expectantly Ω rv\;sa;sakiu
qXa;rtaepåÏ" Of course I have to go to Ko Khaing Zin's rNiu;rNiu;n´Ï esac\.-enty\" He waits hopefully for a love letter.
wedding. 2) suffix to verb, indicating that one can do repåk\rlm\; [ya. pau' ya. lan;] n chance(s), prospects,
sthg: be able to, can, have the chance to, have the or possibility (of getting sthg)
an opportunity to, have the possibility to; be allowed rpiuc\KXc\. [ya. bain gwin.] n right, entitlement CF AKXc\.Aer;'
to; may Ω eretac\- meqak\-req;B¨;" I haven't even had a e®papiuc\KXc\. lup\piuc\KXc\.' etc
chance to drink some water. Ω qXa;liuÏ r“p^la;" May I go rmirra [(ya. mI) ya. ya] n whatever is available, whatever
now? Ω qXa;-rk¥io;np\ty\" It's worth going. 3) suffix to one can get Ω rraAlup\lup\rty\" I have to take whatever
verb+liuÏ be able to, manage to, succeed in; be work I can get.
permitted, be all right to Ω sa;liuÏ rla;" Can you eat it? ry¨ [ya. yu] v 1) take over, take possession of
Ω Pi np\ s^; liuÏ rla;" Is it all right to wear shoes? Ω rpåty\" Ω raT¨; kiu lW´e®pac\; ry¨ take over a position 2) take; get;
That's or It's all right. That's okay. Ω qMu; liuÏr“p^la;" Did you win Ω Sukiury¨ take the prize, win the prize Ω lXt\lp\er;ry¨
manage to use it? get independence Ω budÎBaqawc\tiuÏ r´. m´kiu ry¨ get or win the
rksu [ya. gåzu.] n (saved) odds and ends Buddhist vote CF Ary¨
— adv randomly, haphazardly rrsa;sa; [ya. ya. sa; za;] adv just survive, barely make both
rka; [ya. ga;] part ¬because, since, as Ω TiuqiuÏ-®Ps\rka; ends meet Upsa, live from hand to mouth
that being so, as that is the way it is CF tan´Ï' eta.' ®Ps\j' S YN lk\lup\lk\sa;
m¨' liuÏ' q®Pc\.' (eqa)eÂkac\.' qv\.-AtXk\ rra [ya. ya] n whatever is available, whatever one can
rekac\;es [ya. gaung; zi (ze)] part 1) suffix to noun (usu get Ω rraAlup\lup\rty\" I have to take whatever work I
when denying): intend, have in mind, because can get. = rmirra
Ω pva”kio;sa;taha
Niuc\cM®Ka;kiu qXa;rekac\;es Siut´.-qeBa rrxi [ya. shI] v get, receive; achieve
mhut\B¨;" pvatt\eAac\på" I didn't have going abroad in rld\ [ya. la'] v 1) [maths] result CF ld\ 2) effect,
mind when I was studying hard. I wanted to have a good consequence; end, outcome S YN Ae®P = Ak¥io;rld\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 360

rkn\ ª rew
rqmY' rqelak\ [ya. thåmya., ya. thålau'] adv as much as forest monastery, hermitage
possible rtna [yådåna] n 1) gem, jewel, precious stone CF ek¥ak\m¥k\
reAac\ [ya. aung] part sentence ending for a proposal: 2) treasure 3) [fig] sthg precious Ω qa;qm^;rtna one's
let's, how about, why don't we, shall we Ω lk\Pk\rv\ precious children
eqak\Âk-reAac\" Why don't we get a cup tea. Ω lup\Âkv\.- rtnapMuSiuk\ [yådåna pon hsai'] v [fig] hit the jackpot
reAac\" Let's try (it). Upsa
mÚr [må…ya.] part 1) ¬used in written Myanmar to rtnaeRWK¥ioc\. [yådåna shwe gyain.]
n ‹scriptures praising
forbid sthg Ω eS;lip\meqak\r No smoking Ω tawn\mxAp the Buddha, the Dharma, or the sangha
mwc\r Employees only Ω mwc\r No entry Ω mk¥ø;ek¥a\r rtnaqMu;på; [yådåna thon; ba;] n ‹the three objects of
Trespassing is forbidden 2) ™must not; cannot Ω d^mxa Theravada Buddhist veneration, the Buddha, the Dharma,
Pinp\ms^; rB¨;" You mustn't wear shoes here. Ω mc\;kXt\q^; kiu and the sangha CF Bura;' tra;' qMGa
sa;“p^; mx qÂka;-msa;rB¨;" After eating mangosteen, you can't rt^ [yåti] n 1) measure of weight for gems, 20 b^zwå, 0.388
have sugar. 3) need not, not have to Ω Aazanv\enÏmiuÏ carat 2) magazine selling for one rt^ of rubies
ek¥ac\;-mtk\-ÂkrB¨;" We don't have to go to school on rtu [yådu.] n 1) seasons eNX or eNXU^;' eNXeNxac\;" miu; or miu;U^;'
Martyrs' Day. 4) suffixed to name or pronoun when miu;eNxac\;' eSac\; or eSac\;U^;' eSac\;eNxac\; 2) seasonal
calling or addressing sb familiarly, esp when convincing festival 3) anniversary 4) ¬lyrical poem, esp on the
sb or expressing sadness = ra CF er 5) [poet] infix seasons, or love, usu three verses with four syllables to
between certain words and a rhyme Ω s^rr^ lined up [? a line BOX on different kinds of radu CF pud\sMurtu'
here?] A®Pv\.KMrtu' Ekpud\rtu; kb¥a' lkça [ wr]
trr [tåya. ya.] adv (ask, request, beg, implore, think rtk\ [yåde'] n worry, concern, anxiety CF eÂkac\.ÂkmO' siu;rim\mO'
about, etc) over and over, always Ω “mio>kiuerak\rc\ p¨pn\mO' eqak
qm^;qtireÂkac\;e®paPiuÏ Aemk trrmxarxaty\" When you rtk\epX' rtk\®Pa [yåde' pwe, yåde' hpya]v worry, be
get to town, tell my daughter that I am always thinking of concerned, be anxious
rtk\m^; [tåde' mi;] n worry, concern, anxiety
mrmk [mAya. mAka.] adv without fail, absolutely rTa; [yåhta; (yi' hta;)] n 1) train = m^;rTa; CF Dat\-rTa;
Ω AKXc\. Aer;kiu mrmk y¨K´. rty\" We must get our rights
streetcar, tram 2) Óchariot, carriage, coach CF pn\;rTa;'
without fail. S YN m®Ps\men [? trans ok? need def for next]
enrTa;' lrTa; 3) chess piece representing a chariot in
ss\turc\ traditional chess game [ ph]
Ar [åya.] adv
— part 1) suffix to a noun or verb phrase: according to, rTa;Tin\; [yåhta; dein;] n Ócoachman
in accord(ance) with Ω Ae®KAen-Ar in the circumstances,
rTa;lMu; [yåhtAlon;] n Ó(closed) carriage (illus from
according to the situation, when we see what happens (inf)
Ω UpedAr according to the law Ω yuMÂ kv\.mO-Ar-lup\ act in
accordance with one's beliefs 2) suffix to a noun or verb
rTv\; [yAhti:] n Ó1) cloth wrapped around the upper
body as a women's shirt 2) shawl S YN “KMoTv\
phrase to show a point of view: in terms of, from the
viewpoint of, on the level of, in the field of Ω s^;pXa;er;Ar
rnMÏ [yAnan.] n scent, smell, fragrance = AnMÏ
in economic terms rny\ [yAnE] n wooden rafter
rkn\ [yågan] n form of dramatic poetry, popular in the rmc\; [yAmin;] n Œkind of tree with reddish hardwood
Konbaung period, in which sthg is praised or attacked rmn\ [yAman] n remand, order from the court to the police
with satire or humour CF kb¥a' lkça [ wr] to continue to hold a suspect (usu for one week) while
rKiuc\1 [råkhain (yåkhain)] n Rakhine, an ethnic group living waiting for trial [Engl] CF AK¥op\ [ rc]
mainly in western Myanmar, speaking a dialect of rmn\”k^; [yAman gyi:] n two-week remand
Burmese; Arakan Ó Ω rKiuc\® pv\ny\ Rakhine State rmn\KM [yAman khan] v apply for remand
rKiuc\ska; [råkhain zåga;] n Rakhine dialect rmn\rk\ [yAman ye'] n time spend under remand
rKiuc\®pv\ny\ [råkhain pyi nE] n ∏Rakhine State CF K¥op\rk\
rKiuc\2 [yåkhain] n Œkind of small sweet banana with a thin rmuM; [rAmon;] n kind of folk dance from eastern Shan State
skin CF cxk\ep¥a
rgMu [yågon] n thick forest CF gNiuc\' eta' “mioc\ rmy\PX´> [yAmE hpwE.] v give a pretext (for doing sthg),
assume a particular reason is most important,
Arv [Arin nya.] n wilderness, forest, esp where hermits live
overemphasise Ω kMkiu rmy\P´X>menn´Ï" Don't say it is just
CF eta [ ph]
because of fate. = yiu;my\PX´>
Arvku!^ [Arin nya. ku. di] n forest hut
Arvkc\ [Arin nya. kin] adv having the qualities of a rmy\rxa [yAmE sha] v 1) find pretext 2) put the blame on sb
[? also look for someone to blame, i.e., scapegoat?]
forest (i.e., suitable for hermits)
ArvDutc\ [Arin nya. kin du. din] n (set of 13) ascetic
practices of a forest dweller rew [yAwe] n Óroyal palace S YN nn\;eta\
Arvwå(q) [Arin nya. wa tha.] n life or living in the forest; rewtiuk\ [yAwe dain] n the south-west post of a

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 361

rwin\ ª ra
building rhn\;wt\ [yAhan; wu'] v ‹be a monk S YN Bun\;”k^;wt\'
rwin\ [yAwein] n [poet] sun rhn\;®po
rwm\ [rAwan] n Rawang, one of the Wunbawng or Kachin rhn\;Am [yAhan Ama.] n ‹ƒ sponsor of a monk
ethnic groups, living mainly in the northern part of CFrhn\;dka
Kachin State rhMu; [yAhon:] n vine which produces a poison used to stun
rwm\då [rAwan da] n ∏Rwanda fish = hMu;NXy\
— n&adj Rwandan [ cr] ra1 [ya] v (of thing) be appropriate, be suitable, be
rq [ya. tha. (ra. dha.)] n 1) taste, flavour 2) pleasure proper; (of person) deserve, be worthy of Ω kiuy\n´Ï
CF Arqa 3) feeling, emotion CF rqkiu; på; 4) aesthetic ramraÂkv\.“p^; lup\på" Check if it is the right thing for you
quality of rhetoric or literature CF rqkiu; på; before you act. Ω mAp\mraetX erxak\m-e®pan´Ï" Don't go
rqkiu;på; [ya. tha. (ra. dha.) ko; ba;] n nine qualities of around saying inappropriate things. S YN eta\' Ap\
literature or rhetoric which arouse certain feelings CF mAp\ mra

Ω Rud»rq arousing savage, barbarian feelings Ω kRu %a-rq — n 1) [in comb] place, site; mark left by Ω enra
pathos, arousing compassion or sympathy Ω Byank-rq location, position, place Ω Aip\ra bed Ω d%\ra wound
arousing fear, dread, fright, etc Ω ' etc [? still need the Ω erÂkv\ra-® mk\Nura greener pastures, i.e., a better place
rest -- put inbox] where the water is clear and the grass is tender 2) thing
rqsaep [ya. tha. (ra. dha.) sa pe] n poetry, descriptive 3) issue, matter S YN Aer;(Ara) = Ara
essays and fiction, literature for enjoyment CF qutsaep — part 1) when, while CF ka' “p^;' l¥k\' j 2) suffix to
a verb: whatever or wherever is; thing or place that does
rqpva [ya. tha. pyin nya] n aesthetics Ω ”kio k\ ra-lup\" Do whatever you please. Ω ”kio k\ra--y¨" Take
Arqa whichever one you like. S YN ta' t´.ha 3) ¬suffix to
rqmc\g¥^nt\ [ya. thAmin gyi na'] n nat which is the patron of verb: should, ought to, must be Ω lup\qc\.ra-lup\" Do what
weavers you should. 4) suffix to name or pronoun, used when
calling or pleading Ω A´d^liu mlup\eta.n´Ï kiukiura" Please
rqaRMu [ya. dha yon] n (sense of) taste CF AaRuM-e®Kak\på;
don't do that any more, Ko Ko. 5) conjection: as, because
req. [ya the.] n holy man who chooses seclusion, hermit,
Ω pu gM“mio>qv\
®mn\maNiuc\cMAly\piuc\; tXc\ rxiqv\®Ps\ra p¨elac\-
e®Kak\-eqX>f" Bagan is dry and hot, as it is in the central
req.s¨; [yAthe. zu:] n goldsmith's drill part of Myanmar. 6) suffix to verb: amount to, mean
req.sit\e®P [yAthe. sei' hpye] n 1) game, puzzle or other
Ω kel;-kiu Aliuliuk\ta K¥s\ramerak\p´ Nxs\raerak\ty\"
activity done just for the amusement or the sake of
Spoiling a child does not amount to love; it is doing him
doing it, i.e., without competition, reward, etc
2) distraction, diversion, sthg done to take one's mind
off troubles, worry, etc, e.g., counting the stars
rak [ya ka.] part stop and; from S YN ramx
rak¥ [ya kya.] part suffix to a verb: amount to Ω ecXkiu
mk\ema-rak¥my\" S YN raerak\ [? trans]
rhiuc\; [yAhain;]
n Œkind of rice with a medium-length
ÚraÚeÂkac\; […ya…kyaung;] part for, so it will be; (a
growing season
means or way) to Ω ekac\;ra-ekac\;eÂkac\; for one's own
rht\ [yAha'] n 1) rotor, or sthg else that rotates around a good Ω ep¥a\raep¥a\eÂkac\; so it will be fun
horizontal axis CF elrht\ windmill, errht\
ratXc\' raÒ [ya dwin, ya hnai'] part suffix to a verb: in the
waterwheel 2) Ferris wheel (illus) 3) [weav] swift rotating
place of, in the time of S YN ramxa
around a horizontal axis CF K¥a;
raT¨; [ya du:] n 1) Írank 2) post, designation, official
rht\yaU\ [yAha' yin] n helicopter, chopper (inf) position
= hy\l^eka.pta
raT¨;K¥ [ya du; cha] v 1) dsimiss (from post,
rhN|a [yAhan: da] n ‹arhat, higher monk who has attained
appointment, position, etc) CF raT¨;®pot\ 2) demote (to)
A NT raT¨;tui; 3) suspend from duty (for)
rhn\; [yAhan;] n ‹monk, member of the sangha
raT¨;tiu; [ya du; to;] v 1) promote (sb) 2) get a
S YN Bun\;”k^; CF qMGa promotion, be promoted (to)
rhn\;kisß“p^; [yAhan; kei' sa. pyi;] v ‹become an arhat raT¨;®pot\ [ya du; pyo'] v be dismissed (from post,
CF rhN|a appointment, position, etc) CF raT¨;®pot\
rhn\;KM [yAhan; khan] v ‹be ordained as a monk raT¨;mk\ [ya du; me'] v be overly ambitious (for
rhn\;dka [yAhan; dAga] n ‹µ sponsor of a monk promotion)
CFrhn\;-Am raT¨;elYa [ya du; shaw;] v 1) demote (sb) 2) be
rhn\;®po [yAhan; pyu.] v ‹be a monk S YN rhn\;wt\ demoted (to)
rhn\;eBac\ [yAhan; baung] n ‹domain or world of the ra®pt\ [ya bya'] n appraiser
monkhood S YN qaqna.eBac\ CF l¨>eBac\
ra®Pt\ [ya hpya'] v appraise, value
rhn\;elac\; [yAhan; laung;] n ‹novice (studying to rarass' raraqq [ya ya sa. za., ya ya tha. dha.] adv
become a monk)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 362

ra ª raq^
ramx [ya hma.] part stop and; from S YN rak razpriyay\ [ya za. pArIyE] n techniques and tactics used
ramxa [ya hma] part suffix to a verb: in the place of, in by a monarch
the time of S YN ratXc\' raÒ razpl¬c\ [ya zAbAlin] n (royal) throne
rar [ya ya.] part suffix to a verb: achieve Ω AKu razmhamit\ [ya za. måha mei'] n ∏1) friendly state
sit\qk\qa-rar-eta.ty\" Now I have achieved peace of 2) alliance
mind. razmt\ [ya zAma'] n bamboo lattice fencing lining roads
Ara [Aya] n thing, item; matter, issue Ω AK¥s\Siueqa Ara where important people will go, or around grounds of
the issue of declaring one's love [? trans okay?] pagoda festival Ω razmt\kXk\ diamond pattern (of lattice
— part suffix to noun or verb phrase to generalise fencing)
Araerak\ [Aya yau'] v be effective razmt\kXk\ [ya zAma' tan] n title of a treatise on royal
ra2 [ya] n [in comb] hundred Ω qMu;ra three hundred Ω qin\;- rituals, astrology [? check judson for better def]
ts\ra ten million, i.e., one hundred hundred thousands razer; [ya za. ye;] n concerns of a monarch CF Dmµer;'
rak¥puSiu; [ya gya. pAhso;] n kind of men's longyi woven elaker;
with a hundred shuttles and multi-coloured silk razwc\ [ya zAwin] n chronicle of monarchs, annals; history
S YN lXn\; ts\ra CF qmiuc\;

raek¥a\spå; [ya gyaw zAba] n Œkind of high-yield fast- razwc\K¥p\ [ya zAwin gya'] n annals of events not found in
growing rice which can produce a harvest of over 100 chronicles [? check facts or events?]
baskets per acre razwc\tXc\ [ya zAwin twin] v make history
ra(Kiuc\)NOn\; [ya (gain) hnon;] n per cent, percentage razwc\e®pac\ [ya zAwin pyaung] v be historic, be
rasu [ya zu.] n century, 100 years momentous, be of lasting importance
rasuNxs\ [ya zu. hni'] n turn of the century CF eTac\suNxs\ razwc\Riuc\; [ya zAwin yain;] v be a great disgrace
rasv\; [ya si;] n (bundle of) one hundred Ω eS;lip\- razwc\l¨Siu; [ya zAwin lu zo;] n man with a long criminal
rasv\; bundle of 100 cheroots record
ratXc\; [yAdwin;] n one hundred ta (for ®mc\.miuta 315 razwt\ [ya zAwu'] n 1) law; royal edict 2) crime
metres, 0.2 miles. See table at Atiuc\;Ata for others 3) Óduties and morals (in a feudal state) [? check]
raNOn\; [ya hnon;] n percentage, per cent (Br), percent razwt\ekac\ [ya zAwu' kaung] n criminal
(Am) razwt\k¥c\.TMu; [ya zAwu' kyin. hton;] n criminal code
raNOn\;®pv\. [ya hnon; bye.] n one hundred per cent Ω rXarn\- razwt\eÂkac\; [ya zAwu' kyaung;] n Óaction to be taken
raNOn\;-®pv\. 100% chance of rain in criminal cases
rapMuTiu; [ya bon hto;] v count by the hundred razwt\eB; [ya zAwu' be;] n punishment [? check]
ra®pv\.Nxs\ [ya bye. hni'] n 1) turn of the century 2) 100th razwt\mO [ya zAwu' hmu.] n 1) criminal case CF ®ps\mO'
anniversary Ω mn\; ra®pv\. 100th anniversary of the founding tra;mmO 2) Ólèse majesté, lese majesty, offence against
of Mandalay a monarch
raer [ya ye] n lot of 100 (identical items) razwt\qa; [ya zAwu' tha;] n person charged with a
rawc\Aiu; [ya win o;] n jar, pot, etc with a capacity of 100 criminal offence CF tra;KM
viss of oil, etc CF piœa razwt\qc\. [ya zAwu' thin.] v be punished (according to
raqk\pn\ [ya the' pan] n (one's) whole life Ω raqk\pn\- law) CF d%\qc\.' mc\;d%\qc\.
AK¥s\ the love of my life Ω raqk\pn\-AlØrxc\ donor or patron razwt\Aiu; [ya zAwu' o;] n [fig] highly controversial
who commits to a certain donation for his whole life issue, storm Upsa, hornet's nest Upsa [? check]
rag [ya ga.] n lust; passion razqM [ya zAdhan] n 1) royal order 2) ultimatum
raz' raza [ya za., ya za] n 1) monarch, ruler, sovereign, king razqt\ [ya zAdha'] n Ócriminal or penal law
or queen (regnant) 2) ©lunar mansion [? check which CF Dmµqt\' ®ps\mOUped
no.] razIe®N» [ya za. ein dåra.] n royal dignity S YN razie®N»
razeÂkac\; [ya za. gyaung;] n matters relating to raz¨ [ya zu] n large scales
monarchs and government CF DmµeÂkac\; razie®N» [ya sein dåre] n royal dignity = razI®N»
razgiu%\;qc\. [ya za. gain; thin.] v offend or insult a raBa [ra ba] n rubber [Engl] S YN Âkk\epåc\es;
monarch raBakXc\; [ra ba gwin;] n rubber band S YN qerkXc\;
raz@an^ [ya za. (zA)hta ni] n royal capital = razDan^ raBk\RuM; [ya be' yon;] n [law] additional criminal court
raztiuc\ [ya zAdain] n ∑stem ramdn\' ramzn\ [ra mAdan, ra mAzan] n Ramadan, ninth month
razd%\ [ya zAdan] n punishment according to a of the Islamic year, month of fasting CF Upuq\enÏ [? new
monarch's law kyaw]
razDan^ [ya za. da ni] n royal capital = raz@an^ rarxc\ [ra shin] n ration [Engl] Ω rarxc\sns\ rationing system
razDM [ya zAdan] n rules of royal conduct S YN mc\;k¥c\.tra; Ω rarxc\ Tut\e p;enty\" They are giving out rations.
raq^ [ya dhi] n 1) season CF miu;raq^' eSac\;raq^' eNXraq^
razn^ti [ya za. ni tI] n royal ethics 2) sign of the zodiac [see box] 3) (lunar) month

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 363

rahu ª er
4) period of time, term Ω ts\raq^-Nxs\raq^Sk\“p^; fiddle around with = y^; t^;ya;ta;lup\
saliuk\Niuc\ty\ mhut\" He wouldn't be able to continue his r^;t^;eyac\etac\ªy^;t^;eyac\etac\ [yi; di; yaung daung]
studies for a few more terms. 5) ƒ period, menstruation, adv (be) at a loss, disconcerted, rattled (inf) CF nm¨; nTiuc\;'
menses newtim\etac\
raq^kun\ [ya thi gon] v (of season) end Rurx' Rurxa; [ru sha., ru sha;] n ∏Russia
— n seasonal products — n&adj Russian CF Siub^yk\ soviet
raq^KXc\ [ya thi gwin] n ßhouses of the zodiac R¨p [yu pa.] n appearance, looks CF Rup\
raq^sa [ya thi za] n food that is in season R¨pkAlkça [yu pAka. Alin ga] n complimentary
raq^sk\ [ya thi se'] n ßwheel of the zodiac (illus) metaphorical verse [ wr] [? check in grey]
raq^epÅ [ya thi baw] n product that is in season R¨pka [yu pAka] n looks, appearance S YN Rup\Sc\;qXc\®pc\
— v (ƒ) have a period, get one's period, menstruate R¨pnikay\ [yu pa. nI kE] n personality revealed through sb's
raq^pc\ [ya thi bin] n seasonal plants appearance [? check -- really just same as previous??]
raq^pn\; [ya thi ban;] n 1) seasonal flower 2) ƒ period,
menstruation, menses R¨pebd [yu pa. be da.] n physics
raq^mxn\ [ya thi hman] v (of ƒ menstruation) be regular R¨pBMu [yu pa. bon] n [cosm] sixteen levels of the world of
raq^Rup\ [ya thi yo'] n ßsigns of the zodiac the Brahmas, where they have bodies CF ®bhµaBMu' AR¨pBMu
raq^la [ya thi la] v ƒ have one's period
raq^el [ya thi le] n seasonal wind R¨påRuM [yu pa yon] n visible aspect, appearance CF ASc\;
raq^eqX; [ya thi thwe;] n menstrual blood R¨p^; [ru pi;] n ¥rupee, Indian unit of currency, also used
raq^Utu [ya thi u. du.] n 1) weather Ω d^enÏ raq^Utu in early colonial Burma CF piuk\SM' table at k¥p\
mSiu; påB¨;" The weather isn't too bad today. 2) climate R¨pkƒNÎa [ru pe' khan da] n material dimension or aspect;
Ω qmpiuc\;raq^U tu temperate climate 3) [fig] climate, corporeality, one of the five aggregates of a being
atmosphere CF KNÎacå;på;
rahu [ya hu.] n ßRahu, ascending phase of the moon, R¨By\ [ru bE] n ruble, Soviet and Russian currency unit
associated with Wednesday afternoon CF “gio h\' l CF Rurxa;
rahueTac\. [ya hu. daung.] n north-west R¨em;n^;ya; [ru me; ni; ya;] n ∏Romania
rahuPm\; [ya hu. hpan;] v (solar or lunar) eclipse CF enÂks\' — n&adj Romanian
enÂkt\' lÂks\' lÂkt\ R¨; [yu:] v be mentally disturbed, be insane, be mad Î, be
ri [yI] v 1) taunt, provoke 2) be soft and spongy, be crazy Î, be demented Î CF sit\ePåk\(®pn\)'
decaying; (of raw vegetables, etc) be rotten; (of Ë;eNxak\mekac\;' Ë;eNxak\mmxn\ [? get more from sarah2]
flowers) be wilted, be rotting A NT lt\St\ 3) (of cloth) R¨;eÂkac\eÂkac\ [yu; kyaung gyaung] adv (all) mixed up;
be worn, be shabby 4) be worn out, be tired out disconcertedly, confusedly
R¨;Nxm\;Nxm\; [yu; hnan; hnan;] adv dementedly, crazily
rina [yI na] n gonorrhoea, a sexually transmitted disease R¨;epåepå [yu; paw; baw;] adv zanily, inanely, dementedly
that causes burning pain when urinating, and discharge R¨;R¨;m¨;m¨; [yu; yu; mu; mu;] adv madly, unreasonably
CF gNiur^ya' kalqa;eragå R¨;R¨;miuk\miuk\ [yu; yu; mai' mai'] adv lunatic, recklessly
rierX; [yI ywE;] v be decayed and slimy R¨;qXp\ [yu; thu'] v go crazy, go mad; be insane; run amok
riq´.q.´ [yI thE. dhE.] adv 1) insinuatingly 2) [? check grey]
er1 [ye (yi)] v count
triri [tåyi> yi>] adv (grieve) lingeringly ertXk\ [ye twe'] v 1) count 2) calculate
r^ [yi] v 1) be faint, be dim, be unclear 2) be giddy (Br), be erra [ye ya] v be definite
dizzy (Am) errXt\ [ye yu'] v 1) murmer, mutter 2) exclaim 3) swear
r^tera [yi dåyaw;] n twilight, dusk Ω enwc\-r^tera evening at, curse
mermra [måye måya] adv unclearly, indefinitely
r^t^t^ [yi ti ti] v be giddy (Br), be dizzy (Am) er2 [ye] n 1) water Ω eqak\er drinking water Ω qMu;er water
r^ew [yi we] v 1) be dusky, be hazy 2) [fig] have a far-
used for bathing, washing, watering plants, etc Ω erqn\Ï
away look CF m¨ys\r^ew (clean) drinking water Ω ®ms\er river water Ω d^er tide
r^ewew®Ps\ [yi we we] v be giddy (Br), be dizzy (Am) CF Arv\ liquid, siu wet 2) ∞money S YN ecX CF erep;'
r^ewr^ew®Ps\ [yi we yi we] v be tipsy erelac\;' erlYM
r^eka\då [råkaw da] n tape recorder [Engl] erksa; [ye gåza;] v 1) pour water over people in the
r^;t^;ya;ta; [yi; di; ya; da;] adv 1) evasively, indecisively water festival CF q”kçn\' erKMTXk\ 2) play in the water
2) cavalierly, triflingly 3) without any real purpose erketa. [ye gådaw.] n eddy, small whirlpool
= y^; t^;ya;ta; = erw´ keta.
r^;t^;ya;ta;lup\ [yi; di; ya; da; lo']
1) vacillate, oscillate, erkata [ye ga da] n dam
shilly-shally 2) dawdle, delay, fool around, mess around, erk¨; [ye ku;] v swim

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 364

er ª er
erk¨;kn\ [ye ku; gan] n swimming pool erKAMu; [ye khåon;] n Œkind of fig [? check what kind]
erk¨;vatc\ [ye gu; nya din] n debating technique in erK´ [ye gE;] n ice
which one overstates a point so that later a concession erK´eK¥ac\; [ye gE; gyaung;] n ice lolly (Br), popsicle (Am),
can be made (in analogy to crossing a river, when one icicle (Aus), ice block (NZ) CF erK´plut\tut\ [? check
starts upstream from where one intends to land) get Austr]
CF ska;”k^;Sy\m¥io; erK´®Ks\ [ye gE; gyi'] n ice, water ice (Br), slush (esp Am),
erk¨;wt\sMu [ye ku; wu' son] n swimming costume (Br), sweet drink made with shaved ice and syrup CF Pål¨då'
bathing suit (Am) erK´epåk\s^
erkc\; [ye kin;] n flood watch Ω ertk\erk¥kc\;esac\. [? erK´sk\ [ye gE; se'] n icehouse, ice factory
do you want to put this is as a work, or is it an erK´tiuk\ [ye gE; dai'] n morgue, mortuary, place where
example?] corpses are kept
erkiuc\ [ye kain] v 1) give a fighting cock strength by erK´etac\ [ye gE; daung] n iceberg (illus)
rubbing its neck, breast, thighs, etc with water CF erep; erK´epåk\s^ [ye gE; bau' si] n ice, water
ice (Br), slush
2) wash after using the toilet (esp Am), sweet drink made with shaved ice and syrup
erkn\ [ye gan] n 1) pond, lake 2) reservoir 3) cistern, CF Pål¨då' erK´®Ks\
tank for storing water (illus) erK´B¨; [ye gE; bu;] n 1) icebox, cooler, cold box, Eski
erkun\ [ye gon] adv 1) (of a fighting cock, fight) until (Aus), chilly bin (NZ) 2) ice bucket (illus)
exhausted 2) [fig] unflaggingly erK´mun\Ï [ye gE; mon.] n ice cream; ice milk
erkun\erKn\; [ye gon ye gan;] adv unflaggingly, erK´´®ms\ [ye gE; myi'] n glacier (illus)
unfalteringly, persistently erK´mxt\ [ye gE; hma'] n freezing point (of water) 0°C,
erkun\liuk\ [ye gon lai'] v persevere, see sthg through (to 32°F, ice point ≈ CF erS¨mxt\
the (bitter) end, be tenacious erK´eqt†a [ye gE; thi' ta] n refrigerator, fridge (inf)
erk¥ [ye gya.] n 1) ebb tide, low tide; ebb CF d^er tide, erK´qup\ [ye gE; dho'] n ice or water ice made with dried
er®pv\. high tide [ye kya.] 2) waterfall S YN ertMKXn\ fruit and nuts
— v 1) (of tide, water, etc) ebb, recede 2) (of dye) erKM [ye gan] n longyi used to bathe in CF erl´' Tv\l´'
run, come out 3) (of clothing) be washed (i.e., not be erqNup\
new) erKMTv\ [ye gan dE] n lining, liner (of a coat)
erek¥a\ [ye gyaw] n dip across a road for a stream to erKMTXk\ [ye khan htwe'] v participate in the
cross throwing and getting soaked, in the Water Festival
erk¥k\eA; [ye gye' e:] n cooled boiled water CF ersim\;' CF q”kçn\' erksa;' erpk\KMTXk\
ereNX;®Pø erKMpuSiu; [ye gan påhso;] n pahso for a man to change
erek¥ak\ [ye gyau'] n chicken pox = ek¥ak\ into after bathing erl´puSiu;
er”k^; [ye gyi;] v flood, (of water, river, lake, etc) be erKMe®mKM [ye gan mye gan] n good conditions or
high circumstances or environment, breeding ground Upsa
ereÂka [ye gyaw;] n 1) current; underground river Ω mN|e l;“mio>k saer;SraetX-AtXk\ erKMe®mKM-ekac\;ty\"
2) aquifer, underground water Mandalay is a good environment for writers.
ereÂkami [ye gyaw; mI] v (when digging a well) strike erKiu;erecX> [ye go; ye ngwe.] n steam, water vapour≈
water S YN ereAac\ erKc\; [ye gin;] n
ereÂkae®meÂkaliuk\ [ye gyaw; mye gyaw; lai'] v [fig] have erKc\;eta\KM [ye] v
or show family or local characteristics = ere®mliuk\ erKc\;qBc\ [ye] n [? need defs]
er”kM. [ye gyan.] n hippototamus, hippo (inf) S YN er®mc\; erKn\;K¥k\ [ye gan; che'] n steam (rice)
erÂkk\ [ye gye'] n common moorhen erKp\ [ye kha'] v fetch water; draw water, haul water
ereÂkac\; [ye gyaung;] n 1) water route, sea or river CFercc\' erSX´
route S YN erlm\; 2) ∑waterway, navigable channel; erK¥ [ye cha.] v 1) lead an animal to water (to drink)
shipping lane 2) ∑launch a new boat, ship, etc CF maiden voyage
ereÂkac\;®p [ye gyaung; bya.] n ∑1) pilot 2) marker buoy 3) wash clothes for the first time 4) execute (royalty) by
ereÂkac\;®pe®mpMu [ye gyaung; bya. mye bon] n ∑(nautical) drowning
chart erK¥io [ye gyo] n fresh water Ω erK¥iocå; freshwater fish
erÂkv\ra®mk\Nura [ye gyi ya mye' nu. ya] n [fig] a better Ω erK¥io kun\ freshwater fish, prawns, etc (to be traded)
place, greener pastures Upsa CF ercn\
erKmiu; [ye khåmo;] n 1) large pot used to collect erK¥iocå;pi [ye gyo ngåpI] n fishpaste made from
rainwater 2) Œkind of vine [? check what freshwater fish CF cå;pirv\
characteristics] erK¥io; [ye cho;]
v bathe, take a bath, have or take a
erKmiu;tc\ [ye khåmo; tin] n dip in an elephant's neck shower, have a wash
between the nape and the bulges of the head erK¥i;kn\ [ye cho; gan] n tank used to hold water for
S YN erAiu; tc\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 365

er ª er
bathing gum disease 2) [fig] go too far (in generosity, courage,
erK¥io;Kn\; [ye cho; gan;] n bathroom; shower kindness, etc) [? check in grey]
erK¥io;Sip\ [ye cho; zei'] n bathing spot (e.g., in a river or ers^; [ye zi; gyaung;] n 1) watercourse, current 2) [fig]
stream) current (of thought, research, etc)
erK¥c\;ya; [ye chin; ya;] n Œkind of small tree ers^;ePac\Sn\ [ye zi; hpaung zan] n debating technique
erK¥ioc\. [ye gyain.] n water pitcher using gentle but persistent persuasion, like a raft
erK¥in\ [ye gyein] n 1) (spirit-)level Ω erK¥in\-kiuk\“p^" It is making its way slowly but surely upstream
level. It is balanced. 2) [fig] standard, mark; limit CF ska;”k^;Sy\m¥io;
Ω erK¥in\kiuk\“p^" She's up to the mark. CF zya;' tX k\eK¥ ers¨; [ye zu;]n draught (Br) draft (Am), minimum depth
erK¥in\kiuk\ [ye gyein kai'] v 1) be level 2) get as much as of water a ship needs to float
one wants or needs Ω d^enÏAPiuÏ erK¥in\kiuk\ty\" I got what I ers¨;nk\ [ye zu; ne'] v be deep enough for a boat to
need for today. (i.e., wages) Ω erK¥in\kiuk\“p^" He has reached float
his limit. (i.e., he is drunk) 3) (of boat) reach the landing eres; [ye ze;] n hard water CF erqXk\ soft water
at the right time (relative to the tide) so passengers can ersk\⁄ [ye ze'] n 1) drop of water 2) [fig] ‹past merit
get off at the best place gained together, bringing the merit makers together in
erK¥m\; [ye gyan;] n 1) water as an offering on an altar future lives CF ersk\K¥' ersk\kun\' ersk\SMu
2) cool water ersk\Ÿ [ye ze'] n (electric, diesel, etc) water pump
erK¥m\;sc\ [ye gyan; zin] n stand for public drinking water S YN ersup\sk\' ertc\sk\ CF tuMkc\
pots ersk\kun\ [ye ze' kon] v (of merit earned with others) be
erK¥m\;Aiu; [ye gyan; o;] n 1) pot used to hold water for depleted, run dry, give out
offering on an altar 2) earthenware water pot to hold ersk\K¥ [ye se' cha.] v pour water on the ground at the
cool water for passersby completion of a ritual Ω ersk\K¥ AmYew pour water and
er®Ka;e®m®Ka; [ye gya; mye gya;] n abroad, overseas, share merit S YN ersk\qXn\;
foreign country, foreign parts (inf) ersk\SMu [ye ze' hson] n meet as predestined (through
erKXk\ [ye gwe'] n glass, tumbler merit gained together in previous lives)
erKXn\ [ye gun] n water rate (Br), water bill (Am) ersk\på [ye ze' pa] v be predeestined to meet (through
ercc\ [ye ngin] v fetch water; draw water, haul water merit gained together in previous lives)
CF erKp\' erSX´ ersk\qXn\;(elac\;) [ye se' thun; (laung;)] v pour water on
erct\ [ye nga'] v 1) be thirsty Ω erct\q¨ ertXc\;T´-k¥ the ground at the completion of a ritual S YN ersk\K¥
falling into the well when you are thirsty, i.e., get what you ersc\⁄ [ye zin] n 1) clean water, pure water 2) water
crave, in spades S YN erSa 2) (of plants) be dry, need offerered to nt\ spirits
water ersc\Ÿ [ye zin] n water tower
ercn\ [ye ngan] n salt water, sea water; brine CF erK¥io ersc\Piu; [ye zin bo;] n 1) money put in a tray as an
fresh water, pc\ly\ sea offering to a nt\ spirit 2) fee paid to a nt\ medium
ercup\ [ye ngo'] v dive, submerge, go under water eresac\; [ye zaung;] n erosive power of a current
ercup\wt\sMu [ye ngo' wu' son] n diving suit, waterproof CF ersa;
suit often including a helmet and mask with air supply, erss\ [ye si'] v 1) strain water, i.e., run through a piece
to be worn for diving of cloth to remove sand, insects, etc 2) filter water, i.e.,
ercup\qma; [ye ngo' dhåma;] n diver, frogman pass water through a fine filter to improve quality
ercup\qeBça [ye ngo' thin; baw;] n submarine 3) drain (liquid off of food) 4) (of low tide) recede fi:
ercMuen' ercMuNOt\pit\ [ye ngon ne, ye ngon hno' pei'] v keep ebb to the lowest level
mum (inf), keep silent, not reveal what one knows — n 1) fine cloth used to strain sand, insects, etc out
erecX> [ye ngwe.] n steam, water vapour ≈ of water (illus) 2) water filter 3) lowest tidemark [?
ersa [ye za] n 1) watermark 2) writing or other mark check single word, check whether lowest of year, or
on paper which appears only when the paper is wet daily]
ercut\ [ye ngo'] v dive, go under water, submerge erss\kra; [ye zi' kåya;] n debating technique of
ersa; [ye sa;] v erode, wear away, eat away at (by anticipating and blocking an opponents counterpoints
water) = ertiuk\sa; CF eresac\; (like covering the spout of a kettle as it is raised out of
ers^; [ye zi;] n 1) current, flow (of a stream, river, etc) water, to prevent spilling) = erqX a;eqaqXc \
2) leaf of a parabaik palm-leaf manuscript CF purpiuk\ CF ska;”k^;Sy\m¥io;
— part count word for leaf of parabaik palm-leaf erss\kn\ [ye zi' kan] n settling tank, where water sits
manuscript while silt, sand, etc precipitates
ers^;km\;“pio [ye zi; kan; byo] n kind of gum disease where erss\Aiu; [ye zi' o;] n water filter [? check what kind: look
the roots of the teeth become exposed up in dictionaries]
ers^;km\;“pioliuk\ [ye zi; kan; byo lai'] v 1) have ers^;km\;“pio ersv\ [ye zi] n tub; barrel (illus)
ersun\ [ye zon] adv downstream CF erSn\ upstream

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 366

er ª er
ersun\em¥a [ye zon myaw;] v 1) float downstream 2) [fig] ertMelYak\ [ye dåyau'] n gutter, used to catch
go awry, go wrong, totally fail, be a wasted effort, go to rainwater at the edge of a roof
waste, be (all) for nothing ertiu [ye do] n the short term
ersun\emYa [ye son hmyaw;] v [fig] throw away, waste ertius^mMkin\; [ye do si man gein;] n CF errxv\ long-term
ersp\ [ye za'] n bank (of stream, river, etc), shore (of — adv in the short run, in the short term
lake, sea, etc), water's edge [? check] ertiu; [ye to;] v (of water in rivers, lakes etc) start to
ersp\sp\ [ye sa' sa'] adv (cook) with a little water rise Ω ermti;u m^ tMta;eSak\på" Build a bridge before the
er(sup\)sk\ [ye (zo') se'] n water pump (run by water rises. CF d^ertiu;
electricity, fuel, etc) S YN ertc\sk\ CF tuMkc\ ertk\ [ye te'] [ye de'] v (of tide, river, etc) rise
ersim\kÁ´ [ye zein kywE;] n [fig] bull Upsa, a very strong — n rising tide, flood tide
man, tough guy (inf) CF strong as an ox ertc\ [ye tin] v 1) fill an overhead water tank
ersim\KM [ye sein khan] v 1) be waterproof 2) be tough, be Ω ertc\ Ta;“p^ la;" Have you filled the water tank? [?
rugged; (of person) have endurance, have stamina check] 2) be waterlogged
ersX´ [ye zwE] n strong current flowing into the main ertc\sk\ [ye tin ze'] n water pump CF ersk\
stream ertiuc\ [ye dain] n 1) public water tap; public fountain
erS¨ [ye hsu] v simmer; boil 2) fire hydrant S YN BMupiuc\ [? check]
erS¨mxt\ [ye hsu hma'] n boiling point of water, 100ºC, ertiuc\;”kio; [ye dain; kyo;] n ∑sounding line, weighted
212ºF CF erK´mxt\ freezing point cord used to measure the depth of water
ereS; [ye ze;] n watercolour(s) ertp\ [ye da'] n Í∑navy, naval forces CF kun\;tp\'
ereS;cå; [ye ze; nga;] n [fig] strong, healthy young eltp\
woman ertim\⁄ [ye dein] n shallows
erSiu; [ye zo;] n 1) effluent, wastewater, sew(er)age ertim\ns\ [ye dein ni'] v [fig] drown in shallow water,
2) polluted water i.e., suffer much through a trivial cause
erSc\Nxaemac\; [ye hsin hnåmaung;] n waterspout (illus) ertim\Ÿ [ye dein] n ◊glaucoma
erSc\; [ye zin;] n drainage ertXc\; [ye dwin; (dun:)] n well CF Aw^sitXc\; or sk\ertXc\;
erSc\;tMta; [ye zin; dåda;] n pier, landing stage tube well
erSc\;®pXn\ [ye zin; bun] n drainpipe ertXc\;epåc\ [ye dwin; (dun;) baung] n rim or wall around a
erSiuc\ [ye zain] n place where currents meet well
erSiuc\w´ [ye zain wE:] n 1) eddy, whirlpool 2) [fig] (be erT [ye hta.] [ye da.] v (of spring tide) begin
caught in, be overwhelmed by) sorrow, grief — n spring tide, tide near the full or new moon, when
erSn\ [ye zan] [ye hsan] n upstream CF ersun\ downstream the variation in the water level is greatest CF ereq
— v go upstream neap tide
erSn\elSn\ [ye hsan le hsan] adv 1) against the wind, erTrk\ [ye da. ye'] n day of the spring tide, day of a
with the wind in one's teeth 2) [fig] struggling with very high tide
many obstacles erTu [ye du.] n volume of water
erSip\ [ye zei'] n 1) place to bathe on riverbank erTiu; [ye hto;] v add water to milk, meat, etc to
2) landing (for river boats) CF Sip\km\;' kutiuÏSip\' increase volume or weight
qeBçaSip\ erTut\e®mac\; [ye hto' myaung;] n drain; gutter, drainage
erSMu;erP¥a; [ye zon; ye bya;] adv the very end, the bitter ditch (Am)
end Ω erSMu;-erP¥a;--liuk\ go on to the bitter end Ω erSMu;-erP¥a;-- erTXk\ [ye dwe'] n 1) spring S YN sm\; 2) source, the
”kio;sa; keep trying until the very end beginning of a river or creek
erSX´Aim\qa [ye zwE; ein dha] n flush toilet CF erelac\;- erTXk\psßv\; [ye dwe' pyi' si;] n any product harvested or
Aim\qa produced from water, including fish, fishpaste, salt,
ervHi [ye hnyI] n 1) moss 2) algae, slime prawns, etc; marine produce, fishery products
ervHitk\ [ye hnyI te'] v 1) be mossy 2) be covered with CF tXc\;TXk\psßv\;' qs\etaTXk\psßv\;
algae, be slimy erd%\ [ye dan] n ‹water duty, water carrying given
ervHierac\ [ye hnyI yaung] n moss green as punishment for novices in a monastery CF q´d%\
erevHac\.ekac\ [ye hnyaung. gaung] n green sandpiper erngå; [ye någa;] n seahorse S YN er®mc\;
ertekac\; [ye dågaung;] n water pitcher or water jug ernra; [ye nåya;] n pipefish, kind of long thin fish
with a long neck erna [ye na] n (of fruit, vegetables) rot S YN ri' erelac\
ertma [ye tåma] n Œkind of shade tree with narrow
dark green shiny leaves (illus) ernar^ [ye na yi] n water clock, clepsydra; device that
ertMKå; [ye dåga;] n locks, sluice gate; floodgate, water measures time by the water passing through a narrow
gate (illus) opening
ertMKXn\ [ye dågun] n waterfall, falls S YN erk¥ er(Nu)T [ye (nu.) da.] n beginning of spring tide (near the

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 367

er ª er
full or new moon, when tide is higher than usual) sb, wait on sb hand and foot [? check situ, literal
er(en)qt†wå [ye (ne) dhådåwa] n aquatic animal(s), meaning]
animal(s) living in water CF kun\;ts\piuc\;erts\piuc\; erep; [ye pe;] v 1) irrigate, water fields 2) [sl] bribe
amphibian, kun\;enqt†wå land animal S YN erelac\; 3) give a fighting cock strength by rubbing
ernM [ye nan] n oil, petroleum its neck, breast, thighs, etc with water
ernMeK¥; [ye nan gyi;] n oil dregs erep;e®mac\; [ye be; myaung;] n irrigation canal
ernMsim\; [ye nan zein;] n crude oil erepÅspå; [ye baw zåba;] n Œkind of rice with a long
ernMS^ [ye nan zi] n paraffin (Br), kerosene or kerosine stalk
(Am) erepÅS^ [ye baw zi] v be superficial, be shallow
ernMtc\qeBça [ye nan din thin; baw;] n (oil) tanker — n [fig] shallow person, sb superficial
ernMtXc\; [ye nan dwin; (dun;)] n oil well erpiu;ermWa; [ye bo; ye hmwa;] n 1) collective term for
ernMerac\ [ye nan yaung] n greenish brown small aquatic animals 2) very small aquatic organisms
ernk\ [ye ne'] n deep water; the deeps (poet) Ω πÂkaRiu;- erpk\ [ye pe'] v 1) splash, sprinkle, throw water 2) bale
ÂkasXy\kiu®mc\ ertim\-ernk\ qirmy\" If you see the stem of (water out of a boat)
the lotus, you should be able to tell the depth of the water. erpk\kn\Ï [ye pe' kan.] n open part of the bottom of a
A NT ertim\ boat, where water collects for baling out
ernk\kXc\; [ye ne' kwin;] n deep-water rice field erpk\KMTXk\ [ye pe' khan htwe'] participate in the water
ernk\spå; [ye ne' zåba;] n deep-water rice throwing and getting soaked, in the Water Festival
ernv\;cå; [ye nE; nga;] n fish out of water Upsa, sb in CF q”kçn\' erksa;' erKMTXk\
great difficulty Ω APm´.qa; ernv\;cå; a son without a erepåk\⁄ [ye bau'] n drop of water
father, a fish in little water erepåk\Ÿ [ye pau'] [ye bau'] v (of a river, etc) be
erNxp\e®mac\; [ye hno' myaung;] n sluice gate; drainage, navigable
overflow drain [? can't read next note on corrected — n drain, outlet (for water) = erlW´epåk\
pages p 12] erpiuk\ [ye pai'] n (water) pipe [Engl]
ernm\;eÂkac\; [ye nan; gyaung;] n load line, Plimsoll mark erpn\; [ye ban;] n 1) fountain 2) (water) sprinkler
or line, line on the hull of a ship showing the depth to 3) showerhead
which it can legally be submerged when loaded erpn\;sa; [ye ban; sa;] v
ereNX; [ye nwe;] n 1) warm water, hot water S YN erp¨ 1) (of boat) cut through
2) oolong tea CF ereNX;Âkm\;' lk\Pk\rv\Âkm\; water 2) [fig] be famous;
ereNX;Âkm\; [ye nwe: gyan;] n oolong tea S YN erp¨' be popular
lk\Pk\rv\Âkm\;' AKå;rv\ CF lk\Pk\e®Kak\' AKå;e®Kak\ erpMu; [ye bon;] n bucket,
oolong tea (leaves), lk\Pk\rv\ black tea, AK¥ioe®Kak\ pail
black tea (leaves) er®pc\ [ye byin] n expanse
ereNX;ecX> [ye nwe; ngwe.] n steam or stretch of water; surface
ereNX;ecX>Ac\g¥c\ [ye nwe; ngwe. in gyin] n steam engine of the water CF m¥k\®pc\
ereNX;S¨ [ye nwe; hsu] v bring water to a boil er®pc\v^m¥U\; [ye byin nyi
ereNX;®Pø [ye nwe; hpyu] n hot water myin;] n level horizontal
ereNX;e®Pa [ye nwe; hpyaw;] v blanch, submerge food line
briefly in boiling water er®pv\. [ye pye.] v 1) (of
ereNX;B¨; [ye nwe; bu;] n (Thermos) flask S YN Dat\B¨; water level in lake, stream,
ereNX;Aiu; [ye nwe; o;] n 1) kettle, special pot for boiling etc) be high; reach the high-water mark [ye bye.] 2) (of
water 2) boiler S YN BiXoc\la tank, bucket, cistern, etc) be full (of water), be filled
ereNX;Ait\ [ye nwe; ei'] n hot water bottle (with water)
erNxs\ [ye hni'] n ÇBaptist, Protestant denomination in — n high tide CF d^er tide' ertk\ flood tide, erk¥
which people are baptised only after they are old low tide
enough to understand and declare their faith CF Krs\yan\ er®pn\ [ye byan] n 1) distilled water = epåc\;®pn\er 2) urine
S YN k¥c\cy\
erNxs\®po [ye hni' pyu.] v Çbaptise (by full immersion) erpXk\ [ye pwe'] [ye bwe'] v boil Ω erpXk\pXk\-S¨ water at a
erNxs\mgçla [ye hni' mingAla] n Çsacrament of baptism full boil
CF Nxs\K¥c\;mgçla' mgçlaAmO — n water bubble S YN p¨ePac\;
erpå;sk¶ø [ye ba; se' ku] n tracing paper erpXk\T [ye bwe' hta.] v 1) boil 2) have bubbles (e.g.,
erp¨ [ye pu] n 1) hot water S YN ereNX; 2) [regional] from carbonation, fish, rising gas,)
oolong tea erPt\tiuk\ [ye ba' tai'] v bathe with a damp cloth, using
erp¨sm\; [ye bu san;] n hot spring little water
erp¨erK¥m\;km\; [ye bu ye gyan; kan;] v [fig] be devoted to erPit\spå; [ye bei' zåba;] n [fig] sthg done with no

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 368

er ª er
expectation of return L IT : ‘rice spilled into the water’ [ye hmon ye hmwa;] n spray
erP¥n\; [ye hpyan;] n Anglican (Christian) CF Krs\yan\ ere®mX [ye mwe] n 1) water snake (not venomous)
erPXa; [ye bwa;] n spray of water 2) [fig] quiet person, easygoing person, pussycat (fig),
erblMu [ye bålon] n masked finfoot, a water bird softy, harmless person
erB¨; [ye bu;] n water bottle er®mHop\ [ye hmyo'] n 1) sponge; (natural) sponge
ereB; [ye be;] n disaster associated with water, e.g., 2) bubble S YN erp¨ePac\;' erpXk\ 3) foam (in sea water)
flood, shipwreck, etc 4) cuttlebone
ereB;dukƒqv\ [ye be; do' kha. dhE] n flood victims er®mHop\miuc\; [ye hmyo' main;] n Ínaval mine CF e®m®mHop\miuc\;
ermak¥^ [ye ma kyi] n caulk(ing), cotton soaked in oil, landmine
resin, and lime, used to waterproof a boat eremW; [ye hmwe;] n perfume, cologne, toilet water, eau
erm^ [ye mi] v catch the tide de toilette, fragrance, scent Ω eremW;Sp\®pa perfumed soap
erema\ [ye maw] n part of a river with a swift current er®mWa [ye hmwa] n water bag, amniotic sac, protecctive
er(miu;)K¥io; [ye (mo;) cho;] v bathe, have a bath, (have a) sac around foetus, which bursts just before childbirth
shower, have a wash (inf)
ermiuc\ [ye main] n 1) nautical mile, used to measure er®mWaepåk\ [ye hmwa pau'] v (of pregnant woman) water
distance on water, 1.15 (survey (UK) statute (Am) burst
miles), 1.85 km 2) knot, used to measure speed of travel eryk\ [ye ye'] n 1) (fish) fin CF Aetac\ 2) paddle-
on water, 1.15 miles per hour, 1.85 km per hour wheel
ermn\; [ye man;] n water which has been given healing eryaU\ [ye yin] n vessel, watercraft, i.e., boat, ship,
properties by the reciting of mantras Ω ermn\; tiuk\ give sailboat, tanker, steamer, oceanliner, ferry, etc
healing water CF S^mn\;' TMu;mn\;' mN|ra; CFrXk\elx' sk\elx' qeBça' ePac\' zk\' kutiuÏ
ermn\;mn\; [ye man; man;] v recite mantras over water, to eryun\ [ye yon] n herpes, a viral infection causing painful
give it healing properties CF mn\; mOt\ blisters near the mouth, or sexual organs
ermun\Ï [ye mon.] n thin, crispy rice crêpe erR¨; [ye yu;] n flash flood, sudden surge of water down a
erem¥aekac\ [ye myaw; gaung] n zoöplankton, plankton slope or narrow channel after heavy rain
that is made up of microscopic animals erR¨;T [ye yu; hta.] v (of water after a rain) surge down
S YN CF em¥aelx;' erem¥apc\ or ererlv\lv\ [ye ye lE lE] adv 1) skillfully
Apc\em¥aelx; phytoplankton 2) thoroughly, clearly CF rv\lv\
erem¥akm\;tc\ [ye myaw; kan; din] n 1) driftwood 2) [fig] erRXk\ [ye ywe'] n bamboo matting fastened under a boat
drifter, vagrant, tramp, transient, homeless person to catch a current
erem¥apc\ [ye myaw; bin] n phytoplankton, plankton that errxxc\ [ye shin] n running water, i.e., from stream, creek,
is made up of microscopic plants S YN Apc\em¥aelx; river, etc = erl¥U\ CF s^;Sc\;' erAiuk\
CF em¥aelx;' erem¥aekac\ zoöplankton errxv\ [ye she] n the long term
erm¥io [ye myo] n upper part of the throat, above the — adv in the long run, in the long term A NT ertiu
Adam's apple = lv\m¥io errxv\Âkv\. [ye she kyI] v look at the long run
erm¥k\Nxa®pc\ [ye mye' hnåbyin] n 1) surface of the water; errxv\-s^mMkin\; [ye she si; man gein;] n long-term project
water level 2) sea level, a point halfway between high errxv\SX´ [ye she hswE;] v draw (sthg) out; procrastinate
and low tide, used to calculate altitude and depth CF AK¥in\SX´
erem¥ak\ [ye myau'] n [Rakh] octopus S YN Bw´' erqr´ erlae®mac\;ep; [ye la myaung; be;] v [fig] hint broadly
ere®mliuk\ [ye mye lai'] v [fig] have or show family or erla; [ye la;] n 1) poem about a journey by water [ wr]
local characteristics = ereÂkae®meÂkaliuk\ 2) [of royalty] travel by water 3) one of the methods of
er®mc\; [ye myin;] n 1) hippopotamus, hippo (inf) trial by ordeal [? find trial by ordeal]
S YN er”k.M 2) seahorse S YN erngå; erl´ [ye lE;] n 1) bathing clothes; a change of clothes
ere®mac\kel; [ye myaung khAle;] n [? defs] to wear after bathing CF Tv\l´' erKM' erqNup\
ere®mac\”k^; [ye myaung gyi;] n 2) watershed, divide CF erew
ere®mac\; [ye myaung;] n ditch, gutter, (roadside) drain — adv using many things, changing often Ω erl´tX´ty\"
[? where is water gauge?] He's always with a different girlfriend.
ermxt\ [ye hma']n mark or line by which the water level erl´piuc\; [ye lE; bain;] n waistcloth used for bathing (by
can be seen or measured men)
ermOt\ [ye hmo'] n dipper, cup with a erlk\Âka; [ye le' kya;] n strait, channel
long handle, used to drink water erlk\wå; [ye le' wa;] n starfish
ermOt\km\; [ye hmo' kan;] erliuk\cå;liuk\ [ye lai' nga; lai'] exp go along with, go
n ©Sword of with the flow; not make waves; fall in with
Orion erliuk\cå;liuk\e®pa [ye lai' nga; lai' pyaw;] v consent, go
ermOn\ermWa; along with, not disagree

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 369

er ª er
erliuk\mxa;' erliuk\lX´ [ye lai' hma;, ye lai' lwE;]
v make a erwk\ [ye we'] n dugong, large, plant-eating mammal
bad decision, make a bad choice, take the wrong way living in shallow coastal waters (illus)
erelac\ [ye laung] v (of vegetables, fruit) rot (because erwm\;B´ [ye wun; bE;] n 1) little grebe, dabchick
of dampness) S YN rip¥k\ S YN Tn\;es. mOt\ 2) lesser whistling duck S YN ss\ sl^ eKåc\;m´
erelac\; [ye laung;] v 1) water (plants, garden, etc) [? can we check this?]
2) [fig] bribe S YN erep; erqk¥v\; [ye dhågyi;] n Œsmall tree with medicinal
erelac\;Aim\qa [ye laung; ein tha] n toilet flushed by leaves used for making poultices
pouring water CF erSX´Aim\qa erqNup\ [ye dhåno'] n 1) bathing clothes; a change of
erlv\ [ye lE] v 1) (of problem, question, etc) become clothes to wear after bathing CF Tv\l´' erl´
clear; (of person) grasp, understand, comprehend 2) waistcloth used by monks when bathing CF qc\;piuc\
Ω pTmkm± ass\-®Ps\ rt´.
AeÂkac\;rc\; kiu kÁn\eta\ erlv\eAac\ erqPn\; [ye thåhpan;] n Œkind of fig typically growing
mqieq;B¨;" I don't clearly understand the causes of the near rivers and streams
First World War yet. [? get example relating to problem] erqBc\ [ye dhåbin] n 1) royal water-sport exhibition
2) (of tide) turn, change CF Arv\lv\ CF ®mc\;Kc\;qBc\ 2) Thingyan, annual water festival to
erlup\cn\; [ye lo' ngan;] n fisheries, businesses relating to celebrate the new year S YN q”kçn\
breeding or catching fish or other aquatic animals erqr´ [ye thåyE] n octopus CF Bw´' erem¥ak\
erlup\qa; [ye lo' tha;] n sb working in fisheries or other erqaKiu [ye dha kho] v shirk, avoid one's duty
work related to aquatic animals CF tMcå S YN AeK¥ac\Kiu
erlm\; [ye lan;] n water route; sea or river route erq^”kio; [ye dhi gyo;] n ∑sheet, line used to change
S YN the angle of a sail CF rXk\
erlMu®pot\ [ye lon byo'] n meat or vegetables cooked in erq^na; [ye dhi na;] n 1) ∑foot of a sail 2) Ówide hem
water, with very little oil of a htamein TB^ CF
erlMuAiu; [ye lon o;] n water pot full of water, from a erq^lM [ye dhi lan] n kind of banana S YN rKiuc\ CF cxk\ep¥a
deceased person's home, broken when the body is erq¨ [ye dhu] n Ófisherman S YN tMcå
removed from the house CF AquBK¥ erq¨m [ye dhu ma.] n 1) mermaid, mythical creature with
erl¥U\ [ye yin (låyin)] n running water, i.e., in a stream, the body of a woman and the tail of a fish 2) kind of
creek, etc = errxc\ CF s^;Sc\;' erAiuk\ small insect that walks on water, (pond-)skater (Br),
erelxac\kn\ [ye hlaung gan (kan)] n 1) water tank, cistern water strider or water bug (Am)
2) reservoir ereq [ye dhe] n 1) still waters; waters of lakes, ponds,
erlxv\.qc\. [ye hlE. thin.] v have a favourable tide etc, which have no current 2) neap tide, the tide with
erlxn\ [ye hlan] v (of tide) start to rise the least variation between high and low CF erT spring
erelYa\KM [ye shaw gan] v be washable; (of cloth) be tide
tough, be durable ereqrk\ [ye dhe ye'] n day of the neap tide CF erTrk\
erlYM [ye shan] v 1) overflow, spill over 2) [sl] be day of the spring tide
loaded, be flush, have plenty of money, be rolling in it ereqak\®ms\ [ye dhau' myi'] n 1) taproot, the thick root
growing straight down from a trunk or stem 2) [fig]
erlWaelYas^; [ye hlwa shaw; si;] n 1) waterski (illus) main source
2) play on a waterslide (illus) erqt†wå [ye dhådåwa] n aquatic animal(s), animal(s)
erlW´ [ye hlwE;] v divert (a stream, flow, etc) living in water CF kun\; ts\piuc\;-erts\piuc\; amphibian, kun\;en-
— n 1) sluicegate, floodgate, water gate 2) spill, qt†wå land animal
spillway, wasteweir erqpJay\ [ye tha' pE] v ‹wash a pagoda or Buddha
erlW´(epåk\) [ye hlwE; (pau')] n 1) sluicegate, floodgate, image [ bh]
water gate 2) spill, spillway, wasteweir erqim\ [ye dhein] n ‹ordination hall built in shallow
erlWt\ [ye hlu'] v open a sluicegate, floodgate, water
watergate, spillway, etc erqXk\ [ye dhwe'] n soft water CF eres;
erlWm\; [ye hlwan;] n flood, swamp, inundate, engulf, erqXc\;e®mac\; [ye dhwin; myaung;] n irrigation canal
submerge [? check] erqXn\ [ye dhun] n 1) open extension of a kitchen, where
erew [ye we] n 1) place where a current divides; point dishes are washed 2) hole in the floor in the back of a
where water is diverted (e.g., into a reservoir) 2) divide, house on stilts, to urinate through
watershed CF erewkun\; tn\;' erl´ erqXn\; [ye thun;] v 1) pour water on sb as part of a
erewkun\;tn\; [ye we kon; dan;] n divide, watershed ritual 2) ‹pour water on a Buddha image or banyan
erw´ [ye wE;] n [? def, part o speech] tree
erw´keta. [ye wE; gAdaw.] n eddy, small whirlpool erAa;lYp\ss\ [ye a; hlya' si'] n hydropower, hydroelectric
erw´na [ye wE; na] n rash caused by skin being constantly power, electricity generated by the energy of running
in dirty water water
erA^ [ye i] v (of tidewater) be slack, stop moving at

