Game Theory and The Flat-Fading Gaussian Interference Channel
Game Theory and The Flat-Fading Gaussian Interference Channel
Game Theory and The Flat-Fading Gaussian Interference Channel
Interference Channel
Dick Maryopi
5 January 2010
1 Motivation
2 Basic Game Theory
Noncooperative Game
Cooperative Game
3 Noncooperative Game on the Gaussian Interference Channel
4 Summary
The set of all possible outcomes in the game is called utility region.
The outcome or operating point is called pareto optimal if and only
if no other outcome would make all players better o.
Pareto boundary is the boundary that consist of pareto optimal
operating points.
Players strictly compete and can not strike deals, the goal of
each player is to maximize his utility function.
The only reasonable operating point in this game is the Nash
For game G = (K, S K , U) and for all sk∗ ∈ Sk , the strategy vector
s∗ = (s1∗ , ..., sk∗ , ..., sK∗ ), where s∗ in space S K , is said to be Nash
Equilibrium(NE) if:
uk (s1 , ..., s , ..., s ) ≥ uk (s1 , ..., sk , ..., s ) for every k ∈ K.
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
k K K
or we can dene:
s∗ = (s1∗ , ..., sk∗ , ..., sK∗ ) = argmax uk (s1∗ , ..., sk , ..., sK∗ ) for every
sk ∈Sk
k ∈ K.
In this game players can negotiate with another and form joint
Although interested in maximizing the own outcome, the
players probably want to accept a bargaining solution that is
found to be good enough for all players.
This bargaining solution is modeled by Nash bargaining theory.
Let R be the utility region and suppose R compact and convex.
Let r1 , r2∗ be a so called threat point, the point if there is no
possible utility region and the possible threat points into bargaining
solution (r̄ q̄ , )
under the following axioms:
1 , ) ≥ (r ∗ , q ∗ )
Feasibility: (r̄ q̄
(r̄ q̄ =f
, ) (R, r ∗ , q ∗ ), then (r̄ q̄ =f
, ) (τ, r ∗ , q ∗ )
4 Symmetrie: if R symmetric arround r =q then r = q ∗ ⇒ r̄ = q̄
5 , , , ∈ real number,
Invariance to linear transformation: Let a1 a2 b1 b2
4 Summary
(τ R1 + (1 − τ )R10 , τ R2 + (1 − τ )R20 )
R̄ =
P1 ≤P̄ ,P2 ≤P̄
τ :0≤τ ≤1
R̄ convex hull of R
(τ R1 , (1 − τ )R2 )
R̄orth =
P1 ≤P̄ ,P2 ≤P̄
τ :0≤τ ≤1
NE |h |2
| |2
NE = log 1+
P1 11
≥ log2 1 +
P1 h11
R1 2 NE |h |2 + σ 2 NE
P2 21 P2 |h21 | + σ 2
NE |h |2
| |2
NE = log 1+
P2 11
≥ log2 1 +
P2 h11
R2 2 NE |h |2 + σ 2 NE
P1 21 P1 |h21 | + σ 2
TX1 and TX2 have n transmit antennas. Each can be used with full
phase coherency.
Symbol-sampled complex baseband data at RX1 and RX2 :
T w s + hT w s + e ,
= h11 T w s + hT w s + e
= h22
1 1 21 2 2 1 y2 2 2 12 1 1 2
Each TXi can use maximum transmit power P̄ , but can not be
traded between them.
We take P̄ = 1, so that power constraint kwi k2 ≤ 1, for i = {1, 2}.
Each TXi has dierent channel state infomation (CSI).
kh11 k kh22 k
where ⊥ H −1 H
X , I − X (X ) − X orthogonal projection onto the
orthogonal complement of column space X .
|w NE (λ )h |2 |w T (λ )h |2
! !
log 1 + 2 1 NE T1 11 2 ≥ log 1 + 2 1 NE1T 11
σ + |w2 (λ2 )h21 | σ + |w2 (λ2 )h21 |2
|w NE (λ )h |2 |w T (λ )h |2
! !
log 1 + 2 2 NE T1 11 2 ≥ log 1 + 2 2 NE1T 11
σ + |w1 (λ2 )h21 | σ + |w1 (λ2 )h21 |2
for all w1 with kw1 k2 ≤ 1 and w2 with kw2 k2 ≤ 1
5 January 2010 21/29
kh11 k kh22 k
for 1 ≤ i 6= j ≤ 2, where:
y i = Hii xi + ji j + ei ,
H x
j 6=i
( ,
R1 Q 1 Q 2
H Ψ−1 (Q )H Q ),
) = logdet (I + H11 1 2 11 1
Ψ1 (Q2 ) , σ 2 I + H21 Q2 H21
Di , {Q 0 : tr (Q ) ≤ P̄i }
R= {R1 (Q1 , Q2 ), R2 (Q1 , Q2 )},
Qi ∈Di
and D1 are obtained from the eigenvalue decomposition of
The convergence of IWF for two user 2 × 2 MIMO IFC at SNR 15 dB.