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Abstract - The spectral clustering algorithm is an algorithm for find a partition of the graph so that the points within a
placing N data points in an I-dimensional space into different clusters.
group are similar and the points between different groups
Each cluster is described by its similarity, which means that the points
in the same cluster are similar and points in different clusters are are dissimilar to each other. The partition can be done in
dissimilar to each other. Recently, spectral clustering has become an various ways such as minimum cut method, ratio cut
increasingly espouse tool and has been applied in many areas such as method, and normalized and MinMaxCut Method[3]. This
statistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, data mining, and
paper will discuss the relationship between spectral
image processing. This survey paper discusses these methods in detail
and later on introduces the relationship between spectral clustering clustering and k-means clustering and spectral clustering's
and k-means clustering and spectral clustering's applications in image applications in different areas.
segmentation, educational data mining, entity resolution and speech
separation. It also mention the improvements in this algorithm using
Nystrom methods.
Spectral clustering is is appealingly simple: Given some
1. INTRODUCTION data, you build an affinity (or kernel) matrix, analyze its
Clustering is a task of grouping a set of objects into classes spectrum, and often get a perfect clustering from the
with similar characteristics. There are many data clustering dominant eigen vectors for free. This simple algorithm[4]
algorithms that do a good job. However, recently spectral or its slightly more complex variants which yield so good
techniques for data clustering have emerged as a powerful results are widely appreciated for applications.
tool for clustering data. To solve the clustering problem we Here are the key steps of spectral clustering algorithm:
calculate the eigenvectors and eigen values of the graph Given a set of points S = {s1, . . . , sn } in a high
laplacian which is a similarity measure between two data dimensional space.
points. The clustering is obtained from the eigenvectors. 1. Form a distance matrix D R2. This distance measure is
Many algorithms have been proposed for spectral clustering Euclidean, but other measures also make sense.
which are small disparity of the above technique. In this 2. Transform the distance matrix to an affinity matrix by Aij
survey report, we will discuss spectral clustering, a more = exp( ij ) if i j,0 if i = j. The free parameter 2
powerful and specialized clustering algorithm[4](compared controls the rate at which affinity drops off with
to K-means). distance.
There are several motivations for clustering as following: 3. Form the diagonal matrix D whose (i,i) element is the
a) A good clustering has predictive power. sum of As ith row, and create the Laplacian matrix L =
b) Clusters can be useful in communication because they D1/2 AD1/2
allow people to put objects with similar features into one 4. Obtain the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of L.
category and to name them. 5. Form a new matrix from the vectors associated with the k
c) Failures of one cluster model may draw special attention largest eigenvalues. Choose k by using eigen gap
to interesting objects. method.
d) Clusters may serve as models of learning processes in 6. Each item now has a vector of k coordinates in the
neural systems. transformed space. Normalize these vectors to unit
Spectral clustering[4] glean its name from spectral analysis length.
of a graph, which is how the data are represented. Spectral 7. Cluster in k-dimensional space. The result will be k well-
clustering techniques reduce dimensions using the eigen a separated clusters.
values of the similarity matrix of the data. The similarity Spectral clustering is a more advanced algorithm compared
matrix[4] is provided as an input and consists of a to k-means as it uses several mathematical concepts (i.e.
quantitative evaluation of the relative similarity of each pair degree matrices weight matrices, similarity matrices,
of points in the dataset. The spectral clustering algorithm is similarity graphs, graph Laplacians, eigenvalues and
an algorithm for grouping N data points in an I-dimensional eigenvectors) in order to divide similar data points in the
space into several clusters. Each cluster is parameterized by same group and dissimilar data points in different groups.
its similarity, which means that the points in the same group This Spectral Clustering works well for many real world
are similar and points in different groups are dissimilar to data sets eventhough, it needs some modification in terms
each other. We start the algorithm by presenting the data of improving its time complexity, space complexity.
points in the form of similarity graph, and then we need to
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3. SPECTRAL CLUSTERING APPLICATIONS IN RECENT 3. Each such predictor (such as linear regression) represents
LITERATURE a model of the cluster and is called a cluster model. And the
Spectral Clustering has been extensively used in many collection of cluster models is called a prediction model ,
areas, including in the statistics, machine learning, pattern where K indicates the number of clusters. (Trivedi et al.)[6]
recognition, data mining, and image processing.
