Julien Pitt-Rivers - The People of The Sierra
Julien Pitt-Rivers - The People of The Sierra
Julien Pitt-Rivers - The People of The Sierra
The people of the Sierra
DOD1 035714S 1
Alcali de la Sierra
Introduction by
Professor E. E. Evans-Pritchard
Copyright^ iQ^fa by Criterion Books, Inc.
Printed in Great Britain by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, London and Beccles
Foreword by Professor E. E. Evans-Pritchard ix
Introduction xiii
I El Pueblo, (i)
The Boundaries of the Community i
II El Pueblo, (ii)
The Community and the World 14
Glossary 224
Index 227
List of Illustrations
I make no attempt to discuss the topics treated by Dr.
Pitt-Rivers in his fascinating study of the pueblo of Alcald or
the anthropological conclusions he reaches in it. The reader
will find that he needs no guidance from me, for all is set
forth with clarity. I have only to congratulate the Author on
This book makes no claim, on the other hand, to con
tribute anything to controversies regarding Spanish politics,
and any attempt to put the facts contained in it to polemical
use is likely to do violence to them. In examining the values
of another society I have been at great pains to avoid,
myself, making any value judgements".
Those whom I would like to thank are many. There is,
first of all, the debt to be acknowledged in a first work to
repay most heinously the friendship which they gave me, and
El Pueblo
The Boundaries of the Community
the raven flies., but the road thereis more like twenty miles
long, for it descends into the valley, skirts round the foot of
the mountain and then rises once more to El JaraL The valley
across which both towns look out is known as the campifia, the
is not called a
plain* It plain because it is flat but because
its agriculture resembles that of the flat country to the
west, arable land divided in large properties with few trees.
That is the reality which the peasant's eye sees. The tourist's
because the families who live in the country almost all own
houses in the town* These remain vacant for the greater part
of the year, being used only to store grain which must be
concealed from the visting inspector, and to house the family
when they go to stay in the town. Nor is this an innovation
which the black market in agricultural produce has made
possible and also necessary possible through the increased
wealth of the small-holder and necessary on account of the
inspector's visits, though this explanation would seem reason
able at first sight. On the contrary, it is an ancient tradition
that every family possess its house inside the town, and this
tradition is common to the greater part of Spain whose
empty countrysides bear witness to it. 1
This desire to live in compact communities for so we
must for the moment consider it is one of the prime con
The parts of the country where the agricultural population lives entirely
in central communities rather than in farms upon the land
corresponds very
roughly to the distinction between "dry" and "wet** Spain,
and which a recurrent theme in Spanish literature.
but also in everyday parlance, both the place and also the
people who belong to that place. This conception of the
pueblo as a human community expressed in a geographical
idiom was well illustrated to me when people explained;
"Peiialoja is a street of Alcald." This in spite of the fact that
ten kilometres and a mountain pass separate the two places.
Moreover, the language reinforces this identity by a converse
example.The word meaning population, is most
commonly heard in the sense of a populated place, a city,
town or hamlet.
Membership of the pueblo is acquired primarily by birth.
Those born within the town remain "sons of the pueblo"
until their dying day, no matter where they go to live. They
will remain "sons of the pueblo" not only for legal purposes,
as in the parish register; "Hijo de Alcald, empadronado en
X ..." ("Son of Alcald, numbered among the neighbours of
X ..."), but also in people's minds, for likely that they
it is
willnever bear any nickname other than that derived from
the place of their origin; "El Alcalareno" or "El de
Alcald", This does not follow if a man goes to such a dis
tance that the name of his town is unknown, or to a big city
where nicknames have not quite the same significance. A
man from another province may be known by his province,
or if from farther away still, by his region. Thus a man of
Alcald is; "Alcalareno", "Gaditano^ ("of the province of
Cddiz"), "Andaluz" ("Andalusian"). I was known in
Alcald as "el Ingl6s".
i use the word "town" rather than village" because although it is the
residential unit of agricultural workers, 'it also has shops, a market and a
municipal administration. Moreover, I do not wish to use both words and make
a distinction where the language of the people themselves makes nonet
quality derived from the latter enters into the definition of the
personality for legal purposes in a term which reveals its
i There is an article
by Gabriel Maria Vergara Martin in the Boletin de la
Real Sodedad Geografica, Vol. XV, 1918, which gives a collection of such nick
names from different parts of Spain,
balanced, as might be expected, by a corresponding hostility
towards neighbouring pueblos. Thus, for the Alcalarefio,
those of Jacinas are boastful and false, those of Montejaque
cloddish and violent, those of Benalurin are mean, those of
El Jaral drunken and always drawing their knives. There
appears to be little objective basis for such accusations, but
such as exists is worth noting. Jacinas is a rich town with
l Casual conversation does not always reveal the animosity between pueblos,
for the educated tend to laugh at it, while the informant may feel the solidarity
of the area in face of a foreigner and give an account in which each pueblo seems
more marvellous than the last. When travelling, one day, up the valley of the
Rio Genal with a local man, I was amazed at the praises which he bestowed on
each pueblo in turn. Coming finally to the most miserable of them all, I asked
whether this was not a rotten place. "This one?" he replied, "No, indeed, a
fine pueblo. A very rich pueblo. It has many acorns."
" "
El Jaral corral de cabras El Jaral is a pen for she-goats
Guadalmesf de cabritos Guadalmesi for kids
Benalurin de cabrones Benalurfn is for he-goats 1
Y Alcald de sefioritos." And Alcali for gentlemen/'
The most proud saying of all comes from the town of
Jimena, which challenges the rest of the world in terms of
piteous contempt :
" n
No ser de Jimena ! Not to be from Jimena !
Y arrastrarse el culo en la arena."
ce 35
And drag your arse along in the sand.
This is the statement of a sociological truth, but the first line is founded upon
an historical legend. It is said that when the Catholic Monarchs visited the
town of Benaocaz only the women came out to greet them. There are several
variations of this legend. (Cf. Pedro Perez Clotet, La serrania de Ronda en la
literatura, an address to the Ateneo
de Cadiz, 1940.)
El Pueblo
The Community and the World
Notably through the sale by the Crown of seigniorial rights in the seven
teenth century, Garcia Oviedo (DtrechQ Administratiw* 1951, p. 315) sees a
tendency against centralisation from 1877 to 1935. This is discussed later,
p. 319.
duced during the latter half of the eighteenth century, and
the present division was established in 1834. Thus, while the
country as a whole is both a cultural and political unit, the
region is today chiefly a cultural unit and the province
chiefly a political one. How
membership of these groups
defines a person has already been discussed. What this
membership means to the individual varies according to his
socialstatus and must be discussed elsewhere. For the
moment we are concerned only with the lowest level of
political segmentation, the pueblo.
All the municipalities of the province come directly under
the orders and administration of its civil governor. The
province is divided, however, into partidospartido judicial is
the full term for certain purposes, the chief of which is the
organisation ofjustice. The advisory council of the governor,
the diputaci6n provincial, is made up of one mayor from each
partido elected by the others from among their number. The
Church also uses this unit in its administration, though the
dioceses do not always correspond to provincial territories.
The Civil Guard is also organised by partidos.
The syndicates, the government labour organisations, are
controlled directly from the provincial office which is
situated, normally, in the capital. A single syndical head
quarters in the pueblo under the secretary of the syndicates
administers the affairs of all those of Alcald.
At the pueblo power centres in the hands of
level of the
the mayor, just as at provincial level it centres in the hands
of the governor. The mayor is responsible to the governor
and to no one else. All the other official bodies require the
co-operation of the Town Hall in one way or another, and
they are to a greater or lesser extent subject to the mayor's
Howthese various organisations function in detailmust
be left till later. be underlined here that, excluding
Let it
. ;* *if* .
position through
a series of these alliances. According to
some accounts they marched over to conquer Alcald, While
the matter was under discussion, the forces of the Civil
really belong to the pueblo but to that wider world which has
already been delimited as theirs. In this sense the pueblo is a
potentially revolutionary force which at any time may rise
* Gf. Gamcl
Woolsey, Death's Other kingdom (1939) for an account of a right-
wing person defended by the Anarchists of his village from those of Malaga on
the grounds of being "un hijo del pueblo" ("a son of the village")*
to see that justice is done as in the rebellion of Fuenteove-
or as in a story told of Jacinas, when the priest
apparently omitted to observe the same courtesies in the
burial of a poor person as he had in the case of a wealthy
widow. The pueblo demanded the same treatment for both.