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 370

er ª r´
the change of the tide CF erË; er;qa; [ye; tha;] v write, compose [? check what --
erË;(erP¥a;) [ye u; (ye bya;)] n 1) first rainfall, first same as ye:?]
water flowing in dry or low rivers and streams er;2[ye;] part 1) suffix to a verb to form an abstract
2) beginning of the rise or fall of the tide CF erA^ noun; matter, affair Ω Niuc\cMer; politics, k¥n\; maer; health,
erË;epåk\ [ye u; pau'] [ye u; bau'] v (of river, stream, etc) sawt\ener; basic needs, pvaer; education, ®pv\T´er;-
get the first flush of water after a rain, be filled with wn\”k^; Minister of Home Affairs 2) particle used to make a
water after a rainshower verb clause into a noun phrase
— n first rainfall of the rainy season er;”k^;KXc\k¥y\lup\ [ye; gyi; khwin gyE lo'] v make a fuss,
erAiu; [ye o;] n (drinking-)water pot make a mountain out of a molehill, make a big deal out
erAiu;sc\ [ye o; zin] n stand for a (drinking-)water pot of sthg (inf) Ω kel;-Tin\;rtakiu er;”k^;-KXc\k¥y\lup\“p^;
erAiu;tc\ [ye o; din] n 1) lower thigh, the place above e®paen-eq;ty\" She's making a big fuss about having to
the knee where the water pot is rested before being babysit.
lifted) 2) dip in an elephant's neck between the nape er;”k^;qut\p¥a [ye; gyi; tho' pya] adv urgently, in haste
and the bulges of the head S YN erKmiu; tc\ (in order to do sthg important)
erAiuk\ [ye ai'] n stagnant water, still water CF errxc\' er;ra [ye; ya] n affairs or matters (relating to sthg)
erlYU\ er;er;raralup\ [ye; ye; ya ya lo'] v attach undue
ereAac\ [ye aung] v (when digging a well) strike water importance to
CF ereÂkami mÚer;K¥mÚ [mA…ye; cha. mA…] part used with a
erAiuc\ [ye ain] n 1) lake, pond, pool 2) puddle repeated verb: absolutely not, out of the question, never
erAim\ [ye ein] n toilet, latrine, lavatory S YN Aim\qa Ω mekac\;t´. Alu p\kiu mlu p\er;K¥-mlu p\" I would never do
er3 [ye] n leather, skin CF qa;er RF Aer. anything wicked. Ω q¨ts\på; Atc\; kiu By\
er4 [ye] part particle suffixed to a name or pronoun when me®paer;K¥me®pa" One should never ever spread gossip about
calling sb CF r' ra' ra.' er.' r´.' ry\' ry\.' cy\' cy\.' c´. others.
Úer;Úra […ye…ya] n matters, affairs Ω ®pv\er;®pv\ra
politics, political affairs Ω l¨er;l¨ra social matters
erssßr^ [ye si' såri] n Óregistery, registration, register (for
ID card, letter, etc) [Engl] CF mxt\pMutc\ Aer;Ara [åye; åya] n matter, affair; situation
Ω Aer;Arakiu na;mlv\ B¨;" I don't understand the matter.
erdå [re da] n radar [Engl]
erd^yM [re di yan] n radium [Engl] er;3 [ye;] part count word used to count stretches of sleep
Ω vtun\; klv\; ts\v lMu; sU\ sa;ty\" ts\ er;mx mAip\B¨;"
erd^yiu [re di yo] n radio [Engl] Ω erd^yiuty\l^skup\ That night she was thinking all night long. She didn't sleep
a wink. = ¬ emx; [ nc] [? ok?]
erd^yiuqt†iÂkX [re di yo tha' tI kywa.] v be radioactive
er;et;et;' er;er; [ye; te; te;, ye; ye;] adv unclearly, hazily
erP [re hpa.] n [? do we want to keep this? If so, create Ω es. es. -e tX;mx er;er;epÅ" Even though you think very
characters or get from Ko Kyaw Thu]
carefully, it is still not clear.
eryXn\ [re yun] n rayon [Engl] ter;er; [tåye; ye;] adv gradually or slowly (appear in
erwt^ [ye wåti] n ©constellation in Pisces, resembling a one's mind) CF tsim\.sim\.
fish trap; the 27th lunar mansion
r´ [yE;] v 1) be brave, be fearless, be valiant; be bold, be
er. [ye.] part particle suffixed to a name or pronoun when daring; be nervy (inf), be gutsy (Am inf) S YN wM;.
calling sb CF r' ra' ra.' er' r´.' ry\' ry\.' cy\' cy\.' c´. A NT eÂkak\' rxk\ CF qt†i' q¨r´eÂkac\' qti†eÂkac\'
er;1 [ye;] v 1) write 2) draw; paint CF S´X' ®Ky\ RF er;SX´. eqX;eÂkac\ 2) be bright red CF n^ 3) be rampant Ω k¥a;r´ra
3) œ¬compose (music or poetry) CF kuM;' PX´> Âkmµamyiu;qa where tigers are rampant, you can't blame
er;k¨; [ye; ku;] v copy (something written or drawn) your fate (i.e., if you are bitten by a tiger, you could say it
= k¨;er; was bad luck, unless you have gone to a place where there
er;kXk\ [ye; gwe'] n 1) material (to write about) are many tigers) CF epå
2) angle (to write from) — n 1) police (officer) Ω yaU\Tin\;r´ traffic police 2) [in
er;K¥ [ye; cha.] n -å or -a CF emak\K¥' wiuk\K¥ comb] military
er;®Ks\ [ye; chi'] v 1) draw; doodle 2) write; scribble, — part 1) suffix to verb; infix to double verbs: dare, be
scratch brave enough (to), have the nerve to Ω ts\eyak\tv\;
er;KÁt\ [ye; chu'] v write (esp sthg short) mqXa;r´B¨;" I don't dare go alone. Ω lup\r´kiuc\r´ dare to do the
er;SX´ [ye; hswE;] v 1) draw 2) paint 3) draw up law, work Ω e®par´Siur´ dare to speak 2) suffix to verb: very,
plan, etc overly, excessively Ω K¥ior´r´ cloying
er;Tiu; [ye; hto;] v 1) record; inscribe or carve in stone
2) sign, affix signature S YN lk\mxt\Tiu; r´k [yE; ka.] n battle howdah
er;TMu; [ye; hton;] n spelling; orthography r´kc\; [yE; gin;] n police post
er;mxt\ [ye; hma'] v write down, note down, take notes r´Âkp\ [yE; gya'] n police sergeant
r´Kn´®Ps\ [yE; gånE; hpyi'] v blush, (of face) turn red

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 371

r´sa;ªrv\;sa; ª era
r´K¥op\ [yE; cho'] Director General of Police Force r´eBa\-qMu;k¥ip\ [y E; baw thon; kyei']
n Óthe Thirty
r´sKn\; [yE; såkhan;] n police station Comrades, leaders of the resistence to British
r´sit\r´man\' r´sit\r´eqX; [yE; zei' yE; man, yE; zei' yE; dhwe;] colonialism at the beginning of World War II
n bravery, courage, valour; daring, boldness CF bmalXt\lp\er;tp\meta\
r´sXm\;qt†i [yE; zun; tha' tI] n r´Bk\ [yE; be'] n 1) convict in a labour camp 2) soldier
r´eS;tc\ [yE; ze; tin] v 1) summon or get up one's r´Bk\sKn\; [yE; be' såkhan;] n labour camp, work camp
courage 2) get courage by drinking CF Bwqs\sKn\;' Alup\sKn\;
r´VXn\Ï [yE; nyun.] n cadet r´em [yE; me] n 1) ƒ police officer 2) ƒ soldier
r´@an [yE; hta na.] n Ópolice station CF r´sKn\; [? new r´mk\ [yE; me'] n ÓÍsoldier
your notes] r´mk\biul\på' r´mk\biul\e®K [yE; me' bo ba, yE; me' bo che] n
r´tiuk\ [yE; dai'] n Ócastle ÓÍtroops
r´tc\; [yE; tin;] [yE; din;] v be bold r´r´(n^) [yE; yE; (ni)] v be glowing red
— n 1) hatchet, small axe 2) kind of poem praising war — adv 1) bravely, audaciously 2) bright red
heroism [ wr] r´r´etak\ [yE; yE; tau'] v 1) be intrepid, be bold, be
r´tc\;BX´>' r´tc\;ema\kXn\; [yE; tin; bwE., yE; tin; maw kun;] n courageous 2) be brilliant red
kind of poem praising war heroism [? check Aung Aung] — adv 1) courageously 2) brightly
r´rc\. [yE; yin.] v be daring, be brave [? check all of these
r´tc\;qM [yE; din; dhan] n 1) rousing speech or article, -- what about rashness, etc?]
essay, etc 2) war cry r´elac\; [yE; laung;] n 1) narrowing path, with fences at
r´tp\PX´> [yE; ta' hpwE.] n police force the sides, esp one leading toward a palace 2) small
r´tXt\ [yE; tu'] v be bright red fenced street 3) ÓÍmilitary boat S YN r´elx
r´eBa\ [yE; baw] n 1) Ísoldier Ω r´eBa\-qMu;k¥ip\ the Thirty r´elx [yE; hle] n Ómilitary boat
Comrades S YN ss\qa; 2) comrade r´wM. [yE; wun. (win.)] v be daring
r´eBa\sit\ [yE; baw zei'] n camaraderie, esprit de corps r´qa; [yE; dha;] n µ police (officer) CF r´em
r´eBa\r´Bk\ [yE; baw yE; be'] n comrade (esp in army)

r´sa;ªrv\;sa; [yE; sa;] n boyfriend; girlfriend well, too, also S YN ry\' ¬ lv\;ekac\; or &c\; 2) particle
r´yiu [yE; yo] n ŒIndian mulberry, kind of tree with edible used to end a sentence, esp for emphasis in
fruit, leaves of which are used to wrap fish for steaming storytelling,or for a series of events 3) suffix to a verb
to show closeness in time and action: just as, as soon as
r´. [yE.] part 1) suffix to a noun to indicate possession, -'s CF “p^;era that's the end of that; lX n\era It's extreme;

Ω q¨ r´. his or hers Ω kiue Aac\ r´.-rv\;sa; Ko Aung's girlfriend AM.era I am astonished or It's beyond me! 4) also, as
S YN ¬ f'' k´. [ BOX on various possessive issues, well (as), too, as for Ω Aim\mxa Tmc\;era hc\;era-rxity\" We
including creaky tones, and the times when it is not have rice and also curries at home.
used, e.g., children's literature kale: sape] 2) particle — int [? exclamation for what? and what are these
inserted before sentence ending particle, to add other notes?]
emphasis, insistence, or confidence [ we need a big BOX eraek¥a\ [yaw; gyaw] n 1) mix(ture), assortment
to explain all the uses, particular idioms and exceptions 2) [fig] sb who drifts with the crowd
with this word!] 3) particle inserted before question erasp\ [yaw; sa'] v blend, mix
particle, to express doubt Ω K¥s\r´.la;" Do you really love erasXk\ [yaw; swe'] v 1) add to, blend into, mix with
me? Ω hut\r´.la;" Can that be true? 4) particle suffixed to 2) meddle (in)
a name or pronoun when calling sb CF r' ra' ra.' er' eratierara [yaw; tI yaw; ya] n assortment
er.' r´' ry\' ry\.' cy\' cy\.' c´. eraeTX; [yaw; htwe;] v 1) be confused, be muddled, be
mixed up Ω ek¥ac\;mxa qc\liuk\t´. Baqarp\etX sit\T´mxa
era [yaw;] v 1) mix, blend (esp of food); join (up) 2) put eraeTX;-enty\" Everything I learned at school is all mixed
together; mix (up), jumble Ω menÏk Tut\Ta;t´.-saAup\m¥a; up in my mind. 2) be jumbled, be mixed up Ω Kr^;qXa;rc\-
d^enÏ®pn\eraenty\" The books we took out yesterday are all liumy\-Tc\t´. psßv\;Aa;lMu; Ait\T´mxa eraeTX;“p^;
mixed in with the others today. [? check xv] 3) mix Tv\.laK´.ty\" I came with all the things I thought I would
(sthg/sb) up (with), confuse (different things or need for the trip thrown together in my bag.
people), mistake (one thing/person for another) 4) get eraeNxa [yaw; hnaw;] v mix, mingle
involved with, keep company with, associate with era®pXm\; [yaw; pyun;] v be mixed
eraeyac\ [yaw; yaung] adv (imitate, do as, follow, etc)
— part 1) particle used to list items or people: and, as without knowing what it is about

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 372

eragå ª Riu;
erayxk\ [yaw; she'] v intertwine, intermingle — adj Roman, Latin
erara [yaw; ya] n assortment S YN eratierara eramg%n\; [yaw; ma. gånan;] n Roman numerals
ÚeraÚpå [yaw;…pa] part and Ω enÏeravpå day and night eramAkƒra [yaw; ma. e' khåya] n latin letters, latin
eragå [yaw; ga] n 1) disease, illness; condition Ω k¨; sk\eragå eraRuw [yaw; yu. wa.] n [cosm] fourth of the eight prinicpal
infectious disease; kp\eragå epidemic Ω kc\Saeragå cancer; hells CF cr´”k^;-(8)-Tp\
t^B^eragå TB, tuberculosis; kalqa;eragå STD, sexually erah%^ [yaw; håni]
n ©fourth lunar mansion;
transmitted disease; em;Kiuc\eragå tetanus Ω Asa;m¥a;rc\ eragå- constellation of ten stars forming a pair of carp, Hyades
®pn\tk\ty\" If he overeats, he gets worse. CF natarxv\
chronic illness' na' P¥a;na be ill' k¥n\; maer; health era. [yaw.] part 1) [inf] here (you are or you go), particle
2) [fig] obsession, addiction, craziness (for sb or sthg) used when giving sb sthg 2) suffix to a verb, for
[? check example] emphasis\ [yaw. mE] part 1) suffix to a verb: must have or
eragåk¨; [yaw; ga ku;] v 1) infect; get infected be, will have (by now) Ω B^yaTp\-wy\rmy\" d^-(3)-lMu;
2) transmit disease or germs Ω q¨m¥a;r´. mut\Sit\rit\Da; mnk\®Pn\kun\\" I'll have to buy some more beer. These
mqMu;n´Ï eragåk¨;-Niuc\ty\" Don't use other people's razors – three bottles will be gone by tomorrow.
they can transmit diseases. 2) ?????????????????? Ω Kc\b¥a;klv\; mhut\taetX
eragåkc\; [yaw; ga kin;] v be free of disease e®\" You're talking nonsense.
eragåkp\ [yaw; ga ka'] v get a disease, be infected era\1 [yaw] v 1) (of some birds) call Ω z^kXk\liu era\ hoot like
eragåk¥ [yaw; ga kya] v be infected (esp as part of an an owl Ω tin\vc\' Âkk\ [? check, and which noise of the
epidemic) Ω Âkk\etX eragåk¥liuÏ eqkun\“p^" All the chickens chicken?] 2) long for; look expectantly CF rv\' rXy\' ra'
got infected and died. rm\;
eragå”k^; [yaw; ga kyi;] v be seriously ill, be very sick, era\rv\ [yaw yi] v keep thinking of
have a major illness era\rm\;(tm\;t) [yaw yan; (tan; ta.)] v yearn for
eragåkÁm\; [yaw; ga kyun;] v be terminally ill, have a fatal era\2 [yaw] v be overripe; wither, age
disease era\BaªraBa [raw ba] n rubber [Engl]
eragåÂkX [yaw; ga kywa.] v show serious symptoms rM1 [yan] v 1) surround, encircle 2) attend, be in attendance
eragåcup\ [yaw; ga ngo'] n (of disease) show no symptoms, 3) besiege, lay siege to
be sub-clinical ◊ rMtiuc\ [yan dain] n posts in the railing around the edge
eragåsc\ [yaw; ga sin] v be disease-free of a bullock cart CF kk\Aim\' lxv\;
eragåsX´ [yaw; ga swE;] v have a (certain) disease rMtn\; [yan dan;] n hand rail of a bullock cart
eragåSiu; [yaw; ga zo;] n serious disease, esp one which rMerXeta\ [yan ywe daw] n lady-in-waiting, or other
is fatal or disfiguring [? see many more in chinese!!] person waiting on royalty
rM1 [yan] n time, instance, occasion CF Kå' eKåk\' K¥in\' Pn\;
eragåtiu; [yaw; ga to;] v (of disease, condition, etc) get ts\Kåts\rM sometimes
worse rMPn\rMKå [yan hpan yan kha] adv from time to time,
eragåT [yaw; ga hta.] v (of disease, condition, etc) act up sometimes, occasionally, every so often, at times,
(every) now and then, now and again CF mÂkaK%'
eragåT¨ [yaw; ga htu] v be sickly tKåtKå' tKåtel
eragåpiu; [yaw; ga bo;] n germ, bacterium, virus etc which Riu [yo] v [in comb] respect
causes disease, pathogen ◊
Riuk¥io;' RiuVXt\ [yo kyo, yo nyu'] v be respectful; be
eragåebd [yaw; ga be da.] n pathology obedient; be submissive
eragåBy [yaw; ga bAya.] n disease, illness; condition Riueq [yo the] v respect
eragåemX; [yaw; ga mwe;] v 1) be favourable for the Riueqkiuc\;VWt\' Riueqkiuc\;ROic\; [yo the kain; nyu', yo the kain
development of disease 2) neglect a disease (allowing it shain] v 1) behave respectfully 2) bow (to show respect)
to get worse) 3) revere S YN Riueqel;®mt\ [? check syn]
eragår [yaw; ga ya.] v [fig] become obsessed with, go Riueqel;®mt\ [yo the le; mya'] v revere
crazy for, go wild about Ω Aarxk ekac\mel;etX David
Riud^;rxa; [ro di; sha;] n ∏ÓRhodesia [? Zim?]
Beckham kiu sX´lm\;t´.-eragå-renty\" Asian girls have gone
crazy for David Beckham.
Riu> [yo.] part suffix to name [? look in Okell]
eragårxc\' eragåqv\ [yaw; ga shin, yaw; ga dhE] n person Riu>Riu> [yo. yo.] part call used to call pigs, dogs, and some
other animals CF m^ for cats; t^' AuiÏ [? really last 2?]
with a disease, condition, etc CF l¨na' ewednarxc\
eragN|rkp\ [yaw; gan dAra. ka'] n (time of) plague, pestilence, Riu; [yo;] v 1) honest; naïve; unsophisticated (neg) S YN e®Pac\.
2) plain, ordinary, usual, (be the) regular, simple 3) (of
epidemic CF kp\”k^; qMu;på;
a thing) be used to; (of activity, etc) be boring, be dull,
eram [yaw; ma.] n Rome be monotonous A NT Sn\; 4) be traditional, be customary

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eraRuw ª rk\
— n 1) sthg long and prominent, e.g., ridge (erac\Riu;), Riu;Riu;tn\;tn\; [yo; yo; tan; dan;] adv sincerely, simply,
fence (“KMRiu;), river (®ms\Riu;) 2) stream, brook, creek straightforwardly Ω rv\;sa;-mhut\B¨;" Riu;Riu; tn\; tn\;Kc\ty\"
3) custom, tradition, practice 4) line(age), ancestry, We're just friends.
heritage, family 5) bone 6) handle; shaft (e.g., of a Riu;Riu;mxt\mxt\ [yo; yo; hma' hma'] adv faithfully, sincerely
tool) Ω Da;Riu; knife andle 7) stalk, stem (of a plant) Riu;Riu;qa;qa; [yo; yo; tha; tha;] adv honestly; honourably
Ω ekak\Riu; straw U SAGE : BOX explaining that when Riu;rc\; [yo; yin;] n friend made as an adult CF erac\;rc\;
describing a person, simple = stupid, and other points Riu;rxc\; [yo; shin;] v be clear, be simple, be plain; be
about yo; and simple. honest Ω Riu; Riu;-rxc\;rxc\; er; write clearly
— part 1) suffix to a verb to show challenge or doubt Riu;la; [yo; la;] part sentence ending particle to mark a
in a question CF Riu;la; 2) suffix to a sentence for question as a challenge, or to show doubt Ω hut\Riu; la;
emphasis, before adding a phrase beginning with (A)mxn\ Can that be true? Really?
Ω Ba®Ps\K´.ty\-Siuta mqirRiu; Amxn\på" I have absolutely no Riu;qa; [yo; tha;] v be honest, be honourable Ω Siuk¶a;-
idea what happened. nc\;ty\-Siuta Riu;qa;t´. Alup\p´" Sidecar driving is honest
Riu;k¥ [yo; gya.] n Œupas tree, whose sap is used to poison work.
arrows S YN ®ma;Sip\' ®ma;lW Riu;A [yo; a.] v be simple(-minded), be dumb
Riu;sc\; [yo; sin;] v be honest, be straightforward ARiu; [Ayo;] n 1) bone Ω l¨Riu; human bones 2) stem, stalk
ÚRiu;ÚsU\ […yo;…sin (zin)] part particles used with Ω Nxc\;S^ Riu; rose stem 3) handle of a sword, knife, axe,
repeated verbs to indicate that sthg is customary, the dagger, etc, hilt, haft ¬ 4) tradition 5) lineage 6) sthg
usual plain, simple, natural 6) sthg honest, sincere, innocent,
Riu;Sk\' Riu;Ss\ [yo; ze', yo; hsi'] n joint CF ASs\A®ms\ [? unaffected, etc
check cf] ARiu;k¥ [Ayo; kya.] v be traditional
Riu;ta [yo; ta] v be naïve [? how to say gullible?] ARiu;KM [Ayo; gan] n 1) innocence 2) sincerity 3) sthg
Riu;tM [yo; dan] n 1) stalk, stem (esp of plant) 2) shaft (of traditional; sthg usual
arrow) CF ®ma; ARiu;su [Ayo; zu.] n skeleton (illus from file)
Riu;tXc\;®Kc\S^ [yo; dwin; chin zi] n marrow ARiu;sX´ [Ayo; swE;] v (of habit, convention, practice,
Riu;puMRiu;lk\ [yo; bon yo; le'] n seeming honesty [? evident? belief, routine, pattern, etc) be entrenched, be
obvious? doubtful? apparent? pron for next too] ingrained, be deep-seated, be deep-rooted; (of disease)
be hard to cure
Riu;®pak¥ [yo; bya kya.]
adv 1) bury 2) [fig] until one's ARiu;tXn\ [Ayo; tun] v (of a murder) become known
death, till one is dead and buried, unto death ¬ through a clue connected to the murder victim
S YN Riu;e®mk¥ ARiu;Tut\ [Ayo; hto'] v spend the rest of one's life (in a
Riu;®pt\ [yo; bya'] n stubble (of a rice field) certain place, state, or activity)
Riu;e®Pac\. [yo; hpyaung.] v honest, upright, good, decent ARiu;pedqa [Ayo; bAde dha] n living skeleton, sb who is
Riu;m [yo; ma.] n mountain range, range of mountains or just skin and bones
hills Ω p´K¨; Riu;m Bago Range, Bago Mountains ARiu;epÅAertc\ [Ayo; baw Aye tin] be just skin and bones
Riu;e®mk¥ [yo; mye gya.] adv 1) bury 2) [fig] until one's
death, till one is dead and buried, unto death ¬ Ω kiuy\- ARiu;ep¥ [Ayo; byaw. na] n rickets, soft bones (caused
Aim\eTac\Pk\kiu Riu;e®mk¥ K¥s\rmy\" We should love our by vitamin D deficiency)
partner until we die. ARiu;m¥k\ [Ayo; mye'] v be choking on a bone, have a bone
Riu;ra [yo; ya] n 1) customs, traditional rites, rituals, etc stuck in one's throat
2) tradition Ω rxm\; Riu;ra-lMuK¥v\ traditional Shan longyi 3) nats ARiu;AsU\ [Ayo;Asin] n tradition, customary practice
traditionally worshipped CF Riu; rakiu; ARiu;ASs\ [Ayo;Ahsi'] n physique
Riu;rakiu; [yo; ya ko;] v worship nats who are traditionally ARiu;Arc\; [Ayo; Ayin;] n (table)scraps, leftovers, crumbs
worshipped ARiu;Aiu; [Ayo; o;] n burial urn
Riu;rasX´ [? same as above?] eraRuw [yaw; yu. wa.] n [cosm] fourth of the eight levels of hell
Riu;liuk\ [yo; lai'] v observe traditional rites CF cr´”k^;-(8)Tp\
Riu;qma; [yo; dhåma;] n traditionalist, conservative Riu;tiu;rip\tip\ [yo; do; ye' tei'] adv 1) faintly, dimly
CF AsU\ laqma; [? orthodox? old school? purist?] 2) insinuatingly
Riu;raAmv\ [yo; ya Amyi] n family name, clan name, Riu;tiu;rXt®Ps\ [yo; do; ywa. ta. phyi'] v be agitated, be on edge, be
surname excited, be restless S YN Riu; Riu;rXrX®Ps\' mRiu; mrX® Ps\
Riu;Riu; [yo; yo;] adv honestly, clearly, simply, plainly Riu;Riu;r´r´ [yo; yo; yE; yE;] adv brilliantly
— n sthg ordinary, usual, or normal [? check part of Riu;Riu;rXrX®Ps\ [yo; yo; ywa. ywa. hpyi'] v be agitated, be on edge, be
speech change] excited, be restless S YN Riu; tiu;rXt®Ps\
Riu;Riu;kup\kup\ [yo; yo; ko' ko'] adv modestly rk\1 [ye'] n day, i.e., 24 hours CF enÏ' v
Riu;Riu;tn\; [yo; yo; dan;] n second class (on train, ship, etc) — part count word for days Ω By\Nxrk\-Âkaml´" How
CF ATk\tn\;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 374

rk\ ª erak\
many days will it be? Ω (3)rk\-tuM;k 3 days ago [ cw] tension of the warp on a hand loom 2) a long thin green
rk\ekac\;rk\®mt\ [ye' kaung; ye' mya'] n auspicious day, snake which lives in colonies = rk\kn\;”kio;e®mX
according to calendar or horoscope CF enÏekac\;rk\qa rk\kn\;”kio;e®mX [ye' kan; gyo; mwe] n a long thin green
snake which lives in colonies
rk\k¥p\ [ye' kya'] n tight schedule rk\kn\;K¨ [ye' kan; khu] n crossbeam of a hand loom to
rk\K¥n\ [ye' chan] adv every other day, every second day, strech the warp over
on alternate days Ω rk\K¥n\P¥a; a fever that comes every rk\kn\;Kt\ [ye' kan; kha'] v weave (on a loom)
second day = rk\®Ka(;) rk\kn\;sc\ [ye' kan; zin] n loom
rk\K¥in\; [ye' chein;] n appointment, appointed date rk\rxy\ [ye' shE] v 1) lay warp threads around the posts
rk\K¥in\;ep; [ye' chein; pe;] v make or give an 2) [fig] shuttle (back and forth)
appointment; fix a date rk\kn\;qa; [ye' kan; dha;] n web (of cloth being woven
rk\K¥op\ [ye' cho'] n 1) ßrecord of one's time and date on the loom)
of birth 2) ‹record of one's date of ordination [? rk\Tv\ [ye' htE] n handloomed or handwoven cloth
check: time too? ] S YN rk\P¥c\
rk\®Ka' rk\®Ka; [ye' cha, ye' cha;] adv every other day, rk\ePak\ [ye' hpau'] n 1) (on a loom) a bar which holds
every second day, on alternate days Ω (4)rk\®Ka; every the weft threads CF ePak\K¥v\' lXn\;Aim\' eyak\ 2) (on a
fifth day, every five days = rk\K¥n\ sewing machine) bobbin which holds the lower thread
rk\cc\ [ye' ngin] n day added to the month of Nayon, to
adjust the calendar CF nyun\ rk\P¥c\ [ye' hpyin] n handloomed or handwoven cloth
rk\suM [ye' son] n a lunar month with 30 days CF rk\msMu' S YN rk\Tv\
Sy\.Nxs\raq^ rk\m [ye' ma.] n beam supporting floor joists
rk\suMqt\ [ye' son tha'] v 1) (of a lunar month) have 30 rk\lup\ [ye' lo'] n weave
days [? look at p402: what do they mean by assign?] rk\3 [ye'] (of action) be bold, be swift, be decisive part
rk\sX´ [ye' swE;] n date Ω d^enÏ rk\sX´ By\elak\l´" What's suffix to verb: be heartless (enough), inconsiderate
the date today? S YN enÏ sX´ [? how to you ask: ?] (enough), bring oneself to, not mind, bear to Ω d^liu
rk\Sk\ [ye' hse'] adv day after day; days in a row lup\rk\la;" How can you do this to me? Ω q¨Ïvv\; qMkiu
Ω (4)rk\ Sk\ Tmc\; msa;Niuc\ B¨;" He couldn't eat for four days mÂka;-rk\B¨;" He couldn't stand to hear the man's groaning.
in a row. CF enÏsU\rk\Sk\ Ω kiu kiu Amxa;kiu ®pork\ ty\" Ko Ko doesn't mind making
rk\tiu [ye' to] v be only a few days, be a short time terrible mistakes.
rk\tiuqc\tn\; [ye' to thin dan;] n short course rk\sk\ [ye' se'] n be cruel, be pitiless, be remorseless,
rk\tiu; [ye' to;] v extend (deadline, etc), give extra be brutal, be heartless
time [? is there a 2nd def?] rk\era [ye' yaw;] v be generous S YN qeBaekac\;'
rk\piuc\; [ye' pain;] n a few days; a matter of days estnaekac\; CF qdå [? check cf]
rk\msuM [ye' mAson] n lunar month of 29 days CF rk\suM' rk\rk\ [ye' ye'] adv 1) immediately, quickly
Sy\.Nxs\raq^ 2) generously, unstintingly 3) strongly, boldly
rk\raza [ye' ya za] n day which is good for success rk\4 [ye'] n liquid or juice extracted from sthg Ω pn\;rk\
CF rk\e kac\;rk\® mt\' enÏe kac\;rk\ qa' ®pœdå; nectar
rk\rxv\ [ye' she] n a long time Ω rk\rxv\Kr^;TXk\ going on rk\tk\rv\ [ye' te' yi] n buttermilk
a long trip rk\ªl¥k\4 [ye'] part 1) suffix to verb: while, -ing, and
rk\rxv\lm¥a; [ye' she la. mya;] adv for a long time, for 2) suffix to verb: in spite of, despite, (al)though, and
days or weeks or months on end yet
rk\lv\ [ye' lE] v complete a day or a certain number rk\k [re' ke'] n (tennis, squash, badminton, etc) racquet,
of days CF Nxs\lv\ racket
rk\lv\SXm\; [ye' lE hsun;] n ‹food offered to monks rkƒioq\ [ye' khai'] n ogre CF B^l¨;
on the third or seventh day after a death CF SXm\; qXt\ rikƒa [yei' kha] n 1) provision Ω rikƒa-giuedåc\ food storehouse
rk\lXn\ [ye' lun] v be overdue 2) ration
rk\qa; [ye' tha;] n day-old baby or animal rikƒaeta\r [yei' kha daw ya.] n Ópensioner S YN pc\sc\sa;
rk\qt\(mxt\) [ye' tha' (hma')] v fix or set a date (for Rukƒsiu; [yo' gåzo;] n guardian spirit of a tree [ bs]
sthg to happen) Rukƒebd [yo' kha. be da.] n botany
rk\qt†pt\ [ye' tha' dAba'] n ¬week S YN ts\pt\ RukƒebdUy¥aU\ [yo' kha. be da. u. yin] n botanical garden
rk\Aa; [ye' a;] n day off RukƒmS¨ a; [yo' khåmu hsa;] n salt from wood ashes CF Sa;
rk\Aa;r [ye' a; ya.] v have a day off erak\1 [yau'] v 1) arrive (at), reach, get to Ω By\eta.
rk\2 [ye'] v weave erak\ml´" When will we arrive? Ω By\mxaerak\-enql´"
rk\kn\; [ye' kan;] n loom Where are we now? 2) come, arrive Ω emac\tiu;tiuÏ erak\en“p^"
rk\kn\;”kio; [ye' kan; gyo;] n 1) knot which holds the Maung To and his friends coming now. 3) amount to, be

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 375

erak\ªeyak\ ª rc\
tantamount to 4) befall Ω dukƒerak\ty\ have trouble self-confident, be sure of oneself; be proud Ω rc\eka.-
5) enter; attend CF wc\erak\' tk\erak\ 6) manage to “p^;e®pa speak with confidence; speak wtih pride
Ω l¨ ROp\e nliuÏ e®paliura merak\ B¨;" I couldn't manage to say rc\ky\ [yin kE] v be too full, have indigestion S YN rc\KM'
what I wanted, because there were so many people. rc\®pv\. CF rc\eK¥ac\
erak\tt\rara [yau' ta' ya ya] adv (talk, think, do, etc) rc\k¥io; [yin kyo;] v be heartbroken
discursively, aimlessly, ramblingly, this and that [? rc\k¥p\ [yin kya'] v be short of breath, have a tight
check again] chest, not get enough air CF rc\eK¥ac\' pn\; narc\k¥p\
erak\mSiuk\ [yau' mAhsai'] adv as soon as (one arrives), asthma, eK¥ac\;Siu;rc\k¥p\
immediately (on arrival) rc\Âka;es. [yin gya; se.] v be reconciled (with) Ω rc\Âka;es.-
erak\raepåk\raqXa; [yau' ya pau' ya thwa;] v follow one's rc\kX´ [yin kwE:] v be heartbroken
nose, go where one's footsteps lead CF e®KU^;tv\.ra — n 1) jacket, shirt, etc which opens in front
erak\ªeyak\2 [yau'] v wind (thread, etc on a bobbin, CF enak\ kX´ 2) Œkind of large sweet, fragrant mango,
spool, etc) grown in the dry zone
Riuk\ [yai'] v 1) hit, strike, beat, slap, cuff Ω tut\n´ÏRiuk\ hit rc\kX´Brk\ [? def?]
with a stick Ω på;Riuk\ slap sb's face Ω lk\wå;Riuk\ strike palms, rc\kX´zrp\ [yin gwE; zAya'] n road-side rest house with a
i.e., give five CF Tiu;' Kut\ (illus) 2) play (certain games) passage between two platforms
Ω egåk\ Riuk\ play golf, Âkk\e tac\ Riuk\ play badminton, rc\kX´nak¥ [yin gwE na kya.] v suffer from a broken heart
P´Riuk\ play cards CF ksa; (sport)' Tiu; (board game) rc\kX´pk\lk\ [yin gwE pe' le'] adv prostrate with grief,
3) take picture or photo(graph), photograph, shoot brokenly, grievingly Ω lc\eqliuÏ mya;mxa rc\kX´-pk\lk\
(photos, film, etc); shoot video, film, movie, etc, film enrs\ty\" Her husband's death left her a broken woman.
Ω Dat\ pMuRiuk\ take a photo Ω Ru p\rxc\Riuk\ shoot a movie [? example okay? ]
Ω ABXa;”k^; kiu Riuk\K¥c\ ty\" I want to take a photo of the old rc\kX´“mHMo; [yin gwE; hmyon;] n fish trap with a heart-shaped
woman. RF Riuk\k¨;. 4) type, key in, enter (data, text, etc) profile
Ω saRiu k\ type out (a text) Ω kX n\p¥øta-Riuk\tt\ la;" Do you rc\kX´AkÇ¥ [yin gwE; in; gyi] n light jacket with an open
know how to type on a computer? 5) print (on a printer) front
6) telegraph, cable, send a telegramme Ω eÂk;nn\;Riuk\' rc\KM [yin khan] v 1) have heartburn, have indigestion
qM”kio;Riuk\ telegraph, cable, send a telegramme 7) strike, CF rc\eK¥ac\ 2) [fig] be disappointed
beat, dash (against) 8) drive in (post, nail, spike, pile,
— n shell, sleeveless shirt worn under the Tiuk\mqim\;
etc) Ω qMRiuk\ hammer a nail 9) (impose a) fine = d%\Riuk\
rc\eKåc\; [yin gaung;] n 1) upper part of the chest 2) chest
— part word used in measuring distance in units of cavity
bamboo pole [ nc]
rc\eKåc\;qM [yin gaung; than] n hollow voice
Riuk\k¨; [yai' ku;] v shoot (movie, film, video,
rc\Kun\ [yin khon] v 1) (of heart) beat, pound, throb,
photograph, etc); film; take a picture, take a photo
palpitate ◊ 2) [fig] be thrilled, be excited; be agitated
Riuk\kXc\; [yai' kwin;] n setting or scene (in movie) Ω rc\Kun\sra mekac\; B¨; not very exciting, not thrilling at all
Riuk\Kt\ [yai' kha'] v 1) (of things) hit each other, knock
together, strike against each other 2) (of person, heart, rc\Kun\qM [yin khon dhan] n heartbeat Ω rc\Kun\qM-nv\; nv\;-
feelings, etc) be touched, be moved 3) (of event, news, ®mn\ty\" My heart is beating a little too fast.
etc) affect, touch, be felt Ω Riuk\K t\t´.qtc\;
rc\eK¥ac\ [yin chaung] v 1) feel comfortable (in the chest)
CF rc\k¥p\' rc\KM' rc\® pv\. 2) [fig] be relieved
Riuk\K¥k\ [yai' kye'] n 1) (in cinema) shot 2) (golf) shot
rc\KX´RuHM [yin gwE; yon] n mortuary
3) πimpression
rc\KXc\ [yin gwin] n [fig] heart, arms, embrace Ω rc\KXc\T´-
Riuk\e®Kac\; [yai' chaung;] v ¬thunder erak\qXa; become girlfriend of
Riuk\evac\; [yai' nyaung;] v ¬(of drum, etc) roll, boom, rc\KXc\piuk\ [yin gwin pai'] n nursing or breastfeeding baby
reverbrate, echo
Riuk\VWn\; [? def] rc\KXc\piuk\Asiu;r [yin gwin pai' Aso; ya.] n Ó∏regency,
Riuk\Nxip\ [yai' hnei'] v 1) stamp 2) print (on a printer) people ruling on behalf of a ruler who is too young, ill,
3) imprint etc to rule
Riuk\Nxk\ [? def] rc\KXc\piuk\Aup\K¥op\ [yin gwin pai' o' cho'] v ∏be a guardian,
Riuk\put\ [yai' po'] v beat take responsibility for the country (like a parent)
Riuk\emac\;put\emac\; [yai' maung; po' maung;] adv
threateningly, menacingly, intimidatingly rc\ecX> [yin ngwe.] n body warmth, body heat
Riuk\ra [yai' ya] [Ayai' Aya] n hereditary succession rc\es.Akǥ [yin zI in; gyi] n traditional jacketwith cloth
— n hereditary succession buttons in front
rc\1 [yin] n 1) chest 2) breast ƒ, bosom Óƒ rc\siuÏ [yin zo.] n 1) area where the chest and neck meet
rc\eka. [yin kaw.] v 1) throw out one's chest 2) [fig] be

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 376

rc\ ª rc\.
2) chest height rc\m [yin ma.] v 1) be in suspense, be in expectancy
rc\sv\; [yin zi;] n 1) strapless bodice worn under a CF rc\tmm 2) have tension, be anxious
chemise 2) ‹band around the dome of a pagoda rc\mK¥i [yin mAchI] v be intolerable, be unbearable
S YN rc\PX´> rc\rxa;wt\ [yin sha; wu'] v wear one's TB^ (htamein) up
rc\SiuÏ [yin hso.] v be choked with emotion, exhaustion, under the armpits CF Kå;K¥p\
etc rc\el; [yin le;] v be worried, be concerned (about)
rc\Siuc\ [yin hsain] [yin zain] v confront, face, face up to S YN siu;ri m;\ A NT rc\e påÏ
— adv in person, face-to-face rc\lMu; [yin lon;] v be barrel-chested [? ?]
rc\VXn\Ï [yin nyun.] n (lower part of the) breastbone, rc\elYak\ [yin shau'] n raised walkway connecting towers
sternum ◊ on opposite sides of a gate in the wall of a fort, city
rc\tmm [yin tAma. ma.] adv in suspense; impatiently CF rc\m wall, etc
rc\lWm\; [yin hlwan;] n 1) jewellery worn on the chest
rc\ta; [yin da;] n 1) pale, strong fence or other (illus) [? check whether this is jewellery or a decorated
barricade outside a fortification 2) breast beam of a patch or sthg] 2) ornamental breastplate for horses,
loom elephants, etc
rc\tiuk\Ty\ [yin dai' htE] n ploughshare (UK, plowshare rc\w [yin wa.] n lower part of chest; solar plexus
Am) with a deep bite rc\qa; [yin dha;] n breasts Ω rc\qa;kc\Sa breast cancer
rc\tXn\; [yin dun;] n scoop net, pushed along the bed of S YN NiuÏ
a lake, creek, etc rc\qiuc\; [yin dhain;] n sash
rc\Tumna [yin du. mAna] adv inconsolably rc\qp\ROema [yin dha' shu. maw;] adv awestruck, breathlessly
rc\Tiu; [yin do;] n brooch, large ornamental pin [? okay?]
rc\Tiu;tMSip\ [yin do; tAzei'] n badge (UK), pin (Am) rc\eqX; [yin dhwe;] n (one's) children S YN qa;qm^;
rc\d¨;Riu;' rc\NuRiu; [yin du; yo;, yin nu. yo;] n soft breastbone rc\ha [yin ha] v 1) feel uncomfortable from an empty
(in animals) stomach 2) empty feeling, hollow feeling (from loss,
rc\na [yin na] v 1) have a pain in the chest 2) be sore at grief, etc)
heart; be bitter rc\eA; [yin e;] v have peace of mind
rc\nc\. [yin nin.] v be touched, be deeply affected rc\eAac\. [yin aung.] v 1) have a dull pain in the chest
rc\Nxc\.AmY [yin hnin. Ahmya.] adv as much as one can feel 2) [fig] feel hurt, have one's feeling's hurt
rc\Nxs\qv\;K¥a [yin hni' thi; gya] n [fig] children, progeny rc\Aup\ [yin o'] n 1) chest or breast (of an animal) 2) µ
¬ S YN qa;qm^; chest
rc\p¨ [yin pu] v 1) feel hot Ω Ark\eqak\K´.liuÏ ts\vlMu;- rc\Aup\mkXaen [yin o' mAkwa ne] v be looked after
rc\p¨ty\" I was hot all night because I had been drinking. carefully, be taken care of, be watched over closely [?
2) [fig] worry check -- only with ne?]
rc\epåÏ [yin paw.] v feel relieved CF rc\el; rc\AuM [yin on] n chest
rc\epåc\tn\; [yin baung dan;] adv 1) abreast 2) [fig] on rc\2 [yin] part ™if, when = ¬ lYc\
equal terms rc\lv\; [yin lE;] part particle suffixed to parallel phrases
rc\puM [yin bon] n 1) breast(meat) 2) front (of a jacket) to indicate a choice: either … or, neither … nor
rc\®pc\ [yin byin] n 1) plaza, square, place, open outdoor
public area 2) ‹flat area around a pagoda 3) open Arc\ [Ayin] part ™suffix to noun: before, preceding
area around a palace [? also see judson] = ¬ Al¥c\
rc\®pv\. [yin pye.] v be too full (after eating); have a rc\3 [yin] v prepare, create
feeling of fullness CF rc\ky\' rc\KM' rc\eK¥ac\ rc\km\; [yin gan; (ngan;)] n Œsmall, thorny palm-like tree
rc\Piu [yin hpo] v be happy but apprehensive, be expectant with edible red fruit
but still in suspense rc\Kt\ [yin ga']
n Œtall gardenia tree with fragrant white or
rc\PuM; [yin bon;] n front flap of a traditional jacket yellow flowers
rc\PuM;Akǥ [yin bon; in; gyi] n jacket, shirt or blouse withrc\.1 [yin.] v 1) be mature 2) (of fruit) be almost ripe, be
an overlapping front flap firm CF Nu' mxv\. 3) have experience, be experienced
rc\PX´> [yin bwE.] n ‹band around the bell of a pagoda 4) look older than one's age A NT Nu 5) (of colour) deep,
CF rc\sv\; dark Ω Awårc\. orange A NT Nu 6) (of pregnancy) be
rc\PXc\. [yin hpwin.] v open one's heart; get sthg off one's advanced 7) be rude S YN Riuc\;; A NT yU\ek¥; [? really syn?]
chest, say what is in one's heart
rc\Bt\ [yin ba'] n chest rc\.k¥k\ [yin. kye'] v 1) be experienced 2) be mature
rc\Bt\sv\t^; [yin ba' si ti;] v beat one's chest (in grief) rc\.eK¥a\ [yin. chaw] v weathered, roughened, hardened
CF Âkm\; tm\;
— adv pitifully, heartrendingly rc\.evac\;⁄ [yin. nyaung;] v (of time) be long; (of person)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 377

rc\. ª erac\;
grow old CF Âkarxv\ rc\;pc\ [yin; pin] n portable ladder used to extend the
rc\.eTa\ [yin. htaw] v coarse; hard rc\;etac\ ladder for taller trees CF rc\SX´' rc\etac\
rc\.m(a)”k^; [yin. mAgyi;] v 1) be experienced 2) be mature rc\;®ms\ [yin; myi'] n root, origin
rc\.ma [yin. ma] v ‹experienced; mature rc\;rc\;Nx^;Nx^; [yin; yin; hni; hni;] adv warmly
rc\.m(a)”k^; [yin. ma gyi:] v 1) be experienced 2) be mature trc\;tNx^; [tAyin; tAhni;] adv warmly
rc\.mats\k¥ip\ [yin. ma dAgyei'] n ‹1) ten forthcoming Arc\;AK¥a [Ayin; Acha] n close relationship
Buddhas 2) the ten incarnations of the bodhisattva, rc\;2 [yin;] v fester, be infected, be septic Ω Anarc\;
whose stories are told in the ten great jatakas rc\;3 [yin;] part while, at the same time as S YN tMu;' sU\
CF zat\”k^;Sy\ BX´> rc\;sp\ [yin; za'] n Œkind of tree used for timber
rc\.mxv\. [yin. hmE.] v (of fruit) be ripe rc\;tiuk\ [yin dai'] n Œkind of hardwood tree with edible
rc\.era\ [yin. yaw] v be faded, be weathered; look old leaves S YN tn\Sc\;
rc\.q^; [yin. thi;] v be rude, be insulting rc\;eNxac\; [yin hnaung;] n Œkind of vine with edible leaves
rc\.qn\ [yin. than] v ‹(of mind) mature, become stronger and fruit
rc\;®pa; [yin; bya;] n Œkind of medicinal plant
rc\.2 [yin.] v [in comb] make a sound Ω estna-rc\.qn\ [? rc\;ma [yin ma] n Œkind of hardwood tree
rc\;r´ [yin; yE;] n Œbush growing on river banks
rc\.k¥ø; [yin. kyu;] v (of birds) sing sweetly erac\1 [yaung] v swell
rc\.eÂkX; [yin. kywe;] v (of animals, esp birds) make a
erac\rm\; [yaung yan;] v be swollen
sweet sound
erac\2 [yaung] n 1) colour, hue Ω An^erac\ red 2) glow, light,
rc\.evac\;Ÿ [yin. nyaung;] v (of birds) sing sweetly radiance = Aerac\
rc\.R¨ [yin. yu] v (of birds) sing erac\®Kv\ [yaung gyi] n rays, beams (of light)
rc\;1 [yin;] v 1) ¥invest (in sthg), put in (money, Ω lerac\®Kv\ moonbeam
capital, etc) 2) be close, be very friendly 3) be closely
erac\®Kv\eta\ [yaung gyi daw] n ‹aura of brown, gold,
red, white, and maroon shimmering colours coming from
— part 1) suffix to verb: essence 2) infix between a the Buddha's body
verb and noun: original, initial, that was previously,
erac\sU\ [yaung zin] n spectrum
indigenous, arising out of, from Ω tiuc\; rc\;qa; indigenous
erac\sMu [yaung zon] n 1) (all) different colours Ω AkÇ¥erac\sMu
people, aborigine, original people living in an area = rc\; sX´
many different coloured shirts Ω mgçlaeSac\kiu ka;-erac\sMun´Ï
3) suffix to noun: original, genuine, true Ω Akiurc\; my
laÂkty\" There were many many cars at the wedding
real brother (i.e., not a cousin) Ω Aemrc\; his real mother;
party. 2) different elements, beliefs, etc
his genetic mother (i.e., not adoptive)
erac\sMuK´tM [yaung zon khE; dan] n coloured pencils
— n source, root, base, origin [? check: same as all
erac\eta\PXc\. [yaung daw hpwin.] v ‹clean Buddha image
or pagoda
rc\;K¥a [yin; cha] v be closely related [? really? or have a erac\n^ [yaung ni] n red light at sunrise
close relationship?]
erac\n^epÅ' erac\n^la [yaung ni paw, yaung ni la] v dawn,
rc\;ecX [yin; ngwe] n ¥1) investment 2) capital (of day) break
S YNArc\;' rc\;Nx^;ecX
erac\®pa; [yaung bya;] n tinsel
rc\;sa; [yin; za;] n ¥recovery of original investment erac\e®p; [yaung bye;] n iridescence, shimmer
CF Arc\;Asa;
erac\®pn\ [yaung byan] n 1) reflection 2) [fig] reflection,
rc\;sa;®pn\r [yin; za; pyan ya.] v ¥recoup or recover (one's manifestation
investment or losses)
erac\®pn\hp\ [yaung byan ha'] v 1) reflect 2) [fig] reflect,
rc\;sX´ [yin; zwE;] adv 1) originally, initially, essentially
2) (continue) as before
erac\®PøeS; [yaung byu ze;] n Œlight tobacco leaf
— part suffix to verb: original, initial Ω rxirc\;sX´sit\
erac\lYMeta\ [yaung hlyan daw] n halo
attitude they brought with them Ω lup\rc\; sX´ Alup\kiu
lup\tap´-ekac\; ty\" It's better to keep doing the same
erac\. [yaung.] v swell
erac\.tk\ [yaung. te'] n 1) swell 2) take advantage of,
become demanding, keep asking more from (sb
rc\;SX´ [yin; zwE;] n small bamboo ladder fixed to the
indulgent); lose respect (for)
upper part of a toddy palm CF rc\;eTac\' rc\; pc\
rc\;eTac\ [yin; daun] n portable ladder used to climb the erac\.r´ [yaung. yE;] v be contented, be satisfied with one's
life, position, situation, etc
base of a toddy palm CF rc\;SX´' rc\;pc\
rc\;Nx^; [yin; hni;] v 1) be close, be familiar 2) ¥invest erac\; [yaung;] v sell
rc\;Nx^;ecX [yin hni: ngwe] v investment Ω rc\;Nx^;ecX-pma% total erac\;K¥ [yaung; cha.] v sell
amount of investment
erac\;sa; [yaung; sa;] v 1) sell; sell for a living 2) sell
off, sell because one needs the money 3) [fig] exploit
rc\;Nx^;®mHop\NxM [yin; hni; hmyo hnan] v ¥invest
4) [fig] sell sb out

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 378

erac\;rc\; ª rv\
erac\;eZ; [yaung; ze;] n (selling, sale, etc) price rs\KMu [yi' khon] n spinning wheel frame CF rs\B^;
erac\;tm\; [yaung; dan;] n 1) (clothing) off the peg, off rs\K¥v\ [yi' chi] n Ω ”kio;®Pc\. [? def]
the rack, ready to wear; (other goods) ready made, off rs\eKX [yi' khwe] v (of river, stream, etc) meander
the shelf, store-bought (Am); sthg mass produced rs\tM [yi' tan] n 1) sample of the pattern to be woven
2) sthg of standard or saleable quality (carved on a stick) 2) [fig] sample
erac\;tm\;wc\ [yaung; tan; win] v 1) be of standard or rs\tMTiu; [yi' tan hto;] v carve a pattern to be woven, on a
saleable quality S YN eZ;kXk\wc\ 2) be a steady seller stick
erac\;epåc\ [yaung; baung] n pawn sthg for a fixed period, rs\pt\ [yi' pa'] v 1) wrap (cloth), roll, wind (thread or
after which the creditor has the right to sell it cloth) (around) 2) [fig] be involved (in, with)
Ω kiu y\.kiula“p^; rs\ pt\ ent´. ki sße tX k Am¥a;”k^;" I've gone
erac\;pn\;lx [yaung; pan; hla] v (of product) make a good and got myself involved in too many things.
impression. be easy to sell rs\B^; [yi' bein;] n spinning wheel CF rs\KMu
erac\;wy\ [yaung; wE] v trade rs\lMu; [yi' lon;] n 1) reel (with handles on both sides)
erac\;wy\ePak\ka; [yaung; wE hpau' ka;] v buy and sell, (illus) 2) reel (for a loom)
be in commerce, trading, etc rs\w´ [yi' wE;] v 1) fly in circles over sthg 2) [fig] go
erac\;er;wy\ta [yaung; ye; wE ta] n sales Ω erac\;er;- round and round, not get anywhere
wy\ta ekac\;r´.la;" Are sales good? rs\w´rs\w´' rs\q^rs\q^ [yi' wE; yi' wE;, yi' thi yi' thi] adv (stay,
erac\;rc\; [yaung; yin;] n old friend, friend since childhood remain, loiter, keep watch, hang etc) near, around (sb
CF Riu;rc\; or sthg, to try to get sthg)
Riuc\ [yain] n long strip of bamboo matting rs\2 [yi'] n pheasant; silver pheasant, Kalij pheasant
Riuc\pt\ [yain ba'] n long strip of bamboo matting rs\mc\; [yi' min;] n Mrs Hume's pheasant
Riuc\P¥a [yain hpya] n rough mat made of bamboo strips rs\3 [yi'] part suffix to a verb, indicating sthg is left
Riuc\lip\ [yain lei'] n roll of bamboo matting behind or remains behind Ω ememtiuÏ eZ;qXa;Âketa.
Riuc\Py\ [rain hpE] n rifle [Engl] emac\kiu ts\eyak\tv\; k¥n\rs\ty\" Mother and the
Riuc\; [yain;] v 1) be rude, be impolite, have bad manners, others went to the market, leaving Maung Ko all alone.
have no manners, be disrespectful A NT yU\ek¥; CF miuk\Riuc\; rs\qm\ [ri' than] n rhythm [Engl]
RF Riuc\;siuc\;. 2) be wild, be untamed; be undomesticated rv\ [yi] v 1) aim at 2) hope for CF emYa\
Ω ”k.M Riuc\; wild rhinoceros A NT yU\ RF Riuc\; siuc\;. 3) be wild, be rv\cM [yi ngan] v 1) fall in love CF K¥s\ 2) have an
uncultivated 4) (of person, etc) be unexposed (to), not abundance of, be generously endowed with
be familiar (with), be a stranger to Ω m¥k\siRiuc\; look odd rv\s¨; [yi zu;] v 1) aim at 2) dedicate to, earmark (funds,
5) be unprocessed, be in a natural state Ω piu; Riuc\; raw silk, time, etc), be meant for S YN rv\mxt\
ek¥ak\Riuc\; uncut gem, unpolished gem, e®mRiuc\; virgin rv\esac\ [yi saung] v intend, have in mind
land, virgin soil rv\VWn\; [yi hnyun;] v refer to S YN kiu;ka;
Riuc\;siuc\; [yain; zain;] v 1) be rude, be impolite, have bad rv\VWn\;saAup\ [yi hnyun; sa o'] n reference book, i.e.,
manners, have no manners, be disrespectful A NT yU\ek¥; dictionary, encylopaedia, catalogue, etc
2) be wild, be untamed; be undomesticated A NT yU\ rv\VWn\;saep [yi hnyun; sa pe] n reference works
rv\VWn\;K¥k\ [yi hnyun; gye'] n reference S YN Akiu;Aka;
Riuc\;p¥ [yain; pya.] v 1) be rude, be coarse, be vulgar rv\mxt\ [yi hma'] v 1) aim at 2) dedicate to, earmark
S YN Âkm\;tm\; 2) rebel (against), defy (funds, time, etc), be meant for S YN rv\s¨;
Riuc\;pc\; [yain; pin;] v help, aid, come to the aid of, assist; rally rv\mxn\; [yi hman;] v 1) aim at, intend, have in mind [?
round S YN k¨v^ have in mind okay for this and syns?] 2) be meant for
rs\1 [yi'] v 1) wind (around) 2) extort bribe 3) make 3) hope for S YN rv\rXy\' rv\qn\
things difficult (for sb) 4) try to start a fight 5) have rv\mxn\;K¥k\ [yi hman; gye'] n goal, end, aim, objective,
stomach cramps 6) score, make a shallow cut around target, intention, purpose; hope S YN rv\rXy\K¥k\
7) court (sb) S YN piu; 8) try to start a fight; act foolishly, rv\era\ [yi yaw] v bring to mind; picture, see, envision,
act stupid Ω d^ekac\-m¨;“p^;eta. rs\ty\" That guy is drunk envisage
and and acting stupid. 9) be difficult, be demanding, rv\rXy\ [yi ywE] v 1) aim at, intend 2) be meant for
cause trouble CF g¥^k¥' g¥s\ 3) hope for S YN rv\mxn\;' rv\qn\
— n 1) thread (on a bolt, screw, pipe, etc) 2) spinning rv\rXy\K¥k\ [yi ywE gye'] n goal, end, aim, objective,
wheel frame target, intention, purpose; hope S YN rv\mxn\;K¥k\
— part count word for stripes, stages, instalments, rv\qn\ [yi ywE] v 1) aim at, intend Ω nib`ån\kiu rv\qn\j
chevrons ekac\; mO-lup\K´.qv\" He did many good works, as he aimed to
rs\”kio; [yi' kyo;] n belt on a spinning wheel reach nirvana. 2) be meant for 3) hope for S YN rv\mxn\;'
rs\”kio;eS; [yi' kyo; ze;] n gum spread on the spinning rv\rXy\
wheel belt to tighten it rv\qn\Riu;rc\; [yi than yo yin;] n original intention or aim

