Tutorial Letter 101 2014 - ETH203Q
Tutorial Letter 101 2014 - ETH203Q
Tutorial Letter 101 2014 - ETH203Q
Semester 1 and 2
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3
2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 4
2.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Outcomes ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................... 4
3.1 Lecturer(s) ...................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Department ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 University ........................................................................................................................................ 5
4 MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES .............................................................................................. 5
4.1 Prescribed books ............................................................................................................................ 5
4.2 Recommended books ..................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves) .................................................................................................. 6
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE ................................................................ 6
5.1 Contact with fellow students and the forming of study groups ........................................................ 6
6 MODULE-SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN............................................................................................... 6
7 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING ..................................... 7
8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................... 7
8.1 Assessment plan ............................................................................................................................ 7
8.2 Unique assignment numbers and due dates .................................................................................. 7
8.3 Submission of assignments ............................................................................................................ 8
8.4 Assignments ................................................................................................................................... 8
9 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS............................................................................................... 8
10 EXAMINATION ............................................................................................................................... 9
10.1 Examination admission ................................................................................................................... 9
10.2 Semester mark ............................................................................................................................... 9
10.3 Subminimum in the examination ..................................................................................................... 9
10.4 Examination period ......................................................................................................................... 9
10.5 Previous examination papers ......................................................................................................... 9
10.6 Tutorial letter with examination guidelines ...................................................................................... 9
11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .......................................................................................... 10
12 SOURCES CONSULTED ............................................................................................................. 10
13 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 10
14 ADDENDUM ................................................................................................................................. 11
Dear Student
We welcome you to the module Guidance, counselling and life skills which forms part of the degree BEd
and is prescribed for Intermediate and Senior Phase. We hope that you will find the subject matter
interesting, constructive and useful.
This tutorial letter forms an important and integral part of the tutorial matter for the module ETH203Q.
Study it carefully and keep it handy because you will need to refer to it frequently during the semester.
Use this tutorial letter to form the basis of a properly planned study programme on this module. The
planning of your study programme cannot be postponed for any length of time because throughout the
semester you will have to work at a constant pace should you wish to succeed in your studies.
You will receive a number of tutorial letters throughout the semester. A tutorial letter is our way of
communicating with you with reference to teaching, learning and assessment.
Tutorial Letter 101 contains important information about the scheme of work, resources and assignments
for this module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it on hand when working through study
material, preparing assignment(s), or preparing for the examination and addressing questions to your
Please read Tutorial Letter 301 in combination with Tutorial Letter 101 as it gives you a comprehensive
idea of generally important information when studying at a distance and within a particular College.
In Tutorial Letter 101, you will find assignments and assessment criteria as well as instructions on the
preparation and submission of assignments. This tutorial letter provides all the information you need with
regard to the prescribed study material and other resources and how to obtain it.
We have included certain general and administrative information about this module. Kindly study this
section of the tutorial letter very carefully.
From the start we would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you receive
throughout the semester immediately and carefully, as they always contain important and, sometimes,
urgent information.
If you have access to a computer that is linked to the Internet, you can quickly access resources and
information at the University. The myUnisa learning management system is Unisas online campus that
will help you to communicate with your lecturers, with other students and with the administrative
departments of Unisa all through the computer and the Internet. It is therefore of the utmost importance
to get access to the Internet and to consult myUnisa on a regular basis. Please note that once you are
registered on myUnisa you will also be able to submit your assignments online, have access to library
resources, download your study material, etc. You will also be able to keep record of assignments
submitted and have access to your marks, previous examination papers and examination dates.
To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://unisa.ac.za and then click on the
login to myUnisa link on the right-hand side of the screen. This should take you to the myUnisa website.
You can also go there directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za
We hope that you will enjoy this module and wish you every success with your studies!
2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this module is to enhance your educational experience by means of guidance,
counseling and life skills development.
You will have registered for either Semester One or Semester Two. Please make sure you know
which semester you are registered for. If in doubt, please contact the Department of Student
Administration for clarification.
2.2 Outcomes
You are most welcome to contact your lecturers when you encounter any problems with your studies or
assignments. You may write to them, phone them or visit them. When you plan to visit your lecturers,
you should first make an appointment.
Dr R Tabane
AJH Van der Walt Building 6-52
E-mail address: Tabanrj@unisa.ac.za
Telephone number: 012 429 4559
Fax number 012 429 4900
Please use the address provided above if you want to write me a letter. Please note that letters to
lecturers may not be enclosed with or inserted into assignments.