3.1 Image segmentation
In digital image processing, segmentation is important for
image description and classification. Clusters can be formed
for images build on pixel intensity, color, texture, location,
or some combination of these. "Spectral clustering involves
the eigen decomposition of a pair wise similarity matrix,
which is intractable for sufficiently large images. Down-
sizing the image, however, will cause a loss of finer details
and can lead to inaccurate segmentation results" (Tung,
Wong, and Clausi, 2010). So Tung et al. (2010)
[7]proposed a method of spectral clustering to large images
using a combination of block wise processing and
stochastic ensemble consensus. The idea of this method is
Figure 3.1 The technique for making a prediction for a test point (Trivedi
to perform an over-segmentation of the image at the pixel et al.)
level using spectral clustering, and then merge the segments
using a combination of stochastic ensemble consensus and a
second round of spectral clustering at the segment level.
And we use stochastic ensemble consensus o integrate both
global and local image characteristics in determining the
pixel classifications. This step also removes blockwise
processing artifacts. (Tung et al., 2010) Tung et al. (2010)[7]
also presented the experimental results on a set of natural
scene images (from the Berkeley segmentation database) of
the normalized cut, the self-tuning spectral clustering.They
conclude that "the proposed method achieves segmentation
results that are comparable to or better than the other two
methods. In particular, detailed structures are better
preserved in the segmentation, as reflected in the higher Figure 3.2 The 5 fold cross validated errors using different prediction
recall values" (Tung et al., 2010)[7] models from K=1 to 7 for both k-means and spectral clustering (Trivedi et
3.2 Educational Data Mining
With quickly increasing data repositories from different 3.3 Entity resolution
educational areas, useful information and data in In many telecom and web applications, the demand of
educational data mining is playing a outstanding role in entity resolution is getting bigger and bigger. Entity
student learning since it can answer important research resolution is to recognize whether the objects in the same
question about student learning. K-means clustering is a source represent the same entity in the real world. This
simple and powerful tool to monitor students academic problem emerge often in the area of information integration
performance by discovering the key characteristics from when there lacks a unique identifier across multiple data
students performance and using these characteristics for sources to represent a real world entity. Blocking is an
future prediction. Furthermore, we are able to boost the important technique for improving the computational
student performance prediction by using spectral clustering. efficiency of the algorithms for entity resolution. To solve
Trivedi, Pardos, Sarkozy and Heffernan[6] implemented the entity resolution problem, Shu, Chen, Xiong and Meng
spectral clustering for analyzing data set of 628 students proposed an efficient spectral neighborhood (SPAN)
state test scores from the 2004-2005 school year and the algorithm based on spectral clustering. SPAN is an
features included the various dynamic features. The data unsupervised and unconstrained algorithm and it is
was collected using the ASSISTments tutor in two schools applicable in many applications where the number of blocks
in Massachusetts and ASSISTments is an brilliant Tutoring is unknown beforehand. (Shu et al.) SPAN uses the vector
System developed at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA, space model in the way of representing each record by a
USA. The prediction was the MCAS test scores for the vector of qgrams. A qgram is a length q substring of
same students in the following year. The technique for blocking attribute value. And the algorithm is implemented
making a prediction for a test point includes the following in the following steps:
steps and is shown in figure 1: 1. Define the similarity matrix for the records based on the
1. Divide the data into K clusters. vector space model.
2. Apply a separate linear regression model to each cluster. 2. Derive SPAN based on spectral clustering.
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3. Use Newman-Girvan modularity as the stopping criterion clustering have better performance on a wide variety of
for blocking. datasets.