"Sin6 se levanta el pueblo", 2 said the story-teller. final A
example provided in the words of one of the leaders of the
Anarchists in Alcald, a man named "Argolla". When the
forces of the Right had taken Alcald they wished to avenge
the victims of the Left with a public execution, and this man
was given public trial. When he was charged with the murder
of those who had been shot there he replied that it was not
he who had condemned them but "el pueblo". He would
make no other answer to the charge.
charged with.
Yet there is a considerable volume of trade between the
towns of the locality. First of all, in controlled agricultural
produce. For the foodstuff-control organisation does not,
1 The
pueblo of Fuenteovejuna in the province of Gorddba, angered by the
in 1476 and murdered
tyrannical behaviour of the comendador, rose one night
him. When the judges came to inquire who was responsible for his death they
could get no answer but "Fuenteovejuna". Gf. Diaz del Moral, Historia de las
agitaciones campesinas Andaluzas (Madrid, 1929). Lope de Vega wrote his play
in fact, get its hands on more than 50 per cent of the crop.
This is easy to understand. The officials who are responsible
in the town for countersigning the returns of the farmers are
farmers themselves. Less than what is sown is declared, and
upon the declared area only about half the harvest is
admitted. It is always an inexplicably bad year. In addition,
the farmer is permitted to retain the grain to sow the follow
ing year and a certain amount for his subsistence in lieu
of rations. Since the price paid by the government for the
grain collected bears no relation to the real price, a farmer
who made an honest declaration every year would soon be
bankrupt. The official grain is taken away by the inspector,
poorer people,
but rather as the central government's
method of levying tribute in favour of a parasitical hierachy,
the food-controllers. Be this as may, the inspectors enjoy
receive fewer
1 There are three
rationing scales whereby the well-to-do
the black
rations than the poor. It is argued that they can afford to buy upon
of the
market. This argument involves a logical contradiction between the aims
control order and the aims of rationing, but its equity cannot be denied.
towards the north and east, not towards the other towns of
its partido. The main road
passes to the north of Alcala. The
railway station lies to the east on the Ronda-Algeciras line.
Fish comes almost daily to the pueblo by one or other of
these routes a man with a donkey meets the fish lorry from
that these ties are exercised in the main through two different
elements of the society of Alcald. A further examination of
the parish register brings this point to light.
Of persons living in the town itself 117 per cent were born
elsewhere, while of those living upon farms within the terri
tory of Alcald the percentage is 17-1 per cent. Yet the former
includes the families of all the officials who are outsiders, and
of the landowners who live in the large towns where their
children are born these days. Together these two classes
make up about one-third of the outsiders resident within
the town. The following table shows the exact percentages
of outsiders (a) among the inhabitants of the town, and
(6) among the inhabitants
of the country.
servant-girl does not have a family in the village* The household money goes
i The labour from the poor villages of the mountains was used to break
strikes in the plain of Jerez at an earlier period. Vide V. Blasco Ibanez, La
Bodega (Valencia, 1905).
Much of the murder and church-burning during the Civil War appears
to have been committed by outsiders for, perhaps, the same reason. Cf. G.
Brenan, The Spanish Labyrinth^ footnote on p. 189.
contrary forms of behaviour contain a common factor
2 The two :distrust,
1 It is always the people of the next-door town who
are the cause of the trouble, who come stealing the crops,
whose wives are unfaithful, who swear more foully, are more
often drunk, more addicted to vice and who do one down in
of proximity and
Yet very principle implies a degree
If we are to blame the people of the next
village, then they
must have some share in our enterprises.
If their shortcomings are to provide a compensation for our
own, we must be concerned in their affairs. It has been
that the between pueblos is
suggested earlier hostility
weaker today than formerly. It is now possible to put for
ward a reason for this. The pueblos of the sierra are no
longer as closely co-operative.
The focus of their social
relations has shifted.
To sum centralised com
up, then, the pueblo is a highly
munity, both structurally and also emotionally. In Spanish
" unit of society
jurisprudence it is the natural"
an artificial structure. 2
compared with which the state is
~ 3
(i) Agriculture
groves have been planted within the last fifty years. There
are 175 hectares of olives, that is, 13 per cent of the arable
land. Crops are grown beneath the olives in order to take
advantage of the ploughing which the ground must have.
Pasture accounts for 16 per cent of the total area and
another 19 per cent is classed as barren land though there
are few rocks where the hardy goat cannot find a mouthful.
There is a hillside of one hundred hectares covered by esparto
grass, and some more is to be found among
the pastures.
The irrigated land covers less than fifty hectares in all,
but its value under the meridional sun is out of all proportion
to its area. Up to three crops a years can be taken off it by
a skilful farmer, and it is here that the most profitable
produce is grown: the fruit crop, walnuts, vegetables,
Malaga, etc., for which the true fighting-bull, toro bravo^ is bred.
bulls in the plain down to the humblest shepherd, are called
The large properties of grazing land are administered
directly by the owner or by his steward. The owners have
flocks, but they also frequently let off pasture for short
periods of a month or a few months. They employ ganaderos
and guards for a salary. Those who stay up in the sierra with
their flocks are usually employed on the basis of cabaneria, a
and the young animals cost little to keep they are fed on
i The term huerta is also used for an
irrigated area as in the name la Huerta
de Benamahoma'*, In the case of a very small irrigated farm or the patches of
irrigated land which surround each mill, the term huerto is used*
is himself
engaged in other work (or expects to be) makes an
aparceria rather than pay the money of a daily wage. So that
the system has the aspect of an insurance policy. The risk is
divided between the two participants, and the shared
interest induces a keener co-operation than that which wages
can elicit. It is nevertheless frequently difficult to see why a
man has accepted to exploit his land in this way other than
in order to render neighbourly service, repay a favour or
cement a friendship. He may well be partner in an aparceria
upon his own land, and at the same time upon the land of
another. Moreover, he may also subdivide his share in the
They have put their profits into land, and where possible
have enlarged their holdings by the acquisition of neighbour
ing ground, or they have bought other farms. In this manner
a number of the larger properties have been built up out of
smaller holdings in the last fifteen years. The tendency
towards dispersion is caused by the fission of property which
the law of inheritance imposes. The intricacies of this law
need not be examined here. Its general effect and in this
it is in the values of family life is to divide all
harmony with
inheritance equally among the children of both sexes.
Families tend to be large, and while in some instances the
heirs sell their share to one of their number, in others the
inheritance itself divided up. In this way a number of
adult male aided by wife and children,* but the work really
requiresat least two grown men. Several millers keep one
most of the time. This limits the part played by the Pileta in
local affairs. It is by the fact that since it is
also limited
requirements from its own resources, its tiles and timber and
its sand and stone. The plaster-burner still deals with the
completed in 1930. Since the war a road was built over the
not easy country
pass to link up Penaloja with Alcald. It is
in which to make roads. The sudden and heavy rainfalls on
such steep slopes undermine all but the most soundly built
and had by 1930 carried away segments of both mountain
roads cutting off Penaloja from its parent. It can now only be
reached by car by a roundabout route nearly fifty kilometres
in Continual work is if the roads are not to
length. required
are a state re
be during the bad weather. The roads
from the and
sponsibility administered provincial capital,
the towns are a local charge
only within the confines of they
which explains, perhaps, why Andalusian roads tend to
to a pueblo. The state-employed
disintegrate at the entrance
staff are mostly men from the area but not necessarily
the pueblo, and a foreman responsible for the lives
of roads in the
in Alcala. The building or improvement is put
hands of contractors, but extra labour is also employed in
the winter between the foreman and the
by arrangement
the roads and partly as a
mayor, partly for the sake of
measure to deal with the unemployment.
