MN 03132017
MN 03132017
MN 03132017
Board Members Present: Evelyn S. Wilson, Board Chair Ann Kent, Vice Chair
Olga Dickens Raymond Privott
William Ellis Marva G. Scott
Evelyn Johnson
CALL TO ORDER: Board Chair Evelyn S. Wilson welcomed everyone in attendance. The
meeting was called to order. The Board led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Communications Coordinator Susan Hoke recognized Board Members Vice Chair Ann Kent and
Evelyn Johnson for receiving the NCSBA Certificate Award of Distinction and presented them
with certificates.
Communications Coordinator Susan Hoke recognized Board Members Olga Dickens and Marva
G. Scott for receiving the NCSBA Certificate Award of Achievement and presented them with
Community & Communications Coordinator Susan Hoke recognized Ms. Paula Flythe, Director
of Elementary Schools, as the employee of the month.
Assistant Superintendent Marc Whichard recognized the following ECPS 3rd grade teachers for
receiving Bonus Rewards for being in the top 25% percent in the State for their 3rd grade
performance in reading: Cindy Lamm, G. W. Bulluck Elementary School, Sandy Fulcher, G. W.
Carver Elementary School, and Elizabeth Lunsford, G. W. Carver Elementary School.
Community & Communications Coordinator Susan Hoke recognized the following ECPS staff
whom are participating in the North Carolina Leadership Academy (NCLA) program:
Open Session Minutes of the Edgecombe County Board of Education
Meeting Held on March 13, 2017
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Shavon Brown, THS English Teacher, Byron Bullock, EECHS English Teacher, Jamilah Collins,
NEHS Social Studies Teacher, Cassandra Haddock, Stocks Elementary 5th Grade Teacher,
Jessica Parker, Coker-Wimberly Elementary School Instructional Coach, and Rebecca Sugg,
SWEHS Counselor. NCLA is a principal preparation program designed to develop highly
skilled leaders.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to approve the
agenda, as presented. The motion was seconded by Member Marva G. Scott and, with a
unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Member Raymond Privott to approve the
open session minutes of February 13, 2017, as presented. The motion was seconded by Member
Evelyn Johnson and, with a unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
ITEMS FOR INFORMATION: Superintendent John Farrelly provided the Board an update on
the Blue Ribbon Commission. The members have had their first initial meeting and they have
set up several school visits to view innovation practices that are going on in the school district.
Mr. Farrelly distributed a handout to the Board of the Town Hall Meetings schedule and
discussed some details regarding special guest speakers, topics, and interactive activities.
Open Session Minutes of the Edgecombe County Board of Education
Meeting Held on March 13, 2017
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Superintendent John Farrelly provided the Board with an update on the status of Princeville
Elementary School. Mr. Farrelly discussed key concerns and considerations regarding the future
of the school based on how many students and their families return to Princeville, and the cost to
rebuild the school per specifications made by FEMA, which will not be funded by the agency.
Mr. Farrelly has scheduled a meeting for the parents of Princeville Elementary students on
March 23, 2017 at Martin Millennium Academy at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the issue in more detail.
Mr. Farrelly asked for the support of the Board as he approaches NC Senator Erica Ingram-Smith
and NC Representative Shelly Willingham about submitting a bill before the NC General
Assembly to request a freeze on the State funding for Edgecombe County and other counties
affected by the flood by not holding them accountable for the loss of students within their school
districts, and to not decrease State funding based on the potential declining enrollments for the
next two years. The consensus of the Board agreed to support Mr. Farrelly in submitting a letter
to legislatures requesting a bill be created and submitted to the NC General Assembly on behalf
of Edgecombe County and surrounding counties affected in the aftermath of the flood caused by
Hurricane Matthew.
Director of Finance Laurie Leary reviewed the proposed budget for the 2017-2018 school year
and answered questions from the Board.
Superintendent John Farrelly informed the Board of a school field trip he approved that was
submitted after the February 13, 2017 board meeting, but occurring prior to the March 13, 2017
board meeting.
Phillips (8896) NC Wesleyan College, Rocky Mount, NC; Baseball & Softball Teams;
03/11/2017; Departure: 11:00 a.m. Return: 4:30 p.m.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Policy Committee: A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to
approve the board policy revision of the following policy, as presented. The motion was
seconded by Member William Ellis and, with a unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
Policy Revision:
3320 School Trips
CONSENT ITEMS: Superintendent John Farrelly requested that the Board approve the Field
Trip consent items:
Extended Day
MMA (8894) Koury Convention Center, Greensboro, NC; 1st & 7th Grades; 03/21/2017;
Departure: 9:00 a.m. Return: 9:00 p.m.
MMA (8886) Stocks Elementary, Tarboro, NC; 4th & 5th Grades Quiz Bowl Teams; 03/23/2017;
Departure: 6:30 a.m. Return: 4:30 p.m.
