WTS Fact Booklet Burkina Faso
WTS Fact Booklet Burkina Faso
WTS Fact Booklet Burkina Faso
Elites MCI SARL (WTS Burkina Faso) is a Burkinab tax and legal firm
providing tax and legal services to resident and non-resident companies
operating in Burkina Faso.
Services rendered by WTS Burkina Faso include, but are not limited to the
Regarding the experience of the tax experts and tax practitioners working in
the firm, the firm is very specialized in managing disputes with the tax
administration, leading tax health check and tax structuring. The tax solicitors
in our firm also provide tax dispute resolution and litigation.
Tax Specialists
There is no unitary taxation system for income in Burkina Faso. Therefore, each
income regarding its origin is submitted to a specific income tax.
We then have:
2. Taxable Persons
The partners of these companies can make the choice to be submitted to personal income tax.
(c) Entities normally submitted to personal income tax and which can choose
to be submitted to CIT:
i. Financial syndicates;
ii. Professional partnerships.
3. Residence Rule
The Corporate Income Tax Act provides that a company or a legal person
operating in Burkina Faso is liable to corporate income tax. The tax is then levied
only under the condition that the legal person is operating in Burkina Faso,
regardless of its residence.
A company is then operating in Burkina Faso if it has its registered office located
in Burkina Faso, or its management and control exercised in Burkina Faso.
i. Remunerations
v. Interests
5. Capital Allowance
(a) The movable and immovable concerned with is registered in the assets
of the company.
(b) The movable or immovable must be registered in the name of the
company, this to exclude amortizations practiced by a tenant on rented
movable and immovable.
(c) The allowance must be recorded in the accounts of the assessable year;
(d) The amount of the capital allowance must be determine with rate or
duration in accordance with the table below or otherwise, within the limits
of those generally accepted in accordance with the habit of each type of
business or trade.
(e) The starting point for the calculation of depreciation consists of the date
of its first use. Depreciation is calculated prorata temporis i.e. in
proportion to the period from the date of first use at the end date of the
fiscal year.
(f) The depreciation must be calculated in accordance with the method
defined by the law. Generally, capital allowance is determine on a
straight line basis, but sometimes, degressive or accelerated
depreciation maybe accepted.
6. Reserves
Reserves are deductible for the income tax calculation if these following
conditions are met:
A loss incurred in a basis period can be carried forward a period of four years
after the year in which the loss was incurred. This period is extended for firms
under Investment act and mining act.
8. Disallowable Expenses
Are generally disallowed, expenses which do not meet the general terms for
expenses deductibility enumerated above.
(c) The amounts of fines, forfeitures, penalties and surcharges of any kind
charged to violators of tax, customs, and social security law, violators of
prices regulation, traffic, and consumption, and, in general, the laws and
regulations of the State, are not deductible from the taxable profit
The rate of the CIT is a single proportional rate of 27.5%. For mining companies,
the rate is reduced of 10 points and for companies submitted to Strategy
developed by the government to attract investors in order to accelerate
economic growth for sustainable Development Act (SCADD Act), the rate is 15%
at operating time.
During the year of assessment of the tax, the companies are submitted to the
For tax purpose, IRS is making the difference between taxpayers holding books and
whose businesses real economic performances can be mastered, and taxpayers not holding
books. The first category is imposed under real tax regime (self-assessment regime) and
the second is generally assessed under some criteria determined by the IRS.
The real tax regime is divided in two compartments depending generally on the level of the
turnover and sometimes on the kind of the business carried out. The high category is called
Normal Tax Regime and the other one, Simplified Tax Regime.
This advance is obtained by applying the rate of 75% on the total of the
corporate income tax paid for the previous year.
iv. The amount of the investment cannot be less than ten million
(10,000,000) CFA francs.
To attract investors in Burkina Faso, some specific acts has been voted
by legislators on 1995 and on 2003. These acts aim at the promotion of
productive investments that will contribute to the economic and social
development of the country.