On weekdays a bus runs from Jacinas to Ronda and
The high cost of transport, whether by motor vehicle or
beast of burden, has an important effect upon the structure of
the pueblo's economy through the inequality of price-levels
which exists from place to place and from time to time.
Buying and selling is an activity which can be very profitable,
and the ambitious small capitalist turns to speculation. There
is no
clearly defined limit to the class of people devoted to
trade. No social barrier separates those who trade from those
who do not, and, except for the largest landowners who have
neither the incentive nor the possibility since they do not
livecontinuously in the pueblo, most of those who consider
themselves sharp enough indulge in some form of exchange
from time to time. Trade, in fact, is a general activity in
which some specialise more than others.
begin, however, with the pueblo's shops as in all small
widows of men who died on the wrong side and who conse
or an aged
quently have no pension, who have few children
parent to keep* They circulate over all Andalusia, specialis
ing, though not uniquely, in black-market
items and contra
band from Gibraltar, carrying things in baskets beneath their
black shawls from places where they cost less to places where
n a
they can be sold for more, "buscando la vida ("seeking
l Thisis well illustrated by the tenacity with which the rural Anarchists
hung on to the idea of the reparto, the division of the land into individual hold
of the movement. Gf. Diaz del
ings in the face of the communistic doctrine
Moral, op. cit., p. 61 ; Y, disfrazado o no con sus falsos motes, el reparto ha
la magica palabra que ha
seguido siendo en todas las exaltaciones campesinas
electrizado a las muchedumbres. No ya solo en las revueltas de la Internacional
y en las de 1882 y 1892, sino en las agitaciones anarquistas de principios
sigloXX y en las sindicalistasde los ultimos anos, el estado llano de las sociedades
obreras, a despechode los elementos directores y, a veces con el asentimiento de
&tos, ha aspirado siempre a distribute la tierra en lotes individuals,
es decir,
person should pay more for things than a poor person unless
the vendor wishes to honour him. A shopkeeper favours an
influential client by making him a special price. Since he likes
to favour all his clients, no one, in the end, is charged the
give him the most for it, and he wants as much as he can
possibly get, for it is an event which will not recur. On the
other hand, to do this involves him in a violation of the moral
code. To admit that one has asked an exorbitant figure or
offered an inadequate one is to confess oneself grasping or
mean and to lose face. Yet not to get as much as one can is
to lose money, and be made a fool of. The essential hostility
between the two bargainers is not only itself potentially anti
social, it leads to a commitment of pride which makes it
impossible for the two to reach an agreement. Hence, the
role of the professional corredor, or broker, who steers the
bargain to a clinch, saving the face of the bargainers through
his intermediary position. He, or there may be two of them
each representing his client, acts as a friend, pleading, argu
ing, flattering, lying, using all his guile to induce the buyer
to raise his price, the seller to lower his, enabling each to
maintain the fiction that he is not really keen upon the deal,
that he enters it only to oblige the other. To drop this fiction
means to lose the bargain.
There are also, of course, sales between friends, but these
are conducted in private and there is no need for a corredor,
They fit into the scheme of friendship, as a favour which
creates or fulfils an obligation. Men are sometimes heard to
complain that they have been obliged by friendship to sell
something which they had no wish to part with* Sometimes,
moreover, this is quite true.
Status and Age
Those who do not live in the town cannot play much part
in local politics.
Political power means the ability to enforce sanctions
which derive, ultimately, from the laws of the state, that is,
through the institutions recognised in those laws. These are
various and relate to such matters as municipal government,
the organisation of Justice, the constitution of the Civil
Guard, the syndicates, and so forth.
Power also derives from medicine. The doctor, the vet
and the chemist possess power, since, quite apart from the
official documents which may require their signature, they
have the monopoly of services which people need. In the same
way the priest is an important member of the ruling group.
He can appeal to the religious conscience of those who are
Maclver, The Web of Government (1947), p. 82.
of the ruling group wear ties every day ; the majority do not
shave every morning. Some of them wear berets. In general,
the distinction which in summer eye in matters of
strikes the
dress is not between persons of different social category of the
church all wear the small black lace vdo in which a certain
variation can be detected as to size and quality. Elderly
women all dress in black. Just as for fairs men don the wide-
brimmed hat of the ganadero 3 so girls put on the spotted and
flounced cotton dress of the gypsies. But, today, at the fair of
Alcald almost all the girls who do this are summer visitors
with the exception of a few small children whose adoring
parents wish to show them off.
There is certainly no lack of display, and the general
standard of dress reached is indeed quite remarkable, con
sidering the material possibilities of the people of Alcald. The
idea of display is formulated in the verb lucir, meaning
literally, to shine,thence to distinguish oneself or to show
is often a Cinderella who will not
something off. go to
the fair because she has nothing to show off, and will be put
to shame and made pitiful in front of her friends, But the
motives for showing off are not those which might be deduced
from the theory of a leisure class". 1 The display is not
directed towards the object of differentiating oneself from
others considered of inferior social standing, and economic
differences do not give rise to differences of style. In the
small society where everyone is known personally there is
neither advantage nor need for visual differentiation as in the
anonymous society of the city. Here display aims at a differ
ent target, that of personal aesthetic triumph, the conquest
of admiration and the humiliation of one's equals.
See T. Veblen, The Th&ory of the Ldsun Class (New York, 1922).
2 the wealthy of the large towns are to be found those who affect a
vulgar mode of speech in order to stress their affiliation with the country,
landed property, bullfarms and old-established riches.
They are part of the pueblo. This is the point at which the
identity of the two distinct meanings of the word is demon
strated.As has already been stated, the pueblo is at the same
time the members of the community and also the people in
the sense ofplebs. If a person is raised to the status of a career
he no longer belongs entirely to Alcald but to the wider
community of the educated. People no longer feel equal with
any respect. "The senoritos of this place ", I was once told in
a town of another province, "are a rotten lot. They are
always putting their servant-girls in the family way, and
won't pay a decent wage to anybody." In this sense, as the
propertied people, it was used as a political weapon by
the Left, which coined the word senoritismo, the oppression of
the have-nots by the haves. The communist underground
propaganda discourses insistently on this theme.
In the widest sense it means a person who is not obliged
to work for his living, who wears a collar and tie all the time
and keeps his shoes clean. But it has not for that reason lost
itsuse as a term of respect. Maria la Castana, the widow of
a small tenant farmer, can tell a real senorito when she sees
one from one of those fellows who are just trying to look like
one "and them about these days!" you
there's a lot of
can tell by the
way they behave to people, she maintains. Do
0/. tit. 9 p 191.
indigenous senoritos are lessjinos than the fine folk of the big
towns. In their cultural standards the intermediate position
of the senoritos of Alcald, devolving from their dual association
with the pueblo and with the upper class of the province, is
manifest. Within the pueblo they tend to conform to the
cultural standards of the pueblo, which are limited in
material matters such as housing and food and which in
matters of dress, or recreations, offer them no incentive to
differentiate themselves. When they go away, on the other
hand, they tend to conform to the standards of those whom
they regard as their equals.
When the word pueblo is used it means all those who be
long to the pueblo except where it is used in juxtaposition to
the senoritos. When there is an assembly all the pueblo
including the senoritos are there by right. There are no recrea
tional societies, no associations 1 which have membership,
no formalised groups. The cafes and bars tend to have their
clientele but they are by no means exclusive, and if a customer
is habitual it is because of convenience of location, taste for
takes place between farmers families with the motive of
The Don
not given to young men, I have said, and
title is
society tends to use the title Don towards its elderly and
respectable members in the same way as the pueblo uses
but the two forms of address are not otherwise similar.