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 379

rv\ ª rn\
or goal; primary purpose or objective peoples over the wars in their history. CF AaGat
rv\2 [ye (yi)] n 1) liquid, juice, fluid Ω lk\Pk\rv\ tea, rn\“cio;ºTa; [yan hnyo; hta;] v resent, hold a grudge
p¥a;rv\ honey, eP¥a\rv\ juice 2) quality, characteristic, rn\s [yan sa.] v provoke, start a fight, pick a fight
attribute Ω q¨-Âkk\etac\- Riuk\ta lk\rv\- ekac\; ty\" His — n (esp old) reason for starting a fight; old score
badminton technique is very good. CF Arv\AeqX; RF rn\ska; [yan zAga;] n words, comment, etc that provoke
rv\qXa;. 3) shine, sheen, lustre a fight
rv\t¨ [yi du] adv be of equal or the same (skill, rn\esac\ [yan saung] v look for a chance to fight, be
qualification, standard, etc) S YN tn\; t¨-rv\t¨ hostile, be combative
rv\mXn\ [yi mun] v be pleasant, be polite, be likeable, be rn\sXy\ [yan zwE] n threat, hazard, (source of) danger
sociable, be affable, be genial ¬ CF rn\S¨;rn\;e®cac\.' eB;rn\' AN|ray\
rv\r [yi ya.] n toddy palm beginning to produce toddy rn\sXy\n´Ïecåecå [yan swE nE. ngaw; ngaw;] adv aggressively,
antagonistically, combatively
rv\qXa; [yi dhwa;] n quality, characteristic, attribute rn\S¨;rn\e®cac\. [yan zu; yan nyaung.] n threat, hazard,
Arv\-AeqX;' Arv\-AqXa;
S YN (source of) danger CF rn\sXy\' eB;rn\' AN|ray\
rv\; [yi;] v Óintend; aim for; desire rn\tiuk\ [yan tai'] v incite hatred, sow discord, provoke
rv\;sa; [yi; za;] n boyfriend µ, girlfriend ƒ S YN K¥s\q¨ fighting between others
rv\;sa;Ta; [yi; za; hta;] v have a boyfriend or girlfriend rn\tuMÏ(®pn\) [yan ton. (pyan)] v retaliate, take revenge
rv\;sa;qna' rv\;sa;qnM [yi; za; thAna, yi; za; thAnan] n Ω rn\ kiurn\K¥c\;' mtMuÏNxc\;Nxc\." If someone tries to fight, do not
[fml] boyfriend µ, girlfriend ƒ respond in kind. CF lk\sa;eK¥
rt†pit\na [ra' tAbei' na] n disease with internal and external rn\etX> [yan twe.] v criticise, complain, blame, lay into
bleeding (inf)
rit\ [yei'] v 1) reap, harvest (crops, rice, wheat, maize, rn\eTac\ [yan htaung] v start a quarrel; criticise
etc) RF rit\qim\;. 2) shave (beard, whiskers, moustache, aggressively
hair, etc; chin, head, legs, etc) Ω NOt\K m\;emW;rit\ shave (off) rn\®po [yan pyu.] v attack S YN rn\m¨
one's moustache Ω eKåc\;tMu;rit\ shave one's head 3) [sl] rn\®pomO [yan pyu. hmu.] n ∏aggression Ω k¥ø;ek¥a\-rn\smO Íact
cheat, screw of aggression
rit\qim\; [yei' thein;] v reap, harvest (crops, rice, wheat, rn\pX´ [yan bwE;] n fight
maize, etc) rn\Pk\ [yan be'] n opponent, antagonist, adversary; those
rit†atiT^ [rei' ta tI hti] n ßbad-luck day, unfavourable day on opposite sides [? check altered def]
for starting sthg, esp the fourth, ninth, or fourteenth rn\®Ps\ [yan hpyi'] v fight, have a row, have a tiff, clash,
day of a lunar month, if falling on a Saturday quarrel, fall out, have a falling out, argue, squabble
rn\m¨ [yan mu] v attack S YN rn\®po
Rut\Kn´ [yo' khAnE;] adv suddenly, all of a sudden, without rn\man\ [yan man] n harm; danger
warning, abruptly rn\rxa [yan sha] v 1) pick a fight, provoke 2) look for
Rut\®Kv\; [yo' chi;]
adv at once, right away, immediately, trouble, invite harm
instantly, promptly, straight(a)way rn\liu [yan lo] v be aggressive, be confrontational, be
Rut\trk\ [yo' tAye'] adv suddenly, unexpectedly, out of the spoiling for a fight
blue, out of nowhere — n [inf] first finger, forefinger S YN lk\vio;
Rut\Rut\rk\rk\' Rut\Rut\Rut\Rut\ [yo' yo' ye' ye', yo' yo' yo' rn\lup\ [yan lo'] v [? what about taking this out?]
yo'] adv in a troubled state; in chaos, in turmoil rn\q¨ [yan dhu] n enemy, foe ¬
Rut\Rut\Rut\Rut\lup\ [yo' yo' yo' yo' lo'] v 1) be a nuisance, be rn\q¨m¥io;cå;på; [yan dhu myo; nga; ba;] n five enemies of
a bother 2) create a disturbance or commotion people: er water; m^; fire; mc\; monarch; Kiu; q¨ thief; Ω mK¥s\-
Rut\Rut\q´q´ [yo' yo' thE; dhE;] adv in an uproar mNxs\qk\eqa-q¨ sb with malice toward one
Rud»rq [ro' da. ya. tha.] n quality of literature arousing savage, rn\qt†Ru [yan tha' tAru] n 1) malice, ill will, enmity
barbarian feelings CF rq-kiu;på; 2) adversary Ω Kiuk\rn\qt†Ru ????? [? ??????????]
rn\1 [yan] n 1) conflict; fight, quarrel, strife ¬ 2) hatred, rn\2 [yan] v 1) put beside, place side by side, put adjacent
hostility, ill will, enmity ¬ Ω Kc\b¥a;k l¨tkakiu to, juxtapose 2) parallel 3) keep (sthg) in reserve
ewPn\eta. rn\m¥a;taepåÏ" As you keep criticising so many Arn\

people, you will have many people hating you. 3) danger — part 1) (in order) to, (so as) to, with the intention
CF eB;rn\ of, conjuction showing intention 2) count word for pairs
rn\Kiuk\edåq [khai' yan daw: dha.] n quarrel; fight Ω Pi np\ ts\ rn\ a pair of shoes 3) suffix to verb to form noun
= Kiuk\rn\edåq [? need example]
rn\“cio; [yan hnyo;]n grudge, spite, resentment Ω qmiuc\; mxa rn\eka [yan kaw;] part suffix to a verb, indicating
®Ps\pXa;K´.t´. ss\pX´etXha l¨m¥io;etXAÂka; annoyance or indignation (because sthg was
rn\“cio;etXTa;esK´.ty\" There is still resentment between the inappropriate)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 380

rn\; ª rip\
rn\pMuecX [yan bon ngwe] n ¥1) fund; budget rp\sXn\rXana; [ya' sun ywa na;] n outskirts, edges of a
2) contingency fund, money kept in reserve village, town, etc
rn\AtXk\' rn\AliuÏcxa [yan Alo. hnga] part (in order) to, rp\Siuc\; [ya' hsain;]v 1) pause, suspend, (take a) break;
(so as) to, with the intention of, conjuction showing shelve, defer (sthg) 2) terminate, discontinue, end [?
intention not really sure of best terms]
rn\; [yan;] v 1) ‹(of a monk) wear or put on robe rp\eSXrp\m¥io; [ya' hswe ya' myo;] n neighbour who is like
CF qkç n\; 2) put up railing, barrier, etc family
Run\Ï [yon.] v be rough; be coarse rp\@an\ [ya' htan] n place Ω By\rp\@an^ [? what is this?
Run\ÏÂkm\;' Run\Ïrc\;(Âkm\;tm\;) [yon. kyan;, yon. yin; (kyan; dan;)] example, cross ref? new entry?]
v be rude, be coarse; be violent, be rough, be harsh rp\eta\m¨ [ya' taw mu] n ‹standing Buddha image
Run\; [yon;] v 1) struggle free (of trouble, danger, etc), CF el¥ac\;eta\m¨
extricate (from), free oneself (from) 2) (of wood) warp, rp\tv\ [ya' ti] 1) exist 2) survive, keep going
shrink; (of cloth) shrink 3) toil, labour, struggle with; Ω s^; pXa;p¥k\ kp\ -AtXc\; mxa
lup\cn\;-rp\tv\Niuc\PiuÏ mlXy\B¨;" It is
(of cattle, buffaloes, etc) strain not easy for a business to survive during an economic
Run\;kn\ [yon; kan] v 1) thrash, struggle 2) [fig] struggle crisis. 3) stand by, back (sb) (up), stick up for (inf)
free (of trouble, danger, etc), extricate (from), free Ω ®pœnarxi rc\ cå-mc\; Bk\ k rp\ tv\ ty\" If there are
oneself (from) problems I'll stand by you. 4) maintain (sthg to be true,
Run\;rc\;Sn\Kt\ [yon; yin; hsan ga'] n riot etc), stand by (one's words, etc)
— adv in a tangled mess, in confusion rp\tv\K¥k\ [ya' ti gye'] n position, stand (on an issue,
Run\;Run\;Run\;Run\; [yon; yon; yon; yon;] adv rowdily; in a question, etc)
commotion rp\tn\Ï [ya' tan.] v stop, come to a standstill
tRun\;Run\; [tåyon: yon:] adv in a hubbub, in uproar rp\na; [ya' na;] n 1) (take a) break, pause 2) suspend
Ω Ev\. qv\.e tX-m¥a;eta.Aim\mxa tRun\;Run\;p´" eA;eA;-K¥m\;K¥m\; (from position, job, etc), supsend (activity, work, etc)
menrB¨;" The house was in an uproar with all the guests. It CF Siuc\;cM.
was impossible to live quietly. Ω ekac\el;etXn´Ï rp\®ps\rxs\på; [ya' pyi' shi' pa;] n ‹eight places from which
tRun\; Run\;enty\" She is always surrounded by a throng of one cannot reach nibbana [? see BOX and get better
young men. explanation]
rp\ [ya'] v 1) stop, halt, pause, stand still Ω d^mxa rp\ep;på" rp\mirp\P [ya' mI ya' hpa.] n elders of a community
Please stop (the car) here. 2) stop, not run Ω sk\- rp\mOrXamO [ya' hmu. ywa hmu.] n community affairs
rp\qXa;ty\" The machine stopped. 3) stop, discontinue rp\ew; [ya' we;] n someplace far away
4) stand Ω mt\tt\rp\ stand up 5) request RF rp\KM. rp\wn\; [ya' wun;] n [geog] zone Ω Ap¨piuc\-;rp\wn\; tropical
— n 1) place 2) quarter, neighbourhood RF rp\kXk\. zone Ω A^ekXta-rp\wn\; equatorial zone
3) community rp\qirXaqi [ya' thI ywa dhI] adv publicly, openly; well-
— part 1) count word for concepts, and other abstract known
nouns Ω Amxa;-ts\rp\ an error Ω mhab¥øha--ts\-rp\ a strategy rp\q¨rXaqa; [ya' dhu ywa dha;] n 1) people who live in a
Ω nv\ lm\;-ts\ rp\ a way Ω ®pœna-Nxs\rp\ two problems Ω pvarp\ town, village, etc 2) members of a community
area of study, field (of study, inquiry, etc), (academic) Arp\el;m¥k\Nxa [Aya' le; mye' hna] n four points of the
subject or discipline 2) count word for height measured compass, four cardinal directions Aerx> east, Aenak\
in the height of a person Ω l¨Nxs\rp\-elak\®mc\.ty\" It's west, etac\ south, e®mak\ north S YN el;®pc\el;rp\
about 1.5 metres high. rip\ [yei'] v 1) hint (at), allude (to) 2) (of sun, light, etc)
rp\ek¥a\rXaek¥a\®Ps\' rp\ek¥a\rXaÂka;®Ps\ [ya' kyaw ywa dim, fade
kyaw hpyi', ya' kyaw ywa kya; hpyi'] v be widely known, be the — n 1) shade, shadow 2) refuge; protection
talk of the town S YN hiu;el;tek¥a\®Ps\ 3) reflection 4) sign, trace
rp\”k^;qa; [ya' kyi; dha;] n city man, man from a big city rip\kaq^ka [yei' kha thi ga] adv 1) fleetingly,
CF rp\”k^; q¨' etaqa; indistinctly 2) allusively, elliptically [ ph]
rp\”k^;q¨ [ya' kyi; dhu] n city woman, woman from a big rip\Kn´ [yei' khAnE;] adv fleetingly
city CF rp\”k^; qa;' etaq¨ rip\(sa;)mi [yei' (sa;) mI] v get a hint, have a clue, have an
rp\kXk\ [ya' kwe'] n ∏ward, quarter: administrative inkling; guess
division of a town or township; neighbourhood rip\Pm\;qMPm\; [yei' hpan; than ban;] adv vaguely, indistinctly
rp\kXk\ekac\s^ [ya' kwe' kaung si] n ∏ward council, rip\mi [yei' mI] v get a hint, have a clue, have an inkling;
governmental body at the level of the quarter guess
rp\kXk\l¨”k^; [ya' kwe' lu gyi;] n ∏quarter authority rip\“mMo [yei' myon] n secluded or quiet retreat
rp\KM [ya' khan] v request S YN etac\;KM' emt†arp\KM rip\rip\ [yei' yei'] adv fleetingly; indistinctly
rp\s´ [ya' sE;] v stop, cease, terminate Ω Aps\AKt\-rp\s´er; rip\rip\rip\rip\ [yei' yei' yei' yei'] adv (move) rapidly,
ceasefire fleetingly

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 381

Rup\ ª Rup\
rip\rip\lx^; [yei' yei' hli;] v shred, slice, etc thinly changed. 3) look awkward, not look right
S YNpå;på;lx^; Rup\p¥k\Sc\;p¥k\ [yo' pye' hsin; bye'] adv 1) (be) in a
rip\qa [yei' tha] n 1) haven, peaceful retreat 2) avenue disfigured or terrible state, in very bad condition;
3) Ímess, dining hall hideously, grotesquely 2) (act, behave, etc) shockingly,
rip\qapc\ [yei' tha bin] n shade tree = Arip\pc\ dreadfully, inappropriately 3) (be) in a poor or
trip\rip\ [tåyei' yei'] adv (move) in a blur, very quickly deteriorated or miserable condiition Ω B%\etX-p¥k\qXa;liuÏ
Arip\ [Ayei'] n 1) shadow (of sthg), shade Ω Arip\enen' s^;pXa;er;-k¥qXa;liuk\ta' Aa;lMu;-Rup\p¥k\Sc\; p¥k\p´" The
AKk\K¥io;K¥io; breaking the branch even while enjoying the economy is down because the banks failed, and we are in
shade, i.e., ungrateful 2) [fig] refuge 3) reflection rather poor condition.
4) sign, indication 5) hint, intimation ¬; insinuation Rup\®p [yo' pya.] v be illustrated Ω Rup\®p-saAup\ comic book;
(neg), innuendo (neg), graphic novel
Rup\1 [yo'] n 1) physical form; matter, material — n figurehead, front man, show
2) appearance, looks 3) [in comb] figure, image; statue, Rup\e®pac\ [yo' pyaung] n cartoon, comic strip CF katXn\;
figurine RF ARup\. Rup\e®pac\; [yo' pyaung;] v look different, be changed (in
Rup\klap\ [yo' kAla'] n 1) Ω Rup\Asu [? in little dic] appearance)
2) corpse, (dead) body, mortal remains ¬ S YN Aelac\; Rup\e®pac\;Rup\lW´ [yo' pyaung; yo' hlwE;] n disguise CF Rup\P¥k\
Rup\pXa;eta\ [yo' pwa; daw] n ‹Buddha image
Rup\k¥ [yo' kya.] v age; look haggard Rup\Pm\; [yo' hpan;] v 1) guess who sb is, guess sb's
Rup\”k^;sc\ [yo' kyi; zin] n show with life-sized marionettes identity 2) take on the style of another kind of person
CF Rup\eq;
Rup\Âkm\; [yo' kyan;] n (unformed, rough) material, matter Rup\P¥k\ [yo' hpye'] v disguise
[? check] Rup\eP¥ak\ [yo' hpyau'] v 1) disguise 2) keep secret, keep
Rup\Âkm\;wåd [yo' kyan; wa da.] under wraps (inf) 3) become invisible (by supernatural
Rup\Âkm\;wåd^ [yo' kyan; wa di] powers) S YN kiuy\(erac\)eP¥ak\ [? check usages]
Rup\ÂkX [yo' kywa.] n relief, image with figures elevated
from a flat surface Rup\e®Pac\. [yo' hpyaung.] v be good looking, be attractive,
Rup\ÂkXc\; [yo' kywin;] n 1) (dead) body, mortal remains ¬ be handsome µ
2) fossil = ek¥ak\®Ps\\Rup\ÂkXc\; Rup\®mc\qMÂka; [yo' myin than gya;] n television S YN t^b^X
Rup\eK¥a [yo' chaw;] v be pretty ƒ, be good looking, be Rup\rv\ [yo' yi] n looks, appearance CF (A)rv\
lovely ƒ, be handsome µ Rup\rxi [yo' shI] v be attractive, be good looking
Rup\sMukn\Ïln\Ïka [yo' son kAlAga] n embroidered tapestry Rup\rxc\ [yo' shin] n film, movie (shot on film), motion
(illus photo) picture; cinema S YN Biuc\skut\' Dat\rxc\ CF b^d^yiu
Rup\sMusaAup\ [yo' son sa o'] n illustrated book Rup\rxc\zat\VWn\; [yo' shin za' hnyun;] n film script
Rup\sMusc\ [yo' son sin] n 1) stage for a marionette show [? Rup\rxc\pva [yo' shin pyin nya] n cinematography, art of film
are there really puppet shows?] 2) marionette troupe making
Rup\rxc\mc\;qm^; [yo' shin min; dhAmi;] n ƒ film star, starring
Rup\sMumxn\e®pac\; [yo' son hman byaung] n kaleidoscope actress CF Rup\rxc\qRup\eSac\' Rup\rxc\mc\; qa;
S YN pn\; sMuB¨;' pn\; sÂka Rup\rxc\mc\;qa; [yo' shin min; dha;] n µ film star, starring
Rup\sMueqt†a [yo' son thi' ta] n box or trunk carved with a actor CF Rup\rxc\qRup\eSac\' Rup\rxc\mc\;qm^;
various figures; lacquer box with inlaid or relief figures Rup\rxc\qRup\eSac\ [yo' shin thAyo' hsaung] n actor µ, actress
ƒ CF Rup\rxc\mc\; qm^;' Rup\rxc\mc\;qa;
Rup\Sc\;(q¤an\) [yo' hsin; (dhAdan)] n {of a person) Rup\elak [yo' law; ka.] n material world CF elak
appearance, looks Rup\lMu; [yo' lon;] n 1) statue, sculpture, figure 2) shape,
Rup\eSac\ [yo' hsaung] v take the form of S YN AqXc\eSac\ image
Rup\tu [yo' tu.] n statue, sculpture; idol (relig) image Rup\lMu;ÂkX [yo' lon; kywa.] v (begin to) materialise, take
Rup\tuTu [yo' tu. htu.] v carve, sculpt shape
Rup\piuc\; [yo' pain;] n physical aspect Ω Rup\piuc\;Siuc\ra Rup\lMu;epÅ [yo' lon; paw] v 1) take shape 2) become
k¥n\; maer; physical health CF sit\piuc\; distinct 3) (of person, character, etc) appear in its true
Rup\pMu [yo' pon] n picture colours 4) (of ideas, dreams, plans, etc) be realised,
Rup\pMusa [yo' pon za] n hieroglyph = ARup\sa come to pass, happen
Rup\p¥k\ [yo' pye'] v 1) be very embarrassed, lose one's Rup\lMu;qXc\;pva [yo' lon; thwin; pyin nya] n taxidermy,
composure, be rattled 2) (of appearance) change greatly preparing and stuffing of animal skins so they appear
Ω eragå-®Ps\e reta.-SiuliuÏ
qXa;Âkv\.ty\" mxt\eta. mmxt\miB¨;" lifelike
eta\eta\ Rup\p¥k\er“p^;" I went to see him, as I heard he Rup\wåd [yo' wa da.] n ∏materialism
was quite ill. I couldn't even recognise him, he was so Rup\wåd^ [yo' wa di] n ∏materialist

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 382

Rup\ ª ry\
Rup\wtÊo [yo' wu' htu.] n matter, material, sthg concrete; RuMwc\K [yon win ga.] n (theatre, cinema, concert, etc)
phenomenon admission (fee)
Rup\eq [yo' the] n 1) (still) picture 2) tableau RuMwc\qXc\; [yon thwin;] v stage a show for which admission
Rup\eq; [yo' the;] n 1) marionette or puppet show is charged
CF Rup\eq;Rup\ 2) [fig] puppet CF Rup\eqAsiu;r fiPpuppet RuM;1 [yon;] v gather, meet, assemble S YN suRuM;
government — n 1) office Ω d^enÏ RuM; pit\enÏ" The office is closed today.
Rup\eq;”kio;®pt\ [yo' the; kyo; pya'] v [fig] collapse 2) court S YN tra;RuM;
Rup\eq;Rup\ [yo' the; yo'] n 1) marionette; puppet 2) [fig] RuM;K¥in\; [yon; gyein;] n 1) office hours 2) court date,
puppet hearing date
Rup\eq;Asiu;r [yo' the; Aso; ya.] n ∏puppet government RuM;KXn\ [yon; gun] n court fee; revenue stamp fee
Rup\2 [yo'] v 1) withdraw, pull back 2) Íwithdraw RuM;siuk\ [yon; sai'] v have an office (e.g., in another place)
3) retract Ω ASiukiu Rup\ retract one's words 4) collect,
gather, bring in RuM;tMSip\ [yon; dAzei'] n company or court seal
Rup\qim\; [yo' thein;] v 1) withdraw; retreat 2) conclude, RuM;tk\ [yon; te'] v 1) go to the office Ω tngçeNXenÏ
end RuM;mtk\B¨;" I don't go to the office on Sunday. 2) take a
rm\ [ran] n rum [Engl] CF Ark\ matter to court
rmµk\ [yAme'] n lust, (sexual) desire S YN tp\mk\®Kc\; [ ph] RuM;tk\RuM;Sc\;®ps\d%\ [yon; de' yon; hsin; pyi' dan]n [law]
rmµk\”k^; [yAme' kyi;] v [? At the moment, or in general? sentence of detention in court cells for the day
Have a strong libido? be lascivious, or oversexed, RuM;tc\ [yon; tin] v take a case to court, present a case to
lecherous, etc?] the court [? check]
rm\; [yan;] v 1) be (slightly) swollen 2) be plentiful 3) be RuM;tXc\;sa [yon; dwin; za] n memo, (internal) circular
reckless, be undisciplined; be crass, be thoughtless [? CF emYasa
hot-headed? uncontrollable? same for next entry?] RuM;Tiuc\ [yon; htain]
v 1) work in an office; have an office
4) Óreflect, mull over, ponder job; do one's duty at work 2) [law] be a judge
rm\;ka; [yan; ga;] v RuM;pit\rk\ [yon; pei' ye'] n (bank, UK) holiday
rm\;S [yan; hsa.] v guess S YN mxn\;S RuM;®pc\kna; [yon; byin kAna;] n [law] court of law
rm\;era\ [yan; yaw] v long for, yearn for = era\rm\; RuM;®pc\kna;erak\ [yon; byin kAna; yau'] v be involved in a
rm\;qn\; [yan; than;] adv unthinkingly, heedlessly Ω Bamx legal case
eqK¥mqi rm\; qn\;“p^-e®paty\" Although he didn't know much RuM;mc\;ts\Tiuc\ [yon; min; tAhtain] n [law] punishment of
of anything, he heedlessly held forth. being detained in court cells for the day
RuM [yon] v 1) wear (robe, etc) 2) put on, don (robe, etc) S YN RMu;tk\RuM;Sc\;®ps\d%\
— n 1) general term for building, shelter, hall, etc RuM;lk\KM [yon; le' khan] n office copy (for the records)
Ω eS;RuM hospital; Rup\rxc\ RuM; cinema; B¨ taRuM railway station, RuM;qMu; [yon; dhon;] n official usage
Tc\;RuM firewood shed; kun\elxac\RuM warehouse, rXk\Tv\RuM RuM;qMu;Baqa [yon; dhon; ba dha] n official language
marquee 2) Œbush 3) clump Ω kentamxa RuM; qMu;Baqa rxity\" There are two official
— part suffix to a verb: just, only Ω qiRuMqa mhut\" languages in Canada.
Knowing is not enough (i.e., you have to practice as well). RuM;qMu;ewåhar [yon; dhon; waw; ha ra.] n official
Ω sa;RuMn´Ï m“p^;B¨;" Just eating is not enough (i.e., you need terminology, officialese (neg)
more to your life). [? check examples] RuM;2 [yon;] n Œlarge timber tree with strong yellow wood
RuMKå [yon kha] v empty a hall RMu;pt^ [yon; bAdi] n Œokra, lady's finger (illus)
RuMugiu%\; [yon gain;] n ‹sect of the sangha = ARMugiu%\; ry\1 [yi (yE)] v laugh; smile CF elxac\ry\ ridicule, eAa\ry\
CF tMugiu%\; guffaw
RuMtc\ [yon tin] v show a movie, film, etc Ω qmµt-Rup\rxc\RuMmxa ry\sra [yi (yE) zAya] n joke, jest, sthg funny
Ba-ka;tc\enql´" What's showing in the Thamada Cinema? ry\sraekac\; [yi (yE) zAya kaung;] v 1) amusing, funny
2) ridiculous; ludicrous
RuMpiuc\ [yon bain] n (railway) station master ry\sra®Ps\ [yi (yE) zAya hpyi'] v become a laughing stock,
RuMpX´ [yon bwE;] n traditional stage show for which become an object of ridicule
admission is collected CF Âkv\.K¥c\pX´' blapX´ ry\PXy\ [yi (yE) bwE] n joke, jest, sthg funny
RuMPXc\. [yon hpwin.] v 1) allow audience to enter a theatre, ry\ema [yi (yE) maw;] v (have a good) laugh
auditorium, etc 2) give free entry to a show, usu after ry\ry\Pt\Pt\ [yi (yE) yi (yE) hpa' hpa'] adv jokingly,
midnight laughingly, in jest
RuMmk' RMumYmk [yon mAka., yon hmya. mAka.] part conjuction ry\rWc\PXy\ [yi (yE) shwin bwE] n joke, jest, sthg funny
linking a phrase with a greater weight, not only … but ry\rWn\;Pt\rWn\; [yi (yE) shun; hpa' shun;] adv jokingly, in
jest, laughingly
RuMwc\ [yon win] v premiere a play, show for the first time ry\qXm\;eqX; [yi (yE) dhwan; thwe;] n ridicule, make fun

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 383

ry\ ª erX;
of, joke about, make fun of, poke fun at rXaq¨rXaqa; [ywa dhu ywa dha;] n villagers, population of
ry\2 [yE] part 1) suffix to nouns when listing or counting a village, the village
Ω By\ q¨-liuk\ml´" kiutiu;ry\' meA;eA;Kiuc\ry\' kiuNiuc\' rXaqim\rXacy\ [ywa dhein ywa ngE] n hamlet, very small
mK¥ioK¥iory\' dåB´" Who's coming? Ko To, Ma Aye Aye Khain, village
Ko Nain, Ma Cho Cho, that's all. 2) suffix to noun for erX1 [ywe] v work wood, cut wood (e.g., in carpentry)
emphasis erXepÅ [ywe baw] n (carpenter's) plane CF sk\erXepÅ
rœnxs\ [ra' tha. hni'] n Ótraditional calendar used during erXepÅsa [ywe baw za] n wood shaving
and after Kin Mohnyin's subtraction of 798 years from erXepÅTiu; [ywe baw hto;] v plane (wood)
1438 AD = tk¶raz\tiu CF qk¶raz\rxv\ [? shouldn't we put erX2[ywe] v [poet] wait on, attend to
in the Bse year, not the AD year?] — n ¬lady-in-waiting, or other person waiting on
rœqr [ra' tha. thAra] n creaky tone, short tone [? a.k.a.?] royalty S YN rMerXeta\
erX>1 [ywe.] v move, have moved, have shifted, be
rX [ywa.] v 1) be crisp(y), be crunchy Ω Aal¨;eÂka\ displaced Ω πts\enÏ-ts\lM pug-M By\merX>" Only one lan per
ÂkXp\ÂkXp\0rXrX crispy fried potatoes S YN ÂkXp\ 2) itch (to), be day, but Bagan will not move (i.e., even though you are
eager (to) making only very slow progress, your goal is not shifting,
— n mite, very small eight-legged creature so you will reach it).
rXsirXsi [ywa. sI ywa. sI] adv (behave) restlessly, unable to be erX>rxa;' erX>l¥a; [ywe. sha;, ywe. lya;] v move [? not the
still, antsy same as above?]
rXpiu;Tiu; [ywa. bo; hto;] v be dying or itching to do sthg erX>el¥a [ywe. lyaw;] v (of time) pass; (of circumstances,
Ω q^K¥c\; SiK u ¥c\-liuk\ta rXpiu;Tiu;entap´" H'es dying to sing etc) change
something. terX>erX> [tAywe. ywe.] adv moving steadily
rXrX [ywa. ywa.] adv delicately,gently; lightly; daintily j' erX> [ywe.] part 1) and 2) while CF “p^ 3) because [?
Ω kX n\p¥øtakiu rX tXe lkiuc\ på" Handle the computer gently, complete syns]
please. S YN qaqa; A NT Âkm\;Âkm\;tm\; tm\; erX;1 [ywe;] v 1) choose, select, pick (inf), take (inf), opt
rXa [ywa] v (of rain) fall Ω miu;rXaenty\" It's raining. for 2) be picky, be choosy, be particular Ω lc\sMerX;
— n 1) village = ek¥;rXa 2) [fig] home lc\eKX; n´Ïr If you are too choosy about your husband, you'll
rXakiuc\ [ywa kain] [ywa gain] v be bewitched end up married to a dog. 3) sort, separate Ω spå;lMu;-erX; sort
— n ∏village head S YN rXaq¨”k^; stones, etc from rice (before cooking) 4) redeem, get back
rXaKM [ywa gan] n (village) permanent resident (sthg pawned, etc); ransom (sb kidnapped) CF ®pn\ep;SX´
rXaK¥ [ywa cha.] v propitiate spirits or witches (with food), 5) take delivery of
to dissuade them from casting a spell, or to lift a spell erX;ekak\ [ywe; kau'] v 1) select 2) ∏elect
cast erX;ekak\pX´ [ywe; kau' bwE;] n ∏election, poll CF m´'
rXasa; [ywa za;] n 1) Ó∏official entitled to part of the Amt\(elac\;)
taxes collected from a village 2) œleader of traditional erX;k¥' erX;k¥n\ [ywe; gya., ywe; gyan] n seconds, reject,
orchestra CF Siuc\;wiuc\; what is left over after a selection has been made
rXaeSa\ [ywa zaw] n Ótown crier erX;Kn\Ï [ywe; khan.] v 1) ∏choose and appoint
rXaSiu;kun\; [ywa zo; kon;] n abandoned village (ministers, etc) 2) manage and apportion (duties, etc)
rXatn\;rxv\ [ywa dan; she] n row of houses forming a CF Kn\ÏK´ [? new kyaw]

village erX;K¥y\ [ywe; chE] v 1) choose, select, opt for 2) redeem

rXan^;K¥op\sp\ [ywa ni; cho' sa'] n neighbouring villages; area (sthg from pawnshop, etc) 3) ∏elect
near a village erX;K¥y\tc\e®mHak\pX´ [ywe; chE tin hmyau' pwE;] n
rXam [ywa ma.] n contre of a village ∏election
rXaRiu; [ywa yo;] n 1) extent of a village 2) row of villages erX;Tut\ [ywe; hto'] v pick (out), choose, single out, take
(e.g., along a river, road, etc)
rXaRiu;kiu;epåk\ [ywa yo ko; bau'] n 1) nearby neighbouring erX;Nut\ [ywe; no']
v 1) pick (out), choose, single out,
villages 2) [fig] all over, everywhere take 2) redeem (sthg, sb)
rXaqm^; [ywa dhAmi;] n Ówitch, sorceress erX;2 [ywe;] n 1) Œplant with seeds that are used as
rXaqa; [ywa dha;] n 1) µ villager 2) Óµ wizard, sorcerer jeweller's weights S YN D¥c\erX;' 2) the seeds of the
erX;kel; or erX;”k^; plants 3) weight of a erX; kel; or
rXa(qa;)K¥ [ywa (dha;) cha.] v propitiate spirits or witches erX;”k^; seed CF erX;kel;' erX;”k^;
(with food), to dissuade them from casting a spell, or to erX;kel; [ywe; gAle;] n 1) Œplant with seeds that are
lift a spell cast used as jeweller's weights 2) weight of a erX;kel; seed,
rXaq¨ [ywa dhu] n 1) ƒ villager 2) witch CF sun\;m' Sc\kXn\;' 136 mg, 2.1 grain, 1/120 fi;kyat CF erX;”k^;
eza\gn^' pvaqv\ erX;”k^; [ywe; gyi;] n 1) Œtree with seeds that are used
rXaq¨”k^; [ywa dhAgyi;] n ∏village head(man) as jeweller's weights 2) weight of a erX;”k^; seed, 272

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 384

rX´ ª rXp\
mg, 4.2 grain, 1/60 fi;kyat CF erX; kel; CF A“m´sim\;eta evergreen forest
rX´ [ywE;] v (esp of precious stones) be bright, gleam, glint rXk\sMuPXc\. [ywe' son hpwin.] v try every way, use all possible
[? check] means
— n 1) reflective precious stone, such as opal, cat's eye rXk\tiuk\ [ywe' tai'] n sail
2) coloured glass ball with mercury inside 3) ‹ring of rXk\tiuc\ [ywe' tain] n mast
round bosses on a pagoda 4) tool for mounting rXk\Tv\ [ywe' htE] n canvas, sailcloth
gemstones 5) wholesaler CF diuc\ rXk\Tv\t´ [ywe' htE tE;] n tent
rX´> [ywE.] v 1) be distorted, be out of shape, be awry, be rXk\Tv\RuM [ywe' htE yon] n tent, marquee (for a
askew 2) be sarcastic 3) be contrary, be perverse; be celebration, event, etc)
unsteady rXk\n^ [ywe' ni] n Ócertain grade of silver CF ecX' KRupt\'
ArX´>tiuk\ [AywE. tai'] v act, speak, etc perversely diuc\' eBa\
ArX´>Akt\ [AywE. Aka'] n problem, difficult person, sb rXk\epåc\; [ywe' paung;] n Œleaf with many small leaves,
inclined to disagree such as tamarind, jacaranda (illus)
rXM [yun] v 1) be afraid of, be frightened of, flinch at, quail rXk\pun\;q^; [ywe' pon; dhi;] n 1) fruit hidden by leaves
at 2) be disgusted by, loathe, abhor, detest, abominate S YN rXk\Aup\q^; 2) [fig] hidden treasure, little-known
¬ person of great talent, beauty, etc
rXMeÂkak\ [yun kyau'] v with fear and loathing rXk\P¥c\ [ywe' hpyin] n canvas
rXMsra [yun zAya] n sthg disgusting or repulsive or foul rXk\®Pt\piu; [ywe' hpya' po;] n kind of caterpillar which eats
rXMrxa [yun sha] v 1) fear 2) loathe, be disgusted by rice plants = rXk\lip\piu;
rXM> [yun.] v be timid, be afraid, cowardly Ω d^enramxa k¥a;etX- rXk\PXc\. [ywe' hpwin.] v unfurl a sail
epåty\-SiuliuÏ qXa;rmxaetac\ Kp\rXM>rXM>p´" They say there are a rXk\lk\ [ywe' le'] n yard arm, which streches out a sail
lot of tigers around here; I'm afraid to go. CF eÂkak\
rXk\ [ywe'] v 1) carry or balance (on the head) 2) take, rXk\lip\piu; [ywe' lei' po;] n kind of caterpillar which eats
take on, carry out, have (responsibility, stress, etc) rice plants
Ω ep;Ap\t´. tawn\ kiu eKåc\;epÅmx a rX k\Ta;ty\" I have taken rXk\lx [ywe' hla.] n Œcroton, kind of plant with
multicoloured leaves
rXk\elx [ywe' hle] n sailing boat (Br), sailboat (Am),
sailing ship
rXk\lWc\. [ywe' hlwin.] v set sail
rXk\qeBça [ywe' thin; baw;] n sailing ship [? cf?]
rXk\Aup\q^; [ywe' o' thi:] v be secretive
— adv secretly
— n 1) fruit hidden by leaves S YN rXk\pun\;q^; 2) [fig]
sthg kept secret or hidden
rXk\AuM [ywe' on] n Œcrown (of tree such a palm) [? new
from def of lè ziq]
RXioc\ry\ [rwain yE] n royal (paper size) [Engl] CF kerac\;'
RXioc\ry\t^ [rwain yE ti]
n royalty for use, sale, or publication
rXt\ carry on the head of writing or music [Engl]
rXt\(Siu)1 [yu' (hso)] v 1) recite (from memory) 2) recite,
read aloud (poetry)
on the responsibility given to me. CF Tm\;rXk\
— n 1) Œleaf 2) door, window Ω tMKå;rXk\ door (contrast
rXt\Pt\ [yu' hpa'] v read aloud, recite
to doorway) 3) sail RF rXk\tiuk\.
rXt\Pt\qrzÙy\ [yu'] v chant, recite [? pron]
— part 1) count word used for flat things, e.g., (sheets
rXt\2 [yu'] n 1) be obstinate, be willful, be disobedient; be
rebellious 2) be tough, be stringy
of paper, currency notes, leaves, door, etc) 2) suffix to
verb to emphasise responsibility CF Tm\;rXk\' eSac\rXk\
— n twill 1) twill, fabric woven with diagonal ribs
woven in it 2) warp threads for twill
rXk\k¥pc\epåk\ [ywe' kya. pin bau'] n 1) Œkind of plant,
rXt\esac\ [yu' saung] n twill blanket
leaves of which can be planted 2) [fig] drifter rXt\tirXt\Tiu; [yu' tI yu' hto;] adv waywardly, capriciously
[? check 2nd]
rXk\k¥c\ [ywe' kyin] n withered leaf
rXk\Âkm\;erk¥io [ywe' kyan; ye gyo] n [fig] sthg rXt\tX [yu' twa.] v (of people) look old
indifferent, nothing special, sthg ordinary L IT : ‘soup of trXt\tiuk\ [dåyu' tai'] v drag, trail along the ground
tough leaves’ S YN dyU\.tiuk\
rXk\eÂkXeta [ywe' kywe daw;] n deciduous forest rXp\ [yu'] v (of food) be crunchy S YN ÂkXp\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 385

rXm\; ª rxi
rXp\St\ [yu' hsa'] v be irritable, have a short temper rxaePX [sha hpwe] v search, look for
rXp\rXp\ [yu' yu'] adv 1) into smithereens, into tiny pieces rxaePXer; [sha hpwe ye;] n search Ω ' They made a search of
S YN Asit\sit\' A®mWa®mWa 2) Óviolently, truculently the bags and found drugs.
rxaePXer;APX´> [sha hpwe ye; AhpwE.] n search party
rXp\rXp\KÁMKMÁ [yu' yu' chun gyun] adv rxamxrxa; [sha hma. sha;] v be rare, be uncommon; be
rXm\;1 [ywan;] v œbeat the sv\eta\ drum (during unique, be singular
ceremonies) rxamx^; [sha hmi;]v collect, accumulate, acquire
rXm\;2 [ywan;] v be almost ripe CF mxv\.rXm\; (knowledge, wealth, etc)
rXm\;®pc\; [ywan; pyin;] n fruit which is almost ripe rxarxaePXePX [sha sha hpwe hpwe] adv 1) unusually,
rXy1\ [ywE] v 1) aim, intend S YN rv\mxn\;' rv\rXy\ 2) aim uncommonly 2) unrealistically, implausibly, improbably
(at), point (at) Ω eqnt\n´ÏrXy\ aim a gun at Ω Då;n´Ï-rXy\ point
a knife at Ω lk\q^; n´ÏrXy\ [? ? shake? threaten?] rxa2 [sha] part particle suffixed to a verb to show
rXy\kiu;' rXy\s¨; [ywE go;, ywE zu;] v intend sympathy or affection for the person mentioned: poor
rXy\mxn\; [ywE hman;] v [? need def] thing, dear Ω kM-Siu;rxaty\" Bad luck, poor dear. [? better
rXy\2 [ywE] n age group, generation RF ArXy\1. example]
rXy\t¨ [ywE du] n sthg or sb with the same age, rxa3 [sha] n [in comb] red
generation, or size rxaK¥v\ [sha gyi] n red cotton thread
rXy\t¨tn\;t¨ [ywE du tan; du] n sb of the same age and rxa(pn\;)Tv\ [sha (pan;) htE] n red cloth
status, peer rxaesac\ [sha ni zaung] n red cotton blanket
rXy\rXy\ [ywE ywE] n sb neither young nor old; sthg rxa(pn\;)Tv\ [sha (pan;) htE] n red cloth
neither big nor small rxa;1 [sha;] v 1) be rare, be scarce 2) be expensive, be
rXy\l¨; [ywE lu;] n youth, adolescence, teenage years costly
ArXy\ [AywE] n 1) age (group), generation Ω Aqk\-(8)- rxa;på; [sha; pa;] v 1) be rare, be scarce 2) be expensive,
Nxs\mx Aqk\-(16)-ArXy\Ti from age 8 to 16 RF rXy\. 2) size be costly
RF ArXy\Asa;. rxa;på;srit\ [sha; pa; zAyei'] n ¥cost of living allowance
ArXy\ekac\; [AywE gaung;] n prime of life or adjustment S YN P¨lMuÂkXy\wsrit\
ArXy\k¥ [AywE kya.] v age, become old; look older than rxa;på;mO [sha; pa; hmu.] n scarcity
one's age CF ArXy\tc\ rxa;erpå;er [sha; ye pa; ye] adv rarely, seldom [? check]
ArXy\eta\ [AywE daw] n right size, proper size rxa;2 [sha;] n Œcatechu, cutch, kind of acacia which
CF Aeneta\ produces an astringent used in medicine and dying
ArXy\tc\ [AywE tin] v age well, be well-preserved, look rxa;es; [sha; se; (si;)] n catechu resin, used to flavour betel
younger that one's age CF ArXy\k¥ quids, etc
ArXy\erak\ [AywE yau'] v come of age, reach maturity rxa;eS; [sha; ze;] n catechu, cutch, astringent used in
ArXy\rxi [AywE shI] v still be in the prime of life medicine and dying
ArXy\hiuc\; [AywE hain;] v be too old to marry rxa;m^;k¥ [sha; mi; kya.] v ßenter a period of ill fortune
ArXy\Asa; [AywE Asa;] n size rxa;erac\ [sha; yaung] n reddish brown, russet
rx [sha.] v 1) cut (lightly, superficially) 2) chafe 3) (of drink, rxa;esac\; [sha; (shA)zaung;] n Œ1) cactus (pl cacti)
esp alcohol) burn; have a sharp taste RF rxt. S YN tesac\; 2) kind of cactus growing in the dry zone
rxt [sha. ta.] v (of drink, esp alcohol) burn; have a sharp S YN S^;esac\;
taste rxa;esac\;Kå; [sha; (shA)zaung; ga;] n Œkind of bitter edible
rxtt [sha. ta. ta.] adv with a burning sensation [? check] cactus
rxa;esac\;K¥U\ [sha; (shA)zaung; gyin] n Œkind of sour edible
rxn [sha. na.] v be cut, have a knife wound CF TiKiuk\rxn cactus
casualty rxa;esac\;®paœd\ [sha; (shA)zaung; pye' tha'] n kind of
rxlkarv\ [sha lAka ye] n vinegar euphorbia
rxlpt\rv\ [sha lAba' ye] n sherbert, sherbert, chilled fruit rxi [shI] v 1) be, exist 2) have Ω mrxitaTk\ mqitaKk\" It is
juice harder to be ignorant than to have nothing.
rxa1 [sha] v search (for), look for, seek rxisum´.su [shI zu. mE. zu.] n the little one has Ω msa;rk\-
rxa”kM [sha kyan] v contrive, devise, find ways and means meqak\rk\-suTa;t´. rxisum´.suel;eta.-kun\“ p^" The little she had
Ω rxa”kM-sa;eqak\ struggle to survive Ω nv\;lm\;rx a”kM find a scrimped and saved was now gone.
way rxipåes [shI ba ze] exp 1) leave it like that 2) never mind,
rxasa; [sha sa;] v earn one's living let it be, let bygones be bygones
rxaetX> [sha twe.] v find rxirc\;sX´ [shI yin; swE;] n what sb (already) has; what
rxapMueta\ [sha bon daw] n 1) quest 2) ¬poem about the already exists; prevailing condition; where sb is (at the
quest for a lost love beginning) Ω ngiurxirc\;sX´ Atiuc\;p´ just like always Ω emt†a-

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 386

rxiKiu; ª erx>
rxirc\; sX´miuÏ mlX´Niuc\B¨;" Because I already love her, it will all fireworks
work out well. rxø;(p¥M)4 [shu; byan] n flying squirrel [? cf ? can't read]
rxiKiu; [shi' kho;] v pray, give homage, pay obeisance, rxø;p¥M”k^; [shu; byan gyi;] n monster defeated by
worship rxiKiu;' p¨eza\' P¨;e®ma\ BOX on all words for homage, p¥øesaT^; mc\;, king of Bagan [ bs]
including who to [ ph] rxø;Pinp\ [shu; hpAna'] n (closed) shoe(s) [Engl] CF BXt\Pinp\
rxiKiu;ekac\ [shi' kho; gaung] n praying mantis erx> [she.] v 1) be in front 2) be the next or following one
rxiKiu;U^;tc\ [shi' kho; u; tin] adv entreatingly, pleadingly,
imploringly, beseechingly ¬ — n 1) front A NT enak\ 2) presence A NT kXy\ra
RO [shu.] v 1) look (at), view, see S YN Âkv\. CF ®mc\' emYa\ 3) further on, in front, area ahead Ω erx>kqXa; go ahead,
2) meditate go on 4) future 5) hereafter, after death Ω erx>Bw next
— n (facial) expression, demeanour (Br), demeanor life
(Am) erx>k(Nxs\lMu;)epåk\ [she. ka. (hnAlon;) pau'] n -: symbol
ROkXc\;(ROkXk\) [shu. gwin; (shu. gwe')] n view indicating high tone S YN wsß(Nxs\lMu;)epåk\' erx>S^;
ROKc\; [shu. gin;] n scenery, scene; beauty of nature [? erx>Âkv\. [she. kyI] v 1) Íeyes front 2) look ahead, look in
check beauty] front Ω ka;emac\;rc\ erx>Âkv\.emac\;" Look ahead while you
ROKc\;qa [shu. gin; dha] n scenic view are driving.
ROsa; [shu. za;] v 1) enjoy a show, etc 2) look thoughtfully erx>S^; [she. zi;] n -: symbol indicating high tone
at sthg 3) take in the scenery, enjoy the view 4) Ó(of S YN erx>k(Nxs\lMu;)epåk\' wsß(Nxs\lMu;)epåk\'
royalty,etc) look, view erx>Sk\ [she. ze'] n 1) prefix, sthg added to the
ROSit\ [shu. zei'] v (usu neg) be indifferent, be beginning of a word 2) the (near) future Ω s^;pXa;er;
unsympathetic, be unconcerned, be unmoved mekac\;eta. erx>Sk\“p^ Balup\rml´ mqiB¨;" As we aren't
ROtc\;tc\; [shu. tin ; din;] adv ™(look, glance, etc) sternly making money any more, I don't know what I will do next.
CF m¥k\NxaTa;tc\; Ω “p^K´. ta-Ta;på" erx>Sk\-Balu p\ml´ sU\;sa;på" Never mind the
ROtv\ [shu. ti] v be stern; be grave, be very serious past. Think about what you are going to do in the future.
ROtv\tv\ [shu. ti di] adv ™sternly; gravely, seriously erx>Sk\enak\Sk\' erx>Sc\.enak\Sc\. [she. ze' nau'
ROeTac\. [shu. daung.] n point of view, angle Ω k¥n\;maer;- hse', she. zin. nau' hsin.] adv one after another, (almost) at the
ROeTac\.k Âkv\.rc\ if you look at it from the health point of same time, without a gap, very close together,
view consecutively
ROe®ma\ [shu. hmyaw] v look ahead [ ph] erx>eSac\ [she. zaung] v (take the) lead, go before
ROemYa\ [shu. hmyaw] v look into the distance — n leader S YN eKåc\;eSac\ [? what is this mashe.
ROemYa\Kc\; [shu. hmyaw gin;] n scenery; view manaung; pyu.?]
ROqiu;qiu; [shu. tho; dho;] adv ™(look) sullenly erx>eSac\erx>rXk\ [she. zaung she. ywe'] n leader
rxø [shu] v 1) breathe, inhale 2) smoke; inhale (drugs, etc) erx>eta\e®p; [she. daw bye;] n (royal) herald
rxøeS; [shu ze;] n inhalant erx>tiu; [she. to;] v advance, go forward, move up, go (a
rxønaRiOk\kun\; [shu na shai' kon;] n [fig] sb as thin and little) forwards, scoot up A NT enak\Sut\
weak as a opium addict erx>tiu;enak\cc\ [she. to; nau' ngin] adv in fits (and starts),
rxønaqv\ [shu na dhE] n sb sickly jerkily, in sudden jerks
rxøROik\ [shu shai'] v breathe erx>tiu;enak\Sut\ [she. to nau' hso'] adv 1) move back and
rxøqaRiOk\qa®Ps\ [shu dha shai' tha hpyi'] v [fig] have forth, go backward(s) and forward(s), advance and
breathing space CF Aqk\ROk¥p\ retreat 2) [fig] hesitantly, undecidedly, uncertainly,
rxø;1 [shu;] n hiss indecisively, waveringly S YN erx>tiu;enak\cc\
rxø;tiuk\ [shu; tai'] v sic a dog on sb, make a dog attack erx>tc\ [she. tin] v 1) make sb lead 2) let sb be in front
sb erx>tn\; [she. dan;] n 1) Ífront(line) RF erx>tn\;ss\m¥k\Nxa.
rxø;rxø;diuc\;diuc\; [shu; shu; dain; dain;] adv impetuously 2) front row 3) [sport] forward 4) in the field [? ?
confusing note]
rxø;rxø;rxa;rxa;' rxø;rxø;rx´rx´ [shu; shu; sha; sha;, shu; shu; shE; shE;]
adv angrily, heatedly, furiously erx>tn\;(ss\m¥k\Nxa) [she. dan; (si' mye' hna)] n Ífront(line)
trxø;rxø; [tAshu; shu;]
adv (sleep) soundly Ω trxø;rxø;n´Ï erx>tn\;tc\ [she. dan; tin] v put first, favour, give
Aip\ep¥a\enty\" He is sleeping soundly. precedence or priority (to) Ω pt\wn\; k¥c\-Tin\; qim\;er;
rxø;2 [shu;] v 1) taper (off, down), narrow (e.g., to a ®pœnakiu erx>tn\; tc\“p^; sU\sa;rmy\" We will have to
consider the environmental conservation problems first.
point) CF AP¥a;rxø;' Arc\;' AP¥a; 2) [fig] taper off,
diminsh Ω Ask q¨s^;pXa;er;lup\ta A”k^;”k^; liuÏTc\repm´.
S YN U^;sa;ep;
enak\eta. AP¥a;rxø;qXa;ty\" When we started, we thought erx>Ta; [she. hta;] v pay respect to Ω miBNxs\på;kiu erx>Ta;“p^;
we would do very big business, but afterward it tapered off. Alup\lup\rc\ eAac\®mc\ty\" if you pay repsect to your
[? check trans]
parents you will be successuful in your work. CF U^;Tip\Ta;
rxø;3 [shu;] v shine, blaze CF m^;rxø;tiuc\ torch, m^;rxø;m^;pn\; erx>Tiu; [she. hto;] v

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 387

erx; ª erxaerxaRØrØ
— n _\ symbol used in e_a\ combination CF Aqt\ be outdated, be out of date
erx>Tiu;enak\cc\ [she. do; nau; ngin] adv 1) move back and erx;ska; [she; zAga;] n 1) old saying, proverb 2) fable
forth, go backward(s) and forward(s) 2) [fig] hesitantly, [? check]
undecidedly, uncertainly, indecisively, waveringly erx;Sn\ [she; hsan] v be old fashioned
S YN erx>tiu;enak\Sut\ erx;TuM;(erx;nv\;) [she; hton; (she; ni;)] n tradition;
erx>Tiu;Pinp\ [she. do; hpAna'] n shoes which cover toes precedent
only erx;nv\; [she; ni;] n same way (as before, previously, etc)
erx>TXk\(mc\;qm^;) [she. dwe' (min; thAmi;)]
n dancer who
appears before the principal dancer in anyeint show erx;pewq%^ [she; pAwe ni] n ancient times [? check]
CF A“cim\. erx;®Ps\enak\®Ps\ [she; byi' nau' hpyi'] n ßreading of the
erx>en [she. ne] n lawyer, attorney, barrister (Br, Ca), past and future
solicitor Ω erx>en-cxa;mla;" Are you going to hire a lawyer? erx;®Ps\ehac\; [she; byi' haung;] n past event
CF Asiu;r-e rx>en prosecutor erx;®Ps\ehac\;eAak\em. [she; byi' haung au' me.] v be
erx>enK¥op\ [she. ne gyo'] n ∏advocate general, attorney nostalgic
general erx;Bw [she; bAwa.] n previous life or lives S YN Atit\Bw
erx>enerx>rp\ [she. ne she. ya'] n lawyer, attorney, barrister CF enak\Bw
(Br, Ca) erx;Bun\;erx;kM [she; hpon; she; kan] n glory, power, etc
erx>enliuk\ [she. ne lai'] v 1) practice law 2) represent sb resulting from merit earned in previous lives
in court, plead for 3) advocate (for), speak for sb erx;mx^enak\m^x [she; hmi nau' hmi] n person who has lived
erx>enak\ [she. nau'] adv exhaustively, covering or through both past and present events [? ?? hasn't
considering all aspects, inside out (inf) Ω ska;-e®parc\ everybody?]
erx>enak\Âkv\.“ p^; e®pa" If you are going to talk about erx;ersk\ [she; ye ze'] n [fig] ‹past merit gained
something, first consider all aspects, and then speak. together, bringing the merit makers together in future
erx>e®p; [she. bye;] n 1) (royal) herald = erx>eta\e®p; lives = ersk\ CF ersk\K¥' ersk\kun\' ersk\SMu
2) forerunner, precursor, harbinger 3) advance party; erx;Riu; [she; yo;] v be traditional, be customary
avant garde Ω eKt\erx>e®p; cutting edge — n 1) old ways, ancestral customs, ways, etc
erx>e®p;tp\ [she. bye; ta'] n 2) traditionally accepted ideas
erx>®Ps\ [she. byi'] n Ífuture, what is to be, things to come erx;Riu;sU\la [she; yo; sin la] n tradition; precedent
erx;Riu;s´Xwåd^ [she; yo; swE; wa di] n traditionalist [? new ko
erx>®Ps\enak\®Ps\ [she. byi' nau' hpyi'] n ßreading of past ni ta oo]
and future [? same as with she:?] erx;RO [she; shu.] v 1) turn one's attention to 2) look
erx>m¥k\Nxaenak\Ta; [she. mye' hna nau' hta;] adv with forward to [? check again: also face, turn toward?]
deep reluctance, reluctantly, unwillingly, forcing oneself erx;rxø [she; shu] v Ó1) turn one's attention to 2) look
despite embarrassment forward to
erx>emxak\ [she. hmau'] n before one's (very) eyes, in front erx;l¨”k^; [she; lu gyi;] n senior, elder, sb of an older
of Ω kiuy\-erx>emxak\mxa®Ps\ty\" It happened right before my generation
eyes. erx;qeraAKå [she; thAyaw; Akha] n long ago
erx>er;(enak\er;) [she. ye; (nau' ye;)] n 1) future erx;ehac\; [she; haung;] v be antique; be ancient
(matters) Ω Arc\;rxc\ wådmx a pt\wn\; k¥c\erx>er;epÅ Ω erx;ehac\; psßv\; antiques [? really antiquated, archaic?]
Ael;mTa;B¨;" Capitalism does not value the long-term erx;ehac\;eNxac\;®Ps\ [she; haung; hnaung; byi'] n past events
future of the environment. CF Anagt\ [? example ok?] erx;ehac\;psßv\; [she; haung; pyi' si;] n antique
2) future events
erx;ehac\;quetqn [she; haung; thu. te thAna.] n
erx>ela”k^; [she. law; kyi;] v be overeager, be anxious or archaeology
eager about sthg in the future [? get exact def]
erx;U^; [she; u;] v be first, be primary, be former Ω erx;U^; l¨
erx>lk\ [she. le'] n foreleg, front leg (of animals) [? hind anthropoid
legs? Also, does this include forefeet? how to say back
— n beginning
legs? also of furniture?]
erx;U^;sXa [she; u; zwa] adv 1) formerly 2) firstly 3) first, at
erx>qXa; [she. dhwa;] n front teeth the beginning
erx>qXa;enak\liuk\v^ [she. dhwa; nau' lai' nyi] v (of a erx;U^;q¨na®po [she; u; thu na byu.] n first aid
couple) be well-matched, be a good match
erx;U^;qc\ [she; u; dhin] v (of a lesson, class, etc) be
Aerx>e®mak\ [Ashe. myau'] n northeast CF Eqan [? new preliminary, be introductory
rx´ [shE;] v be dispersed, be scattered
erx; [she;] n past S YN Atit\
erxaesac\ [shaw; zaung] n shawl
— v 1) be old, be early, be ancient 2) be past 3) Óbe
directed, be guided
erxaerxaRØrØ [shaw; shaw; shu shu] adv 1) willingly, readily,
with alacrity [? check readily alac] 2) easily, smoothly,
erx;k¥ [she; kya.] v be ancient, be antiquated, be very old;

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 388

erxa\ ª rxc\.
without a hitch — part 1) ƒ respectful term used at the end of a
erxa\ [shaw] v ∞1) be disappointing, be sorry, be poor, be sentence or as a response to a speaker to show one has
substandard, not be up to scratch 2) be worthless, be heard, that the speaker has one's attention, etc S YN rxc \.
rubbish CF µ (Kc\)b¥a 2) ƒ excuse me? polite way to indicate that

rxM [shan] n wool-cotton blend (cloth, fabric, material, etc) one has not understood 3) ‹title for a monk or µ
rxMesac\' rxMtBk\ [shan zaung, shan dAbe'] n wool-cotton noble, prefixed to his name 4) prefix to a ƒ name [?
blend shawl or other cloth check both of these -- not a title for women?]
rxMqa; [shan dha;] n kind of very thin cloth [? check bse
bse] rxc\ksßv\; [shin ki' si;] n Œkind of medicinal plant
rOi> [sho.] v 1) burn, set fire (to), ignite 2) [fig] incite a S YN l´l¨m CF rxc\påk¨
fight, instigate a problem rxc\“cim\; [shin nyein;] n Œvariety of csin\ rice
ROi>m^; [sho. mi;] n 1) arson, burning a building, home, etc rxc\esa [shin saw;] n ‹Virtuous Lord Buddha CF Aesa
for malicious reason 2) fire set to burn stubble in fields rxc\eta\ [shin daw] n ‹Lord Buddha CF Bura;
(after harvest) CF tiuÏ m^;ROi>m^; arson, incitement rxc\påk¨ [shin ba gu] n Œkind of medicinal plant
ROi; [sho;] n show [Engl] Ω stit\ROi; stageshow, live show S YN l´ l¨Piu CF rxc\ksß v\;
ROi;Tut\ [sho; hto'] v be dressed up, be decked out, be rxc\pc\ [shin pin] n ‹Lord Buddha CF Bura;
tricked out, look slick rxc\pc\;epåc\;lv\; [shin pin paung; lE;] n ‹reclining
ROi;ep;' ROi;®p [sho; pe;, sho; pya.] v show off, pose, strut Buddha with the head to the south CF el¥ac\;eta\m¨
(one's stuff) (sl), grandstand [? check last 2, and pose] reclining Buddha [? head to S? facing S?]
rxc\®po [shin pyu.] v ‹initiate a boy into the sangha
ROi;tiu;rxn\Ïtn\Ï [sho; do; shan. dan.] adv timidly, hesitatingly, rxc\®popX´' rxc\®pomgçla [shin pyu. bwE;, shin pyu. mingala] n
abashedly = rxn\Ïtn\Ïtn\Ï ‹novitiation ceremony [? check meaning same? also
rxk\ [she'] v 1) be embarrassed; be ashamed 2) be shy pron]
rxk\kiu;rxk\kn\; [she' ko; she' kan;] adv shyly, timidly rxc\Burc\ [shin bAyin] n king, µ monarch
rxk\“pM;“pMo; [she' pyon; pyon;] v smile shyly rxc\m [shin ma.] pron ƒ you (between women of the same
age and status); you (from a husband to his wife)
rxk\rm\;rm\; [she' yan; yan;] v act recklessly or rudely to
cover shame or embarrassment rxc\emX;lXn\; [shin mwe; lun;] n Œreed-mace, an edible
plant S YN pit\sXy\pc\
rxk\eqX;®Pn\; [she' thwe; hpyan;] v (of young person) blush
(when speaking about love) rxc\eyac\ [shin yaung] n ‹1) man impersonating a
monk 2) monk who does not follow the rules of the
rxk\Am\;Am\;®Ps\ [she' an; an; hpyi'] v feel shy or
Arxk\ [Ashe'] n shame CF AeÂkak\ fear rxc\l¨TXk\' rxc\lic\®pn\ [shin lu htwe', shin lein pyan] [shin lu
dwe', shin lu byan] v ‹(of a novice) leave the sangha
erxak\1 [shau'] n Œlemon
erxak\K¥io [shau' cho] n Œsweet lime — n ‹novice who has left the sangha [? been
erxak\S¨;piu; [shau' hsu; bo;] n rice-swarming caterpillar
S YNe®mHac\etac\
rxc\elac\; [shin laung;] n ‹novice-to-be, the future
novice at the beginning of the novitiation ceremony
erxak\S¨;qM [shau' hsu; than] n iron nail
CF rxc\®po [? check def]
erxak\Nu [shau' nu.] n warted lime
erxak\pn\; [shau' pan;] n pomelo rxc\elac\;lxv\. [shin laung; hlE.] v ‹make a round of
visits at the beginning of the novitiation ceremony [?
erxak\q^;eS;®pa; [shau' thi; hse; bya;] n sweet and sour check def]
lozenges made from lemon pulp
rxc\qame% [shin tha mAne] n ‹novice S YN kiurc\
erxak\2 [shau'] v Ó1) cling, cleave to Ó 2) err rxc\q¨cy\gmun\; [shin thAngE gAmon;] n Œornamental plant
ROik\ [shai'] v 1) breathe in or inhale deeply; take or draw a with leaves similar to banana leaves, thought to bring
deep breath CF rxø 2) sob 3) (esp of stomach) be
good luck
concave, curve in, be hollow RF ROik\pk\.
rxc\2 [shin] v 1) live, be alive 2) (of eyes, eyesight, vision)
— part count word used for breaths, sighs, etc Ω qk\®pc\;- be sharp, be good 3) (of gems) flash
ts\ROik\ ROik\ty\" She drew a heavy sigh.
rxc\rxc\ [shin shin] adv 1) freely 2) sharply Ω m¥k\si-rxc\rxc\-
ROik\kun\; [shai' kon;] n sb with a sunken chest Ta;my\" We have to keep a sharp eye out.
CF rxønaROik\kun\; rxc\qM [shin dhan] n platinum S YN plk\t^nm\' erW®Pø
ROik\cc\ [shai' ngin] v sob Ω ROik\”k^;cc\”k^;-ciu sob bitterly [? rxc\qn\ [shin than] v 1) thrive, flourish 2) survive, remain
example okay?]
alive; live through
ROik\pk\ [shai']
v (esp of stomach) curve in, be hollow,
rxc\m^; [shin mi;] n chemise, women's undergarment [Engl]
be concave
S YN AtXc\;KMAkǥ
rxc\1 [shin] n 1) owner, master 2) ‹monk, novice rxc\. [shin.] pron you (familiar, used by women) S YN rxc\.
— pron you (familiar, used by women) S YN rxc\.