Indeed, on December 1995, the first investment act has been enforced.
The domain of application of this act was large and was covering
production, conservation, transformation of law materials or sub-finished
products into finished products, services delivery.
The SCADD is defined as a Strategy developed by the government to attract investors in
order to accelerate economic growth for sustainable Development.
Therefore, the income tax is levied on the simple basis the business is
carried out in Burkina Faso regardless the residence of the natural
Expenses incurred for both private and professional purpose: For such
expenses, the taxpayer is requested to break down the global amount in
order to distinguish the private part and the professional part. When this
distinction is made, only the deduction of the professional part is allowed.
When the distinction is not made, only the deduction of 2/3 of the global
amount will be allowed.
Taxable persons are taxable persons, natural persons who are carrying
out non-commercial businesses enumerated above.
Where the taxable income is defined on accrual basis for BIC, the taxable
income in BNC is defined on cash accounting basis.
The general terms for the deductibility of expenses is nearly the same
like with BIC within the additional condition the expenses have been
really paid (cash accounting basis).
iv. Employees on holiday whose salaries are still paid by their employer
in Burkina Faso
But it is also accepted that resident employees are also liable to the tax
regardless the geographic location of the business or the employer.
Is a resident employee:
i. Deductions allowed:
Can be considered as dependent person for tax relief, within the condition
they dont have their personal income:
The tax on the income derived from immovable located in Burkina Faso.
But if the income is earned by a resident, the revenue is liable to the tax
even if the immovable is located out of Burkina Faso.
To avoid double taxation, rents obtained by taxpayers assessable to IS (corporate income
tax) are exempted from this tax. The exemption is dropped when the beneficiary is
exempted from IS. Are also exempted from the tax the rental income of hotel
accommodation and assimilated.
For other taxpayers submitted to BIC or BNC (natural persons commercial and non-
commercial businesses income taxes), the rents from lands, houses and building registered
in the assets of the balance sheet, or allocated to professional use, are assessable to BIC or
BNC at their amount net of rental income tax ( cf. rental income tax act, Title I-2-1).
A natural person submitted to both this tax and BIC, will, for BIC purpose, only take into
account the revenue of his stocks or loans net of the tax because this tax is retained by the
legal person when paying the dividend or the interest. But a legal person submitted to both
this tax and IS, will, for IS purpose, treat the tax paid as an advance of its corporate income
tax (art. 60 of the Corporate Income Tax Act).
All taxpayers submitted both to businesses income tax (IS, BIC or BNC) may take into
account, for their business income tax purpose, the revenue net of the IRC paid before,
because the IRC is retained by the debtor when paying the interest.
The taxable persons already taxable to IS, BIC or BNC are exempted from this tax to avoid
double taxation (art. 182-2 of the Tax Code).
The taxable persons already taxable to IS, BIC or BNC are exempted from this tax to avoid
double taxation (art. 182-2 of the Tax Code).
Business carried by natural person resident outside Burkina Faso is also liable to
income tax in Burkina Faso when the business is carried out in Burkina Faso.
The fixed place of business means any premises, site, equipment or facility,
established in a particular place, more or less permanently used for the exercise
of business activities.
There are also permanent establishment if that person does not have that power
and that it usually keeps in the country a stock of goods for delivery on behalf of
the company.
To avoid double taxation on income, Burkina Faso has DTTs with France,
Tunisia and West Africa Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). WAEMU
comprises Benin, Cte dIvoire, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo).
Provisions have been inserted in the tax law to give power to tax
authorities to control transfer pricing. Three provisions in the Corporate
Income Tax Act (article 21, 22 and article 82) and another one in the Tax
Procedures Book (article 4).
The matter with this provision is how to prove some transactions are
made at inappropriate prices.
To make things easy for the Tax officials, another article has been
inserted in the Tax Procedures Book which transfers the charge to
prove that transactions are made on market prices or at arms
length to the taxpayers.