Senor ,
Yet both are expressions of respect. Respect, however, is
shown in a diversity of situations and must first of all, if all
the uses of these are to be explained, be distinguished
as "respect undefined
for standing" and "respect for
superior standing". Undefined standing demands respect
since it is
potentially superior standing. Hence the official use
of Don. The unknown person is called Senor and is referred to
Boys do, in fact, sometimes marry before going to do their military service
though this is not well regarded. Among the sefioritos they must wait until they
* ' ' '
have finished their career , i.e. the s tudies for it, before they think of marriage.
entails a relationship of
equality, then the respect paid to the
elder tends to disappear. But by the time a man
has reached
full adulthood (around the age of thirty) the
parents and
their contemporaries are
verging on retirement. Retirement
in thiscommunity of, traditionally, poor tenant farmers and
day-labourers means becoming an economic drag on the
family and an idler who no longer fits directly into the net
work of reciprocal services, but also a person who is
not to work. It means on the one hand a fall in
importance, and on the other, the attainment of the state of
which his life has been lived. These old men
fulfilment for
and women who have successfully reached elderhood and
have retained the respect of the pueblo, become the
of tradition and the old-fashioned ways, and are called
<c ?
"Sefior Juan" or Sen Andr<". Their loss of material
importance is
compensated by a gain in moral importance.
They incarnate the goal which everyone would reach.
The Sexes
heat the water, rig up the sling, catch the pig, hold itdown
upon and the matador
the table, cuts its throat. The blood is
collected in a basinwhich it is the task or privilege of the lady
of the house to hold and stir. When the pig is dead, the men
clean the hair and dirt off with scrapers, while the women
serve them, pouring the boiling water on to the carcass. The
men then sling the animal up by its hind legs, and the
matador butchers it. The role of the men ends when they
have borne the meat into the house. There the women clean
it and make sausages and prepare the meat in other ways.
quite frequent for wives or daughters of poor families to
In relation to religion the sexes are again separated. In
festive processions they walk apart. The funeral is followed
normally only by the menfolk once it leaves the church The
seating in the church reflects the same division. Men, un
opposite sex are often made when persons of one sex are
when someone
gathered together, or in mixed gatherings
wishes to adopt a tone of humorous raillery towards the other
The behaviour of the unmarried people during the evening
paseo (stroll) accentuates
the solidarity of the sexes, though
not in such a way that can easily be reduced to generalisation.
with arms
Groups of up to five or six girls walk together
linked. The boyseye them as they pass or walk in twos
threes behind them. Sometimes a boy is attached to the end
of the line of girls by virtue of a specific relationship
to one
of the girls, brother or fianoi But in general, fiances walk by
themselves in pairs on the road at the entrance to the town.
Yet this solidarity does not exclude either quarrelling or
fighting themselves. Occasional fights among women
break out, usually at the fountains where, particularly in the
summer when the water supply is less plentiful, it may be
necessary to wait for some time in order to fill
a pitcher. 1
of course
Fights cannot take place between the sexes, except
within the institution of marriage, though quarrelling occurs
over money and business. When Diego Perez' aparcera, a
woman who owned two hectares of cultivable land, de
faulted on her obligations, he took her to law. Had it been a
man he would, he asserted, have beaten him up instead.
There are few situations in which persons of different sexes
collaborate outside the family. A
good deal of chaff passes
where groups of young people of opposite sex confront one
another, but there is no camaraderie. Friendship is essentially
a relationship between persons of the same sex. So, a man
visiting a friend on a farm may often be seen to
shake hands
with the male members of the family and not with the
served" unless a person renounces her right, yet it is typical that people in this
society seldom form queues they are far too much alive to the presence
others to need such a demonstrative method of maintaining the order.
female. For to do so might be to demand an intimacy with
the family which he did not possess.
The only person whose position in relation to the sexual
dichotomy is somewhat mitigated is the elderly woman.
brings, for the first time, full legal and economic responsibility
as well as the greater influence which she enjoys within the
The readiness to
quintessence of manliness is fearlessness,
defend one's own pride and that of one's family. It is ascribed
tion of the sexes takes a new turn. The interest in the opposite
sex, unrelated hitherto to structural issues, begins to offer the
possibility of a lasting attachment which will alter the
standing of the couple radically. The boy deserts the "dirty-
story-telling" group of his fellows to go courting his girl.
Typically, the farming families of the valley, in contrast to
wealthier families of the pueblo, tend to form attachments of
a serious nature as early as fifteen to eighteen years, and to
regard each other thenceforward as novios (sweethearts), in
all the structural implications of the term. Novios are
boy and
girl who will eventually be man and wife. The noviazgo
(courtship) is the prelude to the foundation of the family. It
is characteristically long in this society, always of a few
duration, though the length depends on the age of the parti
cipants and also on their economic position. Yet it should not
be regarded as a time of delay necessary for the establishment
of the economic foundations of the family, though it fulfils
that function. It is, rather, a steadily developing relationship
which ends in marriage. The degrees of seriousness which
attach to the term and give it at times a certain ambiguity
derive from the fact that it covers all the stages of courtship
from acquaintance to marriage. The dog which deserts the
farm at night in search of a bitch is said to go "buscando la
novia" ("searching for a novia") and the word may even be
used as a euphemism for a married person's lover. But the
term does not imply sexual intimacy when referring to
an established relationship between boy and girl. It is
thought proper to "respect" the woman who will be your
The first step in the formation of this relationship is made
when two young people leave the group in order to talk to
one another alone. They sit together or go for a walk apart
at some reunion, and this establishes a tentative beginning.
If this behaviour recurs then people say that they are "talking
to one another". The expression is important for it sums up
an aspect of the noviazgo. It covers all the period of informal
relations, extending from the first stage up till the "demand
for the hand". During this time the relationship deepens but
it is not yet irrevocable. Andr6s V., speaking of his former
novia said "I spoke with her for twelve years and at the end
she turned out a whore." This period of twelve years was
of the speaker
exceptionally long owing to the fecklessness
and his to follow with one job for any length of time.
When finally it became evident that he would not marry her,
he laid the blame on her.
The idea of this talking together is that the novios get to
know each other really well. The swiftness of the men to enter
a sexual relationship of no structural importance contrasts
with the care and delay with which they enter into matri
mony. But the nature of this talk, though it inevitably varies,
has a particular quality associated with courtship and which
serves to forward the purpose of that institution. Its purpose
isto bind the emotions of each to the other so securely that
the attachment will last a lifetime. The word camelar expresses
thiskind of talk. It means and it is above all the man who
does the talking to compliment", "to show gallantry to",
"to cause to fall in love". It is subsumed that adulation is
what causes people to fall and this theory is found in
in love,
the secondary meaning word: "to deceive with
of the
adulation". In this way the nominal form camelo comes in
the end to mean: "nonsense", "line-shooting", "a tall
story", "a tale which no one but a fool would be taken in
by". It generally asserted that the essential attribute for
pueblo. Men who work and are away until dusk must do
their courting after nightfall, and upon Thursdays and Sun
days, the days for courting, boys will walk five or six miles,
even after the day's work, in order to keep a rendezvous with
a girl. Courting takes place at the girl's home. In Alcala the
doorway is used rather than the window. The visiting novio
stands on the threshold to talk to his girl while she stands
within. The girl's family pay no attention to the couple. If
the father comes out he pretends not to notice the novio.
Formerly it was considered an affront to the father to be seen
may not be easy for her to find a second suitor. The girl who
has had other novios is not sought after in the same way, for
the pride of the second novio must, to a greater or lesser
extent, be sacrificed if he is to follow
in the footsteps of
another. If his novia were not a virgin it would make him a
this is not believed, she
retrospective cuckold, but even if
would nevertheless be a less attractive proposition than
previously. Girls whose first engagement is broken off tend
to marry less easily subsequently.
