Aramid Fibre Brake Pad

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Wear 354-355 (2016) 6977

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Effects of aramid ber concentration on the friction and wear

characteristics of non-asbestos organic friction composites using
standardized braking tests
N. Aranganathan, Vishal Mahale, Jayashree Bijwe n
Industrial Tribology Machine Dynamics & Maintenance Engineering Centre (ITMMEC), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aramid ber/pulp (AF*) is one of the most important ingredients, of non-asbestos organic (NAO) friction
Received 23 September 2015 materials (FMs). In spite of its relatively high cost, it is invariably added to good quality FMs (  3 wt%)
Received in revised form because it improves their wear resistance and processability. The present research was prompted by the
29 February 2016
need to optimize the amount of the pulp required to achieve the best performance. Six FMs were pre-
Accepted 3 March 2016
Available online 10 March 2016
pared. They contained aramid ber/pulp additions from 0 to 10 wt% and were characterized for their
physical, mechanical, chemical and tribological performance. Composites were evaluated on a full-scale
Keywords: brake inertia dynamometer following the procedure in a Japanese automobile testing standard (JASO
Polymer-matrix C406). The 10 wt% aramid FM showed best overall performance while the composite without bers was
Composite brake materials
worst. Worn surfaces were characterized using scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive
Electron microscopy
X-ray analysis.
Wear testing
& 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction lubricity, wear resistance etc. Fibers of metals, aramid, acrylic,

minerals, ceramic etc. are used in combinations and various
Automotive friction materials (FMs) must satisfy a certain set of amounts instead of conventional asbestos bers.
performance parameters. These include; desired and stable fric- Amongst various currently used bers in FMs, aramid pulp/
tion coefcient irrespective of changes in the operating conditions bers (AF) have attracted much attention since these show good
such as pressure, speed, repeated number of brakings leading to ller retention and also act as processing aid providing sufcient
increase in temperature at the interface of the pad and disc; low green strength for a pre-form apart from friction stabilization
noise, vibration, judder, squeal, wear, etc. Since no single material capability and wear resistance (WR) [421]. According to the lit-
has been found to meet all these requirements, brake-friction erature, AF inclusion led to a higher friction coefcient for a wide
materials are in the form of composites, which combine 1015 range of temperatures [1] and also improved the WR as compared
different ingredients. These are necessary for achieving this to the woven glass fabric [6]. Kato and Magario [7] reported ten-
amalgam of contradictory performance properties [13]. The fold increase in the WR due to the presence of AF. Gopal et al. [9,10]
inuence of these ingredients on the performance properties is developed quaternary composites with glass-Kevlar and steel
very complex and formulation of an efcient friction material is a Kevlar FMs along with their corresponding control composites
without Kevlar bers and tested on Chase machine following SAE
Herculean task.
J661 standard schedule. It was found that the Kevlar pulp inclusion
The type of FM, which is mostly used now a days as a brake-
increased the WR, decreased friction and friction uctuations and
material for automotive and locomotive originates from the cate-
squeal. Kim et al. [11] tribo-evaluated the composites containing
gory of non-asbestos organic (NAO), which consists of ingredients
AF and potassium titanate (KT) whiskers using pad-on-disc type
mainly from four classes viz. binder resin, reinforcing bers,
tester. It was claimed that synergism existed between the ber and
functional llers such as solid lubricants, abrasives, etc. and space
the ller leading to high friction stability and WR. Satapathy and
llers. These ingredients are most of the times multifunctional
Bijwe [13,14] analyzed the inuence of various organic bers such
[13]. Though the bers are mainly used for the reinforcement,
as aramid, carbon, PAN and cellulose in the FMs on the tribo-
they also affect other properties such as thermal conductivity, performance on Krauss machine and reduced scale prototype
(RSP). It was observed that among the various organic ber based
Corresponding author. Tel.: 91 11 26591280. FMs, aramid based FM showed highest WR. Sampath [15] devel-
E-mail address: (J. Bijwe). oped glass ber and AF based composites and tribo-tested using
0043-1648/& 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
70 N. Aranganathan et al. / Wear 354-355 (2016) 6977