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 389

rxc\; ª rxn\tin\lup\
— part 1) ƒ respectful term used at the end of a rxs\KXc\tiuc\; [shi' khwin dain;] adv all over, everywhere
sentence or as a response to a speaker to show one has Ω rx s\KXc\ tiuc\; mOic\; mOn\liuÏr^ It was dark and grey all over the
heard, that the speaker has one's attention, etc S YN rxc \. land. [? is this the right bse?]
CF µ (Kc\)b¥a 2) [poet] suffix to a verb for emphasis rxs\sp\ [shi' sa'] n harrowing a rice field eight times in
four patterns, to give the soil an even texture
— adj your rxs\sp\klv\ [shi' sa' ka. lE] v [fig] be shrewd
rxc\; [shin;] v 1) clean, clear, tidy (up), neaten; be clean, rxs\Sy\epÅet;Tp\ [shi' hsE paw te; hta']
be clear, be tidy, be neat A NT ROp\ RF rxc\;lc\;. rxs\på;q^l [shi' pa; thi la.] n [? def for this and previous]
2) ¥settle, pay (bill, account, charges, etc) Ω piuk\SM- rxs\m¥k\Nxa [shi' mye' hna] n the eight directions (north,
Rxc\;my\" I'd like to pay the bill now. 3) solve, clear up northeast, east, southeast, etc)
Ω ®pœnakiu rxc\; solve a problem S YN e®Prxc\; RF rxc\;lc\;. rxs\rk\q^tc\; [shi' ye' dhAdin;] n seventh day of the
4) explain CF rxc\;®p' rxc\;e®pa 5) be free of, be clear of, be waxing and waning moon, when the Buddhist sabbath is
clean (inf) RF rxc\;lc\;. 6) disentagle, unravel RF rxc\;lc\;. observed
rxs\lMu;PX´> [shi' lon; hpwE.] n kind of poem with 8 syllables to
rxc\;tm\; [shin; dan;] n clarification, statement (of a line [ wr]
account, etc) rxU\. [shin.] n squirrel (illus from file)
rxc\;®p [shin; pya.] v explain rxU\.cepå [shin. ngApaw;] n red squirrel with black paws
rxc\;e®pa [shin; pyaw;] n explain rxU\.esX> [shin. zwe.] n kind of small squirrel which eats
rxc\;rxc\; [shin; shin;] adv 1) openly, clearly 2) clear of coconut
S YN kc\; kc\;rxc\;rxc\; [? uncomplicated (by) unconcerned rxU\.®pn\ [shin. pyan] n flying squirrel
(in, with), not mixed up in, not implicated in???] rxU\.mtk\ [shin. mAte'] n Œkind of asparagus
rxc\;lc\; [shin; lin;] v 1) clean, clear, tidy (up), neaten; be rxU\.“m^; [shin. mi;] n Œkind of millet CF NxMsa;e®pac\;
clean, be clear, be tidy, be neat 2) solve, clear up 3) be rxU\; [shin;] part count word for pairs of draught animals
free of, be clear of, be clean (inf) 4) disentagle, unravel Ω NXa;ts\rxU\; a pair of cattle, two head of cattle Ω kÁ´Nxs\rxU\;
two pairs of water buffaloes
rxc\;lc\;K¥k\ [shin; lin; gye'] n explanation, clarification rxv\ [she] v 1) (of time, distance, etc) long
Ω rxc\; lc\;K¥k\-Tut\ issue or release or give an explanation or
Ω SM pc\rxv\rxv\Ta; have long hair, keep one's hair long
clarification CF lc\®pK¥k\ Ω Arxv\” k^; esac\. rty\" We had to wait for a very long time.
rxc\;lc\;pX´ [shin; lin bwE;] n meeting or conference held to Ω ereNX;Âkm\; Aqk\-rxv\e sty\" Oolong tea helps you live
explain, clarify, or give an accounting for sthg Ω qtc\; sa longer. Ω e®KeTak\rxv\liuÏ Pinp\rxa;liu-K k\ty\" It is hard for
rxc\;lc\; pX´' sant\zc\; rxc\; lc\;pX´ press conference me to find shoes because I have big feet. A NT tiu CF Âka
erxac\ [shaung] v avoid, keep or stay away from, steer clear take a long time 2) (of sthg vertical) tall Ω Arp\
of (inf); evade By\elak\-rxv\ql´" How tall is he? A NT pu [? check
erxac\ÂkU\ [shaung kyin] v refrain (from) Ω Aqa;kiu examples]
erxac\Âkv\ refrain from eating meat rxv\em¥a [she myaw;] v be long, be lengthy, be elongated,
erxac\tKc\ [shaung tAkhin] adv unexpectedly, suddenly be extended [? lengthy, extended okay? what about
erxac\tKc\KXc\. [shaung tAkhin khwin.] n casual leave [? protracted]
pron] rxv\l¥a; [she lya;] v be very long [? check pron: not ya:?]
erxac\tKc\ss\eS;mO [shaung tAkhin si' hse; hmu.] n surprise
inspection, spot check rxv\ew; [she we;] v 1) (of time, place) be remote, be
erxac\tim\; [shaung tein;] v avoid, elude; leave secretly; distant, be far removed 2) (of speech, talk, etc) be
abscond lengthy, go on and on, be (long-)drawn-out, (of person)
erxac\Py\ [shaung hpE] v keep away from be long-winded Ω ska;e®pata rxv\ew;liuk\ta-kXa" He just
erxac\Py\erxac\Py\lup\ [shaung hpE shaung hpE lo'] v goes on and on! Ω Asv\ Aewmxa
(constantly) try to avoid rxv\rxv\ew;ew;e®paK¥c\t´.l¨etX m¥a;ty\" There are many
erxac\rxa; [shaung sha;] v abstain (from), avoid, stay away people at the conference who want to speak at length. [?
(from) check speech vs person, and examples]
erxac\lW´ [shaung hlwE;] v avoid, evade (esp responsibility) rxit\Kn´ [shei' khAnE;] adv (burn) quickly, rapidly, in a flash
Ω q¨-miqa;su-tawn\ kiu erx ac\ lW´“p^-e nty\" He is avoiding his ROt\K¥ [sho' cha.] v denounce; criticise, condemn, decry
family responsibilities. ROt\K¥pX´ [sho' cha. bwE;] n public denunciation
terxac\erxac\ [tåshaung shaung] adv (be ill) chronically rxn\ka [shan ka] n chancre, small sore which is the first sign
erxac\; [shaung;] part verb suffix for emphasis of certain illnesses [Engl]
rxs\ [shi'] n eight rxn\tin\lup\ [shan tein lo'] v 1) shunt, move rail carriages from
rxs\eKåk\K¥io; [shi' khau' cho;] v (of face, expression, etc) be one track to another [Engl] 2) [fig] move sthg or sb to
forbidding [? check] another place for one's own convenience [? check that

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 390

rxn\Ï ª ROM>
this is the fig] ROp\eTX; [sho' htwe;] v 1) be confused, be mixed up, be
rxn\Ï [shan.] v flinch, recoil, shrink, blench ¬ CF ROi;tiu;rxn\Ïtn\Ï unclear; be complicated 2) be tangled; be jumbled, be
rxn\Ïtn\Ïtn\Ï [shan. tan. dan.] adv in a disconcerted manner mixed up 3) be untidy, be messy; be crowded, be full
[? fazed, rattled, clarify, also whether wince should be ROp\eTX;mO [sho' htwe; hmu.] n confusion
incl above] ROp\eTX;epXl^ [sho' htwe; pwe li] v be untidy, be messy, be
rxin\ [shein] v 1) be warm 2) radiate (heat) disorderly, be muddled, be jumbled; be confused; be
— n 1) speed, velocity; tempo 2) momentum 3) force; complicated
(degree of) intensity 3) ≈acceleration 4) effect; ROp\epX [sho' pwe] v 1) be disorganised, be in disarray, be
influence; authority CF Aa%a' Âqza RF Arxin\Aesa\' messy, be in disorder 2) interfere 3) be a ladies' man
rxin\esa\ [shein zaw] n power, might; glory ROp\yxk\Kt\ [sho' she' kha'] adv in disorder, in confusion
Arxin\ [Ashein] 1) speed, velocity; tempo 2) momentum [? what situ?]
3) force; (degree of) intensity 3) ≈acceleration ROp\ROp\ [sho' sho'] n sniffle
4) effect; influence; authority CF Aa%a' Âqza' ROp\ROp\yxk\yxk\ [sho' sho' she' she'] adv intrusively,
Arxin\Aesa\' Arxin\Awå meddlingly [? check]
rxin\;1 [shein;] v 1) intensify, become stronger 2) (of tROp\ROp\ [tAsho' sho'] adv sniffling Ω l¨-Â ka;T´mxa Nxp\-tROp\ROp\
feelings, emotion, etc) fervent, burning, ardent mlup\n´Ï" Don't be sniffling when other people are around.
rxin\;Pin\; [shein; hpein;] v feel a rush of emotion or rxm\pin\ [shan pein] n champagne, sparkling wine [Engl]
sensation, be flushed (with) rxm\; [shan;] n 1) Shan, a Tai ethnic group, living mainly in
rxin\;2 [shein;] n power of invulnerability; power to become eastern Myanmar L IT : ‘The cow the Shan likes is a
invisible CF rxin\;“p^; beauty.’ Ω rxm\;”kio k\-NXa;eK¥a As long as you like it, it is
rxin\;Saya [shein; hsa ya] n power to become invisible alright (i.e., it doesn't matter what other people think).
rxin\;“p^; [shein; pi;] v have the power of invulnerability or 2) [inf] Thai, Thailand
invisibility rxm\;Kemak\ [shan; khAmau'] n 1) broad-brimmed hat
rxin\;Kiu [shein; go] n asaf(o)etida, a strong-smelling spice made of plaited straw or bamboo 2) flat conical hat
rxp\ [sha'] v be flat, be thin made of the smooth sheath of bamboo
— n 1) cockle, kind of small mussel RF rxp\ekac\. rxm\;eK¥eK¥ [shan; gye che] v pay for a group of things one
at a time, instead of adding them
2) alcohol, spirits (Br), liquor (Am)
rxp\ekac\ [sha' kaung] n cockle, kind of small mussel rxm\;Tmc\;K¥U\ [shan; htAmin; gyin] n dish of rice, chilli oil
and fish or meat served in a leaf
rxp\tiuk\ [sha' tai'] adv shuffle, drag one's feet Ω Pinp\-rxp\tiuk\
ms^; n´Ï" Don't drag your heels. rxm\;Da; [shan; da;] n large, light Shan sword with a point
rxp\diu; [sha' do;] n [? get exact exp]
rxp\p¨tiuk\ [sha' pu tai'] v apply the heat from rubbing the rxm\;nMnM [shan; nan nan] n Œherb used as a garnish
palms of one's hands together to sthg
rxm\;Pk\ [shan; be'] n kind of leaf used to roll cheroots
S YN qnp\Pk\
rxp\pk\ [sha' pe'] v be slightly concave, curve in a little
rxp\ps\tm\; [sha' pyi' tan;] n girls' game of piitching rxm\;Pk\lip\ [shan; be' lei'] n cheroot rolled with rxm\;Pk\
seabean seeds
rxm\;eBac\;B^ [shan; baung; bi] n wide trousers tied at the
waist (illus)
rxp\rxp\ [sha' sha'] n sound of shuffling [? check]
rxp\ [sha'] n [in comb] shirt [Engl] Ω t^rxp\ t-shirt rxm\;Aiu;sv\ [shan; o; zi] n œShan long drum
rxp\P¥c\ [sha' hpin] n shirting, material for shirt rxm\;Ak¥Ç [shan; ein gyi] n long loose shirt with cloth
buttons in front, often with embroidered borders
rxp\Ak¥Ç [sha' in; gyi] n shirt
ROp\ [sho'] v 1) be confused, be mixed up, be unclear; be rxim\;1 [shein;] v be hot Ω p¨rxim\;®pa; peppermint CF p¨' sp\
complicated Ω AetX;ROp\ty\" She's not thinking clearly.
rxim\; [shein;] v 1) be overawed, be amazed, be
overwhelmed (by sb's presence) 2) be bountiful [? check
She's confused. She's all mixed up. Ω d^kisß ROp\ty\" This is a
1 expansion kyaw]
complicated matter. RF ROp\eTX;. 2) be busy Ω Alup\ROp\ty\"
I have a lot to do. I'm very busy. 3) be untidy, be messy;
rxim\;rxim\; [shein; shein;] v be green and lush
be crowded, be full Ω lm\;ROp\k mwc\n´Ï" Don't go into the ROM> [shon.] v 1) wrinkle 2) be wrinkled RF ROM>tX. 3) shrink,
street if it is crowded. A NT rxc\; RF ROp\eTX;. 4) be tangled; contract Ω e®meÂka-ROM>enty\" The world is getting smaller.
be jumbled, be mixed up Ω ”kio;ROp\-enty\" The rope is S YN k¥Mo>
tangled. RF ROp\eTX;. 5) be mischievous, be naughty; be a ROM>”kio; [shon. gyo;] n elastic (band); elastic thread
rogue, be a rascal 6) [inf] have many girl- or boyfriends ROM>K¥v\Nxp\K¥v\ [shon. gyi hna' gyi] adv (of attitude, mindset,
7) interfere Ω Aerx>Aly\piuc\ kisßmxa CIA k enak\Tp\- opinion, etc) be volatile, change often, be
wc\ROp\enty\" The CIA is interfering in Middle Eastern affairs unpredictable, be variable
again. S YN e®KROp\ 8) sniff; snort [? check all examples] ROM>tX [shon. twa.] v be wrinkled
ROM>m´. [shon. mE.] v grimace (e.g., with pain), look

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 391

ROM; ª erW
disgusted, screw up one's face, make a wry face erWtiuk\ [shwe dai'] n Óroyal treasury
ROM; [shon;] v 1) (in constest, game, sport, court case, etc) erWtiuk\sarc\; [shwe dai' sAyin;] n Óroll with a list of the
lose, be defeated; be beaten A N T Niuc\ win RF ROM;nim\. 2) (of names of royalty and state officials
business, deal, etc) fail; lose (money), flop (inf) erWetac\ [shwe daung] n Ópalace
A NT eAac\® mc\; succeed 3) (of exam, test, etc) fail S YN k¥; erWetac\sk¶ø [shwe daung se' ku] n 1) very thin,
A NT Niuc\ pass [? check] translucent paper 2) [fig] (of a person) clever CF på
ROM;nim\. [shon; nein.] v (in constest, game, sport, court case, erWtX´lX´ecXtX´lX´ [shwe twE; lwE; ngwe twE; lwE;] n wealthy
etc) lose, be defeated; be beaten enough to wear jewellery [? how is this related to lwe:?]
rxy\1 [shE] v stretch threat on a frame, to prepare the warp
CF rk\kn\; erWTmc\; [shwe dAmin;] n sweet snack made with sticky
rxy\2 [shE] n sthg special [Engl] CF (AT¨;)spy\rxy\ rice and palm sugar
rxy\ya [shE ya] n share [Engl] erWT^; [shwe hti;] n 1) golden parasol 2) [fig] great good
rxy\yaKX´ [shE ya khwE;] v [sl] divide, split up fortune Ω rxc\rc\-erWT^;' eqrc\e®m”k^; If I make it, I will have
rxy\yarxc\ [shE ya shin] n shareholder the golden parasol; otherwise I will die and be buried. Do
erW [shwe] n 1) gold 2) [sl] Myanmar citizens working abroad or die. Make or break.
[? only working?] erWT^;eSac\; [shwe hti; hsaung;] v [fig] be very fortunate
— part prefix to nouns, to indicate that sthg is Ω cy\c y\ tun\;k erW T^;-e Sac\K´.rtakiu ®pn\ tm\; t menn´Ï" Don't

precious or noble Ω erWT^; golden parasol, symbol of be nostalgic for the golden days of your youth.
Burman monarchy erWdg:; [shwe din; ga;] n gold coin
erWkiuy\el; [shwe ko le;] n sb's weight in gold erWdg:;Âkk\ [shwe din; ga; kye'] n kind of small chicken
erWk¥c\ [shwe kyin] v pan for gold erWdg:;pn\; [shwe din; ga; pan] n Œkind of marigold
erWk¥c\Kp\ [shwe gyin kha'] n cloth with gold threads S YN Mema\l“mioc\pn\;
CF k¥c\Kp\ erWdg:;erac\ [shwe din; ga; yaung] n golden orange
erWk¥c\giu%\; [shwe gyin gain;] n ‹Shwegyin sect, erWna; [shwe na;] n kind of small chicken CF Âkk\
prominent Buddhist sect founded by a monk from erWNXy\ [shwe nwE] n Œkind of plant with a reddish
Shwegin village [? is this enough and right detail?] twining stem, white flowers, and no roots or leaves [? I
erW”kio [shwe gyo] n tout want to see one!]
erW”kio;qt\ [shwe gyo; tha'] v Ómark the boundary of a erWpusXn\e®Kak\ [shwe bAzun gyau'] n kind of high-quality
royal area such as the royal city dried prawns
erWK´ [shwe gE;] n typical pet name for a parrot, Polly erWep [shwe pe] n 1) palm leaf with gold edges CF epsa
CF Âkk\t¨erX; 2) royal order written on a palm leaf
erWKt\ [shwe kha'] v beat gold into gold leaf erWepla [shwe pe la] n 1) golden palm leaf 2) chain
erWK¥ [shwe cha.] v gild letter
erWeK¥ac\; [shwe gyaung;] n gold bar, gold brick erWeplWa [shwe pe hlwa] n Ógolden tablets in the shape
erWK¥v\Tiu; [shwe gyi do;] v embroider with gold thread of palm leaves, used to write special texts since Pyu
times [? def okay?]
erWcå; [shwe nga;] n goldfish
erWcxk\ep¥a [shwe hngApyaw;] n Œkind of banana, fruit of erWp´ [shwe pE;] n Œmange tout (Br), snow pea, sugar
pea, kind of pea with a flat, edible pod
which has red skin
erWsc\ [shwe zin] n pure gold erWepŮmtc\ [shwe paw mya. din hta;] v pamper, coddle,
handle sb with kid gloves
erWsc\Rup\Su [shwe zin yo' hsu.] n trophy given in annual
Film Academy Award ceremony
erWpiu;ekac\ [shwe po; gaung] n irridescent green-gold
beetle, Spanish fly, blister beetle, used in traditional
erWsXn\vioksa;nv\; [shwe sun nyo gAza; ni;] n snap the
medicines S YN piu;K¥c\;m
whip, children's tag game in which the player who is It
tries to catch the player at the end of a line of players
erWpn\; [shwe ban;] n 1) Œyellow ginger lily 2) [fig] male
genitals S YN cy\på
holding hands
erWSiuc\; [shwe zain;] n gold leaf packet (usu of 100 erWpn\;Tim\ [shwe bAdein] n goldsmith [ ph]
erWpin\; [shwe bein;] adv (cover, etc) completely, totally
(with gold)
erWzwå [shwe zAwa] n gold on lacquer, metal, iron, etc
CF zwå erWpin\;K¥ [shwe bein; cha.] v gild, cover with gold leaf
erWt¨ [shwe du] n Œkind of yellow orchid CF qs\KXpc\ erWpin\;ep [shwe bein; pe] n palm leaves with gilded edges
S YN erWm¥U\;ep [? check parabai']
erWtMtiuc\; [shwe dAdain] n Œkind of medicinal plant with
yellow flowers with five petals, blooking after the end of
erW(®pa;)Kt\ [shwe (bya;) kha'] v beat gold into gold leaf
the rainy season erW®pv\siu; [shwe byi so;] n 1) Ó∏official registrar of
erWtiuecXs [shwe do ngwe za.] n gold and silver jewellery property under the Burman kings 2) [inf] ring finger,
third finger S YN lk\q¨ÂkXy\ CF lk\eK¥ac\; 3) kind of
erWtiuecXs [shwe do ngwe za.] n gold jewellery
small bird

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 392

erW ª l
erWp´Xla [shwe bwE; la] n audience reschedule for a later time RF erW>Siuc\;.
erWpXt\ [shwe pu'] v rub gold leaf off off with wax erW>Siuc\; [shwe. hsain;] v postpone, reschedule (for a later
erWPRMu [shwe hpAyon] n Œkind of pumpkin plant time)
erWPla;erac\ [shwe hpAla; yaung] n light orange erW>e®pac\; [shwe. pyaung;] v 1) move (from one place to
erWP^ [shwe hpi] n kind of high-quality oolong tea Ω erWP^- another) 2) migrate CF cxk\erW>e®pac\; migratory bird [? do
miu;lXt\ last harvest of shwe pi tea before the rains we put this in bird?]
erWP^qrP^pn\; rW´1 [shwE;] v be soaked Ω rW´rW´siu soaking wet
erWP^Kiuc\Vxapn\; [? defs] rW´(liuk\rtu)2 [shwE; (lai' yAdu.)] n œkind of traditional song
erW®Pø [shwe byu] n 1) platinum S YN plk\t^nm\' rxc\qM = qYio;
2) [fig] rubber CF raBa rWM> [shun.] n mud, clay CF pXk\
erWBiuK¥U\epåc\ [shwe bo chin baung] n ŒBombay hemp rWM>ka [shun. ka] n mudguard (Br), fender (Am)
S YN K¥U\epåc\”k^;' K¥U\epåc\Kå; rWM>VXn\ [shun. nyun] n mire, deep soft mud
erWmc\ [shwe hmin] n gold paint, gold ink rWM>NXM [shun. nun] n quagmire, deep mire
erWmc\;qa; rWM>Nxs\ [shun. hni'] n mud, muck
erWmc\;qm^; [? defs] rWM>pup\ [shun. bo'] n muck, smelly mud
erWmv\; [shwe mE] n [fig] black gold, petroleum, oil rWM>pXk\ [shun. bwe'] n mud puddle
erWWm¥U\;Dmµqt\ [shwe myin; dAmAtha'] n laws codified by rWM>m^;etac\ [shun. mi; daung] n mud volcano
King Thalun [? complete, eg time -- look in chinese S YN ngå;pX k\etac\
dictionary] rWc\ [shwin] v 1) be happy, be in high spirits; be joyful
erWm¥U\;ep [shwe myin; pe] n palm leaf manuscript with Ω m¥k\Nxa rWc\ ty\" happy face CF ep¥a\rWc\' l¨rWc\ e ta\ comedian
gilded edges S YN erWpin\;ep CF epsa [? need a sentence with more context, so it can be
erWemxak\ [shwe hmau'] n Ó1) ‹Lord Buddha 2) king translated] 2) be plentiful, be plentiful Ω laB\rWc\ty\
3) prominent person [? check in bse bse] get many gifts or bribes
erWWmOn\Ï [shwe hmon.] n gold dust Ω AepÅyM erWmOn\Ï”k´' AT´ rWc\p¥ [shwin pya.] v be happy, be elated
enak\eK¥;K´ the top sprinkled with gold dust; underneath it rWc\®mø; [shwin myu;] v be jubilant, be joyous, be exultant,
is dung be overjoyed
erWrtu [shwe yAdu.] n golden jubilee, 50th anniversary rWc\rWc\“pMo;“pMo; [shwin shwin pyon; byon;] v cheerfully, gladly,
erWerecXer [shwe ye ngwe ye] n water with gold, silver with a smile, happily
and gemstones in it, used in certain ceremonies [? rWc\ln\; [shwin lan;] v feel lively, be in good spirits
check official spelling] rWt\ [shu'] v 1) joke, kid 2) be naughty, be mischievous
erWer; [shwe ye;] v be gilded, be gilt CF l¨rWt\
erWrc\eA; [shwe yin e;] n cold drink made of sago, agar, rWt\enak\enak\ [shu' nau' nau'] adv 1) playfully,
coconut milk and sugar jokingly 2) mischievously, naughtily
erWrv\sim\ [shwe ye sein] n 1) gold plate 2) [fig] fake, rWt\Kn´ [shu' khAnE;] adv in no time, instantly, instantaneously
sham, phony Ω eRWrv\sim\ lXt\lp\er; sham independence
(under the Japanese, during World War II) rWn\; [shun;] v be bright, shine brightly
erWlm\;ecXlm\;ePak\ [shwe lan; ngwe lan; hpau'] v [fig] rWn\;p' rWn\;®pk\' rWn\;®m [shun; pa., shun; pye', shun; mya.] v
establish friendly relations glitter
erWelxa\ [shwe hlaw] n purified gold rWn\;rWn\;sa;sa; [shun; shun; sa; za;] adv (look at sb)
erWelxac\sk¶ø [shwe hlaung se' ku] n thin leaves of paper adoringly
placed between sheets of gold leaf rWn\;rWn\;etak\ [shun; shun; tau'] v (of light) be bright, be
erWqa; [shwe dha;] n solid gold intense
erWAp\(cRut\) [shwe a' (ngAyo')] n Œkind of small, very rWn\;rWn\;ew [shun; shun; we] adv richly
hot chilli rWn\;l´. [shun; lE.] v glitter
erW2 [shwe] v be askew, be at an angle rWm\; [shun;] v be juicy, be moist, be succulent
erWK¥^ [shwe gyi] n 1) kind of very coarse flour 2) snack made
from this flour
erW> [shwe.] v 1) move sthg, shift 2) postpone Ω AK¥in\erW>

l1 [la.] n 1) twenty-eighth consonant of the Myanmar — part Ó1) short form of particles el' lim\.' lt\
script 2) name of the l RF lcy\. 3) '…' symbol for 2) prefix to verbs for emphasis or euphony
ellipsis CF epy¥al lcy\ [la. ngE] n name of the l, to contrast with L

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 393

l ª lmu
lSX´ [la. zwE;] n __¬ CF lSut\
l2 [la.] n 1) moon L I T : ‘Spin thread while the moon is — n 1) moon's waxing period Ω lSn\;(1)-rk\ first day
bright; collect water while it rains.’ Ω lqatun\;-biuc\;cc\' after the new moon 2) beginning of a month Ω z¨liuc \
miu;rXatun\;erKM Make hay while the sun shines S YN sN»a' sn\;' lSn\;-(2)-rk\enÏ the second of July Ω d^zc\Ba lSn\;elak\
eqa\ta 2) month CF table at Sy\.Nxs\raq^ 3) ßRahu erak\my\" I'll get there about the beginning of December.
CF rahu lT^;eSac\; [la. hti; hsaung;] v (of moon) have a partial
lÂks\' lÂkt\ [la. kyi', la. kya'] v (of the moon) be ring or lunar halo CF lAim\PX´>
eclipsed, be a lunar eclipse, be an eclipse of the moon lTp\ [la. hta'] v add a month to the lunar calendar to
S YN rahuPm\;' lcpup\Pm\; adjust to the solar calendar CF dutiy-wåSiu [? ??]
lekX; [la. gwe;] n crescent (moon) CF l®Km\;' lkXy\' lTXk\ [la. dwe'] n moonrise
l®pv\. lep; [la. pe;] v 1) make monthly payments, pay in
lkXy\ [la. gwE] n new moon, when the moon is not monthly installments 2) pay at the end of the month
visible at night, dark of the moon CF lmiuk\rk\' lekX;' (i.e., on payday)
l®Km\;' l®pv\. l®pv\. [la. bye. (byI)] n full moon CF lkXy\' lekX;' l®Km\;
lkXy\enÏ [la. gwE ne.] n new moon day, last day of the l®pv\.enÏ [la. bye. (byI) ne.] n full moon day
waning of the moon, last day of the lunar month l®pv\.wn\; [la. bye. (byI) wun;] n moon at its fullest
lK [la. ga.] n salary, regular monthy payment for work l®pn\tiu; [la. byan do;] n loan repaid with interest in one
CF AK month CF enϮpn\tiu;
lKsa; [la. ga. za;] n salaried employee CF enÏsa;' put\®pt\' lmiuk\ [la. mai'] v (of night) be dark, be moonless
lk\Ksa; A NT lqa
leK¥; [la. gyi;] n 1) mica, shiny silicate mineral S YN “Piok\ lmiuk\rk\ [la. mai' ye'] n days before the new moon
2) (sheet of) talc [ ph] lqark\' lkXy\
lK¥op\ [la. gyo'] n monthly summary; sthg produced at or lmun\Ï [la. mon.] n (Chinese) mooncake
related to the end of the month Ω lK¥op\sarc\; monthly lerac\ [la. yaung] n moonlight
accounting lerac\®Kv\ [la. yaung gyi] n moonbeam
l®Km\; [la. gyan;] n half moon, crescent moon lly\yun\SMTMu; [la. lE yon zAdon;] n Ókind of women's
Ω l®Km\;n^ Aqc\; Red Crescent Society CF lekX;' lkX y\' hairstyle of the Konbaung period
l®pv\. lwk\ [la. we'] n half month (when less than one
l®Km\;Siuc\; [la. gyan; hsain;]n œ Mon graduated gongs month), fortnight, two weeks CF lKX´ [? check]
arranged in a crescent lqa [la. tha] v (of night) be moonlit, be bright with the
lKX´ [la. gwE;] n half a month (when more than one light of the moon A NT lmiuk\
month) Ω (3)lKX´-Âkamy\" It will take three and a half lqaKn\; [la. dha gan;] n room with an open balcony
months. CF lwk\ CF lqaeSac\
lcpup\Pm\; [la. ngAbo' hpan;] v (of the moon) be eclipsed, lqaeSac\ [la. dha zaung] n roof terrace; open balcony
be a lunar eclipse, be an eclipse of the moon CF lqaKn\;
rahuPm\;' lÂks\' lÂkt\
S YN lqaepåk\ [la. dha pau'] n small window high on a wall
lsa [la. za] n salary [? really a def 2 too? How lqamxn\Aim\ [la. dha hman ein] n (hanging) oil lamp
different from la. ga.?] lqark\ [la. dha ye'] n days near the full moon
lsaNOn\; [la. za hnon;] n salary scale; pay rate lmiuk\rk\' l®pv\.
lsarc\; [la. za yin;] n basic pay, base salary (i.e., before lqa; [la. dha;] n baby, animal, or plant less than a year
benefits, bonus, etc) CF P¨lMusa;rit\ old
lsa; [la. sa;] v 1) (of days) turn into months Ω enÏkiu lAim\PX´> [la. ein hpwE.] v (of moon) have a halo or ring
lsa; [? complete example] 2) (of coconut) have a bare (around it) CF lT^;eSac\
shell beneath the husk 3) (of areca nut) be black at the lta [lAta] n mud flats, flat area left exposed by the low
lsU\ [la. zin] adv every month, monthly ltM. [lAtan.] part particle indicating the future = ltM†>
lsU\eÂk; [la. zin gye;] n monthly fee, monthly ld¨mun\Ï [lAdu mon.] n round Indian sweet
subscription CF Nxs\sU\eÂk;
lSiuc\; [la. zain;] n deferred payment arrangement for lepÅqer [lAbaw thAye] adv sloppy, slovenly; slipshod,
loan, by a specified number of months Ω (3)lSiuc\;n´Ï
ep;rmy\" I will have to pay it back in three months' time.
lpiuÏ [lAbo.] n hump Ω NXa;lpiuÏ bull's hump
lSut\ [la. zo'] v (of moon) wane, appear smaller lpiuc\ªlc\;piuc\ [lAbain] n dolphin
l®pXt\ [lAbyu'] n Îprick Î, dick(head) Î
— n moon's waning period Ω lSut\(1)-rk\ first day after lU [lAu.] n testicles S YN ewx;es.
the full moon lmu1 [lAmu.] n Œmangrove
lSn\; [la. zan;] v (of moon) wax, appear larger lmu2 [lAmu.] n kind of bamboo fish trap used to catch fish

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 394

lm´. ª lu(S´S´)' lu(n^;på;)' lumtk\' lulu
in tidal creeks — part 1) count word used for races in a series 2) like,
lm´. [lAmE.] n Œkind of small tree growing in areas with as if, in the manner of = Ala;' fv{™} k´.qiuÏ
brackish water la;rgti [la; ya gAdI] n next life, next existence
lmk\1 [lAme'] Œkind of small tree growing in areas with S YN enak\ Bw
brackish water la;la; [la; la;] int exclamation of surprise [? okay?]
lmk\2 [lAme'] n Œshoot growing up from the base of Úla;Úla; […la;…la;] part again and again, in
sugarcane that has been cut back twice CF lmiuc\; various ways, esp distressingly or inappropriately: suffix
lmiuc\;1 [lAmain;] n 1) Órice paddies belonging to royalty to a two-part verb for emphasis Ω ss\la;-eS;la;
2) farmers working on royal rice paddies 3) patron nat of lup\AuM; mla;" Are they going to keep on interrogating us
hunting, farming, and performing arts RF lmiuc\;nt\. like this? Ω lMu;la;eTX;la; Ω miu;la;k´la; CF K¥v\' tMu' liuk\'
hy\ [? need original examples. two meanings for lon:
lmiuc\;ºkp\ [lAmain; ka'] v 1) (of an enterprise) go htwe:.]
smoothly; gain momentum, take off 2) (often neg) be la;la;mY [la; la; hmya.] adv (usu neg) completely,
compatible, be suitable, be appropriate, be fitting, be entirely; perfectly, absolutely Ω la;la;mY mqk\Siuc\B¨;"
apposite That has absolutely nothing to do with it. S YN lMu;lMu;' lMu;w'
lmiuc\;nt\ [lAmain; na'] n patron nat of hunting, farming, BamY [? check example. Add whatsoever?]
and performing arts la;2 [la;] n mule, cross between a ƒ horse and a µ donkey
lmiuc\;2 [lAmain;] n Œshoot growing up from the base of CF ®mc\;' ®mv\;
sugarcane that has been cut back, ratoon CF lmk\ la;3 [la;] part 1) sentence ending particle indicating a
lmy\ [lAmE] n unit of measure used mainly for grain, equal yes-or-no question 2) sentence ending particle for an
to one-eighth of a ®pv\, or about 0.33 cubic litres exclamation CF ¬ela' ela.' l´
CF ®pv\' B¨;' lm¥k\ la;k¥m\; [la; kyan;] n treatise on medical treatments,
lm¥k\ [lAmye'] n unit of measure mainly for grains, equal to written as a series of questions = elak¥m\;
half of a lmy\, or about 0.2 cubic litres CF l®mø la;h¨ [la; hu] n Lahu, one of the Wunbaung (kC¥c\) ethnic
l®mø [lAmyu] n unit of measure for grains equal to one groups, living mainly in the north and east of Shan
quarter of a lmy\ or one half of a lm¥k\, about 0.1 State [ ph] [? check]
cubic litre lili [lI lI] part highly, very Ω PXy\lili fully, completely,
lmXt\ [lAmu'] n horse mango S YN qrk\pup\ utterly Ω Kmn\; lili verging upon, synonomous to
Ω eÂkak\Kmn\; li li terrifying [? complete examples]
ly [lAya.] n measure of time equal to three snaps of the
fingers CF ®mn\manar^ l^ [li] adv in instal(l)ments, in parts [? only for payments?
lha [lAha] n 1) open space; open expanse of land or water also for parts of a series, etc?]
2) glade, clearing (in a forest) 3) open skies 4) (ocean) — part count word for multiples, frequencies [ nc]
swell, wave Al^ [Ali] n multiplication table
lha®pc\; [lAha byin] n 1) open space; open expanse of l^S¨ [li hsu] n Lisu, one of the Wunpawng (kC¥c\) ethnic
land or water 2) glade, clearing (in a forest) 3) open groups, living mainly in northern Kachin State
skies = elha®pc\; [? for all meanings?] l^Sy\ [li zE] v lie, not tell the truth, fabricate an excuse,
lha®pc\zat\KMu [lAha byin za' khon] n open air theatre, explanation, story, etc S YN va' lim\e®pa
stage, or auditorium l^ta [li ta] n litre (Br), liter (Am)
lha®pc\;eZ; [lAha byin ze;] n open air market or bazaar l^då [li da] n πleader, dots or dashes used to guide the
lhu(qM) [lAhu. (dhan)] n lightly stressed sound, sound eye across a printed page [Engl leaders] [? check]
lasting one mÂka l^bå [li ba] n 1) lever (used to work a machine) S YN kut\'
la [la] v 1) come A NT qXa; 2) be cited (in books) emac\; tM 2) accelerator, gas (pedal) (Am) Ω l^bå-nc\; step on
3) ™be more than expected the accelerator
— part 1) begin, start: suffix to a verb to show that l^ra [li ra] n lira, currency formerly used in Italy, and name
sthg is beginning Ω 1970-enak\ piuc\; epålaty\" of currency in some other countries
2) become: suffix to certain verbs to show a positive l^; [li;] n Îpenis CF egX;
evaluation Ω wla“p^" He's gained weight. Ω Aqk\”k^;- lu1 [lu.] v 1) take, snatch, steal, grab Ω lc\lu steal sb's
lat´.AKå when she became old Ω K¥m\; qala become husband Ω ska;-lue®pa interrupt RF luyk\. 2) usurp
wealthy Ω tt\laty\ learn Ω tit\Sit\la fall silent [? (position, throne, etc) Ω T^; nn\; lu usurp the throne
check and give complete examples] 3) …and come: Ω Aa%a-lu grab power [? okay?] 3) try to get an
suffix to show movement paired with another verb advantage, jostle for position CF Kiu;
Ω qrk\ q^;-wy\ laty\" He bought mangoes and came over. luyk\ [lu. ye'] v take, snatch, steal, grab
laAiu [la o] n ∏Laos luyk\mO [lu. ye' hmu.] n robbery CF Kiu;mO
— adj Laotian; Lao lu(S´S´)' lu(n^;på;)' lumtk\' lulu2 [lu. (hlu.) hsE; hsE;, lu. (ni;
la;1 [la;] v 1) reach 2) go ba;), lu. (hlu.) måta', lu. lu.] part suffix to verb: nearly, almost,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 395

lulc\ ª l¨
on the point of, about to Ω kun\lun^; på; rxi“p^" We are almost l¨”k^;q¨”k^; [lu gyi thu gyi;] n µ elders (and betters), sb
sold out. one's senior l¨”k^; q¨m

lulc\ [lu. lin] n unmarried young man, about the age of 15- l¨”k^;q¨m [lu gyi; thu ma.] n 1) µ elders (and betters), sb
25 CF Tn\; lulc\' enlulc\ one's senior CF l¨”k^; q¨”k^; 2) an old woman who can
lulc\ek¥a\ [nAlin gyaw] n tree with roots used as a remember the past, (old and) wise woman
painkiller = nlc\ek¥a\ l¨eÂkac\ [lu gyaung] n eccentric, nonconformist, sb
lulc\tiuc\ [nAlin dain] n Ípost on a military cart for quirky, sb who is unconventional, peculiar or
hanging battle drum or gong CF elxa\ka; idiosyncratic, oddball (Am)
lulc\®pn\ [nA (lu.) lin byan] n about 11pm, i.e., the time l¨Âkm\; [lu gyan;] n 1) tough, rowdy, roughneck, punk
when young men return home 2) (esp in movies) villain, bad guy, black hat S YN bilin\
l¨ [lu] n 1) human (being) CF nt\' ®bhµa 2) person; 3) unskilled worker
individual CF q¨ 3) one's man, one's supporter, sb's l¨Âkm\;sit\Âkm\; [lu gyan; sei' kyan;] adv with a tendency to
creature (neg), sb who can be relied on 4) people, men violence, with aggressive tendency
and women Ω mgçlaeSac\mxa l¨sv\ty\" There were many l¨”kMo [lu gyon] n sb going to a place where one needs
people at the wedding. 5) [inf] (of ƒ) husband; boyfriend to send sthg, sb who can carry sthg, sthg with or
6) burglar CF q¨Kiu; through whom sthg can be sent
— v (of smoke, leaves, etc) rise, climb l¨”kMopå; [lu gyon pa;] v send sthg with a |{l¨”kMo}
l¨kel; [lu gAle;] n boy; pet name for a son CF eRWeqX; l¨KM [lu gan] n 1) local, native S YN l¨rc\;' edqKM 2) sb on
l¨K´Kt\ [lu gE; kha'] v size sb up whom one can depend 3) sponsor, sb who gives support
l¨K´Kt\pva [lu gE; kha' pyin nya] n physiognomy, use of [? check changed defs]
someone's features to judge character, abilities, etc l¨K¥s\l¨Kc\epÅ' l¨K¥s\l¨Kc\m¥a; [lu gyi' lu gin paw;, lu gyi' lu
l¨ekac\ [lu gaung] n 1) body, build, physique gin mya;] v be well loved, be popular (with); be well-liked
Ω l¨ ekac\” k^; have a large build Ω l¨e kac\ e q; be slight, be (by), be a favourite (of)
petite 2) corpse, dead body l¨K¥m\;qa [lu chan; dha] n wealthy or rich person
l¨ekac\;(q¨ekac\;) [lu gaung; (thu gaung;)] n good l¨e®Ktit\ [lu gye tei'] v (of a place) empty; (of traffic)
person, decent person, sb of good character, good sort die off, slow
l¨e®Ktit\K¥in\ [lu gye tei' gyein] n time (esp in a village, at
l¨kuMTM [lu gon dan] n rich person S YN q¨e@; about 9:00pm) by which everyone is at home
l¨k¥k\ [lu gye'] n familiar person A N T l¨sim\;' q¨sim\; l¨e®Kak\ [lu gyau'] n stillborn foetus which appears to
= q¨k¥k\ be dried out
l¨k¥y\ [lu gyE] n 1) pushy or domineering person l¨KX´ [lu gwE;] n persons who acts in one's stead, sb to
2) bully take over, stand-in, replacement Ω Aim\mxa l¨KX´-mrxiliuÏ eZ;-
l¨”k^; [lu gyi;] n 1) adult, grown-up, grown person mqXa;Niuc\B¨;" I can't go to the market because there is no
A NT kel; 2) elderly person, older person A NT l¨cy\ one to take over from me at home. S YN kiuy\KX´
3) elder, leader, person in charge, sb with authority, l¨KXn\ [lu gun] n poll tax, capitation tax, a flat-rate tax
responsible person 4) sb with high rank, authority to be paid by everyone in a population CF B^;KXn\
l¨”k^;sa [lu gyi; za] n easily digestible food, soft food, l¨cy\ [lu ngE] n young person (from about 15 to 35 or
e.g., noodles, porridge 40) CF l¨”k^;
l¨”k^;sit\ [lu gyi; zei'] n maturity l¨cxa; [lu hnga;] n 1) hired hand, sb hired to work on a
l¨”k^;sit\emX; [lu gyi; sei' mwe;] v try to become more farm 2) tenant, sb who farms rented land
tolerant; actualise oneself l¨cxa;K¥ [lu hnga; cha.] v 1) work land with hired hands
l¨”k^;sMura [lu gyi; son ya] n (at family occasion, esp 2) have tenants
marriage) whole family, esp parents and grandparents l¨sl¨n [lu za. lu na] n 1) sb's potential, sb's ability
l¨”k^;miB [lu gyi; mI ba.] n those one regards as one's 2) (usu neg) glimpse of sb Ω dåenak\piuc\; l¨sl¨netac\
parents m®mc\reta.B¨;" We haven't seen hide nor hair of him since
l¨”k^;mc\;m¥a; [lu gyi; min; mya;] exp ladies and gentlemen, then. [? check!]
expression used to address an audience [? new from l¨sa; [lu za;] v (of river, pond, lake, etc) be the scene
speech] of many accidental drownings; (of tiger, etc) be a man-
l¨”k^;l¨ekac\; [lu gyi; lu gaung;] n gentleman; µ eater, be man-eating
patrician, person with wealth, prestige, good — n 1) type or kind of person 2) replacement;
connections substitute, stand-in, surrogate
l¨”k^;l¨k¥y\ [lu gyi; lu gyE] n µ influential person; sb in l¨sa;Tiu; [lu za; hto;] v replace sb, put a substitute (in
an important position; boss sb's position)
l¨”k^;lup\ [lu gyi; lo'] v 1) lead, take responsibility l¨sa;Tiu;Riuk\ [lu sa; hto; yai'] n stunt double
2) play the man l¨s^;tX´ [lu zi; dwE;] n (train) passenger coach (Br)
passenger car (Am) CF kun\tX´ [? ask brit]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 396

l¨ ª l¨
l¨su [lu zu.] n 1) group (of people) 2) circle, clique, set, important or influential person, a somebody
crowd (inf), group of people with a common interest, l¨tn\ [lu tan] n useless person
purpose, stake in sthg, etc l¨tn\;sa; [lu dan; za;] n (social) class
l¨sul¨ew; [lu zu. lu we;] n assembly; crowd S YN l¨Aup\ l¨tn\;sa;A®mc\ [lu dan; za; Amyin] n class consciousness
l¨\es. [lu ze. (zI) te' se. (sI)] n every single person, l¨tn\;es. [lu dan; se. (sI)] v be up to the living standard
each and every one (of) S YN l¨tiuc\;es. (of a community, society, etc)
l¨esa\mnM [lu zaw mAnan] v 1) (of ideas) be unrealistic, l¨tXc\k¥y\ [lu (dwin) gyE] n busybody, overbearing, self-
never work in practice or in the real world 2) (of person) important, or intrusive person [? same for lu zwa?]
not be of normal standard, i.e., be very high or very low
standard l¨tXc\k¥y\lup\ [lu (dwin) gyE lo'] v be a busybody,
l¨siuk\ [lu sai'] v contribute one's labour or service as part intrude in others' affairs, not mind one's own business
of an investment, supply human resources CF ecXsiuk\
l¨Tu [lu du.] n the public, the masses, the people
l¨ss\ [lu si'] v 1) call roll, check attendance 2) screen CF ®pv\q¨l¨Tu
(applicants, individuals, etc, for eligibility, suitability, l¨TusN»KMy¨pX´ [lu du. sanda. khan yu bwE;] n ∏plebiscite,
qualifications, etc) 3) (of a crowd, gathering, etc) referendum, pubic vote on an issue
disperse, thin out, dwindle (away) l¨TuSk\SMer; [lu du. hse' hsan ye;] n public relations, PR
l¨sU\mm^ [lu zin hAhmi] v 1) be stunted, be small and weak l¨TuTc\®mc\K¥k\ [lu du. htin myin gye'] n public opinion
for one's age 2) not be able to participate fully in l¨Tunv\; [lu du. ni;] n participatory method, mass
society [? check again,, and next] participation action
l¨sU\m^ [lu zin hmi] v have all one needs to participate in l¨Tupvaer; [lu du. pyin nya ye;] n public education; mass
society education
l¨sit\ [lu zei'] n humane feelings, humanity, good l¨Tul¨tn\;sa; [lu du. lu dan; za;] n classes Ω l¨ Tu-
qualities, e.g., love, sympathy l¨tn\; sa;-Aq^;q^; every class, all classes
l¨sit\emX; [lu zei' mwe;] v develop one's humane feelings l¨T¨; [lu du;] n character, unique person, unusual
or good qualities person
l¨sim\; [lu zein;] n stranger S YN q¨sim\;; A NT l¨k¥k\ l¨T¨;Sn\; [lu htu; hsan;] n strange, odd, peculiar,
l¨sMutk\suM [lu zon te' son] n full complement (of members, eccentric or quirky person
individuals, stakeholders, etc), the whole membership, l¨TXk\ [lu htwe'] v become a lay person, leave a
all relevant persons religious order
l¨sXa [lu zwa] n [? characteristcs?] — part ex-, former: suffix to some nouns, to show
l¨sXm\;ekac\; [lu zwan; gaung;] n hero S YN q¨r´ekac\; former membership Ω Bun\;”k^; l¨TXk\' ss\qa;l¨TXk\
l¨sXm\;l¨s [lu zwan; lu za.] n ability, skill l¨n [lu na.] n idiot, stupid person
l¨sXm\;Ac\rc\;m¥s\ [lu zwan; in yin; myi'] n human resources l¨na [lu na] n patient, sb who is sick or undergoing
l¨Siu;p [lu zo;] n 1) criminal, delinquent, wrongdoer medical treatment
2) bad character, troublemaker; lowlife A NT l¨ekac\; l¨natc\ka; [lu na din ka;] n ambulance = q¨natc\ka;
l¨Sc\;r´ [lu zin; yE;] n the poor, poor people [? not a l¨namxt\tm\; [lu na hma' tan;] n (patient's) chart
single person, like lu chan: tha?] l¨enmOsns\ [lu ne hmu. sAni'] n social system
l¨v.M [lu nyan.] n dunce, idiot, fool, sb who is not very l¨enmOpMusM [lu ne hmu. bon zan] n way of life
smart A NT l¨eta\ l¨enmOASc\.Atn\; [lu ne hmu. Ahsin. Atan;] n standard of
l¨VXn\Ïk¥io [lu nyun. kyo;] v (of sb's future, dignity, living = l¨>ASc\.Atn\;
reputation, etc) be damaged CF pn\;ekac\;-AVXn\ÏK¥io l¨¨enAim\e®K [lu ne ein gye] n number of houses (in a
l¨VXn\ÏK¨; [lu nyun. khu;] v exploit (sb) village, region, township, etc)
l¨VXn\ÏK¨;sa; [lu nyun. khu; sa;] v make a living through l¨¨enAim\e®Kk¥´ [lu ne ein gye kyE;] v be sparsely populated
exploitation of others or settled
l¨VXn\ÏtuMÏ [lu nyun. ton.] v (of sb's future, dignity, l¨enAim\e®Ksip\ [lu ne ein gye sei'] v be densely populated
reputation, etc) be ruined, be destroyed or settled
l¨eta [lu daw;] n society, public; crowd l¨enak\ [lu nau'] n naughty person, sb who likes to
l¨etatiu; [lu daw; to;] v 1) not be shy, be outgoing [? tease others, mischief maker
check] 2) be sociable, be good company, have good l¨Niuc\ [lu nain] n good friend, someone one can ask for a
social skills 3) be appropriate for public use favour
l¨eta\ [lu daw] n intelligent person A NT l¨vM. l¨Niuc\epå [lu nain paw;] v have many people who can make
l¨tiuc\;es. [lu tain; se.] adv everybody, everyone, each and you do favours for them
every person, every last person Ω l¨tiuc\;es. ewep; pass out l¨nv\;su [lu nE; zu.] n minority CF l¨m¥a;su
to everyone S YN s¨es.-tk\es. l¨nv\;sulWt\eta\ [lu nE; zu. hlu' daw] n ∏Minorities'
l¨ts\lMu;q¨ts\lMu; [lu tAlon; thu tAlon;] n (become) an

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l¨ ª l¨
Assembly [? what is the exact name for this?] l¨e®pac\ [lu byaung] n 1) Ójester 2) clown, buffoon
l¨på; [lu ba;] n 1) clever person, sharp person 2) sb who 3) well-heeled person, well-to-do person CF l¨mX´
follows those who can further his own self-interest, sb l¨®pt\ [lu pya'] v 1) (of a place, street, etc) be deserted,
who knows which side his bread is buttered on be lonelyl, be desolate 2) (of visits, attendance, calls,
etc) (come to a) stop, cease; fall, die down, let up,
l¨på;wªl¨wå;w [lu ba; wa.] v be insolent wane
l¨epl¨et [lu be lu de] n reckless person; heedless l¨®pn\eta\ [lu byan daw] n ‹former monk, ex-monk
person l¨“pin\; [lu bein;] n 1) (esp in relig or science) layman
l¨epÅ [lu baw;] n sb who is susceptible to flattery 2) non-specialist (in a certain field)
l¨epåÏ [lu baw.] n profligate; scoundrel l¨PlM [lu bAlan] n slight person, person who is short and
l¨epÅeÂka. [lu baw gyaw.] n sb who has never faced thin; petite person ƒ
difficulty, sb who has never had to work hard l¨P¥c\; [lu hpyin;] n (jack)ass, nitwit, ninny, nincompoop,
l¨epÅl¨eza\ [lu paw lu zaw] n 1) opportunist, self-seeking dimwit, nitwit, dope, blockhead
person 2) sb who practices one-upmanship l¨e®Pac\ [lu hpyaung] n good sort, good person [? pron
l¨piu [lu bo] n (of a person) be extra check]
l¨epåc\;SM. [lu baung; hsan.] v mix well, be sociable, l¨®Ps\ [lu hpyi'] v 1) grow up, become an adult 2) attain
(always) get on well with people the position or station in life that one has imagined
l¨pin\;ªl¨“pin\; [lu bein;] n non-specialist (in a certain
field); (esp relig and science) layman l¨®Ps\k¥io;ºnp\ [lu hpyi' kyo; na'] v find life worthwhile, be
l¨pMu⁄ [lu bon] n audience, crowd; public Ω l¨pMu-Aly\mxa satisfied with one's life
Arxk\KX´ publicly shamed l¨®Ps\RØM [lu hpyi' shon;] v be unable to have a normal life
l¨pMuŸ l¨pMul¨pn\; [lu bon, lu pon lu ban;] n (sb's) appearance; l¨®Ps\q¨ [lu hpyi' thu] n human being
(sb's) impression (made on sb); bearing; behaviour [? l¨blMªl¨PlM [lu bAlan] n slight person, person who is
check with examples and split up] short and thin; petite person ƒ
l¨p¥io [lu byo] n 1) single man, bachelor CF Ap¥io 2) boy l¨blM [lu ba lan] n (jack)ass, ninny, dope
who has reached puberty, young man S YN kalqa; [? l¨eBa\wc\ [lu baw win] v grow up, become an adult, come
does this imply virginity? check syn] of age S YN ArXy\erak\
l¨p¥io”k^; [lu byo gyi;] n 1) bachelor, unmarried or single l¨mma [lu mAma] n person in ill health; invalid
man (over the age of about 30) 2) confirmed bachelor, l¨mmv\ [lu mAmE] n minor; child
man who does not intend to marry l¨mqiq¨mqi [lu mAthI thu mAthI] adv 1) secretly, in
l¨p¥ioeKåc\; [lu byo gaung;] n leader of the unmarried men private A NT l¨qirxc\Âka; 2) little known
in a village, neighbourhood, etc S YN kalqa;eKåc\; l¨mhut\ [lu mAho'] v be inhuman, be a monster
l¨p¥ioska;e®pa [lu byo zAga; pyaw;] v declare one's love l¨miuk\ [lu mai'] n 1) fool, imbecile, dimwit, nitwit
for a woman CF piu;' rv\;sa;-ska;-e®pa 2) (neighbourhood, street, etc) tough, bully 2) bouncer,
l¨p¥iona [lu pyo na] n sexually transmitted disease, STD chucker; muscle(man), strong arm, goon; henchman
S YN kalqa;eragå
l¨p¥ioepåk\ [lu byo bau'] n µ teenager or adolescent, young l¨miuk\emX; [lu mai' mwe;] v have muscle, goon, henchman,
man etc, i.e., ready to put pressure on others
l¨p¥ioeBa\wc\ [lu byo baw win] v (at about age 16) be seen l¨m¥a;su [lu mya; zu.] n majority CF l¨nv\;su
as an µ adult l¨m¥io; [lu myo;] n 1) race 2) ethnic group; people;
l¨p¥iorM [lu byo yan] n best man (supporting the groom at a nation; identity, group one identifies oneself with L IT :
wedding) ‘A stream or a canal can run dry, a people cannot.’
l¨p¥iolup\ [lu byo lo'] v 1) (of a teenage boy) act like a Ω ®mn\ maNiuc\cM mxa l¨ m¥io; (100)-e k¥a\rxipåty\" There are over 100
grown man 2) (of a married man) try to pass himself off ethnic groups in Myanmar. Ω tiuc\® pv\n´Ï l¨m¥io;AtXk\ for my
as single country and my people Ω eK¥ac\;Riu;e®mac\;Riu; qatim\ekaty\
l¨p¥io;lxv\. [lu byo hlE.] v try to win sb's love, court S YN piu; l¨m¥io;mtim\eka" No matter what happens, a people will
endure. 3) nationality Ω {Bal¨m¥io;l´"} {kenta"} "What
l¨p¥iohiuc\; [lu byo hain;] n middle-aged bachelor country are you from?" "Canada." 4) type or kind or sort
l¨p¥k\ [lu bye'] n bad character of person Ω q¨k By\liu-l¨m¥io;l´" What kind of a person is
l¨p¥c\; [lu pyin;] n lazy person, lazybones, idler, do- he?
nothing, bum, slouch, slowcoach (Br), slowpoke (Am) l¨¨m¥io;”k^;wåd [lu myo; gyi; wa da.] n nationalism;
l¨e®paq¨;e®pa [lu byaw; thu byaw;] n 1) public criticism or ethnocentrism
censure 2) hearsay, sthg one has not witnessed, l¨m¥io;kX´' l¨m¥io;®Ka; [lu myo; gwE;, lu myo; gya;] n 1) sb of a
information heard from others 3) the talk of the town different ethnicity, nationality, etc 2) foreigner
l¨®pk\ [lu bye'] n 1) clown, Ójester 2) comic, comedian, l¨¨m¥io;su [lu myo; zu.] n principal ethnic group, i.e., Shan,
comedienne ƒ S YN l¨rWc\eta\ Kayah

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 398

l¨ ª l¨
l¨¨m¥io;sulWt\eta\ [lu myo; zu. hlu' taw] n ∏Chamber of superiors, elders, betters, etc 3) behave senselessly, be
Nationalities oblivious to the world around one, be out of it (inf)
l¨¨m¥io;ts\ra.ts\på; [lu myo; tAya. dAba;] n all the different l¨eyac\®p [lu yaung pya.] v make one's presence known
peoples of the world S YN l¨lMu;®p
l¨¨m¥io;er; [lu myo; ye;] n issues relating to one's ethnic l¨yut\ma [lu yo' ma] n wicked or evil person, snake,
group, nation, community, etc lowlife (inf), bastard
l¨m¥io;er;KX´®Ka;mO [lu myo; ye; khwE; cha; hmu.] n racial l¨yMu [lu yon] n trusted person, confidant(e), sb one is
discrimination; discrimination certain of
l¨®mc\ºkt\ [lu myin ka'] v dislike, be offensive Ω t®Ka;- l¨yMuqt\ [lu yon tha'] v be betrayed by sb one trusts
Niuc\cMetXmxa lm\;epÅ-tMetX;-eTX;rc\ l¨® mc\kt\-KMrmy\" In other Ω kÁn\ e ta\-s^;pXa;er;-p¥k\ ta tky\-l¨yuMqt\liuÏ eqrtab¥"
countries, people hate it when you spit on the streets. Actually I was ruined because I was betrayed by someone I
CF A®mc\kt\ had put my trust in.
l¨®mc\kXc\; [lu myin gwin;] n public place, (in) the open, l¨rtt\ [lu yAda'] n sb well-to-do
place where everyone can see, (in the) presence of l¨raºwc\ [lu ya win] v 1) be accepted in society 2) be
others sociable
l¨®mn\ [lu myan] n Órunner, messenger l¨raºqXc\; [lu ya thwin;] v take sb seriously, pay attention
l¨emX; [lu mwe;] v 1) recruit supporters, followers, etc [? to sb's opinions, words, etc Ω kel;Siurc\ l¨ra-mqXc\B¨;"
check: in dic henchmen] 2) recruit and train, attract Children are not taken seriously.
(people for a certain kind of activity) 3) groom sb as a l¨er;®p [lu ye; pya.] v show off, promote oneself
replacement (for sb), groom sb for a certain position, l¨er;l¨ra [lu ye; lu ya] n matters concerned with social
post, etc dealings
l¨¨emX;l¨etac\ [lu mwe; lu daung] n ability to support l¨er;qa; [lu ye; tha] v have an advantage in social
oneself, standing on one's own two feet dealings CF NOt\er;qa' Aer;qa
l¨emX;l¨etac\e®pac\ [lu mwe; lu daung pyaung] v be l¨Riueqrxc\Riueq [lu yo the shin yo dhe] n 1) respectability
comfortable, be well off, be doing well 2) prestige
l¨¨mX´ [lu mwE;] n sb destitute, impoverished fo:or l¨Riu; [lu yo;] n 1) honest person; upright person 2) naïf,
indigent S YN l¨Sc\;r´ naïve person
l¨mX´saKM [lu mwe; za khan] v plead bankruptcy S YN edwål^KM l¨Riu;l¨A [lu yo; lu a.] n gullible or naïve or artless person
l¨mO [lu hmu.] n social obligations, social duties; [in
comb] social l¨rc\; [lu yin;] n sb one can rely on, sb one can depend
l¨mOSk\SMer; [lu hmu. hse' hsan ye;] n 1) social relations, on
social activities 2) social skills l¨Riuc\; [lu yain;] n barbarian, uncivilised person
l¨mOeta\lxn\er; [lu hmu. taw hlan ye;] n social revolution l¨rv\KÁn\ [lu ye (ye) gyun] n 1) accomplished person, sb
l¨mOP¨lMuer; [lu hmu. hpu lon ye;] n ∏¥social welfare, of outstanding abilities [? check this def]
social security 2) outstanding student
l¨mOer; [lu hmu. ye;] n 1) socialising, i.e., going to l¨rv\tt\ [lu ye (yi) da'] n sb well-to-do, wealthy person
parties, receptions, dinners, etc Ω d^zc\ Balmxa = l¨rtt\
l¨mOer;m¥a;lim\.my\" There will be a lot of socialising in l¨rv\l¨s [lu yi (ye) lu za.] n (of sb) promise, potential
December. 2) social affairs, social activities l¨rv\lv\ [lu yi (ye) lE] v be savvy, be smart, be
l¨mOer;qipJM [lu hmu. ye; thei' pan] n social sciences knowing [? check last]
l¨mOer;APX´>Asv\; [lu hmu. ye; AhpyE. Ahsi;] n 1) non-profit l¨rv\w [lu yi (ye) wa.] v sophisticated, experienced,
organisation dedicated to humanitarian work, improving worldly wise
people's lives, community development, etc 2) social l¨rv\qn\Ï [lu ye (ye) dhan.] n well-bred person
organisation 3) civil social [? what is def 3?] l¨rm\;(ka;) [lu yan; (ga;)] n hothead, sb who is bold and
unpredictable [? check new def]
l¨mOwn\Tm\; [lu hmu. wun dan;] n public servant, sb l¨rXt\ [lu yu'] n rebellious, willful person
working in public service l¨rXy\ [lu ywE] n young man
l¨mxn\ [lu hman] n good person l¨rWc\eta\ [lu shwin daw] n comedian S YN l¨®pk\
l¨mxn\;mqi [lu hman; mAthI] v 1) be too young to l¨rWt\ [lu shu'] n card, joker, clown, funny person
understand 2) behave badly toward one's superiors, CF l¨enak\
elders, betters, etc 3) behave senselessly, be oblivious l¨la;e®mak\ [lu la; myau'] v come of age
to the world around one, be out of it (inf) S YN ArSy\erak\' l¨eBa\wc\
l¨mxn\;qi [lu hman; thI] v (of infants) start to recogise l¨l¨K¥c\;sanaeTak\Ta;K¥c\; [lu lu gyin; sa na htau' hta; gyin;]
people n humanitarianism, humanitiarian works
l¨mxn\;q¨mxn\;mqi [lu hman; thu hman mAthI] v 1) be too l¨l¨q¨q¨ [lu lu thu dhu] adv (live) decently CF AenATiuc\
young to understand 2) behave badly toward one's

