Mathematics Geometrical Method of Determ PDF
Mathematics Geometrical Method of Determ PDF
Mathematics Geometrical Method of Determ PDF
A1. The construction of formula: The construction of formula Arc radius is made via
The evolution of cosmos and speed Dynamic + Static concept or via assertion.
The cosmos is dissolved in an invisible (not [1,2,8,9,10,11,22,23,24,26].
explained) point, we are creating the cosmos by Detail of the definitions and values in the diagrams
exploding this invisible (not explained) point and all various types of methods of construction are
given in the reference.
Degree = unit of Measurement
Straight Radius: - Straight line segment joint centre
of the circle and centre of the firstly constructed
circle on the circumference of the original circle is
called straight radius. And its value is taken as 2° +
Diagram No.1 2° = 4°.
This (point) cosmos is (not talking) mute. Here the ,24,25,26].
(point) cosmos has exploded; but the speed of the
explosion is unknown. For this purpose, the Measure of straight radius: - Distance between two
construction of (explained) visible, stable and calm apex of the measure of straight radius is called
(point) cosmos has been done on (point) cosmos. “Measure of straight radius” and it is in 4° degree
(Explained) visible, stable and calm (point) cosmos [2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23
Measure of straight radius =It is sum of the measure
of straight radius in clockwise direction And
anticlockwise direction
= (20) + (20) = 40 Measure of straight radius
Diagram No.5
Diagram No.2
Arc Radius: - An arcular line segment jointing centre
of the circle and centre of the firstly constructed
circle on the circumference of the original circle is
called arc radius. And its value is taken as 3°+ 3°
=6°. OR The segment of circumference of a circle
Diagram No.3 means An (Arc) arcular line segment joining measure
of centre of a circle and measure of centre on the
Measure of circle = (1° + 1° + 1° + 1°+ 1°+ 1°)2 = 62 circumference of a circle and the distance between
Six measure of centre of circle the two measures of center are equal to straight radius,
= 6° x 6° = 36° in clockwise and anti clockwise direction and which
[2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,17,18,19,20,21,25]. divide the circumference of the original circle in to
Measure of Centre of circle of 12 arc radius interior six equal parts is called “Arc Radius” of circle.
of the circle OR
= 12 ÷ 6 = 2 Centre of circles. Length of arc segment of circumference of circle is
equal to radius then that segment of circumference of
circle is called “Arc radius”.
Diagram No.4 OR
The segment of the circumference of a circle whose
Measure of Centre of circle of 24 arc radius outside length (distance) equal to straight radius its segment
of the circle of the circumference of a circle is called “Arc
= 24 ÷ 6 = 4 Centre of circles. Radius”.
Measure of circumference outside of the circle 104 =
10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10000
[2,4,6,8,9,10,11,13,22,23,24,26]. Measure of arc radius:- Distance between two apex
of the measure of arc radius is called “Measure of arc
radius” and it is in 60 degree measure.
Absolute Speed: Speed tells how fast an object is
moving without saying anything about its direction. In square root = 360 = 60 Measure of Arc Radius
Speed is always positive. Speed is the "absolute Explanation via Diagram
value" of the velocity. Speed in the velocity
information without the sign or direction information.
[27]. Diagram No.11
Relative Speed: Relative speed is defined as the
speed of a moving object with respect to another.
When two objects are moving in the same direction,
relative speed is calculated as their difference. When
the two objects are moving in opposite directions, A3. Velocity OR Speed
relative speed is computed by adding the two speeds.
A2. “Speed of Universe”, Speed of Sphere, Speed of
Solid, speed of Universe solid Sphere:
Diagram No.12
Diagram No.10
Inter speed
6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 2 =46656x2=93312
Construction is done on the circle, it is of 2160. Out mile/second
of 2160, 720 is in interior of the original circle and 93312 mile per second speed, this is the speed of
1440 is outside of the original circle. When we Universe, Sphere, Solid. Inter speed.
divided 720 and 1440 by original measure of circle Proportion: the proportion is one mile for one
means 360, we get two (2) circles inside and four (4) degree (10) • = 10 = 1 mile.