It can be seen, then, that a girl of, say, twenty-five, whose
engagement falls through a long courtship is in a
society offers no
redress, it is not surprising to find the super
natural coming into play. There is a wealth of folklore which
relates to finding and holding novios and much of the practice
The girl whose novio begins to look at other girls with interest,
visits her less regularly or writes to her less frequently, in
short, gives her reason to believe that her hold over him is
weakening, may go to the sabia. For the sabia has power to
discover whether he still loves her or not, and is also able to
perform love-magic in order to secure his constancy. She
uses her love-magic, in this context, in support of the social
order. The love-magic which she is able to do for men is
thought to be employed for a more sinister purpose, which
will be discussed in Chapter XII.
p.s. 7
The Sexes
Barea is the son of Andres Castro and Maria Barea, then the
first child of each sex will be named
(after the paternal
grandparents) Andres and Maria. The second child of each
sex will be named after its mother's parents. The grand
children are regarded as the descendants of one
pair of
grandparents as much as of the other, and this accords
logically with the fact that they will have an equal claim
upon the inheritance of both.
The law regards the family formed by this marriage as a
single unit with, in many aspects, a single legal personality. 1
The wife becomes subject to her husband's
tutelage, for in
the eyes of the law he is the representative of this
personality. The wife, if she
over twenty-one years of age,
between a man's wife and his mother for his chief regard
seldom fails to produce sparks. Living in the same house they
must collaborate more closely than the men-folk in the fields,
and for this reason a mother always prefers to have her own
daughter to work for her who is used to her authority and
the ways of her house.
An Andalusian saying points out the tendency to matri-
"Tu hijo se casa "Your son gets married
Y pierdes a tu hijo And you lose your son
Tu hija se casa Your daughter marries
Y ganas otro." And you get another one."
be confused with matriliny. It is the mother's patronym which she gives to her
children, not her matronym. In so far as this society is lineal at all it is patri-
lineal. The lineal principle, however, is incompatible with the social structure
of the pueblo and has little importance there. In the tradition of the aristocracy,
patrilineal descent was, of course, important, and was
found together with a
whole number of structural elements which contrasted with th6se of the pueblo ;
a monocratic relationship to community through the senorio (lordship) and a
system of inheritance through the mayorazgo (entailment), which maintained
the unity of property preferentially in the male line. It is noteworthy, however,
that the majority of Spanish titles pass through the female line in default of a
male line in the same degree of kinship.
the moral remains full of vigour. Within a community
which knows no other principle of grouping, and where other
relationships tend to be unstable and kinship ties are weak,
the strength of the family stands out in relief.
to sell their interest and put their money into something else.
Finally, a solution to the problem of inheritance is provided
by the marriage of first cousins. Where families are not too
is no use for
padrino anything"), said a dejected poor man,
whose application for a plot of ground in a new colonisation
scheme had failed. A popular saying expresses the same idea :
get married though they live together as man and wife. The
padrino pays for the religious ceremony and gives them a
present as well.
The significance of this institution will only be seen clearly
in conjunction with the institution of friendship which is
discussed in Chapter IX and from which it differs in that it is
a permanent relationship which cannot be renounced.
A certain diversion from the theme of this chapter has
been necessary in order to treat of kinship coherently, and to
show the limits of its influence as a principle of grouping and
how it creates ties between the sexes. It is not intended to
convey that where there are ties of kinship or affinity people
do not give weight to the difference of sex. Marriage, the
nodal point of the system, is founded precisely on this
difference. A
man reaches his full manliness in fatherhood a ;
The Sexes
The Values of the Female
Vergiienza is the regard for the moral values of society, for
the rules whereby social intercourse takes place, for the
opinion which others have of one. But this, not purely out
of calculation. True vergiienza is a mode of feeling which
makes one sensitive to one's reputation and thereby causes
one to accept the sanctions of public opinion."
Thus a sin vergiienza is a person who either does not accept
or who abuses those rules. And this may be either through a
lack of understanding or through a lack of sensitivity. One
can perceive these two aspects of it.
First as the result of understanding, upbringing, education.
"Lack of education" is a polite way of
saying "lack of
verguenza". It admitted that if the child is not taught how
hereditary, that the term sin verguenza reaches its full force
as an insult, that the epithet used to a man's face is tanta
mount to insulting the purity of his mother.
The value attaching to a word depends upon the situation
in which it is used. The humorous use of sin verguenza is
common, particularly in reference to infants and pets. The
affectionate father pinches the little boy's cheek and tells him
adoringly that he is one. This is not only a form of humorous
inversion but also a statement of a truth the child is not old
enough understand
to the values of society and therefore a
sense of shame in relation to conduct is not demanded of it.
It amounts to telling it that it can do no wrong. As it grows
older the term will acquire more seriousness. The first situa
tion in which it will hear the serious use of the expression is in
relation to its excretory habits. This is the first situation in
which a sense of shame is required. Other forms of conduct
will become reprehensible in those terms as the child grows
exception and this was when one felt respect for her of the
kind which one might have towards one's wife, or such that
one might wish to make her one's wife. 1 In effect, these
restrictions virtually exclude any young woman who is
hear the expression el amo del pueblo" in reference to the
mayor. In the village his word is law. He is the "delegate of
the government 1 appointed, being a town of less than
penses of the vet. The vet of Alcala is thus also the vet of
doctor and the chemist are directly dependent on the
the municipality
municipality. They receive a salary paid by
in virtue of their role in the social services. In the doctor's
case the greater part of his income is derived from his private
mayor decides that things are getting out of hand and sends
them round to close down the unlicensed businesses.
The essence of the political doctrine which inspires the
present government of Spain is to be found in the syndical
organisation. The "party", founded in 1934, proclaimed
itself from the first "national-syndicalist", and, in contrast to
British trade-unionism, which grew from the need to unite
the workers in order to give them the power to protect their
own interests, it envisaged a system of syndicates which would
include both employers and employed and would fill the
role, in the desired state, both of labour organisation and
unique political party. It claimed to incarnate the destiny of
Spain. The party grew to power quickly during the Civil
War, and, although many compromises were imposed upon
itby the demands of the times, it succeeded in maintaining,
within the national movement, the supremacy of its ideas in
regard to labour. These ideas grew up, not like those of the
Andalusian Anarchists in the agricultural towns, but in the
capital and industrial cities. Their application in the social
structure of Alcala presents a strikingly different picture to
that which may be seen in some other parts of Spain, and
even of Andalusia. This is not the place for such comparisons.
We are concerned only with the office of the secretary of
syndicates in the pueblo of Alcala, and the central provincial
headquarters which issues regulations relating to wage-levels,
price-levels for controlled agricultural produce,
and which
provides a court of appeal to which disputes regarding
employment may be taken. These disputes are first of
all heard in the office of the secretary of syndicates in
pesetas, or they
can sentence a man to a day's work mending
the street under the supervision of the Civil Guard.
A strong distaste for formal justice, a distrust of it and a
for an equitable arrangement are to be found in
the sentiments of the whole pueblo including those of the
legal authorities. A
good illustration of these was provided
by the following incident. A poor man gained
a living for
himself and his family catching game by various methods
licit and illicit. One night returning to the pueblo his gun
exploded by accident and cost his neighbour her eye. It was
out of season, and he had no gun licence. He was arrested
i The can be compared to that of the corredor in
role of the hombre bueno
bargaining. defends the pride of the litigant and enables him to withdraw
from his position, not in answer to the threats of his adversary, but in answer to
the pleading of his friend. There is an element of bargaining in such
a situation
which is offset by the J.P.'s exposition of the law and his warning of what is likely
to happen in court.
P.S. 9
and held by the Civil Guard. But after the case had been
examined by the J.P., people in authority began to ask them
selves what useful end would be served by sending him to
J.P. and the judge discussed the matter. The priest put in a
for lenience, and it was agreed that if the culprit paid
2,000 pesetas compensation to the woman who had lost her
eye no further action would be taken.
The woman was a
widow who depended for her living upon sewing. If the man
went to prisonhe would not be able to earn anything to pay
compensation to her, and in addition his family would be
left without means of support. The man had no money, but
not the case. On the other hand, men of the ruling group tend
to consider more the of religion, and
political implications
to them anti-clerical issynonymous with "Red". In general,
the attitude of men towards the Church is determined by
political and social considerations; for these, as has been
shown, are men's not women's business.
for the men of the ruling group, their friends and all those
who are slightly well-to-do. Here cards and dominoes are
played ceaselessly, and occasionally chess. In summer there
are tables outside under the trees in the square, but there are
also rooms at the back and upstairs. When important private
business has to be discussed, a meeting takes place in one of
the rooms, but this is rarely. Where everything depends in
fact upon private understandings thereis a
prohibition upon
secrecy. To with someone for private conversation
arouses comment and the worst is always suspected. So the
affairs of the pueblo are discussed casually and in public,
but with infinite tact. When something important has to be
said men go for a walk together to the end of the street.