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 399

l¨zc\;Bt\ ª l¨;
l¨ell¨lXc\. [lu le lu lwin.] n drifter CF AelAlXc\ wears white-robes and who is not subject to all the rules
l¨lv\ [lu lE] n 1) tricky or shrewd person, slick of a Bun\;”k^; (monk) or kir u c\ (novice) S YN Piu;q¨eta\
2) astute person, sb with good insight 3) clever person CF tra;rxa
l¨q¨el;på; [lu dhu le; pa;]
n 1) all four castes 2) people
l¨lv\lup\ [lu lE lo'] v manipulate (a situation for one's in all walks of life, all kinds of people; people (in
own purpose); act clever general)
l¨lt\ [lu la'] n person of about 40 l¨eqekac\ [lu dhe kaung] n (dead) body, corpse
l¨lt\tn\;sa; [lu la' tan; za;] n middle class CF Aekac\
l¨lup\ [lu lo'] v 1) live up to a standard 2) maintain or l¨eqmO [lu dhe hmu.] n manslaughter CF l¨qt\mO
keep one's virtue, dignity, integrity, etc l¨qiuk\ [lu dhai'] n closed group of people, clique [? def
l¨lim\(l¨ekak\) [lu lein (lu gau')] n crook. con(findence) okay?]
man, swindler; liar l¨qt\mO [lu dha' hmu.] n murder, homicide (law)
l¨limµa [lu lein ma] n clever person, person of good CF l¨eqmO
character l¨qXa;l¨la [lu dhwa; lu la] n traffic; foot or pedestrian
l¨lim\l¨ekak\ [lu lein lu gau'] n crook. con(findence) traffic
man, swindler; liar l¨qXk\ [lu dhwe'] n active person
l¨lMu;®p [lu lon; pya.] v 1) make one's presence known l¨qXm\; [lu dhwan;] n profligate; scoundrel
S YN l¨e kac\® p 2) show oneself to attract attention l¨Al¨n [lu a. lu na.] n stupid person, blockhead, idiot,
l¨lMu;l¨Tv\' l¨lMu;l¨Pn\ [lu lon; lu dE, lu lon; lu ban] n dunce
build, physique, shape and size of one's body l¨Aa; [lu a;] n 1) sb with no specific responsibilities
S YNkiuy\lMu;kiuy\Tv\' kiuy\lMu;kiuy\epåk\' luM;epåk\q¤an\' 2) human resources, labour, manpower Ó Ω l¨Aa;rxity\'
AlMu;Arp\ ecXAa;mrxiB¨;" We've got the people (to do it), but we don't
l¨lMu;lx [lu lon; hla.] v be in a good situation have the funding. CF ecXAa;' A”kMˆa%\Aa;
l¨lXt\ [lu lu'] n single or unmarried person l¨U^;er; [lu u; ye;] n 1) population 2) attendance,
l¨lXt\TXk\e®p; [lu lu' htwe' pye;] v (try to) escape, run number of people at a meeting, function, etc; number of
away people in a household
l¨lXn\mqa; [lu lun ma. dha;]
n 1) [rare] distinguished son l¨eA; [lu e;] n quiet person
of a distinguished mother 2) Îson of a nymphomaniac l¨Aiu [lu o] n 1) old person, elderly person 2) married
l¨wå;w [lu ba; wa.] v 1) be impudent, insolent, or cheeky l¨AiuRuM [lu o yon] n Óhome for the elderly
2) be snobby, act superior [ ph] S YN Biu; BXa;rip\qa
l¨wM [lu wun] n ape l¨Ac\Aa; [lu in a;] n human resources, manpower Ó
l¨wc\sa; [lu win za;] n reincarnated person CF l¨sXm\;Ac\ rc\;®ms\

l¨wc\S.M [lu win zan.] v be sociable, be a good mixer, be l¨ANÎ [lu an; da.] n ignoramus, cretin
friendly l¨>k¥c\.wt\ [lu. kyin. wu'] n 1) ethics; morals 2) rules of
l¨wc\mO”k^;Âkp\er; [lu win hmu; kyi; kya' ye;] n Immigration conduct S YN k¥c\.wt\ CF kiuy\.k¥c\.tra;
(Department) abbr lwk l¨>®pv\ [lu. pyi (pyi)] n (down on) earth, mundane world
l¨wc\l¨TXk\ [lu win lu dwe'] n 1) migration, immigration CF nt\®pv\' cr´®pv\

and emigration 2) comings and goings l¨>eBac\' l¨>elak [lu. baung, lu. law ka.] n human world,
l¨wt\ [lu wu'] n 1) layman's clothing (i.e., not monk's human society
robes); civilian clothing (i.e., not military or other l¨>APX´>Asv\; [lu. AhpwE. Asi;] n society
uniform) [? chck last] 2) layman l¨zc\;Bt\ [lu zin; ba'] n 1) ∏Luxembourg 2) Luxembourger
l¨wt\eÂkac\ [lu wu' kyaung] n layman's clothing (which
has various colours, as opposed to religious clothing of — adj Luxembourgian
one colour) l¨> [lu.] n [in comb] human; earthly
l¨wt\l´ [lu wu' lE;] v become a layperson, (and thus no l¨>k¥c\.wt\ [lu. kyin. wu'] n 1) ethics; morals 2) rules of
longer wear clothing of a religious order) conduct S YN k¥c\.wt\ CF kiuy\.k¥c\.tra;
l¨qamn\ [lu tha man] n ordinary person; everyman l¨>®pv\ [lu. pyi (pyi)] n (down on) earth, mundane world
l¨qa; [lu dha;] n 1) humanity, humankind; mankind Ó CF nt\®pv\' cr´®pv\
2) human flesh l¨>eBac\' l¨>elak [lu. baung, lu. law ka.] n human world,
l¨qirxc\Âka; [lu dhI shin gya;] adv openly, publicly human society
l¨q¨ [lu dhu] n people (in general), everybody or l¨>APX´>Asv\; [lu. AhpwE. Asi;] n society
everyone (inf), humanity; the people CF l¨q¨el;på; l¨;1 [lu;] v 1) daub (paint, etc); put on (makeup,
l¨q¨ew;ra [lu dhu we; ya] n secluded place thanakha, etc); smear (sthg on, over); besmear (sthg
l¨q¨eta\¨ [lu thu daw] n assistant to a monastery who with) S YN lim\; CF Riuk\ 2) be smeared with, be full of, be

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 400

l¨; ª el
covered with 3) writhe (esp in pain) 4) roll, toss; wallow elkc\; [le gin;] n flatulence, gas
CF lim\. 5) be youthful CF rXy\l¨; elekac\;elqn\Ï [le gaung; le dhan.] n fresh (and clean)
— n 1) groove (in wood) 2) hillside excavation air
following a gem-bearing vein RF l¨; tXc\; 3. elkun\ [le kon] v be a waste of breath; waste one's
l¨;k¥c\; [lu; gyin;] n hole dug at the edge of a creek to words or breath
catch fish in S YN l¨; tXc\;1 elk¥ [le kya.] v (of wind) blow hard, be violent
l¨;eS; [lu; ze;] n medicinal cream, ointment, or lotion; elek¥ak\K¥ [le kyau' cha.] v drop anchor in a sheltered
topical medicine ◊ S YN lim\;eS; place, drop anchor in the lee of sthg
l¨;ta; [lu; ta;] n 1) tow-rope, tow-line, hawser (used to elk¥c\.Tiu; [le gyin. hto;] v have sharp pains in the chest
tow barge, raft, etc) = l¨; ta;”kio; 2) kind of lyric poem
where the last line of one stanza is linked to the first elk¥s\ [le kyi'] v have a stomach pains because of gas,
line of the next CF kb¥a have gas
l¨;ta;(”kio;) [lu; ta; (gyo;)] n tow-rope, tow-line, hawser el”k^;miu;”k^; [le gyi; mo; gyi;] n rainstorm CF mun\tiuc\;
eleÂka [le gyaw;] n 1) air current, air stream 2) talk
l¨;ta;epåk\ [lu; ta; pau'] v tow a barge, raft, boat, etc eleÂkami [le gyaw; mI] v 1) get stuck in conversation
upstream in stages 2) lose track of time (because of good conversation)
l¨;tXc\; [lu; dwin;] n 1) wallow, shallow pond for water eleÂkarxv\ [le gyaw; she] v (of talk) be too long; (of
buffaloes to get into 2) hole dug at the edge of a creek person) be a windbag
to catch fish in S YN l¨; k¥c\; 3) hillside excavation el”kio>tk\ [le gyo. te'] v hiccough (Br), hiccup (Am)
following a gem-bearing vein = ”kio>Tiu;
l¨;Tiu; [lu; hto;] n make a croove, carve a groove eleÂkac\; [le gyaung;] n 1) wind direction 2) course,
l¨;Tiu;sk\ [lu; hto; ze'] n router flight path, (air)route 3) airway CF ereÂkac\;' kun\;eÂkac\;
l¨;erXepÅ [lu; ywe paw] n (hand) router 4) airways, aviation company [? check] 5) aviation;
l¨;la' l¨;laeKåk\®pn\' l¨;laSn\Kt\ [lu; la, lu; la sthg aerial or aeronautical
khau' pyan, lu; la hsan kha'] adv to and fro, back and forth, eleÂkac\;k¥ [le gyaung; kya.] v (of a place) be breezy,
from here to there S YN eKåk\tMeKåk\® pn\ catch the weather
l¨;laKt\ [lu; la kha'] v shuttle, oscillate (esp between eleÂkac\;m^ [le gyaung; mi] v catch the wind
places) eleÂkac\;K¥^ [le gyaung; chi] n Íairborne
l¨;l´;T [lu; lE; hta.] v (from lying on one's back) roll over eleÂkac\;sapiuÏ [le gyaung; sa bo.] n airmail [? waht about
and stand up; get up with effort surface mail]
l¨;lim\. [lu; lein.] v 1) (of boat, plane, etc) pitch and eleÂkac\;®p [le gyaung; bya.] n 1) navigator 2) weather
toss, roll, rock 2) (esp of person) toss and turn, writhe vane S YN elVWn\tM [? also windsock, wind cone?]
3) (of animal) roll (in dust, mud, grass, etc) elkXy\ [le kwE] n lee, leeward side, side sheltered
l¨;lXn\Ï [lu; lun.] v 1) make a small movement, stir; from the wind A NT elva
budge (neg) 2) (of mind, feelings, etc) be stirred, be elÂkXa; [le gywa;] n braggart, boaster
animated elKM [le khan] v 1) have gas 2) get some fresh air
l¨;lxim\. [lu; hlein.] v 1) writhe 2) toss and turn 3) roll (in S YN elvc\;KM
dust, puddle, etc) elKiu [le kho]v 1) have a sudden sharp pain in a
l¨;Aiuc\ [lu; ain] n wallow, shallow water that water muscle, have a muscle spasm 2) (of air) be trapped
buffalo, etc wallow in 3) ∑take shelter (from strong wind), lie to
l¨;2 [lu;] n Œ(common) millet CF AkXy\Aka
l¨;Sp\ [lu; hsa'] n [? new nutrition dept] elK¥ø [le chu] v bleed (air out of pump or pressurized
el1 [le] v 1) be wasted 2) (of wind) wander 3) be at system)
loose ends; wander about (without a purpose) CF sit\el elK¥io [le gyo] n 1) gentle breeze 2) [fig] sweet voice
3) [fig] sweet talk
— n 1) air; breeze, wind CF wåeya(Dat\) 2) (empty) elK¥ioeqX; [le gyo thwe;] v smooth talk, sweet talk,
words, (just) talk, gas (inf) 3) gas, wind, flatulence wheedle, persuade through flattery, etc
4) tone, style of speaking, writing, singing, etc; flow RF elK¥U\ [le gyin] n (the gas of a) burp
elqM. 5) speaking; conversation 6) (change one's) tune elK¥U\tk\ [le gyin te'] n burp, belch, let gas from the
(fig), style CF epeq stomach out through the mouth, causing a noise
elteta. [le gAdaw.] n whirlwind, dust devil elK¥iop\ [le cho'] v have gas (in the stomach)
CF elSc\Nxaemac\; elKÁn\ [le chun] v whistle
elka [le ga] n windbreak elKÁn\qM [le chun dhan] n whistle; whistling
elkamxn\ [le ga hman] n windscreen (Br), windshield elcn\; [le ngan;] n paralysis [? how different from the
(Am) or le hpya'?]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 401

el ª el
el“cim\ [le nyein] v 1) (of wind, breeze, etc) subside, gas) be over, get better
quiet; (of weather) be calm 2) (of an episode of gastric elp¨ [le bu] n 1) hot air 2) heartburn
gas) be over, be better elp¨T [le bu hta.] v have heartburn
elsÂka [le se' kya] n pinwheel elep;e®Pac\. [le be; hpyaung.] n hit it off with sb, have a
elsa [le za] n food which causes flatulence, gas, etc; good conversation with sb CF eleÂkam^' elqc\.
food associated with the element of air elepå [le paw;] n [inf] sb who talks too much,
els^;eÂkac\; [le si; gyaung;] n air current windbag, chatterbox
elsiuc\ [le zain] n air mass elepåk\ [le bau'] n 1) (air) vent = elwc\epåk\
elss\ [le zi'] n air filter 2) manner of speaking CF e®paepåk\-Siuepåk\
elsun\ [le zon] n 1) tailwind A NT elSn\ 2) fart elqun\; [le pon;] n 1) unexpected blast or gust of wind
elsim\; [le zein;] n draught (Br), draft (Am) 2) fart
elsim\;tiuk\ [le zein; tai'] v become estranged elep¥a. [le byaw.] n soft and gentle tone of voice
eleS; [le ze;] n antacid; medicine for gas elep¥a.Tiu; [le byaw. hto;] v speak softly and gently
elSc\Nxaemac\; [le hsin hnAmaung;] n tornado, cyclone ele®pTiu; [le bye hto;] v 1) œmusical interlude between
CF erSc\Nxaemac\; acts or dramas CF tim\Tiu; 2) (of arguing people) say sthg
elSn\ [le hsan] v (of gas in stomach, intestines) rise to reconcile, make peace [? ????? or is this appease?]
S YN eltk\
— n headwind A NT elsun\ ele®pqim\; [le bye thein;] v œplay the finale, play the
elSip\ [le zei'] n airport CF elyaU\kXc\; airfield last piece of music in a drama
elva [le nya] n windward, side esposed to the wind el®pv\ [le bye] n breeze, light wind Ω el®pv\la a
A NT elkX y\ breeze blows or wafts S YN elvHc\;
elvc\; [le nyin;] n breeze elpX [le pwa.] v have gas, have flatulence
elvc\;KM [le nyin; khan] v (go out to) get some fresh air elepX [le bwe] n whirlwind
elVWn\tM [le hnyun dan] n weather vane [? windsock, el®pXn\ [le byun] n 1) windpipe, trachea ◊ 2) air duct
wind cone?] elPiAa; [le hpI a;] n 1) air pressure (of a tyre, etc)
elta [le ta] n windswept area 2) atmospheric pressure
eltMk¨' eltMk¥c\ [le dAgu, le dagyin] n flatulence, gas elePa [le hpaw;] [le baw;] v talk a lot, go on and on,
eltMKXn\ [le dAgun] n 1) kite S YN sXn\ 2) windsock [? chatter [? check tone]
check -- also wind cone? or a hollow pennant? or take — n oedema (Br), edema (Am)
out?] elPiu [le bo] n 1) portable paraffin (Br) kerosene (Am)
eltMsiuÏ [le dAzo.] n sharp pain caused by gas in the gas ring, Primus stove = elm^;Piu (illus) 2) bellows [?
intestine syns?]
eltk\ [le te'] v (of gas in stomach, intestines) rise elP¥m\;dn\;s^; [le hpan; dan; si;] n blow up or exaggerate
S YN elSn\ sb or sthg that one has heard about [? okay?]
elts\lMu;miu;ts\lMu; [le tAlon; mo; tAlon;] adv arrogantly, elP¥U\; [le hpyin;] n swelling of abdomen caused by
boastfully intestinal gas trapped inside abdomen, tympany ◊,
eltit\ [le tei'] n 1) (of wind, breeze, etc) subside, tympanites ◊
quiet; (of weather) be calm 2) (of an episode of gastric el®Pt\ [le hpya'] v have a stroke, be paralysed by a
gas) be over, be better S YN el“cim\ stroke
elTp\ [le da'] n Íair force CF ss\tp\ armed forces el®Pn\; [le hpyan;] v (of part of the body) swell
elT [le hta.] v 1) become windy; (of wind) start to elmi [le mI] v 1) (of kite) catch or ride the wind,
blow 2) have gas breeze, air current, etc 2) by paralysed by a stroke, have
elT^; [le di;] n parachute a stroke 3) be captivated by sb's talk or conversation
elTu [le du.] n atmosphere CF eleÂkami
elTuPiAa; [le du. hpI a;] n atmospheric pressure elm^;Piu [le mi; bo] n portable paraffin (Br) kerosene
elTiu; [le hto;] v 1) pump up, inflate (balloon, tyre, (Am) gas ring, Primus stove = elPiu
etc) 2) have gas elmun\tiuc\; [le mon dain;] n storm; cyclone
elTiu;tM [le hto; dan] n (tyre) pump; bicycle pump elemX>ra [le mwe. ya] n air mattress
elTn\ [le htan] v be very windy, be gusty elmOt\sk\ [le hmo' se'] n compressor
elTXa; [le htwa;] v boast, brag ely¨elqim\; [le yu le dhein] n enunciation Ω ekac\; mxn\
elna [le na] n flatulence, gas in the stomach and rc\; CF w´ [? isn't this used when talking about regional
intestines accents? Does it really include intonation? really just
eln^Âkm\; [le ni gyan;] n dust storm pronunciation?]
elNiuc\eS; [le nain ze;] n medicine for flatulence or gas elyaU\ [le yin] n aircraft, including elyaU\(p¥M)
elnip\' elnim\ [le nei', le nein] v (of an episode of gastric aeroplane (Br), airplane (Am), plane (inf); rht\yaU\

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 402

el ª el
helicopter; zk\plc\ zeppelin; elqeBça airship eleqnt\ [le thAna'] n air gun, air rifle
elyaU\kXc\; [le yin gwin;] n airfield, airstrip, landing elqM [le dhan] n [? really pitch?] 1) whisper, very low
strip CF elSip\ airport voice, very low tone 2) loudness of the voice [? not any
elyaU\tc\qeBça [le yin tin thin; baw;] n Íaircraft other quality?] 3) tone, style, tenor Ω Burc\-elqM Ω Sra-
carrier elqM 4) noise, peep, word (usu neg) Ω elqMmx mh" Don't
elyaU\siuk\ [le yin sai'] v land CF elyaU\TXk\ say a word. Not a peep out of you. 5) soud of the wind
elyaU\TXk\ [le yin htwe'] n take off CF elyaU\siuk\ blowing
elyaU\p¥M [le yin byan] n aeroplane (Br), airplane (Am), elqMps\ [le dhan pyi'] v (give sb a) hint
plane (inf) elqk\ [le the'] v fart, break wind
elyaU\(p¥M)kXc\; [le yin (byan) gwin;] n airfield, airstrip, elqiuk\ [le thai'] n lichen (growing on tree)
landing strip elqc\tun\; [le thin don;] n 1) mythical wind that
elyaU\e®plm\; [le yin bye lan;] n runway destroys by cutting 2) stroke (causing paralysis)
elyaU\emac\ [le yin maung] n µ flight attendant elqc\tun\;®Pt\ [le thin don; hpya'] n die of a stroke
CF elyaU\my\ elqeBça [le thin; baw;] n dirigible, blimp, airship
elyaU\emac\; [le yin maung;] v pilot, fly (a helicopter, elqc\. [le thin.] v 1) be downwind, be in the same
aeroplane, etc) direction the wind is blowing [? upwind?] 2) [fig] hit it
elyaU\my\ [le yin mE] n ƒ flight attendant off with sb, have a good conversation with sb
CFelyaU\emac\ CF eleÂkam^' elep;e®Pac\.
elyaU\mØ; [le yin hmu;] n (aircraft) pilot el [le than] v 1) be windy, be gusty 2) [fig] be
elyp\' elrht\ [le ya', le yAha'] n fan CF pn\ka boastful, be full of oneself (inf) [? also talks too much?]
elR¨; [le yu;] n whirlwind, hot season wind blowing in
random gusts elqXn\ [le thun] n (palace) window
eleragå [le yaw; ga] n disease caused by excessive gas elhany\ [le ha nE] n vacuum
in the stomach and intestines elha®pc\; [le ha byin] n 1) open space; open expanse of
elRØcå; [le shu nga;] n lungfish land or water 2) glade, clearing (in a forest) 3) open
elRØ®ms\ [le shu myi'] n aerial root skies = lha®pc\;
elrxv\ [le she] v be long-winded, tend to talk for too elU [le u.] n egg (of insects, etc) which can develop
long [? check: person, conversation, speech, etc] into an embryo without fertilisation, parthenogenetic
ellv\ [le lE] v fart Î, break wind egg ≈ [? check]
ellm\; [le lan;] n 1) air route 2) air passage (affecting eleA; [le e;] n 1) cool air, cold air 2) gentle tone,
pronunciation) calm and gentle way of speaking Ω eleA;el;n´Ï e®pa tell
elluM;”k^; [le lon; gyi;] v boast, talk big, talk sthg up sb gently
ellMu;TXa; [le lon; htwa;] v boast, brag eleA;sk\ [le e; ze'] n air conditioner S YN A´yakXn\;
ellXc\. [le lwin.] v 1) go to waste, be (all) a waste 2) be eleAak\ [le au'] n downwind S YN elqc\. [? checck
a vagrant, be a tramp 3) (of sb's mind) be unstable syn]
elAit\ [le ei'] n air suspension
ellXc\.psßv\; [le lwin. pyi' si;] n waste, wastage el2 [le] part 1) particle between the verb and sentence
ellXc\.l¨cy\ [le lwin. lu ngE] n child not under the final particle, showing irony 2) particle between the
control or supervision of parents CF lm\; qr´ verb and qla;, mla; or jv\la; to show a wondering
elelOic\; [le hlaing;] n airwaves [? really, like for radio question: could it be that, I wonder whether or if
broadcasting? Actually, there is no singular air wave in 3) ™particle used to end a sentence in a friendly tone;
English] to soften orders; often used to remind sb of sthg they
ellxv\. [le hlE.] v fart, break wind should know or figure out; when explaining sthg: (don't
elwc\ [le win] v sprain (elbow, knee or ankle) CF m¥k\ [? or as) you know, you see, don't you think, don't or do
what about back, wrist, etc?] you remember, I mean Ω A´d^tun\;k lXt\lp\er;-AeÂkac\;
elwc\epåk\ [le win pau'] n (air) vent = elepåk\ Bamx-mqieq;B¨;el" Back then we didn't know anything
about freedom yet, you see. Ω mnk\®Pn\ mN|el;kiu
elqlp\ [le thAla'] v 1) air (sthg) out 2) expose sthg to
qXa;my\el" AmS^kiu mlaNiuc\B¨;el" Don't you know I'm
air; uncover; leave uncovered, unwrapped, etc
going to Mandalay tomorrow! I can't go to see her.
elqaKn\; [le dha gan;] n balcony S YN wrn\ta
Ω SraS^ kiu kiu y\tiuc\e p;rc\ ekac\; my\e l" Don't you think it
elqaeSac\ [le dha zaung] n roof terrace; large, open would be good to give it to your teacher yourself? Ω ¯By\liu
balcony S YN lqaeSac\ [? check: really this and same
rxarml´˘ ¯kÁn\m liuk\®pmy\el˘ ‘How will I find it?’ ‘I'll come
as la. tha, or just a room that gets breezes?]
along and show you.’ CF qXa;elq¨' kXy\lXn\el“p^;eqaq¨'
elqaepåk\' elqa®ptc\; [le dha bau', le dha bAdin;] n
liueleq;mrxi' (®Ps\mx)-®Ps\rel [ BOX: on the meaning and
window = ®ptc\;epåk\
implications of le]
elq¨r´ [le thAyE;] n fighter pilot, (flying) ace

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 403

elSa ª el;
el®Kc\; [le gyin;] part exclamation: oh! — part 1) paticle suffixed to a verb to indicate that
Ω ekac\; liuk\e l®Kc\;"How wonderful! Great! Ω ®Ps\mx sthg is usual or normal 2) Ó[poet] particle used to end
®Ps\rel®Kc\;" How terrible! How sad such a thing should a sentence for euphonic effect
happen. el.k¥k\ [le. kye'] v make a thorough study
eleta. [le daw.] part suffix to verb: since, as, given el.k¥c\. [le. kyin.] v 1) practice 2) train
that el.k¥c\.er;ek¥ac\; [le. kyin. ye; gyaung;] n training school,
elrgaa; [le ya. ga;] part suffix to verb: because, since technical school [? check if really vocational school, or
= rka; army or punishment/training]
elra [le ya] part particle between verb and noun: el.k¥c\.sKn\; [le. kyin. sAkhan;] n training camp
whatever … is … [? need example very bady] el.k¥c\.Kn\; [le. kyin. gan;] n 1) exercise, lesson
elr´. [le yE.] part suffix to a verb, showing some 2) (physical) exercise
reservation, hesitation, or doubt [le. la] v 1) study 2) observe
elera [le yaw] part suffix to verb in narrative or telling el.laer;Kr^; [le. la ye; khAyi;] n study tour, exposure
a story trip
elera.qla; [le yaw. dhAla;] part suffix to verb to show el.laq¨ [le. la dhu] n observer
desperation, upset, confusion, in a question, often a el.2 [le.] part sooey, call used for pigs CF AeKÅ
rhetorical question: could it be that…? I wonder if el;1 [le;] v 1) by heavy A N T epÅ 2) slow, boring, dull;
(perhaps)…? sluggish A NT qXk\ 3) dull, not clever A NT qXk\ 4) (of
ÚelÚel' ÚelelÚelel […le…le, …le le…le burden, responsibility, etc) great; (of burden (fig),
le] part used to join parallel clauses: the more … the taxation, etc) heavy, (of crime, sin) serious S YN ”k^;el;
more … Ω mqiB¨;el" How would I know? Ω B^ya-eqak\- 5) pay attention to, care about; respect; attach
elel biuk\-p¨;-elel" The more I drink beer, the fatter my importance to 6) worry Ω eKåc\;el; 7) be salty S YN cn\;;
stomach gets. Ω AK¥in\ Âka®mc\.-laen-elel edåq ®pv\qip\- A NT epÅ
laen-elel" The longer it goes on, the angrier I get. — part word used to count multiples or parts of a ratio
Ω tK¥io>ha pvarxie l ekac\;el" tK¥io>keta. q¨e@;®Ps\e l CF K¥io;' piuc\;' puuM; [ nc]
ekac\; elp´" tK¥io>keta. q¨e@;®Ps\el p¥k\s^;el" Some el;sa; [le; za;] v respect, have respect for [? include in
think that the more education the better. Some think the list of words about respect, revere, worship, etc]
richer the better. Some think that the richer someone is,
el;tX´> [le; twE.] v 1) slow, lethargic S YN eNx; 2) (of
the worse they will be. [? exs ok? le, lele phrases really
tone) deep, heavy 3) viscous S YN p¥s\ 4) Óprofound;
the same? ]
grievous (neg), grave (neg), serious (usu neg)
peles' påeles [bAle ze] part particle showing S YN el;nk\
resignation: let it
el;nk\ [le; ne'] v 1) be deep, be profound, be worthy of
mÚeln´Ï [mA…le nE.] part do not, don't, usu mild in-depth consideration 2) be serious, be significant
elSa [le za] n [in comb] laser el;pc\ [le; pin] v 1) slow, heavy 2) flavourful, tangy
elSaerac\®Kv\ [le za yaung gyi] n laser (beam) [Engl] epåÏrWt\ [? really a little sour?]
elSaDat\®pa; [le za da' pya;] n laser disc el;®mt\ [le; mya'] v revere
ellM [le lan] n auction el;el;sa;sa; [le; le; sa; za;] adv respectfully
ellMeKåc\; [le lan gaung;] n auctioneer el;el;pc\pc\ [le; le; pin bin] adv 1) (pronouce) clearly,
ellMK¥io; [le lan cho;] v stop an auction distinctly 2) (be spiced, cooked, mixed, etc) to one's
ellMSX´ [le lan hswE;] v bid taste 3) (take sthg) seriously
ellMeZ; [le lan ze;] n highest bid CF Âkm\;Kc\eZ; starting el;lM [le; lan] v 1) heavy, ponderous, weighty, hefty,
bid massive 2) listless, heavy, dull, lethargic CF Tiuc\;mOic\;
ellMtc\ [le lan tin] v put sthg up for auction
ellMps\ [le lan pyi'] v auction off, sell at auction el;2 [le] n four CF stu' Piu;2
ellMpX´ [le lan bwE;] n auction el;ekac\g¥c\ [le; kaung gyin] n 1) four-sided top with
el.1 [le.] v 1) practice 2) get into the habit (of), develop animal figures (pig, frog, eel, and cock) 2) gambling
the habit (of) 3) be interested in, take an interest in game in which a four-sided top is spun on a board with
4) become used to, become accustomed to [? newly the same same figures = g¥c\
split--check defs with examples] el;kXk\k¥a; [le; gwe' kya;] n 1) square pattern of four
— n habit, sthg sb does very regularly Ω saÂkv\.tiuk\kiu patches or squares 2) version of draughts played on a
entiuc\; qXa;el. rxity\" He goes to the library every day. 4 x 4 board CF k¥a; 3) method of ploughing a rice field
[ BOX: instead of using the word 'habit', usually one across and then up and down CF TXn\
should use simple present tense] [? include example el;kÁn\;ÂkaKiuc\ [le; gyun; kya gain] n Œkind of plant with
with 'habit'] large flowers

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 404

el; ª l´
el;K¥io; [le; gyo;] n Ãkind of traditional poem with four el;lMu;ºkX´ [le; lon; kwE;]adv (usu neg, speak) clearly,
stanzas kb¥a
CF distinctly Ω ska;-e®pata el;lMu;-k-X´eAac\ e®papåkXa" Don't
el;K¥io;”k^; [le; gyo; gyi;] n Ãversion of el;K¥io; with mumble when you speak!
longer stanzas, popular in the colonial period CF kb¥a el;lMu;e®Kak\Pk\ [le; lon; chau' hpe'] v be stout, be
el;KX®mk\ [le; gwa. mye'] n Œkind of grass burly µ, be husky, be beefy µ S YN el;lMu;el;Pk\
el;sit\kX´ [le; zei' kwE;] v be split, cut, etc into four el;lMu;sp\ [le; lon; za'] n Ãkind of poetry in four-syllable
parts; (if parts are the same size) be quartered, be cut parts CF kb¥a
etc into quarters el;lMu;mkX´ [le; lon mAkwE;] v mumble, slur, mutter,
el;sit\el;®mWakX´ [le; zei' le; hmwa kwE;] v be shattered speak indistinctly
el;sp\lxv\. [le; za' hlE.] v plough a rice field twice each el;lMu;el;Pk\ [le; lon; le; be'] v be stout, be burly µ, be
way husky, be beefy µ S YN el;lMu;e®Kak\Pk\
el;Ss\ [le; zi'] n Ãkind of traditional poem with four el;2 [le;] n 1) bow; longbow; crossbow CF ®ma; arrow;
stanzas = el;K¥io; CF kb¥a [ wr] lc\;el; longbow; d¨;el; crossbow 2) pellet bow
el;Ss\q®Pn\ [le; zi' thAhpyan] n œkind of traditional = elak\ e l;' lc\; lWa; CF elak\ salMu; pellet 3) catapult
four-stanza poem which can be sung [ ms wr] (Br), slingshot (Am) CF elak\salMu; pellet RF el;KX.
el;vHc\;pXc\. [le; hnyin; bwin.] n clove 4) leaf spring (illus)
el;vHc\;erac\ [le; hnyin; yaung] n dark reddish brown el;”kio; [le; gyo;] n 1) bowstring S YN el;VOi> 2) [math]
el;tiuc\sc\ [le; dain zin] n platform on four tall posts chord, line connecting two points on an arc or circle
el;eTac\. [le; daung.] n rectangle S YN stugM CF bhugM el;Kc\; [le; gin;] n 1) archery exhibition 2) œmusic for
polygon an archer's scene in a drama = el;Kc\;Siuc\;
el;eTac\.sp\sp\ [le; daung. sa' sa'] n (perfect) square el;Kc\;Siuc\; [le; gin; hsain;] n œmusic for an archer's
S YN sturn\;
bhugM CF scene in a drama [ ms]
el;eTXqMkt\ [le; dwe than ga'] n œpiece of music in el;Kc\;®p [le; gin; pya.] v 1) dance in an archery scene,
the key of the fourth note, usu difficult to play esp in the Ramayana 2) [fig] make jerky movements
el;epåk\qM [le; bau' than] n œfourth note with hands and feet
el;epåk\eAak\®pn\ [le; bau' au' pyan] n œtuning of the el;KX [le; gwa.] n catapult (Br), slingshot (Am)
harp using the fourth note as the base key CF esac\; CF elak\salMu; (illus)
el;pc\Aim\ [le; bin ein] n house with four posts in the el;VOi> [le; hnyo.] n 1) bowstring S YN el;”kio; 2) bow-
façade like instrument used to dress cotton [? new from def of
el;epåc\el;lk\ka; [le; baung le; le' ka;] v be spread- le' tau' myan myan]
eagled el;tc\ [le; tin] v 1) string a bow 2) draw a bow, bend a
el;epåc\el;lk\P¥k\ [le; baung le; le' hpye'] v cut the bow
legs off dead cattle or buffalo el;tc\pX´ [le; tin bwE;] n 1) Óexhibition of skill in
el;®pc\el;rp\ [le; byin le; ya'] n four points of the archery 2) archery scene in the Ramayana
compass CF Arp\el;m¥k\Nxa el;piu; [le; bo;] n 1) grip of a bow 2) extra leaf for a leaf
el;pXc\.Siuc\ [le; bwin. zain] adv in or as a foursome or spring
group of four; involving four people, sides, parties, etc el;qma; [le; dhAma;] n archer
el;2 [le;] part 1) contraction of kel;, suffixed to a noun
el;Pk\kX´ [le; be' kwE;] n canter, fast pace of a horse, to show affection, approval, etc Ω eKX;el;-ts\ekac\
slower than a gallop emX;enty\" We have a nice pet dog. Ω eka\P^el; ts\KXk\-
el;Pk\K¥ [le; be' cha.] v 1) rein in a horse so it stops eqak\my\" I'll have a cup of coffee. A NT ”k^; 2) particle
with all legs planted squarely 2) construct a roof with used to report parallel statements in speech that was
four faces 3) square a log spoken with emphasis, to many people, with
— n way of transporting a horse standing up [? okay? importance, etc 3) [poet] particle used to end a line or
not reallly clear] sentence with a pleasant sound
el;Pk\tXa; [le; be' twa;] n crawl (on hands and knees, l´(lxy\)1 [lE; (hlE)] v 1) exchange (sthg for sthg else)
on all fours) = lx y\ 2) change (clothes) Ω Ai k¥Ç l´my\" I'm going to
el;Pk\eTak\ [le; be' htau'] v be on hands and knees, change my shirt. 3) change, make change, break A NT PX´>
be on all fours CF AeÂkX 5) replace (sb or sthg in a position, function,

— adv on hands and knees, on all fours etc) (with)

el;Pk\na [le; be' na] n arthritis (in arms and legs) l´2 [lE;] v fall (down) (from a standing position); topple,
el;Pk\qXa; [le; be' thwa;] v crawl tip over CF k¥
— n crawling stage (of a child's development) l´3 [lE;] n 1) Œsilk cotton, kapok 2) silk cotton, kapok,
white fluffy material gathered from the pods of the silk
el;m¥k\Nxa [le; mye' hna] n four cardinal directions, four
cotton tree
points of the compass CF Arp\el;m¥k\Nxa' rxs\m¥k\Nxa
l´mOi> [lE; hmo.] n 1) silk cotton, kapok 2) silk cotton from

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 405

l´ ª elakut†ra
the red silk cotton tree CF lk\pM tranquility of mind
l´l¨ [lE; lu] n Œkind of herb used in traditional elakDat\ [law; gAda'] n world; cosmos, universe
medicines S YN rxc\ksßv\;' rxc\påk¨ elakDat\ek¥ac\; [law; gAda' kyaung;] n Ósecular
el;wå [le; wa] n 1) silk cotton, kapok 2) Œsilk cotton, school in colonial times, teaching science, etc
kapok CF Bun\;”k^;ek¥ac\;' qipJMpva
l´4 [lE;] part ™particle used to end an open question elakDat\pva [law; gAda' pyin nya] n Óscience
S YN ¬ nv\; CF la; CF qipJMpva' elakDat\-e k¥ac\;

l´ªlv\; [lE;] part ™suffix to phrase: too, also, as well, in elakDmµta [law; ka. dAmAda] n sthg which is to be
addition; suffix to parallel phrases: both … and …; expected in life in this world, sthg unavoidable, sthg
suffix to negative parallel phrases: neither … nor … inevitable
elakn^ti [law; ka. ni tI] n ‹instructions on ethics [?
l´. [lE.]v [in comb] clear, transparent, limpid ¬ CF Âkv\l´.' really? or is this more like maxims for ...? shouldn't the
Arv\l´. [? bright?] destruciton of the world be in here someplace:
l´.l´. [lE. lE.] adv weakly, feebly; wearily lokanirodha]
— part particle suffixed to some colours and verbs for a elaknt\ [law; ka. na'] n 1) spirit worshipped by the
lighter colour: pale Ω sim\; l´.l´. pale green [? pastel?] whole world 2) peacemaking nat, traditionally shown in
a dancing position, with timing cymbals held in the
ela1 [law;] v 1) rush sb, hurry sb, hustle sb 2) hasten, be toes; symbol of peace
in a great hurry, be in a rush Ω Alup\-lup\ta qip\melapån´Ï" elaknib`an\ [law; ka. nei' ban] n heaven on earth, bliss
Don't rush when you are working. (in this life) CF elakcr´
— part count word for number of times S YN ”kim\2 elakpåltra; [law; ka. pa la. tAya;] n shame and fear,
2) ¬particle used to end a yes-or-no question S YN ™ principles that govern human society CF AeÂkak\'
la; Ayxk\ [? def okay?]
elak¥m\; [law; kyan;] n treatise on medical treatments, elakb¥øhant\ [law; ka. byu ha na'] n nat or deva who
written as a series of questions = lak¥m\; warns people when the end of the world is near
ela”k^; [law; kyi;] v be hasty, be too quick, be rash elaker; [law; ka. ye;] n worldly affairs, social matters
elaeSa\ [law; hsaw] v egg sb on, push sb CF Dmµer;' razer;
elaelalt\lt\ [law; law; (la' la')] adv 1) at once, elakewåhar [law; ka. waw; ha ra.] n common or general
immediately, right now, right away, straight away, distinction, term established through popular use [? def
directly 2) just (now), most recently, last 3) instantly, okay?]
instantaneously elakwt\ [law; gAwu' (ka. wu')] n social duties
elaelaSy\ [law; law; hsE] adv for now, for the elakqBaw [law; ka. dhAba wa.] n the way the world is,
moment, for the present the reality
elaelap¨ [law; law; pu] v be burning, be fiery, be elakqa; [law; ka. dha;] n 1) human being, person with
blazing all his shortcomings S YN elak^qa; 2) person from a
elaelalt\lt\ [law; law; la' la'] adv 1) at once, certain circle
immediately, right now, right away, straight away, elakqekçt [law; ka. thin ke ta.] n universally accepted
directly 2) just (now), most recently, last 3) instantly, conventions [? like what?]
instantaneously elakqmµotint\ [law; ka. thAmu. dI na'] n monarch by
ela(®Kc\;)2 [law; (gyin;)] n 1) Ókind of birdcage 2) bird trap popular acclaim, monarch chosen by the people [? ask
which uses a decoy Cho Cho]
elak [law; ka.] n 1) world, three spheres of existence elak^ [law; ki] n mundane world, secular world
comprising the universe CF kmµelak sinsuous world' elak^k¥m\; [law; ki kyan;] n treatise on worldly affairs
Rup\elak fine material fiiworld, ARup\elak immaterial elak^pva [law; ki pyin nya] n 1) humanities and sciences
world 2) society, community Ω ANupva--elak art world 2) occult sciences 3) practical education, education in
[ ph] skills, for living in this world CF elakut†ra
elakek¥ac\; [law; ka. gyaung;] n worldly affairs, secular
affairs CF DmµeÂkac\;' rzaeÂkac\; elak^mO [law; ki hmu.] n worldly matters
elakcr´ [law; ka. ngAyE;] n hell on earth, torment (in elak^er; [law; ki ye;] n worldly matters and
this life) CF elaknib`an\ obligations
elakzat\KMu [law; ka. za' khon] n world stage elak^qa; [law; kI dha;] n human being, person with all
elakDM [law; gAdan] n way of the world, good and bad; his shortcomings S YN elakqa;
conditions that arise in connection with worldly life, elakut†ra [law; ko' tAra (ya)] n ‹way to escape from
i.e., gain and loss, honour and dishonour, happiness worldly ties and attachments
and misery, praise and blame, all of which prevent elakut†rapva [law; ko' tAra (ya) pyin nya] n ‹education
in spiritual matters

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 406

elakN|rit\ ª liu
elakut†raer; [law; ko' tAra (ya) ye;] n ‹spiritual affairs 1.5 cubic metres
and obligations lMpMuTc\ [lan bon htin] n firewood or scrap wood sold by
elakN|rit\ [law; kan dArei'] n name of a purgatory located volume
between three parts of the universe CF cr´”k^; [? check] lMba; [lan ba;] v be tall; be long
elakXt\ [law; gu'] n 1) etiquette, rules of politeness — n tall man
elakwt\ 2) false cordiality
S YN li1u [lo] v 1) want, desire, wish for 2) need, require RF
elakXt\ek¥ [law; gu' kye] v be a perfect host liuAp\. 3) lack; be short of A NT piu 4) (of supply, amount,
elakXt\eK¥a\ [law; gu' chaw] v 1) overcommit 2) find etc) be insufficient 5) (of loan, problem, etc) be
someone's good intentions having a negative effect [? outstanding
defs okay?] — part 1) ¬suffix to a verb: wish to, desire to, be
elakXt\eK¥a\(piu) [law; gu' chaw (po)] v overcommit inclined to, be likely to S YN ™ K¥c\ 2) infix between a
elakXt\lup\ [law; gu' lo'] v 1) oblige sb to get on their repeated verb: … at whim or as one wishes, or
good side, curry favour 2) act polite capriciously
elapn\ [law; pan] n (Chinese) boss S YN q¨e@;' eTac\K´ liuK¥c\m¥k\sirxi [lo gyin mye' sI shI] v covet
elaB [law; ba] n greed; avarice CF m^;qMu;på;' edåq' emah ÚliuÚ®ca; […lo…nya;] part suffixes to a repeated verb,
elaBeza [law; ba. zaw; (bAzaw;)] n greediness showing chance: in the hope of …, in case …, on the
elaBezatiuk\ [law; ba. zaw; tai'] v be driven by off chance that …
extreme greediness liuecX [lo ngwe] n deficit S YN el¥a.ecX
elaBqa; [law; ba. dha;] n humans, with their innate liutr [lo ta. ya.] v get what one wishes for
greed liutiu;piuelYa.lup\ [lo to; po shaw. lou'] v adjust to the
elaBqa;kekak\ [law; ba. dha; kau'] n victim of sb's circumstances, requirements, etc
greed [? check] liupn\;”k^; [lo ban; gyi;] v be fixated (on), be obsessed
elaBqk¶ay [law; ba. the' ka ya.] n extreme selfishness (with), crave (sthg), have a powerful or overwhelming
elaBk\tc\' elaBk\Tiu; [law; be' tin, law; be' hto;] v wear craving (for)
a long scarf diagonally from the left shoulder across the liuB [lo ba.] n 1) desire, want 2) selfish demand
chest [? check if this is women in meditation, or what] Ω q¨>liu Bqa ®pv\.eAac\ ®pv\.enrrc\ By\ “p^; mxa
mhut\B¨;" It will never be possible to fulfil all of his selfish
elaha [law; ha] n ¬alloy S YN qt†osp\ demands.
ela. [law.] part ¬suffix to verb when giving an order, liuB®pv\. [lo ba. pye.] v get what one demands, desires,
making a request, or telling sb to do sthg S YN ™ liuk\ wants
ela.kk\q^; [law. ke' thi;] n locket, small metal hinged case liurmv\r [lo ya. mE ya.] adv just in case S YN liuliumv\mv\
to be worn on necklace, bracelet, etc [Engl] liurc\; [lo yin;] n point, essence Ω liurc\;kiu e®pasm\;" Get to
ela\ky\ [law kE] adj [in comb] local the point!
— n local, train that stops at all stations[Engl] liula; [lo la;] v like, be pleased by Ω mliula;B¨;" I don't
like it.
ela\ky\m^;rTa; [law kE mi; yAhta; (ye' hta;)] n local, slow
train, milk run, train that stops at all stations
liueleq;mrxi [lo le dhe; mAshI] adv (leave) nothing to be
ela\grs\qm\ [law gAri' than] n logarithm [Engl]
ela\ma' ela\lv\ [law ma, law lE] v 1) (of behaviour or liuliuK¥c\K¥c\ [lo lo gyin gyin] adv willingly
person, esp ƒ) be flirtatious; be promiscuous 2) (of
liuliumv\mv [lo lo mE mE] adv just in case S YN liurmv\r
possessions) have more than is proper 3) (of style of
liuliula;la; [lo lo la; la;] adv willingly
clothing) be indecent, be improper, be unsuitable
liuAc\ [lo in] n desire, wish
ela\r^ka; [law ri ka;] n lorry (Br), truck (Am) [Engl] liuAp\ [lo a'] v ¬require, need
ela\lv\ [law lE] v be unrestrained, be wanton [? male or liuAp\K¥k\ [lo a' che'] n requirement
female? mostly in sex]
li2u [lo] part 1) particle suffixed to language: in, into
Ω ®pc\ qs\ liu e®paenty\" They are speaking (in) French.
lM [lan] v 1) let an animal graze on a long tether 2) measure
Ω ®mn\ maliu ®pn\“p^" It is already translated into Myanmar.
length by the lM
Ω biu l\liu me®pan´Ï" Don't speak in a foreign language. [?
— n unit of length equal to two yards, 1.83 metres,
examples ok? (below too)] 2) suffix to noun to show
roughly the distance between fingertips of outstretched
similarity: like, as, the same way as, in the way, just as
Ω meA.; liup´ just like Ma Aye Ω tK¥io> piuc\SM erliu qMu;ty\"
lM”kio; [lan gyo;] n length of cord, rope, etc measured in Some spend money like water. Ω A´d^liu mkiuc\n´Ï" d^liu
lM, used to measure length [? def ok? ]
kiuc\rmy\" Don't hold it like that, hold it this way. Ω krc\liu
lMta [lan ta] n size in lM wt\ dressed the way Karens do Ω Kåtiuc\;liu Alup\lup\ty\"
lMpå; [lan ba;] n Ólarge earthenware pot with a large She worked just as usual. Ω e®mak\ Aun\; q^;rqliu like a
mouth monkey with a coconut (not knowing how to work sthg) .
lMpMu [lan pon] n measure of volume, one cubic lM, about

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 407

liugiu ª lk\
Sometimes a creaky tone is used when the previous word mliuÏ' my\liuÏ [mAlo., mE lo.]
part ending for a (sometimes
refers to a person S YN ¬ k´.qiuÏ 3) suffix to a verb to incomplete) sentence, showing intention: mean to,
show two different sides: not only, just as Ω Aekac\;-rxi- intend to, thinking of, plan to Ω ekaP^-eP¥aep;mliuÏ" I was
qliu ASiu;rxity\" There is not only good, there is evil too. going to brew some coffee. Ω By\-qXa;mliuÏ l´" Where are you
Just as there is good, there is evil. off to?
liu®Ps\' liurxi [lo hpyi', lo shI] part suffix to verb or phrase to lk\1 [le'] v flash, twinkle, glitter Ω lYp\s^;lk\ lightning
show some similarity: as though, somewhat, almost, flashes
seemingly Ω Aqk\kiu SMu; rWM;qliu-rxity\" It is almost as lk\2 [le'] n 1) arm (including hand) CF lk\emac\; upper
though he lost his life. arm, lk\P¥M forearm, lk\ekak\wt\ wrist 2) arm,
liuliu [lo lo] part 1) suffix to noun to show similarity: branch, narrow projection of sthg 3) hand CF lk\Pwå;
rather like, as if; almost; on the point of Ω miu; tXc \ palm of hand, lk\Pmiu; back of hand lk\Penac\. heel
qrk\q^;etX entiuc\;liuliu sa;Âkty\" We eat mangoes of hand, lk\eK¥ac\; finger 4) finger Ω lk\-n´Ïsa;liuÏ rty\"
almost every day in the rainy season. Ω eÂkac\kel;- You can eat with your fingers. 5) [fig] hands Upsa, power,
ep¥ak\tMu; R¨;liuliu® Ps\ty\" When the little cat went missing, domination Ω Aemlk\T´kiu ®pn\Ap\my\" I will turn you over
she was on the point of going mad. 2) suffix to two nouns to your mother. CF lk\eAak\ [? ex ok?] 6) handiwork,
to show uncertainty, ambiguity, doubt: [? the more? workmanship, craftsmanship, hand Upsa 5) [in comb]
check all examples adn write better ones] manual, hand- A NT eAatiu' sk\
liugiu [lo go] n logo [Engl] S YN Amxt\tMSip\ lk\kt^;(Âka;) [le' gAdi; (gya;)] n armpit, axilla ◊
liuÏ [lo.] part 1) ™ suffix to a verb to show cause: because, as S YN K¥ioc\; [? check pron of gya:]
a result of, … and so Ω SMpc\ekak\liuÏ rxv\rxv\Ta;ty\" He lk\keta.(sMpy\)tc\' lk\keta.Tiu; [le' gAdaw.
kept his hair long because it was curly. Ω SMpc\-rxv\Ta;liuÏ (zAbE) tin, le' gAdaw. hto;] v ‹arrange the robe under the
ekak\liuÏ mxn\;-qity\" He kept his hair long, and so you right shoulder and over the left [? new zabe from u hok
could tell it was curly. 2) ™ marks end of reported sein]
speech Ω lk\-mKMNiuc\B¨;liuÏ e®pa“p^;-TXk\qXa;ty\" He said he lk\k®mc\ [le' kAmyin] v 1) (sexually) harrass, pinch,
could not accept, and left. S YN t´.' ¬ hu' h¨j 3) ™ touch, sb; have one's hands all over sb 2) make grafitti,
marks word quoted; named, called Ω ¯kK¥c\˘ kK¥c\liu write on wall 3) have sticky fingers Upsa, be inclined to
¯wn\ebåc\˘ liuÏ eKÅty\" ‘Kachin’ in Kachin is ‘Wunbawng’. Ω A´då steal small things [? check 3]
eq;liuÏ meKÅNiuc\B¨;" That's not what you could call small. lk\kqMu; [le' gAdhon;] n 1) newel post, supporting a
4) particle used in questions for emphasis Ω AKu- handrail 2) posts supporting the rail that sb using a rice
qXa;mliuÏla;" You were going to leave now? 5) particle pounder leans on [? ok? really newel, or baluster just
suffixed to end of question to show speculation: I post? check 3 too. u hok sein has this with hta.]
wonder Ω eta.e ta.-miu;K¥iop\“p^;eta. ka;qip\-mla-eta.B¨;" 3) [fig] handyman, jack of all trades, factotum
esac\.rmla;liuÏ" It was already quite late and there were few lk\kqMu;etac\ewx; [le' gAdhon; taung mwe;] n [? check
busses anymore. I wondered if I should wait. 6) suffix to def]
verb for emphasis Ω K¥s\liuÏ-mwB¨;" I can't get enough of lk\ka; [le' ka;] n wholesale Ω lk\ka;kun\qv\
loving you. tiuk\pX´-Sc\rty\liuÏeta. mrxieq;B¨;" wholesale dealer Ω lk\ka;erac\; wy\mO wholesale trade
Ak\enqla;liu> eKåk\Âkv\.ty\" e®PliuÏlXy\ty\" CF lk\ l^ retail
rxaliuÏmetX>B¨;" [? where is sha lo. twe.? fit in next ones — adv wholesale Ω lk\ka;wy\ buy wholesale
too:] lk\k¨; [le' ku;] v pass (sthg to sb, or sb sthg) [? ok?]
liuÏekac\; [lo. kaung;] part suffix to verb: be enjoyable to, lk\k¨;lk\e®pac\; [le' ku; le' pyaung;] n passing, transfer,
be good to handover [? are these ok?]
liuÏÂka [lo. kya] part time passes since lk\ekak\ [le' kau'] n bracelet, bangle
liuÏen [lo ne] part [? put this in? also lo. la, lo. thwa:] lk\ekak\wt\ [le' kau' wu'] n wrist CF lk\Ss\
liuÏ“p^; [lo. bi;] part finish …ing lk\ekac\\; [le' kaung;] v (in sports, games, etc of
liuϮPs\ [lo. hpyi'] part possible, workable, reasonable, physical skill) be good, be adept, be deft, be adroit, be
acceptable expert
liuÏmSMu; [lo. mAhson;] part unending, immense — n expert (at sports, games, etc of physical skill); (in
liuÏr [lo. ya.] part suffix to verb: be allowed, be possible, shooting) crack shot, sharpshooter, marksman
be feasible, be practical, be manageable Ω e®paliuÏ mrB¨;" lk\kiuc\ [le' kain] n 1) handle, (hand)grip Ω lk\kiuc\S´X
It is impossible to say. I can't say. hold by the handle 2) (of bicycle, motorcycle, etc)
liuÏrxiyc\ªliuÏrxirc\ [lo. shI yin] part if Ω hut\liuÏ-rxirc\ if that’s handlebars 3) support, sthg or sb who is relied upon
true = rc\ Ω lk\ kiuc\® po [? check more exactly: shelter, bread and
liuÏlXy\ [lo. lwE] part easy to Ω mK¥ioK¥io namv\ mxt\liuÏ butter???] 4) sthg or sb at one‘s disposal, sb available
lXy\ty\" It is easy to remember Ma Cho Cho's name. 5) [fig] cash (in hand), hard cash, roll, wad 6) (in
liuÏw [lo. wa.] part satisfied with, get enough of Ω d^ereNX; gambling) bank
eqak\liuÏ mwB¨;" I can't get enough of this tea. lk\kiuc\ecX [le' kain ngwe] n cash in hand, money in

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 408

lk\ ª lk\
one's pocket [? second ok?] CF lk\k¥n\rxc\;tm\; balance sheet 2) remnant, leftovers
lk\kiuc\tut\ [le' kain do'] n 1) (walking) stick 2) [fig] [? need examples]
stooge, flunky, sb who allows themselves to be used lk\k¥n\rxc\;tm\; [le' kyan shin; dan;] n balance sheet,
(esp by an organisation), sb who an organisation can statement showing assents and liabilities; credit and
take advantage of or manipulate [? also pawn?] debit statement
lk\kiuc\Ta; [le' kain hta;] v adhere to, hold (on) to, rely lk\Âka; [le' kya;] n space between the fingers
on, stick to (inf) (a rule, principle, etc) lk\Âka;®mc\ [le' kya; myin] n twilight, semidark
Ω pudÎtra;lk\ kiuc\ Ta; adhere to Buddhist principles lk\Âka;eryiu [le' kya; ye yo] v [fig] slip through one‘s
lk\pwå [le' kain pAwa] n handkerchief fingers Upsa, go to waste
lk\kiuc\rxi [le' kain shI] v 1) have in hand 2) have sb to lk\Âka;lm\; [le' kya; lan;] n small road connecting main
rely or depend on 3) have (at present) Ω Alup\ roads
lk\kiuc\rxity\" I've got a job. lk\”k^; [le' kyi;] v be extravagent, be a spendthrift
lk\kiuc\Ait\ [le' kain ei'] n purse, handbag, pocketbook (neg), be prodigal (neg); be generous (pos)
lk\eÂkatc\; [le' kyaw; tin;] v get down to work, work
lk\kiuc\; [le' kain;]
n 1) handle [? how different from hard
kain? check also next] 2) strap (on bra, bodice, etc) lk\kXk\ [le' kwe'] n 1) † keyboard 2) † (keyboard,
3) sb‘s hand in a certain action, sb‘s handiwork font) layout 3) œfinger position (for guitar, piano, etc)
lk\ [le' ko'] v 1) hush sb (by touching them with a lk\kXc\;mOt\ [le' kwin; hmo'] v whistle (with one‘s
finger) 2) secretly pass a message, descreetly let sb fingers in one‘s mouth)
know sthg CF lk\kiuÏ lk\K [le' kha.] n fee or charge (for), price (of) (services)
lk\kun\ [le' kon] v reach the limit (of), do as much as CF AK
one can Ω saK¥k\ta lk\kun\“p^ enak\-ts\Kå-m”kio;sa;eta.B¨;" lk\Ksa; [le' kha. za;] n sb who does piecework, sb paid
I studied as hard as I could – I won't try again. [? example by the piece
ok?] lk\Ksa;na; [le' kha. sa; na;] n pay rate (per piece)
— adv to the utmost, with all one‘s (effort, skill, might, lk\Kemac\;Kt\ [le' khAmaung; kha'] v 1) (in boxing)
determination, etc), fully CF AsXm\;kun\' km\; kun\ challenge by hitting one's upper arms with the opposite
lk\kun\zk\kun\ [le' kon ze' kon] adv full-scale, all-out, hand 2) [fig] show one's pride at one's triumph
full-blown, unlimited [? check expansion] S YN lk\pm\;epåk\Kt\ [? only for 2?]
lk\kun\NiOk\ [le' kon hnai'] v [fig] 1) delve (into), probe, lk\Kly\ [le' khAlE] n middle finger CF lk\eK¥ac\;
explore [? check] 2) try one‘s hardest, give sthg or do lk\Ku(sut\) [le' khu. (so')] n potholder, rag used to handle
one‘s best, do as much as one can hot pot, etc CF lNx^; [? check cf]
lk\km\; [le' kan;] v reach out; stretch out one‘s hand, lk\KM [le' khan] v S YN qk\qc\.KM 1) accept CF qeBat¨
extend one‘s hand [? new u hok sein] 2) receive 3) harbour (Br) harbor (Am), shelter,
lk\k¥ [le' kya.] v [fig] lose one‘s touch fV:Upsa, not be accommodate
skillful anymore, lose one‘s particular ability or skill lk\KMtiuc\ [le' khan dain] n post in outer wall of building
which supports tie beams and wall
— n 1) œ(a certain musician‘s) touch = lk\k¥lk\n lk\KM®Pt\piuc\ [le' khan hpye' pain;] n counterfoil, part of
[? really a certain one, or general -- this song should be receipt which is kept by the issuer
played with a soft touch, etc. also check next (new from lk\Kk\ [le' khe'] v be late in payment
myan myan)] 2) skill, craft(smanship); adeptness, lk\eKåk\ [le' khau'] n knuckle(s), joints of the fingers
expertise, proficiency, ability to perform 3) hand-me- lk\eKåk\mOt\ [le' khau' hmo'] v whistle with one's
downs, cast-offs, old or used things Ω Akiu-AkÇ¥-lk\k¥etX knuckle in one's mouth
his brother‘s hand-me-down shirts [? check the other lk\eKåk\lk\®pn\ [le' khau' le' pyan] adv 1) (hit) with
lkqkya. in u hoq sein p737] the back and palm of hand 2) [fig] vice versa
lk\k¥v^ [le' kya. nyi] v do in unison, (of speaking, lk\eKåk\lk\wå; [le' khau' le' wa;] adv interchangeably
answering, shouting, etc) in chorus, in the same way, at S YN lk\eKup\lk\wå;
the same time = lk\K¥v^ [? check] lk\Kt\ [le' kha'] n 1) œhammer used to play some
lk\k¥lk\n [le' kya. le' na.] n œ(a certain musician‘s) instruments CF pt†la; 2) (guitar) pick 3) paddle used to
touch impress a pattern on pottery before firing 4) frame of
lk\k¥c\. [le' kyin.] n practice (in skill, manual dexterity, the reed in a loom
etc) lk\Kup\ [le' kho'] n 1) cupped hands 2) amount that can
lk\k¥c\.®pt\ [le' kyin. pya'] v be rusty Upsa, be out of be held in cupped hands CF lk\Sut\' lk\SXn\;' lk\Pk\
practice 3) Œkind of tree
lk\k¥n\ [le' kyan] n 1) balance, what is left in one‘s lk\Kup\t^; [le' kho' ti;] v clap (one's hands); applaud
possession, what remains, what is left over, remainder = lk\Ku p\lk\ wå;t^; CF ÂqBalk\Ku p\t^; applaud [?