pin on disc test machine. WR of AF based FM was found to be Twaron lament yarn is rst cut, suspended in water and then
excellent. Kim and Jang [16] developed FMs containing varying % brillated. The characteristic properties of the pulp are determined
(0%, 10% and 20%) of AF and tribo-evaluated using slider on disc by the ber length and the specic surface area (degree of bril-
machine. Increase in the AF contents led to an improvement in WR lation). Due to its chemical and physical properties, Twaron pulp
by tenfold and the m performance reduced to half till 10% inclusion improves stability and increases the strength of compounds in
followed by the stabilization. Patnaik et al. [17] developed hybrid which it is used [20].
composites with varying % of AF complemented with ceramic
bers and tribo-evaluated for m sensitivity. The fade resistance and 2.2. Characterization of AF
recovery was found to be decreasing with increase in ceramic ber
contents and with decrease in aramid contents. Frictional uc- Aramid bers (AF) were characterized by SEM and micrographs
tuations decreased with increase in AF contents. Park et al. [4] are shown in Fig. 1. Details of brils can be seen clearly.
studied the effect of acrylic bers and AF and found that at ele-
vated temperatures, AF based FMs showed better m performance 2.3. Formulation and development of brake-pads based on AF
as compared to the acrylic bers. Kumar et al. [18] studied the
ternary composites with aramid pulp, KT and graphite by varying Details of formulation of FMs based on variation in the content
the contents of AF and tribo evaluated using Krauss tester. In of AF are shown in Table 2.
general, wear decreased with increase in aramid %. It is also Six composites, in the form of brake-pads of commercial
reported [17] that weight loss increased up to 5 wt% while beyond vehicle, (Maruti-Suzuki Alto car); each containing 11 ingredients
that, it decreased. For best combination of friction, fade, recovery, were fabricated by keeping the parent composition of 9 ingre-
and WR, a combination of 57.5% of aramid and potassium titanate dients (70 wt%) constant and varying aramid bers by 0, 2, 4, 6, 8,
more than 25 wt% was found to be the best. Cai et al. [19] studied and 10 wt% in the composites designated as A0, A2, A4, A6, A8, and
the effect of aspect ratio of the AF on the performance properties A10 respectively . The remaining amount was compensated with
by developing FMs using AF in the form of powder, pulp and ber. the inert space ller (barite) as shown in Table 2. The brake-pads
With increase in aspect ratio, exural strength increased, whereas were fabricated by mixing as per schedule as shown in Table 3
the compressive strength decreased. WR of aramid powder based (21 min, in a plow type shear mixer).
FM was highest followed by aramid ber based FM. Aramid pulp
was the least wear resistant. But both friction and wear point of 2.4. Tribo-testing set-up and schedule
view, aramid pulp was found to show best combination of per-
formance properties. With the increase of aramid contents up to All samples were tested on a full scale brake inertia dynam-
ometer supplied by Pyramid Precision (India) Pvt. Ltd. The
10 vol%, the wear rate decreased.
dynamometer can simulate inertia from 1.5 to 1570 kg m2 by
Though this is widely researched topic, most of the work was
manually engaging or disengaging of 11 different inertia wheels.
focused on the study of effect of AF in binary, ternary or qua-
The NI-6008s card acquires various data signals from temperature
ternary composites. Also, most of the available literature reports
sensors, thermocouples, pneumatic and hydraulic pressure sensors
on the tribo-testing of composites on non-realistic friction testers
and brake torque-load sensor and thereby storing in the Labviews
such as pin on disc machine, slider on disc or block on ring friction
based system. The Labviews software based control system can be
testers, which are not perfectly suitable for tribo-characterization
loaded with various test schedules prepared according to JASO,
of realistic FMs. It was hence thought necessary to study the
FMVSS, AK Master, ECE R90 or any customized test schedules. A
performance of multi-ingredient realistic FM on realistic tribo-
Japanese Automobile Standards (JASO C406) schedule was used for
testers such as inertia dynamometer. In this study six realistic FMs
testing. This is one of the important schedules generally practiced
were developed in the form of brake-pads by varying the amount
in Asian countries for passenger cars. The JASO C406 test proce-
of AF at the cost of inert ller, keeping all other multiple ingre-
dure includes sequences of Bedding, Effectiveness-I, ReBurnish-I,
dients constant. These were tribo-evaluated on the brake
Baseline check, F&R-I, ReBurnish-II, Baseline check, and F&R-II as
dynamometer and results are compiled in the subsequent sections.
shown in Table 4.
Effectiveness studies comprise the inuence of operating
parameters (pressure and speed) on the performance of material.
2. Experimental details s
Commercially available original Maruti Alto rotor disc of
approximate roughness of Ra value between 1 and 2 mm was
2.1. Material selection procured from Maruti Genuine Parts (IGP) and used as a coun-
terface. Before nal testing each brake pad pair was subjected to
Aramid bers, Twaron 1095 (with medium ber length and bedding test which comprises of 200 brake applications to
brillation) in the form of pulp [20,21] were supplied by Teijin establish at least 80% conformal contact with the disc. The disc
(India) Ltd. Supplier's data are shown in Table 1. To produce pulp, was replaced by a fresh disc after conformal contact was estab-
lished. Total of 172 brake applications are made, which comprise of
Table 1 effectiveness test (to study the effect of speed and pressure), fade
Properties of aramid bers-Twaron 1095
bers [20,21].
(I and II) and recovery (I and II) test (to study the effect of tem-
perature). Effectiveness test was done at three different braking
Property Value speeds viz., 50, 80 and 100 kmph and eight different decelerations
(0.10.8 g). Thus total 24 brake applications (three at each decel-
Density (g/cm ) 1.441.45
eration) were applied at each speed. F&R-I and II studies comprise
Tensile strength (MPa) 2800
Young's modulus (GPa) 80 the inuence of temperature on m. As per requirement of the
Elongation at break (%) 3.3 schedule, brake pads and disc used in earlier effectiveness studies
Thermal decomposition (C) 500 were continued for these studies.
Thermal expansion (10  6/K) 3.5 Temperature of the disc was allowed to rise uninterruptedly
Specic heat capacity J/kg K 1420
Thermal conductivity (W/m K) 0.05
during fade-I and II mode to observe the inuence of temperature.
Recovery of m after the release of thermal stresses is termed as
N. Aranganathan et al. / Wear 354-355 (2016) 6977 71

