Your Personal Cosmic Clock
Your Personal Cosmic Clock
Your Personal Cosmic Clock
Yearly Cycle
ach year, from one birthday to the next, you are under the hierarchy of whatever line you
are on. For example, if you are 24 years old, you are on the twelve o'clock line of
Capricorn. This means you will receive your teachings and exams from the Great Divine
Director until your next birthday when you will move to the one o'clock line.
Look at the chart and find your age and the line of the clock you are presently on.
Monthly Cycle
Along with your yearly clock there is also a monthly cycle. Put the day and the month of
your birth on the twelve o'clock line. On the one o'clock line place the next calendar month
and same date of your birth. Continue going around the clock.
For example:
If your birthday is April 1, put April 1 over the twelve o'clock line, then put May 1 on the
one o'clock line, June 1 on the two o'clock line, July 1 on the three o'clock line. Continue
around the clock.
Using our example on April 1 you start your initiations under the hierarchy of Capricorn -
the twelve o'clock line. On May 1 you start your initiations under the hierarchy of Aquarius
- the one o'clock line.
Remember to always start with your own birth date on the twelve o'clock line. It will help
to draw your own clock.
The Universal Founders transmit through Ursa Major in which its seven stars merge with
its counterpart, the seven sister stars in the Pleiades creating a cosmic blueprint of the
Aeonic Pairing in the heavens. Together, they represent the active principle of the heavenly
masculine and the receptive principle of the heavenly feminine uniting through their shared
constellation which allows connection directly into the Cosmic Spiritual Sun. As this
Cosmic Triad completes, the Heavenly Father, the Heavenly Mother unites with their
Cosmic Spiritual Sun. To which this heavenly marriage heralds the birth of an entirely new
creation of Suns and Sacred planets while nurturing the Christos-Sophianic child on the
earth. This Aeonic Pair, Christos-Sophia, in their hierogamic union represent perfect
balance between the masculine and feminine principle (hermaphroditic being).
The Aeons are always born in male-female pairs, each of which is in itself a divine
principle, yet, at the same time represent one aspect of the Godhead. These Aeonic pairs
comprise the totality of the Godhead as the two divine principles which merge and unite as
the third principle, becoming the Three in One. This heavenly prototype must be embodied,
as above, so below, and will come to be the spiritual embodiment process of the ascending
human experience. The spiritual completion which unites the Aeonic pair is the resulting
state of Krystal hierogamic union or sacred marriage between the male and female
principle with the Godhead. The stairway to heaven through the Krystal Star is embodied
through inner and outer sacred marriage, in alignment to these heavenly prototypes, which
will continually advance upon the earth.
Time and space is being reorganized as these alchemical principles activate and transmit
their stellar intelligence from the Galactic and Universal planes into the planetary body.
This resets the planetary clock shield networks to synchronize to the consciousness
blueprint of the Cosmic Clock or Universal Time Calendar. Consciousness evolution
throughout Time and Space is organized through Universal quantum mechanics which obey
multiple instruction sets (morphogenetic fields).
With the latest transmission of Galactic Law, the planet is intersecting with the
Hyperborean timelines in the 7th dimension which are the original histories of humanities
fall from the Edenic state. Aeonic Pairs are being taken out of the dimensional door of
Transtime continuum (TTC) to experience the infinite space of God Worlds, to bring back
that memory into this density. This disrupts the False King of Tyranny and the NAA
Military timelines, their Looking Glass technology that has used soul capture technology to
create clones, and process soul imaging on other synthetic timelines/dimensions. The seeds
of this root race trauma in Hyperborea are used to enslave humanity in holocaust timelines,
as evidenced by the Nordic Aliens manipulation and control of the Nazi regime with
Hitlers obsession with Hyperborea. Hyperborean is for some, a piece of monadic history
connected in the northern areas of Scotland, and in the Ionian Sea between Greece and
Italy. Reclaiming memories and clearing the pain of the Hyperborean timelines may be
productive now.