The casino is called the Circulo de la Union for it was
formed by the fusion of the old liberal and conservative clubs.
These clubs sprang up in Andalusia in the nineteenth
century and were a necessary part of the system ofcaciquismo.
Their union (and two have given way to one in all the smaller
pueblos) illustrates the change which overtook the pueblos
on the break-up of that system. After the general strike of
1917 the Conservative and Liberal parties combined in
coalition against the threat of revolution a revolution which
eventually materialised. The balances have shifted, and their
descendants remain bound together in the face of the pueblo
and in their dependence upon the power of the state. The
advances in the techniques of political control, of communi
cations and of transport, and the economic interdependence
resulting from them have lessened the distance between
local community and the central government, but at the
same time have accentuated the difference between their
remain with one and sever his friendships with the rival
camp. Such a friend is the ideal. He has honour and manli
ness. But without actually forfeiting his honour he may
which loses
its woter
The part of
which loses
its wafer
water will come down quicker and with less loss in the channel
than in the stream-bed. (This is true.) It is also likely that
this latest development comes as no surprise to a number of
millers whose reactions have been secretly tested in advance.
Fernando is meanwhile continuing the work and, confident
that he has the situation in hand, is spending money on it.
He has not found it possible to take the water by the route
it from farther up
originally planned and has had to take
stream and blast a piece of rock. Juanito has noted this but
makes no move to support Curro in his protest. Fernando is
satisfied that he has the support of the valley and that he
will be able to square the Hydrographic Commission after
wards. This is the way things are done, he says. First you do
the work and then you get permission to do it. Otherwise
they would keep you waiting for ever. As for his antagonist,
Curro, he has nothing but scorn for him :
his mind
appreciate this line of argument for he has made up
to fight. His point of view varies from: "Let us see whether
" "
there is Justice in Spain ! to Now
Fernando is going to have
topay the wrongs he has done me in the last ten years
all !
denies that the subject was ever raised in his presence at that
meeting. Testimony was given by two leading figures in
syndical affairs. Curro maintains that one of them was not
even present at the meeting in question. The witnesses were
not cross-examined, and Curro believes that his lawyers
were bribed by the other side. He complains privately to the
judge afterwards who says :What can I do ? I can only give
judgement according to the law and on the evidence which
is presented." Curro thereafter agrees that it is not the
of land.
His first move successfully split Juanito and Curro. They
do not support each other in resisting him until the very end,
when Juanito may have found difficulty in finding anyone to
stand as hombre bueno for him. Morally, Juanito's position is
weak from the start on account of the nature of his huerto,
founded upon stolen water. On the other hand, the fact
that he has had it long enough to grow fruit-trees,
though they are still small, gives him a certain moral right on
xde facto basis. In the first incident he gained no sympathy,
for it was up to him to get his water without prejudice to the
make enmities for himself, for those men have friends and
padrinos. On the other hand, if he left the millers undisturbed
he would not be taking full advantage of his position and
he would not be thought by his superiors to be doing his
job. Through the system of patronage the will of the state
is adapted to the social structure of the pueblo. But patron
age is only one aspect of the relationship between the two,
and the incident which we have considered brought into
sight only that part of the organisation of the state which
is concerned with economic controls, the most recent and
very people who resent his authority. Every family must have
a head who is obeyed, they say. A father who has no authority
over his family, a husband who has none over his wife, is
despised. Every property must have an owner. Every pueblo
must have an alcalde., a mayor, a person whose authority is
the guarantee of order, a person worthy of respect, whose
superiority makes it no humiliation to submit to him. Hence
"el Ranchero's" outcry that since there was corruption in
the pueblo, had neither authority nor manliness nor shame.
Mariana, De regis et rege institutione (1599) Spanish translation^ Qbr&$ del Padre
Juan de Mariana (Madrid, 1864), both as regards the nature of authority and
its relationship to equality, and also as regards the rights and duties
associated with fichus. Typically also, Mariana applauded the rebels of
Fuenteovejuna in his Ihistory of Spain.
and authority enforced them all would be well.
if political
people within the pueblo. How formal names are given has
already been said. Everybody knows both his own surnames
and usually, but not always, both those of his parents. Other
people frequently do not know any but his Christian name,
and they seldom know both his surnames unless they are
closely related to him. When asked the name of the man
who had been living opposite him, fifty yards away, for the
last ten years (his only neighbour), the keeper of the tavern
on the crossroads replied: "Francisco ... Francisco ...
well, not to waste time over it, Francisco the Fishseller."
His reluctance to use a nickname to someone as much an
outsider as myself (with whom he was not well acquainted)
came up against the obstacle of ignorance. He did not know
his neighbour's name. After a further five minutes, spent
" "
note is to be found in some el Rey ("the
plainly mocking
does not refer to his deserted wife and children, though there
is no doubt that this circumstance was responsible for the
strength of feeling over the matter in the pueblo, they
him, rather, as a cuckold, and indeed the reason given on one
occasion of the vitcfs purpose was to warn him what manner of
being the commonest. Thunderstorms are much feared for this reason. That
vito should have killed Jacinto is not therefore anything incredible but, on the
" "
El pobre del Cortadillo Poor old Cortadillo
Ni esta junto ni esta Is neither joined nor married
casa'o For he sleeps upstairs
Porque el duerme arriba And she sleeps downstairs."
Y ella duerme abajo."
At the second attempt, however, the brothers were successful
and peace was concluded.
As a final example, the mock-vito of Sefior Jose Puente
("Tio Puente") may be considered. An old farmer, famous
for his jokes and good humour, he moved from his farm as he
approached his eightieth birthday into a small house nearby,
where a servant-girl of seventeen went to look after him. The
neighbours decided to give him a tito, pretending that they
believed he was the lover of his servant. The old man took
full advantage to show that his wit had not deteriorated and
he delighted everyone, answering in rhyme the rhymes they
had composed for him. The jesters were invited into his
house to drink wine. At no point was this vito in the least
It is the social personality not the person of the victim
which is attained by this sanction. He is not harmed, but is
humiliated and disgraced, and is, as it were, cast out of the
moral community of the pueblo which has become anony
mous and hostile to him. He must make atonement through
the sacrifice of his pride before he is accepted back, or he
must remain a moral outcast, a shameless one.
It can be seen that the custom of the cencerrada upon the
alone," said an elderly farmer after his wife had left the room,
"I'll tell you what women are they're the devil, if they're
not kept in subjection by a man." This was his conclusion to
a conversation regarding a widow who had remarried. The
value system of the pueblo is profoundly monogamous, and
any return, after a person has been married, to pre-marital
romanticism on the part of man or woman is regarded as a
challenge to these values.
There was formerly an occasion upon which the sanctions
nomo. During Carnaval it was the girls who invited the boys to
dance, who might ask them to marry and so forth.
"Ya viene el Carnavalito "Here comes Carnaval
El festival de mujere
The festival of the women
Ella que no le caiga novio She who doesn't find a nomo
Qu'espere el ano que Will have to wait till next
viene." year."
Games were which compadres de carnaval found
played in
one another by a system of hazard and were then linked to
gether for the rest of the festival. In this way persons who
suffered from excessive shyness found their difficulty over
come. It is said that many compadres de carnaval became novios
once the festival wa^ over and consequently many happy
marriages were owed to the custom. Other people, on the
contrary, disapprove of Carnaval., for they say that it was a
time when "ugly things were done by those who had all too
little shame in normal times and put the special licence which
P.S. 12
Bandits and Gypsies
legal injunction.