circles outside of the original circle. Outer speed
6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 4 = 46656 x 4 = 186624
Circumference of Circle OR Zero
mile/per second 186624 x 3 ÷ 2 - 24 = 6240
Measure of circumference of outside the circle =
1440 Outside of original circle of construction x As per the construction on the original circle six (6)
Measure of Circumference 100 = 14400 measure of centre of circle on the circle. Then
Measure of circumference of interior the circle = measure of centre of circle of interior of the original
720 Interior of original circle of construction x circle two (2) of the two (2) circle and measure of
Measure of Circumference 100 = 7200 centre of circle of outside of the original circle four
Circumference of Circle = (4) of the four (4) circle means 6240 should be
Measure of circumference of outside the circle subtracted from 186624,
= OR
Measure of circumference of interior the circle
14400 186624 = 432, 432 x 3 ÷ 4 = 324, 324 = 18,
= =2 Goba Radians
7200 18 x 104 = 18 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 1800000,
= 1800 x 2 = 3600 Circumference of Circle 6 x 103 = 6 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 6000
Circumference of Circle 180000 + 6000 = 186000 mile/second speed addition
3600 = OR of speeds
Zero OR
[4,6,8,9,10,13,14,17]. 186624 = 432, 432 x 3 ÷ 2 = 648, 648 - 24 = 624
360 is measure of one circle therefore if we divide 186624 - 624 = 186000 mile/second
the six measure of centre of circle on the 186000 mile/per second 18 x
circumference of circle the distance between adjacent 104 = 18 x 10x10x10x10 = 180000,
centres is 360 ÷ 60 = 60. = 360 6 x 103 = 6 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 6000
This speed is not exceptional to the rule of speed. See speed but it is relative speed and as it obeys the laws
the side diagram. This diagram is that of a “Solid of mathematics, it is not exceptional. It has been
Sphere”. There are in total seven centres of circle proved. Here the second doubt has been cleared.
which include, the original circle, six measure of
centre of six circles on the circumference of circle, A6. Third method of speed:
one centre point of the original circle + six centre
points of six circle, Thus there are seven centre of
circle in total. But due to the cube number of this is
increased. It is as follows: One (1) centre point of the
sphere + Eight (8) vertex of the cube means eight
centre points of the circle thus in total nine (9) centre
of circle can be sighted.
“Solid Sphere”
Diagram No.15
By observing the above figure, the measure of apex
of straight radius are as follows: At the center there
are 4 apexes of red colour + 4 apexes of green colour
+ 4 apexes of black colour = 12 measure of apex.
Diagram No.14 After it there are 4 red straight radii and the apexes
on it, out of them, 2 on radius with center 29 + 29 =
58 apexes. On the other two radii, including the
center there are 31 + 31 = 62 apexes. In the same
[2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,18,19,20,21,25]. manner, there are 4 Green straight radii and the
Centre of Sphere + Eight Vertices of Cube, namely, apexes on it, out of them, 2 on radius with center 29
Eight Centre Points of Circle = 9 Centre Points + 29 = 58 apexes. On the other two radii, including
1 + 8 = 9 Centre Points the center there are 31 + 31 = 62 apexes. In the same
If these 9 centre points are multiplied by 104, we get manner, there are 4 Black straight radii and the
the speed of the cosmos. apexes on it, out of them, 2 on radius with center 29
9 x 104 = 9 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 90,000 miles/second + 29 = 58 apexes. On the other two radii, including
speed the center there are 31 + 31 = 62 apexes.
The speed, 90,000 miles/second is attributed to the
cosmos. As proved by the physicists, the ultimate In this way, total apexes:
cosmos at the distance of six (6) are expanding or 58 red apexes of 2 radii + 62 apexes of 2 red radii =
running with this speed. 120 apexes.
