Module 8 Discussion Problem
Module 8 Discussion Problem
Module 8 Discussion Problem
Please define the seven types of forgetting discussed in your textbook. Make sure to provide an
example for each. The example should be an instance from your life, not the textbook.
Decay: Decay is when information gradually fades away from long term memory overtime due
to rarely being used or not used at all. An example is there are many high school classmates
whose names I cant remember. I can still picture their faces but their names have faded.
Interference: Interference is when one set of information hinders the ability to recall another set.
This occurs when information has multiple associations. An example for me is remembering
phone numbers when the numbers of the new number are associated with previous number that I
have learned.
Failure to Retrieve: Failure to Retrieve is when we neglect to look into the part of long-term
memory that holds desired information due the information being initially stored in connection to
ideas different from those that we are thinking or stored with few connections to other ideas. An
example is I have trouble remembering names of people that I have met because the name was
associated with the place where I met them, but I may need to recall the name for something
totally different and it takes time reconnect with other things that I remember about the time to
help me remember their names.
Construction Error: Construction error occurs when one recalls information incorrectly or
incompletely due to decay, interference, or even not storing information correctly. This has
occurred with me when I tried to recall the events of a party with friends. The way I remembered
the event was so much different than how others recalled it because I had so many things going
own that that I associated people and things in improper order.
Failure to Store or Consolidate: Failure to store or consolidate is when information has never
been completely stored in the first place because we either did not pay attention to it, never
entered it into working memory, or did not process it enough to place it in long-term memory. An
example for me is when I have studied for a test a few hours before the test and was able to recall
it for the test, but later was not able to remember anything about the information.
Infantile Amnesia: Infantile Amnesia is when people remember very little about their childhood
before the age of three: One example my older sister talks about a puppy that we had and I have
no memory of the puppy.
Please read the attached article. Then, identify one references from the article that is interesting
to you, locate it, and read it. Format the reference in APA style and include it along with a short
paragraph describing the major findings form the article. Attach the article you found to the post
as well.
In this article, the effects of divided attention at encoding and retrieval in free recall, cued
recall, and recognition memory was tested in four experiments. They were testing the similarities
and differences between encoding and retrieval processes in human memory.
During the process, lists of words or word pairs were studied and retrieved under full attention or
while participants carried out concurrent continuous reaction-time tasks.
The results showed that when attention was divided at encoding, memory performance
dropped substantially, while reaction time was slowed by a relatively small amount. Divided
attention at retrieval resulted in slight drops in memory. There were no drops in cases of
recognition, but there were large increases in reaction-time in the case of free recall. There were
systematically smaller increases in reaction time when associated with cued recall and
Craik, F. M., Govoni, R., Naveh-Benjamin, M., & Anderson, N. D. (1996). The effects of divided
attention on encoding and retrieval processes in human memory. Journal Of Experimental
Psychology: General, 125(2), 159-180. doi:10.1037/0096-3445.125.2.159-180.
In two very well written sentences, explain how you can improve your own ability to
retrieve information from long term memory. Nor more or less than two! I can improve my
retrieval by utilizing flexible knowledge storage or structure. When learning something I can
associate it with different storage structure such as visual and sound and even elaborate on the