3.2 Department
3.3 University
If you need to contact the University about matters not related to the content of this module, please
consult the publication my Studies @ Unisa that you received with your study material. This booklet
contains information on how to contact the University (e.g. to whom you can write for different queries,
important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the times certain facilities are open). You
should direct telephonic inquiries about administrative matters to the relevant department. Please refer to
the brochure
Always have your student number at hand when you contact the University.
Please note that all administrative enquiries should be directed to my Studies @ Unisa. The details
are as follows:
4.1 Prescribed books
The Department of Despatch should supply you with the following study material for this module:
tutorial letters. A tutorial letter is my way of communicating with your about teaching, learning and
assessment. You therefore have to study them carefully!
Remember that you can view the study guides and tutorial letters for the modules for which you are
registered on the universitys online campus, myUnisa, at http://my.unisa.ac.za
There are no recommended books for the course. You are welcome, however, to make use of any
additional relevant subject matter and articles.
There are no e-reserves, recommended books or reading lists for this module.
For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g. student
counselling, tutorial classes, language support), please consult the publication my Studies @ Unisa,
which you received with your study material. If you have any special needs, please inform me of your
needs in your first assignment.
5.1 Contact with fellow students and the forming of study groups
It is advisable to have contact with your fellow students. One way of doing this is to form study groups.
The addresses of students in your area may be obtained from the following department:
This module is offered in a semester period of fifteen weeks. This means that if you are registered for
the first semester, you will write the examination in May/June and the supplementary examination will be
written in October/November. If you are registered for the second semester you will write the
examination in October/November and the supplementary examination will be written in May/ June of
the following year.
I suggest that you note down the closing dates for all the assignments that you have to submit this
semester and compile a plan of study according to the due dates. You can use the following as a
guideline for planning your studies for ETH203Q:
Period Activity
Familiarise yourself with the study material by scanning through the study
January/February guide.
Introduce yourself to me and your fellow students on the discussion forum on
February/March Study the prescribed reading for assignment 01 (see Annexure 1). The
purpose of this assignment is to take you systematically through the study
guide. Read the whole study guide dont just look for the answers to the
Do and submit assignment 01.
March/April Start working on Assignment 02. Do and submit assignment 02. I suggest that
you contact your fellow students via myUnisa and compare and discuss your
April/May Start preparing for the examination and write the examination.
You can use the above as a guideline to compile your study plan for the second semester.
There is no practical work and/or work- integrated learning for this module.
8.1 Assessment plan
For general information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see the brochure my
Studies @ Unisa, which you have received with your study material.
Assignments Unique number Closing dates
Assignment 01 834857 12 March 2014
Assignment 02 849422 09 April 2014
Assignments Unique number Closing dates
Assignment 01 884518 23 July 2014
Assignment 02 849582 20 August 2014
8.3 Submission of assignments
You may submit written assignments and assignments done on mark-reading sheets either by post or
electronically via myUnisa. Assignments may NOT be submitted by fax or e-mail.
The Registrar
PO Box 392
Go to myUnisa
Log in with your student number and password
Select the module
Click on assignments in the left-hand menu
Click on the assignment number you want to submit
Follow the instructions on the screen
For detailed information on assignments, please refer to my Studies @ Unisa brochure, which you
received with your study package to submit an assignment via myUnisa.
8.4 Assignments
Assignments are seen as part of the learning material for this module. As you do the assignment, you
are actively engaged in learning. Looking at the assessment criteria given for each assignment will help
you to understand what is required of you more clearly.
Feedback on the assignments will be provided in different ways. You will receive the correct answers
automatically for multiple-choice questions. For written assignments, markers will comment
constructively on your work. However, feedback on compulsory assignments will be sent to all
students registered for this module in a follow-up tutorial letter, and not only to those students who
submitted the assignments.
As soon as you have received the feedback, please check your answers. The assignments and the
feedback on these assignments constitute an important part of your learning and should help you to be
better prepared for the next assignment and the examination.
When you make inquiries about an assignment, you must supply the course code (ETH203Q) and the
number of the assignment. Refer to your my Studies@ Unisa brochure for the contact details.