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 409

lk\ ª lk\
applaud ok?] lk\e®Km“cim\ [le' che mAnyein] v have sticky fingers, be
lk\Kup\ts\ePac\ [le' kho' tAhpaung] n measure of height light-fingered, be thievish
equivalent to the distance between the tip of up- lk\®Ks\ [le' chi'] n (food) grater or shredder with a
stretched hands to the feet CF ts\q¨ handle (illus)
lk\Kup\tXc\; [le' kho' twin;] adv 1) [fig] in sb's hands lk\KX [le' khwa.] n 1) cleft between fingers 2) claw-like
2) [fig] at sb's mercy tool used to dig up small tubers e.g., peanuts
lk\Kup\T´ker [le' kho' htE; ka. ye] adv [fig] at sb's mercy lk\KXAiu; [le' khwa. o:] n arm-hole (of clothing)
Ω πlk\Ku p\T´k-er qXn\liuqXn\ emxa k\ liue mxa k\" Like water in lk\cc\pMu; [le' ngin bon;] n pail, bucket (for drawing water
the cup of his hand, which he can hold or spill. from a well)
lk\Kup\lk\wå; [le' kho' le' wa;] adv interchangeably lk\cc\; [le' ngin;] n (payment in) cash CF AeÂkX
S YN lk\eKåk\lk\wå; — adv immediately, right away, at once; now, at
lk\Kup\lk\wå;Sk\ [le' kho' le' wa; ze'] n 1) straight present
halved joint 2) notched joint [? never heard of these lk\cut\(lk\s) [le' ngo' (le' sa.)] n work left for sb who
joints, would like to see] comes after CF lk\s
lk\Kup\lk\wå;t^; [le' kho' le' wa; ti;] v clap; applaud lk\cut\(lk\rc\;) [le' ngo' (le' yin;)] n family business
= lk\Ku p\t^; CF ÂqBalk\Kup\t^; applaud lk\cy\tv\ [le' ngE tE (ti)] v cook rice in a small pot
lk\Kup\q^; [le' kho' thi;] n 1) Œfruit of the lk\Kup\ tree (because there will be few people eating)
2) pulley block CF sk\q^; lk\s [le' sa.] n unfinished work
lk\Kup\ÂqBaep; [le' kho' aw; ba pe;] n applaud (by — part suffix to verb, before a noun to indicate that
clapping), give an ovation sthg has started but not finished, halfway through,
lk\KMu [le' khon] n back of the hand S YN lk\Pmiu; partway through, partially, in the middle of Ω e®palk\s
lk\K¥ [le' cha.] v Ógive up CF lk\miOc\K¥ AK¥k\etXkiu ts\K¥k\-Nxs\K¥k\e®paeta. Aip\ciuk\qXa;ty\" I was
lk\K¥v^ [le' cha. nyi] v do in unison, (of speaking, just starting into the points I wanted to make when he
answering, shouting, etc) in chorus, in the same way, at nodded off. [? need good example]
the same time = lk\k¥v^ lk\sk [le' zAga.] n (shirt with) three-quarter length
lk\K¥io; [le' cho;] v 1) crack one's knuckles 2) flex wrists sleeve CF lk\tiu' lk\rxv\
in traditional dance hand positions lk\s”k^; [le' sa. kyi;] n large handful
— n hand positions in traditional dance lk\sÂkXc\; [le' sa. gywin;] n (piece of) unfinished work,
lk\K¥io;e®KK¥io; [le' cho; chi gyo;] n basic hand and foot loose end [? check loose end]
positions and movements in traditional dance lk\stuM; [le' sa. ton;] v 1) dispose of, do away with,
Ω ¯ktt\ la;˘ ¯qip\-mktt\B¨;" lk\K¥io;-e®KK¥io;elak\eta. remove (permanently) 2) exterminate, finish off,
rpåty\"˘ ‘Can you dance?’ ’Not really, just a little.‘ annihilate, destroy CF AstMu; [? ok?]
lk\K¥io;lk\ekak\K¥ [le' cho; le' kau' cha.] v choose lk\seP¥ak\ [le' sa. hpyau'] v 1) eliminate all traces of
using a method where one person cracks a knuckle evidence 2) dispose of, do away with, remove
behind his back, and another guesses which one it was (permanently) 3) exterminate, finish off
lk\slk\n [le' sa. le' na.] n 1) skill, experience
lk\K¥io;er [le' cho; ye] v count on one's fingers 2) handiwork, hand, touch 3) history (of certain
lk\K¥k\ [le' che'] n sb's hand in a certain action, sb's behaviour, etc)
handiwork S YN lk\kiuc\; lk\sqt\ [le' sa. tha'] v finish, complete; give sthg a
lk\eK¥ac\; [le' chaung;] n finger, digit ≈ CF lk\m finishing touch
thumb; lk\vHio; index finger; lk\K ly\ middle finger; lk\sqt\eta. [le' sa. tha' taw.] exp in the end
lk\q¨ÂkXy\ ring finger; qk\qn\; little finger; e®KeK¥ac\; toe CF enak\ SMu;eta. [? ok? need more examples]
lk\K¥v\;qk\qk\ [le' chi; the' the'] adv 1) (come, arrive, lk\sqim\; [le' sa. thein;] v conclude, end
etc) empty-handed CF lk\m´. [? nothing to offer, or lk\saeK¥ [le' sa; che] v avenge (sthg, a wrong done);
unrewarded? is the the' the' compulsory? see big myan revenge (oneself), be revenged (on), get revenge (for),
myan. cfs ok?] 2) by hand, manually CF lk\lup\ retaliate against sb who has harmed one Ω He wanted to
lk\K¥it\ [le' chei'] v hold hands avenge his sister‘s death. Ω I wanted to get revenge for my
— n handwoven cloth with a wavy pattern CF AK¥it\ humiliation. [? check]
lk\K¥p\ [le' cha'] n œcastanets, small wooden lk\sa;liuk\ [le' sa; lai'] v ¥contribute labour
percussion instruments used to mark time = K¥p\ (illus) reciprocally (usu in farming)
lk\K¥op\ [le' cho'] v be sewn by hand, be hand-stitched lk\esac\. [le' saung.] n 1) associate [? not satisfied with
CF this def] 2) emergency reserve, stockpile
— n sthg sewn by hand = lk\esac\.e®Kesac\.
lk\®Ka; [le' cha;] n digitate leaves, leaves with a form lk\esac\.e®Kesac\. [le' saung. chi zaung.] n emergency
similar to a hand reserve, stockpile
lk\sU\; [le' sin;] n bravery and fighting skill [? ok? ]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 410

lk\ ª lk\
lk\sv\; [le' si;] n cord gathering end of sleeve; tight with withering power cutting the leaves and shoots
cuff, wristlet lk\Sup\ [le' hso'] n 1) fist, closed or clenched hand
lk\suMmiu; [le' son mo;]v place one's palms together and CF Sralk\ SX p\ 2) fistful, measure of grain, seeds, etc
raise above the forehead S YN lk\Aup\miu; CF kn\eka. that can be held in the closed hand CF lk\SXn\;' lk\Kup\'
lk\sX´ [le' swE;] n 1) manual, handbook 2) constant lk\Pk\
companion 3) sthg one always carries 4) Óattendant, lk\Sup\ºe®P [le' hso' hpye]
v give up, renounce (a long-
servant held belief, idea, etc) Ω km±a-epÅmxa kun\®møns\wåd-k¥SuM; qXa;-
lk\sXp\ [le' su'] n ring CF lk\wt\rtna epmy\. k^wådkiu lk\Sup\-me®P-Niuc\t´.-q¨etX Am¥a;”k^;rxity\"
lk\sXp\l´ [le' su' lE;] v exchange rings to symbolise Despite the demise of Communism in the world, there are
engagement or marriage still many who still cling to it.
lk\sXm\; [le' swan;] n skill, adroitness, deftness, lk\Sup\lk\kiuc\ [le' hso' le' kain] n 1) evidence 2) proof
dexterity, prowess 3) what one holds or held [? use?]
lk\sXy\ [le' swE] n 1) corner of a house, building, — adv 1) (catch, be caught, etc) in the act, red-
cart, etc 2) edge of a fingernail 3) Íflank of an handed, in flagrante delicto S YN lk\p¨;lk\Âkp\ 2) (prove,
advancing troop formation [? ok?] show, etc) without question, unquestionably, beyond
lk\sXy\cup\ [le' swE ngo'] v (of fingernail) be ingrown doubt, definitively
lk\S [le' hsa.] n 1) feel 2) touch 3) pressure 4) weigh lk\SuM;qa; [le' hson; dha;] n beef shoulder
sthg in the hand (to estimate the weight) lk\SX´ [le' hswE;] n [in comb] portable, hand
= lk\rm\; lk\S CF lk\mxn\; [? need examples for each] lk\SX´®Kc\; [le' hswE; gyin;] n handbasket = SX´®Kc\;
lk\STim\; [le' hsa. htein;] n restrain one's touch lk\SX´tn\Sa [le' hswE; tan za] n baggage, luggage
lk\S®pc\; [le' hsa. pyin;] n have a heavy touch lk\SX´NOt\Sk\ [le' hswE; hno' hse'] v shake hands (as a
lk\eS;kn\ [le' hse; kan] n hand basin, sink greeting)
lk\eS;KXk\ [le' hse; gwe'] n 1) finger bowl lk\SX´pMu; [le' hswE; bon;] n pail, bucket
2) handwashing basin (illus) lk\SX´Bag¥a [le' hswE; ba gya] n concertina = Bag¥a
lk\eS;er [le' hse; ye] n water in a finger bowl, water lk\SX´Ait\ [le' hswE; ei'] n handbag, purse [? isthis the
for washing one's hands CF qMu;er infamous 'slim bag'?]
lk\eSa. [le' hsaw.] v 1) fiddle or toy with sthg 2) have lk\SXn\; [le' hsun;] n half a fistful, as unit of measure
sticky fingers, be light-fingered, have a tendency to for grain, seeds, etc CF lk\Sup\ fistful' lk\Kup\' lk\Pk\
steal 3) write grafitti, write on walls CF lk\k®mc\; handful
lk\vHio; [le' hnyo;] n forefinger, index finger, finger next
lk\Sk\ [le' hse'] v 1) marry, get married, wed (fml) to the thumb CF lk\eK¥ac\; fingers
CF lk\Tp\ 2) (usu a widower) marry a relative of one's lk\vHio;Tiu; [le' hnyo; hto;] v 1) point one's finger 2) [fig]
dead spouse [? man or woman?] point one's finger at Upsa, finger, denounce, accuse
— n ∑top section of the rib of a wooden boat
lk\Sc\.km\; [le' hsin. kan;] v relay, convey (message, lk\vHio;eTac\ [le' hnyo; htaung] v raise one's hand (as a
knowledge, item, etc) signal)
lk\Sc\.km\;e®p;pX´ [le' hsin. kan; pye; bwE;] n relay race lk\t^; [le' ti;] n roofed extension at back of house [?
CF tut\ baton [? isn't there a special word? ] check: really extension? only partially enclosed?]
lk\eSac\ [le' hsaung] n 1) gift, present 2) [inf] bribe, lk\tM [le' tan] n 1) (human) arm 2) (animal) front leg,
a little something [? bribe ok?] foreleg 3) tentacle (of octopus, squid, etc) 4) (clock)
lk\eSac\;Tiu; [le' hsaung hto;] v bribe hand 5) branch (of tree, etc) 6) drive shaft
lk\eSac\p•a [le' hsuang pan na] n 1) gift or present (transmitting power from engine to another part of a
(to superior) 2) ∏tribute CF tMsiu; lk\eSac\ machine) 7) feeder canal, branch of an irrigation canal
lk\eSac\®pn\ [le' hsaung pyan] v give a gift or present = m¨; lk\tM
in return, reciprocate with a gift or present lk\tMrxv\ [le' tan she] v [fig] have good connections
— n gift or present given in return lk\tiu [le' to] n short-sleeved shirt CF lk\sk'
lk\Ss\ [le' hsi'] n 1) wrist S YN lk\ekak\wt\ lk\rxv\
2) knuckle, finger joint 3) measurement of length or lk\tiulk\etac\; [le' to le' taung;] n (domestic) chores
depth, about 1.5 cm lk\tiuÏ [le' to.] v tip sb off, give sb notice, let sb know
lk\Ss\K¥io; [le' hsi' cho;] v crack one's knuckles as a sthg
charm for success [? ok? ] lk\tk\ [le' te'] n 1) extra finger, sixth finger
lk\Sip\ [le' hsei'] n 1) green thumb, ability to make S YN lk\pXa; 2) tributary CF ®ms\ 3) offshoot from the limb
plants flourish 2) power to make plants wither and die of a tree, bush, etc
by cutting the leaves or shoots lk\etak\ [le' tau'] n 1) small rod with a knob on the
lk\Sip\tk\ [le' hsei' te'] v (of plants) be killed by sb end used to pluck the bowstring when dressing cotton
2) young child

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 411

lk\ ª lk\
lk\etak\KMu [le' tau' khon] n carom board lk\Tk\ [le' hte'] n sb's time, time associated with sb;
S YN reign lk\Tk\”k^;/el; BOX:
lk\tc\ [le' tin] v put one's hand on lk\Tk\pXa; [le' hte' pwa;] n [law ‹] property acquired
— n armrest (of chair) S YN lk\rn\; during a marriage
lk\tc\sa; [le' tin sa;] v 1) let sb wait on one hand and lk\eTak\ [le' htau'] n 1) assistant 2) ∑ [? can't see
foot 2) have an easy life what this is in illus -- long railing or part of rib?]
lk\tc\lup\ [le' tin lo'] v step in when the hard part is lk\eTak\K¥ [le' htau' cha.] v 1) give inside information
over 2) give information contributing to the commission of a
lk\ts\km\; [le' dAgan;] n 1) (within) arm‘s reach or crime
length, very near, in close range, close enough to touch lk\Tit\ [le' htei'] n (hand)cuffs, manacles Ó
2) [fig] sthg within one's reach lk\Tit\Kt\ [le' htei' kha'] v cuff, put handcuffs on
lk\ts\km\;tiuk\pX´ [le' dAgan; tai' pwE;] n Íhand-to- lk\Tit\®Pot\ [le' htei' hpyo'] v take off handcuffs
hand fighting, close battle, fighting at close range lk\Tp\ [le' hta'] v marry, get married
lk\ts\lMu;®Ka; [le' tAlon; gya;] adv (escape, survive, etc) — adv personally
by a fingerbreadth, by a hair, by the skin of one's teeth lk\Tp\mgçla [le' hta' min gAla] n wedding
lk\Tp\Tim\;®ma; [le' hta' htein; mya;] v marry, get married
lk\ts\lMu;®Ka;lim\ [le' tAlon; gya; lein] v trick, fool, pull [? ok. pron, general]
the wool over sb's eyes lk\Tip\ [le' htei'] n fingertip
lk\ts\wå; [le' tAwa;] n measurement the size of an lk\tXn\Ï [le' htun.] n hand line [? what for?]
open hand lk\nk\ [le' ne'] n 1) Íweapon, arm 2) [fig] weapon,
lk\tv\. [le' tE.] v be a good mark, be a marksman, be a instrument
crack shot S YN lk\e®Pac\. lk\nk\kiriya [le' ne' kArI ya] n tools, instruments
lk\tv\.sm\; [le' tE. san;] v 1) try out (a weapon) 2) [fig] lk\nk\kiuc\APX´Asv\; [le' ne' kain AhpwE. Asi;] n ∏arms
experiment, try out, give sthg a try carriers
lk\tt\ [le' ta'] n skilled worker lk\nk\”k^; [le' ne' kyi;] n Íheavy weapons
lk\tn\; [le' tan;] n handrail CF lk\ nk\c y\ small arms
— adv ad lib, off-the-cuff, impromptu; offhand lk\nk\K´ym\; [le' ne' khE; yan;] n Ímunitions
lk\tn\;sp\ [le' tan; sa'] v improvise poetry or music lk\nk\K¥ [le' ne' cha..] v Ísurrender, lay down one's arms
lk\tn\;e®pa [le' tan; pyaw;] v speak extempore (i.e.,
without any preparation) lk\nk\cy\ [le' ne' ngE] n Ísmall arms CF lk\nk\”k^;
lk\tn\;rXt\ [le' tan; yu'] v 1) recite on the fly heavy weapons
2) improvise poetry or music lk\nk\tiuk\ [le' ne' tai'] n Íarsenal
lk\tMuÏ(®pn\) [le' ton. (pyan)] v 1) revenge, take revenge, lk\nk\tp\Sc\ [le' ne' ta' hsin] v Íarm [? ok?]
avenge; retaliate; give as good as one got (inf) 2) give lk\nk\Niuc\cM [le' ne' nain ngan] n ∏conquered territory,
a gift or present in return land won by war AsU\Niuc\cM
lk\tMuÏ®pn\®Kc\; [le' ton. pyan gyin;] n retaliation lk\nk\P¥k\qim\;er; [le' ne' hpye' thein; ye;] n
lk\tMuϮpn\mO [le' ton. pyan hmu.] n reprisal disarmament; abolition of (certain kinds of) weapons
lk\etX> [le' twe.] v get the hang or knack of sthg [? lk\Nx^;(Sut\) [le' hni; (hso')] n potholder, rag
how to say 'there's a knack to it'] S YN lk\Ku(Sut\)
— n 1) practical experience CF saetX> 2) personal lk\eNx; [le' hne;] v be slow to take an opportunity, move
experience S YN kiuy\etX> slowly (to seize a chance, etc)
— adv in practice, practically lk\Nxip\sk\ [le' hnei' se'] n typewriter
lk\etX>wåd [le' twe. wa da.] n [phil] pragmatism Ω Kr^;eSac\ lk\ Nxip\sk\ portable (typewriter)
lk\tX´ [le' twE;] v 1) hold hands, join hands (with) lk\Nxip\sk\Riuk\ [le' hnei' se' yai'] v type [? ok?]
Ω lk\ tX´e lYak\ walk holding hands 2) ally oneself with lk\Nxip\Dat\m^; [le' hnei' da' mi;] n torch (Br), flash(light)
3) get married CF lk\Tp\ (Am)
lk\tX´eKÅ [le' twE; khaw] v help sb along lk\på;es [le' pa; ze] n 1) (personal) servant 2) lackey,
lk\tX´®Pot\ [le' twE; hpyo'] v part company with sb flunkey, sb of unquestioning obedience
lk\tXc\; [le' twin;] n [fig] hands, clutches (neg) lk\p¨;lk\Âkp\ [le' pu; le' kya'] adv (catch, be caught,
lk\tXn\lxv\; [le' tun; hlE;] n pushcart, handcart, barrow etc) red-handed, in the act S YN lk\Sut\lk\kiuc\
(UK), pushbarrow; wheelbarrow; hand truck; dolly; lk\ep; [le' pe;] v (of dog) shake hands
trolley (Can, UK); shopping cart; luggage cart Ω πeKX;el;Âkv\. mx lk\ ep;qc\" You can't teach an old dog
lk\Tilk\erak\ [le' htI le' yau'] adv 1) (deliver, etc) by new tricks. [? check]
hand (to the hand of the addressee) 2) physically, lk\epqt\ [le' pe; tha'] v trick one's enemy, lure one's
bodily S YN kaykM opponent with an offer, and then attack

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 412

lk\ ª lk\
lk\epåk\ [le' pau'] n œ 1) (of woodwind instruments) lk\®pn\”kio; [le' pyan gyo;] n rope tying sb's hands behind
finger hole) 2) (of woodwind instrumenets) particular his back
musician’s style lk\®pn\”kio;tup\ [le' pyan gyo; to'] v tie sb's hands behind
lk\epåk\kt\ [le' pau' ka'] v be narrow-minded and his back
difficult lk\pXa; [le' pwa;] n sixth finger CF lk\tk\
lk\piuk\ [le' pai'] v fold arms (across chest) lk\epX> [le' pwe.] adv (carry, hold, etc sthg) in front of
lk\piuk\Âkv\. [le' pai' kyI] v look on indifferently, one's chest
impassively, etc lk\epX>erac\; [le' pwe. yaung;] v sell things one carries in
lk\piuk\en [le' pai' ne] v [fig] keep one's distance, avoid one's arms Ω g¥any\etX m^; pXioc\.mxa ka;Âka; lk\epX>erac\; sell
getting involved weeklies among the cars at the traffic signal [? example
lk\ps\k¨; [le' pyi' ku;] v do the crawl stroke, swim the ok?]
crawl lk\epX>Ait\ [le' pwe. ei'] n purse, handbag [? check]
lk\ps\buM; [le' pyi' bon] n Í(hand) grenade lk\pXt\s¨; [le' pu' su;] n bradawl, tool for making small
lk\pt\ [le' pa'] n armband [? only of cloth?] holes for screws, brads, etc = pXt\s¨;
lk\pt\”kio; [le' pa' gyo;] n watchband, armband, lk\pXn\;tt^; [le' pun; dAdi;] adv 1) familiarly,
wristband, strap of a wristwatch companionably, in a friendly way, casually Ω kÁn\m-Sran´Ï-
lk\pt\nar^ [le' pa' na yi] n (wrist)watch At¨ lk\pXn\;tt^; pvaqc\K´.ty\" My teacher used to have
lk\put\K¥a; [le' po' cha;] n [weaving] hand-operated a very friendly class. [? ok? also need example for next
swift def. Also check this def] 2) intimately
lk\pn\;k¥ [le' pan; kya.] v 1) (of hands or arms) be tired, lk\Penac\. [le' hpAnaung.] n heel of the hand
be worn out 2) [fig] be tuckered out, be weary, be beat lk\Pmiu; [le' hpAmo;] n back of the hand Ω πAKulk\Pmiu;
(inf), be all tired out AKulk\Pwå;lup\tt\ty\ q¨m¥io;n´Ï Alup\lup\rc\
lk\pun\; [le' pon;] n (of cattle) under the leg, where the dukƒerak\my\" [? trans]
inner part of the leg meets the body lk\Pwå; [le' hpAwa;] n palm (of the hand)
lk\pp\esanM [le' pa' saw nan] v have body odour, (of a lk\Pk\⁄ [lAhpe'] n 1) tea plant or shrub, Camellia
person) smell (bad) sinensis 2) pickled tea leaves = lk\Pk\siu 3) tea leaf
lk\pup\epåc\pup\ [le' le' po' paung bo'] n blackleg, salad = lk\Pk\qup\
blackquarter, bacterial disease of animals, causing lk\Pk\Ÿ [le' hpe'] n 1) handful, amount that can fit in
swellings in legs = epåc\pup\lk\pup\na [? check] the cupped palm, unit of dry measure equal to half a
lk\pm\; [le' pan;] n wrestling lk\Kup\ CF lk\Kup\ fistful, lk\Sut\' lk\SXn\; 2) measure
lk\pm\;epåk\Kt\ [le'] v 1) (in boxing) challenge by of the distance around a tree, pillar, etc in terms of
hitting one's upper arms with the opposite hand 2) [fig] outstretched arms Ω qs\pc\lMu;-Pk\ta lk\-Nxs\Pk\-elak\-
show one's pride at one's triumph S YN lk\Kemac\;Kt\ [? rxity\" It would take two men to encircle the tree with
check if syn of both and if so,move] outstretched arms.
lk\Pk\e®Kak\ [lAhpe' chau'] n tea (leaves), esp oolong
lk\p¥k\ [le' pye'] v (of artists, athletes) be out of tea CF AK¥ioe®Kak\ black tea
form, lose one's touch lk\Pk\sa; [lAhpe' sa;] v 1) Ó(of opposing parties in a
lk\pU\; [le' pyin;] n inside of the upper arm civil court case) signal settlement of the suit by eating
lk\®p [le' pya.] v wave [? new me] pickled tea together 2) be biased (in favour of)
lk\®pe®K®plup\ [le' pya. chi bya. lo'] v gesture, motion, CF lk\Pk\Tup\
gesticulate CF lk\hn\e®Khn\®p lk\Pk\siu [lAhpe' so] n pickled tea (leaves)
lk\®ptiuc\ [le' pya. dain] n sign(post) lk\Pk\tXn\ [lAhpe' tun] n basket for pickled tea
lk\“p´(kal) [le' pyE; (ka la.)] n ∏(time of) unrest, lk\Pk\Tup\ [lAhpe' hto'] n 1) pickled tea packet
ferment, disorder 2) [fig] bribe Ω l¨ meta\-epm´. lk\Pk\Tup\tt\ty\"
lk\®pc\ [le' pyin] n back of the shoulders, upper back [? Although the guy isn’t very good, his ‘pickled tea’ is up to
ok?] the task.
lk\®pc\eÂkacup\ [le' pyin gyaw; ngo'] v have a [? check] lk\Pk\Tup\K¥ [l Ahpe' hto' cha.] v Óinvite people to a
lk\e®pac\;lk\lW´lup\ [le' pyaung; le' hlwE; lo'] v change marriage or other ceremony by giving out pickled tea
hands, change ownership packets
lk\®pt\ [le' pya'] n 1) sleeveless shirt, jacket, etc, vest lk\Pk\rv\ [lAhpe' ye] n (black) tea (usu with
(Am) 2) amputee 3) [palm] palm with head line and condensed and evaporated milk, and sugar)
heart line merged lk\pk\rv\Âkm\; [lAhpe' ye gyan;] n oolong tea
lk\®pn\ [le' pyan] adv 1) (pour, hit, etc) with a S YN ereNX;Âkm\;
backhanded motion 2) (throw, etc) backward over one's lk\Pk\zXn\; [lAhpe' ye zun;] n 1) teaspoon 2) teaspoon (as
shoulder a unit of measure)
lk\Pk\qup\ [lAhpe' tho'] n pickled tea salad

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 413

lk\ ª lk\
lk\P¥a; [le' hpya;] n 1) fingers (together) identification, etc), have one's fingerprints taken [?
Ω πlk\ P¥a;ecX q^; have money growing from one’s fingers, check second]
be made of money 2) side bet, additional bet (on top of lk\m [le' ma.] n 1) thumb CF lk\eK¥ac\; finger 2) inch,
original stake) CF lk\P¥a;SX´' lk\rc\; 2.54 cm, one-twelfth of a foot 3) claw, pincer (of crab,
lk\P¥a;Kå [le' hpya; kha] v 1) show surprise, admiration, lobster, etc)
etc by shaking one's hand near the chest 2) [fig] be lk\mtc\ [le' mAdin] adv [fig] narrowly, just, barely,
amazed, marvel, admire scarcely, by a hair, by the skin of one's teeth Upsa [?
lk\P¥a;SX´ [le' hpya; hswE;] v 1) negotiate using a code really 'on the brink of'?]
transmitted by touching fingers 2) place a side bet lk\meTac\ [le' ma. htaung] v 1) be swelled with pride,
lk\P¥a;(e®KP¥a;)eA; [le' hpya; (chi bya;) e;] v have cold be vainglorious, act self-important, be conceited, be
hands (and feet) (because of shock, fear, fever, etc) boastful 2) give a thumbs up
lk\P¥M [le' hpyan] n forearm lk\mrXM> [le' mAyun.] n daredevil, sb who dares to do
lk\eP¥ak\t^; [le' hpyau' ti;] v snap one's fingers anything
= lk\P¥s\t^; lk\mrXM>qa; [le' mAyun. dha;] n Óexecutioner
lk\P¥s\ [le' hpyi'] n snap, sound of snapping fingers S YN på;kXk\Aa%aqa; CF ”kio;SX´
lk\P¥s\t^; [le' hpyi' ti;] v snap one's fingers lk\mlv\ [le' mAlE] v have one's hands full, be very
= lk\eP¥ak\t^; busy
lk\P¥s\ts\tXk\ [le' hpyi' tAdwe'] n time it takes to snap lk\m´. [le' mE.] adv empty-handed CF lk\K¥v\;qk\qk\'
the fingers, snap of the fingers, twinkling, instant, tick, lk\rxi
(split) second — part suffix to some nouns Ω Alup\lk\m´. unemployed,
— adv in an instant, in a twinkling, tick, etc jobless, out of work Ω Aa%alk\m´. powerless Ω psßv\;lk\m´.
CF lYp\ts\®pk\ destitute A NT lk\rxi
lk\e®Pac\. [le' hpyaung.] v be a good shot lk\m´.e®Km´. [le' mE. chi mE.] adv [? syn to which or both?]
— n Ísniper; sharpshooter, marksman
lk\®Ps\ [le' hpyi'] n sthg handmade; sthg homemade lk\miu; [le' mo;] n ∑thwart (of a boat) S YN kn\ÏeTak\
CF lk\ lup\ [? check part of speech] lk\emac\; [le' maung;] n 1) arm 2) sleeve
lk\PXa [le' hpwa] v [fig] spend (money) freely, lavish lk\emac\;Aiu; [le' maung; o;] n 1) area where the arm
money (on) Ω AquM; sX-´ lk\PXa S YN ecXquM;Âkm\; [? finish joins the shoulder 2) size of the arm at the shoulder
example] 3) armhole (of shirt, etc)
lk\PX´> [le' hpwE.] v give a present on an occasion lk\m¥k\si [le' mye' sI] n wrist bone
— n 1) amulet or charm to ward off evil S YN AeSac\ lk\e®ma\ [le' hmyaw] n Œsmall toddy palm CF Tn\; [ ph]
2) (goodwill) gift lk\rae®mak\ [le' ya myau'] v (of work in crafts) be
lk\ebX [le' bwe] n 1) whorl pattern on the fingertip skilled
2) fingerprint lk\®mn\e®K®mn\ [le' myan che myan] adv impulsively, (acting,
lk\ebXNxip\ [le' bwe hnei'] v make a thumbprint (for taking action, etc) quickly [? check part of speech]

Black tea is normally drunk with varying amounts lk\mXn\ [le' mun] v Óbe first
of strong tea (Nxp\ rv\' Ak¥rv\), evaporated milk — n Ó very beginning, earliest beginning,
(NiuÏSim\.), sweetened condensed milk (NiuÏS^), and commencement
sugar. The chief types are as follows:
lk\mXn\mSX [le' mun mAhswa.] adv firstly, at the very
K¥ioepåÏ sweet and weak beginning
K¥ioSim\. sweet and milky
lk\mO [le' hmu.] n handiwork, handwork, handicraft
CF sk\mO
epåÏSim\. weak and milky lk\mOpva [le' hmu. pyin nya] n handcraft, handicraft,
craft or trade of skilled practice
ek¥ak\pn\;etac\; very sweet and milky lk\miOc\K¥ [le' hmain cha.] v give up or quit in despair,
puMmxn\ hopelessness, etc
‘regular’ sweet and milky
lk\mxt\ [le' hma'] n 1) ticket Ω elyaU\-lk\mxt\ plane
K¥iok¥ sweet and strong ticket 2) signature Ω lk\ mxt\Tiu; på" Please sign.
3) certificate, credential [? for example?]
Pn\K¥io slightly bitter but still sweet
lk\mxt\ss\ [le' hma' si'] n ticket inspector, conductor,
k¥Sim\. strong and milky guard (Br)
lk\mxt\Tiu; [le' hma' hto;] v sign (one's name) S YN Siuc\;Tiu;
epåÏk¥ strong and light on sugar

Kå;Kå; strong and bitter

lk\mxn\; [le' hman;] v 1) aim 2) weigh sthg in the hand

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 414

lk\ ª lk\
(to estimate the weight) S YN lk\S' lk\rm\;lk\S lk\er;eqa. [le' ye; dhaw.] n scrawl, scribble, illegible
lk\emYa\ªlk\e®ma [le' hmyaw] n Œsmall toddy palm handwriting, chicken scratches (inf)
CF Tn\; lk\r´ [le' yE;] v have the nerve to do sthg, be brave
lk\e®mHak\ [le' hmyau'] v put one's hands up, surrender, enough to do sthg [? negative meaning?]
give up lk\r´zk\r´ [le' yE; ze' y E;] adv audaciously, daringly [?
lk\ya [le' ya] n right(-hand side) A NT lk\w´ check tone]
lk\yaBk\yim\; [le' ya be' yein;] v ∏pro-right, right- lk\era\e®Kpå [le' yaw chi (che) pa] adv giving it one's all
leaning lk\Riu; [le' yo;] n 1) basic, common, orthodox or
lk\yarM [le' ya yan] n ‹disciple of the Buddha who traditional teaching, method, etc CF k¥m\;Riu; [? look up 2]
sits to his right 2) ß
lk\yars\ [le' ya yi'] adv clockwise Ω lk\rars\-pt\rmy\" lk\rk\Tv\ [le' ye' htE] n hand-woven or -loomed cloth
You have to go (around it) clockwise. A NT lk\w´rs\
anticlockwise, counterclockwise lk\erak\ [le' yau'] adv in person, personally; by hand
lk\yawåd [le' ya wa da.] n ∏rightism, right-wing, i.e., [? check use]
pro-capitalism and liberal democracy lk\erak\mO [le' yau' hmu.] n [law] assault [? check]
lk\ya; [le' ya;] v [fig] be eager to do sthg, be itching lk\Riuk\ [le' yai'] n 1) mallet [? used only in sports?
to next one used only in pingpong? what about raquet?]
lk\rk\tXc\; [le' ye' twin;] n hand-dug well or waterhole 2) paddle (illus)
lk\rc\; [le' yin;] n 1) proximity, nearby area 2) first
lk\yU\ [le' yin] v 1) be practiced at, have experience 3) sb close, sb trusted 4) base (of stalk) 5) original bet
in 2) [fig] be tough, be a bruiser CF lk\P¥a;
lk\yp\eKÅ [le' ya' khaw] v beckon lk\ert¨ [le' ye du] adv at the same level (as), in the
lk\yxk\ [le' she'] v 1) press the palms of the hands same league (as) S YN lk\rv\mY CF e®Krv\t¨' ˆa%\rv\t¨
together (to show respect, worship, etc) 2) interlace lk\rv\mY [le' ye hma.] adv at the same level, in the same
fingers (illus) league S YN lk\rv\t¨ CF e®Krv\t¨' ˆa%\rv\t¨
lk\hxk\saKMu [le' she' sa gon] n hinged book stand (illus) lk\rv\qa [le' ye tha] v = lk\qa 1) be better (than sb)
lk\yxk\Sk\ [le' she' hse'] n dovetail (joint) at sports, be more nimble, etc 2) have a gentle hand
lk\yxk\sp\ [le' she' hse' sa'] v dovetail (illus)
lk\rPm\; [le' ya. hpan;] v catch, apprehend lk\rv\ts\®pc\tv\; [le' ye dAbyin di;] adv 1) (eat) from
lk\ra [le' ya] n 1) handprint 2) fingerprint the same platter, dish, table, etc 2) [fig] in a friendly
3) handiwork, visible result of sb's actions circle, among good friends S YN lk\erts\®pc\s^;
S YN lk\rae®Kra' lu p\rp\ [? check] 4) craftsmanship, CF edåc\;ln\; [? def ok?]

workmanship lk\rn\; [le' yan;] n 1) railing, handrail 2) arm (of a

lk\rae®Kra [le' ya chi (che) ya] n handiwork, visible chair)
result of sb's action lk\rip\®p [le' yei' pya.] v silently or secretly signal with
lk\rae®Krak¥n\ [le' ya chi (che) ya kyan] v leave signs the hand CF m¥k\rip\® p
lk\rae®mak\ [le' ya myau'] v be well crafted [? def ok?] lk\rm\;lk\S [le' yan; le' hsa.] v weigh sthg in the hand
lk\erts\®pc\s^; [le' ye dAbyin zi;] adv 1) (eat) from the (to guess its weight) = lk\S' lk\mxn\;
same platter, dish, table, etc 2) [fig] in a friendly circle, lk\RuM; [le' yon;] n 1) upper arm 2) strength and skill in
among good friends S YN lk\rv\ts\® pc\tv\; CF edåc\;ln\; fighting 3) sb who fights behind a leader, whose ability
[? def ok?] can be relied on 4) handrail of a boat or bullock cart
lk\er; [le' ye;] n 1) handwriting, hand, script 5) œneck of the Burmese harp CF esac\;ekak\
= lk\e r;lk\ qa; 2) action, deed, (physical)
accomplishment lk\RuM;tn\; [le' yon; tan;] v [fig] bellow a challenge
lk\er;esac\; [le' ye; zaung;] n slanting handwriting, CF lk\q^; lk\emac\; tn\;
cursive [? ok?] lk\RuM;rv\ [le' yon; ye (yi)] n skill or strength in fighting
lk\er;t¨ [le' ye; du] adv in the same league CF NxlMu;rv\ intelligence, wisdom

= lk\rv\ t¨ [? part of sp ok? ] lk\RMu;Aa;kiu; [le' yon; a; ko;] n sb who solves problems by
lk\er;tiu [le' ye; do] n shorthand, stenography force
lk\erm¨ [le' ye; mu] n manuscript, hand-written lk\erX; [le' ywe;] n the pick, sb or sthg hand-picked or
document hand-chosen
lk\er;lk\qa; [le' ye; le' tha;] n handwriting, hand, lk\erX;sc\ [le' ywe; zin] n (of people) the élite; (esp of
script = lk\er; things) choice, pick, selection
lk\er;lx [le' ye; hla.] n 1) best penmanship, fair hand lk\rxi [le' shI] v 1) be present, be on hand 2) be current
2) copybook writing 3) calligraphy [? div ok?] (e.g., situation, standing, etc) Ω lk\rxi-Alup\ current job,
present job 3) be in hand, be readily available CF lk\m´.

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 415

lk\ ª lk\
lk\rxk\ [le' she'] v pull one's hand back (when over, delegate (power, responsibility, etc) [? also n. a
embarrassed or frustrated while reaching for sthg) sling, catapult?]
lk\erxac\ [le' shaung] v 1) keep one's hands off (of lk\lW´erac\; [le' hlwE; yaung;] v sell without using, turn
sthg); take one's hands off (of sthg) 2) [fig] shirk, avoid over; sell without going through the normal procedure
responsibility, obligation, etc 3) [fig] keep one's
distance (from) lk\lWt\ [le' hlu'] v 1) relinquish, part with, let sthg go,
lk\l^ [le' li] n retail CF lk\ka; wholesale resign (responsibility, office, etc) 2) wash one's hands
lk\l^Siuc\ [le' li hsain] n retail shop; retail outlet of sthg, not take further responsibility 3) give up, stop
lk\l^sit\ [le' li sei'] v 1) do sthg piecemeal 2) do sthg trying; abandon hope 4) give sb independence, let sb
in detail work etc on his own
lk\ln\ [le' lan] v 1) give up in disgust 2) beyond lk\wå; [le' wa;] n 1) palm (of the hand) = lk\Pwå;
descripton [? can't read handwriting for 2] 2) handbreadth
lk\lup\ [le' lo'] v be handmade; be homemade lk\wå;ka [le' wa; ga] n Ó trigger guard, part of
lk\lup\K¥U\ [le' lo' chin] n pickle (Br), relish (Am) musket lock which the flint strikes
lk\lup\lk\sa; [le' lo' le' sa;] n sb at subsistence, sb lk\wå;kp\tiuc\ [le' wAga' tain] n cross, crucifix (relig)
earning a bare living lk\wå;kp\tiuc\tc\ [le' wAga' tain tin] v
lk\lXt\ [le' lu'] v 1) lose (chance, thing, opportunity, lk\wå;”k^;Aup\ [le' wAgyi; o'] v [fig] monopolise
etc) 2) be free of responsibility for, have fulfilled one's lk\wå;”k^;s^;pXa;er; [le' wAgyi; si; bwa; ye;] n ¥monopoly
responsibility; be independent 3) [inf] be beyond lk\wå;esac\; [le' wAzaung;] n edge of the hand (between
description Ω Ark\-eqak\t´.enramxa lk\ln\ty\" His the wrist and the little finger)
drinking was beyond description. lk\wå;esac\;Kut\ [le' wAzaung; kho'] v chop (with the
— adv (escape) empty-handed edge of the hand)
lk\lXt\spy\ [le' lu' sAbE] adv recklessly, irresponsibly lk\wå;p¨tiuk\ v 1) rub palms together to warm them
lk\lXn\ [le' lun] v 1) get out of hand (esp when sb 2) do urgently [? like it? if so, fill in]
dies as a result) 2) (of help, intervention, etc) be too lk\wå;®Pn\Ïetac\; [le' wa; hpyan. taung;] v [fig] beg, go
late; (of situation, thing, etc) be beyond saving, begging (to sb) Upsa
retrieval, etc 3) be beyond one's control, be out of one's lk\wå;Riuk\ [le' wa; yai'] v [fig] 1) have a prior
hands understanding 2) prearrange 3) Óstrike palms in order
lk\lXy\ [le' lwE] v be liberal, be generous, be open- to seal an arrangement [? 3 ok? new from Judson]
lk\lxv\. [le' hlE.] n 1) tuning peg or pin 2) sleight of lk\ewKM [le' we khan] v [fig] 1) be dependent on sb's
hand CF m¥k\lxv\. generosity, patronage, handouts, etc [le' we gan]
lk\lxv\.qc\. [le' hlE. thin.] v be handy, be readily 2) accept sb's patronage
accessible, be ready to hand — n sb who receives handouts CF lk\eAak\KM
lk\lxv\.qMu; [le' hlE. dhon;] n short-term loan CF eK¥; lk\ewsa [le' we za] n handout
borrow (money) lk\w´ [le' wE;] n left(-hand side) A NT lk\ya
lk\lOp\ [le' hlo'] v 1) (do manual) labour 2) do sthg lk\w´yim\; [le' wE; yein;] v ∏lean to the left, be a
Ω lk\ lOp\mx på;sp\lOp\rty\" First do it, talk later. leftist
— n Ótrigger lk\w´rM [le' wE; yan] n ‹disciple who sits to the right
lk\lxm\; [le' hlan;] v reach (for sthg) of the Buddha
— n 1) reach, range 2) forked rod for manipulating lk\w´wåd [le' wE; wa da.] n ∏leftism, i.e., support for
warp threads socialist or communist policies [? what else does this
lk\lxm\;m^ [le' hlan; hmi] v 1) be within one's reach imply exactly? what political sys?]
2) [fig] be within comprehension, be within one's ability lk\w´rs\ [le' wE; yi'] adv anticlockwise (Br),
to grasp CF ˆa%\m^ counterclockwise (Am)
lk\elYa. [le' shaw.] v stop trying, give up, admit defeat, lk\w´lm\;pva [le' wE; lan; pyin nya] n (craft of) black
yield, (because no prospect of success); abandon hope magic, witchcraft
S YN AROM;ep; lk\wc\ [le' win] v be delicate, be complicated, be
lk\lYio(wc\) [le' sho (win)] v suffer for intervening in a difficult, need great attention (to detail), require skill,
quarrel, matter, etc [? really suffer? not "be drawn into need care
sb's quarrel etc"?] lk\wc\ºpå [le' win · pa] v be involved Ω lk\-wc\-mpåB¨;" She is
lk\lYiot^; [le' sho di;] n œhired musician (who does not involved.
not own the instrument he is playing) [? new perf arts] lk\wt\lk\sa; [le' wu' le' sa;] n jewellery (Br), jewelry
(Am) (for hands and arms) CF kiuy\wt\kiuy\sa; [? ok?]
lk\lW´ [le' hlwE;] v 1) swing one's arm 2) hand or turn lk\ewxÏ [le' hwe.] n boxing

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 416

lk\ ª lk\
lk\ewxÏtiuc\ [le' hwe. dain] n referee (at a boxing match) = lk\qv\KXM CF e®Kqv\; toenail 2) claw (of animal or
lk\ewxÏTiu; [le' hwe. hto;] v box bird); talon (of bird of prey)
lk\ewxÏpX´ [le' hwe. bwE.] n boxing match lk\qv\;kXc\; [le' thE; gwin;] n 1) ‘(’ or ‘)’ symbol, round
lk\ewxÏqt\ [le' hwe. tha'] n boxer [? new judson] bracket, parenthesis (pl. parentheses)
lk\wxk\ [le' hwe'] v hide one’s skill, talent, etc lk\qv\;KXM [le' thE; gun] n fingernail, thumbnail
lk\qma; [le' thAma;] n carpenter, builder (Br) CF e®Kqv\;
lk\qma;epåk\ [le' thAma; bau'] n hole in a boat’s hull to lk\qv\;esac\; [le' thE; zaung;] n 1) small chisel used
take in or drain ballast water to cut nails CF lk\qv\;vHp\ 2) small chisel used for fine
lk\qa [le' tha] v 1) be better (than sb, at games and carving
sports of physical skill) 2) have a gentle touch, handle lk\qv\;Siu;eS; [le' thE; hso; ze;] n (finger)nail polish
(sthg) gently S YN lk\qv\;n^
lk\qa; [le' tha;] n 1) follower CF tpv\.-lk\qa; lk\qv\;vHp\ [le' thE; hnya'] v clip or cut fingernails
2) apprentice; subordinate 3) servant; attendant [? S YN lk\qv\; Tiu;' lk\qv\; lx^;
really?] 4) shoot coming from root (e.g., of banana, — n fingernail clipper(s)
bamboo) lk\qv\;Tiu; [le' thE; hto;] v clip or cut fingernails
lk\qa;k¥ [le' tha; kya.] v become good at (sthg S YN lk\ qv\;vH p\' lk\ qv\;lx^;
requiring skill) CF Aqa;k¥ lk\qv\;pup\ [le' thE; po'] n ingrown nail
lk\q^; [le' thi;] n fist lk\qv\;pXc\. [le' thE; pwin.] v have white spots appear on
lk\q^;Sut\ [le' thi; hso'] v make a a fist, clench one's nails
fist lk\qv\;lx^; [le' thE; hli;] v clip or cut fingernails
— n size of a fist lk\qv\;vHp\' lk\qv\;Tiu;
lk\q^;Tiu; [le' thi; hto;] v punch, strike with the fist, lk\qut\pwå [le' tho' pAwa] n 1) serviette, (table)
sock (inf), biff (inf), plug (inf) [? another def too?] napkin 2) hand towel
lk\q^;pun\; [le' thi; bon;] n [fig] machination, intrigue, lk\qn\;⁄ [le' than;] n little finger, pinkie (Am)
underhanded ploy CF v^puel;
lk\q^;qun\;Tiu; [le' thi; bon; hto;] v [fig] intrigue or lk\qp\emX; [le' tha' mwe;] v 1) raise (as a pet, by hand)
scheme (against sb) 2) [fig] groom sb to become sb one can trust [? enter
lk\q^;®p [le' thi; pya.] v threaten with the fist, shake one's inner circle?]
one's fist lk\qip\Tiu; [le' thei' hto;] adv surreptitiously, under the
lk\q^;lk\emac\;tn\; [le' thi; le' maung; tan;] v raise one's table, under the counter
fist (in defiance or anger) lk\qup\⁄ [le' tho'] n mix of noodles, raw vegetables,
lk\q¨ÂkXy\ [le' dhAgywE] n ring finger CF lk\eK¥ac\; nuts, spices, cooked oil, bean powder, etc served cold
lk\eq [le' the] v be practiced, be skilled [? ok?]
lk\qM [le' than] n œsignature of a particular musician lk\qup\Ÿ [le' tho'] n Óslave CF kÁn\ [? new from Myan
(esp string or percussion) [? check] Myan]
lk\qMe®pac\ [le' than pyaung] v 1) œ(of performance) lk\qMu; [le' thon;] n 1) sthg widely used 2) sthg
brilliant, superb 2) (of writing) hard-hitting, trenchant, frequently relied on, sthg favoured (in usual use) [?
incisive, forceful; (of satire) biting 3) (of beating, abuse need examples]
etc) severe, serious [? no 3 ok? new from perf arts] lk\qMu;ska; [le' thon; zAga;] n favourite expression;
stock phrase [? check again: really pat/stock ??]
lk\qc\ [le' thin] n 1) beginner, tyro, novice 2) small lk\qXa; [le' thwa;] v 1) œ(of musician) be skilled
training version of royal boat CF elxa\ka; 2) (of writer) be prolific CF lk\qXa;
lk\qc\. [le' thin.] v be convenient, be handy, be easy, lk\eqX; [le' thwe;] v try to learn a certain trade [?
be expedient; be close, be accessible, be the nearest or ok?]
closest, be at hand [? check. divide?] lk\qXk\ [le' thwe'] v 1) have nimble fingers, be deft,
lk\qc\.KM [le' thin. khan] v 1) accept, receive be adroit, be dextrous 2) (of worker) be fast 3) (of
2) accommodate writer) be prolific CF lk\qXa; 4) be quick to take an
lk\qs\ [le' thi'] n A NT lk\ehac\; 1) shoddy imitation, opportunity, be all over (it, sthg) (sl)
ersatz 2) sthg new and untried 3) [? person? newcomer, lk\qXk\e®KqXk\ [le' thwe' chi: thwe'] v be nimble
new kid on the block...] lk\ehac\; [le' haung;] n 1) sthg tried and proven, sthg
lk\qv\ [le' thE] n 1) perpetrator 2) traditional reliable 2) product with a good reputation 3) real thing,
midwife CF wm\; SX´ 3) [playing cards] dealer genuine article 4) old hand, experienced person 5) sb
qk\qv\rxa [le' thE sha] v 1) look for perpetrator of a with old-fashioned ideas A NT lk\qs\
crime 2) choose a dealer by chance
lk\qv\; [le' thE;] n 1) fingernail, thumbnail lk\hn\e®Khn\ [le' han chi (che) han] n gesture
lk\hn\e®Khn\®p [le' han chi (che) han pya.] v (signal sb

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 417

lkƒ%a ª elak\
with a) gesture borax
lk\U^; [le' u;] v be one step ahead of others lk\tc\ [le' tin] n Latin [Engl] CF eram Roman
— n the first, the beginning lk\Tut\ [le' hto'] n Œkind of timber tree, bark of which is
lk\U^;Sra [le' u; hsAya] n 1) sb's first teacher 2) mentor used to treat dysentery
3) [fig] parents Ω lk\U^;Sra' mv\kiuk\sXaka; pub`a-sriy' lk\Tut\”ki; [le' hto' kyi;] n Œkind of timber tree, bark
miNxc\.B" The parents are the first teachers of the child. of which is used to treat dysentery
lk\Tut\qim\ [le' hto' thein] n Œkind of timber tree, bark
lk\U^;SMu; [le' u; zon;] adv (at the very) first; first and of which is used to treat kidney conditions
foremost lk\pM [le' pan] n Œred silk cotton tree CF l´'
lk\U^;lk\P¥a; [le' u; le' hpya;] n first fruits (fig), first lk\qn\;Ÿ(A™kTa) [le' than; (e' hta ka. hta.)] n concise
results of an activity commentary on the abhidhamma CF ABiDmµa
lk\Aiu; [le' o;] n = lk\emac\;Aiu; 1) size of the arm at elak\1 [lau'] n be enough, be sufficient; be adequate, be
the shoulder 2) armhole (of shirt, etc) good enough
lk\eAak\ [le' au'] adv subordinate to; under (sb's) — part 1) about, suffix to amount to indicate it is only
domination, dominated by CF lk\ewKM approximate Ω (5)eyak\-elak\-qXa;my\" About five people
lk\eAak\KM [le' au' khan] n subordinate will go. Ω Tmc\; sa;rc\ pn\; kn\-ts\wk\elak\p´sa;Niuc\ty\ I can
lk\eAak\cy\qa; [le' au' ngE dha;] n subordinate (in eat only about half a plate of rice. 2) suffix to noun,
hierarchy), lower-ranking, junior-grade; underling Î verb,or verb phrase: as, as good as, as much as,
lk\Ait\ [le' ei'] n (with separate fingers) glove; (with equivalent to, all that Ω dåelak\p-´ qiK¥c\ty\" That’s all I
four fingers together) mitten, mitt want to know. Ω sv\; piuc\;elak\ wty\" As fat as a barrel.
lk\An\eq [le' an the] v (of arms) be numb with fatigue Ω kiu kiusa;qelak\ p´sa;my\" I’ll eat as much as Ko Ko eats.
Ω lu p\qelak\ Ak¥io;mrxi B¨;" We didn’t get results equivalent
lk\Aup\K¥^ [le' o' chi]
v press palms together and raise to to our efforts. Ω Tc\qelak\ wc\ecX mrB¨;" I didn’t get as
chest, as a gesture of respect (esp to a monk) much income as I expected. CF By\elak\ how much
lk\Aup\mu;i [le' o' mo;] v press palms together and raise 3) suffix to verb to indicate sufficiency: enough to,
to forehead, as a gesture of respect (esp to a monk) enough to warrant, amount to Ω wc\ecXn´Ï sa;elak\r´.la;"
S YN lk\sMumiu; Is your income enough to put food on the table. Ω d^-Alup\k
lk\Aum\qa; [le' on dha;] n shoulder joint of beef mk\elak\sra-mrxiB¨;" This job is nothing to write home
lkƒ%a [le' khAna] n 1) sign, mark, indication; token; about. 4) friendly suffix to amount Ω lk\Pk\rv\
characteristics CF lkƒ %aeta\” k^;' lkƒ%aer;-qMu;på; ts\KXk\elak\ ep;på" Could I have a cup of tea? CF mY
2) signs and symptoms (of disease) Ω lkƒ%a®p have
symptoms 3) ßlines of the palm CF lkƒ%a-Âkv\.-/ Pt\ elak\c [lau' nga.] v be enough, be sufficient (to share,
lkƒ%aÂkv\. [le' khAna kyI] v ß1) read sb's palm distribute, etc); be adequate, be good enough Ω ts\\enÏ mxa
S YN lkƒ %aPt\ 2) get a palm reading, have one's palm 3000 elak\wc\mx m^qa;su elak\cRMu-p´-rxity\" You need an
read S YN lkƒ%aPt\ income of 3000 per day to be enough to support a family.
lkƒ%aeta\”k^; [le' khAna daw gyi;] n ‹32 distinctive
primary signs on the body of a Buddha or Cakkavattin elak\elak\la;la; [lau' lau' la; la;] adv 1) fully;
(Pali), Cakravartin (Skt) (universal monarch) dependably Ω qa;el;-ArXy\erak\ rc\e ta. elak\elak\-
CF sÂkwet;mc\;' lkƒ%aeta\cy\ la;la;-Aa;kiurmxapå" When my son grows up I will be able
lkƒ%aeta\cy\ [le' khAna daw ngE] n ‹80 secondary to rely on him fully. 2) to a fair amount Ω dåelak\elak\-
marks or signs on the body of a Buddha CF sÂkwet;mc\;' la;la; mhut\B¨;" It's not a fair amount.
lkƒ%aeta\”k^; elak\eAac\ [lau' aung] part suffix to verb to indicate
lkƒ%apå;rxa; [le' khAna pa; sha;] v [fig] be poor sufficiency for a purpose: enough to Ω ¯Baqtc\;-T¨;l´"˘
lkƒ%a®p [le' khAna pya.] v 1) (of disease) have signs or ¯e®paelak\eAac\ mT¨; B¨;"˘ ‘What’s the news.’ ‘Nothing
symptoms 2) ßshow one's palm to a palmist worth mentioning.’
lkƒ%aPt\ [le' khAna hpa'] v ß1) read sb's palm melak\mc [mAlau' mAnga.] adv in short supply, short
S YN lkƒ %aÂkv\. 2) have one's palm read Ω lat´. l-¨ m¥a;tan´ > Asa;-Aeqak\ melak\-mc-®Ps\K´.ty\" So
S YN lkƒ %aÂkv\. 3) predict sb's future many people came that we were short of food.
lkƒ%aer;qMu;på; [le' khAna ye; thon; ba;] n ‹three elak\2 [lau'] n 1) maggot, fly larva 2) [fig] traitor
characteristics of existence: Anisß anicca, impermanence; S YN qsßaePåk\
dukƒ dukkha, suffering elak\ekac\ [lau' kaung] n [fig] traitor S YN qsßaePåk\
lk\Kn´ [le' khAnE;] adv in a flash, for an instant, very briefly elak\k¥ [lau' kya.] v be maggoty, be full of maggots
elak\lm\; [lau' lan;] n mosquito larva = Piu;elak\lm\;
lk\K¥a; [le' cha;] n borax CF®Kc\ mosquito
lk\K¥a;m^;epåk\ [le' cha; mi; bau'] n heated borax, baked elak\eq [lau' the] n Œannual plant with leaves made
into a tea which is drunk to cure intestinal worm

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 418

elak\sa ª liuk\
infestation S YN muSiu;lxMm' lMxt' qiÂka;' qn\l¥k\ a family 5) ™particle used to encourage sb to do sthg
elak\sa [lau' sa] n shot, pellet to be shot from catapult Ω e®paliu k\' si t\mSiu; B¨;" Tell me, I won’t be angry. Ω ep;liu k\'
(Br), slingshot (Am), or pellet bow CF el;KX catapult (Br), mc\;saAup\lv\;-mhut\B¨;" Give it to me, it isn't your book
slingshot (Am); (elak\)el; bow anyway. 6) prefix to verb, indicating imitation, copying,
elak\salMu; [lau' sa lon;]n pellet, to be shot from following, repeating, doing along with Ω liuk\Siu repeat
catapult (Br), slingshot (Am), or pellet bow (after sb) Ω liuk\eAa\ shout along with Ω liuk\Pt\ read along
elak\saAim\ [lau' sa ein] n pouch of a catapult (Br), with, follow in the book Ω liuk\Âkv\. going along and
slingshot (Am); holder on a pellet bow, where the pellet looking, looking over 7) prefix to noun, indicating sthg is
is placed extra, additional Ω liuk\pX´ extra helping [? are there others
elak\el; [lau' le;] n = el; 1) pellet bow S YN lc\;lWa; or only this?]
2) catapult (Br), slingshot (Am) CF elak\sa RF liuk\sa; [lai' sa;] v 1) study hard, be diligent (in study)
elak\el;KX. (illus with previous and parts) 2) indulge (in an activity, etc) 3) Ócomply with
elak\el;kiuc\; [lau' le; gain;] n bow (stave) liuk\ta [lai' ta] part suffix to descriptive verb, How …!
elak\el;kn\Ï [lau' le; kan.] n textile pattern of a woven Ω Âkaliu k\ta" It is taking so long! Ω ekac\;liu k\ta" Great!
square [? check]
elak\el;KX [lau' le; gwa.] n catapult (Br), slingshot liuk\tm\;e®p;tm\; [lai' tan; pye; dan;] n tag (children’s
(Am) group game, in which a player called ’It’ tries to touch
elak\lk\ [lau' le'] v Ó1) rush to and fro, hasten back and other players, who then become It)
forth 2) toss, pitch, rock liuk\na [lai' na] v obey, follow (rule, order, instructions,
elak\lk\Kt\ [lau' le' kha'] v Ó be restless, be etc); observe, conform to, comply with (regulation,
restive = eyak\yk\K t\ restrictions, etc); abide by, follow (advice, sb’s words,
one’s conscience, etc) [? check]
elak\lW´ [lau' hlw E;] n 1) catapult, used to hurl heavy
objects at defences, etc (illus both) 2) sling, weapon in
liuk\på [lai' pa] v come with, accompany
which a stone, pellet, etc is whirled in a strap, and then liuk\piuÏ [lai' po.] v 1) send sb off, take sb someplace; go or
one end is released to hurl it come with (to show the way) 2) accompany, go with,
take (sb) to; escort (sb) to
liuk\1 [lai'] v 1) follow; dog (neg) 2) hunt; chase, pursue,
go after 3) (of some areas of work, jobs, etc) do, be,
liuk\e®p; [lai' pye;] v elope, run away (with one’s boy- or
become, get or be (involved) in, join Ω erx>enliuk\ be an
attorney Ω zat\T´liuk\ join the theatre [? what are some liuk\pX´ [lai' pwE;] n extra dish of rice, curry, etc, for a
other common ones?] 4) (over)indulge (in), gratify second serving [? only for rice?]
one’s taste for sthg Ω Aep¥a\Apå-liuk\ 5) follow an liuk\Pk\ [lai' hpe'] v 1) match, go with; be compatible,
influence, course, impulse, etc Ω m¥k\Nxa-liuk\ be biased be in harmony (with) 2) be complementary to
toward 6) conduct (electricity) Ω Dat\liuk\ get a(n
electric) shock; give a shock 7) happen (as a result of); liuk\Pk\eTac\. [lai' hpe' htaung.] n complementary angle
result in; be the result of, ensue from; take effect liuk\mx^ [lai' hmi] v catch, catch up with; overtake [? new
8) take after, resemble, be (just) like, follow me]
(convention, tradition, etc), be according to; be in liuk\lM [lai' lan] adv 1) along with, join in 2) go after
harmony with (fml), go with (inf), go together (inf) liuk\el¥a [lai' lyaw;] v agree to, go along with (proposal,
Ω An^n´Ï-Avio mliu k\B¨;" Red doens’t go with brown. Brown suggestion, etc); comply with, consent to (request,
and red don’t go together. Ω AsU\; Alakiu-liuk\ follow requirement, wish, etc)
convention; be in harmony with tradition Ω m¥io;Riu; liuk\ have a liuk\el¥av^eTX [lai' lyaw nyi dwe] adv in conformity
family resemblance Ω AeÂkac\; Araliuk\ by subject 9) do with, in compliance with, consistent with; appropriately
sthg commensurate with, do sthg in proportion to; do
sthg appropriate to 10) (give additionally to) complete; Úliuk\Úliuk\ […lai' …lai'] part particles used with
complemenet 11) make up the difference (esp in contrasting verbs to describe themes, activities, etc,
bartering) CF Aliuk\ep; 12) [inf] bribe, give payments to now …, now …, alternating between … and …
13) treat as, treat like Ω lu p\liuk\'
Aip\liuk\' lup\liuk\' Aip\liuk\' elaelaSy\
— part 1) suffix to verb to indicate sthg is done kÁn\eta.Bw dåp´" Work, sleep, work, sleep, right now that’s
completely, decisively, thoroughly Ω AeÂkac\; AÂka;-Aa;lMu; all my life is.
e®pa®paliuk\ty\" I explained it all to him. 2) suffix to verb liuk\qv\.®Ps\®Kc\; [? complete]
to indicate sthg is easily or quickly done, simply, just Aliuk\ [Alai'] part suffix to noun, indicating
Ω lay¨ liuk\my\" I'll come and get it. Ω d^ mxa-Â kv\. liuk\" Just dependence: according to, depending on, by, (along)
look at this! CF ps\liuk\ 3) suffix to verb to show that with
sthg was momentary, fleeting, brief, that sthg was liuk\2 [lai'] n bier, on which a corpse is placed for a funeral
caught, happened CF mi 4) suffix to noun, according to,
by the, with the, as a Ω Asuliuk\ in groups Ω miqa;suliuk\ as liuk\ka [lai' ka] n 1) curtain, drapery 2) (folding) screen

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 419

liuk\K¥^; ª lc\.
liuk\K¥^; [lai' chi;] n Œlychee, litchi, lichee, fruit with a white husband 2) woman wishing to be married
transparent pulp and firm red skin English pronunciation lc\tR¨;m [lin da. yu; ma.] n Îman-crazy woman
follows the Chinese, i.e., l^K¥^ lc\eTac\ [lin htaung] v snare a husband, trap a husband
lg\ [le'] n ßposition of the sun at the time of birth CF lc\ekac\Pm\;
lg\Riu; [le' yo:] n ßbasic astrology lc\en [lin ne]v 1) (of ƒ) get married, marry, have a
lg\Aim\ [le' ein] n ßposition of the sun in a horoscope husband S YN lc\y¨' Aim\eTac\k¥ 2) live with one's
husband and children CF mya;en [? check: d2 from grey]
lc\1 [lin] v [in comb] 1) complete; sufficient, adequate
CF u c\ 2) liberal, generous CF wwlc\ lc\enqa;emX; [lin ne tha; mwe;] n married woman [? def
lc\2 [lin] n husband, µ spouse S YN eyak¥\a;' Am¥io;qa; in grey?? (of a young ƒ) be old enough to marry and
CF mya; wife have children, be of marriageable age ?? or the opposite
lc\ekac\epÅ [lin gaung paw] v (of ƒ hiding a pregancy) of a virgin?]
find sb to be the official father [? check-def from grey] lc\enak\liuk\ [lin nau' lai'] v (of ƒ) elope
lc\på [lin ba] n stepchild (of ƒ) CF mya;på
lc\ekac\piu;cxk\ [lin gaung bo; hnge'] n barn owl lc\påqm^; [lin ba dhAmi;] n stepdaughter CF lc\på'
S YN min\ekac\ mya;påqm^;
lc\ekac\Pm\; [lin gaung hpan;] v (try to) catch a husband, lc\påqa; [lin ba dha;] n stepson (of ƒ) CF lc\på'
hunt a husband, go husband hunting CF lc\eTac\ mya;påqa;
lc\pn\; [lin ban;] n tray [? etym here?]
lc\kiuy\mha; [lin go mAya;] n married couple, husband lc\e®paqa;e®pa [lin pyaw; tha; pyaw] adv (of ƒ to µ)
and wife (without children) speak too familiarly (as if to husband
lc\”k^; [lin gyi;] n 1) (legal) husband (of a woman with CF qa;e®pamya;e®pa
a lover); cuckold Ó CF lc\c y\ lover; mya;”k^; first wife; pc\bn\;ªlc\pn\; [lin ban;] n tray
wife (of a man with a mistress) 2) former husband of a lc\mya; [lin mAya;] n married couple, husband and wife
remarried woman CF mya;”k^; former wife of a remarried man CF Aim\e Tac\ Pk\' Aim\e Tac\ qv\' lc\ kiuy\-mya;
lc\mx^; [lin hmi;] n Óhusband and wife
lc\kXamya;kXamO [lin gwa mAyAgwa hmu.] n divorce case lc\e®mHac\ [lin hmaung] n lover (of a married ƒ)
CFkXarxc\; divorce; ™ ®pt\ split up S YN lc\c y\' lc\ esac\
lc\eÂkac\;qa;eÂkac\; [lin gyaung; tha; gyaung;] n (of lc\y¨ [lin yu] v (of ƒ) marry, get married S YN Aim\eTac\k¥
women) talk about married life S YN lc\ska;qa;ska; [? check]
lc\Kn\;mya;Kn\; [lin gan; mAya; gan;] n (state of) being lc\eyak\¥a; [lin yau' kya;] n husband
married lc\r [lin ya.] n (of a ƒ) get married, find a husband
lc\cy\ [lin ngE] n lover or second husband (of a woman lc\rximya; [lin shI mAya;] n married woman
who is legally married) S YN lc\esac\' lc\e®mHac\ CF lc\”k^; lc\luBk\ [lin lu. pa'] n 1) relationship between women
husband of a woman with a lover; mya;cy\ mistress competing to marry the same man 2) woman trying to
lc\cy\en [lin ngE ne] v (of a wife) have a lover, commit steal one’s husband
adultery lc\wt\cå;på; [lin wu' nga; ba;] n five duties of a husband 1.
lc\ska;qa;ska; [lin zAga; tha; zAga;] n (of women) talk not speak harshly to his wife; 2. hand over all earnings
about marriage S YN lc\;eÂkac\; qa;eÂkac\; to his wife; 3. be faithful; 4. provide well for her; 5. be
lc\sMerX; [lin zan ywe;] v be too picky when choosing a loving and kind CF mya;wt\cå;på;
husband, wait too long for the right man Ω lc\sMerX; lc\ [lin dha;] n husband
lc\eKX; n´Ï-rmy\" The woman who is too choosy about a lkça [lin ga] n verse, poetry CF kb¥a; poem; Alkça prose
husband will end up with a dog. lc\n^mc\ [lin nAmin] n liniment [Engl]
lc\esac\ [lin zaung] n lover (of a married woman) lc\mns\1 [lin mAni] n lemonade, juice made with citrus fruit
S YN lc\cy\' lc\e®mHac\ or flavouring [Engl] CF AeA;' eP¥a\rv\
lc\sit\qa;sit\ [lin zei' tha; zei'] n (of ƒ) wish to have a lc\mns\2 [lin mAni'] n kind of fine cloth with printed pattern
family Ω k¨;'
kun\ [? examples]
lc\sit\qa;sit\m¥a; [lin zei' tha; zei' mya;] v (of ƒ) 1) be lc\. [lin.] v 1) wait (for), await; keep watch, keep vigil
worried about one's family 2) be eager to start a family (fml) CF em¥alc\. 2) be late, (of time) be past