Fig. 1. SEM micrographs of aramid pulp: (a)  500 and (b)  3000.

Table 2 Table 4
Formulation of developed friction composites. Dynamometer test schedule.

Ingredients Composition by wt% Description Speed Deceleration (g) Initial No. of brake Air blower
(kmph) temp. applications
Class Type of A0 A2 A4 A6 A8 A10 (C)
Bedding test 65 0.35 100 C 200 Off
Parent Binder Straight 10 10 10 10 10 10 Effectiveness-I 50, 80, 0.1 to 0.8 o 80 C 72a Off
formulation phenolic 100
Fade and recovery-I
Functional Brass metal 10 10 10 10 10 10
Re-burnish-I 50 0.3 80 C 15 Off
llers powder
Baseline check 50 0.3 80 C 3 Off
Cashew dust 10 10 10 10 10 10
Fade-I 80 0.45 80 C 10 Off
Vermiculite 10 10 10 10 10 10
(for 1st
Friction Graphite 10 10 10 10 10 10
modiers Alumina 2 2 2 2 2 2
Recovery-I 50 0.3 o 80 C 12 On
Fibers Rock bers 10 10 10 10 10 10
Glass bers 5 5 5 5 5 5 Fade and recovery-II
PAN bers 3 3 3 3 3 3 Re-burnish-II 50 0.3 80 C 25 Off
Theme ArBa Aramid 0 2 4 6 8 10 Baseline check 50 0.3 80 C 3 Off
ber Fade-II 80 0.45 80 C 10 Off
Barite 30 28 26 24 22 20 (for 1st
(BaSO4) brake)
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 Recovery-II 50 0.3 o 80 C 12 On

Parent composition-binder (Phenolic resin): 10 wt%; bers (Rock wool, PAN, a
Three brake applications for each deceleration value at constant speed.
glass): 18 wt%; additives (Graphite and alumina): 12 wt% and llers (Cashew dust,
Vermiculite, metal powder): 30 wt%.