Shu et al. compared SPAN with three common blocking Spectral Clustering of Protein Sequences Using
algorithms, Sorted Neighborhood, Canopy Clustering and Sequence-Profile Scores Rajkumar Sasidharan1, Mark
Bigram Indexing. The experiments were performed on both Gerstein1, Alberto Paccanaro2*
published synthetic data and real data and the results An important problem in todays genomics is that of
indicate: grouping together evolutionary related proteins when only
1. SPAN is fast and scalable to large scale datasets while sequence information is available. Genome sequencing
Canopy Clustering and Bigram Indexing are not. projects have led to a huge increase in the number of known
2. SPAN outperforms the other three when data have low or protein sequences. Grouping together sequences with
medium noise. common evolutionary origin provides a high-level view of
3. SPAN is much more robust than Canopy Clustering and sequence space. It facilitates identification of general
Bigram Indexing in respect to the tuning parameters features which may be associated with given biological
because the performance of Canopy Clustering and functions. If some of the sequences are of unknown
Bigram Indexing require a large number of labeled data biological function their placement in a particular
and thus are often not possible with data in the real neighbourhood may give a clue to their function. From a
world applications. (Shu et al.) biological perspective it is desirable to group together as
many evolutionarily related sequences as possible, while
3.4 Speech separation not contaminating the clusters with false positives. Clearly
While linkage algorithms and k-means algorithms are very a very conservative cut-off for defining relatedness would
popular in speech processing and robust to noise, they are exclude the latter possibility but it would most likely mean
only best suited for rounded linearly separable clusters. that many sequences remain singletons, because the
However, spectral clustering is able to find extended distance to the nearest neighborhood is deemed to be too far
clusters and is more robust to noise than the above two for membership to that community. In addition to a
algorithms. Bach and Jordan applied spectral clustering to meaningful grouping of sequences, we require a fast
data from four different male and female speakers with algorithm for computing the distances. However the
speech signals of duration 3 seconds based on a cost measure of distance (or similarity) may not capture all
function that characterized how close the eigen structure of functional relationships, as some sequences with common
a similarity matrix W is to a partition E. According to Bach evolutionary origin can have very weak sequence similarity;
and Jordan[2], "minimizing this cost function with respect recognizing these distant relationships is difficult. We have
to the partition E leads to a new clustering algorithm that shown that our spectral clustering in combination with a
takes the form of weighted k-means algorithms. Minimizing distance measure obtained from a sequence-profile method
them with respect to W yields a theoretical framework for like PSI-BLAST provides better clustering than using a
learning the similarity matrix". The basic idea of their distance measure obtained from pair wise methods like
algorithm is to combine the knowledge of physical and BLAST or other local methods in our experiments, the F-
psychophysical properties of speech with learning measure (which provides a quantitative measure on cluster
algorithms. The physical properties provide parameterized quality) was consistently better.
similarity matrices for spectral clustering and the
psychophysical properties help generate segmented training 3.6 A Text Image Segmentation Method Based on
data. There were 15 parameters to estimate using Bach and Spectral Clustering
Jordan's [2] spectral learning algorithm. For testing, they Images generally contain rich messages from textual
used mixes from speakers which were different from those information, such as street name, construction identification,
in the training set (the four different male and female public transport stops and a variety of signal boards. The
speakers with speech signals of duration 3 seconds). Bach textual information assists the understanding the essential
and Jordan's analyzed that the performance of the content of the images. If computers can automatically
separation is good enough to obtain audible signals of recognize the textual information from an image, it will be
reasonable quality even though some components of the highly valuable to improve the existing technology in image
"black" speaker are missing. As we can seen from the and video retrieval from high-level semantics (Lienhart,
results, the proposed approach was successful in demixing 2002, pp.256-268). For instance, road signs and
the speech signals from two speakers. construction identification in a natural environment can be
captured into images by cameras and the textual
3.5 spectral clustering of protein sequences information will be detected, segmented, and recognized
An important problem in genomics is the automatic automatically by machines. These messages then can be
inference of groups of homologous proteins from pair wise synchronized as human voice to be used as instructions for
sequence similarities. Several approaches have been visually impaired person. In addition to the example, textual
proposed for this task which is local in the sense that they information extraction plays a major role in images retrieval
assign a protein to a cluster based only on the distances based on contents, cars auto-drive, vehicle plate recognition
between that protein and the other proteins in the set. It was and automatics.In general, automatic textual extraction
shown recently that global methods such as spectral consists of text detection, localization, binarization and
recognition etc. In a natural scene texts could have different
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backgrounds and characters in the text message can also is the most popular. It samples mx n columns from the
have variety of forms. And, existing OCR (Optical original n n matrix, and then forms a low-rank
Character Recognition)engine can only deal with printed approximation of the full matrix by using the correlations
characters against clean backgrounds and can not handle between the sampled columns and the remaining n m
characters embedded in shaded, textured or complex columns. As only a portion of the full matrix is computed
backgrounds. So that characters are separated from the text and stored, the Nystrom method can reduce the time and
in the detected region accurately is very necessary. space complexities significantly. Fowlkeset al. successfully
Currently, many researchers have done a lot of work in the applied this to spectral clustering for image segmentation
text detection and a lot of methods of text detection and [6]. Besides this, the Nystrom method has also been
location have been proposed. (Mariano, 2000;D. Chen,2004; popularly used for tasks such as Gaussian processes and
Zhong,2000; X.L Chen,2004;X. Chen,2004) Compared to manifold learning .