10.1 Examination admission
As explained above you need to qualify to write the examination, you MUST submit Assignment 01, in
order to qualify for examination. Assignment 01 is therefore compulsory, and it must be submitted before
the closing date. We are aware that this closing date is early in the semester, but please note that this
assignment does not take a great deal of time to complete.
We emphasise the point again: if you do not submit Assignment 01 on time, you will not be
permitted to sit for the examination.
During this semester, you will be assessed on your assignments, which count for 20% of your final mark,
and on the examination, which counts for 80% of your final mark.
The marks obtained for assignment 02 counts 20% of your final pass mark for this module.
The examination counts 80% of your final mark for this module. In the examination you should obtain a
minimum of 40% to pass. In other words, if you have a year mark of 80%, but you obtain less than 40%
in the examination, you will not pass. If you do not obtain 40% in the examination, your year mark will not
be taken into consideration. In other words if you get 38% in the examination, your final mark will be 38%
even though you had a year mark of 100%.
This module is a semester module. This means that you will write the examination in May/June if you are
registered for the first semester and October/November if you are registered for the second semester.
During the semester you will receive information regarding the examination in general, examination
dates, times and venues.
Previous examination papers are available on myUnisa. I advise you, however, not to focus on old
papers too much, because a new paper is set every year. You may, however, accept that the type of
questions that will be asked in the examination will be similar to those asked in the assignments.
To help you prepare for the examination you will receive a tutorial letter that will explain the format of the
paper and set out clearly what material you have to study for examination purposes.
The my Studies @ Unisa brochure contains an A-Z guide of the most relevant information.
I wish you the best for the long academic road ahead which is sometimes a lonely one, demanding
sacrifice and requiring perseverance and patience. However, success at the end of the road will
compensate for all the agony experienced along the way.
Dr R Tabane
Purpose: The purpose of the multiple choice questions is to give you a broad overview of core aspects
of the whole module. We believe that it is necessary for you to obtain this broad overview to acquire a
reasonable knowledge base on guidance, counselling and life skills. We have set 20 true/false
questions, from the study guide.
Begin by answering the question for yourself without looking at the study guide.
Each question has only ONE correct answer. Use your study guide in order to find the answers to
the questions.
This assignment consists of 20 True/False questions, indicate the correct answer 1 or 2 on the mark-
reading sheet.
1 = True
2 = False
Life Orientation is an umbrella term which encompasses all the work that teachers should be doing with
learners and include school guidance, counselling and life skills.
An intensive, extended career education programme helps learners to gain knowledge of who they are.
Lindhard and Oosthuizen differentiate between the following principles of decision making, namely: aims
and value; information; solution and decision making.
The implication of the structured interview is that the interviewer and the learner encounter each other as
equal partners.
In educational support the content should be presented in such a way that the learners themselves
achieve personalization.
Imagining are dependent upon the senses and is a precondition for learning.
The learner is able to transcend reality and enter a world of nonreality through the process of
The composite interview method is made up of the best elements from the direct and indirect interviews.
The three main considerations governing a career choice are job description, working conditions and job
In the decision making process the delaying decider is the whatever will be, will be type.
Total 100
ASSIGNMENT 02 100 marks
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to direct your attention to important aspects in the
study guide. It is also to give you an idea of the kind of theortetical questions you can expect in the
Good assignment writing forms an essential part of your studies in this module. It is therefore vital
that you spend adequate time preparing and writing your assignments. Your assignments will form
an important part of our overall assessment of your performance.
Papalia DE. & Olds, SW. 1978. Human development. Toronto: McGraw-Hill. (If you submit your
assignments in handwriting the title of the book must be underlined.)
Question 1
Discuss the 4 principles of personal and social guidance. (Not more than 2 pages)
Assessment criteria
Question 2
How would you explain the following concepts to a group of parents? (Do not use more than 4 sentences
to discuss each concept.)
Assessment criteria
Question 3
Identify an area of life-skills in social development that your students will need to develop.
Formulate this into a lesson plan appropriate to the age level of the students with whom you
are involved. [50]
Assessment criteria
NB: The entire lesson need not be written and you should only give an outline of how you plan on
presenting the life-skill in your classroom situation.
TOTAL: [100]
Please complete the questionnaire in this tutorial letter and send it back with
your assignment 02.
1 Do you think this module will be useful for your teaching career?
Yes No
4 Do you have any study problems which you would like to bring to my attention?
6. What do you think of guidance and counseling as one of the school subjects?
Thank you!!