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7. 2mr402 - Engineering Materials

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Programme Bachelor of Technology / Science Branch/Spec. Marine Engineering / Nautical
Semester IV Version
Effective from Academic Year 2024 - 25 Effective for the Batch admitted in July 2023
Course Code 2MR402 Course Name Engineering Materials
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme (Marks)
(Per week) Lecture (DT) Practical (Lab.) Total CE SEE Total
Credit 3 0 1 0 4 Theory 40 60 100
Hours 3 0 2 0 5 Practical 25 25 50

Course Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1 Describe various properties of material as mechanical properties of materials: -Elasticity-toughness
CO2 Understand basic of low, medium and high carbon steels and compare their property of materials
CO3 Apply the knowledge of metallurgy in phase diagrams
Analyze the functioning of various testing materials like the Tensile Test of M.S. Sample-
CO4 (round/flat) % elongation, yield strength & UTS lzod Impact Test: Notch cutting type of fracture
(ductile or brittle) Type of fracture of material and its grain structure (CI and MS, Non-ferrous) and
Hardness test of Materials
CO5 Evaluate and interrelate the Properties and application of other materials used in machinery on
board the ship. Engineering processes used in construction and repair.
CO6 Create and make the design of various testing machines for checking the property of materials.
Theory Syllabus
Unit Content Hrs.
1 Structure of Atom:
Electrons and Bonding; Wave Mechanics and electronic behaviours; Electronic structure
of atoms; Covalent bonding; Metallic bonding; ionic bonding and Secondary bonding.
Atomic packing-directionally and non-directionally bonded atoms; Crystal structure- Space
lattices; Ionic and molecular crystals; Interfacing in crystals Points; line, surface and 9
volume imperfections;
Non-crystalline solids; Elastomers; Long chain and molecular compounds and three-
dimensional network

Metals and Alloys:

2 Different types of iron and steel; their manufacture, properties and uses in industry. Alloys
of iron and steel. 6
Non-ferrous metals and alloys. Properties and uses; Miscellaneous engineering materials;
their properties and uses
Miscellaneous Eng. Materials:
3 Refractoriness, Insulating materials; Plastics and Rubber; PVC, Resins, Adhesives and
Bonding Plastics, Paints. 5
Manufacture, properties, and selection for various engineering applications. Polyurethane
Testing of Materials:
4 Destructive Tests: Tensile Test; Compression Test; Hardness Test; Bend Test; Torsion Test
& Impact Test. 6
Non-destructive Tests: Magnetic Particle Test; Fluorescent Test; Ultrasonic Test,
Radiography Test.
Solid Solution:
5 Properties of solid solutions and alloys. Types of Binary alloys, Thermal Equilibrium
Diagrams, Cooling curves, Eutectic and paratactic alloys, Intermetallic compounds. 6
Allotropy of Iron, Iron-carbon Equilibrium diagrams,
T-T-T curve, Equilibrium Diagrams for Ferrous and Non-ferrous metals and alloys
6 Heat Treatment:
Types of heat treatment methods - Full annealing, stress relief, recrystallisation, and
Spheroidising - normalising, hardening and Tempering of steel. Isothermal transformation 6
diagrams - Hardenability, case hardening, carburizing, Nitriding, cyaniding,
carbonitriding - Flame and Induction hardening.

7 Fatigue & Creep:

Fatigue loading, Mechanisms of fatigue, fatigue curve, Fatigue tests. Design criteria in
fatigue, Corrosion fatigue. Stress concentration. 6
Creep phenomena and creep-resisting alloys. Creep curve. Short time and longtime creep
tests. Development of creep resisting alloys.
8 Corrosion and its prevention:
Mechanism of corrosion, Thermodynamics & kinetics of corrosion, Chemical corrosion
Electrochemical corrosion, 4
Anodic and Cathodic protection, Forms of metallic coatings. Anodizing, Phosphate.
Introduction to ICCP
9 Uses of materials in shipboard application:
Chromium, Ceramic, Titanium, PTFE in Shipboard Systems. Characteristics of above 3
10 Selection of Materials in Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering:
Boilers, Steam and Gas turbine, Purifiers and Diesel engine components, Pumping
Machinery, Components and Piping System, Engine seating. 3
Propellers and Rudders. Composition, strength value and other requirements for materials
Practical Content
Welding Shop:
Basics of Welding
Safety precautions to be taken while welding
Half V- welding (from Top face)
Full V-welding (from top face)
Double V- welding (on opposite faces)
Half U-welding (from lop face)
Double U- welding (on opposite faces)
T-welding (on inner side)
T-welding (both inner sides)
T-welding (both outer sides)
L- Welding (outside comer)
L-welding (inside comer)
Angular welding (both sides)
Gas cutting
Basics of Gas Cutting by using Oxygen and Acetylene
Safety Precautions
Cutting of plate
Training Manual Assignments: Assignment No: 03
Fabrication, Welding, Joining & Cutting
Text Books
1 O. P. Khanna - Material Science & Metallurgy, O.P. Khanna
Reference Books
1 E. C. Rollason - Metallurgy for Engineers
2 Doug Woodyard - Pounder’s Marine Diesel Engines, Elsevier
3 Hazra - Chaudhary - Material Science
4 Engineering Knowledge - Reeds Vol. - 08, Bloomsbury Publications.
ICT/MOOCs Reference

Mapping of CO with PO and PSO:


CO1 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 0 2
CO2 3 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2
CO3 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 3
CO4 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 3
CO5 3 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 0
CO6 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 2

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