But there is a sphere, finally, where the two sets of sanctions,
instead of reinforcing one another, come into conflict. The
economic controls instituted by the government are regarded
as wrong, and those who attempt to enforce them are wicked.
To co-operate with the government by denouncing to the
inspector is an act of treason against the community. To go
to law against a neighbour over a minor matter is as un
ethical as, among schoolboys, to sneak to the master. The
El latifundismo, the ownership and exploitation of
agricultural property in large units.
(ii) The absence of a middle class. 3
The great mass of agricultural proletariat, "almost
entirely without roots, possessing no land, living beside . . .
in its literal sense) clearly becomes meaningless. Diaz del Moral uses the term
burgesia agricidtora in order to refer to this class. (See quotation on p. 61.)
properties. Large pastoral properties are owned by the state
and by the aristocracy of Ronda who also own much of the
better land itself. An admirable article in
round Ronda
Estampa, 1934, examines the condition of banditry in this
region :
enter into pacts with them for the sake of peace, lady of the A
aristocracy explains the system: "The bandit respects our
properties and the lives of our workers, in fact he protects
them. On never give him away. She goes on to
our part we
explain how when she went once to visit a distant property
Flores accompanied her, because as he explained, there were
many petty robbers in the neighbourhood.
The different sections of the community ally themselves
in differentways The only con
according to the locality.
stantswhich can be established are the relationship between
the bandit and the Civil Guard and the relationship of both
typical victim today is the farmer who has made much money
i The from
the black market. It is not only that people of higher social status are more
difficult to catch. (When Don Antonio's family is in residence in the Pileta
there used always to be a pair of Civil Guards on duty there.) The bandits also
realise that the greater the importance of the person attacked the greater will
be the outcry in the area and the demand for measures against them.
these to the pueblo. In communities such as the Andalusian
pueblo it is not possible to hide, as it is in a large city. A
person who is outside the law must either go far away to the
city where his country ways will make him conspicuous,
where his speech, vocabulary, dress, manners will betray him
at once as belonging to the mountains and where unless he
has a confidential contact he will soon be apprehended. Or
he must take to the hills, retaining his confidential contacts
in his own pueblo. His opposition to the Civil Guard assures
him the sympathy of a large part of the pueblo. Theoretically,
at any a romantic and honourable figure, he is outside
the law but he is not immoral. It is the fact that he remains a
within the law. When either puts himself outside the law and
also outside the moral community then the pueblo makes
common cause with the Civil Guard. At this point law and
morality join forces.
of Andalusia are partly sedentary and partly
The Gypsies
migratory. Before the war there were
a number of families
living in the pueblo of Alcala of whom few remain now.
Others come from other parts of Europe during the winter,
but these camp away from the pueblos and have no lasting
relationships there.
The gypsies are regarded as a race apart. The people of
Alcala referring to a non-gypsy say "a Castilian" or
"a Christian" as though gypsies were neither, yet they are,
for the most part, Spanish subjects
and profess to adhere
to the Church. They are distinguished by their appear
ance, and everybody is confident that he can tell a gypsy
skin colour, his hair, by his dress, by his gait or, in the
women, by the style of doing the hair, by the ornaments they
wear a ii this before considering their language, the catt,
and their customs. Such vast differences might imply the
absence of miscegenation, but this is not in fact the case.
There are mixed marriages in abundance, and whether the
children of such marriages are gypsies or Castilians will
depend very largely upon how they appear to the pueblo.
There are in fact a number of dark skins among the Castilians
and of fair ones among gypsies. They will appear one thing
or the other to the pueblo according not only to their
appearance but also according to their character and way of
life. When I complained that some vagabonds, camped just
outside the pueblo, lacked the physical characteristics of
but I am not concerned here with the gypsies themselves so much as with their
significance in relation to Gastilian" society. In particular, regarding feminine
chastity among the gypsies, the Castilians are apt to be quite mistaken*
grace and wit of gypsy women but because of their accepted
shamelessness. By donning the traje de lunares, the gypsy dress
for the fair, romeria, or flamenco party the young girl or woman
of good family can feel free of the excessive vergiienza which
might make it impossible for her to enjoy herself. Through the
pretence of disguising herself as a gypsy of whom shame is
not expected, she can permit some of her habitual reserve to
lapse, while at the same time she could never be taken seriously
for a gypsy. Through their cult of the gypsies, people can
hostility towards
is felt the formal structure the pueblo evolves
its own supplementary institutions. A central figure in these
(1) To be a twin.
(2) To be born on Good Friday.
(3) To cry out in one's mother's womb.
(4) To be visited by the Holy Virgin in
dreams. This
normally occurs during childhood. Also "las Marias
tienen gracia" ("those called Maria have grace"), but
this is only in a purely minor way, such as having protec
tion from such things as snakes. 1
(5) To have the two transverse lines of the hand joined
in one.
ledge able
is to manipulate these powers. Some of the signs
of grace, it has been noted, imply a favoured relationship to
religion. Moreover she
takes a strict moral line with regard
to the behaviour of girls. There is a passage in the oration of
love in which she thanks God that her client has reached or
is about to reach matrimony in a state of purity, and if this
is not so then her grace enables her to be aware of the fact
and her tongue cannot say the words. She confirms the
decline in the standards of
general opinion regarding the
sexual morality. Formerly an occasional instance would
occur when she could not finish the oration, but these days
she is aghast at the number there are. While disapproving,
charms." He 'explained
that they had no grace but meddled
immorally in sorcery and procured with the money of their
clients favours which they attributed to their love-magic. He
referred to them as witches. 1
Rafael's words had considerable effect and for a time
many people's confidence in the sabias of the pueblo was
shaken. An ambivalence exists in the regard which people
have for the sabia. Who knows? She may in reality be a
witch. This is visible in the insistence which people who re
quire her services praise her goodness.
Such a good woman,
and how badly people speak of her, poor thing Yet when !
Opposition towards the sabia has a structural background.
Her practices are against the teachings
of the Church,
though she may well be regarded as harmless by the priest.
At the same time the Civil Guard does not applaud her
services in the repression of theft. A former sergeant warned
i The association alcafwteria, in the sense of procuring, and
brujeria (from bruja) an ancient and general one typified in the personage of
were done within the pueblo people would know about it. In
one instance it was done by a small farmer of the valley to
his sister-in-law who lived near-by. He did not do it seriously
but only, having acquired the book during the war, to see if it
worked. Whenwas proved effective he confessed and
i Both these
operations involve an element of hazard and their failure,
unaccountable otherwise, is sometimes attributed to the power of women. The
fire of the charcoal burner, equally subject to failure from inexplicable causes,
is not affected by women on the other hand.
in sum, a secret and dangerous power possessed by a few
women in the community and exercised independently of
their will, and independently of their menstrual periods.
One not to be con
power, thought by the majority
nected with cdio, is that of casting the evil eye. The evil eye
a kiln.
The Church possesses the power to exorcise poltergeists.
3 An evil wind In C. J. Cela,
is also a threat to the life of the young child.
the death of his
Lafamilia de Pascual Duarte, the story-teller relates laconically
infant brother "Un mal aire le entr6 y se muri6" ("an evil wind entered him
efficacy of the powers of the sabia and the practices which she
prescribes, or whether they do
not observe such superstitions
in the same spirit as, say, superstitions regarding the salt or
the lighting of cigarettes are observed in an Oxford common-
room. Many people, and here again the difference between
the sexes is most noticeable, assert sternly that such matters
are nonsense, that the sabia can do no more than any other
person ; that such beliefs are for old women and so on.
young tend to be slightly more sceptical than the old, men
tend to be much more sceptical than women. It is thought
indeed to be credulous and unmanly to pay attention to all
this alcahueteria. Yet, members of the pueblo believe always
in some part of it. Though they may dismiss the sabias as
off spectacular cures after all the doctors had failed, and even
stories of doctors admitting themselves defeated in their
or their children, and resorting
attempts to cure themselves
to the practitioners whom they had always condemned. The
humbled doctor is portrayed pleading with the sabia to cure
him. For doctors have adequate reasons for condemning the
practices of the curanderos,
and even on occasions they have
been known to take action against them.