Indeed, when, during a tax field audit or tax investigation, the tax
authorities have gathered evidences suggesting, a firm has made an
indirect transfer of profits within the meaning of Article 82 of the
Corporate Income Tax Act, they may request from the taxpayer
information and documents specifying:
With the year 2015 finance act, it has been added in the article 53
and 54 of the Tax Procedures Book an extension of the duration of
the possibility for the tax authorities to check transactions which
incur transfer pricing.
This certainly due to the fact that the tax authorities have noticed
that some companies are heavily financed by debt instead by
equity. In such situations, the proportion of the company capital is
more of debt than equity.
(a) Natural or legal entities established in Burkina Faso can apply for any
(a) Import any founds acquired or borrowed abroad and needed for the course
of their businesses;
(b) Transfer abroad funds intended to repay debts contracted abroad in capital
and interest, pay foreign suppliers for goods and services needed for their
Transfer abroad dividends and capital yields invested as well as yield from
liquidation or realization of their assets;
(c) Access freely currencies at the market rate and freely convert national
currency into any other currencies.
They may also, on request, obtain with the Central Bank of West African States
(BCEAO) on the one hand, the opening of a domicile account to collect the
revenue generated by their businesses and on the other hand, the opening of an
account for external payments for the various payments of financial
commitments abroad.
The expatriate workers have also the right to transfer their salaries, including
social security contributions and pension fund to their home country, after paying
the local taxes and contributions available, in the currency of their choice.
Tax on Beverages
- Local producers of Importation of beverages - Alcoholic beverages
beverages other than beer: 30%
Local sales of beverages
by the producer - Beer : 25%
- Non-alcoholic
beverages: 10%
Retailers or dealers of local beverages are submitted to a tax different from this tax as
shown below.
Proprietorship certificate 4,000
Assignment, subrogation, retrocession of lease of any kind of 4,000
Full acceptance of succession, legacy or community 4,000
Outright renunciation of succession, leg or community 4,000
Inventories of furniture, movables and securities 4,000
Inventory closing 4,000
Deeds of bailiff and assimilated persons 4,000
Prized for furniture 4,000
Wills and other donations 4,000
Assignments of property and business property 4,000
Deeds exempted from stamp duties 4,000
Adjudication for false bidding 4,000
Marriage contract dealing with the regime adopted by the 4,000
bride and the groom
Onerous deed of sale or transfer of aircraft, ship or boat 4,000
Property disposals made by leasing companies 4,000
Contract by which a mining permit holder assigns partially or 4,000
totally his rights and obligations
Professional leases 5%
Residential leases 3%
Lease of movables for unlimited time 7%
Lease for life and unlimited lease of real estate 15%
Assignment of lease right or a promise of lease benefit 15%
Marriage contract 0.5%
Real estate exchange 5%
We have already said Burkina Faso income tax system is a not a unitary tax
system. But it is a self-assessment tax system. This therefore means for
each income, a specific income tax and for a taxpayer earning different
incomes, many tax returns to fill and many checks to lead by tax authorities.
To make things easier for both taxpayers and tax office, tax authorities
sometimes opt for a very simple system of taxation called overall taxation
system for such small businesses and firms. In such a system, the taxpayer
is submitted to a single tax with generally no self-assessment tax.
Each year, generally at the beginning of the year, the tax officers by a
notice, inform the taxpayer of the amount of tax he is submitted for the
current year: that is, micro firms contribution.
Some taxpayers are submitted to an overall tax based on their livestock: that
is livestock sector contribution.
In Burkina Faso tax system, these taxes are considered as indirect taxes
which payment includes the income tax, VAT, business license tax, and tax
on license for bars, pubs and restaurants, employers and apprenticeship
Failure to WHT
Non applicable Non applicable Non applicable 100% of the Non
duties evaded deductibility
of the rental
from the
Penalty of 200%
The content of this publication is strictly for reference purpose and does not constitute
legal or professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. Where legal advice is
needed, the services of a solicitor should be sought and obtained.