Table 3
3.2. Tribological characterization
Mixing schedule and sequence of mixing of various ingredients.
Tribo-characterization of developed FMs was carried out by
Steps Ingredient Mixing dura- Plow shear mixer using single ended mass inertia dynamometer. Modied Japanese
tion (min)
JASO C406 standard schedule (as shown in Table 4) was followed
1. Aramid pulp and glass bers 1 Feeder speed with two fade and 2 recovery cycles. Immediately after completion
2. Aramid-glass bers mixture- 5 250 rpm Chopper of fade 1 and recovery 1 cycles, with preliminary burnishing and
barite (Batch-I) speed 2800 rpm
baseline check, the fade and recovery cycles were repeated as fade
3. Other brous ingredientsakes 11
and powdery ingredients (except and recovery 2 cycles. The same counter face and brake-pads were
resin) (Batch-II) continued to study the effect of tribo-layer formed during cycle
4. Mixing of all ingredients (Batch-I 4 1 tests.
and II) and resin
Total duration 21

4. Results and discussions

recovery and the cycle starts immediately after fade cycles once
the temperature reaches the value of o80 C with the blower in
Fig. 2 indicates the sensitivity of m for increasing pressure/
ON condition.
deceleration under selected speeds for the developed composites
while Fig. 3 is for speed spread characteristics of developed FMs.
Fig. 4 shows the maximum rise of temperature in tribo-couple
3. Characterization of brake-pads (brake pad and disc). Fig. 5 is for fade characteristics while Fig. 6
collects the data on recovery characteristics of FMs. Fig. 7 is for the
3.1. Physical characterization data on effect of temperature on FMs. Fig. 8 describes the wear
performance of developed FMs while Figs. 9 and 10 are for SEM
The samples of brake-pad were characterized for few physical, micrographs of worn surfaces of FMs and disks respectively after
chemical, mechanical tests and the results are collected in Table 5. the full test.
72 N. Aranganathan et al. / Wear 354-355 (2016) 6977

Table 5
Physical and mechanical properties of developed FMs.

Fig. 3. Speed-spread characteristics of FMs with increasing wt% of AF. (a) Mild
condition (b) Severe condition.

In general, porosity (oil and water) showed increase with increase

Fig. 2. Pressure sensitivity of m of FMs with increasing wt% of aramid bers at three
selected speeds (kmph): (a) 50 (b) 80 and (c) 100. in the ber amount. This trend was opposite to that of density.
Inclusion of bers, thus led to the less compact structure and
hence more porosity. In general, hardness increased with increase
4.1. Physical properties in AF contents.

As seen from the Table 5, density of FMs decreased with 4.2. Tribological performance
increase in AF content, which was as per expectation. Increase in
aramid bers (having low density of 1.44 g/cm3) was compensated Tribo-evaluation of FMs was done as per schedule shown in
by decrease in barite, inert ller having high density (4.48 g/cm3). Table 4.
N. Aranganathan et al. / Wear 354-355 (2016) 6977 73

4.2.1. Friction performance Pressure sensitivity. Tribo-performance of FMs at various

The sensitivity of m towards sliding speed, applied pressure and speeds is shown in Fig. 2. Each test was repeated two times in
temperature should be as minimum as possible. general. When the variation exceeded 8%, it was repeated for the
third time. The FMs showed typical trends at each speed for
m-pressure relationship. Overall, with increase in speed, m-pressure
pattern rst showed increase, (lowest speed, where temperature
Thermal Conductivity (W/mK)