SEMS (8573) Durham Public School, Durham, NC; Battle of the Books Team; 03/24/2017;
Departure: 7:00 a.m. Return: 5:00 p.m.
SWEHS (8940) College of Albemarle, Elizabeth City, NC; FFA; 04/07/2017; Departure:
6:30 a.m. Return: 6:00 p.m.
SWEHS (8634) Wright Brothers Natl Memorial, Kill Devil Hills, NC; AFJROTC; 04/08/2017;
Departure: 7:00 a.m. Return: 7:00 p.m.
Open Session Minutes of the Edgecombe County Board of Education
Meeting Held on March 13, 2017
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THS (8893) Airborne and Special Operations Museum, Fayetteville, NC; AFJROTC;
04/13/2017; Departure: 7:00 a.m. Return: 2:45 p.m.
MMA (8920) Morehead Planetarium, Chapel Hill, NC; 6th Grade; 04/28/2017; Departure:
8:00 a.m. Return: 6:00 p.m.
SWEHS (8652) Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Goldsboro, NC; AFJROTC; 05/20/2017;
Departure: 8:00 a.m. Return: 6:00 p.m.
WEMS (8918) Washington Monument & Mall/Lincoln Memorial/MLK Jr. Memorial/Veteran
Memorial/White House/Capitol/Department of Treasury/Smithsonian Natl Museum of Natural
History, Washington, DC; 7th Grade: 04/14/2017; Departure: 7:00 a.m. Return: 11:00 p.m.
Overnight & Out-0f-State
Princeville (8977) Washington Monument/National Mall/National Zoo, Washington, DC;
Comfort Inn, Oxen Hill, MD; and Arlington Cemetery, Ft. Myer, VA; 5 th Grade; Departure:
05/08/2017 at 6:30 a.m. Return: 05/10/2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Superintendent John Farrelly requested that the Board approve the Fundraiser consent items:
EECHS PTSO Fundraiser with Williams Plant Farm to Sell Pink Geraniums ($12), Yellow
Gerber Daisies ($6), and Red Knockout Roses ($15) on March 27 April 7, 2017
THS Athletic Department Fundraiser to Host a Golf Tournament with Cotton Valley Country
Club on May 19, 2017 at 9:00 a.m., Charge a $200 Fee per Team Participating in the Event and
Sell Sponsorships
A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to approve the field trip and fundraiser consent
items, as presented. The motion was seconded by Member Evelyn Johnson and, with a
unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
ITEMS FOR ACTION: A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to approve the
reappointment of Dr. Jerry Price to the ECC Board of Trustees, as presented. The motion was
seconded by Member Marva G. Scott, and with a unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to approve the 2017-2018 Traditional School
Calendar, as presented. The motion was seconded by Member Marva G. Scott, and with a
unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to approve the 2017-2018 EECHS Calendar, as
presented. The motion was seconded by Member Marva G. Scott, and with a unanimous vote,
approved by the Board.
A motion was made by Member Evelyn Johnson to approve the purchase of School Bus Stop
Arm Camera Systems, as presented. The motion was seconded by Member Marva G. Scott, and
with a unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
A motion was made by Member Marva G. Scott to approve the Innovation Zone signing bonus,
as presented. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Ann Kent, and with a unanimous vote,
approved by the Board.
Open Session Minutes of the Edgecombe County Board of Education
Meeting Held on March 13, 2017
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A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to approve the High School Summer School
Testing Plan, as presented. The motion was seconded by Member Raymond Privott, and with a
unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to approve the Elementary-Middle School Summer
School Testing Plan, as presented. The motion was seconded by Member Evelyn Johnson, and
with a unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent under the North Carolina Open Meetings Law,
Sections 143-318.11 (a) (1), (a) (3), and (a) (6) to go into Closed Session to consider personnel
matters, to consult with the attorney to preserve attorney-client privileged information, to prevent
the disclosure of student records rendered confidential under the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. 1232g, and the disclosure of personnel records rendered
confidential under G.S. 115C-319 through 321. The motion was seconded by Member Marva G.
Scott and, with a unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
OPEN SESSION: A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to approve the Personnel
Management, as discussed in closed session. The motion was seconded by Member Evelyn
Johnson and, with a unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to approve the Extra-Curricular Activities
Personnel Spring Sports, as discussed in closed session. The motion was seconded by Member
Marva G. Scott and, with a unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
A motion was made by Member Marva G. Scott to approve the closed session minutes of
February 13, 2017, as presented in closed session. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Ann
Kent and, with a unanimous vote, approved by the Board.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Vice Chair Ann Kent to adjourn. The
motion was seconded by Member Raymond Privott and, with a unanimous vote, approved by the
Respectfully submitted,
John Farrelly, Superintendent
Open Session Minutes of the Edgecombe County Board of Education
Meeting Held on March 13, 2017
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BY: ___________________________
Evelyn S. Wilson, Chairperson
DATE: ___________________________