Slipform For Continuous Concreting
Slipform For Continuous Concreting
Slipform For Continuous Concreting
written by: Jayant R Row edited by: Lamar Stonecypher updated: 8/17/2011
The slipform technique of construction allows for the continuous pouring of concrete into walls
of a structure and only stops when the full required height of the structure has been reached.
Cement, and concrete by its association with it, has an initial setting time of just about thirty
minutes, after which the cement and the concrete have gained sufficient strength to remain in the
shape into which it has been poured. It is this property that led to the development of slipform
building that allows a non-stop method of construction.
It is this property of early setting that inspired engineers to develop means of moving the
formwork so that the concrete can be poured continuously. The height of the formwork is
designed in such a way that while the top of the formwork is being filled by concrete the lowest
layer of concrete poured earlier has already gained an initial set. When the formwork is moved
upwards the concrete that is then exposed remains firm.
Image Source : Wikimedia
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This greatly reduces the cost of the formwork as well as any time that may be required to erect
and move it for re-erection, which can result in huge savings in time as well as money.
The continuous operations also allow for an evening-out of the manpower requirements and also
a huge saving in the labor that may have to be periodically employed during otherwise
intermittent concreting operations.
The reduction in the movement of formwork and workers also leads to far more safe working
conditions that also make it a major advantage.
Once the slipform shutters along with the jacks and support deck are in position, concreting
operations can then commence. Sufficient working space has to be created on the deck to
accommodate reinforcement bar activity. The bars have to be continually lengthened and placed
in position as per the structural requirements for the wall. The concrete is poured in layers, and
by the time the concrete level has reached the top, the concrete at a level 300 mm above the
bottom of the panel should have gained the initial set. The rate of pouring of the concrete has to
be adjusted so that this is achieved. The slipform is then moved upwards in steps of 10 mm to 25
mm and both the concreting and placing of the reinforcement bars is done continuously till the
final height is reached. All jacks are fitted with brakes that act automatically by mechanical
means and do not allow the jacks to slip on the jack rods.
Slipform methods of construction can also be adapted to horizontal structures and are used for
paving, canals, and tunneling. The technique is more in use for structures that have continuous
walls like silos, chimneys, and piers for very tall bridges. It has also been successfully used for
construction of buildings, although this requires the manner of leaving inserts for openings like
doors and windows to be decided well in advance, as well as also any necessary inserts to
support floor slabs after the walls are constructed.