1 .8
effects are minimal), then more stabilization (moderate speed) and
1 .7 fast decline right from the beginning (at highest speed, where
temperature effects are maximum).
1 .6
At lowest speed (50 kmph) the m was in the range of 0.350.55
1 .5 and showed increasing trend with increase in the pressure till
1 .4
0.4 g deceleration followed by a stabilization or a small decline in
case of A4, A6, A8 and A10. Decline shows fading tendency, which is
1 .3 not preferred. Ideally this m-pressure relationship should be a
1 .2 straight line parallel to the X axis showing zero sensitivity of m
Thermal Conductivity with pressure. Furthermore, the slope should be as small as
1 .1
A0 A2 A4 A6 A8 A10
At moderate speed (80 kmph) m was in the range of 0.440.50
indicating marginal difference in the behavior. The slopes were
minimal and up to 0.5 g deceleration, behavior of all FMs was
320 good. Beyond that, most of them showed a decline (fading ten-
310 dency). In general, in m-pressure sensitivity point of view, the
performance order was: A10 4 A4 A2 4 A6 4A8 4 A0.
Temperature (oC)

300 For highest speed (100 kmph) m was in the range of 0.380.46
290 indicating slow decrease in m with speed. The difference in the m
behavior was marginal. The decline in slope (pressure-fade) star-
280 ted quite early around 0.30.4 g deceleration. Beyond that, most of
them showed a decline (fading tendency). In general, m pressure
sensitivity point of view, the performance order was:
260 Max. Disc Temperature A10 4A4 4 A2 4A6 4 A8 4A0.
Max. Brake Temperature
A0 A2 A4 A6 A8 A10 Speed sensitivity. Speed spread % (SS) is calculated as the
ratio of m at a given lower speed to the subsequent higher speed
FMs with increasing wt. % of Aramid contents
and is measured in terms of %. Ideally, slope of the curve is
Fig. 4. (a) Thermal conductivity of developed FMs (b) Maximum rise in tempera- expected to be minimum with fewer undulations. Higher the
ture of a tribo-couple (brake pad and disc) for selected FMs. speed spread %, better is the performance. SS data in mild and

Fig. 5. Decrease in m with increase in temperature (fade) of FMs.

74 N. Aranganathan et al. / Wear 354-355 (2016) 6977

Fig. 6. Recovery of m after fade cycles for selected FMs.

Fig. 7. Effect of temperature on FMs with increasing wt% of aramid in FMs (a) fade m (b) recovery m (c) % fade ratio and (d) % recovery ratio (sufxes 1 and 2 denote 1st and
2nd F&R cycles respectively).

severe conditions are shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b) respectively as a severe for change in deceleration from 0.1 to 0.2, which later on
function of deceleration/pressure. The most obvious observations was comparatively regular.
from both the gures are as follows. For lowest deceleration (0.1 g), performance order was:
A10 4A6 4 A4 4A2 4A8 4A0. With increase in deceleration, speed
The change in SS for all FMs for milder condition (Fig. 3(a)) and spread (SS) varied with a fact that A0 was poorest in all conditions.
severe condition (Fig. 3(b)) was 13082% and 11770% respectively.
This was as per general trends; performance deteriorates as  As seen in Fig. 3(a), for SS performance A10 was the best
operating conditions become severe. The drop was sudden and followed by A6 and A2. A8 and A0 showed inferior performance.
N. Aranganathan et al. / Wear 354-355 (2016) 6977 75

 In severe condition, SS decreased drastically for all the compo-

sites as compared to the milder condition, though the perfor-
mance order for initial deceleration was similar to the milder
condition. For highest deceleration, A4 was the best followed by
(A10 E A8 EA6) and A2. A0 was poorest. As seen in Fig. 3(b), A10
was the best followed by A2, A0, A6, A8 and A4. Temperature sensitivity. Decrease in friction performance

with increase in temperature is termed as fade. Under repeated
braking conditions, the maximum increase in temperature of the
disc was measured through contact type temperature sensor and
brake temperature was acquired through thermocouples. The
measured temperature rise was an average temperature rise and
was always less than the interface temperature and was plotted
Fig. 8. Wear trends in the composites. against FMs with varying % of AF bers.

A2 A0

10 m 10 m

A4 A6

10 m 10 m

A8 A10

10 m 10 m

Fig. 9. SEM micrographs of worn surfaces of FMs (with increasing wear resistance).
76 N. Aranganathan et al. / Wear 354-355 (2016) 6977

10 m 10 m

10 m

Fig. 10. SEM images of disc surfaces worn against (i) A0 (a) (ii) A6 (b) and (iii) A10 (c).