The cosmos are running in opposite directions In the same way,
90,000 + 90,000 The addition of 58 green apexes of 2 radii + 62 apexes of 2 green
speeds radii
The speed of explosion, namely, the speed of cosmos = 120 apexes.
is 1, 80,000. It means that if the six (6) partial circle In the same way,
centres are multiplied by 103 we get the “self-speed” 58 black apexes of 2 radii + 62 apexes of 2 black
of the cosmos. radii
6 x 103 = 6 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 6,000 miles/second is = 120 apexes.
the self-speed of the cosmos. 174 Measure of Apex + 186 Measure of Apex
Speed of Explosion + Self-Speed = Total Speed =3600 Measure of Circumference of Circle
1,80,000 + 6,000 = 1,86,000 mile/second Measure of Circumference of Circle = 174 + 186 =
speed 3600 Measure of Circumference of Circle
[4,6,7,8,9,10,13,15,17,18,19,20,21,25]. Measure of Circumference = (120 ÷ 12) (120 ÷ 12)
Doubt (120 ÷ 12) = 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000 Measure of
2) Is the speed of light exceptional, absolute? Circumference = 103 The speed of every particle in
Answer: Here, the additions of speed is carried out, this cosmos = the speed of soul, the speed of
hence the speed, 1,86,000 mile/second is not absolute everything, the speed of all of us = 31 x 6 x 1,000 = 1,
86,000 miles / second. This speed is of the source of = 124 x 6 (Multiple) Measure of centre of the
light; this speed is of solid and living things, i. e., construction on the circumference of circle = 7440
mass. This speed is of the centre of a circle. From this, 4 Measure of circle of complete construction on
the speed of the 6 measure of centre of circle of the the circle
first construction = 1,86,000 x 6 = 1116000. As 7440 ÷ 4 = 1860
published in the past, the speed of light has been 186 x 103,
proved by physicists to be 1,86,000 x 300 Multiple = = 186 x 1000 = 186000 mile
5,58,00,000. This speed is belongs to one center of 186000 ÷ 4 = 46500 mile
circle. Therefore, the inner 2 measure of circles = = 46500 x 2 = 93000 mile or 46500 + 46500 = 93000
5,58,00,000 x 2 = 11,16,00,000 This speed is of the mile/second
interior speed of light. The outer speed of light = 93000 x 2 = 186000 mile or 93000 + 93000 =
186000 x 300 Multiple x 400 Multiple = 186000 mile/second the speed of Universe
22,32,00,00,000 miles / second. The outer speed of Means the speed of mass, the speed all of us in the
light = 186000 x 120000 = 22,32,00,00,000 miles / Universe
second. Speed of Light : 186000 x 60000 = 11160000000
1116 x 144 ÷ 72 = 1116 x 2 =
The inter speed 22320000000 mile/second
= 186000 x 103 = 186000 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 186000 x 124 x 6 x 3 x 5 x 2 = 22320 x 106 = 22320000000
300 = 55800000, mile /second Speed of Light
= 55800000 x 2= 111600000 miles/second Inter [8,9,10,13,17,18,19,20,21,25].
A8. The Speed of Source of Light:
The outer speed Straight radius Arc radius
= 186000 x 103 x 104 = 186000 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 40 60 = 46 x 6 Arc radius = 276 (In Marathi)
10 x 10 x 10 = 186000 x 120000 = 22,32,00,00,000 276 x 4 Straight radius = 1104
miles / second The outer speed of light 1104 x 3 Measure of centre’s = 3312 ------ (1)
Speed of Light/per second = 22,32,00,00,000 mile 6x6x6x6x6x6 = 46656, 6x6x6x6x6x6 = 46656,
most greatest speed 6x6x6x6x6x6 = 46656, 6x6x6x6x6x6 = 46656
The Speed of Light is twenty two hundred and thirty 46656 x 4 = 186624
two crore miles per second 186624 ÷ 2 = 93312------ (2)
Here, the additions of speed is carried out, hence the (2) – (1) = 93312 - 3312 = 90000
speed of light obeys the rules of mathematics. mile/second
Therefore, it is not absolute; but it is relative. 103 = 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000------ (3)
The first doubt is that, the speed of light, 1,86,000 1000 x 30 = 3000------ (4)
miles/second, invented by the great scientist, Albert 90000 + 3000 = 93000 mile/second
Einstein, is really attributed to light itself ? 93000 x 2 Multiple = 186000 mile/second, The
It has been proved that the speed 1,86,000 miles/per Speed of Source of Light
second is attributed to mass and not to light. Here the
first doubt has been cleared.