— n high platform used to watch for game, or keep

lc\sMumya;Pk\ [lin zon mAyAbe'] n married couple,
watch RF lc\.sc\. (illus from file)
husband and wife
— part 1) suffix to negated verb for a negative
lc\v^Am [lin nyi Ama.] n 1) relationship between wives of command: do not S YN Nxc\.' ™ n´Ï 2) ¬suffix to verb for
brothers 2) sisters-in-law CF mya;v^A kiu brothers-in-law;
lc\.ksa; [lin. gAza;] part conjunction suffixed to verb,
lc\tR¨; [lin da. yu;] n 1) woman distressed by loss of her

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 420

lc\; ª elac\;
although, though, however, despite, even if, in spite of similar to almond S YN lXn\' lXn\Piu' lXn\;' razytn
lc\.sa; [lin. za;] v long for, look forward to, eagerly 2) starflower, Indian medlar, shade tree with sweet-
await smelling flowers S YN Ker' K¥ra; 3) kind of fruit tree
lc\.sc\ [lin. zin] n high platform used to watch for game, S YN eAa\l´
or keep watch CF emYasc\ lc\;lWa; [lin; hlwa;] n 1) small flag put up to show that a
lc\; [lin;] v 1) be bright S YN etak\ 2) be clear, be field is being cultivated 2) pellet bow S YN elak\el;
unobstructed S YN rxc\; 3) explain, clarify; enlighten, lc\;wk\ [lin; we'] n 1) night heron, kind of short heron
throw light on (a question, matter, etc) S YN rxc\; lc\; RF 2) kind of fruit bat
lc\; k¥c\;. [? addition ok?] 4) (of day) dawn, break; (of lc\;qk\ [lin; dhe'] n 1) black giant squirrel 2) fruit bat,
morning sky) lighten flying fox
lc\;k¥c\; [lin; kyin;] explain, clarify; enlighten, throw lic\ [lein] n 1) feature 2) genitalia, sex organs
light on (a question, matter, etc) S YN Ag:zat\ 3) sex CF dXilic\ hermaphrodite; npu n\;p‹ok\'
lc\;Âkk\ [lin; kye'] n cock which crows at dawn p‹ok\ 4) [gram] gender CF ItÊilic\ feminine; pul¬ic\
lc\;Âkk\eSa [lin; kye' hsaw;] v (of cock) crow (at masculine; npul¬ic\ neuter; Anpul¬ic\ 5) ‹10 rules of
dawn) conduct for novice monks, breaking of which can result
lc\;Âkk\eSaK¥in\ [lin; kye' hsaw; gyein] n cock’s crow, in expulsion CF lic\k¥ RF lic\Sy\på;.
daybreak, crack of dawn, very early morning lic\k¥ [lein kya.] v ‹(of novice) be expelled for breaking
lc\;på; [lin; ba;] v clarify, explain the rules of conduct
lc\;pXc\.mO [lin; pwin. hmu.] n epiphany lic\kX´Sk\SM®Kc\; [lein kwE; hse' hsan gyin;] n heterosexual
lc\;PXc\. [lin; hpwin.] v clear out trees and undergrowth sex
that interfere with valuable trees lic\t¨Sk\SM®Kc\; [lein tu hse' hsan gyin;] n homosexual sex
lc\;lc\;k¥c\;k¥c\; [lin; lin; kyin; kyin; (chin; gyin;)] n lic\pva [lein pyin nya] n 1) sex education 2) sexology,
1) broad daylight 2) place with good light study of sex
lc\;lp\ [lin la'] n mirage S YN tMlxp\ lic\®pn\ [lein pyan] v ‹(of novice) leave the sangha
lc\;Aa;”k^; [lin; a; kyi; (gyi;)] n very early morning, first lic\U [lein u.] n testicles S YN ewx;es. [? new grey]
light elac\ [laung] v 1) burn; burn up, be reduced to ashes 2) be
lc\;kc\; [lin; gin;] n short sword with an inward curve at burnt; be scorched, be damaged by excessive heat
the end of the blade CF enelac\ be sunburnt; Anaelac\ [? check cfs] 3) [inf]

lc\;kXc\; [lin; (lA)gwin;] n œcymbals scold harshly S YN S¨' pXn\' ®mv\tXn\etak\t^;

lc\;SX´ [lin; zwE;] n 1) fruit bat, large bat which roosts in elac\kÁm\; [laung kyun; (kywan;)] v be scorched
trees 2) ashy drongo S YN lc\;“m^;SX´ elac\sa [laung za] n 1) (in)flammable material,
lc\;t. [lAda. (lin; da.)] n vulture material that can burn 2) fuel for a fire CF Tc\ firewood;
lc\;t.miOc\miOc\ [lAda. (lin; da.) hmain hmain] v [fig] be m^;eqX; charcoal 3) fuel Ω elyaU\S^ aviation fuel, jet fuel
melancholy, mope CFelac\saS^ fuel; Dat\S^ petrol (UK), gas (Am); ernMS^
lc\;en [lin; ne] n Œsweet flag, calamus, herb with aromatic Rup\ÂkXc\;elac\sa fossil fuel
root, which grows in wet areas = lc\;el elac\tiuk\ [laung dai'] n structure made for a funeral
lc\;NiuÏ [lin; no.] n bat pyre for a monk [? permanent?]
lc\;NiuÏeK¥; [lin; no. chi; (che;)] n (bat) guano (used as elac\m^; [laung mi;] n 1) lightning S YN miu;”kio; 2) flame
S YN m^;etak\m^; lYM 3) kind of pest which attacks leaves of
rice plants
lc\;NiuÏetac\ [lin; no. daung] n elaborately decorative
carving in the areas between columns on pavilions, elac\m^;k¥ [laung mi; kya.] v 1) be struck by lightning
monastery buildings, etc 2) be burnt or scorched by lightning 3) be infested with
elac\m^; [? ok? not: 'be set aflame']
lc\;pk\ [lin; be'] n shallow water dragnet
lc\;piuc\ [lA (lin;) bain] n dolphin CF lc\;rxø; porpoise elac\m^;lk\nk\ [laung mi; le' ne'] n thunderbolt (as a
legendary weapon)
lc\;®pa [lin; bya;] n ring dove, collared dove = K¥io;lc\;®pa elac\qc\;er [laung thin; ye] n water with an ashy taste
lc\;“m^;SX´ [lin; mi; zwE;] n ashy drongo = lc\;SX´ or smell, as a result of the first rains falling on places
lc\;e®mX [lin; mwe] n rat snake, large nonvenonous snake where there have been forest fires
which eats rodents
elac\g¥^tXd\ [laung gyi tu'] n longitude [Engl] CF lt†^tXd\
lc\;yU\ [lin; yin] n sail S YN rXk\ latitude
lc\;yun\ [lin; yon] n eagle elac\; [laung;] v 1) pour S YN qXn\;K¥ [? not really just pour:
lc\;rxø; [lin; shu;] n porpoise CF lc\;piuc\ dolphin try to clarify, eg wouldn't use for pouring drink, but yes
lc\;el [lin; le] n Œsweet flag, calamus, herb with aromatic for pouring concrete] 2) water (plants, etc) 3) ‹put
root, which grows in wet areas = lc\;en offerings into a monk’s bowl 4) supplement, reinforce [?
lc\;el; [lin; le;] n longbow CF d¨;el; crossbow check] 5) wager, bet, place a bet, gamble (on), lay
lc\;lXn\; [lin; lun;] n Œ1) kind of tree with fruit and kernels (money, an amount, etc) on 6) cast (e.g., concrete in a

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 421

elac\;kut\AkÇ¥ ª lv\
form), mould (e.g., plastic, resin, etc) for printing from a line drawing [Engl line block]
— n ∑long, narrow racing rowing boat CF tk\sX´ CF PiutiuBelak\
oarsman RF elac\;elx. [? ok?] liuc\;wc\ [lain; win] v [sl] bribe CF erelac\;' laB\Tiu;
— part [in comb] future, soon-to-be, …-to-be ls\ [li'] v 1) slip out, slip away; (school) slip, play
Ω Bu rc\e lac\; future king Ω zn^ e lac\; bride-to-be CF Aelac\; hookey 2) slip, lapse, lose 3) be missing, be absent
elac\;ksa; [laung; gAza;] n gambling, gaming 4) ™steal, nick (Br), pinch, filch, pilfer, swipe (Am)
CF ekac\;eÂk; wager, bet S YN Kiu;' tiu;' e®Pac\ 5) lose (consciousness), pass out,
elac\;kiuy\ [laung; go] n ∑river boat with high prow faint A NT lv\ CF qtils\
and stern ls\e®p; [li' pye;] v run away to avoid responsibility, skip
elac\;eÂk; [laung; gye;]n wager, bet; amount of money town (Am inf), disappear, take a powder (inf)
staked or bet or wagered CF elac\; ksa; gambling [? are ls\lp\ [li' la'] v 1) be deficient, be substandard, be
these two really the same?] lacking, be wanting 2) be vacant, be unfilled 3) be
elac\;eÂk;sa;eÂk; [laung gye; sa; gye;] n agreement of lacking, be missing, not be done, be left undone, (of
the amount the loser has to pay to the winner responsibility) not be fulfilled, be neglected [? ?? from
S YN elac\; tm\; CF elac\;ksa; grey def -- see also next] 4) be uncovered, be (laid)
elac\;eÂk;Tp\ [laung; gye; hta'] [? def] bare, be stripped
elac\;Kiupc\ [laung; kho bin] n plants that grow in the ls\hc\; [li' hin;] v 1) (of responsibility, duty, etc) fail to
shade [? ok?] fulfill, neglect 2) have a setback, suffer a reversal or
elac\;sp\ [laung; sa'] n ∑kind of boat built of reverse, be thwarted [? check]
overlapping wooden planks, with an engine ls\B^;ya; [li' bi; ya;] n ∏Libya
elac\;eS; [laung; hse;] n additional medicine ls\B^;r^;ya; [li' bi; ri; ya;] n ∏Liberia
prescribed to complement medicine being taken, qz«^epql [li' zi pe thAla.] n ‹monk who avoids bad deeds
according to the disease or condition and cherishes the vinayas CF rhn\;eta\ monk [? check--
elac\;etac\; [laung; daung;] n large, long basket with a from grey]
narrow bottom and a wide mouth, used to fill a storage ls\Bry\ [li' bArE] adj liberal Ω ls\Bry\-D^miukers^ liberal
bin with rice, grain, etc CF KMetac\;' tc\etac\;' elac\; Aiu; democracy CF kXn\Saebts\ conservative
lv\ [lE] v 1) spin, revolve, rotate, go around (inf) RF
elac\;tm\;(sa;tm\;) [laung dan; (sa; dan;)] n agreement of lv\pt\. 2) (of engine, mill, etc) run, be in operation,
the amount the loser has to pay to the winner be operating, be running RF lv\pt\. 3) visit RF lv\pt\.
elac\;eÂk;sa;eÂk; CF elac\;ksa;
S YN 4) make the rounds 5) go around in circles, not get
elac\;pX´ [laung; bwE;] n betting game or contest [? cf anywhere CF m¥k\silv\ be lost 6) revert to 7) regain
what?] (consciousness), come to A NT ls\ CF qtilv\ 8) have
elac\;rip\ [laung; yei'] n shade, area which is shielded no concerns about money, do alright (inf)
from direct light = ASc\ e®plv\ 9) be sharp, be clever (neg), be shrewd
elac\;rit\mi [laung; yei' mI] v 1) (of plants, etc) be in the CF lim\pt\lv\ [? calculating? check 'expert' in next]
shade 2) [fig] be overshadowed, be dwarfed, be eclipsed 10) know very well, be an expert in
[? check last 2 in 2 -- too strong?] — n neck RF lv\pc\;.
elac\;elx [laung; hle] n ∑long, narrow racing rowing lv\kp\ [lE ga'] n choker, short necklace
boat lv\kup\ [lE go'] n nape (of the neck); (of animals)
elac\;Aiu; [laung; o;] n small water pot used to fill a scruff (of the neck)
larger pot CF elac\;etac\; lv\K¥a [lE gya] n 1) cloth around the neck of a shirt
elac\;kut\AkÇ¥ [laung; go' in; (ein;) gyi] n overcoat [Engl: 2) Óruff collar, decorative extra layer around the neck
long coat] of a shirt, jacket, etc
liuc\sc\ [lain sin] n licence Ω ka;emac\;liuc\sc\ driving license lv\eK¥ac\; [lE gyaung;] n throat
Ω lu p\c n\;liuc\ sc\ business licence lv\eK¥ac\;kX´ [lE gyaung; kwE;] v have a sore throat
liuc\sc\KM [lain sin khan] v apply for a licence lv\eK¥ac\;qM [lE gyaung; dhan] n gutteral voice
liuc\Niu [lain no] n linotype [Engl] lv\K¥ioc\. [lE gyaing.] n small depression in the middle of
liuc\nc\ [lain nin] n 1) lining, inner layer 2) trim; piping [Engl] the neck, between the collarbones
lv\KXM [lE gun] n collar (of shirt)
liuc\; [lain;] n 1) line S YN m¥U\; 2) (bus) route 3) living lv\KXMpt\”kio; [lE gun pa' kyo;] n short line tying a draught
quarters built in a row; row of flats, houses, etc animal's neck to the yoke S YN Tm\; piu;”kio;
4) career lv\es. [lE ze. (zI)] n 1) Adam's apple S YN slut\ (illus)
liuc\;ka; [lain; ka;] n (public) bus; pickup truck with seats 2) collar button CF Âky\q^; button
or benches, used as public transport [? coach/] lv\sc\;KM [lE sin; k han] v [fig] submit meekly
liuc\;Belak\ [lain; bAlau'] n line cut, engraving made lv\sv\; [lE zi;] n 1) (neck)tie; cravat; muffler, scarf

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 422

lv\; ª lt\
lv\pt\ 2) decorative band between roof tiers
S YN fastened around the neck of an animal 2) rope used to
CF hold steering oar in place S YN tk\mSiuc\;”kio; CF tk\m
lv\sv\;”kio; [lE zi; gyo;] n string tie steering oar; elx boat
lv\SM [lE zan] n (of lion, horse, etc) mane; (of dog, lv\®pn\ [lE pyan]
wolf, etc) hackles; (of certain µ birds, e.g., peacock, lv\®pn\Âkv\. [lE pyan kyI] v look over one's own shoulder
pigeon) hackle, neck plumage [? check dog. 2nd = qmc\lv\® pn\Âkv\. [? i.e.? and def of prev]
meaning in grey: something about flowers] lv\m¥io [lE myo] n throat above the Adam’s apple
lv\Ss\ [lE zi'] n 1) neck, cervical vertebrae 2) point lv\er;' lv\rs\ [lE ye;, lE; yi'] n wrinkles or lines on
where the trunk and crown of a tree meet CF pc\sv\ trunk; the throat
rXk\AMu crown lv\lim\na [lE lein na] n Newcastle disease, a highly
lv\SX´ [lE zwE;] n necklace = SX´”kio; CF lv\tun\ infectious viral disease of chickens, geese, ducks, and
lv\vHp\ [lE hnya'] n structure to hold the end of a lever other birds
in place CF emac\; lever lv\lx^; [lE hli;] v slit the throat
lv\tSn\ÏSn\Ï [lE tAhsan. zan.] adv (wait) in great lv\q^; [lE dhi;] n 1) (of palm trees) point where the
anticipation CF lv\pc\; rxv\ trunk and crown join 2) walls between the tiers of a
lv\tM [lE dan] n long thin neck, e.g., of bottle, long- tiered roof CF lv\epÅ 3) ‹part of the upper part of a
necked bird, etc pagoda (illus)
lv\etac\tc\ [lE daung tin] n Órough piece of terrain lv\hiuk\ [lE hai'] v 1) (area around the) neck (of a
lv\tiuc\ [lE dain] n slender neck [? or tapering?] shirt) S YN .lv\K¥a 2) low neckline
lv\tun\ [lE don] n choker with small pendants lv\As\ [lE i'] v gag
CF lv\SX´ lv\; [lE: (li;)] part 1) suffix to phrase: too, also, as well, in
lv\eTak\ [lE dau'] n 1) pillory, cangue, wooden device addition; suffix to parallel phrases: both … and …;
with holes for neck and hands, formerly used for suffix to negative parallel phrases: neither … nor …
punishment S YN pc\; qka; CF Tit\tuM; (illus) [? check] 2) suffix to parallel phrases: short for lYc\lv\; either …
2) hunk of wood or other heavy object tethered to the or …
neck of cattle, buffalo, etc to prevent them from moving lv\;ekac\;' &c\; [lAgaung;] part ¬1) suffix to parallel
quickly or going far phrases: both … and …, … and … 2) prefix to noun:
lv\epÅ [lE baw] n structure between tiered roofs this, the same, the aforementioned, the … mentioned
lv\epÅeSac\ [lE baw zaung] n the part of a building above 3) in lists, tables, etc: same as above, ditto
which has a tiered roof
lv\piuÏ [lE bo. (lAbo.)] n hump (of camel, cattle, etc) = lpiuÏ lv\;ekac\;enak\' &c\;enak\ [lAgaung; nau'] part
lv\pc\; [lE bin;] n 1) throat S YN lv\eK¥ac\; 2) neck ¬after this, afterward
3) neck (of bottle, etc) S YN lv\tM 4) neck (of shirt, lv\;ekac\;®pc\' &c\;®pc\ [lAgaung; pyin] part
etc) ¬moreover, besides [? in any case??]
lv\pc\”k^;eragå [lE bin; gyi; yaw; ga] n goitre (Br), goiter eqa\lv\;ekac\; [thaw lAgaung;] part suffix to parallel
(Am) phrases: either … or …
lv\pc\;Kiuk\' lv\pc\;Ti [lE bin; khai', lE bin; htI] v be up to liu%\ [hlain] n cave S YN g¨
the neck in (debt, work, etc) liu%\eKåc\; [hlain gaung;] n tunnel
lv\pc\;Nxs\ [lE bin; hni'] v 1) strangle, choke (sb) 2) [fig] liu%\g¨ [hlain gu] n cave, grotto
force sb to do, give, etc, twist sb's arm Upsa, bludgeon liu%\qM [hlain dhan] n hollow sound
Upsa, (esp for giving money or information) squeeze lt\1 [la'] v 1) be medium (size, grade, etc), be middling,
be average (quality, workmanship, etc), (of condition,
lv\pc\;epåk\ [lE bin; bau'] n neck (of shirt, blouse, etc) be fair 2) be fresh RF lt\St\.
jacket, etc) lt\St\ [la' hsa'] v be fresh [? ant?]
lv\pc\rxv\ [lE bin; she] v [fig] 1) eagerly await, wait in lt\tela(K¥c\;) [la' tAlaw; (gyin;)] adv 1) suddenly
great anticipation 2) wait (for) too long S YN yu t\tyk\ 2) presently, currently, at this time, now
lv\pc\;q^; [lE bin; dhi;] n collar stud; collar button 3) for the moment, for the present, for the time being
lv\pt\ [lE pa'] v 1) spin, revolve, rotate, go around
(inf) 2) (of engine, mill, etc) run, be in operation, be lt\telaˆa%\ [la' tAlaw; nyan] n quick or ready wit,
operating, be running 3) (of engine, mill, etc) start up, sharp mind S YN tKç%upJt†iˆa%\
run, operate [? new from grey] 4) visit 5) (of money) be lt\lt\ [la' la'] adv S YN lt\tela 1) suddenly
in circulation [lE ba'] 5) be knowledgeable about, know S YN yut\tyk\ 2) presently, currently, at this time, now
well, know all about 3) for the moment, for the present, for the time being
— n 1) muffler, scarf S YN lv\sv\; 2) (dog, cat, etc) [? new grey]
collar lt\l¥a;lt\l¥a; [la' ya; la' ya;] adv (sit, pass time, etc)
lv\pt\”kio; [lE ba' kyo;] n 1) lead, a strap, rope, etc idly, aimlessly [? sit ok?]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 423

lt\ ª lip\
lt\2 [la'] part ¬suffix to a verb for emphasis, esp in lip\1 [lei'] v 1) roll sthg up 2) be rolled up, be in a roll
elevated style Ω P¥alip\ rolled up mat 3) curl up (at the edge) Ω saAu p\-
lt†M> [lAtan.] part prefix to a verb or particle to indicate Ana;lip\enty\" The book is dog-eared.
future: will, (is) going to Ω enac\ ehalt†M>eqa min\ÏKXn\m¥a; lip\K^tv\;lv\;®Ps\ [lei' khE; ti; li; (tin; lin;) hpyi'] v (of
the speeches he would later give [ ph] [? ex ok?] conflict, dispute, question, etc) be unresolved; (of
problem, mystery, etc) be unsolved; (of matter,
lt\eqa [la' thaw;] part ¬particle used to translate business, etc) be unfinished, not reach a conclusion
Pali present or past participle in locative absolute lip\serXªlip\S¨;erW [lei' sAywe, lei' hsu; shwe] n Œkind of
Ω TX k\lt\e qa as he left Ω Kuns\e nÏlYc\' es. lt\ eqa-AKå after flowering bush with small thorns, used in traditional
seven days had passed medicine for fevers, diarrhoea, and to treat bites of
lt†^tXd\' lt†^tXt\' lt\t^tXt\ [la' ti tu'] n latitude scorpion, centipede, etc = lip\qerX
CF elac\g¥^tXd\ longitude lip\tMu; [lei' ton;] n 1) [weav] cloth beam 2) roller used
lit†a [lei' ta] n minute, one-sixtieth of a degree to stretch monks robes after washing CF qkçn\; monks
lut\ [lo'] n bite or mouthfull of food (held in fingers) robe
Ω πts\ lut\sa;P¨; q¨e k¥;z¨; [? really never used for lip\pt\lv\ [lei' pa' lE] v [fig] come to understand
spoon? what was the interp again?] clearly
lut\k¥c\; [lo' kyin;] v gargle = plut\k¥c\; lip\lv\; [lei' lE;] v = lim\.lv\; 1) deteriorate, get worse
ld\ [la'] n 1) ßquotient 2) result of mathematical 2) suffer a setback, recieve a blow 3) [fig] die, pass
operation S YN rld\ CF e®mHak\ld\ product; sa;ld\ quotient away, breathe one's last (breath)
ln\ [lan] v 1) turn up, curl up Ω NOt\Km\; nv\;nv\;ln\mity\" lip\qerXªlip\S¨;erW [lei' thAywe] n Œkind of flowering
My mouth turned up a little at the corners. [? ok?] 2) be bush with small thorns, used in traditional medicine for
turned back, be pushed back, be repulsed 3) give up in fevers, diarrhoea, and to treat bites of scorpion,
disgust CF lk\ln\ centipede, etc = lip\serX
ln\e®p; [lan pye;] v retreat from (because one cannot lip\2 [lei'] n 1) writing 2) address
hold out any longer), avoid [? ok? change from grey] lip\sa [lei' sa] n address Ω lip\saep;på" What’s your address?
ln\Piek¥ak\ [lan bI kyau'] n stones placed on the edge lip\(m¨)(tp\) [lei' (mu)(ta')] v address a letter, card,
of a mat to keep it flat parcel, etc
ln\kXt\t^ [lan ku' ti] n loincloth lip\3 [lei'] n turtle (esp living in water), tortoise (esp
ln\K¥a; [lan cha;] n Órickshaw, ricksha, small two-wheeled living on land)
vehicle with a seat for passengers, usually pulled by one lip\ek¥ak\ [lei' kyau'] n ray; skate (illus)
man lip\ek¥ak\S¨; [lei' kyau' hsu;] n sting of a ray
ln\K¥a;SX´ [lan cha; hswE;] v pull a rickshaw lip\ek¥ak\“m^; [lei' kyau' mi; (hmi;)] n stingray tail
ln\Ba; [lan ba;] n tall, gangling person [? check,new grey] lip\Âky\ [lei' kyE] n ©constellation Orion
lip\eKåc\; [lei' gaung;] n 1) haemorrhoids (Br),
ln\Ï [lan.] v 1) be startled, be alarmed, be afraid of hemorrhoids (Am), piles RF lip\eKåc\;eragå. 2) ©group of
= Tit\ln\Ï CF eÂkak\ln\Ï' eqX; ln\Ï' pX´ln\Ï 2) have or get a three stars in Orion S YN migq^nkƒt\
shock 3) (of child) be disturbed in one's sleep lip\eKåc\;eragå [lei' gaung; yaw; ga] n haemorrhoids (Br),
ln\ÏP¥p\ [lan. hpya' (hpyan.)] v be startled [? something hemorrhoids (Am), piles
more serious than this? there is an amulet (cf lei' pya) lip\KMu; [lei' khon;] n dome; sthg rounded on top
to protect from it] lip\KMu;ka; [lei' khon; ka;] n VW bug or beetle, Volkswagen
ln\;(Sn\;) [lan; (hsan;)] v 1) (of plants) be fresh A NT ViO; beetle (illus)
2) (of looks, face, etc) fresh 3) (of spirit, person, etc) lip\KXM [lei' khun] n carapace, shell of a turtle or tortoise;
be refreshed, be invigorated; be buoyant CF rWc\ tortoiseshell Ω lip\KXMB^; tortoise-shell comb CF lip\rc\Bt\
ln\;ln\;Sn\;Sn\; [lan; lan; hsan; hsan;] adv attentively, lip\ciuPXt\ciu [lei' ngo hpu' ngo] n [fig] crocodile tears
carefully, alertly lip\sXn\ [lei' sun] n cow-nosed ray
lin\;eT;' lin\;Pa [lein; hte;, lein hpa] v ∑caulk [? really put in lip\rc\Bt\ [lei' yin ba'] n part of a turtle or tortoise shell
lein: hto: as well? can't find it to check anywhere. can covering the under part of the body CF lip\KXM carapace,
you ask a boaty person?] tortoiseshell
lp\1 [la'] v CF ls\lp\ 1) be vacant 2) be missing lip\eqac\ [lei' thaung] n beach where turtles lay eggs
lp\2 [la'] n [baccarat] eight points (after tens have been lip\qv\;ek¥ak\ [lei' thE; kyau'] n gneiss, kind of very
discounted) hard, layered
lp\ªlaB\3 [la'] n 1) gift, sthg received 2) honorarium
(given to fortune teller) 3) bribe; graft; kickback lip\Uwxk\tm\;
[lei' u. hpwe' tan;]
lp\4 [la'] n ÓLord, highest title of civil servants during
n children’s game
British administrtion [Engl]
in which a stone

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 424

lip\qv\;ek¥ak\ gneiss
lip\ ª lup\
‘egg’ is hidden for the ‘mother tortoise’ to find premeditation) [? only of prominent person?]
lip\4 [lei'] abbr abbreviation of Agçlip\ [? new me] lup\kXk\(lup\kXc\;) [lo' kwe' (lo' kwin;)] n 1) field, plot of
lip\®pa [lei' pya] n 1) butterfly CF piu;PlM moth 2) spirit, soul, land being farmed 2) (business) opportunity;
consciousness opportunity for endeavour 3) worksite
lip\®pak¨; [lei' pya gu;] n butterfly (stroke) lup\ekÁ; [lo' kywe;] v support, be breadwinner of; care for
lip\®pakp\ [lei' pya ka'] v be compatible, suit
lip\®paeKÅ [lei' pya khaw] v conjure (the dead), summon lup\ekÁ;qmO®po [lo' kywe; dhAhmu. pyu.] v (fulfil one's
the spirit of sb who is dead responsibility to) take care of, look after, care for
lip\®paK¥op\ [lei' pya gyo'] n protective amulet for children lup\K [lo' kha.] n (sb's) pay, wages; fee, charge (for
CF ln\ÏP¥a [? see grey for details] service, work performed, etc) CF lk\K
lip\®paKX´ [lei' pya khwE;] v 1) drive away the soul of sb lup\Ksa; [lo' kha. sa;] v be employed, have a job
who has died recently (to prevent haunting) 2) astral lup\Kc\; [lo' khin;] n 1) work to be done, sthg to do,
projection, sending one's spirit out of one's body task, job 2) fields being farmed S YN siuk\kXk\siuk\Kc\;
lip\®pacy\ [lei' pya ngE] v 1) feel timid 2) feel inferior lup\Kc\;kiuc\Kc\;' lup\Kc\;lup\kXk\ [lo' khin; kain gin;, lo' khin;
CF Aa;cy\ lo' kwe'] n business prospects
lip\®pasU\mtt\ [lei' pya sin mAta'] v be scared to death, be lup\cn\;(kiuc\cn\;) [lo' ngan; (kain ngan;)] n work, business,
terrified, be frozen with fear; have a bad shock field, line (of work, business, etc), occupation,
S YN lip\®palXc\.mtt\ enterprise Ω cå;lup\cn\; fisheries Ω saeplup\c n\; qip\-m®mt\-
lip\®paetac\ [lei' pya daung] n 1) hinge 2) V-shaped eta.B¨;" There’s not much profit in the publishing field
roof, lower at the centre than at the sides 3) building anymore. Ω lup\c n\; kiu e®pac\;K¥c\ty\" I want to get into a
with a V-shaped roof new line of work. [? really also task, job? if not combine
lip\®paNu [lei' pya nu.] v be easily possessed by spirits with next. more examples, check these of course. Also
lip\®palMu [lei' pya lon] v have a clear conscience sector, eg service sector?]
S YN lip\®paqn\Ï lup\cn\;KXc\ [lo' ngan; gwin] n 1) workplace, work, job
lip\®palXc\.mtt\ [lei' pya lwin. mAta'] v be scared to death, 2) work environment
be terrified, be frozen with fear; have a bad shock lup\cn\;KXc\AetX>A”kMo [lo' ngan; gwin Atwe. Akyon] n work
S YN lip\®pasU\mtt\ experience (in a certain field), experience on the job
lip\®paqn\Ï [lei' pya than.] v have a clear conscience lup\cn\;sU\ [lo' ngan; zin] n 1) agenda, work schedule,
S YN programme (for work) 2) procedure
lup\1 [lo'] v 1) do; carry out (task, assignment, etc) lup\cn\;eSac\ta [lo' ngan; hsaung da] n work
Ω Balu p\rc\-e kac\; ml´" What should we do? Ω mlu p\req;B¨;" I responsibility [? check - changed according to grey.
haven’t done it yet. Ω eqK¥a-lup\på" Do it carefully. 2) work need example for clarity]
(as), be occupied as, do (for a living), be lup\ska; [lo' zAga;] n lie, pretense, fiction, fabrication
Ω mc\; qm^;lu p\K¥c\ ty\" I want to be an actress. 3) behave, lup\sa [lo' sa] n earnings, income CF wc\ecX
act, do 4) make, create 5) play (the rôle of) 6) make up, lup\sa; [lo' sa;] v 1) do (for a living) Ω cy\cy\ktv\;k
invent, fabricate, cook up (inf) (story, reason, eSak\lup\er;p´ lup\sa;enty\" I’ve been in construction
explanation, etc) CF lup\ska;' lup\zat\ 7) beat sb up, ever since I was young. [? check ex, fine tune next -- be
thrash 8) ∞have sex, do it corrupt?] 2) [neg] take (dishonest) advantage of a
— part prefix to noun or verb, to indicate that sthg is situation, position, etc; exploit one's position for
forced, insincere, faked, made up, unreal, artificial, personal gain
phon(e)y, false Ω lup\“pMo;ty\ force a smile Ω lup\em;ty\ ask lup\sa;kiuc\sa; [lo' sa; kain za;] n sb with barely enough
(pretending ignorance) [? new JO -- need noun example money for basic needs, sb living from hand to mouth
too] lup\eSac\ [lo' hsaung] v do, carry out, perform
lup\kiuc\ [lo' kain] v 1) do (for a living), be occupied as, lup\eSac\K¥k\ [lo' hsaung gye'] n completed task, sthg
work (as) 2) take responsibility for finished, sthg done (inf)
lup\”kM [lo' kyan] v 1) endeavour (to), make a great or lup\zat\ [lo' za'] n (trumped-up) story (inf), line (inf)
special effort (to), try one's best 2) try to be victorious; Ω ——— Don't give me that line again. Nobody believes
try to win [? check -- only military?] 3) assassinate; her stories anymore.
murder with premeditation 4) scheme, plot against lup\TMu;lup\nv\; [lo' hton; lo' ni;] n method, procedure,
5) fabricate, concoct, make up 6) sham, fake, pretend way sthg is done
7) cheat lup\nv\;(lup\hn\) [lo' ni; (lo' han)] n technique, style;
— adv lacking in sincerity, true feeling, truth, etc, with method
false, phony, faked, put-on, false Ω lup\”kM“pMo; with a phony lup\piuc\KXc\. [lo' pain gwin.] n right or authority (to act)
smile Ω lup\”kMsiu;rim\ with faked concern [? ok?] Ω lu p\piuc\KXc\.- mrxi B¨;" That’s outside my authority. [? ok?]
lup\”kMmO [lo' kyan hmu.] n 1) fabrication, falsehood, lup\ePa\kiuc\Pk\' lup\ePa\lup\Pk\ [lo' hpaw kain be', lo'
fiction, lie 2) assassination, murder (with hpaw lo' hpe'] n colleague (in professions), co-worker,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 425

lup\tiuc\; ª lm\;
collaborator (on project, research, etc) not get what one expects [? ok?] 2) bring bad luck
lup\er;eSac\ta [lo' ye; hsaung da] n assignment, task, laB\pup\ [la' po'] v jinx, ruin one's chances, bring bad
job [? need examples showing usage of these similar luck [? check]
words, task, job] laB\®mc\ [la' myin] v be farsighted; see an opportunity
lup\rv\kiuk\rv\ [lo' ye kain ye] n capability, capacity,
competence CF ”kMrv\Pn\rv\ resourcefulness [? really laB\rWc\ [la' shwin] v 1) receive many gifts 2) receive
efficiency?] many bribes
lup\rv\”kMrv\ [lo' ye kyan ye] n planning and working laB\lB [la' la ba.] n 1) valuable gift, sthg received
ability 2) bribe; graft; kickback
lup\rv\w [lo' ye wa.] v be experienced laB\qp\pka [la' tha' pAka] n gift given to honour sb
lup\rt\ [lo' ya'] n alchemy S YN Ag©iyt\ [? there' s a first one respects [? ok? not same as laq 2]
def in gry] lm\; [lan;] n 1) road, (usu in town or city, lined with
lup\rp\ [lo' ya'] n 1) handiwork S YN lk\ra 2) deed, act [? buildings) street, avenue (large street in a town or city),
pos or neg? if pos, accomplishment, feat] way, (usu narrow); lane; (usu small, unpaved, far from
lup\l^lup\l´. [lo' li lo' lE.] adv gracefully, in a refined, buildings) track, path; roadway Ω kt†ralm\; asphalt road,
feminine manner, daintily paved road 2) way, means, method S YN nv\; lm\; [? ok?]
lup\qa; [lo' tha;] n worker [? need other words, like 3) route, way from one place to another Ω ellm\; air
worker's union, workers' rights, etc] route S YN eÂkac\; 4) journey, trip, course, way or
lup\qa;p¥a; [lo' tha; pya;] n worker bee direction taken [? ok? ] 5) orbit (of sun, moon, planet,
lup\qa;®pv\q¨ [lo' tha; pyi dhu] n ∏working people [? etc), track, circuit, course CF pt\lm\; 6) way,
what about a nice slogan as an example?] opportunity, means (to achieve something) 7) Ω erx;rOra
lup\ [lo' thAna'] n handmade gun ®pdå;tlm\; qMtlm\; [? new from grey. Fix all in lan:
lup\qk\ [lo' the'] n (length of) service gyaung; too]
lup\qk\KXc\. [lo' the' khwin.] v (paid) holiday (Br), vacation lm\;k¨; [lan; gu;] n crossing, place where a road can be
(Am), based on time employed crossed
lup\qk\Su [lo' the' hsu.] n retirement bonus lm\;k¥ [lan; kya.] v 1) be on the way S YN lm\;”kMo 2) be
lup\qk\®pv\.pc\sc\ [lo' the' pyI pin sin] n pension given accessible, be reachable (by) S YN lm\;qc\. 3) be in the
after a certain length of employment CF qk\®pv\.pc\sc\ path of sthg Ω mun\tiuc\; lm\;k¥ in the path of the storm
pension given at a certain age S YN lm\;qc\. 4) be proper, be according to the rules, be
lup\Aa; [lo' a;] n labour, service; help, assistance right, be just S YN nv\; lm\;k¥
lup\Aa;ep; [lo' a; pe;] v contribute labour, work without lm\;Âka; [lan; gya;] n narrow road or passageway
pay, etc between buildings, trees, etc, alley (esp behind
lup\Aa;rxc\ [lo' a; shin] n inmate in a New Life Camp buildings) = lm\;eB;lm\;Âka;
CF Ak¥U\;qa;/q¨' rBk\' Bwqs\sKn\; lm\;eÂkac\; [lan; gyaung;] n 1) road, (usu in town or city,
lined with buildings) street, way, (usu narrow); lane;
lup\tiuc\; [lo' tain;] n Ógraveyard, burial ground, necropolis
(usu small, unpaved, far from buildings) track, path
S YN qk¥Çc\;
Ω kt† ralm\; asphalt road, paved road 2) way, means,
laB\ [la'] n 1) valuable gift, sthg received RF laB\lB. [?
method S YN nv\; lm\; 3) route, way to get from one place
not happy with this def yet. check syn of next]
to another Ω ellm\;eÂkac\; air route = eÂkac\; 4) orbit,
2) honorarium, gift (given to fortune teller, etc in
(of sun, moon, planet, etc), track, circuit, course
appreciation) Ω BaB\kiu p¨eza\ give an honorarium RF
CF pt\ lm\; 5) way, opportunity, means (to achieve
laB\qp\pka. 3) bribe; graft; kickback RF laB\lB.
laB\ekac\ [la' kaung] n talisman, good luck charm,
lm\;eÂkac\;®p [lan; kyaung; pya.] v 1) show sb the way
2) pilot
laB\ekac\; [la' kaun;] v 1) get a lucky break, have a
stroke of luck [? ok?] 2) be auspicious
lm\;eÂkac\;ep; [lan; kyaung; pe;] v 1) guide, advise
2) prompt (discussion, etc)
laB\eKÅ [la' khaw] n 1) do sthg for good luck 2) ask for
or solicit or demand bribe
lm\;eÂkac\;e®pac\; [lan; gyaung; pyaung;] v
S YN lm\;eÂkac\;lX´ 1) find a new way 2) change the
laB\la; [la' la;] v take bribes
subject (of conversation, etc); divert, deflect (attention,
laB\tiuk\ [la' tai'] be lucky, have a stroke of good luck etc)
[? new from grey]
lm\;eÂkac\;rxa [lan; kyaung; sha] v look for an excuse (to
laB\tit\ [la' tei'] v S YN laB\pit\ 1) have back luck, do sthg)
not get what one expects [? ok?] 2) bring bad luck
lm\;eÂkac\;rxc\; [lan; kyaung; shin;] v 1) have a clear way
laB\Tiu; [la' hto;] v bribe S YN erelac\; 2) (of road, way, etc) be open, be clear, be free of
laB\ep;laB\y¨ [la' pe; la' yu] n bribery traffic 3) [fig] have nothing blocking one's way, have an
laB\pit\ [la' pei'] v S YN laB\tit\ 1) have back luck, open road 4) clear the way, clear the road (of traffic)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 426

lm\; ª lm\;
lm\;eÂkac\;lX´ [lan; gyaung; lwE;] v 1) find a new way sb to give way, ask to be let in; ask to pass CF lm\;ep;'
S YN lm\;eÂkac\;e®pac\; 2) change the subject (of lm\;Py\
conversation, etc); divert, deflect (attention, etc) lm\;eTak\ [lan; dau'] n rest stop, rest area, way station,
S YN lm\;eÂkac\;e®pac\; 2) change course, change direction; lay-by (Br)
divert lm\;eTac\. [lan; htaung.] v be out of the way, not be on
lm\;”kit\sk\ [lan; gyei' se'] n steamroller the way A NT lm\;”kMo' lm\; qc\.
lm\;”kMo [lan; gyon] v be on the way A NT lm\;eTac\. lm\;Tip\ [lan; htei'] n place where one road meets
— adv en route, on the way; the same way Ω lm\;”kMotc\' another, corner, top of road Ω 45lm\; biul\K¥op\Tip\ 45th and
lm\;”kMoep;' lm\;”kMoeKÅ' Ω lm\;”kMowc\ visit on en route Bogyoke; on 45th near Bogyoke Ω ¯etac\”k^;Siuc\By\mxal´˘
Ω lm\;”kMo liuk\ go along (the same way) [? think of trans ¯erx>lm\;Tip\mxa˘ ‘Where’s the Taunggyi Shop?’ ‘On the next
for rest] corner.’ Ω lm\; Tip\-TXk\eSac\.my\" I’ll come out and wait at
lm\;Kult\ [lan; khu. la'] adv en route, under way, on the the top of the road. [? new me. check ex]
trip = lm\;KXt\lt\ [? check with example -- part of
speech? ] lm\;TXc\ [lan; htwin] v 1) hack out a path, force one's way
lm\;Kc\; [lan; khin;] v 1) build or construct a road; pave a through (jungle, etc), open a new route 2) [fig]
road, tar a road, surface or pavea road, tar a road pioneer, break new ground, open up an area, chart new
2) [fig] pave the way (for), open the way, open the door territory, innovate
(for) lm\;Da;®p [lan; dAmya.] n bandit, highwayman Ó,
lm\;eK¥a [lan; chaw;] v 1) skid, spin out, slide out of brigand Ó
control 2) (of train, streetcar, etc) derail, run off the lm\;ep; [lan; pe;] v give way, yield (right of way), let sb
rails 3) [fig] deviate (from the right path or direction), in; let sb pass
take the wrong path, go astray lm\;epåk\ [lan; pau'] v 1) (of a place) be accessible by
lm\;KX [lan; gwa.] n fork (in the road) CF lm\;el;KX crossing road CF lm\; k¥' lm\; qc\. [? example with 'can you go by
road, is there a road'] 2) go often (to a place), frequent
lm\;KXerak\ [lan; gwa. yau'] v come to a point where one (fml), hang out at (inf) 3) [alchemy] attain power, be
is forced to choose successful, have a breakthrough
lm\;kX´ [lan; kwE;] [lan gwE;]v part (ways), separate, — n entrance to a road, lane, etc [? new grey]
(each) go one's own way lm\;pit\ [lan; pei'] v 1) close a road 2) block off or
— n 1) (railway) feeder line; branch line 2) feeder road cordon off or barricade an area; put up roadblocks
3) have one's way blocked 4) [fig] encounter obtacles,
lm\;KXt\lt\ [lan; khu' la'] adv en route, under way, on find one's way blocked
the trip = lm\;Kult\ [? check with example -- part of lm\;pit\SiuÏmO [lan; pei' hso. hmu.] n heavy traffic; traffic jam,
speech? ] hold up
lm\;s [lan; za.] n 1) starting point, place to begin, lm\;pn\; [lan; pan;] n route Ω Kr^;lm\;eÂkac\; [? correct?
opening 2) lead, clue, hint useage -- and context of next]
lm\;sU\ [lan; zin] n 1) way, procedure, process 2) [fig] lm\;pn\;Sk\qXy\er; [lan; pan; hse' thwE ye;] n road and
course (to be followed), roadmap 3) directive, communications
pronouncement, instruction, order, command 4) short lm\;®p [lan; pya.] v 1) give directions (to someplace) [lan;
name of Burma Socialist Programme Party, BSPP, in bya.] 2) guide, advise
power from 1974–88 Ω ®mn\ma-Siurxy\ls\-lm\;sU\-påt^ el;sa;- — n guide
liuk\naAp\eqa pug©iol\-ts\sMuts\U^;f sM®poPXy\-eSac\rXk\mO lm\;®ppulip\ [lan; bya. pAlei'] n Ótraffic police
CF mSl [? review defs -- only 2? what about S YN yaU\Tim\;
programme, policy?] lm\;®pt\ [lan; pya'] v 1) be cut off 2) [fig] be estranged
lm\;SMu [lan; zon] n crossing, intersection (Am), lm\;pXc\. [lan; pwin.] v 1) (of road, way, etc) be open, be
junction, crossroads clear, be free, not be blocked 2) (of new road) open
lm\;SMu; [lan; hson;] v 1) (of journey, road, etc) end [lan; 3) [fig] find one's way open or free (for sthg)
zon;] 2) [fig] reach the limit, exhaust all possibilities, lm\;ePak\ [lan; hpau'] v 1) build or construct a road
reach an impasse [? ok?] 2) [fig] make a way (for sthg to happen); put (people
— n 1) end of the line, terminus 2) [fig] the limit who want to make a deal) into contact
3) [fig] dead end, blind alley, impasse lm\;Pun\ [lan; hpon] v be busy, be well-travelled, be well
lm\;VWn\ [lan; hnyun] v 1) give directions (on how to get trodden
somewhere) 2) direct, instruct (how to do sthg) lm\;Pun\Pun\ [lan; hpon bon] n beaten track, well-travelled
— n manual, guide, directions, instructions road
lm\;VWn\K¥k\ [lan; hnyun gye'] n user manual, directions lm\;Py\ [lan; hpE] v 1) make way 2) [fig] clear the way
for use, instructions lm\;e®Pac\. [lan; hpyaung.] v 1) (of road) be straight (as a
lm\;etac\; [lan; taung;] v [driving] ask to make way, ask die) 2) (of place) be easy to get to or reach, be easily

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 427

lim\ ª lim\.
accessible or reached 3) [fig] make headway, make lm\; [lan; tha]v 1) (of journey, trip, etc) easy, smooth,
progress 4) safe, free of distractions or dangers [? piece pleasant 2) (of conditions, circumstances, etc) be
of cake? cakewalk? cinch? child's play] promising
lm\;e®Pac\.ep; [lan; hpyaung. pe;] v [fig] put sb back on the lm\;qc\. [lan; thin.] v S YN lm\;k¥ 1) (of place) be
right track accessible A NT lm\;etac\. 2) be in the path of Ω mun\tiuc\-
lm\;®Pt\ [lan; hpya'] v 1) cross a road, street, etc 2) [fig] lm\;qc\. in the path of the storm
end a relationship lm\;qXy\ [lan; dhwE] n small road leading off a large
lm\;eB; [lan; be;] n roadside, streetside, wayside road [? only in cities?]
Ω lm\;eB;-eZ;qv\ hawker, roadside seller Ω lm\;eB;- lm\;U^;tiuk\ [lan; u; dai'] adv right at the end of the road,
lk\Pk\rv\-Siuc\ kerbside teashop (Br), sidewalk teashop facing down the road Ω kÁn\mtiuÏ-Aim\ d^lm\; n´ÏU^;tiuk\p´" Our
(Am) CF k¥pn\;' p¥Mk¥ home is right at the end of this road.
lm\;eB;s”kC [lan; be; zin; gyan] n pavement (Br), lim\1 [lein] v 1) lie, deceive sb, tell sb a lie RF lim\va'
sidewalk (Am), walkway by the side of a road lim\lv\. 2) cheat, scam, con; overcharge, rip off (inf) RF
lm\;eB;erak\ [lan; be; yau'] v [fig] be impoverished, be lim\va' lim\lv\. [? BOX with different kinds of frauds?
ruined goldbrick, rip off, sting, fleece, double cross, etc shady]
lm\;m [lan; ma.] n high street (Br), main street (Am); 3) twist RF lim\ekak\. 4) be twisted RF lim\ekak\.
main road 5) pinch, tweak RF lim\S.X´
lm\;t\tt\ [lan; ma' ta'] adv (while) on the way, en route lim\ekak\ [lein kau'] v 1) twist 2) be twisted 3) be
dishonest, be crooked, be unscrupulous
lm\;m¥a; [lan; mya;] v have or find a reason to keep lim\SX´ [lein hswE;] v pinch, tweak
moving from one place to another lim\va [lein nya] v S YN lim\lv\ 1) lie, deceive sb, tell sb
lm\;mxa;liuk\ [lan; hma; lai'] v 1) take a wrong turn, go a lie 2) cheat, scam, con
the wrong way 2) [fig] take the wrong path lim\Pv\ [lein hpE] v 1) be warped; be contorted 2) be
lm\;mxn\ [lan; hman] n the right way crooked, be twisted
lm\;mxn\km\;mxn\ [lan; hman kan; hman] adv properly, fairly, lim\Pv\Pv\ [lein hpE bE] adv (of movements) with a
justly twist; contortedly [? check swivelling - flick? snap?]
lm\;e®mHac\ [lan; hmyaung] n (parallel) secondary road, by- lim\Pv\lim\Pv\lm\;elYak\ [lein hpE lein hpE lan; shau'] v
road [? really no ha.?] (walk with a) limp
lm\;®mWa [lan; hmwa] n branch road lim\yxk\ [lein she'] v be intertwined
lm\;Riu; [lan; yo;] n established method, time-honoured lim\lv\ [lein lE] v S YN lim\va 1) lie, deceive sb, tell sb
way a lie 2) cheat, scam, con
lm\;rxc\; [lan; shin;] v 1) (of road, way, etc) be clear of lim\lv\mO [lein lE hmu.] n [law] fraud [? check in law
traffic, be open = lm\;eÂkac\;rxc\; 2) clear traffic from book]
road = lm\;eÂkac\;rxc\; 3) [fig] clear the way, remove lim\2 [lein] n Œkind of large timber tree
obstacles limµa [lein ma] v 1) be polite and obedient, be well-
lm\;el;KX [lan; le; gwa.] n 1) crossroads, crossing, four- behaved, be a good child RF limµaer;®Ka;rxi. 2) be smart,
way junction 2) [fig] in public, in the public square be intelligent RF limµaer;®Ka;rxi. 3) be skillful, be clever,
lm\;lX´ [lan; lwE;] v 1) get lost, lose one's way, take a be well-trained Ω kÁm\; k¥c\ra-limµa [? ??]
wrong turn, go the wrong way 2) [fig] go astray limµapå;np\ [lein ma pa; na'] v be shrewd
lm\;elYak\ [lan; shau'] v 1) walk; go on foot limµaer;®Ka;rxi [lein ma ye; gya; shI] v 1) be polite and
S YN e®Kl¥c\qXa; 2) take a walk, take a stroll, take a turn obedient, be well-behaved, be a good child 2) be smart,
— ph be intelligent
lm\;elYak\pc\ [lan; shau' bin] n Œbush with red leaves, liemµa\ [lein maw] n Œtangerine, citrus fruit with a loose skin
often grown as a hedge CF erxak\K¥io' km` la orange
lm\;elYak\RMupiuc\ [lan; shau' yon pain] n relieving station liemµa\erac\ [lein maw yaung] n orange
master [? historical?] lim\.1 [lein.] v 1) roll, flip CF l¨; 2) be at loose ends Upsa
lm\;lW´ [lan; hlwE;] v 1) divert 2) change subject; try to 3) be in trouble; fail; lose heavily 4) [inf] be away from
distract sb
— n 1) detour, diversion 2) [rail] points — part count word for turns of a wheel [ nc]
lm\;qr´ [lan; thAyE;] n 1) waif, urchin; homeless drifter lim\.lv\;ªlip\lv\; [lein. lE;] v 1) deteriorate, get
2) hooligan, yob (Br), vandal [? check vandal and other worse 2) suffer a setback, recieve a blow 3) [fig] die,
re] pass away, breathe one's last (breath)
lm\; [lan; thAla;] v stroll, swan, parade, promenade; lim\.2 [lein.] part ¬[poet] suffix to verb indicating future
wander, ramble, drift [? really to attract attention? probability: will probably CF på1 pålm\.
strut, sashay. Really without aim? if farther distances, lim\.mv\ [lein. myi] part ¬suffix to verb indicating future
roam, rove, range]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 428

lim\; ª lMu;
probability: will probably all, the whole, the entire Ω ts\qk\lMu; her whole life
lim\.my\ [lein. mE] part ™suffix to verb indicating future Ω cå;B¨;lMu; eqak\K´. qla;" Did you drink all five bottles?
probability: will probably Ω ts\ rXa-lMu; Pi t\my\" We will invite the whole village.
lim\.AMu;my\ [lein. on; mE] part suffix to verb indicating Ω ts\ kiuy\lMu; K¥m\; ty\" He was cold all over. Ω Kn\;lMu;®pv.\ full
future probability: will probably to capacity, no vacancy CF slMu; [? ok?] 3) suffix to
lim\; [lein;] v 1) (of liquids, pastes, i.e., paint, lotion, certain verbs to form a noun Ω eT.lMu; sarcasatic comment
medicine, makeup, thanakhan, etc) apply, smear, paint, Ω ®pk\ lMu; joke, gag, comic sketch Ω Sc\ lMu; fabrication, lie
put on CF l¨; 2) (of speech) become slurred Ω e®Kak\ lMu; threat [? according to green, indicates that
lim\;eS; [lein; ze;] n topical medicine, i.e., ointment, these are hollow -- think so? Also, what about sense 4
balm, lotion, etc there.] 4) suffix to noun to indicate rounded form
lMu [lon] v 1) be (fully) covered; be sealed; be enveloped, be Ω pu kn\;lMu; bowl Ω K´ salMu; lead type Ω Rup\lMu; sculpture
packed CF mxn\lMuka; coach 2) be protected, be safe lMu;ekak\ [lon; gau'] adv literally, word for word,
CF kiuy\lMupva martial arts [? really feel?] 3) (of verbatim [? check usage]
conscience, mind, etc) be clean, be clear Ω sit\lMu have a lMu;”k^;tc\ [lon; gyi; tin] n [orth] _i symbol
clear mind lMu;”k^;tc\Sn\Kt\ [lon; gyi; tin hsan kha'] n [orth] _^
— n crucible (esp for alchemy) symbol
— part -proof, -free, -safe Ω erlMu waterproof Ω yc\lMu fly- lMu;”k^;epåk\lx [lon; gyi; pau' hla.] v be voluptuous, be
free Ω ®Kc\lMuz ka mosquito netting curvaceous, have a full figure
lMu“KMo [lon gyon] v be secure, be safe lMu;kÁt\ [lon; kyu'] part suffix to noun: in its entirety, the
lMu“KMoer; [lon gyon ye;] n 1) security 2) guard whole … Ω erk¨;Aqc\; lMu;kÁt\ Asv\;Aew; Swimmers
lMuelak\ [lon lau'] v be sufficient, be enough CF elak\c Society general meeting [? more examples]
lMu;Kn´ [lon; gAnE;] adv all together, in one lump; in bulk
lMulMul´l´ [lon lon lE; lE;] adv (covered, dressed, etc) lMu;K¥aK¥a®Ps\ [lon; cha gya hpyi'] v be confused, be mixed up
sufficienty, adequately, well enough
mlMml´u [mAlon mAlE;] adv guiltily Ω mlMuml´-“pMo; have, give, lMu;K¥aliuk\ [lon; cha lai'] v have no escape, have no way
etc a guilty smile Ω mlMuml´-Âkv\. have, give, etc a guilty look out, go (a)round in circles S YN lMu; lv\liuk\
lMukXc\;' lMuK¥v\ [lon gwin;, lon gyi] n longyi, sarong CF puSiu;' lMu;eK¥a [lon; gyaw;] v be round and smooth, be plain
and polished
lMum [lon ma.] n young woman, girl, (used by sb older) — n cabochon, highly polished gem with no facets
lMul [lon la.] n hard work, energy, industry, diligence lMu;K¥c\; [lon; gyin;] v 1) be verbatim, be word for word
2) be separate, be complete; (of house) be detached;
lMulsiuk\ [lon la. sai'] v work hard, apply oneself, be
(of story, novel, etc) be independent, i.e., not part of a
industrious, be diligent
lMulpeyag [lon la. pAyaw; ga.] n effort, hard work and
support, exertion; influence
lMu;K¥op\ [lon; gyo'] n hemstitch
lMulw^riy [lon la. wArI ya.] n persistent, active effort,
lMu;\es. [lon; zI (ze.) pa' sI (se.)] adv in detail
industriousness, exertion, energy
lMu;t^; [lon; di;] v be naked, be nude, be uncovered
kiuy\lMu; t^;
lMulvqya [lon la. nya thAya] n strength, power, energy;
striving [? check spelling]
— n brown rice, rice with the husk removed but the
bran intact
lMu; [lon;] v 1) be round, be spherical 2) (of person) be
rotund, be short and plump 3) make or roll into a ball
— adv 1) alone, by oneself [? really singly? ] 2) simple,
plain, unadorned
4) round edges, fell seam 5) (of sound, voice, etc) be
garbled, be distorted, (of words, etc) be unintelligible lMu;tc\ªlMu;”k^;tc\ [lon; tin] n [orth] _i symbol
RF lMu;eTX;. 6) be close (to sb) S YN rc\n^; CF eTX;la;lMu; la;
lMu;eTX; [lon; htwe;] v 1) (of sound, voice, etc) be
[? syn, cf ok?] 7) wrestle, grapple, struggle (hand-to- garbled, be distorted, (of words, etc) be unintelligible
hand) CF npm\;lMu; wrestle; struggle RF lMu;eTX;. 8) (of fish, 2) wrestle, grapple, struggle (hand-to-hand) CF npm\; lMu;
meat dish) cook partially (and set aside) [? set aside wrestle; struggle 3) be tangled, be ensnarled; be mixed up
ok?] [? check ensnarled]