What happens very frequently is that the patient goes to
the doctor first and if he is not immediately cured he then
resorts to the sabia or curandem. When he finally gets better,
the credit is given to
having followed the treatment of both,
the latter. Neither are believed to be infallible and the sabia
may well do you no good. But she is a good woman and does
her curing out of goodness in return for what you choose to
like the doctor. The
give her. She does not extort money
preference for her expresses a moral judgement more than
else. As to their relative efficacity, the words of a
man of Alcala express the point of view of the pueblo "When :
the hour of his death approaches no man can stay the clock.
The same when the hour comes for his tooth to ache. Only if
he is given the right treatment it will
ache less." The question
of which is the right treatment, the doctor's or that of the
sabia, is one each man must answer
for himself.
wrong, it is the rich who are evil. This accounts for the
ambivalence which the pueblo feels towards the senorito and
indeed explains how the system of patronage is morally
possible. Patronage is good when the patron is good, but
like friendship upon which it is based it has two faces. It can
either confirm the superiority of the senorito or it can be
between and
state local community is resolved.
"The law" is an abstraction which it is useful to make for
certain purposes of discussion. Yet when we consider in
dividual situations it becomes a cloak for ambiguities. Instead,
we must consider individual personalities and the way in
which sanctions operate upon them. All laws are not of
equal value even to the state. The inspector exerts one order
of sanctions and himself is subject to another. Those which
the corporal of the Civil Guard exerts are different again,
and those to which he is subject also. The corporal knows that
the millers mill, but he does not denounce them to the in
spector. On the contrary, he connives in maintaining the
fiction that they do not mill and closes them down only when
the inspector, knows what the produce of the land is. Nobody
can be quite sure whom a piece of land really belongs to. It
may only be in a man's name and really belong to someone
else. From this we can see the importance of the client in the
Yet the state of the heart isimportant not because society
demands constancy but precisely because it does not. Where
so many relationships are, in response to the fluidity of the
structure, unstable, the heart provides a guarantee of
fidelity in time. For it is characteristic of the Andalusian
temperament" (and we can here see a structural explanation
for this fact) that only the present matters. Just as the secret
and the conventional fictions of good behaviour permit the
1 mundo y no me pregunte su merced nada, porque mi
"Estas cosas son de
("These are matters of the world and may Your Mercy not ask
oficio es callar"
me about them, for my job is to keep my mouth shut"), says the smuggler in
El Ventero. See Angel Saavedra, Duque de Rivas, obras completas, (Madrid);
first published in Los Espanoles pintados por si mismos (Madrid, 1843).
X must pay the tax.
But under certain social conditions the following variation is possible :
X does not require a licence, he is a friend. He need pay nothing.
The Present and the Past
inquiry were not true anyway: ". they said that the
. .
poly throughout the country. The only tax paid direct to the
Treasury is the excise upon strong liquors, and that is farmed
out to a neighbour of Alcala. There are also two taxes,
utensilio and paja, totalling the value of over 9,000 reales,
paid to Seville for the support of the Army, and this tax is
particularly resented. The poverty
of the pueblo is explained
as being due to it. This tax is distributed among the inhabi
tants by the Town Hall, which has the responsibility of
paying collectively for the whole community. The
it Mesta
claims 60 reales per annum from the municipality.
The system complicated, and its lack of unification is
association between
1 Bernaldo de
Quiros and others have stressed the close
the anarchists and the bandits.
2 The
telegrams to the congress of 1882 which
came from Catalonia and the
north ring with phrases like "ideas anarco-sindicalistas". Those from the sierra
talk only of justice and the just cause of the people.
Buena conducta, 17
Amorpropio, 91
Anarchism, 17-19, 42, 53, 61, 125, Buleria, 170
127, 130-1, 133, i53~4 ?
59> Bulls, bullfight, 11, 36, 69-70, 78,
220-3 85,90,221
Ancient Greece, 26 Byron, 203
Aparceria (see half-shares), 43, 45
Aragon, Kingdom of, 14
Arcos, Duke of, 5, 216-7 Gabaneria, 37
Cacique, cadquismo, 17, 75, 135, 141,
Bandit, 51, 130-2, 141, 165, 178 157, I59 ? l6 8> 182, 204, 220
etseq., 200-1, 213, 220 Cddiz, 3-4, 1 1, 19, 23, 39, 56, 120,
Barcelona, 50, 126 211, 2l6
BAROJA, pfo. Las Noches del Bum Cadiz, Marques de, 216
Retiro (Madrid, 1934), 80 CALATAYUD SANJUAN, EMILO, Enti-
Cesar o Nada (Madrid, dopedia Manual Juridico-Admini-
Casino, 2, 27, 67, 77, 87, 122, 134- du Travail Social (Paris, 1902),
*35> 162 24
Castile, 39
Castile, Kingdom of, 14
Economic change or decline, 4,
Catalonia, 220
CELA, CAMILO jos, La Familia de 18,21,49,53,62
Pascual Duarte (Madrid 1942), Education, 61, 71-1, 75-7, 84,
102, 124-5, !4 8 , 190, 192, 201,
Cervantes, 80 215
Cicero, 179
Education, lack of, 105, 113, 192,
Guard, 16-18, 23, 28, 67, 72,
El Castor, 10, 17-18, 24, 28
122, 126, 129-33, i45> 47>
Eljaral, 2,9, 10-11,24,55,58
156-7, 170-1, 174-5, *8o, 182-
186, 193, 200, 206, 220
ElViso, ii
EmpadronamientOy 8
Class, (social), 32, 34, 80-1,
Ensenada, Marques de la, 214
"8-9, 125
.Class, middle, 81, 157, 203, 218,
ESTAMPA, 1934, Z 8s
220 EVANS-PRITCHARD, E. E., Witchcraft,
Oracles and Magic among the
Communications, 4, 17, 22-3, 49,
Azande (Oxford, 1937), 195
55-6, 135, 214, 216, 223
Evil Eye, 198 et
seq., 204
Compadres, compadrazgot 32, 107 et
(Smithsonian Institute),
MARIANA, PADRE JUAN DE, De Rege Partido, 15, 23-4, 33, 123-5, 129,
(Spanish trans
et Regis Institutione 152, 157, 217
lation, Madrid, 1864), 158 Pasos Largos, 183
Marriage (see courting), 16, 24, 26, Patria chica, 30
79,82,84,91-6,98^^,, 175, Patronage, 63, 140-1, 154-5, 204,
208 207, 209, 213, 219, 221
MARSHALL, T. H., Citizenship and Patron Saint, 8, 11, 13, 30, 133,
Social Class (Cambridge, 1950), 221
34,81 Penaloja, 6-8, 15, 21, 24, 54-5, 123
Aiatanza, 85 PEREZ CLOTET, PEDRO, La Serrania
Maton, 141 de Ronda en la Literatura (Cddiz),
Sabia, 96-7, 179, 189 et^seq., 199- Syndicates, 15, 52, 67, 122, 127-8,
201, 221-2 i34 ? 223
Sacamantecas, 204 System (see sanctions, values), x,
Sanctions, 67-8, 92, 965 121, 184, xiii-xv, 58, 63, 81, 83, 91, 98,
206, 208-10 109, 145, 153-5, r 6o, 162, 182,
,jural, 173 201, 204, 211-13, 217, 224
, legal, of organised force, 160-1,
178, 200-1, 213
Tangier, 192
, moral, of public opinion, 27,
Taxation, 22, 44, 123, 126, 210,
31, 109, 113, 118-19, 158, 161,
214, 216
168-9, i75-7> i?9> 185,
Tax-collector, 16, 209
200, 202, 213
Tempranillo, Jose-Maria el, 180
,systems of, 156, 206
San Jos6 del Valle, 221 Tenant-farmers, 25-6, 40, 44-5,
San Martin, 3, 8, n, 216 51, 75, 83, 104-5, I34 3 l6 5> 180