Diagram No.17
A9. The Speed of construction of Universe:
Diagram No.16 Diagram No.18 Diagram No.19
A7. According to one becomes two = Two becomes
1:2:4 One becomes two = Two becomes four = 12+
1:2 = 360, 360 ÷ 6 = 60
The speed of Universe: Measure of centre on the 2
circumference of circle 4 outside of the
circumference of circle 18 Arc radius in 6 Arc radius of
original centre of circle circumference of circle
Dhananjay Shantaram Janorkar yaani yeka-yeka panamadhe earth like organisms and the definite volume (extent) of the
basavilele sidhantya Bindu, E=Mc2 Cha Ayewagi E=Mm2, galaxy ► The total number of solar systems in the galaxy =
Chakaknari Wig Aani Gadgadnara Megha yancha Aawaja 226,194,671,016 ► The total number of planets revolving
madhil Aantar, Pi che mhanajaych Goba che nichit kimat = around the sun and having earth like organisms in the
3.141592653 , Om wa Aatmaa” Marathi Aawaruti (Edition) galaxy = 113,097,335,508 ► The definite volume (extent)
- 2 April 2011, Om Publication, Mahan-444405, Chief of the galaxy = 6.09691037511648997 x 1054 Mile3,
Publisher, Mr. Dhananjay Shantaram Janorkar. International Journal of Shantaram Janorkar Foundation of
[8] Dhananjay Shantaram Janorkar, Web-Site: Mathematics, Science & Spiritual, Volume-2, Issue-2, 15 – 10 December, 2014, Om September, 2016, Page No. 211-268. ISO 9001:2008, ISSN
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[10] Dhananjay Shantaram Janorkar, Link: Page No. 269-322). [19] Dhananjay Shantaram Janorkar, The theorem with respect
publications to the total numbers of Planets - Stars, Mass and Holes
[11] Shantaram Bapurao Janorkar, Dhananjay Shantaram (Hollow part like Hole or Space), Solar Systems, Planets
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explanation on the basis of a formula, International Journal Galaxies in the Universe i.e. the Cosmos and the definite
of Shantaram Janorkar Foundation of Mathematics, Science Volume (Extent) of the Universe i.e. the Cosmos,
& Spiritual, Volume - 1, Issue - 1, 15 September, 2015, International Journal of Shantaram Janorkar Foundation of
Page No. 81-156. ISSN (P): 2454-5236, ISSN (O):2454- Mathematics, Science & Spiritual, Volume-2, Issue-2, 15
633X, RNI No. MAHBIL/2015/67021, India (Also in September, 2016, Page No. 323-392. ISO 9001:2008, ISSN
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aspect, International Journal of Shantaram Janorkar [20] Dhananjay Shantaram Janorkar, The Theorem of the
Foundation of Mathematics, Science & Spiritual, Volume - Definite Volume (Extent) of the Great-Colossal, Huge
1, Issue - 1, 15 September, 2015, Page No. 227-245. ISSN Black Hole in the Center of the Universe i.e. the Cosmos,
(P):2454-5236, ISSN (O):2454-633X, RNI No. International Journal of Shantaram Janorkar Foundation of
MAHBIL/2015/67021, India (Also in Marathi language, Mathematics, Science & Spiritual, Volume -2, Issue - 2, 15
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Mass)2,Speed of Light = 22,32,00,00,000 Mile/per Second [21] Dhananjay Shantaram Janorkar, The Theorem of the
(Twenty two Hundred and Thirty two Cores Mile/per Evolution Or Creation of the whole Universe i.e. the
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1, Issue–1, 15 September, 2015, Page No. 265-290. ISSN Foundation of Mathematics, Science & Spiritual, Volume -
(P): 2454-5236, ISSN (O): 2454-633X, RNI No. 3, Issue - 3, 15 September, 2017, Page No. 623-706. ISSN
MAHBIL/2015/67021, India (Also in Marathi language, (P):2454-5236, ISSN (O):2454-633X, RNI No.
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Spiritual, Volume -1, Issue–1, 15 September, 2015, Page Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT) -
No. 317-321. ISSN (P): 2454-5236, ISSN (O):2454-633X, Volume 59 Number 1- July 2018, Page No. 27-34. ISSN:
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language, Page No. 322-325). [23] Dhananjay Shantaram Janorkar, True Value of Pi (π) Now
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