— adv all at once, in a lump lMu;eTX;qt\pup\ [lon; htwe; tha' po'] v wrestle; fight [?
— part 1) count word for counting rounded or irregular
things; count word for bamboo poles and lengths of
lMu;TXc\;(elx) [lon; dwin; (hle)] n dugout canoe, boat
made from a single tree trunk
rattan Ω KXk\-ts\lMu; a cup (the cup or glass itself, as
opposed to a cup of something) Ω qrk\q^;cå;lMu; five lMu;på;på; [lon; ba; pa;] v decline, wear down; waste or
mangoes Ω wå;ts\lMu; a bamboo pole Ω ”kim\lMu; (rattan) cane dwindle away
Ω Ai m\ts\ lMu; a house Ω Ekƒ raqMu;lMu; three letters or characters lMu;piu [lon; bo] n unnecessary word (esp in poem, speech)
[ nc] 2) particle indicating that an entirity is included: [? in _a_ speech, or in talking? extra? flourish, bad
style? wrong rhythm???]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 429

ly\ ª l¥a
lMu;epåk\ [lon; bau'] part suffix to a period of time: all … ly\KXn\yank\ [lE gun ya ne'] n crops = ly\nk\
long, throughout, (straight) through the Ω vlMu;epåk\-pXc \. ly\sa;liuk\ [lE za; lai'] v CF ly\k¨K¥ [? need def]
lk\Pk\rv\-Siuc\ all-night teashop ly\sim\; [lE zein;] n newly cleared rice paddy CF ly\k¥k\'
lMu;pt\ [lon; ba'] n circumference, girth ly\t^
lMu;pn\; [lon; ban;] v strive, try hard ly\t^ [lE ti] v clear virgin land for rice farming
lMu;pXa; [lon; bwa;] n 1) cut gem under one rt^ (0.388 ly\t´ [lE dE;] n field hut
carat) 2) small gems (of a certain kind) adding up to ly\eta [lE daw;] n rice paddies
one rt^ (0.388 carat) ly\eTak\K [lE dau' kha.] n Ótenant fee paid to paddy
lMu;rp\q¤an\ [lon; ya' dhAdan] n build, physique owner
CF kiuy\lMu;' l¨; lMu;' AlMu;Arp\ ly\TXn\ [lE htun] v till or plough (Br), plow (Am) rice
lMu;la;eTX;la; [lon; la; htwe; la;] adv 1) (fight) [? in fact paddies
this is the verb lon: htwe; and the particle la: la:. Really ly\TXn\mgçla [lE htun min gAla] n Óroyal tilling or
put it in as a word? If so, what about siq la; hse: la:?] ploughing (Br) plowing (Am) ceremony
ly\nk\ [lE ne'] n crops = ly\KXn\yank\
lMu;lv\liuk\ [lon; lE lai'] v 1) have no escape, have no ly\pt¨ [lE bAdu] n Œedible plant which grows near
way out, go (a)round in circles S YN lMu;K¥aliuk\ 2) (of rice paddies
fruit) slowly spoil ly\pusXn\lMu; [lE bAzun lon;] n freshwater crab CF k%n\;
lMu;lMu; [lon; lon;] adv completely, entirely, wholly; ly\epÅep; [lE baw pe;] n 1) loan repaid when crops are
without exception Ω eKÁ;tlMu; lMu;n´Ï Alup\-lup\ty\" He works harvested 2) system of credit paid off at harvest
covered in sweat. 2) fully, as much as 3) throughout, the ly\p¥k\ [lE bye'] n 1) abandoned rice paddy 2) rice
whole time paddies with exhausted soil
lMu;lMu;K´K´ [lon; lon; khE; gE;] adv 1) in bulk 2) in one ly\®pc\ [lE byin] n rice paddies
(payment, installment); in one panel 3) substantially; ly\pX´ [lE bwE;] n group of rice paddies
substantively ly\e®m [lE mye] n land suitable for wet rice farming [?
lMu;lMu;l¥a;l¥a; [lon; lon; ya; ya;] adv completely, totally, ok?]
without reservation, without exception ly\ya(miu;e®m) [lE ya (mo; mye)] n farmland [? or only
lMu;w [lon; wa.] adv [neg] (not) at all, absolutely (not) before cultivation? what is the difference between this
Ω m¨; ys\-eS;wå; lMu; w KXc\.-m®poB¨;" Absolutely no drugs allowed. and next? is this only non-irrigated?]
Ω lMu; w-msc\; sa;-tt\ B¨;" I can’t think of any reason why. [?
ly\yakiuc\;kÁn\; [lE ya kain; kyun;]
how does this sign really go?]
ly\yaeK¥ac\;e®mac\; [lE ya chaung; myaung;] n irrigated
ly\ [lE] n (rice) paddy, paddy field CF spå; rice plant; and non-irrigated farmland
taRiu;spå;; ya' kiuc\;' kÁn\;' UyaU\ field [? also in hills? ly\ya@anK¥op\ [lE ya hta na. gyo'] n Department of Land
examples for next] Records and Agriculture
— part [in comb] middle, centre (Br) center (Am), ly\Riuc\; [lE yain;] n fallow rice paddies [? really already
among Ω enÏly\sa lunch, midday meal CF Aly\ paddies? fallow or just not cultivated ever yet?]
ly\k¨K¥ [lE gu cha.] v get a day’s help in the rice fields ly\lup\ [lE lo'] v grow rice
from one's community members CF ly\sa;liuk\ ly\lup\qa; [lE lo' tha;] n rice farmer = ly\qma;
ly\k¨l^ [lE gu li] n Ócoolie working in rice paddies ly\wn\ [lE wun] n ∏ÓSuperintendent of Land
ly\k¨liuk\ [lE gu lai'] v contribute a day of work to Records
another rice farmer ly\qma; [lE dhAma; (chaung; dhAma;)] n rice farmer
ly\eka [lE gaw;] n 1) rice paddy on high ground [? = ly\lup\qa;
i.e., that is too dry?] 2) rice paddy left fallow because it ly\q¨m [lE dhu ma (dhAma.)] n ƒ farmhand
does not hold water
ly\q´ [lE dhE;] n poor quality rice
ly\k¥k\ [lE gye'] n rice paddy which has been worked ly\eqak\kn\ [lE dhau' kan] n reservoir for irrigating
for many years CF ly\sim\;
rice paddies
ly\Âka;cå; [lE gya; nga;] n any of the small fish found in Aly\ [AlE] n
flooded rice paddies
ly\g¥a [lE gya] n ledger, account book [Engl]
ly\kXk\' ly\kXc\; [lE gwe', lE gwin;] n rice paddy, l¥ [lya.] v 1) [in comb] be slight, be slender,
be thin; be
paddy field
lean, be trim; be attenuated 2) be small, be young, be
ly\ÂkXk\ [lE gywe'] n paddy rat youthful
ly\KM [lE khan] [lE gan] v work as a tenant farmer CF ly\K¥
l¥a [ya] v 1) gauge, size up 2) assign; (money, support,
etc) earmark, appropriate (for) [ ph]
— n tenant farmer (usu keeping half the crop)
l¥aÂkv\. [ya kyI] v estimate, guess the measurements
ly\K¥ [lE cha.] v farm out rice paddies (to a tenant of, measure roughly; try out
farmer) CF ly\KM
l¥aTa; [ya hta;] v 1) budget, earmark, appropriate
ly\KXn\ [lE gun] n Óland tax, tax on rice paddies

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 430

l¥a; ª l¥U\;på;
(money for sthg) 2) choose (for a post) S YN ™ “p^;qa;
l¥aTa;K¥k\ [ya hta; gye'] 1) [accounting]
n pål¥k\ [pa ye' (lye')]
part suffix to verb: in spite of,
appropriation; sthg earmarked for sthg 2) (of project, despite, (al)though, and yet S YN l¥k\kn´Ï' l¥k\n´Ï'
etc) estimate l¥k\Nxc\.' l¥k\qa;' ™ epm´.
l¥a; [ya; (lya;)] v 1) be (too) long, be lengthy, be l¥k\mn\;ªyk\mn\;rv\ [ye' man] n rice porridge
prolonged, be protracted 2) extend [ ph] el¥ak\ [yau'] n horizontal roof beam supporting the
l¥a;l¥a; [ya; ya;] adv 1) entirely, completely rafters, purlin [ ph]
2) lengthwise el¥ak\pt\ [yau' (lyau') pa'] v 1) deserve, be deserving
Al¥a; [Aya; (lya;)] n length (of) 2) be suitable [? need examples]
el¥a. [yaw.] v 1) lessen, become less, diminish, decrease, el¥ak\l¥a; [yau' ya;] adv 1) as things are 2) by one's
fall, subside 2) be short, not be up to full measure, own will, of one's own accord, of one's own volition [?
count, etc 3) (of rope, line, etc) be slack, have slack, be deliberately? ]
loose [? need opposites of all. and what about me. Ael¥ak\ [Ayau' (lyau')] part suffix to a noun or phrase:
yaw.?] in accordance with, as, as is proper; matching; to the
el¥a.tiel¥a.r´ [yaw. tI yaw. yE;] adv loosely, slackly same extent as
el¥a.nv\;' el¥a.på; [yaw. nE;, yaw. ba;] v decrease, l¥c\ [hlin (lyin)] v 1) be fast, be quick, be swift, be rapid
diminish, lessen, become less S YN ®mn\ RF l¥c\®mn\. 2) be smart, be clever, be quick, be
el¥a.riel¥a.r´ [yaw. yI yaw. yE;] adv (enforce, etc) loosely, sharp 3) (of eyes, vision, etc) be sharp, be acute [?
slackly, laxly, leniently can't read second note]
el¥a.r´' el¥a.l¥v\; [yaw. yE;, yaw. yi;] v be loose, be l¥c\Kup\ [lyin kho'] adv Óquickly, urgently, with all
slack; be lax, be lenient Ω TB^el¥a. [? also of things, or speed S YN l¥c\l¥a;
only abstract? if former, split] l¥c\®mn\ [hlin myan] v be fast, be quick, be swift, be rapid
el¥a\ [yaw] v 1) be proper, be suitable, be suited to, be l¥c\l¥a; [lyin lya;] adv Óquickly, urgently, with all
appropriate RF el¥akn\. 2) compensate, recompense, speed S YN l¥c\Kup\
indemnify (for damage, etc) [? ok?] 3) (of bet, wager, Al¥c\ [Ayin] part ¬suffix to noun: before, preceding
etc) pay (up), ante up (inf) [ ph] = ™ Arc\
el¥a\kn\ [yaw kan] v be proper, be suitable, be suited el¥ac\; [lyaung;] v 1) recline, lie (full length) on one's side
to, be appropriate CF lx´el¥ac\; 2) be long, be elongated
el¥a\eÂk; [yaw gye;] n compensation, recompense, el¥ac\;sk\ [lyaung; se'] v (of monks, royalty) repose,
indemnity sleep CF Aip\
el¥a\eÂk;pc\sc\ [yaw gye; pin sin] n disability pension el¥ac\;eta\m¨ [lyaung; daw mu] n ‹reclining Buddha,
el¥a\sXa [yaw zwa] adv suitably, accordingly CF Aa;l¥a\sXa

el¥a\v^ [yaw nyi]

v correspond to, be proportionate to,
be commensurate with; be equivalent to, be similar to

l¥k\1 [ye'] v lick, lap up [ ph]

l¥k\Sa; [ye' hsa;] n traditional powdered digestive
medicine, usu shaken into the palm and licked up
l¥k\2 [ye' (lye')] part 1) suffix to verb: while, -ing, and [?
need examples for all] 2) suffix to verb: in spite of,
despite, (al)though, and yet 3) suffix to some verbs to
form adverb: 4) used to translate Pali present participle
[ ph]
l¥k\kn´Ï' l¥k\n´Ï' l¥k\Nxc\.' l¥k\qa; [ye' (lye')kAnE.,
ye' nE., lye' hnin., ye' (lye')tha;] part suffix to verb: in spite of, el¥ac\;eta\m¨ reclining Buddha
despite, (al)though, and yet Ω πn^; l¥k\n´Ïew; So near and
yet so far. S YN pål¥k\' ™ epm´. image of the Buddha on his deathbed CF rp\e ta\ m¨

l¥k\en [ye' (lye')ne] part suffix to verb: (in the process standing Buddha; rxc\pc\;epåc\;lv\; reclining Buddha with head
of) …ing S YN l¥k\rxi to south [? ok?]
l¥k\på' l¥k\p´ [ye' (lye')pa, ye' (lye')pE;] part suffix to l¥s\l¥ø(®po/RO) [li' lyu (lAyu) (pyu./shu.)]
v neglect; ignore;
verb: still …ing, as before, without change overlook; turn a blind eye to Upsa, look on or regard
l¥k\rxi [ye' (lye')shI] part suffix to verb: (in the process of) with indifference, be unmoved, be unconcerned
A NT gRu siuk\' gRu®po [ ph]
…ing S YN l¥k\en' ™ en
l¥k\qa; [ye' (lye')tha;] part suffix to verb: already …ed l¥U\;på; [lAyin; (yin;) ba;] v Ó1) be intermingled 2) be
ambiguous [ ph]

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 431

lX ª lXt\
top of the bus.
lX [lwa.] v [poet] 1) be dazzling white [? just dazzling? lXc\.på; [lwin. pa;]v 1) be blown away, (of roof, hat, etc)
example contains white] 2) be lustrous blow off 2) (of colour, pattern, etc) fade 3) (of cloth,
elX> [lwe.] v Óbe prosperous, prosper flag, etc) flutter, flap; (of cloud, etc) stream, float (in
elX; [lwe;] v eat heartily, tuck in, put away, eat with the air); (of kite) fly
relish or gusto lXt\ [lu'] v 1) be free from/of Ω qk\qt\lXt\ vegetarian
lX´ [lwE;] v 1) miss Ω (5)mins\n´Ï lX´ miss by 5 minutes [? ok?] (lit: free from taking of life) Ω miB-ATin\;AkXp\k
2) get lost, take a wrong road, turn, etc; be in the lXt\eneta. kel;-mlimµaB¨;" The child out of his parents’
wrong place Ω lm\; lX´enty\" We’re on the wrong road. control is not well behaved. 2) be exempt Ω AKXn\lXt\ tax-
Ω erliu k\lX´ make a wrong choice 3) be wrong, go wrong exempt, tax-free CF kc\; lXt\ 3) be free, be gratis, be
Ω na;lv\ m-O lX´liuÏ because of a misunderstanding; due to a complimentary Ω AKlXt\ no-fee 4) miss, miss out (on
misunderstanding Ω na;Âka;lX´ misunderstand Ω Ae®PlX´ opportunity, chance, etc) Ω AKXc\. Aer;-enak\ Tp\
wrong answer S YN mxa;' yXc\; 4) differ; be displaced, be in mlXt\eta.B¨;" I’m not going to miss the chance again.
another place Ω enlX´ be after noon Ω AeÂkalX´ (of tendon) 5) be released, be freed, be liberated Ω eTac\k
be displaced CF kX´lX´ differ, vary [? 4 ok?] lXt\enta Âka“p^" He‘s been released from prison for some
lX´eK¥a\ [lwE; chaw] v 1) miss (the mark) 2) be wrong, go time now. 6) be out of control, unmanageable,
wrong Ω AlX´lX´-AeK¥a\eK¥a\ something always goes wrong; unrestrained, undisciplined Ω d^kel;etX By\q¨>ska;mx
there’s always sthg wrong na;meTac\B¨; lXt\K¥c\tiuc\;-lXt\enty\" These children don't
lX´esPy\es [lwE; ze hpE ze] exp expression to ward off listen to anyone, they are totally out of control. 7) clear,
evil or bad luck, counteract bad omen, God forbid! get past Ω ka;enak\Sut\ta plk\ePac\;n´Ï mlXt\p´
S YN PXh´. wc\tiuk\ty\" The car reversed and hit the kerb. 8) be (all)
clear, be open Ω enak\Sut\ enak\Sut\ Bamx mrxiB¨;
lX´mxa; [lwE; hma;] v be wrong, be incorrect A NT mxn\ [?
really deviate? ant ok?]
lXt\ty\" Back up, back up, nothing here, it's all clear.
9) be empty; be blank; be vacant Ω Pn\KXk\lXt\enty\" The
lX´rc\ [lwE; yin] part ™except, apart from, other than
glass is empty. Ω e®mkXk\lXt\ vacant lot Ω sarXk\lXt\-ts\rXk\-
S YN lX´ liuÏ' ¬ lX´j' lX´ lYc\ [? need examples]
epÅmxa Pun\; nMpåt\er;Ta;K´.på" Write your phone number on a
lX´j [lwE; ywe.] part ¬excepting, with the exception of blank piece of paper. 10) not be in contact, not touch
S YN lX´lYc\' ™ lX´rc\' lX´liuÏ
Ω wåya”kio;-lXt\enty\" The wires are not touching. A NT Ti
lX´liuÏ [lwE; lo.] part ™except, apart from, other than
11) lose (consciousness); be unconscious, be out (inf)
S YNlX´rc\' ¬ lX´j' lX´lYc\
Ω AP¥a;”k^; liuÏ qti lXt\e nta (2)nar^e lak\ rxie n“p^" He has
lX´lYc\ [lwE; hlAyin (yin)] part ¬excepting, with the been out for about two hours because of a high fever.
exception of S YN lX´lYc\' ™ lX´rc\' lX´liuÏ
12) not pay (attention), be careless, not be aware of,
et.lX´lX´ [te. lwE: lwE:] v have a near miss, miss narrowly forget Ω eZ;wy\PiuÏ “mio>T´kiu-qXa;ty\" dåepm´.
mlX´tm\; [målwè: dan:] adv surely, unerringly; positively, d^enÏeZ;pit\rk\Siutakiu qtilXt\qXa;ty\" He came to town
unmistakenly [? check] to go shopping, but forgot that that market was closed
mlX´meqX [målwè: måthwe] adv certainly, positively, for today. A NT qtiTa; 13) ∞be arrogant and out of
sure control, be unrestrained, have no restraint, have no
AlX´lX´Amxa;mxa; [AlwE; lwE; Ahma; hma;] v be flummoxed, respect for others Ω eAak\ e®KlX t\ Ω d^ e kac\ k
be nonplussed [? check part of speech] piuk\SMrxit´.q¨etXn´Ï epåc\“p^; lXt\enty\" By\q¨mx l¨mTc\B¨;"
lXc\ [lwin] v 1) (of colour, etc) be vivid, be bright 2) (of That guy started hanging out with the rich kids, and went
sound, etc) be clear, be distinct 3) (of person, smile, totally out of control. He has no respect for anyone
expression, music, etc) happy, bright, cheerful anymore.
— n wide open space lXt\kc\; [lu' kin;] v 1) be free of/from 2) be exempt
lXc\t^;eKåc\ [lwin ti; gaung] n wide or broad, barren plain (from) 3) lose (consciousness)
lXc\®pc\ [lwin byin] n plain, lowland Ω kel;-lXc\®pc\ lXt\kÁt\ [lu' kyu'] v 1) be completely free 2) lay,
ts\elYak\ ly\kXc\;etXm¥a;ty\" There were rice fields banish, drive away (soul of the dead, ghost, etc) CF wiUaU\
covering the whole Kalay plain. CF e®m®pn\Ï lXc\®pc\ soul; Asim\;Awå; evil spirit, ghost
lXc\mOn\Ï [lwin hmon.] n Óface powder S YN epåc\då lXt\“cim\; [lu' nyein;] v 1) be free from (worry, anger, debt,
lXc\. [lwin.] v 1) be blown away, (of roof, hat, etc) blow off etc) 2) be exempt (from taxes, fees, etc); be released
RF lXc\.på;. 2) pack off, dispatch 3) (of colour, pattern, (from responsibilillty, duty, etc); be immune (from
etc) fade RF lXc\.på;. 4) (of cloth, flag, etc) flutter, flap; punishment, prosecution, etc)
(of cloud, etc) stream, float (in the air); (of kite) fly RF lXt\“cim\;K¥m\;qaKXc\. [lu' nyein; chan; dha gwin.] n amnesty;
lXc\.på;. 5) be uncontrolled, be stray, be lost Ω Alup\k pardon Ω Niuc\cMeta\-lXt\“cim\;-K¥m\; qaKXc\. general amnesty [ rc]
lXc\.qXa;ty\" He lost his job. lXt\“cim\;KXc\. [lu' neyin; gwin.] n exemption; immunity
lXc\.sU\ [lwin. sin] v 1) be blown away 2) fall off, be thrown lXt\e®mak\ [lu' myau'] v 1) escape CF TXk\e®p; 2) be
off Ω Ait\-(2)-lMu; ka;epÅk lXc\.k¥ty\" Two bags fell off the freed, be liberated, get one's freedom

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 424

lXn\ ª lXn\;
lXn\lXn\kÁMkÁM [lun lun kyun gyun] adv excessively, to
lXt\e®mak\er; [lu' myau' ye;] n freedom, liberation; excess, in excess
emancipation (from bondage, slavery, etc) lXn\lXn\; [lun lun;] part suffix to verb or noun
lXt\rakÁt\ra [lu' ya kyu' ya] n haven, place without indicating excess: too much, very much, a lot
restrictions, dangers, etc; retreat, place without Ω ÂkalX n\lXn\; taking too long Ω mun\; lXn\lXn\; liuÏ because he
disturbances, place with peace and quiet hated so much
lXt\lp\ [lu' la'] v be independent, be autonomous, AlXn\ÏAlXn\ [Alun. Alun] adv overly, unduly, excessively,
be free too much
lXt\lp\KXc\. [lu' la' khwin.] n (right to/of) freedom Ω saep- lXn\2 [lun] n drill Ω lXn\n´ÏTiu;/ePak\ drill (a hole) RF lXn\p¨.
lXt\lp\KXc\. (right of) freedom of the press lXn\sk\ [lun ze'] n drilling rig
lXt\lp\er; [lu' la' ye;] n independence, autonomy; lXn\p¨ [lun bu] n drill
liberty, freedom lXn\qXa; [lun dhwa;] n drill bit
lXt\lp\er;ema\kXn\;wc\ [lu' la' ye; maw gun; win] n Star of lXn\3 [lun] n rope CF ”kio; rope
Independence medal [? the winner of the medal, or lXn\”kio; [lun gyo;] n 1) rope used in tug-of-war 2) rope
the medal/title?] S YN ”kio;
lXt\lm\;rxa [lu' lan; sha] v 1) find the way to freedom lXn\SX´ [lun hswE;] v
1) take part in tug-of-war CF lXn\SX´pX´
2) find a way to avoid responsibility 2) [fig] try to get sb over to one's side (in a dispute,
lXt\lXt\kc\;kc\; [lu' lu' kin; kin;] v 1) be clean Upsa, argument, etc) 3) [fig] debate with oneself (about an
i.e., of anything questionable, doubtful, dodgy, issue, decision, etc)
suspect, suspicious, criminal, etc 2) clear, stay clear lXn\SX´pX´ [lun hswE; bwE;] n tug-of-war, part of the
(of) rainmaking ceremony (illus)
lXt\lXt\kÁt\kÁt\ [lu' lu' kyu' kyu'] adv easily, lXn\(Piu)4 [lun] n Œkind of tree with fruit and nut similar
unhindered, unhampered, unimpeded to almond S YN razytn' lc\; lXn\' lXn\Piu' lXn\;
Ω lX t\lXt\kÁt\ kÁt\-saem;pX´ eAac\ ty\" She passed the lXn\Sn\Ÿ [lun zan] n nut of the lXn\ tree
exam easily. lXn\Ï [lun.] v writhe, wriggle
mlXt\kÁt\ [mAlu' kyu'] v haunt lXn\Ïtk\ [lun. te'] v argue for the sake of arguing,
mlXt\mkc\; [mAlu' mAkin;] v 1) not clear of anything revive an old argument
questionable, doubtful, dedgy, suspect, suspecious, AlXn\ÏAlXn\ [Alun. Alun] adv overly, unduly, excessively,
criminal, etc 2) involved (with) Ω d^ ekac\mel; too much
mlXt\mkc\;-®Ps\ty\liuÏ Âka;ty\" I heard that girl was lXn\;1 [lun;] n strand, ply (twisted together to make rope)
CF ”kio; rope, cord, twine; k¥s\ lay, twist strands to make rope
lXn\1 [lun] v 1) be extreme, be intemperate; (of limit, etc) lXn\;Âkc\ [lun; kyin] n 1) kind of mythical bird, male and
go beyond, exceed; (of mark, target, goal, etc) female of which are devoted to their mates 2) ∑boat
overshoot, be over, be more than CF piulXn\ RF lXn\k´' in the form of the lXn\;Âkc\ bird
lXn\k¥ø;. 2) be well past, (of time) be over 3) die, pass lXn\;tc\⁄ [lun; tin] v lay strands to make cord, rope,
away = kXy\lXn\ 4) transgress [? ?] 5) disobey, go etc Ω qMu;lXn\; tc\mx-”kio; three strand laid rope, three-ply rope
against, defy 6) be out of (one's) control CF lk\lXn\ [? ok?]
lXn\k´ [lun kE;] v be extreme, be intemperate; (of limit, lXn\;epåc\;tc\ [lun; baung; tin] v close (cable-laid rope),
etc) go beyond, exceed; (of mark, target, goal, etc) wrap cord or smaller ropes together to make rope
overshoot, be over, be more than [? only like def 1?
AlXn\;qc\. [Alun; thin.] v hit it off, get on well, take to
or more -- more in grey]
each other, have a good connection (with), connect
lXn\k¥ø; [lun kyu;] v 1) be extreme, be intemperate; (of with [? which lun; does it belong under?]
limit, etc) go beyond, exceed; (of mark, target, goal,
lXn\;2 [lun;] n shuttle (of loom)
etc) overshoot, be over, be more than 2) violate
religious or moral precepts, commandments, etc 3) (of
lXn\;ek¥a\ [lun; kyaw] n irregularity of weft caused by a
fault in the warp
married people) commit adultery 4) (of unmarried
people) be lovers, have an intimate or sexual
lXn\;k¥c\; [lun; gyin;] n ∑dock, place to repair a boat
relationship, have sex outside of marriage
lXn\;K¥it\ [lun; gyei'] n twisted design in woven cloth
CF lXn\;puSiu;
lXn\kÁM [lun kyun] v be excessive [? in grey]
lXn\Sn\⁄ [lun zan] v disobey, go against, refuse to toe lXn\;tc\Ÿ [lun; tin] v ∑put a boat, etc in the dock for
the line, defy [? defy ok here adn above? positive
implication. If neg: refuse to comply , refuse to go
lXn\;ts\ra [lun; tAya]
n kind of men's longyi woven
with a hundred shuttles and multi-coloured silk
along with]
S YN erk¥puSiu;
lXn\e®mak\ [lun myau'] v 1) (of months, days, etc) pass,
go by 2) get beyond 3) overcome, surmount
lXn\;tMu; [lun; don;] n ∑keel block
(difficulties, obstacles, etc)
lXn\;Tiu; [lun; hto;] v 1) shuttle, shunt 2) (esp of train)

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 434

lXn\; ª elx
go up or down switchbacks 3) ∑rock a boat to lXy\2 [lwE] v 1) carry sthg hanging from the shoulder
remove water CF lXy\Ait\ shoulder bag 2) be pregnant Ω kiu; l-lXy\ty\
lXn\;Tiu;lm\; [lun; do; lan;] n switchback nine months pregnant 3) [fig] bear (grief,
lXn\;puSiu; [lun; pAhso;] n men’s longyi with lXn\;K¥it\ responsibility, etc), bear with (difficulties)
pattern [? usu worn... popular when...] lXy\”kio; [lwE gyo;] n (shoulder) strap
lXn\;®pn\ [lun; byan] n shuttle service lXy\Ait\ [lwE ei'] n cloth shoulder bag, Shan bag
lXn\;Aim\ [lun; ein] n shuttle casing (illus)
lXn\;3 [lun;] n ßterm for a particular celestial abode lx [hla.] v 1) good-looking, fine, attractive; pretty ƒ,
lXn\;4 [lun;] part suffix to verb: so much; too much, very, beautiful ƒ, lovely ƒ; handsome µ 2) favourable (Br)
excessively, extremely, over- Ω qna;lXn\; liuÏ because I felt favorable (Am) CF m¥k\Nxa(pn\;)lx
so sorry (for) — part suffix to ver: very much, (much) too, so
lXn\lXn\; [lun lun;] part suffix to verb or noun (very), greatly
indicating excess: too much, very much, a lot lxeK¥r´.' lxK¥v\kla;' lxK¥v\tka;' lxK¥v\r´.'
Ω ÂkalX n\lXn\; taking too long Ω mun\; lXn\lXn\; liuÏ because he lxK¥v\. [hla. chi yE., hla. chi ga. la;, hla. chi tAga;, hla. chi yE., hla chI] part
hated so much suffix to verb to show great surprise: How …! What
lXn\;Aa;”k^; [lun; a; kyi;] part suffix to verb: excessively, …! [? new from JO: check pron]
extremely, exceedingly, over- Ω Ark\ kiu lxp [hla. pa.] v beautiful, lovely, gorgeous
eqak\lXn\;Aa;”k^; liuÏ eqty\kXy\" He died from his lxlx [hla. hla.] adv fully, totally, completely
excessive drinking. lxAiu;kX´ [hla. o; kwE;] n beauty, beautiful woman, belle,
lXm\; [lun; (lwan;)] v miss (sb who is absent) CF tq [? knockout (inf), dish (inf Î)
only for people? below syn or cf? check pron of all lxa [hla] part particle used for euphony = la
subwords] lx^ [hli] v be thin, be skinny, be underweight, be scrawny
lXm\;K¥c\; [lun; (lwan;) gyin;] n song or poem about (inf), be weedy (inf), be scraggy (inf) CF pin\lx^
missing sb lx^;(KÁt\) [hli;] v slice, cut (up), chop up Ω qrk\q^;kiu
lXm\;est^ [lun; (lwan;) ze di] n ‹memorial pagoda lx^;ep;my\" I'll cut up that mango for you.
lXm\;eSX; [lun; (lwan;) hswe;] v pine for, ache for, long lx^;lW´ [hli; hlwE;] v evade CF erxac\lW´
for, yearn for lOªlu [hlu.] part suffix to verb: nearly, almost, on the
lXm\;SXt\ [lun; (lwan;) hsu'] v cry or weep for, cry over, point of, about to [? new variant JO]
grieve for lØ(dån\;) [hlu] v 1) donate, give (away), contribute (to a
lXm\;nak¥ [lun; (lwan;) na kya.] v pine away, languish, cause, charity, institution, etc), make a contribution
suffer from sb's absence Ω eqX;lØ donate blood Ω pvalØ contribute one's expertise [?
lXm\;P¥a;lXm\;na [lun; (lwan;) bya; lun; (lwan; ) na] n illness ok? ] 2) sacrifice oneself (for a cause) 3) ‹give up,
brought on by sorrow, yearning or grieving for sb cut the tie between oneself and a power, activity,
lXm\;P¥a;lXm\;nak¥ [lun; (lwan;) bya; lun; (lwan; ) na kya.] v pine right, etc Ω Ark\lØ give up drinking
away, languish, suffer (physically) from sb's absence lØPXy\wtÊo [hlu bwE wu' htu.] n donation, esp to
lXm\;q¨>pn\;eKX [lun; (lwan;) dhu> pan; dwe] n (memorial, religious institution
funerary, etc) wreath AlØ [Ahlu] n 1) donation, (charitable, religious, etc)
AlXm\; [Alun; (Alwan;)] n sorrow; longing, yearning, contribution; offering 2) ‹novitiation ceremony
aching; sentimentality CF kiurc\
AlXm\;e®P [Alun; (lwan;) bye] [? how to explain, part of AlØKM [Ahlu khan]
v 1) solicit donations, ask for
speech] donations, contributions, etc 2) accept donations,
AlXm\;qy\ [Alun; (lwan;) thE] v 1) be affectionate, be contributions, alms, etc 3) ask for a pardon of sb to
expressive (about one's feelings for sb) 2) evoke be executed, ask for clemency for a condemned
pathos or sorrow in an audience; portray grief (in prisoner
drama, etc) elx [hle] n ∑boat CF rXk\elx sailing boat (Br), sailboat (Am);
lXy\1 [lwE] v easy, simple A NT Kk\ difficult sk\elx motorboat; Kt\elx rowing boat (Br), rowboat (Am)
— part suffix to verb: readily, easily Ω TiKiuk\ly\ easily elx”k^;Tiu;Riu;Riu; [hle gyi; do; yo; yo;] adv [fig] simply, in
damaged, delicate Ω mrlXy\B¨; not easy to get [? ok?] an uncomplicated way; traditionally
lXy\k¨ [lwE ku] v easy, simple A NT Kk\ difficult elx”kMos^; [hle gyon zi;] n [fig] opportunist
lXy\lc\.tk¨ [lwE lin. dAgu] adv easily, simply, with no elxkX´s^; [hle gwE; si;] adv 1) as a last resort
trouble S YN AlXy\(tk¨) 2) disastrously, unadvisedly [? check with examples]
AlXy\ [AlwE] n what is easy, what is simple, what is elxKXk\ [hle gwe'] n (area) inside (the hull of) a boat
no trouble to do, what is most convenient elxcy\tk\sc\; [hle ngE te' sin;] n ∑small rowing boat,
AlXy\(tk¨) [AlwE (dAgu)] adv easily, simply, with no dinghy
trouble S YN lXy\lc\.tk¨ elxeta\qM [hle daw dhan] n œsong about boating [?

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 435

elxka; ª lOic\;
also song sung by sailors? ] rice and yeast
elxtk\ [hle te'] n ∑river boat [? including rafts? elxa\tk\ [hlaw de'] n ∑long oar (illus)
not a rowboat?] elxa\rc\;ns\ [hlaw yin; yi'] v [fig] progressively fail while
elxTiu; [hle hto;] v ∑pole, move a boat through still trying to succeed L IT : ‘sinking while rowing ’
shallow water with a pole lxM [hlan] n spear (for hunting); lance (for fighting,
— n ∑rowing crew [? ok?] jousting, etc); javelin (for sport)
elxnMDa;Ts\ [hle nan da; di'] adv [fig] chauvinistically, in lxMsXp\ [hlan zu'] n Íbayonet
a bigoted way L IT : ‘ putting a notch in the side of the elxa\sXp\Tiu; [hlaw zu' hto;] v Í(stab with a) bayonet
boat’ elxa\tMps\ [hlaw dan pyi'] n javelin throw (sporting
elxnMNxs\Pk\nc\; [hle nan hnAhpe' nin;] v [fig] try to belong event)
to both sides, run with the hare and hunt with the elxak\ [hlau'] v add, enhance
hounds Upsa liOk\ [hlai'] v 1) burrow, tunnel; scoop, dig out; hollow
elxpX´ [hle bwE;] n ∑boat race; series of boat races [? out 2) feel hollow, have a hollow feeling in one's
series ok?] heart, belly, etc (because of a sudden physical or
elxqa; [hle dha;] n ∑crew mental change, shock, etc)
elxq¨”k^; [hle dhAgyi;] n ∑1) boatswain, bosun, ship’s liOk\Kn´ [hlai' gAnnE;] adv with a sudden hollow feeling
officer in charge of ropes, anchor, etc and directing liOk\sa; [hlai' sa;] v erode, corrode, eat away, eat into;
some crew 2) boat owner wear away Ω qXa; piu; lOik\sa; get a cavity (in a tooth)
elxelxa\ [hle hlaw] v ∑row CF (elxa\)tk\ oar, paddle liOk\Piu [hlai' hpo] v be grief-stricken, be overwhelmed by
elxka; [hle ga;] n 1) stair, steps, stairway 2) staircase CW sorrow
wc\; 3) ladder Ω Dat\elxka; lift (Br), elevator (Am) liOk\lx´ [hlai' hlE;] v 1) be warm, be cordial, be hearty
CF”kio;elxka; rope ladder; eÂkac\elxka; spiral stair(case); 2) be whole-hearted, be passionate
sk\elxka; escalator, moving stairway, moving staircase [? liOk\liOk\lx´lx´ [hlai' hlai' hlE; hlE;] adv 1) warmly,
count word? ] cordially 2) whole-heartedly, passionately,
elxka;KMu [hle gAkhon] n base of stairs, step, staircase, enthusiastically [? check again]
etc lxc\kn\ [hlin gan] n switch (used to drive cattle) [? really
elxka;KXc\ [hle gAgwin] n width of ladder or stairs stick?]
elxka;Sn\ [hle gAhsan] n 1) tread (of wooden stairs); elxac\1 [hlaung] v 1) store up (for future use), put up, lay
rung (of wooden ladder) CF elxka;Ts\ 2) flight of up 2) shut up, confine, pen [? what context? lock
stairs CW K¥io; [? in right place?] up? enclose? cage? check others too] 3) be close, be
elxka;tk\ [hle ga; te'] [hle gAde'] v climb stairs, go up stuffy, be airless, be stifling
stairs elxac\K¥ioc\. [hlaung gyain.] n cage, coop, pen [? pen only
— n landing if open on top]
elxka;Ts\ [hle gAdi'] n step, stair; rung (of ladder) elxac\K¥ioc\.sM [hlaung gyain. san] v be caged
elxka;Ts\siuk\nv\; [hle gAdi' sai' ni;] n terraced farming elxac\Aim\ [hlaung ein] n cage (esp for small animals)
elxka;epåc\ [hle gAbaung] n frame (of wooden elxac\2 [hlaung] v make fun of, make into laughing stock,
staircase, ladder, etc) poke fun at, mock, gibe, jeer, tease
elxka;rxc\ [hle gAshin] n gangway, boarding ramp; elxac\ry\ [hlaung yi] v laugh at
ladder (illus) elxac\“pMo; [hlaung byon;] n smirk, sneer
elxka;lW´ [hle gAhlwE;] n fire escape elac\; [hlaung;] v 1) diffuse, pervade, spread 2) be
elxÏ [hle.] n winnow, separate grain from husks or chaff infused with, be imbued with 3) abound, be profuse
by tossing in the air, or blowing air through [? cf lOic\ [hlaing] v 1) be plentiful, abound, be abundant RF
chaff] lOic\eBaly\. 2) (of smell, fragrance, aroma, etc)
elxÏsc\ [hle. zin] n winnowing platform pervade, suffuse, permeate [? check, also diffuse? ]
elx; [hle;] v be tiny, be teeny (inf), be teensy (weensy) lOic\eBaly\ [hlaing baw; lE] v be plentiful, abound, be
(inf) abundant
— n flea lOic\; [hlaing;] v 1) decieve; bluff; flatter CF va
lx´ [hlE;] v 1) lie down, recline 2) (of tree) fell S YN Kut\ 2) abound, be plentiful, be profuse 3) overwhelm,
elxa\ [hlaw] n 1) ∑row (with oars), paddle (with paddle), engulf, swamp, bury, overload, deluge, flood [? check
scull 2) roast Ω e®mp´elxa\ roasted peanuts 3) persuade sb 2,3,4 ]
(on sb else’s behalf) — n 1) wave, swell CF lW´k¥y\ trough [? BOX about
elxa\ka; [hlaw ka;] n Ó∑royal boat with high, waves. What about trough? ] 2) roughness,
decorated prow and stern (illus) unevenness, bumpiness
elxa\K´ [hlaw gE;] n refined opium CF Bin\; raw opium — part sheaf, count word for bundles of reaped rice
elxa\sa [hlaw za] n alcoholic drink made from sticky plants

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 436

lxs\ ª lOp\
lOic\;ekak\ [hlaing; gau'] n system of paying rice lxv\;eÂkX [hlE; gywe] n rice grains remaining in a cart
reapers by the sheaf carrying sheaves of rice
lOic\;”k^; [hlaing; gyi;] v (of sea, ocean, etc) be stormy, lxv\;cMu;tiu [hlE; ngon; do] n flatbed cart (for carrying
be tempestuous, be wild logs)
lOic\;Âkk\KXp\ [hlaing; kye' khu'] n choppy sea, rough sea lxv\;sa [hlE; za] n 1) axle grease 2) Œkind of tree
lOic\;eKåc\;®Pø [hlaing; gaung; byu] n whitecap, breaking lxv\;tp\ [hlE; ta'] [hlE; da'] v harness draught animals
wave to cart S YN lxv\;ekak\
lOic\;s^; [hlaing; si;] v surf, go surfing; ride the waves — n column of carts
lOic\;tiu [hlaing; do] n [radio] short wave lxv\;eTak\ [hlE; dau'] n prop used to hold up the
lOic\;tXn\Ï [hlaing; dun.] n wavy pattern yoke of a cart S YN eTak\KX
lOic\;T [hlaing; hta.] v 1) (of sea, ocean, etc) surge, lxv\;Tup\ [hlE; do'] n first board on the floor of a cart
roll, be rough 2) [fig] be agitated 3) [fig] be rough, lxv\;edåk\ [hlE; dau'] [? def]
be uneven lxv\;enak\“m^; [hlE; nau' mi;] n back of a cart = lxv\;“m^;
lOic\;Tn\ [hlaing; htan] v (of sea, ocean, etc) be stormy, lxv\;Penac\. [hlE; hpAnaung.] n iron rim of a cartwheel
be tempestuous [? how different from above hlaing: lxv\;m^;K¥ [hlE; mi; cha.] v heat the iron cartwheel rim
gyi:? ] (while fitting it on)
lOic\;rxv\ [hlaing; she] n [radio] FM, frequency modulation lxv\;“m^; [hlE; mi;] n back of a cart = lxv\;enak\“m^;
(signal) lxv\;yU\(eÂka.) [hlE; yin] n fancy cart (for carrying
lOic\;lt\ [hlaing; la'] n [radio] medium wave passengers) [? really without ye cha?]
lOic\;Al¥a [hlaing; Aya] n wavelength [? look up lxv\;lm\;eÂkac\; [hlE; lan; gyaung;] n cart tracks, ruts
frequency] from cartwheels
lOic\;Ai [hlaing; I] n swell, roller, wave lxv\;wiuc\; [hlE; wain;] n circle of carts (at market,
lxs\ [hli'] v 1) open; expose 2) define, explain festival, etc)
lxs\Kn´ [hli' khAnE;] adv fleetingly, momentarily, very lxv\;qn\ [hlE; dhan] n shaft
quickly lxv\;U^; [hlE; u;] n 1) front of a cart 2) place where the
lxv\. [hlE.] v 1) move around sthg, circle sthg, go shaft and the yoke cross
around sthg 2) turn, rotate, spin 3) make a tour, go lxv\;U¨;pXt\ [hlE; u; bu'] n place where two shafts cross
from place to place; make rounds; patrol 4) turn (to a lxv\;2 [hlE;] v sweep CF tM®mk\sv\; broom
certain direction, to face sthg, etc) 5) borrow (for a lxv\;k¥c\; [hlE; gyin;] v sweep thoroughly
short time, esp money) 6) deceive 7) court, woo lxn\ [hlan] v 1) turn over, turn up, turn inside out,
S YN piu; CF l¨p¥iolxv\. reverse position, change position 2) (of lid) open;
— part persuasive suffix to verb, used to urge or (of container) uncover, open 3) turn (pages, etc)
encourage Ω lk\Pk\rv\-la-eqak\lxv\." Come drink some 4) repel, fight back 5) go against 6) lean or tilt back
tea! S YN Aun\; [? spelling of syn? syn ok? example] 7) retell, recount [? retell, or just tell?]
lxv\.kc\; [hlE. gin;] n patrol lxn\elxa [hlan hlaw;] v rummage (through)
lxv\.kXk\ [hlE. gwE] n 1) trick, deception 2) twist (of lxn\Ï [hlan.] v 1) startle; frighten, scare 2) scare off,
plot, story, etc) shoo, drive away CF emac\;' e®Kak\' nc\
lxv\.sa; [hlE. za;] v deceive, trick lxn\ÏlMu; [hlan. lon;] n threat; bluster
lxv\.pt\ [hlE. pa'] v 1) orbit (around, sthg); rotate lxn\; [hlan;] v dry (in the sun); put out to dry
(around) 2) deceive lxp\1 [hla'] v 1) open; expose S YN lxs\ 2) leave out, omit,
— adv indirectly, circuitously, in a round-about way skip (inf) S YN K¥m\;
lxv\.pt\e®pa [hlE. pa' pyaw;] v 1) beat around the bush lxp\2 [hla'] v 1) touch (sthg), (come into) contact (with),
upsa 2) try to persuade in various ways [? how to say meet 2) be sheer, be flimsy, be thin, be fine
'pussyfoot' unwilling to give opinion, bring up lxp\lxp\ [hla' hla'] n state of near death, frailty
matter, etc]
— adv 1) thinly, flimsily 2) (gleam) tremblingly
lxv\.®Pa; [hlE. bya;] v deceive, entice, lure tlxp\lxp\ [tåhla' hla'] adv with beating heart
lxv\.lv\ [hlE. lE] v 1) circle 2) travel around, wander, lOp\ [hlo'] v 1) move; budge (usu neg) 2) shake, quake
ramble, rove, roam 3) encircle
CF cl¥c\ earthquake
lxv\;1 [hlE;] n cart, wagon (esp bullock cart) lOp\rxa; [hlo' sha;] v 1) move 2) move around or about
lxv\;ekak\ [hlE; kau'] v harness (draught animals to 3) be active 4) be excited Ω si t\lOp\rxa;'
cart) S YN lxv\;tp\
rc\T´lOp\rxa;enty\" I am excited.
lxv\;k¥io;Tm\; [hlE; gyo; htan] v [fig] marry a woman lOp\rxa;mO [hlo' sha; hmu.] n 1) activity, movement
pregnant with another man’s child
2) [social, ∏] movement, activity, agitation
lxv\;Âkm\; [hlE; gyan;] n work cart (for carrying heavy 3) commotion, hubbub, excitement, hustle and bustle
lOp\rxa;qk\wc\ [hlo' sha; the' win] v 1) be alive 2) seem

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 437

lxm\; ª elYa.
alive 3) come alive lYaTXk\ [sha htwe'] v 1) (of tongue) hang out
lOp\lOp\ [hlo' hlo'] adv very slowly, languidly [? really 2) [fig] work like a dog Upsa
languidly? ] lYanaKXana [sha na khwa na] n hoof-and-mouth disease
lOp\lOp\rXrX [hlo' hlo' ywa. ywa.]adv in a hubbub, in lYapXt\eS; [sha bu' hse;] n herbal lozenge dissolved in
excitement, with a buzz (inf), in a stir, worked up mouth to relieve cough and improve appetite
tlOp\lOp\ [tAhlo' hlo'] adv 1) be unstable, be wobbly, be lYaP¥a; [sha hpya;] n tip of the tongue S YN på;sp\P¥a;
rickety, be shaky, be wonky (inf) [? def] 2) slowly lYaP¥a;kel;n´Ïe®pa [sha hpya; kAle; nE. pyaw] v [fig] pay
and unsteadily Ω ABiu;”k^ tlOp\lOp\-lm\;-elYak\ty\" The lip service (to)
old man made his way slowly along. 3) (of crowd, group, lYaya; [sha ya;] v [fig] 1) have an irrepressible desire
etc) be restless and excited, to interrupt 2) feel uncomfortable with using
lxm\; [hlan;] v 1) (take a) step; pace 2) reach out 3) hand unfamiliar expressions
(sthg to sb, sb sthg) CF km\; 4) be far, be distant lYarv\ [sha yi] n saliva, spit (inf) S YN qXa;rv\
Ω l¨ eAa\ qM Kp\ lxm\; lx m\;k Âka;rty\" We could hear men lYarxv\ [sha she] v [fig] 1) be long-winded 2) talk
shouting from the middle distance. S YN kXa' ew; loosely, say too much Ω Aim\erak\rc\ Kue®pataetX
— part prefix to a verb, indicating sthg is done at a ®pn\lYamrxv\n´Ï" Don't go talking about what I’ve told you
distance: from a distance, … out, … across, … over when we get home.
Ω lx m\;eAa\ call out, shout to Ω hiu Bk\ tiuk\k lYael; [sha le;] v be slow-speaking S YN Aael;
lxm\;Âkv\.enty\" Someone is looking over from the lYael;Aael; [sha le; a le;] n slowness of speech
building across the way. Ω salxm\;er; write a letter [? lYalv\ [sha lE] v [fig] 1) acquire a taste for some
examples ok? ] food, drink, etc 2) develop a taste, liking, etc for
mlxm\;mkm\; [mAhlan; mAkan;] n short distance; place sthg
nearby, someplace not too close, not too far lYalip\qM [sha lei' than] n rolled r
lxim\. [hlein.] v 1) roll (sthg on a surface); roll (on the lYaqXk\AaqXk\ [sha dhwe' a dhwe'] n quickness of the
ground, in the mud, etc) Ω eBalMu; lxim\. roll a ball Ω eKXlxim\. tongue, smoothness of speech Ω q¨k lYaqXk\AaqXk\-
roll a hoop [? ask mom] 2) [fig] cheat, trick; bluff rxiliuÏ eZ;erac\;ekac\;ty\" He is a good salesman because
S YN va he is a smooth talker. Ω d^ekac\k Ark\eqak\“ p^;eta\.
lxim\.lMu; [hlein. lon;] n trick, lie, deceit, pretense lYaqXk\AaqXk\® Ps\laty\" He only starts to speak up
CF valMu;' “P^;lMu; when he has been drinking.
lOM [hlon] v 1) bask (in the warmth of the sun, a fire, etc); elYa [shaw;] v 1) slide down, slip down 2) lose; be
warm oneself 2) take shelter, take refuge = KiulOM reduced, decline Ω s^; pXa;elYa decline economically
lOM> [hlon.] v stir up, stimulate; exhort 3) miscarry, lose, abort (foetus) 4) (of bowels) be
lOM>eSa\ [hlon. hsaw] v urge on, egg on; stimulate, loose 5) (of clothing, etc) fall off, slip off, slip down
exhort — n slide
lxy\ [hlE] v 1) exchange (things, ideas, thoughts, elYaK¥ [shaw; cha.] v 1) slide (down), glide down
opinions, experiences, etc); barter, trade (goods or 2) [fig] wriggle (out of a commitment), worm one's
services for other goods or services, without way out
involving money) S YN Plxy\' l´lxy\ 2) move, transfer, elYas^; [shaw; si;] v 1) go down a slide 2) ski
change (from one container to another) Ω erelYas^; waterski 3) skate Ω erK´®pc\;elYas^; ice skate
lxy\Py\ [hlE hpE] v 1) alter (meaning, esp by elYatMKå; [shaw; dAga;] n sliding door
substituting words), change (mind, opinion, etc, elYaemX; [shaw; mwe;] n stillborn child CF qa;elYa
often), shift (one's position, standpoint, etc) 2) be miscarry
constantly on the move elYa. [shaw.] v 1) lessen, reduce, decrease Ω eZ; melYa.-
lYa [sha] n 1) tongue 2) [fig] manner of speaking Niuc\B¨;la;" Can’t you reduce the price? 2) (of hope,
CF NOt\' på;sp\' Aa 3) tongue (of tongue and groove aspiration, ambition, etc) give up, limit; (of effort,
boards) CF lYaTiu; sp\ tongue-and-groove joint 4) indicator etc) ease off, let up 3) (of line, knot, strap, clothing,
on a scale (illus) etc) loosen, slacken Ω puSiu;elYa.wt\ wear a longyi loosely
lYaKc\ [sha khin] n 1) uvula (illus) 2) œreed (of some elYa.K¥ [shaw. cha.] v cut (back), reduce, decrease
wind instruments) CF AKc\ elYa.eZ; [shaw. ze;] n discount, sale or reduced or cut
lYa®Ks\tM [sha chi' tan] n tongue scraper price, bargain rate
lYask\ [sha ze'] n birthmark on the tongue (believed elYa.tXk\ [shaw. twe'] v underestimate; underrate,
to give the power to control snakes) undervalue
lYask\Aask\ [sha ze' a ze'] n persuasive power, elYa.ep; [shaw. pe;] v 1) (of line, strap, string, etc)
ability to command obedience loosen, give slack Ω sXn\”kio;kiu elYa.ep; give the kite some
lYaesac\;Tk\ [sha zaung; hte'] v [fig] have a sharp slack 2) give in; relent, soften Ω q¨k-tc\rc\
tongue, make biting remarks kiuy\kelYa.ep;liuk\' ®pœna-m®Ps\eAac\-en" If he is insists
lYaTiu; [sha do;] n tongue-and-groove board just give in, to avoid problems. 3) give a lower price,

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 438

elYa\ ª lYp\
(give a) discount sayings and scholarly discourses given to a monarch
elYa.epåÏ [shaw. paw.] v mitigate, ameliorate; reduce, by ministers, scholars, etc
lessen elYak\®pn\qMep; [shau' pyan than be;] n [neg] serenader
elYa.rk\ [shaw. ye'] n [prison] remission, time off (for elYak\l´K¥k\ [shau' lE; gye'] n [law] argument
good behaviour, work, etc) Ω A®ps\d%\ sentence elYak\lWa [shau' hlwa] n application, petition, official
CF K¥op\rk\ days detained under trial (removed from sentence) request
elYa.lup\ [shaw. lo'] v slack (inf), do as little as elYak\lWask¶ø [shau' hlwa se' ku] n foolscap (paper size)
possible elYak\lWatc\ [shau' hlwa tin] v apply
elYa.elYa.epåÏepåÏ [shaw. shaw. paw. baw.] adv in elYak\lWapMusM [shau' hlwa bon zan] n application (form)
consideration (of), with consideration (for); with ts\elYak\ [tAshau'] adv all along
concessions lYc\ [hlyin] part 1) if (in the future), when 2) infix
elYa\1 [shaw] v 1) wash (hair, clothes, etc), launder between a count word and a noun: per, a Ω ts\llYc\
(clothes, etc) Ω eKåc\;elYa\ wash hair CF diuB^' pc\mc\; laundry, ts\”kim\ once per month [? check, and second example.
cleaners 2) (of debt, etc) write off; forgive 3 new JO] 3) ¬suffix to phrase for emphasis, esp in
elYa\PXp\ [shaw hpu'] v (of clothing, etc) wash, launder verse, to complete metre CF pc\lYc\' qalYc\ even, indeed
elYa\2 [shaw] n 1) plant fibre (Br), fiber (Am) 2) Œkind of lYc\lv\; [hlyin li; (lE;)] part suffix to two parallel
tree with bark is used in rope making 3) cord, rope, phrases: either… or… [? both new JO need examples]
etc made from plant fibre ÚlYc\ÚK¥c\; […hlyin…gyin;] part infix between
elYa\etqkçn\; [shaw te thin gan;] n ‹monk’s robe made repeated verb: as soon as
from plant fibre MulYc\; [hlyin;] part Óparticle suffixed to some verbs to
lYM [shan] v 1) overflow, run over; spill over 2) (of river) show completion, definitiveness, etc Ω ®pv\.sMulYc\; [?
flood, overflow its banks 3) ∞be flush, have plenty need good examples, not too clear now]
of cash 4) be bright, be brilliant 5) [fig] get an lYp\ [hlya' (sha')] v 1) (of light, heat, etc) strike, affect
earful, have to listen to 2) touch, brush against, come in contact with
(A)lYM [(A)shan] n 1) flame 2) iridescence 3) glance off (a surface) 4) be superficial, stay near
lYio [sho] v 1) insert 2) hide, conceal 3) duck, stoop the surface 5) shine
(to go under sthg) 4) submit, bow, yield, defer — n lightning CF miu;”kio; thunderbolt; mun\tiuc\; storm; “Kim\;'
5) remain silent, be inactive miu;K¥on\; thunder rolls
lYioen [sho ne] v 1) remain silent, keep quiet 2) keep a lYp\sa [sha' sa] n bribe S YN lB\
low profile lYp\sa; [sha' sa;] v Ótake bribe
lYioe®mac\ [sho myaung] n general term for a very steep lYp\sa;epåk\sa;' lYp\sa;®Pt\sa; [sha' sa; pau' sa;, sha' sa;
valley, gorge, gully, ravine hpya' sa:] n kickback, cut; corruption, graft
lYio>wxk\ [sho. hwe'] v 1) hide (sthg), conceal, keep sthg = ®Pt\ sa;lYp\ sa;
secret CF PMu; kXy\ withhold; cover up 2) be confidential lYp\s^; [sha' (hlya') si;] n lighting (flash), sheet lightning
lYio>wxk\K¥k\Uped [sho. hwe' che' a' u. pAde] n ∏[law] lYp\s^;eÂkac\; [sha' (hlya') si; gyaung;] n lightning bolt
Official Secrets Act CF miu;”kio;
lYio>wxk\ska; [sho. hwe' zAga;] n (secret) code lYp\s^;lk\ [sha' (hlya') si; le'] v (of lightning) flash
lYio; [sho;] v 1) go under 2) duck, stoop S YN lYp\®pk\
elYak\ [shau'] v 1) walk, stroll, go by or on foot 2) go lYp\ss\ [hlya' si'] n 1) electricity, electric power 2) [in
about, move among, go around to 3) circulate comb] electric, electrical
Ω eqX;elYak\ blood circulates 4) apply (for position, lYp\ss\Dat\ [hlya' si' da'] n electricity
job, work, etc); apply (to a university, institution, lYp\ss\m^; [hlya' si' mi;] n electric light S YN Dat\m^;
person, etc) 5) address (a superior) formally lYp\ss\Aa; [hlya' si' a;] n (electric(al)) power, electricity
— adv indiscriminately, thoughtlessly, at random, S YN Dat\Aa;
aimlessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly (inf), every which lYp\et; [sha' te;] n careless person, sloppy person
way (inf) lYp\tiuk\ [sha' tai'] v strike (a surface) at a shallow
— part prefix to verb to indicate sthg is done angle
without proper consideration: go along or around lYp\etX; [sha' twe;] v think superficially Ω pt\wn\;k¥c\;-
…ing, … without thinking Ω elYak\-me®pan´Ï" Don't go p¥k\s^t´.-®pœnats\Kukiu AepåyM-lYp\etX;RuMn´Ï e®prxc\; liuÏ mrB¨;"
around talking about this. [? new JO. example ok?] You can’t solve a environmental problems by thinking
elYak\Ta; [shau' hta;] v 1) address (a superior) superficially.
formally Ω U^;Tiuk\elYak\Ta; address the court 2) apply lYp\ts\®pk\ [hlya' dAbye'] n instant, split second, flash
(for position, job, work, etc); apply (to a university, — adv in an instant, in a flash, in a trice
institution, person, etc) lYp\ts\®pk\tiuk\nv\; [hlya' dAbye' tai' ni;] n blitz(krieg)
elYak\TMu; [shau' hton;] n Ó¬compilation of wise Í, lightning attack

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 439

lYm\; ª lWm\;
lYp\epÅ [hlya' paw] v (appear to be, look, etc) lW´k¥y\ [hlwE; kyE] n trough (between two waves)
shameless, unrestrained CF lOic\; wave
lYp\epÅela\lv\ [hlya' paw law li] v 1) flirt, be lW´sa [hlwE; za] n letter of authority or agency,
flirtatious, play the coquette 2) be indecent authorisation
lYp\®pk\ [hlya' (sha') pye'] v (of lightning) flash lW´tMTa; [hlwE; dAda;] n rope bridge
S YN lYp\s^; lk\ lW´e®pac\; [hlwE; pyaung;] v transfer, make over (to)
lYm\; [shan; (hlyan;)] v 1) slip, make a careless mistake lW´y¨ [hlwE; yu] n accept (sthg transfered, handed over,
2) be brimming, be brimful 3) be flushed; be radiant, made over, etc)
glow lW´Ap\ [hlwE; a'] v hand over
lYm\;lYm\;etak\ [shan; shan; tau'] v be brilliant; be lWM>ek¥a\ [hlun. kyaw] v Óbe widely known, be renowned
outstanding lWc\. [hlwin.] v 1) toss up, fling out 2) spread,
— adv outstandingly; preeminently disseminate, propagate 3) fly (flag, pennant, etc);
lW [hlwa.] n saw hoist (sail) RF lWc\.T¨. 4) broadcast Ω AqMlWc\. broadcast
lWsa [hlwa. za] n sawdust by radio 5) take out, throw away or out, dispose of
lWsk\ [hlwa. ze'] n sawmill (rubbish (Br), trash, garbage (Am)) Ω AmOik\-lWc\. take out
lWsc\ [hlwa. zin] n sawing platform (for use with two- the rubbish
man saw) (illus) lWc\.tc\' lWc\.T¨ [hlwin. tin, hlwin. htu] v raise, hoist, run
lWSiuc\; [hlwa. zain;] n team using a two-man saw up (flag, pennant, sail, etc)
lWSX´ [hlwa. hswE;] v cut with a two-man saw lWc\.ps\ [hlwin. pyi'] v throw away; fling
lWtiuk\ [hlwa. tai'] v saw lWt\ [hlu'] v 1) free, release, set free; (of mind) be
lWeTac\ [hlwa. daung] n owner of a sawing site unrestrained Ω sit\kiu lWt\mTa;n´" Restrain yourself. 2) let
lWwiuc\; [hlwa. wain;] n circular saw out, let off 3) keep free, keep open 4) send (sb etc,
lWqma; [hlwa. dhAma;] n sawyer, sb who saws wood for on an errand, etc) Ω elSip\mxa Ev\.qv\”kioPiuÏ ka;Nxs\s^;
a living lWt\liuk\my\" I’ll send two cars to meet the guests at the
lWqXa;ePa\ [hlwa. dhwa; hpaw] v sharpen (teeth of a) saw airport. 5) launch (into space) RF lWt\tc\. 6) Óturn
lWa [hlwa] v slice, cut into thin slices place, item, etc over to exclusive religious use
— adv (think, etc) subtly, astutely — n Ó[law] highest court of appeal
— part count word for storeys (Br), stories (Am) (of — adv ∞super, very, pretty, extremely, highly [?
buildings), layers, tiers, ply, etc CF Tp\ really a particle: prefix to verb or adv? JO thinks part]
lWaK¥c\; [hlwa gyin;] v having a single layer, thickness, lWt\Kn´ [hlu' khAnE;] adv 1) (say, tell, blurt, etc)
ply, etc Ω lWaK¥c\;esac\ single-layer blanket unthinkingly, inadvertently, carelessly
2) unconsciously
lWaesac\ [hlwa zaung] n blanket made of a single layer
of material lWt\eta\ [hlu' taw] n 1) Ó∏council of ministers (to
the monarch) 2) ∏name of the highest legislative
lWaPinp\ [hlwa hpAna'] n shoes with sole made of a
body, parliament [? BOX with pyithu, upper and lower
single layer of leather
and explanation.]
lWa; [hlwa;] v 1) clear (an obstacle, etc); step over
2) hang (laundry, clothing, etc on a line, rack, etc)
lWt\eta\k¥c\;p' lWt\eta\eKÅ [hlu' taw kyin; pa.] v
∏(of lWt\eta\ be in session
3) unfurl (flag, pennant, banner, etc)
— n kind of shield CF ka' diuc\; (illus)
lWt\eta\eKÅ [hlu' taw khaw] v convene the lWt\eta\
lWa;Kn´- [hlwa; gAnE;] adv (toss, jump, run, etc) lWt\tc\ [hlu' tin] v launch (into space, orbit, etc)
Ω “gio l\tu-lWt\tc\ launch a satellite
smoothly, easily Ω ®mc\;lWa;Kn´-lWa;Kn´s^; the horse cantered
smoothly Ω q¨Kiu; “KMsv\;Riu; kiu lWa;Kn´-Kun\ek¥a\“p^-e®p;ty\" The
lWt\Ta;' lWt\ep; [hlu' hta;, hlu' pe;] v 1) set free
2) leave sb on his own, leave sb to his own devices
robber cleared the fence and ran off. Ω RuMk ®pn\erak\tan´
q¨r´.AkÇ¥ kiu kula;Tiuc\kiu lWa;Kn´-ps\tc\liuk\ty\" When he lWt\min\Ï [hlu' mein.] n release
came home from the office, he tossed his shirt onto a chair. lWm\; [hlwan;] v 1) spread over 2) overwhelm 3) spread
lW´ [hlwE;] v 1) rock (cradle, etc), swing (arms, etc) widely
2) detour; divert; change tracks 3) turn away (from), lWm\;“KMo [hlwan; chon] v 1) wrap 2) take all together
avert (eyes, face, etc), avoid 4) leave to, entrust 3) encompass
5) will to, make over to; hand over (responsibility, lWm\;“KMoSc\®Kc\;mO [hlwan; chon hsin gyin; hmu.] n inductive
etc), turn over CF lk\lW´ delegate 6) ¥transfer (funds, method CF Tut\y¨Sc\®Kc\; mO deductive method
money, i.e., between accounts, by postal order, etc) lWm\;miu; [hlwan; mo;] v 1) influence 2) overwhelm,
7) change (name) Ω namv\lW´ give a false name, use an overshadow, eclipse 3) overtake, supersede, surpass
alias, give an assumed name

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 440

lWm\; ª lWm\;
Clothes are what you wear. Awt\Asa; O THER WORDS RELATED TO CLOTHING :
garment piece or article of clothing
Clothing is clothes in general, or what sb is laundry clothing to be washed, or washed
wearing at a particular time. Awt\Asa; Cloth is apparel esp outer clothing
what it is generally made of. (Awt\)ATv\; To underclothes, un derwear clothing normally
hidden by outer clothing, e.g., brassiere, slip
get dressed is to put on clothes. To be d ressed attire, garb (formal) clothing for a particular
or clothed is to be wearing clothes. To u ndre ss occasion, profession, etc
or get undressed is to take off one's clothes. A gown 1 . long formal dress 2. robe worn on some
official occasions, e.g., by judge, professor 3. loose
dress gåwn\ usually is a one-piece woman's robe used esp to protect clothes, e.g., by surgeon
garment, but can also be used to refer to style of raiment particularly fine clothing (formal), e.g.,
clothing in general. Dres s clothes are formal of a monarch
fabric, material same as cloth
clothes. A dres s code is rules about what people textile cloth, material, fabric in general
should wear in a particular place or time, e.g., at costume 1. clothes worn to make sb look like sb
work or at a party. or sthg else, e.g., elephant costume 2. typical
clothing of a specific time, place, or activity, e.g.,
swimming costume
fancy d ress, masque rade costume worn as a
disguise, usually at a party or festival
disguise clothing worn to hide one's identity
suit 1. set of clothes from the same material, esp
jacket and trousers or skirt 2. clothing for a
particular purpose e.g., diving suit

4.12.04 Peacock Dictionary Draft — Use at your own risk 441

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