the text detection in natural scenes, specialized study of the
characters extraction from natural environment is not more. 4.3 Spectral Clustering on a Budget Ohad Shamir,
The purpose of this paper is to extract accurate binary Naftali Tishby[10] focus on the problem of performing
characters from the localize text regions so that the spectral clustering under a budget constraint. Namely, a
traditional OCR can work directly. In our approach, the situation where we can only query a limited number of
histogram of intensity is used for the object of grouping, we entries from the similarity matrix, but still wish to cluster
partition the image into two parts using the gray levels of an comparably well as if we had the entire matrix at hand.
image rather than the image pixels. For most images, the Ohad Shamir, Naftali Tishby[10] propose and study,
number of gray levels is much smaller than the number of theoretically and empirically, two algorithms for this task.
pixels. Therefore, the proposed algorithm occupies much The first algorithm is a simple and efficient randomized
smaller storage space and requires much lower procedure, with formal performance guarantees. The
computational costs and implementation complexity than theoretical analysis indicates that its performance improves
other similar algorithms. as the data is more easily clustered. In particular, for well
clustered data and an nn similarity matrix, a budget of
4. RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN SPECTRAL CLUSTERING O(n) (i.e., linear up to logarithmic factors) will suffice. The
ALGORITHM second algorithm is adaptive, and has better empirical
Over the past decade, spectral clustering methods have performance. On the flip side, it is much more
gained popularity as a method to perform data clustering computationally demanding, and without better theoretical
one of the most basic tasks of machine learning. These guarantees.
methods enjoy some important advantages, such as the
ability to cluster non-vectorial data, and often yield superior 4.4 Active Spectral Clustering via Iterative Uncertainty
empirical performance. Moreover, they are well-studied and Reduction Fabian L. Wauthier, Nebojsa Jojic and
supported theoretically. In our literature survey we Michael I. Jordan[11] propose an active learning
identified the major advances in the spectral clustering algorithm for spectral clustering that incrementally
algorithm. Here we are notifying some of the improvements. measures only those similarities that are most likely to
remove uncertainty in an intermediate clustering solution.
4.1 Improvement in time complexity Anna In many applications, similarities are not only costly to
Choromanska1, Tony Jebara2, Hyungtae Kim2, compute, but also noisy. We extend our algorithm to
Mahesh Mohan3, and Claire Monteleoni3[8] propose and maintain running estimates of the true similarities, as well
analyze a fast spectral clustering algorithm with as estimates of their accuracy. Using this information, the
computational complexity linear in the number of data algorithm updates only those estimates which are relatively
points that is directly applicable to large-scale datasets. The inaccurate and whose update would most likely remove
algorithm combines two powerful techniques in machine clustering uncertainty. We compare our methods on several
learning: spectral clustering algorithms and Nystrom datasets, including a realistic example where similarities are
methods[8] commonly used to obtain good quality low rank expensive and noisy. The results show a significant
approximations of large matrices. The proposed algorithm improvement in performance compared to the alternatives
applies the Nystrom approximation to the graph Laplacian
to perform clustering.We provide theoretical analysis of the 4.5 Parallel Spectral Clustering traditional spectral
performance of the algorithm and show the error bound it clustering suffers from a scalability problem in both
achieves and we discuss the conditions under which the memory use and computational time when a dataset size is
algorithm performance is comparable to spectral clustering large. To perform clustering on large datasets, Yangqiu
with the original graph Laplacian Song1,4, Wen-Yen Chen2,4, Hongjie Bai4,Chih-Jen Lin3,4,
and Edward Y. Chang4 propose an improved algorithm to
4.2 Time and Space Efficient Spectral Clustering via parallelize both memory use and computation on distributed
Column SamplingMu Li1 ,Xiao-Chen Lian1,James T. computers. Through an empirical study on a large
Kwok2 and Bao-Liang Lu1[9] As only several document dataset of 193, 844 data instances and a large
eigenvectors are required in the procedure, a general photo dataset of 637, 137, they demonstrate that their
approach to alleviate this problem is by using low-rank parallel algorithm can effectively alleviate the scalability
matrix approximations, among which the Nystrom method problem.
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