Corrosion of RC Structures
Corrosion of RC Structures
Corrosion of RC Structures
Category L T P Credit
OC 1 0 0 1
Construction plays a vital role in economic development. The durability of concrete has
become a highly discussed topic in global development. Even though several factors are
responsible for early distress in reinforced concrete structures it is observed that in majority
of cases, it is because of the corrosion of reinforcement. Therefore, basic understanding of
corrosion technology for both durability of structure and rehabilitation work is a must. This
course gives an overall knowledge on factors influencing, monitoring and methods of control
of corrosion affected RC structures.
Knowledge on Concrete Technology
Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
Concept Map
B.E. Degree (Civil Engineering) - 2014-15
Factors Influencing Reinforcement Corrosion: Physical, chemical, biological, mechanical
and structural factors, micro cell and macro cell formation in concrete, attack by sea water
and consequences of rebar corrosion, initiation and propagation of corrosion, repassivation
of steel, concrete cover, chloride binding mechanism, chloride threshold value, carbonation
and sulphidation induced corrosion. Corrosion Monitoring of Concrete Structures: Health
assessment of concrete structures, Methods to assess the deterioration of concrete:
Gravimetric Method, Electrochemical methods of corrosion monitoring of rebars: Surface
potential measurements, Half-cell potential measurements, Electrical resistance Probe
Technique, Instantaneous corrosion rate by Linear Polarization method, Electrochemical
Impedance Spectroscopy, Tafel Extrapolation, Galvapulse Method, Noise measurements,
Simulation and modeling, Service life prediction. Corrosion Control Methods For
Concrete Structures: Design and Durability of Concrete, Chemical and mineral admixtures,
Coatings to Concrete surface, Supplementary cementitious materials in concrete, Blended
cements. Various grades and types of rebars, Electrochemical realkalisation,
Electrochemical chloride removal, Corrosion inhibiting admixtures. Repair and
Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures: Basic principle of repair, Concrete removal and
surface preparation, Preparation of the reinforcement, quality assurance and the use of
materials for concrete, filling cracks and cavities in concrete, Concrete properties : strength,
permeability, thermal properties and cracking, Effects due to climate, temperature, chemical
B.E. Degree (Civil Engineering) - 2014-15
corrosion, design and construction errors - Effects of cover thickness and cracking, crack
width measurements, carbonation depth, chloride profile tests, Slant-shear tests for new
concrete to old concrete bonding, selection of repair materials, Properties of repair materials,
Repair Techniques: Guniting and Shotcrete techniques.
Reference Books
1. John P Broomfield, Corrosion of Steel in Concrete, E & FN SPON, Chapman and Hall,
London and New York, 1997.
2. Luca Berttolini, Bernhard Elsener, Pietro Pedeferri, Rob Polder, Corrosion of Steel in
3. Concrete, Prevention, Diagnosis, Repair, WILEY-VCH publication, Weinheim, 2004.
4. Kumar Mehta, Concrete in Marine Environment, Elsevier Applied Science, London and
New York, 2003.
5. John New man, Ban Seng Choo, Advanced Concrete Technology, Elsevier Ltd, 2003.
6. Hans Bohni, Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Structures, CRC Woodhead Publishing
Limited, Cambridge, England, 2005.
7. Mohamed A. El-Reedy, Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures-Assessment and Repair of
Corrosion, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), 2008.
8. M Raupach, B Elsener, R Polder and J Mietz, Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete
-Mechanisms, Monitoring, Inhibitors and Rehabilitation techniques, Woodhead Publishing
Limited, Cambridge, England 2007.
9. M.S.Shetty, Concrete Technology - Theory & Practice, S. Chand and Company Limited,
New Delhi, 2003.
10. R.N.Raikar, Leaning from Failures, Publisher - R & D Center (SDCPL), Raikar Bhawan,
Sector-17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, 1987.
Course Contents and Lecture Schedule
Course Designers:
1. Dr. V. Saraswathy,
CECRI, Karaikudi