Fig. 4(a) explains the decreasing trend of thermal conductivity second recovery cycle subsequent to fade 1, recovery 1, burnishing
of FMs with increasing AF contents. As seen in Fig. 4(b) the disc 2 and fade 2 cycles. It can be clearly seen that, m recovery in rst
temperature (DT) and brake-pad temperature (BT) showed exactly cycle is generally lower than the cycle 2. With increase in amount
opposite trends. For A10, DT was highest (313 C) while for A0, DT of AF, the difference diminished. A0 showed poorest performance.
was lowest (288 C). In general, with increase in AF contents, DT Recovery m slowly increased with increase in AF contents.
increased (which may be due to increase in m value) and BT Fig. 7 shows summary of performance parameters emerged
decreased. from fade and recovery modes. The fade and recovery ratios were
It indicates that the increase in aramid contents increases the calculated as the ratio of min m to max m in their corresponding
frictional heat at the interface and facilitates less conduction of heat fade and recovery cycles. Following are the salient observations
through the brake-pad plane as shown in Fig. 4(a). With increase in from Fig. 7.
AF contents, brake-pad temperature decreased (benecial effect),
which was responsible for less deterioration in tribo-properties in  Fig. 7(a), (c) and (d) fade m, % fade ratio, % recovery ratio for rst
harsher conditions. However, disc temperature increased, which fade cycle were lower than the second one, which was because of
could be due to increased m with increasing AF contents. the thick layer already transferred on the disc. Fig. 7(b) shows
As shown in Fig. 5, fade 1 indicates rst fade cycle on the fresh exception for two FMs viz. A8 and A10.
disc and fade 2 indicates second fade cycle subsequent to fade 1,  With increase in amount of AF, fade m increased, which is a
recovery 1 and burnishing 2 cycles on the same disc. Following are desirable feature. First 2% inclusion of AF showed signicantly
the general observations. benecial results (sharply higher fade m, % fade ratio, and
recovery ratio) (Fig. 7(a), (c) and (d)).
 Invariably, it was observed that fading tendency in second cycle
was lower than the rst cycle, where friction was against fresh 4.2.2. Wear performance
disc. When adequately thick lm was formed tendency in fading Wear behavior of FMs was measured by weight loss method
reduced in cycle 2. and is shown in Fig. 8. In general, with increase in AF, wear
 Though the behavioral pattern was the same for all composites, resistance increased slowly (barring A10). A10 showed highest wear
A0 showed maximum difference in two cycles while A8 and A10 resistance.
showed the lowest difference and hence best performance.

In fade 1 cycle m for A0 changed from 0.48 to 0.15, while for A10, 5. Worn surface analysis
m varied from 0.48 to 0.23. In general, with increase in AF contents,
rate of decline in m slowed down, which is desirable. Similar SEM micrographs (Fig. 9) of FMs are arranged in the order of
behavior was observed for fade 2 also. increase in wear resistance. For studies on the disc surfaces, only
As seen from recovery behavior in Fig. 6, recovery 1 indicates representative disks (slid against A0, A6 and A10) were cut and are
rst recovery cycle on the fresh disc and recovery 2 indicates arranged as per increasing wear resistance in Fig. 10.
N. Aranganathan et al. / Wear 354-355 (2016) 6977 77

With increase in aramid contents, the formation of tribo-layer Acknowledgment

on the disc and back-transferred layer on pad decides the friction
and wear performance. The secondary plateaus on the pad can Authors are thankful to Teijin Aramid India Pvt. Ltd. (Pune), for
indicate its vulnerability to further wear while primary plateaus if providing the Twaron Aramid pulp for research purpose.
exposed more also indicate nakedness of the surface, which may
lead to original friction. However, they are also exposed to be dug
out easily. The quality of friction layer, on both the surfaces is References
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regularly always). 10% AF proved most benecial in all respects. [21] (website last
However, cost constraint point of view, 6% appears to be best from visited on 05.08.15).
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